{ "metadata": { "model_name": "llama-3.3-70b-instruct", "ntrain": 0, "ntest": -1, "timestamp": "20241212-082655" }, "subject": "international_law", "category": "humanities", "correct_rate": 85.12396694214877, "evaluation_results": [ { "question": "Which State ordinarily exercises jurisdiction in respect of crimes committed on board vessels?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.209733963012695 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of justiciability?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.210153102874756 }, { "question": "In what way is Responsibility to Protect (R2P) different from humanitarian intervention?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.21052289009094 }, { "question": "What is the 'Lotus principle'?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.21099901199341 }, { "question": "Which of these statements best describes the UK Constitution?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.21153807640076 }, { "question": "What is the obligation of the peaceful settlement of disputes?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.211896896362305 }, { "question": "Which one of the following statements is false?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 35.212295055389404 }, { "question": "Which is a 'rock' under the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.21374487876892 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of international legal personality?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.2143030166626 }, { "question": "Which of the following is a treaty-based human rights mechanism?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.21503496170044 }, { "question": "The UN Vienna Declaration 1993 declared that", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.621784925460815 }, { "question": "What is the principal source of immunity in respect of international organisations (IOs)?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.62215280532837 }, { "question": "Is there any hierarchy or priority among States under international law?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.62292981147766 }, { "question": "What is the declaratory theory of recognition?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.62369990348816 }, { "question": "What is the function of \"standard-setting in human rights diplomacy?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 37.6244330406189 }, { "question": "What dimension did the Kadi judgment introduce with respect to the incorporation of UN Security Council resolutions?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.62523698806763 }, { "question": "Magna Carta was", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.625972032547 }, { "question": "Do individuals (physical) persons enjoy international legal personality in the same manner as States and international organisations?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.62917900085449 }, { "question": "Is there any hierarchy or priority among the various methods of peaceful settlement of disputes?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.629660844802856 }, { "question": "Which of the following statements is false?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 37.63017702102661 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of proportionality in relation to the options available to the victim State?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.038938760757446 }, { "question": "What is the ordinary geographical scope of jurisdiction?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.03930687904358 }, { "question": "Which are the formal sources of international law?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.039958000183105 }, { "question": "What is the purpose of baselines under the law of the sea?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.04071068763733 }, { "question": "What is the difference between conciliation and mediation?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.04142880439758 }, { "question": "In Osman v UK (1998), the European Court laid down a test, which can be used to apply a general positive obligation on a state. Which of the following statements is not part of the Osman test?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.04222893714905 }, { "question": "Who is entitled to request an advisory opinion of the ICJ?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.0430109500885 }, { "question": "What is the purpose of universal jurisdiction?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.04610300064087 }, { "question": "Are all acts of State organs attributed to the State under the law international responsibility?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.0466468334198 }, { "question": "What is a 'treaty' according to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT)?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.04717683792114 }, { "question": "Is the unlawful homicide committed by Minister of country X abroad an act jure imperii or jure gestionis?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 33.22868776321411 }, { "question": "What was the outcome before the European Court of Human Rights in the Al-Adsani case?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 33.22910404205322 }, { "question": "What other criteria were imposed by the Badinter Commission on the former Yugoslav republics?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.22944402694702 }, { "question": "How treaties are to be interpreted?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.229804039001465 }, { "question": "When coastal States do enforce their criminal jurisdiction over foreign vessels in their ports?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.23014307022095 }, { "question": "What is the value of the Resolutions of the UN General Assembly in terms as a 'source' of international law?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.2305212020874 }, { "question": "Do treaties bind third States, ie non-State parties?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.23086214065552 }, { "question": "Which of the following articles are not qualified rights?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 33.23147702217102 }, { "question": "What is dualism?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.23187518119812 }, { "question": "What is an act jure imperii?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.23222994804382 }, { "question": "What is the relationship between the formal sources of international law?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.66520690917969 }, { "question": "What was the particular advantage of UNSC Resolution 678 over a collective defensive action under Article 51 UN Charter during the Gulf War?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 33.66565489768982 }, { "question": "How can customary law be related to treaty provisions?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.66601800918579 }, { "question": "What does it mean for a State to be sovereign?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.666369915008545 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of functional recognition?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.66671681404114 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of \"act of State\" doctrine?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.66716289520264 }, { "question": "How can the structure of the international society be displayed?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.667622804641724 }, { "question": "Are there any limitations to the incorporation of customary crimes under English law?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.66797113418579 }, { "question": "What is the function of the contiguous zone?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.6715190410614 }, { "question": "Which of the examples below has not been developed by the European Court of Human Rights as a situation where the state has a positive obligation to protect?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.67211294174194 }, { "question": "Which case was the first to define the meaning of the doctrine of 'margin of appreciation' as applied by the European Court of Human Rights?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 32.38812589645386 }, { "question": "How are the members of the arbitral tribunal appointed?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.38857889175415 }, { "question": "Are the peremptory norms of international law the only norms that set out obligations erga omnes?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.38892197608948 }, { "question": "What is the constitutive theory of recognition?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 32.389480113983154 }, { "question": "The enforcement mechanism of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (and Protocol) consists of", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.38997006416321 }, { "question": "Is piracy under international (jure gentium) law subject to universal jurisdiction?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.3903169631958 }, { "question": "What are self-executing treaties?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.39066791534424 }, { "question": "Is the ICJ hostile to the idea that an armed attack may arise through a series of lower intensity, yet cumulative, instances of armed force?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.3910129070282 }, { "question": "Is there any priority among international courts and tribunals?