{ "metadata": { "model_name": "llama-3.3-70b-instruct", "ntrain": 0, "ntest": -1, "timestamp": "20241212-112942" }, "subject": "prehistory", "category": "humanities", "correct_rate": 84.25925925925925, "evaluation_results": [ { "question": "Unlike most other early civilizations, Minoan culture shows little evidence of:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 35.33663368225098 }, { "question": "The greatest Egyptian pyramids at Giza were built:", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.33674597740173 }, { "question": "When anatomically modern humans first arrived in the Middle East, who did they encounter?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.33684301376343 }, { "question": "The “Lion Man” from Hohlenstein-Stadel cave is an example of:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 35.33694005012512 }, { "question": "At its peak, the palace at Knossos is thought to have had over _________ rooms.", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.33704090118408 }, { "question": "The Hopewell were complex rank societies, but they were not a state. Hopewell culture lacked all of the following elements EXCEPT:", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.33713364601135 }, { "question": "Markings found on the mud-bricks of Huaca del Sol are probably:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.33722686767578 }, { "question": "The 30 upright stones at Stonehenge are called _______; the horizontal stones are _________.", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.3373167514801 }, { "question": "The secondarily altricial condition of modern human babies may have been an evolutionary solution, in that:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.337409019470215 }, { "question": "Research on C3 and C4 pathways indicates that changes in plant communities were associated with a transition in the diets of ancient hominids from:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.33749771118164 }, { "question": "Which of the following is evidence of new uses for plants during the Middle Stone Age?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.62862586975098 }, { "question": "That modern Africans do not possess any Neandertal DNA indicates that:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.628742933273315 }, { "question": "Toward the end of the Pleistocene, between 28,000 and 18,000 years ago, worldwide sea level was much lower than present day, resulting in the exposure of a landmass east of Siberia called __________. This period is called the _______.", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.628838777542114 }, { "question": "Which archaeological method is best for identifying large-scale land modifications?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.62893486022949 }, { "question": "What designation for a pottery style was eventually applied to an entire cultural complex that moved across the Pacific?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.629027128219604 }, { "question": "What is one of the differences between simple foragers and complex foragers?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.62911510467529 }, { "question": "The significance of Frere's discovery was that what he found was located:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.6292040348053 }, { "question": "What is the earliest form of writing in the world and where did it develop?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.6292929649353 }, { "question": "A pattern of social integration in which individuals are placed into a hierarchy of social levels is called:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.629382848739624 }, { "question": "The Minoan economy may have been especially vulnerable to natural catastrophe because it relied heavily on:", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.62946891784668 }, { "question": "The _______ developed one of the earliest kingdoms in South America, reaching its height at around _________.", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.81597638130188 }, { "question": "What is the name of the lithic technology seen in the Arctic and consisting of wedge-shaped cores, micro-blades, bifacial knives, and burins?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.816086053848267 }, { "question": "Which of the following is used to remove the soil enclosing site materials?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.816179990768433 }, { "question": "A continuous, projecting ridge of bone above and across the eye orbits is called the:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.816272258758545 }, { "question": "Ancestral Puebloan culture in Chaco Canyon was comprised of:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.816363096237183 }, { "question": "The Yang-shao culture gave way to the Lung-Shan sometime after:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 26.816577196121216 }, { "question": "The most prominent feature of the food resource base of post-Pleistocene Europe was its:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.81669020652771 }, { "question": "Evidence of wild grain harvesting and consumption in Israel dates to as early as", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 26.81678533554077 }, { "question": "Civilization in the Indus Valley was characterized by:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.816878080368042 }, { "question": "According to one theory, the power of Ancestral Pueblo elites emerged when certain groups:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 26.81696629524231 }, { "question": "Teotihuacán came to prominence in the Basin of Mexico after its rival, Cuicuilco,", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.43699884414673 }, { "question": "Evidence from northwest coast societies indicates that what is ultimately needed for the development of social complexity is:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.437413930892944 }, { "question": "Which subfield of anthropology aims to better understand the nearest living relatives of humans?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.437877893447876 }, { "question": "How did Aurignacian technology differ from Mousterian technology?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.438520908355713 }, { "question": "Which of the following is evidence of a complex society?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 26.439008951187134 }, { "question": "The face of Homo erectus was more ________ than modern humans, but less so than Homo habilis.", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.439515829086304 }, { "question": "Montezuma ruled over millions of people from the _______ capital of _____.", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.439650058746338 }, { "question": "The belief that all of the characteristics of civilization developed in one place, such as Egypt, and from there spread out to the rest of the world is known as:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.439746141433716 }, { "question": "When the ratio of brain size to body size is compared, which species has a proportionally larger brain?