project: Multitask Learning for Agent-Action Identification

Project Overview
This project aims to develop a multitask learning model for identifying agents and actions in text data. The model is trained on a custom dataset of text examples, where each example is annotated with the agents and actions present in the text.
Project Structure
The project is organized into the following directories and files:
dataset/: contains the custom dataset class for loading and processing the text data defines the dataset class defines the data collator class
model/: contains the multitask learning model architecture defines the model architecture
training/: contains the training loop and evaluation code contains the training loop and evaluation code
data/: contains the dataset files for training, validation, and testing
train.csv: training dataset
val.csv: validation dataset
test.csv: testing dataset
requirements.txt: lists the dependencies required to run the project
The dataset consists of text examples, where each example is annotated with the agents and actions present in the text. The dataset is split into training, validation, and testing sets.
Training Set: 80% of the dataset (10,000 examples)
Validation Set: 10% of the dataset (1,250 examples)
Testing Set: 10% of the dataset (1,250 examples)
The model is a multitask learning model based on the BERT architecture. The model is trained to predict both agents and actions simultaneously.
Model Architecture:
BERT encoder
Two classification heads for agents and actions
Model Parameters:
BERT encoder: 110M parameters
Classification heads: 10M parameters
The model is trained using the Trainer class from the Hugging Face library. The training loop is defined in
Training Hyperparameters:
Batch size: 16
Number of epochs: 3
Learning rate: 1e-5
Training Time: approximately 10 hours on a single NVIDIA V100 GPU
The model is evaluated on the validation set during training. The evaluation metric is accuracy.
Evaluation Metric: accuracy
Evaluation Frequency: every 500 steps
The project requires the following dependencies:
Python: 3.8+
Transformers: 4.20.1+
Torch: 1.12.0+
Pandas: 1.4.2+
To train the model, run the following command:
To evaluate the model, run the following command:
python --mode eval
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This project was inspired by the work of [Dennis Duncan].
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request to contribute to the project.