from numpy import load import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import matplotlib.axes data = load("evaluations.npz") lst = data.files # data.files lists the keys that are available for data # print('ep_lengths: \n', data['ep_lengths']) # results and ep_lengths are 2d arrays, because each evaluation is 5 episodes long. # I want to plot the average of each evaluation. # for each item in results, loop through the array and save the average avg_ep_result_arr = [] for eval in data['results']: result_sum = 0 for result in eval: result_sum = result_sum + result avg_ep_result = result_sum / len(eval) avg_ep_result_arr.append(avg_ep_result) avg_ep_len_arr = [] for eval in data['ep_lengths']: max_len = 0 y_limit = 0 ep_len_sum = 0 for ep_length in eval: ep_len_sum = ep_len_sum + ep_length if ep_length > max_len: max_len = ep_length if ep_length > y_limit and y_limit < max_len: y_limit = ep_length avg_ep_len = ep_len_sum / len(eval) avg_ep_len_arr.append(avg_ep_len) y_limit = y_limit * 1.01 plt.plot(data['timesteps'], avg_ep_result_arr)['timesteps'], avg_ep_len_arr, width=10000) plt.ylim(top=y_limit)