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.439841985702515 }, { "question": "The royal graves of the Shang Dynasty consisted of enormous cruciform-shaped tombs, where the deceased kings were buried with:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 26.439934015274048 }, { "question": "The above hominid species discovered in Malapa Cave in South Africa has been classified as:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.435723066329956 }, { "question": "Ethnographic evidence supports which of the following connections between surplus food and social complexity?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.43716025352478 }, { "question": "Which of the following was the greatest advantage of using fire in human evolution?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.43811106681824 }, { "question": "Palynology is the study of _________, which allows scientists to reconstruct ______.", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.4384651184082 }, { "question": "What was the unifying element of Olmec culture?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 32.43880605697632 }, { "question": "Which of the following ancient civilizations has a written language that is the furthest from being fully deciphered?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.43966102600098 }, { "question": "The sophisticated stone tool making industry at the Pinnacle Point site in South Africa is evidence of:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.439821004867554 }, { "question": "Early evidence of complexity in Mayan societies is suggested by the appearance, around 2650 B.P., of:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.43993902206421 }, { "question": "What do anthropologists NOT need to know to determine when people entered the Americas from Siberia?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 32.44005513191223 }, { "question": "When did Aborigines occupy the harsh interior of Australia?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 32.44017004966736 }, { "question": "What do the Hassunan and Samarran sites in Mesopotamia have in common?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.986928939819336 }, { "question": "Which crop is South America's most significant agricultural contribution to Europe?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.987128973007202 }, { "question": "What distinguishes the trade patterns of the Mesolithic from those of the Upper Paleolithic?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 27.987235069274902 }, { "question": "A celebration in which wealth is redistributed is called a:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.9873309135437 }, { "question": "Which of the following are techniques of trace element analysis?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.987462997436523 }, { "question": "The Chinese process of divining the future by examining fired animal bones is called:", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 27.987571954727173 }, { "question": "How have archaeologists characterized the monuments built by the Olmec?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.987668991088867 }, { "question": "The ethics of conducting archaeological research on sites with human remains of indigenous North American ancestors is addressed by the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Problems often arise when:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.987761974334717 }, { "question": "Which culture, previously-known as the temple-mound builders, based their subsistence primarily on maize and squash agriculture?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.987859964370728 }, { "question": "The city of Uruk and the cultures of the Maya and the Moche were all adversely affected by:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.987952947616577 }, { "question": "What is the wild progenitor of maize?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.64759922027588 }, { "question": "In comparison to the Middle Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic tool technologies:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.647982120513916 }, { "question": "Recent genomic analyses of Neandertals and modern human populations indicate that:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.64866614341736 }, { "question": "Which of the following is a remote-sensing device used at archaeological sites?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.649131059646606 }, { "question": "Genetic studies of the two primary varieties of rice, japonica (short-grained), and indica (long-grained), suggest that:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.649481058120728 }, { "question": "What do the amount of grave goods buried with the children at Sungir' indicate?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.649887084960938 }, { "question": "At its peak, the population of the city of Teotihuacán may have reached:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.650228023529053 }, { "question": "Nubian civilization:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.650747299194336 }, { "question": "Having a forward-thrusting lower face is called", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.651172161102295 }, { "question": "What may have caused the Ancestral Puebloans to abandon Mesa Verde?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.651302337646484 }, { "question": "Which species is most typically first associated with the fashioning and use of stone tools?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.089884996414185 }, { "question": "A design that is not painted upon but is etched into a rock face is called a:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.089990854263306 }, { "question": "The Gault site in south-central Texas has produced evidence from 13,000 years ago that Paleoindians chose this location based on the:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.09008479118347 }, { "question": "The early Mesolithic Maglemosian culture was adapted to:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.09018874168396 }, { "question": "How were the first metals worked in South America?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 27.09029197692871 }, { "question": "What is the Aztec word for a spear-throwing device developed in Europe more than 30,000 years ago?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.090385913848877 }, { "question": "The directed breeding of plants and animals by humans is called:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.090476751327515 }, { "question": "Interestingly, none of the civilizations of ancient South America appear to have developed:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.0905659198761 }, { "question": "Which of the following is not a hypothesis for why hominids walked on two legs?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.09065294265747 }, { "question": "When did the first pharaohs emerge in Egypt?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 27.090739965438843 }, { "question": "There is evidence that the Hohokam borrowed which practice from Mesoamerican culture?