48 values
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48 values
50 values
48 values
50 values
An American tourist has spent the night stranded in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, after she fell 15 metres off a cliff while bushwalking. The 25-year-old from the US state of Wisconsin was walking near Pulpit Rock, Mount Victoria with a group of friends on Friday when she slipped from a track. She fell about 15 metres and rolled a further 20 metres down a steep slope, police say. Rescue teams escort a 25-year-old US tourist after she spent the night stranded in the Blue Mountains after falling 15 metres off a cliff . Rescue crews found the woman suffering a possible broken ankle and broken ribs. She remained with an ambulance team overnight due to low light and foggy weather conditions. Blue Mountains Police Rescue Sergeant Dallas Atkinson told ABC a helicopter was deployed to finish the rescue this morning. 'After she fell yesterday she was accessed a short time later by police and ambulance,' Sergeant Atkinson said. 'It was determined that she had sustained leg and chest injuries and a rescue plan was put in place where the patient was going to be carried out. Rescue crews found the Wisconsin woman had suffered a possible broken ankle and broken ribs . Rescue teams had to wait for the heavy fog to lift so they could winch the woman out via a helicopter . 'But due to the terrain in the prevailing weather that plan was aborted.' Rescue teams had to wait for the fog to lift so they could winch the woman out via a helicopter.
snow, weather, cold, winter, temperatures, conditions, hot, morning, expected, parts,
island, beach, sea, gaal, navy, rescue, fish, ocean, water, sand
winter temperatures, hot weather conditions, a cold morning, snow is expected later
navy came to rescue in the ocean, swimming in the sea, sandy island, dive team rescued her, ocean water, fish
This topic is about winter temperatures as opposed to hot weather conditions, cold mornings, and weather forecasts like snow being expected later.
This topic is about the navy rescuing in the ocean, swimming in the sea, sandy island, dive team rescuing a person, ocean water and fishes in the sea.
Foggy weather conditions made it difficult to rescue a stranded hiker. Helicopters cannot fly with such low visibility. The weather also blocked out sunlight.
A helicopter crew rescued a woman who was trapped on a mountain. She was hiking and then fell off the path, only to land fifteen feet below.
[ "An American tourist has spent the night stranded in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, after she fell 15 metres off a cliff while bushwalking. The 25-year-old from the US state of Wisconsin was walking near Pulpit Rock, Mount Victoria with a group of friends on Friday when she slipped from a track. She fell about 15 metres and rolled a further 20 metres down a steep slope, police say. Rescue teams escort a 25-year-old US tourist after she spent the night stranded in the Blue Mountains after falling 15 metres off a cliff . Rescue crews found the woman suffering a possible broken ankle and broken ribs. She remained with an ambulance team overnight due to low light and foggy weather conditions. Blue Mountains Police Rescue Sergeant Dallas Atkinson told ABC a helicopter was deployed to finish the rescue this morning. 'After she fell yesterday she was accessed a short time later by police and ambulance,' Sergeant Atkinson said. 'It was determined that she had sustained leg and chest injuries and a rescue plan was put in place where the patient was going to be carried out. Rescue crews found the Wisconsin woman had suffered a possible broken ankle and broken ribs . Rescue teams had to wait for the heavy fog to lift so they could winch the woman out via a helicopter . 'But due to the terrain in the prevailing weather that plan was aborted.' Rescue teams had to wait for the fog to lift so they could winch the woman out", "via a helicopter." ]
[ "An American tourist has spent the night stranded in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, after she fell 15 metres off a cliff while bushwalking. The 25-year-old from the US state of Wisconsin was walking near Pulpit Rock, Mount Victoria with a group of friends on Friday when she slipped from a track. She fell about 15 metres and rolled a further 20 metres down a steep slope, police say. Rescue teams escort a 25-year-old US tourist after she spent the night stranded in the Blue Mountains after falling 15 metres off a cliff . Rescue crews found the woman suffering a possible broken ankle and broken ribs. She remained with an ambulance team overnight due to low light and foggy weather conditions. Blue Mountains Police Rescue Sergeant Dallas Atkinson told ABC a helicopter was deployed to finish the rescue this morning. 'After she fell yesterday she was accessed a short time later by police and ambulance,' Sergeant Atkinson said. 'It was determined that she had sustained leg and chest injuries and a rescue plan was put in place where the patient was going to be carried out. Rescue crews found the Wisconsin woman had suffered a possible broken ankle and broken ribs . Rescue teams had to wait for the heavy fog to lift so they could winch the woman out via a helicopter . 'But due to the terrain in the prevailing weather that plan was aborted.' Rescue teams had to wait for the fog to lift so they could winch the woman out", "via a helicopter." ]
There is no mention of an island, beach, sea, gaal, navy, rescue, fish, ocean, water, or sand in this text.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A 41-year-old British man has been charged after he allegedly relieved himself in an ice machine at an Orlando hotel. Andrew Stewart Wood, of Havant, Hampshire, was accused of urinating into the ice machine at the Hard Rock Hotel in the Universal theme park resort in the early hours of Tuesday. A guest reportedly told a security guard at the luxury hotel that there was a very intoxicated man on the premises. Andrew Wood, 41, from the UK, was arrested at Orlando's Hard Rock Hotel after being caught urinating in an ice machine while intoxicated . The guard located Wood and saw him urinating into an ice machine. When he tried to stop him, Wood became belligerent, began shouting and would not cooperate. According to the police report, the security guard tried to have the guest identify himself and tell him what room he was staying in but he continued disturbing the peace and quiet of other guests. The security guard then called the police. Police removed Wood from the premises after he refused to stay in his room. Officers said that Wood was extremely intoxicated 'with the odor of alcohol emanating from his person and having random outbursts'. He was arrested on disorderly conduct charges and placed in jail where he continued to act out. Wood posted $1,000 bond and was released from Orange County Jail on Tuesday afternoon, according to a booking report. In a statement to Daily Mail Online, Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Orlando said: 'The health and safety of our guests is our top priority and we have removed the ice machine from service.' The hotel was unable to confirm if Wood was still a guest, adding: 'For security reasons, we are unable to provide guest information.' A standard room at the hotel costs around $294 per night. The luxury Hard Rock hotel in Florida is attached to the Universal Studios theme park - a standard room starts at around $300 a night .
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
hotel, guests, bar, glass, wine, resort, rooms, private, dinner, guest,
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
hotel room guests, dinner at the resort, private bar, glass of wine, the hotel guests sat down
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
This topic is about hotel room guests, dinner at the resort, private bar, glass of wine, and the hotel guests sitting down.
A 41 year old British man, accused or urinating into an ice machine at the Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando, was arrested and charged of the crime on Tuesday morning. He was caught by the security guard who tried to stop him. The intoxicated man did not cooperate and refused to disturb the peace. Police eventually removed Wood from the hotel after he refused to stay in his room.
Andrew Wood, a guest at the Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Studio theme park resort in Orlando, was charged with relieving himself in an ice machine. Wood was clearly intoxicated and refused to cooperate with either the hotel security guard or police. He later posted $1000 bond and was released from jail. Rooms at Hard Rock Hotel start at $300 per night.
[ "A 41-year-old British man has been charged after he allegedly relieved himself in an ice machine at an Orlando hotel. Andrew Stewart Wood, of Havant, Hampshire, was accused of urinating into the ice machine at the Hard Rock Hotel in the Universal theme park resort in the early hours of Tuesday. A guest reportedly told a security guard at the luxury hotel that there was a very intoxicated man on the premises. Andrew Wood, 41, from the UK, was arrested at Orlando's Hard Rock Hotel after being caught urinating in an ice machine while intoxicated . The guard located Wood and saw him urinating into an ice machine. When he tried to stop him, Wood became belligerent, began shouting and would not cooperate. According to the police report, the security guard tried to have the guest identify himself and tell him what room he was staying in but he continued disturbing the peace and quiet of other guests. The security guard then called the police. Police removed Wood from the premises after he refused to stay in his room. Officers said that Wood was extremely intoxicated 'with the odor of alcohol emanating from his person and having random outbursts'. He was arrested on disorderly conduct charges and placed in jail where he continued to act out. Wood posted $1,000 bond and was released from Orange County Jail on Tuesday afternoon, according to a booking report. In a statement to Daily Mail Online, Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Orlando said: 'The health and safety of our guests", "is our top priority and we have removed the ice machine from service.' The hotel was unable to confirm if Wood was still a guest, adding: 'For security reasons, we are unable to provide guest information.' A standard room at the hotel costs around $294 per night. The luxury Hard Rock hotel in Florida is attached to the Universal Studios theme park - a standard room starts at around $300 a night ." ]
[ "A 41-year-old British man has been charged after he allegedly relieved himself in an ice machine at an Orlando hotel. Andrew Stewart Wood, of Havant, Hampshire, was accused of urinating into the ice machine at the Hard Rock Hotel in the Universal theme park resort in the early hours of Tuesday. A guest reportedly told a security guard at the luxury hotel that there was a very intoxicated man on the premises. Andrew Wood, 41, from the UK, was arrested at Orlando's Hard Rock Hotel after being caught urinating in an ice machine while intoxicated . The guard located Wood and saw him urinating into an ice machine. When he tried to stop him, Wood became belligerent, began shouting and would not cooperate. According to the police report, the security guard tried to have the guest identify himself and tell him what room he was staying in but he continued disturbing the peace and quiet of other guests. The security guard then called the police. Police removed Wood from the premises after he refused to stay in his room. Officers said that Wood was extremely intoxicated 'with the odor of alcohol emanating from his person and having random outbursts'. He was arrested on disorderly conduct charges and placed in jail where he continued to act out. Wood posted $1,000 bond and was released from Orange County Jail on Tuesday afternoon, according to a booking report. In a statement to Daily Mail Online, Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Orlando said: 'The health and safety of our guests", "is our top priority and we have removed the ice machine from service.' The hotel was unable to confirm if Wood was still a guest, adding: 'For security reasons, we are unable to provide guest information.' A standard room at the hotel costs around $294 per night. The luxury Hard Rock hotel in Florida is attached to the Universal Studios theme park - a standard room starts at around $300 a night ." ]
At the luxurious Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando's Universal theme park resort, a 41-year-old British guest, Andrew Wood, was arrested for disorderly conduct after urinating in an ice machine while heavily intoxicated. The incident occurred early Tuesday morning when a guest reported a drunk man to security, who found Wood urinating in the ice machine and became belligerent when stopped. Wood was taken away by police and later released on $1,000 bond. The hotel removed the contaminated ice machine from service, prioritizing guest health and safety.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Tehran, Iran (CNN)The Basij is a militia made up of fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; their mission is to protect the country's Islamic order. To do that, they will go to any lengths necessary, including -- they say -- taking on ISIS. "We all are prepared to go and destroy ISIS totally," one Basij commander told CNN. "If our Imam, our Supreme Leader orders us, we will destroy ISIS." The commander says that, so far, the Basij has not been caught up in the fight against the feared Islamic extremists currently waging war in parts of Iraq and Syria. But Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, is already training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shia militias in their fight against ISIS. Suleimani was accused of involvement in the Shia insurgency against U.S. forces during the Iraq war. Today he is a celebrity to many Iraqis and Iranians. That is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the U.S., regardless of any thaw in relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a framework nuclear deal and ongoing talks. Iran, militias' involvement in ISIS fight a mixed blessing . Iranian officials, who believe their strategy is making a difference in the fight against ISIS, say they would like better cooperation with the U.S., but point out that the level of trust simply isn't there. "At the moment, we consider the United States to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us," said General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, commander of Iran's ground forces. "We would like the US to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in U.S. military leadership." And the feeling is mutual: the U.S., which is leading the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq, has denied any direct coordination with Iran. Iran will do what it takes to fight ISIS . Iranians believe air strikes against ISIS are not effective, and feel that the U.S. and its allies are not trying seriously enough to defeat the group. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last September that "the aerial bombardment campaign is mostly ... a form of theater, rather than a serious battle against terrorism." "The battle in Iraq is very important to Iran," explained Mohammed Marandi, a professor at Tehran University. "The Iranians believe that the Americans, if they wanted to, could do a lot more to put pressure on their allies. And also, if they were serious about air strikes, they could do a lot more." It's a point the U.S., of course, disagrees with -- U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to "degrade and ultimately defeat" the terror group. But Iran remains unconvinced. "If they want to destroy ISIS, it is possible for them to achieve that," said Major-General Hassan Firouzabadi, Iran's chief of general staff. "The U.S. military and intelligence organizations have many ways to strike at ISIS, but we have not seen anything so far except intelligence gathering from the U.S. and Britain," he said. "We hope that one day, because of their national interests and the will of their nations, the U.S. and the UK will decide to really fight ISIS." In ISIS, Iran and the U.S. share a common enemy, but -- for now at least -- no apparent common strategy.Will Iran-Saudi proxy war erupt?
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
war, military, defence, army, iraq, soldiers, troops, forces, battle, iraqi,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
military forces, military troops, the battleground, defence army, ongoing war
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about military forces and troops in an ongoing war making up the defensive army.
The United States government is willing to fight against ISIS. However, they distrust the Basij and refuse to collaborate with them. President Obama has vowed to crush ISIS, but the Basij thinks that he could be even more proactive.
The Basij is a militia who is loyal to the religious leaders in Iraq. They are dedicated to eradicating ISIS in their country. They also plan to fight with the other religious extremists in Iraq and Syria.
[ "Tehran, Iran (CNN)The Basij is a militia made up of fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; their mission is to protect the country's Islamic order. To do that, they will go to any lengths necessary, including -- they say -- taking on ISIS. \"We all are prepared to go and destroy ISIS totally,\" one Basij commander told CNN. \"If our Imam, our Supreme Leader orders us, we will destroy ISIS.\" The commander says that, so far, the Basij has not been caught up in the fight against the feared Islamic extremists currently waging war in parts of Iraq and Syria. But Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, is already training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shia militias in their fight against ISIS. Suleimani was accused of involvement in the Shia insurgency against U.S. forces during the Iraq war. Today he is a celebrity to many Iraqis and Iranians. That is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the U.S., regardless of any thaw in relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a framework nuclear deal and ongoing talks. Iran, militias' involvement in ISIS fight a mixed blessing . Iranian officials, who believe their strategy is making a difference in the fight against ISIS, say they would like better cooperation with the U.S., but point out that the level of trust simply isn't there. \"At the moment, we consider the United States to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us,\" said", "General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, commander of Iran's ground forces. \"We would like the US to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in U.S. military leadership.\" And the feeling is mutual: the U.S., which is leading the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq, has denied any direct coordination with Iran. Iran will do what it takes to fight ISIS . Iranians believe air strikes against ISIS are not effective, and feel that the U.S. and its allies are not trying seriously enough to defeat the group. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last September that \"the aerial bombardment campaign is mostly ... a form of theater, rather than a serious battle against terrorism.\" \"The battle in Iraq is very important to Iran,\" explained Mohammed Marandi, a professor at Tehran University. \"The Iranians believe that the Americans, if they wanted to, could do a lot more to put pressure on their allies. And also, if they were serious about air strikes, they could do a lot more.\" It's a point the U.S., of course, disagrees with -- U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to \"degrade and ultimately defeat\" the terror group. But Iran remains unconvinced. \"If they want to destroy ISIS, it is possible for them to achieve that,\" said Major-General Hassan Firouzabadi, Iran's chief of general staff. \"The U.S. military and intelligence organizations have many ways to strike at ISIS, but we have not seen anything so far except intelligence gathering from the U.S. and Britain,\"", "he said. \"We hope that one day, because of their national interests and the will of their nations, the U.S. and the UK will decide to really fight ISIS.\" In ISIS, Iran and the U.S. share a common enemy, but -- for now at least -- no apparent common strategy.Will Iran-Saudi proxy war erupt?" ]
[ "Tehran, Iran (CNN)The Basij is a militia made up of fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; their mission is to protect the country's Islamic order. To do that, they will go to any lengths necessary, including -- they say -- taking on ISIS. \"We all are prepared to go and destroy ISIS totally,\" one Basij commander told CNN. \"If our Imam, our Supreme Leader orders us, we will destroy ISIS.\" The commander says that, so far, the Basij has not been caught up in the fight against the feared Islamic extremists currently waging war in parts of Iraq and Syria. But Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, is already training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shia militias in their fight against ISIS. Suleimani was accused of involvement in the Shia insurgency against U.S. forces during the Iraq war. Today he is a celebrity to many Iraqis and Iranians. That is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the U.S., regardless of any thaw in relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a framework nuclear deal and ongoing talks. Iran, militias' involvement in ISIS fight a mixed blessing . Iranian officials, who believe their strategy is making a difference in the fight against ISIS, say they would like better cooperation with the U.S., but point out that the level of trust simply isn't there. \"At the moment, we consider the United States to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us,\" said", "General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, commander of Iran's ground forces. \"We would like the US to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in U.S. military leadership.\" And the feeling is mutual: the U.S., which is leading the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq, has denied any direct coordination with Iran. Iran will do what it takes to fight ISIS . Iranians believe air strikes against ISIS are not effective, and feel that the U.S. and its allies are not trying seriously enough to defeat the group. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last September that \"the aerial bombardment campaign is mostly ... a form of theater, rather than a serious battle against terrorism.\" \"The battle in Iraq is very important to Iran,\" explained Mohammed Marandi, a professor at Tehran University. \"The Iranians believe that the Americans, if they wanted to, could do a lot more to put pressure on their allies. And also, if they were serious about air strikes, they could do a lot more.\" It's a point the U.S., of course, disagrees with -- U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to \"degrade and ultimately defeat\" the terror group. But Iran remains unconvinced. \"If they want to destroy ISIS, it is possible for them to achieve that,\" said Major-General Hassan Firouzabadi, Iran's chief of general staff. \"The U.S. military and intelligence organizations have many ways to strike at ISIS, but we have not seen anything so far except intelligence gathering from the U.S. and Britain,\"", "he said. \"We hope that one day, because of their national interests and the will of their nations, the U.S. and the UK will decide to really fight ISIS.\" In ISIS, Iran and the U.S. share a common enemy, but -- for now at least -- no apparent common strategy.Will Iran-Saudi proxy war erupt?" ]
The article discusses Iran's efforts to combat ISIS, particularly through the Basij militia and the elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force. While Iran claims to be making progress in the fight against ISIS, the country's officials express distrust towards the US, citing past experiences and differing strategies. The US-led coalition denies direct coordination with Iran, and both sides accuse each other of not doing enough to defeat ISIS. The article highlights the deep-seated mistrust between Iran and the US, despite sharing a common enemy in ISIS.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
She was the most hated woman in Britain, loathed for her role in the break-up of the Prince and Princess of Wales' marriage and vilified for everything from her dress sense to her looks. But 10 years on from the sunny April day that saw Camilla Parker-Bowles become the Duchess of Cornwall, things are looking very different for the 67-year-old royal. Indeed, so popular has Camilla become, a recent poll revealed that not only is the Duchess loved by 50 per cent of Britons, 56 per cent credit her with Charles' own increasing popularity. Scroll down for video . Relaxed: The Prince of Wales has cut an increasingly relaxed figure since marrying Camilla . Still in love: An intimate photo released today to mark their 10th wedding anniversary . More to the point, she has also become a much-loved member of the Royal Family, adored by her step-sons William and Harry and noticeably close to her mother-in-law, the Queen. That her relationship with the rest of the Firm is so good is due, in no small part, to her 'charm and charisma', both of which got an appreciative mention from her husband during a recent interview with CNN. The natural warmth she displays during public appearances has helped cement her place in the Royal Family, with courtiers impressed by her knack of creating an instant rapport with members of the public. Most recently, she pulled off a tour of the US with aplomb, charming locals with her approachability and winning admiring headlines at home. Her relaxed approach to life was in evidence once again during last month's Cheltenham Festival where, accosted by ex-glamour model Katie Price in the paddock, she posed obligingly for a selfie. A few minutes later, she was seen engrossed in conversation with author Jilly Cooper, who memorably based the caddish Rupert Campbell-Black, the star of the much-loved Rutshire Chronicles, on Camilla's ex-husband Andrew Parker-Bowles. Sharing a joke: Camilla and Prince William share a joke at the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games . Natural warmth: Camilla's success is due to her charm - on display here during last month's Cheltenham . Involved: Camilla's granddaughter Eliza Lopes was a bridesmaid at the 2011 Royal Wedding . 'She is warm, smiley and sincere,' reveals one Royal insider. 'If you were going to use five words to describe her, they would be funny, down-to-earth, opinionated, family-orientated and hearty.' But Camilla's new-found confidence is hard-won. A salt-of-the-earth countrywoman who, given the opportunity, would happily go make-up free and avoid set-piece events, taking on the very public life of a senior royal hasn't been easy. That she has managed it, apparently without breaking a sweat, hasn't gone unnoticed - not least by Prince Charles himself. 'You can imagine it is a real, real challenge,' said the prince in the same CNN interview, adding: 'But she's, I think, been brilliant in the way she's tackled these things . insiders say the transformation is less about careful PR work and more about Camilla herself - in particular, the way she has thrown herself into championing the charities closest to her heart. One of the first to benefit was the National Osteoporosis Society, with whom the Duchess has been involved for more than 19 years. 'Throughout our association with the Duchess, she has been unwavering in her support,' says Chief Executive Claire Severgnini. 'She is personable, knowledgeable and compassionate.' All smiles: The Duchess of Cornwall enjoys a chat with the Duchess of Cambridge during the 2012 Jubilee . All together: The Duchess of Cornwall in the family photo released after Prince George's christening . Close: The Duchess of Cornwall now enjoys a close relationship with the Queen . Approval: A clear sign of approval is the regularity with which the Duchess appears alongside the Queen . Shared interests: Both Camilla and the Queen share a passion for all things equestrian . Her interest in osteoporosis comes as no surprise to those who know the Duchess. In 1994, aged 47, she was forced to watch as her 'beloved Mama' Rosalind Shand died, slowly and in agony, as a result of the disease. Indeed, the Camilla's association with the charity pre-dates her marriage, with the Duchess first getting involved while still Mrs Parker-Bowles. Asked to join forces with the charity while at the height of her infamy, biographer Penny Junor writes that she was initially reluctant, fearing she might do more harm than good, before agreeing to get involved. Although her first attempt at fundraising was curtailed by Princess Diana's tragic death, she never stopped supporting the organisation and still gets involved in events. She has also made a name for herself as a champion of women's rights, becoming deeply involved in the UK's rape crisis centres and making a visit to a local women's refuge part of every international tour. While visiting Colombian capital Bogota last November, she cut a sympathetic figure as she chatted to rape victims over a cup of tea at the Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center. Having a laugh: Camilla, Harry and Kate share a joke on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in June 2013 . Friendly: The Duchess of Cornwall enjoys a friendly relationship with the Duchess of Cambridge . All smiles: The pair were frequently spotted together during the London 2012 Olympic Games . In Washington last month, the Duchess left Prince Charles to his own devices for a couple of hours while she met detectives working for the District of Colombia's Sexual Assault Response Team. Camilla's increasing confidence has also shown itself in the ensembles she wears, with the frumpy get-ups of old swapped for elegant tailored dresses designed to flatter her still-trim waist. Like the Duchess of Cambridge, she's never far from a delicate cream dress and accessorises nearly everything she wears with one of her trademark five-strand pearl chokers. In the country, she likes tailored tweed suits by Roy Allen, one of her favourite couturiers, cosy coats by Swiss label Moncler and flattering hats by London-based milliner, Lock & Co. But as the Duchess of Cornwall prepares to celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary, it is the sea-change in her family life as much as her public image that ought to leave her smiling. Mirror image: The two also share a similar sense of style - including a penchant for nude pumps . Cheers! Meanwhile Camilla's relationship with Prince Charles has gone from strength to strength . Charm: The Prince spoke glowingly of his wife's 'charm and charisma' in an interview last month . Not only is she close to the Queen, who was once reported as wishing she 'would just go away', Camilla is also adored by Diana's sons William and Harry - as photos of the trio laughing together at the opening ceremony of September's Invictus Games made only too clear. 'Having initially loathed her, the Queen gets on well with Camilla now,' adds the insider. 'She isn't as close to the Queen as Sophie [Countess of Wessex] is but that is partly because the Queen's relationship with Charles is a bit complicated anyway.' What certainly isn't complicated is Camilla's relationship with Charles. Despite such quirks as maintaining separate country homes, after 10 years, the royal couple are closer - and happier - than ever. Born Camilla Rosemary Shand on the 17th July 1947, the Duchess of Cornwall's 67 years have undoubtedly been interesting ones. The daughter of Major Bruce Middleton Hope Shand and his wife Rosalind, the Duchess was born in London but spent much of her childhood in Sussex along with her siblings, Annabel and Mark. According to her biographer Giles Brandreth, her upbringing, although not royal, was certainly a grand one. 'Camilla is often described as having had an "Enid Blyton sort of Childhood",' he writes. 'In fact, it was much grander than that. 'The Shands had position and they had help ‚ help in the house, help in the garden, help with children. 'They were gentry. They opened their garden for the local Conservative Party Association summer fte. Enough said.' After a stint at a Swiss finishing school, Camilla burst onto the London social scene as a debutante on the 25th March 1965. But it wasn't all fun, with the future Duchess of Cornwall working as a secretary for a succession of London firms to pay for her Belgravia flat, which she shared with Lady Moyra Campbell. In the late 1960s, Camilla met the man who was to become her first husband, cavalry officer Andrew Parker-Bowles, with the couple dating off and on for several years - with Mr Parker-Bowles striking up a relationship with Princess Anne at one point. Camilla, meanwhile, had struck up a relationship with Prince Charles, who was first introduced to her sometime in 1971. When the couple split following an overseas posting for Charles in 1973, Camilla reconciled with Parker-Bowles and the couple announced their engagement and married the same year. Two children followed. Tom in 1974 and Laura in 1978. But it was her continuing relationship with Prince Charles that would come to define her, with the former couple remaining close friends even after both had married other people. In 1992, claims that the two had remained an item throughout both marriages emerged when Diana: Her True Story was published, followed, a year later by the 'Camillagate' scandal. By 1995, both marriages had come to an end and Charles and Camilla were unofficially back together, with the future Duchess often seen attending events with the prince. Royal acceptance soon followed with the Queen making Camilla part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2002. A year later, the Duchess moved into Clarence House and on the 10th February 2005, Charles and Camilla's engagement was announced. The couple married just under two months later in Windsor, with Camilla taking the title of the Duchess of Cornwall.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
london, british, uk, britain, royal, prince, william, harry, england, princess,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
heir to the throne, Prince William and Prince Harry, British royal family, second in line to the throne, the royal couple
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about heir to the throne, Prince William and Prince Harry, the British royal family, the second in line to the throne, and the royal couple.
The Duchess of Cornwall was initially disliked by the British press and British people. This was due to the fact that Charles was married to Diana at the time, and she was looked upon as breaking up their marriage.
Once the Duchess of Cornwall married Charles, she worked on bed accepted by the royal family. She attends various charity events and functions. She is now being accepted by the royal family due to her hard work.
[ "She was the most hated woman in Britain, loathed for her role in the break-up of the Prince and Princess of Wales' marriage and vilified for everything from her dress sense to her looks. But 10 years on from the sunny April day that saw Camilla Parker-Bowles become the Duchess of Cornwall, things are looking very different for the 67-year-old royal. Indeed, so popular has Camilla become, a recent poll revealed that not only is the Duchess loved by 50 per cent of Britons, 56 per cent credit her with Charles' own increasing popularity. Scroll down for video . Relaxed: The Prince of Wales has cut an increasingly relaxed figure since marrying Camilla . Still in love: An intimate photo released today to mark their 10th wedding anniversary . More to the point, she has also become a much-loved member of the Royal Family, adored by her step-sons William and Harry and noticeably close to her mother-in-law, the Queen. That her relationship with the rest of the Firm is so good is due, in no small part, to her 'charm and charisma', both of which got an appreciative mention from her husband during a recent interview with CNN. The natural warmth she displays during public appearances has helped cement her place in the Royal Family, with courtiers impressed by her knack of creating an instant rapport with members of the public. Most recently, she pulled off a tour of the US with aplomb, charming locals with her approachability and winning admiring headlines at home. Her relaxed", "approach to life was in evidence once again during last month's Cheltenham Festival where, accosted by ex-glamour model Katie Price in the paddock, she posed obligingly for a selfie. A few minutes later, she was seen engrossed in conversation with author Jilly Cooper, who memorably based the caddish Rupert Campbell-Black, the star of the much-loved Rutshire Chronicles, on Camilla's ex-husband Andrew Parker-Bowles. Sharing a joke: Camilla and Prince William share a joke at the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games . Natural warmth: Camilla's success is due to her charm - on display here during last month's Cheltenham . Involved: Camilla's granddaughter Eliza Lopes was a bridesmaid at the 2011 Royal Wedding . 'She is warm, smiley and sincere,' reveals one Royal insider. 'If you were going to use five words to describe her, they would be funny, down-to-earth, opinionated, family-orientated and hearty.' But Camilla's new-found confidence is hard-won. A salt-of-the-earth countrywoman who, given the opportunity, would happily go make-up free and avoid set-piece events, taking on the very public life of a senior royal hasn't been easy. That she has managed it, apparently without breaking a sweat, hasn't gone unnoticed - not least by Prince Charles himself. 'You can imagine it is a real, real challenge,' said the prince in the same CNN interview, adding: 'But she's, I think, been brilliant in the way she's tackled these things . insiders say the transformation is less about careful PR work and more about Camilla herself - in particular, the way she has thrown herself into championing", "the charities closest to her heart. One of the first to benefit was the National Osteoporosis Society, with whom the Duchess has been involved for more than 19 years. 'Throughout our association with the Duchess, she has been unwavering in her support,' says Chief Executive Claire Severgnini. 'She is personable, knowledgeable and compassionate.' All smiles: The Duchess of Cornwall enjoys a chat with the Duchess of Cambridge during the 2012 Jubilee . All together: The Duchess of Cornwall in the family photo released after Prince George's christening . Close: The Duchess of Cornwall now enjoys a close relationship with the Queen . Approval: A clear sign of approval is the regularity with which the Duchess appears alongside the Queen . Shared interests: Both Camilla and the Queen share a passion for all things equestrian . Her interest in osteoporosis comes as no surprise to those who know the Duchess. In 1994, aged 47, she was forced to watch as her 'beloved Mama' Rosalind Shand died, slowly and in agony, as a result of the disease. Indeed, the Camilla's association with the charity pre-dates her marriage, with the Duchess first getting involved while still Mrs Parker-Bowles. Asked to join forces with the charity while at the height of her infamy, biographer Penny Junor writes that she was initially reluctant, fearing she might do more harm than good, before agreeing to get involved. Although her first attempt at fundraising was curtailed by Princess Diana's tragic death, she never stopped supporting the organisation and still gets involved in events.", "She has also made a name for herself as a champion of women's rights, becoming deeply involved in the UK's rape crisis centres and making a visit to a local women's refuge part of every international tour. While visiting Colombian capital Bogota last November, she cut a sympathetic figure as she chatted to rape victims over a cup of tea at the Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center. Having a laugh: Camilla, Harry and Kate share a joke on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in June 2013 . Friendly: The Duchess of Cornwall enjoys a friendly relationship with the Duchess of Cambridge . All smiles: The pair were frequently spotted together during the London 2012 Olympic Games . In Washington last month, the Duchess left Prince Charles to his own devices for a couple of hours while she met detectives working for the District of Colombia's Sexual Assault Response Team. Camilla's increasing confidence has also shown itself in the ensembles she wears, with the frumpy get-ups of old swapped for elegant tailored dresses designed to flatter her still-trim waist. Like the Duchess of Cambridge, she's never far from a delicate cream dress and accessorises nearly everything she wears with one of her trademark five-strand pearl chokers. In the country, she likes tailored tweed suits by Roy Allen, one of her favourite couturiers, cosy coats by Swiss label Moncler and flattering hats by London-based milliner, Lock & Co. But as the Duchess of Cornwall prepares to celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary, it is the sea-change in her family", "life as much as her public image that ought to leave her smiling. Mirror image: The two also share a similar sense of style - including a penchant for nude pumps . Cheers! Meanwhile Camilla's relationship with Prince Charles has gone from strength to strength . Charm: The Prince spoke glowingly of his wife's 'charm and charisma' in an interview last month . Not only is she close to the Queen, who was once reported as wishing she 'would just go away', Camilla is also adored by Diana's sons William and Harry - as photos of the trio laughing together at the opening ceremony of September's Invictus Games made only too clear. 'Having initially loathed her, the Queen gets on well with Camilla now,' adds the insider. 'She isn't as close to the Queen as Sophie [Countess of Wessex] is but that is partly because the Queen's relationship with Charles is a bit complicated anyway.' What certainly isn't complicated is Camilla's relationship with Charles. Despite such quirks as maintaining separate country homes, after 10 years, the royal couple are closer - and happier - than ever. Born Camilla Rosemary Shand on the 17th July 1947, the Duchess of Cornwall's 67 years have undoubtedly been interesting ones. The daughter of Major Bruce Middleton Hope Shand and his wife Rosalind, the Duchess was born in London but spent much of her childhood in Sussex along with her siblings, Annabel and Mark. According to her biographer Giles Brandreth, her upbringing, although not royal, was certainly a grand one. 'Camilla" ]
[ "She was the most hated woman in Britain, loathed for her role in the break-up of the Prince and Princess of Wales' marriage and vilified for everything from her dress sense to her looks. But 10 years on from the sunny April day that saw Camilla Parker-Bowles become the Duchess of Cornwall, things are looking very different for the 67-year-old royal. Indeed, so popular has Camilla become, a recent poll revealed that not only is the Duchess loved by 50 per cent of Britons, 56 per cent credit her with Charles' own increasing popularity. Scroll down for video . Relaxed: The Prince of Wales has cut an increasingly relaxed figure since marrying Camilla . Still in love: An intimate photo released today to mark their 10th wedding anniversary . More to the point, she has also become a much-loved member of the Royal Family, adored by her step-sons William and Harry and noticeably close to her mother-in-law, the Queen. That her relationship with the rest of the Firm is so good is due, in no small part, to her 'charm and charisma', both of which got an appreciative mention from her husband during a recent interview with CNN. The natural warmth she displays during public appearances has helped cement her place in the Royal Family, with courtiers impressed by her knack of creating an instant rapport with members of the public. Most recently, she pulled off a tour of the US with aplomb, charming locals with her approachability and winning admiring headlines at home. Her relaxed", "approach to life was in evidence once again during last month's Cheltenham Festival where, accosted by ex-glamour model Katie Price in the paddock, she posed obligingly for a selfie. A few minutes later, she was seen engrossed in conversation with author Jilly Cooper, who memorably based the caddish Rupert Campbell-Black, the star of the much-loved Rutshire Chronicles, on Camilla's ex-husband Andrew Parker-Bowles. Sharing a joke: Camilla and Prince William share a joke at the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games . Natural warmth: Camilla's success is due to her charm - on display here during last month's Cheltenham . Involved: Camilla's granddaughter Eliza Lopes was a bridesmaid at the 2011 Royal Wedding . 'She is warm, smiley and sincere,' reveals one Royal insider. 'If you were going to use five words to describe her, they would be funny, down-to-earth, opinionated, family-orientated and hearty.' But Camilla's new-found confidence is hard-won. A salt-of-the-earth countrywoman who, given the opportunity, would happily go make-up free and avoid set-piece events, taking on the very public life of a senior royal hasn't been easy. That she has managed it, apparently without breaking a sweat, hasn't gone unnoticed - not least by Prince Charles himself. 'You can imagine it is a real, real challenge,' said the prince in the same CNN interview, adding: 'But she's, I think, been brilliant in the way she's tackled these things . insiders say the transformation is less about careful PR work and more about Camilla herself - in particular, the way she has thrown herself into championing", "the charities closest to her heart. One of the first to benefit was the National Osteoporosis Society, with whom the Duchess has been involved for more than 19 years. 'Throughout our association with the Duchess, she has been unwavering in her support,' says Chief Executive Claire Severgnini. 'She is personable, knowledgeable and compassionate.' All smiles: The Duchess of Cornwall enjoys a chat with the Duchess of Cambridge during the 2012 Jubilee . All together: The Duchess of Cornwall in the family photo released after Prince George's christening . Close: The Duchess of Cornwall now enjoys a close relationship with the Queen . Approval: A clear sign of approval is the regularity with which the Duchess appears alongside the Queen . Shared interests: Both Camilla and the Queen share a passion for all things equestrian . Her interest in osteoporosis comes as no surprise to those who know the Duchess. In 1994, aged 47, she was forced to watch as her 'beloved Mama' Rosalind Shand died, slowly and in agony, as a result of the disease. Indeed, the Camilla's association with the charity pre-dates her marriage, with the Duchess first getting involved while still Mrs Parker-Bowles. Asked to join forces with the charity while at the height of her infamy, biographer Penny Junor writes that she was initially reluctant, fearing she might do more harm than good, before agreeing to get involved. Although her first attempt at fundraising was curtailed by Princess Diana's tragic death, she never stopped supporting the organisation and still gets involved in events.", "She has also made a name for herself as a champion of women's rights, becoming deeply involved in the UK's rape crisis centres and making a visit to a local women's refuge part of every international tour. While visiting Colombian capital Bogota last November, she cut a sympathetic figure as she chatted to rape victims over a cup of tea at the Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center. Having a laugh: Camilla, Harry and Kate share a joke on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in June 2013 . Friendly: The Duchess of Cornwall enjoys a friendly relationship with the Duchess of Cambridge . All smiles: The pair were frequently spotted together during the London 2012 Olympic Games . In Washington last month, the Duchess left Prince Charles to his own devices for a couple of hours while she met detectives working for the District of Colombia's Sexual Assault Response Team. Camilla's increasing confidence has also shown itself in the ensembles she wears, with the frumpy get-ups of old swapped for elegant tailored dresses designed to flatter her still-trim waist. Like the Duchess of Cambridge, she's never far from a delicate cream dress and accessorises nearly everything she wears with one of her trademark five-strand pearl chokers. In the country, she likes tailored tweed suits by Roy Allen, one of her favourite couturiers, cosy coats by Swiss label Moncler and flattering hats by London-based milliner, Lock & Co. But as the Duchess of Cornwall prepares to celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary, it is the sea-change in her family", "life as much as her public image that ought to leave her smiling. Mirror image: The two also share a similar sense of style - including a penchant for nude pumps . Cheers! Meanwhile Camilla's relationship with Prince Charles has gone from strength to strength . Charm: The Prince spoke glowingly of his wife's 'charm and charisma' in an interview last month . Not only is she close to the Queen, who was once reported as wishing she 'would just go away', Camilla is also adored by Diana's sons William and Harry - as photos of the trio laughing together at the opening ceremony of September's Invictus Games made only too clear. 'Having initially loathed her, the Queen gets on well with Camilla now,' adds the insider. 'She isn't as close to the Queen as Sophie [Countess of Wessex] is but that is partly because the Queen's relationship with Charles is a bit complicated anyway.' What certainly isn't complicated is Camilla's relationship with Charles. Despite such quirks as maintaining separate country homes, after 10 years, the royal couple are closer - and happier - than ever. Born Camilla Rosemary Shand on the 17th July 1947, the Duchess of Cornwall's 67 years have undoubtedly been interesting ones. The daughter of Major Bruce Middleton Hope Shand and his wife Rosalind, the Duchess was born in London but spent much of her childhood in Sussex along with her siblings, Annabel and Mark. According to her biographer Giles Brandreth, her upbringing, although not royal, was certainly a grand one. 'Camilla" ]
Camilla Parker Bowles, the Duchess of Cornwall, has transformed her public image over the past decade, gaining widespread popularity and admiration within the British royal family. Once reviled for her role in the breakup of Prince Charles and Princess Diana's marriage, Camilla has won over many with her charm, charisma, and dedication to charitable causes. She has formed strong bonds with her step-sons, Princes William and Harry, and enjoys a close relationship with the Queen. Her relaxed approach to royal duties has earned her praise, and she has become a beloved member of the royal family.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Fruit juices made from so-called superfoods such as cranberries and pomegranates often have more sugar than a can of cola, officials have warned. While the drinks are said to have health benefits, some brands contain more than a day's recommended intake of sugar in a single 300ml serving. The Local Government Association, which represents councils that are responsible for public health, accused soft drink firms of 'dragging their heels' when it comes to minimising sugar in their products. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink (pictured left) was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, which is more than the amount in a can of Coca-Cola (right) It said children under the age of ten get almost a fifth of their sugar intake from soft drinks. In a survey, the organisation found that some cans of fizzy drinks contain almost twice the recommended daily sugar limit for adults. Even some fruit juices contain more than a single day's limit in a single serving ‚ surpassing a can of Coca-Cola. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, while PomeGreat 'Super Juice' had 12.1g. Both exceed the 10.6g per 100ml in a can of Coca-Cola ‚ but do not come close to the 15.1g per 100ml in Old Jamaica Ginger Beer. A 300ml serving of any of the four drinks would breach the 25g daily sugar limit recommended by the World Health Organisation. Juice businesses insisted the study is misleading because it does not differentiate between unhealthy added sugar ‚ such as monosaccharides and disaccharides in fizzy drinks ‚ and natural sugar found in fruit. Cranberry juice is frequently promoted as a health product which is said to ward off urinary tract infections. And pomegranate juice has been linked to resistance to prostate cancer and heart disease. The LGA is calling for a fifth of the VAT raised on sugary drinks, sweets and takeaway food to go to councils to pay for public health schemes. Councillor Izzi Seccombe, Tory leader of Warwickshire county council and chairman of the LGA's Community Wellbeing Board, said: 'It is wholly unacceptable for one normal-sized can of soft drink to contain double the recommended daily limit. 'Products like these are fuelling the obesity crisis and helping wean a generation of overweight children. 'We are calling on the sector as a whole to step up and show more corporate responsibility.' A spokesman for Ocean Spray said cranberries are naturally low in sugar, so sweetening is required. Vitamin Water is promoted for its health benefits, but drinks contain four teaspoons of sugar per 330ml . She added: 'We offer consumers a range of reduced sugar options including our Cranberry Classic Light product . 'We've made and continue to maintain a firm commitment to low-sugar innovation, and through product formulation, price promotion and portion sizes we seek to offer the best choice in flavours, calories and formats.' Adam Pritchard, chief executive of PomeGreat, accused the LGA of distributing misleading research. He said his product does not include refined sugar, which the WHO says is more harmful than naturally occurring fruit sugars. PomeGreat instead includes pinitol, a natural compound which stops blood sugar levels rapidly rising. Mr Pritchard said: 'To lump us in with big fizzy drinks companies is just misleading. 'We are a small company competing with huge multinational businesses which are just chucking sugar into drinks because it is cheap. 'We use a much more healthy natural sweetener which costs 2.5 as much as refined sugar. It is not the same thing.'
food, restaurant, eat, eating, babies, meal, drinks, fruit, breakfast, chicken,
weight, pounds, fat, diet, body, sugar, healthy, lose, lost, loss,
eating food at a restaurant, a healthy meal, ordering something to drink, serving breakfast, fruits are a healthy food, eating chicken
weight loss, lost weight following a diet, body fat, blood sugar levels, healthy diet, lose a few pounds of weight
This topic is about eating food at a restaurant, ordering something to drink and serving breakfast, as well as eating chicken, and fruits which are a healthy food.
This topic is about weight loss and following a healthy diet in order to regulate body fat and blood sugar levels and lose a few pounds of weight following a diet.
It has been alleged that fruit juices are actually more unhealthy than soda. Some juices contain alarming amounts of sugar, and sometimes more sugar is added. However, there is some debate about the difference between natural and processed sugars.
Officials have warned that fruit juices often have more sugar than a can of cola, fuelling the obesity crisis and contributing to a rise in overweight children. Despite having a great deal of natural sugar, some people say that fruit juices are quite healthy. It is the processed sugar which causes people health issues. Natural sugars can help prevent issues like heart disease and can help with urinary tract infections.
[ "Fruit juices made from so-called superfoods such as cranberries and pomegranates often have more sugar than a can of cola, officials have warned. While the drinks are said to have health benefits, some brands contain more than a day's recommended intake of sugar in a single 300ml serving. The Local Government Association, which represents councils that are responsible for public health, accused soft drink firms of 'dragging their heels' when it comes to minimising sugar in their products. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink (pictured left) was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, which is more than the amount in a can of Coca-Cola (right) It said children under the age of ten get almost a fifth of their sugar intake from soft drinks. In a survey, the organisation found that some cans of fizzy drinks contain almost twice the recommended daily sugar limit for adults. Even some fruit juices contain more than a single day's limit in a single serving ‚ surpassing a can of Coca-Cola. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, while PomeGreat 'Super Juice' had 12.1g. Both exceed the 10.6g per 100ml in a can of Coca-Cola ‚ but do not come close to the 15.1g per 100ml in Old Jamaica Ginger Beer. A 300ml serving of any of the four drinks would breach the 25g daily sugar limit recommended by the World Health Organisation. Juice businesses insisted the study is misleading because it does not differentiate between unhealthy added sugar ‚", "such as monosaccharides and disaccharides in fizzy drinks ‚ and natural sugar found in fruit. Cranberry juice is frequently promoted as a health product which is said to ward off urinary tract infections. And pomegranate juice has been linked to resistance to prostate cancer and heart disease. The LGA is calling for a fifth of the VAT raised on sugary drinks, sweets and takeaway food to go to councils to pay for public health schemes. Councillor Izzi Seccombe, Tory leader of Warwickshire county council and chairman of the LGA's Community Wellbeing Board, said: 'It is wholly unacceptable for one normal-sized can of soft drink to contain double the recommended daily limit. 'Products like these are fuelling the obesity crisis and helping wean a generation of overweight children. 'We are calling on the sector as a whole to step up and show more corporate responsibility.' A spokesman for Ocean Spray said cranberries are naturally low in sugar, so sweetening is required. Vitamin Water is promoted for its health benefits, but drinks contain four teaspoons of sugar per 330ml . She added: 'We offer consumers a range of reduced sugar options including our Cranberry Classic Light product . 'We've made and continue to maintain a firm commitment to low-sugar innovation, and through product formulation, price promotion and portion sizes we seek to offer the best choice in flavours, calories and formats.' Adam Pritchard, chief executive of PomeGreat, accused the LGA of distributing misleading research. He said his product does not include refined sugar, which the WHO says is", "more harmful than naturally occurring fruit sugars. PomeGreat instead includes pinitol, a natural compound which stops blood sugar levels rapidly rising. Mr Pritchard said: 'To lump us in with big fizzy drinks companies is just misleading. 'We are a small company competing with huge multinational businesses which are just chucking sugar into drinks because it is cheap. 'We use a much more healthy natural sweetener which costs 2.5 as much as refined sugar. It is not the same thing.'" ]
[ "Fruit juices made from so-called superfoods such as cranberries and pomegranates often have more sugar than a can of cola, officials have warned. While the drinks are said to have health benefits, some brands contain more than a day's recommended intake of sugar in a single 300ml serving. The Local Government Association, which represents councils that are responsible for public health, accused soft drink firms of 'dragging their heels' when it comes to minimising sugar in their products. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink (pictured left) was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, which is more than the amount in a can of Coca-Cola (right) It said children under the age of ten get almost a fifth of their sugar intake from soft drinks. In a survey, the organisation found that some cans of fizzy drinks contain almost twice the recommended daily sugar limit for adults. Even some fruit juices contain more than a single day's limit in a single serving ‚ surpassing a can of Coca-Cola. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, while PomeGreat 'Super Juice' had 12.1g. Both exceed the 10.6g per 100ml in a can of Coca-Cola ‚ but do not come close to the 15.1g per 100ml in Old Jamaica Ginger Beer. A 300ml serving of any of the four drinks would breach the 25g daily sugar limit recommended by the World Health Organisation. Juice businesses insisted the study is misleading because it does not differentiate between unhealthy added sugar ‚", "such as monosaccharides and disaccharides in fizzy drinks ‚ and natural sugar found in fruit. Cranberry juice is frequently promoted as a health product which is said to ward off urinary tract infections. And pomegranate juice has been linked to resistance to prostate cancer and heart disease. The LGA is calling for a fifth of the VAT raised on sugary drinks, sweets and takeaway food to go to councils to pay for public health schemes. Councillor Izzi Seccombe, Tory leader of Warwickshire county council and chairman of the LGA's Community Wellbeing Board, said: 'It is wholly unacceptable for one normal-sized can of soft drink to contain double the recommended daily limit. 'Products like these are fuelling the obesity crisis and helping wean a generation of overweight children. 'We are calling on the sector as a whole to step up and show more corporate responsibility.' A spokesman for Ocean Spray said cranberries are naturally low in sugar, so sweetening is required. Vitamin Water is promoted for its health benefits, but drinks contain four teaspoons of sugar per 330ml . She added: 'We offer consumers a range of reduced sugar options including our Cranberry Classic Light product . 'We've made and continue to maintain a firm commitment to low-sugar innovation, and through product formulation, price promotion and portion sizes we seek to offer the best choice in flavours, calories and formats.' Adam Pritchard, chief executive of PomeGreat, accused the LGA of distributing misleading research. He said his product does not include refined sugar, which the WHO says is", "more harmful than naturally occurring fruit sugars. PomeGreat instead includes pinitol, a natural compound which stops blood sugar levels rapidly rising. Mr Pritchard said: 'To lump us in with big fizzy drinks companies is just misleading. 'We are a small company competing with huge multinational businesses which are just chucking sugar into drinks because it is cheap. 'We use a much more healthy natural sweetener which costs 2.5 as much as refined sugar. It is not the same thing.'" ]
Fruit juices made from "superfoods" like cranberries and pomegranates may have more sugar than a can of cola. Some brands contain over a day's recommended sugar intake in a single serving. Officials warn that even healthy-looking drinks can be high in sugar, contributing to the obesity crisis.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Manchester United defender Marcos Rojo appeared to be enjoying his vacation in Portugal as he posed for a picture at the dinner table with family and friends just days after his affair with a fitness instructor was exposed. Rojo went away during a week off for his club side, pictured with team-mate Angel di Maria on the plane, after United's 3-1 victory over Aston Villa on Saturday. The Argentina international is impressing in defence under Louis van Gaal in his first season in the Premier League, though it his time off the field in Manchester that has recently come into question. Marcos Rojo (third from left) enjoys a meal out with friends and family in Portugal during a week off . Rojo (back right) poses while travelling to Portugal along with his family and Angel di Maria (left) Fitness instructor Sarah Watson claims Rojo and his advisors tried to frame her for blackmail . Fitness instructor Sarah Watson, 34, claims Rojo and his advisors tried to frame her for blackmail after she enjoyed a brief liaison with the United star following a night out. Rojo's identity in the case was originally held back as a 'Premier League footballer' though the details have now been revealed. She said: 'He came over to me and sat down. His English was quite bad but he was chatty and said nice things to me about how I looked and how he liked my Versace dress. 'He said "You're gorgeous, you're the best looking girl in here." It was all very cheesy, but he's so good looking that I gave him my number.' Rojo invited her to his friend's flat for a more private party, but she declined and they parted. He then sent a text at 2am. "My love, where are you?" he asked. 'It was a bit of an ego boost for me. There were a lot of young, pretty girls that night, but he wanted me.' So she and a girlfriend booked a taxi to the address he sent her. When they arrived at the flat in the centre of the city, a friend of Rojo's ‚ known in court as Mr X but who now can be named as Kristian Bereit ‚ made a shocking proposition. 'He asked me how much it would cost for me to have sex with Marcos. I told him that I was not a prostitute.' But she did find the Argentine star's dusky looks attractive and they ended up in a bedroom. 'I did it because I liked him, not for money or with any intention to sell the story on,' she said. The Argentine defender was in action for Manchester United against Aston Villa on Saturday . Rojo celebrates with team-mate Di Maria after the 3-1 victory at Old Trafford in the Premier League . Watson says that the 25-year-old offered her money to spend the night with him - which she declined - and then accepted a £30,000 offer from a newspaper to sell her story. She never received that money, and Sarah then says Rojo's representatives tried to entrap her with promises of cash to spin the story. Watson said: '[Rojo] and his people contrived to make me look like a greedy cow, when it was them who offered me £100,000 as hush money.' Last month Mr Justice Warby made a ruling in the High Court that overturned the gagging order and ordered Rojo to pay Sarah's estimated £25,000 legal costs. The defender has not spoken about the incident publicly, while his friend Bereit - who Sarah claims offered her the money - declined to comment. Watching from the stands as Rojo impressed at Old Trafford against Tim Sherwood's side at the weekend, was his wife Eugenia Lusardo, a lingerie model based in Lisbon, and their young daughter, Morena. Both are pictured with Rojo as he enjoyed a meal in Lisbon, the city he used to ply his trade in with Sporting before signing for United last summer. Rojo's wife, Eugenia Lusardo (pictured with Rojo last month) is a lingerie model .
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
Marcos Rojo went on vacation in Portugal with his family and friends. This was just after he had been caught inviting Sarah Watson for a private party at a friends flat. He had a meal with his wife Eugenia and daughter Modena in Lisbon despite the controversy. His wife is a lingerie model.
Marcos Rojo is a defender for Manchester United. He went on vacation after the teams 3-1 victory over Aston Villa in the Premiere League. The 25 year oils used to play for Sporting before signing with Manchester United.
[ "Manchester United defender Marcos Rojo appeared to be enjoying his vacation in Portugal as he posed for a picture at the dinner table with family and friends just days after his affair with a fitness instructor was exposed. Rojo went away during a week off for his club side, pictured with team-mate Angel di Maria on the plane, after United's 3-1 victory over Aston Villa on Saturday. The Argentina international is impressing in defence under Louis van Gaal in his first season in the Premier League, though it his time off the field in Manchester that has recently come into question. Marcos Rojo (third from left) enjoys a meal out with friends and family in Portugal during a week off . Rojo (back right) poses while travelling to Portugal along with his family and Angel di Maria (left) Fitness instructor Sarah Watson claims Rojo and his advisors tried to frame her for blackmail . Fitness instructor Sarah Watson, 34, claims Rojo and his advisors tried to frame her for blackmail after she enjoyed a brief liaison with the United star following a night out. Rojo's identity in the case was originally held back as a 'Premier League footballer' though the details have now been revealed. She said: 'He came over to me and sat down. His English was quite bad but he was chatty and said nice things to me about how I looked and how he liked my Versace dress. 'He said \"You're gorgeous, you're the best looking girl in here.\" It was all very", "cheesy, but he's so good looking that I gave him my number.' Rojo invited her to his friend's flat for a more private party, but she declined and they parted. He then sent a text at 2am. \"My love, where are you?\" he asked. 'It was a bit of an ego boost for me. There were a lot of young, pretty girls that night, but he wanted me.' So she and a girlfriend booked a taxi to the address he sent her. When they arrived at the flat in the centre of the city, a friend of Rojo's ‚ known in court as Mr X but who now can be named as Kristian Bereit ‚ made a shocking proposition. 'He asked me how much it would cost for me to have sex with Marcos. I told him that I was not a prostitute.' But she did find the Argentine star's dusky looks attractive and they ended up in a bedroom. 'I did it because I liked him, not for money or with any intention to sell the story on,' she said. The Argentine defender was in action for Manchester United against Aston Villa on Saturday . Rojo celebrates with team-mate Di Maria after the 3-1 victory at Old Trafford in the Premier League . Watson says that the 25-year-old offered her money to spend the night with him - which she declined - and then accepted a £30,000 offer from a newspaper to sell her story. She never received that money, and Sarah then says Rojo's", "representatives tried to entrap her with promises of cash to spin the story. Watson said: '[Rojo] and his people contrived to make me look like a greedy cow, when it was them who offered me £100,000 as hush money.' Last month Mr Justice Warby made a ruling in the High Court that overturned the gagging order and ordered Rojo to pay Sarah's estimated £25,000 legal costs. The defender has not spoken about the incident publicly, while his friend Bereit - who Sarah claims offered her the money - declined to comment. Watching from the stands as Rojo impressed at Old Trafford against Tim Sherwood's side at the weekend, was his wife Eugenia Lusardo, a lingerie model based in Lisbon, and their young daughter, Morena. Both are pictured with Rojo as he enjoyed a meal in Lisbon, the city he used to ply his trade in with Sporting before signing for United last summer. Rojo's wife, Eugenia Lusardo (pictured with Rojo last month) is a lingerie model ." ]
[ "Manchester United defender Marcos Rojo appeared to be enjoying his vacation in Portugal as he posed for a picture at the dinner table with family and friends just days after his affair with a fitness instructor was exposed. Rojo went away during a week off for his club side, pictured with team-mate Angel di Maria on the plane, after United's 3-1 victory over Aston Villa on Saturday. The Argentina international is impressing in defence under Louis van Gaal in his first season in the Premier League, though it his time off the field in Manchester that has recently come into question. Marcos Rojo (third from left) enjoys a meal out with friends and family in Portugal during a week off . Rojo (back right) poses while travelling to Portugal along with his family and Angel di Maria (left) Fitness instructor Sarah Watson claims Rojo and his advisors tried to frame her for blackmail . Fitness instructor Sarah Watson, 34, claims Rojo and his advisors tried to frame her for blackmail after she enjoyed a brief liaison with the United star following a night out. Rojo's identity in the case was originally held back as a 'Premier League footballer' though the details have now been revealed. She said: 'He came over to me and sat down. His English was quite bad but he was chatty and said nice things to me about how I looked and how he liked my Versace dress. 'He said \"You're gorgeous, you're the best looking girl in here.\" It was all very", "cheesy, but he's so good looking that I gave him my number.' Rojo invited her to his friend's flat for a more private party, but she declined and they parted. He then sent a text at 2am. \"My love, where are you?\" he asked. 'It was a bit of an ego boost for me. There were a lot of young, pretty girls that night, but he wanted me.' So she and a girlfriend booked a taxi to the address he sent her. When they arrived at the flat in the centre of the city, a friend of Rojo's ‚ known in court as Mr X but who now can be named as Kristian Bereit ‚ made a shocking proposition. 'He asked me how much it would cost for me to have sex with Marcos. I told him that I was not a prostitute.' But she did find the Argentine star's dusky looks attractive and they ended up in a bedroom. 'I did it because I liked him, not for money or with any intention to sell the story on,' she said. The Argentine defender was in action for Manchester United against Aston Villa on Saturday . Rojo celebrates with team-mate Di Maria after the 3-1 victory at Old Trafford in the Premier League . Watson says that the 25-year-old offered her money to spend the night with him - which she declined - and then accepted a £30,000 offer from a newspaper to sell her story. She never received that money, and Sarah then says Rojo's", "representatives tried to entrap her with promises of cash to spin the story. Watson said: '[Rojo] and his people contrived to make me look like a greedy cow, when it was them who offered me £100,000 as hush money.' Last month Mr Justice Warby made a ruling in the High Court that overturned the gagging order and ordered Rojo to pay Sarah's estimated £25,000 legal costs. The defender has not spoken about the incident publicly, while his friend Bereit - who Sarah claims offered her the money - declined to comment. Watching from the stands as Rojo impressed at Old Trafford against Tim Sherwood's side at the weekend, was his wife Eugenia Lusardo, a lingerie model based in Lisbon, and their young daughter, Morena. Both are pictured with Rojo as he enjoyed a meal in Lisbon, the city he used to ply his trade in with Sporting before signing for United last summer. Rojo's wife, Eugenia Lusardo (pictured with Rojo last month) is a lingerie model ." ]
Manchester United defender Marcos Rojo is seen enjoying a vacation in Portugal with family and friends, despite recent controversy surrounding an alleged affair with a fitness instructor, Sarah Watson. Watson claimed Rojo and his advisors tried to frame her for blackmail after a brief liaison, and that they offered her £100,000 as hush money.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
As he watched President Obama deliver his sixth State of the Union address, Dr Ben Carson reportedly called him 'a psychopath'. The 63-year-old neurosurgeon - who is believed to be preparing for a Republican presidential nomination next year - allegedly made the comments while watching the address with his chief advisor Armstrong Williams. Williams had remarked that Obama looked 'elegant' on the night. To which Carson replied: 'Like most psychopaths. That's why they're successful. That's the way they look. They all look great.' Scroll down for video . Ben Carson (left) called Obama a well-dressed 'psychopath' as he gave the State of the Union address . Carson's comments were reported by GQ in an article which added that 'casually branding the president a psychopath is exactly the sort of talk that strikes a chord‚îand just the thing that has made Carson a sensation in the GOP.' Later in the conversation, Carson had apparently exclaimed that Obama sold Americans 'a lie'. He reportedly said: 'He's trying to sell what he thinks is not true! He's sitting there saying, 'These Americans are so stupid I can tell them anything.'' And it's not the first time Carson has courted controversy with his critical comments of the president since he entered politics two years ago. After Carson's advisor said the President (pictured) looked 'elegant' delivering the address, Carson reportedly responded: 'Like most psychopaths. That's why they're successful' He has previously said that Obamacare is 'the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery'. Earlier this month, he argued that homosexuality is a choice because some people enter prison straight and leave gay. And last month, Carson told the Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington, D.C. that the Democrats now see African-Americans' support as an entitlement and choose to 'keep them suppressed and cultivate their votes.' Born in inner-city Detroit, Carson overcame his circumstances to become a surgeon. He became famous as the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head. In recent years, his focus has been on politics - and he is known for being an outspoken conservative Republican.
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
campaign, clinton, governor, presidential, candidate, political, state, hillary, republican, candidates,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
presidential campaign, presidential candidate, state governor, joining a presidential campaign, a huge impact on political campaigns
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about the presidential campaign, the presidential candidate, a state governor, joining a presidential campaign, and a huge impact on political campaigns.
President Obama apparently looked elegant during his sixth State of the Union address. However, Dr. Ben Carson believed that this was one of the signs that Obama was a psychopath. He also accused Obama of lying to voters.
Dr. Ben Carson, a Republican, is a well-known politician. He is planning to run for the position of U.S. President next year. He is quite critical of one of his opponents for the position, Barack Obama, describing him as a "psychopath."
[ "As he watched President Obama deliver his sixth State of the Union address, Dr Ben Carson reportedly called him 'a psychopath'. The 63-year-old neurosurgeon - who is believed to be preparing for a Republican presidential nomination next year - allegedly made the comments while watching the address with his chief advisor Armstrong Williams. Williams had remarked that Obama looked 'elegant' on the night. To which Carson replied: 'Like most psychopaths. That's why they're successful. That's the way they look. They all look great.' Scroll down for video . Ben Carson (left) called Obama a well-dressed 'psychopath' as he gave the State of the Union address . Carson's comments were reported by GQ in an article which added that 'casually branding the president a psychopath is exactly the sort of talk that strikes a chord‚îand just the thing that has made Carson a sensation in the GOP.' Later in the conversation, Carson had apparently exclaimed that Obama sold Americans 'a lie'. He reportedly said: 'He's trying to sell what he thinks is not true! He's sitting there saying, 'These Americans are so stupid I can tell them anything.'' And it's not the first time Carson has courted controversy with his critical comments of the president since he entered politics two years ago. After Carson's advisor said the President (pictured) looked 'elegant' delivering the address, Carson reportedly responded: 'Like most psychopaths. That's why they're successful' He has previously said that Obamacare is 'the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery'. Earlier this month, he argued", "that homosexuality is a choice because some people enter prison straight and leave gay. And last month, Carson told the Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington, D.C. that the Democrats now see African-Americans' support as an entitlement and choose to 'keep them suppressed and cultivate their votes.' Born in inner-city Detroit, Carson overcame his circumstances to become a surgeon. He became famous as the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head. In recent years, his focus has been on politics - and he is known for being an outspoken conservative Republican." ]
[ "As he watched President Obama deliver his sixth State of the Union address, Dr Ben Carson reportedly called him 'a psychopath'. The 63-year-old neurosurgeon - who is believed to be preparing for a Republican presidential nomination next year - allegedly made the comments while watching the address with his chief advisor Armstrong Williams. Williams had remarked that Obama looked 'elegant' on the night. To which Carson replied: 'Like most psychopaths. That's why they're successful. That's the way they look. They all look great.' Scroll down for video . Ben Carson (left) called Obama a well-dressed 'psychopath' as he gave the State of the Union address . Carson's comments were reported by GQ in an article which added that 'casually branding the president a psychopath is exactly the sort of talk that strikes a chord‚îand just the thing that has made Carson a sensation in the GOP.' Later in the conversation, Carson had apparently exclaimed that Obama sold Americans 'a lie'. He reportedly said: 'He's trying to sell what he thinks is not true! He's sitting there saying, 'These Americans are so stupid I can tell them anything.'' And it's not the first time Carson has courted controversy with his critical comments of the president since he entered politics two years ago. After Carson's advisor said the President (pictured) looked 'elegant' delivering the address, Carson reportedly responded: 'Like most psychopaths. That's why they're successful' He has previously said that Obamacare is 'the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery'. Earlier this month, he argued", "that homosexuality is a choice because some people enter prison straight and leave gay. And last month, Carson told the Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington, D.C. that the Democrats now see African-Americans' support as an entitlement and choose to 'keep them suppressed and cultivate their votes.' Born in inner-city Detroit, Carson overcame his circumstances to become a surgeon. He became famous as the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head. In recent years, his focus has been on politics - and he is known for being an outspoken conservative Republican." ]
Dr. Ben Carson, a potential Republican presidential candidate, referred to President Obama as a "psychopath" during a private conversation while watching the State of the Union address. Carson also criticized Obama, stating that he sells lies to Americans and believes they are stupid. This is not the first time Carson has made controversial statements about the President, having previously compared Obamacare to slavery and making other divisive remarks.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
He is known for being meticulous in his preparations for major tennis tournaments. But when it comes to the biggest event in his life, Andy Murray is happy to take a back seat. The 2013 Wimbledon champion and Olympic gold medalist has revealed he has left the vast majority of planning next week's wedding to his fiance, Kim Sears. Scroll down for video . Murray will marry long-term girlfriend Kim Sears at Dunblane Cathedral next week - he is pictured as best man at brother Jamie's wedding to Alejandra Gutierrez at the Cromlix House Hotel in 2010 . Murray was presented with a cake to mark his 500th ATP Tour victory cake in Miami this week - for his wedding he has said he was involved in the cake tasting, but has left the majority to his fiancee . Miss Sears, 27, pictured in Miami, has been been entrusted with planning the pair's wedding next week . Murray and Miss Sears, both 27, will tie the knot at Dunblane Cathedral next week, and the tennis star has admitted he 'couldn't care less' about the finer details of the day saying 'I try to stay out of all that sort of stuff'. However Murray, a self-confessed foodie, will have some input for the wedding as he has chosen the menu based on a series of food tasting sessions. In an American interview, the 2012 US Open winner, said: 'I think in a lot of cases it's just better to let the woman have it how she would like. 'In terms of flowers and colour schemes and those sorts of things, I couldn't really care less about that, to be honest. 'The only thing I wanted to do was to be involved with the food. Because I like my food - I like good food. 'I went along and did the food tasting, and I also did the cake tasting as well. So that would be the thing that I would say I have been most involved in.' He added: 'The music is something we chat about together as well.' Miss Sears is in charge of colours schemes and flowers as Murray admits 'he couldn't care less about that' The 27-year-old has been a permanent fixture at the court side since she and Murray started dating in 2005 . Sussex-born Miss Sears, who is the daughter of former Lawn Tennis Association head of women's tennis Nigel Sears, met Murray at the US Open in 2005 . The couple have dated since they met in 2005 . Murray and Miss Sears, who have been together for a decade, will wed at the 1000-year old Dunblane Cathedral and not, as anticipated, in the tiny chapel at his Cromlix House Hotel, near the Perthshire town where he grew up. The 12th century cathedral is much larger than the chapel in the grounds of Cromlix, which seats only 28. Murray purchased the 15-bedroom country home for £1.8m in 2013. Thousands are expected to line the streets of Dunblane on the day to celebrate the wedding of their most famous son. Murray attended the primary school in 1996 when gunman Thomas Hamilton killed sixteen children and one teacher in the Dunblane massacre. Murray's uncle Niall Erskine said: 'I'm sure it will be a popular decision, as he's had so much support from the people of Dunblane in the past. 'Andy is looking forward to bringing all his family and friends to Dunblane. I'm sure lots of people will come down to see the cars as they go past and it will be a very popular day.' The cathedral's minister, the Rev Colin Renwick, added: 'There is excitement because there is a great deal of affection for Andy in Dunblane and a great deal of pride in him. I think people are genuinely very pleased for him.' Tom Casey, chair of Discover Dunblane, the organisation which represents the town's traders, said the couple would be 'Dunblane's royalty'. He said: 'A number of shops will be doing individual things to mark the event as they normally do when Andy is playing tennis. 'As a town, we are going to put up some bunting and wedding bows along the high street and decorate the shops with messages. 'Of course we will be making extra efforts to celebrate the wedding of Dunblane's most famous son of modern sense. He is our royalty. 'But it is also important we respect the family's wishes.' Next week's ceremony will take place at the 12th century Dunblane Cathedral (pictured) The reception will then be at Cromlix House (pictured), the five-star 15-bedroom country hotel Murray bought for £1.8million two years ago . The couple announced their engagement in November last year. Breaking with tradition, Murray will have three best men at his wedding, his brother Jamie, close friend and tennis player Ross Hutchins (who recovered from cancer to return to tennis) and former training partner Carlos Mier. It is believed Miss Sears will have four bridesmaids. Murray said: 'The thing for me is it's double standards in a way with the guys and girls because Kim has four bridesmaids and I was saying well, "why is that fine for you?" 'Imagine you had to pick one of your four best friends which you've had since you were at school. it's very difficult to chose one. 'She was like, "Come on, come on, pick one". I said, "No, it's difficult, so I think I'm going to have two for sure possibly a third if he can come'." Murray has previously played best man at Jamie's wedding when he married Alejandra Gutierrez at Cromlix House in 2010, and when Ross Hutchins tied the knot with Lindsay Wood last year. The tennis star roars in celebration after defeating Tomas Berdych in the Miami Open semi final yesterday . In previous interviews on the subject, Murray has said he is not fazed by the prospect of marriage. 'Kim and I had spoken about getting married a lot for the past couple of years but, if you go back a couple of years, we were still only 25. 'We've been together since we were 18. Because we were so young when we started - and we do spend a lot of time apart - it just felt like the right time for both of us.' Sussex-born Miss Sears, who is the daughter of former Lawn Tennis Association head of women's tennis Nigel Sears, met Murray at the US Open in 2005. She was once described by future mother-in-law Judy Murray as 'the best thing to happen to Andy'. They split briefly in 2009, before rekindling their relationship. The couple live in Surrey with their two Border terriers, Maggie and Rusty. Back on the court, Murray will face world number one Novak Djokovic in the final of the Miami Open tomorrow. Third seed Murray beat Czech eighth seed Tomas Berdych 6-4 6-4 yesterday to reach the final for a fourth time.
match, murray, won, title, round, open, win, final, set, champion,
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
final match, win the title, this year's champion, won the final round
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
This topic is about a final match to determine which team will win the final round, winning the title to become this year’s champion.
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
Andy Murray to play world number one Novak Djokovic in the final match. Andy Murry who is world number three has won the US open in 2012. This year champion will be decided after tomorrow's final game between third seeded Murry and number one Djokovic.
Murray will have three best man for his weeding which includes his friends and his brother from his family. The two brother are going to be best man for each other in their weeding since Murray was best man for his brother's wedding in 2010 and his brother Jamie is going to be his best man. The couples live in surrey with their two border terrier.
[ "He is known for being meticulous in his preparations for major tennis tournaments. But when it comes to the biggest event in his life, Andy Murray is happy to take a back seat. The 2013 Wimbledon champion and Olympic gold medalist has revealed he has left the vast majority of planning next week's wedding to his fiance, Kim Sears. Scroll down for video . Murray will marry long-term girlfriend Kim Sears at Dunblane Cathedral next week - he is pictured as best man at brother Jamie's wedding to Alejandra Gutierrez at the Cromlix House Hotel in 2010 . Murray was presented with a cake to mark his 500th ATP Tour victory cake in Miami this week - for his wedding he has said he was involved in the cake tasting, but has left the majority to his fiancee . Miss Sears, 27, pictured in Miami, has been been entrusted with planning the pair's wedding next week . Murray and Miss Sears, both 27, will tie the knot at Dunblane Cathedral next week, and the tennis star has admitted he 'couldn't care less' about the finer details of the day saying 'I try to stay out of all that sort of stuff'. However Murray, a self-confessed foodie, will have some input for the wedding as he has chosen the menu based on a series of food tasting sessions. In an American interview, the 2012 US Open winner, said: 'I think in a lot of cases it's just better to let the woman have it how she would", "like. 'In terms of flowers and colour schemes and those sorts of things, I couldn't really care less about that, to be honest. 'The only thing I wanted to do was to be involved with the food. Because I like my food - I like good food. 'I went along and did the food tasting, and I also did the cake tasting as well. So that would be the thing that I would say I have been most involved in.' He added: 'The music is something we chat about together as well.' Miss Sears is in charge of colours schemes and flowers as Murray admits 'he couldn't care less about that' The 27-year-old has been a permanent fixture at the court side since she and Murray started dating in 2005 . Sussex-born Miss Sears, who is the daughter of former Lawn Tennis Association head of women's tennis Nigel Sears, met Murray at the US Open in 2005 . The couple have dated since they met in 2005 . Murray and Miss Sears, who have been together for a decade, will wed at the 1000-year old Dunblane Cathedral and not, as anticipated, in the tiny chapel at his Cromlix House Hotel, near the Perthshire town where he grew up. The 12th century cathedral is much larger than the chapel in the grounds of Cromlix, which seats only 28. Murray purchased the 15-bedroom country home for £1.8m in 2013. Thousands are expected to line the streets of Dunblane on the day to celebrate the wedding of their most", "famous son. Murray attended the primary school in 1996 when gunman Thomas Hamilton killed sixteen children and one teacher in the Dunblane massacre. Murray's uncle Niall Erskine said: 'I'm sure it will be a popular decision, as he's had so much support from the people of Dunblane in the past. 'Andy is looking forward to bringing all his family and friends to Dunblane. I'm sure lots of people will come down to see the cars as they go past and it will be a very popular day.' The cathedral's minister, the Rev Colin Renwick, added: 'There is excitement because there is a great deal of affection for Andy in Dunblane and a great deal of pride in him. I think people are genuinely very pleased for him.' Tom Casey, chair of Discover Dunblane, the organisation which represents the town's traders, said the couple would be 'Dunblane's royalty'. He said: 'A number of shops will be doing individual things to mark the event as they normally do when Andy is playing tennis. 'As a town, we are going to put up some bunting and wedding bows along the high street and decorate the shops with messages. 'Of course we will be making extra efforts to celebrate the wedding of Dunblane's most famous son of modern sense. He is our royalty. 'But it is also important we respect the family's wishes.' Next week's ceremony will take place at the 12th century Dunblane Cathedral (pictured) The reception will then be at Cromlix House (pictured), the five-star 15-bedroom country hotel", "Murray bought for £1.8million two years ago . The couple announced their engagement in November last year. Breaking with tradition, Murray will have three best men at his wedding, his brother Jamie, close friend and tennis player Ross Hutchins (who recovered from cancer to return to tennis) and former training partner Carlos Mier. It is believed Miss Sears will have four bridesmaids. Murray said: 'The thing for me is it's double standards in a way with the guys and girls because Kim has four bridesmaids and I was saying well, \"why is that fine for you?\" 'Imagine you had to pick one of your four best friends which you've had since you were at school. it's very difficult to chose one. 'She was like, \"Come on, come on, pick one\". I said, \"No, it's difficult, so I think I'm going to have two for sure possibly a third if he can come'.\" Murray has previously played best man at Jamie's wedding when he married Alejandra Gutierrez at Cromlix House in 2010, and when Ross Hutchins tied the knot with Lindsay Wood last year. The tennis star roars in celebration after defeating Tomas Berdych in the Miami Open semi final yesterday . In previous interviews on the subject, Murray has said he is not fazed by the prospect of marriage. 'Kim and I had spoken about getting married a lot for the past couple of years but, if you go back a couple of years, we were still only 25. 'We've been together since we were 18.", "Because we were so young when we started - and we do spend a lot of time apart - it just felt like the right time for both of us.' Sussex-born Miss Sears, who is the daughter of former Lawn Tennis Association head of women's tennis Nigel Sears, met Murray at the US Open in 2005. She was once described by future mother-in-law Judy Murray as 'the best thing to happen to Andy'. They split briefly in 2009, before rekindling their relationship. The couple live in Surrey with their two Border terriers, Maggie and Rusty. Back on the court, Murray will face world number one Novak Djokovic in the final of the Miami Open tomorrow. Third seed Murray beat Czech eighth seed Tomas Berdych 6-4 6-4 yesterday to reach the final for a fourth time." ]
[ "He is known for being meticulous in his preparations for major tennis tournaments. But when it comes to the biggest event in his life, Andy Murray is happy to take a back seat. The 2013 Wimbledon champion and Olympic gold medalist has revealed he has left the vast majority of planning next week's wedding to his fiance, Kim Sears. Scroll down for video . Murray will marry long-term girlfriend Kim Sears at Dunblane Cathedral next week - he is pictured as best man at brother Jamie's wedding to Alejandra Gutierrez at the Cromlix House Hotel in 2010 . Murray was presented with a cake to mark his 500th ATP Tour victory cake in Miami this week - for his wedding he has said he was involved in the cake tasting, but has left the majority to his fiancee . Miss Sears, 27, pictured in Miami, has been been entrusted with planning the pair's wedding next week . Murray and Miss Sears, both 27, will tie the knot at Dunblane Cathedral next week, and the tennis star has admitted he 'couldn't care less' about the finer details of the day saying 'I try to stay out of all that sort of stuff'. However Murray, a self-confessed foodie, will have some input for the wedding as he has chosen the menu based on a series of food tasting sessions. In an American interview, the 2012 US Open winner, said: 'I think in a lot of cases it's just better to let the woman have it how she would", "like. 'In terms of flowers and colour schemes and those sorts of things, I couldn't really care less about that, to be honest. 'The only thing I wanted to do was to be involved with the food. Because I like my food - I like good food. 'I went along and did the food tasting, and I also did the cake tasting as well. So that would be the thing that I would say I have been most involved in.' He added: 'The music is something we chat about together as well.' Miss Sears is in charge of colours schemes and flowers as Murray admits 'he couldn't care less about that' The 27-year-old has been a permanent fixture at the court side since she and Murray started dating in 2005 . Sussex-born Miss Sears, who is the daughter of former Lawn Tennis Association head of women's tennis Nigel Sears, met Murray at the US Open in 2005 . The couple have dated since they met in 2005 . Murray and Miss Sears, who have been together for a decade, will wed at the 1000-year old Dunblane Cathedral and not, as anticipated, in the tiny chapel at his Cromlix House Hotel, near the Perthshire town where he grew up. The 12th century cathedral is much larger than the chapel in the grounds of Cromlix, which seats only 28. Murray purchased the 15-bedroom country home for £1.8m in 2013. Thousands are expected to line the streets of Dunblane on the day to celebrate the wedding of their most", "famous son. Murray attended the primary school in 1996 when gunman Thomas Hamilton killed sixteen children and one teacher in the Dunblane massacre. Murray's uncle Niall Erskine said: 'I'm sure it will be a popular decision, as he's had so much support from the people of Dunblane in the past. 'Andy is looking forward to bringing all his family and friends to Dunblane. I'm sure lots of people will come down to see the cars as they go past and it will be a very popular day.' The cathedral's minister, the Rev Colin Renwick, added: 'There is excitement because there is a great deal of affection for Andy in Dunblane and a great deal of pride in him. I think people are genuinely very pleased for him.' Tom Casey, chair of Discover Dunblane, the organisation which represents the town's traders, said the couple would be 'Dunblane's royalty'. He said: 'A number of shops will be doing individual things to mark the event as they normally do when Andy is playing tennis. 'As a town, we are going to put up some bunting and wedding bows along the high street and decorate the shops with messages. 'Of course we will be making extra efforts to celebrate the wedding of Dunblane's most famous son of modern sense. He is our royalty. 'But it is also important we respect the family's wishes.' Next week's ceremony will take place at the 12th century Dunblane Cathedral (pictured) The reception will then be at Cromlix House (pictured), the five-star 15-bedroom country hotel", "Murray bought for £1.8million two years ago . The couple announced their engagement in November last year. Breaking with tradition, Murray will have three best men at his wedding, his brother Jamie, close friend and tennis player Ross Hutchins (who recovered from cancer to return to tennis) and former training partner Carlos Mier. It is believed Miss Sears will have four bridesmaids. Murray said: 'The thing for me is it's double standards in a way with the guys and girls because Kim has four bridesmaids and I was saying well, \"why is that fine for you?\" 'Imagine you had to pick one of your four best friends which you've had since you were at school. it's very difficult to chose one. 'She was like, \"Come on, come on, pick one\". I said, \"No, it's difficult, so I think I'm going to have two for sure possibly a third if he can come'.\" Murray has previously played best man at Jamie's wedding when he married Alejandra Gutierrez at Cromlix House in 2010, and when Ross Hutchins tied the knot with Lindsay Wood last year. The tennis star roars in celebration after defeating Tomas Berdych in the Miami Open semi final yesterday . In previous interviews on the subject, Murray has said he is not fazed by the prospect of marriage. 'Kim and I had spoken about getting married a lot for the past couple of years but, if you go back a couple of years, we were still only 25. 'We've been together since we were 18.", "Because we were so young when we started - and we do spend a lot of time apart - it just felt like the right time for both of us.' Sussex-born Miss Sears, who is the daughter of former Lawn Tennis Association head of women's tennis Nigel Sears, met Murray at the US Open in 2005. She was once described by future mother-in-law Judy Murray as 'the best thing to happen to Andy'. They split briefly in 2009, before rekindling their relationship. The couple live in Surrey with their two Border terriers, Maggie and Rusty. Back on the court, Murray will face world number one Novak Djokovic in the final of the Miami Open tomorrow. Third seed Murray beat Czech eighth seed Tomas Berdych 6-4 6-4 yesterday to reach the final for a fourth time." ]
Andy Murray is set to marry his long-term girlfriend Kim Sears next week at Dunblane Cathedral. Murray has revealed he has taken a backseat in the wedding planning, leaving most of the decisions to his fiancée. The tennis star has only been involved in choosing the menu and cake for the big day. Murray and Sears, both 27, have been together since 2005 and got engaged last November.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
The 1,000 mile Iditarod dog sled race - widely considered the toughest contest on earth - has come to an end, with a 28-year-old musher claiming victory for the third time in the last four years. Dallas Seavey managed to beat his 55-year-old father to the finish line in Nome, Alaska, early Wednesday morning with a time of eight days, 18 hours, 13 minutes and six seconds - five hours slower than his record-setting performance last year. In reward for his win, the married father-of-one scored a check for $70,000 and a brand new Dodge SUV valued at $40,000. During the race, Seavey's dogs traveled an average of 7.6mph in temperatures as low as 50 below zero. Apparently the musher had frost in his beard when he pulled up to the finish line, with a windburned face to match. Iditarod winner: Dallas Seavey beat his 55-year-old father to the finish line in Nome, Alaska, early Wednesday morning with a time of eight days, 18 hours, 13 minutes and six seconds . Zapped by the cold: Apparently the musher had frost in his beard when he pulled up to the finish line, with a windburned face to match . An exhausted Seavey, who also won the Iditarod in 2012 and 2014, petted and hugged his dogs after their victory. 'It takes a whole team to get any of us here,' he told reporters at a finish line ceremony, which was broadcast and live-streamed. Later, he hoisted two of his dogs onto his lap and officials draped the animals with garlands of yellow flowers. 'As long as you take care of the dog team (and) make good decisions, good things will happen. Wins are a result of doing what we love,' Seavey said, adding that he tried to keep the race fun. He said he and his father, Mitch Seavey, who won titles in 2013 and 2004, encouraged each other along the way. The elder Seavey was in second place. Coming up with the goods: In reward for his win, the married father-of-one scored a check for $70,000 and a brand new Dodge Ram truck valued at $40,000 . Team effort: The younger Seavey said he and his father, Mitch (pictured above), who won titles in 2013 and 2004, encouraged each other along the way . Pit stop: Seavey tends to his lead dogs shortly after arriving at the Koyuk, Alaska, checkpoint during the Iditarod race on Monday, March 16 . Dallas Seavey increasingly put distance between himself and the rest of the field during the latter part of the race. He held a 25-mile advantage early Tuesday - a far cry from how he won the race last year. He was running third in the 2014 Iditarod when a freak snowstorm blew the leaders out of the race, and Seavey didn't know he had won the race until a cameraman broke the news to him. The winner's purse increased this year, and the top prize was $19,600 more than what he pocketed for last year's race. 'I'm pretty tired right about now - it's been a tough race,' he said. 'The cold zaps you. The dogs, they're very lively, but it takes a lot of effort to keep them well-fed, keep them rocking and rolling. This is a hard dog team to keep up with.' Aaron Burmeister was running in third place, while Jessie Royer and Aliy Zirkle were battling for fourth. Royer and Zirkle each had attempted to become the first woman to win the race since the late Susan Butcher won her fourth title in 1990. Poor weather south of the Alaska Range this year forced the official start farther north to Fairbanks, on the northern side of the mountains. Not much snow fell south of the range, and officials said the conditions in the normally treacherous Dalzell Gorge were made even more dangerous by a lack of snow. That's the location where many mushers crashed their sleds in 2014, causing many to scratch. Dinner is served: Seavey makes food for his dogs - the canines burn thousands of calories a day on the race . Close shave: Dallas Seavey looks back at Aaron Burmeister, whom he had just passed, as they head into the Koyuk, Alaska, checkpoint . Other comptetitors: Aaron Burmeister was running in third place (pictured), while Jessie Royer and Aliy Zirkle were battling for fourth . A new race route also was created, with much of it run on river ice. The new route allowed new communities to serve as checkpoints, including the Athabascan community of Huslia, famed for its sprint sled dog races. The ceremonial start in Anchorage went on as planned on March 7. Snow had to be trucked in so mushers could navigate paved streets, but there was little snow elsewhere in the city. The snow brought in for the race barely lasted the few hours it was needed because of temperatures nearing 40 degrees and rain. A total of 78 mushers began the race March 9 in Fairbanks. Eight scratched, and one was disqualified. Two dogs have died in this year's race, including one that was hit by a car after getting loose during the ceremonial start. The other dog that died was on the team of four-time champion Lance Mackey.
match, murray, won, title, round, open, win, final, set, champion,
crown, grand, race, hamilton, team, track, formula, collision, ferrari, adelaide,
final match, win the title, this year's champion, won the final round
formula 1 race, ferrari team, collision during the race, hamilton's team, grand prix, race track
This topic is about a final match to determine which team will win the final round, winning the title to become this year’s champion.
This topic is about Formula 1 racing, the Grand Prix on the race track, Hamilton’s team and the Ferrari team, and collisions during a race.
Dallas Seavey won his 3rd Iditarod race in the last 4 years. He is this years champion and winner of $70,000 and a new Dodge truck. He credited his dogs as being part of the team effort as they beat his two-time winning father.
The Grand Prix of the north, otherwise know as the Idatarod dog sled race, was won by Dalles Seavey, Instead of a Ferrari team as in a formula 1 race, he did it in subzero temperatures with a loyal team of dogs. This year, lack of snowfall led the organizers to create a new race track, much of it over ice.
[ "The 1,000 mile Iditarod dog sled race - widely considered the toughest contest on earth - has come to an end, with a 28-year-old musher claiming victory for the third time in the last four years. Dallas Seavey managed to beat his 55-year-old father to the finish line in Nome, Alaska, early Wednesday morning with a time of eight days, 18 hours, 13 minutes and six seconds - five hours slower than his record-setting performance last year. In reward for his win, the married father-of-one scored a check for $70,000 and a brand new Dodge SUV valued at $40,000. During the race, Seavey's dogs traveled an average of 7.6mph in temperatures as low as 50 below zero. Apparently the musher had frost in his beard when he pulled up to the finish line, with a windburned face to match. Iditarod winner: Dallas Seavey beat his 55-year-old father to the finish line in Nome, Alaska, early Wednesday morning with a time of eight days, 18 hours, 13 minutes and six seconds . Zapped by the cold: Apparently the musher had frost in his beard when he pulled up to the finish line, with a windburned face to match . An exhausted Seavey, who also won the Iditarod in 2012 and 2014, petted and hugged his dogs after their victory. 'It takes a whole team to get any of us here,' he told reporters at a finish line ceremony, which was broadcast and live-streamed. Later, he hoisted two of his dogs onto his lap and officials draped the", "animals with garlands of yellow flowers. 'As long as you take care of the dog team (and) make good decisions, good things will happen. Wins are a result of doing what we love,' Seavey said, adding that he tried to keep the race fun. He said he and his father, Mitch Seavey, who won titles in 2013 and 2004, encouraged each other along the way. The elder Seavey was in second place. Coming up with the goods: In reward for his win, the married father-of-one scored a check for $70,000 and a brand new Dodge Ram truck valued at $40,000 . Team effort: The younger Seavey said he and his father, Mitch (pictured above), who won titles in 2013 and 2004, encouraged each other along the way . Pit stop: Seavey tends to his lead dogs shortly after arriving at the Koyuk, Alaska, checkpoint during the Iditarod race on Monday, March 16 . Dallas Seavey increasingly put distance between himself and the rest of the field during the latter part of the race. He held a 25-mile advantage early Tuesday - a far cry from how he won the race last year. He was running third in the 2014 Iditarod when a freak snowstorm blew the leaders out of the race, and Seavey didn't know he had won the race until a cameraman broke the news to him. The winner's purse increased this year, and the top prize was $19,600 more than what he pocketed for last year's race. 'I'm pretty tired right about now -", "it's been a tough race,' he said. 'The cold zaps you. The dogs, they're very lively, but it takes a lot of effort to keep them well-fed, keep them rocking and rolling. This is a hard dog team to keep up with.' Aaron Burmeister was running in third place, while Jessie Royer and Aliy Zirkle were battling for fourth. Royer and Zirkle each had attempted to become the first woman to win the race since the late Susan Butcher won her fourth title in 1990. Poor weather south of the Alaska Range this year forced the official start farther north to Fairbanks, on the northern side of the mountains. Not much snow fell south of the range, and officials said the conditions in the normally treacherous Dalzell Gorge were made even more dangerous by a lack of snow. That's the location where many mushers crashed their sleds in 2014, causing many to scratch. Dinner is served: Seavey makes food for his dogs - the canines burn thousands of calories a day on the race . Close shave: Dallas Seavey looks back at Aaron Burmeister, whom he had just passed, as they head into the Koyuk, Alaska, checkpoint . Other comptetitors: Aaron Burmeister was running in third place (pictured), while Jessie Royer and Aliy Zirkle were battling for fourth . A new race route also was created, with much of it run on river ice. The new route allowed new communities to serve as checkpoints, including the Athabascan community of Huslia, famed for its sprint sled dog", "races. The ceremonial start in Anchorage went on as planned on March 7. Snow had to be trucked in so mushers could navigate paved streets, but there was little snow elsewhere in the city. The snow brought in for the race barely lasted the few hours it was needed because of temperatures nearing 40 degrees and rain. A total of 78 mushers began the race March 9 in Fairbanks. Eight scratched, and one was disqualified. Two dogs have died in this year's race, including one that was hit by a car after getting loose during the ceremonial start. The other dog that died was on the team of four-time champion Lance Mackey." ]
[ "The 1,000 mile Iditarod dog sled race - widely considered the toughest contest on earth - has come to an end, with a 28-year-old musher claiming victory for the third time in the last four years. Dallas Seavey managed to beat his 55-year-old father to the finish line in Nome, Alaska, early Wednesday morning with a time of eight days, 18 hours, 13 minutes and six seconds - five hours slower than his record-setting performance last year. In reward for his win, the married father-of-one scored a check for $70,000 and a brand new Dodge SUV valued at $40,000. During the race, Seavey's dogs traveled an average of 7.6mph in temperatures as low as 50 below zero. Apparently the musher had frost in his beard when he pulled up to the finish line, with a windburned face to match. Iditarod winner: Dallas Seavey beat his 55-year-old father to the finish line in Nome, Alaska, early Wednesday morning with a time of eight days, 18 hours, 13 minutes and six seconds . Zapped by the cold: Apparently the musher had frost in his beard when he pulled up to the finish line, with a windburned face to match . An exhausted Seavey, who also won the Iditarod in 2012 and 2014, petted and hugged his dogs after their victory. 'It takes a whole team to get any of us here,' he told reporters at a finish line ceremony, which was broadcast and live-streamed. Later, he hoisted two of his dogs onto his lap and officials draped the", "animals with garlands of yellow flowers. 'As long as you take care of the dog team (and) make good decisions, good things will happen. Wins are a result of doing what we love,' Seavey said, adding that he tried to keep the race fun. He said he and his father, Mitch Seavey, who won titles in 2013 and 2004, encouraged each other along the way. The elder Seavey was in second place. Coming up with the goods: In reward for his win, the married father-of-one scored a check for $70,000 and a brand new Dodge Ram truck valued at $40,000 . Team effort: The younger Seavey said he and his father, Mitch (pictured above), who won titles in 2013 and 2004, encouraged each other along the way . Pit stop: Seavey tends to his lead dogs shortly after arriving at the Koyuk, Alaska, checkpoint during the Iditarod race on Monday, March 16 . Dallas Seavey increasingly put distance between himself and the rest of the field during the latter part of the race. He held a 25-mile advantage early Tuesday - a far cry from how he won the race last year. He was running third in the 2014 Iditarod when a freak snowstorm blew the leaders out of the race, and Seavey didn't know he had won the race until a cameraman broke the news to him. The winner's purse increased this year, and the top prize was $19,600 more than what he pocketed for last year's race. 'I'm pretty tired right about now -", "it's been a tough race,' he said. 'The cold zaps you. The dogs, they're very lively, but it takes a lot of effort to keep them well-fed, keep them rocking and rolling. This is a hard dog team to keep up with.' Aaron Burmeister was running in third place, while Jessie Royer and Aliy Zirkle were battling for fourth. Royer and Zirkle each had attempted to become the first woman to win the race since the late Susan Butcher won her fourth title in 1990. Poor weather south of the Alaska Range this year forced the official start farther north to Fairbanks, on the northern side of the mountains. Not much snow fell south of the range, and officials said the conditions in the normally treacherous Dalzell Gorge were made even more dangerous by a lack of snow. That's the location where many mushers crashed their sleds in 2014, causing many to scratch. Dinner is served: Seavey makes food for his dogs - the canines burn thousands of calories a day on the race . Close shave: Dallas Seavey looks back at Aaron Burmeister, whom he had just passed, as they head into the Koyuk, Alaska, checkpoint . Other comptetitors: Aaron Burmeister was running in third place (pictured), while Jessie Royer and Aliy Zirkle were battling for fourth . A new race route also was created, with much of it run on river ice. The new route allowed new communities to serve as checkpoints, including the Athabascan community of Huslia, famed for its sprint sled dog", "races. The ceremonial start in Anchorage went on as planned on March 7. Snow had to be trucked in so mushers could navigate paved streets, but there was little snow elsewhere in the city. The snow brought in for the race barely lasted the few hours it was needed because of temperatures nearing 40 degrees and rain. A total of 78 mushers began the race March 9 in Fairbanks. Eight scratched, and one was disqualified. Two dogs have died in this year's race, including one that was hit by a car after getting loose during the ceremonial start. The other dog that died was on the team of four-time champion Lance Mackey." ]
There is no mention of the crown, grand, race, hamilton, team, track, formula, collision, ferrari, or adelaide in the text.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Obesity risk: Sugary dishes are being promoted by the Government's flagship anti-obesity initiative . Dishes that contain 'shocking' amounts of sugar are being promoted as healthy eating options by the Government's flagship anti-obesity initiative. Change4Life, which is being run by Public Health England to help address the country's obesity crisis, is promoting dishes on its website with up to 29g of sugar per serving ‚ about seven teaspoons' worth. Its Apricot Bread Pudding has slightly more sugar than a Snickers bar, which has 27g. A Banana and Apricot Bagel, promoted as a breakfast, has more sugar than a bowl of Frosties ‚ a cereal so sugary Labour's health spokesman Andy Burnham once said he would consider banning it. Two other dishes, Banana and Sultana Bread and Butter Pudding, and Banana Muffins, contain 25g per serving. Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, of campaign group Action On Sugar, said he found the advice 'disturbing' and that Change4Life was 'legitimising unhealthy foods'. He added: 'One has to seriously ask whether Change4Life is fit for purpose when it's promoting foods with shocking levels of sugar.' Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at Public Health England, said: 'The majority of these recipes are fruit-based. 'Fruit naturally contains sugar ‚ but it is the sugar that is added to food that we eat too much of. Fruit is a healthier choice.' But Dr Malhotra pointed out that recent research had found even fruit sugars could be harmful in large quantities, particularly to those at risk of type 2 diabetes. Sugary: Change4Life, which is being run by Public Health England, has dishes on its website with more sugar than a bowl of Frosties .
weight, pounds, fat, diet, body, sugar, healthy, lose, lost, loss,
food, restaurant, eat, eating, babies, meal, drinks, fruit, breakfast, chicken,
weight loss, lost weight following a diet, body fat, blood sugar levels, healthy diet, lose a few pounds of weight
eating food at a restaurant, a healthy meal, ordering something to drink, serving breakfast, fruits are a healthy food, eating chicken
This topic is about weight loss and following a healthy diet in order to regulate body fat and blood sugar levels and lose a few pounds of weight following a diet.
This topic is about eating food at a restaurant, ordering something to drink and serving breakfast, as well as eating chicken, and fruits which are a healthy food.
The Government is supporting a program to persuade its citizens to lose weight. It has created a website to promote what it believes to be healthy options, but sugary dishes with up to 29g of sugar per serving are being promoted possibly because they are fruit-based.
The Government and its Change4Life program is promoting eating fruit. Some specialists advocate for the healthiness in fruit, but not the added sugar. It also advocates for such breakfast food as Frosties and Banana Muffins.
[ "Obesity risk: Sugary dishes are being promoted by the Government's flagship anti-obesity initiative . Dishes that contain 'shocking' amounts of sugar are being promoted as healthy eating options by the Government's flagship anti-obesity initiative. Change4Life, which is being run by Public Health England to help address the country's obesity crisis, is promoting dishes on its website with up to 29g of sugar per serving ‚ about seven teaspoons' worth. Its Apricot Bread Pudding has slightly more sugar than a Snickers bar, which has 27g. A Banana and Apricot Bagel, promoted as a breakfast, has more sugar than a bowl of Frosties ‚ a cereal so sugary Labour's health spokesman Andy Burnham once said he would consider banning it. Two other dishes, Banana and Sultana Bread and Butter Pudding, and Banana Muffins, contain 25g per serving. Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, of campaign group Action On Sugar, said he found the advice 'disturbing' and that Change4Life was 'legitimising unhealthy foods'. He added: 'One has to seriously ask whether Change4Life is fit for purpose when it's promoting foods with shocking levels of sugar.' Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at Public Health England, said: 'The majority of these recipes are fruit-based. 'Fruit naturally contains sugar ‚ but it is the sugar that is added to food that we eat too much of. Fruit is a healthier choice.' But Dr Malhotra pointed out that recent research had found even fruit sugars could be harmful in large quantities, particularly to those at risk of type 2 diabetes. Sugary: Change4Life, which is being", "run by Public Health England, has dishes on its website with more sugar than a bowl of Frosties ." ]
[ "Obesity risk: Sugary dishes are being promoted by the Government's flagship anti-obesity initiative . Dishes that contain 'shocking' amounts of sugar are being promoted as healthy eating options by the Government's flagship anti-obesity initiative. Change4Life, which is being run by Public Health England to help address the country's obesity crisis, is promoting dishes on its website with up to 29g of sugar per serving ‚ about seven teaspoons' worth. Its Apricot Bread Pudding has slightly more sugar than a Snickers bar, which has 27g. A Banana and Apricot Bagel, promoted as a breakfast, has more sugar than a bowl of Frosties ‚ a cereal so sugary Labour's health spokesman Andy Burnham once said he would consider banning it. Two other dishes, Banana and Sultana Bread and Butter Pudding, and Banana Muffins, contain 25g per serving. Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, of campaign group Action On Sugar, said he found the advice 'disturbing' and that Change4Life was 'legitimising unhealthy foods'. He added: 'One has to seriously ask whether Change4Life is fit for purpose when it's promoting foods with shocking levels of sugar.' Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at Public Health England, said: 'The majority of these recipes are fruit-based. 'Fruit naturally contains sugar ‚ but it is the sugar that is added to food that we eat too much of. Fruit is a healthier choice.' But Dr Malhotra pointed out that recent research had found even fruit sugars could be harmful in large quantities, particularly to those at risk of type 2 diabetes. Sugary: Change4Life, which is being", "run by Public Health England, has dishes on its website with more sugar than a bowl of Frosties ." ]
The UK government's anti-obesity initiative, Change4Life, promotes dishes with high sugar content, including apricot bread pudding with 29g of sugar per serving, banana and apricot bagel with more sugar than a bowl of Frosties, and banana muffins with 25g of sugar per serving. Critics argue that this legitimizes unhealthy foods and contradicts the program's goal of reducing obesity.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Sidonie, a well known band from Catalonia, created a rather tongue-in-cheek song during a recent Ryanair flight to Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. The group, who posted the performance video to Facebook and Youtube, explained that they composed the tune after experiencing a 'lack of respect shown by Ryanair flight attendants.' In the video, the band's lead singer strums a ukulele as the group serenades passengers on board - despite Ryanair's scathing review of the sarcastic ditty. A well-known Spanish band from Catalonia, called Sidonie, sang an impromptu song aboard a Ryanair flight . While en route to Santiago, the band grew impatient with the alleged 'lack of respect' from flight attendants . Although sung in their native tongue, the lyrics read: 'Ryanair, how we like Ryanair, and its flight attendants, they could not be nicer'. Clearly meant to be ironic, some passengers even join in and sing or clap along as the band repeats the chorus during their impromptu performance. Explaining the motivation behind their hilarious video, the band wrote online: 'After receiving, repeatedly, the habitual lack of respect shown by flight attendants on the Ryanair route to Santiago, we were moved to compose and perform a song dedicated to them and their irritable airline.' Ryanair, however, wasn't as impressed with the band's performance. Robin Kiely, a spokesperson for the airline told MailOnline Travel: 'Sidonie? More like sit down mate. 'The lyrics are average, the vocals out of tune, the ukulele playing leaves a lot to be desired and there isn't one trumpet.' Taking matters into their own hands, the group composed and performed a tongue-in-cheek tune . As they paraded up and down the aisle of the plane, some passengers even began to sing along with the lyrics . The band also posted the video to Facebook, adding that the song was dedicated to the 'irritable airline' 'We much prefer our new on-time landing music, which will be heard on over 90 per cent of our flights this year, as we carry 100 million customers,' Kiely added. Ryanair is famous for complaints about its customer service and surcharges, and it has recently launched a marketing campaign and measures such as allocated seating to win over passengers. Since being posted on March 27, the video has been viewed over 24,000 times on YouTube and has been liked over 12,000 times on Facebook. MailOnline Travel has contacted Sidonie for comment about the video.
music, singer, song, band, bruce, pop, fans, album, songs, sound,
airport, passengers, flight, travel, airlines, passenger, flights, airline, international, transport,
pop songs, music fans rejoice, a singer and songwriter, first track on the new album, had a sound check, sing along with prerecorded track
travel via air, passengers on that flight, airlines offering flexible changes, world's busiest airport, international transport, flights were being handled by different air traffic controllers
This topic is about pop songs, music fans rejoice, a singer and songwriter, the first track on the new album, doing a sound check, and singing along with a prerecorded track.
This topic is about traveling via air, passengers on a flight, airlines offering flexible changes, the world's busiest airport, international transport, and flights being handled by different air traffic controllers.
After experiencing some terrible customer service on an airline, a band wrote a sarcastic song about the experience. It became a hit, notably among other passengers on that airline. However, not everyone is impressed with their musical talent and lyrics.
Ryanair is well-known for upsetting its passengers. Its flight attendants are known to be rude and its surcharges are ill-received. It is launching a marketing campaign to revamp its image.
