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akhirulkalam | in conclusion. |
akhlak | character, morals. |
akhlas | see IKHLAS. |
akhli | see AHLI1,2. |
aki | 1 storage battery. 2 (in some regions only) grandfather. |
akiau | (Jakarta, China) young China man. |
akibat | result, consequence. |
akibatnya | finally, as a consequence. |
akidah | belief, faith. |
akik | carnelian, agate. |
akilbalig | /akilbaligh/ 1 of age, grown up (from age 15 on). 2 legally responsible. |
akir | see AKHIR. |
akisir | battery acid. |
akkord | see AKORD. |
aklamasi | acclamation. |
aklimatisasi | acclimatization. |
akmal | (Rel.) utterly perfect (of God). |
akmil | (Akademi Militer) Military (Army) Academy. |
akomodasi | accommodations. |
akompanimen | accompaniment. |
akonting | accounting. |
akor | see AKUR. |
akord | harmonic chords. |
akordeon | /akordion/ accordion. |
akpol | (Academi Kepolisian) Police Academy. |
akrab | intimate, chummy. |
akreditasi | accreditation. |
akronim | acronym. |
aksara | 1 letter of the alphabet, 2 script. |
aksarawan | o. who is literate. |
aksef | (aksi sefihak) unilateral action. |
akselerasi | acceleration. |
aksen | accent. |
aksentuasi | 1 (Ling.) accentuating. 2 accent, stress. 3 emphasis, stress. |
aksep | an IOU, promissory note. |
akseptable | acceptable. |
akseptor | acceptor, esp. o. who has agreed to practice birth control. |
aksesori | /aksessory/ accessory. |
aksi | 1 action. 2 lawsuit. 3 boasting, bragging. 4 pretense, airs. 5 handsome, attractive (of apparel, behavior, etc). |
aksioma | axiom. |
aksiomatis | axiomatic. |
akta | 1 official document. 2 diploma, certificate. |
akte | see AKTA. |
aktentas | briefcase. |
aktif | 1 active, energetic. 2 (Ling.) active (verb, etc). 3 functioning. 4 favorable. |
akting | 1 o. temporarily in charge. 2 o. who assumes responsibility. |
aktip | see AKTIF. |
aktir | see AKTOR. |
aktiva | (Fin.) assets. |
aktivis | activist. |
aktivitas | /aktivitet/ activity. |
aktor | actor. |
aktris | actress. |
aktual | see AKTUIL. |
aktualisasi | actualization. |
aktualisir | actualize, bring up to date. |
aktualitas | timeliness, topicality. |
aktuil | recent, topical, current. |
aku | 1. I (familiar, intimate). 2. see AKI1. |
akuaduk | aqueduct. |
akuan | 1 confession, admission. 2 genie, spirit. |
akuarel | aquarelle. |
akuarium | aquarium. |
akuisme | egocentricity, self-centeredness |
akulturasi | acculturation. |
akumulasi | accumulation. |
akumulatif | accumulative. |
akuntan | accountan. |
akuntansi | accountancy. |
akunting | see AKONTING. |
akupungtur | /akupunktur/ acupuncture. |
akur | agree to do, go along with. |
akuran | muttually agree. |
akurat | accurate, precise, exact. |
akustik | /akustika/ acoustics. |
akustis | acoustic. |
akut | acute, critical (crisis, illness, etc.). |
akwal | (Lit.) words, speech. |
al | (antara lain) among others. |
al-masih | the Messiah. |
al-qur'an | the Koran. |
ala | 1 in the style (of). 2 (alaah) exclamation of exasperation. |
alah | 1 defeated, beaten, conquered. 2 see ALA2 |
alaihissalam | (Islam) Upon him be peace (used after mention of o. of the prophets other than Muh.) |
alaikum'salam | (Islam) Peace be unto you (said as a response to assalam alaikum). |
alal-bihalal | see HALAL-BIHALAL. |
alam | 1. 1) world, realm. 2) nature, natural. 2. (Islam) be more knowledgeable.3. banner, standard. |
alamat | 1 address. 2 omen, sign, indication. 3 target. 4 title (of a book). |
alami | /alamiah/ natural, concerned with nature. |
alan-alan | comedian, jokester. |
alang | 1 middle, medium. 2. 1) crosswise, diagonal. 2) crossbeam, bar. meng-alang-kan place s.t. athwart. 3. see HALANG. |
alang-alang | tall, coarse grass. |
alap | 1. alap-alap 1) hawk. 2) thief. 2 nice, attractive, handsome. |
alarm | / alarem/ alarm, danger signal. |
alas | 1. 1)base, foundation. 2 layer, lining, convering. 2. (Java) forest. |
alat | 1. 1) instrument, tool, device, equipment. 2). organization. 3) (Fin.) asset. 4) bodily organ. 2. 1) guest. 2) feast, party. |
album | album. |
ale | (Ambon) you (respectful). |
alegori | allegory. |
alegoris | allegorical |