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a.n.b. | (atas nama beliau) in his name. |
aa | (Asia Afrika) Asia-Africa. |
aal | (Akademi Angkatan Laut) Naval Academy. |
aam | see AM. |
aau | 1 ouch ! (exclamation of pain). 2 what ! (exclamation of surprise) |
ab | 1 (Anggaran Belanja) budget. 2 (Angkatan Bersenjata) armed forces. |
aba | 1 (aba-aba) order, command. 2 father. |
abab | exhaled breath. |
abad | 1 century. 2 age, era. |
abadi | eternal, lasting, enduring. |
abah | direction. 2 see ABA1. |
abah-abah | harness. |
abai | neglectful. |
abang | (Jakarta and some other regions) 1 elder brother. 2 (in some regions only) red. |
abangan | (Jv) o. who does not adhere strictly to the precepts of o.'s nominal religion. |
abar | (R.R.) brake. |
abat | see ABAD. |
abau | k.o. tortoise. |
abbas | abbot. |
abc | abese the ABC's. |
abd | see ABDI. |
abdas | (Islam) absolution before prayer. |
abdei | abbey. |
abdi | 1 servant. 2 slave. |
abdidalemisme | sycophancy. |
abdikasi | abdication. |
abdis | abbess. |
abdu | see ABDI. |
abece | [ABC] alphabet, ABC's. |
abelur | see HABLUR. |
aben | cremate. |
aberasi | aberration. |
aberikos | see ABRIKOS. |
abet | 1 appearrance. 2 behavior. |
abib | (in families of Arabic descent) grandfather. |
abid | 1 pious, devout. 2 see ABADI. |
abidin | /abidun/ (Islam) the faithful. |
abil | see HABIL. |
abis | see HABIS. |
abiturien | o. who went as far as high school. |
abjad | alphabet. |
abjadiah | alphabetical. |
ablak | (Jakarta) open wide. |
ablatif | (Ling.) ablative. |
ablur | see HABLUR. |
abn | (Anggaran Belanja Negara) national budget. |
abnormal | abnormal. |
abnormalitas | abnormality. |
abnus | (Lit.) ebony. |
abolisi | abolition. |
abon | shredded meat that has been boiled and fried. |
abone | subscriber. |
abonemen | subscription (to a magazine, etc.). |
aborsi | /abortus/ abortion. |
abrak | mica. |
abrek | 1 very much. 2 see AMBREG. |
abri | [Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia] Indonesian Armed Forces. |
abrikos | apricot. |
abrit-abritan | see APRIT-APRITAN. |
abruk | (Jakarta) slam or set s.t. down with a crash. |
abs | [Asal Bapak Senang] as long as the boss is happy. |
absah | valid, legal, legitimate. |
absen | absent. |
absensi | take attendance. |
abses | abscess. |
absis | (Math.) abscissa. |
absolusi | (Rel.) absolution (of sins). |
absolut | absolute. |
absolutisme | absolutism. |
absorpsi | (Ling., Phys.) absorption. |
absten | abstain. |
abstrak | 1 abstract, summary, precis. 2 abstract, theoretical. |
abstraksi | abstraction. |
absur | /absurd/ absurd. |
absurditas | absurdity. |
abu | 1 dust. abu-kayu sawdust. 2 ashes. abu-bara cinders. abu-blarak (Java) cleansing powder (of coconut frond). abu-gosok scouring sand. |
abu-abu | gray. |
abuh | 1 swollen. 2 swelling. |
abuk | fine powder. |
abur | squander, waste. |
abus | 1 smallest portion. 2 of no value, worthless. |
abyad | white, transparent, translucent. |
ac | (Air Conditioning) air conditioning. |
acak | 1 disordered. 2 random. |
acak-acak | in a hurry, hastily. |
acak-acakan | in disorder, chaos. |
acan | (Sd) miniscule in amount. |
acang-acang | 1 confidential agent. 2 shop steward. 3 master of ceremonies. |
acap | 1 be under water. 2 be stuck in s.t. deeply. |
acapkali | repeatedly, frequently. |
acar | pickles, salad made with raw vegetables mixed with spices and a souring agent. |
acara | 1 agenda. 2 program. 3 judicial procedure. 4 jurisdiction |
ace | see AC. |
aceuk | (sunda) elder sister. |
aci | 1 agreed, settled. 2 valid. 3 (sumatra) pith, starchy core. 4 see ACIK. |
aci-aci | example. |
acik | (Ch, Sumatra) elder sister. |
acir | (Coll.) 1 in disarray. 2 helter-skelter. |
aco | see KACAU. |
acrit | (Coll.) come out in rush. |
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