[ "Sidonie, a well known band from Catalonia, created a rather tongue-in-cheek song during a recent Ryanair flight to Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. The group, who posted the performance video to Facebook and Youtube, explained that they composed the tune after experiencing a 'lack of respect shown by Ryanair flight attendants.' In the video, the band's lead singer strums a ukulele as the group serenades passengers on board - despite Ryanair's scathing review of the sarcastic ditty. A well-known Spanish band from Catalonia, called Sidonie, sang an impromptu song aboard a Ryanair flight . While en route to Santiago, the band grew impatient with the alleged 'lack of respect' from flight attendants . Although sung in their native tongue, the lyrics read: 'Ryanair, how we like Ryanair, and its flight attendants, they could not be nicer'. Clearly meant to be ironic, some passengers even join in and sing or clap along as the band repeats the chorus during their impromptu performance. Explaining the motivation behind their hilarious video, the band wrote online: 'After receiving, repeatedly, the habitual lack of respect shown by flight attendants on the Ryanair route to Santiago, we were moved to compose and perform a song dedicated to them and their irritable airline.' Ryanair, however, wasn't as impressed with the band's performance. Robin Kiely, a spokesperson for the airline told MailOnline Travel: 'Sidonie? More like sit down mate. 'The lyrics are average, the vocals out of tune, the ukulele playing leaves a lot to be desired and there isn't one trumpet.' Taking", "matters into their own hands, the group composed and performed a tongue-in-cheek tune . As they paraded up and down the aisle of the plane, some passengers even began to sing along with the lyrics . The band also posted the video to Facebook, adding that the song was dedicated to the 'irritable airline' 'We much prefer our new on-time landing music, which will be heard on over 90 per cent of our flights this year, as we carry 100 million customers,' Kiely added. Ryanair is famous for complaints about its customer service and surcharges, and it has recently launched a marketing campaign and measures such as allocated seating to win over passengers. Since being posted on March 27, the video has been viewed over 24,000 times on YouTube and has been liked over 12,000 times on Facebook. MailOnline Travel has contacted Sidonie for comment about the video." ]
[ "Sidonie, a well known band from Catalonia, created a rather tongue-in-cheek song during a recent Ryanair flight to Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. The group, who posted the performance video to Facebook and Youtube, explained that they composed the tune after experiencing a 'lack of respect shown by Ryanair flight attendants.' In the video, the band's lead singer strums a ukulele as the group serenades passengers on board - despite Ryanair's scathing review of the sarcastic ditty. A well-known Spanish band from Catalonia, called Sidonie, sang an impromptu song aboard a Ryanair flight . While en route to Santiago, the band grew impatient with the alleged 'lack of respect' from flight attendants . Although sung in their native tongue, the lyrics read: 'Ryanair, how we like Ryanair, and its flight attendants, they could not be nicer'. Clearly meant to be ironic, some passengers even join in and sing or clap along as the band repeats the chorus during their impromptu performance. Explaining the motivation behind their hilarious video, the band wrote online: 'After receiving, repeatedly, the habitual lack of respect shown by flight attendants on the Ryanair route to Santiago, we were moved to compose and perform a song dedicated to them and their irritable airline.' Ryanair, however, wasn't as impressed with the band's performance. Robin Kiely, a spokesperson for the airline told MailOnline Travel: 'Sidonie? More like sit down mate. 'The lyrics are average, the vocals out of tune, the ukulele playing leaves a lot to be desired and there isn't one trumpet.' Taking", "matters into their own hands, the group composed and performed a tongue-in-cheek tune . As they paraded up and down the aisle of the plane, some passengers even began to sing along with the lyrics . The band also posted the video to Facebook, adding that the song was dedicated to the 'irritable airline' 'We much prefer our new on-time landing music, which will be heard on over 90 per cent of our flights this year, as we carry 100 million customers,' Kiely added. Ryanair is famous for complaints about its customer service and surcharges, and it has recently launched a marketing campaign and measures such as allocated seating to win over passengers. Since being posted on March 27, the video has been viewed over 24,000 times on YouTube and has been liked over 12,000 times on Facebook. MailOnline Travel has contacted Sidonie for comment about the video." ]
A Catalan band, Sidonie, created a satirical song criticizing Ryanair's flight attendants during a flight to Santiago de Compostela. They performed the song onboard, accompanied by a ukulele, and posted the video online. Despite the irony, Ryanair responded negatively, calling the lyrics "average" and the vocals "out of tune." The video has gained popularity, with over 24,000 views on YouTube and 12,000 likes on Facebook.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A senior high school teacher from Anshun city has been dubbed the 'luckiest wife in China' after her soldier husband cooked her enough food to last for a year before he returned to service. The woman, named only as Ms Zhao, lives in a house bursting with frozen dishes and snacks. Husband Yin Yunfeng spent the last week of his annual holiday making all sorts of stir-fried dishes as well as about 1,000 dumplings as a way to show his love to his wife, according to thePeople's Daily Online. Treasure chest: Ms Zhao has enough food to last for a year prepared by her husband . Feast: The husband, Yin Yunfeng, spent a week cooking all sorts of stir-fried dishes . All-you-can-eat: He also made about 1,000 dumplings before returning to his regiment in Tibet . The devoted husband is worried that his wife would be eating instant noodles all the time so he cooked different types of dishes and put them into small foam containers to be frozen. Ms Shao said she is extremely busy with work and only has fresh meals when her husband is home. But now all she needs to do is to reheat the food in the microwave. Mr Yin is stationed in a regiment in Tibet and only gets to go home - which is some 2,700 kilometres away in southern China - once a year. 'Although I mentally prepared myself for this life when I married him, I had no idea it would be so tough,' sais Ms Zhao. 'At the end of every holiday I would be devastated and would cry all day but I will continue to support him in his career and look after this family.' She added: 'The food he prepared is enough for me for one year and every time I think of this my heart is warm.' In addition to meals, Mr Yin has also bought a large amount of snacks and hid them in different corners of the house as daily surprises to his wife. Well-arranged: The husband also separated all dishes into small foam containers to be frozen . Secret: Mr Yin has also bought a large amount of snacks and hid them in different corners of the house . Note of love: Yin left his wife a note saying he hoped he would be home when she finishes the food and snacks . Every day, he texts her the clues to find these snacks. 'Today you have been studying very hard and I have a reward for you. Behind the sofa on the right there is a gap and I have left you a packet of raisins,' reads one of the messages. The snacks include chips, pumpkin seeds, chewing gum, biscuits, beef jerky and instant noodles. Yin said he hoped he would be home by the time his wife finishes the food and snacks.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
food, restaurant, eat, eating, babies, meal, drinks, fruit, breakfast, chicken,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
eating food at a restaurant, a healthy meal, ordering something to drink, serving breakfast, fruits are a healthy food, eating chicken
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about eating food at a restaurant, ordering something to drink and serving breakfast, as well as eating chicken, and fruits which are a healthy food.
A husband and soldier cooked his wife enough food to last a year before returning to his regiment in Tibet. The wife, Ms. Zhao has been dubbed the luckiest wife in China. The husband and wife are separated by 2700 km, and this is very hard on Ms. Zhao.
Mr. Yin made 1000 dumplings for Ms. Zhao his wife, before going back to his military service. A large amount of snacks were hidden throughout the house, and every day, he texts her clues on where to find these foods. The snacks include chips, pumpkin seeds, chewing gum, biscuits, beef jerky and instant noodles.
[ "A senior high school teacher from Anshun city has been dubbed the 'luckiest wife in China' after her soldier husband cooked her enough food to last for a year before he returned to service. The woman, named only as Ms Zhao, lives in a house bursting with frozen dishes and snacks. Husband Yin Yunfeng spent the last week of his annual holiday making all sorts of stir-fried dishes as well as about 1,000 dumplings as a way to show his love to his wife, according to thePeople's Daily Online. Treasure chest: Ms Zhao has enough food to last for a year prepared by her husband . Feast: The husband, Yin Yunfeng, spent a week cooking all sorts of stir-fried dishes . All-you-can-eat: He also made about 1,000 dumplings before returning to his regiment in Tibet . The devoted husband is worried that his wife would be eating instant noodles all the time so he cooked different types of dishes and put them into small foam containers to be frozen. Ms Shao said she is extremely busy with work and only has fresh meals when her husband is home. But now all she needs to do is to reheat the food in the microwave. Mr Yin is stationed in a regiment in Tibet and only gets to go home - which is some 2,700 kilometres away in southern China - once a year. 'Although I mentally prepared myself for this life when I married him, I had no idea it would be so tough,' sais Ms Zhao.", "'At the end of every holiday I would be devastated and would cry all day but I will continue to support him in his career and look after this family.' She added: 'The food he prepared is enough for me for one year and every time I think of this my heart is warm.' In addition to meals, Mr Yin has also bought a large amount of snacks and hid them in different corners of the house as daily surprises to his wife. Well-arranged: The husband also separated all dishes into small foam containers to be frozen . Secret: Mr Yin has also bought a large amount of snacks and hid them in different corners of the house . Note of love: Yin left his wife a note saying he hoped he would be home when she finishes the food and snacks . Every day, he texts her the clues to find these snacks. 'Today you have been studying very hard and I have a reward for you. Behind the sofa on the right there is a gap and I have left you a packet of raisins,' reads one of the messages. The snacks include chips, pumpkin seeds, chewing gum, biscuits, beef jerky and instant noodles. Yin said he hoped he would be home by the time his wife finishes the food and snacks." ]
[ "A senior high school teacher from Anshun city has been dubbed the 'luckiest wife in China' after her soldier husband cooked her enough food to last for a year before he returned to service. The woman, named only as Ms Zhao, lives in a house bursting with frozen dishes and snacks. Husband Yin Yunfeng spent the last week of his annual holiday making all sorts of stir-fried dishes as well as about 1,000 dumplings as a way to show his love to his wife, according to thePeople's Daily Online. Treasure chest: Ms Zhao has enough food to last for a year prepared by her husband . Feast: The husband, Yin Yunfeng, spent a week cooking all sorts of stir-fried dishes . All-you-can-eat: He also made about 1,000 dumplings before returning to his regiment in Tibet . The devoted husband is worried that his wife would be eating instant noodles all the time so he cooked different types of dishes and put them into small foam containers to be frozen. Ms Shao said she is extremely busy with work and only has fresh meals when her husband is home. But now all she needs to do is to reheat the food in the microwave. Mr Yin is stationed in a regiment in Tibet and only gets to go home - which is some 2,700 kilometres away in southern China - once a year. 'Although I mentally prepared myself for this life when I married him, I had no idea it would be so tough,' sais Ms Zhao.", "'At the end of every holiday I would be devastated and would cry all day but I will continue to support him in his career and look after this family.' She added: 'The food he prepared is enough for me for one year and every time I think of this my heart is warm.' In addition to meals, Mr Yin has also bought a large amount of snacks and hid them in different corners of the house as daily surprises to his wife. Well-arranged: The husband also separated all dishes into small foam containers to be frozen . Secret: Mr Yin has also bought a large amount of snacks and hid them in different corners of the house . Note of love: Yin left his wife a note saying he hoped he would be home when she finishes the food and snacks . Every day, he texts her the clues to find these snacks. 'Today you have been studying very hard and I have a reward for you. Behind the sofa on the right there is a gap and I have left you a packet of raisins,' reads one of the messages. The snacks include chips, pumpkin seeds, chewing gum, biscuits, beef jerky and instant noodles. Yin said he hoped he would be home by the time his wife finishes the food and snacks." ]
A Chinese soldier's wife was surprised with a year's worth of pre-cooked meals and snacks by her loving husband before he returned to duty in Tibet.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
An infant's parents have been charged after police say they couldn't agree who would take care of their three-month-old over the weekend and the father left her at a McDonald's in Ohio. Twenty-two-year-old Rachel Jaajaa and 29-year-old Aaron Tate's daughter was found on Friday night at a McDonald's in Elyria when a patron called 911 after seeing the baby was left alone. They were both arrested Monday and charged with child endangering. Aaron Tate, 29, is accused to leaving his daughter alone on the floor of a McDonald's and then driving away . Police say Rachel Jaajaa, 22, refused to take her daughter because it was the father's 'turn to have the baby' They were both charged with child endangering after a patron from the McDonald's in Elyria, Ohio, called 911 . Police say Jaajaa was leaving McDonald's after her shift ended on Friday around 8pm and found Tate in the parking lot with the infant. Another employee told police Jaajaa refused to take the baby because it was the father's 'turn to have the baby' and she had plans, Fox 8 reported. They say Tate then left the child in McDonald's and drove off, prompting the 911 call to police. An officer later found the parents arguing in front of a Burger King. Jaajaa's sister is now caring for the baby. Tate declined to comment on the charges. Jaajaa didn't return phone calls seeking comment.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
children, child, parents, birth, born, kids, families, mother, family, care,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
children and parents, families with children, having kids, giving birth, she became a mother, baby was born
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about having kids, becoming a mother, giving birth, children and their parents, and families with children when a baby is born.
A couple has been charged with child endangerment. The father left his infant daughter alone in a fast-food restaurant and the mother refused to take over the responsibility of looking after her. The baby's maternal aunt is now looking after the child.
A tiny baby girl is certainly unlucky when it comes to her parents. Both of them were quite willing to abandon her and have been charged accordingly for child endangerment. Fortunately, she appears to have a sensible aunt to look after her.
[ "An infant's parents have been charged after police say they couldn't agree who would take care of their three-month-old over the weekend and the father left her at a McDonald's in Ohio. Twenty-two-year-old Rachel Jaajaa and 29-year-old Aaron Tate's daughter was found on Friday night at a McDonald's in Elyria when a patron called 911 after seeing the baby was left alone. They were both arrested Monday and charged with child endangering. Aaron Tate, 29, is accused to leaving his daughter alone on the floor of a McDonald's and then driving away . Police say Rachel Jaajaa, 22, refused to take her daughter because it was the father's 'turn to have the baby' They were both charged with child endangering after a patron from the McDonald's in Elyria, Ohio, called 911 . Police say Jaajaa was leaving McDonald's after her shift ended on Friday around 8pm and found Tate in the parking lot with the infant. Another employee told police Jaajaa refused to take the baby because it was the father's 'turn to have the baby' and she had plans, Fox 8 reported. They say Tate then left the child in McDonald's and drove off, prompting the 911 call to police. An officer later found the parents arguing in front of a Burger King. Jaajaa's sister is now caring for the baby. Tate declined to comment on the charges. Jaajaa didn't return phone calls seeking comment." ]
[ "An infant's parents have been charged after police say they couldn't agree who would take care of their three-month-old over the weekend and the father left her at a McDonald's in Ohio. Twenty-two-year-old Rachel Jaajaa and 29-year-old Aaron Tate's daughter was found on Friday night at a McDonald's in Elyria when a patron called 911 after seeing the baby was left alone. They were both arrested Monday and charged with child endangering. Aaron Tate, 29, is accused to leaving his daughter alone on the floor of a McDonald's and then driving away . Police say Rachel Jaajaa, 22, refused to take her daughter because it was the father's 'turn to have the baby' They were both charged with child endangering after a patron from the McDonald's in Elyria, Ohio, called 911 . Police say Jaajaa was leaving McDonald's after her shift ended on Friday around 8pm and found Tate in the parking lot with the infant. Another employee told police Jaajaa refused to take the baby because it was the father's 'turn to have the baby' and she had plans, Fox 8 reported. They say Tate then left the child in McDonald's and drove off, prompting the 911 call to police. An officer later found the parents arguing in front of a Burger King. Jaajaa's sister is now caring for the baby. Tate declined to comment on the charges. Jaajaa didn't return phone calls seeking comment." ]
A 3-month-old baby was abandoned by her father at a McDonald's in Ohio after her parents disagreed on childcare responsibilities. The mother, Rachel Jaajaa, 22, refused to take the baby, citing it was the father's "turn." The father, Aaron Tate, 29, left the baby alone on the floor and drove away. Both parents were arrested and charged with child endangerment. The baby is currently being cared for by the mother's sister.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Roy Keane, Republic of Ireland assistant manager, pictured during a Euro 2016 qualifier on March 29 . Former Manchester United footballer Roy Keane will stand trial over an alleged road-rage incident with a taxi driver. The 43-year-old has denied committing a public order offence after it was claimed he behaved aggressively towards driver Fateh Kerar, 44, near traffic lights in Altrincham, Cheshire. He did not attend a brief hearing at Trafford Magistrates' Court today but a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer following the incident on January 30. He is accused of causing harassment, alarm or distress to Altrincham-based Mr Kerar - a Section 4A Public Order offence. The court heard the prosecution will call two witnesses - understood to be Mr Kerar and a taxi passenger - while the defence will call Keane and an additional witness. No CCTV of the incident was captured, the court also heard. Keane will face trial at Manchester Magistrates' Court on June 19. Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career at Old Trafford and also played for Nottingham Forest and Celtic. He won seven Premier League titles, as well as four FA Cups and one Champions League. The TV football pundit managed Sunderland and Ipswich Town and was assistant boss at Aston Villa before he quit to concentrate on a similar role he holds with the Republic of Ireland's national team. Successful: Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career with Manchester United - winning seven league titles. He is pictured above (left) with Paul Dickov (right) of Leicester City in September 2003 . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
Roy Keane is charged with an alleged road rage accident. He has denied the charges, and no video of the incident was captured. However, there are witnesses to the event and both sides will be heard in court.
Roy Keane is the assistant manager of the Republic of Ireland. He won seven Premier League titles as well as a number of other trophies. He has been very effective in his career.
[ "Roy Keane, Republic of Ireland assistant manager, pictured during a Euro 2016 qualifier on March 29 . Former Manchester United footballer Roy Keane will stand trial over an alleged road-rage incident with a taxi driver. The 43-year-old has denied committing a public order offence after it was claimed he behaved aggressively towards driver Fateh Kerar, 44, near traffic lights in Altrincham, Cheshire. He did not attend a brief hearing at Trafford Magistrates' Court today but a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer following the incident on January 30. He is accused of causing harassment, alarm or distress to Altrincham-based Mr Kerar - a Section 4A Public Order offence. The court heard the prosecution will call two witnesses - understood to be Mr Kerar and a taxi passenger - while the defence will call Keane and an additional witness. No CCTV of the incident was captured, the court also heard. Keane will face trial at Manchester Magistrates' Court on June 19. Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career at Old Trafford and also played for Nottingham Forest and Celtic. He won seven Premier League titles, as well as four FA Cups and one Champions League. The TV football pundit managed Sunderland and Ipswich Town and was assistant boss at Aston Villa before he quit to concentrate on a similar role he holds with the Republic of Ireland's national team. Successful: Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career with Manchester United - winning seven league titles. He is pictured above (left)", "with Paul Dickov (right) of Leicester City in September 2003 . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
[ "Roy Keane, Republic of Ireland assistant manager, pictured during a Euro 2016 qualifier on March 29 . Former Manchester United footballer Roy Keane will stand trial over an alleged road-rage incident with a taxi driver. The 43-year-old has denied committing a public order offence after it was claimed he behaved aggressively towards driver Fateh Kerar, 44, near traffic lights in Altrincham, Cheshire. He did not attend a brief hearing at Trafford Magistrates' Court today but a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer following the incident on January 30. He is accused of causing harassment, alarm or distress to Altrincham-based Mr Kerar - a Section 4A Public Order offence. The court heard the prosecution will call two witnesses - understood to be Mr Kerar and a taxi passenger - while the defence will call Keane and an additional witness. No CCTV of the incident was captured, the court also heard. Keane will face trial at Manchester Magistrates' Court on June 19. Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career at Old Trafford and also played for Nottingham Forest and Celtic. He won seven Premier League titles, as well as four FA Cups and one Champions League. The TV football pundit managed Sunderland and Ipswich Town and was assistant boss at Aston Villa before he quit to concentrate on a similar role he holds with the Republic of Ireland's national team. Successful: Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career with Manchester United - winning seven league titles. He is pictured above (left)", "with Paul Dickov (right) of Leicester City in September 2003 . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
Roy Keane, former Manchester United player and current Republic of Ireland assistant manager, will stand trial for allegedly committing a public order offense against a taxi driver in Altrincham, Cheshire.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Hector Bellerin is fast becoming seen by fans, and possibly even by his manager, as Arsenal's premier right back, after impressing in the absence of Mathieu Debuchy. The young Spaniard scored his second Premier League goal, cutting inside and curling left-footed past Simon Mignolet, in the 4-1 win over Liverpool last weekend, and is developing a reputation as a player capable of becoming a top-level full back. But, it seems, in the dressing room, it is his status as the club's premier sprinter, rather than as a defender, that is most in question, after he beat Theo Walcott's 40 metre club sprint record last summer. Hector Bellerin scored a brilliant goal to put Arsenal ahead against Liverpool last weekend at the Emirates . Bellerin has emerged as a star player after filling in for the injured Mathieu Debuchy at right back this season . 'We were just having a test and then they told me I was the fastest at the club,' Bellerin told The Telegraph. 'I did not beat it by that much. There was a bit of banter and he is trying to beat me now.' Bellerin shaved a hundredth of a second off Walcott's time, prompting the 26-year-old winger to vow to reclaim his title at the end of the season. And since then he has gone on to establish himself as a right-back of some promise, progressing well beyond Arsene Wenger's expectations. 'I am happy that now, after not so good performances in the beginning, the coach has still put confidence in me and given me minutes. Bellerin has exceptional pace, as he proved in August when he set a new Arsenal record over 40 metres . Theo Walcott had previously held the record, but Bellerin shaved one hundredth of a second off his time . But Walcott is determined to take his record back from Bellerin this summer and be speed king again . 'The chances always come through injuries, which is not a nice thing. Now we are going to have Debuchy back and I am happy for him, but when you get your chance, you need to do the best you can. I have done my best to take this opportunity.' With Debuchy on the verge of match fitness, Bellerin will soon find out whether he has done enough to grab that opportunity. But after his brilliant goal at the Emirates stadium last weekend, one thing is for certain - he is no longer known just for being quick over 40 metres.
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
club, team, season, players, england, football, player, league, fans, game,
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
football league, the team's fans, football player, this season's games, world championship, tournament
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
This topic is about a football league having a world championship where each team’s fans are gathered to watch the end of this season’s games culminating in a tournament, to see their favorite football player.
Hector Bellerin is certainly making a name for himself in sports. He is becoming a great full back. He scored the second premier goal in a game against Liverpool.
Hector Bellerin is becoming very popular among fans for his great skills on the football field. He scored an important goal in his team's game against Liverpool. He has gone from being known for his running skills to also being known as a great full back.
[ "Hector Bellerin is fast becoming seen by fans, and possibly even by his manager, as Arsenal's premier right back, after impressing in the absence of Mathieu Debuchy. The young Spaniard scored his second Premier League goal, cutting inside and curling left-footed past Simon Mignolet, in the 4-1 win over Liverpool last weekend, and is developing a reputation as a player capable of becoming a top-level full back. But, it seems, in the dressing room, it is his status as the club's premier sprinter, rather than as a defender, that is most in question, after he beat Theo Walcott's 40 metre club sprint record last summer. Hector Bellerin scored a brilliant goal to put Arsenal ahead against Liverpool last weekend at the Emirates . Bellerin has emerged as a star player after filling in for the injured Mathieu Debuchy at right back this season . 'We were just having a test and then they told me I was the fastest at the club,' Bellerin told The Telegraph. 'I did not beat it by that much. There was a bit of banter and he is trying to beat me now.' Bellerin shaved a hundredth of a second off Walcott's time, prompting the 26-year-old winger to vow to reclaim his title at the end of the season. And since then he has gone on to establish himself as a right-back of some promise, progressing well beyond Arsene Wenger's expectations. 'I am happy that now, after not so good performances in the beginning, the coach has still put confidence in", "me and given me minutes. Bellerin has exceptional pace, as he proved in August when he set a new Arsenal record over 40 metres . Theo Walcott had previously held the record, but Bellerin shaved one hundredth of a second off his time . But Walcott is determined to take his record back from Bellerin this summer and be speed king again . 'The chances always come through injuries, which is not a nice thing. Now we are going to have Debuchy back and I am happy for him, but when you get your chance, you need to do the best you can. I have done my best to take this opportunity.' With Debuchy on the verge of match fitness, Bellerin will soon find out whether he has done enough to grab that opportunity. But after his brilliant goal at the Emirates stadium last weekend, one thing is for certain - he is no longer known just for being quick over 40 metres." ]
[ "Hector Bellerin is fast becoming seen by fans, and possibly even by his manager, as Arsenal's premier right back, after impressing in the absence of Mathieu Debuchy. The young Spaniard scored his second Premier League goal, cutting inside and curling left-footed past Simon Mignolet, in the 4-1 win over Liverpool last weekend, and is developing a reputation as a player capable of becoming a top-level full back. But, it seems, in the dressing room, it is his status as the club's premier sprinter, rather than as a defender, that is most in question, after he beat Theo Walcott's 40 metre club sprint record last summer. Hector Bellerin scored a brilliant goal to put Arsenal ahead against Liverpool last weekend at the Emirates . Bellerin has emerged as a star player after filling in for the injured Mathieu Debuchy at right back this season . 'We were just having a test and then they told me I was the fastest at the club,' Bellerin told The Telegraph. 'I did not beat it by that much. There was a bit of banter and he is trying to beat me now.' Bellerin shaved a hundredth of a second off Walcott's time, prompting the 26-year-old winger to vow to reclaim his title at the end of the season. And since then he has gone on to establish himself as a right-back of some promise, progressing well beyond Arsene Wenger's expectations. 'I am happy that now, after not so good performances in the beginning, the coach has still put confidence in", "me and given me minutes. Bellerin has exceptional pace, as he proved in August when he set a new Arsenal record over 40 metres . Theo Walcott had previously held the record, but Bellerin shaved one hundredth of a second off his time . But Walcott is determined to take his record back from Bellerin this summer and be speed king again . 'The chances always come through injuries, which is not a nice thing. Now we are going to have Debuchy back and I am happy for him, but when you get your chance, you need to do the best you can. I have done my best to take this opportunity.' With Debuchy on the verge of match fitness, Bellerin will soon find out whether he has done enough to grab that opportunity. But after his brilliant goal at the Emirates stadium last weekend, one thing is for certain - he is no longer known just for being quick over 40 metres." ]
Hector Bellerin, an Arsenal player, has impressed fans and possibly his manager with his performance as a right back, scoring his second Premier League goal. He also holds the club's sprint record, beating Theo Walcott's time by a hundredth of a second. Bellerin has established himself as a promising right-back, exceeding Arsene Wenger's expectations.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A five-year-old boy is recovering after a sea lion that washed up on a San Diego beach bit him in the face. The boy was with his family at La Jolla Cove when he tried to pet the sea lion on Sunday. The animal, which was probably starving, 'snapped back its neck and lunged' at the boy. Scroll down for video . A five-year-old California boy suffered a 'minor puncture' when a Sea Lion bit him in the face in San Diego . The boy was with his family at La Jolla Cove (pictured) when he tried to pet the sea lion on Sunday . At least two sea lion attacks have been reported in the last three months, Fox 5 reported. The San Diego Fire and Rescue Department says the boy suffered a 'minor puncture' to his jaw. His family took him to a local hospital for examination. The incident was reported to the National Marine Fisheries Service, the LA Times reported. There have been a record number of sea lions washing up on Southern California beaches in 2015. Nearly 2,000 of the animals have washed up on the state's shores in sick and starving conditions so far this year. Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) sounded the alarm over the surge in famished pups, saying there has been 'an unusually large increase' in sea lion strandings. In January and February, strandings were 20 times the average rate for those two months. Experts believe warming sea temperatures might be responsible for the enormous rise in strandings because the availability of fish and other sea lion food sources has been affected. Beachgoers are advised to stay away from mammals, some of which are emaciated and distressed.
island, beach, sea, gaal, navy, rescue, fish, ocean, water, sand
fire, residents, san, wood, firefighters, burning, burned, blaze, flames, fires,
navy came to rescue in the ocean, swimming in the sea, sandy island, dive team rescued her, ocean water, fish
firefighters tackled the blaze, wood burning, residents evacuating, flames, spit embers downwind, burning buildings,
This topic is about the navy rescuing in the ocean, swimming in the sea, sandy island, dive team rescuing a person, ocean water and fishes in the sea.
This topic is about firefighters tackled the blaze, wood burning, residents evacuating, flames, spit embers downwind, and burning buildings.
A boy was bitten by a sea lion, recovering from a puncture in the face, said the San Diego Fire and Rescue Department. There have been more starving sea lions washing up on California beaches. Scientists believe this is due to rising temperatures in the ocean and a lack of food sources and availability of fish.
The San Diego Fire and Rescue Department reported a sea lion attach at La Jolla Cove when a boy tried to it on Sunday. Almost 2,000 sea lions have washed up on California beaches. Global warming is believed to have affected their food sources and is believed to be the cause of this phenomenon.
[ "A five-year-old boy is recovering after a sea lion that washed up on a San Diego beach bit him in the face. The boy was with his family at La Jolla Cove when he tried to pet the sea lion on Sunday. The animal, which was probably starving, 'snapped back its neck and lunged' at the boy. Scroll down for video . A five-year-old California boy suffered a 'minor puncture' when a Sea Lion bit him in the face in San Diego . The boy was with his family at La Jolla Cove (pictured) when he tried to pet the sea lion on Sunday . At least two sea lion attacks have been reported in the last three months, Fox 5 reported. The San Diego Fire and Rescue Department says the boy suffered a 'minor puncture' to his jaw. His family took him to a local hospital for examination. The incident was reported to the National Marine Fisheries Service, the LA Times reported. There have been a record number of sea lions washing up on Southern California beaches in 2015. Nearly 2,000 of the animals have washed up on the state's shores in sick and starving conditions so far this year. Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) sounded the alarm over the surge in famished pups, saying there has been 'an unusually large increase' in sea lion strandings. In January and February, strandings were 20 times the average rate for those two months. Experts believe warming sea temperatures might be responsible for the", "enormous rise in strandings because the availability of fish and other sea lion food sources has been affected. Beachgoers are advised to stay away from mammals, some of which are emaciated and distressed." ]
[ "A five-year-old boy is recovering after a sea lion that washed up on a San Diego beach bit him in the face. The boy was with his family at La Jolla Cove when he tried to pet the sea lion on Sunday. The animal, which was probably starving, 'snapped back its neck and lunged' at the boy. Scroll down for video . A five-year-old California boy suffered a 'minor puncture' when a Sea Lion bit him in the face in San Diego . The boy was with his family at La Jolla Cove (pictured) when he tried to pet the sea lion on Sunday . At least two sea lion attacks have been reported in the last three months, Fox 5 reported. The San Diego Fire and Rescue Department says the boy suffered a 'minor puncture' to his jaw. His family took him to a local hospital for examination. The incident was reported to the National Marine Fisheries Service, the LA Times reported. There have been a record number of sea lions washing up on Southern California beaches in 2015. Nearly 2,000 of the animals have washed up on the state's shores in sick and starving conditions so far this year. Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) sounded the alarm over the surge in famished pups, saying there has been 'an unusually large increase' in sea lion strandings. In January and February, strandings were 20 times the average rate for those two months. Experts believe warming sea temperatures might be responsible for the", "enormous rise in strandings because the availability of fish and other sea lion food sources has been affected. Beachgoers are advised to stay away from mammals, some of which are emaciated and distressed." ]
No fire or related incidents occurred in this article.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Christian Benteke believes it would be risky to suggest Aston Villa can be safe from relegation with one more victory. The Belgian striker, back to form under manager Tim Sherwood with eight goals in six games, said his side must continue to stretch their lead over the drop zone. Villa are six points clear of Queens Park Rangers in 18th but the gap could close this weekend with Burnley and Leicester in Premier League action and Sherwood's team in the FA Cup semi-final. Christian Benteke rises above Fererico Fazio to head the winning goal for Aston Villa against Tottenham . Benteke points to the skies in celebration after scoring his eighth goal in six matches . Benteke said: 'The more the better, I think it's risky to say we can take three points and we're finished. We have to try to win every game. 'Saturday was a massive three points because now we're six points clear of QPR so it's very important for us to be far off them.' Benteke, 24, said the match against Brendan Rodgers' team at Wembley was the biggest of his career. 'For the moment, yes,' he said. 'It (missing the World Cup) was hard but now it's in the past, I'm looking forward to playing the semi final. Benteke thinks it would be risky to think that one more win will be enough to ensure survival . 'Liverpool are a good team but the thing with the FA Cup is it's still something special. It's 50-50 for me but some will say they are favourites. 'Wembley is something good and special because it's a semi final, it's close to the final and we have to do everything to be there again.' Benteke believes his partnership with Gabby Agbonalhor can destroy defences. He added: 'He (Sherwood) said to the team we have to play to our strengths, to play with me and Gabby. 'He helped me to destroy the defenders, with two we're always better than one. I'm comfortable, it's a good partnership.'
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
match, murray, won, title, round, open, win, final, set, champion,
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
final match, win the title, this year's champion, won the final round
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
This topic is about a final match to determine which team will win the final round, winning the title to become this year’s champion.
Benteke scored a headed goal against Tottenham to win the game on Saturday. The gap between teams are less hence winning each game and gaining point against other teams in relegation is very important.
Aston villa will be playing its semi-final at Wembley, which is the final round game before they reach the final of the FA cup. Aston Villa are two games away from becoming the champions and lifting the FA cup this year. For Aston Villa, each match is like a final match, because each point is very vital in their survival in the Premier league as highlighted by Benteke.
[ "Christian Benteke believes it would be risky to suggest Aston Villa can be safe from relegation with one more victory. The Belgian striker, back to form under manager Tim Sherwood with eight goals in six games, said his side must continue to stretch their lead over the drop zone. Villa are six points clear of Queens Park Rangers in 18th but the gap could close this weekend with Burnley and Leicester in Premier League action and Sherwood's team in the FA Cup semi-final. Christian Benteke rises above Fererico Fazio to head the winning goal for Aston Villa against Tottenham . Benteke points to the skies in celebration after scoring his eighth goal in six matches . Benteke said: 'The more the better, I think it's risky to say we can take three points and we're finished. We have to try to win every game. 'Saturday was a massive three points because now we're six points clear of QPR so it's very important for us to be far off them.' Benteke, 24, said the match against Brendan Rodgers' team at Wembley was the biggest of his career. 'For the moment, yes,' he said. 'It (missing the World Cup) was hard but now it's in the past, I'm looking forward to playing the semi final. Benteke thinks it would be risky to think that one more win will be enough to ensure survival . 'Liverpool are a good team but the thing with the FA Cup is it's still something special. It's 50-50 for me but some will", "say they are favourites. 'Wembley is something good and special because it's a semi final, it's close to the final and we have to do everything to be there again.' Benteke believes his partnership with Gabby Agbonalhor can destroy defences. He added: 'He (Sherwood) said to the team we have to play to our strengths, to play with me and Gabby. 'He helped me to destroy the defenders, with two we're always better than one. I'm comfortable, it's a good partnership.'" ]
[ "Christian Benteke believes it would be risky to suggest Aston Villa can be safe from relegation with one more victory. The Belgian striker, back to form under manager Tim Sherwood with eight goals in six games, said his side must continue to stretch their lead over the drop zone. Villa are six points clear of Queens Park Rangers in 18th but the gap could close this weekend with Burnley and Leicester in Premier League action and Sherwood's team in the FA Cup semi-final. Christian Benteke rises above Fererico Fazio to head the winning goal for Aston Villa against Tottenham . Benteke points to the skies in celebration after scoring his eighth goal in six matches . Benteke said: 'The more the better, I think it's risky to say we can take three points and we're finished. We have to try to win every game. 'Saturday was a massive three points because now we're six points clear of QPR so it's very important for us to be far off them.' Benteke, 24, said the match against Brendan Rodgers' team at Wembley was the biggest of his career. 'For the moment, yes,' he said. 'It (missing the World Cup) was hard but now it's in the past, I'm looking forward to playing the semi final. Benteke thinks it would be risky to think that one more win will be enough to ensure survival . 'Liverpool are a good team but the thing with the FA Cup is it's still something special. It's 50-50 for me but some will", "say they are favourites. 'Wembley is something good and special because it's a semi final, it's close to the final and we have to do everything to be there again.' Benteke believes his partnership with Gabby Agbonalhor can destroy defences. He added: 'He (Sherwood) said to the team we have to play to our strengths, to play with me and Gabby. 'He helped me to destroy the defenders, with two we're always better than one. I'm comfortable, it's a good partnership.'" ]
Andy Murray has not been mentioned in this article.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A man has gone to extreme lengths to avoid a $600-a-month hike in child support. Matthew Bird, from Ashburton, New Zealand, halved his income by quitting his well-paid job as an agricultural adviser to become a mechanic after he realised he would be expected to pay around $1,900 a month in child support payments. He said he was happy to give up is $70,000 a year pay check for a meagre wage of $38,000 a year, if it meant his child support payment dropped to $554 a month. Matthew Bird said he was happy to give up is $70,000 a year pay check for a meagre wage of $38,000 a year, if it meant his child support payment dropped to $554 a month . Inland Revenue recently amended their child support formula which was enforced on April 1. Mr Bird has fathered three children and was previously expected to pay $1,300 a month in child support. He said once the changes were implemented his payment rose by $600, to a total of $1,900 a month. 'I'm on half wage but I pay a third of what I used to,' Mr Bird told NZ media. He said the increased figure is 'unreasonable' and he believes illegal employment will flourish under the new system. Truck driver Dean Sorenson, 28, said he's also facing financial difficulty after his child support payments increased by $172-a-month. He said while he had considered changing jobs to reduce his payment, he thought his family would end up worse off if he did. New Zealand MP Jo Goodhew said those who were struggling with the new formula could come into her office to discuss how changing jobs could affect their future payment. Ms Goodhew has invited parents to her office to discuss how the new calculations are affecting their wage . As child support payments are calculated on information provided to Inland Revenue by parents, they have advised that parents check the information they gave is still up to date to ensure their payment has been calculated correctly. A spokeswoman for Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean said her office had received three inquiries about the changes to child support payments. Ms Goodhew's Timaru office confirmed they had dealt with five cases in 2015, however, none were in relation to the changes that took effect on April 1.
money, pay, paid, card, credit, paying, cards, spent, fund, amount,
children, child, parents, birth, born, kids, families, mother, family, care,
paid money using a credit card, spent money, amount of credit, received funds
children and parents, families with children, having kids, giving birth, she became a mother, baby was born
This topic is about credit, receiving funds, paying money using a credit card, and spending money.
This topic is about having kids, becoming a mother, giving birth, children and their parents, and families with children when a baby is born.
Some parents are willing to earn less if it means paying less child support. This legal increase in payment has been difficult for some of the parents who are now expected to pay more. It is recommended that parents check to ensure that they are paying only as much as their income warrants.
Some men react differently to the increased level of child support. One man has taken a lower-paying job so that he has to pay less in child support. Another man said that, although he was tempted to do the same, he was worried that his family would suffer if he did.
[ "A man has gone to extreme lengths to avoid a $600-a-month hike in child support. Matthew Bird, from Ashburton, New Zealand, halved his income by quitting his well-paid job as an agricultural adviser to become a mechanic after he realised he would be expected to pay around $1,900 a month in child support payments. He said he was happy to give up is $70,000 a year pay check for a meagre wage of $38,000 a year, if it meant his child support payment dropped to $554 a month. Matthew Bird said he was happy to give up is $70,000 a year pay check for a meagre wage of $38,000 a year, if it meant his child support payment dropped to $554 a month . Inland Revenue recently amended their child support formula which was enforced on April 1. Mr Bird has fathered three children and was previously expected to pay $1,300 a month in child support. He said once the changes were implemented his payment rose by $600, to a total of $1,900 a month. 'I'm on half wage but I pay a third of what I used to,' Mr Bird told NZ media. He said the increased figure is 'unreasonable' and he believes illegal employment will flourish under the new system. Truck driver Dean Sorenson, 28, said he's also facing financial difficulty after his child support payments increased by $172-a-month. He said while he had considered changing jobs to reduce his payment, he thought his family would end up worse off if he did. New", "Zealand MP Jo Goodhew said those who were struggling with the new formula could come into her office to discuss how changing jobs could affect their future payment. Ms Goodhew has invited parents to her office to discuss how the new calculations are affecting their wage . As child support payments are calculated on information provided to Inland Revenue by parents, they have advised that parents check the information they gave is still up to date to ensure their payment has been calculated correctly. A spokeswoman for Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean said her office had received three inquiries about the changes to child support payments. Ms Goodhew's Timaru office confirmed they had dealt with five cases in 2015, however, none were in relation to the changes that took effect on April 1." ]
[ "A man has gone to extreme lengths to avoid a $600-a-month hike in child support. Matthew Bird, from Ashburton, New Zealand, halved his income by quitting his well-paid job as an agricultural adviser to become a mechanic after he realised he would be expected to pay around $1,900 a month in child support payments. He said he was happy to give up is $70,000 a year pay check for a meagre wage of $38,000 a year, if it meant his child support payment dropped to $554 a month. Matthew Bird said he was happy to give up is $70,000 a year pay check for a meagre wage of $38,000 a year, if it meant his child support payment dropped to $554 a month . Inland Revenue recently amended their child support formula which was enforced on April 1. Mr Bird has fathered three children and was previously expected to pay $1,300 a month in child support. He said once the changes were implemented his payment rose by $600, to a total of $1,900 a month. 'I'm on half wage but I pay a third of what I used to,' Mr Bird told NZ media. He said the increased figure is 'unreasonable' and he believes illegal employment will flourish under the new system. Truck driver Dean Sorenson, 28, said he's also facing financial difficulty after his child support payments increased by $172-a-month. He said while he had considered changing jobs to reduce his payment, he thought his family would end up worse off if he did. New", "Zealand MP Jo Goodhew said those who were struggling with the new formula could come into her office to discuss how changing jobs could affect their future payment. Ms Goodhew has invited parents to her office to discuss how the new calculations are affecting their wage . As child support payments are calculated on information provided to Inland Revenue by parents, they have advised that parents check the information they gave is still up to date to ensure their payment has been calculated correctly. A spokeswoman for Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean said her office had received three inquiries about the changes to child support payments. Ms Goodhew's Timaru office confirmed they had dealt with five cases in 2015, however, none were in relation to the changes that took effect on April 1." ]
A New Zealand man, Matthew Bird, deliberately reduced his income by taking a lower-paying job to avoid paying higher child support payments. The new child support formula, effective since April 1, increased his monthly payment from $1,300 to $1,900. Bird now earns $38,000 per year instead of $70,000, reducing his child support payment to $554 per month. Other parents, like truck driver Dean Sorenson, are also facing financial difficulties due to the increased payments. Local MPs are offering assistance to affected parents.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Michael Schumacher's 15-year-old son has crashed while test driving a Formula 4 car at 100mph in east Germany. Mick Schumacher was racing through the Lausitzring speedway in Brandenburg, eastern Germany, when he skidded out of control and onto the gravel, it was reported. The young protege began karting seven years ago, and this year reached the German Formula 4 - a racing category used as a stepping stone by junior drivers. Mick Schumacher (pictured), 15, crashed while testing a Formula 4 car on a race track in east Germany . Mick finished second in the world, European and German kart championships last season (pictured) but this year has begun practicing for his first year in the Formula 4 . However, German newspaper Die Welt reported that the crash was minor and Mick walked away from the accident uninjured. His father, who remains recovering from a December 2013 ski accident at his home in Switzerland, has won a record seven Formula 1 world titles and 91 races. Mick signed a contract with Van Amersfoort Racing to drive in the Formula 4, a series for young talents, earlier this month. At the time, the Dutch team's owner Frits van Amersfoort said: 'We have watched his skills in test driving and are looking forward to a successful season.' Mick finished second in the world, European and German kart championships last season. His father emerged from his induced coma in June last year, and left hospital in September. He has since started to recognise family members, according to someone claiming to be a family friend. Philippe Streiff, a former Formula 1 driver, told French media Schumacher 'has yet to recover the power of speech' but is 'nevertheless starting to recognise those close to him'. However, Schumacher's manager has disputed the comments, saying the 46-year-old faces a 'long fight' for recovery and that Streiff is not a family friend. 'We need a long time,' Sabine Kehm said. 'He is making progress appropriate to the severity of the situation. Record breaking Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher (pictured in 2000) remains recovering from a 2013 ski accident that left him with serious head injuries .
crown, grand, race, hamilton, team, track, formula, collision, ferrari, adelaide,
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
formula 1 race, ferrari team, collision during the race, hamilton's team, grand prix, race track
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
This topic is about Formula 1 racing, the Grand Prix on the race track, Hamilton’s team and the Ferrari team, and collisions during a race.
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
A young Formula 4 racecar driver in Brandenburg, east Germany had a car accident. According to German newspaper Die Welt, the crash was minor, and he was uninjured. His father has won a record seven Formula 1 world titles, and 91 races.
Mick Schumacher's father has awoken from his coma. Michael Schumacher still cannot speak, but is beginning to recognize family members. It is hoped that he continues to improve.
[ "Michael Schumacher's 15-year-old son has crashed while test driving a Formula 4 car at 100mph in east Germany. Mick Schumacher was racing through the Lausitzring speedway in Brandenburg, eastern Germany, when he skidded out of control and onto the gravel, it was reported. The young protege began karting seven years ago, and this year reached the German Formula 4 - a racing category used as a stepping stone by junior drivers. Mick Schumacher (pictured), 15, crashed while testing a Formula 4 car on a race track in east Germany . Mick finished second in the world, European and German kart championships last season (pictured) but this year has begun practicing for his first year in the Formula 4 . However, German newspaper Die Welt reported that the crash was minor and Mick walked away from the accident uninjured. His father, who remains recovering from a December 2013 ski accident at his home in Switzerland, has won a record seven Formula 1 world titles and 91 races. Mick signed a contract with Van Amersfoort Racing to drive in the Formula 4, a series for young talents, earlier this month. At the time, the Dutch team's owner Frits van Amersfoort said: 'We have watched his skills in test driving and are looking forward to a successful season.' Mick finished second in the world, European and German kart championships last season. His father emerged from his induced coma in June last year, and left hospital in September. He has since started to recognise family members, according to someone claiming", "to be a family friend. Philippe Streiff, a former Formula 1 driver, told French media Schumacher 'has yet to recover the power of speech' but is 'nevertheless starting to recognise those close to him'. However, Schumacher's manager has disputed the comments, saying the 46-year-old faces a 'long fight' for recovery and that Streiff is not a family friend. 'We need a long time,' Sabine Kehm said. 'He is making progress appropriate to the severity of the situation. Record breaking Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher (pictured in 2000) remains recovering from a 2013 ski accident that left him with serious head injuries ." ]
[ "Michael Schumacher's 15-year-old son has crashed while test driving a Formula 4 car at 100mph in east Germany. Mick Schumacher was racing through the Lausitzring speedway in Brandenburg, eastern Germany, when he skidded out of control and onto the gravel, it was reported. The young protege began karting seven years ago, and this year reached the German Formula 4 - a racing category used as a stepping stone by junior drivers. Mick Schumacher (pictured), 15, crashed while testing a Formula 4 car on a race track in east Germany . Mick finished second in the world, European and German kart championships last season (pictured) but this year has begun practicing for his first year in the Formula 4 . However, German newspaper Die Welt reported that the crash was minor and Mick walked away from the accident uninjured. His father, who remains recovering from a December 2013 ski accident at his home in Switzerland, has won a record seven Formula 1 world titles and 91 races. Mick signed a contract with Van Amersfoort Racing to drive in the Formula 4, a series for young talents, earlier this month. At the time, the Dutch team's owner Frits van Amersfoort said: 'We have watched his skills in test driving and are looking forward to a successful season.' Mick finished second in the world, European and German kart championships last season. His father emerged from his induced coma in June last year, and left hospital in September. He has since started to recognise family members, according to someone claiming", "to be a family friend. Philippe Streiff, a former Formula 1 driver, told French media Schumacher 'has yet to recover the power of speech' but is 'nevertheless starting to recognise those close to him'. However, Schumacher's manager has disputed the comments, saying the 46-year-old faces a 'long fight' for recovery and that Streiff is not a family friend. 'We need a long time,' Sabine Kehm said. 'He is making progress appropriate to the severity of the situation. Record breaking Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher (pictured in 2000) remains recovering from a 2013 ski accident that left him with serious head injuries ." ]
Mick Schumacher, the 15-year-old son of Michael Schumacher, crashed a Formula 4 car during a test drive in Germany but walked away uninjured. Mick's father, a legendary Formula 1 driver, remains recovering from a 2013 ski accident that left him with serious head injuries.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Cairo (CNN)At least 12 people were killed Sunday, and more injured, in separate attacks on a police station, a checkpoint and along a highway in Egypt's northern Sinai, authorities said. Six people, including one civilian, were killed when a car bomb exploded near the police station in Al-Arish, capital of North Sinai, Health Ministry spokesman Hossam Abdel-Ghafar told Ahram Online. He said 40 people were injured. Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, an ISIS affiliate, claimed responsibility for the attack, which came hours after another operation that the group also claimed. In that earlier attack, a first lieutenant, a sergeant and four conscripts were killed when their armored vehicle was attacked on the highway from Al-Arish to Sheikh Zuweid in northern Sinai, the military said. Two other soldiers were injured and taken to a military hospital. Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis has claimed many attacks against the army and police in Sinai. A third attack Sunday on a checkpoint in Rafah left three security personnel injured, after unknown assailants opened fire at them, according to state media. The attacks come as the military announced a reshuffle of several senior military positions, state media reported. Among those being replaced are the generals in charge of military intelligence and Egypt's second field army, which is spearheading the battle against the insurgents in the northern Sinai. Egypt's army has been fighting a decade-long militant Islamist insurgency, which has spiked since the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsy in the summer of 2013. Hundreds of police and soldiers, as well as civilians, have been killed in militant attacks in the past months. Ian Lee reported from Cairo. Anas Hamdan reported from Atlanta.
attack, attacks, killed, attacked, bomb, people, explosion, bombing, injured, blast,
group, forces, fighters, killed, fighting, militants, syrian, border, town, city,
bomb explosion attack, killed in a bombing attack, injured in the blast, the explosion was caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, car bomb killed and wounded people
group composed of militants, fighters joining forces, ongoing violence in the capital, people dead across the country, militants armed with grenades, border town
This topic is about a bomb explosion attack, people killed in a bombing attack, or injured in the blast, an explosion caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, a car bombing killing and wounding people.
This topic is about a group composed of militants, fighters joining forces, ongoing violence in the capital, people dead across the country, militants armed with grenades, and a border town.
Twelve people in total were killed at a police station, a checkpoint, and along a highway in Egypt. Six people were killed in a car bomb near the police station and forty were injured. Six other people were killed when their armored car was attacked and two were injured. Three security personnel were also injured after being shot at.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on the armored car and the car bomb. Ansar Beit-Maqdis has also claimed responsibility for many attacks. This came after the announcement that several generals are being replaced; the army is still fighting insurgents. Since Mohammad Morsy was outed, hundreds of police, soldiers, and civilians have been killed.
[ "Cairo (CNN)At least 12 people were killed Sunday, and more injured, in separate attacks on a police station, a checkpoint and along a highway in Egypt's northern Sinai, authorities said. Six people, including one civilian, were killed when a car bomb exploded near the police station in Al-Arish, capital of North Sinai, Health Ministry spokesman Hossam Abdel-Ghafar told Ahram Online. He said 40 people were injured. Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, an ISIS affiliate, claimed responsibility for the attack, which came hours after another operation that the group also claimed. In that earlier attack, a first lieutenant, a sergeant and four conscripts were killed when their armored vehicle was attacked on the highway from Al-Arish to Sheikh Zuweid in northern Sinai, the military said. Two other soldiers were injured and taken to a military hospital. Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis has claimed many attacks against the army and police in Sinai. A third attack Sunday on a checkpoint in Rafah left three security personnel injured, after unknown assailants opened fire at them, according to state media. The attacks come as the military announced a reshuffle of several senior military positions, state media reported. Among those being replaced are the generals in charge of military intelligence and Egypt's second field army, which is spearheading the battle against the insurgents in the northern Sinai. Egypt's army has been fighting a decade-long militant Islamist insurgency, which has spiked since the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsy in the summer of 2013. Hundreds of police and soldiers, as well as civilians, have been", "killed in militant attacks in the past months. Ian Lee reported from Cairo. Anas Hamdan reported from Atlanta." ]
[ "Cairo (CNN)At least 12 people were killed Sunday, and more injured, in separate attacks on a police station, a checkpoint and along a highway in Egypt's northern Sinai, authorities said. Six people, including one civilian, were killed when a car bomb exploded near the police station in Al-Arish, capital of North Sinai, Health Ministry spokesman Hossam Abdel-Ghafar told Ahram Online. He said 40 people were injured. Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, an ISIS affiliate, claimed responsibility for the attack, which came hours after another operation that the group also claimed. In that earlier attack, a first lieutenant, a sergeant and four conscripts were killed when their armored vehicle was attacked on the highway from Al-Arish to Sheikh Zuweid in northern Sinai, the military said. Two other soldiers were injured and taken to a military hospital. Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis has claimed many attacks against the army and police in Sinai. A third attack Sunday on a checkpoint in Rafah left three security personnel injured, after unknown assailants opened fire at them, according to state media. The attacks come as the military announced a reshuffle of several senior military positions, state media reported. Among those being replaced are the generals in charge of military intelligence and Egypt's second field army, which is spearheading the battle against the insurgents in the northern Sinai. Egypt's army has been fighting a decade-long militant Islamist insurgency, which has spiked since the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsy in the summer of 2013. Hundreds of police and soldiers, as well as civilians, have been", "killed in militant attacks in the past months. Ian Lee reported from Cairo. Anas Hamdan reported from Atlanta." ]
At least 12 people were killed and many injured in multiple attacks by Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, an ISIS affiliate, targeting a police station, checkpoint, and armored vehicle in Egypt's northern Sinai region.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Consumers could soon have to pay goods and services tax (GST) on their movie and music downloads in a government moves to reel in extra billions of dollars in revenue. Treasurer Joe Hockey said the states had agreed to work toward applying the 10 per cent GST to movies and music downloaded from streaming services such as Netflix and Apple. The changes may also affect consumers buying any products for less than $1,000 online from overseas, thus affecting companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and eBay. But consumer advocacy group Choice says tech-savvy Australian consumers might be able to avoid the tax by concealing their location through virtual private networks, which make them appear to be outside the country. Scroll down for video . Australian movie and music downloaders could soon be slapped with a 10 per cent tax in a move that could reel in billions of additional GST revenue for the federal government . Choice argues that the government should instead be tackling the exorbitant domestic costs of TV shows, music and movies, and difficulties accessing them. Netflix subscription: 90c increase to $9.90 . Standard iTunes song: 22c increase to $2.41 . Google Play movie: 60c increase to $6.60 . Standard Amazon song: 13c increase to $1.42 . Adobe Creative Cloud subscription: 99c increase to $10.99 . 'We need to make it easier ... in order to encourage greater competition,' Choice chief executive Alan Kirkland told ABC radio on Friday. Netflix has indicated that it would increase the cost of its service in line with any new laws and regulations. 'We pay taxes as required under local and national law,' a spokesperson from Netflix US head office said. With an $8.99 per month fee for its service, Netflix customers would only have to pay at least an extra 90c while song downloaders would pay an additional 22c for $2.19 track on iTunes. Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey announced that each states and territories' treasurer had agreed to the tax, which he declared was an 'integrity measures for the tax base, not the broadening of the GST or an increase of the GST' With an $8.99 per month fee for its service, Netflix customers would only have to pay an extra approximate 90c while song downloaders would pay an additional 22c for $2.19 track on iTunes . Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey announced that each states and territories' treasurer had agreed to the tax, which he declared was an 'integrity measures for the tax base, not the broadening of the GST or an increase of the GST'. 'The states agreed in principle that we should move in that regard. I have offered to work as quickly as possible with them to introduce legislation to address that in relation to intangibles,' Mr Hockey said, according to the Financial Review. It comes after News Corp Australia chief executive Julian Clarke slammed the foreign companies' ability to avoid paying tax, consequently leading to an unlevelled playing field in the advertising market. Mr Clarke implored the government to 'fix that problem' during a Senate Standing Committees on Economics in which he argued against the disadvantage of competing against overseas companies with a lower operating cost. Tech-savvy consumers might be able to avoid the tax by concealing their location through virtual private networks .
tax, average, benefits, people, rate, increase, rise, budget, cuts, rates,
price, cost, products, market, prices, sales, product, costs, companies, expensive,
rise of taxes, increased benefits, expenses, budget increase, average people's budget, decreased rates, taxes benefit average people
market prices and market sales, companies reducing costs, price tags dramatically undercut the major supermarkets, increased sales in the current market, determining a price point for this product, product sales
This topic is about a rise of taxes benefitting average people, with increased benefits despite their expenses due to a budget increase and decreased consumer goods rates.
This topic is about market prices and market sales, companies reducing costs, price tags dramatically undercut the major supermarkets, increased sales in the current market, determining a price point for a product, and product sales.
People in Australia may soon find themselves having to pay additional taxes to download music and videos. There is some discussion that perhaps these services could be made cheaper instead to make them more affordable. Songs and videos should also be made easier to access. It may be easier to buy such products from virtual private sites.
The market prices of videos and movies are very high. Some companies are planning on increasing their prices further to increase the level of competition.
[ "Consumers could soon have to pay goods and services tax (GST) on their movie and music downloads in a government moves to reel in extra billions of dollars in revenue. Treasurer Joe Hockey said the states had agreed to work toward applying the 10 per cent GST to movies and music downloaded from streaming services such as Netflix and Apple. The changes may also affect consumers buying any products for less than $1,000 online from overseas, thus affecting companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and eBay. But consumer advocacy group Choice says tech-savvy Australian consumers might be able to avoid the tax by concealing their location through virtual private networks, which make them appear to be outside the country. Scroll down for video . Australian movie and music downloaders could soon be slapped with a 10 per cent tax in a move that could reel in billions of additional GST revenue for the federal government . Choice argues that the government should instead be tackling the exorbitant domestic costs of TV shows, music and movies, and difficulties accessing them. Netflix subscription: 90c increase to $9.90 . Standard iTunes song: 22c increase to $2.41 . Google Play movie: 60c increase to $6.60 . Standard Amazon song: 13c increase to $1.42 . Adobe Creative Cloud subscription: 99c increase to $10.99 . 'We need to make it easier ... in order to encourage greater competition,' Choice chief executive Alan Kirkland told ABC radio on Friday. Netflix has indicated that it would increase the cost of its service in line", "with any new laws and regulations. 'We pay taxes as required under local and national law,' a spokesperson from Netflix US head office said. With an $8.99 per month fee for its service, Netflix customers would only have to pay at least an extra 90c while song downloaders would pay an additional 22c for $2.19 track on iTunes. Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey announced that each states and territories' treasurer had agreed to the tax, which he declared was an 'integrity measures for the tax base, not the broadening of the GST or an increase of the GST' With an $8.99 per month fee for its service, Netflix customers would only have to pay an extra approximate 90c while song downloaders would pay an additional 22c for $2.19 track on iTunes . Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey announced that each states and territories' treasurer had agreed to the tax, which he declared was an 'integrity measures for the tax base, not the broadening of the GST or an increase of the GST'. 'The states agreed in principle that we should move in that regard. I have offered to work as quickly as possible with them to introduce legislation to address that in relation to intangibles,' Mr Hockey said, according to the Financial Review. It comes after News Corp Australia chief executive Julian Clarke slammed the foreign companies' ability to avoid paying tax, consequently leading to an unlevelled playing field in the advertising market. Mr Clarke implored the government to 'fix that problem' during a Senate Standing Committees on", "Economics in which he argued against the disadvantage of competing against overseas companies with a lower operating cost. Tech-savvy consumers might be able to avoid the tax by concealing their location through virtual private networks ." ]
[ "Consumers could soon have to pay goods and services tax (GST) on their movie and music downloads in a government moves to reel in extra billions of dollars in revenue. Treasurer Joe Hockey said the states had agreed to work toward applying the 10 per cent GST to movies and music downloaded from streaming services such as Netflix and Apple. The changes may also affect consumers buying any products for less than $1,000 online from overseas, thus affecting companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and eBay. But consumer advocacy group Choice says tech-savvy Australian consumers might be able to avoid the tax by concealing their location through virtual private networks, which make them appear to be outside the country. Scroll down for video . Australian movie and music downloaders could soon be slapped with a 10 per cent tax in a move that could reel in billions of additional GST revenue for the federal government . Choice argues that the government should instead be tackling the exorbitant domestic costs of TV shows, music and movies, and difficulties accessing them. Netflix subscription: 90c increase to $9.90 . Standard iTunes song: 22c increase to $2.41 . Google Play movie: 60c increase to $6.60 . Standard Amazon song: 13c increase to $1.42 . Adobe Creative Cloud subscription: 99c increase to $10.99 . 'We need to make it easier ... in order to encourage greater competition,' Choice chief executive Alan Kirkland told ABC radio on Friday. Netflix has indicated that it would increase the cost of its service in line", "with any new laws and regulations. 'We pay taxes as required under local and national law,' a spokesperson from Netflix US head office said. With an $8.99 per month fee for its service, Netflix customers would only have to pay at least an extra 90c while song downloaders would pay an additional 22c for $2.19 track on iTunes. Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey announced that each states and territories' treasurer had agreed to the tax, which he declared was an 'integrity measures for the tax base, not the broadening of the GST or an increase of the GST' With an $8.99 per month fee for its service, Netflix customers would only have to pay an extra approximate 90c while song downloaders would pay an additional 22c for $2.19 track on iTunes . Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey announced that each states and territories' treasurer had agreed to the tax, which he declared was an 'integrity measures for the tax base, not the broadening of the GST or an increase of the GST'. 'The states agreed in principle that we should move in that regard. I have offered to work as quickly as possible with them to introduce legislation to address that in relation to intangibles,' Mr Hockey said, according to the Financial Review. It comes after News Corp Australia chief executive Julian Clarke slammed the foreign companies' ability to avoid paying tax, consequently leading to an unlevelled playing field in the advertising market. Mr Clarke implored the government to 'fix that problem' during a Senate Standing Committees on", "Economics in which he argued against the disadvantage of competing against overseas companies with a lower operating cost. Tech-savvy consumers might be able to avoid the tax by concealing their location through virtual private networks ." ]
The Australian government plans to apply a 10% Goods and Services Tax (GST) to digital products like movie and music downloads from streaming services like Netflix and Apple. This could generate billions of dollars in revenue. The tax would add around 90c to a Netflix subscription, 22c to an iTunes song, and 60c to a Google Play movie. Consumer advocates argue that the focus should be on reducing high domestic costs of TV shows, music, and movies, rather than adding more taxes. Some consumers may be able to avoid the tax by using virtual private networks to conceal their location.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
(CNN)A woman who claims she was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing has been charged with stealing money from funds set up for the victims. Joanna Leigh claims the indictment is retribution for her vocal criticism of the way One Fund Boston disbursed the funds. Authorities say Leigh, 41, collected almost $40,000 from One Fund and other sources after claiming to have suffered a brain injury during the attack. They say she received $8,000 payment from One Fund Boston, which was set up to compensate bombing victims. She's also accused of receiving $1,700 from a school fundraiser, collecting more than $9,000 in contributions from an online fundraiser and getting more than $18,000 in benefits from the Massachusetts Victims for Violent Crime compensation fund. The indictment says she also accepted free medical treatment. No one is contesting that Leigh was at the marathon on April 15, 2013, the day of the attack. But Boston Police and Suffolk County investigators say she wasn't hurt. She apparently did not claim any injury or seek any medical treatment until about two weeks later. "When she did begin to make those claims, she billed herself as a 'hero' who ran toward the second blast," authorities said. Leigh says the indictment is payback for her criticism of One Fund. She and others have claimed they weren't properly compensated by the fund because of the way it calculated payments. If someone's injury didn't require an overnight hospital stay, he or she received $8,000. Those who were hospitalized got $125,000 or more. "I don't think this is about me; I think this is because I spoke out about The One Fund," she told the Boston Globe on Thursday. "I think this is about killing the messenger." Leigh will be arraigned Monday. She intends to plead not guilty. The indictment comes as Dzhokar Tsarnaev stands trial for the bombing that killed three and left more than 260 people maimed or injured. CNN's Sam Stringer contributed to this report .
attack, attacks, killed, attacked, bomb, people, explosion, bombing, injured, blast,
money, pay, paid, card, credit, paying, cards, spent, fund, amount,
bomb explosion attack, killed in a bombing attack, injured in the blast, the explosion was caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, car bomb killed and wounded people
paid money using a credit card, spent money, amount of credit, received funds
This topic is about a bomb explosion attack, people killed in a bombing attack, or injured in the blast, an explosion caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, a car bombing killing and wounding people.
This topic is about credit, receiving funds, paying money using a credit card, and spending money.
The Boston Marathon bombing resulted in three deaths and 260 wounded. There were apparently at least two explosions during this attack. Joanna Leigh claims that she suffered a brain injury from the attack.
It has been claimed that Joanna Leigh received funds under false pretenses as she may not have been injured enough to receive so much money. She not only took compensation from the funds for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, but she also took money for charity. Apparently, those who were only moderately injured in the attack received eight thousand dollars in compensation, while the more severe cases got 125,000 dollars or more.
[ "(CNN)A woman who claims she was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing has been charged with stealing money from funds set up for the victims. Joanna Leigh claims the indictment is retribution for her vocal criticism of the way One Fund Boston disbursed the funds. Authorities say Leigh, 41, collected almost $40,000 from One Fund and other sources after claiming to have suffered a brain injury during the attack. They say she received $8,000 payment from One Fund Boston, which was set up to compensate bombing victims. She's also accused of receiving $1,700 from a school fundraiser, collecting more than $9,000 in contributions from an online fundraiser and getting more than $18,000 in benefits from the Massachusetts Victims for Violent Crime compensation fund. The indictment says she also accepted free medical treatment. No one is contesting that Leigh was at the marathon on April 15, 2013, the day of the attack. But Boston Police and Suffolk County investigators say she wasn't hurt. She apparently did not claim any injury or seek any medical treatment until about two weeks later. \"When she did begin to make those claims, she billed herself as a 'hero' who ran toward the second blast,\" authorities said. Leigh says the indictment is payback for her criticism of One Fund. She and others have claimed they weren't properly compensated by the fund because of the way it calculated payments. If someone's injury didn't require an overnight hospital stay, he or she received $8,000. Those who were hospitalized got $125,000 or more. \"I don't", "think this is about me; I think this is because I spoke out about The One Fund,\" she told the Boston Globe on Thursday. \"I think this is about killing the messenger.\" Leigh will be arraigned Monday. She intends to plead not guilty. The indictment comes as Dzhokar Tsarnaev stands trial for the bombing that killed three and left more than 260 people maimed or injured. CNN's Sam Stringer contributed to this report ." ]
[ "(CNN)A woman who claims she was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing has been charged with stealing money from funds set up for the victims. Joanna Leigh claims the indictment is retribution for her vocal criticism of the way One Fund Boston disbursed the funds. Authorities say Leigh, 41, collected almost $40,000 from One Fund and other sources after claiming to have suffered a brain injury during the attack. They say she received $8,000 payment from One Fund Boston, which was set up to compensate bombing victims. She's also accused of receiving $1,700 from a school fundraiser, collecting more than $9,000 in contributions from an online fundraiser and getting more than $18,000 in benefits from the Massachusetts Victims for Violent Crime compensation fund. The indictment says she also accepted free medical treatment. No one is contesting that Leigh was at the marathon on April 15, 2013, the day of the attack. But Boston Police and Suffolk County investigators say she wasn't hurt. She apparently did not claim any injury or seek any medical treatment until about two weeks later. \"When she did begin to make those claims, she billed herself as a 'hero' who ran toward the second blast,\" authorities said. Leigh says the indictment is payback for her criticism of One Fund. She and others have claimed they weren't properly compensated by the fund because of the way it calculated payments. If someone's injury didn't require an overnight hospital stay, he or she received $8,000. Those who were hospitalized got $125,000 or more. \"I don't", "think this is about me; I think this is because I spoke out about The One Fund,\" she told the Boston Globe on Thursday. \"I think this is about killing the messenger.\" Leigh will be arraigned Monday. She intends to plead not guilty. The indictment comes as Dzhokar Tsarnaev stands trial for the bombing that killed three and left more than 260 people maimed or injured. CNN's Sam Stringer contributed to this report ." ]
A woman named Joanna Leigh, who claimed to be injured in the Boston Marathon bombing, has been charged with stealing around $40,000 from various funds meant for the victims. She allegedly received payments from multiple sources, including One Fund Boston, a school fundraiser, and a state compensation fund, despite authorities saying she wasn't actually hurt. Leigh claims the indictment is retaliation for her criticism of how One Fund Boston distributed its funds.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
NBA star Richard Jefferson helped the FBI find $2million dollars after he claimed that his manager stole it from him. The Dallas Mavericks player accused Ted Kritza, his former business manager, of taking the $2million from his bank credit line without his permission. Jefferson reportedly helped in an FBI investigation by recording a phone call he had with Kritza in which he confessed to taking the money. Dallas Mavericks player Richard Jefferson helped the FBI in an investigation over $2million dollars that was taken from his bank credit link without out his permission . Jefferson, 34, had reported the crime before the investigation began, according to documents obtained by TMZ sports. During a recorded phone call with the basketball player, Kritza 'confesses to wrongdoing', according to the documents. Jefferson believed his former business manager Ted Kritza took the money. In a recorded phone call Kritza confessed to Jefferson . The recording is now in the hands of the FBI. A bank has apparently sued Jefferson for part of the $2million, according to TMZ. Jefferson, however, wants the court to put a hold on the case until the federal investigation into Kritza is finished. Jefferson started his NBA career in 2001 with the New Jersey Nets, where he stayed until 2008. The NBA forward then moved through the Milwaukee Bucks, San Antonio Spurs, Golden State Warriors and Utah Jazz before landing at the Mavericks last year. This comes days after a most recent filing from former L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling's lawyers claimed that his wife Rochelle and two doctors worked 'secretly' with NBA commissioner to strip him of his team. 'The NBA and Silver isolated Rochelle from her husband and scared her into undertaking certain conduct hereinafter alleged, including the signing of papers... that she did not understand,' the complaint reads. 'All of this conduct constituted elder abuse.' Silver, who is also named as a defendant in the suit, banned Sterling from the NBA for life last year and hit him with a $2.5million fine after tapes were released of Sterling speaking racist slurs.
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
club, team, season, players, england, football, player, league, fans, game,
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
football league, the team's fans, football player, this season's games, world championship, tournament
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
This topic is about a football league having a world championship where each team’s fans are gathered to watch the end of this season’s games culminating in a tournament, to see their favorite football player.
It is alleged that Ted Kritza stole two million dollars from Richard Jefferson. Jefferson helped the FBI with their investigation and supposedly helped secure a confession. In the meantime, Donald Sterling claims that he was fraudulently stripped of the ownership of his team by his wife and her lawyers. Sterling was banned and sued for alleged racist slurs.
Richard Jefferson started playing for the NFL in 2001. He started out by playing for the New Jersey Nets and remained with them for about seven years. He has played for five other teams so far. His current team is the Mavericks.
[ "NBA star Richard Jefferson helped the FBI find $2million dollars after he claimed that his manager stole it from him. The Dallas Mavericks player accused Ted Kritza, his former business manager, of taking the $2million from his bank credit line without his permission. Jefferson reportedly helped in an FBI investigation by recording a phone call he had with Kritza in which he confessed to taking the money. Dallas Mavericks player Richard Jefferson helped the FBI in an investigation over $2million dollars that was taken from his bank credit link without out his permission . Jefferson, 34, had reported the crime before the investigation began, according to documents obtained by TMZ sports. During a recorded phone call with the basketball player, Kritza 'confesses to wrongdoing', according to the documents. Jefferson believed his former business manager Ted Kritza took the money. In a recorded phone call Kritza confessed to Jefferson . The recording is now in the hands of the FBI. A bank has apparently sued Jefferson for part of the $2million, according to TMZ. Jefferson, however, wants the court to put a hold on the case until the federal investigation into Kritza is finished. Jefferson started his NBA career in 2001 with the New Jersey Nets, where he stayed until 2008. The NBA forward then moved through the Milwaukee Bucks, San Antonio Spurs, Golden State Warriors and Utah Jazz before landing at the Mavericks last year. This comes days after a most recent filing from former L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling's lawyers claimed that his wife Rochelle", "and two doctors worked 'secretly' with NBA commissioner to strip him of his team. 'The NBA and Silver isolated Rochelle from her husband and scared her into undertaking certain conduct hereinafter alleged, including the signing of papers... that she did not understand,' the complaint reads. 'All of this conduct constituted elder abuse.' Silver, who is also named as a defendant in the suit, banned Sterling from the NBA for life last year and hit him with a $2.5million fine after tapes were released of Sterling speaking racist slurs." ]
[ "NBA star Richard Jefferson helped the FBI find $2million dollars after he claimed that his manager stole it from him. The Dallas Mavericks player accused Ted Kritza, his former business manager, of taking the $2million from his bank credit line without his permission. Jefferson reportedly helped in an FBI investigation by recording a phone call he had with Kritza in which he confessed to taking the money. Dallas Mavericks player Richard Jefferson helped the FBI in an investigation over $2million dollars that was taken from his bank credit link without out his permission . Jefferson, 34, had reported the crime before the investigation began, according to documents obtained by TMZ sports. During a recorded phone call with the basketball player, Kritza 'confesses to wrongdoing', according to the documents. Jefferson believed his former business manager Ted Kritza took the money. In a recorded phone call Kritza confessed to Jefferson . The recording is now in the hands of the FBI. A bank has apparently sued Jefferson for part of the $2million, according to TMZ. Jefferson, however, wants the court to put a hold on the case until the federal investigation into Kritza is finished. Jefferson started his NBA career in 2001 with the New Jersey Nets, where he stayed until 2008. The NBA forward then moved through the Milwaukee Bucks, San Antonio Spurs, Golden State Warriors and Utah Jazz before landing at the Mavericks last year. This comes days after a most recent filing from former L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling's lawyers claimed that his wife Rochelle", "and two doctors worked 'secretly' with NBA commissioner to strip him of his team. 'The NBA and Silver isolated Rochelle from her husband and scared her into undertaking certain conduct hereinafter alleged, including the signing of papers... that she did not understand,' the complaint reads. 'All of this conduct constituted elder abuse.' Silver, who is also named as a defendant in the suit, banned Sterling from the NBA for life last year and hit him with a $2.5million fine after tapes were released of Sterling speaking racist slurs." ]
There is no mention of a club, team, season, players, England, football, or league in the provided text. The article discusses NBA player Richard Jefferson, who helped the FBI investigate his former business manager, Ted Kritza, for allegedly stealing $2 million from Jefferson's bank credit line.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A former Premier League striker urged a footballer at a struggling non-league club to make some 'easy money' by fixing the result of a match, a court has heard. Ex-Bolton Wanderers forward Delroy Facey, 34, is also alleged to have told a contact that some Football Conference teams would 'do' a game in return for payment. Facey, whose former clubs include Hull City and West Bromwich Albion, is accused of conspiring with non-league player Moses Swaibu and others to commit bribery. Delroy Facey (right) arrives at Birmingham Crown Court for the start of his trial on Monday. He is accused of being involved in a plot to fix lower league football matches . Facey (right) is alleged to have contacted a non-league player via WhatsApp to fix matches . Facey (right) celebrates after scoring for Bolton Wanderers in the Premier League in 2003 . On the second day of a trial at Birmingham Crown Court, prosecutor Nick Mather claimed records of online messages showed Facey had approached footballers about 'throwing' lower league matches. In one text conversation, conducted on messaging service WhatsApp in late 2013, Facey is alleged to have tried to corrupt Greater Manchester-based Hyde FC player Scott Spencer by offering him £2,000. The court heard that Facey, of Huddersfield, made contact with Mr Spencer shortly after discussing Hyde's poor run of form with a convicted match-fixer. Mr Spencer, who the court heard was not involved in any form of match-fixing, is alleged to have been messaged by Facey, who told him: 'You lot (Hyde) get rinsed out, week in, week out. Defendant Moses Swaibu (right) on the ball during an FA Cup match between Lincoln and Bolton in 2010 . 'You lot should make some money out of this lad, easy money. 'Check this out. Four goals in a game - two in either half - and you guys can get 2k each, win lose or draw. 'You guys can't win for s*** so you may as well make some peas.' During the WhatsApp conversation, which was read to jurors by Mr Mather, Facey is alleged to have added that a friend who was betting would provide the cash. Addressing the jury on the second day of his opening speech, Mr Mather claimed Facey was attempting to bribe Mr Spencer and team-mates that he trusted into fixing a match. Facey (top) in action for West Brom during a match against Norwich City in March 2004 . Mr Mather further alleged that Facey told a convicted match-fixer in another message: 'I have got (Football) Conference teams that will 'do' a game but how much?' Transcripts of messages which passed between Facey and 43-year-old Krishna Ganeshan, who was found guilty of conspiracy at an earlier trial, were also shown to the jury. In an exchange on October 28 2013, the court heard, Ganeshan used Skype to contact Facey, telling him: 'Get ready, things are about to come to life. Keep your boys on stand-by. 'If they deliver first time, me and only you are in big business for the future.' Huddersfield's Facey (left) vies with Brentford's Michael Dobson during an old Second Division match in 2002 . The Crown claims the Skype discussion - and a message sent by Facey claiming six players in the Football Conference were 'amenable' to match-fixing - could not have been part of an attempt to rip off a gambling syndicate. Mr Mather told the jury: 'It may be suggested to you that what Delroy Facey was actually up to was trying to scam people who were betting on football matches. 'The prosecution say that is not the case.' Facey and Swaibu, 25, of Bermondsey, south London, deny conspiring together and with others to commit bribery between November 1 and 27 2013. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
club, team, season, players, england, football, player, league, fans, game,
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
football league, the team's fans, football player, this season's games, world championship, tournament
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
This topic is about a football league having a world championship where each team’s fans are gathered to watch the end of this season’s games culminating in a tournament, to see their favorite football player.
A football player was apparently motivated to fix a match; some other football players are also accused of committing bribery. He used WhatsApp to attempt people to fix matches. He and a friend are denying the charges.
Facey managed to score a goal for the Bolton Wanderers during the Premier League. He allegedly urged a football player at a non-league club to fix the results of a match to make money, approaching players in lower leagues to throw matches.
[ "A former Premier League striker urged a footballer at a struggling non-league club to make some 'easy money' by fixing the result of a match, a court has heard. Ex-Bolton Wanderers forward Delroy Facey, 34, is also alleged to have told a contact that some Football Conference teams would 'do' a game in return for payment. Facey, whose former clubs include Hull City and West Bromwich Albion, is accused of conspiring with non-league player Moses Swaibu and others to commit bribery. Delroy Facey (right) arrives at Birmingham Crown Court for the start of his trial on Monday. He is accused of being involved in a plot to fix lower league football matches . Facey (right) is alleged to have contacted a non-league player via WhatsApp to fix matches . Facey (right) celebrates after scoring for Bolton Wanderers in the Premier League in 2003 . On the second day of a trial at Birmingham Crown Court, prosecutor Nick Mather claimed records of online messages showed Facey had approached footballers about 'throwing' lower league matches. In one text conversation, conducted on messaging service WhatsApp in late 2013, Facey is alleged to have tried to corrupt Greater Manchester-based Hyde FC player Scott Spencer by offering him £2,000. The court heard that Facey, of Huddersfield, made contact with Mr Spencer shortly after discussing Hyde's poor run of form with a convicted match-fixer. Mr Spencer, who the court heard was not involved in any form of match-fixing, is alleged to have been messaged by Facey, who told him: 'You lot (Hyde)", "get rinsed out, week in, week out. Defendant Moses Swaibu (right) on the ball during an FA Cup match between Lincoln and Bolton in 2010 . 'You lot should make some money out of this lad, easy money. 'Check this out. Four goals in a game - two in either half - and you guys can get 2k each, win lose or draw. 'You guys can't win for s*** so you may as well make some peas.' During the WhatsApp conversation, which was read to jurors by Mr Mather, Facey is alleged to have added that a friend who was betting would provide the cash. Addressing the jury on the second day of his opening speech, Mr Mather claimed Facey was attempting to bribe Mr Spencer and team-mates that he trusted into fixing a match. Facey (top) in action for West Brom during a match against Norwich City in March 2004 . Mr Mather further alleged that Facey told a convicted match-fixer in another message: 'I have got (Football) Conference teams that will 'do' a game but how much?' Transcripts of messages which passed between Facey and 43-year-old Krishna Ganeshan, who was found guilty of conspiracy at an earlier trial, were also shown to the jury. In an exchange on October 28 2013, the court heard, Ganeshan used Skype to contact Facey, telling him: 'Get ready, things are about to come to life. Keep your boys on stand-by. 'If they deliver first time, me and only you are in big business for the future.' Huddersfield's Facey", "(left) vies with Brentford's Michael Dobson during an old Second Division match in 2002 . The Crown claims the Skype discussion - and a message sent by Facey claiming six players in the Football Conference were 'amenable' to match-fixing - could not have been part of an attempt to rip off a gambling syndicate. Mr Mather told the jury: 'It may be suggested to you that what Delroy Facey was actually up to was trying to scam people who were betting on football matches. 'The prosecution say that is not the case.' Facey and Swaibu, 25, of Bermondsey, south London, deny conspiring together and with others to commit bribery between November 1 and 27 2013. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
[ "A former Premier League striker urged a footballer at a struggling non-league club to make some 'easy money' by fixing the result of a match, a court has heard. Ex-Bolton Wanderers forward Delroy Facey, 34, is also alleged to have told a contact that some Football Conference teams would 'do' a game in return for payment. Facey, whose former clubs include Hull City and West Bromwich Albion, is accused of conspiring with non-league player Moses Swaibu and others to commit bribery. Delroy Facey (right) arrives at Birmingham Crown Court for the start of his trial on Monday. He is accused of being involved in a plot to fix lower league football matches . Facey (right) is alleged to have contacted a non-league player via WhatsApp to fix matches . Facey (right) celebrates after scoring for Bolton Wanderers in the Premier League in 2003 . On the second day of a trial at Birmingham Crown Court, prosecutor Nick Mather claimed records of online messages showed Facey had approached footballers about 'throwing' lower league matches. In one text conversation, conducted on messaging service WhatsApp in late 2013, Facey is alleged to have tried to corrupt Greater Manchester-based Hyde FC player Scott Spencer by offering him £2,000. The court heard that Facey, of Huddersfield, made contact with Mr Spencer shortly after discussing Hyde's poor run of form with a convicted match-fixer. Mr Spencer, who the court heard was not involved in any form of match-fixing, is alleged to have been messaged by Facey, who told him: 'You lot (Hyde)", "get rinsed out, week in, week out. Defendant Moses Swaibu (right) on the ball during an FA Cup match between Lincoln and Bolton in 2010 . 'You lot should make some money out of this lad, easy money. 'Check this out. Four goals in a game - two in either half - and you guys can get 2k each, win lose or draw. 'You guys can't win for s*** so you may as well make some peas.' During the WhatsApp conversation, which was read to jurors by Mr Mather, Facey is alleged to have added that a friend who was betting would provide the cash. Addressing the jury on the second day of his opening speech, Mr Mather claimed Facey was attempting to bribe Mr Spencer and team-mates that he trusted into fixing a match. Facey (top) in action for West Brom during a match against Norwich City in March 2004 . Mr Mather further alleged that Facey told a convicted match-fixer in another message: 'I have got (Football) Conference teams that will 'do' a game but how much?' Transcripts of messages which passed between Facey and 43-year-old Krishna Ganeshan, who was found guilty of conspiracy at an earlier trial, were also shown to the jury. In an exchange on October 28 2013, the court heard, Ganeshan used Skype to contact Facey, telling him: 'Get ready, things are about to come to life. Keep your boys on stand-by. 'If they deliver first time, me and only you are in big business for the future.' Huddersfield's Facey", "(left) vies with Brentford's Michael Dobson during an old Second Division match in 2002 . The Crown claims the Skype discussion - and a message sent by Facey claiming six players in the Football Conference were 'amenable' to match-fixing - could not have been part of an attempt to rip off a gambling syndicate. Mr Mather told the jury: 'It may be suggested to you that what Delroy Facey was actually up to was trying to scam people who were betting on football matches. 'The prosecution say that is not the case.' Facey and Swaibu, 25, of Bermondsey, south London, deny conspiring together and with others to commit bribery between November 1 and 27 2013. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
Former Premier League striker Delroy Facey allegedly encouraged a non-league footballer to fix a match for "easy money" and claimed some Football Conference teams would do the same for payment. Facey, 34, is on trial for conspiring to commit bribery alongside non-league player Moses Swaibu.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Marco Rubio has claimed people are 'born with a sexual preference' while insisting state legislators should decide whether or not to allow gay marriage. The presidential candidate spoke to CBS's Face the Nation after admitting in an interview he would attend the same-sex wedding of a family member or staffer - even if he didn't agree with the decision. The Florida Senator told Bob Schieffer that he wasn't against gay marriage, but believes the 'definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman'. Scroll down for video . Marco Rubio told Face The Nation he believes people are born with a sexual preference, but insisted same-sex marriage should not be a constitutional right . He added: 'States have always regulated marriage. And if a state wants to have a different definition, you should petition the state legislature and have a political debate. 'I don't think courts should be making that decision. 'I don't believe same-sex marriage is a Constitutional right,' Rubio continued. 'I also don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people. 'In fact...I believe that sexual preference is something that people are born with.' Last week, during an interview with Fusion magazine, he said if someone he 'cared' for was involved in a same-sex union he would 'of course attend'. He added: I'm not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they've made or because I disagree with a decision they've made, or whatever it may be. 'Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them.' Rubio also noted that, as a Catholic, he believes divorce is wrong, but he wouldn't stop loving someone if they were divorced. The Miami politician announced he is running for president last week. Donors have said their candidate has already received monetary commitments in excess of the $40 million he will likely need to battle through a presidential primary season that will feature a crowd of seasoned Republican candidates with strong financial backing. Last week the Florida Senator admitted he would attend the gay wedding of someone he 'cared' for, even if he didn't agree with what they were doing .
campaign, clinton, governor, presidential, candidate, political, state, hillary, republican, candidates,
law, legal, state, marriage, rights, laws, civil, federal, couples, petition,
presidential campaign, presidential candidate, state governor, joining a presidential campaign, a huge impact on political campaigns
civil law, marriage, federal law, not legal, state law, petition, law for married couples
This topic is about the presidential campaign, the presidential candidate, a state governor, joining a presidential campaign, and a huge impact on political campaigns.
This topic is about civil law, marriage, federal law, legal actions, state law, petition, and law for married couples.
Marco Rubio is running for president. The Florida Senator is already receiving large contributions for his campaign from donors. He will need the money, as he is also competing with Republican candidates who also have received large donations.
Marco Rubio claims that people are born gay or straight, rather than being influenced by outside circumstances. He supports people's right to choose, even though he himself does not agree with gay marriage. He does say that the legality of gay marriage should be decided by state legislators rather than the court system.
[ "Marco Rubio has claimed people are 'born with a sexual preference' while insisting state legislators should decide whether or not to allow gay marriage. The presidential candidate spoke to CBS's Face the Nation after admitting in an interview he would attend the same-sex wedding of a family member or staffer - even if he didn't agree with the decision. The Florida Senator told Bob Schieffer that he wasn't against gay marriage, but believes the 'definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman'. Scroll down for video . Marco Rubio told Face The Nation he believes people are born with a sexual preference, but insisted same-sex marriage should not be a constitutional right . He added: 'States have always regulated marriage. And if a state wants to have a different definition, you should petition the state legislature and have a political debate. 'I don't think courts should be making that decision. 'I don't believe same-sex marriage is a Constitutional right,' Rubio continued. 'I also don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people. 'In fact...I believe that sexual preference is something that people are born with.' Last week, during an interview with Fusion magazine, he said if someone he 'cared' for was involved in a same-sex union he would 'of course attend'. He added: I'm not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they've made or because I disagree with a decision they've made, or whatever it may be.", "'Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them.' Rubio also noted that, as a Catholic, he believes divorce is wrong, but he wouldn't stop loving someone if they were divorced. The Miami politician announced he is running for president last week. Donors have said their candidate has already received monetary commitments in excess of the $40 million he will likely need to battle through a presidential primary season that will feature a crowd of seasoned Republican candidates with strong financial backing. Last week the Florida Senator admitted he would attend the gay wedding of someone he 'cared' for, even if he didn't agree with what they were doing ." ]
[ "Marco Rubio has claimed people are 'born with a sexual preference' while insisting state legislators should decide whether or not to allow gay marriage. The presidential candidate spoke to CBS's Face the Nation after admitting in an interview he would attend the same-sex wedding of a family member or staffer - even if he didn't agree with the decision. The Florida Senator told Bob Schieffer that he wasn't against gay marriage, but believes the 'definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman'. Scroll down for video . Marco Rubio told Face The Nation he believes people are born with a sexual preference, but insisted same-sex marriage should not be a constitutional right . He added: 'States have always regulated marriage. And if a state wants to have a different definition, you should petition the state legislature and have a political debate. 'I don't think courts should be making that decision. 'I don't believe same-sex marriage is a Constitutional right,' Rubio continued. 'I also don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people. 'In fact...I believe that sexual preference is something that people are born with.' Last week, during an interview with Fusion magazine, he said if someone he 'cared' for was involved in a same-sex union he would 'of course attend'. He added: I'm not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they've made or because I disagree with a decision they've made, or whatever it may be.", "'Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them.' Rubio also noted that, as a Catholic, he believes divorce is wrong, but he wouldn't stop loving someone if they were divorced. The Miami politician announced he is running for president last week. Donors have said their candidate has already received monetary commitments in excess of the $40 million he will likely need to battle through a presidential primary season that will feature a crowd of seasoned Republican candidates with strong financial backing. Last week the Florida Senator admitted he would attend the gay wedding of someone he 'cared' for, even if he didn't agree with what they were doing ." ]
Marco Rubio stated that people are born with a sexual preference, but believes same-sex marriage should not be a constitutional right and instead should be decided by state legislatures. He emphasized that states have always regulated marriage and that individuals should petition their state legislature for change. Rubio also mentioned that he would attend a same-sex wedding of a loved one despite disagreeing with the decision.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Rome (CNN)Italian authorities said they had launched a "vast anti-terrorism operation" Friday, going after suspects associated with al Qaeda who had discussed a range of targets, including the Vatican. Some members of the terrorist cell had direct contact with al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before his death in Pakistan in 2011, wiretaps showed, Italy's state-run ANSA news agency reported. And wiretaps and other intelligence revealed that the group planned to carry out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as in Italy, according to Caligari Chief Prosecutor Mauro Mura. Some evidence indicated the Vatican was among the targets considered, police said. Talk of this took place March 2010, around the time a possible suicide bomber from Afghanistan entered Italy, Mura said. Police said, too, that some of the suspects were involved in a Pakistani market bombing in 2009 in which more than 300 people were killed and injured . The suspects had been under surveillance for years, some as far back as 2005, police said. On Friday, Italian State Police closed in, carrying out raids in seven provinces in what they called a first-of-its-kind operation. One of the raids targeted the alleged terrorist cell's headquarters on the island of Sardinia. The operation, which is still going on, is expected to result in the arrest of 18 people, most of them from Pakistan, said spokesman Paolo Meloni, who represents the police in Sassari, Sardinia, where the investigation is being coordinated. Some suspects had an abundance of weapons and moved cash around the world, police said. One was apprehended on a flight from Italy to Pakistan while carrying 55,000 euros, or nearly $60,000, police said. Meloni said the provinces in which the raids were being carried out included Frosinone and Macerata, which are in central Italy, as well as Bergamo, in the north. Some of those expected to be arrested are suspected of having been involved in the 2009 car bombing in Pakistan, Meloni said. In that bombing, in a bazaar in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, 137 people were killed and more than 200 were injured. Still other suspects are suspected of involvement in migrant trafficking, he said. Police said the group tried to recruit to its cause the migrants it transported. CNN's Hada Messia reported from Rome, CNN's Don Melvin reported and wrote from London and CNN's Greg Botelho reported and wrote from Atlanta.
attack, attacks, killed, attacked, bomb, people, explosion, bombing, injured, blast,
islamic, terror, terrorist, al, threat, iraq, attacks, terrorists, terrorism, threats,
bomb explosion attack, killed in a bombing attack, injured in the blast, the explosion was caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, car bomb killed and wounded people
terrorist attack, islamic terrorism, attacks on the country, terrorist threat, extremist groups
This topic is about a bomb explosion attack, people killed in a bombing attack, or injured in the blast, an explosion caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, a car bombing killing and wounding people.
This topic is about terrorist attacks, islamic terrorism, attacks on the country, terrorist threats, and extremist groups.
Some al Qaeda terrorists are suspected of being responsible for a car bombing in Pakistan. One hundred and thirty-seven people were killed during the bombing, and over two hundreds were injured. The terrorists are probably going to be arrested.
It is suspected that members of al Qaeda were planning on carrying out a number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Italy. The Vatican appears to have been on their list of targets. It is suspected that they are responsible for a car bombing which killed and injured hundreds of people, as well as covertly moving weapons and money around the globe.
[ "Rome (CNN)Italian authorities said they had launched a \"vast anti-terrorism operation\" Friday, going after suspects associated with al Qaeda who had discussed a range of targets, including the Vatican. Some members of the terrorist cell had direct contact with al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before his death in Pakistan in 2011, wiretaps showed, Italy's state-run ANSA news agency reported. And wiretaps and other intelligence revealed that the group planned to carry out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as in Italy, according to Caligari Chief Prosecutor Mauro Mura. Some evidence indicated the Vatican was among the targets considered, police said. Talk of this took place March 2010, around the time a possible suicide bomber from Afghanistan entered Italy, Mura said. Police said, too, that some of the suspects were involved in a Pakistani market bombing in 2009 in which more than 300 people were killed and injured . The suspects had been under surveillance for years, some as far back as 2005, police said. On Friday, Italian State Police closed in, carrying out raids in seven provinces in what they called a first-of-its-kind operation. One of the raids targeted the alleged terrorist cell's headquarters on the island of Sardinia. The operation, which is still going on, is expected to result in the arrest of 18 people, most of them from Pakistan, said spokesman Paolo Meloni, who represents the police in Sassari, Sardinia, where the investigation is being coordinated. Some suspects had an abundance of weapons and moved cash around the world, police said.", "One was apprehended on a flight from Italy to Pakistan while carrying 55,000 euros, or nearly $60,000, police said. Meloni said the provinces in which the raids were being carried out included Frosinone and Macerata, which are in central Italy, as well as Bergamo, in the north. Some of those expected to be arrested are suspected of having been involved in the 2009 car bombing in Pakistan, Meloni said. In that bombing, in a bazaar in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, 137 people were killed and more than 200 were injured. Still other suspects are suspected of involvement in migrant trafficking, he said. Police said the group tried to recruit to its cause the migrants it transported. CNN's Hada Messia reported from Rome, CNN's Don Melvin reported and wrote from London and CNN's Greg Botelho reported and wrote from Atlanta." ]
[ "Rome (CNN)Italian authorities said they had launched a \"vast anti-terrorism operation\" Friday, going after suspects associated with al Qaeda who had discussed a range of targets, including the Vatican. Some members of the terrorist cell had direct contact with al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before his death in Pakistan in 2011, wiretaps showed, Italy's state-run ANSA news agency reported. And wiretaps and other intelligence revealed that the group planned to carry out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as in Italy, according to Caligari Chief Prosecutor Mauro Mura. Some evidence indicated the Vatican was among the targets considered, police said. Talk of this took place March 2010, around the time a possible suicide bomber from Afghanistan entered Italy, Mura said. Police said, too, that some of the suspects were involved in a Pakistani market bombing in 2009 in which more than 300 people were killed and injured . The suspects had been under surveillance for years, some as far back as 2005, police said. On Friday, Italian State Police closed in, carrying out raids in seven provinces in what they called a first-of-its-kind operation. One of the raids targeted the alleged terrorist cell's headquarters on the island of Sardinia. The operation, which is still going on, is expected to result in the arrest of 18 people, most of them from Pakistan, said spokesman Paolo Meloni, who represents the police in Sassari, Sardinia, where the investigation is being coordinated. Some suspects had an abundance of weapons and moved cash around the world, police said.", "One was apprehended on a flight from Italy to Pakistan while carrying 55,000 euros, or nearly $60,000, police said. Meloni said the provinces in which the raids were being carried out included Frosinone and Macerata, which are in central Italy, as well as Bergamo, in the north. Some of those expected to be arrested are suspected of having been involved in the 2009 car bombing in Pakistan, Meloni said. In that bombing, in a bazaar in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, 137 people were killed and more than 200 were injured. Still other suspects are suspected of involvement in migrant trafficking, he said. Police said the group tried to recruit to its cause the migrants it transported. CNN's Hada Messia reported from Rome, CNN's Don Melvin reported and wrote from London and CNN's Greg Botelho reported and wrote from Atlanta." ]
Italian authorities have launched a major anti-terrorism operation targeting suspects linked to Al-Qaeda, who had discussed attacking the Vatican and other targets in Italy, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Wiretaps reveal that some members had direct contact with Osama bin Laden before his death. The suspects, mostly from Pakistan, were involved in a 2009 market bombing in Pakistan and were planning to carry out attacks in Italy. Raids were conducted in seven provinces, resulting in the arrest of 18 people, with many more expected.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A report on the threat posed by Australian foreign fighters has cited the Abbott government's 'troubled relations' with the Muslim community as undermining efforts at countering violent extremism. The Lowy Institute report, released on Thursday, says the large number of Australians fighting in Syria and Iraq represents a 'serious national security threat' but that the risk of an attack on home soil could be mitigated by the right policy response. The new report comes just a day after the news of the death of Melbourne model-turned-jihadist Sharky Jama. The Australian was reportedly killed in Syria while fighting with terrorist organisation Islamic State. Scroll down for video . A report on the threat posed by Australian foreign fighters has blamed the Abbott government's troubled relations with the Muslim community for worsening the situation . Melbourne'sSharky Jama was reportedly shot dead in Syria after joining Islamic State last year . Mohamed Elomar (above) is a boxer-turned-terrorist who fled Sydney to join the Islamic State in Syria . The Department of Foreign Affairs was unable to confirm Sharky's death as its capacity to do so was 'extremely limited'. A spokesman for the department told Daily Mail Australia consular assistance was no longer available within Syria 'due to the extremely dangerous security situation'. He further added Australians who were involved in overseas conflicts were 'putting their own lives in mortal danger'. 'Any Australians fighting with non-state militia in Syria or Iraq should end their involvement in the conflict now and leave the conflict zone,' the spokesman said. 'Australians are strongly advised not to travel to Syria or Iraq; any Australians in either country should leave immediately.' Khaled Sharrouf's fled to Syria from western Sydney. His 14-year-old daughter married Mohamed Elomar . Sharrouf posted a photo last year of his son holding up a severed head, causing international uproar . The new report outlines how returned fighters pose a serious threat to Australians. 'Returned foreign fighters have been involved in many of the most serious jihadist plots in the West, including in Australia,' the report says. 'Returnees from Syria have already engaged in terrorist plots in Europe, and the large number of Australians involved with groups such as IS (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra raises well-founded fears of an increased threat at home.' While much of the responsibility in dealing with the threat will lie with the police and intelligence services, the report says, it adds that programs aimed at countering violent extremism (CVE) need to be a core element of the response. The report says 'questions remain' as to how any new CVE approach will be implemented by the government, and that 'troubled relations with Australia's Muslim communities mean that its efforts to counter violent extremism are not off to the strongest of starts'. Propaganda prop: Abdullah Elmir, 17, from western Sydney, featured in a high-definition Islamic State broadcast earlier this year . Australian Mahmoud Adullatif, who is known as the 'Playboy Jihadi', died recently while fighting for IS . Melbourne woman Zehra Duman (pictured above) was married to Abdullatif and has threatened Australia . A successful CVE approach should draw on the talent that already exists within relevant communities, the report said, but that 'community co-operation has been undermined' by a lack of information about changes to the government's approach, including funding of grant schemes. 'Moreover, the poor consultation by the government with the Muslim community on much of Australia's new counter-terrorism legislation as well as the Prime Minister's (Tony Abbott) claim that Muslim leaders are not doing enough to speak out against radical ideas have undermined the prospects for effective co-operation.' The report said the Abbott government's introduction of number of CVE programs, such as $13.4 million Living Safe Together initiative, had been welcomed but that there were also valuable lessons to be learned from European countries, which had more experience in addressing the current foreign fighter threat. The wife of Australian terrorist Suhan Rahman (above) also urged people to look up U.S. president Barack Obama's White House schedule and 'take down that treacherous tyrant'
islamic, terror, terrorist, al, threat, iraq, attacks, terrorists, terrorism, threats,
group, forces, fighters, killed, fighting, militants, syrian, border, town, city,
terrorist attack, islamic terrorism, attacks on the country, terrorist threat, extremist groups
group composed of militants, fighters joining forces, ongoing violence in the capital, people dead across the country, militants armed with grenades, border town
This topic is about terrorist attacks, islamic terrorism, attacks on the country, terrorist threats, and extremist groups.
This topic is about a group composed of militants, fighters joining forces, ongoing violence in the capital, people dead across the country, militants armed with grenades, and a border town.
Abbott's goverment's troubled relationship with the muslim community in Australia has complicated the country's efforts against violent extremism. There are fears that a terrorist attack could happen on home soil. Fighters that return home to Australia after fighting with extremist groups pose a particular threat.
Australians have been warned not to travel to Syria or Iraq. Any Australians currently fighting with non state militants have been urged to return home immediately. The number of Australians joining terrorist organizations has been increasing recently, and those that return are feared to present a problem at home with terrorism. This all stems back to the failure of the government to establish good relations with the Muslim community in Australia.
[ "A report on the threat posed by Australian foreign fighters has cited the Abbott government's 'troubled relations' with the Muslim community as undermining efforts at countering violent extremism. The Lowy Institute report, released on Thursday, says the large number of Australians fighting in Syria and Iraq represents a 'serious national security threat' but that the risk of an attack on home soil could be mitigated by the right policy response. The new report comes just a day after the news of the death of Melbourne model-turned-jihadist Sharky Jama. The Australian was reportedly killed in Syria while fighting with terrorist organisation Islamic State. Scroll down for video . A report on the threat posed by Australian foreign fighters has blamed the Abbott government's troubled relations with the Muslim community for worsening the situation . Melbourne'sSharky Jama was reportedly shot dead in Syria after joining Islamic State last year . Mohamed Elomar (above) is a boxer-turned-terrorist who fled Sydney to join the Islamic State in Syria . The Department of Foreign Affairs was unable to confirm Sharky's death as its capacity to do so was 'extremely limited'. A spokesman for the department told Daily Mail Australia consular assistance was no longer available within Syria 'due to the extremely dangerous security situation'. He further added Australians who were involved in overseas conflicts were 'putting their own lives in mortal danger'. 'Any Australians fighting with non-state militia in Syria or Iraq should end their involvement in the conflict now and leave the conflict zone,' the spokesman said. 'Australians are strongly", "advised not to travel to Syria or Iraq; any Australians in either country should leave immediately.' Khaled Sharrouf's fled to Syria from western Sydney. His 14-year-old daughter married Mohamed Elomar . Sharrouf posted a photo last year of his son holding up a severed head, causing international uproar . The new report outlines how returned fighters pose a serious threat to Australians. 'Returned foreign fighters have been involved in many of the most serious jihadist plots in the West, including in Australia,' the report says. 'Returnees from Syria have already engaged in terrorist plots in Europe, and the large number of Australians involved with groups such as IS (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra raises well-founded fears of an increased threat at home.' While much of the responsibility in dealing with the threat will lie with the police and intelligence services, the report says, it adds that programs aimed at countering violent extremism (CVE) need to be a core element of the response. The report says 'questions remain' as to how any new CVE approach will be implemented by the government, and that 'troubled relations with Australia's Muslim communities mean that its efforts to counter violent extremism are not off to the strongest of starts'. Propaganda prop: Abdullah Elmir, 17, from western Sydney, featured in a high-definition Islamic State broadcast earlier this year . Australian Mahmoud Adullatif, who is known as the 'Playboy Jihadi', died recently while fighting for IS . Melbourne woman Zehra Duman (pictured above) was married to Abdullatif and has threatened Australia . A", "successful CVE approach should draw on the talent that already exists within relevant communities, the report said, but that 'community co-operation has been undermined' by a lack of information about changes to the government's approach, including funding of grant schemes. 'Moreover, the poor consultation by the government with the Muslim community on much of Australia's new counter-terrorism legislation as well as the Prime Minister's (Tony Abbott) claim that Muslim leaders are not doing enough to speak out against radical ideas have undermined the prospects for effective co-operation.' The report said the Abbott government's introduction of number of CVE programs, such as $13.4 million Living Safe Together initiative, had been welcomed but that there were also valuable lessons to be learned from European countries, which had more experience in addressing the current foreign fighter threat. The wife of Australian terrorist Suhan Rahman (above) also urged people to look up U.S. president Barack Obama's White House schedule and 'take down that treacherous tyrant'" ]
[ "A report on the threat posed by Australian foreign fighters has cited the Abbott government's 'troubled relations' with the Muslim community as undermining efforts at countering violent extremism. The Lowy Institute report, released on Thursday, says the large number of Australians fighting in Syria and Iraq represents a 'serious national security threat' but that the risk of an attack on home soil could be mitigated by the right policy response. The new report comes just a day after the news of the death of Melbourne model-turned-jihadist Sharky Jama. The Australian was reportedly killed in Syria while fighting with terrorist organisation Islamic State. Scroll down for video . A report on the threat posed by Australian foreign fighters has blamed the Abbott government's troubled relations with the Muslim community for worsening the situation . Melbourne'sSharky Jama was reportedly shot dead in Syria after joining Islamic State last year . Mohamed Elomar (above) is a boxer-turned-terrorist who fled Sydney to join the Islamic State in Syria . The Department of Foreign Affairs was unable to confirm Sharky's death as its capacity to do so was 'extremely limited'. A spokesman for the department told Daily Mail Australia consular assistance was no longer available within Syria 'due to the extremely dangerous security situation'. He further added Australians who were involved in overseas conflicts were 'putting their own lives in mortal danger'. 'Any Australians fighting with non-state militia in Syria or Iraq should end their involvement in the conflict now and leave the conflict zone,' the spokesman said. 'Australians are strongly", "advised not to travel to Syria or Iraq; any Australians in either country should leave immediately.' Khaled Sharrouf's fled to Syria from western Sydney. His 14-year-old daughter married Mohamed Elomar . Sharrouf posted a photo last year of his son holding up a severed head, causing international uproar . The new report outlines how returned fighters pose a serious threat to Australians. 'Returned foreign fighters have been involved in many of the most serious jihadist plots in the West, including in Australia,' the report says. 'Returnees from Syria have already engaged in terrorist plots in Europe, and the large number of Australians involved with groups such as IS (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra raises well-founded fears of an increased threat at home.' While much of the responsibility in dealing with the threat will lie with the police and intelligence services, the report says, it adds that programs aimed at countering violent extremism (CVE) need to be a core element of the response. The report says 'questions remain' as to how any new CVE approach will be implemented by the government, and that 'troubled relations with Australia's Muslim communities mean that its efforts to counter violent extremism are not off to the strongest of starts'. Propaganda prop: Abdullah Elmir, 17, from western Sydney, featured in a high-definition Islamic State broadcast earlier this year . Australian Mahmoud Adullatif, who is known as the 'Playboy Jihadi', died recently while fighting for IS . Melbourne woman Zehra Duman (pictured above) was married to Abdullatif and has threatened Australia . A", "successful CVE approach should draw on the talent that already exists within relevant communities, the report said, but that 'community co-operation has been undermined' by a lack of information about changes to the government's approach, including funding of grant schemes. 'Moreover, the poor consultation by the government with the Muslim community on much of Australia's new counter-terrorism legislation as well as the Prime Minister's (Tony Abbott) claim that Muslim leaders are not doing enough to speak out against radical ideas have undermined the prospects for effective co-operation.' The report said the Abbott government's introduction of number of CVE programs, such as $13.4 million Living Safe Together initiative, had been welcomed but that there were also valuable lessons to be learned from European countries, which had more experience in addressing the current foreign fighter threat. The wife of Australian terrorist Suhan Rahman (above) also urged people to look up U.S. president Barack Obama's White House schedule and 'take down that treacherous tyrant'" ]
The Lowy Institute report highlights the threat posed by Australian foreign fighters, citing the Abbott government's strained relations with the Muslim community as a major obstacle. The report emphasizes that returned fighters pose a significant threat to Australians and that programs aimed at countering violent extremism are crucial. However, the government's poor consultation with the Muslim community and lack of transparency have undermined cooperation.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Rome (CNN)As the dust settles after Italy's high court ruled on Friday to overturn the latest guilty verdicts for Amanda Knox, 27, and her former Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 31, in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, many questions still linger in the case. Knox and Sollecito were tried together and convicted of murder by two separate courts. But now they are free now, forever cleared. There won't be any civil trials like in the O.J. Simpson case because, according to Italian penal code, Italy's high court decision is final across all courts in the country. According to Italian lawyer Nicola Canestrini, who works on extradition and criminal cases between Italy and other countries, . "The high court decision is seen as the truth for the whole system." What now for the Kerchers? Francesco Maresca, lawyer for the Kercher family, told CNN that his clients are disappointed with the final ruling. "We expected more from the Italian judicial system," he said. "This is a failure to find justice for Meredith." Maresca says the Kerchers could try to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and argue that Italy failed to find those culpable of killing their beloved daughter and sister but they have yet to make that decision. "If they think Italy hasn't fulfilled the duty, they could sue Italy," Canestrini told CNN. Such a claim could be made based on the final conviction handed down to Rudy Guede, a man from the Ivory Coast who was convicted for his role in Kercher's murder in 2008 in a fast-track trial that is still under seal. When the high court ruled definitively on his case in 2010, they wrote explicitly in their reasoning that he was one of three assailants but did not name who they were. Knox and Sollecito both spent four years in prison during their initial trial and first appeal. They applied to Italy's high court to be put under house arrest but because Knox was a foreigner and deemed a flight risk, they were both denied. Sollecito may now have cause to sue Italy for false imprisonment. Italy pays around 12 million every year for locking up people who are later cleared of charges, according to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is introduced measures to reform the judicial system. But, Canestrini says if Sollecito at any time lied to investigators before he was arrested, he may forfeit his right to reimbursement for being held. Sollecito changed his story more than once before finally settling on an alibi with Knox, so a legal battle could focus on whether anything he told investigators led directly to his arrest. Canestrini also says that Knox could potentially sue Italy for one year of false imprisonment, but because she admittedly lied to investigators early on which led to her arrest, she would likely not have much of a case. "Because she initially admitted to a role in the crime, she wouldn't likely win. If a suspect lies to investigators before they are arrested, it is difficult to prove they were falsely imprisoned," Canestrini says. In one of her initial interrogations in 2007, she told investigators she was in the house when Kercher was killed at which time she accused Patrick Lumumba, her boss at a pub where she worked, of the murder. She later recanted that statement, but Lumumba spent two weeks in prison because of her false claim. In 2013, Italy's high court ruled definitively on a slander charge against her for the false accusation and upheld a three-year prison term and ordered her to pay Lumumba $40,000 euro. Knox's lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told CNN that Knox doesn't feel any revenge or resentment towards Italy. In fact, he said she will go back one day. "This has been an nightmare for her, so we finally got the right decision," he said. "We always thought this was the only decision possible." Sollecito's lawyers were equally pleased with the outcome. "The verdict that we just received doesn't prove us partly right, It proves us completely right," Giulia Bongiorno told reporters outside the court. "There were two possible verdicts: (One was to) overturn this verdict, but go back to it later. Instead, the overturn is without any referral. Among all the possible and imaginable overturning options, this is the one which says "be advised, we won't ever even make the hypothesis of an implication of Raffaele Sollecito in this case ever. Enough, enough, enough." Knox, too, made her own statement from her mother's home in Seattle after hearing the news. She thanked all those who supported her innocence, and said she needed to take time to digest what being free really means. When asked if she had a message to the Kerchers about their daughter, she said, "She deserved so much in this life. I'm the lucky one."