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.39147400856018 }, { "question": "Do third States enjoy any fishing rights within the Exclusive Economic Zone of another State?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.391828775405884 }, { "question": "What is the purpose of sovereign immunity?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.79887795448303 }, { "question": "What is passive personality jurisdiction?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.79933500289917 }, { "question": "Which of the following types of rights have been described as first generation rights?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.80364108085632 }, { "question": "What is the problem of 'fragmentation' of international law?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.80436110496521 }, { "question": "What is functional (ratione materiae) immunity?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.8047239780426 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of implied authorisation?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.80506491661072 }, { "question": "Which philosopher called the idea of natural rights 'nonsense on stilts'?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.805402994155884 }, { "question": "Who has the authority to conclude a treaty on the part of States?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.80584001541138 }, { "question": "Who is a 'persistent objector'?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.80618596076965 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of collective security?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.806528091430664 }, { "question": "The European Convention on Human Rights is predominantly concerned with which of the following?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.76876497268677 }, { "question": "Is the jurisdiction of international tribunals regulated by the same principles applicable to national courts?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 34.76913118362427 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of collective rights?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 34.76946425437927 }, { "question": "Are States under any obligation when they conduct negotiations?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.77006387710571 }, { "question": "What is the major difference between naturalism and positivism?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.77060103416443 }, { "question": "What is an 'internationally wrongful conduct'?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.77106809616089 }, { "question": "What is the effects doctrine?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.771503925323486 }, { "question": "Which persons are considered as 'de facto' organs of the State under the law of international responsibility?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.77195715904236 }, { "question": "What is the fundamental prerequisite for the incorporation of custom under English law?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 34.77231311798096 }, { "question": "Was the use of armed force permitted prior to the United Nations Charter?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.77265691757202 }, { "question": "What is the protective principle of jurisdiction?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.865453004837036 }, { "question": "Which one of the following statements is correct?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.865562200546265 }, { "question": "What is the 'equitable result' in the law and practice of maritime delimitation?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.86565613746643 }, { "question": "What is a derogation?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 34.8657488822937 }, { "question": "What is an act jure gestionis?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.86584115028381 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of cultural relativism?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 34.86593198776245 }, { "question": "Is recognition of governments prevalent in contemporary international practice?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 34.866021156311035 }, { "question": "What is the legal nature of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.86619806289673 }, { "question": "Under what circumstances do human rights violations taking place outside the territory of ECHR member States fall within the remit of the ECHR?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.866305112838745 }, { "question": "What does the principle 'pacta sunt servanda' mean?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.866397857666016 }, { "question": "What was the consequence from the absence of implementing legislation in the Tin Council case?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.06699085235596 }, { "question": "Which of the following statements is true?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.067099809646606 }, { "question": "What forms may the obligation of reparation take?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.06718993186951 }, { "question": "What is jus cogens?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.067278146743774 }, { "question": "What is 'unilateral acts'?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.06736898422241 }, { "question": "Is extra-territorial abduction a ground for refusal of otherwise lawful jurisdiction by English courts?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 36.06746006011963 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of 'secondary rules' in the law of international responsibility?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.06755208969116 }, { "question": "What does the doctrine of incorporation suggest in respect of treaties?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.06764483451843 }, { "question": "Are the provisional measures issued by the ICJ binding upon the parties?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.06773400306702 }, { "question": "When are countermeasures illegal?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.06782388687134 }, { "question": "What is the difference between political and legal means of dispute settlement?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.999021768569946 }, { "question": "What is the rationale for the exhaustion of local remedies in international human rights?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 37.999393701553345 }, { "question": "Which of the following cases best illustrates the 'living instrument principle' used by the European Court of Human Rights?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 37.99973678588867 }, { "question": "Is the recognition of foreign judgments subject to the same rules as those applicable to the incorporation and transformation of treaties?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 38.00014281272888 }, { "question": "What was the most important finding by the House of Lords in the Pinochet case?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 38.00049185752869 }, { "question": "Which one of the statements below is false?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 38.00095891952515 }, { "question": "Which State exercises jurisdiction over vessels on the high seas?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 38.00130581855774 }, { "question": "Should treaties assume a particular form?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 38.00164985656738 }, { "question": "What is the fundamental premise of monist theory?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 38.002070903778076 }, { "question": "Where do we find the 'general principles of law recognized by civilized nations' (article 38 ICJ Statute)?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 38.002415895462036 }, { "question": "When does an illegal act of violence on the high seas fall short of qualifying as piracy?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.47446084022522 }, { "question": "What is the meaning of \"armed attack\" in Article 51 UN Charter?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.47457408905029 }, { "question": "Who is an 'injured State' in the law of international responsibility?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.47466707229614 }, { "question": "What is personal (ratione personae) immunity?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 35.47476005554199 }, { "question": "Which of the following statements best describes the UN Human Rights Council?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.474852085113525 }, { "question": "When a reservation is considered as invalid under the law of treaties?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.47494411468506 }, { "question": "What kind of rights do coastal States enjoy over their continental shelf?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.4750337600708 }, { "question": "Are there any limits to the application of article 103 of the UN Charter?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.47512197494507 }, { "question": "Can countries rely on their domestic law as an excuse to violate their obligations under international law?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.47520995140076 }, { "question": "What is meant by an international organisation's implied powers?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.47529697418213 }, { "question": "What are the criteria for statehood under the 1933 Montevideo Convention?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 3.085003137588501 } ] }