"doc_id","speech","link","country","title","speaker","role","date","pdf","audio" 1,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola. I request Portugal to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency Philemon Yang, President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Your Excellency Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Heads of Delegation, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is with a very special sense of honour that I address Your Excellencies and all participants in this 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, which is taking place within a very international worrying context where international relations, the tensions are worsening due to the prevailing multiple conflicts of different nature and intensity, in various parts of our planet. It is understandable that in face of such a high level of instability and insecurity, it would be much more difficult to attain the major sustainable development goals and other goals that we set by this organization with a view to achieving all the targets that we have set for ourselves. Allow me to extend my a special greeting to his excellency philemon young on his election as the president of the seventy ninth session of the general assembly which is of special significance for the entire african continent and for his country the republic of cameroon as the duties he has performed there with proven dedication and efficiency put him in a position to successfully guide the proceedings of this session Allow me to extend my sincere best wishes of success in this position, convinced that his commitment will make an important contribution to strengthening the role of our organization as a decisive and a replaceable player in global governance. I also want to congratulate the outgoing President, His Excellency Denis Francis, to whom I address a word of great appreciation for the way he has performed his duties and for the results he has achieved during his term of office. I also would like to praise and commend Mr. Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, for his great dedication to our common cause of building a world of peace, security, harmony and concord, development and equal opportunities for all. Value match his work even more as it is being carried out within a complex global context full of challenges and threats that he has managed to deal with pragmatism, responsibility and great wisdom and courage. Excellencies. Since the founding of the United Nations, after the end of the Second World War, the people of our planet have longed for peaceful coexistence on a global scale, believing that episodes that could jeopardize universal harmony, peace, security, would be subject of careful attention and pre-emptive measures taken within our organization so that they would not degenerate into conflicts and wars that would revive the distressing moments experienced during the period from 1939 to 1945. After almost eight decades, What we objectively can observe today is that not only has this perspective not been realized, but we seem to be moving away from the founding purposes of the United Nations. In view of this reality, we need to see where we have failed and what collective measures we should take to make the United Nations more active and effective in seeking solutions that contribute to preventing conflicts, strengthening global peace and security, boosting international trade and cooperation, and ensure the prosperity of our nations and well-being of the peoples of our planet. Today we are witnessing an attempt to undermine, ignore or even to replace the role and importance of the United Nations in resolving the major issues that afflict humanity, particularly those related to universal peace and security. In this context, there is no more appropriate stage other than this August assembly to reverse this reality and to accept the urgent need to reform this institution with a special emphasis on adapting the Security Council to the realities of the contemporary world. Its current format and composition still reflects the post-war reality that has been largely overtaken by time and development in other regions of planet, many of which were colonized countries that are now independent member countries of the United Nations. The reform of the United Nations Security Council and the international financial institutions that emerged from Brenton Hood seems to be urgent and pressing in order to give voice to the countries of global south, namely Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. The imperative of multilateralism must prevail as the only framework truly capable of safeguarding the common interests of all humanity, within which we must reaffirm our resolute commitment to diplomacy, inclusive dialogue, and the use of peaceful means to resolving conflicts. It is within this spirit that the Republic of Angola is deeply committed to the process of seeking solutions to conflicts in Africa, notably the great effort at this moment is focused on the conflict prevailing in East Democratic Republic of the Congo without neglecting those occurring in Sudan and in the Sahel region. As part of the Luenda process, a ceasefire was reached in the eastern DRC, which came into force on 4th August this year. In order to consolidate the gains achieved, a draft peace agreement was put on the table by the Republic of Angola, involving the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of Rwanda. The terms of the said agreement have been discussed by the parties at ministerial level with the aim of reaching an understanding that would give rise to holding of a summit meeting to seal the signing of the final peace agreement and re-establishment of relations between the DRC and Rwanda. We are very concerned about the situation prevailing in Sudan where a violent war is being waged with dramatic humanitarian consequences despite a certain apathy of the international community which must seek to combine its efforts and act in coordination with the African Union to promote and achieve a long-lasting peace. We are using the experience gained by angola in resolving its internal conflict which after several decades was definitively resolved through inclusive dialogue between the warring parties to benefit peace in africa we have learned from our own conflict that there is no peace without dialogue and no peace without trade-offs on both parties. This is a path that cannot be neglected in the context of all efforts to be developed to resolve the serious security crisis that the world is currently facing. Russia's war against Ukraine has seriously and profoundly shaken Europe's stability and security, with strong repercussions to the rest of the world in terms of economic stability and food and energy security. We have witnessed a continuous escalation of that conflict, which has been escalating in a worrying manner with devastating effects on the internal situation of the worrying countries due to the use of increasingly lethal weapons without these heralding any prospect of solution to that intricate problem. Despite the increasingly sophisticated military and other means being used in the theater of operations, no military victory is in sight in this war, which is likely to spread to the rest of Europe unless a negotiated solution is found based on compliance with the principle of the United Nations, which safeguard the sovereignty of states, the indivisibility and territorial integrity of the countries. Failure to uphold the principles of the United Nations Charter is the root cause of many of the problems and tensions that are proliferating throughout our planet, where particular geopolitical interests and ambitions, contrary to the values advocated by the international community, often affect the security and stability of entire regions of our planet. In the Middle East, we have witnessed and condemned the killing and kidnapping of defenseless Israeli civilians on the 7th October last year. As a result of that, although Israel has the right to protect its territory, to guarantee the safety of its citizens and to seek to rescue the hostages whose whereabouts are still unknown, it should do everything it can to prevent the genocide that the world is witnessing live in Gaza Strip and the attacks on settlements and expansion of settlements in the West Bank. In that conflict, the main victims are defenseless and vulnerable human beings, namely children, women, the elderly and sick, who were killed indiscriminately not only by the air, and artillery bombs but also because they are deprived by force of arms from accessing and supplying the most basic rights such as access to food, drinking water, medicine, housing and medical and pharmaceutical assistance and destruction of the main infrastructures such as schools, hospitals, houses, energy and others. We are witnessing the death of alarming numbers of journalists from international networks, UN employees and workers from international humanitarian organisations, which is unacceptable and condemnable. We cannot continue to allow that in just 11 months, in a small territory without escape, nearly 43,000 people have been killed and that their perpetrators have not been held accountable by the international community. The international community cannot be indifferent to the situation that threatens the existence of the Palestinian people who have the same right to live in peace and security in the territory of their ancestors, such as the Jews people. We are concerned about the spread of the conflict to other countries because it threatens peace and security throughout the Middle East and opens up the dangerous possibility of direct involvement of the major world powers and thus render the conflict into a world one with all possible consequences on a global scale. We are faced with a fact that once again highlights the role of the United Nations, its decisions and resolutions, which, if strictly and rigorously upheld, would resolve the impasse surrounding the creation of the sovereign state of Palestine, the only way to put a definitive end to the problem that the Middle East has been facing for decades. I would like to take this opportunity to once again call for an end to the embargo against Cuba and the sanctions on Zimbabwe. The current chair of our regional economic community, the SADC, because they are unjust and inhuman as they increase the suffering of their people and greatly hinder the economic and social development of those countries. Excellencies, as a part of the collective efforts undertaken by the nations of our planet to consolidate peace, African countries have been increasingly sought to contribute effectively to the United Nations missions aimed at bringing stability to countries and regions in conflict. Such peace operations are often not carried out within the timeframe and effectiveness required due to financial constraints faced by the countries willing to participate. Fortunately, this situation seems to have eventually been overcome at the Security Council representing a decisive step towards strengthening and operability and effectiveness of the African Union-led peace-building missions, which now has a financing mechanism more suitable to I warmly welcome these developments, especially because Africa wants to be increasingly present not only in the discussion but also in the decision-making and resolution process of major global issues. Excellencies, we intend to be part of the construction of a new international financial architecture within which a close collaboration among states is essential with a view to effectively fight the listed flow of capital and the recovery of assets, which is often difficult for the countries that hold the funds under their control even without a plausible justification. It is important to note that funds that come from asset recovery processes have a direct impact on the implementation of sustainable development goals and consequently on improving the general living conditions of our populations. Angola has made significant progress in the fight against corruption with specific cases of citizens who have been tried and convicted who saw their assets forfeited in favour of the state by virtue of sentences handed down in courts and confirmed by the competent courts of appeal. As regards asset recovery, we have had two successful cases in which we countered with a highly responsible attitude and respect for our sovereignty by the United Kingdom authorities who have returned to Angola 2.5 billion US dollars that were sitting in a bank in London and it is befitting to acknowledge this fact publicly from this World Forum. Unfortunately, not all countries that agreed to accept these proceeds from corruption without questioning their origin at the time, today respect the rulings of our courts which are binding. Some of these countries even claim the right to question the credibility of our courts, almost wanting to review the sentences issued by our courts as if they were extraterritorial appeal bodies. These assets are the property of our states already impoverished during the colonial period. We will therefore continue to fight with all our strength to recover the assets that were embezzled from public treasury that are sorely needed for the construction of infrastructure such as school, hospital, energy and water facilities, roads, amongst others. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the Republic of Angola advocates for the urgent implementation of reforms that will lead to a fair representation of African countries within the main international borders. financial institutions in order to stand for the decision-making and development of policies that have impact on the daily life of the populations of the concerned countries. We are firmly committed to leaving no one behind, acting together to promote peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations. In line with this motto of 79th session, we must mobilize efforts, capabilities, and all resources at our disposal to promote policies, measures, and programs that make it possible to materialize the intentions contained therein. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, The Republic of Angola is making a great effort to put the country on the path of progress and development, based on policies that establish priorities contained in the National Development Plan, whose main pillars are economy diversification, public debt reduction, mobilisation of domestic revenues, optimisation of public expenditures in priority sectors such as health and education, and implementation of special social protection schemes. The tasks that we have proposed to carry out in the areas that I have just mentioned are complex. They require time and sufficiently time qualified human resources to carry them out successfully. But despite this situation, we are making encouraging progress, whose benefits will be felt over time. Among the successful initiatives, I would like to mention the construction of water transfer systems for areas severely affected by droughts in the south of angola where poverty and misery are paving the way for a prospect of prosperity and a more dignified life for the population who can now count on water available in sufficient quantities to transform arid zones into areas for agricultural production and livestock farming without the previous risk that used to jeopardize human and animal survival. As part of the government of Angola's action to improve the national security social situation and create factors that boost the development of industrial agriculture, we have embarked on the path of electrification of the country in all its latitudes. We have invested in production of clean energy with construction of large hydropower plants and photovoltaic parks, meaning that 60% of the country's Energy metrics will be now coming from clean sources with a trend to phase out the thermal power plants still in operation over the next three years. In terms of clean energy production, in addition to the more than 6,500 megawatts produced currently, we are building the Kakulka bus hydropower plant, which will produce more than 2,000 megawatts and will soon begin the construction of the country's largest photovoltaic park with financing of US$1.5 billion from the US Exim Bank to supply off-grid power to a considerable number of locations in the provinces of Willa, Kunene, Namib and Kwankubango. With this additional energy production project underway, our biggest focus at the moment is on public investment or public-private partnerships to build high and medium voltage transmission lines to the east and south of the country with a view to interconnect with the SADC power grid to the east via Zambia and to the south via Namibia. We currently have a considerable supply of electricity production which requires transmission and distribution networks to take it to potential beneficiaries in all parts of the country and also to the southern African countries which need this resource for their development. Interest investors now have the opportunity to sell electricity produced in Angola to customers in the mining areas in the DRC and Zambia as well as to SADA countries in general with a focus on the largest industrial and domestic consumer which is South Africa, Angola. is developing a number of initiatives that are part of the effort to ensure the implementation of the international climate agenda with a focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, always taking care to exploit our fossil resources in a responsible manner in order to ensure the development and well-being of our populations. It is important to highlight that we've made a major public investment in Angola in the health sector throughout the country with a rapid construction of well-equipped hospital infrastructure at all three levels and with an ambitious training and recruitment program for health practitioners for our national health system. Ladies and gentlemen, In the current times, among the major priorities of the African continent is the issue of development based on trade promotion and intensification, which is essential to build infrastructure that ensures connectivity among African countries, mobility of economic operators, and favours the free trade amongst all countries. within the scope of the African Continental Free Trade Area. Within this perspective, the Republic of Angola has established partnerships at international level to ensure the operationalization of the Minghella railway, the mining and commercial ports of Loubito within the framework of the major transnational transport and logistic project of the Loubito corridor, which will ensure the faster, safer and more competitively priced flow of minerals, agricultural and industrial products produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia and Angola across the Atlantic Ocean to the rest of the world. This is a catalyst project that will change the economic landscape in Angola and in Southern Africa by allowing the emergence of a number of various enterprises along the Lubito corridor with direct impact on the economies of the sub-region of Africa, southern sub-region of Africa and other regions of our continents. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the Republic of Angola is a hospitable country, open to the world and always ready to act as a proactive partner to help increase global cooperation in favour of the development and implementation of joint and complementary actions which help to respond to the permanent challenges in the fight against international terrorism and other threats to peace, world security and sustainable development. With the improvement of the business environment in recent years, we are open to tourism and direct private investment virtually in all sectors of our economy that are of interest to investors. You're welcome to Angola and thank you very much for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Angola.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/angola","Angola","His Excellency","João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ao_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AO_EN.mp3" 2,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Javier Gerardo Millay, President of the Argentine Republic. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. To the authorities of the United Nations, representatives of the various countries, member countries, and all of the citizens of the world that are watching us, good afternoon. For those of you who are not aware, I'm not a politician. I'm an economist. I'm a liberal libertarian economist who never aimed to be a politician but who was honoured to become the President of the Republic of Argentina following the resounding failure of more than a century of collectivist policies that destroyed our country. This is my first speech to the United Nations General Assembly and I'd like to take this opportunity to humbly alert the different nations of the world about the path that we are moving down and have been for decades and about the danger of this organisation failing as it has been doing in its original mission. I haven't come here to tell the world what it should be doing. I've come here to tell the world on the one hand what will happen if the United Nations continues to promote collectivist policies that it's been promoting under the mantle of the 2030 Agenda and on the other hand the values of the new Argentina. I want to begin by giving credit where credit's due. The United Nations was born out of the horror of the cruelest war in global history, and the main aim of it was to ensure that it never happened again. To do so, the organization engraved its fundamental principles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. From that was born a basic agreement around one maxim, that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Under the watch of this organisation, the adoption of this and the adoption of these ideas, over the last 70 years, humanity has experienced the longest period of global peace in history, which has coincided with the greatest period of economic growth in history. It established an international forum in which nations can resolve their conflicts through cooperation rather than resorting instantaneously to weapons, and it achieved something previously unthinkable. to sit the five great powers of the world around one same table with the same veto power, despite having completely counterposed interests. All of this didn't mean that the scourge of war disappeared, but it did, at least for now, ensure that no conflict has escalated to global proportions. The result was that we moved from having two world wars in less than 40 years, which together claimed more than 120 million lives, to having 70 consecutive years of relatively global peace and security and stability under the mantle of an order which allowed the entire world to be integrated commercially to compete and to prosper because where trade enters we don't have where bullets said bastia because trade guarantees peace peace guarantees and freedom guarantees trade equality and equality before the law guarantees freedom it managed to ensure what Prophet Isaiah said, that he will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. This is what's happened mainly under the watch of the United Nations in its first few decades. That's why we're talking about an outstanding success in the history of nations that has been achieved by the United Nations and it cannot be overlooked. Now, at some time, and as often happens with the majority of bureaucratic structures that are created by men, this organisation stopped looking after its main aims set out in its founding declaration and started to change. This was an organisation that had essentially been thought up as a shield to protect the reign of men and became a leviathan with various tentacles purporting to decide not only what... not only what each nation state should do, but also how all the citizens in the world should live. That's how we move from being an organization that pursued peace to an organization that imposes an ideology on its members about an endless list of topics in society. The model of the United Nations that had been successful, the origin of which we can see in the ideas of President Wilson, who talked about the need for peace without victory and that was founded out of cooperation from nation states, has been abandoned. It's been replaced by a model of supranational government, of international bureaucrats that attempt to impose on citizens of the world a specific way of living. What we're discussing in New York this week at the Summit of the Future is nothing more than going further down this tragic path, the tragic path that this institution has adopted. Going further down this path, which in the very words of the Secretary-General, calls on us to define a new social contract, redoubling our commitments in the 2030 agenda. On this, I'd like to be clear about Argentina's position. The 2030 agenda, although it's well-intentioned in its goals, is nothing but a supranational government programme that is socialist in shape. It purports to resolve the problems of modernity with solutions that afflict the sovereignty of nation states and violate the right to life, right to freedom and property of persons. It's an agenda that purports to resolve poverty, inequality, discrimination with legislation that simply furthers these issues. because the history of the world has shown that the only way of guaranteeing prosperity is by limiting the power of the monarch, by guaranteeing equality before the law, defending the right to life, to freedom and to the ownership and property of individuals. The adoption of this agenda is fully in line with these privileged interests and looks beyond the principles that were set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights It has therefore twisted the role of this organisation and set it on the wrong course. We've seen how an organisation that was born to defend the rights of man has become one of the main proponents of systematic violations of freedom, such as, for instance, the lockdowns imposed in 2020, which should be seen as a... a crime against humanity. In this same house that purports to defend human rights, we have also included bloody dictatorships in the Human Rights Council, including Cuba and Venezuela, without reproach. In this same house, which purports to defend the rights of women. We've allowed on CEDAW, the CEDAW committee, countries that punish their women just for showing their skin. In this same house that have voted against the state of Israel, which is the only country in the Middle East to defend a liberal democracy, we have simultaneously shown a total inability to respond to the scourge of terrorism. On the economic level, we have promoted collectivist policies that undermine economic growth, violate property rights and disrupt a natural economic process, preventing the most left-behind countries to freely enjoy their own resources. They have imposed regulations and prohibitions specifically because of countries that wish to develop themselves. We have further established a toxic relationship between global governance and international credit bodies, demanding that those countries that are most left behind commit resources that they don't have to programmes that they don't need, making them perpetual debtors. We have also seen ridiculous policies with Malthusian stances, such as zero emissions policies that harm all poor countries, policies related to sexual and reproductive rights, when birth rates in Western countries are plummeting, announcing a somber future for all of us. The organization has met its mission of upholding territorial sovereignty of its members. As we know, Argentines have first-hand experience of this with the Malvinas Islands. We have also seen that the veto of the permanent members of the Security Council has begun to be used in the defense of the specific interests of a certain few. That's where we are today, with a powerless organization, powerless to provide solutions to the true global conflicts. For instance, the aberrant Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has costed the lives of more than 300,000 people and left behind more than one million wounded. This is an organisation that, rather than tackling these conflicts, invests time and effort in imposing on poor countries how they should and how much they should produce, who they should do relations with, what they should eat, what they should believe in, as the Pact for the Future purports to dictate. This long list of errors and contradictions has led to a loss of credibility for the United Nations before the citizens of the free world. I'd like to issue a warning here. We are coming to the end of a cycle. Collectivism and the moral posturing and the woke agenda is coming up against reality. There are no further credible solutions to the real problems of the world. If the 2030 agenda fails, as recognized by its own promoters, the response should be to wonder whether or not this was an ill-conceived program from the outset. we should accept this reality and change what we're doing. The same thing always happens with ideas that come from the left. They're designing a model in line with what human beings should do and when individuals freely decide to act otherwise they have no better solution than to restrict, repress or cut off their freedom. In Argentina we've seen with our own eyes what they have done at the end of this path of envy and sad passion, poverty, anarchy, and a total lack of liberty. We still have time to choose another direction. I want to be clear so that there's no poor misunderstanding here. Argentina that is going through a profound process of change currently has decided to embrace the ideas of freedom. These are ideas that say that all citizens are born free and equal before the law, that we have inalienable rights granted by our creator to life, to freedom and to property. These principles that are setting the framework of the process of change that we're undertaking in Argentina are also the principles that will guide our international conduct from now on. We believe in the defence of life for all. We believe in the defence of property for all. We believe in freedom of expression for all. We believe in freedom of worship for all. We believe in freedom of trade for all. And we believe in limited government for all. And in these times, what happens in one country has a swift impact on others. And we believe that peoples should be able to live free of tyranny and oppression, be it political oppression, economic slavery, or religious fanaticism. This fundamental idea shouldn't be mere words. It should be supported by our acts diplomatically, economically, and materially through the joint force of all of the countries that stand up for freedom. This doctrine of the new Argentina is no more and no less than the true essence of the United Nations. That is the cooperation of nations united in the defense of freedom. If the United Nations wants to resume the principles that led to its birth and adopt the role for which it was designed, it can count on the full support of Argentina and its struggle for freedom. You should be aware, though, that Argentina will not support any policy that implies restricting individual or trade freedoms, nor the violation of the natural rights of individuals, regardless of who promotes these or how big the consensus is in this institution. reason, I'd like to officially express our dissent on the Pact for the Future that was signed on Sunday, and I invite all nations of the free world to support us, not only in relation to this pact, but also in the establishment of a new agenda for this noble institution, that is the agenda for freedom. From this day on, you should know that Argentina, the Republic of Argentina, will abide abandon its policy of historic neutrality and will be on the vanguard in the struggle for the defense of freedom. Because as Thomas Paine said, those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. Long live freedom. God damn it. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Argentine Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/argentina","Argentina","His Excellency","Javier Gerardo Milei","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ar_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AR_EN.mp3" 3,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain. I request Protocol to escort His Royal Highness and invite him to address the Assembly. In the name of God, most compassionate, most merciful. ...and excellencies. Your Excellency, Mr. President of the General Assembly, Your Excellency, Secretary General Guterres. It is my honor to be here today and to convey to you the greetings and best wishes of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, And I would like to begin by offering my congratulations to you, Mr. President, on your election as President of the 79th Session of the General Assembly. I wish you every success in guiding this important work. I also extend my deep appreciation to His Excellency the Secretary General for his tireless efforts in advancing the noble objectives of this organization across the globe. Mr. President, eight decades ago, at the dawn of the nuclear age, humanity found itself engulfed in a devastating war, fraught with peril and uncertainty. The world was in desperate need of order and a system of accountability and governance. The United Nations was created to become a pillar of stability, a vital institution the world relied on to prevent unspeakable atrocities from ever happening again. Whether through the formation and application of international law, the promotion of diplomatic consensus, the investment in development programs, or the deployment of peacekeeping missions, the United Nations and its specialized agencies have together stood firm to reflect the spirit of global civic responsibility. The number of world leaders participating in this year's General Assembly is a testament to that enduring spirit. Nineteen years ago, I had the honor of standing here and addressing this historic hall, where I touched on the pressing challenges confronting our world at the time. Poverty, famine, deadly infectious diseases, civil wars, and weapons of mass destruction. These global challenges not only persist, but have intensified We find ourselves in a far more dangerous and unpredictable time due to major tectonic shifts in the global geopolitical order. In addition, revolutionary new technologies have emerged that will fundamentally reshape the world as we know it. Environmental and health challenges that know no borders have also multiplied and grown in complexity, requiring us all to work together regardless of our differences. Mr. President, the very systems designed to uphold the international order are under strain. Eighty years after its formation, as the threats and challenges we collectively face evolve, This important institution, which our global community relies on to safeguard the international rules-based order, must evolve as well. Today, we support the calls for reform of the United Nations to ensure that it reflects current geopolitical realities so that it is equipped to continue carrying out its important global mandate for decades to come. This reform should be holistic, consensus-driven, and encompass all the decision-making bodies of the United Nations, including the UN Security Council. The peace dividend that followed the end of the Cold War is now a distant memory. Today, we stand on the precipice of a new era with new challenges. And we must recommit to peace as the bedrock on which we build collective prosperity and enduring hope for all. For as we all know, it is far easier to destroy than it is to build. Today, we see governments disregarding the established rules-based order as they pursue policies rooted exclusively in self-interest. We see a preference for brinksmanship and the use of questionably legal force to resolve disputes. We see the rise of radicalism, extremism, and rogue non-state actors sowing chaos and discord. In Gaza, we see Palestinians living through an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, with over 40,000 people killed, many of them women and children. The protection of innocent life is enshrined in international law and a moral and religious responsibility. It is clear what is required is the implementation of an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and the adoption of an irrevocable path to the creation of a viable, independent Palestinian state. And it must happen now. This will achieve A comprehensive and lasting peace deliver the security and prosperity to all nations in our region and prevent the spread of a wider regional conflict. In the West, we witness widespread suffering as the intractable conflict in Ukraine persists. In the East, we see tensions continuing to rise in the South China Sea. raising grave concerns of wider military escalation and the further erosion of the integrity of the international rules-based order. The tolls of these conflicts are borne by humanity, by families, by communities, and by our future generations. These conflicts undermine growth, stifle opportunity, and endanger the hopes we hold for our children. Mr. President, the Kingdom of Bahrain has long been a vocal advocate of pluralism and multiculturalism. It's who we are. In August of this year, and in line with His Majesty King Hamad's vision that mutual respect for our shared humanity is essential for sustaining global harmony, Bahrain launched the King Hamad Award for Peaceful Coexistence. His Majesty the King has also called on the international community to convene an international peace conference on the Middle East As current holder of the Arab League presidency, the Kingdom of Bahrain urges all nations to join us in this vital initiative, which seeks to strengthen efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace in the region. Diplomacy and dialogue must prevail. Indiscriminate violence, conflict, and fragmentation will only drive us further from this noble goal. Mr. President, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, we have committed ourselves to ensuring that our citizens are at the core of all our national development programs. We have worked tirelessly to ensure that they are equipped with the skills necessary to deliver prosperity and growth to themselves and their community. As we look to the future, we will spare no effort to provide our citizens with opportunities to connect with the wider world, to compete, innovate, and succeed. We prioritize the issues that unite us all, housing, health care, education, and delivering jobs and prosperity. We focused our government ministries and agencies on a set of priorities, reached out to the private sector, civil society, and wove together a spirit of one team focused on delivering those programs. Mr. President, today's world is, in many ways, more fragile than the one that had emerged from World War II. This is because the global challenges today go beyond geopolitical conflict. We are seeing the devastating impacts of unsustainable development on the world's environment. And as a result of conflicts and fragmentation, we have seen a rise and a return of global hunger. We have also witnessed firsthand the alarming effects of diseases such as COVID-19, which showed how quickly the global order can be disrupted. These crises must not be treated in isolation. They are interconnected, and they represent a systemic threat to humanity. It is imperative that like-minded countries come together with the objective of revitalizing, adapting, and renewing our institutions to effectively address today's significant challenges and to effectively deliver on the ambitious commitments set by the United Nations SDGs and the recently adopted Pact for the Future. This can only be achieved through a system-wide reform that encompasses pivotal multilateral organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Health Organization, as well as the United Nations. The international rules-based order is not sustained by hopes or dreams. It is the product of robust international institutions and security constructs that are fit for purpose. Mr. President, as a member state of the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Arab League, and the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Kingdom of Bahrain has always been committed to the path of multilateralism. We hold firmly to the belief that working alongside allies and in accordance with the rules of international law is the surest way of guaranteeing our long-term prosperity. This is also why In 2023, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States of America concluded a historic agreement to forge a new model for security and shared prosperity. The comprehensive security and integration and prosperity agreement is designed not as a bilateral arrangement, but as the beginning of a multilateral framework that aims to bring together countries with an equal interest in delivering stability and prosperity. It is a model for how nations can promote an inclusive vision grounded in mutual respect and shared goals. Partnerships such as these can go beyond the geopolitical dimension and enter the world of emerging technologies as well. Through meaningful international collaboration, we can harness the transformative potential of technologies such as artificial intelligence to advance shared goals of global development, peace, prosperity, Doing so will require a united global front, though. And today, we call for an international treaty governing the development of artificial intelligence to ensure that these technologies contribute to peace rather than exacerbate existing conflicts and that they become forces for creation and innovation, not destruction and division. The Kingdom of Bahrain believes that engaging in wide-ranging partnerships such as these will be crucial to advancing the cause of multilateralism and ensuring that cooperation becomes a cornerstone of our collective security frameworks. Through such agreements, we are confident that the Middle East and the global community can build a future rooted in peace, economic growth, and a rules-based international order that benefits all people. Mr. President, distinguished delegates, The challenges we face today are not insurmountable if we act with a collective will and the determination to define a revitalized international architecture built on shared values and a renewed commitment to multilateralism that prioritizes the well-being of all nations. Some issues are just too important not to rise above our differences. Let us together reaffirm our shared responsibility to uphold and protect human dignity and ensure that the international order remains a force for good. We owe this to future generations, to the values we cherish, and to the world we seek to protect. Learning to live together is indeed the noblest of endeavors. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/bahrain","Bahrain","His Royal Highness Prince","Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa","Crown Prince","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bh_ar.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bh_en_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BH_EN.mp3" 4,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency, Alexander Ducroux, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, esteemed colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, As leaders from around the world flock to the UN this week, they should only have one ambition. Find a way out of the conflicts in Sudan, the Middle East, Ukraine, and all too many other places. These conflicts are close to our homes and cities, bringing war and famine and terrible tragedies to families and societies. When we take a brief look back in time, history teaches us a lesson. Just after Andrei Sakharov had developed the first Soviet hydrogen bomb in 1955, the nuclear arms race and Soviet doctrine seriously troubled him. Because he saw that human rights and human dignity were an absolute necessity, a precondition, not just for nuclear security, but for prevention of war. The fight for human rights defined him and turned him into an international advocate, culminating in the Nobel Peace Prize 20 years later. In its remarks, the Nobel Committee noted that Sakharov fought against the abuse of power and all forms of violation of human dignity. Looking at the world today, it is crucial to remember Sakharov's legacy. Across the globe, human dignity and the rule of law are receding, and in many cases, they are absent. And where the respect for human life and the promise of rule of law fades, armed conflict loom large. History might not repeat itself, but it surely rhymes. In the Middle East, decades of dehumanizing enemy has led to a vicious cycle of violence, resulting in the killing of over 40,000 people in less than a year. This man-made conflict has proven one of the deadliest in decades. And this conflict didn't start with the horrific terrorist attack against Israel, killing over 1,400 Israeli citizens almost a year ago. But on the 7th of October, Belgium immediately acknowledged Israel's right to defend itself, and we called for the unconditional release of all hostages. Early on in the Gaza war, my government warned against the lack of respect for international humanitarian law on both sides and the disproportionate attack with the blatant disregard for Palestinian civilian life. Almost one year later, we must subtly acknowledge that the extremes on both sides still set the tone of this conflict. Fanatics believe that military power can end this conflict. This is a delusion. To achieve peace, we need a proper roadmap, political courage, not mere tactics to remain in power another day. We have been calling for an immediate and lasting ceasefire for many months, but today it seems more distant than ever. Hostilities need to stop before the whole region becomes engulfed in violence. Action speaks louder than words. Belgium has imposed a weapons embargo. We never ceased our support to UNRWA and other humanitarian organizations. Together with the EU, we have imposed sanctions on Hamas, but also on extremist settlers and settler organizations. For every innocent life lost in Gaza and every discovery of a dead hostage, the prospect of future peace may seem more distant than ever. Today, Gaza lies in rubble. Over 15,000 people need prosthetics because of lost limbs. 10,000 of these victims are children. Where is human dignity in all of this? However, there is a way out. I'm convinced that it starts with the recognition of the right to exist of both Israel and Palestine based on the 1967 borders. We should all engage with Palestinian and Israeli leaders who recognize these rights and who oppose both anti-Semitism and anti-Palestinian feelings. Only then we can start articulating a viable pathway for a two-state solution. Mr. President, dear colleagues, Vladimir Putin has been waging war in Europe for more than two years now. And there is one simple truth. He can stop the illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine right now. His madness continues to have devastating consequences for the Ukrainian people. One man alone can stop the killing of thousands of civilians, can end the continuous violence against Ukrainians whose future has been put on hold. Only he can end the shelling. and the bombing, the indiscriminate attacks on bridges, on roads, on energy infrastructure, on hospitals, on schools, and on people's houses. Widespread and disturbing brutality has been established by various independent international inquiries. None of us can and should look away. Over the past year, the Belgian Ukraine Fund spent 1.7 billion euros on military equipment, humanitarian aid, and on the reconstruction of Ukraine's hardest-hit regions. Belgium's development agency is helping Ukraine's recovery and is preparing for joining the European Union. The people of Ukraine will be battling against another cold winter soon. That is why we are winterizing energy provision in hundreds of hospitals. Over the past two years, we have often pronounced the words, for as long as it takes. We do not take this promise lightly. As the Russians continue to bomb cities, Ukraine's call for more air defense is pure self-protection. How else can they keep their citizens safe? The buildup of a strong Ukraine F-16 force is an integral part of our support. We will transfer all of our fighter jets when they leave the Belgian Air Force. The total amounts to at least 30 over the coming years. We want to help protect the people of Ukraine. The aggressor shall not win. And it is why our support for Ukraine stands strong. To all of you who aspire for peace, it will only come about when we force President Putin to stop his aggression against Ukraine. Ladies and gentlemen, it is clear that we are living in a polarized and deeply divided world. This observation could lead us to believe that multilateralism has failed on all fronts. that would be a mistake. A year ago, a treaty that protects biodiversity on the high seas was adopted. This collective initiative proves that it is still possible to unite to tackle the climate and environmental emergency. The global response to MPOCs and the reaction of the African CDC to the epidemic are yet another example of progress. The European Union and Belgium have invested significantly in vaccine manufacturing and access in Africa. We require more solidarity and cooperation. And these words may seem idealistic and naive. However, we can only overcome common challenges by working together. The world over, extreme weather events are increasing. Just last week, heavy rainfall caused flooding across vast swathes of Central and Eastern Europe. Our planet and all forms of life that live on it face colossal challenges. Now, however, is not the time to despair and to scale back our ambitions. On the contrary, human ingenuity, sustainable competition and Changing of deeply entrenched behaviour can mitigate the effects of climate change and help us to adapt. We have ramped up our efforts to further scale up our ambitions for the climate and for the oceans. We stand ready to work with our partners, in particular in the most vulnerable African countries, by providing them with financing and by providing them capacity building. This autumn, the COP on biodiversity in Calais and the COP on the climate in Baku will be yet more key moments for the future of the populations and the planet. In all those years, talk about conflict prevention, peace building and peacekeeping has multiplied. Unfortunately, this has not stopped conflicts from becoming more numerous, deadly and enduring. The number of aid workers killed has reached record highs. The number of refugees continues to rise year after year. Our common humanity seems to be in a deep crisis. Which brings me back to the lessons of Andrei Sakharov, which he taught us. Where human rights and human dignity are absent, conflicts loom large, and the most vulnerable bear the brunt. A new beginning with the Pact for the Future calls for and must therefore start with our recommitment to the UN Charter, to the rule of law, and to the respect for human dignity. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium, We have heard the last speaker in the general debate for this meeting.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/belgium","Belgium","His Excellency","Alexander de Croo","Prime Minister","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/be_fl.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BE_EN.mp3" 5,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. My greetings to the President of the General Assembly, Mr. Yang. I would like to greet the Secretary General, António Guterres, and each of the heads of state and government and delegates present. I would like to address specifically to the Palestinian delegation who is taking part in this opening session for the first time a bit as an observer member. I'd like to also mention President Abbas attending this meeting. Ladies and gentlemen, the day before yesterday, here in this very plenary, we adopted the Pact for the Future. Its difficult approval shows the weakening of our collective capacity for negotiation and dialogue. Its limited scope is also an expression of the paradox of our time. We walk around in circles between possible commitments that lead to insufficient results. Not even with the tragedy of COVID-19 were we able to knight around a treaty on pandemics at the World Health Organization. We need to go much further and provide the UN with the necessary means to face the dizzying changes in the international panorama. We are living in a time of growing anguish, frustration, tension, and fear. We are witnessing an alarming escalation of geopolitical disputes and strategic rivalries. holds the sad record of the highest number of conflicts since World War II. Global military spending grew for the ninth consecutive year and reached $2.4 trillion. Over $90 billion have been mobilized with nuclear arsenals. These resources could have been used to finance the fight against hunger and climate change. What we are seeing is an increase in military capabilities. The use of force not supported by international law is becoming the rule. we are witnessing two simultaneous conflicts with the potential to become widespread conflagrations. In Ukraine, with regret, we are seeing the war extending without any prospect of peace. Brazil has firmly condemned the invasion of the Ukrainian territory. It is already clear that neither side will be able to achieve all their objectives through military means. The use of increasingly destructive weapons brings to the mind the darkest days of this sterile cold war confrontation creating conditions for resuming direct dialogue between the parties is crucial at this time this is a message of the six points of understanding that China and Brazil offer for a process of dialogue to be established and for the hostilities to end. In Gaza and the West Bank, we are witnessing one of the greatest humanitarian crises in recent history, which is now spreading dangerously to Lebanon. What began as a terrorist action by fanatics against innocent Israeli civilians has become a collective punishment for the entire Palestinian people. They have been over 40,000 fatal victims, mostly women and children. The right to defense has become the right to vengeance, which prevents an agreement for the release of hostages and postpones the ceasefire. Forgotten conflicts in Sudan and Yemen are causing excruciating suffering to nearly 30 million people. This year, the number of people in need of humanitarian aid in the world will reach 300 million. In times of increasing polarization, expressions such as de-globalization and de-coupling have become commonplace, but it is impossible to de-planetize our life together. We're doomed to climate change interdependence. The planet is no longer waiting to demand payment for the next generation and is fed up with unfulfilled climate agreements. It is tired of neglected carbon reduction targets and financial aid to poor countries that does not arrive. Denialism succumbs to evidence of global warming. 2024 is on track to be the hottest year in modern history. Hurricanes in the Caribbean Typhoons in Asia, droughts and floods in Africa, torrential rains in Europe leave a trail of death and destruction. In the south of Brazil, we had the biggest flood since 1941. The Amazon is experiencing the worst drought in 45 years. The forest fires have spread across the country and have already devoured 5 million hectares in August alone. My government does not outsource responsibilities, nor does it abdicate its sovereignty. We have done already a lot, but we know that much more needs to be done. In addition to facing the challenge of climate crisis, we're fighting against those who profit with environmental degradation. We will not tolerate environmental crimes, illegal mining and organized crime. We reduced the deforestation of the Amazon by 50% in the last year, and we will eradicate it by 2030. It is no longer acceptable to think about solutions for tropical forests without listening to the indigenous peoples, traditional communities and all those that live in them. Our sustainable development vision is based on the potential of the bioeconomy. Brazil will host COP30 in 2025, convinced that multilateralism is the only way to overcome the climate emergency. Our nationally determined contribution, NDC, will be presented later this year. in line with the goal of limiting the increase of the planet's temperature to 1.5 degrees. Brazil stands out as a source of opportunities in this world revolutionized by energy transition. Today, we are one of the countries with the cleanest energy mix. 90% of our electricity comes from renewable sources such as biomass, hydro-electrical power, solar power, and wind power. We made the choice for biofuels 50 years ago, long before the discussion about alternative energies gained traction. We are on the forefront of other important niches, such as green hydrogen production. It is time to face the debate about the slow pace of the planet's decarbonization and work for an economy less reliant on fossil fuels. Mr. President, Latin Americans has been experienced since a second lost decade since 2014. The region's average growth during this period was only just 0.9%, less than half of what was seen in the lost decade of the 80s. This combination of low growth and high levels of inequality results in harmful effects on the political landscape. Engulfed by disputes often unrelated to the region, our vocation for cooperation and understanding has been weakened. It is unjustified keeping Cuba on a unilateral list of states that allegedly promote terrorism. and also that this is undue. He reaches the most vulnerable countries. In Haiti, it's urgent to combine actions to restore public order and promote development. In Brazil, defending democracy implies impermanent action against extremist, messianic, and totalitarian attacks, which spread hatred, intolerance, and resentment. It was on its behalf that Brazilians defeated dictators and tyrants who tried to undermine institutions and put them at the service of reactionary interests. Democracy needs to respond to the legitimate aspiration of those who no longer accept hunger, inequality, unemployment, and violence. In a globalized world, it makes no sense to resort to false patriots and isolationists, nor is there hope in resorting to ultra-liberal experiments that only worsen the difficulties of an impoverished continent. The future of our region... depends above all on building a sustainable, efficient, and inclusive state that tackles all forms of discrimination. A future which is not intimidated by individuals, corporations, or digital platforms that consider themselves above the law. Freedom is the first victim of a world with no rules. Essential elements of sovereignty includes the right to prescribe laws, educate, dispute, and enforce rules within one's territory, including the digital environment. The state we are building is sensitive to the needs of the most vulnerable without giving up sound macroeconomic foundations. The false opposition between state and market was abandoned by developed nations which returned to practice active industrial policies and strong regulation of the domestic economy. In the area of artificial intelligence, we are experiencing the consolidation of asymmetries that lead to a true knowledge oligopoly. The unprecedented concentration in the hands of a small number of people and companies based in an even smaller number of countries is advancing. We are interested in an emancipatory artificial intelligence which also has the face of the global south and which strengthens cultural diversity, that respects human rights, protects personal data and promotes information integrity. And, above all, that it will be a tool for peace, not for war. We need an intergovernment governance of the artificial intelligence in which all states have a seat. Mr. President. Conditions for accessing financial resources remain prohibitive for most low- and middle-income countries. The debt burden limits fiscal room to invest in health and education, reduce inequalities, and address climate change. African countries borrow at rates up to eight times higher than Germany and four times higher than the United States. It's a Marshall Plan in reverse, in which the poorest finance the richest. Without greater participation of the developing countries in the management of the IMF and the World Bank, there will be no effective change. While the Sustainable Development Goals lag behind, the world's 150 largest companies have collectively made up to one point trillion dollars in profits over the last two years the fortunes of the top five billionaires have more than doubled since the start of this decade while sixty per cent of humanity has become poor the super-rich pay proportionately much less tax than the working class To remedy this anomaly, Brazil has insisted on international cooperation to develop minimum global taxation standards. The data released by FAO two months ago on the state of food insecurity in the world is shocking. The number of people going hungry around the world has increased by more than 152 million since 2019. This means that 9% of the world's population, 733 million people, are undernourished. The problem is severely, severely African and Asian, but it also persists in parts of Latin America. Women and girls make up the majority. of people facing hunger in the world. Pandemics, armed conflicts, climate events, and agricultural subsidies from rich countries are increasing the scope of this scourge. But hunger is not just the result of external factors. It arises, above all, from political choices. Today, the world produces more than enough food to eradicate it. What is missing is for conditions to be created so that food may be affordable. This is my government's most urgent commitment, and hunger in Brazil, as we did in 2014. In 23 alone, we lifted 24 million and 400,000 people out of a condition of severe food insecurity. The Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, which we will launch in Rio de Janeiro in November, was born from this political will and this spirit of solidarity. It will be one of the main results of the Brazilian G20 chairmanship and is open to the world. Anyone who wants to join this collective effort is welcome. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, about to turn 80, the United Nations Charter has never undergone comprehensive reform. Only four amendments were passed, all of them between 1965 and 1973. The Charter's current version fails to address some of humanity's most pressing challenges. When the UN was founded, we were 51 countries. We are now 193 countries. Several countries, mainly on the African continent, were under colonial rule when the UN was founded. It had no say over its goals and functioning. There is no gender balance in the highest positions. The position of Secretary General has never been held by a woman. We are approaching the end of the first quarter of the 21st century, with the United Nations increasingly empty and paralyzed. It is time to react vigorously to this situation, restoring to the organization the prerogatives that derive from its status as a universal forum. one-off adjustments are not enough. We need to think about reviewing and revising the Charter comprehensively. The reform should include the following goals. Transforming the Economic and Social Council into the main forum for dealing with sustainable development and the fight against climate change with a real capacity to inspire financial institutions. Revitalizing the role of the General Assembly, including in matters of international peace and security. Strengthening of the Peace Building Commission. Reform of the Security Council, focusing on its composition, working methods, and veto powers in order to make it more effective and representative of contemporary realities. Excluding Latin America and Africa from the permanent seats of the Security Council is an unacceptable eco of domination practices from the colonial past. I have... Let's promote this discussion in a transparent way in consultation with the G-77, the G-20, and the BRICS. in the CARICOM at the UE and any other spaces that exist. I have no illusions about the complexity of a reform like this, which will face crystallized interest in maintaining the status quo. It will require enormous negotiation effort but that is our responsibility we cannot wait for another world tragedy like the world war two to only then build a new governance on its rubbles the will of the majority can persuade those who cling to the raw expression of the mechanisms of power The humanities' aspirations are eco-indisciplinary. Here, we engage in the world's big debates. In this forum, we look for answers to the problems inflicted on the world. It is up to the General Assembly. The biggest expression of multilateralism is the mission to pave the way for the future. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/brazil","Brazil","His Excellency","Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/br_pt.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BR_EN.mp3" 6,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Gabriel Boric Font, President of the Republic of Chile. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, members of the General Assembly, and to all inhabitants of the world listening to us, 2025 will mark 80 years since the day on which 51 countries took the momentous step of creating the United Nations. Our country, Chile, has always been a proud member of this collective effort. We were at that time one of the founding countries and now, almost 80 years later, we continue to defend democracy, peace, multilateralism and integral respect for human rights. Since 1945, the world has changed a great deal. Indeed, would have been very complex at the time, full of hope due to the end of the war that had been torn apart by poverty, destruction and death, which was left in its wake and already marked by the infamy of colonialism. We saw simmering emancipation, inexorable emancipation of peoples from their executioners. Much time has passed since then and the world has changed radically. Just imagine If a 20 year old from that time were to magically wake up in 2024, I'm sure they wouldn't be able to believe what they see. The world has changed, but some things remain the same. One example of this that has been repeated since this rostrum is the UN Security Council. 2024's world is not the same as 1945's. This morning, I listened to the UN Secretary General. I listened to President Lula from Brazil and President Biden from the United States. They all explicitly expressed their agreement to reforming the Security Council to adjust it to today. What or who is holding this up? Is anybody in this assembly opposed to this? Chile proposes that we set a deadline for this reform. And when the UN celebrates its 80th birthday, will do so with a Security Council that is in line with current times, that includes Brazil from Latin America, India, and at least one country from Africa, among others. Nothing is stopping this except the lack of our own will. Human institutions depend on the will of their leaders, us. And those that are not able to adapt to their era run the risk of failing. It's worth remembering the swift collapse of the League of Nations. There are times at which change is the best way of ensuring the continuity of our history. And this is exactly one of those. The same goes for financial governance. We welcome the efforts that have been made by global financial institutions to modernize. But above all, Chile supports the proposal of Africa, led by Nigeria, to address tax evasion, illicit financial flows, and inequalities in tax collection through the establishment of a Convention on International Tax Cooperation. This would ensure that we have a more transparent and inclusive system, a global taxation system that supports the financing of the fight against climate change in which countries but also large companies are held accountable for their movements and contribute what is due to those countries from which or whom they have obtained their wealth. I'm also... are in no doubt that it is the possible leadership of a woman, as is noted in the agreement of the Pact for the Future that we signed this morning, that might come from our Latin America on the basis of territorial rotation. This is the person who might be able to lead this process down the reformist path already set by Antonio Guterres. President, leaders of the world. The international community is occasionally accused of double standards in the face of violations of human rights that happen around the world. We condemn what our adversaries do, but when an alleged friend is the one violating the UN's charter, we look aside or we express ambiguity. Chile rebels against double standards in human rights. As a young Latin American and left-wing president, I would clearly strongly like to say that human rights must always be respected everywhere. We must demand this respect regardless of the political colour of the dictator or the government that violates them. Because the Palestinian teenager murdered in Gaza, the Venezuelan worker who's forced to leave their homeland, the Ukrainian child abducted by Russia, the silenced opposition in Nicaragua, or the woman expelled from school in Afghanistan just for being a woman, are all, above all, human beings. And the voice of all nations, regardless of their political position, should be raised in their defence. This is a principles-based position beyond any geopolitical interest that we defend in Chile. For this reason, I refuse to choose between the terrorism of Hamas or the genocide carried out by Netanyahu's Israel. We have no reason to choose between barbarity. I choose humanity. We denounce the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory and the de facto denial of the existence of an independent Palestinian state by the occupying country. From Chile, we call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza that would bring an end to the suffering and the massacre of the Palestinian population, which has already cost more than claimed more than 40,000 lives. and imagine just the number of wounded. We also clearly and unambiguously demand the immediate release of the hostages held by Hamas. We also note that Israel must respect international law, must halt the establishment and expansion of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory, and bring an end to the massacre in Gaza and the indiscriminate attacks that it has been carrying out on the civilian population. And in line with our consistent state policy, we insist on the need to reach a sustainable two-state solution behind defined, secure, internationally recognised borders in line with 1967 borders. Furthermore, Russia's aggression on Ukraine must stop. The United Nations is the right body to bring an end to this flagrant transgression of international law. We can't accept the normalization of one country invading another and taking away part of its territory. For medium-sized countries such as ours, demanding respect for international law is the main safeguard that we have for the respect of our own sovereignty, respect for our own territorial integrity. And today from this rostrum, I particularly wish to stress the situation of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia and taken onto Russian territory. They must be returned to their families. Before this assembly, Chile reaffirms its commitment to democracy, which remains always the only system able of maintaining peace, reaching sustainable development and protecting dignity, rights and fundamental freedoms. For this reason, we are concerned to see increasing disaffection among citizens at this form of government all around the world. We also are concerned to see the emergence of authoritarian leaders who persecute or insult those with ideas different to their own. It's our duty to speak up and fight against those who erode democracy be it through authoritarianism or by disseminating fake news unashamedly. At the same time, we must respond to the needs and anxieties of our people to ensure that they can once again trust in democratic institutions and mechanisms. We are concerned to see how these threats are closing in on our region. Chile will continue to take steps to build bridges between diverse societies, seeking the integration of the voices from Latin America to promote peace and stability, as we've been doing recently in the meeting with the President of Spain and President of Brazil at the Summit of Progressive Leaders. This doesn't stop us from firmly condemning any violation of human rights or international law or violations of democracy in neighboring countries. We are particularly alert to the critical situation in Venezuela. Here we have a dictatorship which is trying to steal an election, which persecutes its opposition and is indifferent to the exile, not only of thousands, but rather millions of its citizens. We need a political outcome to this crisis, which recognises the triumph of the opposition in the latest elections and undertakes peaceful transition towards a democracy. I also must say that unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States, as I personally said to President Biden, do not assist in resolving the conflict. Rather, on the contrary, they worsen it. That's because economic sanctions most affect the Venezuelan people. They affect the Venezuelan people more than their government. They affect the most humble, the workers. The political crisis combines with the economic crisis and together these crises have pushed more than 7 million Venezuelans into exile. They've been forced to leave their country. Of these, around 800,000 are in Chile. And I'd like to be clear on this point, be responsible here. Chile is not in a position to receive more Venezuelan migrants. United States authorities, I call on you to, called on them to lift economic sanctions in the South because we know they only cause more poverty for peoples and not for dictatorships. None of us, not even the most powerful, can face phenomena such as the climate crisis, pandemics, digital revolution, transnational organized crime, etc. alone. We need each other. We also need the United Nations and a stronger, more active international community. This is the vision that we've promoted through our involvement in various United Nations bodies. I'd particularly like to highlight Chile's recent presidency of the Economic and Social Council under Paula Narvaez. I'm also speaking on behalf of all of my fellow Chileans in noting our concern at the rising transnational organized crime and the devastating effects of such crime on the security and development of countries, as well as on democracy and on people's lives. It's fundamental for our governments to act together and to coordinate public policies, strategies and operational capacities to curb financial crime, drugs trafficking, trafficking in persons and in weapons, which all affect our countries. Security is currently the main concern of the majority of people in Chile, but also in the whole of Latin America. And states cannot surrender to nor normalize violence and organized crime. Standing steadfast against crime, steadfast against corruption, tireless in building communities and social cohesion in our societies. Chile is also committed to developing regulations to channel the progress of artificial intelligence ethically, transparently and responsibly. Such a development should respect human rights, but protect personal data and promote the integrity of information and its use in the digital era. Today, and I'm sure that many of you already have AI apps on your smartphones, today artificial intelligence reproduces prejudices and stereotypes as a result of reinforced existing biases from the databases that they use. Should we trust that these large companies simply regulate themselves. History has taught us that this doesn't work. The international community must look after the weakest who are being excluded from this new world and ensure that they can be involved in it. If we don't act now, for instance, by demanding traceability and algorithms, data audits and corrective human interventions, We might in a few years see a new form of extermination, digital extermination of non-hegemonic cultures. This would lead to the loss of the valuable diversity of humanity. Let's not allow this to happen. Artificial intelligence and new technologies can represent a tremendous contribution to the world. Today, it's worth remembering the zeroth law of Asimov's laws of robotics, which in literature the last century already forced us to establish that a robot cannot harm humanity or through inaction allow humanity to come to harm. And finally, I'm obliged to call your attention to the greatest challenge that we face as a generation, the climate emergency. Protecting and sustaining life on Earth is something that we need to do now. And I'm saying this from Chile, a country that has been affected by drought, floods and fires that are increasingly frequent. But here borders are irrelevant, as you're well aware, because we're all affected equally by, for instance, Cyclone Idai, which just a couple of years ago flattened Malawi and Mozambique. We also see fires in Australia, floods in Bangladesh, the dry corridor in Central America, rising sea levels affecting the Maldives and fires that are currently raging in Cordoba, Argentina. Let's not deny science. Let's not deny our responsibility as humanity over this crisis. In Chile, we are playing our part. We are changing our energy matrix. We are leaving aside fossil fuels, moving towards carbon neutrality, protecting our seas and our woodland. We are also preserving the Antarctic. Chile is an Antarctic country and will continue to be so. We have ratified the Oceanic Governance Treaty, the BBNJ Treaty, and I invite all countries to join it. and further to support Chile's position in particular of Valparaiso as the headquarters for the treaty that I just mentioned. In light of the scale of the challenges that we face, isolated efforts are not enough. We need all of us, particularly the big powers and those that benefit from the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources around the planet and have done for decades to shoulder their responsibility and to support with resources, not just good intentions, those who are left behind today. We can't forget that many of the countries that are developed today are so developed specifically because they plundered the wealth of other peoples for all too long and did so facing impunity. We face many challenges but our fate is not set in stone. I therefore hope and I'm optimistic when I look towards our shared future. It falls to us to build a fairer and more dignified world for all of us and for future generations. A few weeks ago Elvira Hernandez became the second female Chilean poet to obtain the National Literature Prize since Gabriela Mistral, who has a Nobel Prize for Literature. And here I would like to paraphrase a warning contained in one of her poems. We are migratory birds, but we've become used to behaving as monuments. Let's not turn multilateralism and the United Nations into a monument. a sterile, static monument. Let us turn this great historic achievement born out of the Second World War into a renewed bright light for 2024 to be able to improve the quality of life of the whole of humanity. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Chile.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/chile","Chile","His Excellency","Gabriel Boric Font","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cl_es_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CL_EN.mp3" 7,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Gustavo Pedro Orrego, President of the Republic of Colombia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. My daughter, Antonella Penetro, has just sent me a paragraph, and she wanted me to begin my speech with that paragraph. So with your indulgence, I will read it. It is a paragraph written by a child of 15, 16 years old, and it reads as follows. Today I am proud to appear before you as the president of the heart of the earth. That is how our indigenous people here on Sierra Nevada defined my beautiful country. Geographically speaking, what they said is logical, and it's logical that we call ourselves the heart of the world. However, if we are the heart, we have to set an example of unity, total peace, and preservation, conservation of nature if necessary. A heart works and beats, that's a great step forward. However, all other parts of the human body are important. If one fails, the rest will follow. As such, from the heart of the earth, we now invite all countries to... have their conscience piqued to stand up and leave aside the greed that is killing human beings and Mother Earth. We invite you all to take a step towards total peace. My daughter is in those paragraphs. Those are her orders. Please take heed. Ladies and gentlemen, presidents of the world. In this very house, the ability of a president to communicate depends on how many dollars he has in his budget. It depends on how many warplanes he has. And ultimately, it depends on the clout that his country has and its ability to destroy humankind. The power of a country in the world is no longer exercised by the type of economic or political system it has or its ideology, but power is wielded according to how much capacity one has to destroy human counts. There is this power of destruction, but who are important are those who really have the power to sustain life. We speak, but we're often not listened to. And sometimes perhaps the only people listening to those of us that want to sustain life are our own peoples. That's why we're not listened to when we speak out for the genocide in Gaza to be detained, even though we do speak for the majority of the world and we represent vast swathes of humankind. However, nevertheless, we're not listened to. A small minority of presidents that are able to stop the bloodshed, but they're not listened to. And we're not listened to by the presidents that can destroy humankind. We ask them to swap debt for climate change spending, but we're not listened to. If we ask for war to stop so that we can concentrate on the expeditious transformation of the global economy so that we can save the very human species, we're not listened to either then. The power to destroy life is the power that allows voices to reverberate throughout the United Nations House, and it's that destructive power that gives convening power to representatives. The voice of nations is not heard when we ask humankind to unite to preserve existence. We speak here, but we're not listened to. However, Perhaps we're not really speaking any longer to be listened to. We need to speak so that the peoples of the world are listening. That's now what we're interested in. In the last year, 11 million hectares of the Amazon jungle have been burned in only actually one month as a result of global warming and climate change. Scientists said that if we were to burn the Amazon rainforest, we would reach a point of no return in climate terms, where human decisions to halt the collapse of the climate would now have no effect whatsoever. Well, the Amazon rainforest is burning. Thank you. Bells are already tolling for the whole planet. Bells are tolling for you, for us, for humankind and life. That was said by Ernest Hemingway, the bell tolls for thee. Bells are not only tolling for you, but for all of life. The end has begun. A year ago, I called for a conference for peace on Palestine at this very rostrum. But the first bomb yet had not been dropped. Now 20,000 boys and girls have been killed under the bombs and the presidents of the countries of human destruction are laughing in these very corridors with the help of mass media that today are The owners of major capital, they are reordering a world and they're creating a world without democracy and without freedom. The democratic project of humankind is dying along with life. While at the same time, racists, supremacists, those who stupidly believe... that the Aryan race is the superior race, are getting ready to dominate the world, brandishing the threat of bombs and terror over human beings. The control of humankind on the very foundations of barbarism is being built. And that is being played out in Gaza, Lebanon. When Gaza dies, humanity will die, the whole of humanity. The people of God was not the people of Israel, it would seem. It is not the people of the USA. Rather, the people of God is humankind as one. The children of Gaza, they were humankind, the chosen people of God. They are killing God's chosen people, the children of our very humankind. There is one reason for this contemporary Armageddon. In the senselessness of governments that applaud genocide, governments that don't act to change economies and decarbonize them, There is a logic behind all of this. It's not politics or this atrium where all presidents speak. That logic, that rationale lies outside, and it's called social inequality. Oxfam says that the richest 1% of humankind has more wealth than 95% of all humankind combined. It is in that level of inequality where the best of our history lies. That is where the logic of mass destruction lies. Destruction that's been unleashed by climate change, the logic of bombs. Netanyahu as a criminal is letting those bombs raise down on Gaza. Netanyahu is a hero for the richest 1% of humankind because he's able to demonstrate that people can destroy themselves with bombs. If wealth is measured in CO2 issued and not in dollars, we have the answer. The richest 1% of humankind is responsible for the climate change, which is gaining ground and is getting ready to destroy the world with oil and carbon, because that is how the world grows rich. The politicians, including the presidents of the most powerful countries of Earth... quite simply obey them. They pay their campaigns. They are the owners of the means of communication, the global media. They are those who conceal the truth of science. Like we see in the film, Don't Look Up. They are the people who decide what is thought, what is said, what should be forbidden and what should be silenced. In their power to prohibit and to ban, they scream, long live liberty. But what they're talking about is nothing more than the freedom of the global 1%. They are obsessed with the free market and that obsession brings us to the destruction of life and our atmosphere. The free market wasn't freedom as they claimed it would be. Rather, what it meant was the maximization of death. The richest 1% of humankind is the powerful global oligarchy. They are the people who allow us to drop bombs on women, elderly people and the children of Gaza, Lebanon or Sudan. They impose economic blockades on rebel countries, countries that don't yield to their domination, Cuba, Venezuela, because they need to demonstrate their destructive capacity to the remaining 99% of humankind so that they let them continue to wield power, continue to grow their wealth and continue to tighten their control. This oligarchy is bringing humankind to the very brink of its own destruction. Politics just nods its head at them. They ignore the fact that people need freedom, people have power. They ignore the idea of democracy. The question we need to ask from this rostrum is... Will the people allow this to continue? There is no more time to waste. Governments are incapable of halting the extinction of human life. Life indeed. Today we need to choose between life or greed, between humankind or capital. All I can say to the people of the world, as a representative of a country without weapons of mass destruction, without dollars, but a country that is beautiful in its biodiversity and cultural wealth, a country that's the country of butterflies of all colours, all I can say to you that now is not the moment for governments, it's the time of our people. Time has run out. Let us fly the flag of life or our people will fill up mass graves. This was revealed to us by the epidemic. The time has come for people to act. Local action needs to be taken. Globally, we need to come together. Fossil fuel capital cannot continue. People must stop the rising tide of capital. The poison thrown into the atmosphere is lethal and the chimneys that belch it out must be plugged. Every corner of the world can be a battle against capital. those chimneys. A century ago we raised a red flag that was held by the hands of the workers of the world. They talked about a revolution against capital. This world has ended. It is no more. It was lost in the largeness, the enormity of states. The red flag could no longer find a place in the history of humankind. However, today we no longer need to defend a class, a system of ideas, but we need to defend life as a whole. And with that goal in mind, we need to lift up another flag, maybe not a red flag, but a flag of all colors, a flag of the colors of all of humankind. That's why that flag needs to be lifted once more so that our existence on Mother Earth can be protected. There's the world, there is the world's word, rather, socialism. Today, it has a new meaning. The brains that are really behind our work are today more connected now than ever before. Human knowledge is more collective than ever before. Let us also, let us always revive that magic, that thinking that has allowed us to survive. Individuals are weak alone and they'll end up being taken over by fentanyl and defeat if they act individually people are strong if they help each other and this mutual assistance can mean that we can go global mutual assistance collectively building knowledge humankind as a new political subject that all of that is the basis by which we give new meaning to the word socialism we are more advanced than we've ever been. We are at the forefront of intelligent life. Intelligent life must defend itself and defend other lives from a global oligarchy who wields its weapons to destroy that life. New wealth needs to be built. Wealth no longer based on oil but rather on the intensity of free creative work that itself will produce and will make allow us make progress even with ai but that ai does need to be controlled with at a global level with public power productivity allows us to have creative free time it allows human brains to come together and coming together human brains can achieve more that network of humanity's neurons is what will allow us to vanquish with our flag held high. That is the flag of life. Now I'm not really talking to Biden, Macron, Schultz, Xi Jinping or Putin. But from China, I have the idea of a dialogue between civilizations. From Europe, I've taken the idea of its social compact. From the United States, I've taken its love of its original democracy, the democracy of its founding fathers. From South America, I've taken its diversity, its jockey on a horse, its Simon Bolivar. From Africa, I've taken their drums, the drums that summon us to communicate with the spirits of nature. From Jesus, I've taken the idea of universal love, light, light giving life. I've taken all of these civilizational forces that lie within all the peoples of the world. We need to bring them together and draw from them the strength that we need to wage the greatest battle in humankind's history. That battle is, and about this there can be no doubt, a global revolution. We need to build the largest army ever seen with spaces for warriors for life, men and women. This global army for life will not have weapons from the global oligarchy. It will not have nuclear weapons. It will not compete for weapons. Neither will it have the... full coffers and vaults of banks. Neither will it have the power to destroy children in the genocides waged by oligarchies, but it will have the greatest power of us all. That is the power of a humankind that is united and will not allow its very existence to be torn from it. There is only one there is there has there have been that millions and millions of light years and there's only one point we can see in the black universe that is earth there is human life intelligent life humankind we can't let that one light in the universe go out without life all we'll have is inert darkness And that inert darkness is what fills the hearts and soul of the global oligarchy and its idols. It is now up to humankind to wage a battle. The time has come for the people. If the governments were not able, as has been made patently clear here, to... work and they decided to drop bombs, wage senseless wars, kill boys and girls, play games of power, well, if that's what they chose to do, now, What we need to do is solve humankind's problem by putting them in the very hands of the people themselves, the simple, noble people of humankind. Instead of speaking to governing officials that heed nothing that we say, let us speak to ourselves as people. Let us address people so that together we can work together to demonstrate that there is another democratic power that there is the power that humankind has and that power can spark a new conscience to itself produce new governments and new leaders if life manages to triumph over its very extinction it won't be the global oligarchy that's governing the world that oligarchy will be defeated to allow for the building of a global democracy a new story is about to begin thank you for your kind attention I thank on behalf of the General Assembly the President of the Republic of Colombia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/colombia","Colombia","His Excellency","Gustavo Petro Urrego","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/co_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CO_EN.mp3" 8,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr. Song Kim, head of the delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Distinguished Representatives, Allow me first of all to congratulate you, Mr. Philemon Yang, on your election as President of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. I am confident that your able stewardship will lead this session to an excellent fruition. Mr. President, The current session of the UNGA is convened at a time when the existence and development of humanity is faced with unprecedented serious crises and challenges. Armed conflicts and bloodshed continue unabated in various parts of the world, with the situation in Gaza still going on for almost a year, taking the lives of the tens of thousands of innocent civilians. and creating the most appalling humanitarian crisis since the World War II. To make matters worse, ever-worsening abnormal weather conditions like extreme high temperature, drought, torrential rain and flood cause massive human and material losses coupled with such problems as food and energy crisis, unemployment and poverty, and social inequality. In addition, confrontation, block-forming and unilateralism prevail over the spirit of cooperation, unity and multilateralism which run through the UN Charter, thus creating obstacles to tiding of international crisis. Therefore, I expect that this general debate, true to its theme and spirit, will serve as a significant occasion in overcoming the challenges and crises threatening humanity's existence and development, defending the UN-centered multilateral system, and promoting peace and advancement of the present and future generations. I consider it important for each and every UN member state to fully discharge its responsibility with a view to overcoming present crisis and promoting social progress and better standards of living as stated in the UN Charter. From this viewpoint, I'd like to outline the principal stance of the DPRK government and its efforts directed to achieving socio-economic development defending regional peace and stability, and realizing international justice. Today, the world is faced with challenges with no exception to the DPRK as well. However, valuable successes are being recorded in the socio-economic field thanks to the correct line of the government and its steady implementation. First, the DPRK government puts it as the primary state policy to keep supplying the children under school age with dairy products and provide school children with essential stationery at the state's expense. As a result of the strenuous execution of the policy, we witness continued improvement in the quality of childcare and education. We also find an outcome of our effort to achieve sustainable development of the national economy. Trend of growth continues in various fields, such as light industry and agriculture, and remarkable successes are registered in promoting the welfare of the people, including the work to provide all residents of both urban and rural areas with new dwelling houses free of charge. In particular, the DPRK government newly adopted the Policy for Regional Development and is paying primary attention to its practical implementation. The DPRK government's regional development policy aims to effect epoch-making enhancement in socio-economic, material and cultural standards on a nationwide scale by bridging the gap between the capital and provincial cities, between urban and rural areas, and develop all sectors and regions of the country in a balanced and simultaneous way within a 10-year time frame. This will be an effective contribution of the DPRK to the attainment of the SDGs on achieving sustainable development for everyone, ensuring no one is left behind. The DPRK's original development policy is firmly ensured of its feasibility as it is based on scientific accuracy and justness. In 10 years' time, the world will witness a completely changed development of the DPRK. Mr. President, aforementioned work for socio-economic development in the DPRK is never done in a peaceful and normal security environment. Peaceful and stable external environment is very dear to us who aspire to overall development and prosperity of the state, and yet the security threat forced upon us from the outside is all the more increasing with the passage of time. Last year, I stated on this podium that the situation on the Korean Peninsula was nearing to the brink of a nuclear conflict. One year has passed since then. Now the security landscape of the Korean Peninsula is quite different from that time and becoming much more acute. From the beginning of this year, the U.S. and its allies have staged joint military exercises one after another with various code names such as Freedom Shield, Freedom Edge, and Combined Air Drill in the vicinity of the DPRK, thus heightening military tension and hostile atmosphere in the region. Much more serious is the fact that the Anti-DPRK Nuclear War Machine Nuclear Consultative Group, engineered by the USN ROK last year, is now in full operation, and simulation nuclear war drills are conducted to put into practice an actual attempt to use nuclear weapons against the DPRK. Joining here are the member states of NATO, which is an outside force beyond the region and an exclusive military bloc. They are strengthening military cooperation with the U.S. and ROK, abusing the signboard of UN command, which should have been dismantled decades ago, in accordance with the UNGA resolution. They are storing up military confrontation still further by deploying warships and aircrafts in the hotspot region of the Korean Peninsula. Such being the case, they blame us for threatening them. and the peace and stability of the region and beyond with nuclear weapons. Then who had developed and used nuclear weapons against humanity for the first time in history? Who has introduced nuclear weapons into the Korean Peninsula in the last century and posed a nuclear threat to the DPRK over the century? Who on earth is talking unhesitatingly about the end of regime of a sovereign state and maintaining first use of nuclear weapons against the DPRK as its national policy? It is not that the DPRK's position of nuclear weapons makes the U.S. hostile towards us. The truth is that the U.S. hostility and nuclear threat to the DPRK for over 70 years compelled us to make a historic decision to possess nuclear weapons. Our nuclear weapons were just made and exist to defend ourselves. As such, any talk about our nuclear threat only proves a conceived hostility towards the DPRK. The security environment of the Korean Peninsula is bound to be intricately complicated through to the next generation as well, unless the U.S. and its followers change their confrontational and aggressive nature. Under such circumstances, it is an indispensable exercise of sovereign rights for the DPRK to maintain powerful strength capable of defending national security interests and guaranteeing peaceful development. The situation on the Korean Peninsula has not entered into work, even though it is fraught with extreme tension. It is totally attributable to our country's powerful war deterrence, which helps stave off threat of aggression and keep the balance of power in the region. Therefore, we continue to increase our war deterrence capabilities, not only from our obligation to ensure national security, but also from our mission to maintain peace and security in the region and beyond. Comrade Kim Jong-un, president of the State Office of the DPRK, said that we can choose either dialogue or confrontation, but we should go further in getting ourselves fully prepared for confrontation. This is the review and conclusion drawn from the 30-year-long DPRK-U.S. relations, he said. When it comes to the right to self-defense, a legitimate right of a sovereign state, we will never go back to the point in the far past. When it comes to the national prestige, we will never bargain over it with anyone, for it was gained through the bloody struggle of the entire Korean people. Whoever takes office in the United States, we will only deal with a state entity called the U.S., not the mere administration. Likewise, any U.S. administration will have to face the DPRK, which is different from what the U.S. used to think. Mr. President, It is the invariable external policy of the DPRK government to champion justice and peace, aspire after progress and development, and promote friendship and solidarity. This is also the idea running through the UN Charter. From this viewpoint, the DPRK government stands strongly against the acts of dividing international political arena into two camps with unlawful double standards, giving precedence to their hegemonic interests and disturbing peace and stability. At the present, many factors obstruct attainment of the SDGs set forth by the UN. The most critical among them are the high-handedness, arbitrariness and double standards of the U.S. and certain UN member states. Since October last year, the indiscriminate massacre by Israeli authorities has claimed more than 40,000 Palestinian civilian lives in Gaza Strip, including many children and women, and thus exposed a nation to a complete extinction. The UN exists to prevent the recurrence of the scourge of war that had inflicted untold sufferings to mankind. It is really shameful and deplorable that such an act against humanity has persisted for one year. It is highly imaginable that one state is immune to any sanction even after committing such a horrible massacre. This is entirely due to the patronage of the U.S., a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council. The U.S. has vetoed UNSC resolutions on bringing peace to the Middle East on as many as five occasions, overriding the wishes of the international community to see the ethnic cleansing stopped by its ally. This is how the U.S. has discredited the authority of the UN and incited crime against humanity. This note withstanding, the U.S. is branding as a threat and provocation the legitimate exercise of the right to self-defense by a sovereign state, which did not do any harm to anyone. As for the Ukrainian situation dragged on for almost three years by the U.S. and Western countries, they are shifting the responsibility on other countries, even though it was the result of eastward expansion of NATO and provision of lethal equipment amounting to astronomical sum of money to their ally. The reason behind the U.S. 's abusive invectives about the normal development of relations between other countries is in fact to vindicate its unprincipled political and military support to its ally and justify the forming of military alliances on a global scale. Justice or injustice is judged according to whether the actor is pro-U.S. or an independent country and the United Nations is misused. for political aims of an individual country such a reality should no longer be tolerated and allowed i once again express a serious concern with a strong denunciation over the fact that peace and security in many parts of the world are seriously threatened and the spirit of the UN Charter is debased by the arbitrariness and high-handedness of a single, arrogant, permanent member state of the UN Security Council. I also express deep condolences to the Palestinian victims of the Israeli genocide and their bereaved families, and exchange unchanging support and solidarity to the Syrian people in their struggle to regain the occupied Syria. occupy Golan Heights, and safeguard territorial integrity. Mr. President, the reform of the present global governance regime should be oriented to realizing impartiality, equity, and justice. The United Nations will regain its sacred image. only when it strictly adheres to the principles of sovereign equality, non-interference in internal affairs, impartiality and objectivity, and eliminates high-handedness and arbitrariness, as well as bios the double standards practices in all activities and conform it with the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter. Mr. President, a just, peaceful and prosperous world remains the desire of the DPRK-SF. It is the consistent stand of the DPRK government to make positive efforts with independence against imperialism as its immutable first national policy to realize international justice based on the respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and establish a new international order. The DPRK will in the future to cooperate with all the countries and nations which oppose and reject the creation of interference, domination, and support nation, and aspire to independence and justice, transcending differences in ideals and systems. We will also develop diversified exchanges and cooperation with the countries that respect our country and take a friendly attitude to us. Thank you. I thank the head of the delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/democratic-peoples-republic-korea","Democratic People’s Republic of Korea","His Excellency","Song Kim","Permanent Representative","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kp_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KP_EN.mp3" 9,"And I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Siad Douale, Head of the Delegation of Djibouti. Mr. President, at the outset, I wish to very warmly congratulate His Excellency Mr. Philemon Young, President of the General Assembly, for the 79th session, and I assure him of the full support of the Republic of Djibouti as he implements his mandate. The topic that you have chosen for this session, Acting Together for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Human Dignity for Present and Future Generations, encapsulates and reveals what millions of human beings are calling for all around the world. a world that is less unequal, more cohesive, more peaceful and prosperous, a world where unity is not mistaken for the negation of individuality, and where the recognition of a common destiny channels everyone's energy into forging a better common future. We reiterate our gratitude to your predecessor, Mr. Dennis Francis, for his outstanding work as well. Mr. President, the world is undergoing a perilous period, a period characterized by disorder and uncertainty. We see the crisis at several levels. Conflicts have proliferated and have become increasingly violent. The conflicts in Ukraine and in Gaza continue to rage without us being able to agree on the conditions to conclude a ceasefire agreement. Terrorism has gained ground in several parts of the world, including on the African continent, where the way that it has metastasized is a source of concern for us. The deficit in annual financing for the SDGs has deepened dangerously every day, and many countries are facing a financially difficult situation which is aggravated by multiple external shocks and the burden of debt. The crisis of confidence among member states has affected the multilateral system while sapping its credibility. The risk of geoeconomic fragmentation and trade wars are a set of factors that negatively impact world economic growth. They produce a chaos that drowns out the interests and the voices of developing countries. We've already taken stock of this situation during the discussions for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. We will not return to that assessment. The question now is to know whether we are capable of utilizing the window of opportunity for renewal that is open to us because Fortunately, such windows of opportunity do exist. We must redouble our efforts, overcome our divisions, and undertake collective action to put an end to conflicts, to put in place policies, investment programs, and partnerships to make up for the delays in the implementation of the SDGs and to reform international financial institutions so that they are able to respond promptly and effectively to the emergencies and the systemic shocks facing many countries in the world. Mr. President, financial institutions must provide developing countries with greater subsidies and access to financing under favorable conditions while maintaining their risk tolerance for investments in sustainable development. This includes the use of innovative risk instruments. These solutions need to be discussed, and their implementation should be addressed in greater depth at the Economic and Social Council, whose role and position must be strengthened. The United Nations, as stated in the Charter, must play a major role in the work of... world economic coordination because it is the organization that is the most democratic. ECOSOC must continue to play a leading role in identifying emergent challenges and in promoting innovation and achieving economic, social, and environmental integration of sustainable development. We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the member states of the United Nations for the trust that they have placed in my country, Djibouti, by electing it last June as a member country of ECOSOC for the period 2025 to 2027. You may count on Djibouti to champion the priority areas. In ECOSOC, throughout its mandate, Mr. President, like many developing states, Djibouti faces major challenges due to climate change, including rising temperatures, dwindling water resources, and rising sea levels. Given these persistent threats, the government of Djibouti has put in place a series of ambitious, multidimensional measures aiming to mitigate the effects of climate change and to strengthen the resilience of the country. The COP 29 will be another window of opportunity for the international community to avoid a situation where the delay in fulfillment of climate change commitments becomes too great to overcome. This is a vital opportunity to elevate adaptation to the level of an absolute priority and to marshal the required resources. The promise of paying out $100 billion per year has not been kept. It is urgent to reestablish trust by moving toward the swift disbursement of the billions of dollars that are needed. There's a need to put in place measures that are needed for adaptation and for an equitable transition toward renewable energies in low-income countries. There's a need to move urgently to operationalize the loss and damage fund, which was established to help countries and people suffering from the inevitable effects of climate change. And there's a need to mobilize additional resources. This is a question that affects the rights of billions of people. It impedes development and poses an existential threat. We welcome the adoption of the Pact of the Future and its annexes. the Global Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations. We live in an era of disruptive technological advances and complex challenges. Djibouti is grateful to the United States for having spearheaded the effort that led to the unanimous adoption by the General Assembly of the first-ever resolution on artificial intelligence to promote safe, secure, and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems for sustainable development. We in Djibouti are convinced that preparing for the future requires optimizing our country's human capital as the most sustainable key to economic growth. Like many other African countries, Djibouti's population is young. Its population is a tremendous asset and a huge competitive advantage if it is harnessed through investment in skills development. and new technologies to promote quality job and workforce competitiveness. We have the ambition to vigorously pursue education systems focused on accessing advanced technological skills. Mr. President, Djibouti welcomes the progress achieved by Somalia in its efforts to stabilize the country, as well as the holistic approach developed by the government of President Hassan Sheikh Mohammed to deepen peace. We welcome the efforts of the Peace and Security Council to produce a joint strategic evaluation of the situation in Somalia and to produce the draft of a general concept of operations. We need to intensify discussions to agree on the best option for financing the mission. The mandate given to the future post-Atmos mission is a robust mandate. The security threat posed by the terrorist attacks of al-Shabaab constitutes a major stumbling block to our joint efforts, which must be cleared away as quickly as possible. There is a need to guarantee that the future mission has adequate resources and the equipment that it needs, including force multipliers. We must lend our unstinting support to the efforts of the government of Somalia as it seeks to reposition itself as a key stakeholder in the region. Its term in the Security Council, which will begin next January, will certainly serve as a platform for it to share the lessons it has learned and the experience it has gained throughout these decades of conflict. Djibouti remains disturbed by the attacks carried out by the Houthi against merchant and commercial shipping. These attacks are a disturbing disruption of maritime traffic and commercial flows. This crisis has already brought about an exponential increase in maritime transport costs, which is reflected in the price index for consumer goods. If this situation continues, the impact on the economy of Djibouti as well as the environmental repercussions of these repeated attacks will be devastating. We call for solutions to be found to ease the regional tensions which are causing the deterioration of the situation in the Red Sea. And we want to see diplomatic efforts stepped up to reach a favorable outcome to the peace process in Yemen under UN auspices. President, We are profoundly alarmed by the continued deterioration of the situation in the Middle East and Gaza, and the West Bank in particular. The violence continues unabated. We are profoundly saddened by the continuous loss of lives, in particular children in Gaza, the collective punishment of the Palestinian people, the indiscriminate and continued bombings, and the unlawful occupation in the form of a total siege. The attack on Lebanon has accelerated the regional conflagration we all fear. We express hope that the parties would agree to the 21-day ceasefire called for by the U.S. and France. We must avoid at all costs an all-out war. We welcome the resolution recently adopted at the General Assembly 10th Emergency Special Session by an overwhelming majority. The solution demanded by the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Arab Peace Initiative, and by all the 140 states that already recognize the state of Palestine is a two-state solution. It is the only solution that can lead to lasting peace and security, and this is the very solution that has been blocked by Israel's defiant insistence on maintaining its occupation of Palestinian territory in perpetuity. Mr. President, we are troubled by the continued deterioration of the situation in Sudan, the third largest African country and a founding member of EGAP. We are saddened by the tragic loss of lives, the destruction of infrastructure, and the devastating humanitarian catastrophe that it has caused. Djibouti, under the leadership of President Gele, current chairman of IGAD, has held many meetings at summit level to explore avenues for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Djibouti reaffirms its commitment to the territorial integrity, sovereignty, political independence, and unity of Sudan. In line with African Union Peace and Security Council decisions, we underscore the importance of ensuring the protection of the Sudanese state, its institutions, and its people. We just recently held in Djibouti in partnership with the United Nations a retreat of mediators with the ultimate goal of harmonizing the various initiatives aimed at ending the conflict. We call on the Sudanese armed forces and the rapid support forces to honor the commitments made in Jeddah and subsequent negotiations, and further urge them to guarantee full, safe, rapid, and unhindered humanitarian access. We call on Sudanese leaders to have the Sudanese people's best interests at heart. We call on all external actors concerned by the conflict in Sudan and in a position to do so, to use their influence and bring constructive pressure to bear on the parties so that they commit to a mediation format with the ultimate objective of achieving a negotiated settlement of the conflict. We need to act determinedly and in unison. We cannot, we must not give up on the prospect of peace in the Sudan. Mr. President, Djibouti stands ready to complete the normalization process with our neighbor, Eritrea, and we stand ready to find a negotiated settlement to the conflict on the basis of international law, including the unresolved border dispute and other outstanding issues. The fate of our missing combatants is uppermost in our hearts. Their families need closure. To conclude, at UNGA 79, we have made significant commitments. We have adopted the Pact of a Future, a bold and ambitious document which bestows important responsibilities to our organization and strengthened it. It also calls for a reformed global governance structure. We did it to reject the return to an older order, devoid of justice. Where the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. Where there is no rule of law and might triumphs over right. We did it for our own sake and for the sake of our posterity because we have no choice but to stand up and stand together to prevent a descent into the morass. We now have to honor the commitments made. The stakes are high because if you don't, the United Nations will continue to be reduced to a symbolic space where non-binding commitments are made but never implemented. Thank you for your attention. I thank the head of delegation of Djibouti.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/djibouti","Djibouti","His Excellency","Mohamed Siad Doualeh","Permanent Representative","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/dj_fl.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_DJ_EN.mp3" 10,"I now give the floor to His Excellency José de la Gasca, Head of Delegation of Ecuador. Mr. President, the General Assembly President of the General Assembly, distinguished representatives, I begin by bringing you the regards of the President of the Republic of Ecuador, Daniel Noboracin, who is the leader of a young government and is a young leader who has sought to break the patterns that prevented us from delivering the change that his generation was calling for and that my country is calling for. Ecuador is a country of 18 million inhabitants with huge potential in which young people are fighting on a daily basis for a better future, changing the reality that they inherited. They believed in the transformational project that President Nobawa put forward and now they see a country of opportunities and progress based on the respect for human rights in which there was a firm commitment to root out corruption and impunity. Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, Despite the fact that it might look like the global and multidimensional crises are overwhelming us, international law and the principles and aspirations of the United Nations Charter must remain our guiding light. Therefore, I reiterate Ecuador's commitment to multilateralism, peace and sustainable development, a peaceful resolution of disputes and respect of individual freedoms and human rights. I reaffirm the unshakable commitment and respect of Ecuador to the ideals and principles that gave life to nations. We must implement the path for the future, the global digital compact and the declaration on future generations that were adopted last week. This will help the UN from moving on from no longer being a photograph taken 79 years ago and rather for it to better reflect the contemporary world. Ecuador welcomes any initiative that encourages inclusive prosperity and democracy because we know that its sustainability is closely linked to the peace of a nation because there's an inextricable link between peace and development, and between development and peace. Therefore, Ecuador is working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and we have shown that the so-aspired-to Objective 16, which is peace, justice and strong institutions, is being met with synergy and is interlinked with 125 of the 169 goals. goals of the 2030 agenda. We must understand it. When we strengthen democracy and institutionality, we fight violence in all of its manifestations. Tackling corruption, we achieve better justice and peace for our citizens. We bring about an impact on the reactivation of the economy and providing decent jobs, reduction of poverty, hunger and malnutrition. Mr. President, building a future of better prosperity and peace requires combating organized crime, transnational organized crime and drug trafficking that undermine institutionality and erode the social fabric of our democracies. In December 2023, President Noboa, in the framework of the Ecuadorian Presidency of the Security Council, warned members about a wave of transnational and narco-terrorist organized crime threatening the rule of law, state control and border security. Faced with this challenge, the national government of my country has adopted responsible decisions and is waging an unshakable, unrelenting fight that past governments avoided. However, national actions are not enough when it comes to the threat of transnational organised crime that has resources that... significantly go above the ones that are used to fight it. Only by strengthening efforts and working in a coordinated and effective way with the international community can we defeat this phenomenon. As an elected member of the Security Council, Ecuador has shown its commitment to international peace and security. We have risen to this historic challenge that pushed us to act with a sense of responsibility and consciousness in the face of the geopolitical tensions between large powers that are limiting compliance with the collective responsibility to act in response to situations of conflict that affect humanity. In the case of Ukraine, we were co-penholders on the humanitarian file, and on the situation in Palestine, we voted in favour of all resolutions adopted by the Security Council to halt the hostilities, to free hostages, to allow a proper flow of humanitarian aid and to advocate for the respect of international humanitarian law. In my region, we are leading the authorisation of the Security Council to deploy the multi-dimensional support mission for security in Haiti that was adopted by way of Resolution 2699 in October 2023 and today has just been renewed up to 2025, just a few minutes ago. The role of CARICOM has been key in the support provided to Kenya as leader of the MSS. This first step forward must contribute to the sister republic of Haiti blazing its own trail towards peace and sustainable development. President, Excellencies, colleagues, to the very end of our term we will honour the commitment made At this assembly that elected us with 190 votes to promote the strengthening and maintenance of peace, keeping of peace, respect to the United Nations Charter, prioritising the peaceful resolution of disputes and democracy and dialogue, protection of civilians as the best way to honour the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, the fight against transnational organised crime and terrorism, the non-proliferation of and fight against the illicit trafficking of arms, the Women, Peace and Security Agenda to move to eliminate the stumbling blocks that prevent women from participating and making decisions in the whole cycle of prevention, construction and maintenance of sustainable peace. Those are all of the commitments we made. Furthermore, Ecuador underscores the fact that we have contributed constantly to peacekeeping operations of the UN with military personnel in various missions, supporting initiatives that strengthening them also with the historic resolution 2719 of 2023 that was adopted during our presidency of the Security Council. This resolution opens the way for sustainable financing for missions mandated by the Council for Peace and Security of the African Union. This brings me on now to another challenge that we face in Latin America. absolute need to preserve the rule of law and respecting the will of the people. The escalation of tensions in Venezuela, the systematic violations of human rights and the persecution of political leaders and the daily violent repression by a totalitarian government against its own citizens who are calling for their right to be respected, to be able to express their popular will at the ballot box. We're seeing direct threat to regional security and regional stability, with possible repercussions on peace and security internationally. The critical humanitarian, economic, political and human rights situation and security situation in Venezuela has caused 7.7 million Venezuelans to leave the country seeking better opportunities. Many of them have been welcomed by with open arms in other countries in Latin America, including in Ecuador, that is host to the largest number of Venezuelans per capita in the region. Faced with the ongoing deterioration, gravity and complexity of this crisis, Ecuador has shown leadership for the Venezuelan people and will not relent in its insistence before all international fora for there to be a peaceful and democratic transition for all of the Venezuelan people, the international community must give a clear and timely response here. President, migration is one of the most complex and pressing challenges that the world faces. Behind irregular migration, we see the operation of human trafficking networks and illegal smuggling of migrants, putting the lives and integrity of millions of people at risk. and of course unaccompanied children and women are the most vulnerable. This is intolerable and fighting against this phenomenon requires joint and coordinated actions with a comprehensive approach. experiences all dimensions of migration because we are a country of origin, destination, transit and even return and we even host refugees. Therefore we call for safe, orderly and regular migration in all areas of human mobility and this requires decisive support from the international community that must be clear on the fact that this can be achieved without criminalising it. The international community must also be united in facing the devastating effects of climate change. Today, Ecuador is suffering from the worst drought in the most recent decades, and this shows how important it is to care for our ecosystems and to invest in infrastructure to deal with this issue. As a mega-diverse country with unique ecosystems that are also fragile, like the Amazon, the Andes and the Galapagos Highlands, We are committed to conservation of biodiversity and we are updating the National Biodiversity Strategy and we have set forth a transition policy, an ecological transition policy that preserves our natural heritage. These efforts require more of a sense of joint responsibility from the international community, especially when it comes to finance, technology transfer, capacity building and scientific research that are currently not up to the mark. The Paris Agreement and the principle of shared but differentiated responsibilities must not be undermined. In fact, they must be strengthened. Ecuador also supports initiatives in the realms of protection, conservation and sustainable use of the ocean. And we should see this through the entry into force soon of the agreement, the BBNJ agreement, and the organisation of the third UN Oceans Conference in 2025. Our commitment is further reflected in the efforts that the Ecuadorian presidency of the committee tasked with drafting a legally binding instrument to eliminate plastic pollution is pressing on with. the Ecuadorian presidency is pressing on with that. We hope that this will be delivered soon and that the Galapagos Islands, which are a World Heritage Site, will be the venue for the signature of this instrument. President, security, transnational organised crime and climate change are just some of the challenges that we face as humanity and they require a better use of global cooperation mechanisms and development finance mechanisms. Ecuador is convinced of the need for a true transformation of global governance and its institutions to provide them with legitimacy and thereby avoid them being condemned to irrelevance. And this includes the Bretton Woods institutions and this very organisation. Perfecting the bodies of the UN system is not the... ultimate goal, but rather just one step forward to achieve the ultimate goal which is peace and security in the world. Therefore, bearing in mind the relations between the main organs, in order to benefit from a stronger and more effective Security Council, we also require a more modern and effective General Assembly. We must reaffirm the role of this General Assembly. so that it can bring about the necessary reform of the Security Council. Ecuador is clear on the fact that we are a non-permanent member of the Council and we are finishing our term in December this year, but we also know the role of the elected members when we act together is fundamental and we must continue on this front. An essential part of the transformation is the participation of women in leadership positions. Ecuador reaffirms its support for a woman from the Latin American and Caribbean region to be the next United Nations Secretary General. I conclude by recalling that crises can be overcome with political decisions, willingness and bravery, the courage to make the right decisions, and this will be achieved by strengthening multilateralism, not by weakening it. Thereby, we can achieve the dream of a better world, a world that is more peaceful with more opportunities for all. Thank you very much. I thank the Chair of the Education of Ecuador.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/ecuador","Ecuador","His Excellency","José Javier De La Gasca","Permanent Representative","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ec_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_EC_EN.mp3" 11,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Nayib Armando Bukele, President of the Republic of El Salvador. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President of the General Assembly, Your Excellencies, heads of state and government, distinguished members of the delegations with us here today, ladies and gentlemen, When I came to this General Assembly for the first time in 2019, I know that many of you didn't know El Salvador or hadn't even heard of El Salvador. And if you had heard of it, you only had heard bad references, either the most violent country in the world or the country of gangs. They didn't even, others didn't even know where to put us on the map, but thanks to God, this has significantly changed. And in a very short time, five years after my, since my first speech, I come here as the president of a country that now has a voice in the world. In my previous statements to this general assembly, I talked about the quest for our true independence. For decades, we were in chains due to an imported civil war and then a false peace that left behind more dead than war itself. I also talked about the importance of remembering that the main responsibility of a government is towards its own people and the crucial importance of taking our own fate into our own hands. We shouldn't believe that other countries would save us or that other nations would give us our own freedom. We had to understand this to then have the courage to break these chains ourselves and to reclaim our own legitimate right to be free. Over the last five years, El Salvador has been born again You can see this in the countries and in the people. We have a flourishing tourist industry. We are a country of sports, surf, and entertainment. Thousands of Salvadorians fled war and poverty. We've now made this a country to return to. And our nation was once the global capital of homicides. We've now made this the safest country ever. in our region. This was a great challenge that our nation overcame. But we still have a lot to do and many things to achieve. But we are now on the cusp of true independence and the path towards true freedom. The transformation of El Salvador is without comparison, and our success is undeniable. Anyone can visit El Salvador and see this for yourself. salvadorian salvadorians regardless of for whom they voted where they were born will at least say whether or not they are within or outside of borders have come to support all of our decisions each of the decisions that allow el salvador to be the country in which people can live calmly and in peace in which spiritual aspirations beyond material aspirations transcend everything. Today, the world is looking at the example of El Salvador and they wonder how can a country lift itself up so quickly? But perhaps this isn't the right question to ask. Perhaps they should be asking a different question. How is the rest of the world falling down so quickly? They say that El Salvador is swimming against the tide because El Salvador has become safer. At the same time, the world has become less safe. Well, the Salvadorian people has become more optimistic. The majority of the people in the modern world have become increasingly pessimistic. And they're right. The world has become divided, depressed, concerned and hopeless. And it's done so at an unprecedented pace. The free world is no longer free. This is not an exaggeration. Tragically, we have undeniable truth of this every day. New threats of war continue. When the free world became free, it was due to freedom of expression, freedom before the law. But once a nation abandons the principles that make it free, it's only a question of time before it completely loses its freedom. The consequences of this we can see before our eyes. We can see them in some of the most advanced countries in the world. There are simple things, for instance, that cannot be obtained. In other cities, streets no longer belong to the people. They've fallen into the wrong hands, the hands of drug traffickers and gangs. They can't call themselves a free country when people can't freely walk in the street without fear of being attacked. We're also seeing the erosion of freedom of expression. Just one decade ago, the biggest platform of social media in the world has had to use its... Citizens of Western countries have been arrested for their postings on social media. Governments have had to impose restrictions. This isn't a conspiracy theory. These are fully documented, proven facts. You can't win the favour of the people without respecting people. This didn't start just a while ago. We've only just noticed it now because it's accelerating and this means that we are moving towards a scary inflection point. We are standing before a new dark period for humanity. As a Salvadorian, I recognize these symptoms because we have experienced all of them. We saw the collapse of our nation step by step, and we are seeing these same steps, but this time on a global scale. We cannot nor do we want to tell other countries what they should do. Every country needs to take its own decisions and do what's best for its people. We can only offer a word of warning to a friend who's gone through a dark period and who has gone through a battle in their own lives. We can't change the direction of the world. El Salvador is too small a country for that. We are indeed the smallest country in the whole of the American continent. This is much bigger than us, and in fact it's much bigger than any nation. We can't prevent the obscure times that are ahead, but what we can do is become a small refuge in light of the approaching storm and try to have hope. In El Salvador, we will not renounce our position. We don't confiscate the goods of people, property of people who don't agree with us. We don't arrest people for their own ideas. In El Salvador, we have freedom of expression, and that will always be protected. In El Salvador, we prioritize public safety over the comfort of criminals. Some people say that we are the country that has imprisoned thousands, but actually we've freed millions. Now the good people are living free, without fear, with freedoms and human rights fully respected. We want our people to prosper. That's why we foster innovation and new ideas. We understand that we need to have a safe space for ideas to flourish so that we can have research and experiments. We shouldn't be focused through antiquated regulations or something that is opposed to change. In El Salvador, you will find a space to explore your ambitions, be that in technology, energy, medicine, arts, culture, music, or architecture. Just a few years ago, El Salvador was one of the darkest places on the entire planet. But in a short time, our country was born again because we remembered that freedom is something that you take. It isn't given to us. It isn't gifted to us. And that like anything that is worth taking in life, it should be looked after and maintained. Today, El Salvador is a safe country for progress and innovation, but also for families and also as we seek to pursue our own aims. In El Salvador, we welcome you all mainly for our people, but also for anybody who wishes to contribute to our vision. It won't be easy to do this. The next step, in fact, is perhaps harder than the previous steps that we've had to take. We have freed our country but we need to maintain this freedom and do so in a world that is increasingly less free. El Salvador has left its past behind that we never wish to return to again. Perhaps it will be too late to avoid the obscure times ahead for our world but it's not too late to build a bridge and to escape the storm. May God bless humanity. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of El Salvador.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/el-salvador","El Salvador","His Excellency","Nayib Armando Bukele","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sv_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SV_EN.mp3" 12,"The President of the Republic of Estonia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. Madam President, Excellencies, dear ladies and gentlemen. I want to live in a world that is in peace. In a world that is not destroying itself. Where proud, sovereign nations, big or small, old or young, modern or traditional, are not conquered and colonized. In a world where everybody can feel free. where AI serves and not hinders humanity, and where nobody has to fear oppression based on gender, race, nation, beliefs, or one's thoughts. I want to live in a world that is fit for freedom, because freedom paves the way for lasting solution and prosperity, because freedom is the core of humanity. Don't we all want the same? Regrettably, peace and freedom are under threat. The latest survey by Freedom House proved that global freedom declined for the 18th consecutive year in 2023. The number of those countries where political rights and civil liberties are diminishing is more than twofold in comparison to those whose rights, liberties, and freedom are improving. Peace and freedom are words that are unfortunately blatantly misused. Too often we see how the one promising peace and freedom brings instead suppression and suffering. The weaker the mechanisms that protects international law, the bigger is a threat to undermine the way most of us want to live. We may keep condemning the brutal acts of violence. We may even strongly condemn the atrocities. But without efficient acts against violence, the history will condemn us. And it will condemn us strongly. But it's not our place in history that we have to worry about. Something else keeps us awake at night. It's children who are lost to conflicts, who will never be old enough to see their high school diploma, who will never have a chance to learn how to ride a bike, who will never dance in the desert, who will not be free, who will not be smiling. But dear ladies and gentlemen, the happiness of a child is priceless. This image should set our moral compass right, personal and global, strategic and tactical. This image will be a reality on the shores of Gulf of Aden, also the Bay of Bengal, Dead Sea, Caspian Sea, Lake Naganika, Yellow Sea, or elsewhere in the world when the universally shared rules prevail, when the international law is respected, when UN Charter is applied. Therefore, we have no other option than to act and adjust the UN system so that it could live up to the demands and necessities of the 21st century. It means reinforcing the UN Charter. Restoring the credibility and reforming the UN should grant better and more efficient application of a Charter so that the peace and security is maintained in everyone's interest and everywhere in the world. The need to reform the UN and its Security Council has been discussed for decades. I am convinced that now more than ever, the renewal and strengthening of a multilateral world order with UN Charter at its core is in the interest of all of us. Pact for Future that we adopted at the Summit of the Future just a few days ago is a good start. It is a guideline showing us the way forward. Now we must implement all we have pledged. We should have been even more ambitious. The Future Security Council has been to fit for purpose, efficient, transparent, open, and accountable with a strengthened decision-making capacity. The Council's composition must adequately reflect the current world. It must also be inclusive in conducting its business to better respond to the current global threats. But there is no easy formula how to grant it. Otherwise, we would have a balanced, agile and effective Security Council already in place. One thing is certain, and it is acknowledged also by the Pact for the Future, that the scope and use of a veto right has to be limited. Estonia supports all efforts to limit the use of a veto, especially on actions aimed at ending or preventing mass atrocities. Currently, the right in the Security Council hands its holder a great power, a power also to put finding the solution of a standstill, as sometimes the solution might sharply be against the interests of the members of the Security Council itself. The deadlocks of the Security Council can be measured directly in lost and crippled human lives. This is not right, and this is unacceptable. We believe that all states collectively should have a bigger say in maintaining peace and security than one member of the Security Council, especially in the case of a deadlock in the Security Council. We cannot restore credibility of a multilateral system and the UN when a permanent member of a Security Council acts against the principles of a Charter. Therefore, let us wisely use the powers of the General Assembly. We in the General Assembly should be able to collectively overcome the veto in the Security Council, if a situation requires. Let us analyze options how General Assembly would gain more prominence. In addition, I recommend taking this analysis to our capitals, to different conferences around the world, collecting new ideas from the inclusive global debate. for the future and acknowledges the need for revitalizing the work of the General Assembly, also in connection of strengthening the coordination with Security Council. Among other things, it means that the future peace operations would be better respond to existing challenges and emerging realities. The preciseness and sharpness of the Pact for Future allows us to believe that the United Nations 2.0 is an idea that is also capable of meeting the current challenges on the ground. Dear ladies and gentlemen, the pain of losing a close one is grave. It hurts us no matter where it happens. The life will never be the same after such a tragedy. Russia's aggression against Ukraine causes inhumane suffering. As does the war in Gaza, over worsening fighting in Sudan, over tensions, instability, human rights violations in Sahel, the war in Syria, the unresolved Rohingya crisis, the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, over suppression and torture of girls and women in Afghanistan. Since the horrific terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel almost a year ago, there has been too much suffering in Gaza and the region. The destruction, loss of life, and trauma is unimaginable. It only leads to a vicious cycle of violence and deepening hatred. We believe it is high time for an agreement that would establish a ceasefire and allow for the release of hostages. Without being naive or blind to regional complexity, Estonia is deeply convinced that the two-state solution is the only way to just and lasting peace. The Israelis and Palestinians both deserve to live in a free, sovereign country with secure and recognized borders. We must step up efforts to achieve this goal. Ladies and gentlemen, in this very room, the global community has condemned Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Russia has attacked international peace and security and the UN Charter. That is a fact, confirmed also by General Assembly. We must also firmly condemn the actions of those who arm Russia in this aggression, Iran and North Korea. It has been becoming increasingly important not to lose the sight. We cannot and will not accept blurring the realities of the ground. Russia's war against Ukraine is a clear black and white situation. Russia is the aggressor and Ukraine is the victim. Russian violations against international law are brutal and widely documented. Russia has systematically killed civilians. Ukrainian children are deported to camps far away from their homes and parents in order to teach how to think correctly. Unfortunately, sending people in the so-called correction camps where they are taught right behavioral patterns are not precedent in today's world. It makes me wonder in which century do we actually live in. What would any of us do if the aggressor, the murderer of our parents, would stand in front of us? Would we demand justice, accountability, and the end of aggressive behavior, or would we call the aggressor for a chat, for a settled misunderstanding between us? It is probably the smooth talk about dialogue and importance for Ukraine and Russia to engage in direct peace talks are only supporting Russian cause. Especially the so-called peace proposals fail to recognize who is one who has launched the aggression and who is the one suffering. we are not going to call Russia for profit. Instead, we call them to accept President Zelensky's 10-point peace formula, which has wide international support. Russia has to end the aggression, withdraw the troops and military equipment from the territory of Ukraine. Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty must be restored. We demand Russia to stop cynically and shamelessly exploiting various conflicts to its own advantage by fueling contradictions in Africa, Europe, America, or elsewhere. Russia lacks the coherence of our societies and generates instability. Misinformation is a widely used weapon for this purpose. We have to act decisively against systematic spread of lies. To succeed in this, we must develop critical thinking and knowledge. Therefore, grounding education globally for everybody is so strategically important. While drafting the UN resolutions, we must consider the new mechanisms that are weaponized and used to undermine international peace and security. The world has changed. Information is rushing in various cities and we tend to live in fragmented bubbles. This can, in turn, be further ground for extremist terrorist groups or for neo-imperial expansionist ambitions. Similarly, refugees are sometimes used for these sterilized actions. Changing world poses new challenges. Let's make sure that UN methods, agencies, and resolutions meet the requirements of the 21st century. Dear ladies and gentlemen, last year Estonia proposed the Fit for Freedom agenda that calls for global discussion. First, on how to reinforce multilateralism and international rule-based system with the UN Charter at its core. Second, how to foster inclusive decision-making of all states and societies. And third, how to ensure human rights and freedoms for all. The central idea of fit for freedom is simple. International law must be upheld. The rules must apply. Only then we are all better off. We do not need global capitalism to build something instead of the UN. We have learned from the past and we are able to build on the structures of the UN already in place. Most of all, it takes political will to succeed. The possibilities to engage with the work of the Security Council and its subsidiary organs should be improved to all the members of the General Assembly. With a distinct help from technology, the accountability of the Security Council has to be enhanced. If a working culture would be more open, hypocrisy and lies would have indeed shorter legs. Promoting new open and swift models to work and administer is the second pillar how we can make the world free. This year, Estonia chairs the Media Freedom Coalition and next year Freedom Online Coalition. we will build our conviction that fundamental freedoms and human rights should be the mainstream of international policies, even more forcefully and consciously than until today. If human fundamental rights are protected, then we may conclude that international law and UN Charter are not only maintained, but they are strengthened. When international rules apply to everyone, the world is fit for freedom. Dear ladies and gentlemen, positive change is possible. Estonia's own story is a perfect illustration of that. We have built a digital, cyber-secure society where citizens feel that they themselves are a state, as it should be. We know from our own experience that freedom combined with a proper technology and innovation-oriented mindset are the best tools for finding long-term solutions. Yes, also free societies might need some updates from time to time and the latest plug-ins from optimized user-friendly performance. But if maintained properly, they are not crashing and freezing like autocracies tend to do. Estonians have a vivid memory of the times when human rights were denied to us. This makes Estonia vigorous in standing up for those fighting for their rights today. We partner with those who have reached out for helping to enhance children's access to education and medicine. We unite with those who work tirelessly to grant women and girls equal rights with men and boys. And we are aligned with all who follow the principle of universal and indivisible human rights. My country stands for these principles as a candidate for the UN Human Rights Council for 2026 till 2028. Dear ladies and gentlemen, what kind of change are we going to see? We know the answer. It is up to us to fix the UN so that it could safeguard international peace and security and build a world fit for freedom. Let's get to work. Let's do something about it. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Estonia,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/estonia","Estonia","His Excellency","Alar Karis","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ee_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_EE_EN.mp3" 13,"The Assembly will now hear an address by the President of my country, the Republic of Guatemala, His Excellency Mr. Cesar Bernardo Arevalo de Leon. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly, and this is a very special honor for me. Your Excellency, Carlos Rodriguez, Vice President of the 79th Session of the General Assembly. His Excellency Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations Organization. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, heads of state and government, honorable delegates, ladies and gentlemen. The people of Guatemala greet the world. I greeted you in the language of the K'iche' people, one of the ancestral and most influential communities of Guatemala. Their power and that of the various peoples of Guatemala is what sustains our government. It is the strength of our country. It is the resounding voice of those that have not been heard. of those that have been marginalized, but who have a lot to say, a lot to contribute, who have a place to play in building our collective future. I'm here as a result of two clear expressions of popular will. The first, a vote which unanimously rejected the representatives of the authoritarian past of Guatemala, and it granted me the honor of the presidency to lead the national effort to move towards a future of justice, equality, and progress. The second was the defense that the society of Guatemala, by various means of expression, reaffirmed and defended on the streets with regard to the decision that they took at the polls when a corrupt minority attempted to impose their further rule and cheat democracy. Our democracy will not be complete, it could not exist, without the impetus which is so decisive and courageous of the Mayan people of Guatemala, of people of mixed descent, of the Garinagu people of the Caribbean and of the Xinka people. It is a democracy that comes from the four corners of the country, from these four peoples. Together we form a nation. And the role of our government is to give a sense of unity to this diversity and to move forwards towards a prosperous and inclusive future. I would like to express particular thanks on the part of Guatemala to the countries, peoples and governments that were together with us, together with the people of Guatemala during this historic gesture in 2023 and for the support that they continue to give us in our efforts to rescue our democratic institutions. And we are doing this through dialogue, a dialogue which is part of a great national consensus, something which all Guatemalans share over and above our ideological differences, our cultural diversity, our various ways of seeing the world. And I'm sure that in this forum, everyone can identify with this consensus. Namely, we cannot continue to tolerate corruption. Corruption when the few abuse what belongs to everyone to benefit themselves is like an anchor that chains us to the past and it prevents us from growing, from prospering and building a society which is based on the common good. In the case of Guatemala, corruption's roots are buried in our authoritarian past of repression, of political violence, of social exclusion. But we are breaking free from this. We are freeing ourselves from the chains of the dark past. And what we are seeing reborn is a young, creative, vital, joyous, but anxious nation, young people who will not be silent in the light of injustices and in the light of corruption, a diverse community that is building the future, a future where everyone has a seat at the table, where opportunities multiply, where cooperation and solidarity optimise talent, creativity and individual efforts, where parents are able to sleep peacefully knowing that health and educational opportunities for their children will be guaranteed, where work will be fairly remunerated and where prosperity will not require immoral acts, acts of corruption, where the earth, our earth, will be treated with gratitude and respect, and it will give us, in exchange, clean spaces for us to work, to live, to recreate ourselves, to grow. This is the future that we are building for Guatemala. And this future is not emerging in a vacuum. For us, we see it as coming from within, from our principles, from our own values, from our own cosmovision. Our government is made up of the diverse peoples of Guatemala, and these are the values and the vision of these four peoples. They are the instruments that we are using to navigate this ocean of transformation. In the same way, this very important forum and so necessary for global coexistence and for the progress of all nations must look inwards and return to its fundamental values and use them to navigate the complex reality that we are facing today as a planet. The time has come to rescue multilateralism. to revitalise dialogue for peace and to take concrete actions in order to resolve the most urgent problems afflicting us. Let us begin at the beginning. War, this horror that motivated the opening of this Global Forum, has commanded once again our attention. It is becoming a permanent reality, but in the last two years has become desperate, an intensity that we did not expect. We cannot tolerate it. We cannot tolerate war. We cannot ignore international conflicts that affect the peace and security of us all. We must not abandon hope of a world without war, of a future of peace. Guatemala would like to reiterate its solidarity with countries that are suffering from armed conflicts and unjustified wars. We would call upon the members of this Assembly to redouble regional and international efforts so that we can find peaceful solutions to our disputes based on respect for international law and international humanitarian law and the fundamental principle of human dignity. We cannot accept any violation of the United Nations Charter or of the Security Council resolutions by any member state of this organization, not in Ukraine, not in Gaza, not in Sudan, and not in any other part of the world. Ladies and gentlemen, rescuing multilateralism as a fundamental principle for the international system is an urgent necessity. And for each and every one of the nations that make up this forum, it's an unavoidable commitment if we really and sincerely want a future of peace and progress. Only with substantial reforms can we resume the path that we set out on when this organization was founded in 1945. A multipolar world needs new focuses which will be adapted to emerging needs of nations. We support the reform of the Security Council. Once again, it should resume a collective approach that is pacifist and democratic in the way it acts. It's not acceptable that decisions are not adopted in favour of peace because of the right exercised by the few. I'm referring to the right of veto. And with that, avoiding decisions being taken that are hard-hitting against those states which repeatedly violate the Charter of this organization. Let us recall to the members of the Security Council that it is their primary responsibility to maintain international peace and international security and that in the performance of its functions it must proceed according to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Madam Vice President, Guatemala contributes as part of our commitment to peace with 213 officials, military observers and military staff in seven of the United Nations peacekeeping missions. And this is a contribution which fills us with pride. Our professionalism and experience in this area have led us to be recognized internationally as one of the main countries to make the greatest contribution to peace in Latin America and the Caribbean. And I would like to share with this General Assembly that we are in the process of finalizing administrative steps to ensure our participation and deployment as a military police contingent in the multinational security support mission in Haiti, pursuant to Resolution 2699 of 2023 of the United Nations Security Council. Guatemala expresses its readiness to support all efforts aimed at reestablishing security and stability in Haiti. The first contemporary independent nation of this hemisphere and with which we are unified together with all countries of the America, we share historic links of responsibility. We have known for a long time that an attack against human dignity in any part of the world is an attack against all of humanity. And that's why peace is such a global imperative. We can all make a contribution. We all must do our part. This is the idea that is at the heart and the existence of this organization in the same way, this organization has the obligation to maintain and increase its cooperation to ensure the protection of migrants, displaced persons, people who for political, social or economic or environmental reasons have taken their lives to other countries. Our government has committed to transforming the relationship between the state of Guatemala and Guatemalan citizens residing outside the country because they continue to be an integral part of our nation and their work is a fundamental part of our economy. We are doing this through a strategy that makes it possible for them to have effective participation in our national development, converting them into project partners in order to improve the living conditions for the families that have decided to remain in Guatemala. In the future that we are building, migration is a right, an option. It's not a sentence arising from the lack of opportunities or from violence or from hunger. Over the last decade, Guatemala has moved from being a country of origin for migrants and increasingly one of transit and return, and also to a lesser extent, a place of destination. Our commitment is to give dignified treatment to all people that arrive on our shores consistent with the treatment that we demand for Guatemalans abroad. Our state is making substantial changes in the way that we protect and care for migrant persons. We have identified areas that need improvement and where we can offer greater opportunities in order to strengthen our management of migration flows to ensure that it is orderly, regular, and safe. It's my personal conviction that of my government and of the broad majority of Guatemalans that all migrants deserve to have the opportunity of a dignified life and to ensure that their fundamental rights are respected, irrespective of the causes that led them to migrate. For this reason, we firmly believe in the work that is being done through the United Nations system. Guatemala promotes the achievement of the 23 goals established in the Global Compact for Migration, for safe, orderly, and regular migration, promoting international cooperation in the area of migration. With that same conviction, we welcomed 135 Nicaraguan brothers who were released from arbitrary detention by the government. Our commitment is that Guatemala will always be a space for dignity and freedom for those who come to our country, particularly for Central Americans who are in accordance with our Constitution, our history, and are generally felt to be our people, fellow citizens and brothers and sisters. Guatemala reaffirms its commitment to the fundamental principles of democracy, such as those that are in the Inter-American Democratic Charter and which is a basic fundamental principle of the political organization of our peoples, we reject in our hemisphere and throughout the world any attempt to suppress the aspirations for freedom and justice that are expressed by the peoples of the world through free and democratic processes, as we are seeing currently in Venezuela and Nicaragua. The principles of democracy are fundamental in order to preserve freedom, dignity, and inclusive and equitable prosperity for humanity. Madam Vice President, before this General Assembly, I would like to reaffirm the commitment of Guatemala to permanently and in a lasting manner resolve before the International Court of Justice the insular and maritime and territorial dispute with the brotherly country of Belize. By opting for dialogue and the international legal mechanisms, we have demonstrated that peaceful means and respect for multilateral institutions are the most effective way to resolve disputes between countries. We are confident that this process will make it possible to bring about a just and lasting solution that respects the rights and dignity of both countries. This act is an act of faith, of our faith, in international law and our commitment to lasting peace, not only for Guatemala and Belize, but also as an example for the region and for the world. Madam Vice President, The urgency of the challenge that we are facing suggests that we take concrete action and not just limit ourselves to rhetoric. It has been said very often that the time has now come to move from words to action. Conflicts and migration in Central America are fueled by what we consider to be the most pressing global challenge, namely the climate crisis. It is endangering our systems, our economy, our food chain, our survival itself. We are at a critical juncture for saving the current and future generations. Climate change is a devastating reality that is affecting humanity, which affects us today, but which will have disastrous consequences for the future. Guatemala, despite being a hugely diverse country, is extremely vulnerable to extreme climate events that cause natural disasters, flooding, landslides, fires and an increase in temperatures that we have all been witness to this year. Our contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is minimal. Nevertheless, we, like few other countries, are suffering the onslaught of these extreme climate events. We are adapting ourselves to this reality and reducing the vulnerability of our country. In 2025, we will be presenting an update of our nationally determined contribution in fulfilment of the commitments established in the Paris Agreement. But we must recall here in this forum that the responsibility to address this crisis is a shared one. We have to act to resolve it, those that are suffering the onslaught of this crisis, but also those that have caused it. We issue an urgent call to the major powers to assume the leadership role that is theirs, as well as we appeal to the moral and financial responsibility with the nations, with the countries that have suffered the worst effects. The time to act is now, and it's essential that the next COP, COP29, to be held in Azerbaijan be a success. the commitment of Guatemala to achieve this goal is total. Dear friends, Vice President, Guatemala is changing, and this change implies a transformation of our relationship with the world. We are doing what we can to contribute to the goals of this organization. And this contribution is born of a commitment to the norms and values of global peace and security. But also it comes from a democratic mandate that we have been given. Our people have the conviction that democracy is a necessary condition for progress and for wellbeing. Guatemala has an authoritarian past, and that's a very recent past, a tragic past that many of you will be aware of. Nevertheless, expressing our vocation for the freedom of our people and with significant assistance from the international community, we have taken a turn towards promoting and defending human rights, earnestly confronting our historic problems and debts, and assuming courageously the responsibility to resolve the current problems that we have. The recent visit of the High Commissioner Folkertürk and the immediate renewal of the presence of his office in Guatemala are a testimony of this commitment. Guatemala has renewed its commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals with the recent adoption of the Pact for the Future as part of the Summit of the Future. We are convinced that economic growth alone does not produce development. Cooperation, protection of the environment, social inclusion, respect for and the promotion of human dignity and security are indispensable preconditions for development. Guatemala is changing, and we are moving towards a future that is more equitable, where development and progress will reach every corner of the country, particularly the most abandoned sectors of the population, where everyone, irrespective of their origin, will have the possibility to build a dignified and full life. This is a natural aspiration of all peoples. We will do our part to bring this about in Guatemala, and we will work together to bring this about where it is needed. But we're doing this because we know that the world is changing. This change depends on our efforts as United Nations in this forum. It is unavoidable and it is just beginning. It is for the well-being of our peoples and our nations. This is the vision that was at the heart of the foundation of this organization 79 years ago. This is the vision that should guide our efforts today as humanity. And I conclude quoting the sacred book of the Mayan people, the Popol Vuh. as follows. Let everyone stand up and advance. Let no one be left behind. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank His Excellency, President of the Republic of Guatemala,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/guatemala","Guatemala","His Excellency","César Bernardo Arévalo de León","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gt_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GT_EN.mp3" 14,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Massoud Pazashian, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Mr. President, Excellencies, I extend my sincere congratulations both on the opening of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly and to you, Mr. President, on your well-deserved election. I trust that the crucial themes of this session, peace, sustainable development, and human dignity, will illuminate a bright path for both present and future generations. Last year, the devoted president of my country, Ebrahim Raisi, addressed you from this very podium. He was martyred in the service of the Iranian people. May his soul rest in peace. This is my first time addressing you as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a position I assumed after the Iranian people voted for my central campaign platform of national empathy. This guiding principle is rooted in the command of the Almighty God as set forth in the Holy Quran. According to the teachings of the Quran, mankind was once a nation, so God dispatched prophets as heralds and warners. He sent the books down along with them to bring the truth so as to decide among mankind concerning whatever they had been disagreeing about. However, only those to whom it was given disagreed about it out of envy towards one another after explanations had been brought to them. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, instructed one of his governors to embrace the people with all your heart, show them kindness and extend your compassion towards them. Never treat those under your command with harshness or violence, for people fall into two categories. They're either your brothers in religion or equals in creation. The mission of all prophets has been to establish and promote truth and justice in society among all people, regardless of color, race, gender, or language. Peace and security in the world will not be achieved unless the rights of all individuals, communities, and nations are upheld with justice and fairness. Let's ask ourselves. Are the roots of war and bloodshed we see in today's world anything other than the fact that aggressors have violated the rights of others, overlooked the rights of nations, enforced discrimination and inequality, kept certain groups weak and underdeveloped and disregarded the rights of individuals? As long as injustice, oppression, greed, poverty, and ignorance prevail in any region, violence and conflict will continue. Unless we confront the root causes of such disorders, we cannot rescue the future of our children from darkness and destruction. Mr. President, I embarked on my electoral campaign with a platform focused on reform, national empathy, constructive engagement with the world and economic development, and was honored to gain the trust of my fellow citizens at the ballot box. I aim to lay a strong foundation for my country's entry into a new era, positioning it to play an effective and constructive role in the evolving global order. My objective is to address existing obstacles and challenges while resisting structuring my country's foreign relations in cognizance of the necessities and realities of the contemporary world. Mr. President, over the past year, the world has witnessed the true nature of the Israeli regime. It has witnessed how the regime carries out atrocities in Gaza and in 11 months has murdered in cold blood over 41,000 innocent people, mostly women and children. Its leaders, label this genocide, the killing of children, war crimes, and state terrorism as legitimate self-defense. They label hospitals, kindergartens, and schools as legitimate military targets. They label the freedom-loving and brave people around the world who protest against their genocide as anti-Semitic. They label and oppress people who have stood up against seven decades of occupation and humiliation as terrorists. It is Israel that has assassinated our scientists, diplomats, and even guests on our soil and supported both covertly and overtly terrorist groups like ISIS. Iran, in contrast, has supported popular liberation movements of people that have been victims of four generations of the crimes and colonialism of the Israeli regime – We have been siding with the people across the world who have flooded the streets in outrage against Israeli atrocities. We condemn Israeli crimes against humanity. It is imperative that the international community should immediately stop the violence and bring about a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and bring an end to the desperate barbarism of Israel in Lebanon before it engulfs the region and the world. Israel has been defeated in Gaza, and no amount of barbaric violence can restore its myth of invincibility. Naturally, blind Israeli state terrorism over the past few days in Lebanon, followed by a massive aggression with thousands of victims, cannot go unanswered. The responsibility for all consequences will be borne by those governments who have thwarted all global efforts to end this horrific catastrophe and have the audacity to call themselves champions of human rights. The only path to end this 70 years old nightmare in West Asia and the world is to restore the right of all Palestinians to self-determination. We propose that all people of Palestine, both those who live in their motherland as well as those who have been forced into its diaspora, determine their future in a referendum. We are confident that through this mechanism we can achieve a lasting peace with Muslims, Christians, and Jews living alongside one another in one land in tranquility and peace and away from racism and apartheid. Excellencies, examine the contemporary history of the region. Iran has never initiated a war. It has only defended itself heroically against external aggression, causing the aggressors to regret their actions. Iran has never occupied the territory of any nation. It has not sought the resources of any country. It has repeatedly offered various proposals to its neighbors and international fora aimed at establishing lasting peace and stability. We have emphasized the importance of unity in the region and establishing a strong region. A strong region rests on several fundamental principles. First, we must recognize that we are neighbors and because of this bond, we will always remain together. The presence of foreign powers in our region is temporary and leads to instability. Our development and progress are interconnected and outsourcing security to extra-regional powers will not benefit any of us. Second, the new regional order must be inclusive and beneficial for all neighbors. An order that fails to safeguard the interests of each neighboring country cannot be sustained. Third, Neighboring and brotherly countries should not waste their valuable resources on attritional rivalries and armed races. Our region suffers from war, sectarian tensions, terrorism and extremism, drug trafficking, water scarcity, refugee crises, environmental degradation, and foreign interventions. We can collectively address these common challenges for a better future for coming generations. I am the president of a country that has endured threats, war, occupation, and sanctions throughout its modern history. Others have neither come to our assistance nor respected our declared neutrality. Global powers have even sided with aggressors. We have learned that we can only rely on our own people and our own indigenous capabilities. The Islamic Republic of Iran seeks to safeguard its own security, not to create insecurity for others. We want peace for all and seek no war or quarrel with anyone. We seek lasting peace and security for the people of Ukraine and Russia. The Islamic Republic of Iran opposes war and emphasizes the urgent need to end military hostilities in Ukraine. We support all peaceful solutions and believe that dialogue is the only way to resolve this crisis. Mr. President, in the current globalized world, the security and interests of no country can be attained through undermining the security and interests of others. We need a new paradigm to address global challenges. Such a paradigm must focus on opportunities rather than being obsessed with perceived threats. Through such an agreement engagement approach, we can find fresh opportunities for cooperation. Iran and global powers achieved a historic nuclear deal in 2015 through that fresh outlook based on shared opportunities. Iran agreed to the highest unprecedented level of nuclear oversight in return for recognition of our rights and the lifting of sanctions within the framework of the JCPOA. Trump's unilateral withdrawal from the agreement manifested a threat to written approach in politics and a coercion-driven strategy in the economic domain. Unilateral sanctions targeted innocent people and seek to undermine the foundations of the Iranian economy. The goal is to securitize Iran, which instead leads to insecurity for all. The policy of the U.S. so-called maximum pressure was in fact implemented against the Iranian people when Iran was fulfilling all its obligations under the JCPOA, as was verified repeatedly by the IAEA. We are ready to engage with JCPOA participants if JCPOA commitments are implemented fully and in good faith. Here I want to address the American people. It is not Iran that has established military bases along your borders. It is not Iran that has imposed sanctions on your country and obstructed your trade relations with the world. It is not Iran that prevents you from accessing medicine. It is not Iran that has restricted access to the global banking and financial system. It is not we who have targeted your military leaders. Rather, it is the United States that assassinated Iran's most revered military commander at the Baghdad airport. My message to all states pursuing a counterproductive strategy towards Iran is to learn from history. We have the opportunity to transcend these limitations and enter into a new era. This era will commence with the acknowledgement of Iran's security concerns and cooperation on mutual challenges. Sanctions are destructive and inhumane weapons designed to cripple a nation's economy. The deprivation of access to essential medications is one of the most painful consequences of the sanctions, endangering the lives of thousands of innocent people. This measure is not only a blatant violation of human rights, but also constitutes a crime against humanity. Our nation has demonstrated resilience in the face of numerous hardships throughout the past few years caused by sanctions. Although the wounds inflicted by these sanctions are deep within our society, confronting this bitter experience has transformed us into a stronger nation with unwavering resolve and self-confidence. In order to build a better future world, Iran stands prepared to foster meaningful economic, social, political and security partnerships with global powers and its neighbors based on equal footing. The appropriate response to this message from Iran is not to impose more sanctions, but to fulfill existing obligations to remove sanctions benefiting the Iranian people and hence laying the foundations for more constructive agreements. I hope that this message from Iran is carefully heard today. Thank you, Mr. President. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/iran-islamic-republic","Iran (Islamic Republic of)","His Excellency","Masoud Pezeshkian","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ir_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_IR_EN.mp3" 15,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Giorgia Meloni, President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Italy. I request Protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen, the times we are living are very complex, and the common characteristics of the challenges of these times force us to think about things in a completely different way. The wound caused to the international framework founded on rules from the war of aggression of Russia on Ukraine is indeed having destabilizing effects well beyond the borders within which it is unfolding. And like a domino, it is contributing to reigniting or causing to explode other flashpoints of crisis. Democratic political systems are facing unprecedented dangers. Geoeconomic fragmentation is growing, bearing down consequences we must all deal with, especially the more fragile nations. The path toward a reduction in environmental emissions is at a crossroad in between ideological approaches and scarce solidarity, especially from the major emitters of greenhouse gases. The scarcity of water and energy have an ever deeper impact on development, on food security, and the social stability of entire communities. The instrumental use of religious faith has become a source of tensions, or worse, of persecution. There are hundreds of millions of people throughout the world that suffer due to their profession of faith. And at the top, as victims, there are Christians. We are witnessing the groundbreaking advent of generative artificial intelligence, a revolution that brings us to ask questions we could never imagine. Although I'm not certain it is correct to call it intelligence because the intelligent being is the one who asks the questions, not the one to give answers through data processing. Either way, it's a technology that, unlike all the innovations we've seen through the course of history, sets a blueprint for a world in which progress is no longer meant to optimize human capacities, but to replace them with consequences that risk being dramatic, especially in the labor market, verticalizing and concentrating wealth even more. It is not by chance that Italy wanted this to be at the top of its agenda of its G7 presidency, because we want to do our part in defining a global governance for artificial intelligence capable of reconciling innovation, rights, labor, intellectual property, freedom of expression, democracy. This complexity, compounded by profoundly interconnected challenges, tells us first and foremost one thing. The problems of the global south are also the problems of the global north, and vice versa. There are no longer homogeneous blocks, and the interdependence of our destinies is a fact. For this reason, we are called to think differently from the past. The challenge is to make a firm paradigm shift in our relations among nations and in the functioning of multilateral organisms. The goal is to build a model of cooperation that is completely new. I personally believe that this new model can and must be based on a few unfortunately not granted principles, that is mutual respect, fellowship, and concreteness. It means to have a report with one another on an equal footing, to recover that ability to listen to others, to understand their thinking, which is the basis for any form of mutual trust. Precisely because we believe in this approach, Italy set all of its events for its year holding the G7 presidency in an open format with a very broad outreach involving all continents, the G20, the African Union, the financial and economic institutions, and the multilateral development banks. We have shown that the G7 is not an armored fortress that wants to fend off anyone, rather an offering of values open to the world. I think of the turning point Italy has reached in its relations with Africa. We have made operative at the bilateral level our investment plan for Africa, the Maté Plan, with pilot projects in nine African countries. creating strategic partnerships with each. We structured operative synergies with the European Union's Global Gateway and the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment of the G7. We built new financial instruments with the African Bank for Development and the World Bank to allow for a flow of public and private resources. We devised innovative solutions such as the Apulia Food Security Initiative to strengthen food production and food security and the energy for growth in Africa to support the production and distribution of clean energy. We have decided to support strategic projects for Africa, such as the Lobido Corridor. We have done all of this without ever ceasing to involve and exchange inputs with our African interlocutors. We intend not to impose but to share and together choose priorities, sectors of intervention, areas of action. Where we could be an added value, we offered our perspective and our cooperation with projects that are already giving results. In Algeria, we will render fertile 36,000 hectares of desert land for crop cultivation and build a local facility for processing and production. in Kenya with the development of a biofuel plant that will be completed by the end of 2025 and will sustain up to 200,000 small farming enterprises in Ethiopia with a large environmental recovery plan on the area of the Boy Lake in the west of the country. Because I want to reiterate this once again, our objective before tens of thousands of people who face desperate journeys to enter Europe illegally, is to first guarantee their right to not have to emigrate and to not have to cut their ties with their homeland simply because they have no other choice. It's a desperation on which reckless criminal organizations that are more and more powerful and ramified profit. I proposed a year ago from this podium to declare a global war against human traffickers, and I am happy to see that that appeal did not fall on deaf ears. First, in the G7, we found an agreement that gave life to an agreement coordination to dismantle criminal networks. The United Nations must do more, however, because these criminal organizations are reproposing themselves under other forms. For example, slavery, understood as the commercialization of the human being, that this assembly in other times had a fundamental role in ridding the world of this definitively. We are not turning back to the past. Defeating the slave trade of the third millennium is possible, and we can do so if we join forces with greater cooperation and and joint initiatives among our police forces, intelligence services, judicial authorities in adopting the formula, follow the money. This was an intuition of great Italian judges, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, that became a model even at the international level to combat criminal organizations. It is a method that Italy intends to use to strengthen its cooperation with Latin America. because there's a common denominator that ties organizations that profit on human trafficking in Africa and those who manage narcotrafficking in Latin America or the abominable act of abducting children to render them sex slaves of rich men, depriving them of their present and their future. In America Latina, where unfortunately, as it happens in other regions of the world, its legitimate aspirations of freedom and democracy that of tens of millions of people continue to be unfulfilled. I'm thinking in particular of the Venezuelan people to which we give our full solidarity and support. The international community cannot just stand there and watch as already after two months since the elections on the 28th of July, the election results have not been recognized. And at the same time, there's been a brutal repression, the death of tens of protesters, the arbitrary arrest of thousands of political opponents, the incrimination and banishing of the presidential candidate of the opposition. It is our duty to raise our voices. Dear friends, in 2025, we will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Charter of the United Nations. the charter that enshrines the principles and values that at this time have been put into question by none other than a permanent member of the Security Council, but whose defense we will not back down, because these are principles and values that are made for all as a guarantee, especially countries that are less equipped to defend themselves. No one is above the law, but this is needed even more to defend the more vulnerable. And for this reason, we cannot turn our backs in front of the right of Ukraine to defend its borders, its sovereignty, its freedom, as we affirm the right of the State of Israel to defend itself from external attacks like the attack of the 7th of October. At the same time, we ask Israel to respect international law protecting civilian populations it to a victim of Hamas and of its destructive choices. And following the same reasoning, we believe, obviously, in the right of the Palestinian people to their own state. But for this to happen, we need Palestinians to entrust it to a leadership that is inspired by dialogue, by stabilizing the Middle East and autonomy. The Abraham Accords have shown the possibility of an advantageous coexistence and cooperation on the basis of mutual recognition if this is the basis on which we all have to work, and it is. Today, the imperative is to reach without further delay a ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate release of Israeli hostages. We cannot witness any longer tragedies like we've seen in these days in the south and east of Lebanon. with the involvement of helpless civilians, many of which children. That said, the anniversary next year gives us a historic opportunity to be finally aware, whether we like it or not, that the problems that we have involve all of us. And we must be able to question ourselves with humility and awareness. And this imposes also a serious reflection about multilateralism on the capacity of international organizations to be up to task in this era to the challenges that we are facing. I'm talking about the United Nations and its capacity to reform, starting with what is useful and necessary and not from what is easier. Italy firmly believes that whatever reform of the architecture and the functioning of the United Nations, starting with the Security Council, cannot go without considering the principles of equality, democracy, and representativeness. It would be a mistake to create new hierarchies with new permanent seats. We are open to discuss the reform without prejudice, but we want a reform that serves to represent everyone better, not to represent better only a few. Colleagues, delegates, ladies and gentlemen, It's a difficult time, the one we have been called in to govern our nations. And around this, we see all changes. Everything is put into question. The very few certainties we thought we had are no longer the same. Destiny is challenging us. But in the end, it is doing that to put us to the test. In the storm, we can show to be up to task. in the work that we have to do. We can show citizens that we govern and show our children, we can show ourselves probably ourselves even more importantly, as a great Italian patriot, Carlo Pizzacano, the protagonist of the Risorgimento, said, compensation, every compensation will be found at the bottom of my conscience. We have to face problems instead of push them and kicking the can down to look at what is important, what is useful. This is our duty. It's hard. It's a hard task, but it's necessary. And Italy, as always, is ready to do its part. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Italy.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/italy","Italy","Her Excellency","Giorgia Meloni","President of the Council of Ministers","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/it_it.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_IT_EN.mp3" 16,"The assembly will hear an address by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn al-Husayn, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. I request protocol to escort His Majesty and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Your Excellencies, Over the past quarter century, I have stood at this podium amidst regional conflicts, global upheavals, and humanitarian crises that have profoundly tested our global community. It often feels that there was not a moment when our world was not in turmoil. And yet, I cannot recall a time of greater peril than this. Our United Nations is facing a crisis that strikes at its very legitimacy and threatens a collapse of global trust and moral authority. The UN is under attack, literally and figuratively. For nearly a year, the sky-blue flag flying over UN shelters and schools in Gaza has been powerless to protect innocent civilians from Israeli military bombardment. UN aid trucks sit motionless just miles away from starving Palestinians. Humanitarian workers who proudly wear the emblem of this institution are disparaged and targeted. And the rulings of the UN's International Court of Justice are defied, its opinions disregarded. So it's no surprise that both inside and outside this hall Trust in UN's cornerstone principles and ideals is crumbling. The harsh reality many see is that some nations are above international law, that global justice does bend to the will of power, and that human rights are selective, a privilege to be granted or denied at will. We cannot stand for that. And we must recognize that undermining our international institutions and global frameworks is one of the gravest threats to our global security today. Ask yourselves, if we are not nations united in the conviction that all people are equal in rights, dignity and worth, and that all countries are equal in the eyes of the law, what kind of world does that leave us with? Your Excellencies, the attacks of October 7 on Israeli civilians last year were condemned by countries all over the world, including Jordan. But the unprecedented scale of terror unleashed on Gaza since that day is beyond any justification. The Israeli government's assault has resulted in one of the fastest death rates in recent conflicts, one of the fastest rates of starvation caused by war, the largest cohort of child amputees, and unprecedented levels of destruction. This Israeli government has killed more children, more journalists, more aid workers, and more medical personnel than any other war in recent memory. And let us not forget the attacks on the West Bank. There, since October 7th, the Israeli government has killed more than 700 Palestinians. Among them, 160 children Palestinians held in Israeli detention centers exceed 10,700, including 400 women and 730 children, 730 children. Over 4,000 Palestinians have been forced from their homes and lands. Armed settler violence has surged and entire villages have been displaced. And in Jerusalem, A flagrant violations of the historical and legal status quo at Muslim and Christian holy sites continue unabated under the protection and encouragement of members of the Israeli government. To be clear, this is in the West Bank, not Gaza. Almost 42,000 Palestinians have been killed since October 7th. So is it any wonder that many are questioning how can this war not be perceived as deliberately targeting the Palestinians? The level of civilian suffering cannot be written off as unavoidable collateral. I grew up a soldier in a region that is all too familiar with conflict. But there is nothing familiar about this war and the violence unleashed since October 7. In the absence of global accountability, repeated horrors are normalized, threatening to create a future where anything is permitted anywhere in the world. Is that what we want? Now is the time to ensure the protection of the Palestinian people. It is the moral duty of this international community to establish a protection mechanism for them across the occupied territories. This will guarantee the safety of Palestinians and Israelis. from extremists who are taking our region to the brink of an all-out war. That includes those who continue to propagate the idea of Jordan as an alternative homeland. So let me be very, very clear. That will never happen. We will never accept the forced displacement of Palestinians, which is a war crime. No country in the region benefits from escalation. We have seen that clearly in the dangerous developments in Lebanon over the past few days. This has to stop. For years, the Arab world has extended a hand to Israel through the Arab Peace Initiative, offering full recognition and normalization in exchange for peace. But consecutive Israeli governments, emboldened by years of impunity, have rejected peace and chosen confrontation instead. Impunity gathers force. Left unchecked, it gains momentum. Palestinians have borne more than 57 years of occupation and oppression. During this time, the Israeli government has been allowed to cross one red line after another. But now, Israel's decades-long impunity is becoming its own worst enemy, and the consequences are everywhere. The Israeli government has been accused of genocide at the ICJ, expressions of outrage at its conduct, are echoing around the world. Cities everywhere have seen mass protests and calls for sanctions are growing louder. International frustration with Israel has long been mounting, but it has never been more exposed. For decades, Israel has projected itself as a thriving Western-style democracy in the Middle East. But the brutality of the war on Gaza has forced the world to look closer. Now many see Israel through the eyes of its victims. And the contradiction, the paradox, is too jarring. The modern advanced Israel admired from afar and the Israel that Palestinians have experienced firsthand simply cannot coexist. Israel will eventually be entirely one or the other. That is the choice its leaders and its people will have to make, to live by the democratic values of freedom, justice, and equality for all or to risk further isolation and rejection. Over and over, we have watched Israel try to achieve security through military means. Each escalation is followed by a pause until the next deadlier one. And for years, the global community has taken the path of least resistance, accepting the status quo of the ongoing military occupation of Palestinians, all the while paying lip service to the two-state solution. But it has never been more evident that the current status quo is untenable. And as the International Court of Justice's advisory opinion underscored two months ago, it is unequivocally illegal The Court's opinion bears a moral imperative to us all. The obligation it carries is one that our nations cannot afford to ignore for the sake of our world as well as the future for Palestinians and Israelis alike. Because both peoples deserve to live their lives in dignity, free of violence and fear. And the only way to achieve that is a just peace when grounded in international law, justice, equal rights, and mutual recognition. That is something we, as nations and people everywhere, can and must unite around. Your Excellencies, the world is watching And history will judge us by the courage we show. And it is not just the future that will hold us accountable. So will the people of the here and now. They will judge whether we as the United Nations will surrender to inaction, or will fight to uphold the principles that anchor this institution and our world. Right now they are asking whether we will stand by as parents watch their children's waste away, as doctors watch their patients die for lack of basic medical supplies, and as more innocent lives are lost because the world failed to act. This war must end. Hostages and detainees must return home. But every day we wait is one day too long for far too many. So I call on all countries to join Jordan in enforcing an international Gaza humanitarian gateway a massive relief effort to deliver food, clean water, medicine, and other vital supplies to those in desperate need. Because humanitarian aid should never be a tool of war. Whatever our politics, one truth is undeniable. No people should have to endure such unprecedented suffering, abandoned and alone. We cannot surrender the future to those who thrive on division and conflict. I urge all nations of conscience to unite with Jordan in the critical weeks ahead on this mission. Almost a year into this war, our world has failed politically But our humanity must not fail the people of Gaza any longer. Echoing the words of my father from 64 years ago at the 15th session of the General Assembly, I pray that this community of nations may have the courage to decide wisely and fearlessly and will act with urgent resolve that this crisis and our conscience demand. My father was a man who fought for peace to the very end. And like him, I refuse to leave my children or your children a future we have given up on. Thank you. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/jordan","Jordan","His Majesty","Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein","King","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/jo_ar.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/jo_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_JO_EN.mp3" 17,"And I now give the floor to His Excellency Tiburori Tito, Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Kiribati. President of the General Assembly, Secretary General of the United Nations, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to greet you all on behalf of the President, the government, and the people of the Republic of Kiribati. At the outset, I wish to join other delegations in congratulating Your Excellency, Mr. Philomena Young, the government and the people of Cameroon on your election as the president of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, and to assure you of Gilbert's full support and cooperation as you steer our work over the next 12 months. We also acknowledge with gratitude the effort and work of the outgoing president of the 78th session, His Excellency Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago, for his leadership for the past year. It is with immense pride and a deep sense of responsibility that Gilbert stands before this assembly marking the 25 years of its membership of the United Nations. A quarter of a century ago, on 14 September 1999, Kiribati joined this esteemed body and became the 186th member of this UN family. Believing that the challenges we face as a small island nation are inextricably linked to the fate of the global community. As we celebrate this milestone, we honor the path that we have walked with our global partners. And we reaffirm our commitment to the core principles of the United Nations, peace, justice, human rights, responsibility, and respect. and sustainable development. Mr. President, the theme for us now, leaving no one behind and acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations cannot be more relevant and timely. As global conflicts escalate, causing widespread destruction, displacing people, and leaving millions neglected and marginalized. The theme reminds us that despite the ongoing crisis, we must stand firmly together as responsible leaders and representatives of the 193 member nations of this greatest multinational organization. and recommit ourselves to do together whatever is necessary to get the world back on the path of peace, progress, and prosperity. Mr. President, what we witness in the world today and for the past 39 years suggests that the Founding Fathers' inspiration for lasting peace is far from being realized. The theme is therefore a timely reminder not to lose hope over the heartbreaking scenes before us, but to re-energize our unity, solidarity, and collective determination to overcome the forces that stand against multilateralism that our United Nations family embodies. This is why Kiribati affirms the critical importance of re-encouraging multilateralism. The United Nations must remain the central platform for collective and global action, as no single nation can address the complexities of today's challenges on its own, be it pandemics, terrorism, conflict, human trafficking, climate change, to name a few. Mr. President, it cannot be disputed that the UN that was created in 1945 by 51 founding members to restore and maintain world peace and security out of the ash and devastation of World War II has now become the largest international organization on Earth that deals with all aspects of human livelihood and well-being to such an extent that its core function of maintaining world peace and improving living standards has been greatly thwarted. This is further exacerbated by the lack of unity and solidarity among member states, coupled with a persistent lack of respect for the UN Charter and for the rights and sovereignty of nations under the Charter. The apparent lack of unity and solidarity within the membership of this family is very much evident in the inability of members to stand united on issues of common concern. The increasing polarization of global issues and the proliferation of exclusive groupings would stand to breed more disunity and distress among members. Mr. President, The success or failure of the United Nations in its core mission depends not only on the dedication, commitment, and persistence of its leadership and membership, but also on the quality of the collaboration between the two. The theme is a reminder of the need to gauge the performance of the United Nations against its core mission of maintaining world peace, improving living standards, and the promotion of human rights and freedoms. In this vein, our collective deliberation at this 79th session must shape a more effective path for the United Nations, ensuring it meets the pressing challenges of our time and serves all nations equitably. Considering the significant disparity between the United Nations' intended mission and its actual outcomes, an in-depth analysis is needed to explore why the organization has not been successful in preventing and resolving conflicts. It is important that the root causes of these failures are identified and addressed. Equally important is the need to stress the crucial role of the UN Secretary General jointly with the P5 members of the Security Council in putting a stop to ongoing conflicts and in preventing new ones from erupting. On the Security Council reform, Mr. President, in order to make the United Nations fit to deal effectively with new and complex challenges confronting humanity at this time, Kiribati supports the call for an overdue reform of the Security Council to ensure that it reflects the realities of today's world. We believe that permanent membership of the Council should be expanded to be more inclusive and representative, including allowing seats for small island developing states and other vulnerable countries. so as to ensure that the perspectives and needs of the most vulnerable nations are heard and addressed. Mr. President, my country firmly believes that members' respect, the members' respect for the UN Charter and for each other's rights and sovereignty is key to the peace of the world and to the efficient and effective functioning of the United Nations multilateralism. It is therefore of paramount importance that each one of us recommit ourselves now to fully respect each other and each other's rights and sovereignty. Of equal importance is a renewal of faith and trust in each other as members of this United Nations family. on peacekeeping and international security. Mr. President, peacekeeping remains a cornerstone of international cooperation for maintaining global security and stability. Kiribati is grateful to have contributed to this effort by deploying police personnel to support the United Nations peacekeeping mission in South Sudan. Kiribati remains steadfast in its belief that global peace can only be achieved through collective action, and we will continue to play our part in this regard. Mr. President, Kiribati firmly believes that a country without peace, as is now seen in the case of countries that are currently devastated by wars and conflicts, cannot undertake any meaningful development while their people are deprived of enjoying a normal way of life and forced to live in refugee camps or as homeless people surviving through charity and humanitarian donations. People living in such dire conditions have no way of becoming economically productive in order to feel a sense of human pride and dignity and cannot voluntarily free themselves out of such predicament until the conflict has been resolved. Peace restored and life is back to normal. In other words, development and human dignity are not achievable without peace. Peace must be achieved first. On the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Mr. President, Kiribati's unwavering commitment to global peace is deeply rooted in the tragic history with nuclear weapons. As a nation that has witnessed harsh and destructive long-lasting consequences of nuclear testing, Kiribati remains steadfast in our support. for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, a landmark agreement that represents a collective effort to eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons from our world through complete nuclear disarmament. And we stand in solidarity with the other states in advocating for a world free of nuclear weapons. Mr. President, Calabasas recently launched its first-ever foreign policy during its 45th National Day celebration on 12 July this year. This landmark document principally seeks to enhance the policy objectives that the Co-Appellants of Kiribati have envisioned for 20 years. It captures the ways forward on how we seek to engage effectively and strategically with our partners in areas of shared and mutual interest. And it seeks to develop our nation and people while, at the same time, protecting our right to self-determination over our huge ocean and airspace territory. Mr. President, let me at this juncture highlight Gilbert's views and perspectives on some pertinent issues for small islands, such as climate change and sea level rise, the 2020-30 Sustainable Development Goals, marine conservation and protection, and the Pact of the Future. and on the crucial link between peace, sustainable development, human dignity, and the concept of leaving no one behind, as highlighted in the theme. Mr. President, Kiribati's designation as a least developed country reflects not only our economic challenges, but also our acute vulnerability to climate change. GDP's geographical isolation from world major markets, coupled with the volatility of global commodity prices and the increasing frequency of extreme weather patterns, exacerbates our development challenges. The high cost of imports, limited export opportunities, and reliance on fluctuating external markets further strain our efforts to achieve sustainable growth and development. Our graduation status from the LDC category, which had been deferred to a later date, remains at the back of our minds and what it would mean for us in the future, given these unprecedented challenges. It is for this reason, Mr. President, among others, that we recognize the Multi-Dimensional Vulnerability Index, potential as a more fitting measure of vulnerability for all developing states. On climate change, Mr. President, we believe that humanity must be well informed about the riches and the resources of the planet that are finite and must not be overexploited to the extent that the planet's health and wealth is compromised, as is now evident in the climate crisis caused by the overexploitation of the planet's resources during the past century of industrialization. While the international dialogue on climate change has been extensive, Kiribati urges that we move beyond words to concrete action. The commitment made in the international forums, including the COP meetings, must translate into tangible results on the ground. As we continue to advocate for mitigation, it is clear that adaptation and resilience building are critical for low-lying atolls. like Kiribati. Coastal protection remains a priority for Kiribati, and while adaptive measures such as the planting of mangroves and demarcating of seagrass continues, there is a dire need for interventions in hard infrastructure, such as resilient seawall. Climate change is undeniably the driving force behind sea-level rise. Kiribati continues to grapple with the challenges posed by sea-level rise, which endangers our land, agriculture, and our way of life. The AOC's declaration on sea-level rise and statehood encourages our dedication to building resilience against climate impacts and emphasizes the urgent need for global action. The United Nations Recognition of the profound impacts of climate change and sea level rise through the establishment of high-level platforms to address sea level rise during this session is a notable and welcome step. It reflects the urgency of addressing climate change and its devastating consequences on vulnerable communities worldwide. In line with the commitment of the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy, we strongly advocate for global climate action, including maintaining the 1.5 degree Celsius goal and addressing sea level rise as essential to safeguarding the livelihoods, identity, sovereignty, and security of the Pacific Island communities, especially low-lying atolls, which are only two or three meters above sea level. On sustainable development goals, Mr. President, as we continue our journey towards achieving sustainable development goals, By 2030, Kiribati has localized the SDGs in a 20-year development roadmap or vision called KV20, with its primary aim to make Kiribati our healthy, wealthy, and most peaceful nation by 2036. This localization effort ensures that the SDGs are not merely theoretical goals. that are embodied in our national policy projects and initiatives. Sustainable development is crucial for the long-term resilience and prosperity of Kiribati, another small island developing state. However, the realization of these goals require enhanced capacity, development, technology, transfer, and stronger data support systems to better meet the unique and special circumstances of vulnerable countries. Kiribati also commits and look forward to the implementation of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda, ABAS, focusing several key areas aimed at promoting sustainable development, resilience, and addressing the unique challenges faced by small and developing states, such as climate change, resilience, sustainable economic development, access to financing, biodiversity, conversation, to name a few. ABAS reflects the need for tailored solutions that recognize the unique circumstances of sea while promoting sustainable development and resilience against external shocks. On marine conservation and protection, Mr. President, fisheries continues to hold prominence as a priority sector within our K-BEST mission for 20 years plan. Given that ocean resources are significantly contribute largely to our economy. The U.S. huge reliance on the tuna fishing license revenue, which finances about 70 percent of the government's annual expenditure budget, makes it mandatory for the government to take special care of the health of the marine environment as evidence in its adoption of the marine spatial planning of its entire 3.5 million square kilometer of its tuna-rich ocean resource. In order to promote public awareness and participation in marine protection and conservation, a number of programs have been launched in some villages and communities in which people are encouraged to make village-based rules protecting fisheries in the areas against over-exploitation and sanctioning offenders in accordance with well-accepted cultural practices. However, our limited capacity in monitoring the surveillance of our large economic zone are highly susceptible to illegal and regulated and reported fishing, IUU, fishing expeditions. Considering our heavy reliance on our fisheries for livelihood and revenue, Kiribati remains deeply committed, concerned about the ongoing challenge of IUU, which undermines not only our national effort to sustainably manage marine resources, but also global progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. IUU fishing significantly impacts our national economy by depleting fish stocks, undermining sustainable fishing practices, and reducing revenue for local fisheries. This threatens the economic stability and the livelihood of our people dependent on fishing. We acknowledge the assistance of our partners rendered in addressing this gap and in providing the surveillance support. Kiribati calls upon the international community to strengthen cooperation and action to combat IUU phishing, ensuring that sustainable fisheries management becomes a reality for all nations, especially those most vulnerable to its impact. Kiribati is acutely aware of the profound significance of the ocean to our livelihood, culture, and environment. This is why we've invested a lot of effort in the preservation and protection of our marine environment. On the Pact of the Future, Mr. President, Kiribati applauds the Secretary-General for his great initiative for bringing the whole world together to re-energize the United Nations as it approaches its 80th anniversary, so that it remains relevant and vital for the peace, progress, and prosperity of humanity in the future. The proposed Pact for the Future offers an essential roadmap strengthening global cooperation on key issues, including climate change, digital transformation, and peacebuilding. We fully support the development of the Global Digital Compact, which will help bridge the digital divide and ensure that small island developing states like Cuba are not left behind in the digital age. It is vital that the international community takes bold steps to strengthen global governance mechanisms fostering inclusive multilateralism that benefits all countries, particularly the most vulnerable. We believe that the success of these initiatives will be key to achieving sustainable development, peace, and security for future generations. Mr. President, as I conclude, I express our hope for the future Kiribati family believes that together we can unite in action and commitment, ensuring that no country is left behind in our pursuit of a more sustainable and in a world where peace, sustainable development, and human dignity are advanced for the present and future generations. Let us make the 79th session a time to renew our unity, solidarity, and togetherness for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. We believe that together we can make it, and together we can do it. Thank you. I thank the head of the delegation of Kiribati","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/kiribati","Kiribati","His Excellency","Teburoro Tito","Permanent Representative","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ki_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KI_EN.mp3" 18,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Sadir Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, distinguished heads of delegations, ladies and gentlemen, I extend my congratulations to the African nations and the esteemed Mr. Philemon Young on being elected as the president of 79th session of the UN General Assembly. I wish you success in important and assure you that Kyrgyzstan will provide full support to your presidency in the interests of peace and sustainable development. I also express my gratitude to the esteemed Mr. Dennis Francis for his active work as president of the 78th session. On behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic, I reaffirm our commitment to international law the principles and provisions of the UN Charter and express our full support for the organization's efforts to ensure international security, address global social, economic, and climate challenges, and protect human rights and freedoms. The modern global challenges such as the climate crisis, food security threats, and growing inequality require the united efforts of the international community. In this turbulent period, I urge all states to continue supporting the UN in its core mission, ensuring peace and preventing contemporary risks and threats. Now more than ever, this support is crucial. I hope that under the leadership of Secretary General, Mr. António Guterres, and with the active backing of member states, our organization will be able to effectively fulfill its functions and assist nations in addressing pressing global issues. Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a world that is becoming increasingly unpredictable and complex with each passing year. we are facing unprecedented challenges, global climate catastrophe, economic inequality that divides nations and continents, and of course, conflicts that shatter hopes for a peaceful future. At this time, we are witnessing global military expenditures increasing each year, while poor and vulnerable states lack the resources needed for their development and survival. I would like to draw your attention to two conflicting realities of our time. The first reality is the limitless spending on military needs. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, global military expenditures increased by 6.8% in 2023, reaching a record 2.5 trillion US dollars or 2.3 of global GDP. This is the highest figure in decades. Leading powers are allocating vast resources to building and developing armed forces, expanding arsenals, and creating new, more destructive weapons. Unfortunately, this is happening in a world where many countries and people still lack access to basic services such as water, health care, and education. It would be far better if the money spent on war, destruction, and death were redirected towards creation or addressing global challenges for the benefit of all humanity, helping countries combat climate change and prevent mass migration. Military expenditures and armed conflicts are having devastating impact on many countries, exacerbating poverty and inequality. conflicts and armed clashes have led to the destruction of infrastructure, a decline in living standards, and mass migration, creating a vicious cycle of poverty and instability. While some countries are increasing their military budgets, many of those in need of assistance are losing the opportunity for a normal life. The second reality is the lack of progress in providing aid to poor and vulnerable states. We all know the economic inequality is on the rise. World leaders have been speaking for decades about the need of eradicating poverty, but they lack the will to follow through. Countries in Africa, South Asia, and Latin America continue to face chronic underfunding, a lack of support from the international community, and systemic economic crises that cannot be solved by individual states alone. The countries at the lowest economic levels are in dire need of investments in healthcare, education, infrastructure, and the fight against climate change. Yet amidst the rapid increase in military spending, assistance to these nations remains insufficient. Humanitarian aid and development assistance programs often face financial shortages while these resources are being used for purchase of weapons and the conduct of military operations. Instead of decreasing inequality between the nations is deepening. The world is now faced with faced a critical choice. We can either choose to increase security through the expansion of armed forces, or we can pursue sustainable development aimed at eradicating poverty and supporting the most vulnerable. If the resources spent on military expenditures were instead invested in providing access to clean water, educating children in developing countries, combating hunger or addressing climate change, it would make a significant difference. To achieve progress, a joint effort between the wealthy and needy countries is essential. Firstly, developed nations must not only increase financial aid to those in need but also focus on targeted infrastructure and social development projects. Secondly, the countries in need must actively participate in international sustainable development initiatives and commit to using resources effectively rather than scattering them without direction. Thirdly, It is crucial to transfer modern technologies from wealthy countries to those in need. This would enable struggling nations to develop their economies independently and reduce dependence on external aid. Today, we observe that geopolitical conflicts require not only increase in defense spending, but more importantly, the necessity of international cooperation for their resolution. If the global community can unite its efforts to fairly distribute resources, assist vulnerable countries, and address the root causes of armed conflicts, we can build a safer and more prosperous world. If we begin to invest in people instead of war, in education, healthcare, and sustainable development instead of weaponry, we can undoubtedly create a flourishing world. The time has come to rethink global security priorities. Security is not merely about powerful armies and weapons of mass destruction. True security is achieved through trust, equality, and the prosperity of nations. By investing in the future of poor countries, helping them to combat poverty, and providing opportunities for sustainable growth, we can create a more stable and secure world. In this context, I believe it is important and fair for the global community to pay greater attention to the issues of sustainable development in the global south and to advocate for themselves interests of first and foremost least developed countries, landlocked developed countries, and small island developing countries. Dear colleagues, One of the most dangerous challenges threatening the very existence of our planet is climate change, which is worsening daily and affecting virtually all countries and people around the world. The rapid melting of glaciers, an increase in natural disasters and the reduction of water resources in mountainous ecosystems raise deep concerns. These negative consequences threaten the lives of local communities, contribute to rising poverty levels, deteriorate infrastructure, and cause significant harm to the economics of nations. Kyrgyzstan faces a triple challenge, the need for investment in development, the reduction of poverty, and adaptation to climate change in order to achieve carbon neutrality. Each of these areas requires specialized funding, particularly in the context of ensuring climate resilience for our country and vulnerable communities. We are determined to work together with our partners to achieve success. Kyrgyzstan proposes to strengthen and widely promote the Debt for Green Economy exchange mechanism. We believe this will help developing and less developed countries collectively combat climate change. Kyrgyzstan supports the view of the UN Secretary General on the need to reform the international financial architecture and reduce the debt burden of developing countries. We also propose a mechanism to replace external debt with projects aimed at climate and sustainable development, and we are working to establish a climate trust fund to finance environmental projects in mountainous regions. The Kyrgyz Republic pays special attention to climate issues in implementing its national policy and, based on the principles of green development, has set an ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Over 90% of our energy is produced primarily by hydropower plants, which are the main drivers towards achieving net zero emissions. Our country has extensive opportunities to integrate renewable energy sources into various sectors of economy, develop electric transport infrastructure, promote sustainable agriculture, and enhance ecotourism. We are actively taking measures to encourage the use of electric vehicles and improve the energy efficiency of buildings. I would like to provide just one example of our commitment to building a green future. Projects such as NIO, Mazda CT, Western Harbor, and Solar Valley that are focused on sustainable development are being implemented and successfully developed. The dreams of the people in these countries have come true and serve as an example for us as well. We have begun constructing the modern and innovative city of Asman on the shores of Lake Esekul. Next year, we will start building the city of Kemin. We are striving to create green cities that will serve as a model for other regions of our country, helping to preserve the natural environment for future generations. I firmly believe that this city will become an economic trade, cultural tourist hub, as well as center for innovation and new technologies. Central Asia is becoming an important region in terms of global security and the world economy. Kyrgyzstan, together with its neighboring states, continues to work on the sustainable development of the region. Together with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, we are building the Kamerata-1 hydropower station, which will meet the region's energy and water needs. We are also participating in the construction of China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, which will enhance trade and transport cooperation and connect the east and west of the continent. Ladies and gentlemen, the future of our world depends on the path we choose. We should not increase military spending, leading to further escalation of conflicts and disasters. Instead, we must direct our efforts towards building a just, safe, and prosperous world for all. Our choice today will determine what tomorrow will be like for our future generations. We all need to ease international tensions. The Kyrgyz Republic is ready to support the efforts of UN General Assembly and Security Council aimed at establishing a stable world order and achieving sustainable development goals, as well as to contribute to the international community's joint efforts to address global challenges and threats. At the same time, we propose our candidacy for non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council for the years 2027-2028. As a country that has never been elected to this country, Kyrgyz Republic hopes for your support in the elections scheduled to take place in New York City in June 2026. If elected, Kyrgyzstan will continue work towards enhancing the effectiveness and transparency of the Council's operations, as well as expanding its composition with consideration for balanced regional representation. The time has come to rectify the underrepresentation of African countries in Security Council and to eliminate historical injustice, such as the fact that Kyrgyzstan, including Kyrgyzstan's 60 member states, have never been elected to the Security Council. At the future summit, UN member states reaffirmed the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals and the need for their full implementation. Kyrgyzstan remains committed to the Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and our achievements confirm our firm intention to achieve the goals, taking into consideration national priorities and financial capabilities. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are integrated into National Development Strategy of Kyrgyzstan until 2040, which creates opportunities for sustainable economic and social development, digitalization, entrepreneurship, as well as the introduction of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies for current and future generations. On July 22nd of this year, we adopted the law on protection of rights and funds of private entrepreneurs and foreign investors. This law defines the necessary measures for protecting investors in business activities. It also provides punitive measures against the relevant state officials for illegally and unjustly refusing state registration, illegally and unjustly denying the issuance of a license, unjustly and unlawfully restricting business activities, unjustly and unlawfully interfering with the activities of investors and private entrepreneurs. Severe penalties are imposed for the aforementioned violations. These include imprisonment for two to five years, confiscation of property, or large fines. Next year, our country will present its national voluntary review on the implementation of the SDGs. We are ready to share our experience, discuss the results achieved, and continue striving to be among the 30 countries in the world in implementing SDGs by 2030. As a mountainous country, Kyrgyzstan has drawn global attention to the challenges of sustainable development in mountainous regions since the 2000s. Through our initiative and with broad support from mountainous countries, the Five-Year Action for Development of Mountain Regions program is being implemented for 2023 until 2027. I invite all nations to actively participate in this program. I also invite you to take part in the second Global Mountain Summit, Bishkek plus 25 in 2027, where the results of the Five Years of Mountain Regions Initiative will be summarized. In addition, we are promoting the initiative to include a global dialogue on mountains and climate in the UN Annual Climate Change Conference Agenda. Kyrgyzstan is actively working to protect the snow leopard as a symbol of long-term sustainable development in the region. In December 2023, the snow leopard was recognized as a national symbol of Kyrgyzstan. Together with 11 other countries within its habitat, we are working to protect this unique animal. In this regard, I am proud to announce that a resolution to declare International Snow Leopard Day will be introduced to the UN General Assembly, and I urge all nations to support this initiative. The inhabitants of mountainous regions face daily challenges such as water shortages, food insecurity, poverty, and lack of access to basic services. These countries should not be left alone with their problems. We call on global community to take active steps to address these issues. Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for the international community to build a new consensus based on trust and the interests of all nations. In conclusion, I would like to share the following words from Mana's epic, which embodies the profound depth of friendship, unity, and solidarity among people. Let us unite our strength as one head from one shoulder and one hand from one sleeve. Where there is unity, there is prosperity. Thank you very much for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/kyrgyzstan","Kyrgyzstan","His Excellency","Sadyr Zhaparov","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kg_ar.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kg_zh.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kg_en.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kg_ru.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KG_EN.mp3" 19,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Edgard Incevic, President of the Republic of Latvia. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, First of all, I wish to congratulate His Excellency Philmon Young of Cameroon on assuming the post of President of the General Assembly. I assure you of Latvia's full cooperation along the way. This year's debate is of utmost importance. It focuses on today's interlinked global challenges. It emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach that is firmly rooted in the United Nations Charter. Allow me to highlight a few points. The future of the multilateral system and rules-based order is in all our hands. We shall not allow selective application or disregard of global norms. The alternative is a terrifying world where force prevails and law perishes. It is already the third year of Russia's unprovoked, full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine. Russia is still testing the global community's resilience and commitment to the rules-based order. This war gravely affects the stability of the region and beyond. It has far-reaching consequences for the principles that uphold sovereignty, territorial integrity, and international law. We must ensure that the global order remains resilient in the face of aggression, especially when the aggressor is a nuclear weapon state and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Russia tries to tear down what has been built by all of us. Russia tries to rearrange the international system that only benefits aggressors. Having endured 50 years of Soviet occupation, Latvia deeply understands the value of freedom and independence, as do many other countries represented in this room. Latvia stands by Ukraine. We continue to call for an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all Russian troops and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine. There can be no compromise regarding Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Russia's unprovoked attack has widespread consequences beyond Ukraine's borders. It impacts global food security, nuclear safety, and humanitarian situation. Ladies and gentlemen, access to food is a human right. Hunger must never be used as a political tool. Latvia stands in solidarity with countries most affected by food crisis. Latvia has supported grain initiatives and released fertilizer cargoes. We implement partnerships for safe and responsible food production in Africa and Central Asia. Children rights are human rights. Forcible deportations and illegal adoptions of Ukrainian children to Russia are of serious concern. We call on the United Nations to take a more active stand on this. We will contribute to the return of Ukrainian children and their recovery to the best of our ability. Right to life, liberty, and security is also a human right. Russia continues to deliberately target civilian and critical infrastructure. Its brutal attacks are supported by Belarus, Iran, and North Korea. In response, We are determined to help Ukraine in its fight and to rebuild what has been brutally destroyed. I call on all members of the United Nations to support and join the communique adopted at the peace summit in Switzerland to start building a peace process based on the United Nations charter principles. Russia must bear full legal and financial responsibility for its aggression. We must spare no effort to ensure comprehensive accountability for all crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine. It is crucial to support and strengthen institutions that investigate and prosecute these crimes, provide justice for victims, and uphold the rule of law. Establishment of a special tribunal that would be able to prosecute the main perpetrators of the crime of aggression would ensure full accountability. I encourage other countries to support this proposal. Distinguished delegates, our attention remains focused on the crisis in the Middle East. Tragically, innocent civilians, including countless children, be at the brunt of this crisis. It is imperative for the international community, the United Nations, to support efforts that ensure the protection of all civilians and work towards a durable resolution. Latvia, together with other European Union member states, has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. the unconditional release of all hostages, and the provision of humanitarian access at scale. It is crucial to prevent the deepening of the crisis and avoid regional spillover. We remain hopeful that progress towards ending hostilities can soon be achieved. We condemn all terrorist attacks against Israel. We recognize Israel's legitimate right to self-defense, and it must be exercised in line with international law, and particularly international humanitarian law, the law that has been put in place to protect all civilians. We must also focus on revitalizing the political process, to break the cycle of violence, to strive for a just and lasting peace. peace that addresses the legitimate aspirations and security concerns of both Israelis and Palestinians. The ongoing escalation reinforces the necessity of pursuing a two-state solution in accordance with international parameters. Mr. President, The United Nations is a place where no country's voice can be deemed by more resourceful powers. The United Nations commitment to principles of peace and security, justice and human rights empowers us to address challenges that otherwise cannot be tackled alone. Acting in solidarity for sustainable and inclusive development is more acute than ever before. The summit of the future has demonstrated our renewed commitment to sustainable development goals. It accelerates the efforts to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities, and ensure environmental sustainability. The right path towards progress and achieving sustainable development goals is to advance innovation, science-based and environmentally friendly To enhance the quality of education and strengthen governance. To engage with women, youth and non-governmental sector on these matters. Latvia has already progressed towards achieving 63% of the set targets. We are also helping those most in need. Latvia's development cooperation policy has become more global and more tangible, increasing year by year. There can be no sustainable development without peace and consistent global action on climate change. The ongoing conflicts and crises around the world aggravate the effects of climate change. We strongly believe that the United Nations Security Council must address climate change as an existing risk for global peace and security. Small island developing states are at the forefront of global environmental crisis. Latvia welcomes the recent advisory opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. We closely follow the International Law Commission's deliberations aimed at clarifying the impact of sea level raise on statehood. Latvia has meaningful experience in building resilience against disinformation and promoting media literacy. We support an online environment that is free and open, but also safe and secure. The rising capabilities of artificial intelligence provide a lot of opportunities for growth and development. However, misuse of these capabilities is a concern. Latvia also remains increasingly engaged in peacebuilding and prevention, but in words and in deeds. That includes continuous voluntary financial support and participation in United Nations peacekeeping missions, as well as support to women, peace, and security agenda. Distinguished delegates, the United Nations is not without its flaws. Its potential to prevent aggression or resolve conflicts has frequently been questioned. We must acknowledge the shortcomings and effectively address them. Latvia strongly supports revitalization of the United Nations system and reform of the United Nations Security Council. The number of permanent members of the Security Council must be expanded. It must be expanded to make it more effective, inclusive, and accountable. It must be expanded to elevate the voice of underrepresented regions. It is high time for Africa to have permanent presence at the Security Council table. Africa has been neglected for far too long, and that has to be changed. Also, the small island developing states deserve a non-permanent seat. Their voices must be heard. especially given the existential threats they are facing. The decision-making process should be revisited as well. No single state should have veto power in the United Nations Security Council. Especially when it comes to conflicts, the permanent members are involved themselves. This is the way to ensure that the permanent members of the Security Council uphold their responsibility to protect peace and security. Dear friends, the United Nations once used to be a beacon of hope for the people. Not anymore. We must change that. We must rebuild trust and common values. And we can do that only by working together. Latvia is fully prepared to shoulder its part of the responsibility. For the first time, Latvia is running for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council at the 2025 elections. We stand ready to re-energize this international body. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Latvia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/latvia","Latvia","His Excellency","Edgars Rinkēvičs","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/lv_lv.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/lv_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LV_EN.mp3" 20,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Gitanas Nauseda, President of the Republic of Lithuania. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Dear President of the General Assembly, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Over the last two days in this very room, global leaders welcomed the Pact for the Future. Together, we reaffirmed our commitment for multilateralism anchored in the three pillars of the United Nations. sustainable development, peace, and security, and human rights. These are all great and noble principles that have defined the essence of the United Nations systems since the end of the Second World War. Most significant global political developments, from decolonization to the end of the Cold War and the singing revolutions in Europe, have seemed to bring us closer to the bright future of peace, freedom, and human dignity. While this international rules-based world order was never perfect, it helped us to search for joint solutions. For many decades, we have been trying to resolve multiple conflicts and crises and address emerging global challenges such as climate change, unequal development, food insecurity, terrorism, and illegal migration. And then, more than 10 years ago, something entirely different happened. A permanent member of the Security Council began military aggression against a peaceful member state. At first covertly, then more and more openly, breaking ever more international norms. And finally, Russia started the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Today, even though we face yet another distressing crisis in the Middle East, as well as rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific region, the Russian war of aggression is the most dangerous threat. The entire international order, defined by sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders, is under assault in Ukraine. Each and every member of the United Nations, every sovereign nation, has also much to lose. To fully understand what is presently at stake, we must all start paying attention to the words of Russian leaders and their representatives at the United Nations Security Council. How many times they have openly admitted the Kremlin intends to wipe Ukraine from the face of Earth. If any sovereign nation is under the threat of complete destruction, No country is truly safe anymore. If the international community looks away and ignores the unpleasant truth, no country is safe anymore. And if mass killings, deportation, and deliberate actions on civilian population became the new norm, no country is truly safe anymore. That should be perfectly clear to anyone. That should disturb us all. Ladies and gentlemen, what Russia presents to the world is a return to the era of imperial conquest, colonial domination, and genocide. And I do not believe we are ready to follow this path. I do not believe any of us want to see powerful neighbors convincing themselves that from now on every dispute should be settled by force. Therefore, right now, Ukraine is fighting not only a war of self-defense. Ukraine is also fighting for the future of all those countries who believe in the United Nations Charter and its principles. Ukraine is fighting for us all. And yet, our joint collective response to this day has been insufficient. We have not been able to stop this madness. We have not been able to force Russia to reconsider its dangerous course. We have not been able to hold it accountable for so many violations of the United Nations Charter. Why was that the case? Because to this day the aggressor is hiding under the cover of the Security Council's permanent membership. Hiding in plain sight. Mocking every one of us with its unrestricted veto power. It is a terrible blow to the very credibility of the United Nations system. And still we keep hearing some calls for Ukraine to surrender, to compromise on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, or to accept Russia's ultimatums. Why should the aggressor be rewarded? Why should appeasement work this time when it failed so spectacularly almost 90 years ago? Why should the victim agree to the demands of the aggressor sitting safe in the Kremlin after so much bloodshed and loss of innocent lives? Ukraine is still fighting. Ukraine is still going strong, regardless of all the appeasers and doomsayers. And only Ukraine has the right to determine the actual conditions for peace. Meanwhile, we have the duty to support Ukraine, to restrict Russia's ability to wage war and ensure the accountability of those responsible for the crime of aggression and crimes against humanity. to reform the Security Council and to rebuild the credibility of the United Nations Charter. To withstand enormous pressure and win this war, Ukraine will need more military equipment, ammunition, medical supplies. Ukraine also urgently needs humanitarian and financial aid. This upcoming winter will be extremely difficult for the Ukrainian people. Constant deliberate Russian attacks on critical energy infrastructure have destroyed more than 80% of Ukraine's thermal energy generation and a third of its hydro generation. To prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, our assistance should be swift and focused on the energy sector. Lithuania calls on other parties, including Belarus, Iran, North Korea, and China, to stop providing Russia with military support, including the transfer of dual-use materials. More arms for Russia means more civilian deaths, more civilian infrastructure destroyed, more There is only one path towards comprehensive, just and lasting peace. Ukraine's peace formula. It deserves universal support because it is based on the universal principles of the United Nations Charter. Sovereignty, territorial integrity and international law. Lithuania urges all peace-loving countries to actively engage in these efforts, including preparation for and participation in the next summit of the peace formula. The war could enter the end phase tomorrow if only Russia agrees to disengage and withdraw its forces from all the occupied territories. Ukraine does not want Russia's territories. It wants to liberate its own people, not Russia's. It wants to see prisoners of war and abducted children, thousands of them, returned. It wants the constant, deliberate bombing of civilian infrastructure, of so many schools, hospitals, and power stations to finally stop. To achieve lasting peace, more actions will have to follow. Justice will have to be served. Russia will have to atone for its many crimes and pay damages. The main culprits of the war of aggression and numerous war crimes will have to stand before the court. Vladimir Putin is already under an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court for his crimes, specifically unlawful deportation and unlawful transfer of children. Immobilized Russian foreign assets should also be used to pay for the damage done to Ukraine. Finally, we must all join forces in pushing for a comprehensive Security Council reform. There is simply no place for Russia in the Security Council, which was created to maintain international peace and security. Excellencies, Lithuania hopes to witness Ukraine's victory soon. Until this becomes reality, Lithuania's position remains steadfast. We will not recognize Russia's illegal annexation of any Ukrainian region, be it Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, or Zaporizhia. We will not stop demanding that Russia ends grave violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the occupied territories of Ukraine. Lithuania will continue providing shelter to Ukrainian war refugees. Lithuania will continue supporting Ukraine with all possible means. Ladies and gentlemen, today, as the political divisions deepen and democracy seems to falter all around the globe, multilateralism remains our greatest hope. The United Nations has a crucial role to play not only in Ukraine, but also in the Middle East, Sahel, Horn of Africa, and in the Indo-Pacific region. We, as representatives of the international community, cannot remain indifferent in the face of the global crisis. We cannot stay silent on the breaches of international law and universal human rights, thus normalizing them. The pursuit of peace and justice requires our collective determination. It requires our unwavering adherence to the guiding principles of the United Nations. Now, as always, Lithuania is committed to promoting democracy, human rights, and accountability on the global stage. We call on all the members of the United Nations to unite in securing a better future for all. A future where every sovereign country is protected from imperialism and every human being from arbitrary violence and war. Let us build a safe future together. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Lithuania,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/lithuania","Lithuania","His Excellency","Gitanas Nausėda","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/lt_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LT_EN.mp3" 21,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Mohamed Mouissou, President of the Republic of Maldives. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Assalamu alaikum and good afternoon. Mr. President, congratulations on the assumption of your presidency of the General Assembly. Our appreciation also to your predecessor for his strong leadership. We extend our gratitude to the Secretary General for his tireless efforts in steering the Secretariat. We gather here today at a delicate moment in the world history. Let's not mince our words today. Humanity is in deep trouble, facing an ever-growing list of crises, conflict, poverty, hunger, climate change, the wealth gap, the cost of living crisis, migration, occupation, opiate addiction. The list goes on and on and on. In fact, I have a map here of the world with countries which are facing some sort of crisis in red. Do you see any countries in green who are not facing any crisis? Do you know why? Because we are all deep in the red. Humanity is in crisis, and in many cases, it's man-made. But we look the other way, continuing with business as usual. While the alarms are ringing, the band is still playing the same old tunes as the whole ship descends deeper and deeper into uncharted waters. We need nations united in harmony, not united nations in misery. These are crucial times for the world, important years for my country. In 2040, the Maldives will celebrate 75 years regaining its independence. 