[01:00:01] - INFO - absl - Restoring checkpoint from ./checkpoint_150000 tcmalloc: large alloc 1530273792 bytes == 0x9e3b8000 @ 0x7f779c64f680 0x7f779c670824 0x5b9a14 0x50b2ae 0x50cb1b 0x5a6f17 0x5f3010 0x56fd36 0x568d9a 0x5f5b33 0x56aadf 0x568d9a 0x68cdc7 0x67e161 0x67e1df 0x67e281 0x67e627 0x6b6e62 0x6b71ed 0x7f779c4640b3 0x5f96de /home/dat/pino/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/lib/xla_bridge.py:386: UserWarning: jax.host_count has been renamed to jax.process_count. This alias will eventually be removed; please update your code. warnings.warn( /home/dat/pino/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/lib/xla_bridge.py:373: UserWarning: jax.host_id has been renamed to jax.process_index. This alias will eventually be removed; please update your code. warnings.warn( Epoch ... (1/3): 0%| | 0/3 [00:00