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
court, judge, case, appeal, justice, order, ruling, ruled, magistrates, ordered,
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
a court ruling, department of justice, appealed against a court ruling, judge reviewing a case, court order, magistrates
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
This topic is about a court ruling, department of justice, appealing against a court ruling, judge reviewing a case, a court order, and magistrates.
Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito are now cleared of the charge of murder of Meredith Kercher. They were initially found guilty of the crime and spent 4 years in prison. Amanda is now back home in Seattle and thanks all of those who supported her.
Italy's high court ruled to overturn the guilty verdicts for Amanda Knox and her ex, Raffele Sollecito, for the murder of Meredith Kercher which occurred in 2007. The Kerchers have the option of appealing this court ruling to the European Court of Human RIghts on the basis that Italy failed to find who killed their daughter. Knox also had a slander charge against her for false accusation aginst her former boss Patrick Lumumba, a statement she later recanted. The court ordered her to pay Lumumba 40,000 euro.
[ "Rome (CNN)As the dust settles after Italy's high court ruled on Friday to overturn the latest guilty verdicts for Amanda Knox, 27, and her former Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 31, in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, many questions still linger in the case. Knox and Sollecito were tried together and convicted of murder by two separate courts. But now they are free now, forever cleared. There won't be any civil trials like in the O.J. Simpson case because, according to Italian penal code, Italy's high court decision is final across all courts in the country. According to Italian lawyer Nicola Canestrini, who works on extradition and criminal cases between Italy and other countries, . \"The high court decision is seen as the truth for the whole system.\" What now for the Kerchers? Francesco Maresca, lawyer for the Kercher family, told CNN that his clients are disappointed with the final ruling. \"We expected more from the Italian judicial system,\" he said. \"This is a failure to find justice for Meredith.\" Maresca says the Kerchers could try to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and argue that Italy failed to find those culpable of killing their beloved daughter and sister but they have yet to make that decision. \"If they think Italy hasn't fulfilled the duty, they could sue Italy,\" Canestrini told CNN. Such a claim could be made based on the final conviction handed down to Rudy Guede, a man from the Ivory Coast who was convicted for his role in Kercher's murder in", "2008 in a fast-track trial that is still under seal. When the high court ruled definitively on his case in 2010, they wrote explicitly in their reasoning that he was one of three assailants but did not name who they were. Knox and Sollecito both spent four years in prison during their initial trial and first appeal. They applied to Italy's high court to be put under house arrest but because Knox was a foreigner and deemed a flight risk, they were both denied. Sollecito may now have cause to sue Italy for false imprisonment. Italy pays around 12 million every year for locking up people who are later cleared of charges, according to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is introduced measures to reform the judicial system. But, Canestrini says if Sollecito at any time lied to investigators before he was arrested, he may forfeit his right to reimbursement for being held. Sollecito changed his story more than once before finally settling on an alibi with Knox, so a legal battle could focus on whether anything he told investigators led directly to his arrest. Canestrini also says that Knox could potentially sue Italy for one year of false imprisonment, but because she admittedly lied to investigators early on which led to her arrest, she would likely not have much of a case. \"Because she initially admitted to a role in the crime, she wouldn't likely win. If a suspect lies to investigators before they are arrested, it is difficult to prove they were falsely imprisoned,\"", "Canestrini says. In one of her initial interrogations in 2007, she told investigators she was in the house when Kercher was killed at which time she accused Patrick Lumumba, her boss at a pub where she worked, of the murder. She later recanted that statement, but Lumumba spent two weeks in prison because of her false claim. In 2013, Italy's high court ruled definitively on a slander charge against her for the false accusation and upheld a three-year prison term and ordered her to pay Lumumba $40,000 euro. Knox's lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told CNN that Knox doesn't feel any revenge or resentment towards Italy. In fact, he said she will go back one day. \"This has been an nightmare for her, so we finally got the right decision,\" he said. \"We always thought this was the only decision possible.\" Sollecito's lawyers were equally pleased with the outcome. \"The verdict that we just received doesn't prove us partly right, It proves us completely right,\" Giulia Bongiorno told reporters outside the court. \"There were two possible verdicts: (One was to) overturn this verdict, but go back to it later. Instead, the overturn is without any referral. Among all the possible and imaginable overturning options, this is the one which says \"be advised, we won't ever even make the hypothesis of an implication of Raffaele Sollecito in this case ever. Enough, enough, enough.\" Knox, too, made her own statement from her mother's home in Seattle after hearing the news. She thanked all those who supported her innocence, and", "said she needed to take time to digest what being free really means. When asked if she had a message to the Kerchers about their daughter, she said, \"She deserved so much in this life. I'm the lucky one.\"" ]
[ "Rome (CNN)As the dust settles after Italy's high court ruled on Friday to overturn the latest guilty verdicts for Amanda Knox, 27, and her former Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 31, in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, many questions still linger in the case. Knox and Sollecito were tried together and convicted of murder by two separate courts. But now they are free now, forever cleared. There won't be any civil trials like in the O.J. Simpson case because, according to Italian penal code, Italy's high court decision is final across all courts in the country. According to Italian lawyer Nicola Canestrini, who works on extradition and criminal cases between Italy and other countries, . \"The high court decision is seen as the truth for the whole system.\" What now for the Kerchers? Francesco Maresca, lawyer for the Kercher family, told CNN that his clients are disappointed with the final ruling. \"We expected more from the Italian judicial system,\" he said. \"This is a failure to find justice for Meredith.\" Maresca says the Kerchers could try to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and argue that Italy failed to find those culpable of killing their beloved daughter and sister but they have yet to make that decision. \"If they think Italy hasn't fulfilled the duty, they could sue Italy,\" Canestrini told CNN. Such a claim could be made based on the final conviction handed down to Rudy Guede, a man from the Ivory Coast who was convicted for his role in Kercher's murder in", "2008 in a fast-track trial that is still under seal. When the high court ruled definitively on his case in 2010, they wrote explicitly in their reasoning that he was one of three assailants but did not name who they were. Knox and Sollecito both spent four years in prison during their initial trial and first appeal. They applied to Italy's high court to be put under house arrest but because Knox was a foreigner and deemed a flight risk, they were both denied. Sollecito may now have cause to sue Italy for false imprisonment. Italy pays around 12 million every year for locking up people who are later cleared of charges, according to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is introduced measures to reform the judicial system. But, Canestrini says if Sollecito at any time lied to investigators before he was arrested, he may forfeit his right to reimbursement for being held. Sollecito changed his story more than once before finally settling on an alibi with Knox, so a legal battle could focus on whether anything he told investigators led directly to his arrest. Canestrini also says that Knox could potentially sue Italy for one year of false imprisonment, but because she admittedly lied to investigators early on which led to her arrest, she would likely not have much of a case. \"Because she initially admitted to a role in the crime, she wouldn't likely win. If a suspect lies to investigators before they are arrested, it is difficult to prove they were falsely imprisoned,\"", "Canestrini says. In one of her initial interrogations in 2007, she told investigators she was in the house when Kercher was killed at which time she accused Patrick Lumumba, her boss at a pub where she worked, of the murder. She later recanted that statement, but Lumumba spent two weeks in prison because of her false claim. In 2013, Italy's high court ruled definitively on a slander charge against her for the false accusation and upheld a three-year prison term and ordered her to pay Lumumba $40,000 euro. Knox's lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told CNN that Knox doesn't feel any revenge or resentment towards Italy. In fact, he said she will go back one day. \"This has been an nightmare for her, so we finally got the right decision,\" he said. \"We always thought this was the only decision possible.\" Sollecito's lawyers were equally pleased with the outcome. \"The verdict that we just received doesn't prove us partly right, It proves us completely right,\" Giulia Bongiorno told reporters outside the court. \"There were two possible verdicts: (One was to) overturn this verdict, but go back to it later. Instead, the overturn is without any referral. Among all the possible and imaginable overturning options, this is the one which says \"be advised, we won't ever even make the hypothesis of an implication of Raffaele Sollecito in this case ever. Enough, enough, enough.\" Knox, too, made her own statement from her mother's home in Seattle after hearing the news. She thanked all those who supported her innocence, and", "said she needed to take time to digest what being free really means. When asked if she had a message to the Kerchers about their daughter, she said, \"She deserved so much in this life. I'm the lucky one.\"" ]
The Italian high court has overturned the guilty verdicts of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher. This final ruling clears them of all charges and there will be no further appeals. The Kercher family is disappointed and may consider appealing to the European Court of Human Rights. Sollecito may sue Italy for false imprisonment, while Knox may not have a strong case due to her initial false statements to investigators.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Commuters are now able to make phone calls and send texts on the Tube following the launch of new technology enabling phone calls via an internet connection. In what is the first roll out of the technology throughout Europe, the Wi-Fi Calling feature is designed to facilitate calls and texts when users have no mobile phone signal. The technology paves the way for London's commuters to chat and text inside the capital's 150 Tube stations where Wi-Fi connections are currently available. London's Underground platforms could soon be drowned in the sound of commuters chatting on their phones . iPhone users on EE will find their calls and texts automatically connect through the internet when they have no service signal. An EE spokesman said: 'Starting today, iPhone customers on EE can make and receive high quality calls over WiFi and send text messages, using their own phone number with no need to use an app - great for when a mobile signal is unavailable.' While it is already possible to make phone calls or send messages via Wi-Fi with apps such as WhatsApp and Viber, the new technology works automatically in the user's phone. After having downloaded the update, EE users on iPhone will see a Wi-Fi Calling section appear in the settings app of their phone, which must be switched to allow to enable the feature. The telecoms firm also confirmed that the new Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 edge will also have the feature on the EE network when it goes on sale this Friday. Rival networks, including O2 and Three, offer apps in order to make calls over Wi-Fi - similar to the Skype service - while Vodafone has said it will be launching a Wi-Fi calling service 'in the summer'. The telecoms firm is currently in the process of being taken over by BT in a deal worth £12.5billion that could see further combinations of technology in order to boost mobile phone reception in the future.
online, users, internet, site, device, people, computer, iphone, data, devices,
facebook, mobile, phone, network, samsung, screen, apps, smart, ad, watch,
online internet users, people check websites on different devices, using an iPhone App to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans
mobile phone, Facebook app, social network, smart watch, Samsung phone screen, apps containing ads, watching ads
This topic is about online internet users, using an iPhone app to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans, and people checking a website on different devices.
This topic is about mobile phones and social networking such as the Facebook app, smart watches, as well as apps containing ads that can be watched on phone screens like Samsung.
The internet and telephone calls are now connected. Thanks to new technology, people can now use the internet to make a call when Wi-Fi is unavailable. This will apparently increase the number of potential phone calls.
One can now use mobile phones even when the Wi-Fi has stopped working. A company has figured out how to allow phones to work with an internet connection. Other companies use apps to connect to Wi-Fi, but this is something new.
[ "Commuters are now able to make phone calls and send texts on the Tube following the launch of new technology enabling phone calls via an internet connection. In what is the first roll out of the technology throughout Europe, the Wi-Fi Calling feature is designed to facilitate calls and texts when users have no mobile phone signal. The technology paves the way for London's commuters to chat and text inside the capital's 150 Tube stations where Wi-Fi connections are currently available. London's Underground platforms could soon be drowned in the sound of commuters chatting on their phones . iPhone users on EE will find their calls and texts automatically connect through the internet when they have no service signal. An EE spokesman said: 'Starting today, iPhone customers on EE can make and receive high quality calls over WiFi and send text messages, using their own phone number with no need to use an app - great for when a mobile signal is unavailable.' While it is already possible to make phone calls or send messages via Wi-Fi with apps such as WhatsApp and Viber, the new technology works automatically in the user's phone. After having downloaded the update, EE users on iPhone will see a Wi-Fi Calling section appear in the settings app of their phone, which must be switched to allow to enable the feature. The telecoms firm also confirmed that the new Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 edge will also have the feature on the EE network when it goes on sale this Friday.", "Rival networks, including O2 and Three, offer apps in order to make calls over Wi-Fi - similar to the Skype service - while Vodafone has said it will be launching a Wi-Fi calling service 'in the summer'. The telecoms firm is currently in the process of being taken over by BT in a deal worth £12.5billion that could see further combinations of technology in order to boost mobile phone reception in the future." ]
[ "Commuters are now able to make phone calls and send texts on the Tube following the launch of new technology enabling phone calls via an internet connection. In what is the first roll out of the technology throughout Europe, the Wi-Fi Calling feature is designed to facilitate calls and texts when users have no mobile phone signal. The technology paves the way for London's commuters to chat and text inside the capital's 150 Tube stations where Wi-Fi connections are currently available. London's Underground platforms could soon be drowned in the sound of commuters chatting on their phones . iPhone users on EE will find their calls and texts automatically connect through the internet when they have no service signal. An EE spokesman said: 'Starting today, iPhone customers on EE can make and receive high quality calls over WiFi and send text messages, using their own phone number with no need to use an app - great for when a mobile signal is unavailable.' While it is already possible to make phone calls or send messages via Wi-Fi with apps such as WhatsApp and Viber, the new technology works automatically in the user's phone. After having downloaded the update, EE users on iPhone will see a Wi-Fi Calling section appear in the settings app of their phone, which must be switched to allow to enable the feature. The telecoms firm also confirmed that the new Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 edge will also have the feature on the EE network when it goes on sale this Friday.", "Rival networks, including O2 and Three, offer apps in order to make calls over Wi-Fi - similar to the Skype service - while Vodafone has said it will be launching a Wi-Fi calling service 'in the summer'. The telecoms firm is currently in the process of being taken over by BT in a deal worth £12.5billion that could see further combinations of technology in order to boost mobile phone reception in the future." ]
Facebook, Mobile, Phone, Network, Samsung, Screen, Apps, Smart, Ad, Watch, For Here is a concise summary: London's Tube commuters can now make phone calls and send texts using Wi-Fi Calling technology, allowing them to stay connected even without a mobile signal. iPhone users on EE can automatically connect to the internet to make calls and send texts, while Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 edge owners will also have access to the feature. Other networks, like O2 and Three, offer similar services through apps.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A health expert has slammed parents for not taking vaccination seriously after 19 children attending a primary school in north Brisbane contracted the potentially deadly disease whooping cough. Kilcoy State School is working with Queensland Health after a whooping cough outbreak in the area, but parents have been urged to take vaccination more seriously there. The Sunshine Coast Daily reports that infectious diseases expert Professor Matthew Cooper, a professorial research fellow at the University of Queensland's Institute for Molecular Bioscience, attributed the outbreak to an anti-vaccination trend. Parents have been accused of not taking vaccination seriously after 19 children attending a primary school in north Brisbane contracted whooping cough . 'It's unfortunately just part of a growing trend that many people have decided not to immunise,' he said. 'We've seen this with other diseases that are more serious than pertussis but unfortunately the more people who choose not to immunise the more likely it is we'll get outbreaks.' Although immunisation rates in Queensland have dropped across most age groups there since 2010, in 2014 the Metro North region had the highest immunisation rate in the state. Kilcoy State School (pictured) in north Brisbane is working with Queensland Health after a whooping cough outbreak in the area . There are about 1200 cases of whooping cough every year in the Metro North area. This region covers the Brisbane River to past Caboolture. in total there have been 86 confirmed cases in 2015 - alarmingly 16 in the past week - compared to 113 last year. Statewide, 232 cases have been reported. Parents were urged to take children with any symptoms to their family doctor . Dr Cooper said it was essential to convince parents of the importance of vaccination. He said if vaccination rates continued to fall there could be an increase in unfortunate and preventable deaths. Parents were urged parents to take children with any symptoms to their family doctor, and for children who tested positive to stay away from school for five days.
health, virus, cases, people, bird, outbreak, infected, public, sick, flu,
children, child, parents, birth, born, kids, families, mother, family, care,
people infected with the virus, identify new cases, outbreak of measles, public health, new strain of flu, infected cases
children and parents, families with children, having kids, giving birth, she became a mother, baby was born
This topic is about people infected with the virus, identifying new cases, the outbreak of measles, public health, new strain of flu, and infected cases.
This topic is about having kids, becoming a mother, giving birth, children and their parents, and families with children when a baby is born.
An alarming number of schoolchildren have been infected with whooping cough. Over a thousand cases were reported each year in the Metro North area. Children who test positive for this disease should stay home for five days, and parents have been scolded for refusing to vaccinate their children.
Parents have been urged to make more of an effort to have their children vaccinated. Any children who show symptoms of whooping cough should be seen by a doctor. In addition, parents are told to keep any children who tested positive for whooping cough at home for five days.
[ "A health expert has slammed parents for not taking vaccination seriously after 19 children attending a primary school in north Brisbane contracted the potentially deadly disease whooping cough. Kilcoy State School is working with Queensland Health after a whooping cough outbreak in the area, but parents have been urged to take vaccination more seriously there. The Sunshine Coast Daily reports that infectious diseases expert Professor Matthew Cooper, a professorial research fellow at the University of Queensland's Institute for Molecular Bioscience, attributed the outbreak to an anti-vaccination trend. Parents have been accused of not taking vaccination seriously after 19 children attending a primary school in north Brisbane contracted whooping cough . 'It's unfortunately just part of a growing trend that many people have decided not to immunise,' he said. 'We've seen this with other diseases that are more serious than pertussis but unfortunately the more people who choose not to immunise the more likely it is we'll get outbreaks.' Although immunisation rates in Queensland have dropped across most age groups there since 2010, in 2014 the Metro North region had the highest immunisation rate in the state. Kilcoy State School (pictured) in north Brisbane is working with Queensland Health after a whooping cough outbreak in the area . There are about 1200 cases of whooping cough every year in the Metro North area. This region covers the Brisbane River to past Caboolture. in total there have been 86 confirmed cases in 2015 - alarmingly 16 in the past week - compared to 113 last year. Statewide, 232", "cases have been reported. Parents were urged to take children with any symptoms to their family doctor . Dr Cooper said it was essential to convince parents of the importance of vaccination. He said if vaccination rates continued to fall there could be an increase in unfortunate and preventable deaths. Parents were urged parents to take children with any symptoms to their family doctor, and for children who tested positive to stay away from school for five days." ]
[ "A health expert has slammed parents for not taking vaccination seriously after 19 children attending a primary school in north Brisbane contracted the potentially deadly disease whooping cough. Kilcoy State School is working with Queensland Health after a whooping cough outbreak in the area, but parents have been urged to take vaccination more seriously there. The Sunshine Coast Daily reports that infectious diseases expert Professor Matthew Cooper, a professorial research fellow at the University of Queensland's Institute for Molecular Bioscience, attributed the outbreak to an anti-vaccination trend. Parents have been accused of not taking vaccination seriously after 19 children attending a primary school in north Brisbane contracted whooping cough . 'It's unfortunately just part of a growing trend that many people have decided not to immunise,' he said. 'We've seen this with other diseases that are more serious than pertussis but unfortunately the more people who choose not to immunise the more likely it is we'll get outbreaks.' Although immunisation rates in Queensland have dropped across most age groups there since 2010, in 2014 the Metro North region had the highest immunisation rate in the state. Kilcoy State School (pictured) in north Brisbane is working with Queensland Health after a whooping cough outbreak in the area . There are about 1200 cases of whooping cough every year in the Metro North area. This region covers the Brisbane River to past Caboolture. in total there have been 86 confirmed cases in 2015 - alarmingly 16 in the past week - compared to 113 last year. Statewide, 232", "cases have been reported. Parents were urged to take children with any symptoms to their family doctor . Dr Cooper said it was essential to convince parents of the importance of vaccination. He said if vaccination rates continued to fall there could be an increase in unfortunate and preventable deaths. Parents were urged parents to take children with any symptoms to their family doctor, and for children who tested positive to stay away from school for five days." ]
In north Brisbane, 19 children contracted whooping cough due to low vaccination rates. Experts blame parents for not taking vaccination seriously, citing an anti-vaccination trend. Immunization rates have dropped in Queensland since 2010, despite the Metro North region having the highest rate in 2014. Parents are urged to vaccinate their children to prevent outbreaks and potential deaths.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
In a maneuver with ominous echoes of the Cold War, a Russian fighter jet 'aggressively' intercepted an American plane over Poland, the Pentagon claims. Filing an official complaint to Russia, the State Department alleges a U.S. RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft was flying near the Baltic Sea in international airspace when a Russian SU-27 Flanker cut into its path. Pentagon officials have slammed the move as 'unprofessional' and 'unsafe'. A Russian jet 'aggressively' intercepted a U.S. RC-135U plane (pictured) over Poland, the Pentagon claims . Spokesman Mark Wright told CNN the Russian jet performed 'aggressive maneuvers' at high speed in close proximity to the plane. He added that the State Department will consequently be filing a complaint to Russia 'through diplomatic channels'. Russia has rubbished claims it was a deliberate and aggressive interception. State news agency Sputnik reported that the jet was circling the plane to determine its tail number, as its transponder was switched off. The Russian SU-27 Flanker 'aggressively' cut into the American plane's path, the spokesman stated . The Pentagon and the U.S. European Command have dismissed the account. The incident occurred almost exactly a year after Pentagon officials accused a Russian fighter jet of purposely flying 100 feet in front of the nose of an American spy plane over the Sea of Okhotsk between Russia and Japan. In August last year, U.S. Air Force spy plane avoided a run-in with the Russian military over Swedish airspace.
air, plane, aircraft, flight, flying, pilot, fly, jet, crew, landing,
russian, russia, european, europe, ukraine, putin, moscow, greece, eastern, euro,
flying the plane, the pilot of this aircraft, passengers flying for leisure or work, landing strip, the flight crew, take-offs and landings, aircraft landing, jet flying by
Ukraine and Russia, called to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathered in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, bloc of nations within the European Union
This topic is about flying the plane, the pilot of the aircraft, passengers flying for leisure or work, landing strip, the flight crew, take-offs and landings, aircraft landing, and a jet flying by.
This topic is about Ukraine and Russia, calling to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathering in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, and a bloc of nations within the European Union.
A Russian plane was accused of flying aggressively close to an American plane. The Russian aircraft performed several maneuvers close to the other plane. The Russians claimed that it was done only to identify the other plane.
The Russians denied that the Russian pilot acted out of aggression. They said that it was a random security check. A similar incident occurred with another American plane.
[ "In a maneuver with ominous echoes of the Cold War, a Russian fighter jet 'aggressively' intercepted an American plane over Poland, the Pentagon claims. Filing an official complaint to Russia, the State Department alleges a U.S. RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft was flying near the Baltic Sea in international airspace when a Russian SU-27 Flanker cut into its path. Pentagon officials have slammed the move as 'unprofessional' and 'unsafe'. A Russian jet 'aggressively' intercepted a U.S. RC-135U plane (pictured) over Poland, the Pentagon claims . Spokesman Mark Wright told CNN the Russian jet performed 'aggressive maneuvers' at high speed in close proximity to the plane. He added that the State Department will consequently be filing a complaint to Russia 'through diplomatic channels'. Russia has rubbished claims it was a deliberate and aggressive interception. State news agency Sputnik reported that the jet was circling the plane to determine its tail number, as its transponder was switched off. The Russian SU-27 Flanker 'aggressively' cut into the American plane's path, the spokesman stated . The Pentagon and the U.S. European Command have dismissed the account. The incident occurred almost exactly a year after Pentagon officials accused a Russian fighter jet of purposely flying 100 feet in front of the nose of an American spy plane over the Sea of Okhotsk between Russia and Japan. In August last year, U.S. Air Force spy plane avoided a run-in with the Russian military over Swedish airspace." ]
[ "In a maneuver with ominous echoes of the Cold War, a Russian fighter jet 'aggressively' intercepted an American plane over Poland, the Pentagon claims. Filing an official complaint to Russia, the State Department alleges a U.S. RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft was flying near the Baltic Sea in international airspace when a Russian SU-27 Flanker cut into its path. Pentagon officials have slammed the move as 'unprofessional' and 'unsafe'. A Russian jet 'aggressively' intercepted a U.S. RC-135U plane (pictured) over Poland, the Pentagon claims . Spokesman Mark Wright told CNN the Russian jet performed 'aggressive maneuvers' at high speed in close proximity to the plane. He added that the State Department will consequently be filing a complaint to Russia 'through diplomatic channels'. Russia has rubbished claims it was a deliberate and aggressive interception. State news agency Sputnik reported that the jet was circling the plane to determine its tail number, as its transponder was switched off. The Russian SU-27 Flanker 'aggressively' cut into the American plane's path, the spokesman stated . The Pentagon and the U.S. European Command have dismissed the account. The incident occurred almost exactly a year after Pentagon officials accused a Russian fighter jet of purposely flying 100 feet in front of the nose of an American spy plane over the Sea of Okhotsk between Russia and Japan. In August last year, U.S. Air Force spy plane avoided a run-in with the Russian military over Swedish airspace." ]
A Russian fighter jet intercepted an American reconnaissance plane over Poland, according to the Pentagon. The US claims the Russian SU-27 Flanker performed "aggressive maneuvers" at high speed, while Russia denies any aggression, saying the jet was simply trying to identify the plane's tail number. The incident has sparked tensions between the two nations, with the US filing an official complaint to Russia through diplomatic channels.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger was presented with a framed collection of photographs from his time with Monaco by vice-president Vadim Vasilyev as he made his return on Monday. Wenger faces the club he first managed in 1987 on Tuesday night when Arsenal try to overturn their 3-1 defeat from the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie. The Frenchman left Monaco in 1994, six years after winning the Ligue 1 title in his debut season, but Wenger will put sentiment aside as he tries to inflict defeat on the club he still remembers fondly. Monaco vice-president Vadim Vasilyev presents Arsene Wenger with a framed collection of photographs . Arsenal manager Wenger was in bullish mood ahead of their Champions League showdown in Monaco . Arsenal boss Wenger walks on the pitch at the Stade Louis II on Monday night ahead of his team's match . Wenger, ahead of his first competitive return to Monte Carlo, said: 'For me personally, it's a very special moment. 'I was a young coach here and was here for seven years. But tomorrow we have a Champions League game and the experience I gained here can help me. 'I am able to separate the importance of the game for my club and the pleasure I have at coming back. 'The best way to enjoy it most is to do well and to turn it around. 'My real pleasure would be to come back here more to see friends when there is not a match. I'm here for work and job is for the club to win. 'I have lots of respect for Monaco and I want to thank the club because they gave me my chance as a young trainer.' Wenger's seven years in Monaco saw him deliver the title in 1988 and the Coupe de France in 1991, but he will have to make history again on Tuesday night if Arsenal are to qualify. No team in the Champions League era have come back from a two-goal home deficit in the first leg and gone through. The last team to do so was Ajax in 1969 when they came from behind against Benfica and went through following a replay. Even worse for Arsenal is Monaco have not conceded three goals at home in a match for three-and-a-half years, and Wenger has his work cut out for him at his former club. Wenger's seven years in Monaco saw him deliver the title in 1988 and the Coupe de France in 1991 . A younger-looking Wenger celebrates a goal in 1990 as he was given his chance as a young coach in Monaco . Wenger returns to Monaco looking to cause an upset as Arsenal must come back from a 3-1 first-leg defeat . Wenger pictured in 1990 during a training session taking place during his time as Monaco manager . VIDEO Monaco favourites to progress .
club, team, season, players, england, football, player, league, fans, game,
arsenal, ball, alex, wenger, villa, alan, cross, robin, darren, derby,
football league, the team's fans, football player, this season's games, world championship, tournament
derby football match, Arsenal football team, they could have snatched victory, the team's former manager, the ball hit the post
This topic is about a football league having a world championship where each team’s fans are gathered to watch the end of this season’s games culminating in a tournament, to see their favorite football player.
This topic is about a derby football match, in which the ball hit the post; according to the Arsenal football team’s former manager, they could have snatched victory, but the ball hit the post.
Arsene Wenger is leading his current team against his old league. The two teams are competing in the Champions League game. Before he switched teams, Wenger helped his old team win one such game as well as the Coupe de France.
The Arsenal and Monaco teams are competing against each other in the Champions League game. The Arsenals are being led by the Monaco's former manager. The vice president of Monaco gave the former manager a photo album of memories.
[ "Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger was presented with a framed collection of photographs from his time with Monaco by vice-president Vadim Vasilyev as he made his return on Monday. Wenger faces the club he first managed in 1987 on Tuesday night when Arsenal try to overturn their 3-1 defeat from the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie. The Frenchman left Monaco in 1994, six years after winning the Ligue 1 title in his debut season, but Wenger will put sentiment aside as he tries to inflict defeat on the club he still remembers fondly. Monaco vice-president Vadim Vasilyev presents Arsene Wenger with a framed collection of photographs . Arsenal manager Wenger was in bullish mood ahead of their Champions League showdown in Monaco . Arsenal boss Wenger walks on the pitch at the Stade Louis II on Monday night ahead of his team's match . Wenger, ahead of his first competitive return to Monte Carlo, said: 'For me personally, it's a very special moment. 'I was a young coach here and was here for seven years. But tomorrow we have a Champions League game and the experience I gained here can help me. 'I am able to separate the importance of the game for my club and the pleasure I have at coming back. 'The best way to enjoy it most is to do well and to turn it around. 'My real pleasure would be to come back here more to see friends when there is not a match. I'm here for work and job", "is for the club to win. 'I have lots of respect for Monaco and I want to thank the club because they gave me my chance as a young trainer.' Wenger's seven years in Monaco saw him deliver the title in 1988 and the Coupe de France in 1991, but he will have to make history again on Tuesday night if Arsenal are to qualify. No team in the Champions League era have come back from a two-goal home deficit in the first leg and gone through. The last team to do so was Ajax in 1969 when they came from behind against Benfica and went through following a replay. Even worse for Arsenal is Monaco have not conceded three goals at home in a match for three-and-a-half years, and Wenger has his work cut out for him at his former club. Wenger's seven years in Monaco saw him deliver the title in 1988 and the Coupe de France in 1991 . A younger-looking Wenger celebrates a goal in 1990 as he was given his chance as a young coach in Monaco . Wenger returns to Monaco looking to cause an upset as Arsenal must come back from a 3-1 first-leg defeat . Wenger pictured in 1990 during a training session taking place during his time as Monaco manager . VIDEO Monaco favourites to progress ." ]
[ "Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger was presented with a framed collection of photographs from his time with Monaco by vice-president Vadim Vasilyev as he made his return on Monday. Wenger faces the club he first managed in 1987 on Tuesday night when Arsenal try to overturn their 3-1 defeat from the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie. The Frenchman left Monaco in 1994, six years after winning the Ligue 1 title in his debut season, but Wenger will put sentiment aside as he tries to inflict defeat on the club he still remembers fondly. Monaco vice-president Vadim Vasilyev presents Arsene Wenger with a framed collection of photographs . Arsenal manager Wenger was in bullish mood ahead of their Champions League showdown in Monaco . Arsenal boss Wenger walks on the pitch at the Stade Louis II on Monday night ahead of his team's match . Wenger, ahead of his first competitive return to Monte Carlo, said: 'For me personally, it's a very special moment. 'I was a young coach here and was here for seven years. But tomorrow we have a Champions League game and the experience I gained here can help me. 'I am able to separate the importance of the game for my club and the pleasure I have at coming back. 'The best way to enjoy it most is to do well and to turn it around. 'My real pleasure would be to come back here more to see friends when there is not a match. I'm here for work and job", "is for the club to win. 'I have lots of respect for Monaco and I want to thank the club because they gave me my chance as a young trainer.' Wenger's seven years in Monaco saw him deliver the title in 1988 and the Coupe de France in 1991, but he will have to make history again on Tuesday night if Arsenal are to qualify. No team in the Champions League era have come back from a two-goal home deficit in the first leg and gone through. The last team to do so was Ajax in 1969 when they came from behind against Benfica and went through following a replay. Even worse for Arsenal is Monaco have not conceded three goals at home in a match for three-and-a-half years, and Wenger has his work cut out for him at his former club. Wenger's seven years in Monaco saw him deliver the title in 1988 and the Coupe de France in 1991 . A younger-looking Wenger celebrates a goal in 1990 as he was given his chance as a young coach in Monaco . Wenger returns to Monaco looking to cause an upset as Arsenal must come back from a 3-1 first-leg defeat . Wenger pictured in 1990 during a training session taking place during his time as Monaco manager . VIDEO Monaco favourites to progress ." ]
Arsene Wenger returned to Monaco, where he managed from 1987 to 1994, ahead of Arsenal's Champions League match against the club. He received a framed collection of photographs from his time at Monaco. Wenger expressed his respect for the club that gave him his start as a young trainer, but emphasized his focus on helping Arsenal overcome their 3-1 deficit from the first leg.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Wayne Rooney has revealed he will have a special companion by his side when he takes to the field at Old Trafford on Sunday - his eldest son Kai. Last November Kai and his younger brother Klay were mascots when their father won his 100th England cap against Slovenia at Wembley. And the striker revealed in a post on Instagram on Saturday evening that five-year-old Kai will accompany him on to the pitch for the Spurs game in Manchester this weekend. Wayne Rooney will walk out with his son Kai by his side on Sunday, as he did before England vs Slovenia . Rooney will hope he gets a similar result, after scoring twice last time his son was mascot . 'Big game tomorrow against Tottenham at Old Trafford. Looking forward to walking out again with my son Kai as mascot!' the 29-year-old United captain wrote next to a picture of him and his two sons on the pitch before the Slovenia match. Rooney scored the opening goal in a 3-1 win that night and United will be hoping for a similar result when they face their rivals for Champions League qualification on Sunday. For Rooney's 100th cap he brought both kids onto the pitch, but on Sunday just Kai will be mascot . Rooney is in good form at the moment, with three goals in his last three games, since being moved up front .
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
Wayne Rooney is taking his son Kai with him on his next game as Manchester United's striker. He hopes that his son will bring him the same luck that he had in the last game. He scored the opening goal last time; his team won 3-1.
Last time, Manchester United won 3-1. The striker scored the opening goal. He scored two of the three goals in total.
[ "Wayne Rooney has revealed he will have a special companion by his side when he takes to the field at Old Trafford on Sunday - his eldest son Kai. Last November Kai and his younger brother Klay were mascots when their father won his 100th England cap against Slovenia at Wembley. And the striker revealed in a post on Instagram on Saturday evening that five-year-old Kai will accompany him on to the pitch for the Spurs game in Manchester this weekend. Wayne Rooney will walk out with his son Kai by his side on Sunday, as he did before England vs Slovenia . Rooney will hope he gets a similar result, after scoring twice last time his son was mascot . 'Big game tomorrow against Tottenham at Old Trafford. Looking forward to walking out again with my son Kai as mascot!' the 29-year-old United captain wrote next to a picture of him and his two sons on the pitch before the Slovenia match. Rooney scored the opening goal in a 3-1 win that night and United will be hoping for a similar result when they face their rivals for Champions League qualification on Sunday. For Rooney's 100th cap he brought both kids onto the pitch, but on Sunday just Kai will be mascot . Rooney is in good form at the moment, with three goals in his last three games, since being moved up front ." ]
[ "Wayne Rooney has revealed he will have a special companion by his side when he takes to the field at Old Trafford on Sunday - his eldest son Kai. Last November Kai and his younger brother Klay were mascots when their father won his 100th England cap against Slovenia at Wembley. And the striker revealed in a post on Instagram on Saturday evening that five-year-old Kai will accompany him on to the pitch for the Spurs game in Manchester this weekend. Wayne Rooney will walk out with his son Kai by his side on Sunday, as he did before England vs Slovenia . Rooney will hope he gets a similar result, after scoring twice last time his son was mascot . 'Big game tomorrow against Tottenham at Old Trafford. Looking forward to walking out again with my son Kai as mascot!' the 29-year-old United captain wrote next to a picture of him and his two sons on the pitch before the Slovenia match. Rooney scored the opening goal in a 3-1 win that night and United will be hoping for a similar result when they face their rivals for Champions League qualification on Sunday. For Rooney's 100th cap he brought both kids onto the pitch, but on Sunday just Kai will be mascot . Rooney is in good form at the moment, with three goals in his last three games, since being moved up front ." ]
Wayne Rooney will walk out with his 5-year-old son Kai as mascot for the Manchester United vs Tottenham match at Old Trafford on Sunday. This is not the first time Kai has been a mascot, having done so previously when Rooney won his 100th England cap against Slovenia at Wembley.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Jailed: Juraj Orsula, 46, claimed he had been blinded by the sun when his red Mercedes Actros lorry crashed into the back of queuing traffic . A Slovakian lorry driver who killed three members of the same family and injured eight others after ploughing into the back of stationary traffic on a motorway has been jailed. Juraj Orsula, 46, claimed he had been blinded by the sun when his red Mercedes Actros lorry crashed into the back of queuing traffic, which had built up on the M26 in Kemsing, Kent, after two previous collisions earlier that morning. Helen Akande, 22, and her sister Mary, 16, both students from Sarcelles, France, died at the scene of the crash in April last year, while their father Michael, 54, died two weeks later in hospital as a result of his injuries. Three people in another vehicle suffered serious injuries, including a boy aged seven who suffered a severe brain injury, a boy aged three who had a broken leg and a 36-year-old man with a fractured skull and brain injury. Orsula, of Topolcany, Slovakia, pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court yesterday to three counts of causing death by dangerous driving, and three counts of causing serious injury while driving dangerously. He was jailed for six and a half years, and disqualified from driving for seven years. Crash: Traffic had built up on the M26 in Kemsing, Kent, after two previous collisions earlier that morning . Sentencing: Orsula pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court (pictured) yesterday to three counts of causing death by dangerous driving, and three counts of causing serious injury while driving dangerously . Detective Constable David Holmes, from Kent Police, said: 'The events of that day will linger long in the memory of those affected, some of whom will never fully recover from their injuries. 'Juraj Orsula claims he was blinded by the sun in the moments leading up to the collision, which should have been reason enough to reduce his speed. 'Instead he continued to drive as normal before crashing into stationary traffic and leaving a trail of devastation. He must now live with the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life.' Mr Holmes added: 'Hopefully Orsula's sentencing will mark the start of the healing process for everyone affected by this devastating incident, and our thoughts are with them all today.'
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
road, driver, driving, traffic, speed, drivers, vehicles, highway, roads, drive,
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
road traffic, highway speed, roads and driving, driving their vehicles on the road, traffic speeds
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
This topic is about driving vehicles on the road, having to do with traffic and highway speeds, road traffic, and driving.
Shocking accident involving driver Juraj Osrula, 46, a Slovakian truck driver who caused an accident involving several people, including 3 family members who died, including Helen Akande, 22, Mary, 16, and her father Michael, 54. The accident happened that a red Mercedes Actros reached the end of the traffic queue, causing a tragedy. In light of this, Juraj pleaded guilty in the Maidtone Crown Court, on charges of death for dangerous driving and 3 counts of serious injury while driving dangerously. On the other hand, Juraj, argues that he was blinded by the sun in the moments before the collision, but the detective David Holmes, affirms that the driver when being blinded by the sun should then reduce the speed and concludes saying that the final sentence of the process serves as cure for everyone affected in the accident.
The tragedy occurred on the M26 in Kemsing, Kent involving a collision caused by a red Mercedes Actros, where the vehicle collided to the back of the traffic queue. In addition, before this disaster the previous morning, two collisions had already occurred. The accused driver is Juraj Orsula, 46, who ended up killing three members of his family, as well as Helen Akande, 22, his sister Mary, 16, and later his father Michael, 54. In addition, he caused serious injuries to others, a a 7-year-old boy with a brain injury, a 3-year-old boy with a broken leg and a 36-year-old man with a brain injury and fracture. Despite driver Juraj Osrula arguing that he was blinded in the accident due to the sun, Detective David Holmes argues that he could have slowed down and that he must be convicted of dangerous driving and three charges of causing serious injury while driving dangerously.
[ "Jailed: Juraj Orsula, 46, claimed he had been blinded by the sun when his red Mercedes Actros lorry crashed into the back of queuing traffic . A Slovakian lorry driver who killed three members of the same family and injured eight others after ploughing into the back of stationary traffic on a motorway has been jailed. Juraj Orsula, 46, claimed he had been blinded by the sun when his red Mercedes Actros lorry crashed into the back of queuing traffic, which had built up on the M26 in Kemsing, Kent, after two previous collisions earlier that morning. Helen Akande, 22, and her sister Mary, 16, both students from Sarcelles, France, died at the scene of the crash in April last year, while their father Michael, 54, died two weeks later in hospital as a result of his injuries. Three people in another vehicle suffered serious injuries, including a boy aged seven who suffered a severe brain injury, a boy aged three who had a broken leg and a 36-year-old man with a fractured skull and brain injury. Orsula, of Topolcany, Slovakia, pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court yesterday to three counts of causing death by dangerous driving, and three counts of causing serious injury while driving dangerously. He was jailed for six and a half years, and disqualified from driving for seven years. Crash: Traffic had built up on the M26 in Kemsing, Kent, after two previous collisions earlier that morning . Sentencing: Orsula pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court (pictured) yesterday to three counts of", "causing death by dangerous driving, and three counts of causing serious injury while driving dangerously . Detective Constable David Holmes, from Kent Police, said: 'The events of that day will linger long in the memory of those affected, some of whom will never fully recover from their injuries. 'Juraj Orsula claims he was blinded by the sun in the moments leading up to the collision, which should have been reason enough to reduce his speed. 'Instead he continued to drive as normal before crashing into stationary traffic and leaving a trail of devastation. He must now live with the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life.' Mr Holmes added: 'Hopefully Orsula's sentencing will mark the start of the healing process for everyone affected by this devastating incident, and our thoughts are with them all today.'" ]
[ "Jailed: Juraj Orsula, 46, claimed he had been blinded by the sun when his red Mercedes Actros lorry crashed into the back of queuing traffic . A Slovakian lorry driver who killed three members of the same family and injured eight others after ploughing into the back of stationary traffic on a motorway has been jailed. Juraj Orsula, 46, claimed he had been blinded by the sun when his red Mercedes Actros lorry crashed into the back of queuing traffic, which had built up on the M26 in Kemsing, Kent, after two previous collisions earlier that morning. Helen Akande, 22, and her sister Mary, 16, both students from Sarcelles, France, died at the scene of the crash in April last year, while their father Michael, 54, died two weeks later in hospital as a result of his injuries. Three people in another vehicle suffered serious injuries, including a boy aged seven who suffered a severe brain injury, a boy aged three who had a broken leg and a 36-year-old man with a fractured skull and brain injury. Orsula, of Topolcany, Slovakia, pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court yesterday to three counts of causing death by dangerous driving, and three counts of causing serious injury while driving dangerously. He was jailed for six and a half years, and disqualified from driving for seven years. Crash: Traffic had built up on the M26 in Kemsing, Kent, after two previous collisions earlier that morning . Sentencing: Orsula pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court (pictured) yesterday to three counts of", "causing death by dangerous driving, and three counts of causing serious injury while driving dangerously . Detective Constable David Holmes, from Kent Police, said: 'The events of that day will linger long in the memory of those affected, some of whom will never fully recover from their injuries. 'Juraj Orsula claims he was blinded by the sun in the moments leading up to the collision, which should have been reason enough to reduce his speed. 'Instead he continued to drive as normal before crashing into stationary traffic and leaving a trail of devastation. He must now live with the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life.' Mr Holmes added: 'Hopefully Orsula's sentencing will mark the start of the healing process for everyone affected by this devastating incident, and our thoughts are with them all today.'" ]
A Slovakian lorry driver, Juraj Orsula, 46, has been sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for causing the deaths of three family members and injuring eight others in a motorway crash. The accident occurred on the M26 in Kent when Orsula's lorry collided with stationary traffic, which had built up due to previous collisions. Orsula claimed he was blinded by the sun, but failed to slow down. The victims included two sisters, aged 22 and 16, and their father, who died two weeks later. Other injured parties included a 7-year-old boy with a severe brain injury and a 3-year-old boy with a broken leg.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
New York (CNN)When Liana Barrientos was 23 years old, she got married in Westchester County, New York. A year later, she got married again in Westchester County, but to a different man and without divorcing her first husband. Only 18 days after that marriage, she got hitched yet again. Then, Barrientos declared "I do" five more times, sometimes only within two weeks of each other. In 2010, she married once more, this time in the Bronx. In an application for a marriage license, she stated it was her "first and only" marriage. Barrientos, now 39, is facing two criminal counts of "offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree," referring to her false statements on the 2010 marriage license application, according to court documents. Prosecutors said the marriages were part of an immigration scam. On Friday, she pleaded not guilty at State Supreme Court in the Bronx, according to her attorney, Christopher Wright, who declined to comment further. After leaving court, Barrientos was arrested and charged with theft of service and criminal trespass for allegedly sneaking into the New York subway through an emergency exit, said Detective Annette Markowski, a police spokeswoman. In total, Barrientos has been married 10 times, with nine of her marriages occurring between 1999 and 2002. All occurred either in Westchester County, Long Island, New Jersey or the Bronx. She is believed to still be married to four men, and at one time, she was married to eight men at once, prosecutors say. Prosecutors said the immigration scam involved some of her husbands, who filed for permanent residence status shortly after the marriages. Any divorces happened only after such filings were approved. It was unclear whether any of the men will be prosecuted. The case was referred to the Bronx District Attorney's Office by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security's Investigation Division. Seven of the men are from so-called "red-flagged" countries, including Egypt, Turkey, Georgia, Pakistan and Mali. Her eighth husband, Rashid Rajput, was deported in 2006 to his native Pakistan after an investigation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force. If convicted, Barrientos faces up to four years in prison. Her next court appearance is scheduled for May 18.
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
law, legal, state, marriage, rights, laws, civil, federal, couples, petition,
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
civil law, marriage, federal law, not legal, state law, petition, law for married couples
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
This topic is about civil law, marriage, federal law, legal actions, state law, petition, and law for married couples.
Liana Barrientos has been charged with falsifying her marriage documents. She had allegedly run an immigration scam. She was also charged with theft and trespass charges after she snuck into the subway through an emergency exit.
Liana Barrientos has married a total of ten men without necessarily filing for divorce or waiting to be widowed. Needless to say, this is illegal. It is suspected that she was married to up to eight men at once.
[ "New York (CNN)When Liana Barrientos was 23 years old, she got married in Westchester County, New York. A year later, she got married again in Westchester County, but to a different man and without divorcing her first husband. Only 18 days after that marriage, she got hitched yet again. Then, Barrientos declared \"I do\" five more times, sometimes only within two weeks of each other. In 2010, she married once more, this time in the Bronx. In an application for a marriage license, she stated it was her \"first and only\" marriage. Barrientos, now 39, is facing two criminal counts of \"offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree,\" referring to her false statements on the 2010 marriage license application, according to court documents. Prosecutors said the marriages were part of an immigration scam. On Friday, she pleaded not guilty at State Supreme Court in the Bronx, according to her attorney, Christopher Wright, who declined to comment further. After leaving court, Barrientos was arrested and charged with theft of service and criminal trespass for allegedly sneaking into the New York subway through an emergency exit, said Detective Annette Markowski, a police spokeswoman. In total, Barrientos has been married 10 times, with nine of her marriages occurring between 1999 and 2002. All occurred either in Westchester County, Long Island, New Jersey or the Bronx. She is believed to still be married to four men, and at one time, she was married to eight men at once, prosecutors say. Prosecutors said the immigration scam involved some", "of her husbands, who filed for permanent residence status shortly after the marriages. Any divorces happened only after such filings were approved. It was unclear whether any of the men will be prosecuted. The case was referred to the Bronx District Attorney's Office by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security's Investigation Division. Seven of the men are from so-called \"red-flagged\" countries, including Egypt, Turkey, Georgia, Pakistan and Mali. Her eighth husband, Rashid Rajput, was deported in 2006 to his native Pakistan after an investigation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force. If convicted, Barrientos faces up to four years in prison. Her next court appearance is scheduled for May 18." ]
[ "New York (CNN)When Liana Barrientos was 23 years old, she got married in Westchester County, New York. A year later, she got married again in Westchester County, but to a different man and without divorcing her first husband. Only 18 days after that marriage, she got hitched yet again. Then, Barrientos declared \"I do\" five more times, sometimes only within two weeks of each other. In 2010, she married once more, this time in the Bronx. In an application for a marriage license, she stated it was her \"first and only\" marriage. Barrientos, now 39, is facing two criminal counts of \"offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree,\" referring to her false statements on the 2010 marriage license application, according to court documents. Prosecutors said the marriages were part of an immigration scam. On Friday, she pleaded not guilty at State Supreme Court in the Bronx, according to her attorney, Christopher Wright, who declined to comment further. After leaving court, Barrientos was arrested and charged with theft of service and criminal trespass for allegedly sneaking into the New York subway through an emergency exit, said Detective Annette Markowski, a police spokeswoman. In total, Barrientos has been married 10 times, with nine of her marriages occurring between 1999 and 2002. All occurred either in Westchester County, Long Island, New Jersey or the Bronx. She is believed to still be married to four men, and at one time, she was married to eight men at once, prosecutors say. Prosecutors said the immigration scam involved some", "of her husbands, who filed for permanent residence status shortly after the marriages. Any divorces happened only after such filings were approved. It was unclear whether any of the men will be prosecuted. The case was referred to the Bronx District Attorney's Office by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security's Investigation Division. Seven of the men are from so-called \"red-flagged\" countries, including Egypt, Turkey, Georgia, Pakistan and Mali. Her eighth husband, Rashid Rajput, was deported in 2006 to his native Pakistan after an investigation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force. If convicted, Barrientos faces up to four years in prison. Her next court appearance is scheduled for May 18." ]
Liana Barrientos, 39, is accused of participating in an immigration scam by marrying multiple men, often simultaneously, to help them gain permanent residency in the US. She faces charges of making false statements on a marriage license application and could face up to four years in prison if convicted.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Meet Coronation Street's latest fresh-faced cast members who are all fighting for the same role. Erin, Eilah and Elsie, are triplets who all play 13-year-old Faye Windass's baby girl Miley, taking it in turns in front of the camera. They were chosen after the soap put out a call to casting agents and put up posters in hospital maternity units in the region asking for identical twin girls to play the newborn. Scroll down for video . Triplets Erin, Eliah and Elsie have joined Coronation Street as the youngest cast members taking it in turns to play the daughter of Faye Windass. Pictured here with father Martyn Halliwell and mother Laura Slinger . The five-month-old triplets were selected after parents Martyn Halliwell and Laura Slinger, from Padiham, near Burnley, put them forward after hearing that triplets are often in high demand in television. Martyn said: 'My cousin, who is a theatre actor, suggested that we should get in touch with an agent. He said "there is a high demand for twins, let alone triplets". 'We sent some photos over and within two hours we heard back to say they had a client who was interested. On the Monday we were at Coronation Street.' Martyn, 29, a sales manager, and Laura, 26, a beautician, are delighted at how well the girls, born on October 27, have taken to being on the soap. And the family has received a warm welcome from all the cast and crew - particularly from Ellie Leach, who plays teen mum Faye in the controversial storyline, and her mum Anna, played by Debbie Rush. Martyn says that despite only being a few months old his baby daughters are already developing quite a talent when it comes to being on screen. The triplets are swapped each scene while playing the daughter of Faye in the controversial story line that saw the Corrie character give birth at just 13-years-old . 'Everybody is shocked at how good they are,' he said. 'One of the triplets cries on cue, so when they need a crying baby we take Elsie down for filming. When they need a calm baby we take Erin. 'Everybody wants to look at the girls and they make a fuss of them, especially Debbie and Ellie. Ellie has been fantastic with the girls.' The triplets, who have a six-year-old brother Maddox, were born ten weeks early at Liverpool Women's Hospital. Erin arrived first at 5pm weighing 2lb 2oz, followed by Eilah at 5.01pm weighing in at 3lb 1oz and Elsie, a minute later weighing 2lb. Martyn added that he hopes that their early start on show might have given them the acting bug. 'Hopefully they will stay on the show if they are enjoying it. 'I have grown up watching Coronation Street and so has Laura. They have made us at home and comfortable and everybody is one big family.' The triplets will make their first appearance on Good Friday when a shocked Faye goes into premature labour.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
film, movie, character, films, viewers, set, characters, bond, series, box,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
movie characters, the new series, action films, bond between the characters, viewers of the film
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about a new series based off action films, for which viewers of the film watch for the bonds between the characters.
Parents have agreed to let their triplets appear as actors on television. The entire family has between warmly received by the cast and crew. The triplets have an older brother. Their father hopes the triplets will cultivate a passion for acting.
Faye Windass, a character on Coronation Street is set to give birth to triplets. This is controversial and groundbreaking as the character is only 13 years old. The character is set to go into premature labor on an episode slated to be aired on Good Friday.
[ "Meet Coronation Street's latest fresh-faced cast members who are all fighting for the same role. Erin, Eilah and Elsie, are triplets who all play 13-year-old Faye Windass's baby girl Miley, taking it in turns in front of the camera. They were chosen after the soap put out a call to casting agents and put up posters in hospital maternity units in the region asking for identical twin girls to play the newborn. Scroll down for video . Triplets Erin, Eliah and Elsie have joined Coronation Street as the youngest cast members taking it in turns to play the daughter of Faye Windass. Pictured here with father Martyn Halliwell and mother Laura Slinger . The five-month-old triplets were selected after parents Martyn Halliwell and Laura Slinger, from Padiham, near Burnley, put them forward after hearing that triplets are often in high demand in television. Martyn said: 'My cousin, who is a theatre actor, suggested that we should get in touch with an agent. He said \"there is a high demand for twins, let alone triplets\". 'We sent some photos over and within two hours we heard back to say they had a client who was interested. On the Monday we were at Coronation Street.' Martyn, 29, a sales manager, and Laura, 26, a beautician, are delighted at how well the girls, born on October 27, have taken to being on the soap. And the family has received a warm welcome from all the cast and crew - particularly from Ellie Leach, who plays teen mum Faye in", "the controversial storyline, and her mum Anna, played by Debbie Rush. Martyn says that despite only being a few months old his baby daughters are already developing quite a talent when it comes to being on screen. The triplets are swapped each scene while playing the daughter of Faye in the controversial story line that saw the Corrie character give birth at just 13-years-old . 'Everybody is shocked at how good they are,' he said. 'One of the triplets cries on cue, so when they need a crying baby we take Elsie down for filming. When they need a calm baby we take Erin. 'Everybody wants to look at the girls and they make a fuss of them, especially Debbie and Ellie. Ellie has been fantastic with the girls.' The triplets, who have a six-year-old brother Maddox, were born ten weeks early at Liverpool Women's Hospital. Erin arrived first at 5pm weighing 2lb 2oz, followed by Eilah at 5.01pm weighing in at 3lb 1oz and Elsie, a minute later weighing 2lb. Martyn added that he hopes that their early start on show might have given them the acting bug. 'Hopefully they will stay on the show if they are enjoying it. 'I have grown up watching Coronation Street and so has Laura. They have made us at home and comfortable and everybody is one big family.' The triplets will make their first appearance on Good Friday when a shocked Faye goes into premature labour." ]
[ "Meet Coronation Street's latest fresh-faced cast members who are all fighting for the same role. Erin, Eilah and Elsie, are triplets who all play 13-year-old Faye Windass's baby girl Miley, taking it in turns in front of the camera. They were chosen after the soap put out a call to casting agents and put up posters in hospital maternity units in the region asking for identical twin girls to play the newborn. Scroll down for video . Triplets Erin, Eliah and Elsie have joined Coronation Street as the youngest cast members taking it in turns to play the daughter of Faye Windass. Pictured here with father Martyn Halliwell and mother Laura Slinger . The five-month-old triplets were selected after parents Martyn Halliwell and Laura Slinger, from Padiham, near Burnley, put them forward after hearing that triplets are often in high demand in television. Martyn said: 'My cousin, who is a theatre actor, suggested that we should get in touch with an agent. He said \"there is a high demand for twins, let alone triplets\". 'We sent some photos over and within two hours we heard back to say they had a client who was interested. On the Monday we were at Coronation Street.' Martyn, 29, a sales manager, and Laura, 26, a beautician, are delighted at how well the girls, born on October 27, have taken to being on the soap. And the family has received a warm welcome from all the cast and crew - particularly from Ellie Leach, who plays teen mum Faye in", "the controversial storyline, and her mum Anna, played by Debbie Rush. Martyn says that despite only being a few months old his baby daughters are already developing quite a talent when it comes to being on screen. The triplets are swapped each scene while playing the daughter of Faye in the controversial story line that saw the Corrie character give birth at just 13-years-old . 'Everybody is shocked at how good they are,' he said. 'One of the triplets cries on cue, so when they need a crying baby we take Elsie down for filming. When they need a calm baby we take Erin. 'Everybody wants to look at the girls and they make a fuss of them, especially Debbie and Ellie. Ellie has been fantastic with the girls.' The triplets, who have a six-year-old brother Maddox, were born ten weeks early at Liverpool Women's Hospital. Erin arrived first at 5pm weighing 2lb 2oz, followed by Eilah at 5.01pm weighing in at 3lb 1oz and Elsie, a minute later weighing 2lb. Martyn added that he hopes that their early start on show might have given them the acting bug. 'Hopefully they will stay on the show if they are enjoying it. 'I have grown up watching Coronation Street and so has Laura. They have made us at home and comfortable and everybody is one big family.' The triplets will make their first appearance on Good Friday when a shocked Faye goes into premature labour." ]
Coronation Street introduces its newest and youngest cast members, triplets Erin, Eilah, and Elsie, who play 13-year-old Faye Windass's baby girl Miley. The five-month-old triplets were chosen after their parents responded to a casting call and were selected due to their rarity. The triplets take turns playing the role, with each one showcasing their unique personality. Their parents, Martyn and Laura, are thrilled with how well the girls have adapted to being on the soap and have received a warm welcome from the cast and crew.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
John Hinckley Jr. has found love. Hinckley, who still spends half of his days institutionalized after being found not guilty by reason of insanity for shooting President Ronald Reagan back in 1981, is said to have met the woman at a National Association for the Mentally Ill meeting. This was revealed by his brother Scott during a hearing to determine if Hinckley should be able to permanently live outside St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington and instead with his mother, where he has resided 17 days out of the month since December 2013. Scroll down for video . John Hinckley Jr. (above) has been dating a woman he met at a National Association for the Mentally Ill meeting . This was revealed by his brother Scott (above) during a hearing to determine if he should be released from the institution he has been at since shooting President Reagan . Hinckley currently splits his time between St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington and his mother's home in Williamsburg, Virginia (above) Scott went on to describe his brother and his new girlfriend as 'somewhat compatible,' though he admitted he had not met the woman. Hinckley's mother Joan has been introduced to her son's girlfriend reports NBC News. Hinckley shot Reagan and three others, including White House press secretary James Brady, in a bid to impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he was obsessed. Testimony is expected to wrap up next week to determine if he can move in permanently with his mother, but it could be months before US District Judge Paul Friedman renders a decision. Prosecutor Colleen Kennedy has argued that the provisions suggested for expanded release were inadequate for a would-be presidential assassin. Hinckley also has written to killers Ted Bundy and Charles Manson, and in January he deceived doctors about where he was going when he was away from St. Elizabeths, she said. 'Now is not the time to loosen the reins of the hospital,' she said. Hinckley's mother Joan (above) has been introduced to her son's girlfriend . Hinckley (left) shot Reagan and three others, including White House press secretary James Brady, in a bid to impress actress Jodie Foster in 1981 (right) Initial testimony centered on whether Hinckley's family could bear the financial cost of supporting him and his care. Prosecutors put the cost at $5,000 to $10,000 a month, and said the family would run out of money in one or two years. But his siblings, who both live in Dallas, said the value of their mother's retirement fund and home totaled about $500,000, and vowed to support him financially. During a 2011 hearing, prosecutors argued Hinckley repeatedly engaged in deception when away from the hospital. Secret Service agents saw him browsing books on Reagan and on other presidential assassins in 2011 instead of going to a movie, as he had told doctors he would. Brady died in August at age 73, and a coroner determined the death was attributable to the shooting. Prosecutors declined to press charges.
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
The person who attempted to kill President Reagan, John Hinckley Jr., is trying to get to live with his mother full time. He continues to look up Reagan and has contacted other killers according to the Secret Service - the organization charged with protecting the President. Hinckley could have been prosecuted for murder because James Brady died during the assassination attempt but was not. Hinckley has been monitored during the last several administrations, Obama and Bush respectively.
John Hinckley Jr., who was convicted of trying to kill President Reagan, is involved with a woman, whom he met at a mental illness meeting. Hinckley has been under surveillance and has been observed crossing the line of his sentencing guidelines. He may have relatives that can support him if he is granted more freedom, but this is debatable.
[ "John Hinckley Jr. has found love. Hinckley, who still spends half of his days institutionalized after being found not guilty by reason of insanity for shooting President Ronald Reagan back in 1981, is said to have met the woman at a National Association for the Mentally Ill meeting. This was revealed by his brother Scott during a hearing to determine if Hinckley should be able to permanently live outside St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington and instead with his mother, where he has resided 17 days out of the month since December 2013. Scroll down for video . John Hinckley Jr. (above) has been dating a woman he met at a National Association for the Mentally Ill meeting . This was revealed by his brother Scott (above) during a hearing to determine if he should be released from the institution he has been at since shooting President Reagan . Hinckley currently splits his time between St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington and his mother's home in Williamsburg, Virginia (above) Scott went on to describe his brother and his new girlfriend as 'somewhat compatible,' though he admitted he had not met the woman. Hinckley's mother Joan has been introduced to her son's girlfriend reports NBC News. Hinckley shot Reagan and three others, including White House press secretary James Brady, in a bid to impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he was obsessed. Testimony is expected to wrap up next week to determine if he can move in permanently with his mother, but it could be months before US District", "Judge Paul Friedman renders a decision. Prosecutor Colleen Kennedy has argued that the provisions suggested for expanded release were inadequate for a would-be presidential assassin. Hinckley also has written to killers Ted Bundy and Charles Manson, and in January he deceived doctors about where he was going when he was away from St. Elizabeths, she said. 'Now is not the time to loosen the reins of the hospital,' she said. Hinckley's mother Joan (above) has been introduced to her son's girlfriend . Hinckley (left) shot Reagan and three others, including White House press secretary James Brady, in a bid to impress actress Jodie Foster in 1981 (right) Initial testimony centered on whether Hinckley's family could bear the financial cost of supporting him and his care. Prosecutors put the cost at $5,000 to $10,000 a month, and said the family would run out of money in one or two years. But his siblings, who both live in Dallas, said the value of their mother's retirement fund and home totaled about $500,000, and vowed to support him financially. During a 2011 hearing, prosecutors argued Hinckley repeatedly engaged in deception when away from the hospital. Secret Service agents saw him browsing books on Reagan and on other presidential assassins in 2011 instead of going to a movie, as he had told doctors he would. Brady died in August at age 73, and a coroner determined the death was attributable to the shooting. Prosecutors declined to press charges." ]
[ "John Hinckley Jr. has found love. Hinckley, who still spends half of his days institutionalized after being found not guilty by reason of insanity for shooting President Ronald Reagan back in 1981, is said to have met the woman at a National Association for the Mentally Ill meeting. This was revealed by his brother Scott during a hearing to determine if Hinckley should be able to permanently live outside St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington and instead with his mother, where he has resided 17 days out of the month since December 2013. Scroll down for video . John Hinckley Jr. (above) has been dating a woman he met at a National Association for the Mentally Ill meeting . This was revealed by his brother Scott (above) during a hearing to determine if he should be released from the institution he has been at since shooting President Reagan . Hinckley currently splits his time between St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington and his mother's home in Williamsburg, Virginia (above) Scott went on to describe his brother and his new girlfriend as 'somewhat compatible,' though he admitted he had not met the woman. Hinckley's mother Joan has been introduced to her son's girlfriend reports NBC News. Hinckley shot Reagan and three others, including White House press secretary James Brady, in a bid to impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he was obsessed. Testimony is expected to wrap up next week to determine if he can move in permanently with his mother, but it could be months before US District", "Judge Paul Friedman renders a decision. Prosecutor Colleen Kennedy has argued that the provisions suggested for expanded release were inadequate for a would-be presidential assassin. Hinckley also has written to killers Ted Bundy and Charles Manson, and in January he deceived doctors about where he was going when he was away from St. Elizabeths, she said. 'Now is not the time to loosen the reins of the hospital,' she said. Hinckley's mother Joan (above) has been introduced to her son's girlfriend . Hinckley (left) shot Reagan and three others, including White House press secretary James Brady, in a bid to impress actress Jodie Foster in 1981 (right) Initial testimony centered on whether Hinckley's family could bear the financial cost of supporting him and his care. Prosecutors put the cost at $5,000 to $10,000 a month, and said the family would run out of money in one or two years. But his siblings, who both live in Dallas, said the value of their mother's retirement fund and home totaled about $500,000, and vowed to support him financially. During a 2011 hearing, prosecutors argued Hinckley repeatedly engaged in deception when away from the hospital. Secret Service agents saw him browsing books on Reagan and on other presidential assassins in 2011 instead of going to a movie, as he had told doctors he would. Brady died in August at age 73, and a coroner determined the death was attributable to the shooting. Prosecutors declined to press charges." ]
John Hinckley Jr., who was found not guilty by reason of insanity for shooting President Ronald Reagan in 1981, has found love while still spending half of his days institutionalized. His brother Scott revealed this during a hearing to determine if Hinckley should be allowed to permanently live outside St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington. The court will decide if Hinckley can move in with his mother, where he has lived 17 days out of the month since 2013.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Labor senator Penny Wong and her partner have announced the arrival of their second child by tweeting an adorable photo of their eldest daughter holding the newborn. The South Australian senator's partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to baby Hannah in Adelaide on Good Friday. Ms Wong, 46, shared the news with her 100,000 Twitter followers on Tuesday morning. Scroll down for video . Labor senator Penny Wong tweeted this picture of daughters Alexandra and Hannah after her partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to their second child on Good Friday in Adelaide . The couple used the same sperm donor who helped them become parents to three-year-old Alexandra . 'Sophie and I are delighted to announce the arrival of Hannah, a sister to Alexandra,' she said. 'Everyone is doing well.' It is the second child for the long-term couple who welcomed their eldest daughter Alexandra in 2011. Hannah was conceived through IVF by the same man who helped them become parents to Alex. The couple announced they were having another child in December last year in an interview with The Advertiser. Their three-year-old helped spill the beans. It is the second child for the long-term couple who welcomed their eldest daughter Alexandra (pictured) in 2011 . Ms Wong shared news of her second daughter's brith with her 100,000 Twitter followers on Tuesday morning . 'Like all families we had to think about whether we tell the toddler because she's notorious - she doesn't know what a secret is,' she told the newspaper at the time. 'But we decided to tell her because we thought it was important she knew. 'Which was fine except at the Labor convention she sat reading The Gruffalo to a baby over and over again... I came over and asked how it was going and a friend said 'it's all really good but she's just told everyone Mummy's got a baby in her tummy'.' Ms Wong has admitted in the past it would be hard to balance two children and her parliamentary duties. 'The unfortunate reality is that Sophie does the lion's share of the work and we're lucky to have my Mum and Sophie's parents, who are very supportive,' she told the Advertiser. 'Unfortunately most work is still structured in a way that expects someone at home to do most of the work.' Alexandra, pictured here with former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, was born in 2011 .
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
children, child, parents, birth, born, kids, families, mother, family, care,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
children and parents, families with children, having kids, giving birth, she became a mother, baby was born
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about having kids, becoming a mother, giving birth, children and their parents, and families with children when a baby is born.
Labor senator Penny Wong and her partner announced the arrival of their second child on Twitter with an adorable photo of their eldest daughter holding the newborn. Labor Senator Penny Wong tweeted this photo of daughters Alexandra and Hannah after her partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to her second child on Good Friday in Adelaide. 'Everyone is doing well.' He is the second child of the long-term couple who welcomed their eldest daughter Alexandra in 2011.
South Australia Senator Sophie Allouache's partner gave birth to baby Hannah in Adelaide on Good Friday. Labor Senator Penny Wong tweeted this photo of daughters Alexandra and Hannah after her partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to her second child on Good Friday in Adelaide. He is the second child of the long-term couple who welcomed their eldest daughter Alexandra (photo) in 2011.
[ "Labor senator Penny Wong and her partner have announced the arrival of their second child by tweeting an adorable photo of their eldest daughter holding the newborn. The South Australian senator's partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to baby Hannah in Adelaide on Good Friday. Ms Wong, 46, shared the news with her 100,000 Twitter followers on Tuesday morning. Scroll down for video . Labor senator Penny Wong tweeted this picture of daughters Alexandra and Hannah after her partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to their second child on Good Friday in Adelaide . The couple used the same sperm donor who helped them become parents to three-year-old Alexandra . 'Sophie and I are delighted to announce the arrival of Hannah, a sister to Alexandra,' she said. 'Everyone is doing well.' It is the second child for the long-term couple who welcomed their eldest daughter Alexandra in 2011. Hannah was conceived through IVF by the same man who helped them become parents to Alex. The couple announced they were having another child in December last year in an interview with The Advertiser. Their three-year-old helped spill the beans. It is the second child for the long-term couple who welcomed their eldest daughter Alexandra (pictured) in 2011 . Ms Wong shared news of her second daughter's brith with her 100,000 Twitter followers on Tuesday morning . 'Like all families we had to think about whether we tell the toddler because she's notorious - she doesn't know what a secret is,' she told the newspaper at the time. 'But we", "decided to tell her because we thought it was important she knew. 'Which was fine except at the Labor convention she sat reading The Gruffalo to a baby over and over again... I came over and asked how it was going and a friend said 'it's all really good but she's just told everyone Mummy's got a baby in her tummy'.' Ms Wong has admitted in the past it would be hard to balance two children and her parliamentary duties. 'The unfortunate reality is that Sophie does the lion's share of the work and we're lucky to have my Mum and Sophie's parents, who are very supportive,' she told the Advertiser. 'Unfortunately most work is still structured in a way that expects someone at home to do most of the work.' Alexandra, pictured here with former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, was born in 2011 ." ]
[ "Labor senator Penny Wong and her partner have announced the arrival of their second child by tweeting an adorable photo of their eldest daughter holding the newborn. The South Australian senator's partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to baby Hannah in Adelaide on Good Friday. Ms Wong, 46, shared the news with her 100,000 Twitter followers on Tuesday morning. Scroll down for video . Labor senator Penny Wong tweeted this picture of daughters Alexandra and Hannah after her partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to their second child on Good Friday in Adelaide . The couple used the same sperm donor who helped them become parents to three-year-old Alexandra . 'Sophie and I are delighted to announce the arrival of Hannah, a sister to Alexandra,' she said. 'Everyone is doing well.' It is the second child for the long-term couple who welcomed their eldest daughter Alexandra in 2011. Hannah was conceived through IVF by the same man who helped them become parents to Alex. The couple announced they were having another child in December last year in an interview with The Advertiser. Their three-year-old helped spill the beans. It is the second child for the long-term couple who welcomed their eldest daughter Alexandra (pictured) in 2011 . Ms Wong shared news of her second daughter's brith with her 100,000 Twitter followers on Tuesday morning . 'Like all families we had to think about whether we tell the toddler because she's notorious - she doesn't know what a secret is,' she told the newspaper at the time. 'But we", "decided to tell her because we thought it was important she knew. 'Which was fine except at the Labor convention she sat reading The Gruffalo to a baby over and over again... I came over and asked how it was going and a friend said 'it's all really good but she's just told everyone Mummy's got a baby in her tummy'.' Ms Wong has admitted in the past it would be hard to balance two children and her parliamentary duties. 'The unfortunate reality is that Sophie does the lion's share of the work and we're lucky to have my Mum and Sophie's parents, who are very supportive,' she told the Advertiser. 'Unfortunately most work is still structured in a way that expects someone at home to do most of the work.' Alexandra, pictured here with former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, was born in 2011 ." ]
Labor Senator Penny Wong and her partner Sophie Allouache have welcomed their second child, Hannah, born on Good Friday in Adelaide. The couple used the same sperm donor as for their first child, Alexandra, now 3 years old. Alexandra helped reveal the pregnancy when she told people at a Labor convention that "Mummy's got a baby in her tummy". Wong expressed gratitude for her partner and grandparents' support, acknowledging that balancing work and childcare can be challenging.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A politics teacher at a £31,000-a-year boarding school attended by Sir Winston Churchill has been banned from classrooms after he was caught on video exposing himself to a woman on a train. Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, 41, who was head of politics at St George's School in Ascot, was travelling on a Richmond to Reading train when he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to a 33-year-old female passenger. He has now been banned from teaching for at least five years following a hearing by a National Council of Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) disciplinary panel in Coventry. Scroll down for video . Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, who was head of politics at St George's School in Ascot, was on a train when he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to a female passenger (pictured) On June 30 2014 Cudjoe-Calvocoressi was convicted of indecent exposure at Berkshire Magistrates' Court following the June 13 incident on-board a train. The court heard at the time that he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to her. The woman began secretly filming him on her mobile phone and asked her husband to meet her at Wokingham train station, where he confronted Cudjoe-Calvocoressi. Cudjoe-Calvocoressi left the station but was soon found and arrested by police and was charged with indecent exposure. When interviewed by police he initially denied that he had deliberately exposed himself, but when he appeared at Berkshire Magistrates' Court he pleaded guilty to the offence. At the school's internal investigating meeting Cudjoe-Calvocoressi admitted that he had exposed himself - but said that he did not realise he was causing distress. Following the court case he was sentenced to a supervision requirement, a community order which runs until July 27 2017 and was ordered to pays costs of £85, compensation of £700 and a £60 victim surcharge. He was also told to sign the sex offenders register for five years. The woman filmed Cudjoe-Calvocoressi when he exposed himself on the train, leading to his conviction . The exclusive St George's School in Ascot (pictured) which was originally a boys' school, has an impressive alumni including Sir Winston Churchill, Princess Beatrice and even Made in Chelsea star Kimberley Garner . Now, at the NCTL disciplinary panel in Coventry Cudjoe-Calvocoressi admitted the alleged facts and admitted that the conviction was for a relevant offence. Imposing the ban on behalf of Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, NCTL official Paul Heathcote said: 'There is no allegation that his actions were sexually motivated and his actions did not involve children, nor did he use his professional position. 'While his actions had the potential to cause harm, there is no evidence that they did so. 'In all the circumstances I agree with the panel's recommendation that Mr Cudjoe-Calvocoressi be allowed to apply for the order to be set aside on or after 29 July 2019.' The ban means that he is prohibited from teaching and cannot teach in any school, sixth form college, relevant youth accommodation or children's home in England. He has the right to appeal to the High Court against the decision. However, the door has been left open for him to return to teaching. In a decision imposed on behalf of the Education Secretary it was held that Cudjoe-Calvocoressi should be allowed to apply to return to teaching in 2019 when the five-year order that he signs the Sex Offenders Register comes to an end. The exclusive St George's School, which was originally a boys' school, has an impressive alumni including Sir Winston Churchill, Princess Beatrice and even Made in Chelsea star Kimberley Garner. Princess Beatrice on her first day at St George's school accompanied by her parents the Duke and Duchess of York, in 2000 (pictured left). Sir Winston Churchill (right) was also a student at the prestigious school .
school, schools, teacher, high, education, parents, teachers, hughes, children, students
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
high school teacher, high school students, education in schools, parents meet teachers, children going to school
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
This topic is about high school students and children going to school, education in schools, and parents meeting teachers.
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
A politics professor at a £31,000-a-year boarding school attended by Sir Winston Churchill was kicked out of the classroom after he was filmed commenting on sexual abuse and gestures to a woman on a train. The ban means that he is prohibited from teaching and cannot teach at any school, sixth grade college, relevant youth accommodation or children's home in England. In a decision imposed on behalf of the Secretary of Education, it was stated that Cudjoe-Calvocoressi should be authorized to apply for a return to education in 2019, when the five-year order to sign the Registry of Sex Offenders expires.
Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, 41, who was head of politics at St George's School in Ascot, was traveling on a train from Richmond to Reading when he pulled on his shorts and exposed himself to a 33-year-old female passenger. Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, who was head of policy at St George's School in Ascot, was on a train when he pulled his shorts and exposed himself to a female passenger. On June 30, 2014, Cudjoe-Calvocoressi was sentenced for dishonest exposure at Berkshire Magistrates 'Court after the June 13 incident aboard a train. The woman filmed Cudjoe-Calvocoressi as he exposed himself on the train, leading to his conviction. Now, on the NCTL disciplinary panel in Coventry, Cudjoe-Calvocoressi has admitted the alleged facts and admitted that the conviction was for a relevant crime.
[ "A politics teacher at a £31,000-a-year boarding school attended by Sir Winston Churchill has been banned from classrooms after he was caught on video exposing himself to a woman on a train. Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, 41, who was head of politics at St George's School in Ascot, was travelling on a Richmond to Reading train when he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to a 33-year-old female passenger. He has now been banned from teaching for at least five years following a hearing by a National Council of Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) disciplinary panel in Coventry. Scroll down for video . Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, who was head of politics at St George's School in Ascot, was on a train when he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to a female passenger (pictured) On June 30 2014 Cudjoe-Calvocoressi was convicted of indecent exposure at Berkshire Magistrates' Court following the June 13 incident on-board a train. The court heard at the time that he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to her. The woman began secretly filming him on her mobile phone and asked her husband to meet her at Wokingham train station, where he confronted Cudjoe-Calvocoressi. Cudjoe-Calvocoressi left the station but was soon found and arrested by police and was charged with indecent exposure. When interviewed by police he initially denied that he had deliberately exposed himself, but when he appeared at Berkshire Magistrates' Court he pleaded guilty to the offence. At the school's internal investigating meeting Cudjoe-Calvocoressi admitted that he had exposed himself", "- but said that he did not realise he was causing distress. Following the court case he was sentenced to a supervision requirement, a community order which runs until July 27 2017 and was ordered to pays costs of £85, compensation of £700 and a £60 victim surcharge. He was also told to sign the sex offenders register for five years. The woman filmed Cudjoe-Calvocoressi when he exposed himself on the train, leading to his conviction . The exclusive St George's School in Ascot (pictured) which was originally a boys' school, has an impressive alumni including Sir Winston Churchill, Princess Beatrice and even Made in Chelsea star Kimberley Garner . Now, at the NCTL disciplinary panel in Coventry Cudjoe-Calvocoressi admitted the alleged facts and admitted that the conviction was for a relevant offence. Imposing the ban on behalf of Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, NCTL official Paul Heathcote said: 'There is no allegation that his actions were sexually motivated and his actions did not involve children, nor did he use his professional position. 'While his actions had the potential to cause harm, there is no evidence that they did so. 'In all the circumstances I agree with the panel's recommendation that Mr Cudjoe-Calvocoressi be allowed to apply for the order to be set aside on or after 29 July 2019.' The ban means that he is prohibited from teaching and cannot teach in any school, sixth form college, relevant youth accommodation or children's home in England. He has the right to appeal to the High Court against", "the decision. However, the door has been left open for him to return to teaching. In a decision imposed on behalf of the Education Secretary it was held that Cudjoe-Calvocoressi should be allowed to apply to return to teaching in 2019 when the five-year order that he signs the Sex Offenders Register comes to an end. The exclusive St George's School, which was originally a boys' school, has an impressive alumni including Sir Winston Churchill, Princess Beatrice and even Made in Chelsea star Kimberley Garner. Princess Beatrice on her first day at St George's school accompanied by her parents the Duke and Duchess of York, in 2000 (pictured left). Sir Winston Churchill (right) was also a student at the prestigious school ." ]
[ "A politics teacher at a £31,000-a-year boarding school attended by Sir Winston Churchill has been banned from classrooms after he was caught on video exposing himself to a woman on a train. Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, 41, who was head of politics at St George's School in Ascot, was travelling on a Richmond to Reading train when he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to a 33-year-old female passenger. He has now been banned from teaching for at least five years following a hearing by a National Council of Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) disciplinary panel in Coventry. Scroll down for video . Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, who was head of politics at St George's School in Ascot, was on a train when he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to a female passenger (pictured) On June 30 2014 Cudjoe-Calvocoressi was convicted of indecent exposure at Berkshire Magistrates' Court following the June 13 incident on-board a train. The court heard at the time that he pulled up his shorts and exposed himself to her. The woman began secretly filming him on her mobile phone and asked her husband to meet her at Wokingham train station, where he confronted Cudjoe-Calvocoressi. Cudjoe-Calvocoressi left the station but was soon found and arrested by police and was charged with indecent exposure. When interviewed by police he initially denied that he had deliberately exposed himself, but when he appeared at Berkshire Magistrates' Court he pleaded guilty to the offence. At the school's internal investigating meeting Cudjoe-Calvocoressi admitted that he had exposed himself", "- but said that he did not realise he was causing distress. Following the court case he was sentenced to a supervision requirement, a community order which runs until July 27 2017 and was ordered to pays costs of £85, compensation of £700 and a £60 victim surcharge. He was also told to sign the sex offenders register for five years. The woman filmed Cudjoe-Calvocoressi when he exposed himself on the train, leading to his conviction . The exclusive St George's School in Ascot (pictured) which was originally a boys' school, has an impressive alumni including Sir Winston Churchill, Princess Beatrice and even Made in Chelsea star Kimberley Garner . Now, at the NCTL disciplinary panel in Coventry Cudjoe-Calvocoressi admitted the alleged facts and admitted that the conviction was for a relevant offence. Imposing the ban on behalf of Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, NCTL official Paul Heathcote said: 'There is no allegation that his actions were sexually motivated and his actions did not involve children, nor did he use his professional position. 'While his actions had the potential to cause harm, there is no evidence that they did so. 'In all the circumstances I agree with the panel's recommendation that Mr Cudjoe-Calvocoressi be allowed to apply for the order to be set aside on or after 29 July 2019.' The ban means that he is prohibited from teaching and cannot teach in any school, sixth form college, relevant youth accommodation or children's home in England. He has the right to appeal to the High Court against", "the decision. However, the door has been left open for him to return to teaching. In a decision imposed on behalf of the Education Secretary it was held that Cudjoe-Calvocoressi should be allowed to apply to return to teaching in 2019 when the five-year order that he signs the Sex Offenders Register comes to an end. The exclusive St George's School, which was originally a boys' school, has an impressive alumni including Sir Winston Churchill, Princess Beatrice and even Made in Chelsea star Kimberley Garner. Princess Beatrice on her first day at St George's school accompanied by her parents the Duke and Duchess of York, in 2000 (pictured left). Sir Winston Churchill (right) was also a student at the prestigious school ." ]
A former politics teacher at St George's School in Ascot, Nuku Vanonyi Cudjoe-Calvocoressi, has been banned from teaching for at least five years after being convicted of indecent exposure on a train.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Roy Keane, Republic of Ireland assistant manager, pictured during a Euro 2016 qualifier on March 29 . Former Manchester United footballer Roy Keane will stand trial over an alleged road-rage incident with a taxi driver. The 43-year-old has denied committing a public order offence after it was claimed he behaved aggressively towards driver Fateh Kerar, 44, near traffic lights in Altrincham, Cheshire. He did not attend a brief hearing at Trafford Magistrates' Court today but a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer following the incident on January 30. He is accused of causing harassment, alarm or distress to Altrincham-based Mr Kerar - a Section 4A Public Order offence. The court heard the prosecution will call two witnesses - understood to be Mr Kerar and a taxi passenger - while the defence will call Keane and an additional witness. No CCTV of the incident was captured, the court also heard. Keane will face trial at Manchester Magistrates' Court on June 19. Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career at Old Trafford and also played for Nottingham Forest and Celtic. He won seven Premier League titles, as well as four FA Cups and one Champions League. The TV football pundit managed Sunderland and Ipswich Town and was assistant boss at Aston Villa before he quit to concentrate on a similar role he holds with the Republic of Ireland's national team. Successful: Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career with Manchester United - winning seven league titles. He is pictured above (left) with Paul Dickov (right) of Leicester City in September 2003 . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
Roy Keane, formerly of Manchester United and current assistant manager of Republic of Ireland, is standing trial over an alleged road-rage incident. He is claimed to have behaved aggressively toward a taxi driver, Fateh Kerar. A not-gulity plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer. He stands accused of harassing and causing distress to Mr. Kerar. Keane will face trial at Manchester Magistrates Court on June 19.
Roy Keane stands accused of harassing a taxi driver during a road rage incident and will stand trial on June 19. Keane enjoyed a trophy-laden career with Manchester United and won several premier league titles. He also held several other roles and won four FA Cups and one Champions League before quitting to focus on his current role as the Republic of Ireland assistant manager. Keane has entered a not-guilty plea.
[ "Roy Keane, Republic of Ireland assistant manager, pictured during a Euro 2016 qualifier on March 29 . Former Manchester United footballer Roy Keane will stand trial over an alleged road-rage incident with a taxi driver. The 43-year-old has denied committing a public order offence after it was claimed he behaved aggressively towards driver Fateh Kerar, 44, near traffic lights in Altrincham, Cheshire. He did not attend a brief hearing at Trafford Magistrates' Court today but a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer following the incident on January 30. He is accused of causing harassment, alarm or distress to Altrincham-based Mr Kerar - a Section 4A Public Order offence. The court heard the prosecution will call two witnesses - understood to be Mr Kerar and a taxi passenger - while the defence will call Keane and an additional witness. No CCTV of the incident was captured, the court also heard. Keane will face trial at Manchester Magistrates' Court on June 19. Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career at Old Trafford and also played for Nottingham Forest and Celtic. He won seven Premier League titles, as well as four FA Cups and one Champions League. The TV football pundit managed Sunderland and Ipswich Town and was assistant boss at Aston Villa before he quit to concentrate on a similar role he holds with the Republic of Ireland's national team. Successful: Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career with Manchester United - winning seven league titles. He is pictured above (left)", "with Paul Dickov (right) of Leicester City in September 2003 . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
[ "Roy Keane, Republic of Ireland assistant manager, pictured during a Euro 2016 qualifier on March 29 . Former Manchester United footballer Roy Keane will stand trial over an alleged road-rage incident with a taxi driver. The 43-year-old has denied committing a public order offence after it was claimed he behaved aggressively towards driver Fateh Kerar, 44, near traffic lights in Altrincham, Cheshire. He did not attend a brief hearing at Trafford Magistrates' Court today but a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer following the incident on January 30. He is accused of causing harassment, alarm or distress to Altrincham-based Mr Kerar - a Section 4A Public Order offence. The court heard the prosecution will call two witnesses - understood to be Mr Kerar and a taxi passenger - while the defence will call Keane and an additional witness. No CCTV of the incident was captured, the court also heard. Keane will face trial at Manchester Magistrates' Court on June 19. Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career at Old Trafford and also played for Nottingham Forest and Celtic. He won seven Premier League titles, as well as four FA Cups and one Champions League. The TV football pundit managed Sunderland and Ipswich Town and was assistant boss at Aston Villa before he quit to concentrate on a similar role he holds with the Republic of Ireland's national team. Successful: Keane, from Hale, Cheshire, enjoyed a trophy-laden career with Manchester United - winning seven league titles. He is pictured above (left)", "with Paul Dickov (right) of Leicester City in September 2003 . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
Roy Keane, former Manchester United player and current Republic of Ireland assistant manager, will stand trial for allegedly committing a public order offense against a taxi driver in Altrincham, Cheshire. Keane denies the charge and will face trial on June 19.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A cold Saturday in Ashington on England's north east coast is a far cry from some sun-baked cricket pitch in the Tropics but for Steve Harmison there is no other place he would rather be as he upholds a family tradition. In his prime Harmison was one of cricket's elite fast bowlers, taking 226 test wickets for England and starring in a side that included Andrew Flintoff, Kevin Pietersen, Michael Vaughan and James Anderson. Now, with his cricketing whites retired for good, he is forging a career as a football manager in the former mining heartland of northern England. Steve Harmison took over his hometown club Ashington FC in February after retiring from cricket . The Newcastle United fan has returned to run hometown club Ashington FC of the Northern League Division One, the ninth tier of English football, where he stewards a team of teachers, bricklayers, students, sports coaches and factory workers. With England cricketers toiling at the World Cup, Harmison is embroiled in a relegation struggle, although since he took over last month, the 36-year-old has overseen a change in fortunes with three victories and two defeats. His side are also in the semi-final of the Northern League Cup. The Northern League side have won three and lost two in Harmison's first five games in charge . The former England cricketer have a chance of some silverware after reaching the semi-finals of the cup . His aching back, a legacy of the punishing strain of bowling balls at nearly 100mph, still causes him pain, but the camaraderie of a team environment makes up for it. 'I've always been asked if I miss playing (cricket). No, not one bit,' Harmison, who retired from cricket in 2013, told the Sunday Times. 'But I miss the dressing room like you've never seen. 'Ashington is not a very big place so if you come from Ashington you support the cricket team and you support the football team. The northeast is like that.' The ex-fast bowler admits he doesn't miss playing the game of cricket but he misses the dressing room . Ashington holds a special place in Harmison's heart. He was born in the town and his father was a stalwart for the club as a player and later an assistant manager. 'Managing anyone else would not have been interest to me,' Harmison added. 'It tells you what Ashington means to all of us. 'To the family it means a hell of a lot. It tells you a lot that in 1966 he's there as a boy in the background and in 2015 I'm managing the place. 'Did anyone from my family say, 'Are you sure?'. Yes, James (Harmison's brother and first signing as manager). He knew what was coming. My wife was fine, the kids are loving it. It all fell into place. Ashington FC are the only club Harmison would manage due to how much the club means to him . 'It gave me a purpose to get out of bed.'
club, team, season, players, england, football, player, league, fans, game,
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
football league, the team's fans, football player, this season's games, world championship, tournament
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
This topic is about a football league having a world championship where each team’s fans are gathered to watch the end of this season’s games culminating in a tournament, to see their favorite football player.
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
Harmison coming from cricket came in to be the new football manager. Harmison since he took over last month has lead to 3 wins and 2 loses. This puts Harmison as part of the semi-final of the Northern League Cup.
Harmison's brother, James, asked if he was sure he wanted to sign on and manage. Ashington is a special place in for Harmison and he was sure. He has advised that his wife and kids are enjoying the town.
[ "A cold Saturday in Ashington on England's north east coast is a far cry from some sun-baked cricket pitch in the Tropics but for Steve Harmison there is no other place he would rather be as he upholds a family tradition. In his prime Harmison was one of cricket's elite fast bowlers, taking 226 test wickets for England and starring in a side that included Andrew Flintoff, Kevin Pietersen, Michael Vaughan and James Anderson. Now, with his cricketing whites retired for good, he is forging a career as a football manager in the former mining heartland of northern England. Steve Harmison took over his hometown club Ashington FC in February after retiring from cricket . The Newcastle United fan has returned to run hometown club Ashington FC of the Northern League Division One, the ninth tier of English football, where he stewards a team of teachers, bricklayers, students, sports coaches and factory workers. With England cricketers toiling at the World Cup, Harmison is embroiled in a relegation struggle, although since he took over last month, the 36-year-old has overseen a change in fortunes with three victories and two defeats. His side are also in the semi-final of the Northern League Cup. The Northern League side have won three and lost two in Harmison's first five games in charge . The former England cricketer have a chance of some silverware after reaching the semi-finals of the cup . His aching back, a legacy of the punishing strain of bowling balls at nearly 100mph, still causes him pain,", "but the camaraderie of a team environment makes up for it. 'I've always been asked if I miss playing (cricket). No, not one bit,' Harmison, who retired from cricket in 2013, told the Sunday Times. 'But I miss the dressing room like you've never seen. 'Ashington is not a very big place so if you come from Ashington you support the cricket team and you support the football team. The northeast is like that.' The ex-fast bowler admits he doesn't miss playing the game of cricket but he misses the dressing room . Ashington holds a special place in Harmison's heart. He was born in the town and his father was a stalwart for the club as a player and later an assistant manager. 'Managing anyone else would not have been interest to me,' Harmison added. 'It tells you what Ashington means to all of us. 'To the family it means a hell of a lot. It tells you a lot that in 1966 he's there as a boy in the background and in 2015 I'm managing the place. 'Did anyone from my family say, 'Are you sure?'. Yes, James (Harmison's brother and first signing as manager). He knew what was coming. My wife was fine, the kids are loving it. It all fell into place. Ashington FC are the only club Harmison would manage due to how much the club means to him . 'It gave me a purpose to get out of bed.'" ]
[ "A cold Saturday in Ashington on England's north east coast is a far cry from some sun-baked cricket pitch in the Tropics but for Steve Harmison there is no other place he would rather be as he upholds a family tradition. In his prime Harmison was one of cricket's elite fast bowlers, taking 226 test wickets for England and starring in a side that included Andrew Flintoff, Kevin Pietersen, Michael Vaughan and James Anderson. Now, with his cricketing whites retired for good, he is forging a career as a football manager in the former mining heartland of northern England. Steve Harmison took over his hometown club Ashington FC in February after retiring from cricket . The Newcastle United fan has returned to run hometown club Ashington FC of the Northern League Division One, the ninth tier of English football, where he stewards a team of teachers, bricklayers, students, sports coaches and factory workers. With England cricketers toiling at the World Cup, Harmison is embroiled in a relegation struggle, although since he took over last month, the 36-year-old has overseen a change in fortunes with three victories and two defeats. His side are also in the semi-final of the Northern League Cup. The Northern League side have won three and lost two in Harmison's first five games in charge . The former England cricketer have a chance of some silverware after reaching the semi-finals of the cup . His aching back, a legacy of the punishing strain of bowling balls at nearly 100mph, still causes him pain,", "but the camaraderie of a team environment makes up for it. 'I've always been asked if I miss playing (cricket). No, not one bit,' Harmison, who retired from cricket in 2013, told the Sunday Times. 'But I miss the dressing room like you've never seen. 'Ashington is not a very big place so if you come from Ashington you support the cricket team and you support the football team. The northeast is like that.' The ex-fast bowler admits he doesn't miss playing the game of cricket but he misses the dressing room . Ashington holds a special place in Harmison's heart. He was born in the town and his father was a stalwart for the club as a player and later an assistant manager. 'Managing anyone else would not have been interest to me,' Harmison added. 'It tells you what Ashington means to all of us. 'To the family it means a hell of a lot. It tells you a lot that in 1966 he's there as a boy in the background and in 2015 I'm managing the place. 'Did anyone from my family say, 'Are you sure?'. Yes, James (Harmison's brother and first signing as manager). He knew what was coming. My wife was fine, the kids are loving it. It all fell into place. Ashington FC are the only club Harmison would manage due to how much the club means to him . 'It gave me a purpose to get out of bed.'" ]
Steve Harmison, a former England cricket star, has taken over as manager of his hometown football club, Ashington FC, in northern England. Despite being a Newcastle United fan, Harmison chose to manage Ashington because of its significance to his family; his father played and assisted managed the club. Since taking over, Harmison has led the team to three wins and two losses, and they're in the semi-finals of the Northern League Cup. Harmison misses the camaraderie of the cricket dressing room but not playing the game itself.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Arsenal Fan TV favourite Claude Callegari may well have been speaking for a number of Gunners fans when demanding for the Cesc Fabregas flag to be taken down from the side of the Emirates Stadium. Fabregas, who left Arsenal for Barcelona in 2011, has been enjoying an impressive return to English football in the blue of Chelsea, leaving some Gunners fans questioning why his image still adorns the stadium's Ken Friar Bridge. Known for his Arsenal-related rants, Claude asks: 'I want to know why that is still on the bridge? An image of former Arsenal star Cesc Fabregas hangs from the Ken Friar Bridge at the Emirates Stadium . Arsenal Fan TV favourite Claude Callegari (left) insists that the flag should be taken down . 'He kissed the badge when they lifted the cup last week. Why is that still on our bridge? It's a disgrace. Take that down.' Fellow Arsenal Fan TV contributor, Ty, argues: 'It's part of our past. Remember we are civilised. 'We are not like Chelsea. I think Cesc is wrong. If you don't love the badge, why say you love the badge? Just be truthful.' Fabregas is set to start against his former team on Sunday as Jose Mourinho's side travel to the Emirates in search of three points against their nearest Premier League rivals. If Chelsea win at the Emirates, they will need just one more victory to officially claim the 2014-15 Premier League title. The 27-year-old made 303 appearance for Arsene Wenger's side between 2003 and 2011 . Fabregas celebrates his last-minute goal during Chelsea's 1-0 victory against QPR earlier this month . The Spanish midfielder is set to start against his former club at the Emirates on Sunday .
arsenal, ball, alex, wenger, villa, alan, cross, robin, darren, derby,
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
derby football match, Arsenal football team, they could have snatched victory, the team's former manager, the ball hit the post
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
This topic is about a derby football match, in which the ball hit the post; according to the Arsenal football team’s former manager, they could have snatched victory, but the ball hit the post.
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
Claude Callegari, Arsenal's most popular supporter on TV, probably represented many Gunners fans when he asked for the Fabregas flag to be removed from the side of the Emirates Stadium. Fabregas left Arsenal for Barcelona in 2011. His impressive return to English football in Chelsea's blue uniform has some Gunners fans questioning why his image is still decorated on the Kenflier Bridge in the stadium. 'Fbregas is expected to face his former club on Sunday when Mourinho's team head to the Emirates Stadium to compete for three points with their closest Premier League opponent.
TV favorite Arsenal Fan Claude Callegari likely represented many Gunners fans when he asked for the Fabregas flag to be removed from the side of the Emirates Stadium. Fabregas left Arsenal for Barcelona in 2011. His impressive return to English football in Chelsea's blue uniform has some Gunners fans questioning why his image is still decorated on the Kenflier Bridge in the stadium. Claude Callegari, a favorite of Arsenal fans on TV, insisted that this flag should be removed. Why are you still on our bridge? it's a shame. 'Fbregas is expected to face his former club on Sunday when Mourinho's team head to the Emirates Stadium to compete for three points with their closest Premier League opponent. Fabregas celebrated his last-minute goal in Chelsea's 1-0 victory over QPR earlier this month.
[ "Arsenal Fan TV favourite Claude Callegari may well have been speaking for a number of Gunners fans when demanding for the Cesc Fabregas flag to be taken down from the side of the Emirates Stadium. Fabregas, who left Arsenal for Barcelona in 2011, has been enjoying an impressive return to English football in the blue of Chelsea, leaving some Gunners fans questioning why his image still adorns the stadium's Ken Friar Bridge. Known for his Arsenal-related rants, Claude asks: 'I want to know why that is still on the bridge? An image of former Arsenal star Cesc Fabregas hangs from the Ken Friar Bridge at the Emirates Stadium . Arsenal Fan TV favourite Claude Callegari (left) insists that the flag should be taken down . 'He kissed the badge when they lifted the cup last week. Why is that still on our bridge? It's a disgrace. Take that down.' Fellow Arsenal Fan TV contributor, Ty, argues: 'It's part of our past. Remember we are civilised. 'We are not like Chelsea. I think Cesc is wrong. If you don't love the badge, why say you love the badge? Just be truthful.' Fabregas is set to start against his former team on Sunday as Jose Mourinho's side travel to the Emirates in search of three points against their nearest Premier League rivals. If Chelsea win at the Emirates, they will need just one more victory to officially claim the 2014-15 Premier League title. The 27-year-old made 303 appearance for Arsene Wenger's side between 2003 and 2011 . Fabregas", "celebrates his last-minute goal during Chelsea's 1-0 victory against QPR earlier this month . The Spanish midfielder is set to start against his former club at the Emirates on Sunday ." ]
[ "Arsenal Fan TV favourite Claude Callegari may well have been speaking for a number of Gunners fans when demanding for the Cesc Fabregas flag to be taken down from the side of the Emirates Stadium. Fabregas, who left Arsenal for Barcelona in 2011, has been enjoying an impressive return to English football in the blue of Chelsea, leaving some Gunners fans questioning why his image still adorns the stadium's Ken Friar Bridge. Known for his Arsenal-related rants, Claude asks: 'I want to know why that is still on the bridge? An image of former Arsenal star Cesc Fabregas hangs from the Ken Friar Bridge at the Emirates Stadium . Arsenal Fan TV favourite Claude Callegari (left) insists that the flag should be taken down . 'He kissed the badge when they lifted the cup last week. Why is that still on our bridge? It's a disgrace. Take that down.' Fellow Arsenal Fan TV contributor, Ty, argues: 'It's part of our past. Remember we are civilised. 'We are not like Chelsea. I think Cesc is wrong. If you don't love the badge, why say you love the badge? Just be truthful.' Fabregas is set to start against his former team on Sunday as Jose Mourinho's side travel to the Emirates in search of three points against their nearest Premier League rivals. If Chelsea win at the Emirates, they will need just one more victory to officially claim the 2014-15 Premier League title. The 27-year-old made 303 appearance for Arsene Wenger's side between 2003 and 2011 . Fabregas", "celebrates his last-minute goal during Chelsea's 1-0 victory against QPR earlier this month . The Spanish midfielder is set to start against his former club at the Emirates on Sunday ." ]
A popular Arsenal fan, Claude Callegari, demands that the image of Cesc Fabregas be removed from the Emirates Stadium because he now plays for Chelsea and has shown disloyalty by celebrating with the rival team.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A Ferrari driver was left counting the cost in Adelaide after crashing his newly-purchased, uninsured sports car into a tree on Wednesday night, seriously injuring a male passenger. The passenger was badly injured after the driver of the Ferrari, reportedly purchased only a week ago, smashed into a tree in the Adelaide suburb of North Brighton. The crash involving the 1991 Ferrari 348, worth between $90k and $110k and sporting 'Plesur' number plates, took place at around 8.25pm on King George Avenue. Scroll down for video . A passenger was badly injured after the driver of the Ferrari, bought only a week ago, smashed into a tree in the Adelaide suburb of North Brighton . Despite the driver coming out of the accident unscathed, his male passenger suffered head and leg injuries. A South Australia Ambulance spokeswoman said the passenger was conscious when paramedics attended the scene and was taken to Flinders Medical Centre. Traffic Superintendent Garry Stewart said that speed was likely a factor and there was no evidence of drink-driving. The passenger was conscious when paramedics attended the scene and was taken to Flinders Medical Centre . The Adelaide Reporter reports that Superintendent Stewart said the driver took a corner just before he lost control of the supercar. 'Yes, I would say speed was a factor,' he said. 'There's no evidence of drink-driving on the driver's behalf.' The crashed 1991 Ferrari 348 is thought to be worth between $90k and $110k . The Advertiser also reported that the owner had only purchased the 1991 Ferrari 348 a week ago and it was uninsured. King George Avenue was closed to traffic near the crash scene for about two hours.
crown, grand, race, hamilton, team, track, formula, collision, ferrari, adelaide,
road, driver, driving, traffic, speed, drivers, vehicles, highway, roads, drive,
formula 1 race, ferrari team, collision during the race, hamilton's team, grand prix, race track
road traffic, highway speed, roads and driving, driving their vehicles on the road, traffic speeds
This topic is about Formula 1 racing, the Grand Prix on the race track, Hamilton’s team and the Ferrari team, and collisions during a race.
This topic is about driving vehicles on the road, having to do with traffic and highway speeds, road traffic, and driving.
A Ferrari driver was left calculating the damage in Adelaide after crashing his newly acquired and uninsured sports vehicle into a tree on Wednesday night, seriously injuring a male passenger. passenger was seriously injured. The accident involving the 1991 Ferrari 348, valued between $90k and $110k and license plate 'Plesur', occurred around 8:25 pm on King George Avenue.