75 years as a sovereign nation. As we look forward to that milestone in our nation's life, what we can hope to achieve, what do we wish to accomplish, and is the world ready to play its part? I took office as the President of Maldives last November, duty bound by the aspirations of my people, the same aspirations I hold dear to my heart, not just for the present, but for the future too. Today, I'm here at the United Nations with a vision of where I want to take my country. By 2040, I wish to see the Maldives as a full-fledged developed nation. A nation that commands respect is relevant and one that embodies resilience. A society that is inclusive and just. A country that exemplifies sustainability and democratic governance. Destiny is not mere fate. It is a consequence of the many choices we make, the many decisions we take, and the many hours we work. Becoming a developed nation may seem like a daunting task and a distant possibility, but I can tell you this. With a goal in sight and a plan in hand, it is achievable because prevailing and even flourishing against formidable odds is nothing new for the Maldivians. In 1965, when we regained independence, we were among the poorest countries in the world. One-third of our population was illiterate. More than one out of every ten babies were dying before their first birthday. We had no industries, barely any exports, and even fewer prospects. And in just five decades, we have reached upper-middle income status, a feat we are incredibly proud of. I believe the Maldives can become a developed country by investing in the country's productive capacity and increasing its productivity, by transforming our economy into one that is fully digitized and driven by artificial intelligence, and most importantly, by leveraging the natural beauty and marine resources of our country. Boosting productivity will be the key to economic transformation. This we will do by reforming and strengthening our institutions, increasing our state capacity, and leveraging the private sector. We will also identify and implement policies that support investments in key sectors, such as the digital economy. The Maldives has over 1,100 islands spread across 90,000 square kilometers. Enhancing digital connectivity is key to achieving inclusive development, mobilizing economic activity, and fostering a more diversified and resilient economy. We believe the future is intelligence driven. This is why we are working towards a digital economy that can contribute up to 15% of our GDP by 2030. This can be achieved through investing in our ICT infrastructure. We are using and expanding artificial intelligence systems to deliver essential services such as healthcare, education, and social welfare. We are also delving into cutting-edge applications of 5G technology, using drones for medical supplies delivery and implementing smart road systems, and using AI-enhanced technology for erosion detection and environmental monitoring. The transformation can be sustainable only if we transform our education and financial systems. We need to invest in digital literacy from a young age. to build a generation that can use artificial intelligence to enhance public service delivery, build new products, and successfully compete in the global digital economy. We need to bridge the digital divide within the country, including through improving data collection and utilization. We need to strengthen the regulatory frameworks, strengthening existing institutions, cultivating startup ecosystems, and providing the impetus for the future we envision. Becoming a developed country will also require fostering new industries. This is why we are also working on building a robust financial sector in the Maldives. With this in mind, in May this year, I set up the Development Bank of Maldives with a focus on improving and investing in economic diversification. The result we desire is inclusive development, where equality of access to opportunities is guaranteed, where women and young people play key players in development, not mere spectators, and where every Maldivian citizen has adequate housing. To support objectives, my government has launched a $6.5 million loan facility. It's specifically for women entrepreneurs, of which 25% is allocated to those with disabilities. In the first phase, over 100 projects will be funded across 19 of the 28 halls in Mali, and across 21 business activities. I've also recently launched a Presidential Youth Advisory Board. This board will advise and inform me directly on the needs and views of young people. Inclusivity is at the heart of one of the most ambitious large-scale urban development projects in the country's history, Ras Mala. This is my promise to the Maldivian people, a solution to alleviate the long-term housing crisis, an urban oasis where citizens can fully participate in all aspects of city life. Ras Mala will utilize modular housing, leverage a state-of-the-art transportation system that is accessible to all, It will be developed as a climate resilient and safe island. Tourism drives the Maldivian economy. My vision is to expand the tourism sector further. This means building complementary industries centered around innovation and creativity. This means more sustainable and construction practices emphasizing on green and sustainable tourism. We are also expanding our main international airport, our air connectivity, and the fleet of our national airline. These steps will support the expansion of the tourism sector and at the same time generate more revenue for the country. But tourism is also highly vulnerable to external shocks, conflicts, calamities, and causes beyond our control, can and have had far-reaching critical implications in the past. We need the international system to anticipate and address these threats, threats such as armed conflicts, terrorism, violent extremism, transnational organized crime, climate change, ocean degradation, crimes that transcend national borders. Part of addressing these threats is to safeguard and protect people's fundamental rights. In 2015, The world came together to endorse humanity's fundamental rights by committing to the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. But six years to the SDGs deadline, we are only on track in less than a fifth of those targets. In June, this organization, the UN, issued a report saying the world is failing to deliver on Sustainable Development Goals. This week, we agreed on a pact for the future. But do we want this document, the pact, to go the same way as this one, the 2015 SDG commitments? I'm sorry, but we can't keep doing this. We can't keep meeting, talking, pledging, but not doing. We don't want these days to come back to haunt us, the days when we had a chance but not a will. We believe the best approach to protecting fundamental rights is to cultivate a culture of respect. This requires support. The Maldives has a good track record of treaty ratification, implementation, and reporting. We champion the right to environment because we are keenly aware of the consequences of environmental degradation. We also believe that violation of a right by any country, large or small, rich or poor, with powerful friends or not, must not be tolerated. This is why the ongoing massacre, the genocide by Israel in Gaza is a travesty of justice and the international system. The repeated destruction of homes, hospitals, schools, humanitarian infrastructure, the repeated cycles of killing of men, women, children, babies, thousands upon thousands. The world is struggling to process the deaths of so many civilians in Gaza and now Israel raids Lebanon. claiming hundreds more civilian lives there. Their cries haunt anyone with humanity. Their tears bitter our conscience. Israel's targeting of journalists, the eyes and ears of humanity, the killing of journalists, Palestinian journalists, Lebanese journalists, Al Jazeera journalists, the closure of Al Jazeera officers, how can we interpret this as anything other than brutal attempts to prevent the world from knowing about the crimes taking place? Israel must be held accountable for these acts of terrorism, for these violations of international law and UN resolutions. We must accept a sovereign and independent Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. We welcome the decision to seat our brothers and sisters from Palestine with us here in the General Assembly for the first time instead of behind us. Now we must ensure that Palestine becomes a full member of the UN. Mr. President, Mr. President, the Maldives is gearing up for an economic transformation that will change lives. But our policies can deliver the results only with sufficient international financial support. The Maldives has always taken ownership and responsibility for its own development. While we have received extensive support towards our development, we urge the multilateral development funds, banks, and bilateral donors to view us as your partners, not just as recipients of aid, to stop looking at our inherent vulnerabilities as limitations. to adopt tailor-made approaches which are mutually beneficial, to reduce the cost of borrowing, to make the financial system workforce not penalize us, to make your terms flexible, your financing less rigid, to make your lending targeted, affordable, and responsible. Mr. President, climate change is the most serious threat to our world, the defining challenge of our generation. It's washing away decades of progress in mere minutes. It's diverting already depleted resources of long-term development to emergency relief and reconstruction. preventing countries from adapting to climate impact. And the vicious cycle continues. The Maldives has always worked the talk. We are investing in renewable energy. Our goal is to have 33% of the country's electricity demand from renewable energy sources by 2028. On behalf of the Maldivian people, I implore you, do your part. Act now. We must face the climate emergency head on with science, determination, and resources. The rich and emitting countries need to meet the financial pledges already made, especially on adaptation where the financing gap continues to widen. As we work towards COP 29, we must ensure the new goal on climate finance matches the level of climate action required. This means The new goal must go beyond the $100 billion. It must include as a minimum loss and damage response, mitigation and adaptation as sub-goals. One of the biggest victims of the climate crisis is the ocean. The Maldivian people and their livelihoods are dependent on the health and wealth of the ocean. We need to step up efforts to sustainably use and manage our ocean resources, address plastic pollution, conserve biodiversity, and protect endangered species. This morning I ratified the Global Ocean Treaty. We urge you all to do the same. We urge you to do your part to address climate change, overcome pollution, and reverse biodiversity loss. The transformation the Maldives seeks cannot be achieved without an enabling global environment. Small countries like mine need a multilateral system that champions us and delivers for us. The United Nations is the epitome of the multilateral system. It is well positioned to promote sustainable development, to maintain peace and security, to promote and protect human rights, to enforce equality, the rule of law, inclusivity and representativeness. What we are witnessing is the opposite. Inability to stop climate change and environmental degradation, inability to stop war and genocide, inability to stop exploitation and suffering, inability to stop unequal representation. Hence, the United Nations needs reform and revitalization. It needs to be representative. The Maldives cannot and will not watch and stand idle while the multilateral system fails because our development, our advancement, and our survival is tethered to the world. That's why the Maldives is seeking to get elected to the Economic and Social Council for the 2027 to 2029 term. We count on your support. If elected, the Maldives will strive to make the UN development system more relevant to our times. continuously recalibrating and adjusting, utilizing the latest science and evidence, listening to the variety of opinions and views. The United Nations must enforce its decisions across the UN system and at local level. The United Nations is only relevant when it makes a real difference in our lives. Mr. President, 59 years ago, the Maldives reached out to the United Nations as its first port in a sea of uncertainty. We came here to this great hall seeking recognition, seeking a partner. We came to you as a poor and impoverished country, but with a vision of prosperity, a vision which we made great progress with your support. Today, once again, we come to you aiming higher, to reach further, and to do better, with a vision to make the Maldives a developed nation by 2040. For I believe development is destiny, and our destiny beckons towards a brighter future for the present and future generations. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Maldives.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/maldives","Maldives","His Excellency","Mohamed Muizzu","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mv_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MV_EN.mp3" 22,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Muhammad Old Sheikh al-Ghazani, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of God be upon the most noble of prophets. Mr. President, Your Majesties, Excellencies, and Highnesses, Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to begin by extending my warmest congratulations to His Excellency, Mr. Philemon Young, on his presidency of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, wishing him every success at the head of the General Assembly. I would also like to congratulate His Excellency, Mr. Denis Francis, on his great wisdom in managing the work of the 78th session of the General Assembly. Allow me also to express my great appreciation for the efforts made by Mr. Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, to develop our organization and to enhance its role as an effective institutional expression of our collective will to address the various challenges facing our world on the path of a comprehensive sustainable development. Your Majesties, Excellencies, Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, the theme of this session, Leaving No One Behind, Acting Together for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Human Dignity for Present and Future Generations, powerfully and clearly encapsulates the goals and objectives of the Charter of the United Nations and at the same time translates the depth of our collective awareness of the need to enhance our cooperation and coordinate our efforts to address the existing challenges. What the world has been through and what it is currently going through in terms of violent crises and unprecedented shocks at every level has greatly weakened our individual and collective ability to fulfill our common commitments in the context of the 2030 Agenda. The current international situation is having a very negative impact on efforts to achieve sustainable development. especially on the African continent which already suffers from structural and circumstantial imbalances and obstacles that hinder its development efforts and slow down its progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and the 2063 Agenda of the African Union. Our continent continues to suffer from poverty vulnerability, unemployment, weak health and education systems in terms of quality and inclusiveness, not to mention the spread of terrorism, armed conflicts and the devastating effects of climate change. This bleak outlook in Africa very strongly confirms the urgent need to alleviate the enormous debt burden of African countries and correct the obvious imbalances in the development assistance system. and in international governance, both political and financial, and to strengthen multilateral cooperation in general. This could bring the continent towards economic growth in a way that doubles the effectiveness or to redouble efforts to fulfill the commitments made by countries vis-a-vis the 2030 Agenda and the international community. In the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, and in accordance with its commitments, we have made achieving the sustainable development goals a central objective towards which all of our public policies converge. We have been able to improve many of the sustainable development goal indicators, and that is reflected in our improved ranking among countries in the United Nations report on sustainable development 2024. This improvement is the result of intensive efforts aimed at enshrining the rule of law, strong institutions promoting democracy and individual and collective freedoms, the use of dialogue and consultation as a permanent method for managing public affairs, support for the independence of the judiciary, transparency, combating corruption and bribery in administrative or financial terms. our continuous efforts to protect and promote human rights as well. Take the form of our fight against the remnants of modern slavery, human trafficking, protecting the rights of women and children, combating irregular migration and cross-border crime. In addition, we have been able to achieve security and stability despite the prevailing situation in our region and internationally. Indeed, violence and terrorism are reigning as well as political and social crises. But through the help of God and with our national integrated security strategy, we have been able to achieve this. Likewise, we have given great attention to the role of young people in the advancement of countries and advancing growth. We are focusing on developing plans and strategies. that guarantee that young people have education, qualifications, are integrated into active life and strengthening their presence in various areas of public life. All of the above has played a positive role in consolidating our national unity and strengthening our social cohesion. To do this, we have made intense efforts to eliminate various forms of exclusion, injustice and vulnerability. To do this, we have built a social safety, a vast and varied social safety net that aims to alleviate the burden of the constraints and hazards of daily life on the poorest and to enhance their ability to withstand these vicissitudes and to access all public services. We have also launched a promising reform process for our education system in the aim of establishing a Republican school that embodies the values of equality and fairness, and that guarantees that everyone in the same conditions can have high quality education that will be a lever for social advancement. In parallel, we have redoubled our efforts to expand and improve the scope of health services that we offer to our population and to ensure access to medicines. We have created a health insurance system for citizens not covered by traditional insurance programs. In addition, we are providing some basic medical services free of charge, especially for mothers, older persons, and persons with disabilities. We are aware of the negative repercussions of climate change and environmental challenges in general on our planet, the economy, society, and political and security implications, particularly in the African continent and the Sahel in particular. We have worked to reduce our carbon emissions by 11% and to raise the share of renewable energy in our total energy mix to 50% by 2030. We intend to redouble our efforts in this area to adopt a green hydrogen development program. In addition to our efforts to promote clean energy, which today covers 48% of our energy use, we are continuing our fight against desertification in the context of the Great Green Wall and the Joint Committee to combat the effects of desertification in the Sahel. In this context, I would like to applaud the outcomes of COP28 which was hosted by the United Arab Emirates at the end of last year. I would like to hope that these environmental gains will be strengthened during the upcoming session which will be hosted by Azerbaijan this year. We are hopeful that industrialized countries will respect their commitments to reduce their emissions and fulfill their pledges from the paris summit majesties excellencies highnesses ladies and gentlemen we are deeply convinced in the islamic republic of mauritania we are deeply convinced in the islamic republic of mauritania that the effectiveness of cooperation between states depends on relationships based on friendship trust and mutual respect therefore our foreign policy is based on non-interference in the internal affairs of states strengthening cooperation and friendship the maintenance of international peace and security and supporting just causes based on international law, the Charter of the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. For that reason, we would like to reiterate the following. Our strong condemnation of the war of genocide practiced by Israel against the defenseless Palestinian people in flagrant violation of international law and international humanitarian law. We demand... the immediate end of this war and reiterate our commitment to the right of the Palestinian people to dignity and sovereignty within the framework of an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital, as provided for in the Arab Peace Initiative and relevant international resolutions. Our condemnation of the current Israeli attacks on Lebanon and our demand that they end immediately. Our call to find a solution that preserves the unity and sovereignty of the Libyan state and our commitment to supporting African efforts and international efforts in this regard. Our support for the security and stability of brotherly Sudan and its sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as our call to ensure that dialogue and reason prevail to resolve the outstanding issues leading to an immediate end to the war, ending the humanitarian suffering of the brotherly Sudanese people, and ensuring respect for international humanitarian law. Our commitment to serious efforts to achieve a political solution that preserves the unity of the Syrian Arab Republic, its independence, the dignity of its people, and their right to live in peace and security. Our support for the brotherly Yemeni people and our call for peaceful solutions in accordance with Arab initiatives and the relevant international resolutions, our firm position on the conflict in Western Sahara and our support for the efforts of the United Nations and all relevant Security Council resolutions aimed at finding a lasting solution that is acceptable for everyone. our concern about the continuation of the Russian-Ukrainian war and our demand that a solution be found that ends the war and takes into account the concerns of both parties in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter, thus sparing the region and the world further tragedy and destruction. Your Majesties, Highnesses and Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. The summit of the future which concluded its work yesterday, revealed how aware we are of our collective responsibility towards our common future. Through what was adopted in terms of measures and plans, the summit confirmed that we are still able to make this future one of security, peace, prosperity, comprehensive sustainable development that will not exclude any people or country. Let us therefore strengthen mutual trust, intensify our multilateral cooperation and accelerate the reform of international political and financial governance rules so that they are more just, more balanced and more equitable And then, God willing, we will be able to save our planet from perdition and secure a bright future for current and future generations. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/mauritania","Mauritania","His Excellency","Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mr_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MR_EN.mp3" 23,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Serenity Highness Prince Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco. I request Protocol to escort His Serenity Highness and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President of the General Assembly, Mr. Secretary General, Heads of State and Government, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. Almost 80 years ago, the United Nations Charter was born and laid the foundations of our organisation to preserve future generations from the scourge of war. The founders then had a firm conviction that there was no power more legitimate than that we vested collectively in this new international organisation. Over the last two days, I have participated, alongside many of you, on the initiative of the Secretary General, Mr Antonio Guterres, in the Summit of the Future. Between hope and concern, the summit allowed us to grasp just how much work we still need to do to leave a harmonious and peaceful future to our children. While we are facing an increasing number of challenges, we're currently seeing a multiplication of regional conflicts, an uptick in the arms race and nuclear proliferation as well as an ebbing of a collective security. Extreme violence and conflicts that are currently raging and the thousands of victims that they're claiming in the four corners of the world are intolerable. Targeted attacks against civilian infrastructure that don't even spare schools or hospitals are flagrant violations of the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law. Similarly, the use of famine as a weapon of war is an odious crime. These acts must not go unpunished. Whatever the conflict or the continent that it is taking place on, international justice must establish the crimes and prosecute those responsible. This is absolutely essential to build a just and lasting peace. The partition of the world that we're seeing currently is very concerning. Now should not be the time for war or division, but rather for building coalitions, for concrete actions, ramping up cooperation, solidarity, helping each other and engaging in dialogue. My country's conviction has always been that the way of multilateralism is the only way possible. The UN is at the heart of multilateralism and it's incumbent upon us to do everything we can to implement the roadmap that we adopted collectively. As we committed last year at the summit on the SDGs and yesterday at the summit of the future, we must move away from the way of destruction and focus on the way that leads to prosperity. The new agenda for peace is blazing a trail for us to show more solidarity and to establish trust. The milestones that have already been put down and they are showing us the way to go. The fourth UN conference on financing for development that will take place next year compels us to rethink the international financial architecture and to help countries to undertake more sustainable and inclusive development. The World Social Summit that will also take place next year should give us the necessary driving force for more social justice and to contribute to fighting poverty, which is number one of the sustainable development goals. Sustainable development as a whole will not be achieved, and it will not achieve the desired results if we do not include women and girls. While we're celebrating in 2025, on the 125th anniversary of Resolution 1325 of the Security Council on Women, Peace and Security, and on the other hand, the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Programme of Action, it must be recalled that gender equality has still not been reached. insofar as rights, responsibilities and opportunities. It is only by guaranteeing their rights in all of the SDGs and in the actions of the Pact for the Future that we will be able to achieve more justice and inclusion, step by step, and whatever the cost, we must hold true to our efforts to promote the rights of women and to ensure gender equality. Mr President, Let us make no mistake, the most threatening challenges for humanity on the long term are without a doubt the multi-dimensional environmental crisis that we're going through and must I recall we're responsible for that. Climate change, the erosion of biodiversity and ecosystems as well as the huge amount of pollution that is affecting both the land and the ocean, the cradles of life are turning upside down. The daily lives of millions of people and causing considerable economic loss. In the face of this tragedy of the commons, we cannot show any doubt or dejection. We must be clear-headed when it comes to all of the things we must do and we must be optimistic when it comes to the future indeed. We now have several international instruments, major ones, that must guide us when navigating this storm. We have the Paris Agreement, the global framework for biodiversity of Kunming, Montreal, and the BBNJ agreement, and I hope that a new international agreement will come about as well on plastic pollution in the world. These crises require a coordinated response, and when we participate in the different international fora over the next few months, let us bear this in mind and engage in unified and consented action. In Colombia, first of all, we have the COP16 of the UN Conference on Biodiversity, where We have high hopes to deal with the challenges to implement the plan for biodiversity and to deliver our 2050 vision, living in harmony with nature. Finally, at the end of the year, at the COP29, we have the UNFCCC conference in Baku, and we will establish a new goal, a new collective goal for climate financing for developing countries that should be up to the needs and be realistic and operational. Creating the conditions for guaranteeing the rights to a future and a healthy environment requires us to put an end to the upheaval of our ecosystems and also to show wisdom and knowledge and draw on the wisdom and knowledge of men and women present on the ground already suffering the consequences. For example, small island developing states that are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of rising sea levels and they could potentially disappear. We could see a disappearance of habitable and productive land, and that's a real threat for their existence. The Principality of Monaco and its institutions committed to the preservation of the oceans is supporting the creation of an international panel of experts for ocean sustainability that would be headed by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. In this regard... we call upon all states to ramp up the process to ratify the BBNG agreement coming into force in 2025, which is an important year for the planet, with France hosting the third UN conference on the oceans in Nice. This conference should enable us to ramp up our actions and to mobilise all stakeholders to provide lasting solutions that we need for the ocean to overcome the challenges we face. The blue economy is also playing a key role and the Principality intends to collaborate actively by hosting in June 2025 the Blue Economy and Finance Forum. Finally, beyond the framework provided by the BBNJ, I reaffirm the commitment of my country to the implementation of solid regulation grounded in the best scientific data ensuring effective protection of the marine environment before we see any mineral exploitation of the seabeds. Ultimately, these interconnected crises compel us to completely rethink our relationship with nature, which is essential for our survival and wellbeing. Mr. President, when it comes to the challenges and changes that humanity is facing, the development of artificial intelligence is unavoidable. The emergence and the rise of this new technology is accompanied by so many opportunities for our daily lives, but it also comes with dangers, and we must deal with these. The Principality of Monaco is committed to seizing the possibilities provided by safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems for sustainable development. Indeed, the staggering technological progress that we're seeing can... to increase development as well as it could provide fertile ground for organised crime and terrorism. So it's incumbent upon the international community now to establish the right regulations imposing ethical use of this technology that respects human rights and fundamental freedoms and ensure that it is not used or diverted for military or terrorist purposes. Further, disinformation today is one of the most insidious dangers for our societies. It is spreading rapidly, fed by social networks and digital platforms, sowing confusion and eroding trust in institutions and media. The consequences of this manipulation of information are grave and they can include the destabilisation of our states and the exacerbation of international tensions. It is therefore essential to bolster verification mechanisms, FAT verification mechanisms, to protect the truth and to preserve the health of our democracies. Mr President, we have the tools we need, whether they be legal, technological or scientific, to bring lasting and effective solutions to our contemporary challenges. The Pact for the Future and the 80th anniversary of the UN in 2025 offer us up an historic and unique opportunity to make progress in the intergovernmental process to reform the Security Council to make our organisation more inclusive and representative of current realities in order to resolve the crises that we face. While the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Paris were a resounding success, the athletes showed us that efforts and perseverance, including in adversity, lead to victory. They gave us a lesson of humility by teaching us that while victory is the ultimate goal, the journey and good competition are equally as important accomplishments. Let us therefore commit together with a sense of determination to the process that we have defined step by step. Let us overcome the obstacles without ever losing sight of our goal, which is to preserve peace between nations and to guarantee the well-being of the peoples of the United Nations. Thank you for your attention. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the sovereign prince of Morocco.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/monaco","Monaco","His Serene Highness","Albert II","Sovereign Prince","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mc_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MC_EN.mp3" 24,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency, Assis Akhanouch, Head of Government of the Kingdom of Morocco. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful, President of the Assembly General, Secretary General of the United Nations, Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to begin by congratulating Mr. Philemon Young upon his election to the helm of the 79th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. I wish him every success in his mandate. I also wish to thank your predecessor, Mr. Dennis Francis, for his efforts at the head of the previous session. I should like to take this opportunity to affirm the total support of the Kingdom of Morocco to the initiatives and the efforts of Mr. Guterres, to allow our organization to tackle global challenges, and in particular, his initiatives on the summit of the future. Mr. President, every year we come together here and we face rapid, complex developments in the international context. which we discuss. This transformation is fast. We have seen technological advances, which have been very significant, especially in artificial intelligence. Of course, this aligns with the needs of our societies and the challenges that we face. The sense of collective security with regard to the very creation of the United Nations has given way to uncertainty now in many areas. These include the challenges that have to do with consumption, production, governance, and the very structure of our societies. This is what King Muhammad VI said, may God assist him, in the meeting of the World Bank and the IMF in Marrakech. I have quoted the gist of what he said. Our planet faces climate change, which has imposed a new reality. In this context, data has shown that the problems that we are confronting should be overcome through multilateral organizations, those organizations that were created in the wake of World War II, end of quote. What we're asking ourselves today is, has multilateralism run up against its limits today? Do we need to change between – do we need to choose between multilateral action and the values and the principles that bring us together, the ideals, our ideals? Mr. President, the diplomatic doctrine of the Kingdom of Morocco is multilateral in its core. we focus on the ambition, clarity, and realism. We do this in order to achieve cooperation with our historic partners, a partnership that allows us to set up the necessary framework on the basis of effective solidarity and the sharing of experience the goal of this being to tackle security and development challenges at the same time. The Kingdom of Morocco does not look for any short-term political opportunism. However, Given our sense of realism, we need to travel the same path in order to confront the same challenges and the same threats. Now, it is not possible today to focus only on the failures of multilateral action. We also cannot content ourselves with merely declaring good intentions. We need new momentum. We need new reform. to which all segments, all strata of society, including women and young people, can contribute. In the wake of the summit of the future, we need to bring on board all of these groups in order to implement a comprehensive multilateral program. This is what developing countries need. including what they need for us to bring our experience to bear for their benefit. Climate change, Mr. President, is among the greatest challenges that our planet faces. This is why there is a need to support the states of Africa. These states are most affected by the results and the consequences of climate change, while these states are very minor contributors to pollution which causes climate change. We also need to be aware of the problem of debt. We need to take into consideration the constraints imposed on African states when it comes to climate change adaptation. This is why we call for the creation of financing mechanisms that are innovative in order to allow for a resolution of debt crises. We also need to reform the international financial architecture. this in order to help developing countries achieve financing that allows for their economies to recover. These countries should also contribute to multilateral development banks, and these institutions must become more democratic. in order to address debt crises more effectively. Indeed, such crises have a major impact on African countries' economies. This is why the Kingdom of Morocco, which chairs the group of middle-income countries, reiterates its call for multilateral actions to be taken, actions aiming to preserve the economic momentum that has been accumulated by these countries. Mr. President, in keeping with the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, Morocco calls for pragmatic, realistic multilateralism to serve the needs of the African continent. This through effective mechanisms as regards decision-making. This is the approach of the Kingdom of Morocco. And this is why the government of Morocco has applied this approach in various areas. These areas include climate change and combating terrorism inter alia. We work to implement social justice through structural workshops, which We have provided major resources too. Millions of people can benefit from direct social aid through this push. Mr. President, Morocco has turned toward the Atlantic. This is why we want to make the Sahel region an economically integrated area, a truly continental region. This is why King Muhammad VI, may God assist him, has worked to bolster collaboration between African countries through the Atlantic Initiative for the Sahel. This initiative is in keeping with the cooperation between countries of the South, and aims to show solidarity to make the Atlantic and African area an area of peace, stability, and development. Furthermore, His Majesty launched an ambitious initiative, an initiative that aims to facilitate the access of Sahel countries to the Atlantic, buoyed by the conviction that these countries have the right to participate in the global economy. This initiative is a pillar for development, peace, and prosperity in this part of the African continent. Furthermore, building on this same solidarity, we have worked to create an agreement linking Nigeria and Morocco in order to ensure regional economic integration, to promote the development of the Atlantic coast with 13 African states. The wisdom of our leaders and innovation that has been shown by our young people has allowed us to move forward and we need further international solidarity in order to tackle all the challenges that we face. The Kingdom of Morocco is staunchly committed to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. We have thus been working in order to achieve a peaceful solution to the issue of Moroccan Sahara, and this on the basis of the Morocco Autonomy Initiative in the context of Moroccan sovereignty, which will allow for the development of this region. Indeed, we will continue, and we've seen the support from many countries to this autonomy plan. That sends a clear message to the states and to the United Nations. Indeed, it is time to act. It is time to put in place a political solution on this basis through the various roundtables that have been organized and in keeping with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council as well. We support the efforts of the Secretary General of the United Nations and those of his special envoy to relaunch the political roundtables with the participation of the four parties concerned in order to achieve a realistic, sustainable political solution based on consensus and based on the relevant Security Council resolution. His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, has told the Secretary General that there can be no political process outside of these roundtables. The parameters of these roundtables have been set out by the United Nations with comprehensive participation by Algeria as well. No solution other than this Morocco Autonomy Plan can happen, and no political process without a ceasefire of the armed militias is possible. This was recalled by the members of the Security Council as well. Thus, the lived reality in Moroccan Sahara is reflected in unprecedented development in Morocco through the projects we put in place through our new development plan for the provinces of the south. This region has benefited from comprehensive assistance through people that are democratically elected through local councils at all levels and at all areas of political decision-making. So this has contributed to the political, social, and economic life of Morocco. This shows the territory integrity of Moroccan Sahara and the fact that it belongs to Morocco. Mr. President, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him during his statement at the 25th anniversary of his accession to the throne, recalled the tragedy lived by the Palestinian people, which is a brotherly people. So we join various other Muslim and Arab countries in expressing our extreme concern at the serious situation that is affecting the occupied Palestinian territory. Since the end of 2023, millions of civilians, millions of victims, mainly civilians, women and children have fallen victim to this aggression against Gaza, which is a blatant violation of international law and of all human values. His Majesty King Mohammed VI called for setting aside the logic of crisis management to arrange for a sustainable solution that can put an end to the war in Gaza. This is an absolute priority. At the same time, we need a new political horizon, a horizon that allows us to reach a fair, lasting peace in the region. The negotiation of a peace process between the Palestinian parties and the Israeli parties requires combating the extremist tendencies on both sides. Thirdly, the stability of the region is linked with the two-state solution. In the context of this solution, Gaza must be an integral part of Palestinian territory. a Palestinian state that must have East Jerusalem as its capital. In this regard, His Majesty King Muhammad VI, as a chair of the Al-Quds Committee in the Islamic Organization for Cooperation, called for the delivery of food and medical aid to our brothers in Gaza. The Kingdom of Morocco expresses its profound concern as regards the recent developments in the Middle East. Indeed, this situation is unprecedented and it is leading toward and extension of the regime, which could lead to consequences that are difficult to anticipate. His Majesty King Muhammad VI clarified that the lack of a political horizon in the context of the Palestinian question is one of the major, most major factors in the resolution of this conflict in the Middle East. His Majesty has repeatedly warned that there could be serious consequences due to this lack of a political horizon. And he said that this could bring about a genuine tragedy, which could have serious consequences for peace and stability in the Middle East. This could also impact international peace and security. I wish here to express the total solidarity of the Kingdom of Morocco with the brotherly country of Lebanon, which is experiencing genuine aggression we respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of lebanon president there are numerous global challenges that face us today this is why we need to appeal to our collective conscience we need to rethink our working methods we need to rethink our fundamental values we need to return to our fundamental values indeed the united nations has collective responsibility, which should encourage us to return to our values of humanity, the humanity that underpinned the very inception of this organization. Thus, reform is needed as we approach the 80th anniversary of the creation of our organization. The social summit to be held in 2025, the sustainable development goals, the 2030 agenda, these are all a vision and a roadmap for the work and for collective action to be done in order to avoid further delays in development. I thank you. May the peace of God be upon you. I wish to thank the head of government of the Kingdom of Morocco,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/morocco","Morocco","His Excellency","Aziz Akhannouch","Head of Government","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ma_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MA_EN.mp3" 25,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency David Rennbock, adeg President and Head of State of the Republic of Nauru. I request the protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies and distinguished delegates. As the President of the Republic of Nauru, a small island nation with a vision for a more equitable and sustainable future, I bring you warm greetings from the government and the people of Nauru. In this 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, we gather at a time of unprecedented global challenge and opportunity. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, Nauru remains committed to the principles of sovereignty, self-determination, and international cooperation that have guided our collective progress since the UN's founding. Mr. President, as a nation surrounded by the ocean, Nauru has a vested interest in the responsible stewardship of the ocean's marine resources. We have been at the forefront of international efforts to protect and sustainably use the ocean's resources. including developing and adopting the BBNJ agreement and exploring the wealth of the deep seabed's mineral resources in line with our objectives under the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy. The greatest risk we face is not the potential environmental impacts of mineral recovery, but the risk of inaction. There is a risk of failing to seize the opportunity to transform to renewable energy and to decarbonize our planet. We cannot let fear and misinformation hold us back. Instead, we must use the knowledge we have gathered wisely to ensure that deep sea mineral recovery under the principle of the common heritage of mankind does not compromise the integrity of our marine environment. This is not just an economic opportunity, it is an environmental imperative. We therefore call on the international community not to ignore the science and progress we have made. Instead, we urge you and the International Seabed Authority Council to work with us to establish and adopt robust regulations necessary for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. We have the science, we have the technology, and we have the imperative. Let us rise to the challenge and opportunity before us, employing our investments for the good of all, and let the time for action be now. Mr. President, Nauru's story is not one of despair but of resilience. Our people have thrived for centuries, living in harmony with the land and the sea. Today we adapt, we innovate, and we persevere. We are exploring new frontiers because even as we fight against the effects of climate change, we must also adapt to the reality that is upon us. Through initiatives like the Higher Ground Project, we are reclaiming land, strengthening our infrastructure, and securing our future. Adaptation initiatives to address modern challenges and concerns demand more than technical expertise. They require substantial financial resources, which is an ongoing struggle. When it comes to climate finance, we are too often relegated to the back of the queue. We must also address the critical issue of access to basic financial services. For nations like Nauru, equitable access to banking is not merely a convenience, it is a lifeline. Yet we face the growing threat of de-risking and the loss of correspondent banking relationships. This challenge transcends financial concerns. It strikes at the heart of our sovereignty and our dignity. Our nation's struggles cannot be measured by income alone. We are vulnerable in myriad ways, and the global financial system must evolve to reflect this complex reality. We are encouraged by the recent adoption of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index, or the MVI, And we further call upon the World Bank, IMF, IFI, and MDBs to integrate the NVI into their frameworks. It is not just another statistic. It is a tool that provides a more accurate picture of our national circumstances, our strengths, our challenges, our potential. Mr. President, one of the most pressing issues of our time is the rising tensions between global powers. Nauru has long believed in the importance of maintaining good relations with all nations, great and small. We are friends to all and enemies to none, guided by a national motto, God's will first. Our restored diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China are a testament that even the largest and the smallest of countries can find common ground and work towards mutual benefit. Noru is proud of our strong and growing relationship with China And I take this opportunity to further commend their recent agreements with Japan on the ocean discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water. This historic accord represents a significant step towards addressing a pressing issue of global concern. Mr. President, as a staunch friend, we continue to call for an immediate and unconditional end to the decades-long embargo imposed on Cuba. As we know, Conflicts and tensions persist across many regions of the world. In our shared pursuit of progress and prosperity, it is crucial to acknowledge that conflict impedes growth and undermines community stability. Therefore, we must intensify our efforts to foster peace and development free from the shadow of conflict. Let us reaffirm our commitment to building bridges of understanding, nurturing empathy and promoting reconciliation. We must understand that peace and development are not separate entities, but intertwined pillars of human progress. Peace creates an environment where individuals can thrive, communities flourish and nations prosper. In the absence of conflict, societies can better allocate resources to education, health care, infrastructure, and sustainable economic growth, fostering the investments of all people. Let's work together towards a future where everyone can live with dignity, harmony, and opportunity, leaving behind a legacy of peace for generations. By prioritizing conflict resolution, we paved the way for resilience, progress, and shared prosperity. We must focus on building bridges, not walls, and work towards a more integrated, connected world. Inclusivity and engagement are vital as we strive for full economic and financial participation, ensuring that no country, large or small, regardless of its development status, is left behind. This is a call for collective action, a call we must all heed for the sake of our shared future. The UN Security Council reform, long overdue, must reflect the geopolitical realities of the 21st century. It is evident that the current structure of the UN Security Council has been a subject of debate, with legitimate concerns about representation, effectiveness and the ability to address contemporary security issues. The imperative for peaceful resolutions and pursuing lasting peace in conflict-affected regions further underscores the critical need for a reformed and strengthened UN Security Council. Let us be the leaders who bring about a new era of peace and reconciliation in our pursuit against climate change. We continue to call on the UNSG to appoint a special representative on climate and security. We are pleased to endorse the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and we urge countries to back this initiative for a sustainable and equitable future. And we also eagerly await the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Climate Change and will closely follow and support the implementation of the Court's guidance in the pursuit of climate justice. Norway is pleased to welcome the Pact of the Future's ambition, yet we are disappointed in the removal of Action 21. My delegation, alongside members from the Group of Friends on Climate and Security, advocated for its inclusion to address the security threats posed by the climate crisis. Removal of Action 21 was a non-negotiable issue. And despite our flexibility to compromise, it is vital to stress the gravity of our decision. Mr. President, before I conclude, I call on the following. To the developed nations, we say, recognize your historical responsibility for emissions and honor your obligations under the Paris Agreement. Provide the climate finance and technology transfer you have promised. support our efforts to transition to renewable energy to enhance our climate resilience and to protect our biodiversity. And to those who seek to block our efforts in sourcing renewable energy resources, do not dismiss the potential of deep sea minerals outright. Do not ignore the science and the progress we have made. Instead, Work with us to establish the robust regulations necessary for responsible mining. In line with this year's theme, we must accelerate our efforts without delay because the climate crisis will not wait for us to get our acts together. To our fellow developing nations, we extend our hand in solidarity. Let us share knowledge, resources, and solutions. Let us amplify our collective voice, for in unity, there is strength. And to the United Nations, we call upon you to fulfill your founding promise. Be a bastion of multilateralism, the resolute champion of the vulnerable, and the bold catalyst for the transformative change our world so desperately needs. Mr. President, I conclude my remarks by reminding us that leaving no one behind is not a mere platitude. It is a moral imperative. It is a call to action. A reminder that our fates are intertwined, and the advancement of all hinges on the advancement of the least among us. This is the vision enshrined in the United Nations Charter, and this is the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals. Nauru may be small in size, but our resolve is immense. We will continue to fight for our homeland and our future generations. Let us act together with urgency, with ambition, and with the conviction that a better world is possible. May God bless the Republic of Nauru. May God bless the United Nations. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President and Head of State of the Republic of Nauru. We shall now continue for general debate.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/nauru","Nauru","His Excellency","David Ranibok Adeang","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/nr_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NR_EN.mp3" 26,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Kashim Shetima, Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Your Excellencies, heads of delegation, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. Mr. President, as you assume the leadership of this August assembly, our world is confronted by profound moral questions that will require more than the habitual remarks from this elevated podium to resolve. These are questions about the ultimate purpose of our organization the United Nations itself, and how it can remain relevant and resilient. It is with this sentiment that I convey to you the warm and personal greetings of my countrymen and women, and to congratulate you on your assumption of the presidency of this assembly. Let me assure you of the full cooperation of my delegation in discharging your honorable responsibilities during your tenure. In the same vein, I wish to extend my appreciation to your predecessor, His Excellency Dennis Francis, for the many remarkable achievements recorded during his stewardship. It gives me particular pleasure to commend His Excellency Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, for his commitment to the cause of peace and development and the democratization of the United Nations to reflect the need to correct the historic injustices that has been done to Africa. I am also delighted to note the steadfast support given to the Secretary General by our own sister and compatriot, Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary General, while sharing the burden of leadership and responsibility in leading a complex organization like the United Nations. Mr. President, The theme of this year's General Assembly leaves us in no doubt that there is still work to be done to bridge the gap between the aspirations and the realities confronting our world today. It also underscores the need to remind ourselves that the United Nations stands for inclusiveness, anchored on the tripod of peace, sustainable development, and human rights. Today, these pillars of our organization are threatened. They risk being broken by the relentless pursuit of individual national priorities rather than the collectiveness of the nations that are assembled here today. While commitment to multilateralism offers us the surest guarantee of global action to address the existential challenges we face, singularity and nationalism, undermining the aspirations towards a peaceful and collective resolution of such challenges. From last year's summit, And indeed, from previous years, we have carried over the numerous challenges of terrorism, armed conflict, inequality, poverty, racial discrimination, human rights abuses, food crisis, hunger, irregular migration, piracy, global pandemics, hyperinflation, nuclear proliferation, grinding their burden, climate change, and a host of other accusations. The continued manifestations of these challenges testify to our failings rather than to any lofty achievements on our path. Billions of dollars are being committed to the prosecution of wars and the planning of the embers of conflict. Yet, we always recoil from bringing out the resources we need to build peace and to deliver life's necessities to people. The question of governance is at the heart of our problems and also the solution to them. We recognize this in Nigeria when on 12 June this year, we celebrated a quarter of a century of unbroken democratic rule. We are no less proud of this achievement than the fact that during the last two decades, a sustained process of democratization has swept over Africa. However, the return of unconstitutional changes of government and possible military takeovers in some countries of the Sahel, and thus cause the fragility of democracy when it is not backed by economic development and sustained peace and security. It is this fragility, rather than the milestone that democratic governance has achieved in Africa, that should matter most in our deliberations at this and other high-level segments of the 79th session of the General Assembly. While we uphold all possible changes of government. We can also recognize the impatience in cities and villages as the sometimes slow and grinding turn of the wheel of democracy. Our people need employment. They need decent livelihoods. They desire good and affordable education and healthcare for their children and families. They need to live in healthy, safe, and secure environments. They need hope and they need opportunity. They desire to live in peace and tranquility to pursue whatever gives them happiness and contentment. When governments fail to deliver, the people are bound to question the utility of democracy and other ideals like rule of law. The global debt burden undermines the capacity of countries and governments to meet the needs of their citizens. Creeping trade barriers and protectionist policies are destroying the hopes for prosperity of peoples and nations. Unbridled competition rather than cooperation is discouraging incentives, driving our investment. Above all, insecurity is driving people into unprecedented hardship and misery that in turn affects the people's confidence in democracy. It is the duty of the international community to bring back confidence in democratic rule and constitutional order by paying more attention to the needs and aspirations of the people rather than paying lip service to human rights, sustainable development, and peace. We need the sustenance of democracy, not just the form. We cannot build durable societies with the traits of terrorism, banditry, and insurgency growing in our countries and regions. Indeed, violent extremism remains an existential threat to both national and international peace, security, and development. We are making concerted efforts to contain and roll back this threat. The high-level African counterterrorism meeting hosted by Nigeria in April 2024 and its outcome, the Abuja Declaration, promises to provide solutions to the challenges presented by terrorists and insurgents. Your Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, climate change is a driver of insecurity, which also poses a veritable challenge to sustainable development. A few weeks ago, large areas of my country were inundated by seasonal floodwaters, including one of our largest cities, Maiduguri, in the northeast. Other parts of Nigeria also experienced similar tragedies, occasioning the loss of lives and property. We need not remind ourselves to remain faithful to the implementation of the commitments that we all gave voluntarily at the various COP meetings. Failure to do so is merely to postpone the inevitable. No country is immune from the effects of climate change. It is better that we cooperate and collaborate to meet this ever increasing challenge rather than remaining in our shells. waiting for the inevitable to happen. A common challenge requires a common solution. Nigeria stands ready to meet our obligations in terms of mitigation and adaptation measures nationally and regionally, with active participation of other countries and international partners. Mr. President, conflict resolution is the main reason why the UN exists. but the task of prevention becomes all the more difficult when conflict becomes normalized, when even the condemnation of violence and civilian casualties and calls for a ceasefire are somehow regarded as controversial. As we emphasize at the Abuja high-level ministerial meeting, we must renew our focus on conflict prevention. Indeed, Addressing the root causes of conflicts is often the first step towards providing long-term solutions. Clearly, some of the root causes of conflicts are social in nature, including poverty, hunger, ignorance, inequality and exclusion, as well as other forms of injustice. In the Sudan, Other parts of our continent have further appealed. Foreign actors are exacerbating these tensions to prolong conflict and deepen the suffering of innocent people. Today, we are all witnesses to the hard-wrenching situation in Gaza and other Palestinian territories. We cannot discuss war and peace, conflicts and resolution, or humanitarian imperatives today. without reflecting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has been raging since 7 August last year. Of course, the conflict predates this period and has been simmering for a better part of half a century. What it tells us is that the international community has failed to live up to the spirit and aspirations of the United Nations to rid the world of inequality, violence, and domination of one people by another. Justice is antithetical to revenge. Freedom is an inalienable right and a natural entitlement that cannot be denied to any people. The Palestinian people deserve their independence. They deserve to have a home of their own in territories already recognized by this very assembly and by international law, which is being routinely ignored. Nigeria continues to urge efforts to bring back on track the two-state solution that offers a prospect for a new beginning for the region. Nigeria re-appraised to supporting United Nations peacekeeping operations. We recognize the need for Africa to build strong and professional armies to meet the multiple challenges we face. Consequently, we reiterate the call for international support to operationalize the African standby post in addition to the provision of requisite support and resources to ensure the upgrade, take-up, and effectiveness of a center of excellence on issues of counterterrorism in Africa. Mr. President, reform of the Security Council is critical if the UN is to strengthen its relevance and credibility in our rapidly changing world. Some prominent members of the United Nations Security Council have offered encouraging if tentative indications of support on the issue of reform of the Council. We welcome the change in tone. and urge an acceleration in momentum to the process. The Security Council should be expanded in the permanent and non-permanent member categories to reflect the diversity and plurality of the world. We fully support the efforts of Secretary-General Guterres in this regard. Africa must be accorded the respect that it deserves in the Security Council. Our continent deserves a place in the Permanent Members category of the Security Council with the same rights and responsibilities as other Permanent Members. Mr. President, your assumption of the stewardship of the General Assembly presupposes that you will be seized with the progress of the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We note that most developing countries are significantly lagging behind in the achievement of these goals, largely due to a lack of resources available to finance their implementation and the burden of unsustainable external debt. It is our expectation that the adoption of the Pact for the Future will change the narrative. reposition economies and translate into concrete measures that provide solutions to the challenges faced by developing and least developed countries. This is particularly significant in our region and the Sahel, where human development indices are low and depressing. It is for this reason that we reiterate the call by countries, especially of the Global South, for reform of the international financial architecture and promotion of a rules-based, non-discriminatory, open, fair, inclusive, equitable, and transparent multilateral trading system. We are aware of the debilitating impacts of corruption on global prosperity and national progress. Process of corruption and illicit financial flows constitute a huge chunk of resources needed for sustainable development. The recovery and return of such funds to states of origin is a fundamental principle of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. The international community must promote practical measures to strengthen international cooperation, to recover and retain stolen assets, and to eradicate safe havens that facilitate illicit flows of funds from developing countries to the developed economies. There is also the urgent need to promote peer and inclusive tax regimes in the world. Nigeria helped introduce the resolution on promotion of inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the UN. We acknowledge the progress made in the adoption of the terms of reference of the UN Framework Convention on Tax Cooperation. We should deepen this initiative and work towards a UN Framework Convention on Tax Cooperation. Similarly, we must ensure that any reform of the international financial system includes comprehensive debt relief measures to enable sustainable financing for development. Countries of the global south cannot make meaningful economic progress without special concessions and a review of their current debt burden. The present administration pays due regard to the imperatives of creating a conducive national environment for investment and the ease of doing business. Last year, President Bola Amatinebu signed four executive orders to curb double taxation. The government also established a presidential task force on review of fiscal policy and tax reform. These measures are geared towards not only boosting investor confidence in Nigeria, but also to ensure investors make reasonable profit from their investments. Mr. President, Your Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, While the world is transitioning into the fourth industrial revolution, Africa remains energy deficient. The push for the accelerated implementation of SDG7, affordable and clean energy, therefore, was taking into account Africa's precarious situation. Nigeria believes that natural gas remains central to the site for solutions to the energy challenges that Africa and the international community face. Access to affordable, reliable, cleaner sources of energy. It's more than an environmental or developmental issue. It is a key factor in social peace and international security. Mr. President, Nigeria remains unwavering in its commitment to SDG 13, climate action, including the net zero ambition and transition from fossil fuel energy to clean energy. As a demonstration of this commitment, The government established the Presidential Committee on Climate Action and Green Economy Solutions and appointed a special presidential envoy on climate action. We will redouble our efforts to address the challenges posed by climate change, including the urgent need to transition from fossil fuel energy. Yet, such commitments must be juxtaposed with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and the relevant provisions of the Paris Climate Agreement back in 2015. The Paris Agreement provided for developed countries to take the lead in the quest to achieve net zero and to offer support, including finance, to developing countries for the actualization of the climate change goal. Worthy or not is the loss and damage funding for vulnerable countries secured at COP27 in Egypt and expanded in COP28 in the United Arab Emirates. It is our expectation. It is our expectation that this year's 79th session of the UN General Assembly and the upcoming COP29 in Azerbaijan this November will go a step further by providing developing countries, especially African countries, with access to the lost and damaged funds, including the $100 billion pledged by developed countries to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. Mr. President. In this age of digital innovation, we must address the emerging divide between the global south and the global north, which, with the evolution of artificial intelligence, risks becoming wider still. The UN should work towards eliminating barriers to digital economy in Africa, such as high cost of internet services and intellectual property rights. More so, there is a need to work towards common goal global standards to regulate cryptocurrency trading platforms. This is the most effective way to provide confidence in these markets and limit the potential for instability. Our own experience in Nigeria, as in other countries, shows that new technologies, when not properly regulated, can facilitate organized crime, violent extremism, and human trafficking. in our own case the trading of cryptocurrency helipad speculation and undermine macroeconomic reforms separately we have also witnessed in rich and poor countries alike the coercive impact of unfiltered head speech and peg news across social media there is much more that we could and should do together to strengthen those guardrails that will help release the most progressive elements of the new technologies shaping our world and curb those more destructive tendencies. Mr. President, we are particularly mindful of the imperatives achieving the advancement of youth and women as a factor in national development, peace, and security. Nigeria. has developed its own national action plan on women and security, as well as a national action plan on youth, peace and security to ensure the participation of both women and youth in the peace and security sector. The summit of the future cannot be deemed successful without setting clear, ambitious and achievable developmental goals to address the various challenges facing our youth. In line with this aspiration, the Nigerian government will continue to invest in Nigerian youth through initiatives like the revitalization of the National Youth Investment Fund for 2024, focus on youth employment and entrepreneurship. Mr. President, as much as the global family still grapples with the crippling consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, The greatest lesson that we have learned is never again to take any health situation with liberty. In line with SDG 3, we must continue to work together to ensure the good health and well-being of all. There is no disease that should be relegated to the background due to some passive classification of their seriousness or importance. Mr. President, migration is a complex and polarizing issue that impacts on rich and poor countries alike. Nigeria is a country of origin, transit, and destination. We are a major stakeholder in the global migration dynamic and understand the challenges and benefits it brings. Accordingly, I wish to reiterate our support for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, GCM, the GCM which all of us She will continue to support and represent our collective efforts at providing major safeguards for the treatment of migrants. Mr. President, I will conclude by reappointing Nigeria's steadfast commitment to the deepening of multilateralism, just as we did 65 years ago on this podium when we joined the United Nations as the 99th member state. We remain committed. to that desire to remain friendly with all nations and participate actively in the works of the United Nations, as expressed by our founding Prime Minister, Sir Abu Bakr Tapao Bilewa. It is my hope that our deliberations this year will result in solutions that will address our collective challenges and accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the advancement of peace and human dignity for the sake of present and future generations. I thank you all. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/nigeria","Nigeria","His Excellency","Kashim Shettima","Vice-President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ng_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NG_EN.mp3" 27,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Santiago Pena Palacios, President of the Republic of Paraguay. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President Pena Palacios, President of the Republic of Paraguay President of the General Assembly, distinguished heads of state and government, distinguished ministers of foreign affairs, ladies and gentlemen, we live in a troubled, volatile world which is experiencing extremely difficult, unprecedented days and tremendous challenges, armed conflicts, tensions in every corner of the globe, crises of multilateral institutions and of the international system. attacks on the values of democracy by the twin threats of populism and authoritarianism, the risks of cyber security and the misuse of artificial intelligence, brutal inequity in the distribution of wealth, climate change, which is jeopardizing our very existence. These are just some of the immense problems that we face. I'm therefore afraid that I'm not here today to give a heartwarming speech rather one that might generate discomfort and concern in light of what is happening. I think that we need to be sincere and admit that we are all failing to build a better world. Because if there is a right time and place to debate and propose crucial decisions that will change the direction of mankind, it's here, the United Nations General Assembly. And due to the delicate juncture in which we are living, we are forced to do that. The good news is that not all is lost because as a great military hero and then a statistician of my country said, his name was Bernardino Caballero, he said the future is the child of the president. This means that we can here have a better future if we act today and here. Even with disappointments that can beat down many spirits, we can contemplate the bright horizons of the future, but always and when, as Caballero added, when we are worthy of respect and the estimation of future generations. This is only if we are worthy of taking up the lofty roles that we have. Rather than hiding problems under the carpet, we attack them clearly, firmly and bravely. Despite the hard reality that we face, I continue to be optimistic. I don't fear the future because I trust in the capacity of mankind to overcome challenges. But it is imperative, I think even obligatory, to abolish the issues in multilateralism and push through changes such as abolishing the veto in the UN Security Council. We need to build frameworks that promote equitable and sustainable development in which all countries, regardless of their size or their power, can benefit equally from global progress. Only in this way we will be able to meet the promises represented by this forum and make us worthy of the respect and esteem of future generations. Ladies and gentlemen, the maintenance of peace should be the fundamental pillar of multilateralism. However... Today's reality shows a sad outlook around 20 international armed conflict and more than 110 domestic armed conflicts are active around the world. This shows us that the institutions that were established to preserve peace have not been able to meet their aims. War continues to be a scourge that is scattered across humanity. This scourge tears the social fabric, annihilating communities and leaving a legacy of suffering that is incalculable in scale. Every lost life is a testimony to our collective failure to meet the most basic of our responsibilities, which is to preserve peace and protect human dignity. My nation's history is a living testimony to the cruelty and immense suffering of wars. With the War of the Triple Alliance, Paraguay experienced this extermination, which sadly caused three of the genocides of the 20th century. As another great Paraguayan, Manuel Gondra, said, Paraguay is a small but proud country, and that's the only reason we were able to survive this cruel war. However, it is also a country that knows that the price that can be paid through a conflict is very large. For this reason, Paraguay best understands not only the calamity of war, but also what it means for a small country to be invaded or attacked by more powerful powers. That's why we express our most sincere solidarity with the victims of all armed conflicts, be they domestic or international in nature. We reaffirm our steadfast, decisive commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes, and we advocate without exception for the non-use of force as a means of resolving disagreements between nations and peoples. In this context, we reiterate our firm support for Ukraine, respecting their sovereignty and territorial integrity, we underscore the urgent need to find diplomatic solutions that lead to fair, comprehensive, lasting peace with the aim of bringing an end to this conflict and ensuring stability in the region. Just as in the case of Ukraine, we believe that conflicts must be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy, always through a quest for solutions that respect the fundamental rights of all involved parties. This belief also guides our position on the increasing crisis in the Middle East. Our relations with the state of Israel are underpinned by solid pillars such as faith and hope. This is why Paraguay was one of the countries which has stood most firm alongside Israel since the gross, heinous terrorist attacks of Hamas on the 7th of October 2023. Paraguay today reaffirms its recognition of the legitimate right of Israel to defend itself. We also reject any attempt to assign in a biased manner a responsibility between the democratically elected authorities of Israel and the leaders of the terrorist group Hamas. At the same time, we issue an urgent appeal for the implementation of a solution that alleviates the humanitarian situation, brings an end to the violence, and guarantees the immediate release of the hostages, promoting constructive dialogue which would lead to lasting peace. We must continue to speak up about our deep-rooted concern at the situation in Africa. Here, UNHCR estimates that there are currently around 25 active conflicts, some longstanding and others emerging, but all with devastating consequences for the lives and the futures of the inhabitants of that continent. We aspire to see a return to peace and stability in that region. Enough violence, enough wars, but also enough mere words. As actors on the international stage, we must take firm and effective action. Today, I would also like to, as an aside, mention the hard situation in Haiti. This is a clear example of the shortcomings of multilateralism. Despite international efforts and interventions, attempts for global cooperation haven't led to peace, governance and sustainable security that the Haitian people so needs and warrants. Today, Gangs control a large part of Port-au-Prince, submerging the country into a spiral of violence that multilateral mechanisms have not been able to de-escalate effectively. Added to this situation, we see a catastrophic humanitarian reality. More than 5 million Haitians are suffering from food insecurity. and we see the re-emergence of illnesses such as cholera. Although multiple promises of aid have been made, the lack of financial resources and logistical difficulties have stopped humanitarian assistance arriving in a timely and opportune manner. There is a worrisome dissonance between what the international community promises and what really happens on the ground. We will stand alongside the Haitian people in every step towards helping this brother country. My country, as many other countries have done here, have passed through authoritarianism and dictatorships. For this reason, today, Paraguayans value the ideals of democracy and the rule of law more than ever. Paraguayans can talk with their own experience. Our country lived through the shadow of dictatorship, banishment, and exile for a long time. Today, however, our reality is different. Paraguay is reaffirming its democratic vocation through free elections, transparent elections, and it has done for more than three decades. Never before have we had so many years of democracy, and I'm pleased to be able to say against the doomsayers and pessimists that we have seen the happiest lives in my homeland. Perhaps Paraguayans don't agree on everything but we can agree that there are no better ways to live together than through democracy and the rule of law. Democracy is simply innegotiable. For this reason I must condemn today loudly and strongly what is happening to our Venezuelan brothers. I would like to reiterate Paraguay's position as to the electoral process in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela which culminated on the 28th of July this year. This process overlooked the will of the Venezuelan people and was characterized by serious acts by the regime which led to persecution of the main opposition actors and to arbitrary detentions. The deterioration of democracy in Venezuela is clear to see such as are the systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms Added to that, we see action contrary to international law, particularly in diplomatic relations and the right to asylum. We reiterate our support for the democratic forces in Venezuela that are fighting authoritarianism for the return to a truly democratic system that is not merely a facade. One of the most important ideas behind multilateralism is the idea that all are treated on an equal footing. The concept of a vote for each nation often becomes a vacuous concept if nations are not obliged to transact their self-determination in order to not be left out of great international markets. However, we recognize that regional cooperation continues to be a crucial path towards physical and economic integration. The fight against the challenges that we face is impossible without convergence of wills from neighboring countries. Regional cooperation is the only way that we are able to work together to design national policies together with other nations. And it is through this spirit of cooperation and strengthening regional institutions that Paraguay decided to put forward the candidacy of our foreign minister, Rubén Ramírez Lescano, as Secretary General of the Organization of American States. We're convinced that his leadership will contribute significantly to revitalizing the OAS, promoting more inclusive and efficient multilateralism. that meets the challenges of the present and focuses on the wealth being of all peoples in our hemisphere. In the context of our commitment to the most inclusive form of multilateralism that leaves no nation behind, Paraguay reiterates its unwavering commitment towards those, support towards those countries that despite their outstanding contribution are excluded from important international fora such as these. Paraguay not only recognises but also profoundly values international cooperation with the Republic of China, Taiwan. This is a kindred nation with which we have for now more than 70 years forged robust and meaningful friendship. This friendship is based on the shared values of democracy, the rule of law and free trade. It's a genuine friendship forged through the adversity of two geographically small countries living alongside great powers. Our spirit, our combative spirit, however, is nothing – is everything but small. In this assembly, we renew our firm support for Taiwan to be a full part of the United Nations. We believe that their exclusion is an injustice that we can't overlook because the values that we share and their contribution to the international community should be recognized. If there is a country that today should be a part of the United Nations and is not yet so, that is Taiwan. Today, we've not only come to speak up about this injustice, but also to speak up firmly to alert the international community as to the threat to their integrity and the legitimate rights of self-determination of their peoples. I underscore the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits in a world full of tensions in which conflicts constantly threaten to boil over. Positive interactions in this region are not only vital for the Asian security, but also for global stability. For the same reasons, we uphold the principles of peace, justice, and international cooperation in all corners of the world, and it's important that we reaffirm our commitment to these values within our borders. In my country, as I was saying earlier, we have a vibrant and full democracy. We have a republican system of a balance of powers, and while we have a political majority in the Congress, we continue to have dialogue with our opposition to carry out the great reforms that our country needs. We're convinced that democracy cannot be a vacuum. It should have content and above all, results. Here, economic development is crucial to ensure the future strength of democracy. Prosperity, indeed, is the biggest enemy of crime, of division, of a lack of hope. The most effective of social policy, I always say, is economic prosperity. But to ensure that this prosperity reaches everyone, we need to invest in human capital and generate the right conditions for families to be able to work. And here I'd like to cite two of the programmes of my government. Firstly, Zero Hunger in Schools. This aims to completely eradicate hunger in school-aged children because we believe that children who are hungry cannot learn. And we also have the Che Rogapora programme, which is the first policy giving access to housing focused on the working class, it will allow thousands of Paraguayan families to transform a monthly payment into a family asset. If we don't have development, we have no security. This is a national level view and an international one. And we understand the cooperation with different national and international agencies. This is our vision as the President of the Republic. Finally, we will continue to support institutions and transparency as fundamental preconditions for development. The recent obtention of investment grade by Paraguay is a clear reflection of our constant efforts to strengthen our institutions. Added to that, we have a longstanding economic stability that has been consolidated over the years. Dear friends, Paraguay wants to, can, and will be a true protagonist on the global stage. We are determined to play our role. Paraguay is a country that has abundant natural resources, valuable human capital, and has a clear approach in creating value chains that promote the green economy based on the development of sustainable technology. Our country is a beacon in the production of clean and renewable energy. Hydroelectric energy generation is not only a national project, but rather a joint initiative with our neighbours, which seeks to ensure a more developed, sustainable and emissions-free world. I firmly believe that Paraguay is an example of how economic development is entirely compatible with environmental sustainability. Paraguay shares common challenges with other landlocked countries, which will be addressed in the new programme of action for landlocked developing countries, which will be adopted in Botswana this December. Far from giving up hope, we see in these challenges great opportunity. We are transforming our difficulties into strength, harnessing our geographic location as a strategic asset. Our position in the heart of South America means that we can be the motor of South American integration. We have a clear vision and we are becoming a logistics center through the hydro corridor, Paraguay-Paraná, and the bio-oceanic corridor in South America. These are key to revitalizing and boosting Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance. As we consolidate our geographic position, It is crucial that this vision of growth is supported by strong investment in education. Paraguay's success will depend on our ability to prepare future generations for the globalised and competitive world. Together with education, technology is a key tool to ensure development and social inclusion. Our nations face many challenges, but without doubt, One of the greatest is the issue of the ethical use of artificial intelligence and the progress in technology in general. Moresley posits exponential growth in the development of new technologies. This calls for the creation of new regulatory schemes that protect people able to face challenges that are approaching at all too fast a pace. These new techniques, such as sandboxes or co-regulation, should ultimately aim at ensuring responsible use of emerging technologies and equity in how they are applied. In Paraguay, we are profoundly committed to preserving our cultural heritage. At the end of this year, we will be hosting the 19th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, and we hope that Guaranía will be recognized as immaterial cultural heritage. Further, we reaffirm our commitment to the protection of fundamental rights of all citizens, human life from conception, we defend the traditional values that have made our nation so great. Despite having looked at things critically, I would like to confess that I am an incurable optimist. I believe that our future is brilliant and full of opportunities, hence why I see bright horizons on the future. But if we fight for a better present, we will have future days full of light and possibilities the defense of democratic values and respect for human rights must continue to be our guide of course we will have differences and legitimate policy differences but there are some principles that cannot be negotiated that is democracy the rule of law unfettered respect for human rights these are all fundamental pillars Although our political or ideological views might be different, this can't shouldn't divide us or stop us from advancing towards building cooperation based on solid foundations. If we continue to forge ahead towards cooperation, mutual respect, integration, fraternity among our peoples, I'm convinced that we will have better days. In conclusion, and despite the tremendous challenges that we face, I'm convinced that as William Faulkner once said, humanity will not simply endure, it will prevail. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Paraguay.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/paraguay","Paraguay","His Excellency","Santiago Peña Palacios","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/py_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PY_EN.mp3" 28,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. DISTINGUISHED MR. PRESIDENT, YOUR EXCELLENCES, HONORABLE DELEGATES, I WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS TO HIS EXCELLENCY MR. PHLEMON YOUNG ON HIS ELECTION TO THE HONORABLE POSITION OF PRESIDENT OF THE 79TH SESSION OF THE UNITED NATION GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Poland fully supports your mission, sir, and wishes you every success. I also extend my thanks to His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis for his effective presidency during the previous 78th session. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. I am honored to address the United Nations General Assembly for the tenth time as the President of Poland. All the more so because today we are facing huge global challenges that require our solidarity, cooperation, and determination. Our presence here reminds us of the mission for the fulfillment of which the United Nations was established after the terrible tragedy of the World War II to prevent further conflicts and ensure world peace. This year marks the 85th anniversary of the beginning of that massive conflict. the conflict which claimed millions of lives. It was Poland which became its first victim. On September the 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany attacked my homeland, starting World War II. Two weeks later, on September the 17th, the Soviet Union also invaded my country. as the ally of Nazi Germany fulfilling the agreement between Hitler and Stalin, so-called Ribbentrop-Mołotow Pact. Both aggressors deprived us of our independence. Poland found itself in the midst of the brutal occupation of two totalitarianisms, becoming a witness and victim of war crimes that forever left a mark on our nation's and world's history. In my country, we know very well what war is, and we know what drama and suffering it brings. That is why Poland has always been a strong advocate of measures which aim at preventing conflicts and ensuring peace in the world. Our history and experiences incline us to constantly recall the need to respect international law and protect the sovereignty of states. Ladies and gentlemen, Today we are facing, yet again, an extremely serious threat to global security. For the past two and a half years, we have seen Russia's brutal aggression against neighboring Ukraine. This is a flagrant violation of fundamental norms of international law, such as the prohibition of the use of force in international relations. This unprovoked aggression is destabilizing the region and posing a direct threat to the global order and security. We cannot allow this war to turn into another frozen conflict. This is the most important task for the future. That is why it's so important today to stop the Russian war in Ukraine. not only to end the suffering of the people and punish the aggressor, but also to prevent such heinous actions from becoming a model for others to follow. Ukraine's territorial integrity must be restored within its internationally recognized borders. The logic of conquest and disregard for international law must be stopped. unless we agree to live in a world where any country can become a victim of aggression regardless of its size and geographic location. Poland is following with equal concern the situation in the Middle East, where due to the brutal Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023, the conflict has escalated. Israel, like any other state, has the right to self-defense. However, these actions must follow international humanitarian law. Poland has consistently supported a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict that will guarantee both Palestinians and Israelis the right to live in peace and security in correct relations with all the neighbors. As proponents of the principles of equality and the right of nations to self-determination, we believe that the emergence of an independent Palestine will not contradict Israel's interests, whereas the right of Israel to exist cannot be questioned. The two nations are united by space and time, which will remain their common destiny. The current situation in Yemen is also of deep concern to us. The ongoing humanitarian crisis affects millions of people, and the struggle for control in a country poses a threat to regional security and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea. The international community must do everything possible to ease the suffering of Yemeni people and restore stability in their country. And we all see how the ongoing wars, conflicts, and terrorist actions in Africa undermine people's efforts to live and develop in safe and fair conditions. The world must stand with all those affected by insecurity and help them to restore peace through reconciliation and social cohesion. Ladies and gentlemen, peace and security in the world will not be possible to achieve without respect for the law. As President of Poland, I consistently repeat the phrase, peace through law, always emphasizing the fundamental rule of international law in maintaining global order. Our history, our experiences teach us that only adherence to international norms and the protection of the rights of every human being can ensure stability and development. Poland, as a country of freedom and solidarity, will always demand respect for human rights regardless of geographic location. Therefore, Poland has decided to apply for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council for 2029-2031. Our candidacy is an expression of our commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights around the world. We believe that human rights are the foundation of peace and security. Their violation leads to conflicts, while their protection results in stability and development. Ladies and gentlemen, Poles perfectly understand the perspective of countries that experienced colonialism. Our history, from losing our statehood in the 18th century, to World War II, to the fall of communism, has taught us how precious freedom, sovereignty, and human dignity are. It is a part of our DNA, and therefore we stand together with the developing countries in their quest for prosperity, equal treatment, and self-reliance. That is why Poland will not stop supporting African societies, as I had the opportunity to personally assure my friends during this year's visit to Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania, as well as in recent years during my earlier visits to the continent, which is so important for Poland, Europe, and the whole world in building a common, safer, and more prosperous future. We believe that Africa has the potential to develop its own solution to its challenges. However, we recognize that global development in many parts of the world currently is facing serious obstacles. We note with concern that halfway through the deadline set by Agenda 2030 for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, progress made in realization of its ambitions is still insufficient. During this session, Poland will serve as Vice President of the UN Economic and Social Council. The motto of our mandate in the ECOSOC is developing in solidarity, which summarizes well our vision of progress we need. With its presidency of the Council of the European Union starting on January the 1st, 2025, Poland will seek to give new impetus to relations with developing partners. There is a need for better cooperation, real partnership, more solidarity. Ladies and gentlemen, next year we will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the United Nations. Despite its imperfections, the UN remains the foundation of the world order, allowing us to work together for peace, development, and human dignity. We believe that the summit for the future has given us an opportunity to reflect on the effectiveness of our work and the possibility of improving the UN structures to make them more responsive to contemporary challenges. Poland. is ready to discuss reforms to the Security Council, other key UN bodies, as well as international financial institutions. The world is changing, and our system must change as well in order to better serve the global community. Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished delegates, Our common commitment enshrined in the UN Charter sounds to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. Poland will remain faithful to this mission and will support efforts for peace, human rights, and sustainable development. Thank you for your attention, and I wish us all fruitful deliberations. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Poland.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/poland","Poland","His Excellency","Andrzej Duda","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/pl_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PL_EN.mp3" 29,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar. I request protocol to escort His Highness and I invite him to address the Assembly. In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate. Excellencies, may the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. At the outset, I would like to congratulate His Excellency Mr. Philemon Young on assuming the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly, wishing him every success in his tasks. I express appreciation to His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis for his efforts during his presidency of the previous session, and we commend the prominent role played by His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, in strengthening its role and achieving its lofty goals. Mr. President, the blatant aggression that befalls the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip today is the most barbaric, heinous, and extensive aggression violating human values, international conventions, and norms. This is not a war within the international relations' well-known and common concept of war, but rather it is a crime of genocide by means of the most sophisticated weapons against the people besieged in a detention camp where there is no escape from the barrage of aerial bombing. Resolutions, condemnations, and reports have been exhausted. Nothing is left except the undeterred, ongoing, and premeditated stark crime with children, women, and the elderly as their victims. We oppose violence and the targeting of innocent civilians by any party. After a year of this war and with all that has taken place and that continues to take place, it is no longer tenable to talk about Israel's right to defend itself in this context without being complicit in justifying the crime. It is no longer plausible for any official to claim that they do not know. The facts are well known and reports issued by international organizations about the bombing of schools and hospitals, weaponizing access to food and medicine, in addition to the published and publicly uttered intentions of Israeli leaders. Therefore, the failure to intervene to stop the aggression is a major scandal. Ladies and gentlemen, Every year I stand on this podium and I begin by talking about the Palestinian cause, the absence of justice, the perils of believing that it can be neglected and the illusions of making peace without a just solution to the Palestinian cause. I have done so every year at a time when the Palestinian cause has become absent from the speeches of major powers representatives in our world. There are those who are tempted by the possibility of marginalizing this issue to get rid of its burden or seeing it vanished without resolving it. But the Palestinian cause is resistant to marginalization because it is an issue of indigenous people on their own land, a people who are subjected to a settler colonial occupation. This occupation has taken the form of an apartheid system in the 21st century. Can this be overlooked? The Palestinian cause will remain in place except in two cases either the end of the occupation or the disappearance of the palestinian people it seems there are those in israel who entertain wishful thinking to eliminate the palestinian people The ongoing Israeli aggression for nearly a year is nothing but a result of the absence of a sincere political will, a deliberate international failure to resolve the Palestinian issue with a just solution and insistence of the occupying Israeli authorities to impose a fait accompli on the Palestinians and the world with all types of force. The ongoing brutal war has fired the coup de grace at international legitimacy and inflicted serious damage on the credibility of the post-World War II concepts on which the international community was founded. as if the dire consequences of this approach, which are visible before our very eyes, are not enough to prove that ignoring a just solution is conducive to disaster. We discover, to our disbelief, that some are still trying to find innovative measures to run Gaza after the war, with or without an authority. only on the basis of security considerations. And what is meant, of course, is the security of the occupation, not the security of those languishing under the occupation. It is the same mindset that led from one disaster to another. It is the approach that wants to tailor the entire region to fit Israel. while looking for circumventions to avoid ending the occupation and work on imposing the rule of one people over another by force. Is it reasonable that even after this disaster, the major countries with the ability to influence the course of events are unable to reach a conclusion of the necessity to stop the war and pivot towards a just solution immediately instead of innovatively working on formulations to evade it? The end of the occupation and the Palestinian people exercising their right to self-determination is neither a favor nor a gift from anyone. Unfortunately, the Security Council has failed to implement its ceasefire resolution in the Gaza Strip and to refrain from granting the State of Palestine full membership status in the United Nations despite the fact that the General Assembly adopted a resolution last May supporting Palestine's request for UN membership. The state of Palestine's full UN membership neither establishes its sovereignty nor ends the occupation, but at least it sends a message to the far-right government involved in challenging international legitimacy that force does not eliminate rights. Talking about such a step harming the peace process is simply eyewash, because there is no Israeli partner for peace during the current government's tenure. No peace process is taking place, but rather there is a genocide. In this regard, we highly value the position of countries that recognize the state of Palestine based on 1967 borders. The continuation of the humanitarian tragedy of the brotherly Palestinian people for more than seven and a half decades, this is a shameful stain on the conscience of the international community and its institutions. There is no point in talking about security, peace, and stability in the Middle East region and across the world if not backed by concrete steps leading to an immediate ceasefire and an end to the Israeli occupation of all Arab territories. Ladies and gentlemen, it is no secret that we are facing a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and other Palestinian territories, which are subjected to coordinated attacks by the occupation army and settlers in an attempt to enforce plans to expand settlements and annex the West Bank and Judaize Jerusalem. The international community bears the responsibility for the consequences of what is happening to the brotherly Palestinian people. The Palestinian people are subjected to unfolding genocidal war that has resulted so far in the death of more than 41,000 martyrs, let alone the missing under the rubble, including 17,000 children, 11,000 women, 100,000 wounded, and thousands of disabled and millions of people forcibly displaced several times in addition to the complete destruction of the infrastructure of hospitals, schools and buildings, including mosques and churches. A whole society is being destroyed in the course of the genocide against segments of the Palestinian people. It is the Gazan Palestinian community that has retained its composure and achieved remarkable development levels amid more than 17-year-old stifling siege. Mr. President, The state of Qatar has opted for undertaking mediation efforts in an endeavor to stop the aggression on Gaza and secure the release of prisoners and detainees. It is a mediation amidst fierce war and complex circumstances during which one party would not hesitate to assassinate counterpart political leaders with whom it negotiates, such as the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, who many people feign forgetfulness that he was not only the political leader of Hamas, but also the first elected Palestinian prime minister. For us, mediation and humanitarian work are both a strategic political choice at the regional and international levels and a humanitarian duty before being a political one. We're not being boastful. Our mediation efforts in partnership with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United States of America culminated in a humanitarian agreement last November. It resulted in a brief ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the release of 240 Palestinian prisoners and 109 of the detainees in Gaza. It increased the flow of relief shipments. We also provided humanitarian support to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. and contributed to evacuating the wounded and the sick. We supported humanitarian initiatives to deliver aid through all accessible routes. We increased our support to UNRWA. an irreplaceable international agency whose services are indispensable and which has been subjected to defamation for political purposes related to the Israeli government's desire to eliminate the refugee crisis without resolving the Palestinian cause. The state of Qatar will spare no effort to provide various forms of humanitarian assistance to the brotherly Palestinian people until this crisis is resolved. despite the taunting challenges, obstruction attempts, and the aspersions we are subjected to. We will continue our efforts of mediation to resolve the disputes through peaceful means, as we are cognizant that any dispute will never lack a force interested in its continuation, while being skeptical of any mediation regardless of the intentions. We will continue to make every effort with our partners until we reach a permanent ceasefire, secure the release of prisoners and detainees, take the path of a just solution in accordance with the resolutions of the International Legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative, to enable the Palestinian people to obtain all their legitimate rights, foremost of which their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the 1967 borders. The establishment of an independent Palestinian state with a just and permanent solution is in the interest of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. We will not achieve this goal except with a serious partner who is aware of the importance of renouncing discord and ending the occupation and all forms of aggression so that we can reach together the desired peace in the Middle East. Mr. President, Apart from committing a major crime by rigging wireless communication devices and exploding them simultaneously across thousands of people with total disregard for their identity or location, Israel is currently waging a war on Lebanon and no one knows to what extent this war could escalate. This is what we have repeatedly warned against. If the brutal war on Gaza does not end, this systematic destructive war must stop. And this is the choice before Israel, as its leaders know very well. They know that it will neither bring security nor peace to northern Israel nor to Lebanon and that the key to security rests on a just peace. Stop the aggression on Gaza. Stop the war on Lebanon. In brotherly Yemen, we look forward to preserving the 2022 truth and proceeding therefrom towards a comprehensive ceasefire, resolving the crisis, ensuring Yemen's unity, and achieving the aspirations of its brotherly people through negotiations between the Yemeni parties based on the outcomes of the national dialogue, the Gulf Initiative, and relevant Security Council resolutions. As regards to the crisis in Syria... And since the beginning of the crisis, the position of the state of Qatar has been clear, and that is that Qatar is keen on the interests of brotherly Syrian people, hoping that the parties and countries involved in the crisis will be convinced of the necessity for dialogue and understanding to end this crisis in accordance with the Geneva Declaration 1 and Security Council Resolution 2254 in a way that will achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people and preserve Syria's unity, sovereignty, and independence. Regarding the Sudanese issue, we call on all the Sudanese parties to stop the fighting, and we reaffirm our support for all regional and international efforts to end this crisis in a way that will ensure the unity of state institutions and the sovereignty and stability of Sudan. In Libya, we support the political trajectory and the implementation of Security Council resolutions, and we urge all parties to recourse to dialogue and overcome differences in order to complete the comprehensive national reconciliation, preserve the progress and gains achieved On the security firm belief in the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes, we have made a tangible contribution all over the past year as Qatari mediation led to prisoner swap between the United States and Venezuela. And dozens of Ukrainian children were reunited with their families after being separated by the war. Finally, we affirm that the State of Qatar will spare no effort in working with its international partners and the United Nations to firmly consolidate the pillars of peace, security, sustainable development, human rights, and the rule of law at all levels and to address global challenges in order to achieve a better future for all. Thank you, and may the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Emir of the State of Qatar, the Assembly","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/qatar","Qatar","His Highness","Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani","Amir","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/qa_ar.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/qa_en.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/qa_fr.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/qa_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_QA_EN.mp3" 30,"And I'll give the floor to His Excellency, Mr. Ernest Roy Musio, head of the delegation of Rwanda. Excellencies, heads of delegations, ladies and gentlemen, at the outset, I'd like to congratulate Ambassador Philemon Young on assuming the presidency of the 79th UN General Assembly and assure him of Rwanda's full support. As we conclude the 79th United Nations General Assembly debate, Unity has been a central theme throughout this year's high-level week, and rightly so. Rwanda is of the view that in today's increasingly fractured world, unity is central to addressing pressing issues, most of which transcend borders and national interests. Contemporary challenges require ambitious and coordinated action that paves the way for equal access to opportunity, ensures sustainable development, and contributes to global peace and security. As we approach the second half of this decade, solidarity is key to achieving targets under Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Rwanda strongly endorses the UN Secretary General's stimulus package as a timely and necessary intervention to address the pressing challenges facing the global economy and the most vulnerable populations. The package represents a crucial step towards creating a more equitable and resilient global financial system, particularly as developing nations continue to grapple with the impacts of climate change and widening inequality. For too long, African countries and other marginalized regions have borne the blunt of global economic shocks without sufficient support from the international community. This stimulus package not only acknowledges these disparities, but also seeks to collect them through targeted financial aid, debt relief, and sustainable development initiatives. By addressing structural inequalities and ensuring that resources reach those who need them most, the Secretary General's proposal is a call to action for global solidarity. It will empower nations to rebuild more sustainably with the renewed focus on green energy, digital transformation, and poverty eradication. Rwanda believes that now is the time for bold, multilateral action, and this package is an essential step towards securing a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future for all. Mr. President, Rwanda commends the efforts by the Secretary General and member states for convening the Summit of the Future. This summit and the adoption of the Pact of the Future are crucial steps in boosting action to protect the interests of present and future generations. Rwanda knows firsthand what division and fracture can do to a society, let alone a community of nations. In the aftermath of the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, we Rwandans found ourselves at a crossroads where we chose unity over division for our own survival. This choice was not an easy one, but it was the right one and has defined Rwanda's post-genocide nation building ever since. The world now stands at a similar crossroads with a choice to make to choose unity for the collective good. This is what the Kwiboka Frame of Hope Monument in the memory of the 1994 Geno Sagini de Tutsi, recently built in the gardens of this United Nations building, stands to remind the world. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, reports show that Africa is set to be the engine of future global growth in the decades to come. With the world's fastest growing middle class estimated to encompass 1.1 billion people by 2060, Africa will take the center stage of global affairs. However, this feat cannot be achieved without the adequate tools to both finance the decarbonization of our economies and mitigate the effects of climate change. Building resilient economies in the global south is an urgent priority, which goes hand in hand with increased solidarity from those who are most responsible for carbon pollution. The pay to pollute model is not a viable option. Solidarity and investment are. Consequently, advanced economies should reduce their emissions faster and invest more in African autonomous transition. In a few weeks, the world will gather in Baku, Azerbaijan for COP29. The international community should seize this opportunity to pledge more green investments in Africa. Additionally, Rwanda encourages nations to join hands and conclude an ambitious global plastics treaty based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full life cycle of plastics at the upcoming INSC5 in Busan. We have a historic opportunity to demonstrate our collective resolve to end plastic pollution for the benefit of current and future generations. Rwanda stands ready to play a positive role in that direction. Excellencies, esteemed delegates, the year 2024 marks two decades since Rwanda's first deployment of troops under the United Nations peacekeeping banner. Today, Rwanda is among the top contributors with deployment in missions across Africa. And yet, insecurity in our region has reached unprecedented levels. This is evidenced by the rising threat of radicalized insurgency in the southern part of the continent, terrorism in the Sahel, or the presence of state-spotted genocide militias right by our border. Mr. President, No more than ever, cosmetic fixes must be avoided in favor of long-term solutions addressing the root cause of these conflicts. Security is not only achieved by silencing the guns. It is also achieved by building a fit-for-purpose global governance system capable of quickly adapting to crises. Reform of multilateral financial institutions is complementary to the reform of the United Nations Security Council, as both are crucial for creating a more equitable and effective global governance system. The financial institutions which shape global economic policies and the UN Security Council, which ensures peace and security, must evolve to better address the diverse needs of today's world. Without reform, these bodies risk perpetuating inequalities, particularly for Africa, which has historically been underrepresented in decision-making processes. Reforming both the financial institutions and the UN Security Council is vital to ensure fair representation, foster trust among nations, and effectively respond to the pressing challenges of the modern era, such as economic instability, climate change, and conflict. In this regard, Rwanda fully supports the reform of the UN Security Council to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency. Such reforms are necessary to address long-standing injustices faced by Africa, ensuring that the Council becomes more responsive to contemporary global challenges and dynamics. Only through these changes can we build a system grounded in equitable rules, unity, and solidarity. As we conclude this General Assembly, let us remember that history will judge us not by the challenges we face, but how we respond to them. The reforms we seek are not just necessary, but inevitable to ensure a future grounded in justice, equity, and solidarity. Rwanda stands ready to work with all nations, and we believe together we can build the world we want, one where no nation or continent is left behind. Let us seize this moment, for the future of humanity depends on it. I thank you for your kind attention. I thank the head of delegation of Rwanda.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/rwanda","Rwanda","His Excellency","Ernest Rwamucyo","Permanent Representative","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/rw_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_RW_EN.mp3" 31,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Aleksandar Vucic, President of the Republic of Serbia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Mahatma Gandhi said, there is no path to peace. Peace is the path. In the same spirit of fraternal love and open heart, I address you today on behalf of the Republic of Serbia, a founding country of the United Nations, a country of freedom and justice. It is my honor to address you as President of the Republic of Serbia, the country on whose behalf I stand proudly before you today, a country that, despite the current global challenges, consistently perseveres in defending the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, and that, through its activities and principled policy, strongly advocates the idea that is the main topic of this year's session. Ladies and gentlemen, When we talk about the current moment, this year again, to my immense regret, I have to state that the situation in the world seems even more difficult and dark than a year ago. The tensions are growing and challenges are becoming more numerous and complex. What worries me the most is that despite our declaratory efforts for peace, development and prosperity of humanity, there is no end in sight to this geopolitical nightmare. I would not like to see the wise words of the former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy becoming the words of a prophet. Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. Today, mankind relies more on technology than it relies on mankind. This year, we are once again talking about tragic conflicts and destruction that bring suffering and enormous human losses, as well as about the numerous serious consequences that inevitably accompany armed conflicts. The Republic of Serbia and the Serbian people deeply sympathize and share the grief for all the lives lost in the conflicts happening around the world, including the tragic events in the Middle East and Ukraine. It is unforgivable that today in the 21st century we are talking about gruesome figures related to children who have died in conflicts. It seems absolutely incredible, but the world is on the verge of nuclear disaster and nuclear holocaust. In a desire to win and destroy the other one, step by step we were getting closer to the verge of precipice and eventually we got there. We live in a world where no one listens to anyone. There are only our arguments and our truth, while the other ones must disappear because they always endanger our or universally false values. We need to talk even when we disagree. We need to restore the eroded credibility and authority of the United Nations. And I need to say that's why Serbia will strongly support bigger presence of African country in the United Nations Security Council. And we believe that bigger African presence will mean a lot for the world's peace. We need to stop. the practice of double standards being applied to restore faith in international law and the principles we all agreed on long ago. We must restore faith in peace, the only path that has no alternative. We owe that to every innocent victim anywhere in the world. to all the current and future generations. The future of the world in the next five or 25 years is a matter of our choice, but it is also our responsibility. All of us that have gathered here from all over the world did that for, we'd say, noble, but first and foremost for selfish reasons. Almost always the leaders from All and even the most powerful countries speak in front of you, allegedly addressing you, but actually addressing only their public and not caring substantially for the real concerns of the world today. I'm not very much different, but today I will not present to you only Serbia, the founder of the United Nations, its successes, its high growth rate, because I have and I will have the opportunity to brag about the results we have achieved in my country. And by the way, I know that all of you here are not very much interested in the respective. Today, I will speak about how the collapse of the modern world had started, about when and how the UN Charter was discredited, and when we stopped believing in law and started appeasing the force. I will explain it to you on the example of my country, to me the most beautiful country in the world, Serbia, how it was being destroyed and trampled on and how today, because of its tenacity and freedom-loving tradition, it is a small stone in the shoe of the big and powerful ones. After the big victories, that a better part of humanity won in the World War I and the World War II, and Serbs as the nation suffered the biggest losses proportionally to its size in the Great War as well as in the World War II, where they were one of the few nations in the Southeast Europe that had confronted the Nazis from the very beginning. And that is why Belgrade, as the capital of Serbia, was perhaps the only city that was brutally bombed and devastated already at the beginning of 1941. We Serbs were not unlike the others welcoming Nazi tanks with flowers, and we paid a high price for that. Nevertheless, neither crying nor laments from the distant past nor the self-victimization are the subject of my speech today. I would like to warn you, dear friends, of what had happened to Serbia, a precedent that is being used and abused in different parts of the world, to warn you of the Pandora's box that was opened neither two nor five years ago, but much before, and that everybody is so loudly silent about. The absolute dominance of the Western capitalist way of manufacturing, its science and technology supremacy, convincing victory against the Eastern contenders, Soviet Union first of all, within the framework of the Third Industrial Revolution, brought the world, some would say, to the end of history and complete hegemony of the Western ideas in all spheres of social life. Apart from, of course, good things it had brought to the mankind, such a dominance of non-existence of balance and political multilateralism destroyed, at the same time, Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Of course, it did not happen by accident. By all means, it did not happen by itself. But it was helped by the decisive involvement of the Western intelligence services, which were supported by the national corrupted elite, both in the Soviet Union and in Yugoslavia. Why I'm mentioning all this? Because even today we heard from many that by attacking Ukraine, Pandora's box was opened. The undermining of international law took place, that it was the precedent not witnessed by Europe since the World War II. This is the utter untruth. Just to make things clear, Serbia supports the UN Charter, territorial integrity of Ukraine, and we did not question it for a moment, nor shall we. However, when the big leaders speak vigorously and ardently here about the need for Ukrainian freedom, about the observance of the UN and its Charter Resolutions, I ask myself why don't they observe the UN Charter and Resolution 1244 when it comes to the territorial integrity of Serbia, which in the strike of their own power in moments when they thought that they would violate the norms of international law the way they wanted, to the extent they wanted and so long as they wanted. Because they had finally won against all the opponents, so it was possible for them to spill the rage upon one small nation and to relentlessly rush towards violation of all norms and regulations, not even trying to provide some explanations. That is why in 1999, here at the United Nations, they had tried to pass the decision on the attack and aggression against Serbia. And since the consent had not been reached, they had nevertheless taken the decision to attack, to bomb Serbia and commit aggression, because at that time they couldn't care less about the UN Charter, its resolutions, and international law. They were uncontested power. They did not ask anyone about anything, and they thought it would go on like that for hundreds of years. It was by accident that we, citizens of Serbia, were the ones who paid the high price. It could have been anybody else. Thereby, it does not even occur to me to say that we were angels and that there was no other responsibility in all that. But, substantially, the destiny of one small nation with no right and justice applied, was decided by the big and mighty Western powers. It is interesting that first they helped tear apart the big Yugoslavia along the lines of internal communist borders. Interestingly, once they were finished with that, we thought it was the end, but there was no end. That is when they started with tearing Serbia independent, democratic, and internationally recognized country member of the UN and the OSCE, and only Serbia. And today, please pay attention to it. They speak passionately about defense of alleged sovereignty of the states from secession and separatism until the next opportunity. when secession and separatism will be justified by the alleged humanitarian disasters and everything else that they will never accept as an argument in some other cases. And to give you the last example, dear representatives of the countries and nations worldwide, in this paper that I am holding in my hand, it is written that except for the forces under the control of the United Nations, in this moment those are KFOR, NATO forces, with which we have fair cooperation. No one can have armed forces in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, which is in adherence with the resolution 1244 part of Serbia. And those who committed the aggression against Serbia, who tried to separate a part of its territory, still try, convincing us that it is the only democratic and reasonable solution to secede Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia, and they have been providing arms on a daily basis to that what is today called the so-called Kosovo security forces, and what will already tomorrow become armed forces of Albanians in the territory of Serbia. And when you ask them, when we ask them, in accordance to which international document you do that? Because all that is the attempt to provoke a war, a violation of the UN norms, and then, like a fig leaf, you get the stupidest possible answer in the world. Well, we do not accept the UN Charter and the UN Resolution because for us the situation has changed, because we recognized the independence of Kosovo 15 years ago. And what is their message to us, my dear friends? Their message is, we are the power, we are God, we don't care about United Nations, the law of the United Nations and UN resolution. We can do whatever we want, the way we want, and as long as we want. And now I'm asking you, dear friends, dear representatives, not the ones of obedient and satellite puppet countries, but you freedom-loving nations and countries, what we as a small country can do. How can we fight? Because everybody in the world speaks about Ukraine, no one dares to speak about Serbia. And even if they do, they say how we will start the war in the Balkans upon the Russian order. And they have been lying all the time for more than two and a half years. We are neither servants of Russia nor the United States of America. We have our own politics and our own interests. And that is why I want to ask you something and tell you that the only hope, not only for my country, which I love more than anything in the world, but also for your countries, to understand well the mechanisms of lies, the mechanisms of fraud in international relations, and to try to gather here in the most important organization, to try to change it, to try to respect it, because it is the only way to preserve peace. This way, the world is on the verge of disaster, and everyone is allegedly defending principles. No one admits any mistakes, and it is clear to everybody that there are no principles anywhere, nor anybody has them. Neither ones, nor the others. Only the small ones that have nowhere else to go, and the principles are the only thing they can grasp. And the only thing that has left to the big ones, once they have crushed all the small ones, is to eat each other. And when the bite is no longer so easy and small, it is then that they remember the principles and accuse the others for violating those same principles. A representative of my country, Vladislav Jovanovic, exceptional Serbian diplomat, very respected one, on that 24th of March, 1999, when the aggression against Serbia started in the Security Council of the United Nations on behalf of the government of the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, made an urgent appeal to all countries to categorically oppose to aggression against our country. And just hear his words 25 years after. If the aggression is not stopped, the precedent of such unpunished aggression will sooner or later lead to aggression against a number of other smaller and medium-sized countries. The real question is which country is next. You could have heard today several proposals which country would be the next. Let me quote this time the Nobel Prize winner and the former President of the United States, Barack Obama. He said, peace is not merely the absence of visible conflict. It is the presence of justice, freedom, and opportunity for everyone. The unreasonable nature of the policy pursued by Pristina, so-called Kosovo authorities, the fanaticism and the persecution of everything Serbian in Kosovo and Metohija is reflected in a series of disturbing moves, from the ban on payments in the Serbian currency dinner in Kosovo and Metohija, which has lasted for more than six months, and the ban on postal services, which is unique in the world, even for conflict areas, and which endangers the daily life of Serbs and other non-Albanian population, up to the ban on the visit of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Porfirije, to the Patriarchate of Peć. Can the intrusion of the armed special so-called Kosovo police on 9 September into the premises of the Support Me Association made up of parents and children with developmental disabilities be described as anything other than brutality and cruelty as well as insanity. Real and lasting peace can be reached only by justice and respect for human rights, Nelson Mandela said. And how can there be peace in Kosovo if the legal order and fundamental rights of one entire nation are being systematically undermined? After everything Diafo said, the key question today is, What is the path for Serbia and how can we resolve this situation? First and foremost, Serbia is on its European path and it sincerely wants to be a part of the European Union. Serbia's economy is the most successful economy today in the entire Western Balkans region, but even today the very same EU we strive to, makes it clear to us through the statement of its spokesperson, Peter Stano, that he does not observe principles based on the UN Charter and not even the decisions of their own European Council by supporting the independence of the so-called Kosovo because that is the interest of the biggest and most powerful ones in the European continent. Serbia is a small country which cannot compete with the big powers, and we are fully aware of that. But nevertheless, we are obliged to ourselves and to our people, but also to all the friends in the world. And that obligation is not to lie to anyone, but to tell the truth to everybody. Since all this, Big ones are interested neither in law nor in truth. There is nothing left to small but proud Serbia but to be dedicated and committed to its economic progress, accelerated growth, new technologies and innovation, to look towards the future and to wait for the moment when the principles of international law observance will be brought back to the world's political stage. We will remain committed to the dialogue with Pristina and under the auspices of the EU, and we will fight to preserve peace. There is only one thing that we will never give to anyone, that is freedom and independence of Serbia. As the President of Serbia, I believe in a world based on real and not false values, and I believe that the strength of the developing countries, all of us who have raised our heads and who dare to say the truth, will be a foundation of a new, different, and a better world. I thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Serbia. The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/serbia","Serbia","His Excellency","Aleksandar Vučić","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/rs_en_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_RS_EN.mp3" 32,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Julius Mada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone. I request Portugal to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, I congratulate His Excellency Philmon Young on his election as President of the 79th Session of the United Nations Secretary General and express my support to you during your tenure. I extend my deep gratitude to His Excellency Dennis Francis for his principled stewardship as President of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. I appreciate and thank His Excellency Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, for his tireless effort and global leadership. Madam President, More than 30 years ago, Sierra Leone was plunged into a decade-long brutal civil war. More than 50,000 people were killed and millions fled their homes as refugees and internally displaced persons. The situation in Sierra Leone at that time was not unique. conflicts existed in other parts of West Africa, in Africa and around the world. In Sierra Leone, however, we overcame our challenges with a common vision for peace through genuine dialogue, committed leadership and action. Notably, The hard-won peace we enjoy is not without its fragility, and we remain vigilant in safeguarding it. Sierra Leone's peace journey exemplifies the values of ownership, engagement through dialogue, and our partnership with ECOWAS, the United Nations, and the broader international community, which yielded the peace dividend. This story has shaped our engagement at the United Nations Security Council since the commencement of our second tenure in January this year. For almost nine months, Sierra Leone, as an elected member of the United Nations Security Council, has endeavored to be a voice of reason and a bridge builder with balance and objectivity. We will continue to promote respect for and adherence to international law and the UN Charter, ensure the protection of civilians, end impunity through accountability, and foster dialogue for the peaceful settlement of disputes. Our commitment to these principles is even more imperative now than ever before, as we are confronted with conflicts of great magnitude in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. The need for a ceasefire in Gaza and the wider Middle East, as well as in Sudan, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and Ukraine, It's not just pressing, but urgent. Immediate action is required to prevent further loss of precious lives and human suffering. We need collective action to stop all conflicts and engage in meaningful dialogue so that the countries can move forward with their development agenda in peace, security, and stability. As a country that has experienced the devastating consequences of armed conflict, we acknowledge that peace cannot be achieved in isolation. It requires inclusive political processes, economic development, and respect for human rights. For the millions of civilians trapped in ongoing armed conflicts, wars of condemnation and empathy alone are not enough. It is imperative that we act together as the United Nations with a sustained commitment to end the circle of violence and give innocent civilians the opportunity to enjoy lasting peace and prosperity. In the Sahara and West Africa, the regional leadership has been hard at work to find urgent solutions to the numerous peace and security challenges, particularly to curb the spread of terrorism and violent extremism. I call upon the international community to strengthen support for African-led peace initiatives and for the United Nations to play a more active role in addressing the root causes of conflicts. The safety and security of the people in the Sahara and parts of West Africa require a strong commitment from all relevant actors to engage in political dialogue and diplomacy actively to ensure we provide countries in the front line, especially Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, the necessary support they need. Commitment to political transition is necessary, but it should never be at the expense of the safety of vulnerable civilians. There can be commitment and action on both. I've called for meaningful dialogue and led by example by visiting the head of state of Burkina Faso before Cyrillian assumed the presidency of the United Nations Security Council in August 2024. We need to build bridges and this requires the international community's commitment to working with the regions to implement dialogue-based, region-led and region-owned solutions. Madam President, our current tenure at the United Nations Security Council has reinforced the view that there is an urgent need for reform. Nearly 80 years after its creation, the Security Council has been stuck in time. Its imbalanced composition is unjust and at odds with current realities, undermining its legitimacy and effectiveness. Unfortunately, Africa remains the unquestionable victim in all of this. Without structural change, the Security Council's effective performance and legitimacy remains unquestionable. In a historic and successful debate, which I presided over during Sierra Leone's August presidency, of the Security Council on addressing the historic injustice and enhancing Africa's effective representation in the Security Council, I spoke as a representative of the continent that has long been underrepresented in the decision-making processes that shape our world on matters of peace and security. That debate had an indisputable resonance. One, that the historical injustice being perpetrated against Africa must be rectified. Two, that Africa must be treated as a special case. And three, that it must be prioritized in the reform process. In expressing appreciation for the active and supportive engagement by the many interests and regional groups, as well as invited member states to the debate, the facts and issues are now clear to all. Africa has long been marginalized in global decision-making processes and its voices are often drowned out. The legacy of colonialism, economic exploitation, and political marginalization has left deep scars on the African continent, thereby affecting its development, stability, and influence in international affairs. This results in a lack of meaningful representation on issues that directly affect the continent, such as conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacekeeping operations, and sustainable development. Addressing contemporary global security challenges require the collective wisdom and the cooperation of all nations, not just the privileged few, or the most militarily or economically powerful. We argue that equitable representation of Africa will better equip the United Nations to tackle global challenges and foster a more just, fair and peaceful world. As the coordinator of the African Union Committee of Ten, on the reform of the Security Council, Sierra Leone remains fully committed to promoting, defending, and soliciting support for the common African position as espoused in the Erzuwini Consensus and SART Declaration. Africa, therefore... Africa, therefore, demands no less than two permanent seats with all the rights and privileges of the permanent members, including the right to veto and two additional seats in the non-permanent category of the Security Council. Cyrillian welcomes the consensus that has emerged from the UN General Assembly intergovernmental negotiations as reflected in the Pact for the Future. And I quote, to address the historical injustice against Africa as a priority, And why treating Africa as a special case improve the representation of the underrepresented and unrepresented regions and groups?"" Let us work together to redress historical injustice and recreate a Security Council that truly reflects the diversity of the world that we live in today. As I stated in the Security Council debate, the time for half-hearted measures and incremental progress is over. Africa's voice must be heard. And its demands for justice and equity must be met and now. Madam President, the Summit of the Future for Sierra Leone is about delivering peace human rights, and the dividends of democracy for everyone, everywhere, and now. Accordingly, my government has laid out a strategic vision for Sierra Leone as captured in Sierra Leone's Medium-Term National Development Plan 2024-2030, a framework for delivering socioeconomic development and prosperity for our people. Aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union's Agenda 2063, our development plan serves as a comprehensive blueprint for transformative acceleration in critical areas such as agriculture, food security, human capital development, job creation for our youth, infrastructure development, and technology. With the adoption of the pact for the future, including the declaration on future generations and the Global Digital Compact at the summit of the future, my government is reinforcing its commitment to championing and investing in human capital development. Human capital development is a profound commitment to our people's well-being and future. By investing significantly in education, healthcare and agriculture, my government is laying the foundation for a prosperous and equitable Sierra Leone. Over the past six years, Our achievements through our free quality education program, legislative reviews and governance reforms in the education sector and radical inclusion strategy have been highly impactful, well acclaimed and seen as a good model for the world. We welcome the Global Digital Compact's principle of ensuring safe, secure and trustworthy emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, to offer new opportunities to accelerate development and leaving no one behind. In the area of gender equality and women's economic empowerment, Significant strides have been made, and they are some of the legacies my government will bequeath to our current and future generations. I recently signed into law this year a bill prohibiting child marriage. Following the historic signing into law, of the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Act of 2023. This is all meant to ensure the realization of the national aspiration for our women and girls to build an inclusive and equitable society. I remain steadfast in my commitment to ensuring that every girl and woman lives in a safe environment with ample opportunities to realize their full potential and thrive equally in the world. From prioritizing the women's peace and security agenda at the Security Council to adopting by adoption by the General Assembly of a resolution condemning all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, and urging all countries to provide victims and survivors with access to justice, reparation, and assistance. We will continue to advocate for women in gas across the globe. Therefore, I'm pleased to announce that Sierra Leone will commence preparatory work that will lead to the convening of a diplomatic conference to conclude an internationally legally binding instrument on access to justice for sexual violence survivors. The proposed treaty, Freetown Treaty, in accordance of the success of the United Nations resolution on access to justice, remedies, and assistance for survivors of sexual violence. Madam President, Leaving no one behind and acting together to achieve sustainable development similarly means that we have to end global economic inequalities and ensure that government in least developed countries can deliver on the dividends of democracy. The unmanageable Debt crisis, lack of capital flow, the devastating impact of climate change and lack of climate finance, conflicts and political instability around the world are increasing the odds of developing countries not achieving the SDGs. The role of development finance institutions in supporting the objectives of national development plans of low-income countries, particularly those emphasizing the SDGs, is of great significance to their socioeconomic development. At the International Development Association for Africa Health of State Summit in Nairobi, April this year, Sierra Leone unreservedly expressed its endorsement of the Nairobi IDA communique. The communique exemplifies the collective aspiration of the African heads of state present to raise the level of development support in Africa through the IDA 21 replenishment. I wish to re-echo that endorsement at this August gathering. IDA's affordable concessional finance allows African leaders to develop our economies, enhance education and healthcare, deal with increasing effects of climate change, and expand electricity and digital access without becoming buried in unsustainable debt. To conclude, Madam President, The end of the Second World War in 1945 did not only unite leaders, but also urged them to cooperate. This was the birth of multilateralism. As the African proverb says, our two hands do not wash themselves, they wash one another. As leaders, We must cooperate to achieve the purposes of this United Nations and deliver peace and security, stability and prosperity for our people. Divisions and unhealthy competition will only lead to humanity's destruction. We must ensure unity in diversity, where the rights of the weak and the minority are protected. So let us safeguard our multilateral system. Let us cooperate, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations, leaving no one behind. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/sierra-leone","Sierra Leone","His Excellency","Julius Maada Bio","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sl_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SL_EN.mp3" 33,"will now hear an address by His Excellency Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa. I request protocol to escort His Excellency. I invite him to address the Assembly. Thank you, Your Excellency, the Chair of the Assembly. We take this opportunity to thank the United Nations Assembly to give us a chance to speak. Thirty years ago, South Africa was born as a new nation, equal, united, and free from apartheid. We adopted a new constitution as the birth certificate of our new nation. Our first democratic elections brought the tyranny of apartheid to an end, a system that this General Assembly had declared to be a crime against humanity. in adopting Resolution 2202A in 1966, as later endorsed by the Security Council in 1985, the United Nations was the beacon of hope in our quest for justice. The great wave of solidarity of the peoples of the world led by the United Nations turned the tide against apartheid. Today, democracy flourishes in South Africa. We have a progressive constitution, an entrenched human rights culture, and strong institutions. We have laws to advance equality and programs to protect societies most marginalized and vulnerable. We continue to transform our economy so that it is in a more competitive position to create jobs, to attract more investment, and that it should benefit all. South Africa is a party to global treaties on human rights, gender equality, children's rights, refugee protection, and environmental protection. A few days ago, South Africa also endorsed the pact that charts the course for a better future for global governance and towards the attainment of the sustainable development goals. A signatory to the Paris Agreement, we are contributing our fair share towards the global effort and have a just energy transition plan to guide our carbon journey and climate resilient development. Through the African Union, we are working to advance Agenda 2063. We're involved in mediation and conflict resolution across our continent and actively contribute to peacekeeping missions. Our political culture has evolved and it continues to mature. We have just held our seventh free and fair general elections since our democracy, paving the way for the formation of the government of national unity. Ten political parties have coalesced around a common agenda for economic growth, job creation, poverty eradication, and sustainable development. South Africa is in a new era. an era of great promise. In what some have called our second miracle, South Africans of all races have rallied behind the government of national unity. We are making headway in resolving some of our most pressing challenges. Our economy has started to improve. and investor confidence is on the rise. Our country's prospects look bright and we look to the future with great hope. The South African story bears witness to the enduring role of the United Nations in global matters. In supporting our struggle, The United Nations affirmed the principles of the UN Charter, the fundamental human rights, the dignity and worth of every person, and the equal rights of nations large and small. It affirmed the aspiration contained in the Universal Declaration of Rights that we should strive for a world free of barbarous acts that outrage the conscience of humankind. Genocide was declared to be a stain on the conscience of the world, and the world community took a stand against genocide. Apartheid was declared a crime against humanity, and a stain on the conscience of the world. The United Nations took a stand against apartheid. These were seen as crimes against humanity then, and they continue to be crimes against humanity now. It has been 11 months since the Hamas attack that killed 1,200 people and where hostages were taken. As South Africa, we have condemned this attack. In response, Israel embarked on an act of collective punishment in its assault on the people of Gaza. The torment of the people of Gaza continues unabated. More than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed. Homes, hospitals, churches, mosques, and schools lie destroyed. Femines and disease stalk the streets of Gaza. This cannot but shock our collective humanity. The violence, Palestinian people are being subjected to is a grim continuation of more than half a century of apartheid that has been perpetrated against Palestinians by Israel. We South Africans know what apartheid looks like. We lived through apartheid. We suffered and died under apartheid. We will not remain silent and watch as apartheid is perpetrated against others. Through the United Nations and the instruments it wields, we must end the suffering that Palestinians are being subjected to. We are called upon to uphold the principles of the UN Charter and to uphold consistently and in their entirety the fundamental tenets of international law. International law cannot be applied selectively. No one state is more equal than any other. In December last year, South Africa approached the International Court of Justice seeking an order to prevent Israel from committing genocide against the people of Gaza. We did so in terms of our obligations as a state party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. As South Africa, we welcome the support that a number of countries have given to the case that we have launched at the ICJ. The ICJ's orders make it clear that there is a plausible case of genocide against the people of Gaza. They further make it clear that states must also act to prevent genocide by Israel and to ensure that they are not themselves party to the violation of the Genocide Convention by aiding or assisting in the commission of genocide. We reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire and for the release of all hostages. The only lasting solution is the establishment of a Palestinian state, a state that will exist side by side with Israel, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Our moral conscience further demands that we exert every effort to bring peace also to other countries, especially the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to Sudan, to Ukraine, and other parts of the African continent. We must realize the aspirations of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination. Achieving and maintaining peace and security requires the collective will of the community of nations gathered here. It requires that the UN Security Council should be a more representative body and inclusive. 78 years since its formation, the structure of the United Nations Security Council remains largely unchanged. Africa and its 1.4 billion people remain excluded from its key decision-making structures. This cannot continue. The Security Council has not fulfilled its mandate to maintain international peace and security. The UN Security Council must be reformed as a matter of agency. We would like to see the Security Council be more inclusive so that the voices of all nations can be heard and be considered. It cannot remain an exclusive club of just five nations to the exclusion of the many nations in the world. Africa stands ready to play its role in building a safer global order by participating in the work of the UN Security Council on the basis of respect and acceptance. The African Union and its member states are engaged in mediation and dialogue and diplomacy across our continent to create conditions under which peace and development can take hold. There must be greater collaboration between the United Nations and the African Union towards resolving a number of conflicts and also in addressing the root causes of conflicts that continue to rage. Pandemics and endemics pose a serious threat to us all. We are concerned by the spread of mpox across the world and in Africa in particular. We urge the international community to mobilize vaccines and other medical countermeasures for deployment where they are most needed. Economic prosperity is key to sustainable peace. Through the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, we are establishing the foundation for a massive increase in trade and investment and infrastructure in our continent. The AFCFTA will further integrate regional economies and accelerate Africa's industrialization and economic growth. The climate crisis is now a full-blown climate emergency in the world. It impacts very devastatingly to both countries and citizens of many countries. Extreme weather such as flooding, fires and droughts are becoming wreaking havoc on societies, economies, and the livelihoods of ordinary people. Despite being least responsible for climate change, developing economy countries, and particularly African countries, are bearing the brunt of what they did not create and are in the front line. As South Africa, we remain committed to contributing our fair share to reduce global emissions guided by the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. We have adaptation and mitigation programs and policies in place and have passed a climate change law to further support our emissions reduction targets. It is essential that climate actions do not deepen global inequality or stifle the developmental aspirations of the Global South. The industrialized nations are not honoring their climate commitments, and we repeat the call for predictable and sustainable financing for climate action. We must operationalize the agreed upon climate financing and capacity building instruments to advance mitigation and adaptation. Pursuing sustainable development necessitates that those with greater means should support those who lack them. The world faces annual financing gap of some $4 trillion to achieve sustainable development. We call on better resource countries to scale up their levels of support to developing economy countries. Debt is the millstone around the neck of many developing economy countries. stifling their potential and development. Debt servicing is robbing a number of countries of much needed funds to support health, education, and social spending. South Africa endorses the United Nations Secretary General's call for the reform of the global financial architecture to enable developing economy countries to lift themselves out of the quick sand of debt. We must commit to systems for financing development that are more accessible, agile, and equitable. In 2025, South Africa will assume the presidency of the G20. We will use this important role to advocate for the peoples of Africa and all of the Global South for their development and advancement. South Africa welcomes the adoption of the Pact for the Future and congratulate our sister country, Namibia, as well as for the Federal Republic of Germany for having ably steered the United Nations towards the adoption of the resolution in this regard. This Pact of the Future is a platform for us to focus on those actions we need to take together to build a world in which the equal worth of every person and the equal worth of every country is recognized and valued. We particularly welcome the commitments to place poverty eradication at the center of all our efforts and for the sustainable development goals, financing gap in developing countries to be closed. The disparities in wealth and development within and between countries is simply unjust and unsustainable. We must continue to strive for equal treatment, for equal opportunity and advancement for all individuals and all nations. The pact for the future must reinvigorate international solidarity. like veins that carry sustenance to every part of the body. Solidarity is the lifeblood of human progress. It binds us together to nourish the greater good. It is achieving the greater good for the common good to which we all strive. Through dialogue, through respect for the rule of law, through the advancement of human rights, through cooperation and solidarity, we can and we will be able to achieve a better world for all the peoples of the world. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of South Africa.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/south-africa","South Africa","His Excellency","Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/za_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ZA_EN.mp3" 34,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Viola Amherd, President of the Swiss Confederation. I request protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Madame Vice President, President, Deputy Secretary General, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, on the morning of 3 March 2002, I placed a ballot paper in the ballot box on which I had written a decisive yes. From early morning, figures and projections had already been displayed on TV screens, and yet it wasn't until the evening that the verdict was rendered. after a long and difficult struggle and a controversial election campaign, Switzerland was going to join the United Nations. In fact, ultimately, it was just a few hundred votes in the Valais canton, my region of origin, that were the decisive ones. The Swiss people thus expressed the resolve of our country to shoulder its responsibilities and to participate in international politics in a spirit of solidarity. That was more than two decades ago. Today, I'm speaking to you just a few days away from the Swiss presidency of the Security Council. The world has changed, but not our principles. Like numerous other countries, Switzerland is increasingly concerned by worsening tensions throughout the world and the emergence of new conflicts. Unfortunately, we increasingly see gross violations of human rights and a complete disdain for internationally recognised borders. Might risks trumping the rule of law and the use of force has considerably increased. It is only by standing together that we can confront this trend that the great writer Charles Ferdinand Rameau described so well a century ago. I quote, Misfortune never comes alone. They get married and have children. Great challenges face us. Wars, disasters, harm that we inflict upon our own planet and risks and opportunities as well linked to technological progress. The UN is the only universal organization is absolutely central in tackling these issues. Taking the decision to work together better, irrespective of political regimes, economic structures and cultural differences, is already a good start. The world should not divide itself up into blocks. That means that we should be ready to negotiate with all major regions of the world based on the principles that are in the interest of all, respected by all. International law must always be the basis of this. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the quest for peace prevails over all else, and Switzerland is committed to this. Standing in solidarity, faithful to its tradition of good offices, and because giving up and inaction should never be an option, Switzerland this summer brought together about 100 countries and international organizations during the High-Level Conference for Peace in Ukraine. Our aim was to give an initial push for a comprehensive, fair and lasting peace in Ukraine based on international law and the UN Charter. We would like to reiterate our invitation to the international community to spare no effort to support concrete measures and the joint communique. International law is the foundation underpinning our shared efforts for peace, security and prosperity in the world. The Geneva Conventions, whose 75th anniversary we are commemorating this year, govern the legal bases for war and thus the protection of civilians. Nonetheless, recent figures from the UN paint a bleak picture of the international community. Not only are people and civilian infrastructure insufficiently protected, but they are coming under repeated attack. We can see violations of international humanitarian law in Myanmar, in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and in Sudan. My country was firmly committed to ensure that the Security Council adopt ceasefire resolutions in Gaza and in Sudan in particular. There is an urgent need for these resolutions to be implemented and upheld. By the same token, we strongly call for an immediate return for complete cessation of hostilities on both sides of the blue line. The heavy price paid by civilians in these crises and in these conflicts currently makes Switzerland even more resolved to continue to view international humanitarian law as a top priority. Respecting it is at the heart of our commitment within the Security Council. The protection of civilians is not a given and it is no way guaranteed. We should grant it more importance in situations of conflict. The best way of protecting civilians is and will always be peace. Along these lines, my country is investing in promoting civilian and military peace. Whilst some peacekeeping missions have not always achieved the aims set out, day after day they nonetheless contribute to keeping people safe and to stability and to peace. We need to overcome disagreements when we are deciding upon new missions. Peace is too precious to become a playground where individual interests play out. Standing alongside numerous international partners, Switzerland is making its contribution to promoting peace and strengthening its commitment where possible. Over and beyond matters pertaining to peace and conflict, numerous other challenges are of concern. We urgently need to address these. For several years now, it has become increasingly clear that civilians must be protected not only during armed conflicts but also during natural disasters. Climate change and biodiversity loss have an existential impact on a growing number of people. It is crucial that we also maintain our commitment in these areas and that we bolster them and take brave, courageous measures measures for the future. Numerous international agreements on the environment or on climate change have not been implemented or have been done so insufficiently. This has led to a massive destruction of our environment. I'm also concerned by the uptick in disinformation. This undermines freedom of opinion based on facts. Private and state actors are spreading false information in their own countries and in other countries. In order to deepen polarization, sow discord and destabilize states. Switzerland is firmly committed to freedom of expression and to freedom of the media. Disinformation is a poison. We want to address this by better distinguishing between what comes under the rubric of freedom of expression and what is the manipulation of facts. by debunking illegitimate influence, by fostering open and fair debate, and by informing people transparently and objectively, both as governments and as international organisations, we can achieve this. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. Switzerland is firmly committed to strong and effective multilateralism. I'm aware of the need for combined commitment from all states in order to find solutions together. My country stands out for its regular democratic debates at all levels of our country within the municipalities, our regions and at the confederation level. There is an urgent need to restore such a constructive and peaceful debate between states in order to tackle existential challenges. The day before yesterday, together, we adopted the Pact for the Future. The Pact is a strong commitment to multilateralism. One of the key dimensions of this is the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is our roadmap, which we need to implement together as quickly as possible. The idea must be born of the vision, like the spark from the stone. Ramu also said this, and this quote still is relevant today. Let us be courageous and let us remain confident. We need a framework in which we can work together in partnership to find solutions. It is the United Nations which provides us With precisely this framework, it is up to us to make this institution stronger. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Swiss Confederation.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/switzerland","Switzerland","Her Excellency","Viola Amherd","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ch_de.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ch_en.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ch_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CH_EN.mp3" 35,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Emomali Wahmon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Honorable President, Excellency Secretary General, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I at the onset extend my warm words of congratulation to His Excellency Mr. Philemon Young on his election as the President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. My heartfelt thanks also go out to His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis in recognition of his fruitful engagement as the President of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Distinguished Delegates, today the world is facing a turbulent and intricate situation. The controversial geopolitical process, rapid weaponization, escalation of the Cold War, armed conflicts, aftermath of climate change and other global jeopardies and threats will undoubtedly give rise to the long-term negative consequences. In this context, it is critical more than ever that we consolidate joint efforts of the international community to protect security, maintain stability and ensure overall sustainable development. Obviously, we can bring lasting peace, build a harmonious life of mankind and prosperity of countries primarily on the basis of mutual understanding and constructive cooperation. We ought to be united to achieve these objectives, bring all wars and conflicts to an end, as well as implement other peaceful goals. It is high time now to take bold and effective steps forward to strengthen the key role of the United Nations in resolving conflicts and restoring peace and stability across the planet. I in this regard would like to propose to adopt a special United Nations General Assembly resolution declaring the Decade of Promotion of Peace for Future Generations. As I have stated time and again, Tajikistan always advocates the solution of all conflicts only through political and diplomatic means. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that the Republic of Tajikistan continues uninterrupted, unfavoring support of an implementation of the 2030 agenda to achieve sustainable development goals. It is worth noting that the principle message of this agenda is also reflected in Tajikistan National Development Strategy 2030, and continued efforts are being taken to achieve the primary goals. Nevertheless, the existence of a wide range of difficulties hinder the timely financing of sustainable development. Challenges include security turmoil, economic and financial crisis, unprecedented forming due to climate change and loss of biodiversity, as well as an outbreak of contagious diseases. In a political declaration recently adopted by the General Assembly, Member States have admitted that achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is in threat. According to the United Nations Secretary-General's report, the international community will be able to achieve only 17% of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. We are witnessing the setbacks in results achieved within the Sustainable Development Goals in many developing countries. In view of this, we need to intensify other efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda in a timely manner and pay particular attention to the financing for sustainable development It means that we need to prioritise sustainable development for developing countries with a view to facilitate and promote those sustainable development achievements. We do also believe that the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development, scheduled to be held in Spain in July 2025, as per the United Nations General Assembly Resolution, will play a crucial role in exploring new approaches to remove barriers on the way to financing for development. Necessarily, the activities of the international financial and economic system should meet the needs of developing countries so that it can facilitate the timely counter-response of member states to modern threats and challenges. In that context, In order to implement the goals and programs we outline, we believe it is important to continue financing countries in need by international financial institutions, especially through the means of the International Development Association, IDA. Digital technologies and artificial intelligence pave the suitable ways for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, Tajikistan is taking effective and the most necessary measures for the gradual transition to digitalization system by adopting the national strategy and relevant conceptual legal acts. I in this respect propose to the General Assembly to adopt at its upcoming session a special resolution on the role of artificial intelligence in creating new opportunities for socio-economic development and acceleration of the sustainable development goals achievement in the region of Central Asia. Tajikistan recognises the importance of the summit of the future held in the framework of the current session of the United Nations General Assembly. The intergovernmental document, the Pact for the Future, adopted during the summit, plays a key role in ensuring peace, security and sustainable development and we welcomed the willingness of the international community to implement this pact. This pact was adopted at a time when millions of civilians are exposed to security risks and dangers in different regions around the world. We reckon that the international community must take joint and effective actions to withstand the threat of terrorism and extremism, radicalism, cybercrime, trafficking in narcotics and weapon smuggling, and fight other manifestations of transnational crime. Furthermore, the rise of Islamophobia, as well as the trend of practicing double standard policy in international relationships, in recent years has become a matter of our deep concern. Our country constantly carries out joint actions in cooperation with the United Nations and its specialized agencies, as well as other international partners to counter security threats and challenges. Consequently, Tajikistan and the state of Kuwait, in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Counterterrorism, will hold the next high-level conference in the framework of the Dushanbe Process on Counterterrorism in the city of Kuwait this November. We do believe that these platforms will mainly focus on the subjects related to the persistence of inclusive security and stability and contribute to the continuation of an extended and trustful dialogue, as well as facilitate the exchange of helpful experience and ideas among the stakeholders. Ladies and gentlemen, on security matters, I would like to emphasize that the Palestinian crisis remains a matter of deep concern to our country Today's tragic situation in this region once again proves that there is absolutely no military solution to the Palestinian case. Tajikistan believes that an ultimate and tangible solution to this conflict would be possible only through the implementation of the United Nations resolutions. on recognition of an independent state of Palestine based on 1967 borders. We hope that conflicting parties will take actions for a ceasefire deal and arrange the peace negotiations and the international community will take effective steps to restore the lasting stability in Palestine. Moreover, we uphold the establishment of enduring peace and stability, as well as economic and social development in neighboring Afghanistan. To this end, Tajikistan is always ready to accord its assistance and the revival and development of a wide range of sectors of peaceful life in Afghanistan. Subsequently, I repeatedly call on the international community to spare no effort to help the long-suffering people of Afghanistan, including regions affected by natural disasters, to prevent a humanitarian crisis in this war-torn country. Honourable delegates, ladies and gentlemen, it has been more than a year since the United Nations Water Conference 2023. According to the reports of relevant United Nations agencies, progress in water supply and sanitation, despite some improvements, does not meet our expectations. It needs to be much more done. As a result, Tajikistan, as a champion country, actively cooperates with all stakeholders to implement the commitments stemming from the Voter Action Agenda of the United Nations Voter Conference 2023. Successful accomplishment of these and other voter-related commitments and goals will depend on effective multi-stakeholder partnerships that ensure integrated and systematic coherent approach. In this regard, it is important for us to take advantage of the Dushanbe Water Process Platform to monitor the outcomes of the United Nations Water Conference 2023. We believe that the Dushanbe Voter Process will play a pivotal role as a platform for a broad and inclusive dialogue of stakeholders for a comprehensive preparation for the United Nations Voter Conference in Dushanbe in 2028. Excellencies, distinguished participants, at the backdrop of a climate change impact, the international community needs to work on collective approach and initiatives and the proper use of natural resources and their relentless activities of various fields of human life. In recent years, the natural disasters along with a series of droughts cause enormous damage to the agriculture, environment, and economies of developing countries in general. Being 93% of its territory covered by mountains, Tajikistan is also vulnerable to climate change due to the frequent occurrence of natural disasters. Natural disasters annually bring damage to the national economy of Tajikistan worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and unfortunately in many cases they cause death tolls. Climate change is causing the accelerated melting of glaciers and reduced water volume in the rivers in different parts of the world, including in some glaciers. This process has a negative impact on real sectors of national economy, such as energy, industry and agriculture. To date, more than 1,000 out of 14,000 Tajikistan glaciers, which are the main source of drinking water in the region, have completely melted and the pace of their melting is dramatically increasing. This is despite the fact that precipitation and glaciers of Tajikistan make up to 60% of the source of water resources in Central Asia. Meanwhile, the United Nations General Assembly's declaration of 2025 as the International Year of Glacier Preservation at the initiative of Tajikistan provides a suitable basis for developing cooperation among stakeholders. Pursuing to this United Nations General Assembly resolution, March 21st, was declared as the World Glaciers Day. An international trust fund to promote the glaciers preservation was established under the auspices of the United Nations Secretary General. Concurrently, the first high-level international conference on glaciers preservation will be hosted in Dushanbe, Tajikistan next year. Taking this opportunity, we call on partner countries and organizations to actively participate and contribute to the arrangement and conduct of this conference. We believe that this important international conference which is scheduled to be held in cooperation with UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organization, will play an effective role in assessing the global glaciers problems and exploring specific approaches and ways for their effective solutions. Alongside with this, we invite all partners to financially contribute to the International Glaciers Trust Fund. It is worth highlighting that to further advance the glaciers preservation agenda, Tajikistan, together with France, has put forward another initiative to declare 2025-2034 a Decade of action for cryospheric sciences. Our country has adopted a national strategy for adaptation to climate change 2030 based on its international obligations, including specific provisions of the Paris Agreement. Evidently, one of the ways to successfully mitigate the challenges related to climate change is the development of a green economy, which in turn calls for green energy development. Considering the importance of this reality, our country has approved and currently is implementing the Green Economy Development Strategy, for 2023-2037. We currently produce 98% of our electricity from the country's hydroelectric power resources, and we are ranked the sixth in the world in terms of the share of green energy produced from renewable sources. The goal of the implementation of our plans in this direction is to turn Tajikistan into a green country by 2037. Today, finding solutions to the daily issues of adaptation to climate change and reducing the severity of its negative consequences is necessary. considered one of the top priorities for the international community. We hope that developed countries, the United Nations and its specialized agencies, influential international financial institutions, and other international and regional multilateral entities will further continue to pay serious attention to these important and critical issues. We are convinced that the international community succeeds to achieve its common goals and objectives through the development of trustful dialogue, mutual understanding, and constructive, rewarding cooperation. I thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/tajikistan","Tajikistan","His Excellency","Emomali Rahmon","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tj_tj.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tj_ar.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tj_en.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tj_ru.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TJ_EN.mp3" 36,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, dear heads of states and governments, Mr. Secretary General, distinguished delegates, on behalf of myself, my country, and my nation, I greet you with my most heartfelt feelings and respect. I'm honored to have the opportunity to address the United Nations General Assembly once again today. I hope that the 79th General Assembly will be a blessing for our countries and for the entire humanity. I would like to congratulate Mr. Francis on the completion of his term as President of the General Assembly and wish success to Mr. Young as he takes over. I would like to express here our pleasure to see the representative of our friend and brother Palestine in his rightful place among the member states as a result of long struggles. I hope that this historic step will be the final turning point on the road leading to Palestine's membership to the United Nations, the international community, and all of us in the human family must fulfill our obligation to the Palestinian people without further ado. That haven't done already. Distinguished guests, I know that there are certain crises that you're monitoring on TV and those are the crises that we are going through every day and we're trying to manage them. That's why today I'm not talking representing a country that is situated far away from tensions, but instead that is found at the very heart of tension and war. Some people will be critical of us, but despite that fact, today, on the common rostrum of the human race, we will speak of the truth frankly and openly. Right now, the United Nations, under the roof of which we are found today, were established in the aftermath of the Second World War, in which millions of people have lost their lives to maintain international peace and security. With the establishment of the United Nations, expectations for global stability, peace and justice were reborn, and hopes for peace were sprouted again. To put it bluntly, unfortunately, in the Last few years, the United Nations has failed to fulfill its founding mission and has gradually become a dysfunctional structure. The world is bigger than five is my motto, it's my credo, and this credo represents our common values and we need those values more than ever in this day and age. International justice cannot be left in the will of five privileged member states of the Security Council. And the most dramatic example to that is the war, the massacre that has been going on in Gaza for the last 350 days. And since October 7, 41,000 Palestinians have been killed in the continuous Israeli attacks. 41,000 lives, 41,000 people, mostly children and women, were ruthlessly taken away. And no one knows where more than 10,000 people are, most of which are children. And likewise, 100,000 people were injured, maimed, or they lost their limbs. 172 journalists were killed while trying to do their job under very difficult circumstances. And more than 500 medics have been killed while they were trying to save lives. Humanitarian aid workers and the United Nations personnel who came to the rescue of the people of Gaza who were struggling with hunger and thirst were killed. More than 215 United Nations personnel. They hit marketplaces, tents and camps where the refugees were sheltered. They hit 820 mosques and three churches that shouldn't have been touched even in war. And they deliberately hit dozens of hospitals, hundreds of schools, more than 130 ambulances carrying patients. They shredded the Charter of the United Nations from the rostrum of the United Nations and shamelessly challenged the whole world, who are people of conscience, from this very rostrum. They challenged them. My friends, leaked images from Israel's prisons, which it has turned into concentration camps, clearly show what kind of barbarianism we are facing. As a result of Israeli attacks, Gaza has become the world's largest cemetery for women and children. More than 17,000 children were targeted by Israeli bullets and bombs. Hind Recep was only six years old. He and his family were seeking safety when their car was hit by Israeli forces. He lost everything. He lost his mother, father, siblings, cousins. He lost all the hopes he had packed. And only he survived. He waited desperately for rescue for 12 days. Will you come to take me? I'm fearful. Was waiting for a helping hand to reach out to him for 12 days. Despite the level of our world has reached, despite the technology at our disposal, despite our organizations with huge budgets employing tens of thousands of personnel as a human family of 8 billion inhabitants, we haven't yet managed to rescue a six-year-old girl, which is actually like an injured sparrow trapped under the rubble that was shaking before our eyes. Hundreds of Gazan children died and are still dying because they cannot find a morsel of a dry bread, a sip of water, and a bowl of soup. In Gaza, not only children are dying, but also the United Nations system. The values that the West claims to defend are dying. The truth is dying. The hopes of humanity to live in a more just world are dying one by one. I am asking you bluntly here, openly, frankly. I call out to you, oh human rights organizations, are those in Gaza and the West Bank not human beings? Do children in Palestine have no rights? Can they play out on the streets, in their homelands safely? And calling out to the international press organizations. Aren't the journalists murdered by Israel on live TV your colleagues, whose offices were actually raided as well? I call out to United Nations Security Council. What are you waiting for to prevent the genocide in Gaza, to put a stop to this cruelty, this barbarianism? What are you waiting for to stop Netanyahu and his network who is endangering the lives of the Palestinian people, which is a part of a mass murder network? And what are you still waiting for to stop them putting to danger their own people and the entire region for political gain? I would like to call out to the countries supporting Israel in an unconditional manner. How long are you going to be able to carry the shame of witnessing this massacre? Dear friends, while children are dying in Gaza, in Ramallah, in Lebanon, while babies are dying in incubators, unfortunately, the international community has given a very bad test and failed in a big way. What's happening in Palestine, look, is a sign of a great moral collapse. I believe that the peoples of the world, the leaders of countries and international organizations should reflect on this painful picture, upon this painful landscape. And I would like to state very clearly and loudly here, the Israeli government, disregarding basic human rights, trampling on international law at every opportunity, is practicing ethnic cleansing, a clear genocide against a nation, a people, and occupying their lands step by step. Palestinians, whose freedom, independence, and most basic rights have been usurped, are rightfully exercising their legitimate rights of resistance against this occupation and ethnic cleansing. The just resistance of the Palestinian people against the occupiers of their land is too noble. It's honorable and legitimate to be called illegitimate. It's heroic and it's noble. The only reason for Israel's aggression against the Palestinian people is the unconditional support of group of countries. And I would like to wave at my brothers and sisters at the legitimate resistance in Palestine. As I've said before, the support of a group of countries for Israel is the reason why this aggression is still going on. Countries that have a say over Israel are openly complicit in this massacre. with a policy of run for the hair and catch the hound. Those who are supposedly working for a ceasefire in front of the stage continue to send arms and ammunition to Israel so that it can continue its massacres in the background. This inconsistency, and this is insincerity, look, There's a paper that has been going around back and forth since May. Hamas has repeatedly declared its acceptance of the ceasefire offer. But the Israeli government has made it very clear that this is the party that doesn't want peace by constantly dragging its feet, making a settlement of the dispute much more difficult, almost impossible, constantly finding an excuse and sneakily killing its negotiating partner at a time when it was closest to a ceasefire. Israel's stalling and deception should not be given any more credit. In the absence of the implementation In the absence of the implementation of UN Security Council resolution number 2735, coercive measures against Israel should be put on the agenda. Israel's behavior has once again demonstrated that it is imperative for the international community to develop a protection mechanism for Palestinian civilians. 70 years ago, Just as Hitler was stopped by an alliance of humanity, Netanyahu and his murder network must be stopped by an alliance of humanity. We believe that the General Assembly's authority to recommend the use of force, as in the 1950 resolution on unity for peace, should be considered in this process during this time. An immediate and a permanent ceasefire must be established. Hostages and prisoners must be exchanged. And humanitarian aid must be delivered to Gaza unhindered and uninterrupted. It's very, very important that we extend a helping hand to the people of Gaza, especially before the winter season, when conditions on the ground will become even more challenging. Look, right now, 70 percent of the water supplies and 75 percent of the bakeries in Gaza have been destroyed. 95% of health centers were partially or completely damaged. 150,000 houses were completely destroyed. 200,000 houses were partially destroyed. And 80,000 houses become uninhabitable. Infectious diseases such as polio and hepatitis are on the rise. The people of Gaza receive only a quarter of the aid they urgently need. That's what they have access to. And as Turkey, we have been providing humanitarian aid to our brothers and sisters in Palestine, and we will keep on doing that. With more than 60,000 tons of aid, Turkey is the country sending the largest amount of aid to Gaza. Likewise, by halting commercial transactions with Israel, we have demonstrated our stance on this issue. Now, during the last couple of weeks, attacks by Israel have been increased in Lebanon, and we are by the side of the Lebanese people and the Lebanese government. We can see this truth for what it is. Those who murdered 41,000 people cannot rest until those who gave the orders, pulled the trigger, and dropped the bombs are held accountable for their crimes. We will not heave a sigh of relief. Our conscience will not go silent. The bill for the billions of dollars of damage caused in the cities that have been destroyed, wrecked and reduced to rubble must and will be compensated by the perpetrators. We support the case brought by the Republic of South Africa at the International Court of Justice to ensure that Israel's crimes do not go unpunished. We will take every step necessary for justice to be served in the case for which we have applied as an intervener or as a party. We will fight for the blood of Aishanur Ezgi Eigi, who was shot in the head and murdered by Israeli soldiers during a peaceful protest in Nablus. and we will fight in all legal remedies, and we will keep on doing that. While a ceasefire in Gaza is urgently needed, the underlying problem in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. Based on the 1967 borders, an independent, sovereign and geographically integrated Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital must come into being. This cannot be delayed any longer. I would like it to be known that we are closely following Israel's increasing attacks on our first Qibla, Al-Aqsa Mosque and Haram al-Sharif. I would like to state once again on this podium as Tayyip Erdogan, once again, that I'm not using a language of politics. I am encouraged by our ancestors who have always stood by the side of the victims, honorably and nobly. We are a nation that has been on the side of the oppressed and against the oppressors and oppression throughout history. We are such a nation. We welcomed Jews fleeing the Inquisition 500 years ago and Jews fleeing Hitler's concentration camps. We opened our arms wide. We, as a country and a nation, I'll be very clear to say that we have no animosity or hostility towards the people of Israel. We oppose anti-Semitism in the same way we oppose the targeting of Muslims just because of their faith. Our problem is with the massacre policies of the Israeli government. Our problem is with the oppressor and the oppression just as it was five centuries ago. Everybody should know about this. We will always speak of the truth and speak of what's right and what's fair. Even if some people will be uncomfortable, we will continue to shout out the truth and stand by the righteous and boldly say that we will speak of what we know is right, even though it will hurt some people. From here... I would like to thank all the courageous people who show solidarity with the Palestinian people without discrimination of faith, country, language or religion, and who take to the streets almost every week to raise their voices against the massacres in Gaza. I would like to especially thank the university students and the youth. Distinguished delegates, unfortunately, in the 14th year of the conflict, Syria is still far from stability. The economic and humanitarian situation in the country in the grip of terrorism and separatist organizations remains dire. On the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 2254, we hope to advance the political process and achieve national prosperity. reconciliation. We are determined to sincerely pursue our position in favor of a realistic dialogue. We are very sincere in that regard. Our neighbor Iraq, while continuing its fight against terrorism, is taking decisive steps towards development, reconstruction, and reintegration with its region. And the international community must support Iraq's efforts. In this context, it is important to implement initiatives such as the Development Road Project, which will benefit the entire region on a win-win basis. The success of all these efforts depend on the complete elimination of the terrorist threat in Iraq, in particular the PKK. We are strengthening our common action plan with another neighbor of ours, Iran, in the region in order to establish stability and peace. It's going to contribute tremendously to our efforts. The war in Ukraine has been going on for three years, and we are still away from establishing a permanent peace and stability. As the arms race accelerates, the space for diplomacy is shrinking. very important that diplomacy and dialogue will ensure territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine and our support for those endeavors of turkey will continue even strongly and again during this process we are determined to implement the montreal convention on the straits We will rigorously implement the Montreux Convention. We support the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia and hope that this process will be concluded as soon as possible with good news. We support continued high-level contacts between the two countries. And we are focusing on dialogue. Turkey and Armenia, we are also taking positive steps on that track, too. Progress in the Azerbaijan-Armenia peace process will have a positive impact on the Turkey-Armenia normalization process. Dear friends, we play a constructive role for the prosperity and peace at the Balkans, of which we are an integral part, and we act in close cooperation with all actors in the region. As a member of the Steering Committee for Peace Implementation Council, we emphasize the importance of the sovereignty, political unity and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina on every platform and continue our contribution to Operation Euphor Altea. We are successfully continuing the Key4 comment we assumed last year and supporting the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue process. We want to see the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean as a zone of stability and prosperity where the legitimate interests of all the parties are concerned can be respected. It is in the common interest of the entire region to enhance cooperation particularly on the delimitation of maritime jurisdictions in accordance with international law, freedom and safety of navigation, and maritime trade. International maritime law encourages cooperation between littoral states in closed or semi-closed seas, such as the Aegean Sea. Turkey is ready for constructive cooperation on all issues, especially in energy and environment. We have the longest coastline in the eastern Mediterranean, and Turkey's key role is undeniable. Turkey has legitimate rights and authorities in the western part of the island of Cyprus, while the Turkish Cypriots have legitimate rights in the areas around the world. It has been 50 years since the Cyprus peace operation and 61 years since the Cyprus issue emerged as a result of the Greek Cypriot usurpation of the partnership state. From that day until today, peace and tranquility have prevailed on the island. It was always the Turkish Cypriots and Turkey who put forth the sincere will to bring about a just, lasting and sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue. The Federation model is now completely outdated. And we fully support the vision of a two-state solution with two different nations put forward by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriots, which are the vested rights of the Turkish Cypriots, must be re-registered and the isolation must end. Today, I once again invite the international community to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and to establish diplomatic, political and economic relations. We actively support the stabilization of Libya and the preservation of the unity and integrity of the country. We call on all states to sincerely stand by Libya at this very sensitive time and contribute to building trust between the parties. We must do more to end the conflict in Sudan. We all have a responsibility to deliver humanitarian assistance to the millions of Sudanese people displaced by the conflict. With its young and dynamic population, rich natural resources, and vast fertile lands, Africa has enormous potential. Based on the principles of equal partnership and mutual respect, hand in hand with the peoples of Africa, we support the continent's efforts for peace, stability and development. We will continue to stand in full solidarity with our African brothers and sisters. As part of our initiatives, we are strengthening our deep-rooted ties with Asia. We are deepening our engagement with our partner regional organizations such as ASEAN, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Pacific Islands Forum. We keep our will to develop our relations with BRICS, which brings together emerging economies alive. We share a deep-rooted history with the countries of Central Asia and we are further strengthening our cooperation on bilateral and multilateral grounds. Our Organization of Turkic States is gradually turning into a center of attraction. The organization is becoming an exemplary model of cooperation with the contributions of observer members Hungary and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. We will further strengthen our unity and our togetherness as the Turkic world. And within the framework of respect for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, we are in close dialogue with China to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of Uyghur Turks with whom we have strong historical, cultural, and humanitarian ties. We endeavor to build on the friendly ties we have established with the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Distinguished delegates, we must work together to address global injustice. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals concept of leaving no one behind is a guiding principle for these efforts. As one of the largest aid donors relative to its gross domestic product, Turkey's development cooperation activities contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals. We contribute to efforts to ensure fair, inclusive growth and development in all international platforms, especially the G20, of which we are a member. We approach technological breakthroughs not as a source of new injustice and conflicts, but as a source of a more prosperous future, such as AI. We believe that all nations should equally benefit from the transformative power of these breakthrough technologies. The United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries, which we are hosting, is a concrete manifestation of our efforts in this direction. But unfortunately, the cyber terror attacks that took place in Lebanon last week show us once again how deadly these technologies can be used as weapons. I approach the climate change issue from that same perspective. No country can tackle emission reductions and climate change adaptation alone. The most important issues for developing countries are financing, technology transfer, and capacity building. I sincerely believe that the COP29 climate summit in Baku will contribute to the solution of these issues. At the summit, we expect to launch important additional initiatives and unveil our long-term low-emission development strategy and the Zero Waste Initiative that became a reality under the auspices of my spouse, Madame Emine Erdogan. And with mutual agreements, we have taken our domestic affairs and initiatives to international agendas. I would like to ask everybody to support our endeavors in that regard. We see Islamophobia, xenophobia, and racism creeping over the world like a poison ivy. We can see that every week attacks are taking place upon our mosques and our holy book of Quran. In the middle of Europe, people's homes are set on fire and lives are taken because of their ethnic and religious affiliation. Their lives are taken away from them and their fundamental rights are being suspended. And nobody can ignore this growing danger any longer. On March 15, 2024, we expect a special envoy to combat Islamophobia to be appointed at the United Nations as soon as possible, as envisaged in the draft resolution adopted on March 15. Today, I would like to draw your attention once again to the danger that I raised last year on this podium. Attacks on the institution of family, the pillar of society, are increasing. The disgrace staged at the opening of the 2024 Olympic Games has revealed the extent of the threat we face as humanity. A sporting event watched by innocent children and hundreds of millions of people of all ages and beliefs has been used as a tool for a sexist propaganda. It was actually... a parade of bad scenes. Those disturbing scenes of evil have wounded not only the Catholic world, the Christian world, but everyone who respects the sacred values. The issue of desexualization is no longer an orientation, but a global imposition. It literally became a war against the sacred and human nature. We are facing a multidimensional, comprehensive, and ruthless project of destruction who are speaking out and who are reacting to this evil. Anyone who raises a voice for this annihilation project is silenced and targeted by lynch campaigns, and Türkiye is determined to break this siege and resist the climate of fear. To this end, we became a member of the United Nations Friends of the Family group, Inshallah, God willing, together with other member countries, we will not hesitate to defend the family, the human being, and the human nature. I invite all the countries that share our sentiments to shoulder this struggle. With these thoughts in mind, I wish that the 79th General Assembly will be auspicious for all humanity. I greet you all once again with love and respect. May peace be with you and may you remain in health. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Turkey,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/turkiye","Türkiye","His Excellency","Recep Tayyip Erdoğan","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tr_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TR_EN.mp3" 37,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States of America. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. My fellow leaders, today is the fourth time I've had the great honor of speaking to this assembly as President of the United States. It will be my last. I've seen a remarkable sweep of history. I was first elected to office in the United States of America as a U.S. Senator in 1972. Now, I know I look like I'm only 40. I know that. I was 29 years old. Back then, we were living through an inflection point, a moment of tension and uncertainty. The world was divided by the Cold War. The Middle East was headed toward war. America was at war in Vietnam, and at that point, the longest war in America's history. Our country was divided and angry, and there were questions about our staying power and our future. But even then, I entered public life not out of despair, but out of optimism. The United States and the world got through that moment. It wasn't easy or simple without significant setbacks. But we would go on to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons throughout the — through arms control, and then go on to bring the Cold War itself to an end. Israel and Egypt went to war, but then forged a historic peace. We ended the war in Vietnam, Last year in Hanoi, I met with the Vietnamese leadership. We elevated our partnership to the highest level. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the capacity for reconciliation. Today, the United States and Vietnam are partners and friends. And it's proof that even from the horrors of war, there's a way forward. Things can get better. We should never forget that. I've seen that throughout my career. In the 1980s, I spoke out against apartheid in South Africa, and then I watched the racist regime fall. In the 1990s, I worked to hold Milosevic accountable for war crimes. He was held accountable. At home, I wrote and passed the Violence Against Women Act to end the scourge of violence against women and girls, not only in America, but across the world, as many of you have as well. But we have so much more to do, especially against rape and sexual violence as weapons of war and terror. We were attacked on 9-11 by al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. We brought him justice. Then I came to the presidency at another moment in a crisis and uncertainty. I believed America had to look forward. New challenges, new threats, new opportunities were in front of us. We need to put ourselves in a position to see the threats, to deal with the challenges, and to seize the opportunities as well. We need to end the era of war that began on 9-11. As Vice President to President Obama, he asked me to work to wind down the military operations in Iraq, and we did, painful as it was. When I came to office as President, Afghanistan had replaced Vietnam. as America's longest war, I was determined to end it, and I did. It was a hard decision, but the right decision. Four American presidents had faced that decision, but I was determined not to leave it to the fifth. It was a decision accompanied by tragedy. Thirteen brave Americans lost their lives, along with hundreds of Afghans in a suicide bomb. I think those lost lives, I think them every day. I think of all the 2,461 U.S. military deaths over a long 20 years of that war, 20,744 American servicemen wounded in action. I think of their service, their sacrifice, and their heroism. I know other countries lost their own men and women fighting alongside us. We honor their sacrifices as well. To face the future, I was also determined to rebuild my country's alliances and partnerships to a level not previously seen. We did. We did just that, from traditional treaty alliances to new partnerships like the Quad with the United States, Japan, Australia, and India. I know many look at the world today and see difficulties and react with despair, but I do not. I won't. As leaders, we don't have the luxury. I recognize the challenges from Ukraine to Gaza to Sudan and beyond — war, hunger, terrorism, brutality, record displacement of people, the climate crisis, democracy at risk, strangers in our societies, the promise of artificial intelligence and its significant risk. The list goes on. But maybe because of all I've seen and all we have done together over the decades, I have hope. I know there is a way forward. In 1919, the Irish poet William Butler Yeats described a world, and I quote, where things fall apart, the center cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, end of quote. Some may say those words describe the world not just in 1919, but in 2024. Well, I see a critical distinction. In our time, the center has held. Leaders and people from every region and across the political spectrum have stood together, turned the page. We turned the page in the worst pandemic in a century. We made sure COVID no longer controls our lives. We defended the U.N. Charter and ensured the survival of Ukraine as a free nation. My country made the largest investment in climate, clean energy ever anywhere in history. There will always be forces that pull our countries apart and the world apart. Aggression, extremism, chaos, and cynicism. A desire to retreat from the world and go it alone. Our task, our test, is to make sure that the forces holding us together are stronger than those that are pulling us apart, that the principles of partnership that we came here each year to uphold can withstand the challenges, that the center holds once again. To my fellow leaders, I truly believe we're at another inflection point in world history. For the choices we make today will determine our future for decades to come. Will we stand behind the principles of Unitas? Will we stand firm against aggression? Will we end the conflicts that are raging today? Will we take on global challenges like climate change, hunger, and disease? Will we plan now for the opportunities and risk of revolutionary new technologies? I want to talk today about each of these decisions and the actions, in my view, we must take. To start, each of us in this body has made a commitment to the principles of the U.N. Charter to stand up against aggression. When Russia invaded Ukraine, we could have stood by and merely protested. But Vice President Harris and I understood that that was an assault on everything this institution was supposed to stand for. And so, in my direction, America stepped into the breach, providing massive security and economic and humanitarian assistance. Our NATO Allies and partners in 50-plus nations stood up as well. But most importantly, the Ukrainian people stood up. I asked the people of this chamber to stand up for them. The good news is, Putin's war has failed. and his core aim. He set out to destroy Ukraine, but Ukraine is still free. He set out to weaken NATO, but NATO is bigger, stronger, and more united than ever before with two new members, Finland and Sweden. But we cannot let up. The world now has another choice to make. Will we sustain our support to help Ukraine win this war and preserve its freedom, or walk away and let aggression be renewed and the nation be destroyed. I know my answer. We cannot grow weary. We cannot look away. And we will not let up on our support for Ukraine. Not until Ukraine wins just and durable peace in the U.N. Charter. We also need to uphold our principles as we seek to responsibly manage the competition with China so it does not veer into conflict. We stand ready to cooperate on urgent challenges for the good of our people and the people everywhere. We recently resumed cooperation with China to stop the flow of deadly synthetic narcotics. I appreciate the collaboration. It matters for the people of my country and many others around the world. On matters of conviction, the United States is unabashed in pushing back against unfair economic competition, against military coercion of other nations in the South China Sea, in maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, in protecting our most advanced technologies so they cannot be used against us or any of our partners. At the same time, we're going to continue to strengthen our network of alliances and partnerships across the Indo-Pacific. These partnerships are not against any nation. They're building blocks for a free, open, secure, and peaceful Indo-Pacific. We're also working to bring greater measure of peace and stability to the Middle East. The world must not flinch from the horrors of October 7th. Any country, any country would have the right and responsibility to ensure that such an attack could never happen again. Thousands of armed Hamas terrorists invaded a sovereign state, slaughtering and massacring more than 1,200 people, including 46 Americans, in their homes and at a music festival. Despicable acts of sexual violence. Two hundred and fifty innocents taken hostage. I've met with the families of those hostages. I've grieved with them. They're going through hell. Innocent civilians in Gaza are also going through hell. Thousands and thousands killed, including aid workers. Too many families dislocated, crowding in the tents, facing a dire humanitarian situation. They did not ask for this war that Hamas started. I put forward with Qatar and Egypt a ceasefire and hostage deal. It's been endorsed by the U.N. Security Council. Now is the time for the parties to finalize its terms, bring the hostages home, and secure security for Israel and Gaza free of Hamas grip, ease the suffering in Gaza, and end this war. On October 7th, Since October 7, we've also been determined to prevent a wider war that engulfs the entire region. Hezbollah, unprovoked, joined the October 7 attack, launching rockets into Israel. Almost a year later, too many on each side of the Israeli-Lebanon border remained displaced. A full-scale war is not in anyone's interest. Even as the situation has escalated, a diplomatic solution is still possible. In fact, it remains the only path to lasting security to allow the residents from both countries to return to their homes on the border safely. And that's what we're working tirelessly to achieve. As we look ahead, we must also address the rise of violence against innocent Palestinians on the West Bank and set the conditions for a better future, including a two-state solution. where the world, where Israel enjoys security and peace and full recognition and normalized relations with all its neighbors, where Palestinians live in security, dignity, and self-determination in a state of their own. Progress toward peace will put us in a stronger position to deal with the ongoing threat posed by Iran. Together, we must deny oxygen to its terrorist proxies, which have called for more October 7th and ensure that Iran will never, ever obtain a nuclear weapon. Gaza is not the only conflict that deserves our outrage. In Sudan, a bloody civil war unleashed one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. Eight million. Eight million on the brink of famine. Hundreds of thousands already there, atrocities that are forward elsewhere. The United States has led the world in providing humanitarian aid to Sudan, and with our partners, we've led diplomatic talks to try to silence the guns and avert a wider famine. The world needs to stop arming the generals, to speak with one voice and tell them, stop tearing your country apart, stop blocking aid to the Sudanese people, end this war now. But people need more than the absence of war. They need a chance, a chance to live in dignity. They need to be protected from the ravages of climate change, hunger, and disease. Our administration as a RAI has invested over $150 billion to make progress and other sustainable development goals. It includes $20 billion for food security and over $50 billion for global health. We've mobilized billions more in private sector investment. We've taken the most ambitious climate action in history. We've moved to rejoin the Paris Agreement on day one. And today, my country is finally on track to cut emissions in half by 2030. On track to honor my pledge to quadruple climate financing to developing nations with $11 billion thus far this year. We've rejoined the World Health Organization, donating 700 million doses of COVID vaccine to 117 countries. We must now move quickly to face MPOX outbreak in Africa. We're prepared to commit $500 million to help African countries prevent and respond to MPOX and to donate 1 million doses of MPOX vaccine now. We call on our partners to match our pledge and make this a billion-dollar commitment to the people of Africa. Beyond the core necessities of food and health, the United States, the G7, and our partners have embarked on an ambitious initiative to mobilize and deliver significant finance to the developing world. We're working to help countries build out their infrastructure, to clean energy transition, to the digital transformation, to lay new economic foundations for a prosperous future. It's called the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. We've already started to see the fruits of this emerge in Southern Africa and Southeast Asia and in the Americas. We have to keep it going. I want to get things done together. In order to do that, we must build a stronger, more effective, and more inclusive United Nations. The U.N. needs to adapt and bring new voices and new perspectives. That's why we support reforming and expanding the membership of the U.N. Security Council. Our U.N. ambassador just laid out our detailed vision to reflect today's world, not yesterday's. It's time to move forward. And a Security Council like the U.N. itself needs to go back to the job of making peace, of brokering deals to end wars and suffering. and to stop the spread of the most dangerous weapons, of stabilizing troubled regions in East Africa, from East Africa to Haiti, to Kenya-led mission that's working alongside the Haitian people to turn the tide. We also have a responsibility to prepare our citizens for the future. We'll see more technological change, I argue, in the next two to 10 years than we have in the last 50 years. Artificial intelligence is going to change our ways of life, our ways of work, and our ways of war. It could usher in scientific progress at a pace never seen before, and much of it could make our lives better. But AI also brings profound risks, from deep fakes to disinformation to novel pathogens to bioweapons. We've worked at home and abroad to define the new norms and standards. This year, we achieved the first-ever General Assembly resolution on AI to start developing global rules, global rules of the road. We also announced a declaration on the responsible use of AI, joined by 60 countries in this chamber. But let's be honest, this is just the tip of the iceberg, what we need to do to manage this new technology. Nothing is certain about how AI will evolve or how it will be deployed. No one knows all the answers. My fellow leaders, just with humility, I offer two questions. First, how do we, as an international community, govern AI? As countries and companies race to uncertain frontiers, we need an equally urgent effort to ensure AI's safety, security, and trustworthiness. As AI grows more powerful, it also must grow more responsive to our collective needs and values. Benefits of all must be shared equitably. It should be harnessed to a narrow, not deepened, digital divide. When we ensure that AI supports, rather than undermines, the core principles that human life has value and all humans deserve dignity, we must make certain that the awesome capabilities of AI will be used to uplift and empower everyday people, not to give dictators more powerful shackles on the human spirit, In the years ahead, there may well be no greater test of our leadership than how we deal with AI. Let me close with this. Even as we navigate so much change, one thing must not change. We must never forget who we're here to represent. We the people. These are the first words of our Constitution, the very ID of America. They inspired the opening words of the UN Charter. I made the preservation of democracy the central cause of my presidency. This summer, I faced a decision whether to seek a second term as president. It was a difficult decision. Being president has been the honor of my life. There's so much more I want to get done. As much as I love the job, I love my country more. I decided after 50 years of public service, it's time for a new generation of leadership to take my nation forward. My fellow leaders, let us never forget, some things are more important than staying in power. It's your people. It's your people that matter the most. Never forget, we are here to serve the people, not the other way around. Because the future will be won by those who unleash the full potential of their people to breathe free, to think freely, to innovate, to educate, to live and love openly without fear. That's the soul of democracy. It does not belong to any one country. I've seen it all around the world. and the brave men and women who entered apartheid, brought down the Berlin Wall, fight today for freedom and justice and dignity. We saw it, that universal yearning for rights and freedom in Venezuela, where millions cast their vote for change that hadn't been recognized. But it can't be denied. The world knows the truth. We saw it in Uganda. LBGT activists demanding safety and recognition of their common humanity. We've seen citizens across the world peacefully choosing their future. From Ghana to India to South Korea, nations representing one quarter of humanity who will hold elections this year alone. It's remarkable the power of We the People that makes me more optimistic about the future than I've ever been. Since I was first elected to the United States Senate in 1972, Every age faces its challenges. I saw it as a young man. I see it today. But we are stronger than we think. We're stronger together than alone. And what the people call impossible is just an illusion. Nelson Mandela taught us, and I quote, it always seems impossible until it's done. It always seems impossible until it's done. My fellow leaders, there is nothing that's beyond our capacity if we work together. Let's work together. God bless you all, and may God protect all those who seek peace. Thank you.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/united-states-america","United States of America","His Excellency","Joseph R. Biden","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/us_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_US_EN.mp3" 38,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Thu Lam, State President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Excellency President of the UNGA, Excellency Secretary-General of the United Nations, ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Let me first congratulate you, Excellency Philemon Young, on your election as the President of the 79th session of the UNGA. I trust that this session will be a great success. I also commend Excellency Denise Francis, President of the 78th session, and Excellency Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General, for their contributions and efforts in coordinating UN endeavors to prevent wars, maintain peace, and promote global development cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, the world is undergoing transformative changes of historic significance Although peace cooperation and development remain the dominant trends, they are facing new and more serious challenges. Strategic competition among major powers is becoming broader, fiercer, and more confrontational. Political disputes, conflicts, and security environments intensify. Survival and development space narrows. Risk of conflict, new hotspots, armrests, Tension, confrontation, and direct clashes increase. The rise of power politics, egoistic nationalism, a challenging international law, eroding multilateral institutions, and diminishing faith in global cooperation. The vicious cycle of conflict and violence escalates in various regions. causing immense sufferings to millions of innocent civilians. The risk of a limited nuclear war or even a third world war has not been ruled out. Non-traditional security challenges such as climate change, extreme weather events, natural disasters, diseases, resource depletion and aging population are becoming increasingly severe and hindering our efforts for development. Poor countries are being left further behind with a widening development gap. Super Typhoon Yagi, which ravaged Vietnam and other countries in the region, serves as a stark warning of the severe impacts that natural disasters and climate change can have on sustainable development for all. Global food production is sufficient to feed one and a half times the world population yet. Famine is threatening over 780 million people, and 2.4 billion people endure food insecurity. Defense expenditure reached a record $2.4 trillion in U.S. dollars in 2023, yet we struggled to pull $100 billion U.S. dollars for climate actions. With only a third of the SDG's timeline remaining, 80% of the targets may not be met. Global economic growth faces difficulties, and decoupling and fragmentation, along with economic pressures and sanctions, threaten rapid and sustainable development. The Fourth Industrial Revolution offers opportunities for quantum progress, but it also poses security and safety challenges for society and individuals. These unprecedented challenges to peace cooperation, sustainable development, and human dignity affect this generation and the next. They compel us to unite, act and work together, upholding the role of international institutions, for most among them the United Nations, regional organizations including ASEAN, to achieve the ultimate goal of ending war, abolishing all forms of oppression, exploitation, building peace and creating a better world to bring happiness to all mankind. In that spirit, I would like to share Vietnam's vision for a more peaceful, stable, cooperative, prosperous and sustainable future for everyone. First, as peace and stability are the foundation for a prosperous future, we must promote observance of international law and UN Charter by all states, particularly the major powers. Each state must act responsibly fulfill its commitments and abide by international law and UN Charter including fundamental principles such as the peaceful settlement of disputes, non-use of force, sovereign equality, territorial integrity and respect for the political systems chosen by the people of each nation. States should also contribute to the common work of the international community in line with the capabilities we must strengthen solidarity, sincerity and trust among nations, uphold dialogue, eliminate confrontation and firmly oppose unilateral embargoes and sanctions that contravene international law and UN Charter. Second, we must ensure equitable development for every state community and individuals and recognizing the diverse economic, social and cultural conditions that they may have. Every resource must be effectively unleashed, marshaled and utilized for development and According to each country's needs, we must prioritize resources where they're most needed for implementing the SDGs, with attention to assisting developing and less developed countries, especially through preferential loans, transfer of advanced technologies, investment and trade facilitation, and debt relief for poor countries. And third, we should urgently create smart global governance frameworks with long-term vision for science and technology, especially emerging technologies like AI. This will ensure we make progress and enjoy the benefits of these technologies while actively preventing threats to peace, sustainable development, and humanity. In that connection, I welcome the documents adopted at the summit for the future, especially the Global Digital Compact. This will serve as a crucial basis for advancing global governance and international cooperation in those areas. And fourth, we should adopt innovative thinking to build a transformative future across all sectors, focusing on digital transformation, green transition and global governance transformation. Green transition and digital transformation are essential tools for countries, especially developing ones to build resilience and self-reliance, enabling a timely and active prevention and response to shocks, crisis, and potential disasters. We must also prioritize reforming multilateral mechanisms, especially the UN system, international financial and monetary institutions, to ensure better representation, equity, and transparency, enhancing the capacity, effectiveness, and future readiness is essential for remaining relevant in our changing world. And fifth, we must place human at the center in delivering on our visions. People should be the center, the goal, and driver of all policies and actions at all levels. Investments should focus on the holistic development of the youth, enriching their knowledge and culture, grounded and shared values in a sense of responsibility and contribution. Vietnam welcomes the UNGA's official decision to grant additional rights and privilege participation to the state of Palestine from this session onwards. Vietnam reforms its solidarity with the state and people of Cuba and calls on the United States states to lift embargoes and sanctions against Cuba, and to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. We need to vigorously promote such actions, since they are practical ways to foster equitable development and happiness for all. President Ho Chi Minh, a Vietnamese hero of national liberation and a man of culture, once stressed, Unity, unity, great unity, success, success, grand success. Only through unity and cooperation with trust and by thinking and acting as one can we build a world of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for the present and future generations, ensuring no one is left behind. In today's rapidly changing world, each state plays a vital role in the grand orchestration of our era, Vietnam is making every effort to move forward toward a future of peace, stability, prosperity, and sustainability, not only for all our people, but also for all nations worldwide. This is Vietnam's vision, goal, and strong commitment to the international community today and tomorrow. Thank you for your kind attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I would like to thank the State President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/viet-nam","Viet Nam","His Excellency","Lam To","President","24 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/vn_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_VN_EN.mp3" 39,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency Celinda Sosa-Lunda, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Thank you very much indeed. I am delighted to participate at the 29th session of the General Assembly. I'd like to greet the Vice President and at the start of my statement I would also like to greet the President of the General Assembly, Mr Philemon Young. as well as my brother, Secretary-General António Guterres, and all delegations here present. President, distinguished colleagues, today we are meeting at a challenging moment for humankind. We are facing Not one, but many challenges which threaten our present and the future of generations yet to come. Climate change, inequalities, pandemics, geopolitical crises and the democracy crisis, all of these are mutually self-reinforcing, worsening issues. vulnerabilities and posing challenges which require urgent and coordinated solutions. We must do so collectively. The global economy today is becoming fragmented, the model of accumulating capital based on the hoarding of wealth in the hands of but a few. We have seen a rise in poverty, marginalisation and social instability in many places the world over. Meanwhile, financial markets continue to generate huge profits for the 1% of the global elite. Millions of people struggle to access the most basic resources. This crisis isn't only economic, it is also an ethical and social one. It highlights the deep structural rifts in the capitalist system and prioritises profit over life and welfare and Mother Earth. Wars, the production of weapons, enormous military expenditure and the dissemination of weapons. doesn't only take massive resources away from sustainable development, it also fuels conflicts, exacerbating the suffering of human beings. Billions of dollars are destined to the production of weapons, while millions of people go without access to basic services such as education, health, food and water. Instead of finding solutions to common problems, it increases global instability and hinders the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The environmental crisis is one of the greatest threats. And still our actions are falling short. Global warming, deforestation, pollution and biodiversity loss are increasing. wreaking havoc on our ecosystems, but they also have a direct impact on the lives of millions of people via extreme phenomena such as droughts, floods, hurricanes, all of which are ever more intense and which affect local communities and indigenous peoples. President, the transformation of technologies, which is unprecedented with the development of new technologies and artificial intelligence are forms of progress which are changing how we interact. Let us work to ensure that this is a good change. But this technological revolution also forces us to ask major questions about global governance. In a world where technological power is concentrated in the hands of a mere few corporations and countries. Global governance needs to adapt to make sure that these technologies are deployed in an equitable, ethical way which serves the well-being of humankind rather than entrenching inequalities or creating new forms of exclusion and control. Brothers and sisters of the world, given this crisis, we must act decisively to collectively tackle the global challenges that we face. It is high time that we change our models of development and bolster multilateral institutions to ensure that the planet is safe for future generations and to make sure that justice, equity and solidarity are the principles guiding our actions vis-à-vis international law and the Charter of the United Nations. The system which has governed the world order since the final days of the Second World War has shown itself insufficient in addressing today's crises such as climate change, inequalities, regional conflicts, the pandemic and new forms of economic interdependence. Because of this, a new world order based on multilateral cooperation, which is effective, respect for sovereignty of all countries and equity in decision-making in the world is an imperative. To do so, We need to have a root and branch reform of international institutions such as the Security Council of the United Nations so that they are more democratic and representative. We must move towards a system where global decisions are taken in an inclusive fashion, reflecting diversity and the various needs and visions of developing countries. With that in mind... we also will need to deeply and significantly restructure the international financial architecture. It should be based on economic justice, sustainability and inclusion, creating fairer mechanisms for redistributing sovereign debt, increasing the participation of developing countries, within financial institutions and promoting financing flows which can support sustainable development and action for the climate. It is also vital to redesign mechanisms for international cooperation in tax affairs. so that the most vulnerable economies have access to resources which allow them to address these many crises. Restructuring the international financial system is not only a technical matter. It is also a technical and political sine qua non if we are to build a more equitable, resilient and sustainable solidarity-rooted global economy. The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals continue to be in force. They represent our critical roadmap to addressing global challenges, including those which are most urgent. They provide us with a key framework for actions in international cooperation. Despite the fact that they are not on track for implementation, we must redouble our efforts and redouble our collective endeavour to ensure that this ambitious plan becomes a tangible reality and that it changes the lives of our peoples. The pact for the future must be seized as a historic opportunity so that our destiny as humankind can be safeguarded. We need to commit ourselves to an agenda which addresses not only immediate problems, but which also fosters sustainable, inclusive and equitable solutions for future generations. The pact of the future can't be boiled down to a diplomatic meeting. Now it's up to us to push ahead with these decisions. so that we give impetus to the sustainable development goals and change the lives of all communities and cities in our nations. Sustainable development and climate change are two sides of the same coin, the same challenge, which will guide the future of our planet and generations yet to be born. Taking action doesn't just mean reducing emissions, it also means transforming our model of production and consumption, protecting biodiversity and guaranteeing economic progress, leaving no one behind. Distinguished colleagues, Bolivia recognises the international community as a space of solidarity and cooperation under the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. With that in mind, we reject unilateral coercive measures which violate the most fundamental human rights and which hold back the development of many peoples. We stand in solidarity with Cuba, with Venezuela, with Nicaragua and with all countries the world over which suffer unfairly from these unilateral sanctions. Similarly, we express in the strongest possible words our rejection of the illegal economic and commercial embargo by the United States against our kindred nation of Cuba. Sixty years of justice have not been enough to punish those people who have valiantly seen down attempts to subject them to imperial domination. We are sure that sooner rather than later justice and truth will prevail. This injustice is worse still when we consider that unilaterally the United States has included Cuba on the states which are deemed to be sponsors of terrorism. Cuba must be at the head of the list of countries which express the most solidarity in the world and their people showing solidarity have reached all corners of the world. Showing solidarity. the best of their skills and showing them with humanity. For decades Palestine has suffered from a protracted conflict which has shaken regional stability and they have asked for their dream of lasting peace. The occupation Forced expulsions and genocide have led the people of Palestine to face devastation and destruction, creating an open prison where thousands of people live, including mostly women and children. Peace and security in Palestine will not be achieved without a genuine commitment to human rights. and an end to the genocide. Bolivia reiterates its full support to the exercise of self-determination and independence in Palestine within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. We hope that soon they will be a fully fledged member country of the Assembly of the United Nations. Brothers and sisters of the world, before this Assembly I would like to reiterate Bolivia's commitment to the founding principles of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law. We see the UN as the highest multilateral organisation created for humanity, development, peace and security. Not just within our borders, but also internationally. Within that context, Bolivia once again reiterates our strong desire to abide by all decisions and resolutions of the judicial organs of the international system. Along those lines, Bolivia attended the International Court of Justice in The Hague in a trial linked to sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean. In that connection, the court urges Bolivia and Chile to continue with dialogue and exchange in a spirit of good neighbourliness to address matters linked to a sovereign form of access to the Pacific Ocean. The solution to this has been recognised by both parties as a matter of mutual interest. The court issued an appeal to both countries, asking them to resolve issues their issues on the basis of discussions, so that Bolivia can have sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean, which we had during our Declaration of Independence, as recognised by that very court in its relevant ruling. My country is stands ready to engage in dialogue when our counterparts decide to follow suit. We believe that this is a right of the Bolivian people. Bolivia calls upon the international community to protect and support indigenous peoples who have been the guardians of biodiversity and ancestral knowledge. At present, we face challenges which have been exacerbated by various crises. It's important to recognise the contribution they've made to climate action, as well as their knowledge, which is fundamental, proposing to us a new model of development so that we can live well in harmony with Mother Earth. Similarly, within this chamber, allow me to share with you our concerns about the negative reputation enjoyed by the coca leaf which to indigenous peoples represents part of our community and culture furthermore we propose that we continue to make headway towards the promotion of gender equality policies and social policies with a focus on decolonization and ridding ourselves of the patriarchy. This will allow us to revolutionize social relations which have been perpetuated under the hallmark of gender inequality and oppression of our sisters. Today, on behalf of the people of Bolivia and its constitutional president, Luis Arce Catacora, we reiterate our democratic conviction which is rooted in the well-being of the Bolivian people to soon achieve the 2030 agenda and a form of living well in harmony with Mother Earth. We regret that domestic and external interests are now plunging the country into turmoil as they seek to destabilise a democratically elected government but we are sure that with the support of all of you We will stand firm and strengthen our democracy and institutions in our country. Bolivia is a country which has demonstrated throughout its history that its democratic vocation is unwavering as we strengthen our institutions and seek to guarantee a future which is peaceful, prosperous and progressive for all. This is the only goal we pursue as a government. I would like to say, Thank you very much. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. We have now heard the last speaker in the general debate for this meeting.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/bolivia-plurinational-state","Bolivia (Plurinational State of)","Her Excellency","Celinda Sosa Lunda","Minister for Foreign Affairs","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bo_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BO_EN.mp3" 40,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Denis Becherovich, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Dear President of the United Nations General Assembly, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a special honor for me to address the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly as the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Allow me, Mr. President, to wish you every success in the complex and challenging times of today. Also, I congratulate former President Mr. Dennis Francis for successfully presiding over the 78th UN General Assembly session. Esteemed President, It is a great honor to serve the invincible state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the oldest countries of Europe. We are proud that Bosnia has been mentioned in historical sources for 1,075 years now. For centuries, My country has demonstrated resilience, courage, and strength of unity in diversity. Bosnia and Herzegovina was not created in Dayton in 1995, but rather the Dayton Peace Agreement confirmed the continuity of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These are unquestionable historical and legal facts. Bosnia and Herzegovina has made great progress since the end of the war in 1995. We rebuilt the country destroyed by the war. We united the defense system, the judiciary, the tax system, and numerous other institutions. Today, Bosnia and Herzegovina is at the doorstep of the European Union and NATO. Bosnia and Herzegovina is actively working to become a NATO and the EU member. These are our strategic foreign policy goals, which were unanimously defined by the state authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ladies and gentlemen, the entire world is facing numerous challenges and threats. Unfortunately, we live in a world of injustice, insecurity, and intolerance. Never in history has a human had more power and at the same time felt as insecure as he does today. In the past two years, we faced new difficult challenges, especially security-related ones. The strengthening of authoritarian populism, the aggression against Ukraine, and the suffering of Gaza have brought humanity into a deep crisis full of uncertainty and fear. The world is seriously threatened by poverty, disease, natural disasters, wars and injustice. It is estimated that one person dies of hunger every four seconds. The fact that millions of children in the world live in extreme poverty is particularly sad. A reasonable question arises. Why have we allowed an incomparably greater investment in weapons than in eradicating poverty? It's time for everyone to realize that human lives are more important than guns. Otherwise, I fear that we are collectively headed for a global catastrophe. Regarding climate change, Bosnia and Herzegovina is fully aware of the global situation and is determined to contribute to the global efforts. We are committed to the transition to renewable energy sources and reduction of harmful gas emissions. Terrorism is a serious threat. Countering this threat requires joint and dedicated efforts. The world must have a consensus on fight against terrorism. Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to show a determined commitment to the fight against terrorism. Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot solve the problems of modern humanity without addressing the causes. The course of history is not something we can stop. However, we can influence its flow. Therefore, I suggest we now focus on preserving the role of the United Nations as the global center of coordination and cooperation, the importance of the UN Charter reaffirming, strengthening the multilateral system in accordance with international law, intensifying the UN reform process, common work to strengthen the credibility of the United Nations, effective implementation of the Agenda 2030 and its sustainable development goals, rebuilding trust and cooperation among nations on key global issues, giving a chance to mutual trust, inclusiveness, and a democratic vision of leadership, and strengthening preventive diplomacy in times of geopolitical fragmentation of the world. Together, we should open the space for creative global cooperation instead of geopolitics of rivalry and conflict in the 21st century. Conflicts and destruction are not in our civilization's core. We should be building a culture of dialogue, cooperation and peace. Peace and stability have no alternative. Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is once again facing severe moral and political crises. UN's response to Ukraine and Gaza was inadequate as it was during the aggression in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 to 1995. The Russian aggression on Ukraine is a flagrant example of violation of the UN Charter and international law. That is why we reiterate our firm condemnation of Russian aggression and the support to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The suffering and hardship of Palestinian children and civilians is terrifying. Gaza is a heavy defeat of collective humanity in the 21st century. all human lives are equally valuable. Civilized people must fight for the human rights of all, regardless of their racial, religious, ethnic, or other affiliation. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the only European country where genocide was committed after the Second World War. This was ruled by the highest courts of the United Nations. Judgments on genocide committed against Bosniaks have legal, historical, civilizational, and moral significance. Unfortunately, the ideology, politics, and media that fostered the genocide are once again threatening Bosnia and Herzegovina. I would like to especially thank the UN General Assembly for adopting the resolution on May 23rd for establishing July 11th as the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica. The adopted resolution is highly moral and civilized act and is just as important for the UN as it is for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Let's preserve the truth about the genocides in Srebrenica and Rwanda for the sake of the past, present, and most importantly, the future. Despite all the injustices, Bosnia and Herzegovina remains firmly committed to the regional cooperation as that is one of our main strategic foreign policy goals. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a peaceful country committed to strengthening regional cooperation. That is why we actively participate in numerous regional initiatives. For the peaceful future of the Western Balkans, it is crucial that all countries acknowledge there is to be no changes of states' borders. Those who try to do differently risk a dangerous destabilization of the region with unforeseeable consequences. Ladies and gentlemen, here at the podium of the UN General Assembly, I want to publicly warn the global audience that once again, The leadership of Republic of Serbia is threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The greater state aspirations of Serbia toward the territories of other countries in the region are the essential reason why Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans are exposed to new dangers. One evidence of this is the destructive declaration by the so-called All Serb Assembly adopted in Belgrade on June 8 this year. It is not just a declarative act, but a dangerous greater state program document that threatens the date on peace agreement and the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The content of this declaration directly contradicts the democratic and civilized world-established procedures, international and national law, the fundamental principles of the European Union and the principles that are the foundation of relations between the UN members. This declaration is a threat to regional peace and to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ladies and gentlemen, Finally, as the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I want to emphasize that I am proud of my heroic and dignified homeland, Bosnia and Herzegovina. My country achieved a civilizational and moral victory in the previous decades despite genocide, the crimes against humanity, and activities of joint criminal enterprises. People in my country want peace and cooperation, We stand for humanity and solidarity. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a global story of hope, courage, and unity. We will protect Bosnia and Herzegovina and its unity in diversity. In this way, we also contribute to global unity. Thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/bosnia-and-herzegovina","Bosnia and Herzegovina","His Excellency","Denis Bećirović","Chairman of the Presidency","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ba_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BA_EN.mp3" 41,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency. President of the Republic of Botswana. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, Excellencies, Distinguished, Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to start by extending my congratulations to you on your election as President of the General Assembly at its 79th session. You can be assured of Botswana's full support as you steer the work of this August House. Mr. President, this Assembly continues to meet on the backdrop of an age of multiple and interconnected crises which were triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions between major powers. These crises have been further compounded by the Israel-Hamas war, which erupted shortly after we concluded last year's high-level week. The attacks on innocent civilians on both sides are unacceptable and thus stand condemned. In the same vein, we wish to express our deep concern of the situation in the Gaza Strip, where the war has resulted in catastrophic humanitarian crises and unprecedented fatalities for civilians, children and humanitarian workers. I should also register Botswana's concern regarding the loss of lives of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Northeast, UNRWA personnel. I take this opportunity to pay tribute to UNRWA personnel and all humanitarian workers and their commitment to deliver aid, save lives, and alleviate suffering in Gaza and elsewhere. We owe them a debt of gratitude and they deserve our full protection. Botswana also abhors attacks on UNRWA installations and condemns disinformation and misinformation campaigns against this life-saving General Assembly mandated agency. Botswana firmly supports the work of UNRWA, which entails providing humanitarian and development assistance and protection to Palestine refugees pending the just resolution of the Palestinian question. In this regard, Botswana is proud to be among the countries that joined the statement of shared commitments on UNRWA, which we have firm support for the agency, its mandate, its staff, and highlights its indispensable role during this difficult time. Mr. President, we wish to reiterate the centrality of the two-state solution in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the attainment of a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace. We therefore urge parties to commit to a political process that will pave the way for the realization of a two-state solution in which Palestine and Israel live side by side in peace and security based on the pre-1967 borders. Mr. President, the war in Ukraine also rages on with no indication of an end in sight. We continue to underscore the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine in line with the United Nations Charter and international law. We also call on parties to give diplomacy and dialogue a chance and to seek a peaceful resolution. In Africa, the guns still have not gone silent. We continue to grapple with armed conflict, terrorism, and potentially explosive geopolitical tensions. We commend the African Union, sub-regional bodies, as well as the UN for their efforts in addressing these challenges. In this vein, we welcome the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2719 of 2023 on the provision of support by the United Nations to AU-led peace support operations on a case-by-case basis and look forward to its operationalization. Mr. President, I must add that this time of escalated armed conflicts, violent crime, and humanitarian crisis requires intensified efforts and more vigilance to protect human rights, advance humanitarian action, and promote accountability in line with the UN Charter, international law, international humanitarian law, as well as relevant principles such as the Responsibility to Protect, or R2P. Mr. President, it is evident that peace is under strain across the world. It needs to be revitalized. However, that task cannot only be left to multilateral and regional bodies. Governments have a responsibility to create conditions that enable peace to thrive within their countries. Key steps that governments should take include, among others, building effective institutions, committing to good governance, protection of human rights, and upholding democratic values. As many are aware, Botswana has a long track record of commitment to these democratic principles. The implementation of recommendations from our recently concluded constitutional review process, as well as our upcoming general elections on the 30th of October 2024, provide opportunities to deepen our democracy and strengthen our good governance credentials. Mr. President, regrettably, while On the one hand, the scourge of war rages on. On the other hand, the promises of sustainable development is in great peril. It is deeply concerning that with only six years before the 2030 deadline, sustainable development goals are way off track. We learned from the latest sustainable development goals report that only 17% of the goals are on track, while the rest range from moderate progress to stagnation and even regression. There's a lot of work to do. We must take inspiration from and build on the success achieved in the reduction in global child mortality, prevention of HIV infections, attaining girls parity with boys in education, increased access to energy and the internet, while also scaling up action investments in areas which are lagging far behind, particularly poverty eradication. The levels of extreme poverty remain disturbingly high, but we cannot attain sustainable development without eradicating poverty in all its forms and manifestations. Poverty eradication is a sine qua non of sustainable development. A comprehensive approach will be required to move the needle in the fight against poverty. We therefore endorse the call for comprehensive social protection systems and inclusive economic policies. Pro-poor policies should also be complemented and reinforced by policies which spur inclusive economic growth and create sustainable employment. Policy interventions that aim to leave no one behind ought to be matched by adequate SDG financing. In this vein, my delegation reiterates the call for predictable, sustainable and sufficient development finance to developing countries from all funding sources. In addition to livelihood issues, progress should also be accelerated in addressing other forms of inequality within countries, especially gender inequality. Meaningful action is needed to empower women and girls in areas where they are left behind and to combat harmful cultural practices and gender-based violence. Mr. President, extreme weather events and related natural disasters continue to remind us of the severity of climate crisis and the urgency of mitigation and adaptation. In our sub-region, Southern Africa, the El Nino phenomena induced drought and floods, which resulted in devastating consequences on livelihoods and a humanitarian situation that affected over 61 million people. I take this opportunity to reiterate the Southern Africa Development Community's SADC regional humanitarian appeal of at least 5.5 billion US dollars aimed at augmenting domestic resources of the affected member states, including efforts to resource mobilization from national, regional, and international partners in response to the impacts of El Nino-induced drought and floods. I cannot overemphasize the need for adequate climate finance for effective climate action. We continue to remind developed countries of their annual $100 billion commitment in climate finance for developing countries until 2025 and call for a more ambitious goal thereafter. Mr. President, efforts that attain a sustainable development ought to be redoubled in countries in special situations, in particular small island developing states, SIDS, least developing countries, LDCs, and landlocked developing countries, LLDCs, which are disproportionately affected by development challenges. Botswana, as an LDC and current chair of the group of LLDCs at the UN, is deeply concerned by the enormity of challenges faced by LLDCs in their effort to implement the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs. With no direct territorial access to the sea, LLDC struggle with international trade, connectivity and economic development. Our countries are cut off from the global market place and without the means to develop adequate transport and logistics infrastructure and inevitably face significant challenges in achieving the sustainable development goals. The forthcoming Third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries from 10th to 13th December in 2024 in Khabaroni, Botswana, under the theme Driving Progress Through Partnerships, will provide an opportunity to effectively address these challenges in an ambitious, action-oriented and forward-looking programme of action. I therefore invite transit countries, development partners, and other stakeholders to join us in the beautiful and vibrant Khabaroni as we shape the future for our 32 member countries. Mr. President, As you rightly observe, it is only when we act together that we can effectively deliver meaningful progress for people, planet, prosperity and peace, while leaving no one behind. Without a doubt, the United Nations-led multilateral system remains an indispensable platform for the effective global action that this moment demands. It is, therefore, of paramount importance that the multilateral framework remains fit for purpose. The onus is on us, as Member states, to ensure that our intergovernmental processes enable, rather than strifle, effective multinational action and international cooperation. We must not allow the current geopolitical tensions and great power rivalries to get in the way of progress. Our shared values, norms and interests, as expressed in the UN Charter, the 2030 Agenda and other relevant frameworks, should remain the North Star that guides our engagements. The spirit of consensus and solidarity ought to be at the front and centre of our actions. Mr. President, allow me to conclude by reaffirming Botswana's commitment to working constructively on all agenda items before the General Assembly during this session. This session offers opportunities to turbocharge action for peace, sustainable development, and human rights for the benefit of present and future generations. Let us seize the moment. I thank you. Good afternoon. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Botswana.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/botswana","Botswana","His Excellency","Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bw_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BW_EN.mp3" 42,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency, Rumen Radev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. RUMEN RADEV, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Allow me at the outset to congratulate His Excellency, Philemon Young, for his elections as the President of the 79th UN General Assembly Session. I believe that under his leadership and through his vision, the international community will move forward on the agenda of strengthening the values of the UN Charter, an effort that the humanity now needs the most. Our world faces a range of complex problems, from the unprecedented challenges to the global peace and security, to the escalating climate crisis and the persistent inequalities. We are confronted with a complex array of issues that require our immediate attention and concerted effort. We need to light the spark that ignites change. With this in mind, my country approaches the 79th session of the UN General Assembly with renewed determination to promote multilateral and workable solutions achieved through negotiations and based on the UN Charter. We must follow the path for the sake of the survival of humankind and the future generations. Taking this in consideration, we praise the pact of the future as a move towards a vital transformation. It becomes increasingly clear that our success hinges on a firm commitment to upholding multilateralism and the respect for international law, which are the cornerstones of our global order. This order that has been forged in the UN by you and your predecessors is now under severe threat. Bulgaria has been always committed to the values of multilateralism and will continue to be. using the accumulated experience from the successful Bulgarian presidency of the UN Economic and Social Council and our current mandate as a constructive member of the Human Rights Council. Excellencies, In 2015, all UN member states adopted with unanimity 17 Sustainable Development Goals, providing a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for the whole planet. Nowadays, they remain more than ever topical and requiring full mobilization of international efforts. However, we must admit that the sheer deterioration of the international peace and security environment in the last years is threatening the fulfillment of our sustainable development agenda, undermining the rules-based international order. Restoring and preserving the peace must not be seen but as the ultimate goal of the international community and is a basic prerequisite for the SDGs' fulfillment. It has been two and a half years since the Russian Federation unleashed a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. From the very beginning, Bulgaria strongly condemns this war. which led to hundreds of thousands of victims, enormous suffering and destruction. Every single day of this war increases the risk of escalation in intensity and geographical scope, posing a substantial threat to the global peace and security. The side effects of the war are already gravely affecting the economies and social systems of many countries worldwide. That is why the international community should seek ways that lead to de-escalation and dialogue. We should support every diplomatic effort that pursues comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine in conformity with the United Nations Charter and the international law. Since the last year UN General Debate, we have witnessed a significant increase in instability across the Middle East. The conflict between Israel and Hamas, after the Hamas' brutal attack on Israel, triggered a major deterioration of the security in the region with global projections. We must not forget the consequences which followed – tens of thousands dead and injured civilians in Gaza, the total destruction of vital infrastructure, and mass displacement of people. We call for immediate ceasefire, free access of humanitarian convoys, as well as release of all hostages held by Hamas. We are also deeply concerned about the recent development in Lebanon, bringing a qualitative new and dangerous dimension in the conflict and increasing the risk of its regional enlargement. We call for refraining from use of force, for wisdom, and de-escalation. The spiral of violence and the human suffering must come to an end. The only way to achieve sustainable and lasting peace in this region with its very fragile security landscape is the two-state solution. Amid the ongoing destabilization around different regions, The collective global goal for a world without nuclear threat remains more critical than ever. In line with the new agenda for peace, Bulgaria will maintain its commitment to uphold, protect, and strengthen the multilateral framework for disarmament, nonproliferation, and arms control. We remain dedicated to the universalization and full implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, recognizing it as the cornerstone of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime, which serves as the essential foundation for pursuing nuclear disarmament and plays a crucial role in the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. As we address these challenges, prioritizing regional stability becomes vital. My country actively engages in political dialogue with Southeast European countries, driven by the conviction that the region's security, stability, and prosperity are crucial for the broader regional and international resilience. Bulgaria is a strong supporter of the European part of the Western Balkan countries. Our main priorities vis-à-vis the region are fostering good neighborliness, improving connectivity, protection of human rights, and combating ethnic discrimination. However, a serious challenge on this path are the new outbursts of incitements of hatred. Fighting and curbing the aggressive nationalistic rhetoric all over the region and concentrating on positive agenda on strengthening multi-ethnic societies and the rights of the constituent communities will prevent the evocation of the reminiscence of the troubled past of the region. Ladies and gentlemen, progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is the greatest investment for the benefit of the present and future generations. Bulgaria keeps on contributing actively to this common effort, through the steady implementation of the National Development Programme Bulgarian 2030 and of sustainable projects for development cooperation with partner countries, through supporting projects in education, healthcare, public infrastructure services, as well as renewable energy solutions. We face a growing number of places around the world where warring dynamics in terms of governance, democracy, and human rights emerge. As a present member of the Human Rights Council, we reaffirm our commitment to this noble cause. Bulgaria has never looked the other way, and this speaks up through our domestic policies, our membership in the Human Rights Council, Our work as a co-chair of the Group of Friends of Children and Sustainable Development Goals, Vice President of UNICEF Bureau, member of the Executive Board of UN Women, and through our support for initiatives that empower the General Assembly and aim at accountability. Our advocacy for meaningful participation of civil society, youth, and women in decision-making process across the United Nations system and domestically. have already yielded results, and our youth delegate program inspires more young people to choose the path of active citizens. Bulgaria advocates for a human rights-based approach to sustainable development and looks forward to the inclusion of all stakeholders at the upcoming World Social Summit. Excellencies. We have focused on the peace among nations, but it is equally important to reconcile with the nature. Climate change is a threat multiplier for the implementation of all sustainable development goals. We urge enhanced action based on the global stocktake, more ambitious climate objectives, including the new finance goal at the 29th session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference. Earlier this year, Bulgaria hosted the 61st session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which gave impetus to the panel's seventh assessment cycle, including the production of the Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. Through various panel events, we were able to invigorate the scenes and science discussion, paying due attention to the climate risks in the Black Sea region, as well as to the urban environment, the role of cities, and the need to adapt to changing climate. Another challenge that brings a lot of opportunities as well is the need for an effective digital governance based on a multi-stakeholder and inclusive approach aiming for a human-centric digital transformation and a safe and open digital future. In light of growing challenges to the principles of international law and the rules-based order, Established by the United Nations Charter, Bulgaria remains committed to strengthening the effectiveness and accountability of the United Nations Security Council. We support efforts to enhance transparency and accountability within this body, co-sponsoring the key UN General Assembly resolution on veto use. Bulgaria emphasizes the need for greater effectiveness and prioritizes securing an additional non-permanent seat for the Group of Eastern European States in a reformed Council. Ladies and gentlemen, let us reaffirm our commitment to addressing these global challenges with firmness and determination. The action we take today will define the future, and with courage and unity, we will rise to meet the opportunities that lie ahead. Thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/bulgaria","Bulgaria","His Excellency","Rumen Radev","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bg_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BG_EN.mp3" 43,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Jose Maria Pereira Neves, President of the Republic of Cabo Verde. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Excellencies, numerous armed conflicts continue to ravage various regions of the world with devastating impacts on the populations, particularly in the Middle East, where the potential for escalation and risk of spreading are all too evident. Innocent lives are lost daily in an unrelenting and merciless cycle of violence. We urge all parties involved, alongside the international community and relevant organizations, to spare no effort to put an end to these conflicts, to commit to dialogue and uphold the values enshrined in the United Nations Charter, international law and humanitarian law, thus allowing the gradual return to normalcy and the possibility of building a future free from the present-day destruction and indiscriminate death. Excellencies, At the national level, we remain committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 Agenda, and the African Union Agenda 2063. We are also focused on implementing policies toward ensuring universal access to quality education and healthcare, and on fully integrating the youth into all spheres of social, economic, and political life, ensuring that future generations are equipped with the tools they need to tackle global challenges. This year, we proudly received a certification from the World Health Organization as a malaria-free country, a comforting and encouraging testament to our commitment to health and health care as a fundamental right for all. While many nations, especially in Africa, are still grappling with this terrible disease, and treatable ailments, ailments that have long plagued humanity, causing suffering, hindering progress, and trapping millions in poverty. To achieve this goal, I call on the upcoming IDA21 Global Fund Restructuring Meeting to be held in Paris. next month to prioritize funding through a dedicated budget line aimed at eliminating diseases. Microbial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance also pose significant threats to global health. Thus, understanding and managing microbial activity is crucial for addressing challenges related to disease control, food security, environmental conservation, and climate change. In this troubled and challenging international landscape, where multiple crises continue to impact people and the planet, I reaffirm Cabo Verde's firm commitment to being an active and constructive member of the United Nations and tirelessly championing the universal values contained in its Charter. Among these crises, climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable nations, especially small island developing states. We look to COP29 to yield urgent and tangible progress on key climate issues, particularly as a deadline for significant emissions reductions approaches. Our people, especially communities in small island developing states, seek bolder commitments, namely from high-emission countries and swift implementation of climate policies and funding mechanisms that are not only ambitious but also equitable and effective. The rising sea levels, also caused by climate change, require immediate and special attention. The challenge is multidimensional and extends far beyond island and coastal populations. It affects all continents and regions, leaving no one immune to this catastrophe in the making. We therefore welcome today's high-level meeting on addressing the existential threats posed by sea level rise. Last year, on the sidelines of the 78th General Assembly, The Agreement on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction was opened for signature, representing an international milestone in the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, that is, in the high seas, which constitute about 60 percent of the world's oceans. And I am proud to say that Cabo Verde, my country, signed this agreement on its first day and is currently finalizing the ratification process. I call on all nations who have not yet done so to also sign and ratify this important instrument for the conservation of life in our oceans. As an ocean nation, Cabo Verde has a tiny land territory in comparison to the immensity of its maritime territory. Therefore, I did not hesitate to accept UNESCO's honorable invitation to become patron of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science Alliance for Sustainable Development for 2021-2023. As an ocean nation, heavily dependent on marine resources, our role in the Ocean Decade focuses on local and global actions to promote sustainable ocean management. We have been focused on the importance of sustainable ocean management, particularly for small island developing states that are very vulnerable to climate change and the degradation of marine ecosystems. For three consecutive years, we have hosted international ocean conferences to foster partnerships between governments, the private sector, scientists and civil society to advance ocean science and create innovative solutions to ocean challenges. Thus, it is important to bring together key stakeholders in order to boost collaborative solutions for the oceans help develop research capacities to study the impact of climate change, ocean acidification, and promote knowledge sharing and technology transfer to improve ocean monitoring and observation systems. The fourth United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States was successfully held last month of May. However, To ensure greater resilience and sustainability of small island developing states, we must urgently begin implementing the Antigua and Barbuda Plan of Action. Cabo Verde remains committed to playing an active role within the SIDS community, and in the first quarter of 2025, we will host a high-level meeting for the Atlantic, Indian, and South China Sea regions aimed at establishing a coordination mechanism for the sub-region. At the SIDS IV Conference, we also expressed our readiness to host the fifth United Nations Conference on SIDS in 2034. As a small island developing state, we face substantial challenges that affect our macroeconomic systems. Even if we dedicated our entire state budget to sustainable development and climate action, it would still fall short of the necessary funding targets. In most small island developing states, this situation is exacerbated by a significant lack of capacity to navigate new financial tools. While reforms to the global financial architecture evolve slowly, there is an urgent need to accelerate development processes. We must swiftly and significantly scale up technical assistance and capacity-building efforts in financing sustainable development to ensure that the Global South is not left behind. We here welcome the recent approval of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index, MVI, which is crucial, particularly for SIDS and other vulnerable groups, as it provides a comprehensive and differentiated way of assessing our development needs and challenges, thus enabling a broader and more accurate understanding of how various factors influence the development of countries. In my capacity as the African Union champion for natural and cultural heritage, and in line with the policies of the government of Cabo Verde, I have been tirelessly advocating for the protection, promotion, and sustainable management of Africa's rich natural and cultural heritage, which is highly vulnerable to climate change. It is essential that we continue to raise awareness on the need to safeguard our ecosystems, historical landmarks, traditional knowledge, and intangible cultural practices. It is thus urgent for us to promote African identity through the promotion of African languages, traditional arts, and all the plurality of cultural expressions, reinforcing the continent's diverse cultural history and its contributions to global culture and human heritage is vital. The restitution of cultural assets, such as artifacts, works of art, and sacred objects, which are an integral part of the cultural identity, history, and traditions of the communities from which they originate, is of vital importance not only for Africa, but for many other regions of the world. Their removal has disrupted cultural continuity, and their return would allow preserving their cultural heritage and spiritual integrity as they are returned to their original environments, thus allowing local communities to reconnect with their heritage, fostering cultural pride and preserving their identities for future generations. I am pleased to announce that in 2025, we will host a high-level meeting in Cabo Verde focused on Atlantic Creoleness or the Atlantic Dimension of Creole, bringing together scholars of Creole languages, artists, writers, filmmakers, men and women of culture, and world leaders. They will represent the plurality of geographical spaces, of affirmation of Atlantic dimension of Creole, a construction of which Africans and their descendants were an integral part of. This meeting in 2025 aims to enhance initiatives like the Slave Route Project and the Decade of People of African Descent Initiative. as well as the United Nations Conference on Racism held in Durban in 2001. Our intention is to debate and praise Creole, the dimension of Creole, as a complex and very rich reality, the result of human relationships woven between peoples of the various peri-Atlantic continents during the ocean navigations that began in the 15th century. From these encounters, new forms of culture and organization of society emerged and lasted over time, representing a particularly fruitful moment of social and cultural innovation. These will be therefore... intense days of academic and scientific reflection, but also of artistic demonstration, cultural exchange, and reconnection from the performing arts to Creole cuisine, to handicrafts, to music. There will also be, of course, days of strategic political debate among decision makers on the dialogue between peoples and cultures and on the peace and the future of humanity. Thank you for your attention. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Cape Verde.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/cabo-verde","Cabo Verde","His Excellency","José Maria Pereira Neves","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cv_pt.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cv_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CV_EN.mp3" 44,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Allama Yehalina, Prime Minister, Head of Government of the Republic of Chad. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, Heads of State, Heads of Delegation, Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset, on behalf of the President of the Republic of Chad, on behalf of my delegation, and in my personal capacity, I would like to convey my warm congratulations to Philemon Young, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Cameroon, and congratulate him on his brilliant election to the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly. I wish him every success in his work and assure him of the support of my delegation throughout his mandate. I would also like to express our sincere gratitude and warm congratulations to Dennis Francis, outgoing President of the General Assembly, on the excellent work carried out throughout his term. In addition, I wish to express my most sincere appreciation and full support to Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, for his leadership and his commitment to a renewed United Nations that is capable of meeting the expectations of the peoples of the world. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the theme of this session, Unity and Diversity for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development, and Human Dignity Everywhere and for Everyone, resonates deeply with the aspirations and challenges that we see in Chad, in Africa, and throughout the world. Promoting peace, sustainable development, and human dignity should not remain a mere slogan or an exercise in rhetoric. This session should inspire us to act with determination and compassion in order to together build a just and peaceful world where every individual and every community can enjoy prosperity and dignity. For Chad, my country, as is the case for many countries in the Sahel, peace remains a major challenge. While we face challenges, it is essential to recognize the efforts being made by our states against terrorist groups whose origins and resources often remain unclear and who threaten our institutions, undermine our development efforts, and aggravate the hardship of our populations. The lack of a genuine collective will on the part of the international community to eradicate the scourge of terrorism in the Sahel risks bringing Africa as a whole into the grip of terrorist groups. We are convinced that a firm commitment is required from the international community in order to tackle this challenge. Together, we must win this battle against terrorism by strengthening our cooperation in order to promote stability on our continent and as a consequence is that of the shared destiny of humanity. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, in 2030, we will together assess the results of the United Nations Agenda on Sustainable Development. Like many African countries, Chad finds itself at a crossroads of multiple challenges, such as climate change, which threaten our food security. protracted droughts, desertification, and unpredictable flooding are undermining our economies and hurting vulnerable populations. We therefore call on the international community to honor its commitments on climate financing and climate justice, as well as on the transfer of green technologies. Chad? under the leadership of President Mahmoud Idriss Dibi, democratically elected based on a well-rounded political program and an ambitious program, and whom I have the distinct honor of representing at this 79th session, has been working tirelessly to improve access to education, safe drinking water, energy, health care, and economic opportunities. We must fight poverty and inequality, particularly gender-based inequality, by building a renewed global partnership that recognizes the specific needs of the least developed countries and ensures full inclusion. We ask for equitable access to vaccines as well as to cutting-edge medical technologies. because healthcare and education are the foundations of human dignity. We are likewise determined to promote social inclusion, the empowerment of women and youth, and the protection of human rights. And the support of the international community is essential in this regard. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, The future that we are building today will shape the world that we wish to be key to future generations. In Chad, our young people comprising more than 65% of our population are our greatest wealth. We are investing in their education and their participation in political life in order to prevent our youth from being instrumentalized by radicalism and violent extremism. In addition, we call on the United Nations to support an open labor market and to ensure an environment that allows young people to flourish because the reason for the migration of African youth is the great divide that separates our states even though we share a common destiny. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, in the context of our domestic policy, we are proud of our political transition culminating in free, democratic, and transparent elections, which have resulted in the election of the President of the Republic, Mahamad Idris Dibi Idno, to the presidency of our country for a term of five years on May 6th. This milestone reflects our commitment to a peaceful, democratic, and inclusive governance of our country, thus strengthening our democracy. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, climate change also represents a major global challenge. with devastating consequences for vulnerable regions such as the Sahel. The recent floods in my country, which have affected more than 1.5 million people, make this reality clear. Given the magnitude of this situation, we call for international solidarity in order to address this emergency. Meanwhile, our country is hosting more than 2 million refugees, which represents nearly 15% of our population. This is placing a heavy burden on our resources and exacerbating the humanitarian emergency. This figure is due to a massive influx of Sudanese refugees caused by the crisis in Sudan, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of refugees coming from other neighboring countries. We call for strength and solidarity on the part of the international community to support refugees as well as host populations. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the ongoing hostilities in Sudan are prolonging the suffering of civilian populations in Sudan and exacerbating the humanitarian situation both in combat zones as well as in neighboring countries such as Chad, which continue to see a daily influx of new refugees. Chad regrets that the numerous appeals calls for a ceasefire have not been heated by the warring parties. My country is deeply concerned by the continuation of clashes in Sudan which further worsen the humanitarian situation as well as its repercussions for neighboring countries, including Chad. Chad once again reiterates its urgent call on the parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities and facilitate unhindered humanitarian access to the millions of victims of this fratricidal war, and we urge them to reestablish a political dialogue. Chad remains convinced that the current crisis in Sudan cannot be solved by force. It can only be solved through peaceful means, through an intra-Sudanese dialogue, aimed at achieving a lasting peace. Chad reaffirms its support for all initiatives currently underway to restore peace and stability in Sudan. With regard to the Libyan crisis, we call on all the parties to do their utmost to overcome the political impasse in which the country finds itself. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Conflicts are not limited to Africa alone. The situation in Ukraine, as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, underscore the dangers of this inexcusable violence which is claiming untold innocent lives against the backdrop of increasing geopolitical tensions. With regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we strongly condemn the violence and atrocities committed against innocent civilians and reaffirm our commitment to a two-state solution as well as the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination while calling for a peaceful solution and a negotiated solution to this conflict. The world cannot remain indifferent with a clear conscience given the horrifying images that we see coming from Gaza and other areas of Palestine. This conflict has now spread to Lebanon, which is worsening the regional situation, and this escalation poses a serious threat to peace and stability not only for the countries that are directly involved, but for the region as a whole as well. Chad also calls for the lifting of the embargo on Cuba. which harms the country's people and hinders its development. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I reaffirm Chad's commitment to the common African position on the reform of the Security Council as laid out in the Azawini Consensus and the Sears Declaration. We call on the sense of justice and solidarity of all nations to prevail in order to accelerate this much desired and eagerly awaited reform. Africa is asking for nothing more than the redress of a flagrant injustice dealt to an entire continent, a continent with more than a billion souls, a continent deprived of its legitimate place in global governance. Madam President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the path towards a future of peace, development, and human dignity is fraught with pitfalls, but it is our collective responsibility to follow that path. To conclude, CHET reiterates its commitment to the finding founding ideals and principles of the United Nations Charter and urges the international community to strengthen multilateralism in order to build a peaceful world, a world with greater justice, fairness and solidarity. Thank you for your kind attention. On behalf of the General Assembly, I thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Chad.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/chad","Chad","His Excellency","Allah Maye Halina","Prime Minister","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/td_fr_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TD_EN.mp3" 45,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Nikos Christodoulidis, President of the Republic of Cyprus. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset, I wish to congratulate His Excellency Ambassador Philemon Young for his election as President of the 79th Session of the General Assembly. Rest assured, Mr. President, of Cyprus' steadfast support for your mission. Your Excellencies, I humbly stood at this podium for the first time last year. My main premise then was that the UN Charter is not a reality. It is a promise, a sacred pledge that we inherited from our predecessors, from those who had the remarkable courage, the clarity of vision to put pen on paper, vision to action, and to solemnly declare, never again. These great visionaries, who had the audacity to build peace upon still burning ashes of war, assumed the tremendous responsibility to look beyond the horrors of the past, to learn from history, no matter how painful, and to lay the foundations for a world anchored on peace and stability, respect for international law, the sovereignty, and territorial integrity of states. a world that leaves no one behind, that ensures prosperity and human dignity for all. Burning like a torch lit from those ashes, this promise was passed to us. Their voices are echoed in the halls of this building, which stand as a beacon and a symbol of the only path to the fulfillment of the UN Charter, which each and every state Each and every one of us undertook to uphold multilateralism and respect for international law, diplomacy, peaceful settlement of disputes, cooperation over use of force and aggression, laying down arms. A world order that does not appease the aggressor, the violator of international legality. Ladies and gentlemen, only a few weeks after last year's General Assembly, on October 7, the world was shocked by the unimaginable, horrendous brutality of the terrorist attack against innocent civilians. No one was spared the blindness and cruelty of terror that set such a morning. Women raped, children killed and abducted, the elderly witnessing the burning flame of their loved ones, their future extinguished before their eyes. Their screams penetrating their hearts, forever changing the landscape of their lives, penetrating the conscience of humanity. There is never, ever any justification for terror There is never, ever any justification for such blatant disregard for human life and dignity. No matter where it comes from, no matter whom it concerns, it concerns us all. When rape is used as a weapon of war against women and girls, when children are abducted, our voice needs to be loud, clear, united, and equivocal. Those are our daughters. Those are our children. And we failed them. Let me be clear. Ours is a mission for the innocent. Innocence, no country, age, race, no religion. Human pain and human dignity is equal for all. And it must be upheld always in each and every context. Dear friends, in the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attack and as the humanitarian situation in Gaza deteriorated, my country, the Republic of Cyprus, acted. We acted on our moral responsibility to help the innocent civilians of Gaza – men, women, children – suffer in abhorrent conditions no human should ever endure. As a country that is an integral part of the region, Cyprus built on the long-standing bonds of friendship and trust with our neighbors. Fulfilling our duty as an anchor of stability in the turbulent sea, as the European Union's lighthouse in the Eastern Mediterranean, we delivered the Amalthea Maritime Corridor to the international community, a lifeline of hope and humanity. The Cyprus Humanitarian Corridor is a manifestation of the spirit and the letter of the UN Charter, cooperation and multilateralism. It aptly demonstrates the power of diplomacy, one of our most powerful tools. Cyprus works closely with regional and international partners, with the United Arab Emirates, the United States, with the concrete support of the European Union, the United Nations, united by a shared vision. These guiding principles are the beacon of our engagement in international relations, the power of diplomacy as a force for good. We have consistently manifested this commitment and will continue to do so. Cyprus has acted time and time again as a regional evacuation hub at time of crisis. a safe bridge, a safe haven for civilians. Dear friends, the Palestinian children that have been orphaned, forced to live in tents with no access to the most basic items of existence, food, shelter, education, safety, are also our children. No child should ever endure such nightmare. They didn't cause this war. They do not deserve it. They suffered in silence. Their cries are haunting our conscience. We have also failed them. The situation in Gaza is a desperate cry for us to act decisively. We must do all that is in our power. We must act as leaders, as states, as international and regional organizations. My country has emphatically stressed the need for the respect of international humanitarian law, the protection of civilians, the rapid, safe and unhindered flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. This war must end now. The suffering must stop now. We have also consistently underlined and acted on the imperative of avoiding further escalation and destabilization in our region and of the vital importance of preventing regional escalation. We are deeply alarmed by recent developments in our neighboring Lebanon and stress the need for restraint. A step back must be taken from the brink. Excellencies, the wider region of the Eastern Mediterranean and the greater Middle East, our neighborhood, is no doubt a turbulent region faced with a multitude of complex challenges. And yet, this neighborhood is so much more than the prevailing narrative. I will never accept the linear narrative of a region in turmoil. It is a narrative that ignores the complexities, but also the immense promise of the region and its people. the dynamics of opportunity and change that are unfolding. I have seen this journey closely, witnessing the full cooperation in the region, experience firsthand what countries of the region can achieve when they come together behind a common vision for the future, committed to multilateralism, always in respect of international legality. And I'm convinced that the Eastern Mediterranean and the wider Middle East can move decisively beyond the prevailing narrative of being a region in turmoil and become a hub of stability, peace, and cooperation. For the region to fulfill its promise, there has to be a path for lasting peace. There is an urgent need to reinvigorate the Middle East peace process and reach a political settlement in line with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. There is no other path to walk. Out of tragedy and suffering of the last year, let us exert every effort to ensure there is lifeline to peace. There are no shortcuts, no alternatives or substitutes to a lasting peace. There are no frozen conflicts. The vacuum created in the absence of a viable peace becomes a breeding ground for crisis and conflict. We can never be complacent. This is a painful lesson recent history teaches us over and over again. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, a sovereign nation, came as yet another stark reminder of what is at stake if we don't defend and uphold the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. Cyprus strongly condemns any breach of international peace and security effected through military action by any state against the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of another state. My country has stood in unwavering manner since the first day of the Russian invasion on the right side of the history. Cyprus, my country, itself a victim of invasion and continuing occupation, has desperately supported the unity, territorial integrity, and sovereignty of Ukraine. Madam President, Your Excellencies, the torch for peace in Cyprus awaits to be lit. This year, on July 20th, we mourn 50 years since the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Through use of force, Turkey occupies a sovereign European state. It violates the sovereignty and territorial integrity of an EU member state. 50 years, half a century of continuing Turkish occupation of approximately 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, of continuous violation of the UN Charter, international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law. 50 years that the displaced stoically await to return to their ancestral homes. 50 years that the mothers of the missing stoically await the remains of their loved ones, to lay them to rest in peace. Half a century of planned disregard of UN Security Council resolutions. Resolutions that have also called for the return of the fenced town of Varosha to its lawful inhabitants and its transfer to the administration of the UN. And yet, 50 years of resilience and hope by Cypriots. hope for peace, and burning desire and a deep belief by my people, by all Cypriots, that this cannot be the future of Cyprus. It cannot be the future of our children and of the generations to come. They deserve to live, to thrive in coexistence and co-creation in a unified country in conditions of viable peace. I'm often asked, dear friends, if I'm optimistic about peace in Cyprus after 50 years. Let me recall the words of Jean Monnet, one of the inspired founders of the European Union, when he proclaimed that this is not the time for blind optimists or paralyzing pessimists. Now is the time to be determined. And so the answer is that. I'm determined to work tirelessly and bravely for peace in Cyprus, to reunify my country and its people in a modern, viable European state with no troops of occupation, no foreign guarantees. I'm determined to provide for all Cypriots all rights and fundamental freedoms that other Europeans enjoy. They deserve nothing less. I'm determined not to fail them. To my Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot compatriots, I hear your call for peace. It has not faded over time. It has grown louder. more determined. We look to the UN, to the UN Secretary General, who understands the imperative of reunification, to fulfill the promise of peace, to deliver on the pledge of the UN Charter. I am determined to continue accepting all efforts to resume negotiations for a viable solution to the Cyprus issue, with the only framework the relevant UN Security Council resolutions that call for a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as defined by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and fully in line with EU law, values and principles. Your Excellencies, since the last time I stood before you in this hall, we have exerted every effort to resume the peace process There is no alternative to the path of peace. I'm committed and I'm ready to sit at the negotiating table today, not tomorrow. Today. I have clarity of vision for the future of my country, for the future of our children in a unified, prosperous, viable European state. To Mr. Erdogan, history will judge us. And history is unforgiving in the light it casts on leaders who have an opportunity to deliver peace and instead choose the path of revisionists and disregard for international law. Those who want to lead must lead by example. The voice of morality, Mr. Erdogan, cannot have selective historical amnesia or selective sensitivity to violations to international law. The aggressor, the violator of international law, cannot be the advocate of legality nor point the finger to others. On this podium yesterday, we heard Mr. Erdogan call for the disregard of the UN Charter, the violation of the UN Security Council resolutions and international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. And my response, the response of the international community, is clear. Illegality stemming from invasion, aggression, and use of force cannot be recognized. International law is not a la carte. Its interpretation does not change depending on who is the violator. It applies equally to all contexts, to all countries. It applies to Turkey, a country that 50 years ago used force in violation of the UN Charter, invaded the sovereign state, and is an occupation force in Cyprus. It is an affront to this plenary to name an invasion a peace operation. Revisionists cannot change reality, not now, not ever. To Mr. Erdogan, I also say now is the time to deliver on your proclaimed commitment to international law and to peace. No country that believes in the moral superiority of its position refuses to sit on the negotiating table. I adamantly believe that we can carve a new path. one of peace, cooperation, and collaboration. We cannot change geography. It is an opportunity, not a curse. Turkey and Cyprus will always remain neighbors. Let us change the narrative. Let us transform our proximity into a promise. Let us build together a legacy of peace that can be transformative for the whole region. Ladies and gentlemen, in our common agenda, the Secretary-General remarked that humanity faces a stark and urgent choice, a breakdown or a breakthrough. I welcome the Secretary-General's new agenda for peace and support multilateral efforts towards peace and security. Collective action is urgently needed to address the changing nature of conflicts, including challenges posed by new technologies, the climate emergency, rising inequalities, and backtracking on human rights. Halfway to the deadline, it is alarming that our world is off track to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Despite some glimmers of hope, action, transformative solutions and comprehensive reforms are urgently needed. The agendas and resolutions are in place. We don't need more words. We need action. Human rights constitute the backbone of the multilateral system, and it is a top priority for Cyprus' foreign policy. Guided by our long-lasting commitment to promoting, protecting, and fulfilling all human rights, as well as advancing and strengthening international human rights within the United Nations, Cyprus has announced its first-ever candidacy for the Human Rights Council for the period 2025-27, with elections taking place this fall. Our candidature stems from our deep dedication to promoting, protecting, and fulfilling basic human rights for all, as well as advancing and strengthening international human rights within the United Nations system. Ladies and gentlemen, the world is at an inflection point Our children, the generations who come, are watching, and they will hold us accountable. The decisions we make today, the courage and vision we transform into action, have the potential to change the trajectory of the world. We have an opportunity to come together and through multilateralism, by upholding the primacy of the UN Charter, to build a safer, more secure world. The nature of the challenges we face is such that no country can address it on its own. We need to come together. We, the peoples of the United Nations, determine. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Cyprus. The Assembly will hear and address","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/cyprus","Cyprus","His Excellency","Nikos Christodoulides","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cy_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CY_EN.mp3" 46,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Peter Pavel, President of the Czech Republic. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. Madam President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, it is a true honor for me to address you today. Much to my regret, since the last time we met here one year ago, the world has not become any safer. On the contrary, To start with, let me recall that the United Nations was created to save humanity from the scourge of war and destruction and to promote peace, justice, and better quality of life for all humankind. Together, we have managed to build a global system of rules and cooperation with the ambition to advance security and human rights instead of conflict and suffering. fostering economic development instead of overlooking mass destruction. Aligned around the UN Charter, we have subscribed not to repeat the mistakes and disasters of the past. Unfortunately, we still do. The world and its citizens need and deserve an effective UN that can respond quickly when needed and deliver better on our shared global commitments. Without a functioning multilateral system, alternative and exclusive structures would lead to more fragmentation and less predictability. It is our duty as national and global leaders to find common solutions to the most pressing problems before they get out of hand. Finding a compromise is never easy. It requires time and patience. Only if we realize that together we can achieve much more than when antagonized can we make our nations and the United Nations truly united behind common goals. A comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council is long overdue. Making the Council more effective, inclusive, accountable, and better reflecting today's realities by strengthening the voice of underrepresented regions is crucially needed. In the face of unjust and unprovoked Russian war against Ukraine, we must realize that Security Council membership is not a carte blanche. No one has the right to abuse power and bully other members of the international community without sanctions. Together, we must exercise more pressure on Russia to end its unjust and brutal war. The peace summit in Switzerland clearly confirmed that peace in Ukraine must be based on international law and principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. The cynical nature of Russia's policy and its disinterest in genuine peace talks has global consequences. These include impairing nuclear safety, diminishing food and energy security, and damaging rules-based international order. Czechia calls on those who have not yet supported our common effort to evaluate the possibility of signing the joint declaration agreed at the peace summit in Switzerland. So far, many with the aspiration to become respected regional or global actors have remained silent. But respect cannot be forced. It can only be earned. Let us not forget that hesitation strengthens the aggressor. If you remain silent to injustice and aggression, soon there will be others waiting in line to see how far they can go in bending international rules as they please. Some of you might think that Russia's actions against Ukraine are just another regional conflict and both sides need to go halfway. But there is no such thing as just a regional conflict. Conflicts in one part of the world cause food insecurity and create refugee waves in other. With globalization, our security and prosperity starts way beyond our own borders. Being fully aware of that, Czechia is committed not only to security of Europe, but also in Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere. I applaud the fact that many nations, including African, spare no effort to achieve and safeguard peace and security in their own regions and far beyond. Czechia will continue to engage with African countries and closely listen to their views and needs. I believe that despite political differences, Together, we can create mutually beneficial partnerships based on the principle of equality, mutual respect, and without any historical burden or future material demands. Africa is a continent with huge economic potential which is waiting to be unlocked. We want to see Africa flourish, enhance its capabilities, and create opportunities and jobs for young people. The last topic I want to touch upon is cybersecurity and technology. With a progressing digital transformation and our increasing reliance on advanced technology, the gravity and scale of cyber threats are increasing and respect no borders. Cyber espionage and attacks against our hospitals, media, infrastructure, national institution and businesses aim to destabilize our democratic system and undermine its principles. Just as offline, we cannot allow the cyberspace to become a lawless criminal world. The agreed framework of responsible behavior of states in cyberspace should guide us in our effort to strive for a safer online world. The security of cyberspace will depend on the capacities and effort of all responsible states to enhance their own cyber capabilities. Czechia is taking its commitment to the protection of global cyberspace security very seriously. We will continue providing assistance to our partners in Africa, Asia, and South America so that together we can improve our resilience and to protect our citizens even better. Foreign interference and disinformation continue to present a challenge with a serious impact on democracy, security, and the rules-based international order. With rapid development of new technologies, protection and promotion of human rights continue to be vital for our societies. Emerging technologies will have an undisputable influence on the nature of our future conflicts, but also on peace. It is our duty to ensure that innovations, including artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, biotech, or quantum computing, fully conform to our ethical and human rights standards. Last year, Czechia, together with Mexico, the Maldives, the Netherlands, and South Africa, submitted a resolution on human rights in the context of digital technologies. Furthermore, last month, during the GlobeSec Security Forum, I sat down with top managers of global tech companies at the Prague Geotech Summit. I was glad to hear that they are fully aware of their responsibility and fully committed to contribute to the resilience of democracy. Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, The challenges we are facing are global and we can only succeed if we fully commit ourselves to collective action and more cooperation. The quality of our governance will be judged by our actions and whether we leave this world in a better condition for future generations. I would like to thank everyone who is tirelessly working to make our planet a safer and more secure place for all. That is what really matters. Thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Czech Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/czechia","Czechia","His Excellency","Petr Pavel","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cz_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CZ_EN.mp3" 47,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Chilombo, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President of the United Nations General Assembly, it is an immense honor for me to speak to you today for the first time since the Congolese people vested once again their trust in me, electing me for a second term as President of our nation. Having had the opportunity to speak to you before in the past, I'm particularly moved to be able to do it again at this significant moment for our country. I wish to congratulate Mr Philemon Yang upon his election as President of this 79th session and at the same time I wish to pay tributes to your predecessors for their constant commitment at the service of this institution. The theme of this session, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations, is a theme that particularly resonates with our aspirations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mr. President, United Nations Secretary General, heads of state and government, heads of delegation, multilateralism and the respect for a global rules-based system have been the essential pillars that have supported peace, security, health, and prosperity the world over, over the last 80 years. The United Nations embody these fundamental values and remains an essential actor when it comes to the major challenges that humanity must overcome, whether it comes to guaranteeing security or addressing climate change, or fighting against poverty. This reality requires strengthened multilateral cooperation. However, the noble ideals of those that drafted the United Nations Charter, that is for it to serve as an instrument by which all countries govern their conduct, seems to be ebbing away and the basis of collective security that it established is shaking. We have a responsibility to pull our efforts and to reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism, which is the key for truly transformational solutions in response to the challenges that we see across our worlds. As Dag Hammarskjöld, former United Nations Secretary General, whose sacrifice for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which recalls how grave our mission is, so eloquently said, and I quote, the goal of the UN is not to take us to heaven, but rather to prevent us from going to hell. At this critical juncture for multilateralism, multilateralism is of the utmost importance. It allows us to respond to common threats, to protect our planet and to strengthen civil society and human rights. Indeed, we cannot ignore the alarming rise in sabre rattling and the indecent resumption of practices of armed aggression and looting of natural resources which affect all continents. The Russia-Ukraine conflict that is ongoing and continues to affect the region is simply yet another manifestation among many others that threaten peace in the world. Yemen, Sudan, Syria and the terrible tragedy unfolding on the Gaza Strip are part of the list of crises multilateralism needs to address. It is essential to act together to progress towards peace, sustainable development and human dignity, thereby ensuring a better future for future generations. Let us not leave anybody by the wayside. This is the clear and relevant message that's inspired the theme selected to guide the work of this 79th session of this august assembly. Mr President, The Pact for the Future and its annexes, that is the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations that we adopted during the recent Summit of the Future, highlight the importance of active collaboration to achieve a common vision of a peaceful and prosperous future. These documents represent an essential commitment to put an end to conflicts, to tackle extreme poverty and hunger, and to address challenges such as displacement of populations, illegal immigration, food insecurity, pandemics, and the risks associated with new technology. At the same time, the global digital compact is an essential pillar, part of our quest for a prosperous future and is at the heart of the fourth industrial revolution. where digital technologies have become essential. This digital transition is an unprecedented opportunity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, in particular for the least developed countries. It seeks to reduce the digital gap and to onboard unconnected populations with digital services with a high social impact. However, in order to address this major challenge inherent to the digital revolution, global reforms are required, involving a reassessment of the international financial architecture and involving adequate financing. For this reason, the Democratic Republic of Congo aspires to attract investment to develop connectivity in Africa and calls for cooperation from multilateral partners and telecommunications operators with knowledge transfer being key. Indeed, support for the grid development process in our country is a promising solution to link the south and north of Africa and also to link the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic. This includes the establishment of viable partnerships with the grant Inga hydroelectric project that seeks to respond to the growing energy demand of our country, which has been increased by the proliferation of connected devices. Furthermore, it's essential to strengthen traceability of strategic minerals, which are essential, and also technological equipment in order to ensure a responsible and sustainable exploitation of our resources. Furthermore, full participation and commitment from youth, both boys and girls, are essential to build a sustainable and inclusive society. This principle is the foundation of the Declaration on Future Generations and underscores our responsibility vis-à-vis future generations and how important it is to make decisions that enable them to flourish. For Africa, Youth is a major asset for Africa's future prosperity. Investing in education, in particular in STEM subjects, that's science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and creating conducive environments for innovation are crucial. It is essential to deal with the disconnect between a fast-growing young population and the job market by providing the skills that they require to join the job market. Mr. President, the situation in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is particularly concerning. The resurgence of the M23 terrorist group supported by Rwanda has caused an unprecedented humanitarian crisis with close to 7 million internally displaced persons. This aggression is a major violation of our national sovereignty. We call upon the international community to firmly condemn these actions and to impose targeted sanctions against Rwanda for its destabilising and damaging role. We demand an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Rwandan troops from our territory. While recent diplomatic initiatives such as the Luanda talks may be encouraging, they should certainly not overshadow how urgent it is to engage in this essential action. The Democratic Republic of Congo is actively committed to entrenching lasting peace in the east of the country and to promote economic development and the well-being of the so long-suffering communities experiencing this armed conflict. Nevertheless, we are not closing any door to any opportunity that would bring peace while maintaining our sovereignty and our territorial integrity. In this regard, it is We are resolutely committed to implementing the roadmap adopted as part of the Luanda process and I fully support that that promotes high-level dialogue seeking to re-establish trust between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda while minimising the risk of the current security crisis descending into a regional conflict. Furthermore, my country remains open to any other initiative by our partners that would contribute to achieving this noble goal of peace. The Democratic Republic of Congo reaffirms our firm will to ensure lasting peace. Under my leadership, we are steadfast in our commitment to pursue the implementation of the programme for disarmament, demobilisation and community recovery and stabilisation, the PDDRCS, which is a key part of our national strategy to disarm, demobilise and reintegrate combatants by providing them viable economic opportunities that are also sustainable, while at the same time stabilising the regions affected by conflict. By ensuring a post-Mornusco transition, we are also prioritising the repatriation of foreign combatants. The PDDRCS is a crucial tool for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and I invite our partners and our friends to support it. Furthermore, thousands of victims of the genocide for economic gain in the Democratic Republic of Congo in short, the genocost, continue to suffer from the devastating consequences of a past marked by violence and impunity. Recognising and addressing the effects of this tragedy is crucial to enable the recovery and reconstruction of the affected communities. Beyond immediate humanitarian aid, a long-term approach focused on justice, reconciliation and sustainable development is essential to allow the victims to recover and to return to a decent life. Therefore, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo decided to make the 2nd of August National Day the Genocost Day. which is dedicated to the victims of the odious crimes perpetrated by rebels supported by multinational corporations and states in the region. This is a national day of coming together and it allows us to confront our painful past so that we can move forward. It's essential to strengthen the historic conscience of our country and to affirm the determination of our nation to prevent such barbarous acts from repeating. President, terrorism is a serious threat to international peace and security, and it affects all the regions of the world. Having raged in Asia, in Western Europe and in North America, this scourge now seems to be entrenching itself in Africa. As a member of the Global Coalition Against the Islamic State, the DRC urges the United Nations to ramp up its efforts to implement the recommendations of this organisation, in particular when it comes to the Aqaba process. Terrorism, which is raging in the east of our country, is closely linked to the looting and illegal exploitation of our natural resources. These criminal activities are nourishing insecurity and financing armed groups, exacerbating conflicts in the Great Lakes region. It is therefore essential for the United Nations to envisage severe sanctions against those responsible for these economic crimes in order to break this vicious circle and to foster peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for future generations. President, according to the most recent Voluntary National Review report for the SDGs, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has made significant progress towards several of the SDG targets, thanks to major reforms and interventions. Since 2019, the government has had in place ambitious reforms to ensure free basic education, which has allowed more than 4 million children to attend school. Moreover, several measures have been taken to strengthen social protection, to introduce universal health coverage and to promote gender equality. as well as fostering and supporting the development of infrastructure and rapid industrialisation via, in Turali, the creation of special economic zones. Despite this progress, The Global Report on Sustainable Development Goals underscores that at the current tempo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo will not be able to achieve the SDGs by 2030 due to persisting inequality and vulnerabilities which are exacerbated by armed conflict. When faced with this challenge, a roadmap has been developed. This covers all the specific actions, interventions and reforms needed. The aim being to accelerate progress and tackle the issues set forth in the 2030 Agenda with some measures underway already to make sure that the DRC will be in line with these SDGs by 2030. For this to work, the Democratic Republic of the Congo needs an annual investment of around $32 billion. It is therefore indispensable to strengthen partnerships for sustainable investment and to promote peace in order to support stable socioeconomic development. To add to the list of global responses to climate challenges and promotion of renewable energy, the Democratic Republic of the Congo having already reaffirmed its commitment to ambitious climate action, which is to underscore the crucial importance of financial and technical support, increased support, so its efforts can also therefore increase to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement. Rich as we are in biodiversity and natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has taken on the role as a key player in the fight against climate change. Initiatives that are already underway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions cover four strategic sectors. These are agriculture, forestry, energy and waste management. Structural reforms are also in place at the moment to reverse deforestation and to improve access to clean energy. This is the proof of the determination of our government to preserve natural resources and to support a green transition. Now, in terms of showcasing our tropical forests, Bali in November 2022 saw a watershed moment. This was the adoption of the Joint Declaration on Cooperation on Tropical Forests and Climate Action. This declaration was signed by Brazil, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This significant step forward demonstrates the collective political will that there is to use forests as a tool for sustainable development. The Trilateral Cooperation Alliance for Tropical Forests, which was created in Bali, will provide a framework to address biodiversity-related challenges and will also propose solutions for carbon credit markets, all the while ensuring full respect for the rights of indigenous peoples. Moreover, within the framework of environmental and global warming-related issues, it is also important to underscore the holding of the second summit of the biggest tropical forest basins in the world. These are the Amazon, the Congo and the Borneo Mekong. This was held from the 26th to the 28th of October 2023 in Brazzaville in the Republic of the Congo. This African initiative, which was spearheaded by President Denis Sassou-Negesso aims to implement as part of the UN Decade for the Restoration of Ecosystems, create the first global coalition dedicated to the restoration of 350 million hectares of land and water ecosystems. These forests are a crucial bulwark against climate change. When faced with these problems that have been clearly identified and we have solutions within reach, it is therefore crucial to act in a concrete fashion. The Amazonian, Congolese and Borneo-Mekong basins are home to more than 80% of the tropical forests and play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. And they also provide vital ecosystem services. It is therefore imperative that the improvement of social economic conditions paid by local communities, they who play a key role in forest conservation, that their interests be given top billing in global governance. For its part, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has created judicial instruments and institutional tools that seek to strengthen its position on the global carbon markets, while we still remain open to partnerships in line with the Paris Agreement and our domestic laws. The growing awareness of the challenges linked to climate instability and the depletion of natural resources, which are often the origin of armed conflicts, this underscores the need to act on these issues. It is therefore... crucial to recognise the link between climate change, environmental degradation and security in order to foster proactive action to mitigate these risks through sustainable practices. In this connection, we would call on the Security Council to create international mechanisms that include questions of climate security in their discussions. President. faced with a major energy challenge. The world indeed is facing a major energy challenge. Systems that are based on fossil fuels are responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions and thus they exacerbate climate change. Without resolute efforts to promote renewable energy we risk facing even more grave crises, for example extreme weather, conflicts linked to natural resources, and we are seeing some of this already. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has abundant resources, including essential ores and minerals such as cobalt, lithium, nickel and graphite, To name but a few, these could facilitate a sustainable energy transition. We would appeal for international cooperation to develop the necessary technology and infrastructure for this. Our vision is to transform the exploitation of our resources into a tool for inclusive and sustainable development, all the while improving education, health and infrastructure. Social inclusion is at the heart of our strategy as it guarantees the equitable distribution of the benefits of progress. As we invest in the fight against climate change and as we contribute to the SDGs, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is ready to play a key role in the transformation of global energy systems. Together, we can build a future where energy is clean, sustainable and accessible for all. President, I would also like to touch on the crucial question of gender equality. Although equal participation of men and women in political life is something that is internationally recognised, in practice there is still a chasm between legal equality and the reality in how power works. is held. Women's concerns deserve to be integrated in the major decisions that affect our society. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we are determined to change mentalities to overcome the social barriers that are hampering women from prospering. It is also crucial to involve men in this process so we can transform social trends and we can showcase their role in women's success. On a national level, the Congolese constitution enshrines parity. Thus, the government has also created a strategy to fight gender-based violence, a strategy that is focused on prevention, protection, and also reparation for victims. This strategy is reflected in our National Fund for Reparation of Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Crimes Against Peace and Security. which goes by Fonarev, the current legislation seeks to guarantee this level of protection. Here I wish to underscore significant progress that's been made in terms of women's participation in decision-making, with the appointment for the first time in our history of a woman as Prime Minister and Head of Government. We're also seeing increased presence of women in governmental bodies, as well as in the judicial system and the parliament, as illustrated by the appointment of women as the first president of the Council of State and the head of the Central Bank of the Congo. President of the United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Secretary-General, heads of state and government, heads of delegation, ladies and gentlemen. As we leverage this momentum, it is crucial that the international community under the aegis of the United Nations continue to support the processes underway and reinvent themselves when faced with the challenges of the current world. To retain the trust of the international community, the United Nations must prove how it is able to adapt to contemporary changes and overcome these in an effective and responsible way. it is crucial to breathe new life into multilateralism through targeted reforms of the United Nations Charter on key issues such as the Security Council, the veto, Chapter 7 and the use of force. Nevertheless, that won't be enough. Coordination and cooperation between the different institutions and agencies of the United Nations must also be improved. Numerous global issues are often dealt with redundantly in different fora, sometimes taking contradictory angles, while other problems remain completely sidelined. Each international bureaucracy seeks to justify its own existence. In this connection, while we commend the support of the United States, I would reiterate with strength on behalf of all African countries the request for two permanent seats at the Security Council for African Countries. As the main decision-making body within the United Nations, this organ must include African representatives amongst its permanent members with all of the associated prerogatives, particularly the veto. This is to guarantee fair geographic representation. This is a question of justice, justice for a continent whose role in international affairs is ever growing. We Africans are determined to see this through. Finally, I wish to conclude by recalling that following more than three decades of absence from the Security Council, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is once again submitting its candidacy, supported by the African Union and by the Southern African Development Community, SADC, for the post of an elected member for the 2026-2027 period. This will be during the elections which will be held in New York in June 2025. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has already filled this function between 1982 and 1983 and 1990 and 1991. And during these two periods, we worked to promote peace, security and stability in Africa and around the world. Once elected, the Democratic Republic of the Congo plans on playing a proactive role within the Security Council and participate in the revitalization of the UN Charter and contribute, contributing in a constructive way to the debates and actions related to this. My country, therefore, requests the support of all member states as we come up to these elections. At a time when multilateralism is being so sorely tested, the Democratic Republic of the Congo reaffirms its tireless commitment to the international community. And it is ready to shoulder with honor and responsibility the mission to forge a future where peace and cooperation prevail over conflict and division. Nelson Mandela said, and I quote, none of us acting alone can achieve success, end of quote. Thus, we are reaching out to each and every one of you, longstanding partners and new allies alike. to together write this new crucial chapter of our collective history. Together, let's make our world a place where every nation, big or small, can prosper in dignity and security. Thank you very much. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/democratic-republic-congo","Democratic Republic of the Congo","His Excellency","Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cd_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CD_EN.mp3" 48,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Sylvanie Burton, President of the Commonwealth of Dominica. I request protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Madam President, Mabrika, Mabrika, I greet you in the language of my Kalinago people, the first people of the Caribbean, of whom I am proud to call my ancestors. I proudly bring you warmest greetings from the citizens of the nature island of the Caribbean and the homeland of Olympian gold medalist Thea Lafo Godson, the Commonwealth of Dominica. It is an extraordinary honor to address this august body in my capacity as the first female president of the Commonwealth of Dominica and as the first president of indigenous descent. Madam President, Our organization was born out of the need to enable dialogue and facilitate cooperation among its members to avoid international conflict. Over time, however, our understanding of human development's contribution to peace building and civilization has improved to the point where cooperation to enhance the human condition now lies at the core of our organization's work. Madam President, progress in many spheres of human endeavor is not equitable. And deliberate action is required to ensure that the most vulnerable among us, namely women, boys, girls, the physically challenged, and senior citizens, are brought from the shadows of neglect and into the light of opportunity. In essence, Excellencies, though we are a small nation subject to the many challenges of growth and development, we insist that we continue to be our brother's keeper and join our voice with those who believe that no one, regardless of location, race, ethnicity, gender, or religion, No one is left behind in the relentless pursuit of advancement. To leave no one behind in our quest for a sustainable and resilient future, we must embrace multilateralism to combat the many major global challenges we face. Madam President, we remain concerned that despite the resources and publicity given to UN Agenda 30, its outputs so far do not inspire confidence that we are on track to realize the much heralded goals. Alarmingly, the 2024 Sustainable Development Goals Report indicates that far from building on the progress achieved during the first five years, and I quote, fully half of the 17 targets are showing minimal or moderate progress, while over one-third appear stalled or going in reverse. It is therefore the hope of my government and the Caribbean community, of which we are proud members, that this assembly will be known as the forum at which the United Nations family rededicated itself to ensuring that the SDGs remain central to our claim. that our civilizations are caring and progressive, and that our collective management, scientific and diplomatic capabilities will be assigned to ensuring that the well-being of the present and future generations is guaranteed. Madam President, for example, despite SDG 3, good health and well-being, the growing burden of non-communicable diseases, NCDs, is an urgent crisis that calls for unified and aggressive approach by all global leaders. The World Health Organization, WHO, concludes that NCDs such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancers, and chronic respiratory diseases account for 75% of all deaths worldwide. This disease not only shortened individual lives, but also imperiled the future of our societies, our economies, and our shared global development goals. The fight against NCDs is not one that any nation, particularly a nation as small as ours, can win alone. That fight requires strong leadership, innovative strategies, and collaboration at every level. In Dominica, we have made significant progress in enhancing our healthcare system to better meet the needs of those at risk or living with NCDs. I had the opportunity to share Dominica's perspective, vision, and action on non-communicable diseases with the global group of heads of state and government for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases at the third annual gathering held here yesterday at the UN headquarters. Dominica is proud to play its part in this global effort, and we remain committed to working with international partners to share knowledge, resources, and best practices in the fight against NCDs. Madam President, we stand today at a critical juncture in human history. Climate change, as we know, is not just an environmental challenge. It is a threat to every aspect of life as we know it. For Dominica, as for many small island developing states, this is not a distant or abstract issue. It is a daily reality. We have said it time and time again. We see it so vividly year after year that our communities are on the front lines, facing intensified hurricanes, devastating floods, and prolonged droughts. We recall our own devastation in 2015 with Tropical Storm Erica, which wiped out 96% of Dominica's GDP. And then again in 2017, against the deadly Hurricane Maria, which destroyed over 225% of Dominica's GDP in a matter of hours, mere hours. That is why this year we watched in agony as hurricane burials swept through the island states of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Barbados, and Jamaica. Madam President, these tragic occurrences embolden us to state firmly that the time for rhetoric has long passed. Business as usual simply will not suffice. We need urgent, bold, and decisive action to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as science clearly dictates. But to do this, we must drastically reduce emissions, boldly honor financial commitments, and build critical resilience infrastructure in regions particularly vulnerable in relation to climate change. This is a moral imperative, a matter of the utmost urgency, a matter of climate justice. Our future depends on the decisions made in these halls. Excellencies, This assembly is meeting at a time when the Commonwealth of Dominica and the rest of the Caribbean direct our gaze to the east and on the storms and hurricanes that emerge in the Atlantic. There is no denial that climate change is happening. We see, indeed, we feel its disastrous impacts on a daily basis. Already, the warnings of weather scientists regarding global warming and the consequent increase in frequency and severity of storms have proved to be accurate. The government and people of Dominica stand in solidarity with our sister CARICOM nations and others adversely affected by this year's storms. Dominica, along with other Caribbean states, have already prioritized the development of national climate adaptation strategies, invested in resilient infrastructure and agriculture, invested in community education and in renewable energy. Still, the reality is that, as important as our interventions in this crucial space are, they will remain ineffective if our friends and partners in the industrialized world do not honor their commitments to reduce global warming and provide the funding that is required to enable our low-emitting states to become resilient. We therefore seize this opportunity to urge that the ethical pledges made via the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, the Climate Action Summit, and within the framework of the Green Climate Fund be honored in the interest of the global community. Prime Minister, Honorable Dr. Roosevelt Scarrett has been sounding that call at every opportunity he gets. We are sounding that call again at this assembly. The high emitting countries need to recognize and accept responsibility for their destructive practices and do the noble thing. We will not relent until they do. Madam President, our world is at the crossroads. Now more than ever, leadership at every level matters. My delegation is of the firm view that the fundamental principles of the UN Charter must be respected, no matter which member state may be under scrutiny. Madam President, this is no source of joy to my delegation, but these critical times demand that important truths be spoken frankly. Madam President, a glaring hypocrisy clouds this august body when right seems to pass as wrong, wrong seems to pass as right, depending on which member state is being impacted. This practice of might makes right must be discontinued. Madam President, my delegation remains deeply concerned about the ongoing conflicts, particularly in Ukraine, the Middle East, and Sudan, among others. We recognize the crucial role of peace in human development. We are convinced that war is futile. It is this conviction that impels us to urge that the fullest support be given to those entities that are engaged in promoting peace and reconciliation in the Middle East, Ukraine, and Sudan. Just a few examples of locations where war is setting back the human development gains achieved over the years. The continuing loss of innocent lives, particularly innocent lives of the most vulnerable among us, namely the innocent lives of women and children, is of dire concern. There is no winner in these conflicts. And if history has taught us anything, it is that the cost to rebuild after such terrifying and inhuman conflicts is extremely prohibitive. To this end, as long as these conflicts persist, my delegation will not cease to echo the call for an urgent end to these conflicts which have decimated the lives of so many innocent ones. Madam President, we stand in solidarity with the people of Haiti and insist with the other CARICOM member states that the current crisis being confronted by our sister CARICOM state in no way nullifies the entitlement of its people to the recognition of their sacred sovereignty and their right to be central in the search for a fair and durable peace. The government of Dominica remains convinced that the present challenges faced by our sister CARICOM state are in part related to the glorious contribution Haiti made to the quest for justice and freedom in our region and the world. Indeed, the current complexion of this august body would have been unimaginable without the heroic struggles of the Haitian people. As such, the crisis in Haiti is much more than a Caribbean crisis, even if the solution is an obligation that all of the Caribbean states accept wholeheartedly. My delegation therefore unreservedly supports the position of CARICOM on the situation in Haiti, a position that rightly calls for a Haitian-led and owned transition process to bring across systematic changes to our fellow CARICOM member states, it is high time. The heroic sacrifices of Haitian blood and treasure that opened the door to the liberation of so many of our countries, making it possible for us to be members of this august body, deserve no less than the abundant peace and prosperity of the wonderful Haitian people. It is, Madam President, in the same spirit that we welcome the installation of the interim government under the leadership of Dr. Gary Connell and the swearing-in of a new cabinet of ministers on June 12. This process of normalization of life for the people of Haiti has been nothing if not daunting. However, with the support of the international community, there is a glimmer of hope, the dawning of a new day as progress is being made. We remain ever optimistic that ordinary Haitian citizens will once again be able to live, work, and feel at peace in Haiti, an outcome they so richly deserve. Madam President, no mention of this glimmer of hope for the Haitian people would be complete without recognition of the strategic support of the Kenyan volunteers who have played a major role in bringing the security situation under some measure of control. The Kenyan people standing so closely in the struggle for peace and prosperity with the Haitian people is as natural as natural gets, because their stance echoes the ancestral and historical connections that we share, as well as the imposition history placed upon us to struggle for our liberation. We therefore thank the government and people of Kenya for their mighty effort. We thank also the United States of America and Canada for their generous support for the effort to stabilize Haiti. We also thank the other states which have made and pledged their support to Haiti towards the restoration of an environment conducive to peace and development. Recognition is also due to those who made material contributions to this effort. We urge member states who have pledged financial support to honor those pledges so that the humanitarian gaps can be closed and the food crisis can be resolved. The Haitian people are people as heroic and resilient as people ever will deserve better. It is our firm conviction that we in the international community have a responsibility to ensure that the living conditions of the Haitian people are brought to the natural standards of human dignity. Madam President, the Commonwealth of Dominica is keen to underscore its commitment to advocating for unity, justice, peace, and the sustainable human development that they foster. In this regard, we continue to urge that the long-running economic embargo against the people of Cuba be set aside. It hurts the people of Cuba as well as the image of its sponsors. The trade embargo imposed against our brothers and sisters in Cuba continues to be of great concern to us in the Caribbean. Its lifting grows increasingly urgent. Therefore, the Commonwealth of Dominica once again joins the voices of the overwhelming majority of members of this global organization to call for the immediate lifting of trade restrictions and export bans imposed on the good people of Cuba. They are unjustified. They are unjustifiable. They are antiquated. They belong to a bygone era. They should cease to exist. They fall, in our view, within the grand narrative of yet another Caribbean people's struggle for liberation. It is for these reasons that the government of Dominica strongly urges a radical reconsideration of these actions. Madam President, our steadfast advocacy for respect for the United Nations norms of sovereignty and non-interference impels us as well to urge that the right of the government and people of Venezuela to resolve internal challenges without outside interference be respected. We renew our condemnation of the United States' imposition of sanctions on Venezuela. The resulting hardship forced upon the people of Venezuela needs an immediate and complete end. Madam President, in closing, my delegation is pleased to leave this august body with reference to a most valuable and appropriate gift for this forum at this point in time. My ancestors, the Kalinago people, lived in harmony with Mother Nature, drawing on nature for food and general well-being, including medicinal plants. The benefits to a life in harmony with Mother Nature are many. Their impact on the environment was minimal. The benefits to human health were long, active lives with minimal burden of chronic diseases. My ancestors also lived a communal life marked by social cohesion. My delegation recommends this way of life of our Kalinago people to this body. Madam President, I wish Your Excellency and all the delegations participating in this 79th session every success in their deliberations. In the language of my Kalinago people, aya hora, aya hora, which means thank you. I thank you for the courtesy of your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Commonwealth of Dominica.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/dominica","Dominica","Her Excellency","Sylvanie Burton","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/dm_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_DM_EN.mp3" 49,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona, President of the Dominican Republic. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency, Mr. Philemon Yang, President of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly, Your Excellency, Mr. Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General, Heads of State and Government, Distinguished Heads of Delegation, Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish on behalf of the Dominican people to express my congratulations to Mr. Philemon Yang on his election as President of this Assembly. In turn, I would like to thank him for his work and thank the Secretary-General for the successful organization of this 79th session and in particular for the recently closed Summit of the Future. This ambitious effort stressed the need to bolster international financing to ensure that we can attain the Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs. It demonstrates the sincere determination to work for a present and future of peace, civic well-being, respect for human rights and democratic values. I'd like to emphasise that in the Dominican Republic we have made considerable headway in the SDGs in poverty reduction, food security, energy sustainability, public safety and climate action, just to cite a few examples. By way of example, monetary poverty shrank from 25.8% in 2019 to 23% in 2023. This despite the pandemic and the effects of the war. And in the first half of this year, it fell to 18.9%, which is the lowest level in our history. Over the four years of our administration, we have more than doubled spending on social protection. Our agricultural policy has been key to guaranteeing food security and maintaining profitability for Dominican farmers. Despite being an island with limited amounts of arable land, we have managed to boost our food self-sufficiency by from 88.5% in 2019 to 90.6% in 2023. Indeed, we've established self-sufficiency in this sector to a large extent. Turning to the generation, transmission and distribution of affordable and clean energy, we've made significant strides and important improvements in electric regulations. We are beginning to build 2,000 new megawatts in thermal generation and we've signed contracts for 1,600 megawatts of renewable energy with 600 megawatts already in operation and 1,300 in construction. By the end of 2027, for the first time, we will have a surplus generation capacity of over 15%. This will guarantee greater stability, sustainability and prices for our energy supply. Public safety has also seen a considerable improvement. In 2022, the murder rate in our country stood at 13.2 for every 100,000 inhabitants. In 2023, it fell to 11.5 and in 2024, so far, it stands at 9.9. This figure is below the average for Latin America and the Caribbean, which according to UN data is 17.2. We stand steadfast in our commitment to tackle the triple planetary crisis, climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, playing a fundamental role in establishing the loss and damage fund and achieving the target of 30 by 30 in protecting our marine areas. All of these crucial topics warrant our full attention. However, the resurgence of war and unchecked violence mean that we are forced to focus on this regrettable emergency. Since its adoption in 1945, the United Nations Charter has served us well. But after seven decades, a series of challenges have built up which now threaten to spill over the existing institutional framework, as was stressed by the Secretary General, in his opening statement, there is a widespread consensus that we urgently need a new model of global governance, a model that fosters greater trust and effectiveness in the decisions that emanate from this crucial concert of nations. For the Dominican Republic, commitment to effective and renewed multilateralism is a priority. We believe this approach is needed to guarantee respect for international law and to protect nations from global threats that compromise their security and well-being. Without concerted principles-based action, the foundations of the international community will continue to erode. Since its formation, the Dominican Republic has been a standard-bearer for peace and the peaceful settlement of conflicts. The loss of thousands of innocent lives, of children and the ageing is unacceptable. For this reason, we speak up to strongly demand effective protection for our civilian population in line with the norms of international humanitarian law. There is a solid theory that posits that democracies rarely go into war against others. Thank you very much. We stand at a crucial juncture for democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Over the last few decades, we have borne witness to considerable deterioration in the quality of and support for democratic systems. According to the Latino Barometer Poll, support for democracy has fallen significantly between 2010 and 2023. and at the same time authoritarianism increased. Many factors have impacted this decline, including the effects of frequent economic global crises, which have become cyclical since the end of the 1990s. Another factor is also that citizens are not seeing the tangible benefits of democracy and are very concerned by personalism and corruption, which undermine trust in democratic institutions. In light of this, A clear propensity to remain in power stands out, which in the case of Latin America has taken the form of indefinite re-election, which over the last 30 years has eroded democracy. One example of this is the crisis in Venezuela, which combines a concentration of power, persecution of the opposition and censure of the media. Without due transparency of the electoral process and without necessary documentation, the crisis will further worsen. We continue to insist on the publication of all electoral records and their verification by impartial institutions in respect for the results of the popular will in Venezuela. Without the publication of these documents, a legitimate winner will not be able to be declared. Transfers of power are essential to guaranteeing responsible and genuinely participatory politics. Democracy is based on a founding principle. The loser has to accept their defeat and exercise true, faithful, constructive opposition. Another democratic principle establishes that the winner must not bully nor crush their adversary. Democracy cannot be exercised solely by and for the winners. The majority has to be treated with respect and the minority has to be included. including equal rights and ensuring that they are treated with equity and justice. On the 19th of May, the Dominican people re-elected me at the first round for a second and final presidential mandate, which led to a qualified majority in both chambers of the Congress. I'm looking ahead to strengthening Dominican democracy, and to this end, I presented a constitutional reform to the Dominican Congress, which will comprehensively limit presidential re-elections to two consecutive terms and no more. This reform aims to leave a legacy of greatest political and social stability to future generations and aims to establish a general principle that is clear and robust. The power is always transitory and must be there to serve the people. Mr. President, every democracy needs to make a commitment to defending human rights. It is fundamental to protecting dignity and the freedom of every individual and to provide legitimacy to political power. The Dominican government is profoundly committed to protecting human rights at a national and international level. This commitment is an integral part of our foreign policy. This establishes the promotion and defense of human rights as one of its main pillars. Here there can be no horse trading nor factions, just principles. For this reason, the crisis in Haiti warrants particular attention. For more than three years now, the instability in our neighbouring country has put significant pressure on our own security. We have firmly been asking for the involvement of the international community to show its sustained leadership in stabilising Haiti. This is a strategic need for security in my country and across the whole region. The Dominican state has shouldered a high responsibility in the Haitian crisis, far more than should be expected of it, by providing essential services to a large amount of the population from our neighbouring country. In 2023, medical appointments to Haitian immigrants represented 9.9% of the total medical appointments provided in our national health system. In addition, there are currently around 200,000 foreign minors in our Dominican public education system, of which it is thought that 147,000 are Haitian in origin. These figures reflect the supportive commitment shown by the Dominican Republic, but we can't do it alone. After a long struggle for the adoption of various resolutions within the Security Council, We finally began to see a path towards stability with the establishment of the Transitional Presidential Council and the arrival of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti. We take this opportunity to express our thanks to Kenya and to President Ruto, which has provided the majority of the personnel supporting the Haitian National Police. We further thank the United States, which has shouldered most of the financial and logistics burden. Likewise, we thank Jamaica, Bahamas and El Salvador that have already sent their contributions. Further, we thank CARICOM for its efforts towards dialogue and agreement and consultation in Haiti. The Dominican Republic has... made its own contribution by providing emergency health services to the multinational security support mission. To date, only 400 of the MSS troops have been deployed out of a minimum of 1,000 that are needed to ensure that the force can be effective. We need this to be established so that the free, fair and transparent elections can be held. Ladies and gentlemen, We've reached this point with great sacrifices, but practically one year from the holding of elections in Haiti, the conditions are still not in place for us to do so. We cannot allow the efforts that have been made to date to fail. If that were to happen, Haiti's collapse would be imminent and the consequences of that would affect the entire region. This mission is an exceptional source of hope for the establishment of normality in Haiti A failure could lead to us needing to take drastic measures to protect our national security. It's unacceptable that at this stage of the game, some of the countries that have had an impact on the Haitian situation or that have committed to resolving it have not fully kept their promises. While my country's national security is implicated, I will not let up in my demands for stability in Haiti. President, the Dominican Republic and the government that I preside will continue cooperating with the international community in a supportive, committed manner to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. The global landscape means that we need to act as a cohesive community, like a true concert of nations with one common goal and an aligned vision for the future. We'll be judged by history, not only in terms of the speeches that we give in these illustrious halls, but also, more importantly, for the actions that we undertake in practice. We cannot fail our peoples. We cannot fail humanity. We cannot fail the future. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Dominican Republic. The assembly will hear and address.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/dominican-republic","Dominican Republic","His Excellency","Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/do_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_DO_EN.mp3" 50,"Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Alexander Stubb, President of the Republic of Finland. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. The President of the Republic of Finland, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the UN was founded 79 years ago. At the time, we were in many ways standing at a crossroads. The world had been torn apart by two world wars. Something had to be done to contain the belligerence of nation states. We needed common institutions and rules. The mission of the United Nations was actually quite simple. to end war and promote peace, to promote justice and a better life for the entire world. And for most of its history, it's been able to do exactly that. I come from Finland. We're a small country in the northeastern corner of Europe. We're a peace-loving nation. Our recovery from World War II and our rise from one of the poorest countries in Europe to one of the wealthiest and safest and, yes, happiest countries in the world is closely linked to the success of the United Nations. Our ability to demonstrate dignity, act with respect, promote compromise has played a critical role in our success story. We are a free and open society. We understand the value of this institution as we first-hand experience of what it can bestow on a country and its citizens at its best. I think that today In many ways, we're again standing at a crossroads. And I have to admit that I'm worried. Divisions between countries and blocs are widening. Our shared understanding of the world has dwindled. And it's been replaced by narratives that fuel controversy, conflict, and hatred. The number of ongoing conflicts is the highest since the Cold War, and the number of states involved in them is on the rise, especially in three hotspots, Palestine, Ukraine, and Sudan. Human suffering has long since reached a point that should be unacceptable in this room. The paradox, of course, is that many countries are rejecting multilateral cooperation precisely at a time when we need it more than ever. In my speech today, I will focus on three points, and I'll try to be as concrete and constructive as possible. First, on what unites rather than divides us. Second, on how to end the current wars. Third, on how to reform the UN and to reflect the world that we live in today. By adopting the Pact on the Future on Monday here, I think we proved that the UN works. And I have to say that my address here today is to all of us collectively, not to anyone individually. I'm not into blame games or whataboutism. We are all responsible. We are all a part of the problem as well as the solution. So, first, let us focus on what unites rather than divides us. When the Cold War ended, many of us, myself included, believed in the thesis of the end of history, namely that most of the world's roughly 200 nation states would revert towards some kind of form of peace, prosperity, and harmonious coexistence. There was a strong belief that freedom, democracy, and globalization would win the day. that technological development, free trade, open information would automatically lead to global development and stability for all. But it did not. The problem was that we forgot the dark sides of mankind, including power, actually need to be contained in international institutions like the UN. We assumed too much and did too little. The things that were supposed to bring us together like trade, interdependence and information are now tearing us apart. We must turn the tide and focus on how we can find common solutions to common global problems. Now, the biggest challenges in the world, climate change, technology, sustainable development and conflict are precisely the ones that we must work on together. We need the UN more than ever. We must get back to the trajectory where our common challenges drive cooperation instead of conflict. We must look for win-win solutions for all rather than zero-sum games benefiting the few. To mitigate and adapt climate change and to halt biodiversity, we need to work together. Our future depends on our response to these challenges in very concrete terms. We cannot respond to the very tangible concerns of small islands developing states only by planning. We need results. If we do not solve the climate challenge, the crises that follow become unsolvable. The same goes for technology. Some 30 years ago, we thought that digitalization, artificial intelligence, robotization, and biotechnology would automatically deliver a better world for us. That technology would be a force for good only. We forgot that all disruptive technologies work in both directions, good and bad. So in many ways, we're slipping away from the sustainable development goals. Global poverty is on the increase. When basic needs from nutrition to security are not met, it is impossible to focus on the vision for the future. We've made progress on many accounts. But we need to make sure that the fundamental rights that we have all agreed on together apply to everyone at all levels, regions, nations, peoples, and individuals. We need to ensure that the rights of women and girls are respected. The rights of gender and sexual minorities need to be protected globally. No matter which region we come from then, our rhetoric and actions are often inconsistent. We say one thing and then we do another. Right now, we are at a stage where we must do what we say and work together. So let us focus on what unites us rather than separates us. My second point is about conflict. When the U.N. was founded, the underlying idea was never again. Never again should anyone experience the horror that our predecessors went through in the first half of the 20th century. The founders of the United Nations promised to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. They at least partially succeeded. But are we, the new generation, succeeding? The simple answer is no. Only this year and last year, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. More than 10,000 children in Gaza. Child abduction is being used as a weapon of war in Ukraine. Millions of people worldwide have been forced to leave their homes. Malnutrition and disease are on the increase. Current wars highlight a glaring contradiction. Critical decisions about war and peace are made by a tiny number of people, often driven by a cynical need to hold on to power. The global majority, who have the interest in peace, do not have enough power in the international system to keep them in check. This is true in Ukraine and Palestine, as well as Sudan. In Ukraine, a just peace based on President Zelensky's 10-point peace plan is clearly in the interest of the global community. The war continues because Russian leaders are not willing to end it. While Russia is doing its best to blame others for its own aggression, we systematically revert to the principles of international law and the UN Charter. Neither Russia nor any other country has a historical right to anyone else's region or people. The core of the UN Charter is respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. Finland condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Finland equally condemns the attempts to manipulate the global information space to destroy the principles that have sustained world peace for decades. I call on President Putin to end this war and end it now. In Palestine, we must ask ourselves whose interests are driving the war. Peace meets the interests of the global majority and the Palestinians and the Israelis. A ceasefire, a two-state solution, and regional security arrangements would ensure stability as well as economic and societal development across the region. International law holds the key to a solution that would keep both Palestinians and Israelis safe. After the most recent tragedies, there's no other direction but forward, and we must find a solution. There are no more excuses. This war needs to end, and it needs to end now. In Sudan, regardless of which of the groups who are fighting will finally win the war, the victims of that war will be the civilians and the transition to civilian rule built by them. The civilian rule behind which the entire international community has promised to stand and the civilians for whom we promise to seek a better future. In Sudan, we have failed to apply the principle of African solutions to African problems. Instead, Sudan is becoming an arena for regional and international rivalry. Our shared goal is to build a Sudan that would be an equal partner for all of us in security, trade, and in the multilateral forum. And it is moving further and further away from it. No one benefits from this development in the long term. I call, therefore, upon the UN to take the center stage in conflict resolution and prevention once again. Peace mediation cannot be transactional. It has to be centered in the United Nations. International law, the UN Charter, and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states must prevail. My third and final point is that we need the UN more than ever. And without far-reaching reform, I'm afraid it will be sidelined. It all begins with agency, with a feeling that we all have a say. Whether it's about climate change, technology, sustainable development or conflict, the same challenge remains. The current international institutions do not reflect global realities. The majority of the world is not properly represented in the global institutions and their interests are not met. This must change. Ending wars would benefit most of us, if not all of us. But currently, we do not have the mechanisms to drive the interests of the global majority. Many countries do not feel they have a say in global institutions. And as a result, the institutions are losing their legitimacy. Shortcomings in multilateral institutions encourage many to seek solutions outside traditional international institutions. Alliances, whether based on interest or values or both, are creating a transactional world of disorder where size and power benefits the minority rather than the majority. The cold truth is that we cannot postpone reform any longer, and in many ways history is on our shoulders, just as it was with those who founded the United Nations in 1945. If our goal is to focus on what unites us rather than divides us, we need far-reaching reform of the UN Security Council. So let me try that reform then and see what you think. Finland... Three-point proposal today is very concrete. Some might say overly optimistic, but I do feel we have to begin somewhere. So here we go. First proposal. All major continents need to be represented in the UN Security Council at all times. It is unacceptable that there is no permanent representation from Latin America and Africa and that China alone represents Asia in the Security Council. We therefore propose that the number of permanent members be increased by five. More concretely, two from Asia, two from Africa and one from Latin America. The total number of permanent members would thus be 10. That, combined with 10 elected members, would ensure that the Security Council would hold roughly 10% of the UN's members at any given time. My part of the world, Europe, should think hard about how best to divide its existing two seats. Second, no single state should have veto power. I fully understand that the veto was necessary in the aftermath of World War II, but in today's world, it has too often incapacitated the Security Council and halted decision-making here in New York. The UN agencies are not subject to national vetoes and are working effectively precisely because no single member can prevent them from doing so. My third and final proposal is that if a permanent or elected member of the Security Council violates the UN Charter, its voting rights should be suspended. This decision should ultimately be taken by the General Assembly, and there should be no room for double standards in the United Nations. So ladies and gentlemen, despite all of our challenges, I want to end on an optimistic note. My optimism stems from an innate belief that when humans are faced with a binary choice, we often end up doing the right thing. Our choice today is simple. We can continue towards a multipolar world of disorder, Or we can start getting serious about solving our common problems through multilateral institutions and a reformed United Nations. As my mentor and great friend of the UN, the late President Martti Ahtisaaris said in his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008, and I quote, peace is a question of will. All conflicts can be settled, and there are no excuses for allowing them to be eternal."" Let us keep Marti's words in mind and start working towards peace. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Finland.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/finland","Finland","His Excellency","Alexander Stubb","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/fi_fi.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/fi_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_FI_EN.mp3" 51,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President of the General Assembly, heads of state and government, ministers, ambassadors, ladies and gentlemen, I'm speaking here on behalf of a country who will never forget of what nations are capable of doing when they are united. Freedom. And France has just paid tribute indeed this year to the peoples of America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, who allowed us to liberate ourselves from the Nazi grip. Progress and peace also. France, with its peoples, have created a community of free states, sovereign states, able to engage with each other and to understand what is essential. Also, hope. much like we've seen in recent times during the Paralympic and Olympic Games that France hosted this year with beauty, enthusiasm and the support of peoples. However, despite this, the Olympic truce that we wanted here did not come to life. However, the danger of words without action and impotent diplomacy are before us every day. However, our organisation is facing the biggest convergence of crisis possibly ever after its eight decades of existence. And the feeling of a loss of control is growing when faced with wars, with climate change, increasing inequality and injustice. And everyday humanity seems to be more fragmented at a time when the circumstances would require us to find common responses, strong, effective responses. These two words, United Nations, need to embody hope once again. And what must we do for this? We need to find this essential bedrock of this. And that's what I wanted to touch on briefly. Above all, first and foremost, we need to restore the terms of trust and respect between peoples. And here I can see them often trampled in our debates. To do this, we need to pay equal attention to those who are suffering. As I mentioned here two years ago, in fact, let's stave off the possibility of having double standards. One life is equal to another. The civilian protection is an imperative norm and must remain our North Star at a time when this year we are marking the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions. And let's not let the idea take root for a moment that those who died in Ukraine are from the North, that those who have died in Gaza are from the South, and those who die in the conflicts in Sudan, in the Great Lakes region, or in... Myanmar would be those who've consequences, who are alone and ignored. Let's regain control and restore this confidence and trust, which means that we should find, look for peace everywhere and not accept any differences at a time or indifference at a time when human lives are at stake. Let's not accept any difference when difference being made, when territorial integrity and the sovereignty of states is at stake either. These conflicts today call into question our very capacity to ensure that our UN Charter is respected. And when I see some people want to propose peace by asking for capitulation, It's surprising how we could support any idea like this. I would like to reiterate here how the protection of civilians, of all humanitarian workers, of all of those who are working to defend our common values is crucial in each and every one of these conflicts. Next, we must provide a common response to the great challenges, the two wars that are affecting Europe and the Middle East. Russia indeed is waging a war in Ukraine for territorial conquest, scorning the most fundamental principles of international life. They are guilty of violating the law, ethics and honour. Nothing that they're doing is in line with the common interests of nations, nor the specific responsibilities that they shoulder within this organisation. The fate of Ukraine is a question of peace and security in Europe and around the world. Because who could still believe that they are protected from their bigger neighbours, the violent neighbours, those avid ones? If we let Russia win this as if nothing happened, no one could do that. It is therefore in our common interest and the common interest of nations that Ukraine be restored in its legitimate rights as soon as possible and that just and lasting peace be built. France will continue to do everything in its power so that Ukraine can hold strong, be out of danger and obtain justice. France will continue to provide it with the equipment that is necessary for its defence and with its allies and partners that are closest to them. France will support the remarkable resistance of the Ukrainian people and will commit to their lasting security. Let us look for peace. France will join its forces with all of those sincere partners to build solid peace in Ukraine for Ukraine and for Europe. I know that for many of us, the key issues are elsewhere. There's a long list of forgotten wars, unjust victories, badly negotiated resolutions, or perhaps resolutions that are never implemented. I am not forgetting any of them, even if I can't list them all here. President Tshisekedi, who spoke earlier at this Tribune, said that the situation in the Great Lanes, and I will go back to him and President Kagame in a few days, we'll cover that, that is of concern to us as well. And in Armenia, Prime Minister, which France stands strongly shoulder to shoulder with the pressure from Azerbaijan and territorial intentions, the international community must be there so that peace negotiations are successful and so that the internationally recognised borders are preserved. But I know that for a lot of the people here, the essential issue beyond these wars is together, and it's also for us together here in Gaza, where the fate of the Palestinian people is currently present and heavy over all of our debates. On this topic, on such a complex topic, I'd like to say clearly France's position from day one. We condemn strongly the terrorist attack, which was terrible and unprecedented, carried out by Hamas against Israel on the 7th of October. Terrorism is unacceptable, whatever the causes may be, and here we mourn the victims of Hamas's attack on the 7th of October. They include 48 French citizens. I express my compassion, friendship to all of those families who have lost children, parents, friends on the 7th of October. We ask also once again and solemnly for the hostages to be released. Amongst them, there are also several French compatriots too. And here I wish to commend the efforts of the United States of America, Egypt and Qatar to achieve this. This remains a priority for us all. Israel, when faced with this terrorist attack, has a legitimate right to protect their own people and to deny Hamas the means of attacking them again. And no one here could have suffered something like the Second World War without there being consequences. However... The war that Israel is waging in Gaza has gone on too long. The tens of thousands of civilian victims in Palestine cannot be justified. There is no explanation possible for this. There are too many innocent people have died, and we mourn them too. And those people who have died are an outrage for humanity and a dangerous source of hatred, resentment, which threatens and will threaten everyone's security, including that of Israel tomorrow. So this war needs to stop and a ceasefire needs to happen as soon as possible at the same time as the hostages are released. And humanitarian assistance needs to arrive en masse in Gaza. This is a position that we have held since October, 2023. the resolutions with many of us. Let's hold the first humanitarian we held a humanitarian conference for Gaza in November 2023 in Gaza. It's now a question of political will given the destruction of the military capacity of Hamas and it is imperative that a new pages turned in Gaza, for the guns to be silent, for humanitarian workers to return and for civilians to finally be protected. France will participate in any initiatives that will save lives and will allow for everyone's safety to be protected. The deployment of an international mission must open the way for the implementation of the two-state solution. It is up to the Security Council to take a position on this and also Without further ado, the necessary provisions need to be taken to preserve the link between Gaza and the West Bank, to restore Palestinian authority and its functions, and also to ensure the reconstruction of the territory and to once again make life possible, quite simply. France will ensure everything can be done so that Palestinian people can finally have a state side by side with Israel. The conditions for just and lasting peace are well known. We just need to open the way for this, and the path towards this must be as short as possible. France, therefore, is committed to the two-state solution and will renew its actions so finally it can benefit the people and meet their legitimate aspirations. A Palestinian state should be created, given all the necessary security guarantees for Israel. So we should build the reciprocal recognition and common security guarantees for all in the region. And we'll be working on this over the next weeks with Israelis and Palestinians, with all our regional and international partners as well. And at this time, at the moment, the main risk is that of an escalation. I extend my brotherly thoughts to Lebanon and the Lebanese people. Hezbollah for too long has been running an untenable risk of dragging Lebanon into a war. Israel cannot, without consequence, just expand its operations to Lebanon. France demands that everyone respect their obligations along the blue line. We will therefore act to ensure a diplomatic voice can be heard, a voice that is indispensable for sparing civilians and preventing a regional conflagration. We cannot have a war in Lebanon. There cannot be a war in Lebanon. This is why we urge Israel to cease this escalation in Lebanon and to Hezbollah to cease the missile launches to Israel. We urge all of those who provide them with the means to do so to stop doing so. We have asked for the Security Council to meet today, indeed, to this end. And I welcome this. And the French minister at this end of the week will head to Lebanon themselves. So it's the same unity that we must show when faced with the great regional challenges and the global challenges before us, because beyond the conflicts that we are seeing that I've just mentioned, we need together to continue to ensure that sovereignty is respected, everyone's sovereignty. Regional and international solutions need to be built to tackle these challenges. And this is the idea behind the relationship we wish to have with Africa, a new partnership. And that is what, for the last two years, we've been doing, working to do. France has done a lot over recent years for the African continent. France has done a lot over the last few decades, but more specifically in the Sahel, where the French army have fought successfully against terrorism side by side with regional international partners. However, the military coup d'etats in the region have meant that we had to take the necessary conclusions. But Europe and Africa have a shared destiny, which demands a broad partnership, a partnership for peace and security. of which the terms need to be renewed, more training, more equipment, more mutual respect. Also, there's partnerships that is underpinned by economic, energy, sport aspects, as well as cultural, memory aspects. And that's what we've been in Senegal, Cameroon, Algeria, Morocco, and many other countries. This is what we have been patiently building over recent years and something we will continue to do. So this is the same philosophy that for the last six years we've been embodying in order to build a partnership with the Indo-Pacific region, where France has an ambition to contribute to the respect for international law, without which there'll be no prosperity. And this region, which has seen, over recent years, much development, a lot of people try to trample on rules and impose their wills by force. France is proposing an alternative not to replace anything, but to give states in the region once again the possibility to choose their partners on a project by project basis. French territories in the Indo-Pacific have unique expertise in the fight against climate change, protection of biodiversity, the development of clean energy, or the fight against cross-border threats. And our vocation is this in the region, and it is to cooperate with all on the environment. As you've understood, this partner-based logic is one that seeks to build new balances, to refuse that the world be fragmented, where old... rule books are thrown aside. We respect each other. We build the paths towards peace and stability. So beyond that, the challenge that we have is, of course, affected by the conflicts that I mentioned. But we might not lose sight of our multilateral agenda because of all of this, nor should we lose the effectiveness that we've committed to. And having gone through the pandemic, which reminded us so... blatantly of the importance of some of these common challenges. We should not forget that we need to bear all of this in mind. And so I believe profoundly that effective multilateralism has never been as necessary as today. It must give results. It must give results for development, fight against inequality, education, health care, climate, biodiversity and technology. On each of these individual pillars, we need unity and we need also to do everything we can to avoid a divide between the North and the South. And that's exactly the philosophy that we have developed in the Paris Pact for People and Planet that more than 60 states have already joined. Firstly, we need to ensure that never we will push a state to choose between these objectives. Why would the states of the north teach lessons to the states of the south and try to explain to them that they should respect climate and therefore renounce on very... economic opportunities. This is something we didn't do 20, 30 years ago. It would be unacceptable. Therefore, we need to build an agenda that allows, at the same time, progress to be made in the fight against inequality and for social development, for education, for climate and biodiversity, and global health. Then, solutions need to be made, and these solutions need to be based on the proposals of the states themselves. And this is what we, for example, started to do with our partnerships for a just energy transition. Not having one size fits all solution for all from capitals where we go to inspect countries and ask them to all follow exactly the same recipe. Each country has their own path. That is the key to sovereignty. Now, then we need a public financing arrangement and also leveraging the private sector too. And that meant that this is what allowed us three years ago to properly support the IMF's special drawing rights and to obtain the reallocation of more than 100 billion special drawing rights for the benefit of the countries who need that most urgently, particularly in Africa. This was a silent revolution, but it was crucial. And this is why, with this pact, and we were here with his members here on the effective authority of President Macky Sell and with the support of the United Nations, of the OECD and organisations concerned, this is why we wish to pursue these reforms and carry out far-reaching reform of multilateral banks, of our financial institutions. We launched this objective for shared financing, bringing together development banks from across the world, including those whose agendas aren't quite aligned. We need to work on this common financing agenda so that we can meet the objective that I mentioned. And we together, and I hope in the months to come, as soon as then, we will be able to carry out this reform of the World Bank and the IMF, firstly to renew its membership. These institutions were built at a time when many of you weren't independent. So the structure of capital needs to be restructured to make it stronger. The World Bank and the IMF were only conceived, balanced, calibrated at a time when the challenges were very different, when the global economy wasn't as big, where the population was completely different. So we need to lift these absurd taboos. of blockages caused sometimes by the biggest countries which prevent others from receiving money because they could be diluted. We need to give the capacity to act to these institutions so that they can then fund the countries of the South need. And this reform is of imperial necessity for our credibility as a whole. And I'm saying to all of the richest countries and those who are around us on the table, if you decide not to do that, well, you'll see in the next few years, you'll see an alternative order emerge. they will forget your agenda if you decide not to do this and then we will be accused of cynicism and hegemony and perhaps not wrongly this reform of financial multilateralism is indispensable to address these challenges we also need to pursue our climate biodiversity agendas too the we have upcoming cops very important all of them and fans will play its part particularly with Costa Rica convening for the United Nations an important meeting for oceans in Nice in June 2025. Here we'll have the UN Oceans Conference. And we will continue our work on this. And I hope that a lot of you here will be able to ratify what we've managed to achieve over recent years, particularly the Treaty on the Protection of the High Seas. This is crucial. And we're also continuing to make progress on the question of water. That's also indispensable with the new One Planet Summit on Water. This is alongside Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia. I won't go into detail, of course, on all of the topics that are necessary, but I do wish to recall that how pressing an issue artificial intelligence is. It's important for all states here to coordinate on this. We need to foster innovation, of course. We need to ensure that the innovation and artificial intelligence is to make sure it's accessible to all peoples and countries of the planet, and so it doesn't fuel more division and inequality. But we also need all of this to be developed within an ethical, democratic framework created by the peoples of the planet that is resolute. We cannot let some people, a few private actors who are on the cutting edge of this innovation at the moment, think about the future of this for our peoples. This is why France In February 2025, we'll convene the next Action Summit for Artificial Intelligence. But I'm sure you've understood the aim is to build this common framework. And I welcome the work that's been done and coordinated by the Secretary General and the Global Digital Compact, which is built using the best of expertise. And it enshrines this philosophy, which we subscribe to totally. To conclude, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm aware, of course, that I've forgotten so many difficult situations from Venezuela to the heart of Africa and so many other tensions in Oceania, I want to talk about our institutions. I hear a lot of people say that what we need to do to the UN is just throw it in the bin. There's no point in it. We can't resolve conflicts. Why do we have it? Here, let's show a constructive kind of impatience. And we can't just be satisfied with not being able to resolve things. But we know who's responsible. While we have a Security Council that has been blocked, that is blocked reciprocally according to each another's interests, while that's still the case, we won't be able to make progress. Is there a better system? I don't think so. So... Let's make the UN more efficient. Firstly, perhaps making them more representative. And that's why France, as I reiterate here, is in favour of the Security Council being expanded. Germany, Japan, India, Brazil should be permanent members. Much like two countries that Africa will decide to represent them, these new elected members will also need to be accepted. But the reform of the composition of the Security Council is not sufficient alone to make it more effective. And so I wish this reform also to how it should also change the working methods to limit the right of veto in case of mass crimes and also to focus on operational effective decisions that peacekeeping needs. and maintaining international peace and security needs, rather. This is why we need to be brave and audacious to do so. And with the current permanent members, this is something we should be doing. Almost 25 years after the Millennium Summit, it is now high time to be more effective, to act better on the ground for states and for civil society. And then beyond the United Nations, we must also... mark a new era in each of our multilateral institutions, as I just mentioned. These are the few words I wanted to share with you, ladies and gentlemen, today. At a time, a grave time, of our world order here where so many conflicts seem unresolvable. I will say that France will continue to carry this voice that is loyal to its values, that is demanding, that refuses to oversimplify the context and that France will continue to defend the simple principles that we've always defended. Human dignity, the respect for the principles of the Charter, and beyond conflicts and the current news cycle, we continue to build with you a fairer and more effective international order. This is what we will continue to advocate for alongside our friends and our allies. But also, we should be free to say no sometimes. We should sometimes be able to refuse the cynicism of the time or things that seem obvious but are not. Thank you very much for your attention. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the President of the French Republic. We have heard the last speaker in the general debate for this meeting.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/france","France","His Excellency","Emmanuel Macron","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/fr_fr_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_FR_EN.mp3" 52,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Rakhli Kabahidze, Prime Minister of Georgia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Prime Minister Kabahidze I'm present, Mr. Secretary General, esteemed colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of my country. It's a great honor to be with you today to address so many different nations of the world. We are a government that believes Georgia inherently deserves to be a peaceful, stable, and developed country. With this in mind, over the last decade we have ensured that Georgia develops along this trajectory. We have made some tough choices and were never afraid of the challenge. We never chose an easy path, and we always prioritized our nation and our people. As a result, we are reclaiming our nation's pride, the pride and dignity that a country with 3,000 years of history deserves. You gather here in times of unprecedented global challenges, when interlinking crises of escalating conflicts, climate change, and rising humanitarian needs remain complex. These challenges require bold actions. Georgia has never been afraid of bold actions. The last couple of years have been difficult for our region. While we should be concentrating on global challenges such as development and problem solving, the ongoing war in Ukraine has caused an unprecedented level of uncertainty and a humanitarian crisis. I would like to underline once again Georgia's support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders remains firm and unwavering. Understanding the first and importance of peace, we have led the effort to transform our remediated South Caucasus region from a region of conflicts into a region of opportunities. We welcome the process of peaceful settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and in particular, efforts aimed at normalizing relations with neighboring countries. We have been and are willing to provide a regional cooperation format that will support collaboration and trust-building between countries to make sure differences are left in the past and that we move forward together to capitalize on all the resources and advantages our region has to offer the world. Georgia's strategic location, serving as a natural bridge between Europe and Asia, makes Georgia the shortest route between East and West. With our CXS and strong relations with China, as well as Central Asian countries, Georgia is a key player in the regional and broader Euro-Asian context. We are a hub not only for the exchange of goods, but also for energy transit and much more. Georgia ensures that seven landlocked countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia are connected with the rest of the world via our port infrastructure, which we are committed to further developing as we soon commence a nuclear deep-sea port construction. If you look at the political map, Georgia is the single safest and most reliable transit route to ensure the timely and efficient movement of goods and services. Our commitment to maintaining and enhancing our role as a reliable transit corridor ensures we are able to support our strategic partners in Europe with their energy security needs. By diversifying supply routes and investing in robust infrastructure, Georgia can offer additional predictability in east-west connectivity, especially within the framework of the Middle Corridor Initiative. As we all know, the last couple of years have brought significant challenges. Despite these multiple tests, Georgia has demonstrated remarkable resilience to such external shocks. Our average annual economic growth since 2021 has been 9.7 percent. Thanks to strong macroeconomic fundamentals and fiscal discipline, the government debt and the fiscal deficit declined to 39.3 percent and 2.5 percent, respectively. Additionally, Georgia has maintained one of the lowest regional inflation rates, further showcasing its economic stability. Despite significant economic improvement and cutting the poverty rate in half over the last 10 years, further reducing poverty and inequality is at the heart of Georgia's socioeconomic development agenda. In 2023, the employment rate showed significant improvement, coinciding with an increase in the labor force participation rate. The positive trend continued in the first half of 2024 as well, when the unemployment rate decreased to a record low of 13.7 percent. Georgia's effective performance is duly reflected in international rankings from the world's most reputable agencies. The Global Competitiveness Survey by the World Economic Forum ranks Georgia 20th in the world and 11th in Europe in terms of corruption control. While in terms of rule of law, Georgia ranks 29th in the world and 14th in Europe. The International Budget Partnerships Open Budget Survey ranks Georgia as number one in terms of budget transparency globally. Transparency in the Time of War by the European Research Center for Anti-Corruption and State Building placed Georgia's 17th in its 2023 ranking, ahead of 15 EU member states and four G7 states. Additionally, Georgia is the 25th freest economy in the world, according to Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom of the World Report, once again ahead of many leading economies. The Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom ranked Georgia 19th in Europe and 32nd globally, once again ahead of many EU countries. According to the OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index, Georgia ranked eighth among more than 80 countries as one of the most open economies in the world in terms of attracting investments. That's the reason why Georgia's FDI to GDP ratio is one of the highest among peer countries. FDI in 2023 amounted to 1.9 billion USD, representing 6.2% of GDP. In the post-pandemic period until now, Georgia has attracted 6.2 billion USD in FDI, further supplementing Georgia's transformation into a regional multifunctional hub that serves all things business. Even so, we hosted more than 7 million tourists last year, showing a strong bounce back in post-COVID recovery. Georgia still maintains one of the lowest crime rates globally. According to Numbeo, Georgia ranks eighth in Europe and 21st globally, thanks to our law enforcement agencies and professionals. Despite the fact that 20 percent of our territories are under illegal occupation, we continue to thrive, continue to grow, and continue to make sure that our children live in a better, stronger, and more dignified Georgia. We are diligent and tireless in our quest to make sure Georgia is a country that every citizen is proud of. I want to use this opportunity to address our people on the other side of the occupation line, in the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions. Whatever actions we take are done to help our people so that one day, with our children, we can live together in one happy, united, and developed Georgia. On this side of the occupation line, we will always meet you with an open heart. We have to rebuild all the broken bridges in our country. Dear colleagues and friends of my country, in conclusion, Georgia is at a pivotal point in its modern history, and we, as the government of the people, are determined to guide our country in the best interests of the nation, to make sure we overcome all our challenges and become stronger and more successful than ever before. We are optimistic that Georgia's desire to become a full-fledged member of the European Union will be achieved by 2030. As we look ahead to the future with a commitment to shaping a prosperous community together with our allies and partners, our united efforts will persist in supporting peace-building measures and sustainable development. In doing so, we will advance human dignity, not only for the citizens of Georgia today, but also for the well-being of all future generations to come. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of Georgia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/georgia","Georgia","His Excellency","Irakli Kobakhidze","Prime Minister","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ge_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GE_EN.mp3" 53,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Nana Adodankwa Ekufuadu, President of the Republic of Ghana. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I cannot help but reflect on the significance of this moment, as this will be my final opportunity to address the United Nations General Assembly as I enter the closing months of my presidency. Over the past eight years, I've had the privilege of speaking on several variations of the essential themes that quite properly dominate the deliberations of this global assembly. The condition of humanity and the state of the planet. Serving the people of Ghana and by extension those of West Africa, Africa and the world has truly been the greatest blessing of my life. Indeed, being here this morning fills me with both pride and humility, pride in the limited progress we have made together as nations, and humility in recognizing the challenges that still remain. My time as President has been deeply fulfilling, and I'm profoundly grateful for the trust placed in me by my fellow Ghanaians. It has been an honor to serve them, and to contribute to advancing peace, security, and development on the global stage. Madam President, I am here with a heart full of hope, yet mindful of the great challenges that still confront us. As President of the Republic of Ghana and as a citizen of the world, I am acutely aware of the shared responsibility we carry. Our work here is nothing less than shaping the future of humanity, a future that will affect generations long after we are gone. Leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations reminds us that the decisions we take here will define whether we rise to meet the hopes of billions or continue to let inequalities and injustice persist. We owe it to those who look to this body for leadership, to act and not just to talk. The world we live in today is a stark, unfortunate contrast of privilege and hardship. For too long, the voices of those marginalized, those left behind, have been drowned out. They constitute the bulk of humanity. These are the voices of the poor, the displaced, the vulnerable. We cannot in good conscience leave them behind. They should be at the centre of our discussions and our decisions. Africa in particular knows the cost of being left out. Yes, we are a continent rich in potential and resilient in the face of adversity. that we have also been disadvantaged by a global system that has generally treated us as an afterthought. We have been viewed merely as passive recipients of aid rather than as equal partners in global progress. The well-meaning promises of assistance have failed to materialize to bring about the long-term change we so passionately need. Such aid as is offered often comes with strings attached, limiting our ability to shape our own futures. Africa is not a continent of despair. She is full of great possibilities. She is required, however, to chart a new course of development. Our young population is filled with energy, creativity and ambition. The people of Africa are not asking for handouts. They are demanding opportunities in a new global architecture so they can have access to education, healthcare and jobs to be able to build better lives for themselves, their families and their descendants. In Ghana, we've taken bold and decisive steps to ensure that no one is left behind in our national development, and we have shown that it is possible. Our flagship free senior high school policy has benefited 5.7 million young people, many of whom would have been denied the opportunity to learn, to dream, and to succeed. This initiative has transformed the lives of millions, positioning the next generation of Ghanaians to take their place as leaders in the global economy. But this is just the beginning. We need a global commitment to ensure that every child, no matter where they are born, has access to quality education. A world where children are left unprepared for the challenges ahead is not a just world. Beyond education, we have also prioritized health care for our people. Through Agenda 111, my government has embarked on the largest ever health care infrastructure project in Ghana's history. This initiative is constructing 111 hospitals across the country, ensuring that even the most remote regions have access to modern health care facilities. This is part of our broader goal of ensuring that no one in Ghana is left without the basic right to help. We've also taken significant steps to boost food security and economic growth through the Programme for Planting for Food and Jobs. This initiative has improved food production, created jobs and enhanced incomes for millions of Ghanaians. It is a clear demonstration that with the right policies and investments, we can transform our agricultural sector and ensure that no one goes hungry. In the same vein, our one district, one factory policy is transforming the industrial landscape of the nation, generating the structural transformation of our economy, which is our major strategic objective. And in addition, Ghana has embraced in full the teachers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and is actively pursuing an agenda of digitalization. Under my administration, we have revolutionized public service delivery by integrating technology into governance. From the introduction of the Ghana Card, which has streamlined identification and access to services, to the digitalization of the country's land registry. These reforms have enhanced transparency, efficiency, and accountability. Digitalization has improved the lives of ordinary Ghanaians and has also laid the groundwork for sustainable economic growth in the digital age. And let us not forget the strides we have made in enhancing the rule of law and governance. Through reforms in the judicial system, strengthening our democratic institutions, and promoting transparency, Ghana continues to be a beacon of good governance in Africa. We have enacted laws and implemented policies that uphold the principles of accountability and ensure that every Ghanaian, regardless of their background, is protected by the rule of law. Madam President, it is impossible to address the challenges of today without speaking of the contradictions that exist within this global institution. We gather here to discuss peace, but wars continue to ravage nations. We speak of justice, yet justice endures. Take the Russian invasion of Ukraine, for instance. Millions of lives have been uprooted. Thousands have lost their lives, and yet the Security Council has struggled to respond decisively, just as it is struggling to make a decisive intervention in the tragic ongoing war in Gaza and the Lebanon. The structure of the Council reflects a world that no longer exists, and its failure to act in times of crisis raises a difficult question. What is the purpose of the Security Council if it cannot intervene when the world needs it most? Reforming the UN Security Council is a matter of fairness and necessity. The current structure created in 1945 no longer reflects the realities of today's geopolitical and economic landscape. Africa, Latin America and South Asia remain under-representative despite their significant influence on global affairs. This lack of representation undermines the legitimacy of the Council's decisions and the use of veto power by a few permanent members often paralyzes its ability to act effectively during crises. Reform is essential to ensure that the Council is more inclusive, democratic, and responsive to the complex challenges we face today. The world has changed, and the Security Council must change with it to maintain its relevance in promoting global peace and security. For years, I have championed the need to reform the Security Council as per the Azulwini Consensus, the common African position on UN reform, which calls for Africa to have permanent seats on the Council. It is incomprehensible that a continent of 1.4 billion people has no permanent voice in shaping decisions that affect global peace and security. The time for half measures is over. We need a Security Council that is fit for purpose in today's world. It is heartening, however, that finally the demand for reform has found acceptance by leaders of two of the five permanent members, President Joe Biden of the United States of America and President Emmanuel Macron of France. Hopefully, the others will soon follow suit. We must also recognize that the fight for peace goes beyond government actions. It is a fight for humanity itself. In Africa, we have often borne the brunt of conflicts, sending our troops to peacekeeping missions with limited support from the global community. What I'm pleased to see The U.N. now taking steps to finance peacekeeping in Africa, an outcome of Ghana's presidency of the U.N. Security Council. We must go further. Peacekeeping alone is not enough. We must address the potential causes of conflict, poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity. True peace comes from investing in education, health care, and economic development. However, peace cannot be imposed from the outside. It must be built from within. African nations must take ownership of their security, and the African Union needs to strengthen itself to be able to respond swiftly to threats. Madam President, as I speak today, ongoing developments in West Africa are deeply troubling. Military coups in Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Niger threaten the democratic progress we have worked so hard to achieve within the ECOMAS community. These coups are stark reminders that democracy is indeed fragile and must be continually nurtured. In Ghana, however, we will remain resolute in our commitment to democracy. As my presidency draws to a close, I want to assure this Assembly that the upcoming 2024 elections in Ghana will be free, fair and transparent. The Nairns have demonstrated time and again in the last three decades their strong attachment to democracy, which they will not permit to be undermined. The Electoral Commission, supported by Ghana's security services, is well equipped to ensure that the will of the Ghanaian people is respected. Ghana has long been a beacon of democracy in Africa, and we intend to keep it that way. The 2024 elections will be proof of our enduring adherence to the rule of law, transparency, and the principles of democratic accountability that have guided our nation in recent decades. Madam President, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history. The decisions we make today will shape the future of our world. We can choose to act with courage, compassion and a commitment to leave no one behind. Or we can choose inaction and allow the suffering of millions and the degradation of the planet to continue. Let me end. by reminding us all that the future is not something that simply happens. It is something we create. We have the power in this room to change the course of history. Let us not shy away from that responsibility. Let us act now and let us act together. I wish you God's blessings in all your current and future deliberations. And I thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Ghana.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/ghana","Ghana","His Excellency","Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gh_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GH_EN.mp3" 54,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency, Umaro Sisoko Mbalo, President of the Republic of Kinibisao. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, heads of state and government, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to offer my congratulations to Mr. Philemon Young of the Republic of Cameroon on his election as president of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. I wish him much success in a very complex international context. I also congratulate his predecessor, Mr. Dennis Francis, for the results achieved during his term. To Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, I express our acknowledgement of his deep commitment to the service of our common ideals and goals in a very difficult international landscape. The world faces great challenges. The obligation to follow the principles and deliver on the promises of the United Nations Charter is the burden that each one of us carries. We witness devastating wars, the intensification of regional tensions, and other grave threats to international peace and security. Hundreds of millions of people continue to live in extreme poverty. without the basic means of subsistence, without hope for a better future, without human dignity. It's becoming even more urgent to implement reforms in global economic and financial governance to make it more just, inclusive and equitable. This is the only way to build adequate responses to the challenges that humanity faces. We must fight more efficiently against poverty and social exclusion through concrete actions. Specifically, we must strive to finance development programs, reduce inequalities, protect the environment, and mitigate the effects of climate change. Mr. President, eight decades after the establishment of the UN in 1945, we live today In a totally different world, we continue to call for reform of the United Nations Security Council, which must consider the interests of Africa under the terms of the Esulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration of Heads of State and Government of the African Union. We must reform the international financial architecture in order to promote greater inclusion, particularly in Africa, and to consider the African continent's role and contribution to the world economy. In this context, we welcome the summit of the future. We hope that Compact for the Future can drive collective efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063 of the African Union. As a member of the Global Working Group on Social Protection for Nutrition, Human Capital and Local Economic Development of the Group of G7+, we will work together with the other distinguished members on eradicating hunger and progressively achieving all Sustainable Development Goals . Mr. President, the President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, we are committed to fostering dialogue, national reconciliation, consolidation of democracy and the rule of law, as well as our country's sustainable development. Despite the negative impact of the challenging world economic and financial situation, the economy of Guinea-Bissau continues to grow as a result of sound public policies. The practice of accountability has provided greater transparency in the state's economic and financial management. We have adopted measures that, though difficult, were shown to be necessary to drive the private sector and to create a more solid foundation for an economy that is dynamic and inclusive. We are promoting greater participation of women and youth entrepreneurs. on building and improvement of basic infrastructure such as roads and other projects. We declared war on corruption and organized crime. We were able to restore trust in our relations with international financial institutions and other bilateral and multilateral partners. We continue to place faith in strengthening Guinea-Bissau's bonds of friendship and cooperation with the world. We remain steadfast on the policy of peace building and peaceful resolution of conflicts in West Africa and in the world in general. It was to this hand that in recent months I made visit of friendship and work to Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine. In this context, I reiterate my call for an end to the unjust and very harmful embargo that our brothers and sisters in Cuba have been subjected for decades. Mr. President, distinguished heads of state and government, ladies and gentlemen, I recently had the honor of serving Africa as president of the African of the Alliance of African Leaders for Malaria. We made significant progress in a very difficult world environment. We endeavoured to garner support to replenish the Global Fund. We worked with the private sector to promote the production of drugs and nets to combat malaria. We encouraged the transfer of technologies to African companies. We launched End Malaria Councils and funds and supported youth movements against malaria. Despite all the progress achieved, challenges persist. In the next three years, ALMA will run a $1.5 billion deficit. Global warming and rains associated with climate change are expanding. The geographic reach of mosquitoes. thus exposing more than 170 million people to the threat of malaria in the African continent. I take this opportunity to congratulate the Executive Secretariat of ALMA for their remarkable service. I also thank all of ALMA's partners for their crucial support in the fight against malaria during my term in office. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, in closing, I would like, on behalf of the population of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and my own, I would like to reaffirm our determination to continue to contribute to strengthening the friendship among countries and peoples to promote international cooperation, multilateralism, the peaceful resolution of conflicts, the end of wars and suffering of innocent populations, to all peace in the world. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Kennepesaw.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/guinea-bissau","Guinea-Bissau","His Excellency","Úmaro Sissoco Embaló","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gw_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GW_EN.mp3" 55,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Mohammed Irfan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, Excellencies, If it is, we all agree on ending and preventing wars. If it is, we all agree that a Security Council requires reform. If it is, we all agree that the international financial system is unfair and unjust to the developing world. And if it is we all believe in climate, food, and energy security, then what is stopping us from acting? We will all be doomed in the court of conscience for knowing what is right while ignoring what is wrong. Madam President, of the Myriad challenges confronting our world. Climate change threatens our very existence, adversely affecting development across all countries. Rising sea levels and temperatures, severe natural disasters, and shifting and extreme weather patterns disrupt agriculture and food security. threaten water supply, and displace communities. These impacts are particularly devastating for small island developing states. Each year, we make the annual pilgrimage to COP filled with hope for tangible outcomes. And each year, we are regaled and renewed unkept promises are the order of the day. This cycle of hope, followed by disappointment, cannot continue if the Sustainable Development Goals are to be met. We must break free from this pattern of empty pledges. We must unequivocally and immediately fulfill all pledges for the sake of our planet and the future of all its inhabitants. Let me tell you about my country, Guyana, a country that is 83,000 square miles, 86% of which is tropical forests. Guyana has the second highest percentage forest cover on Earth and one of the lowest deforestation rates. Our forest stores 19.5 gigatons of carbon and sequesters more than 153 million tons annually. According to WWF, Guyana is one of the world's most important countries for biodiversity density. It straddles two of the richest biodiversity zones, the Guyana Shield, and the Amazon. As a country, we are dedicated to the preservation of this vital global asset. I especially salute the indigenous peoples of Guyana, the Amerindians, who are the foremost stewards of this great natural heritage. We recognize their leadership, and 15% of all revenues earned from carbon sales are directly transferred to our indigenous communities. Madam President, even with our newfound natural resource, oil and gas, it would require less than 20 percent of sequestered carbon to offset our emissions at maximum output. We have preserved our biodiversity and know its value. We believe it is only fair and just that this global asset be monetized in a fair carbon market. Today, I am pleased to announce the launch of a Global Biodiversity Alliance. We will convene the first Global Biodiversity Alliance Summit in 2025, which will focus on creating a market for biodiversity credits, scaling biodiversity conservation debt swaps, accelerating biodiversity bonds, establishing a blueprint for biodiversity taxonomies, and promoting nature-positive action. We do not make this announcement by mere words. Guyana is also committed to doubling its protected areas by December 2025 and achieving the global biodiversity target of 30 percent by 2030. These are real solutions that Guyana is putting forward to address the global problem of biodiversity loss. We do not lecture. We lead by example, without arrogance. Madam President, according to the UN Food Security and Nutrition Report, in 2023, an estimated 28.9% of the global population, 2.3 billion people, were moderately or severely food insecure. The primary causes for conflict and insecurity, extreme weather events, including those related to El Nino and climate change and economic shocks. To effectively address food insecurity, we must take more concerted action to address its root causes, reducing conflict, mitigating climate change, and enhancing food production and trade in food commodities. By prioritizing peace and climate action, we can create environments where food systems, crops, and livelihoods are not threatened by conflict and weather extremes. In turn, enhancing food production and ensuring fair and efficient trade in food commodities can reduce food insecurity. So too can the full involvement of women and youth. In Guyana's national agricultural strategy and policy, at least 35 percent of our agribusinesses will be owned by women and 60 percent by young people. While spoken of food insecurity, the global malnutrition rates are also alarming and must be addressed. Nutritious, safe and sufficient food are crucial to a healthy population. Madam President, the United Nations must continue to be a beacon of hope amidst a turbulent global environment. The theme of this year's Assembly, and I quote, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations, end of quote, resonates with a vision set out in the United Nations Charter. This vision demands decisive action and enlightened multilateralism. Today, we find ourselves in a world where the quest for peace is met with a defined echo of conflict, where the promise of sustainable development is eclipsed by the dangerous spectra of climate change and food insecurity, and where the dignity of millions of people is trampled upon with impunity. In Ukraine, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation are being violated, yet Decisive action by the United Nations Security Council remains fettered by the veto. Justice demands that we defend the territorial integrity of all states, large, small, powerful, and weak. Equally concerning is the conflict in Sudan, which rages on with devastating consequences for the people of that country, including famine, and mass displacement. This conflict will continue to undermine efforts to achieve lasting peace and sustainable development. This assembly must also condemn the continued oppression and persecution by the Taliban of women and girls in Afghanistan who face not just lack of access to education and restrictions on their movements, but now even their voices cannot be heard in public. closer to my home, CARICOM, has been actively supporting a Haitian-led process for the restoration of democracy, peace, and stability in Haiti. We welcome the deployment of the UN-authorized Multinational Security Support Mission, led by Kenya, as a crucial step towards stabilizing the security situation. We call on the international community to urgently scale up financing for the MSS and secure its renewed authorization so that the mission can succeed. We must also address the dire humanitarian situation where almost half of Haiti's population suffer from acute hunger, mass displacement, and women and girls are enduring brutal violence, including sexual violence. Guyana is leading CARICOM's effort in mobilizing humanitarian effort and support for Haiti. Excellencies, I'll be reaching out to you for your support. We must take the course with our Haitian brothers and sisters in their quest for durable peace and sustainable development. The people of Haiti deserve nothing less. Madam President, peace, stability, and safety are no more in peril than in Gaza. Guyana reiterates its strong condemnation of the October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel. However, the collective punishment of an entire population, including the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, most of whom are women and children, has long gone beyond the realm of self-defense. As the world watches on helplessly, Israel continues to flout its international obligations, including the orders of the ICJ and successive Security Council resolutions. Instead, the right of self-defense is being used as a weapon of mass extermination, stalking legitimate fears of genocide. No state Large or small should feel comfortable and safe when such atrocities are allowed to continue with impunity. The war in Gaza must end now. We reiterate our demand for an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages and Palestinians illegally detained. Madam President, for more than 75 years, The Palestinian people have been denied the right of self-determination. We must advance the two-state solution as this remains the only viable option for a future where Palestinians and Israelis live in peace and security. Turning to our brothers and sisters in Cuba, their right to development continues to be stymied by the economic embargo. Guyana renews its call for revocation of the embargo and the removal of Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. Madam President, the United Nations has a special responsibility for the security of small states. Small states look to multilateralism and the rule of international law to protect them from foreign aggression. Guyana is a small state that has had to contend with aggression from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for all 58 years of our nationhood. International law and its strict application have been our armor and our shield in our determination to protect ourselves from this aggression. We remind this August assembly that the border between Guyana and Venezuela was fully, finally, and perfectly settled in an 1899 award by an international tribunal. Venezuela was fully represented in that tribunal, whose award it proclaimed in its own Congress and welcomed for more than six decades, before reopening the issue on the eve of Guyana's independence, claiming two-thirds of our territory. This controversy, initiated by Venezuela, was submitted by Guyana to the International Court of Justice in accordance with the decision of the United Nations Secretary General and consistent with our position to settle this matter by legal and peaceful means. In 2023, in light of intensified acts of aggression by Venezuela, the ICJ issued provisional measures stating that, and I quote, pending a final decision in the case, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela shall refrain from taking any action which would modify the situation that currently prevails in the territory in dispute. whereby the Cooperative Republic of Guyana administers and exercises control over the area. After years of refusing to participate in the proceedings of the ICJ and stating that it does not recognize the jurisdiction of the court, the Venezuelan government has now submitted a counter-memorial to Guyana's submission, we welcome Venezuela's decision to participate in the Court's proceedings and express the hope that Venezuela will accept the decision of the Court, as Guyana has long pledged to do. I reaffirm Guyana's unwavering commitment to a peaceful resolution of this longstanding controversy in full conformity with international law and the principles set forth in the United Nations Charter. Madam President, peace, development, and human rights are pillars of the United Nations. We all aspire for a form of multilateralism that is equitable, inclusive, and ensures that no one is left behind. Women's participation and leadership in private and public sectors are integral to this. There is a growing movement in the developing world calling for the democratization of global political and economic relations. The disproportionate concentration of power favors a few powerful nations, whilst marginalizing the voices and concern of the broader international community. Developing countries are justly demanding more inclusive and representative decision-making processes in institutions and organs such as the UN Security Council, the World Bank, and the IMF. The World Trade Organization must also be reformed to ensure fairer trade for developing countries. These reforms must go beyond fair representation and ensure that the policies and practices of these institutions align with the developmental needs and aspirations of all countries. In the emerging global order, we must ensure the United Nations remains at the forefront of global governance. If multilateralism is to trump unilateralism, the UN's role as the world's foremost multilateral organization is pivotal. With the necessary resources and resolve, the UN can ensure a future of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity. The future we seek, a future where no one is left behind, demands courageous action. the UN must fulfill its role as a custodian of greater global peace, the foremost promoter of sustainable development, and an unflinching protector of human rights, human dignity, and international law. And since the UN is all of us, this body of nations, this is a collective responsibility for us all. Let us not be found wanting. Let us act together for the advancement of peace, for the achievement of sustainable development, and the preservation of human dignity, now and for generations to come. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/guyana","Guyana","His Excellency","Mohamed Irfaan Ali","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gy_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GY_EN.mp3" 56,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Iris Samara Castro Sarimento, President of the Republic of Honduras. I request protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. President of the General Assembly, United Nations Secretary General, distinguished presidents, prime ministers, and dignitaries representing the countries of this great assembly of the United Nations. I speak to you from this rostrum as President of Honduras, as the representative of a people who have resisted oppression, exploitation and structural violence imposed against us for centuries. Today I am threatened by the same forces of capital that 15 years ago perpetrated a coup d'etat against President Manuel Zelaya. I called out this new conspiracy in the streets during the huge gatherings of people that took place on the 14th and 15th of September. our country's Independence Day. I'm being threatened because I have brought in structural changes to the economic model and because I have called out the unfair taxation regime that perpetuates inequalities that gives to the most powerful and that exploits the poorest. Our sovereignty is the fundamental basis and undeniable principle of international relations. However, in Honduras, they continue to impose colonial, practices, interference, economic, media and political domination against us. Supranational powers and some multinational corporations are the result of corrupt public private elites that have no other goal than to increase their capital. Globalisation has failed in its mission to bring prosperity to people. Its results lay bare the concentration of wealth in the most rich countries and among the elites whilst at the same time the working class is cast aside and forced to migrate in order to survive. At this assembly the majority of leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean have called out global capitalism as the main factor responsible for the destruction of natural resources and as the oppressor of the conditions of life of humanity. Accumulation of economic gain prevails above human interest and the role of international financial bodies with their loans, with conditions attached to them, and fiscal and financial income are things that only aggravate the situation of poverty and dependency of our countries. Neoliberal privatisation policies continue to weaken people's access to services like services of water and energy, health services, education, work, social security, free trade agreements imposed against our peoples. undermine our sovereignty and remove the ability of our producers to compete on an equal footing causing the cost of living to increase on a daily basis. Peace, justice, freedom and democracy remain foundational values of our country. Therefore, we cannot accept them being held hostage by the ten most powerful families in Honduras, who are the ones that have grabbed our main economic resources and that are refusing to accept the changes that I'm bringing in. We need to strengthen our democratic system through popular consultations and through the real, direct and effective participation of our people. The International Model Cities project, the ZEDE project that was selling off chunks of our country as a loot really for multinational capital and that was something that was supported by stakeholders in the previous narco regime has been cancelled definitively by my social democratic government. Today I wish to express my gratitude to the Supreme Court of Justice for its historic ruling and also to the National Congress for their support. I have called out the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, the ICS, ID because it is an unfair system of arbitration where private interests prevail above the interests of nation states. Over the last two years and eight months I have brought in a structural reform to return to a single treasury account for our country, cancelling a scheme of corruption that was built around the setting up of trusts that were used to loot the resources of the state. Thanks to us dismantling the scheme of corruption, I am now able to help boys and girls, children in all of the schools of Honduras. And now thanks to that, they receive a school lunch, free of charge school enrolment, and we're also bringing new projects to communities that live in extreme poverty. We are increasing production of grain in the first and second sowing with more than 1.5 million technological grants being given to producers who now are receiving seeds and fertiliser free of charge. Furthermore, we are providing mortgages for homes and farming credits at the lowest interest rates we've ever seen in the history of Honduras. and we are also setting up rural community banks. We are rescuing the National Electric Energy Company, the Honduran Agricultural Market Institute and the National Body for Basic Products, the Banasupro. All of these institutions I just mentioned were privatised and were abandoned for the 12 years of the narco dictatorship. Today we are benefiting more than 800,000 families who now receive free energy and we are subsidising the cost of fuel in order to benefit all of the consumers of Honduras with the lowest prices in Central America. there's a reduction of 10 lempiras for each gallon of fuel sold. Investment in infrastructure is at its highest level in the history of our country. We've recovered the public sector with the historic approval of projects to build eight hospitals, to repair thousands of schools, three national airports, the building of motorways, bridges, inter-municipal paths, multi-sport centres for the whole of the country and we have also refurbished the two largest national stadia. I must also mention the biggest project and the most ambitious project in the history of Honduras. which is the plan to build a railway, a railway between the two oceans. It will go from Puerto Castilla on the Atlantic coast to Puerto de Amapala on the Pacific Ocean. Over the last two years and eight months, we have reduced poverty by 12%. And with the plan to deal with crime, confirmed by the Secretary for Security with the cooperation of the armed forces, we're seeing an historic reduction of 15 points in the murder rate, which is the largest reduction that we've seen over the last 20 years. My zero deforestation programme for 2013 has achieved historic results in the conservation of protected areas of Honduras' forests and rivers. The use of public funds in the state single account in an honest and patriotic way is being done in order to benefit the people of Honduras. People of the world, I wish to raise my voice to speak out regarding the murder of Juan Lopez. a social leader and politician who constantly called out the exploitative extractive model. I absolutely condemn this vile murder. I have ordered the use of the full force of law enforcement and the justice system in order to investigate to identify, capture and to prosecute the intellectual and material perpetrators of this crime. I extend my solidarity to his family, to his colleagues and to his friends. I am the pro tempore President of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, CELAC. We're 33 different countries there. As President of Honduras, my first action was to call out and condemn the genocide against the Palestinian people. Already, more than 40,000 innocent people have been murdered by bombing. And in response to that, some countries have remained silent. I also must raise my voice and call for an end to this genocide. Lebanon must not become another Gaza Strip. we demand an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon. The Haitian people are calling for our cooperation and solidarity as an organization of countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean. Haiti is the first motherland to have been freed from colonialism and it deserves our full attention. And so in the next few days I will convene the presidents that make up CELAC to show our commitment to Haiti. This General Assembly for more than 30 years with an overwhelming majority has rejected the inhumane embargo imposed against the people of Cuba. This terrible embargo began in 1960 and since 1992 this General Assembly has sent out more than 30 resolutions calling for the United States to put an end to this cruel embargo. I also call for an end to the unfair blockade imposed against the kindred peoples of Nicaragua and Venezuela. We also call for Cuba to be removed from the list of terrorist countries. Yesterday, I delivered to the Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, the agreement that formalizes the UN support to fight against corruption and impunity. I thank this assembly who approved our request to create this mechanism in order to combat public and private corruption. As Berta Cáceres, our martyr, said, she was a brave woman and a defender of our natural resources and of our indigenous peoples. Let us wake up, humanity. We still have time. May this be the appeal and the motto of our generation. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Honduras.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/honduras","Honduras","Her Excellency","Iris Xiomara Castro Sarmiento","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/hn_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_HN_EN.mp3" 57,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Peter C. Artur, Minister of Foreign Relations and Trade of Hungary. Permission. Your Excellencies, dear colleagues, unfortunately, I have to start by saying that we are living in the age of dangers. And 34 years ago, when we got rid of our communist oppressors and we shifted from a one-party dictatorship to parliamentary democracy, and we shifted from a planned communist economy to market economy, or 25 years ago when we joined NATO, or 21 years ago when we joined the European Union, we would not have thought that we will be faced once again with the phantom of Cold War. And similarly, a couple years ago, we would not have thought that war would return to Europe. And dear colleagues, Your Excellencies, nowadays this is the reality. We are faced with the phantom of the Cold War, and war returned to Europe. I'm representing Hungary, a country which is a neighboring country to Ukraine. That means that for the last two and a half years, We have been living in the shadow of a war. Two and a half years, almost a thousand days. And we have been confronted with the consequences. 1.3 million refugees. Even nowadays, there are several hundreds of schools and kindergartens in Hungary which enroll the children of the refugee families. And we have been paying a price of a war which is not our war, and for the outbreak of which we do not wear any kind of responsibility. So I do believe that almost after a thousand days, the real question is not what we do think about the war, but the real question is how peace could be made. Or even more precisely, Mr. President, the question is, which is the fastest way to peace? Because we have to pick that one, the fastest one. Because the later peace will be reached, the more people will die, the more destruction will take place, and more families will be torn apart. And we Hungarians don't want more destruction. We don't want more families to be torn apart. We don't want to see more videos about violent conscription. We don't want more people to die, especially putting into consideration the 150,000 Hungarians living in Ukraine, a community members of which have been mobilized to the Ukrainian army. Many of them have been deployed to the front line. And unfortunately, many of them have died already. And I think that after almost 1,000 days, this is high time to make an honest undertaking and to analyze what has worked out and what has not worked out, what international community or Europe has made as a reaction to the war. And if we are honest to ourselves, we have to say that practically nothing has worked out what international community and Europe has done as a reaction to this war. Nothing has worked out what was based on an assumption that there might be a solution at the battlefield. We have to raise the question honestly whether weapon deliveries have made any sense. And obviously, they have made no sense. No sense because weapon deliveries have not changed the situation at the battlefield, and they have not brought us closer to peace either. Weapon deliveries have only increased the volume of weapons on both sides of the front line, causing more casualties and causing the prolongation of the war. And I do hope that those who are still thinking about delivering more weapons to Ukraine will consider this impact and this consequence as well. And similarly, I hope that those who are supposed to make decisions whether the weapons delivered from the West would be allowed to be used against strategic depth in Russia will make a responsible decision. Because if Western weapons will be allowed to be targeted at strategic depth for Russia, that would cause a serious risk of escalation for sure. And I do believe that in case of such a crisis situation, we really have to put into consideration the weight, the significance of words. because in such situation words do have a much more serious significance than in peace times. And we are seriously concerned in Hungary about the open and shameless reference of possible use of nuclear weapons. So dear colleagues, basically nothing has worked out of those measures which have been based on the assumption that there might be a battlefield solution. That means that solution must be looked after somewhere else. And if you raise the question, where should we look for this solution, then the answer is around the negotiating table. Therefore, Hungary argues in favor of an immediate ceasefire and the start of peace talks. this would be the fastest way to peace. And with this, with starting peace talks, many lives will be saved. I know it's easy to say, but very complicated to implement. Why? Because international liberal mainstream made peace as a cuss word. And whoever argues in favor of peace will be immediately attacked and stigmatized. And it's a huge mistake as well that diplomacy is now being given a diverted definition. Many would like us to believe that diplomacy is only about talking to those with whom you agree 100%. This is not diplomacy. This is something else. This is not an achievement. Diplomacy is a capacity to talk to those with whom you might not agree, to talk to those with whom you might disagree in everything. And here, I do believe, Mr. President, that the United Nations should have a great role, because United Nations was not established as a group of like-minded countries. It was established to give platform for everyone to talk to everyone about everything. And UN gives a legitimate possibility even for those countries who are at war with each other to talk to each other. Therefore, we reject any kind of federalistic efforts which would limit or restrict us in whom we would like to talk in the framework of United Nations and what would be the topic. I'm representing a small or mid-sized, depends on the level of self-confidence, country coming from Central Europe, a landlocked one. And I have to tell you that we do consider it as nonsense and unacceptable that the representatives of the big powers are not ready to talk to each other. Because the fact that they don't talk to each other, that poses a serious security risk on us. And there's another risk that they don't talk to each other. If they don't talk to each other, then the world can easily be divided into blocks again. And that's a nightmare for us. Why? Because we have already experienced it once. We have lost 40 years of our lives, four decades. when the world was divided into blocks. Therefore, we have to speak very clearly. We don't want such kind of period to come back. We don't want the world to be divided into blocks again. And I would like to disillusion everybody. It would not only be us to lose everything or almost everything in case the world's going to be divided into blocks. Everybody would lose on that. I do believe that... A civilized east-to-west cooperation could bring a lot of profit to the whole world. Therefore, we Hungarians argue in favor of connectivity. We wish the next period, the next part of global history would be not about a new Cold War, but would be about connectivity. And although we are a relatively small country, but we can serve as a good example What a big growth potential is being represented by a civilized east-to-west cooperation. We have been carrying out a pragmatic, patriotic foreign policy based on the common sense and aiming at reaching the national interests. And as an outcome of that, Hungary became a meeting point of east and west. The biggest corporates of the eastern and western economies are meeting in Hungary. Imagine in Hungary, the top German premium car makers and the top Chinese electric battery manufacturers are not only working together in one country, in one city, they are building their factories next to each other on the neighboring plots. So therefore, therefore, I have to underline that the strategies of those corporates which have a determining impact on continental economies cannot be successful without free global economic cooperation. Dear colleagues, it has not been a long time ago that the that time Chancellor, that time Federal Chancellor of Germany, was speaking about an economic and trade cooperation zone starting from Lisbon, ending at Vladivostok. And it has not been a long time ago that European political leaders spoke about Eurasian cooperation. Unfortunately, nowadays, we are far away. But it's not impossible to return there. But there's one very important major precondition. Global politics must change fundamentally. What would that mean? It means, in our reading, that global politics must come back to the basis of mutual respect, and dialogue and diplomacy must return as the major tools here. And this is absolutely not hopeless, because our experience here at the General Assembly, being convened in New York, Our experiences do prove that the Friends of Peace are in majority in this chamber. And we Hungarians are proud to be part of this global majority for peace. And we are ready to support all global initiatives which are aiming at reaching peace. And we are ready to discuss all peace plans. And we consider it as unacceptable that some countries would like to give exclusivity to one or another peace plan, acting as if the other one would not exist. We absolutely want all peace plans to be discussed, and here I would like to commend the People's Republic of China and Brazil for putting together a plan, and we do hope that that plan will be on the agenda as well. Dear colleagues, if we could reach peace, it would not only save lives of the people, but would give a big support, a big help to many countries in the transatlantic community where I'm coming from to get rid of the huge burden of hypocrisy. And I tell you why. Many Western colleagues of ours like to say that they got rid of the energy sources of Russia, for example. This is one of the biggest fake news ever because the Western countries continued to do business with Russia just like others. They just simply deny it. If you look at the share of Russian gas in the LNG ports in Western part of Europe, you might be surprised. Or if you have a look at the oil arriving to the Western countries in Europe, where it comes from originally, you might be surprised as well. And if you look at who is the number one uranium supplier of this very country, United States, you would be surprised as well. In order to avoid your homework to look for it, this is the Russian Federation. Dear colleagues, All these prove that economic sanctions are totally useless in this regard. They absolutely don't work out. They put much more harm on some European economies than on the Russian economy. Many Western countries and Western economies do evade the sanctions. So I think it's no wonder that we cannot recall any successful sanction mechanism in history. These sanctions do not make any sense as well. Dear colleagues, the war in Ukraine puts a serious security risk on Europe. But this is not the only security risk there. We in Europe have been faced with massive waves of illegal migration. And unfortunately, Brussels made a huge mistake there because they wanted to manage migration instead of stopping it. And this approach has encouraged a massive number of people to hit the road, to pay thousands of euros to smugglers, and take the life hazard to come to Europe. But we Hungarians, we do stick to our own right to make a decision on our own whom we allow to enter the territory of our country and whom we are ready to live together. And I think, Mr. President, that UN is the best place to recall international law. International law speaks very clearly. Everyone who has to escape from his or her home has the right to stay temporarily on the territory of the first safe country, but not on the second, on the third, or the fourth one. Therefore, Hungary will continue to stop the flow of illegal migration on its border through which basically we save Europe from further huge security-related challenges. And in the meantime, this is insane that while Hungary is protecting its border, has to pay a fine of multiple tens of hundreds of millions of euros because of complying with international law. So my summary goes as follows, Mr. President. In the last 10 years, Hungary has carried out a pragmatic, patriotic foreign policy strategy, aiming at national interest and guaranteeing the security of our own citizens. And we will continue to do so, as we will continue to be always honest and open. And we will do always what we say, and we will always say what we think. It might be unusual nowadays how it is possible. It is possible because there is an unusual political stability in Hungary, which is very unique in Europe. We have won all elections in the last 18 years, the one-party right-wing government. That means that people like what we are doing, they support what we are doing, and they give the approval to continue. And the government will continue. We will not have the intention to satisfy NGOs or external actors, but we will always have the intention to satisfy our own electorate, our own citizens, because we do believe that democracy is all about that, the people. Thank you so much for your kind attention. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/hungary","Hungary","His Excellency","Péter Szijjártó","Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade","25 September 2024",NA,"https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_HU_EN.mp3" 58,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Joseph Numa Wakai Senor. President of the Republic of Liberia, I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. The Vice President of the United Nations General Assembly, His Excellency, Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Ambassadors, Heads of Delegations, and esteemed delegates, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. I am honored to address the 79th regular session of the United Nations General Assembly for the first time as President on behalf of the government and people of Liberia after a smooth back-to-back democratic transition. Liberia congratulates His Excellency Philemon Yabun on his election as President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. You can be assured of Liberia's support as you steer the affairs of the General Assembly forward. I extol His Excellency Dennis Francis for his astute leadership during his presidency of the 78th session of the General Assembly and commend his determination to inspire and rekindle hope globally. I deeply thank Secretary General Antonio Guterres for the remarkable and visionary leadership he continues to provide in pursuit of our collective mandate. Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, in the summer of 1945, Liberia joined other nations in San Francisco as one of the original signatories to the United Nations Charter. On that fateful day, the world, having suffered the scourge of war, was full of hope and determined to reverse the past. Nearly 80 years on, and reflecting on the preamble of the United Nations Charter, which declares our commitment to promote social progress and better standard of life and larger freedom, we ask the question, has our reaffirmation of faith in the dignity and worth of human person made Eight decades ago, they had been realized. We must admit that the world has changed, and the frontiers that we now embrace are different. In it, greed, insensitivity to the poor, the international drug epidemic, money laundering, dynamics of climate change, and the impact of social media must compel us to rethink our approach to global peace and security. Our beloved United Nations must undergo the institutional and philosophical reflections required to respond to the new age. As we assemble under this theme, unity and diversity for advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for everyone everywhere, It is important to recognize the shared values and collective efforts that come from our unity with diversity. We must acknowledge these as essential for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and the inherent dignity of every human being worldwide. By doing so, we can build a better world where no one is left behind. Like many nations gathered at this assembly, Liberia recommits to the Sustainable Development Goals. Since the end of the country's conflict, we have strived to follow a development path that will lead to building a capable state. Twelve years ago, we dared to dream of a future within the realm of possibility, harboring core national aspirations to transform the future. Name Liberia, rising, or Vision 2030, it has been the driving force behind all of our planning efforts. The building of blacks and the tenants of Vision 2030 are significantly aligned with a sustainable development goals. Our government's arrest agenda is a comprehensive approach developed to address the economic and social needs of millions of Liberians, especially the youth who account for 60% of our population. With emphasis on agriculture, roads, infrastructure, development, justice, and the rule of law, education, sanitation, health, and tourism, the agenda had mainstreamed the SDGs as it's designed to take Liberia to the finish line of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The fight against poverty, The promotion of human dignity is a steadfast commitment. Despite our progress, poverty remains a significant challenge for over half of our population living below the poverty line. The Sustainable Development Goals aim to eradicate poverty in all forms by 2030, ensure social protection for the poor and vulnerable, improve the access to essential services. Liberia is dedicated to assessing the levels and the causes of poverty and implementing strategies to reduce it and promote shared prosperity. My government also acknowledges present need to address maternal and newborn mortality by implementing robust monitoring and evaluation of health services in the country to accelerate the reduction of maternal and newborn mortality. We are particularly blessed and pleased with the United Nations-HC joint mission to Liberia this year, which concluded a commitment to combat the high burden of increasing newborn deaths, we welcome the United Nations General Assembly's decision to declare July 25th as the International Day of Women and Girls of African Descent this year. This significant milestone acknowledges that women and girls of African descent have unique opportunities, but they also have challenges that the global fight against slavery and racism is necessary to achieve gender equality. Liberia credits its credentials by producing the first woman president of the United Nations General Assembly, Angie Brooks Rwanda, and first female president of Africa, President Ellen Johnson Salih. Liberia has witnessed and continues to witness The immense contribution of women and girls of African descent in politics, culture, and every area of societal development. Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Liberia has enjoyed uninterrupted peace for almost two decades, following the 14 years of civil conflict. During this time, we have held four democratic elections with last year's election marking the fourth since the return to democratic order in 2006. In January this year, Liberia achieved a historic milestone by peacefully transitioning from one democratic government to the other. This progress is significant because before The 2018 transition, the last democratic transition occurred in 1944, about 74 years earlier. We are gradually fostering and solidifying our democratic culture, ensuring that democracy is here to stay in Liberia. Now it is time for our people to reap the democratic dividends. The rule of law is fundamental for peace, justice, strong institution, and dignity for a human person. Liberia is taking significant strides towards openness, transparency, accountability by empowering and supporting transparent institutions. Our government is committed to implementing audit recommendations by the General Audit Commission to restore public and donors' confidence in the governance system and improve regional and international cooperation. In addition, The country has taken a major step in confronting its conflict past to ensure accountability and justice for crimes and other human rights violations committed during the war and promote healing and national reconciliation. A significant development in our transitional justice process was the signing on May 2 2024 of Executive Order 131 to create the Office of Establishment of War and Economic Crime Court for Liberia, a key recommendation from the truth and reconciliation process in Liberia. Our actions align with the international covenant on civil and political rights, joint follow-up on impunity, and past human rights violations. As we embark on the process and acknowledge the enormity of the task, my government seeks the support of the United Nations, partners, stakeholders in the pursuit of justice for victims' peace and reconciliation. Liberia is facing a drug crisis that is affecting our youth and jeopardizing the country's future. This epidemic, driven by international criminal enterprises and their networks, poses a severe threat. In response, we have not only declared the drug epidemic a health emergency and a national security threat, but we have also been taking steps to address this issue by establishing a dedicated national body to tackle drug abuse in Liberia. I urge international community to join Liberia in addressing this escalating drug crisis. Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the world is facing numerous crises, including global threats such as disease, security, and climate change, as well as food and resource shortages. Our vulnerabilities are evident, and we need to use our collective knowledge to find solutions that will preserve the planet for future generations. Climate change is undeniably real, and its threat to our environment and the way of life is becoming increasingly apparent. We must take urgent action to address this threat, including cooperative effort to implement Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement. Liberia, as the most forested country in West Africa, where over half of the land covered by forest plays a vital role in biodiversity and environmental sustainability. As a result, our country is taking important steps to lead conversation on climate action. My government has called on our legislators and stakeholders to begin looking at a Paris Agreement, particularly on Article 6, to help advance actions towards establishing Liberia's nationally determined contribution to combat climate change. While we take these actions, we are mindful of the need to build capacity and invest in critical areas of our economy, such as using alternative financing for investment in the blue and green economy and technological transfer to support these climate actions. Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the goal we set for ourselves and the future are better served on the foundation of peace and security. Having enjoyed peace for over two decades following the long-running conflict, we aim to promote peace and stability at home, in the region, and globally. The threat of conflict to our shared world underscores the importance of collaborative efforts to foster regional and global stability and peace. Therefore, we support all the UN's efforts to address peace and security issues worldwide. Liberia is concerned about escalating security challenges in the West African region. including terrorism and economic and political instability. These pose significant threat to regional peace. So we urge full dialogue and cooperation among West African nations to address these issues effectively. Meanwhile, Liberia firmly stands with the rest of West Africa in the resolve to maintain our 50-year-old regional economic commission ECOWAS intact. We oppose efforts to disintegrate our union and will not accept the region being used for proxy conflicts. We look at the AU and the UN to support us in keeping the regional body united. Similarly, at a global level, we call for an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East to provide civilians an essential humanitarian relief. We urge both Israel and the Palestinians to engage in negotiation towards lasting peace, including a two-state solution. Additionally, We see the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as a threat to global peace and security. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a peaceful resolution that also respects Ukraine's territorial integrity. Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, This year's assembly is a pivotal moment for Liberia's bid to ascend to the African non-permanent seat of the United Nations Security Council in 2026. We have proudly announced our candidacy. We look forward to support the member states to vote Liberia over women later in the seat of the Security Council. We can work with council members to promote peace, justice, and security. Liberia is dedicated to promoting sustainable growth and ensuring human dignity for all. Liberia is prepared to work together with the United Nations and global allies and international community to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, establish a fair, peaceful, and sustainable world. The commitment to unity is deeply ingrained in Liberia's history as a founding member of the United Nations and a post-war international institution, as well as regional and sub-regional organizations. It also affirms our strong belief in multilateralism and international rules and base were built on shared values and principles of crucial to the future. The future of a more peaceful, prosperous, sustainable world must be all-encompassing, fair, and dignified for everyone worldwide. One United Nations, one world. Thank you, and thank you very much. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Liberia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/liberia","Liberia","His Excellency","Joseph Nyuma Boakai","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/lr_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LR_EN.mp3" 59,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Mohammed Yunus Menfi, President of the Presidential Council of the State of Libya. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, at the outset, I would like to congratulate you on your election as President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. I wish you and your team all the success. I would also like to express my thanks and appreciation to Mr. Dennis Francis for his excellent stewardship of the previous session. Thanks are also due to His Excellency the Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, for his continuous effort to promote international peace and security, as well as his good offices to achieve the noble objectives of the United Nations and his role in promoting human rights. Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, Libya has suffered for over more than a decade from successive transitional periods tainted with unjustified conflicts in wars among brothers. They were fueled by foreign interference aimed at weakening the state, deepening divisions, and controlling its natural resources. as well as its political and social decision. This necessitates a strong stance today to regain control. Challenges are huge and complex before us. However, we're still trying to reach consensual solutions to unite our words and ranks and gather all parties around one table to find a national solution. However, this institutional division that is a result of the systematic obstruction by some political parties and the subsequent conflict over privileges and prerogatives led to the escalation of this institutional and political crises. It further complicated the political landscape. This started with building parallel bodies leading to the freezing and canceling of our commitment to certain political agreements and resolutions of the Security Council and the use of the resources of the state as a tool for political pressure. And the last of which was also attacking the Libyan prosecution and adjudication. and it is our duty to shoulder our responsibility to ensure the safety of our country and its strength. The comprehensive political solution, including the financial, economic and security paths, in addition to national interests, is the only way to ensure our stability so that we can hold elections and renew the legitimacy of all institutions so that the Libyan people can ensure self-determination. We commend all national and international effort aimed at promoting dialogue among different Libyan parties. We firmly believe that the Libyan people have the right to decide their destiny and choose whom to govern it and run its affairs. And this will be achieved when we renew the legitimacy and regain the control that some parties are trying to prevent. Libyans are the most capable to decide on their destiny, and people can choose whom to represent it through the fair elections and referendums to overcome any political stalemate. Ladies and gentlemen, the National Reconciliation Project under the sponsorship of the Presidential Council is undergoing a slow process due to the recent developments witnessed in the country, especially that some political parties are trying to obstruct it by all means. We reiterate the need to accelerate this path, to build trust. In this vein, we commend the effort of the African Union. We call for a Libyan dialogue. to ensure a national pact and a comprehensive reconciliation conference. We stress the need for all states to participate constructively to reach a peaceful settlement based on a Libyan solution away from any foreign dictations or interferences. We cannot reach sustainable solutions without a serious and honest dialogue among Libyans without any foreign interference. This would ensure the unity of our country its social cohesion and sovereignty. This month coincides with the first anniversary of the destruction of parts of the city of Darna due to Hurricane Daniel. This was an unforgettable and painful event that left behind a lot of destruction and huge human and material losses. However, we also remember the effort of the Libyans who came together to draw a clear lesson on the ability of the Libyan people to overcome the obstacles and crises they face. That's when they decide to solve their problems domestically without any foreign interferences or dictations. We renew our support to the sincere effort for recovery as we pave the way for the reconstruction all over the country. Ladies and gentlemen, the genocide and ethnic cleansing committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples represent a heinous violation of international law. We uphold the principles of accountability and we should not allow any impunity and ensure accountability and therefore Libya joined South Africa's case before the ICJ on the grave violations of the Israeli entity to all international rules and laws and we must ensure accountability for the mass genocide and violations that the Palestinian people are subjected to. We stress the need to work in addressing the situation and eliminate the specter of a regional war in the region through addressing the situation in Gaza and putting an end to the heinous violations against Palestine. We stress the right of the Palestinian people in self-determination, establishing their independent statehood with Jerusalem as its capital. Ladies and gentlemen, Sir President, turning to the regional and international affairs we stress the need for concerted effort to counter illegal migration and terrorism this represents a huge challenge not only to libya but to many other countries especially the african the countries in the region, and Libya, for we are a transit country that shoulder huge burden in this vein. We believe that the solution to this matter necessitates concerted effort while taking into account all national legislations, humanitarian aspects and the protection of migrants' rights. Turning to terrorism, Libya has gravely suffered from this scourge. We succeeded in defeating Daesh thanks to the sacrifice of our people and the effort of the military institution as well as the support of the international community. We continue to work on promoting security domestic security and protecting our borders through the cooperation with the international community. We endeavor to establish security centers to coordinate effort among different national security forces and the neighboring countries. Combating terrorism is not a mere military confrontation. It's a multifaceted phenomenon that requires greater cooperation concerted local and international effort and a comprehensive approach that addresses its different dimensions. And despite the efforts of the United Nations and Spain, we believe in need to develop national mechanisms to counter these challenges away from any negative interferences. Ladies and gentlemen, I stress that it's high time to close ranks and build bridges of unity. Let's make our solidarity the cornerstone of our homeland, this generous homeland and people who love life. I assure you that we would not enjoy our wealth If the seeds of strife and discord continue to thrive among us, our unity is the path to our stability. It's the hope that would carry our children into a better future. I urge you to uphold our national unity and take off the interference. that aims at undermining our endeavors. History bears witness to the greatness of this people, the Libyan people, who was a source of inspiration to nations and peoples for decades. They proved that despite all challenges experienced, they always raise up stronger and more resilient and adamant. Libyans will not forget those who stood by them in times of hardship. We will continue to work to build a bright future worthy of the aspirations and hopes of our people. We will spare no sacrifice for its sake. Thank you and peace and blessings of God be upon you.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/libya","Libya","His Excellency","Mohamed Younis A Menfi","President of the Presidential Council of the State","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ly_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LY_EN.mp3" 60,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Hilda Hayner, President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. I request Protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Madam President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, I bring you warm greetings of Yahweh on behalf of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Madam President, I congratulate you upon your election and look forward to your leadership. Madam President, we cannot ignore that our common multilateral progress is failing us in the hours of greatest need. Perhaps most at risk are human rights, the fundamental freedoms which must be afforded every citizen of this planet. This accountability applies to all, without exception or double standards. The Human Rights Council must also work towards a balanced agenda, an inclusive approach to human rights within our diverse global setting. Our own unique legacy and complex challenges with nuclear testing impacts, with climate change and other fundamental challenges informs our perspective that the voices of the most vulnerable must never be drawn out. These convictions are why the Marshall Islands is a candidate for UN Human Rights Council term 2025 to 2027, with the endorsement of the Pacific Islands Forum leaders. Madam President, for nearly a year, nations around the world have expressed grave concern regarding extreme violence in Gaza and Israel, not just the horrific events which led to this grave conflict, but also the disproportionate and devastating response visited upon an innocent civilian population. Madam President, as we look forward to next year's UN Ocean Summit in France, it is vital that the international community takes action to protect the health and biodiversity of our oceans. The youngest and future generations of islanders must not be robbed of the benefits we know today. Without sustainable ocean ecosystems, the economy, stability, and cultural identity of our region will collapse. Through regional institutions, our island nations are defining sustainable fisheries and changing the global market. Our distant fishing partner nations at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, many of whom are also global superpowers, need to place long-term sustainability ahead of immediate commercial goals. Illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing is not just a threat to our own economic future, but also global food security. Madam President, the world needs to ensure that the high seas seabed is not stripped of its unique biodiversity before we even document it. Without a clear-eyed scientific understanding of impacts and risks, the world's oceans are too fragile to turn into a speculative experiment. The Marshall Islands joins the growing chorus applying a precautionary approach towards high seas mining, at least until there is adequate and meaningful agreement at the International Seabed Authority on binding environmental measures and the Mining Code. Madam President, sea levels have risen, and we are too late to prevent them from eating away at our shores. But we must also be clear. We will not be wiped out off the map, nor will we go silently to our watery graves. Sea level rise poses a threat to long-term ability to remain in our islands. and to our fundamental security as a nation and within our ocean-locked Pacific Island region. But for small island developing states, our stability and legal identity remains fixed in the future, just as it is now. The Marshall Islands strongly supports the recent declaration of the heads of state and government of the Alliance of Small Island States on Sea Level Rise and Statehood, and we urge other nations to join us in support. The Marshall Islands welcomes this year's high-level meeting on sea level rise and the ongoing work of the International Law Commission. as an opportunity to engage on complex multilateral questions, even where SIDS have already established state practice. Madam President, we must do all that we can to prevent further melting of the cryosphere. By February next year, every nation on Earth has committed to putting forward new nationally determined contributions that set out how they'll reduce emissions to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius. We need governments to show both ambition and cooperation, as we all agreed last year, to triple renewable energy deployment, double energy efficiency, and most importantly, to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels and end the subsidies that support them. Despite this, we have seen some of the planet's wealthiest countries break their pledges as they double down on fossil fuels. This failure of leadership must stop. There must be no new coal mines, no new gas fields, and no new oil wells. The financial needs of this energy transition for adapting to climate impacts and for repairing the rising loss and damage are in the trillions of dollars. In Baku later this year, we will decide whether that money is made available to developing countries. We must see vastly increased contributions. We must also find money wherever we can. Instead of rewarding some of the richest and most polluting businesses on the planet, we should repurpose these funds to the rollout of renewables and to directly supporting the poorest and most vulnerable. Right now in the IMO, Pacific Island negotiators are leading efforts to agree on a universal greenhouse gas levy, which gives the right incentive to drive decarbonization of the shipping industry and raises revenue in the billions. a portion of which should be used to address the climate impacts from shipping, pollution, and help build resilience in vulnerable countries. I urge every country to join us. The Marshall Islands emphasizes the importance of the advisory opinion from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea regarding the marine environment from climate-driven pollution. We look forward to the advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice regarding the climate obligation of states. Madam President, the Marshall Islands experienced 67 known atmospheric nuclear tests between 1946 and 1958, resulting in an ongoing legacy of death, illness, and contamination. The impacts are handed down generation to generation. These impacts continue to challenge our human rights In our culture, our identity is our land. Testing impacts left behind deep scars, with communities remaining in exile from their home islands, billions of dollars in unmet adjudicated claims, and a social and environmental burden upon our youngest and future generations. To help ensure nuclear risk is eliminated, the Marshall Islands is working towards accession to the 1963 partial test ban treaty, as well as the Treaty of Rarotonga and its nuclear-free zone. Madam President, we did not choose this nuclear fate. it was chosen for us. UN Trusteeship Resolutions 1082 and 1493 were adopted in 1954 and 1956, respectively, despite petitions to the contrary by our Marshallese leaders. These tests were undertaken by the United States, acting as the United Nations' administering authority. These resolutions remain the only time in which any UN organ has ever explicitly authorized the detonation of nuclear weapons. We cannot undo the past. But as a United Nations, we owe it to ourselves to make amends through the adoption of a resolution which formally apologizes for the failure to heed the petition of the Marshallese people. By doing so, all of us will begin the process of healing and to reestablish faith and trust in this institution. Madam President, our strong work on human rights and nuclear testing impacts is a fundamental and foundational effort to address transitional human rights. And we call attention to document HRC-57-77, the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the nuclear legacy in the Marshall Islands and its human rights impacts. In particular, I emphasize my nation's unequivocal support for the High Commissioner's important conclusions and recommendations on further action for my own government, for the United States, and for the United Nations. Madam President, as a nuclear-affected state, we seek to work with other affected nations and peoples, including Kiribati, French Polynesia, Australia, Algeria, Kazakhstan, North Korea, and the Xinjiang province of mainland China, and within the United States. All should realize that the responsibility to fully address the harms resulting from the use, detonation, or testing of nuclear weapons lies, respectively, with the member states that have done so. This is the basis of UN General Assembly Resolution 78-240 on Victim Assistance and Environmental Remediation. And all must know that the scars upon our collective lands and peoples are firm lessons for nuclear weapons elimination. Madam President, the Marshall Islands welcomes this year's adoption of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for Seeds as a companion to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. It is vital that island-driven strategies are better addressed. We are particularly pleased to welcome the strong efforts of the new UN multi-country office for the North Pacific in the Federated States of Micronesia, and we look forward to a groundbreaking ceremony for the new UN complex. Madam President, this year's Triennial Conference of Pacific Women hosted in the Marshall Islands demonstrated the region's continued commitment to advancing gender equality with a focus on the health of women and girls, gender-responsive climate justice, and gender-based violence to strengthen and uplift women and girls across the Pacific. It is important in our work going forward that we progress national implementation at scale and build intersections with UN women and international system assistance, including as a full region and with the UN North Pacific Multi-Country Office. Madam President, we have long understood island-led security in our region. But for many, we are only starting to build formal security foundations at a time when full policy strength is needed to turn the Pacific Islands Forum's Boyd Declaration on Regional Security into action. Recent UN action under the Secretary General's Peacebuilding Fund is a key step up to strengthen treatment of the link between climate and security. We now need to address with our own direct Pacific voices geopolitical tension to ensure that our democratic island priorities drive our future, free of external influence and coercion. Climate impacts force a grave security challenge alone, but tackling them with core institutions under external stress, coupled with our underlying fragility, risks epic disaster. Madam President, Russia's continued aggression against Ukraine is a threat to basic democratic norms, human rights, and international accountability. As island democracies and as vulnerable nations in the shadow of changing geopolitics, the war in Ukraine is of great concern to the Pacific Islands as though Eastern Europe was next door. Madam President, the Marshall Islands look forward to the upcoming high-level visit of the Pacific Islands Forum Troika Plus Grouping to New Caledonia. In addition, we support ongoing forum engagement with Indonesia and West Papua to better understand stakeholders and to ensure human rights. Madam President, if we are truly serious that no one is left behind, the UN would not be blinded to Taiwan's efforts and partnership towards achievement of the SDGs. Only this independent, democratic government can represent its 23 million people. UN Resolution 2758 does not mention Taiwan and should not be used as a pretext to exclude Taiwan from participating meaningfully in the UN system. This resolution has been misused to threaten cross-strait and regional peace and security. This was never its original intent. You cannot serve as a sound basis to prohibit Taiwanese citizens and journalists from the UN premises. The UN Secretariat should maintain neutrality and should not be complicit in limiting media freedom. Madam President, as key risks worsen in and around the world, multilateralism must be strengthened. For small and vulnerable nations, the United Nations, despite all its faults, remains the only institution which offers us a vital platform to voice our concerns, issues, and at times seek shelter from the ravages of conflicts and climate change. The word multilateralism can be expressed in the Marshallese proverb, meaning the coral where all the fish congregate to seek shelter and feed. Let us all nourish and maintain it for ourselves and future generations. Mr. President, the United Nations is that very coral. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/marshall-islands","Marshall Islands","Her Excellency","Hilda Heine","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mh_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MH_EN.mp3" 61,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Huril Sukhna, President of Mongolia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. At the outset, I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Your Excellency, Mr. Phil Min Young, President of the 79th session of the UNGA. I wish you every success in your important work during this session. Every time when I participate in the General Assembly, I found great pleasure observing this sculpture entitled Consciousness, created by a renowned Mongolian artist and located in the garden of the UN headquarters. This sculpture inspires deep contemplation, reminding us of our responsibilities, awareness, and dignity in the context of humanity's history and our obligations to future generations. This profoundly meaningful work symbolizes the historic moment when countries around the world embraced the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. During my visit this year, the monument stood solemnly as if urging us to reflect on the goals and commitments we have made for the future generations. Unfortunately, as we approach the time to assess the implementation of these documents, we recognize that our efforts and the progress we have achieved are For instance, although we are halfway through the timeline for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, progress on nearly half of the SDG targets remain inadequate, with 35 percent showing stagnation. In response, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has initiated the Summit for the Future to reassess our realities, revitalize our commitments, and amplify our collective efforts. At the summit held just two days ago, we engaged in discussions on policies, objectives, and avenues for cooperation concerning sustainable development, science technology, innovation, youth, and governance transformation. I'm pleased to note that Mongolia actively participated in the negotiation process for the Pact for the Future, Declaration on Future Generations, and the Global Digital Compact. all of which were discussed and adopted at the summit. The countries of the world, including our own, must work diligently and cooperate to implement these proposed actions. I'm pleased to see that heads of state, government, and their representatives have wholeheartedly supported these commitments and actions, voicing their positions from this esteemed podium. Distinguished delegates, Our lives are rapidly evolving and integrated in this age of technological progress and digital advancement. However, tensions, armed conflicts, and wars continue to escalate in many parts of the world, fueled by geopolitical tensions stemming from prejudice, extreme ideologies, mistrust, misunderstanding, and disrespect. Mongolia believes that strengthening multilateral cooperation based on international law and the UN Charter is essential for ensuring international peace and security. Dialogue, mutual understanding, and trust are the foundations for sustainable and peaceful coexistence. To sustain peace, combat climate change, protect public health, reduce economic inequality, and establish justice, the international community must seek optimal solutions and foster innovative cooperation that address the evolving dynamics of our era. This year, presidential and parliamentary elections took place in over 60 countries, with nearly half of the world population exercising their right to vote, making a year of significant choices. In Mongolia, parliamentary elections were also held, and I would like to highlight that both domestic and foreign observers, as well as international organizations, have commended the elections for being successfully conducted within the legal framework. Mongolia has always consistently sought to contribute to the international community's efforts for peace, security, and sustainable development. In this regard, Mongolia has established diplomatic relations with all member states of the United Nations and is dedicated to strengthening and developing friendly relations and cooperation with all countries around the globe. As a nation that consistently pursues to a peaceful, open, independent, and multiple foreign policy, Mongolia respects the pluralism inherent in the diverse histories, cultures, civilizations, religions, national interests, and development paths of countries around the world. We strive to develop international relations based on multiple principles. My country upholds the principles of the UN Charter, particularly the commitment to refrain from using force against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state. In addressing this agreement, and conflicts, we call upon countries and nations around the world to prioritize diplomatic dialogue over confrontation, promote unity over hostility, and pursue collective goals rather than divisiveness in order to consistently cooperate in strengthening international peace and security. As Mongols, we have a rich history of valuing and seeking amicable solutions through dialogue. For centuries, Great Mongol Empire engaged through political and diplomatic means in its relations with neighboring, distant, allied, and adversarial nations. This included sending and receiving envoys and ambassadors, concluding agreements, fostering friendship, and negotiating, which are the practices that remain as the cornerstone of Mongolia's current foreign policy. serves as a historical evidence of this legacy. It represents the origins of credentials handed to envoys or modern diplomatic passports having been used by Mongols since the 13th century in their relationship with other nations. The Girige is displayed as a historic artifact at the United Nations headquarters. In 2000, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan remarked that Girige is an invaluable heritage gifted by Mongols to the international community, emphasizing that we have a lot to learn from the wisdom of Mongolian ancestors. The principles of maintaining peace and harmonious coexistence championed by our ancestors reflects the progressive ideals that underpin our current collective effort to sustain peace and stability. At present, humanity is alarmed by the deepening global geopolitical tensions which ignite the fires of war and heighten the nuclear threat. The collective efforts of countries around the world towards nonproliferation, disarmament, and the total elimination of nuclear weapons, as well as the expansion of nuclear weapon-free zones, must not be overlooked. Mongolia has made significant contributions to the elimination of nuclear threats by having its nuclear weaponry status recognized at the international level. We reaffirm our commitment to continue pursuing and supporting nuclear weaponry policies and initiatives. Mongolia calls upon all countries to collaborate in ensuring peace and stability, particularly in creating a world free from nuclear threats. We propose the convening of a special gathering on this issue within the framework of the United Nations. Mr. President, Mongolia deeply appreciates the role of UN peacekeepers, the Blue Helmets, who serve tirelessly and make significant contributions to international peace and security. Due to various factors, such as international terrorism, brutal acts of extremism, and the growing number of refugees, blue helmets are confronted with increasingly complex tasks under more challenging conditions. We must not forget that over 4,370 UN peacekeepers including military, police, and civilian personnel have lost their lives in the line of duty. Although Mongolia has a relatively small population, over the past 20 years, more than 20,000 peacekeepers have been deployed to hotspots around the world to contribute to peace and security of humanity. In particular, in alignment with the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda of the UN Security Council, We aim to increase women participation in UN peacekeeping operations. Currently, Mongolian female officers meet up to 11 percent of our peacekeepers. To ensure the competence of our peacekeepers, it is crucial to improve their psychological well-being. Therefore, Mongolia initiated and developed a pilot project for supporting peacekeepers and their families, which was submitted to the UNDPKO. Mr. President and distinguished delegates, in recent years the rapid development of information and communication technologies has significantly impacted the daily life of people and is seen as a factor that may fundamentally reshape the development of civilization in the future. In line with these intensive discussions on information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence have arisen in the international forum and the recently adopted Global Digital Compact is a timely and essential step. Our country aims to keep pace with the development of information technology, placing great importance on UN resolutions, documents, and other international legal frameworks related to this issue, and keenly participating in their discussions. In March of this year, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling on member states to ensure the reliability and security of artificial intelligence for the first time, which is a significant step forward. to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, countries around the world are focusing on policies that promote economic diversification, energy and digital transitions, reduce the negative impacts of climate change, enhance adaptive capacity, and increase access to essential social services, particularly in education and health, while also prioritizing employment and food security. On the other hand, global debt accumulation has reached unprecedented levels with debt service payments in developing countries, exceeding the amounts borrowed, further constraining the budgetary space needed to implement sustainable development goals. Mongolia fully supports the international community's efforts to not only ensure debt sustainability, but also fundamentally reform the international financial architecture under the initiative outlined in the UNSG's report, Our Common Agenda. distinguished delegates. In the early years of the 21st century, ideological conflicts that divide the world became history, while traditional military threats receded and not traditional threats such as climate change, pandemics, terrorism, cybercrime, and refugees gained increasing attention. However, this situation has changed drastically in the recent years. with traditional threats resurfacing and negatively impacting international security and sustainable development. In other words, the overlap and expanding scope of traditional and non-traditional threats requires countries around the world to pay special attention and strengthen their collaborative efforts. In particular, global warming and climate change have transcended natural and economic boundaries, exacerbating sensitive social issues and disputes over resources and triggering migration that bring numerous direct and indirect dangers and risks. If this situation continues, humanity will face not just a choice between development or stagnation, but rather a choice between existent and non-existence. Therefore, we must carefully assess the situation and recognize the need for smart solutions based on the advancement of our era, as well as implementation of new technologies and share good practices while collaborating to overcome challenges posed by climate change. As descendants of nomads, we, Mongols, have preserved and honored our unique cultural heritage and traditions to this date. The origin of our nomadic civilization is, in fact, the philosophy of green development, which emphasizes caring for and protecting nature while responsibly utilizing its benefits. This indicates that we have substantial traditional wisdom and initiatives regarding the future of green development, thus in line with the goals of the Sustainable Development as well as Vision 2050 long-term development policy of Mongolia has successfully been implementing national movements and programs such as Billion Trees, Food Security and Safety, Healthy Mongolia, and Digital Mongolia. These initiatives represent our contributions at both international and regional levels, in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. I'm also pleased to announce that Mongolia is actively working to implement the resolution adopted by the UNGA, declaring the 2026 as the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists. Furthermore, we're also preparing to host the 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Ulaanbaatar in 2026. I'm confident that the international community and member states will support and collaborate with us in these efforts, Mr. President. Mongolia, as a landlocked country with its unique location on the Central Asian Plateau and extreme weather conditions, has consistently paid particular attention to the issues of countries in similar special situations. who have already collaborated with them to safeguard our interests and make tangible contributions to amplify our voices on the global stage. Mongolia and Austria co-chaired the Preparatory Committee for the Third United Nations Conference on LLDCs for 2023-2024 and successfully facilitated discussions on the draft outcome document among member states. We're pleased that the draft of the action program to be adopted at the upcoming conference in Botswana next December includes innovative content outlining specific goals and measures to guide the development of LLDCs over the next decade. Therefore, we urge all LLDCs, transit countries, and all UN member states and development partners to engage at a highest level in the third conference on LLDCs and to contribute creatively to discussions for the successful implementation of the program of action. Mr. President, at the fourth World Conference on Women, Held in Beijing in 1995, it was proclaimed that women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights, setting forth the significant goals of eliminating barriers to gender equality on the global stage. We, Mongols, have a long-lasting culture and tradition of honoring and respecting women with a history of Mongol queens and women who played crucial roles in governance and social affairs throughout our nation's history. This rich traditional and cultural heritage have continued to evolve, positioning Mongolia as one of the leaders in promoting gender equality in Asia. In its first constitution, Mongolia became the first country in Asia to safeguard guarantee equal rights for women, including the rights to vote and to be elected. This year, we celebrate the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the National Organization for Women, the Mongolian Women's Federation, as we approach this historic anniversary. In 2023, we have implemented legal policy reform designed to enhance women participation in both social and political decision-making levels. As a result, in the recent parliamentary election, 25.4 percent of elected members were women, exceeding the average rate of 21.2 percent in Asia. Moreover, in August this year, our country successfully hosted the World Women's Forum under the theme Towards a Green Future in Ulaanbaatar in collaboration with the United Nations. This forum brought together women leaders from governments, international organizations, and influential representatives from diverse sectors, social, economic, and cultural across five continents. They proposed numerous creative initiatives to enhance women's role and contributions toward achieving sustainable development goals, including economics, environment, climate change, food security, education, sports, culture, and the arts. I'm pleased to highlight that the Ulaanbaatar Declaration towards a Sustainable Future was adopted as the forum's outcome document. Building on the momentum of the World Women's Forum, Mongolia will continue to actively promote gender equality, and the empowerment of women, Mr. President, distinguished delegates. The General Assembly of the United Nations is the most important and honorable podium for amplifying the voice of ideas and aspirations for international peace and security, well-being, and development of humanity. Mongolia has consistently supported the efforts of member states to reform the UN Security Council into a more equitable, accessible, transparent, effective, democratic, and responsible system. We also strongly advocate for further strengthening the United Nations' central role in coordination in global affairs. Our country believes Thank you very much. to demonstrate exceptional leadership and make meaningful contributions to strengthen trust, mutual respect, and cooperation among the nations of the world in the crucial pursuit of global peace, security, sustainable development, and the well-being of humanity. May the eternal blue sky bless us with peace throughout the world. Thank you very much for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of Mongolia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/mongolia","Mongolia","His Excellency","Khurelsukh Ukhnaa","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mn_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MN_EN.mp3" 62,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam Deputy President, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Your Excellencies, delegates, Namibia congratulates His Excellency Philemon Young, President of the General Assembly. I also extend my appreciation to his successor, His Excellency Dennis Francis for successfully steering the assembly through trying times. It was during the 78th session where the relevance of the assembly's work repeatedly came to the fore through reaffirmations. The theme for this general debate, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations aligns perfectly well with our shared aspiration for effective international cooperation. In this regard, the adoption of the Pact for the Future and its annexes on the 23rd of this month, 2024, is encouraging. Namibia is proud to have served alongside Germany as a co-facilitator for the summit of the future. I congratulate all delegates for their commitment that brought the pact to fruition. All of you. Namibia's interest in the Pact for Future is grounded in the understanding that multilateral institutions, including the Security Council of the United Nations, do not represent African needs and aspirations. The institution created in 1945 must better respond to today's challenges. At the core of the pact is this recognition and the urgency for profound global transformation. At the heart of our quest to rebuild trust in multilateralism is a legitimate demand to be recognized as equal partners. Partners who can be trusted. Partners in the fight against war against poverty, against global injustices and inequalities. Mr. President, Namibia is particularly concerned about the impact of climate change. Changes in ocean temperature have affected our fish stocks with potential long-term consequences for our livelihoods, ecosystems, and tourism. Namibia and the rest of the SADC region are going through an El Niño phenomenon which has adversely impacted our food security. In this regard, Namibia has to declare a state of emergency to address the severe effect of drought. As we approach the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration, we are presented with a renewed opportunity to strengthen gender equality. Namibia remains among the top nine countries globally that have close to 80% of gender gap. In the past 12 months, we have achieved perfect parity in the National Assembly, where 50% of representatives are women. Namibia is preparing for the eighth presidential and national assembly elections on 27 November 2024. Political parties, including the ruling party, which I represent, have nominated female candidates. We hope that the United Nations will have a female secretary general in the near future. Namibia is working to develop a sustainable energy mix to support its ambitious industrialization agenda and to contribute to the world's effect efforts to combat climate change. We are establishing green industrialization systems ecosystem for decarbonizing industries that find it difficult to lower their greenhouse emissions. Investment in this key sector is critical in Namibia. Namibia is urging developed nations to scale up support for developing countries to facilitate gradual energy transition. Turning to international peace and security, there is an urgent need for this assembly to support the modalities to actualize the adversary opinion rendered by International Court of Justice regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Prolonged occupation does not justify or make acceptance the hardship and injustice endured. This is particularly true for the people of Gaza, who continue to be brutally massacred. As a country that has endured genocide, Namibia believes that Israel, by intent and by action, is committing genocide. Namibia continues to call for a ceasefire and humanitarian assistance to flow unhindered into Gaza. On economic matter, economic acts will continue to affect the sister republic of Cuba in stark contrast to the ideas of inclusivity and the goals of leaving no one behind. Namibia calls for the end of economic, financial, and commercial blockade against Cuba and calls for removal of Cuba from states that are accused of sponsoring terrorism. Namibia also reiterates its call for the immediate and unconditional lifting of illegal sanctions against our neighbour Zimbabwe, which hinders the country's capacity to achieve sustainable development goals. Further affronts to United Nations Charter, its purpose and principle is the continued disenfranchisement of the people of Western Sahara who are denied the right to self-determination. The 79th session of the UN General Assembly must do more. to change that situation. In conclusion, Namibia is a child of international solidarity, midwifed by the United Nations, and therefore remains each firmest of proponents. The United Nations system can be strengthened if we hold hands and work together as bridge builders to illustrate us, illustrated by the summit of the future. By choosing the way of collaboration over enmity, peaceful dialogue over war and conflict, and de-escalation instead of escalating thing, we can achieve our shared goal of more peaceful, just, and prosperous world. And I thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Namibia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/namibia","Namibia","His Excellency","Nangolo Mbumba","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/na_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NA_EN.mp3" 63,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Jose Raul Molina Quintero, President of the Republic of Panama. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. A very good afternoon, Madam President, honorable heads of delegation, ladies and gentlemen. Just over two months ago, I assumed the presidency of the Republic of Panama. Over the next five years of my mandate, I will have to face down on behalf of all Panamanians major challenges, several of which affect not only my country, but the hemisphere as a whole. Our privileged geographical position has made us a... bridge between and a meeting point for the Americas. We had the first railway to connect the Atlantic and the Pacific on our continent, the first customs office of the continent, and the first in Tierra firme, the first Spanish city in the form of Tierra firme. Our canal and our airport hub have made us strategic partners for all countries of the world. As things stand, our canal serves 180 maritime routes These connect 1,920 ports in 170 countries and that means that we are a major value add for products from throughout the world. Cognizant of our importance as a meeting point, our doors have always been open to all nationalities who... fair and square and playing cleanly, wish to harness the competitive advantages we have as, as our shield states, a country pro mundi e beneficium for the world. But today, Panama is facing a colossal problem as a result of its strategic location. Illegal immigration through the Darien Gap, which is being used as a gateway by hundreds of thousands of migrants and has been for some time. Migrants that are fleeing the grave political, economic and social problems they face. and seeking the so-called American Dream. I know that territory very well because just over a decade ago when I was Panama's Minister for Security, I led the forces who took back the Darien Gap from the Narco Guerrilla. Today it is a source of great pain to witness the social tragedy that is this treacherous journey. A journey embarked upon by women, children and elderly persons who begin an inhumane crossing over rivers, jungles and inhospitable corners. they face myriad risks to their very security in so doing this movement of people is led by criminal organizations with bases in neighboring countries organizations that receive dirty money to make a profit from the hope and needs of thousands of human beings i fully understand how hard it is to decide to migrate, to escape the poverty and oppression that one may experience in their place of origin. The vast majority of people wish to live, develop and progress in the land where they were born. Let me say it again. Causes are well known, but alone we cannot tackle them. We are already facing too many social and financial problems as a nation. We do not have the resources or the material possibilities to solve the migration crisis alone. Illegal migration through Panama is part of a colossal global problem and... It must be in the United Nations where this problem is front and centre of an agenda. We are proud of being a country which connects myriad global trade routes but we will not agree to be used as a transit point for illegal immigrants because that brings with it social, human and environmental costs for our territory. Panama is today paying high environmental cost as a result of that illegal flow of persons. They are causing severe damage to our biodiversity. I want to say to you that there is a huge difference between analyzing this problem from within forests such as this in the midst of Manhattan. There's a great difference between that and being a first-hand witness of the drama as I have been. Seeing children being orphaned by the harshness of a crossing through the jungle would wreak havoc and tear apart the soul of the coldest analyst who was to study these questions from the comfort of an office. These aren't standalone problems for the Darien Gap, or to give you another example, for the Mediterranean. What we're talking about is a complex system of organized crime that is making profit from human misfortune. In 2023, the Darien Gap saw the entry of more than half a million illegal immigrants. That accounts for, or is equivalent to, 12% of Panama's total population. If the same thing had happened in the United States, that would have meant the entry of 40 million illegal immigrants in one year. In other words, a number 20 times higher than that seen today. Another example, Italy. They also... have a grave migrant problem. Last year, indeed, around 150,000 people entered the country illegally. If we were to scale this up to Panamanian proportions, we'd be talking about the entry of 7 million people illegally to this European country. Ladies and gentlemen, what I'm asking you is to really take stock of the magnitude of what's happened because our sense is that we don't have the international support that we need to face a situation which is so distressing from a humanitarian point of view, so costly from a financial perspective, so perilous for our security and so alarming that if you look at the environmental devastation which it leaves in its wake and it's precisely this environmental destruction that i want to talk about now darien is one of the largest neotropical forests in the world when half a million people pass through it and leave tons of waste over the years some of which is highly polluting such as battery batteries and plastic waste that has serious environmental consequences Moreover, and it's painful to say the following, bodies, decomposing bodies are left by the side of the road or in rivers. Not everyone survives this horrific 20-day odyssey through the jungle. It falls to Panama to address a problem which is not our own. But we do what we can with the resources that we have. No one could visualize, far less would they accept, 500,000 people leaving rubbish and waste without any type of planning or proper management in the Black Forest in Germany or in the Yellowstone National Park here in the United States. Half a million souls... Irregular migrants moving without documents or oversight. Perhaps the reason for the lack of outrage at a global level at the devastation of our Darien region, the major green lung of the region, is because it is in an inhospitable corner of the border between Panama and Colombia. I do understand that part of the responsibility for this situation falls on the shoulders of previous governments in our country that did not show the resolve or the strength necessary to place this issue on the global agenda. But that has all changed. This president will speak out about this problem and will use every international forum to... demand a shared effort to halt the flow of illegal migration. Madame President, in Panama today we have the new border of the United States because Darien is the corridor travelled by those who seek in this country a better life. Panama has always been on the side of peace and the progress of nations. Today needs the help and support of those countries that it has historically supported in this and other fora. We need concrete cooperation and full frontal cooperation to avoid our territory being used as the beginning of a dream, a dream which often is one trumped up by criminal organizations linked to drug trafficking and trafficking persons. Political instability is one cause of mass migration when there are grave institutional crises that exist over time, their immediate consequence is the fleeing of their citizens. Venezuela is a specific example of the above. It is for that reason that I now want to talk about our regional political situation, which incidentally is the major driver of the migration crisis we're experiencing. Increasing breakdown of Venezuela's institutional system has led to a stampede of 8 million Venezuelans, according to data from the UN Refugee Agency. Behind this figure is a genuine migration tragedy. International organizations haven't provided a resolute or credible response to this problem. throughout the years. Recent events in Venezuela have further tarnished the country's already dishonored institutions. Let us be clear, awarding oneself a triumph without publishing vote counts is like wanting to win a trial without presenting any evidence. Wanting to win without publishing vote tallies is like losing and not accepting the results. In fact, the current regime has lost the support of its staunchest defenders in the region or, in the very best of scenarios, it has received fragile and tenuous support expressed only as silence. It is resoundingly clear that the current regime will not leave power, nor will it recognize its defeat. As such, I call upon the appropriate organizations to take resolute actions against the manifestly anti-democratic behaviors and attitudes seen. I want to emphasize here that this is not an ideological issue. We're not talking about a simple difference in schools of thought. What we're talking about is strictly heeding the people's will that is the mother of all wills. Panama is open to dialogue with the rest of countries, any country in which There is respect for the political and representational system arising from every country's national constitutions. I'm bringing up the Venezuelan issue here because it's very difficult for me to talk about health and the environment when 8 million of our neighbours have been forced to flee their home, fleeing the poverty, besetting a country that should have been an economic power. How can we talk about regional sustainable development as we witness this interminable political crisis face the whole continent? I can't look at everything through a rose-tinted lens in my speech when what we have is the spilt crimson blood of immigrants risking their lives in our jungle pursuing a dream of liberty. As they move through the Darien Gap, they contaminate the region, leaving a trail of destruction and desolation in their wake, and it's up to us to pick up, repair, and pay for all of that. If you really care about sustainable development, I ask you, as Member States, to staunchly defend the environment and establish precise mechanisms to redress the damage that has occurred in the Darien Gap. I'm talking not only about the environmental damage, but I'm also asking you to tackle the causes... that led to that led to this migration, such as the self-proclaimed triumph of the current Venezuelan regime. As a third point, I want to talk about the unjust discriminatory lists that my country has been placed upon, lists that are cobbled together by tyrannies and which put us together with tyrannies that have committed the worst atrocities. We are put on lists with countries that don't open their doors to the world, that don't respect democracy, that foster terrorism. We don't agree to being part of these lists that are drawn up by the private interests of nations that themselves can't succeed in being competitive or attractive to their fellow citizens. Panama will not allow this affront, far less after all the efforts we've made. We've made significant reforms to our financial and legal systems in recent years to meet the most stringent standards of transparency and prevention of money laundering and other organized crime. But That hasn't been enough. Our nation has demonstrated its readiness to work with international organisations and we've signed many tax information exchange treaties with myriad countries. That wasn't enough either. As a consequence, the measures that we've been forced to take whilst waived in front of us has been the false promise of being delisted. These measures have been catastrophic for our economies and Yet we still haven't been able to get ourselves removed from these reckless lists. Panama is not a tax haven. Nothing like it. The people that are tax havens are those other jurisdictions allied with the countries that promote these lists. Those countries are analysed and measured by different standards to those used for my country. It's quite paradoxical. But the nations that approved Panama's inclusion on these lists use our canal. They participate in public tenders, they make money from consultancy services, and they lobby their businesses to get juicy contracts in our country. This president has taken the firm decision to not allow the businesses of countries that endorse these lists to participate in international tenders. Neither will those very same countries benefit from our vote in international fora. At the same time, they point their finger at us. They've enjoyed benefits and have not suffered any restrictive measures. The aim of their bias is to ensure that despicable stigma continues to hover over Panama, Panama that is a responsible country when it comes to financial fair play. I want the best for my beloved Panama. I didn't accede to the presidency to make other countries feel good, I did so to meet my country's demands. Talking of lists, I want to tell you that Panama is one of the countries in the world that is carbon negative. In other words, we remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than the CO2 we emit. But this glittering status has brought us no benefit whatsoever. are a large, vast swathes, rather, of our territories protected, and that brings with it major challenges in terms of achieving genuine development. Today, countries that utterly destroyed their biodiversity for the sake of development force other developing countries to abide by standards of environmental care that they dismissed. This produces an imbalance in terms of opportunities for progress. On the one hand, we're forced to maintain our forests in a primary state. And on the other hand, fingers are pointed to us and we're placed on lists which make it difficult for investment to arrive and which stymie the development of a globally competitive financial system. We do not accept the rules of this game. I want to reiterate the message that I delivered when I assumed the presidency. I said there and I'll say now, Panama is an ally of good causes and we will no longer allow fingers to be pointed at us unjustly in such a way that harms our economic capacity, our prestige, and in a way that besmirches the very image of our country. I'd like to say to you what an honour it is for the Panamanian people to become non-permanent members of the Security Council as we will do in January this year. That will be the sixth time in history. That accolade is the fruit of sustained work over time. We've been given that seat because of our country's work to fight against terrorism, to fight trafficking in persons and to fight drug trafficking. Panama contributes to peace and concord between peoples. I am sorry for hammering home this point again and again and again, But all of this is completely impossible to reconcile with the aforementioned list. We can't accept that a country whose conduct is unimpeachable and a country that works in favour of peace, freedom and international security be lumped together and tarred with the same brush with those who do quite the opposite. We're placed on arbitrary lists that don't tally with reality. All of that is genuinely unacceptable. We'll continue fighting. peacefully and doggedly to put an end to this unnecessary and discriminatory harassment at the hands of countries that would never abide by the same conditions we are forced to. To conclude, I'd like to say that we'll continue building a country that is at the service of humankind. We'll care for our biodiversity in the face of adversity. We'll defend our democracy in spite of concrete threats today hovering over our region. Panama will continue connecting global trade, fighting for freedom, being a part of the world and calling for the respect that we give and the respect that we deserve as an upstanding nation. We are a noble working people and will fight every day to make this world a better place to live. Distinguished members of this organization, Madam President, on behalf of Panama and all of the Panamanian people, many thanks for this opportunity. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Panama,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/panama","Panama","His Excellency","José Raúl Mulino Quintero","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/pa_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PA_EN.mp3" 64,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Klaus-Ferner Ioannis, President of Romania. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President of the General Assembly, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, we have all gathered here, the world leaders, with the responsibility of a better global vision and the will to make it happen. There is no better and more representative framework than our 79-year-old United Nations, anchored in the UN Charter and the international law. However insecure the world is today, the answer to our problems will always be more cooperation and more solidarity. Romania will always uphold international world order with the United Nations at its core. If we want to find the solutions, we need to have a more responsible look at our world to understand its challenges. Let us remember what brought us here together in the first place. Peace at the state of spirit as a purpose, as a tool. Regrettably, we see around the globe that insecurity, violence, conflicts, and even war have taken a firm grip on our world. Our main challenge is finding the much needed solutions to restore and safeguard peace. Otherwise, the international order and the international law are ours to lose. When diplomacy is the most difficult tool to use, it is precisely then when we need to use it most. Look at the dire global consequences of the Russian war against Ukraine. It has unleashed the greatest security crisis in Europe in recent history, in breach of the international law and with implications going well beyond Europe. In this context, Romania has extended a strong, multidimensional support for Ukraine and its people, and we are committed to maintain it for as long as it is needed. At the same time, Romania will continue its unwavering support to consolidate the resilience of the Republic of Moldova, the second most affected country by this war. Our security is not regional, it is global. This brutal war has already harmed nations and people across the world. Food security stands proof. My country has a crucial role in facilitating the grain exports from Ukraine through our ports on the Danube and at the Black Sea. A long-term conflict is unacceptable, and we must stay the course. Ukraine needs the resolute support of all UN member states determined to uphold international law and the United Nations Charter. Romania fully supports the peace initiative of President Zelensky. It is the only approach to ensure a just and lasting peace in full agreement with the UN Charter and the international law. Ladies and gentlemen, protecting all civilians must remain our common objective. Almost a year ago, the heinous attack committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians has shocked the world. Against the spiral of violence that followed, our actions based on Security Council resolutions should prevail. The end of hostilities, a safe release of all hostages, and facilitation of the safe shipment of the humanitarian aid for the civilians in Gaza are imperatives no one can deny. Furthermore, we support all efforts to resume the political process based on the two-state solution coexisting in peace and security within safe and recognized borders. More broadly, Around the world, there are alarming calls to stop blatant violations of human rights under many forms and rooted in different causes. There is a sense of urgency that remains unanswered. Conflict prevention and peacekeeping are essential tools in this regard. At the same time, we must support the cooperation with regional organizations in view of their role in preventing, keeping, and enforcing peace. Distinguished audience, the impact of climate change is a growing threat to our security and its consequences are already obvious. As these negative events increase, they impact democracy, economies, energy connectivity and geopolitics. It is vital to further enhance international cooperation and ensure the much needed civil protection mechanisms. Romania actively participates at the international level in the exercises, projects, and actions to provide emergency response, especially to limit the impact of wildfires. The UN system is essential to mainstream our efforts and to create synergies. We need to accelerate our work to keep the 1.5 degrees target alive. And since climate change is a threat multiplier, Romania supports an integrated approach to the climate and security nexus within the United Nations system. Green transition also includes energy transition, while ensuring energy security as an important development marker. Ladies and gentlemen, We live in an era when we could fully enjoy the opportunities offered by information, innovation, and connections. Nevertheless, instead of harnessing their potential to our common benefit, we see increased distrust and hatred. We see polarization and rise of extremism instead of coexistence and tolerance. Technology misuses this information, and other hybrid tools are at the center of the problem with the aim of undermining our security. In such times, it has become way easier to destroy than to build. But it is now that we need to seek strength in global institutions, principles, and values. All of those which serve to safeguard human dignity and human dignity cannot be secured without human rights. They are never optional and continue to stand as one of the fundamental pillars of the United Nations system. In this regard, international legal instruments have a crucial role. For example, in digital transition, we see that technology is a global amplifier of trends. It is up to us to decide whether it will contribute to more effective and accessible public services. We also have to recognize the essential role of civil society, the human rights defenders, and the involvement of youth in advancing human rights. We are also following the situation of gender equality and the fight against gender violence. Romania is a firm supporter of gender equality, which we promote as member of the Human Rights Council and most recently of the Commission on the Status of Women. Distinguished audience, there is no viable alternative to the United Nations and the principles upon which the organization was built which remain more valid than ever. Our focus is to continue the United Nations reform so that it will be fit to address current challenges and the ones looming. A more effective and more efficient United Nations. A more representative United Nations where trust can be fostered. Romania advocates for an extended Security Council where transparency and accountability are the norm, not the exception. A UN more accessible to the public and more meaningful, where youth can have a say on matters affecting them, where the voices of the civil society and other stakeholders are heard. This is why a pact for the future was so urgently required to give fresh shape and purpose to our vision for the next generations. Finally, the United Nations has a continuous aspiration for a better world, from those who dreamed of peace and tolerance to those who will never stop fighting for it. A world where sovereignty, territorial integrity, international law, and human rights are respected. Where each country can choose its own path with dignity and free from aggression. Where every citizen is safe and free. This is our credo. And this is our call for action. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of Romania. The Assembly will hear an address.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/romania","Romania","His Excellency","Klaus Werner Iohannis","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ro_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_RO_EN.mp3" 65,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Bassiro Diamae Diakhar Faye, President of the Republic of Senegal. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President of the General Assembly, heads of state and government, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests. At the outset, I wish to take this opportunity to once again pay tribute to the memory of my fellow countrymen, Amudau Tango, who has just left us, former Director General of UNESCO. Until 1998, he was an eminent statesman and a staunch Pan-African defender of independence. I wish to congratulate Mr. Philomen Yang on his election to the presidency of this United Nations General Assembly. I also congratulate his predecessor for the contribution he made to the implementation of our common agenda. Through you. I convey my wishes for your every success when it comes to discharging your mandate. We see the unwavering commitment of our Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. His efforts to promote peace, human dignity, and multilateralism are now more than ever before necessary. Senegal once again expresses its full support for his mandate. in these times of global turbulence as I take the floor before you today. I speak with the conviction, the deep conviction, that we are united in diversity. Indeed, unity in diversity is the key to guaranteeing sustainable development and human dignity for all everywhere in the world. The theme of this session that will guide our discussion, invites us to rethink our collective responsibility and to guarantee that the fundamental principles of the United Nations set more than around eight decades ago contribute to upholding the promise of a fairer and more equitable world. Ladies and gentlemen, Ours is a troubled world, a world in which the principles of the United Nations Charter, which talk about equality, justice and the respect for human rights, are every day put to the test. Conflicts are spreading. Inequalities are widening. and climate crises are rendering millions of people throughout the world even more vulnerable than they were before. Moreover, we are witnessing a worrying trend to call into question multilateralism at a time when humankind needs it more than ever before. The world must stare the truth in the eye. The ideals that we swore to defend are being trampled upon in all four corners of the globe, whether we're talking about Gaza, Tel Aviv, Dakar or elsewhere. All human beings are equal in dignity, dignity which transcends borders, cultures and religious affiliation. It is incumbent upon us all to ensure that this dignity be protected and respected. for all human beings regardless of who they are. This duty is the very essence of the United Nations. However, every day we see international law as the very foundations of international peace is violated. Resolutions adopted by this General Assembly are treated with flagrant disregard. We have repeated violence. The principles of the UN Charter are kicked to the corner and we see the undermining of this very house of peace Never before the foundations of the United Nations have been as shaky as they are now. We're seeing violence, fear, and uncertainty being sown. If we wish to vanquish the specter of war and usher in a better world, well, it's high time to change our paradigms. It's high time to... put human beings at the heart of our international agenda, as we're invited to do by the theme of this session. President, ladies and gentlemen, we no longer wish to stand idly by and watch the tragedy in the Sahel play out. Terrorist groups there are sowing terrorism. They're pillaging, they're killing innocent civilians. This region was once stable and now it is in the grips of daily violence. At the same time, the United Nations, specifically the Security Council, remains inactive all too often. Moreover, we can't allow the Sahel to become the theatre of violence foreign rivalries, clashes between which do nothing other than destabilize the region. Here, I must remind you that the peace and security of Africa are inextricably linked with global peace. It is vital that the Security Council better play its role as a guarantor of international peace and security. Once again, let me say that Senegal is deeply concerned by the tragic situation playing out in Palestine. Entire generations have grown up in Palestine in the shadow of oppression. They are deprived of their fundamental right to a viable state. Senegal, as the chair of the Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, calls for an immediate lasting ceasefire. We reiterate our support for the two-state solution, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations. This war spares no woman, no child. It does not spare vital infrastructure and is an open wound on the international conscience. It's vital that international humanitarian law be restored in all conflict zones. It's vital that the United Nations fully play its role as mediator and guarantor of peace. Ladies and gentlemen, Peace is not simply the absence of war. Peace is also every human being having the possibility of living in dignity, the possibility to feed themselves, have accommodation, get an education and to receive health care. And yet, and yet, today more than 750 million people are going hungry and a million every day. live in abject poverty. These figures are drawing the world ever further away from achieving the SDGs set for 2030. We can no longer allow mechanisms for global governance continue to reproduce these inequalities. It's high time to do away with a dog-eat-dog world and to build a new global contract based on solidarity and cooperation. This social contract must include major reforms to address political, economic and the environmental challenges of our age. Firstly, it's vital that we safeguard and strengthen multilateralism. as the unique framework within which we can achieve and protect international peace and security. Doing that involves an urgent reform of global institutions, namely the Security Council, the IMF, the World Bank, so that these institutions become more inclusive and reflect the economic and geopolitical conditions realities of our time. The African continent in particular must have a more meaningful place in these decision-making bodies. Secondly, it's high time to repair the economic injustices which hinder the development of many countries in the global south, illegal trade, tax evasion, illicit financial flows. and abusive tax systems harm developing countries, namely in Africa. These injustices must be corrected in order to allow all countries to fully participate in global trade and to benefit from economic growth. Third, it is vital that we resolutely work to... tackle climate change. We must do that by respecting the principle of common but differentiated responsibility. The industrialized country historically responsible for mass greenhouse gas emissions must step up their efforts to finance a just and equitable energy transition which does not penalise developing nations, we must, as an absolute imperative, protect our planet without sacrificing the rights of the most vulnerable nations to continue their development. Fourthly, we must thwart any attempts to impose unilateral ways of existing and civilizational models. Since its independence, Senegal has staunchly defended the equal dignity of cultures and civilizations. this diversity must continue to be the cornerstone of the peaceful co-existence between peoples no nation should impose on others its practices or its values as universal the respect for difference is the very foundation of peace and stability throughout the world. Ladies and gentlemen, Senegal is staunchly committed to this path. We've chosen to build a state wholly focused on sustainable development with ambitious initiatives in terms of clean energy, food sovereignty and transparent governance. however we know that to be successful in those endeavors we need collective action and international solidarity no country however powerful it may be can alone address the challenges threatening humankind as such we must act together united in our diversity to usher in a future in which human dignity is protected where justice prevails and where prosperity is shared It is through cooperation and mutual respect that we will overcome the crises shaking the very foundations of our world. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Senegal.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/senegal","Senegal","His Excellency","Bassírou Diomaye Diakhar Faye","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sn_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SN_EN.mp3" 66,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Wawel Ramkalawan, President of the Republic of Seychelles. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, I would like first of all to extend my words of congratulations to Ambassador Yang on your election as President of the General Assembly for this 69th session. I wish also to thank Ambassador Francis for his diligent leadership during the 78th session. Mr. President, as the highest representatives of the peoples of the world, we meet every year in this institution which promises to deliver peace, progress, and prosperity for all. We must be frank, frank in our assessment of what we are doing for the people that we represent and their interests that we serve. For my people of the Seychelles, we must be critical of our approach to the challenges of today and plan for the challenges of tomorrow. The world is less secure than even just one year ago. Where we hoped that existing conflicts could be resolved, we find ourselves in a situation more tense and precarious. Flames, stoked by competition and distrust, threaten to engulf those who have no part in these conflicts, leaving us gripped by a fearful atmosphere of instability exacerbated by the worry of expanded warfare. We are in danger of losing sight of the values that bring us together, that transcend borders and cultures, that are understood in all languages and present in all ideologies. We must revert to our foundational principles of dialogue and cooperation. Without a stable foundation, we cannot build our vision of a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Our focus is diverted from the challenges requiring our urgent and undivided attention. Challenges affecting the core of people's lives and equally requiring solutions with people at their center. The climate crisis, ending poverty and hunger, ensuring that all have the indisputable right to a decent and dignified life. Our people have entrusted us to work together to find solutions. Mr. President, 79 years ago, the permanent members of the Security Council conferred upon themselves the great responsibility of ensuring international peace and security, to cooperate in good faith to save future generations from transgressions of the past. With this great responsibility comes the expectation that gross violations of the UN Charter be dealt with resolutely and impartially. We place our trust in them to act in the common interest to prevent conflict and preserve human dignity. The consequences of conflict are felt beyond the direct and intolerable suffering of victims in war zones and those displaced by fighting. In such an interconnected world, we are all subjected to inflationary pressures, elevated commodity and energy prices, and other disruptive effects. Widened and prolonged conflict risks affecting smaller states like Seychelles, trying not to get caught in the crossfire. It is not our intention to lecture the world powers, nor attempt to prescribe solutions to complex issues. We simply wish to remind you of your duty and be reassured that geopolitics will not supersede human rights and international law. Since its formation in 1946, the Security Council has remained largely unchanged. Most of Africa was under colonial rule then. Seychelles joins the call for the UN and the Security Council to deliver the reform being appealed for by so many, with the objective not to hinder its work, but to bring inclusivity and perspective. It is time to correct one of the many injustices to which Africa has been subjected. permanent membership of the world's primary peacekeeping institution is a necessity. The consideration by the Council of critical issues such as sea level rise brought by Malta last year and the broader climate security nexus has proven that it is capable of reflecting new realities. The proposal of the United States to include a rotating seat for small island developing states is a welcome and progressive one. Mr. President, climate change remains the foremost challenge facing humanity, and failure to address its effects will devastate current and future generations. As a small island state, Seychelles understands what it means to be vulnerable, a vulnerability that cannot be ignored in the future we see for ourselves. We are on the front lines of the climate crisis, which poses irreversible threats to our people, our economy, and our way of life. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the degradation of our oceans are stark reminders of the urgent need for global action on climate change. We have all made commitments, pledges, and promises to achieve large-scale reductions of emissions to keep the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. to boost adaptation, to deal with extreme weather disasters, and build resilience to address future impacts. But words are nothing without deeds, and we have to act urgently in unity to make the necessary transition to a more sustainable future. It is a choice, conscious and intentional, to continue down this path and decide that business as usual in pursuit of short-term goals is acceptable. Mr. President, world military expenditure has increased for the 10th consecutive year, reaching $2.5 trillion in 2023. This makes even the highest estimates of the funds, $100 billion needed for loss and damage, seem modest and insignificant. This is a worrying reflection of the world's priorities. It is unfair for seeds to suffer the consequences of these choices. We simply do not have the means to cope with the disastrous effects of climate change. Here I want to thank those who have contributed to the loss and damage fund. The pledges made following COP28 should not be mere attempts to pacify us who have been calling for remediation. We hope to take it as a token of ongoing commitment and continued action given the expected rise in costs of dealing with climate change. As the Secretary General said yesterday, Those who shoulder the blame should foot the bill. The international community cannot hope to advance sustainable development when some race ahead while others are left to struggle. No one should be left behind, lest we forsake future generations to oblique a world. The obligations outlined in the Paris Agreement are the lifelines that give us a chance if all states did their utmost to adhere to them. Our reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable and detrimental. We must accelerate energy transition towards renewables and mobilize investment in the technology and infrastructure to give us any prospect of real energy security. Seychelles' focus remains on nature-based solutions to combat climate change while ensuring economic sustainability and environmental preservation. Our blue bonds demonstrate the potential to harness capital markets for financing the sustainable use of marine resources. Mr. President, ambitious and innovative strategies of securing long-term economic development are futile without finance that is accessible and sustainable. The average debt-to-GDP ratio in SEEDS exceeds 70%. It is crippling and impedes our development by diverting critical resources away from where they are most needed in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Our vulnerabilities have been expounded, yet our borrowing costs remain high. Instead of concessions, we are penalized for our vulnerability. It is time to move beyond discussion and implement real reforms in the international financial system to address the preclusion of some vulnerable countries regardless of income status from opportunities to meet development needs. We must also recognize the humanitarian consequences of economic policies. Our work in the multilateral system is undermined by unilateral coercive measures that are intended to leave economies crippled and governments unable to advance dignity for their own people. Mr. President, the multilateral system remains our best hope for addressing the challenges we face. As a small state, Seychelles believes in the United Nations, for we fear of a reality with no alternative. In a world more interconnected than ever, multilateralism is the network that links our shared values to achieve the vision that we have for our world, one that is defined by our common interests and not by our differences. We are here to solve problems. not exacerbate them, to listen and not to dismiss. We put our faith in this institution because we must prove to the world that we can work for it. but it is up to us to make it work. In 2023, we adopted the BBNJ Agreement, and this year, Seychelles became the fourth state and the first in Africa to ratify it. We urge other countries to hasten its ratification so as not to delay its entry into force. This year's fourth SEEDS conference in Antigua and Barbuda shone a timely light on the challenges that we face in a global economic landscape for which we are ill-equipped to navigate. The Antigua and Barbuda agenda for SEEDS provides the blueprint for action over the next decade, and we call on the international community to commit to its implementation. The MVI resolution adopted here last month also represents a triumph of the multilateral system to consider new approaches to complex and evolving issues. Its data and findings deliver the empirical grounding for what we know to be true, that a single-layered approach to development is no longer accurate nor adequate. A better understanding of precisely these multidimensional vulnerabilities will be crucial for the decisions that we take, and more importantly, those taken on our behalf. The Pact for the Future, just adopted, should rightly usher in a new era of engagement based on mutual interest and mutual respect. We must use it to bridge divisions between nations on critical issues of human rights, gender equality and the rule of law. one that accelerates the implementation of the SDGs and shapes the international financial system more fairly, one that adapts responses to global crisis in a more coordinated way, and one that restores peace with a promise to preserving it in the future. For Seychelles, the Declaration on Future Generations should signal our commitment to safeguarding the rights of all people who will be born by the end of this century, most of whom in developing countries. People who should not be born into hardship. We must envision a world where survival is not a struggle, a world that ensures everyone's rights to prosperity. Basic rights should not be difficult to provide. Mr. President, I firmly believe that these are the foundations on which our cooperation and progress should be built, the things that our people need the most and what should guide us to building a world that is more secure and sustainable. Let us strive to be the architects of a world where no one is left behind. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Seashells.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/seychelles","Seychelles","His Excellency","Wavel Ramkalawan","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sc_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SC_EN.mp3" 67,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Peter Pellegrini, President of the Slovak Republic. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. Madam President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor and privilege to address you from this place. It's the first time for me in my capacity of President of Slovakia. The United Nations organization which we helped to found with our brotherly Czech nation under Czechoslovakia's flag has been here for almost eight decades. We could spend hours discussing its imperfections or flaws. We have a legitimate right to ask how the UN delivers on its core mission, and that is maintaining peace, guaranteeing international law, and protecting human rights. And most importantly, why it fails to do so quite often. Despite all its faults and failures, the UN is the only truly global forum we have. It is the backbone of the world order based on rules and international law. The cornerstone of the world as we know it, the UN is a vital international ecosystem for most countries in the world, including Slovakia. The sovereignty of the majority is, to a great extent, based on our ability to cooperate, show solidarity, and look for points where our often different interests meet. It builds on our readiness to reach a compromise and respect our diversity based on shared universal values, rules, and obligations. Especially in today's uncertain times, it is a powerful pillar of sovereignty, just like its classic futures, territorial integrity or independence of action. The way we cooperate tell us a story about us, where we do belong, what do we reach for, and eventually who we are as people, community, humanity. Our joint confidence in the existing system of international relations with the UN as its key element is what separates us from chaos and arbitrariness. In other words, from war and violence. There are countries and entities among us that believe that the absence of rules will be the breeding ground for their future success. They believe that the force is above the law. In reality, however, the collapse of a rules-based system would eventually get back at those who desire it the most today. In Slovakia's immediate vicinity, in Ukraine, a war has been going on for almost 1,000 days already. as a result of Russia's aggression, which violated such basic principles of international law as sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is worth reminding that our neighbor, Ukraine, legitimately defends its country and its people according to international law, including the UN Charter. Every day, this war continues to destroy the lives, the infrastructure, and the future of Ukrainian men and women. And it is of no good to Russia's people either, as they die too. And the war has come to them as well. The escalation grows. It is high time to start looking for a peaceful, sustainable, and just end to this conflict, based on the principles of international law and the UN Charter. Looking at the world's geography for parts of the globe, It might seem like a local and by far not the only serious conflict the world faces today. Let us recall the suffering of the people in Gaza after the horrific terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel and the casualties on both sides, or the state collapses in Haiti or Sudan, both followed by humanitarian disasters. However, from the international community's point of view, what we see here is an existential struggle for the nature and future of international law and adherence to agreed rules. None of us today can think that the UN can fully prevent all wars and conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa, or elsewhere. The reason, however, isn't some kind of alleged dysfunction of the organization and its agencies. It is rather the lack of joint political will in its highest body, the Security Council. On the other hand, it's a fact that the UN was born with powerful and exclusive checks without effective balances. For years, there has been a general understanding that the UN needs a deep reform, and Slovakia stands ready to continue assisting this legitimate effort. We see that we must rather look for effective prevention, management, and eventually solutions to conflicts within local or continental alliances. The role of the UN remains central, but the need for partnership with regional organizations is growing. For us in Europe, it is NATO and the EU. This is the only way for the UN, with its foundations laid in the last century, to withstand the threats and challenges of the current one. I don't find it appropriate or useful to divide the world into global north or global south, east or west. Much more important is to look at who respects our shared rules and obligations and who doesn't, who is interested in making them stronger and acting by them, and who is rather undermining them or applying double standards. All of us are far from perfect. However, it fills me with hope that those of us who respect our shared values and rules form the vast majority here. And those who despise, systematically ignore, harm, or apply these rules only when it comes in handy are only a few. It's often those who try to take apart not only the rules but also the meaning of words. In the flood of information and misinformation that we face today, we must not renounce the truth. The reverse is still the reverse and not the face. A lie is just a lie, not a fact. of an alternate reality. Aggression is no defense. Occupation is no brotherly help, liberation, or some mythical togetherness. Likewise, war remains war no matter what euphemism they call it. We must not forget that words and those who speak them, including traditional and social media, remain the most powerful weapons, determiners of good and evil. They can both fortify or disrupt unity and trust in our societies and communities. They can promote tolerance or spread hatred. It is of utter importance that we speak out against those who abuse words by giving them alternate or even opposite meanings. Promoting information integrity should be high on our priority list. The global debate on climate change is a good example proving we can do this. The denying of climate change and its evidence by renewed scientific teams around the world, quite common until recently, is in the face of increasingly destructive climate conditions and disasters now obscure even in the most marginal opinion groups. Our emissions are already beyond the imaginary line of our Paris commitments, before which we could still significantly slow down what we, humanity, have caused through our activities. Blaming each other won't help either. We'd better do what we can. Let's invest part of our personal and political activity into what is already happening with our climate. mitigating the consequences of hurricanes, floods, and extinguishing fires, both figuratively and unfortunately also literally, is today's urgent climate agenda. Protection of freedom, human rights, and human dignity for everyone, efforts to reduce poverty, strengthening food security, upgrading health, hygiene, and vaccination standards, environmental protection, preservation of ecosystems, and diversity. Here, along with the climate change mitigation, I see a huge area of action for the UN and its specialized agencies, too. Practical and well-directed policies coordination of different national development and assistance programs into regional synergies and successes, as well as comprehensive and expert evaluation of green transition efforts. That is what I expect from the UN of today. I am proud that Slovakia belongs not only in Europe but also globally to the leaders in compliance with the joint climate commitments. I believe the UN should also pay much more attention to the technological and digital aspects of our lives. Today, it's almost equally important as our physical identities. What I have in mind is no global regulation. That is a task for regional actors. I rather think of the widest possible involvement of new technologies into everything that the UN has been working on. My point is that the whole world should more evenly benefit from technological progress. It should become one of the main engines of social progress and a way to level differences and promote gender equality. All of this is also a part of the basic mission of the UN. Another pressing problem in front of many countries and the entire international community is migration. It is a phenomenon that divides us rather than unites us, an agenda on which elections are won or lost today. However, we should never forget that the most of our ancestors across Europe were refugees, too, when they fled before war, poverty, or persecution during Nazism or communism. There is no magic formula for addressing illegal migration. It is, however, clear that many aspects of migration need clear rules, transparent procedures, and effective policies, measures, which will help the source transit as well as target countries. And it is also legitimate to appropriately address all security risks that, in particular, the illegal migration brings. But what we need in the first place is a calm, pragmatic, and realistic dialogue leading to the cooperation of all concerned parties, which not only deals with the consequences but, above all, with the causes of illegal migration as well as those who aid and profit from it. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Slovakia has long term been an active member of the UN. In the spirit of all these issues, priorities, and challenges that I mentioned today, Slovakia is preparing as a candidate for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council in 2028 and 2029. Our diplomats and experts are sitting in executive boards of several specialized UN agencies. The roots of Czechoslovakia and today's Slovak diplomacy are closely linked with international cooperation. Names like Milan Rastislav Štefanik, Štefan Osuski, Ivan Krno, or Jan Papanek are well-known in the diplomatic community, and some of them left a strong footprint here in the U.N. corridors, too. The last one, Jan Papanek, was Czechoslovakia's delegate at the San Francisco conference and was one of the 14 people who formulated the final text of the charter that gave birth to this organization. All these prominent Slovak diplomats had one thing in common. They all were true and convinced multilateralists. And it is to that we, to a large extent, owe our modern statehood and identity. It's therefore up to us, the leaders of this world, to stress in communication to our citizens that the building blocks and the rules of the international community, which we have been laying together for almost eight decades since 1945, have no sustainable alternative. It is our task to say and repeat that we must not bring them down, but on the contrary, fix and bolster them. Multilateralism, just like the world around us, is complex and has many diverse and often opposing layers. It requires a lot of patience and it often brings frustration and bitterness. However, It's also the most precious generational wealth that we can rely to our posterity. It's up to us in what condition and how well or ill-prepared for the future we will jointly pass it on. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Slovak Republic. The assembly will hear an address by his","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/slovakia","Slovakia","His Excellency","Peter Pellegrini","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sk_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SK_EN.mp3" 68,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Ramadan Abdallah Mohamed Gok, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity of South Sudan. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. At the onset, allow me to extend warm greetings and congratulations on behalf of His Excellency Sal Fakir Mayadid, President of the Republic of South Sudan, to Your Excellency Philemon Young on your election as the President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. His Excellency President Selfakir Mayadid, President of the Republic of South Sudan, would have loved to be here but could not due to competing demands back home. Republic of South Sudan, stand ready to support you during your tenure hours at the helm of the General Assembly. Allow me also to warmly bid farewell to His Excellency Ambassador Dennis, who was the president of the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations for his stellar work and service of the ideals of the UN Charter, we are especially grateful for his proactive leadership as illustrated by goodwill visit to Republic of South Sudan in June this year, which he undertook in support of the ongoing efforts to consolidate peace, security, and development in our country. Mr. President, the theme of the 79th session Leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancements of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations speaks directly to the present state of global affairs. The ideals and values envisioned in the UN Charter are as important, relevant, and crucial now as they were at the founding of this noble organization on October 24, 1945. They remain essential to addressing serious global challenges from conflict, nationalism, geopolitical competition, food insecurity, climate shock, natural disasters, pandemic and threat to the international peace and security. Mr. President, distinguished delegate, the revitalized government of national unity in the Republic of South Sudan, as repeatedly stated by the President of the Republic of South Sudan, His Excellency, President Salafiq Mayadi, is fully committed to consolidating peace in our country. The implementation of the revitalized peace agreement on the resolution of the conflict in the Republic of South Sudan is primary vehicle for ensuring peace and stability in our country. Thus far, we have made tangible progress in our quest for durable peace and political stability in the country, but we have been constrained by resource challenges to fully meet key benchmark of the agreement Nonetheless, all the signatures to the peace accord remain steadfast in consolidating the gains made so far in the form of relative stability and joining hands to complete the rest of the outstanding elements. This unity of purpose was illustrated in the recent endorsement by the Cabinet, the Revitalized Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission, the RJMEC, and the Revitalized National Legislature of 24th Month Extension or 24 months of extension of the transitional period paving the way for the organization of free and fair general election that will be conducted in the Republic of South Sudan by the end of December 2026. The decision to postpone the elections as previously scheduled for was justified by the fact that essential security sector mechanisms and election-related institutions require more time to fulfil their mandate. Mobilisation of funds to complete these important tasks that are critical to the conduct of free, fair and credible elections in the Republic of South Sudan also demands more time. Most importantly, the process of constitution making covers a series of activities and require an adequate time frame for effective consultation with all the stakeholders to ensure that a broadly accepted constitution is adopted in South Sudan. We therefore call on the United Nations and the broader international community to join us in ensuring that this new roadmap for peaceful transition in South Sudan is met by availing the required financial and technical support for the process. Furthermore, I am pleased to report that the revitalized government is currently engaged in robust and promising negotiation with a whole-out group through the Chumaini Initiative under the auspices of the government of the Republic of Kenya to address all grievances and guarantee the return of those opposition leaders to the Republic of South Sudan. Mr. President, distinguished delegates, Over the last year, the conflict in Sudan, Sudan is a country neighboring to South Sudan, has created one of the world's humanitarian crises in the world. As stated by the United Nations and other United Nations agencies, as an immediate neighbor, we have been impacted by this conflict. with about over 800,000 refugees and returnees crossing our borders on daily basis, coming to South Sudan, fleeing from the war, and settling in South Sudan. While we profoundly appreciate the efforts of the United Nations and humanitarian agencies working to elevate the suffering of the victims of this conflict, we strongly encourage support for the IGAD Peace Initiative to bring about peace to Sudan. Furthermore, we also believe that the international community's support for the victims of the war remains inadequate and unresponsive to the impact on the host communities that are also grappling with serious humanitarian challenges. Therefore, we are calling on the international community to expand their support and closely engage with the government of the Republic of South Sudan to mitigate and navigate the impact of war on all victims. Mr. President, distinguished delegates, it's worth mentioning that the conflict in the Republic of Sudan has also directly impacted the economic situation in the Republic of South Sudan. With oil production significantly reduced since April this year, given the fact that Our economy is entirely reliant on revenues that we collect from the sale of oil that pass through Port Sudan. We urge the international community to double its efforts toward resolving the conflict in Sudan. We further call for more solidarity with South Sudan as it has struggled to overcome and withstand the dire economic impact created by the conflict in neighboring Sudan. Mr. President, in the last 70 years, half a billion people in Africa also have been affected by the impact of the climate change. As a result, South Sudan battled and suffered from devastating impact of the flood and the drought. Millions of people have been displaced and many lives have been lost due to the flood and the drought. Therefore, there is a need to scale up adaptation action and support to ensure an adequate response in context of the climate crisis. Moreover, we strongly urge developed countries to exercise greater leadership by expanding their financial contribution to the required global mitigation and adaptation intervention. As trillions of dollars are needed annually to tackle the crisis, restore trust in multilateral systems. Mr. President, South Sudan recently conducted its first Voluntary National Review on the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, and the recommendations emerging from the findings are informing our immediate interventions. Moreover, our revised National Development Strategy and annual budget are crafted around a commitment to the SDGs. Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and the National Bureau of Statistics, with support from the UN agencies and our development partners, are working to strengthen the capacity of the national statistical system to collect quality and analyze timely and reliable data. The government is actively mobilizing resources to conduct the national population and housing census, thus ensuring evidence-based planning and delivering of essential services to the people. As South Sudan capacitate its statistical system and bolster its analytical capabilities, the government is using the multidimensional poverty index measuring to guide related policies designing multifaceted intervention to improve the life of the disadvantaged group and track progress. Mr. President, in recognition of the role of the women in public life in South Sudan, I am delighted to report to the Assembly that South Sudan is making great efforts on improvement in gender equality. The government of South Sudan believes that the active engagement of women in governance and decision-making is crucial and critical to ensuring that implementation of commitment contained in the peace agreement that was signed in 2018 And the Mobutu Protocol, the Action National Plan on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and the SDGs 2030 Agenda and African Union Agenda of 2036. UNCSR 1325 is practically powerful advocacy tool for equal representation in national governance. As a reflection of our commitment to gender equality, South Sudan Transitional Constitution enshrined 35%, which is affirmative action provision for women in all structures of our government. The peace agreement also mandated the establishment of women enterprise fund to support our women, which shall serve as a vehicle for availing resources that can leverage the entrepreneurial and innovative energies of our dynamic female population. We strongly believe that all these initiatives align with the theme of leaving no one behind. Mr. President, distinguished delegate, South Sudan is a young country in terms of its population, with young people constituting over 70% of the population of our country. This demographic reality can be heralded for a better future through proactive and progressive investment in the youth. The Republic of South Sudan aims to develop a robust education policy that is focused on unlocking this potential through job creation and innovation and benchmark under the provision enshrined in the African Youth Charter and United Nations Resolution on Youth Related Empowerment. The Ministry of Youth and Sport in the Republic of South Sudan and our National Assembly are jointly working on legislation for the National Youth Service and Youth Enterprise Development Fund that will enhance the capacity of our youth. Once these two documents are adopted, these two laws shall create the necessary conditions For the empowerment of our youth, therefore, we call on the United Nations and international community to augment our efforts to enhance the level of technical and financial support to the government in the spirit of government agenda and better future envisioned by the Park for the Future agreed to at the recently concluded Summit of the Future here in New York. Mr. President, South Sudan universal health coverage service index is among the lowest in the region and globally. This is attributed to conflict, economic crisis in the country, and consequence of climate change resulting in a fragile health system, maternal and infant mortality rates remain the worst in the world. As such, Government of Republic of South Sudan commit to invest in a durable, accessible and standard strengthening health care system. We are committed to optimal health and well-being of our citizens via a primary health care approach as the most inclusive, equitable and cost-effective path to universal health coverage. Provisions of preventive health service through national programs such as malaria, HIV, AIDS, TB, routine immunization, and maternal and child health programs, including nutritional health service, is crucial for the reduction of the economic burden of health care expenditures for households and the health care system in South Sudan. pandemic preparedness and respond through a multi-sector approach but put us on a path to a tackle public health emergencies such as responding to the current impacts pandemic and other diseases epidemics in the country Most importantly, our commitment to address the burden of both infectious disease and rising burden of non-communicable disease as we aim at reducing mortality rate remains our top priority. Succeeding to achieve all the above will promote sustainable development goals of health's target of 2030, which will enhance the strategies for Africa we want by 2063. Mr. President, as part of our commitment as a country to transforming education and the government of South Sudan recognize every child's right to to quality education, as well as addressing the issues of access, equity, and inclusion. Based on this premise, the government commitment has been translated into several actions or interventions. Primarily, His Excellency President, Sal Fakir Mayadid, reiterate that government policy of universal basic education for all children, regardless of their background or gender, in February 2023. This has made a considerable impact not only in improving enrollment and retention in schools, but also in combating early and forced marriages that have been compelled by many girls to drop out of schools. Consequently, we have achieved enrollment and retention of almost 3 million learners at the primary education level, almost attaining gender parity. Mr. President, As you are aware, His Excellency President Salva Kiir, President of the Republic of South Sudan, is an incumbent chairperson of his African community. has constantly emphasized that need for maintenance of peace and security in the East African region. The great leg and the horn of Africa is his role that is playing. The President effort aligns with the theme of this seventh and ninth session of the General Assembly and the Secretary-General call in the summit of the future. Mr. President, one of the main impediments of South Sudan's full realization of sustainable peace and security is the fact that the Security Council continues to maintain sanctions, individually targeted sanctions, and the armed embargo despite our call and the call from the African Union and eager for this sanction to be lifted. These punitive measures have created a negative impact, restraining South Sudan's full potential by preventing the government from maintaining effective deterrence against negative non-state actors that foment violence and insecurity in our country. Furthermore, potential investors Moreover, potential investors in various sectors believe that South Sudan is under broad sanction and, as a result, refrain from investing in our country. As a country, we have experienced relative peace and stability for the last six years, and the continued imposition of these penetrative measures is not reflective of the progress we have made so far. Mr. President, for any meaningful peace and security to prevail in the world, we urgently call for reform of the Security Council to be fit for purpose in today's global dynamic and realities. The United Nations has been an integral element in this effort, but it has to evolve in its processes and structures to more optimally address contemporary problems. It is in this context that we join the call for expansion of the UN Security Council to incorporate the voice of the African people in an equitable way that reflect the continent way and relevance in maintenance of global peace and order and security. Therefore, I want to hereby state that South Sudan support the African position and equivalent that most optimal way to restructure the Security Council. The reform proposal announced recently with Grand Africa to permanent seat at the Security Council without veto powers is productive and fall short of the spirit of inclusive and equitable global governance that we have been calling for. This only exacerbates that current inequalities and equities and fail to achieve the elusive consensus and cooperation required at the Security Council. South Sudan, therefore, calls for a tax-based negotiation which is more viable and will lead to the Security Council with enhanced credibility and acceptance. Mr. President, in conclusion, I wish to reiterate our appreciation for your leadership of this 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, as well as express our commitment to advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. I thank you. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity of South Sudan.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/south-sudan","South Sudan","His Excellency","Ramadhan Abdalla Mohammed Goc","Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ss_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SS_EN.mp3" 69,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Pedro Sánchez Pérez Castellón, President of the Government of Spain. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President Sánchez Pérez Castellón, President of the Government of Spain Madam President, heads of state and government, ambassadors, delegates. I'm speaking to you on behalf of a country committed to the values which this institution embodies and committed to an international rules-based order, one based on the norms and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter. A country, Spain, which believes in international accountability mechanisms. A country which fights against impunity prompted to do so by our first-hand experience and our history. we are a country that defends institutions such as the icj the i and the icc both crucial for the guarantee of peace security justice and the reparation of victims ultimately a country which whose practice and conduct is guided by a crucial maxim and that is the value of coherence. That maxim has compelled us to take the same stance on Ukraine, Gaza and on any other place. We defend peace, human rights and an international rules-based order. In the face of the doubters, we respond by placing greater trust in multilateralism. This very same multilateral system is one which the world built brick by brick on the ashes of barbarism is today withstanding great pressure. Pressure which is dealing a heavy blow to three key ambitions for the progress of nations. Peace, democracy and development. These are three aspirations, peace, democracy and development, which cannot be achieved in isolation. One cannot be achieved without the other two. Peace is incompatible with tyranny. Democracy needs to provide well-being and development in order to earn legitimacy for what it is, the most advanced form of social and political organization that man has ever created. Peace without democracy is the peace of jails, prisons. Democracy without development and progress is a precursor to autocracy, as clearly evidenced by a past rich in lessons that we must never forget. Consequently, working actively for peace, the first of these three aspirations, is today much more than a moral imperative. It is instead an existential need. For the first time, ladies and gentlemen, in two decades, the number of conflicts in the world is growing. The number of countries involved in wars outside of their borders is growing, rising to levels not seen since 1945. We're seeing an increase in the number of victims, the wounded, the maimed and in the number of displaced persons. Also growing is the economic impact of violence. It today accounts for up to 13% of global GDP, according to some studies. That is, in other words, the equivalent of all the wealth created in one year by 180 countries combined. These figures are not only the expression of a major collective failure, as they do, but they are the symptom also of a global illness which is eating away at the foundations of a multilateral system and an international order based on principles and norms. These are principles which until just a short time ago seemed inviolable, the respect for sovereignty, political independence and the territorial integrity of countries. These principles are being eroded in Ukraine as we gather in this hall indeed. 31 months have elapsed since the beginning of an aggression which Putin's Russia is waging not only against the Ukrainian people but also against the whole of the international community. That is an aggression which cannot last even one day longer. The recent peace conference... For Ukraine, held in Switzerland, laid the foundations for a just and lasting peace in line with international law and the United Nations Charter, as called for by the peace formula of President Zelensky. Consequently, I invite all countries who have not yet done so to join that initiative. and to work on the next step that is recovery and rebuilding in Ukraine. This year Spain will increase its humanitarian aid and mine clearance funding to 14 million euros in 2025. Moreover, the Spanish Development Agency will establish a new work stream on recovery and reconstruction focused on food, water and energy in Ukraine. The principles to which I referred are being eroded in Ukraine but also in Palestine. For almost a year now we've been witnessing an unconscionable spiral of death and devastation which is now unfortunately spreading to Lebanon. This is an escalation of the conflict which is woefully grave in nature. Consequently, Spain condemns in the strongest terms the death of innocent civilians once again. and consequently I wish to once again call for de-escalation, detente and diplomacy. International humanitarian law must be respected, as must international law. We must put an end to the conflict in Gaza and tackle the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That's the only way that we'll be able to successfully extinguish the hotbeds of tension that are jeopardizing regional and global stability. Everything we're seeing daily in Gaza and now, unfortunately, in Lebanon is forcing us to think about the very validity of international humanitarian law. Just as we mark the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, Spain will continue doing everything it can to provide humanitarian aid to the Gazan population, with UNRWA as the key actor on the ground. However... None of this will be commensurate with need without a ceasefire. Everything except a ceasefire is insufficient. Once again, I appeal for a ceasefire, the release of hostages and the access of humanitarian aid. In any case, the evidence is resoundingly clear. We cannot go back to the situation which previously prevailed. it is imperative and urgent to apply a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine to coexist side by side in peace and security. That is the only possible solution to a conflict which has already dragged on for decades and which has claimed so many innocent lives. Moreover, the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice requested, moreover, by this General Assembly of the United Nations has ruled that the occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal. What we're seeing is an occupation which must immediately stop. The time has come to work on the stabilisation phase. That is the sole responsibility of the Palestinian Authority. Spain is committed to the PA and determined to increase that support. Ladies and gentlemen, as you will be well aware, Spain took the decision to recognise the state of Palestine on the 28th of May. That was a decision supported by the overwhelming majority of Spanish society. and one whose only aim is to further the quest for peace in the region, a desire which has long been held. In 1949, a Spanish man, Pablo de Azcarate, was the first representative of the UN mediator in Palestine. Today, it continues to be moving to read his notes about that mission, which are full of bitterness in the face of the catastrophe that he senses was around the corner. Pablo Azcarate was a man in exile, a Spanish Republican exile, that the dictator prevented from returning to his homeland. It is perhaps for that reason that he empathised so much with the suffering of that land, and his name deserves to ring out loud and clear 75 years since those events. This year, before the end of this year, Spain and Palestine will hold the first intergovernmental meeting to broaden and deepen our bilateral relationship. I also want to underscore the importance of the recent meeting in Madrid of the Euro-Arab-Islamic group to catalyse the peace process and to allow the two-state solution to come to fruition. It is urgent that we convene the peace conferences with the parties and the international community. This is an initiative... supported by more than 90 countries. And that is a peace conference which will allow us to revive the spirit of dialogue which prevailed in Madrid in the beginning of the 1990s when the Israelis and Palestinians sat around the same table to negotiate. At such a complex juncture, I wish to reaffirm Spain's unconditional support for and commitment to peace. Demonstration of that commitment is the 670 Spanish troops deployed in UNIFIL under the command of a Spanish general. The work of peacekeeping missions is key in many arenas such as in the Western Sahara. We will continue to support these special envoy of the United Secretary General to achieve a mutually acceptable solution which abides by law and which exists within the UN framework. But it's clear that beyond peacekeeping missions we must tackle the underlying causes of conflict as indicated by the new agenda for peace championed by the Secretary General. We resolutely support that agenda. With that in mind, the Indo-Pacific has become a centre of gravity and we must all contribute to maintaining peace In that region, we must all continue to demand the respect of basic principles of international law, such as the freedom of navigation at sea. Spain is willing to collaborate to the work of partners to maintain stability and security. Ladies and gentlemen, while this turbulent landscape could cause us to lose heart, we can look at some projects, such as the European project, as an example of hope. No one would have imagined that in only a few decades we'd have seen such radical change in Europe's geopolitical landscape. Consequently, as part of the European Union, Spain is committed to that agenda for peace. In December 2020, Spain and the United Kingdom reached a bilateral agreement on Gibraltar. on something very important to Spain that is Gibraltar in the context of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union. We continue to work flat out and have done since then now with a new British government so that that agreement can lay the foundations for a future relationship between that territory and the European Union. we have every faith that as soon as possible we'll be able to reach an agreement between or the EU and the UK will reach an agreement around Gibraltar. This agreement must be fully consistent with the UN doctrine on that territory. Of course Spain fully aligns itself with that doctrine. Any agreement reached must be fully consistent with my country's legal position regarding the sovereignty and jurisdiction where Gibraltar is concerned. We must work to develop a prosperous area of social and economic development which encompasses Gibraltar in its entirety, including the Campo de Gibraltar. Together with the threats to peace, the world is facing a real risk of democracy being dismantled. And this brings me to the second aspiration that I want to touch upon. Rights that we thought acquired are today being called into question or undone. A reactionary global agenda is paving the way towards heated mistrust in institutions, polarization, and demands for the return of an invented past as false as their proclamations. Democracy is waging a battle for its very survival. Let's be clear. We cannot give ground to our enemies. Democracy cannot. Democracy cannot... hope to win this battle with its hands tied. Because let's be clear, we're facing people who have no scruples. They are activists of lies. They are spreaders of fake news and hatred, and they're ready to tear societies in two to impose their regressive agenda. We must raise a shield to protect democratic institutions from those who deliberately seek to undermine them. We can no longer simply evoke the moral superiority of democracy. We need to correct mistakes. work on internal rejuvenation of democracies, and of course, strengthen transparency and accountability of our democracies. We must also work to ensure that our citizens feel that democracy is close to them, something that belongs to them, that it is something alive, something living. With that in mind, Spain will champion that vision via our co-chairmanship of the Open Government Partnership that will hold its ninth global summit next year in Victoria-Gastriz. Against the backdrop to which I've referred, I think that the relationship between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean becomes newly meaningful. These are two regions called upon to work together with a shared vision of the world. The unfortunate situation in Venezuela after the elections of 28 July is one of grave concern. I wish to once again reiterate Spain's unstinting commitment to... democracy and the defense of human rights in that country. I wish to condemn any detention of or threat against political leaders. It is vital that the will of the Venezuelan people be respected. There must be a recount of votes in absolute transparency. This recount must be verified. I am convinced that we need more common arenas for dialogue. As such, Spain supports the holding of the next Ibero-American summit in November in Cuenca, in Ecuador, and we will host the Ibero-American summit in 2026. We will continue also to practice a feminist foreign policy. We'll do that to remain coherent and consistent with our past because, above all, to talk of feminism is to talk of human rights. Today, I wish to say loud and clear that the time has come. The time to act is now. both the Secretary General and the Presidency of this Assembly, when new people are appointed to these posts, those people must finally be women. Spain supports and will firmly support the idea of men and women taking turns at the helm of this organisation and will work to put an end to a situation which is quite simply unacceptable. For peace and democracy to prevail, it is vital, ladies and gentlemen, to... heed the third aspiration that i want to talk about and that is the sustainable development agenda democracy and peace gain legitimacy by their results they gain legitimacy from their ability to provide well-being to fight against inequalities in all their forms and their ability to champion social justice to promote the dignity of human beings But it's not just a question of covering current material needs. It's also about doing that without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It's about safeguarding the future of our children. And it's about linking development and sustainability. and seeing that as an existential need, not simply a moral imperative. I'm not going to issue a fatalistic speech about the climate emergency. We are all well aware of the impact on migratory flows and the cost of not acting where climate action is concerned, but I'm not going to succumb to the melancholy of those that say that our battle is a lost one. I won't do that. Science is the answer. Science that puts the human being at the heart of our concerns and its concerns. And it's science that today reminds us that there's only one alternative. We need to eliminate fossil fuels. There needs to be more renewable energies and more energy efficiency. If we follow this guide, not only is there light at the end of the tunnel, there are major opportunities for development. and substantive improvements to global competitiveness. I know all of this from my own experience. More than half of the electrical energy produced by Spain last year came from renewable sources. And at this point in this year, this volume is already surpassing 60%. There's much, much more behind these figures than cheap... clean and affordable energy for millions of homes. There's also better and more employment in emerging sectors and more opportunities for territories that hitherto haven't had industry. That's why it's so important to strengthen international development financing so that we can turn it into an authentic lever for prosperity for countries in need. Spain is a country that knows that in order for its 48 million people to aspire to a better future, we have to work so that the 8 billion inhabitants of our globe also have a dignified life and a better future. We have platforms within which we can take action to achieve that. wholesale reform of IFIs and within which we can update them and this goes for multilateral development banks but we need to go further we need to move towards more just and more inclusive mechanisms we need to tackle the debt problem mobilize more sources of financing and ultimately guarantee more help for those that need it most we must implement more effective transparent and just policies, policies which champion the mobilisation of domestic resources, including a minimum global tax on major fortunes and the full implementation of the two pillars of the OECD and G20 on the the taxation of multinationals as a basis for a future framework convention on tax cooperation. We will have an opportunity to make progress here at the fourth international conference on financing for development that we have the great honour of hosting in Seville in June. Of course, you're all invited. This is a key event, an opportunity to demonstrate that we're all able to update our multilateral system to ensure it can meet the challenges of the day. Seville will be a unique opportunity to expedite the achievement of the SDGs to which we are committed, that is fighting poverty, eradicating hunger, eradicating AIDS, or ending gender discrimination, among many other challenges. It might be difficult to believe, but today we continue to hear insane speeches which criticize such noble ends and see ideological diktats in agendas where there's nothing other than common sense in humankind. discourses, speeches, which criticize this clearly humane agenda that is Agenda 2030 and call it a concoction of global elites. That is the craziness of our times. We will be a rational voice and we'll work to ensure that the FFD negotiating process is transparent and inclusive and that it brings about tangible results. We have experience which shows us that reform is key. We've reformed our cooperation for development system and today I wish to say to you that we intend to increase our contribution to the UN development system to the tune of 25% between 2025-2027. As part of this vision, Africa is a key partner for Spain, and my belief is that it should also occupy its rightful place in the international community. That is key. We need Africa as a partner in addressing major challenges, but also there are no more excuses. The time has come. to give the African continent the place it deserves. It's this spirit that has driven forward our new strategy for Africa. What's at stake is not only strengthening bonds between countries in the region, but it's also about ensuring that Our prosperity, security and progress are closely linked to the prosperity, security and inclusive progress of the African region. Humanity is facing many old challenges, such as those to which I've referred somewhat superficially. However, new challenges are emerging, such as those created by the expansion of A.I., So often in the past, the emergence of disruptive progress creates fear and mistrust. And this isn't the first time this has happened. The discovery of writing, many said, would annihilate the acquisition of knowledge by memory. Many people said that the printing press would limit the depths in which we could think. Even electricity was seen as a silent assassin of peace in the home. All new disruptions feel somewhat overwhelming but what makes a difference is our ability to take a firm hold of the reins of progress. We need to combine progress with unimpeachable ethical rectitude and that will be vital as we move forward. a few days ago we learned of the seven key recommendations of the advisory body of the secretary general for the global governance of ai we must support these recommendations and continue with this joint effort to ensure that the decisions around ai do not remain in the hands of the few and to ensure that the development of ai is done ethically and responsibly for the benefit of all of human kinds there are always harbingers of doom but data tells us that we know how to control progress And I want to share some data with you, ladies and gentlemen. In just over a century, child mortality has reduced from 50 to 4% across the globe. The number of university students has doubled in only two decades. The percentage of women holding seats in Parliament now stands at 27%. That is double what it was in 1990. The world has doubled its installed solar capacity in only four years at the same time energy produced by fossil fuels is drastically reducing. Let us not accept that The dawn of a new era of violence and wars is inevitable. The future is a relatively recent conquest for humankind. Being able to look forwards, get priorities in order and think about a future is a privilege that modernity has given us. Let us therefore honour our responsibilities by looking ahead without fear and with hope. Let us choose to recast multilateralism in such a way as to leave us with a much better future than that which we currently stand to leave our children. Let us confront this tax with creativeness, audacity, with hope and ambition, the ambition that our age demands. Many thanks, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Government of Spain. The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency, Alla Mayeh Halina,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/spain","Spain","His Excellency","Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón","President of the Government","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/es_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ES_EN.mp3" 70,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Chandri Kapesat Santoki, President of the Republic of Suriname. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, Excellencies, heads of delegations, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Madam President, this General Assembly is of historic significance as we embark on a process of recalibrating international relations and establishing a more effective multilateral framework. I therefore extend my heartfelt congratulations to the President on his election to preside over this esteemed body and allow me to congratulate the outgoing Chair of Trinidad and Tobago on a job well done under difficult circumstances. Madam President, this organization was founded after two devastating world wars. Its original purpose remains relevant today to save current and future generations from the disastrous consequences of wars and armed conflicts and foster peace and political stability for sustained prosperity for all. We, however, observe instead that the world is marked by a complex political and security crisis, weakening our global multilateral framework of collective solidarity, international law, and respect for humanitarian law. The conflicts that divide us are not isolated incidents. They are symptoms of deeper systemic challenges, rising inequality, environmental degradation, and breakdown of global trust. The time has come to dare to make bold decisions, revisit our global governance architecture, and to recommit to the original goals of the United Nations. Madame President, with statistics showing that countries are off track on the 2030 agenda for sustainable development while projections estimate that almost 600 million people will continue to live in extreme poverty in 2030. That is incumbent on us to close the gap between aspiration and financing. I wish to emphasize the urgent need for accelerated reforms and coordination within the international financial architecture, especially the international financial institutions. The Multidimensional Vulnerability Index, MPI, offers a comprehensive and inclusive framework that goes beyond traditional metrics to capture the true complexity of the vulnerabilities of small islands developing and low-lying coastal states. We urge that the MVI is embedded in the operations of the international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Apart from the MVI, we see other financial obstacles in place. that have a major negative impact on our ability to generate development, especially de-risking measures of international banks which are based on general assessments, do not consider the country's reality and the severe impact on development objectives of the country. This must be addressed head-on if we want to be inclusive rather than exclusive. My country, Suriname, can attest to the importance of urgent need to reform the global financial and political system and to build greater trust in the multilateral system. Because of our ranking, we are not eligible for several global financial instruments to the detriment of my people. Since taking office in July 2020, my government has successfully started a policy of financial economic reforms, including restructuring the debt portfolio supported by an IMF program and international financial institutions. The impact of the various crises and national efforts to reform the economy has not been easy for the population, but we are On the road to recovery now, macroeconomic stability has been achieved. We established a social safety net and increased several social benefits, all meant to make sure that we did not forget or excluded that part of our population from restoring a healthier economy. Madam President, 2024 statistics reveal that progress in the area of climate action is inadequate, with global greenhouse gas emissions still rising. Despite the need for reductions, climate action can no longer be postponed nor ignored. Soon, we will meet in Azerbaijan for COP29. Madam President, Will we be repeating ourselves with empty promises and pledges, or will we take decisive action to save this planet from extinction? Madam President, Suriname is committed to the Paris Agreement. Suriname has also submitted ambitious nationally determined contributions and has recently started the process of carbon credit trading. Suriname aims to remain a carbon-negative country with a high level of biodiversity and more than 90 percent forest coverage. With this conscious choice to limit deforestation, we sacrifice economic development for our people. For this, Madam President, we are not compensated, while everyone benefits from our decision. Carbon-negative and carbon-neutral countries must be supported for maintaining that status. We are in favor of a just transition to a carbon-less economy for the coming decades, but we also expect to be allowed to develop our natural resources in an environmentally friendly and balanced manner in compliance with the international standards and practices. In fact, we have already embarked in such a development path by introducing more renewables to our energy grid, utilizing technological innovations to reduce our carbon footprint even further. Madam President, Suriname has had, over the past 100 years, industrial development of bauxite industry, onshore oil production, gold production, as well as agriculture production and other industries. And despite these activities, Suriname is among the three carbon-negative countries in the world. At the same time, Suriname is among the seven most vulnerable countries with respect to the effects of rising sea levels. Madam President, Not only have the international pledges for climate financing not materialized in the way pledged, but access to the available resources is an enormous challenge. Simplification of the application and appropriation procedures must be put in place to have the required impact at local level. Regretfully, we also observe that a large part of these funds funds their way in time-consuming and expensive studies, consultancies, and advisory services. In the meantime, the situation on the ground in the affected regions and countries is deteriorating. Often, the requested assistance comes too late. Madam President, To transform the well-being of our communities, we must embrace diversity and work towards social justice and inclusion. That is what responsible leaders do, making sure no one is left out or excluded. We must practice what we preach Madam President, while the humanitarian and security situation in the Republic of Haiti remains of concern, we are pleased to note also through leadership of the Caribbean community a roadmap towards free and fair elections has been initiated and a transition government with a clear mandate has been installed. We cannot leave Haiti and its people alone and behind. Haiti fatigue is not an option. We urge the international community to financially and technically support Haiti on its path forward. Suriname will contribute to the MSS with security personnel and remains committed to assist in whatever way we can. We urge and call for a more effective, coordinated, and coherent approach and the transparent sharing of information regarding the different initiatives to serve more effectively the objectives of facilitating peace, security, and prosperity in Haiti and the Haitian people. Leaving no one behind should also include lifting the longstanding economic embargo against Cuba and its people. Adopting the Pact of the Future represents an opportunity to redirect a new path for humanity to address current challenges while laying the groundwork for sustainable solutions. We need to foster collaboration and strengthen partnership to address the long-term global issues as climate change, social inequality, and access to affordable health care and quality education for all. Small nations need the support for digital transformation, providing the tools and capacity-building initiatives needed to fully integrate into the global digital economy. We must, Madam President, utilize technology in a positive and constructive manner to facilitate financial inclusion for all, access to general education and skilled training, but also telemedicine and treatment, as well as instant government services. Madam President, 2024 marks the fifth time for me to address the General Assembly. In 2020, I made my maiden address virtually through the optimal use of modern technology. At that time, I remarked that multilateralism came under attack on several occasions. And four years onwards, we still have a long way to go. We must work collectively and with a sense of urgency and positive attitudes towards a renewed commitment to a multilateral framework that is more inclusive, more equitable, more accountable, with the ultimate goal to create a better, safer, and more productive planet for our people now and in the future. In conclusion, Madam President, the team leave no one behind is a call to action, but it's also a challenge. For smaller countries like Suriname, the global system often continues exclusion, sometimes a new version and new style. As we continue our renewed commitment to building a more just, inclusive, and equitable international system where accountability is important. And together, Madam President, we must ensure that no nation, no community, no individual, no women, and no children is excluded or left behind from the promise of peace, prosperity, and dignity. Let's live up to the spirit of one for all and all for one. I thank you and may God bless you all. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Suriname.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/suriname","Suriname","His Excellency","Chandrikapersad Santokhi","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sr_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SR_EN.mp3" 71,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency for President of the Togolese Republic. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President, Excellencies, heads of state and government, Secretary General of the United Nations, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, the history of the United Nations is one of trust and collective responses to the most serious crises. but each of us today sees that today we are at a crossroads. On the one hand, our multilateral model and our aging institutions are no longer able to tackle new challenges which are admittedly of an unprecedented complexity. On the other hand, Our discussions, just as our multilateral commitments in recent years, often are not accompanied by action. That is why there is real reason to be concerned as we look to the future, concerned for the future of our planet, which is ravaged by complex crises, concerned for the future of our youth, given the challenges that young people will inherit, and of course I refer first and foremost to environmental challenges, and finally concerned about the future of our institutions which are not adapted to current realities and which no longer fulfill their promises. We have no choice. We cannot persist with our systems that no longer deliver on their promises and no longer reflect the realities of our world. We must begin a profound transformation. That is why I stand before you today with a clear conviction and vision for the future. My conviction is that another way is possible, a way forward where international cooperation is revitalized, is more inclusive and more respectful. And my vision is one of Africa that fully assumes its role as a strategic partner in building new rules for global governance. My first observation is that my country, Togo, looks to the future with hope and determination. In Togo, we are working on a type of development that will be sustainable but also equitable and inclusive. We know that in order to achieve this, we must build a strong visionary state that ensures protection. We are doing this as a nation because this is our responsibility towards current and future generations. This requires large-scale investments in our education and healthcare systems. This requires reducing the digital divide. And this also requires a commitment to an environmental transition as well as action in favor of gender equality. My second observation is that today, looking to the future means looking to Africa. Our continent is no longer just a developing region. It is also the future driver of global growth because it is Africa that is home and will continue to be home for a long time to the majority of global youth. That is where the strongest development potential resides for emerging markets related to technological innovation and entrepreneurship. It is in Africa that the blue and green economies open up considerable opportunities for sustainable development. Our continent has a wealth of natural resources. When properly leveraged, they can transform Africa into a global hub for clean, renewable energy. And it is also in Africa that we must test out new partnership models that we require, specifically between the private and public center. My third observation is that addressing the challenges of our times requires effective multilateral cooperation. Challenges in the food security and environmental realms go beyond what each country can address individually and alone. More and more, we are dealing with fundamentally asymmetric crises. These crises quickly and harshly affect regions of the world that are not directly responsible for the causes of those crises. That is why I reiterate my deep conviction. First, given these global threats, The only way to ensure a better future for current and future generations is to take collective and coordinated action, action by states. And this action, this collective action must be carried out as part of revitalized global political frameworks. This is in particular true for our efforts when it comes to climate adaptation and resilience. Africa is a region that is one of the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, even though Africa as a continent contributes the least to greenhouse gas emissions. The harmful impact of climate change seen in Africa in terms of food security and the migration challenges that this causes cannot be underestimated. If we do nothing, the issue of the environment will lead to major waves of migration towards the north, which is clearly something that is a common concern. But this need for collective action is also true when it comes to the challenge of peace and security. And that challenge is also a burden that can no longer be carried by Africans alone. In Western Africa, we face the persistent threat of terrorism? In my view, the answer to this requires a combination of inclusive dialogue, security reform, and economic development initiatives that would address and eradicate the root causes of violence. But we cannot tackle all of these challenges alone. Multilateral cooperation is necessary in order to face this collective threat. We all know that development, the climate transition and security have all become issues that need to be tackled in a multilateral manner. But to do this, we must first refashion our model for international cooperation. And this brings me to my last observation. We cannot strengthen international cooperation without a new model for partnerships that is more equitable and more respectful towards African states. We urgently need to rethink our model of multilateralism in order to rebalance efforts in the context of international cooperation. And in that context, our continent, Africa, deserves particular attention. First of all, there needs to be more respect, dignity for African states on the international stage. It is time to recognize that we are strategic actors in our own right, capable of making a major contribution to global efforts towards peace, sustainable development, and human dignity. Respect for human dignity is not only a principle that must guide our daily actions within our borders. The respect for and dignity of our people's must be recognized through their representation and the elevation of their voice, which must be heard and respected in international fora. And finally, we require a new model of international cooperation that is more broadly based on localization. Externally imposed so-called universal solutions can, it is true, have some advantages, but they do not always work. Despite the efforts made in recent years, international aid often remains disconnected from the needs and the capacities of the populations that receive this aid. Localization must be a major commitment to recognize local expertise while allowing states to play their rightful role in defining priorities and implementing programs. Togo is resolved to play a leading role in this transformation, and I call on all international stakeholders to support a more equitable and respectful cooperation. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Africa is ready. It is ready to play its rightful role on the international stage, but it seeks to be respected, listened to, and supported in its efforts in an equitable way. Together, let us work on building a world where each nation and each individual can live in dignity, in harmony with others and with our planet. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Togolese Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/togo","Togo","His Excellency","Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tg_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TG_EN.mp3" 72,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Thank you very much. Dear leaders, your excellencies, today I want to tell you about a day that has already passed and a day that must never come. On the night of March 4, 2022, I received one of the most terrifying reports in the beginning of a full-scale Russian invasion against Ukraine. The report was about Russian tanks firing directly at the buildings of our Ukrainian nuclear power plant, the Dvorizhia nuclear power plant, the largest one in Europe, six nuclear reactors. The Russian army stormed this facility just as brutally as any other during this war, without thinking about the consequences, possibly disastrous. This was one of the most horrifying moments of the war, when no one could know how Russian strikes on the nuclear facility would end, and everyone in Ukraine was reminded of what Chernobyl means. Now the Taborizhia nuclear power plant remains occupied by Russian forces, unfortunately, and it's at risk of a nuclear incident. This is the major source of radiation danger in Europe, possibly in the world. That's why in the peace formula I presented, the first point is about nuclear safety. In Ukraine, we know exactly what we are dealing with. And I want to thank you, the General Assembly members, for adopting a resolution in July this year on the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine. Most in the world understand what's at stake. The General Assembly demanded that Russia return control of the Paris nuclear power plant to Ukraine. Only then real nuclear security will return to Europe and the world. And now about the day that must never come. Since Russia can't defeat our people's resistance on the battlefield, Putin is looking for other ways to break the Ukrainian spirit. One of his methods is targeting our energy infrastructure. These are deliberate Russian attacks on our power plants and the entire energy grid. As of today, Russia has destroyed all our thermal power plants and a large part of our hydroelectric capacity. This is how Putin is preparing for winter, hoping to torment millions, millions of Ukrainians, ordinary families, women, children, ordinary towns, ordinary villages. Putin wants to leave them in the dark. and cold this winter, forcing Ukraine to suffer and surrender. Just imagine, please, your country with 80% of its energy system gone, with such a destroyed part of the system. What kind of life would that be? Recently, I received yet another alarming report from our intelligence. Now Putin does seem to be planning attacks on our nuclear power plants and the infrastructure, aiming to disconnect the plants from the power grid with the help of satellites, by the way, ladies and gentlemen, by the way, satellites of other countries. Russia is getting images and detailed information about the infrastructure of our nuclear power plants. But what does this really mean? threaten. Any missile or drone strike, any critical incident in the energy system could lead to a nuclear disaster. A day like that must never come. And Moscow needs to understand this, and this depends in part on your determination to put pressure on the aggressor. These are nuclear power plants. They must be safe. Ladies and gentlemen, two years ago in the fall of 2022, I proposed a comprehensive strategy to end the war and to ensure security. And I presented the peace formula at a highly inclusive political platform for world leaders, the G20 Summit in Indonesia, representing billions of citizens from all parts of the globe. And it's important for us that all these people can understand us, understand that Ukraine wants to end this war more than anyone in the world. War always poses a threat to many. You all see in the media and read in reports what is happening in Ukraine because of Russia's war. It's something many are imagining happening to themselves. And yes, the smoke from fires in war-torn cities can reach other countries. And if, God forbid, Russia causes a nuclear disaster at one of our nuclear power plants, radiation will not respect state borders. And unfortunately, various nations could feel the devastating effects. Many are concerned by the deepest understanding of war is always found in the home it destroys. It's the Ukrainian people who feel the full pain of this war. It's Ukrainian children who are learning to distinguish the sounds of different types of artillery and drones because of Russia's war. It's our people who are forcefully separated by occupation because Putin decided he could do whatever he wants. It's our heroic soldiers who are giving their lives to defend our country from invaders trying to steal our land. That's why we say, rightfully so, there can be no just peace without Ukraine. And I think every leader, every country that supports us in this, that understands us, that sees how Russia, a country more than 20 times larger than Ukraine in territory, still wants even more land. more land, which is insane, and is seasoned day by day while wanting to destroy its neighbor. And Russia found very special bodies for that, North Korea and Iran, telling choice of friends. And now every neighbor of Russia in Europe And Central Asia feels that the war could come to them as well. And just think what kind of losses that would mean for the world. And I think nearly 100 nations and international organizations that have supported the peace formula. It's truly a global community, Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, the Pacific region, all united by the peace formula. And I am glad that the first peace summit was so reminding of the UN General Assembly. Everyone was equal, all nations. that participated in the peace summit, large and small, no veto right, no blocking authority, those that have been independent for ages and those that have only recently gained independence, those that have gone through wars themselves, and those accustomed to peace, all. All we are equal. That is what Russia hates the most and cannot control. That's why Russia says the peace formula doesn't suit it. At the UN, I've already met with leaders from India, Guatemala, Japan, and Italy, Turkey and Finland, Canada, Paraguay, Slovenia, Germany, and others. And my meetings will continue. These are different, absolutely, parts of the world and various political waves of life. But they share the same understanding. Peace is needed. And it must be a real, just peace. Unfortunately, at the UN, it's impossible to truly and firmly resolve matters of war and peace because too much, too much depends in the Security Council on the veto power. When the aggressor exercises veto power, the UN is powerless to stop it. the war, but the peace formula can. Once again, there is no veto power in it. That's why it's the best opportunity for peace. Everyone is equal, and it's effective and comprehensive. When some propose alternatives, half-hearted settlement plans, so-called sets of principles, It not only ignores the interests and suffering of Ukrainians who are affected by the war the most, it not only ignores reality but also gives Putin the political space to continue the war and pressure the world to bring more nations under control. Any parallel or alternative attempts to seek peace are, in fact, efforts to achieve a lull instead of an end to the war. As a global initiative, the peace formula has already existed for two years. And maybe somebody wants a Nobel Prize for their political biography for frozen truths instead of real peace, but the only prizes Putin will give you in return more suffering and disasters. We must restore nuclear safety. Energy must stop being used as a weapon. We must ensure food security. We need to bring home all our captured soldiers and civilians. possibly deported to Russia, we must uphold the UN Charter and guarantee our right, Ukraine's right to territorial integrity and sovereignty, just as we do for any other nation. We need to withdraw the Russian occupiers, which will bring an end to the hostilities in Ukraine, and we must hold those responsible for war crimes accountable. We need to prevent ecocide and stop that destruction of nature caused by the war. And we must not allow a second or third phase of this Russian invasion. And we need to make it clear the war is over. This is the peace formula. What part of this could be unacceptable to anyone who upholds the UN Charter? If someone in the world seeks alternatives to any of these points or tries to ignore any of them, it likely means they themselves want to do a part of what Putin is doing. The point they ignore reveals the desire they are hiding. And when the Chinese-Brazilian duo tries to grow into a choir of voices, with someone in Europe, with someone in Africa saying something alternative to a full and just peace, the question arises, what is the true interest? Everyone must understand you will not boost your power at Ukraine's expense. And the world has already been through colonial wars and conspiracies of great powers and the expense of those who are smaller. Every country, including China, Brazil, European nations, African nations, Middle East, all understand why this must remain in the past. And Ukrainians will never accept why anyone in the world believes that such a brutal colonial past, which suits no one today, can be imposed on Ukraine Now, instead of a normal peaceful life, I want peace for my people, real peace and just peace. And I am asking for your support from all nations of the world. We do not divide the world. I ask the same of you. Do not divide the world. Be united nations. And that will bring us peace. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of Ukraine.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/ukraine","Ukraine","His Excellency","Volodymyr Zelenskyy","President","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ua_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_UA_EN.mp3" 73,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Bakhtiyar Saidov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan. Dear Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, allow me to convey greetings and best wishes of peace and prosperity from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, His Excellency Shavkat Mirziyoyev, to the United Nations leadership, heads of states, and delegations participating at the 79th session of the General Assembly. Let me also express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to address this esteemed assembly. I would like to thank the UN Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, for his firm focus on Central Asia. This was once again confirmed by his recent visit to our region, which laid a solid foundation for further expanding cooperation with the United Nations. Our debates are taking place at a time of escalating global challenges. Wars and conflicts, triple planetary climate crisis, worsening of the world economy and technological gap are affecting all countries without exception. We firmly believe that the United Nations must remain central in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. Resolving global issues at the national level is crucial for maintaining stability and the well-being and prosperity of our people. In this context, achieving the sustainable development goals is very important. The consistent implementation of the SDGs has been identified by the President of our country as a cornerstone of Uzbekistan's state policy. Our Uzbekistan 2030 development strategy is fully aligned with SDGs. In recent years, Uzbekistan has made significant progress in poverty reduction, improving public access to education, transitioning to a green economy, and promoting gender equality. Our GDP has more than doubled, and the poverty rate has fallen almost four times in less than 10 years. were taking solid steps to create jobs and improve the quality of human capital with the aim to reduce the unemployment rate from 11 to 7%. Full-scale implementation of the SDGs is impossible without attracting investments and advanced technologies. Uzbekistan is actively pursuing these goals, leveraging our state resources and private sector. However, Many developing countries face challenges in accessing global financial resources. We share the view to reform the international financial system to establish a modern financial architecture. Humanity's future is closely linked to the development and application of modern technologies. New scientific advancements should bring people and nations closer together, not separate them. We proceed from the principle that access to technology is not a privilege, but a right for every person and every nation. Digital technologies are especially crucial. We have adopted the Digital Uzbekistan 2030 strategy. We are rapidly advancing our IT sector. Yet, there is another side of the coin. Rise of the digital technologies presents new challenges, particularly concerning the uncontrolled use of artificial intelligence. Based on this idea, at the previous session, Uzbekistan supported and co-sponsored UN General Assembly resolutions on utilizing safe artificial intelligence for sustainable development and strengthening international cooperation. We will continue to advocate for broad international collaboration to address these issues. Last year was one of the hottest in the history of meteorological observations. We have witnessed record-breaking heat and extreme cold conditions worldwide. This once again proves the growing urgency of the climate change problem. Central Asia is among the most exposed and vulnerable regions of the world climate change. The air temperature in Central Asia is rising faster than the global average. This creates a wide range of problems which pose serious risk to food and energy security. Thus, the level of water availability per capita in Central Asia has halved over the past few decades. The Aral Sea disaster continues to have an extremely negative impact on the ecosystems of all states in the region. We call on the international donor community to expand projects in the RLC region aimed at mitigating the devastating consequences of this disaster. The RLC became the first region in the world to be granted by the UN the status of a zone of environmental innovation and technology. Our best experience could benefit other countries facing similar problems. Central Asian countries are unified on climate action. Last December, at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, the General Assembly, by consensus, adopted the resolution that Central Asia in the face of environmental problems, strengthening the regional solidarity for sustainable development and prosperity. We also developed a regional climate change adaptation strategy and established a climate council to create a national climate change program. At the same time, we are aware of the need for broad international cooperation to effectively overcome these challenges. In this regard, we propose to adopt the UN Resolution International Year of Land Restoration and increasing draft resistance. Ladies and gentlemen, our updated constitution sets ambitious goals for building a welfare state. Uzbekistan is committed to enhancing social protection, improving service quality, and implementing international standards. For this purpose, we have established the Social Protection Agency. We plan to hold the World Conference on Social Protection in 2025. and we invite all UN member states to this important event. Empowering women and girls is a key component of our state policy. Uzbekistan has made notable progress in ensuring gender equality, ranking among the top five countries in this regard. The Asian Women's Forum held in Samarkand in partnership with the UN Women has become a crucial platform for dialogue on gender policy issues. We propose expanding this forum to a global women's forum and adopting the UN resolution on enhancing the social, economic and political activities of Asian women. Youth represents our common future. In Uzbekistan, where over half of the population is under 30, effective youth policy is vital to build a new Uzbekistan. We are a global leader in implementing the UN Youth Strategy 2030. However, the rising radicalization and increased violence involving youth alarming. We must focus on fostering proper spiritual and moral education of young people to prevent their involvement in radical movements. We propose enhanced cooperation in this direction based on the UN General Assembly resolution, enlightenment and religious tolerance, adopted at the initiative of our president in 2018. The global threat of terrorism requires unified international action. In the fight against this evil, there should be no place for selective approach and double standards. The Central Asian states maintain close cooperation in ensuring regional security. Together with the UN Counterterrorism Office, we have successfully launched the Regional Expert Council in Central Asia on rehabilitation and reintegration. We appreciate the UN's assistance in developing the national strategy of Uzbekistan to combat drug trafficking and drug abuse for 2024-28. As a state party to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, Uzbekistan welcomes anti-corruption efforts. We support enhancing the role of the UN in fostering international cooperation against corruption. In December last year, together with the State of Qatar and support of the UNODC, we have hosted the High-Level International Anti-Corruption Award Ceremony in Tashkent. In recent years, our country has become an active participant of all UN processes. For the first time in our history, we have joined the UN Human Rights Committee, ECOSOC, and the governing body of the International Labour Organization. In 2025, we will host the 43rd session of the UNESCO General Conference in Samarkand, an event that will be held outside of Paris for the first time since 1985. We invite all UNESCO member states to actively participate in this event. We have decided to run for the non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council for the 2035-2036. We count on your support of our candidates. Dear ladies and gentlemen, Central Asia remains top priority in Uzbekistan foreign policy. The new political atmosphere in Central Asia allowed us to address many global issues regionally. We will continue to consolidate our efforts to transform the region into a zone of lasting peace, good neighborliness, stability, and dynamic development. Our region remains one of the least integrated economies in the world in terms of its transport and communication networks. Due to the geographical location of the Central Asia, the cost of transporting goods to the nearest seaports can reach up to 50% of the final value, which is four to five times higher than the global average. Today, our region is firmly focused on connecting to major global markets and revitalizing the Great Slick Road. Uzbekistan is taking strong steps to establish effective transport corridors leading to international markets. We are implementing an ambitious project to build the Trans-Afghan Railway, which will provide access to global ports and have a positive effect on the economic development of our vast region. The key to ensuring the stability and sustainable development in our region lies in addressing the Afghan problem. Afghanistan is an integral part of Central Asia. Unfortunately, the international community has been unable to implement measures capable of reversing the challenging situation in this country. Uzbekistan is pursuing a pragmatic policy towards Afghanistan. We will continue to contribute to Afghanistan's economic reconstruction and the development of its transport and energy infrastructure. We are ready to expand the educational center for Afghan citizens in the Uzbek city of Termez into the global training center. Recently, we have established the Termez International Trade Center designed to foster a favorable business environment and enhance logistics. In order to achieve stability, it's crucial to uphold the UN's central role in resolving the Afghan issue and developing coordinated strategies to ensure sustainable development. Your Excellencies, in conclusion, I would like to once again emphasize that the challenges and threats we face today can only be addressed through comprehensive international efforts. Uzbekistan remains committed to actively participating in shaping the agenda for multilateral cooperation, achieving common goals, and supporting measures to reinforce the Central Asia role of the United Nations. I thank you for your attention. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/uzbekistan","Uzbekistan","His Excellency","Bakhtiyor Saidov","Minister for Foreign Affairs","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/uz_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_UZ_EN.mp3" 74,"I now give the floor to His Excellency, Iván Gil Pinto, Minister of People's Power for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Distinguished heads of delegation, Ministers, Ambassadors, Mr President, Over these last few days we have heard, in this General Assembly, two narratives. One, the discourse of the oligarchs and their satellites who seek to rule the world. And another, that of the dignified peoples who fight for their sovereignty and independence. The oligarchs, led by the government of the United States of America, are attacking the Charter of the United Nations to destroy this organisation from both outside and within Europe. and have nearly achieved this already. To this end, they promote the involvement of private corporations, non-governmental organisations and other strategies that disregard the sovereignty of state. They have called this a rules-based order. Not satisfied with this, the oligarchies resort to political expressions that we thought we had already overcome, such as fascism and Nazism. These political currents of Imposition and domination promote white supremacy, racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, normalised with the support of large international media monopolies and social networks. They are placed at the service of imperialism and neocolonialism, ultimately supporting their plans to create tensions, fabricate conflicts and... pit peoples against each other. As we speak in this assembly, bombs are falling in Gaza where Israel has murdered tens of thousands of girls, boys, women and men who are innocent with the complicity of the governments of the United States of America and the European Union. The greatest crime of extermination and genocide since the one committed by Hitler in the Second World War is currently being carried out. Today they intend to export their hatred and destruction to an entire region, bombing and murdering innocent people in Lebanon and Syria as they try to destabilise the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is a genuine threat to humanity and world peace. A new form of terrorism has been doled out in Lebanon where, with the complicity of private companies, This with the complicity of private companies that manage the supply chains of mass consumer technologies. It sets a severe precedent, putting global security at risk. They also bomb civilian infrastructure in that kindred country, killing innocent people just as they do in Gaza. Israel has truly become a death machine which must be stopped at once. But instead of stopping the massacre and bringing those responsible to justice, those most powerful insist on expanding the war to Europe and other parts of the world through military blocs such as NATO. After the defeat of Ukraine in their Nazi adventure, they now intend to bring war and terrorism to Europe. Great Russia, which, as history has taught us, will always be victorious. NATO's expansion also threatens peace in South America with the installation of military bases with the complicity of the lackey governments of Argentina and Ecuador. Hate speech promotes and fosters terrorism in its various forms. For instance, from the very territory of the United States of America, attacks, assassination attempts, destabilization and attacks against sovereign people such as Venezuela are continuously planned. To this end, they have resorted to the use of information and communication technologies, especially social media. controlled by the empire's frontmen who fabricate psychological wars aimed at exploiting feelings of hatred and destruction without control of any sort. In addition to this, there are cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, including vital utilities, banking, oil and electoral systems, as happened in my country on the 28th of July. Mr President, how can progress be achieved on peace and security issues when the United States of America, whose government insists on providing a framework of impunity for violators of international law, hijacks the body responsible for maintaining peace and security? From this rostrum, we reiterate our unwavering solidarity with the kindred, people of Palestine whom we support with determination in their just cause and in all efforts aimed at preserving a clear political horizon which preserves the viability of the two-state solution based on the pre-1967 borders. We welcome the fact that for the first time in history, in the history of this assembly, the delegation of Palestine sits with us as another state. Today, more than ever, it is urgent that we ensure the immediate, fully-fledged membership of this organisation. We also wonder how the decolonisation agenda can be achieved if we insist on preserving a status quo that only benefits the occupying and administering powers. Our solidarity and firm support goes out to all peoples who are fighting for their inalienable right to self-determination, to achieve full independence and to be true masters of their own destiny, their lands and their resources. It is time that the yearning of freedom of our sisters and brothers in Western Sahara, Puerto Rico, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Bonaire and so many other territories be finally realised. Venezuela has a profound anti-colonial vocation inherited from our independent struggle and the legacy of our liberator, Simón Bolívar. Therefore, we embrace with determination all of these great causes, which we have historically assumed as our own. We are determined to contribute to the end of colonialism in all its forms and manifestations. Similarly, we will continue to demand the restitution of the sovereignty rights over the Chagos archipelago and the Malvinas Islands to the legitimate owners, namely the Republic of Mauritius and the Argentine Republic. Despite the betrayal of the cause of the Malvinas by the shameless Javier Millet, the Even today, the peoples of the world are still paying the price for the misfortunes left by the colonialism of empires such as the United Kingdom, which committed crimes on all continents and is now trying to erase from our memories this with total impunity. One of them... These harmful effects, which persist to date, is the disposition of Venezuela's sovereign rights over the Guayana Esequiba. This plunder originated in the expansionist and violent policy exercised by the British Empire in Venezuelan territory throughout the 19th century, SORT. to impose itself by fraudulent means in 1899 are in violation of the Joint Declaration of Argyll, threatening regional peace, security and stability. Through the military presence of extra-regional actors and the illegitimate granting of oil concessions in a non-decalmed demarcated maritime area. In this context, we take this opportunity to reiterate our firm commitment to the CELAC proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a zone of peace. It is time for Guyana to demonstrate its commitment to that proclamation, as well as dialogue, mutual respect, tolerance and understanding, thus returning to the Geneva Agreement. President, the illegal imposition of unilateral coercive measures against whole peoples by the United States of America and the European Union represents a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations and every norm of international law. These measures constitute massive violations of human rights, including the right to development, as well as crimes against humanity. we reiterate our call for the complete, immediate and unconditional lifting of all regimes of so-called sanctions and blockades that today are enforced against more than a third of humanity, including 30 million Venezuelans. our solidarity with the sisters and brothers in Belarus, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, Syria, Zimbabwe, and so many others who suffer the effects of these criminal policies day by day. Mr. President, dignified peoples fighting for their sovereignty and independence have also raised their voices in these spaces and must be heard. Venezuela today faces the onslaught of new forms of colonialism. For several years now, the government in Washington has been carrying out a neo-colonial experiment which aims to destroy our democratic system, our institutions, our sovereignty, our independence and... the inalienable right of our people to self-determination in every possible way. This is a large-scale re-colonisation plan that attempts based on a continued coup d'etat to destroy our republic. For its execution all options have been and continue to be on the table. Since the cruel inhuman enforcement of a ferocious economic, commercial and financial blockade with almost 1,000 sanctions, which has cost our nation more than $642 billion in the last seven years alone. To which we must add the losses of our state oil company, in Spanish known by the acronym PDVSA amounting to $232 billion, and the theft of 31 tonnes of gold deposited in the Bank of England, as well as of other important assets owned by the Republic abroad, not to mention the theft by Argentina and the Dominican Republic of aircraft in the service of the Venezuelan state. Venezuela is not the only one affected by this interventionism, which is deeply rooted in the colonialist tradition of the Monroe Doctrine and which continues to cast a shadow over the expression of political independence on our continent. This is the case of brave Cuba and the blessed and always free Nicaragua. They also promote coup d'etat, as in Bolivia. They also promote coup d'etat, as in Bolivia. in 2019 and 2024. And they mercilessly attack, with support of local oligarchies, the government of President Gustavo Pedro in Colombia and that of President Xiomara Castro of Honduras. our firm support and unwavering solidarity with them too. President, on 28 July, as is customary in our revolutionary democracy, the Venezuelan people expressed themselves in a conscious, peaceful and massive manner to elect, with full guarantees, transparency and freedom, the Venezuelan head of state and government for 2025-2031. President Nicolás Maduro was re-elected with a clear and overwhelming majority. After this great popular victory, the oligarchy of my country resorted once again to disregarding of laws and institutions, triggering a criminal form of violence that left 27 dead, hundreds wounded and the destruction of public and private property. With the use of criminal gangs, they set up barricades, burned schools, hospitals and public institutions, and assassinated ordinary citizens for their political affiliations alone. None of this will be reported in the mainstream media. Worse still, neither does the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who despite having received all of these testimonies, facts about the criminal acts and the responsible actions deployed by the Venezuelans, it has preferred to turn the victims into perpetrators and the perpetrators into victims. Over the last two days, this fascist and disinformation campaign against our country has been has been spread from this rostrum the government of the united states of america and its satellite and servile governments have dedicated themselves to lying attacking and threatening our people from this place which is a symbol of peace and understanding by trying to impose a false narrative But here we are once again to present the truth about Venezuela and our people. Today we come to unveil all of these charlatans. President, at the forefront of this huge operation is as usual the government of the United States of America and its agencies as part of its failed policy of a continued coup d'etat against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela which began more than 25 years ago. From their territory, and specifically the state of Florida, terrorist attacks against public officials and facilities are planned. They also use social networks with impunity and the full support of the White House to promote mercenary incursions, as already happened in May 2020. Although Washington denies involvement, this time they were caught red-handed. Investigations into the latest aggression plots have shown that several US and European mercenaries, including an active US military officer specialising in terrorist and destabilisation operations, were behind the post-electoral violence. These criminals have confessed that they intended to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro, the Executive Vice President and other senior Venezuelan state officials, as well as attacking critical infrastructure services such as water and electricity. We inform you that all have been arrested, including two people linked to Spain's National Intelligence Centre. In addition, more than 400... Rifles of different types have also been seized, some of them produced for the exclusive use of the US armed forces. In the coming weeks, our government will present additional and much stronger evidence of what happened, which we are certain will shock the world. President, an additional phase of this criminal plan of aggression has been developed in recent days through another group of mercenaries who opened a website called in this country to openly raise funds to attack Venezuela and carry out assassinations. This initiative has the backing of US government agencies, US Congress members and Senators, the hypocritical oligarchic narrative does not condemn such an aberration. In this context, it bears underlining the obligation of the states to ensure that their territory is not used to finance, plan, facilitate or commit acts of destabilisation through the use of mercenaries and terrorists. In this sense, We demand that the US government comply with its international obligations on this subject. We also have to emphasise that these terrorist plots, planned for months, took place at the very same time as the negotiations and signing of agreements between Venezuela and the United States of America in Doha in September last year. through which we sought to move towards a normalisation phase of relations between the two nations. This is further proof that the Empire's word and supposed goodwill cannot be trusted. The Venezuelan people demand the immediate fulfilment of all the commitments agreed in Doha. to lift all sanctions, unilateral, coercive measures that illegally cast a shadow over our country. And we thank the government of the state of Qatar for its good offices as facilitator of these negotiations. Furthermore, and we have to say this, All of that is happening while the government of the United States of America, which promotes and finances criminal actions across the world, includes Cuba without any basis whatsoever on a spurious list of countries allegedly accused of sponsoring terrorism. We also demand an end to this attack against the homeland of Martí and Fidel, which further deepens the impact of the blockade. Mr President, this new aggression against Venezuela that is still in full swing will have exactly the same destiny as all the previous ones, a resounding failure. Despite the psychological operations aimed at creating confusion, despite Washington's overt and covert operations within the framework of so-called maximum pressure, social peace reigns in Venezuela today. The plans to create violence have been overturned thanks to the determination of our people to defend their right to live in peace. Today, moreover, Venezuela has experienced growth that has allowed it to insert itself strongly into the world economy, contributing its strength to the production of energy, food and basic goods and services. This success has been possible thanks to the determination of the Venezuelan people and the firm leadership that has managed to see down the blockade. Mr President, at this juncture, our call to the free and peace-loving peoples of the world is to strengthen unity in the face of those who want to divide us in order to achieve their plans of neocolonial domination. It is the time for the global south. It is the time for the longed-for new world order. It is time to consolidate this new multipolar and multicentric world of peace and economic prosperity, free of hegemonies, it is time to rescue the founding principles contained in the UN Charter and to honour the promise that this organisation is at the service of we the peoples, as stated in its preamble. Venezuela puts its Bolivarian diplomacy of peace at the service of humanity to advance in that direction, as demonstrated by its leadership at the head of the Group of Friends in Defence of the Charter of the United Nations. These are the principles that constitute the narrative of free peoples, which are expressed in new forms of partnership based on the principles of solidarity and complementarity, as, for example, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America, or ALBA-TCP by its acronym in Spanish, and BRICS, as well as other hopeful prospects for the emerging new world order in which our country seeks to insert itself at an accelerated pace. President, let me conclude by emphasising that in Venezuela we are still on our feet, waging battles hand in hand with our people in a permanent popular organisation and mobilisation in the struggle to continue consolidating our independence. No matter who is at the head of the US empire that speaks before this rostrum in a year's time, you can rest assured that the clear and rebellious voice of the people of the Bolivar Republic of Venezuela will continue to be present in this forum. under the strong leadership of President Nicolas Maduro Moros, as we stand determined to resist US imperialism. As Bolivar said, God grants victory to those who ensure constancy. Thank you. Thank you to the Minister of People's Power, Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/venezuela-bolivarian-republic","Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)","His Excellency","Yvan Gil Pinto","Minister of the People's Power for Foreign Affairs","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ve_en.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ve_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_VE_EN.mp3" 75,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Frederick Makamure-Shava, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Zimbabwe. Your Excellency Mr. Philemon Young, President of the 79th Session of the General Assembly. Your Excellency Ms. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. Your Majesties, Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Distinguished Delegates. Allow me to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you, Your Excellency, Mr. Philemon Yang, on your election as president of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. We are confident that under your astute leadership significant progress will be made on the critical global agenda that is before us. Please be assured of Zimbabwe's unwavering support throughout your tenure. I would also like to pay tribute to your predecessor, Ambassador Dennis Francis, for his exemplary stewardship of the 78th session of the General Assembly. As the General Assembly had to contend with a number of delicate issues, Ambassador Francis worked hard, so hard, to promote compromise. and the collective resolution of issues anchored on the principle of multilateralism, understanding, and mutual respect. Mr. President, in an increasingly polarized and insecure world, dialogue and diplomacy are indispensable. Our world is besieged by numerous global challenges, both natural and man-made. The interconnectedness of our world means that events in one region inevitably affect others. In this regard, the theme of this session, therefore, and I quote, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations, unquote, is so relevant and timely. The film is a reminder of our shared responsibility to build a world that is inclusive, a world that is just and sustainable. It is through collective action, grounded in solidarity and mutual respect, that we can advance peace, foster sustainability and strengthen multilateralism as well as uphold human dignity. In this spirit of unity, we must prioritize the most vulnerable and marginalized populations, ensuring that no one and no place is left behind in our pursuit for progress. Sustainable development cannot be achieved without peace, and peace cannot be sustained without addressing the root cause of conflict. Chief among them poverty, inequality, intolerance, source scarcity exacerbated by climate change and unwarranted external interference in internal affairs of some states. By investing in education, healthcare, and sustainable economic opportunities, we can create resilient societies that empower individuals and communities to thrive. To attain this, we should commit to a renewed sense of global partnership where every nation, large and small, continues to and benefits from our collective efforts. Mr. President, As the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Agenda goals, SDGs approaches, the global community is at a crossroads and needs to make a critical choice on how to advance these ambitions and ambitious targets. Climate change, geopolitical conflicts, and economic disparities continue to pour substantial barriers to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. It is therefore essential to accelerate action, enhance funding, and foster innovative solutions. The next six years are pivotal if achieving the SDGs is to remain within reach. Zimbabwe fully supports the proposed SDG stimulus so as to reinvigorate the implementation of these crucial goals that we set for ourselves. In this regard, the Just Herald Summit of the future was an opportunity and indeed an opportune moment for the international community to come together to forge robust frameworks and innovative strategies to address the complex and interwoven challenges we face. We must leverage this moment to reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism, sustainable development and the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter. It is imperative, therefore, that we adopt a holistic approach that integrates economic, social, and environmental dimensions, ensuring that we are all inclusive as we navigate the path towards a more resilient and equitable world. The devastating impact of climate change is our common challenge that requires collective action to enable vulnerable communities to adapt while at the same time mitigating the impact. Our subject region has been affected by the El Nino-induced drought that has created a serious food and nutrition security. In that context, the SADC heads of states and government launched an international humanitarian appeal amounting to US dollars 5.8 billion at the end of May 2024. That figure will go up as more countries of the region complete their own national assessments. The overarching objective is to meet the immediate needs occasioned by the El Nino-induced drought, while at the same time building resilience, for future shocks including through the establishment of early warning systems excellencies i wish to reiterate our steadfast commitment to the 23rd agenda for sustainable development spearheaded by our transformative vision 2030 This national blueprint sets forth our aspirations to propel Zimbabwe to upper middle income status by the year 2030, focusing on robust economic growth, sustainable development and holistic societal transformation. Our strategic thrust encompasses substantial investments in critical sectors that include infrastructure development, education, modern heritage-based education 5.0, model healthcare, and organized, modernized agriculture pivotal for ensuring the inclusive prosperity across all strata of our society. In earnest pursuit of the SDGs, Zimbabwe has recorded commendable strides across various domains. We have implemented rigorous policies such as our agricultural 6.0 model aimed at bolstering food security, enhancing access to portable water and sanitation facilities, and investment in renewable energy. Our comprehensive and social protection frameworks and healthcare systems have yielded tangible reductions in poverty levels and disease burdens. Furthermore, we remain unwavering in our commitment to empowering women and youths, recognizing their pivotal as architects of sustainable transformation and development. The government of Zimbabwe is advancing a devolution policy driven by our mantra, which I quote, leaving no one and no place behind. The focus is on promoting grassroots development through empowering provincial and district authorities to lead the way in fulfilling their development aspirations. Our goal is to ensure that no community, no village, no town centre or province is left behind in our development efforts. As a result of this police thrust, we have witnessed a life-changing and transformative impact driven by this bottom-up approach. Our valiant developmental efforts notwithstanding, Zimbabwe is confronted by formidable challenges in its quest to attain the SDGs. The adverse impact of the punitive illegal unilateral sanctions compounded by the exigencies of climate change present real threats and barriers to our development strategy in this regard we call upon all those that have maintained illegal and unjustified sanctions on zimbabwe to remove these unwarranted measures immediately and unconditionally to allow us to continue to allow us to continue with our noble efforts to uplift the lives and livelihoods of our citizens. And in the same spirit, Zimbabwe stands in solidarity with the government and people of Cuba in their struggle against the harsh economic, commercial, and financial blockades. We call for the immediate lifting of this stifling embargo to enable the people of Cuba to pursue their aspirations without hindrance and interference. Mr. President, my country remains committed to supporting the self-determination of both the people of Palestine and Western Sahara. The time for mere rhetoric has long passed. The international community cannot continue to turn a blind eye or be numb. to the systematic injustices and suffering of the Palestinian people. We call upon the Security Council to fulfill its mandate by implementing robust measures that ensure the protection of civilians, the upholding of international law, and the facilitation of a just and lasting peace. Most importantly, we need to continue supporting efforts towards a two-state solution which will help resolve the question of Palestine and the resultant peace and security challenges in the Middle East. In the SADC region, we are working tirelessly towards the achievement of peace and security in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC, and in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique. Excellencies, the international financial architecture as it stands today is an anachronistic construct that no longer meets the needs of the global community, particularly those of developing nations. Our economies, which are the livelihood of the global market, are disproportionately affected by the region and often inequitable policies imposed by dominant financial institutions. The current system steeped in historical power imbalances has failed to provide the necessary flexibility and support required for sustainable development. It is therefore imperative that we reform these structures to ensure that they are more inclusive, more equitable, and more reflective of the diverse realities that are faced by all member states, particularly in the Global South. In a world facing all manners of insecurities, the current paralysis of the Security Council on crucial topics is unconscionable as it negates its very important existence. Reform of the Security Council is not just an aspiration but a present-day necessity. This reform is not just a matter of fairness. It is essential for ensuring that the Council's decisions are all inclusive, are credible, and truly reflect the global community's diversity. In this regard, Zimbabwe stands by the African Union's Azulini Consensus and the CETI Declaration, which advocates for at least two permanent seats with the veto power for African countries on the Security Council. Excellencies, information communication technologies have transformed our lives for the better and can be harnessed for fast-paced development. Yet the same technology has also been employed to commit crimes and destabilize societies. It is therefore prudent for us to come up with a global digital governance framework in order to guard against the harmful consequences of this otherwise transformative technology. Zimbabwe is fully committed and will contribute positively in all negotiations aimed at global cooperation in both harnessing the good from the digital world and also combating the negative aspects and abuse of the same. Mr. President, as I conclude, I wish to reaffirm Zimbabwe's commitment to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. The challenges we face are immense, but not insurmountable. By acting together, we can advance peace, we can promote a sustainable development and uphold human dignity for the present and future generations. Zimbabwe stands ready. to collaborate with all member states to ensure that our shared aspirations for a better world are realized. Let us work in unison, guided by the spirit of multilateralism, solidarity, and mutual respect in order to address the pressing issues of our time and to build a more inclusive and just and sustainable future. I thank you for your attention.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/zimbabwe","Zimbabwe","His Excellency","Frederick Makamure Shava","Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Trade","25 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/zw_en_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ZW_EN.mp3" 76,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Nikol Vashnian, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, this is my fourth speech at the UN General Assembly, and this speech will be significantly different from the previous ones. The key messages of my previous speeches were about the deadlock in achieving peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But today I want to say that peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan not only is possible, but is within reach. Why do I think so? For a few specific reasons. Quite recently, on August 30, Armenia and Azerbaijan signed the regulation on the joint activity of the commissions on the limitation of the state border between the two countries. This is the first bilateral legal document signed between the parties. But what is more important with that document, Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed to set the 1991 Almaty Declaration as the basic principle of border delimitation between the two countries and will be guided by it. This means that Armenia and Azerbaijan, the jury reconfirmed the principle of recognizing each other's territorial integrity and unviolability of borders that existed during the Soviet Union, which is a fundamental factor for establishing peace. Now, it is the jury reconfirmed that the two countries have no territorial claims on each other. What we have to do now is to take the next step and sign the agreement on establishment of peace and interstate relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. The president of Azerbaijan and I have stated many times that at least 80% of the mentioned agreement has been agreed upon. Now, to seize this historic opportunity and to avoid the risk of reaching a deadlock, Armenia proposes to take what has already been agreed in the draft agreement, sign it, have a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and then go on with negotiations on pending issues. We are ready to do this right now. Why do we propose this? Because there is no precedent of a peace agreement or any agreement that would regulate and solve everything. It is practically not possible. After signing any agreement, two countries may always need to conclude new agreements and make new arrangements for this very reason. No matter how comprehensive any agreement, many important issues need to be further addressed. And in the case of Armenia and Azerbaijan, the agreed articles of the draft peace agreement actually contain provisions on peace on not having territorial claims on each other and not putting forward such claims in the future. provisions on establishment diplomatic relations and the Joint Commission to oversee the implementation of the peace agreement, a provision on not interfering in each other internal affairs, not using force and threat of force, and other important provisions. Signing the peace agreement with the already agreed articles will significantly facilitate the resolution of the non-agreed issues. The already agreed parts of the draft peace agreement provide tools for that. One of them is the diplomatic relations to be established between Armenia and Azerbaijan And the second is the joint Armenia-Azerbaijan Commission to oversee the implementation of the peace agreement. I mean the existence of the jury peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan by signing the proposed agreement And the establishment of diplomatic relations will result in changing the overall atmosphere and the perception of our governments and peoples, which will significantly facilitate the solution of the remaining issues. Azerbaijan, however, insists that the constitution of the Republic of Armenia is an obstacle to the peace agreement. because it allegedly contains territorial claims on Azerbaijan. Without going into details, let me say that there is nothing of this kind in our constitution. There are no territorial claims on Azerbaijan and we can provide detailed written proofs regarding this to all our international partners concerned. Moreover, it is the Constitution of Azerbaijan that contains territorial claims on the Republic of Armenia, and we can present written argumentation on this as well to all our international partners concerned. But pay attention. We do not consider the Constitution of Azerbaijan as an obstacle to the peace agreement for the simple reason that the agreed part of the draft peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan contains wording that solves the problem and that wording is as follows. None of the parties may invoke the provisions of its internal legislation as justification for its failure to perform the present agreement. Therefore, the signing of the agreement will address the concerns of both Armenia and Azerbaijan and will create legal guarantees for addressing them fundamentally. When we examine the agreed text of the peace agreement in terms of compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, we see the following picture. Under the Constitution of Armenia, agreements that contradict the Constitution may not be ratified. And as in other cases, After signing the peace agreement with Azerbaijan, we must submit it to the constitutional court to verify the compliance of the agreement with the constitution of the Republic of Armenia. If our constitutional court decides that the peace agreement with Azerbaijan is in contradiction with the constitution of the Republic of Armenia, even though our experts assured that it is not likely to happen. But anyway, if that will happen, that we will face a specific situation where constitutional changes will be needed for the sake of achieving peace. And if our Constitutional Court decides that the agreement complies with the Constitution of Republic of Armenia, then there will be no barriers for ratification in the Parliament of Armenia. And here an extremely important circumstance comes in. Under paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, ratified international agreements have precedence over the domestic legislation of the Republic of Armenia. And therefore, after the signing and ratification of the peace agreement with Azerbaijan, theoretically, even if there were laws that could be interpreted as containing territorial claims, these documents would be subordinate to the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace agreement and would automatically have no legal force. The same logic would apply to Azerbaijan, of course. Honorable President, ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, here is peace so close to us and all we need to do is reach out and take it. It is not easy for either Armenia or Azerbaijan because each of us has our own truth and the debate over those truths has led to enmity, casualties and wars. The pain is very deep and intense. But we must now focus on peace because peace is the only truth understandable to the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan. And this truth will open our eyes and shut down the sources of enmity and we will all look to the future. Ladies and gentlemen, The Crossroads of Peace project of the Government of the Republic of Armenia is also dedicated to that future. The purpose of the project is not only to open automobile routes, railroads and other transport communications between Armenia and Azerbaijan. but also to provide communication between Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the whole region, as well as to create opportunities for the passage of pipelines and cables, and eventually provide opportunities for people-to-people contact, which is a key and critical factor for peacemaking. A key factor for peace and development is also that all this shall happen with due respect for the sovereignty, jurisdiction, territorial integrity of the countries on the basis of the principle of equality and reciprocity. And we are ready to open our transport communications to both Azerbaijan and Turkey as well as to our other neighbors and partners. And we are ready to do it even today, right today. By the way, the crossroads of peace can become a part of the middle corridor, ensuring greater speed and efficiency of the passage of goods through it. The Republic of Armenia is ready to fully ensure the safety of the passage of cargo vehicles and people on its territory. It is our wish, our commitment, and we can do it. By the way, all those claims that Armenia has agreed somewhere in some document that third forces shall provide the security of communications on its territory are simply distortion of reality. Armenia's commitment is clear to guarantee the safety of cargo, vehicles, and people on its territory, and we guarantee it. Honorable President, ladies and gentlemen, Today, I don't want to send any negative, worrying or pessimistic message, not because they do not exist, but because the Armenian proverb says, let us speak the positive in order to be well, meaning that when you speak positive, good things tend to become reality. It may be that there is a similar thing in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Georgia, and in other countries in the world, and they all consider it their own. But let us speak the positive in order to be well is not about saying empty words. Of course, one should work hard and sometimes make hard decisions. In my speech, I laid out all the circumstances that give me a reason to speak the positive, to be well in front of this distinguished audience. And if we rely on these circumstances, Good things will happen, initiating a process of reducing the circumstances that generate the negative. Thank you very much for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/armenia","Armenia","His Excellency","Nikol Pashinyan","Prime Minister","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/am_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AM_EN.mp3" 77,"It is now my honor and pleasure to give the floor to His Excellency Alexander Schallenberg, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria. Mr. President, dear Axel, it's actually a rare occasion where the person presiding in the General Assembly and the person here at the rostrum are both Austrians. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, when we met in this hall last year, many, including myself, referred to the challenging times we were facing, a world riddled by uncertainty, growing divisions, and rising insecurity. a backsliding in hard-earned development gains, a backlash against the universality of human rights. Looking back on the past 12 months, we must admit that the sense of being in a permanent state of emergency has actually not decreased. On the contrary, it has even deepened. Russia relentlessly pursues its full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine. A violation of the UN Charter, the most basic rules that we all in this room agreed upon, that still is shocking today. Yes, my country, Austria, is a militarily neutral country. But neutrality doesn't mean and never meant indifference. We know very well that a world in which Russia succeeds in shifting borders with tanks and rockets is a world a lot more dangerous to all of us. After 946 days, I can only repeat that, 946 days of unspeakable human suffering and destruction, it is high time to return to diplomacy. Nobody wants, nobody deserves peace more than the people in Ukraine, but a negotiated peace, not a dictate from Moscow. My friends, actually I'm encouraged. I'm encouraged by the conversations with many partners in this room I had over the last couple of weeks, some of them from far beyond Europe's borders. encouraged that no matter where we stand, geographically, politically, or as far as ideology is concerned, we can all agree on the most basic principles of international laws, those principles enshrined in the UN Charter. They should be the bedrock of any negotiation leading to a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine. And let me be very clear, there cannot be and there shouldn't be negotiations on Ukraine without Ukraine. Ladies and gentlemen, in the Middle East, the barbaric terror attack of Hamas against Israel has brought a new dimension of devastation to a region not lacking in violence. Israelis are traumatized by the slaughter, torture, and sexual violence of October the 7th. Hostages are still being kept by the terrorists, including an Austrian father of two small children. And Palestinians in Gaza are facing starvation and disease in what can only be described as a humanitarian tragedy. All of this is truly heartbreaking. International humanitarian law, to be very clear, is non-negotiable. It applies everywhere, at all times, for everybody. Protection of civilians has to be and must be paramount. We need a ceasefire. We need a ceasefire to get the hostages out of Gaza and humanitarian aid into Gaza. And we need the ceasefire now. What we definitely don't need is any side adding fuel to the fire. It is wishful thinking to believe that the full-scale escalation between Israel and Hezbollah could be controlled. The result would be a firestorm engulfing the whole region and beyond. And in the end, everybody would lose. I still believe that there are enough reasonable voices and forces in the region wanting to work towards a political solution, a lasting political solution. A solution enabling us to continue with the normalization between Israel and the Arab world. a solution where we can finally realize the two-state solution. In my eyes, the only feasible and imaginable solution allowing Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace and security. Other crisis hotspots are equally disastrous, but they get too little public attention. In Sudan, famine looms for millions of people, but the generals care more about power than their own people. While in Haiti, stabilization is slow to come after total collapse of the state. Amidst all of this, humanity itself is facing fundamental questions with accelerating climate change, environmental disasters, and the rise of artificial intelligence. their colleagues, there's no sugarcoating it. We are living in times of uncertainty, compounded by rising political, economic, and ideological tensions. We see shifts and cracks bilaterally, regionally, and on multilateral level. I recently came across a statement that is very simple, but it is true. In the past, we actually believed that we knew our future. Well, my friends, this bubble of wishful thinking has burst once and for all. The pendulum is swinging from global integration towards global fragmentation. isolation, protectionism, nationalism are on the rise, a zero-sum mentality spreading, tempting us to divide partners and countries into either you're with me or you're against me, or even into ghosting or cancelling others, as if foreign policy worked like social media. And around the globe, there are whole legions of doomsday prophets, forces at the fringes of the political spectrum, capitalizing on people's doubts and fears. The business model is quick fixes and apparent easy answers. The agenda is sowing discord. And yes, Austria is no exception. Coming Sunday, we will have parliamentary elections in my country. And also in Austria, some political forces are offering tempting but false solutions, even deliberately echoing the narratives of those forces which are trying to weaken our open and pluralistic societies, which are working against a strong and united Europe. To counter this, we need a strong center. We need to keep our nerves. We have to stay on message. We need to make sure that this era of doubt and anxiety doesn't become an era of fear. Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that fear is a poor guide, especially in politics. And yes, our global order is changing. And yes, the world has become more complex. Some would even say it has become more frightening. But I'm deeply convinced that we have to stand up and defend the rules-based international system. And we have to defend it with all means at our disposal. We must not be afraid to take a clear stance. It is worth being defended. Because it is... and remains the best, and I would even say the only, guarantee for our security, for our stability, and for our prosperity. For countries like Austria, it is paramount. We are dependent on this system, a system that respects the rule of law, a system that respects international law, a system that honors the principle of pacta sunt servanda. a system where might does not make right. And it is an illusion to believe that there's anything to gain from demolishing or undermining the rules-based international system. If we lose it, everybody in this room will lose. I'm not denying that we are in the midst of a systemic rivalry. There are some actors who consider open and democratic societies not only as a challenge, but even as a threat. However, in the face of the turmoil and upheavals of the last few years, societies based on freedom, pluralism, and individual rights have proven themselves stronger, more adaptive, more flexible, and more resilient than most of us even believed ourselves. What we need most now, ladies and gentlemen, in this moment, is trust and confidence. Trust in our own capacities. Trust in our own principles. So my appeal today is very clear. Let us be more confident in our own strength. Yes, Austria will always be ready to defend its own interests, its values, its principles. But at the same time, we will always have the courage to look for the middle ground, to search the compromise. Because we know that defending our multilateral system, defending our rules-based international order, means to reform it. Our system of global governance is simply not delivering anymore. It is not inclusive enough. The Security Council, as it stands now, reflects a world that is long gone. And I believe it's actually unacceptable that we are held hostage so easily by the will of a handful of countries. We as Austrians and the Austrian government, we commit ourselves to making the Security Council more effective, more inclusive, and more accountable, including through our candidature for the non-permanent seat at elections in 2026. Austria will continue to champion a sensible and a pragmatic multilateralism based on our genuine will for compromise, for dialogue. Despite the current fragmentations of the global order, our world will simply remain interdependent. We will not be able to raise the drawbridges, to decouple, to cancel, to ghost, as some make us to believe. This is a magical thinking. We need to face the challenges and complexities of our times head on and together with a healthy dose of realism and more confidence in our own capacities, principles, and strength. Thank you very much. I thank His Excellency Alexander Schallenberg, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria, and also for the kind words directed to the Chair.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/austria","Austria","His Excellency","Alexander Schallenberg","Federal Minister for European and International Affairs","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/at_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AT_EN.mp3" 78,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Faustin Archange Touadéra, Head of State of the Central African Republic. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President of the General Assembly, Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a renewed honor for me to be taking the floor here before the entire world speaking on behalf of my dear, my beautiful country, the Central African Republic. I am speaking with a view to contributing to the general debate on the theme of this 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Through its participation in the General Assembly, the Central African Republic is reaffirming its commitment to contributing to our joint pursuit of trust, peace, security, international solidarity, and mutual understanding, all of which are indispensable if we are to build a peaceful world that's conducive to sustainable development and the respect for human dignity, the human dignity of generations past and present and future. Before I proceed, I'd like to extend to His Excellency, Mr. Philemon Yang, our heartfelt congratulations Congratulations on his shining and historic election to preside over the proceedings of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Your election is the symbol of an honor and well-deserved tribute that's been granted to our continent, Africa. Your election is also a source of great pride and inspiration for 51 million citizens, citizens of Semak, the economic and monetary community of Central Africa, which I'm currently presiding over, steering the work of the Conference of the Semak Heads of State. It is also a source of pride and inspiration for your beautiful country. This is the Republic of Cameroon. Your consummate knowledge of international affairs, as well as your far-ranging personal qualities, are a great advantage and a guarantee that our proceedings will be met with success. I stand convinced that you will do your best to serve the interests of the United Nations and all its member states, implementing the UN's vast reform program so that the organization becomes more effective, more inclusive, more representative. and better suited to our changing world as well as to the resolution of the serious and pressing problems shaking all of humanity. Rest assured you have the full support of the Central African Republic in your task. I'd also like to commend the high caliber of the work done and the accomplishments of President Dennis Francis throughout the 78th session of the General Assembly. We extend to Mr. Dennis Francis our gratitude and our satisfaction. United Nations Secretary General, His Excellency Antonio Guterres, I'd like to reiterate to you the gratitude of the Central African Republic and my country's full support as well as the support of the government. We support your various initiatives which seek to make the United Nations a place where the efforts of nations come together. As you know, on the 30th of July of this year, the United Nations Security Council decided to lift in its entirety the unjust, illegitimate and iniquitous arms embargo that had been imposed on the Central African Armed Forces for a decade. An embargo which caused us irreparable harm over those 10 years. Speaking from this rostrum, I'd like to extend to you the gratitude of the Central African people. We're grateful to the UN Security Council for its wise decision. a decision which, although belated, will allow my country to continue to act so as to rebuild international peace and security and to work together with other states in the pursuit of peace, sustainable development, and the human dignity of present and future generations. I'd like to seize this opportunity to reiterate to all of you, all those who held the Central African Republic in their hearts and supported our noble fight. You have the gratitude of our people. Central African Republic has vast mining potential. Therefore, I'm convinced that we'll continue to receive your support for the lifting of the embargo on diamonds imposed by the Kimberley process, an embargo which has circumscribed our ability to work for peace, sustainable development, and the human dignity of present and future generations. Mr President, the theme of this 79th General Assembly session is Leaving No One Behind, Acting Together for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Human Dignity for Present and Future Generations. The theme is tied up with particularly important, significant recommendations, which will be of import in our discussions on the reform of the Global Peace and Security Act. as well as our discussions geared towards achieving the SDGs. As we know, peace is inextricably linked to sustainable development. Regrettably, as we meet here at this Great World Forum year in, year out, as we meet at other fora, for that matter, the world continues grappling with serious existential threats becoming more unstable and more vulnerable. This 79th session is taking place at a very turbulent time, a time marked by mounting geopolitical crises, the war between Russia and Ukraine, the war between Israel and Hamas, the war in Sudan and in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, terrorism, deteriorating economic conditions which are strangling growth in Africa, as well as rising fuel prices. We stand convinced that only dialogue can help us to put an end to conflict in a lasting way. The Central African Republic implores the parties to these various conflicts to opt for dialogue and diplomacy to find a solution to the various disagreements at the root of these conflicts and to save millions of human lives. The Central African Republic. I would like to note that the security situation has been stable for the most part in 2024. We are preparing to deepen our democratic roots by holding municipal and regional elections in the very near future, something that will be a first over the last four decades. With this in mind, special measures have been taken to apprehend remaining armed groups. These groups can no longer control various portions of our country's territory. As a result, they're engaging in organized crime, illegal exploitation, and fraudulent trafficking of natural resources. And they're doing this so as to be able to acquire military material and equipment. the 10th session of the Strategic Committee for Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Rehabilitation, as well as the commemoration in Bangi of African Amnesty Month by the African Union's Peace and Security Council. This happened just a few days ago. were an opportunity for us to fully appreciate the significant headway that's been made and which has been possible thanks to the fact that stakeholders have taken ownership and participated in the global peace and security process underpinned by the political agreement for peace and reconciliation, as well as the Rwanda joint roadmap. Despite of the progress that's been made, the Central African Republic continues to grapple with various challenges. specifically as regards the building of barracks so we can station units in defense areas close to the places from which threats are emanating, as well as the acquisition of military material and equipment for our defense and security forces. Mr. President, climate change is having very serious repercussions, deadly flooding, drought, and large-scale fires, which we've witnessed all over the world. These give rise to various risks, from food insecurity, to water stress, to competition for natural resources, as well as losses of livelihoods and displacement. These interdependent, cascading risks can have very serious knock-on effects on peace, security, and development across continents. In sub-Saharan Africa, which is the epicenter of humanitarian crises, environmental disasters have resulted this year alone, in over 1,000 deaths and 4 million climate refugees, not to mention invaluable material damage, specifically in our neighboring country, Chad, where the number of victims continues to grow following heavy rain, which prompted large-scale flooding and compelled people to evacuate. Speaking from this high rostrum, the United Nations, a symbol par excellence of human solidarity, to express the solidarity of the Central African people to people all over the world who have been hard hit by natural disasters. Our world is being rattled by bloody conflicts. It's also threatened from time to time by deadly weather events, devastating weather events. And in this world, developing countries, which have been impoverished by centuries of slavery, colonialism, and neocolonialism characterized by multifaceted meddling in their domestic affairs, unjust raw materials prices, onerous conditionalities imposed through the international financial architecture. These developing countries are looking on powerlessly as new security, financial, economic, food-related, and environmental challenges mount. Funding promises for vulnerable countries are taking time to come to fruition. Adaptation measures promised at various COPs and rising temperatures, all of these are changing as often as the weather does. Beholden to the political, geopolitical and geostrategic whims of the great powers, we're well aware of just how dangerous climate phenomena are. Thus, my country has... crafted sector-specific policies. However, their effectiveness depends on climate funding, which is still unreliable. The Central African Republic would like to urge the United Nations to do more to implement the climate peace and development nexus, establishing synergies between climate adaptation and peace building so as to holistically address the vulnerabilities linked to climate change other vulnerabilities and the risk of conflict. Mr. President, the world is teetering dangerously close to the brink. The UN peace and security architecture is being subjected to enormous pressure. The reasons Africa put forward in support of its request for legitimate Security Council reform and reform to the veto system are very compelling. A step forward has been taken by the United States of America. The U.S. has endorsed the establishment of two permanent seats for Africa on the Security Council, as well as a rotating seat for small island developing states, SIDS. This proposal is praiseworthy, of course. But given changes afoot in our world, Africa, which has for a long time remained on the sidelines, cannot be fully satisfied with this proposal, which can only be viewed from the vantage point of a perpetual denial of the veto to Africa. It is time to speed up the reform of the international financial architecture so as to remedy inequality, to mobilize adequate funding for the achievement of the SDGs, to meet the financing needs of developing countries, to be able to reform the implementation of and compliance with multilateral environmental agreements, which will help us to make our common ambition of protecting the planet a reality. Mr. President, demographic estimates indicate that in 2050, half of the world's global youth will live in Africa. Also, half of Africa's 54 countries would have seen their populations almost double. I applaud the Pact for the Future, as well as the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations, annexed there too, all of which were adopted at the Summit of the Future. It is high time that we speed up the implementation of the SDGs in the following areas. Science, technology, innovation, and digital cooperation. We should do this whilst stressing equity, rights, and universality. Young people today are key agents of positive change. They can make an important contribution to sustainable development, respect for human rights, as well as global peace and security. And yet young people... are vulnerable for a number of reasons. This is preventing young people from realising their full potential and exercising their fundamental rights. It therefore behoves us to pledge to transform investment in young people, in women, girls and persons with disability, so as to guarantee a better future for us all. As for the Central African Republic, our ambitious 2024-2028 National Development Plan strikes a better balance between the needs and interests of present and future generations. It does this by making human capital development one of the plan's strategic pillars. To conclude, I hope that the spirit that prompted the establishment of the United Nations will tirelessly prevail today. thereby helping to create a fertile atmosphere for resolving the problems plaguing international peace and security, sustainable development, and this for the benefit of all humanity. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the head of the State of the Central African Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/central-african-republic","Central African Republic","His Excellency","Faustin Archange Touadera","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cf_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CF_EN.mp3" 79,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Mbaye Mohamed, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, responsible for the Arab world, diaspora, the Francophonie, and African integration of the Comoros. Excellencies, Mr. President of the General Assembly, Majesty, Your Highness, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, heads of delegation, ladies and gentlemen, assalamu alaikum. It is my honor to convey to you the warm greetings of His Excellency Mr. Azali Asoumani, President of the Union of the Comoros, as well as his wishes for every success in the conduct of this which is of global significance. First and foremost, I wish to convey to the authorities of the United States, on behalf of our delegation, our warm gratitude for the warm welcome from you in New York During our participation during this 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, I wish to also convey my warm greetings to His Excellency Philemon Young on his election. We welcome his election to the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly. And I wish to tell him that we as Africans are honored by his presidency. I wish to pay a warm tribute to his excellency, Mr. Dennis Francis, for his wise, skillful stewardship and his commitment to peace and development during his presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly. the proceedings of which were steered by him. And lastly, on behalf of my country, I wish to thank His Excellency, Mr. Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General, for his commitment to peace and development. Mr. President, this session of the United Nations General Assembly is opening once again at a delicate time. in the life of the international community. Since the 22nd of February 2022, the war in Ukraine has continued to ravage two great European countries, imperiling the well-being and the balance and disrupting the balance of the world. On behalf of our country, I urge the Russian and Ukrainian leaders to embrace the path of dialogue and negotiations. This is a wish from us to their peoples to ensure vis-a-vis the mark that will be left in history, but also we advocate a ceasefire. First and foremost, peace as well. These are prerequisites for peace, economic and social, and food-related development for the entire world, in particular in Africa, which has been plagued by conflict. I now turn to Palestine. In light of the realities endured on a day-to-day basis, there is no doubt that we are not seeing legitimate defense. This war has been punctuated by disproportionate use of force, largely targeting innocent people. This is the purest form of genocide perpetrated by the Israeli forces in Gaza, which we condemn. and there's an urgent need to bring this to an end. The horrors endured by the people in Palestine have been reflected in our daily reality as we see the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women and innocent children, more than 100,000 injured people, forced displacements of thousands of people under inhumane conditions, as well as the systematic destruction of hospitals and residential buildings. our country reaffirms our full solidarity and our steadfast support to the fraternal people of Palestine. We beseech the international community to act for an immediate cessation of hostilities and for a rapid resumption of the delivery of humanitarian assistance. Furthermore, We call for a fair and lasting solution rooted in international law and the relevant resolutions of the United Nations. We specifically call upon the international community to work quickly, to arrive at the two-state solution, that of two states, a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side in full security with Israel. We applaud the admission of the State of Palestine as a full-fledged member of the United Nations, as well as its participation in the work of the United Nations, beginning with this session. I also wish to recall... that the situation in the West Bank is also of great concern. And as has been stressed by Cardinal Pizabala, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, what is transpiring is a palpable and concrete example of how hatred, resentment, contempt have unleashed forms of violence that are increasingly extreme and increasingly difficult to contain. The situation in the Sudan is also a focus of our attention. We call upon the two parties to the conflict to exercise restraint, to shield their populations from the horrors of this war, which for fraternal peoples has lasted for far too long. long. I now turn to Western Sahara. The Union of the Comoros believes that the autonomy plan for this territory within the Sherifian Kingdom, submitted in 2007 by the Moroccan authorities, is the surest way to arrive at a lasting settlement to the anachronistic conflict. The perpetuation of this conflict runs counter to the interest of the peoples concerned and towards the economic development of the entire region. My country, therefore, calls upon the stakeholders to embrace this. We urge the international community to extend its support for this. On the other hand, I wish to stress that international law and openness to dialogue need to prevail. with a grasp of the problems, but particularly political issues. The same applies to respect for the territorial integrity of states. And as for the question of the Camorran Island of Mayotte, let us recall that Camorran unity is a reality based on ethno-geographic, linguistic, religious, and economic data, despite the fact that this is an island nation, and this is in addition to the country's commitment to the sacrosanct principles of international law and to the resolutions of the United Nations, which recognize the sovereignty of Comoros over the island of Mayotte. I therefore wish to take this opportunity, being present here on the rostrum of the General Assembly, eminent symbol of multilateralism, to reaffirm the steadfast commitment desire of the government of Comoros to respect law, rule of law, and our openness to dialogue when it comes to this dispute pitting the Union of Comoros against France. And this is important to achieve a fair lasting solution to safeguard the shared interests of our friendly countries. The Union of Comoros reiterates our commitment to the declaration adopted at the Summit for the Future, which was held on 22 September, On the sidelines of the General Assembly, we advocate meaningful international cooperation to establish guidelines in order to shape legal tools guaranteeing development and equitable use of artificial intelligence in order to ensure that this help to result in growth, productivity, a growth of productivity and knowledge throughout the world. This declaration ushers in inter alia promising prospects in terms of taking on board and tackling specific issues faced by small island developing states. In this regard, the SIDS IV conference, which was held last May in Antigua and Barbuda, also was an important step forward in this universal awareness movement. and we call for stringent respect for the Paris Agreement, as well as meaningful and appropriate levels of financial and technical support. We anticipate with great interest, we eagerly anticipate the next conference on financing for development to be held in Spain in 2025. This conference will be an opportunity for states in the south to discuss champion reforms in banks and multilateral institutions, development institutions, as well as to ensure a predictable framework for sustainable resources that are acceptable, accessible, and predictable. To ensure the success of this event, we cherish the hope that countries concerned will unite to work together to set out their proposals. Peace and political stability are two critical pillars underpinning development initiatives. Following the elections on 14 January 2024, which resulted in His Excellency Mr. Azali Assoumani taking up the Supreme Magistrate of the country, Mr. Assoumani undertook to advance the noble mission of accelerating our development by 2030. Our head of state has adopted a commitment to accelerate the emergence and development of the country. This is reflected. in the implementation of landmark projects, which are reflected in the developing Comoros plan. And they were presented during the Conference of Development Partners of the Comoros, and this conference was held in Paris in December 2019. The Comoros development plan also contains structural projects, including the development program for the blue economy. This is a critical, promising sector. which will be an engine for the economic and social transformation of our country. recognize the crucial role of the blue economy, and we wish to stress the specificities of island states. My country, therefore organized in Moroni in June 2023 under the Camorran Presidency of the African Union with support from partners, the Conference of Ministers on the Blue Economy and Climate Action, and the theme was Island States and the Avant-Garde. There was participation during this conference from coastal and island states in Africa. The Moroni Declaration was adopted following this conference, and among other elements, there was an emphasis on those of a roadmap to implement in order to take into account the specificities and the vulnerability of these states by the international community. The next Oceans Conference will afford us an opportunity to present the Moroni Declaration, whose commitments converge with the global sustainable development goals. Mr. President, our government attributes particular importance to young people. We have a number of initiatives which are underway to generate entrepreneurship opportunities for young people, to provide them with job opportunities in various sectors, and to ensure that they play a leading role in the country's socioeconomic development. the promulgation of the one youth, one job law is a reflection of this intention. The president and the head of state of the Union of the Comoros is committed to the empowerment of young people. And he has placed great trust in young people in terms of their ability to generate new momentum as an engine for the country. And a few months ago, A government was put together comprised largely of young civil servants, and the challenge was undertaken to engage young people in the country's transformation as for the renewal of Comoros. Beyond these key areas, the head of state also highlighted sports, culture, art, and heritage in the five-year agenda, thereby emphasizing his keenness to develop social sectors that contribute to shaping and enhancing our national identity. With respect to athletics, On behalf of the President of the Union of Comoros and his government, I wish to pay a vibrant tribute to our national team, the coalescent for their performances, which are a source of great pride for our people. We, as an international community, are faced with many challenges. and we need to pull our efforts to tackle them. This session has brought together the Assembly of Nations. It generates hope for peoples to see a highlighting of shifts in issues having to do with their anxieties and concerns. In the name of the noble values which unite us, let us work to assuage these anxieties and concerns, transforming them into hope, especially by rising to the aspirations of our respective peoples. Thank you very much for your attention. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation responsible for the Arab world, diaspora, the Francophonie and African integration of the Comoros. I now give the floor","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/comoros","Comoros","His Excellency","Mbae Mohamed","Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/km_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KM_EN.mp3" 80,"I now give the floor to His Excellency, Arnoldo Ricardo André Tinoco, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica. Mr. President, Excellencies, Costa Rica congratulates you upon your election to head up this General Assembly and we reiterate our commitment to advance towards a more peaceful, fair, sustainable and inclusive world. We come to this session in the midst of the resumption of the arms race, an increase in geopolitical tensions and systematic violations of human rights and of the principles of international law. With these challenges we have an expansion of violent conflicts from Africa to Europe and the Middle East and on our continent the growing presence of drug trafficking and international organised crime. We are also facing the triple planetary crisis and an increase in poverty, inequality and widening gaps and asymmetries between countries and regions. and within countries and regions. Meanwhile, our collective responses remain timid, delayed and insufficient. None of these challenges can be solved by a single state or by a small group of them. Only through multilateralism as a central approach for cooperation will we be able to address them and overcome these challenges. With multilateralism at the core, please allow me to share four points. First of all, democracy, the rule of law and the respect for human rights are pillars for the effective functioning of the multilateral system. Democracy is the political system that embraces everyone. In it, every voice finds its echo and every person finds their place. It is the natural expression of the rule of law. Venezuela cannot be considered to be a democracy. A democracy does not expel 8 million of its citizens, nor does it cause an unprecedented migration crisis whose repercussions are being felt across the entire Western Hemisphere. Neither does it persecute or intimidate, nor does it imprison or torture people for political reasons. A democracy does not deny opposition representatives access to vote counting, nor does it declare itself, without any proof or evidence, the winner of the elections. Costa Rica, just like the vast majority of countries in the region, condemns the manipulation of the results and will continue to demand an impartial, transparent and independent verification. This is a verification that the Venezuelan regime has refused to carry out. There is no doubt that Nicolás Maduro did not win the elections, just as there is no doubt that he intends to cling on to power at all costs. Let us not allow repression and dictatorship in Venezuela to become the norm once again. This is not the only violation of democratic principles in my region. Thousands of people cross our northern border on a daily basis, fleeing the repression of a dictatorship that has lasted nearly three decades in Nicaragua. This is a dictatorship that has deprived them of their freedom, of their human rights, of their dreams, and even of their citizenship, making them stateless. Since Costa Rica is the first country in Latin America to grant nationality to stateless persons, we urge the international community to ramp up efforts to eradicate this condition of vulnerability. We also cannot continue to be indifferent to the situation in Haiti. The humanitarian crisis in this country has been met with minimal and immorally low responses from the international community. The $674 million required for the humanitarian needs and response plan represents only 0.03% of global military spending, which in 2023 reached $2.44 trillion. That's according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Allow me just to repeat that. 0.03% of global military spending. A tiny drop of hope in an ocean of militarisation. Mr President, violence and crime have grown at an alarming rate in the world and in Latin America and the Caribbean we are no exception. Criminal networks have consolidated into a complex phenomenon that knows no national borders. These organisations engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking, the trafficking of people, smuggling of weapons and ammunition and have found fertile ground for growth in the region, whether due to corruption, lack of opportunities for youth or limited police capacity to counter them. The interconnection of these networks not only affects the security and well-being of local communities but it also has global repercussions as their operations tend to extend across transit countries and into international markets. Faced with this reality it's essential for the international community to adopt a coordinated and multilateral approach promoting cooperation, information sharing and strong legal measures to combat them. Only through joint effort will the structure of these organisations be able to be dismantled and ultimately for peace and security to be reinstated in the region. And this brings me on to my second thought, my second point. At the heart of multilateralism lies peace and there is no peace without justice. However, its heartbeat weakens with the escalation of conflicts in Gaza, in Lebanon, Ukraine, the Red Sea, Sudan, the Sahel, Yemen, Myanmar and in Syria. These crises expose the fragility of our collective security system and demand that all parties to the conflict assume their obligations under international law, in particular international humanitarian law. Norms and principles... must be respected without exception, in particular the protection of civilians and the principles of proportionality, limitation, distinction and humanity. For each and every one of these conflicts Costa Rica reiterates its appeal to all of those involved for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, to guarantee safe, uninterrupted and unrestricted access to humanitarian assistance, and to free hostages and detainees, to withdraw troops from affected areas, and for a de-escalation of tensions. It's also urgent to comply in good faith with all decisions from international courts and from the Security Council, because without justice, there will be no lasting peace. While expressing our deep concern for over the weakening of international humanitarian disarmament instruments, Costa Rica urges states to reverse this trend and to renew their efforts to ensure that civilians do not become victim to the use of weapons with indiscriminate effects. We also urge to avoid the use of explosive weapons in densely populated areas or their surroundings and invite all states to participate in the upcoming international conference on the humanitarian consequences of the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. This is going to take place next July, next year in San Jose. However, we must go further. Costa Rica calls for a consensus on governance frameworks for artificial intelligence in both military and civilian spheres. These frameworks must regulate autonomous systems with transformative capabilities that operate without human intervention. The global digital compact that we've just adopted puts the multilateral system in motion to deal with artificial intelligence and is key for research and development, not just for its applications. Thirdly, Costa Rica believes that the international financial architecture is at imminent risk of becoming obsolete in addressing current and future challenges. Therefore, we make the most vigorous call for an international financial system that is transparent, inclusive and sustainable. We require a financial architecture that meets the needs, does not perpetuate global equalities and addresses the pressing need for access to finance. Financing This financing must be sufficient and concessional with effective debt relief mechanisms for developing countries. Costa Rica recognises the efforts of some international financial institutions to align their processes with transformation commitments and we urge the states that make up the boards of the major international financial institutions to prioritise this urgent reform. We advocate for urgent capitalisation of multilateral development banks and we call for an increase in the use of new and innovative financing mechanisms such as green and blue bonds as well as the debt for ecosystem services swaps. Middle income countries and economies in transition like Costa Rica need the international financial system to provide finance tools for development and these tools must be up to our specific needs and flexible and tailored to our fiscal and structural circumstances. We hope that the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development will bring about concrete agreements and will show the political will necessary. Fourthly, and in order to ensure the well-being of future generations, multilateralism must also be blue. Costa Rica has developed strong blue diplomacy that recognises the crucial role the ocean plays in the health of the planet. In order to have a habitable planet, we need a healthy ocean. It produces 50% of the oxygen that we breathe and is the largest source of protein in the world. It's the largest carbon sink and regulator of the climate. 3 billion people worldwide depend on its biodiversity for their livelihoods. Therefore it is urgent that the new High Seas Treaty, the BBNJ, comes into force and that we deliver an ambitious treaty on plastics and that we ensure that no mining on the seabed begins until there are guarantees that it will not have damaging effects on the marine environment. For the health of the planet and to respond to the multiple challenges that the ocean faces, I invite you all to participate in the third United Nations Oceans Conference, which will take place in June 2025 in Nice, hosted by Costa Rica and France jointly. Mr. President, the multilateral system is being tested, as we all know. Its renewal will depend on courageous leadership, innovative proposals and our collective ability to honour the principles and norms of international law without double standards. Its renewal will be achieved when we manage to shift resources from the coffins of war to the foundations of peace. The time is now. This is a unique opportunity and the call is urgent. Thank you very much. I thank His Excellency Arnoldo Ricardo Andrade Tinoco, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/costa-rica","Costa Rica","His Excellency","Arnoldo Ricardo André Tinoco","Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cr_fl.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CR_EN.mp3" 81,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Theomiko Meliade Cogné, Vice President of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, heads of state and government, United Nations Secretary General, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of His Excellency, Mr. Alassane Ouattara, President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, I wish to express my warm congratulations on the quality and depth of the debates during this session and on the remarkable success that was the Summit of the Future. Our general debate is being held against a worrisome global backdrop on the security, economic and political levels. calling on our nations to make a collective leap forward. With this in mind, my country welcomes the very relevant choice of the theme for this session, which invites our states to act together to build a safer and more united world. The world stands at a crossroads. Geopolitical tensions are multiplying and fueling the escalation of several armed conflicts. Violent confrontations in sensitive regions are pushing those regions to the brink of widespread conflagration. This situation of insecurity and setbacks to peace is being worsened by terrorism afflicting regions such as the Sahel. These conflicts are gradually wiping out years of progress and development for our people. My country believes this is the right time to call on the international community to mobilize for the people of the Sahel who are paying a high price in the war against terrorist groups. True to our values and our tradition of hospitality, Côte d'Ivoire is hosting in the best possible conditions several thousand nationals from neighboring Sahel countries who are fleeing the violence of armed groups. Outside the Sahel, the whole of West Africa is currently threatening to collapse. This trend could spread beyond the African continent if no effective measures are taken. For its part, Côte d'Ivoire is making available the Jacquesville International Academy for Combating Terrorism to all countries in order to help them to build their capacities in counter-terrorism, in combating terrorism in all of its forms. Mr. President, the progress made by our countries in development and human security is currently being undermined by the effects of climate change. This heightens inequalities, poverty, and is leading to the forced displacement and leads to the forced displacement of millions of people every year. The relentless rise in the number of climate refugees is the tragedy of our time and tugs on our collective consciousness. In this context, Cote d'Ivoire calls on the United Nations and all of its partners to increase and to intensify their emergency humanitarian assistance for hard-hit populations. But we must go further on the climate issue and wholeheartedly implement measures that allow us to in the short term reverse the dangerous curve of global warming and its consequences on our societies. To that end, Cote d'Ivoire reiterates its call to developed countries to honour their pledges in climate finance and in supporting the energy transition. The Loss and Damage Fund should be rapidly filled up and used to relieve the suffering of populations in climate distress. Ladies and gentlemen, in addition to facing security and climate challenges, the world is undergoing a technological revolution for which few countries are prepared. Artificial intelligence harbors great promise for our societies. but it can also pose a host of threats and is open to abuse, particularly due to the lack of international regulations governing its use. Consequently, it falls to us to ensure that this technological revolution doesn't further widen inequalities and doesn't lead to a digital downgrading of some, but rather, on the contrary, that it serves the progress and well-being for all. For this reason, my country welcomes the adoption of the Global Digital Compact. This should enable us to make better use of this technological progress for all nations. Mr. President, it's clear that no single country can enable the world to overcome the global challenges that are eroding the foundations of peace and security, as well as the social progress that has been achieved over the last few decades. In light of this, our collective action should be firmly rooted in the unique multilateral framework of the United Nations. The world truly needs a dynamic and effective United Nations that represents the diversity of peoples and has the backing of the consensus of nations that underpins its legitimacy. In this context, the United Nations that we've inherited from the 20th century must undergo far-reaching reform. so that it can fully play its role in today's multipolar world. In particular, the Security Council must open up to Africa in all membership categories in order to reflect this reality. This is an essential condition for our global organization to be able to truly contribute to the lasting settlement of conflicts based on respect for international law, which remains its foundation. The same goes for the fight against climate change, which depends on the ability of our common organisation to rally member states around this priority and encourage them to honour their commitments in this area. Global governance reform should also extend to multilateral financial institutions so that they can further support efforts to fund sustainable development goals in developing countries while at the same time tackling the issue of debt. These institutions should be more inclusive in how they operate. and how they take decisions. These deep-rooted transformations are inevitable and must be sped up so that these institutions truly work to assist all of our countries in combating poverty and ensuring development. Here I wish to pay tribute to the United Nations Secretary General in his brave initiatives in preventive diplomacy, peacekeeping and peacebuilding, but also for his commitment to reforming global financial governance. Together, we have the right tools to be able to meet the challenges facing the world and to be able to enable our young people and women to flourish and to contribute more than ever before to development in our countries. Africa's future lies in its young people. We owe it to them to build competitive education and training systems, as well as democratic institutions that protect their freedoms. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, my country firmly believes in the values of multilateralism. They are indeed at the heart of our interactions with other nations. Through multilateralism together, our states can overcome great divisions. forge consensus around difficult issues and put forward global solutions to major global challenges. This vision determines how we act and how we contribute to regional community construction and also how we commit alongside other countries to building a peaceful, united and prosperous world. for the benefit of present and future generations. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Vice President of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/cote-divoire","Côte d’Ivoire","His Excellency","Tiémoko Meyliet Koné","Vice-President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ci_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CI_EN.mp3" 82,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Theodora Ngema Obiang-Mangwe, Vice President in Charge of National Defense and State Security of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency, President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Heads of State and Government, Heads of Delegations, Your Excellency, United Nations Secretary General, Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of His Excellency Obiang Ngema Basogo, President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, allow me first of all to congratulate His Excellency Philemon Yang upon his unanimous election as President of this 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. And I wish also to congratulate the other members of the Bureau. we can assure them that they will have the full support and cooperation of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea throughout their presidency. In the same vein, we would like to commend His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis, the outgoing President, whose presidency saw the achievement of many important resolutions that bear witness to his brilliant leadership and also his decisive dynamism that he was able to show during his term in office. President, the topic for this 79th session of the General Assembly states as follows, leaving no one behind. acting together for the advancement of peace sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations that is a theme that is very pertinent given the current state of affairs around the world including major global challenges such as wars the existence of armed groups, terrorism, crises brought about by the effects of climate change, organized criminal gangs, the possibility of emerging health crises, discrimination, and the food crisis. as a result of armed conflicts that trigger it or may lead to hunger in different countries. Indeed, this backdrop requires us all to recall the need and importance of giving greater emphasis to multilateralism and international cooperation. These are crucial if we are able to overcome these global challenges that humanity is currently facing. We also must promote sustained economic growth and sustainable development. This, pursuant to the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, as well as recent conferences and summits held under the aegis of the United Nations. Equatorial Guinea has an unwavering stance vis-à-vis the conflicts that are currently raging throughout the world. We are clear about the need to prioritise the quest through all means to... Ensure the prevalence of peace throughout the world by using preventive diplomacy, negotiation and inclusive dialogue at all times to put an end to these conflicts. We call upon those countries that are immersed in the current conflicts and all governments who directly or indirectly are involved in said conflicts as a result of geostrategic, economic, neocolonial or other interests, we call on all of these countries to prioritise dialogue. and inclusive negotiations in a realistic and pragmatic manner so as to resolve these conflicts. The proliferation of so many conflicts around the world is further proof of the obsolescence, incapacity and inefficiency of the United Nations Security Council today. What we are currently seeing in terms of what this decision-making body is able to do is ultimately the struggle as a result of geostrategic interests that make it even more difficult for unanimous decisions to be taken by this body to resolve these conflicts and to alleviate the suffering of people and the loss of innocent lives. That is why there is an urgent need to reform the Security Council. We must reform it so that we put an end to its obsolete composition which dates back to 1945. and that obtains still today, which means that Africa is the main victim of a historic injustice and the lack of implementation of international law, because Africa is the only country that does not have permanent representation on the Security Council, the only continent that does not have permanent representation on the Council. Africa, in the context of the Azawini Consensus and CERT declaration, has for more than two decades been calling for this injustice to be corrected. We are calling for Africa to be given two permanent seats with all the relevant prerogatives and rights reserved to members of this category. We are also calling for five additional non-permanent seats on the Council. We hope that the contacts that there are between the permanent members and the African Union Committee of C10 to address this issue, we hope that they will reach satisfactory outcomes that will be of benefit to all stakeholders so that ultimately we will end up with a Security Council that is able to promote a fairer, more peaceful, equitable and prosperous world for all. President, Equatorial Guinea is deeply concerned by the increasingly serious situation that countries in the Sahel are experiencing. This has very deleterious repercussions for the development of these countries, and it directly and indirectly affects countries in the sub-region as well. This state of affairs is is the result of the interference, pressure, and blockades applied on countries of the Global South by some other countries. The only aim here is to try to destabilize the countries and to paralyze the efforts of African countries to ensure that their people can prosper. There is no country in the world that is perfect domestically. However, some countries have attempted to be judges and arbiters, to intervene in and lecture other countries, which are nevertheless sovereign. They interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries with clear meddling. All countries in the world are sovereign. and they therefore have the right to decide with which country to maintain relations and to sign bilateral agreements that would benefit their respective governments and peoples. President. We fail to understand why the embargo on Cuba has not yet been lifted. The economic, commercial and financial blockade on that country, which has gone on for various decades, must be lifted. Equatorial Guinea calls for the embargo on Cuba to be immediately lifted. and also for this country to be taken off the infamous lists of states that are alleged to be sponsors of terrorism. Lifting this embargo is even more necessary now, because we have just adopted by consensus the Pact of the Future, and this states that we will leave no country behind. It is crystal clear that African economies can become major actors in global supply chains. They can make use of their vast resources of raw materials which are necessary for advanced technologies and their own consumption markets which are only growing. That is why Africa deserves particular attention in terms of efforts and initiatives to support and finance development. The commitments to finance the sustainable development must be honoured so that the goals contained in the UN 2030 agenda can be implemented and so that we can implement the goals contained in the 2063 agenda of the African Union and leave no one behind. Equatorial Guinea is committed to promoting and protecting human rights as a global issue. This includes the plan for children's rights to eliminate racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and relevant and related forms of intolerance, the rights of persons with disabilities, the rights to food, housing, countries' rights to use and commercialize their natural resources to meet their people's needs. Against this backdrop, we also need to consider humanitarian rights. We are seeing these rights being violated systematically in the ongoing conflicts. People in the conflict zones are being deprived of the humanitarian aid that they so sorely need, both in terms of food and health care. Equatorial Guinea wishes to make clear its major concern about the crisis that Haiti is experiencing. We think there needs to be an in-depth analysis about the chronic situation that this brother country is in so that a sustainable solution can be found for it. That is why we will continue to propose holding a United Nations International Conference for Haiti. I conclude my statement by reiterating our congratulations to our brother, His Excellency Philemon Yang, and we would like to wish him the best of success during his presidency at this session of the General Assembly. Again, we assure him of the full support of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Vice President in charge of National Defense and State Security of the Republic of Ecuadorial Guinea.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/equatorial-guinea","Equatorial Guinea","His Excellency","Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue","Vice-President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gq_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GQ_EN.mp3" 83,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Charles Michel, President of the European Council of the European Union. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Monsieur le Président de l'Assemblée Générale. President of the General Assembly. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. As you enter this building, what catches the eye is a bluish light. This is the peace window. At the heart of the United Nations, this stained glass window is committed to those who work for the benefit of the United Nations. It was made by Marc Chagall, a Russian Jew who lived for the most part of his life in exile. He lived through two world wars. To guarantee peace and security, which were re-established in 1945, the promises of freedom and solidarity were engraved in the United Nations Charter. This is the 10th consecutive time I have the honor of delivering a statement from this rostrum. In 2015, I listed the challenges of our generation, conflicts, poverty, the climate, and migration. None of these challenges have been solved. And yet at the time, we thought that we had a robust framework, the multilateral order, which would allow us to work together to tackle these challenges. A decade has gone by, and this framework is shattering before our very eyes. The use of force, growing numbers of unilateral acts, and what we're witnessing, often without any hope, is three major conflicts, which together are brewed into an explosive cocktail. In Ukraine, a permanent member of the Security Council has launched an illegal, unprovoked war. It is a flagrant attempt to impose the law using force instead of drawing on the force of the law. This war is a direct threat to the people of Ukraine and to each and every one of us. The European Union supports Ukraine and will continue to support Ukraine for as long as is necessary. We will live up to our promise of independence. Freedom and solidarity. We're committing ourselves to a comprehensive, just and lasting peace enshrined in the UN Charter. Freedom and solidarity. Drawing on these very principles, we'd like to condemn the terrorist attacks, vile terrorist attacks committed by Hamas. We call for the release of all hostages and unconditionally so. Israel has the right to defend itself With due respect for international law and the principle of proportionality, we want an immediate ceasefire in keeping with the advisory opinion of the ICJ. The life of every civilian counts, and we condemn all indiscriminate attacks targeting civilian populations. The EU is taking action and wants to do more to achieve lasting peace within the framework of a two-state solution. The endless escalation must end. And let me tell you, drawing Lebanon into the spiral is irresponsible, absolutely irresponsible. These calls, including calls addressed to the government of Israel, have to date borne no fruit. This cannot go on. We want a democratic, a strong state of Israel living in peace and security side by side with the Palestinian people, the Palestinian people which should have their own stable and viable state. The Palestinian people deserve respect and dignity. I say this to the government of Israel. Trying to achieve security without peace is impossible. Without peace, there cannot be lasting security. A world that is driven by revenge is a world that is less safe. The Palestinian people have the right to their own state, This will continue to result in Israeli security and security of all Jews being undermined unless such a state is established. This will result in polarization and the undermining of the international system, which cannot be underpinned by double standards. Ladies and gentlemen, the wars in the Middle East and in Ukraine are resulting in terrible consequences, and women are paying the worst price for this, including in the civil war of Sudan. Over 20,000 people have died, 20 million people are facing an emergency, 8 million have been displaced. Across the Horn of Africa, the situation is turning into chaos. We must put an end to external actors feeding these wars. We must put an end to arms supplies. It is time to take action and to implement peace and reconciliation processes. Ladies and gentlemen, The life of a child killed in a school that was bombed is valuable. In Ukraine, in Gaza, everywhere. The dignity of a woman who's been raped, her besmirched dignity, is sacred in times of war and peace in Sudan, in Ukraine, elsewhere. an entire people of food is a crime of war in Ukraine, in Gaza, in Sudan and elsewhere. A crime is a crime regardless of who the perpetrators are or where the crime is committed. And our indignation can only be genuine if it is universal. The European Union defends international law equally across the board, everywhere. We condemn all acts geared towards destabilisation, regardless of who the perpetrators are. Here I'm referring to Iran, which is using proxies to feed conflicts in the Middle East. It's thanks to Iran's military support and in Russia's war in Ukraine that this is happening. We must take stock of the situation. Iran and Russia are using the very same playbook. The nuclear threat, imperialist ambitions, support for terrorist groups, godless and lawless terrorist groups, and all of this is destabilizing neighboring countries and the rest of the world. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the establishment of the United Nations and the international system underpinned by rules was a remarkable step forward. Going backwards means going back to a time of war. More than ever since 1945, our world has been hard hit by an explosive cocktail of shocks. They're piling up. They're speeding up. We must get our bearings. This requires cooperation and courage. We need common laws which are respected by all. To this end, the Security Council must throw off the yoke of the veto which paralyzes it. The Security Council isn't representative nor legitimate. It's ineffective. The Security Council is increasingly stillborn, like a zombie. In June 1945, when the UN Charter was adopted, President Truman said that this Charter will be expanded and improved over time It will require adjustments. Decades have gone by. No readjustments were made. And yet we must reform the Security Council. It must become more inclusive. Africa and, the way I see it, Latin America should have permanent seats. Furthermore, regional organisations must be incorporated further into UN decision-making. Furthermore, they should have an advisory role to play in the Security Council, regional organisations, that is. Ladies and gentlemen, there cannot be any freedom when drought eats away at crops. We cannot have freedom when there are terrible hurricanes tearing down houses, when there are pandemics and some do not have access to medicines or vaccines. We must open our eyes. and live up to the solidarity that's required of us. It's not just about dignity, morals, or solidarity. It's in the interests of developed countries to support the green transition as well as development, helping developing countries to buttress their health systems. And it is in that spirit that Dr. Tedros put forward the idea of an international treaty on pandemics. We've made a great deal of headway on these negotiations, but it's now time to finalise the agreement. MPOCs are set alarm bells off once again. However, it's unacceptable for lobbies and egotistical behaviour to block the road to sharing of vaccines and vaccine technologies. Distinguished colleagues, there cannot be freedom in a world when each individual can be boiled down to his or her data. to a commercial target that can be surveilled and manipulated. The digital resolution is, of course, a driver, an extraordinary driver of progress, specifically artificial intelligence. It's a new driver of prosperity. However, it must be harnessed for the benefit of humanity and freedom. We shouldn't commit the error, unless we've already committed it, misusing natural resources and misusing personal data like we did with natural resources. Data and artificial intelligence are instruments of power. They are instruments of subjugation and economic and political domination. They can become weapons of war. We must create a framework so that we can move ahead at a global level. Technological competition is healthy. It promotes progress, but it must be something that occurs within a framework which we all agree to, rules of the game and fair competition. We need a global dialogue within the G7, but also together with the rest of the world, Africa, Latin America, Asia. We are going to work with them. We're also going to work with those whose ideas and sometimes whose behaviors we do not agree with. China is a key partner to help us tackle global challenges, which I mentioned earlier. earlier, to reduce risks, to diversify our supply chains, because as we know, excessive dependence on a given supplier gives rise to vulnerability and thus conflict. We should also ask China to not support Russia, neither directly nor indirectly, in its legal war against Ukraine. Instead, China should use its influence to ensure respect for the United Nations Charter. Ladies and gentlemen, the international financial architecture should help us to reduce inequality, not to exacerbate it. When a Kenyan farmer cannot access microloans at acceptable rates, it's not just something unfortunate, it's a challenge to the entire global development order. Because without lasting and equitable development, we cannot have global stability and security. We must change the system. Financial firepower must be multiplied for the benefit of our people to ensure that we can address the climate threat and achieve prosperity. The most courageous donors should restructure debt and allocate additional special drawing rights. It's not just about the transfer of financial or technological means. Solidarity also requires us to reform governance, to improve business climates, strengthen legal certainty, combat corruption, and mobilize resources within developing countries as well. As Mo Ibrahim said, very frankly, while economic aid and relief efforts for Africa are wonderful and commendable acts of solidarity, we also need to change the way our countries are run. Ladies and gentlemen, by way of conclusion, I'd like to end this 10th and last speech from this rostrum with a few personal remarks. My first point, double standards are a modern day poison in international relations. When we defend human dignity, territorial sovereignty, honest, free and transparent elections, we should defend and protect them across the board under all circumstances. And each and one of us must humbly look in the mirror. We have all inherited our own cultures, our own histories, traditions, and probably our various errors. Everyone must draw conclusions. Humbly. We must do our best to be better. Europe often acts awkwardly, but it does so genuinely, in good faith, to ensure that human rights and freedoms are protected across the board. This brings me to my second point. We must steadfastly reject bipolar confrontation and act forcefully to build a multipolar world in a multilateral framework in which every country or group of countries can choose its own path towards prosperity and work hand-in-hand while abiding by rules we've agreed to all of us. We must resist, resist to the pressure to pit one group of countries against another, to choose sides, because bipolar confrontation It's not a good solution. Third, I deeply believe in regional organizations and what they can bring to the United Nations. Over the last five years, the EU has built partnerships with the African Union, Latin American countries, Caribbean countries in CELAC, ASEAN, the Gulf Cooperation Council, Central Asian countries. These cooperation networks help to weave the fabric of stabilisation and achieve progress. Our EU must become stronger and more autonomous so as to bolster its capacity to work together with other organisations in the name of peace, freedom and solidarity. You'll be hearing the EU's voice on the world stage, loud and independent. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, two world wars, the Holocaust, absolute humiliation for humanity, The European continent bears the scars of its past, and therefore we have a special responsibility to defend freedom, solidarity, and universal human dignity. The European project is geared towards reconciliation, cooperation, and increasingly friendship and fraternity. The European project should be a source of inspiration, of hope and optimism. Optimism is a duty, in fact. We can, once again, change the course of history, provided that we band together. The future has not been written. It is not a given. We can achieve greater peace, greater freedom, greater solidarity. Peace requires a lot of effort. We know that. We've given those efforts. And peace is very fragile sometimes. It breaks down sometimes, but we can piece it together, even though it's difficult. Peace is wonderful. It's luminous. It carries in it hope, as does the blue peace window crafted by Marc Chagall. Let's work tirelessly to build peace. You can count on the European Union. I thank you. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the president of the European Council of the European Union.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/european-union","European Union","His Excellency","Charles Michel","President of the European Council","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/eu_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_EU_EN.mp3" 84,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Ratu Wiliame Mavalili Kachinavere, President of the Republic of Fiji. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President of the United Nations General Assembly, Your Excellency Philemon Yang, Secretary General Antonio Guterres, my fellow leaders, I bring you greetings from the people of Fiji. I would also like to offer sincere congratulations to you, Mr. President, on your election to your high office, and we wish you well in the discharge of your important duties. As this is my first United Nations General Assembly, I begin by reiterating the words of the first Prime Minister of Fiji, the late Ratu Sir Kamise Semara, in his inaugural address to this Assembly in 1970, and may I quote, We do not live by bread alone, and it is only from the firm base of sound morale and spiritual standards that we can go on to meaningful economic progress. Quality should not take second place to quantity, especially when we are estimating society, its life and accepted values. Quality is measured by standards, and these standards must be observed by larger nations as well as by smaller. But it is for the United Nations to set the standards and to disseminate them widely."" This statement was made when the United Nations was celebrating its 25th anniversary with the theme, Peace, Justice and Progress. In this assembly, 54 years later, the theme of the 79th session, Unity and Diversity for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Human Dignity for Everyone and Everywhere, echoes similar sentiments. It resonates with us in its importance, its relevance, from when Fiji first joined the United Nations in its urgency in today's precarious global context. Climate change, sea level rise, pandemics, poverty, unsustainable development, conflicts, inequalities, injustice everywhere. The challenges are daunting. From Gaza to Sudan. Ukraine, Afghanistan and beyond. Conflicts rage on as humanitarian needs escalate. These are the challenges we have been fighting since time immemorial. It is the background against which the United Nations was established in 1945. Today, the rapid evolution of technology has made us more connected than ever before in history. However, the more connected we are, the wider gaps between the rich and the poor, the developed and the developing world. Small island developed states who are on the forefront lines of climate change and sea level rise continue to grapple with the impacts of climate-induced disasters with devastating consequences for the ecosystem and vulnerable communities. Fellow leaders, this year, At least 72 countries whose population combined comprises almost half the world's total population have already or will soon select their own leaders at the polls. The world is in need of courageous leaders who are willing to garner the political will and mobilize the resources to bridge the divide and seek solutions that benefit humankind. We have two choices before us, to give up and go home, or to stay the course, renew, redouble our efforts, rethink, and reform together. The choice we make will be our legacy. We choose the latter, not for ourselves, but for those coming after us. Strong international cooperation, diplomacy, and a commitment to upholding the principles of the United Nations are not only important but dispensable. It is time to go back to the basics, the foundation and purpose of the United Nations Charter. We must invest in the empowerment of humankind and the protection of human rights. Fellow leaders, next year the United Nations turns 80. The United Nations is only as strong as its member states. For 79 years, the global community has placed its trust in multilateralism and in the United Nations to force our cooperation, uphold human rights, and promote stability. We now live in an age of distrust, fueled by the increasing disconnect between people's expectations and inadequate responses to the multilateral system. It is our collective responsibility to counter misinformation and disinformation. Trust is a prerequisite for effective multilateralism. The continued success of multilateralism is critical. There is more to be done to ensure the voices of our country are heard. An inclusive and responsive multilateral system must be able to respond and adapt to the challenges of today. The stakes are high for developing countries, including small island developing states, and least developed countries that can continue to be left behind in the development race as we grapple with multiple crises. Despite our limited resources, the unfairness of the global governance system, and obvious inequalities, small island developing states continue to forge ahead. We do not have the luxury of time, nor can we justify inaction. Building economic resilience is a requirement for sustainable development in small island developing states. Recovery from the frequency and magnitude of climate-related shocks, including disaster, are costly affairs. Mobilizing the upfront funding needed for adaptation remains a challenge as resources are focused on recovery and reconstruction. The adoption of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index for small island states opens a new chapter in the ongoing effort to safeguard the future of vulnerable developing countries. mainstreaming multi-dimensional vulnerability index into existing practice with policies will help ease the economic burden for small island developing states when needed the most. Fellow leaders, cultivating a culture of peace is now more urgent than ever. The blue Pacific continent knows the value of peace. Having lived through its horrors of its absence, Our oceans and its diverse and vibrant lands have been a theatre of the two world wars and a testing ground for the most dangerous weapons, the impacts of which are still felt today. Yesterday, the 25th of September, there was an unilateral test firing of ballistic missiles into the Pacific Ocean. We urge respect for our region and call for cessation of such action. Under Principle 4 of the Ocean of Peace, as was endorsed by the Pacific leaders in Tonga last month, our statement reinforces the Pacific's peaceful example to uphold international law and urge others to refrain from actions that undermine peace and security in the Blue Pacific. Under Principle 12, the Ocean of Peace sets and champions the rules of responsible, peaceful, and deconflicting behavior Fiji may be a small state, but through our leadership and stewardship roles in the region, we make a profound contribution to regionalism and multilateralism. Fiji's first-ever Foreign Policy White Paper builds on three interconnecting themes of Fiji's foreign policy – sovereignty, security, and prosperity. Fiji's National Development Plan for 2025 to 2029 envisions empowering the people of Fiji through unity, based on the pillars of economic resilience, people empowerment and good governance. True to the spirit of multilateralism, our bilateral regional and multilateral development partners are a key part of our efforts. We commit to the principles of the 2050 strategy for the Blue Pacific continent and to the Pacific leaders' vision of a prosperous Blue Pacific continent. Fellow leaders, as a large ocean state, Fiji is a proud advocate for the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea. Fiji has signed and will rectify the agreement on biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction in the lead-up to the Third Nations Oceans Conference in France. Fiji has rectified the World Trade Organization agreement on fisheries subsidies, which aims to eliminate harmful subsidies that contribute to illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. We call for concerted efforts at the World Trade Organization to finalize part two of the fisheries subsidies agreement that addresses subsidies to overfishing and overcapacity. Fiji reiterates the importance of understanding the vast ocean space guided by science and data in order to undertake risk-informed decisions. As the global community prepares for the climate COP in Baku, Azerbaijan, we call on countries to work together with the United Nations to implement the outcomes of the global stock undertaken in COP28. Deep, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 1.5 degrees Celsius must be vigorously pursued and accelerated. The face-out of unwavering coal power transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems will contribute to the achievements of net zero targets by 2050. Both adaptation and mitigation finances require a substantial increase. We call on states to commit to finalizing the new collective quantified goal and address glaring gaps in climate finance. The momentum from COP27 and COP28 on the loss and damage fund in the Santiago network must be accelerated in order to protect vulnerable communities who stand to lose most from the climate crisis, particularly in small island developing states and least developing countries. By 2050, around 240 of our coastal communities will be displaced due to sea level rise. 42 communities are in urgent need of relocation. With limitation of the multilateral climate financing architecture, Fiji has established the world's first national relocation trust fund to support our relocation cost. We have issued domestic and international green and blue bonds, piloted low-cost parametric insurance products for rural communities, and engaged in the private sector in climate resilience building. We call on our development partners to support our efforts. Fellow leaders, the Pact of the Future, adopted at the Summit of the Future earlier this week, opens pathways to new possibilities. The world deserves a future of peace, dignity and prosperity. It's never too late. Mr. President, Excellencies, Fiji's commitment to multilateralism is unwavering. We will continue to work closely with the United Nations and all member states to advance efforts towards building a better, safer, and a fairer world for us all. And I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Fiji.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/fiji","Fiji","His Excellency","Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Katonivere","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/fj_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_FJ_EN.mp3" 85,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, President of the Transition and Head of State of the Gabonese Republic. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President of the General Assembly, heads of state and government, Secretary General of the United Nations, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Gabonese people, I am happy to take part in the work of this General Assembly of the United Nations. President Philemon Yang, In taking the floor for the first time before this august assembly, I would like at the outset to address to you my warm congratulations on your outstanding election to preside the 79th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. And I wish you all the best. I express my compliments, too, to the seasoned interpreter that you are, representative of a brotherly country, Cameroon, linked to Gabon by geography, history, and culture. Please be assured of the full support of my country throughout your mandate. And finally, I would like to pay tribute, well-deserved tribute to Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of our organization for his tireless devotion and commitment to servicing the ideals of the United Nations. Mr. President, I'd like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention that the current debate is taking place at a moment where my country, Gabon, has just celebrated the first anniversary of the liberation coup. Indeed, our path towards the construction of a new Gabon to date has been able to keep its promises that we announced here at the last General Debate, namely the establishment of transitional institutions, the release of prisoners of conscience, permanent inclusivity, the holding of an inclusive national dialogue, the drafting of a new constitution. The next step is to organise the referendum in the coming months and the adoption of an electoral code and a revision of the electoral register in accordance with the timetable adopted during the inclusive national dialogue. All of this progress, supported by the people of Gabon, contributes to a progressive return to our constitutional order through free, transparent and peaceful elections as soon as possible. Apart from these points that I have just outlined, significant reforms have been undertaken in sectors that directly affect human development. Roads, healthcare centres, schools, a return to school grants, the opening up of competitions for our major universities, lifting of the recruitment freeze and the payment of pension arrears, all of this respecting our international commitments at the same time. And this is the opportunity for me to thank all of our partners, friendly countries and donors of national and international funds that have accompanied us in this transition process, despite the difficulties of the process. Ladies and gentlemen, the current General Assembly is focusing on the subject, unity and diversity for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity everywhere and for everyone. This is part of our building of a planetary community that is in harmony with the principles mentioned in the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Gabon, faithful as we are to our tradition of peace, unreservedly supports this project aiming at a more just and inclusive interactive world. On the day after the liberation coup of the 30th of August 2023 that was carried out without bloodshed, we advocated for the preservation of peace and for national unity by appealing to all stakeholders of the nation whatever their origins, their beliefs, or their social status, in an effort to build a fairer and more prosperous Gabon. Ladies and gentlemen, respect for life, territorial integrity, the sovereignty of states to freely choose their partners, and rejection of violence, all of these things favour peace building. With regard to sustainable development, my country maintains a firm and coherent position in favour of protecting the environment. I would like to recall that for several years now, Gabon has dedicated 13 national parks to the service of humanity, thus contributing to the absorption of more than 100 million net tonnes of CO2 per year. and the preservation of threatened species. Nevertheless, this does not mean in any way that we are bypassing the expectations of our population who are focused on their basic needs being met. That is why this forum is the occasion to recall once again recall to industrialised nations the need for them to respect their commitments by supporting the countries that host the greatest carbon sinks in the world. Mr President, with regard to security, as many of us would believe, I feel that it is an urgent matter to provide appropriate responses to the numerous conflicts that we see in the world and particularly in Africa. I would like to once again welcome the adoption by the Security Council on the 21st of December 2023 of resolution 2719 on the financing of peace support operations led by the African Union. In accordance with the new agenda for peace of the Secretary General of the United Nations, this resolution, presented jointly by Gabon, Ghana and Mozambique, today is a crucial part of the architecture for international peace and security. Its implementation is an absolute imperative. And I would like to take this opportunity to support the efforts of the Secretary General aimed at providing a realistic, pragmatic and sustainable political solution for the Moroccan Sahara. I would also like to welcome the official announcement made by the United States of America that they support the admission of two African states as permanent members of the Security Council. However, Africa is expecting broader support from other permanent members of the Security Council for this initiative. At the same time, we expect access for African members to the right to veto. This would simply be justice for our continent. Over and above the African continent, I would invite you to not avert your gaze from Gaza. It's time more than ever before for lasting peace with a view to the harmonious existence of two states, Palestinian and Israeli. And I would also like to reiterate the position of Gabon for the lifting of the economic trade and financial embargo imposed on Cuba because of its negative impact on the well-being of the population. President, ladies and gentlemen, as President Félix Hupué-Boigny said, peace is not just a word. It's a behavior. It's a genuine state of mind. This legitimate aspiration of people's is an ideal. It recommends that developing countries developed countries that have experience in resolving conflicts share with other states their know-how to build a more just and more balanced world. Unity in diversity for making progress in peace, sustainable development and human dignity everywhere and for everyone is, in my view, a genuine society of dialogue, tolerance and respect for others. This should help us to build a world where development will be adapted to everyone's needs, to the needs of all peoples. Mr. President, with regard to economic and financial matters, the 2024 report of the United Nations on Sustainable Development underscores once again the urgency for mobilising massive funding in order to plug the financing gap in the economy aimed at several billion dollars. This is a reality. The international financial system, as it is at the moment, does not enable us to steer investment towards development and thus to ensure the dignity of our populations, which we are addressing in our debate this year. I also share with you the willingness of my peers to reform international financial institutions. This is crucial in order to produce financing for developing countries. Secretary General of the United Nations, ladies and gentlemen, heads of state and government, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, my country, Gabon, is resolutely committed to restore happiness and we plan to fully play our role to ensure that we build a human community that is working together and which everyone desires. Together, let us pool our efforts in the hope of a better future by acting in a different way in order to preserve the human race. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Transition and Head of State of the Gabonese Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/gabon","Gabon","His Excellency","Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema","President of the Transition","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ga_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GA_EN.mp3" 86,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. President of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly, Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, Your Majesties and Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Heads of Delegation, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor for the Gambia to participate in the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly and to engage in meaningful dialogue with global leaders and partners on the vision of shaping a more prosperous future for humankind. Your Excellency, Mr. President, allow me to express my heartfelt congratulations to you on your assuming the role of President for the 79th session. I similarly wish to register sincere gratitude to His Excellency, Ambassador Denis Francis, for his exemplary leadership and accomplishments during the 78th session. Mr. President, as we undertake to chart the future we envision, we welcome the initiative presented by Secretary-General Guterres at the Summit of the Future under the team multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow. My delegation firmly believes that the path to a better tomorrow lies in multilateralism and closer international cooperation. To our collective responsibility and inclusive participation we can decisively confront and overcome our challenges and bottlenecks. The high-level summit of the future has determined that human actions are largely responsible for the challenges we face today. Therefore, it is within our power to address the disasters that continuously trouble our nations. To succeed, however, the international community must recommit to implementing the resolutions of the summit of the future to tackle such critical global challenges as climate change, poverty, transitional crimes, and conflict. These incidents underscore the urgent need for comprehensive reforms within the United Nations system, particularly the UN Security Council and international financial institutions. We must equally strive for a more representative, just and inclusive United Nations to save the world we so dearly want. Mr. President, the Gambia's perspective on the team leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations aligns closely with the principles and aspirations of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. In accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter, the team serves as a crucial reminder to the international community of the need for solidarity and renewed commitment. With specific reference to the Gambia, the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, is central to our national agenda and we are committed to ensuring that our development efforts are both sustainable and impactful. Like many least developed countries, LDCs, The Gambia faces huge challenges that pose serious threats to our survival as a nation, hence requiring collective international efforts to resolve. The global community needs to assist the least developed countries, especially to address the burden of inequality, build more robust economies, and create policy space for economic growth. To tackle the debt burden and internal state weaknesses, we need to increase investment in capacity building. Also, we must jointly endeavor to bridge the digital divide and support technology transfer to advance development. Mr. President, we live in a world with widening inequalities, thus suppressing the weak and making the conditions of the poor worse. grossly violates the expressed ideals and spirit of the summit of the future. The Gambia is fully committed to the global call for gender equality and recognizes the indispensable role women play in socioeconomic development. We firmly believe that empowering women translates into community empowerment and ultimately inclusive development. For these reasons, my government places great emphasis on women's rights and we are dedicated to protecting and empowering women. As President, I will continue to ensure that women and girls are protected and given the necessary space to contribute meaningfully to our national development agenda. On youth matters, at the recent Consultative Summit, stakeholders recommended a SAPA focus on innovation and climate change, gender equity, bridging the digital divide, and global governance that promotes youth empowerment through employment, education, and health. The summit's recommendations will inform endeavors to fill policies gaps and expand funding opportunities for better youth engagement. Furthermore, my government commits to aligning our national priorities with global benchmarks and in partnership with youth-led organizations and other stakeholders. We also resolve to use transformative solutions to create greater opportunities for all. Mr. President, the Gambia believes in collective international efforts to combat global challenges. Based on this, last year the Gambia joined the international community by co-sponsoring UN General Assembly Consensus Resolution 77-276, which sought to engage the International Court of Justice, ICJ, on the obligations of states regarding climate change. Last August, the Gambia submitted its written statement to the ICJ, and we look forward to participating in the oral hearings later this year in the Hague. At the national level, the Gambia remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting human rights and establishing a vibrant democratic environment. The establishment of a National Human Rights Commission and entrainment of a free, independent, and impartial judiciary provide a solid framework and a sense of security for our citizens, those ensuring they have a place to seek redress for injustice. I am happy to report that since 2017, The Gambia has neither recorded a single political prisoner nor has any journalist or human rights activist been jailed in the Gambia. Proudly too, in August 2024, The Gambia was recognized as one of Africa's leading defenders of freedom of expression and ranked third in Article 19's Global Expression Report 2024. We will continue striving to better our situation. Mr. President, as committed advocates of peace and security, respect for basic rights and freedoms, and the application of international law. We stand firmly against injustice, no matter where it occurs. No doubt, as a nation of peace guided by democratic principles, we have learned valuable lessons to act upon and share. With the help of the international community, We are steadily taking steps to bring closure to the saga of the victims of dictatorship in our country. So far, we have successfully managed the transitional justice and reform processes. Moving forward, we count on your support in the next critical stages of ensuring justice, reconciliation, reparation where necessary. The Gambia will continue advocating preventive approaches to peacebuilding to avert future conflicts. Once again, I take this opportunity to express our appreciation of all the support the UN Peacebuilding Commission has been extending to us. Mr. President, the ongoing conflicts in Palestine, Sudan, the Sahel, Ukraine and Russia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, and other conflict zones demand international communities immediate intervention. We must explore all diplomatic means to restore lasting peace worldwide and free all innocent people, particularly women and children, from the calamities of war. We call on the international community to prioritize support for the post-conflict reconstruction of Gaza and the improvement of economic conditions in the West Bank. Even though the situation in that region is extremely serious, the intense destruction of lives and property continues. The Israel occupation, expansion of settlements, blockade of Gaza, and restrictions in the West Bank, together with the threat of intensifying the war to a regional conflict, continue to worsen the ongoing tensions in the Middle East. Accordingly, I call on the United Nations the international community, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, OIC member states, to join forces and urgently bring about permanent peace in Palestine. Through recognized structures, I am, as chair of the OIC, committed to stepping up efforts and exploring every possible diplomatic and peaceful channel to resolve the Middle East crisis. The OIC has been very active and under my leadership will continue to promote and pursue peace in that region. Our common objective is to create a situation wherein Israel and Palestine coexist in peace and security under a two-state arrangement and within the recognized pre-1967 borders. With the sustained support of the OIC, The Gambia has stood as a beacon of hope for the oppressed Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar. Despite relentless efforts over the past five years, the oppressive region of Myanmar has intensified its oppressive campaign to force exile and unspeakable acts of violence. During my current three-year tenure as OIC chairman, my office will be available also for dialogue to bring lasting, peaceful relations between Iran, its immediate neighbors, and our Western partners. Globally, we have the collective responsibility of acting speedily to peacefully address the situation in Palestine, Sudan, Ukraine, and the Sahel region. Mr. President. We commend the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco and the viability of the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative. The initiative aligns with the principles of the UN Charter and it provides a platform for all parties involved in the Moroccan-Sahara conflict to engage in a UN-led dialogue for a permanent, mutually agreed political solution. with regard to recognition and respect for the one China principle. We continue to stand with China. The People's Republic of China represents renewed hope for global rebalancing towards justice, peace, and development. China's general support to its southern neighbors through its numerous development cooperation initiative has proven usefully, impactful, and strategic. Mr. President, migration has ever been a fundamental aspect of human development, and it significantly contributes to the growth of both home and host countries. The international community should address migration in a regulated manner and decriminalize it. Indeed, human beings should not risk losing their lives in pursuit of a better future. In this regard, The Gambia is collaborating with relevant countries to improve the plight of migrants, although we must discourage. irregular migration. We are duty-bound to respect the rights of migrants and ensure they are treated with dignity, Mr. President. We recognize that dictatorship, conflict, climate change, poverty, and lack of opportunities are part of the root causes of migration. Economic sanctions imposed on states also contribute to forced migration. The longstanding U.S. embargo against Cuba is an example. My view is that this embargo should give way to renewed good neighborliness and cooperative relations between the two nations. The international community should address inequality and compassion and fulfill the commitment to the official development assistance pledge made by donor countries. As regards the original countries of migrants, we must uphold the ideals and principles of democracy, good governance, and wise resource management approaches, Mr. President. In conclusion, the international community must prioritise diplomacy, dialogue and mutual understanding as we confront challenges of global concern. I also urge the private sector to collaborate with our governments in taking concrete actions towards our common goals. Simple yet impactful steps such as supporting local initiatives, promoting inclusive policies and engaging in global partnerships can make a significant difference in the world order. Despite the challenges we face, there is immense potential for positive change through collective endeavours. Let us embrace a message of hope, resilience and optimism for the future. Together we can create a world where peace, sustainable development and human dignity are not mere dreams but a reality for all. I thank you for your kind attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of the Gambia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/gambia-republic","Gambia (Republic of The)","His Excellency","Adama Barrow","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gm_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GM_EN.mp3" 87,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency Annalena Baerbock, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, we live in a world of quick headlines and even quicker slogans. Take back control. My country first. Us against them. Slogans that paint the world in black and white. Slogans that want to make us believe things are very simple. That there's only one side that matters. Us against them. I come from a country where this logic, us against them, was taken to the worst extremes that humankind has ever seen. A murderous world war that killed millions. And the worst imaginable crime against humanity, the Shoah, the genocide of six million Jews. Dehumanized, murdered just for being Jews. Murdered because of a Nazi ideology that would only accept the humanity of those they defined as Germans. After World War II, this institution here in New York was founded on the understanding that us against them leads to disasters. That the world needs a counter model, our UN Charter. A counter model to a world in which we only accept the humanity of ourselves, but not of others. A counter model that instead grants every country in the world the right to determine its own destiny. that casts a positive vision of our shared future, a vision of an international order that is based on rules, on the equality of every state and every human being, of cooperation instead of divisive nationalism, of a humanity that is indivisible. And these are not simple slogans. These are the principles we try to live up every day. Yet living up to them is anything but simple. It demands hard work, maybe more than ever before. It needs empathy and solidarity, the opposite of my country first. It demands the will to put ourselves in the shoes of the other. It demands, especially in times of crises, the strength to recognize the other's pain, even if our own pain seems unbearable, and to find common ground despite all the things that divide us. It also means that we have to face the dilemma that the values of the Charter can at times appear to contradict each other, such as the inherent right to self-defense and the responsibility to protect civilians when civilians are misused as human shields. Resolving this is harder than simply exclaiming either or. Us against them. Especially in our days of social media, where simple TikTok truths seem to blur out all complexity and nuance, sometimes even facts. as we see regarding the war in the Middle East. In its ruthless attack of October 7th last year, Hamas maimed and killed some 1,200 men, women, and children. To this day, the terrorists are holding more than 100 people, men, women, children, hostage. including German citizens, including children. At the same time, in Gaza, hungry, traumatized children are wandering the ruins of what used to be their homes, desperately searching for their parents under the rubble. Seeing all this with burning hearts, I guess It might be human that sometimes we are all tempted to fall emotionally for simple slogans, to only see one side when our hearts are burning. In addition, each of us is looking at this conflict from our own perspective and history. We need to respect that. But we must not stop there. Instead, we need to ask ourselves, what if this was me? If these were my children? In competition of pain, there can be no winners. This is how one of the hostage families put it. Humanity is universal. If in the darkest hour of her life, the mother of a murdered hostage finds the strength to see both sides, then we, as leaders of the countries around the world who have the privilege to speak in this hall, should be capable of doing the same. Not to fall for quick slogans, but to rally around humanity in order to overcome this vicious circle of hate. Universal humanity means the rights of Israelis and Palestinians do not cancel each other out. And this is why my country stands by its commitment to the security of the state of Israel. And why, at the same time, we are working every day to end the hell for the children of Gaza. Because lasting security for Israelis will only be possible if there is lasting security for Palestinians. And the opposite is also true. Lasting security for Palestinians will only be possible if there is lasting security for Israelis. This is why we are not resting until the hostages are home. This is why we are working so hard for a ceasefire, the Biden plan which was endorsed by the Security Council. while at the same time, together with our partners, we are working hard to get more humanitarian aid into Gaza. This is why I've been in the region 11 times since October. Germany alone has provided more than 360 million Euro for humanitarian aid for Gaza, for the Palestinian families in Gaza since last October. And this is also why yesterday we came together with a group of countries to call for an immediately 21-day ceasefire along the Blue Line, because a broader regional escalation would not bring anyone long-lasting security. as, frankly speaking, sometimes frustrating the lack of progress is, and hurting. We are not giving up on seeking a political vision for Israelis and Palestinians to be able to live peacefully side by side in two states. For me, resignation is simply not an option. Because that would mean that the playbook of terrorism and extremism carries the day. We need to recognize each other's pain, each other's interests, and yes, also listen openly to each other's complaints if we want to move forward. And if we do so, we might sometimes hear things we don't want to hear. our own shortcomings. Frankly, I remember how I called two and a half years ago so many colleagues here in the room and around the world to ask for your support in standing up against Russia's imperial war in Ukraine. And how one of my colleagues said, but where were you when we needed you, when we were attacked by the Houthis? And others said, you didn't stand with us in our anti-colonial struggle. And yes, that gave me a pause because they had a point. And I firmly believe critical self-reflection of what we or generations before us in our countries have done wrong is actually to our benefit. Because the ability to learn from past mistakes makes societies stronger. And it is the only way to build a better future. That is why my country, Germany, has started to address our colonial past more thoroughly. The restitution of artifacts is a crucial element here. That is also why we are in the midst of an important reconciliation process with Namibia. Because we can't undo mistakes of the past. But we can unite for a better future. And we can choose that every day by our own action. Facing our colonial history, to me, means doing the right thing today. But it also means that we have to stand up to the imperialist atrocities we are witnessing in our days today. Russia does not have a better future in mind for Ukraine. Ukraine is an independent state that gave up its nuclear arsenal in the 1990s because it believed in the principles and guarantees of this charter. and in its bodies, like the Security Council. Three decades later, it is attacked by a P5 country, one of the countries that bears, as the Charter says, the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Russia's war against Ukraine has destroying Ukrainian cities, schools, and hospitals for almost 1,000 days now. And it's ravaging the security order of my continent, Europe. Its ripple effects have been felt for so many here around the world. Many of you are feeling in your own countries the consequences in food prices and other things. And that is why I understand that some of you are asking, like in the Security Council two days ago, wouldn't the war be over if you Europeans just stopped providing Ukraine with weapons? There's nothing wrong with asking that. because we all wish for peace. But the idea that if there were no defensive weapons, there would be no fighting and no dying in Ukraine is as simple as it is wrong. We have seen that and we have seen what happened in June when Ukraine invited Russia to an international peace summit. Instead of stopping his attack and coming to the negotiation table, Putin sent his response by bombing a children's hospital. As long as Putin is not willing to come to the negotiation table, stopping our support for self-defense would simply mean leaving Ukraine's children's hospitals defenseless. It would mean more war crimes, not less. Possibly in other countries too. Time and again within the last months, Putin's Russia has been toying with the inviolability of the borders of the Baltic states and Poland. Two weeks ago, it fired a missile against a civilian grain ship in Romanian territorial waters. This is why today I'm also asking your support, your support in calling out on Putin to cease his attacks and to come to the negotiation table, not only for our European security, but I think also in your own interest. If a permanent member of the Security Council is allowed to conquer and destroy its smaller neighbor, the very essence of this Charter is under attack. If Russia stops attacking, the war is over. If Ukraine stops defending itself, Ukraine is over and our Charter. Sovereign equality, Article 2, Paragraph 1. Peaceful settlement of disputes, Article 2, Paragraph 3. The prohibition of the use of force, Article 2, Paragraph 4. And this is why we will continue to stand firmly with Ukraine and our charter to achieve a peace that is just and lasting with security guarantees A peace that secures Ukraine's existence as a free and independent country. A peace that ensures Ukraine's and Europe's security. And by that, the security of all of us. Obviously, none of this is easy. For almost 1,000 days now, so many countries have been working for Ukrainian children to sleep in their beds again and not in air raid shelters. For almost a year, so many of us have been working to help end the suffering in the Middle East. In countless talks in the region, countless meetings in our UN bodies, And yes, sometimes I too feel like giving in to despair. But throwing up our hands in resignation again is not an option. Because then the logic of us against them takes over. And also, and this is important to me, we tend to forget one thing in these times of crisis. There is a lot we can and have already achieved as an international community every day if we stand together, if we take each other's perspectives. To name only two striking latest examples, think about what we have achieved at the COP in Dubai only a year ago, when we saw what is possible when we overcome the us versus them. the industrial states against G77, the South versus the North. When we listened, instead, first and of all, to those most affected by the climate crisis, to our SID partners, who have been telling us for decades that the climate crisis is threatening their very existence and is the biggest security threat in the whole world. When with more than 190 states, we finally agreed to signal the end of the fossil era at COP28. And we set up a loss and damage fund for the most vulnerable because it's just and fair. And we saw again what we can achieve just earlier this week when we passed here the pact of the future, of our future, It took tough negotiations, hundreds of hours of text works in conference rooms, overnight sessions, last minute compromises for over two years. And many helped and didn't resign. Many helped along with us and partners and from Namibia and so many others. But in the end, the vast majority of us found the strength to rally around what unites us. Rules instead of brute nationalism. Cooperation instead of division. A humanity that is universal. And it is in this spirit that Germany is running for a non-permanent seat on the Security Council for 2728. We are running as defenders of the charter, of our shared principles. And that means that we also need to take a critical look at the status quo of multilateral institutions. Because in many ways, our multilateral system still reflects a time when hardly any of us here in the room had been born. When the striking number of 142 states represented in this hall today were not sitting at the table. That needs to change. And that's why we are working for reform of the Security Council so that it better reflects the world we actually live in. That has a better representation of African countries. And yes, it is also totally unjust that at the two most important international financial institutions, there are only Europeans and Americans at the top. We need our institutions to be accepted by all of us. And for that, they need to represent all of us. And all of us That is, not just men of the world. The one thing we definitely all have in common is this. Women make up at least 50% of every single country. But in 80 years of this organization, there has never been a female secretary general. So if this organization calls for equality and justice in the world, it is long overdue for us to show it here in New York. So we probably all should already practice to say the words, Madam Secretary General, the floor is yours. Because the next Secretary General of the United Nations has to be a woman. Obviously, that alone will not immediately end all the remaining inequality for women in our own countries. In this General Assembly, we hail from all regions of the world, but none of us has reached full gender equality. And I think we can only achieve it together, by learning from each other And by speaking up for women's rights, not only in our own countries, but everywhere. Because women's rights are human rights. And nothing northern, western, eastern or southern. They are universal. And none of us wants to be paid less than her male colleague for the same job. None of us wants to be raped. None of us wants to be arrested for showing our hair. No women, and I would guess no men either. Because a life is a life. A Palestinian woman's life is a life. An Israeli man's life is a life. A Sudanese girl's life is a life. A Ukrainian boy's life is a life. Almost 80 years ago, the UN was founded for exactly that. On the realization that simple slogans, that us versus them, leads to disaster. That humanity is indivisible. Thank you. I thank Her Excellency Annalena Baerbock, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/germany","Germany","Her Excellency","Annalena Baerbock","Minister for Foreign Affairs","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/de_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_DE_EN.mp3" 88,"The assembly will hear an address by Excellency Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Thank you, Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. This is the sixth occasion on which I have addressed the United Nations General Assembly as Greece's Prime Minister, but it is the first in which I stand before you as the leader of a country which is an incoming member of the United Nations Security Council. Greece is honored to accept that responsibility for the third time, and I'm personally grateful for the trust the broader UN membership has placed in our candidacy for the 2025-2026 term. Three words of Greek origin but of universal meaning will guide Greece's upcoming tenure on the Security Council. Dialogue, diplomacy, and democracy, and six core priorities underpin these guiding principles. The peaceful settlement of disputes, respect for international law and the rules and principles of the UN Charter, women peace and security, climate peace and security, children in armed conflict, and of course, as a seafaring nation, maritime security. Ladies and gentlemen, addressing you today, 12 months on from last time around in September 2023, I don't think any of us can claim we are somehow better off now than we were back then. If anything, our world grows less secure by the day. Whether it be escalating conflicts, geopolitical division, the climate crisis, mass migration, rising inequality, even the unchecked rise of artificial intelligence, these challenges jeopardize our present and our future. And yet, within these threats lie unique opportunities to transform the way we live, govern, and cooperate on a global scale. We are indeed at an inflection point. What happens next depends to a high degree on international cooperation. It is here in this chamber where we represent the collective voice of the international community that we are called to act for the good of the entire humanity. And to do that effectively, we must reinvigorate and strengthen the multilateral system. Most of us, if not all, have agreed on the need to reform the UN, and especially the Security Council. And since its first set in 1946, the UN Security Council has not undergone any significant institutional reform. In that sense, it is the relic of a world that no longer exists. Back then, it was fit to address the challenges and opportunities of the post-Second World War world, But today, it is clearly not fit to solve the complex problems of the present or the future. As far as the Security Council reform is concerned, I believe we all agree that it is essential to increase the meaningful participation of underrepresented nations. Nearly a third of U.N. member states have never sat on the Security Council. In addition, the enlargement of the Security Council must include Both non-permanent and permanent members. New permanent members must include leading countries from all continents. And the composition of the Security Council should reflect the geopolitical and economic realities of the third decade of the 21st century, not the fifth decade of the 20th. Ladies and gentlemen, in the Security Council, Greece will do its utmost to act as a stabilizing actor. That work begins immediately in our immediate neighborhood. After all, as a gateway to Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, Greece sits 900 miles away from both Gaza and Ukraine. A year ago, we did not know that on October 7, a horrific terrorist attack would leave more than 1,200 innocent civilians, men, women, and children massacred around 250 people would be taken hostages, and that in the war that ensured, over 41,000 people would perish. The ongoing violence in the Middle East is grave, and civilian surrender suffering in Gaza is unfortunately continuing. Escalation threatens to trigger a full-scale war in the region, and Greece calls on all parties including Iran and those it has influence over, to back away from perpetuating the current destructive cycle of violence to lower tensions and engage constructively in the pursuit of meaningful de-escalation. A full-scale war in southern Lebanon must be avoided at all costs. People on both sides of the border have a right to leave peacefully without the threat of rockets or bombs shattering their lives. Greece fully supports the proposal for an immediate 21-day ceasefire. And in the wake of the October 7th attacks, Greece has always and will always support Israel's legitimate right to defend itself. But how it does so matters. We must see the immediate return of all remaining hostages. There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The humanitarian catastrophe there cannot go on. Safe access to food, water, shelter, clothing, and medicines throughout the territory must be ensured. And international humanitarian law must be respected. However remote, however impossible it may seem today, Israelis and Palestinians must be given the chance to live side by side in peace and security. And there is no other way than to make the two-state solution a reality. There's an absolute need to give the Palestinians hope for the future. It's a sine qua non for peace, stability and security in the region, including, let me repeat, including the long-term security of Israel. And building a fully functioning and sovereign Palestinian state will take concerted efforts by all sides involved, the actors in the wider region, but of course, the international community as a whole. But there is no other option to bring about lasting peace in this turbulent part of the world. Ladies and gentlemen, a year ago, we were already in the second year of Russia's illegal war in Ukraine. And since February 2022, Russia has brought violence, misery, and destruction back to the European continent. Tens of thousands have been killed. Millions have been displaced from their homes. The impact on civilian infrastructure and people's lives and livelihoods is colossal. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people who are fighting for their freedom and independence and for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of their country. And respect for the territorial integrity of all states is the fundamental pillar of international law. It is the cornerstone of the U.N. Charter. In June, at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, Greece stood shoulder to shoulder with many other U.N. member states, calling for a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, in full respect of Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and international integrity within its internationally recognized borders. From the first hours of the Russian aggression, the European Union and its member states rose to the occasion, providing every possible support to the Ukrainians. We're committed to continue to do so. Why? The answer is simple. The war in Ukraine is not simply another local or a regional European conflict. It's a brutal challenge to international stability and to the international rules-based order that the UN stands for. And as such, it concerns the entire global community. Needless to also recall the very concrete impact this war has had on international food security, affecting economies and basic needs of populations around the world, especially in Africa. Ladies and gentlemen, Greece has been placed by geography in a complicated neighborhood, and I have repeatedly spoken from this stand on the difficult and at times tense relationship with neighboring Turkey. Over the past year, I have met President Erdogan six times, including our recent meeting on the sidelines of this assembly a couple of days ago. Last December, we signed the Athens Declaration, a document stating our intention to resolve our differences according to the principles of international law and in the spirit of good neighborly relations. And we will continue to explore how to improve bilateral relations with Turkey. There is potential for increased cooperation to tackle common challenges such as climate change and migration. We continue to keep channels of communication open to defuse any tension that may arise. Greece is willing to work towards resolving the only major outstanding issue we have with our neighbor, the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean. We have not been able to effectively address this difference for more than 40 years. But this does not mean that it is destined to remain unresolved. And I was glad to hear President Erdogan say that the limitation of maritime zones, in accordance with international law, is to the common interest of the entire region of the Eastern Mediterranean. And I strongly believe that we have today a window of opportunity, and we should be bold enough and wise enough to seize this chance. But if we are to try, We should both adopt a consistent approach in every aspect of our behavior towards each other. On the other hand, when it comes to Cyprus, where this year marked the 50th anniversary of Turkey's illegal invasion and subsequent occupation of over a third of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, we unfortunately see no progress in Turkey's position. This invasion was and remains a violation of the fundamental principles of the UN Charter. As Prime Minister of Greece, I reaffirm here today our commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Cyprus, and to a solution on the basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with a single sovereignty, a single citizenship, and a single international personality in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. A two-state solution cannot and will not be accepted. It is simply not a solution. President Christodoulidis gave yesterday from this podium an impassionate and sincere address recalling the violence and trauma of the Cyprus invasion 50 years ago. He also expressed his unwavering commitment to engaging in order to find a solution. And I, for one, have absolute trust in this commitment. He is right to argue that international law cannot be applied à la carte and that history cannot be rewritten or erased. Greece fully supports the efforts of the Secretary-General for the resumption of negotiations within this framework. And we call upon Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot community to come to the negotiating table to at least establish mutual trust and to engage in a frank and honest discussion in pursuit of a mutually acceptable, just, and viable solution. And can you imagine how powerful a message for the world community it would send to all those seeking peace in seemingly intractable conflicts around the world if we can find a permanent, viable, and just solution to the Cyprus question? Ladies and gentlemen, let me also mention the other side of our neighborhood and its future, the Western Balkans. As the oldest European Union member in the region, Greece has always had a vision for the Western Balkans inside the European Union family, a vision that would reduce tensions and conflict and embed the rule of law and fundamental freedoms, driving development and prosperity for its people. There has been progress, but that progress has not been enough. Twenty-one years after the Thessaloniki agenda, significant challenges remain. And allow me to be very frank. The countries of the Western Balkans need to take the definitive decision to leave behind the traumatic legacy of the past. And the political leadership of the Western Balkans needs to choose by action, not by words, to embrace a European future. By improving democratic governance, consolidating the rule of law and freedom of expression, pursuing difficult internal reforms, and very, very importantly, committing to good neighborly relations. Reviving nationalist narratives and agendas should have no place today in a region on the cusp of joining the EU. Let's start with the basics. International agreements must be respected and implemented fully and in good faith, whether we're talking about Dayton or Prespa or the Belgrade-Pristina agreements. There are disruptors who would like nothing more than to cause new divisions in this sensitive corner of Europe. And it is time to relegate the famous phrase of Winston Churchill that the Balkans produce more history than they can consume once and for all to the history books. Ladies and gentlemen, let me conclude by addressing briefly two issues critical to our shared future. the advent of artificial intelligence, and the adverse effects of digital technology, especially on our children and our teenagers. The power of AI seems limitless, a technology with the potential to change our world in a way that will probably surpass the advent of the personal computer, the launch of the mobile phone, or the birth of the World Wide Web. Like steam or electricity before it, AI, as a general technology, presents huge opportunity to transform for good the way we live, we collaborate, we progress as humankind. And if used correctly, it could very well be driving solutions across science, climate change, R&D, medicine. For our governments, AI has enormous power to enhance productivity, facilitate more effective decision making, and deliver more efficient and higher impact public services. It is indeed a game changer. However, AI also has the potential to do extraordinary harm. Unchecked and in the hands of malign actors, AI could yet become a weapon of control in an uncertain world order. We're already seeing how generative AI is used to create more and more convincing deep fakes designed to spread misinformation and disinformation. And it is not lost on me standing here in this assembly, created to protect peace and security and promote global dialogue, that our world is being shaped by transnational actors in the form of a few very large technology companies with more economic muscle than most of the countries represented here. And this is leading to an imbalance that we must address. Those driving the technologies that are fundamentally reshaping the societies are essentially not accountable, and that needs to change. They, like us in the end, have a responsibility towards humanity. And I like with climate change, where we continue to convene globally to discuss national contributions every year within the context of a global problem. With AI, there is no such framework. The European Union is trying to rectify that. But just as with climate, the EU alone cannot address this challenge. And here I would like to praise the final report, Governing AI for Humanity, presented just a few days ago by the high-level advisory body on AI established by the Secretary General. The recommendations of this report can truly contribute to an agile and adaptable regime of global governance of AI that helps showcase the benefits of AI and addresses risks. Bluntly, if both a compact for the future and a global digital compact we agreed this week are to have any effect, then we may need to put the regulation and application of AI on a global footing. Eventually, what we may need is a COP for AI. with the participation not just of countries but also of the global technology companies. And this is an issue of the utmost urgency for one additional reason, and let me conclude with that. We are already witnessing the adverse effect of digital technology and AI-driven algorithms on the mental health of our children and our teenagers. It took over a quarter of a century for campaigners to install seatbelts in cars, despite the fact that all the evidence pointed to bell-saving lives. We are in a similar situation today when it comes to children and teenagers and their use of digital and social media platforms. Every day, children around the world are being exposed to content that exasperates feelings of loneliness and unrealistic standards of beauty. Frequently, our teenagers are pulled into extremist echo chambers Bullying, once contained to the real world, now has its virtual twin. It follows children home from school and materializes on phones and tablets and bedrooms. Social media algorithms are constantly improved by AI to keep children online for the maximum amount of time and away from the real world of unsupervised play, and all for the purpose of making money. Countless studies have shown that heavy use of social media is linked to depression, feelings of isolation, sleep deprivation, and addiction. The brains of our children are being rewired and their development changed at an almost unimaginable scale. Yet we do nothing, or very little. That is why I applaud initiatives such as the one announced by Australia. We're putting an age limit on social media use with age verification technologies that cannot be circumvented. Others should follow suit. Technology companies must come to the table and show that they will take tangible and measurable safety and prioritize safety over profits. If they don't, pragmatic solutions, like banning devices in our schools, which Greece has implemented as of this year, will be complemented by harsher regulatory responses. Digital technology is no different than any other industry that needs to operate under health and safety regulations. The overarching principle, the golden standard, is one and the same. Do no harm. Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a rapidly changing world. We cannot let our differences be an excuse for inaction. And as Greece takes its seat on the Security Council, we do so mindful of the importance of our core principles, dialogue, diplomacy, democracy. And this week's Summit of the Future demonstrates that it is truly possible when we work together to renew multilateral cooperation through these principles. And reiterating the commitment, of all member states to the core values of the UN, we can still galvanize international resolve and forge innovative partnerships to address both the world's current and emerging challenges. And Greece stands ready to help the United Nations do its part in the two years ahead. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/greece","Greece","His Excellency","Kyriakos Mitsotakis","Prime Minister","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gr_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GR_EN.mp3" 89,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Edgar Leblanc Fils, President of the Presidential Council of the Transition of the Republic of Haiti. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Excellencies, President of the General Assembly, Secretary General of the United Nations, Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Heads of Delegation, Distinguished Delegates, Dear Compatriots, I have the immense honor to represent here at the General Assembly of the United Nations the Haitian people at a particular crossroads in our history. We are a proud people. Despite all of the difficulties, we've always been able to lift ourselves up. The first black republic in the world, Haiti is proud of its heroic fight for freedom and human dignity. Today, we find ourselves at a decisive crossroads. It is with the weight of this history on our shoulders that we have a hope for a better future, this is how I address you today, calling for solidarity on the part of the international community. Allow me, firstly, to address my warm congratulations to you, Excellency Philemon Young, former Prime Minister of Cameroon, and congratulate you on your election as President of the 79th session of the General Assembly. Haiti stands firmly by your side and we assure you of our full support throughout your mandate in order to ensure that this session will be a success for the entire international community. I would also like to indicate the exceptional quality of the work of your predecessor at the 78th session, His Excellency, Mr. Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago. who conducted work with dexterity, leadership and wisdom. I would also like to take this opportunity to express on behalf of the Haitian people our gratitude to you, Secretary General Antonio Guterres, for your visit to Haiti, your presence on our soil and your unfailing support for our request to the Security Council in particular with regard to reinforcement of the national police in Haiti and for all your interventions in favor of Haiti have been very much appreciated and we will never forget. I would like to express my extreme thanks to the international community for the support given to my country during these times of crisis. This solidarity, which can be seen through the security initiatives, also those of humanitarian aid and support for development is very much appreciated. It is through this ongoing cooperation and adapted to our situation that Haiti is becoming stronger, more resilient and will continue towards development and progress. I would like to greet here all Haitian compatriots throughout the world who, whilst being attached to their country of birth, are forced to seek out more favourable skies in order to make a living. Everyone recognises that they're very hard workers, and I want to tell them, wherever they are, that the Presidential Council of Transition and the Government is thinking of them, whilst we await an improvement of conditions so that they can come back into the fold. I would also like to take this opportunity to greet Amnesty International and other organizations closely following up on the defense of human rights of Haitians and violations of these rights throughout the world. On behalf of the entire Haitian people, I would like to extend a brotherly greeting to all friends of Haiti that have shown solidarity towards the migrants from our country, and in particular, those living in Springfield, Ohio, in the United States. The long history of friendship and reciprocal solidarity between our two nations since our participation in the Battle of Savannah of 1779 have enabled us to say with confidence that the American people reject any incitement to hate against our community. The active participation of Haitian immigrants at various levels of life in the United States is tangible and significant. In this regard, the passions that naturally arise during an election campaign should never serve as a pretext for xenophobia or racism in a country such as the United States, a country forged by immigrants from all countries and which has become a model of democracy for the world. Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, The theme of the 79th General Assembly is leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations. This very much resounds with the major challenges that we are facing today. This theme is an urgent call for unity and international cooperation in a context where inequalities, conflicts and the climate crisis are rendering even more vulnerable millions of people throughout the world. Whilst many nations are struggling to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, it is more necessary than ever to guarantee that all voices, and in particular those of the most marginalised, are included in the global decision-making process. This theme is also of capital importance when it comes to the context of the crisis in Haiti. It speaks to our fight to restore peace and stability, ensuring that every Haitian citizen is able to enjoy their fundamental rights. Acting together as underscored by the theme is essential for Haiti because our recovery can only happen with this international solidarity. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, our world is facing unprecedented challenges, challenges that are of deep concern to the entire international community. The United Nations, in its historic mission to promote peace, security and sustainable development, is in the front lines of the crises that are not only threatening isolated nations, but the entirety of humanity. Climate change undoubtedly is one of the great perils of our time. According to recent data of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global temperatures have already increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius since the pre-industrial era. This increase has led to an increase in intensification of climate phenomena such as hurricanes, droughts and floods, disasters which particularly affect the most vulnerable nations such as Haiti. In 2023, the United Nations Programme for Development estimated that more than 100 million additional people risk descending into poverty between now and 2030 due to the effects of climate change. For Haiti, which is part of the countries that emit the least greenhouse gases but which experiences the most devastating impacts of this, this global crisis is making it even more difficult for us to guarantee food security, access to drinking water, and economic stability. Armed conflicts also continue to sow destruction and to ravage human lives. According to the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees, the number of people forcibly displaced was 110 million in 2023. That's the highest figure that we've ever seen. Whether it be in Syria, in Ukraine, or in the Sahel region, these prolonged conflicts are exacerbating poverty, destroying vital infrastructure, and leading to massive flows of refugees. the world cannot remain inactive when millions of men, women and children are fleeing violence in search of security and dignity. The commitment of the international community is more necessary than ever before in order to find diplomatic solutions and to promote peace initiatives. Another major challenge relates to economic inequality, which continues to get worse. According to the Human Development Report of 2023 of the UNDP, almost 1.2 billion people are still living in multidimensional poverty, namely that they lack access to essential services such as health, education, and conditions for a decent life. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened these inequalities, pushing millions of additional people into poverty. For nations such as Haiti, this impact has been devastating. With a high level of poverty, the country is facing profound structural challenges. But these inequalities are not just a Haitian problem. They are a global problem which requires global economic reform. Moreover, the challenges linked to food insecurity have become worse in recent years. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, more than 735 million people in the world suffered from famine in 2022, an alarming increase that reflects the disruptions caused by conflicts, economic crises and climate change. Haiti, unfortunately, is no exception to this. The World Food Programme recently underscored that almost half of the Haitian population is in a situation of acute food insecurity. This situation is not just a humanitarian emergency, but it is a threat for the stability of our nation. We must work together to strengthen our farming systems, guarantee fair access to food resources and fight against hunger in a concerted and sustainable manner. Finally, technological progress provides new opportunities but also new threats. The acceleration in the development of artificial intelligence, the proliferation of cyber attacks and disinformation are endangering the stability of democracies throughout the world. The report of the International Telecommunications Union demonstrates that the digital divide remains a major challenge with almost 2.7 billion people still not having access to the internet in 2023. Haiti is one of the least connected countries and we urgently need support in order to fill in this digital divide so that we can fully participate in the global economy of the 21st century. This year Haiti reaffirms its commitment in favor of the preservation of our common heritage, the oceans. That's why today I announced proudly that Haiti will sign the agreement on marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction adopted on the 19th of June 2023 and open for ratification since the 20th of September 2023. This agreement is a crucial tool to guarantee the protection of marine biodiversity to promote sustainable use of marine resources and strengthen the resilience of island states such as our own in the face of climate challenges. Haiti has decided to cooperate with the international community to ensure that this agreement is a benefit to all of humanity while making our contribution to the protection of marine ecosystems on which we all depend. These global challenges can only be addressed through a renewed commitment to multilateralism, through solidarity and collective action. Haiti, despite our difficulties, is ready to cooperate with the international community to overcome these crises and build a future where peace, justice and human dignity are triumphant. But we can't do this alone. It's only together that we can act to guarantee that no one is left behind. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, in proclaiming the independence of Haiti in January 1804, General Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the founding father of our homeland, gave human rights a universal character. In other He began the dismantling of the colonial and slave order and then human rights ceased just being white man's human rights and became human rights for all men and all women, namely the rights of all humankind. In this regard, and as representative of the Republic of Haiti and as an official spokesperson for the Haitian people, I must draw the attention of the leaders of the major powers to the danger of a nuclear war threatening the existence of peoples on all continents. In this regard, on behalf of the Republic of Haiti, I launch an urgent call to all heads of state of the United Nations to prevent humanity experiencing this peril of the end of civilization on Earth. President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I am speaking today with the experience of several years dedicated in service of my country. My political career is very much anchored in the history of Haiti, and it's led me through various trials, always with the same goal in mind, the progress of my country, the pride, the restored dignity and the well-being of Haitian people that are so downtrodden. Having presided the Senate of the Republic from 1995 to 2000, and having been a witness to critical moments in our political history, I have seen the challenges that our country has been facing. My political commitment goes back to a time when the fight for stability and democracy were everywhere. Today, as President of the Presidential Council of Transition, I find myself once again at a key point in the history of Haiti, My career has shown me that resilience and collective willingness are the only ways to guarantee a stable and prosperous future. It is with this vision, this devotion and the strength given to me by this rich political experience that I am leading the transition determined to lead Haiti towards peace, security and participatory democracy through the holding of the National Conference and the renewal of politicians through free, credible and transparent elections. The Haitian people, despite the challenges that we face, refuses to be overcome by despair. The challenges are unprecedented, devastating violence, political instability that is persistent, a precarious situation virtually everywhere and a humiliating level of poverty that challenge the Haitian people's capacity for action and their intelligence. In the middle of this storm, we understood that we had to take a brave decision, that of coming together, becoming unified despite deep differences in order to rise up again in full confidence towards an exit to the multidimensional crisis that has been afflicting us now for far too long. The creation of the Presidential Council of the Transition is how we put this decision into force. It's a tangible example of this willingness to become reconciled with ourselves. This council, which brings together organisations of civil society and the entire political spectrum, is the fruit of long negotiations. It is the embodiment of the plurality of Haitian society. Its roadmap is clear to restore public order, to hold free and transparent elections at the end of 2025, to restore trust in the institutions of the state. In order to do this, we, those that bear responsibility at the highest levels of the state, know that we will need the support of the international community. But first and foremost, we have to be able to count on ourselves, on our resilience, our commitment to overcome differences and internal divisions. It is important to stress that the resolution of Haiti's problems lies above all on the shoulders of the Haitian people, It is our duty as a sovereign nation to take our destiny in our hands and to overcome divisions and together build a future of peace and prosperity. However, this responsibility is not just our own. The international community, the United Nations, the foreign powers that very often played a decisive role in the history of Haiti, have also got their essential part to play in this restoration of peace, economic recovery and institutional development and the establishment of the rule of law. In this sense, the failure of Haiti to recover is not that of just one nation. It is a collective failure, a global inability to fully respect the principles of solidarity, justice and international cooperation. It is together with a shared sense of responsibility and renewed commitment that we will be able to transform this crisis into an opportunity to embark upon a sustainable path to peace. Today, Haiti is facing an unprecedented security crisis. The increase of armed gangs, generalised violence and political instability have plunged the nation into a state of extreme vulnerability. Citizens live in fear, unable to move around freely throughout the country to go and work or send their children to school without risk, particularly in the capital, Port-au-Prince. This situation is affecting all aspects of Haitian society. It's weakening institutions, paralyzing the economy, and it's undermining hope in a better tomorrow. The future of the country is under threat. 50% of gang members from the capital region are made up of children and young people, girls and boys. They very often serve as cannon fodder during operations against the police. They are subject to serious violations of all kinds, including sexual violence. This abuse and violence exercised against children and young people, teenagers, must be considered as a crime against humanity. Given the consequences that this has on future generations. The restoration of national security is an absolute priority for the Haitian authorities. They are fully committed to putting an end to this spiral of violence and to restoring order in order to guarantee every citizen the fundamental right that they have to security. They are aware that peace and stability are the indispensable foundations that will enable Haiti to rebuild and restore trust in its institutions and to ensure the socio-economic development of its people. With this in mind, the decision of the Security Council to authorise the deployment of the multinational security support mission through Resolution 2699 was a direct response to the calls of the Haitian people. This mission although it is not a classic UN force, embodies the commitment of the international community to support Haiti in its fight against insecurity. I would like on behalf of the Haitian people to express my profound thanks to the contributing countries, particularly Kenya, for having accepted to take on the leadership of the mission, as well as to all countries that have provided their support. The national security forces, with the support of the mission, have already demonstrated tangible results on the ground, making it possible for the population, little by little, to see normal life restored, but a lot still remains to be done. Haiti has hosted several United Nations missions over the last three decades, particularly MINUSTAH. Although some of these missions have helped to temporarily stabilize the country, they have also left behind a heavy heritage of consequences. Allegations of serious violations of human rights have eroded the trust of the Haitian people. The lack of prosecutions and reparations for the victims have reinforced a sentiment of impunity undermining the efforts at rebuilding Nevertheless, it's never too late to act and to learn lessons from the past. By rethinking the approach, we have the opportunity to boost the reputation of international missions in Haiti and to build a future that is better for the Haitian people. It is in this spirit that we would like to see a thought being given to transforming the security support mission into a peacekeeping mission under the mandate of the United Nations. This transformation would make it possible not only to secure more stable funding and to extend the capacity of the mission, but also it would make it possible to strengthen the commitment of Member States to security in Haiti. I am convinced that this change of status whilst recognizing that the errors of the past cannot be repeated, would guarantee the full success of the mission in Haiti. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before this assembly as the voice of the Republic of Haiti, a country whose history is inextricably linked to the ideals of freedom and justice that we all celebrate here. But Haiti, the first independent black nation of the world, today is the greatest victim of a historical injustice which has not only delayed our development, but has also sold our people with a burden, the repercussions of which we still feel today. In 1825, just 21 years after having won its freedom at the cost of a heroic fight, Haiti was forced to pay a colossal debt to France, the colonizing country, in exchange for recognizing its independence. This ransom, imposed under threat, siphoned off resources of the young nation, plunging it into an infernal cycle of impoverishment, which it still struggles to overcome. This debt was a form of punishment for our audacity in throwing off the chains of slavery and raising up Haitians to claim their human dignity. It was an unjust penalty which asphyxiated the economic and social potential of the black people of Haiti for generations. In today's context, where more than ever attention is being paid to efforts to restore without delay security and respond to the immense humanitarian needs in Haiti, I think it is important to draw the attention of this Assembly to the after-effects of our colonial past and the ransom paid to certain powers that have largely mortgaged the development of Haiti. It is worth recalling that Haiti was the only country to have paid for its independence, obtained, however, through the fire and the sword. On the eve of the 200th anniversary of this unprecedented event in history, hasn't the time come for these amounts paid to be returned? In this regard, my country welcomes the proposals the proposals made by a number of governments and also some agencies of the United Nations for specific action with regard to recognition, reparation and restitution for the wrongs of the past. Haiti has absolute confidence in the United Nations organization the pillars of which are the fight against inequality between peoples and the maintenance of peace between nations, that it will play its role in order to facilitate dialogue between the victim countries of colonization and the former colonial powers. Here, at the 79th session of the General Assembly, Haiti, and through my person, Haiti is not only here to request reparations, but to ask a question of principle, that of imminent justice. My approach is resolutely committed, structured and well documented. The National Committee for Restitution and Reparation, in cooperation with CARICOM's Restorations Commission, has already undertaken exhaustive work on this subject. We demand recognition of the moral and historic debt and the implementation of just and appropriate reparations which will make it possible for our people to free themselves from the invisible chains of this unjust past. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, history teaches us that nations do not rise up in isolation but by unifying forces in a resolute commitment to build a better future. Haiti, this land that has offered the world a symbol of unshakable freedom and which has helped several nations to throw off their yoke of barbaric colonialism, is not looking for charity, but justice. Respect. Respect for its dignity and its right to a dignified and prosperous existence. The challenges that we face today are certainly huge, but they are not insurmountable. They require of us all a shared vision, a profound sense of our common humanity and determination to turn crises into opportunities for renewal. Each nation, be they small or large, rich or vulnerable, has part of our collective future in their hands. It is in this interdependence that resides the genuine strength of multilateralism. May this general debate be the moment where we reaffirm our unfailing commitment towards peace, human dignity and sustainable development. Because what we do today will resound for centuries to come. History will judge the way that we have been able to respond to the challenges of our times together. in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation, we can and we must build a future where no people, no nation is left behind. Long live Haiti. Long live international cooperation. Tomorrow, another country. Tomorrow, another world. I thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Presidential Council of the Transition of the Republic of Haiti.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/haiti","Haiti","His Excellency","Edgar Leblanc Fils","President of the Presidential Council of the Transition","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ht_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_HT_EN.mp3" 90,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. In the name of God, the most merciful, the most compassionate, Mr. President of the General Assembly, Mr. Secretary General, ladies and gentlemen, may God's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly comes in the midst of dangerous circumstances in the Middle East and the world, in which the global international order faces a difficult test that threatens its existence and renders it incapable of achieving the goals for which it was founded. These goals include the maintenance of international security and stability and human rights. Today, we are witnessing precedents in which all international charters and norms are being violated. The international institutions that are supposed to contribute to managing and organizing international relations in a way that enhances peace and stability and advances human relations away from violence and brutal treatment are being neutralized. Important principles such as sovereignty, territorial integrity, multilateral cooperation, the laws of war, humanitarian laws, and the international humanitarian law, and the responsibility to protect, and the right to self-determination have all been ignored. The world is being pushed towards full-scale confrontations and conflicts, while the UN Security Council is powerless and without a role. In the absence of this responsibility, alternative mechanisms may be resorted to, and ignoring these institutions threatens to revert international relations to chaos. At the same time, we must not forget to commend some of the courageous positions of some of the figures heading these UN institutions, including the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, However, we clearly see, despite great efforts, that there is a lack of effective influence. Putting an end to the violations taking place in Palestine and the region is the responsibility of everyone, particularly the Security Council, which has failed to achieve its most important objective, which is maintaining international peace and security. In occupied Palestine today, we are witnessing a people who are being attacked by an occupying military force, displacing millions without being deterred and killing thousands. There is public talk of mass starvation to exterminate this people and of the use of nuclear weapons to eliminate them by senior officials of the occupying entity without any measures to deter them. The International Committee nor any of its members has committed to the responsibility to protect them as mandated in international law. The Palestinian people have been denied the right to live in dignity in a state like all other peoples amid a shameful global paralysis. Rather, criminals are being empowered to persist in, exaggerate, and expand the conflict and attack others by supporting them, and ensuring their repeated impunity. We have also witnessed more recklessness that has made international law and Security Council resolutions mere ink on paper in a series of aggressions against the countries of the region and the occupation and annexation of territories and the changing of international borders by force against the resolutions of the Security Council. These are dangerous precedents that threaten the entire international system and undermine the foundations of international institutions, resulting in dire consequences for all of humanity. In furtherance of extremism, the occupation invokes Security Council Resolution 1701 as a pretext for aggression against Lebanon. It selectively chooses this resolution and some of its provisions. while ignoring the numerous resolutions and the indisputable principles of international law adopted by the Security Council, including resolutions 242, 246, 252, 265, and 297. We are witnessing a brutal campaign of indiscriminate killing and the use of technology to carry out bombings remotely without regard for unarmed civilians in a dangerous precedent that indicates the extent of the involvement of the occupation's government and its indulgence in committing crimes against humanity. Iraq today, through its government and its people, and under the directives of the supreme religious authority, stands with Lebanon and its brotherly people as it faces a new page of brutal aggression that seeks to plunge the region into conflict, which is something we have already warned against. We will continue to provide all possible assistance to overcome the effects of these attacks. Our position is based on a history of cohesion and a well-known Iraqi steadfastness that rejects aggression and occupation and rejects depriving people's right to their land, heritage, and holy sites, and that repeatedly condemns any international support or justification for the aggressor's pretext. We also note the systematic targeting of international agencies and relief organizations in the occupied territories. and the audacity to harm their personnel, including United Nations agencies and including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, in Gaza, which is supposed to be protected under international law. I would like to recall that these abuses not only disrupt humanitarian action, but also violate international norms, protecting civilians and those providing assistance in conflict zones. These recent moves by the occupation seek to threaten the stability of the countries of the region by igniting a large-scale regional war. Iraq, as a founding member of the United Nations, hopes that this institution will achieve the objectives for which it was founded in maintaining peace and security and sparing the world the dangers of wars and tragedies that it has experienced throughout history, allow us to express our disappointment at the failure of the Security Council and the international system to fulfill its obligations. Ladies and gentlemen, we note a significant increase in hate crimes and intolerance that affect our security and stability. We are in dire need of international cooperation in order to spread the spirit of tolerance and mutual respect, and to combat hate speech, discrimination, and violence that are steadily increasing around the world. We believe that one of the main aspects of hate speech is the growing phenomena of Islamophobia, which undermines global efforts to achieve peace, security, and coexistence, and creates an atmosphere for attacks targeting our social and moral values, which are part of our human existence. Therefore, I call on the United Nations to make greater efforts to promote dialogue and understanding among different cultures and religions. And I stress the need to promote unity and harmony in the face of increasing polarization, while stressing the need for heads of state and heads of international institutions to stand against religious intolerance and hatred. Excellencies. As for Iraq, and in contrast to what I have mentioned, there are good developments as the country where ISIS occupied a third of the territory and where many observers believed that it was the end of Iraq as we know it. Today, 10 years later, Iraq is witnessing the implementation of a comprehensive plan for reconstruction and development and the restoration of life to cities and the rise of tall buildings and infrastructure and the spread of safety. We still have many fundamental challenges ahead of us in achieving economic, administrative, and environmental reforms and diversifying the economy. We have made great strides in achieving security. We have achieved a victory over terrorism, and soon we will crown this victory over this terrorist organization with a joint and important declaration with our allies and friends who stood by Iraq and supported it against a brutal enemy that posed a threat to the entire world. Our efforts are focused on strengthening the democratic process in Iraq. and working to consolidate the social contract and national cohesion as chosen by our people in their permanent constitution of 2005. We have organized provincial council elections which had been suspended for 10 years and after their organization was obstructed in Kirkuk since 2005. Now we are in the process of organization elections for the parliament of the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Our efforts are continuing to strengthen the relationship of the federal government with the regional governments and local governments in the governorates in accordance with what the constitution and the law have determined and to protect the existence of minorities and sects and to secure their needs. One of our priorities is to spread justice and preserve diversity which we consider as one of our most important assets. Ladies and gentlemen, this government has five priorities. Job creation, diversifying sources of income, reforming the banking and financial sector, and managing the energy transition and addressing the causes of social, economic, and therefore political unrest. This transformation is a complicated matter for Iraq. due to the economic structural challenge represented by relying on the public sector to take in the workforce and to use oil revenues to pay the salaries of millions of employees. This dual challenge facing Iraq is the excessive dependence on oil revenues and limiting its ability to diversify economically. This has been as a result of decades of wars and economic blockade and the dictatorial regimes absurd economic policies and some aspects of miscalculation and mismanagement later on and the wasting in human and material resources that could have been developed. Governance, anti-corruption, digital transformation, and e-government are all among our top priorities, as they are the most important strategies to reduce corruption and achieve good governance. But we expect the international community to support our efforts to recover the looted assets that are Iraq's right, and to end the legal and legislative obstacles placed by some countries in order to provide a safe haven for corruption-related funds, such as banking secrecy and preventing the disclosure of beneficial owners to help evade accountability. Ladies and gentlemen, Iraq seeks to achieve security regional security and stability by finding ways for constructive partnerships to face common challenges through cooperation between the participating parties and increasing mutual interdependence in a way that is in the interest of all. And we plan to launch initiatives that reflect economic integration and regional stability in the region, particularly the Development Road Project, which aims to transform Iraq into a major regional hub for trade and transportation, and to link the Middle East with Europe through Iraq using a network of railways, highways, and industrial cities, and linking the large port of Faw in southern Iraq to Europe via the countries in the region. This project represents the most important steps to enhance regional cooperation and integration and is in line with Iraq's broader goals of rebuilding the economy and improving services. Ladies and gentlemen, Iraq faces serious environmental challenges as a result of climate change and desertification, challenges that cannot be addressed without enhanced international cooperation. As desertification and the lack of vegetation cover leads to the displacement of millions in search of stability, thus exacerbating social and political crises. We call for international solidarity to face environmental challenges and to work to raise awareness of the importance of the management of sustainable water resources, which is a central issue for Iraq. This challenge requires a commitment to the principle of shared and just responsibilities among states. as we face existential challenges related to an acute shortage of water resources, which threatens agriculture and negatively affects the economy and threatens the lives of millions of Iraqis. Hence, the government attaches top priority to these files and issues and works in cooperation with neighboring countries to reach sustainable solutions and policies to deal with these influences. In conclusion, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the United Nations for the support it has provided to Iraq over the past two decades. We look forward to a new phase of cooperation with the United Nations in Iraq that will begin by the end of 2025. And we hope that this will mark the beginning of a new era full of stability and prosperity for our people and a new page of partnership with the United Nations. We are working hard to build a better future for our coming generations, and we look forward to continuing partnership with the international community to achieve this. Selecting Iraq to chair the Group of 77 in China for 2025 is a victory for Iraqi diplomacy, which seeks to achieve development goals and bridge the technological gap between the countries of the north and the countries of the south, and achieve integration and reform of the international economic system. While sharing the largest international group of 134 nations, we look forward to working towards a more stable and just world in which all peoples of the world interact and have development opportunities. In conclusion, our policy puts Iraq its people, security, sovereignty and prosperity first. We proceed with confidence to erase the traces of the past, including wars, dictatorships and terrorism, just as we continue to rebuild Iraq and give it the regional and international status it well deserves. May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/iraq","Iraq","His Excellency","Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani","Prime Minister","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/iq_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_IQ_EN.mp3" 91,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency William Samwe Ruto, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces. I request protocol to escort His Excellency. Your Excellency, President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Ambassador Philemon Young, United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. I congratulate you, Ambassador Philemon Young, on your well-deserved election as President of this Session of the General Assembly. Mr. President, I welcome the choice of your theme, Unity and Diversity for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development, and Human Dignity for Everyone Everywhere, which resonates with the core principles of the 2030 Agenda and aligns closely with the core values and mission of the United Nations. Excellencies, The world is at a challenging moment and in a most precarious international security dispensation. The promise of the United Nations Charter to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war has been profoundly shaken. From land to sea and from air to the outer space, global peace, security and stability are increasingly under threat. Conflicts and tensions pervade every frontier, undermining the collective security that international cooperation seeks to uphold. Cases of polarizing narratives, functionalism, social upheavals, organized crime, war, and stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction are at an all-time high. Great power rivalry is intensifying, provoking regional competition and inducing geopolitical and geoeconomic realignments and tensions. The subtle nuances of them versus us has produced negative coalitions, wars, tensions, as well as eroded trust and confidence in global multilateral system. From Gaza to Darfur, Ukraine, Yemen, Eastern DRC, the Sudan, the Sahel, and the criminality in Haiti, conflict is inflicting a trail of destruction of life and livelihoods in historic proportions. These conflicts have become battlegrounds for armed factions, external interventions and proxy wars, resulting in unprecedented anarchic situations and long-lasting negative repercussions on global stability and economic development. The world cannot realize durable peace, security, and shared prosperity when emphasis is being put on what divides rather than what brings us together. We must therefore promote approaches that support positive competition for all. The perilous security landscape is further complicated by emerging threats stemming from human advancement. Cyber security threats and sophisticated cyber attacks on critical infrastructure pose significant risks to national security and global stability. Furthermore, the proliferation of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence in the military domain and autonomous weapons systems has introduced new challenges for arms control and international regulation. Regrettably, the world's most powerful states have increasingly chosen unilateralism and militarization over dialogue and diplomacy. As a consequence, the capacity of our multilateral institutions to maintain and enforce peace, even in national crises with significant regional impacts, is severely undermined. Even worse, a resurgence of nuclear arms race buoyed by the intensifying geopolitical rivalries and tensions, has made the possibility of a catastrophic nuclear warfare a real possibility. Our vision of a world free from nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction is dying incrementally. We must not sit back and leave the future of upcoming generations to fate. We must intentionally rise to the occasion to meet the challenges of our time by reaffirming the core values of the UN Charter. We need to master the political will and collectively reinforce our diplomatic efforts to confront the security threats through comprehensive, multi-pronged, and context-specific approaches. Excellencies, Kenya's commitment to international peace and security is unwavering. We continue investing in efforts that promote stability and harmony both within our region and beyond. We are committed to continuing to mediate, facilitate, and support peace initiatives and processes in our region, contributing to regional peace operations and the UN peacekeeping missions. Through our participation in the Africa Union Transition Mission in Somalia, we have stood side by side with our sisterly neighbor, Somalia, in their fight against al-Shabaab. We are proud that Somalia will soon take up a seat as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, underscoring the tremendous progress achieved in consolidating peace and stability in that country. The UN must however continue to support Somalia in forging an agreement on the post-2024 security support. Kenya welcomes the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 2719, establishing a framework for financing Africa Union peace support operations through UN-assessed contributions, thereby enhancing our collective peacekeeping efforts. A well-funded AU peace operation are not only an African priority, but a global good, considering the complexity and interconnected nature of emerging threats to international peace and security. Earlier this year, Under the request of the leadership of South Sudan, I launched the all-inclusive Tumaini initiative, bringing together the warring parties and the political leadership of South Sudan to address the root causes of the protected conflict in that country. I commend the leadership of South Sudan and all the participating parties for their commitment to the peace process. I also thank all regional and international partners for their unwavering support, both political and financial, to the South Sudan Tumaini Initiative. Ladies and gentlemen, at the last General Assembly, I announced Kenya's readiness to lead a multinational security support mission to Haiti at the Haitian government's request. Following the Security Council's authorisation under Resolution 2699, Kenya has deployed 382 specially trained police officers to Haiti. Just a few days ago, I had the opportunity to visit Haiti, witness the work of our officers in the field, and observe remarkable progress on the ground. Our support for the Haitian National Police has significantly advanced the pacification of cities and towns, protected critical infrastructure, and relieved many communities previously held captive by criminal gangs. I also commend Haiti's political leadership for forging an agreement and a promising road back towards free, fair and democratic elections. We are deeply grateful for the financial and logistical support from the United States, Canada and other member states that are shouldering this heavy burden. This has been critical to the MSS's deployment thus far. However, Kenya and other Caribbean and African countries are ready to deploy, but are hindered by insufficient equipment, logistics, and funding. I appeal to all Member States to stand in solidarity with the people of Haiti by providing necessary support, either directly to MSS contributing countries or through the UN Trust Fund. I must emphasize, however, that Kenya will deploy the additional contingent towards attaining the target of all the 2,500 police officers by January next year. The progress so far in Haiti demonstrates that what was once deemed mission impossible is indeed a present and undeniable possibility. Mr. President, we must candidly acknowledge that international cooperation in its current form has clear limitations. It is constrained by entrenched systems and structures that prevent effective action and meaningful progress. Since the last General Assembly, the global situation has deteriorated across multiple fronts. Conflicts have deepened, economic disparities have widened, and the climate crisis has intensified. To address these challenges, we must rethink and reform global collaboration mechanisms, making them much more responsive, adaptable, and impactful. The existing international security architecture represented by the UN Security Council continues to hamper efforts to maintain international peace and security. The Council is by all intents and purposes dysfunctional, undemocratic, non-inclusive, unaccountable, autocratic, and at best, opaque. An institution that excludes 54 African countries with 1.4 billion people while allowing one nation to veto decisions of the remaining 193 member states in the 21st century is simply unacceptable. We must urgently seek to make the Security Council representative, inclusive, transparent, democratic, effective, and accountable. In Africa, We are not advocating for reform and collective action solely at the UN. In fact, we are also in the process of comprehensively reforming the Africa Union to become a fit-for-purpose institution that can effectively represent African nations globally and deliver prosperity. Excellencies, peace and development are inseparable pillars. One cannot flourish without the other. Yet, the 2024 Sustainable Development Goals Report paints a bleak picture. Only 17% of targets are on track. Nearly half show minimal or moderate progress, and over one-third have stalled or regressed. The COVID-19 pandemic, escalating conflicts, geopolitical tensions, and climate change have severely impacted progress towards the SDGs and the Paris Agreement goals. Inadequate and unsustainable means of implementation, particularly in financing, technical support, and capacity building continue to obstruct our efforts to realize the 2030 agenda. Biased methodologies employed by credit rating agencies further disadvantage African countries, making it more difficult to access affordable financing from international capital markets. Additionally, unilateral economic, financial, and trade measures not only impede the full achievement of economic and social development, but also undermine the principles of international cooperation, mutual respect, and sovereignty. Let us pause and reflect on the true significance of this predicament. Many countries in the Global South are forced to choose between buying medicine and hospital equipment or paying their debt obligations, and between buying textbooks for school-going children or paying their debt obligations. They are forced to choose between hiring teachers and making sure that there is equipment in schools or paying their debt. I can go on and on. This is not an abstract illustration detached from daily reality, but the normal experience of millions of ordinary people. One must wonder what goes on in the minds of those who prioritize economic returns over people. Ladies and gentlemen, what really happened to humanity? Addressing these deep-rooted challenges requires transformative changes to build a more equitable and resilient global framework. We have outlined many of these solutions in the Pact of the Future, demonstrating our clear understanding of what needs to be done. However, we have yet to master the political will necessary to turn these commitments into action. It is a fundamental principle of development that no nation can achieve lasting prosperity if its neighbors remain impoverished. Our economies are interconnected, and the well-being of one directly impacts the other. We must ensure that developing countries have the necessary foundations to claim their rightful place in the 21st century global economy. This is not just a moral unfair imperative. It is a strategic necessity to address systemic challenges such as migration, labor market disparities, climate change, and global security. Strengthening these foundations requires reforming the international financial architecture, facilitating debt relief, concessional long-term upscale financing, grants and de-risking lending instruments is essential to increasing investment to develop vital infrastructure and expand critical sectors. Consider Africa's immense untapped potential in clean energy resources. Harnessing this potential is critical not only for the continent's economic growth and social resilience, but also for global priorities like accelerating the energy transition, combating climate change, and diversifying supply chains. Energy-hungry industries such as data centers, mineral processing, and manufacturing are seeking clean and affordable sources which Africa can provide in abundance. Yet, out of the 500 gigawatts of renewable energy added to the global mix in 2023, Africa accounted for less than three gigawatts. How is this possible? given the continent's vast natural resources, skilled workforce, and massive energy needs. We cannot allow Africa to be left behind this time round. Affordable financing is essential, but so are transformative policies and inclusive fair trade practices, market access, inclusive international tax cooperation, technology transfer, and capacity building. This is why, at COP28, we launched the Africa Green Industrialization Initiative, aimed at unlocking investments for the continent's immense opportunities. This Pan-African initiative promotes large-scale, high-impact, and bankable green industrial and infrastructure projects. Next month, in Nairobi, We will host an investment forum for the accelerated partnership for renewables in energy to attract investments for the untapped potential in solar, wind, geothermal, and hydropower. Globally, we also need to improve the tools we already have. The SDG Stimulus Fund, initiated by the Secretary General in 2023, requires our joint support to succeed, including from multilateral development banks. Similarly, replenishing the International Development Association, IDA, is essential to provide concessional loans to the world's poorest nations. Earlier this year, I hosted the IDA 21 Replenishment Summit in Nairobi, where African leadership reaffirmed the critical importance of IDA for developing countries and called for an ambitious replenishment of US dollars 120 billion. Our collective efforts must include trust and accountability to ensure that we fulfill our promises and our commitments. Additionally, we launched the Africa Club, the alliance of African multilateral financial institutions to strengthen and support Africa's position in the global financial architecture. This body will serve as a powerful negotiator on behalf of the continent, coordinate with global financial institutions and leverage African countries' balance sheets to increase investment and create jobs in Africa. We believe that African institutions such as the AfriExim Bank, Trade and Development Bank, the Africa Finance Corporation, among others, understand the continent even better. As part of the reform of the international financial architecture, we must not only reform the multilateral institutions, but also support and stop bias against these African institutions. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, climate change remains one of the greatest challenges of our time. Biodiversity loss and pollution have created environmental crises that append lives, reverse progress in poverty reduction and strain ecosystems to their breaking point. Extreme weather conditions continue to hinder the development aspirations of many countries, especially in Africa, where severe climate related hazards are becoming more frequent and more intense. In 2022, over 120 people have 110 million people in Africa were directly affected by climate related disasters, resulting in more than 8.5 billion US dollars in economic damages. According to the emergency event database, there were approximately 5000 fatalities, though the toll is likely to be higher due to underreporting. We are at a crossroads and the path to correcting the climate costs is clear. COP 29 to be held this November in Baku, Azerbaijan presents a critical milestone in ensuring that the solutions we implement are rooted in fairness and opportunity for everybody. However, The new climate financing goal expected at COP29 faces significant hurdles as deep disagreements persist over who should contribute and how much funding is needed. Without swift resolution, these divisions risk derailing our collective progress on climate action just as the global situation becomes increasingly urgent. Let me be clear. Political posturing and inaction will neither protect the vulnerable from the consequences of a runaway climate crisis, nor save our civilization from ecosystem collapse. It is therefore critical that all nations step forward to meet this moment with ambition and responsibility. As we confront the escalating impacts of climate change, We must also recognize the interconnected environmental challenges we face, such as plastic pollution, which continues to wreak havoc on ecosystems and threatens global sustainability. It is imperative that we adopt a robust global plastics treaty during the fifth round of negotiations in Busan in the Republic of Korea this November. Kenya fully supports an ambitious outcome and the African proposal to establish the treaty secretariat in Nairobi, thereby reinforcing UNEP's role. It is indeed unfortunate and regrettable, ladies and gentlemen, that UNEP is the only body where secretariats of conventions created under it are increasingly being carved out and located elsewhere. UNEP being one of only two UN headquarters in the Global South must not be cannibalized for whatever purpose or reason, let alone excuse. Mr. President, as the host country of UNEP and UN Habitat, I take this opportunity to thank the Assembly for approving the upgrade of the infrastructure at the United Nations Office in Nairobi, the largest UN campus in the world. This project includes the construction of new office space and the design of ultra-modern conference facilities. These developments mark a significant milestone towards enhancing the quality and accessibility of Secretariat services to Member States. Not only will they serve current needs, but they will also strengthen the future success of multilateralism. We look forward to the Assembly's continued support as contractions begin in 2025. It will be critical to ensure that Union receives sustainable and predictable resources to ensure the timely completion of this upgrade. Kenya will continue to play its part in ensuring that UNON fulfills its mandate. Accordingly, the Government of Kenya has undertaken extensive improvements and expansion of physical infrastructure around the complex and will continue working towards making Nairobi a regional and humanitarian hub for the United Nations. Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, As we reflect on the theme of this session, the call for unity in diversity in the pursuit of peace, development and human dignity, it is evident that we must reimagine international cooperation to align with the complex realities of the 21st century. Our actions must reflect our ambition and commitment to a world where progress is measured not just by economic growth, but by the well-being, rights and dignity of every person. The challenges we face, from climate crisis to economic inequality, demand a bold rethinking of how we work together, grounded in mutual respect and shared responsibility. The achievement of the sustainable development goals cannot be reserved for the privileged few. It must be a shared success that uplifts all nations, transcending borders and disparities. Our collective efforts to combat climate change must be rooted in fairness and equity, ensuring that no nation or community bears a disproportionate burden. This is our shared journey. We must have a say in the choices we make. We must move beyond outdated paradigms of power and influence to create a system of international cooperation that reflects the aspirations and dignity of every human being. We must embrace a new vision of global solidarity, one that upholds the principles of equity and inclusivity. It is within our power to build a world that embodies the true spirit of the United Nations, a world where every voice is heard, every life is valued, and global progress is shared by all. This is the cooperation our people expect, our future demands, and it is the commitment we must deliver. I thank you.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/kenya","Kenya","His Excellency","William Samoei Ruto","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ke_en_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KE_EN.mp3" 92,"The assembly will hear an address by His Highness Saba al-Khaled al-Sabah, Crown Prince of the State of Kuwait. I request protocol to escort His Highness and invite him to address the assembly. In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate, Your Excellency, President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Your Excellency, Secretary General of the United Nations, Your Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Heads of Delegations, Ladies and Gentlemen, May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you all. Allow me to convey to you the greetings of His Royal Highness, the Emir of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Mishael al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah. May God protect him. His Royal Highness wish you all success during the 79th. session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Mr. President, I congratulate you and your brotherly country on assuming the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly. We are confident that your vast experience in international affairs will allow you to lead the deliberations of the General Assembly with acumen. Your vision, unity and diversity for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for everyone, everywhere. is of paramount importance. It's an urgent need in today's world. I would also like to commend the efforts by your predecessor, Mr. Dennis Francis, during his presidency of the past session. I highly value the wise leadership and constructive efforts by the Secretary General of this august organization. especially in light of accelerating global challenges. His efforts have been guided by fulfilling the noble mission of the United Nations. He has fully upheld the Charter, has always sought to maintain international peace and security by increasing the level of preparedness for all emergencies. through setting up innovative mechanisms whose pillars are human rights, dignity, strengthening justice and international law. Mr. President, the effectiveness of this organization, the productivity of this organization is a responsibility to be borne by all member states and international community to address all challenges. Over the past few days, the Summit of the Future was convened, which mirrored the reality of today's world. The summit shed light on grave challenges that require a moment of reflection and a genuine and serious will to reform our institutions, most notably the Security Council and international financial institutions. History is full of different milestones. We would not want the Summit of the Future to be a global milestone that is not invested in optimally. The Secretary-General has worked tenaciously, which is highly commendable, for us to stop and reflect together on the path of our joint multilateral action. He has been committed to bringing together the leaders of the member states to... stress that the threats are confronting all of us. No country is immune to the repercussions of these threats. There is no way forward other than cooperation towards our joint objectives. Mr. President, we cannot be speaking about renewing international solidarity unless there is a genuine international political will for reform, especially reforming the Security Council and improving the mechanisms of international action so that we are able to keep abreast of global developments and repel any threats to the security and stability of our world. Unfortunately, this will remains absent. We have seen very clearly that there cannot be any political will without an environment of trust and effective participation. We believe that the Security Council bears the primary responsibility of maintaining international peace and security decision-making at the security council must be based on the principle of democracy and equitable representation of all member states The Security Council must be able to respond to a world that is completely different to the world of 1945. We need a Security Council that is inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective, democratic and accountable. Mr. President... Technological innovations, AI and social media are increasingly being used for incitement, terrorist recruitment, spreading hate speech and mis- and disinformation. This adversely affects cyber security. We must give due attention to this issue. Many young people fell victim to these negative practices. This all proves that confronting this scourge requires international cooperation. To fulfill the aspirations and hopes of our peoples, to secure a brighter future, We need accountability. It is not reasonable to look forward to such a bright future when those who violate the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law and international humanitarian law are not held accountable. There will be no justice or equality as long as double standards are applied. There will not be any bright future unless everyone is fully committed to the principles and values of the Charter of the United Nations and international law. Mr. President, this year we're celebrating the 43rd anniversary of the establishment of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. Throughout its blessed journey over the past four decades, it has proven that it is a pillar for stability and prosperity in our region. In this context, I would like to express our deepest appreciation to the brotherly state of Qatar. for its efforts as current chair of the GCC. Its efforts enhances the work of the GCC at bilateral and multilateral levels. In December, the state of Kuwait will assume the chairmanship of the GCC. We reiterate our firm commitment to continue this blessed journey and to enhance strategic partnerships with regional and international organizations. We're committed to achieving the noble goals that we all aspire to. The GCC has always been and will remain, God willing, a voice of wisdom, moderation and a beacon for constructive dialogue in a region fraught with challenges, in a region where change is fast. The state of Kuwait looks forward to the regional and international events that the GCC is going to host. In this context, we congratulate once again our brethren in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on being selected to host Expo 2030 for rather Expo 2030 and the FIFA World Cup 2034. The state of Kuwait will spare no effort to contribute to the success of these events in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mr. President, the state of Kuwait believes in the principle of good neighborliness. For around two decades, we have been committed to helping the brotherly Republic of Iraq through continuous target-oriented measures. to help Iraq return to its rightful place regionally, internationally, and to help it fulfill the hopes and aspirations of its people. We call upon the Brotherly Republic of Iraq to take tangible, resolute, and urgent action to settle all outstanding files between the two countries, most notably the demarcation of the maritime border beyond marker 162. We also call for settling the file of Kuwaiti prisoners, missing persons and Kuwaiti property, including the National Archives with the UN and specifically the Security Council following the progress in this file. We call upon our brethren in Iraq. to respect bilateral security and technical agreements on the maritime corridor in Hur Abdullah. These agreements ensure environmental preservation, regulate navigation, and contribute to combating terrorism and illicit trafficking in arms, drugs, and persons. Continuous dialogue is important to lay the foundation for promising relations and a bright future based on understanding and mutual respect between the two brotherly nations. Mr. President, the whole world is witnessing practices that are not acceptable to any religion, law or human nature. The whole world has been witnessing... a dangerous escalation of military operations by the Israeli occupation forces against our Palestinian brethren in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem and the West Bank. Our Palestinian brethren are subjected to collective punishment. Continuous airstrikes are targeting defenseless civilians. They claim the lives of tens of thousands of innocent children, men and women, more than 41,000 martyrs. The occupying forces persist in targeting the facilities of international organizations and critical infrastructure. They are persisting in forcibly displacing the residents of Gaza. Peace in our region will not be achieved unless an independent state of Palestine is established with East Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, according to international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative. The state of Kuwait welcomes the recognition of the state of Israel by a number of countries over the past few months. We call upon other countries to follow suit and take similar steps. This state of Kuwait will remain supportive of Palestinians' rights and the Palestinian people. We were proud to have provided oral and written submissions to the ICJ on the legal consequences arising from violations by the occupying power in the occupied Palestinian territories. With the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Republic of Slovenia and 120 other UN member states, we were proud to sign the shared commitments document to support UNRWA. What has befallen UNRWA is only proof that the other side does not have any serious desire to achieve genuine peace. The brotherly Sudan is witnessing unfortunate events as a result of armed clashes. This is cause for concern. We call for immediate cessation of fighting. We call for resorting to dialogue and returning to the peaceful political track to maintain the security of the Sudan, its stability and territorial integrity. We support all ongoing regional and international initiatives to reach a political solution that ends this crisis, a political solution that provides the necessary protection to civilians and to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid, it is important to respect the sovereignty of the Sudan and the territorial integrity of the Sudan. Regarding the situation in the brotherly country of Yemen, the state of Kuwait, renews its support to UN efforts through its special envoy. Efforts that are focused on resuming the political process and reaching a comprehensive settlement according to the three agreed upon terms of reference to maintain the peace and security and territorial integrity of Yemen. We commend the efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman to revive the political process to reach a comprehensive and lasting solution in Yemen. We express our concern over the developments in the Red Sea. It is important to ensure the safety of maritime navigation according to international law and according to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982. Regarding the situation in Syria, the state of Kuwait believes it's necessary to intensify efforts to reach a political solution that is Syrian-led and Syrian-owned, in line with relevant Security Council resolutions, most notably Resolution 2254. a solution that fulfills the aspiration of the Syrian people to peace and security and stability, a solution that maintains the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria. Regarding the situation in Lebanon, the state of Kuwait condemns in the most strongest terms the airstrikes and military operations launched by Israeli occupation forces against the brotherly Republic of Lebanon. These operations have have claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians, innocent civilians that have nothing to do with the dangerous escalation of the Israeli aggression, which is expanding day after day in flagrant violations of all norms and international law, including international humanitarian law. We have always warned of this aggression and its repercussions on the countries of the region and on neighboring countries. We also condemn violations by the occupation forces of Lebanese sovereignty and any attempts to drag Lebanon into the ongoing conflict in the region. Israeli occupation forces are disregarding international calls and Security Council resolution We call for full implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701. We're following with great concern the latest developments in the brotherly country of Libya. We call for giving precedence to reason and wisdom. We call for resorting to a political dialogue to self-dispute according to relevant Security Council resolutions. To maintain... the stability, sovereignty, and security of Libya, and to fulfill the aspirations of the Libyan people to development and prosperity. At the regional level, we believe in strengthening good neighborly relations. As enshrined in the Charter, we call upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to take serious steps to build trust and to engage in dialogue based on respect for other countries and non-interference in their internal affairs. Mr. President, through the Kuwait Vision 2035, we focus on responding to international financial and economic indicators to predict opportunities and to turn the state of Kuwait into a financial, commercial, and cultural center that is responding to regional and international developments. Foreign policy plays an important role in this expanded development process. Our diplomacy relies on digitalization to move from traditional frameworks so that diplomacy responds continuously to evolving developments on the global landscape. we or rather our actions are based on a proactive approach, the result of an enduring legacy of providing relief and humanitarian assistance bequeathed on us by our forefathers. In conclusion, the state of Kuwait is committed to multilateral actions and the Charter of the United Nations to ensure a global governance that is strong to fulfill the noble mission of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security and in serving humanity as a whole. The state of Kuwait looks forward to cooperating with brotherly and friendly countries to fulfill the aspirations of all peoples so that they live in a prosperous world where peace and security prevail. May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. On behalf of the Assembly, I would like to thank the Crown Prince of the State of Kuwait, A continuación.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/kuwait","Kuwait","His Highness","Sabah Al Khaled Al Sabah","Crown Prince","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kw_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KW_EN.mp3" 93,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Abdullah Bouhabib, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigrants of Lebanon. Mr. President, I wish first and foremost to congratulate warmly you upon your election to the helm of the 79th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. We wish you every success, and we convey to you our full support for your agenda, unity and diversity for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. Mr. President, Lebanon is currently enduring a crisis which is threatening its very existence. The future of our people and our prosperity are imperiled. This is a situation that requires international intervention on an urgent basis before the situation spirals out of control with a domino effect, making this crisis impossible to contain, just as it will be impossible to extinguish the flames of this crisis, which will transform into a black hole that will engulf regional international peace and security. in Lebanon threatens the entire Middle East with the worst if the situation remains as it currently is and if the world remains immobile. Mr. President, we welcome the declaration delivered yesterday by the United States and by France, as supported by a number of friendly states. offering the possibility of long-term calm, helping to ensure the restoration of stability along the border, as well as the return of displaced persons. Furthermore, we demand that all possible measures be adopted for this declaration to be implemented. What we are currently experiencing in Lebanon is a consequence of the absence of a lasting sustainable solution. It is not the cause of an absence of a sustainable solution. The cause is the occupation. And we wish to reiterate this explicitly. The cause is the occupation. To claim anything else would be a loss of time. So long as the occupation persists, there will be instability and there will be war. We have repeatedly on numerous occasions through the United Nations, we have striven to resolve border disputes with Israel. However, Israel has continuously eluded the issue or disregarded the matter. This is a difficult situation which we are experiencing. And in light of this, we are increasingly committed to international law. We are seeking refuge. In the decisions under international law, to that end, Lebanon has contributed to the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through one of our children, Shal Malek. And despite the inability of the United Nations to protect us from the Israeli aggression up until now, We remain committed to the role of this organization as a frontline of defense in the face of occupation, violence, devastation, and oppression. Today, we desperately need the United Nations to play its role as a refuge for small countries who have been victimized by aggression. These countries include my homeland, Lebanon. since this tragedy which we've experienced has broke out since this bitter reality we have observed a dialogue is an alternative to the language of weapons to resolve conflict we have demonstrated ability to be a reliable partner in building consensus as was the case in october 2022 When the maritime borders were delimited between Lebanon and Israel, this is the best proof of our commitment to negotiations for peaceful dispute resolution. Furthermore, we proposed during two Security Council meetings – the most recent one was held on the 17th of June last – and the topic of trust was the situation in the Middle East. an integrated framework to achieve a lasting pacification in the border south of Lebanon. And we wish to reiterate today our call for a ceasefire on all fronts, for this to be an opportunity and a prerequisite towards the full-fledged implementation of Resolution 1701 of the United Nations Security Council, which has been effective in establishing a relative degree of stability in the south of Lebanon since the end of the July 2006 war up until 7 October 2023. We, moreover, are counting on the support of the international community and specifically on the support of friendly countries. in reinforcing the deployment of the Lebanese army in the south of the Litani River and delivering the necessary equipment to ensure that troop levels can be increased in the wake of the launch by the state of a conscription campaign as part of a clear commitment to the implementation of Resolution 1701. In this regard, there will be no weapons without the consent of the Lebanese government, and there will be no other authority than that of the Lebanese government, as is stipulated in the above-mentioned resolution. Our demand to secure support is not merely a reflection of our commitment to honoring our commitments under Resolution 1701. This is also This is also our confirmation of the importance, reaffirmation of the importance of cooperation and support from the international community to surmount security-related challenges in order to bolster peace and security in the region. We are all cognizant of the economic crisis that has been plaguing our country. And despite this, our government has taken a decision for 100,000 additional soldiers to be deployed to the south of the country. And This is not a mere detail. Quite the contrary, this is a clear political message to the international community reflecting the fact that Lebanon fully intends to implement Resolution 1701, to which we are wedded. And even at the worst times, including the present, we are not standing idly by. We are mobilizing our efforts at the highest level to protect our people, our national institutions, as well as our sovereignty. Mr. President, among the most significant provisions of Resolution 1701, emphasizing the internationally recognized borders of Lebanon delimited between Lebanon and Palestine in 1923, reaffirmed in the Lebanese-Israeli truce agreement signed on the island of Rhodes in 1949 under the supervision of the United Nations. This will be achieved with the agreement of the agreement on 13 points that are source of discord. And pursuant to this, Israel will withdraw from all Lebanese regions that it has occupied and continues to occupy in the direction of the internationally recognized border. We wish to reiterate our commitment to the role of UNIFIL, the the peacekeeping force which is active in the south of Lebanon. And since its inception, it has significantly contributed to stability and peace in the region. Up until 8 October 2023, there had been no grave incident threatening regional peace and security that had been recorded. And we wish to take this opportunity to thank UNIFIL for the tremendous sacrifice it has made in light of the tremendous challenges it has been facing in particular over the past recent months, as well as specifically in recent days. Mr. President, the Israel... Instead of focusing on incessant wars, Israel is continuously radicalizing. One of the gravest challenges Lebanon currently faces is this increase in aggression The war has expanded and spilled over into Lebanese regions. We are increasingly concerned due to the systematic destruction of Lebanese border villages, the collective punishment imposed on people, the setting of fire to agricultural lands with white phosphorus, thereby rendering these lands impoverished. for many years, we in recent days have borne witness to a detestable, repugnant example of the transformation of telecommunications devices. Civilian devices were transformed into ticking time bombs that were deliberately and simultaneously blown up thereby claiming the lives of dozens, including children, including women, resulting in thousands of people being wounded, hundreds of whom are in critical condition, in addition to hundreds who were disfigured, maimed, who lost limbs, who lost their vision. From this rostrum, we reiterate our warning against this aggression which is continuously intensifying this attempt to play with fire, to plunge the entire Middle East into a conflagration, we reiterate our rejection of war, our legitimate right to defend ourselves pursuant to the Charter of the United Nations and international law. This goes hand in hand with our tireless efforts through our contacts and meetings to avoid falling into the trap of the Israeli occupying power, which is attempting to extend and prolong the war. Mr. President, the return of Israeli displaced persons to their cities and their settlements will only – cannot be achieved through war, cannot be achieved through bombardment, fighting, hostilities, or the displacement of Lebanese people. the shortest path for their return is a comprehensive, immediate ceasefire, as stipulated in the U.S. declaration, which was from yesterday supported by friendly states, a full implementation of Resolution 1701 as part of a comprehensive framework accompanied by clear international guaranteed, transparent, and an end, a definitive end to land, sea, and air incursions and breaches of Lebanese sovereignty and our borders, our internationally recognized borders. This is necessary. These violations have exceeded, there have been more than 35,000 such violations since 2006. Mr. President, Has Israel not had enough of the endless war since 1948? When will it be time for Israel to give a real opportunity for peace? Will Israel not embrace the path of peace? When will this happen? Instead of using the language of fire and steel, Lebanon and Arab countries have clearly, without any ambiguity, categorically embraced peace through the Arab Peace Initiative, which was the fruit of the Beirut Arab Summit in 2002. with the adoption by Arab states of the two-state solution through the demand of Arab states for the implementation of United Nations resolutions, which unfortunately have remained dead letter. It is now incumbent upon Israel, Israel, both the government and the people, Israel as a whole, if they really want peace, to embrace peace, to choose peace, to want peace instead of war. and to go beyond their obsessions and security-related anxiety, breaking the cycle of violence in the region, ending escalation, stopping escalation, and the risk of complete conflagration in the Middle East also requires collective efforts as part of a clear, defined timeline. Together with clear guarantees and recognition of legitimate rights, including the right to self-determination pursuant to international law, there can be no peace without the two-state solution, regardless of how much time this takes. Mr. President, by way of conclusion, we reiterate our call for a lasting solution for the full, balanced implementation of Resolution 1701. the recognition of our land borders recognized at the international level to ensure that Lebanon and the region can avoid further warfare and destruction. We are at a very difficult time, marred by a tragic escalation of violence in Lebanon from the heart of the conflict. The Resolution 1701 of the Security Council is the primary line of defense for Lebanon. This resolution is not merely a document, not merely a framework for international action. No, this is a commitment on the part of the international community to safeguard regional peace and security. We cannot deviate from this process. And so far, this is the legal diplomatic bedrock guaranteeing the protection of of Lebanese and regional security. Respecting this resolution is absolutely necessary, not just for Lebanon but for Israel, too, and for the region as a whole. This is the best tool at the disposal of the international community to break this cycle of violence, to ensure that diplomacy prevails despite difficulties. And despite the fact that the path ahead is difficult, the cost of diplomatic failure will be very high. For this reason, we must bear in mind that with each new wave of violence, there is unimaginable suffering endured, particularly by civilians. Any civilian killed is a tragedy that is unacceptable. And there's no justification for this. When civilian areas are targeted systematically, As is currently the case in Lebanon, we are talking here about acts that are tantamount to war crimes. There can be no justification for the mass murder of civilians. However, as we talk about death and destruction, devastation, we also need to endeavor to find solutions. Time is of the essence. There's a need to embrace a political process to end this crisis, which is escalating. There's a need to move forward to reach a political solution. We, together, need to give thought to a political solution to this crisis. Instead of bogging ourselves increasingly down in the militarization of these conflicts, the escalation of the conflict and the expansion of the conflict. Diplomacy is not always easy, but diplomacy is the only way to save innocent lives and homelands. Lebanon, for our part, we are determined to tread upon this path. Lebanon views... the U.S.-French initiative, which was a French-U.S. initiative which was supported by other friendly countries, as an opportunity to generate momentum, to take steps towards ending this crisis. And diplomacy needs to succeed. There is no other choice. Thank you. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs and","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/lebanon","Lebanon","His Excellency","Abdallah Bouhabib","Minister for Foreign Affairs and Emigrants","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/lb_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LB_EN.mp3" 94,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Majesty King Lezi III, King of the Kingdom of Lesotho. I request protocol to escort His Majesty and I invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency, the President of the 79th Session of the General Assembly, Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Your Excellency, Mr. Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. President, I wish to congratulate you on your well-deserved election to the Office of President of the 79th Session of the General Assembly. I am confident that with your vast experience and wealth of knowledge, you will successfully guide the Assembly to live up to its commitments. I therefore assure you of my delegation's full support and cooperation in all your endeavours. I would also like to pay my tribute to your predecessor, Mr. Dennis Francis, for the excellent manner in which he discharged his duties as President of the Assembly during the 78th session. To Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, I express my country's deep gratitude and unwavering support for your exceptional work on behalf of humanity, especially amidst the significant challenges facing multilateralism today. Under your leadership, the United Nations has navigated numerous obstacles, including the COVID-19 pandemic, escalating debt crises, and the impacts of climate change. In your address to the General Assembly, you highlighted the importance of peace within communities, peace with justice, peace with dignity, and peace with nature, emphasizing that building peace is humanity's greatest responsibility. The UN was founded on the belief that nations can and should live together in peace and work with each other to resolve conflicts peacefully for the betterment of our lives. It also established the framework for justice, respect for international law, and the promotion of global socio-economic development. As the UN celebrates its 79th anniversary this year, we must reaffirm the enduring conviction of our founders and reassert their sense of purpose. As I stand here today, I resonate with these sentiments, drawing from our nation's history and experiences. This year, Lesotho commemorates 200 years since the founding of the Basotho Nation, with the pinnacle of this celebration occurring on the 4th of October. What, then, can we as a smaller nation contribute to the global discourse on peace? Mr. President, Lesotho was founded on the principle of peace, khozo. Our founder, Morena Mushosha I, cherished peace as one of his core values. Writers and researchers have described him as, and I quote, no common man, as someone who stands out clear in the light, original, able, enlightened, and upright. His humanity, his mildness, his love of peace and justice for his horror of war, His forbearance under extreme provocation are conspicuous upon every occasion."" End of quote. These are qualities that have inspired us as Basut. Mughal Amusheshwari I was able to bring together different tribal groups, avert conflicts, and negotiate lasting peace that to this day we strive to maintain. Basotho are a nation built on tolerance, inclusion and unity, which are also the key principles enshrined in the Secretary General's new agenda for peace. It is in this context that we hail as most appropriate the theme chosen for our general debate this year, namely leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations. The relevance of this theme at the present juncture in international relations is beyond doubt. Through collective action, we can conquer the challenges facing humanity and realize a sustainable future for all. However, this will require leaders with humanity, mildness, a love of peace and justice, horror of war, and forbearance under extreme provocation. These are ideals that can be achieved. My ancestor, as testified by many, was the embodiment of these traits which built a nation that stands to this day. Business as usual will not preserve our world as we know it. The enjoyment and exercise of human rights and attainment of sustainable peace and development require a deliberate fundamental shift and commitment by the world's leadership. In the words of another of my ancestors, and I quote, always be slow to take arms at all times. I beseech you, lean upon this rod of peace. Always keep it clear in your mind that it is far more profitable to harvest food in the grain fields than to kill men in the battlefields, end of quote. In today's rapidly changing world, the UN has continued to forge peace in conflict-ridden areas around the world, promoting human rights and lifting thousands out of poverty. Lesotho reaffirms its commitment to advance this collective vision of an effective United Nations to ensure a prosperous and a lasting future for all our people. Mr. President, the world faces significant challenges as the deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals approaches. The 2024 SDG report indicates that only 16% of the targets are on track to be met by 2030, while 84% show limited or reversed progress. The UNCTAD 2024 report highlights a troubling trend where 48 developing countries spend more on loan interest payments to developed nations than on essential services like education and health. This economic inequality drives migration, and as refugees seek better opportunities, often leading to xenophobia and conflict in host countries. Addressing this inequality is crucial for fostering inclusive development and ensuring global peace and stability. To enhance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, my government plans to present its third Voluntary National Review on Sustainable Development in 2025. Achieving this goal requires stronger partnerships and increased financial support, particularly for vulnerable countries that are both least developed and landlocked. The current crises of hunger, poverty, disease and climate change threaten to reverse the progress made over the last century. In Lesotho, climate change exacerbates environmental degradation, impacting agriculture, water resources and energy supplies, leading to food shortages which have compelled our government to declare a state of emergency in food security. However, we are committed to responding to these challenges by pursuing opportunities that will enable greater self-sufficiency for the country. The SOTUS stock in trade is a high quality suite of renewable energy resources of sun, wind, and a plentiful supply of the purest mountain water. We are therefore in a position to establish a sustainable renewable energy and water economy. Our priority is to satisfy the deficit in our domestic energy demand and to export clean energy and high-quality water to the region. Our goal to fully meet commitments of the Paris Accord well in advance of 2050 will be attained with the potential of Lesotho being among the first countries in Africa to be a fully carbon neutral electricity generator. We seek our own opportunity to navigate our own way in this complex world. Mr. President, it is essential to restore dignity and hope for women, youth, and marginalized communities who continue to experience a disproportionate level of vulnerabilities and disadvantages. Gender equality. and the protection of women and girls from violence are fundamental human rights that must be prioritized. The government of Lesotho has implemented policies and laws to address these issues in line with regional and international commitments. Additionally, we continue to combat diseases like HIV AIDS, achieving significant progress with 95% of those living with HIV knowing their status, 94% receiving treatment, and 98% of those on treatment virally suppressed. Since 2010, we have successfully reduced new HIV infections by 74%. demonstrating our commitment to public health and social equity. Mr. President, global peace and security are under threat from terrorism, illicit arms flows, organized crime, cybercrime, and financial crimes hindering progress towards sustainable peace. This worrying state of affairs demands collective and resolute action to protect global peace, security, and stability for the benefit of all humanity. Mediation. has proven effective in saving lives, minimizing resource costs, and preventing infrastructure destruction while facilitating reconciliation between opposing parties. Despite the UN's focus on peaceful dispute resolution, political tensions among member states have limited its mediation efforts. It is therefore essential for the UN Security Council to take a proactive leading role in the mediation of disputes. To achieve this, the Council must adopt a multilateral approach. as we believe this is the only way to ensure transparency, impartiality and a sense of ownership of the mediation process by the wider UN membership. For this reason, We warmly welcome the Secretary General's new agenda for peace, which emphasizes the urgent need to rebuild mechanisms for managing disputes and enhancing trust among member states and regional frameworks. Mr. President, Respecting and upholding human rights is a fundamental obligation of all states as outlined in the United Nations Charter. Self-determination and independence are essential rights that should be accessible to all people. We urge the full implementation of United Nations resolutions aimed at ending all forms of colonialism and occupation, particularly emphasizing the need for the self-determination of the people of the Western Sahara. Mr. President, the situation in the Middle East especially the ongoing human rights violations in Gaza, requires urgent attention. We renew our call for a ceasefire, as both the General Assembly and the Security Council have repeatedly advocated for one. The high cost of war is a burden humanity should not bear. We believe in a two-state solution, that allows Israelis and Palestinians to coexist peacefully and securely. Genuine dialogue and mediation, respecting the rights and concerns of both parties, are crucial for resolving the Palestine question. Additionally, we call for a mediated solution to the unilateral coercive measures on Cuba, as the international community has consistently demanded the lifting of the economic and commercial embargo. like all member states, deserves the right to participate freely in international trade. And we also reiterate our call for the lifting of sanctions on Zimbabwe. Mr. President, to conclude, we would like to reiterate our belief in the principle of subsidiarity. recognizing the Security Council's primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. We, therefore, call for greater and more effective cooperation between the Council and regional organizations as outlined in Chapter 8 of the UN Charter. The strengthening of this cooperation is crucial for the swift resolution of regional conflicts. We believe that the Security Council should be more representative of UN membership to ensure its decisions enjoy greater legitimacy. Therefore, we advocate for a comprehensive reform of the Security Council, supporting the common African position known as the Izulini Consensus. We also believe that the UN should continue to be a place where all our aspirations for a better and secure life for humanity must be championed. Let us work together to build a United Nations that reflects a broad consensus among member states, reinforcing its central role in global governance, and fostering collaboration with regional organizations while ensuring that all members respect its charter. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the King of the Kingdom of Lesotho.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/lesotho","Lesotho","His Majesty","Letsie III","King","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ls_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LS_EN.mp3" 95,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency Dominique Hassler, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport of Liechtenstein. Minister Hassler, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport of Liechtenstein. Minister Hassler, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport of Liechtenstein. Mr. President, the UN is a special meeting place for all countries. This is what our head of state said in his very first speech at the UN General Assembly when Liechtenstein became a member 34 years ago. It is a singular forum where not only countries come together, but peoples. I was very young then, just about to enter high school, but I remember vividly the sense of significance that prevailed among us back in 1990. The wish to safeguard our sovereignty was a key incentive for us, a team that resonates so strongly among many, many small states today. We have never seen membership as just an end in itself. The United Nations has been a key foreign policy platform for Liechtenstein. We have made a significant political investment, developed our own profile, been an independent voice and put forward our own initiatives, most recently the Veto Initiative. For us, the people and the government of Liechtenstein, the main purpose of the United Nations remains peace and security, to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war in the immortal words of the UN Charter. It saddens me to say that this purpose has lost none of its relevance today. The aggression against Ukraine, planned and perpetrated by those who wield power in the Russian Federation, has not only destroyed the European security architecture. It has undermined the international legal order as a such. And it has created a real risk and genuine fear of future illegal war making, not just in our part of the world. After enjoying long decades of peace, which is much more than the absence of war, our people have been able to live in prosperity and with full respect for human rights. As a small state, without armed forces, the guarantor of our sovereignty is respect for international law, which the UN embodies like no other organization. Our unequivocal stance in support of Ukraine is thereof a commitment to the international order and ultimately to our own security. More than two years of brutal war of aggression have brought immeasurable human suffering, economic devastation of immense proportions and environmental damage for decades to come. Many of these outcomes are sadly irreversible. But together, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to bring about a just peace. And indeed, there will be no peace without justice. Peace must therefore be based on the terms we have already set together in this hall. And it must ensure individual criminal accountability for those who have willfully and unprovoked initiated this war of aggression. This alone will ensure that there is a prospect for sustainable peace for Ukraine, but also for the region as a whole. This alone will give small states everywhere the confidence and belief that their sovereignty and territorial integrity will be protected and safeguarded here at the United Nations, while demonstrating that we are committed and able to fulfill the purpose that has brought us together in this organization. Mr. President, much of what we have done in recent years here in New York was driven by the belief that we must safeguard the role of the United Nations in maintaining peace and security. We support a strong Security Council, but see little indication that it will be able to come together in the way the current challenges require. Rather than criticizing and lamenting what is a political reality, we have to think about alternative avenues. Avenues that do indeed exist. Disassembly is the key platform in this respect. It has taken the lead on Ukraine and it has adopted important decisions on the Gaza war. And, under the terms of the veto initiative, which has resonated so strongly in this hall, it is given the option to act whenever the Council is paralyzed by a veto. The Pact of the Future has given us the necessary basis to continue what we have begun and to chart a new path for peace and security. Only in working together, we will be able to deliver on this promise. Mr. President, for almost a year now, the situation in the Middle East has absorbed much of our attention. We have witnessed with horror the terrorist attack on the civilian population of Israel on the 7th of October. And we are shocked and appalled by the suffering of the civilian population of Gaza. the many thousands of innocent victims, a very large number of children among them, which is simply unacceptable. The protection of civilians is a key priority on the agenda of the United Nations. However, it seems to be a mere afterthought for those making the decisions on both sides, of the conflict whose actions cause human suffering and threaten stability in the region. We are deeply concerned about the next level of escalation between Israel and Hezbollah and join the call for a 21-day ceasefire in order to prevent a further conflagration in the region. Liechtenstein is a strong supporter of the two-state solution. As such, we prioritize the protection of all civilians affected in our response and in our decision-making. We have contributed humanitarian assistance to the civilian population. We have called for the full respect for international humanitarian law by all, and with that I call again for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. We support the efforts by the International Criminal Court to investigate according to its mandate. two-state solution, which enjoys an overwhelming support among all of us in this hall, was decided by this very assembly many decades ago. There is no other conflict where the United Nations has a clearer and longer-lasting responsibility. The end of the war in Gaza will only be one step in the long and difficult path to a two-state solution that allows Israel and Palestine to live together in peace and security in line with the right of self-determination of all peoples. Knowing that this will take time, it is even more important that all actors stop escalating the conflict further and that the human suffering ends today. The UN and each single member state need to live up to the goal we have set ourselves many years ago and bring this conflict to an end. Mr. President, the sovereign equality of all countries and respect for international law are key for all UN members to thrive, but for smaller ones even more so. It is no surprise then that in this building, my country is known in particular for our clear and consistent stance in support of the rule of law. We are proud of the work we have done on international law, and it is a commitment we are determined to continue, especially as there is no doubt that international law is under attack from more sides and in more ways than ever before. Today, I call on you. I call on all of us to face this challenge as an opportunity, to come together and unite in a way that brings together all who need international law upheld for their survival and prosperity, all of whose best and sometimes only defenses that the rules governing the context between states since 1945 are actually enforced. All of us who are willing to stand up for each other, driven by both solidarity and enlightened self-interest. Today, it is a moment for us to realize that we must not take the existence of the United Nations for granted, that this organization's foundation is rooted in international law, but also that it is us in this room that have the power and means necessary if we work together. Doom and gloom are not the hallmark of leadership. We are encouraged by the fact that small states in particular are increasingly standing up for the rule of law and against the rule of might. We are gratified to see that the International Court of Justice and its decisions is looked at for guidance in our decision-making in challenges ranging from the two-state solution to the applicability of the Genocide Convention to climate change. This is a good and, more importantly, a necessary time to be the change that we want to see in the world. Mr. President, we politicians have the privilege, the agency, and the voice that we have to use. This, in my view, comes also with the obligation to speak up for those who do not have a voice. In a shockingly literal sense, the women of Afghanistan do not have a voice at all anymore. I therefore want to speak up for them from this podium. The denial of even their most basic human rights must be completely unacceptable for this organization and its representatives. We will continue to demand that the United Nations lives up to its special obligation and supports action to fight this extreme case of gender persecution. We must also speak up against the brutal oppression of women in Iran. Women across the world have been speaking up as agents of change for many years. We must ensure those voices are amplified at the highest level. As experience has shown, we will get better results for everyone if we entrust leadership positions much more often to women. As many others, I believe that it is a credibility challenge for the United Nations that a woman has yet to lead this organization. After decades of talking about gender equality, the United Nations should shine as an example. Mr. President, we simply need to do what we have promised – on peace, the central mission of this organization, on gender equality, on human rights, on deterring aggression and on ensuring accountability. The collective action so urgently needed today requires strong leadership, which is often lacking today. Leadership, whether by woman or man, comes with responsibility, accountability, and with the ability and willingness to listen to and work in the interest of those we represent. All of us that have had the privilege to speak from this podium have an obligation to present and future generations to deliver on the great hopes placed in our United Nations. Only then is this organization the singular place that serves the people of the world in their desire for world peace. Thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport of Liechtenstein.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/liechtenstein","Liechtenstein","Her Excellency","Dominique Hasler","Minister for Foreign Affairs","26 September 2024",NA,"https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LI_EN.mp3" 96,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi and Commander-in-Chief of the Malawi Defense Force. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency Philemon Young, President of the Seventh, Ninth Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Your Excellency Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. Your Excellency's Heads of State and Government and Leaders of Delegations, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. Every member state of the United Nations relates to other nations in the world. in three dimensions, cooperation, competition, and conflict. And how we manage our relationships on these dimensions will ultimately determine the kind of world we will create for the children of tomorrow. So when we sit in this chamber, to deliberate on the cooperation or competition or conflict between member states, we are actually designing and deciding our future. I am therefore glad that the theme of our debate this year touches on all three of these dimensions, because the bottom line is that in all three we can and must do better. This year's theme calls on us to act together to advance peace, sustainable development, and dignity. This is a call to stronger multilateral cooperation. But if we are serious about cooperation, then we must act with urgency in fixing and reforming the United Nations and other multilateral institutions. And one fix that we from Africa demand is for the United Nations to embrace democracy in the Security Council by giving two permanent seats to Africa with vital power. When I first made this call in my inaugural address in this chamber, I was delighted to hear President Biden also announce that the United States is in favor of this reform. Similarly, when I met President Xi Jinping of China three weeks ago, I was delighted to hear that he, too, is in favor of stronger representation of the interests of developing countries in the Security Council. So, Mr. President, the time to fix this is now. We need this fix to strengthen our voice on the issues that matter to us in Africa. In the four years that I have been President, I have declared state of national disaster every year because of climate change impacts that we cannot solve without multilateral cooperation. And for one of those years, I was chair of two development communities, namely the Southern Africa Development Community, SADC, and the least developed countries, LDCs. And I learned firsthand that no nation can survive a global crisis or develop in the face of shocks without strong multilateral cooperation to sustain it. Even this year, I see how challenging it has been for my country and for Malawians. Coming off the back of the state of national disaster that I declared last year to secure international cooperation in response to the devastation caused by Sikran Friday, I have to declare another state of natural disaster this year to secure international cooperation in response to El Nino weather conditions that have destroyed crops in three-quarters of the country's districts, live in a fifth of the Malawian population without enough food to last a year. And this is happening in the face of devastating trauma we have suffered as a nation. For the past three months, from the tragic death of our Vice President, Right Honourable Dr. Saulus Klaus Chirima, in a plane crash, whose cause is yet to be established by the German experts, we have asked to investigate the accident, yet another example of the necessity of international cooperation. Even the great strides of development we have made over the past four years have been facilitated by strong international cooperation. Whether it be the four road corridors and hundreds of secondary schools we are constructing through our cooperation with the United States, or the M1 Road we are rehabilitating and expanding through our cooperation with the European Union, or the rail system we have revived for the first time in 40 years through our cooperation with China, Or the orthopedic and neurosurgery hospital we have developed through the cooperation with Norway. Or the Makanji Road we are ready to develop through our cooperation with Saudi Arabia. Or the investments we are making to strengthen education and governance institutions through our cooperation with the United Kingdom. Or the solar power plants that we have developed through our cooperation with Japan. or the extended credit facility from the International Monetary Fund that has unlocked access to the World Bank's and IDEA's support through cooperation with developing partners. of the lifesaving food assistance we mobilized for the people of Mangochi following the impact of Tropical Storm Anna through the cooperation with Iceland or implementation of social protection programs to help rural women enjoy economic empowerment through our cooperation with Ireland. or the procurement of emergency food, fertilizers, and climate resilient seeds for climate ravaged Malawian communities through our cooperation with Tanzania, Ukraine, Egypt, Iceland, Russia, Morocco, and many others. Malawi is a testament to the power of cooperation to move a nation's development forward into an inclusively wealthy and sustainable future that is brighter than the past. It is, in fact, this foundation of international cooperation that we have built on to actively engage in intergovernmental negotiations for the pact of the future, for the future that we have fully endorsed at this 79th session of the General Assembly. It is also this foundation of international cooperation that we have built on to host 80 international organizations and institutions for our second annual Malawi Partners Conference right here in New York to get investor alignment to our ATM strategy of boosting productivity and value addition in the sectors of agriculture, tourism, and mining that hold the greatest promise for Malawi's economic transformation. If the future belongs to nations that know how to leverage the power of international cooperation, then the future belongs to Malawi. If the future belongs to nations with an apologetic commitment to multilateral collaboration, then the future belongs to Malawi. If the future belongs to nations that are driven by moral conviction to uphold the values of servant leadership, shared prosperity, ending corruption and the rule of law, then the future belongs to Malawi. If the future belongs to nations that have adopted a no retreat and no surrender attitude towards the achievement of SDGs by 2030, then the future belongs to Malawi. If the future belongs to nations that put children first, then the way that Malawi has done by resolving to end child marriages and poisoning of children with lead products by 2030, that future belongs to Malawi. But, Mr. President, our efforts to move toward in the fifth gear toward these goals are being significantly slowed down by a global system of multilateral agencies and financial institutions that are too slow, too inefficient, too monolithic, and too undemocratic for the kind of speedy and tailor-made interventions that we need. As a result of our refusal to practice the democracy of equal representation here in the UN, our calls for member states to practice democracy in their jurisdictions are beginning to fall on deaf ears. As a result of our refusal to honor climate financing pledges or link them to debt relief, The debt to GDP ratios in developing countries like Malawi are growing at alarming rates, posing a significant threat to global financial stability. If this is not fixed, those who keep us in a state of perpetual debt, when they have the resources to cancel those debts, should make no mistake. The spreading debt crisis in the developing world is a cancer that will make your own economies unsafe. So the time to fix this is now. Mr. President, I said that the second dimension of international relations is competition. And again, in this area, we all can and must do better. There is nothing wrong with healthy competition between nations because competition fuels innovation, improves quality, and multiplies options for citizens, which is the essence of freedom. But as we have done in global sports, we must make competition between nations fair by regularly reviewing and revising the rules on which our international system is based to ensure that the way nations compete and what they compete for is not rigged to disenfranchise some countries as we compete for natural resources, international markets, financial support, and the new technologies which are currently skewed against the global south. Even with the era of artificial intelligence being fully upon us, I worry that the rules for regulating this arena are already being written to empower some nations and give them unfair advantages over others. We need more than a rules-based system. We also need the rules themselves to foster fair competition. Of course, what this means is that We need stronger governance institutions that can enforce fair rules for accessing education, markets, technology, financing, and natural resources. It is therefore my central contention, Mr. President, that the one place we must have strong governance is here. If governance is weak here, there will be no one to regulate the collaboration and competition between nations in an equitable manner. And it is this absence of equity that is at the root of the unwinnable conflicts in Eastern Europe, in Palestine, in Eastern DRC, and counting. We need governance reform to make United Nations stronger because the world needs a strong UN that can be good and peaceful, not a weak UN that can only be harmless. And we need it now. Thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Malawi and Commander-in-Chief of the Malawi Defence Force.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/malawi","Malawi","His Excellency","Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mw_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MW_EN.mp3" 97,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Prithviraj Singh Rambun, President of the Republic of Mauritius. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency, Mr. Philemon Young, President of the General Assembly. Your Excellency, Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. Excellencies, distinguished delegates, good afternoon. Mr. President, I also warmly congratulate you. Mauritius is proud to see a son of Africa assume the High Office of President of the 79th Session of the General Assembly. I assure you of the full support of Mauritius, who remains committed to the universal values and noble aspirations of the United Nations. Our appreciation also goes to His Excellency, Denis Francis, who throughout the 78th session championed solidarity and unity during challenging times. Secretary General Antonio Guterres also deserves our special recognition for his inspiring and commendable initiatives in furthering the objectives of our organization. Mr. President, the theme being addressed in this August Assembly is in consonance and resonates deeply with the very essence of our organization. The UN emerged out of the ashes of war and untold sufferings. We have a moral obligation to ensure that the ultimate sacrifice of millions of women and men was not in vain. Our organization has since embodied the universal values of peace, justice, equity, respect for the rule of law, and human dignity. It is appalling that we are lately witnessing an erosion of these same values. Unfortunately, might is taking over and impunity still prevails. The dignity of the weakest is being shamelessly flouted on a scale never seen before. Behind protracted conflicts around the world lies inestimable human costs. Mr. President, the devastation and sufferings in Gaza are heart wrenching. Thousands of innocent lives have been lost. We urge the international community to find a solution for a dis-escalation in the region for a just and lasting peace. And we are convinced that the two-state solution based on relevant UN resolutions and international law will uphold human dignity and equality for all. We welcome the advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem. There is an urgent need for a renewed commitment to diplomacy and constructive dialogue As in many parts of the world, conflicts, instability, and challenges to security are still inhabited. Mr. President, the world has witnessed an unprecedented technological revolution in a short span of time. For humanity to benefit from its transformative power, AI governance should be anchored in international law. Current unsustainable consumption and production trends are exacerbating injustices and inequalities. We are at a watershed moment. Mauritius welcomes the adoption of the Pact for the Future which is a renewed testimony to our collective resolve for the betterment of our world. We also need to ensure that the overall architecture of our global institutions reflects today's realities. Mauritius believes that inclusivity is a necessity and not a choice. Small states and large allies deserve a voice. Africa and CEDS have their rightful place in a reformed Security Council. Multilateral and international financial institutions should be more representative and also responsive to the needs of all countries. This is the only way to pave for a more equitable and resilient world where human dignity is upheld. Mr. President, Mauritius believes that human dignity is universal, unalienable, and unconditional. This conviction has always guided our actions. Our multicultural society thrives on fairness, equity, and human dignity. Through unity in diversity, we have strengthened our unique and tolerant society. We have spared no effort in advancing the economic, social, and cultural rights of our citizens. Our commitment to free and fair elections good governance and putting people at the centre of development remains resolute. We are investing heavily in free healthcare, infrastructural development, free education for pre-primary school to tertiary level amongst others. We are promoting decent work for all the empowerment of women and youth remains at the heart of the government actions. These inclusive approaches and supportive policies have contributed to the strengthening of our social fabric. Mr. President, the climate emergency is one of the most pressing global threats of our time. Greenhouse emissions from human activities have irrefutably contributed to global warming, sea level rise, and coastal erosion. It is most unfortunate that seeds like Mauritius, which have contributed to the least in global emission, are being the most affected. A multilateral approach to confront these threats is an absolute necessity. We must achieve the highest possible ambition while ensuring equity, common and differentiated responsibilities. Our actions need to be guided by the latest scientific insights and informed by the outcomes of the global stock take agreed upon at COP28, including its roadmap for keeping 1.5 centigrade within reach. This target is a lifeline for all of us, especially SIDS. Therefore, An agreement on a fair and ambitious new collective quantified goal on climate is imperative. As temperatures rise, the very foundation of life for oceanic states are endangered. We welcome the recent advisory opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on Climate Change. It stands as a juridical lighthouse compelling all states to chart a new course guided by science and the moral imperative of intergenerational equity. In the fight against climate change, our resolve should be translated into concrete and time-bound actions. One, which is commensurate with urgency and scale of the climate crisis. Mr. President, Mauritius has ratified the BBNG Treaty, underscoring our commitment to protecting our ocean resources and ensuring sustainable marine governance. We are fully committed to the implementation of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for Seeds, adopted earlier this year. The openness of seeds economies makes us more vulnerable to external shocks. Seeds should be able to access global value chains for green jobs. We welcome innovative approaches and the use of the MVI for enhancing the effectiveness of access to constitutional finance. Mr. President, Mauritius has been and remains fully committed to the advancement of our African continent. Africa is a land of untapped opportunities. However, our continent is faced with several challenges preventing it from realizing its full potential. Our Agenda 2063, including the African Continental Free Trade Area, has the ability to propel Africa. Our continent also resonates with cultural richnesses and stands united in purpose. Africa, with its youth dividend, stands ready to contribute to global solutions in shaping a more equitable and sustainable world for a better tomorrow. We call upon the international community to join in Africa's transformative journey. Mr. President, Mauritius and the United Kingdom are still pursuing negotiations on the exercise of sovereignty over the Chagos archipelago, following the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of 25 February 2019. Several rounds of talks have taken place so far, and Mauritius continues to be engaged in these talks in good faith. We urge the United Kingdom to conclude expeditiously an agreement that would allow for the completion of the decolonization of Mauritius and the implementation of a resettlement program for the former inhabitants of the Chagos archipelago in accordance with Mauritian laws. Such an agreement would also protect and preserve vital security interests on Diego Garcia. We also appeal to France to resolve the dispute over Tromelin, which forms an integral part of the territory of Mauritius in the spirit of friendship, that characterizes the relationship between our two countries. Before concluding, I wish to emphasize that the United Nations remains the ideal platform in bringing us together to address global challenges for a peaceful and more equitable world. We need also to recognize the contribution of the UN, its agencies, and dedicated personnel. Mr. President, we are convinced that the pact for the future will serve as a guiding star leading us to an improved world for tomorrow's generations. I am confident that together we can forge a better, brighter, and more equitable world. One where no one is left behind, where human dignity and human rights prevail, where collective good for mankind remains at the core for lasting peace and prosperity. I thank you. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Mauritius,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/mauritius","Mauritius","His Excellency","Prithvirajsing Roopun","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mu_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MU_EN.mp3" 98,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Wesley W. Simina, President and Head of Government of the Federated States of Micronesia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President. Temporary President, Mr. Libwe. Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the people and government of Micronesia, I extend a warm kamarali. Kamarali back home was coined as a national greeting that combines the diverse languages of all our islands. Kamarali represents the spirit of unity and solidarity that lies at the heart of my country and people. And that same spirit is equally important in the context of multilateralism here at the United Nations. In a world where global challenges require collective action, Camorale reminds us that through our strength and solutions come from our ability to come together. Just as the four states of Micronesia come together under one banner, our international community must come together In order to progress peace, prosperity, and sustainable development, we all wish to see us envisioned in the back for the future. After traveling thousands of miles from Micronesia with my delegation, I am honored to participate in this 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. I congratulate you, Mr. President, on your election as President of the General Assembly. and I assure you of my delegation's support for your leadership. I also acknowledge our outgoing President of the 78th session for the impactful work he had carried out during his term. I must also pay tribute to our Secretary General, who recently joined us in the Pacific for the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders' Meeting. We deeply appreciate your tireless efforts to strengthen our United Nations as a vital instrument for achieving our shared goals. Mr. President, since the time Mike Benicio became a member of the United Nations in September 1991, we have been grappling with the severe impacts of climate change. I cannot emphasize enough how it is the single greatest threat to our home. Even as I speak today, we are currently in a state of emergency due to the extended drought facing my nation. For us, every degree, every inch of sea level rise and every delay matters. We continue to call on our global community to step up with stronger and urgent action. Mr. President, I raise an important topic that relates to our island's ability to adapt to and survive the increasing impacts of climate change. Time is running out to prevent average global temperature from surpassing 1.5 degrees. We are already at 1.2, according to the latest science. The 1.5 degrees goal is the safety limit for our small islands. Beyond that lies a danger zone with deadly heat that will cost lives, impact our food and water systems, and will drown many of our low-lying islands. Carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for hundreds of years. So while it is critical for the world to cut those emissions, the benefits of those cuts will not be felt until later this century. We need to control temperatures now. We call upon the larger emitters to prioritize reduction of the non-CO2 pollutants, especially methane, fluorinated gases, and black carbon. The IPCC and more recent scientific reports explains that this is the only way. So I urge all of us to take a greater action now. I call on all parties to the Paris Agreement to include ambitious non-CO2 goals and measures in their 2025 round of NDCs. As we take action, on non-CO2 pollutants, we also need all countries to come together and agree on a global plan to transition away from fossil fuels in a fair, just, and equitable manner. In this connection, I am announcing that Micronesia endorses the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative. We must accelerate all our efforts to tackle the climate crisis. Mr. President, the health of our ocean is deteriorating due to the effects of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. One of the most hard-eating issues we are confronted with is sea level rise. I am very pleased that the General Assembly is hosting for the first time a high-level meeting on sea level rise this week. Sea level rise poses a significant threat to the livelihoods, well-being, and security of our small island nations, communities, and ecosystems. However, this climate crisis does not jeopardize our statehood or sovereignty, nor does it diminish our rights under international law. Leaders from the Pacific Islands forums or PIF and the Alliance of Small Island States, EOSIS, have affirmed that our maritime zones, as recognized by the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea, will remain valid despite physical changes due to climate change. We emphasize that the statehood and sovereignty of PIF and AOSS members will endure, along with the associated rights and responsibilities, including the protection of our citizens, regardless of the impacts of sea-level rise. Mr. President, the International Seabed Authority is currently negotiating its draft exploitation regulations, and Micronesia is adopting a careful approach on seabed mining. We will consider all relevant factors regarding this matter and will join the Delanoa being organized this year by the Pacific Islands Forum. Micronesia joins other nations in emphasizing the necessity of comprehensive knowledge, data, and scientific understanding of the marine environment and the impacts of deep-sea mining before any exploitation takes place. We urge the ISA to finalize all relevant regulations, standards, and guidelines for its mining code prior to exploitation. Additionally, it is crucial that all stakeholders, including adjacent coastal states, indigenous people, and local communities in the Pacific are consulted and their perspectives considered before any exploitation occurs. Mr. President, my kinesia is pleased with the adoption of the United Nations BB&J agreement. I was the first leader to sign the BB&J agreement here in New York a year ago, and among the first to deposit our instrument of ratification. Currently, over 90 countries have signed, and we wish that all will sign. I urge others to sign ratifies so that we can operationalize the BB&J agreement. We look forward to the Preparatory Commission to begin its important work soon. Mr. President, the international community is set to adopt a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution, including in the marine environment in Busan, Republic of Korea, later this year. This treaty must address plastic pollution at its source, plastic production, particularly primary plastic polymers derived from fossil fuels. Micronesia's Bridge to Busan Declaration, launched earlier this year, calls for international support to regulate plastics production in the treaty. As negotiations near completion, we urge global backing for the declaration to ensure the treaty includes strong measures to curb plastic production and tackle both pollution and climate change. If we do not address the unsustainable production of primary plastic polymers, then the global goal of ending plastic pollution by 2040 and limiting the average temperature rise to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius cannot be achieved. Mr. President, Micronesia plays a vital role in the Pacific Islands' Form 2050 strategy for the Blue Pacific continent. As part of the large oceanic countries and territories, we are custodians of nearly 20 percent of the Earth's surface, placing immense cultural and spiritual value on our ocean and land as a shared heritage. Our leaders' commitments through 2050 focus on preserving and protecting our oceans, ensuring a sustainable future for our children. Micronesia is dedicated to reducing and preventing the causes and impacts of climate change and sea level rise. With the support of our partners, we are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. We pledge to safeguard the future of our people by protecting our sovereignty, maritime zones, and resources, especially in the face of climate-induced sea level rise. Mr. President, the health of our people is crucial to Micronesia's nation's building. Noncommunicable diseases, NCDs, significantly undermine our nation's well-being. NCDs hinder workforce productivity and contribute to poverty. Unfortunately, the Pacific has some of the highest rates of these diseases, with Micronesia ranking among the top countries. In 2016, NCDs accounted for 75% of all deaths in Micronesia. Recognizing this national health emergency, Micronesia has taken decisive action. Since 1995, we have participated in WHO's Healthy Islands Initiative, focusing on health protection, risk reduction, and promoting healthy lifestyles. We developed a national NCD action plan in 2006, and the Pacific NCD roadmap has guided our efforts since 2014. In 2022, we reaffirm our commitment to securing the well-being of our people through the 2050 strategy for the Blue Pacific continent. Our fight against NCDs is key to building a healthier, stronger future for Micronesia. However, despite decades of effort under the Healthy Islands Initiative, NCDs continue to pose a serious challenge in Micronesia. The persistence of these decisions warrants the need for renewed support and stronger partnerships. There is an opportunity here to re-evaluate both the Healthy Islands Initiative and the Pacific NCD roadmap, exploring ways to enhance their effectiveness. By working together, we can confront this crisis more robustly and ensure that we move forward toward a healthier and more resilient future. Mr. President, as we gather today, we are reminded of the importance of global peace and security, particularly in light of the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine. Micronesia reaffirms its unwavering commitment to peace and dialogue. We condemn the invasions of Ukraine and the killing of Finnish civilians. We also condemn the attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens on October 7, and we believe that every nation has the right to defend its people and territory. We urge for the immediate and safe release of hostages and cessation of hostilities. And I urge all parties to work towards a peaceful resolution. It is our profound hope that both Israel and Palestine can resume meaningful negotiations with the goal of establishing two states living side by side in peace and security with clear and recognized borders. We commend the constructive efforts of the United States, Egypt, and Qatar in supporting the peace process, and we remain hopeful that through diplomacy and cooperation, lasting peace can be achieved. Micronesia remains committed that the protection of innocent civilians everywhere is of paramount importance, as peace can only be sustained when the lives and dignity of all people are protected. Mr. President, Micronesia joins Pacific Island nations in advocating for the establishment of a special representative for climate, peace, and security, emphasizing that climate change is a significant global security threat. The U.N. system, particularly the Security Council, must adapt to address the challenges posed by the climate crisis in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. Currently, the Council struggles to effectively tackle major business and security issues, highlighting the need for comprehensive reform. This reform should make the Council more effective, inclusive, transparent, and accountable. It must reflect the realities of today rather than those of 1945. It is time for permanent membership of the Security Council to be expanded to include Japan, India, Germany, Brazil, and representation from the African continent. Additionally, it is crucial to amplify the voices of underrepresented regions, such as small island developing states, in our reformed Council. Mr. President, in today's complex global landscape, strengthening the multilateral system for an inclusive, interdisciplinary UN is essential. Support for multi-country offices that represent the UN on the ground must be reinforced to assist vulnerable nations in fully implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Additionally, the coordination role of resident coordinators should be supported and strengthened. For small island developing states, our reliance on stable international assistance for development cannot be overstated. We need sustainable assistance for development We need sustainable financing from donor partners and international financial institutions. It is no surprise that CITES have led the charge for a more inclusive global financial architecture. The recently adopted Multi-Vulnerability Index, or MFI, is a crucial tool providing a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges faced by CITES. The next step is to implement the MVI in a way that addresses our specific needs. Mr. President, the special case of seats in the context of climate change and sustainable development and our particular vulnerability to natural disasters and external shocks must be supported by an increase in climate finance and investment, including new and additional climate finance. We call on developed countries to fulfill their commitments in this regard. Mr. President, gender equality is vital for national building and effective governance. By acceding to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, or CEDAW, Micronesia is committed to achieving gender parity. We have also endorsed the Pacific Leaders' Gender Equality Declaration and established a national gender policy. Strengthening gender equality is a priority within my administration, and I have nominated more women to key roles, including my Cabinet, to address the imbalance in government. In our historic achievement, three women were recently elected to our 14-member Congress, marking a significant milestone for representation. With these steps, Micronesia is moving towards a stronger and more inclusive future. Mr. President, today we stand at a critical crossroads where the future of our planet rests in the hands of our youth. It is not enough to speak of change. We must empower the next generation to lead it. Our young people are innovators, the visionaries, and the problem solvers who will carry the torch of climate action and global justice. But they cannot do it alone. We must invest in their education and well-being, nurture their leadership and character. We must give them the tools to build a resilient, sustainable world. As leaders, we must ensure that our youth are not the inheritors of a dying planet, but are the co-architects of its transformation. In closing, Mr. President, the challenges we face from climate change to conflict, from the health of our oceans to the well-being of our people, demand urgent and unified action. Let us not be discouraged by the magnitude of the tasks before us, but instead be inspired by the opportunity we have to reshape our world for the better. The spirit of camaraderie teaches us that strength lies in unity. And in that spirit, I call on every nation represented here to act decisively with courage and compassion. Let us work together with resolve and prioritize the protection of our planet, our people, and our future. The time for action is now. Let this assembly be remembered not for words spoken, but for deeds done. For promises kept and for the lasting legacy we leave for our generations to come. As we were so rightly reminded of at the opening of the Summit of the Future by the youth representative from South Sudan, the future is for the youth to forge, not for us to cling onto. Micronesia is ready to play its part, and I urge all of you to join us in this collective effort so that together we can build a world where peace, prosperity, and sustainability are not just aspirations but realities for all of us. As enshrined in the preamble of our FSM Constitution, and I quote, our ancestors who made their homes on these islands displaced no other people. We will remain, wish no other home than this. Having known war, we hope for peace. Having been divided, we wish unity. Having been ruled, we seek freedom. We extend to all nations what we seek from each, peace, friendship, cooperation, and love in our common humanity. I thank you, and I leave you with . Thank you very much. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the president and head of government of the Federated States of Micronesia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/micronesia-federated-states","Micronesia (Federated States of)","His Excellency","Wesley Simina","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/fm_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_FM_EN.mp3" 99,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency K.P. Sharma Ali, Prime Minister of Nepal. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, your excellencies, the heads of the state and government, Mr. Secretary General, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I stand here as a humble representative of 30 million proud Nepali people. At the very outset, allow me to extend my sincere congratulations to you, Mr. President, and distinguished members of the Bureau on your well-deserved elections. I would also like to reaffirm Nepal's full support as you undertake the important responsibilities entrusted to you. We extend our deepest appreciation to His Excellency, Mr. Dennis Francis, the outgoing president for his commendable leadership in successfully guiding the 78th session of the assembly. Our highest accolades are due to the Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, for his tireless dedication to reinforcing multilateralism in tackling global challenges. I fondly recall your visit to Nepal last year, Mr. Secretary General, and your message of peace from the sacred birthplace of Gautam Buddha, and the message of climate catastrophe of mountains from the Everest region. Mr. President, the world is at a watershed moment in history. The contrast between rich and poor, harmony and hatred, and economic development and environmental destruction have never been as stark as they are today. Both people and planet stand on the brink of climate catastrophe. Geographical rivalries are resurging. Military expenditures are skyrocketing, along with an unabated arms race. The specter of nuclear conflict looms larger than ever before. On the one hand, our economy remains frail, still grappling with the Lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the other nationalism and protectionism have re-emerged. Even before, we have reaped the benefits that liberalism and globalization were meant to deliver. Even after 300 years of industrialization and modernization journey, It is deeply troubling that in our so-called civilized world of 21st century, wealth and prosperity are concentrated mostly at the hand of global nerve, and the poverty and destitution are heavily concentrated in the global south, particularly in the least developed countries. To overcome this travesties, We must demonstrate our leadership that promotes meaningful cooperation and collaboration. It is only through collective will and unified action that we can turn the tide and user in an era of enduring peace and shared prosperity for all. In this context, the theme of this session, Leaving No One Behind, Acting Together for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development, and Women's Dignity for Present and Future Generations, would not be more timely or relevant. We have reaffirmed our commitment through the Summit of the Future to build a safe, just, and sustainable world for both present and future generations. This place is embodied in the three pivotal documents we have adopted, Pact of the Future, Declaration on Future, Declaration on Future Generation, and the Global Digital Compact. We must demonstrate our determination to implement these documents for the well-being of present and future generations. Mr. President, allow me to underline that the principle of leaving no one behind has long been the cornerstone of Nepal's approach to development across all sectors. This philosophy is enshrined in our Constitution, which upholds the values of democracy by guaranteeing inclusivity, equality, justice, proportional representation, women's rights, and social protection for the most vulnerable sections of society. I am determined to lead my country with my deep conviction to comprehensive democracy. For me, comprehensive democracy ensures equal rights, equal access to opportunities, social justice, protects the vulnerable communities, and provides the security and dignity for all individuals. Democracy goes far beyond the right of the people to choose their leaders. It is about leading the people towards prosperity and happiness so that they could feel highest level of dignity. At the international level, sovereign equality and mutual respect constitute the backdrop of comprehensive democracy. These principles are essentially for building the frameworks of a just, inclusive, equitable representative and accountable global order. Mr. President, as a nation emerging from conflict, Nepal deeply understands the profound value of peace and political stability. Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Accord in 2006, Nepal has been formally focused on completing the peace process at the earliest. Immediately after the formation of my government, Parliament passed a transitional justice bill to settle transitional justice issue once and for all. While we implement the law, we'll uphold victims' rights, including truth and justice. We will also use reparations and reconciliation to heal the wounds and scars of conflict period. We appreciate support from international community including the UN system in this regard. The present government, formed by the collaboration of our two major political parties, is determined to secure stability while driving economic transformation for the inclusive and equitable prosperity to our people. At this juncture, stability and economic transformation are paramount to us than our periodic competition in elections. We have dedicated ourselves to realizing our national aspiration, Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali. Nepal will be graduating from its LDC status by 2026. We are diligently working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, by 2030, and Aspire has become a developed country despite facing significant economic headwinds. However, our path to achieving the SDGs remains fraught with difficulties. We are confronted with a substantial financial gap of about 24 billion US dollars to attend the 2030 agenda. In this backdrop, Nepal hosted the IDA 21 Replenishment meeting last June. underscoring the crucial need for continued and enhanced support from the International Development Association, along with other development partners. In this pursuit, we strongly reiterate our call for enhanced, predictable, and sustained international support. Mr. President, climate change has emerged as the gravest threat to our planet, people, and prosperity. My own country Nepal is particularly hard hit. We stand as one of the most vulnerable nations to climate change and are ranked as the 20th most disaster-prone country in the world. of utmost concern is the alarming rate at which the pristine Himalayas, often referred to as the third pool, are losing their vast snow reserves. This loss threatens water availability for billions of people living downstream, extending far beyond the borders of my country. Nepal has usually been contributing to the health of our planet through its forests, mountains, and rivers. Yet, despite these efforts, we continue to bear the brunt of climate change. In this context, we call for climate justice. Our mountains play a crucial role in regulating the climate and ecosystem of oceans with their snow-fed rivers flowing down to the oceans. Nepal's Himalayas, as a natural climate stabilizer, help maintain a cooling system in a region situated in the hottest zone of the planet between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. Given their significance, it is essential that the mountain agenda should receive the due attention in climate negotiations. Nepal is a steadfast in its commitment to the Paris Agreement and aims to achieve net zero target by 2045, five years earlier than global target. As climate change is a global challenge, it demands global action and collaborative efforts to address its widespread and cascading impacts. Adequate climate financing, including loss and damage, fund is crucial to support climate resilient measures and infrastructure for adaptation in developing countries, not least in LDCs. Mr. President, Nepal's land is based with the wisdom of enlightened great sages from both the Hindu and Buddhist faith, particularly the teachings of Gautam Buddha. This profound legacy has saved our world view to seek global harmony, peace, and security. The values of love, harmony, tolerance, and empathy exposed by Gautama Buddha hold even greater relevance today than they did over 2,500 years ago. But to our deep dismay, the world is increasingly distressed by division, suspicion, hatred, and enmity. Nepal firmly believes that dialogue and diplomacy are the sole means to resolve conflicts, including in Ukraine and Middle East. It is through love and compassion that hostility and hatred can be overcome, paving the way for lasting peace. On the issue of Israel-Palestine conflict, we continue to support a two-state solution where Israel and Palestine coexist peacefully and securely within internationally recognized borders, in line with relevant United Nations resolutions. We must address the worsening humanitarian crisis in regions such as Libya, Syria, Sudan, South Sudan, Yemen, and elsewhere. It is vital to uphold the principles of sovereign equality. Non-interference is enshrined in the UN Charter to ensure peace and stability. Consequently, we strongly oppose any form of unilateral intervention or sanctions. Mr. President, disarmament and non-proliferation issues must be prioritized. Nepal strongly advocates for the general and complete disarmament of all weapons of mass destruction. As the host country to the UN Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific, Nepal firmly believes that regional efforts, including the Kathmandu process, serve to strengthen the global disarmament regime. Technology presents a double-edged sword, especially for the least developed countries. If we harness it, we can make remarkable progress. If we fail, it will leave us further behind. We call for technology transfer to enable us to catch up. Mr. President, Nepal has always adhered to a peaceful, independent, balanced, and non-aligned foreign policy based on the principles of Pancasila, the UN Charter, international law, and norms of world peace. We conduct our foreign policy with profound belief in enmity with all, enmity with none. Nepal remains committed to further strengthening its close, cordial, and constructive relations with its immediate neighbors and beyond, rooted in the principles of mutual respect, sovereign equality, territorial integrity, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, and peaceful coexistence. is the largest contributor of troops and police to UN peace operations. Nepal stands ready to further enhance its contribution to global peace and security. Nepal believes it is our rightful call for having commensurate representation in the leadership positions both here at the UN headquarters and in the field, reflecting our significant contribution. Mr. President, Nepal firmly advocates for the reform of the UN system to make it more effective, democratic, transparent, and accountable. We firmly believe that a stronger multilateralism with the United Nations at its core is the only path forward to tackle the numerous global crises we face. We echo a call for substantial reform of the global financial system as aptly described it by Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, as morally bankrupt. The voice and representation of countries in special situations including the LDCs, landlocked developing countries, LLDCs, and small island developing states must be ensured. Mr. President, Nepal firmly upholds the belief that all human rights are universal, unalienable, individual, interdependent and interrelated. It is with this conviction that we have become a party to 24 international human rights related conventions and protocols, including seven of the nine core instruments. We are fully committed to promoting gender equality and ensuring equal rights for women Nepal is making necessary legal arrangements for the full realization of all women's rights for women and girls, including their sexual and reproductive health rights. Protection of the rights of migrant workers, including their safety, security, dignity, and well-being, has always been our priority. We strongly advocate, so far, early and regularly, migration to ensure that the benefits of migration are shared by all. Finally, Mr. President, the world we inhabit is far from being perfect. It is not all doom and gloom. We firmly believe that womankind is still capable enough to march ahead without compromising the prosperity and happiness of future generations. None of the global challenges we are facing today have been imposed by alliance. These are our own makings, our own creations. Therefore, it is self-evident that by fostering global understanding, trust, and cooperation, we can overcome these problems and challenges, adjust inclusive and equitable world order, as well as sustained prosperity and attainable when we collaborate effectively. Let me resonate the wisdom of our ancient text, the Maha Upanishad, from around the 6th century BC, Vasudhaiva Kutambakam, meaning the whole world is one family. We not only hold this philosophy dearly, but we also act it on our everyday life. With this constant conviction, Nepal is committed to playing its role to secure our shared aspiration of enduring peace, progress, and prosperity while leaving no one behind. Thank you. On behalf of the assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of Nepal.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/nepal","Nepal","His Excellency","K.P. Sharma Oli","Prime Minister","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/np_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NP_EN.mp3" 100,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Dick Shaw, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I stand before you as a proud new participant in what for many of you is now a familiar gathering. Those words not only describe my own role, but say something about the very essence of the United Nations. For each of us, our presence here is only temporary. Some are here a long time, others for only a brief period. But everyone's time here is defined by their own individual era. Today again, we embody that long tradition. Today again, we come together to work towards goals whose size and scope exceed our present reach. Today again, each of us is staying the course. And when our time is at an end, we will pass the baton to the next generation. This is not to say that our course is always clear and never needs adjusting. On the contrary, our world is changing fast. And unfortunately, in some ways, not for the better. War and conflict in so many places, climate change whose effects are becoming clearer by the day, and cyber threats we couldn't have imagined a few years ago. That is what I want to talk about today, anticipating an unknown future. And I should add, although the challenges of our time may be new, my message is not. It was clear to the Romans more than 2,000 years ago when Cicero wrote, it is the duty of every statesman to anticipate the future, to discover some time in advance what may happen, whether for good or for ill, and never to have to say, I had not thought of that. Of course, predicting the future is not a simple matter. And I don't believe that's what Cicero meant. I think he was calling on us to take responsibility. responsibility that goes beyond the scenarios we want to imagine, beyond our national borders, and above all, beyond short-term solutions. It may seem impossible, but here, more than anywhere, we know better. The history of the UN has shown time and again what can be achieved if we join forces and persevere. Without the UN, there would have been no climate agreements, no disarmament treaties, no development goals or international tribunals. We have come a long way, and we can still go much further. By finding in this unpredictable world our strength and stability, by returning to the very foundation of the United Nations a shared sense of responsibility, To preserve that foundation, we must strengthen and improve our partnership. For example, by moving forward in the challenging reform debate. You won't be surprised to hear me say that the UN Security Council no longer reflects the realities of the 21st century. The seeds must be divided better geographically to preserve the UN legitimacy, strength, and vitality, with permanent African representation at the very least. This is a task for us all. And so the Kingdom of the Netherlands will fully support proposals that make such reforms possible. In other areas too, we must adapt much more quickly to the new reality. Because while war and conflict are as old as time, the manner in which we wage them is always changing. And words we have used since the dawn of memory are no longer sufficient. Words like war and peace, everybody knows what they mean. But the world is no longer black and white. In recent years, we've been confronted with something that seems neither one nor the other. More and more countries are developing offensive cyber programs, and these pose a growing threat to our critical infrastructure, our security, our earning capacity, and our intellectual property. These are big challenges which force us to prepare for the future. We can't easily predict that future, but we can try to anticipate it. And that's exactly what we're doing. With the UN Pact for the Future, we have taken big steps in the right direction. from reforming our international financial architecture to tackling issues of cybersecurity and outer space. And surely, we can attribute this success to our shared desire to work towards a fair and secure life for everyone, for people today and the generations that follow. With that in mind, I'm proud of the Declaration on Future Generations, a key tool for achieving this goal, which was co-facilitated by Jamaica and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This kind of broad international collaboration is what the UN is all about. And through every issue we tackle together, we increase our effectiveness. We need only look at climate change to see the importance of that. There are still countries that think this issue doesn't concern them, because they've been spared the direct effects so far. But that is an illusion. From flooding to drought, the effects of climate change are impacting people around the world. That includes part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. And not least, the small island developing states. Countries where the rising sea level is not just a future threat, but a current reality. What's more, all the problems caused by climate change amplify each other. So climate change is not limited to those countries that are directly affected. Through, every country is directly affected. And therein lies the key to our approach, cooperation. Of course, that means committing to the climate targets of the Paris Agreement, the SDGs, and the measure we agree at COP29. But it also means using each other's knowledge and know-how. And the Netherlands has a long history of managing water. Today, we use that experience around the world. We contribute our expertise on food security and counter other challenges as they arise. At the same time, we also face issues that will always demand our attention. Issues as old as the UN itself. Protecting human rights, defending democracy, and promoting the international legal order. There are so many countries where these failures are under pressure. In Venezuela, for example, people are demanding that their voices be heard. And to them I say, we hear you. We hear you call for a democratic transition. Today, on this stage, I urge us not to forget those voices. And that's just one example. There are many more countries that feel forgotten, who wonder why the world is not paying attention to their suffering. Their day-to-day reality is also one of war, hunger, and poverty. Take Sudan, where 25 million people are facing acute hunger. We cannot close our eyes to this. We cannot turn away. We have a duty to listen and to take action. Earlier this year, the Kingdom of the Netherlands made an extra 10 million euro available, bringing its contribution to the crisis response in Sudan and surrounding countries to 80 million euros. But as we all know, that is just a drop in the ocean. I could run through a long list of other countries that need our help and support. I could try to describe their suffering, but it could never do it justice. You know, as well as I do, the places where war and conflict are raging. In Europe, for a long time, we thought that we no longer needed to worry about human rights, peace, and security. We thought that they were a given. But we were wrong. Very wrong. Some of you may be thinking, not Ukraine again. But we need to address this. Because the victims of the Russian war are not limited to Ukraine alone. This war affects everyone, as people in vulnerable countries know all too well. Since the global food supply has been deployed as a weapon of war, millions of people have been pushed back into hunger and poverty. They, too, are the victims of Russia. So to anyone still in doubt, I would say this is not only a war between Russia and Ukraine. It's a war of aggression against everything that we in the United Nations stand for. The Charter of the United Nations, the very basis of our partnership, is clear on this subject. No state may use force against territorial integrity of any other state. And although it is up to Ukraine to set the conditions for a just and lasting peace, we cannot leave the responsibility of achieving that in practice to them alone. Ukraine deserves our help and support in every stage of the process. That means arranging and participating in a new dialogue on finding a path to peace. It means challenging those countries who support Russia's defense industry or help it circumvent sanctions. And it means calling Russia to account for its actions. There can be no impunity for this flagrant violation of the Charter. The Netherlands is fully committed to restoring justice for Ukraine. Yes, it is a process that will require time and great stamina. But that is something we have in abundance. We have the time, the patience, and the resources. For example, there are the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, two pillars of accountability based in my own city, The Hague, the international city of peace and justice. And I don't need to tell anyone here how important it is for these institutions to be able to do their work freely and independently. And that too is our collective responsibility. While we're on the subject of collective responsibility, there is unfortunately another major conflict that demands our attention. Almost a year has passed since October 7th. Almost a year since the terrorist organization Hamas committed its atrocities and war broke out in Gaza. The suffering since then has been extreme. Far too many innocent civilians have been killed, abducted, or wounded. Far too many people have been forced to flee and have lost their loved ones and their properties. In the past few days, there have been a large number of civilian casualties in Lebanon, and countless others in the region could face the same fate if the violence continues. That cannot be allowed to happen. A major regional war must be prevented at all costs, and so must any new attack on Israel. It begins with supporting international diplomatic initiatives, such as the proposal by the United States and France for a temporary ceasefire, which is supported by many countries, including in the region. We call on Israel and Lebanon to support this plan. Give diplomacy a chance. I know that when it comes to Israel and Gaza, people quickly refer to their entrenched positions. Entire generations have grown up full of mistrust, fear, and even hate toward the other side. But if we try to take a longer view, we will see that there are no winners in this war. And any suggestion of winning for one side amounts only to a loss in the end. Loss on both sides. That's why political leadership and courage are needed now, on both sides. To break the endless cycle of violence and help them see the other for who they are, people, in search of a safe place to live. A place to live alongside each other, instead of at odds with each other. The first steps are obvious, an immediate ceasefire, the immediate and unconditional release of all remaining hostages, rapid large-scale aid for the people of Gaza, and all parties must comply with international law. I know it sounds easy, and I know that simply wanting something is not the same as making it happen. But as Nelson Mandela said, it always seems impossible until it's done. Ladies and gentlemen, Our history has always shown us that it is possible. We have come a long way, and we will still have a long way to go. But the path that lies behind us can also show us the way forward. As long as we hold on to what we believe in, our shared values, our common cause, and above all, our ability to persevere. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/netherlands-kingdom","Netherlands (Kingdom of the)","His Excellency","Dick Schoof","Prime Minister","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/nl_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NL_EN.mp3" 101,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Racing of New Zealand. Mr. President, nearly four score years ago, nations exhausted from the cataclysmic World War came together in San Francisco to create the United Nations Charter. Forged in the immediate aftermath of that war, then New Zealand Prime Minister Peter Fraser held the greatest hopes for the Charter's success, which he believed would be predicated on, quotes, the sincerity and moral determination of of its members. But the beginning is a delicate time and Fraser was a realist. He understood the charter was imperfect. From the earliest debates in San Francisco, New Zealand fought against the veto rights bestowed upon the great powers. Fraser warned that, and I quote him, The veto which can be exercised by one of the great powers, both in regard to itself and other nations, is unfair and indefensible and may, if retained and exercised, be destructive not only of the main purposes of the international organization, but of the institution itself. Fraser knew that the United Nations Charter could only be secured with the great powers agreement. And though he considered the charter imperfect, he thought those imperfections could be overcome if the spirit of San Francisco is carried into the operation of the charter. The spirit of San Francisco incorporated the hope that the great powers behave prudently, for as Winston Churchill said, the price of greatness is responsibility. But today, the spirit that created the United Nations Charter is sagging under the weight of its own potted history. Power waxes and wanes, so yesterday's great powers, today's permanent members of the Security Council, are challenged by periods of competition or worse, abuse of the veto. This has serious implications for all members and the conduct of our foreign affairs. While some permanent members exercised restraint in their use of the veto, others consistently and frequently abused this power. When Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council, illegally invaded its neighbour, it did not just violate Article 2, paragraph 4 of the Charter, it acted in utter contempt of the Charter. Russia then vetoed a draft Security Council resolution condemning its actions and calling for the immediate withdrawal of its forces from Ukraine. Not only does Russia lack the sincerity and moral determination required to make the United Nations work, but its delinquency should be a clarion call for long overdue Security Council reform. As Prime Minister Fraser said back in 1946, when referring to the vetoes risks, quotes, it is very bad if one nation can hold up the advancement of mankind, unquote. The world of 2024 looks very unlike the one of 1945. And so our collective institutions need to evolve and reflect contemporary realities. We need a United Nations Security Council that looks more like today's world. And we need veto reform. Tensions and imbalances between the desire for a rules-based international order that protects small states against aggression and the unjustified exercise of power by certain great powers have only grown these past eight decades. Yet small states matter now as much as they did then. New Zealand holds the foundational belief that all states are equal and that our voices matter as much as the most powerful states represented here. It is the quality of our arguments and the principles of justice that inform them, not the size of our militaries that should hold sway here. We smaller nations face many of the same challenges and share the same concerns. As my colleague from Singapore, Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, put it at this year's East Asia Summit foreign ministers meeting in Laos, the problem for us is that every small state that wants territorial integrity to be respected, that wants its political independence to be guarded, that depends on the UN Charter to plan long term, must view an invasion of a smaller neighbor by a larger neighbor as full frontal point of anxiety. We agree, we small states need today's superpowers to talk more, seek better understanding between themselves, and develop ways of compromising more. Rather than a zero sum game, affecting better relations between today's great powers only enhances global stability, and that is what we smaller nations seek. The regional and global challenges we face are stark, the worst the world has faced since World War II. The challenges are complex and daunting. Across the globe, armed conflict is once more on the rise. Hard-fought development gains are being reversed. Human rights challenges and eroded and geostrategic tensions are threatening global security and stability. Growing distrust and division is making international cooperation more difficult, placing the United Nations under strain and hindering the organization's ability to find effective solutions. The world is facing a myriad of regional and global crises. We see multiple intersecting and mutually reinforcing crises of conflict, climate change, and increasingly a crisis of trust in our institutions. So the challenges we face in the General Assembly are stark, indeed the worst, in several generations. They also reinforce the truism that the global geostrategic and security challenges faced in one era do not remain static. The world has changed, and so must we. Indeed, each generation of decision makers confronts new challenges as economics, demographics, technologies, and societies evolve, as do the power calculations that accompany disruptive change. Old truths give way to new ones. The trick now, as it was then, is to have one's eyes wide open upon and about the fundamental shifts that are taking place and be nimble enough to adapt to them. The need to adapt to changing historical context is also important and incumbent on the United Nations and its organisations. The rise of many lateral agreements is one sign of countries increasingly working together outside of the United Nations. Another is a cirrhosis around necessary veto reform. In the 10 months since returning for a third time as New Zealand's Foreign Minister, we have spoken widely with colleagues right across the globe. Summing up these discussions in a recent speech in Tokyo, we said that never has it been more apparent just how much diplomacy and the tools of statecraft matter in our troubled world. And since war and instability is everyone's calamity, diplomacy is the business of us all. We observed that at this moment in time, the ability to talk with rather than at each other has never been more needed. Those who share our values and those who do not gain from the understanding each other's position. And when we cannot agree, from understanding comes opportunity and from diplomacy comes compromise. the building block of better relations between nations. We need more diplomacy, more engagement, and more compromise. As Churchill also said in his later years, quotes, meeting jaw to jaw is better than war, unquote. Never has it been more apparent just how much political leadership is required to respond to the international challenges we face. Leadership is needed to restore trust in our domestic and international institutions, forge unity, and fill the gaps when the international community through the United Nations proves unable to. So what does that leadership look like? It is leadership that can discern future opportunity while understanding but not being trapped by historical constraints. It is leadership that is underpinned by a leader's strength of character, their courage, their purpose, and a commitment to educate, not dominate their citizens. Given he will turn 100 years in the next few days, We recall with admiration such leadership exhibited by then President Jimmy Carter in 1978, in concert with Egypt's President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. They talked for 11 straight days at Camp David, from which emerged the Middle East peace accords between Egypt and Israel. That peace has endured. and New Zealand is proud as a foundational member of the multinational force and observers to have supported that peace since 1982. The accord reveals what is possible when leaders exhibit sincerity and moral determination imbued by the spirit of San Francisco. We need more of this type of leadership and responsibility. contrast that leadership with the catastrophic and ruinous path that has been followed in Gaza. This misery was caused by both Hamas' monstrous terrorist attack last year and now the overwhelming nature of Israel's response. We are most concerned about the generational consequences of this level of suffering and violence. with no end in sight and which sees us on the precipice of an even wider conflict. Where is the sincerity and moral determination of today's leaders at the vortex of this unacceptable violence? New Zealand has sacrificed many of its young men to wars in faraway lands. Fully 10% of the total population of New Zealand fought in the Great War. And we lost a fifth of them. So every year on the 25th of April, we commemorate their loss at Gallipoli, the site of terrible carnage. This year, in a dawn address, we recalled that despite the horror of that war on the Gallipoli Peninsula, fraternal bonds were forged between warring nations. Countries who were once enemies became friends. Brazil never wants to experience the catastrophe of another world war. We must never be at another San Francisco conference picking up the pieces after another descent into global annihilation and human suffering. So we must do more, demand more, and deliver more. We must reject and resist. those who seek to conquer and control. We must always seek the path of peace because the lasting victories of humanity are those of peace, not war. Finally, despite our frustration at the lack of political will required to adapt this organisation to fully meet the challenges of today, New Zealand's support for the United Nations remains unwavering. That commitment is unchanged from when Prime Minister Fraser expressed his great hopes for the Charter eight decades ago. We believe effective multilateral diplomacy means taking responsibility for our obligations as member states. So to that end, we announce today New Zealand's intention as a voice for smaller states to campaign for a seat on the Security Council for the 2039-40 term. That intention is supported by our enduring hope that the spirit of San Francisco can be reclaimed through the sincerity and moral determination of our diplomatic efforts, and that we can all do better, and that it reinforces our enduring support for the United Nations and the cause of peace. Thank you. I thank the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Minister for Racing of New Zealand.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/new-zealand","New Zealand","His Excellency","Winston Peters","Deputy Prime Minister","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/nz_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NZ_EN.mp3" 102,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Uduch Sengabao Senyor, Vice President and Minister of Justice of Palau. I request protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, President Philemon Young, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ali, and warm greetings from Palau. Mr. President, allow me to begin by congratulating you on your election as President of the 79th General Assembly Session. We also extend our deep gratitude to former President Dennis Francis for his leadership over the past year. And to Secretary General Guterres, we commend you for your tireless efforts in advocating for a more secure, prosperous, and sustainable world. It is this shared vision that unites us today. This year, Palau proudly celebrates 30 years of independence. On October 1, 1994, Palau became a sovereign nation, and shortly thereafter, the 185th member of the United Nations. To honor the journey that has brought us here, we have chosen the theme, The people are the anchor of Palau's conservation and identity. This phrase encapsulates what has sustained us through decades of both challenges and progress. Our people are the foundation of our efforts to protect our environment, culture, and way of life. This was further underscored during our voluntary national review, VNR, presentation that was done this year, which centered around the theme, harnessing our cultural heritage to build back better for a sustainable future. It highlighted the pivotal role of our culture and people in shaping a future that not only fosters development and enhances quality of life, but also safeguards our natural resources, homes, and the environment that has sustained us for generations. Mr. President, Palau begins its pursuit of equality with a critical role that women play in our society. It is crucial to leverage our recent advancements and collective experiences. This was highlighted at the first ever meeting of women in elected leadership held in Palau on September 20th, 2023. Over the past four years, we have undertaken initiatives that empower women in their traditional roles, such as the Keepers of the Massey , enabling them to scale their entrepreneurial ventures and raise their profiles. These efforts are giving our women a pathway into entrepreneurship and business, amplifying their voices in new arenas. Food security is central to Palau's long-term resilience. We have set a national goal to reduce food imports from 80% to 60% by 2030. By promoting local food production, we not only preserve our traditions, but also combat non-communicable diseases linked to over-reliance on imported, processed foods. As a small island developing state, SIDS, Palau, like many others, confronts unique challenges that threaten our economic development, environment, and survival. While SIDS contribute less than 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions, we bear the brunt of the climate crisis. Palau has experienced the unmistakable signs of climate change firsthand. More intense storms, landslides, and prolonged droughts are becoming the new normal. The ripple effect of climate disasters globally have caused the cost of imported foods to skyrocket, further jeopardizing our food security and economic stability. The global response to climate change is a matter of life and death. Through the Paris Agreement and other international frameworks, we have underscored the vulnerabilities of island nations like ours. One of the most urgent challenges for SIDS is sea level rise. Many of our islands sit just a few meters above sea level, leaving us vulnerable to coastal erosion, flooding, and storm surges. This is not only a present threat, but an existential crisis for future generations. In Palau, we are taking steps to relocate critical infrastructure, including our national hospital and schools, to protect our people from rising waters and climate-related disasters. Adaptation is vital for our survival. Our National Adaptation Plan prioritizes both immediate and long-term actions to build resilience. We focus on protecting our masai, vital ecosystems, and sustainable development, guided by our traditional conservation practice, bul, which has sustained us for generations. Mitigation is equally important. Palau is committed to reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to renewable energy. Solar, wind, and ocean energy provide opportunities to reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels and secure a cleaner, more sustainable future. Our nationally determined contributions, NDCs, reflect this commitment. We remain mindful of the environmental impacts of renewable energy waste, such as solar panels and batteries, which require responsible management. As co-chair of the Ocean Panel alongside Norway, PALA plays a vital role in shaping global ocean governance. The High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, now composed of 19 nations with the addition of the UAE, remains committed to advancing the sustainable use of oceans through science-driven policies. We expect the 2025 UN Ocean Conference in Nice, France to be a pivotal moment for accelerating ocean action, and we encourage more nations to join us in this mission. As the first to ratify the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction agreement, PALA remains steadfast in conserving and sustainably using marine biodiversity in areas beyond the national jurisdiction. This treaty symbolizes unity in safeguarding our oceans, and we urge international solidarity to ratify the BB&J Treaty swiftly so it can enter into force. Palah has also declared a national moratorium on deep sea mining, reaffirming our unwavering commitment to preserving marine ecosystems. We call on the global community to exercise vigilance in protecting marine resources until we have a thorough understanding of the impacts of deep sea mining. Our commitment to a sustainable blue economy is reflected in the Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity, UBPP, initiative launched at COP28. The UBPP unites Pacific Island nations in addressing the dual challenges of climate change and ocean health. Supported by the Bezos Earth Fund and other partners, we aim to achieve 100% effective ocean management and protect 30% of the Blue Pacific continent, covering over 1 billion hectares. Mr. President, Palau is set to assume the chair of the Alliance of Small Islands Developing States, AOSIS, from 2025 to 2026. We are committed to leading the group of 39 member states in advancing the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, ABAS, ensuring that our voices remain central in global discussions. Our priorities will include expanding access to climate finance, strengthening resilience, and promoting a sustainable future for all island nations. Mr. President, Palau highlights the importance of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index, MVI, in assessing the challenges faced by SIDS. Traditional metrics like GDP do not capture the economic and environmental shocks that disproportionately affect our nations. The MVI offers a comprehensive assessment to help us advocate for the support we need from financial institutions and global partners. Mr. President, we must address the urgent need for Security Council reform. The world has changed dramatically since the United Nations was founded, and the Security Council must evolve to meet today's realities. Equitable representation, including permanent and non-permanent members, is essential. We support Japan's bid for a permanent seat and believe that SIDS should also be represented on the Council to provide a voice for those on the front lines of global challenges. Finally, we continue to strengthen our national security through partnerships with allies, including the United States, Australia, Japan, and Taiwan. As Vice President and Minister of Justice, I emphasize the need for robust law enforcement and maritime cooperation frameworks. With Interpol membership and enhanced cyber defense capabilities, we are better equipped to protect our borders and our people. Palau reaffirms its strong and enduring relationship with Taiwan. and calls for its meaningful participation in international organizations. Taiwan's exclusion undermines the principles of inclusivity and cooperation that the United Nations represents. UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 does not preclude Taiwan's involvement in efforts related to the Sustainable Development Goals, and we urge this Assembly to support Taiwan's rightful inclusion. Today, I stand before you with a call to action. We must unite. to confront the existential threat of climate change, protect our oceans, and ensure that no nation, no matter how small, is left behind. We must prioritize science, conservation, and the well-being of our people. As President Whips said earlier this year, The road ahead requires unity, resilience, and collective action. Palau cannot mitigate the climate crisis alone. We need global cooperation to reduce emissions and safeguard our planet for future generations. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Vice President and Minister of Justice of Palau.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/palau","Palau","Her Excellency","Uduch Sengebau Senior","Vice-President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/pw_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PW_EN.mp3" 103,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. We will not leave. We will not leave. We will not leave. Palestine is our homeland. It is the land of our fathers, our grandfathers. It will remain ours. And if anyone were to leave It would be the occupying usurpers. In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful. Mr. Philemon Yang, President of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. Ladies and gentlemen, heads and members of delegations, esteemed guests, Peace and God's blessings be upon you all. I come to you today as my people, and for almost a year now, are subjected to one of the most heinous crimes of our era. It is a crime of a full-scale war, of genocide, that Israel is perpetrating. Israel, the occupying state. A crime that so far has killed more than 40,000 martyrs in Gaza alone and thousands remain under the rubble. A crime that has injured more than 100,000 others to this day and matters are getting worse. Hundreds, hundreds of Palestinian families have been annihilated Entire family names have been wiped out of the civil record. More than 100 families have been completely been wiped out of the civil record. They no longer exist. Thousands have died because of the spread of disease and epidemics and the shortages in medicine and water. Moreover, more than 2 million Palestinians in Gaza have left their homes multiple times in search of safety and fleeing the systemic operations that the Israeli occupying army is perpetrating. And as this war of aggression continues, dozens are being killed every day. And double that amount is being injured amongst our bereft people in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank and in Jerusalem. I'm not here to respond to the lies of the Israeli Prime Minister, lies that he said in his speech before the US Congress in July, where he claimed that his army does not kill innocent civilians in Gaza. I ask you by God, who is it then that killed more than 15,000 children of the 40,000 and an equal number of women? and elderly persons from our people. And who is it then that is continuing to kill them? I ask you to answer me by God. Stop this crime. Stop it now. Stop killing children and women. Stop the genocide. Stop sending weapons to Israel. This madness cannot continue. The entire world is responsible for what is happening to our people in Gaza and the West Bank. The West Bank that is under a daily and continuous Israeli aggression. It is under a vicious settlement activity. They're building everywhere in Palestine, as if all of Palestine is theirs. It is subjected to the terrorism of gangs of settlers under the patronage and support of the Israeli government and the occupying army. destroys hundreds of houses in the lands of Palestine, not to mention what our eternal capital, Al-Quds, is being subjected to in terms of campaigns to change its nature, to Judaize it and to aggress it and its holy sites and landmarks to change its historic and legal status. We've recently heard a terrorist Israeli minister calling for building a temple in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We must condemn and stop this reckless minister and those like him who want to set fire, a fire of religious conflict and strife that will burn everything in its way. The Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings, ladies and gentlemen, is the exclusive property of Muslims. This has been endorsed by a resolution taken by the League of Nations in 1930. This was a resolution by the League of Nations and we will accept nothing else regardless of the circumstances. Ladies and gentlemen, we have repeatedly warned here in the General Assembly, that the situation in the occupied land of the state of Palestine warns of an explosion, and this explosion has happened. It happened on October 7th of last year and afterwards. And from the very first day, I stressed the need to immediately stop the war. I condemned the killing of civilians regardless of who they are and regardless of what side they were on or any people they were from. I demanded the release of prisoners and those detained by both sides. There is no need to detain women, children and the elderly. We've said this repeatedly. to anyone who has those people detained. I called for immediately going to the negotiations table to implement the two-state solution based on international resolutions. But instead of heeding the voice of reason, the Israeli government took advantage of what happened to launch an all-out war of genocide against Gaza. It committed and continues to commit war crimes, as acknowledged by the international community, they're called war crimes. Israel today is now launching a new aggression on the elderly Lebanese people. The Lebanese people are now being subjected to a war of genocide and Israel must stop the war in Lebanon and in Palestine. We condemn this aggression and we demand that it stops. immediately. Israel has reoccupied the Gaza Strip in its entirety and it has destroyed it almost entirely so that Gaza is no longer fit for life. Most homes have been destroyed. The same applies to most buildings, health facilities, educational facilities, economic buildings, Roads, churches, mosques, water plants, electric plants, and sanitation plants. Anybody who goes to Gaza, who'd known it before, would not recognize it anymore. It's no longer there. 