Press space for more information.
Model used to generate response
Creativity allowed in the responses
Truncate response including and after string
Accept response
Delete response
Switch to a vision model to insert images
Insert a image by selecting from or uploading to Google Drive.
Image will show in the editor and the image will be
sent when the prompt is run.
You can also insert a variable by typing {{name}} and give it a value by typing {{name:value}} e.g. {{word:happy}}
Adjust harmful response settings
Insert a video by selecting from or uploading to Google Drive. A placeholder
for the video will show in the editor, but the videos's contents will be
sent when the prompt is run.
Insert a file (e.g. PDF, Google Doc, source code) by selecting from or
uploading to Google Drive. A placeholder for the file will show in the
editor, but the file's contents will be sent when the prompt is run.
Add a folder to your prompt. Images are not included.
Probability threshold for top-p sampling
Number of top-scored tokens to consider during generation
Maximum number of tokens in response
Send feedback
Write text to run prompt