''' This file contains the recipe for data preprocessing used to generate the combined coil images from the fastmri multicoil brain and knee datasets. |
These combined coil images were then used to train the autoencoder. The combined coil images are generated by combining the coil images using |
the sensitivity maps calculated with bart. To run this recipe, the bart toolbox needs to be installed and then follow the steps outlined in |
the preprocess_recipe function.''' |
import numpy as np |
import h5py |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import sys, os |
sys.path.append(os.path.join(_BART_TOOLBOX_PATH, 'python')) |
from bart import bart |
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" |
def fftc(input, axes=None, norm='ortho'): |
""" |
Perform a Fast Fourier Transform on the input array. |
Parameters: |
input (numpy.ndarray): The input array to transform. |
axes (tuple, optional): Axes over which to compute the FFT. If not specified, compute over all axes. |
norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. Default is 'ortho' for orthonormal transform. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The transformed output array. |
""" |
tmp = np.fft.ifftshift(input, axes=axes) |
tmp = np.fft.fftn(tmp, axes=axes, norm=norm) |
output = np.fft.fftshift(tmp, axes=axes) |
return output |
def ifftc(input, axes=None, norm='ortho'): |
""" |
Perform an Inverse Fast Fourier Transform on the input array. |
Parameters: |
input (numpy.ndarray): The input array to transform. |
axes (tuple, optional): Axes over which to compute the inverse FFT. If not specified, compute over all axes. |
norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. Default is 'ortho' for orthonormal transform. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The transformed output array. |
""" |
tmp = np.fft.ifftshift(input, axes=axes) |
tmp = np.fft.ifftn(tmp, axes=axes, norm=norm) |
output = np.fft.fftshift(tmp, axes=axes) |
return output |
def adjoint(ksp, maps, mask): |
""" |
Perform the adjoint operation on k-space data with coil sensitivity maps and a mask. |
Parameters: |
ksp (numpy.ndarray): The input k-space data, shape: [1, C, H, W]. |
maps (numpy.ndarray): The coil sensitivity maps, shape: [1, C, H, W]. |
mask (numpy.ndarray): The mask to apply on the k-space data, shape: [1, 1, H, W]. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The output image after applying the adjoint operation, shape: [1, 1, H, W]. |
""" |
masked_ksp = ksp*mask |
coil_imgs = ifftc(masked_ksp,axes=(-2,-1)) |
img_out = np.sum(coil_imgs*np.conj(maps),axis=1)[:,None,...] |
return img_out |
def _expand_shapes(*shapes): |
""" |
Expand the dimensions of the given shapes to match the maximum dimension. |
This function prepends 1s to the shapes with fewer dimensions to match the maximum number of dimensions. |
Parameters: |
*shapes (tuple): A variable length tuple containing shapes (as lists or tuples of integers). |
Returns: |
tuple: A tuple of expanded shapes, where each shape is a list of integers. |
""" |
shapes = [list(shape) for shape in shapes] |
max_ndim = max(len(shape) for shape in shapes) |
shapes_exp = [[1] * (max_ndim - len(shape)) + shape |
for shape in shapes] |
return tuple(shapes_exp) |
def resize(input, oshape, ishift=None, oshift=None): |
""" |
Resize with zero-padding or cropping. |
Parameters: |
input (array): Input array. |
oshape (tuple of ints): Output shape. |
ishift (None or tuple of ints): Input shift. |
oshift (None or tuple of ints): Output shift. |
Returns: |
array: Zero-padded or cropped result. |
""" |
ishape1, oshape1 = _expand_shapes(input.shape, oshape) |
if ishape1 == oshape1: |
return input.reshape(oshape) |
if ishift is None: |
ishift = [max(i // 2 - o // 2, 0) for i, o in zip(ishape1, oshape1)] |
if oshift is None: |
oshift = [max(o // 2 - i // 2, 0) for i, o in zip(ishape1, oshape1)] |
copy_shape = [min(i - si, o - so) |
for i, si, o, so in zip(ishape1, ishift, oshape1, oshift)] |
islice = tuple([slice(si, si + c) for si, c in zip(ishift, copy_shape)]) |
oslice = tuple([slice(so, so + c) for so, c in zip(oshift, copy_shape)]) |
output = np.zeros(oshape1, dtype=input.dtype) |
input = input.reshape(ishape1) |
output[oslice] = input[islice] |
return output.reshape(oshape) |
def shape_data(ksp, final_res): |
""" |
Reshape coil k-space data to output coil images with isotropic pixels and correct FOV = origional image width and the correct square image size given by "final_res". |
This function assumes that the k-space data has already been padded to make the corresponding images have isotropic pixels. |
Parameters: |
ksp (numpy.ndarray): The input coil k-space data, shape: [S, C, H, W]. |
final_res (int): The final resolution for the output image. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The output image after reshaping, shape: [S, C, final_res, final_res]. |
""" |
H = ksp.shape[-2] |
W = ksp.shape[-1] |
S = ksp.shape[0] |
C = ksp.shape[1] |
img1 = ifftc(ksp,axes=(-2,-1)) |
img1_cropped = resize(img1, oshape=(S,C,W,W)) |
ksp1 = fftc(img1_cropped,axes=(-2,-1)) |
ksp1_cropped = resize(ksp1, oshape=(S,C,final_res,final_res)) |
img_out = ifftc(ksp1_cropped,axes=(-2,-1)) |
return img_out |
def read_fastmri_data(file_path): |
""" |
This function reads k-space data from a .h5 file. |
Parameters: |
file_path (str): The path to the .h5 file containing FastMRI data. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The k-space data as a numpy array. |
""" |
hf = h5py.File(file_path, 'r') |
ksp = np.asarray(hf['kspace']) |
return ksp |
def combine_coils(ksp): |
""" |
Combine multi-coil k-space data into a single coil image. |
This function reshapes the raw multi-coil k-space data, calculates sensitivity maps for the reshaped data using the BART tool's 'ecalib' command, and then uses these maps to create a single coil image via a fully sampled adjoint operation. |
Parameters: |
ksp (numpy.ndarray): The input multi-coil k-space data, shape: [B, C, H, W]. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The output single coil image, shape: [B, 1, H, W]. |
""" |
coil_img_rs = shape_data(ksp, final_res=256) |
coil_ksp_rs = fftc(coil_img_rs, axes=(-2,-1)) |
ksp_rs = coil_ksp_rs.transpose((2,3,0,1)) |
maps = np.array(ksp_rs) |
for j in tqdm(range(ksp_rs.shape[2])): |
sens = bart(1,'ecalib -m1 -W -c0', ksp_rs[:,:,j,None,:]) |
maps[:,:,j,:] = sens[:,:,0,:] |
maps_rs = maps.transpose((2,3,0,1)) |
single_coil_rs_img = adjoint(ksp=coil_ksp_rs, maps = maps_rs, mask = np.ones_like(coil_ksp_rs)) |
return single_coil_rs_img |
def preprocess_data_recipe(): |
pass |