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.29713296890259 }, { "question": "One of the less obvious reasons for the Inca to fight so many wars may have been:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 33.29724597930908 }, { "question": "The name Teotihuacán was given to the city by:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.29733991622925 }, { "question": "Which culture hosted the above celebration?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 33.297439098358154 }, { "question": "Of the following, which is the earliest example of the development of a complex society?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.297531843185425 }, { "question": "Archaeological evidence for the domestication of cats suggests it occurred when and why?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.29762101173401 }, { "question": "The most obvious material symbols of ancient state societies are:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.29771018028259 }, { "question": "What is the evidence for trade between Indus Valley cities and the city states of ancient Mesopotamia?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 33.297797203063965 }, { "question": "At the end of the Miocene many species of ape became extinct due to:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.29788398742676 }, { "question": "Some of the oldest painted art in the world was recently discovered in caves on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. What do the images include and to when do they date?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 33.297975063323975 }, { "question": "A person who believes that the current appearance of the earth can be best explained as having resulted from a series of natural disasters is known as a(n):", "model_answer": "D.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.66360592842102 }, { "question": "What contributes to societies becoming more complex?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.66371774673462 }, { "question": "A(n) _________ contains primary refuse; a _________ contains secondary refuse.", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.66381287574768 }, { "question": "Artifacts _________; ecofacts __________", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.66390585899353 }, { "question": "Pompeii was unusually well preserved because:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.664063930511475 }, { "question": "Charles Lyell argued that the Earth must be extremely old based on the fact that:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.66417098045349 }, { "question": "Homo floresiensis from the island of Flores dates from around 35,000 to 14,000 years ago, and according to some researchers, is similar or related to:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.664265871047974 }, { "question": "Subsistence practices of people can be determined by recovering and studying:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.664363861083984 }, { "question": "When the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto crossed a portion of the North American continent, his expedition encountered direct descendants of which people?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.664458990097046 }, { "question": "Following the classical period, which ended around A.D. 800, Mayan civilization:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.66454768180847 }, { "question": "During the late Miocene, carbon isotope analysis indicates environmental changes that would have impacted the hominid ancestors of modern humans. These changes are best characterized as:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.960413932800293 }, { "question": "Which of the following characteristics of modern humans is the most ancient, pre-dating the Late Stone Age, the Upper Paleolithic and even anatomically modern humans?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.960525035858154 }, { "question": "Moving through trees by swinging arm over arm is called:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.960621118545532 }, { "question": "Why is Catalhoyuk in central Turkey regarded as a large village but not a city?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.96071720123291 }, { "question": "Which of the following are four of the characteristics of civilization?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.96081304550171 }, { "question": "Which of the following most strongly indicates advances in the human intellect during the Upper Paleolithic?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.960905075073242 }, { "question": "With which of the following techniques were the native navigators of the Pacific NOT familiar?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.960998058319092 }, { "question": "Recent research with stone tool replication and brain imaging suggests the following hypothesis:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.96108913421631 }, { "question": "The earliest-known use of bronze is found in:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.961180925369263 }, { "question": "The New World, “discovered” by Christopher Columbus, was filled with approximately how many people?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.961273193359375 }, { "question": "Which of the following sites has monumental earthworks with concentric ridges in a semicircle that date from around 3,500 years ago?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.78167796134949 }, { "question": "The controversial theory that people from present-day Europe colonized North America at the end of Pleistocene is:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.781787157058716 }, { "question": "What was the required labor service owed to the king in return for the privilege of using property owned by the Incan empire?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.7820188999176 }, { "question": "Archaeology is a subfield of:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.78213095664978 }, { "question": "When did the acquisition of raw materials from greater distances increase, and what does it indicate?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.78222298622131 }, { "question": "According to the author, what did the Olmec have in common that bound them together in different territories?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.782312870025635 }, { "question": "Unlike Mesopotamian writings, the records left by the Maya are principally concerned with:", "model_answer": "D.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 34.78240084648132 }, { "question": "Based on archaeological evidence, which of the following is accurate regarding civilization in general?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.78248906135559 }, { "question": "Based on the morphology of fossil hominids dating from about 1.8 million until about 400,000 years ago, researchers argue that:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.78257513046265 }, { "question": "The evolutionary histories of different kinds of organisms and their relationships to each other are illustrated in a:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 34.78266000747681 }, { "question": "In comparison to an Oldowan tool, a hand axe ____________.", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.82722806930542 }, { "question": "Homo erectus is most closely associated with which tool-making tradition?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.82734227180481 }, { "question": "Opportunistic foraging involves:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.82743811607361 }, { "question": "In rare cases, the residue of blood on ancient stone tools can:", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.827532052993774 }, { "question": "How were the royal cemeteries of the Moche discovered?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.827622890472412 }, { "question": "The ancient city of Cahokia contained more than _______ and a population of around _______.", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.827714204788208 }, { "question": "Based on the analysis of oxygen isotope ratios in the shells of gastropods found in the sediments of an ancient lake, what happened to civilization in the Indus Valley?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.827805995941162 }, { "question": "Clovis points are NOT found in:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.827899932861328 }, { "question": "Which culture lived a primarily sedentary lifestyle in the Southwest?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.827993869781494 }, { "question": "Lewis Henry Morgan conceived of progress in human culture according to the stages of:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.828087091445923 }, { "question": "By 1900 B.P., the central elements of Mayan culture were in place. These did NOT include:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.338232040405273 }, { "question": "Machu Picchu was built in the mountains as a:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.33833909034729 }, { "question": "What evidence is there that Neandertals were hunters?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.33843493461609 }, { "question": "Why do we know more about Neandertals than other extinct species of premodern humans?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.33852791786194 }, { "question": "The attitude of many ancient elites toward the consumption of resources seems to have been:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.338619709014893 }, { "question": "In 1797, John Frere made a discovery that he described as:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.338709831237793 }, { "question": "Which of the following first described human culture according to a predictable chronology of a Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.338798761367798 }, { "question": "Tiwanaku, with its capital at Titicaca, was one of the ___________ kingdoms of the ancient world.", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.33888578414917 }, { "question": "Monte Alban is located in the ________ and was built by the _________.", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.33897376060486 }, { "question": "In Holocene Africa, the __________ was replaced by the ____________.", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.339058876037598 }, { "question": "What was NOT a deciding factor in the development of Mesopotamian civilization?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.163095235824585 }, { "question": "Which of the following crops was NOT an important component of Hopewell subsistence?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.1632080078125 }, { "question": "Unequivocal evidence for art as symbolic expression dates from as early as:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.163363218307495 }, { "question": "What was the Chinese technique of stamped or pounded earth that was used in construction of house walls and defensive structures?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.16347026824951 }, { "question": "The Lake Forest Archaic tradition relied on ____________ resources; the Maritime Archaic hunted ___________ creatures.", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.16357707977295 }, { "question": "Genetic evidence indicates that the modern Inuit are the descendants of which people?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.16367220878601 }, { "question": "Which tool technology is associated with anatomically modern Homo sapiens?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.16377305984497 }, { "question": "What is the difference between an absolute date and a relative date?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.16386318206787 }, { "question": "Upon exploring Rhode Island, the Italian navigator Giovanni de Verrazzano noted that the native people resembled:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.163954973220825 }, { "question": "Like the urban centers of the Indus Valley, Teotihuacán appears to have been:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.164152145385742 }, { "question": "The population of the Valley of Mexico was supported by means of:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.803141117095947 }, { "question": "Which subfield of anthropology has been described as studying \"other people's garbage\"?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.803287029266357 }, { "question": "What did the Moche build at the heart of their urban center?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.80338406562805 }, { "question": "Mayan city-states were NOT:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.803478002548218 }, { "question": "The argument in favor of hominids making and using stone tools by at least 3.3 million years ago is supported by:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.80357813835144 }, { "question": "What do the amounts of rainfall in the Maya homeland, as reflected in variations in oxygen isotopes in a stalagmite in Yok Balum Cave in Belize, correspond to?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.803681135177612 }, { "question": "In the author's two-hour movie representing the history of the universe, when do the earliest members of the human family appear?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.803779125213623 }, { "question": "Which best describes Stonehenge?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.803872108459473 }, { "question": "Which commonly used name for a culture was borrowed from another Native American language and literally means “ancient enemies”?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.803962230682373 }, { "question": "Paleogenetic and paleoecological evidence points to dates of occupation for Australia as far back as:", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.8040611743927 }, { "question": "The Egyptian system of hieroglyphics:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.258073806762695 }, { "question": "What do we know about the people who built Stonehenge based on the analysis of animal teeth from a nearby village?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.258214950561523 }, { "question": "Evidence from the modern human genome suggests that genes inherited from Neandertals:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.258314847946167 }, { "question": "The Nazca geoglyphs extend over miles and represent:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.258409023284912 }, { "question": "The fact that early excavators of Teotihuacán mistook ordinary housing compounds for palaces suggests:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.258501768112183 }, { "question": "Why is the timing of monumental construction at Ceibal significant?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.258594751358032 }, { "question": "The origins of Chinese civilization can be traced to:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.258683919906616 }, { "question": "How long ago did human groups begin actively controlling their food sources by artificially producing conditions under which these sources would grow?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.258771896362305 }, { "question": "For which of the following is there evidence for Neandertals?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.25886082649231 }, { "question": "What occupation date do most archaeologists agree on for Australia?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.25897192955017 }, { "question": "Which of the following dating techniques are based on the measurement of the amount of energy trapped in materials that have been heated at archaeological sites?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.05584192276001 }, { "question": "Which tool technology is associated with Neandertals?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.055969953536987 }, { "question": "Conflict models emphasize the importance of __________ tensions in the development of state societies, while integration models emphasize ____________ tensions.", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.05606698989868 }, { "question": "Homo erectus differed from Homo habilis in which way?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.05615997314453 }, { "question": "There is general consensus among paleoanthropologists that anatomically modern humans:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.05625319480896 }, { "question": "Homo erectus was:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.05634903907776 }, { "question": "About 2.6 to 1.9 million years ago the planet became much _____ and entered the ______:", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.05644202232361 }, { "question": "Mayan art and iconography prominently feature depictions of:", "model_answer": "D.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.056532859802246 }, { "question": "Taphonomy is:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.05662202835083 }, { "question": "The large, extinct herbivores of the Pleistocene era are referred to as:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.05671215057373 }, { "question": "Recovery of more than 6,500 bones and bone fragments from 28 individuals of a single hominid species at the Cave of the Bones in Spain provides:", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.80111289024353 }, { "question": "Charles Darwin discovered that plants and animals had evolved through a process known as ____________. Early archaeologists discovered that ______________________.", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.80121684074402 }, { "question": "The construction of large-scale features, such as mounds and shell middens, is often taken by archaeologists as evidence of:", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.8013129234314 }, { "question": "The Shang Dynasty laid the foundation for a coherent development of Chinese civilization that lasted well into the:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.801405906677246 }, { "question": "What do Homo sapiens and Australopithecus afarensis have in common?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.80149698257446 }, { "question": "What effect did the late Pleistocene to early Holocene climate change have on human populations?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.80158805847168 }, { "question": "Recent discoveries of Homo naledi fossils in the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave system in South Africa suggest a mixture of post-cranial morphologies or mosaic of hominid traits. One of the reasons this new species is controversial is that:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.801676750183105 }, { "question": "A genetic study comparing the bones of a 7,000-year-old skeleton found in Germany, eight human skeletons dating to 8,000 years ago in Luxembourg, and more than 2,300 living Europeans found that the modern European genome included contributions from:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.8017680644989 }, { "question": "Which of the following is archaeological evidence of social stratification and inequality?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.80185675621033 }, { "question": "Periods much colder than the present, which were characterized by widespread ice and snow cover, are known as:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 35.80194592475891 }, { "question": "Up to 50,000 years ago, what was the relationship between anatomically modern humans and us?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 36.901674032211304 }, { "question": "The Omo I cranium discovered along the Omo River in southern Ethiopia demonstrates:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.90213704109192 }, { "question": "Researchers who study humans by residing in particular societies and observing the behaviors of the people are known as:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.90268301963806 }, { "question": "What culture used hide boats and spread across the Arctic, from Alaska to Greenland beginning about 700 years ago, in a third wave of migration from the Old World into the New?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.9035370349884 }, { "question": "What Mesopotamian institution was set apart and had powers before the advent of social complexity?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.9037401676178 }, { "question": "What was concluded in a recent study comparing the genomes of modern people with ancient skeletal remains in North and South America?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.90384101867676 }, { "question": "Based on the strontium isotope ratios in the teeth of people buried at Copán, who were the rulers?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.90393686294556 }, { "question": "What does the lid of the sarcophagus of Pacal the Great, ruler of Palenque, depict?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.90403509140015 }, { "question": "The commoners of the rural Aztec villages of Capilco and Cuexcomate:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 36.904125928878784 }, { "question": "The skulls of the earliest migrants to the New World do not match those of modern Native Americans. This suggests that:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 36.90421795845032 }, { "question": "A place where people lived and/or worked and where the physical evidence of their existence can be recovered is an archaeological:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.70746874809265 }, { "question": "The practice of _________ allowed the Inca to greatly increase the amount of arable land.", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.707603931427002 }, { "question": "In Randall White's view, what do items of personal adornment imply during the Upper Paleolithic period?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.707700967788696 }, { "question": "The revolution in food production that accelerated worldwide population growth is called the ________; it occurred _____ years ago.", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.707793951034546 }, { "question": "Trace element analysis can be used to determine:", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.707887887954712 }, { "question": "The record-keeping system used by the Inca in which a series of knotted strings were used as mnemonic devices is called:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.70798897743225 }, { "question": "The Minoans inhabited the _________ island of Crete.", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.70808696746826 }, { "question": "Which of the following describes a key change in hominids beginning at least as early as Homo erectus that is probably related to increasingly larger brain size?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.70817995071411 }, { "question": "Inca architecture is noted for its:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.70827603340149 }, { "question": "What was found in some of the burials at the principal Liangzhu site in eastern China that represents elite status?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.708529949188232 }, { "question": "Most caves containing paintings are:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.316781759262085 }, { "question": "Which of the following is evidence for interbreeding between anatomically modern humans and Neandertals?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.316953897476196 }, { "question": "Upper Egypt is ________ of Lower Egypt.", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.317075967788696 }, { "question": "The death of Qin Dynasty emperor Ying Zheng was marked by what elaborate memorial?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.317194938659668 }, { "question": "The Mayan king Yax Pahsaj symbolized his royalty on a stele that depicts:", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.31731104850769 }, { "question": "Why did the spear-thrower represent a useful innovation and to when does it date?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.317431926727295 }, { "question": "From which of the following primates do humans descend?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.3175528049469 }, { "question": "Excavation of Yang-shao sites in China indicates which domesticated crops?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.317667961120605 }, { "question": "A subsistence strategy and settlement pattern based on seasonality and planned acquisition of resources is known as:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.31778597831726 }, { "question": "Analysis of the teeth of a hominid species discovered in Malapa Cave in South Africa, dating just after 2 million years ago, indicates a diet that consisted primarily of:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.31789803504944 }, { "question": "The appropriateness and usefulness of pedestrian survey depends on:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.491475820541382 }, { "question": "Since the end of the Pleistocene, humans have increasingly been responsible for the extinction of animal species. If allowed to continue, what are the likely consequences of these extinctions?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.49214005470276 }, { "question": "what is one of the important differences between the middle and upper paleolithic?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.492283821105957 }, { "question": "Where did the world's first civilization develop?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.492387056350708 }, { "question": "There is evidence that premodern Homo sapiens existed:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.49248480796814 }, { "question": "In primates, the location of which of the following determines if it is a quadruped or biped?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.49257802963257 }, { "question": "Homo habilis emerged around ________ years ago; Homo erectus followed at around _________ years ago.", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.492671966552734 }, { "question": "In what way were Neandertals physically different from modern Homo sapiens?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.49276375770569 }, { "question": "After 400,000 years ago, hominid evolution is characterized by:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.49285387992859 }, { "question": "Which perspective asserts that the Earth and all living organisms are less than six thousand years old and have changed little, if at all, since then?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.492944955825806 }, { "question": "Archaeological evidence indicates that cattle were first domesticated where and how long ago?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.159788608551025 }, { "question": "The spread of a shared religious iconography in ancient civilizations may be an indication of what?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.159900903701782 }, { "question": "What made it possible to recover the nearly intact finely-made wooden spears from a 300,000-year-old site at Schöningen, Germany?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.159997940063477 }, { "question": "Which continent features the earliest evidence of etching into a rock face?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.16009283065796 }, { "question": "Which of the following are dating techniques based on the half-life of a radioactive isotope and are used to date the age of rock?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.160184860229492 }, { "question": "Australian and America megafauna were probably wiped out by:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.16027593612671 }, { "question": "Archaeological and genetic evidence indicates that the process of domestication involving the separation of wolves from dogs occurred about:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.160363912582397 }, { "question": "The first hominids could be described as:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.16045379638672 }, { "question": "The undersea chasm between New Guinea/Australia and Java/Borneo is called the __________.", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.160542964935303 }, { "question": "Evidence has been found at the Asikli Höyük site in Central Turkey for the domestication of which species within a few centuries after 10,400 years ago?", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.16062903404236 }, { "question": "Which of the following is NOT true of the main Indus Valley cities?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.08102583885193 }, { "question": "The Younger Dryas was:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.081148862838745 }, { "question": "Which of the following was described as “the slow agency of existing causes”?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.081244945526123 }, { "question": "Virtually all of the crops important in the European Neolithic:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.08134388923645 }, { "question": "Which of the following is NOT an innovation of the Mesolithic?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 30.081439971923828 }, { "question": "Pizarro was able to subdue the entire Inca empire largely because:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.081846714019775 }, { "question": "The transition from food gathering to a total reliance on agriculture:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.082100868225098 }, { "question": "Between 1.4 million and 400,000 years ago, hand axe technology:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.082319736480713 }, { "question": "Artifacts must be carefully exposed and initially left in place in order to record:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.082453966140747 }, { "question": "During which time frame is there evidence for anatomically modern Homo sapiens?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 30.08256983757019 }, { "question": "Specialization of labor:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.635194063186646 }, { "question": "The Maya derived their writing and mathematics from the:", "model_answer": "D.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.63575792312622 }, { "question": "Which foods are included in the triad of plants that provided the subsistence base for indigenous New World civilizations?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.63587498664856 }, { "question": "What is the name of the largest structure at Teotihuacán and around how many platform monuments and pyramids were built there?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.635971069335938 }, { "question": "When did the Inca begin their military expansion across South America?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.63606595993042 }, { "question": "During the Pleistocene era, the islands of Java, Sumatra, Bali, and Borneo formed ___________. The landmass connecting Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania was called ___________.", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.636156797409058 }, { "question": "The reason that archaeologists long suggested that the walls of Great Zimbabwe could not have been built by an indigenous sub-Saharan people was that:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.636250972747803 }, { "question": "What was a unifying element to the Chavin culture?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.636339902877808 }, { "question": "Which of the following indicates a primary context?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.636427879333496 }, { "question": "Which of the following is NOT one of Joseph Tainter's proposed causes for the collapse of ancient civilizations?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 28.63651180267334 }, { "question": "The archaeological remains of foundations at Pilfershire were found:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.061875104904175 }, { "question": "The influence of the Tiwanaku was eclipsed by the _________ culture, to the north and west.", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.061987161636353 }, { "question": "How do archaeologists characterize the peoples who built monumental structures at Göbekli Tepe, Watson Brake, and Poverty Point?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.062083959579468 }, { "question": "What is believed to be the reason for the development of a complex society at Caral in South America?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.06218194961548 }, { "question": "The fossil evidence indicates that by 1.8 million years ago, a new hominid known as _______ had evolved.", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.062273025512695 }, { "question": "The __________ tradition features finely made, leaf-shaped stone blades. The __________ tradition, which followed behind it, emphasizes bone and antler work.", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.062364101409912 }, { "question": "The fossils originally known as Sinanthropus pekinensis or “Peking Man” are now classified as:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.062456846237183 }, { "question": "How does anthropology differ from other social sciences such as economics and sociology?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.06255006790161 }, { "question": "In periods of great difficulty and stress, it appears that the Minoans __________ in order to appease the gods.", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.06263828277588 }, { "question": "Which of the following is true about the first apes?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.06272602081299 }, { "question": "For 99% of human history, people have depended solely on _________ for their subsistence.", "model_answer": "D.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.376240968704224 }, { "question": "The possibility that Homo erectus possessed an aesthetic sense and may have created “art” is suggested by:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.376349210739136 }, { "question": "When did Mohenjo-daro develop into a complex urban center?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.376445055007935 }, { "question": "Which of the following best describes an anthropologist who studies the human skeleton in order to solve crimes?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.376537084579468 }, { "question": "Which of the following was the first city and what was the estimated population?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.376628160476685 }, { "question": "The epoch in which our earliest non-human primate relatives made their first appearance is called the:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.3767831325531 }, { "question": "In comparison to Homo habilis, what gave Homo erectus the ability to migrate so far, so fast?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.376888036727905 }, { "question": "At its height, only about _______ of the Incan empire was composed of ethnic Inca.", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 29.376982927322388 }, { "question": "By analyzing the levels of 13C in bones, researchers can establish whether an individual ate:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.3770751953125 }, { "question": "To which primate are humans most closely related?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.37716293334961 }, { "question": "A more accurate calibration curve and conversion for radiocarbon dating can be derived from:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.582031965255737 }, { "question": "Homo erectus is characterized by:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.582142114639282 }, { "question": "Indus Valley civilization is unmatched in comparison to other early civilizations in terms of what?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.58237600326538 }, { "question": "Which is true of the origins of Minoan civilization?