A Ferrari driver was counting the cost in Adelaide after crashing his newly purchased, uninsured sports car into a tree on Wednesday night, seriously injuring a male passenger. The accident involving the 1991 Ferrari 348, valued between $90k and $110k and license plate 'Plesur', occurred around 8:25 pm on King George Avenue. The crashed 1991 Ferrari 348 is believed to be worth between $90k and $110k.
[ "A Ferrari driver was left counting the cost in Adelaide after crashing his newly-purchased, uninsured sports car into a tree on Wednesday night, seriously injuring a male passenger. The passenger was badly injured after the driver of the Ferrari, reportedly purchased only a week ago, smashed into a tree in the Adelaide suburb of North Brighton. The crash involving the 1991 Ferrari 348, worth between $90k and $110k and sporting 'Plesur' number plates, took place at around 8.25pm on King George Avenue. Scroll down for video . A passenger was badly injured after the driver of the Ferrari, bought only a week ago, smashed into a tree in the Adelaide suburb of North Brighton . Despite the driver coming out of the accident unscathed, his male passenger suffered head and leg injuries. A South Australia Ambulance spokeswoman said the passenger was conscious when paramedics attended the scene and was taken to Flinders Medical Centre. Traffic Superintendent Garry Stewart said that speed was likely a factor and there was no evidence of drink-driving. The passenger was conscious when paramedics attended the scene and was taken to Flinders Medical Centre . The Adelaide Reporter reports that Superintendent Stewart said the driver took a corner just before he lost control of the supercar. 'Yes, I would say speed was a factor,' he said. 'There's no evidence of drink-driving on the driver's behalf.' The crashed 1991 Ferrari 348 is thought to be worth between $90k and $110k . The Advertiser also reported that the owner had only purchased the 1991", "Ferrari 348 a week ago and it was uninsured. King George Avenue was closed to traffic near the crash scene for about two hours." ]
[ "A Ferrari driver was left counting the cost in Adelaide after crashing his newly-purchased, uninsured sports car into a tree on Wednesday night, seriously injuring a male passenger. The passenger was badly injured after the driver of the Ferrari, reportedly purchased only a week ago, smashed into a tree in the Adelaide suburb of North Brighton. The crash involving the 1991 Ferrari 348, worth between $90k and $110k and sporting 'Plesur' number plates, took place at around 8.25pm on King George Avenue. Scroll down for video . A passenger was badly injured after the driver of the Ferrari, bought only a week ago, smashed into a tree in the Adelaide suburb of North Brighton . Despite the driver coming out of the accident unscathed, his male passenger suffered head and leg injuries. A South Australia Ambulance spokeswoman said the passenger was conscious when paramedics attended the scene and was taken to Flinders Medical Centre. Traffic Superintendent Garry Stewart said that speed was likely a factor and there was no evidence of drink-driving. The passenger was conscious when paramedics attended the scene and was taken to Flinders Medical Centre . The Adelaide Reporter reports that Superintendent Stewart said the driver took a corner just before he lost control of the supercar. 'Yes, I would say speed was a factor,' he said. 'There's no evidence of drink-driving on the driver's behalf.' The crashed 1991 Ferrari 348 is thought to be worth between $90k and $110k . The Advertiser also reported that the owner had only purchased the 1991", "Ferrari 348 a week ago and it was uninsured. King George Avenue was closed to traffic near the crash scene for about two hours." ]
A Ferrari driver crashed his new, uninsured sports car into a tree in Adelaide, seriously injuring a male passenger. Speed was likely a factor, but there was no evidence of drink-driving.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
(CNN)A suicide bomb attack in Iraq this week was carried out by an American jihadist, ISIS claims. The terrorist group released a photograph on Tuesday of a masked fighter it identified as Abu Daood Al-Amriki, an alleged American jihadist who committed the suicide attack. The claim grabbed headlines, but days later, neither CNN nor U.S. government officials have been able to confirm the identity of the attacker. ISIS claims the attacker used an explosives-laden vehicle to mount an attack in Samarra, Iraq. Two senior Iraqi security officials confirmed that an attack matching the description did take place -- that a suicide attacker rammed a vehicle packed with explosives into a convoy of Iraqi forces. At least three Iraqi security forces were killed in the attack, the sources said. But ISIS has not released the birth name of the alleged American suicide bomber, or shown his face. U.S. officials tell CNN that for the moment there is nothing to corroborate the claim.
attack, attacks, killed, attacked, bomb, people, explosion, bombing, injured, blast,
islamic, terror, terrorist, al, threat, iraq, attacks, terrorists, terrorism, threats,
bomb explosion attack, killed in a bombing attack, injured in the blast, the explosion was caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, car bomb killed and wounded people
terrorist attack, islamic terrorism, attacks on the country, terrorist threat, extremist groups
This topic is about a bomb explosion attack, people killed in a bombing attack, or injured in the blast, an explosion caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, a car bombing killing and wounding people.
This topic is about terrorist attacks, islamic terrorism, attacks on the country, terrorist threats, and extremist groups.
This week, a bomb attack occurred in Iraq. An American jihadist was responsible for this suicide attack. At least three Iraqi security died in the attack.
Iraq has faced another terrorist attack in its country. The terrorist attack consisted of an American jihadist ramming a truck into a group of Iraqi forces. American jihadists are a type of extremist group.
[ "(CNN)A suicide bomb attack in Iraq this week was carried out by an American jihadist, ISIS claims. The terrorist group released a photograph on Tuesday of a masked fighter it identified as Abu Daood Al-Amriki, an alleged American jihadist who committed the suicide attack. The claim grabbed headlines, but days later, neither CNN nor U.S. government officials have been able to confirm the identity of the attacker. ISIS claims the attacker used an explosives-laden vehicle to mount an attack in Samarra, Iraq. Two senior Iraqi security officials confirmed that an attack matching the description did take place -- that a suicide attacker rammed a vehicle packed with explosives into a convoy of Iraqi forces. At least three Iraqi security forces were killed in the attack, the sources said. But ISIS has not released the birth name of the alleged American suicide bomber, or shown his face. U.S. officials tell CNN that for the moment there is nothing to corroborate the claim." ]
[ "(CNN)A suicide bomb attack in Iraq this week was carried out by an American jihadist, ISIS claims. The terrorist group released a photograph on Tuesday of a masked fighter it identified as Abu Daood Al-Amriki, an alleged American jihadist who committed the suicide attack. The claim grabbed headlines, but days later, neither CNN nor U.S. government officials have been able to confirm the identity of the attacker. ISIS claims the attacker used an explosives-laden vehicle to mount an attack in Samarra, Iraq. Two senior Iraqi security officials confirmed that an attack matching the description did take place -- that a suicide attacker rammed a vehicle packed with explosives into a convoy of Iraqi forces. At least three Iraqi security forces were killed in the attack, the sources said. But ISIS has not released the birth name of the alleged American suicide bomber, or shown his face. U.S. officials tell CNN that for the moment there is nothing to corroborate the claim." ]
A suicide bombing in Iraq was allegedly carried out by an American jihadist named Abu Daood Al-Amriki, according to ISIS. However, neither CNN nor US government officials have been able to confirm the identity of the attacker.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
An injured and diseased Husky has been picked up by RSPCA inspectors in Adelaide. The RSPCA says the Husky has an injury to his right rear leg, possibly the result of being hit by a car. He is also extremely underweight and is suffering from a long-standing case of mange, which has sparked secondary skin infections. Scroll down for video . An injured and diseased Husky that was picked up by RSPCA inspectors in Adelaide . The RSPCA says the Husky has an injury to his right rear leg, possibly the result of being hit by a car . He is also extremely underweight and is suffering from a long-standing case of mange, which has sparked secondary skin infections . The Husky has been named Hero by his carers and is now being treated by RSPCA vets. He is also being fed a special diet to help him gain weight. He was wearing a collar when he was picked up on Monday in the Banksia Park area, in Adelaide's north-eastern suburbs. Anyone with information is urged to contact RSPCA Australia on 1300 477 722.
website, disease, spread, ill, contact, symptoms, infection, deaths, stomach, illness,
weight, pounds, fat, diet, body, sugar, healthy, lose, lost, loss,
the disease is spread through close contact, cases of illness or elevated levels of bacteria, symptoms of this disease include fever, chills, muscle aches and headaches
weight loss, lost weight following a diet, body fat, blood sugar levels, healthy diet, lose a few pounds of weight
This topic is about the disease spreading through close contact, cases of illness or elevated levels of bacteria, and symptoms of the disease such as fever, chills, muscle aches and headaches.
This topic is about weight loss and following a healthy diet in order to regulate body fat and blood sugar levels and lose a few pounds of weight following a diet.
The husky is suffering from Mange, a disease that is most likely to be spread to it through close contact with other dogs or maybe animals generally. The symptoms of Mange are muscle aches, fever, chills and headaches. There is a rapid elevated levels of the bacterial spread, which caused a secondary skin infection.
The husky has lost reasonable weight due to the illness and the bacterial infection. Also the husky lost weight due to lack of care, but now it is been taken care of by the RSPCA who abducted it. The abductor also named it Hero.
[ "An injured and diseased Husky has been picked up by RSPCA inspectors in Adelaide. The RSPCA says the Husky has an injury to his right rear leg, possibly the result of being hit by a car. He is also extremely underweight and is suffering from a long-standing case of mange, which has sparked secondary skin infections. Scroll down for video . An injured and diseased Husky that was picked up by RSPCA inspectors in Adelaide . The RSPCA says the Husky has an injury to his right rear leg, possibly the result of being hit by a car . He is also extremely underweight and is suffering from a long-standing case of mange, which has sparked secondary skin infections . The Husky has been named Hero by his carers and is now being treated by RSPCA vets. He is also being fed a special diet to help him gain weight. He was wearing a collar when he was picked up on Monday in the Banksia Park area, in Adelaide's north-eastern suburbs. Anyone with information is urged to contact RSPCA Australia on 1300 477 722." ]
[ "An injured and diseased Husky has been picked up by RSPCA inspectors in Adelaide. The RSPCA says the Husky has an injury to his right rear leg, possibly the result of being hit by a car. He is also extremely underweight and is suffering from a long-standing case of mange, which has sparked secondary skin infections. Scroll down for video . An injured and diseased Husky that was picked up by RSPCA inspectors in Adelaide . The RSPCA says the Husky has an injury to his right rear leg, possibly the result of being hit by a car . He is also extremely underweight and is suffering from a long-standing case of mange, which has sparked secondary skin infections . The Husky has been named Hero by his carers and is now being treated by RSPCA vets. He is also being fed a special diet to help him gain weight. He was wearing a collar when he was picked up on Monday in the Banksia Park area, in Adelaide's north-eastern suburbs. Anyone with information is urged to contact RSPCA Australia on 1300 477 722." ]
A severely underweight Husky dog, named Hero, was rescued by RSPCA inspectors in Adelaide after being found with injuries and diseases, including a possible car accident injury and mange, and is receiving treatment and a special diet to regain health.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A 42-year-old woman was allegedly stabbed to death by her estranged husband with a screwdriver while they were visiting a patient at an Illinois hospital. Francisca Quintero was at the Alexian Brothers Medical Center when Javier Bahena-Arrellano forced her into a hospital bathroom and stabbed her three times, including in the aorta, according to authorities. Quintero's family heard the attack and Bahena-Arrellano was detained by a hospital security guard before police arrived, prosecutors said. Francisca Quintero, 42, was stabbed to death by a family member while they were visiting a patient at the Alexian Brothers Medical Center (pictured) in Elk Grove Village, Illinois on Sunday . She was rushed to the hospital's emergency room on Sunday morning and pronounced dead on the scene. Bahena-Arrellano, 43, was immediately arrested and has been charged with first-degree murder. Prosecutors said Bahena-Arrellano had read text messages on his estranged wife's cell phone and believed she was cheating on him, according to ABC 7 Chicago. Elk Grove Village Deputy Police Chief Chuck Walsh called the attack an isolated 'domestic violence-type incident'. Walsh said no one else was injured during the stabbing and that the hospital was not placed on lockdown, the Chicago Tribune reported. According to police, Bahena-Arrellano was deported after he was charged with domestic violence battery twice. Officials said he returned to the country illegally in 2010.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
hospital, medical, doctors, patients, care, surgery, doctor, patient, nurse, hospitals,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
medical care, doctors and nurses, hospital nurse, caring for patients, doctors perform surgery
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about medical care, doctors performing surgery, as well as hospital nurses and doctors.
A husband stabbed his wife, killing her in a hospital bathroom. They were at the hospital visiting a family member. The man stabbed his wife because apparently he had seen text messages on her cell phone and believed she was cheating. The man was stopped and no one else was hurt.
Husband stab wife at hospital killing her. The incident seems to have just been between them. The husband was stopped and arrested. The hospital didn't even go into lock down.
[ "A 42-year-old woman was allegedly stabbed to death by her estranged husband with a screwdriver while they were visiting a patient at an Illinois hospital. Francisca Quintero was at the Alexian Brothers Medical Center when Javier Bahena-Arrellano forced her into a hospital bathroom and stabbed her three times, including in the aorta, according to authorities. Quintero's family heard the attack and Bahena-Arrellano was detained by a hospital security guard before police arrived, prosecutors said. Francisca Quintero, 42, was stabbed to death by a family member while they were visiting a patient at the Alexian Brothers Medical Center (pictured) in Elk Grove Village, Illinois on Sunday . She was rushed to the hospital's emergency room on Sunday morning and pronounced dead on the scene. Bahena-Arrellano, 43, was immediately arrested and has been charged with first-degree murder. Prosecutors said Bahena-Arrellano had read text messages on his estranged wife's cell phone and believed she was cheating on him, according to ABC 7 Chicago. Elk Grove Village Deputy Police Chief Chuck Walsh called the attack an isolated 'domestic violence-type incident'. Walsh said no one else was injured during the stabbing and that the hospital was not placed on lockdown, the Chicago Tribune reported. According to police, Bahena-Arrellano was deported after he was charged with domestic violence battery twice. Officials said he returned to the country illegally in 2010." ]
[ "A 42-year-old woman was allegedly stabbed to death by her estranged husband with a screwdriver while they were visiting a patient at an Illinois hospital. Francisca Quintero was at the Alexian Brothers Medical Center when Javier Bahena-Arrellano forced her into a hospital bathroom and stabbed her three times, including in the aorta, according to authorities. Quintero's family heard the attack and Bahena-Arrellano was detained by a hospital security guard before police arrived, prosecutors said. Francisca Quintero, 42, was stabbed to death by a family member while they were visiting a patient at the Alexian Brothers Medical Center (pictured) in Elk Grove Village, Illinois on Sunday . She was rushed to the hospital's emergency room on Sunday morning and pronounced dead on the scene. Bahena-Arrellano, 43, was immediately arrested and has been charged with first-degree murder. Prosecutors said Bahena-Arrellano had read text messages on his estranged wife's cell phone and believed she was cheating on him, according to ABC 7 Chicago. Elk Grove Village Deputy Police Chief Chuck Walsh called the attack an isolated 'domestic violence-type incident'. Walsh said no one else was injured during the stabbing and that the hospital was not placed on lockdown, the Chicago Tribune reported. According to police, Bahena-Arrellano was deported after he was charged with domestic violence battery twice. Officials said he returned to the country illegally in 2010." ]
At Alexian Brothers Medical Center in Illinois, a 42-year-old woman, Francisca Quintero, was fatally stabbed by her estranged husband, Javier Bahena-Arrellano, in a hospital bathroom while visiting a patient. The attack occurred on Sunday, and Quintero died shortly after being rushed to the emergency room. Bahena-Arrellano was arrested and charged with first-degree murder, reportedly motivated by jealousy over perceived infidelity.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
AP McCoy will have two rides on his final day as a professional jockey at Sandown on Saturday. The 20-time champion jockey has been booked for Mr Mole in the Grade One AP McCoy Celebration Chase at 3.15. His last ever mount will be Box Office in the Bet365 Handicap Hurdle which has drawn a 20-runner line-up. AP McCoy will race at Sandown on Saturday for the last time before he retires after a successful career . McCoy's last ever mount will be Box Office in the Bet365 Handicap Hurdle, which has 20 runners . McCoy's penultimate race comes on Mr Mole in the Grade One AP McCoy Celebration Chase . The race which was scheduled to be the last on the card has been moved forward to 4.25 and Channel 4 will extend their broadcast to show McCoy's finale. There is no mount for McCoy in the feature Bet365 Gold Cup. The bookings mean McCoy's last two rides will be in the colours of his boss, owner JP McManus. Mr Mole was the Paul Nicholls-trained chaser on which McCoy rode his 200th winner of the season at Newbury in February before announcing he was to retire at the the end of the season. Box Office is trained by Jonjo O'Neill, who supplied his 2010 Grand National winner Don't Push It.
crown, grand, race, hamilton, team, track, formula, collision, ferrari, adelaide,
match, murray, won, title, round, open, win, final, set, champion,
formula 1 race, ferrari team, collision during the race, hamilton's team, grand prix, race track
final match, win the title, this year's champion, won the final round
This topic is about Formula 1 racing, the Grand Prix on the race track, Hamilton’s team and the Ferrari team, and collisions during a race.
This topic is about a final match to determine which team will win the final round, winning the title to become this year’s champion.
For this article the team of AP McCoy is preparing for their last two rides as his final year as a jokey. They are preparing for the race at Sandown on Saturday where JP McManus will also be at the track. McCoy's last mount is sure to be a box office hit and will be notable by those far and wide.
The Final race of AP McCoy will be one for the box offices and they will be in the colors of his owner JP McManus. McCoy just won a race in Newbury in February before deciding that he was going to retire for the year. He will be riding on the horse Box Office during his final season.
[ "AP McCoy will have two rides on his final day as a professional jockey at Sandown on Saturday. The 20-time champion jockey has been booked for Mr Mole in the Grade One AP McCoy Celebration Chase at 3.15. His last ever mount will be Box Office in the Bet365 Handicap Hurdle which has drawn a 20-runner line-up. AP McCoy will race at Sandown on Saturday for the last time before he retires after a successful career . McCoy's last ever mount will be Box Office in the Bet365 Handicap Hurdle, which has 20 runners . McCoy's penultimate race comes on Mr Mole in the Grade One AP McCoy Celebration Chase . The race which was scheduled to be the last on the card has been moved forward to 4.25 and Channel 4 will extend their broadcast to show McCoy's finale. There is no mount for McCoy in the feature Bet365 Gold Cup. The bookings mean McCoy's last two rides will be in the colours of his boss, owner JP McManus. Mr Mole was the Paul Nicholls-trained chaser on which McCoy rode his 200th winner of the season at Newbury in February before announcing he was to retire at the the end of the season. Box Office is trained by Jonjo O'Neill, who supplied his 2010 Grand National winner Don't Push It." ]
[ "AP McCoy will have two rides on his final day as a professional jockey at Sandown on Saturday. The 20-time champion jockey has been booked for Mr Mole in the Grade One AP McCoy Celebration Chase at 3.15. His last ever mount will be Box Office in the Bet365 Handicap Hurdle which has drawn a 20-runner line-up. AP McCoy will race at Sandown on Saturday for the last time before he retires after a successful career . McCoy's last ever mount will be Box Office in the Bet365 Handicap Hurdle, which has 20 runners . McCoy's penultimate race comes on Mr Mole in the Grade One AP McCoy Celebration Chase . The race which was scheduled to be the last on the card has been moved forward to 4.25 and Channel 4 will extend their broadcast to show McCoy's finale. There is no mount for McCoy in the feature Bet365 Gold Cup. The bookings mean McCoy's last two rides will be in the colours of his boss, owner JP McManus. Mr Mole was the Paul Nicholls-trained chaser on which McCoy rode his 200th winner of the season at Newbury in February before announcing he was to retire at the the end of the season. Box Office is trained by Jonjo O'Neill, who supplied his 2010 Grand National winner Don't Push It." ]
AP McCoy, a 20-time champion jockey, will ride Mr Mole in the AP McCoy Celebration Chase and Box Office in the Bet365 Handicap Hurdle on his final day at Sandown on Saturday before retiring from professional racing.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
(CNN)A prosecutor has dismissed allegations that Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner tried to cover up Iran's involvement in a 1994 bombing in Buenos Aires. The move by prosecutor Javier de Luca to drop the case could mean a definitive end to the accusations that have roiled the nation, according to Argentina's state-run Telam news agency. The case became of high interest globally after the original prosecutor who brought the allegations was found dead in January. Alberto Nisman was found dead days after making the accusations. His death sparked outrage and conspiracy theories aplenty. Nisman alleged that Argentina's government agreed not to go after Iranian suspects in the bombing in exchange for a favorable trade deal. The 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in the Argentine capital is the deadliest terror attack in the country's history. Eighty-five people were killed, and hundreds were injured. A second prosecutor took the reins after Nisman's death and took the case to court in February. A judge dismissed the case, saying that Nisman's allegations did not hold up. Following that, the case went to prosecutor de Luca for a possible appeal. On Monday, de Luca announced that in his investigation he found that "there was no crime here, either carried out or attempted," according to Telam.
attack, attacks, killed, attacked, bomb, people, explosion, bombing, injured, blast,
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
bomb explosion attack, killed in a bombing attack, injured in the blast, the explosion was caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, car bomb killed and wounded people
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
This topic is about a bomb explosion attack, people killed in a bombing attack, or injured in the blast, an explosion caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, a car bombing killing and wounding people.
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
The Jewish community center in 1994 at the Argentine capital is the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the country. Eighty-five were killed and left hundreds injured. A judge dismissed the case against Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, accused of covering up Iran's involvement in the 1994 bombing, saying that the former prosecutor's allegations did not hold up. Following that, the case went to prosecutor de Luca in February for a possible appeal On Monday, de Luca announced that in his investigation he found that "there was no crime here, either carried out or attempted" according to the news agency Telam.
A new prosecutor has dismissed allegations against Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of trying to cover up Iran's involvement in the bombing of the Jewish community center bombing at Buenos Aires in 1994. The case was left without a prosecutor after the original one Alberto Nisman was found dead in January, just days after making the accusations. Nisman had declared that Argentina's government agreed not to go after Iranian suspects in the bombing in exchange for a trade deal. A judge then dismissed the case, saying that Nisman's allegations did not hold up. On Monday, the new prosecutor Javier de Luca announced that after investigating he found that "there was no crime here, either carried out or attempted".
[ "(CNN)A prosecutor has dismissed allegations that Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner tried to cover up Iran's involvement in a 1994 bombing in Buenos Aires. The move by prosecutor Javier de Luca to drop the case could mean a definitive end to the accusations that have roiled the nation, according to Argentina's state-run Telam news agency. The case became of high interest globally after the original prosecutor who brought the allegations was found dead in January. Alberto Nisman was found dead days after making the accusations. His death sparked outrage and conspiracy theories aplenty. Nisman alleged that Argentina's government agreed not to go after Iranian suspects in the bombing in exchange for a favorable trade deal. The 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in the Argentine capital is the deadliest terror attack in the country's history. Eighty-five people were killed, and hundreds were injured. A second prosecutor took the reins after Nisman's death and took the case to court in February. A judge dismissed the case, saying that Nisman's allegations did not hold up. Following that, the case went to prosecutor de Luca for a possible appeal. On Monday, de Luca announced that in his investigation he found that \"there was no crime here, either carried out or attempted,\" according to Telam." ]
[ "(CNN)A prosecutor has dismissed allegations that Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner tried to cover up Iran's involvement in a 1994 bombing in Buenos Aires. The move by prosecutor Javier de Luca to drop the case could mean a definitive end to the accusations that have roiled the nation, according to Argentina's state-run Telam news agency. The case became of high interest globally after the original prosecutor who brought the allegations was found dead in January. Alberto Nisman was found dead days after making the accusations. His death sparked outrage and conspiracy theories aplenty. Nisman alleged that Argentina's government agreed not to go after Iranian suspects in the bombing in exchange for a favorable trade deal. The 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in the Argentine capital is the deadliest terror attack in the country's history. Eighty-five people were killed, and hundreds were injured. A second prosecutor took the reins after Nisman's death and took the case to court in February. A judge dismissed the case, saying that Nisman's allegations did not hold up. Following that, the case went to prosecutor de Luca for a possible appeal. On Monday, de Luca announced that in his investigation he found that \"there was no crime here, either carried out or attempted,\" according to Telam." ]
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner will not face charges related to an alleged cover-up of Iran's involvement in a 1994 bombing in Buenos Aires, as a prosecutor has dropped the case.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Arsenal winger Theo Walcott and his wife Melanie have spoken out over the distressing ordeal they had to go through during the birth of their son Finley. The couple, speaking to Hello! magazine, learned their newborn baby had a heart defect shortly after his birth just under a year ago. Walcott's wife said it was 'the longest two and a half hours of our lives' during Finley's operation to correct the problem with his heart. Theo Walcott and his wife Melanie have spoken out about the birth of their son Finley . Melanie and Arsenal star Walcott were left scared and emotional after the birth of Finley on April 10, 2014 . Melanie said: 'Finley had a routine check and they found a murmur, which, again is normal. But it should go after 24 hours. 'But it didn't and it was discovered he had a valve that wasn't working properly. Basically, the heart was having to work really hard to get the blood to his lungs, which meant that the right side of his heart was getting bigger. 'Theo and I were so new to it all, you suddenly feel so vulnerable because it is all taken out of your control. You've got this little person who is the most precious thing in the world and who you have this overwhelming urge to protect. It was a scary and emotional time. 'It was the longest two and a half hours of our lives but the staff were fantastic. Theo and I just tried to keep strong for each other.' Finley, who will turn one on April 10, has made a full recovery since the operation at Royal Brompton hospital in London. Meanwhile, Walcott will be hoping to feature against Manchester United on Monday night as Arsenal look to seal a place in the semi-finals of the FA Cup. Walcott will be hoping to face Man United on Monday night as Arsenal hope to reach FA Cup semi finals .
arsenal, ball, alex, wenger, villa, alan, cross, robin, darren, derby,
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
derby football match, Arsenal football team, they could have snatched victory, the team's former manager, the ball hit the post
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
This topic is about a derby football match, in which the ball hit the post; according to the Arsenal football team’s former manager, they could have snatched victory, but the ball hit the post.
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
Theo Walcott, a splendid Arsenal star winger had to go through a distressing ordeal before his match on Monday night. Despite this tough situation, he is featuring against Manchester United on Monday night. The team is really looking forward to secure a place to semi-finals of the FA cup by winning Manchester United on Monday night.
Arenal winger, Theo Walcott and his wife Melanie was speaking to Hello! magazine about the tough situation their family was going through. Their son, Finley was born on April 10, 2014 and he had a heart defect shortly after his birth. He underwent a surgery at Royal Brompton Hospital in London for approximately two and a half hours when the couple was scared and had a tough emotional time. Finley had a full recovery post this surgery and soon will turn one. Walcott and Melanie stayed strong at this tough time and appreciated the hospital staff for taking good care of him.
[ "Arsenal winger Theo Walcott and his wife Melanie have spoken out over the distressing ordeal they had to go through during the birth of their son Finley. The couple, speaking to Hello! magazine, learned their newborn baby had a heart defect shortly after his birth just under a year ago. Walcott's wife said it was 'the longest two and a half hours of our lives' during Finley's operation to correct the problem with his heart. Theo Walcott and his wife Melanie have spoken out about the birth of their son Finley . Melanie and Arsenal star Walcott were left scared and emotional after the birth of Finley on April 10, 2014 . Melanie said: 'Finley had a routine check and they found a murmur, which, again is normal. But it should go after 24 hours. 'But it didn't and it was discovered he had a valve that wasn't working properly. Basically, the heart was having to work really hard to get the blood to his lungs, which meant that the right side of his heart was getting bigger. 'Theo and I were so new to it all, you suddenly feel so vulnerable because it is all taken out of your control. You've got this little person who is the most precious thing in the world and who you have this overwhelming urge to protect. It was a scary and emotional time. 'It was the longest two and a half hours of our lives but the staff were fantastic. Theo and I just tried to keep strong", "for each other.' Finley, who will turn one on April 10, has made a full recovery since the operation at Royal Brompton hospital in London. Meanwhile, Walcott will be hoping to feature against Manchester United on Monday night as Arsenal look to seal a place in the semi-finals of the FA Cup. Walcott will be hoping to face Man United on Monday night as Arsenal hope to reach FA Cup semi finals ." ]
[ "Arsenal winger Theo Walcott and his wife Melanie have spoken out over the distressing ordeal they had to go through during the birth of their son Finley. The couple, speaking to Hello! magazine, learned their newborn baby had a heart defect shortly after his birth just under a year ago. Walcott's wife said it was 'the longest two and a half hours of our lives' during Finley's operation to correct the problem with his heart. Theo Walcott and his wife Melanie have spoken out about the birth of their son Finley . Melanie and Arsenal star Walcott were left scared and emotional after the birth of Finley on April 10, 2014 . Melanie said: 'Finley had a routine check and they found a murmur, which, again is normal. But it should go after 24 hours. 'But it didn't and it was discovered he had a valve that wasn't working properly. Basically, the heart was having to work really hard to get the blood to his lungs, which meant that the right side of his heart was getting bigger. 'Theo and I were so new to it all, you suddenly feel so vulnerable because it is all taken out of your control. You've got this little person who is the most precious thing in the world and who you have this overwhelming urge to protect. It was a scary and emotional time. 'It was the longest two and a half hours of our lives but the staff were fantastic. Theo and I just tried to keep strong", "for each other.' Finley, who will turn one on April 10, has made a full recovery since the operation at Royal Brompton hospital in London. Meanwhile, Walcott will be hoping to feature against Manchester United on Monday night as Arsenal look to seal a place in the semi-finals of the FA Cup. Walcott will be hoping to face Man United on Monday night as Arsenal hope to reach FA Cup semi finals ." ]
Arsenal player Theo Walcott and his wife Melanie shared their experience of their son Finley's birth, where they discovered he had a heart defect. They described the emotional and scary time, especially during the 2.5 hour operation to correct the issue. Fortunately, Finley made a full recovery and will turn one soon.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Genealogists have made an error in compiling the family tree of Hillary Clinton and she is in fact linked to a poor Welsh mining family, an expert claimed . As she kicks off her bid to enter the White House, Hillary Clinton could claim that her path to the presidency began some 160 years ago in the little-known Welsh parish of Ystradyfodwg ‚ if she can pronounce it, that is. For while the US Democrat has previously spoken of her British ancestry, a definitive family tree has revealed her links to a poor mining community in the Welsh Valleys. Ystradyfodwg, pronounced Ust-rady-vod-ug, was the home of Mrs Clinton's great grandmother - a woman who showed a determination, similar to that of the former First Lady, to struggle through poverty and eventually emigrate to America with her family. In fact Mrs Clinton's steely resolve to get to the White House and make history as the first female president, can be seen in the actions of her female ancestors, who even defied social conventions through the years. US genealogy expert Megan Smolenyak has traced Mrs Clinton's roots to a mining family from Ystradyfodwg, a small community in south Wales. It is named after Dyfodwg, or Tyfodwg, a sixth century Welsh saint who some believe may have been a Breton Monk. The district, known for its reliance on coal mining and poverty, has since been abolished and is now part of Rhondda. Mrs Clinton's great-grandmother Mary Griffiths was born in Merthyr Tydfil in the Welsh Valleys, and from an early age supported her widowed mother. Official records show she was working as a servant by the age of 12 but in reality she may have been working even earlier. Ms Smolenyak said: 'Born around 1850 in Merthyr Tydfil ‚ at that time, the largest town in Wales ‚ she [Mary Griffiths] can be found in the 1851 census living with her widowed mother and three older siblings. 'Fatherless by the age of one, Mary Griffiths had already been dealt a tough hand.' Scroll down for video . She went on to marry William Jones, a coal miner from Neath, in 1871 and the couple settled in Ystradyfodwg. In a bid for a better life the family made the lengthy journey via Ellis Island to Scranton in Pennsylvania, another mining district where they would continue their trade in the early 1880s. Shortly after they arrived Hannah Jones was born, sometime between 1882 and 1883. Mary Griffiths Jones continued as the head of the family, her husband mostly absent. Hannah Jones was one of just four children out of 14 born who survived - an indication of the poverty her traditional mining family lived in. Mrs Clinton's grandparents Hannah Jones (left) and Hugh Rodham eloped to wed in Binghampton, New York, and are pictured with their granddaughter, former First Lady Hillary Clinton . It was in America that Hannah Jones - who was to become Mrs Clinton's grandmother - met Hugh Rodham, part of the Rodham family who had travelled to America two years earlier from Northumberland. But the circumstances of their marriage reveal the poverty the Jones family endured and the wide social gulf between the Rodhams and Joneses at that time. The pair eloped to Binghampton in New York to get married - a place akin to Gretna Green where people would often go to wed because regulations were less strict. Hannah Jones' family hailed from a poor mining district which is now part of Rhondda in Wales . Mrs Clinton's family were from Ystradyfodwg, close to Neath and Merthyr Tydfil, and now part of Rhondda . From the family histories of the Jones and Rodham families, it appears the pair may have been forced to elope because the Rodhams were unlikely to have approved of their son marrying a woman from such a poor family when they had managed to become moderately wealthy after emigrating to America. Ms Smolenyak revealed that the Jones family were all miners while the Rodhams - who were to become Hannah Jones' in-laws - had left the trade after arriving in the US, and one even became a physician. Ms Smolenyak said: 'When Hugh Rodham found himself smitten with Hannah Jones, he had fallen for a girl who was regarded as being from "the wrong side of the tracks." Mrs Clinton announced she was running for president last week and toured the Whitney Brothers factory . If Hillary Clinton is successful she could make history as the first female president of the United States . 'If he hadn't been bold enough to wander across the state line to marry his sweetheart, Hillary's father wouldn't have born, erasing her from the scene. 'And if [Hillary] Rodham Clinton recalls her grandmother Hannah as a strong-willed woman who "ruled everyone within her reach," it may have been a reflection of her determination to escape the circumstances that left her the sole survivor of her birth family of 16 by her early forties.' Hannah Jones Rodham, frequently described by Mrs Clinton as a 'strong willed woman' gave birth to Mrs Clinton's father Hugh E Rodham in 1911 and died in 1952 when Mrs Clinton was just five. 1850s - Mary Griffiths born in Merthyr Tydfil in Wales to poor family. 1851 - Miss Griffiths was living with her widowed mother and three siblings in Wales and by the age of 12 was working as a slave. 1871 - Miss Griffiths married William Jones, a coal miner from Neath near Swansea. They settled in Ystradyfodwg, near Merthyr Tydfil. 1880 - The Joneses moved to Scranton. 1882-1883 - Hannah Jones was born, one of 14 children - of which only four survived. 1902 - Hannah Jones eloped to Binghampton to marry Hugh S Rodham. He had been born in Northumberland and travelled to America with his family where he met Hannah Jones. 1911 - Hugh E Rodham born to the couple in Scranton, Pennsylvania. 1942 - Hugh E Rodham married Dorothy Howell Rodham, originally from Chicago. 1947 - Hillary Rodham, the eldest of the couple's three children was born. She later went on to marry Bill Clinton. 1952 - Hannah Jones Rodham dies, when Hillary is just five years old. The account appears to be the first definitive family tree for Mrs Clinton which traces her Welsh roots to an area of the Valleys. Previous versions appear to have been drawn incorrectly due to a mix-up over her grandmother. Ms Smolenyak claimed she discovered a key flaw in how genealogists previously compiled Mrs Clinton's family tree in misidentifying Hannah Jones. She said the mistake was made after two children of the same name were born in Scranton in Pennsylvania between 1882 and 1883, and experts previously 'latched onto' the incorrect Hannah Jones. Ms Smolenyak discovered the error while doing research for a piece about Mrs Clinton for Irish America and managed to trace the correct woman using marriage records and obituaries. She identified a woman born shortly after her family arrived in the US in the 1880s, Hannah Jones, who then went on to marry Hugh Rodham in 1902. The revelations come after Mrs Clinton herself appeared to make a mistake regarding her ancestry last week when she suggested all her ancestors were immigrants. She was later forced to correct the error after it was proven that Hannah Jones was born in the US in the 1880s.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
campaign, clinton, governor, presidential, candidate, political, state, hillary, republican, candidates,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
presidential campaign, presidential candidate, state governor, joining a presidential campaign, a huge impact on political campaigns
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about the presidential campaign, the presidential candidate, a state governor, joining a presidential campaign, and a huge impact on political campaigns.
Genealogists made an error when compiling Hillary Clinton's family tree. While she thought her ancestry was British, her family is linked to a poor Welsh mining family. Her great-grandmother was born in the Welsh Valleys.
As Hillary Clinton kicks off her bid to enter the White House, she is now able to claim that her path to being the first woman president started in Ystradyfodwg, a small community in south Wales. She announced she was running for president last week and toured the Whitney Brothers factory.
[ "Genealogists have made an error in compiling the family tree of Hillary Clinton and she is in fact linked to a poor Welsh mining family, an expert claimed . As she kicks off her bid to enter the White House, Hillary Clinton could claim that her path to the presidency began some 160 years ago in the little-known Welsh parish of Ystradyfodwg ‚ if she can pronounce it, that is. For while the US Democrat has previously spoken of her British ancestry, a definitive family tree has revealed her links to a poor mining community in the Welsh Valleys. Ystradyfodwg, pronounced Ust-rady-vod-ug, was the home of Mrs Clinton's great grandmother - a woman who showed a determination, similar to that of the former First Lady, to struggle through poverty and eventually emigrate to America with her family. In fact Mrs Clinton's steely resolve to get to the White House and make history as the first female president, can be seen in the actions of her female ancestors, who even defied social conventions through the years. US genealogy expert Megan Smolenyak has traced Mrs Clinton's roots to a mining family from Ystradyfodwg, a small community in south Wales. It is named after Dyfodwg, or Tyfodwg, a sixth century Welsh saint who some believe may have been a Breton Monk. The district, known for its reliance on coal mining and poverty, has since been abolished and is now part of Rhondda. Mrs Clinton's great-grandmother Mary Griffiths was born in Merthyr Tydfil in the Welsh Valleys, and from an", "early age supported her widowed mother. Official records show she was working as a servant by the age of 12 but in reality she may have been working even earlier. Ms Smolenyak said: 'Born around 1850 in Merthyr Tydfil ‚ at that time, the largest town in Wales ‚ she [Mary Griffiths] can be found in the 1851 census living with her widowed mother and three older siblings. 'Fatherless by the age of one, Mary Griffiths had already been dealt a tough hand.' Scroll down for video . She went on to marry William Jones, a coal miner from Neath, in 1871 and the couple settled in Ystradyfodwg. In a bid for a better life the family made the lengthy journey via Ellis Island to Scranton in Pennsylvania, another mining district where they would continue their trade in the early 1880s. Shortly after they arrived Hannah Jones was born, sometime between 1882 and 1883. Mary Griffiths Jones continued as the head of the family, her husband mostly absent. Hannah Jones was one of just four children out of 14 born who survived - an indication of the poverty her traditional mining family lived in. Mrs Clinton's grandparents Hannah Jones (left) and Hugh Rodham eloped to wed in Binghampton, New York, and are pictured with their granddaughter, former First Lady Hillary Clinton . It was in America that Hannah Jones - who was to become Mrs Clinton's grandmother - met Hugh Rodham, part of the Rodham family who had travelled to America two years earlier from Northumberland.", "But the circumstances of their marriage reveal the poverty the Jones family endured and the wide social gulf between the Rodhams and Joneses at that time. The pair eloped to Binghampton in New York to get married - a place akin to Gretna Green where people would often go to wed because regulations were less strict. Hannah Jones' family hailed from a poor mining district which is now part of Rhondda in Wales . Mrs Clinton's family were from Ystradyfodwg, close to Neath and Merthyr Tydfil, and now part of Rhondda . From the family histories of the Jones and Rodham families, it appears the pair may have been forced to elope because the Rodhams were unlikely to have approved of their son marrying a woman from such a poor family when they had managed to become moderately wealthy after emigrating to America. Ms Smolenyak revealed that the Jones family were all miners while the Rodhams - who were to become Hannah Jones' in-laws - had left the trade after arriving in the US, and one even became a physician. Ms Smolenyak said: 'When Hugh Rodham found himself smitten with Hannah Jones, he had fallen for a girl who was regarded as being from \"the wrong side of the tracks.\" Mrs Clinton announced she was running for president last week and toured the Whitney Brothers factory . If Hillary Clinton is successful she could make history as the first female president of the United States . 'If he hadn't been bold enough to wander across the", "state line to marry his sweetheart, Hillary's father wouldn't have born, erasing her from the scene. 'And if [Hillary] Rodham Clinton recalls her grandmother Hannah as a strong-willed woman who \"ruled everyone within her reach,\" it may have been a reflection of her determination to escape the circumstances that left her the sole survivor of her birth family of 16 by her early forties.' Hannah Jones Rodham, frequently described by Mrs Clinton as a 'strong willed woman' gave birth to Mrs Clinton's father Hugh E Rodham in 1911 and died in 1952 when Mrs Clinton was just five. 1850s - Mary Griffiths born in Merthyr Tydfil in Wales to poor family. 1851 - Miss Griffiths was living with her widowed mother and three siblings in Wales and by the age of 12 was working as a slave. 1871 - Miss Griffiths married William Jones, a coal miner from Neath near Swansea. They settled in Ystradyfodwg, near Merthyr Tydfil. 1880 - The Joneses moved to Scranton. 1882-1883 - Hannah Jones was born, one of 14 children - of which only four survived. 1902 - Hannah Jones eloped to Binghampton to marry Hugh S Rodham. He had been born in Northumberland and travelled to America with his family where he met Hannah Jones. 1911 - Hugh E Rodham born to the couple in Scranton, Pennsylvania. 1942 - Hugh E Rodham married Dorothy Howell Rodham, originally from Chicago. 1947 - Hillary Rodham, the eldest of the couple's three children was born. She later went on to marry Bill Clinton.", "1952 - Hannah Jones Rodham dies, when Hillary is just five years old. The account appears to be the first definitive family tree for Mrs Clinton which traces her Welsh roots to an area of the Valleys. Previous versions appear to have been drawn incorrectly due to a mix-up over her grandmother. Ms Smolenyak claimed she discovered a key flaw in how genealogists previously compiled Mrs Clinton's family tree in misidentifying Hannah Jones. She said the mistake was made after two children of the same name were born in Scranton in Pennsylvania between 1882 and 1883, and experts previously 'latched onto' the incorrect Hannah Jones. Ms Smolenyak discovered the error while doing research for a piece about Mrs Clinton for Irish America and managed to trace the correct woman using marriage records and obituaries. She identified a woman born shortly after her family arrived in the US in the 1880s, Hannah Jones, who then went on to marry Hugh Rodham in 1902. The revelations come after Mrs Clinton herself appeared to make a mistake regarding her ancestry last week when she suggested all her ancestors were immigrants. She was later forced to correct the error after it was proven that Hannah Jones was born in the US in the 1880s." ]
[ "Genealogists have made an error in compiling the family tree of Hillary Clinton and she is in fact linked to a poor Welsh mining family, an expert claimed . As she kicks off her bid to enter the White House, Hillary Clinton could claim that her path to the presidency began some 160 years ago in the little-known Welsh parish of Ystradyfodwg ‚ if she can pronounce it, that is. For while the US Democrat has previously spoken of her British ancestry, a definitive family tree has revealed her links to a poor mining community in the Welsh Valleys. Ystradyfodwg, pronounced Ust-rady-vod-ug, was the home of Mrs Clinton's great grandmother - a woman who showed a determination, similar to that of the former First Lady, to struggle through poverty and eventually emigrate to America with her family. In fact Mrs Clinton's steely resolve to get to the White House and make history as the first female president, can be seen in the actions of her female ancestors, who even defied social conventions through the years. US genealogy expert Megan Smolenyak has traced Mrs Clinton's roots to a mining family from Ystradyfodwg, a small community in south Wales. It is named after Dyfodwg, or Tyfodwg, a sixth century Welsh saint who some believe may have been a Breton Monk. The district, known for its reliance on coal mining and poverty, has since been abolished and is now part of Rhondda. Mrs Clinton's great-grandmother Mary Griffiths was born in Merthyr Tydfil in the Welsh Valleys, and from an", "early age supported her widowed mother. Official records show she was working as a servant by the age of 12 but in reality she may have been working even earlier. Ms Smolenyak said: 'Born around 1850 in Merthyr Tydfil ‚ at that time, the largest town in Wales ‚ she [Mary Griffiths] can be found in the 1851 census living with her widowed mother and three older siblings. 'Fatherless by the age of one, Mary Griffiths had already been dealt a tough hand.' Scroll down for video . She went on to marry William Jones, a coal miner from Neath, in 1871 and the couple settled in Ystradyfodwg. In a bid for a better life the family made the lengthy journey via Ellis Island to Scranton in Pennsylvania, another mining district where they would continue their trade in the early 1880s. Shortly after they arrived Hannah Jones was born, sometime between 1882 and 1883. Mary Griffiths Jones continued as the head of the family, her husband mostly absent. Hannah Jones was one of just four children out of 14 born who survived - an indication of the poverty her traditional mining family lived in. Mrs Clinton's grandparents Hannah Jones (left) and Hugh Rodham eloped to wed in Binghampton, New York, and are pictured with their granddaughter, former First Lady Hillary Clinton . It was in America that Hannah Jones - who was to become Mrs Clinton's grandmother - met Hugh Rodham, part of the Rodham family who had travelled to America two years earlier from Northumberland.", "But the circumstances of their marriage reveal the poverty the Jones family endured and the wide social gulf between the Rodhams and Joneses at that time. The pair eloped to Binghampton in New York to get married - a place akin to Gretna Green where people would often go to wed because regulations were less strict. Hannah Jones' family hailed from a poor mining district which is now part of Rhondda in Wales . Mrs Clinton's family were from Ystradyfodwg, close to Neath and Merthyr Tydfil, and now part of Rhondda . From the family histories of the Jones and Rodham families, it appears the pair may have been forced to elope because the Rodhams were unlikely to have approved of their son marrying a woman from such a poor family when they had managed to become moderately wealthy after emigrating to America. Ms Smolenyak revealed that the Jones family were all miners while the Rodhams - who were to become Hannah Jones' in-laws - had left the trade after arriving in the US, and one even became a physician. Ms Smolenyak said: 'When Hugh Rodham found himself smitten with Hannah Jones, he had fallen for a girl who was regarded as being from \"the wrong side of the tracks.\" Mrs Clinton announced she was running for president last week and toured the Whitney Brothers factory . If Hillary Clinton is successful she could make history as the first female president of the United States . 'If he hadn't been bold enough to wander across the", "state line to marry his sweetheart, Hillary's father wouldn't have born, erasing her from the scene. 'And if [Hillary] Rodham Clinton recalls her grandmother Hannah as a strong-willed woman who \"ruled everyone within her reach,\" it may have been a reflection of her determination to escape the circumstances that left her the sole survivor of her birth family of 16 by her early forties.' Hannah Jones Rodham, frequently described by Mrs Clinton as a 'strong willed woman' gave birth to Mrs Clinton's father Hugh E Rodham in 1911 and died in 1952 when Mrs Clinton was just five. 1850s - Mary Griffiths born in Merthyr Tydfil in Wales to poor family. 1851 - Miss Griffiths was living with her widowed mother and three siblings in Wales and by the age of 12 was working as a slave. 1871 - Miss Griffiths married William Jones, a coal miner from Neath near Swansea. They settled in Ystradyfodwg, near Merthyr Tydfil. 1880 - The Joneses moved to Scranton. 1882-1883 - Hannah Jones was born, one of 14 children - of which only four survived. 1902 - Hannah Jones eloped to Binghampton to marry Hugh S Rodham. He had been born in Northumberland and travelled to America with his family where he met Hannah Jones. 1911 - Hugh E Rodham born to the couple in Scranton, Pennsylvania. 1942 - Hugh E Rodham married Dorothy Howell Rodham, originally from Chicago. 1947 - Hillary Rodham, the eldest of the couple's three children was born. She later went on to marry Bill Clinton.", "1952 - Hannah Jones Rodham dies, when Hillary is just five years old. The account appears to be the first definitive family tree for Mrs Clinton which traces her Welsh roots to an area of the Valleys. Previous versions appear to have been drawn incorrectly due to a mix-up over her grandmother. Ms Smolenyak claimed she discovered a key flaw in how genealogists previously compiled Mrs Clinton's family tree in misidentifying Hannah Jones. She said the mistake was made after two children of the same name were born in Scranton in Pennsylvania between 1882 and 1883, and experts previously 'latched onto' the incorrect Hannah Jones. Ms Smolenyak discovered the error while doing research for a piece about Mrs Clinton for Irish America and managed to trace the correct woman using marriage records and obituaries. She identified a woman born shortly after her family arrived in the US in the 1880s, Hannah Jones, who then went on to marry Hugh Rodham in 1902. The revelations come after Mrs Clinton herself appeared to make a mistake regarding her ancestry last week when she suggested all her ancestors were immigrants. She was later forced to correct the error after it was proven that Hannah Jones was born in the US in the 1880s." ]
Hillary Clinton's family tree has been corrected to reveal her link to a poor Welsh mining family in Ystradyfodwg, Wales. Her great-grandmother Mary Griffiths was born in Merthyr Tydfil and worked as a servant from age 12 before marrying a coal miner and moving to the US. Clinton's grandmother Hannah Jones was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and eloped to marry Hugh Rodham, whose family had emigrated from Northumberland. The correction comes as Clinton launches her presidential campaign, highlighting her determination and resilience, traits also shown by her female ancestors.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Ian Bell rescued England from a nightmare start with a century in the first Test against West Indies that was pay back time for being dropped during his last Caribbean series. After his classy 143 had steered England to 341 for five, after they had been 34 for three, Bell said that thoughts of him losing his place in 2009 was a big motivating factor. Bell said: 'It's been at the back of my mind for some time that I got dropped the last time I was here for a Test series. So I wanted to make this one count and it was very satisfying to do so. I deserved to be dropped at the time and I did a lot of hard yards to get back in.' Ian Bell scored 143 on the first day of the first Test against West Indies in Antigua on Monday . The 33-year-old kisses the England badge on his helmet after his 22nd Test match century . And Bell rates his hundred one of the best of his 22 ‚ only Alastair Cook (25), out for another low score, and Kevin Pietersen (23) have scored more. Bell shared century partnerships of 177 with Joe Root, who made 83 and another one of 130 with Ben Stokes who is 71 not out. 'It has to be right up there,' said Bell . It doesn't get much better. The partnership with Joe Root was just what we needed. But the West Indies bowled very well for the first two hours. And Ben Stokes made it a brilliant finish to the day.' Bell was dropped from the side on his last visit to the Caribbean in 2009 . Bell put on 177 for the fourth wicket with Joe Root and added 130 for the fifth wicket with Ben Stokes . ' It was my day today, but hopefully it will be someone else's day in the next innings. 'For me, it was nice - coming here in 2009, this was where I got dropped after our shemozzle in Jamaica, so I was determined to come out and play as well as I could. 'It was nice to come back and put things right.' Bell raises his bat after being dismissed for 143 in the evening session on day one in Antigua . Kemar Roach runs away to celebrate bowling Alastair Cook out for 11 on the first morning of the Test . Cook, who hasn't added to his record haul of 25 centuries since May 2013, was bowled by Kemar Roach for 11 falling again to a good length ball outside off stump. Roach said: 'Cook has a weakness there, everyone knows it. We let them get away a bit, but Bell batted very well.' The other two England disappointments were a nervous-looking Jonathan Trott who lasted just three deliveries on his return from 'situational anxiety', and Gary Ballance, who also fell to a poor shot.
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
weight, pounds, fat, diet, body, sugar, healthy, lose, lost, loss,
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
weight loss, lost weight following a diet, body fat, blood sugar levels, healthy diet, lose a few pounds of weight
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
This topic is about weight loss and following a healthy diet in order to regulate body fat and blood sugar levels and lose a few pounds of weight following a diet.
Ian Bell saved England from a bad beginning with a century in their first test against West Indies. Bell scored 143 and helped England to a 341 for five after they had been 34 for three. West Indies bowled well for the first couple of hours and Ben Stokes made it a great wrap up to the day.
Only Alastair Cook and Kevin Piertersen have scored more centuries (100) than Bell. Bell has 22 and Cook has 25 with Piertersen having 23. Cook hasn't added any centuries to his record number since 2013.
[ "Ian Bell rescued England from a nightmare start with a century in the first Test against West Indies that was pay back time for being dropped during his last Caribbean series. After his classy 143 had steered England to 341 for five, after they had been 34 for three, Bell said that thoughts of him losing his place in 2009 was a big motivating factor. Bell said: 'It's been at the back of my mind for some time that I got dropped the last time I was here for a Test series. So I wanted to make this one count and it was very satisfying to do so. I deserved to be dropped at the time and I did a lot of hard yards to get back in.' Ian Bell scored 143 on the first day of the first Test against West Indies in Antigua on Monday . The 33-year-old kisses the England badge on his helmet after his 22nd Test match century . And Bell rates his hundred one of the best of his 22 ‚ only Alastair Cook (25), out for another low score, and Kevin Pietersen (23) have scored more. Bell shared century partnerships of 177 with Joe Root, who made 83 and another one of 130 with Ben Stokes who is 71 not out. 'It has to be right up there,' said Bell . It doesn't get much better. The partnership with Joe Root was just what we needed. But the West Indies bowled very well for the first two hours. And", "Ben Stokes made it a brilliant finish to the day.' Bell was dropped from the side on his last visit to the Caribbean in 2009 . Bell put on 177 for the fourth wicket with Joe Root and added 130 for the fifth wicket with Ben Stokes . ' It was my day today, but hopefully it will be someone else's day in the next innings. 'For me, it was nice - coming here in 2009, this was where I got dropped after our shemozzle in Jamaica, so I was determined to come out and play as well as I could. 'It was nice to come back and put things right.' Bell raises his bat after being dismissed for 143 in the evening session on day one in Antigua . Kemar Roach runs away to celebrate bowling Alastair Cook out for 11 on the first morning of the Test . Cook, who hasn't added to his record haul of 25 centuries since May 2013, was bowled by Kemar Roach for 11 falling again to a good length ball outside off stump. Roach said: 'Cook has a weakness there, everyone knows it. We let them get away a bit, but Bell batted very well.' The other two England disappointments were a nervous-looking Jonathan Trott who lasted just three deliveries on his return from 'situational anxiety', and Gary Ballance, who also fell to a poor shot." ]
[ "Ian Bell rescued England from a nightmare start with a century in the first Test against West Indies that was pay back time for being dropped during his last Caribbean series. After his classy 143 had steered England to 341 for five, after they had been 34 for three, Bell said that thoughts of him losing his place in 2009 was a big motivating factor. Bell said: 'It's been at the back of my mind for some time that I got dropped the last time I was here for a Test series. So I wanted to make this one count and it was very satisfying to do so. I deserved to be dropped at the time and I did a lot of hard yards to get back in.' Ian Bell scored 143 on the first day of the first Test against West Indies in Antigua on Monday . The 33-year-old kisses the England badge on his helmet after his 22nd Test match century . And Bell rates his hundred one of the best of his 22 ‚ only Alastair Cook (25), out for another low score, and Kevin Pietersen (23) have scored more. Bell shared century partnerships of 177 with Joe Root, who made 83 and another one of 130 with Ben Stokes who is 71 not out. 'It has to be right up there,' said Bell . It doesn't get much better. The partnership with Joe Root was just what we needed. But the West Indies bowled very well for the first two hours. And", "Ben Stokes made it a brilliant finish to the day.' Bell was dropped from the side on his last visit to the Caribbean in 2009 . Bell put on 177 for the fourth wicket with Joe Root and added 130 for the fifth wicket with Ben Stokes . ' It was my day today, but hopefully it will be someone else's day in the next innings. 'For me, it was nice - coming here in 2009, this was where I got dropped after our shemozzle in Jamaica, so I was determined to come out and play as well as I could. 'It was nice to come back and put things right.' Bell raises his bat after being dismissed for 143 in the evening session on day one in Antigua . Kemar Roach runs away to celebrate bowling Alastair Cook out for 11 on the first morning of the Test . Cook, who hasn't added to his record haul of 25 centuries since May 2013, was bowled by Kemar Roach for 11 falling again to a good length ball outside off stump. Roach said: 'Cook has a weakness there, everyone knows it. We let them get away a bit, but Bell batted very well.' The other two England disappointments were a nervous-looking Jonathan Trott who lasted just three deliveries on his return from 'situational anxiety', and Gary Ballance, who also fell to a poor shot." ]
There is no mention of weight, pounds, fat, diet, body, sugar, healthy, lose, lost, or loss in this text. Final Answer: The final answer is None.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
It's not just your imagination: most American teenagers are online or on their smartphones every day, and many are almost continually connected. A Pew Research Center survey found that 92 percent of US teens go online daily - and 24% admit they are online constantly. It also household incomes can influence which social network children use - with Instagram and Snapchat being popular with children from wealthier families. A Pew Research Center survey found that 92 percent of US teens go online daily - and 25% admit they are online constantly. The Pew researcher revealed household incomes can influence which social network children use. That includes 56 percent who are online several times a day and 24 percent who say they are connected to the Internet and social networks 'almost constantly.' A key factor is the growing prevalence of smartphones. The survey of teens between the ages of 13 and 17 found that 73 percent had a smartphone and 30 percent had at least a basic cellphone. Even though 87 percent of teens have access to a computer, 91 percent went online daily using a mobile device at least occasionally, Pew found. The survey found that African-American and Hispanic youth are among the most active Internet users. Among African-American teens, 34 percent reported going online 'almost constantly' as did 32 percent of Hispanic youth and 19 percent of white teens. 'American teens, especially African-American youth, have embraced smartphones and the 24/7 access to people and information that they offer,' said Amanda Lenhart, a Pew researcher and the lead author of the report. Some 90 percent of teens with phones exchange text messages, with a typical teenager receiving 30 texts per day, Pew found. And one-third of those with smartphones use messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Kik. The researchers found Facebook remains the dominant social media network for young Americans despite the rise of new platforms. Among the teens surveyed, 71 percent said they used Facebook, with Instagram -- owned by Facebook -- the number two social media service used by 52 percent. Among the teens surveyed, Facebook was still the most popular . Asked about other social media, 41 percent of teens said they use Snapchat, 33 percent named Twitter and Google Plus, 24 percent were on Twitter-owned Vine and 14 percent used Yahoo-owned Tumblr. The figures appear to allay concerns that Facebook is being abandoned by youth as more older Internet users join the world's biggest social network. 'Even as Facebook remains an important platform for a majority of teens, Instagram is commanding the attention of half of teens, and Snapchat nearly that number,' said Lenhart. 'There are some interesting differentials in the most frequently used social platforms, with lower income teens using Facebook more often, while wealthier teens -- while still using Facebook -- are more likely than less wealthy teens to report that they use Snapchat or Twitter most often.' More than two-thirds of the teens surveyed said they use more than one social network. But of those who use only one, 66 percent said they opted for Facebook, with Google Plus and Instagram tied for second place with 13 percent each. The report was based on an online survey of 1,060 teens from September 25 to October 9, 2014 and February 10 to March 16, 2015. The margin of error was estimated at 3.7 percentage points. The Pew Research Center survey found that 92% of US teens go online daily - and 25% say they are online constantly .
online, users, internet, site, device, people, computer, iphone, data, devices,
school, schools, teacher, high, education, parents, teachers, hughes, children, students
online internet users, people check websites on different devices, using an iPhone App to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans
high school teacher, high school students, education in schools, parents meet teachers, children going to school
This topic is about online internet users, using an iPhone app to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans, and people checking a website on different devices.
This topic is about high school students and children going to school, education in schools, and parents meeting teachers.
American teenagers are getting more and more connected to internet and social media. Almost all of them go online everyday and 1 out of 4 has admitted to be online constantly. This is due to the growing market of smartphones, in fact 91% of these kids went online daily using their mobile device. The most popular social network is still facebook with a 71% usage rate, followed by instagram (52%) then Snapchat and Twitter. This survey was taken by Pew Research Center, which said that children use of social network is also influenced by household incomes.
Kids in the US are always on their phone, connected to internet and social media. This increase of online activity is due to the large market of smartphones nowadays. Everyday 9 kids out of 10 go online. The most active teenagers were African-American and Hispanic. On average a teenager is receiving 30 texts per day on apps like Whatsapp and Kik.
[ "It's not just your imagination: most American teenagers are online or on their smartphones every day, and many are almost continually connected. A Pew Research Center survey found that 92 percent of US teens go online daily - and 24% admit they are online constantly. It also household incomes can influence which social network children use - with Instagram and Snapchat being popular with children from wealthier families. A Pew Research Center survey found that 92 percent of US teens go online daily - and 25% admit they are online constantly. The Pew researcher revealed household incomes can influence which social network children use. That includes 56 percent who are online several times a day and 24 percent who say they are connected to the Internet and social networks 'almost constantly.' A key factor is the growing prevalence of smartphones. The survey of teens between the ages of 13 and 17 found that 73 percent had a smartphone and 30 percent had at least a basic cellphone. Even though 87 percent of teens have access to a computer, 91 percent went online daily using a mobile device at least occasionally, Pew found. The survey found that African-American and Hispanic youth are among the most active Internet users. Among African-American teens, 34 percent reported going online 'almost constantly' as did 32 percent of Hispanic youth and 19 percent of white teens. 'American teens, especially African-American youth, have embraced smartphones and the 24/7 access to people and information that they offer,' said Amanda Lenhart, a Pew researcher and", "the lead author of the report. Some 90 percent of teens with phones exchange text messages, with a typical teenager receiving 30 texts per day, Pew found. And one-third of those with smartphones use messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Kik. The researchers found Facebook remains the dominant social media network for young Americans despite the rise of new platforms. Among the teens surveyed, 71 percent said they used Facebook, with Instagram -- owned by Facebook -- the number two social media service used by 52 percent. Among the teens surveyed, Facebook was still the most popular . Asked about other social media, 41 percent of teens said they use Snapchat, 33 percent named Twitter and Google Plus, 24 percent were on Twitter-owned Vine and 14 percent used Yahoo-owned Tumblr. The figures appear to allay concerns that Facebook is being abandoned by youth as more older Internet users join the world's biggest social network. 'Even as Facebook remains an important platform for a majority of teens, Instagram is commanding the attention of half of teens, and Snapchat nearly that number,' said Lenhart. 'There are some interesting differentials in the most frequently used social platforms, with lower income teens using Facebook more often, while wealthier teens -- while still using Facebook -- are more likely than less wealthy teens to report that they use Snapchat or Twitter most often.' More than two-thirds of the teens surveyed said they use more than one social network. But of those who use only one, 66 percent said they opted for", "Facebook, with Google Plus and Instagram tied for second place with 13 percent each. The report was based on an online survey of 1,060 teens from September 25 to October 9, 2014 and February 10 to March 16, 2015. The margin of error was estimated at 3.7 percentage points. The Pew Research Center survey found that 92% of US teens go online daily - and 25% say they are online constantly ." ]
[ "It's not just your imagination: most American teenagers are online or on their smartphones every day, and many are almost continually connected. A Pew Research Center survey found that 92 percent of US teens go online daily - and 24% admit they are online constantly. It also household incomes can influence which social network children use - with Instagram and Snapchat being popular with children from wealthier families. A Pew Research Center survey found that 92 percent of US teens go online daily - and 25% admit they are online constantly. The Pew researcher revealed household incomes can influence which social network children use. That includes 56 percent who are online several times a day and 24 percent who say they are connected to the Internet and social networks 'almost constantly.' A key factor is the growing prevalence of smartphones. The survey of teens between the ages of 13 and 17 found that 73 percent had a smartphone and 30 percent had at least a basic cellphone. Even though 87 percent of teens have access to a computer, 91 percent went online daily using a mobile device at least occasionally, Pew found. The survey found that African-American and Hispanic youth are among the most active Internet users. Among African-American teens, 34 percent reported going online 'almost constantly' as did 32 percent of Hispanic youth and 19 percent of white teens. 'American teens, especially African-American youth, have embraced smartphones and the 24/7 access to people and information that they offer,' said Amanda Lenhart, a Pew researcher and", "the lead author of the report. Some 90 percent of teens with phones exchange text messages, with a typical teenager receiving 30 texts per day, Pew found. And one-third of those with smartphones use messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Kik. The researchers found Facebook remains the dominant social media network for young Americans despite the rise of new platforms. Among the teens surveyed, 71 percent said they used Facebook, with Instagram -- owned by Facebook -- the number two social media service used by 52 percent. Among the teens surveyed, Facebook was still the most popular . Asked about other social media, 41 percent of teens said they use Snapchat, 33 percent named Twitter and Google Plus, 24 percent were on Twitter-owned Vine and 14 percent used Yahoo-owned Tumblr. The figures appear to allay concerns that Facebook is being abandoned by youth as more older Internet users join the world's biggest social network. 'Even as Facebook remains an important platform for a majority of teens, Instagram is commanding the attention of half of teens, and Snapchat nearly that number,' said Lenhart. 'There are some interesting differentials in the most frequently used social platforms, with lower income teens using Facebook more often, while wealthier teens -- while still using Facebook -- are more likely than less wealthy teens to report that they use Snapchat or Twitter most often.' More than two-thirds of the teens surveyed said they use more than one social network. But of those who use only one, 66 percent said they opted for", "Facebook, with Google Plus and Instagram tied for second place with 13 percent each. The report was based on an online survey of 1,060 teens from September 25 to October 9, 2014 and February 10 to March 16, 2015. The margin of error was estimated at 3.7 percentage points. The Pew Research Center survey found that 92% of US teens go online daily - and 25% say they are online constantly ." ]
Most American teenagers are online daily, with 92% accessing the internet daily and 25% admitting to being online constantly. Household income influences the choice of social network, with Instagram and Snapchat being popular among wealthier families. Smartphones play a significant role, with 73% of teens owning one and 91% using them to access the internet daily. African-American and Hispanic youth are among the most active internet users, with 34% and 32% respectively reporting constant online activity. Facebook remains the dominant social media network, but Instagram and Snapchat are gaining popularity, particularly among wealthier teens.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
It was a good night for Premier League misfits at the NRGi Park as Denmark beat the USA thanks to a Nicklas Bendtner hat-trick after Jozy Altidore had opened the scoring for the visitors. On an evening when Tottenham's Christian Eriksen became the youngest Dane to win 50 international caps, Altidore, who could only muster a single goal in the English top flight during an 18-month spell at Sunderland, put the USA ahead after 19 minutes in Aarhus. But the Danes were soon level through former Arsenal forward Bendtner. Aron Johannsson restored Jurgen Klinsmann's side's lead before Bendtner scored twice in the final seven minutes to seal his hat-trick and earn victory for Morten Olsen's side. Nicklas Bendtner celebrates with his team-mates after firing the home side level during the first half . Bendtner scored a hat-trick, including two in the last seven minutes, as Denmark beat USA 3-2 . Jozy Altidore is congratulated by his team-mates after giving the visitors the lead after 19 minutes . Denmark: Andersen, Wass, Kjaer, Sviatchenko, Boilesen, Kvist, Krohn-Dehli, Poulsen, Eriksen, Bendtner, Vibe . Subs: Schmeichel, Lossl, Jacobsen, Jorgensen, Hansen, Poulsen, Christiansen, Delaney, Schone, Braithwaite . Scorer(s): Bendtner 33, 84, 91 . Booked: Kvist, Christiansen . Manager: Morten Olsen . USA: Rimando, Garza, Brooks, Orozco, Chandler, Bradley, Bedoya, Zardes, Johnson, Johannsson, Altidore . Subs: Yarbrough, Ream, Alvarado, Yedlin, Shea, Morales, Ibarra, Williams, Green, Rubin . Scorer(s): Altidore 19, Johannssen 66 . Booked: Alvarado, Garza, Altidore . Manager: Jurgen Kilnsmann . Referee: Mattias Gestranius . Denmark started the international friendly on the front foot but found themselves a goal behind when Altidore, who joined Toronto in January as part of the deal that saw Jermain Defoe return to England, stroked home Timmy Chandler's cross. The goal failed to alter the pattern of the game and the home side were level on 33 minutes. The Wolfsburg forward found himself in acres of space in the six yard box after the US defence failed to deal with Lasse Vibe's pass before Bendtner swept home. Johannsson gave the away side the lead - once more against the run of play - after 66 minutes when the AZ forward pounced in the box after Altidore's unselfish pass. As Denmark looked to be heading towards a home defeat Bedntner was on hand to grab his second to draw the hosts level for a second time in the 84th minute. And the game was won in injury time with the pick of the five goals. Eriksen played played a diagonal pass though to Bendtner who, with one touch brought the ball under control, before firing the ball into the bottom corner. Tottenham midfielder Christian Eriksen made his 50th Denmark appearance against the USA . Denmark's Daniel Wass and Fabian Johnson vie for the ball during the friendly match on Wednesday .
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
club, team, season, players, england, football, player, league, fans, game,
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
football league, the team's fans, football player, this season's games, world championship, tournament
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
This topic is about a football league having a world championship where each team’s fans are gathered to watch the end of this season’s games culminating in a tournament, to see their favorite football player.
It was a good night for the Premier League misfits at NRGi Park, with Denmark beating the US thanks to a Nicklas Bendtner hat-trick after Jozy Altidore opened the scoring for the visitors. On a night when Tottenham's Christian Eriksen became the youngest Dane to win 50 caps, Altidore, who managed only a single English Premier League goal during an 18-month stint at Sunderland, put the US ahead in the 19th minute in Aarhus. Denmark kicked off the international friendly with good luck but fell a goal behind when Altidore, who moved to Toronto in January as part of the deal that saw Jermain Defoe return to England, hit a Timmy Chandler cross.
It was a good night for the Premier League misfits at NRGi Park, with Denmark beating the US thanks to a Nicklas Bendtner hat-trick after Jozy Altidore opened the scoring for the visitors. Aron Johannsson restored the leadership of Jurgen Klinsmann's side before Bendtner scored twice in the last seven minutes, sealing his hat-trick and securing victory for Morten Olsen's side.
[ "It was a good night for Premier League misfits at the NRGi Park as Denmark beat the USA thanks to a Nicklas Bendtner hat-trick after Jozy Altidore had opened the scoring for the visitors. On an evening when Tottenham's Christian Eriksen became the youngest Dane to win 50 international caps, Altidore, who could only muster a single goal in the English top flight during an 18-month spell at Sunderland, put the USA ahead after 19 minutes in Aarhus. But the Danes were soon level through former Arsenal forward Bendtner. Aron Johannsson restored Jurgen Klinsmann's side's lead before Bendtner scored twice in the final seven minutes to seal his hat-trick and earn victory for Morten Olsen's side. Nicklas Bendtner celebrates with his team-mates after firing the home side level during the first half . Bendtner scored a hat-trick, including two in the last seven minutes, as Denmark beat USA 3-2 . Jozy Altidore is congratulated by his team-mates after giving the visitors the lead after 19 minutes . Denmark: Andersen, Wass, Kjaer, Sviatchenko, Boilesen, Kvist, Krohn-Dehli, Poulsen, Eriksen, Bendtner, Vibe . Subs: Schmeichel, Lossl, Jacobsen, Jorgensen, Hansen, Poulsen, Christiansen, Delaney, Schone, Braithwaite . Scorer(s): Bendtner 33, 84, 91 . Booked: Kvist, Christiansen . Manager: Morten Olsen . USA: Rimando, Garza, Brooks, Orozco, Chandler, Bradley, Bedoya, Zardes, Johnson, Johannsson, Altidore . Subs: Yarbrough, Ream, Alvarado, Yedlin, Shea, Morales, Ibarra, Williams, Green, Rubin . Scorer(s): Altidore 19, Johannssen 66 . Booked: Alvarado, Garza, Altidore . Manager: Jurgen Kilnsmann . Referee: Mattias Gestranius . Denmark started the international friendly on", "the front foot but found themselves a goal behind when Altidore, who joined Toronto in January as part of the deal that saw Jermain Defoe return to England, stroked home Timmy Chandler's cross. The goal failed to alter the pattern of the game and the home side were level on 33 minutes. The Wolfsburg forward found himself in acres of space in the six yard box after the US defence failed to deal with Lasse Vibe's pass before Bendtner swept home. Johannsson gave the away side the lead - once more against the run of play - after 66 minutes when the AZ forward pounced in the box after Altidore's unselfish pass. As Denmark looked to be heading towards a home defeat Bedntner was on hand to grab his second to draw the hosts level for a second time in the 84th minute. And the game was won in injury time with the pick of the five goals. Eriksen played played a diagonal pass though to Bendtner who, with one touch brought the ball under control, before firing the ball into the bottom corner. Tottenham midfielder Christian Eriksen made his 50th Denmark appearance against the USA . Denmark's Daniel Wass and Fabian Johnson vie for the ball during the friendly match on Wednesday ." ]
[ "It was a good night for Premier League misfits at the NRGi Park as Denmark beat the USA thanks to a Nicklas Bendtner hat-trick after Jozy Altidore had opened the scoring for the visitors. On an evening when Tottenham's Christian Eriksen became the youngest Dane to win 50 international caps, Altidore, who could only muster a single goal in the English top flight during an 18-month spell at Sunderland, put the USA ahead after 19 minutes in Aarhus. But the Danes were soon level through former Arsenal forward Bendtner. Aron Johannsson restored Jurgen Klinsmann's side's lead before Bendtner scored twice in the final seven minutes to seal his hat-trick and earn victory for Morten Olsen's side. Nicklas Bendtner celebrates with his team-mates after firing the home side level during the first half . Bendtner scored a hat-trick, including two in the last seven minutes, as Denmark beat USA 3-2 . Jozy Altidore is congratulated by his team-mates after giving the visitors the lead after 19 minutes . Denmark: Andersen, Wass, Kjaer, Sviatchenko, Boilesen, Kvist, Krohn-Dehli, Poulsen, Eriksen, Bendtner, Vibe . Subs: Schmeichel, Lossl, Jacobsen, Jorgensen, Hansen, Poulsen, Christiansen, Delaney, Schone, Braithwaite . Scorer(s): Bendtner 33, 84, 91 . Booked: Kvist, Christiansen . Manager: Morten Olsen . USA: Rimando, Garza, Brooks, Orozco, Chandler, Bradley, Bedoya, Zardes, Johnson, Johannsson, Altidore . Subs: Yarbrough, Ream, Alvarado, Yedlin, Shea, Morales, Ibarra, Williams, Green, Rubin . Scorer(s): Altidore 19, Johannssen 66 . Booked: Alvarado, Garza, Altidore . Manager: Jurgen Kilnsmann . Referee: Mattias Gestranius . Denmark started the international friendly on", "the front foot but found themselves a goal behind when Altidore, who joined Toronto in January as part of the deal that saw Jermain Defoe return to England, stroked home Timmy Chandler's cross. The goal failed to alter the pattern of the game and the home side were level on 33 minutes. The Wolfsburg forward found himself in acres of space in the six yard box after the US defence failed to deal with Lasse Vibe's pass before Bendtner swept home. Johannsson gave the away side the lead - once more against the run of play - after 66 minutes when the AZ forward pounced in the box after Altidore's unselfish pass. As Denmark looked to be heading towards a home defeat Bedntner was on hand to grab his second to draw the hosts level for a second time in the 84th minute. And the game was won in injury time with the pick of the five goals. Eriksen played played a diagonal pass though to Bendtner who, with one touch brought the ball under control, before firing the ball into the bottom corner. Tottenham midfielder Christian Eriksen made his 50th Denmark appearance against the USA . Denmark's Daniel Wass and Fabian Johnson vie for the ball during the friendly match on Wednesday ." ]
In this article, we learn about a friendly football match between Denmark and the USA. The match took place at the NRGi Park in Aarhus, Denmark. The USA took the lead early on with a goal from Jozy Altidore, but Denmark equalized later in the first half through Nicklas Bendtner. The USA regained the lead in the second half, but Bendtner scored twice more to complete a hat-trick and secure a 3-2 win for Denmark.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A journalist for a Russian TV station has been severely injured after stepping on a land mine in Ukraine, following a night of heavy fighting between Russian-backed rebels and government forces. Andrei Lunev reportedly walked on a tripwire while reporting on recent fighting in Shyrokyne, a village near Mariupol in East Ukraine, and suffered serious head and lower extremities wounds. Mr Lunev, reportedly from Donetsk, Ukraine, received first aid at the scene by medics and visibly shaken colleagues, before he was taken to hospital. Scroll down for video . A OSCE medic provides first aid Andrei Lunev, a reporter for a Russian television channel, after he stepped on a landmine trip wire in Shirokine near Mariupol while covering the conflict in East Ukraine . Mr Lunev stepped on the landmine while inspecting the ruins of Shyrokyne, which has seen heavy shelling and changed hands repeatedly throughout the conflict, with a small group of journalists. Russian media reported that Mr Lunev was taken to hospital in Novoazovsk near the Russian border, where he later regained consciousness. The incident took place in the wake of several exchanges of fire overnight and in the early hours on the outskirts of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, despite an agreement reached by the Ukrainian and Russian foreign ministers a day earlier. The yearlong military conflict between Russian-backed rebels and Kiev government forces has claimed more than 6,000 lives and left large parts of Ukraine's once industrial heartland in ruins. Casualty: Mr Lunev, reportedly from Donetsk, Ukraine, received first aid at the scene by medics and his visibly shaken colleagues, before he was taken to a hospital near the Russian border . Run for cover: A group of reporters take cover while medics provide first aid to Mr Luneov, a journalist working for the Russian TV station Zvezda . Aid: Mr Lunev stepped on the landmine while inspecting the ruins of the village of Shyrokyne, which has seen heavy shelling, with a small group of journalists . Fighting in the east had largely subsided following a cease-fire deal signed in February but has rekindled in recent days. Recovering: Reporter Mr Lunev was taken to hospital where he later regained consciousness . Heavy shelling was heard in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, late Monday evening and in the early hours on Tuesday. Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko told a televised briefing that six troops were killed and 12 wounded in a 24-hour period, while rebels reported one fighter dead and five wounded in the overnight clashes. The death toll is the highest since the February cease-fire was signed. Lysenko also reported civilian casualties, including two teenagers who were wounded in shelling in the Horlivka area, north of Donetsk. Russia and Ukraine agreed in Berlin on Monday to call for the pullback of smaller-caliber weapons from the front lines of the conflict that has claimed more than 6,000 lives. On the ground, however, even the previous agreement that called for a cease-fire and a withdrawal of large-caliber weaponry appeared to be shaky. The U.S. State Department supports the steps taken in Berlin, spokeswoman Marie Harf said Tuesday, but she also voiced concern about the ongoing fighting. 'The Russian-backed separatists continue to take aggressive action in Ukraine,' she said. 'And the Russian-backed separatists continue to stall Minsk implementation.
group, forces, fighters, killed, fighting, militants, syrian, border, town, city,
russian, russia, european, europe, ukraine, putin, moscow, greece, eastern, euro,
group composed of militants, fighters joining forces, ongoing violence in the capital, people dead across the country, militants armed with grenades, border town
Ukraine and Russia, called to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathered in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, bloc of nations within the European Union
This topic is about a group composed of militants, fighters joining forces, ongoing violence in the capital, people dead across the country, militants armed with grenades, and a border town.
This topic is about Ukraine and Russia, calling to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathering in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, and a bloc of nations within the European Union.
A journalist was injured after stepping on a land mine in Ukraine following a night of heavy fighting between Russian-backed rebels and Kiev government forces, which has been ongoing for the past year. The death toll of the conflict has risen to more than 6,000 lives, including six troops and 12 wounded in a 24-hour period on the Ukrainian side while rebels had one fighter dead and five wounded in overnight clashes. Alongside landmines, the militants have used heavy shelling.
Russian-backed rebels and Kiev government forces have been in a yearlong conflict which has recently resulted in civilian casualties and injuries, including a journalist for a Russian TV station being severely injured by a land mine. A cease-fire was signed in February but fighting has rekindled recently. Russia and Ukraine agreed in Berlin on Monday to call for the pullback of smaller-caliber weapons from the front lines but the cease-fire and withdrawal of large-caliber weapons appear shaky, with concerns that Russian-backed separatists have continued to take aggressive action in Ukraine.
[ "A journalist for a Russian TV station has been severely injured after stepping on a land mine in Ukraine, following a night of heavy fighting between Russian-backed rebels and government forces. Andrei Lunev reportedly walked on a tripwire while reporting on recent fighting in Shyrokyne, a village near Mariupol in East Ukraine, and suffered serious head and lower extremities wounds. Mr Lunev, reportedly from Donetsk, Ukraine, received first aid at the scene by medics and visibly shaken colleagues, before he was taken to hospital. Scroll down for video . A OSCE medic provides first aid Andrei Lunev, a reporter for a Russian television channel, after he stepped on a landmine trip wire in Shirokine near Mariupol while covering the conflict in East Ukraine . Mr Lunev stepped on the landmine while inspecting the ruins of Shyrokyne, which has seen heavy shelling and changed hands repeatedly throughout the conflict, with a small group of journalists. Russian media reported that Mr Lunev was taken to hospital in Novoazovsk near the Russian border, where he later regained consciousness. The incident took place in the wake of several exchanges of fire overnight and in the early hours on the outskirts of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, despite an agreement reached by the Ukrainian and Russian foreign ministers a day earlier. The yearlong military conflict between Russian-backed rebels and Kiev government forces has claimed more than 6,000 lives and left large parts of Ukraine's once industrial heartland in ruins. Casualty: Mr Lunev, reportedly from Donetsk, Ukraine, received first aid at the", "scene by medics and his visibly shaken colleagues, before he was taken to a hospital near the Russian border . Run for cover: A group of reporters take cover while medics provide first aid to Mr Luneov, a journalist working for the Russian TV station Zvezda . Aid: Mr Lunev stepped on the landmine while inspecting the ruins of the village of Shyrokyne, which has seen heavy shelling, with a small group of journalists . Fighting in the east had largely subsided following a cease-fire deal signed in February but has rekindled in recent days. Recovering: Reporter Mr Lunev was taken to hospital where he later regained consciousness . Heavy shelling was heard in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, late Monday evening and in the early hours on Tuesday. Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko told a televised briefing that six troops were killed and 12 wounded in a 24-hour period, while rebels reported one fighter dead and five wounded in the overnight clashes. The death toll is the highest since the February cease-fire was signed. Lysenko also reported civilian casualties, including two teenagers who were wounded in shelling in the Horlivka area, north of Donetsk. Russia and Ukraine agreed in Berlin on Monday to call for the pullback of smaller-caliber weapons from the front lines of the conflict that has claimed more than 6,000 lives. On the ground, however, even the previous agreement that called for a cease-fire and a withdrawal of large-caliber weaponry appeared to be shaky. The U.S. State Department supports the steps taken in Berlin,", "spokeswoman Marie Harf said Tuesday, but she also voiced concern about the ongoing fighting. 'The Russian-backed separatists continue to take aggressive action in Ukraine,' she said. 'And the Russian-backed separatists continue to stall Minsk implementation." ]
[ "A journalist for a Russian TV station has been severely injured after stepping on a land mine in Ukraine, following a night of heavy fighting between Russian-backed rebels and government forces. Andrei Lunev reportedly walked on a tripwire while reporting on recent fighting in Shyrokyne, a village near Mariupol in East Ukraine, and suffered serious head and lower extremities wounds. Mr Lunev, reportedly from Donetsk, Ukraine, received first aid at the scene by medics and visibly shaken colleagues, before he was taken to hospital. Scroll down for video . A OSCE medic provides first aid Andrei Lunev, a reporter for a Russian television channel, after he stepped on a landmine trip wire in Shirokine near Mariupol while covering the conflict in East Ukraine . Mr Lunev stepped on the landmine while inspecting the ruins of Shyrokyne, which has seen heavy shelling and changed hands repeatedly throughout the conflict, with a small group of journalists. Russian media reported that Mr Lunev was taken to hospital in Novoazovsk near the Russian border, where he later regained consciousness. The incident took place in the wake of several exchanges of fire overnight and in the early hours on the outskirts of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, despite an agreement reached by the Ukrainian and Russian foreign ministers a day earlier. The yearlong military conflict between Russian-backed rebels and Kiev government forces has claimed more than 6,000 lives and left large parts of Ukraine's once industrial heartland in ruins. Casualty: Mr Lunev, reportedly from Donetsk, Ukraine, received first aid at the", "scene by medics and his visibly shaken colleagues, before he was taken to a hospital near the Russian border . Run for cover: A group of reporters take cover while medics provide first aid to Mr Luneov, a journalist working for the Russian TV station Zvezda . Aid: Mr Lunev stepped on the landmine while inspecting the ruins of the village of Shyrokyne, which has seen heavy shelling, with a small group of journalists . Fighting in the east had largely subsided following a cease-fire deal signed in February but has rekindled in recent days. Recovering: Reporter Mr Lunev was taken to hospital where he later regained consciousness . Heavy shelling was heard in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, late Monday evening and in the early hours on Tuesday. Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko told a televised briefing that six troops were killed and 12 wounded in a 24-hour period, while rebels reported one fighter dead and five wounded in the overnight clashes. The death toll is the highest since the February cease-fire was signed. Lysenko also reported civilian casualties, including two teenagers who were wounded in shelling in the Horlivka area, north of Donetsk. Russia and Ukraine agreed in Berlin on Monday to call for the pullback of smaller-caliber weapons from the front lines of the conflict that has claimed more than 6,000 lives. On the ground, however, even the previous agreement that called for a cease-fire and a withdrawal of large-caliber weaponry appeared to be shaky. The U.S. State Department supports the steps taken in Berlin,", "spokeswoman Marie Harf said Tuesday, but she also voiced concern about the ongoing fighting. 'The Russian-backed separatists continue to take aggressive action in Ukraine,' she said. 'And the Russian-backed separatists continue to stall Minsk implementation." ]
A Russian journalist, Andrei Lunev, was seriously injured when he stepped on a landmine in Ukraine while reporting on the conflict. He suffered severe head and leg injuries and was taken to hospital. The incident occurred during a night of heavy fighting between Russian-backed rebels and government forces. Despite a ceasefire agreement, fighting continues in Eastern Ukraine, with both sides suffering casualties.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
An Australian man who walked free from an Indonesian prison after nine months plans to celebrate his season by heading to the beach. Jake Drage sang a children's song for reporters as he left a West Java jail nine months after he was put behind bars following a crash that killed a woman who was riding a motorcycle with her teenage daughter. The 23-year-old surfer, who was taken into custody in June last year, said he cannot wait to get back in the water. Jake Drage sang a children's song for reporters as he left a West Java jail nine months after he was put behind bars . 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean,' Drage said, according to The West Australian. 'I've never been held down for so long before, . 'I never planned on coming to jail and I don't plan on going back.' He said his time in prison was 'like a yo yo, all up and downs', and that his release had not sunk in yet. Drage was jailed after a crash that killed a woman who was riding pillion on a motorcycle with her teenage daughter . The 23-year-old surfer, who was taken into custody in June last year, said he cannot wait to get back in the water . 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean,' Drage said . 'I'm sure once I'm past immigration and I get back on home soil, arrive at the airport and see the family and friends, I definitely think it will sink in then,' he said. 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean.' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
island, beach, sea, gaal, navy, rescue, fish, ocean, water, sand
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
navy came to rescue in the ocean, swimming in the sea, sandy island, dive team rescued her, ocean water, fish
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about the navy rescuing in the ocean, swimming in the sea, sandy island, dive team rescuing a person, ocean water and fishes in the sea.
Jake Drage was arrested in June of last year after being involved in an accident that killed a woman who was on the back of a motorcycle along with her teenage daughter. The surfer says that he never planned to come to jail and that he doesn't intend to go back. He reports that he experienced moments of up and down in jail, like a yo yo. The Australian also admits that only after going through immigration to get home will he understand the situation better.
After nine months of imprisonment in Indonesia, Australian Jake Drage was released and will finally be able to return home. The 23-year-old surfer sang a children's song to reporters shortly after leaving West Java prison, where he had been since June of last year. Drage reported that the first thing he will do after getting home and seeing his family is head straight to the beach.
[ "An Australian man who walked free from an Indonesian prison after nine months plans to celebrate his season by heading to the beach. Jake Drage sang a children's song for reporters as he left a West Java jail nine months after he was put behind bars following a crash that killed a woman who was riding a motorcycle with her teenage daughter. The 23-year-old surfer, who was taken into custody in June last year, said he cannot wait to get back in the water. Jake Drage sang a children's song for reporters as he left a West Java jail nine months after he was put behind bars . 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean,' Drage said, according to The West Australian. 'I've never been held down for so long before, . 'I never planned on coming to jail and I don't plan on going back.' He said his time in prison was 'like a yo yo, all up and downs', and that his release had not sunk in yet. Drage was jailed after a crash that killed a woman who was riding pillion on a motorcycle with her teenage daughter . The 23-year-old surfer, who was taken into custody in June last year, said he cannot wait to get back in the water . 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean,' Drage said", ". 'I'm sure once I'm past immigration and I get back on home soil, arrive at the airport and see the family and friends, I definitely think it will sink in then,' he said. 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean.' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
[ "An Australian man who walked free from an Indonesian prison after nine months plans to celebrate his season by heading to the beach. Jake Drage sang a children's song for reporters as he left a West Java jail nine months after he was put behind bars following a crash that killed a woman who was riding a motorcycle with her teenage daughter. The 23-year-old surfer, who was taken into custody in June last year, said he cannot wait to get back in the water. Jake Drage sang a children's song for reporters as he left a West Java jail nine months after he was put behind bars . 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean,' Drage said, according to The West Australian. 'I've never been held down for so long before, . 'I never planned on coming to jail and I don't plan on going back.' He said his time in prison was 'like a yo yo, all up and downs', and that his release had not sunk in yet. Drage was jailed after a crash that killed a woman who was riding pillion on a motorcycle with her teenage daughter . The 23-year-old surfer, who was taken into custody in June last year, said he cannot wait to get back in the water . 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean,' Drage said", ". 'I'm sure once I'm past immigration and I get back on home soil, arrive at the airport and see the family and friends, I definitely think it will sink in then,' he said. 'The first thing I do when I get home, after seeing family, I'm heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean.' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
After being released from an Indonesian prison, Australian surfer Jake Drage is eager to return to the beach and ocean, saying "the first thing I do when I get heading straight to the beach, heading straight to the ocean."
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Rome (CNN)As the dust settles after Italy's high court ruled on Friday to overturn the latest guilty verdicts for Amanda Knox, 27, and her former Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 31, in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, many questions still linger in the case. Knox and Sollecito were tried together and convicted of murder by two separate courts. But now they are free now, forever cleared. There won't be any civil trials like in the O.J. Simpson case because, according to Italian penal code, Italy's high court decision is final across all courts in the country. According to Italian lawyer Nicola Canestrini, who works on extradition and criminal cases between Italy and other countries, . "The high court decision is seen as the truth for the whole system." What now for the Kerchers? Francesco Maresca, lawyer for the Kercher family, told CNN that his clients are disappointed with the final ruling. "We expected more from the Italian judicial system," he said. "This is a failure to find justice for Meredith." Maresca says the Kerchers could try to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and argue that Italy failed to find those culpable of killing their beloved daughter and sister but they have yet to make that decision. "If they think Italy hasn't fulfilled the duty, they could sue Italy," Canestrini told CNN. Such a claim could be made based on the final conviction handed down to Rudy Guede, a man from the Ivory Coast who was convicted for his role in Kercher's murder in 2008 in a fast-track trial that is still under seal. When the high court ruled definitively on his case in 2010, they wrote explicitly in their reasoning that he was one of three assailants but did not name who they were. Knox and Sollecito both spent four years in prison during their initial trial and first appeal. They applied to Italy's high court to be put under house arrest but because Knox was a foreigner and deemed a flight risk, they were both denied. Sollecito may now have cause to sue Italy for false imprisonment. Italy pays around 12 million every year for locking up people who are later cleared of charges, according to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is introduced measures to reform the judicial system. But, Canestrini says if Sollecito at any time lied to investigators before he was arrested, he may forfeit his right to reimbursement for being held. Sollecito changed his story more than once before finally settling on an alibi with Knox, so a legal battle could focus on whether anything he told investigators led directly to his arrest. Canestrini also says that Knox could potentially sue Italy for one year of false imprisonment, but because she admittedly lied to investigators early on which led to her arrest, she would likely not have much of a case. "Because she initially admitted to a role in the crime, she wouldn't likely win. If a suspect lies to investigators before they are arrested, it is difficult to prove they were falsely imprisoned," Canestrini says. In one of her initial interrogations in 2007, she told investigators she was in the house when Kercher was killed at which time she accused Patrick Lumumba, her boss at a pub where she worked, of the murder. She later recanted that statement, but Lumumba spent two weeks in prison because of her false claim. In 2013, Italy's high court ruled definitively on a slander charge against her for the false accusation and upheld a three-year prison term and ordered her to pay Lumumba $40,000 euro. Knox's lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told CNN that Knox doesn't feel any revenge or resentment towards Italy. In fact, he said she will go back one day. "This has been an nightmare for her, so we finally got the right decision," he said. "We always thought this was the only decision possible." Sollecito's lawyers were equally pleased with the outcome. "The verdict that we just received doesn't prove us partly right, It proves us completely right," Giulia Bongiorno told reporters outside the court. "There were two possible verdicts: (One was to) overturn this verdict, but go back to it later. Instead, the overturn is without any referral. Among all the possible and imaginable overturning options, this is the one which says "be advised, we won't ever even make the hypothesis of an implication of Raffaele Sollecito in this case ever. Enough, enough, enough." Knox, too, made her own statement from her mother's home in Seattle after hearing the news. She thanked all those who supported her innocence, and said she needed to take time to digest what being free really means. When asked if she had a message to the Kerchers about their daughter, she said, "She deserved so much in this life. I'm the lucky one."
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
court, judge, case, appeal, justice, order, ruling, ruled, magistrates, ordered,
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
a court ruling, department of justice, appealed against a court ruling, judge reviewing a case, court order, magistrates
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
This topic is about a court ruling, department of justice, appealing against a court ruling, judge reviewing a case, a court order, and magistrates.
The High Court of Italy found Amanda Knox, 27, and her Italian ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 31, guilty in the murder of Meredith Kercher in 2007. This decision has been determined to be true by the entire national system. According to Maresca this is unfair because the guilty may perhaps seek appeal in their favor.
"We expected more from the Italian judicial system," she said. "This is a failure to find justice for Meredith." Maresca says the Kerchers could try to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and argue that Italy did not find those guilty of killing their beloved daughter and sister, but they have yet to make that decision.
[ "Rome (CNN)As the dust settles after Italy's high court ruled on Friday to overturn the latest guilty verdicts for Amanda Knox, 27, and her former Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 31, in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, many questions still linger in the case. Knox and Sollecito were tried together and convicted of murder by two separate courts. But now they are free now, forever cleared. There won't be any civil trials like in the O.J. Simpson case because, according to Italian penal code, Italy's high court decision is final across all courts in the country. According to Italian lawyer Nicola Canestrini, who works on extradition and criminal cases between Italy and other countries, . \"The high court decision is seen as the truth for the whole system.\" What now for the Kerchers? Francesco Maresca, lawyer for the Kercher family, told CNN that his clients are disappointed with the final ruling. \"We expected more from the Italian judicial system,\" he said. \"This is a failure to find justice for Meredith.\" Maresca says the Kerchers could try to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and argue that Italy failed to find those culpable of killing their beloved daughter and sister but they have yet to make that decision. \"If they think Italy hasn't fulfilled the duty, they could sue Italy,\" Canestrini told CNN. Such a claim could be made based on the final conviction handed down to Rudy Guede, a man from the Ivory Coast who was convicted for his role in Kercher's murder in", "2008 in a fast-track trial that is still under seal. When the high court ruled definitively on his case in 2010, they wrote explicitly in their reasoning that he was one of three assailants but did not name who they were. Knox and Sollecito both spent four years in prison during their initial trial and first appeal. They applied to Italy's high court to be put under house arrest but because Knox was a foreigner and deemed a flight risk, they were both denied. Sollecito may now have cause to sue Italy for false imprisonment. Italy pays around 12 million every year for locking up people who are later cleared of charges, according to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is introduced measures to reform the judicial system. But, Canestrini says if Sollecito at any time lied to investigators before he was arrested, he may forfeit his right to reimbursement for being held. Sollecito changed his story more than once before finally settling on an alibi with Knox, so a legal battle could focus on whether anything he told investigators led directly to his arrest. Canestrini also says that Knox could potentially sue Italy for one year of false imprisonment, but because she admittedly lied to investigators early on which led to her arrest, she would likely not have much of a case. \"Because she initially admitted to a role in the crime, she wouldn't likely win. If a suspect lies to investigators before they are arrested, it is difficult to prove they were falsely imprisoned,\"", "Canestrini says. In one of her initial interrogations in 2007, she told investigators she was in the house when Kercher was killed at which time she accused Patrick Lumumba, her boss at a pub where she worked, of the murder. She later recanted that statement, but Lumumba spent two weeks in prison because of her false claim. In 2013, Italy's high court ruled definitively on a slander charge against her for the false accusation and upheld a three-year prison term and ordered her to pay Lumumba $40,000 euro. Knox's lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told CNN that Knox doesn't feel any revenge or resentment towards Italy. In fact, he said she will go back one day. \"This has been an nightmare for her, so we finally got the right decision,\" he said. \"We always thought this was the only decision possible.\" Sollecito's lawyers were equally pleased with the outcome. \"The verdict that we just received doesn't prove us partly right, It proves us completely right,\" Giulia Bongiorno told reporters outside the court. \"There were two possible verdicts: (One was to) overturn this verdict, but go back to it later. Instead, the overturn is without any referral. Among all the possible and imaginable overturning options, this is the one which says \"be advised, we won't ever even make the hypothesis of an implication of Raffaele Sollecito in this case ever. Enough, enough, enough.\" Knox, too, made her own statement from her mother's home in Seattle after hearing the news. She thanked all those who supported her innocence, and", "said she needed to take time to digest what being free really means. When asked if she had a message to the Kerchers about their daughter, she said, \"She deserved so much in this life. I'm the lucky one.\"" ]
[ "Rome (CNN)As the dust settles after Italy's high court ruled on Friday to overturn the latest guilty verdicts for Amanda Knox, 27, and her former Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 31, in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, many questions still linger in the case. Knox and Sollecito were tried together and convicted of murder by two separate courts. But now they are free now, forever cleared. There won't be any civil trials like in the O.J. Simpson case because, according to Italian penal code, Italy's high court decision is final across all courts in the country. According to Italian lawyer Nicola Canestrini, who works on extradition and criminal cases between Italy and other countries, . \"The high court decision is seen as the truth for the whole system.\" What now for the Kerchers? Francesco Maresca, lawyer for the Kercher family, told CNN that his clients are disappointed with the final ruling. \"We expected more from the Italian judicial system,\" he said. \"This is a failure to find justice for Meredith.\" Maresca says the Kerchers could try to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and argue that Italy failed to find those culpable of killing their beloved daughter and sister but they have yet to make that decision. \"If they think Italy hasn't fulfilled the duty, they could sue Italy,\" Canestrini told CNN. Such a claim could be made based on the final conviction handed down to Rudy Guede, a man from the Ivory Coast who was convicted for his role in Kercher's murder in", "2008 in a fast-track trial that is still under seal. When the high court ruled definitively on his case in 2010, they wrote explicitly in their reasoning that he was one of three assailants but did not name who they were. Knox and Sollecito both spent four years in prison during their initial trial and first appeal. They applied to Italy's high court to be put under house arrest but because Knox was a foreigner and deemed a flight risk, they were both denied. Sollecito may now have cause to sue Italy for false imprisonment. Italy pays around 12 million every year for locking up people who are later cleared of charges, according to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is introduced measures to reform the judicial system. But, Canestrini says if Sollecito at any time lied to investigators before he was arrested, he may forfeit his right to reimbursement for being held. Sollecito changed his story more than once before finally settling on an alibi with Knox, so a legal battle could focus on whether anything he told investigators led directly to his arrest. Canestrini also says that Knox could potentially sue Italy for one year of false imprisonment, but because she admittedly lied to investigators early on which led to her arrest, she would likely not have much of a case. \"Because she initially admitted to a role in the crime, she wouldn't likely win. If a suspect lies to investigators before they are arrested, it is difficult to prove they were falsely imprisoned,\"", "Canestrini says. In one of her initial interrogations in 2007, she told investigators she was in the house when Kercher was killed at which time she accused Patrick Lumumba, her boss at a pub where she worked, of the murder. She later recanted that statement, but Lumumba spent two weeks in prison because of her false claim. In 2013, Italy's high court ruled definitively on a slander charge against her for the false accusation and upheld a three-year prison term and ordered her to pay Lumumba $40,000 euro. Knox's lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told CNN that Knox doesn't feel any revenge or resentment towards Italy. In fact, he said she will go back one day. \"This has been an nightmare for her, so we finally got the right decision,\" he said. \"We always thought this was the only decision possible.\" Sollecito's lawyers were equally pleased with the outcome. \"The verdict that we just received doesn't prove us partly right, It proves us completely right,\" Giulia Bongiorno told reporters outside the court. \"There were two possible verdicts: (One was to) overturn this verdict, but go back to it later. Instead, the overturn is without any referral. Among all the possible and imaginable overturning options, this is the one which says \"be advised, we won't ever even make the hypothesis of an implication of Raffaele Sollecito in this case ever. Enough, enough, enough.\" Knox, too, made her own statement from her mother's home in Seattle after hearing the news. She thanked all those who supported her innocence, and", "said she needed to take time to digest what being free really means. When asked if she had a message to the Kerchers about their daughter, she said, \"She deserved so much in this life. I'm the lucky one.\"" ]
The Italian high court has overturned the guilty verdicts of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher. This final ruling clears them of all charges and there will be no further appeals. The Kercher family is disappointed with the outcome and may consider appealing to the European Court of Human Rights. Meanwhile, Sollecito may sue Italy for false imprisonment, while Knox may also do so, although her chances are slim due to her initial false statements to investigators.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Making medical history: Mother-of-13 Annegret Raunigk, 65, from Berlin, who is due to give birth to quadruplets in weeks . She already has 13 children and is due to retire this year ‚ so you'd think babies would be the last thing on her mind. But Annegret Raunigk is set to become the oldest woman in the world to have quadruplets ‚ at the age of 65. The German primary school teacher will give birth in a matter of weeks to four babies, conceived following 18 months of fertility treatment. Miss Raunigk, who features in a documentary on German television tonight, said she was not too worried about the birth, adding: 'I feel fit. I don't think I will have any problems.' She is in her 21st week of pregnancy after being artificially inseminated, using both donated sperm and eggs. The identity of the babies' father is unknown. Speaking of the moment she learned she was carrying quadruplets, she said: 'Sure, it was a shock for me. 'Once the physician established that there are four babies inside me then I had to do some thinking.' Miss Raunigk, who teaches English and Russian, said her gynaecologist mentioned the possibility of an abortion but she decided against this option. The mother, from Berlin, previously made headlines in Germany after giving birth to her youngest daughter Leila a decade ago, aged 55. Her 13 children ‚ the eldest of whom is daughter Antje, 44 ‚ are by five different fathers. Miss Raunigk's physician, Dr Kai Hertwig, said everything was going well. He added: 'So far her age has not come into play but quadruplet pregnancies are always a high risk. We are keeping a close watch on her heart circulatory system, but we have little or no experience with a woman of this age.' Fame: The mother previously made headlines in Germany in 2005 after giving birth to her youngest daughter Leila a decade ago, when she was 55 (pictured) Miss Raunigk claimed she had no moral qualms about getting pregnant later in life, saying: 'I think one needs to decide for oneself and not listen too much to the opinions of others.' The record for the oldest woman to give birth to quadruplets is held by Merryl Fudel from the US, who was 55. The oldest woman ever to have a child was Omkari Panwar, who was believed to be 70 when she gave birth to twins in India.
children, child, parents, birth, born, kids, families, mother, family, care,
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
children and parents, families with children, having kids, giving birth, she became a mother, baby was born
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
This topic is about having kids, becoming a mother, giving birth, children and their parents, and families with children when a baby is born.
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
Annegret Raunigk, mother of 13 children, has set a medical record to deliver a quadruplets in weeks. At the age of 65, Annegret Raunigk, bravely took fertility treatment and she is happy giving birth to another four children in a week's time. She has shared that having kids at the age of 65 is not at all an issue and she does not feel shy or shame to deliver a baby at this age. Giving birth to quadruplets is quite risky and she is under continuous monitoring of her doctors. In previous history, no women has delivered quadruplet and Annegret Raunigk is the first person to achieve this milestone.
Annegret Raunigk, a German primary school teacher, who is 65 years old is expected to deliver a quadruplet in few days. This is the most challenging delivery for doctors as there has not been any previous experience of the same. Annegret Raunigk got pregnant after artificial insemination and the children's father's identity is unknown. Although doctors suggested to go for abortion, Annegret Raunigk was against this and decided to deliver the children. She has already given birth to 13 children and she was ready to take the risk. She is the oldest woman to deliver quadruplets in medical history.
