license: apache-2.0

# 1. GemmaScope

Gemmascope is TODO

# 2. What Is `gemmascope-9b-pt-res`?

- `gemmascope-`: see 1.
- `9b-`: these SAEs were trained on Gemma v2 9B (TODO link)

## 3. GTM FAQ (TODO(conmy): delete for main rollout)

Q1: Why does this model exist in `gg-hf`?

A1: See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bKaOw2mJPJDYhgFQGGVOyBB3M4Bm_Q3PMrfQeqeYi0M (Google internal only).

Q2: What does "SAE" mean?

A2: Sparse Autoencoder. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1roMgCPMPEQgaNbCu15CGo966xRLToulCBQUVKVGvcfM (should be available to trusted HuggingFace collaborators, and Google too).

TODO(conmy): remove this when making the main repo.

## 4. Point of Contact

Point of contact: Arthur Conmy

Contact by email:


HuggingFace account: