import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np from safetensors.torch import load_model, save_model def normalize(x: torch.Tensor, dim=None, eps=1e-4) -> torch.Tensor: if dim is None: dim = list(range(1, x.ndim)) norm = torch.linalg.vector_norm( x, dim=dim, keepdim=True, dtype=torch.float32) # type: torch.Tensor norm = torch.add(eps, norm, alpha=np.sqrt(norm.numel() / x.numel())) norm_detached = norm.detach().to(x.dtype) # Detach and cast to x's dtype return x / norm_detached # return x / class FourierFeatureExtractor(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_channels, bandwidth=1): super().__init__() self.register_buffer('freqs', 2 * torch.pi * torch.randn(num_channels) * bandwidth) self.register_buffer('phases', 2 * torch.pi * torch.rand(num_channels)) self.sqrt_two = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2)) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: y = y = y.ger( y = y + # type: torch.Tensor y = y.cos() * self.sqrt_two return class NormalizedLinearLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel): super().__init__() self.out_channels = out_channels self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn( out_channels, in_channels, *kernel)) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, gain=1) -> torch.Tensor: w = if with torch.no_grad(): self.weight.copy_(normalize(w)) # forced weight normalization w = normalize(w) # traditional weight normalization # type: torch.Tensor # magnitude-preserving scaling w = w * (gain / np.sqrt(w[0].numel())) w = if w.ndim == 2: return x @ w.t() assert w.ndim == 4 return nn.functional.conv2d(x, w, padding=(w.shape[-1]//2,)) class AdaptiveLossWeightMLP(nn.Module): def __init__( self, noise_scheduler, logvar_channels=128, device='cuda', **kwargs ): super().__init__() self.device = device self.noise_scheduler = noise_scheduler self.noise_scheduler.alphas_cumprod = self.a_bar_mean = noise_scheduler.alphas_cumprod.mean().to(device) self.a_bar_std = noise_scheduler.alphas_cumprod.std().to(device) self.alphas_cumprod = self.logvar_fourier = FourierFeatureExtractor(logvar_channels).to(device) # kernel = []? (not in code given, added matching edm2) self.logvar_linear = NormalizedLinearLayer( logvar_channels, 1, kernel=[]).to(device) def _forward(self, timesteps: torch.Tensor): return self.compute_variance(timesteps) def forward(self, loss: torch.Tensor, timesteps): adaptive_loss_weights = self.compute_variance(timesteps) # type: torch.Tensor loss_scaled = loss / torch.exp(adaptive_loss_weights) # loss = loss_scaled + adaptive_loss_weights # type: torch.Tensor # stdev, mean = torch.std_mean(loss) # print(f"{mean=:.4f} {stdev=:.4f}") return loss_scaled def compute_variance(self, timesteps: torch.Tensor): return self._compute_ddpm_variance(timesteps) def _compute_ddpm_variance(self, timesteps: torch.Tensor): timesteps = a_bar = self.noise_scheduler.alphas_cumprod[timesteps] c_noise = a_bar.sub(self.a_bar_mean).div_(self.a_bar_std) return self.logvar_linear(self.logvar_fourier(c_noise)).squeeze() class EDM2WeightingWrapper: def __init__(self, noise_scheduler, optimizer=torch.optim.AdamW, lr=5e-3, optimizer_args={'weight_decay': 0}, logvar_channels=128, device="cuda", ): """ Initialize EDM2Loss with Fourier features for training with dynamic loss weighting. :param optimizer: Optimizer class to use. :param lr: Learning rate for the optimizer. :param optimizer_args: Additional arguments for the optimizer. :param device: Device to run computations on. :param logvar_channels: Fourier decomposition complexity. """ self.device = device noise_scheduler.alphas_cumprod = self.model = AdaptiveLossWeightMLP( noise_scheduler=noise_scheduler, logvar_channels=logvar_channels, device=device ).to(device) # # モデルのすべてのパラメータを指定されたデバイスに移動 # for param in self.model.parameters(): # = self.model.train(mode=True) self.optimizer = optimizer( self.model.parameters(), lr=lr, **optimizer_args) self.model.train(mode=True) # Ensure the model is in training mode def __call__(self, loss, timesteps): """ Compute the weighted loss and backpropagate it through the loss_module. :param timesteps: Tensor of timesteps (shape: [batch_size]). :param loss: Tensor of individual losses (shape: [batch_size]). :return: Scalar tensor representing the total weighted loss. """ timesteps = loss = # Forward pass through the loss_module weighted_losses = self.model(loss, timesteps) weighted_loss = weighted_losses.mean() # Backward pass for loss_module # Only compute gradients for self.model, don't touch anything else weighted_loss.backward( retain_graph=True, inputs=list(self.model.parameters())) self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad() return weighted_losses def save_model(self, path): save_model(self.model, path) def load_model(self, path): load_model(self.model, path)