[ "Making medical history: Mother-of-13 Annegret Raunigk, 65, from Berlin, who is due to give birth to quadruplets in weeks . She already has 13 children and is due to retire this year ‚ so you'd think babies would be the last thing on her mind. But Annegret Raunigk is set to become the oldest woman in the world to have quadruplets ‚ at the age of 65. The German primary school teacher will give birth in a matter of weeks to four babies, conceived following 18 months of fertility treatment. Miss Raunigk, who features in a documentary on German television tonight, said she was not too worried about the birth, adding: 'I feel fit. I don't think I will have any problems.' She is in her 21st week of pregnancy after being artificially inseminated, using both donated sperm and eggs. The identity of the babies' father is unknown. Speaking of the moment she learned she was carrying quadruplets, she said: 'Sure, it was a shock for me. 'Once the physician established that there are four babies inside me then I had to do some thinking.' Miss Raunigk, who teaches English and Russian, said her gynaecologist mentioned the possibility of an abortion but she decided against this option. The mother, from Berlin, previously made headlines in Germany after giving birth to her youngest daughter Leila a decade ago, aged 55. Her 13 children ‚ the eldest of whom is daughter Antje, 44 ‚ are by five different fathers. Miss Raunigk's physician, Dr Kai Hertwig, said everything was", "going well. He added: 'So far her age has not come into play but quadruplet pregnancies are always a high risk. We are keeping a close watch on her heart circulatory system, but we have little or no experience with a woman of this age.' Fame: The mother previously made headlines in Germany in 2005 after giving birth to her youngest daughter Leila a decade ago, when she was 55 (pictured) Miss Raunigk claimed she had no moral qualms about getting pregnant later in life, saying: 'I think one needs to decide for oneself and not listen too much to the opinions of others.' The record for the oldest woman to give birth to quadruplets is held by Merryl Fudel from the US, who was 55. The oldest woman ever to have a child was Omkari Panwar, who was believed to be 70 when she gave birth to twins in India." ]
[ "Making medical history: Mother-of-13 Annegret Raunigk, 65, from Berlin, who is due to give birth to quadruplets in weeks . She already has 13 children and is due to retire this year ‚ so you'd think babies would be the last thing on her mind. But Annegret Raunigk is set to become the oldest woman in the world to have quadruplets ‚ at the age of 65. The German primary school teacher will give birth in a matter of weeks to four babies, conceived following 18 months of fertility treatment. Miss Raunigk, who features in a documentary on German television tonight, said she was not too worried about the birth, adding: 'I feel fit. I don't think I will have any problems.' She is in her 21st week of pregnancy after being artificially inseminated, using both donated sperm and eggs. The identity of the babies' father is unknown. Speaking of the moment she learned she was carrying quadruplets, she said: 'Sure, it was a shock for me. 'Once the physician established that there are four babies inside me then I had to do some thinking.' Miss Raunigk, who teaches English and Russian, said her gynaecologist mentioned the possibility of an abortion but she decided against this option. The mother, from Berlin, previously made headlines in Germany after giving birth to her youngest daughter Leila a decade ago, aged 55. Her 13 children ‚ the eldest of whom is daughter Antje, 44 ‚ are by five different fathers. Miss Raunigk's physician, Dr Kai Hertwig, said everything was", "going well. He added: 'So far her age has not come into play but quadruplet pregnancies are always a high risk. We are keeping a close watch on her heart circulatory system, but we have little or no experience with a woman of this age.' Fame: The mother previously made headlines in Germany in 2005 after giving birth to her youngest daughter Leila a decade ago, when she was 55 (pictured) Miss Raunigk claimed she had no moral qualms about getting pregnant later in life, saying: 'I think one needs to decide for oneself and not listen too much to the opinions of others.' The record for the oldest woman to give birth to quadruplets is held by Merryl Fudel from the US, who was 55. The oldest woman ever to have a child was Omkari Panwar, who was believed to be 70 when she gave birth to twins in India." ]
A 65-year-old German primary school teacher, Annegret Raunigk, is set to make medical history as the oldest woman to have quadruplets. She already has 13 children with five different fathers and is due to retire this year. Despite being artificially inseminated with donated sperm and eggs, she feels fit and confident about the upcoming birth.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
President Barack Obama announced today $200 million in additional U.S. humanitarian aid to Iraq, but declined to say whether Washington would provide Apache helicopters, drones and other arms to Baghdad to help with the ongoing fight against ISIS. 'I think this is why we are having this meeting: to make sure that we are continually improving our coordination to make sure that Iraqi security forces are in a position to succeed in our common mission,' he told a reporter questioning him about military support following his Oval Office discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi. Mr. Abadi had been expected to seek billions of dollars in drones and other U.S. weapons during his visit. But White House spokesman Josh Earnest later said the Iraqi leader did not make a specific request for additional military support during the meeting. President Barack Obama announced today $200 million in additional U.S. humanitarian aid to Iraq, but declined to say whether Washington would provide Apache helicopters, drones and other arms to Baghdad to help with the ongoing fight against ISIS . 'I think this is why we are having this meeting: to make sure that we are continually improving our coordination to make sure that Iraqi security forces are in a position to succeed in our common mission,' he told a reporter questioning him about military support following his Oval Office discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, left . Abadi is on his first trip to Washington since becoming prime minister last September. His meeting with Obama is meant to convey a U.S. stamp of approval for a leader who has sought to be more inclusive than his predecessor in governing Iraq. The Obama administration, which welcomed Abadi's ascension after a tricky relationship with former Prime Minister Nurial-Maliki, may not agree to provide significant additional support. Obama, who was elected on the back of a promise to end the war in Iraq, is limited by public aversion to U.S. entanglement in another regional conflict and congressional constraints on his budget authority. In August, Obama authorized the first U.S. air strikes on Iraq since the 2011 withdrawal of American troops. He has also deployed about 3,000 American military forces to train and advise Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight Islamic State. Abadi said after the meeting that Iraq would respect other countries' sovereignty and expected the same. He also said he was eager to bring all of the fighters in Iraq under state control. 'I am aware that regional countries have their own interests and I respect these interests, but I also welcome any assistance that they would provide, and I would like to thank them,' Abadi said through a translator. 'However, we do not accept any intervention in Iraq or any transgression on Iraqi sovereignty. This is a war that is fought with Iraqi blood with help from the coalition forces and regional countries.' The U.S. president in turn warned Iran that its fighters must respect Iraq's sovereignty and answer to the government in Baghdad in the battle against ISIS. Abadi is on his first trip to Washington since becomingprime minister last September. His meeting with Obama is meantto convey a U.S. stamp of approval for a leader who has soughtto be more inclusive than his predecessor in governing Iraq . Vice President Joe Biden, left, and National Security Advisor Susan Rice also participated in the Oval Office discussion of the strategic partnership between the two countries, support in fighting ISIS as well as commercial and cultural relations . Iran-backed Shi'ite militias have played a major and growing role in battling the Sunni Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot also known as ISIL, that emerged from the chaos in Iraq and neighboring Syria and which swept through northern Iraq last June. Abadi has had to rely on Shi'ite militias, some of which are backed by Iran and advised by Iranian military officers, as Iraq's regular military deserted en masse last summer in the face of the Islamic State onslaught. Obama said he and Abadi discussed the issue at length in their Oval Office meeting on Tuesday. Asked about Iranian involvement in Iraq, Obama said that he expected the neighbors to have an 'important relationship,' and recognized that the mobilization of Shi'ite militias had been necessary to counter ISIL's advance last year. But he added that any foreign-backed groups in Iraq should now be under Abadi's control. 'Once Prime Minister Abadi took power ... from that point on, any foreign assistance that is helping to defeat ISIL has to go through the Iraqi government. That's how you respect Iraqi sovereignty,' Obama said. 'It needs to be help that is not simply coordinated with the Iraqi government, but ultimately is answerable to the Iraqi government and is funneled through the chain of command.'
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
war, military, defence, army, iraq, soldiers, troops, forces, battle, iraqi,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
military forces, military troops, the battleground, defence army, ongoing war
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about military forces and troops in an ongoing war making up the defensive army.
President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi had their first meeting since Abadi becoming prime minister last September, to convey a U.S. stamp of approval for a more inclusive leader. Obama said he and Abadi discussed the issue at length in their Oval Office meeting on Tuesday.
President Barack Obama declined to mention whether the United States would provide Apache helicopters, drones, and arms to Baghdad to help with the fight against ISIS. He cited supporting Iraqi security forces, but specific information about military aid for Baghdad was not shared. In August, Obama authorized air strikes on Iraq and has deployed about 3000 military forces to advise Iraqi and Kurdish forces against Islamic State.
[ "President Barack Obama announced today $200 million in additional U.S. humanitarian aid to Iraq, but declined to say whether Washington would provide Apache helicopters, drones and other arms to Baghdad to help with the ongoing fight against ISIS. 'I think this is why we are having this meeting: to make sure that we are continually improving our coordination to make sure that Iraqi security forces are in a position to succeed in our common mission,' he told a reporter questioning him about military support following his Oval Office discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi. Mr. Abadi had been expected to seek billions of dollars in drones and other U.S. weapons during his visit. But White House spokesman Josh Earnest later said the Iraqi leader did not make a specific request for additional military support during the meeting. President Barack Obama announced today $200 million in additional U.S. humanitarian aid to Iraq, but declined to say whether Washington would provide Apache helicopters, drones and other arms to Baghdad to help with the ongoing fight against ISIS . 'I think this is why we are having this meeting: to make sure that we are continually improving our coordination to make sure that Iraqi security forces are in a position to succeed in our common mission,' he told a reporter questioning him about military support following his Oval Office discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, left . Abadi is on his first trip to Washington since becoming prime minister last September. His meeting with Obama is meant", "to convey a U.S. stamp of approval for a leader who has sought to be more inclusive than his predecessor in governing Iraq. The Obama administration, which welcomed Abadi's ascension after a tricky relationship with former Prime Minister Nurial-Maliki, may not agree to provide significant additional support. Obama, who was elected on the back of a promise to end the war in Iraq, is limited by public aversion to U.S. entanglement in another regional conflict and congressional constraints on his budget authority. In August, Obama authorized the first U.S. air strikes on Iraq since the 2011 withdrawal of American troops. He has also deployed about 3,000 American military forces to train and advise Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight Islamic State. Abadi said after the meeting that Iraq would respect other countries' sovereignty and expected the same. He also said he was eager to bring all of the fighters in Iraq under state control. 'I am aware that regional countries have their own interests and I respect these interests, but I also welcome any assistance that they would provide, and I would like to thank them,' Abadi said through a translator. 'However, we do not accept any intervention in Iraq or any transgression on Iraqi sovereignty. This is a war that is fought with Iraqi blood with help from the coalition forces and regional countries.' The U.S. president in turn warned Iran that its fighters must respect Iraq's sovereignty and answer to the government in Baghdad in the battle against ISIS. Abadi is on his first", "trip to Washington since becomingprime minister last September. His meeting with Obama is meantto convey a U.S. stamp of approval for a leader who has soughtto be more inclusive than his predecessor in governing Iraq . Vice President Joe Biden, left, and National Security Advisor Susan Rice also participated in the Oval Office discussion of the strategic partnership between the two countries, support in fighting ISIS as well as commercial and cultural relations . Iran-backed Shi'ite militias have played a major and growing role in battling the Sunni Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot also known as ISIL, that emerged from the chaos in Iraq and neighboring Syria and which swept through northern Iraq last June. Abadi has had to rely on Shi'ite militias, some of which are backed by Iran and advised by Iranian military officers, as Iraq's regular military deserted en masse last summer in the face of the Islamic State onslaught. Obama said he and Abadi discussed the issue at length in their Oval Office meeting on Tuesday. Asked about Iranian involvement in Iraq, Obama said that he expected the neighbors to have an 'important relationship,' and recognized that the mobilization of Shi'ite militias had been necessary to counter ISIL's advance last year. But he added that any foreign-backed groups in Iraq should now be under Abadi's control. 'Once Prime Minister Abadi took power ... from that point on, any foreign assistance that is helping to defeat ISIL has to go through the Iraqi government. That's how you respect Iraqi sovereignty,' Obama said.", "'It needs to be help that is not simply coordinated with the Iraqi government, but ultimately is answerable to the Iraqi government and is funneled through the chain of command.'" ]
[ "President Barack Obama announced today $200 million in additional U.S. humanitarian aid to Iraq, but declined to say whether Washington would provide Apache helicopters, drones and other arms to Baghdad to help with the ongoing fight against ISIS. 'I think this is why we are having this meeting: to make sure that we are continually improving our coordination to make sure that Iraqi security forces are in a position to succeed in our common mission,' he told a reporter questioning him about military support following his Oval Office discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi. Mr. Abadi had been expected to seek billions of dollars in drones and other U.S. weapons during his visit. But White House spokesman Josh Earnest later said the Iraqi leader did not make a specific request for additional military support during the meeting. President Barack Obama announced today $200 million in additional U.S. humanitarian aid to Iraq, but declined to say whether Washington would provide Apache helicopters, drones and other arms to Baghdad to help with the ongoing fight against ISIS . 'I think this is why we are having this meeting: to make sure that we are continually improving our coordination to make sure that Iraqi security forces are in a position to succeed in our common mission,' he told a reporter questioning him about military support following his Oval Office discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, left . Abadi is on his first trip to Washington since becoming prime minister last September. His meeting with Obama is meant", "to convey a U.S. stamp of approval for a leader who has sought to be more inclusive than his predecessor in governing Iraq. The Obama administration, which welcomed Abadi's ascension after a tricky relationship with former Prime Minister Nurial-Maliki, may not agree to provide significant additional support. Obama, who was elected on the back of a promise to end the war in Iraq, is limited by public aversion to U.S. entanglement in another regional conflict and congressional constraints on his budget authority. In August, Obama authorized the first U.S. air strikes on Iraq since the 2011 withdrawal of American troops. He has also deployed about 3,000 American military forces to train and advise Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight Islamic State. Abadi said after the meeting that Iraq would respect other countries' sovereignty and expected the same. He also said he was eager to bring all of the fighters in Iraq under state control. 'I am aware that regional countries have their own interests and I respect these interests, but I also welcome any assistance that they would provide, and I would like to thank them,' Abadi said through a translator. 'However, we do not accept any intervention in Iraq or any transgression on Iraqi sovereignty. This is a war that is fought with Iraqi blood with help from the coalition forces and regional countries.' The U.S. president in turn warned Iran that its fighters must respect Iraq's sovereignty and answer to the government in Baghdad in the battle against ISIS. Abadi is on his first", "trip to Washington since becomingprime minister last September. His meeting with Obama is meantto convey a U.S. stamp of approval for a leader who has soughtto be more inclusive than his predecessor in governing Iraq . Vice President Joe Biden, left, and National Security Advisor Susan Rice also participated in the Oval Office discussion of the strategic partnership between the two countries, support in fighting ISIS as well as commercial and cultural relations . Iran-backed Shi'ite militias have played a major and growing role in battling the Sunni Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot also known as ISIL, that emerged from the chaos in Iraq and neighboring Syria and which swept through northern Iraq last June. Abadi has had to rely on Shi'ite militias, some of which are backed by Iran and advised by Iranian military officers, as Iraq's regular military deserted en masse last summer in the face of the Islamic State onslaught. Obama said he and Abadi discussed the issue at length in their Oval Office meeting on Tuesday. Asked about Iranian involvement in Iraq, Obama said that he expected the neighbors to have an 'important relationship,' and recognized that the mobilization of Shi'ite militias had been necessary to counter ISIL's advance last year. But he added that any foreign-backed groups in Iraq should now be under Abadi's control. 'Once Prime Minister Abadi took power ... from that point on, any foreign assistance that is helping to defeat ISIL has to go through the Iraqi government. That's how you respect Iraqi sovereignty,' Obama said.", "'It needs to be help that is not simply coordinated with the Iraqi government, but ultimately is answerable to the Iraqi government and is funneled through the chain of command.'" ]
US President Barack Obama met with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to discuss the ongoing fight against ISIS. While announcing $200 million in additional humanitarian aid, Obama declined to commit to providing Apache helicopters, drones, and other arms to Baghdad. The meeting aimed to convey US approval for Abadi's leadership and improve coordination between the two nations. However, Obama faces limitations due to public aversion to US entanglement in regional conflicts and congressional constraints on his budget authority. The US has already provided air strikes and deployed 3,000 military forces to train and advise Iraqi and Kurdish forces. Abadi emphasized the importance of respecting Iraq's sovereignty and bringing all fighters under state control. Obama warned Iran that its fighters must respect Iraq's sovereignty and answer to the government in Baghdad.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Tehran, Iran (CNN)The Basij is a militia made up of fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; their mission is to protect the country's Islamic order. To do that, they will go to any lengths necessary, including -- they say -- taking on ISIS. "We all are prepared to go and destroy ISIS totally," one Basij commander told CNN. "If our Imam, our Supreme Leader orders us, we will destroy ISIS." The commander says that, so far, the Basij has not been caught up in the fight against the feared Islamic extremists currently waging war in parts of Iraq and Syria. But Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, is already training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shia militias in their fight against ISIS. Suleimani was accused of involvement in the Shia insurgency against U.S. forces during the Iraq war. Today he is a celebrity to many Iraqis and Iranians. That is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the U.S., regardless of any thaw in relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a framework nuclear deal and ongoing talks. Iran, militias' involvement in ISIS fight a mixed blessing . Iranian officials, who believe their strategy is making a difference in the fight against ISIS, say they would like better cooperation with the U.S., but point out that the level of trust simply isn't there. "At the moment, we consider the United States to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us," said General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, commander of Iran's ground forces. "We would like the US to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in U.S. military leadership." And the feeling is mutual: the U.S., which is leading the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq, has denied any direct coordination with Iran. Iran will do what it takes to fight ISIS . Iranians believe air strikes against ISIS are not effective, and feel that the U.S. and its allies are not trying seriously enough to defeat the group. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last September that "the aerial bombardment campaign is mostly ... a form of theater, rather than a serious battle against terrorism." "The battle in Iraq is very important to Iran," explained Mohammed Marandi, a professor at Tehran University. "The Iranians believe that the Americans, if they wanted to, could do a lot more to put pressure on their allies. And also, if they were serious about air strikes, they could do a lot more." It's a point the U.S., of course, disagrees with -- U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to "degrade and ultimately defeat" the terror group. But Iran remains unconvinced. "If they want to destroy ISIS, it is possible for them to achieve that," said Major-General Hassan Firouzabadi, Iran's chief of general staff. "The U.S. military and intelligence organizations have many ways to strike at ISIS, but we have not seen anything so far except intelligence gathering from the U.S. and Britain," he said. "We hope that one day, because of their national interests and the will of their nations, the U.S. and the UK will decide to really fight ISIS." In ISIS, Iran and the U.S. share a common enemy, but -- for now at least -- no apparent common strategy.Will Iran-Saudi proxy war erupt?
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
war, military, defence, army, iraq, soldiers, troops, forces, battle, iraqi,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
military forces, military troops, the battleground, defence army, ongoing war
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about military forces and troops in an ongoing war making up the defensive army.
The Basij is a militia made up of fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; The commander says that so far, the Basij has not been captured in fighting the feared Islamic extremists currently battling in parts of Iraq and Syria. But Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, is already training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shiite militias in their fight against ISIS. This is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the US, regardless of any melting of relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a nuclear deal and ongoing negotiations. Iranian authorities, who believe their strategy is making a difference in the fight against ISIS, say they would like better cooperation with the US, but stress that the level of trust is simply not there. It's a point the US, of course, disagrees with -- US President Barack Obama has promised to "degrade and ultimately defeat" the terrorist group.
The Basij is formed by fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; and its mission is to protect the country's Islamic order. To do this, they are willing to do anything, including - as they say - facing ISIS. "We are all prepared to wipe out ISIS completely," a commander Basij told CNN. This is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the US, regardless of any melting of relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a nuclear deal and ongoing negotiations. Iran, militia involvement in ISIS struggles against a mixed blessing. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last September that "the aerial bombing campaign is primarily ... a form of theater rather than a serious battle against terrorism." "The battle in Iraq is very important for Iran," explained Mohammed Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran.
[ "Tehran, Iran (CNN)The Basij is a militia made up of fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; their mission is to protect the country's Islamic order. To do that, they will go to any lengths necessary, including -- they say -- taking on ISIS. \"We all are prepared to go and destroy ISIS totally,\" one Basij commander told CNN. \"If our Imam, our Supreme Leader orders us, we will destroy ISIS.\" The commander says that, so far, the Basij has not been caught up in the fight against the feared Islamic extremists currently waging war in parts of Iraq and Syria. But Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, is already training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shia militias in their fight against ISIS. Suleimani was accused of involvement in the Shia insurgency against U.S. forces during the Iraq war. Today he is a celebrity to many Iraqis and Iranians. That is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the U.S., regardless of any thaw in relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a framework nuclear deal and ongoing talks. Iran, militias' involvement in ISIS fight a mixed blessing . Iranian officials, who believe their strategy is making a difference in the fight against ISIS, say they would like better cooperation with the U.S., but point out that the level of trust simply isn't there. \"At the moment, we consider the United States to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us,\" said", "General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, commander of Iran's ground forces. \"We would like the US to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in U.S. military leadership.\" And the feeling is mutual: the U.S., which is leading the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq, has denied any direct coordination with Iran. Iran will do what it takes to fight ISIS . Iranians believe air strikes against ISIS are not effective, and feel that the U.S. and its allies are not trying seriously enough to defeat the group. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last September that \"the aerial bombardment campaign is mostly ... a form of theater, rather than a serious battle against terrorism.\" \"The battle in Iraq is very important to Iran,\" explained Mohammed Marandi, a professor at Tehran University. \"The Iranians believe that the Americans, if they wanted to, could do a lot more to put pressure on their allies. And also, if they were serious about air strikes, they could do a lot more.\" It's a point the U.S., of course, disagrees with -- U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to \"degrade and ultimately defeat\" the terror group. But Iran remains unconvinced. \"If they want to destroy ISIS, it is possible for them to achieve that,\" said Major-General Hassan Firouzabadi, Iran's chief of general staff. \"The U.S. military and intelligence organizations have many ways to strike at ISIS, but we have not seen anything so far except intelligence gathering from the U.S. and Britain,\"", "he said. \"We hope that one day, because of their national interests and the will of their nations, the U.S. and the UK will decide to really fight ISIS.\" In ISIS, Iran and the U.S. share a common enemy, but -- for now at least -- no apparent common strategy.Will Iran-Saudi proxy war erupt?" ]
[ "Tehran, Iran (CNN)The Basij is a militia made up of fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; their mission is to protect the country's Islamic order. To do that, they will go to any lengths necessary, including -- they say -- taking on ISIS. \"We all are prepared to go and destroy ISIS totally,\" one Basij commander told CNN. \"If our Imam, our Supreme Leader orders us, we will destroy ISIS.\" The commander says that, so far, the Basij has not been caught up in the fight against the feared Islamic extremists currently waging war in parts of Iraq and Syria. But Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, is already training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shia militias in their fight against ISIS. Suleimani was accused of involvement in the Shia insurgency against U.S. forces during the Iraq war. Today he is a celebrity to many Iraqis and Iranians. That is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the U.S., regardless of any thaw in relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a framework nuclear deal and ongoing talks. Iran, militias' involvement in ISIS fight a mixed blessing . Iranian officials, who believe their strategy is making a difference in the fight against ISIS, say they would like better cooperation with the U.S., but point out that the level of trust simply isn't there. \"At the moment, we consider the United States to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us,\" said", "General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, commander of Iran's ground forces. \"We would like the US to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in U.S. military leadership.\" And the feeling is mutual: the U.S., which is leading the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq, has denied any direct coordination with Iran. Iran will do what it takes to fight ISIS . Iranians believe air strikes against ISIS are not effective, and feel that the U.S. and its allies are not trying seriously enough to defeat the group. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last September that \"the aerial bombardment campaign is mostly ... a form of theater, rather than a serious battle against terrorism.\" \"The battle in Iraq is very important to Iran,\" explained Mohammed Marandi, a professor at Tehran University. \"The Iranians believe that the Americans, if they wanted to, could do a lot more to put pressure on their allies. And also, if they were serious about air strikes, they could do a lot more.\" It's a point the U.S., of course, disagrees with -- U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to \"degrade and ultimately defeat\" the terror group. But Iran remains unconvinced. \"If they want to destroy ISIS, it is possible for them to achieve that,\" said Major-General Hassan Firouzabadi, Iran's chief of general staff. \"The U.S. military and intelligence organizations have many ways to strike at ISIS, but we have not seen anything so far except intelligence gathering from the U.S. and Britain,\"", "he said. \"We hope that one day, because of their national interests and the will of their nations, the U.S. and the UK will decide to really fight ISIS.\" In ISIS, Iran and the U.S. share a common enemy, but -- for now at least -- no apparent common strategy.Will Iran-Saudi proxy war erupt?" ]
The article discusses Iran's role in fighting ISIS, particularly through its elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, which is training and advising Iraqi Shia militias. While Iran claims its strategy is making a difference, the US denies any direct coordination with Iran. Iran believes the US-led air campaign against ISIS is ineffective and lacks seriousness, while the US vows to degrade and defeat the terror group. The two countries remain distrustful of each other despite sharing a common enemy in ISIS.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
(CNN)He was known as the American mouthpiece of al Qaeda, speaking against his native country on behalf of a terrorist organization that's devoted blood and resources to attacking it. But not anymore. The White House announced Thursday that Adam Gadahn, 36, was killed in January in a U.S. government counterterrorism operation. Neither he nor Ahmed Farouq -- another U.S. citizen and al Qaeda operative who died in what the White House said was "likely a separate" operation -- was specifically targeted, according to the statement. Warren Weinstein, a U.S. citizen who was abducted by al Qaeda in Pakistan in 2011, died along with another hostage, Italian Giovanni Lo Porto, in the attack that killed Farouq, according to the White House. White House: U.S. hostage killed in strike on al Qaeda . While he wasn't one of al Qaeda's top leaders, Gadahn was one of its most prominent members, given his many statements on behalf of the organization. Also known as Azzam the American, he was born in 1978. His parents changed their name from Pearlman to Gadahn after their marriage. He grew up on a farm in rural California and at age 18 moved in with his paternal grandparents, who were Jewish. He converted to Islam in 1995 and left the United States for Pakistan three years later. His father said Gadahn last contacted the family in 2002. A former al Qaeda member who later grew disillusioned with the group told CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank that he was tasked with greeting Gadahn at Peshawar airport in September 1998. Gadahn, who'd just just turned 20, had taken flights from the United States to London, then on to Karachi and Peshawar. The former operative planned to take Gadahn to a pizzeria after he landed, before accompanying him by bus to al Qaeda's encampments in Afghanistan. But Gadahn told him he'd been longing for some Afghan food, so they went to an Afghan restaurant instead before setting out on the road. The former operative said that after Gadahn joined al Qaeda, he was known as Abu Suhayb. In the years after 9/11, Gadahn rose through the ranks in the tribal areas of Pakistan, becoming its chief official English-language propagandist. He emerged in the mid-2000s on al Qaeda videos, including ones threatening attacks on Los Angeles and Melbourne, Australia. At first he was disguised. Sometimes he spoke in English, but in other videos he spoke in Arabic. He urged Muslims to target American, Western and Jewish interests with hopes of toppling the regime in Pakistan, according to SITE, a group that monitors terrorists and terror activity online. A federal grand jury in California indicted Gadahn in 2006 for treason and material support to al Qaeda, charges related to his alleged involvement in terrorist activities that included "providing aid and comfort" and other services to al Qaeda, the FBI said. He was among the FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorists." In 2007, he appeared on another al Qaeda video in which he warned America to end its involvement in the affairs of predominantly Muslim countries. "Your failure to heed our demands ... means that you and your people will ... experience things which will make you forget about the horrors of September 11, Afghanistan and Iraq and Virginia Tech," he said, the last reference being to the mass shooting at the Virginia university in 2007. In separate videos over the years, he criticized President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, whom he called "a devious, evasive and serpentine American president with a Muslim name." He also addressed his Jewish ancestry and tore up his U.S. passport on camera. Gadahn appeared in videos commemorating the 9/11 attacks, some which included al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. He urged Muslims in the United States to stage their own lone-wolf attacks. "America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," he said. "You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?" In other videos, he called Nidal Hasan, the Army officer sentenced to death in the 2009 shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, "the ideal role model for every repentant Muslim in the armies of the unbelievers and apostate regimes," and praised the 2012 killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya. His final video was posted online in September 2014 by al Qaeda media wing al Sahab. He called for Muslims to work to overthrow governments in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Cruickshank said Gadahn had begun to play an increasingly prominent institutional role inside al Qaeda. Among the documents recovered from Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad after bin Laden's death was a 2011 letter from Gadahn making recommendations for al Qaeda's media strategy. Gadahn was married to a Muslim woman from Afghanistan and reportedly had at least one child. CNN's Steve Almasy contributed to this report.
islamic, terror, terrorist, al, threat, iraq, attacks, terrorists, terrorism, threats,
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
terrorist attack, islamic terrorism, attacks on the country, terrorist threat, extremist groups
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
This topic is about terrorist attacks, islamic terrorism, attacks on the country, terrorist threats, and extremist groups.
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
Al Qaeda terrorist Adam Gadahn who also goes by Azzam the American, was killed in a counterterrorism operation by the U.S. government in January. The American-born terrorist was known for praising the 9/11 attacks, tearing up his own American passport on a video, and telling Muslims in America to purchase guns at gun shows and stage their own attacks on American soil. He also advised Osama bin Laden on media strategy in a letter, and criticized both presidents G.W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
The White House announced the death of American-born Al Qaeda terrorist Adam Gadahn. Gadahn died in an operation separate from the one in which another American al Qaeda operative. Ahmed Farouq died, and neither were the specific targets of those counterterrorism operations. Two hostages, U.S. citizen Warren Weinstein, and Italian Giovanni Lo Porto were also killed in the military strike.
[ "(CNN)He was known as the American mouthpiece of al Qaeda, speaking against his native country on behalf of a terrorist organization that's devoted blood and resources to attacking it. But not anymore. The White House announced Thursday that Adam Gadahn, 36, was killed in January in a U.S. government counterterrorism operation. Neither he nor Ahmed Farouq -- another U.S. citizen and al Qaeda operative who died in what the White House said was \"likely a separate\" operation -- was specifically targeted, according to the statement. Warren Weinstein, a U.S. citizen who was abducted by al Qaeda in Pakistan in 2011, died along with another hostage, Italian Giovanni Lo Porto, in the attack that killed Farouq, according to the White House. White House: U.S. hostage killed in strike on al Qaeda . While he wasn't one of al Qaeda's top leaders, Gadahn was one of its most prominent members, given his many statements on behalf of the organization. Also known as Azzam the American, he was born in 1978. His parents changed their name from Pearlman to Gadahn after their marriage. He grew up on a farm in rural California and at age 18 moved in with his paternal grandparents, who were Jewish. He converted to Islam in 1995 and left the United States for Pakistan three years later. His father said Gadahn last contacted the family in 2002. A former al Qaeda member who later grew disillusioned with the group told CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank that he was tasked with greeting Gadahn at Peshawar airport", "in September 1998. Gadahn, who'd just just turned 20, had taken flights from the United States to London, then on to Karachi and Peshawar. The former operative planned to take Gadahn to a pizzeria after he landed, before accompanying him by bus to al Qaeda's encampments in Afghanistan. But Gadahn told him he'd been longing for some Afghan food, so they went to an Afghan restaurant instead before setting out on the road. The former operative said that after Gadahn joined al Qaeda, he was known as Abu Suhayb. In the years after 9/11, Gadahn rose through the ranks in the tribal areas of Pakistan, becoming its chief official English-language propagandist. He emerged in the mid-2000s on al Qaeda videos, including ones threatening attacks on Los Angeles and Melbourne, Australia. At first he was disguised. Sometimes he spoke in English, but in other videos he spoke in Arabic. He urged Muslims to target American, Western and Jewish interests with hopes of toppling the regime in Pakistan, according to SITE, a group that monitors terrorists and terror activity online. A federal grand jury in California indicted Gadahn in 2006 for treason and material support to al Qaeda, charges related to his alleged involvement in terrorist activities that included \"providing aid and comfort\" and other services to al Qaeda, the FBI said. He was among the FBI's \"Most Wanted Terrorists.\" In 2007, he appeared on another al Qaeda video in which he warned America to end its involvement in the affairs of predominantly Muslim countries. \"Your failure to", "heed our demands ... means that you and your people will ... experience things which will make you forget about the horrors of September 11, Afghanistan and Iraq and Virginia Tech,\" he said, the last reference being to the mass shooting at the Virginia university in 2007. In separate videos over the years, he criticized President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, whom he called \"a devious, evasive and serpentine American president with a Muslim name.\" He also addressed his Jewish ancestry and tore up his U.S. passport on camera. Gadahn appeared in videos commemorating the 9/11 attacks, some which included al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. He urged Muslims in the United States to stage their own lone-wolf attacks. \"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms,\" he said. \"You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?\" In other videos, he called Nidal Hasan, the Army officer sentenced to death in the 2009 shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, \"the ideal role model for every repentant Muslim in the armies of the unbelievers and apostate regimes,\" and praised the 2012 killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya. His final video was posted online in September 2014 by al Qaeda media wing al Sahab. He called for Muslims to work to overthrow governments in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Cruickshank said Gadahn", "had begun to play an increasingly prominent institutional role inside al Qaeda. Among the documents recovered from Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad after bin Laden's death was a 2011 letter from Gadahn making recommendations for al Qaeda's media strategy. Gadahn was married to a Muslim woman from Afghanistan and reportedly had at least one child. CNN's Steve Almasy contributed to this report." ]
[ "(CNN)He was known as the American mouthpiece of al Qaeda, speaking against his native country on behalf of a terrorist organization that's devoted blood and resources to attacking it. But not anymore. The White House announced Thursday that Adam Gadahn, 36, was killed in January in a U.S. government counterterrorism operation. Neither he nor Ahmed Farouq -- another U.S. citizen and al Qaeda operative who died in what the White House said was \"likely a separate\" operation -- was specifically targeted, according to the statement. Warren Weinstein, a U.S. citizen who was abducted by al Qaeda in Pakistan in 2011, died along with another hostage, Italian Giovanni Lo Porto, in the attack that killed Farouq, according to the White House. White House: U.S. hostage killed in strike on al Qaeda . While he wasn't one of al Qaeda's top leaders, Gadahn was one of its most prominent members, given his many statements on behalf of the organization. Also known as Azzam the American, he was born in 1978. His parents changed their name from Pearlman to Gadahn after their marriage. He grew up on a farm in rural California and at age 18 moved in with his paternal grandparents, who were Jewish. He converted to Islam in 1995 and left the United States for Pakistan three years later. His father said Gadahn last contacted the family in 2002. A former al Qaeda member who later grew disillusioned with the group told CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank that he was tasked with greeting Gadahn at Peshawar airport", "in September 1998. Gadahn, who'd just just turned 20, had taken flights from the United States to London, then on to Karachi and Peshawar. The former operative planned to take Gadahn to a pizzeria after he landed, before accompanying him by bus to al Qaeda's encampments in Afghanistan. But Gadahn told him he'd been longing for some Afghan food, so they went to an Afghan restaurant instead before setting out on the road. The former operative said that after Gadahn joined al Qaeda, he was known as Abu Suhayb. In the years after 9/11, Gadahn rose through the ranks in the tribal areas of Pakistan, becoming its chief official English-language propagandist. He emerged in the mid-2000s on al Qaeda videos, including ones threatening attacks on Los Angeles and Melbourne, Australia. At first he was disguised. Sometimes he spoke in English, but in other videos he spoke in Arabic. He urged Muslims to target American, Western and Jewish interests with hopes of toppling the regime in Pakistan, according to SITE, a group that monitors terrorists and terror activity online. A federal grand jury in California indicted Gadahn in 2006 for treason and material support to al Qaeda, charges related to his alleged involvement in terrorist activities that included \"providing aid and comfort\" and other services to al Qaeda, the FBI said. He was among the FBI's \"Most Wanted Terrorists.\" In 2007, he appeared on another al Qaeda video in which he warned America to end its involvement in the affairs of predominantly Muslim countries. \"Your failure to", "heed our demands ... means that you and your people will ... experience things which will make you forget about the horrors of September 11, Afghanistan and Iraq and Virginia Tech,\" he said, the last reference being to the mass shooting at the Virginia university in 2007. In separate videos over the years, he criticized President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, whom he called \"a devious, evasive and serpentine American president with a Muslim name.\" He also addressed his Jewish ancestry and tore up his U.S. passport on camera. Gadahn appeared in videos commemorating the 9/11 attacks, some which included al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. He urged Muslims in the United States to stage their own lone-wolf attacks. \"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms,\" he said. \"You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?\" In other videos, he called Nidal Hasan, the Army officer sentenced to death in the 2009 shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, \"the ideal role model for every repentant Muslim in the armies of the unbelievers and apostate regimes,\" and praised the 2012 killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya. His final video was posted online in September 2014 by al Qaeda media wing al Sahab. He called for Muslims to work to overthrow governments in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Cruickshank said Gadahn", "had begun to play an increasingly prominent institutional role inside al Qaeda. Among the documents recovered from Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad after bin Laden's death was a 2011 letter from Gadahn making recommendations for al Qaeda's media strategy. Gadahn was married to a Muslim woman from Afghanistan and reportedly had at least one child. CNN's Steve Almasy contributed to this report." ]
The White House has announced that Adam Gadahn, a US citizen who became a spokesperson for al-Qaeda, was killed in a US government counter-terrorism operation in January. Gadahn, also known as Azzam the American, was born in California and converted to Islam in 1995. He joined al-Qaeda in Pakistan and became its chief English-language propagandist, appearing in numerous videos urging Muslims to target American and Western interests. Gadahn was indicted for treason and material support to al-Qaeda in 2006 and was listed as one of the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Former Arsenal forward Andrei Arshavin is set to be released by Russian league leaders Zenit St Petersburg at the end of the season, along with veteran Ukraine midfielder Anatoly Tymoshchuk. Zenit coach Andre Villas-Boas has said the club are not holding talks to extend the contracts of the pair, whose current deals expire at the end of the season. The former Chelsea and Tottenham manager said: 'the situation is developing so that their contracts run out.' Andrei Arshavin is set to leave Russian side Zenit St Petersburg when his contract expires in the summer . Arshavin in action for Zenit in a Russian Premier League match with Kuban Krasnodar back in November . Arshavin spent four years at Arsenal between 2009 and 2013, scoring 31 times in 143 matches . Arshavin played for Zenit in the Champions League earlier in the campaign . Anatoly Tymoshchuk in action for Ukraine against England at the 2012 European Championship . Arshavin, 33, who played for the Gunners between 2009 and 2013, is in his third spell with Zenit and has mostly been deployed as a substitute in 17 appearances this season. Ukraine captain Tymoshchuk, 36, joined the club in 2013 after winning the Champions League with Bayern Munich. He has played 21 matches this season. Zenit enjoy an eight-point lead over Krasnodar at the top of the Russian Premier League.
club, team, season, players, england, football, player, league, fans, game,
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
football league, the team's fans, football player, this season's games, world championship, tournament
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
This topic is about a football league having a world championship where each team’s fans are gathered to watch the end of this season’s games culminating in a tournament, to see their favorite football player.
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
Former Arsenal striker Andrei Arshavin and veteran Ukrainian midfielder Anatoly Tymoshchuk. will likely be dismissed by Russian league leader Zenit St Petersburg at the end of the season. According to Zenit coach Andre Villas-Boas, the club is not negotiating the extension of the duo's contracts, whose current deals end at the end of the season. Arshavin, 33, who played for the Gunners between 2009 and 2013, is on his third stint at Zenit and has been named as a reserve in 17 games this season.
Former Arsenal striker Andrei Arshavin and veteran Ukrainian midfielder Anatoly Tymoshchuk are likely to be sacked by Russian league leader Zenit St Petersburg at the end of the season. Arshavin in action for Zenit in a Russian Premier League match against Kuban Krasnodar in November. Arshavin, 33, who played for the Gunners between 2009 and 2013, is on his third stint at Zenit and has been quoted as a reserve in 17 games this season.
[ "Former Arsenal forward Andrei Arshavin is set to be released by Russian league leaders Zenit St Petersburg at the end of the season, along with veteran Ukraine midfielder Anatoly Tymoshchuk. Zenit coach Andre Villas-Boas has said the club are not holding talks to extend the contracts of the pair, whose current deals expire at the end of the season. The former Chelsea and Tottenham manager said: 'the situation is developing so that their contracts run out.' Andrei Arshavin is set to leave Russian side Zenit St Petersburg when his contract expires in the summer . Arshavin in action for Zenit in a Russian Premier League match with Kuban Krasnodar back in November . Arshavin spent four years at Arsenal between 2009 and 2013, scoring 31 times in 143 matches . Arshavin played for Zenit in the Champions League earlier in the campaign . Anatoly Tymoshchuk in action for Ukraine against England at the 2012 European Championship . Arshavin, 33, who played for the Gunners between 2009 and 2013, is in his third spell with Zenit and has mostly been deployed as a substitute in 17 appearances this season. Ukraine captain Tymoshchuk, 36, joined the club in 2013 after winning the Champions League with Bayern Munich. He has played 21 matches this season. Zenit enjoy an eight-point lead over Krasnodar at the top of the Russian Premier League." ]
[ "Former Arsenal forward Andrei Arshavin is set to be released by Russian league leaders Zenit St Petersburg at the end of the season, along with veteran Ukraine midfielder Anatoly Tymoshchuk. Zenit coach Andre Villas-Boas has said the club are not holding talks to extend the contracts of the pair, whose current deals expire at the end of the season. The former Chelsea and Tottenham manager said: 'the situation is developing so that their contracts run out.' Andrei Arshavin is set to leave Russian side Zenit St Petersburg when his contract expires in the summer . Arshavin in action for Zenit in a Russian Premier League match with Kuban Krasnodar back in November . Arshavin spent four years at Arsenal between 2009 and 2013, scoring 31 times in 143 matches . Arshavin played for Zenit in the Champions League earlier in the campaign . Anatoly Tymoshchuk in action for Ukraine against England at the 2012 European Championship . Arshavin, 33, who played for the Gunners between 2009 and 2013, is in his third spell with Zenit and has mostly been deployed as a substitute in 17 appearances this season. Ukraine captain Tymoshchuk, 36, joined the club in 2013 after winning the Champions League with Bayern Munich. He has played 21 matches this season. Zenit enjoy an eight-point lead over Krasnodar at the top of the Russian Premier League." ]
Andrei Arshavin, a former Arsenal player, will be released by Zenit St Petersburg at the end of the season, along with Anatoly Tymoshchuk, as their contracts expire and the club is not extending them.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A 32-year-old English teacher admitted in court Thursday that she had sex with a 16-year-old student, in a forgiving plea deal that gets her out of serving any prison time or having to register as a sex offender. Former Destrehan High School teacher Shelley Dufresne was arrested in September after the teen in question started bragging to friends at the St Charles Parish, Louisiana school that he had slept with two teachers. An investigation later revealed that the unidentified teen had sex with both his current English teacher at the time, Dufresne, and his English teacher from the prior year, 24-year-old Rachel Respess - including an alleged a threesome with both at Respess's house. Scroll down for video . 'Free' woman: Shelley Dufresne, 32, confessed in court Thursday to having sex with a 16-year-old English student in exchange for a plea deal that gets her out of prison time. The married mother-of-three pictured above leaving the St Charles Parish Courthouse on Thursday . Double the trouble: Dufresne (right) and fellow teacher Rachel Respess, 24 (left), were arrested in September when a student at Destrehan High School started bragging that he was sleeping with both of them . How they met: The unidentified 16-year-old victim was a student in Dufresne's English class last year. Respess taught the same student English the year prior . Though she originally pleaded not guilty in November, married mother-of-three Dufresne changed course and confessed to the sordid act at a status conference in court on Thursday. In exchange for pleading guilty to a count of obscenity, the original charge of carnal knowledge of a juvenile will be held for the three years Dufresne is under probation for obscenity. Comfortable: As part of her plea deal, Dufresne will not have to serve any jail time. Instead she will undergo a 90-day inpatient mental health treatment program, surrender her teacher's license and stay away from the victim and his family . Dufresne must also undergo a 90-day inpatient mental health treatment, surrender her teacher's license, and stay away from the now 17-year-old victim and his family. If she complies with all of those terms, the carnal knowledge charge will be dropped after three years and she will not have to register as a sex offender. The carnal knowledge charge carries a maximum of ten years in prison and a fine for $5,000. Judge Anne Simon signed off on the plea deal, after three other judges - including Dufresne's father Judge Emile St Pierre - removed themselves from the case. District Attorney Joel Chaisson II heralded the deal as a success. 'I want to thank my special prosecutor, Julie Cullen, for her efforts to reach a fair resolution of the case and to secure a felony guilty plea, thereby sparing the juvenile victim in this matter from having to testify at a public trial,' the DA said in a statement. The parents of the victim were in court on Thursday, and according to media who attended the meeting, they were not happy with the settlement. However, Dufresne's legal battle is likely not over yet. When her relationship with the teen was exposed last fall, it was revealed that she had sex with the teen at a residence in Montz (Dufresne and her family live in Montz) and one in Kenner between August 22 and September 27. Dufresne still faces the possibility of jail time for allegedly having a threesome with the same student and Respess at Respess' residence in another Louisiana parish (pictured above). Neither woman has been formally arraigned on those charges yet . Above, Dufresne's home in Montz, Louisiana. The charges she settled Thursday had to do with sex acts she and the 16-year-old committed at a residence in that town . Both towns fall under different parishes, and Jefferson Parish has yet to formally arraign Dufresne on charges of carnal knowledge with a juvenile, indecent behavior with a juvenile and contributing to the delinquency of a child. It was at Respess' home in Kenner that the teachers allegedly had a three-way with the student after a high school football game in September, and that is the incident they await arraignment on. Since her arrest on September 30, Dufresne has remained free on bond. While she has been under house arrest during this time, the rules of the sequester have been loosened so that she can attend therapy sessions, Jazzercize classes and help drive her 3, 5, and 7-year-old children to school and extracurricular activities. However, she had to spend 8pm to 7am inside her home during the weekdays. Both Dufresne and Respess were suspended from their jobs without pay following their arrests last fall.
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
Shelley Dufresne, a former Destrehan High School teacher was arrested for having sex with her 16 year old student. She has been admitted in court and she gave her forgiving plea for not getting registered as sex offender. She was found guilty in the trial before the judicial panel. She could face jail time but her plea has been considered and has made her to undergo a 90-day in-patient mental health treatment rather than getting 3 years of probation for obscenity. During this period she has been house arrested and have given treatment. She has been suspended from her work after this incident.
Shelley Dufresne and Rachel Respess, are teachers by profession, has been arrested and charged for having sex with 16 year old student. The student has confessed that he has slept with two of his teachers. Shelley has applied for forgiving plea and it has been accepted and she was made to attend 90 day inpatient mental health treatment. Also she has been asked to surrender her teaching license. She is under house arrest and is allowed to drive her 3 children to school and other curricular activities. During the week time she need to stay inside her home between 8Pm to 7 Am which is very pathetic.
[ "A 32-year-old English teacher admitted in court Thursday that she had sex with a 16-year-old student, in a forgiving plea deal that gets her out of serving any prison time or having to register as a sex offender. Former Destrehan High School teacher Shelley Dufresne was arrested in September after the teen in question started bragging to friends at the St Charles Parish, Louisiana school that he had slept with two teachers. An investigation later revealed that the unidentified teen had sex with both his current English teacher at the time, Dufresne, and his English teacher from the prior year, 24-year-old Rachel Respess - including an alleged a threesome with both at Respess's house. Scroll down for video . 'Free' woman: Shelley Dufresne, 32, confessed in court Thursday to having sex with a 16-year-old English student in exchange for a plea deal that gets her out of prison time. The married mother-of-three pictured above leaving the St Charles Parish Courthouse on Thursday . Double the trouble: Dufresne (right) and fellow teacher Rachel Respess, 24 (left), were arrested in September when a student at Destrehan High School started bragging that he was sleeping with both of them . How they met: The unidentified 16-year-old victim was a student in Dufresne's English class last year. Respess taught the same student English the year prior . Though she originally pleaded not guilty in November, married mother-of-three Dufresne changed course and confessed to the sordid act at a status conference in court on Thursday. In exchange for pleading guilty to", "a count of obscenity, the original charge of carnal knowledge of a juvenile will be held for the three years Dufresne is under probation for obscenity. Comfortable: As part of her plea deal, Dufresne will not have to serve any jail time. Instead she will undergo a 90-day inpatient mental health treatment program, surrender her teacher's license and stay away from the victim and his family . Dufresne must also undergo a 90-day inpatient mental health treatment, surrender her teacher's license, and stay away from the now 17-year-old victim and his family. If she complies with all of those terms, the carnal knowledge charge will be dropped after three years and she will not have to register as a sex offender. The carnal knowledge charge carries a maximum of ten years in prison and a fine for $5,000. Judge Anne Simon signed off on the plea deal, after three other judges - including Dufresne's father Judge Emile St Pierre - removed themselves from the case. District Attorney Joel Chaisson II heralded the deal as a success. 'I want to thank my special prosecutor, Julie Cullen, for her efforts to reach a fair resolution of the case and to secure a felony guilty plea, thereby sparing the juvenile victim in this matter from having to testify at a public trial,' the DA said in a statement. The parents of the victim were in court on Thursday, and according to media who attended the meeting, they were not happy with the settlement. However, Dufresne's legal battle is likely", "not over yet. When her relationship with the teen was exposed last fall, it was revealed that she had sex with the teen at a residence in Montz (Dufresne and her family live in Montz) and one in Kenner between August 22 and September 27. Dufresne still faces the possibility of jail time for allegedly having a threesome with the same student and Respess at Respess' residence in another Louisiana parish (pictured above). Neither woman has been formally arraigned on those charges yet . Above, Dufresne's home in Montz, Louisiana. The charges she settled Thursday had to do with sex acts she and the 16-year-old committed at a residence in that town . Both towns fall under different parishes, and Jefferson Parish has yet to formally arraign Dufresne on charges of carnal knowledge with a juvenile, indecent behavior with a juvenile and contributing to the delinquency of a child. It was at Respess' home in Kenner that the teachers allegedly had a three-way with the student after a high school football game in September, and that is the incident they await arraignment on. Since her arrest on September 30, Dufresne has remained free on bond. While she has been under house arrest during this time, the rules of the sequester have been loosened so that she can attend therapy sessions, Jazzercize classes and help drive her 3, 5, and 7-year-old children to school and extracurricular activities. However, she had to spend 8pm to 7am inside her home during the weekdays. Both Dufresne and Respess were suspended", "from their jobs without pay following their arrests last fall." ]
[ "A 32-year-old English teacher admitted in court Thursday that she had sex with a 16-year-old student, in a forgiving plea deal that gets her out of serving any prison time or having to register as a sex offender. Former Destrehan High School teacher Shelley Dufresne was arrested in September after the teen in question started bragging to friends at the St Charles Parish, Louisiana school that he had slept with two teachers. An investigation later revealed that the unidentified teen had sex with both his current English teacher at the time, Dufresne, and his English teacher from the prior year, 24-year-old Rachel Respess - including an alleged a threesome with both at Respess's house. Scroll down for video . 'Free' woman: Shelley Dufresne, 32, confessed in court Thursday to having sex with a 16-year-old English student in exchange for a plea deal that gets her out of prison time. The married mother-of-three pictured above leaving the St Charles Parish Courthouse on Thursday . Double the trouble: Dufresne (right) and fellow teacher Rachel Respess, 24 (left), were arrested in September when a student at Destrehan High School started bragging that he was sleeping with both of them . How they met: The unidentified 16-year-old victim was a student in Dufresne's English class last year. Respess taught the same student English the year prior . Though she originally pleaded not guilty in November, married mother-of-three Dufresne changed course and confessed to the sordid act at a status conference in court on Thursday. In exchange for pleading guilty to", "a count of obscenity, the original charge of carnal knowledge of a juvenile will be held for the three years Dufresne is under probation for obscenity. Comfortable: As part of her plea deal, Dufresne will not have to serve any jail time. Instead she will undergo a 90-day inpatient mental health treatment program, surrender her teacher's license and stay away from the victim and his family . Dufresne must also undergo a 90-day inpatient mental health treatment, surrender her teacher's license, and stay away from the now 17-year-old victim and his family. If she complies with all of those terms, the carnal knowledge charge will be dropped after three years and she will not have to register as a sex offender. The carnal knowledge charge carries a maximum of ten years in prison and a fine for $5,000. Judge Anne Simon signed off on the plea deal, after three other judges - including Dufresne's father Judge Emile St Pierre - removed themselves from the case. District Attorney Joel Chaisson II heralded the deal as a success. 'I want to thank my special prosecutor, Julie Cullen, for her efforts to reach a fair resolution of the case and to secure a felony guilty plea, thereby sparing the juvenile victim in this matter from having to testify at a public trial,' the DA said in a statement. The parents of the victim were in court on Thursday, and according to media who attended the meeting, they were not happy with the settlement. However, Dufresne's legal battle is likely", "not over yet. When her relationship with the teen was exposed last fall, it was revealed that she had sex with the teen at a residence in Montz (Dufresne and her family live in Montz) and one in Kenner between August 22 and September 27. Dufresne still faces the possibility of jail time for allegedly having a threesome with the same student and Respess at Respess' residence in another Louisiana parish (pictured above). Neither woman has been formally arraigned on those charges yet . Above, Dufresne's home in Montz, Louisiana. The charges she settled Thursday had to do with sex acts she and the 16-year-old committed at a residence in that town . Both towns fall under different parishes, and Jefferson Parish has yet to formally arraign Dufresne on charges of carnal knowledge with a juvenile, indecent behavior with a juvenile and contributing to the delinquency of a child. It was at Respess' home in Kenner that the teachers allegedly had a three-way with the student after a high school football game in September, and that is the incident they await arraignment on. Since her arrest on September 30, Dufresne has remained free on bond. While she has been under house arrest during this time, the rules of the sequester have been loosened so that she can attend therapy sessions, Jazzercize classes and help drive her 3, 5, and 7-year-old children to school and extracurricular activities. However, she had to spend 8pm to 7am inside her home during the weekdays. Both Dufresne and Respess were suspended", "from their jobs without pay following their arrests last fall." ]
Shelley Dufresne, a 32-year-old English teacher, has pleaded guilty to having sex with a 16-year-old student. She was arrested in September after the student bragged about the affair. An investigation revealed that the student had sex with both Dufresne and another teacher, Rachel Respess, including a threesome at Respess' house. Dufresne has been sentenced to 90 days of inpatient mental health treatment, will surrender her teaching license, and will stay away from the victim and his family. She will not have to serve prison time or register as a sex offender if she complies with the terms of her probation.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that intercepted phone calls prove the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia . Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that intercepted phone calls prove the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia. In a documentary aired today on state-owned Rossiya-1 TV channel, he said phone records from the early 2000s show direct contact between North Caucasus separatists and US secret services. 'At one point our secret services simply detected direct contacts between militants from the North Caucasus and representatives of the United States secret services in Azerbaijan,' Putin said. Putin said he raised the issue with then-US President George W. Bush, who promised to 'kick the ass' of the intelligence officers in question. But he claimed a few days later the heads of Russia's FSB received a letter from their American counterparts, which said they had the right to support opposition forces in Russia. 'Someone over there, especially the West's intelligence services, obviously thought that if they act to destabilize their main geopolitical rival, which, as we now understand, in their eyes has always been Russia, it would be good for them. It turned out, it wasn't,' Putin said. He said he had warned the West about the possible dangers of supporting terrorists. Following a disastrous war in the 1990s, Russia fought Islamic insurgents in Chechnya and neighboring regions in the volatile North Caucasus. 'They were actually helping them, even with transportation,' Putin said. The documentary 'The President' showed Putin being interviewed at the Kremlin in the dimly-lit St. Alexander's Hall. He even defended the annexation of Crimea as a response to the will of the people, saying it righted a historical injustice. The annexation of the Black Sea peninsula from Ukraine in March 2014 provoked the worst crisis between the West and Russia since the end of the Cold War. Putin said he had no regrets. 'It's not because Crimea has a strategic importance in the Black Sea region. It's because this has elements of historical justice. I believe we did the right thing and I don't regret anything,' he said. Putin said he raised the issue with then-US President George W. Bush, who promised to 'kick the ass' of the intelligence officers in question . Putin also said sanctions imposed by the West after the annexation were aimed at halting Russia's progress as a global power. Putin condemned punitive sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union. 'We have witnessed such attempts during Russia's entire history, dating back to tsarist times. This attempt to deter Russia, this policy, has been known for a long time, for centuries. There is nothing new,' he was reported as saying. Putin also expressed his fears that the West wishes Russia harm as he recalled how some world leaders told him they would not mind Russia's possible disintegration. 'My counterparts, a lot of presidents and prime ministers told me later on that they had decided for themselves by then that Russia would cease to exist in its current form,' he said. 'The only question was when it happens and what consequences would be.'
russian, russia, european, europe, ukraine, putin, moscow, greece, eastern, euro,
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
Ukraine and Russia, called to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathered in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, bloc of nations within the European Union
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
This topic is about Ukraine and Russia, calling to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathering in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, and a bloc of nations within the European Union.
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia in a documentary aired on state-owned Rossiya-1 TV. Russia had fought Islamic insurgents in Chechnya and regions in the North Caucasus. Putin also defended the annexation of Crimea as a historical justice. He said sanctions imposed by the West have always happened, dating back to tsarist times.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia. He raised the issue with then-US President George W. Bush, who condemned the actions, but claimed then receiving a letter from their American counterparts asserting their right to support opposition forces in Russia. Putin condemns punitive sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union.
[ "Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that intercepted phone calls prove the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia . Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that intercepted phone calls prove the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia. In a documentary aired today on state-owned Rossiya-1 TV channel, he said phone records from the early 2000s show direct contact between North Caucasus separatists and US secret services. 'At one point our secret services simply detected direct contacts between militants from the North Caucasus and representatives of the United States secret services in Azerbaijan,' Putin said. Putin said he raised the issue with then-US President George W. Bush, who promised to 'kick the ass' of the intelligence officers in question. But he claimed a few days later the heads of Russia's FSB received a letter from their American counterparts, which said they had the right to support opposition forces in Russia. 'Someone over there, especially the West's intelligence services, obviously thought that if they act to destabilize their main geopolitical rival, which, as we now understand, in their eyes has always been Russia, it would be good for them. It turned out, it wasn't,' Putin said. He said he had warned the West about the possible dangers of supporting terrorists. Following a disastrous war in the 1990s, Russia fought Islamic insurgents in Chechnya and neighboring regions in the volatile North Caucasus. 'They were actually helping them, even with transportation,' Putin said. The documentary 'The President' showed Putin being interviewed at the Kremlin", "in the dimly-lit St. Alexander's Hall. He even defended the annexation of Crimea as a response to the will of the people, saying it righted a historical injustice. The annexation of the Black Sea peninsula from Ukraine in March 2014 provoked the worst crisis between the West and Russia since the end of the Cold War. Putin said he had no regrets. 'It's not because Crimea has a strategic importance in the Black Sea region. It's because this has elements of historical justice. I believe we did the right thing and I don't regret anything,' he said. Putin said he raised the issue with then-US President George W. Bush, who promised to 'kick the ass' of the intelligence officers in question . Putin also said sanctions imposed by the West after the annexation were aimed at halting Russia's progress as a global power. Putin condemned punitive sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union. 'We have witnessed such attempts during Russia's entire history, dating back to tsarist times. This attempt to deter Russia, this policy, has been known for a long time, for centuries. There is nothing new,' he was reported as saying. Putin also expressed his fears that the West wishes Russia harm as he recalled how some world leaders told him they would not mind Russia's possible disintegration. 'My counterparts, a lot of presidents and prime ministers told me later on that they had decided for themselves by then that Russia would cease to exist in its current form,' he said. 'The only", "question was when it happens and what consequences would be.'" ]
[ "Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that intercepted phone calls prove the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia . Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that intercepted phone calls prove the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia. In a documentary aired today on state-owned Rossiya-1 TV channel, he said phone records from the early 2000s show direct contact between North Caucasus separatists and US secret services. 'At one point our secret services simply detected direct contacts between militants from the North Caucasus and representatives of the United States secret services in Azerbaijan,' Putin said. Putin said he raised the issue with then-US President George W. Bush, who promised to 'kick the ass' of the intelligence officers in question. But he claimed a few days later the heads of Russia's FSB received a letter from their American counterparts, which said they had the right to support opposition forces in Russia. 'Someone over there, especially the West's intelligence services, obviously thought that if they act to destabilize their main geopolitical rival, which, as we now understand, in their eyes has always been Russia, it would be good for them. It turned out, it wasn't,' Putin said. He said he had warned the West about the possible dangers of supporting terrorists. Following a disastrous war in the 1990s, Russia fought Islamic insurgents in Chechnya and neighboring regions in the volatile North Caucasus. 'They were actually helping them, even with transportation,' Putin said. The documentary 'The President' showed Putin being interviewed at the Kremlin", "in the dimly-lit St. Alexander's Hall. He even defended the annexation of Crimea as a response to the will of the people, saying it righted a historical injustice. The annexation of the Black Sea peninsula from Ukraine in March 2014 provoked the worst crisis between the West and Russia since the end of the Cold War. Putin said he had no regrets. 'It's not because Crimea has a strategic importance in the Black Sea region. It's because this has elements of historical justice. I believe we did the right thing and I don't regret anything,' he said. Putin said he raised the issue with then-US President George W. Bush, who promised to 'kick the ass' of the intelligence officers in question . Putin also said sanctions imposed by the West after the annexation were aimed at halting Russia's progress as a global power. Putin condemned punitive sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union. 'We have witnessed such attempts during Russia's entire history, dating back to tsarist times. This attempt to deter Russia, this policy, has been known for a long time, for centuries. There is nothing new,' he was reported as saying. Putin also expressed his fears that the West wishes Russia harm as he recalled how some world leaders told him they would not mind Russia's possible disintegration. 'My counterparts, a lot of presidents and prime ministers told me later on that they had decided for themselves by then that Russia would cease to exist in its current form,' he said. 'The only", "question was when it happens and what consequences would be.'" ]
Russian President Vladimir Putin claims that intercepted phone calls prove the US helped Chechen Islamic insurgents wage war against Russia. He stated that he raised the issue with former US President George W. Bush, who promised to take action against the intelligence officers involved. However, Putin alleges that the US continued to support opposition forces in Russia.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Sir Bradley Wiggins will bid for cycling's hour record on June 7 at London's Olympic Velodrome. The four-time Olympic champion and 2012 Tour de France winner, who is 35 on April 28, will attempt to add to his accomplishments by riding the furthest distance in 60 minutes at the Lee Valley VeloPark. 'The Hour Record is a holy grail for cyclists,' Wiggins said. Four-time Olympic champion Bradley Wiggins will bid to break cycling's hour record in June . Wiggins finished his Team Sky career in the Paris-Roubaix 253.5km one-day race on Sunday . Australian rider Rohan Dennis poses after breaking the world hour record on February 8 in Grenchen . 'It's been fought over tooth and nail by some of the greatest names in our sport for over a hundred years and it's time for me to have a crack at it. 'I like the idea of challenging myself and want to motivate people to do the same - so why not get your bike out of the shed and see how far you can go in an hour?' Wiggins, whose track pedigree includes three Olympic gold medals, is expected to set a mark which will last for some time. Wiggins will hope for a capacity 6,000 crowd to spur on his attempt, with tickets going on sale from April 19, while the event will be broadcast live on Sky Sports. In June, Wiggins will hope to race in front of a sell-out crowd at London's Olympic Velodrome . Wiggins (left) alongside his Team Sky colleague Luke Rowe after the pair raced the Paris-Roubaix . Wiggins will look to beat the record of Dennis (pictured), who managed to cycle 52.491km in an hour . The Briton finished his Team Sky career at Paris-Roubaix last Sunday and will ride in next month's inaugural Tour de Yorkshire for his eponymous team before preparing for the Hour as part of his return to the track. The world time-trial champion is targeting a British record eighth Olympic medal - he has four gold, one silver and two bronze - at the 2016 Rio Olympics in the four-man, four-kilometre team pursuit. The current Hour record is 52.491km, set by Australian Rohan Dennis in February after the UCI, cycling's world governing body, reformed regulations, reigniting interest in the event. German Jens Voigt was the first to make an attempt last September, recording 51.115km, a mark which stood for six weeks before Austria's Matthias Brandle rode 51.852km, while Jack Bobridge was the first to fall short in his attempt. Dennis' mark will come under threat from Briton Alex Dowsett, who will make his attempt on May 2 in Manchester having had to postpone it previously after suffering a broken collarbone. Tickets to watch Sir Bradley Wiggins attempt to break the UCI Hour Record at the Lee Valley VeloPark on June 7 will go on sale to the general public through Sky Tickets from Friday, April 19 (10am) price £49, £39 and £29, on line sale only through the Sky Tickets website.
match, murray, won, title, round, open, win, final, set, champion,
crown, grand, race, hamilton, team, track, formula, collision, ferrari, adelaide,
final match, win the title, this year's champion, won the final round
formula 1 race, ferrari team, collision during the race, hamilton's team, grand prix, race track
This topic is about a final match to determine which team will win the final round, winning the title to become this year’s champion.
This topic is about Formula 1 racing, the Grand Prix on the race track, Hamilton’s team and the Ferrari team, and collisions during a race.
Sir Bradley Wiggins will bid for cycling's hour record on June 7 at London's Olympics Velodrome. Wiggins finished his Team sky career in the Paris-Roubaix. It's been fough over tooth and nail by some of the greatest names.
Wiggins will hop for a capacity 6000 crowd to spur on his attempt. The briton finished his team sky career at Paris-Roubaix. The current Hour record is 52.491km by Australian Rohan Dennis.
[ "Sir Bradley Wiggins will bid for cycling's hour record on June 7 at London's Olympic Velodrome. The four-time Olympic champion and 2012 Tour de France winner, who is 35 on April 28, will attempt to add to his accomplishments by riding the furthest distance in 60 minutes at the Lee Valley VeloPark. 'The Hour Record is a holy grail for cyclists,' Wiggins said. Four-time Olympic champion Bradley Wiggins will bid to break cycling's hour record in June . Wiggins finished his Team Sky career in the Paris-Roubaix 253.5km one-day race on Sunday . Australian rider Rohan Dennis poses after breaking the world hour record on February 8 in Grenchen . 'It's been fought over tooth and nail by some of the greatest names in our sport for over a hundred years and it's time for me to have a crack at it. 'I like the idea of challenging myself and want to motivate people to do the same - so why not get your bike out of the shed and see how far you can go in an hour?' Wiggins, whose track pedigree includes three Olympic gold medals, is expected to set a mark which will last for some time. Wiggins will hope for a capacity 6,000 crowd to spur on his attempt, with tickets going on sale from April 19, while the event will be broadcast live on Sky Sports. In June, Wiggins will hope to race in front of a sell-out crowd at London's Olympic Velodrome . Wiggins (left) alongside his Team Sky colleague", "Luke Rowe after the pair raced the Paris-Roubaix . Wiggins will look to beat the record of Dennis (pictured), who managed to cycle 52.491km in an hour . The Briton finished his Team Sky career at Paris-Roubaix last Sunday and will ride in next month's inaugural Tour de Yorkshire for his eponymous team before preparing for the Hour as part of his return to the track. The world time-trial champion is targeting a British record eighth Olympic medal - he has four gold, one silver and two bronze - at the 2016 Rio Olympics in the four-man, four-kilometre team pursuit. The current Hour record is 52.491km, set by Australian Rohan Dennis in February after the UCI, cycling's world governing body, reformed regulations, reigniting interest in the event. German Jens Voigt was the first to make an attempt last September, recording 51.115km, a mark which stood for six weeks before Austria's Matthias Brandle rode 51.852km, while Jack Bobridge was the first to fall short in his attempt. Dennis' mark will come under threat from Briton Alex Dowsett, who will make his attempt on May 2 in Manchester having had to postpone it previously after suffering a broken collarbone. Tickets to watch Sir Bradley Wiggins attempt to break the UCI Hour Record at the Lee Valley VeloPark on June 7 will go on sale to the general public through Sky Tickets from Friday, April 19 (10am) price £49, £39 and £29, on line sale only through the Sky Tickets website." ]
[ "Sir Bradley Wiggins will bid for cycling's hour record on June 7 at London's Olympic Velodrome. The four-time Olympic champion and 2012 Tour de France winner, who is 35 on April 28, will attempt to add to his accomplishments by riding the furthest distance in 60 minutes at the Lee Valley VeloPark. 'The Hour Record is a holy grail for cyclists,' Wiggins said. Four-time Olympic champion Bradley Wiggins will bid to break cycling's hour record in June . Wiggins finished his Team Sky career in the Paris-Roubaix 253.5km one-day race on Sunday . Australian rider Rohan Dennis poses after breaking the world hour record on February 8 in Grenchen . 'It's been fought over tooth and nail by some of the greatest names in our sport for over a hundred years and it's time for me to have a crack at it. 'I like the idea of challenging myself and want to motivate people to do the same - so why not get your bike out of the shed and see how far you can go in an hour?' Wiggins, whose track pedigree includes three Olympic gold medals, is expected to set a mark which will last for some time. Wiggins will hope for a capacity 6,000 crowd to spur on his attempt, with tickets going on sale from April 19, while the event will be broadcast live on Sky Sports. In June, Wiggins will hope to race in front of a sell-out crowd at London's Olympic Velodrome . Wiggins (left) alongside his Team Sky colleague", "Luke Rowe after the pair raced the Paris-Roubaix . Wiggins will look to beat the record of Dennis (pictured), who managed to cycle 52.491km in an hour . The Briton finished his Team Sky career at Paris-Roubaix last Sunday and will ride in next month's inaugural Tour de Yorkshire for his eponymous team before preparing for the Hour as part of his return to the track. The world time-trial champion is targeting a British record eighth Olympic medal - he has four gold, one silver and two bronze - at the 2016 Rio Olympics in the four-man, four-kilometre team pursuit. The current Hour record is 52.491km, set by Australian Rohan Dennis in February after the UCI, cycling's world governing body, reformed regulations, reigniting interest in the event. German Jens Voigt was the first to make an attempt last September, recording 51.115km, a mark which stood for six weeks before Austria's Matthias Brandle rode 51.852km, while Jack Bobridge was the first to fall short in his attempt. Dennis' mark will come under threat from Briton Alex Dowsett, who will make his attempt on May 2 in Manchester having had to postpone it previously after suffering a broken collarbone. Tickets to watch Sir Bradley Wiggins attempt to break the UCI Hour Record at the Lee Valley VeloPark on June 7 will go on sale to the general public through Sky Tickets from Friday, April 19 (10am) price £49, £39 and £29, on line sale only through the Sky Tickets website." ]
This article does not mention the words "crown", "grand", "race", "hamilton", "team", "track", "formula", "collision", "ferrari", or "adelaide". It discusses Sir Bradley Wiggins' attempt to break the cycling hour record on June 7 at the Olympic Velodrome in London.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Republic of Ireland winger James McClean has played down fears that he could miss Sunday's Euro 2016 qualifier against Poland through injury. McClean was sent for a scan on Tuesday after limping out of training at Gannon Park in Malahide, leaving manager Martin O'Neill with his fingers crossed. However, the Wigan midfielder has insisted he will be ready for the Group D clash even if he may not train again until later in the week. James McClean limped out of training on Tuesday ahead of Republic of Ireland's Euro 2016 clash with Poland . But the winger has brushed off injury fears and has insisted he's ready for Sunday's crucial clash in Dublin . McClean told the Irish Independent: 'The ankle should be fine. I said I'd give it a go in training, but unfortunately it was just too sore to carry out the session. 'I went and had a scan and thankfully it's just some bone bruising. It should be cleared up in time for the weekend's game, which is obviously positive news. 'I will just need to rest it now with plenty of ice and re-evaluate it in the morning to see if I can train. If not, then hopefully I'll be able to get a training session or two in before the game.' However, O'Neill still has concerns over full-back Stephen Ward and midfielder Darron Gibson, who are struggling with ankle and groin problems respectively. McClean has made 30 league appearances for Wigan this season and has notched six goals along the way .
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
russian, russia, european, europe, ukraine, putin, moscow, greece, eastern, euro,
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
Ukraine and Russia, called to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathered in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, bloc of nations within the European Union
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
This topic is about Ukraine and Russia, calling to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathering in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, and a bloc of nations within the European Union.
James MaClean, Republic of Ireland winger, limped out of training Tuesday. Fortunately, scans showed that it was simply some bruising, and he claims he will be ready to face Poland on Sunday for Euro's 2016 qualifier. He plans to get rest and ice up in order to get cleared before the big game.
James MaClean, Republic of Ireland winger, was injured during Tuesday's training. Bad news for the team, as full-back Stephen Ward and midfielder Darron Gibson are still struggling with injuries. Fortunately, MaClean is expected to recover and be cleared prior to Sunday's big game with Poland. Manager Martin O'Neill has plenty of worries on his hands prior to the game.
[ "Republic of Ireland winger James McClean has played down fears that he could miss Sunday's Euro 2016 qualifier against Poland through injury. McClean was sent for a scan on Tuesday after limping out of training at Gannon Park in Malahide, leaving manager Martin O'Neill with his fingers crossed. However, the Wigan midfielder has insisted he will be ready for the Group D clash even if he may not train again until later in the week. James McClean limped out of training on Tuesday ahead of Republic of Ireland's Euro 2016 clash with Poland . But the winger has brushed off injury fears and has insisted he's ready for Sunday's crucial clash in Dublin . McClean told the Irish Independent: 'The ankle should be fine. I said I'd give it a go in training, but unfortunately it was just too sore to carry out the session. 'I went and had a scan and thankfully it's just some bone bruising. It should be cleared up in time for the weekend's game, which is obviously positive news. 'I will just need to rest it now with plenty of ice and re-evaluate it in the morning to see if I can train. If not, then hopefully I'll be able to get a training session or two in before the game.' However, O'Neill still has concerns over full-back Stephen Ward and midfielder Darron Gibson, who are struggling with ankle and groin problems respectively. McClean has made 30 league appearances for Wigan this season and has notched six goals along the way", "." ]
[ "Republic of Ireland winger James McClean has played down fears that he could miss Sunday's Euro 2016 qualifier against Poland through injury. McClean was sent for a scan on Tuesday after limping out of training at Gannon Park in Malahide, leaving manager Martin O'Neill with his fingers crossed. However, the Wigan midfielder has insisted he will be ready for the Group D clash even if he may not train again until later in the week. James McClean limped out of training on Tuesday ahead of Republic of Ireland's Euro 2016 clash with Poland . But the winger has brushed off injury fears and has insisted he's ready for Sunday's crucial clash in Dublin . McClean told the Irish Independent: 'The ankle should be fine. I said I'd give it a go in training, but unfortunately it was just too sore to carry out the session. 'I went and had a scan and thankfully it's just some bone bruising. It should be cleared up in time for the weekend's game, which is obviously positive news. 'I will just need to rest it now with plenty of ice and re-evaluate it in the morning to see if I can train. If not, then hopefully I'll be able to get a training session or two in before the game.' However, O'Neill still has concerns over full-back Stephen Ward and midfielder Darron Gibson, who are struggling with ankle and groin problems respectively. McClean has made 30 league appearances for Wigan this season and has notched six goals along the way", "." ]
James McClean, an Irish footballer, has alleviated concerns about missing the Euro 2016 qualifier against Poland due to injury. Despite limping out of training, a scan revealed only bone bruising, and he expects to recover in time for the match. Manager Martin O'Neill remains concerned about other players' injuries, including Stephen Ward and Darron Gibson.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Former Kayak world champion and two-time Olympic medalist Nathan Baggaley has been taken back into custody for allegedly assaulting a police officer at Byron Bay Blues Festival. The 39-year-old, who was already facing serious drug charges, was allegedly caught along with two other men in a toilet cubicle with white powder at around 4pm on Easter Friday. Newscorp reported the powder was found on a phone owned by Mr Baggaley. Nathan Baggaley has been taken back into custody after allegedly assaulting an officer that found him in a toilet cubicle with white powder . The kayker was reportedly disgruntled and allegedly slapped the hand of an officer before walking away. Mr Baggaley was apprehended when he reported for bail earlier this week at Tweed Heads police station. He was taken into custody and charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting police and escaping custody. Mr Baggaley's barrister, Nikolaos Siafakas, disputed that his client assaulted an officer, also calling into question the circumstances surrounding the incident on Good Friday. Denied bail: Mr Baggaley was charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting police and escaping custody . The Olympian will remain in custody after his bail application was rejected by Byron Bay Local Court on Thursday afternoon. Mr Baggaley has pleaded not guilty to the Bluesfest offence and his case will be heard at Tweed Heads Local Court on May 7. The fallen athlete was already on strict bail conditions, including a 9pm curfew, while he was awaiting sentencing for two serious drug manufacturing charges. The fallen athlete has pleaded guilty to drug manufacturing linked with a Tweed Heads drug ring . Earlier this week, charges were also laid for a separate instance where Mr Baggaley allegedly supplied 10 Buprenophine patches, an opiate based pain medication, to a prisoner inside the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre. In February the disgraced athlete pleaded guilty to manufacturing a border-controlled drug and manufacturing a marketable quantity of methamphetamine that was linked to a Tweed Heads drug ring. The Australian Federal Police allege the ring had established two secret drug labs located in the Tweed Heads and on the Gold Coast. The drug supply charge will be heard at Lismore Local Court on June 2. Mr Baggaley was also charged with supplying a prohibited substance to a prisoner at the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre .
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
Two-time Olympic Kayak world champ Nathan Baggley was re-arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer. He was found in a portable toilet at the Byron Bay Blues Festival , along with two other men, using a suspected white powder, around 4 pm Easter Friday. Baggley, who was already facing drug charges, was taken back into custody for resisting police and escaping custody. His attorney, Nikolaos Siafakas , has claimed innocence, while questioning the circumstances surrounding the Good Friday incident.
Nathan Baggaley was denied bail and held on charges of assault of a policeman, resisting arrest and escape. No stranger to illicit behavior, he will remain incarcerated while awaiting sentencing for two serious drug manufacturing charges. Mr. Baggaley allegedly supplied 10 opioid patches to a prisoner inside the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre, as well as dealing a marketable quantity of methamphetamine, charges linked with a Tweed Heads drug ring. Proceedings are scheduled to be heard at Lismore Local Court on June 2.
[ "Former Kayak world champion and two-time Olympic medalist Nathan Baggaley has been taken back into custody for allegedly assaulting a police officer at Byron Bay Blues Festival. The 39-year-old, who was already facing serious drug charges, was allegedly caught along with two other men in a toilet cubicle with white powder at around 4pm on Easter Friday. Newscorp reported the powder was found on a phone owned by Mr Baggaley. Nathan Baggaley has been taken back into custody after allegedly assaulting an officer that found him in a toilet cubicle with white powder . The kayker was reportedly disgruntled and allegedly slapped the hand of an officer before walking away. Mr Baggaley was apprehended when he reported for bail earlier this week at Tweed Heads police station. He was taken into custody and charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting police and escaping custody. Mr Baggaley's barrister, Nikolaos Siafakas, disputed that his client assaulted an officer, also calling into question the circumstances surrounding the incident on Good Friday. Denied bail: Mr Baggaley was charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting police and escaping custody . The Olympian will remain in custody after his bail application was rejected by Byron Bay Local Court on Thursday afternoon. Mr Baggaley has pleaded not guilty to the Bluesfest offence and his case will be heard at Tweed Heads Local Court on May 7. The fallen athlete was already on strict bail conditions, including a 9pm curfew, while he was awaiting sentencing for two serious drug manufacturing charges. The fallen athlete", "has pleaded guilty to drug manufacturing linked with a Tweed Heads drug ring . Earlier this week, charges were also laid for a separate instance where Mr Baggaley allegedly supplied 10 Buprenophine patches, an opiate based pain medication, to a prisoner inside the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre. In February the disgraced athlete pleaded guilty to manufacturing a border-controlled drug and manufacturing a marketable quantity of methamphetamine that was linked to a Tweed Heads drug ring. The Australian Federal Police allege the ring had established two secret drug labs located in the Tweed Heads and on the Gold Coast. The drug supply charge will be heard at Lismore Local Court on June 2. Mr Baggaley was also charged with supplying a prohibited substance to a prisoner at the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre ." ]
[ "Former Kayak world champion and two-time Olympic medalist Nathan Baggaley has been taken back into custody for allegedly assaulting a police officer at Byron Bay Blues Festival. The 39-year-old, who was already facing serious drug charges, was allegedly caught along with two other men in a toilet cubicle with white powder at around 4pm on Easter Friday. Newscorp reported the powder was found on a phone owned by Mr Baggaley. Nathan Baggaley has been taken back into custody after allegedly assaulting an officer that found him in a toilet cubicle with white powder . The kayker was reportedly disgruntled and allegedly slapped the hand of an officer before walking away. Mr Baggaley was apprehended when he reported for bail earlier this week at Tweed Heads police station. He was taken into custody and charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting police and escaping custody. Mr Baggaley's barrister, Nikolaos Siafakas, disputed that his client assaulted an officer, also calling into question the circumstances surrounding the incident on Good Friday. Denied bail: Mr Baggaley was charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting police and escaping custody . The Olympian will remain in custody after his bail application was rejected by Byron Bay Local Court on Thursday afternoon. Mr Baggaley has pleaded not guilty to the Bluesfest offence and his case will be heard at Tweed Heads Local Court on May 7. The fallen athlete was already on strict bail conditions, including a 9pm curfew, while he was awaiting sentencing for two serious drug manufacturing charges. The fallen athlete", "has pleaded guilty to drug manufacturing linked with a Tweed Heads drug ring . Earlier this week, charges were also laid for a separate instance where Mr Baggaley allegedly supplied 10 Buprenophine patches, an opiate based pain medication, to a prisoner inside the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre. In February the disgraced athlete pleaded guilty to manufacturing a border-controlled drug and manufacturing a marketable quantity of methamphetamine that was linked to a Tweed Heads drug ring. The Australian Federal Police allege the ring had established two secret drug labs located in the Tweed Heads and on the Gold Coast. The drug supply charge will be heard at Lismore Local Court on June 2. Mr Baggaley was also charged with supplying a prohibited substance to a prisoner at the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre ." ]
Nathan Baggaley, a former Olympic medalist, is being held in custody after allegedly assaulting a police officer at the Byron Bay Blues Festival. He was already facing serious drug charges and has pleaded guilty to manufacturing drugs linked to a Tweed Heads drug ring. His case will be heard on May 7 and he faces additional charges for supplying drugs to a prisoner.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has said he hopes Burnley escape relegation after seeing his side have to fight to gain a narrow 1-0 victory at Turf Moor. Wenger has been praised by Burnley boss Sean Dyche this season and last night the Gunners boss repaid the compliment by saying: 'It would be a shame for Burnley to go down.' Arsenal were made to fight hard for their eighth win in a row and Wenger said: 'I understand now why they took points from other teams like Chelsea and Manchester City. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has said he hopes Burnley escape relegation from the Premier League . Burnley manager Sean Dyche shakes hands with Wenger following Arsenal 1-0 victory at Turf Moor . 'When you see their performance tonight (Saturday), I am surprised by their plight near the bottom. They have a great solidarity and organisation in their side. Burnley have won only once in 11 games, a famous 1-0 victory against City, but Dyche still believes they can escape the drop. They are currently two points from safety but face three fellow strugglers Hull City, Leicester City and Aston Villa in their final six fixtures. They have played seven teams at the top of the table in their last eight games. Aaron Ramsey (right) scored the only goal of the game, but it was enough to secure three points . The Welsh midfielder points to the sky as he celebrates putting Arsenal into a early 1-0 lead . 'We have six big games coming and we have shown this season we can score goals,' he said. 'We are not naØve. We are willing and have an appetite to succeed.' 'The outside world thought we might not take anything from our last seven games. There are teams around us who are having an awkward time and maybe they feel the next matches more than us. 'It could well go do the wire. I am only concerned about us. I know if our performances are right, we will win games. I think we have measured ourselves well against the top sides and now there are going to be different type of games, edgy games.' Burnley were unlucky not to draw level after this acrobatic attempt was saved by David Ospina .
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
Arsenal beat Burnley1-0 at Turf Moor. Aaron Ramsey scored the only goal for Arsenal. The next few matches will be crucial for determining the season. David Ospina made an acrobatic save to preserve the Arsenal victory.
Arsene Wenger believes Sean Dyche and his Burnley team don't deserve to be relegated from the Premier League. They are currently two points ahead from being relegated. Dyche believes that they can avoid being relegated.
[ "Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has said he hopes Burnley escape relegation after seeing his side have to fight to gain a narrow 1-0 victory at Turf Moor. Wenger has been praised by Burnley boss Sean Dyche this season and last night the Gunners boss repaid the compliment by saying: 'It would be a shame for Burnley to go down.' Arsenal were made to fight hard for their eighth win in a row and Wenger said: 'I understand now why they took points from other teams like Chelsea and Manchester City. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has said he hopes Burnley escape relegation from the Premier League . Burnley manager Sean Dyche shakes hands with Wenger following Arsenal 1-0 victory at Turf Moor . 'When you see their performance tonight (Saturday), I am surprised by their plight near the bottom. They have a great solidarity and organisation in their side. Burnley have won only once in 11 games, a famous 1-0 victory against City, but Dyche still believes they can escape the drop. They are currently two points from safety but face three fellow strugglers Hull City, Leicester City and Aston Villa in their final six fixtures. They have played seven teams at the top of the table in their last eight games. Aaron Ramsey (right) scored the only goal of the game, but it was enough to secure three points . The Welsh midfielder points to the sky as he celebrates putting Arsenal into a early 1-0 lead . 'We have six big games coming and we", "have shown this season we can score goals,' he said. 'We are not naØve. We are willing and have an appetite to succeed.' 'The outside world thought we might not take anything from our last seven games. There are teams around us who are having an awkward time and maybe they feel the next matches more than us. 'It could well go do the wire. I am only concerned about us. I know if our performances are right, we will win games. I think we have measured ourselves well against the top sides and now there are going to be different type of games, edgy games.' Burnley were unlucky not to draw level after this acrobatic attempt was saved by David Ospina ." ]
[ "Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has said he hopes Burnley escape relegation after seeing his side have to fight to gain a narrow 1-0 victory at Turf Moor. Wenger has been praised by Burnley boss Sean Dyche this season and last night the Gunners boss repaid the compliment by saying: 'It would be a shame for Burnley to go down.' Arsenal were made to fight hard for their eighth win in a row and Wenger said: 'I understand now why they took points from other teams like Chelsea and Manchester City. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has said he hopes Burnley escape relegation from the Premier League . Burnley manager Sean Dyche shakes hands with Wenger following Arsenal 1-0 victory at Turf Moor . 'When you see their performance tonight (Saturday), I am surprised by their plight near the bottom. They have a great solidarity and organisation in their side. Burnley have won only once in 11 games, a famous 1-0 victory against City, but Dyche still believes they can escape the drop. They are currently two points from safety but face three fellow strugglers Hull City, Leicester City and Aston Villa in their final six fixtures. They have played seven teams at the top of the table in their last eight games. Aaron Ramsey (right) scored the only goal of the game, but it was enough to secure three points . The Welsh midfielder points to the sky as he celebrates putting Arsenal into a early 1-0 lead . 'We have six big games coming and we", "have shown this season we can score goals,' he said. 'We are not naØve. We are willing and have an appetite to succeed.' 'The outside world thought we might not take anything from our last seven games. There are teams around us who are having an awkward time and maybe they feel the next matches more than us. 'It could well go do the wire. I am only concerned about us. I know if our performances are right, we will win games. I think we have measured ourselves well against the top sides and now there are going to be different type of games, edgy games.' Burnley were unlucky not to draw level after this acrobatic attempt was saved by David Ospina ." ]
Arsenal's manager Arsene Wenger expressed hope that Burnley avoids relegation from the Premier League after a tough 1-0 win at Turf Moor. Wenger praised Burnley's organization and solidarity, acknowledging their ability to take points from top teams like Chelsea and Manchester City. Burnley's manager Sean Dyche remains optimistic about escaping relegation despite being two points from safety, citing their ability to score goals and compete against fellow strugglers in their remaining six fixtures.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
(CNN)Eleven channels associated with the French-language global television network TV5Monde went black late Wednesday due to an "extremely powerful cyberattack," the network's director said. In addition to its 11 channels, TV5Monde also temporarily lost control of its social media outlets and its websites, director Yves Bigot said in a video message posted later on Facebook. On a mobile site, which was still active, the network said it was "hacked by an Islamist group." ISIS logos and markings could be seen on some TV5Monde social media accounts. But there was no immediate claim of responsibility by ISIS or any other group. The outage began around 10 p.m. Paris time (4 p.m. ET), and network teams were still working to restore service more than five hours later. According to France's Ministry of Culture and Communications, TV5Monde offers round-the-clock entertainment, news and culturing programming in French that reaches 260 million homes worldwide. It functions under a partnership that consists of the governments of France, Canada and Switzerland, as well as the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Other networks that provide content to TV5Monde include CNN affiliates France 2 and France 3, France 24 and Radio France International.
online, users, internet, site, device, people, computer, iphone, data, devices,
facebook, mobile, phone, network, samsung, screen, apps, smart, ad, watch,
online internet users, people check websites on different devices, using an iPhone App to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans
mobile phone, Facebook app, social network, smart watch, Samsung phone screen, apps containing ads, watching ads
This topic is about online internet users, using an iPhone app to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans, and people checking a website on different devices.
This topic is about mobile phones and social networking such as the Facebook app, smart watches, as well as apps containing ads that can be watched on phone screens like Samsung.
Eleven channels associated with the universal French-language television network TV5Monde stayed open on Wednesday night due to an "extremely aggressive cyberattack," as the network's director said. In addition to its 11 channels, TV5Monde also temporarily lost control of its social networks and websites, director Yves Bigot said in a video message later posted on Facebook. According to the French Ministry of Culture and Communications, TV5Monde provides 24-hour entertainment, news and cultural programming in French that reaches 260 million homes worldwide.
Eleven channels associated with the French-language global television network TV5Monde went offline on Wednesday night due to an "extremely powerful cyber attack," as the network's director reported. ISIS logos and markings can be seen on some TV5Monde social media accounts. Paris time, and network teams were still working to restore service more than five hours later. According to the French Ministry of Culture and Communications, TV5Monde provides 24-hour entertainment, news and cultural programming in French that reaches 260 million homes worldwide.
[ "(CNN)Eleven channels associated with the French-language global television network TV5Monde went black late Wednesday due to an \"extremely powerful cyberattack,\" the network's director said. In addition to its 11 channels, TV5Monde also temporarily lost control of its social media outlets and its websites, director Yves Bigot said in a video message posted later on Facebook. On a mobile site, which was still active, the network said it was \"hacked by an Islamist group.\" ISIS logos and markings could be seen on some TV5Monde social media accounts. But there was no immediate claim of responsibility by ISIS or any other group. The outage began around 10 p.m. Paris time (4 p.m. ET), and network teams were still working to restore service more than five hours later. According to France's Ministry of Culture and Communications, TV5Monde offers round-the-clock entertainment, news and culturing programming in French that reaches 260 million homes worldwide. It functions under a partnership that consists of the governments of France, Canada and Switzerland, as well as the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Other networks that provide content to TV5Monde include CNN affiliates France 2 and France 3, France 24 and Radio France International." ]
[ "(CNN)Eleven channels associated with the French-language global television network TV5Monde went black late Wednesday due to an \"extremely powerful cyberattack,\" the network's director said. In addition to its 11 channels, TV5Monde also temporarily lost control of its social media outlets and its websites, director Yves Bigot said in a video message posted later on Facebook. On a mobile site, which was still active, the network said it was \"hacked by an Islamist group.\" ISIS logos and markings could be seen on some TV5Monde social media accounts. But there was no immediate claim of responsibility by ISIS or any other group. The outage began around 10 p.m. Paris time (4 p.m. ET), and network teams were still working to restore service more than five hours later. According to France's Ministry of Culture and Communications, TV5Monde offers round-the-clock entertainment, news and culturing programming in French that reaches 260 million homes worldwide. It functions under a partnership that consists of the governments of France, Canada and Switzerland, as well as the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Other networks that provide content to TV5Monde include CNN affiliates France 2 and France 3, France 24 and Radio France International." ]
A powerful cyberattack has taken down 11 channels of the French-language TV network TV5Monde, along with its social media and website. The attack is believed to have been carried out by an Islamist group, with ISIS logos appearing on some social media accounts. The outage started at 10pm Paris time and network teams are still working to restore service.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
The savages of Islamic State have stepped up their use of teenage suicide bombers in recent weeks, even using their leader's alleged cousin to blow himself up at a checkpoint in Iraq. Named as Abu Hafs al-Badri, the youthful teenager is claimed to be the cousin of Abu Bakr al-Bagdadhi, the extremist group's self-styled caliph. It appears ISIS's growing strategy of using teenage suicide bombers indicates their continued focus on indoctrinating impressionable local teenagers and turning them into deadly bombers. Not even old enough to grow a beard, teenage suicide bomber Abu Hafs al-Badri is claimed to be one of the cousins of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Abu Basir al-Shami (left) and Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi (right) both blew themselves up in Iraq. Both boys appear to be be older than 16-years-old. al-Badri's martyrdom photo was released recently alongside fellow teenage suicide bomber Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi. The teenage duo carried out joint suicide missions in ISIS's latest offensive on the Baiji oil refinery in Salahuddin province, Iraq. Little is known about Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi except like Abu Hafs, he was an Iraqi national. Both fighters appear to be little older than 16-years-old. Another teenage suicide bomber Abu Basir al-Shami blew himself up in Anbar province, near the Iraqi city of Ramadi. Wearing a ISIS branded hat and awkwardly holding an AK 47 in his hands, the teenager stares emptily into the camera. Abu Qaqa al-Shami (left) and Abu Hassan al-Shami, (right) both Syrian nationals, carried out suicide lorry attacks in Iraq last month. Abu Qaqa al-Shami appeared in an ISIS video, shouting a torrent of jihaid slogans and practicing his shooting with an AK 47. al-Shami blew himself up at a checkpoint in North Baghdad. The teenager is shown singing as he drives a vehicle packed full of explosives towards a military checkpoint in Iraq. The trio of teenage suicide bombers come after another teenager was shown in a video, criticising the West before he carried out a suicide bomb attack. Known as Abu Qaqa al-Shami, the Syrian national drove a truck laden with explosives into a checkpoint in northern Baghdad. The boy has been named as Abu al-Hassan al-Shami, a Syrian fighter who appears to be no older than 14 years old. In a photo series, entitled 'Battle of Vengeance for the Mother of the Believers (Aisha)', the youngster is thought to be one of two Syrian fighters, who carried out a suicide truck bombings in the Iraqi province of Salahuddin. He is shown sitting in the driver's seat of the large lorry filled with barrels of explosives. The vehicle has been reinforced with plated armour, leaving the young driver with only a small rectangular window to navigate the final journey for his deadly vehicle. Abu al-Hassan al-Shami, who appears no older than 14, is thought to be the Islamic State's youngest suicide bomber . In a series of pictures, the young fighter appears to be playing with a hand grenade before the huge explosion of the lorry in January 2015. In his hands, the young fighter appears to be playing with a hand grenade and the barrel of his AK-47 rifle can be seen resting near the steering wheel between his legs. A final image shows a huge explosion after the detonation of the lorry, killing him and a number of Iraqi security forces. The attack happened near the ancient Iraqi city of Samarra, currently still held by the Iraqi army. It also shows a big ball of fire erupting into the orange sky, with pieces of shrapnel flying in all directions across the arid landscape. One ISIS supporter on social media commented: 'Abu al-Hassan al-Shami the martyr. His youth doesn't stop him from supporting his religion.' Australian fighter Jake Bilardi, 18, from Melbourne, detonated a van filled with barrels of explosives near Iraqi armed forces in Ramadi last month. Bilardi's suicide mission reportedly failed to hit its intended target with General Tahssin Ibrahim confirming that no one had been killed and just a few vehicles had been damaged by the attack. ISIS have not just used local teenagers as suicide bombers in Iraq. Australian fighter Jake Bilardi, 18, from Melbourne, detonated a van filled with barrels of explosives near Iraqi armed forces in Ramadi. The attack was reported as a rare failure, with General Tahssin Ibrahim confirming that no one had been killed and just a few vehicles had been damaged by the attack. Islamic State supporters on social media later paid tribute to the Australian teenage fighter, with one blogger writing: 'He started fighting in Baijī against the ISF Rāfidha and was a lion on the battlefield although he was at a young age and with a weak body, he was like a mountain.'
attack, attacks, killed, attacked, bomb, people, explosion, bombing, injured, blast,
war, military, defence, army, iraq, soldiers, troops, forces, battle, iraqi,
bomb explosion attack, killed in a bombing attack, injured in the blast, the explosion was caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, car bomb killed and wounded people
military forces, military troops, the battleground, defence army, ongoing war
This topic is about a bomb explosion attack, people killed in a bombing attack, or injured in the blast, an explosion caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, a car bombing killing and wounding people.
This topic is about military forces and troops in an ongoing war making up the defensive army.
There have been a number of bombing attacks by the Islamic State in Iraq. They have been using teenage suicide bombers like Abu Hafs al-Badri. These teenage suicide bombers are very young, and people are rarely not hurt or killed in the attacks.
The military forces of Iraq are attacked at checkpoints by teenage suicide bombers. There is an ongoing war with the Islamic State against Iraq military forces. All over Iraq, the Islamic State is attacking with bombers, and supporters of the Islamic State are showing their support online with messages.
[ "The savages of Islamic State have stepped up their use of teenage suicide bombers in recent weeks, even using their leader's alleged cousin to blow himself up at a checkpoint in Iraq. Named as Abu Hafs al-Badri, the youthful teenager is claimed to be the cousin of Abu Bakr al-Bagdadhi, the extremist group's self-styled caliph. It appears ISIS's growing strategy of using teenage suicide bombers indicates their continued focus on indoctrinating impressionable local teenagers and turning them into deadly bombers. Not even old enough to grow a beard, teenage suicide bomber Abu Hafs al-Badri is claimed to be one of the cousins of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Abu Basir al-Shami (left) and Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi (right) both blew themselves up in Iraq. Both boys appear to be be older than 16-years-old. al-Badri's martyrdom photo was released recently alongside fellow teenage suicide bomber Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi. The teenage duo carried out joint suicide missions in ISIS's latest offensive on the Baiji oil refinery in Salahuddin province, Iraq. Little is known about Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi except like Abu Hafs, he was an Iraqi national. Both fighters appear to be little older than 16-years-old. Another teenage suicide bomber Abu Basir al-Shami blew himself up in Anbar province, near the Iraqi city of Ramadi. Wearing a ISIS branded hat and awkwardly holding an AK 47 in his hands, the teenager stares emptily into the camera. Abu Qaqa al-Shami (left) and Abu Hassan al-Shami, (right) both Syrian nationals, carried out suicide lorry attacks in Iraq last month. Abu Qaqa al-Shami", "appeared in an ISIS video, shouting a torrent of jihaid slogans and practicing his shooting with an AK 47. al-Shami blew himself up at a checkpoint in North Baghdad. The teenager is shown singing as he drives a vehicle packed full of explosives towards a military checkpoint in Iraq. The trio of teenage suicide bombers come after another teenager was shown in a video, criticising the West before he carried out a suicide bomb attack. Known as Abu Qaqa al-Shami, the Syrian national drove a truck laden with explosives into a checkpoint in northern Baghdad. The boy has been named as Abu al-Hassan al-Shami, a Syrian fighter who appears to be no older than 14 years old. In a photo series, entitled 'Battle of Vengeance for the Mother of the Believers (Aisha)', the youngster is thought to be one of two Syrian fighters, who carried out a suicide truck bombings in the Iraqi province of Salahuddin. He is shown sitting in the driver's seat of the large lorry filled with barrels of explosives. The vehicle has been reinforced with plated armour, leaving the young driver with only a small rectangular window to navigate the final journey for his deadly vehicle. Abu al-Hassan al-Shami, who appears no older than 14, is thought to be the Islamic State's youngest suicide bomber . In a series of pictures, the young fighter appears to be playing with a hand grenade before the huge explosion of the lorry in January 2015. In his hands, the young fighter appears to be playing", "with a hand grenade and the barrel of his AK-47 rifle can be seen resting near the steering wheel between his legs. A final image shows a huge explosion after the detonation of the lorry, killing him and a number of Iraqi security forces. The attack happened near the ancient Iraqi city of Samarra, currently still held by the Iraqi army. It also shows a big ball of fire erupting into the orange sky, with pieces of shrapnel flying in all directions across the arid landscape. One ISIS supporter on social media commented: 'Abu al-Hassan al-Shami the martyr. His youth doesn't stop him from supporting his religion.' Australian fighter Jake Bilardi, 18, from Melbourne, detonated a van filled with barrels of explosives near Iraqi armed forces in Ramadi last month. Bilardi's suicide mission reportedly failed to hit its intended target with General Tahssin Ibrahim confirming that no one had been killed and just a few vehicles had been damaged by the attack. ISIS have not just used local teenagers as suicide bombers in Iraq. Australian fighter Jake Bilardi, 18, from Melbourne, detonated a van filled with barrels of explosives near Iraqi armed forces in Ramadi. The attack was reported as a rare failure, with General Tahssin Ibrahim confirming that no one had been killed and just a few vehicles had been damaged by the attack. Islamic State supporters on social media later paid tribute to the Australian teenage fighter, with one blogger writing: 'He started fighting in Baijī against the ISF Rāfidha and was a lion", "on the battlefield although he was at a young age and with a weak body, he was like a mountain.'" ]
[ "The savages of Islamic State have stepped up their use of teenage suicide bombers in recent weeks, even using their leader's alleged cousin to blow himself up at a checkpoint in Iraq. Named as Abu Hafs al-Badri, the youthful teenager is claimed to be the cousin of Abu Bakr al-Bagdadhi, the extremist group's self-styled caliph. It appears ISIS's growing strategy of using teenage suicide bombers indicates their continued focus on indoctrinating impressionable local teenagers and turning them into deadly bombers. Not even old enough to grow a beard, teenage suicide bomber Abu Hafs al-Badri is claimed to be one of the cousins of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Abu Basir al-Shami (left) and Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi (right) both blew themselves up in Iraq. Both boys appear to be be older than 16-years-old. al-Badri's martyrdom photo was released recently alongside fellow teenage suicide bomber Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi. The teenage duo carried out joint suicide missions in ISIS's latest offensive on the Baiji oil refinery in Salahuddin province, Iraq. Little is known about Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi except like Abu Hafs, he was an Iraqi national. Both fighters appear to be little older than 16-years-old. Another teenage suicide bomber Abu Basir al-Shami blew himself up in Anbar province, near the Iraqi city of Ramadi. Wearing a ISIS branded hat and awkwardly holding an AK 47 in his hands, the teenager stares emptily into the camera. Abu Qaqa al-Shami (left) and Abu Hassan al-Shami, (right) both Syrian nationals, carried out suicide lorry attacks in Iraq last month. Abu Qaqa al-Shami", "appeared in an ISIS video, shouting a torrent of jihaid slogans and practicing his shooting with an AK 47. al-Shami blew himself up at a checkpoint in North Baghdad. The teenager is shown singing as he drives a vehicle packed full of explosives towards a military checkpoint in Iraq. The trio of teenage suicide bombers come after another teenager was shown in a video, criticising the West before he carried out a suicide bomb attack. Known as Abu Qaqa al-Shami, the Syrian national drove a truck laden with explosives into a checkpoint in northern Baghdad. The boy has been named as Abu al-Hassan al-Shami, a Syrian fighter who appears to be no older than 14 years old. In a photo series, entitled 'Battle of Vengeance for the Mother of the Believers (Aisha)', the youngster is thought to be one of two Syrian fighters, who carried out a suicide truck bombings in the Iraqi province of Salahuddin. He is shown sitting in the driver's seat of the large lorry filled with barrels of explosives. The vehicle has been reinforced with plated armour, leaving the young driver with only a small rectangular window to navigate the final journey for his deadly vehicle. Abu al-Hassan al-Shami, who appears no older than 14, is thought to be the Islamic State's youngest suicide bomber . In a series of pictures, the young fighter appears to be playing with a hand grenade before the huge explosion of the lorry in January 2015. In his hands, the young fighter appears to be playing", "with a hand grenade and the barrel of his AK-47 rifle can be seen resting near the steering wheel between his legs. A final image shows a huge explosion after the detonation of the lorry, killing him and a number of Iraqi security forces. The attack happened near the ancient Iraqi city of Samarra, currently still held by the Iraqi army. It also shows a big ball of fire erupting into the orange sky, with pieces of shrapnel flying in all directions across the arid landscape. One ISIS supporter on social media commented: 'Abu al-Hassan al-Shami the martyr. His youth doesn't stop him from supporting his religion.' Australian fighter Jake Bilardi, 18, from Melbourne, detonated a van filled with barrels of explosives near Iraqi armed forces in Ramadi last month. Bilardi's suicide mission reportedly failed to hit its intended target with General Tahssin Ibrahim confirming that no one had been killed and just a few vehicles had been damaged by the attack. ISIS have not just used local teenagers as suicide bombers in Iraq. Australian fighter Jake Bilardi, 18, from Melbourne, detonated a van filled with barrels of explosives near Iraqi armed forces in Ramadi. The attack was reported as a rare failure, with General Tahssin Ibrahim confirming that no one had been killed and just a few vehicles had been damaged by the attack. Islamic State supporters on social media later paid tribute to the Australian teenage fighter, with one blogger writing: 'He started fighting in Baijī against the ISF Rāfidha and was a lion", "on the battlefield although he was at a young age and with a weak body, he was like a mountain.'" ]
The article reports on the increasing trend of ISIS using teenage suicide bombers in Iraq. Recent examples include Abu Hafs al-Badri, allegedly the cousin of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who blew himself up at a checkpoint. Other teenage suicide bombers mentioned include Abu Yaqoub al-Iraqi, Abu Basir al-Shami, Abu Qaqa al-Shami, and Abu Hassan al-Shami, all of whom were Iraqi or Syrian nationals. The youngest reported suicide bomber is Abu al-Hassan al-Shami, believed to be around 14 years old. The use of teenage suicide bombers highlights ISIS's strategy of indoctrinating local youths and turning them into deadly bombers.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Fruit juices made from so-called superfoods such as cranberries and pomegranates often have more sugar than a can of cola, officials have warned. While the drinks are said to have health benefits, some brands contain more than a day's recommended intake of sugar in a single 300ml serving. The Local Government Association, which represents councils that are responsible for public health, accused soft drink firms of 'dragging their heels' when it comes to minimising sugar in their products. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink (pictured left) was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, which is more than the amount in a can of Coca-Cola (right) It said children under the age of ten get almost a fifth of their sugar intake from soft drinks. In a survey, the organisation found that some cans of fizzy drinks contain almost twice the recommended daily sugar limit for adults. Even some fruit juices contain more than a single day's limit in a single serving ‚ surpassing a can of Coca-Cola. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, while PomeGreat 'Super Juice' had 12.1g. Both exceed the 10.6g per 100ml in a can of Coca-Cola ‚ but do not come close to the 15.1g per 100ml in Old Jamaica Ginger Beer. A 300ml serving of any of the four drinks would breach the 25g daily sugar limit recommended by the World Health Organisation. Juice businesses insisted the study is misleading because it does not differentiate between unhealthy added sugar ‚ such as monosaccharides and disaccharides in fizzy drinks ‚ and natural sugar found in fruit. Cranberry juice is frequently promoted as a health product which is said to ward off urinary tract infections. And pomegranate juice has been linked to resistance to prostate cancer and heart disease. The LGA is calling for a fifth of the VAT raised on sugary drinks, sweets and takeaway food to go to councils to pay for public health schemes. Councillor Izzi Seccombe, Tory leader of Warwickshire county council and chairman of the LGA's Community Wellbeing Board, said: 'It is wholly unacceptable for one normal-sized can of soft drink to contain double the recommended daily limit. 'Products like these are fuelling the obesity crisis and helping wean a generation of overweight children. 'We are calling on the sector as a whole to step up and show more corporate responsibility.' A spokesman for Ocean Spray said cranberries are naturally low in sugar, so sweetening is required. Vitamin Water is promoted for its health benefits, but drinks contain four teaspoons of sugar per 330ml . She added: 'We offer consumers a range of reduced sugar options including our Cranberry Classic Light product . 'We've made and continue to maintain a firm commitment to low-sugar innovation, and through product formulation, price promotion and portion sizes we seek to offer the best choice in flavours, calories and formats.' Adam Pritchard, chief executive of PomeGreat, accused the LGA of distributing misleading research. He said his product does not include refined sugar, which the WHO says is more harmful than naturally occurring fruit sugars. PomeGreat instead includes pinitol, a natural compound which stops blood sugar levels rapidly rising. Mr Pritchard said: 'To lump us in with big fizzy drinks companies is just misleading. 'We are a small company competing with huge multinational businesses which are just chucking sugar into drinks because it is cheap. 'We use a much more healthy natural sweetener which costs 2.5 as much as refined sugar. It is not the same thing.'
food, restaurant, eat, eating, babies, meal, drinks, fruit, breakfast, chicken,
weight, pounds, fat, diet, body, sugar, healthy, lose, lost, loss,
eating food at a restaurant, a healthy meal, ordering something to drink, serving breakfast, fruits are a healthy food, eating chicken
weight loss, lost weight following a diet, body fat, blood sugar levels, healthy diet, lose a few pounds of weight
This topic is about eating food at a restaurant, ordering something to drink and serving breakfast, as well as eating chicken, and fruits which are a healthy food.
