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from import Dataset
import numpy as np
import h5py, torch, random, logging
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
from skimage import measure
def clean_patch(p, center):
w, h = p.shape
cc = measure.label(p > 0)
if cc.max() == 1:
return p
# logging.warn(f"{cc.max()} peaks located in a patch")
lmin = np.inf
cc_lmin = None
for _c in range(1, cc.max()+1):
lmax = peak_local_max(p * (cc==_c), min_distance=1)
if lmax.shape[0] == 0:continue # single pixel component
lc = lmax.mean(axis=0)
dist = ((lc - center)**2).sum()
if dist < lmin:
cc_lmin = _c
lmin = dist
return p * (cc == cc_lmin)
class BraggNNDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, pfile, ffile, psz=15, rnd_shift=0, use='train', train_frac=0.8):
self.psz = psz
self.rnd_shift = rnd_shift
with h5py.File(pfile, "r") as h5fd:
if use == 'train':
sti, edi = 0, int(train_frac * h5fd['peak_fidx'].shape[0])
elif use == 'validation':
sti, edi = int(train_frac * h5fd['peak_fidx'].shape[0]), None
logging.error(f"unsupported use: {use}. This class is written for building either training or validation set")
mask = h5fd['npeaks'][sti:edi] == 1 # use only single-peak patches
mask = mask & ((h5fd['deviations'][sti:edi] >= 0) & (h5fd['deviations'][sti:edi] < 1))
self.peak_fidx= h5fd['peak_fidx'][sti:edi][mask]
self.peak_row = h5fd['peak_row'][sti:edi][mask]
self.peak_col = h5fd['peak_col'][sti:edi][mask]
self.fidx_base = self.peak_fidx.min()
# only loaded frames that will be used
with h5py.File(ffile, "r") as h5fd:
self.frames = h5fd['frames'][self.peak_fidx.min():self.peak_fidx.max()+1]
self.len = self.peak_fidx.shape[0]
def __getitem__(self, idx):
_frame = self.frames[self.peak_fidx[idx] - self.fidx_base]
if self.rnd_shift > 0:
row_shift = np.random.randint(-self.rnd_shift, self.rnd_shift+1)
col_shift = np.random.randint(-self.rnd_shift, self.rnd_shift+1)
row_shift, col_shift = 0, 0
prow_rnd = int(self.peak_row[idx]) + row_shift
pcol_rnd = int(self.peak_col[idx]) + col_shift
row_base = max(0, prow_rnd-self.psz//2)
col_base = max(0, pcol_rnd-self.psz//2 )
crop_img = _frame[row_base:(prow_rnd + self.psz//2 + self.psz%2), \
col_base:(pcol_rnd + self.psz//2 + self.psz%2)]
# if((crop_img > 0).sum() == 1): continue # ignore single non-zero peak
if crop_img.size != self.psz ** 2:
c_pad_l = (self.psz - crop_img.shape[1]) // 2
c_pad_r = self.psz - c_pad_l - crop_img.shape[1]
r_pad_t = (self.psz - crop_img.shape[0]) // 2
r_pad_b = self.psz - r_pad_t - crop_img.shape[0]
logging.warn(f"sample {idx} touched edge when crop the patch: {crop_img.shape}")
crop_img = np.pad(crop_img, ((r_pad_t, r_pad_b), (c_pad_l, c_pad_r)), mode='constant')
c_pad_l, r_pad_t = 0 ,0
_center = np.array([self.peak_row[idx] - row_base + r_pad_t, self.peak_col[idx] - col_base + c_pad_l])
crop_img = clean_patch(crop_img, _center)
if crop_img.max() != crop_img.min():
_min, _max = crop_img.min().astype(np.float32), crop_img.max().astype(np.float32)
feature = (crop_img - _min) / (_max - _min)
logging.warn("sample %d has unique intensity sum of %d" % (idx, crop_img.sum()))
feature = crop_img
px = (self.peak_col[idx] - col_base + c_pad_l) / self.psz
py = (self.peak_row[idx] - row_base + r_pad_t) / self.psz
return feature[np.newaxis], np.array([px, py]).astype(np.float32)
def __len__(self):
return self.len
class PatchWiseDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, pfile, ffile, psz=15, rnd_shift=0, use='train', train_frac=1):
self.psz = psz
self.rnd_shift = rnd_shift
with h5py.File(pfile, "r") as h5fd:
if use == 'train':
sti, edi = 0, int(train_frac * h5fd['peak_fidx'].shape[0])
elif use == 'validation':
sti, edi = int(train_frac * h5fd['peak_fidx'].shape[0]), None
logging.error(f"unsupported use: {use}. This class is written for building either training or validation set")
mask = h5fd['npeaks'][sti:edi] == 1 # use only single-peak patches
mask = mask & ((h5fd['deviations'][sti:edi] >= 0) & (h5fd['deviations'][sti:edi] < 1))
self.peak_fidx= h5fd['peak_fidx'][sti:edi][mask]
self.peak_row = h5fd['peak_row'][sti:edi][mask]
self.peak_col = h5fd['peak_col'][sti:edi][mask]
self.fidx_base = self.peak_fidx.min()
# only loaded frames that will be used
with h5py.File(ffile, 'r') as h5fd:
if use == 'train':
sti, edi = 0, int(train_frac * h5fd['frames'].shape[0])
elif use == 'validation':
sti, edi = int(train_frac * h5fd['frames'].shape[0]), None
logging.error(f"unsupported use: {use}. This class is written for building either training or validation set")
self.crop_img = h5fd['frames'][sti:edi]
self.len = self.peak_fidx.shape[0]
def __getitem__(self, idx):
crop_img = self.crop_img[idx]
row_shift, col_shift = 0, 0
c_pad_l, r_pad_t = 0 ,0
prow_rnd = int(self.peak_row[idx]) + row_shift
pcol_rnd = int(self.peak_col[idx]) + col_shift
row_base = max(0, prow_rnd-self.psz//2)
col_base = max(0, pcol_rnd-self.psz//2)
if crop_img.max() != crop_img.min():
_min, _max = crop_img.min().astype(np.float32), crop_img.max().astype(np.float32)
feature = (crop_img - _min) / (_max - _min)
#logging.warn("sample %d has unique intensity sum of %d" % (idx, crop_img.sum()))
feature = crop_img
px = (self.peak_col[idx] - col_base + c_pad_l) / self.psz
py = (self.peak_row[idx] - row_base + r_pad_t) / self.psz
return feature[np.newaxis], np.array([px, py]).astype(np.float32)
def __len__(self):
return self.len