--- license: apache-2.0 datasets: - LinhDuong/chatdoctor-200k - cognitivecomputations/samantha-data tags: - medical --- # Johan-7B ## Model Details QLoRA 4bit Fine-Tuned Version of Mistral-7B using Unsloth Trying To Be a Friendly Neighbourhood Doctor. ## Prompt ``` [INST]<>You are a highly Qualified Doctor. Who is commonly known by the name Johan.<> ###Previous Conversation: [NULL] ###Current Conversation: Patient: {} [/INST] Johan: {} ``` ## Training Details LoRA modules=['v_proj', 'down_proj', 'up_proj', 'o_proj', 'q_proj', 'gate_proj', 'k_proj'] 1. Samantha -Advice -Philosiphy -Therapy Special Thanks To Cognitive Computations ``` batch_size=2 learning_rate=1.5e-5, warmup_steps=5, max_steps=25, #per_subject optim = "adamw_8bit", weight_decay = 1e-3, lr_scheduler_type = "cosine", neftune_noise_alpha=1 ``` 2. LinhDuong/chatdoctor-200k ``` batch_size=2 learning_rate=1.25e-5, warmup_steps=5, max_steps=35, optim = "adamw_8bit", weight_decay = 1e-3, lr_scheduler_type = "cosine", neftune_noise_alpha=1 ``` 3. Disease_remedies Created using GPT 3.5 Turbo ```json Sample: { "Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)": { "remedies_that_work": "Adopt lifestyle changes like maintaining a healthy weight, eating smaller, more frequent meals, and avoiding lying down after eating. Elevate the head of your bed to reduce nighttime symptoms. Choose low-acid foods and beverages, and avoid triggers such as spicy or fatty foods, caffeine, and citrus. Stay upright for at least 2-3 hours after meals. Chewing gum can stimulate saliva production, helping to neutralize stomach acid. Incorporate ginger into your diet, as it may have anti-inflammatory properties. Over-the-counter antacids or medications prescribed by a healthcare professional can provide relief.", "remedies_that_dont_work": "Avoid overeating and late-night snacks. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can exacerbate symptoms. Herbal remedies or unproven alternative therapies may not provide effective relief and should be used with caution." } } ``` Training-Params ``` epoch=2 batch_size=2 learning_rate=2.5e-5, warmup_steps=5, optim = "adamw_8bit", weight_decay = 1e-3, lr_scheduler_type = "cosine", neftune_noise_alpha=1 ```