This topic is about weight loss and following a healthy diet in order to regulate body fat and blood sugar levels and lose a few pounds of weight following a diet.
Fruit juices contain high sugar contents which is very harmful to health. So many companies which are producing fruit juices have much sugar contents than coco cola. It is not a healthy meal. It is very harmful for kids as it contains 25g of sugar which is having it content of daily serving. Companies like LGA trying to innovate low sugar products in which they have used vitamin waters. Some companies using natural sweeteners which has less number of refined sugars.
When we have high sugar contents we will not have a proper diet. If we have juices with high sugar contents the blood sugar levels in body will also increase in which it leads to harmful effects. It is better not to have sugar contents juices.
[ "Fruit juices made from so-called superfoods such as cranberries and pomegranates often have more sugar than a can of cola, officials have warned. While the drinks are said to have health benefits, some brands contain more than a day's recommended intake of sugar in a single 300ml serving. The Local Government Association, which represents councils that are responsible for public health, accused soft drink firms of 'dragging their heels' when it comes to minimising sugar in their products. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink (pictured left) was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, which is more than the amount in a can of Coca-Cola (right) It said children under the age of ten get almost a fifth of their sugar intake from soft drinks. In a survey, the organisation found that some cans of fizzy drinks contain almost twice the recommended daily sugar limit for adults. Even some fruit juices contain more than a single day's limit in a single serving ‚ surpassing a can of Coca-Cola. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, while PomeGreat 'Super Juice' had 12.1g. Both exceed the 10.6g per 100ml in a can of Coca-Cola ‚ but do not come close to the 15.1g per 100ml in Old Jamaica Ginger Beer. A 300ml serving of any of the four drinks would breach the 25g daily sugar limit recommended by the World Health Organisation. Juice businesses insisted the study is misleading because it does not differentiate between unhealthy added sugar ‚", "such as monosaccharides and disaccharides in fizzy drinks ‚ and natural sugar found in fruit. Cranberry juice is frequently promoted as a health product which is said to ward off urinary tract infections. And pomegranate juice has been linked to resistance to prostate cancer and heart disease. The LGA is calling for a fifth of the VAT raised on sugary drinks, sweets and takeaway food to go to councils to pay for public health schemes. Councillor Izzi Seccombe, Tory leader of Warwickshire county council and chairman of the LGA's Community Wellbeing Board, said: 'It is wholly unacceptable for one normal-sized can of soft drink to contain double the recommended daily limit. 'Products like these are fuelling the obesity crisis and helping wean a generation of overweight children. 'We are calling on the sector as a whole to step up and show more corporate responsibility.' A spokesman for Ocean Spray said cranberries are naturally low in sugar, so sweetening is required. Vitamin Water is promoted for its health benefits, but drinks contain four teaspoons of sugar per 330ml . She added: 'We offer consumers a range of reduced sugar options including our Cranberry Classic Light product . 'We've made and continue to maintain a firm commitment to low-sugar innovation, and through product formulation, price promotion and portion sizes we seek to offer the best choice in flavours, calories and formats.' Adam Pritchard, chief executive of PomeGreat, accused the LGA of distributing misleading research. He said his product does not include refined sugar, which the WHO says is", "more harmful than naturally occurring fruit sugars. PomeGreat instead includes pinitol, a natural compound which stops blood sugar levels rapidly rising. Mr Pritchard said: 'To lump us in with big fizzy drinks companies is just misleading. 'We are a small company competing with huge multinational businesses which are just chucking sugar into drinks because it is cheap. 'We use a much more healthy natural sweetener which costs 2.5 as much as refined sugar. It is not the same thing.'" ]
[ "Fruit juices made from so-called superfoods such as cranberries and pomegranates often have more sugar than a can of cola, officials have warned. While the drinks are said to have health benefits, some brands contain more than a day's recommended intake of sugar in a single 300ml serving. The Local Government Association, which represents councils that are responsible for public health, accused soft drink firms of 'dragging their heels' when it comes to minimising sugar in their products. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink (pictured left) was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, which is more than the amount in a can of Coca-Cola (right) It said children under the age of ten get almost a fifth of their sugar intake from soft drinks. In a survey, the organisation found that some cans of fizzy drinks contain almost twice the recommended daily sugar limit for adults. Even some fruit juices contain more than a single day's limit in a single serving ‚ surpassing a can of Coca-Cola. Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink was found to have 11g of sugar per 100ml, while PomeGreat 'Super Juice' had 12.1g. Both exceed the 10.6g per 100ml in a can of Coca-Cola ‚ but do not come close to the 15.1g per 100ml in Old Jamaica Ginger Beer. A 300ml serving of any of the four drinks would breach the 25g daily sugar limit recommended by the World Health Organisation. Juice businesses insisted the study is misleading because it does not differentiate between unhealthy added sugar ‚", "such as monosaccharides and disaccharides in fizzy drinks ‚ and natural sugar found in fruit. Cranberry juice is frequently promoted as a health product which is said to ward off urinary tract infections. And pomegranate juice has been linked to resistance to prostate cancer and heart disease. The LGA is calling for a fifth of the VAT raised on sugary drinks, sweets and takeaway food to go to councils to pay for public health schemes. Councillor Izzi Seccombe, Tory leader of Warwickshire county council and chairman of the LGA's Community Wellbeing Board, said: 'It is wholly unacceptable for one normal-sized can of soft drink to contain double the recommended daily limit. 'Products like these are fuelling the obesity crisis and helping wean a generation of overweight children. 'We are calling on the sector as a whole to step up and show more corporate responsibility.' A spokesman for Ocean Spray said cranberries are naturally low in sugar, so sweetening is required. Vitamin Water is promoted for its health benefits, but drinks contain four teaspoons of sugar per 330ml . She added: 'We offer consumers a range of reduced sugar options including our Cranberry Classic Light product . 'We've made and continue to maintain a firm commitment to low-sugar innovation, and through product formulation, price promotion and portion sizes we seek to offer the best choice in flavours, calories and formats.' Adam Pritchard, chief executive of PomeGreat, accused the LGA of distributing misleading research. He said his product does not include refined sugar, which the WHO says is", "more harmful than naturally occurring fruit sugars. PomeGreat instead includes pinitol, a natural compound which stops blood sugar levels rapidly rising. Mr Pritchard said: 'To lump us in with big fizzy drinks companies is just misleading. 'We are a small company competing with huge multinational businesses which are just chucking sugar into drinks because it is cheap. 'We use a much more healthy natural sweetener which costs 2.5 as much as refined sugar. It is not the same thing.'" ]
Fruit juices made from "superfoods" like cranberries and pomegranates may have more sugar than a can of cola. Some brands contain over a day's recommended sugar intake in a single serving. Officials warn that even healthy-looking drinks can be high in sugar, contributing to the obesity crisis.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
lix Bussey, 23, from Durham was hit by a car and died on holiday in Mexico with her boyfriend . A young primary school teacher has died after she was run down buy a car at the end of a Mexican holiday when just hours earlier she had texted she was having 'best time ever'. The family of Alix Bussey, 23,said she was devoted to the children she taught and that they have been left devastated by her death. She was just coming to the end of her holiday with boyfriend Jonathan Boyle, also 23, in the resort of Riviera Maya. It their first trip abroad together. Tragedy struck when Miss Bussey was hit by a car as the pair made their way back to their hotel after a night out. She was, a teacher at Bowburn Infants School, Bowburn, County Durham, and had studied at Northumbria University before securing her first job in teaching at the school. Today her parents Colin and Penny, and younger sister, 21-year-old Leigh, spoke of their shock at her death and said she had lived life to the full. Mrs Bussey, 50, said: 'We're absolutely devastated by what has happened and waiting to be given more information by the Foreign Office. Alix adored being a teacher, it was all she wanted to do from the age of seven and she was devoted to the education and welfare of the children she taught. 'She lived life to the full, loved to party and she and Jonathan were besotted with each other. 'Although they had been away on several occasions this was their first holiday abroad and they had been having a great experience. 'Only the night before she had texted Leigh to say she was having 'the bestest time ever'.' Mr Bussey, 55 said: 'Alix had a wide circle of friends and the support we have had from them, and members of both families has been unbelievable. All of our thoughts are with Jonathan and his family as they are going through this with us.' The pair visited the Mexican holiday resort of Riviera Maya (pictured) - it was their first holiday abroad together . Primary school students at Bowburn Infants School (pictured) are said to be devastated by news of her loss . The family said last year she had visited India as part of a school exchange and was also a season ticket holder at Newcastle United with her father and sister. She lived with her parents and sister at the family home in Meadowfield, the Northern Echo reported. Durham Constabulary said they were working with the family after the incident on Thursday and an inquest would take place in due course.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
school, schools, teacher, high, education, parents, teachers, hughes, children, students
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
high school teacher, high school students, education in schools, parents meet teachers, children going to school
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about high school students and children going to school, education in schools, and parents meeting teachers.
Alix Bussey, 23, died on holiday in Mexico with her boyfriend. Her family and friends express their sorrow. Her parents, Colin and Panny, are shocked for the loss. They state Alix lived her short life to the full, surrounded by a wide circle of friends and having fulfilled her dream to become a teacher. Alix at the family home with her parents and youger sister, Leigh, 21.
Alix Bussey, 23, died on holiday in Mexico with her boyfriend. Alix was a teacher at Bowburn Infants School, Bowburn, County Durham and studied at Northumbria University. Her dream was to become a teacher since she was seven. Alix's parents and sister and all her Primary school students are devastated by loss.
[ "lix Bussey, 23, from Durham was hit by a car and died on holiday in Mexico with her boyfriend . A young primary school teacher has died after she was run down buy a car at the end of a Mexican holiday when just hours earlier she had texted she was having 'best time ever'. The family of Alix Bussey, 23,said she was devoted to the children she taught and that they have been left devastated by her death. She was just coming to the end of her holiday with boyfriend Jonathan Boyle, also 23, in the resort of Riviera Maya. It their first trip abroad together. Tragedy struck when Miss Bussey was hit by a car as the pair made their way back to their hotel after a night out. She was, a teacher at Bowburn Infants School, Bowburn, County Durham, and had studied at Northumbria University before securing her first job in teaching at the school. Today her parents Colin and Penny, and younger sister, 21-year-old Leigh, spoke of their shock at her death and said she had lived life to the full. Mrs Bussey, 50, said: 'We're absolutely devastated by what has happened and waiting to be given more information by the Foreign Office. Alix adored being a teacher, it was all she wanted to do from the age of seven and she was devoted to the education and welfare of the children she taught. 'She lived life to the full, loved to party and she and Jonathan were besotted with each other.", "'Although they had been away on several occasions this was their first holiday abroad and they had been having a great experience. 'Only the night before she had texted Leigh to say she was having 'the bestest time ever'.' Mr Bussey, 55 said: 'Alix had a wide circle of friends and the support we have had from them, and members of both families has been unbelievable. All of our thoughts are with Jonathan and his family as they are going through this with us.' The pair visited the Mexican holiday resort of Riviera Maya (pictured) - it was their first holiday abroad together . Primary school students at Bowburn Infants School (pictured) are said to be devastated by news of her loss . The family said last year she had visited India as part of a school exchange and was also a season ticket holder at Newcastle United with her father and sister. She lived with her parents and sister at the family home in Meadowfield, the Northern Echo reported. Durham Constabulary said they were working with the family after the incident on Thursday and an inquest would take place in due course." ]
[ "lix Bussey, 23, from Durham was hit by a car and died on holiday in Mexico with her boyfriend . A young primary school teacher has died after she was run down buy a car at the end of a Mexican holiday when just hours earlier she had texted she was having 'best time ever'. The family of Alix Bussey, 23,said she was devoted to the children she taught and that they have been left devastated by her death. She was just coming to the end of her holiday with boyfriend Jonathan Boyle, also 23, in the resort of Riviera Maya. It their first trip abroad together. Tragedy struck when Miss Bussey was hit by a car as the pair made their way back to their hotel after a night out. She was, a teacher at Bowburn Infants School, Bowburn, County Durham, and had studied at Northumbria University before securing her first job in teaching at the school. Today her parents Colin and Penny, and younger sister, 21-year-old Leigh, spoke of their shock at her death and said she had lived life to the full. Mrs Bussey, 50, said: 'We're absolutely devastated by what has happened and waiting to be given more information by the Foreign Office. Alix adored being a teacher, it was all she wanted to do from the age of seven and she was devoted to the education and welfare of the children she taught. 'She lived life to the full, loved to party and she and Jonathan were besotted with each other.", "'Although they had been away on several occasions this was their first holiday abroad and they had been having a great experience. 'Only the night before she had texted Leigh to say she was having 'the bestest time ever'.' Mr Bussey, 55 said: 'Alix had a wide circle of friends and the support we have had from them, and members of both families has been unbelievable. All of our thoughts are with Jonathan and his family as they are going through this with us.' The pair visited the Mexican holiday resort of Riviera Maya (pictured) - it was their first holiday abroad together . Primary school students at Bowburn Infants School (pictured) are said to be devastated by news of her loss . The family said last year she had visited India as part of a school exchange and was also a season ticket holder at Newcastle United with her father and sister. She lived with her parents and sister at the family home in Meadowfield, the Northern Echo reported. Durham Constabulary said they were working with the family after the incident on Thursday and an inquest would take place in due course." ]
A 23-year-old primary school teacher named Alix Bussey from Durham died after being hit by a car while on holiday in Mexico with her boyfriend. She was a dedicated teacher who loved her job and was devoted to her students at Bowburn Infants School. Her family described her as someone who lived life to the full and was having the "best time ever" during her trip.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Facebook's Messenger app will soon let you send your friends money. Services including PayPal, its Venmo unit and the disappearing-photo app Snapchat already let you beam money to friends and family using smartphones linked to bank accounts or credit cards. Now Facebook has joined the fray, adding payments to its Messenger service. Scroll down for video . Facebook's "like" symbol at the entrance to the company's campus in Menlo Park, Calif. Facebook users in the U.S. will soon be able to send their friends money using the social network's Messenger app, the company announced today . To send money, Messenger users can tap a new "$'' icon that's next to the buttons that let you send photos, stickers or a thumbs up sign. Then, enter the amount you want to send, tap "pay" on the top right corner and enter your debit card number. To receive money for the first time, enter the card number. Once you add your card number, you can create a pin code that you will need to enter the next time you want to send money. On Apple devices that have Touch ID, you can enable this instead and authorize transactions using your fingerprint. 'Today we're adding a new feature in Messenger that gives people a more convenient and secure way to send or receive money between friends,' the firm said in a blog post. 'This feature will be rolling out over the coming months in the US, and it's easy and free.' Facebook's entry, announced Tuesday, is free, works with debit cards and is available on Apple and Android mobile devices and on desktop computers. The world's largest social network will process the payments and emphasized the service's security features. Facebook will likely expand internationally after the service becomes available to U.S. users over the coming months. To send money, Messenger users can tap a new "$'' icon that's next to the buttons that let you send photos, stickers or a thumbs up sign. Then, enter the amount you want to send, tap "pay" on the top right corner and enter your debit card number. To receive money for the first time, enter the card number. Once you add your card number, you can create a pin code that you will need to enter the next time you want to send money. On Apple devices that have Touch ID, you can enable this instead and authorize transactions using your fingerprint. To help allay concerns about security, Facebook noted that it handles more than a million payments transactions on its site every day for its advertisers and game players. Its payments systems are stored separately from other parts of the Facebook network and receive additional monitoring and control, the company said in a blog post Tuesday. 'A dependable and trusted payments processor for game players and advertisers since 2007, Facebook processes more than one million transactions daily on the site and also handles all the payments processed on Messenger. 'Incorporating security best practices into our payments business has always been a top priority. 'We use secure systems that encrypt the connection'
online, users, internet, site, device, people, computer, iphone, data, devices,
money, pay, paid, card, credit, paying, cards, spent, fund, amount,
online internet users, people check websites on different devices, using an iPhone App to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans
paid money using a credit card, spent money, amount of credit, received funds
This topic is about online internet users, using an iPhone app to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans, and people checking a website on different devices.
This topic is about credit, receiving funds, paying money using a credit card, and spending money.
A new feature that will enable users to send and receive money will be rolled out. Facebook users in the US will be able to send their friends money using messenger app. It will be available on Android and Apple mobile devices and on desktop computers.
To send money using a new Facebook feature, users will be required to tap an icon. Users will enter the card number to receive money. The new feature will be easy to use and free.
[ "Facebook's Messenger app will soon let you send your friends money. Services including PayPal, its Venmo unit and the disappearing-photo app Snapchat already let you beam money to friends and family using smartphones linked to bank accounts or credit cards. Now Facebook has joined the fray, adding payments to its Messenger service. Scroll down for video . Facebook's \"like\" symbol at the entrance to the company's campus in Menlo Park, Calif. Facebook users in the U.S. will soon be able to send their friends money using the social network's Messenger app, the company announced today . To send money, Messenger users can tap a new \"$'' icon that's next to the buttons that let you send photos, stickers or a thumbs up sign. Then, enter the amount you want to send, tap \"pay\" on the top right corner and enter your debit card number. To receive money for the first time, enter the card number. Once you add your card number, you can create a pin code that you will need to enter the next time you want to send money. On Apple devices that have Touch ID, you can enable this instead and authorize transactions using your fingerprint. 'Today we're adding a new feature in Messenger that gives people a more convenient and secure way to send or receive money between friends,' the firm said in a blog post. 'This feature will be rolling out over the coming months in the US, and it's easy and free.' Facebook's entry, announced Tuesday, is free, works with", "debit cards and is available on Apple and Android mobile devices and on desktop computers. The world's largest social network will process the payments and emphasized the service's security features. Facebook will likely expand internationally after the service becomes available to U.S. users over the coming months. To send money, Messenger users can tap a new \"$'' icon that's next to the buttons that let you send photos, stickers or a thumbs up sign. Then, enter the amount you want to send, tap \"pay\" on the top right corner and enter your debit card number. To receive money for the first time, enter the card number. Once you add your card number, you can create a pin code that you will need to enter the next time you want to send money. On Apple devices that have Touch ID, you can enable this instead and authorize transactions using your fingerprint. To help allay concerns about security, Facebook noted that it handles more than a million payments transactions on its site every day for its advertisers and game players. Its payments systems are stored separately from other parts of the Facebook network and receive additional monitoring and control, the company said in a blog post Tuesday. 'A dependable and trusted payments processor for game players and advertisers since 2007, Facebook processes more than one million transactions daily on the site and also handles all the payments processed on Messenger. 'Incorporating security best practices into our payments business has always been a top priority. 'We use secure systems", "that encrypt the connection'" ]
[ "Facebook's Messenger app will soon let you send your friends money. Services including PayPal, its Venmo unit and the disappearing-photo app Snapchat already let you beam money to friends and family using smartphones linked to bank accounts or credit cards. Now Facebook has joined the fray, adding payments to its Messenger service. Scroll down for video . Facebook's \"like\" symbol at the entrance to the company's campus in Menlo Park, Calif. Facebook users in the U.S. will soon be able to send their friends money using the social network's Messenger app, the company announced today . To send money, Messenger users can tap a new \"$'' icon that's next to the buttons that let you send photos, stickers or a thumbs up sign. Then, enter the amount you want to send, tap \"pay\" on the top right corner and enter your debit card number. To receive money for the first time, enter the card number. Once you add your card number, you can create a pin code that you will need to enter the next time you want to send money. On Apple devices that have Touch ID, you can enable this instead and authorize transactions using your fingerprint. 'Today we're adding a new feature in Messenger that gives people a more convenient and secure way to send or receive money between friends,' the firm said in a blog post. 'This feature will be rolling out over the coming months in the US, and it's easy and free.' Facebook's entry, announced Tuesday, is free, works with", "debit cards and is available on Apple and Android mobile devices and on desktop computers. The world's largest social network will process the payments and emphasized the service's security features. Facebook will likely expand internationally after the service becomes available to U.S. users over the coming months. To send money, Messenger users can tap a new \"$'' icon that's next to the buttons that let you send photos, stickers or a thumbs up sign. Then, enter the amount you want to send, tap \"pay\" on the top right corner and enter your debit card number. To receive money for the first time, enter the card number. Once you add your card number, you can create a pin code that you will need to enter the next time you want to send money. On Apple devices that have Touch ID, you can enable this instead and authorize transactions using your fingerprint. To help allay concerns about security, Facebook noted that it handles more than a million payments transactions on its site every day for its advertisers and game players. Its payments systems are stored separately from other parts of the Facebook network and receive additional monitoring and control, the company said in a blog post Tuesday. 'A dependable and trusted payments processor for game players and advertisers since 2007, Facebook processes more than one million transactions daily on the site and also handles all the payments processed on Messenger. 'Incorporating security best practices into our payments business has always been a top priority. 'We use secure systems", "that encrypt the connection'" ]
Facebook's Messenger app now allows users to send money to friends and family through debit cards or credit cards, similar to services like PayPal and Snapchat. The service is free, secure, and available on Apple and Android devices as well as desktop computers.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A former special education high school teacher who admitted to having sex with five underage male students has been sentenced to three years in state prison. Summer Michelle Hansen, 32, of California entered a guilty plea in February to 16 felony counts related to the sex acts which included seven counts of oral copulation of a minor, six counts of statutory rape and three counts of distributing pornographic material to a child, according to NBC. The mother of three was told during the sentencing on Friday that she must also register as a sex offender for life. Parents of the victims were upset that Hansen's plea agreement was approved, which was made directly to Riverside County Superior Court Judge Becky Dugan. If she had been convicted at trial, Hansen would have faced 13 years in prison. Scroll down for video . Summer Michelle Hansen (above in court during her sentencing on Friday), 32, was sentenced on Friday to three years in state prison and must also register as a sex offender for life . Parents of the victims were disappointed that the judge approved Hansen's plea agreement, as she could have faced 13 years in prison if convicted at trial . Hansen entered a guilty plea in February to the 16 felony counts related to sex acts with her five male students . Judge Dugan said she took into consideration factors such as the former teacher's admittance of guilt and lack of prior criminal history when deciding on an appropriate sentence. In court on Friday, the judge told Hansen: 'You're a mother yourself. It's beyond me to understand your behavior.' Deputy District Attorney Kimberly Williams said that her office opposed the length of the sentence proposed by the judge but that she was happy to see Hansen take responsibility for her actions, according to the Press Enterprise. Hansen made an emotional plea to the victims' families while in court saying she prayed for them every night and that she was 'heartbroken', according to KTLA. 'I'm not a monster. I made bad choices in life and for that I'm truly, truly sorry,' Hansen said through tears. The ex-teacher came under investigation two years ago after a former student at Centennial High School came forward to say he had sex with Hansen, and she was arrested in June 2013. Prosecutors said the crimes took place in her classroom, a school utility room, her car and at one victim's home between May 2012 and 2013, according to KTLA. It is not believed that the students were taught by her at the time but all were under the age of 18. Hansen, (left and right) was a special education instructor at Centennial High School. She was officially terminated on Friday by the Corona-Norco Unified School District . In court Hansen made an emotional plea to the victims' parents and said: 'I'm not a monster. I made bad choices in life and for that I'm truly, truly sorry' Court documents revealed that the sex related acts included Hansen having oral sex with a student who was in her classroom for Saturday school, sending students texts with pictures of herself naked, and having sex with two students while on campus, according to NBC. On Friday, one of the victim's mother referred to Hansen as a 'predator' in court and said she 'stalked my child in the sanctuary of a school'. The mother also said she was disappointed in the judicial system that gave Hansen a 'ridiculously low offer'. One of the victims' mothers said she was disappointed with the 'ridiculously low offer' given during the sentencing to Hansen (above pictured in court last May) Hansen was under investigation after a student came forward and said he had sex with her. She was arrested in June 2013 and prosecutors said the crimes occurred between 2012 and 2013 . Another parent said the three-year sentence was 'a slap in the face' for the victims. Hansen was was placed on administrative leave following her arrest while officials tried to determine how many students she had sex with, and she was officially terminated on Friday by the Corona-Norco Unified School District. Parents at the school were stunned by the arrest two years ago. 'It surprises me that any 31-year-old . adult, married woman is having sex with a child, teacher or otherwise,' said parent Angela Thompson at the time. Staff at Centennial High School (pictured) in Corona notified police to Hansen's alleged inappropriate relationships .
court, trial, guilty, prison, heard, case, jury, murder, judge, sentence,
school, schools, teacher, high, education, parents, teachers, hughes, children, students
found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, could face jail time, received a fine and a suspended prison sentence
high school teacher, high school students, education in schools, parents meet teachers, children going to school
This topic is about a person found guilty in the trial before a judicial panel, opening a criminal trial against him, a person potentially facing jail time, receiving a fine, and a suspended prison sentence.
This topic is about high school students and children going to school, education in schools, and parents meeting teachers.
A former high school teacher plead guilty to 16 counts related to sex acts with children. She was sentenced to three years in state prison. If she had been convicted at trial, she would have faced 13 years in federal prison. She will have to register as a sex offender for life.
A high school teacher was arrested in June 2013 after a former student cam forward and claimed he had sex with her. The investigation revealed that the sex acts occurred on school property. The students did not appear to be taught by her at the time but all were under 18. Parents were stunned with the low amount of jail time since she would have faced a much harsher sentence if she had been convicted at trial.
[ "A former special education high school teacher who admitted to having sex with five underage male students has been sentenced to three years in state prison. Summer Michelle Hansen, 32, of California entered a guilty plea in February to 16 felony counts related to the sex acts which included seven counts of oral copulation of a minor, six counts of statutory rape and three counts of distributing pornographic material to a child, according to NBC. The mother of three was told during the sentencing on Friday that she must also register as a sex offender for life. Parents of the victims were upset that Hansen's plea agreement was approved, which was made directly to Riverside County Superior Court Judge Becky Dugan. If she had been convicted at trial, Hansen would have faced 13 years in prison. Scroll down for video . Summer Michelle Hansen (above in court during her sentencing on Friday), 32, was sentenced on Friday to three years in state prison and must also register as a sex offender for life . Parents of the victims were disappointed that the judge approved Hansen's plea agreement, as she could have faced 13 years in prison if convicted at trial . Hansen entered a guilty plea in February to the 16 felony counts related to sex acts with her five male students . Judge Dugan said she took into consideration factors such as the former teacher's admittance of guilt and lack of prior criminal history when deciding on an appropriate sentence. In court on Friday, the", "judge told Hansen: 'You're a mother yourself. It's beyond me to understand your behavior.' Deputy District Attorney Kimberly Williams said that her office opposed the length of the sentence proposed by the judge but that she was happy to see Hansen take responsibility for her actions, according to the Press Enterprise. Hansen made an emotional plea to the victims' families while in court saying she prayed for them every night and that she was 'heartbroken', according to KTLA. 'I'm not a monster. I made bad choices in life and for that I'm truly, truly sorry,' Hansen said through tears. The ex-teacher came under investigation two years ago after a former student at Centennial High School came forward to say he had sex with Hansen, and she was arrested in June 2013. Prosecutors said the crimes took place in her classroom, a school utility room, her car and at one victim's home between May 2012 and 2013, according to KTLA. It is not believed that the students were taught by her at the time but all were under the age of 18. Hansen, (left and right) was a special education instructor at Centennial High School. She was officially terminated on Friday by the Corona-Norco Unified School District . In court Hansen made an emotional plea to the victims' parents and said: 'I'm not a monster. I made bad choices in life and for that I'm truly, truly sorry' Court documents revealed that the sex related acts included Hansen having oral sex with a student who was in", "her classroom for Saturday school, sending students texts with pictures of herself naked, and having sex with two students while on campus, according to NBC. On Friday, one of the victim's mother referred to Hansen as a 'predator' in court and said she 'stalked my child in the sanctuary of a school'. The mother also said she was disappointed in the judicial system that gave Hansen a 'ridiculously low offer'. One of the victims' mothers said she was disappointed with the 'ridiculously low offer' given during the sentencing to Hansen (above pictured in court last May) Hansen was under investigation after a student came forward and said he had sex with her. She was arrested in June 2013 and prosecutors said the crimes occurred between 2012 and 2013 . Another parent said the three-year sentence was 'a slap in the face' for the victims. Hansen was was placed on administrative leave following her arrest while officials tried to determine how many students she had sex with, and she was officially terminated on Friday by the Corona-Norco Unified School District. Parents at the school were stunned by the arrest two years ago. 'It surprises me that any 31-year-old . adult, married woman is having sex with a child, teacher or otherwise,' said parent Angela Thompson at the time. Staff at Centennial High School (pictured) in Corona notified police to Hansen's alleged inappropriate relationships ." ]
[ "A former special education high school teacher who admitted to having sex with five underage male students has been sentenced to three years in state prison. Summer Michelle Hansen, 32, of California entered a guilty plea in February to 16 felony counts related to the sex acts which included seven counts of oral copulation of a minor, six counts of statutory rape and three counts of distributing pornographic material to a child, according to NBC. The mother of three was told during the sentencing on Friday that she must also register as a sex offender for life. Parents of the victims were upset that Hansen's plea agreement was approved, which was made directly to Riverside County Superior Court Judge Becky Dugan. If she had been convicted at trial, Hansen would have faced 13 years in prison. Scroll down for video . Summer Michelle Hansen (above in court during her sentencing on Friday), 32, was sentenced on Friday to three years in state prison and must also register as a sex offender for life . Parents of the victims were disappointed that the judge approved Hansen's plea agreement, as she could have faced 13 years in prison if convicted at trial . Hansen entered a guilty plea in February to the 16 felony counts related to sex acts with her five male students . Judge Dugan said she took into consideration factors such as the former teacher's admittance of guilt and lack of prior criminal history when deciding on an appropriate sentence. In court on Friday, the", "judge told Hansen: 'You're a mother yourself. It's beyond me to understand your behavior.' Deputy District Attorney Kimberly Williams said that her office opposed the length of the sentence proposed by the judge but that she was happy to see Hansen take responsibility for her actions, according to the Press Enterprise. Hansen made an emotional plea to the victims' families while in court saying she prayed for them every night and that she was 'heartbroken', according to KTLA. 'I'm not a monster. I made bad choices in life and for that I'm truly, truly sorry,' Hansen said through tears. The ex-teacher came under investigation two years ago after a former student at Centennial High School came forward to say he had sex with Hansen, and she was arrested in June 2013. Prosecutors said the crimes took place in her classroom, a school utility room, her car and at one victim's home between May 2012 and 2013, according to KTLA. It is not believed that the students were taught by her at the time but all were under the age of 18. Hansen, (left and right) was a special education instructor at Centennial High School. She was officially terminated on Friday by the Corona-Norco Unified School District . In court Hansen made an emotional plea to the victims' parents and said: 'I'm not a monster. I made bad choices in life and for that I'm truly, truly sorry' Court documents revealed that the sex related acts included Hansen having oral sex with a student who was in", "her classroom for Saturday school, sending students texts with pictures of herself naked, and having sex with two students while on campus, according to NBC. On Friday, one of the victim's mother referred to Hansen as a 'predator' in court and said she 'stalked my child in the sanctuary of a school'. The mother also said she was disappointed in the judicial system that gave Hansen a 'ridiculously low offer'. One of the victims' mothers said she was disappointed with the 'ridiculously low offer' given during the sentencing to Hansen (above pictured in court last May) Hansen was under investigation after a student came forward and said he had sex with her. She was arrested in June 2013 and prosecutors said the crimes occurred between 2012 and 2013 . Another parent said the three-year sentence was 'a slap in the face' for the victims. Hansen was was placed on administrative leave following her arrest while officials tried to determine how many students she had sex with, and she was officially terminated on Friday by the Corona-Norco Unified School District. Parents at the school were stunned by the arrest two years ago. 'It surprises me that any 31-year-old . adult, married woman is having sex with a child, teacher or otherwise,' said parent Angela Thompson at the time. Staff at Centennial High School (pictured) in Corona notified police to Hansen's alleged inappropriate relationships ." ]
Former special education high school teacher Summer Michelle Hansen, 32, was sentenced to three years in state prison for having sex with five underage male students. She pleaded guilty to 16 felony counts including oral copulation of a minor, statutory rape, and distributing pornographic material to a child. Hansen will also register as a sex offender for life. Parents of the victims expressed disappointment with the sentence, feeling it was too lenient. Hansen apologized emotionally in court, stating she was "heartbroken" and "truly, truly sorry." The incidents occurred between 2012 and 2013 at Centennial High School in Corona, where Hansen was employed.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
(CNN)Paul Walker is hardly the first actor to die during a production. But Walker's death in November 2013 at the age of 40 after a car crash was especially eerie given his rise to fame in the "Fast and Furious" film franchise. The release of "Furious 7" on Friday offers the opportunity for fans to remember -- and possibly grieve again -- the man that so many have praised as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. "He was a person of humility, integrity, and compassion," military veteran Kyle Upham said in an email to CNN. Walker secretly paid for the engagement ring Upham shopped for with his bride. "We didn't know him personally but this was apparent in the short time we spent with him. I know that we will never forget him and he will always be someone very special to us," said Upham. The actor was on break from filming "Furious 7" at the time of the fiery accident, which also claimed the life of the car's driver, Roger Rodas. Producers said early on that they would not kill off Walker's character, Brian O'Connor, a former cop turned road racer. Instead, the script was rewritten and special effects were used to finish scenes, with Walker's brothers, Cody and Caleb, serving as body doubles. There are scenes that will resonate with the audience -- including the ending, in which the filmmakers figured out a touching way to pay tribute to Walker while "retiring" his character. At the premiere Wednesday night in Hollywood, Walker's co-star and close friend Vin Diesel gave a tearful speech before the screening, saying "This movie is more than a movie." "You'll feel it when you see it," Diesel said. "There's something emotional that happens to you, where you walk out of this movie and you appreciate everyone you love because you just never know when the last day is you're gonna see them." There have been multiple tributes to Walker leading up to the release. Diesel revealed in an interview with the "Today" show that he had named his newborn daughter after Walker. Social media has also been paying homage to the late actor. A week after Walker's death, about 5,000 people attended an outdoor memorial to him in Los Angeles. Most had never met him. Marcus Coleman told CNN he spent almost $1,000 to truck in a banner from Bakersfield for people to sign at the memorial. "It's like losing a friend or a really close family member ... even though he is an actor and we never really met face to face," Coleman said. "Sitting there, bringing his movies into your house or watching on TV, it's like getting to know somebody. It really, really hurts." Walker's younger brother Cody told People magazine that he was initially nervous about how "Furious 7" would turn out, but he is happy with the film. "It's bittersweet, but I think Paul would be proud," he said. CNN's Paul Vercammen contributed to this report.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
film, movie, character, films, viewers, set, characters, bond, series, box,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
movie characters, the new series, action films, bond between the characters, viewers of the film
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about a new series based off action films, for which viewers of the film watch for the bonds between the characters.
Paul walker an actor of movie has fatal death at age of 40. His fans family and friends are paying tribute for him through many ways. On his memory the day his last movie was theater his friend and co actor named his daughter after him. It was sweet bitter experience for both of his family members friends and fans to watch his movie after his death.
"Furious 7" was a famous Hollywood movie. It was unfortunate that one of actors Paul walker died during the production of the movie. Producer informed that because of his death the story was rewritten and special effects were used to finish the scenes he was in.
[ "(CNN)Paul Walker is hardly the first actor to die during a production. But Walker's death in November 2013 at the age of 40 after a car crash was especially eerie given his rise to fame in the \"Fast and Furious\" film franchise. The release of \"Furious 7\" on Friday offers the opportunity for fans to remember -- and possibly grieve again -- the man that so many have praised as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. \"He was a person of humility, integrity, and compassion,\" military veteran Kyle Upham said in an email to CNN. Walker secretly paid for the engagement ring Upham shopped for with his bride. \"We didn't know him personally but this was apparent in the short time we spent with him. I know that we will never forget him and he will always be someone very special to us,\" said Upham. The actor was on break from filming \"Furious 7\" at the time of the fiery accident, which also claimed the life of the car's driver, Roger Rodas. Producers said early on that they would not kill off Walker's character, Brian O'Connor, a former cop turned road racer. Instead, the script was rewritten and special effects were used to finish scenes, with Walker's brothers, Cody and Caleb, serving as body doubles. There are scenes that will resonate with the audience -- including the ending, in which the filmmakers figured out a touching way to pay tribute to Walker while \"retiring\" his character. At the premiere Wednesday night in Hollywood, Walker's co-star", "and close friend Vin Diesel gave a tearful speech before the screening, saying \"This movie is more than a movie.\" \"You'll feel it when you see it,\" Diesel said. \"There's something emotional that happens to you, where you walk out of this movie and you appreciate everyone you love because you just never know when the last day is you're gonna see them.\" There have been multiple tributes to Walker leading up to the release. Diesel revealed in an interview with the \"Today\" show that he had named his newborn daughter after Walker. Social media has also been paying homage to the late actor. A week after Walker's death, about 5,000 people attended an outdoor memorial to him in Los Angeles. Most had never met him. Marcus Coleman told CNN he spent almost $1,000 to truck in a banner from Bakersfield for people to sign at the memorial. \"It's like losing a friend or a really close family member ... even though he is an actor and we never really met face to face,\" Coleman said. \"Sitting there, bringing his movies into your house or watching on TV, it's like getting to know somebody. It really, really hurts.\" Walker's younger brother Cody told People magazine that he was initially nervous about how \"Furious 7\" would turn out, but he is happy with the film. \"It's bittersweet, but I think Paul would be proud,\" he said. CNN's Paul Vercammen contributed to this report." ]
[ "(CNN)Paul Walker is hardly the first actor to die during a production. But Walker's death in November 2013 at the age of 40 after a car crash was especially eerie given his rise to fame in the \"Fast and Furious\" film franchise. The release of \"Furious 7\" on Friday offers the opportunity for fans to remember -- and possibly grieve again -- the man that so many have praised as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. \"He was a person of humility, integrity, and compassion,\" military veteran Kyle Upham said in an email to CNN. Walker secretly paid for the engagement ring Upham shopped for with his bride. \"We didn't know him personally but this was apparent in the short time we spent with him. I know that we will never forget him and he will always be someone very special to us,\" said Upham. The actor was on break from filming \"Furious 7\" at the time of the fiery accident, which also claimed the life of the car's driver, Roger Rodas. Producers said early on that they would not kill off Walker's character, Brian O'Connor, a former cop turned road racer. Instead, the script was rewritten and special effects were used to finish scenes, with Walker's brothers, Cody and Caleb, serving as body doubles. There are scenes that will resonate with the audience -- including the ending, in which the filmmakers figured out a touching way to pay tribute to Walker while \"retiring\" his character. At the premiere Wednesday night in Hollywood, Walker's co-star", "and close friend Vin Diesel gave a tearful speech before the screening, saying \"This movie is more than a movie.\" \"You'll feel it when you see it,\" Diesel said. \"There's something emotional that happens to you, where you walk out of this movie and you appreciate everyone you love because you just never know when the last day is you're gonna see them.\" There have been multiple tributes to Walker leading up to the release. Diesel revealed in an interview with the \"Today\" show that he had named his newborn daughter after Walker. Social media has also been paying homage to the late actor. A week after Walker's death, about 5,000 people attended an outdoor memorial to him in Los Angeles. Most had never met him. Marcus Coleman told CNN he spent almost $1,000 to truck in a banner from Bakersfield for people to sign at the memorial. \"It's like losing a friend or a really close family member ... even though he is an actor and we never really met face to face,\" Coleman said. \"Sitting there, bringing his movies into your house or watching on TV, it's like getting to know somebody. It really, really hurts.\" Walker's younger brother Cody told People magazine that he was initially nervous about how \"Furious 7\" would turn out, but he is happy with the film. \"It's bittersweet, but I think Paul would be proud,\" he said. CNN's Paul Vercammen contributed to this report." ]
The article discusses the upcoming release of "Furious 7", the latest installment in the "Fast and Furious" film franchise, following the tragic death of its star Paul Walker in 2013. Fans are expected to pay tribute to Walker, who was known for his kind heart and humble nature. The film's producers rewrote the script and used special effects to complete Walker's scenes, with his brothers serving as body doubles. The movie's ending is particularly poignant, providing a fitting tribute to Walker's character. Co-star Vin Diesel gave a tearful speech at the premiere, praising the film as "more than a movie". The article highlights the impact of Walker's death on his fans, who felt a strong connection to him despite never meeting him.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
It was another momentous night in Barcelona's proud European history, Neymar and Luis Suarez rampaging through Paris Saint-Germain's defence to put one foot in the Champions League semi-finals. And Barcelona's second of the night, in the 67th minute when Suarez stormed through, nutmegged David Luiz and finished, was their 400th goal in the competition. The landmark has been achieved in 202 matches since 1992 when the European Champions Clubs' Cup became the modern Champions League we know and love. The two goals scored by Luis Suarez against PSG took Barcelona past 400 Champions League goals . Barcelona have reached the landmark in 202 Champions League matches since 1992 . Barcelona won the quarter-final, first-leg match 3-1 to put themselves in control of the tie . Barcelona still have a little way to go before they catch Real Madrid's 436 Champions League goals. Table courtesy of Opta . However, Barcelona still have a some way to go to match the 436 goals scored in the competition by their great rivals Real Madrid. The Spanish giants are way out on top in the club scoring charts, with Bayern Munich coming in third with 349 goals and Manchester United fourth with 343. Over the Champions League years, Barcelona have found the net most against AC Milan (22), followed by Celtic and Chelsea on 18 apiece. They have scored 17 times against United, Arsenal and Bayer Leverkusen. And it will come as little surprise that Argentine superstar Lionel Messi is way out in front in the breakdown of Barcelona Champions League scorers with 75, the joint-most in the tournament with Cristiano Ronaldo. Brazilian star Rivaldo comes in second with 22 goals, followed by Patrick Kluivert (20), Luis Enrique (19) and Samuel Eto'o (16). To mark Barcelona passing 400 Champions League goals, we take a look at some of the highlights. Barcelona 4 Manchester United 0 (1994-95 group stage) A United side hampered by a limit on foreign players had the misfortune to encounter Johan Cruyff's Barcelona 'Dream Team' at the wrong time. Hristo Stoichkov and Romario ran United's makeshift defence ragged in front of 114,000 fans, with the Bulgarian scoring twice and the Brazilian once before Albert Ferrer completed United's humiliation. Romario fires home Barcelona's second goal in their 1994 rout of Manchester United in the Nou Camp . Barcelona 5 Chelsea 1 (1999-2000 quarter-final, second leg) Leading 3-1 from the first leg at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea fancied their chances of getting through ahead of the return. Rivaldo's deflected free-kick and Luis Figo's goal had erased the deficit by half-time, though Tore Andre Flo put Chelsea back in the box seat. They were seven minutes from going through when Dani Garcia made it 3-1 and there was still time for Rivaldo to miss a penalty. Chelsea's defence crumbled in extra-time, another penalty, this time converted by Rivaldo, and a fifth from Patrick Kluivert carried Barcelona through. Luis Figo curls the ball home during Barcelona's 5-1 win over Chelsea in 2000 . Barcelona 2 Arsenal 1 (2006 final in Paris) The Champions League triumph that signalled the beginning of Barcelona's golden age. They needed two goals in the last 14 minutes to overcome the stubborn resistance of Arsenal, who had been reduced to 10 men when Jens Lehmann brought down Samuel Eto'o just 18 minutes in. The Gunners sensationally took the lead through Sol Campbell's thumping header eight minutes before half-time but couldn't hold out as Eto'o and Juliano Belletti sunk them late on. Captain Carles Puyol lifts the trophy with Ronaldinho after Barcelona's 2006 win over Arsenal . Barcelona 4 Bayern Munich 0 (2008-09 quarter-final, first leg) Pep Guardiola's star-studded team showed their Champions League-winning potential with this demolition of Bayern in which all four goals came before half-time. In no mood to hang around, Lionel Messi opened the scoring after nine minutes and Eto'o added another three minutes later. A second from Messi and another from Thierry Henry essentially settled the two-legged contest before half-time. Thierry Henry salutes Samuel Eto'o after rounding off Barcelona's 4-0 rout of Bayern Munich in 2009 . Barcelona 2 Manchester United 0 (2009 final in Rome) Sir Alex Ferguson's team were going for their second Champions League triumph in a row and had beaten Barcelona in the 2008 semi-finals. Guardiola's team had other ideas and exacted revenge thanks to a 10th-minute opener from Eto'o and Messi's clincher 20 minutes from time. It was Barcelona's midfield partnership of Xavi and Andres Iniesta that ran the game. Lionel Messi (left) and Andres Iniesta parade the European Cup after the 2009 win over Manchester United . Barcelona 4 Arsenal 1 (2009-10 quarter-final, second leg) One of Messi's finest performances as the maestro scored four times to demolish Arsenal's Champions League hopes. With the last-eight tie locked at 2-2 from the first leg, the Nou Camp was stunned when Nicklas Bendtner scored a precious away goal on 18 minutes. From then on, it was a one-man show. Messi had equalised within three minutes and had Barcelona in control with another couple before the break, including a sumptuous lob. A fourth late on made it an emphatic win. Messi scored four times as Barcelona demolished Arsenal in a 2010 quarter-final . Real Madrid 0 Barcelona 2 (2010-11 Semi-final, first leg) This Clasico semi-final in 2011 was a dream come true for all football fans and it was Messi and Barcelona that kept their cool as tempers frayed. Real hothead Pepe was sent off in the 61st minute and boss Jose Mourinho sent to the Bernabeu stands shortly afterwards for protesting. Cue Messi to seize control, turning home Ibrahim Afellay's cross and then setting off on a 30-yard run to score the second. Barcelona pile on Messi after his goal in the Bernabeu semi-final back in 2011 . Barcelona 3 Manchester United 1 (2011 final at Wembley) Barcelona were unquestionably the best team in Europe at this time and another final triumph over United confirmed this. At Wembley, Pedro gave them the lead in the 27th minute, only for Wayne Rooney to level shortly afterwards. But Barca were by far the better team, dominating possession, and it came as little surprise when Messi fired home at the start of the second half. David Villa made sure 20 minutes from time as Barca claimed a third European Cup in five years. Pep Guardiola is thrown into the air by Barcelona after their 2011 final win over Manchester United . Barcelona 7 Bayer Leverkusen 1 (2011-12 last 16, second leg) Messi raised his game to even greater heights, becoming the first player to score five goals in a Champions League fixture in this seven-goal drubbing of Bayer Leverkusen. Leading 3-1 from the first leg in Germany, there was little pressure on Barca and their domination was exemplified by their 865 passes in the game to the German side's 217. Many of them found their way to Messi, who scored twice before half-time and added another three after. Messi slots home his fourth goal in Barcelona's 7-1 demolition of Bayer Leverkusen in 2012 . Manchester City 0 Barcelona 2 (2013-14 last 16, first leg) City desperately wanted to make a statement on the European stage but Barcelona had other ideas in this clinical away performance. The decisive moment came in the 54th minute when Messi was fouled by Martin Demichelis, who was sent off. Messi dusted himself down to convert the penalty and Dani Alves delivered a late second after swapping passes with Neymar. Messi converts from the penalty spot in Barcelona's 2-0 win at Manchester City last season . 22 goals - AC Milan . 18 - Celtic, Chelsea . 17 - Manchester United, Bayer Leverkusen, Arsenal . 16 - Panathinaikos, Lyon . 14 - Galatasaray . 13 - Shakhtar Donetsk, Spartak Moscow, Paris Saint-Germain . 10 - Ajax, Stutgart . 9 - Porto, BATE Borisov . 8 - Sporting Lisbon, Werder Bremen, Newcastle United . 75 - Lionel Messi . 22 - Rivaldo . 20 - Patrick Kluivert . 19 - Luis Enrique . 16 - Samuel Eto'o . 15 - Pedro . 14 - Ronaldinho . 11 - Javier Saviola, Xavi . 10 - Andres Iniesta . 8 - Neymar, Thierry Henry, Hristo Stoichkov, David Villa . 7 - Luis Figo, Gerard Pique, own goals .
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
For over these years, players from both Barcelona and Real Madrid had strived to set foot on the history of goal record by competing with other teams and each other. This was mainly due to the strategic move by players from both clubs. When pointing out to specific players, there were remarkable footsteps by Messi, Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo over these years.
Competition in contributing to the goal record was a team work by aforementioned respective teams. The strategic planning and alliance by players in each team to win the race to the record as well as becoming a part in hall of fame. Especially players like Messi, Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo had strived to maintain this tradition.
[ "It was another momentous night in Barcelona's proud European history, Neymar and Luis Suarez rampaging through Paris Saint-Germain's defence to put one foot in the Champions League semi-finals. And Barcelona's second of the night, in the 67th minute when Suarez stormed through, nutmegged David Luiz and finished, was their 400th goal in the competition. The landmark has been achieved in 202 matches since 1992 when the European Champions Clubs' Cup became the modern Champions League we know and love. The two goals scored by Luis Suarez against PSG took Barcelona past 400 Champions League goals . Barcelona have reached the landmark in 202 Champions League matches since 1992 . Barcelona won the quarter-final, first-leg match 3-1 to put themselves in control of the tie . Barcelona still have a little way to go before they catch Real Madrid's 436 Champions League goals. Table courtesy of Opta . However, Barcelona still have a some way to go to match the 436 goals scored in the competition by their great rivals Real Madrid. The Spanish giants are way out on top in the club scoring charts, with Bayern Munich coming in third with 349 goals and Manchester United fourth with 343. Over the Champions League years, Barcelona have found the net most against AC Milan (22), followed by Celtic and Chelsea on 18 apiece. They have scored 17 times against United, Arsenal and Bayer Leverkusen. And it will come as little surprise that Argentine superstar Lionel Messi is way out in front in the breakdown of Barcelona Champions", "League scorers with 75, the joint-most in the tournament with Cristiano Ronaldo. Brazilian star Rivaldo comes in second with 22 goals, followed by Patrick Kluivert (20), Luis Enrique (19) and Samuel Eto'o (16). To mark Barcelona passing 400 Champions League goals, we take a look at some of the highlights. Barcelona 4 Manchester United 0 (1994-95 group stage) A United side hampered by a limit on foreign players had the misfortune to encounter Johan Cruyff's Barcelona 'Dream Team' at the wrong time. Hristo Stoichkov and Romario ran United's makeshift defence ragged in front of 114,000 fans, with the Bulgarian scoring twice and the Brazilian once before Albert Ferrer completed United's humiliation. Romario fires home Barcelona's second goal in their 1994 rout of Manchester United in the Nou Camp . Barcelona 5 Chelsea 1 (1999-2000 quarter-final, second leg) Leading 3-1 from the first leg at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea fancied their chances of getting through ahead of the return. Rivaldo's deflected free-kick and Luis Figo's goal had erased the deficit by half-time, though Tore Andre Flo put Chelsea back in the box seat. They were seven minutes from going through when Dani Garcia made it 3-1 and there was still time for Rivaldo to miss a penalty. Chelsea's defence crumbled in extra-time, another penalty, this time converted by Rivaldo, and a fifth from Patrick Kluivert carried Barcelona through. Luis Figo curls the ball home during Barcelona's 5-1 win over Chelsea in 2000 . Barcelona 2 Arsenal 1 (2006 final in Paris) The Champions League triumph that signalled the", "beginning of Barcelona's golden age. They needed two goals in the last 14 minutes to overcome the stubborn resistance of Arsenal, who had been reduced to 10 men when Jens Lehmann brought down Samuel Eto'o just 18 minutes in. The Gunners sensationally took the lead through Sol Campbell's thumping header eight minutes before half-time but couldn't hold out as Eto'o and Juliano Belletti sunk them late on. Captain Carles Puyol lifts the trophy with Ronaldinho after Barcelona's 2006 win over Arsenal . Barcelona 4 Bayern Munich 0 (2008-09 quarter-final, first leg) Pep Guardiola's star-studded team showed their Champions League-winning potential with this demolition of Bayern in which all four goals came before half-time. In no mood to hang around, Lionel Messi opened the scoring after nine minutes and Eto'o added another three minutes later. A second from Messi and another from Thierry Henry essentially settled the two-legged contest before half-time. Thierry Henry salutes Samuel Eto'o after rounding off Barcelona's 4-0 rout of Bayern Munich in 2009 . Barcelona 2 Manchester United 0 (2009 final in Rome) Sir Alex Ferguson's team were going for their second Champions League triumph in a row and had beaten Barcelona in the 2008 semi-finals. Guardiola's team had other ideas and exacted revenge thanks to a 10th-minute opener from Eto'o and Messi's clincher 20 minutes from time. It was Barcelona's midfield partnership of Xavi and Andres Iniesta that ran the game. Lionel Messi (left) and Andres Iniesta parade the European Cup after the 2009 win over Manchester United . Barcelona 4 Arsenal", "1 (2009-10 quarter-final, second leg) One of Messi's finest performances as the maestro scored four times to demolish Arsenal's Champions League hopes. With the last-eight tie locked at 2-2 from the first leg, the Nou Camp was stunned when Nicklas Bendtner scored a precious away goal on 18 minutes. From then on, it was a one-man show. Messi had equalised within three minutes and had Barcelona in control with another couple before the break, including a sumptuous lob. A fourth late on made it an emphatic win. Messi scored four times as Barcelona demolished Arsenal in a 2010 quarter-final . Real Madrid 0 Barcelona 2 (2010-11 Semi-final, first leg) This Clasico semi-final in 2011 was a dream come true for all football fans and it was Messi and Barcelona that kept their cool as tempers frayed. Real hothead Pepe was sent off in the 61st minute and boss Jose Mourinho sent to the Bernabeu stands shortly afterwards for protesting. Cue Messi to seize control, turning home Ibrahim Afellay's cross and then setting off on a 30-yard run to score the second. Barcelona pile on Messi after his goal in the Bernabeu semi-final back in 2011 . Barcelona 3 Manchester United 1 (2011 final at Wembley) Barcelona were unquestionably the best team in Europe at this time and another final triumph over United confirmed this. At Wembley, Pedro gave them the lead in the 27th minute, only for Wayne Rooney to level shortly afterwards. But Barca were by far the better team, dominating possession, and it came", "as little surprise when Messi fired home at the start of the second half. David Villa made sure 20 minutes from time as Barca claimed a third European Cup in five years. Pep Guardiola is thrown into the air by Barcelona after their 2011 final win over Manchester United . Barcelona 7 Bayer Leverkusen 1 (2011-12 last 16, second leg) Messi raised his game to even greater heights, becoming the first player to score five goals in a Champions League fixture in this seven-goal drubbing of Bayer Leverkusen. Leading 3-1 from the first leg in Germany, there was little pressure on Barca and their domination was exemplified by their 865 passes in the game to the German side's 217. Many of them found their way to Messi, who scored twice before half-time and added another three after. Messi slots home his fourth goal in Barcelona's 7-1 demolition of Bayer Leverkusen in 2012 . Manchester City 0 Barcelona 2 (2013-14 last 16, first leg) City desperately wanted to make a statement on the European stage but Barcelona had other ideas in this clinical away performance. The decisive moment came in the 54th minute when Messi was fouled by Martin Demichelis, who was sent off. Messi dusted himself down to convert the penalty and Dani Alves delivered a late second after swapping passes with Neymar. Messi converts from the penalty spot in Barcelona's 2-0 win at Manchester City last season . 22 goals - AC Milan . 18 - Celtic, Chelsea . 17 - Manchester United, Bayer Leverkusen," ]
[ "It was another momentous night in Barcelona's proud European history, Neymar and Luis Suarez rampaging through Paris Saint-Germain's defence to put one foot in the Champions League semi-finals. And Barcelona's second of the night, in the 67th minute when Suarez stormed through, nutmegged David Luiz and finished, was their 400th goal in the competition. The landmark has been achieved in 202 matches since 1992 when the European Champions Clubs' Cup became the modern Champions League we know and love. The two goals scored by Luis Suarez against PSG took Barcelona past 400 Champions League goals . Barcelona have reached the landmark in 202 Champions League matches since 1992 . Barcelona won the quarter-final, first-leg match 3-1 to put themselves in control of the tie . Barcelona still have a little way to go before they catch Real Madrid's 436 Champions League goals. Table courtesy of Opta . However, Barcelona still have a some way to go to match the 436 goals scored in the competition by their great rivals Real Madrid. The Spanish giants are way out on top in the club scoring charts, with Bayern Munich coming in third with 349 goals and Manchester United fourth with 343. Over the Champions League years, Barcelona have found the net most against AC Milan (22), followed by Celtic and Chelsea on 18 apiece. They have scored 17 times against United, Arsenal and Bayer Leverkusen. And it will come as little surprise that Argentine superstar Lionel Messi is way out in front in the breakdown of Barcelona Champions", "League scorers with 75, the joint-most in the tournament with Cristiano Ronaldo. Brazilian star Rivaldo comes in second with 22 goals, followed by Patrick Kluivert (20), Luis Enrique (19) and Samuel Eto'o (16). To mark Barcelona passing 400 Champions League goals, we take a look at some of the highlights. Barcelona 4 Manchester United 0 (1994-95 group stage) A United side hampered by a limit on foreign players had the misfortune to encounter Johan Cruyff's Barcelona 'Dream Team' at the wrong time. Hristo Stoichkov and Romario ran United's makeshift defence ragged in front of 114,000 fans, with the Bulgarian scoring twice and the Brazilian once before Albert Ferrer completed United's humiliation. Romario fires home Barcelona's second goal in their 1994 rout of Manchester United in the Nou Camp . Barcelona 5 Chelsea 1 (1999-2000 quarter-final, second leg) Leading 3-1 from the first leg at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea fancied their chances of getting through ahead of the return. Rivaldo's deflected free-kick and Luis Figo's goal had erased the deficit by half-time, though Tore Andre Flo put Chelsea back in the box seat. They were seven minutes from going through when Dani Garcia made it 3-1 and there was still time for Rivaldo to miss a penalty. Chelsea's defence crumbled in extra-time, another penalty, this time converted by Rivaldo, and a fifth from Patrick Kluivert carried Barcelona through. Luis Figo curls the ball home during Barcelona's 5-1 win over Chelsea in 2000 . Barcelona 2 Arsenal 1 (2006 final in Paris) The Champions League triumph that signalled the", "beginning of Barcelona's golden age. They needed two goals in the last 14 minutes to overcome the stubborn resistance of Arsenal, who had been reduced to 10 men when Jens Lehmann brought down Samuel Eto'o just 18 minutes in. The Gunners sensationally took the lead through Sol Campbell's thumping header eight minutes before half-time but couldn't hold out as Eto'o and Juliano Belletti sunk them late on. Captain Carles Puyol lifts the trophy with Ronaldinho after Barcelona's 2006 win over Arsenal . Barcelona 4 Bayern Munich 0 (2008-09 quarter-final, first leg) Pep Guardiola's star-studded team showed their Champions League-winning potential with this demolition of Bayern in which all four goals came before half-time. In no mood to hang around, Lionel Messi opened the scoring after nine minutes and Eto'o added another three minutes later. A second from Messi and another from Thierry Henry essentially settled the two-legged contest before half-time. Thierry Henry salutes Samuel Eto'o after rounding off Barcelona's 4-0 rout of Bayern Munich in 2009 . Barcelona 2 Manchester United 0 (2009 final in Rome) Sir Alex Ferguson's team were going for their second Champions League triumph in a row and had beaten Barcelona in the 2008 semi-finals. Guardiola's team had other ideas and exacted revenge thanks to a 10th-minute opener from Eto'o and Messi's clincher 20 minutes from time. It was Barcelona's midfield partnership of Xavi and Andres Iniesta that ran the game. Lionel Messi (left) and Andres Iniesta parade the European Cup after the 2009 win over Manchester United . Barcelona 4 Arsenal", "as little surprise when Messi fired home at the start of the second half. David Villa made sure 20 minutes from time as Barca claimed a third European Cup in five years. Pep Guardiola is thrown into the air by Barcelona after their 2011 final win over Manchester United . Barcelona 7 Bayer Leverkusen 1 (2011-12 last 16, second leg) Messi raised his game to even greater heights, becoming the first player to score five goals in a Champions League fixture in this seven-goal drubbing of Bayer Leverkusen. Leading 3-1 from the first leg in Germany, there was little pressure on Barca and their domination was exemplified by their 865 passes in the game to the German side's 217. Many of them found their way to Messi, who scored twice before half-time and added another three after. Messi slots home his fourth goal in Barcelona's 7-1 demolition of Bayer Leverkusen in 2012 . Manchester City 0 Barcelona 2 (2013-14 last 16, first leg) City desperately wanted to make a statement on the European stage but Barcelona had other ideas in this clinical away performance. The decisive moment came in the 54th minute when Messi was fouled by Martin Demichelis, who was sent off. Messi dusted himself down to convert the penalty and Dani Alves delivered a late second after swapping passes with Neymar. Messi converts from the penalty spot in Barcelona's 2-0 win at Manchester City last season . 22 goals - AC Milan . 18 - Celtic, Chelsea . 17 - Manchester United, Bayer Leverkusen,", "Arsenal . 16 - Panathinaikos, Lyon . 14 - Galatasaray . 13 - Shakhtar Donetsk, Spartak Moscow, Paris Saint-Germain . 10 - Ajax, Stutgart . 9 - Porto, BATE Borisov . 8 - Sporting Lisbon, Werder Bremen, Newcastle United . 75 - Lionel Messi . 22 - Rivaldo . 20 - Patrick Kluivert . 19 - Luis Enrique . 16 - Samuel Eto'o . 15 - Pedro . 14 - Ronaldinho . 11 - Javier Saviola, Xavi . 10 - Andres Iniesta . 8 - Neymar, Thierry Henry, Hristo Stoichkov, David Villa . 7 - Luis Figo, Gerard Pique, own goals ." ]
Barcelona have reached 400 goals in the Champions League, achieving the milestone in 202 matches since 1992. They are behind Real Madrid, who have scored 436 goals. Lionel Messi leads the scoring chart with 75 goals.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
The Apple Watch version one, with its much-hyped unbreakable sapphire screen and hundreds of apps, may not be all that it's cracked up to be and has been labelled 'a waste of money' by some of Australia's tech experts. With the wait almost over, release date for the whiz-bang time-piece is set down for April 24, the price comparison website suggests, if you haven't already pre-ordered, you might be better off waiting until next year for the second generation Apple Watch. 'If you want an Apple Watch battery that lasts longer than a day, better apps and GPS, you might be better off waiting,' said Michelle Hutchison, Finder's money expert. 'While the first generation Apple Watch is a very exciting piece of wearable technology, there are clearly many key features missing from the watch. If you're going to spend between $499 and $24,000 on the first edition, you might end up being disappointed with its functionality in 11 months time.' Scroll down for videos . The long-awaited Apple Watch is about to go from being on display to being on the wrist of buyers world-wide but a panel of technical experts claim it is far from perfect . The Apple Watch 1 will retail from $499 for the cheapest version right up to $24,000 for an 18-carat model . Michelle Hutchison and Jeremy Cabral from comparison website are among those who have run the rule of the soon-to-be released futuristic watch . The Apple Watch gadget went on sale on-line in nine countries and the initial stock sold out in just a few hours. Those who pre-ordered are expected to take delivery on Friday . While Apple is promoting the release with ads stating "you're going to be amazed by how many things you can do with Apple Watch", a survey of five Australian technology experts found a less than enthusiastic response to the current offerings available on the watch. They all expect the second version to be a vast improvement, pointing to a long lasting battery life as the number one feature missing from the current Apple Watch. Other key features which are absent, include an independent internet connection (the watch relies on an iPhone for data), GPS and water-proofing was also an issue. Apple proudly exclaims it to be 'our most personal device yet'. 'Apple Watch is unlike any device we've ever made,' the company states on its "Watch Technology" website. 'The result is an experience that's both unique to Apple Watch and quintessentially Apple. To make the best use of its size and location on your wrist, Apple Watch has all-new interactions and technologies. 'They let you do familiar things more quickly and conveniently.' But Ms Hutchison said the first version of the Apple Watch might simply be 'a waste of money' for some consumers, who might be better off waiting until the 2016 version. The price comparison for the Apple Watch across the UK, Australia and US. From $499 right up to $24,000 . The Apple Watch 1 has been in high demand but some tech heads say version two might be worth waiting for . She also estimated that Apple Watch version two would be released on or around March 18, 2016. That was based on a study of release dates between Apple's first and second edition iPods, iPhones and iPads. Two new features the panellists expect to be available on the second version of the Apple Watch are the GPS facility, and being able to work more independently from the iPhone. Greater access for app developers is also likely to be available on the second version, so said the experts. Mike Rundle, the owner of Flyosity, said he wanted to see it 'work independently from the iPhone or won't need an iPhone to set it up'. He also hoped there would be better GPS capability, along with a 'thinner and faster device with a brighter screen' Chris Stead, Editor in Chief, Old Mate Media added: 'Better battery life is a given as Apple improve its tech efficiency.' 'We can also expect more user interface/control options, and greater access to those options for developers. 'This will be required if app makers are going to be able to make bespoke experiences that maximise the Apple Watch, as currently a number of features are gated off, presumably, to minimise quality assurance issues during the device's launch.' Mike Rundle (left) from Flyosity and Chris Stead of Old Mate Media were among the panel assembled to look at what Apple Watch 1 has to offer. Rundle wanted it to 'work independently of the iPhone' Mike Bantick (left) is from wants the Apple Watch to be water-proof while Angus Kidman (right) representing Lifehacker Australia on the panel said the new model should be altered to allow for more apps . But the number one technology upgrade that will have the biggest impact on the Apple Watch is the iPhone 7, according to those surveyed, followed by iOS9 ‚ the next mobile operating system ‚ and Apple Pay where users can make contact-less transactions through the so-called Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. 'The most exciting part about the Apple Watch and wearable technology is the endless potential for how these devices will change our lives,' said Ms Hutchison. 'From turning on our TV to pre-empting a heart attack, to the way we access information and how we pay for things, it has the potential to make our lives more convenient and even more productive.' Mike Bantick, Contributing Editor at has called for a water-proof sport version, with GP and headphone options, while Angus Kidman, the editor of Lifehacker Australia called on Apple to 'open SDK so there are more apps' and Jeremy Cabral, Head of Publishing and Editorial at Finder also wants to see it 'work independently to the iPhone'. The Apple Watch will initially be available in just nine countries: Australia, UK, US, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Japan but the company says more countries will come on line at a later date.
online, users, internet, site, device, people, computer, iphone, data, devices,
facebook, mobile, phone, network, samsung, screen, apps, smart, ad, watch,
online internet users, people check websites on different devices, using an iPhone App to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans
mobile phone, Facebook app, social network, smart watch, Samsung phone screen, apps containing ads, watching ads
This topic is about online internet users, using an iPhone app to surf the internet, computer devices, data plans, and people checking a website on different devices.
This topic is about mobile phones and social networking such as the Facebook app, smart watches, as well as apps containing ads that can be watched on phone screens like Samsung.
The Apple Watch version one does not have an independent internet connection, relying on an iPhone for data. It has hundreds of apps, but there will be greater access for app developers in the second version. Currently, this version of the Apple Watch is missing many features that may make it not worth the price.
The first version of the Apple Watch has been labelled a "waste of money" by some Australian tech experts. There are apparently many key features missing. The Watch relies on an iPhone for data, without water-proofing or GPS. One expert said he would want it to be independent from an iPhone.
[ "The Apple Watch version one, with its much-hyped unbreakable sapphire screen and hundreds of apps, may not be all that it's cracked up to be and has been labelled 'a waste of money' by some of Australia's tech experts. With the wait almost over, release date for the whiz-bang time-piece is set down for April 24, the price comparison website suggests, if you haven't already pre-ordered, you might be better off waiting until next year for the second generation Apple Watch. 'If you want an Apple Watch battery that lasts longer than a day, better apps and GPS, you might be better off waiting,' said Michelle Hutchison, Finder's money expert. 'While the first generation Apple Watch is a very exciting piece of wearable technology, there are clearly many key features missing from the watch. If you're going to spend between $499 and $24,000 on the first edition, you might end up being disappointed with its functionality in 11 months time.' Scroll down for videos . The long-awaited Apple Watch is about to go from being on display to being on the wrist of buyers world-wide but a panel of technical experts claim it is far from perfect . The Apple Watch 1 will retail from $499 for the cheapest version right up to $24,000 for an 18-carat model . Michelle Hutchison and Jeremy Cabral from comparison website are among those who have run the rule of the soon-to-be released futuristic watch . The Apple Watch gadget went on sale on-line in nine countries and", "the initial stock sold out in just a few hours. Those who pre-ordered are expected to take delivery on Friday . While Apple is promoting the release with ads stating \"you're going to be amazed by how many things you can do with Apple Watch\", a survey of five Australian technology experts found a less than enthusiastic response to the current offerings available on the watch. They all expect the second version to be a vast improvement, pointing to a long lasting battery life as the number one feature missing from the current Apple Watch. Other key features which are absent, include an independent internet connection (the watch relies on an iPhone for data), GPS and water-proofing was also an issue. Apple proudly exclaims it to be 'our most personal device yet'. 'Apple Watch is unlike any device we've ever made,' the company states on its \"Watch Technology\" website. 'The result is an experience that's both unique to Apple Watch and quintessentially Apple. To make the best use of its size and location on your wrist, Apple Watch has all-new interactions and technologies. 'They let you do familiar things more quickly and conveniently.' But Ms Hutchison said the first version of the Apple Watch might simply be 'a waste of money' for some consumers, who might be better off waiting until the 2016 version. The price comparison for the Apple Watch across the UK, Australia and US. From $499 right up to $24,000 . The Apple Watch 1 has been in high demand but some tech", "heads say version two might be worth waiting for . She also estimated that Apple Watch version two would be released on or around March 18, 2016. That was based on a study of release dates between Apple's first and second edition iPods, iPhones and iPads. Two new features the panellists expect to be available on the second version of the Apple Watch are the GPS facility, and being able to work more independently from the iPhone. Greater access for app developers is also likely to be available on the second version, so said the experts. Mike Rundle, the owner of Flyosity, said he wanted to see it 'work independently from the iPhone or won't need an iPhone to set it up'. He also hoped there would be better GPS capability, along with a 'thinner and faster device with a brighter screen' Chris Stead, Editor in Chief, Old Mate Media added: 'Better battery life is a given as Apple improve its tech efficiency.' 'We can also expect more user interface/control options, and greater access to those options for developers. 'This will be required if app makers are going to be able to make bespoke experiences that maximise the Apple Watch, as currently a number of features are gated off, presumably, to minimise quality assurance issues during the device's launch.' Mike Rundle (left) from Flyosity and Chris Stead of Old Mate Media were among the panel assembled to look at what Apple Watch 1 has to offer. Rundle wanted it to 'work independently of the iPhone' Mike", "Bantick (left) is from wants the Apple Watch to be water-proof while Angus Kidman (right) representing Lifehacker Australia on the panel said the new model should be altered to allow for more apps . But the number one technology upgrade that will have the biggest impact on the Apple Watch is the iPhone 7, according to those surveyed, followed by iOS9 ‚ the next mobile operating system ‚ and Apple Pay where users can make contact-less transactions through the so-called Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. 'The most exciting part about the Apple Watch and wearable technology is the endless potential for how these devices will change our lives,' said Ms Hutchison. 'From turning on our TV to pre-empting a heart attack, to the way we access information and how we pay for things, it has the potential to make our lives more convenient and even more productive.' Mike Bantick, Contributing Editor at has called for a water-proof sport version, with GP and headphone options, while Angus Kidman, the editor of Lifehacker Australia called on Apple to 'open SDK so there are more apps' and Jeremy Cabral, Head of Publishing and Editorial at Finder also wants to see it 'work independently to the iPhone'. The Apple Watch will initially be available in just nine countries: Australia, UK, US, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Japan but the company says more countries will come on line at a later date." ]
[ "The Apple Watch version one, with its much-hyped unbreakable sapphire screen and hundreds of apps, may not be all that it's cracked up to be and has been labelled 'a waste of money' by some of Australia's tech experts. With the wait almost over, release date for the whiz-bang time-piece is set down for April 24, the price comparison website suggests, if you haven't already pre-ordered, you might be better off waiting until next year for the second generation Apple Watch. 'If you want an Apple Watch battery that lasts longer than a day, better apps and GPS, you might be better off waiting,' said Michelle Hutchison, Finder's money expert. 'While the first generation Apple Watch is a very exciting piece of wearable technology, there are clearly many key features missing from the watch. If you're going to spend between $499 and $24,000 on the first edition, you might end up being disappointed with its functionality in 11 months time.' Scroll down for videos . The long-awaited Apple Watch is about to go from being on display to being on the wrist of buyers world-wide but a panel of technical experts claim it is far from perfect . The Apple Watch 1 will retail from $499 for the cheapest version right up to $24,000 for an 18-carat model . Michelle Hutchison and Jeremy Cabral from comparison website are among those who have run the rule of the soon-to-be released futuristic watch . The Apple Watch gadget went on sale on-line in nine countries and", "the initial stock sold out in just a few hours. Those who pre-ordered are expected to take delivery on Friday . While Apple is promoting the release with ads stating \"you're going to be amazed by how many things you can do with Apple Watch\", a survey of five Australian technology experts found a less than enthusiastic response to the current offerings available on the watch. They all expect the second version to be a vast improvement, pointing to a long lasting battery life as the number one feature missing from the current Apple Watch. Other key features which are absent, include an independent internet connection (the watch relies on an iPhone for data), GPS and water-proofing was also an issue. Apple proudly exclaims it to be 'our most personal device yet'. 'Apple Watch is unlike any device we've ever made,' the company states on its \"Watch Technology\" website. 'The result is an experience that's both unique to Apple Watch and quintessentially Apple. To make the best use of its size and location on your wrist, Apple Watch has all-new interactions and technologies. 'They let you do familiar things more quickly and conveniently.' But Ms Hutchison said the first version of the Apple Watch might simply be 'a waste of money' for some consumers, who might be better off waiting until the 2016 version. The price comparison for the Apple Watch across the UK, Australia and US. From $499 right up to $24,000 . The Apple Watch 1 has been in high demand but some tech", "heads say version two might be worth waiting for . She also estimated that Apple Watch version two would be released on or around March 18, 2016. That was based on a study of release dates between Apple's first and second edition iPods, iPhones and iPads. Two new features the panellists expect to be available on the second version of the Apple Watch are the GPS facility, and being able to work more independently from the iPhone. Greater access for app developers is also likely to be available on the second version, so said the experts. Mike Rundle, the owner of Flyosity, said he wanted to see it 'work independently from the iPhone or won't need an iPhone to set it up'. He also hoped there would be better GPS capability, along with a 'thinner and faster device with a brighter screen' Chris Stead, Editor in Chief, Old Mate Media added: 'Better battery life is a given as Apple improve its tech efficiency.' 'We can also expect more user interface/control options, and greater access to those options for developers. 'This will be required if app makers are going to be able to make bespoke experiences that maximise the Apple Watch, as currently a number of features are gated off, presumably, to minimise quality assurance issues during the device's launch.' Mike Rundle (left) from Flyosity and Chris Stead of Old Mate Media were among the panel assembled to look at what Apple Watch 1 has to offer. Rundle wanted it to 'work independently of the iPhone' Mike", "Bantick (left) is from wants the Apple Watch to be water-proof while Angus Kidman (right) representing Lifehacker Australia on the panel said the new model should be altered to allow for more apps . But the number one technology upgrade that will have the biggest impact on the Apple Watch is the iPhone 7, according to those surveyed, followed by iOS9 ‚ the next mobile operating system ‚ and Apple Pay where users can make contact-less transactions through the so-called Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. 'The most exciting part about the Apple Watch and wearable technology is the endless potential for how these devices will change our lives,' said Ms Hutchison. 'From turning on our TV to pre-empting a heart attack, to the way we access information and how we pay for things, it has the potential to make our lives more convenient and even more productive.' Mike Bantick, Contributing Editor at has called for a water-proof sport version, with GP and headphone options, while Angus Kidman, the editor of Lifehacker Australia called on Apple to 'open SDK so there are more apps' and Jeremy Cabral, Head of Publishing and Editorial at Finder also wants to see it 'work independently to the iPhone'. The Apple Watch will initially be available in just nine countries: Australia, UK, US, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Japan but the company says more countries will come on line at a later date." ]
Tech experts believe the Apple Watch may not live up to expectations due to limitations such as short battery life, lack of GPS, and reliance on iPhone for data. They suggest waiting for the second generation Apple Watch, expected to be released in March 2016, which may address these issues.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Real Madrid ace Gareth Bale treated himself to a Sunday evening BBQ after his earlier exploits had helped Los Blancos on their way to a sensational victory. The Welsh wizard was in fine form for his country during the international break, scoring twice and assisting another in an impressive win victory in Israel. And the former Tottenham Hotspur certainly kept that impressive run going as he opened the scoring in Real Madrid's impressive 9-1 victory against Granada. Gareth Bale Tweeted: 'Unbelievable result this afternoon, great team performance. Now for a BBQ.' Gareth Bale rounds Granada goalkeeper Oier Olazabal to open the scoring during the La Liga . The Welsh winger knocks the ball in from a tight angle as he looks to silence his critics at the Bernabeu . Bale scored for Wales away on international duty and kept up his scoring form with a goal against Granada . The 25-year-old took to Twitter after the victory to show off his sunny Sunday supper following the win. Bale Tweeted: 'Unbelievable result this afternoon, great team performance. Now for a BBQ.' His goal in the 25th minute may have got the ball rolling at the Bernabeu Stadium, but it was Ronaldo who carried on its momentum. Cristiano Ronaldo scored five goals against Granada on Sunday to help Real Madrid to a thumping 9-1 win at the Bernabeu . The Portuguese international but in a display that was deemed impressive, even by his standards, as he put five goals past goalkeeper Oier Olazabal. That five-goal haul included and eight-minute hat-trick and helped keep the pressure on current La Liga leaders Barcelona. Ronaldo's five goals included an eight-minute first-half hat-trick as the visitors were comfortably swept aside . Real Madrid bounced back from their El Clasico defeat by Barcelona with a thumping win on Easter Sunday . The scorebard displaying the favourable result for Real Madrid at the end of the match at the Bernabeu .
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
cup, real, madrid, brazil, ronaldo, competition, costa, messi, champions, group,
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
world cup football championship, Brazil qualified for the finals, Messi said about Ronaldo, world champions will defend their title, Nations Cup, best group of players, real madrid, competition for the cup
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
This topic is about the world cup football championship, Brazil qualifying for the finals, Messi talking about Ronaldo, world champions defending their title, the Nations Cup, the best group of players, real madrid, and a competition for the cup.
Real Madrid star Gareth Bale enjoyed a barbecue on Sunday night after his previous exploits helped Los Blancos achieve a sensational victory. The Welsh wizard was in fine form for his country during the international break, scoring twice and helping another to an impressive victory in Israel. And the former Tottenham Hotspur certainly maintained his impressive streak as he opened the scoring in Real Madrid's impressive 9-1 victory over Granada. The Welsh winger hits the ball from a tight angle as he tries to silence his critics at the Bernabeu. The 25-year-old logged onto Twitter after the win to show off his sunny Sunday dinner after the win. Cristiano Ronaldo scored five goals against Granada on Sunday to help Real Madrid win 9-1 at the Santiago Bernabu. The Portuguese international, but in a display that was considered impressive, even by his standards, scoring five goals against goalkeeper Oier Olazabal. Ronaldo's five goals included an eight-minute first-half hat-trick, with the visitors being easily dismissed.
Real Madrid ace, delighted in a barbecue on Sunday night after his previous exploits helped Los Blancos achieve a sensational victory. The Welsh wizard was in good shape for his country during the international break, scoring twice and helping another to an impressive victory in Israel. The Welsh winger hits the ball from a tight angle as he tries to silence his critics at the Bernabeu. The 25-year-old signed on Twitter after the win to show off his sunny Sunday dinner after the win. Cristiano Ronaldo scored five goals against Granada on Sunday to help Real Madrid win 9-1 at the Santiago Bernabu. The Portuguese international, but in a display that was considered impressive, even by his standards, when he scored five goals against goalkeeper Oier Olazabal Ronaldo's five goals included an eight-minute first-half hat-trick, with the visitors being easily stopped.
[ "Real Madrid ace Gareth Bale treated himself to a Sunday evening BBQ after his earlier exploits had helped Los Blancos on their way to a sensational victory. The Welsh wizard was in fine form for his country during the international break, scoring twice and assisting another in an impressive win victory in Israel. And the former Tottenham Hotspur certainly kept that impressive run going as he opened the scoring in Real Madrid's impressive 9-1 victory against Granada. Gareth Bale Tweeted: 'Unbelievable result this afternoon, great team performance. Now for a BBQ.' Gareth Bale rounds Granada goalkeeper Oier Olazabal to open the scoring during the La Liga . The Welsh winger knocks the ball in from a tight angle as he looks to silence his critics at the Bernabeu . Bale scored for Wales away on international duty and kept up his scoring form with a goal against Granada . The 25-year-old took to Twitter after the victory to show off his sunny Sunday supper following the win. Bale Tweeted: 'Unbelievable result this afternoon, great team performance. Now for a BBQ.' His goal in the 25th minute may have got the ball rolling at the Bernabeu Stadium, but it was Ronaldo who carried on its momentum. Cristiano Ronaldo scored five goals against Granada on Sunday to help Real Madrid to a thumping 9-1 win at the Bernabeu . The Portuguese international but in a display that was deemed impressive, even by his standards, as he put five goals past goalkeeper Oier Olazabal. That five-goal haul included and", "eight-minute hat-trick and helped keep the pressure on current La Liga leaders Barcelona. Ronaldo's five goals included an eight-minute first-half hat-trick as the visitors were comfortably swept aside . Real Madrid bounced back from their El Clasico defeat by Barcelona with a thumping win on Easter Sunday . The scorebard displaying the favourable result for Real Madrid at the end of the match at the Bernabeu ." ]
[ "Real Madrid ace Gareth Bale treated himself to a Sunday evening BBQ after his earlier exploits had helped Los Blancos on their way to a sensational victory. The Welsh wizard was in fine form for his country during the international break, scoring twice and assisting another in an impressive win victory in Israel. And the former Tottenham Hotspur certainly kept that impressive run going as he opened the scoring in Real Madrid's impressive 9-1 victory against Granada. Gareth Bale Tweeted: 'Unbelievable result this afternoon, great team performance. Now for a BBQ.' Gareth Bale rounds Granada goalkeeper Oier Olazabal to open the scoring during the La Liga . The Welsh winger knocks the ball in from a tight angle as he looks to silence his critics at the Bernabeu . Bale scored for Wales away on international duty and kept up his scoring form with a goal against Granada . The 25-year-old took to Twitter after the victory to show off his sunny Sunday supper following the win. Bale Tweeted: 'Unbelievable result this afternoon, great team performance. Now for a BBQ.' His goal in the 25th minute may have got the ball rolling at the Bernabeu Stadium, but it was Ronaldo who carried on its momentum. Cristiano Ronaldo scored five goals against Granada on Sunday to help Real Madrid to a thumping 9-1 win at the Bernabeu . The Portuguese international but in a display that was deemed impressive, even by his standards, as he put five goals past goalkeeper Oier Olazabal. That five-goal haul included and", "eight-minute hat-trick and helped keep the pressure on current La Liga leaders Barcelona. Ronaldo's five goals included an eight-minute first-half hat-trick as the visitors were comfortably swept aside . Real Madrid bounced back from their El Clasico defeat by Barcelona with a thumping win on Easter Sunday . The scorebard displaying the favourable result for Real Madrid at the end of the match at the Bernabeu ." ]
Gareth Bale scored for Real Madrid in their 9-1 win over Granada, following his impressive form for Wales during the international break. Cristiano Ronaldo also starred, scoring five goals including an eight-minute hat-trick.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
An engaged couple have joined forces and lost a combined weight of 11st in time for their big day after the bride-to-be was bullied about her size. Holly Beard, 24, and her fiance Steve Hancock, 27, from Adderley Green, Staffordshire, tipped the scales at over 41st between them when they set a date for their big day in January last year. But Holly decided to slim down when she was teased at the opticians where she worked after her boss brought in a cake as a treat. Scroll down for video . Holly Beard and Steve Hancock reached a combined weight of 41st after moving in together . Before she could tuck in, a member of the public shouted at her: 'She doesn't need a cake - look at the size of her.' Holly, who has since left her job, was left mortified and crying in the toilet after being humiliated in front of her colleagues last April. After vowing to lose weight for her wedding day this May, she joined Weight Watchers in June last year. She has since gone from 17st 8lb to a slim 11st 9lb in just nine months. Steve also began to shed the pounds after joining Holly on her diet plan and switching his meals to align with hers. The warehouse manager lost 5st and going from 23st 7lb to a healthier 18st 7lb since June last year. But after Holly received cruel taunts in her workplace the couple went on a joint diet losing 11st between them . Holly, who lives with Steve says that before she started her diet she would eat without thinking. 'I was getting comfortable with Steve after we moved in together and I didn't realise how to look after myself properly. 'It was just eating too much of everything, too many potatoes, too much lasagne and a pudding after even when I wasn't hungry.' But after her embarrassing incident at work Holly knew that something had to be done. 'In April last year the boss had brought a cake for everybody as a treat that day. 'He gave us the cake and there was a patient standing next to me who shouted: "She doesn't need a cake - look at the size of her." 'It was awful. I cried in the toilets and cried the rest of the day. When other people lost weight, I would find myself defending my own weight. It was a horrible way to live. 'When I went to have a wedding dress fitted in June last year it was a size 22. I decided to join Weight Watchers that month and haven't looked back since.' The dramatic weight loss has also seen Holly slim down from a size 22 to a ten to 12 which has proven to be a nightmare for her wedding dress fitter. Holly went from 17st 8lb to a slim 11st 9lb in just nine months after joining Weight Watchers . 'I've had to have my dress fitted every two months because I am down to a size ten to 12 now. 'She has only just started making the dress and I haven't even seen it. I am giving the poor woman a heart attack.' Holly says that her new size will come as a shock when she gets married, especially guests who live far away. 'I lived in Scotland for half my life so there are so many people who haven't seen me this small. It will be a shock for them when I walk down the aisle.' As well as her health improving, Holly says that her confidence has seen a complete turnaround. 'I would never go out without make-up before. Now I don't even care what I wear because I know I look good on the outside, and I also feel good in myself. 'I'm always going to be curvy, but if Kim Kardashian can be curvy and slim, so can I. 'The best thing has been taking the journey with my future husband. Steve has done so well and I don't want people to forget that we've been through it together.' Steve says that he would never have reached his new weight without the help of his fianc. He said: 'I'm a typical man and I can't cook. Steve has gone from 23st 7lb to a healthier 18st 7lb since June last year . 'Holly cooks all my food and I couldn't have lost the weight without her. She is a different woman now. 'It's crazy how much we've both changed, and I'm so glad we did it before the wedding. It feels like a fresh start.' The couple halved the size of their portions and ate from smaller plates in order to lose weight for their big day. They also cut out carb-heavy lunches and dinners, instead eating healthier salads and well-balanced meals. The pair now plan to tie the knot in front of 40 friends and family at the Three Horseshoes Inn in Blackshaw Moor, Staffordshire on May 21. Holly's mother Pat visits her daughter - who now works as a weight loss consultant for Weight Watchers - every three months and has been stunned by the dramatic weight loss. She said: 'The support Holly and Steve have given each other has been incredible. The wedding gave them both something great to aim for. I'm just so proud. 'They have both been very enthusiastic and such an inspiration. They never looked back. I always thought my daughter looked nice, even before. 'Now she looks absolutely fantastic.'
weight, pounds, fat, diet, body, sugar, healthy, lose, lost, loss,
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
weight loss, lost weight following a diet, body fat, blood sugar levels, healthy diet, lose a few pounds of weight
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
This topic is about weight loss and following a healthy diet in order to regulate body fat and blood sugar levels and lose a few pounds of weight following a diet.
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
Steven Hancock and Holly Beard lost a combined weight of 11st. Beard joined weight watchers and Hancock joined her and changed his diet to match hers. The couple cut back on carbohydrate heavy lunches and dinners.
Beard and Hancock lost the initial weight as a plan to slim down before getting married on May 21st. They planned to get married in front of 40 family and friends. Holly's mother Pat visits her daughter sometimes and she works for weight watchers.
[ "An engaged couple have joined forces and lost a combined weight of 11st in time for their big day after the bride-to-be was bullied about her size. Holly Beard, 24, and her fiance Steve Hancock, 27, from Adderley Green, Staffordshire, tipped the scales at over 41st between them when they set a date for their big day in January last year. But Holly decided to slim down when she was teased at the opticians where she worked after her boss brought in a cake as a treat. Scroll down for video . Holly Beard and Steve Hancock reached a combined weight of 41st after moving in together . Before she could tuck in, a member of the public shouted at her: 'She doesn't need a cake - look at the size of her.' Holly, who has since left her job, was left mortified and crying in the toilet after being humiliated in front of her colleagues last April. After vowing to lose weight for her wedding day this May, she joined Weight Watchers in June last year. She has since gone from 17st 8lb to a slim 11st 9lb in just nine months. Steve also began to shed the pounds after joining Holly on her diet plan and switching his meals to align with hers. The warehouse manager lost 5st and going from 23st 7lb to a healthier 18st 7lb since June last year. But after Holly received cruel taunts in her workplace the couple went on a joint diet losing 11st between them . Holly,", "who lives with Steve says that before she started her diet she would eat without thinking. 'I was getting comfortable with Steve after we moved in together and I didn't realise how to look after myself properly. 'It was just eating too much of everything, too many potatoes, too much lasagne and a pudding after even when I wasn't hungry.' But after her embarrassing incident at work Holly knew that something had to be done. 'In April last year the boss had brought a cake for everybody as a treat that day. 'He gave us the cake and there was a patient standing next to me who shouted: \"She doesn't need a cake - look at the size of her.\" 'It was awful. I cried in the toilets and cried the rest of the day. When other people lost weight, I would find myself defending my own weight. It was a horrible way to live. 'When I went to have a wedding dress fitted in June last year it was a size 22. I decided to join Weight Watchers that month and haven't looked back since.' The dramatic weight loss has also seen Holly slim down from a size 22 to a ten to 12 which has proven to be a nightmare for her wedding dress fitter. Holly went from 17st 8lb to a slim 11st 9lb in just nine months after joining Weight Watchers . 'I've had to have my dress fitted every two months because I am down to a size ten to 12", "now. 'She has only just started making the dress and I haven't even seen it. I am giving the poor woman a heart attack.' Holly says that her new size will come as a shock when she gets married, especially guests who live far away. 'I lived in Scotland for half my life so there are so many people who haven't seen me this small. It will be a shock for them when I walk down the aisle.' As well as her health improving, Holly says that her confidence has seen a complete turnaround. 'I would never go out without make-up before. Now I don't even care what I wear because I know I look good on the outside, and I also feel good in myself. 'I'm always going to be curvy, but if Kim Kardashian can be curvy and slim, so can I. 'The best thing has been taking the journey with my future husband. Steve has done so well and I don't want people to forget that we've been through it together.' Steve says that he would never have reached his new weight without the help of his fianc. He said: 'I'm a typical man and I can't cook. Steve has gone from 23st 7lb to a healthier 18st 7lb since June last year . 'Holly cooks all my food and I couldn't have lost the weight without her. She is a different woman now. 'It's crazy how much we've both changed, and I'm so glad we did it before the wedding. It feels", "like a fresh start.' The couple halved the size of their portions and ate from smaller plates in order to lose weight for their big day. They also cut out carb-heavy lunches and dinners, instead eating healthier salads and well-balanced meals. The pair now plan to tie the knot in front of 40 friends and family at the Three Horseshoes Inn in Blackshaw Moor, Staffordshire on May 21. Holly's mother Pat visits her daughter - who now works as a weight loss consultant for Weight Watchers - every three months and has been stunned by the dramatic weight loss. She said: 'The support Holly and Steve have given each other has been incredible. The wedding gave them both something great to aim for. I'm just so proud. 'They have both been very enthusiastic and such an inspiration. They never looked back. I always thought my daughter looked nice, even before. 'Now she looks absolutely fantastic.'" ]
[ "An engaged couple have joined forces and lost a combined weight of 11st in time for their big day after the bride-to-be was bullied about her size. Holly Beard, 24, and her fiance Steve Hancock, 27, from Adderley Green, Staffordshire, tipped the scales at over 41st between them when they set a date for their big day in January last year. But Holly decided to slim down when she was teased at the opticians where she worked after her boss brought in a cake as a treat. Scroll down for video . Holly Beard and Steve Hancock reached a combined weight of 41st after moving in together . Before she could tuck in, a member of the public shouted at her: 'She doesn't need a cake - look at the size of her.' Holly, who has since left her job, was left mortified and crying in the toilet after being humiliated in front of her colleagues last April. After vowing to lose weight for her wedding day this May, she joined Weight Watchers in June last year. She has since gone from 17st 8lb to a slim 11st 9lb in just nine months. Steve also began to shed the pounds after joining Holly on her diet plan and switching his meals to align with hers. The warehouse manager lost 5st and going from 23st 7lb to a healthier 18st 7lb since June last year. But after Holly received cruel taunts in her workplace the couple went on a joint diet losing 11st between them . Holly,", "who lives with Steve says that before she started her diet she would eat without thinking. 'I was getting comfortable with Steve after we moved in together and I didn't realise how to look after myself properly. 'It was just eating too much of everything, too many potatoes, too much lasagne and a pudding after even when I wasn't hungry.' But after her embarrassing incident at work Holly knew that something had to be done. 'In April last year the boss had brought a cake for everybody as a treat that day. 'He gave us the cake and there was a patient standing next to me who shouted: \"She doesn't need a cake - look at the size of her.\" 'It was awful. I cried in the toilets and cried the rest of the day. When other people lost weight, I would find myself defending my own weight. It was a horrible way to live. 'When I went to have a wedding dress fitted in June last year it was a size 22. I decided to join Weight Watchers that month and haven't looked back since.' The dramatic weight loss has also seen Holly slim down from a size 22 to a ten to 12 which has proven to be a nightmare for her wedding dress fitter. Holly went from 17st 8lb to a slim 11st 9lb in just nine months after joining Weight Watchers . 'I've had to have my dress fitted every two months because I am down to a size ten to 12", "now. 'She has only just started making the dress and I haven't even seen it. I am giving the poor woman a heart attack.' Holly says that her new size will come as a shock when she gets married, especially guests who live far away. 'I lived in Scotland for half my life so there are so many people who haven't seen me this small. It will be a shock for them when I walk down the aisle.' As well as her health improving, Holly says that her confidence has seen a complete turnaround. 'I would never go out without make-up before. Now I don't even care what I wear because I know I look good on the outside, and I also feel good in myself. 'I'm always going to be curvy, but if Kim Kardashian can be curvy and slim, so can I. 'The best thing has been taking the journey with my future husband. Steve has done so well and I don't want people to forget that we've been through it together.' Steve says that he would never have reached his new weight without the help of his fianc. He said: 'I'm a typical man and I can't cook. Steve has gone from 23st 7lb to a healthier 18st 7lb since June last year . 'Holly cooks all my food and I couldn't have lost the weight without her. She is a different woman now. 'It's crazy how much we've both changed, and I'm so glad we did it before the wedding. It feels", "like a fresh start.' The couple halved the size of their portions and ate from smaller plates in order to lose weight for their big day. They also cut out carb-heavy lunches and dinners, instead eating healthier salads and well-balanced meals. The pair now plan to tie the knot in front of 40 friends and family at the Three Horseshoes Inn in Blackshaw Moor, Staffordshire on May 21. Holly's mother Pat visits her daughter - who now works as a weight loss consultant for Weight Watchers - every three months and has been stunned by the dramatic weight loss. She said: 'The support Holly and Steve have given each other has been incredible. The wedding gave them both something great to aim for. I'm just so proud. 'They have both been very enthusiastic and such an inspiration. They never looked back. I always thought my daughter looked nice, even before. 'Now she looks absolutely fantastic.'" ]
Holly Beard, 24, and her fiancé Steve Hancock, 27, have lost a combined 11st in preparation for their wedding day. Holly was motivated to lose weight after being bullied about her size at her workplace, where a customer made a rude comment about her appearance. She joined Weight Watchers and lost 6st 1lb, while Steve lost 5st. The couple credits their joint effort and support for each other in achieving their weight loss goals.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
The United States announced Wednesday that it is sending small unarmed drones, armored Humvees and other assistance to Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed separatists ‚ but for the first time the White House said arming Ukraine hasn't been ruled out. Some lawmakers are upset that lethal weapons haven't already been included as part of $75 million in new aid announced Wednesday. Asked during a White House press briefing to confirm that the U.S. won't send weapons to the former Soviet nation, Press Secretary Josh Earnest said, 'That's not necessarily accurate.' 'I can't,' he said. 'The President, I think, in his own mind, is continuing to evaluate the situation in eastern Ukraine,' Earnest told reporters, 'and continuing to assess the risk that's associated with providing additional lethal assistance to the Ukrainian military.' Scroll down for video . STILL ON THE TABLE: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Wednesday that the Obama administration hasn't ruled out sending lethal military aid to Ukraine . BROKEN DOWN: Ukraine's military vehicles are being repaired with COINS where bullet-holes have made them otherwise unfit for new duties on the front lines . NEW COSTS? Russian President Vladimiar Putin has consistently denied arming rebels in the war in eastern Ukraine, which began in April after Moscow annexed the mostly Russian-speaking Crimean Peninsula . Obama is weighing the consequences of putting new lethal weapons in the hands of Ukraine's military, weighing the risks that it could further inflame a conflict in which more than 6,000 people have already lost their lives. 'That bloodshed is something that we're trying to avoid and de-escalate,' Earnest said. 'So the president is very mindful of the potential risk that's associated with providing additional lethal military assistance to the Ukrainians.' Members of Congress from both parties have repeatedly urged Obama to provide Ukrainian soldiers with lethal weapons to defend themselves. Cory Fritz, spokesman for Republican House Speaker John Boehner, told the Associated Press that the new aid 'will be completely ineffective.' 'The Ukrainians are begging for help, and the Congress is begging the administration to provide the defensive lethal assistance we authorized in December. Our allies deserve better,' Fritz said. CHEWING IT OVER: Obama, seen Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia, is said to be mulling the geopolitical pros and cons of standing up to Putin by sending new defensive weapons to Kiev . DEVASTATION: Pro-Russian rebels last week inspected the rubble of a destroyed coal mine that was used as a Ukrainian army outpost . In the Senate, a bipartisan group of 13 lawmakers wrote on Tuesday to Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran and Maryland Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski, the top dogs on the Appropriations Committee, asking them to set aside funds specifically for 'defensive weapons' earmarked for Ukraine. 'While these weapons would not allow Ukraine to outmatch the Russian military, they would enable Ukraine to better defend itself and increase the costs of President Putin's aggression in Ukraine,' they wrote. 'By increasing costs for President Putin's aggression, it would discourage future aggression in eastern Europe that could even more directly threaten U.S. national security interests.' Another pair of senators, Tennessee Republican Bob Corker and New Jersey Democrat Bob Menendez, reached across the aisle to jointly demand that the White House green-light new weapons allocations. 'Now is the time for the United States to provide Ukraine with the means to defend itself from continued Russian aggression,' the wrote in a letter to the president. 'We should not be misled by Vladimir Putin's repeated efforts to exploit nominal ceasefire agreements.' Putin, the president of Russia, has consistently denied arming rebels in the war in eastern Ukraine, which began in April after Moscow annexed the mostly Russian-speaking Crimean Peninsula. Corker and Menendez said in their letter that providing defensive weapons to Ukraine could 'impose a greater military cost on Russia' for its aggressive movements. 'After countless broken promises by the Kremlin, it is clear that Moscow's aggression in Ukraine can only be stopped if Putin realizes that the United States and Europe are unequivocally committed to helping Kiev impose this military cost on Russia,' they insisted. HANGING ON BY A PRAYER: Father Alexandr Matveev led his congregation in servcies held in his office on March 8; their Russian Orthodox church's main hall was destroyed by Russian shelling in 2014 . APPROPRIATIONS NEEDED: US senators from both sides of the political aisle want the White House to send weapons to Ukrainian soldiers, and they're willing to spend taxpayer dollars to do it . Word of Wednesday's new aid package came in a telephone call Wednesday from Vice President Joe Biden to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The White House said Biden also expressed concern that Russian-backed separatists are violating cease-fire agreements in eastern Ukraine and keeping out international monitors. Earnest said the new aid includes unmanned drones to help defend Ukrainian forces and enhance their communication; radios and other secure communications equipment; radars to warn and protect against mortar and artillery fire; and medical equipment, including military ambulances. U.S. officials, speaking on a condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the aid on the record, said it includes small Raven drones systems, which can be launched by hand. The U.S. also will send 30 heavily armored Humvees and 200 other regular Humvees. It's not clear how many drones will be sent. Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday that administration officials are discussing lethal assistance and are watching whether the agreements that led to last month's cease-fire are implemented. Nuland said that in the past few days, there have been new transfers of Russian tanks, armored vehicles, heavy artillery and rocket equipment over the border to the separatists in eastern Ukraine.
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
russian, russia, european, europe, ukraine, putin, moscow, greece, eastern, euro,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
Ukraine and Russia, called to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathered in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, bloc of nations within the European Union
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about Ukraine and Russia, calling to fight for Ukraine, euro countries, Russian officials gathering in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a citizen of the eastern European country, and a bloc of nations within the European Union.
During the White House Press conference the press asked the secretary about assistance intended to be given to Ukraine in the form of lethal weapons. US has decided to help Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed separatists. US have announced sending small unarmed drones, armored Humvees and other assistance to Ukraine. The US press secretary told the press that the matter is being considered by the President of US.
Ukraine was a former country of Russia. Russia is said to be assisting separatists in Ukraine to fight against the government. The rebels started agitation in the eastern Ukraine which began in April. The president of Russia is alleged to be helping the activists by supplying arms and ammunition. Ukraine begged US for assistance which would rather increase the cost of Putin's aggressions in Ukraine.