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.58248209953308 }, { "question": "Archaeology differs from pseudoscientific speculation and fantasies about ancient extraterrestrials because:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.58257484436035 }, { "question": "The idea that cultures change through time in relation to their environments, along many different paths, is known as:", "model_answer": "D.", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.582666158676147 }, { "question": "What does Australia have in common with the rest of the world during the Holocene epoch?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.582753896713257 }, { "question": "The Chimu civilization was one of the ___________ kingdoms of the ancient New World.", "model_answer": "A", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 31.582844018936157 }, { "question": "Monk's Mound, at the Mississippian center of Cahokia, served as:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.582931995391846 }, { "question": "The peak of Minoan civilization, from 3650 to 3420 B.P., was bracketed by what two events?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 31.583017110824585 }, { "question": "Which of the following is the name of the stone blade exhibiting a fluted point on both faces and associated with extinct elephants?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.74617600440979 }, { "question": "Levallois technology involved a shift in emphasis from:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.746284008026123 }, { "question": "To which species does Lucy belong?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.746378898620605 }, { "question": "Which of the following is an example of parietal art?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.7464702129364 }, { "question": "When did the florescence of Ancestral Puebloan culture occur?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.746562004089355 }, { "question": "Which of the following is more complex than a tribe but less complex than a state?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.746653079986572 }, { "question": "The Upper Paleolithic is generally associated with:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.746742963790894 }, { "question": "The native peoples of the northwest coast of North America were:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.74683117866516 }, { "question": "Archaeological evidence for the collapse of civilizations suggests which of the following is the most important variable?", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 24.74691915512085 }, { "question": "Which culture was centered in the Ohio River valley around 2,800 years ago?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 24.74700427055359 }, { "question": "Which culture was centered in the Ohio River valley around 2,800 years ago?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.235835790634155 }, { "question": "The pharaoh ruled a population of ________, of which _________ were farmers.", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.235944986343384 }, { "question": "The key factor in the survival and success of anatomically modern human beings was:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.23603892326355 }, { "question": "A proposed explanation for some phenomenon that may be derived initially from empirical observation through a process called induction is a:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.236130714416504 }, { "question": "The development of civilization in Mesopotamia is associated with the _______, during the ______.", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.236223936080933 }, { "question": "Which of the following is the Pleistocene ice mass in North America centered in the Rocky Mountains?", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.23631477355957 }, { "question": "On which continent are most of the Venus figurines found?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.236405849456787 }, { "question": "The ability of humans to live in different environments, from Arctic tundra to tropical forests, is made possible by:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.236498832702637 }, { "question": "Which of the following refers to the systematic study of the earth's layers?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 27.23658776283264 }, { "question": "The Aztec Empire was based on the systematic expansion of:", "model_answer": "B.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 27.236673831939697 }, { "question": "All of the following statements are true of the walls of the central complex of Great Zimbabwe EXCEPT:", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.115474939346313 }, { "question": "How can the paleoanthropologist determine if a species is bipedal?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.116069793701172 }, { "question": "Which dating technique is based on the patterns of tree-ring growth?", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.116227865219116 }, { "question": "Which area is home to the tradition of making stone tools from chipped pebbles, called Hoabinhian?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.116346836090088 }, { "question": "The Pleistocene epoch lasted until how long ago?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.1164608001709 }, { "question": "Which of the following is the last to be occupied by human beings?", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.116576671600342 }, { "question": "Based on the available evidence, which of the following evolved first among hominids?", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.116695880889893 }, { "question": "The \"grandmother effect\" refers to:", "model_answer": "C", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.11680793762207 }, { "question": "Why were the elite of state societies so conspicuous in their consumption?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 3, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.116918802261353 }, { "question": "Archaeological evidence for the production of cheese and yogurt in Europe suggests that dairying became an important part of subsistence by ______ years ago, with _______ providing an adaptive advantage.", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 29.11707878112793 }, { "question": "The presence of caribou bones found near the Hudson River valley in New York from a site dated 10,000 years ago implies:", "model_answer": "B", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 13.795608043670654 }, { "question": "Experiments with stone spear points made to replicate those artifacts found at the Kathu Pan site in South Africa suggest that Homo erectus:", "model_answer": "A.", "correct_answer": 0, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 13.795725107192993 }, { "question": "What is the date of the first evidence of the use of metals in South America?", "model_answer": "D", "correct_answer": 1, "is_correct": false, "response_time": 13.795823097229004 }, { "question": "Among the Inca, human sacrifice was preceded by:", "model_answer": "C.", "correct_answer": 2, "is_correct": true, "response_time": 13.79591703414917 } ] }