[ "The United States announced Wednesday that it is sending small unarmed drones, armored Humvees and other assistance to Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed separatists ‚ but for the first time the White House said arming Ukraine hasn't been ruled out. Some lawmakers are upset that lethal weapons haven't already been included as part of $75 million in new aid announced Wednesday. Asked during a White House press briefing to confirm that the U.S. won't send weapons to the former Soviet nation, Press Secretary Josh Earnest said, 'That's not necessarily accurate.' 'I can't,' he said. 'The President, I think, in his own mind, is continuing to evaluate the situation in eastern Ukraine,' Earnest told reporters, 'and continuing to assess the risk that's associated with providing additional lethal assistance to the Ukrainian military.' Scroll down for video . STILL ON THE TABLE: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Wednesday that the Obama administration hasn't ruled out sending lethal military aid to Ukraine . BROKEN DOWN: Ukraine's military vehicles are being repaired with COINS where bullet-holes have made them otherwise unfit for new duties on the front lines . NEW COSTS? Russian President Vladimiar Putin has consistently denied arming rebels in the war in eastern Ukraine, which began in April after Moscow annexed the mostly Russian-speaking Crimean Peninsula . Obama is weighing the consequences of putting new lethal weapons in the hands of Ukraine's military, weighing the risks that it could further inflame a conflict in which more than 6,000 people have already lost their lives. 'That", "bloodshed is something that we're trying to avoid and de-escalate,' Earnest said. 'So the president is very mindful of the potential risk that's associated with providing additional lethal military assistance to the Ukrainians.' Members of Congress from both parties have repeatedly urged Obama to provide Ukrainian soldiers with lethal weapons to defend themselves. Cory Fritz, spokesman for Republican House Speaker John Boehner, told the Associated Press that the new aid 'will be completely ineffective.' 'The Ukrainians are begging for help, and the Congress is begging the administration to provide the defensive lethal assistance we authorized in December. Our allies deserve better,' Fritz said. CHEWING IT OVER: Obama, seen Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia, is said to be mulling the geopolitical pros and cons of standing up to Putin by sending new defensive weapons to Kiev . DEVASTATION: Pro-Russian rebels last week inspected the rubble of a destroyed coal mine that was used as a Ukrainian army outpost . In the Senate, a bipartisan group of 13 lawmakers wrote on Tuesday to Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran and Maryland Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski, the top dogs on the Appropriations Committee, asking them to set aside funds specifically for 'defensive weapons' earmarked for Ukraine. 'While these weapons would not allow Ukraine to outmatch the Russian military, they would enable Ukraine to better defend itself and increase the costs of President Putin's aggression in Ukraine,' they wrote. 'By increasing costs for President Putin's aggression, it would discourage future aggression in eastern Europe that could even more directly threaten U.S. national", "security interests.' Another pair of senators, Tennessee Republican Bob Corker and New Jersey Democrat Bob Menendez, reached across the aisle to jointly demand that the White House green-light new weapons allocations. 'Now is the time for the United States to provide Ukraine with the means to defend itself from continued Russian aggression,' the wrote in a letter to the president. 'We should not be misled by Vladimir Putin's repeated efforts to exploit nominal ceasefire agreements.' Putin, the president of Russia, has consistently denied arming rebels in the war in eastern Ukraine, which began in April after Moscow annexed the mostly Russian-speaking Crimean Peninsula. Corker and Menendez said in their letter that providing defensive weapons to Ukraine could 'impose a greater military cost on Russia' for its aggressive movements. 'After countless broken promises by the Kremlin, it is clear that Moscow's aggression in Ukraine can only be stopped if Putin realizes that the United States and Europe are unequivocally committed to helping Kiev impose this military cost on Russia,' they insisted. HANGING ON BY A PRAYER: Father Alexandr Matveev led his congregation in servcies held in his office on March 8; their Russian Orthodox church's main hall was destroyed by Russian shelling in 2014 . APPROPRIATIONS NEEDED: US senators from both sides of the political aisle want the White House to send weapons to Ukrainian soldiers, and they're willing to spend taxpayer dollars to do it . Word of Wednesday's new aid package came in a telephone call Wednesday from Vice President Joe Biden to Ukrainian President", "Petro Poroshenko. The White House said Biden also expressed concern that Russian-backed separatists are violating cease-fire agreements in eastern Ukraine and keeping out international monitors. Earnest said the new aid includes unmanned drones to help defend Ukrainian forces and enhance their communication; radios and other secure communications equipment; radars to warn and protect against mortar and artillery fire; and medical equipment, including military ambulances. U.S. officials, speaking on a condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the aid on the record, said it includes small Raven drones systems, which can be launched by hand. The U.S. also will send 30 heavily armored Humvees and 200 other regular Humvees. It's not clear how many drones will be sent. Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday that administration officials are discussing lethal assistance and are watching whether the agreements that led to last month's cease-fire are implemented. Nuland said that in the past few days, there have been new transfers of Russian tanks, armored vehicles, heavy artillery and rocket equipment over the border to the separatists in eastern Ukraine." ]
[ "The United States announced Wednesday that it is sending small unarmed drones, armored Humvees and other assistance to Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed separatists ‚ but for the first time the White House said arming Ukraine hasn't been ruled out. Some lawmakers are upset that lethal weapons haven't already been included as part of $75 million in new aid announced Wednesday. Asked during a White House press briefing to confirm that the U.S. won't send weapons to the former Soviet nation, Press Secretary Josh Earnest said, 'That's not necessarily accurate.' 'I can't,' he said. 'The President, I think, in his own mind, is continuing to evaluate the situation in eastern Ukraine,' Earnest told reporters, 'and continuing to assess the risk that's associated with providing additional lethal assistance to the Ukrainian military.' Scroll down for video . STILL ON THE TABLE: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Wednesday that the Obama administration hasn't ruled out sending lethal military aid to Ukraine . BROKEN DOWN: Ukraine's military vehicles are being repaired with COINS where bullet-holes have made them otherwise unfit for new duties on the front lines . NEW COSTS? Russian President Vladimiar Putin has consistently denied arming rebels in the war in eastern Ukraine, which began in April after Moscow annexed the mostly Russian-speaking Crimean Peninsula . Obama is weighing the consequences of putting new lethal weapons in the hands of Ukraine's military, weighing the risks that it could further inflame a conflict in which more than 6,000 people have already lost their lives. 'That", "bloodshed is something that we're trying to avoid and de-escalate,' Earnest said. 'So the president is very mindful of the potential risk that's associated with providing additional lethal military assistance to the Ukrainians.' Members of Congress from both parties have repeatedly urged Obama to provide Ukrainian soldiers with lethal weapons to defend themselves. Cory Fritz, spokesman for Republican House Speaker John Boehner, told the Associated Press that the new aid 'will be completely ineffective.' 'The Ukrainians are begging for help, and the Congress is begging the administration to provide the defensive lethal assistance we authorized in December. Our allies deserve better,' Fritz said. CHEWING IT OVER: Obama, seen Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia, is said to be mulling the geopolitical pros and cons of standing up to Putin by sending new defensive weapons to Kiev . DEVASTATION: Pro-Russian rebels last week inspected the rubble of a destroyed coal mine that was used as a Ukrainian army outpost . In the Senate, a bipartisan group of 13 lawmakers wrote on Tuesday to Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran and Maryland Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski, the top dogs on the Appropriations Committee, asking them to set aside funds specifically for 'defensive weapons' earmarked for Ukraine. 'While these weapons would not allow Ukraine to outmatch the Russian military, they would enable Ukraine to better defend itself and increase the costs of President Putin's aggression in Ukraine,' they wrote. 'By increasing costs for President Putin's aggression, it would discourage future aggression in eastern Europe that could even more directly threaten U.S. national", "security interests.' Another pair of senators, Tennessee Republican Bob Corker and New Jersey Democrat Bob Menendez, reached across the aisle to jointly demand that the White House green-light new weapons allocations. 'Now is the time for the United States to provide Ukraine with the means to defend itself from continued Russian aggression,' the wrote in a letter to the president. 'We should not be misled by Vladimir Putin's repeated efforts to exploit nominal ceasefire agreements.' Putin, the president of Russia, has consistently denied arming rebels in the war in eastern Ukraine, which began in April after Moscow annexed the mostly Russian-speaking Crimean Peninsula. Corker and Menendez said in their letter that providing defensive weapons to Ukraine could 'impose a greater military cost on Russia' for its aggressive movements. 'After countless broken promises by the Kremlin, it is clear that Moscow's aggression in Ukraine can only be stopped if Putin realizes that the United States and Europe are unequivocally committed to helping Kiev impose this military cost on Russia,' they insisted. HANGING ON BY A PRAYER: Father Alexandr Matveev led his congregation in servcies held in his office on March 8; their Russian Orthodox church's main hall was destroyed by Russian shelling in 2014 . APPROPRIATIONS NEEDED: US senators from both sides of the political aisle want the White House to send weapons to Ukrainian soldiers, and they're willing to spend taxpayer dollars to do it . Word of Wednesday's new aid package came in a telephone call Wednesday from Vice President Joe Biden to Ukrainian President", "Petro Poroshenko. The White House said Biden also expressed concern that Russian-backed separatists are violating cease-fire agreements in eastern Ukraine and keeping out international monitors. Earnest said the new aid includes unmanned drones to help defend Ukrainian forces and enhance their communication; radios and other secure communications equipment; radars to warn and protect against mortar and artillery fire; and medical equipment, including military ambulances. U.S. officials, speaking on a condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the aid on the record, said it includes small Raven drones systems, which can be launched by hand. The U.S. also will send 30 heavily armored Humvees and 200 other regular Humvees. It's not clear how many drones will be sent. Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday that administration officials are discussing lethal assistance and are watching whether the agreements that led to last month's cease-fire are implemented. Nuland said that in the past few days, there have been new transfers of Russian tanks, armored vehicles, heavy artillery and rocket equipment over the border to the separatists in eastern Ukraine." ]
The US has announced plans to send non-lethal aid to Ukraine, including drones, armored Humvees, and medical equipment, but has left open the possibility of sending lethal weapons in the future. This decision comes amid concerns about the ongoing conflict between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. The move has drawn criticism from some lawmakers who believe the US should be doing more to support Ukraine militarily. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to deny arming rebels in the region.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas showed his softer side by comforting a young fan who was hit by a wayward shot during his side's emphatic 9-1 win over Granada. Casillas handed the supporter his Real Madrid shirt during the half-time interval after previously making sure the injured fan was OK. The veteran custodian alerted the attention of stewards and medical staff shortly after the incident before going over to see the spectator at the break. Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas looks concerned after seeing a young fan get struck by a ball . Stewards and fans rush to the attention of Casillas following the incident at the Santiago Bernabeu . Casillas' kind gesture came during one of the easiest 90 minutes he has had during his prestigious career in the Spanish capital. La Liga giants Real Madrid eased to a 9-1 victory against relegation candidates Granada to pile pressure on league leaders Barcelona. Real Madrid's impressive front three all managed to get on the scoresheet as Cristiano Ronaldo scored five and Karim Benzema netted a brace following Gareth Bale's opener. The young fan looked delighted to have been handed Casillas' No 1 shirt during the interval . The Real Madrid fan grins after receiving Casillas' goalkeeper shirt at the half-time break of his side's 9-1 win .
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
cup, real, madrid, brazil, ronaldo, competition, costa, messi, champions, group,
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
world cup football championship, Brazil qualified for the finals, Messi said about Ronaldo, world champions will defend their title, Nations Cup, best group of players, real madrid, competition for the cup
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
This topic is about the world cup football championship, Brazil qualifying for the finals, Messi talking about Ronaldo, world champions defending their title, the Nations Cup, the best group of players, real madrid, and a competition for the cup.
Iker Casillas, goalkeeper for Real Madrid, comforted a young fan hit by a wayward shot during his side's win over Granada. The match was a 9-1 victory against Granada, and was an exceptionally good match for Casillas. Real Madrid's front three all got on the scoresheet: Cristiano Ronaldo scored five and Karim Benzema netted a brace after Gareth Bale's opener.
During a 9-1 win over Granada in the Spanish capital, goalkeeper for Real Madrid Iker Casillas comforted a young fan who was hit by a wayward shot. Real Madrid piled pressure on league leaders Barcelona after easing to a 9-1 victory against relegation candidates Granada. Real Madrid's front three all got on the scoresheet: Cristiano Ronaldo scored five and Karim Benzema netted a brace after Gareth Bale's opener.
[ "Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas showed his softer side by comforting a young fan who was hit by a wayward shot during his side's emphatic 9-1 win over Granada. Casillas handed the supporter his Real Madrid shirt during the half-time interval after previously making sure the injured fan was OK. The veteran custodian alerted the attention of stewards and medical staff shortly after the incident before going over to see the spectator at the break. Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas looks concerned after seeing a young fan get struck by a ball . Stewards and fans rush to the attention of Casillas following the incident at the Santiago Bernabeu . Casillas' kind gesture came during one of the easiest 90 minutes he has had during his prestigious career in the Spanish capital. La Liga giants Real Madrid eased to a 9-1 victory against relegation candidates Granada to pile pressure on league leaders Barcelona. Real Madrid's impressive front three all managed to get on the scoresheet as Cristiano Ronaldo scored five and Karim Benzema netted a brace following Gareth Bale's opener. The young fan looked delighted to have been handed Casillas' No 1 shirt during the interval . The Real Madrid fan grins after receiving Casillas' goalkeeper shirt at the half-time break of his side's 9-1 win ." ]
[ "Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas showed his softer side by comforting a young fan who was hit by a wayward shot during his side's emphatic 9-1 win over Granada. Casillas handed the supporter his Real Madrid shirt during the half-time interval after previously making sure the injured fan was OK. The veteran custodian alerted the attention of stewards and medical staff shortly after the incident before going over to see the spectator at the break. Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas looks concerned after seeing a young fan get struck by a ball . Stewards and fans rush to the attention of Casillas following the incident at the Santiago Bernabeu . Casillas' kind gesture came during one of the easiest 90 minutes he has had during his prestigious career in the Spanish capital. La Liga giants Real Madrid eased to a 9-1 victory against relegation candidates Granada to pile pressure on league leaders Barcelona. Real Madrid's impressive front three all managed to get on the scoresheet as Cristiano Ronaldo scored five and Karim Benzema netted a brace following Gareth Bale's opener. The young fan looked delighted to have been handed Casillas' No 1 shirt during the interval . The Real Madrid fan grins after receiving Casillas' goalkeeper shirt at the half-time break of his side's 9-1 win ." ]
During a match between Real Madrid and Granada, a young fan got hit by a stray ball. Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas comforted the fan, ensuring they were okay, and even gave them his jersey during halftime. This act of kindness occurred during an easy 9-1 win for Real Madrid, with Cristiano Ronaldo scoring five goals and other players contributing to the score.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
The red planet might still have liquid water, suggests information collected by Nasa's Curiosity rover. Researchers have long known that there is water in the form of ice on Mars. Now, new information from the Mars rover Curiosity, published in the journal Nature, shows that it is possible that there is liquid water close to the surface of the red planet. The 'Hidden Valley' in Gale Crater on Mars. Very fine-grained sediments, which slowly fell down through the water, were deposited right at the bottom of the crater lake. The sediment plates at the bottom are level, so everything indicates that the entire Gale Crater may have been a large lake. New information from Nasa's Mars rover Curiosity, published in the journal Nature, shows that it is possible that there is liquid water close to the surface of the red planet. The explanation is that the substance perchlorate has been found in the soil, which lowers the freezing point so the water does not freeze into ice, but is liquid and present in very salty water. Curiosity detected salts called perchlorates, which can absorb water from the atmosphere and turn it into briny liquid. When night falls, some of the water vapour in the atmosphere condenses on the planet surface as frost, but calcium perchlorate is very absorbent and it forms a brine with the water, so the freezing point is lowered and the frost can turn into a liquid. Curiosity landed on Mars in 2012 in the large crater, Gale, located just south of the equator. The giant crater is 154 kilometres in diameter and the rim of the crater is almost five kilometres high. In the middle of the crater lies the mountain, Mount Sharp. Curiosity has travelled more than 10km from the landing site towards Mount Sharp and has carried out many studies along the way. Doctor Morten Bo Madsen, associate professor and head of the Mars Group at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, said: 'We have discovered the substance calcium perchlorate in the soil and, under the right conditions, it absorbs water vapour from the atmosphere. 'Our measurements from the Curiosity rover's weather monitoring station show that these conditions exist at night and just after sunrise in the winter. 'Based on measurements of humidity and the temperature at a height of 1.6 metres and at the surface of the planet, we can estimate the amount of water that is absorbed. 'When night falls, some of the water vapour in the atmosphere condenses on the planet surface as frost, but calcium perchlorate is very absorbent and it forms a brine with the water, so the freezing point is lowered and the frost can turn into a liquid. Researchers say that Gale Crater was once a giant lake on the red planet . 'The soil is porous, so what we are seeing is that the water seeps down through the soil. 'Over time, other salts may also dissolve in the soil and now that they are liquid, they can move and precipitate elsewhere under the surface.' Observations by the Mars probe's stereo camera have previously shown areas characteristic of old riverbed with rounded pepples that clearly show that a long time ago there was flowing, running water with a depth of up to one metre. Now the new close-up images taken by the rover all the way en route to Mount Sharp show that there are expanses of sedimentary deposits, lying as 'plates' one above the other and leaning a bit toward Mount Sharp. Evidence of water on Mars dates back to the Mariner 9 mission, which arrived in 1971. It revealed clues of water erosion in river beds and canyons as well as weather fronts and fogs. Viking orbiters that followed caused a revolution in our ideas about water on Mars by showing how floods broke through dams and carved deep valleys. Mars is currently in the middle of an ice age, and before this study, scientists believed liquid water could not exist on its surface. In June 2013, Curiosity found powerful evidence that water good enough to drink once flowed on Mars. In September of the same year, the first scoop of soil analysed by Curiosity revealed that fine materials on the surface of the planet contain two per cent water by weight. Last month, scientists provided the best estimates for water on Mars, claiming it once had more liquid H2) than the Arctic Ocean - and the planet kept these oceans for more than 1.5 billion years. The findings suggest there was ample time and water for life on Mars to thrive, but over the last 3.7 billion years the red planet has lost 87 per cent of its water - leaving it barren and dry. Dr Madsen said: 'These kind of deposits are formed when large amounts of water flow down the slopes of the crater and these streams of water meet the stagnant water in the form of a lake.' However, he added that it is not likely that life will be found on Mars as it is too dry, too cold and the cosmic radiation is so powerful that it penetrates at least one metre into the surface and kills all life - at least life as we know it on Earth. The finding, however, could make it easier for humans to live on Mars in the future. He explains that about 4.5 billion years ago, Mars had 6.5 times as much water as it does now and a thicker atmosphere. But most of this water has disappeared out into space and the reason is that Mars no longer has global magnetic fields, which we have on Earth. Observations by the Mars probe's stereo camera have previously shown areas characteristic of old riverbed with rounded pepples that clearly show that a long time ago there was flowing, running water with a depth of up to one metre. Currents of liquid iron in the Earth's interior generate the magnetic fields and they act as a shield that protects us from cosmic radiation. The magnetic field protects the Earth's atmosphere against degradation from energy rich particles from the sun. But Mars no longer has a global magnetic field and this means that the atmosphere is not protected from radiation from the sun, so the solar particles (protons) simply 'shoot' the atmosphere out into space little by little.
earth, sun, climate, planet, change, surface, atmosphere, carbon, global, temperature,
water, river, lake, bridge, walker, valley, flood, dry, rivers, flooding,
global climate change, atmosphere around the Earth, carbon emissions affect climate change, Earth's surface, global temperatures, temperature of the sun
flooding, lake is dry, bridge, the water in the river has never been so high, flooded river
This topic is about how carbon emissions affect global climate change, the Earth’s surface as well as the atmosphere around the Earth, the temperature of the sun, and global temperatures.
This topic is about flooding, dry lake, bridge, high levels of water in the river, and a flooded river.
Nasa,s describe global climate change on mars planet.In form of ice of water.No life on mars.Carbon emission atmosphere on mars.
Mars water indicate brokage of flood through dams.Mars is not save from sun ray light.Mars has quality of flooded river and dry lake.
[ "The red planet might still have liquid water, suggests information collected by Nasa's Curiosity rover. Researchers have long known that there is water in the form of ice on Mars. Now, new information from the Mars rover Curiosity, published in the journal Nature, shows that it is possible that there is liquid water close to the surface of the red planet. The 'Hidden Valley' in Gale Crater on Mars. Very fine-grained sediments, which slowly fell down through the water, were deposited right at the bottom of the crater lake. The sediment plates at the bottom are level, so everything indicates that the entire Gale Crater may have been a large lake. New information from Nasa's Mars rover Curiosity, published in the journal Nature, shows that it is possible that there is liquid water close to the surface of the red planet. The explanation is that the substance perchlorate has been found in the soil, which lowers the freezing point so the water does not freeze into ice, but is liquid and present in very salty water. Curiosity detected salts called perchlorates, which can absorb water from the atmosphere and turn it into briny liquid. When night falls, some of the water vapour in the atmosphere condenses on the planet surface as frost, but calcium perchlorate is very absorbent and it forms a brine with the water, so the freezing point is lowered and the frost can turn into a liquid. Curiosity landed on Mars in 2012 in the large crater, Gale, located just south of the", "equator. The giant crater is 154 kilometres in diameter and the rim of the crater is almost five kilometres high. In the middle of the crater lies the mountain, Mount Sharp. Curiosity has travelled more than 10km from the landing site towards Mount Sharp and has carried out many studies along the way. Doctor Morten Bo Madsen, associate professor and head of the Mars Group at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, said: 'We have discovered the substance calcium perchlorate in the soil and, under the right conditions, it absorbs water vapour from the atmosphere. 'Our measurements from the Curiosity rover's weather monitoring station show that these conditions exist at night and just after sunrise in the winter. 'Based on measurements of humidity and the temperature at a height of 1.6 metres and at the surface of the planet, we can estimate the amount of water that is absorbed. 'When night falls, some of the water vapour in the atmosphere condenses on the planet surface as frost, but calcium perchlorate is very absorbent and it forms a brine with the water, so the freezing point is lowered and the frost can turn into a liquid. Researchers say that Gale Crater was once a giant lake on the red planet . 'The soil is porous, so what we are seeing is that the water seeps down through the soil. 'Over time, other salts may also dissolve in the soil and now that they are liquid, they can move and precipitate elsewhere under", "the surface.' Observations by the Mars probe's stereo camera have previously shown areas characteristic of old riverbed with rounded pepples that clearly show that a long time ago there was flowing, running water with a depth of up to one metre. Now the new close-up images taken by the rover all the way en route to Mount Sharp show that there are expanses of sedimentary deposits, lying as 'plates' one above the other and leaning a bit toward Mount Sharp. Evidence of water on Mars dates back to the Mariner 9 mission, which arrived in 1971. It revealed clues of water erosion in river beds and canyons as well as weather fronts and fogs. Viking orbiters that followed caused a revolution in our ideas about water on Mars by showing how floods broke through dams and carved deep valleys. Mars is currently in the middle of an ice age, and before this study, scientists believed liquid water could not exist on its surface. In June 2013, Curiosity found powerful evidence that water good enough to drink once flowed on Mars. In September of the same year, the first scoop of soil analysed by Curiosity revealed that fine materials on the surface of the planet contain two per cent water by weight. Last month, scientists provided the best estimates for water on Mars, claiming it once had more liquid H2) than the Arctic Ocean - and the planet kept these oceans for more than 1.5 billion years. The findings suggest there was ample time and water for", "life on Mars to thrive, but over the last 3.7 billion years the red planet has lost 87 per cent of its water - leaving it barren and dry. Dr Madsen said: 'These kind of deposits are formed when large amounts of water flow down the slopes of the crater and these streams of water meet the stagnant water in the form of a lake.' However, he added that it is not likely that life will be found on Mars as it is too dry, too cold and the cosmic radiation is so powerful that it penetrates at least one metre into the surface and kills all life - at least life as we know it on Earth. The finding, however, could make it easier for humans to live on Mars in the future. He explains that about 4.5 billion years ago, Mars had 6.5 times as much water as it does now and a thicker atmosphere. But most of this water has disappeared out into space and the reason is that Mars no longer has global magnetic fields, which we have on Earth. Observations by the Mars probe's stereo camera have previously shown areas characteristic of old riverbed with rounded pepples that clearly show that a long time ago there was flowing, running water with a depth of up to one metre. Currents of liquid iron in the Earth's interior generate the magnetic fields and they act as a shield that protects us from cosmic radiation. The magnetic field protects the Earth's atmosphere against degradation", "from energy rich particles from the sun. But Mars no longer has a global magnetic field and this means that the atmosphere is not protected from radiation from the sun, so the solar particles (protons) simply 'shoot' the atmosphere out into space little by little." ]
[ "The red planet might still have liquid water, suggests information collected by Nasa's Curiosity rover. Researchers have long known that there is water in the form of ice on Mars. Now, new information from the Mars rover Curiosity, published in the journal Nature, shows that it is possible that there is liquid water close to the surface of the red planet. The 'Hidden Valley' in Gale Crater on Mars. Very fine-grained sediments, which slowly fell down through the water, were deposited right at the bottom of the crater lake. The sediment plates at the bottom are level, so everything indicates that the entire Gale Crater may have been a large lake. New information from Nasa's Mars rover Curiosity, published in the journal Nature, shows that it is possible that there is liquid water close to the surface of the red planet. The explanation is that the substance perchlorate has been found in the soil, which lowers the freezing point so the water does not freeze into ice, but is liquid and present in very salty water. Curiosity detected salts called perchlorates, which can absorb water from the atmosphere and turn it into briny liquid. When night falls, some of the water vapour in the atmosphere condenses on the planet surface as frost, but calcium perchlorate is very absorbent and it forms a brine with the water, so the freezing point is lowered and the frost can turn into a liquid. Curiosity landed on Mars in 2012 in the large crater, Gale, located just south of the", "equator. The giant crater is 154 kilometres in diameter and the rim of the crater is almost five kilometres high. In the middle of the crater lies the mountain, Mount Sharp. Curiosity has travelled more than 10km from the landing site towards Mount Sharp and has carried out many studies along the way. Doctor Morten Bo Madsen, associate professor and head of the Mars Group at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, said: 'We have discovered the substance calcium perchlorate in the soil and, under the right conditions, it absorbs water vapour from the atmosphere. 'Our measurements from the Curiosity rover's weather monitoring station show that these conditions exist at night and just after sunrise in the winter. 'Based on measurements of humidity and the temperature at a height of 1.6 metres and at the surface of the planet, we can estimate the amount of water that is absorbed. 'When night falls, some of the water vapour in the atmosphere condenses on the planet surface as frost, but calcium perchlorate is very absorbent and it forms a brine with the water, so the freezing point is lowered and the frost can turn into a liquid. Researchers say that Gale Crater was once a giant lake on the red planet . 'The soil is porous, so what we are seeing is that the water seeps down through the soil. 'Over time, other salts may also dissolve in the soil and now that they are liquid, they can move and precipitate elsewhere under", "the surface.' Observations by the Mars probe's stereo camera have previously shown areas characteristic of old riverbed with rounded pepples that clearly show that a long time ago there was flowing, running water with a depth of up to one metre. Now the new close-up images taken by the rover all the way en route to Mount Sharp show that there are expanses of sedimentary deposits, lying as 'plates' one above the other and leaning a bit toward Mount Sharp. Evidence of water on Mars dates back to the Mariner 9 mission, which arrived in 1971. It revealed clues of water erosion in river beds and canyons as well as weather fronts and fogs. Viking orbiters that followed caused a revolution in our ideas about water on Mars by showing how floods broke through dams and carved deep valleys. Mars is currently in the middle of an ice age, and before this study, scientists believed liquid water could not exist on its surface. In June 2013, Curiosity found powerful evidence that water good enough to drink once flowed on Mars. In September of the same year, the first scoop of soil analysed by Curiosity revealed that fine materials on the surface of the planet contain two per cent water by weight. Last month, scientists provided the best estimates for water on Mars, claiming it once had more liquid H2) than the Arctic Ocean - and the planet kept these oceans for more than 1.5 billion years. The findings suggest there was ample time and water for", "life on Mars to thrive, but over the last 3.7 billion years the red planet has lost 87 per cent of its water - leaving it barren and dry. Dr Madsen said: 'These kind of deposits are formed when large amounts of water flow down the slopes of the crater and these streams of water meet the stagnant water in the form of a lake.' However, he added that it is not likely that life will be found on Mars as it is too dry, too cold and the cosmic radiation is so powerful that it penetrates at least one metre into the surface and kills all life - at least life as we know it on Earth. The finding, however, could make it easier for humans to live on Mars in the future. He explains that about 4.5 billion years ago, Mars had 6.5 times as much water as it does now and a thicker atmosphere. But most of this water has disappeared out into space and the reason is that Mars no longer has global magnetic fields, which we have on Earth. Observations by the Mars probe's stereo camera have previously shown areas characteristic of old riverbed with rounded pepples that clearly show that a long time ago there was flowing, running water with a depth of up to one metre. Currents of liquid iron in the Earth's interior generate the magnetic fields and they act as a shield that protects us from cosmic radiation. The magnetic field protects the Earth's atmosphere against degradation", "from energy rich particles from the sun. But Mars no longer has a global magnetic field and this means that the atmosphere is not protected from radiation from the sun, so the solar particles (protons) simply 'shoot' the atmosphere out into space little by little." ]
There is no mention of walkers or bridges in the text. The main focus is on the possibility of liquid water existing on Mars due to the presence of perchlorates in the soil. These substances lower the freezing point, allowing water to remain liquid even in cold temperatures. The article discusses the history of water on Mars, including evidence of ancient lakes and rivers, and the current state of the planet as being dry and barren.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Barack Obama did not call Kanye West at home - despite the rapper's claims to the contrary- but a presidential staffer did ring to set up a future chat, sources have claimed. The back-and-forth began a couple of weeks ago, when Kanye boasted about his close relationship with the most powerful man in the world during a speech at Oxford University. Kanye, who is married to Kim Kardashian, claimed that Mr Obama would call him at home, and he would call Obama 'out of the blue'. Scroll down for video . Kanye West (left) has admitted Barack Obama (right) did not call him at home ‚ but a source close to rapper claims a presidential staffer did set up a future chat . 'Obama calls the home phone by the way,' he added. Last week, Mr Obama was forced to deny the claims during an appearance on chat show Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying he didn't even have Kanye's home number. When asked about Kanye's claims about their friendship, he replied: 'I met Kanye twice. 'The first time was when I was a senator and he was with his mom and he had just gotten big‚¶ And then about six months ago he came to an event. I love his music.' President Barack Obama had dismissed the claims he called rapper West at home during at appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live (pictured) 'I don't think I've got his home number.' But Kanye refused to back down, and made the bizarre assertion again when questioned by a TMZ reporter at LAX Airport. After the Kimmel interview was aired, Kanye told reporters at LAX Airport 'I love Obama, he called our house before' Despite Mr Obama's flat-out denial, the outspoken rapper still insisted that he would contact him at home. 'I love Obama, he called our house before,' he claimed. 'He knows that, don't try and pit us against each other.' Now the truth appears to have finally been revealed after sources close Kanye said a presidential staffer had contacted the West home to set up a potential future chat with Mr Obama. A source told TMZ that the president had attended a celebrity- filled breakfast in Beverly Hills last October where he spoke about using star power to get people to vote. When it was over Mr Obama told guests including Kim and Kanye he wanted to set up a call to continue the conversation. Afew days later, a staffer reportedly called to follow up. The president has praised Kanye's music but has previously labelled the singer a 'jackass' after his 2009 MTV Video Music Awards antics during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech.
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
During a speech at Oxford University, Kanye West bragged about having a close relationship with Barack Obama. Married to Kim Kardashian, Kanye assured that he has direct contact with Obama, that he would call him directly at his home, and that he could call the president "out of the blue". But last week, during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Obama denied these allegations and claimed he didn't even have the rapper's home number, having only met him twice.
Kanye West insisted he has a very close relationship with Barack Obama, even after the president denied him in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel Live. When asked about the matter by a TMZ reporter at LAX airport, he reaffirmed that Obama had called his home before. Now, the truth seems to have finally been revealed, when a source close to West revealed that a member of the presidential team had tried to establish a future rapper's chat with Obama.
[ "Barack Obama did not call Kanye West at home - despite the rapper's claims to the contrary- but a presidential staffer did ring to set up a future chat, sources have claimed. The back-and-forth began a couple of weeks ago, when Kanye boasted about his close relationship with the most powerful man in the world during a speech at Oxford University. Kanye, who is married to Kim Kardashian, claimed that Mr Obama would call him at home, and he would call Obama 'out of the blue'. Scroll down for video . Kanye West (left) has admitted Barack Obama (right) did not call him at home ‚ but a source close to rapper claims a presidential staffer did set up a future chat . 'Obama calls the home phone by the way,' he added. Last week, Mr Obama was forced to deny the claims during an appearance on chat show Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying he didn't even have Kanye's home number. When asked about Kanye's claims about their friendship, he replied: 'I met Kanye twice. 'The first time was when I was a senator and he was with his mom and he had just gotten big‚¶ And then about six months ago he came to an event. I love his music.' President Barack Obama had dismissed the claims he called rapper West at home during at appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live (pictured) 'I don't think I've got his home number.' But Kanye refused to back down, and made the bizarre assertion again when questioned by a TMZ", "reporter at LAX Airport. After the Kimmel interview was aired, Kanye told reporters at LAX Airport 'I love Obama, he called our house before' Despite Mr Obama's flat-out denial, the outspoken rapper still insisted that he would contact him at home. 'I love Obama, he called our house before,' he claimed. 'He knows that, don't try and pit us against each other.' Now the truth appears to have finally been revealed after sources close Kanye said a presidential staffer had contacted the West home to set up a potential future chat with Mr Obama. A source told TMZ that the president had attended a celebrity- filled breakfast in Beverly Hills last October where he spoke about using star power to get people to vote. When it was over Mr Obama told guests including Kim and Kanye he wanted to set up a call to continue the conversation. Afew days later, a staffer reportedly called to follow up. The president has praised Kanye's music but has previously labelled the singer a 'jackass' after his 2009 MTV Video Music Awards antics during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech." ]
[ "Barack Obama did not call Kanye West at home - despite the rapper's claims to the contrary- but a presidential staffer did ring to set up a future chat, sources have claimed. The back-and-forth began a couple of weeks ago, when Kanye boasted about his close relationship with the most powerful man in the world during a speech at Oxford University. Kanye, who is married to Kim Kardashian, claimed that Mr Obama would call him at home, and he would call Obama 'out of the blue'. Scroll down for video . Kanye West (left) has admitted Barack Obama (right) did not call him at home ‚ but a source close to rapper claims a presidential staffer did set up a future chat . 'Obama calls the home phone by the way,' he added. Last week, Mr Obama was forced to deny the claims during an appearance on chat show Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying he didn't even have Kanye's home number. When asked about Kanye's claims about their friendship, he replied: 'I met Kanye twice. 'The first time was when I was a senator and he was with his mom and he had just gotten big‚¶ And then about six months ago he came to an event. I love his music.' President Barack Obama had dismissed the claims he called rapper West at home during at appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live (pictured) 'I don't think I've got his home number.' But Kanye refused to back down, and made the bizarre assertion again when questioned by a TMZ", "reporter at LAX Airport. After the Kimmel interview was aired, Kanye told reporters at LAX Airport 'I love Obama, he called our house before' Despite Mr Obama's flat-out denial, the outspoken rapper still insisted that he would contact him at home. 'I love Obama, he called our house before,' he claimed. 'He knows that, don't try and pit us against each other.' Now the truth appears to have finally been revealed after sources close Kanye said a presidential staffer had contacted the West home to set up a potential future chat with Mr Obama. A source told TMZ that the president had attended a celebrity- filled breakfast in Beverly Hills last October where he spoke about using star power to get people to vote. When it was over Mr Obama told guests including Kim and Kanye he wanted to set up a call to continue the conversation. Afew days later, a staffer reportedly called to follow up. The president has praised Kanye's music but has previously labelled the singer a 'jackass' after his 2009 MTV Video Music Awards antics during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech." ]
Barack Obama did not call Kanye West at home as claimed by the rapper. A presidential staffer did call to set up a future chat between Obama and West. Kanye West had boasted about his close relationship with Obama, claiming the former president would call him at home. Obama denied the claims on Jimmy Kimmel Live, stating he didn't have West's home number. Despite the denial, West continued to insist that Obama had called his house. Sources close to West now reveal that a staffer had contacted the West home to set up a potential future chat with Obama.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
It's the worst storm to hit the NSW coast in a decade, but what everyone in the region wants to know is why no warning was given that it was going to be this bad. Climate specialist Don White from WeatherWatch Australia confirmed that severe weather warnings were issued by the Bureau of Meteorology on Sunday. However, although they knew it would occur somewhere around the southeast coast, they did not know exactly where. 'The storm was forecast to form between Port Macquarie and Newcastle - that's as about as accurate as they could have predicted. But it turned out to hit closer to Newcastle than Port Macquarie,' Mr White told Daily Mail Australia. 'It all depends on exactly where it forms. This one formed in the worst possible spot, which was just north of Newcastle. It then covered 150km south from Newcastle to Wollongong where a third of Australia's population live. Scroll down for video . A tree and power lines lie across a major road in Raymond Terrace, 50km north of Sydney . A large gum tree (left) that has been uprooted on a property at Booragul, a suburb near Lake Macquarie north of Sydney in NSW. Powerful winds on Monday night and Tuesday morning also brought down scaffolding (right) in Edgecliff, in Sydney's eastern suburbs . A chart from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology shows the forecast for wind speed across New South Wales on Tuesday night . The Hunter Valley was one of the worst-hit areas in NSW and this car in the town of Blacksmiths got the brunt of the weather . 'So it was always going to be very destructive. It's not like it hit a few small fishing villages like a storm did on the south coast a few weeks ago.' Mr White also explained that those trying to forecast the weather had an even more difficult job now as there was not as much resources for them to call on and get the specific information they need. 'Our problem now is that any information that we can get from the upper atmosphere, which is where the cold air exists that initiates these types of conditions, is reliant on predicting satellite imagery,' Mr White told Daily Mail Australia. 'We don't send up as many weather balloons any more, because of budget cuts so it'll affect what can be forecast. 'It's just economics. Weather balloons can now only be used in a limited number of places because of budget cuts, so there's not as many going up every day which means we don't get the same data as before from the upper atmosphere.' Mr White added that this information does not normally make a big difference, but it does in the storm season, because you can forecast thunder storms more accurately and pinpoint more accurately where these storms will be. 'But basically this was fairly well forecasted 24 to 48 hours ahead. The forecast was basically wet and windy but the actual intensity of these things is impossible to predict,' he says. 'This storm has also lasted a bit longer and hasn't moved. Normally it's 12 hours of severe weather and then it eases off. But this severe weather is lasting from 24 to 36 hours.' Emergency services admitted on Tuesday they were shocked by the severity of the storm and that their teams were overwhelmed by a weather system that changed very rapidly. Asked on ABC's 7.30 programme if warning systems had failed, NSW State Emergency Services deputy commissioner Steve Pearce said: 'The weather system did change very rapidly. 'This was an east coast low initially which are always historically very severe weather system however they come in and they go very quickly, this didn't. This has just stayed and tracked, again we have never seen these cyclonic winds last for 24 hours straight that's what's caused the majority of the damage.' A huge tree blocks a road in Avalon on Sydney's Northern Beaches after being uprooted by Tuesday's storms . A radar loop (left) and a cloud map (right) show the East Coast Low weather system causing gales and storm force winds . In Avalon on Sydney's Northern Beaches fallen trees and telegraph poles blocked roads and caused significant damage to property . The cyclone strength winds currently battering the NSW coast are being caused by an intense low-pressure system known as an East Coast Low. The stormy weather system, formed in the Tasman Sea, hasn't hit NSW this strong since 2007 and is expected to be one of the longest lasting ever. But why was everyone taken so by surprise? East Coast Lows are particularly common in June and tend to be more frequent in autumn and winter. They are characterised by gales or storm force winds that can damage buildings, fell trees and powerlines, cause powerful surf that can damage the coast and, in some cases, run ships aground. They can also dump hundreds of millimetres of rain, causing flash flooding and riverine flooding. Mr White told Daily Mail Australia: 'It forms occasionally, usually once a year. But this particular one is quite strong and close to the coast winds are up to 135kmh and rain up to 200mm.' Fire rescue in Narrabeen, in Sydney's northern suburbs, were called to a number of properties where storms had brought down trees . Ferry services have been cancelled at Parramatta (pictured) while services between Manly and Circular Quay have also been stopped . 'This one is probably the strongest since 2007 and it is also going to be the longest lasting one,' Mr White said. 'They normally move away after 12 hours but this one is going to stick around for 24- 36 hours, which is unusually long for an East Coast Low.' East Coast Lows draw strong, moisture-laden winds across the coast, which cause heavy rain to fall when they are uplifted by the hills and ranges that run parallel to the coast. On Monday night 24 Sydney suburbs incurred 100mm of rainfall, with Blacktown hit hardest, thanks to the latest East Coast Low. An estimated 100,000 homes are without power on Tuesday morning across Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter region. Winds of at least 100km/h lashed parts of the east coast, causing this tree to fall on a car in East Gosford, on the NSW Central Coast, on Monday with a driver and passenger inside. They were treated for only minor injuries. They were treated for minor injuries by paramedics. The SES is preparing for damaging winds to hit parts of NSW over the next two days . A pedestrian is drenched while crossing the street in the Sydney central business district during heavy rain on Monday . And a floodwater rescue operation is underway in Hunter area where there have been wind gusts of up to 125km/h - levels recorded in category two cyclones. State Emergency Services Deputy Commissioner Steve Pearce told the ABC on Tuesday the police and NSW Fire and Rescue had been called in to help the SES on the 2400 call-outs they've received so far, with many more expected in daylight when people can see the damage around their homes. 'We've had 24 hours of relentless gale-force winds. I haven't seen this wind damage for years,' Mr Pearce said. Some have speculated this week's East Coast Low will be the worst in five years, while meteorologist with Weatherzone Rob Sharpe told the Sydney Morning Herald: 'This is going to be our most significant east coast low since spring.' 'The last major one that has affected Newcastle was in 2007. East Coast Lows were common in the 1970s but became less common in the 90s,' Mr White said. A ship makes its way out to sea in Sydney on Monday. The Bureau of Meteorology has been issued for Sydney Closed Waters, the Hunter Coast, Sydney Coast, Illawarra Coast, Batemans Coast and Eden Coast . The SES had responded to about 15 jobs on Monday morning, mainly in Sydney metro area . 'If it is to the north of Newcastle the max effect occurs all the way down to Wollongong, which is in the vicinity of the nation where most people live so it causes the most damage.' In June 2007 bulk carrier Pasha Bulker ran aground near Newcastle amid wind gusts up to 124km/h. Other notable east coast lows occurred in October 2004, when there were mean wave heights off Sydney of 5m with a maximum height of about 10m. In August 1998, more than 300mm of rain fell over four days in Sydney and Illawarra, 420mm at Beaumont and 401mm at Kangaroo Valley. In May 1974, 165km/h gust at the Newcastle Nobbies saw bulk carrier the Sygna run aground. And in August 1857, the Dunbar wrecked at South Head killing 121, with only one person surviving. A commuter wades through a flooded train station in Sydney's central business district on Tuesday morning amid wild weather . Winds as powerful as a category two cyclones have lashed the Hunter region of New South Wales, with the SES is receiving 200 calls an hour as wild weather continues to hit large parts of the state . TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY . THURSDAY . FRIDAY . SATURDAY . Pedestrians shelter under umbrellas from heavy rain in Sydney on Monday. Rain and damaging winds averaging 55 to 70 km/h with gusts to about 100 km are forecast to develop along the coastal fringe of the Sydney Metropolitan, Hunter and Illawarra regions . Snow has started to fall at Perisher in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales . Perisher will see a snow shower or two on Monday with a maximum temperature of three degrees celcius . On Tuesday there will be a 30 per cent chance of a snow shower with temperatures expected to sit between -1 and 3 degrees . The first major snowfall of the year has happened at the ski fields at Thredbo, in southern New South Wales near the Victoria border . The area's forecast says to expect possible snow showers in areas above 1200m and temperatures between -2 and 3 degrees .
coast, miles, storm, east, map, pacific, atlantic, winds, western, ocean,
snow, weather, cold, winter, temperatures, conditions, hot, morning, expected, parts,
east coast storm, pacific ocean, western winds, high speed winds, stormy weather, atlantic coast
winter temperatures, hot weather conditions, a cold morning, snow is expected later
This topic is about an east coast storm with high speed winds creating stormy weather on the Atlantic coast, as opposed to the western winds from the Pacific Ocean.
This topic is about winter temperatures as opposed to hot weather conditions, cold mornings, and weather forecasts like snow being expected later.
A huge storm hit the NSW coast from the southeast coast. Along with flood water, the wind gusts of up to 125km/hr in several regions. Several regions have been affected uprooting of huge trees, creating great damage to public and private property.
There is prediction of Snow fall in some places. Average of 30 percentage snowfall is predicted for some places. Temperature is expected to be between -2 and 3 degrees.
[ "It's the worst storm to hit the NSW coast in a decade, but what everyone in the region wants to know is why no warning was given that it was going to be this bad. Climate specialist Don White from WeatherWatch Australia confirmed that severe weather warnings were issued by the Bureau of Meteorology on Sunday. However, although they knew it would occur somewhere around the southeast coast, they did not know exactly where. 'The storm was forecast to form between Port Macquarie and Newcastle - that's as about as accurate as they could have predicted. But it turned out to hit closer to Newcastle than Port Macquarie,' Mr White told Daily Mail Australia. 'It all depends on exactly where it forms. This one formed in the worst possible spot, which was just north of Newcastle. It then covered 150km south from Newcastle to Wollongong where a third of Australia's population live. Scroll down for video . A tree and power lines lie across a major road in Raymond Terrace, 50km north of Sydney . A large gum tree (left) that has been uprooted on a property at Booragul, a suburb near Lake Macquarie north of Sydney in NSW. Powerful winds on Monday night and Tuesday morning also brought down scaffolding (right) in Edgecliff, in Sydney's eastern suburbs . A chart from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology shows the forecast for wind speed across New South Wales on Tuesday night . The Hunter Valley was one of the worst-hit areas in NSW and this car in", "lasted a bit longer and hasn't moved. Normally it's 12 hours of severe weather and then it eases off. But this severe weather is lasting from 24 to 36 hours.' Emergency services admitted on Tuesday they were shocked by the severity of the storm and that their teams were overwhelmed by a weather system that changed very rapidly. Asked on ABC's 7.30 programme if warning systems had failed, NSW State Emergency Services deputy commissioner Steve Pearce said: 'The weather system did change very rapidly. 'This was an east coast low initially which are always historically very severe weather system however they come in and they go very quickly, this didn't. This has just stayed and tracked, again we have never seen these cyclonic winds last for 24 hours straight that's what's caused the majority of the damage.' A huge tree blocks a road in Avalon on Sydney's Northern Beaches after being uprooted by Tuesday's storms . A radar loop (left) and a cloud map (right) show the East Coast Low weather system causing gales and storm force winds . In Avalon on Sydney's Northern Beaches fallen trees and telegraph poles blocked roads and caused significant damage to property . The cyclone strength winds currently battering the NSW coast are being caused by an intense low-pressure system known as an East Coast Low. The stormy weather system, formed in the Tasman Sea, hasn't hit NSW this strong since 2007 and is expected to be one of the longest lasting ever. But why was everyone taken so by", "surprise? East Coast Lows are particularly common in June and tend to be more frequent in autumn and winter. They are characterised by gales or storm force winds that can damage buildings, fell trees and powerlines, cause powerful surf that can damage the coast and, in some cases, run ships aground. They can also dump hundreds of millimetres of rain, causing flash flooding and riverine flooding. Mr White told Daily Mail Australia: 'It forms occasionally, usually once a year. But this particular one is quite strong and close to the coast winds are up to 135kmh and rain up to 200mm.' Fire rescue in Narrabeen, in Sydney's northern suburbs, were called to a number of properties where storms had brought down trees . Ferry services have been cancelled at Parramatta (pictured) while services between Manly and Circular Quay have also been stopped . 'This one is probably the strongest since 2007 and it is also going to be the longest lasting one,' Mr White said. 'They normally move away after 12 hours but this one is going to stick around for 24- 36 hours, which is unusually long for an East Coast Low.' East Coast Lows draw strong, moisture-laden winds across the coast, which cause heavy rain to fall when they are uplifted by the hills and ranges that run parallel to the coast. On Monday night 24 Sydney suburbs incurred 100mm of rainfall, with Blacktown hit hardest, thanks to the latest East Coast Low. An estimated 100,000 homes are without power on Tuesday morning across", "Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter region. Winds of at least 100km/h lashed parts of the east coast, causing this tree to fall on a car in East Gosford, on the NSW Central Coast, on Monday with a driver and passenger inside. They were treated for only minor injuries. They were treated for minor injuries by paramedics. The SES is preparing for damaging winds to hit parts of NSW over the next two days . A pedestrian is drenched while crossing the street in the Sydney central business district during heavy rain on Monday . And a floodwater rescue operation is underway in Hunter area where there have been wind gusts of up to 125km/h - levels recorded in category two cyclones. State Emergency Services Deputy Commissioner Steve Pearce told the ABC on Tuesday the police and NSW Fire and Rescue had been called in to help the SES on the 2400 call-outs they've received so far, with many more expected in daylight when people can see the damage around their homes. 'We've had 24 hours of relentless gale-force winds. I haven't seen this wind damage for years,' Mr Pearce said. Some have speculated this week's East Coast Low will be the worst in five years, while meteorologist with Weatherzone Rob Sharpe told the Sydney Morning Herald: 'This is going to be our most significant east coast low since spring.' 'The last major one that has affected Newcastle was in 2007. East Coast Lows were common in the 1970s but became less common in the 90s,'", "Mr White said. A ship makes its way out to sea in Sydney on Monday. The Bureau of Meteorology has been issued for Sydney Closed Waters, the Hunter Coast, Sydney Coast, Illawarra Coast, Batemans Coast and Eden Coast . The SES had responded to about 15 jobs on Monday morning, mainly in Sydney metro area . 'If it is to the north of Newcastle the max effect occurs all the way down to Wollongong, which is in the vicinity of the nation where most people live so it causes the most damage.' In June 2007 bulk carrier Pasha Bulker ran aground near Newcastle amid wind gusts up to 124km/h. Other notable east coast lows occurred in October 2004, when there were mean wave heights off Sydney of 5m with a maximum height of about 10m. In August 1998, more than 300mm of rain fell over four days in Sydney and Illawarra, 420mm at Beaumont and 401mm at Kangaroo Valley. In May 1974, 165km/h gust at the Newcastle Nobbies saw bulk carrier the Sygna run aground. And in August 1857, the Dunbar wrecked at South Head killing 121, with only one person surviving. A commuter wades through a flooded train station in Sydney's central business district on Tuesday morning amid wild weather . Winds as powerful as a category two cyclones have lashed the Hunter region of New South Wales, with the SES is receiving 200 calls an hour as wild weather continues to hit large parts of the state . TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY . THURSDAY ." ]
[ "the town of Blacksmiths got the brunt of the weather . 'So it was always going to be very destructive. It's not like it hit a few small fishing villages like a storm did on the south coast a few weeks ago.' Mr White also explained that those trying to forecast the weather had an even more difficult job now as there was not as much resources for them to call on and get the specific information they need. 'Our problem now is that any information that we can get from the upper atmosphere, which is where the cold air exists that initiates these types of conditions, is reliant on predicting satellite imagery,' Mr White told Daily Mail Australia. 'We don't send up as many weather balloons any more, because of budget cuts so it'll affect what can be forecast. 'It's just economics. Weather balloons can now only be used in a limited number of places because of budget cuts, so there's not as many going up every day which means we don't get the same data as before from the upper atmosphere.' Mr White added that this information does not normally make a big difference, but it does in the storm season, because you can forecast thunder storms more accurately and pinpoint more accurately where these storms will be. 'But basically this was fairly well forecasted 24 to 48 hours ahead. The forecast was basically wet and windy but the actual intensity of these things is impossible to predict,' he says. 'This storm has also", "lasted a bit longer and hasn't moved. Normally it's 12 hours of severe weather and then it eases off. But this severe weather is lasting from 24 to 36 hours.' Emergency services admitted on Tuesday they were shocked by the severity of the storm and that their teams were overwhelmed by a weather system that changed very rapidly. Asked on ABC's 7.30 programme if warning systems had failed, NSW State Emergency Services deputy commissioner Steve Pearce said: 'The weather system did change very rapidly. 'This was an east coast low initially which are always historically very severe weather system however they come in and they go very quickly, this didn't. This has just stayed and tracked, again we have never seen these cyclonic winds last for 24 hours straight that's what's caused the majority of the damage.' A huge tree blocks a road in Avalon on Sydney's Northern Beaches after being uprooted by Tuesday's storms . A radar loop (left) and a cloud map (right) show the East Coast Low weather system causing gales and storm force winds . In Avalon on Sydney's Northern Beaches fallen trees and telegraph poles blocked roads and caused significant damage to property . The cyclone strength winds currently battering the NSW coast are being caused by an intense low-pressure system known as an East Coast Low. The stormy weather system, formed in the Tasman Sea, hasn't hit NSW this strong since 2007 and is expected to be one of the longest lasting ever. But why was everyone taken so by", "surprise? East Coast Lows are particularly common in June and tend to be more frequent in autumn and winter. They are characterised by gales or storm force winds that can damage buildings, fell trees and powerlines, cause powerful surf that can damage the coast and, in some cases, run ships aground. They can also dump hundreds of millimetres of rain, causing flash flooding and riverine flooding. Mr White told Daily Mail Australia: 'It forms occasionally, usually once a year. But this particular one is quite strong and close to the coast winds are up to 135kmh and rain up to 200mm.' Fire rescue in Narrabeen, in Sydney's northern suburbs, were called to a number of properties where storms had brought down trees . Ferry services have been cancelled at Parramatta (pictured) while services between Manly and Circular Quay have also been stopped . 'This one is probably the strongest since 2007 and it is also going to be the longest lasting one,' Mr White said. 'They normally move away after 12 hours but this one is going to stick around for 24- 36 hours, which is unusually long for an East Coast Low.' East Coast Lows draw strong, moisture-laden winds across the coast, which cause heavy rain to fall when they are uplifted by the hills and ranges that run parallel to the coast. On Monday night 24 Sydney suburbs incurred 100mm of rainfall, with Blacktown hit hardest, thanks to the latest East Coast Low. An estimated 100,000 homes are without power on Tuesday morning across", "Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter region. Winds of at least 100km/h lashed parts of the east coast, causing this tree to fall on a car in East Gosford, on the NSW Central Coast, on Monday with a driver and passenger inside. They were treated for only minor injuries. They were treated for minor injuries by paramedics. The SES is preparing for damaging winds to hit parts of NSW over the next two days . A pedestrian is drenched while crossing the street in the Sydney central business district during heavy rain on Monday . And a floodwater rescue operation is underway in Hunter area where there have been wind gusts of up to 125km/h - levels recorded in category two cyclones. State Emergency Services Deputy Commissioner Steve Pearce told the ABC on Tuesday the police and NSW Fire and Rescue had been called in to help the SES on the 2400 call-outs they've received so far, with many more expected in daylight when people can see the damage around their homes. 'We've had 24 hours of relentless gale-force winds. I haven't seen this wind damage for years,' Mr Pearce said. Some have speculated this week's East Coast Low will be the worst in five years, while meteorologist with Weatherzone Rob Sharpe told the Sydney Morning Herald: 'This is going to be our most significant east coast low since spring.' 'The last major one that has affected Newcastle was in 2007. East Coast Lows were common in the 1970s but became less common in the 90s,'", "FRIDAY . SATURDAY . Pedestrians shelter under umbrellas from heavy rain in Sydney on Monday. Rain and damaging winds averaging 55 to 70 km/h with gusts to about 100 km are forecast to develop along the coastal fringe of the Sydney Metropolitan, Hunter and Illawarra regions . Snow has started to fall at Perisher in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales . Perisher will see a snow shower or two on Monday with a maximum temperature of three degrees celcius . On Tuesday there will be a 30 per cent chance of a snow shower with temperatures expected to sit between -1 and 3 degrees . The first major snowfall of the year has happened at the ski fields at Thredbo, in southern New South Wales near the Victoria border . The area's forecast says to expect possible snow showers in areas above 1200m and temperatures between -2 and 3 degrees ." ]
The article discusses the severe storm that hit the NSW coast, causing widespread destruction and leaving thousands without power. The storm was forecasted 24-48 hours in advance, but its intensity was impossible to predict. Climate specialist Don White explains that the storm formed in the worst possible spot, bringing powerful winds and heavy rain to the region. He also notes that budget cuts have reduced the number of weather balloons available, making it harder to forecast the weather. The storm is expected to last for 24-36 hours, which is unusually long for an East Coast Low.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Arsene Wenger has revealed he only makes the final decision on his starting line-up on the morning of the match - and agonises over the selection all week. The Arsenal manager, who has taken charge of 1,056 matches since his appointment in September 1996, has lifted the lid on his pre-match rituals in an interview with the official Arsenal Magazine. Wenger said: 'I always have eight or nine players of my team in my head the day before the game, but there's always a doubt on one or two. Arsene Wenger has revealed the selection process he uses to pick his Arsenal team . Wenger lifts the FA Cup following Arsenal's triumph over Hull City at Wembley last season . 'You try to make it as scientific as much as you can, but it's intuitive as well because you have to think if the balance of the team is right or if one player was a bit better in the last training session. 'When two players are together in your mind, competing for one position, every single detail can go for one of them - experience, confidence under pressure - everything can make a difference. 'I always have a final chat with the medical people to make my mind up and make sure that everybody is alright. I do that on the morning of every game. Then I make my decision.' But even though the Frenchman waits until the hours before the game to confirm his team, the overall selection process takes much longer. Wenger, drenched in champagne, is held aloft by his players after Arsenal's FA Cup win last season . Wenger said: 'Anyway, you always have your team in your head, for the whole week. You never go to bed without thinking about what the next line-up will be. 'You live with that always. That can create uncertainties, because you think about it every day. 'If you don't know on Friday night, you will not know on Saturday morning so you have to decide in your head early, and go for it.' Wenger's methods have delivered three Premier League titles and five FA Cups during his tenure at Arsenal.
club, team, season, players, england, football, player, league, fans, game,
goal, win, side, scored, minutes, goals, half, barcelona, points, match,
football league, the team's fans, football player, this season's games, world championship, tournament
scored a goal, winning the match by a few points, scored before half-time, barcelona has minutes left
This topic is about a football league having a world championship where each team’s fans are gathered to watch the end of this season’s games culminating in a tournament, to see their favorite football player.
This topic is about winning the match by a few points, and how Barcelona had minutes left and had scored before half-time but were able to score a goal at the end.
In an interview with Arsene Wenger , the manager of Arsenal football club , revealed that he always think of eight to nine players in order to select the team before the match. He said that most of the time he makes the decision on scientific basis but some times he take decisions based on his intuitions. Arsenal has lifted FA cup trophy under his guidance and he believes that whenever he has two players in his mind for a single position then he take decision on the basis of their experience, confidence under pressure . Wenger is immersed in his team so much that sometimes he even finds it hard to go to bed without thinking of the line up for the next match. Due to his dedication for the club, Arsenal has won three Premier League titles and five FA Cups during his tenure.
Arsenal lifted the FA cup following victory over Hull City last season and all the credit goes to the team and their hard working coach Arsene Wenger. The Arsenal manager who has taken charge of 1056 match since his appointment says that sometimes its hard for him to sleep without thinking of the lineup for the next match. His decision changes everyday but he always tries to think of the best possible combination for the next match. Due to his sincerity and dedication for the team, Arsenal has won three Premier League titles and five FA Cups during his tenure as a coach for the team.
[ "Arsene Wenger has revealed he only makes the final decision on his starting line-up on the morning of the match - and agonises over the selection all week. The Arsenal manager, who has taken charge of 1,056 matches since his appointment in September 1996, has lifted the lid on his pre-match rituals in an interview with the official Arsenal Magazine. Wenger said: 'I always have eight or nine players of my team in my head the day before the game, but there's always a doubt on one or two. Arsene Wenger has revealed the selection process he uses to pick his Arsenal team . Wenger lifts the FA Cup following Arsenal's triumph over Hull City at Wembley last season . 'You try to make it as scientific as much as you can, but it's intuitive as well because you have to think if the balance of the team is right or if one player was a bit better in the last training session. 'When two players are together in your mind, competing for one position, every single detail can go for one of them - experience, confidence under pressure - everything can make a difference. 'I always have a final chat with the medical people to make my mind up and make sure that everybody is alright. I do that on the morning of every game. Then I make my decision.' But even though the Frenchman waits until the hours before the game to confirm his team, the overall selection process takes much longer. Wenger, drenched", "in champagne, is held aloft by his players after Arsenal's FA Cup win last season . Wenger said: 'Anyway, you always have your team in your head, for the whole week. You never go to bed without thinking about what the next line-up will be. 'You live with that always. That can create uncertainties, because you think about it every day. 'If you don't know on Friday night, you will not know on Saturday morning so you have to decide in your head early, and go for it.' Wenger's methods have delivered three Premier League titles and five FA Cups during his tenure at Arsenal." ]
[ "Arsene Wenger has revealed he only makes the final decision on his starting line-up on the morning of the match - and agonises over the selection all week. The Arsenal manager, who has taken charge of 1,056 matches since his appointment in September 1996, has lifted the lid on his pre-match rituals in an interview with the official Arsenal Magazine. Wenger said: 'I always have eight or nine players of my team in my head the day before the game, but there's always a doubt on one or two. Arsene Wenger has revealed the selection process he uses to pick his Arsenal team . Wenger lifts the FA Cup following Arsenal's triumph over Hull City at Wembley last season . 'You try to make it as scientific as much as you can, but it's intuitive as well because you have to think if the balance of the team is right or if one player was a bit better in the last training session. 'When two players are together in your mind, competing for one position, every single detail can go for one of them - experience, confidence under pressure - everything can make a difference. 'I always have a final chat with the medical people to make my mind up and make sure that everybody is alright. I do that on the morning of every game. Then I make my decision.' But even though the Frenchman waits until the hours before the game to confirm his team, the overall selection process takes much longer. Wenger, drenched", "in champagne, is held aloft by his players after Arsenal's FA Cup win last season . Wenger said: 'Anyway, you always have your team in your head, for the whole week. You never go to bed without thinking about what the next line-up will be. 'You live with that always. That can create uncertainties, because you think about it every day. 'If you don't know on Friday night, you will not know on Saturday morning so you have to decide in your head early, and go for it.' Wenger's methods have delivered three Premier League titles and five FA Cups during his tenure at Arsenal." ]
Arsene Wenger reveals his team selection process, making the final decision on the morning of the match, considering factors like experience and confidence under pressure.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Plummeting: Sterling rose above 1.40 euros yesterday to a level not seen since December 2007 ‚ giving British families more 'bang for their buck' on the Continent . British holidaymakers look set for cheaper European holidays after the pound hit its highest level against the euro for more than seven years. Sterling rose above 1.40 euros yesterday to a level not seen since December 2007 ‚ giving British families more 'bang for their buck' on the Continent. The latest surge was seen as a vote of confidence in the British economy at a time when the euro is tumbling on global currency markets. The deepening crisis in Greece and the prospect of hundreds of billions of euros being created through a massive money-printing programme have sent the single currency crashing. A British family now changing £500 would get 70 euros more than they would have done just six months ago and more than 120 euros more than two years ago. Simon Philips, head of retail at travel money specialist No 1 Currency, said: 'A tumbling euro means power to your pound. 'British holidaymakers heading to the eurozone this Easter will enjoy rates not seen since pre-credit crunch.' Figures from Travelex show £500 would now buy 680 euros compared with 610 euros six months ago, 589 euros a year ago and 559 euros two years ago. The rise in the value of the pound against the euro has made everything from hotel rooms and car hire to food and drinks on the Continent cheaper for British families. Some experts believe sterling could rise to 1.55 euros in the coming months as the British economy leaves the struggling eurozone in its wake. David Swann, head of pricing at currency exchange experts Travelex, said: 'The pound is clearly on a winning streak at the moment, having struck another fresh high against the euro. With the pound up 16 per cent against the euro compared to last year, it's going to make a big difference to the Brits who are now booking their Easter and summer holidays.' The euro has been in decline for months but the sell-off accelerated this week after the European Central Bank started printing money through quantitative easing in a bid to kick-start growth across the region. The deepening crisis in Greece and the prospect of hundreds of billions of euros being created through a massive money-printing programme have sent the single currency crashing . The situation in Greece ‚ where the new Left-wing government is struggling to win support from its European paymasters over fresh emergency funding ‚ has also driven the euro lower. Although a strong pound is a boon for British holidaymakers, it can hinder UK exporters by making the goods they sell overseas more expensive for foreign buyers. Harry Adams, managing director of currency specialist Argentex, said the pound could hit 1.55 euros before the end of the year ‚ a level not seen since mid-2002. 'The euro bashing continues and I would be wary to predict when this will end,' he said. 'Investors are very wary of holding euros with the recent implementation of quantitative easing and the uncertainty over Greece. There are far safer currencies to hold such as the dollar and pound, forcing these rates higher and higher.' The pound's rally was not mirrored on the stock market in London where shares suffered their biggest one-day fall since October last year. The FTSE 100 index closed down 173.63 points at 6702.84 ‚ wiping £44billion off the value of Britain's leading companies. Analysts blamed worries about Greece and the wider global economy including a slowdown in China. Speculation that the Federal Reserve, America's powerful central bank, could raise interest rates in the world's biggest economy this summer also hit sentiment. Chris Beauchamp, senior market analyst at City of London trading firm IG, said 'a heady cocktail of worries has sent investors scurrying'.
tax, average, benefits, people, rate, increase, rise, budget, cuts, rates,
billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected,
rise of taxes, increased benefits, expenses, budget increase, average people's budget, decreased rates, taxes benefit average people
economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth
This topic is about a rise of taxes benefitting average people, with increased benefits despite their expenses due to a budget increase and decreased consumer goods rates.
This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.
British holidaymakers look for cheaper holidays after the pound hits the highest level against the euro for more than seven years. The vote of confidence in the british economy when the euro is increasing in the global markets. The decreasing crisis in greece and the prospect of hundreds of billions of euros are created through a massive money printing program have send the single currency crashing. The british family changing the euros to get the higher amount which they invest.
The economic growth of the euro bashing continues and it would vary to predict when that will end. Investors holding euros with the recent implementation of quantitative easing and the uncertainity over the greece. The pounds rally was not mirrrored on the stock market in london where shares suffered their biggest one day fall since october. Speculations that the federal reserve america's powerful central bank could raise interest rates in the worlds biggest economy.
[ "Plummeting: Sterling rose above 1.40 euros yesterday to a level not seen since December 2007 ‚ giving British families more 'bang for their buck' on the Continent . British holidaymakers look set for cheaper European holidays after the pound hit its highest level against the euro for more than seven years. Sterling rose above 1.40 euros yesterday to a level not seen since December 2007 ‚ giving British families more 'bang for their buck' on the Continent. The latest surge was seen as a vote of confidence in the British economy at a time when the euro is tumbling on global currency markets. The deepening crisis in Greece and the prospect of hundreds of billions of euros being created through a massive money-printing programme have sent the single currency crashing. A British family now changing £500 would get 70 euros more than they would have done just six months ago and more than 120 euros more than two years ago. Simon Philips, head of retail at travel money specialist No 1 Currency, said: 'A tumbling euro means power to your pound. 'British holidaymakers heading to the eurozone this Easter will enjoy rates not seen since pre-credit crunch.' Figures from Travelex show £500 would now buy 680 euros compared with 610 euros six months ago, 589 euros a year ago and 559 euros two years ago. The rise in the value of the pound against the euro has made everything from hotel rooms and car hire to food and drinks on the Continent cheaper for British families.", "Some experts believe sterling could rise to 1.55 euros in the coming months as the British economy leaves the struggling eurozone in its wake. David Swann, head of pricing at currency exchange experts Travelex, said: 'The pound is clearly on a winning streak at the moment, having struck another fresh high against the euro. With the pound up 16 per cent against the euro compared to last year, it's going to make a big difference to the Brits who are now booking their Easter and summer holidays.' The euro has been in decline for months but the sell-off accelerated this week after the European Central Bank started printing money through quantitative easing in a bid to kick-start growth across the region. The deepening crisis in Greece and the prospect of hundreds of billions of euros being created through a massive money-printing programme have sent the single currency crashing . The situation in Greece ‚ where the new Left-wing government is struggling to win support from its European paymasters over fresh emergency funding ‚ has also driven the euro lower. Although a strong pound is a boon for British holidaymakers, it can hinder UK exporters by making the goods they sell overseas more expensive for foreign buyers. Harry Adams, managing director of currency specialist Argentex, said the pound could hit 1.55 euros before the end of the year ‚ a level not seen since mid-2002. 'The euro bashing continues and I would be wary to predict when this will end,' he said. 'Investors are very wary of", "holding euros with the recent implementation of quantitative easing and the uncertainty over Greece. There are far safer currencies to hold such as the dollar and pound, forcing these rates higher and higher.' The pound's rally was not mirrored on the stock market in London where shares suffered their biggest one-day fall since October last year. The FTSE 100 index closed down 173.63 points at 6702.84 ‚ wiping £44billion off the value of Britain's leading companies. Analysts blamed worries about Greece and the wider global economy including a slowdown in China. Speculation that the Federal Reserve, America's powerful central bank, could raise interest rates in the world's biggest economy this summer also hit sentiment. Chris Beauchamp, senior market analyst at City of London trading firm IG, said 'a heady cocktail of worries has sent investors scurrying'." ]
[ "Plummeting: Sterling rose above 1.40 euros yesterday to a level not seen since December 2007 ‚ giving British families more 'bang for their buck' on the Continent . British holidaymakers look set for cheaper European holidays after the pound hit its highest level against the euro for more than seven years. Sterling rose above 1.40 euros yesterday to a level not seen since December 2007 ‚ giving British families more 'bang for their buck' on the Continent. The latest surge was seen as a vote of confidence in the British economy at a time when the euro is tumbling on global currency markets. The deepening crisis in Greece and the prospect of hundreds of billions of euros being created through a massive money-printing programme have sent the single currency crashing. A British family now changing £500 would get 70 euros more than they would have done just six months ago and more than 120 euros more than two years ago. Simon Philips, head of retail at travel money specialist No 1 Currency, said: 'A tumbling euro means power to your pound. 'British holidaymakers heading to the eurozone this Easter will enjoy rates not seen since pre-credit crunch.' Figures from Travelex show £500 would now buy 680 euros compared with 610 euros six months ago, 589 euros a year ago and 559 euros two years ago. The rise in the value of the pound against the euro has made everything from hotel rooms and car hire to food and drinks on the Continent cheaper for British families.", "Some experts believe sterling could rise to 1.55 euros in the coming months as the British economy leaves the struggling eurozone in its wake. David Swann, head of pricing at currency exchange experts Travelex, said: 'The pound is clearly on a winning streak at the moment, having struck another fresh high against the euro. With the pound up 16 per cent against the euro compared to last year, it's going to make a big difference to the Brits who are now booking their Easter and summer holidays.' The euro has been in decline for months but the sell-off accelerated this week after the European Central Bank started printing money through quantitative easing in a bid to kick-start growth across the region. The deepening crisis in Greece and the prospect of hundreds of billions of euros being created through a massive money-printing programme have sent the single currency crashing . The situation in Greece ‚ where the new Left-wing government is struggling to win support from its European paymasters over fresh emergency funding ‚ has also driven the euro lower. Although a strong pound is a boon for British holidaymakers, it can hinder UK exporters by making the goods they sell overseas more expensive for foreign buyers. Harry Adams, managing director of currency specialist Argentex, said the pound could hit 1.55 euros before the end of the year ‚ a level not seen since mid-2002. 'The euro bashing continues and I would be wary to predict when this will end,' he said. 'Investors are very wary of", "holding euros with the recent implementation of quantitative easing and the uncertainty over Greece. There are far safer currencies to hold such as the dollar and pound, forcing these rates higher and higher.' The pound's rally was not mirrored on the stock market in London where shares suffered their biggest one-day fall since October last year. The FTSE 100 index closed down 173.63 points at 6702.84 ‚ wiping £44billion off the value of Britain's leading companies. Analysts blamed worries about Greece and the wider global economy including a slowdown in China. Speculation that the Federal Reserve, America's powerful central bank, could raise interest rates in the world's biggest economy this summer also hit sentiment. Chris Beauchamp, senior market analyst at City of London trading firm IG, said 'a heady cocktail of worries has sent investors scurrying'." ]
The pound has reached a 7-year high against the euro, reaching 1.40 euros, due to the euro's decline amidst the Greek crisis and quantitative easing. This makes European holidays cheaper for British families, with £500 buying 70 euros more than 6 months ago and 120 euros more than 2 years ago. Experts predict the pound may reach 1.55 euros in the coming months, benefiting holidaymakers but potentially hindering UK exporters.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A little girl gave Michelle Obama a compliment on Wednesday that nearly every aging woman wants to hear. During a question and answer session at the White House for their annual Take our Daughter's and Son's to Work Day a little girl named Anya Brodie asked Michelle Obama her age. 'I'm 51,' replied Michelle Obama. Say that again!: A little girl named Anya Brodie asked Michelle Obama her age and when Obama told her she was 51-years-old the little girl just couldn't believe it . Give me a hug: Michelle Obama was so flattered by Anya Brodie's compliment that she asked her up on stage so that she could give her a big hug . The girl yelled in amazement, 'You look too young!' A flattered Obama asked Brodie to repeat her effortless compliment back into the microphone, reports CNN. 'Say that again. Give her the mic,' FLOTUS told the moderator. 'You're too young for a 51-year-old!' replied the little girl. Michelle Obama was so touched by the little girl's flattery that she called her up on stage to give her a big hug. In attendance at the event were the children of White House employees, kids from the Boys and Girls Club, and also some kids from D.C Child and Family Services. Warm embrace: Anya Brodie gave Michelle Obama a big warm hug after flattering her by saying that she looked to young to be 51-years-old . Answered questions: In attendance at the question and answer event were the children of White House employees, kids from the Boys and Girls Club, and also some kids from D.C Child and Family Services .
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
children, child, parents, birth, born, kids, families, mother, family, care,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
children and parents, families with children, having kids, giving birth, she became a mother, baby was born
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about having kids, becoming a mother, giving birth, children and their parents, and families with children when a baby is born.
One girl wove a compliment to Michelle Obama on Wednesday that almost every elderly woman wants to hear. This occurred during a question and answer session at the White House for the annual Take Our Daughter and Son to Work Day, a little girl named Anya Brodie asked Michelle Obama how old she was. The event was attended by children of White House employees, children from the Boys and Girls Club, as well as some children from DC Child and Family Services. Questions Answered: Children of White House staff, children from the Boys and Girls Club, as well as some children from DC Child and Family Services attended the Q&A event.
On Wednesday, a girl praised Michelle Obama, and almost every elderly woman likes to listen. In the White House's annual "Bring Our Daughter and Son to Work Day" Q&A session, a little girl named Anya Brody asked Michelle Obama's age. Give me a hug: Michelle Obama was very flattered at the compliment of Anya Brody, and she invited her on stage to give him a big hug. Children of the White House staff, children of the Boys and Girls Club, and some children of the Washington Department of Children and Family Services participated in the event.
[ "A little girl gave Michelle Obama a compliment on Wednesday that nearly every aging woman wants to hear. During a question and answer session at the White House for their annual Take our Daughter's and Son's to Work Day a little girl named Anya Brodie asked Michelle Obama her age. 'I'm 51,' replied Michelle Obama. Say that again!: A little girl named Anya Brodie asked Michelle Obama her age and when Obama told her she was 51-years-old the little girl just couldn't believe it . Give me a hug: Michelle Obama was so flattered by Anya Brodie's compliment that she asked her up on stage so that she could give her a big hug . The girl yelled in amazement, 'You look too young!' A flattered Obama asked Brodie to repeat her effortless compliment back into the microphone, reports CNN. 'Say that again. Give her the mic,' FLOTUS told the moderator. 'You're too young for a 51-year-old!' replied the little girl. Michelle Obama was so touched by the little girl's flattery that she called her up on stage to give her a big hug. In attendance at the event were the children of White House employees, kids from the Boys and Girls Club, and also some kids from D.C Child and Family Services. Warm embrace: Anya Brodie gave Michelle Obama a big warm hug after flattering her by saying that she looked to young to be 51-years-old . Answered questions: In attendance at the question and answer event were the children of White House employees, kids", "from the Boys and Girls Club, and also some kids from D.C Child and Family Services ." ]
[ "A little girl gave Michelle Obama a compliment on Wednesday that nearly every aging woman wants to hear. During a question and answer session at the White House for their annual Take our Daughter's and Son's to Work Day a little girl named Anya Brodie asked Michelle Obama her age. 'I'm 51,' replied Michelle Obama. Say that again!: A little girl named Anya Brodie asked Michelle Obama her age and when Obama told her she was 51-years-old the little girl just couldn't believe it . Give me a hug: Michelle Obama was so flattered by Anya Brodie's compliment that she asked her up on stage so that she could give her a big hug . The girl yelled in amazement, 'You look too young!' A flattered Obama asked Brodie to repeat her effortless compliment back into the microphone, reports CNN. 'Say that again. Give her the mic,' FLOTUS told the moderator. 'You're too young for a 51-year-old!' replied the little girl. Michelle Obama was so touched by the little girl's flattery that she called her up on stage to give her a big hug. In attendance at the event were the children of White House employees, kids from the Boys and Girls Club, and also some kids from D.C Child and Family Services. Warm embrace: Anya Brodie gave Michelle Obama a big warm hug after flattering her by saying that she looked to young to be 51-years-old . Answered questions: In attendance at the question and answer event were the children of White House employees, kids", "from the Boys and Girls Club, and also some kids from D.C Child and Family Services ." ]
At the White House's "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day," a young girl named Anya Brodie asked Michelle Obama her age, and upon learning she was 51, exclaimed that Obama looked "too young." Delighted, Obama invited Brodie on stage for a hug and asked her to repeat the compliment into the microphone. The event was attended by children of White House employees, as well as those from the Boys and Girls Club and D.C. Child and Family Services.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
When Danielle Jones agreed to marry her boyfriend Darrel, she knew it would be a day she'd never forget. But her wedding day took an even better unexpected twist - when her hero Gary Barlow turned up to sing her a ballad. The Take That star stopped by the couple's wedding reception in Berkshire and sung the band's song 'A Million Love Songs' as a wedding gift. Scroll down for video . Never forget: Gary Barlow shocked Take That superfan Danielle Jones, 33, and her husband Darrel by dropping in at her wedding reception to sing 'A Million Love Songs' The maid of honour, Kirsty Miles, tweeted her excitement after the wedding on Good Friday . Gary stopped by the couple's wedding reception and the bride even had a chance to sing with her idol . The singer had promised to go along to the reception at the Beaumont Estate in Old Windsor after orchestrating the surprise over Twitter with Mrs Jones's bridesmaids. Afterwards, the Take That superfan said: 'I'm still on cloud nine, I can't believe it happened.' Bridesmaids Kirsty Miles and Becky Young had contacted the singer three months ago to ask the singer to perform at their best friend's wedding. It came after the 44-year-old announced on Twitter that he would surprise three wedding parties throughout the year, and urged fans to send him suggestions. The pair then started a Twitter campaign using the hashtag #getgarytodanswedding. Barlow then sent the bride a message saying he could not make her special day. She and the other bridesmaid Becky Young had started a Twitter campaign to get the singer at the wedding . But he secretly replied to the bridesmaids saying 'let's do this' - on the condition that they kept it secret from Mrs Jones. Ms Miles told getreading said: 'It was the hardest thing keeping it from Danielle when she was clearly so gutted by it.' Mrs Jones, who got married on Good Friday, added: 'I was so overcome with emotion I was having difficulty breathing. I nearly collapsed, I was screaming, I couldn't believe it! Mrs Jones and her friends are seeing Take That (pictured) several times this year, including in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Milan, Italy . 'After pulling myself together I went over to him, gave him a hug and he carried on with the song. 'We then had loads of photos taken, he spoke to my mum, my husband Darrel and my maid of honour Kirsty.' The first thing Mrs Jones knew about it was when the DJ started playing the Take That song and she saw Barlow standing on the dance floor. Mrs Jones and her friends are seeing Take That several times this year, including in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Milan, Italy.
music, singer, song, band, bruce, pop, fans, album, songs, sound,
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
pop songs, music fans rejoice, a singer and songwriter, first track on the new album, had a sound check, sing along with prerecorded track
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
This topic is about pop songs, music fans rejoice, a singer and songwriter, the first track on the new album, doing a sound check, and singing along with a prerecorded track.
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
Danielle Jones is a big fan of pop songs, specifically of Gary Barlow, Take That's hitmaker. Barlow, both a singer and songwriter, surprise appearance to Jone's wedding aroused happy emotions and rejoice to the newly weds and music fans. The couple and all guests sang along Barlow's first track on the new album with much rejoice.
Both family of friends of newly weds were excited by the chance to dance and sing along with their music superstar. The husband and the wife took so many pictures to remember this wonderful occasion in the future. Mrs. Jones' two brothers plan see Take That tour multiple times this year, including going to London, Birmingham, Manchester, and Milan, Italy.
[ "When Danielle Jones agreed to marry her boyfriend Darrel, she knew it would be a day she'd never forget. But her wedding day took an even better unexpected twist - when her hero Gary Barlow turned up to sing her a ballad. The Take That star stopped by the couple's wedding reception in Berkshire and sung the band's song 'A Million Love Songs' as a wedding gift. Scroll down for video . Never forget: Gary Barlow shocked Take That superfan Danielle Jones, 33, and her husband Darrel by dropping in at her wedding reception to sing 'A Million Love Songs' The maid of honour, Kirsty Miles, tweeted her excitement after the wedding on Good Friday . Gary stopped by the couple's wedding reception and the bride even had a chance to sing with her idol . The singer had promised to go along to the reception at the Beaumont Estate in Old Windsor after orchestrating the surprise over Twitter with Mrs Jones's bridesmaids. Afterwards, the Take That superfan said: 'I'm still on cloud nine, I can't believe it happened.' Bridesmaids Kirsty Miles and Becky Young had contacted the singer three months ago to ask the singer to perform at their best friend's wedding. It came after the 44-year-old announced on Twitter that he would surprise three wedding parties throughout the year, and urged fans to send him suggestions. The pair then started a Twitter campaign using the hashtag #getgarytodanswedding. Barlow then sent the bride a message saying he could not make her special day. She and", "the other bridesmaid Becky Young had started a Twitter campaign to get the singer at the wedding . But he secretly replied to the bridesmaids saying 'let's do this' - on the condition that they kept it secret from Mrs Jones. Ms Miles told getreading said: 'It was the hardest thing keeping it from Danielle when she was clearly so gutted by it.' Mrs Jones, who got married on Good Friday, added: 'I was so overcome with emotion I was having difficulty breathing. I nearly collapsed, I was screaming, I couldn't believe it! Mrs Jones and her friends are seeing Take That (pictured) several times this year, including in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Milan, Italy . 'After pulling myself together I went over to him, gave him a hug and he carried on with the song. 'We then had loads of photos taken, he spoke to my mum, my husband Darrel and my maid of honour Kirsty.' The first thing Mrs Jones knew about it was when the DJ started playing the Take That song and she saw Barlow standing on the dance floor. Mrs Jones and her friends are seeing Take That several times this year, including in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Milan, Italy." ]
[ "When Danielle Jones agreed to marry her boyfriend Darrel, she knew it would be a day she'd never forget. But her wedding day took an even better unexpected twist - when her hero Gary Barlow turned up to sing her a ballad. The Take That star stopped by the couple's wedding reception in Berkshire and sung the band's song 'A Million Love Songs' as a wedding gift. Scroll down for video . Never forget: Gary Barlow shocked Take That superfan Danielle Jones, 33, and her husband Darrel by dropping in at her wedding reception to sing 'A Million Love Songs' The maid of honour, Kirsty Miles, tweeted her excitement after the wedding on Good Friday . Gary stopped by the couple's wedding reception and the bride even had a chance to sing with her idol . The singer had promised to go along to the reception at the Beaumont Estate in Old Windsor after orchestrating the surprise over Twitter with Mrs Jones's bridesmaids. Afterwards, the Take That superfan said: 'I'm still on cloud nine, I can't believe it happened.' Bridesmaids Kirsty Miles and Becky Young had contacted the singer three months ago to ask the singer to perform at their best friend's wedding. It came after the 44-year-old announced on Twitter that he would surprise three wedding parties throughout the year, and urged fans to send him suggestions. The pair then started a Twitter campaign using the hashtag #getgarytodanswedding. Barlow then sent the bride a message saying he could not make her special day. She and", "the other bridesmaid Becky Young had started a Twitter campaign to get the singer at the wedding . But he secretly replied to the bridesmaids saying 'let's do this' - on the condition that they kept it secret from Mrs Jones. Ms Miles told getreading said: 'It was the hardest thing keeping it from Danielle when she was clearly so gutted by it.' Mrs Jones, who got married on Good Friday, added: 'I was so overcome with emotion I was having difficulty breathing. I nearly collapsed, I was screaming, I couldn't believe it! Mrs Jones and her friends are seeing Take That (pictured) several times this year, including in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Milan, Italy . 'After pulling myself together I went over to him, gave him a hug and he carried on with the song. 'We then had loads of photos taken, he spoke to my mum, my husband Darrel and my maid of honour Kirsty.' The first thing Mrs Jones knew about it was when the DJ started playing the Take That song and she saw Barlow standing on the dance floor. Mrs Jones and her friends are seeing Take That several times this year, including in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Milan, Italy." ]
Danielle Jones was thrilled when her idol Gary Barlow surprised her at her wedding reception by singing "A Million Love Songs". Her friends had orchestrated the surprise via Twitter, keeping it a secret until the big reveal. The Take That star performed the song as a wedding gift, leaving the bride overwhelmed with emotion.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
As if the new season wasn't enough, Mad Men fans can revel in the news that sets from the show have been brought to life as part of a new exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image (MOMI) in Astoria, New York. The exhibition, entitled Matthew Weiner's Mad Men, lifts the lid on the creative process behind one of the most highly-acclaimed television series of all time, season seven of which - understood to be the last - is being launched on AMC. Fans can see first-hand the familiar sets including the kitchen from Betty and Don Draper's Ossining home and Don's office, as well as costumes, props and advertising art. Also on display will be research material and notes written by Matthew Weiner, who created the program. Scroll down for video . Don Draper's famous office, which appears in seasons four to six of Mad Men, can be seen first-hand . Don Draper, right, broods in his office. The set is on display in a new exhibition in New York . The set of Betty and Don Draper's kitchen in their New York home featured in seasons one to four of Mad Men. It is displayed as part of a new exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York . The Drapers talk in their New York kitchen, which can now be viewed at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York . The exhibition, which runs until 14 June, offers the most candid insight yet behind the scenes at the iconic show, and is the first time that many of the objects have ever been shown in public. All have been selected by Weiner himself. It offers unique insight into the series' origins, and how its remarkable attention to period detail resulted in a vivid portrait of an era. The exhibition will be accompanied by other Mad Men-themed initiatives around New York City. The cast of Mad Men pose on set. It is one of the most critically acclaimed television series ever made . Don Draper's box of secrets, including Dick Whitman's dogtag, letters, and family photos, are on display at the new Mad Men exhibition . The exhibition also includes an installation of the Mad Men writers' room at Los Angeles Center Studios where the series was shot . The exhibition also includes handwritten notes and drafts of storylines for the show, scribbled by its creator Matthew Weiner .
film, movie, character, films, viewers, set, characters, bond, series, box,
art, museum, display, century, history, ancient, modern, painting, original, library,
movie characters, the new series, action films, bond between the characters, viewers of the film
art museum, ancient art versus modern art, exhibit on art history, an original painting, history section of the library
This topic is about a new series based off action films, for which viewers of the film watch for the bonds between the characters.
This topic is about exhibitions on art history, showing original paintings in an art museum, as well as the history section of the library about ancient art versus modern art.
There is currently an exhibit of the set for the television show Mad Men. Fans of the show will be able to tour sets from previous seasons of the show. There will be other items to be viewed from the writer's of the show including notes and drafts of the storyline.
Original pieces from the television show Mad Men will be on display as part of a new exhibit. Those interested can visit the Museum of Moving Images to visit the display. Fans will enjoy original works from the writers on display in the exhibit.
[ "As if the new season wasn't enough, Mad Men fans can revel in the news that sets from the show have been brought to life as part of a new exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image (MOMI) in Astoria, New York. The exhibition, entitled Matthew Weiner's Mad Men, lifts the lid on the creative process behind one of the most highly-acclaimed television series of all time, season seven of which - understood to be the last - is being launched on AMC. Fans can see first-hand the familiar sets including the kitchen from Betty and Don Draper's Ossining home and Don's office, as well as costumes, props and advertising art. Also on display will be research material and notes written by Matthew Weiner, who created the program. Scroll down for video . Don Draper's famous office, which appears in seasons four to six of Mad Men, can be seen first-hand . Don Draper, right, broods in his office. The set is on display in a new exhibition in New York . The set of Betty and Don Draper's kitchen in their New York home featured in seasons one to four of Mad Men. It is displayed as part of a new exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York . The Drapers talk in their New York kitchen, which can now be viewed at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York . The exhibition, which runs until 14 June, offers the most candid insight yet behind the scenes at", "the iconic show, and is the first time that many of the objects have ever been shown in public. All have been selected by Weiner himself. It offers unique insight into the series' origins, and how its remarkable attention to period detail resulted in a vivid portrait of an era. The exhibition will be accompanied by other Mad Men-themed initiatives around New York City. The cast of Mad Men pose on set. It is one of the most critically acclaimed television series ever made . Don Draper's box of secrets, including Dick Whitman's dogtag, letters, and family photos, are on display at the new Mad Men exhibition . The exhibition also includes an installation of the Mad Men writers' room at Los Angeles Center Studios where the series was shot . The exhibition also includes handwritten notes and drafts of storylines for the show, scribbled by its creator Matthew Weiner ." ]
[ "As if the new season wasn't enough, Mad Men fans can revel in the news that sets from the show have been brought to life as part of a new exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image (MOMI) in Astoria, New York. The exhibition, entitled Matthew Weiner's Mad Men, lifts the lid on the creative process behind one of the most highly-acclaimed television series of all time, season seven of which - understood to be the last - is being launched on AMC. Fans can see first-hand the familiar sets including the kitchen from Betty and Don Draper's Ossining home and Don's office, as well as costumes, props and advertising art. Also on display will be research material and notes written by Matthew Weiner, who created the program. Scroll down for video . Don Draper's famous office, which appears in seasons four to six of Mad Men, can be seen first-hand . Don Draper, right, broods in his office. The set is on display in a new exhibition in New York . The set of Betty and Don Draper's kitchen in their New York home featured in seasons one to four of Mad Men. It is displayed as part of a new exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York . The Drapers talk in their New York kitchen, which can now be viewed at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York . The exhibition, which runs until 14 June, offers the most candid insight yet behind the scenes at", "the iconic show, and is the first time that many of the objects have ever been shown in public. All have been selected by Weiner himself. It offers unique insight into the series' origins, and how its remarkable attention to period detail resulted in a vivid portrait of an era. The exhibition will be accompanied by other Mad Men-themed initiatives around New York City. The cast of Mad Men pose on set. It is one of the most critically acclaimed television series ever made . Don Draper's box of secrets, including Dick Whitman's dogtag, letters, and family photos, are on display at the new Mad Men exhibition . The exhibition also includes an installation of the Mad Men writers' room at Los Angeles Center Studios where the series was shot . The exhibition also includes handwritten notes and drafts of storylines for the show, scribbled by its creator Matthew Weiner ." ]
This article discusses the new exhibition "Matthew Weiner's Mad Men" at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, New York. The exhibit showcases sets, costumes, props, and advertising art from the popular TV series Mad Men, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process. The display features iconic sets like Don Draper's office and the Draper's kitchen, as well as research materials and handwritten notes from creator Matthew Weiner.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
A 4WD has burst into flames in the middle of Sydney airport's busy international terminal car park covering the area in thick smoke. The outdoor car park at the terminal was closed after authorities were alerted to the blaze just after 8am on Thursday. The red 4WD was fully engulfed in flames when authorities arrived and witnesses reported seeing fire spewing from the bonnet of the vehicle. Scroll down for video . A 4WD burst into flames in the middle of an outdoor car park at Sydney airport's busy international terminal on Thursday morning . Witnesses captured footage of NSW Fire and Rescue crews working to put out the flames as thick smoke spewed out over the airport's car park. The 4WD, which was completely destroyed in the fire, was surrounded by other cars at the terminal. It is believed the fire started in the engine in the car. The fire caused traffic delays throughout the international terminal due to heavy smoke. The 4WD was fully engulfed in flames when authorities arrived and witnesses reported seeing fire spewing from the bonnet of the vehicle . Witnesses captured footage of NSW Fire and Rescue crews working to put out the flames as thick smoke spewed out over the airport's car park .
fire, residents, san, wood, firefighters, burning, burned, blaze, flames, fires,
airport, passengers, flight, travel, airlines, passenger, flights, airline, international, transport,
firefighters tackled the blaze, wood burning, residents evacuating, flames, spit embers downwind, burning buildings,
travel via air, passengers on that flight, airlines offering flexible changes, world's busiest airport, international transport, flights were being handled by different air traffic controllers
This topic is about firefighters tackled the blaze, wood burning, residents evacuating, flames, spit embers downwind, and burning buildings.
This topic is about traveling via air, passengers on a flight, airlines offering flexible changes, the world's busiest airport, international transport, and flights being handled by different air traffic controllers.
The Sydney international terminal witnessed a huge traffic jam after a 4WD burst into flames in the middle of the terminal's cark parking area , covering the area in thick smoke. The authorities were alerted about the incident and when they arrived at the spot, fire was spewing from the bonnet of the vehicle. The witnesses present in the cark parking area captured the footage of NSW Fire and Rescue crews working to put out the flames .According to investigating agencies, the fire started in the engine of the car and eventually covered the area with heavy smoke.
The cark part area of Sydney's international terminal had to be closed after a 4WD burst into flames in the middle of the area and covered it in thick smoke. The red 4WD was fully engulfed in flames and fire was spewing from the bonnet of the car. The witnesses present there captured footage of NSW Fire and Rescue crews working to put out the flames. According to the reports, the fire started from the engine of the car. The fire caused traffic delay throughout the terminal by covering the entire area with heavy smoke.
[ "A 4WD has burst into flames in the middle of Sydney airport's busy international terminal car park covering the area in thick smoke. The outdoor car park at the terminal was closed after authorities were alerted to the blaze just after 8am on Thursday. The red 4WD was fully engulfed in flames when authorities arrived and witnesses reported seeing fire spewing from the bonnet of the vehicle. Scroll down for video . A 4WD burst into flames in the middle of an outdoor car park at Sydney airport's busy international terminal on Thursday morning . Witnesses captured footage of NSW Fire and Rescue crews working to put out the flames as thick smoke spewed out over the airport's car park. The 4WD, which was completely destroyed in the fire, was surrounded by other cars at the terminal. It is believed the fire started in the engine in the car. The fire caused traffic delays throughout the international terminal due to heavy smoke. The 4WD was fully engulfed in flames when authorities arrived and witnesses reported seeing fire spewing from the bonnet of the vehicle . Witnesses captured footage of NSW Fire and Rescue crews working to put out the flames as thick smoke spewed out over the airport's car park ." ]
[ "A 4WD has burst into flames in the middle of Sydney airport's busy international terminal car park covering the area in thick smoke. The outdoor car park at the terminal was closed after authorities were alerted to the blaze just after 8am on Thursday. The red 4WD was fully engulfed in flames when authorities arrived and witnesses reported seeing fire spewing from the bonnet of the vehicle. Scroll down for video . A 4WD burst into flames in the middle of an outdoor car park at Sydney airport's busy international terminal on Thursday morning . Witnesses captured footage of NSW Fire and Rescue crews working to put out the flames as thick smoke spewed out over the airport's car park. The 4WD, which was completely destroyed in the fire, was surrounded by other cars at the terminal. It is believed the fire started in the engine in the car. The fire caused traffic delays throughout the international terminal due to heavy smoke. The 4WD was fully engulfed in flames when authorities arrived and witnesses reported seeing fire spewing from the bonnet of the vehicle . Witnesses captured footage of NSW Fire and Rescue crews working to put out the flames as thick smoke spewed out over the airport's car park ." ]
At Sydney Airport's international terminal, a 4WD caught fire in the outdoor car park, causing thick smoke and traffic delays. Authorities responded quickly, putting out the flames, but not before the vehicle was completely destroyed.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock billed taxpayers for more than $10,000 on private flights last fall, including a trip on a private jet to a Chicago Bears football game. The flights last November don't include more than a dozen other trips on donors' planes that Schock has paid for out of his House office expenses or campaign funds since joining Congress in 2009. Schock, a 33-year-old Republican representing Peoria, had already been facing scrutiny for using congressional funds to redecorate his Capitol Hill office in the style of the TV show 'Downton Abbey.' He repaid those charges last month out of his own pocket; his office had said it's reviewing other expenses. Rep. Aaron Schockis accused of billing taxpayers for more than $10,000 on private flights last fall that included a trip to a Chicago Bears football game . Schock and his entourage flew in an Eclipse 500 aircraft like this one . The Chicago Sun-Times reported Sunday night that Schock flew from Peoria, Illinois to Chicago to attend a Bears game against the Minnesota Vikings on November 16, 2014 . Overall, according to the paper, he used $20,855 in taxpayer money for the Chicago trip and another to New York in September, where his political action committee spent another $3,000 for tickets to the Global Citizen Festival concert. This week Schock reportedly hired a pair of lawyers to audit his political and legislative operations. Spokesmen for Schock declined to comment to the Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune, and did not respond to a request from Daily Mail Online. In a statement last week they said a legal team was already poring over 'compliance procedures in his official office, campaign and leadership PAC to determine whether they can be improved.' The football game was part of a longer trip on a chartered six-seat business jet that took off from a civil aviation airport in Manassas, Virginia en route to Peoria on a Friday. The Bears defeated the Vikings but the game may ultimately defeat a congressman . DOWNTON OFFICE: Schock spent $40,000 in taxpayer funds redecorating his Capitol Hill office, but had to pay the money back . The Sunday trip was a sideline before the aircraft returned to Washington, D.C.'s Ronald Reagan National Airport a day later. All the seats were filled, according to pilot Keith Siilats, who told the Sun-Times that Schock's district director Dayne LaHood and three others were aboard. He also said he accompanied the congressman and his group to the football game. He was paid $10,802 for 'commercial transportation' in November, the last month for which numbers are available. 'That whole weekend was paid by the government,' he said. Schock 'called me on Saturday and said "what do you think about' a Chicago trip?"' Siilats recalled for the paper. Chicago Bears single-game tickets range in cost from $106 to $430. It's not clear who paid for them.
house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,
money, pay, paid, card, credit, paying, cards, spent, fund, amount,
senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits
paid money using a credit card, spent money, amount of credit, received funds
This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.
This topic is about credit, receiving funds, paying money using a credit card, and spending money.
Representative Aaron Schock of Illinois earned taxpayers more than $10,000 on private flights last fall, including a trip on a private jet to a Chicago Bears football game. Last November's flights count no more than a dozen other trips on donor planes Schock has paid for out of his House office expenses or campaign funds since he joined Congress in 2009. In total, according to the paper, he used $20,855 in taxpayer money for the trip from Chicago and another to New York in September, where his political action committee spent another $3,000 on tickets to the Global Citizen Festival concert. In a statement, they claimed that a legal team was already examining 'compliance procedures in their official office, at the Campaign and Leadership PAC to determine if they could be improved'.
Schock, a 33-year-old Republican who represents Peoria, was already facing scrutiny for using Congressional funds to redecorate his Capitol office in the style of the 'Downton Abbey' TV show. The Chicago Sun-Times reported Sunday night that Schock flew from Peoria, Illinois to Chicago to watch a Bears game against the Minnesota Vikings on November 16, 2014. Schock's spokespeople declined to comment to the Sun- Times and the Chicago Tribune and did not respond to a request from the Daily Mail Online. In a statement last week, they said a legal team was already examining 'compliance procedures in their official office, at the Campaign and Leadership PAC to determine if they could be improved'. 000 in taxpayer funds redecorating his Capitol office, but had to pay the money back. All seats were taken, according to pilot Keith Siilats, who told the Sun-Times that Schock district director Dayne LaHood and three others were on board. 802 for 'commercial transport' in November, the last month for which numbers are available.
[ "Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock billed taxpayers for more than $10,000 on private flights last fall, including a trip on a private jet to a Chicago Bears football game. The flights last November don't include more than a dozen other trips on donors' planes that Schock has paid for out of his House office expenses or campaign funds since joining Congress in 2009. Schock, a 33-year-old Republican representing Peoria, had already been facing scrutiny for using congressional funds to redecorate his Capitol Hill office in the style of the TV show 'Downton Abbey.' He repaid those charges last month out of his own pocket; his office had said it's reviewing other expenses. Rep. Aaron Schockis accused of billing taxpayers for more than $10,000 on private flights last fall that included a trip to a Chicago Bears football game . Schock and his entourage flew in an Eclipse 500 aircraft like this one . The Chicago Sun-Times reported Sunday night that Schock flew from Peoria, Illinois to Chicago to attend a Bears game against the Minnesota Vikings on November 16, 2014 . Overall, according to the paper, he used $20,855 in taxpayer money for the Chicago trip and another to New York in September, where his political action committee spent another $3,000 for tickets to the Global Citizen Festival concert. This week Schock reportedly hired a pair of lawyers to audit his political and legislative operations. Spokesmen for Schock declined to comment to the Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune, and did not respond to a request from Daily", "Mail Online. In a statement last week they said a legal team was already poring over 'compliance procedures in his official office, campaign and leadership PAC to determine whether they can be improved.' The football game was part of a longer trip on a chartered six-seat business jet that took off from a civil aviation airport in Manassas, Virginia en route to Peoria on a Friday. The Bears defeated the Vikings but the game may ultimately defeat a congressman . DOWNTON OFFICE: Schock spent $40,000 in taxpayer funds redecorating his Capitol Hill office, but had to pay the money back . The Sunday trip was a sideline before the aircraft returned to Washington, D.C.'s Ronald Reagan National Airport a day later. All the seats were filled, according to pilot Keith Siilats, who told the Sun-Times that Schock's district director Dayne LaHood and three others were aboard. He also said he accompanied the congressman and his group to the football game. He was paid $10,802 for 'commercial transportation' in November, the last month for which numbers are available. 'That whole weekend was paid by the government,' he said. Schock 'called me on Saturday and said \"what do you think about' a Chicago trip?\"' Siilats recalled for the paper. Chicago Bears single-game tickets range in cost from $106 to $430. It's not clear who paid for them." ]
[ "Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock billed taxpayers for more than $10,000 on private flights last fall, including a trip on a private jet to a Chicago Bears football game. The flights last November don't include more than a dozen other trips on donors' planes that Schock has paid for out of his House office expenses or campaign funds since joining Congress in 2009. Schock, a 33-year-old Republican representing Peoria, had already been facing scrutiny for using congressional funds to redecorate his Capitol Hill office in the style of the TV show 'Downton Abbey.' He repaid those charges last month out of his own pocket; his office had said it's reviewing other expenses. Rep. Aaron Schockis accused of billing taxpayers for more than $10,000 on private flights last fall that included a trip to a Chicago Bears football game . Schock and his entourage flew in an Eclipse 500 aircraft like this one . The Chicago Sun-Times reported Sunday night that Schock flew from Peoria, Illinois to Chicago to attend a Bears game against the Minnesota Vikings on November 16, 2014 . Overall, according to the paper, he used $20,855 in taxpayer money for the Chicago trip and another to New York in September, where his political action committee spent another $3,000 for tickets to the Global Citizen Festival concert. This week Schock reportedly hired a pair of lawyers to audit his political and legislative operations. Spokesmen for Schock declined to comment to the Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune, and did not respond to a request from Daily", "Mail Online. In a statement last week they said a legal team was already poring over 'compliance procedures in his official office, campaign and leadership PAC to determine whether they can be improved.' The football game was part of a longer trip on a chartered six-seat business jet that took off from a civil aviation airport in Manassas, Virginia en route to Peoria on a Friday. The Bears defeated the Vikings but the game may ultimately defeat a congressman . DOWNTON OFFICE: Schock spent $40,000 in taxpayer funds redecorating his Capitol Hill office, but had to pay the money back . The Sunday trip was a sideline before the aircraft returned to Washington, D.C.'s Ronald Reagan National Airport a day later. All the seats were filled, according to pilot Keith Siilats, who told the Sun-Times that Schock's district director Dayne LaHood and three others were aboard. He also said he accompanied the congressman and his group to the football game. He was paid $10,802 for 'commercial transportation' in November, the last month for which numbers are available. 'That whole weekend was paid by the government,' he said. Schock 'called me on Saturday and said \"what do you think about' a Chicago trip?\"' Siilats recalled for the paper. Chicago Bears single-game tickets range in cost from $106 to $430. It's not clear who paid for them." ]
Illinois Representative Aaron Schock is under fire for billing taxpayers over $10,000 for private flights, including a trip to a Chicago Bears football game. He has also faced criticism for using congressional funds to redecorate his office in the style of the TV show "Downton Abbey." Schock has repaid some of these expenses out of his own pocket, but questions remain about his use of taxpayer money for personal travel and entertainment.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
The Islamic State group claimed credit on Saturday a bombing near the US consulate in Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region a day earlier that killed two Turks. 'Security detachments were able to... detonate a car bomb left at the American consulate building in the city that led to the killing and wounding of many of them,' ISIS said in a daily audio message posted online. But the US State Department said the bombing in Ainkawa, near Kurdish regional capital Arbil, did not kill or wound any consular employees. People gather at the site of a blast in Arbil's Ankawa neighborhood, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, on April 17, 2015 . Kurdish security forces respond to the large explosion, which can be seen in the distance . Saman Barzanchi, the head of the Arbil health department, said Saturday that two ethnically Kurdish Turks were killed and eight people wounded. Officials had said Friday three people were killed. An ISIS-spearheaded offensive overran large areas of Iraq last year, and forces from the Kurdistan region have battled the jihadists on multiple fronts in the north. The relatively stable region has largely been spared the bombings and shootings that have plagued other parts of Iraq on an almost daily basis. The last major attack was a suicide car bombing near the governor's compound in Arbil in November. Islamic State also claimed responsibility for two car bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 27 people on Friday. 'The fighters of the Islamic State detonated two car bombs in the heart of the Iraqi capital this evening and a third in Erbil,' the group said via its news agency. Saman Barzanchi, the head of the Arbil health department, said Saturday that two ethnically Kurdish Turks were killed and eight people wounded . Officials had said Friday three people were killed, but that number was later changed to two . An ISIS-spearheaded offensive overran large areas of Iraq last year, and forces from the Kurdistan region have battled the jihadists on multiple fronts in the north . Last week, two bomb attacks claimed by Egyptian jihadists loyal to the Islamic State killed at least 14 people in the restive Sinai Peninsula, including 11 security personnel. Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, which has carried out a slew of attacks in Sinai since the army's ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, claimed responsibility. A roadside bomb attack on an army vehicle killed six soldiers and wounded two near the North Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid, a jihadist stronghold. 'An armoured personnel carrier for the army of the apostates was destroyed... killing and wounding all aboard,' Ansar Beit al-Madqis said on a Twitter account attributed to it. The military said six soldiers were killed in the attack. 'Their vehicle was targeted by an explosive device placed by the extremist terrorist elements which left an officer, a sergeant, and four soldiers martyred, and two other soldiers wounded,' it said on its Facebook page. Kurdish policemen stand guard at the site of a suicide bomb attack at the entrance of US consulate . Kurdish policemen inspect the site of a suicide bomb attack at the entrance of US consulate . A Kurdish policeman inspects a damaged car at the site of a suicide bomb . Hours later a suicide car bomb targeting a police station in North Sinai's provincial capital of El-Arish killed eight people and wounded 45 others, health ministry spokesman Hossam Abdel Gaffar said. The interior ministry said in a separate statement that five policemen and a civilian were among those killed in the police station bombing, while several policemen were wounded. It said security forces fired at the vehicle before it was able to ram the police station. A police officer said the truck was loaded with explosives but covered with straw, and blew up close to the police station.
attack, attacks, killed, attacked, bomb, people, explosion, bombing, injured, blast,
group, forces, fighters, killed, fighting, militants, syrian, border, town, city,
bomb explosion attack, killed in a bombing attack, injured in the blast, the explosion was caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, car bomb killed and wounded people
group composed of militants, fighters joining forces, ongoing violence in the capital, people dead across the country, militants armed with grenades, border town
This topic is about a bomb explosion attack, people killed in a bombing attack, or injured in the blast, an explosion caused by a bomb, people behind the attack, a car bombing killing and wounding people.
This topic is about a group composed of militants, fighters joining forces, ongoing violence in the capital, people dead across the country, militants armed with grenades, and a border town.
In a large explosion, two ethnically Kurdish Turks were killed and eight people were wounded. In a separate two car bombings in Baghdad, at least 27 people were killed. Another roadside bomb attack on an army vehicle killed six soldiers and two wounded.
The Islamic State group claimed bombing responsibility near the US consulate in Iraq. Kurdish security forces responded to the large explosion. The Egyptian jihadists loyal to the Islamic state killed 14 people in the restive Sinai Peninsula, including 11 security personnel.
[ "The Islamic State group claimed credit on Saturday a bombing near the US consulate in Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region a day earlier that killed two Turks. 'Security detachments were able to... detonate a car bomb left at the American consulate building in the city that led to the killing and wounding of many of them,' ISIS said in a daily audio message posted online. But the US State Department said the bombing in Ainkawa, near Kurdish regional capital Arbil, did not kill or wound any consular employees. People gather at the site of a blast in Arbil's Ankawa neighborhood, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, on April 17, 2015 . Kurdish security forces respond to the large explosion, which can be seen in the distance . Saman Barzanchi, the head of the Arbil health department, said Saturday that two ethnically Kurdish Turks were killed and eight people wounded. Officials had said Friday three people were killed. An ISIS-spearheaded offensive overran large areas of Iraq last year, and forces from the Kurdistan region have battled the jihadists on multiple fronts in the north. The relatively stable region has largely been spared the bombings and shootings that have plagued other parts of Iraq on an almost daily basis. The last major attack was a suicide car bombing near the governor's compound in Arbil in November. Islamic State also claimed responsibility for two car bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 27 people on Friday. 'The fighters of the Islamic State detonated two car bombs", "in the heart of the Iraqi capital this evening and a third in Erbil,' the group said via its news agency. Saman Barzanchi, the head of the Arbil health department, said Saturday that two ethnically Kurdish Turks were killed and eight people wounded . Officials had said Friday three people were killed, but that number was later changed to two . An ISIS-spearheaded offensive overran large areas of Iraq last year, and forces from the Kurdistan region have battled the jihadists on multiple fronts in the north . Last week, two bomb attacks claimed by Egyptian jihadists loyal to the Islamic State killed at least 14 people in the restive Sinai Peninsula, including 11 security personnel. Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, which has carried out a slew of attacks in Sinai since the army's ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, claimed responsibility. A roadside bomb attack on an army vehicle killed six soldiers and wounded two near the North Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid, a jihadist stronghold. 'An armoured personnel carrier for the army of the apostates was destroyed... killing and wounding all aboard,' Ansar Beit al-Madqis said on a Twitter account attributed to it. The military said six soldiers were killed in the attack. 'Their vehicle was targeted by an explosive device placed by the extremist terrorist elements which left an officer, a sergeant, and four soldiers martyred, and two other soldiers wounded,' it said on its Facebook page. Kurdish policemen stand guard at the site of a suicide bomb attack at the entrance", "of US consulate . Kurdish policemen inspect the site of a suicide bomb attack at the entrance of US consulate . A Kurdish policeman inspects a damaged car at the site of a suicide bomb . Hours later a suicide car bomb targeting a police station in North Sinai's provincial capital of El-Arish killed eight people and wounded 45 others, health ministry spokesman Hossam Abdel Gaffar said. The interior ministry said in a separate statement that five policemen and a civilian were among those killed in the police station bombing, while several policemen were wounded. It said security forces fired at the vehicle before it was able to ram the police station. A police officer said the truck was loaded with explosives but covered with straw, and blew up close to the police station." ]
[ "The Islamic State group claimed credit on Saturday a bombing near the US consulate in Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region a day earlier that killed two Turks. 'Security detachments were able to... detonate a car bomb left at the American consulate building in the city that led to the killing and wounding of many of them,' ISIS said in a daily audio message posted online. But the US State Department said the bombing in Ainkawa, near Kurdish regional capital Arbil, did not kill or wound any consular employees. People gather at the site of a blast in Arbil's Ankawa neighborhood, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, on April 17, 2015 . Kurdish security forces respond to the large explosion, which can be seen in the distance . Saman Barzanchi, the head of the Arbil health department, said Saturday that two ethnically Kurdish Turks were killed and eight people wounded. Officials had said Friday three people were killed. An ISIS-spearheaded offensive overran large areas of Iraq last year, and forces from the Kurdistan region have battled the jihadists on multiple fronts in the north. The relatively stable region has largely been spared the bombings and shootings that have plagued other parts of Iraq on an almost daily basis. The last major attack was a suicide car bombing near the governor's compound in Arbil in November. Islamic State also claimed responsibility for two car bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 27 people on Friday. 'The fighters of the Islamic State detonated two car bombs", "in the heart of the Iraqi capital this evening and a third in Erbil,' the group said via its news agency. Saman Barzanchi, the head of the Arbil health department, said Saturday that two ethnically Kurdish Turks were killed and eight people wounded . Officials had said Friday three people were killed, but that number was later changed to two . An ISIS-spearheaded offensive overran large areas of Iraq last year, and forces from the Kurdistan region have battled the jihadists on multiple fronts in the north . Last week, two bomb attacks claimed by Egyptian jihadists loyal to the Islamic State killed at least 14 people in the restive Sinai Peninsula, including 11 security personnel. Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, which has carried out a slew of attacks in Sinai since the army's ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, claimed responsibility. A roadside bomb attack on an army vehicle killed six soldiers and wounded two near the North Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid, a jihadist stronghold. 'An armoured personnel carrier for the army of the apostates was destroyed... killing and wounding all aboard,' Ansar Beit al-Madqis said on a Twitter account attributed to it. The military said six soldiers were killed in the attack. 'Their vehicle was targeted by an explosive device placed by the extremist terrorist elements which left an officer, a sergeant, and four soldiers martyred, and two other soldiers wounded,' it said on its Facebook page. Kurdish policemen stand guard at the site of a suicide bomb attack at the entrance", "of US consulate . Kurdish policemen inspect the site of a suicide bomb attack at the entrance of US consulate . A Kurdish policeman inspects a damaged car at the site of a suicide bomb . Hours later a suicide car bomb targeting a police station in North Sinai's provincial capital of El-Arish killed eight people and wounded 45 others, health ministry spokesman Hossam Abdel Gaffar said. The interior ministry said in a separate statement that five policemen and a civilian were among those killed in the police station bombing, while several policemen were wounded. It said security forces fired at the vehicle before it was able to ram the police station. A police officer said the truck was loaded with explosives but covered with straw, and blew up close to the police station." ]
The Islamic State (ISIS) group claimed responsibility for a bombing near the US consulate in Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region, killing two Turkish nationals and injuring eight others. Additionally, ISIS claimed responsibility for two car bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 27 people. In related news, Egyptian jihadists loyal to ISIS killed at least 14 people in the Sinai Peninsula, including 11 security personnel, in two bomb attacks.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
An American health care worker who contracted Ebola while volunteering in a Sierra Leone treatment unit has been downgraded to critical condition at the National Institutes of Health, doctors said on Monday. The patient's status was changed from serious to critical condition, meaning the person's condition has apparently worsened. The patient is being treated at the National Institutes of Health's hospital near Washington, D.C. The patient was flown in isolation from Sierra Leone on a chartered plane last week and arrived early on Friday morning. The patient's name, age and gender have not been released. Scroll down for video . A health care worker prepares a colleague's Ebola virus protective gear at a clinic operated by the International Medical Corps in Makeni, Sierra Leone. Five people in the U.S. are now being monitored after being exposed to Ebola . The person is a clinician working with Partners in Health, a Boston-based nonprofit organization. The group has been treating patients in Liberia and Sierra Leone since November. This came as a second American health care worker who was possibly exposed to Ebola has been moved to Nebraska Medicine's biocontainment unit after a change in symptoms, the hospital said on Monday. The worker was one of four monitored in Nebraska after exposure to another American who tested positive for Ebola. The person who was moved has not tested positive for the virus, the hospital said. None of the patients has been identified. The hospital said it would receive a fifth person who was part of the initial exposure in Sierra Leone later on Monday. The latest NIH patient is the 11th person with Ebola to be treated in the U.S. Two patients in the U.S. have died: a man treated in Dallas after contracting the virus in Africa and a doctor evacuated from Africa to Nebraska when he was already critically ill. The man in Dallas had contracted the virus in his native Liberia. He transmitted the disease to two nurses, resulting in widespread concern in the U.S., with questions raised about emergency department screening of patients, monitoring of ill travelers from Africa and even disputes over the disposal of potentially infectious waste from hospitals. The World Health Organization has estimated the virus has killed more than 10,000 people, mostly in the West African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The current outbreak is the largest ever for the disease. While deaths have slowed dramatically in recent months, the virus appears stubbornly entrenched in parts of Guinea and Sierra Leone. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman said that besides the patient at NIH, there are 11 other Partners in Health workers being brought to the United States for monitoring. That includes four going to Atlanta to be near Emory University Hospital; one arrived Friday. On Saturday, four health care workers arrived at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, and three arrived in the Washington area on Sunday to be near the NIH campus in Bethesda. One of those being monitored in Nebraska has developed symptoms of Ebola and was being moved to a biocontainment unit, hospital officials said in a news release on Monday. However, none of those being monitored has tested positive for Ebola. The National Institutes of Health said it has no other pending admissions of additional patients with the Ebola virus or who have been exposed to Ebola. CDC workers in Sierra Leone are involved in investigating the illness of the first patient, including looking for other people the person was in contact with. It's possible other people will be transported to the United States for monitoring, said the spokesman, Tom Skinner.= . A U.S. healthcare worker, who had been caring for Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, has been downgraded to critical condition at the National Institutes of Health in DC (pictured)
website, disease, spread, ill, contact, symptoms, infection, deaths, stomach, illness,
health, virus, cases, people, bird, outbreak, infected, public, sick, flu,
the disease is spread through close contact, cases of illness or elevated levels of bacteria, symptoms of this disease include fever, chills, muscle aches and headaches
people infected with the virus, identify new cases, outbreak of measles, public health, new strain of flu, infected cases
This topic is about the disease spreading through close contact, cases of illness or elevated levels of bacteria, and symptoms of the disease such as fever, chills, muscle aches and headaches.
This topic is about people infected with the virus, identifying new cases, the outbreak of measles, public health, new strain of flu, and infected cases.
Ebola is spreading troughout Africa. The National Institution of Health is trying his best to treat people. The illness is very dangerous.
Public health is struggling with the outbreaks of new cases. There are 50.000 new cases a day. In Nebraska a patient that was affected by Ebola have been isolated to keep the rest of the country safe.
[ "An American health care worker who contracted Ebola while volunteering in a Sierra Leone treatment unit has been downgraded to critical condition at the National Institutes of Health, doctors said on Monday. The patient's status was changed from serious to critical condition, meaning the person's condition has apparently worsened. The patient is being treated at the National Institutes of Health's hospital near Washington, D.C. The patient was flown in isolation from Sierra Leone on a chartered plane last week and arrived early on Friday morning. The patient's name, age and gender have not been released. Scroll down for video . A health care worker prepares a colleague's Ebola virus protective gear at a clinic operated by the International Medical Corps in Makeni, Sierra Leone. Five people in the U.S. are now being monitored after being exposed to Ebola . The person is a clinician working with Partners in Health, a Boston-based nonprofit organization. The group has been treating patients in Liberia and Sierra Leone since November. This came as a second American health care worker who was possibly exposed to Ebola has been moved to Nebraska Medicine's biocontainment unit after a change in symptoms, the hospital said on Monday. The worker was one of four monitored in Nebraska after exposure to another American who tested positive for Ebola. The person who was moved has not tested positive for the virus, the hospital said. None of the patients has been identified. The hospital said it would receive a fifth person who was part of the initial exposure", "in Sierra Leone later on Monday. The latest NIH patient is the 11th person with Ebola to be treated in the U.S. Two patients in the U.S. have died: a man treated in Dallas after contracting the virus in Africa and a doctor evacuated from Africa to Nebraska when he was already critically ill. The man in Dallas had contracted the virus in his native Liberia. He transmitted the disease to two nurses, resulting in widespread concern in the U.S., with questions raised about emergency department screening of patients, monitoring of ill travelers from Africa and even disputes over the disposal of potentially infectious waste from hospitals. The World Health Organization has estimated the virus has killed more than 10,000 people, mostly in the West African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The current outbreak is the largest ever for the disease. While deaths have slowed dramatically in recent months, the virus appears stubbornly entrenched in parts of Guinea and Sierra Leone. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman said that besides the patient at NIH, there are 11 other Partners in Health workers being brought to the United States for monitoring. That includes four going to Atlanta to be near Emory University Hospital; one arrived Friday. On Saturday, four health care workers arrived at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, and three arrived in the Washington area on Sunday to be near the NIH campus in Bethesda. One of those being monitored in Nebraska has developed symptoms of Ebola and was being moved", "to a biocontainment unit, hospital officials said in a news release on Monday. However, none of those being monitored has tested positive for Ebola. The National Institutes of Health said it has no other pending admissions of additional patients with the Ebola virus or who have been exposed to Ebola. CDC workers in Sierra Leone are involved in investigating the illness of the first patient, including looking for other people the person was in contact with. It's possible other people will be transported to the United States for monitoring, said the spokesman, Tom Skinner.= . A U.S. healthcare worker, who had been caring for Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, has been downgraded to critical condition at the National Institutes of Health in DC (pictured)" ]
[ "An American health care worker who contracted Ebola while volunteering in a Sierra Leone treatment unit has been downgraded to critical condition at the National Institutes of Health, doctors said on Monday. The patient's status was changed from serious to critical condition, meaning the person's condition has apparently worsened. The patient is being treated at the National Institutes of Health's hospital near Washington, D.C. The patient was flown in isolation from Sierra Leone on a chartered plane last week and arrived early on Friday morning. The patient's name, age and gender have not been released. Scroll down for video . A health care worker prepares a colleague's Ebola virus protective gear at a clinic operated by the International Medical Corps in Makeni, Sierra Leone. Five people in the U.S. are now being monitored after being exposed to Ebola . The person is a clinician working with Partners in Health, a Boston-based nonprofit organization. The group has been treating patients in Liberia and Sierra Leone since November. This came as a second American health care worker who was possibly exposed to Ebola has been moved to Nebraska Medicine's biocontainment unit after a change in symptoms, the hospital said on Monday. The worker was one of four monitored in Nebraska after exposure to another American who tested positive for Ebola. The person who was moved has not tested positive for the virus, the hospital said. None of the patients has been identified. The hospital said it would receive a fifth person who was part of the initial exposure", "in Sierra Leone later on Monday. The latest NIH patient is the 11th person with Ebola to be treated in the U.S. Two patients in the U.S. have died: a man treated in Dallas after contracting the virus in Africa and a doctor evacuated from Africa to Nebraska when he was already critically ill. The man in Dallas had contracted the virus in his native Liberia. He transmitted the disease to two nurses, resulting in widespread concern in the U.S., with questions raised about emergency department screening of patients, monitoring of ill travelers from Africa and even disputes over the disposal of potentially infectious waste from hospitals. The World Health Organization has estimated the virus has killed more than 10,000 people, mostly in the West African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The current outbreak is the largest ever for the disease. While deaths have slowed dramatically in recent months, the virus appears stubbornly entrenched in parts of Guinea and Sierra Leone. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman said that besides the patient at NIH, there are 11 other Partners in Health workers being brought to the United States for monitoring. That includes four going to Atlanta to be near Emory University Hospital; one arrived Friday. On Saturday, four health care workers arrived at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, and three arrived in the Washington area on Sunday to be near the NIH campus in Bethesda. One of those being monitored in Nebraska has developed symptoms of Ebola and was being moved", "to a biocontainment unit, hospital officials said in a news release on Monday. However, none of those being monitored has tested positive for Ebola. The National Institutes of Health said it has no other pending admissions of additional patients with the Ebola virus or who have been exposed to Ebola. CDC workers in Sierra Leone are involved in investigating the illness of the first patient, including looking for other people the person was in contact with. It's possible other people will be transported to the United States for monitoring, said the spokesman, Tom Skinner.= . A U.S. healthcare worker, who had been caring for Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, has been downgraded to critical condition at the National Institutes of Health in DC (pictured)" ]
An American healthcare worker who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone has been downgraded to critical condition at the National Institutes of Health. The patient, whose identity remains unknown, was flown back to the US last week and is being treated in isolation. Meanwhile, five people in the US are being monitored after being exposed to Ebola, and a second healthcare worker has been moved to a biocontainment unit in Nebraska after showing symptoms. The current Ebola outbreak has killed over 10,000 people, mainly in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
The rogue trader facing charges he manipulated the share market and helped trigger a trillion dollar Wall Street crash will remain in jail for the weekend after failing to pay his £5million bail. Navinder Singh Sarao, 37, is facing extradition and is wanted by American prosecutors after allegedly causing the 2010 Wall Street 'flash crash' and making more than £26 million using a fraudulent trading technique. Sarao, of Hounslow, west London, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Wednesday and was bailed with a surety of £5 million. Suspected rogue trader Navinder Sarao (circled) lived in his parents' modest home because it gave him a split-second advantage worth millions of pounds . Sarao (pictured in court) spent a third night in custody last night after failing to pay the £5million surety demanded by the courts to grant him bail . However, he has remained behind bars since his brief appearance, and will remain there over the weekend after an official from the magistrates' court today said it had not received the money. The spokeswoman said: 'It hasn't been paid and it can't be paid over the weekend. He will therefore remain in custody until at least Monday when he is able to pay the money.' The former Brunel University student allegedly made £550,000 in five minutes on the day of the 'Flash Crash', the biggest one-day collapse in Wall Street history. He is accused of using computer programs to create 'spoof' transactions on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and faces charges which could carry a 380-year prison sentence. It's claimed he did all this from his parents' semi-detached home in Hounslow, west London, where he ran his one man trading company. He was arrested at the address on Tuesday afternoon at the request of American prosecutors. Under bail conditions he will be tagged and he has surrendered his passport and must live at the family home - keeping to a curfew of between 11pm and 4am at that address. His parents have also agreed to surrender their passports as part of the bail conditions. A full extradition hearing for Sarao has been set for August 18th and 19th, with a preliminary hearing on May 26th. Sarao's family's semi-detached house in suburban west London (pictured), from where he traded . After his arrest earlier this week made headlines across the world, details of his life have been revealed by former colleagues. One of which told MailOnline today: 'He was a super human trader - we were in awe of his ability to make money. When he left Futex he took £2.5million from his account with him. That was unheard of. 'We were all encouraged to set up offshore accounts. If he has as much money as people think then that's where it'll be.' He is said to have 'loved making money, not spending it', and friend told MailOnline he would make £250,000 a day trading. Despite his alleged wealth he would travel to work late so he could buy off-peak tickets, only have lunch if he could find cut price sandwiches and shunned drinking in pubs for pints of milk at his desk. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
money, pay, paid, card, credit, paying, cards, spent, fund, amount,
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
paid money using a credit card, spent money, amount of credit, received funds
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
This topic is about credit, receiving funds, paying money using a credit card, and spending money.
The rogue broker who faces charges of manipulating the stock market and helping to trigger a trillion-dollar Wall Street crash will remain in prison over the weekend after failing to pay his £5 million bail. Navinder Singh Sarao, 37, faces extradition and is wanted by US prosecutors after allegedly causing the Wall Street 'flash crash' in 2010 and earning more than £26 million using a fraudulent trading technique. Sarao (pictured in court) spent a third night in custody last night after failing to pay the £5 million bail demanded by the courts to grant him bail. Under bail conditions, he will be tagged and handed over his passport and will be expected to live in the family's home - keeping the curfew between 11pm and 4am at that address. Despite his supposed wealth, he would travel to work late so he could buy tickets during off-peak hours, would only eat lunch if he could find cheap sandwiches and avoided drinking in pubs for mugs of milk at his table.
The rogue broker who faces charges of manipulating the stock market and helping to trigger a trillion-dollar Wall Street crash will remain in prison over the weekend after failing to pay his £5 million bail. Navinder Singh Sarao, 37, faces extradition and is wanted by US prosecutors after allegedly causing the Wall Street 'flash crash' in 2010 and earning more than £26 million using a fraudulent trading technique. He is accused of using computer programs to create "false" transactions on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and faces charges that could result in a prison sentence of 380 years. It is alleged that he did all this from his parents' row house in Hounslow, west London, where he ran his only trading company. One of them told MailOnline today: 'He was a super-human marketer - we were in awe of his ability to make money. When he left Futex, he took £2.5 million from his account with him.
[ "The rogue trader facing charges he manipulated the share market and helped trigger a trillion dollar Wall Street crash will remain in jail for the weekend after failing to pay his £5million bail. Navinder Singh Sarao, 37, is facing extradition and is wanted by American prosecutors after allegedly causing the 2010 Wall Street 'flash crash' and making more than £26 million using a fraudulent trading technique. Sarao, of Hounslow, west London, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Wednesday and was bailed with a surety of £5 million. Suspected rogue trader Navinder Sarao (circled) lived in his parents' modest home because it gave him a split-second advantage worth millions of pounds . Sarao (pictured in court) spent a third night in custody last night after failing to pay the £5million surety demanded by the courts to grant him bail . However, he has remained behind bars since his brief appearance, and will remain there over the weekend after an official from the magistrates' court today said it had not received the money. The spokeswoman said: 'It hasn't been paid and it can't be paid over the weekend. He will therefore remain in custody until at least Monday when he is able to pay the money.' The former Brunel University student allegedly made £550,000 in five minutes on the day of the 'Flash Crash', the biggest one-day collapse in Wall Street history. He is accused of using computer programs to create 'spoof' transactions on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and faces charges which could carry a 380-year prison sentence.", "It's claimed he did all this from his parents' semi-detached home in Hounslow, west London, where he ran his one man trading company. He was arrested at the address on Tuesday afternoon at the request of American prosecutors. Under bail conditions he will be tagged and he has surrendered his passport and must live at the family home - keeping to a curfew of between 11pm and 4am at that address. His parents have also agreed to surrender their passports as part of the bail conditions. A full extradition hearing for Sarao has been set for August 18th and 19th, with a preliminary hearing on May 26th. Sarao's family's semi-detached house in suburban west London (pictured), from where he traded . After his arrest earlier this week made headlines across the world, details of his life have been revealed by former colleagues. One of which told MailOnline today: 'He was a super human trader - we were in awe of his ability to make money. When he left Futex he took £2.5million from his account with him. That was unheard of. 'We were all encouraged to set up offshore accounts. If he has as much money as people think then that's where it'll be.' He is said to have 'loved making money, not spending it', and friend told MailOnline he would make £250,000 a day trading. Despite his alleged wealth he would travel to work late so he could buy off-peak tickets, only have lunch if he could find cut price sandwiches and shunned drinking in", "pubs for pints of milk at his desk. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
[ "The rogue trader facing charges he manipulated the share market and helped trigger a trillion dollar Wall Street crash will remain in jail for the weekend after failing to pay his £5million bail. Navinder Singh Sarao, 37, is facing extradition and is wanted by American prosecutors after allegedly causing the 2010 Wall Street 'flash crash' and making more than £26 million using a fraudulent trading technique. Sarao, of Hounslow, west London, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Wednesday and was bailed with a surety of £5 million. Suspected rogue trader Navinder Sarao (circled) lived in his parents' modest home because it gave him a split-second advantage worth millions of pounds . Sarao (pictured in court) spent a third night in custody last night after failing to pay the £5million surety demanded by the courts to grant him bail . However, he has remained behind bars since his brief appearance, and will remain there over the weekend after an official from the magistrates' court today said it had not received the money. The spokeswoman said: 'It hasn't been paid and it can't be paid over the weekend. He will therefore remain in custody until at least Monday when he is able to pay the money.' The former Brunel University student allegedly made £550,000 in five minutes on the day of the 'Flash Crash', the biggest one-day collapse in Wall Street history. He is accused of using computer programs to create 'spoof' transactions on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and faces charges which could carry a 380-year prison sentence.", "It's claimed he did all this from his parents' semi-detached home in Hounslow, west London, where he ran his one man trading company. He was arrested at the address on Tuesday afternoon at the request of American prosecutors. Under bail conditions he will be tagged and he has surrendered his passport and must live at the family home - keeping to a curfew of between 11pm and 4am at that address. His parents have also agreed to surrender their passports as part of the bail conditions. A full extradition hearing for Sarao has been set for August 18th and 19th, with a preliminary hearing on May 26th. Sarao's family's semi-detached house in suburban west London (pictured), from where he traded . After his arrest earlier this week made headlines across the world, details of his life have been revealed by former colleagues. One of which told MailOnline today: 'He was a super human trader - we were in awe of his ability to make money. When he left Futex he took £2.5million from his account with him. That was unheard of. 'We were all encouraged to set up offshore accounts. If he has as much money as people think then that's where it'll be.' He is said to have 'loved making money, not spending it', and friend told MailOnline he would make £250,000 a day trading. Despite his alleged wealth he would travel to work late so he could buy off-peak tickets, only have lunch if he could find cut price sandwiches and shunned drinking in", "pubs for pints of milk at his desk. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article." ]
Navinder Singh Sarao, a suspected rogue trader, failed to pay his £5 million bail and remains in jail over the weekend. He allegedly caused the 2010 Wall Street "flash crash" and made over £26 million using a fraudulent trading technique. Sarao spent a third night in custody after failing to pay the surety demanded by the courts.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Atlanta (CNN)As U.S. Air Force fighter jets and bombers carry out airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Air Force officials are waging a campaign of their own on Capitol Hill. The target: Sequestration cuts expected to take effect in 2016 that, officials say, will threaten U.S. air superiority. Air Force Secretary Deborah James told lawmakers last month that "enough is enough" when it comes to downsizing the Air Force, defending President Obama's $534 billion Pentagon base budget request to the defense appropriations subcommittee. "Given the state of the world ... the No. 1 thing we have to stop is this downsizing," James said. Despite the concerns of defense officials, lawmakers insisted that $10 billion will need to be cut from the Air Force's portion of the President's proposed budget, which, in total, exceeds spending caps by nearly $35 billion. Rep. Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma, called the President's base budget "a fantasy" but expressed a desire to find a bipartisan compromise to provide some relief from spending caps instituted in 2013 after budget disagreements between President Obama and Congress. Until a compromise is reached, Cole said the committee will have to make "a lot of tough decisions" related to cutting billions from the Air Force's spending request. But will cuts actually threaten the United States' standing as the most modern and capable air fleet on the planet? Despite writing the blueprint on how to build the world's greatest air force, Gen. Mark Welsh, the Air Force's chief of staff, says the United States will not be able to maintain the Air Force's strategic gains once next year's sequestration cuts take effect. He says other nations are now using the U.S. model to build their own air fleets, a trend that could degrade the strategic advantage U.S. air superiority provides to the military. However, some experts say that downsizing the Air Force and even cutting its budget won't necessarily threaten U.S. air dominance. Jerry Hendrix, the director of the defense strategies and assessments program at the Center for a New American Security and a former Navy captain, says the United States is still comfortably ahead of every other nation in terms of overall air capabilities. Despite the fact that the U.S. Air Force has a quarter of the number of fighter squadrons it did 25 years ago, it is still larger than the air forces of the next seven countries combined, said Hendrix. It is also the only nation with an operational fifth-generation fighter jet. Air Force officials argue that the force is currently older and smaller than it has ever been and that further budget cuts would hinder its ability to modernize and maintain effective command structure. "The option of not modernizing isn't really an option at all," Welsh said. "Air forces that fall behind the technology curve and joint forces without the full breadth of air, space and cyber power ... will lose." The irony lies in that the Air Force's emphasis on investing in a fleet solely made up of high-end aircraft may be one of the key factors drawing down the size of the force, says Hendrix. He agrees that more spending should be shifted toward air and maritime power due to their increasing roles in U.S. military strategy but says mistakes were made in terms of how the Air Force has balanced its commitment to maintaining the size of the fleet with its desire to modernize. "Air Force leadership has failed to balance the idea that quantity has a quality of its own," he said, adding that the Air Force should still pursue high-end aircraft but should supplement the fleet with older, cheaper aircraft models, like the F-16, for low-end operations instead of immediately phasing them out when a new generation is introduced. In order for the Air Force to maintain air superiority, Hendrix says, officials and lawmakers need to start having a real conversation about the best way to mitigate downsizing that also promotes modernization. Then they need to work out a budget and find a way to work within it.
air, plane, aircraft, flight, flying, pilot, fly, jet, crew, landing,
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
flying the plane, the pilot of this aircraft, passengers flying for leisure or work, landing strip, the flight crew, take-offs and landings, aircraft landing, jet flying by
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
This topic is about flying the plane, the pilot of the aircraft, passengers flying for leisure or work, landing strip, the flight crew, take-offs and landings, aircraft landing, and a jet flying by.
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This article I mainly talking about the debate surrounding the downsizing of the military budget and specifically the lack of new modern planes for the Air Force to fly. It sounds like the best solution would be to focus on building better planes to fly but also keeping the older ones for smaller missions. This would let the budget downsize without losing air superiority.
President Obama who was president during this article was taking heat from the Republican Party for trying to downsize the Air Force budget. Republican senators from Arkansas and Oklahoma specifically were against the downsize but hoping for compromise. It seems that a compromise is possible that keeps the president of the USA happy and also congress.
[ "Atlanta (CNN)As U.S. Air Force fighter jets and bombers carry out airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Air Force officials are waging a campaign of their own on Capitol Hill. The target: Sequestration cuts expected to take effect in 2016 that, officials say, will threaten U.S. air superiority. Air Force Secretary Deborah James told lawmakers last month that \"enough is enough\" when it comes to downsizing the Air Force, defending President Obama's $534 billion Pentagon base budget request to the defense appropriations subcommittee. \"Given the state of the world ... the No. 1 thing we have to stop is this downsizing,\" James said. Despite the concerns of defense officials, lawmakers insisted that $10 billion will need to be cut from the Air Force's portion of the President's proposed budget, which, in total, exceeds spending caps by nearly $35 billion. Rep. Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma, called the President's base budget \"a fantasy\" but expressed a desire to find a bipartisan compromise to provide some relief from spending caps instituted in 2013 after budget disagreements between President Obama and Congress. Until a compromise is reached, Cole said the committee will have to make \"a lot of tough decisions\" related to cutting billions from the Air Force's spending request. But will cuts actually threaten the United States' standing as the most modern and capable air fleet on the planet? Despite writing the blueprint on how to build the world's greatest air force, Gen. Mark Welsh, the Air Force's chief of staff, says the United States will not be able", "to maintain the Air Force's strategic gains once next year's sequestration cuts take effect. He says other nations are now using the U.S. model to build their own air fleets, a trend that could degrade the strategic advantage U.S. air superiority provides to the military. However, some experts say that downsizing the Air Force and even cutting its budget won't necessarily threaten U.S. air dominance. Jerry Hendrix, the director of the defense strategies and assessments program at the Center for a New American Security and a former Navy captain, says the United States is still comfortably ahead of every other nation in terms of overall air capabilities. Despite the fact that the U.S. Air Force has a quarter of the number of fighter squadrons it did 25 years ago, it is still larger than the air forces of the next seven countries combined, said Hendrix. It is also the only nation with an operational fifth-generation fighter jet. Air Force officials argue that the force is currently older and smaller than it has ever been and that further budget cuts would hinder its ability to modernize and maintain effective command structure. \"The option of not modernizing isn't really an option at all,\" Welsh said. \"Air forces that fall behind the technology curve and joint forces without the full breadth of air, space and cyber power ... will lose.\" The irony lies in that the Air Force's emphasis on investing in a fleet solely made up of high-end aircraft may be one of the key factors drawing down", "the size of the force, says Hendrix. He agrees that more spending should be shifted toward air and maritime power due to their increasing roles in U.S. military strategy but says mistakes were made in terms of how the Air Force has balanced its commitment to maintaining the size of the fleet with its desire to modernize. \"Air Force leadership has failed to balance the idea that quantity has a quality of its own,\" he said, adding that the Air Force should still pursue high-end aircraft but should supplement the fleet with older, cheaper aircraft models, like the F-16, for low-end operations instead of immediately phasing them out when a new generation is introduced. In order for the Air Force to maintain air superiority, Hendrix says, officials and lawmakers need to start having a real conversation about the best way to mitigate downsizing that also promotes modernization. Then they need to work out a budget and find a way to work within it." ]
[ "Atlanta (CNN)As U.S. Air Force fighter jets and bombers carry out airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Air Force officials are waging a campaign of their own on Capitol Hill. The target: Sequestration cuts expected to take effect in 2016 that, officials say, will threaten U.S. air superiority. Air Force Secretary Deborah James told lawmakers last month that \"enough is enough\" when it comes to downsizing the Air Force, defending President Obama's $534 billion Pentagon base budget request to the defense appropriations subcommittee. \"Given the state of the world ... the No. 1 thing we have to stop is this downsizing,\" James said. Despite the concerns of defense officials, lawmakers insisted that $10 billion will need to be cut from the Air Force's portion of the President's proposed budget, which, in total, exceeds spending caps by nearly $35 billion. Rep. Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma, called the President's base budget \"a fantasy\" but expressed a desire to find a bipartisan compromise to provide some relief from spending caps instituted in 2013 after budget disagreements between President Obama and Congress. Until a compromise is reached, Cole said the committee will have to make \"a lot of tough decisions\" related to cutting billions from the Air Force's spending request. But will cuts actually threaten the United States' standing as the most modern and capable air fleet on the planet? Despite writing the blueprint on how to build the world's greatest air force, Gen. Mark Welsh, the Air Force's chief of staff, says the United States will not be able", "to maintain the Air Force's strategic gains once next year's sequestration cuts take effect. He says other nations are now using the U.S. model to build their own air fleets, a trend that could degrade the strategic advantage U.S. air superiority provides to the military. However, some experts say that downsizing the Air Force and even cutting its budget won't necessarily threaten U.S. air dominance. Jerry Hendrix, the director of the defense strategies and assessments program at the Center for a New American Security and a former Navy captain, says the United States is still comfortably ahead of every other nation in terms of overall air capabilities. Despite the fact that the U.S. Air Force has a quarter of the number of fighter squadrons it did 25 years ago, it is still larger than the air forces of the next seven countries combined, said Hendrix. It is also the only nation with an operational fifth-generation fighter jet. Air Force officials argue that the force is currently older and smaller than it has ever been and that further budget cuts would hinder its ability to modernize and maintain effective command structure. \"The option of not modernizing isn't really an option at all,\" Welsh said. \"Air forces that fall behind the technology curve and joint forces without the full breadth of air, space and cyber power ... will lose.\" The irony lies in that the Air Force's emphasis on investing in a fleet solely made up of high-end aircraft may be one of the key factors drawing down", "the size of the force, says Hendrix. He agrees that more spending should be shifted toward air and maritime power due to their increasing roles in U.S. military strategy but says mistakes were made in terms of how the Air Force has balanced its commitment to maintaining the size of the fleet with its desire to modernize. \"Air Force leadership has failed to balance the idea that quantity has a quality of its own,\" he said, adding that the Air Force should still pursue high-end aircraft but should supplement the fleet with older, cheaper aircraft models, like the F-16, for low-end operations instead of immediately phasing them out when a new generation is introduced. In order for the Air Force to maintain air superiority, Hendrix says, officials and lawmakers need to start having a real conversation about the best way to mitigate downsizing that also promotes modernization. Then they need to work out a budget and find a way to work within it." ]
The US Air Force is facing significant budget cuts under sequestration, which officials claim will threaten US air superiority. Air Force Secretary Deborah James and Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh argue that the cuts will hinder the force's ability to modernize and maintain effective command structure. However, some experts believe that downsizing the Air Force won't necessarily threaten US air dominance, citing the country's continued lead in overall air capabilities. The debate centers around whether the focus should be on investing in high-end aircraft or balancing modernization with maintaining a larger fleet.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Fired: Major General James Post III was fired on Friday after making a treason comment . An Air Force major general has been formally reprimanded and removed from his job for telling a group of officers that talking to Congress in a bid to block retirement of the A-10 Warthog amounted to 'treason,' the Air Force said on Friday. An investigation of remarks by Major General James Post III, who was the vice commander of Air Combat Command, found that his words to some 300 airmen at Nellis Air Force Base on Jan. 10 may have had a 'chilling effect' on some of them, convincing them not to speak with lawmakers. Representative Mac Thornberry, chairman of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, said the Air Force action against Post was 'important and correct.' 'Members of Congress must be able to receive unfiltered facts and opinions from service members...,' he said in a statement. 'Attempts to prevent or restrict that communication cannot be allowed.' The incident added fuel to a controversy over efforts to retire the low-flying, tank-killer aircraft, which is highly regarded by ground troops for its ability to provide close air support. The plane has strong supporters among members of Congress who have so far successfully blocked efforts to retire it. Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh, himself a former A-10 pilot, has said that given budget and personnel constraints, the Air Force needs to retire the plane to save money and free up people to learn to maintain the new F-35 joint strike fighter. Post made his remarks while fielding questions the airmen. He was asked about the status of the A-10 and began to discuss budget constraints facing the department and the reason for the decision to retire the plane. A-10 retirement: The incident added fuel to a controversy over efforts to retire the A-10, low-flying, tank-killer aircraft, which is highly regarded by ground troops for its ability to provide close air support . The inspector general's investigation interviewed several witnesses who remembered Post using the word 'treason' to describe efforts to oppose the Air Force leadership's decision to retire the plane, either via a social media campaign or by talking to Congress. In his own written account, Post said he told the group the Air Force didn't want to get rid of the plane but needed to because of budget constraints. He acknowledged using the word 'treason.' General Hawk Carlisle, commander of Air Combat Command, gave Post a letter of reprimand due to the findings and removed him from his position as vice commander. Post issued an apology on Friday and said he did not intend to try to prevent people from talking to lawmakers. Handed in a latter: General Hawk Carlisle, commander of Air Combat Command, gave Post a letter of reprimand due to the findings and removed him from his position as vice commander .
war, military, defence, army, iraq, soldiers, troops, forces, battle, iraqi,
air, plane, aircraft, flight, flying, pilot, fly, jet, crew, landing,
military forces, military troops, the battleground, defence army, ongoing war
flying the plane, the pilot of this aircraft, passengers flying for leisure or work, landing strip, the flight crew, take-offs and landings, aircraft landing, jet flying by
This topic is about military forces and troops in an ongoing war making up the defensive army.
This topic is about flying the plane, the pilot of the aircraft, passengers flying for leisure or work, landing strip, the flight crew, take-offs and landings, aircraft landing, and a jet flying by.
An Air Force Major General James Publish III was fired after making a treasonous comment. He told a group of officers that talking to Congress in an attempt to block retirement of the A-10 Warthog amounted to "treason," according to the Air Force. This may have had a "chilling effect" on officers, preventing them from speaking with lawmakers, despite their actions being "important and correct." Members of Congress should not receive filtered opinions from service members.
Gen. James Post III was fired on Friday after making a treasonous comment. The incident increased controversy and efforts to retire the low-flying tank-killer aircraft, which is widely regarded by ground troops for its ability to provide air support approximate. The aircraft has strong supporters among members of Congress who have successfully thwarted attempts to retire it. Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh, himself a former A-10 pilot, said that due to budget and personnel constraints, the Air Force must retire the plane to save money and free people to learn to keep the new F-35 joint attack fighter
[ "Fired: Major General James Post III was fired on Friday after making a treason comment . An Air Force major general has been formally reprimanded and removed from his job for telling a group of officers that talking to Congress in a bid to block retirement of the A-10 Warthog amounted to 'treason,' the Air Force said on Friday. An investigation of remarks by Major General James Post III, who was the vice commander of Air Combat Command, found that his words to some 300 airmen at Nellis Air Force Base on Jan. 10 may have had a 'chilling effect' on some of them, convincing them not to speak with lawmakers. Representative Mac Thornberry, chairman of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, said the Air Force action against Post was 'important and correct.' 'Members of Congress must be able to receive unfiltered facts and opinions from service members...,' he said in a statement. 'Attempts to prevent or restrict that communication cannot be allowed.' The incident added fuel to a controversy over efforts to retire the low-flying, tank-killer aircraft, which is highly regarded by ground troops for its ability to provide close air support. The plane has strong supporters among members of Congress who have so far successfully blocked efforts to retire it. Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh, himself a former A-10 pilot, has said that given budget and personnel constraints, the Air Force needs to retire the plane to save money and free up people to learn to maintain the new F-35", "joint strike fighter. Post made his remarks while fielding questions the airmen. He was asked about the status of the A-10 and began to discuss budget constraints facing the department and the reason for the decision to retire the plane. A-10 retirement: The incident added fuel to a controversy over efforts to retire the A-10, low-flying, tank-killer aircraft, which is highly regarded by ground troops for its ability to provide close air support . The inspector general's investigation interviewed several witnesses who remembered Post using the word 'treason' to describe efforts to oppose the Air Force leadership's decision to retire the plane, either via a social media campaign or by talking to Congress. In his own written account, Post said he told the group the Air Force didn't want to get rid of the plane but needed to because of budget constraints. He acknowledged using the word 'treason.' General Hawk Carlisle, commander of Air Combat Command, gave Post a letter of reprimand due to the findings and removed him from his position as vice commander. Post issued an apology on Friday and said he did not intend to try to prevent people from talking to lawmakers. Handed in a latter: General Hawk Carlisle, commander of Air Combat Command, gave Post a letter of reprimand due to the findings and removed him from his position as vice commander ." ]
[ "Fired: Major General James Post III was fired on Friday after making a treason comment . An Air Force major general has been formally reprimanded and removed from his job for telling a group of officers that talking to Congress in a bid to block retirement of the A-10 Warthog amounted to 'treason,' the Air Force said on Friday. An investigation of remarks by Major General James Post III, who was the vice commander of Air Combat Command, found that his words to some 300 airmen at Nellis Air Force Base on Jan. 10 may have had a 'chilling effect' on some of them, convincing them not to speak with lawmakers. Representative Mac Thornberry, chairman of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, said the Air Force action against Post was 'important and correct.' 'Members of Congress must be able to receive unfiltered facts and opinions from service members...,' he said in a statement. 'Attempts to prevent or restrict that communication cannot be allowed.' The incident added fuel to a controversy over efforts to retire the low-flying, tank-killer aircraft, which is highly regarded by ground troops for its ability to provide close air support. The plane has strong supporters among members of Congress who have so far successfully blocked efforts to retire it. Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh, himself a former A-10 pilot, has said that given budget and personnel constraints, the Air Force needs to retire the plane to save money and free up people to learn to maintain the new F-35", "joint strike fighter. Post made his remarks while fielding questions the airmen. He was asked about the status of the A-10 and began to discuss budget constraints facing the department and the reason for the decision to retire the plane. A-10 retirement: The incident added fuel to a controversy over efforts to retire the A-10, low-flying, tank-killer aircraft, which is highly regarded by ground troops for its ability to provide close air support . The inspector general's investigation interviewed several witnesses who remembered Post using the word 'treason' to describe efforts to oppose the Air Force leadership's decision to retire the plane, either via a social media campaign or by talking to Congress. In his own written account, Post said he told the group the Air Force didn't want to get rid of the plane but needed to because of budget constraints. He acknowledged using the word 'treason.' General Hawk Carlisle, commander of Air Combat Command, gave Post a letter of reprimand due to the findings and removed him from his position as vice commander. Post issued an apology on Friday and said he did not intend to try to prevent people from talking to lawmakers. Handed in a latter: General Hawk Carlisle, commander of Air Combat Command, gave Post a letter of reprimand due to the findings and removed him from his position as vice commander ." ]
An Air Force major general, James Post III, was fired after saying that speaking to Congress to block the retirement of the A-10 Warthog would be "treason". His comments were deemed to have a chilling effect on airmen, preventing them from speaking freely with lawmakers.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
The mother-of-five who was arrested for allegedly throwing her 16-year-old daughter a drunken party where they played naked Twister together has admitted to turning towards alcohol during her divorce from her veteran husband. Rachel Lehnardt, 35, had been a life-long follower of the Mormon church and had never touched a drop of alcohol before her split from her husband James, who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder when he returned from Iraq, her lawyer said in a statement on Thursday. But following their divorce last year, she began drinking and ultimately broke away from the church, where she had once been a Sunday school teacher, the lawyer said. Her alcohol abuse culminated in the startling incident in which she allegedly allowed her daughter and her friends to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana in front of her at their Evans, Georgia home. Scroll down for video . Struggles: Rachel Lynn Lehnardt, 35, is pictured walking outside her Georgia home on Wednesday, several days after she was arrested for allegedly throwing a drunken party for her teenage daughter . She had already been drunk when her 16-year-old daughter returned with her friends, according to her lawyer, Shawn Hammond. According to authorities, Lehnardt and the teenagers then played naked Twister - although Lehnardt left halfway through the game to have sex with an 18-year-old man in the bathroom. When she returned, she brought out sex toys and started to use them on herself in front of the teenagers, Augusta Crime reported. After going to bed, she awoke around 3.30am to find her daughter's 16-year-old boyfriend raping her and immediately threw him off, according to Hammond. The girl later told her mother that she felt guilty because his 10-inch penis was too big for her, so he had to have sex with her mom instead, according to a police report. According to Hammond, Lehnardt woke the next day and realized that her drinking had got out of hand and had led to her being raped by the 16-year-old. Her daughter has now split from the boy. Video from KJBF . Arrested: Lehnardt, pictured in her mug shot, was arrested after she told her AA sponsor about the incident and the sponsor then contacted authorities. Lehnardt said she is working to put it behind her . Split: Her lawyer said Lehnardt, who is a life-long Mormon, turned to drink after divorcing from her husband James Lehnardt, pictured right. He returned from Iraq with PTSD and was later discharged, the lawyer said . After the incident, the children's paternal grandparents found out about the party from the teenage girl and were awarded custody of the five children. Lehnardt was arrested after sharing details of the incident with her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor, who then went to authorities. As part of the AA's 12 Step program, members write a list of incidents they feel guilty about and confide in their sponsor about the acts (known as the Fifth Step). The person is then required to make amends for past wrongdoings, as long as doing so does not cause harm to others. While there is an expectation of anonymity at meetings, there is no guarantee, and experts recommend exercising caution when detailing crimes, according to The Fix. AA literature simply states that 'anonymity provides protection for all members from identification as alcoholics'. The main 'Understanding Anonymity' booklet does not mention safety from disclosure of a crime and there have been multiple cases of AA members being convicted of crimes, including, murder after confessing to their sponsors. But there has also been some debate over whether the confessions can be used in court. In 2001, a 1995 murder conviction was thrown out after it was ruled that a killer's confession to fellow AA members was constitutionally protected and shouldn't have been used against him. The decision was reached after the judge deemed the 12 Step program had religious undertones, meaning that the members engaged in religious activity, which is constitutionally protected. Lehnardt's lawyer said she was shocked with what had happened so she researched local Alcoholics Anonymous groups and met with a sponsor, named Heidi, who encouraged Lehnardt to tell her about her divorce, her drinking and the incident that led to her losing her children. Lehnardt also allegedly told the sponsor that she had shown her daughter explicit photos, including of Lehnardt having sex with her current boyfriend, and admitted to being a porn addict. Heidi then went to authorities and told them what the mother-of-five had confessed to doing at the party. Lehnardt's lawyer called Heidi's decision to go to the sheriff's office 'unfortunate'. Lehnardt was arrested last Saturday and charged with two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Hammond, the lawyer, released a statement shared by Augusta Crime on Thursday, saying Lehnardt was 'extremely remorseful' for what had happened. 'Mrs. Lehnardt acknowledges that due to recent alcohol abuse she engaged in several acts of inappropriate conduct,' he said. 'Although, many of the allegations are exaggerated, she is extremely remorseful for what she allowed to occur in her presence and is obtaining professional and pastoral counseling to ensure that this conduct is never repeated.' He denied that she had thrown the party for the teenagers or provided them with drugs, and said she would be fully cooperating with authorities. 'Mrs. Lehnardt has recommitted herself to her faith and her family,' he continued. 'She is hopeful that her children, members of her faith and others will learn from her poor example as to just how easy it is for people to exercise such extremely poor judgment while intoxicated.' He did not comment on the naked Twister, bathroom sex or sex toy allegations, and simply said reports of the incident had been exaggerated. Denial: The mother-of-five said she did not throw the party but did admit to witnessing teenagers smoke marijuana. She also claimed she later awoke to her daughter's teenage boyfriend raping her . Scene: After the party at her home in Evans, Georgia, pictured, she lost custody of her five children . Downcast: Her lawyer said she has been a life-long Mormon who only recently started drinking alcohol . Before the divorce, she had never consumed alcohol, drugs or caffeine, he said. She married her husband, James, in 2000 and they had five children together, now aged between four and 16. James Lehnardt served with an artillery unit in Iraq during one of his deployments where he held the rank of specialist. He was based in Basra, Iraq's second largest city, from July 2009 as part of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 17th Fires Brigade, Brigade Aviation Element. The unit, part of the 7th Division, co-ordinated American and Iraqi security force missions in the south of Iraq after British forces left and American troops were deployed there to deal with the Shi'ite militia which took control of the city. He was later based at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, in Tacoma, Washington and more recently, the Augusta-Fort Gordon area of Georgia. But due to his PTSD and anger issues, he was ultimately discharged and is now on VA disability, according to Mrs Lehnardt's lawyer. According to her sponsor, who went to police, she also allegedly used sex toys in front of the teenagers and showed her daughter explicit photos of her having sex with her current boyfriend . Neighborhood: She was already drunk when her daughter and her friends came back to the neighborhood, pictured, because they had been staying at their father's, she said . The couple separated in 2014 and she kept custody of the children. She also returned to work, where she struggled while earning just above minimum wage, he explained. Around this time, she started drinking at the weekends when she didn't have the children and it ultimately got out of hand, leading to the incident at their Evans home, her lawyer said. Following her arrest on Saturday, she posted $3,200 bond and was released from the Columbia County Detention Center. While Lehnardt said she had been raped by the teenage boy, Sheriff's spokesman Captain Steve Morris said there was no evidence of a crime and no charges are pending against the boy. No sexual crime charges have been filed against Lehnardt because 16 is the legal age of consent. This week, she was seen outside her house wearing a hooded jacket and workout clothes, and looking downcast. Her five children, who are aged four, six, eight, 10 and 16, remain with their grandparents.
family, wife, daughter, husband, couple, pictured, friends, left, brother, friend,
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
family and friends, husband and wife, the couple's daughter, the two brothers
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
This topic is about family and friends, and a husband and wife, the couple’s daughter has two brothers.
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
Rachel Lehnardt, 35, married James Lehnardt in 2000, and they have five children together. After her divorce from James due to combat PSTD, Rachel turned to drinking and partying to cope. She ultimately engaged in inappropriate sexual and drug behavior and supplied alcohol to her 16 year old daughter while intoxicated. She was arrested, and the paternal grandparents were awarded custody of her children.
Rachel Lehnardt, a mother of 5, was arrested for throwing a party for her 16 year old daughter that involved drugs, alcohol, and sexual behavior. She allegedly encouraged her daughter and friends to drink, smoke marijuana, and play naked twister while she had sex with men and used sex toys on herself in front of the children. She also claimed to have awoken at one point to a 16-yr old boy having sex with her without her consent. She was arrested while her daughter and remaining children were placed under the custody of their paternal grandparents.
[ "The mother-of-five who was arrested for allegedly throwing her 16-year-old daughter a drunken party where they played naked Twister together has admitted to turning towards alcohol during her divorce from her veteran husband. Rachel Lehnardt, 35, had been a life-long follower of the Mormon church and had never touched a drop of alcohol before her split from her husband James, who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder when he returned from Iraq, her lawyer said in a statement on Thursday. But following their divorce last year, she began drinking and ultimately broke away from the church, where she had once been a Sunday school teacher, the lawyer said. Her alcohol abuse culminated in the startling incident in which she allegedly allowed her daughter and her friends to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana in front of her at their Evans, Georgia home. Scroll down for video . Struggles: Rachel Lynn Lehnardt, 35, is pictured walking outside her Georgia home on Wednesday, several days after she was arrested for allegedly throwing a drunken party for her teenage daughter . She had already been drunk when her 16-year-old daughter returned with her friends, according to her lawyer, Shawn Hammond. According to authorities, Lehnardt and the teenagers then played naked Twister - although Lehnardt left halfway through the game to have sex with an 18-year-old man in the bathroom. When she returned, she brought out sex toys and started to use them on herself in front of the teenagers, Augusta Crime reported. After going to bed, she awoke around 3.30am", "to find her daughter's 16-year-old boyfriend raping her and immediately threw him off, according to Hammond. The girl later told her mother that she felt guilty because his 10-inch penis was too big for her, so he had to have sex with her mom instead, according to a police report. According to Hammond, Lehnardt woke the next day and realized that her drinking had got out of hand and had led to her being raped by the 16-year-old. Her daughter has now split from the boy. Video from KJBF . Arrested: Lehnardt, pictured in her mug shot, was arrested after she told her AA sponsor about the incident and the sponsor then contacted authorities. Lehnardt said she is working to put it behind her . Split: Her lawyer said Lehnardt, who is a life-long Mormon, turned to drink after divorcing from her husband James Lehnardt, pictured right. He returned from Iraq with PTSD and was later discharged, the lawyer said . After the incident, the children's paternal grandparents found out about the party from the teenage girl and were awarded custody of the five children. Lehnardt was arrested after sharing details of the incident with her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor, who then went to authorities. As part of the AA's 12 Step program, members write a list of incidents they feel guilty about and confide in their sponsor about the acts (known as the Fifth Step). The person is then required to make amends for past wrongdoings, as long as doing so does not cause harm to", "others. While there is an expectation of anonymity at meetings, there is no guarantee, and experts recommend exercising caution when detailing crimes, according to The Fix. AA literature simply states that 'anonymity provides protection for all members from identification as alcoholics'. The main 'Understanding Anonymity' booklet does not mention safety from disclosure of a crime and there have been multiple cases of AA members being convicted of crimes, including, murder after confessing to their sponsors. But there has also been some debate over whether the confessions can be used in court. In 2001, a 1995 murder conviction was thrown out after it was ruled that a killer's confession to fellow AA members was constitutionally protected and shouldn't have been used against him. The decision was reached after the judge deemed the 12 Step program had religious undertones, meaning that the members engaged in religious activity, which is constitutionally protected. Lehnardt's lawyer said she was shocked with what had happened so she researched local Alcoholics Anonymous groups and met with a sponsor, named Heidi, who encouraged Lehnardt to tell her about her divorce, her drinking and the incident that led to her losing her children. Lehnardt also allegedly told the sponsor that she had shown her daughter explicit photos, including of Lehnardt having sex with her current boyfriend, and admitted to being a porn addict. Heidi then went to authorities and told them what the mother-of-five had confessed to doing at the party. Lehnardt's lawyer called Heidi's decision to go to the sheriff's office 'unfortunate'. Lehnardt was", "arrested last Saturday and charged with two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Hammond, the lawyer, released a statement shared by Augusta Crime on Thursday, saying Lehnardt was 'extremely remorseful' for what had happened. 'Mrs. Lehnardt acknowledges that due to recent alcohol abuse she engaged in several acts of inappropriate conduct,' he said. 'Although, many of the allegations are exaggerated, she is extremely remorseful for what she allowed to occur in her presence and is obtaining professional and pastoral counseling to ensure that this conduct is never repeated.' He denied that she had thrown the party for the teenagers or provided them with drugs, and said she would be fully cooperating with authorities. 'Mrs. Lehnardt has recommitted herself to her faith and her family,' he continued. 'She is hopeful that her children, members of her faith and others will learn from her poor example as to just how easy it is for people to exercise such extremely poor judgment while intoxicated.' He did not comment on the naked Twister, bathroom sex or sex toy allegations, and simply said reports of the incident had been exaggerated. Denial: The mother-of-five said she did not throw the party but did admit to witnessing teenagers smoke marijuana. She also claimed she later awoke to her daughter's teenage boyfriend raping her . Scene: After the party at her home in Evans, Georgia, pictured, she lost custody of her five children . Downcast: Her lawyer said she has been a life-long Mormon who only recently started drinking alcohol .", "Before the divorce, she had never consumed alcohol, drugs or caffeine, he said. She married her husband, James, in 2000 and they had five children together, now aged between four and 16. James Lehnardt served with an artillery unit in Iraq during one of his deployments where he held the rank of specialist. He was based in Basra, Iraq's second largest city, from July 2009 as part of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 17th Fires Brigade, Brigade Aviation Element. The unit, part of the 7th Division, co-ordinated American and Iraqi security force missions in the south of Iraq after British forces left and American troops were deployed there to deal with the Shi'ite militia which took control of the city. He was later based at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, in Tacoma, Washington and more recently, the Augusta-Fort Gordon area of Georgia. But due to his PTSD and anger issues, he was ultimately discharged and is now on VA disability, according to Mrs Lehnardt's lawyer. According to her sponsor, who went to police, she also allegedly used sex toys in front of the teenagers and showed her daughter explicit photos of her having sex with her current boyfriend . Neighborhood: She was already drunk when her daughter and her friends came back to the neighborhood, pictured, because they had been staying at their father's, she said . The couple separated in 2014 and she kept custody of the children. She also returned to work, where she struggled while earning just above minimum wage, he explained. Around this time, she" ]
[ "The mother-of-five who was arrested for allegedly throwing her 16-year-old daughter a drunken party where they played naked Twister together has admitted to turning towards alcohol during her divorce from her veteran husband. Rachel Lehnardt, 35, had been a life-long follower of the Mormon church and had never touched a drop of alcohol before her split from her husband James, who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder when he returned from Iraq, her lawyer said in a statement on Thursday. But following their divorce last year, she began drinking and ultimately broke away from the church, where she had once been a Sunday school teacher, the lawyer said. Her alcohol abuse culminated in the startling incident in which she allegedly allowed her daughter and her friends to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana in front of her at their Evans, Georgia home. Scroll down for video . Struggles: Rachel Lynn Lehnardt, 35, is pictured walking outside her Georgia home on Wednesday, several days after she was arrested for allegedly throwing a drunken party for her teenage daughter . She had already been drunk when her 16-year-old daughter returned with her friends, according to her lawyer, Shawn Hammond. According to authorities, Lehnardt and the teenagers then played naked Twister - although Lehnardt left halfway through the game to have sex with an 18-year-old man in the bathroom. When she returned, she brought out sex toys and started to use them on herself in front of the teenagers, Augusta Crime reported. After going to bed, she awoke around 3.30am", "to find her daughter's 16-year-old boyfriend raping her and immediately threw him off, according to Hammond. The girl later told her mother that she felt guilty because his 10-inch penis was too big for her, so he had to have sex with her mom instead, according to a police report. According to Hammond, Lehnardt woke the next day and realized that her drinking had got out of hand and had led to her being raped by the 16-year-old. Her daughter has now split from the boy. Video from KJBF . Arrested: Lehnardt, pictured in her mug shot, was arrested after she told her AA sponsor about the incident and the sponsor then contacted authorities. Lehnardt said she is working to put it behind her . Split: Her lawyer said Lehnardt, who is a life-long Mormon, turned to drink after divorcing from her husband James Lehnardt, pictured right. He returned from Iraq with PTSD and was later discharged, the lawyer said . After the incident, the children's paternal grandparents found out about the party from the teenage girl and were awarded custody of the five children. Lehnardt was arrested after sharing details of the incident with her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor, who then went to authorities. As part of the AA's 12 Step program, members write a list of incidents they feel guilty about and confide in their sponsor about the acts (known as the Fifth Step). The person is then required to make amends for past wrongdoings, as long as doing so does not cause harm to", "others. While there is an expectation of anonymity at meetings, there is no guarantee, and experts recommend exercising caution when detailing crimes, according to The Fix. AA literature simply states that 'anonymity provides protection for all members from identification as alcoholics'. The main 'Understanding Anonymity' booklet does not mention safety from disclosure of a crime and there have been multiple cases of AA members being convicted of crimes, including, murder after confessing to their sponsors. But there has also been some debate over whether the confessions can be used in court. In 2001, a 1995 murder conviction was thrown out after it was ruled that a killer's confession to fellow AA members was constitutionally protected and shouldn't have been used against him. The decision was reached after the judge deemed the 12 Step program had religious undertones, meaning that the members engaged in religious activity, which is constitutionally protected. Lehnardt's lawyer said she was shocked with what had happened so she researched local Alcoholics Anonymous groups and met with a sponsor, named Heidi, who encouraged Lehnardt to tell her about her divorce, her drinking and the incident that led to her losing her children. Lehnardt also allegedly told the sponsor that she had shown her daughter explicit photos, including of Lehnardt having sex with her current boyfriend, and admitted to being a porn addict. Heidi then went to authorities and told them what the mother-of-five had confessed to doing at the party. Lehnardt's lawyer called Heidi's decision to go to the sheriff's office 'unfortunate'. Lehnardt was", "arrested last Saturday and charged with two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Hammond, the lawyer, released a statement shared by Augusta Crime on Thursday, saying Lehnardt was 'extremely remorseful' for what had happened. 'Mrs. Lehnardt acknowledges that due to recent alcohol abuse she engaged in several acts of inappropriate conduct,' he said. 'Although, many of the allegations are exaggerated, she is extremely remorseful for what she allowed to occur in her presence and is obtaining professional and pastoral counseling to ensure that this conduct is never repeated.' He denied that she had thrown the party for the teenagers or provided them with drugs, and said she would be fully cooperating with authorities. 'Mrs. Lehnardt has recommitted herself to her faith and her family,' he continued. 'She is hopeful that her children, members of her faith and others will learn from her poor example as to just how easy it is for people to exercise such extremely poor judgment while intoxicated.' He did not comment on the naked Twister, bathroom sex or sex toy allegations, and simply said reports of the incident had been exaggerated. Denial: The mother-of-five said she did not throw the party but did admit to witnessing teenagers smoke marijuana. She also claimed she later awoke to her daughter's teenage boyfriend raping her . Scene: After the party at her home in Evans, Georgia, pictured, she lost custody of her five children . Downcast: Her lawyer said she has been a life-long Mormon who only recently started drinking alcohol .", "started drinking at the weekends when she didn't have the children and it ultimately got out of hand, leading to the incident at their Evans home, her lawyer said. Following her arrest on Saturday, she posted $3,200 bond and was released from the Columbia County Detention Center. While Lehnardt said she had been raped by the teenage boy, Sheriff's spokesman Captain Steve Morris said there was no evidence of a crime and no charges are pending against the boy. No sexual crime charges have been filed against Lehnardt because 16 is the legal age of consent. This week, she was seen outside her house wearing a hooded jacket and workout clothes, and looking downcast. Her five children, who are aged four, six, eight, 10 and 16, remain with their grandparents." ]
A 35-year-old mother of five, Rachel Lehnardt, was arrested for allegedly hosting a drunken party for her 16-year-old daughter and her friends, where they played naked Twister and smoked marijuana. Authorities claim she also had sex with an 18-year-old man in the bathroom and used sex toys in front of the teenagers. Lehnardt, a former Mormon, claims she turned to alcohol after her divorce from her husband, who suffered from PTSD after returning from Iraq. She admits to being "extremely remorseful" for allowing the incident to happen and is seeking counseling.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
President Barack Obama held up the shrinking Florida Everglades today as proof positive that climate change is real and is threatening America's 'national treasures,' as well as the economies of their surrounding towns, which rely heavily on tourist dollars. 'Climate change can no longer be denied. It can't be edited out,' he said this afternoon in a speech at Everglades National Park commemorating Earth Day. 'It can't be omitted from the conversation. And action can no longer be delayed.' 'That's why I've committed the United States to lead the world in combatting this threat,' he said, throwing a spotlight on his administration's efforts to reduce the rate of global warming through the reduction of carbon emissions. The day trip to South Florida, on which Obama was accompanied by Bill Nye 'the Science Guy,' also highlighted the massive amount of fuel it takes to power Air Force One, however, 9,000 gallons, round trip. Scroll down for video . President Barack Obama takes a walking tour of the Anhinga Trail at Everglades National Park. Obama visited the subtropical swamps of the park today as part of a push to get Americans thinking and talking about the damage climate change is causing close to home . Obama held up the shrinking Florida Everglades today as proof positive that climate change is real and is threatening America's 'national treasures,' as well as the economies of their surrounding towns, which rely heavily on tourist dollars . 'Climate change can no longer be denied. It can't be edited out,' he said this afternoon in a speech at Everglades National Park commemorating Earth Day. 'It can't be omitted from the conversation. And action can no longer be delayed' Vehicles in the president's motorcade are seen in the Everglades National Park where Obama stopped for a visit on the Anhinga trail in Homestead. Asked earlier this week if Obama's gas-guzzling trip to Florida would undermine his Earth Day message, the White House said it would not and reaffirmed Obama's efforts to reduce pollutants . On of the helicopters escorting Marine One with President Barack Obama onboard, prepares to land at Miami's International Airport . I love the smell of jet fuel, Nye told reporters as he waited to board the president's 747 this morning for the flight to Florida, during which the White House said he would film a video with Obama. Asked earlier this week if Obama's gas-guzzling trip to Florida would undermine his Earth Day message, the White House said it would not and reaffirmed Obama's efforts to reduce pollutants. Obama took a half -hour walking tour of the the Anhinga Trail at the 1.5-million-acre national park today before making a plea for Americans to save the Everglades and other natural gems by making environmentally-conscious decisions. 'I can't think of a better way to spend Earth Day than in one of our nation's greatest natural treasures, the Everglades,' he told his audience, calling the swamp, which he acknowledged is not technically a swamp, 'magical.' 'Climate change is threatening this treasure and the communities that depend on it,' Obama warned. 'If we don't act,there may not be an Everglades as we know it.' The president said the fallout from rising temperatures is 'not a problem for another generation.' At least, 'not anymore,' he said. 'This is a problem now. It has serious implications for the way we live right now.' Obama said the rising sea level in South Florida and inward flow of salt water is evidence that climate change is already having a negative effect on communities. 'This is not some impossible problem that we cannot solve. We can solve it if we've got some political will,' he said. 'And we can solve it in a way that creates jobs. We can solve it in a way that doesn't disrupt our economy but enhances our economy. And it's a bipartisan issue.' 'That's why I've committed the United States to lead the world in combatting this threat,' he said, throwing a spotlight on his administration's efforts to reduce the rate of global warming through the reduction of carbon emissions . An alligator is spotted sunning itself along the Anhinga Trail at Everglades National Park as Obama took a tour . Wiping sweat from his brow as he braved the subtropical temperatures to make his mark on Earth Day, the president mingled with crowd-goers at the mid-day event before returning to Washington on Air Force One. Previewing the day trip, the White House had reiterated Obama's belief that 'no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.' It's statement pointed out that last year was the warmest year on record and that 14 of the 15 of earth's hottest years happened this century. It said, 'Climate change is also affecting some of the most iconic places in our country, from disappearing glaciers in Glacier National Park to dying Joshua Trees in Joshua Tree National Park.' 'Recognized worldwide as a unique and treasured landscape, the Everglades is a perfect example of the threat we face from climate change, including rising sea levels that result in shoreline erosion and increased flooding.' Obama said it is this generation's 'turn to ensure that' natural monuments remain the 'birthright of all Americans for generations to come.' Wiping sweat from his brow as he braved the subtropical temperatures to make his mark on Earth Day, the president mingled with crowd-goers at the mid-day event before returning to Washington on Air Force One . The White House also asserted that climate change was already displacing animals and plants, including tropical orchids, some of which are only found in south Florida.' 'We are blessed with the most beautiful God-given landscape in the world,' the president said today. 'It's an incredible bounty that's been given to us. But we've got to be good stewards for it. We have to take care of it.' Obama said it is this generation's 'turn to ensure that' natural monuments remain the 'birthright of all Americans for generations to come.' 'So many people here are active in your communities, doing what's needed. The young people who are here, the next generation, they're way ahead of us in understanding how important this is . 'Let's make sure we don't disappoint them. Let's stand up and do what's right before it's too late,' he concluded. Obama was accompanied by Bill Nye 'the Science Guy' on the day trip. He also gave Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who he's seen here hugging, and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, second from left, a ride .
president, obama, white, house, barack, bush, washington, administration, american, states,
earth, sun, climate, planet, change, surface, atmosphere, carbon, global, temperature,
the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, here in America, White House press conference, the Bush administration, the former Republican president,
global climate change, atmosphere around the Earth, carbon emissions affect climate change, Earth's surface, global temperatures, temperature of the sun
This topic is about the country's president, ruler of the country, President Barack Obama, the White House press conference, the Bush administration, and the former Republican president.
This topic is about how carbon emissions affect global climate change, the Earth’s surface as well as the atmosphere around the Earth, the temperature of the sun, and global temperatures.
President Barack Obama cited the shrinking Florida Everglades today as proof that climate change is real and is threatening America's "national treasures" as well as the tourism economies of its neighboring cities. He cites this as the reason for his government's efforts to slow the rate of global warming, by reducing carbon emissions. Obama took a half-hour walking tour of the Anhinga Trail in the 1.5-million-acre national park today, before calling on Americans to save the Everglades and other natural gems by making environmentally conscious decisions. He also said rising sea levels in South Florida and the influx of salt water are evidence that climate change is already having a negative effect on communities.
President Barack Obama held the shrinking Florida Everglades today as proof positive that climate change is real and is threatening America's "national treasures" as well as the economies of its neighboring cities, which rely heavily on tourist dollars. ' 'That's why I've committed the United States to leading the world in combating this threat,' he said, highlighting his government's efforts to reduce the rate of global warming by reducing carbon emissions. The president said the consequences of rising temperatures "are not a problem for another generation". At least 'not anymore', he said. ' 'That's why I've committed the United States to leading the world in combating this threat,' he said, highlighting his government's efforts to reduce the rate of global warming by reducing carbon emissions. Looking ahead to the one-day trip, the White House reiterated Obama's belief that "no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change."
[ "President Barack Obama held up the shrinking Florida Everglades today as proof positive that climate change is real and is threatening America's 'national treasures,' as well as the economies of their surrounding towns, which rely heavily on tourist dollars. 'Climate change can no longer be denied. It can't be edited out,' he said this afternoon in a speech at Everglades National Park commemorating Earth Day. 'It can't be omitted from the conversation. And action can no longer be delayed.' 'That's why I've committed the United States to lead the world in combatting this threat,' he said, throwing a spotlight on his administration's efforts to reduce the rate of global warming through the reduction of carbon emissions. The day trip to South Florida, on which Obama was accompanied by Bill Nye 'the Science Guy,' also highlighted the massive amount of fuel it takes to power Air Force One, however, 9,000 gallons, round trip. Scroll down for video . President Barack Obama takes a walking tour of the Anhinga Trail at Everglades National Park. Obama visited the subtropical swamps of the park today as part of a push to get Americans thinking and talking about the damage climate change is causing close to home . Obama held up the shrinking Florida Everglades today as proof positive that climate change is real and is threatening America's 'national treasures,' as well as the economies of their surrounding towns, which rely heavily on tourist dollars . 'Climate change can no longer be denied. It can't be edited out,' he said this", "afternoon in a speech at Everglades National Park commemorating Earth Day. 'It can't be omitted from the conversation. And action can no longer be delayed' Vehicles in the president's motorcade are seen in the Everglades National Park where Obama stopped for a visit on the Anhinga trail in Homestead. Asked earlier this week if Obama's gas-guzzling trip to Florida would undermine his Earth Day message, the White House said it would not and reaffirmed Obama's efforts to reduce pollutants . On of the helicopters escorting Marine One with President Barack Obama onboard, prepares to land at Miami's International Airport . I love the smell of jet fuel, Nye told reporters as he waited to board the president's 747 this morning for the flight to Florida, during which the White House said he would film a video with Obama. Asked earlier this week if Obama's gas-guzzling trip to Florida would undermine his Earth Day message, the White House said it would not and reaffirmed Obama's efforts to reduce pollutants. Obama took a half -hour walking tour of the the Anhinga Trail at the 1.5-million-acre national park today before making a plea for Americans to save the Everglades and other natural gems by making environmentally-conscious decisions. 'I can't think of a better way to spend Earth Day than in one of our nation's greatest natural treasures, the Everglades,' he told his audience, calling the swamp, which he acknowledged is not technically a swamp, 'magical.' 'Climate change is threatening this treasure and the communities that depend on it,' Obama", "warned. 'If we don't act,there may not be an Everglades as we know it.' The president said the fallout from rising temperatures is 'not a problem for another generation.' At least, 'not anymore,' he said. 'This is a problem now. It has serious implications for the way we live right now.' Obama said the rising sea level in South Florida and inward flow of salt water is evidence that climate change is already having a negative effect on communities. 'This is not some impossible problem that we cannot solve. We can solve it if we've got some political will,' he said. 'And we can solve it in a way that creates jobs. We can solve it in a way that doesn't disrupt our economy but enhances our economy. And it's a bipartisan issue.' 'That's why I've committed the United States to lead the world in combatting this threat,' he said, throwing a spotlight on his administration's efforts to reduce the rate of global warming through the reduction of carbon emissions . An alligator is spotted sunning itself along the Anhinga Trail at Everglades National Park as Obama took a tour . Wiping sweat from his brow as he braved the subtropical temperatures to make his mark on Earth Day, the president mingled with crowd-goers at the mid-day event before returning to Washington on Air Force One. Previewing the day trip, the White House had reiterated Obama's belief that 'no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.' It's statement pointed out that last", "year was the warmest year on record and that 14 of the 15 of earth's hottest years happened this century. It said, 'Climate change is also affecting some of the most iconic places in our country, from disappearing glaciers in Glacier National Park to dying Joshua Trees in Joshua Tree National Park.' 'Recognized worldwide as a unique and treasured landscape, the Everglades is a perfect example of the threat we face from climate change, including rising sea levels that result in shoreline erosion and increased flooding.' Obama said it is this generation's 'turn to ensure that' natural monuments remain the 'birthright of all Americans for generations to come.' Wiping sweat from his brow as he braved the subtropical temperatures to make his mark on Earth Day, the president mingled with crowd-goers at the mid-day event before returning to Washington on Air Force One . The White House also asserted that climate change was already displacing animals and plants, including tropical orchids, some of which are only found in south Florida.' 'We are blessed with the most beautiful God-given landscape in the world,' the president said today. 'It's an incredible bounty that's been given to us. But we've got to be good stewards for it. We have to take care of it.' Obama said it is this generation's 'turn to ensure that' natural monuments remain the 'birthright of all Americans for generations to come.' 'So many people here are active in your communities, doing what's needed. The young people who are here, the next generation, they're way", "ahead of us in understanding how important this is . 'Let's make sure we don't disappoint them. Let's stand up and do what's right before it's too late,' he concluded. Obama was accompanied by Bill Nye 'the Science Guy' on the day trip. He also gave Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who he's seen here hugging, and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, second from left, a ride ." ]
[ "President Barack Obama held up the shrinking Florida Everglades today as proof positive that climate change is real and is threatening America's 'national treasures,' as well as the economies of their surrounding towns, which rely heavily on tourist dollars. 'Climate change can no longer be denied. It can't be edited out,' he said this afternoon in a speech at Everglades National Park commemorating Earth Day. 'It can't be omitted from the conversation. And action can no longer be delayed.' 'That's why I've committed the United States to lead the world in combatting this threat,' he said, throwing a spotlight on his administration's efforts to reduce the rate of global warming through the reduction of carbon emissions. The day trip to South Florida, on which Obama was accompanied by Bill Nye 'the Science Guy,' also highlighted the massive amount of fuel it takes to power Air Force One, however, 9,000 gallons, round trip. Scroll down for video . President Barack Obama takes a walking tour of the Anhinga Trail at Everglades National Park. Obama visited the subtropical swamps of the park today as part of a push to get Americans thinking and talking about the damage climate change is causing close to home . Obama held up the shrinking Florida Everglades today as proof positive that climate change is real and is threatening America's 'national treasures,' as well as the economies of their surrounding towns, which rely heavily on tourist dollars . 'Climate change can no longer be denied. It can't be edited out,' he said this", "afternoon in a speech at Everglades National Park commemorating Earth Day. 'It can't be omitted from the conversation. And action can no longer be delayed' Vehicles in the president's motorcade are seen in the Everglades National Park where Obama stopped for a visit on the Anhinga trail in Homestead. Asked earlier this week if Obama's gas-guzzling trip to Florida would undermine his Earth Day message, the White House said it would not and reaffirmed Obama's efforts to reduce pollutants . On of the helicopters escorting Marine One with President Barack Obama onboard, prepares to land at Miami's International Airport . I love the smell of jet fuel, Nye told reporters as he waited to board the president's 747 this morning for the flight to Florida, during which the White House said he would film a video with Obama. Asked earlier this week if Obama's gas-guzzling trip to Florida would undermine his Earth Day message, the White House said it would not and reaffirmed Obama's efforts to reduce pollutants. Obama took a half -hour walking tour of the the Anhinga Trail at the 1.5-million-acre national park today before making a plea for Americans to save the Everglades and other natural gems by making environmentally-conscious decisions. 'I can't think of a better way to spend Earth Day than in one of our nation's greatest natural treasures, the Everglades,' he told his audience, calling the swamp, which he acknowledged is not technically a swamp, 'magical.' 'Climate change is threatening this treasure and the communities that depend on it,' Obama", "warned. 'If we don't act,there may not be an Everglades as we know it.' The president said the fallout from rising temperatures is 'not a problem for another generation.' At least, 'not anymore,' he said. 'This is a problem now. It has serious implications for the way we live right now.' Obama said the rising sea level in South Florida and inward flow of salt water is evidence that climate change is already having a negative effect on communities. 'This is not some impossible problem that we cannot solve. We can solve it if we've got some political will,' he said. 'And we can solve it in a way that creates jobs. We can solve it in a way that doesn't disrupt our economy but enhances our economy. And it's a bipartisan issue.' 'That's why I've committed the United States to lead the world in combatting this threat,' he said, throwing a spotlight on his administration's efforts to reduce the rate of global warming through the reduction of carbon emissions . An alligator is spotted sunning itself along the Anhinga Trail at Everglades National Park as Obama took a tour . Wiping sweat from his brow as he braved the subtropical temperatures to make his mark on Earth Day, the president mingled with crowd-goers at the mid-day event before returning to Washington on Air Force One. Previewing the day trip, the White House had reiterated Obama's belief that 'no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.' It's statement pointed out that last", "year was the warmest year on record and that 14 of the 15 of earth's hottest years happened this century. It said, 'Climate change is also affecting some of the most iconic places in our country, from disappearing glaciers in Glacier National Park to dying Joshua Trees in Joshua Tree National Park.' 'Recognized worldwide as a unique and treasured landscape, the Everglades is a perfect example of the threat we face from climate change, including rising sea levels that result in shoreline erosion and increased flooding.' Obama said it is this generation's 'turn to ensure that' natural monuments remain the 'birthright of all Americans for generations to come.' Wiping sweat from his brow as he braved the subtropical temperatures to make his mark on Earth Day, the president mingled with crowd-goers at the mid-day event before returning to Washington on Air Force One . The White House also asserted that climate change was already displacing animals and plants, including tropical orchids, some of which are only found in south Florida.' 'We are blessed with the most beautiful God-given landscape in the world,' the president said today. 'It's an incredible bounty that's been given to us. But we've got to be good stewards for it. We have to take care of it.' Obama said it is this generation's 'turn to ensure that' natural monuments remain the 'birthright of all Americans for generations to come.' 'So many people here are active in your communities, doing what's needed. The young people who are here, the next generation, they're way", "ahead of us in understanding how important this is . 'Let's make sure we don't disappoint them. Let's stand up and do what's right before it's too late,' he concluded. Obama was accompanied by Bill Nye 'the Science Guy' on the day trip. He also gave Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who he's seen here hugging, and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, second from left, a ride ." ]
President Obama emphasized the reality of climate change while visiting the Everglades National Park on Earth Day. He stated that climate change is threatening America's "national treasures" and the economies of surrounding towns. Obama highlighted the importance of reducing carbon emissions and taking action against climate change, citing its current impact on communities and the environment. He also mentioned the need for bipartisan cooperation to address this issue.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Charged: April Emery was arrested after her children were found wandering the streets selling toys . An Osceola County, Florida mother has been arrested after authorities said they found her two young daughters going door to door trying to sell their toys. The Osceola County Sheriff's Office says the girls, ages 7 and 9, were walking barefoot about a half-mile from their home about 10:30 a.m. Thursday. The girls told deputies they were selling their toys 'to help mommy stay in the house.' The girls had missed a 7:20 a.m. bus to school, deputies said. The deputies found the mother, April Emery, at home sleeping. According to investigators, when deputies woke her up she said she blamed her daughters for not waking her up at school time. WTSP reports that Emery did not seem to be concerned about her daughters' well being. When deputies told her they found her daughters walking around, she told them, 'Well they should know better, it's their job to wake me up in the morning to get ready for school.' Emery was charged with child neglect without great bodily harm. The arrest was reported to the state Department of Children and Families, which had investigated previous allegations of poor child care at the home. According to the sheriff's office, the home had running water, electricity and food, and the girls were were wearing clean clothes and had toys 'to keep them entertained.' The girls are now staying with a family member. Accused of neglect: April Emery allegedly told police it was her child's fault for neglect because they were the ones responsible for waking her up for school .
charged, allegedly, charges, arrested, alleged, investigation, arrest, accused, authorities, office,
children, child, parents, birth, born, kids, families, mother, family, care,
person arrested and charged, authorities allege, investigation, accused of a crime, under arrest on one charge, under investigation
children and parents, families with children, having kids, giving birth, she became a mother, baby was born
This topic is about a person arrested and charged, authorities allegations, an investigation, being accused of a crime, being under arrest on one charge, and being under investigation.
This topic is about having kids, becoming a mother, giving birth, children and their parents, and families with children when a baby is born.
April Emery was charged for child neglect without great bodily harm. She did not seem to care that her daughters were walking around barefoot. Blames both daughters for not waking her up. The State Department of Children and Families had investigated previous allegations of poor child care at her home.
April Emery had two daughters, and was arrested for neglect. According to the Oscelola County Sheriff's Office, two girls ages 7 and 9 were walking barefoot about a half-mile from their home, selling their toys to "help mommy stay in the house." She told the police it was her childrens' fault for not waking her up.
[ "Charged: April Emery was arrested after her children were found wandering the streets selling toys . An Osceola County, Florida mother has been arrested after authorities said they found her two young daughters going door to door trying to sell their toys. The Osceola County Sheriff's Office says the girls, ages 7 and 9, were walking barefoot about a half-mile from their home about 10:30 a.m. Thursday. The girls told deputies they were selling their toys 'to help mommy stay in the house.' The girls had missed a 7:20 a.m. bus to school, deputies said. The deputies found the mother, April Emery, at home sleeping. According to investigators, when deputies woke her up she said she blamed her daughters for not waking her up at school time. WTSP reports that Emery did not seem to be concerned about her daughters' well being. When deputies told her they found her daughters walking around, she told them, 'Well they should know better, it's their job to wake me up in the morning to get ready for school.' Emery was charged with child neglect without great bodily harm. The arrest was reported to the state Department of Children and Families, which had investigated previous allegations of poor child care at the home. According to the sheriff's office, the home had running water, electricity and food, and the girls were were wearing clean clothes and had toys 'to keep them entertained.' The girls are now staying with a family member. Accused of neglect: April Emery allegedly told police it was", "her child's fault for neglect because they were the ones responsible for waking her up for school ." ]
[ "Charged: April Emery was arrested after her children were found wandering the streets selling toys . An Osceola County, Florida mother has been arrested after authorities said they found her two young daughters going door to door trying to sell their toys. The Osceola County Sheriff's Office says the girls, ages 7 and 9, were walking barefoot about a half-mile from their home about 10:30 a.m. Thursday. The girls told deputies they were selling their toys 'to help mommy stay in the house.' The girls had missed a 7:20 a.m. bus to school, deputies said. The deputies found the mother, April Emery, at home sleeping. According to investigators, when deputies woke her up she said she blamed her daughters for not waking her up at school time. WTSP reports that Emery did not seem to be concerned about her daughters' well being. When deputies told her they found her daughters walking around, she told them, 'Well they should know better, it's their job to wake me up in the morning to get ready for school.' Emery was charged with child neglect without great bodily harm. The arrest was reported to the state Department of Children and Families, which had investigated previous allegations of poor child care at the home. According to the sheriff's office, the home had running water, electricity and food, and the girls were were wearing clean clothes and had toys 'to keep them entertained.' The girls are now staying with a family member. Accused of neglect: April Emery allegedly told police it was", "her child's fault for neglect because they were the ones responsible for waking her up for school ." ]
A 7-year-old and 9-year-old were found wandering the streets, barefoot, trying to sell their toys to support their mother, who was sleeping at home. Their mother, April Emery, was arrested and charged with child neglect, showing little concern for her daughters' well-being. The girls are now in the care of a family member.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Unsurprisingly, the Champions League and Europa League draws have dominated the headlines on the Continent - especially in Spain and Italy who make up six of the last eight teams remaining in both European competitions. In Italy, Juventus' semi-final with Real Madrid has been likened to a pair of films with Tuttosport comparing the clash to 'Star Wars' complete with Cristiano Ronaldo and Mauro Icardi brandishing lightsabers, while Corriere dello Sport confidently claim it's 'Mission Possible'. La Gazetta dello Sport are equally bold in their conviction that the Old Lady can overcome the holders and have even mapped out how the tie can be won, which seems to pin hopes on former Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez. Film themes have been used to brand the Champions League semi-final between Real Madrid and Juventus . La Gazzetta dello Sport pins Juve's hopes of reaching the Champions League final on Carlos Tevez . Italians have a plan to beat the holders while Spain is holding out for a Clasico final . Bernabeu boss Carlo Ancelotti apparently fears hos former team since: 'They've won the Scudetto and can now focus only on Europe'. And, former Liverpool and Chelsea manager Rafa Benitez is being equally cautious over his Napoli side's chances of beating Europa League minnows Dnipro, warning: 'They are a good side'. With Fiorentina facing holders Sevilla in the second semi-final, there is hope that the final will be contested between two Serie A teams. Meanwhile, Spain are looking towards an all-Spanish Champions League final between arch rivals Barcelona and Real Madrid with Marca referring to semi-final opponents Bayern Munich and Juventus as 'The Berlin Walls' blocking 'the mother of all finals'. Pep Guardiola faces an emotional return to the Nou Camp as Bayern Munich take on Barcelona . Benfica and Porto meet in a top of the table clash in Portugal (left) Pavel Nedvedis looking forward to Real . Pep Guardiola will of course be facing his former Barcelona team as manager of the Germans with AS reporting him as saying: 'It will be special: it feels like my home' while Mundo Deportivo have him praising Barca as 'the strongest team'. There's also the small matter of a derby between the Catalans and Espanyol on Saturday, a game Luis Enrique has called 'a key match on hostile territory'. FC Porto and Benfica will be staging a top of the table clash in Portugual which has been described as a 'Duel of Goals' by A Bola who have mocked up Jackson Martinez and Jonas Oliveira as cartoon figure cowboys preparing for the shoot out.
united, manchester, liverpool, chelsea, league, premier, city, manager, ferguson, striker,
cup, real, madrid, brazil, ronaldo, competition, costa, messi, champions, group,
Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, Liverpool versus Chelsea
world cup football championship, Brazil qualified for the finals, Messi said about Ronaldo, world champions will defend their title, Nations Cup, best group of players, real madrid, competition for the cup
This topic is about Manchester United's manager, Premier League, the striker for the team, and Liverpool versus Chelsea.
This topic is about the world cup football championship, Brazil qualifying for the finals, Messi talking about Ronaldo, world champions defending their title, the Nations Cup, the best group of players, real madrid, and a competition for the cup.
Champions League and Europa League draws have made headlines across the continent ‚ especially in Spain and Italy, which feature six of the last eight teams remaining in both European competitions. La Gazetta dello Sport are similarly bold in their belief that the old woman can overtake the champions and have even mapped out how the tie can be won, which seems to pin hopes on former Manchester City forward Carlos Tevez. Former Liverpool and Chelsea coach Rafa Benitez is being wary of the Napoli team's chances of beating Europa League minnow Dnipro, warning: 'They are a good team'. Pep Guardiola will certainly face his former Barcelona team as Germany coach, with AS reporting he said: 'It will be special: I feel at home', while Mundo Deportivo praises Bara as 'the strongest team'.
Everyone knows that Champions League and Europa League draws have dominated the headlines on the continent - in Spain and Italy, which represent six of the last eight teams remaining in both European competitions. The Italians have plans to beat the champion, while Spain await Clasico's final. Bernabeu coach Carlo Ancelotti has apparently feared his old team since: "They won the Scudetto and now they can focus only on Europe." Benfica and Porto face each other at the top of the table in Portugal Pavel Nedvedis looking forward to Real. Pep Guardiola will definitely face his former Barcelona team as the German coach, with AS reporting he said: 'It will be special: I feel at home', while Mundo Deportivo praises Bara as 'the strongest team'.
[ "Unsurprisingly, the Champions League and Europa League draws have dominated the headlines on the Continent - especially in Spain and Italy who make up six of the last eight teams remaining in both European competitions. In Italy, Juventus' semi-final with Real Madrid has been likened to a pair of films with Tuttosport comparing the clash to 'Star Wars' complete with Cristiano Ronaldo and Mauro Icardi brandishing lightsabers, while Corriere dello Sport confidently claim it's 'Mission Possible'. La Gazetta dello Sport are equally bold in their conviction that the Old Lady can overcome the holders and have even mapped out how the tie can be won, which seems to pin hopes on former Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez. Film themes have been used to brand the Champions League semi-final between Real Madrid and Juventus . La Gazzetta dello Sport pins Juve's hopes of reaching the Champions League final on Carlos Tevez . Italians have a plan to beat the holders while Spain is holding out for a Clasico final . Bernabeu boss Carlo Ancelotti apparently fears hos former team since: 'They've won the Scudetto and can now focus only on Europe'. And, former Liverpool and Chelsea manager Rafa Benitez is being equally cautious over his Napoli side's chances of beating Europa League minnows Dnipro, warning: 'They are a good side'. With Fiorentina facing holders Sevilla in the second semi-final, there is hope that the final will be contested between two Serie A teams. Meanwhile, Spain are looking towards an all-Spanish Champions League final between arch rivals Barcelona", "and Real Madrid with Marca referring to semi-final opponents Bayern Munich and Juventus as 'The Berlin Walls' blocking 'the mother of all finals'. Pep Guardiola faces an emotional return to the Nou Camp as Bayern Munich take on Barcelona . Benfica and Porto meet in a top of the table clash in Portugal (left) Pavel Nedvedis looking forward to Real . Pep Guardiola will of course be facing his former Barcelona team as manager of the Germans with AS reporting him as saying: 'It will be special: it feels like my home' while Mundo Deportivo have him praising Barca as 'the strongest team'. There's also the small matter of a derby between the Catalans and Espanyol on Saturday, a game Luis Enrique has called 'a key match on hostile territory'. FC Porto and Benfica will be staging a top of the table clash in Portugual which has been described as a 'Duel of Goals' by A Bola who have mocked up Jackson Martinez and Jonas Oliveira as cartoon figure cowboys preparing for the shoot out." ]
[ "Unsurprisingly, the Champions League and Europa League draws have dominated the headlines on the Continent - especially in Spain and Italy who make up six of the last eight teams remaining in both European competitions. In Italy, Juventus' semi-final with Real Madrid has been likened to a pair of films with Tuttosport comparing the clash to 'Star Wars' complete with Cristiano Ronaldo and Mauro Icardi brandishing lightsabers, while Corriere dello Sport confidently claim it's 'Mission Possible'. La Gazetta dello Sport are equally bold in their conviction that the Old Lady can overcome the holders and have even mapped out how the tie can be won, which seems to pin hopes on former Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez. Film themes have been used to brand the Champions League semi-final between Real Madrid and Juventus . La Gazzetta dello Sport pins Juve's hopes of reaching the Champions League final on Carlos Tevez . Italians have a plan to beat the holders while Spain is holding out for a Clasico final . Bernabeu boss Carlo Ancelotti apparently fears hos former team since: 'They've won the Scudetto and can now focus only on Europe'. And, former Liverpool and Chelsea manager Rafa Benitez is being equally cautious over his Napoli side's chances of beating Europa League minnows Dnipro, warning: 'They are a good side'. With Fiorentina facing holders Sevilla in the second semi-final, there is hope that the final will be contested between two Serie A teams. Meanwhile, Spain are looking towards an all-Spanish Champions League final between arch rivals Barcelona", "and Real Madrid with Marca referring to semi-final opponents Bayern Munich and Juventus as 'The Berlin Walls' blocking 'the mother of all finals'. Pep Guardiola faces an emotional return to the Nou Camp as Bayern Munich take on Barcelona . Benfica and Porto meet in a top of the table clash in Portugal (left) Pavel Nedvedis looking forward to Real . Pep Guardiola will of course be facing his former Barcelona team as manager of the Germans with AS reporting him as saying: 'It will be special: it feels like my home' while Mundo Deportivo have him praising Barca as 'the strongest team'. There's also the small matter of a derby between the Catalans and Espanyol on Saturday, a game Luis Enrique has called 'a key match on hostile territory'. FC Porto and Benfica will be staging a top of the table clash in Portugual which has been described as a 'Duel of Goals' by A Bola who have mocked up Jackson Martinez and Jonas Oliveira as cartoon figure cowboys preparing for the shoot out." ]
The article discusses the upcoming Champions League and Europa League matches, particularly focusing on the Spanish and Italian teams involved. Real Madrid and Juventus are set to face off in the Champions League semi-finals, with Juventus hoping to overcome the holders. Meanwhile, Spain is rooting for an all-Spanish final between Barcelona and Real Madrid. In other news, Porto and Benfica will clash in a top-of-the-table match in Portugal, dubbed a "Duel of Goals".
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }
Ever noticed how plane seats appear to be getting smaller and smaller? With increasing numbers of people taking to the skies, some experts are questioning if having such packed out planes is putting passengers at risk. They say that the shrinking space on aeroplanes is not only uncomfortable - it's putting our health and safety in danger. More than squabbling over the arm rest, shrinking space on planes putting our health and safety in danger? This week, a U.S consumer advisory group set up by the Department of Transportation said at a public hearing that while the government is happy to set standards for animals flying on planes, it doesn't stipulate a minimum amount of space for humans. 'In a world where animals have more rights to space and food than humans,' said Charlie Leocha, consumer representative on the committee. 'It is time that the DOT and FAA take a stand for humane treatment of passengers.' But could crowding on planes lead to more serious issues than fighting for space in the overhead lockers, crashing elbows and seat back kicking? Tests conducted by the FAA use planes with a 31 inch pitch, a standard which on some airlines has decreased . Many economy seats on United Airlines have 30 inches of room, while some airlines offer as little as 28 inches . Cynthia Corbertt, a human factors researcher with the Federal Aviation Administration, that it conducts tests on how quickly passengers can leave a plane. But these tests are conducted using planes with 31 inches between each row of seats, a standard which on some airlines has decreased, reported the Detroit News. The distance between two seats from one point on a seat to the same point on the seat behind it is known as the pitch. While most airlines stick to a pitch of 31 inches or above, some fall below this. While United Airlines has 30 inches of space, Gulf Air economy seats have between 29 and 32 inches, Air Asia offers 29 inches and Spirit Airlines offers just 28 inches. British Airways has a seat pitch of 31 inches, while easyJet has 29 inches, Thomson's short haul seat pitch is 28 inches, and Virgin Atlantic's is 30-31.
air, plane, aircraft, flight, flying, pilot, fly, jet, crew, landing,
airport, passengers, flight, travel, airlines, passenger, flights, airline, international, transport,
flying the plane, the pilot of this aircraft, passengers flying for leisure or work, landing strip, the flight crew, take-offs and landings, aircraft landing, jet flying by
travel via air, passengers on that flight, airlines offering flexible changes, world's busiest airport, international transport, flights were being handled by different air traffic controllers
This topic is about flying the plane, the pilot of the aircraft, passengers flying for leisure or work, landing strip, the flight crew, take-offs and landings, aircraft landing, and a jet flying by.
This topic is about traveling via air, passengers on a flight, airlines offering flexible changes, the world's busiest airport, international transport, and flights being handled by different air traffic controllers.
Flying planes have gotten even harder with companies packing in more people on planes. The pilot has more passengers to worry about since they have very few inches between seats. Leisure passengers have very few inches between seats and it is a concern.
Passengers on planes are given even less legroom these days. Several airlines have the 31 inch rule but most do not anymore. This makes travel for passengers uncomfortable on long flights.
[ "Ever noticed how plane seats appear to be getting smaller and smaller? With increasing numbers of people taking to the skies, some experts are questioning if having such packed out planes is putting passengers at risk. They say that the shrinking space on aeroplanes is not only uncomfortable - it's putting our health and safety in danger. More than squabbling over the arm rest, shrinking space on planes putting our health and safety in danger? This week, a U.S consumer advisory group set up by the Department of Transportation said at a public hearing that while the government is happy to set standards for animals flying on planes, it doesn't stipulate a minimum amount of space for humans. 'In a world where animals have more rights to space and food than humans,' said Charlie Leocha, consumer representative on the committee. 'It is time that the DOT and FAA take a stand for humane treatment of passengers.' But could crowding on planes lead to more serious issues than fighting for space in the overhead lockers, crashing elbows and seat back kicking? Tests conducted by the FAA use planes with a 31 inch pitch, a standard which on some airlines has decreased . Many economy seats on United Airlines have 30 inches of room, while some airlines offer as little as 28 inches . Cynthia Corbertt, a human factors researcher with the Federal Aviation Administration, that it conducts tests on how quickly passengers can leave a plane. But these tests are conducted using planes with 31 inches between", "each row of seats, a standard which on some airlines has decreased, reported the Detroit News. The distance between two seats from one point on a seat to the same point on the seat behind it is known as the pitch. While most airlines stick to a pitch of 31 inches or above, some fall below this. While United Airlines has 30 inches of space, Gulf Air economy seats have between 29 and 32 inches, Air Asia offers 29 inches and Spirit Airlines offers just 28 inches. British Airways has a seat pitch of 31 inches, while easyJet has 29 inches, Thomson's short haul seat pitch is 28 inches, and Virgin Atlantic's is 30-31." ]
[ "Ever noticed how plane seats appear to be getting smaller and smaller? With increasing numbers of people taking to the skies, some experts are questioning if having such packed out planes is putting passengers at risk. They say that the shrinking space on aeroplanes is not only uncomfortable - it's putting our health and safety in danger. More than squabbling over the arm rest, shrinking space on planes putting our health and safety in danger? This week, a U.S consumer advisory group set up by the Department of Transportation said at a public hearing that while the government is happy to set standards for animals flying on planes, it doesn't stipulate a minimum amount of space for humans. 'In a world where animals have more rights to space and food than humans,' said Charlie Leocha, consumer representative on the committee. 'It is time that the DOT and FAA take a stand for humane treatment of passengers.' But could crowding on planes lead to more serious issues than fighting for space in the overhead lockers, crashing elbows and seat back kicking? Tests conducted by the FAA use planes with a 31 inch pitch, a standard which on some airlines has decreased . Many economy seats on United Airlines have 30 inches of room, while some airlines offer as little as 28 inches . Cynthia Corbertt, a human factors researcher with the Federal Aviation Administration, that it conducts tests on how quickly passengers can leave a plane. But these tests are conducted using planes with 31 inches between", "each row of seats, a standard which on some airlines has decreased, reported the Detroit News. The distance between two seats from one point on a seat to the same point on the seat behind it is known as the pitch. While most airlines stick to a pitch of 31 inches or above, some fall below this. While United Airlines has 30 inches of space, Gulf Air economy seats have between 29 and 32 inches, Air Asia offers 29 inches and Spirit Airlines offers just 28 inches. British Airways has a seat pitch of 31 inches, while easyJet has 29 inches, Thomson's short haul seat pitch is 28 inches, and Virgin Atlantic's is 30-31." ]
The article discusses concerns about the decreasing size of airplane seats and its impact on passenger comfort, health, and safety. Experts argue that the lack of regulation on seat size puts passengers at risk, citing examples of airlines offering as little as 28 inches of space per seat. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) conducts tests on passenger evacuation times using planes with a 31-inch pitch, but actual seat sizes vary among airlines.
{ "AssignmentId": "3EG49X351WE8VLP4S0TIYZF3V476X2", "__index_level_0__": 0, "article": "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system', and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy.", "docId": "094372190d52acbce61a73ec16b2217d1a60276f", "phrases1": "senate and congress, congressional pressure, you can call your representative's office, told a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, staffer to the Democratic senator, federal employee benefits", "phrases2": "economic growth, global growth, billion dollar figures, economy is growing, expected growth", "sentences1": "This topic is about the senate and congress, congressional pressure, calling one's representative's office, informing a Senate committee, lawmakers setting the record straight, the staffer to the Democratic senator, and federal employee benefits.", "sentences2": "This topic is about economic growth involving billion dollar figures showing that the economy is growing as expected globally.", "summary1": "The leader of the World Bank urged the US to take action before the borrowing deadline. The US Congress needed to come to an agreement to raise the borrowing limit, as the UD treasury secretary had stated his authority had reached its limits in the matter. Republicans shot down the Democratic proposal to increase the borrowing limit, putting a federal default at risk that would affect the global economy.", "summary2": "The US economy will be a driving factor in the world economy for many coming years, the stability and growth of the US economy is crucial on a global scale. The US had reached its debt ceiling and many world banks and leaders grew concerned. Having failed to reach an agreement, the US will be unable to virtue any further, risking federal default and collapse of the worlds economies.", "tid1": 175, "tid2": 110, "top_sentences_words1": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "top_sentences_words2": [ "The president of the World Bank on Saturday warned the United States was just 'days away' from causing a global economic disaster unless politicians come up with a plan to raise the nation's debt limit and avoid default. 'We're now five days away from a very dangerous moment. I urge US policymakers to quickly come to a resolution before they reach the debt ceiling deadline... Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing,' World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a briefing following a meeting of the bank's Development Committee. 'If this comes to pass, it could be a disastrous event for the developing world, and that will in turn greatly hurt developed economies as well,' he said. Scroll down for video . Disastrous: World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim warned Saturday that the United States was headed toward peril as politicians failed again to resolve a standoff over the budget . The alarming remarks from the Korean-American came after three days of talks revolving around meetings of the 188-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending agency, the World Bank, where top officials pressed the US to resolve the political impasse over the debt ceiling. The standoff has blocked approval of legislation to increase the government's borrowing limit before a fast-approaching Thursday deadline. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned that he will exhaust his borrowing authority on Thursday and the government will face the prospect of defaulting on its debt unless Congress raises the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. 'We", "know there are problems,' Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the head of the IMF's policy-steering committee and Singapore's finance minister, told a news conference at the end of the IMF meeting. 'We know there are near-term risks, the most obvious one being what's going on in the US with regard to the fiscal deficit.' But one of the big near-term concerns, the expectation that the US Federal Reserve will start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the economy, is actually pointing to a positive development, Tharman said. Talks: Jim Yong Kim, (left), president, World Bank Group, and Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, talk before a meeting of the Development Committee during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington . It means that the U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand a reduction of the stimulus. IMF officials have been forecasting that the strengthening U.S. economy will be a main driver of the global economy in the coming year. At the same time, developing country economies are slowing and their markets have been unsettled since May by anticipation that the Fed will soon begin tapering its $85-billion-a-month bond purchases, which poured cash into the economy to stimulate growth. 'The eventual normalisation of monetary policy as economies recover in the West will be a net positive for the emerging economies,' Tharman said, meaning that the strength of the major economies would help carry the global economy forward. Lew told finance ministers that the US understood the role it played as 'the anchor of the international financial system',", "and assured them the administration was doing all it could to reach a resolution on the debt. Stalemate: Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to his office after a meeting with fellow Republicans at the Capitol in Washington on Saturday . An effort Saturday to pass a one-year extension of the borrowing limit failed to get sufficient votes. But in a more hopeful sign, negotiations began between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to end the impasse. Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, was one of a number of officials who were guardedly confident that an eleventh-hour deal would be reached, as it has in similar standoffs in the past. 'I still think it is unthinkable that an agreement won't be found,' Draghi told reporters on Saturday. 'If this situation were to last a long time, it would be very negative for the U.S. economy and the world economy and could certainly harm the recovery.' But once Draghi moved beyond the US impasse, he sounded upbeat about the prospects for a European recovery. That in itself is a dramatic turn from the past three years, when global financial leaders were taken up with waves of crisis sweeping across the region and necessitating a series of international rescue loans. Business not as usual: President Barack Obama yesterday discussed challenges from the partial government shutdown small business owners . The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better", "withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies. When the stimulus money was flowing, emerging economies benefited from investments as investors were attracted by their relatively higher rates of interest vis-a-vis the United States and other major economies. But many of those same countries that benefited from capital flows have been rocked since May, as the investment flows reversed and flowed back toward the US as rates here began to rise. Alexandre Tombini, the head Brazil's central bank, told the IMF steering committee that the worries about the US and global economies might be overblown. 'A while ago there was an excess of exuberance and now perhaps an excess of pessimism,' he said. Negotiating: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is surrounded by reporters as he leaves the Senate floor to meet with Senate Democrats regarding the government shutdown and debt ceiling . Time is ticking: Republican Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell walks off the Senate floor after a vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . The stark warnings from the World Bank came the same day that House Speaker John Boehner today told fellow Republicans that his talks with President Barack Obama have stalled. 'The Senate needs to hold tough,' Representative Greg Walden said Boehner told House GOP lawmakers. 'The president now isn't negotiating with us.' Obama rejected the speaker's effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government in exchange for a budget negotiating process. Attention now turns to", "the Senate, where a bipartisan group of Senators are working on a separate plan to reopen the government. New plan: Republican Senator from Maine Susan Collins leaves a Republican meeting and heads to the Senate floor to vote on the motion to proceed on the Debt Limit Bill . Word of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the top Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, emerged as the Senate, as expected, rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government's borrowing limit through next year. Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts. The calendar is edging closer to the October 17 deadline to raise the federal debt ceiling. After that, administration officials have said the government will deplete its ability to borrow money, risking a first-time federal default that could jolt the world economy." ], "words1": "house, committee, congress, senate, republican, republicans, senator, rep, federal, democrats,", "words2": "billion, figures, economy, global, growth, economic, number, countries, numbers, expected," }