75% of everything in Gaza has been fully destroyed. If Israel thinks... that it would get away from being held accountable and punished for these crimes, then it is delusional. The international community must immediately impose sanctions on Israel. The massacres, the crimes, the genocide that Israel has been perpetrating against our people since its inception in 1948 to this very day will not go unpunished. There is no statute of limitations. Rights will never be lost as long as there are those who demand them. And despite our repeated calls and demands, the world has not succeeded in obliging Israel, this transient state, to stop this war of genocide and its war crimes against innocent civilian residents. We regret that the U.S. administration, the democracy of the world, the largest democracy in the world, obstructed three times draft resolutions of the Security Council demanding Israel to observe a ceasefire. The U.S. alone stood and said, no, the fighting is going to continue. It did this by using the veto. And added to that, it furnished Israel with the deadly weapons that it used to kill thousands of innocent civilians, children and women. And this further encouraged Israel to continue its aggression. as long as the U.S. is supporting it, then why not keep going since it's already an aggressing state? This is the United States, the very country that was the only member in the Security Council that voted against granting the state of Palestine full membership in the U.N. We don't deserve membership in the eyes of America, so they used the veto against it. I don't understand. how the United States could insist on opposing our people, insist on depriving us of our legitimate rights to freedom and independence, as is the right of the rest of the countries, 194 countries, and we are no less than them. Ladies and gentlemen, Israel, which refuses to implement United Nations resolutions, does not deserve to be a member in this international organization. Israel, whose permanent representative in this organization, says that the very building of the United Nations, and he said this, he said that this building must be removed. This building that we are sitting in right now, it must be wiped off the face of the earth. This country does not deserve to be a member in this organization. It is, from the very beginning, it has from the very beginning not fulfilled the conditions for membership. Because in 1949, when it submitted its membership application to the UN, the UN imposed two conditions. First, to accept and implement Resolution 181 and Resolution 194. Without implementing these two conditions, you will not be granted membership in the United Nations. Moshe Sharet, the foreign minister at the time, wrote a pledge. You will see it. A pledge, a written pledge that he and Israel are committed to the implementation of those resolutions. And since 1949, to this very day, nothing has happened. We are going to submit a request, an application to the General Assembly on this matter. And as I said, if you return, then we will return. If they do not step back, then we will do more. I take this opportunity to commend the member states of the United Nations that voted with more than a two-thirds majority in favor of the draft resolution submitted by the State of Palestine, supported by a large number of friendly and sisterly countries, to adopt the ICJ's historic advisory opinion issued on the 19th of July, 2024, to end the Israeli-Israeli the illegal Israeli occupation of the state of Palestine in a period of 12 months. For the very first time, there is a specific timeframe. We demand the implementation of this particular requirement, including an immediate cessation of annexation and settlement activities, dismantling of existing settlements, and evacuating settlers from Palestinian territories. There's 600,000 settlers and they're living on our land. Why don't they go back to their homes? We must give reparations to Palestinians. and for damages that were a result of the unlawful policies and the practices of the occupation and many other such issues that were mentioned in the ICJ's advisory opinion. We want what the ICJ stated and what the entire world accepted in the General Assembly with a vast majority, that FARC sees a two-thirds majority, and Israel must be made to implement it. We rely on this resolution, which is the embodiment of international will and the principles of international law and the mechanisms that were adopted in this regard to guarantee implementation. We hope that this resolution would be implemented. Of the 1,000 resolutions taken on the Palestinian people since 1948 until this very day, not a single one has been implemented yet. Ladies and gentlemen, today I feel very grateful as well as I see this large, great shift in the positions of member states in the United Nations as they support Palestinians' rights to an independent state that is recognized and that deserves full membership in this organization, as is the case with the rest of the countries in the world that love freedom and peace. In the name of the Palestinian people, I thank you for the support. I thank you for your support of what is right of justice to achieve peace in our region. I call upon you to apply the laws of international law according to responsibilities and sovereignty. We don't ask you for more than you can do. We ask every state to give us our support within the realm of its responsibility and sovereignty. I also expressed our gratitude and appreciation for the demonstrations that spoke against the genocide in Gaza and that supported Palestinian rights that have been taking place throughout the world, including the American people. And I acknowledge the American people are marching in the streets in these demonstrations and we are grateful to them. We appreciate what is happening in European countries and the noble supporters that come to Palestine risking their lives as Israelis attack them. And here I would like to make special mention of the Turkish-American martyr Aisha Noor killed by the occupation army in cold blood. I say to those, the Palestinian people will not forget your honorable stand. We will remember you proudly when the occupation is eliminated and when our people enjoy freedom and independence. Ladies and gentlemen, recently there was much talk about the next day, the day after. What shall we do on the day after? What is our policy for the day after? And I say to you, the day after the end of the war in the Gaza Strip, I take this opportunity today to give you our view of what is needed immediately and on the day after the war ends. This is our proposal. We propose it to you. You can accept it. You can change it. You can amend it. We are ready for all that, first of all. A comprehensive and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the military aggressions and attacks by terrorist settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Second, humanitarian aid must be delivered urgently in an organized manner and in sufficient quantities because there's nothing in Gaza and they need everything. This humanitarian aid must be delivered throughout Gaza. Third, a full, full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. We refuse the establishment of buffer zones or taking any part from Gaza. Gaza is only 7 kilometers by 40, and Israel wants to cut it up. It wants a piece here and a piece there, and we will not allow a single centimeter of Gaza to be taken. We demand that we stop the forced displacement inside the Gaza Strip or outside the Gaza Strip. We demand the return of those displaced to their homes and to have housing provided to them. Netanyahu wants the West Bank and the Gaza Strip people to be displaced, to be evacuated to Egypt and to Jordan. We refused. The Jordanian and Egyptian governments, and I thank them for this, said we will not allow the displacement of any Palestinians and eviction of the Palestinians from their lands. Fourth, we demand the protection of UNRWA and humanitarian organizations from Israel's actions and to provide political and financial support to these organizations so that they can perform their role and offer their services to the Palestinian refugees until they return home. UNRWA was established to do its job until the refugees return. And every day Israel finds an excuse to convince others that UNRWA's work must be ended. Fifth, we demand international protection for the Palestinians on the lands of their occupied land. We want protection. We are not fighting Israel. We cannot fight Israel. And we don't want to fight Israel. But we want protection. We want our children, our women, our families to be protected internationally. Palestine, the state of Palestine, must shoulder its responsibilities in the Gaza Strip and impose its full mandate on it and jurisdiction on it, including the border checkpoints, especially the Rafah to national border between Egypt and Palestine, as part of a comprehensive plan. This has existed before and it must return to the way it was. Seventh, and within the context of the fen... within the context of a comprehensive national reform process. This is a process that we're undertaking, and most countries have reviewed it, supported it, confirmed it, and thanked the Palestinian government for it. And hopefully we will continue with this process to the very end. In terms of this process, we will reconstruct our infrastructure and the state institutions destroyed by Israel. We will revive the economy and establish sustainable development and rebuild the Gaza Strip. And we will hold the state of Israel fully responsible. Eight, the authority of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian government and the PLO, the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people, will have authority on all Palestinian territories in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Eastern Jerusalem, as has been stipulated for us by international law. We are not asking for more, but we will not accept any less. The West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Eastern Jerusalem, we will not ask for more, but we will not accept any less. We will hold general elections. We're ready to hold elections. We've been ready in the past, but Israel refused to allow us to hold these elections in Jerusalem. But if this were to happen, we're ready to hold these elections and to form a Palestinian government in accordance with the results of these elections. We will continue to mobilize the largest possible international support so that the state of Palestine can achieve full membership in the United Nations as soon as possible. What do we lack to be sitting amongst you? What do we lack to be on the same footing as 194 official member states in the United Nations? We have the land. We have the authority. We have the people. We have the culture. We have the knowledge. We have everything that we need. We ask you to help us. Tenth. The full implementation of the General Assembly resolution on the advisory opinion that we mentioned issued by the International Court of Justice in a manner that would lead to the end of the occupation in 12 months as stipulated by the resolution, as set by the advisory opinion. Number 11, hold an international peace conference under the auspices of the United Nations within a year to apply the Tuesday solution. So we hold this international conference so that we would resolve all the problems that remain between us and Israel. By the way, we recognize the state of Israel, but Israel doesn't recognize us. We want a solution. that would protect both countries, the state of Palestine and the state of Israel, so that they can coexist in peace, stability, and security. Number 12, to adopt international peacekeeping forces by virtue of a Security Council resolution between the states of Palestine and Israel to guarantee the security of both countries. We call for guaranteeing the security of both countries. These are the elements of our vision for the day after, for today and for the day after the war ends in the state of Palestine in general. And I call upon you to adopt this plan and to provide all the necessary means to guarantee its success, ladies and gentlemen. A few weeks ago, I declared that I've decided to lead a Palestinian delegation to the Gaza Strip so that we can stand by our people who have been exhausted by the Israeli genocide war. I call upon you to support this decision. by issuing a United Nations decision resolution by the United Nations here by pressuring the occupying government so that it would not obstruct this effort. And here I welcome any state, any party that wants to join us in this visit. We'll be happy to go with you to Gaza so that we could all see the tragedies that are taking place I salute our heroic people that are sacrificing all that is precious for Palestine in the Gaza of sacrifice, in the West Bank of solidarity, of Al-Quds, which is our crown jewel, and our capital. We salute our people in the diaspora, in the refugee camps, to our brave prisoners in Israeli prisons, 6,000 prisoners. Israel arrests whoever it wants. Those prisoners whose dignity is being violated every day, Palestine will be free. It will be free despite anyone who objects to that. Our people will live on the land of their fathers and grandfathers as they have done for more than 6,000 years. They will continue their legitimate struggle for independence. The occupation will end. God and peace blessings be upon you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the State of Palestine. The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/palestine-state","Palestine (State of)","His Excellency","Mahmoud Abbas","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ps_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PS_EN.mp3" 104,"and emigrants of Lebanon. And I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr. Elmer Shiala Salcedo, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Peru. Elmer Shiala Salcedo, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Peru Mr. President of the United Nations General Assembly, distinguished delegates of the nations of the world, it is my privilege to take the floor here at the General Assembly, bringing you the particular and respectful regards of the Constitutional President of the Republic, Dr. Dina Boluarte-Segarra, who would have liked to be here with you and speak to this Auguste General Assembly. It is an honour for me to speak on behalf of my compatriots to bring you their voice, the Peruvian people who through their daily endeavours aspire to a decent life and aspire to leave a promising future to their children. Peru, just like the rest of the world, has made tireless efforts to mitigate the harmful effects of political instability and those of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These things have claimed a high cost on Peruvian society, in particular in the most vulnerable sectors. Therefore, the government of President Boluarte is working tirelessly in order to recover our pace of economic growth and seeking to boost projects that had been stuck in their tracks and attracting foreign investment to develop large infrastructure projects with the ability to bring about decent and quality jobs. That way we can contribute directly to our national development. Today we can say that we are seeing the first results of these efforts and that Peru has got back on track to growth and stability. We still nevertheless have a lot of ground to cover. Peru and all of the countries of the world face a raft of shared challenges that we can only overcome through international cooperation and by harmonising our efforts. Therefore, Peru reiterates its commitment to multilateralism because it is the best tool that we have available to us to achieve through mutual agreement the conditions that we require to achieve sustainable development. The first of these conditions, without a shadow of a doubt, is peace. The countries that created this organisation at the end of the Second World War did it in order to, and now I quote, save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. The current reality is a testament to the fact that we are failing when it comes to this fundamental aspiration. Peru condemns all uses of force in international relations. Aggression and the grabbing of land by force is a violation of the UN Charter and of international law. and it also undermines the legitimacy and effectiveness of our collective security system. The paralysation of the Security Council when it comes to some conflicts and the applying of bias and double standards to other conflicts recalls the need to reform this body and to revise the prerogatives of its permanent members, mainly the right of veto. This is something that sometimes is used for political motivations rather than to address humanitarian matters. President, from this General Assembly, Peru will continue to engage in concrete actions for peace. We will continue to support disarmament initiatives and regimes, arms control and nuclear non-proliferation. We will continue to support the total elimination of nuclear weapons and at the same time we reject tests and also the use or any threat to use nuclear weapons. Nuclear disarmament we hope will be internationally verifiable and we launch an appeal to the countries that mainly have nuclear weapons to renew their bilateral commitments to reduce their respective arsenals. such as, for example, under the New START Treaty. On the ground, Peru will continue to contribute to UN peacekeeping operations, as we have done since 1958, contributing more than 10,000 personnel. Currently, more than 250 members of our armed forces and our national police are deployed in United Nations uniform. playing their role with a sense of professionalism, value and dedication. Furthermore, we have made available a rapid response force that is made up of 200 personnel and that force is able to be deployed immediately whenever the UN requires it. Peru recognises the important role that women play in the peace and security agenda. Therefore, it is our pleasure to announce that we have largely exceeded the goals established in the national gender parity strategy for uniformed personnel of the United Nations in 2018 to 2028, and that we will continue to increase the percentage of Peruvian women deployed in peacekeeping operations. President, the second condition required for development is a clean and healthy environment. Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and pollution are interconnected threats that compromise the survival of present and of future generations. The high vulnerability of Peru to the adverse effects of climate change has led this to become a priority issue in our foreign policy. And that's also why, alongside other countries, we have called upon the International Court of Justice to rule on the international obligations of states when it comes to climate change. Last year, my country was affected by Cyclone Yaku and by the El Niño phenomenon. These things claimed losses of human lives and huge amounts of material damage. On that, I wish to express my gratitude to the UN system for supporting the actions of my government to provide assistance to the affected population. Aware of the increase in the frequency and the impact of these phenomena due to the climate crisis, my government, the government of President Boluarte, has pushed forward the adoption of a preventive approach. when it comes to managing the risk of disasters, in line with the Early Warning for All initiative of the Secretary-General and in line with the Sendai Framework. Furthermore, aware of the need to develop a low-carbon economy and to promote a change in our energy mix that prioritises clean and renewable energy, the Government of Peru has been updating our national strategy for climate change in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. However, these domestic efforts are not enough. It's essential to increase international cooperation, always adhering to the principle of shared but differentiated responsibilities when it comes to climate action. developed countries must adopt more ambitious goals to reduce their emissions and to honour their commitments when it comes to climate finance, which includes mobilising as a minimum $100 billion per year for developing countries and to implement the loss and damage fund that was agreed on at COP27 of the UNFCCC. Furthermore, it is urgent to ensure that the Green Fund for the Climate is funded. This is something that has allowed us to make progress in our adaptation and mitigation work. President, our main challenge is to ensure development for our peoples. And with the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, we can use these to guide our work. Unfortunately, the last most recent report of the Secretary General on progress in achieving the SDGs shows that we are not on the right track. Peru is committed to the 2030 agenda. And that's why we have increased by more than 10% the resources allocated to compliance with the SDGs. On that, I wish to underscore the actions that we have been engaging in. in three priority areas for Peru, which are health, education and social protection. On health, to start with. In the face of the largest dengue epidemic that Latin America has faced, Peru adopted swift actions that enabled us to reduce its lethality by half compared to the previous epidemic, and currently we are updating our prevention and control strategies for dengue. in line with guidance from the World Health Organisation. Next, education. In the quest to provide quality education, we have focused on teacher training and we are strengthening technical training in secondary and higher education. The goal of that is to ensure that our young people are able to access the labour market. Furthermore, we have set forth an ambitious investment programme to close education infrastructure gaps. Moving on now to social protection. The third priority area is social protection for development. Aware of the need to bolster our food security and to reduce the effects of the calorie deficit, we have increased the budget of the food complementation programme that supports the most vulnerable through soup kitchens, canteens and shelters by coordinating with local governments and the private sector as well as civil society. When it comes to productive supply, we have engaged in actions to increase agricultural productivity and sustainability mainly focusing on family farming. We also have a raft of social programs to fight against poverty and social exclusion. We have different public policies to empower women and girls and the goal of this is to protect them from sexist violence including through economic empowerment programs. Social protection being implemented in Peru intends to fight against discrimination and racism, and also to guarantee the collective rights of indigenous peoples and Afro-Peruvian people, providing services with an intercultural approach, given the fact that we are a multicultural, pluri-ethnic and multilingual country. As I have already stated, domestic efforts are not enough alone. It is necessary for developed countries to keep their promises to provide assistance and finance in order to reduce the budget gap to deal with the many different needs. We must move forward and urgently support reform the international financial architecture to ensure that we have a system that is more inclusive and equitable. To do this, it is necessary to revise the way we measure progress, leaving aside GDP as the only way of measuring things. As we know, it doesn't measure inequality, well-being or the environmental sustainability of countries. Therefore, we welcome the inclusion in the Pat for the Future, new measures to develop, new multidimensional indicators of progress to channel more of a more inclusive international cooperation, including to ensure flows to middle-income countries like Peru, which are countries where we still see a persistence of pockets of poverty and exclusion. President, the fight against poverty in all of its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, remains the largest global challenge that we face and must be the absolute priority of all countries. In my country, like I've said, we've been engaging in different programmes and these include Juntos, Pension 65 and the Contigo programme, the With You programme. And the goal is to reduce monetary poverty and extreme poverty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and also to provide basic services to achieve social equality. inclusion for the most disadvantaged populations. I wish to announce that Peru will present to the General Assembly, like we do every two years, a draft resolution entitled Human Rights and Extreme Poverty. In this resolution we encourage member states to adopt social protection policies that are more ambitious. to consider that extreme poverty and exclusion undermine human dignity. Precedent, we also face new challenges that stem from the rise in new technology whose technologies and benefits are also coupled by a lot of dangers as well as by unprecedented ethical and moral challenges. Social networks are things that have allowed us to be more connected to each other but they have also been used to spread misinformation and hate speech or to engage in violence or bullying especially against women. Tech companies store the personal information of millions of people and that leads us to debate the right of privity and risks of mass surveillance by governments. Artificial intelligence is portrayed as something positive for our daily lives, but it has also facilitated the spread of dis- and misinformation campaigns that seek to manipulate public opinion, in particular during election campaigns, destabilising thus our democracies. We have a collective responsibility to ensure that new technologies are developed and are used while fully respecting the dignity, freedom and rights of all people. It is therefore necessary to define principles and regulatory frameworks in a clear way for digital governance. In this regard, we welcome the global digital compact that was adopted at the Summit of the Future. Mr President, Peru's commitment to human rights and democracy is unshakable. These are the fundamental values that support Peruvian society and that guide our foreign policy. Peru has a long tradition of respect and promotion of human rights and this is seen in our participation in numerous international treaties and instruments on this and it is also shown through our close collaboration with the United Nations and other international organisations who have come and visited our country. And we have also always welcomed this. Peru's strong democratic conviction and the conviction of the Peruvian people to this is something that firmly guides our foreign policy for representative democracy on the American continent. and against any attempt to undermine the will of the people. Lack of freedom and democratic opportunities and political participation, in addition to repression and lack of opportunities, leads to massive migratory flows and flows of refugees and tensions and pressure, social pressure in the host countries, mainly if they don't have the economic ability to absorb these people. Therefore, we renew our commitment to the process to adopt a global binding instrument that facilitates safe, orderly and regular migration with a focus on human rights, a people-centred approach that provides predictability and protects migrants from transnational crime organisations that engage in the trafficking of people and smuggling of people. Pillars of Peru's foreign policy that I just described underscore the grave concern that we have regarding the situation in Venezuela since the elections that took place on the 28th of July last. The proclaimed results, the officially proclaimed results, have not complied with the legal obligation of Venezuela to show transparency and partiality when it comes to these elections and they therefore do not legitimately reflect the popular will of the Venezuelan citizens. This doesn't prevent Peru from recognising official results. Throughout our history, Peru has maintained a foreign policy that is firmly committed to multilateralism, the defence of international law and the peaceful resolution of disputes, which are the foundational principles of the This diplomatic transition explains our historic commitment to the United Nations, and we recall the contributions made by significant individuals like Victor Andrés Peloande, who headed up this assembly, José Luis Bustamante, and Rivero, president of the International Court of Justice between 1967 and 1970, and of course Javier Pérez Cuellar, the fifth Secretary General of this organisation who was an inspiration for members of our foreign policy core. This time marked by this time that is critical for multilateralism, this legacy compels us to be active in the promotion of multilateralism to enable us to improve our response to the huge challenges that we face. and that require collective action in areas such as guaranteeing peace and international security, protecting the environment and mitigating climate change, and ensuring the means required to achieve sustainable development and also to provide regulation for new technologies. Mr President, you can certainly count on the decisive support of Peru to achieve the consensus required so that we can progress with this global endeavor. Thank you very much. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/peru","Peru","His Excellency","Elmer Schialer Salcedo","Minister for Foreign Affairs","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/pe_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PE_EN.mp3" 105,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Luis Montenegro, Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic. I request Protocols to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, Mr. Secretary General, Heads of State and Government, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I start by congratulating the President of the 79th Session of the General Assembly, Philemon Young, on his election and wish him every success. I express special appreciation for the tireless work of Secretary-General António Guterres. He knows that he can count with Portugal's full support. As this is the first time I am addressing this August Assembly, I can only recognize the weight of responsibility that falls on all of us, representatives of the peoples of the United Nations. I am doing so at a particularly demanding time, marked by the confluence of multiple global challenges and crises and growing geopolitical tensions. But I also do it with hope and confidence. Hope because this is the year when we celebrate 50 years of freedom in my country. The Portuguese people, in freedom, clamored for democracy, peace and development. And so the arc of history was bent. At a time when in many parts of the world autocracies are jeopardizing democracy, we have confidence in the strength of freedom. At a time when we are facing threats big threats to peace, we have confidence in the power of multilateralism and collective responsibility. At a time when development challenges are becoming more acute, we have faith in economic growth as the engine of fair and sustainable progress. Madam President, Excellencies, Portugal is an uncomprising advocate of multilateralism. as a method of cooperation and organization of the international system. That's why we supported the Pact for the Future, adopted within the framework of the Summit of the Future, which illustrates the vision and reforming spirit of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. This pact reflects a renewed source of hope in the three central pillars of the United Nations – sustainable development, human rights and global peace and security. It is with this confidence in multilateralism that Portugal, with the continuity and coherence that characterizes our foreign policy, is a candidate for a seat as non-permanent member of the Security Council for the biennium 2027-2028. We are guided by the will to work to prevent conflicts, promote a spirit of partnership and protect people in the face of traditional threats such as terrorism and emerging threats such as biosecurity. We are determined to contribute to a more just, peaceful and inclusive international order founded on international law and based on the United Nations Charter. Mr. President Excellencies, The Secretary-General said in our Common Agenda that multilateralism faces a fundamental dilemma to break through or to break down. We do not hesitate. We want to move forward with the reform of the global governance system to guarantee greater representativeness, transparency, justice and cooperation. This is the path that the path of the future shows us, redesigning the international financial architecture, promoting greater alignment with the sustainable development goals. With Burundi, we led the fourth international conference on financing for development to ensure that no country has to choose between fighting poverty or saving the planet. On another front, we are in favour of reforming the United Nations Security Council to make it more representative, agile and functional. Its composition is outdated and the absence of representatives from some regions hampers its functioning. Portugal supports the African common position and the aspirations of Brazil and India to become permanent members. small and medium-sized countries, including small island states, should also have their representation strengthened. As far as working methods are concerned, we support the limitation and greater scrutiny of the use of the veto. The right of the veto, before constituting a power, represents a responsibility. And that's how it should be exercised. preventing a party to a conflict from being both judged and judged. While the war continues with terrible consequences inside and outside Ukraine, the Security Council has been several times silent. We hope that now, in Lebanon, the Security Council can be effective in preventing increased in escalation. Even when resolutions are adopted, they often remain unfulfilled. It is imperative that in Gaza and Sudan all parties do their utmost to ensure the full implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Council. Excellencies, the world is now more prosperous overall, but socio-economic divides are widening. Eradicating poverty and hunger are the first two Sustainable Development Goals. But chronic hunger is on the rise, affecting 1 in 10 people globally. Acute food insecurity has almost tripled since 2016. In this context, we welcome the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty proposed by the Brazilian presidency of the G20. The hope we are talking about can only be realized if we are able to respond to the needs of millions of people affected by conflict. Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, Myanmar, Sahel, and now Lebanon are examples of the suffering of millions of people forced to leave their homes and families. I'm also talking about climate refugees, rising temperatures, forest fires, which tragically hit my country recently. Threats and other extreme weather have forced millions of people to move. At the same time, disrespect for the rights of women and girls or persecution on religious or sexual grounds has become more and more widespread in various parts of the world. The context of human rights protection is severely weakened and threatened. It is our collective responsibility to guarantee the respect, protection and realization of human rights. New technologies, such as artificial intelligence, They constitute an opportunity, but they also create risks. The Pact for the Future points the way to a virtuous balance in this area. We must act to combat all forms of discrimination and hatred that undermine the cohesion of our societies. We will continue in this context to defend the rights of youth, The high-level meeting of the General Assembly on Youth, which, at Portugal's request, will be held here next year to mark the 30th anniversary of the World Programme of Action for Youth, will be an opportunity to move forward on this front. This is a priority for Portugal at home and abroad. Mr. Excellencies, peace is the primary objective of the United Nations. And here, too, we must give a sign of hope. The Russian Federation's war of aggression against Ukraine constitutes a flagrant violation of international law, which we strongly condemn. The negative effects of this war, the food, energy and inflation crises, are echoing around the world, with the greatest impact on the most fragile regions. We are also deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation and the dangerous escalation in the Middle East region. In view of the events in Lebanon, we call on the parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid escalation. We firmly condemn the horrific terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October 2023 and demand the release of whole hostages. We will not stand by the humanitarian disaster and the growing number of civilian victims in Gaza. It is imperative to unconditionally cease hostilities, guarantee the entry of humanitarian aid and respect for international humanitarian law. It is also imperative to resume negotiations with a view to implementing the two-state solution the only one that can bring peace and stability to the region. Portugal is against the expansion of settlements, the confiscation of land in the occupied Palestinian territories and the actions of settlers that constitutes violation of international law and obstacles to peace. It is our common interest for everyone and share the responsibility to ensure strict respect for international law and humanitarian law. We also need to put an emphasis on prevention and mediation, particularly in Africa. I would highlight Portugal's consistent presence in United Nations peacekeeping operations and missions of the European Union, with national forces deployed in Mozambique, Somalia, South Sudan, Central African Republic, and the Gulf of Guinea. I would also emphasize the contribution of ECOWAS and the African Union to the efforts to promote stability in the region. Portugal supported the resolution that allowed for the establishment of regular UN contributions to the financing of African Union peace operations mandated by the Security Council. We also support the Secretary General's proposals to establish regular contributions to the Peacebuilding Fund. Excellencies, Portugal is a maritime country. 97% of our territory is ocean. We understand the vital role of the ocean in the global economy and also in combating climate change. We strongly support the sustainable management and governance of the oceans and the development of a new sustainable blue economy in line with the 2030 Agenda. We consider capacity building in ocean-related matters a priority and have designed a fellowship program aimed at developing countries with a special focus on small island developing states. The international agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction was a victory for multilateralism. We will remain committed to its entry into force. Portugal is calling for a joint effort to finalize an ambitious treaty to eliminate plastic pollution by the end of this year. Climate change is the existential threat of our time. Portugal keeps engaged in investing in renewable energies and in phasing down fossil fuels. We want to incorporate 47% of renewable energies into final energy consumption by 2030. We have also favoured the introduction of innovative financial mechanisms, including with SIDS. An example of this is the agreement signed in Portugal and by Portugal with Cabo Verde and São Tomé in Principe to transform debt that these countries have with Portugal into climate investment, thus supporting the energy transition. Mr. President Excellencies, the success of the 2030 Agenda is mainly in favour of the most vulnerable groups. We cannot leave anyone behind. The digital transition and emerging technologies represent a renewed opportunity to facilitate a more prosperous, fair, inclusive and sustainable future. Connectivity is a cornerstone. The path seems clear. We should conceive technological development through a human-centered lens and based on international law. Excellencies, and to conclude, I'm very proud to speak to you in Portuguese. As well as being the fourth most spoken language in the world as a mother tongue, today uniting more than 260 million people on all continents, Portuguese is an official and working language in 33 international organizations, including the community of Portuguese-speaking countries. And that's why the CPLP's ambition to see the Portuguese language recognized as an official language of the United Nations is therefore legitimate. Just yesterday, I agreed with President Lula da Silva of Brazil that we are committed and willing to work together with all the Portuguese-speaking countries to achieve this goal. The legitimacy of the United Nations, its convening power and its global normative authority combined with its multidisciplinary expertise are some of its unique assets, which must be harnessed in favour of our common causes and a shared vision of the future. The road ahead, we all know, is hard and uncertain, but the goal has been set. We will walk it with hope and confidence. And in this trajectory, the United Nations and the international community and the peoples of the world can count on Portugal. Thank you very much. On behalf of the General Assembly, I would like to thank His Excellency the Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/portugal","Portugal","His Excellency","Luís Montenegro","Prime Minister","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/pt_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PT_EN.mp3" 106,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Gordana Siljanovska-Davgova, President of the Republic of North Macedonia. I request protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Distinguished President of the United Nations General Assembly, esteemed excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. Those more familiar with the Macedonian case know about the Siles and the Charybdis that my homeland the small Balkan state has passed through and is still passing through. Although indirectly as one of the six constituent Yugoslav republics, we participated in the creation of the United Nations, yet upon its admission to the United Nations in 1993, we faced a great injustice. namely the country was admitted under the temporary reference, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, along with the additional condition, I quote, to negotiate until a final solution to the name issue is found, end of quote. In 2018, we... ratified and signed the Prespa Agreement, a process that was followed by an unsuccessful referendum and constitutional changes, following which the Republic of Macedonia legally and formally became the Republic of North Macedonia. As a professor of constitutional law and as a former member of the Venice Commission, I do know that what is legal is not always just and legitimate. Because in the case of my country, it was not acted in accordance with international and national law. Namely, the right to self-determination of every nation guaranteed by the UN Charter and the constitution of the then federal Yugoslavia from 1974 was forgotten. The line that divides what is legal from what is just is sometimes merely a crack, but other times it is a profound gap and even an abyss. That gap, that abyss, most often and most severely affects the small nations and states which are the first victims of the clash between force and justice. because this can be an insurmountable obstacle to realizing the right to progress. Of course, the new name is indeed a formal and legal reality. In my country, the Republic of North Macedonia, as a responsible member state of the United Nations and of NATO, is fulfilling its international obligations. Still, the EU membership for which all of this was done not only did not come true, but the Macedonian citizens are now facing a new, a repeated final condition for another constitutional amendment, but now not for membership, but for the start of negotiations, and this for the second time. to us membership in the European Union after 20 years of negotiations, and 16 positive European Commission reports resembles Mr. Godot because we have been waiting for him since 2005, always encouraged by international representatives with the refrain, just this one condition more, just this one concession more, just this one constitutional amendment more. Thus, we became a sui generis state with 36 constitutional amendments in 30 years, anchored in the geopolitical region called the Western Balkans. As a peace-loving country, committed to good neighborliness and regional cooperation, we expect understanding and cooperation from our neighbors without the threat of a veto. Because if there is a veto, there is often no justice. The veto has turned into an instrument for bilateralization of European integration, or in other words, its stagnation. In conditions of conflict on the European soil, the stagnation of the European integration not only demotivates Macedonian citizens and slows down reforms, but it also destabilizes the region of Southeast Europe, leaving room for penetration of malignant imperial and great power influences. Enlargement must be tied to the meritocratic Copenhagen criteria and it must be freed from the veto linked to the attempt to revise history and to disrespect national and cultural identity. From our European and strategic partners, we expect understanding and fair and just unblocking of the process of negotiations for membership in the European Union, rejecting double standards and respecting our own principles and values embedded in the fundamental constitutional documents. The European reunification is like an unfinished symphony without us. The European Union is not only a political system, it is also a political philosophy in which the largest number of Macedonian and Balkan political actors and citizens do believe. Integration is a powerful motive and a key driving force for democratic development. The full integration of the Balkans into the EU will put an end to the endless redrawing of borders and so-called Balkanization as a phenomenon. However, and of course, the Balkan states must behave in compliance with the European standards by regionally connecting and cooperating. The experience is valuable, and the help of the countries of the region that have become part of the EU already is precious. Same goes for those that are on the European path. We must learn to support each other, as was the case with the COVID pandemics, floods and fires, instead of blocking each other on our European journey. Homo balkanicus can become Homo europicus whenever he wants. Esteemed Excellencies, the line that divides the legal from the just is not only intertwined in the Macedonian case, but also in almost all issues that are on the United Nations agenda, including those covered by the topic of this year's general debate, leaving no one behind and acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations. We are faced with some big questions. Let me start with the most important one. Peace. Is a just peace possible when we are faced with more and more wars and flagrant violations of the Charter of the United Nations? Is a just peace possible with the deepening militarization of politics and the new arms race? Is human dignity possible in an environment of double standards when human life is not equally valued and when the sufferings of innocent victims in conflicts are not treated equally? How can we achieve a fair and just development plunged into the race for profit at the expense of the nations and of the planet when global public resources are sacrificed, marginalized, stuck at the periphery, forgotten in national and corporate policies and actions? How can we achieve social justice in conditions of growing economic, educational, gender, and digital disparity between states and within the states themselves, with less and less winners and more and more losers from globalization and digitalization, the former sinking into decadence and the latter into popularization? How will we ensure generational justice if we continue with the irresponsible and uncontrolled exploitation of limited resources? How will we create a safe and sustainable future for our descendants if we continue with ecocidal production practices and consumer habits that leave a world choked with air pollution, poisoned with pesticides and littered with plastic. With the alarming level of greenhouse gas emissions that are rapidly leading to climate change with catastrophic consequences, can we even talk about responsibility or should we start thinking about survival or our ability to live? The main problem is that all those injustices are systemic, which means that if they are not legalized, then they are tacitly tolerated. What is legal, unfortunately, is not always just and moral, if I may say this once again. Why is this so? In the most famous dialogue about power and justice, Thucydides recalls that justice is a word that has value in disputes between men only when both sides are of equal strength. In other cases, the strong duel what they can, and the weak what they must. However, the United Nations exist to ennoble this cruel Thucydidean world by securing legal equality among nations, taming the power of the great, and protecting the smaller nations. This legal equality is a prerequisite for achieving the highest goals of the United Nations, peace and security, human rights and sustainable development. The United Nations exists to bridge or at least to narrow the gap between the legal and the just. We are facing a big challenge. How can the legal become just? Or how can the just become legal? And how can the legal and the just be implemented? Respected attendees, there are no simple, inexpensive and painless solutions to this dual challenge. Here, in the solemn hall of the General Assembly, For years, world leaders have shared their experiences and disappointments from the United Nations, which, not infrequently, oscillate between two extremes, utopian optimism on one hand and nihilistic pessimism on the other. Still, reality is complex and contains both successes and failures. The United Nations have prevented another world war, but they failed to prevent and preclude regional conflicts, including the war in Ukraine and the bloodshed in the Middle East, the scenes of which resemble Picasso's Guernica. The World Organization has lifted millions of people out of poverty, but it still fails to eradicate hunger. With the right to self-determination, it accelerated the process of decolonization, but failed to bridge the gap between the rich North and the poor South. The United Nations are the main driver for resolving global security, migration, health, environmental, energy, and climate crisis, but hardly any of them are fully and justly resolved. The resolutions of this very General Assembly reflect the will of the majority of nations, but are not always consistently respected. The International Court of Justice is the ultimate instance of justice between states and yet its judgments are not always implemented or even treated as advice. The world is going through a turbulent geopolitical, economic, scientific, technological and industrial transformation in which man has a huge impact on the planet. I fear men is destroying the Garden of Eden and will be kicked out of it again unless the UN supports him. But the competencies, structures and procedures of the United Nations seem to have been frozen at the time of their founding in 1945. Instead of increased cooperation and action on pressing issues, The geopolitical rivalry and the new arms race are intensifying. They are rapidly pushing us towards a state resembling a new second Cold War and Orwell's world too. We have rarely needed the United Nations so much as we do today. And yet, the United Nations have rarely been as politically marginalized as they are today. Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues, to overcome this political marginalization, what we need is a new spirit of multilateralism that will alleviate geopolitical rivalries and will increase the trust and cooperation among states around shared challenges. That multilateralism rests on three pillars. The first pillar is the consistent compliance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law, which exists to protect the weaker from the predatory instincts of the stronger. In this context, the Macedonian state firmly perseveres on the stance that territorial claims and the attempt to acquire territory by force are a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations. When dangerous precedents go unchallenged, they transform into tolerated practices that threaten world peace and security. Therefore, we support efforts for a sustainable, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine based on international law, including the UN Charter. In that regard, we fully complied with the common foreign and security policy of the European Union. This is important to us since wars and conflicts also affect peace and stability of Southeast Europe and the Western Balkans. Multilateralism also depends on the respective international treaties. As a country committed to good neighborliness and regional cooperation, we respect bilateral agreements with our neighbors and expect our neighbors to respect the agreements without abusing the right to a veto. The second pillar of multilateralism is consistent implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the related Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction. At national level, with the support of the United Nations and its agencies, we are incorporating the 2030 Agenda into our long-term development strategies, policies, and laws. High on our agenda are climate action and green and just transition, gender equality and fight against discrimination against women and girls, as well as inclusion of young people in decision-making processes. Two-thirds of these Sustainable Development Goals are directly related to the European legislation, and so the United Nations are helping us implement European reforms as well. For this, we are indeed grateful. I see the third pillar of the new multilateralism in a greater commitment to the reform of the United Nations, which will be substantive, not cosmetic and corrective, a reform that will unlock the potential of the United Nations and enable the voice of every state, large or small, to be equally heard and valued. The first set of reforms should help align the United Nations with the new challenges and new development priorities. The more frequent extreme weather phenomena caused by climate change are just a prelude to what kind of future awaits us and our descendants if humanity's attitude towards nature and the planet does not fundamentally change. We need a new social contract, as per Rousseau, but also a natural contract, as per Michel Serrat, based on which we will treat nature as a partner. The second set of reforms would cover the structures and procedures of the United Nations, starting with the voting rules, through financing, up to the autonomy of the Secretary General. As I said, if there is a veto, there is often no justice. It is an undisputable fact that the right to a veto is legal, but the question is how just is it? if and when it is used to paralyze processes on which the attainment of the goals of the Charter and the expectations of the people of the world depend. It is necessary for the General Assembly to be given a greater role in decision-making as a representative body of the nations in the spirit of The legitimacy of the Security Council springs from the General Assembly, so it should function as a kind of coalition government of nations. The third set of reforms would strengthen the United Nations' mechanism to protect vulnerable countries. populations and groups, which is especially important today when the number of victims and refugees is at its highest level since World War II. Respected attendees, next year, 2025, we will celebrate the 80th anniversary since the founding of the United Nations. This year is the last call the United Nations will either become an engine that moves the world towards a more humane, more just and sustainable order based on inclusive and accountable governance, or it will be reduced to a passive bureaucratic structure completely dependent on the main actors in the geopolitical processes and relations. Only a fundamentally reformed United Nations can bridge the gap between the legal and the just and thus contribute to a truly transformed world in which no one will be left behind and forgotten. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/republic-north-macedonia","Republic of North Macedonia","Her Excellency","Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mk_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MK_EN.mp3" 107,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Carlos Manuel Villanova, President of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and I invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, distinguished head of state and government, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor that I address this honorable assembly representing São Tomé and Príncipe, a small island state which, like so many others, faced the complex challenges of our time. On behalf of the people of São Tomé e Príncipe, I would like to congratulate you, Mr. President, and I would also like to extend to the Secretary-General, António Guterres, our warmest congratulations. Excellencies, it is easy for me, as it is for anyone present in this Assembly, to say that what stands out in relation to international issues is the uncertainty and insecurity that marks both the present and the future. As a small island state, my country is on the front line of the consequences of climate change, and the climate crisis represents the greatest existential threat to our populations. Although we are responsible for a tiny fraction of global greenhouse gas emissions, we are among those who suffer most from its impacts. Sea level rise, more frequent and intense storms, coastal erosion and loss of biodiversity threaten not only our livelihoods but also our very existence. It is therefore imperative that the international community strengthens its commitment to the Paris Agreement and ensures that the voices of the most affected nations like ours are heard and integrated into concrete actions. We call for global action that is not only ambitious but also urgent. COP29 on climate change to be held next November in Baku, Azerbaijan, will be a crucial opportunity to reaffirm the collective commitment to limit global warming to 1.5 Celsius. However, commitments have not been sufficient. We need concrete, immediate actions to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis. We call on the largest emitters to meet their historical and moral obligations by drastically reducing their emissions and honoring the climate financing promised to developing countries, which are paying the price for a crisis they did not cause. In addition, we call for an expansion of financing mechanisms for adaptation, as we need to strengthen our resilience. We are already investing in innovative adaptation solutions such as sustainable use of our marine resources and the implementation of renewable energies. However, our efforts need to be scaled up and this requires the support of the international community. Ladies and gentlemen, the Sustainable Development Goals remain a beacon for our progress. For us, sustainable development is not a choice, but yes, a necessity. Our vision of the future is based on the sustainable development goals, and it is in this sense that we strive for a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social justice. However, the deadline for achieving them is fast approaching, and for many of us, there is still a long way to go. Support for development must be renewed and new models of partnership between nations must be explored. We reaffirm our commitment to the SDGs, but without an international environment that promotes fair trade, accessible financing and peace, our efforts will be limited. We ask for the support of the international community so that our transition to a green economy can be accelerated. and so that together we can be examples of how sustainable development can transform societies and ensure prosperity for future generations. On the other hand, we cannot fail to mention the importance of strengthening multilateral institutions and ensuring that all states, regardless of their size or economic power, have a voice in global decisions. Multilateralism is our best tool for tackling collective challenges that transcend borders. Ladies and gentlemen, global peace and security face growing threats, from armed conflicts to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The African continent continues to be the scene of protracted conflicts that result in deep and unacceptable suffering. these conflicts demonstrate the need for greater diplomatic intervention and African solutions to African problems. São Tomé-príncipe calls on the international community to step up efforts to mediate and support the peaceful resolution of conflicts in Africa while respecting the sovereignty of nations. Peace is the foundation on which we build development. Unfortunately, we continue to witness the escalation of conflict in various parts of the world, such as the recent worsening on the situation in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon. Sao Tomei Principe reaffirms its firm commitment to the principles of peace and human rights and calls for respect for sovereignty of states and identification of diplomatic efforts for the peaceful resolution of conflicts. There can be no development without peace, and peace is only possible with justice, excellencies. The future we want must be built on the foundations of cooperation, solidarity and mutual understanding. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the interdependence of nations and the need for joint responses to global challenges. We need to continue strengthening multilateralism, promoting the sharing of knowledge, resources and innovative solutions. São Tomé Príncipe reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the principles that govern this organization. We believe that, through dialogue and cooperation, we will be able to tackle the greatest challenges of our time, from climate change to poverty to the promotion of human rights and equity. Ladies and gentlemen, the United Nations celebrates this year 79 years of existence. This is a lifetime that gives the UN a special status. Indeed, this observation cannot be taken lightly. In fact, it has been almost eight decades of intense work and unrepeatable experiences like no other organization has achieved in the efforts to obtain and maintain peace and achieve other global public goods. On this occasion, we must praise the inescapable commitment of the Secretary-General, whose action on all fronts touches us deeply. Faced with our persistent dilemmas, it is imperative that we bring a new content of hope to the world stage. This is an unavoidable objective and role of the United Nations, but this mission is also ours. The world's current affliction is not inevitable. If we empty the United Nations and if each state incurs the spirit of each fighting for itself, then the result will be to live with no answer global problems such as wars, economic crises, environmental crises and other ills. The world has changed since the creation of this organization. The international system, like its institutions, must evolve to reflect the realities and needs of today. We advocate for the reform of the United Nations Security Council to make it more representative and effective in its mission to maintaining global peace and security. The multipolar world we live in today demands a more inclusive and dynamic UN. In saying this, I emphasize the need to think of Africa as a part of the world. We cannot continue with a Security Council that reflects the power structures of 1945, a period when most of the current African states were still under colonial rule and therefore had no voice in international affairs. This underrepresentation of the continent is also evident in other structures of global governance, such as the international financial institutions, and we urgently need to change this. Excellencies. I would also like to take this opportunity to echo a call that has resounded here in this Assembly for decades, the need to put an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed against the Republic of Cuba. This blockade is outdated and contrary to the principles of peaceful coexistence and solidarity between nations. The Cuban people have shown resilience, but it is time for the international community in particular the United Nations, to intensify its efforts to correct this injustice in the name of peace and human dignity. We also reaffirm our support for Morocco's sovereignty and congratulate the political initiatives developed in the search for a peaceful and credible solution to the dispute. We also welcome the strategic projects launched by the Kingdom of Morocco such as the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline and the Atlantic Africa Initiative, which reflect the vision of regional integration and sustainable growth. Excellencies, in conclusion, we would like to reaffirm that our presence here is a testimony to our faith in the United Nations and its ideals. Despite our limited resources, we bring to the global table our tireless will to contribute to to a fairer, safer and more sustainable world. São Tomé and Príncipe is ready to do its part and continues to work hand in hand with all the nations present to build a better future for all. Thank you very much. On behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/sao-tome-and-principe","Sao Tome and Principe","His Excellency","Carlos Manuel Vila Nova","President","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/st_pt.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/st_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ST_EN.mp3" 108,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdel Rahman al-Burhan, President of the Transitional Sovereign Council of the Republic of the Sudan. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. In the name of God, most merciful, most compassionate. Mr. President, Secretary General of the United Nations, Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, May the peace and blessings of God be upon you. I speak before you today on behalf of the people and the government of Sudan. I would like to congratulate the president of this 79th session of the General Assembly and his team. We wish you every success, especially in the face of various threats to peace and security. threats which endanger our organization and which undermine freedom, peace, and justice, leading to the violation of the law. Sudan stands convinced of the important role played by the United Nations. We support all initiatives geared towards reforming the organization and its body, specifically the Security Council, with a view to enshrining pluralism, collective security, and upholding human rights, all the while tackling the challenges of climate change and ethnically and ideologically motivated terrorism. Ladies and gentlemen, Sudan commends the choice of theme for this session, Unity and Diversity for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development, and Human Dignity. We welcome the priorities set by the President of this 79th session. Furthermore, it's important to implement the outcomes of the Summit of the Future, especially as regards United Nations reform and Security Council reform, so that these bodies can put an end to the protracted crises threatening international peace, as well as to achieve consensus and harmony in the relations between states and peoples. Unilateral measures taken outside the United Nations framework, in complete violation of the UN Charter and international law, political and economic restrictions, these are the main drivers of instability. as regards security, the economy, and also on the political front. All of this fuels war. However, I must also add that double standards and selectiveness are currently prevailing in international affairs. There can be no doubt about it. Sudan is facing very serious challenges. And in fact, a war is being waged. There's a conspiracy. A war has been waged by a group that has rebelled against the state for many years. It's receiving political and logistical support at the local and regional levels. You've all witnessed the crimes, the violations, and the atrocities committed by these rebels targeting the Sudanese people and the Sudanese state. The war began with an attempt, an attempt to seize power through force. With time, it's a... transformed into a total war against the Sudanese state and the Sudanese people. Countless crimes have been committed, ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, and genocide. All of this has been committed by the Rapid Support Forces, the RSF, which should be considered a terrorist group. This militia is continuing to perpetrate crimes, and it is most unfortunate that it is receiving the support of some states in the region. states which are providing funding and mercenaries for their own political and economic benefit in flagrant violation of law and international will. Mr. President, these terrorist groups have also hit diplomatic missions, other organizations, and property. They have not spared the UN. And in fact, UN headquarters, the UN office in Sudan, has been targeted. The Dagolor family has been violating all laws and all international obligations with impunity. The family refuses to comply with the Jeddah Declaration and rejects UN Security Council resolutions. regarding the arms embargo imposed on Darfur. Thus, ethnic cleansing crimes are continuing. Most recently, we also recorded a violation of the resolution on El Fasha, the capital of North Darfur state. This begs the question, why has the international system not taken any firm or dissuasive action measures vis-à-vis this group and those who support it. Despite everything that's been done, all the crimes, we witnessed crimes against humanity, war crimes, despite their refusal to implement Security Council resolutions and decisions adopted by regional organisations, all the more reason to call for Security Council reform to avoid this policy of impunity and double standards becoming key characteristics of this organisation. Ladies and gentlemen, This devastating aggression being waged by the RSF with the support of states in the region providing funding and mercenaries as well as weapons to the RSF have resulted in deaths of dozens of thousands of Sudanese and the displacement of many millions more. Sudanese people have been forced to leave their lands, their motherland, to evade these armed groups. They've taken refuge in various regions. Millions more Sudanese are living in peace today in other parts of the country. Systematic attacks committed by the militia are contributing to the suffering of our compatriots. As a result, we've been seeking a peaceful solution to the situation and the Jeddah Declaration, dated May 2023, should have been enough to put an end to this war. And yet, regional political players who are in favour of the war have a different take on the situation. This has resulted in the situation we have on our hands today. As a result, and so as to alleviate the suffering of our fellow Sudanese and to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance, we've opened our borders and airports. We've lifted all impediments to this aid being delivered. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, the Sudanese government is steadfastly committed to facilitating humanitarian humanitarian assistance, protecting humanitarian convoys and personnel, as well as medical personnel. We fully uphold international humanitarian law and measures geared towards the protection of civilians. The protection of civilians is our responsibility, especially when women and children are being hit the hardest. by violations committed in the areas controlled by the militias. Some women and children have even been sold in marketplaces. The humanitarian crisis affecting a large majority of our population, owing to the aggression being waged by the Dagla militia, require us to act in concert with one another. It's necessary to provide assistance to millions of displaced persons and refugees. On our side, we're doing everything within our power so as to ensure that aid is delivered to those who need it most. We would like to thank all neighboring states who've welcomed displaced persons and refugees. We thank organizations providing assistance to the Sudanese people as well. President, we face a very tall challenge. This organization must shoulder its responsibility specifically so as to protect Developing countries in the face of the avarice of some other states who would like to control our people's riches through the use of force and specifically through the use of money. We hope that the will of our people will prevail. Numerous crises, including the one underway in Sudan, are the product of a policy issue. of double standards, as well as political approaches based on exerting power, economic blackmail, and the fact that the organization has not managed to deter those who defy the will of their people and of nations, threatening international peace and security. Mr. President, today we have marketplace of initiatives. Some of these initiatives serve narrow interests, and the corrosive effects of this are patently obvious. In our countries, artificial conflicts are growing in number. For this reason, we need national ownership, this particular principle, and that's why since the start of the crisis, we've done everything we could to put an end to this war and to spare our country from the destruction of being waged by the Dagalu militia, attacking the Sudanese people. Thus, we contributed to various constructive initiatives. And we still harbour hopes of ending this conflict so as to guarantee the dignity of the Sudanese people and the sovereignty of our state. We are... hoping to ensure that the conflict will not be resumed and the conflicts will end. The path towards an end to this conflict is clear in our view. First and foremost, we need to put an end to the hostilities. The militias must withdraw from all of the areas they currently occupy and from which people have been displaced. They must lay down their weapons so that people can go back to their homes and so that assistance can be delivered. This will also facilitate the reopening of roads, airports and the resumption of production. Second, this end to hostilities must be accompanied with a comprehensive political process so that we can see through the political transition, avoiding the resumption of war and potential coup d'etats. Mr President, the Sudanese Armed Forces, the SAF, is one of the state's oldest institutions. It's non-politicized. It's very much in favor of a democratic transition and it's committed to the right of the Sudanese people to pick its leadership. This is why the SAF is upholding the commitments undertaken as part of the glorious 2019 revolution, so that a consensus government, an elected government, can accede to power. We will never accept a return to the previous regime, which was rejected by the Sudanese people. Thus, we are very much committed to facilitating the transition process moving towards a civilian government. We will continue pursuing peace, working with all groups who have laid down their weapons, as well as with groups who still carry weapons, but who are willing to respect the Juba peace agreement signed in 2020. Throughout this war, the Sudanese armed forces have done everything they possibly could, continuing to uphold international humanitarian law, as well as the Geneva Conventions and Protocols thereto. working to protect civilians and to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance. We stand ready to partake in all initiatives that can help to put an end to this war. As soon as we have an initiative that would respect the principle of national ownership and will put an end to the control and occupation of our territory by this rebel militia. We are also in favour of all initiatives which will protect civilians and guarantee the dignity of our people. These are the prerequisites for a return to democracy. It's unacceptable for a government as well as for the Sudanese people to partake in these, to see organizations who have supported the war, states who have supported the war and massacres of Sudanese partaking in such initiatives. Some of these organizations and states have allowed weapons to be funneled through their territory to the militias. And they've also provided political support to these rebel groups. We must therefore continue acting to convince the aggressors that they shouldn't be receiving this assistance. Mr. President, I'd like to thank all of the states as well as the organizations. and various human rights defense groups, as well as civil society organizations, all those who have tried to paint a true, accurate picture of what is happening in Sudan. I welcome the outcome of the Great Lakes Summit in Rwanda and the meeting that took place in Yaoundé. At all of these meetings, the RSF were described as a rebel group working against the state. We've managed to circumscribe the activities of this group and deter them. Hopefully we'll be able to deter them from acting in a similar fashion in other countries. The RSF should be called out for what they are. They've rebelled against the state. They're committing terrorist crimes and should be considered as such here at the United Nations. Mr. President, before I conclude, I'd like to reassert our position vis-à-vis the issue of Palestine and the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state with the 1967 borders. It's necessary to put an immediate end to the aggression being waged in Gaza and in Lebanon. We also call for Palestine to become a fully-fledged member of the United Nations. By way of conclusion, we'd like to extend our gratitude to all those who've supported us through these testing times. Millions of Sudanese still need your help. Thank you very much, Mr. President. I'd like to reiterate that... the will of the Sudanese people will prevail. May the peace and blessings of God be upon you all. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Transitional Sovereign Council of the Republic of the Sudan.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/sudan","Sudan","His Excellency","Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan Abdelrahman Al-Burhan","President of the Transitional Sovereign Council","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sd_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SD_EN.mp3" 109,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency Maria Malmö Stenegaard, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden. Mr. President, Excellencies, we are gathered in this assembly while the world and this organization are facing major and existential challenges. We are gathered while we are witnessing an unprecedented number of armed conflicts from Ukraine to Sudan, the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, and Gaza. We are gathered while we are failing at our collective goal of maintaining international peace and security, of saving future generations from the horrors of war and from the disastrous consequences of underdevelopment and climate change. Mr. President, the UN Charter, the sovereign equality of all states, the peaceful settlement of disputes, the prohibition of the threat or use of force against any state is being challenged. We must stand by the Charter. Sweden's strong defense of international law, including the UN Charter, is based on the understanding that both our own security and that of other countries depends on it. Ensuring respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of all states, both large and small, is in our common interest. At its core lies the need for a global system that is open, predictable, and applies equally to all. In too many places around the world, including in Sweden's immediate neighborhood, we are witnessing the consequences of violations of the rules and principles we have all agreed to. Since the start of Russia's aggression against Ukraine in 2014 and with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Russia has brutally invaded the territory of another UN member state. This assembly has strongly and repeatedly condemned Russia's aggression against Ukraine as a blatant violation of international law, including the UN Charter. If a member of the Security Council is allowed to reap the fruits of aggression, the harmful impact will not stop with Ukraine. Russia's leadership will continue its attempts to impose its rule on neighboring countries. The territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states must serve as a basis for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine. This was confirmed at the peace summit in Switzerland in June, which gathered some 100 delegations from all continents. Ukraine has made clear from the start that it wants a peaceful settlement based on the UN Charter. As President Zelensky rightfully said in his speech before this assembly yesterday, there can be no just peace without Ukraine. Sweden's steadfast support for Ukraine's efforts to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity will continue for as long as it takes. As a direct response to Russia's full-scale invasion, Sweden and Finland chose to join NATO. For Sweden's part, this represents a truly historic change, ending 200 years of military non-alignment. This was our decision to make because it is the right of each state to choose its own security policy path. Sweden's NATO membership gives us a new crucial platform to defend the fundamental values of our foreign and security policy. we will apply the same principled approach in NATO as we do in the UN, the EU, the OSCE, and the Council of Europe. In other words, we will continue to defend international law, democracy, individual freedoms, human rights, and gender equality. Mr. President, Sweden has always defended the universal principles of sovereignty and the right to self-determination. In fact, Sweden has consistently supported countries struggling for liberty, independence and democracy, not least in Africa. And we continue to be an engaged partner of African countries. To take just one example, I am deeply concerned about the situation in Sudan. More than 10 million people have been displaced, which roughly corresponds to the entire population of my own country. Safe, rapid and unhindered humanitarian access and immediate ceasefire and negotiations ensuring a return to civilian rule are urgently required. Therefore, Sudan is among the countries receiving the most humanitarian support from Sweden this year. Sweden remains a key partner and donor of UN humanitarian assistance, as well as of peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts. Similarly, Sweden supports the ongoing peace efforts by the United Nations in Yemen, where we will continue to work with our partners for a principled and inclusive humanitarian response. The people of Yemen are looking to the international community for hope for a way out of humanitarian despair. We must answer that call. Mr. President, we are also faced with the threat of a regional war, the consequences of which no one can predict. My country's longstanding commitment to peace efforts in the Middle East dates back to 1948 and the efforts of UN mediator Folke Bernadotte. Today, Sweden is one of the largest core donors to UN agencies and other organizations working to mitigate the immense suffering of the civilian population of Gaza. At the same time, Sweden stands up for Israel's right to defend itself in accordance with international law, and we demand that the hostages be released. Israel is being threatened by Iran and its allies simultaneously on several fronts. Hezbollah's repeated attacks since October 8th have led to a dangerous military escalation. Sweden fully supports the efforts by the United States, France, and others to reach a diplomatic solution, a ceasefire would provide space for reaching a diplomatic settlement consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 1701, as well as the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2735 on a ceasefire in Gaza. In the longer term, Sweden, like the EU and the United States, believe in the idea of a two-state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace, freedom, and democracy. Mr. President, in order to address global challenges, we need to ensure that our aid helps to mobilize additional resources, not least private capital. Development assistance alone is not enough to build long-term wealth and welfare. It must go hand in hand with democracy, the rule of law, market development, trade, investments, and technology transfer. We see that clearly in the countries now leaving poverty behind. We must also redouble our efforts to achieve the 2030 agenda. Sweden is one of the world's most generous donors of development assistance. Through our development assistance, we are accelerating the implementation of the sustainable development goals. To achieve this, strong national ownership in partner countries and a broader approach to development cooperation among donors is needed. We must also step up the fight against corruption so that economic growth benefits the whole of society, not just a few. Mr. President, I can only note that women have been underrepresented as speakers this week at the general debate. Women make up 50% of the world's population, yet only 10% of speakers this week are women. There is, one could say, a lot of room for improvement in this regard. And I agree with the Secretary-General that global opposition to gender equality is on the rise. That is why gender equality is a core value in Sweden's foreign policy. So let me say this, countries that stand up for women's and girls' rights are not only champions of freedom and human rights, they also benefit from broad labor market participation and economic growth. Respect for human rights, providing sexual and reproductive health and rights services, and empowering young women and girls are tangible contributions to advancing gender equality. This is what I want for the future of my daughter, Kajsa, and for the daughters of others, too. Simply put, our free society must stand up against those who wish to exploit our freedom, to restrict the freedom of others. Everyone must be able to live safely and freely, regardless of religious beliefs or personal convictions, regardless of skin color, and regardless of whom they love. To my government, this is of such importance that we have begun work on an action plan for equal rights and opportunities for LGBTQI people. Mr. President. The green and digital transition offers vast opportunities in terms of new jobs, increased growth and improved livelihoods. Sweden aims to become climate neutral by 2045 at the latest. As early movers, we want to show that it's possible to reduce emissions while maintaining economic growth. At the same time, global ambitions on climate action and climate financing must be raised. Here as well, we are increasing our support even further and enhancing its effect, advancing innovative financial models to mobilize more private capital. Mr. President, the many crises in our world today have shed a harsh light on the need for reforms of our multilateral system. We need global governance structures that can withstand the challenges of our time and that are resilient against malevolent attempts to undermine the UN Charter. Action, implementation and follow-up must be our approach as we look forward and take stock of the summit of the future and the pact adopted there. The UN Security Council, the body entrusted with the ultimate responsibility to maintain international peace and security, must be effective, transparent and accountable. Sweden supports a balanced expansion of the Security Council to better reflect current global political and economical realities. This can be achieved by such means as adding new permanent and non-permanent seats, including for African countries. Sweden also supports the ongoing reform processes in multilateral development banks to increase the effectiveness and scale of financing to achieve the sustainable development goals and implement the Paris Agreement. Another area where strengthened global governance is essential is outer space. Modern societies are becoming more and more dependent on space services and the space environment is becoming increasingly congested and contested. Sweden is strongly committed to preventing an arms race in outer space and safeguarding the use of space for peaceful purposes. This includes all states full compliance with existing international law, including the Outer Space Treaty. We will continue to promote the development of norms and rules for responsible behavior in space. Together with Zambia, Sweden is proud to have co-facilitated the global digital compact. Through this framework, all member states have committed to strengthen international cooperation, to close digital divides between and within countries, and to establish the governance required for a sustainable digital future, including on artificial intelligence. Rest assured, Sweden will continue to fulfill its responsibility and be an active, engaged and constructive multilateral actor. We will continue to be a close and demanding partner to the UN. We will constructively demand more. More efficiency, more coherence, more impact, more innovation. This is how we will achieve our shared ambitions for the future together. Mr. President, this is a moment of major existential challenges, but we must not allow anything to stop us from defending the fundamental principles that form the foundation of this organization. It is true that there are areas where international law needs to be developed, to meet new challenges. However, it is equally true that hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty based on the norms, the purposes, and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. Global health and well-being have reached unprecedented levels. People across the globe are enjoying justice, peace, freedom and prosperity at levels unimaginable to previous generations. It is a legacy to be proud of, one that we must do everything that we can to uphold. Thank you. I thank Her Excellency Maria Malmö-Sternagard, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/sweden","Sweden","Her Excellency","Maria Malmer Stenergard","Minister for Foreign Affairs","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/se_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SE_EN.mp3" 110,"The assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Keir Starmer, Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I address the General Assembly today as someone with a deep belief in the principles of this body and the value of international cooperation. I remember reading the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a student. It had a profound impact on me. I spent my career as a lawyer working to protect those rights. And the Declaration still inspires me now as Prime Minister, because it speaks about our inherent dignity, the very essence of what it is to be human, of equal and inalienable rights, based on a foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Yet as we meet here today, that can feel like a distant hope. Conflict touches more countries now than at any time in the history of this assembly. Around the world, more fires are breaking out and burning with ever greater intensity, exacting a terrible toll in Gaza, Lebanon, Ukraine, Sudan, Myanmar, Yemen, and beyond. The vast majority of humanitarian need in the world today is driven by conflict. After 20 years of gains in tackling poverty, disease, and in health, war is one of the main regions that progress has stalled. That is a catastrophe made by human hands. It has weakened the cause of cooperation, so political division between North and South, and turned the geopolitical dial away from the rule of law towards brute force and aggression. And this matters to us all. It matters to the British people. My government was elected to change Britain, to deliver national missions on higher growth, safer streets, cleaner energy, more opportunity, and a healthier society. But behind every one of these missions sits another insight. Something that used to be unspoken, but now needs to be said. That we recognise that our success in Britain can never be separated from events beyond our shores. Global challenges rebound on us at home. And to grapple only with the effects of war, poverty, climate change, pandemics, or irregular migration, when they arrive on our doorstep, is to set ourselves up to fail. We must work with others to solve these problems at root, to tackle the causes. Britain is stronger when we do so. So we are changing our approach on the global stage too. My message today is this. We are returning the UK to responsible global leadership. Because I think the international system can be better. We need it to be better. People talk about an age of polarisation, impunity, instability, an unravelling of the UN Charter. And I fear that a sense of fatalism has taken hold. But our task is to say no. We won't accept this slide into greater and greater conflict, instability and injustice. Instead, we will do all we can to change it. This is the moment to reassert fundamental principles and our willingness to defend them, to recommit to the UN, to internationalism, to the rule of law. to work together for peace, progress and equality. Because it is right, yes, absolutely. But also because it is plainly in our self-interest. So we are ready to step up, in a spirit of respect and equal partnership. I don't claim that solving these problems is easy. But there are positive, practical things that we can do together. This starts with addressing the rising tide of conflict and preventing a regional war in the Middle East. I call on Israel and Hezbollah, stop the violence. Step back from the brink. We need to see an immediate ceasefire to provide space for a diplomatic settlement. And we are working with all partners to that end. Because further escalation serves no one. It offers nothing but more suffering for innocent people on all sides and the prospect of a wider war that no one can control and with consequences that none of us can foresee. This is intimately linked with the situation in Gaza, where again we need to see an immediate ceasefire. It shames us all that the suffering in Gaza continues to grow. The answer is diplomacy, the release of all the hostages and the unfettered flow of aid to those in need. That is the only way to break this devastating cycle of violence and begin the journey towards a political solution for the long term, which delivers the long-promised Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel. We must also work together for peace in Sudan and a proper response to the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today. We need to see greater action to deliver aid and to deliver peace. The world cannot look away. And we must stand up for international law. And that's why we are so resolute in our support for Ukraine. They are exercising their right to self-defense as provided for under the UN Charter and recognized by 141 members of this assembly. We will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes. because the alternative would be to confirm the worst claims about this place, that international law is merely a paper tiger and that aggressors can do what they will. We will never let that happen because it is our duty to respond to a more dangerous world with strength, to keep our people safe. But alone, that's not enough. That's not the limit of our responsibility. We must also work together to make the world less dangerous. And so we have to face some hard truths. The institutions of peace are struggling, underfunded, under pressure, and over-politicized. The entire framework of arms control and counterproliferation, painstakingly constructed after decades has begun to fall away. Iran continues to expand its nuclear activity in violation of its international commitments. Incredible new technologies like AI are being deployed for military use without agreed rules. These are difficult challenges to grip and too urgent to ignore. That's why the new pact for the future is so important. We must put new energy and creativity into conflict resolution and conflict prevention, reverse the trend towards ever greater violence, make the institutions of peace fit for purpose, and hold members to their commitments under the UN Charter. But again, reducing conflict is not the limit of our responsibility. Other global challenges impact us, too. So we must work to get the SDGs back on track. So, Mr. President, under my leadership, the UK will lead again, tackling climate change at home and internationally, and restoring our commitment to international development. Like many of you, in a few weeks' time, I will be traveling to Samoa for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. where a generation of children are having to contemplate fleeing their island of their birth for good. The threat of climate change is existential, and it's happening in the here and now. So we have to reset Britain's approach. We have lifted the de facto ban on onshore wind in England, ended new oil and gas licenses, and created great British energy as we become the first major economy to transition to clean power by 2030. And I'm pleased to tell you that, yes, we will meet our net zero target, backed up with an ambitious NDC at COP29, consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, and will support others to do the same. I know that finance is at the heart of this, so the UK will continue to be a leading contributor to international climate finance that includes supporting nature and forests, because this is vital for biodiversity and reducing emissions. And it includes funding for climate adaptation, because those who did not cause this crisis should not be left to cope with the consequences. And the UK will also continue to be a leading contributor to development, committed to returning to 0.7% when fiscal circumstances allow. But let's be frank. Public finance will never fully meet the needs. So we must use it as a multiplier to unlock much greater levels of private investment. And we have already started this work. I can announce today that we're creating a new facility, the British International Investment, which will work with the City of London to mobilize billions in pension and insurance funds to invest in boosting development and fighting climate change. This is a great British innovation. And if we're going to deliver in each of the areas I've talked about today, with all the benefits that we'll bring, then this is the kind of approach that we need to take. Innovating, thinking differently, moving faster, and being ready to change how we do things. in three key areas. First, we must change the international financial system to deliver a fairer deal for developing countries. We will use our seat on the boards of the IMF and the World Bank to argue for a bolder approach to tackle unsustainable debt, which is compounding poverty and inequality, depriving the sick of healthcare and children of education. We must tackle the barriers to investment which choke off the flow of private finance, and we must put a price on the true cost of emissions through a new levy on global shipping, with the proceeds going to tackle climate change and cut emissions even further. Crucially, we need to accelerate reform of the multilateral development banks so that they shoulder more risk, unlocking hundreds of billions more to help the poorest and build a low-carbon global economy. A critical milestone in the fight against poverty is approaching, with the replenishment of the International Development Association. This is the chance for everyone to show greater ambition so the IDA can be a bigger and better, helping more people, especially those in fragile states and conflict zones. On that basis, we will be ambitious too. We will increase our pledge and play our part in seizing the potential of this moment. Second, if we want the system to deliver for the poorest and most vulnerable, then their voices must be heard. We need to make the system more representative and more responsive to those who need it most. So we will make the case not just for fairer outcomes, but fairer representation in how we reach them. And this also applies to the Security Council. It has to change to become a more representative body, willing to act paralysed by politics. We want to see permanent African representation on the Council – Brazil, India, Japan and Germany as permanent members. And more seats for elected members as well. Finally, to support this, we will also change how the UK does things – moving from the paternalism of the past towards partnership for the future. listening a lot more, speaking a bit less, offering game-changing British expertise, and working together in the spirit of equal respect. Joining the Paris Pact for People and Planet, pursuing a new global Clean Power Allowance, standing for the new term on the Human Rights Council, and joining forces to tackle the toughest challenges like antimicrobial resistance, preparedness for the next pandemic, and outbreaks of deadly diseases like mpox. We are ready to work with all UN members because the scale of the challenges we face demands it, and our prosperity and security depends on it. I say it again, all this matters to Britain. Mr. President, by tackling conflict, making progress in the fight against climate change and poverty, and reforming the international system so that it's fit for the 21st century, we can realize the hope and the promise that shine through the founding documents of this organization. Together, in all our interests, we can change direction from the dangerous, destructive path we find ourselves on and turn instead towards the rule of law, towards cooperation, responsibility and progress, towards peace. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/united-kingdom-great-britain-and-northern-ireland","United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland","His Excellency","Keir Starmer","Prime Minister","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gb_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GB_EN.mp3" 111,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Luis Lacaya Poe, President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. A very good afternoon, everyone. I would like to greet everyone here, all delegations. Today is my last speech here as president to this assembly, and I would like to take this opportunity to greet everyone here, and in particular the delegation of Uruguay, who has worked so hard here at the United Nations. As is my last statement, I was looking over the previous statements I had delivered. And in these previous statements, there was a common thread. And this is in line with how I see my vision for our country and how states relate between each other. This is the concept of freedom with responsibility, responsible freedom. I would venture to say that the first can't exist without the second. The life in society is about the development of the individual and at the same time the common good. That is what our constitution said since our country became independent. And of course this has evolved over time with the changes in social customs. It is impossible to understand humanity without understanding the concessions that the individuals make for the common good. Essentially, we are social beings, and this ultimately impacts everyone, or at least that should be the case. And that is what inspired me. as president of my country and in the spirit that I have come with to this assembly. I am convinced that globalization will only continue further, and this represents an excellent opportunity to understand ourselves better and to take advantage of the synergies that can be taken advantage of when different cultures meet. This can be the case provided that we are tolerant and respectful of those who may think differently from us. At the same time, we must also deepen the criterion of freedom and justice, in particular here at the international stage. For this to be possible, we must all make this effort as far as we are able to. The effort to make concessions, of course, that doesn't mean the loss of freedom or independence or the loss of any sovereignty. At the same time, we also need to have fair mechanisms where international law is applied to all equally. regardless of the country's size and regardless of the country's economic power. We must work together to build international law which is credible and robust. Agreements, treaties, conventions, documents that are signed and are not implemented only leads to weakening international law. Of course, no country was obliged to participate in these organizations. That means that we can be and we are critical of how the organizations work in some ways. But what's the other option? It would be to isolate oneself. in this interconnected world. Well, that wouldn't make any sense. So a large part of the freedom within our countries and the international stage and to uphold justice, a large part of this falls on those who govern and leaders. And in this modern world, where speeches leads to actions. An important leader just with what they say can lead to positive or negative repercussions in their country or indeed beyond. That means that we must be much more careful when we try to stimulate unity and not division within and beyond nations. Politics has meant that some leaders have used division as a tool to reach power and to stay in power. But of course, there's one thing to defend one's own beliefs, or those shared by some individuals, and it's quite another thing to attack others' beliefs and others' way of life. In some countries, formal democracy in terms of elections, constitutions and laws, such as the material, which is the material democracy that citizens experience on a daily basis. Sometimes when that is weakened, that means that people's freedom can be affected. And I cannot ignore to mention what is happening in Venezuela. Among other things, because this isn't a new position that we are taking. Fortunately, we have always been far from this authoritarian regime, this intolerant regime, which has attacked freedom and the common good. We all know what has been going on for quite a while in that country. And many governments and many global leaders have turned a blind eye. And for a lack of interest, some of them, or unfortunately because of their interests, for some. I'm not going to go into the situation of the elections. Ultimately, one has to call out the regime and the situation of the elections and not just the distorted electoral process. This also has to be done in terms of the political persecution that is going on and the violations of human rights and arbitrary detentions. I know that many heads of state and government have spoken about this. It seems to me that now is the time to act. We need to act for Venezuela and for the Venezuelan people. And also, if the international community tolerates these attitudes, then we'll just wait to see what the next country would be that would be subjected to a similar fate as the Venezuelans are. Another matter that I touched upon in my previous statements here pertains to the environment and the economy. What we have as a vocation in terms of caring for the environment, there's always this separation that we see between the economy and the environment. And the first time that I came to this assembly and I heard speeches from heads of state on this matter, since then I am pleased to see that there has been something of an evolution, quite a quick evolution on this matter. Now we are seeing how the economy and the environment are interlinked, and this is excellent news for humanity. Sustainable financing. For instance, my country has been a pioneer in issuing instruments such as green bonds or access to loans where fulfilling environmental goals and caring for the environment is tied to these financial products according to performance. And this has a very important and interesting domino effect because it helps states to access financing and also to care for the environment. But also governments can then reward producers and those in industry for good behavior, for caring for the environment and for creating a clean economy. And ultimately that will lead to greater benefits in the future. I mentioned a few minutes ago the concept of justice and international law. Now, this law is applied differently in different cases. There are countries who pollute, And we see some countries who are making major efforts to try to improve their environmental situation. In order for this path to be sustainable in the medium and long term, the goals domestically should be fulfilled for each country. And at the same time, countries need to shoulder economic commitments. And in addition to just undertaking commitments, they have to fulfill them. Because in the absence of this implementation, ultimately that would lead to a loss of stimulus in caring for the environment. Lastly, I just wish to mention one other point that I have also touched upon previously. And on this, there hasn't been much positive change. I'm convinced that it is not possible to fully enjoy freedom in the international community if there isn't the freedom of trade, if there isn't free trade. Protectionism has hindered the development of our peoples. It has led to a vicious cycle where isolation is being stimulated and protectionism is being stimulated given these barriers that are being erected. We have to aim for a more open world for other countries' goods and services. And that does not in any way mean neglecting the domestic economy. It is possible to have open-facing policies in terms of trade and also stimulate the domestic economy. We have to build a more open world if we really believe in the equality of opportunities. the reverse case would be clear. That is to say, we would not be able to generate wealth and generate jobs and ultimately not be able to generate prosperity if we do not do this. I wish to repeat today a concept that I mentioned in one of my previous statements to this assembly. We are all one. I at that point was referring to the lessons of the pandemic, if some people hadn't noticed that at the time. Ultimately, this is an affirmation of common sense. And I think it should also be a compass for us in our daily work as we exercise power, both domestically and also in our bilateral relations and in the multilateral domain as well. Believe me, I am convinced that we will progress much more quickly and much more united if we do this. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/uruguay","Uruguay","His Excellency","Luis Lacalle Pou","President","26 September 2024",NA,"https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_UY_EN.mp3" 112,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency, Rashad Mohammed Al Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council of the Republic of Yemen. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. In the name of God, Your Majesties, Excellencies, Your Excellency, President of the General Assembly, Philemon Young, Your Excellency, Secretary General, Antonio Guterres. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a good omen that I am addressing you today while we celebrate a glorious national occasion for the Yemeni people, which is the 26th of September, when our Yemeni people made history 62 years ago by overthrowing the Imamite racist regime and proclaiming the Republic. This is an opportunity. to reiterate our congratulations to the people of Yemen everywhere and to express our pride and appreciation of the courage of those young men and women and opinion leaders who challenge every year on this day, this glorious day, the Houthi oppression machine supported by the Iranian regime. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, The government of Yemen remains committed to just and comprehensive peace in line with national, regional, and international terms of reference. It is, however, necessary to strengthen its position to face any other choices in light of the ongoing Houthi militia's escalation on the local and regional levels and their threat to international navigation. To prevent the expansion and prolongation of this escalation, there's an urgent need for a collective approach to support the government of Yemen and to reinforce its institutional capabilities to protect its territorial waters and to secure all of its national territory. Without addressing these needs and without implementing the relevant international resolutions prohibiting the flow of Iranian weapons and drying up the funding sources, These militias will not engage in any efforts to achieve just and comprehensive peace, and they will not refrain from blackmailing the regional and international communities. History teaches us that leniency with the enemies of peace leads to the most heinous wars, to the most complex and costly ones. Despite the truce approved by the government of Yemen in April 2022, these militias persisted in their military breaches and in their grave violations of human rights and of national and international laws. In October 2022, Houthi militias bombarded the oil exportation ports in the governorates of Hadramaut and Shabwa, thus depriving the Yemeni people from the needed revenues to pay salaries and basic services, which exacerbated the humanitarian plight and led to an unprecedented devaluation of our national currency. Recently, the government suspended its decision to transfer the headquarters of banks from Sana'a, which is under the control of the militias, to the temporary capital, Aden, heeding the call of the UN and international community to de-escalate provided that the Houthis engage in serious talks to address the economic crisis and to revive the peace efforts in line with the roadmap mediated by our brethren in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Despite all the above, the militias hijacked three planes owned by Yemeni airlines. They attacked the Safar oil facility in the governorate of Ma'rib with drones They issued racist orders and laws to nominate their affiliates in specific public function positions, especially in the judiciary. This suggests that they will be taking more oppressive measures against public freedoms and civic work. This ongoing pattern of reckless escalation in response to de-escalation initiatives requires the international community to take firm policies and push these militias towards the choice of peace in line with international resolutions, particularly Resolution 2216, instead of their senseless escalation. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, four months ago, terrorist Houthi militias arrested dozens of UN personnel to be added to the thousands of innocent men, women, children, elderly who disappeared in their prisons years ago, particularly activist Mohammed Qahtan included in a Security Council resolution. There is a widespread belief that the United Nations is responsible for giving these militias the opportunity to kidnap this unprecedented number of relief workers and NGO staff, as well as activists and civil society leaders, by not heeding the call of the Yemeni government to transfer their headquarters from Sana'a to the temporary capital, Aden. By not taking seriously these militias and by keeping their headquarters in Sana'a, the United Nations unintentionally enabled these terrorists to take their personnel and assets as hostages and to use them as a bargaining chip to blackmail the international community and to achieve negotiation concessions that cannot be accepted under any circumstances. This ongoing situation cannot be defended nor justified. The presence of UN headquarters in Sana'a emboldens these militias that are designated on terrorist lists, and it endangers relief workers and human rights defenders, hence the need to reconsider these policies and measures immediately. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, Houthi militias, with their ongoing terrorist attacks on international maritime navigation in the Red Sea and the surrounding waterways, prove that they represent a growing threat not only to Yemen, as some used to believe, but also to the stability of the region as a whole and to the secure flow of international trade, which exceeds trillions of dollars. Today, they are reinforcing their position as the first rebel group in history having used ballistic missiles and drones against civilian commercial vessels. Late last month, Houthi militias hit the Sonian tanker, which was carrying one million barrels of crude oil, causing fires which could have led to one of the worst oil spills in history before the vessel was salvaged by the international coalition. This is not the first such incident caused by these militias. These militias boasted having sinked two vessels previously. They also hindered for years the efforts to save the decaying sulfur tanker, which was carrying similar amounts of crude oil. It proves that their terrorist activities will remain an ongoing threat to maritime navigation. Ladies and gentlemen, for years the Yemeni economy has been facing complex challenges, but the terrorist Houthi attacks on the oil facilities deepened the funding crisis and deprived the people and government of Yemen from necessary revenues to pay salaries and provide services. The economic war waged by these militias are part of a larger hostile strategy aiming at weakening the ability of the government to provide basic services and to pay public service salaries, thus aggravating the humanitarian crisis for more than 14 million Yemenis. The international community should seriously consider the devastating effects of these terrorist acts and to provide the vital infrastructure to defend maritime transportation vessels in Yemeni ports to support the right of the Yemenis and of the Yemeni government to benefit from their resources and improve their living conditions. Protecting the arteries of the Yemeni economy is necessary not only to recover and rebuild our future, but it is important also for the stability of the region and for the security of energy on the long term. Therefore, we reiterate our call to the international community to provide immediate comprehensive support to address the devastating humanitarian conditions and to lay the foundations for a long-term economic recovery. This should include not only immediate humanitarian assistance to alleviate sufferings, but it should also include accountability mechanisms, especially in the regions under Houthi control. It also requires greater investments in infrastructure, healthcare, education, and sustainable development. It requires building the national capacities to curb the impact of climate change, which has left hundreds of victims and displaced thousands within the last two months. Yemen's recovery is not only a national matter, it is a regional and international need. The stability of Yemen is decisive to safeguard peace and stability in the region and trade routes in the Arabian and Red Seas, as well as surrounding waterways, including the Suez Canal. We have appreciated international support in the past, and we will keep thanking you for shouldering your moral responsibilities We also thank the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy led by the KSA and the UAE to meet the aspirations of the Yemeni people to stability, peace, and prosperity, and provide the resources we need to rebuild our institutions and our social fabric. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, the Arab region is facing today a challenging test in building the state and in joining the civilizational progress However, every time the countries of the region achieve a true transformation towards development, peace, and prosperity, and towards empowering their people to exercise their political, economic, and social rights, they are met with evil forces which intervene with their destructive agendas emboldened by the international leniency towards these rogue groups and their supporters. The outcome of this battle between the forces of peace and the axis of evil will determine who will survive, develop, and develop on this part of the world. It will determine whether the region will be dragged into more chaos, civil wars, hegemony, weapons, oppression, and underdevelopment. The road to peace goes through the forces of moderation in the region led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has been defending the international resolutions and which extended a helping hand by hosting millions of those fleeing wars and armed conflicts. Therefore, we are grateful for these countries, and the world should depend on them to lay the foundations of peace and stability and to maximize our benefits from their economic and social development. Ladies and gentlemen, we should end the false rhetorics concerning the issue of Yemen, especially those minimizing the role of Iran and of their weapons and proxies in destabilizing Yemen, the region and the world. Ladies and gentlemen, the brutal Israeli war on the Palestinian people should cease immediately. This is the first step to achieve peace. and to eliminate Iran's proxies, which are escalating the situation in the region. Iran has been manipulating the just Palestinian cause, and this did not come from a vacuum. It stems from a history of blackmailing and of propaganda only leading to undermining the peace process and reversing the gains of the Palestinian people and their right to establish a fully sovereign independent state. The same holds true for Yemen, ending the plight And as is the case for Yemen, ending the plight of the Palestinian people should be based on implementing international resolutions, especially the Arab Peace Initiative. And as is the case for both Yemen and Palestine, the only way to deter the wanton Israeli aggression on Lebanon will be through a firm stance from the international community and through the unity of all the Lebanese and their independent decision and the non-interference in their internal affairs so that the Lebanese state can recover the choice of peace and war. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. It is important to recall that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights quotes, I quote, the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all the members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. End of quotation. Today, these values are undermined and as are the ethics and national and international norms with the grave violations perpetrated by by leaders of Al-Qaeda and Daesh and by the Houthi militias, promising the world more devastation. Thank you, and may the peace of God be upon you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Presidential Leadership Council of the Republic of Yemen,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/yemen","Yemen","His Excellency","Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi","President of the Presidential Leadership Council","26 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ye_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_YE_EN.mp3" 113,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Eddie Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Thank you. As we meet today, we confront yet another year of complex crisis and conflict as deeply divided world watches. Our prospects for a more peaceful, just, and equitable world are blurred today. Our times are challenging. A few days ago, we committed to the pact of the future a sound framework with a high level of ambition and actionable deliverables. We have made other similar major commitments in the past. We have not always kept them, to put it very mildly. We have paid the price. This is yet another chance, one we take under pressure to make a difference for a more peaceful and prosperous future, while the time we live in could not be grimmer. Albania humbly joins this discussion after the conclusion of its mission for the first time at the UN Security Council. We aim to represent this community of countries that stand together for those values and principles that are non-negotiable, and we sincerely hope to have met the expectations of many. Today, more than ever, we need tolerance and trust, and an extended hand of friendship to each other. Make no mistake, by tolerance I do not mean complacency. Tolerance demands that we go beyond our comfort zones and not merely tolerate, but tolerate respectfully, actively, and graciously by not simply accepting others' views, but constantly engaging with the complexity of all our own histories. Tolerance for us Albanians is not merely the passive acknowledgement and grudging acceptance of someone's diversity. That form of tolerance, the tolerance that Muslims and Christian Albanians expressed during World War II towards the Jews by putting their lives on the line against evil and making Albania the only country in Europe to end the war with more juice than it had when the war began requires its own partisan spirit. It requires engaging with the one who is different from us, accommodating disagreements with respect, and continuing to build bridges so that we can continue to debate and foster further understanding and peace by putting ourselves in the others' shoes. But it also requires that we continue to challenge ourselves by reflecting on the possibility of our own biases and prejudices, by reflecting on the arbitrariness and unilaterality that we attribute to others, and by constantly interrogating our own double moral standards. It is with a trust in humanity and humanism that Albania became a safe haven for the people who escaped death after the fall of Kabul under the Taliban, who were welcomed and accepted by my country, while bigger and richer EU member states of NATO turned back to them. In the same spirit, We gave shelter to several thousand Iranian refugees whose lives were in daily danger in Camp Liberty in Iraq, where they were raided and killed by Tehran assassins. We paid a dear price for being their hosts. The Tehran totalitarian regime engaged in a large-scale cyber attack against Albania, which aimed to bring the country to its knees. by wiping out all our digital infrastructure of public services. They were very brutal, but they failed miserably. We didn't waver and will not waver in our commitment to shelter those people in our country for as long as it takes. Our hospitality was not and is not at all related to any political stance against Iran, but only to humanitarian belief engraved in our spirit as a nation. We recently extended a hand of help to our neighbor and special friend Italy in an effort to ease the difficulties that geography has burdened on them, with one of the most pressuring phenomena of our times, immigration. Meanwhile, instead of just talking, we try to act without pretending to solve the huge immigration problem in Europe, but on the other hand, without just sitting around and by trying to build and add something constructive, we just did our part. This attitude of solidarity, cooperation, and good neighborly relations is the linchpin of our policy in our region, the Western Balkans. In our region, after more than a quarter of a century, The deep wounds left by the violent disintegration of the former Yugoslavia still need to be healed. But we have also seen the construction of peace reflected above all by the vision, unparalleled wisdom, and courage that led to the creation of the European Union. All of us in the Western Balkans have tried for over a decade to come together. and meet and talk about the challenges and plans for our common future. It is Albania's firm belief that we need to look at the past with the eyes of the future and not look at the future with the eyes of the past. Today, the peoples of the Balkans have a moment of historical opportunity in a context of historical danger in the wider Europe, where The Russian aggression against Ukraine should serve us all as a permanently ringing bell. I would say that the Western Balkans is in a much better position today than ever before. But we must work tirelessly and patiently among ourselves in the region and above all with our allies and partners to make sure that the return to the past is not just impossible, but simply unimaginable. In this context, our brotherly Republic of Kosovo is an irreversible reality as a state among the six countries of the Western Balkans with a clear European perspective and an undisputed allegiance to the large democratic community of nations. Any artificially drawn parallels between Kosovo and the occupied areas of Ukraine are meant to distract and to confuse whomever possible under this roof and the whole international public opinion, but they can never achieve to delude the truth, which is Kosovo is now an intrinsic part of the international reality, an inspiring member of the Euro-Atlantic community, and must not be held hostage by anyone with false pretensions and excuses, starting with a group of five EU members. that still do not recognize Kosovo's rightful place in every international forum and organization. In the third year of the unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression of Russia against Ukraine, we feel compelled to renew our call for Russia to stop this war. This is a war that neither Ukraine nor our community of like-minded nations choose. a catastrophe conceived by the decision of one country and indeed one delusional dreamer of an old imperial past. Rewarding an aggressor who annexes the territories of a sovereign country by disarming the victim of the aggression does not bring peace but paves the way for more war. All those who seek peace by stopping Ukraine instead of stopping the neo-imperialist Russia's aggression are wrong. And they should be aware of a very simple truth. A peace that defeats Ukraine would bring only further aggression and will turn our world into one ruled by might, not by right. Yes, we seek peace, too, and we want peace to be made between Ukraine and Russia as soon as possible. And, of course, we would support any peace attempt and format that would include Russia around the table. But we seek a just peace based on the Charter of these United Nations, international law, and the resolutions of this General Assembly of the United Nations, a peace that cannot undermine Ukraine and its rights. Earlier this year in Tirana, our capital, we hosted the second summit between Ukraine and Southeast Europe and welcomed President Zelenskyy, a true and brave leader of resistance which is not simply a resistance to a brutal aggression against their homeland, but at the same time, a resistance for the very existence of democracy and the just, ruled, based Europe and world. Albania will continue to stand by Ukraine and support it for as long as necessary and as long as a lasting, just peace is achieved. There is another war waging in Europe's southeast, too. Albania stands firm in its position that there is no place for Hamas and its likes in the world we want to live in, in a fully recognized right of the Palestinian people to have their own safe place in this world and their right to give birth and raise their children in their own state. Guaranteeing such a basic condition for millions of Palestinians is much easier said than done, just as it is much easier said than done for the Jewish people to live in their land without anyone around questions their right to exist. We need to restore our moral compass in the Middle East. Yes, of course. But there is no moral compass that can relativize and, God forbid, normalize terror and a terrorist organization like Hamas as a part of the peace we all want between Israel and Palestine. Doing so would be like relativizing the scourge of anti-Semitism and accepting to coexist with a new vicious form of Nazism, which is the worst thing that could have happened for so many years to first and foremost the Palestinian people themselves. Nevertheless, it is not too difficult. to state loudly and strongly that so much violence and destruction cannot be the long-term solution for both Israel and Palestine and should stop. We reaffirm here our national support for a just and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on the two-state solution. Albania supports the international community efforts related to this conflict through dialogue and negotiations, leading to a true independent state solution, living in peace and good neighborliness, a functional state of Palestine and a secure state of Israel, which instead of being lectured from far away, should be supported with no yes buts, in its fight against terror, while still more than 100 innocent people are being kept hostage in hellish holes under the face of the earth by the butchers of the last year, October the 7th. The rule of law stands at the heart of one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, a goal which plays the role of the enabler and accelerator of all other sustainable development goals. Its importance stands on the promise of achieving more inclusive, just and peaceful societies. Without strong institutions, access to justice and respect for human rights, progress on other goals, such as ending poverty, ensuring food security, promoting health and well-being, including fighting climate change, will be limited. Albania is living proof of the radical transformation of good governance practices and mindset. Our public services are now 95% paperless, and the digitalization of access and services has curbed corruption, informality, and mistrust in institutions. With its unprecedented justice reform, Albania has invested tremendously over the last few years in achieving SDG 16 as a crucial tool for achieving a sustainable future for social progress, economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and justice. But for a developing country, the struggle for just and fair institutions, and good governance is not one that can be won within a year, through some reforms, or even during a single decade. On the contrary, it is a perpetual effort to transform domestically, over making to the most effective practices of providing access to citizens at all levels and instances of government. We are committed to playing our part and collaborating with the international community to ensure the successful realization of our Albania 2030 vision, building upon the ongoing work During our previous mandate, as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, we will continue to work with like-minded countries to improve the governance and institutional efficiency for the UN, as well as multilateralism and respect for human rights. As a member of the Human Rights Council, Albania is committed to the universal principles of human rights and dignity in a world where every human being can realize their full potential and live with dignity and respect. A very dear daughter of the Albanians, Saint Mother Theresa once said, I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many rivals. No better saying can mirror today's need to work together on what is clearly the substance of multilateralism. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania The Assembly will hear an address by her Excellency.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/albania","Albania","His Excellency","Edi Rama","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/al_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AL_EN.mp3" 114,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Xavier Esposa Mora, head of the government of the Principality of Andorra. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Secretary General, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to begin by extending my congratulations to His Excellency Mr. Philemon Yang on his election as President of the 79th General Assembly. I would like to thank you, President, for having chosen unity in diversity, sustainable development and human dignity everywhere for everyone. as the theme. Andorra could not be any more in agreement than we are with this goal, which we fully support because my country is tangible, real proof that people are able to live together peacefully for more than 800 years. Indeed, thanks to our understanding and mutual respect shown by our inhabitants, our country has never had a war and we've never had an army. Andorra has always been an oasis of peace, tolerance and cohabitation, including during the most troubled times of the old continent. I'd also particularly like to thank the Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, for his perseverance, for always preferring the path of conciliation and for his message in favour of international law and against climate change. I would also like to stress the impetus that the Secretary General has given to the summit of the future which gave rise to the Pact for the Future that my country has signed. The goal of this is to strengthen the multilateral system, to adopt concrete measures, to address new challenges, and establish a roadmap to address existential risks to humanity, civilization, and most people on Earth. Classical authors, they are the basis of Western culture. They tell us, and I use the present tense because they never died, They say that all speech is vain and empty unless it be accompanied by action. What is important are the things that we do throughout our lives. All civilizations are born in specific circumstances, and very often they go down in history thanks to their conquests. But what is the conquest of this civilization? What is its vocation? And what is the heritage that it will leave behind? Or rather, what is the conquest vocation and heritage that we want this civilization to leave to future generations. Ladies and gentlemen, today in the West, we very often forget that democracy goes over and above simply putting your ballot in the box every four or five years. The very substance of the concept of democracy is the values involved, dignity, tolerance, equality, freedom, respect for people and nations. These values are human rights, the rights that this General Assembly has decided to protect 76 years ago by adopting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It would seem that the spirit in which this declaration was forged, a symbol of peace and dignity following two devastating world wars, is failing little by little. The forward march of extremist political positions is a reaction in the light of something that is viewed as a threat, an order that's viewed as a threat. The feeling that a recent past has been lost and it's better than the present, that has invaded current generations and heightened by the idea that climate change will worsen living conditions and that globalization and migration flows will dilute and depersonalize our societies and that children and young people today will live less well than their parents did. We find ourselves at a key moment in history where the debate cannot be hidden behind rhetorical language to avoid the situation. We will soon be celebrating the 80th anniversary of the United Nations, and this organization must continue to be the cornerstone of our world, to be an organization where states and the nations that make it up are moving in the same direction with the same goal, to respond effectively to the great challenges of our times in order to leave future generations a heritage which promises hope. Ladies and gentlemen, we have never had so many tools to bring about cooperation and dialogue. In the light of a very complex reality, but convinced as we are of the equality between nations, we must ensure the implementation of the Charter of the United Nations, strengthened by the pillars of the defense of human rights as well as the defense of international humanitarian law. Those are the things and those alone that must govern relations between states. The serious situations in Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon and Sudan and other regions where we see conflicts that have become permanent, particularly in the region of the Sahel, we cannot remain indifferent to these. We must urgently become mobilized to achieve the most noble goal of politics, peace. We must come together and find solutions to conflicts without violence or recourse to military resources. We would call upon all parties to work for peace and that they respect international humanitarian law and that they obey it. Because nothing can justify the attacks suffered by civilian populations. Nothing can justify the attacks against hospitals and schools, and nothing can justify using hunger as a strategy of war. Nothing can justify such irrational behaviour. Children are the main victims of this. Children and young people take pride of place on the international agenda of Andorra because we firmly believe that they are the present and the future of humanity, which means that all actions to benefit them become strategic actions for the development of a country, of any country. This is why, since its creation, we have supported the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and, more recently, the study on the impact of climate change on children and armed conflict. When I asked you at the beginning of my statement what conquest, what vocation and what heritage did we want to leave behind, there can be no doubt a world in peace for our children and our young people, a world that provides opportunities to each and every one of them. This is the great responsibility which we bear to ensure that future generations do not have a life worse than ours, but rather that they are fully able to participate in progress as we have agreed in recent days in the Summit of the Future. Excellencies, Andorra joined the United Nations in 1993. The international context at the time was full of hope, the reunification of Europe after the Cold War. We decided to become a member of the United Nations with the conviction that we wanted to be a society open to the world, which shares with the international community its opportunities and its challenges. We believe that the problems of the world are also our problems, and it is for that reason that we wanted and want to participate in solving them. Three decades have gone by since then, and although we see the Cold War re-emerging and whilst in the Middle East we see increasing tensions and whilst extremism is advancing and is of concern, Andorra fully believes in its international commitments and multilateralism. We believe that these are the best and the only instruments to resolve the current crisis. But Andorra also attaches particular importance to regional cooperation, particularly that deployed by the European Union, with which Andorra is negotiating an association agreement, which will mean that we will be able progressively and in a structured way to enter the European single market to diversify our economy and participate in building a geographic, economic, and political reality, that of the European Union with a privileged status of associated state. Whether it be obligations that we undertake when joining an international organization or by signing an international treaty, Andorra acts to fully respect its commitments. And as small as my country might appear to major states, that in no way takes away from our ambitious objectives. And this is always essential, as is our multilateralism, the climate emergency, gender equality, the digital transition and cultural diversity. On that last point, Andorra is very proud to have co-facilitated for one further year the resolution on multilingualism at the United Nations together with Guatemala. Ladies and gentlemen, climate change is undoubtedly a global threat. But it's also true that it affects certain countries more than others. This is the case for coastal regions where the sea level is increasing and mountainous regions where the ecosystem has become more vulnerable. This is the case for Andorra. The effects of climate change risk changing the way of life of its inhabitants and even the economy of the country. And it's for this reason that we have made the fight against climate change one of our main goals. internationally as well as nationally. Since the ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2011, Andorra has met its communication obligations by respecting the principles of transparency, coherence, comparability, exhaustivity and accuracy, and we have even implemented certain things ahead of time with regard to the Convention. In 2015, Andorra was one of the first to join the Framework Convention and produce our NDC, nationally determined contribution. We updated it in 2020 and 2022, and we plan to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In 2023, Andorra was the first state to present its biannual report on transparency, which showed once again the importance that we attach to our commitment to fight against climate change. Nationally, we have also undertaken great efforts to implement a new energy policy to progressively increase the national production of renewable energy and replace heat production systems with less polluting systems. This policy in favour of renewable energy was led by the public sector with the implementation of very ambitious legislation and using significant aid and action plans. However, do you know that all of these efforts will be in vain if other countries do not do the same thing, if we are not all moving in the same direction? Because fighting climate change is the most urgent global challenge that we have, the broadest challenge which requires the highest possible level of cooperation, collaboration, generosity and respect. Ladies and gentlemen, We are at the midway point in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 agenda, and we are going to soon be in the final home stretch. What has been achieved is already deceiving, bearing in mind that behind the results are millions of people who are suffering the consequences. The Sustainable Development Goals are certainly very ambitious. But if we decide to implement them with persistence, creativity, and innovation, then we can bring about real change by taking as a principle inclusion and making gender equality a reality, sustainability a norm, the protection of children an inviolable principle, and by ensuring that divides are overcome once and for all. The poet and novelist of France, Louis Aragon, wrote that the future of men is women. That was in 1963 on the eve of full equality between men and women, a genuine declaration of love and admiration for his wife, his muse. In certain parts of the world, we still have a lot to do in order to understand that it's in our interest that women have the same chances to learn and develop their talents and to work and to earn their living as do men. In Andorra, equality, non-discrimination and inclusion are cross-cutting elements of public policy. We have adopted legislative measures in this regard in order to respect our commitments and to fully achieve these goals. That is a logical consequence in a society where women play a very active part in public affairs. but over and above public policy, the key element of social transformation is education. Equal education does not just mean teaching girls and boys to mutually respect each other. It means giving them the tools necessary to question social norms which perpetuate inequalities and to enable them to build a society where every individual is able to develop themselves to their full potential, whatever their gender. Currently, parity is respected in our institutions in decision-making positions. And for the first time, we've had the honour to have an Andorran expert on the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. But bringing about gender equality requires determination and perseverance. on the part of each and every one of us. As representatives of our respective countries, we have the moral and political obligation to promote this transformation. We must become committed to ensure that gender equality is not just a long-term aspiration, but a concrete reality in our societies. That is the only solution that will guarantee a better future for future generations. excellencies, access to information is in the process of redefining the paradigms of growth and economic and social development. As public services and the private sector are being converted to the digital world, the divide that separates those that have access to this world and those don't is becoming ever more pernicious. The Global Digital Compact that we adopted during the Summit for the Future includes actions in favor of digital literary actions in order to guarantee an inclusive, open, safe, and protected digital future. In this area, multilateralism has a crucial role to play to create opportunities, and at the same time, it must guarantee accessibility and security in this new virtual space of globalization. For small states such as Andorra, these technologies have the potential to provide resources with exponential added value. Aware as we are of the situation, and our manifest need to diversify our economy, Andorra has made huge strides in this area. Currently, 96% of Andorran homes have an internet connection. The country has implemented a national strategy for digital transition, which is particularly focused on digital rights of citizens and respect for Sustainable Development Goals 9, 16 and 17, with the creation of an ethical and legal framework that preserves digital rights, protecting private life and data security, and ensuring free access to digital information, because we want all citizens to be able to access the digital world and thus avoid situations of inequality. Ladies and gentlemen, the Principality of Andorra made a commitment to this organization of peoples and for peoples 30 years ago in the hope that a better world would be possible because our country, a small size, can also make exemplary choices. We presented ourselves to the world as an ancestral land which finally has found its place in the community of nations. a country that is open to the world with a constructive spirit and a peaceful disposition, open to dialogue in favour of comprehension and harmony between peoples. These are the values that continue to guide us nationally and internationally. It is important that all peoples promote a new culture of peace based on an end to war, and on a commitment to bring about peace agreements to resolve conflicts. Development must reach all four corners of the planet, where fundamental rights must be respected, and it is essential that this new digital universe be based on knowledge. I began my intervention by quoting the classical authors If I may, I'd like to end in the same way. There's a work that is at the heart of Greek literature that has left its mark on Western culture and which is very difficult to forget. It refers to conquest and destruction, hatred, compassion, love, and death. Homer's Iliad is in a certain way a mirror of the human condition. Even though this work shows that life is not always fair, and that it is subject to the will of the gods, it also shows us that human relations can, if we want them to be, profoundly humane. And I think that we must take ownership of this message. It is important to believe in humanity and to work to build all of us together, peace in the world, as well as a world of solidarity that is more just and more inclusive. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the head of government of the Principality of Andorra.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/andorra","Andorra","His Excellency","Xavier Espot Zamora","Head of Government","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ad_fr.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ad_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AD_EN.mp3" 115,"The Assembly will hear and address by His Excellency Gaston Alfonso Brown, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Corporate Governance and Public-Private Partnerships of Antigua and Barbuda. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, today we all stand at the edge of a precipice. Never before has humanity been confronted with such stark choices to end wars or condemn humanity to endless suffering, to eliminate poverty or watch millions starve, to act on climate change or doom future generations to a scorched planet. The choices we make today here in this assembly and in every institution of governance will shape the survival of entire nations and the future of our world. For small states like Antigua and Barbuda, these are not distant realities. They are existential threats. Our islands are on the front lines of a climate catastrophe that we did not cause, a debt crisis we did not create, and conflicts in which we have no part. And yet, we suffer the heaviest toll. The world is at a pivotal point, and inaction is no longer an option for any of us. Small island developing states are the first to suffer, but we certainly will not be the last. All will be consumed if we continue to dither and delay. SIDS have learned to fight for survival against the rising seas and violent storms. But today, we must also fight for something greater, the survival of justice, equity, peace, and human dignity itself. The time for games and lofty rhetoric has passed. We demand committed, concrete action, and we demand it now. We do not do so only for ourselves, but for all of humanity. The fourth United Nations conference in small island developing states, SIDS IV, is a pinnacle of monumental achievement, a milestone that marks not only our collective progress as SIDS, but also our unrelenting resolve. SIDS IV gave birth to the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, the Abbas. a renewed declaration for resilient prosperity. This agenda is not just a roadmap for the future, it is a lifeline for now. For SIDS, the Abbas represents the difference between thriving and perishing. It's our roadmap to a prosperous future. At its core is the SIDS Center of Excellence, built by SIDS for SIDS. This center is intended to be more than just an institution. It is an instrument for meaningful change, a center for groundbreaking technologies, revolutionary processes, and certainly pioneering solutions. With its global data hub, innovation, and technology mechanism, as well as the Ireland Investment Forum and Debt Sustainability Support Service, the DSSS, The center of excellence can be literally transformed the way in which we adapt to our vulnerabilities and set a path for resilient prosperity. However, this vision cannot succeed in isolation. We need the cooperation and support of the global community to ensure its success. Without global cooperation, our hope of a secure future within our countries will crumble under the weight of inaction. That is why today I call for unwavering commitment of the international community to the center's success. Our survival depends on it. Mr. President, climate change is not an abstract or academic threat. For my people and the people of SIDS, it is a persistent and destructive reality. Intense hurricanes are now an annual terror. Coastal erosion is wiping away our productive areas for tourism and agriculture. The climate crisis is not on the horizon. It is here, now burning through our ecosystems, flooding our villages, and leaving us with fewer tomorrows. And yet, we find ourselves at an absurd situation. Continue to subsidize the very industries that are accelerating our destruction. Fossil fuel companies have become the architects of our demise while generating ostentatious profits for their owners. We must fight to end this madness, and I emphasize that we must fight to end this madness in protection of our planet and the interests of humanity. We need a fossil fuel nonproliferation treaty to halt the reckless destruction of our environment. to end fossil fuel subsidies and to chart a course toward a sustainable future with a negotiated and graduated transition. Let COP 29 be the moment we draw a line in the sand. Let it be known that we can no longer afford the luxury of delay. While we recognize that fossil fuels still play a vital role in the energy security of many countries, and we do not expect their production to cease overnight, we should not support companies extracting oil and gas to continue generating extravagant profits at the expense of our planet. It is only fair and just that these companies pay a global levy to fund mitigation efforts and compensation for the damage that they continue to inflict. And this is not punishment. It's climate justice. It is a moral and legal responsibility in which the polluter pays. And it is also very appropriate that the time for action is now. While we face the climate emergency, we are also drowning in a sea of plastic pollution that is choking our oceans and devastating our biodiversity. It is no longer a question if we act, but how swiftly we can mobilize against this threat. Our nations must commit to a binding treaty as required by the UNEA Resolution 5.14 to put an end to plastic pollution and safeguard our world's most fragile ecosystems. Let us not allow this tightening suffocation of our planet to continue. Distinguished delegates, Antigua and Barbuda, in concert with other small island developing states, has played a leading role in pursuit of climate justice. And I said to all of us that we cannot relent on the issue of climate justice. At COP26 in 2021, together with Tuvalu, we established the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law . Today, an expanded membership from the Caribbean and the Pacific stands united in our demand for accountability. In 2022, the Commission sought the first-ever advisory opinion from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the obligations of states to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In May of this year, the Tribunal rendered a historic opinion affirming that major polluters are under legally binding obligation to protect the oceans and, by extension, small island states from the catastrophic harm of climate change. This precedent sets the stage for the advisory proceedings now before the International Court of Justice, initiated under the leadership of Vanuatu, with the co-sponsorship of Antigua and Barbuda and other CIDs. It is remarkable that the smallest nations are those driving this global response to the greatest threat to human survival. Yet, despite our efforts, the COP process continues to fail us. Instead of limited global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, an essential threshold for survival, the world is hurtling towards a disastrous 2.8 degrees centigrade rise. This is nothing less than a death sentence for small island states, but it is also a harbinger for grief for the rest of the planet. We must demand that major polluters not only respect the obligations on international law, but also compensate us for the loss and damages that we have suffered. Those who preach about a rule-based international order must now lead by example. Rules must apply equally to all, including the mighty, not just to the poor and powerless. At COP29, we expect no further delay in the capitalization and operationalization of the loss and damage fund for which we have struggled so long and certainly so hard. Equity and fairness demand it. Mr. President, the fight for survival is not just about climate. It's about financial justice, reparatory justice, and other injustices in equity. The international financial system is skewed, outdated, and unjust, literally punishing the most vulnerable while rewarding the already rich and prosperous with favorable terms for their financial instruments. For too long, Small states like mine have been shackled by debt we did not cause, debt that arose from recovery spending on recurring disasters that are beyond our control. We cannot achieve climate justice without addressing the structural inequities in international financial architecture. It is time to lift the burdens that keep us bound to the past and unable to invest in our future. The SIDS Debt Sustainability Support Service is a critical mechanism that can provide tailored solutions utilizing debt for climate swaps, debt relief, repurposing of SDRs and carbon pricing funding to help us escape the cycle of unsustainable debt. This is not charity. It is the justice of financial inclusion. And in the end, by remedying past injustices, it will establish a world that is fairer, more just, and more at peace with itself. Excellencies, the adoption of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index, the MBI, which Antigua and Barbuda was honored to help advance in this organization, offers a path towards correcting the imbalance of unjust treatment accorded to small and vulnerable nations. It is a vital tool designed to acknowledge the complexities we face, not just in terms of limited economic capacity and other structural vulnerabilities and a lack of resilience, but also in our exposure to myriad external shocks. International financial institutions must act on this, integrating the MVI into their policies to ensure that support is targeted where it is most needed. The work has been done. The case has been made. The arguments are irrefutable. There can be no just and sustaining reform of the World Bank, other IFIs, and multilateral banks without their effective implementation and use of the MVI. There can be no legitimate excuse for failing to utilize the MVI. As I said before, the arguments for its use are irrefutable and just. Mr. President, these initiatives which SIDS have undertaken are a small component of the wider and more fundamental necessity for reform of the international financial architecture to provide greater funding accessibility and better terms to include lower interest rates and longer maturity transformations. They are part of the wider need for change to effectively address the historic imbalances against SIDS, including financial exclusion. International financial institutions and the nations that sit on their controlling boards must develop bespoke funding instruments that meet the needs of small, vulnerable states and other developing countries, taking into consideration their vulnerabilities and lack of resilience. Mr. President, We must also recognize that the principles of justice and equity we champion here apply equally to all nations and are conditions precedent for a peaceful world. In this spirit, Antigua and Barbuda calls for the end of the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism and for the lifting of the long-standing senseless embargo that has restricted its economic development. The time has come to cast off the chains of this outdated measure, which no longer serves the interests of our modern, interconnected world. Let us work together toward a future built in mutual respect and cooperation, where Cuba, like all nations, can fully participate in the global community. This is not a matter of politics. It's a matter of fairness and human dignity. The delegitimization of governments based on ideological differences utilizing misinformation and disinformation, including atrocity propaganda, serves no useful purpose but creates unnecessary tensions and conflicts. Let's embrace and respect our differences, standing in solidarity with each other in defense of global peace and prosperity. Excellencies. I wish now to address the grave issue of small arms and light weapons that are routinely exported from wealthy nations to our shores, creating havoc and instability. I call on the United States and other small arms and light weapons producing countries to put systems in place to curb the exportation of these lethal weapons to our shores. They are causing immense harm. This issue is now emerging as a public health epidemic among SIDS, to the extent that I hereby make a clarion call for a high-level meeting at the 80th UNGA to debate the threats of these weapons to peace and security and to devise effective solutions. Antigua and Barbuda cannot remain silent as innocent lives are destroyed and generations are condemned to fear and hatred. The events unfolding in the Middle East, particularly the conflict between Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah, are deeply troubling. The violence is destabilizing the entire region and reverberating across the world. Every missile fired, every life lost deepens wounds already too many to bear. The violations of international humanitarian law are alarming. We call on all parties to end the suffering by sitting down at the table of peace, where sincere negotiations can lead to a lasting solution. We believe that the only sustainable resolution is the creation of two sovereign states with borders respected and rights upheld. It is time for the people of this region and all conflict zones to end these conflicts and to give peace a chance. Let us give peace a chance. From Gaza to Sudan, Ukraine to Yemen, the scars of conflict run deep, leaving devastation in the awake. The anguish of families torn apart by war reverberates across the globe, and it is our collective humanity that bleeds. Conflict kills the victims of bullets and bombs, but it also diminishes all mankind. On September 17, inspired by the Secretary General's impassioned call for peace, I wrote to him proposing an initiative that transcends borders, language, and conflict. With that letter, I transmitted a concept note setting out a proposal for holding international music concerts for peace across every region of the world. This initiative is intended not only to raise our global voices in a unified course against the horrors of war and other conflicts, but also to raise critical funds to support displaced persons and those who continue to suffer. Music is a universal language. It speaks to the soul in ways that words cannot. In moments when words fall short, music carries our collective cries of peace and justice. This would be more than a performance. It would be a global appeal, a powerful demonstration that peace is not just an ideal. It is an absolute necessity, a survival imperative for this and future generations. I call on all nations, large and small, to support the concept of international music concerts for peace. Mr. President, The world is crumbling under the weight of crises that include poverty, wars, pandemic, and the climate devastation. We are at a defining moment, and the choices we make now will determine the fate of every nation, large and small. We can end these grave challenges, but it requires more than words. It demands decisive, concrete, unified action. Antigua and Barbuda, like all small states, does not stand on the sidelines. We stand on the principles of peace and love for common humanity, and in the path of struggle against these global predicaments we did not create. Yet we fight not just for ourselves, but for a world where justice reigns, where peace endures, and where future generations inherit not a planet in peril, but one that prospers. The world must act now. for the choices we make today will resonate through history. Let us choose peace. Let us choose justice. And let us choose the survival of our one human race in our one homeland, the planet Earth. Peace. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Corporate Governance and Public and Private Partnership of Antigua and Barbuda. The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Eddie Rama,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/antigua-and-barbuda","Antigua and Barbuda","His Excellency","Gaston Alphonso Browne","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ag_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AG_EN.mp3" 116,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia. President, friends, Stealed by the horror of the most catastrophic conflict in history, humanity forged our United Nations. Its purpose often defined not as taking us to heaven, but saving us from hell. Yet we convene this week with so much of the human family enshrouded in darkness. More conflict than any time since World War II. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Sudan, Myanmar, Yemen, Gaza and now Lebanon. Brutal, degrading conflict, ingraining hate and division, forcing peace into the unseeable distance and pulling neighbours into an endless, reflexive cycle of blame and retaliation. Such entrenched violence has its own gravity. More violence becomes the path of least resistance. Seeing past hatred is hard. Building trust is hard. Compromise is hard. Making peace is hard. But the future otherwise is not worthy of our children and the present not worthy of ourselves. We must remember why we built this institution. The United Nations system is where the world comes together to agree and uphold standards and rules to protect all of the world's peoples and the sovereignty of all nations. These rules always matter and never more so than in times of conflict when they help guide us out of darkness back toward the light, back on a path towards peace, stability and prosperity. Not long after we last gathered here, Israel was attacked by the terrorist group Hamas, which killed 1,200 people. This was the greatest loss of Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust, and Hamas continues to hold hostages. It was an attack that cannot and should not be justified. Like many countries, Australia has imposed sanctions on Hamas, its leaders, and financial facilitators. In Israel's response, more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed, more than 11,000 children, nearly 2 million Gazans displaced, some many times over, more than 2 million facing acute food insecurity. This must end. Palestinian civilians cannot be made to pay the price of defeating Hamas. All lives have equal value. Last month, we marked 75 years since the world established the Geneva Conventions, the foundations of international humanitarian law to limit human suffering in conflict. War has rules. Every country in this room must abide by them, even when confronting terrorists, even when defending borders. Israel must comply with the binding orders of the International Court of Justice, including to enable the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance at scale. Australia shares the frustration of the great majority of countries more than 77 years since this General Assembly adopted Resolution 181, a plan for two states side by side, one Jewish, one Palestinian. 77 years later, that Palestinian state still does not exist, long held out as the promise at the end of a peace process that has ground to a halt. The world cannot wait. We must all contribute new ways to break the cycle of conflict. Earlier this year, Australia voted in the General Assembly in support of Palestinian aspirations for full membership of the United Nations. We have sanctioned Israeli extremist settlers and will deny anyone identified as an extremist settler a visa to travel to Australia. But individual country actions alone are not moving the dial. The international community must work together to pave a path to lasting peace. The world cannot keep hoping the parties will do this themselves. We cannot allow any party to obstruct the prospect of peace. As I've said for many months, Australia no longer sees Palestinian recognition as the destination of a peace process, but a contribution towards momentum, momentum towards peace. Australia wants to engage on new ways to build momentum, including the role of the Security Council in setting a pathway for two states, with a clear timeline for the international declaration of Palestinian statehood. Because a two-state solution is the only hope of breaking the endless cycle of violence, the only hope to see a secure and prosperous future for both peoples. to give the Palestinian people the opportunity to realise their aspirations through self-determination, to strengthen the forces for peace across the region and undermine extremism. A two-state solution, Israel and Palestine is the opposite of what Hamas wants. Hamas does not want peace and it does not want security for the State of Israel. Any future Palestinian state must not be in a position to threaten Israel's security, and there can be no role for terrorists, and it will need a reformed Palestinian authority. Right now, the suffering across the region must end. Hostages must be released. Aid must flow. Australia has provided more than $80 million in humanitarian aid to support civilians who have been devastated by this conflict. But humanitarian aid is not a long-term answer. It is now nearly 300 days since Australia and 152 other countries voted for a ceasefire, and today I repeat that call. Just as I repeat Australia's call for a ceasefire in Lebanon and for parties to fully implement Resolution 1701, Lebanon cannot become the next Gaza. We know Australia is not a central player in the Middle East but we seek to be a constructive voice for peace and the upholding of international law including the protection of civilians. In order to protect civilians we must also protect aid workers who deliver the food, water and medicine civilians need to survive. Aid workers are the best of humanity. Their selfless devotion to improving the lives of others should not cost them their own. Yet 2023 was the deadliest year on record for aid workers and 2024 is on track to be even worse. Gaza is the most dangerous place on earth to be an aid worker. Australia felt this deeply with the IDF's strike against World Central Kitchen vehicles which killed Australian zombie Frank Hom and her colleagues. This was not a one-off incident. More than 308 workers have been killed since the start of the conflict. This week, Australia has convened a group of ministers to pursue a new declaration for the protection of humanitarian personnel. This declaration will be developed over the coming months to demonstrate the unity of the international community's commitment to protect aid workers and to channel that commitment into action in Gaza, in Sudan, in Ukraine and in all current and future conflicts. All countries will be invited to join the declaration and I want to thank my fellow ministers from Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Sierra Leone, Switzerland and the United Kingdom and the humanitarian leaders who have partnered with us in this. As Omifrancom's family said this week, People like Zomi are rare, and their bravery and selflessness should be not only celebrated but protected. They can't be brave at any cost. The world's peoples are counting on all of us here to rededicate ourselves to international humanitarian law and the rest of the rules we have agreed to preserve peace and security. Russia continues its vicious assault on the people and sovereignty of Ukraine in flagrant violation of the UN Charter. Aside from terrible damage and loss of life in Ukraine, Russia's invasion is also propelling the global crisis in food and energy security, raising the cost of living for working people all over the world. This year, we saw Russia end the mandate of the Security Council's panel of experts on the DPRK after 14 years of unanimous support. The DPRK continues its unlawful activities with impunity, conducting illegal arms transfers to Russia and threatening our region, including the Republic of Korea and Japan. And we are concerned that Russia is sharing nuclear and space information and technology with Iran. Rules are being blurred, undermined and at times blatantly violated. We must rally to defend these rules that protect us all. These rules that form the character of the world we want. A world where Australia and other countries have the freedom to decide our own futures without interference and intimidation. A world where we can find collective solutions to our toughest problems. These problems are evolving and changing. But the commitment of some states to the rules underpinning the international system has not evolved for the better. Whether cyber attacks, interference, disinformation or economic coercion, some states circumvent the rules, putting further out of reach collective approaches to counter new and emerging threats. Pressing challenges like climate change, technology, poverty, reform of financial architecture and increasingly necessary peace building work. We need reform of the UN system to better serve us all. But reform cannot become a means for disruptors to dismantle protections for smaller countries. No state should pretend the rules don't apply to them. Ignoring international rulings, using might over multilateralism, ruling by power alone, not by law, favouring impunity rather than facing accountability. forcing outcomes by economic coercion or military muscle rather than on the level playing field we have established so carefully. We see some states trying to set us against each other when the challenges demand that we come together, that we stand together in support of the security, prosperity and sovereignty of all countries. Australia has a different vision for the world, one where no country dominates and no country is dominated. When disputes inevitably arise, we insist those differences are managed through dialogue and according to the rules, not simply by force or raw power. It's why we have consistently pressed China on peace and stability in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, and why we have welcomed the resumption of leader and military-level dialogue between the United States and China. Some countries may dismiss the rules as a Western construct. Well, our Asia-Pacific region tells a different story. Take the agreement between Vietnam and Indonesia to delimit their exclusive economic zone after 12 years of negotiations, an example of how long-standing maritime disputes can be resolved in accordance with international law. Take Vanuatu's landmark International Court of Justice initiative on climate change, or Fiji and Solomon Islands maritime boundary agreements, Take the Bay of Bengal arbitration, where states peacefully resolved long-standing and sensitive claims under UNCLOS, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Or Australia Antimoleste, initiating the first ever compulsory conciliation under UNCLOS, leading to the resolution of our maritime boundary dispute. We see it in the Philippines' decision to go to the arbitral tribunal constituted under the UNCLOS and its unanimous clear ruling in the South China Sea arbitration between the Philippines and China, which is final and binding on the parties. These cases in our region illustrate how international law has been built, defended and promoted by small and medium countries from different traditions – The countries of our region have embedded the rules that serve us all and we make an ongoing contribution to maintaining and promoting them. And together we want to pursue peaceful ways to resolve disputes. We know this doesn't happen on its own. All of us help make it happen. Australia is doing this by being active, by exercising agency and by contributing our efforts to the balance of power in our region and in the world. Our candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the Security Council for the term 29 to 30 reflects our deep commitment to contributing to international peace and security. The Security Council is a foundation of our collective peace and security, but we must reform it. Australia wants greater permanent and non-permanent representation for Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia Pacific. This body must represent the world as it is in the 21st century. We must also reform the peace building and conflict prevention architecture. It's not working. That will be the focus of our coming term on the Peace Building Commission. We will support national prevention strategies in our term, essential for local peace building. And we are providing additional resources and staff to the PBC's support and secretariat bodies. We will increase our voluntary contribution to the UN Peacebuilding Fund to $15 million a year because we are committed to doing all we can to de-escalate and prevent conflict. We do this by responding when we or our neighbours are coerced or have sovereignty threatened. We do this by supporting our region's security, as we did at the Pacific Islands Forum this month, when we stood side by side with Pacific leaders to announce a Pacific-led, Australia-backed, Pacific policing initiative. We do this by backing the call of Fiji's president for a cessation of ballistic missile testing in the Pacific. We do this by combining reassurance and deterrence, by working with our friends and partners openly and transparently, So no potential aggressor thinks the pursuit of conflict is worth the risk. But there is so much more to do. Friends, for peace to be truly durable, it must be built by and for all of society, including women. Yet here in the world's premier peace forum, only about one in ten speakers at this dais so far this week have been women. Gender equality is a primary predictor of peace, even more so than a state's wealth or political system. And that is why Australia champions the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. We support initiatives we know are working, like the Southeast Asia Women Peace Mediators, who link stakeholders to enhance the potential for constructive dialogue. Like the Pacific Women Mediators Network, a locally-led, vibrant, inclusive platform to support women's political leadership. And earlier this week, with Germany, Canada and the Netherlands, Australia invoked Afghanistan's responsibility under international law for the violations of the rights of women and girls. The Taliban have erased women from Afghanistan's self-portrait. Effectively imprisoning half their society's population immediately halves their country's potential. depleting the soul and the prospects of a nation. Any country that wants to develop fully must encourage the full participation of all its people. So we can't pursue only parts of the 2030 agenda. We must achieve all of the sustainable development goals. And yet, with just over five years to 2030, over a third of the SDGs are stalled or regressing, and finance targets are not being met. In times of scarcity, we need every development dollar to count. This is why we need to strengthen the global financial architecture. And this is why Australia is backing the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index and the Bridgetown Initiative. This is why Australia is championing reforms that make the MDBs more responsive to global shocks and build sustainability and resilience, particularly in the smallest and most vulnerable countries. This year, Australia committed $492 million to the Asian Development Fund, working with Japan to unlock a record US$5 billion in new assistance to the region's most vulnerable countries over the next decade. Financial pressures are further strained by the trend of trade being used as a point of leverage rather than an opportunity, as economic interdependence is misused for political and strategic ends. Nearly every country in this room depends on open trade with transparent and predictable rules. So we must keep working together to uphold these trade rules that underpin our economic growth and the livelihoods of our peoples. Of course, it's not just finance and unfair trade arrangements that threaten development. Climate change is causing more disasters, reversing years of development gains overnight. Extreme weather threatens food and water security with grave implications for global stability. Australia is acting at home, enshrining our ambitious emissions reductions targets into legislation, 43% by 2030, net zero by 2050. We are transforming our economy. Within this decade, 82% of our electricity generation will be renewable, up from just 32% when I first addressed you two years ago. We are building new industries to accelerate our economic transition and to export reliable, renewable energy to the world, and we are acting internationally to respond to our partners. By the end of 2025, Australia will offer climate resilient debt clauses in our sovereign loans. And the groundbreaking Australia Tuvalu-Falipili Union Treaty entered into force on the 28th of August. Friends, it is the first time Two nations have recognised, in a legally binding treaty, continuing statehood and sovereignty notwithstanding the impacts of sea level rise. And this agreement supports Tuvaluans to live and thrive at home through land reclamation and investments in infrastructure, education and health. At the same time, Tuvaluans have the choice to live, study and work in Australia. Mobility with dignity means ensuring people have a genuine choice to stay. Pacific voices have demonstrated sustained, clear and innovative leadership as well as tremendous resilience. This is why we are bidding to host COP31 in partnership with the Pacific. We want to show the world the unique climate challenges facing our regions and amplify the voices of small island developing states, the custodians of the world's oceans. President, we know that along with climate change, technology will define the multilateral system and development goals for decades to come. We want safe, accessible technology that is used for the global good, not as a tool for censorship or surveillance or exclusion or division. From the start of negotiations for the Global Digital Compact, Australia has advocated that all states should boost access to digital technologies that offer benefits to our world. And we know that if countries don't have digital infrastructure, they'll miss out. That's why we're building sustainable South-South connectivity, including submarine cables across the Pacific. We also know not all knowledge is new. First Nations peoples' deep knowledge must be preserved and it must be protected. Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been innovators, inventors and knowledge holders for over 65,000 years. whether it's firestick farming used to sustainably manage country or the engineering of great stone fish traps across rivers and seas, that unbroken line of innovation has continued to this day. Earlier this year, Australia's ambassador for First Nations people helped bring countries together to finalise the World Intellectual Property Organisation Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge. It's a treaty that acknowledges the link between traditional knowledge and innovation and intellectual property. It helps First Nations communities identify and protect the use of their knowledge by others, which in turn will spur collaboration between researchers, innovators, and communities, opening up new opportunities for First Nations entrepreneurship. But friends, this treaty is remarkable for another reason. You see, it serves as a source of optimism. 193 member states agreed on new rules to the world's intellectual property system. That's an extraordinary achievement. As I said at the outset, the international outlook is framed by entrenched division, where consensus often seems a lost cause. But we collectively move the intellectual property system a step forward, just as we collectively move forward this week with the Pact for the Future. And these recent wins remind us of the gains we've made that we all need to protect. of the ways our lives are better because of the United Nations, of the ways our world is better because of our collective contribution to the international system. It promotes economic development and makes trade more fair, together supporting job creation, overcoming poverty and enabling small and medium countries to resist coercion. It guards against the spread of nuclear weapons. It sets the standards that keep food safe. It assigns the satellite orbits that take the internet to the most remote reaches. It sets the standards that keep 120,000 flights and 12 million passengers safely in the sky every day. It is resolving and preventing conflicts in 53 peacekeeping and political missions. And each year, it saves more than 350 million children from malnutrition. And most of all, let us always remember this. We are collectively descended from people who lived in a harsher, more dangerous world, who built this UN system to confine horrors of the past to history and to give us all a better life. We have no option and we have no excuse but to find a way through our challenges today, immense and intractable as they are. We must work together. We must drive change where it is needed, transparently, together. We must drive change to include all the world's peoples, to deploy the collective agency this forum provides so we combat climate change, poverty and coercion, so we negotiate peace. President, friends, we must not allow others to divide us for their own gain, to dilute the protections that are inherent in the UN Charter, that are codified in the Geneva Conventions. Rather, we have to reinforce those protections in the interests of all states and civilians. That is what Australia is for, a peaceful, stable, prosperous world for all, where sovereignty is respected and where civilians are protected. I thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/australia","Australia","Her Excellency","Penny Wong","Minister for Foreign Affairs","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/au_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AU_EN.mp3" 117,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Philip Edward Davis, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Secretary General, Your Excellencies, I wish to congratulate Ambassador Yang on the session to the presidency of the General Assembly for this year coming and give my best wishes to outgoing Ambassador Francis for leading us in the last year. Over the past three years, the Bahamas has been pleading with member states to engage in urgent action in respect of climate change. Along with other small island developing states, we have highlighted our vulnerabilities and our predicament. We have told you what we know, shared our experiences from the frontline, describe what we are doing to address the various issues, and warn how our yesterdays are becoming your tomorrows. There's been some welcome progress, but it falls far, far short of what is needed. And now we all have to live with reality of a climate crisis that has pushed our planet past a critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius for an entire year. At this very moment, the new harsh reality manifests in hurricanes and heat, fire and floods. Member States, can somehow quickly find eye-watering sums of money for bullets and bombs, but only rattle small change in their pockets when it comes to financing the costs of loss and damage, repair and recovery so desperately needed to adapt to the new climate reality. Why? Why do members persist in ignoring the biggest threat of our lives? The easy answer would be to say that you just don't care. But I cannot accept that. To do so would be to accept a view of humanity which is at odds with my faith and lived experience of humanity. But we in the Bahamas clearly see that lack of determined, committed action as a series of misguided short-term choices and priorities. We can't choose differently. We can't choose better. We can act to address real consequential priorities, priorities that are already impacting the lives of every single one of us and will continue to impact the lives of our children and their grandchildren for generations to come. The irony is that generations before us did not have an established forum such as this, a place to come together as a whole world to work together for the common good. The genocidal crisis of the Second World War gave birth to the United Nations and ensuing wars of independence and regional conflicts means that we have in place the structure for real effective action. And so today, as the Bahamas celebrates 51 years of membership of the United Nations, we offer our service to the international community as we bid for non-permanent membership of the Security Council for the term 2032-2033. We do so because the present crisis of today, the looming crisis of tomorrow, requires even greater degrees of ingenuity, effort, multilateral cooperation, and sacrifice than the world needed in the aftermath of the Second World War. We understand well that the Council's mandate to maintain international peace and security goes far beyond the mere absence of war. But we also know that from where we stand, on the frontline of the impact of climate change on humanity, that the mandate to cooperate in solving international problems now more than ever requires us to stand up and step forward. We do so to amplify the voices of small island developing states. We do so because the voices of small island developing states are the harbingers of what lies in store for all of us. The Security Council of the future will not be equipped to deal with the biggest crisis of our time without voices like ours at the table. The link between climate change and global security is undeniable. Things are bad now, and they are going to get a lot worse before they get better. Climate considerations must be integrated into all aspects of the Security Council's work. Because of this, the Bahamas stands ready to advocate and support whatever reforms are needed to help maximize the effectiveness of the work of the Council. Membership for countries like ours was not what the Charter members contemplated when the UN was established. But it is countries like ours which will help the Council with inclusive, truly representative decision-making needed to help address the greatest crisis of our time. Friends, aspirations to lasting global peace and security will remain empty dreams if not supported by economic security. For too long, the global financial system has been skewed against developing nations. It is a cruel irony that industrialized nations who bear the greatest responsibility for the climate crisis often perpetuate another form of injustice in the form of our current global system. We have been instrumental in exposing the hypocrisy of unilateral blacklisting and advocating for a framework that prioritizes fairness and inclusivity. The present system with its dark rules and uneven playing field, drains resources from developing countries, leaving us to grapple with the consequences. The Bahamas refuses to accept this double standard. We are raising our voice to demand a fairer and more equitable international framework one where the voices of all countries, regardless of population or GDP, are heard and respected. The Bahamas will continue to be a leading voice in championing this issue for as long as we need to do so, no matter how lonely or how long the journey may take. Even among small island developing states, the Bahamas is uniquely vulnerable. We are not waiting for solutions. We are creating them. We have created a National Youth Guard, empowering our young people to become environmental champions because we know that future generations will have an enormous burden to shoulder. We are embracing innovation, particularly in the realm of ocean technology to find solutions to the climate crisis. The Bahamas may be small in size, but we are not short on ambition or ingenuity. We have said it before, but we can never say it often enough. Countries like the Bahamas contribute so little to the problems of the world, and yet we are among the first and greatest affected. Over 40% of my country's national debt is as a direct result of the impacts of climate change. Locked as we are into an annual cycle of severe hurricanes, repair and rebuild, how can we fulfill the reasonable aspirations of our people for national development? We need to stop thinking of climate change merely as an environmental threat. It is a threat multiplier, exacerbating existing tensions, creating new ones, and undermining the very foundations of global security. If we think we have refugee challenges now, do we really want to wait until millions are forced to cross borders just to survive? As resources become scarcer, as livelihoods are lost, the potential for conflict, for instability and mass migration becomes inevitable. So we ask you to take note of your own self-interest. Your Excellencies, in our Caribbean region, the Republic of Haiti is facing a multi-dimensional security crisis. It is born of gang violence and resource scarcity, made worse by massive earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural hazards. In accordance with UNSC Resolution 2966, passed in 2023, and in coordination with the government of Haiti, member states are contributing to a multinational security support mission. The Bahamas government... is strongly of the view that any mission in Haiti ought to be Haitian-led and aim to build the capacity of the Haitian National Police to counter gangs and improve security conditions. The Bahamas reiterates the importance of continued and sustained financial support from donor countries to ensure that UN Trust Fund is able to fund the MSSM operations now and in the future. The Karakum region in and of itself cannot do it alone and so we urge you to take note of this important aspect of the MSSM mission. Looking beyond our region, in 2024, the Bahamas has looked to South-South Cooperation to fill the gaps in development support. We continue to be active participants in CARICOM. We value the support of the Commonwealth and the solidarity between Caribbean and Pacific Commonwealth states and look forward to meeting this year in Samoa. We value the deepening relationship between CARICOM and the African region. We see renewed value in the Group of 77 and the Non-Aligned Movement. Our concerted efforts to collectively focus on climate reparations have resulted in new pathways to climate justice at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and at the International Court of Justice. We remain determined to protect and preserve our climate and our precious biodiversity through the progressive development of international law. COP 29 must be a turning point. It is estimated that by 2050, climate-related damage is projected to rise to an almost unimaginable $38 trillion per year. My friends, in some respects, it is already too late. Where we are is not good enough, but there's still time. Time just enough if we act and act now. Let's revitalize the stalled negotiations on a new collective quantified goal on climate finance. We cannot afford another year of inaction. Developed nations must step up, not just with words, but with enforceable concrete commitments that reflect the scale and urgency of the crisis. While global military expenditure soared to an unprecedented $2.4 trillion last year, the loss and damage fund, painstakingly established at COP28, has secured a mere $800 in pledges. This is a drop in the ocean compared to the trillions needed to address the escalating costs of the negative impacts of climate change. This is not just an issue of funding. It is fundamentally an issue of sustainability and survival. Without it, peace and security mean nothing. The loss and damage fund must be fully operationalized. This is about responsibility, accountability, and building a future where those who have polluted the most contribute the most to cleaning up the mess. The rise in global temperatures of more than 1.5 degrees Celsius this past year has put us in a new reality. But we must do more than roll the dice. Real effort, serious action, tangible progress, these are the only paths to sustainable solutions. And the same truths remain. We must prioritize energy solutions around sources of renewable energy. Redirecting the vast subsidies given to the fossil fuel industry towards renewable energy and climate adaptation and mitigation would be a powerful start. We must reform the global financial institutions and systems. We need multilateral development banks that are fit for purpose, providing accessible finance and prioritizing climate resilient investments. We must continue to work to strengthen international cooperation. We need a renewed commitment to collective multilateral action. But friends, within this global emergency, we also see a glimmer of hope. The 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold cannot be an endpoint, but a turning point, an opportunity to reject complacency and chart a new course when grounded in innovation, collaboration, and a resolute commitment to a just and sustainable future. We're not asking for a handout, but for a hand up. Even the strongest swimmers drown if left alone in a raging sea. I'll be remiss if I had to leave this podium without joining my sister, Prime Minister Barbados, in calling and renewing my call for the removal of the blockade in Cuba. It is hurting the people of Cuba, and though it is said that the blockade is against Cuba, it is the people in Cuba who suffers daily. It has not worked. It's been in place now for how many years? Over 70 years. So why should it still remain? And we call upon all of us here present to seek to persuade those who have the blockade to remove it and move it as soon as possible. Thank you for listening. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/bahamas","Bahamas","His Excellency","Philip Edward Davis","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bs_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BS_EN.mp3" 118,"The assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Muhammad Yunus, Chief Advisor of the Interim Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, let me congratulate you on your election as the President of the United Nations General Assembly. I would like to assure you of Bangladesh delegation's full cooperation throughout this session. I would also place on record our deep appreciation to the Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, for his unwavering commitment to deliver on the UN mandates and address the global challenges. I particularly applaud his vision in convening the Summit of the Future. The Pact for the Future and the Declaration on Future Generations could help in setting pathways beyond Agenda 2030. Bangladesh believes that the summit's outcome will serve as a guiding framework in materializing our shared aspirations and rethinking collaboration for posterity. I stand in this Parliament of Nations thanks to an epochal transformation that Bangladesh witnessed this July and August. The power of the ordinary people, in particular our youth, presented to our nation an opportunity to overhaul many of our systems and institutions. The uprising led by the students and youth was initially aimed at ending discrimination. Progressively, the movement evolved into a people's movement. The world eventually saw how people at large stood against autocracy, oppression, discrimination, injustice and corruption, both on the streets and online. Our people, particularly youth, gained us independence from an autocratic and undemocratic regime with an exceptional resolve and capability. That collective resolve should define Bangladesh of the future and place our nation as a responsible state in the committee of the nations. This was indeed a movement that primarily brought together people who were long left in politics and development, who asked prosperity to be shared, to be inclusive. The people aspired for a just, inclusive and functioning democracy for which our new generations made supreme sacrifice. We were moved by the wisdom, courage and conviction our youth showed. Even braving bullets bare chests. Young girls were fiercely vocal against the illegitimate state power. School-going teenagers laid down their lives. Hundreds lost their eyes forever. Mothers, day laborers, and scores of people across cities lend their shoulders for their children. Defying sweat, rain and fear of death, they defeated all the evil designs and machinations of few who manipulated the state machinery against truth and just aspirations of people for years. The people's movement left an estimated over 800 murders in the hands of the autocratic regime. Bangladesh was born because of her people's profound belief in liberalism, pluralism and secularism. Decades later, our Generation Z is making us revisit and reimagine the very values that our people stood back for back in 1971, as our people also did in 1952 to defend our mother language, Bangla. We believe this revolution that the world witnessed in Bangladesh in the span of a few may inspire many across communities and countries to stand for freedom and justice. I would call upon the international community to engage with New Bangladesh Anew that aims to realize freedom and democracy beyond letters for everyone. Mr. President, Our youth and people together entrusted me and my colleagues in the Council with enormous responsibilities to reconstruct a decaying state apparatus. As we took to the office, to our utter shock and dismay, we discovered how endemic corruption brought a functional democracy to a first. How key institutions were ruthlessly politicized. How public coffers were reduced to rubble. How oligarchs took over business. How chosen few concentrated wealth in their hands and amassed and laundered wealth out of Bangladesh. Justice, ethics and morality almost at every level reached a low. Under such circumstances, we were asked to rebuild Bangladesh and re-establish the country that our people aspire to see. To correct the ills of the past as also built, to build a competitive and agile economy and a just society. In a drastically changed scenario, all political parties are now free to voice their views and opinions. A key priority for us is also to make all in public positions and institutions to account for their decisions and actions. We are committed to promote and protect the fundamental rights, for people to speak in freedom, to assemble without fear or inhibition, to vote whosoever they choose. This is what the nation desires and we aim to achieve. We are also committed to uphold the independence of the judiciary and freedom of press, including in the cyber domain. In order to ensure that child of a farmer or worker can scale the highest in the society. We prioritize allocation in education and health sectors over grandiose infrastructure development. We also aim at ensuring good governance across all sectors. I wish to assure that our government shall adhere to all international regional and bilateral instruments that Bangladesh is party to. Bangladesh will continue to remain an active proponent of multilateralism with the UN at the core. Bangladesh is open to nurture friendly relations with all countries based on mutual respect, upholding our dignity and pride and shared interests. Mr. President, in the last seven weeks, the government has initiated several actions. At our request, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has dispatched a fact-finding mission to investigate into the cross-human rights violations during the People's Movement and to suggest for sustainable course correction. That mission has already started work on the ground in Bangladesh. I wish to register my deep appreciation to the High Commissioner, Volkata. We have acceded to the International Convention for Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance within two weeks in office. The required national legislation is underway so that we can effectuate its early implementation. An inquiry commission has started investigating into all the cases of enforced disappearances reported during the past decade and a half. In order to restore people's trust and confidence and to ensure that the tragic past never recur in future Bangladesh, we have initiated reforms in certain prioritized sectors. In that direction, we launched independent commissions to reform electoral system, constitution, judicial reform, civil administration, law and order sectors. A few more commissions are on the cards to reform other sectors, including press and media. In order to create a conducive environment for business, we have rolled out extensive reforms in banking and financial sectors. We affirm not to let any foreign business interest to be affected. Beyond rhetoric and numbers, we aim to establish effective safeguard mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of these reforms and create an enabling environment towards conduct of full, free, fair and participatory elections. I would therefore call on the international community to continue and deepen engagements with Bangladesh in meeting our people's quest for democracy, rule of law, equality, prosperity, so that we can emerge as a just and inclusive democratic society. Mr. President, Bangladesh views that maintaining peace and addressing conflicts is central to people's progress. During the recent revolution, our valiant armed forces have once again shown their commitment to peace by standing firmly with the people in fulfilling their aspirations for freedom during a most difficult time in our history. This was possible thanks to our commitment to peace, place, human rights at the core of peacekeeping. Bangladesh remains equally committed to peacebuilding from the inception of the Peacekeeping Commission. We look forward to promoting and enhancing Bangladesh's value-driven contributions to the UN peacekeeping operations. As the third largest troop contributing country, our peacekeepers had served across 63 missions in 43 countries to date. 168 Bangladeshi peacekeepers had laid their lives from Bosnia to Congo. We do hope that Bangladesh Defence Forces would continue to be called upon in the future UN peace operations, regardless of the challenges or circumstances. Mr. President, in our shared habitat, this world, many of the global priorities need to be set right. Climate change poses existential threat to all of us. The record-breaking heat wave this summer starkly reminded the world of the climate-induced challenges. What we need is climate justice so that the irresponsible choices or indifferent actions or harms caused are accounted for. Long-term damages leave irreparable damages all around. We are losing biodiversity, changing pathogens leading to newer diseases, farming is under stress, shrinking water threatening habitat, rising sea level and salinity decimating ecosystems. The damages in terms of rising intensity and frequency of cyclones or floods can hardly be ignored. The climate risks are faced far deeper by our small farmers and artisanal livelihood holders. As I speak, over 5 million people witnessed a most devastating flood in their living memory in eastern Bangladesh. Here, Secretary General Guterres showed that under the current trajectory, the world is heading for a plus 2.7 degree centigrade scenario. I would hence urge for channeling robust resources for climate adaptation in the climate-vulnerable countries like Bangladesh. It is moreover crucial to operationalize loss and damage fund by leveraging innovative solutions and additional finance. We equally need access to technologies and increased capacity. To be specific, we need access to life-saving technologies, particularly in agriculture, water or public health, where trickle of modest solutions or innovations can save millions of vulnerable population. Tackling climate crisis has to go hand in hand in getting global economy in order as well. The world is increasingly focused on decarbonization. In order for such a shift to be beneficial to majority of global population, the transformative vision of a net zero world has to redeem for countries like Bangladesh. else we risk falling short on our pledge to shared prosperity through shared responsibility. I believe the world needs to engage on a shared vision of three zeros that we can materialize together, targeting zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero net carbon emissions. Where a young person anywhere in the world will have the opportunities to grow not as a job seeker but as an entrepreneur. Where a young person can unleash his or her latent creativity despite all limitations. Where an entrepreneur can optimally balance social benefits, economic profits and responsibility towards nature. where social business can help an individual transcend beyond consumerism and can ultimately catalyze in social and economic transformation. Time demands new attitudes, new values, new compacts across communities and countries, across developed and developing countries alike, across all actors and stakeholders. If we are to realize such course correction in full, the United Nations, national and local governments, non-governmental organizations, business philanthropies have to work together. If we accept and accommodate social business within existing economic structures, we can bring meaningful changes in the lives of bottom half of population. If we can realistically position social business, we can stem much of climate insensitive distortions within the existing market economy. I would like to invite the attention of the Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, on that score. Mr. President, in a world of poli-crisis, wars and conflicts are leading to erosion of rights and widespread abuses. The genocide in Gaza continues unabated despite global concerns and condemnation. The situation in Palestine just does not concern the Arabs or the Muslims at large, rather the entire humanity. Palestinians are no expendable people. All those responsible for the crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people must be held accountable. Bangladesh calls for an immediate and complete ceasefire to protect the Palestinian people from the brutalities, particularly against the children and women. International community including the UN, needs to act in earnest to implement the two-state solution that remains the only path to bring lasting peace in the Middle East. The two-and-a-half-year-long war in Ukraine has claimed far too many lives. The war has impacted far and wide, even lending deeper economic implications in Bangladesh. We would urge both sides to pursue dialogue to resolve the differences and end the war. Mr. President, seven years on, Bangladesh has been hosting 1.2 million Rohingyas on humanitarian ground, incurring significant social, economic, environmental costs. The protracted crisis in Myanmar also poses growing risks with national and regional security implications for Bangladesh, both in traditional and non-traditional terms. We remain committed to supporting the forcibly displaced Rohingyas from Myanmar in Bangladesh. We need continued support of the international community towards the Rohingyas in carrying out the humanitarian operations and their sustainable repatriation. Equally important is to ensure justice for the grave human rights violations committed against the Rohingyas through the ongoing accountability processes in the ICJ and the ICC. We recognize and appreciate the efforts of the Secretary General and the United Nations system in creating a conducive environment for Rohingyas so that they can lead a free and dignified life. That requires creating pathways for the Rohingyas to return to their ancestral home in Rakhine State with safety and rights. Looking at the evolving ground situation in Myanmar, Bangladesh is ready to work with the international community to create an environment for dignified and sustainable return of the Rohingyas to their homeland. Mr. President, ensuring peace and security cannot succeed without political freedom and socioeconomic emancipation of the people. Around a decade back, the world unanimously adopted the Agenda 2030. We reposed our collective hope and trust in the universal set of goals. Yet, overall, 17% of the SDG targets are on track to be achieved by 2030. Clearly, many developing countries risk to be left behind. Every year, developing countries face a significant SDG financing gap estimated between 2.5 to 4 trillion US dollars. High debt burdens, shrinking fiscal space, and adverse impacts of climate change put countries like Bangladesh at greater risk. We look forward to the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development to deliver on addressing the complex and systemic challenges. The multilateral financing institutions have to be driven by a vision where wealth and opportunities can be accessed by all, that they rightfully place social business within respective programs. that they duly address the circumstances in the low-income countries, that they promote entrepreneurship and encourage creativity of individuals, that they support the dispossessed. In this regard, prevention of illicit financial flows and siphoning of resources from the developing countries made it greater attention. Entries international cooperation must rechannel the assets stolen from developing countries. We look forward to early conclusion of an international tax convention that can combat tax evasion. Mr. President, migration and mobility is an inescapable reality in an interconnected world. As a country of origin of migrants, over 11 million of our people live and work worldwide. In order for migration to be beneficial for all, we have to create pathways for safe, orderly, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people. The international community has to ensure full respect for human rights and end inhuman treatment of migrants, regardless of their migration status. While Bangladesh remains committed to the full implementation of the Global Compact on Migration, our government is also committed to curb unsafe migration. Mr. President, Every year nearly 2.5 million Bangladeshis enter our labour market. In a large population where nearly two-thirds is young, Bangladesh is challenged to make learning suited to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. Yet we see the world of work is changing where a young person has to adapt constantly, re-skill adopt newer attitudes. As Bangladesh is set to graduate as a middle-income country, we recon the vital need to secure ourselves in terms of learning and technology. Let me speak about artificial intelligence. We are particularly enthused with the emergence of artificial intelligence tools and applications. Our youth are excited with the prospect of first unfolding generative AI. They aspire to work and work as global citizens. The world needs to ensure that no youth in countries like Bangladesh get left behind in meaningfully reaping benefits of the AI-led transformation. The world simultaneously needs to ensure that the development of artificial intelligence does not diminish the scope or demand for human labor. As the scientific community and world of technology keeps moving on developing autonomous intelligence, artificial intelligence that propagates on its own without any human intervention, we all need to be cautious of possible impact on every human person or our societies today and beyond. We believe that autonomous intelligence, if not, unless autonomous intelligence develops in a responsible manner, it can pose existential threat to human existence. Mr. President, we need new forms of collaboration where global business and knowledge holders connect to people's needs. International cooperation should create space for developing countries in ways that can bring transformative applications or solutions for jobs, endemic socio-economic challenges or livelihoods. Uniting our efforts, capacities and resources is increasingly crucial for us to leverage collective strengths, innovate and foster growth. The challenges we face in economic development, climate resilience or social development have to be addressed with common endeavours. In that context, South-South and triangular cooperation can help us, given our unique social and economic circumstances. It is also a growing necessity for the Global South to make our voices heard. In shaping and steering the global agenda, the Global South merits equal space and focus. Mr. President, the COVID times underlined before us the crucial importance of investing in public health. In the WHO, as Bangladesh leads the negotiations on Global Pandemic Treaty, we urge for convergence on the key provisions of adequate international cooperation, financing public health systems, technology transfer, research and development, diversification of production of medical diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics. We also declare vaccines a global public good that is free from the recourse of intellectual property. These are also crucial for combating the scourges of non-communicable disease. Mr. President, this year we celebrate the golden jubilee of Bangladesh's partnership with the United Nations. It has been a shared journey of mutual learning in our modest ways. Bangladesh contributed towards promoting global peace and security, justice, equality, human rights, social progress and prosperity, and indeed in building a rules-based international order. For instance, I recall the microcredit resolution and the Friends of Microcredit that was formed in the UN General Assembly back in 1999. with exceeding spontaneity. The United Nations declared 2005 as the year of microcredit that resulted in global reach of microcredit. The annual General Assembly resolution on culture of peace since 2001 or the resolution 1325 in the Security Council on Women, Peace and Security may be worth recalling as well. Mr. President, as the Great Hall reverberates with crying call for peace, security, justice, inclusivity, and equitable distribution of wealth, as states, we need to reflect on how we embolden men and women today, create space for them to grow as entrepreneurs of tomorrow. The world has more than enough of capacity, resources and solutions. Let us redeem all the pledges we made nationally and internationally. Let us work together to end all forms of inequality and discrimination. within and among nations, especially in advancing the proposition of social business in our economic interactions. The youth in Bangladesh have showed that upholding freedom, dignity and rights of people, regardless of distinction and status, cannot just remain aspirational. It is just what everybody deserves. In this Assembly of Nations, Bangladesh should assure that we would and continue to deliver our bid at international, regional and national levels in securing peace, prosperity, justice for everyone. I thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Chief Advisor of the Interim Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/bangladesh","Bangladesh","His Excellency","Muhammad Yunus","Chief Adviser of the interim Government","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bd_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BD_EN.mp3" 119,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Mia Amor Motley, Prime Minister, Minister for National Security and the Public Service and Minister for Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment of Barbados. I request Protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Mr. President, we need a reset. And we need to reset. Mr. President, in your absence, I congratulate you on your assumption of this chairmanship of the General Assembly. We can't wait. As I said, Mr. President, we need a reset, and we need to reset. Those of us here today representing our brothers and our sisters the world over have endured four years of poly crises. As the children of Mother Earth, we continue to wrestle with the climate crisis. As a human family, we grapple with the legacy of the pandemic. As a digitally connected people, We are now, regrettably, confronted by multiple theatres of war and scenes of horror and famine flowing from that war, armed conflict instead of pursued development. Citizens of every country as well, struggling to contain the rising cost of living and the implications for them and their families on a day-to-day basis. And Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, we are all now threatened by the second but silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance together with a growing incidence of death and disability from chronic non-communicable diseases. We cannot afford the distraction of war. If ever there was a time to pause and to reset, it is now. Collectively, Collectively as an international community and individually as leaders in each of our countries, we must now deliver new opportunities and solutions to these crises which dampen economic growth, which restrict the ambitions of our people and numb our sense of the beauty and goodness that the world ought to be offering because it has it to offer. The reset for which I am calling and indeed all of our citizens are demanding must see an end to all forms of discrimination. The rules and institutions today exist which create first and second class citizens, as we have said from this podium year after year. Depending on your nation of origin, militate against the trust and the credibility and the hope. And it fosters a crisis of confidence in the existing international order, which must become inclusive and responsive for all. More than any other complaint from this podium has been the disparity in treatment and the inability to be able to have fair and transparent treatment for all that would lead to the trust necessary for us to solve the problems of our times that are truly beyond man-made causes. Neocolonialist structures that perpetuate and reflect an old world order characterized by racism and classism and misogyny, while ignoring the legitimate aspirations of billions, will not help to foster the hope or trust that is necessary to meet these polycrises. We must ensure that the global institutions give developing countries, especially small vulnerable states like my own, or vulnerable middle income countries, seats at the table of decision making where we can be seen, heard, become active agents in our own cause and lead our own development paradigms. My friends, we are reminded that 2024 is the final year of the United Nations Decade for the People of African Descent. Much has been achieved, but the recognition, the justice, and the development for people of African descent that was promised by this decade has, to say the least, not yet been fully realized. And it is for this reason that the Caribbean community joins the growing chorus, and my own country in particular, for the immediate proclamation of a second decade to complete the unfinished work and address the matter of reparations for slavery and colonialism. I start here because this is a necessary but complex conversation. And the Caribbean community is resolute that it must happen. Its resolution lies, and I want to be very clear, its resolution lies in a multi-generational approach in the same way that the £20 million sterling debt that was incurred by the British government only was repaid in this 21st century, almost 200 years later. So that the notion of unaffordability becomes a non-issue once we recognize that the solution to reparations must be multi-generational and grounded in development. Mr. President, of necessity, the reset must also be characterized by institutional reform, which has to start in the United Nations councils. These councils suggest that some are full members and others are only part members and some may be part-time members and some may be occasional members. All of this has no place in the 21st century. And the anger and the mistrust of our citizens and institutions, in leaders, in multilateralism and in the processes which exclude, while yielding much talk and little action, is very real. And nowhere is reform and consequentially trust and hope more important to the well-being of billions of people today than in relation to the global financial architecture. Restricted access to capital is disproportionately high costs, barring us from doing that which we must. It's inadequate scale. and the overwhelming burden of debt often imposed on us by circumstances beyond our control. These are all now combining to force governments in the world's poorest countries and, frankly, across many vulnerable middle-income countries to devote more resources to debt service than to health and education and, in some instances, even infrastructure. For far too many members of the human family, cold ground is our bed and rock is our pillow. Too many go to bed with their bellies hungry and too many may not even have a bed. Our reset must therefore collectively build a common agenda that reflects and reinforces our shared humanity. It is that shared humanity that binds us together. Mr. President, you know better than most our African brothers and sisters got it right with the principle of Ubuntu. And I've used this principle, this General Assembly, to remind us that its simplicity is what we should aspire to. I am because you are. I am because we are. My well-being is tied to yours, and our collective well-being is connected to Mother Earth's. This best voices the approach needed to give expression to the reset that is absolutely necessary. And we acknowledge that there are glimpses of hope. We have, for example, on Monday, agreed to a pact for the future. But we still have war. We have agreed on a global digital compact. But we still have raging pandemics in the slow motion, silent pandemic. All of this rests, my friends, on the common agenda that the Secretary General has set out for us before. Yesterday, we agreed in a high-level meeting on a political declaration on antimicrobial resistance. A lot of fancy words. But this is where the rubber hits the road. Because all of us in this room know people who have died from infections and for whom the antibiotics simply are no longer effective. So that within 48 hours, a person's life is snuffed out, almost as if they were at war. My friends, following on the intervention of the Bridgestone Initiative and the Paris Pact for People and Planet, the efforts of many Across the board, we acknowledge that there is some hope, and it is evident in the beginnings of the reform that we are seeing little by little, but nevertheless, they have started. These are all important steps, but we cannot take our eyes off the prize. Barbados' call for fundamental reset includes attitudes and behavior as much as actions or reforms. Heads of government are in agreement that we must trigger national development agendas of transformation with both speed and scale. We have a date with destiny against 1.5 degrees. We know that that is what is needed to survive. And the implications for people, even as we speak, can be there. But if there is a failure to act with clarity of purpose, and if the political will retards progress on the front of the much-needed reform within the international financial institutions purely because heads of government do not speak to ministers of finance when they reach Washington, DC, or their board directors, if there is a need for that to be dealt with, then, my friends, there must be a commitment to be equal to the current challenges of member states if we are not to perpetuate the discriminatory practices that result in undermining the transformational opportunities that we need. Depriving vulnerable countries from being able to access concessional income that is long enough to build the resilience to save lives and to protect livelihoods is unjust. And that is why we must remain focused. That is why, my friends, we launched yesterday the third iteration of the Bridgestone Initiative, which identifies three key principles, very simply. One, we must change the rules of the international financial system and reform its governance and instruments. Two, we must shockproof vulnerable economies by dealing with debt and liquidity in a comprehensive development-focused manner. And if we need to give countries a shot of liquidity like we give them a shot of adrenaline to avoid them falling off the cliff of death, then we must do so. And thirdly, we must augment financing by boosting country capacity to invest in resilience by several means, including what has been announced already, the rechanneling of special drawing rights through our multilateral development partners, but that will only be truly effective if there is another issuance of SDRs in the near future. Indeed, we must also address the challenge and this I believe to be the fundamental mission of this generation of how we are going to secure the global public commons to be able to maintain our safety and stability as a global community. We're going to have to discuss how we can secure it and of course how we must finance it. And that is not only the climate crisis or the loss of biodiversity that we speak about, but the other many global challenges that can truly destabilize countries and regions. Mr. President, these considerations are of fundamental importance to the sustainable existence of our generations, future generations. The SIDS agenda is another story of promises made but not kept. 30 years ago, the international community gathered in my own country to take action for the first time on the unique challenges faced by small island developing states. We birthed in my home country the first ever global agenda for small island developing states, which became known as the Barbados Program of Action. I thank Mauritius for its strategy of implementation, Samoa for its pathway. They were carriers of the baton of a development agenda for small island developing states in the intervening years. In the face of multiple global crises from health to climate to finance, the vulnerabilities, yes, of our countries as small states have become more pronounced. In May of this year, we gathered in Antigua and Barbuda for the fourth international conference on small island developing states. And I call on the international community and the multilateral system to let us work together to ensure that the promise created in Bridgestone in 1994 is delivered and realized through the Antigua and Barbuda agenda for SIDS 2024, otherwise known as ABUS. Let me use this opportunity as well to inform you that two days ago we took over the presidency of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, the V20 countries of the world from Ghana, whose president I would like to thank for the excellent stewardship of the group over the past two years and indeed for the strengthening of its institutional capacity. The priorities of our term as chair of the V20 countries will be the multiple dimensions of climate crisis, dealing with them, the impact of the climate crisis on human health, and of course, the issue of debt and climate, because if we don't solve that, we cannot take the appropriate actions to deal with climate. I invite all United Nations members who are not yet members of the V20 but who are climate vulnerable to join this group because it is only through amplification of our voices and consistency of our message and solidarity that we will continue to see the pace and scale of reforms that we need to be able to save our people's lives. I commend to you the declaration of the leaders of the Climate Vulnerable Forum that was adopted this week on Wednesday. Mr. President, above all else, we need a global reset on peace. There needs to be global peace. And those of us who are old enough would have recognized that there are peaks and valleys as it relates to this issue of conflict. There are few areas where the world is more in need of the United Nations acting as the United Nations to secure the objectives of the Charter than in the area of peace and security. The silence that has engulfed Sudan is unacceptable. and may well be rooted in the racism that the world still carries as a badge of honor from the victories of the last great war, of the World War II. The actions in Myanmar cannot continue. Ukraine has sucked more oxygen out of the global community and the global financial system than any of us can appropriately accept. at the very time when the world needs to be applying its resources and efforts to fight in the greatest crisis known to mankind. And the spread of the war from Gaza to the consequences in the West Bank to now clearly what is happening in Lebanon as we speak with Israel, all of these are but the tip of an iceberg of death violence and instability and robs the global community of oxygen and resources at the very time when we need it most in a strategic way. We all know as students of history that even the longest war in history came to an end. These wars Yes, they too will come to an end. But the question is when and at what cost and without much loss of life. With how many children not being able to be either given the chance to live or will now live with memories of war that will affect their every action for the next 60, 70, 80 years of their lives. Innocent people are paying the price. with the one thing that is theirs to give. And they don't give it willingly. It is their life. Unless we address the root causes of these wars, one by one, and the manners in which they are being sustained and financed, we will never, never know anything else other than war and rumors of war in these theaters. The transmittal of these scenes of horror in real time into people's bedrooms, into people's living rooms, will trigger two extreme reactions, neither of which are acceptable to us in the third decade of the 21st century. We will either get the desensitizing of ordinary people to the loss of lives, especially those of innocent children and women on the one hand, Or we will get, on the other hand, the anger and inclination for vengeance that it spawns necessarily. We need peace. And it cannot be too difficult for us to work for peace. It is the same Bible that tells us in the stories of the Old Testament. much which has guided many people across this world. But when we turn from the Old Testament to the New Testament, it is Romans that says to us, vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, not any country, not any human being, so that the Bible can't be used as a convenient aid when it suits us and rejected when it doesn't. In the midst of this maelstrom, we were very clear. My country took the step this year of recognizing and establishing diplomatic relations with the state of Palestine, in spite of having supported a two state solution since 1969. And we did this because it is clear to us that the state and people of Palestine, human beings, are entitled to full recognition by integration into and support from the international community. The Charter does not say we the people, with the exception of any one group from any one part of the world. We join with others, therefore, in congratulating the State of Palestine and taking their seat among the United Nations member states as they did on the 10th of September of this year. And let me be clear, we condemn the actions of Hamas on October 7th. But we equally and strongly deplore the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, which is the result of the disproportionate use of force by Israel. There's no justification for it. And that is why treaties exist governing the rules of engagement for war, because we as human beings learnt better and know better and committed to better. A two-state solution, no matter how elusive it may appear to be now, is the only answer. And I've said already this week that we have known difficult battles in mankind's history. But when we were in it, we didn't think we could achieve it. But we did. We abolished slavery. We removed apartheid in South Africa. These diff battles are not beyond our creativity, our capacity, and our resilience to resolve them. Similarly, we insist that the killing in Ukraine really has to stop. The people of Ukraine must be allowed to live within the internationally recognized boundaries of their state in peace and freedom from the threat of use or force. And as I said, it is sucking too much oxygen out of the global financial system and countries that should be the beneficiary of aid are being told that they may have to wait in the interest of the defense of others because of war. I say to us truly, there has to be a singular commitment to build a peace, truly. Mr. President. My own region has not escaped the scourge of instability and violence. The Americas do not constitute today a theater of war. But we are today witnessing, for some years now, an unprecedented escalation in the number and caliber of assault weapons which are finding themselves in the hands of criminals who are wreaking havoc on the legal systems and our societies, particularly in the small island developing states of the Caribbean and indeed in the wider states of Central and Latin America. This scourge caused by guns manufactured in the United States of America primarily also requires a fundamental reset. The right of persons to bear arms in countries not engaged in military conflict should not be an opening to accept as legitimate the presence of assault weapons in countries. It is simply not right. There is no place for assault weapons in our societies. I turn now to the fate of the people of Haiti, which continues to be of major concern to our people in the Caribbean region. The global community now has an opportunity for an essential reset with how it addresses its relationship with Haiti and which has been born in all kinds of semi and partial concern over the course of the last few decades. We continue to have it as a recurring decimal because we have failed to solve the problems and put them on a sustainable path to development for its people. What is needed is transformation of our sister nation. And yes, we must provide first and foremost security, but transformation must be its handmaiden. The government and people of Haiti need the full support of the international community, not just in the short term, but in the long term. And yes, this starts by extending the mandate of the multinational security support force, escalating the work of the United Nations, deploying all the tools of bilateral, regional, and global cooperation, not excluding countries who want to participate for spurious reasons, ensuring that those of us who can step up to the plate by significantly increasing the pledge funds that we do so because we know that it takes cash to be able to deploy the forces and the police necessary to help with the restoration so that Haitian mother or that Haitian child can go about their day-to-day life without fear of being assaulted or killed or being denied the right to work because of their simple fear of walking the streets. The Caribbean community has been working hard this year to support our largest member state and in the early part of the first few months of this year we met on Haiti almost three to four times a week to guarantee the stability that we ask you now to help us secure We thank the efforts of the eminent persons group of former CARICOM prime ministers who were on the front line of helping to resolve this complex problem day in and day out so that we could find a political consensus for Haiti. that Haiti had at this General Assembly. Both the interim president of the Transitional Council and Prime Minister Cornille is a remarkable achievement given where Haiti was in February of this year. Let them continue on a path, please, of securing their future. And we cannot be on this podium speaking about Haiti without thanking Kenya and President Ruto for their remarkable leadership. After many delays and in what represents now a historical precedent for an African country, They have ensured that an African country has taken the lead in helping to tackle the peace and security challenge beyond its own continent. That is the kind of reset that we need in the international community. And, Mr. President, you cannot come on this platform regrettably, although I look forward to the day when I will not have to say it. when we must ask for reprieve for the people of Cuba. It is unacceptable, it is unconscionable, and that it continues today is a mark on our international conscience. The Cuban people continue to face the most dire of economic circumstances. and that this is directly as a result of its exclusion and its designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. And I have addressed our only knowledge of terrorism, and Cuba is in fact the dungeon of the Cubana plain off the waters of Barbados, where Cubans, Guyanese, and Koreans were killed. my friends with cuba has been a valuable partner stepping up for us when it has mattered most by the provision of nurses and doctors and pandemics and by the provision of other essential workers when the global community needed it and when people needed to be liberated in southern africa the reality is that we must have and continue to have resolve in calling for the embargo to be lifted. And we will condemn it year after year after year because it is simply wrong. As we say so, we pray that the people of Cuba, as they determine what damages they have found from Hurricane Helen, as well as we pray for the people of Florida, who clearly are going to spend the next few days identifying the damage as a result of a hurricane that hit Category 4 when it reached Florida. This is the climate crisis that we speak about. The people of Nigeria are still counting the bodies with respect to the floods that took place there. We have hard work to do. In our own Caribbean region, Beryl literally decimated the islands of Karakou and Union Island. and indeed would have affected Grenada and St. Vincent more broadly, Jamaica and my own country's coastal infrastructure was significantly affected with our fishing industry, 90% of it being decimated. This season of superlatives with its floods and droughts, its hurricanes and fires will take the lives and livelihoods of too many. The climate crisis is hitting us almost weekly across the globe. The deniers of the climate crisis, they, too, need a reset, a reset that will admit of the absolute necessity of collective action by the global community to save our way of life and our planet. Mr. President, at the start of this week, the skies were much darker. I truly believe so. We are starting to see some glimmers of light. We leave New York this week noting that the clouds are lifting. conscious that the sun is peeping out in certain areas, not all, but in certain critical areas, giving us a sense of renewed hope that reset is, in fact, not only possible but necessary in key areas, institutional reform, reform in our financial architecture, reform in how we view development, but above all else, reform in how we see each other and value each other. This hope springs from the pact for the future and the many declarations that we have made here. The terms in which my fellow leaders spoke from this platform for the most part. the urgent need to recognize reset, reset, reset, even if they didn't call it by that name. It is as if we all truly understand and accept the challenge of rising to solve the major difficulties that are faced by the people of the world and to recognize that global moral strategic leadership requires of us the commitment to redress the wrongs and to take care of saving people and planet. But recognition of the need for the reset, while it is the first step in any issue, what is now also needed is eternal vigilance as our companion, so that as we take the steps to transform attitudes and institutions and rules, We will not succeed overnight. We will not succeed even in the next decade. But if we don't do the reset to change the legacy of centuries of exploitation and domination, we will not be fit for purpose to meet the needs of our people in the third decade of the 21st century. I can think, therefore, of no better way to conclude than with a song that I had cause to use almost 30 years ago from my own country. song from Edwin Yearwood when I first stood on this podium almost 30 years ago in 1995 as a young minister of youth. And I quote, a voice in my head keeps talking to me. It tells me the road is long. It tells me we must be strong. Roll with the pain and roll with the strife, for today is the rest of the start of your life. Mr. President, may the new hope fostered here this week signal the start of a new deal for people who hitherto were not seen and even with the existence of this body whose voice and presence were not felt. These people have been recognized too often in these countries as mere statistics and not with the human dignity that is their birthright or the human dignity that is the conferred right from these United Nations. Mr. President, I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister, Minister for National Security and the Public Service, and Minister for Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment of Barbados.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/barbados","Barbados","Her Excellency","Mia Amor Mottley","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bb_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BB_EN.mp3" 120,"The assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, I bring to you warm greetings from His Majesty the Druk Gelpo. Excellencies, 53 years ago, on the 21st of September, 1971, a small Himalayan kingdom was admitted to the United Nations. On that day, after centuries of self-imposed isolation, Bhutan became the 128th member of the United Nations. It was a defining moment for us when a small, poor, landlocked country, nestled in the world's highest mountain, joined the global community of nations. That same year, the United Nations created the least developed country category to provide targeted support to the world's poorest nations. Bhutan was among the first to be admitted in that list. Back then, our economy was primarily agrarian, operating largely on a barter system. Our per capita GDP income stood at just 215 US dollars. Life expectancy was barely 40 years. Infant mortality was tragically high at 142 deaths for every 1,000 live births. and our literacy rate was woefully low. We had only, in fact, less than 300 students in the few scattered schools that had been established to provide modern education. Today, I stand before you with a story of transformation and progress. Our per capita GDP has risen to more than US$3,500. Life expectancy has increased to 70 years. Infant mortality has plummeted to 15 deaths per 1,000 live births. And our literacy rate, it has climbed to 71%, with youth literacy skyrocketing to 99%. I am pleased to report to this August Assembly that because of our all-round progress, Last December, 52 years after joining the United Nations, Bhutan graduated from the LDC category. This achievement did not come easily. It was a journey marked by hard work, perseverance and sacrifice. But we were not alone. We had the support of many friends who accompanied us on this important journey. I take this opportunity to extend our deep gratitude to the United Nations and its specialized agencies. I would also like to thank all our development partners, including Japan, the European Union, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank for their unwavering support. But most importantly, I would like to reserve our deepest thanks to India, our closest friend and neighbor. They have been with us from the very beginning of our development journey and have remained steadfast in their support and friendship. Excellencies, graduating from the LDC category is a significant milestone. But what truly matters is that we did it in our own terms. Under the leadership of our enlightened monarchs, Bhutan has pursued a development path grounded in the philosophy of gross national happiness. This approach places the happiness and well-being of our people at the center of our development agenda. Thanks to Gross National Happiness, our economy, while it is still small, is sustainable and inclusive. Healthcare and education are free for all. Our unique culture not only survives, but thrives. More than 72% of our land is under forest cover, and we are recognized as a biodiversity hotspot and a carbon-negative country. Our democracy, a gift from our King, has been embraced by a reluctant population. Excellencies, having graduated from the LDC category, it is now our responsibility to ensure that we sustain our hard-earned progress and that under no circumstances should we ever backslide. As we chart a new course for the future, we are faced with new challenges, particularly those arising from our weak economy. Foremost among them is youth unemployment. To address these challenges, we must strengthen our economy. We must provide our youth with meaningful opportunities to grow and to prosper. We must embrace a new development paradigm. In this context, I am pleased to report that His Majesty the King has announced the establishment of the Gelifu Mindfulness City. The Gelifu Mindfulness City is a transformative vision for future urban spaces, a blueprint for living mindfully and sustainably. Spanning 2,600 square kilometers of pristine forests and fertile farmlands, it will enable human innovation and natural ecosystems to thrive together while fostering human well-being, environmental sustainability and mindful living. We invite thought leaders, innovators and investors to join us in building this groundbreaking city, contributing to a model of peace, harmony and progress that others can follow. Excellencies, Bhutan's story is one of hope, but it is also a call to action. More than 50 years have passed and only seven nations have graduated from the LDC category, leaving 46 countries still in need. This is unacceptable. The international community must intensify its efforts to ensure that no nation is left behind, that all LDC countries achieve graduation, To accomplish this, we must address poverty, inequality, and vulnerability with a renewed sense of urgency. The Pact for the Future, which we adopted collectively at the Summit of the Future, provides us with a roadmap to transform the lives of the world's most vulnerable. However, transforming the future requires that we also transform institutions shaping it. The United Nations must evolve to meet the realities of today's world. The Security Council as it stands is a relic of the past. We need a Council that reflects the current geopolitical, economic landscape and social realities. Bhutan has long advocated for the reform of the Security Council to make it more representative and effective. For this, India, with its significant economic growth and population, and leadership of the Global South, deserves a permanent seat at the Security Council. Similarly, Japan, a leading donor and peace builder, warrants permanent membership. Excellencies, in conclusion, let me reiterate our deep gratitude for the support we have received on Bhutan's journey to LDC graduation. Now, we are committed to sustaining this progress, but we will need your continued support. In this regard, we invite your support and investment in initiatives like the Gelifu Mindfulness City. However, as we celebrate Bhutan's progress, we must also intensify our efforts to support other LDCs, ensuring that they too can achieve graduation. In this regard, the role of the United Nations is more critical than ever, reinforcing the imperative for multilateralism in addressing the global challenges we face. As we look to the future, I have the honor to close by repeating a profound message from His Majesty, our beloved King. I first did so seven years ago, and I repeat, no nation today can stand alone in achievement. Time is slowly telling us that there can be no lasting individual success without success as a community. And there cannot be lasting national progress and success if it does not fit into a future of global peace, harmony, and equality. The world must progress together or fail together. Thank you and tashi dilek. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/bhutan","Bhutan","His Excellency","Tshering Tobgay","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bt_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BT_EN.mp3" 121,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Lejeune Mbella Mbella, Minister of External Relations of Cameroon. Mr. President, I have the honor of delivering before this August assembly the entire statement that His Excellency Paul Beer, President of the Republic and Head of State, authorized me to deliver on his behalf. And I quote, Mr. President, first of all, I would like to express to you my sincere congratulations upon your election to the presidency of this 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Your accession to this senior position is a source of pride for your country, Cameroon, as well as for Africa and the international community. I would like to express our gratitude to those member states that supported your candidacy and elected you, in particular those from Africa who nominated you unanimously as the candidate of our continent. I commend the work and achievements of your predecessor, His Excellency, Ambassador Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago, who was able with determination to lead the work of the 78th session of the General Assembly. Lastly, I take this opportunity to reiterate the support and appreciation of Cameroon for the Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, who, despite the many situations facing our world at this moment, is working tirelessly for the advancement of the ideals the purposes and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and working to ensure the success of our shared organization. Mr. President, you decided to place at the heart of the general debate of this 79th session, the theme, Leaving No One Behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. This theme, it must be underscored, expresses the urgent need for joint action in a difficult and complex international climate with both challenges and opportunities. Among those challenges, we need to note that our shared home, the planet Earth, is the victim of extreme climate disruption which is jeopardizing the physical survival of some countries and forest and coastal areas in various regions of the world. Torrential rainfall and subsequent devastating flooding, as we have seen in recent months in Africa, in Europe and in Asia, as well as heat waves, landslides, are all the most visible symptoms of this. and some countries suffer them more than others. Today, people displaced due to climate change are now as numerous as our refugees and internally displaced persons who are victims of war. This is no longer a specter, but rather a painful daily reality in many places. and yet we agreed upon a set of measures to combat these scourges in the Paris Agreement and in many other subsequent commitments. Cameroon, which is a state party to this agreement and which belongs to the Congo Basin Great Forest Massif, is sparing no effort to find relevant solutions together with neighbouring countries. to the global current climate crisis. Consequently, we firmly call for the measures that we adopted together in the Paris Agreement to effectively be applied without any hindrance or delays. Unfortunately, the financial and technical means and resources that constitute the primary means of implementation of this agreement continue thus far to be mobilized in a very parsimonious way. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, on top of this climate crisis, there are conflicts and hotbeds of tension, both old and new, that spare no geographical area. The Sahel, Sudan, Gaza, Lebanon, and Ukraine are the most illustrative examples of this. This sort of situation is driving an arms race, including in space, in the seas and the oceans. It is also driving a greater use of light weapons, as well as weapons of mass destruction. a serious threat of the use of nuclear weapons. And lastly, it is also generating geopolitical tensions, all sorts of rivalries and mistrust between states, giving rise to a threat to peace, security and international stability. If nothing is done urgently, we may be forced to once again in the near future live through another dark chapter in the history of humanity, as was the case at the beginning of the 20th century. For Cameroon, it is important that we reverse this trend as quickly as possible. We must do this in order to save ourselves from a war and the scourges that come with it in order to preserve future generations in light of the ideals advocated by the founding fathers of the United Nations. My country remains convinced that the use of dialogue, consultation, consensus, preventive diplomacy, confidence-building measures, these must always take priority in order to guarantee lasting peace in our world. To achieve this, we must proceed with a reform of the Security Council in order to make sure that it continues to fully fulfil its original mandate as the principal organ responsible for the maintenance of peace and security. Given that Africa is still the only continent that does not have a permanent member on the Security Council, it is essential and urgent that this injustice be corrected and that our continent be able to as is its right, have equitable representation as a separate member in this important, a fully fledged member in this important organ. This calls for the granting of two permanent seats with veto rights and two other additional non-permanent seats. Mr. President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, When we adopted the document entitled The Future We Want, as well as the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the aim was to begin a decisive battle against underdevelopment. Four years ago, at the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, we took further commitments reaffirming that the Sustainable Development Goals are our action plan, the application of which is a question of life and death. As we approach the 2030 deadline that we set ourselves, we must acknowledge that the expected results are far from being achieved as is made manifest in various progress reports presented by the Secretary General. As we saw earlier, in the context of the Paris Agreement to protect the planet, financial and technological means of implementation have not yet been fully mobilized. For that reason, Cameroon once again calls for renewed political will and more decisive action to overcome this situation. The new Doha program of action for the least developed countries, the Antigua and Barbuda program of action for small island developing states, and the program for landlocked developing countries that will be adopted at the upcoming conference in Gaborone in December, as well as the African Union 2063 Agenda, together with its second decade of priorities, the Continental Free Trade Zone. These are all, in our view, frameworks for guidance and incentives for the development of the poorest countries that need to be actively implemented if we want to leave no one behind. In this regard, Cameroon for its part has undertaken a number of structural projects in the sectors of energy, transport infrastructure, communication and telecommunications, extractive industries and processing, as well as many other sectors with the aim of becoming an emerging country by 2035. Mr. President. Plans, projects and programs for recovery and reconstruction as well as humanitarian action have been set up by our government to respond to the special and urgent needs of populations above all those living in rural areas or those affected by the abuses of the terrorist sect Boko Haram in the far north of Cameroon, as well as those resulting from the socio-political crisis in the far north, the northwest and the southwest regions. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely and sincerely firmly thank our bilateral and multilateral partners for their constant support for our national progress and development agenda, and I would like to invite them to continue to do us the honor of their faithful and loyal support. Mr. President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, all of the actions undertaken by developing countries will only produce the expected results if the global macroeconomic framework is reformed. This framework, need we recall, is based on institutions that have been there since the Second World War, institutions that have become obsolete and the structure and organization of which are in large part at the source of disruption, imbalances, dysfunctioning and even inequalities that still are not conducive to the full development of poor countries and the Global South. Consequently, Cameroon echoes the appeal and the movement aiming for the reform of the international economic and financial architecture. This appeal and this movement focus in particular on the better representation of developing countries in these institutions, as well as more equitable taxation, appropriate monetary policy, more sustainable debt, a better adapted energy transition, healthy agriculture, controlled industrialization, and decent work. Mr. President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, we welcome the holding here on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2024 of the Summit of the Future, which we participated in, and above all, the adoption of the Pact for the Future and its two annexes on the digital sphere and future generations. This pact, once again, commits us to the active pursuit of peace, sustainable development and human dignity, thanks to a series of concrete actions that require the consequent means of implementation. We cannot deprive ourselves of these actions which could open up the way to the future we want in the context of a reinvigorated multilateralism supported by the ideals, the purposes and the principles of the United Nations Charter. It is a question of safeguarding the planet building peace, bringing about sustainable development with first and foremost the eradication of poverty, shared prosperity and full respect for human rights focused on human dignity. Unless there is the necessary clear political will the means for the active implementation of the provisions agreed in this Pact and its annexes, we risk not achieving as we would like to do the desired results, and in so doing, we would disappoint present and future generations. At this juncture, allow me to appeal for a mobilization from all corners in order to resolutely implement these provisions and to prove those skeptics wrong that have lost faith in the united nations as our organization our shared organization prepares to celebrate its 80th anniversary let us give ourselves the means to modernize let's also give ourselves the resources to effectively respond to the expectations that have been placed in our organization to respond to the present challenges and to keep alight the flame of a more humanist international cooperation mr president excellencies ladies and gentlemen We are living through a time of threats and challenges to peace and development, but also one of great opportunities. We have at our disposal the resources we need thanks to the prodigious development of science and technology, as well as artificial intelligence. It is now up to us to set aside our selfishness and to act in solidarity with a sense of collective responsibility in order that we may together overcome the challenges that no country can face alone. In doing so, it is up to us to make proper use of these resources to ensure the well-being and survival of the planet and the human race. today and in the future in the context of constant vigilance and enlightened awareness and an in-depth reflection on the part of the international community about controlled globalization. End of quote. Thank you for your kind attention. I thank the Minister of External Relations of Cameroon","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/cameroon","Cameroon","His Excellency","Lejeune Mbella Mbella","Minister for External Affairs","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cm_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CM_EN.mp3" 122,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Andrej Plenković, Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency, invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. Today, we should stand united in the face of unprecedented global challenges. From the proliferation of conflicts and deteriorating geopolitical situation to climate crisis and food security, the world is at a critical juncture where every nation, regardless of its size, plays a vital role. Croatia's journey over the past 34 years has been a testament to resilience and determination. Emerging from a conflict and building a modern, progressive state, we have positioned ourselves as active contributors on the global stage. As we convene here, Croatia brings not just its experience but a deep commitment to fostering peace, advancing sustainable development, and upholding human rights as fundamental values rooted in our history. We live in a world increasingly ablaze. As a country that has endured conflict and the painful process of post-war recovery, we understand firsthand the value of peace, security, and international solidarity. Our journey from a nation affected by aggression to a contributor to global peace efforts equips us with a unique perspective. The lessons we have learned about resilience, reconciliation, and the importance of upholding international law shape our commitment to promoting peace and security worldwide. In a world facing intensifying crises from Ukraine to Middle East and Sudan, Croatia stands firm in its belief that every nation has the right to self-determination and protection under the UN Charter. Russia's brutal aggression against Ukraine continues well into its third year, trampling all tenets of international law. While Ukrainian civilians continue to die and suffer, the largest active nuclear power plant in Europe is also at risk. This undermines all principles of nuclear safety and may bring about catastrophic consequences with cross-border impact. All member states of the United Nations have the right to be independent, and their people must be free to choose their own path. They must not depend on their neighbors' permission, nor should they be left alone to succumb to a neighbor's military aggression. In that way, we will not tire in our support to Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity and in our assistance, and we call upon all to do the same. At the same time, the looming threat of a wider conflict in the Middle East is evident. The heinous terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October horrified us. So did the unspeakable continued tragedy since endured by the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza, where thousands were killed and wounded. Whatever historical or present grievances continuing down this path will not bring a lasting resolution, only more death and destruction. We call for the immediate and unconditional release of all remaining hostages and on both sides to engage in genuine negotiations to end hostilities and prevent further escalation. The Middle East and its people deserve a better future, the rest of the world as well. The wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East are overshadowing the immense humanitarian and civilian catastrophe unfolding in Sudan. This is even more alarming considering the context of increasing fragmentation of the security architecture in many parts of the African continent. Reversing this trend should be seen as a priority by all of us. We must not leave Africa behind, a continent where half of the population is younger than 19, should and must be seen as a source of hope for humanity, not as an afterthought. The UN Charter is not just another document we can simply and easily replace. The world's constitution must be upheld more than ever before. Reinvigoration of effective multilateralism with the UN in its center must not be reduced to a phrase we use on the occasions like this. In the same way, we must not falter when it comes to strengthening international arms control, disarmament, and the non-proliferation architecture. This is essential not just to avoid conflict, instability, or even greater tragedies, but to reduce the already heightened risks of escalations, either deliberate or as a result of a misunderstanding. Extremist and terrorist groups and their affiliates continue to pose a severe threat around the world, leaving no society safe. Their continued expansion in various regions and the increasing level of violence they resort to only remind us that countering and preventing terrorism requires long-term commitment as well as continued coordinated efforts of the entire international community. As a country that proudly hosted, supported, and enabled the success of the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, rightly considered by many as the most successful peacekeeping mission in the history of the United Nations, and which Croatia managed to join just a decade ago, NATO, after the departure of the last UN peacekeeper, We know all too well the meaning of peacebuilding, its significance, and the efforts it requires. As this year's Vice Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission and last year's Chair, Croatia supports strengthening the links between the three pillars of the United Nations – peace and security, development, and human rights. There is no peace without sustainable development, and no sustainable development without peace. There is little time left to strengthen our focus on prevention at all levels. For the Peacebuilding Commission, it means to focus more on structural prevention through national prevention strategies and operational prevention by sending flexible civilian missions upon a country's request. The 2025 review of the peacebuilding architecture will be a crucial moment to strengthen the PBC and to broaden its mandate and give it some decision-making powers. You can count on Croatia's active participation to share its experience and view of its candidature to be again a member of the PBC in 2026. Croatia is also proud that today a Croatian company is a global leader in robotic demining and we are actively supporting Ukraine by providing our expertise to assist in the clearance of mines and unexploded ordnance in conflict affected areas. Ladies and gentlemen, we are committed to sustainable development, which is deeply rooted in its unique position as one of the most biodiverse and nature-rich countries in Europe. Often referred to as the nature park of Europe, Croatia has long recognized the importance of preserving its natural resources. Our achievements in renewable energy, where we rank among the top in the European Union, and our strong performance in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals reflect a national strategy that balances economic growth and social stability with environmental stewardship. As we stand at the crossroads of environmental crisis and digital transformation, Croatia's experience offers valuable insights into how we can harness innovation while protecting our planet for future generations. The path we take today will determine our future tomorrow. Therefore, we must choose it wisely. Croatia and its national development strategy until 2030 espoused a vision of a competitive, innovative, and safe country with a recognizable identity and culture, a country with preserved resources, quality living conditions, and equal opportunities for all. We have built our strategy on the three main interrelated development pillars, digital transformation, decarbonization, and demographic revitalization. The digital transformation of our societies is inevitably changing our way of life and our way of doing business more rapidly and intensively than any transition in the last century. We are transforming our state and public administration businesses and society and half of our population is using the digital services of the state. Croatia's IT industry is competitive and booming. At the same time, while new and emerging technologies are unlocking great potential, they also come with risks. To manage these, we need effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, as well as informed citizens. My government will continue with policies which promote this path. Humanity's greatest challenge of the 21st century is climate change, coupled with loss of biodiversity, reduction of food and natural resources, increase in the number of droughts, fires and floods, as well as the acceleration of the sea level rise. Croatia is located in the Mediterranean, one of the world's regions expected to be hit hardest by climate change. It is not by accident that Croatia got a portfolio for the Mediterranean in the new European Commission. This summer, we saw record-breaking heat waves, followed by torrential rains in our part of Europe only last week. The green transition is therefore pivotal for us all. Promoting nature-based solutions is one of our main national tools for climate change and adaptation and migration. For this reason, we need to strengthen the multilateral system of dealing with climate, biodiversity and sustainable development. We need to put more efforts in dealing with climate as a threat amplifier that endangers security and stability of many regions and countries in the world, especially in Africa. We spare no effort to integrate the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals in our national policies and initiatives and strategies and into the reinforced and reformed global governing structure. We are proud that our reforms and investments have earned Croatia a high eighth place among 193 UN member states, according to the 2024 Sustainable Development Report. Finally, for Croatia, all these measures culminate also in a demographic revitalization. as another key national structural priority. We consider it an indispensable element of our resilience, competitiveness, and a prerequisite for a successful, sustainable growth. Ladies and gentlemen, our deep commitment to human rights stems from our own difficult experiences under totalitarian regimes and the horrors of the aggression during the Homeland War. The violations of fundamental rights that we endured as a nation have shaped our understanding of the importance of protecting human rights, dignity, justice, and equality. Croatia's journey from a war-torn country to a strong advocate for human rights in the international arena has given us a unique perspective on the necessity of upholding these principles. With this background, we remain steadfast in our dedication to promoting human rights, preventing atrocities, and providing humanitarian assistance to those in need, both at home and abroad. The 2030 Agenda sets out a vision for a sustainable development grounded in international human rights standards, promoting one of the main values of the UN Charter – to leave no one behind. Only through respect for human rights can we achieve a more peaceful, equal and sustainable world. Croatia will continue to champion this cause. As a country still searching for 1,792 missing persons from the homeland war, Croatia spares no efforts to end the anguish of uncertainty for their families. We shall never cease the search for them, and we shall never stop demanding answers from those who know their fate. We contribute by sharing our acquired expertise with interested countries and by advocating for the missing persons everywhere in the world, in our national capacity and as a committed member of the Global Alliance for the Missing. Croatia is today extending its support to Ukraine by offering its expertise in prosecuting war crimes and making its seasoned experts available to assist Ukraine in navigating the complex process of accountability and justice, drawing from its own experience in addressing the aftermath of war crimes committed during the homeland war. Committed to eradicating domestic violence and violence against women, we have introduced femicide as a distinct criminal offense. Our goal is the elimination of gender discrimination and creation of conditions for real equality of women and men in society, at home as well as abroad and in the multilateral system. This is why Croatia promotes women, peace and security at the global level, as we know the disproportionate effect of conflict on women, but we have also seen how women, when participating in all peacebuilding and sustaining peace process, are agents of change and harbingers of peace. Croatia also advocates a comprehensive approach to issues affecting persons with disabilities. This includes mainstreaming disability in all fields of human rights. With this in mind, in the UN, we will be leading an effort by a cross-regional group of countries to proclaim the International Day of Deafblindness. This resolution will hopefully contribute to understanding as well as encourage and inspire national and legal recognition of deafblindness as a distinct and unique disability worldwide. In the past three years, Croatia has also been honored to serve as a co-chair of the Group of Friends of Responsibility to Protect in New York. We still believe more has to be done in terms of atrocity prevention and the operationalization of the Responsibility to Protect concept. In the humanitarian context, we are facing worse circumstances than ever. Croatia presides this year over the humanitarian affairs segment of the Economic and Social Council. against the challenging backdrop of unresolved conflicts and eruption and escalation of new ones, climate-related disasters, disease outbreaks, economic shocks, and famine for millions of people. Focusing the discussion on the consequences of the erosion of respect for international humanitarian law, clear and strong calls were heard across the board for upholding international humanitarian law ending impunity, bolstering women's leadership, addressing climate emergency, and for ethical and responsible use of new technologies. Ladies and gentlemen, as one of equal successor states of former Yugoslavia, Croatia is among the founders of the United Nations. Following the dissolution of former Yugoslavia in the midst of defending itself from aggression and invasion, 32 years ago Croatia reconfirmed its commitment to the UN Charter, this time as a free, sovereign and independent member states of the United Nations. Ours is a journey of liberty and democracy, a pursuit of peace and prosperity, of vigilant defense of human rights and dignity, while honoring the values and principles of multilateralism and international cooperation that UN embodies. Our experience as a small but resilient nation with a deep understanding of peace, security, and development underscores the importance of reforming and revitalizing the UN to ensure it remains fit to address the global challenges of today and tomorrow. The Pact for the Future, a pivotal document for strengthening multilateralism that we adopted earlier this week, elaborates about both General Assembly and Security Council reform, and we believe we should further strengthen, reform, and revitalize these two institutions. While the role of the GA has been strengthened recently with regard to issues which the Security Council failed to address, more should be done in relation to the maintenance of international peace and security. This relates also to the cooperation of the General Assembly with both the Security Council, the Economic and Social Committee, and the Peacebuilding Commission. The UN Secretariat should be made fit for purpose and the selection of the Secretary General and all other, especially high-level posts, need to be guided by the principles of merit, transparency, inclusiveness, gender and geographic rotation. Finally, allow me to reflect on Southeast Europe, a region in our neighborhood. As a country with deep expertise and a nuanced understanding of Southeast Europe, we stand as a model of successful integration into both the European Union and NATO. This unique position not only gives us Croatia's special status within the region, but also grants its significant authority in advocating for peace, stability, and European aspirations of our neighbors. Croatia consistently encourages our Western Balkan partners to invest even more in fulfilling the established criteria. Regional cooperation and good neighborly relations, along with solving outstanding issues and disputes, remain an essential, indispensable part of the process. The merit-based approach and rewarding individual achievements in fulfilling the standards will accelerate accession to the European family. In this regard, those who cooperate in good faith, align with the EU's, for instance, foreign policy resolutions and positions, and conduct genuine reforms should move ahead on their EU accession path. Of particular importance for us is the stability of our neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, with which we share more than a thousand kilometres long border. In order to achieve security and stability in the country, the constitutional full equality of the three constituent peoples, Croats, Bosniaks, and Serbs, must be ensured, and the Dayton-Paris Accords, the peace treaties that ended the war and confirmed the multinational, multi-confessional, and multicultural Bosnia and Herzegovina must be upheld. In conclusion, the story of our country is one of transformation from a nation rebuilding after war to a committed partner within the global community. Our journey reflects the power of collaboration, vision, and perseverance. As we look ahead, Croatia is ready to join to continue contributing to a world where peace, justice, human rights, and sustainable development are attainable for all. Together, through multilateralism, we can overcome today's challenges and build a future where every country, every citizen can thrive. The path may be long and difficult, but by standing united, we can make it a reality. Let us move forward with renewed purpose, ensuring that the foundations we build today will support a prosperous and peaceful tomorrow. Thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/croatia","Croatia","His Excellency","Andrej Plenković","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/hr_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_HR_EN.mp3" 123,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Russell M. Iso Dlamini, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Eswatini. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency, Mr. Phil Monnier, President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Your Majesties, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, the United Nations Secretary General, Honorable Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. President, it is with profound gratitude and deep sense of responsibility that I stand before you today at this pivotal gathering of the 79th United Nations General Assembly. I bring you the warmest greetings from His Majesty King Mswati III, the Queen Mother, the government, and the people of the Kingdom of Efe Swatini. We are convened here not merely as representatives of our nations, but as stewards of a shared global community, united in our commitment to peace, security, and sustainable development. As we gather under the theme, Leaving No One Behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity, For present and future generations, we are reminded of our shared duty to create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Our obligation is to leave this planet in a better place for our posterity. The Kingdom of Eswatini joins this global assemble with unwavering dedication to the principles of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity. We recognize that the challenges we face today, marked by unprecedented crises, are deeply interconnected. It is only through collective action, innovation, and a firm commitment to multilateralism that we can forge a path towards a more just and equitable world. We commend the Secretary-General for convening the recently concluded summit of the future, which has provided a unique opportunity to reinvigorate multilateralism, enhance global solidarity, and reform our international governance structures. Eswatini fully supports the summit and its outcomes, as they resonate with our belief in a fairer and a more inclusive world. Since the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, There are concerns that it no longer addresses adequately the issues faced by the global community. There is a need to reconsider the operations of the multilateral institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank, and particularly the Security Council. The Kingdom of Swatini stands by its efforts to call for reforms in the United Nations. In 2005, the Kingdom of Swatini hosted the African Union meeting that resulted in the Zuluini Consensus, which articulated Africa's common position on the reform of the United Nations, including the call for greater African representation on the Security Council. While it has taken nearly two decades For this conversation to advance, Eswatini is proud of her early role in championing this cause. We urge the global community to implement this longstanding commitment and ensure that all regions and peoples have a voice in shaping our collective future. Mr. President, in Eswatini, we have embraced the spirit of which means run. This national effort symbolizes our collective resolve to accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is a call for urgent action, for picking up the pace, and for ensuring that every effort is made to meet the needs of our people and our planet. With only a few years left until 2030, time is not on our side. We must double our efforts to bridge the gaps in development, combat poverty and inequality, and address the climate crisis. Ngwe is our rallying cry to run faster, to work harder, and to leave no one behind. We invite the global community to join us in this accelerated drive towards a better future for all. Africa is the youngest continent in the world, brimming with potential and promise. The Kingdom of Swatini is committed to harnessing this demographic dividend by investing in our youth. Our youth empowerment program, supported by government, The United Nations, Ina Swatini and other Friends of the Kingdom aims to equip young people with the skills and resources they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world. We believe that by creating opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship, we are laying the foundation for a more prosperous and inclusive society. Addressing youth unemployment and providing our young people with meaningful opportunities is not just an economic imperative, but a moral one. We must act now to ensure that our youth can participate fully in building the Africa we want, an Africa of peace, prosperity, and dignity. Poverty remains one of the greatest challenges facing our continent, In Eswatini, we are committed to eradicating poverty through inclusive growth and robust social protection programs. We have prioritized policies that provide safety nets for the most vulnerable in our society, including women, children, and persons with disabilities. We urge the international community to support these efforts by promoting fair trade, increasing development assistance, and fostering partnerships that create jobs and uplift communities. Let us work together to build a world where no one lives in poverty and every person can achieve their full potential. Mr. President, sustainable development is not a choice but a necessity for the survival and prosperity of our planet. The Kingdom of Eswatini remains dedicated to advancing our development agenda as aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We have made significant strides in promoting poverty eradication, renewable energy, the protection of our natural resources, and ensuring equitable access to education and healthcare for Emaswat. Our national development strategy aligns with global development goals focusing on economic diversification, poverty reduction, and human capital development. We've taken significant steps to promote renewable energy through investments in solar, wind, and hydropower projects, such as the Swatini Electricity Company's initiative to increase the share of renewable energy in the national grid. These efforts are complemented by our progress in providing access to quality education through the free primary education program and improving health care services as outlined in our National Health Strategic Plan. However, as a small, middle-income country, we face unique challenges, including limited access to international financing, vulnerability to climate change, and economic shocks. We call on the international community to support the developmental aspirations of countries like Eswatini, ensuring that our path towards sustainable development is not hindered by structural inequalities in the global system. In response to these challenges, Eswatini has put forth a comprehensive SDG recovery and acceleration plan valued at about $1.6 billion, covering diverse areas, including digital transformation, renewable energy, agriculture, industrial expansion, and social protection. This plan prioritizes implementation over the development of new frameworks, emphasizing sectors such as job creation, specifically under SDG 8, Target 8.5, which focuses on creating jobs across industries as a multiplier for achieving other SDGs. By investing in employment opportunities, we believe we can address multiple dimensions of development, including reducing food insecurity, enhancing access to essential services, and minimizing social ills such as crime and substance abuse. Mr. President, the implementation of SDGs requires substantial financial resources. However, many developing countries, including those in Africa, face significant barriers to accessing affordable finance. The current global financial architecture is not fit for purpose. and must be reformed to make the financing more accessible and equitable. We call for the implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Plan, which emphasizes the need for innovative financing mechanisms and global solidarity. We also urge the international community to support the reform of global financial mechanisms that have seen developing countries pay much higher costs than developed nations to access the much needed funds. This unfair practice must come to an end. The summit of the future provides a critical opportunity to address these disparities and ensure that all nations have the means to achieve their development goals. Mr. President, peace is the foundation upon which sustainable development and human dignity rests. The Kingdom of Eswatini, guided by its long-standing tradition of peaceful coexistence, continues to advocate for dialogue and peaceful resolution of conflicts. We condemn all forms of violence and support efforts aimed at silencing the guns across the world, particularly in Africa. We call upon the international community to support the African Union's Agenda 2063 and the African Union must award NMEP for silencing the gangs. It is imperative that we are not to leave anyone behind. We must address the root causes of conflict, including poverty, inequality and lack of opportunity, which drive instability and undermine development efforts. Mr. President, health is a fundamental pillar of sustainable development, and its challenges are multidimensional, impacting not just individual well-being, but also national productivity and social stability. The Kingdom of Eswatini recognizes that achieving universal health coverage is integral to the broader agenda of leaving no one behind. Despite our efforts, to improve healthcare access through initiatives such as the National Health Strategic Plan and investment in health infrastructure, Eswatini, like many other countries, continues to grapple with significant health challenges. These include a high burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases, inadequate health financing, and the complexities of delivering equitable health care in rural and remote areas. Furthermore, the ongoing threat of pandemics such as COVID-19 and emerging health threats such as the MPOCs exacerbated by climate change underscore the need for adequate preparedness and resilient health systems. We call upon the international community to support collaborative efforts in strengthening health systems, enhancing disease surveillance, improving access to essential medicines, and building capacity for rapid response to health emergencies. Only through such global solidarity and shared commitment Can we ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages as enshrined in SDG 3? Mr. President, climate change poses an existential threat to our future. In Eswatini, we have taken decisive steps to address this crisis. We have developed a comprehensive strategy to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, investing in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and disaster risk reduction. We are also proud to announce that Eswatini has recently adopted a ban on single-use plastics. This decision, supported by UNDP and the Eswatini Environment Agency through initiatives like Pasasakonawe, is part of our broader commitment to environmental sustainability. However, our efforts alone are not enough. We call upon developed nations to honor their commitment to climate finance and technology transfer. It is only through collective action that we can ensure a sustainable future for all. The theme of this year's UN General Assembly is leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. Ironically, Taiwan and its 23.5 million people continue to be left by the United Nations and its specialized agencies. We wish to make a call for their inclusion. They need to be part of this global platform so that they can also fully participate in global development and growth of our goals. Mr. President, the road ahead is fraught with challenges. But it is also filled with hope and opportunity. Let us seize this moment to reaffirm our commitment to the ideals of the United Nations and to the vision of a world where peace, sustainable development, and human dignity are realities for all. The Kingdom of Swatini stands ready to work with all nations in this noble endeavor. May we all embrace the spirit of Nkwe and let us run together with accelerated speed towards our shared goals and ensure that no one is left behind. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Eswatini. The assembly will hear","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/eswatini","Eswatini","His Excellency","Russell Mmiso Dlamini","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sz_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SZ_EN.mp3" 124,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Tayeh Aske Selassie Amde, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. Excellency, President of the General Assembly, Excellency, Secretary General of the United Nations, ladies and gentlemen, Your Excellency, Philemon Young, let me express my congratulations to you and your country, Cameroon, on your election to preside over the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, and I wish you a successful term. I also wish to express my profound appreciation to His Excellency, Denis Francis, President of the 78th Session of the General Assembly for his able leadership. It is an honor and privilege for me to address this August assembly representing my country, Ethiopia. Mr. President, the country that was One of the 51 founding members of the United Nations, Ethiopia is a strong proponent of effective multilateralism centered on the United Nations. Ethiopia views with grave concern the challenges of the United Nations facing in discharging its role in peace and security and socioeconomic development. Nevertheless, Ensuring readiness and capability of the United Nations to resolve global challenges has been a generational quest. Five years into the establishment of the United Nations, in the year 1950, 74 years ago, Ethiopia in its policy statement stated to this August assembly, I quote, We are filled with anxiety concerning the surprises which the future may hold in store, fears that the United Nations may be called upon to face events even more serious than those of the present time, and that such problems may greatly exceed its power and capacity. End of quotes. That future is now, and that future is the present. We are faced with persisting peace and security challenges across the globe. There is a devastating existential threat emanating from arms race, extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change. At the same time, global commitment to the sustainable development goals is receding, and the debt crisis in developing countries is worsening. Furthermore, our constrained ability to manage the emerging multipolar world carries the risk of undermining multilateralism. As envisaged, the United Nations is called upon to face challenges that are proving to exceed its powers and capabilities. It is our view that collective security will be realized if states are able to exercise their authority and carry out their responsibilities to safeguard their national security. The conventional dictates, including peacekeeping missions, can deliver the desired results when we prioritize support for national efforts and capabilities. We must therefore at all times preserve the sovereignty and political independence of states at the foundation of effective collective security. We also call for greater economic and security cooperation among member states, which is pivotal to empowering national institutions. The shortcomings of the United Nations reflect the reluctance on the part of the international community to promote the effective realization of the principles and purposes of the Charter. The United Nations should be at the center of efforts to resolve global peace and security challenges. Without a substantial role for the United Nations, guided by the principles of the Charter, we risk making the General Assembly an inconsequential platform with no guarantee for a meaningful contribution to global peace and security. On its part, the United Nations should play its role by demonstrating impartiality, independence, competence, and credibility among all its members. Furthermore, we underscore the urgency to reform the United Nations Security Council and its working methods. The reform of the Security Council is not only about rectifying the injustice done to Africa, but also about the credibility of the Council itself. The impacts of Africa's exclusion and the Security Council's inability to discharge its cardinal responsibilities manifest in its disproportionate focus on internal affairs of African affairs. In addition, the Council's lukewarm attitude toward regional solutions and the implementation of measures detached from reality on the ground are results of Africa's non-representation. We therefore call on member states to commit to prioritizing Africa's representation in both categories of membership of the UN Security Council with all rights and prerogatives as articulated under Africa's common position. There is no shortcut or half solution to this long-standing quest for equality. Mr. President, The African Union has designed Agenda 2633 as the blueprint for the continent's development. The agenda is being implemented in synchronization with the UN Agenda 2030. The fact that the SDGs are off track mostly due to lack of financing is a source of concern for Africa. The compounding debt crisis also requires urgent and sustainable solutions. Therefore, those member states with impact on global financial institutions should make the necessary financial resources available. On its part, Ethiopia has been consistent in its effort to achieve these development goals. In parallel with resolving a complex security challenges through an African Union facilitated peace process, Ethiopia has redoubled its efforts to forge peace and development. We are making progress in poverty eradication and realizing people-centered development. We introduce transformational shifts to our monetary and economic policies and to advance our digital infrastructure. We are confident our development paths will bring about great benefits to our people. We call on all actors in development finance to work with us with a sense of solidarity and cooperation to navigate the challenges of reform and attain sustainable economic growth and development. Mr. President, I have the distinct pleasure to announce to this assembly the milestone the Nile River Basin has achieved this year. The Cooperative Framework Agreement of the Nile River Basin, CFA, is poised to enter into force with the required number of ratifications. The entry into force of this first-ever Nile Basin-wide treaty, the Cooperative Framework Agreement, will pave the way for sustained cooperation and shared growth across the entire river basin. Ethiopia, along with its co-riparian sisterly countries, will work towards the realization of the principles of the CFA and the full potential of the Nile River. Furthermore, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is generating electricity, responding to the energy demands of Ethiopia and the Eastern African region. It is our sincere hope that the remaining riparian countries will join the CFA and play a constructive role in ensuring equitable and reasonable utilization of the Nile River. I am also proud to announce to this August Assembly that the Ethiopian Green Legacy, the notable initiative of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, saw the planting of 40 billion seedlings within five years, increasing our forest coverage from 3 to 24 percent. This stands as a substantial goal contribution to the absorption of greenhouse gas and a tangible measure against the adverse impact of climate change. Based on its long-term low-emission development strategy, it is also on the path to sustainable energy transformation by developing and transitioning to non-fossil fuel energy sources. Such efforts must be supported by the full activation of the global commitment, especially through the provision of adequate climate financing. Mr. President, maritime insecurity in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean is a source of great concern for Ethiopia. With over 120 million population and significant maritime threat, Ethiopia entirely depends on the safe, secure maritime activity in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. This region is threatened by conflicts, piracy, and other illicit activities. Over the years, Ethiopia has played an instrumental role in combating the cause of insecurity. We also continue our efforts to work with other neighbors to contribute on durable basis to ensure peaceful navigation on the high seas. We see a great need to chart a new path for inclusive maritime security engagement with equal participation of countries with stakes on both sides of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. Furthermore, terrorism continues to be a grave threat to the peace and security of the whole of Africa. The growing rise of violent extremism like Al-Shabaab and its international and internal affiliates have continued their vicious attack against civilians and security of the region. The region has reached a milestone in degrading terrorism owing to the resilience of the people of Somalia and the sacrifice of the sons and daughters of Burundi, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, and my country, Ethiopia. The authorization of the Security Council and the international finance for the African Union peace support operation have indeed played an instrumental role. I'm confident the government of Somalia will soon reckon with and recognize the sacrifice we made to Somalia's liberation from the grip of terrorist groups. ETIB's memorandum of understanding with Somaliland is based on existing political dispensation in Somalia. Our objective is shared growth and prosperity in the region. Similar agreements have been concluded by other states, and there is no reason for the government of Somalia to incite hostility that obviously intends to cover internal political tensions. I, therefore, reject the unfounded allegation levied against my country. ETIPE's name can never be associated with any one of the allegations. I rather call on the federal government of Somalia to join hands to eliminate terrorist groups that are causing chaos and mayhem on the people of the region. The recent maneuvers of actors from outside the Horn of Africa region undermine these efforts. Nevertheless, Ethiopia will not be deterred from its resolute commitment to combating terrorism. We therefore call upon these actors to immediately stop their reckless actions. We also call on the international community to recognize the imminent risk originating from these irresponsible acts and to take concrete measures to prevent the loss of hard-won gains in combating terrorism in the Horn of Africa. Mr. President, in conclusion, I would like to reiterate Ethiopia's commitment to the maintenance of global peace and security and upholding multilateralism. I thank you, Mr. President. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/ethiopia","Ethiopia","His Excellency","Taye Atske-Selassie Amde","Minister for Foreign Affairs","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/et_fl.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ET_EN.mp3" 125,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Order, please. Ladies and gentlemen, order. Order, please. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, I didn't intend to come here this year. My country is at war, fighting for its life. But after I heard the lies and slanders leveled at my country by many of the speakers at this podium, I decided to come here and set the record straight. I decided to come here to speak for my people, to speak for my country, to speak for the truth. And here is the truth. Israel seeks peace. Israel yearns for peace. Israel has made peace and will make peace again. Yet we face savage enemies who seek our annihilation, and we must defend ourselves against these savage murderers. Our enemies seek not only to destroy us, They seek to destroy our common civilization and return all of us to a dark age of tyranny and terror. When I spoke here last year, I said we faced the same timeless choice that Moses put before the people of Israel thousands of years ago. As we were about to enter the Promised Land, Moses told us, that our actions will determine whether we bequeath to future generations a blessing or a curse. And that is the choice we face today. The curse of Iran's unremitting aggression or the blessing of a historic reconciliation between Arab and Jew. In the days that followed that speech, the blessing I spoke of came into sharper focus. A normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel seemed closer than ever. But then came the curse of October 7th. Thousands of Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists from Gaza burst into Israel in pickup trucks, on motorcycles, and they committed unimaginable atrocities. They savagely murdered 1,200 people. They raped and mutilated women. They beheaded men. They burned babies alive. They burned entire families alive, babies, children, parents, grandparents, in scenes reminiscent of the Nazi Holocaust. Hamas kidnapped 251 people from dozens of different countries, dragging them into the dungeons of Gaza. Israel has brought home 154 of these hostages, including 117 who returned alive. I want to assure you, We will not rest until the remaining hostages are brought home too. And some of their family members are here with us today. I ask you to stand up. With us is Elie Stevey, who Sani Dan was abducted from the Nova Music Festival. That was his crime. A music festival. And these murderous monsters took him. Kobi Smyrno, whose son Jonathan was murdered, and his corpse, his corpse was taken into the dungeons, into the terror tunnels of Gaza. A corpse held hostage. Salim al-Atrash, whose brother Muhammad, a brave Arab-Israeli soldier, was murdered. His body too was taken to Gaza. And so was the body Avifat Hyman's daughter in Bar, who was brutally murdered at that same music festival. With us is Sharon Sharabi, whose brother Yossi was murdered, and who prays for his older brother Eli, who is still held hostage in Gaza. And with us, too, is Izar Lifshitz from Kibbutz Nir Oz, a kibbutz that was wiped out by the terrorists. Thankfully, we achieved the release of his mother Yocheved, but his father Oded is still languishing in an underground terrorist hell of Hamas. I again promise you, we will return your loved ones home. We will not spare that effort until this holy mission is accomplished. Ladies and gentlemen, The curse of October 7th began when Hamas invaded Israel from Gaza, but it didn't end there. Israel was soon forced to defend itself on six more war fronts organized by Iran. On October 8th, Hezbollah attacked us from Lebanon. Since then, they fired over 8,000 rockets at our towns and cities, at our civilians, at our children. Two weeks later, the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen launched drones and missiles at Israel, the first of 250 such attacks, including one yesterday aimed at Tel Aviv. Iran's Shiite militias in Syria and Iraq have targeted Israel dozens of times over the past year as well. Fueled by Iran, Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria perpetrated scores of attacks there and throughout Israel. And last April, for the first time ever, Iran directly attacked Israel from its own territory, firing 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles at us. I have a message for the tyrants of Tehran. If you strike us, we will strike you. There is no place... There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach, and that's true of the entire Middle East. Far from being lambs led to the slaughter, Israel's soldiers have fought back with incredible courage and with heroic sacrifice. And I have another message for this assembly and for the world outside this hall. We are winning! Ladies and gentlemen, as Israel defends itself against Iran in the Seven Front War, the lines separating the blessing and the curse could not be more clear. This is the map I presented here last year. It's a map of a blessing. It shows Israel and its Arab partners forming a land bridge connecting Asia and Europe. between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Across this bridge, we will lay rail lines, energy pipelines, fiber optic cables, and this will serve the betterment of 2 billion people. Now look at this second map. It's a map. Look at the second map. It's a map of a curse. It's a map of an arc of terror that Iran has created and imposed from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean. Iran's malignant arc has shut down international waterways. It cuts off trade. It destroys millions, destroys nations from within, and inflicts misery on millions. On the one hand, a bright blessing, a future of hope, On the other hand, a dark future of despair. And if you think this dark map is only a curse for Israel, if you think that, then you should think again. Because Iran's aggression, if it's not checked, will endanger every single country in the Middle East and many, many countries in the rest of the world. Because Iran seeks to impose its radicalism well beyond the Middle East. That's why It funds terror networks on five continents. That's why it builds ballistic missiles for nuclear warheads to threaten the entire world. For too long, the world has appeased Iran. It turns a blind eye to its internal repression. It turns a blind eye to its external aggression. Well, that appeasement must end. And that appeasement must end now. Nations of the world should support the brave people of Iran who want to rid themselves of this evil regime. Responsible governments should not only support Israel in rolling back Iran's aggression, they should join Israel. They should join Israel in stopping Iran's nuclear weapons program. In this body, in the Security Council, we're going to have a deliberation in a few months And I call on the Security Council to snap back UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, because we must all do everything in our power to ensure that Iran never gets nuclear weapons. For decades, I've been warning the world against Iran's nuclear program. Our actions delayed this program. by perhaps a decade, but we haven't stopped it. We've delayed it, but we haven't stopped it. Iran now seeks to weaponize its nuclear program for the sake of the peace and security of all your countries, for the sake of the peace and security of the entire world. We must not let that happen. And I assure you, Israel will do everything in its power to make sure it doesn't happen. So ladies and gentlemen, the question before us is simple. Which of these two maps that I showed you will shape our future? Will it be the blessings of peace and prosperity for Israel, our Arab partners, and the rest of the world? Or will it be the curse in which Iran and its proxies spread carnage and chaos everywhere? Israel has already made its choice. we've decided to advance the blessing. We're building a partnership for peace with our Arab neighbors while fighting the forces of terror that threaten that peace. For nearly a year, the brave men and women of the IDF have been systematically crushing Hamas's terror army that once ruled Gaza. On October 7th, the day of that invasion into Israel, that terror army numbered nearly 40,000 terrorists. It was armed with more than 15,000 rockets. It had 350 miles of terror tunnels, an underground network bigger than the New York subway system, which they used to wreak havoc above and below ground. A year later, the IDF has killed or captured more than half of these terrorists, destroyed over 90% of their rocket arsenal, and eliminated the key segments of their terror tunnel network. In major military operations, we destroyed nearly all of Hamas's terror battalions – 23 out of 24 battalions. Now, to complete our victory, we are focused on mopping up Hamas's remaining fighting capabilities. We are taking out senior terrorist commanders and destroying remaining terrorist infrastructure. But all the while, and I'll say this one more time, we remain focused on our sacred mission, bringing our hostages home. And we will not stop until that mission is complete. Now, ladies and gentlemen, even with Hamas's greatly diminished military capability, the terrorists still exercise some governing power in Gaza by stealing the food that we enable aid agencies to bring into Gaza. Hamas steals the food and then they hike the prices. They feed their bellies and then they fill their coffers with money that they extort from their own people. They sell the stolen food at exorbitant prices. And that's how they stay in power. Well, this too has to end and we're working to bring it to an end. And the reason is simple. Because if Hamas stays in power, it will regroup, rearm, and attack Israel again and again and again, as it is vowed to do. So Hamas has got to go. Just imagine, for those who say, well Hamas has to stay, it has to be part of a post-war Gaza, imagine. in a post-war situation in World War II. Imagine allowing the defeated Nazis in 1945 to rebuild Germany. It's inconceivable. It's ridiculous. It didn't happen then. It's not going to happen now. This is why Israel will reject any rule for Hamas in a post-war Gaza. We don't seek to resettle Gaza. What we seek is a demilitarized and de-radicalized Gaza. Only then can we ensure that this round of fighting will be the last round of fighting. We are ready to work with regional and other partners to support a local civilian administration in Gaza committed to peaceful coexistence. As for the hostages, I have a message for the Hamas captors. Let them go. Let them go, all of them. Those alive today must be returned alive, and the remains of those whom you brutally killed must be returned to their families. Those families here with us today and others in Israel deserve to have a resting place for their loved ones, a place where they can grieve and remember them. This war can come to an end now. All that has to happen is for Hamas to surrender, lay down its arms, and release all the hostages. But if they don't, But if they don't, we will fight until we achieve victory, total victory. There is no substitute for it. Israel must also defeat Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah is the quintessential terror organization in the world today. It has tentacles that span In all continents, it has murdered more Americans and more Frenchmen than any group except bin Laden. It's murdered the citizens of many countries represented in this room. And it has attacked Israel viciously over the last 20 years in the last year, completely unprovoked. A day after the Hamas massacre on October 7th, Hezbollah began attacks against Israel, which forced more than 60,000 Israelis on our northern border to leave their homes, becoming refugees in their own land. Hezbollah turned vibrant towns in the north of Israel into ghost towns. So I want you to think about this in equivalent American terms. Just imagine if terrorists turned El Paso in San Diego into ghost towns. Then ask yourself, how long would the American government tolerate that? A day? A week? A month? I doubt they'd tolerate it even for a single day. Yet Israel has been tolerating this intolerable situation for nearly a year. Well, I've come here today to say enough is enough. We won't rest. until our citizens can return safely to their homes. We will not accept a terror army perched on our northern border able to perpetrate another October 7-style massacre. For 18 years, Hezbollah brazenly refused to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which requires it to move its forces away from our borders. Instead, Hezbollah moved right up to our border. They secretly dug terror tunnels to infiltrate our communities and indiscriminately fired thousands of rockets into our towns and villages. They fired these rockets and missiles not from military sites, not from that. They do that too. But they fired those rockets and missiles after they placed them in schools. In hospitals, in apartment buildings, and in the private homes of the citizens of Lebanon, they endanger their own people. They put a missile in every kitchen, a rocket in every garage. I said to the people of Lebanon this week, get out of the death trap that Hezbollah has put you in. Don't let Nasrallah drag Lebanon into the abyss. We're not at war with you. We're at war with Hezbollah, which has hijacked your country and threatens to destroy ours. As long as Hezbollah chooses the path of war, Israel has no choice and Israel has every right to remove this threat and return our citizens to their homes safely. And that's exactly what we're doing. Just this week, The IDF destroyed large percentages of Hezbollah's rockets, which it built with Iran's funding for three decades. We took out senior military commanders who not only shed Israeli blood, but American and French blood as well. And then we took out their replacements, and then the replacements of their replacements. And we'll continue degrading Hezbollah until all our objectives are made. Ladies and gentlemen, we're committed to removing the curse of terrorism that threatens all civilized societies. But to truly realize the blessing of a new Middle East, we must continue the path we paved with the Abraham Accords four years ago. Above all, this means achieving a historic peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. And having seen the blessings that we've already brought with the Abraham Accords, the millions of Israelis have already flown back and forth across the Arabian Peninsula, over the skies of Saudi Arabia, to the Gulf countries. The trade, the tourism, the joint ventures, the peace, the peace. I say to you, what blessings such a peace with Saudi Arabia would bring. It would be a boon to the security and economy of our two countries. It would boost trade and tourism across the region. It would help transform the Middle East into a global juggernaut. Our two countries could cooperate on energy, water, agriculture, artificial intelligence, and many, many other fields. Such a peace, I am sure, would be a true pivot of history. It would usher in a historic reconciliation between the Arab world and Israel, between Islam and Judaism, between Mecca and Jerusalem. While Israel is committed to achieving such a peace, Iran and its terror proxies are committed to scuttling it. That's why one of the best ways to foil Iran's nefarious designs is to achieve the peace. Such a peace would be the foundation for an even broader Abrahamic alliance. And that alliance would include the United States, Israel, Kurds, Arab peace partners, Saudi Arabia, and others who choose the blessing of peace. It would advance security and prosperity across the Middle East and bring enormous benefits to the rest of the world. With American support and leadership, I believe this vision can materialize, and much sooner than people think. And as the Prime Minister of Israel, I will do everything in my power to make it happen. This is an opportunity that we and the world should not let go by. Ladies and gentlemen, Israel has made its choice. We seek to move forward to a bright age of prosperity and peace. Iran and its proxies have also made their choice. They want to move back to a dark age of terror and war. And now I have a question, and I pose that question to you. What choice will you make? Will your nation stand with Israel? Will you stand with democracy and peace? Or will you stand with Iran? A brutal dictatorship that subjugates its own people, exports terrorism across the globe. In this battle between good and evil, there must be no equivocation. When you stand with Israel, you stand for your own values and your own interests. Yes, we're defending ourselves, but we're also defending you against a common enemy that through violence and terror seeks to destroy our way of life. So there should be no confusion about this. But unfortunately, there is. A lot of it. In many countries. And in this very hall, as I've just heard. Good is portrayed as evil, and evil is portrayed as good. We see this moral confusion when Israel is falsely accused of genocide, when we defend ourselves against enemies who try to commit genocide against us. We see this too when Israel is absurdly accused by the ICC prosecutor of deliberately starving Palestinians in Gaza. What an absurdity. We helped bring in 700,000 tons of food into Gaza. That's more than 3,000 calories a day for every man, woman, and child in Gaza. We see this moral confusion when Israel is falsely accused of deliberately targeting civilians. We don't want to see a single person, a single innocent person die. That's always a tragedy. And that's why we do so much to minimize civilian casualties, even as our enemies use civilians as human shields. And no army has done what Israel is doing to minimize civilian casualties. We drop fliers. We send text messages. We make phone calls by the millions to ensure that Palestinian civilians get out of harm's way. We spare no effort in this noble pursuit. We see yet another profound moral confusion when self-described progressives march against the democracy of Israel. Don't they realize they support the Iranian-backed goons in Tehran and in Gaza? The goons who gun down protesters, murder women for not covering their hair, and hang gays in public squares. Some progressives. According to the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, Iran funds and fuels many of the protesters against Israel. Who knows, maybe some of the protesters, or even many of the protesters outside this building now. Ladies and gentlemen, King Solomon, who reigned in our eternal capital Jerusalem 3,000 years ago, proclaimed. He proclaimed something that is familiar to all of you. He said, there is nothing new under the sun. Well, in an age of space travel, quantum physics, and artificial intelligence, some would argue that's a debatable statement. But one thing is undeniable. There is definitely nothing new at the United Nations. Take it from me, I first spoke from this podium as Israel's ambassador to the UN in 1984. That's exactly 40 years ago. And in my maiden speech here – I think it's the same podium, by the way – in my maiden speech here, I spoke against a proposal to expel Israel from this body. Four decades later, I find myself defending Israel against that same preposterous proposal. And who's leading the charge this time? Not Hamas, but Abbas. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. This is the man who claims he wants peace with Israel, yet he still refuses to condemn the horrific massacre of October 7th. He's still paying hundreds of millions to terrorists who murder Israelis and Americans. It's called pay for slay. The more you murder, the more you get paid. And he still wages unremitting diplomatic warfare against Israel's right to exist and against Israel's right to defend itself. And by the way, they amount to the same thing. Because if you can't defend yourself, you can't exist. Not in our neighborhood, certainly, and maybe not in yours. Standing in this podium 40 years ago, I told the sponsors of that outrageous resolution to expel Israel Gentlemen, check your fanaticism at the door. Today, I tell President Abbas and all of you who would shamefully support that resolution, check your fanaticism at the door. The singling out of the one and only Jewish state continues to be a moral stain on the United Nations. It has made this once respected institution contemptible in the eyes of decent people everywhere. But for the Palestinians, this UN house of darkness is home court. They know that in this swamp of anti-Semitic bile, there's an automatic majority willing to demonize the Jewish state on anything. In this anti-Israel flat earth society, any false charge, any outlandish allegation can muster a majority. In the last decade, There have been more resolutions passed against Israel in this hall at the UN General Assembly than against the entire world combined. Actually, more than twice as many. Since 2014, this body condemned Israel 174 times. It condemned all the other countries in the world 73 times. That's more than 100 extra condemnations for the Jewish state. What hypocrisy! What a double standard! What a joke! So the UN's hostility... So all the speeches you heard today, all the hostility directed at Israel this year, It's not about Gaza. It's about Israel. It's always been about Israel, about Israel's very existence. And I say to you, until Israel, until the Jewish state is treated like other nations, until this anti-Semitic swamp is drained, the UN will be viewed by fair-minded people everywhere as nothing more than a contemptuous farce. Given the anti-Semitism at the UN, it should surprise no one that the prosecutor at the ICC, one of the UN's affiliated organs, is considering issuing arrest warrants against me and Israel's Defense Minister, the democratically elected leaders of the democratic state of Israel. The ICC prosecutors rushed to judgment. His refusal to treat Israel with its independent courts the way other democracies are treated is hard to explain by anything other than pure anti-Semitism. Ladies and gentlemen, the real war criminals are not in Israel. They're in Iran. They're in Gaza, in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen. Those of you who stand with these war criminals Those of you who stand with evil against good, with a curse against the blessing, those of you who do so should be ashamed of yourselves. But I have a message for you. Israel will win this battle. We'll win this battle because we don't have a choice. After generations, After generations in which our people were slaughtered, remorselessly butchered, and no one raised a finger in our defense, we now have a state, we now have a brave army, an army of incomparable courage, and we are defending ourselves. As the book of Samuel says in the Bible, The eternity of Israel will not falter. In the Jewish people's epic journey from antiquity, in our odyssey through the tempests and upheavals of modern times, that ancient promise has always been kept, and it will hold true for all time. To borrow a great poet's phrase, Israel will not go gently into that good night. We will never need to rage against the dying of the light, because the torch of Israel will forever shine bright. To the people of Israel and to the soldiers of Israel, I say, be strong and of good courage. The people of Israel live now, tomorrow, forever. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the State of Israel,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/israel","Israel","His Excellency","Benjamin Netanyahu","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/il_fl.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_IL_EN.mp3" 126,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency Carmina Johnson-Smith, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica. Thank you, Mr. President. I extend Jamaica's congratulations on your election to the leadership of this distinguished body. You can be assured of our full commitment to the successful execution of your mandate for the 79th session. I also commend your predecessor, Ambassador Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago, a fellow CARICOM national, for his successful tenure. We, the member states of the United Nations, are all facing the same world of multiple and intersecting challenges. The great difference between us, however, is our capacity to meet, withstand, and recover from the shocks they bring. If there is one realization that we must share, it is that these challenges cannot be solved alone. They can only be addressed through multilateralism, diplomacy, and international cooperation. Mr. President, Jamaica is a small island located in the second most climate-vulnerable region in the world. We emerged from a brutal history of slavery and colonization, achieving political independence a mere 62 years ago. Until recently, most of our independent history has been characterized by high levels of poverty, debt, and unemployment. But as we chart a course towards sustainable prosperity, we are determined that these characteristics will not define the Jamaica we bequeath to future generations. Against the odds, Jamaica has been building our resilience. Our macroeconomic fundamentals today are stronger than they have been at any time over the past 50 years. Our credit ratings have been upgraded by international rating agencies, and our fiscal credibility has improved. Jamaica is now an attractive destination for investment. Over the last 10 years, in spite of the pandemic, we have more than halved our debt-to-GDP ratio, significantly reduced our poverty rate, brought unemployment to historic lows, and increased our minimum wage by more than 100%. Our management of the economy has created fiscal space that has allowed us to invest more into social welfare, national security, health, and education. Through our national broadband network project, we have increased internet penetration to 77% and internet user penetration to 85.1%. We're closing our domestic digital divide, providing more and better services online. We've also embarked on Jamaica's largest ever expansion and upgrade of infrastructure, using a mixture of pure budgetary financing and public-private partnerships. Mr. President, these advancements have been hard won. Our effort has required social, political, and international partnership, measured policy, and strategic management. Even as we acknowledge the sacrifices made to enable our achievements, we recognize that many of our successes can be easily eroded by exogenous shocks, including climate change, which we view as a clear and present danger to humanity. As a small island developing state, Jamaica is severely affected by higher temperatures, warmer seas, sea level rise, and the increased intensity and frequency of natural disasters. Hurricane Beryl, which impacted the Caribbean in July this year, was the earliest category five hurricane on record. Beryl resulted in the dislocation of families and communities, along with significant damage to infrastructure, houses, schools, and farms. Damage was more severe in our agricultural belt, wiping out crops, killing livestock, and triggering knock-on effects on higher food prices and inflation. Our new climate-smart agricultural practices were no match for the hurricane. Her winds took the panels for solar-powered irrigation pumps and flattened 70% of our greenhouses. We experience almost a half of every year in the uncertainty of a hurricane season. Natural and climate-based disasters continue to set back efforts to attain the SDGs and realize sustained inclusive growth and development. We've therefore sought to strengthen our ability to respond to and recover from such disasters through a risk-layered approach to disaster response financing. Jamaica, therefore, has significantly increased resources to our Contingency Fund and the National Natural Disaster Reserve Fund. We have established the National Disaster Fund, triggered by measured impact on GDP, and become the first small island developing state to independently sponsor a catastrophe bond. Additionally, we participate in the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility. These mechanisms, however, Mr. President, do not reduce the occurrence of disasters nor prevent the disruption, dislocation, and destruction that they cause. It bears repeating that no country can combat the effects of climate change on its own. Jamaica, therefore, affirms our unwavering commitment to international cooperation to counter the negative impacts of climate change and to the pursuit of climate justice. We urge the major polluting nations to honor their commitments under the Paris Agreement and to meet their finance obligations. Furthermore, we welcome the adoption of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, the ABAS, at the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States. More particularly, Jamaica endorses the call for a redoubling of international cooperation and action to accelerate mitigation and adaptation. All countries must maintain the target of limiting global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius through enhanced NDCs based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. Allow me to pause here to congratulate the government of Antigua and Barbuda for successfully hosting the conference. Jamaica calls on the U.N. and international financial institutions to adopt a new climate finance goal at COP29. We further call for urgent and accelerated mobilization of international action and resources. This includes the full and effective operationalization of the loss and damage fund to address issues of responsiveness and scale that are most critical for SIDS. Mr. President, Jamaica welcomes the adoption of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index. We call on our development partners, including multilateral development banks and other international financial institutions, to urgently examine the index and comment its use. Rather than considering GNI alone, it takes into account the structural and environmental vulnerabilities of SIDS. Its use by MDBs will better align access to and terms of financing with supporting these countries' developmental needs. Jamaica also commits to advancing dialogue and cooperation with stakeholders in the international capital markets to adapt their operations to the vulnerability resilience profiles of SIDS. Improved access to development financing is fundamentally critical for CIDS, which are particularly off track in attaining the SDGs. Mr. President, the SDGs were adopted by leaders as a universal clarion call to tackle poverty, ensure peace, and promote prosperity. Jamaica shares the concern that globally only 17 percent of the SDG targets are on track. We are proud that our progress is further along domestically, and we fully support and are honored to co-lead the Secretary General's SDG Stimulus Leaders Group. International cooperation is urgently needed to drive sustained efforts to tackle structural and systemic issues that contain access to development finance. Through our collective advocacy, we aim to elevate the global agenda to ensure that no one is left behind. We call upon wealthier countries and the IFIs to partner with developing countries and to redouble their efforts to create and implement innovative strategies to unlock financing and spur investments towards attaining the SDGs. The upcoming Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development presents an opportunity to commit to tangible deliverables to address the current financing challenges. These include impactful, practical, and meaningful reform of the international financial architecture, to strengthen the voice and representation of developing countries in international decision making, and to substantially improve the quantity, accessibility, and affordability of financing for development. Mr. President, this brings me to the summit of the future. The adoption of the Pact for the Future, the Declaration on Future Generations, and the Global Digital Compact signal renewed hope in multilateralism. The consensus demonstrated by our collective resolve to deliver inclusive and durable solutions to current and emerging global challenges brings new hope. With foresight, political will, and joint action, we can deliver a better world for future generations. Jamaica commends the work of Namibia and Germany in their facilitation of the pact, and we were honored to have co-facilitated, together with the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Declaration on Future Generations. Mr. President, Jamaica believes that in leveraging multilateralism to advance sustainable development, human rights, and international peace and security to deliver results for all the peoples of the world. No country or region should be excluded from the opportunities to attain the SDGs. Jamaica, therefore, joins the call for the discontinuation of the crippling economic, commercial, and financial embargo against our closest Caribbean neighbor, Cuba. We further call for a cessation of the classification of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. These measures continue to have a devastating impact on the economic and social well-being of the people of Cuba and preclude progress towards their attainment of the SDGs. Mr. President, Jamaica also once again condemns the brutal October 7 attacks in Israel and the devastating counterattacks in the Palestinian territories. The undeniable human crisis and instability compel all parties to resolve the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy. We commend the United States, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, and others who are making concerted efforts towards a peaceful resolution. We continue to support the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and believe that a two-state solution is the best way to achieve lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. It is in this context that Jamaica has recognized the State of Palestine, and we call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages to bring an end to the protracted war and human suffering. Mr. President, much closer to home, Haiti continues to face one of the most challenging periods in its storied history. Rampant gangs are causing chronic instability and unspeakable violence, especially against women and children. Millions of Haitians are facing hunger and dislocation. They need and deserve the unwavering support of the international community to restore peace, security, and democracy, and to address the devastating humanitarian crisis. Jamaica will continue to play its part, including through CARICOM and the Eminent Persons Group, in supporting the political process in Haiti. Significant progress has already been made, particularly since the Kingston talks convened by CARICOM in Jamaica in March of this year. We welcome the installation of the transitional presidential council, the appointment of an interim prime minister and ministerial cabinet, and the finalization of the provisional electoral council. The multinational security support mission is critical to the restoration of peace and security in Haiti. We reiterate our gratitude to the government of Kenya for its leadership of and commitment to the MSS. We're pleased to confirm that on the 12th of September, Jamaica deployed its initial command contingent along with Belize as part of the MSS. We are committed to scaling up our numbers. But we also call on the international community to contribute more personnel and equipment. Restoration of peace and security is critical to the creation of an environment in which free and fair elections can be held. The establishment of democratic governance is critical for sustainable economic growth and development for Haiti. Mr. President, since the deployment of the MSS, we have seen improvements in the situation and have reason for cautious optimism. More is needed, however, and time is not on Haiti's side. It is critical that we preserve and advance gains made. It is critical that we maintain hope and stability. We therefore urge the Security Council to renew the mandate of the MSS and to consider future transition to a peacekeeping framework to guarantee funding. We also call for continued and increased support from member states, including financial contributions to the Trust Fund. This is needed for deployment of additional personnel to support the HNP as they recover communities from criminal gangs. Mr. President, we further call on the international community to significantly increase contributions to the humanitarian response plan for Haiti, which remains underfunded at 39 percent of targets. Support to be new must also be ramped up so that displaced families can be fed and provided with critical health care, and children can return to the classrooms to resume their education. Jamaica will continue to do what we are able. We will support our sister CARICOM nation in the effort to restore peace, security and stability in Haiti and, by extension, the region. As Mr. President, Jamaica is seeking to comprehensively address the issue of gangs, crime, and violence in our own society, fully recognizing the compounding impact of transnational crime, including illicit trafficking in drugs, arms, and ammunition. We have embarked on a mission of transforming and strengthening our security forces and agencies while preserving human rights, increasing operational efficiency, and delivering high-quality policing services to the public. We have made significant improvements to the working conditions of our policemen and women, and the National Police College of Jamaica has now received the highest international accreditation for curriculum and quality of training. We continue to expand CCT networks in collaboration with our stakeholders, have increased mobility, and introduced new equipment and technology, including forensics. We have also introduced new community policing models. The government is also undertaking social interventions in vulnerable communities. We've trained and certified approximately 40,000 at-risk youth and enrolled approximately 81,000 parents in parenting programs. We're also working closely with the private sector and NGOs to expand social services in vulnerable communities. On transnational organized crime, Jamaica has made substantial investments in advanced coastal radar systems and acquisition of offshore patrol vessels. We're also increasing the use of technology in securing our ports. Mr. President, as a result of these initiatives, major crimes have consistently declined to the lowest levels in 25 years. So far this year, there's been a 17 percent decline in homicides over last year. Jamaica is a safer place to live, work, raise families, and do business. We recognize that continued bilateral, regional, and multilateral cooperation, especially in the areas of training, intelligence sharing, and joint operations, is vital if we are to comprehensively and sustainably continue to reduce crime and violence. And in this regard, while we appreciate steps taken, we reiterate our call for more concrete action from bilateral partners to stem the illicit flow of small arms and ammunition from their ports. We welcome the recent outcome of the REVCON 4 on small arms and light weapons. More particularly, we welcome the emphasis placed on technical assistance and capacity building, customs control, emerging technologies, and through life, conventional ammunition management. These are all critically relevant matters to ultimately turning our own crime-ridden inner-city communities into peaceful and prosperous ones. Mr. President, cybercrime is a major threat to citizen security and an obstacle to sustained economic development. International cooperation is necessary to address the matter of cybercrime. Jamaica actively participated in the negotiations together with our fellow CARICOM partners on the United Nations Convention on Cybercrime. We therefore look forward to the adoption of the convention by the General Assembly and look forward to future engagements within the framework of this instrument. In closing, Mr. President, Jamaica has taken difficult decisions and has taken responsibility for our economic future. We have demonstrated that we are able to positively impact our own outcomes and redefine our future. We continue to believe not only in our own resolve, but also in the power of multilateralism and international cooperation to overcome shared global challenges. The people of the world are counting on these United Nations and the international community to deliver on climate, on human rights, on peace and security, and on development. With that support, Jamaica is committed to doing our part to meet the challenges of today while laying a solid foundation for future generations. I thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/jamaica","Jamaica","Her Excellency","Kamina Johnson Smith","Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/jm_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_JM_EN.mp3" 127,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Sonekse Sip Han Ton, Prime Minister of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Madam President, at the outset, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to you, Excellency Philemon Yang, on your election as the President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. I have full confidence that with your extensive diplomatic experience and wisdom, you shall successfully lead this August Assembly under the theme of leaving no one behind. acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations, which is of most importance and relevance to the current global situation. In the same vein, I would like to commend His Excellency Dennis Francis for successful conduct of his tenure as the President of the General Assembly. Madam President, today the international community is facing multifaceted challenges taking place across various regions such as geopolitical tensions, armed conflicts, economic and financial crisis, even more frequent and devastating natural disasters resulting from climate change rising poverty and widespread social unrest worldwide among others these remain real threats to international peace stability and security and obstacles to national development efforts of member states, as well as the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Leaving many countries that have yet to fully recover from the impacts of COVID-19 with exacerbated economic and financial difficulties, Against this backdrop, I have witnessed that the member states have strived to enhance cooperation both through the multilateral frameworks and regional mechanisms to jointly address the pressing issues, aiming at creating an environment conducive for maintenance of peace, which is the most fundamental condition for sustainable development. However, these challenges that we are facing are much more fragile and could lead to more dire consequences and potentially reshape the current and future international peace and security landscape, especially the geopolitical tensions that are becoming more confrontational and widening division. all of which require immediate attention, including the prolongated conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine, and many countries in Africa. The Laopida is deeply concerned with the ongoing armed conflict that is gravitating towards spilling over in the entire Middle East region. which would consequence an even more humanitarian crisis for innocent civilians. Therefore, we maintain our consistent support to all international efforts aimed at achieving a permanent ceasefire and cessation of all violence in Gaza and the adjacent areas as the fundamental condition for safe and unhindered humanitarian access for the people, as well as rapid peace agreement negotiation. The Lao PDR reiterates its support for the two-state solution for the Palestinian issue, where Palestine and Israel coexist in peace in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions, and calls for respect. for the inalienable and legitimate rights of Palestinian people for creating necessary conditions for Palestinians to become a full-fledged member of the United Nations. Madam President, many countries all over the world, including the Laos PDR, have experienced and suffered firsthand the consequences of war and solving disputes by force, which directly endanger peace, and security with unpredictable destruction to innocent lives. As such, the only way to solve disputes at all levels with a view towards sustainable peace is to begin with building mutual trust along with diplomatic negotiations based on respect for sovereignty and adherence to the fundamental principles of international law and the United Nations Charter. I am of the view that the international community must ascend to its required responsibility and political commitment that lead to tangible results based on international principles to address various issues at hand as well as emerging challenges in the future. and global partnership, ensuring the concrete implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with the outcomes of the Summit of the Future that the world leaders have just endorsed most recently, based on the promotion of multilateralism with the United Nations at its core to adequately and timely respond to the needs of the international community. It is my view that the application of unilateral coercive measures is against the principles of the UN Charter and international law. These measures have severely and disproportionately affected the innocent people and obstructed development progress in many countries. On that account, we reiterate our unwavering support in line with the calls of the international community for ending the economic embargo against Cuba and removing it from the list of state sponsors of terrorism and removal of all unilateral coercive measures against any sovereign state. Madam President, the Lao PDR has the honor to assume the ASEAN chairmanship in 2024 for the third time under the theme ASEAN Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience. aiming at building ASEAN to be a more connected and resilient community through the implementation of the 2024 ASEAN priorities and initiatives. The theme is reflective of the Lao PDR's national policy and objective to turn itself from being a landlocked country to a regional connectivity hub. The theme is also in line with ASEAN's common goal of building a more connected, integrated and resilient region that is able to respond effectively and timely to the emerging challenges amidst the regional and global complex and rapidly changing landscapes, thereby contributing to the global common cause of maintaining peace, stability and security, as well as sustainable development in the region and the world. Importantly, this year, ASEAN is focusing on developing strategic plans in each pillar as well as the ASEAN Community Vision 2045 towards resilient, innovative, dynamic and people-centred community as well as the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda. In addition, ASEAN is accelerating the accession process to admit Timor-Leste as a full member of ASEAN in the near future. On the developments in Myanmar, the Lao PDR, as the ASEAN Chair, continues to uphold the ASEAN's commitment to assisting Myanmar in finding a peaceful and durable solution to the ongoing problem in Myanmar through the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus based on the Myanmar-owned and Myanmar-led process. The Lao PDR will continue to engage with relevant stakeholders, aiming at building a conducive environment to implement the Five-Point Consensus, including the inclusive national dialogue and humanitarian assistance. Madam President, the Lao PDR remains steadfast to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on socio-economic development together with the environment protection and reduction of poverty. Last July, the Lao PDR presented its third Voluntary National Review of the SDG implementation at the 2024 High-Level Political Forum, which demonstrated that there remains small progress and off-track goals. Among them, the implementation of the National SDG 18, lives saved from unexploded ordnance has made progress in varying degrees. However, the unexploded ordnance remains a major threat to the lives of the Lao people and poses obstacles to the national development while hindering the progress of the other SDGs. We therefore take this opportunity to call upon the international community to provide predictable and adequate support and assistance to the Lao PDR in addressing this long overdue and challenging problem in accordance with the Convention on Cluster Munitions. The Lao PDR is of the view that one of the main obstacles to implementing the SDGs is insufficient funding. As such, there is an urgent need to reform international financial architecture through the collaboration among the UN development system, development partners and the international financial institutions. while promoting the participation of the developing countries in the international economic decision making, norm setting, and global economic governance. Currently, It is our view that the UN development system at all levels must enhance its roles in cooperating with and providing support to the member states, especially the least developed countries, the landlocked developing countries and small island developing states in order to help tackle their special needs and challenges. Another key factor that can help accelerate national development efforts is the role of science, technology and innovation, including artificial intelligence, in facilitating green growth and digitalization that is environmentally friendly and investment in carbon capture and storage. Thus, the Lao PDR calls on the international community to facilitate access and transfer of appropriate technology in innovation to help leapfrog the development, including support for the implementation of strategic plan and vision for the development of digital economy of the Lao PDR. Furthermore, I am of the view that human capital is another decisive factor. Presently, one-third of the Lao population are within the age range of 10 to 24. making the Lao PDR the nation with the youngest population in Southeast Asia. And those figures are projected to continuously increase for the next 10 years. At the same time, the working age population is expected to increase around 67% of the total population by 2030. as compared to 63% in 2020. The government of the Laopita invested in its human capital development in order to reap the benefits of its demographic dividend. As part of such efforts, the government of Laopita organized the first human capital summit on education in 2023 and the second summit on nutrition in 2024, aimed at enhancing education quality basic health care and nutrition of the Lao people. On graduation from the least developed country status, the Lao government has adopted the Lao PDR smooth transition strategy for LDC graduation by 2026 and beyond. From the result of the triennial review by the UN Committee for Development Policy in early 2024, the Lao PDR continues to meet all three thresholds for graduation by 2026. However, given the current situation, we are of the view that there remains the necessity for us to continue to focus our forces and efforts to cope with external shocks and address domestic economic and financial difficulties as well as impacts of natural disasters, including the ongoing floodings in cooperation with the United Nations and development partners in order for the Lao PDR to be able to overcome various obstacles and continue its development momentum towards a smooth, quality and sustainable graduation from the LDC status. Madam President, I would like to take this opportunity to commend the international community for the successful outcome of the Summit of the Future, which has reaffirmed strong commitments of the world leaders to supporting multilateral systems, maintenance of peace and promotion of international cooperation for sustainable development through the adoption of the Pact for the Future, which focuses on the current challenges of the world and building a better future for the future generations. In this connection, the Global Digital Compact has set the goals to eliminate all obstacles and facilitate digital cooperation at the international level, while also ensuring that technological advancement contributes to the acceleration of the SDGs achievement. The Lao PDR always take into account, into consideration rather, our common responsibility for future generations and thus highly values the adoption of the Declaration on Future Generations. which prescribes the principles and commitments to protecting our world peace and stability, ensuring equal access to social services, information and innovation while addressing the impacts of climate change among others. All of these will help ensure the sustainability of our planet. in which future generations could continue the utilization of natural resources in the future. Despite being one of the least emission polluting countries in the world, the Lao PDR, like many other countries, has encountered severe consequences of climate change and natural disasters. Hence, the Lao PDR has adopted its National Strategic Plan on Climate Change and committed to contributing to the international efforts in addressing climate change. Allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate all on the success of the high-level meeting on sea level rise on 25 September 2024. which has reiterated the need for strong international cooperation to address climate change. Notwithstanding the fact that the Lao PDR is a landlocked country, we stand ready to contribute to the international efforts to protect the environment while calling for support. measures to further increase adaptation capacity and resilience for responding to future impacts. President, last but not least, I would like to reaffirm the consistent support of the government of the Lao PDR to the multilateralism and the principles stipulated in the UN Charter and international law. The LAPDR continues to uphold its cooperation with the member states of the UN and regional countries to contribute to the cause of maintaining peace and security, promoting prosperity of all nations worldwide, as well as overcoming the challenges of today and achieving the sustainable development goals in order to provide an enabling condition for a bright future of the current and new generations. I thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Lao People's Democratic Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/lao-peoples-democratic-republic","Lao People’s Democratic Republic","His Excellency","Sonexay Siphandone","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/la_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LA_EN.mp3" 128,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Christian Nitze, Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Republic of Madagascar. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, heads of state and government, United Nations Secretary General, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I have come here with a profound sense of honour and responsibility to address you today with the mission entrusted to me by His Excellency Mr. Andrej Radulina, President of the Republic of Madagascar, and on behalf of the Malagasy people. I wish to applaud the election of Mr. Philemon Yang, His Excellency, to the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly. Your exemplary parkour and your wealth of knowledge in terms of global affairs are undeniable assets to guide our work. Rest assured Your Excellency of the support of Madagascar in the fulfilment of your noble mission. Madagascar as newly elected Vice President of this General Assembly is honoured to serve for this term 2024-2025. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the theme of this session of the General Assembly, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations, particularly resonates today in this time of grave uncertainty in the world and for the world. Today, we are strongly reminded of how interconnected the different global challenges are and how important it is to engage in a collective response with solidarity and being resolute. Indeed, peace, the fragile foundation of a world that faces divisions, is today being jeopardised by many different crises, a multitude of crises with dangerous and profound geostrategic ramifications. Far from being a regional conflict, the war in Ukraine is shaking the international order and exacerbating geopolitical tensions, worsening food and energy insecurity and putting global peace and security in peril. Terrorism and transnational crime continue to sow terror and distress affecting in a disproportionate way the most vulnerable populations. The proliferation of weapons and drugs, in particular in conflict zones, are feeding a hellish cycle of violence and instability, thus hindering the long-term development objectives and mortgaging off the future of entire generations. The climate emergency has become a tangible and devastating reality. The multiplication of extreme climate events, the degradation of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity are all warning signs that should push us to act with a sense of determination and clear-sightedness. Glowing inequalities across the world make... fertile ground for social tensions, for conflicts and for instability. The COVID-19 pandemic, far from having been a great leveller, has exacerbated existing gaps, shedding light on how vulnerable healthcare systems are and social protection systems are in many countries and further widening the gap between rich countries and developing countries. President, ladies and gentlemen, Faced with these challenges, we cannot give in to fear or to fatality. Multilateralism, as embodied by the United Nations, remains the best weapon that we have available to us and remains our collective instrument to build a more safe and peaceful world. However, and unfortunately, we must note And we must realise that the multilateral system now that was created in the post-war period is struggling to effectively respond to the challenges of a world that is so swiftly and significantly changing. A courageous and ambitious reform of the United Nations, in particular the Security Council reform, is now more than ever essential. Africa, which is a continent with huge demographic and economic growth, should not be left to the sidelines of the hubs of global decision-making. The effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and the strengthening of commitments made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are absolutely essential in order to preserve the future of our planet and to guarantee the well-being of future generations. To this end, the President of the Republic of Madagascar, Mr. Andrew Rajalina, recalled during his statement in Glasgow at the COP26 conference that took place in 2022 how important it is to ramp up the mobilisation of $100 billion in line with the Paris Agreement in order to finance the energy transition policy in Africa. The fight against climate change can therefore not be decoupled from development issues. It's essential to support developing countries in their transition towards a green and resilient economy by providing them the financial and technology resources that they require while recognising their right to development. It is essential and urgent to promote a development model for a more inclusive and more equitable world that leaves nobody behind. Above and beyond words, now is the time to act. It is time now to turn our commitments into concrete actions, especially for Africa, by investing massively in education, in healthcare, in drinking water, in social protection for all, in infrastructure and innovation. and in job creation, in particular for young people and for women. For inclusive multilateralism, it is time to promote more just and more equitable international trade, and to promote and guarantee equitable access to knowledge and to technology and to the finance and investment systems and they need to be fairer as well and the same goes for social justice and sustainable peace in the world. President, ladies and gentlemen, Madagascar, aware of these global challenges and of how urgent it is to bring concerted and lasting solutions is committed with a sense of determination alongside the United Nations and its member states to build a more just and sustainable world with more solidarity. The Fiha Vanana, which is a national way of living together, is profoundly rooted in Malagasy culture and guides our action. It brings across our profound aspirations to live in harmony with mutual respect and solidarity, ensuring we leave nobody by the wayside and never forgetting the most vulnerable, working thus for a more fair society. The general policy of the state of Madagascar, implementing the vision of His Excellency Mr. Andrew Rogelina, President of the Republic, places human capital as the main key pillar for development. Over the last five years we've invested enormously in education, in training, health, security, innovative and inclusive social programmes, the fight against malnutrition and in infrastructure in order to catch up with our development deficits and thus break the vicious cycle of poverty. The country continues to invest massively in these areas which are the main foundation of our actions to foster human development. True to our country's tradition of being a peaceful and tolerant people, Madagascar has made democracy, the respect of the rule of law and good governance key tools to maintain stability, to strengthen peace and security and to consolidate our path towards sustainable development and of course This is shown and very clearly proven explicitly in our classification in the Global Peace Index that has placed Madagascar in second place. So that's the second most peaceful country in sub-Saharan Africa in 2024. Of course, we do nevertheless have many challenges. However, the leadership of His Excellency Mr. Andri Rajulina, President of the Republic, is powerful. in line with the hopes of our compatriots who entrusted him with a new term in 2024 to engage in agricultural and industrial transformations for Madagascar to create more jobs and decent income for young people and rural people, to bring added value to the Madagascar economy and to bring more peace and sustainable development for the country. Today, Madagascar is the third largest rice producer in Africa. However, Our ambition is to become number one with new policy guidance for regional development coming from the government to optimise farming in the rice paddies of our country, focusing on new knowledge and new technology in terms of using agricultural inputs for all farmers and to improve irrigation infrastructure in order to double, even triple productivity on the short term, focusing on the so-called agricultural aggregation to better attract private investment in intensive rice production and also other crops like potatoes and dry grains, etc. When it comes to development challenges, Madagascar intends to bolster its tireless efforts to improve our road network by building the flagship Sunshine Road project, the Routes du Soleil, that connects the regions on the east side of our great islands. And this is going to bring about more growth and investment, public and private investment, more fluid trades to develop tourism in our regions and to rapidly transform regional economies and strengthen peace and security in the country. These efforts on our road network are also part of our government's priority actions to carry out large infrastructure projects. Renewable energy is thus one of the priorities that my government has today to achieve its industrialisation plan and its many actions seeking to improve the living conditions of our population, in particular the rural by substantially reducing the state budget in a lasting way by subsidising the cost of electricity production to carefully support the development projects. In this regard, we are now ramping up our solar energy projects with 47 different solar panel projects in the country. And we are also starting to build hydroelectric power stations and solar power stations with private investors and development partners that will allow us to reach additional production of more than 500 megawatts over the next four to five years. The goal that we seek is to double the shares of the agricultural and industrial sectors in Madagascar's GDP in order to bring about real growth that creates jobs and sustainable income for youth and for rural people, thus transforming our economy and substantially reducing poverty to enable the development of our great island to soar. Aware of the climate change challenges and the challenges that that causes for peace, security and development. Madagascar, although we are one of the most vulnerable to climate change, has a very low greenhouse gas emitter and we are facing harsh blows from cyclones, drought, coastal erosion and loss of biodiversity and this risks considerably reducing, even annihilating, economic and social progress made through agricultural and industrial transformations that we've been engaging in thus far. Since Madagascar is one of the few countries that is actually saving the planet with a negative carbon footprint, thanks to our forests, we're actually one of the real green lungs of the African continent. In light of this, I urge the international community to ramp up and to accelerate climate adaptation finance for the most vulnerable countries, in particular island countries like Madagascar. Madagascar is determined to preserve our precious natural assets for future generations. President, ladies and gentlemen, by way of conclusion, Madagascar more than ever now is appealing for strengthened multilateralism that is more just and that is based on dialogue cooperation and solidarity madagascar will continue to work tirelessly alongside the united nations and its member states to build a world of peace development and dignity for all thank you for your attention On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Republic of Madagascar.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/madagascar","Madagascar","His Excellency","Christian Ntsay","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mg_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MG_EN.mp3" 129,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Robert Abella, Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Secretary General, President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, and dear friends, When we gathered this time last year, little could we have predicted that just a couple of weeks later, our world would be plunged into even greater turmoil by the despicable attacks of October the 7th. In the 12 months since, we have seen continued loss of life and a humanitarian emergency on such a scale that it is all too easy to give up hope, all too easy to believe that nothing can be done, all too easy to turn the other cheek. We cannot escape from the stark reality that our world faces the gravest of challenges, and the populations of far too many of these United Nations face the greatest perils. The gravity of these threats is such that we, as leaders from across the globe, are confronted with a choice of two parts. We can choose the path of despair, dejectedly deciding that it is impossible to make a difference or we can choose the path of persistence. determined that no matter how rough the waters, we can and we must redouble our efforts to meet those challenges and mitigate those perils. I emphatically believe that we have a moral responsibility to take the path of persistence. I will never apologize for reaffirming the simple belief that motivated me to come into public life, that tomorrow can be better than today. And no matter what the headwinds, it is a belief that still motivates all I do. I refuse to believe that we should just give up. I refuse to listen to those siren whispers that the worst is inevitable and it is not worth working for better outcomes. I refuse to give in to the notion that we can defer difficult decisions or that small countries have to passively accept the actions of the larger players. To acquiesce to that negativity would be to accept that this General Assembly, that this United Nations, is nothing more than a council of despair. To that, I say a resounding no. This United Nations can and must be a council of hope. Nobody is going to pretend that we can wave any sort of magic wand or deliver instant solutions. But we have a duty to keep hope alive, to keep trying, to keep working, to keep battling for the values that were the very foundation of the idea of a United Nations. Eight decades ago, from the rubble of the first truly global conflict, our forerunners had the courage and the foresight to see that the world had to have a forum where the voice of every nation could be heard. As colonialism rightly crumbled, there were a lot of newly independent nations to add their signatures to the Charter. Malta is one such nation. As we gained our independence from the United Kingdom, we took our place in the world. This year marks the 60th anniversary of Malta's accession to the United Nations. Over those six decades, my country has developed beyond the wildest dreams of the pioneers who saw us to statehood. So, as we mark 60 years of Malta as a proud member of the United Nations, and as the United Nations itself gets ready to mark its 80th anniversary, my message is clear. The world needs the United Nations now more than ever. Malta values the United Nations now more than ever. And make no mistake, Malta may be a small country, but we will always be a loud voice against deferring difficult decisions and avoiding difficult conversations. We will never resign ourselves to a future devoid of peace. We will never abandon our commitment to supporting peace processes, no matter how tough those processes may be. We will remain steadfast in our support for steps to build and maintain peace in every region of conflict. We will remain as committed to and confident in this United Nations as that day in December of 60 years ago when the ink dried on Malta's signature. Malta has a unique political and geographical position at the heart of the Mediterranean, a bridge between Europe and North Africa, and the crossroads of Europe and the Middle East, a full member of the European Union, but with neutrality enshrined in our constitution. We are acutely aware of the responsibility that this position brings. Two words sum up the role that I believe Malta can and does play. Honest broker. From hosting peace talks to brokering difficult dialogues, we aim to harness our unique position to bring those in conflict together, to at least try and find a way forward. This is exactly the approach that Malta has brought to our membership of the Security Council over the past two years. And that is exactly the approach we have brought to the chair of the OSCE, which we assumed last January. Malta was happy to step up and take the chair. as an honest broker, allowing all members to endorse our leadership and ensuring the work of this vital body can continue. Like Malta, the OSCE is a bridge between neighbours across continents. Europe can only be secure and at peace if its neighbors are secure and at peace, which is why both in the Security Council and the OSCE, our guiding watchwords are always promoting sustainability, peace, and security. This approach sits well alongside the OSCE's comprehensive conception of security as not just about ending military conflict, but also addressing the social and economic tensions that create and exacerbate international tensions. To that end, we will continue to press for all nations to comply with the arms trade treaty. The failure of too many countries to comply with international rules poses too great a threat to too many innocent citizens. President, as I've reflected on my country's six decades of membership of disunited nations, I've looked back at the wisdom of some of those who have held the office of Secretary General. Sadly, Those words of Ban Ki-moon remain as true and urgent today as ever. The world is over-armed and peace is underfunded. The peace and humanitarian budgets, which are at the heart of the UN's mission, remain unfortunately severely underfunded, harshly impacting too many of the world's most vulnerable people, which is why Malta urges all member states to play their part by remitting the resources to ensure the hardworking, hard-pressed frontline UN staff can play their part in bringing relief and hope where it is so desperately needed. As Malta concludes its current term on the Security Council, I am proud of what we have been able to help achieve. Amidst the tragedy of the events in Israel and Gaza, we have worked with others to prioritize the relief of humanitarian suffering. We used our seat on the Security Council to work for Resolution 2712, which demanded urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and the provision of corridors through Gaza. to supply critical supplies needed by so many innocent civilians, not the least children. The resolution also called for the release of hostages held captive by Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza. We are proud that this led to the release of 105 hostages during the negotiated seven-day pause. Similarly, I am pleased Malta played a key role in the Security Council adopting Resolution 2728, which demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the month of Ramadan, alongside the immediate release of all hostages. This was the first joint motion from the non-permanent members on a geographic situation in the Security Council's history. understandably, Much of the world's attention has been on Israel and Gaza since October the 7th, which has now expanded to a dangerous and deeply worrying escalation in Lebanon. We stand firm in our belief that we must all strive to ensure that the flames of this conflict do not engulf the whole region and that we all take decisive steps to resolve this conflict. before it is too late. Furthermore, it is imperative that we, as a global community, do not lose focus on those other parts of the world where war and the killing of civilians is also all too present and all too tragic a daily reality. Sudan, Yemen, Syria and, of course, Ukraine. So let me now turn to another country in conflict, Malta's southern neighbor, Libya. Helping the Libyan people achieve a genuine and lasting resolution to the institutional crisis for which they have paid too high a price for too long is a key priority for Malta. For such a resolution would not only benefit the Libyan people, it would also benefit all Libya's neighbours and also the wider region. only with a single functioning government supported by citizens across the whole country. Can Libya play its full part in addressing the migrant crisis, which puts so many lives at risk? Which is why? Malta welcomes the initiatives taken by UNSML in bringing the parties together to sign an agreement that will hopefully end a crisis at the Central Bank of Libya and also to kick-start this stalled, wider political process. Malta will continue to stand ready to do anything it can to aid that process, and we will be on stinting and advocating for proactive engagement by the international community to support and enhance those UN-led efforts. Together, we have a duty to aid the mediation needed to create a pathway towards national parliamentary and presidential elections in Libya. As friends and neighbors of Libya, we can and must help. But for the process to truly succeed, it must be fully Libyan-led and Libyan-owned, to which end we unequivocally call for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces, fighters, and mercenaries from Libya. Malta reemphasizes the need for a full implementation of the Libyan arms embargo in line with all the relevant Security Council resolutions. Equality. is a key value for my government and my country. Just as the situation in Libya will only be resolved by all the people of the country knowing that they have an equal voice, so are so many of the conflicts, disputes, and tensions around the world fueled by inequality. Equality isn't some sort of added extra. Nice to have, but not vital to tackling the world's problems. That view couldn't be more misguided. across gender, age, race, religion, disability, sexuality is not just imperative for its own sake. Equality is also imperative in finding lasting solutions to so many of the challenges that face us all. I am honored Malta stands at the forefront of promoting civil liberties globally. We are one of the few countries that has already implemented an anti-racism strategy, and we are now in the process of drafting a second, renewed anti-racism strategy. We will never take equality for granted at home, and we will always advocate and support greater equality internationally. All too often, it is women and girls who bear the brunt of conflict. And all too infrequently are the voices of women and girls heard when it comes to solving those conflicts. Without women, there can be no peace. As the world redoubles its efforts to bring peace, so must we all redouble our efforts to ensure the voice of women and girls is heard at the top tables as well as on the ground. During our term on the Security Council, Malta has worked hard to do just that. Malta has chaired the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. In the last 18 months, the Working Group has issued conclusions on the role of children in the conflicts in South Sudan, Nigeria, Mali, Afghanistan, Qatar, Colombia, Iraq, and Somalia. That long list is a sad testament to the magnitude and gravity of the repeated violations against children in crisis zones. We must never let up in our outrage and actions at these persistent and flagrant abuses of the rights of the child as enshrined by this United Nations. President, we have a saying in Maltese. The sea is wealthy. And indeed it is. As an island nation for Malta, the wealth of the sea equates to the wealth of our people. The health of the sea equates to the health of our people. So we need no reminder just how essential it is to protect the wealth, health, and the biodiversity of our seas and oceans. And we know just how much small island nations like ours will be impacted as climate change warms oceans and raises sea levels. We, small island nations, are amongst the lower emitters of greenhouse gases. But we are literally the frontline of the climate emergency. The impact of climate change will be felt by all our citizens. It is our duty to them to do all we can to minimize that change and maximize our resilience to the changes which are already being felt. Delay and prevarication simply aren't options. Climate change must remain at the top of the global agenda. Solidarity, standing shoulder to shoulder with our fellow small island nations, is a key value for Malta. Solidarity means actions, not just words. The Islands for Islands initiative is central to our foreign policy, providing concrete practical assistance to small island developing states, sharing best practice and building capacity. That's why Malta has jointly taken the lead in developing the Climate Vulnerability and Resilience Index, a practical resource to help small islands identify and prepare better for the effects of the changing climate. As sea levels become an even greater concern, so does the health of our seas and oceans become ever greater a priority. Malta remains and will always remain at the forefront of efforts to protect our oceans. In the very first years of our UN membership, we were one of the foremost proponents of the principle of the common heritage of mankind. Thank you, Arvid Pardo. And it remains our lodestar. We have consistently spoken up in the Security Council about the existential threat from rising sea levels, and Malta will always remain unwavering in our support for the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Malta welcomes the first ratifications of the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Agreement, which will provide much needed, much greater protection for the two-thirds of global oceans that lie beyond national jurisdictions. The treaty will only come into force when 60 nations have ratified it. Our oceans need it. Our people deserve it. So I say to my fellow leaders, speed up and sign. To preserve healthy maritime environments, we all need to take practical, innovative solutions and steps. That's why I am delighted at the success Malta's new shore-to-ship initiative is having. The stunning Grand Harbour in the capital city of Malta which is Valetta, is a magnet for cruise ships. But while docked in BERT, they can produce serious amounts of pollutions if relying on their engines in the confined space. So Shore2Ship is installing onshore power supply alongside the keys, which are used by cruise ships, meaning that they can switch off their engines and help reduce pollution in this most special of places by around 90%. In Malta, we know that while the sea can yield great gifts, it can also be the host for illicit activity and the breaking of international laws. The high seas must never become the Wild West. The rule of law. and the will of the international community must always hold on sea as on land, which is why Malta championed the creation of a unified database of all vessels which are involved in illicit activity, shareable and usable by all participating states. Shipping is central to international trade, so ensuring they are fully applied at sea is central to any successful sanctions regime. And that can only happen if shipowners know that trying to break sanctions brings consequences. But it is essential for reasons of natural justice and to ensure buy-in from member states that the listing of those breaking sanctions is both fair and transparent. So Malta was proud to jointly hold the pen alongside the United States for Resolution 2744 that overhauls the delisting process for the first time in almost two decades. By creating a better system for delisting where warranted, we can ward against premature lifting of sanctions which is not warranted. President. We have witnessed how effective global health policies can unite nations, especially when addressing crises that transcend borders and that affect us all. Just yesterday, United Nations member states adopted the political declaration on antimicrobial resistance, which has been diligently facilitated by Malta and the Barbados over so many months. AMR presents a collective threat and demands our urgent attention. We know what must be done to prevent the loss of millions of lives and the very trillions of dollars in additional health care costs. This declaration should serve as a strategic roadmap for policymakers, guiding their efforts to tackle AMR in the years ahead. President, when we reconvene in a year's time, we will be marking the 80th birthday of our United Nations. But we mustn't ever be just marking time. We need to always be marking progress. As Doug Hammersholt said, the pursuit of peace And progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks can never be relaxed and never abandoned. In Europe, the average life expectancy is just over 80 years. United Nations will only have life expectancy longer than that if we all recommit to its future. As the saying goes, I want reports of its debt to be greatly exaggerated. Yes, we can't ignore the fact that the architecture of the world's collective security is under stress like never before. Voices of nationalism dismiss the need to work together. Instigators of conflict believe they can escape the wrath and writ of the global community. Both couldn't be more wrong. Acting to end conflict and relieve suffering is never easy, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying. Reaching consensus across borders and across political differences is never easy, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying. Acknowledging we have all contributed to the state our world is in today and setting aside pride to try and make the world a better place is never easy. But that doesn't mean we should stop trying. Arguably, the temptation to wring hands and see change as too hard to achieve is greatest for small nations like mine. To sit back and say that the big boys have made too much of a mess of things. Well, Malta will never sit back. Malta will never wring hands. Malta will never leave it to others. Yes, Malta will always be realistic. But Malta will always remain committed to multilateralism. When the perils are at their greatest, the need to work together is at its greatest. So let us use the next 12 months in the run-up to that 80th anniversary to reassert our collective belief in this United Nations, to redouble our efforts. To resolve conflict, to take the steps the future of the Earth needs, and to deliver the change the people of this planet need and deserve. To raise our game in supporting the Secretary General in delivering the institutional reform the United Nations needs to better fulfill its purpose. In short, end conflict. With every fiber of my being, I say to my fellow leaders, now is the time to choose. And we must choose the path of persistence. We must reject the path of despair. Yes. Our world faces huge challenges and huge threats. But if we lose belief in the power of collective action, if we lose belief in the ability to work together to make a difference, then we are losing belief in the very idea of a better world. If we fail to persist, we fail to lead. If we fail to perceive that, we fail the people who put their faith in us. Failure simply isn't an option. The stakes are too high. The risks are too great. The consequences are too severe. So let us make that choice. Let us today recommit. As a United Nations, let us affirm the path of persistence. And no matter how tough the going, let us enter the 80th year of this United Nations with the simple goal in our head and in our hearts. Let us now, more than ever, never give up believing that tomorrow can and must be better than today. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/malta","Malta","His Excellency","Robert Abela","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mt_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MT_EN.mp3" 130,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Philip Ivanovic, Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of Montenegro. Madam Chair, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to address you today on behalf of Montenegro and to reiterate our unequivocal support and commitment to the goals and principles of the UN Charter, as well as the overall mission of the World Organization. as we are confronted with unprecedented challenges across the globe, not only in terms of international peace and security, but in other domains as well. Allow me to extend due acknowledgement and gratitude to the President of the previous session of the General Assembly, His Excellency Denis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago, for his achievements and guidance through these unsettling circumstances. Furthermore, I would like to express our best wishes to his successor, His Excellency Philemon Young of Cameroon. We wish him a successful tenure and we welcome the choice of this year's debate team as it faithfully portrays the very mission of the United Nations. And you can count on the full support of the Montenegrin delegation. Ladies and gentlemen, leaving no one behind while acting together for peace and security, sustainable development and human dignity are the key challenges lying before the United Nations, to which unfortunately as a community we still have failed to provide an effective and a comprehensive response. Achievement of a peaceful and sustainable future against the backdrop of one-sided, arbitrary and authoritative actions of a handful of international actors, but whose actions are jeopardizing the peace and welfare of the majority, will insist on our full-scale vigilance and awareness and put our words and our rhetoric to a practical test. Even though the occurring geopolitical developments have clearly demonstrated that our efforts have fallen short and that we must do much more, and not just more but much better, there is a solution and an alternative. Multilateralism at its best and strongest, led by a more powerful United Nations at the helm of international cooperation and global response, if we are to have a peaceful and prosperous global society. Dear colleagues, national-based narrow approaches instead of global solutions still dominate the international environment, and rather than uniting in joint endeavors with positive global circumstances, we are losing ground to authoritarianism and unilateral behavior. In addition to the crisis in the Middle East, Russia's aggression against Ukraine, civil war in Sudan, instability in the Horn of Africa, Yemen, Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, Haiti, we are facing a number of other issues, including the climate emergency, growing food insecurity, erosion of democracy and human rights, growing terrorism and violent extremism, cyber threats and backsliding on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, only contributing to an already alarming global situation. We commend and support the Secretary-General's new Agenda for Peace, which offers and identifies indeed the needed tools and measures for generating a quality response to the ongoing challenges, especially through disarmament, more investments in diplomacy and mediation, mitigation of geopolitical influence on the population, prevention of further fragmentation of global trade rules, effective tackling of the climate change issues, as well as prevention of violence and human rights violations. As we are all very much aware, the pace of the SDG's implementation is not at the percentage we hoped for. Member states need to commit to the realization of the 2030 Agenda as the best possible way to build long-standing peace and prosperity. However, we need to take into consideration that the developing economies are not able to sufficiently finance policies to implement the SDGs, especially in the light of the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises. We are committed to the promotion of good governance and strong institutions at all levels as key enablers of sustainable development, peace and security, and we strongly advocate for reforms towards a more inclusive and representative international financial architecture. Therefore, we support the Secretary-General's appeal for a wholesale reform of the financial architecture, which at the moment does not offer developing countries the affordable financing needed to achieve the SDGs, and we join the UN in calling upon the international financial structure to finance these countries in a form of eligible credit arrangements. Within its capabilities, Montenegro will continue to fully support the transformation based on accelerating the implementation of the goals and objectives of sustainable development with the aim of achieving continuous, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth while protecting natural resources, improving the state of human resources, and strengthening social inclusion. Excellencies, in view of the volatile situation in the Middle East, I would like to express Montenegro's deep concern over the escalating violence and the humanitarian situation in Gaza with the destruction of infrastructure, lack of water, food, and healthcare. We call upon all the parties to de-escalate and engage in a meaningful dialogue. Our position is clear. We have condemned the indiscriminate terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel from October the 7th in 2023. At the same time, however, We also condemn every act of violence against the civilian population, as well as the interruption of water, food and energy supplies in the Gaza Strip. It is of absolute importance that the humanitarian corridors are opened and humanitarian aid provided to civilians. Any response to a terrorist attack must be undertaken in accordance with international humanitarian law. We call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, during which negotiations would be conducted towards a two-state solution, as only a two-state model guarantees lasting and sustainable peace in the region. Again, regardless of the outcome of the negotiations, the international law must be upheld by all the parties to the conflict and all hostages still in captivity released immediately and unconditionally. Montenegro also reiterates its strong condemnation of the destruction that the Russian aggression has caused in Ukraine, including the killing of civilians, as well as unlawful attacks on civilian infrastructure, sexual and gender-based violence, and reports of child abduction. We emphasize yet again that there can be no impunity for war and other heinous crimes, and that we must ensure responsibility as a precondition for ensuring a durable peace. In this regard, we support all accountability initiatives to fight impunity and ensure justice. As the aggression has been particularly devastating for children, we call on the Russian Federation to fully respect the international humanitarian law and to immediately implement measures to protect children. In addition, we call on the Russian Federation to cease attacks on civilian infrastructure and allow aid to the affected civilian population, including areas under temporary Russian military control. I would like to reconfirm our support to Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Montenegro will continue to support Ukraine and will continue to provide financial, humanitarian, military, and diplomatic aid. Like the entire international community, we want to see a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter and the adopted resolutions of the UN General Assembly. Dear colleagues, I believe we can all agree that the ongoing global crisis represents one of the gravest challenges to international peace and security since the creation of the World Organization. The world ought to be united as ever before in defending democracy, human rights, the freedom of choice, rule of law, and ensuring peace and prosperity, but above all, preserving human lives. The international community must also do significantly more in the fight against climate change, with decisive actions much needed, such as the full implementation of the Paris Agreement and the resolution of the interconnections between the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution are needed while strengthening climate action. Sustainable development goals and the fight against climate change are fundamentally linked to peace and security and human rights. Without peace, all other goals, from human rights and gender equality to addressing climate change, water and energy and food security, will not be achieved. The increasing number of conflicts, as well as ever-growing threats to international peace and security, require a change in the current global practice and the application of a holistic and coordinated approach within the UN system based on prevention. It is in this context that we must take a better advantage of the preventive capacity of the Human Rights Council. As a member of the Council for the term of 2022 to 2024, we fully recognize its contribution to the early warning system when it comes to prevention of violence and mass violations of human rights. Unfortunately, as it is the case with other forums, I am afraid we do not use them properly and to the fullest scope of their potential. Nevertheless, Montenegro remains a dedicated defender and promoter of human rights and freedoms, their universality and indivisibility, which we must not take for granted. Advancing and supporting the integration of human rights and the gender perspective in all aspects of the work of the United Nations and preserving the universality and independence of the human rights system remain our absolute priority, and in that light, further strengthening of the Human Rights Council role in responding to situations of serious human rights violations globally. Excellencies, there are still far too many places in the world where peace, stability, human rights, and even basic necessities are a luxury. This is something which we cannot be proud of. On the contrary, we more often place emphasis on reactionary humanitarian response rather than on a preventive one. Nevertheless, although of vital importance for the affected population, the humanitarian aid needs to be followed by an adequate political solution representing the best way to sustainably end violence and to establish long-term peace. Montenegro is firmly committed and determined to actively and constructively contribute and support collective efforts to preserve world peace and security, and in this line supports the new agenda for peace as an opportunity to shape new responses to old and emerging threats. including strengthening prevention, adapting UN peacekeeping forces to this new environment, and strengthening the peacebuilding architecture, including ensuring adequate, predictable, and sustainable financing for peacebuilding and implementation of Agenda Women, Peace, and Security in all its dimensions, as well as the Agenda Youth, Peace, and Security. At the same time, Montenegro continues to actively participate in peacekeeping missions, aware that only a safe neighborhood can provide a guarantee of our own security and prosperity. Furthermore, we hope the new Agenda for Peace will contribute to the preservation, implementation and further strengthening of the global architecture for arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation, as well as multilateral export control regimes, strengthening at the same time multilateral capacities to address the challenges of terrorism and violent extremism, hybrid threats, as well as cyber risks. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the solution to all of these challenges must go hand in hand with the reform of the UN system, in line with the reform agenda of the Secretary-General. In particular, as a small country, we are interested in strengthening the authority and role of the General Assembly, as well as its efficiency, but also of other main UN bodies. The reform of the UN system presupposes a flexible attitude of all participants in the negotiation process, especially in the process of reforming the Security Council. We believe that the reform of the UN Security Council as the guardian of international peace and security is necessary with the expansion of its membership achieving a more equal representation of regional groups, which would thus enable more effective maintenance of international peace and security. In order for the United Nations to maintain and strengthen its central position in the global governance system, it is vital that the organization is reformed and adapted to the geopolitical realities of the 21st century and modern democratic values. Excellencies, in the conditions of an increasingly sharp international polarization, fragmentation and instability, economic and geopolitical uncertainty, it is our common responsibility to show the true value of the United Nations and effective multilateralism as a global solution to global challenges. We can either choose further isolationism and erosion of trust, growing xenophobia, nationalism and extremist ideas, or we can make a breakthrough by choosing a future based on the highest civilizational values of equality, justice, responsibility and solidarity, and not on retrograde ideologies, selfishness and unscrupulous populism. As John Adams once said, every problem is an opportunity in disguise. It is precisely what we have at our hands, a unique opportunity to use the current deteriorating international environment as momentum for building a more equal, just and sustainable world with a revitalized multilateralism based on fair and humane globalization, respect for human rights and dignity of all. We must act for peace and progress now, while we still have a chance built on achieving a just and quality of life for all. Montenegro, proud of its centuries-old multi-ethnic and multi-confessional tradition, remains steadfast on the course of a Euro-Atlantic future, good neighborly relations, and multilateralism. Being a geographical part of Europe, values as well as principles wise, we are convinced that only the acceleration of integration process and a stronger incentive of our EU partners can bring about stability and prosperity of the region, which is undoubtedly an important asset and contribution to the overall security and stability of Europe. Montenegro will continue to tirelessly pursue and promote those policies with undiminished commitment to the values of multilateralism, open and friendly cooperation. To conclude, ladies and gentlemen, the very core principles of the United Nations Charter are not just being compromised but essentially nullified. We cannot act as innocent stand-byers as we are not. We must rise to the challenge, raise our voice and stand up for those in need, and demonstrate that our common values are not subject to interpretation, but that those who violate these principles have to be held accountable. Too many people have already lost their lives in recent conflicts across the globe. They have lost their loved ones and their homes, and in most cases, forced to flee their countries. This must not happen in the 21st century. This is not what our predecessors fought for. We are better than this, but we must show it. This cannot be a heritage we wish to leave to our children. We must do better for the sake of the generations to come. I thank you. I thank the Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of Montenegro. I now give the floor to His Excellency","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/montenegro","Montenegro","His Excellency","Filip Ivanovic","Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/me_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ME_EN.mp3" 131,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Mohammed Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim. Mr. President, heads of state and government, excellencies, delegates, ladies and gentlemen, assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh and a very good morning. And he said, oh, my father, I have seen 11 planets and the sun and moon bowing to me. He said, oh, son, do not tell your story to your brothers. They will devise a scheme for you. The devil is the enemy of humans. It is an honor for me to address the United Nations General Assembly for the second time as the Prime Minister of a country that has always been a productive member of the UN Assembly. I would like to congratulate you and wish you all the success, Mr. President, on your election as the President of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. I would also like to appreciate the efforts of Ambassador Dennis Francis for his skillful stewardship of the 78th session of the UNGA. Mr. President, the father of our nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, declared in 1947 that we stand by the United Nations Charter and will gladly make our full contribution to peace and prosperity of the world. Pakistan has stood by this commitment unwaveringly. Today, we are facing most daunting challenges to the world order. Israel's genocidal war in Gaza, a dangerous conflict in Ukraine, destructive conflicts across Africa and Asia, rising geopolitical tensions, resurgent terrorism, galloping poverty, stifling debt, and the mounting impact of climate change, we feel the chill of a new world order. In response to these challenges, our Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, called for the summit of the future. It led to the adoption of the 54 Actions on Development, Peace and Security, Technology and Global Governance in the Pact of the Future. Mr. President, today I stand before you to express the searing pain and anguish of the people of Pakistan at the plight of the people of Gaza. Our heart bleeds as we witness the tragedy unfolding in the Holy Land, a tragedy that shakes the very conscience of humanity. and the foundation of this institution. Mr. President, can we, as human beings, remain silent while children lie buried under the rubble of their shattered homes? Can we turn a blind eye to mothers cradling the lifeless bodies of their children? This is not just a conflict. This is systematic slaughter of innocent people of Palestine. Ladies and gentlemen, an assault on the very essence of human life and dignity. The blood of Gaza's children stains the hands of not just the oppressors, but also those who are complicit in prolonging this cruel conflict. When we ignore their endless suffering, we diminish our humanity. It is not enough to condemn Mr. President. We must act now and demand an immediate end to this bloodshed. We must remember that the blood and sacrifice of the innocent Palestinians will never go waste. We must worry about their plight and difficulties and stand by them. We must work for a durable peace through the two-state nation. We must seek a viable, secure, contiguous, and sovereign state of Palestine based on the pre-1967 borders with al-Quds al-Sharif as its eternal capital and to advance the goals And to advance these goals, Palestine must also be immediately admitted as a full member of the United Nations. Mr. President, in a span of a few days, Israel's unrelenting bombing of Lebanon has killed over 500 people, including women and even small children. The failure to implement UN resolutions has emboldened Israel. It threatened to drag the entire Middle East into a war whose consequences could be very grave and beyond imagination. Similarly, like the people of Palestine, the people of Jammu and Kashmir too have struggled for a century for their freedom and right to self-determination. Instead of moving towards peace, India has resiled from its commitments to implement the Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir. These resolutions mandate a plebiscite to enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their fundamental right to self-determination. Ladies and gentlemen, since the 5th of August 2019, India has initiated unilateral illegal steps to impose what its leaders ominously call a final solution for Jammu and Kashmir. Day in and day out, 900,000 Indian troops terrorized the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir with draconian measures, including prolonged curfews, extrajudicial killings and the abduction of thousands of young Kashmiris. At the same time, in a classic settler colonial project, India is seizing Kashmiri lands and properties and settling outsiders into occupied Jammu and Kashmir in their nefarious design to transform the Muslim majority into a minority. This hackneyed tactic is employed by all occupying powers, but it has always failed in Jammu and Kashmir, too. It shall fail by the grace of God. Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and gentlemen, the Kashmiri people are resolute in rejection of the false Indian identity. The New Delhi seeks to impose upon them very, very severe conditions and atrocities are being committed every hour. India's policy of brutal coercion and oppression in occupied Kashmir has ensured that Burhan Wani's legacy continues to inspire the struggle and sacrifices of millions of Kashmiris. Inspired by the legitimacy of their epic struggle, they remain defiant. Their heart-wrenching stories remind us that behind every statistic lies a human life, a dream deferred and a hope shattered. Even more worryingly, it has engaged in massive expansion of its military capabilities, which are essentially deployed against Pakistan, its war doctrines envisage a surprise attack and a limited war under the nuclear overhang. thoughtlessly, India has spurned Pakistan's proposals for a mutual strategic restraint regime. Its leadership has often threatened to cross the line of control and take over Azad Kashmir. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. President, let me state in no uncertain terms that Pakistan will respond most decisively to any Indian aggression. Therefore, to secure durable peace, India must reverse the unilateral and illegal measures it has taken since 5th of August 2019 and enter into a dialogue for a peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN security resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people. Mr. President, remember, illegal occupation creates a fresh hell every day in the killing fields of Palestine and in the pristine valleys of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Apart from conflicts, Mr. President, the 21st century has brought a cascade of crisis, including the reversal of development and the mounting impact of climate change. Two years ago, my country was devastated by catastrophic floods. causing $30 billion in damages. It is now clear that each summer will bring blistering temperatures and trigger fresh climate impacts. Pakistan emits less than 1% of global carbon emissions, yet we have paid a very heavy price for no fault of ours. This is most unfair in any calculus of global justice. We must uphold the axiom, the polluter must pay. Ladies and gentlemen, Pakistan looks forward to fulfillment of commitments made by our development partners to support the achievements of the SDGs and climate goals, including a new annual goal beyond $100 billion in climate finance. Mr. President, with nearly 100 developing countries trapped in the vicious cycle of debt and liquidity crisis, which I always call a death trap rather than debt trap, achieving the SDGs in these circumstances remain a distant mirage. The international financial architecture, which the Secretary General has described as morally bankrupt, and the world trade and technology regimes must be reformed and aligned to promote development and global equity. Mr. President, since assuming office in March this year, the progress and prosperity of my 240 million people has been my singular focus. We have taken some very difficult but necessary decisions that have rescued our economy from collapse, restored macroeconomic stability, controlled physical deficits, and strengthened our reserves. As a result, inflation has come down to a single digit by the grace of God, and the prospects for economic growth has revived. I would like to explain this challenge and the way we are negotiating, Mr. President, by reciting a stanza from a poem which enormously makes me very emboldened, very brave, and hardworking, and commit untiring efforts. And this stanza is a befitting example of hard work and, of course, facing challenges, and then paved the way for success stories. And stanza is, when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you are trudging is all uphill. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you are trudging seems all uphill, when the credits are low and debts are high. When the credits are low and debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to sigh. When you want to smile, you have to sigh. When care, read health. When care is pressing you down a bit, when care or health is pressing you down a bit, rest if you must. But don't you quit. This is how, Mr. President, we have learned to face our challenges and negotiate the most daunting challenges we have faced. Mr. President, situated at the crossroads of South and Central Asia and the Middle East, we have prioritized geoeconomics and regional connectivity to score win-win outcomes for our people. The second phase of the landmark China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been successfully launched through the APEC's Special Investment Facilitation Council. We are mobilizing investments in resilient infrastructure, renewable energy, minerals, sustainable agriculture, and technology. This will herald a new era of development and modernization in my beloved country. Ladies and gentlemen, for two decades, Pakistan has fought terrorism boldly and most successfully, defeating terrorist groups within Pakistan. We have paid a very heavy price. 80,000 of our brave soldiers and civilians have been martyred, including innocent school-going children. And the gory memories of APS school carnage haunt us till date. Our economy has suffered a loss of $150 billion. Unfortunately, today we are again confronted by a new wave of externally financed and sponsored terrorism, especially by the TTP, Fitna al-Khawarij. and its associates. Ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake. Inshallah, by the grace of God, we are determined to eliminate this threat as well through our comprehensive national effort by the name of Azme Isthaqam, meaning resolve to promote peace and stability. And we will work collectively with the international community to combat all forms of terrorism and reform the global counterterrorism architecture. Mr. President, Pakistan seeks the earliest possible normalization of the situation in Afghanistan. We join the UN's appeal for $3 billion in humanitarian assistance to the millions of suffering Afghan brothers and sisters. At the same time, we endorse and share the international expectations that the Afghan interim government would respect human rights including the rights of women and girls and promote political inclusion. In particular, the interim government must take effective action to neutralize all terrorist groups within Afghanistan, especially those responsible for cross-border terrorism against neighboring countries. These include ISIL-K Daesh, the Al-Qaeda-associated TTP, Fitna al-Khawarij, Majeed Brigade, the BLA, and other terrorist groups, which unfortunately are seen on Afghan territory. Mr. President, another troubling global development is the escalation of Islamophobia, which is now manifested by frequent desecrations of the Holy Quran, attacks on mosques, negative stereotyping of Muslims, and acts of discrimination and violence against them. The most alarming manifestation of Islamophobia is the Hindu supremacist agenda in India. It aggressively seeks the subjugation of 200 million Muslims and the obliteration of India's Islamic heritage. Pakistan and the OIC will work with the UN Secretary General and a special envoy to implement a plan of action to combat this scourge. Ladies and gentlemen, Pakistan seeks an immediate end to the tragic conflict in Ukraine and its peaceful resolution in accordance with the UN Charter and international agreements. Ladies and gentlemen, Pakistan has a long and proud history of solidarity, friendship, and cooperation with the nation of Africa. We will continue to cooperate with them to counter terrorism and resolve regional conflicts including through UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding in the region. Finally, Mr. President, as we leave this August Hall, we must carry with us a message for our people that the weak are not voiceless, that the oppressed should not lose hope, that poverty is not preordained, and that Allah Almighty promise of justice and equality in our national home must be respected. I thank you all and thank you very much for your time. God bless you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/pakistan","Pakistan","His Excellency","Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/pk_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PK_EN.mp3" 132,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency James Marape, Prime Minister of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. His Excellency Mr. Phil Mun Yang, President of the General Assembly. His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, Distinguished Head of State and Head of Governments, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. it is my honor to address this august horse hall once again on behalf of my people of papua new guinea mr president firstly let me congratulate you the government and people of cameroon on your successful election to lead the work of the 79th session of the general assembly I thank your predecessor, His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis, for his excellent leadership during the 78th UN General Assembly. I also extend my gratitude to the United Nations Secretary General for his strong leadership to mobilize the support of the global community on key issues that require our collective efforts, especially in dealing with climate change-related matters. Mr. President, you selected a theme for this debate, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for the present and future generations, I believe is very pertinent. I thank you and commend your foresight in drawing our collective attention to the work we must still do for peace and humanity, considering the vast challenges that continue to threaten our society and what we face today. Mr. President, I speak on three threats to humanity that is complementary to your theme. These threats, in my view, are religious intolerance, poverty induced by climate change, and geopolitical differences and sovereignty contests over territories and people. And I will prefix this statement here with my country as a backdrop. Mr. President, Papua New Guinea is the world's most culturally and linguistically diverse nation, with over 830 languages in a myriad of sub-ethnicities and sub-cultures that are still authentically indigenous today as I speak. A real-time modern nation of a thousand tribes, And we embrace this diversity and do our utmost best to function as one people, one nation, and one country in our intention to leave no one behind. In terms of environment, Mr. President, my country holds up to 7 percent of world's biodiversity, mostly housed within a tropical rainforest that is the third largest in the world and has a vast marine ecosystem. We sustainably manage our forests, land, and sea because our livelihood depends on them. Papua New Guinea, in a small way, teaches the world on how living in balance with nature, tolerating cultural diversities, and practicing environmental stewardship. The father of our country, our modern Papua New Guinea, the late great Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas Somare, was a champion in this regard. In fact, Sir Michael's championed the course of Article 5 that has become its finest place into Paris Agreement, as I speak today, early in the year 2000. This is a reflection of Papua New's strong affinity to the forest, land, and sea. In this regard, my country has been contributing to the public or global discourse over the last two decades in as far as environmental management is concerned and matters relating to climate change. Unfortunately, this has been met with very little return of action. However, we continue to stand ready to assist the United Nations firmly in this area. Mr. President, over the last 49 years of our country's history as an independent nation, our challenges have been many, compounded by vast ethno-linguistic adversities and cultural complexities and a small size of our economy. However, we have remained as one people and one nation. We have moved in the last 49 years. We started off as a least developed nation. Today we have entered the middle income earning nation status and we intend in the next 20 years to migrate from where we are today to a high income earning nation by 2025. In doing that, we will migrate from being just a raw resource exporter to a manufacturing economy within the next decade. Mr. President, I want to assure you all this is being done in total alignment, and we have aligned our development agendas to the United Nations Charter, especially consistent with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Our aspirations mirror that of this August institution. In fact, in 1975, when we gained independence, our National Constitutional Eight-Point Plan directs not just my government today but government into the future, as it was in the past governments that led my country on our national aspirations to leave no person behind. Mr. President, our nation's recent 2050 that was launched in 2010 compels governments to develop Papua New Guinea into a top 50 nation by 2050 in terms of Human Development Index. Papua New Guinea looks forward to submitting to the United Nations a full progressive report in July of 2025 at the High-Level Political Forum, secondary voluntary national review covering the work we have undertaken thus far amidst the challenges we continue to face and the steps we are taking going forward that will culminate in 2030. Mr. President, if you can indulge me in sharing an insight into managing a diverse multicultural people and what has helped us to blend as one nation, I put to you the role of Christian missionaries and their work that dates back to 1845 when the first Catholic missionaries arrived in my country. In 1975, when we became independent, Christianity became profound. Consistency with your theme, Christianity in PNG has been the frontrunner, bearing message of unity, peace, and sustainable coexistence, embracing diversity of cultures, language, and tribes into one human family. living in our natural environment as God has created. Since then, Christian churches have contributed immensely to our country's development through their health and education programs. Real Christianity teaches love, peace, unity, forgiveness, giving meaning to living, no person behind. Whilst PNG is identified as a Christian nation, Mr. President, I want to assure you and all who are listening that Section 45 of our nation's Constitution protects individuals' right to choose and practice of faith and religion. We subscribe strongly to Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. United Nations has been the anchor of this God-given right of humanity. And I offer my country's support to the protection of individuals' choice and rights to practice their faith and urge that This remains a key duty of the United Nations. Mr. President, since the dawn of humanity, history teaches us that many wars have been fought and many lives lost as a result of religious intolerance. We see that happening today as history is stained with blood of innocent people who have died from state, tribe, or church-sanctioned killings. The United Nations, Mr. President, must condemn laws that encroach upon individual choice of religion and worship. This is a God-given right. And I see the issue of enforcement of religion upon one another as a threat to peace and coexistence of mankind. I ask United Nations to keep watch over religious freedom of all people, especially minority people in society where major religions are practiced. Mr. President, the second threat I see facing humanity is poverty, and especially poverty induced by climate change. The pursuit of wealth has caused man to plunder heads of its resources beyond the threshold of sustainability, with little consideration for our children's future. The acceleration of climate change, for instance, is a direct result of mankind's insatiable appetite for resources. An attitude of survival of the fittest, nations and corporations jostle and stampede over each other in order to harvest resources. causing environmental degradation, deforestation, burning of cheaper fossil fuel, and pollution spreading our planet into climate catastrophes that will further engender poverty. Nations like mine continue, oceans nations like mine rather, continue to live with the climate change induced sea level rise and weather pattern changes that has now become an accidental threat. That is why we welcome the Chair's summary of the high-level meeting on sea level rise. Together with other Pacific Island countries, we continue to recognize the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea as a legal framework within which all activities in the ocean and seas must be carried out. We reaffirm commitment to the Pacific Island Forum Declaration of Continuity of Statehood and the Protection of Peasants in the Face of Climate Change-Related Sea-Level Rise. Last month, the Pacific Island Leaders Forum in Tonga officially recognized these climate change manifestations as existential threat to our Pacific people. We stand united in the support of Vanuatu-led United Nations General Assembly proposal for the inclusion of sea level rise as a standalone agenda in the United Nations General Assembly and other relevant United Nations processes. Mr. President, despite our economic needs, PNJ remains committed to safeguarding both our blue ocean life and our green forest life for its children. As a forest nation, PNG continues to play a proactive role to progress our commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement by undertaking adaptations and mitigation effort. However, accessing of global climate finance continues to be a challenge to Papua New Guinea and many small nations. We call on the United Nations to look into this matter with a sense of urgency or else we can liquidate our forests and marine resources to achieve our development aspirations, especially in a pursuit to alleviate poverty from our people. It is for this reason I speak in solidarity with all forest nations, especially those in the Congo Basin and those in the Amazon Basin, for adequate compensation if we are to preserve our forests, which is in fact the lungs of Earth. Mr. President, Papua New Guinea's vast forests, rich biodiversity, marine life, and indigenous people and cultures are now at the crossroads of great change. either of preservation or loss and extinction. The responsibility to save our environment and planet should bear on all of us in equal measure. It is now up to members of the United Nations to save these forests, which are global assets, as I speak. On this note, I want to thank my good friend, His Excellency Emmanuel Macron, President of France, for mobilizing European Union funding for a forest conservation area called Manangalas in my country. This is the kind of partnership that should be encouraged. And again, I remind the world, the forest of PNG is a global asset. It must be preserved at a price transferable to improving the lives of my forests. You cannot talk about climate change without conversation on forestry. They are the two sides to the same coin in conversations on climate change. And I call for others out there, especially those who have big carbon footprints, You have to do justice to planet Earth by doing your part, especially assisting us in the preservation of our forests. Mr. President, the third thread facing humanity, in my view, is geopolitical differences and sovereignty contest over territories and people. Increasing geopolitical conflicts and tensions are fueling fragmentation and protectism around the world today. Restrictions on trade, disruptions in supply chains, growing competitions are crippling our economies. We need to examine peaceful strategies and solutions and invest in peace-building initiatives for de-escalation, mutual understanding, cooperation, build trust, and foster peaceful relationship. The United Nations' role in this must be respected by all nations, for really it was for this reason that the UN was born. So the world does not need to face many more wars again or another big war again. Mr. President, I say this, violence begets violence and is evil no matter what the justification may be. Violence begets violence. Peace must be achieved by peaceful means. No matter how long or unjust it may seem, peace must be achieved by peaceful means. We live in a time where the press of a button, an atomic or nuclear bomb, has the ability and potential to destroy our planet. All conflicts can be resolved if we allow the United Nations one rulebook to take prominence over our own political national interests. In PNG, we partner the United Nations in national and sub-national peace-building efforts. One good example is the de-escalation of our own internal conflict on Bougainville when the United Nations supervised the Bougainville peace agreement in 2001 and continues to ensure we comply with all requirements of that agreement, including bringing the 2019 referendum results to our national parliament. To this day, I am happy to report that no bullets have since been fired in Bougainville. This is the role and the strength of the United Nations, and I call on all nations and people to respect the charter of this institution and the reasons for its existence. PNG therefore calls on the UN and its systems to begin the review of the process to review the Security Council and the reforms that must take place, including removal of veto powers so all nations can sit equally on the table in as far as decision-making is concerned. Mr. President, we must do all we can to restore stability to the far reaches of Earth. Global conflicts cause domino effect, and the subsequent impacts are felt throughout the world, including intergenerational wounds. Mr. President, as I conclude, let me remind us again on our collective responsibility to together preserve our planet and our human race. In 1987, a space philosopher called Frank White wrote The Overview Effect, a cognitive shift astronauts experience after viewing planet Earth from the space. And upon their return to Earth, he records that most astronauts, if not all, experience a self self-transcendence, appreciating Earth much more and feeling a very strong connection to all people on the planet. And I am sure Neil Armstrong in 1969, on July 20, when he gazed back on planet Earth, standing on moon, he would have looked back and he would not have seen his planet, he would not have seen his country, the United States of America. He would have seen the blue planet, the planet he called home. I call upon all of us, esteemed leaders of this planet, let us adopt a little bit of overview effect to see the world through the eyes of the astronauts. They see the planet from humanity perspective, one planet, one people, one humanity. They appreciated Earth much better. I want to ask all of us. I want to ask all of us, all leaders of planet Earth, let us appreciate Earth. Let us treasure its life-sustaining gifts. Let us do everything within our means to preserve and protect planet Earth. It starts with all of us, leaders, to think and act correctly because our children's collective future depend on this one. We have but one planet. After all, there's no two planets. You look at the observable universe. You look billions and billions of light years into the observable universe. There is no one planet that looks like us. Only one planet. Let's preserve that. Let us rise above religious bigotry, fight poverty together, and coexist in peace under the charter we ourselves have written into this magnificent institution called the United Nations. I thank you all for the opportunity to speak. May the peace of my Lord Jesus be upon you. Mr. President and all people of Earth, a beautiful life sustaining it. May God bless each and every one of you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/papua-new-guinea","Papua New Guinea","His Excellency","James Marape","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/pg_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PG_EN.mp3" 133,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Cho Tae-il, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. Madam President, distinguished delegates, I'd like to spend my congratulations to His Excellency, Philemon Young, on assuming the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly. Let me also pay tribute to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for his dedication to global peace and prosperity. The year 2024 has sadly earned the distinction of being the most conflict-ridden year since World War II. Across the globe, from Ukraine to the Middle East, conflict and division have torn at the fabric of human dignity. Two billion people, or roughly one in four, reside in conflict zones. 310 million people require humanitarian assistance worldwide, and more than 120 million, or one in 70, are refugees. Meanwhile, records suggest that we are brushing dangerously close to the critical threshold of 1.5 Celsius degrees. Most worrying of all, the international community seems to be losing the sense of what these numbers really stand for. Real lives disrupted, families displaced, futures lost, and the planetary crisis looming. As the war of aggression against Ukraine drags on to its third year, as seemingly intractable challenges mount with no end in sight, cynicism and powerlessness are hardening in some quarters. There is growing belief that multilateralism is ineffective and the United Nations is no longer relevant. But I stand before you today to affirm that this is not true. My nation's very existence as a free, democratic, and prosperous country is the proof that the United Nations in action works. It was the first ever UN-led coalition that defended the freedom and democracy in the Republic of Korea, ravaged by war in early 1950s. Our journey from devastation to democracy and prosperity was made possible by the continued support of the international community, particularly through UN agencies and programs. The story of the Republic of Korea provides the antidote against paralyzing defeatism. It is a story of what we can achieve when good men and women choose to act together. a concrete evidence that multilateral system can make a real difference. If global challenges are mounting, then we must double down on multilateralism. We need more of UN in action, not less. This is why I applaud the timely and proactive initiative of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to convene the Summit of the Future this year. As we prepare to mark the 80th Session of the UN General Assembly next year, we must ask ourselves, what will be the UN's role in the decades to come? Where do we see ourselves in the 90th and 100th Session of the UN General Assembly? The Pact for the Future is the culmination of all our soul-searching at the Summit of the Future. It galvanizes our resolve to act not just for the present, but for the future generations as well. Mr. President, now the onus is on each and every one of the UN members to fulfill the commitments on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement. Earlier, I mentioned that UN inaction works, but we must not forget UN inaction actually means UN members inaction. Under the foreign policy vision of President Yoon Sung-yeol, the Republic of Korea seeks to be a global state, recognizing both its indebtedness to the multilateral systems and its growing ability to be their champion. The Republic of Korea is committed to do its part as a UN member by serving three functions, a facilitator, a supporter, and an initiator. First, in the global efforts to build sustainable peace, the Republic of Korea will act as a facilitator. Peace is not merely the absence of conflict. It is the sustainable presence of security and opportunity. The Republic of Korea understands this deeply, having endured the trials of war and division. Today, the Republic of Korea is one of the core contributors to UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts around the world. Its troops and experts serve in some of the world's most volatile regions, providing just security, not just security, but hope. To ensure that peace is durable, however, it is important to go beyond the individual efforts of contributing countries. The Republic of Korea advocates strengthening the UN's peacebuilding architecture with the Peacebuilding Commission at its core, fulfilling its unique mandate to bridge all three pillars of the United Nations to bring greater coherence and a more integrated approach. We will actively participate in the peace building architecture review next year with a focus on how to strengthen the humanitarian development and peace nexus. We will also align our humanitarian aid and development cooperation programs with the United Nations activities to promote peace and security around the world and collaborate with the United Nations to identify multifaceted challenges and address their root causes in a coherent and holistic manner. At the heart of our mission as a facilitator is our role as an elected member of the Security Council for the 2024 through 2025 term. Our focus is on peacekeeping and peacebuilding, advancing the UN peace and security agenda, and addressing the complex relationship between climate and security. However, we must also face the dysfunctions that have hampered the Council's effectiveness. It is increasingly difficult to justify the current structure when a permanent member continues its war of aggression on its neighbour, challenging the fundamental tenets of the UN Charter it is tasked with upholding. The misuse of its right to veto is putting deadlocks on important and urgent work. As we seek to find practical solutions by actively building common ground amongst the diverging views of the council members, we will also work with all UN member states to achieve a comprehensive Security Council reform in the international intergovernmental negotiations. Expanding elected membership under equitable geographical distribution and through regular elections will contribute to a more democratic, effective, transparent, representative, and accountable council. The compromise proposal of longer-term re-electable seats deserves new attention in this regard. The Republic of Korea will also actively address the surging demand for humanitarian aid in the midst of ongoing conflicts. This year, the Republic of Korea has committed $200 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine. And we also plan to provide $100 million to tackle humanitarian crises by this year's end, including $30 million for civilians affected by the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. Sadly, conflict in the Middle East is now being further escalated, especially in the Israel-Lebanon border. The Republic of Korea joins the United States, France, and many others in urging the parties to pause their fighting and instead give diplomacy a chance to succeed. Second, the Republic of Korea will play a role as a supporter for the Global South in their efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and take climate actions. As the first country to transition from an aid recipient to a donor nation, we firmly believe that we can and should be the tide that lifts other boats. This philosophy underpins our approach to official development assistance, which has grown by 30% this year from last year and quadrupled since 2010. With only six years left to meet the SDGs and only 17% of these goals on track, we also wish to be smart about how our ODAs is put to use, however fast-growing it is. Our initiative to serve as a green ladder through our Green ODA demonstrates the commitment to tackle the nexus of climate change and the SDGs. Recently, the Republic of Korea has committed an additional $300 million to the Green Climate Fund, $7 million to the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage, and has plans to continue expanding its Green ODA. But financial support is only part of the occasion. We are buttressing our funding with intangible support by sharing our unique developmental know-how and by building wider and more sustained partnerships. The inaugural Korea Pacific Islands Summit held last year, as well as the first-ever Korea-Africa Summit held in June this year, were landmark events which highlighted our commitment to deepening mutually enriching partnerships with these regions. At the June Korea-Africa summit, we pledged to increase our ODA to Africa up to 10 billion U.S. dollars by 2030 and to collaboratively address global challenges such as climate change, food insecurity, and supply chain disruptions. We put a particular focus on empowering the youth of Africa, the youngest continent in the world, to drive sustainable development through initiatives like Tech for Africa. Next year, we plan to organize the inaugural Korea Central Asia Summit, where sustainable development will again take center stage. All of this would only be a half measure without Korea's own green transition. We will remain fully committed to carbon-free energy initiative. Third, the Republic of Korea will act as an initiator in the global efforts to install new norms and governance for human dignity and well-being. The exponential growth of technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, has not only opened new frontiers, but also poses potential risks to human rights and dignity. Meeting such a new challenge requires new norms and governance fit for our time. To that end, my President, standing in this very hall last year, pledged to lead the global discussions on AI governance, and we have since spearheaded efforts to establish frameworks that ensure AI is developed and used in service of humanity. The Seoul Declaration for Safe, Innovative, and Inclusive AI adopted during the AI Seoul Summit in May marked a significant milestone in building the norms for civilian AI. The adoption of Blueprint for Action during the second summit on responsible AI in the military domain earlier this month in Seoul further laid the groundwork for norms for military use of AI. We are also dedicated to addressing cyber threats and promoting an open, free, and safe cyberspace that respects human rights. Leveraging its expertise in cybersecurity, the Republic of Korea has actively participated in global efforts to establish comprehensive norms, including the UN Convention Against Cybercrime. Our work extends to the UN Security Council, where, as an elected member, the Republic of Korea is helping to lay a solid foundation for the Council's effective and agile response to cybersecurity issues. Another area of concern is plastic pollution, a global crisis that threatens both ecosystems and human health. The Republic of Korea will host the fifth and the last session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution in Busan in November this year, where we hope to work with the UN members to reach a binding agreement to end this pollution. Mr. President and Madam President, the heartbreaking tragedy is that just miles from Seoul, we find cynicism at its bleakest. North Korea continues to pose threats to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and beyond with its ongoing development of nuclear and missile capabilities, as shown by the recent disclosure of uranium enrichment facilities, as well as provocations that have swooped down to despicable levels, such as sending trash balloons into the South. Moreover, North Korea has been engaged in military cooperation with Russia, providing it with missiles and millions of ammunition. It is indeed deplorable that Russia, a permanent Security Council member and one of the founding states for the nonproliferation regime, is engaging in illegal arms trade with North Korea. and in April of this year, vetoed the extension of the mandate of the panel of experts on sanctions against North Korea, which had been functioning effectively for the past 15 years. The heart of the matter is that North Korea's nuclear missile programs and egregious human rights abuses are two sides of the same coin. North Korea is only able to develop these weapons of mass destruction with impunity by repressing the human rights of its people and diverting scarce resources from its starving populace. What Pyongyang offers is not a vision, but a cold and self-serving calculus, a calculus that only sees twin deficits persisting indefinitely, a deficit of peace on the peninsula and a deficit of freedom in North Korea. Madam President, the August 15 Unification Doctrine unveiled by President Yoon Seok-nyeol last month presents a vision of a unified Korean Peninsula that is free, peaceful, and prosperous. Recognizing that achieving sustainable peace is an unfinished task on the peninsula, we firmly believe that the road to peace runs through the expansion of freedom and through the unification of Korean peninsula. This peace will contribute to global peace and security. Under this vision, freedom which has underpinned the Republic of Korea's independence, growth, and prosperity will at last be fully unlocked in the North, restoring the human rights of each and every Korean. Achieving this vision requires the international community to advocate the freedom and human rights of North Koreans who have no voice. The Republic of Korea is committed to working together with the international community to steer North Korea towards making the right decisions. Madam President, nearly 75 years ago, founders of the United Nations stood together, bound by faith in multilateralism, to defend freedom and sovereignty and uphold the UN Charter. As we approach the 80th session of the General Assembly next year, we must recommit ourselves to the principles that brought us together. Multilateralism is not an outdated concept. It is the only path forward. To stand idle in the face of today's challenges would be to abandon both the vulnerable today and the generation of tomorrow. Thank you very much. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/republic-korea","Republic of Korea","His Excellency","Tae-yul Cho","Minister for Foreign Affairs","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kr_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KR_EN.mp3" 134,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Dorin Recian, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Thank you. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, it is an honor to represent my country, Republic of Moldova, at this unique forum where small and large nations alike address core issues on the global agenda. Climate change, poverty, and the global cost of living crisis are our generational challenges. So is peace and security. For some time now, it seemed we were living in a rules-based international system which strongly discouraged geopolitical conquest, spheres of influence, and disregard for the aspirations of smaller nations. The world proved to be a much safer place when smaller nations have a say and the choices their people make are respected. Peace and security, prosperity and free choice is the core agenda for Moldova today. Generations of our intellectuals, writers and civic activists have fought for our independence and for the freedom to pursue our identity and values. These have succeeded in making Moldova free. After 33 years of independence, we see it in the confidence of our youth, in the revitalization of our culture, and in the way our people stand proud on the international stage, knowing their future lies in their own hands. Very next to us, Russia's unprovoked and unjust war of aggression against Ukraine threatens the fabric of our international order. It throws us back to the times of great power politics, when a large state pursues cynical geopolitical designs to divide the region into spheres of influence and annex smaller neighbors, denying them a say in their own destiny. For Moldova, this is not a mere distant memory. It is a looming threat. Moldova knows all too well the consequences and we are determined to never return to those times. Don't forget, Kremlin doesn't want us at the table. Kremlin wants us on the table. Never mind all the excuses and the circumstances. Compulsion and raw force are perpetuated and complemented now with hybrid warfare, malign influence, and subversion of the democratic state. And these latest developments, ladies and gentlemen, are threatening not only Moldova. We see them escalating throughout the democratic world, too. Even mature democracies find it difficult to cope with witnessing polarization and division. Therefore, Ukraine is now fighting not just for its statehood, nation, and its very existence. It is fighting for each nation's freedom to choose and pursue its own national aspirations. Moldova stands by and in solidarity with Ukraine in defense against Kremlin's aggression. And we urge the international community to timely provide all necessary support to Ukraine. Distinguished audience, despite the war at our border, Moldova remains an active and committed contributor to the regional security. We are a reliable partner for our neighbors, Romania and Ukraine, as well as the European Union. We have preserved peace and security in Moldova. At the same time, we have supported humanitarian efforts by welcoming over one million Ukrainian refugees and ensuring their safety. Peace is not just our goal. It is our duty. Peace remains our core commitment. Moldova is also committed to a just, peaceful resolution of the Transnistrian conflict with full respect for Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. For this to happen, Russia's illegal military presence must end. I call on the international community to reaffirm the need for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Russian military from Moldova. This is not just about Moldova. It's about upholding international law, safeguarding regional stability, and ensuring that no country's sovereignty is compromised by foreign military presence. Ladies and gentlemen, Moldova's destiny belongs to Moldovans, not outside powers. Kremlin's efforts to suppress the dignity and will of the people of Moldova through both internal subversion and external intimidation have no place in the 21st century. Despite our differences, we have always taken big decisions as a nation together and have proudly reaffirmed our national dignity and self-worth. The social compact of our society is individual freedoms, human rights, competitive elections, and open society, not Kremlin's satellite state. Today, our people are closer than ever to fulfilling these aspirations. We're full of hope and determination. Hope for a democratic, prosperous Fiji in the European family of nations to which we rightfully belong. And this hope is firmly rooted in Moldova's collective achievements over the past years, determined to work hard and tirelessly to become a proud member of the youth's peaceful and prosperous family. Moldova stands today stronger and more united. Despite flooding Moldova with illicit money, propaganda and falsehoods, and waging a fully-fledged hybrid attack, Kremlin has failed to divide our house against itself. Moldova is no longer a grey zone, a profitable money laundering enterprise for unscrupulous oligarchs and foreign powers who plundered the state and the people and manipulated institutions for their benefit. International sanctions against these perpetrators have helped and we are working to return their stolen money. Our commitment to reform is unwavering, and we have made progress in cleaning up its justice system and law enforcement. The international community has recognized these efforts, with Moldova's corruption perception and rule of law rankings improving significantly. We acted to make our economy resilient even in the face of the regional instability. Despite proximity to the war zone, Moldova's business environment is improving though slowly. Small and medium enterprises have a more promising outlook and exports of high quality products are picking up thanks to our access to European markets. Moldova is doing digital and is bringing the government closer to its citizens and businesses. Over the past few years, more has been invested in infrastructure than over 10 years before that. Our energy independence is now a reality. Energy can no longer be used to blackmail and extract geopolitical concessions. Moldova's energy security is ensured by its integration in the regional and international grids and markets, and we proceed to a fast-paced agenda of renewables and energy efficiency. Resilience is not just about security. It is about our institutions, which are stronger today than ever before, thanks to the support received from our partners. Institutions are better prepared to safeguard the choices of the Moldovan people from external interference. Crucially, Moldova has genuinely opened itself to the world. In recognition of the country's progress, in December of 2023, EU leaders unanimously agreed to open accession negotiations with Moldova. This is our most significant achievement since independence, and we are committed to be ready to join the EU by 2030. Our European path is a matter of vital national interest and our strongest guarantee of peace, democracy and development. On October 20th, Moldova will reaffirm its European choice in a referendum to enshrine EU integration into our Constitution. Russia may continue its attempts to disrupt Moldova's path through the threats, disinformation, and destabilization to change the sovereign choice of the Moldovan people. They want to keep Moldova captive in its past. But we, the Moldovan people, are united in determination. Only we can choose our future. We will not return the country to oligarchs who plunder the state and want to once again turn the country into their personal fiefdom, which yields massive wealth to a few but fails the majority. We will not return to a past dominated by oligarchs and corruption. We will not be dragged back into a sphere of influence that does not reflect our aspirations. The people of Moldova choose freedom. We choose Europe. And next month, we will reaffirm the goal of our generation, fully fledged membership in the EU, a union which has supported Moldova throughout our independence. I will touch on climate change issues now. Moldova has long been known for a temperate, welcoming climate and agricultural fertility. But just over the past year, we have aced the most severe weather extremes in our history, devastating snowfalls, unprecedented droughts and heat waves, and severe floods. They cause massive damages and disruptions like never before in our history. These challenges are not hypothetical. They are here, and they threaten the livelihoods of our farmers, economy, the infrastructure of our villages and towns, and the future of our children. Climate change risks destroying many things we heavily rely on throughout the planet. In this context, we welcome the adoption of the Pact for the Future by the United Nations General Assembly. This is a significant step towards building a more effective, inclusive, and sustainable global order. It reaffirms our collective responsibility to future generations. We are committed to working alongside the international community to turn these pledges into concrete actions that will shape a better, more resilient world. As a final remark, Moldova stands at its historic crossroads, both as a nation and as a member of the international community. Moldovan people will not allow it to be stripped of its agency. Moldova chooses peace, democracy, freedom and rule of law over war, authoritarianism and repression. For us, this means Europe. It is our choice, and it strengthens our resolve to move more decisively towards the EU, a peace and prosperity project, while rejecting war, aggression, and any assaults on human dignity. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/republic-moldova","Republic of Moldova","His Excellency","Dorin Recean","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/md_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MD_EN.mp3" 135,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Terence Mikio Drew, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, National Security and Immigration, Health and Social Security of St Kitts and Nevis. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Secretary General Guterres, esteemed colleagues, excellencies, my fellow citizens of our twin island federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, and friends from every corner of our shared planet. Today I rise on behalf of my island developing state, and yet in truth, I speak for the many small island nations, large ocean states, that know too well the high cost of inaction. We are small, yes, but our voices carry the weight of rising seas, thundering storms, and livelihoods tittering on the edge of erasure. A sustainable future for SIDS demands more from us all. Let us begin by paying tribute to His Excellency Dennis Francis, whose leadership and presidency of the 78th session demonstrated the fierce determination of the Caribbean. Thank you for your service. We stand ready to drive the changes necessary for a sustainable, secure world. Thank you for your sterling leadership, Mr. President. I must also acknowledge Secretary General Guterres, who with unflinching resolve has championed justice, equity, and hope. This past year tested our commitment to peace and security, yet it also revealed the vast opportunities we must seize if we are to steer humanity toward a better way. Mr. President, Flelemon Young, Congratulations on your election as president of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. We have great confidence in your leadership as you guide us with the theme, unity and diversity for advancing peace, sustainable development, and human dignity everywhere and for all. As we convene here in this hallowed hall, I recall the words of former Secretary General Kofi Annan. The future of peace and prosperity that we seek for all the world's peoples needs a foundation of tolerance, security, equality, and justice. That foundation is fragile, but it is essential. And it is crumbling under the weight of neglect, greed, and abuse of power. 79 years ago, in the wake of war's devastation, visionaries sought to build a world where diplomacy and dialogue could triumph over destructive intolerance. Yet today, we stand on the precipice of a perilous return to a world where peace is kept at gunpoint, where weapons are romanticized, and violence is exalted in the pursuit of absolute power. We need more than diplomatic platitudes. We need a humanity steeped in decency, justice, equity, and inclusivity. We must rise from these chambers, not resign to the idea that the children of Haiti, Congo, Sudan, and Palestine are less deserving of the rights and freedoms that we enjoy. We are all one people, one world. We cannot have peace without justice, nor justice without true, solid equality. In the Caribbean, our lived reality of rising tides washing away our hopes of unforgiving heat setting ablaze our dreams. We pray for rain and receive the floods, dragging our homes and our futures to the abyss. When the guns flood our communities, tearing children from their mother's arms, it is a collective cry for action. When the Global South starves while food wastage continues unabated, we must be shaken from our complacency. The half-truth is that the world is becoming mortally insecure. We stand on disappearing shores. We are besieged by storms, natural and man-made. Corporate greed, colonial arrogance, and unchecked consumerism have torn apart our social contract with each other. We are no longer at peace with nature. The greatest delusion we feed ourselves is that security and sustainability are separate endeavors. They are, in fact, intertwined. We cannot build secure nations while allowing the climate crisis to rob future generations of their birthright. Security is more than an absence of conflict. It is the presence of dignity, of justice, and hope. Generations ago, the labor movement in St. Kitts and Neve paved the way for people's emancipation, an emancipation built on the principles of social, economic, and human dignity. Today, I echo their call. We must do better. We must be better. Our ambitions must be grander, our visions clearer. When we say leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations, it cannot be a hollow phrase. It must be a sacred commitment A pledge to every soul, from the wealthiest nation to the smallest island state. For when the waters rise in the south, even the north will eventually drown. When the forests burn in the north, the south too will choke from the smoke. For it is one planet, one human race. The pandemic has left scars that still fester, and global economic fragmentation threatens to deepen the divides between us. From small island states like mine, the failure to meet these goals is not just a disappointment, it is a death sentence. The clock is ticking, and we cannot afford to wait any longer. We must act, and we must act now. The Caribbean braces for an intense hurricane season facing the escalating fury fueled by warming oceans and unprecedented storms. Our brothers and sisters in Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica are still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Beryl, which became the earliest formed Category 5 hurricane on record this past July. In the Pacific, our brothers and sisters there remain exposed to the insistent battering of typhoons that ravage their islands. And as I speak, the Southeast United States is being pounded by Hurricane Helene. Lives and livelihoods hang in the balance as entire communities brace for the next assault. Hoteliers, for example, in my own country of St. Kitts and Nevis, have approached our government stating that with a sense of dread that they may soon no longer be able to market themselves as beach resorts. Our famous beaches, once the lifeblood of our tourism-driven economy, are steadily disappearing under the relentless rise of the sea. The sands that once beckoned visitors from across the globe are now receding, swallowed by seas which continue to rise. The loss will be irreversible if we do not act, and if we do not act now. The Sustainable Development Goals were meant to shield us from such devastation, offering a progressive agenda to build resilience and safeguard all our citizens. Yet despite their promise, according to the UN's 2024 SDGs report, only 17% of the targets are on track. Nearly half are showing minimal or moderate progress, and over one-third have stalled or even regressed. The clock is ticking, and we must do more than observe its passage. We must act before these realities become permanent fixtures in our collective future. In May 2025, The government of St. Kitts and Nevis will proudly co-host the Global Sustainable Island Summit with Island Innovation, a pivotal event dedicated to advancing sustainable development on islands across the globe titled Sustainable Future for Island Communities. This summit will build on the momentum of SIDS IV Conference held in 2024, tackling the pressing challenges island nations face. The summit will call to action a space where we share practical solutions and partnerships that ripple far beyond our shores. Our islands are sentinels of climate change and the proving ground for sustainable development. It is with this spirit of shared responsibility and urgent action that I extend a heartfelt invitation to all leaders of island nations gathered here to come, to engage, to commit to meaningful change. A recent and commendable stride toward equity and inclusion has been the adoption of the MVI, the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index. This serves as a powerful testament to the potential of multilateralism when it is both purposeful and effective. St. Kitts and Nevis stands with the Caribbean community and the Alliance of Small Island States in welcoming Resolution 78-322, while urging this esteemed body to rally the necessary political will and resources to drive its implementation across international financial institutions and multilateral development banks. For us small island developing states, the MVI is not just another metric. It is a lifeline offering a means to cushion the relentless blows of climatic and economic crises that disproportionately affect us. Its full implementation will demonstrate to the world that the United Nations, and by extension the global system, remains committed to uplifting those most vulnerable. It will restore trust in a system that must not only recognize vulnerability, but actively work to address it. The time has come to reshape the United Nations, to reform its structures so that they reflect the realities of our modern world. Too many voices remain unheard. Too many nations marginalized. The UN Security Council must include representations from the regions most vulnerable to threats, to the threats of our time. Regions such as Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa. Nowhere is this change more urgently needed than in the international financial architecture. St. Kitts and Nevis stands in solidarity with the government of Barbados in its fight for financial and climate justice, pledging our full support for the Bridgetown Initiative. This bold framework demands a reformation of the global finance, making it more responsive to the unique vulnerabilities of small island developing states like mine. We cannot build resilience without first ensuring that the international system works for the most vulnerable among us. In the Caribbean, we continue to call for and guard our zone of peace. The Argyll Declaration serves as a shining example of how we in the Caribbean manage security challenges. We go back to basics. We talk to each other. Specifically, the declaration has been instrumental in facilitating dialogue between Venezuela and Guyana, demonstrating that even the most complex disputes can be navigated through peaceful means. This model of engagement One of dialogue and cooperation is the very essence upon which this institution was founded. The international community would do well to follow this approach and inject new life into our diplomacy. And to this end, I reiterate CARICOM's call for an unconditional ceasefire in Gaza to put an end to the suffering. The only pathway to peace and to secure fundamental human rights and dignity is through the two-state solution, and St. Kitts and Nevis stand in full support. Mr. President, as we face these global challenges, we should always remember Haiti. I want to reiterate that again, Mr. President, that we should always remember Haiti. Haiti, the beacon of resilience and courage, stands at the crossroads of its next chapter. St. Kitts and Nevis, alongside the Caribbean community, firmly supports the work of the National Transitional Council as it strives to create an environment conducive to a multi-stakeholder political solution. Haiti was there for the downtrodden of the world, lighting the path toward freedom for many. And now the world must be there for Haiti, not because it is a place of sorrow, but because it remains a symbol of human endurance and defiance against injustice. With the establishment of the multinational security support mission, the Caribbean community seeks to usher in a new day for Haiti's families. And to this end, I want to thank the government and people of Kenya for their significant contribution. And of course, we want to usher in a new day for Haiti's families, a day where schools become places of learning, hospitals are places of healing, and markets are not arsenals for gangs, but havens for community and prosperity. Haiti's future is not only one of security, but one of sustainability, and we must rally to give it the peace it deserves. Mr. President, year after year, this body sends a strong message to the people of Cuba, a message of hope and a message of support. The embargo that has isolated Cuba for decades is not right, Mr. President, and it continues to be a stain on our collective conscience. St. Kitts and Nevis joins the Caribbean community in calling for an end to this unjust embargo and for Cuba's removal from the State Department's list of state sponsors of terrorism. Cuba has long been a friend to the Caribbean, its doctors, educators exemplifying true philanthropy. And I might state here, Mr. President, that I'm a graduate of the Cuban educational system. Instead of denigrating the island, we should elevate and learn from its sustainable solutions that have empowered their people and, in turn, the region. A stronger, more sustainable Cuba enhances the security and sustainability of the Caribbean. Mr. President, in the same breath, we must not forget Taiwan. The people of Taiwan have proven time and time again their firm commitment to sustainable development. The theme of this assembly, leaving no one behind, compels us to ensure Taiwan's inclusion in the work of the United Nations system, particularly in the World Health Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization. Taiwan's leadership in innovation and technology is not just an asset. It's a necessity for the global community to meet the challenges of tomorrow. The United Nations must extend its vision to include Taiwan, a nation whose exclusion undermines the very principles we stand for, peace, sustainable development, and human dignity. Mr. President, esteemed colleagues, citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis, citizens of the world, St. Kitts and Nevis is not seeking for pity. St. Kitts and Nevis is not seeking for anyone to feel sorry for us. We are small, but as we say in our country, we are tallow. St. Kitts and Nevis is seeking for partnerships. We are on a transformative journey to become a sustainable island state, guided by seven pillars. which are water security, energy transition, food security, sustainable industry, sustainable settlements, circular economy, and social protection. We are taking bold and tangible actions by building renewable energy desalination plants for reliable 24-7 water supply. Aggressively advancing geothermal energy on our sister isle of Nevis with the goal of a unified, sustainable energy grid for both islands, St. Kitts and Nevis. And extending it to the rest of the Caribbean. Constructing our first modern climate smart hospital. Building climate smart affordable housing solutions, ensuring that our people have safe, sustainable places to live and to call home. finalizing one of the Caribbean's largest solar plus storage projects. We are on track, Mr. President, to meet CARICOM's 25 by 25 agenda, reducing our food imports and bolstering local food production. We created, for example, a children's medical fund to ensure that disadvantaged families can access vital medical care for their children. And may I state, Mr. President, that as a result of this policy, St. Kitts and Nevis recorded no death of any child between the ages of one to four in 2023. We continue, therefore, to advance our education beyond our universal compulsory system, promoting lifelong learning as key to national development. All of these and more we are pursuing, Mr. President, demonstrating to the world that we don't just complain. We don't want to be a part of just problems. We want to be a part of the solutions. And that is why we will continue to seek partnerships, Mr. President. My friends, we stand at the crossroads. We can no longer afford the luxury of inaction. We must meet the moment with the courage it demands. We must reject business as usual and embrace a new path forward, one that values people over profit, one that prioritizes the planet over power. As we gather in this assembly, let us remember Let us remember, we are all stewards of this fragile world. The rising tides do not respect borders, and the fires of conflict burn without discrimination. For St. Kitts and Nevis, for the Caribbean, for every small island nation whose future hangs in the balance, I ask you to stand with us. Let our voices rise like the oceans that surround us. powerful and unyielding, calling for a future where peace is not just the absence of war, but the presence of justice, of sustainability, of hope. Mr. President, citizens of the world, leaders, all who are present, together, let us seize this moment and shape the future. Together, let us stand proud and strong. Together, let us act now for the moment demands it. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, National Security, Immigration, Health and Social Security of St Kitts and Nevis. The assembly will hear and address","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/saint-kitts-and-nevis","Saint Kitts and Nevis","His Excellency","Terrance Micheal Drew","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kn_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KN_EN.mp3" 136,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Alvaro Romanes Baptiste, Minister for External Affairs, International Trade, Civil Aviation, and Diaspora Affairs of St. Lucia. Distinguished Mr. President, I find it more than proper to set in motion my address to this 79th session of the UN General Assembly by invoking the wisdom of one of America's most outstanding orators, the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, and I quote, we are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action."" Mr. President, over the decades, We, the representatives of small island developing states, have come to this hallowed chamber to state the case for fairer treatment of our developmental needs and our challenges by the international community. We have argued for special and differential treatment because we are indeed different, indeed special, and indeed unique in our sizes, our economies, our finances, our social circumstances, our vulnerabilities. Mr. President, we are indeed severely disadvantaged by an unfair global financial system that has amplified inequities by the measurements and standards it has employed to assess our development. And despite our best efforts, it seems that we were simply engaging in odds to the death because there has hardly been the type of concrete and fundamental responses and actions to change the rules and the systems that have been suppressing our developmental aspirations. However, Mr. President, we have persisted in our advocacy. We have not abandoned our faith in the strength and advantages of multilateralism. And so today, We are pleased to applaud two recent decisions by the international community that provide an expectation that the unique vulnerabilities and special circumstances of St. Lucia and all the small island developing states will receive the particular attention they deserve. I speak first of the fourth international conference on small island developing states recently held in Antigua and Barbuda, which adopted a new 10-year plan of action for seeds. The Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for Seeds is a bold new plan to give priority at the international level to the sustainable development needs of seeds over the next 10 years and maps out the nature of the support which the international community must deliver in order to achieve them. Through this agenda, the economies of seeds can be transformed and so there must be absolutely no delay in its implementation and in delivering on the commitments made to bring life to its provisions. This cannot wait. The second decision that we applaud is the recent adoption by the United Nations of the Multi-Dimensional Vulnerability Index, MVI. While we note that the resolution advancing the MVI calls for its voluntary adoption, Saint Lucia urges the international community to speedily adopt and implement the MVI. It took the international community 32 years to develop and adopt this vital and necessary tool for sustainable development and global equity. Let us not wait another 32 years to test and implement it. The MVI must be brought into use today. This cannot wait. It is urgent because the challenges facing our small, open, and vulnerable economies are quite complex. Caribbean economies have over the past two decades been plagued by a number of interrelated and interlocking factors, including persistent fiscal deficit and high debt, stubborn and persistent structural rigidities. These interrelated factors... have been significantly exacerbated by external shocks, including frequent and major fluctuations in energy prices, financial crisis, and more recently, the COVID pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, not to mention the planet's greatest existential threat, climate change. In this regard, there is a pressing need for immediate action to halt and reverse the slow progress that is being made on the issue of climate change and climate justice. This General Assembly needs no reminders of the violent and destructive impact of climate change and the extent of the peril in which the world, particularly seeds, finds itself as a result. St. Lucia is considerably dismayed and disappointed that after years of advocacy by seeds to establish the loss and damage fund at COP28, the fund which should have been activated in July this year is yet to be operationalized. Saint Lucia therefore urges those concerned to swiftly and urgently operationalize the loss and damage fund so that seeds can receive timely support and on the scale required to recover from the disastrous impact of climatic events on the small economies and societies. Further, it is essential that at the forthcoming COP29, the special circumstances of seeds are protected and operationalized across the entire climate change policy agenda. This cannot wait. In the same way, the world must recompense seeds for the injustice of the climate crisis that we are suffering. Those countries which propelled economies, the economic development through the unholy and inhumane transatlantic slave trade and slavery of our African ancestors must pay reparations for this crime against humanity, which they inflicted upon the people they brought from Africa to the Caribbean and the Americas, as well as on the indigenous peoples of those regions. President St. Lucia therefore reiterates the call it made at the 78th session of the UNGA that the UN should become seized of the question of reparations for the transatlantic slave trade and slavery in the Western Hemisphere. This is why, in part, our Caribbean civilization resents the current carnage in Gaza and the West Bank. Because in Gaza, President, for the last year, over 41,000 persons, the majority being women and children, have been killed by an Israeli army in the name of self-defense, occasioned by a terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, in which approximately 1,200 persons were killed. Saint Lucia condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, by whomever and whatever commits it. But humanitarianism has been lost in the carnage. Since October last year, 289 aid workers, including 207 UNRWA team members, have been killed in Gaza. In addition, more than 110 journalists have been killed. President, this war in Palestine, what some have referred to as genocide, whatever it is called, must be brought to an end today, for the world has no future with it and has no appetite for it. President, year in, year out, Since its independence, St. Lucia has been calling for the recognition and establishment of a Palestinian state. However, to date, there continues to be needless impediments to this accomplishment. President, I respectfully submit that this unnecessary undermining of Palestinian statehood is, to a large extent, the root cause of the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President, Israelis and Palestinians deserve to live side by side in peace. However, peace for Israel must not come at the expense of the Palestinian people, nor can a permanent ceasefire be based on the whims and fancies of Israel. President, it must be predicated upon meaningful and honest negotiations utilizing the tools of diplomacy. Hence, no state should become material accomplices to aggression against the Israeli and Palestinian people. Because the solution is not far-fetched or unreachable, the Palestinians must be allowed to exercise their right to self-determination, to have their own state and full membership of the United Nations alongside the State of Israel in accordance with UN resolutions that go back to 181 of 1947, and include Resolution 3246 of 1974, which reaffirmed the inherent rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, national independence, and sovereignty, and the rights of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property. President, the only way to secure a just and peaceful future in the Middle East and for Israel to have secured borders is for the Palestinian people to live in their own internationally recognized homeland. The right to self-determination is a universal right, and the Palestinians are no exception. The people of Palestine cannot wait. It is this same right which says that the people of Ukraine must be allowed to choose their own destiny and that Russia must end this unwarranted war against Ukraine and restore and respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is this same right of self-determination which dictates that the heroic people of Cuba have a right to determine their own path to political, economic, and social development under the economic embargo imposed on Cuba for over six decades. Decades by the United States is illegal, unjust, and inhumane. It must be ended forthwith. In accordance with the many resolutions of the UN General Assembly from 1992, which have rejected that embargo totally and overwhelmingly, the people of Cuba cannot wait. Further, Cuba's emphasis on medical internationalism as a central foreign policy objective, as well as its non-involvement in armed conflicts abroad, invalidate Cuba's inclusion on the U.S. 's list as a state sponsor of terrorism. Instead, President, given that it is well established that Cuba's alternative model of development has provided important social benefits to the Cuban people, coupled with its emphasis on medical internationalism, it should be on a list of countries acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. No one must be left behind. It is the same right to self-determination that says that the 23.5 million people of the Republic of China and Taiwan have the right to be a member of the United Nations and other international organizations. And the UN Resolution 2758 of 1971 does not preclude Taiwan's inclusion and participation in the United Nations system. We believe that Taiwan, with the 20th largest economy in the world and with its important role in technological development and world trade, has much to offer from which the international community can benefit. No one must be left behind. It is this same right to self-determination that says that the people and government of Venezuela must be allowed to conduct the internal affairs without sanctions imposed upon them by other states. In Haiti, The situation remains unstable and deeply concerning, although some political advances have been registered through the efforts of CARICOM's eminent persons group of three former prime ministers. However, the international community has only provided 14% of the resources required for the multilateral security support mission for Haiti. We welcome the announcement from the President of Kenya this week that it will deploy 600 more security forces to Haiti by November, and we thank the Government of Kenya for its support of the Haitian people. The funding required for humanitarian assistance in Haiti is also woefully short of its target. We therefore call upon all other countries which have pledged to assist Haiti to urgently and immediately fulfill their commitments to do so. Haiti cannot wait. In view of the foregoing, to safeguard the future, We have to be prepared to take action now, this moment, this very minute, at this time, on certain issues that are essential for a peaceful and sustainable future. And we cannot and must not be selective about which declarations of the PAC or of the principles of the Charter of the UN that we will respect and when we will do so. In the convening of the Summit of the Future this week, and in the theme that is guiding the deliberations of this 79th session of the General Assembly, the international community has seemingly come to understand that it can no longer procrastinate, no longer delay the actions needed to secure a better future for mankind. Let us for once, therefore, turn our words into action. The time for action is now. The time to make multilateralism truly work, not just for SIDS, but for all of us is now. The time for reform of the Security Council is now. The time for climate justice for seeds is now. The time to end the conflicts and needless wars is now. The time to give the youth of this planet, who are the people of tomorrow, the hope and the opportunities to better themselves is now. The time to put humanity first is now. If we act together today for peace, for sustainable development, for justice, no one will be left behind and there will be a better tomorrow. Consequently, President, if we do not act with the fierce urgency of now, our UN speeches and resolutions, in the words, again, I may reach out, if I may reach out for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and I quote, will end up as a meaningless drama on the stage of history, shrouded with the ugly garments of shame. President, I thank you and I yield the floor. I thank the Minister for External Affairs, International Trade, Civil Aviation and Diaspora Affairs of St. Lucia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/saint-lucia","Saint Lucia","His Excellency","Alva Romanus Baptiste","Minister for External Affairs","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/lc_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LC_EN.mp3" 137,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Legal Affairs and Information of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Your Excellencies, St. Vincent and the Grenadines is a magnificent exemplar of our Caribbean civilization. Despite a quarter century of analysis, advocacy, and prescriptions set forth by leaders of small island developing states, and international institutions charged with advancing the interests of SIDS. Our travails are enduring in a global community largely disinterested in our well-being and that of small states generally. We in SIDS remain unequally yoked in a global community motivated by the baser instincts of the untrammeled power of money, ideology, guns, lethal weapons, territorial and global dominance. To be sure, the SIDS have made incremental advances in the global community and in the architecture of international relations. Nevertheless, for us in SIDS, it has been a situation akin to going up a dung escalator, in which the dung escalator is moving at a faster pace than the upward baby steps. Frequently, it appears as though much of the powerful would wish the SIDS not to exist. But here we are, stubborn as the heavens, We are not going anywhere despite our massive vulnerabilities. Our people have a permanence in this world. Even if some of our lands wash away, we have a voice and we will continue to use it. We demand, as of right, a special support from the international community to address efficaciously the unique social, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities of SIDS in the interest of the nearly 70 million people who permanently occupy the seascape and landscape of the SIDS, and in the interest, too, of all the other 8 billion or so persons who inhabit Mother Earth. Small island exceptionalism ought to be a category embedded formally in international law and accorded most favorable treatment. Rather than securing a most favorable treatment, the SIDS are required to fight to maintain the special considerations which providence or serendipity has bestowed upon them. A case in point is the attempt currently by the International Development Association, IDA, to pit the most vulnerable, the SIDS, against the poorest countries in its quest to tighten the terms under which qualifying SIDS of a particular income level, such as St. Vincent and Grenadines, obtain soft loans through the World Bank IDA nexus. In any event, Why is the World Bank persisting with the single anachronistic and ill-designed metric of average per capita income in respect of vulnerable SIDS in the age of the Anthropocene as against a more comprehensive and sensible measure of a multi-dimensional vulnerability index? Your Excellencies, The unvarnished truth is that the developed countries have not kept their promises to the SIDS, except the most marginal ones. Importantly, the countries of the developed world, the major historic and contemporary emitters of greenhouse gases, have failed and or refused to keep their solemn commitments of restricting the global temperature at below 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Unless there are drastic alterations in the patterns of consumption, production, life, and living in developed and large emerging economies, our planet is inexorably on a path to a proverbial hell in a handbasket. In the process, countries of an island or seaboard civilization are likely to be inundated by raging seas and enveloped in searing heat. On the matter of the financing of climate change, the developed countries which have the means and the major historic responsibility to contain this existential threat have been parsimonious and less than responsible in practice. Even today, the cynicism and doublespeak of several major developed countries is breathtaking in response to the quest of most of the global community to transform the international financial institutions as fit for purpose in today's world and for responsible, reasonable alterations in the actual modalities of climate financing. High representatives of most of these developed countries, PILIP service in general, to the innovative proposals, the Bridgestone Three proposals endorsed by the Caribbean community, only to nitpick and delay in the particular on the progressive essentials. Brazenly, when these developed countries make a marginal concession, they trumpet it as a major advance so as to send the proverbial fool a little further. The Antiguan Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, adopted earlier this year, encompass an action-oriented framework for the way forward. The recently adopted Pact for the Future by the United Nations General Assembly provides a wider and promising buttress. In our advocacy for the 39 SIDS, we embrace, too, the cause of the least developed countries and the landlocked developing countries. all 92 vulnerable countries in the United Nations system. Your Excellencies, growing material dissatisfaction grips increasingly large numbers of people in both the metropoles and the hinterlands in this highly interconnected world. Noticeably, the ceremony of innocence is drowned. Things are falling apart. The centers cannot hold, and the cascading effects are ripping the world asunder. The best of all lack conviction, and the worst are full of passionate intensity. Creative resistance and reconstruction are the banners under which ordinary men and women across the globe are draping themselves. Sadly, in the North Atlantic countries, There is a growing and dangerous constituency for an illiberal, even a neo-fascist option of looking forward to an illusory past in search of making again their country's unalloyed, mythical paradises of unrivaled dominance. They are looking forward to a past that never was. At the same time, Even a modest middling social democracy is on the retreat because this old political shell of the post-1945 global order can barely contain the erupting contradictions within and outside it. A search for new modalities is emerging, but not yet fully formed. in part because the old order is unprepared to relinquish, cede, or share power, even as it realizes that it cannot continue to rule in the old way, but the new is yet to be born, and the forces of change lack a sufficiency of strength to deliver satisfactory alterations. Your Excellencies, The war in Ukraine, the genocide in Gaza, the conflicts in the Yemen, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the threats across the Taiwan Strait, and empire's designs on revolutionary Cuba and Venezuela, the violence and more in Haiti, and such-like disruptions of the peace globally, all have specific origins and contexts. But they are all reflective, too, of a failure of multilateralism. a hamstrung United Nations framework and a derogation from the fundamental precepts of the Charter of the United Nations. Large, powerful nations, singly or in allied combinations, have a propensity to seek dominance In this milieu, opportunistic or servile alliances emerge, or persist, as the particular circumstances admit. It all degenerates into ammunition politics of the madhouse. Hypocrisy, disinformation, and folly reign supreme. Your Excellencies, in this context arises the trope of the neoliberal global order that the principal contradiction in today's global political economy is between democracy and autocracy. Still, all the self-serving shibboleths and gloss of this fictional construct will not wash away the unrepentant sins of the past or the cruel impositions of the present. The blinding truth is that the central contradiction in today's political economy is not between democracy and autocracy. The main contradiction has been, and still is today, that which revolves around the fundamental material questions of who gets what, when, where, and how. It is centrally about the struggle or competition for ownership, control, and distribution of material resources, which constitute the basis for regional or global hegemony. Everywhere, more and more, the poor, the hungry, the marginalized, the disadvantaged are clamoring and organizing for a different and better future, not an unacceptable past, not a present without possibilities of upliftment, but for a future beyond unbounded elements. Your Excellencies, sadly, in our region, we have been experiencing the lived reality that the imperial ghost of Monroe still stalks the marbled halls of the citadels of a neighboring great country of extraordinary possibilities to the detriment of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. No country in our hemisphere can reasonably be considered a security or other threat to this great nation. Yet St. Vincent and the Grenadines and other Caribbean countries have been damaged collaterally and directly in significant material ways. by the weaponizing of the financial system and the unjust unilateral coercive sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba, which are in breach of international law. I am pleading with our friends for an amicable reset of these troubled relations in the interests of peace, mutual respect, justice, and prosperity. the international community continues overwhelmingly and rightly to demand the end of the unilateral sanctions, the embargoes, and unfair declarations about state sponsorship of terrorism and more made against Cuba. Your Excellencies, on July the 1st, 2024, the Category 4 hurricane barrel battered St. Vincent and Grenadines, Grenada, and Jamaica. Since the dawn of the 21st century, this is the 12th significant natural disaster to have struck my country. Hurricane Beryl has adversely affected one-fifth of our population and has caused economic damage amounting to one-third of our country's gross domestic product. The relief, recovery, and reconstruction processes are underway. On behalf of the government and people of St. Vincent and Grenadines, I thank all countries and organizations, including the United Nations, that have come to our aid in the aftermath of the hurricane. Unfortunately, for the recovery and rebuilding processes, we are essentially on our own. We have had to seek significant loans to rebuild our physical infrastructure and 5,000 houses, to provide income support for affected persons, and to mobilize production support for the agricultural, fishing, and tourism industries. I'm appealing to the international community, our dear friends, to assist us not with further burdensome loans, but with requisite grants. The recovery and reconstruction after every natural disaster increased sharply our debt burden. Countries like ours have contributed little or nothing to global warming and man-made climate change, yet we suffer largely alone on the front lines. This cannot be fair. It cannot be just. Do we have to choose death or death? D-E-A-T-H or D-E-B-T? Which one we have to choose? Your Excellencies. The Caribbean community, the African Union, the community of states of Latin America and the Caribbean, their diasporas, and all fair-minded persons globally have been insisting that European nations responsible for native genocide and the enslavement of African bodies pay reparations for the consequential legacy of underdevelopment. This issue of transformative reparative justice will not go away until it is appropriately addressed. Your Excellencies, the suffering and pain of the Haitian people continue to weigh heavily on the consciences of our Caribbean. Through the efforts of the Haitian people, in tandem with the regional and international communities, especially CARICOM, the USA, Canada, and Kenya, a measure of progress has been made on some fronts, but immense challenges remain in the humanitarian, security, political, and economic spheres. The building of a free, democratic, peaceful, and prosperous Haiti demands commitment and concerted action from all the relevant stakeholders in pursuance of solutions devised by Haitians and led by Haitians. Haiti fatigue is not an option for the international community. Your Excellencies, in our Caribbean, there is a growing challenge of violent crime involving the combustible mix of imported guns and bullets, illegally exported marijuana, and the trafficking of cocaine from South America. It is evident that this challenge demands much closer cooperation operationally between all the countries concerned in the Caribbean, North America, South America, and Europe. In the Middle East, the collective punishment meted against the Palestinians in Gaza and the continued illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, including in the West Bank, amidst accompanying state terror by an Israeli regime, in total defiance of international law, is utterly unacceptable. Surely, despite the complexities of the problems at hand, this United Nations, especially the Security Council, ought to summon the courage and will to stop the carnage and facilitate a lasting peace and security. Your Excellencies, in the Far East, the prospect of a disruption of the tenuous peace across the Taiwan Strait is alarming. The quest for hegemony and the denial of a people's inalienable right to self-determination are wrong in the East as it is in the West. Bullying is objectionable in the West as it is in the East. Unilateral coercive action by a big power in the East is contrary to international law as it is surely in the West. St. Vincent and the Grenadines continues to urge that Taiwan be allowed to participate fully in the specialized agencies of the United Nations, including those pertaining to health, air and sea transport, climate change, disaster preparedness, and global policy. Your Excellencies, it appears that there have been recently some positive movements in the long quest to effect a judicious and just reform of the United Nations Security Council. It is evident to all reasonable persons that reform of this body is long overdue. As the chair of the L69 Group, St. Vincent and the Grenadines will continue its advocacy for an inclusive, more countably effective representative and relevant Security Council. Excellencies. We know that a better world is possible. On the United Nations rests our hopes for a better world for peace, justice, security, and prosperity. Let us also act in accord with our responsibilities, obligations, and means. Please, let us not desecrate our future. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Legal Affairs, and Information of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/saint-vincent-and-grenadines","Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","His Excellency","Ralph Gonsalves","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/vc_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_VC_EN.mp3" 138,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Fiamme Naomi Mata'afa, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Independent State of Samoa. I request Protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Madam President, Excellencies, and good afternoon. I would like to extend my congratulations to His Excellency Mr. Philemon Young of the Cameroon on the assumption of the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly. The theme of your presidency is one which resonates with us as we strive to navigate a path towards a more peaceful, sustainable, and resilient future for our people and the planet. Please be assured of Samoa's support and successful execution of your mandate. The effects of climate change are being lived in real time. We're not even at the end of 2024, yet we've witnessed countries in all corners of the globe endure extreme weather events, from ferocious wildfires to devastating floods and scorching heatwaves. In July this year, we saw the earliest Category 5 hurricane barrel hit the Caribbean. with such ferocity, causing devastation and even in parts of Mexico, Venezuela, and the USA. Our collective efforts must not end at national borders. In our most difficult times, it is easy to abandon the collective to safeguard the individual. History reminds us of the folly of that approach. Climate change remains one of the gravest concerns for all countries, especially since. Its impacts are more extensively felt due to our special circumstances and the lack of capacity to respond quickly and effectively. Unless substantial investments are made to mitigate climate change, boost adaptation, and build more resilient economies, we face urgent climate and financial risks. Climate change also has significant security implications for our food, water and energy supplies, competition over natural resources, loss of livelihoods, climate-related disasters, and potentially forced migration. We must do more to turn the tide, to honor our commitments and obligations, and to take urgent and ambitious climate action now. Our expectations for the upcoming COP29 in Azerbaijan include securing an agreement on NCQG that is truly fit for purpose. It is time to review the outcomes of the first global stock take to ensure that new NDCs due in 2025 are as ambitious as possible. Excellencies, we must keep global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius. This is a red line for many SIDS like my country, Samoa. In this era of unprecedented sea level rise, international law must evolve to meet the climate crisis and the disproportionate effect it has on since. Earlier this week, AOSA's leaders adopted a declaration of sea level rise and statehood. The declaration provides affirmation that international law is based on the fundamental principle of the continuity of states. Our statehood and sovereignty cannot be challenged. No matter the physical changes wrought by the climate crisis, we will remain sovereign states unless we choose otherwise. As part of the Blue Pacific continent, Samoa is committed to ensuring that our ocean spaces, resources, and ecosystems remain healthy for current and future generations. We have witnessed many demands on our marine resources from a variety of sectors. Cognizant of the threats that such demands and pressures place on these critical resources, we launched the Samoa Ocean Strategy in 2020. our national policy framework that seeks to sustainably manage Samoa's vast ocean and marine resources. The strategy provides bold and comprehensive integrated ocean management solutions to advance ocean stewardship and ensure that cultural and economic values that Samoans derive from the ocean continue to be available to all generations. Stewardship of the ocean extends beyond our national boundaries. In this regard, Samoa is working towards ratification of the BBNJ agreement. while continuing to engage regionally and internationally on advocacy of ocean health and sustainability of our marine ecosystems, including fisheries resources. We call on our partners to continue working with us to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing which deprives us of resource benefits and undermines our management efforts. We continue to engage in the work of the INC for an internationally legally binding instrument on plastic pollution. For Samoa, the need to address the global plastic pollution problem, especially in the marine environment, is a priority. Your Excellencies, we need to protect our biodiversity, both terrestrial and marine. Healthy biological diversity maintains the web of life that we rely on, such as food, water, medicine, economic growth, and sustainable livelihoods. The protection of our mangroves and reef systems increase the resilience to climate change-driven erosion and flooding, supporting healthy ecosystems and the sustainable well-being of coastal communities. Our experience with COVID-19 pandemic has taught us to be better prepared for global pandemics. Non-communicable diseases are a priority concern and accounts for much of the burden of diseases in Samoa. Chronic NCDs are overtaking communicable diseases as the dominant health problem and are the leading causes of mortality, morbidity and disability at the national level. NCDs account for almost half of the deaths and premature deaths at that in Samoa. Excellencies, food security is a priority that requires the transformation of our food systems. We must return to locally produced quality fresh foods with less reliance on processed imported foods. As important is the need to address the balance of issues of access, affordability, and convenience against quality and well-being. In last May, we met in Nantuga and Barbuda for the fourth SIDS conference, where we adopted the ABAS, a 10-year action plan For our sustainable development, SIDS are in the crossfire of multiple crises. Climate change, the economic and social repercussions of COVID-19, which many of us still haven't fully recovered from. We face a unique set of vulnerabilities. which impede our ability to achieve sustainable development. Most cities, like Samoa, face high indebtedness, compounded every time there is a natural disaster. These disasters will only increase and intensify as long as climate change remains unaddressed. The work of the systematic observations financing facility and the risk informed early action partnership in this space is much appreciated and fully supported by SIDS. Samoa looks forward to the timely and effective implementation of the MVI by international financial institutions and our development partners as a tool to assist SIDS in accessing finance. I am determined in this call, not only as Prime Minister of my country, but as Chair of EOSIS. In July this year, Samoa presented its third Voluntary National Review Report to the High-Level Political Forum. Its focus is on the continued commitment of the government to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at a pace commensurate with our prioritization, resource availability, and active engagement of our communities. We continue to place emphasis on achieving the SDGs through a balancing of the strengths of our culture and society, transformative reforms, effective resource mobilization, and the careful management of our natural environment. Your Excellencies, the Global Digital Compact. has been the focus of this year's Summit of the Future, aimed at establishing a comprehensive framework for the governance of digital technologies and the internet. We request that support for SIDS include capacity building, technical assistance, and strengthening digital infrastructure through cybersecurity measures and educational initiatives for public and private enterprises. The successful implementation of the digital compact will require a coordinated and multifaceted approach with the assistance of UN entities and development partners in applying the principles to our national context as well as to the regional and global levels. Samoa remains a peaceful country committed to justice and the protection of human rights. We are concerned that the wars in Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza and surrounding areas are still ongoing with no resolution in sight. The terrible loss of civilian lives, displacement of people, as well as the destruction of infrastructure and the environment is something we do not condone. The provision of arms to these conflicts needs to cease. Arms and weapons only fuel more death and destruction. The UN can play a greater role in finding a path towards peace. And we are committed to the collective responsibility of our global community to achieve this through international cooperation and diplomacy. 2025, being the 80th year of the UN anniversary, presents an opportunity, all of us, to seriously consider the reforms of the Security Council. We must consider the expansion of both the permanent and non-permanent seats of the Security Council to enhance the representation of the underrepresented and the unrepresented regions. Your Excellencies, the more things change, the more we cannot afford to stay the same. The tools of a foregone era can no longer ensure our future. The complexity of the challenges that beset us requires a greater understanding of the challenges themselves, as well as those being challenged. Samoa remains committed to the United Nations and our conviction that it remains the foremost forum to address all international issues. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Independent State of Samoa. The Assembly will hear an address by his","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/samoa","Samoa","Her Excellency","Fiamē Naomi Mata'afa","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ws_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_WS_EN.mp3" 139,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Robert Golub, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to address the General Assembly today. Colleagues, a few days ago, we adopted Pact for the Future. In these times of wars, climate catastrophes, increasing inequalities, and deepening polarization, it was a rare flicker of unity. unity of the countries and groups from all continents. The pact should represent a start of a new era of global partnership of countries willing to strengthen the multilateral system with the UN at its core. There was another flicker of hope this week. Security Council, presided by Slovenia, my home country, adopted a presidential statement on the leadership for peace. All 15 members of Security Council reaffirmed to maintain international peace and security and to commit to international law, including the UN Charter. It is a good start to re-energize our collective work for a better, more peaceful and more humane world. Let me address some of the most pressing issues of today and start with peace and security. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who enjoys our full support and enormous respect, has repeated on several occasions that last year, with the highest number of conflicts in decades, was also the deadliest one. Slovenia has been elected member of Security Council since January, and during this time we have observed and witnessed gradual but steady erosion of power of rules. The Council is increasingly unable to respond in an effective way to major conflicts such as Gaza, Ukraine, or Sudan. And we are not doing any better in other crisis management. What we are witnessing in Ukraine is aggression of a stronger, more powerful neighbor upon a smaller and weaker one. This is clearly a blatant violation of the UN Charter, and if we are let this aggression to pass, we open the doors to many similar wars across the globe. In Gaza, almost four months since the Council's resolution on ceasefire and hostage release, the deal is nowhere close. As the Secretary General said yesterday at UNRWA meeting, people in Gaza are existing, not leaving, existing among lakes of sewage, piles of rubbish, and mountains of rubble. The only certainty they have is that tomorrow is going to be worse. In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, violence and dehumanization of Palestinians is increasing and has reached a boiling point. All this is taking us further away from the two-state solution with Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in peace and security. Escalation of the Gaza crisis into the region is now a reality. The region is at the brink of an abyss. De-escalation is urgently needed, starting with the ceasefires in Gaza and Lebanon. In Sudan, we are witnessing a man-made humanitarian catastrophe with millions displaced and in desperate need of humanitarian aid. At the same time, we are seeing the atrocity happening again in Darfur. How is this possible? Has Security Council really failed the humanity? To be honest, it is the permanent five Security Council members who bear most responsibility. By misusing veto power and putting national interests first, they effectively blocked the working of the UN Security Council. The concerns and pain that we feel for civilians, the condemnation of violations of the Charter and of international humanitarian law should not depend on our geographical or political proximity to the conflict. We should all put common interests first, and the world would be a much better place. Having said that, let me come to a reform of the Security Council. Our experience with the Security Council has given us renewed appreciation for the need to reform the Security Council. We urgently need a Council that is a true representation of the international community, a Council that is fit for the world of today. We need to ensure that the distribution of the seats is fair. The Council needs stronger voices of the regions that have been underrepresented, such as Africa and continent. Reform of Council's composition needs to be accompanied with the reform of the veto powers. The reality is that we won't be able to eliminate veto, but we could definitely use, we could definitely regulate this right of veto more precisely. The Security Council also needs to exercise its power with higher ambition when it comes to prevention of conflicts and play a stronger role in peacebuilding activities that involve all aspects of the UN system. Colleagues, let us not forget that United Nations are much more than the Security Council alone. We commend the work of nameless humanitarian workers who are on the ground in armed conflicts among the civilians representing the face of United Nations. Erosion of respect of international humanitarian law is making their work so much more difficult. Gaza conflict was, however, a turning point in this regard. In Gaza, humanitarians are not just occasional collateral victims. They seem to have become a deliberate military target. There is no other explanation for the highest number of humanitarian workers being killed last year, of whom a vast majority in Gaza. The sense of impunity for crimes in Gaza is putting humanitarian organizations under stress elsewhere. This is undermining the very essence of the United Nations, and it is affecting the work of the humanitarian organizations and agencies like ICRC and UNRWA all around the globe. Third pressing issue, climate change. The impact of climate change is mostly felt on the lifeline for people and nature, that is water, the most precious of the elements. Extreme weather events are multiplying water-related risks across the world. This global challenge demands a global and collaborative response. Solutions exist but are not equally accessible to everybody. The UN Secretary General's Early Warning for All initiative is the right step in this direction. As the catastrophic floods devastated my home country last year, we initiated the development of an advanced digital solution linking Earth observation with supercomputing and artificial intelligence. The system, when built, will help us predict floods and droughts and improve our resilience. We are ready to share this solution with our partners globally. Remote sensing and Earth observation inform our early warning systems, but we are fully aware that many countries lack the capacity to monitor all the hazards and are restricted in their access. a call upon all to form a global partnership around the early warning for all to help overcome these challenges. The partnership would boost our common preparedness and ensure that everyone on Earth is protected from hazardous weather, water or climate events through life-saving early warning systems. Fortunately, people suffering from armed conflicts do not have the luxury of high-tech solutions. More often than not, they are denied basic access to clean drinking water. Even more, we are increasingly seeing how access to water is becoming weaponized in Yemen, Somalia, Gaza, and Sudan. Slovenia decided to take initiative, and we launched the Global Alliance to Spare Water from Armed Conflict, together with a cross-regional group of countries. Such global partnerships are urgently needed to safeguard the human right to water for all. And last but not least, on humanity. We need to make sure that people around the world age with dignity and rights. The current international human rights law offers only a fragmented and inconsistent framework for the full protection of human rights of elder persons. This is why we are leading a global action towards a legally binding instrument on human rights of all the persons. The world should spare no time to address the main issues related to gender equality, including the future development and implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. The UN should lead by example when it comes to the full, equal and meaningful role and leadership of women in our societies. In its entire history, the General Assembly has been led by only four women. We never had a female U.N. Secretary General. The time has come to reflect gender equality in top leadership positions of our organization. Slovenia has joined the supporters of the Rotation for Equality Initiative, which calls for gender rotation in the position of the President of the United Nations General Assembly. In the times of crisis, children are always the most vulnerable ones. Today's world is increasingly hostile to children's rights. More children than ever are experiencing violence in all settings, many have lost their lives, are forcibly displaced, exposed to most traumatic experiences, imprisoned, denied education and healthcare, and face extreme poverty and social exclusion. Gaza is an example of extreme suffering of the children. Slovenia is offering concrete help with the foundation Let Them Dream, which is dealing with the rehabilitation of children from Gaza. It is an extremely noble and human project which was launched years ago and has already helped hundreds of children from Gaza who came on rehabilitation in Slovenia and will continue to do so. Sadly, some of these kids were now already the victims of recent aggression on Gaza. Let me finish with a story of the two young girls from Palestine. At the beginning of this week, I attended an event on missing futures in the occupied Palestinian territory organized by Save the Children. At this event, I heard stories from two courageous girls Sarah and Rand, they spoke about their challenges in life, they spoke about their feelings, they spoke about their plans for the future. And despite all of the destruction, dehumanization and fear, there was no anger nor hate in their stories. They just had this enormous wish to live a normal, decent life. They just have this enormous wish to be able to educate and study in order to be able to contribute back to their community. One wants to become doctor. Second wants to become a humanitarian worker. Today, I fulfill my promise to them and I bring their story to the General Assembly. Only with our united call for peace and against war We could make sure that Sarah and Rand and all the other children of Palestine and the world are not among the thousands missing futures of children under occupation. I want to say this out loud and clear to the Israeli government. Stop the bloodshed. Stop the suffering. Bring the hostages home and end the occupation. Mr. Netanyahu, stop this war now. On behalf of the people of this city, I wish to thank the President of the Republic","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/slovenia","Slovenia","His Excellency","Robert Golob","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/si_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SI_EN.mp3" 140,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Peter Chanel-Aguavaca, Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade of Solomon Islands. Mr. President, It is an honor and privilege to address this 79th session of the General Assembly. I bring warm greetings from the government and people of my country, Solomon Islands. Mr. President, Solomon Islands extends our warm and sincere congratulations to His Excellency Philemon Young as the President of the 79th session of this August Assembly. Rest assured, Mr. President, of Solomon Islands' support during your tenure in office. We thank His Excellency Ambassador Dennis Francis for his telling leadership in the last session. Mr. President, the team of this General Assembly calls for global solidarity, collective actions for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity. for present and future generations, leaving no one behind. Mr. President, we live in a fast-changing environment that is shifting towards a multipolar world. We must seek a multilateral, rules-based world order that is equal, inclusive, and free from power politics and geopolitical tensions. We also seek an international system that respects international law and recognizes the special situation of small island developing states. The growing economic inequality between the haves and the have-nots, pronouncement of climate energies around the world, Poverty, hunger, disease, social injustice and racism, hegemonic interest, militarization, and nuclear posturing is dividing the world and creating tension and fear amongst us. The rich and powerful are spending some $2.4 trillion on arms. that could have been best used in the 2030 agenda and fighting the biggest enemy of humanity, climate change. Mr. President, it is our shared and solemn duty to commit to bold collective action in protecting the health of our planet. We must hold ourselves to account and secure the future of our people by unlocking the opportunity of prosperity and plant seeds of peace. In this connection, Solomon Islands calls for the reform of Britain's woods institution to ensure it is fair, democratic, and represents the rise of global south, including the multidimensional and complex challenges facing the small island developing states. We call for global and regional financial institutions to scale up support for small island developing states. We reiterate our support for the United Nations General Secretary, SDC stimulus of $500 billion annually to support developing countries and to get the SDGs back on track. In the same vein, Mr. President, we echo our call for the establishment of small island developing states permanent seat in decision making within the international financial architecture to ensure inclusivity in the spirit of leaving no one behind. The slogan used by the disabled rights activist James Charlton speaks to this call very clearly. And I quote, nothing about us without us. Mr. President, Solomon Islands was elected this year to serve the executive board of the UNDP, UNFPA, and UNOPS. We are indeed grateful for the support given, and we will work to position this United Nations program and agencies closer to those who need it most. As the third largest Pacific country with LDC status, Solomon Islands calls for an enhanced United Nations country presence. In the last 46 years, Mr. President, the United Nations conducted its relations with Solomon Islands from a far distance. In living up to our Charter obligation, Mr. President, Solomon Islands formalized relationship this week with the Republic of Rwanda and Colombia as a testimony of our foreign policy of friends to all, enemy to none. And we uphold the respect of sovereignty, territorial integrity of all 130 countries we have formalized relationship with, including the respect of the one China principle in the case of the People's Republic of China. Mr. President, on Security Council reforms, the world continues to witness the limits and failures of the Security Council to prevent deadly conflicts with the use of veto. Fostering international peace demands an expanded council with an equitably geographically representation that is democratic, equipped with a revised working method. We urge during this session we shift into text-based negotiation and make the reform happen. Mr. President, Solomon Islands aspires to be a candidate for the regional seat of the Security Council in 2030. As a peace-loving country, we reiterate our standing position of condemning all wars around the world and call for a diplomatic solution. Mr. President, On the conflict in Palestine, Solomon Islands condemns all the violence and carnage from all parties, including the terror attack on Israel by Hamas. The suffering and collective punishment on the Gaza population by Israel has claimed more than 41,000 Palestinian lives in less than a year. This is unacceptable, Mr. President. The disregard for international law and humanitarian law have seen the matter referred to the International Court of Justice. We hope those with influence do more for peace and not fan the flame of expanding conflict into Lebanon. Solomon Islands reiterates its longstanding position on the Palestinian conflict and supports the global push for a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine living side by side with secure borders in a just, permanent, and complete peace. Mr. President, colonialism has no place in this day and age. Solomon Islands support the implementation of the United Nations' fourth decade for eradication of colonialism. We also recognize the inalienable rights of self-determination of all non-self-governing and trust territories, including New Caledonia and the French Polynesia, to choose their political future within Chapter 11 of the UN Charter and General Assembly Resolution 1514 . Mr. President, the recent brutal violence in New Caledonia calls for a new political solution with the spirit of the 1998 Noumea Accord. We call on the United Nations to do more to calm and stabilize the situation in New Caledonia. Solomon Islands welcomed the constructive discussion between France and the New Caledonian government to facilitate the Pacific Island Forum fact-finding mission to New Caledonia, of which Solomon Islands is part of. As a large ocean state, 98 percent of the territory is covered by the ocean. The Pacific occupies 20 percent of the world's surface and provides 1.5 billion tons of annual catch of tuna, which is around a third of the world's supply. Our approach to the ocean is premised on achieving a healthy, resilient, secure, and productive ocean that supports sustainable use and development for the benefit of the people of Solomon Islands now and into the future. As stated last year, Mr. President, Solomon Islands will be co-hosting a Honear Summit on the SDG 14.4 with the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries, the U.N. Secretary General's Special Envoy for Ocean, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The summit aims to examine status on the SDG 14.4 at global, regional, and national levels, share knowledge and experience on the management of tuna stock, provide policy and strategic actions that will feed into the third UN conference in 2025 in France. Mr. President, on the matter of pollution, And Waste Management Solomon Islands looks forward to the finalization of negotiations on the treaty to end plastic pollution, including Murray environment in November this year. We have already banned single-use plastics. We are also reforming waste management in partnership with our friends, Japan and Australia, and the Asian Development Bank. As stewards of the ocean, Solomon Islands value the work of the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Self and will continue to address outstanding continental self claims. Solomon Islands upholds its obligations to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. and will domesticate the recently signed United Nations agreement on biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction. Mr. President, in response to the discharge of treated radioactive contaminated water into the ocean by Japan, The lack of national and regional scientific knowledge on the understanding, the intergenerational impact, and the transboundary nature of the discharge continues to cause uneasy and anxiety for my country. United Nations Specialized Agency, including the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, must continue to build bridges of trust with states and support states' capacity to read and understand the IAEA's report and to monitor the discharge of treated radioactive contaminated water into the ocean. Our concern, Mr. President, is connected to the sad history of our region being used to test, store, and dump nuclear waste and weapons. Mr. President, Solomon Islands remains a nuclear weapon-free state under the 1985 Rarotonga Treaty. This week, we signed and ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This is a message of peace to all our friends not to engage in military nuclear projects and to free the world of nuclear weapons. Mr. President, education empowers the nation, including my nation. Let me thank Cuba for the training of Solomon Islands medical students. Cuba has done this despite enduring more than six decades of United States of America economic, commercial, and financial embargo, a relic of the past that should now be discarded. Once again, we call on our friend and partner, the United States of America, to end this embargo. The United Nations stands for good neighborly relations and peaceful coexistence. The world will benefit from Cuba and USA, United States of America improved relationships. Mr. President, following the conclusion of Solomon Islands International Assistance Force in August this year, our priority is now to strengthen our law enforcement capability and institutional strengthening. We will work with all our partners to achieve this goal. And we would like to thank our partners, and particularly Australia, for the ongoing support in this regard. And I appeal to the United Nations to provide space for Solomon Islands to participate in the peacekeeping mission. Mr. President, Solomon Islands welcomed the power of the South-South Cooperation and acknowledged the People's Republic of China's various development initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative in supporting Solomon Islands' development aspirations, including the 2030 Agenda. In education and health, we thank once again China for the commitment to establish an ocean research center and acknowledge the ongoing construction of Solomon Islands National Referral Hospital Comprehensive Health Center. We also welcome India's Pharmacol Corporation and Japan's commitment to construct a fisheries research center in the Solomon Islands. Mr. President, on the international trade front, Solomon Islands acknowledged China as the first major economy to offer zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines to all least developed countries. We call on all our partners to follow suit. China has become Solomon Islands' largest infrastructure partner and is currently supporting Solomon Islands' digital transformation with the ongoing installation of 161 communication towers across the country. Already, we are witnessing more of our rural population now connected to the digital age. Mr. President, our inter-island connectivity has been improved with the completion of two all-weather airports and an international airport in the Solomon Islands. We thank New Zealand and Australia for their support. We would also like to acknowledge Japan, the Asian Development Bank, and the World Bank for their ongoing support in improving our infrastructure connectivity. Nevertheless, as a geographically fragmented country, we need more infrastructure to meaningfully deliver on our SDGs. Mr. President, Solomon Islands value the contribution of all our developing partners and calls for partnership that is country-owned, led, and driven. We seek partnership that is genuine, meaningful, durable, and free from onerous conditions. Mr. President, climate change is no longer a threat, but a crisis. Solomon Islands is located in a hotspot where the impact of climate change is three times the global average. Science tells us we are on a 2.5 degree Celsius trajectory. The Paris Agreement is failing humanity. We need a stronger legal binding framework that will put us on a 1.5 pathway. The voluntary approach under the Paris Agreement has failed miserably. The changing narrative on climate change is unacceptable. Mr. President, diversions away from talking about ambitious climate action, survival, or deconstruction of safe islands is replaced by a discussion on sinking and migration. We need to give hope to our people on the front line of climate change. The G20 is responsible for 80 percent of global emissions. The group must take a stronger leadership role in fighting against climate change. Mr. President, Solomon Islands in July presented its second voluntary national report at the High-Level Political Forum in July. The report revealed uneven progress The review, however, has allowed the country to re-strategize and prioritize four key interconnected and people-centered pillars, mainly economic transformation, secondly, good governance, thirdly, national unity and stability, and fourthly, human capital development. Mr. President, our economic transformation agenda is centered on enhancing transport infrastructure connectivity, boost investment in agriculture, fisheries, and tourism, improve private sector investment environment for indigenous Solomon Islands, and reduce cost of doing business in my country. Over the last three months, Mr. President, the government has been socializing these priorities through several targeted national forums, including our development partners. Mr. President, the government is leading the preparation of our smooth transition strategy to graduate out of LDC status. The strategy will not only look at what needs to be done before 2027, but also in the next five to 10 years post-2027, including the implementation of critical economic and social investment to prevent regression. Mr. President, we reaffirm our commitment to the implementation of the Doha Program of Action and support the call for the General Assembly to review existing resolutions on smooth transition to ensure the graduation framework is better, resilient, irreversible, and fit for purpose. Solomon Islands, Mr. President, welcomes the adoption of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for Small Islands Developing States, which offers immense opportunities to access adequate and affordable funds to drive economic growth and prosperity for small island developing states. Solomon Islands also welcomed the adoption of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index, and we look forward to its early implementation. Mr. President, in conclusion, Solomon Islands pledged a commitment to the pact for the future, a forward-looking framework that places the health of our planet, people, prosperity, and peace at the center of our agenda. supported by reformed financing architecture that will table charge sustainable development and guarantee a better tomorrow for all and leaves no one behind. Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade of Solomon Islands.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/solomon-islands","Solomon Islands","His Excellency","Peter Shanel Agovaka","Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sb_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SB_EN.mp3" 141,"The Assembly will hear and address by His Excellency Hamas Abdi Barre, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency, President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Excellencies, Heirs of State and Government, distinguished guests, distinguished representatives, ladies and gentlemen, . Allow me To begin by congratulating you, Mr. President, on your election as President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Please be assured of Somalia's full cooperation as you undertake the responsibilities entrusted upon you during your tenure. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank your British sister, His Excellency, Denise France, for the successful precedence of the last session. Mr. President, this session of the General Assembly convenes amid a rising number of global challenges, from escalating transnational conflicts and humanitarian crisis to the existential threats of climate change and growing economic inequalities. This resonates profoundly for our theme of this year, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. In the spirit of our unity and shared responsibility, we must confront the persistent and accelerating conflicts that continue to cause immense human suffering and destabilize entire regions. Today, we are facing with crises that test our collective conscience and our commitment to peace. In Sudan, the conflict has escalated into severe humanitarian crises, displacing millions and ravaging communities. Civilians indiscriminate violence and widespread gender-based assaults. We urgently call for immediate cessation of hostilities, the protection of civilians, and adherence to the international humanitarian law. It is crucial to ensure safe, unrestricted access for humanitarian aid and to foster inclusive dialogue that respects the rights and aspirations of all Sudanese people. In Gaza, the situation has reached catastrophic levels, driving by the persistent blockade and relentless cycles of violence that have created one of the most severe humanitarian disasters of our time. Despite the senseless killing of tens of thousands of men, women, and children since last October, over 2 million Palestinian are trapped in open-air prison, where access to basic goods, services, and medical care is severely restricted. Children in Gaza have particularly suffered the most, with the many enduring unimaginable trauma, malnutrition, and lack of access to education and healthcare. They live under constant fear, as their homes, schools, and hospitals are repeatedly targeted and destroyed. The ongoing conflict has not only destroyed the physical infrastructure of Gaza, but also crushed the hopes of the entire generation. The world cannot continue to turn a blind eye on this cross injustice. and the continuous violations of international law by the Israeli government. We call on the international community to take immediate and decisive action to reinforce an unconditional ceasefire, to lift the inhuman blockade, and to recommit to a political process that ensures a just and lasting peace based on the two-state solution. thereby restoring the righteous dignity and future for Palestinian people. In Ukraine, the war now in its third year has inflicted a devastating toll on civilians, destroying homes and critical infrastructure and leaving millions without essential services. The legacy of trauma and displacement will affect generations, We urgently call for an immediate cessation of facilities, a ceasefire, and adherence to international humanitarian and human rights law, including avoiding attacks on civilians, critical infrastructure, and nuclear facilities. It is essential to open channels for dialogue and achieve the lasting political settlement The international community must act swiftly to prevent further escalation and support efforts for peace. Mr. President, while international crises demand our attention, we must not overlook regional threats that directly challenge national sovereignty and stability. Somalia currently faces a serious threat from Ethiopia's recent actions, which flagrantly violate our territorial integrity. Ethiopia's attempts to annex parts of Somalia under the guise of secure sea access are both unlawful and unnecessary. Somalia's ports have always been accessible for Ethiopia's legitimate commercial activities, reflecting our commitment to regional trade and cooperation. However, Ethiopia's aggressive maneuvers, including its controversial agreement with one of our regional administrations, undermine Somalia's sufferings and embolden secessionist movements threatening our national unity. This action is not only self-division at a time when Somalia is striving for peace and cohesion, but also serves as propaganda for terrorist groups like Shabab, who exploit Ethiopian provocationists to recruit and radicalize vulnerable individuals. Such destabilized behavior poses a significant risk to the security and stability of the entire Horn of Africa. Somalia asserts its sovereign rights to defend its territorial integrity and calls on Ethiopia to cease its provocations and adhere to international law. We urge the international community to stand with Somalia in condemning these violations and upholding the principles of international sovereignty and territorial integrity, which are the cornerstones of international peace and security. Regional stability depends on mutual respect for these principles, and Ethiopia must be held must be held accountable for actions that threaten to destabilize the Horn of Africa. Mr. President, while the conflict may capture the headlines, we must not lose sight of other pressing global challenges that demand our immediate attention and collective action. Somalia's experience underscores the importance of sustainable funding for peacekeeping. For over 15 years, we have hosted key African Union missions like AMISOM and ATMIS, which have been critical in countering al-Shabaab and supporting state building. As a new mission, AUSM takes over with the focus of counterterrorism and capacity building. Its success depends on reliable funding. Peacekeeping is about creating lasting stability, not just maintaining peace. And we urge the international community to support innovative funding solutions to ensure these missions fulfill their vital roles. Mr. President, Climate change is a global crisis that touches every life and every community. But no worries, it is impacted more deeply felt than in vulnerable nations like Somalia. We endure relentless droughts, devastating floods, and rising temperatures that tear apart our communities and threaten our very survival. While the recent COP28 conference made important strides with the creation of a loss and damage fund and the commitment is to expand renewable energy, there remains a significant challenge accessing these funds. For many developing countries, The reality is that complex bureaucracy, rigid criteria, and lack of necessary resources often stand in the way they receive the help they so desperately need. It is not just about making promises. It is about ensuring that those promises can reach the people who need them most. We call on the global community to simplify access to these crucial funds. so that countries like Somalia can build resilience, protect our people, and secure the future where everyone has the chance to thrive. Sir President, reforming the United Nations Security Council is essential to ensure it reflects today's geopolitical realities. The current structure no longer adequately represents the voices and concerns of world nations, particularly those in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We supported the Isilwini Consensus, which calls for a more representative and inclusive council. This reform is necessary to enhance the UN's credibility and effectiveness in addressing the full spectrum of global challenges, from peace and security to development and human rights. Performing international financial institutions is also crucial to building a very global economy that promotes inclusive growth and sustainable development. The existing international financial system is heavily a favor of a view, perpetuating inequalities and restricting the ability of developing nations to thrive. We call for reforms that make these institutions more accountable, transparent, and responsive to the needs of the world's poorest and the most vulnerable. Mr. President, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is not an ambitious, it is a necessary With only six, it is a necessity. With only six years left, the world is far behind on our collective promise to end the perverse, protect our planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all by 2030. We must urgently renew our commitment by increasing funding, creating innovative partnerships, and focusing on reaching the most vulnerable. As Somalia takes its seat on the On the UN Security Council, we stand ready to work with all nations to address these challenges, strengthen cooperation, and promote multilateralism, and build a world where no one is left behind. Mr. President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Somalia has come a long way on its journey toward stability and development. This past year has been particularly significant, marked by critical milestones that signal Somalia's rising trajectory. We have successfully completed the debt relief process, allowing us to reclaim our economic sufferings and integrate into a global financial system. Additionally, Somalia's accession to the East African community marks a new era of regional integration, trade, and cooperation We have also made a historic stride in lifting a long-standing arms embargo, a step that will further enable us to safeguard our suffering and security. Security is fundamental to development, and Somalia has prioritized the fight against terrorism with remarkable success. In the past two years, Our national security forces have reclaimed more than two-thirds of the territory that was once under the control of a Shabat terrorist group, significantly diminishing their operational capability. Mr. President, with marked progress in governance democratization and political stability, Somalia stands on the brink of significant economic growth with fast and type of resource and strategic location along major maritime trade routes. Our arable land offers great potential for agricultural protection and our livestock sector is already among the strongest globally. We also have one of Africa's highest potentials for renewable energy, particularly in onshore wind power. And our extensive coastline provides rich opportunity for sustainable fishing and other sectors of blue economy. To capitalize on these assets, We are drafting a national transformation plan that outlines our vision for leveraging our resources to achieve stability, self-reliance, and prosperity. And we welcome international investment and cooperation to help us realize this potential, integrate into the global economy, and contribute to regional peace and stability through strong partnerships. Mr. President, As we look ahead, Somalia is determined to be defined not by the hardships of its past, but by the possibilities of its future. Let us act now to build a future where every nation, every community and every person can thrive in dignity and peace. I thank you for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/somalia","Somalia","His Excellency","Hamza Abdi Barre","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/so_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SO_EN.mp3" 142,"The Assembly will hear and address by His Excellency Keira Shana Gosmo, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, all protocols observed. It is an honor to address this assembly once again on behalf of Timor-Leste. This session holds a special significance for the Timorese. Last month, In Dili, with the esteemed presence of the United Nations Secretary General, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of our historic popular consultation. A quarter of a century ago, the people of Timor-Leste, under the auspices of the United Nations, exercised their vote for independence. With the support of the international community, we were able to return the destiny of our country to its people, the destiny of living in peace, freedom, and independence after 24 years of resistance and a forgotten war in which more than 200,000 Timorese sacrificed their lives. In 2002, When we became the 191st member of the United Nations, it was a memorable day for the Timorese people and was undoubtedly a triumph for the international system. Today, I stand before you with pride representing a vibrant democracy, a democracy that has embraced peace, dialogue, human rights, and the rule of law. Although a small country and a young state, Timor-Leste is an example of this relentless pursuit of peace and has a firm disposition on the international stage. Immediately after our vote for independence, we began a process of internal reconciliation among Timorese and external reconciliation with our Indonesian neighbors. Reconciliation is a powerful mechanism for healing the past and building the future. Reconciliation and trust are the instruments of peace that the world needs. Your Excellencies, The story of Timor-Leste is a story of hope and resilience. The creation of the United Nations was founded on hope, the hope of achieving peace in all its dimensions and in all places, promoting sustainable development, finding collective solutions to global challenges and threats and uniting international cooperation around these goals. However, there has never been so much hopelessness, uncertainty, instability, and distrust as in today's world. As everyone knows, global crises are numerous and complex. The Sustainable Development Goals are due in six years, And I must say that we are far from achieving them. Some countries have lost the race even before leaving the starting line. Timor-Leste and the G7 plus countries proposed the inclusion of SDG 16, peace, justice and strong institutions in the 2030 development agenda because we believe that leaving no one behind means prioritizing the most fragile first. Peace and stability are priorities for achieving sustainable development. Without peace, there is no justice, no strong institutions, and no development. And without development, peace becomes fragile. Two days ago, the G7 Plus held a side event here at the United Nations, where we discussed our successes or our setbacks. But the common problem we all faced in solving internal problems was a lack of funding. Timor-Leste is proud to have already made some significant progress. However, we are well aware that much remains to be done. The overlap of crises in the world has exacerbated social and economic inequalities. Hunger is the most illustrative face of inequality. And it is women, young people, and children who suffer the most from this tragedy. In a world where global military spending exceeds $2.4 trillion, more than 800 million people suffer from extreme hunger. Some countries report alarming levels of hunger, while others endure severe hunger in regions devastated by decades of conflict and instability. Your Excellencies, Timor-Leste, being a half island, is currently focused on diversifying its economy. with particular emphasis on agriculture and the blue economy. By investing in these sectors, we aim to improve the livelihood of our people and enhance food security. Like many other countries, Timor-Leste is grappling with climate change and unsustainable activities in the ocean. As we know, in the words of Sylvia Earle, we need to respect the oceans and take care of them as if our lives depended on it. Because they do. Timor-Leste is located within the Coral Triangle, a magnificent area of marine biodiversity. Our seas host important ecosystems and marine life and serve as an important migratory route for species such as the incredible pygmy blue whales. Timor-Leste is pleased to share that we have ratified the agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, and we support and actively participate in negotiations on the Marine Plastics Treaty. Internally, we are committed to exploring our ocean resources in a balanced and sustainable manner, ensuring that we can develop our country while simultaneously protecting our marine environment for future generations. Your Excellencies, We recognize that small island developing states and least developed countries face enormous challenges in achieving the SDGs. During the fourth International Conference on SIDS in Antigua and Barbuda, I saw that we shared a perception of geographical and historical disadvantage. Without financial conditions, capacity building, and technology transfer, we cannot do better. Moreover, we are trapped in international financial systems that place us at a disadvantage, burdening us with conditional aid, financial assistance, and debt. The Loss and Damage Fund, approved at COP28 in Dubai, must secure more significant contributions from the wealthy and developed countries. This commitment is urgently needed. As Secretary-General António Guterres stated during his visit to Timor last month, Many of us won the battle against colonialism and the struggle for democracy, but we are still fighting for sustainable development. In his new agenda for peace, he also notes that the unequal suffering caused by the effects of climate change is among the greatest injustices in the world. Timor-Leste agrees. We all know that we can only win this battle with genuine global solidarity and effort. Unconditional support based on our identified needs and priorities is required. It is with sadness that I stand before you in a world ravaged by international conflicts and wars. A world that, if not entirely at war, is threatened by war. We possess the instruments of international law, diplomacy, and multilateral cooperation to resolve disputes peacefully. But these instruments are not applied consistently and are often ignored. We call for the peaceful resolution of international disputes and conflicts, whether related to borders, sovereignty, or cooperation. Timor-Leste will host the 24th Regional Conference on the Special Committee on Decolonization in May 2025. Ladies and gentlemen, Western Sahara is a country that has faced political uncertainty for almost five decades. In October 1975, the International Court of Justice held that Western Sahara was a non-self-governing territory and that it should follow the parameters and principles stated in the UN General Assembly Resolution for self-determination through the free and genuine expression of the will of the peoples of the territory. More recently, rulings by the European Union courts, as well as the decision of the African Court on Human and People's Rights, state that Western Sahara is separate and distinct from Morocco, without Morocco exercising any sovereignty over the territory. When in 1991, the United Nations Security Council established the United Nations mission for the referendum in Western Sahara through Resolution 690, the Timorese were motivated and hopeful that one day it would be our turn too. However, in 1992, the referendum in Western Sahara was postponed. I am now calling, after dozens of Security Council resolutions, for their implementation leading to a referendum on self-determination for the Sahrawi people. I am pleased to see the presence of the Palestinian delegation as an observer member of the United Nations, and I hope that next year we will also have the presence of a Sahrawi delegation. I call for an immediate ceasefire between the Polisario Front and Morocco. to pave the way for an exhaustive dialogue based on goodwill between the parties for a negotiated peaceful solution acceptable to both sides, but which respects the will of the Sahrawi people. I call on the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, to embrace this just cause of the Sahrawi people, as Kofi Annan did for the Timorese cause. Your Excellencies, war cannot be an instrument of domination. It is a scourge that destroys lives, communities, and nations, and it must not, and indeed does not, remain confined within borders. We must ensure that international law is respected by all, not just by some. to more or less express its deepest concern and full support for a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and calls for an immediate end to the genocide, and also calls for the end to the war in Ukraine. I call for the principles of the United Nations Charter to be applied with courage and leadership. I call for more thought to be given to peoples and individuals victims of global policies and leadership entrenched status quo. An example of this is Cuba, a friend of Timor-Leste. without which our health sector would still be in a deplorable condition. The economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed on Cuba for decades with its implications for its people is unacceptable. If the focus this year is on human dignity, Let us not forget, please, the most forgotten people of the world. Your Excellencies, the Security Council must become more representative and its decisions must reflect the collective will of the international community. The voices of smaller nations should not be drowned out by the interests of the more powerful states. The world's main peace and security body must be expanded so that it is not underrepresented and must include the permanent voice of the African continent as well as Latin America and Asia. Timor-Leste supports comprehensive and long-term reform of the Security Council to expand both permanent and non-permanent members as only then will we have a solid and transparent architecture for global peace. We also believe that the General Assembly itself should have more power on security issues to prevent member states from becoming paralyzed in critical situations. We are encouraged by the calls of the United Nations Secretary General to eliminate nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction before they eliminate us. Timor-Leste has ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear Task Ban Treaty and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and calls on everyone to contribute to ensuring our common future, including the ratification of the treaty by Pacific Island nations. We call on all nations, especially the developed world, to join us in building a fairer, more equitable and more sustainable future, and in doing so fulfill the vision of the Pact for the future. Before concluding, I must express my appreciation to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who now also holds Timorese nationality, for his efforts to transform the present towards a future of dignity for all generations. This vision will only be possible if all UN member states can overcome their differences and act together for the consolidation of peace and development. Peace is a global mission. Development is a global duty. I would like to remind you that without the United Nations, our future would be even darker. Even with all its weaknesses and need for change, the United Nations is the most promising mechanism available to us to overcome the challenges of our time. Without this body, we would truly have no way out. with perseverance and the will to do good, no matter how inconvenient it may seem, no challenge is insurmountable. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. The Assembly will hear and address","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/timor-leste","Timor-Leste","His Excellency","Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tl_pt.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tl_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TL_EN.mp3" 143,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Siausi Ofakifolau Sovaleni, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, warmest Pacific greetings from the Kingdom of Tonga and our blue Pacific continent. First, I wish to congratulate Your Excellency on assuming the esteemed presidency of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. I also thank your predecessor, His Excellency, Mr. Tennis Francis, for his able leadership during a period where global challenges continue to increase in numbers and complexity. I acknowledge the Secretary General, His Excellency, Mr. Antonio Guterres, for his steadfast stewardship of our home, the United Nations, during these troubled times. Mr. President, we convene at this 79th session with the theme of leaving no one behind. My delegation pledges our unwavering support to this noble goal. At a time of escalating conflicts, near-conflict situations on the horizon, all too often triggered by political instability, economic disparities, social tension, and the security threats posed by climate change, We must rally around this goal. If we fail to do so, we will further erode world peace and fail people's lives far and wide. The long-awaited reform of the Security Council is now urgent, crucial, and must happen swiftly. It is our responsibility to resolve adequately the security challenges of the 21st century. We must include non-traditional security issues like climate change in each agenda. Further, we must include the voice of small island developing states. In our quest to leave no one behind, we must take a hard look at the lagging process in achieving a sustainable development by 2030. This goal is equally in peril unless we change our approach. Human dignity is intrinsically built on both peace, security, and sustainability. If we cannot act now, decisively and collectively, the goal to leave no one behind will be just words and will have further eroded people's trust and hope. The GEE is not words. The GEE is our shared commitment to action. Mr. President, I commend the tireless effort that have led to the ambitious and balanced text of the summit of the future. Not only do we stand at a critical juncture in our collective history, but it is now where we must safeguard the needs and interests of both present and future generations. The spirit of compromise and commitment demonstrated by delegation and regional groups give us hope that multilateralism can work. As our forebears, our founders did, we pledge to spare succeeding generations from the scores of war. And we commit to building a world where there is hope and they can thrive. Our commitment must be to sustainable development, to the preservation of our planet's resources, and to the pursuit of a future that is inclusive, equitable, secure, and sustainable. We must commit to the highest value of human dignity and justice. Thus, we welcome the adoption of PEC for the future. We are resolute in our commitment to working collaboratively with member states to advance peace, sustainable development, and human dignity. We hope for action that will leave no one behind. Mr. President, last month, Tonga assumed the chairmanship of the 53rd Pacific Island Forum Leaders' Meeting. We were honored to welcome Secretary General Guterres as a special guest. I reiterate our forum leaders and Pacific people's deep gratitude for his in-person participation. We now look forward to continuing an augmented support and tailored solution from the United Nations in our effort for our people's lives and futures. The theme of our meeting was a resilient Pacific, build better now. The urgency of our film certainly was underscored by the torrential rains, the flash flooding, and the 6.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Nukalofa on the first day of our meeting. This was yet another stark reminder of our vulnerability to natural disasters. Once again, it has also demonstrated our unwavering resilience and the priority we place on the full implementation of our Early Warning for All initiative by 2027 and for disaster preparedness. Mr. President, the 2024 Sustainable Development Goals report before us is grim. The report reveals what we see every day on the ground, a stark divergence from the ambitious target set forth in the 2030 Agenda. Climate change, escalating inequalities, and persistent conflicts are compounding challenges, leaving many countries struggling to meet even the most fundamental goals. Without urgent and coordinated global action, The vision of a more equitable and sustainable world may remain just another elusive dream. This means eroded trust in our ability to keep promises. It will jeopardize both our planet and its inhabitants. We must and we can confront these seemingly insurmountable challenges. With innovation and determination, we can no longer afford business as usual. Mr. President, decade after decade, year after year, we present to this esteemed body the existential threat that climate change poses to the Pacific, including Tonga. Our situation has become even more urgent this year. Climate change is the single greatest threat to the survival and prosperity of the Blue Pacific continent. Once again, we urge the international community to promptly and dramatically act to restrict global warming to 1.3, 1.5 degrees Celsius. Industrialized nations must strengthen their emission reduction commitment. We must ensure that climate finance is speedily and easily accessible to Pacific island countries. May there be no doubt we are teetering on the brink of a climate catastrophe. While in Tonga, the United Nations Secretary General issued a global SOS, or Save Our Seas, warning of rising sea levels, the WMO echoed this urgent message, launching the State of the Climate in the Southwest Pacific 2023 report. The report confirms that 2023 was the warmest year on record. The scientific consensus is irrefutable. Our climate is changing at an unprecedented rate with devastating consequences. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. Cyclones and typhoons are wreaking havoc on our communities, leaving behind trails of destruction that take years to repair. The economic toll is immense, but the human cost is far greater. Lives lost, communities shattered, hopes lost. and features uncertain. Mr. President, the most alarming aspect of the crisis is the unprecedented rise in sea levels. The WMO report confirms that sea level rise in the Southwest Pacific is significantly exceeding the global average. In some parts of the Pacific, sea level have risen by 10 to 15 centimeters in the past 30 years, more than double the global average. With our bold and coordinated global action to expedite assistance to the Pacific and its most vulnerable inhabitants, Tonga and other Pacific countries can expect sea levels to double by mid-century. This will exacerbate the frequency and severity of storm surges and coastal flooding. For the nation of the Pacific, these changes are not merely environmental issues. They are existential threats that jeopardize the very existence of small Pacific Island countries, including Tonga. Rising sea levels are eroding coastlines, swallowing entire islands, and forcing families to abandon their ancestral homes. This is not just about losing land. It's about our very identities losing heritage and culture. We issued a strong call for including sea level rise as a stand-alone and permanent agenda in the Anga. And, Mr. President, the upcoming COP 29 presents a critical opportunity to operationalize the loss and damage fund, transforming pledges into tangible support for vulnerable nations. Mr. President, our ocean, seabed, and land are simply who we are. As I mentioned earlier, the severe irreversible threats posed by climate change-related sea level rise will disproportionately impact the livelihoods, food security, ecosystem, and the well-being of our people. we have established key decorations. For example, the 2023 Declaration on the Continuity of Statehood and Protection of Persons Amid Sea-Level Rise, and the 2021 Declaration on Preserving Maritime Zones Against Climate Impacts. We have also developed and endorsed the Pacific Regional Framework on Climate Mobility and introduced the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific. The latter is the world's first regional framework linking climate change and disaster risk. We need to act now. We commend the United Nations for addressing this critical issue and welcome the high-level plenary meeting on addressing the threats posed by sea-level rise. The 2023 Beef Declaration on the Continuity of Statehood takes a clear stance on protecting the Pacific people's rights and sovereignty. By asserting the continued existence of Pacific Island fellow members' statehood, sovereignty, and rights and duties, the Declaration underscores our determination to safeguard both the territorial and human dimension of our states under international law. The Declaration commits to protecting persons affected by climate change, ensuring that human rights, political status, cultural heritage, identity, and dignity are upheld. We call for global cooperation to achieve the integration objectives in line with international principle of fairness, equity, and shared responsibility. Mr. President, yes, the challenges we face are immense, but they are not insurmountable. The resilience of the Pacific people is legendary. Through centuries, our communities have weathered countless storms, adapted to changing conditions, and preserved our rich cultures through adversity. Now, more than ever, we must draw upon this resilience. It is now that our foreign island countries urgently require timely, predictable, and scaled-up access to climate finance to protect our communities. Tonga is proud to announce the establishment of the Pacific Resilient Facility, or PRF, a Pacific-led member-owned and managed climate and disaster resilience financing facility. Tonga will host a PRF office, and we acknowledge the commitment and contribution received from our development partners and friends of the Pacific just far. We call upon global partners to support our Pacific-led solutions, the PRF. The key goal is to bridge the financing gap for smaller, high-impact adaptation projects. I would like to once again thank the United Nations Secretary General for his leadership and commitment in supporting the Pacific Island Forum by convening a global pledging event for the PRF in 2025. We again urge multilateral climate funds, such as Green Climate Fund and Adaptation Fund, to establish dedicated climate finance access windows tailored to the conditions and needs of vulnerable countries like the Pacific small island developing states. Mr. President, we appreciate the support for the new 10-year program recognized as a special case of small island developing state, the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for Seeds, or APAS. This agenda goes beyond being a merely policy framework. This is our collective vision for sustainable growth and resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges. We support the allocation of resources and tailored systems to facilitate the implementation of the concrete action outlined in the past 10 thematic areas. At the same time, reforming the international financial architecture will be crucial to support this new program of action. And this includes free substantive global policy agendas, redefining eligibility for development resources, improving access to climate finance, and creating long-term debt sustainability. Implementing the APAS is a vital step towards accelerating the achievement of the SDG by 2030. We request the support of key entities within the UN to help implement the APAS. Recognizing our unique vulnerabilities by fellow Pacific Island Forum leaders, we welcome the adoption of the NVI. This practical instrument, advocated for over many years by seats, offer a more comprehensive understanding of the vulnerability, providing renewed hope and impetus to the 2030 agenda through a more context-responsive approach. We look forward. to the operationalization of MVI in relevant MVI setting, UN setting, and urge international organization and financial institution to consider MVI ratings in their eligibility criteria for grant and concessional financing. Mr. President, the opinion may be that our Pacific communities are remote and small. Let there be no doubt, our economies continue to suffer, like so many, from the effects of geopolitical tension and supply chain disruption. Our people suffer from rising inflation, and we go through increased hardship and tippling poverty, particularly for the most vulnerable in our blue Pacific continent. However, at such critical times, the Pacific Island Forum is steadfast in its commitment to building a resilient Pacific region, a region of hope and prosperity that ensures all Pacific people can lead productive lives. We invite all partners to support our development aspiration outlined in our 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific continent and our forthcoming Pacific Roadmap for Economic Development. Resilient transformation demands for Pacific peoples to have access to quality, affordable, accessible, and inclusive health and education services. Our Blue Pacific region will focus on improving climate-resilient healthcare and education infrastructures and digital platforms to mitigate risks, manage climate-sensitive diseases and NCDs effectively, and ensure continuity and equity in learning across our Blue Pacific continent. We remain resolute in our commitment to the global fight against NCD. We reaffirm our commitment to building stronger partnerships between government sectors and other relevant sectors to address the root causes of NCDs through a holistic whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach. Addressing the global plastic pollution problem, especially in the marine environment, is a priority. This is a threat to our ecosystem and health, and the Pacific Ocean is our Pacific identity. It is a vital resource for food and livelihoods, and a healthy ocean will aid in our fight against climate change. Mr. President, the actions of the government of Tonga focus on three key thematic areas, national resilience, quality services and affordability, and progressive economic growth. Our goal is to enhance national resilience by creating stronger platforms to tackle natural disasters and address the persistent issues brought about by climate change. We aspire to alleviate related poverty and improve the quality of social protection measures. We will also mobilize national and international responses to reduce the supply and use of illicit drugs and address harm reduction processes. We aim to enhance education for everyone, prioritizing safer school, tackling dropout rates, advocating for gender equality, and expanding vocational training opportunities, all while ensuring quality services and affordability. Our efforts are also directed towards improving access to health care that is both affordable and of high quality, with a particular emphasis on addressing COVID-19, NCDs, and preventative measures. Our focus is on development governance services that are of exceptional quality and can be easily accessed by all. This entails enhancing access to high-speed broadband technology and ensuring that energy, communication, drinking water, and a green environment are more affordable. Our main objectives for fostering progressive economic growth include giving priority to trade and private sector development, enhancing the quality and accessibility of public infrastructure, and forging stronger partnerships to drive development. Mr. President, as I conclude, allow me to close the circle and come back to the critical element of this session's theme, leaving no one behind. This aspiration must be our guide for eradicating poverty, ending discrimination, and upholding the fundamental rights of individuals, reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities that not only undermine our shared humanity, but also leaves too many without hope. The advancement of one community or nation cannot obtain isolation from the well-being of others. By embracing a fair and equitable playing field, we foster a more resilient and harmonious global society, advancing peace, sustainable development, and human dignity. We must travel the path to ensuring peace and sustainable development with a sense of urgency, just as others have done before us. In this, let us be guided by shared values of justice and human dignity. Our collective endeavor to leave no one behind must ensure every person's potential is recognized, their rights upheld, and so we must bridge gaps, dismantle barriers, and amplify voices that have historically been marginalized. This is what we owe present and future generations. I thank you, Mr. President, and may God bless Tonga, and may God bless the United Nations. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/tonga","Tonga","His Excellency","Siaosi 'Ofakivahafolau Sovaleni","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/to_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TO_EN.mp3" 144,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Mohammed Ali Nafti, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad of Tunisia. In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate, Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. At the outset, it is my pleasure to extend our warmest congratulations to His Excellency Mr. Philemon Yang and the Republic of Cameroon on presiding over the 79th session of the General Assembly. We wish him success in conducting its work and stress Tunisia's support to his vision, namely unity and diversity for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for everyone everywhere. I would also like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to His Excellency, Mr. Dennis Francis, for a successful presidency. we renew our appreciation to the continuous efforts of the Secretary General, His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres, to restore trust in multilateralism. Mr. President, as hopeful as we are to achieve the necessary change and reforms and pave the way towards a safer, more peaceful, equitable and sustainable world through the initiatives and tracks proposed in the Secretary General's framework, our common agenda, And through the outcomes of the summit of the future, we express deep concern and disappointment and denounce the current situation in the Middle East. The horrendous humanitarian suffering of the Palestinian people continues on their territory. For almost a year now, they have been subjected to the most despicable war crimes, a genocide, and all forms of violations of human rights and the purposes and principles for which the United Nations was established. Such violations are perpetrated by the occupying forces without any sense of accountability. Meanwhile, the international community remains unjustifiably and immorally silent. The failure of the international community to ensure the respect of the international humanitarian law, despite the measures imposed by the ICJ to protect civilians in Gaza from the risk of a genocide, puts the life of Palestinians at stake. Suddenly, the slogan repeated from different trust rooms calling for human rights and humanitarian issues to take precedence disappears when it comes to the Palestinian people. The only way towards a safe future for all peoples start with a belief that all human beings are equal without any discrimination or selectivity and away from double standards. We cannot start a new phase of multilateralism, international relations and sustainable development based on the principle of leaving no one behind, if we continue to ignore the tragedy of the Palestinian people in this vein. We call upon the international community to take immediate, effective and responsible steps to save what can still be saved, stop the bloodshed and end the genocide and starvation of Gaza. This war has targeted schools, hospitals and civilian infrastructure and facilities, killing more than 40,000 people. We also call upon the Security Council to break its stalemate. and play its natural role, namely the maintenance of international peace and security by holding the occupation authorities accountable for the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza, imposing an immediate ceasefire, stopping the blatant and abhorrent attacks on innocent Palestinians, and preventing forced displacement, settlements, and the violation of sacred places. The war on Gaza caused a deep rift in humanity and jeopardized people's trust in the UN system and main organs to implement their resolutions. We recall the International Court of Justice's advisory opinion adopted on July 19, 2024, at the request of the General Assembly on the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of the Zionist occupation in the occupied Palestinian territory. It found that the continued presence of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and that the state of Israel is under an obligation to seize immediately all new settlement activities and to evacuate all settlers from the occupied Palestinian territory. This opinion puts the international community to the test. to prove its commitment to the supremacy of international law and its applicability to everyone without any exception, selectivity or double standards. Our country continues to firmly and unconditionally support the right of the Palestinian people to restore their imprescriptible, legitimate and inalienable rights mainly their right to self-determination and establishment of an independent, sovereign state on all the Palestinian territory with al-Quds al-Sharif as a capital. Tunisia stresses its support to the Palestinian request for full membership at the United Nations. We appreciate international recognition of Palestine and hope that, that it would lead to Palestine becoming a full member at the United Nations without further delay. Once again, we strongly condemn the attacks on brotherly Lebanon, targeting its people and threatening its stability and security at a time when our countries are meeting at the United Nations. We call upon the Security Council to take a firm stance to stop these crimes against humanity without delay. The principle of leaving no one behind cannot be achieved with slogans. We cannot achieve the desired goals and overcome the failures of the past and the present unless we all have a genuine will to change and reform. For this reason, We need a unified and responsible diagnosis of the root causes for the failure by the current international community to address the growing conflicts and wars, the increase in extremism, terrorism and organized crime, the deterioration of crises and climate disasters which threaten the survival of millions of people. In addition, The levels of poverty, hunger and inequality are unprecedented. There is a big increase in the number of refugees and displaced. The development and digital gap between the North and the South is widening and the international financial system is unable to respond to the development needs of the majority of states. All these challenges represent dangerous indicators that the current international system is no longer on track, hence requiring us all to carry out the necessary reviews and reforms to address all the chaos, inequality and turmoil. Those challenges also require states, peoples and institutions to make joint efforts, share responsibility, and respect international law, the UN Charter, and human rights on an equal footing without any discrimination or politicization. The past eight decades have proven the urgent need for reforming international relations and reviewing the basics and working methods of multilateralism to address the needs of people and end every disorder which caused tragedy and suffering for millions and led to undeniable existential threats. Such threats cannot be addressed using the same tools and methods that only take into account the interests of a minority of states at the expense of others. We stress the urgent need for developed countries to respect their commitment to financing development, supporting climate efforts, and effectively contributing to the eradication of poverty while supporting growth and building the resilience and sustainability of developing countries. We also stress the need for ending all forms of trusteeship, the imposition of policies and instructions and interference in states' internal affairs to ensure their national sovereignty, independence, choices and cultural specificities are respected. Because this diversity is a source of wealth. The challenges ahead can only be faced by rebuilding international relations based on solidarity, fair and constructive cooperation, mutual respect and equality. We also call for promoting the role of the United Nations and introducing the necessary reforms to its institutions and organs to improve their performance and promote their credibility, mainly the Security Council, which is now paralyzed by growing geostrategic conflicts. Mr. President, Based on its genuine belief in multilateralism and its respect to the purposes of the UN Charter, Tunisia took part in all tracks and initiatives proposed by the Secretary General's Plan or Common Agenda, as well as the SDG Summit and the Summit of the Future, which was recently held here at the UN. If the necessary follow-up and implementation mechanisms are adopted, their outcomes represent a historic opportunity and an essential tool to overcome challenges, mitigate risks and establish a safer, more peaceful and sustainable world. At the same time, we reaffirm the urgent need to introduce structural reforms to the global financial system and review the role of credit rating agencies to alleviate the debt servicing burden on developing states and facilitate their access to development financing. This will allow them to recover from the repercussions of successive global crises for which they have paid a high price, even though they did not have a role in causing most of them. It will also allow them to focus their efforts on meeting the human development needs of their people. We also call for developing tools for bilateral and multilateral international cooperation to ensure the recovery of stolen assets moved abroad. This will accelerate economic recovery and promote development given that it is the inherent right of people affected. Such violations should be prevented in the future because they deplete states' resources and represent the biggest form of corruption. Mr. President, Irregular migration is growing in a number of regions, especially in the Mediterranean. Our region. It is one of the main indicators of the weak global governance and the lack of political will to address the consequences of development crises, climate change and conflicts. As we have stressed, Time and again, this multi-dimensional issue requires a collective responsibility-sharing approach among countries of origin, transit, and destination, as well as regional and international organizations to address the root causes of this phenomenon and not just its consequences. We also called for comprehensive solutions that address vulnerabilities, the decline in literacy rates, and weak development programs to usher in a new reality in countries of origin, especially in Africa. and provide their people with a dignified life and decent work opportunities to preserve their right to life and development and protect them from the perils of a journey they take in the Mediterranean seeking a better life and to shield them against the exploitation of criminal, smuggling and human trafficking networks. Our approach to dealing with irregular migration is clear. It is based on the respect of human rights and the rejection of all forms of racial discrimination and hate speech while respecting our international commitments and national legislations. We continue to make every effort possible to save lives and provide the necessary care to those in need while preserving their dignity. However, we reject any implicit settlement project for irregular migrants. We also reject any attempt by politicians and the media to exploit the situation of migrants and their suffering to make political gains and achieve their suspicious agendas. In Tunisia, we are aware of the challenges in the face ahead and are firmly attached to reform and the promotion of democracy, the rule of law, and good governance. These are based on fighting and preventing corruption and achieving our people's aspirations to more well-being, prosperity, and sustainable development. We are attached. to the pillars of our foreign policy and international commitments, and rely on our human capacities and our constructive cooperation and partnerships with our friends and partners based on mutual benefit. Our youth. are a source of inspiration and the face of the future. So we ensure they play a leading role in transformative solutions and decision-making. We continue to promote our legal frameworks and strategic plans to ensure the inclusion and economic empowerment of women and promote their participation in public life at all levels, including peacekeeping in the world. With the same commitment and will, Tunisia continues to play an active role in international and UN efforts to promote regional and international peace and security, ensure the respect of international law and international humanitarian law, end all forms of injustice, occupation, and human rights violations, and achieve development for all. We stress our firm position in support of the efforts of our Libyan brothers and sisters to overcome their differences and reach a political settlement through constructive dialogue with the help of the United Nations to maintain Libya's security and stability and strengthen its unity. Once again, we reject all forms of foreign intervention in Libya's internal affairs. We also call for uniting UN and international efforts to find a political solution for the situation in Syria and Yemen that ends the suffering of these two brethren people and restores peace and security while preserving their sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. Tunisia calls upon Sudanese parties to stop the fighting and opt for dialogue and peaceful settlements to overcome the current crisis and restore security and stability to the Sudan in order to end the scourge of war and displacement causing suffering to its people. With regards to the African continent, which is the most affected by climate change, global crises, terrorism and instability, We call for more UN and international efforts to help the continent in overcoming its different challenges and crises, and move forward towards stability, peace, security, and sustainable development. African solutions for African problems should be the approach for achieving the goal of silencing the guns by 2030. We once again call upon the United Nations to provide financial and logistical support to African-led peace operations. It is important that cooperation and coordination continue among UN and regional organs to achieve the Africa we want. Mr. President, the world has just entered a new phase of digital change, and the use of modern technologies is on the rise in all fields. As we stress the importance of the global digital compact, we call for strengthening cooperation in technology transfer to bridge the digital gap between the South and the North so that no one is left behind. In the same vein, we call for fighting digital chaos and misinformation, as well as the criminal and illegal use of digital technologies to sow the seeds of chaos and destabilize communities. Mr. President, The next phase is very complicated because of the challenges facing the security and well-being of the present and future generations and the future of our planet. We can no longer address the situation with the same tools and methods. We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past. The only way forward is based on solidarity cooperation and our shared destiny. Tunisia's foreign policy and diplomacy has always been based on optimism and pragmatism. Despite all the shocks and challenges facing our world, we believe that the UN remains our only hope since it represents international legitimacy and since it carries the hopes and dreams of the people as we prepare to celebrate its 80th anniversary next year. God willing. Thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad of Tunisia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/tunisia","Tunisia","His Excellency","Mohamed Ali Nafti","Minister for Foreign Affairs","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tn_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TN_EN.mp3" 145,"I now give the floor to His Excellency, Rashid Maradon, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. Your Excellency, Madam Chair, distinguished heads and members of delegations, first of all, allow me to congratulate you on the beginning of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. I congratulate Mr. Philemon Young on his election as the President of the General Assembly and wish him every success. I would also like to express my gratitude to Ambassador Dennis Francis for his effective leadership of the General Assembly during the 78th session. Ladies and gentlemen, strategic partnership with the United Nations and cooperation with member states are the main approach of Turkmenistan in addressing the pressing global issues and challenges. The key condition and mere criterion in this work for Turkmenistan is adherence to the UN Charter international legal norms and recognized beneficial models of relations based on equality, sovereignty, and mutual respect among all participants in international affairs. In this logic, Turkmenistan supports the global mission of the United Nations as a conductor of the collective mandate and the balance of interests of member states. This position was reaffirmed at the meetings of the UN Secretary General with the President of Turkmenistan and the national leader of the Turkmen people during his visit to Turkmenistan this summer. For the 79th session, Turkmenistan has decided to follow four priorities, which are peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, humanitarian issues. All of these areas are closely interconnected. It means that their implementation must be comprehensive. based on unified principles and . In this context, Turkmenistan advocates for equal, fair and balanced approach that would ensure the UN pays same attention to all key areas of the international agenda. In matters of ensuring peace and security, Turkmenistan's efforts at the current situation will be aimed at strengthening peace and trust, enhancing the role of preventive diplomacy mechanisms, and furthering peace-building processes in line with the new agenda for peace. When it comes to global security, Turkmenistan is especially promoting model of neutrality within the United Nations, which capable to provide the world community with practical tools to resolve existing and prevent potential conflicts and contradictions. Next year, we will celebrate 30th anniversary of the UN General Assembly resolution on international recognition of neutral status of Turkmenistan. Over the past years, our neutrality has demonstrated its alignment with the high ideals, basic principles and goals of the United Nations. The unanimous adoption in 2015 of the corresponding resolution of the General Assembly has demonstrated that neutrality became a heritage of the entire world community. During the 79th session, our country will be promoting further support of the political and legal foundations of neutrality and their application across a broad range of UN activities. Preventive diplomacy holds an important place here. We are convinced that the time has come to reflect on the significance of neutrality for global politics and its potential in the current strategic landscape. In this regard, Turkmenistan puts forward the initiative to provide neutral countries the status of priority partnership with the United Nations in its peacekeeping efforts. We are confident that this will serve as an effective impetus for the international community to more actively utilize the tools of neutrality and preventive diplomacy. One of the essential aspects of the United Nations security agenda is the practical implementation of the General Assembly resolution declaring 2025 as the International Year of Peace and Trust. Naturally, as the country that initiated the resolution, Turkmenistan will take on the leading role in organizing relevant events next year. At the same time, we rely on the support of all member states the UN Secretariat and its leadership to ensure that the International Year of Peace and Trust becomes a manifestation of the goodwill of the international community, its desire for peace and harmony, overcoming differences, conflicts, and rejection of dividing lines. In the regional dimension, the most important aspect of ensuring security is cooperation in the Afghan direction and support for the people of Afghanistan in their aspirations to begin peaceful, constructive work to rebuild the economy and social sphere and solve humanitarian problems. In this context, I would like to highlight mere infrastructure projects in Afghanistan being implemented by our country together with international partners. Among them is the construction of the strategic Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline. Just two weeks ago, we began a new stage of construction of this pipeline on Afghan territory. Other significant projects include the construction of power transmission and fiber optic communication lines along the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan route, as well as a new railway from Turkmenistan towards Afghan direction. Turkmenistan's humanitarian aid to the Afghan people will continue, including the free construction of social facilities there and the education of Afghan students in our country's educational institutions. Thus, Turkmenistan in practice confirms its strong position of solidarity with the people of Afghanistan. In addressing the global climate agenda, Turkmenistan will be focusing on protection of the environment in Central Asia and Caspian Sea region. In this regard, our country advocates for more active and extensive UN involvement in saving the Aral Sea. Turkmenistan initiated the adoption of two recent UN General Assembly resolutions on cooperation between UN and the International Fund for Saving the RLC. Furthermore, in 2023, ISCAP adopted a resolution on the modalities for creating UN special program for the RLC Basin. Among other specific problems of Central Asia, which have much broader consequences and impact, we highlight desertification and the reduction of water resources. All of this requires more active cooperation with the United Nations and presence of its resident offices in the region on a permanent basis. Turkmenistan is ready to work on this. As a concrete step, in cooperation with the United Nations, our country is promoting the establishment of a specialized structure, the Regional Center for Climate-Related Technologies. Another topic that has gone far beyond regional borders is the Caspian issue. In this regard, we especially emphasize that preserving the Caspian Sea as a unique natural complex are not just the internal affairs of the literal states, but a global scale problem and challenge. The approaches to solving them should be appropriate. Therefore, Turkmenistan appeals to the UN its relevant agencies such as UNEP and UNDP, financial institutions, environment funds, primarily global environment facility and green climate fund and other structures. urging them to move towards systematic and targeted cooperation with the Caspian states to combat the sea's shallowing destruction of its ecological balance, reduction of biodiversity, and other ecological and climate issues affecting the Caspian Sea. The President of Turkmenistan, at the last session of the UN General Assembly, proposed the Caspian Environmental Initiative. We are ready to start the active dialogue on this topic and hope the full support of the General Assembly. In matters of sustainable development, we propose moving forward with a number of specific initiatives from Turkmenistan. In particular, we are talking about developing a global framework program for the transition to a circular economy. Other initiatives include the creation of a global atlas of sustainable transport connectivity and alliance for global energy security and sustainable development. In cooperation with UN, we are ready to begin developing algorithms for joint work on these proposals. Turkmenistan will continue to work with UN to overcome the consequences of humanitarian crisis, address population issues, protect motherhood and children, and safeguard the rights of persons with disabilities, refugees, and stateless persons, among other topics. I would like to note that our country has done significant work in reducing and preventing statelessness. Currently, more than 32,000 people, including refugees and stateless persons, have been granted Turkmen citizenship. It is mean that this year we have fulfilled five-year international action plan to eliminate statelessness. Ladies and gentlemen, next year the entire world will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the United Nations. We are approaching a milestone where responsibility, foresight, and realism must guide all our thoughts and actions. It is time to reflect on the paths traveled, assess the experience, correct mistakes and shortcomings, and together move forward in improving the work of our organization and its institutions. One thing must remain unshakable. It is commitment to the values, principles, and goals of the United Nations because they have proven their viability and alignment with the fundamental long-term interests of humanity. Around this fact, now more than ever, it is necessary to combine all responsible forces. Turkmenistan believes in the United Nations and its huge creative potential. For our country, the United Nations has always been and remains the unique international organization with universal legal status. The voice of the United Nations must remain strong in ensuring global peace and security, sustainable development, and solving humanitarian problems. Turkmenistan will continue to contribute its efforts in addressing the global challenges for the future of the world through realization of its priorities. Thank you for your attention. I thank the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/turkmenistan","Turkmenistan","His Excellency","Rashid Meredov","Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tm_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TM_EN.mp3" 146,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Veleti Benitaladeo, Prime Minister of Tuvalu. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Excellencies, Madam President, I am humbled and indeed honored to stand before you today at this August assembly for the first time as the Prime Minister of Tuvalu. I bring to the General Assembly and the related high-level summatories the best wishes of my people and the government of Tuvalu. I take this opportunity to congratulate His Excellency President Philemon Young for assuming the role of the President for the 79th United Nations General Assembly. Tuvalu wishes you a very successful presidency. I also take this opportunity to congratulate the outgoing President, His Excellency Dennis Francis, for a job well done and for his exceptional leadership during his presidency. Madam President, I applaud President Young's insightful vision for this session, namely leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. The theme challenges us to work in unison to advance peace and security, sustainable development, and human dignity, considering how off track the progress of the SDG, it is a timely and practical, a pragmatic call. We must therefore advance in unity as a family of nations. However, it is imperative to recognize the inherent disparity in our respective developmental capacities. The LDCs and the SITs trailing on the lower end of the global economic scale face persistent and significant financial challenges in their developmental efforts. For Tuvalu, a purely import-oriented economy, our economic fragility is further compounded by poor natural endowment, geographical isolation from major markets, and environmental vulnerability to climatic crisis. Madam President, your vision to promote human dignity at this critical moment is highly commendable. Ensuring that all individuals have access to resources and opportunities to participate in international decision-making processes is crucial for a just and effective response to these global challenges. In that regard, it is regrettable that the Republic of China, Taiwan, continues to be excluded from the United Nations system despite its significant contribution and partnership across various development sectors. The UNGA Resolution 2758 does not preclude Taiwan's meaningful participation in the UN system and therefore must include Taiwan so that no one is left behind. As a vibrant democracy that has made remarkable progress on the SDG, Taiwan is well positioned to make meaningful contribution to global efforts in achieving those goals. It is also regrettable to observe that the people of Cuba continue to bear the economic burden of longstanding unilateral economic blockades. With such measures, Cuba is denied crucial international development assistance and partnerships necessary for its recovery and rebuilding efforts. Tuvalu aligns itself with member states that supports the lifting of those blockades and joined other member states call for the removal of Cuba from the list of state sponsor of terrorism. Excellencies, Tuvalu applauds the Secretary General and his team for their tireless efforts in the organization of several important high-level meetings this week. Tuvalu also commends the commitment and constructive contribution by all member states that enabled the success of those meetings. Excellencies, Tuvalu welcomes and supports the Pact for the Future, adopted earlier this week at the Summit of the future, together with the Declaration on Future Generations and the Global Digital Compact. What is needed now is robust political will and unwavering commitment to implement the provision of the Pact. We are heartened by the Pact's call for a bold and comprehensive outcome document on addressing climate change at the upcoming COP29 in Azerbaijan. While climate change affects every nation, its impacts are disproportionately felt more by small island developing states like Tuvalu. Despite our insignificant contribution to climate change, we face the most severe consequences when climate-induced disasters do occur. We therefore urge all member states to honor their commitment to increase support for climate finance and technology transfer to help nations like Tuvalu develop and enhance their adaptive resilience. The science is very clear. Atmospheric temperatures continue to rise due to the increasing emission of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels. Therefore, phasing out fossil fuels is crucial to global efforts to reduce carbon emission and to curb global warming. Towards that objective, Tuvalu and several other like-minded nations are leading the promotion for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative. The initiative is to garner international support on a binding treaty arrangement that regulates and limits the use of fossil fuel with the ultimate objective of total phase-out. And I take this opportunity to invite other member states of the United Nations family to support the initiative. And I express the sincere hope that the commitment in the pact provide the much-needed reboot to the global multilateralism architecture and the UN system generally. Tuvalu supports and looks forward to the effective implementation of the pact for the future to build a more equitable global system where no nation and no community is left behind. Excellencies, climate change-induced sea level rise is and will always be a top priority for Tuvalu. Sea level rise is not only a top development priority, but also a top survivability priority for Tuvalu. The Pacific Ocean that used to define us will soon engulf us and will determine our future existence if sea level rise is not halted and the Tuvalu coastlines are not suitably fortified and reinforced. Sea level rise is a global and a multi-dimensional phenomenon that requires immediate global actions. For Tuvalu, Sea level rise poses the greatest existential threat to our economies, to our culture and heritage, and to the land that nourished our ancestors for centuries. Current predictions on the rate of sea level rise are frighteningly disturbing. The predictions are that in 26 years' time, By 2050, more than 50% of Tuvalu's land territory will be regularly flooded by regular tidal surges. Fifty years afterward, in 2100, more than 90% of Tuvalu's land territory will suffer the same fate. The predictions do not account for severe climatic conditions like cyclones and hurricanes, which would exponentially accelerate the reaching of those thresholds. Tuvalu, therefore, commend the President for the timely and successful organization of the high-level meeting on sea level rise on Wednesday. Tuvalu, is hardened by the commitment of all Member States to strengthen international cooperation and partnerships for more comprehensive and effective responses to sea level rise. We are committed to providing the Secretary General with our national report on this issue within the suggested timeframe and look forward to contributing to a concise action-oriented and intergovernmentally negotiated declaration. The high-level meeting marks the take-off for our global effort to shape an ambitious declaration by the General Assembly in September 2026. The declaration, in my considered view, must be a strong pronouncement in support of the expectation of the one billion people affected by sea-level rise. The Declaration shall be an unwavering commitment to our sovereignty, dignity, prosperity, and rights. The Declaration must be action-oriented and comprehensive. And toward those objectives, we expect the Declaration to include the following principle. Firstly, the Declaration shall ascertain the principle of statehood continuity as a tenet of international law and international cooperation, and to affirm that statehood cannot be challenged under any circumstances of sea level rise. Secondly, the Declaration shall reaffirm the permanency of maritime zones established in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Thirdly, the Declaration shall call on the international community and regional institutions to enable human mobility pathways that facilitate movement safely, orderly, and with dignity. Fourthly, the Declaration shall devise concrete programs for the international community to support our efforts to safeguard our unique culture and heritage, both tangible and intangible. Fifthly, the Declaration shall establish dedicated and innovative financing mechanisms to support the positive adaptation journeys of the most vulnerable communities. And finally, the declaration shall underscore the importance of knowledge, data and science to anticipate and plan for the impact of sea level rise. Excellencies, I wish to reiterate the commitment of Tuvalu to address the effect of climate change through identified science-based transformative adaptive solution. These solutions are designed to reclaim and elevate land, enhance our resilience against sea level rise, and ensure our sovereign rights to our land and cultural identity are safe and protected for our future generations. I acknowledge the efforts of the Pacific people and leaders in addressing the pressing issue of sea level rise. The Pacific leaders in their annual meeting in Tonga last month reiterated the importance of the 2021 Declaration on Maritime Boundary Preservation and the 2023 Declaration on Statehood Continuity and Climate Change Related Sea Level Rise Protection. The Pacific leaders also called for sea level rise to be a standalone agenda in the UNGA and other related UN processes, like the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Furthermore, in 2021, Tuvalu, in collaboration with Antigua and Barbuda, established a Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law. The said commission successfully secured in May of this year an advisory opinion from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, which clarifies that greenhouse gas emissions pollute the marine environment. And that states have the legal responsibility to take all necessary measures to prevent, reduce, and control them. This advisory opinion is a significant development as it shifts the conversation from political commitment to binding legal obligations. Excellencies, the science on climate change is comprehensive and clear, and that the climate is changing and is significantly impacting small island states through rising sea levels. Nationalized scientific data and information has allowed my government to create a three-dimensional model that specifically demonstrates the impact of climate change and sea level rise in Tuvalu. We showcase this three-dimensional model here in New York during the high-level week. And I must admit it is alarming and disturbing to see how quickly Tuvalu's entire land territory will be engulfed by rising seas as greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase. Excellencies, I am pleased to share with the General Assembly this afternoon a watershed treaty between Tuvalu and Australia titled the Falepili Union Treaty. The treaty carries the title of a treasured Tuvalu value of the Falepili, which connotes good neighborliness, care and share, and mutual respect. The treaty is firmly grounded on mutual respect of each other's sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence. The treaty prioritizes three key areas, namely climate cooperation, mobility with dignity and shared security. For the first time, there is a country, Australia, that has committed legally to come to the aid of Tuvalu upon request when Tuvalu encounters a major natural disaster, when Tuvalu is experiencing a major public health pandemic, and when Tuvalu is subjected to some form of military aggression. For the first time also, Another country, Australia, is legally committed to recognise the permanency of the future statehood and sovereignty of Tuvalu, despite the impact of climate change, particularly sea level rise. The treaty also provides for a mobility pathway for citizens of Tuvalu whose whole chooses to live, work and study in Australia. And I look forward very much to the full operationalization of the Falepili Union Treaty next year in 2025. Excellencies, let me reiterate Tuvalu's unwavering support for the Antigua and Barbuda's agenda for SITS, the ABAS, that was adopted in May this year. ABAS addresses the unique challenges faced by small island developing states through a multifaceted approach that include climate action, economic diversification, and social development. Excellencies, Tuvalu is one of the smallest states in the world in terms of its land territory and population, but it is a very large ocean state considering the extent of its exclusive economic zone. Tuvaluans have a very close affinity with the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean sustain our daily lives and economic prosperity. The impact of climate change on fish stock migration and declining marine resources, together with IUU fishing and marine pollution, pose a major challenge to Tuvalu's progress towards sustainable economic development. As a signatory to the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Agreement, Tuvalu is committed to the sustainable utilization and equitable distribution of marine resources. Tuvalu is also committed to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, which aims to protect the ocean. This commitment is reinforced by UNEA Resolution 5-14 to develop an ambitious international legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full life cycle of plastic, including its production, design, and disposal. Excellencies, Tuvalu expresses its sincere gratitude to the Economic and Social Council for their consideration of deferring Tuvalu's graduation from the least developed countries category earlier this year. It is important to reiterate that while Tuvalu has met the graduation threshold for some time now, Tuvalu continues to have serious reservations about leaving this group. As one of the last remaining Pacific Island countries in the LDC category, Tuvalu is exceptionally vulnerable to the impact of climate change and rising sea levels. Even the Committee for Developing Policy has recognized that Tuvalu's vulnerability to climate change is not only severe, but permanent. For this reason, Tuvalu applauds the newly developed multidimensional vulnerability index that could complement the traditional gross national income indicator as the basis for development and climate finance access. Excellencies, Tuvalu commends the commemoration and promotion of the International Day of the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapon this year. The event served as a powerful reminder of the catastrophic consequences of nuclear testing and warfare, as well as the ongoing threat posed by these weapons. By observing this event annually as agreed to in Resolution 78-27 reinforces our commitment to nuclear disarmament. Tuvalu is also a party to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. And I'm also pleased to announce that in June of this year, Tuvalu became one of the few remaining states to accede to the Biological Weapons Convention, further solidifying our steadfast commitment to creating a world safe from nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Excellencies, 12 months ago, we adopted a declaration on universal health coverage following the review of implementation of the 2019 Universal Health Coverage, titled Moving Together to Build a Healthy World. This year's adoption of the Political Declaration on Anti-Microbial Resistance has once again unified us in a concerted global effort to build a healthier world. As unified as we ought to be, achieving equitable and adequate essential healthcare services for all must remain a common priority. International cooperation remains appropriate to the efforts of improving and strengthening healthcare systems, particularly those that are lacking. On the 5th of this month, Tuvalu celebrated its 24th anniversary of membership in the United Nations. It has been over two decades since Tuvalu joined its August body as the 189th member state. Tuvalu remains grateful for the privilege to engage with other member states in our common pursuit for the advancement of peace and security, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. Next week, on the 1st of October, will be Tuvalu's 46th Independence Anniversary. And as I prepare to celebrate this momentous occasion for the first time as the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, I wish to take this opportunity to express my special appreciation and gratitude to the United Nations and its member states, and in particular, Tuvalu's generous traditional and emerging partners for all the support and assistance afforded to my country. Excellencies, in conclusion, I render Tuvalu's unwavering support to the PEC for the future, and for the accompanying Declaration and Compact adopted during the Summit of the Future earlier in the week. I express the sincere and genuine hope that the commitments in the Pact provide the much-needed reboot to the global multilateralism architecture and the UN system generally. The global community must seize this opportunity to reaffirm and to recommit to multilateralism and international cooperation, to the Sustainable Development Goals and to the principle of the United Nations Charter. Tuvalu calls on the global community to rally behind the pact for the future and to build a more equitable global system where no nation, no community is left behind, particularly those frontline nations to the devastating impact of climate change and the climate change-induced sea-level rise like my country, Tuvalu. I thank you, Madam President. Tuvalu for God. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of Tuvalu.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/tuvalu","Tuvalu","His Excellency","Feleti Teo","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tv_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TV_EN.mp3" 147,"The Assembly will hear an address by Her Excellency Robodan Nbanja, Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business in Parliament of the Republic of Uganda. I request protocol to escort Her Excellency and invite her to address the Assembly. Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you warm greetings from His Excellency Yowei Rikaguta Museveni, the President of the Republic of Uganda and the people of Uganda. I congratulate His Excellency Mr. Philomon Young, on his election as President of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, and I assure him of Uganda's full support. I commend His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis, former President, to the General Assembly for his stewardship. of the 78th session of the General Assembly, and equally pay tribute to the Secretary General, His Excellency Antonio Guterres, for his commitment to the work of the United Nations. Mr. President, in the face of the current global shocks occasioned by multiple human natural ecological sociological and financial crises we can all agree that the world is not in a good place today the negative consequences of disunity have given rise to conflicts global stability, interstate rivalry, and has worsened the already existing problems of poverty, hunger, and disease in many parts of the world. There is therefore need to recommit ourselves to a common identity of shared humanity in the modern global village. As people of the United Nations. We should live by the charter of the United Nations with a sincere determination to save future generations from the scourge of war. We should fully commit ourselves to upholding the dignity and worth of human person for peaceful coexistence and tolerance regardless of our differences in values, cultures, race, ideologies, and religions without political, military threats or dominion by war. Your Excellencies, we must resolve our political commitment for the full implementation of the globally agreed frameworks for the promotion of social economic development and advancement of all people. In this regard, Your Excellency, urgent action is required to address global inequalities with regard to poverty, hunger, and disease, which continue to affect disproportionately the poorest and most vulnerable. Therefore, this is the time to ask the following questions. Why have we failed to forge stronger international cooperation in response to collective global challenges? The second question is, why is it that, in spite of the multiple global commitments derived through conceptually formulated solutions, decisions, and commitments, do all these remain unimplemented? This year's General Assembly, unlike others, should seek to answer these questions. Mr. President, we are all aware that most conflict drivers begin as unresolved local or regional tensions or problems, which become increasingly complex, sometimes involving multiple actors. Regional conflicts must be addressed comprehensively beyond security with the need for broad and strong political commitments by the regional governments. Uganda believes in the peaceful resolution of conflicts wherever they occur. We are at the forefront of promoting regional peace, security and stability necessary for economic development. In this respect, Uganda encourages international partners to support local and regional-ready initiatives or solutions for building peace and stability as prerequisites for sustained and inclusive economic growth and development in our countries and regions We call on the increased collaboration by the international community to eliminate or reduce the incidence of conflicts caused by factors such as inequality, climate change, pandemics, new technologies, transitional organized crime, and terrorism. Uganda believes that the benefits of this world must be shared with all humanity and detests all forms of exclusion by the relatively few world nations. We reject the increasing competition and confrontation between major powers, which undermines the collective international responses to security, peace, stability and socio-economic development. Your Excellencies, Uganda reiterates its call for the urgent and comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council for Africa to be represented in both permanent and non-permanent categories as a special case in order to address the historical injustice and the urgent imperative to address it and fully supports the common African position on this matter. The African Union Committee of 10 heads of state, under the leadership of the Republic of Sierra Leone, has been pursuing the mandate to promote, advocate, and converse for support of the common African position on the reform of the United Nations Security Council as stipulated in the Azurwini Concessus and the City and City Declaration. The position is that Africa should have two permanent seats with a veto, if others have it, and two additional non-permanent seats on the Security Council. The Committee of Ten since 2005 has been driven with the hope and conviction of Soviet equality in representation and participation in intergovernmental negotiations for the reform of the UN Security Council to make it more responsive to the current circumstances to achieve a future of shared goals for humanity. The core aspiration is for Africa to get representation in United Nations Security Council as equal partners and make a contribution to multilateral systems that should become inclusive, equitable and work for international peace and security of all without paralysis or succumbing to partial interests of major powers. Mr. President, we demand for the right to development as equal members of the international community without any preconditions and politicization for greater human dignity, freedom, and social economic injustice. We call for fair access to means of production, technology, and capital for the social economic transformation of our economies in line with our national legal frameworks and development plans. Uganda believes that the perpetual preservation of poverty and inequalities in developing countries undermines the fundamental human rights, in particular the rights of the marginalized and the poor, and remains a threat to international peace and security, which should no longer be overlooked. Uganda as a chair of non-allied movement will work with countries of the non-allied movement as well as other countries on the intergovernmental processes that shall lead to the adoption of the UN covenant on the right to development. Mr. President, Financing remains one of the greatest challenges that undermine the efforts of developing countries to fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and achievement of its 17 sustainable goals. Morrowing is critical for financing investments in sustainable development. Soviet date is an important tool for financing sustainable development, enabling low-income countries to invest in infrastructure, health, education, and other critical areas. We emphasize that loans to low-income developing countries should be concessional and at zero interest rate. This will enable our countries to finance productive investments, including building infrastructure to improve connectivity, make debt sustainable in the long run, and spur economic growth. which will in turn help to improve domestic tax correction and raise revenues. Uganda, like other developing countries, faces constraints of domestic resource mobilization due to limited tax base. We call for strengthening of the international cooperation in tax matters to ensure that it is effective and inclusive by making multinational corporations pay taxes in the countries of their operations, including collecting revenue generated by e-commerce in cross-border transactions. Mr. President, we fully support the ongoing discussions on adoption of the UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation and call upon all countries to negotiate constructively. We also call for the strengthening of international cooperation in the prevention of and combating illicit financial flows with a view of ensuring that all ERIST funds, all resources, including assets, are returned to their countries of origin. Furthermore, Uganda calls for the urgent reform of the international financial architecture, including the international financial institutions and their rules to ensure equitable representation of developing countries in international economic governance decision-making that affect the trajectory of their national development. Your Excellencies, Uganda identified four key sectors of wealth and job creation in line with its national development plan, and that includes agro-processing, industrialization, services, information and communication technologies, digitalization and skills development to support our social economic transformation. There is no doubt that affordable energy and access to affordable high-quality internet connectivity is vital to characterize their full implementation in order to realize inclusive development outcomes and benefits for our people. We need to strengthen Deeper collaboration with the global south, with the support of our partners in the north, to unlock shared prosperity by building the necessary infrastructure and connectivity to increase productive capacity for rapid growth, economic takeoff, and sustainable development. In this regard, Uganda calls on the international community to support the full implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area. Furthermore, Uganda calls on the international community to support its path to sustainable development. We encourage foreign individuals and companies to invest in the country. We welcome inflows of money technology, knowledge, skills and expertise as major sources of non-debt financial resources for economic development of our country. Your Excellencies, Uganda also calls for collaboration by the international community in medical research. for global health to develop vaccines and treatments to combat diseases like Ebola, COVID-19, monkeypox, and improving health care capability in low income countries, particularly in Africa. Uganda advocates for mutually beneficial trade and investment. We encourage that in pursuing sustainable development, foreign direct investment should be geared to adding value by processing raw materials inside our country where raw materials are produced and export high value products. This will create jobs, generate high incomes, and increase taxable revenues. We call on multinational companies to desist from purchasing raw materials and only selling processed products for consumption in developing countries. We equally call on developed economies and multinational companies that buy raw materials to process them and add value in their countries should take measures to institute policies that allow sharing the profits they generate in the value chain. with the low income raw material producing countries where it is sourced for shared prosperity. Mr. President, climate change remains one of the greatest challenges to the pursuit of sustainable development. Uganda calls on developed countries to provide the necessary financial, technical, as well as capacity building to support developing countries to effectively address climate change. We demand for climate justice, recognizing that richer countries, having historically profited from high emission activities for the development of their economies, and bear a great obligation to lead in mitigating these impacts. Therefore, high-income countries should reduce their emissions and equally support developing countries in their gradual transition to low-emission development pathways without using the environment as a political and economic tool to block or slow down their development. We emphasize that climate finance should be additional to official development assistance. Mr. President, developing countries face great challenges, including the increase in unilateral political, economic, and trade actions, oil policies, and the weakening of multilateralism. which are frequent violations of the principles established in the UN Charter, international law, and the purposes of the United Nations. We consider that it is urgent to stop these actions that threaten the economic and social development of the countries that are subject to them, and consequently prevent them from achieving the sustainable development goals. Uganda retaliates its call to put to an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on these sister nations under sanctions, which is a major impediment to the sustainable development. Uganda also retaliates its firm rejection to the imposition of rules and legislations with extraterritorial impact and all other forms of cohesive measures, including unilateral sanctions against developing countries, and retaliates the urgent need to eliminate them immediately. Mr. President, Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Uganda took over the chairmanship of both the Group of 77 and China and the Non-Allied Movement in January 2024. I take this opportunity on behalf of His Excellency, President Yoel Kaguta Museveni, the President of the Republic of Uganda to thank all member states of the group and the movement for their confidence in ensuring Uganda is in the capacity of chair. We commend the Africa group for endorsing our candidature for the chairmanship of both organizations. This year, I mean this year, 2024, has been a crucial year with various intergovernmental processes at the United Nations on issues that are of paramount importance to both the group and the movement. And these include, in Tahrir, first international conference on the small islands developing states, the third UN Conference on the Landlocked Developing Countries, the Summit of the Future, the preparations for the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development, the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference, I mean COP29, all of which demand that we remain even more united and steadfast in promoting the interests of developing countries. Uganda therefore commends the members of both groups for keeping united in solidarity as we pursue the issues of our common interests. In conclusion, Mr. President, Uganda will continue with this stewardship, working together in solidarity to achieve a revitalized multilateral system which is capable of adequately addressing current and emerging global challenges. We firmly believe that multilateralism remains a fundamental and crucial mechanism for addressing our common challenges, namely accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, scaling up action to address climate change and biodiversity loss, Three, strengthening international tax cooperation. Then four, availing adequate concessional financing for development. And number five, the fight against illicit financial flows and enhancing global collaboration in digital and artificial technologies to maximize the benefit to society and minimize harm among others. I thank you for God and my country. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business in Parliament of the Republic of Uganda. We have heard the last speaker in the general debate for this meeting.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/uganda","Uganda","Her Excellency","Robinah Nabbanja","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ug_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_UG_EN.mp3" 148,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Kasem Majoliwa Majoliwa, Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Your Excellency Philemon Young, President of the 79th Section of the United Nations General Assembly, Excellencies, Head of State and Government, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. President, on behalf of our Excellency Dr. Samia Sulu Hassan, President of the United Public of Tanzania, I stand before this August assembly to deliver a message of hope and peace to the people of the world. In doing so, I wish to convey warm and fraternal greetings from the President and the people of United Papua, Tanzania. Her Excellency, Dr. Samir Sulawesan, President of United Papua, Tanzania, wishes this assembly every success in its sport and demolition. I would also like to join the previous speakers in commending you, Mr. President, for the excellent manner you are steering the work for the Assembly. Tanzania endorses and supports the theme chosen of this session, that is, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. This theme aligns well with the United Nations Charter and builds on the efforts of your predecessor, His Excellency, Francis, whose remarkable leadership is truly appreciated. Tanzania recognizes and thanks the Secretary General for his great work and the important message he shared with us at the opening of this general debate. Mr. President, The participation in the Seventh Ninth General Assembly has been a unique opportunity for us to share perspectives regarding to the pledge and the commitment made for addressing global challenges such as pandemics, extreme poverty, climate change, and the conflicts. I would like to share some of Tanzania's perspectives as follows. Sustainable Development, Tanzania's Path to Inclusive Growth. Mr. President, the Sustainable Development Goals are a beacon of hope in addressing global challenges. Tanzania's journey towards sustainable development reflects that of many nations facing significant challenges for the determined impact of COVID-19 on health and economic systems. Climate change, marked by extreme weather patterns like territorial rain and droughts, has deteriorated health issues and strained infrastructures. We are concerned about the slow pace in attaining these goals, whereas of 2023, only 17% of targets were on track, with over one-third regressing or stalling. Urgent action and global solidarity are needed to overcome barriers such as economic imbalances, climate change, conflict, and gender inequality. Mr. President, our commitment toward the realization of SDGs is a forecast on sustainability economy growth through strategic investment in agriculture, aquaculture, livestock, fisheries, infrastructure development, energy and digital economy. Our goal is to improve food security, reduce poverty, ensure job creation, and drive inclusive economic growth. There are many success stories in Tanzania emanating from this investment, such as the empowerment of youth through the Building Better Tomorrow agriculture initiatives in mainland Tanzania and empowerment of local women in Zanzibar through seaweed farming. On the other hand, Tanzania implements policies to ensure access to quality health care and education for all citizens. including the Universal Health Insurance Act and free basic education. The government also invests in vocational training and SME education to prepare youth for job market and digital economy. Defending human dignity, inclusivity and equality, Mr. President, for decades, Tanzania foreign policy has prioritized respect for human dignity. Addressing this assembly on 4 December 1961, Mwalimu Julius Kambaragi Nyerere, the then Prime Minister of Tanganyika, stated that the basis of our action, internal and external, will be an attempt, a holistic attempt, to honor the dignity of man. Mr. President, Tanzania has maintained this pledge by leading the fight against colonialism and racism In this regard, Tanzania hosted the OAU Liberation Committee, supporting freedom fighters in their struggles for independence. Despite gaining political liberation, many countries still face economic sanction and inhuman condition, which hinders the achievement of genuine development. Thus, we call for realization of right of self-determination of all people under colonial occupation and the fighting and the lifting of economic sanctions imposed against them. This assembly must continue to more broadly call for the lifting of economic sanctions placed against the people of Cuba and other countries too. So to allow the peoples of these countries realize their basic rights, including rights to development. Mr. President, Global humanitarian crisis due to war, conflict, and natural disaster requires unrestricted access to humanitarian aid, fair treatment of victims, accountability to atrocities, and the United Nations commitment to uphold human dignity for a peace world. Tanzania believes that every individual deserves to live in dignity, freedom, and security to reach their full potential. The United Nations must not remain indifferent in these solutions, as doing so would only determine its legitimacy. Mr. President, let me talk about peace and security. Security is indivisible. In the face of global health insecurity, characterized by the pandemic, such as the COVID-19 and current impacts, The saying, no one is safe until everyone is safe, truly gathers meaning. It is imperative that we should invest more in peace, foster unity, and rebuild trust. In this regard, Tanzania welcomes the adoption of General Assembly Resolution 78-312, which proclaimed July 7th as World Kiswahili Language Day. Kiswahili is a language spoken by over 200 million people in all continents of the world. It is an important tool for advancing peace, unity, and cultural diversity. While Tanzania and other Kiswahili-speaking countries looking forward to commemorate this day in 2025 and beyond, we also call on this assembly to explore the possibility of recognizing Kiswahili as an official language of our esteemed organization or as this assembly. Tanzania, East African Community, South African Development Community, and African Union have already led the way to Israeli speaking, and it is again important that we invest more in peace initiatives because there is no development without peace and unity. Your Excellency, Mr. President, in recognition of this requirement, Tanzania has several decades participated in peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and mediation efforts. Tanzania has and continues to contribute towards world peace through its membership in the United Nations Security Council and the African Union Peace and Security Council. This contribution is also evident through its leadership in regional arrangements such as international, Conference on the Great Lakes Region of Africa and currently the Chair of the Organ on Politics, Defense and Security of Southern Africa Development Community. I wish to reassure this August assembly that Tanzania's commitment towards peace will not weaken. Tanzania will continue to diligently dispense the obligations emanating from the culture of the United Nations. Mr. President, let me talk about climate and change. Tanzania, like many other developing countries, is highly valuable to droughts, floods, desuffocation, and effect to sea level rise. It is estimated that the sea level will rise by 41 centimeter by 2080. While the sea level rise cannot be reversed, Tanzania is taking several adoption and mitigation measures including the restoration and the plantation of mangrove, enhancement of coastal infrastructure, and the promotion of ecotourism and aquaculture. It is imperative, therefore, that we must invest more in climate finance to help recover economies already suffering from these effects, and to enhance access to funding for loss and damage in the high-heat countries. Mr. President, About transformation to clean energy, as we prepare for COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, it is worth remembering that globally an estimated 2.4 billion people are still using polluting fuel for cooking. This contributes to health problems, food insecurity, gender inequality, and environmental damage, including millions of premature deaths, limited access to education and employment for women and children, and increased household gas emissions and deforestation. Achieving universal clean cooking access in Africa by 2030 would require an estimated about US$4 billion annually, a small fraction of global energy spending. Mr. President, in response to this alarming situation, Tanzania's championing a clean cooking agenda, which essentially contributed to several SDGs, including Goals No. 7, focusing on ensuring access to affordable and sustainable energy for all, Tanzania will host the African Energy Summit in January 2025, means next year. Co-organized with the World Bank and the African Development Bank, the summit aims to accelerate the implementation of World Bank Group and the African Bank Group commitment to provide electricity access to 300 million people in Africa by 2030. We look forward to working together with all partners to unlock energy potential and to build a brighter, more resilient future for Africa. Mr. President, delivering on democracy, in November this year, Tanzania will hold the local government election, followed by the presidential and the parliamentary election in October next year. As we prepare for this electoral event, I wish to assure this assembly that democracy, human rights, and the rule of law will be upheld in line with President Samir's vision as captured in the four RAs' philosophy, namely reconciliation, resilience, reform, and rebuilding. Since the announcement of four Arab principles in 2021, the government of Tanzania has continued to foster harmony and promote unity across political, religious, and ethnical dividers. In implementation of four Arab, the government has also undertaken several monumental reform that seek to address shortfall within the criminal justice system, allow the effective political process, and enhance the enjoyment of human rights. Mr. President, reforms are crucial for countries and international organizations to stay relevant for greater inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability, especially in multilateral bodies like UN Security Council and the Bretton Woods Institution. Tanzania remains committed to rebuilding its economy and society, focusing on inclusivity and empowering its citizens for a stronger future. Mr. President, when I go to conclude my speech, Tanzania argues all the world leaders to unite against international threats that undermine unity, peace, and human dignity. We are obliged to work together with the goals depleted in the Charter of the United Nations of sparing the succeeded generation from the scourge of war. We must stop war and suffering that causes death and wanton suffering to innocent civilians, including women and children. Let us leverage innovation, adopt inclusive policies, and strengthen international cooperation in accelerating the implementation of SDGs. Together, let us build partnerships that transcend borders, ensuring no one is left behind. Let us undertake the necessary reforms to make our multilateral institutions fit for purpose. Let us rebuild, trust and reconcile our differences. Let us cooperate to build the silence of our institutions and people. We can achieve the future we want if we commit to rebuild and restore what has been damaged by our past actions. As we look to the future, let us handle the commitments made in various international forums. Together, let us embrace this moment with optimism and the shared dedication to inclusivity. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for your attention. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/united-republic-tanzania","United Republic of Tanzania","His Excellency","Kassim Majaliwa Majaliwa","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tz_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TZ_EN.mp3" 149,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Charlotte Tavi Masmas, Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Mr. Secretary General, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the great honour to address this eminent Assembly on behalf of the Government and of the people of the Republic of Vanuatu. Mr. President, I join previous speakers in extending my sincere congratulations to you upon your election as president of the 79th session of the General Assembly. You can count on my delegation's full support and cooperation as you steer the work of this august assembly. I commend your predecessor And I welcome the theme of this session, leaving nobody behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations, because it addresses the global challenges of our time. Mr. President, 79 years after the creation of the United Nations, our efforts to create a better world for current and future generations are quite simply disappointing. It is alarming that after all these years, we continue to be plagued by multiple world crises, undermining the promise of the Charter of the United Nations and failing our peoples, the most vulnerable in particular. Vanuatu welcomes the latest UN Secretary General's report, which highlights the fact that we are significantly falling short of our objectives to achieve the SDGs, prompting the needs to fast-track actions to scale up the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. We risk crossing a dangerous temperature threshold over the next 10 years and that's why Vanuatu requested an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice to give some clarity on the legal obligations of states when it comes to climate change. This is an initiative that was subject to unprecedented global attention. The opinion received by the court as part of this procedure is in our consensus based resolution of last year. providing legal clarity on the obligations and responsibility of states when it comes to the climate. This doesn't seek to blame or stigmatise any particular country, but rather it seeks to shed light on existing international rules and regulations and the obligations of all states when it comes to creating a solid basis for concrete climate action and for climate justice based on responsibility and accountability. I launch an appeal to all of the members of the United Nations, especially other climate vulnerable nations, to participate in these historic hearings which begin on the 2nd of December 2024. Your voices are crucial in ensuring that the Court fully grasps the implications of climate change for the most affected. and will unite us in our shared commitment to justice and human rights as part of a more sustainable future. Mr. President, Vanuatu's economy failed well when we maintained our status as a least developing country. When we graduated, our structural challenges and vulnerabilities remained, while increasing costs continued to soar. We reiterate the need for our development partners to support us in phasing out our LDC-specific support in a gradual and predictable manner. Small island economies also continue to face multiple crises amid tightening financial conditions and rising borrowing costs. This has increased our debt distress risk and undermined our ability to invest in our recoveries. Vanuatu welcomes the outcome of the Summit of the Future, calling for global concerted efforts to reform the global economic and financial architecture to make it fit for the challenges of this century. We call for sweeping reforms of the Bretton Woods institutions to restructure the international monetary and financial system in order to better reflect the evolving global realities and challenges including the establishment of an international sovereign debt workout mechanism to solve current debt crises in developing countries, particularly in the most vulnerable. Vanuatu and other small island economies are struggling with the onslaught of climate-induced disasters. And while we continue to try to build resilience and adapt to climate change, we are moving backwards too often. Vanuatu loses over half of its GDP every time a severe cyclone strikes. We have had five severe cyclones in the past three years. The latest Adaptation Fund report estimates that a current adaptation finance gap of between $194 and $366 billion a year. As a country in the front line of frequent and intensifying climate disasters, Vanuatu calls for a new finance goal. that will accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels, build resilience and realistically address loss and damage. In light of these initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change, Vanuatu also believes it is of crucial importance to prevent the severest harms to our planet's vital and climate-regulating ecosystems before they occur. It is for this reason that we have taken the formal step of proposing an independent crime of ecocide to the International Criminal Court. We thank delegations for their existing support, in particular Fiji and Samoa, for their co-sponsorship of the proposal, and we recognise that there is broad and growing support for this initiative around the world. Mr President, Vanuatu and many Pacific Island states have faced multiple correspondent banking withdrawals restricting financial inflows, including delay in the transfer of international development funds and humanitarian and disaster relief funds, as well as discouraging private sector investment. This is despite genuine efforts to improve and enforce national money laundering and finance for terrorism regulations. Safeguarding uninterrupted access to international financial services is essential for fast cross-border payments, including remittances and export revenues. We welcome the efforts made by the World Bank to help Pacific Island countries address this issue, among others, earlier this month. Mr President, in 2019 Vanuatu presented its first Voluntary National Review, VNR, highlighting a very positive message of progress despite extreme vulnerability to climate-related disasters. The presentation of the second Voluntary National Review this year at the High-Level Political Forum highlighted significant challenges in our pursuit to achieve sustainable development. We continue to endure increasingly frequent and severe tropical cyclones, which were compounded by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there is no clear trajectory or end in sight. Ever looming is the prospect of future disasters. The government and people of Vanuatu have had to continuously adapt and strengthen resilience mechanisms to mitigate the impacts of these persistent threats and disruptions. Mr. President, fulfilling the SDGs is not merely an aspiration, but rather a necessity for us. the 2023 SDG Summit saw the adoption of a strong political declaration and launched a new phase of accelerated action to achieve the SDGs by 2030. In July this year, the convening of the High-Level Political Forum let again serves as a platform to follow up and review the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with an aim to galvanise real transformational change to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. More so, the recent convening of the Summit for the Future aims to rally collective support to deliver faster and smarter on the 2030 Agenda. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It is my hope that the reforms highlighted in the Pact for the Future will enable us to rebuild trust again in the multilateral system. The Pact for the Future requires strong political will to drive transformative actions that will usher in a brighter future for all. Mr President, financing is the fuel for development. Yet, At the very heart of our lack of making real progress in achieving the SDGs lies a lack of financing. We remain at the front lines of a climate emergency that not only threatens our overall sustainable development, but time and again, given the lack of affordable alternatives, we are forced to incur unsustainable levels of debt to finance recovery from natural disasters. The international financial architecture therefore must be reformed to address the urgent challenges of today. Our varying needs must be embedded into the global economic and financial system so that it is more inclusive, fair and responsive to all. This includes developing tailored support and solutions that also facilitate easier access to affordable long-term finance and address the decline in corresponding banking relations. Likewise, there must be a stronger push to enhance the representation and meaning participation of SIDS in the global economic and financial institutions. Mr. President, Vanuatu, like many of our Pacific neighbours, continues to face acute existential health and development threats, including the burden of non-communicable diseases and malnutrition, as well as threats from future pandemics. COVID-19 and severe tropical cyclones expose Vanuatu to its fragile health infrastructure and the need to invest in a health system that can better respond to the needs of its people and to future pandemics that will be resilient to climate change and related natural disasters. We urge the World Health Organization and SIDS partners to work together to enhance access to sustainable financing, to support our efforts to prevent and to control non-communicable diseases, and our efforts to build a health system that is fit for purpose. Mr. President, advancing the agenda of leaving no one behind in the context of the non-self-governing territories means that we must work constructively to complete the work of decolonisation. Recently, the First Peoples of New Caledonia were not content with the manner in which the third referendum for political independence from France was conducted. As a result, riots took place, which led to several deaths and stalling of economic activity. It's essential to recognise the rights of First Peoples to their lands, oceans and culture. I encourage the First People of New Caledonia to work together with France to address their political future. In the meantime, New Caledonia must remain in the decolonisation list. In a similar vein, we call for the right of the First People in West Papua over their customary land and culture to be respected, and I please that they work mutually with the government of Indonesia to address their challenges and to obtain greater autonomy for West Papua for greater participation in decision making. Mr. President, to achieve sustainable development, we need peace. Today, some regions of the world are not able to enjoy sustainable development due to the inability of the United Nations to maintain international peace and security. We call for the urgent reform of the UN Security Council to ensure that it is fit for purpose and able to meet the challenges of our time. We are deeply concerned over the greatest threat to international peace and security posed by the continued existence of nuclear weapons. With the current heightened global geopolitical tensions, we call for a renewed and strengthened effort to come out of the current impasse in achieving nuclear disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation in all of its aspects. We further call for the United Nations Charter to be respected. In today's fractured and polarised world, we need to accelerate our efforts to work together and rebuild trust in the multilateral system, the UN at its centre. The summit of the future offers us hope and now we need to move from rhetoric to real actions on the ground. We need peace for the advancement of sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations. It's essential to act on finance as a driving force for development. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/vanuatu","Vanuatu","His Excellency","Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas","Prime Minister","27 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/vu_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_VU_EN.mp3" 150,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Jehun Aziz Olu Bayramov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I congratulate His Excellency Mr. Philemon Young on assuming the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly and thank the outgoing President, His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis, for his outstanding efforts in leading the previous session. I also thank His Excellency, Mr. Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, for his continuous efforts to achieve the noble objectives of the UN. Ladies and gentlemen, the world continues to grapple with a wide range of challenges that no single country can overcome alone. The worsening global climate crisis, rising inequalities, emerging divides, and heightened tensions affect us all, irrespective of background or location. It is high time to demonstrate that multilateralism works and can deliver with a unified voice, leaving no one behind. The current state of international politics is divisive, with universally accepted fundamental norms and principles of international law being disregarded and misinterpreted. In the face of continued erosion of multilateralism, it is paramount that the United Nations continues to foster international solidarity and cooperation. The UN Charter principles and purposes constitute the foundational normative framework in international relations and must be applied consistently, not selectively. The UN is mandated to ensure that every nation has an equal voice and is treated on the same footing. In this regard, Azerbaijan advocates for a reinvigorated and reformed multilateral system, with the UN at its core, underpinned by strict adherence to and no selective application of the universally accepted norms and principles of international law. Urgent progress is needed on the UN Security Council reforms based on the work done and the gains achieved in good faith and a spirit of flexibility, constructiveness, and cooperation. We view the Pivotal Summit of the future held a week ago as a renew of our common commitment to international law, the UN Charter, multilateralism, and international cooperation. The Pact for the Future, its negotiated outcome, is a blueprint for building a better, more sustainable, and prosperous world for everyone. It is time for our collective commitments to turn into real and decisive action. Ladies and gentlemen, The global climate crisis threatens decades of progress, imperils humanity's future, and disproportional effects on vulnerable countries. Growing divisions in international relations should not distract us from the imperative to address climate change, the greatest transnational challenge of the century. What has been done so far remains insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 Celsius. For the sake of the future, the time has come for urgent, concerted, and sustained efforts to give effect to our commitments to a global vision for sustainable development. In November 2024, Azerbaijan will host the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Guided by the call in solidarity for a green world, Azerbaijan will spare no effort to bridge developed and developing countries and foster a collaborative spirit to tackle climate challenges as a common commitment and moral duty. The confidence placed in us by the international community to host and precise over COP29 this year is a testament and recognition to Azerbaijan's readiness to lead the climate agenda and contribute to global climate action. As the incoming presidency, Azerbaijan reaffirms its commitment to delivering COP29 in a transparent, impartial, inclusive, and party-driven manner. We have presented our vision based on two parallel pillars to enhance ambition and enable action, with climate finance as our top priority this year. These pillars are mutually reinforcing. Progress on each sends a strong signal supporting the other. The primary expectation for the COP29 presidency is an agreement on a fair and ambitious new collective quantified goal on climate finance. This will be the first major climate finance goal after adopting the Paris Agreement, and we have been working tirelessly to support the parties in landing a deal. The COP29 Presidency made it clear that agreeing on a fair and ambitious NCQG that is adequate to the urgency and scale of the problem and takes into account the needs and priorities of developing countries is the ultimate test of the Party's commitment to the Paris Agreement and climate action in the years ahead. We need to continue to work constructively on the NCQG and steer the process to a successful outcome at COP29. COP29 Presidency also works with the parties to deliver an outcome on carbon market this year. Fully functioning carbon markets will be a significant step in implementing nationally determined contributions cost-effectively and bolstering ambition in mitigation. Moreover, we have put forward 14 initiatives covering topics such as the link between climate action and sustainable development goals. green energy zones and corridors, energy storage, harmony for climate resilience, agriculture, clean hydrogen, methane reduction from organic waste, green digital action, and more. One of the initiatives on the COP29 action agenda includes the establishment of the Climate Finance Action Fund, an innovative source for climate finance to be voluntarily supported by fossil fuel producing countries and companies. COP29 will also be an opportunity to set differences aside and contribute to global peace and the climate agenda. Given the intersection of conflicts and the increasingly challenging climate crisis, Azerbaijan introduced a flagship COP29 Truth Initiative embedded in the joint Solon Appeal announced a few days ago. More than thousands of NGOs Faith leaders and prominent personalities, as well as many parties, have already joined this appeal. We call on everyone to transcend political divergences, stand in unity, and respect the truth during the months of COP29. Excellencies, Azerbaijan has always been at the forefront of promoting international peace and security, interreligious and intercultural dialogue, contributing to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and fostering global solidarity and multilateralism. Azerbaijani chairmanship of the non-aligned movement in 2019-2023 has marked by the movement's enhanced role and increased contributions to a collaborative spirit in international relations. Under visionary leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, decisive steps were taken to enhance international solidarity and galvanize collective response to global challenges at a time of erosion of multilateralism. Guided by a noble call to leave no one behind, Azerbaijan continues to lend its support to developing countries in need. Since 2020, we have provided humanitarian, economic, and technical assistance worth $330 million to over 140 nations. Ladies and gentlemen, as we pass the halfway mark of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we observe stagnation in the implementation. With only 17% of SDG targets on track, we need an urgent and accelerated progress. At the national level, we are taking necessary measures to implement the SDGs and setting an example for others to follow. We have fully embraced the SDGs nationally, prioritizing 17 goals, 88 targets, and 119 indicators. This has been achieved through collaborative and inclusive process involving civil society, the business community youth, and other key stakeholders. Azerbaijan's GDP has risen four times in less than two decades span. Poverty has gone down from 49% to 5%. The external public debt is expected to be some 7% of the GDP for 2024, one of the lowest globally. Clean environment and green growth became one of five priority areas of our new national development strategy. In line with this, Azerbaijan is looking into ways of further greenhouse gas emission reduction and working on its 1.5 Celsius aligned NDC. A few months ago, we have joined the 2030 Global Methane Pledge. We will also establish green energy zones and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 in the Garabakh and eastern Zangisur regions. Azerbaijan will continue to play an essential role in global energy security, contributing to sustainable development, eradication of poverty, and helping millions to transition to clean energy in the region and beyond. Share of renewables of the total installed electrical capacity in Azerbaijan will reach 30 percent by 2030. This high target is established primarily to improve energy efficiency and introduce innovative solutions in urban environment, transport system, and industry. The projected increase in renewable electricity production in the coming years will allow Azerbaijan to become an exporter of green electricity to European countries through the landmark trans-regional Black Sea Submarine Cable Project. Mr. President, In the face of increasing challenges, coming together in unity and solidarity and fostering dialogue and mutual understanding is an absolute necessity. With a centuries-long tradition of diversity and multiculturalism, Azerbaijan firmly believes in a dialogue and collaborative spirit, mutual understanding, and respect among different cultures and religions. Azerbaijan put particular focus to the promotion of a culture of peace and encouraging intercultural and interreligious dialogue worldwide, including through the Baku process and Peace for Culture initiatives. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the end of the armed conflict with Armenia and restoration of Azerbaijan's sovereignty and territorial integrity created substantially new environment in the South Caucasus. For the first time since decades, stability has been achieved on the ground. De facto peace is established. By putting an end to military occupation, it is Azerbaijan that created conditions for both parties to eventually turn the page of enmity and embark on good neighborly relations. This process was launched by Azerbaijan in the immediate aftermath of its victory in the 44-day Patriotic War. This offer was made despite unhealed wounds of the conflict still persists today in the form of raising to the ground of dozens of cities and hundreds of towns and villages, destruction and desecration of each and every piece of historical and cultural heritage and barbaric pillage of natural resources. Azerbaijan demonstrated political wisdom and will by offering Armenia peace on equal terms, fully in line with norms and principles of international law on the basis of mutual recognition of and respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Over the past year, Azerbaijan and Armenia have registered significant progress in the normalization process through direct bilateral negotiations, in particular with respect to drafting a bilateral agreement, the limitation and demarcation of state border, as well as elaboration of a set of confidence-building measures. Azerbaijan will continue to take this process forward, acting with a strong sense of responsibility for not only its national security and well-being, but also for ensuring a better future for the entire region. Our commitment and determination remain intact to bring this process to its logical conclusion. For the finalization of the anonymization process, Armenia has yet to legally abandon territorial claims against Azerbaijan once and for all through implementing constitutional amendments. Armenia's negligence with respect to implementation of constitutional amendments combined with dramatic increase in military budget Acquisition of large amount of offensive weaponry from both traditional and new suppliers and attempts to maintain obsolete conflict-driven narratives and structures derails the normalization process. Establishment of peace and good neighborly relations cannot be sustainable and irreversible if recognition of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan remains in legal limbo, is contingent on domestic legal or political scenarios. Partial peace is not an option after so much pain and suffering inflicted by irredentism and territorial claims against neighbors. At this critical moment, Azerbaijan calls for expeditious steps to address remaining impediments for finalization of the normalization process with full sense of responsibility. Along with Armenia's responsibility to honor its international obligations and previously undertaking commitments, it is also incumbent on the entire international community to encourage the sites for the establishment of genuine, sustainable, and irreversible peace. Such a peace should outweigh any dividend that might be expected by manipulating one site against another or building dividing lines between them. Practices that brought devastations in other parts of the globe must be ceased to be projected to the South Caucasus by feeding revanchism. Excellencies, ensuring justice with respect to serious war crimes and crimes against humanity is of vital importance in terms of healing the wounds of the past conflict. While accountability and redress serve to ensure the rights and interests of the victims, they are also key prerequisites on the path to genuine post-conflict normalization and reconciliation. In this regard, it is of paramount importance to shed light to the fate of about 4,000 Azerbaijanis who went missing due to the conflict. Resolving this issue is essential, not only in terms of accountability and the rights of the victims and their families, but also for post-conflict reconciliation and normalization. Around 300,000 Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia continue to be deprived of their ancestral homeland in blatant violation of international law. Despite repeated calls by the Western Azerbaijani community to launch a dialogue and ensure a safe and dignified return to the homeland, the government of Armenia denies them exercising the fundamental right of return enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention relating to the status of refugees, and other important international acts. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Along with interstate process of normalization, Azerbaijan has internally embarked on large-scale post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. These aims at ensuring the right of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis to eventually exercise their violated right to safe and dignified return to their homes. Thanks to the tireless efforts taken by the government, life now returns to the territories that have witnessed unprecedented destruction during military occupation. Regretfully, The massive contamination of territories of Azerbaijan with landmines and other explosive devices remains a significant obstacle to the smooth progress of rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. Since the end of the conflict in 2020, 377 individuals, among them civilians, have fallen victim to landmines. With this in mind, Azerbaijan has introduced a national goal, SDG 18, focusing on mine action. Given the scale of the problem, there is an urgent need for increased international support to strengthen Azerbaijan's humanitarian mine action capacity. Taking this opportunity, I thank all countries and other stakeholders who have generously contributed to humanitarian demining in Azerbaijan and reiterate our call for increased international support and solidarity. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, in conclusion, I wish to reaffirm Azerbaijan's commitment to further contribute to international peace and security through promoting respect for international law and investing in international solidarity and cooperation. We remain to be a strong proponent of combined efforts to overcome challenges and pave the way for a brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come. I thank you. I now give the floor to His Excellency, Amy Brown.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/azerbaijan","Azerbaijan","His Excellency","Jeyhun Aziz oglu Bayramov","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/az_az.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/az_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AZ_EN.mp3" 151,"I now give the floor to His Excellency, Maxim Razenkov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Belarus. Mr. President, distinguished delegates, Colleagues, for 79 years now, our countries have met in this chamber in order to speak their own truth, to exchange best practices, and to support important initiatives. And we do this with the motto of making the world a better place. But is the world becoming a better place? Is it more predictable, safer? Is it more stable? There are some veterans in the room who probably remember the time when the U.N. did have a special role to play. Us less seasoned participants only heard about this or read about this in textbooks. Back then, many years ago, the UN Chamber, the UN Charter, was something unshakable, a true guarantor of compromise, forward-looking solutions. We remember the horrors of World War II. No one wants a repetition of that tragedy. That's why we created a singular instrument for collective dispute settlement and for strengthening the architecture of international cooperation. Indeed, history has shown us that the instrument we came up with is not perfect. Just like we're not perfect. But without a doubt, it's the best we have. And the best we had back then, the best we have now. Not all issues which were decided on equivocally were implemented. And blood continues to spill as a result. For instance, Palestine. What's unfolded there is a true humanitarian catastrophe. and tens of thousands of civilians continue to die. But this does not diminish the achievements of the past century. We shattered the colonial system. Many people finally got the right to develop themselves. New hubs, economic, industrial, and financial, appeared across all continents. Entire regions came out of the shadows of hunger and epidemics. The UN's peacekeeping activities helped to prevent bloody conflicts or to put an end to them. UN Blue could be seen everywhere where development problems were being resolved. But what's happening now? Why did we have to establish a group of friends in defense of the UN Charter? Why today are we compelled to defend this document, the Charter, which should be of overriding legal importance for all of us? Why can we not use the entire UN toolkit to put the world in order? The answer is patently obvious, because a number of countries do not abide by the norms enshrined in the Charter, nor do they want to, because for them, abiding by international law is equivalent to slowly being extinguished. Of course, when they speak from this rostrum, they do recall the Charter, but not universally so, but only to serve their egotistical interests and claims, and often they claim that others are flouting the Charter. Let me remind you, the UN law is universal. It gives everyone equal rights to develop and the rights to various benefits and technologies and resources on a non-discriminatory basis. Is this approach acceptable to the West? Clearly, no. What they're interested on is maintaining their dominance and the prosperity of their elites. In order to achieve this, they're exploiting entire nations and the resources of others, holding the rest of the world back. They're employing that principle, which is as old as the world itself, divide and conquer. It's one of the roots of many of modernity's conflicts. All of the UN's principles are being put at the bottom of the pile in the interests of the vital interests of the US and their closest satellites. But if a state dares to enact their own policy to protect their people, if they try to throw off the yoke of external control over their resources, the West all of a sudden remembers all of these conventions, these paragraphs, and even the tiniest references at the bottom of them. And what's most important, anyone who disagrees with the West will be subjected to illegal sanctions and pressure. This is what's behind all of the so-called colour revolutions. They resulted in suffering and upheaval for ordinary people. That's the way of the West. That's their recipe for a new world. And this recipe is generously seasoned with NATO weapons. Just think about it. Today, roughly 40 countries with a population of 2.5 billion are under illegal, unilateral, restrictive measures imposed by the US and the EU. And many people have been living under such conditions for decades. Whereas peace-loving Cuba has been in this situation for over half a century. This instrument is one that flagrantly violates entire sections of the UN Charter on International Law. It scuppers sustainable development, undermines food and energy security, restricts access to world markets, and violates the rights to the freedom of movement. It also has a boomerang effect on the countries who impose these measures. We're seeing in neighbouring EU countries, people complain about ever higher prices on food prices, energy prices, as well as... concomitant social upheavals. What do we have as a result? From the point of view of the collective West, and here I have some information taken from US sources, 72% of the world's people live in what the West calls autocracies. 20 years ago, this figure stood at 46%, again, according to their data. So has the West managed to force humanity to live according to their templates? Clearly, no. We see a clear trend. Free countries in the global south who do not accept sanctions will see others meddle in their domestic affairs and so-called democratisation will be foisted upon them. They want to develop on the basis of their own social traditions, their vision of the world, to protect their people. And today we have a global majority within which new ideas and new projects are springing up. They're strictly peaceful. They're in the interests of the entire world. global community, and they do not seek to restrict anyone's interests. The Chinese initiative, the Belt and Road Initiative put forward by Xi Jinping, the Initiative on Global Security and Global Civilization, the Russian and Belarusian Initiative of Charter of Multipolarity, and diversity in the 21st century, the Indian Voice of the Global South initiative, and many others. All of these projects are geared toward establishing an entire, a unified international community in which the fate of all of the people of our planet is united, not just the fate of the golden billion. The planet united in all of its diversity. It enriches all of us. This is the way forward. This is the way chosen for the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, for our people. It's underpinned by respect, trust, sincerity, reliance, and responsibility. And in fact, when a new package of illegal sanctions was imposed on Belarus, we responded with openness and transparency, unilaterally waiving visas for EU citizens. Thousands of Europeans, have used this right coming to Belarus, and they were not disappointed. If we place more trust in the UN, most peace-loving initiatives would be born and would grow within the organization, not outside it. At the same time, the world would not be threatened by fragmentation into political and economic blocks. A few words about the conflict of potential of our planet. It might be somewhat unusual what I'm about to say. We're all used to third-rate series and YouTube videos. We're being taught to receive information in this simplistic way, forcing us to forget the truths which many humanists and great authors penned in the past. Therefore, I'd like to cite three Western authors, and I'd like to draw parallels with what's going on right now. A quote from Kings and Cabbages, O. Henry. The little opera booth nations play at government and intrigue until someday a big silent gunboat glides into the offing and warns them not to. An American ship. Next example, Graham Greene, The Quiet American. written not that long ago. A CIA undercover operative working as a staffer at the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam sought to enact terrorist acts so as to achieve a coup d'etat in that state, in Vietnam, and install a government loyal to the U.S. And last but not least, Kurt Vonnegut, roughly 50 years ago, he wrote this, A Man Without a Country. He did not understand why the US and the UK at the very end of World War II, when everything was already over, why they had to carpet bomb Dresden, raising it to the ground and burying in the rubble, under the rubble, roughly, in fact, several hundred thousand people, children, women, and the elderly. We know why they did this, to make them fear the future. And this is very similar to what we're seeing these days, meddling provocations everywhere. However, we now see real American warships, and not just one, but many. This is why we need a strong and impartial universal international organization which can guarantee that a balance is struck in our world in which no one country or group of countries can do as it see fit, sir. imposing its will on the UN to stoke its egotism at the expense of the global majority. A strong organization wouldn't allow transnational capital to benefit the collective West. It wouldn't allow for Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian. And If everyone, like Belarus today, understood what's actually happening in the conflict zone, what risks we're running, well, then we'd want to put an end to this bloody confrontation between these two brotherly nations. Long ago, Ukraine and Russia would be sitting around the negotiating table, not out on the battlefield. There are many timely initiatives, such as the Brazil-China deal, peace plan. And yet without Russia's participation, they won't be successful. A new security architecture in our region is also impossible without Belarus' participation. NATO is bolstering military capabilities at our borders. many times over. Tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of units of military equipment, and we're seriously disquieted by the fact that these games might get out of control, resulting in the conflict spreading throughout the region and throughout the world, which would have catastrophic repercussions for us all. Europe has its share of nuclear weapons. Thus, escalating these tensions is a path straight to World War III. Ten years ago, In Minsk, fruitful agreements were penned so as to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. Today, we continue to propose our efforts as we understand Russians and Ukrainians best of all, and we're doing everything we can to achieve peace in long-suffering Ukraine. We're very much interested in this, more than anyone. And just for your general edification... Since the start of the conflict, over 250,000 Ukrainians crossed the border into Belarus. Over the last few months, 12,000 to 15,000 a year have been entering Belarus. These are official figures. So we're seeing people running away from prosperous Europe. And in fact, these figures are much greater than the number of refugees who have gone to the EU across our border. Shameless efforts are being made to push migrants into Belarus. This is a dirty page in the book of European Democracy. On our border with the EU, soldiers from certain EU countries are beating and torturing refugees from Asia-Africa and the Middle East with impunities. Dozens have died. This has been reported by independent sources. Some have been buried without identification. In fact, the Council of Europe recently condemned such actions and criticized a new Polish law which broadens the legal scope for Polish soldiers using firearms against refugees. This is what so-called enlightened Europe is doing to welcome those fleeing the horrors which resulted from the policies of intervention of the collective West, intervention in the sovereign affairs of other countries. These actions are a flagrant violation of the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees. All of the facts have been recorded and will be sent to the relevant bodies for investigation, although these bodies should have started investigating them of their own accord long ago. That's why we're concerned. We're concerned by how we see the path towards strengthening the UN. First, the UN should throw off the diktat of a number of states. states who are doing as they see fit, feeling themselves to be exceptional. The UN is all of us. Secretariat staff should remember that when they become secretariat staff, they should serve the interests of the organisation as a whole, not of their fellow nationals. They should be objective, impartial and independent. Second, the organisation should support regional processes, because regionalism is a key reality in today's times. We constantly see regional integration bodies going from strength to strength, and this across the world. We're seeing the global majority, regional projects rising, BRICS, SCO, CIS, the Eurasian Economic Union, the African Union, ASEAN, many others. I talked about this earlier. The UN must align itself with these processes, helping them to interlock and develop. Third, Last year, Western countries waged a dirty campaign to prevent Belarus being elected to serve on the Security Council. That's what we saw, that they fear our honest voice being represented on the Security Council. However, we'll continue speaking openly and directly about a whole host of global issues. We'll continue insisting that Security Council reform is enacted, that this reform is fair, because the voice of the Global South on the Security Council, it's our voice. This is why we believe... What's necessary is Security Council reform by including developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. These countries are at the heart of global problems. They know better than anyone else how to resolve wars and conflicts in the developing world. Their weight in global affairs is much greater than it was 80 years ago as well. Fourth, the UN should... adopt a principled stance regarding the unacceptability of unilateral measures. We should expect the organisation to take serious and objective measures to assess the negative impact of sanctions on sustainable development. What's more is the UN's work to counter illicit sanctions should be systematic. a principled objective assessment of all instances of their use needs to be given. Fifth, we need to use the UN as a platform for effectively resolving growing transboundary threats. Belarus has always been in favour of a collective approach to these global problems such as migration, pandemics, natural disasters, human trafficking, the list goes on. Outside this chamber, there is a counter which shows how much is being spent on arms in real time. Trillions of dollars. And that's only the money that the UN knows about. We think the golden billion countries should use these trillions of dollars not to fuel yet more wars and conflicts, but to resolve vital problems. Many global problems would be resolved in a flash. The UN would get the resources to help development, which it currently lacks. It keeps saying that Donors don't have the money. They're not giving them money. And at the same time, those who have self-styled themselves as hegemons will shoulder their responsibility to solve global problems. What's more is the UN should be the voice of states. without this voice being diluted by non-government bodies. After all, member states are the ones taking decisions. They're the ones responsible for the destiny of millions of people on our planet and are responsible for implementing all of their decisions. President, this year is a special year for the Republic of Belarus. Recently, we marked the 80th anniversary of our liberation from the Nazis. This marks the start of a new chapter in our history. history, we stand proud that we created a people-centred state where people are at the core of our national policies. Next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the United Nations. We'll do this together. How will the world approach this milestone? Will it be entangled in disagreements and conflicts? This is why the President of the Republic of Belarus, Mr Lukashenko, put forward the initiative of a global dialogue on security, and it very much dovetails with the proposals put forward by many delegates from this rostrum today. We will continue knocking on the doors of peace and constructive action, the doors of security and development. Starting last year, we began holding an international conference on Eurasian security in Minsk. The goal being to consolidate political, economic and other processes in greater Eurasia for the benefit of our states and people. This year, it will be held on the 31st of October. We invite all of you to attend. We must breathe the spirit of San Francisco into the UN's lungs. After all, that is the spirit that gave life to our organisation. We stand convinced that this is absolutely necessary now. right now. It's necessary to secure the interests of all people on our planet. I thank you for your kind attention. Thank you, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/belarus","Belarus","His Excellency","Maxim Ryzhenkov","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/by_ru.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BY_EN.mp3" 152,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Francis Fonseca, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Belize. Mr. President, the self-determination of a people is sacrosanct. It is because of the exercise of that right to self-determination that each nation enjoys the privilege of sitting in this hall. Our nations exist by the will of our people. by virtue of their right to determine their political status and pursue their economic, cultural, and social development. To borrow words from Nelson Mandela, our people are the real makers of history. Their participation in every decision about the future is the only guarantee of true democracy and freedom. If we look at the challenges that our people confront today, we must ask whether that sacrosanct principle of self-determination is in fact secure. Belize is a member of the Alliance of Small Island States, EOSIS, one of 39 countries that have been on the front lines of the climate crisis. The genesis of this crisis lies with the industrialized nations. Its perpetuation and acceleration rests with the wider membership of the Group of 20, Currently, the G20 accounts for some 80% of global emissions. EOSIS members contribute less than 1% of global emissions. This is a tale of two worlds, but we only have one planet to share. The extent to which G20 economies are advancing and contributing to global economic output and world trade is impressive and promising for their people. It is important that their growth should be calibrated to a world where SIDS also have a secure future. This is still possible, but it is urgent. As SIDS, our people's livelihoods have long depended on traditional sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, and tourism, which are climate sensitive. Opportunities for diversification have been limited given our size, population, and location. Climate change is forcing us to break with tradition and to transition despite the limited options to do so. Each step forward is met with yet another hurdle to overcome, and with increasing probability, we face the likelihood of setbacks as climate change impacts worsen. The costs are multiplying, fiscal space is shrinking, and the opportunities to equitably share in global prosperity are diminishing. The right of SIDS to define their own future must be protected and secured. The severe impacts of sea level rise have irreversible consequences for SIDS. Our people have gone beyond their duty to protect and preserve our environment, yet some are being forced to relocate from their homelands. To this, we reiterate that no matter the physical changes that climate change may bring to our territory, our sovereignty and our right to self-determination remain intact. Mr. President, the perpetual suffering of a people can never just be a matter of national concern. The United Nations rose up from the ashes of war to restore faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women, and of nations large or small. and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. All members of the United Nations have a duty to give effect to these words. Conflicts should not be allowed to fester. The war in Ukraine is now two years running and we are concerned that the end is still not near. Haiti has seized our attention once again. For Belize, the international response must be enduring for long-lasting peace and security of our sister country. We are working through the Caribbean community to reinforce and strengthen Haiti, and we commend the Haitian people in their resolve to define their own pathway forward. We are pleased to be contributing personnel to the multi-national security support mission. Belize is extremely worried that up to now the international community has not fully delivered on its commitments for the MSS nor the UN humanitarian needs and response plan for Haiti. This jeopardizes all the efforts towards establishing political stability, but more than that, puts the future of Haiti at substantial risk. Mr. President, Cuba should no longer be subject to an unjust and illegal economic embargo imposed by the United States. It is imperative that Cuba be removed from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. This arbitrary and unilateral designation has created an unnecessary barrier to global cooperation, constructive engagement, and the promotion of peace and stability in our region. Mr. President, Belize rejects the continued denial of self-determination of the Palestinian people and calls for the eradication of the system of colonial domination and apartheid being imposed upon them. As Belize stated to the International Court of Justice in the recent advisory opinion, Israel cannot be permitted to continue flouting one of the most fundamental principles of international law with impunity. Impunity breeds inhumanity. Just two weeks ago, this assembly approved a resolution proposed by Palestine affirming the ICJ's advisory opinion and called on members to act to reinforce the Palestinian people's right to self-determination. The war, the oppression, and the inhumanity must end. Mr. President, Taiwan is a nation that espouses democracy, development, and innovation. The challenges we are tackling as an international community requires Taiwan's full inclusion and participation in the international system. Belize calls for this to be done immediately. The people of Western Sahara should be granted their long overdue referendum to decide their own future. Belize continues its repeated call for the United Nations and the international community to take the necessary steps to allow the Sahrawi people to finally exercise their right to self-determination. Mr. President, I submit to you and this assembly that the foundation of leaving no one behind requires that we actively promote and protect the right of self-determination in its most basic form, in the context of peace and security. Now we must also do so in the context of sustainable development. We have adopted a rescue plan to steer the SDGs back on course. We have a pact for the future. We must use every opportunity to put in place the systems and financing necessary to turbocharge our sustainable development and climate goals. In this effort, we must ensure equal opportunity for all to share in global prosperity. We must raise collective ambition and invest in all our people to empower them to rise. Mr. President, the Declaration on Sea Level Rise and Statehood, adopted by the leaders of the Alliance of Small Island States on 23 September, affirms that the sovereignty or statehood of small island developing states cannot be challenged under any circumstances of climate change-related sea level rise. We invite all UN member states to support the implementation of this declaration and to use it as the basis of international cooperation. To further guarantee that SIDS will be spared the gravest climate threats, global warming must be limited to well below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Belize urges the G20 to enhance their emission reduction targets to achieve this temperature limit. For SIDS, adaptation is imperative, and loss and damage associated with climate change is inevitable. The new climate finance goal to be decided in Baku must contain specific recommendations for minimum allocation to SIDS in relation to grant-based and concessional finance for adaptation and grants for loss and damage. It must also give effect to the provisions of the Paris Agreement, which require enhanced access for SIDS and LDCs to climate finance. Finally, it must support the urgent capitalization of the Fund for responding to loss and damage. Mr. President, with the adoption of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, The UN must now ensure its implementation. SIDS must be at the table in global, economic, and international financial institutions. The Multidimensional Vulnerability Index should be incorporated into existing practices and policies for debt sustainability and development support to expand SIDS access to effective development finance. Mr. President, Belize is moving ahead. We are on a transformative development trajectory. We have dramatically improved our credit profile through the Belize Blue Bond project, a debt for marine conservation swap. We are reforming and modernizing our legislative and policy frameworks for investments and activating our orange and blue economies, including beyond our national jurisdiction. In partnership with the United States of America, we have signed a five-year U.S. $125 million grant agreement with the Millennium Challenge Corporation, intended to help reduce poverty in Belize by addressing the country's energy and education sectors. We are making targeted investments to ensure that every child has access to quality education and opportunities. One key example is the Belize Education Upliftment Project, Together We Rise, which provides half of Belizean secondary school students with the resources they need to succeed, including free tuition, uniforms, school supplies, and healthy meals. Belize has extended the compulsory school age to 16 years to improve school retention rates and increase the likelihood of transitioning to higher education. We are working tirelessly to expand vocational training, digital access, and life skills development, ensuring that young people are prepared for the evolving job market and capable of driving innovation in sectors such as agriculture, climate change, and technology. We are aggressively closing the digital divide as technology holds the promise of progress. But we depend on multilateral efforts to ensure that all nations, regardless of size or wealth, have the infrastructure and capacity to participate in the digital economy. Education and capacity building alone are not enough. Addressing inequalities and fostering inclusion are equally critical to achieving lasting change. The achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is central to this effort. Belize has made important progress in this area, marked by the recent launch of its revised National Gender Policy 2024-2030. which aims to end discrimination and violence against women while promoting their full participation in all aspects of society, social, economic, and political. Belize continues its work to ensure that every Belizean has access to high-quality, affordable, and efficient health care services. By January 2025, we will achieve full national health insurance coverage. We are also strengthening our mental health support systems with the goal of improving and expanding access to quality care, addressing the stigma surrounding mental health, and enhancing outreach programs, particularly in rural and underserved areas. Mr. President, Belize is committed to the final settlement of Guatemala's territorial, insular, and maritime claim. We welcome Guatemala's stated commitment to respecting and abiding by the ruling of the International Court of Justice. At the political level, we are actively engaged with Guatemala to strengthen our bilateral relationship. A definitive solution will bring greater opportunities for both of our nations in the areas of trade, investment, and cooperation. Mr. President, Belize reaffirms its commitment to the United Nations as the central platform for coordinated global action. But its decision-making processes need to be more inclusive, more responsive, and representative. Its institutions cannot be held back by the world as it was 80 years ago. Reform is urgent and necessary to reflect the world as it is. Mr. President, The youth of today have given us a clear, undeniable mandate. They demand action, accountability, and a future where they are heard, seen, and respected. We ignore them at our own peril. We must not fail them. It is our responsibility to heed their calls for change. We must deliver on our commitments and build a world that present and future generations deserve. I thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Belize.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/belize","Belize","His Excellency","Francis Fonseca","Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bz_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BZ_EN.mp3" 153,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Uleshagun Ajadi Bakary, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Benin. Minister Bakary Uleshagun Ajadi Bakary, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Benin. Minister Bakary Uleshagun Ajadi Bakary, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Benin. Minister Bakary Uleshagun Ajadi Bakary, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Benin. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, heads of state and government, and heads of delegations, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honour for me to speak to you today from this iconic rostrum of the United Nations on behalf of His Excellency President Patrice Talon, President of the Republic of Benin. I would like, at the outset, to reaffirm the unwavering commitment of the Benin people to democracy, to political stability and to the principle of the peaceful transfer of power. Since the historic national conference involving all stakeholders in February 1990, Benin has chosen the path of democracy. Under the successive leadership of our successive presidents and President Patrice Talon, we have been able to preserve and strengthen our institutions. Our defence and security forces, courageously and upholding the values of our republic, continue to protect our territory and our institutions each day. Any attempt at destabilisation, be they from within or without, will be overcome. Our journey towards development is now irreversible. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, today the world is confronted with growing tensions and uncertainty becomes an everyday feature of our times. Each day we can see an increase in polarisation with crises that undermine social cohesion everywhere and mortgage off the future of our humanity, be this in the Sahel, in Sudan, in Ukraine, in the South China Sea or in the Middle East. Conflicts which crop up undermine peace and global stability. These tensions bring but suffering and despair, causing waves of poverty that affect the most fragile economies and exacerbate people's vulnerability. Although Africa is often far from the source of these crises, it nonetheless remains deeply affected by them. The Sahel region in particular is today the theatre of increasing tensions, exacerbated by tensions taken without the consent of African countries. This instability seriously compromises our sustainable development. Even more worrisome, some external forces are seeking to bring in their geopolitical rivalries into our region. Benin firmly condemns all attempts to make the Sahel into a new epicenter of geopolitical struggle. This type of interference provides fertile ground for terrorism. Terrorism is an abomination that we unreservedly condemn, be this in Africa or elsewhere. Terrorism is unacceptable. No cause can justify terror, suffering, and the destruction that it causes. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to African unity. more particularly in our region, West Africa, we have the historic responsibility to preserve these centuries-old fraternal ties that link our people. Benin is ready, ready to play its role in this fight against terrorism and in favour of development. Our unity of action is crucial, irrespective of which organisations we decide to belong to. This is also an opportunity for us to reaffirm our commitment to nonviolence. And it's because of this attachment and commitment to nonviolence that we condemn the war in Ukraine. It is because of this commitment to non-violence that we have condemned the terrorist attacks of the 7th of October and also the escalating violence that ensued in the Middle East. And in the same way, we condemn all forms of violence that each day plunge into mourning our people. Brother and sister countries in the Sahel, we call on the international community to step up efforts to bring stability through dialogue, be this in the Middle East, where the two-state solution is the only viable option, or in Ukraine, in the Great Lakes region, in Sudan, in Libya, or in our sisterly Republic of Haiti. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, despite these hotbeds of tension, we must never lose sight of another major challenge that threatens the future of our world, poverty in all its forms. Five years from the deadline of 2030, it is painfully clear that we will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. but we must not give up the fight. The fight against poverty is one of the major challenges of our time. Without this, there will be neither real peace or lasting stability. Africa, ladies and gentlemen, is the future of the world. In just a few decades, our continent will will be home to a quarter of humanity are young people who are incredibly creative. and our natural resources are an indispensable asset for the future of our planet. But for this potential to be truly tapped into, we need to eradicate poverty in our continent. There is an urgent need to act, because each year of delay compromises this future. In 25 years, when our country is where our countries, for the most part, will be at least 100 years old, will we still have to discuss access to drinking water, to electricity, to healthcare and education? Or will we finally have turned the page which will enable each African to live in dignity? These are the essential questions that we need to respond to. The time for action is now. Since 2016, Benin has opted for progress under the leadership of President Patrice Talon. We have taken our destiny into our own hands. We've initiated major reforms, be this in the area of education, healthcare, or infrastructure. Today, we are focused on transformation and development. It's important for the world to recognize the efforts of African nations just like mine, just like Benin, who are striving for the future and who are taking their future into their own hands. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, for Africa truly to take off, it should reconcile itself with its own history and its real inner identity. Just like it's impossible to understand Europe without taking into consideration the influence of the Christian church, and just like it's impossible to understand the Middle East without striving to understand Islam, it's also impossible to grasp the essence of Africa without fully embracing its beliefs, its traditions, and its civilization. This is a spirit that guided Benin, which is the motherland of the Vodun culture, that Benin took the initiative to correct negative perceptions of this culture, of our culture. We want to show the world the great richness and wealth of our civilization by Understanding and respecting our history, our beliefs and our culture, the world will be able to understand who we are and why Africa is crucial for global balance and development. However, respect for Africa does not just stop at recognising its past. It also involves modern pan-Africanism focused on action. Pan-Africanism engaged in poverty reduction in building a prosperous continent. A pan-Africanism that goes over and beyond words and moves into action. This pan-Africanism must be reflected by specific action. How can we promote African unity when it's easier for a European to travel throughout Africa than it is for an African, him or herself, to do so? Benin has made a bold, courageous pan-African choice by abolishing visas for all African citizens. This gesture is not simply symbolic. It also reflects our revolve to build an Africa where each African can feel at home throughout the entire continent. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, more than ever, the respect for Africa involves Recognising and acknowledging its children dispersed through the world, our brothers and sisters of the diaspora uprooted by force during the dark days of the transatlantic slave trade must find their place once again within the African community. It is high time to heal these wounds. to rebuild this sacred link with those who, albeit physically far away, carry Africa in their hearts. People of African descent are not just distant relatives of our family. They are our children. They are our brothers. They are our sisters. They incarnate an essential essence of our collective identity. By recognising their right to return, we say to them, you have never ceased belonging to this land. Africa is your home and we are waiting for you with open arms. 2024 marks the end of the first international decade of people of African descent. On this occasion, Benin has taken a historic measure by adopting unanimously at the National Assembly a law which grants the Benin nationality to all persons of African descent who so wish. This is more than just a simple symbolic gesture. It is an invitation to a... joint future, a vibrant call for unity and for solidarity. Together, Africans and people of African descent from the continent and the diaspora, we will meet the challenges of tomorrow. Together, we will build a strong, prosperous and respected Africa. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, Benin is ready. ready to pave the way for a unified Africa, dynamic and open to the world, an Africa which takes itself into its own hands. engaged in addressing its own future. The century of Africa is within reach. It depends on our ability to seize this opportunity to build an Africa where each citizen, be he or she born on the continent or not, or part of the diaspora, plays a key role in our common rebirth. We stand ready. Thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Benin.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/benin","Benin","His Excellency","Olushegun Adjadi Bakari","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bj_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BJ_EN.mp3" 154,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Chenda Sovia Sok, Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia. Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, your chosen theme, leaving no one behind, Acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generation mirrors the prevailing aspiration of the international community despite intractable security threats and challenges, as well as uncertainty and continuously evolving geopolitical landscape. The current picture of the world is grim. Violent armed conflict in Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Sudan, Myanmar, and many other parts of the world raged on despite efforts to de-escalate them. Worse, with intensifying geopolitical tensions, any misstep in various flashpoints may trigger original or even global war, potentially involving nuclear weapons. Military spending has surged across the world, draining resources that could be used to address multiplying non-traditional threats, threats that no single country can effectively tackle alone, such as climate change, pandemics, food insecurity, technological disruption, transnational crime, and backsliding on SDGs. Mr. President, distinguished delegates, Cambodia cannot emphasize enough the urgency for all of us to act together to confront these daunting challenges. It is critical that the principles of the UN Charter and international law remain the backbone of the world order and global cooperation. The use of diplomacy and mediation must be prioritized to resolve conflict and prevent day escalation. Cambodia believes that sustainable peace can be achieved only through meaningful dialogue based on mutual respect, genuine goodwill, tolerance, and a commitment to peaceful coexistence. Based on these core principles, Cambodia sees great merit in the new agenda for peace presented by the UN Secretary General and supports the actions laid out in the pact for the future for promoting international peace and security. Also based on these principles, Cambodia hopes for a prompt and to the war between Russia and Ukraine through diplomacy and dialogue based on equal respect. We commend all efforts to de-escalate the fighting and all initiatives that seek to end the war through peaceful means and that engage all sides to work together towards a lasting peace. On the Palestine-Israel conflict, Cambodia remains committed to its long-held support for a two-state solution in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions. We believe this plan is the only way Palestinians and Israelis can heal their prolonged antagonism and live side by side peacefully. Cambodia supports the establishment of the State of Palestine and Palestine's bid to become a full member of the United Nations. Cambodia condemned all acts of terrorism and called for dialogue to stop the ongoing war and the ever-worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We are deeply concerned over the prospect of an all-out region-wide war in the Middle East with the latest report on intensifying fighting in Lebanon. The current rapid escalation of war in this region must stop. Members of the international community must insist on all sides to work proactively to seek ways to defuse the very grave situation now. The crisis in Myanmar remains a serious concern to us. Cambodia, along with other ASEAN member states, is committed to the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus as the basis for peaceful and inclusive solutions. We stress the importance of fostering an environment conducive to dialogue and to ceasefire negotiations. We also emphasize the need for humanitarian relief and for a Myanmar-owned and Myanmar-led political process aimed at lasting peace and reconciliation. ASEAN, on the strength of its diversity, should continue to lead the effort to help Myanmar restore normalcy. and the Laos Germanship. On the other hand, Cambodia welcomes the appointment of UN Secretary-General on Myanmar and looks forward to her working closely with the ASEAN Chair-Owned Special Envoy on Myanmar. A final point. Cambodia opposes unilateral coercive measures. They have a detrimental impact on ordinary citizens in targeted nations. Sanctions and economic blockades disproportionately harm the most vulnerable and impede achievement of these sustainable development goals. Mr. President, distinguished delegates, let me touch now on leaving no one behind. Given Cambodia's own dark past, we believe that peace is a key prerequisite for development, especially development that is sustainable and inclusive. Cambodia sees the attainment of sustainable development and human dignity for every individual as an absolute necessity. Cambodia's current long-term development strategy, called the Pentagon Strategy, aims to build Cambodia into a vibrant and just society that thrives on lasting peace, political stability, good governance, and respect for the rule of law. With economic growth project to reach 6% in 2024, Cambodia is on track to further reduce poverty to below 10% by 2028. It is also on track again to gain upper middle income status by 2030 and high income status by 2050. How do we get there? First, Cambodia will give top priority to building its human capital to meet the demand of the digital age. We will invest more on first, quality education, science, and technology. Second, training and technical skill. Third, health and well-being. And fourth, food security and equal social protection with special attention to women, girls, and the marginalized. Second, we will deepen economic diversification by developing key sectors such as transportation and energy, and we will promote new drivers for economic growth and job creation. The construction of the Funan-Dek Chu Canal, inaugurated last month, will connect our capital Phnom Penh to the Gulf of Thailand. It will be a game changer for sustainable growth in Cambodia and for improving the livelihood of our people. Third, to enhance efficiency, inclusion, and access to public services, Cambodia will accelerate the development of e-government and of a digital economy and society. I am happy to note our significant investment in financial inclusion with the introduction of an interoperable digital payment system by the central bank using blockchain technology called Bakong. Fourth, we take a whole-of-society approach that seeks to enhance resilience, sustainability, and inclusion by promoting gender equality, a green and circular economy, and environmental protection. After years on the list Of the least developed countries, Cambodia looks forward to its expected graduation by LDC status by 2029. Reaching these milestones will reflect our impressive progress on our journey of revival and development. Mr. President, distinguished delegates, Cambodia values multilateralism, the rule-based international order, the principle enshrined in the UN Charter and international law. These are indispensable for consensus building and mobilizing concerted actions. And we worry that confidence in the fairness and effectiveness of multilateralism is eroding. Conflicts are multiplying. Geopolitical competition is intensifying. Adherence to international regimes is declining on many fronts. armed control, trade, the environment, human rights. In this time that member states reaffirm, it is time that member states reaffirm their commitment to the global system and rebuild trust in it. The United Nations, with its unparalleled convening power, has long been the driving force in addressing global challenges and promoting cooperation among states. But unprecedented challenges today are testing the limits of this esteemed body. We urgently need to revitalize the UN and make it more robust and more proactive. Cambodia fully supports the Secretary-General's reform agenda, including the intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform. The UN Security Council needs to be tailored to the 21st century and to be effective for today's task. Its composition must be more fairly representative. As the Secretary General has rightly stated, we can create a future fit for our grandchildren with systems built for our grandparents. Cambodia also fully supports the Secretary General's call for bold climate actions. To achieve net zero emissions by 2050, as it has pledged it would do, Cambodia has launched many measures, including raising the current 62 renewable energy share to at least 70% by 2030 by promoting reforestation and by providing incentive to green investment projects. Cambodia is actively participate in global climate negotiation and it's look forward to the upcoming COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Cambodia also fully supports the work of the High-Level Political Forum on SDGs held in July under ECOSOC. We welcome the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration on SDGs. We reaffirm our commitment to the 2030 Agenda. We endorse an effort to bridge the SDG financial gap, reform the global financial system, and strengthen multilateral governance. As all of us together look to the future, it should seem evident that no nation can achieve these ambitious goals alone. Global challenges demand global solutions. Cambodia is committed to strengthening international cooperation, sharing knowledge and best practices, and working collaboratively with our global partners by acting together All of us here can create a world where peace, sustainable development, and human dignity are a reality for all our peoples. Cambodia commends the success of the Summit of the Future and reaffirms our steadfast commitment to the letter and the spirit of the Pact for the Future, to international peace and security, to turbocharging SDGs, to modernizing multilateral institutions. Mr. President, distinguished delegates, Cambodia is proud to play a significant role in global peacekeeping. Since 2006, we have sent over 9,000 of our people to serve in 11 UN missions, including over 800 women. We are honored to present our candidacy for membership in the Organizational Committee for the Peacebuilding Commission for 2025-2026. We seek your support for our bid. Cambodia supports relevant adjustments and reforms to increase the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations and promotes the Agenda for Women, peace and security, and use peace and security. Cambodia is also honored to hosting the fifth review conference of the Mine Ban Convention, also known as the Otava Convention, in November in Siem Reap. This landmark event will serve as a platform for renewed global solidarity in the pursuit of a world free from the scourge of anti-personal mine. We extend a warm invitation to all member states to join us for this important gathering. To conclude, Cambodia reaffirms its steadfast commitment to working hand-in-hand with the UN and all member states to advance the noble goals of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity. Cambodia stands ready to contribute our unique experience, resources, and unwavering determination to this endeavor. For Cambodia, sustainable and inclusive development means no one and no place is left behind. I thank you for your kind attention. I thank the Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/cambodia","Cambodia","His Excellency","Chenda Sophea Sok","Deputy Prime Minister","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kh_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KH_EN.mp3" 155,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Wang Yi, Special Representative of President Xi Jinping, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister for Foreign Affairs of China. Mr. President, colleagues, today, humanity has once again come to a historical crossroads. We are facing a changing and turbulent world. Challenges of insecurity, imbalanced development, and ineffective governance are increasingly prominent. Hotspot conflicts, major country confrontation and geopolitical tensions keep emerging. The future of this planet is becoming a cause for growing concern. Meanwhile, we are also embracing a world full of hope. Multipolarity and globalization have become the unstoppable trend of our times. the aspirations of the Global South nations for modernization has never been stronger. Our stride toward modernization has never been more steadfast. This institution, the United Nations embodies the aspirations of people across the world for lasting peace and common prosperity and bears witness to the glorious journey of the international community coming together in pursuit of progress. President Xi Jinping stressed on multiple occasions that the role of the UN should be strengthened, not weakened. Amid global transformation not seen in a century, What China calls for is to follow the trend of the times, keep to the direction of human progress, and make the right choices of history. What China proposes is to uphold peaceful coexistence and put in place a security architecture that ensures enduring stability, uphold openness and inclusiveness, and foster a development paradigm that promotes shared prosperity. uphold harmony without uniformity, and adopt an approach to civilizations that promotes exchange and mutual learning, and adopt fairness and justice and develop a governance structure that pulls strength for shared benefit. In today's world, the security of all countries is tied together. In face of various kinds of global challenges and risks, no one can stay immune or enjoy security alone. Thank you very much. and work for a new type of international relations characterized by mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation. In today's world, the development of all countries is deeply integrated. If the rich get richer while the poor remain poor, then everyone is born equal would become an empty slogan, and fairness and justice would be even more elusive. Achieving modernization is a legitimate right of the people of all countries, not a prerogative of a few. We should be committed to advancing global modernization and ensure that no one and no country is left behind on the journey toward modernization. We should advocate a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, unequivocally oppose unilateralism and protectionism, and help developing countries leap over the development divide to maintain the vitality of global economic growth. In today's world, each civilization has its own strengths. President Xi Jinping pointed out that there is no such thing as a superior or inferior civilization, and civilizations are different only in identity and location. We should respect the diversity of civilizations and strive to replace estrangement and clash of civilizations with exchanges and mutual learning. We should advocate humanity's common values, namely peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, refrain from conducting values-oriented diplomacy, and oppose ideology-based confrontation. We should respect each other as equals and help each other succeed with an inclusive mind. In today's world, countries should all enjoy sovereign equality. As a large number of global South nations are growing with a strong momentum, gone are the days when one or two major powers call the shots on everything. We should advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world, and see that all countries, regardless of their size, have their own place and role in the multipolar system. We should practice true multilateralism, oppose hegemonism and power politics, and make international relations more democratic. We should follow the principle of extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefits, and make global governance more just and equitable. Mr. President, peace is the most precious thing in our world today. You may wonder if there is a path leading to peace. In fact, peace is the path. Without peace, development will not sustain. Without peace, cooperation cannot happen. For the sake of peace, a single ray of hope is reason enough not to give up. The slightest chance deserves a hundredfold effort. An end to the Ukraine crisis remains elusive. The top priority is to commit to no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting, and no provocation by any party, and push for de-escalation of the situation as soon as possible. China is committed to playing a constructive role, engaging in shuttle mediation, and promoting talks for peace not throwing oil on the fire or exploiting the situation for selfish gains at this session of the general assembly china brazil and other countries in the global south have jointly launched the group of friends for peace Its very purpose is to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, build consensus for a political settlement of the crisis, and contribute to a prospect of peace. The question of Palestine is the biggest wound to human conscience. As we speak, the conflict in Gaza is still going on, causing more casualties with each passing day. Fighting has started in Lebanon again, but might cannot replace justice. Palestine's long-held aspiration to establish an independent state should not be shunned anymore, and the historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people should not be ignored anymore. There must not be any delay in reaching a comprehensive ceasefire, and the fundamental way out lies in the two-state solution. China has always been a staunch supporter of the just cause of the Palestinian people to regain their legitimate national rights and a staunch supporter of Palestine's full UN membership. We have recently helped to bring about breakthroughs in intra-Palestine reconciliation and will continue to work in concert with like-minded countries for a comprehensive and just settlement of the question of Palestine and durable peace and stability in the Middle East. The issue of Afghanistan concerns regional peace and security. It is important to help the country exercise prudent governance, fight terrorism effectively, improve people's life, and reinvigorate the economy to create a better life or future for the people of Palestine. of afghanistan the korean peninsula should not experience war again the important thing is to make persistent efforts for de-escalation commit to seeking solutions through dialogue and consultation realize a transition from the armistice to a peace mechanism and safeguard peace and stability on the peninsula China is deeply aware that Asia needs stability and development and opposes division and conflict. As an important origin of human civilization and a key engine of global growth, Asia has the wisdom and capability to stabilize the situation through regional cooperation and handle differences properly through dialogue and consultation. We are firmly against the meddling by countries outside the region. and will firmly resist attempts by any force to stoke trouble and confrontation in the region. Mr. President, as the world faces increasingly serious challenges, China has never opted to be an indifferent spectator. Instead, we've been playing a bigger part in global governance than ever before. President Xi Jinping has put forth the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative in recent years. They carry China's wisdom for resolving various difficult issues confronting humanity and bring impetus from China for improving global governance. In the face of uneven and inadequate global development, China's proposal is to put development at the top of the global agenda, focus on delivering the sustainable development goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, increase input in development, and help developing countries better respond to different risks and challenges. At the recent Beijing summit of the FOCAC on China-Africa cooperation, President Xi Jinping outlined 10 partnership actions to be taken together with Africa to advance modernization and announced the decision to give over 40 LDCs, including those in Africa, zero tariff treatment for 100% tariff lines. China is the first major developing country and the first major economy to take such a significant step. In the face of unilateral bullying acts such as sanctions and blockade, China firmly supports countries in defending their legitimate rights, upholding the equity and openness of the international system, making global development more coordinated and beneficial for all, and jointly opposing technology blockade and rejecting decoupling or severing supply chains. Sanctions and pressure will not bring monopolistic advantages. Suppressing and containing others will not solve problems at home. The right of people of all countries to pursue a better life should not be taken away. Here, we once again urge the United States to completely lift its blockade, sanctions and terrorism-related designation against Cuba. In the face of aggravating ecological challenges, China is firmly committed to a path of green, low-carbon and sustainable development. We will move from carbon peaking to carbon neutrality in the shortest time span in world history, contributing China's efforts to harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. At the global level, the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities must be upheld and the Paris Agreement must be implemented in earnest. Developed countries should assist developing countries in developing their capacity to cope with climate change. Touting the need of climate response while suppressing the green industries of others will only hold back global progress toward green transition. In the face of burgeoning artificial intelligence, China is committed to taking a people-centered approach, developing AI for good, and putting equal emphasis on development and security. We are working to explore and establish widely recognized international rules and standards. China supports the UN's role as the main channel for global AI governance and is committed to strengthening international cooperation on AI capacity building. China has put forth the AI Capacity Building Action Plan for good and for all, and we are ready to make more contribution to the sound, orderly, fair, and inclusive development of AI. In the face of the task of human rights protection, China maintains that all countries' right to independently choose their path of human rights development should be respected. No country should impose its own will on others. or interfere in others' internal affairs in the name of human rights. In human rights protection, China is committed to putting people first and promoting the free and well-rounded development of the people. We have found a path of human rights development that suits China's national conditions. China is ready to engage in equal-footed dialogue and exchanges with all countries and UN human rights bodies and jointly promote the sound development of the global human rights cause. Mr. President, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. This is the history and the reality. both the cairo declaration and the posthum proclamation stated in explicit terms that all the territories japan had stolen from the chinese such as taiwan and the penghu islands shall be restored to china and this constitutes an important part of the post-war international order right here in this august hall fifty-three years ago the twenty-sixth session of the un general assembly adopted resolution two seven five eight with an overwhelming majority deciding to restore all the rights of the people's republic of china at the un to recognize the representatives of the government of the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China to the UN, and to expel the representatives of the Taiwan region from the UN and all the organizations related to it. Once and for all, the resolution resolved the issue of the representation of the whole of China, including Taiwan, in the UN. It made clear that there is no such thing as two Chinas, or one China, one Taiwan. On this matter of principle, there is no gray zone or room for ambiguity. the complete reunification of China will be achieved. Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland. This is the overwhelming trend of history that no one and no force can stop. Mr. President, in a few days' time, the People's Republic of China will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its founding. Over the past 75 years, no matter how the world changes, China's dedication has not changed. It is dedicated to pursuing happiness for the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is also dedicated to human progress and world harmony. In the course of seeking its own development, China has kept in mind the common interests of the whole world, generating new opportunities for the world through its own development. Not long ago, the third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee made an important decision on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. It will set in motion a new journey where China joins hands with the world in common development and progress. Chinese modernization will contribute robustly to world peace. The Chinese culture values peace, and the Chinese nation has no tradition of external expansion. China, once a victim of foreign power bullying, knows full well the value of peace and the hard-won gains of development. In fact, China is the only major country that has written peaceful development into its constitution, and the only country among the five nuclear weapon states to pledge no first use of nuclear weapons. We're actively exploring and putting into practice the Chinese way of addressing hotspot issues, boosting the prospects for resolving the security dilemma and improving security governance, and paving the ground for conflict settlement and peace building. Every step in China's development is an increase in the force for peace. Chinese modernization will contribute robustly to common development for all. China does not only care about its own development, we are ready to develop hand-in-hand with all countries. By further expanding high-standard opening up, China is aligning proactively with high-standard international economic and trade rules to foster a market-oriented, law-based and world-class business environment. China has realized full mutual visa exemption with many countries and is expanding its unilateral visa waiver program to facilitate two-way personnel flows. China is vigorously promoting high-quality belt and road cooperation, a concrete step to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China will also speed up the implementation of the eight measures in support of global south cooperation and a series of initiatives supporting Africa's peace and development in order to help countries in the Global South stride toward modernization. Chinese modernization will contribute robustly to improving global governance. China has been an abiding supporter of the UN's continued reform and development to bring about a modernized UN 2.0. The international financial system needs to be more fit for the times, and global governance should be more balanced and effective. China will continue to fulfill its international obligations, provide financial support, and send our best minds to the United Nations. the UN system needs to respond to the legitimate calls of developing countries and increase the representation and voice of those in the global south. Chinese modernization will contribute robustly to the advancement of human civilization. Chinese modernization is rooted in China but has also drawn on the achievements of other civilizations. It has created a new form of human advancement and provided a new choice to other countries in exploring modernization paths. China advocates that different civilizations respect and learn from each other to jointly advance the cause of human civilization. China has proposed the setting up of an International Day for Dialogue Among Civilizations. We call for more people-to-people exchanges and cooperation across the world to promote understanding and amity among people around the world. Mr. President, next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the founding of this very organization. China stands ready to work with all countries to renew the founding purposes and mission of the UN, reaffirm our steadfast commitment to the UN Charter, advocate and practice true multilateralism, build a community with a shared future for mankind, and jointly usher in a better world. I thank the Special Representative of President Xi Jinping, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister for Foreign Affairs of China.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/china","China","His Excellency","Wang Yi","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cn_zh.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cn_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CN_EN.mp3" 156,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Bruno Eduardo Rodriguez Paria, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cuba. President, Secretary General, I dedicate these first words to reiterate Cuba's solidarity and support to the brotherly people of Palestine, victim of more than 75 years of colonial occupation, flagrant violations to their legitimate rights as a nation, submitted to cruelty, aggression, collective punishment and apartheid. Over the last 11 months, the Israeli army has massacred more than 40,000 civilians. In that indiscriminate and disproportionate massacre, this has killed more boys and girls than men and women. They die with the complicity and weapons contributed by the government of the United States, with the complicit silence of others. We pay tribute to the more than 220 aid workers of this organization who have also been killed. Cuba's position is clear and unequivocal. President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez has said, and I quote, history will not forgive the indifferent and we will not be among them. The genocide against the Palestinian people must end unconditionally and without further delay. Israel with the complicity of the United States has brought the world to the brink of a major world conflict. The irresponsible aggression against Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and the people of the Middle East will have consequences that are hard to predict. Your Excellencies, 79 years after the establishment of this organization, the continued violations of the United Nations Charter and international law, aggressions, interference in the internal affairs of states, and the imposition of unilateral coercive measures for political purposes have become facts of life. Aggressive expansionist and supremacist military doctrines of domination are undermining international peace and security to an alarming extent. The risk of a nuclear catastrophe is real and imminent. For the ninth consecutive year, world military expenditure has continued to increase. In 2023, it reached the record figure of $2.44 trillion, that is to say millions of millions of dollars. This includes the development of new nuclear weapons. There has been a regression in spite of the huge efforts made by states' parties and signatories of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and enlightened and broad sectors of international society. Nor will there be peace without development. Developed countries, which inhabit the very same planet, blindly refuse to invest even minimally in its own prosperity and security. They fail to comply with their always insufficient promises on official assistance for development. The selfish figure boastfully promised in 2023 and quickly forgotten represents less than 0.37% of their national incomes. the aspiration of achieving the sustainable development goals has vanished. According to Forbes, just in the last four years alone, the collective wealth of the five richest people in the world has grown while five billion people continue to live in poverty. the 1% richest in the world accumulate almost twice as much wealth as the rest of the global population. We're talking about five billionaires who in this period saw their wealth increase by some 423 billion euros while the global population has got poorer. According to Oxfam, the richest 1% have accumulated almost double as much wealth as the rest of the world population. With a tax on the wealth of billionaires, 2 billion people could be brought out of poverty. We are talking about structural crises, which are determined by the imperialist system and the international order imposed on us. None of these problems will be solved by undermining the intergovernmental nature of the United Nations. as some aim to or by weakening its essential role in the promotion of sustainable development for all. Climate change is advancing inexorably. Climate change is an unquestionable fact. In July 2024, scientists announced that the planet had endured 13 straight months of record high temperatures. If the irrational and unsustainable production and consumption patterns of capitalism are not changed in an urgent and significant way, it will be impossible to limit the global average temperature increase by 1.5 degrees Celsius in comparison with pre-industrial levels. Responsibilities should be shared by all, but not all should bear the same responsibilities, nor is it fair for this to be so. However, A step in the correct direction could be taken at the COP29, which will be held in Azerbaijan, and we could adopt a new collective financing goal. The countries of the north will have a new possibility to begin closing the climate finance gap and pay their financing debts. We, the countries of the south, will have to design a sufficient goal that responds to our own needs with guarantees for development and social justice despite the huge obstacles and challenges that we face. The solution will have inevitably to include writing off foreign debt, which has already been paid several times over, a fair democratic international order ensuring peace and balance in the world, the exercise of the right to development by all states on an equal footing based on sovereign equality, strengthening the participation and representation of developing countries in decision-making and policy-making processes in the world. An order that guarantees the general good and prosperity of all peoples in harmony with nature and the sustainable management of natural resources to ensure the exercise of all human rights for all people. We need a new civilized coexistence among nations in which solidarity, international cooperation, integration, and the peaceful settlement of disputes prevail. has to be an alternative to the philosophy of dispossession, war, the use or threat of use of force, aggression, occupation, domination, and the cultural, political, financial, technological, and military hegemony or any other threatening the peace, independence and sovereignty of states. An international order without unilateral blockades or sanctions, based on multilateralism, fully abiding by the United Nations Charter and international law. Madam President, the government of the United States has clearly continued to engage in the pernicious and unrealizable attempt to determine and control Cuba's destiny. It is an old ambition anchored in the Monroe Doctrine, which defines the imperialist and hegemonic nature of the United States policy towards Cuba and the region of our America. The economic, commercial and financial embargo is also a political, technological and communication blockade. It has been conceived as one of its main weapons of aggression to destroy the Cuban economy. It aims to cut off the country's financial revenues, to bring about the collapse of the economy and to create a situation of political and social instability. The damage it causes is visible and undeniable. It has an impact on the daily life of all Cubans. It is accompanied by the most ferocious disinformation and slanderous campaign, perennial attempts to interfere in our internal affairs, and the complicit tolerance of groups which, from U.S. territory, perpetrate violent and terrorist acts against Cuba. These actions violate international law. They run counter to the purposes and principles of this organization and numerous resolutions adopted by this General Assembly. The siege so conceived has been reinforced with Cuba's inclusion in the US State Department's arbitrary shameful list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism. It is a fraudulent designation, void of any international authority or mandate. However, by virtue of this, reprisals of an extraterritorial character are exceeding the sovereign jurisdiction of the United States, are taken against Cuba and are manifested in and against any country. In May of this year, the U.S. State Department itself recognized that Cuba was fully cooperative with the United States and with the international anti-terror efforts. This mere recognition of a universally established truth has not led to a relaxation of the unilateral coercive measures but it does make the presence of Cuba on that illegitimate list to be ever more consistent, confusing and unjustifiable. Soon There will be new presidential elections in the United States. This is a matter that only is up to the United States citizens. It's only incumbent on the US people, despite the nefarious and historical habit of the government of the United States to interfere in the elections and internal affairs of almost all member states of the United Nations, even its allies. History has taught us that no matter the results of these elections, the anti-Cuban sectors and politicians who have turned the attacks against Cuba into a profitable business will continue to be vocal and influential. They are the ones who have learnt to manipulate the US political system to pursue a particularly narrow and hostile agenda, which is the interest of a well-defined elite sector. They do not in any way represent the will of the majority of the people of the United States, nor that of the Cubans who live here. Whatever the results of these elections, Cuba will continue to defend its sovereign right to independence and to build socialism the way we Cubans decide, without any foreign interference. We will also continue to advocate for a respectful and constructive relations with the United States. Madam President, in 2014, the community of Latin American and Caribbean states gathered in Havana decided to proclaim our region as a zone of peace. That historic commitment is becoming increasingly relevant every day. We defend peace and multilateralism against the unilateral coercive measures that seriously damage Syria, Belarus, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Russia, Cuba, and several other nations. We strongly reject any attempt to undermine the legitimate constitutional order of our countries through putschist methods. It has already happened in Bolivia in 2019 and on 26 June, and there are attempts to do the same again in Honduras. We denounce the attempts to generate violence and destabilization in Venezuela. We reiterate our full support and solidarity with the Bolivarian and Chavista government headed by President Nicolas Maduro Moros and the civic and military unity of the Venezuelan people. The calls made not to recognize the electoral results are irresponsible and disrespectful to the people's will and their legitimate institutions. The destabilizing actions taken against the National Unity and Reconciliation Government of Nicaragua must also cease. The brotherly people of Sandino will continue to count on our full support. We reiterate our support to Puerto Rico's legitimate right to self-determination and independence. The international community has a historic debt to Haiti. Haiti carried out the first independence revolution against slavery in this continent. We welcome the efforts made by the Caribbean community to find a sustainable solution to the tragic situation in Haiti with respect for the independence and sovereignty of that sister nation. We support Argentina's legitimate right to sovereignty over the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, and the surrounding maritime areas. We reaffirm our support and commitment to the peace efforts in Colombia, which Cuba will continue to contribute to in every possible way from its position as guarantor. Africa, the cradle of humanity, will always be able to rely on Cuba's support in its efforts to move towards the goal of development. We reaffirm our unwavering solidarity with the Isarawi people and their self-determination. Cuba strongly rejects the measures aimed at harming the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the People's Republic of China. We condemn the interference in its internal affairs, and we reiterate our unswerving support to the One China principle, as was decided by this General Assembly in its historic resolution 2758. which recognized the People's Republic as the one and legitimate representative of the Chinese people. We are in favor of a serious, constructive, and realistic diplomatic solution by peaceful means to the current war in Ukraine. And this must be in line with international law. guaranteeing the security and sovereignty of all. In this context, Cuba supports the joint proposal presented by Brazil and China to find a political solution to that crisis. Madam President, distinguished delegates, let us join together our efforts to achieve effective multilateral institutions which are able to respond to the interests of the people, of the humble, the poor, the needy, and the exploited. They are the overwhelming majority based on just equality, the exercise of human rights by all human beings, and respect for the sovereign rights of every nation. Thank you very much. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba. I now give the floor to His Excellency, Enrique Austria","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/cuba","Cuba","His Excellency","Bruno Eduardo Rodríguez Parrilla","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cu_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CU_EN.mp3" 157,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Lars Loke Rasmussen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, distinguished delegates, colleagues and friends, The High-Level Week is a welcome reminder that the vast majority of nations, large and small, do seek global unity. That the division we talk so much about is only sought by the few. And this gives me great hope. Yet, as we open the 79th General Assembly, we cannot close our eyes for the fact that conflicts and war are raging across the world. Mr. President, It is utterly unacceptable that a permanent member of the Security Council continues to violate the most basic principles of the UN Charter. Wars of aggression are altering borders and altering borders is and should remain a thing of the past. An imperial practice that has absolutely no place in the 21st century. Denmark will persist to stand by Ukraine, and we will do it as long as it takes, and we will support a just and lasting peace. The Summit on Peace that was held in Switzerland in June clearly showed that there is strong global support for peace based on the UN Charter. Therefore, we must all use our influence to further the cause of peace. But it must be a peace that does not reward the aggressor for his brute use of force. Otherwise, we set a very, very bad precedent. Otherwise, we undermine the very principle on which the UN was founded. Mr. President, almost a year has passed since Hamas's horrendous attack on Israel the 7th of October. The cruelty and barbarity we witnessed that day was shocking, and I think none of us are able to really comprehend the shock and trauma this day has caused upon Israel and which will forever symbolize the darkest chapter of the country's history. The terrorism of Hamas sparked a downward spiral of human suffering and regional instability. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is catastrophic, and the human suffering unbearable. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced all over the region. And there's a very, very real risk of an all-out regional war, which would affect not only the people in the region, but all of us. This must end, and this must end now. A ceasefire is urgently needed. All parties should exercise restraint and contribute to de-escalation. And then we should start thinking about tomorrow, thinking about the future. Not tomorrow, not next week, but right now. The current horrible situation may also contain the seeds of a new beginning, a new beginning leading to a just and lasting peace for all, unleashing the potentials of the whole region, allowing everybody to see a future for themselves and their children, breaking with the vicious circle of violence that has lasted much too long. Such a more promising future can only be based on the two-state solution. And we all need to work together to create the conditions for that two-state solution to materialize. By building the capacity of the Palestinian Authority to take on the role of legitimate and effective government in the future Palestinian state. By stabilizing the West Bank and by already now start preparing for early recovery and reconstruction of Gaza. I call on all parties to make such a development possible, to the benefit of the people of Israel, to the benefit of the people in Palestine, and thereby to the benefit of the whole region and the world at large. Mr. President, we often talk about Ukraine and Gaza in these halls. But sadly, people are dying and people are suffering from conflicts in many other countries. I'm deeply concerned with the continued fighting in Sudan and the humanitarian consequences for the civilian population. More than 10 million people have been displaced. In Sudan, there is an urgent need for political dialogue and for putting a halt to the conflict. As there is in Yemen, in Haiti, Syria, Afghanistan, Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the list tragically goes on and goes on. And in the wake of our collective inability to stop the wars, the respect for international law is slowly undermined. Mr. President, As a small country, Denmark is conscious that our safety and security depend on international rule of law. The respect for basic UN principles – sovereign equality, territorial integrity and political independence for all states – is fundamental to international peace and security. And as we uphold these principles, the respect for human rights and international humanitarian law must be at the core. Denmark is a strong supporter of the international justice system and the work and independence of the ICC and the ICJ. The ICJ has an important role in the peaceful settlement of disputes, And the ICC is crucial for the global fight against impunity. Without respect for international law, we are looking at a world where might makes right and brute force rules. And this is very, very dangerous. Mr. President, I began by stating that the vast majority of nations, luckily, seek unity and international cooperation. Earlier this week, in the Pact for the Future, we all reaffirmed our commitment to the UN Charter. And we outlined a clear direction towards a transformed system of global governance. The existing system has enabled nations to lift people out of poverty, millions of people, to eradicate diseases, and to advance better education for children around the globe. This is indeed big, big achievements. But after almost 80 years of service, that system is in need of a serious update. Mr. President, it is urgent to reform the international financial architecture. It needs to be more representative. It needs to be more effective. Denmark supports a stronger representation of African countries in the Bretton Woods institutions. We agree that global financial safety nets must support all countries, including the poorest when a major crisis hit. This should not be dependent on voluntary donors' contributions. We agree that all countries, on an equal basis, must be subject to independent, transparent, and accurate credit ratings. And we agree that we need to find sustainable solutions to the high levels of debt faced by many countries. Debt treatment through the Common Framework needs to be accelerated. All creditors and all lenders should act transparently. and concessional financing be made available. The multilateral development banks have mobilized billions already through reforms. But reforms need to deepen to move from billions to trillions. Looking forward towards the Financing for Development Conference in Spain next year, the COP29 and beyond, reform tracks must be made tangible. Solutions should be developed not just for the future, but also for the present. So I wish to take this opportunity to praise Barbados for suggesting concrete actions to help fix some of the more systematic errors of the international financial architecture. We are happy to support the Bridgetown Initiative, and we are proud to work alongside Barbados on greening international financing. We encourage others, including the UN and the international financial institutions, to work together, to be bold, and to achieve the necessary progress on the reform of the international financial architecture. Mr. President, while we reform, For a more just financial architecture, we need to sustain levels of development assistance to the poorest countries. So therefore, commitments made should be honored. Denmark remains a member of a club that is absolutely far too exclusive. the club of countries that meet the UN targets of providing 0.7% of our gross national income for official development assistance. It is a good club, but we have too few members, so we invite others to join. In April this year, African heads of state met in Nairobi to call for an ambitious replenishment of the World Bank's International Development Association's IDA. And we have decided to respond to that call. Denmark intends to increase our contribution to IDA with 40 percent. For the IDA 21 replenishment, we will contribute with 479 million U.S. dollars. And we encourage all, whether it's current or new donors, whether they are big or small, to help us reach an ambitious replenishment. Mr. President, in June this year, Denmark was proudly elected to the U.N. Security Council for the term 2526. I was personally present and voting here in this Grand Hall that day. And I wish to thank Member States for their strong show of confidence and support. It will be an honor to serve on the Council. As we look forward to our membership, I cannot help but wish that the Council were in better shape, more accountable, more effective, more transparent, and above all, more inclusive and representative. The world needs a Security Council that reflects the world of today, that is able to respond to the security concerns of people all around the globe. To Denmark, it is evident that this calls for an expansion of the Council. We wish to see both more permanent and more elected members. And we wish to limit the use of the veto. Both aspects are long overdue. Mr. President, time is of the essence. The year 2030, that once seemed like a distant dot on the horizon, is now only six years away. Yet, only 70% of the SDGs are on track to be realized. And we are far, far from on track to fulfill our climate targets. The accelerating climate crisis must be met with accelerating climate actions. We need more ambitious reductions. We need more support for climate change adaption. And we need to speed up and we need to scale up climate financing. No country can solve these global challenges alone. But no country is too small or too big to contribute. Everyone is needed. As a longstanding and dedicated supporter of global cooperation, Denmark, I can assure you, will continue to do our part. We will deliver on promises made, and we will push for more ambitious targets and for concrete actions. And we will do that for the present and for the future. Thank you very much. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/denmark","Denmark","His Excellency","Lars Løkke Rasmussen","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/dk_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_DK_EN.mp3" 158,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Badar Ahmed Mohammed Abdelati, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates of Egypt. Mr. Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen, heads of delegations, President of the United Nations General Assembly, Mr. Philemon Yang, Mr. Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General, I speak to you from this rostrum at a critical time. at a time of a complex crisis underway in the Middle East and stretching out beyond. Egypt is a country rooted in history but also a forward-looking country. We've gone through many wars, we've faced many challenges. As a result, justice and peace our lodestars as we seek to build a region and a world that's rooted in dignity, freedom and justice. I'll be speaking on behalf of one of the founding members of the United Nations. You're all well aware of the role we played in the establishment of the United Nations, in the establishment of consensus, and the UN's establishment in Africa and Arab states and developing countries. We're very much in favor of preserving an effective multilateral system and stable international relations underpinned by respect for international law and expansion of peace and cooperation. Thus, we believe it is necessary to ring alarm bells at this specific moment. given that the international system, established roughly eight decades ago, is currently showing its structural shortcomings, threatening its very existence, and this owing to ineffectiveness, inequality, and growing recourse to double standards. Young people the world over are asking legitimate questions about the usefulness of the international multilateral system. and what it yields for today's world in terms of peace and security. Is it helping to eradicate poverty and hunger? Is the system protecting us against climate change? Is it helping to build knowledge? Is it helping us to adapt to technological changes? We're seeing occupation, terrorism, killing and destruction. Is this being prevented? Is the system unified? Is it transparent? In order to answer these questions, which are very legitimate, and they were addressed, in fact, during the preparations for the summit of the future. In fact, one of the outcomes of the summit of the future is very positive. It was a step, a positive step towards revitalizing and rendering more effective the international multilateral system with the United Nations at its heart. If I may, I'd like to sketch out our vision for restoring trust and credibility and combating double standards. A vision which can help us to renew our multilateral system and bolster our its capacity for building a brighter future for our people. It's underpinned by five key principles. First of all, we must recognize that there is no alternative to the multilateral system. Global challenges are interdependent. They know no borders. They go beyond the capacity of any one state or any group of states to address them. Thus, it's necessary to recognize that the integrity of the United Nations, underpinned by its legitimacy and its very existence, all of this is at stake. Israel's brutal aggression against Gaza underway for almost a year now, as well as the current attack on the West Bank, are shameful. They place shame on the international community and its institutions, which are unable to do the bare minimum to put an end to this aggression. The international community took months to start asking for an end. to this brutal aggression. We staunchly condemn the Israeli escalation. It's dangerous and it knows no limits. It is pushing the region to the brink of the abyss. We categorically reject and strongly condemn Israel's current aggression vis-à-vis Lebanon. This is a flagrant violation of Lebanon's sovereignty, its territorial integrity, its unity, and its political independence. Our overarching priority, as things stand, is to put an end to the bloodshed immediately, without any conditions, and permanently. We're strongly opposed to any attempts to resolve the Palestinian issue through forced displacement or population transfer. We attach particular importance to the unconditional and immediate delivery of medical and humanitarian assistance to civilians who are not bearing weapons in Gaza. Egypt has undertaken substantive mediation efforts together with our friends Qatar and the United States. Unfortunately, these efforts were thwarted by Israel over the course of several months. We'd like to reiterate that the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on 4th June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital is the only way to achieve a comprehensive and just solution restoring stability to the region and to the entire world. because this issue is of utmost importance. It lies at the very heart of the conflict in the region. I cannot but commend the Secretary General for his very courageous stance, which shows that he's shouldering his responsibility. I'd also like to extend our gratitude to all UN leaders and UN agencies, specifically UNRWA. We extend our condolences to the families of those martyred, UNRWA personnel who fell during their duties and others who fell owing to the Israeli occupation. We want to put an end to the war machine, to put an end to the destruction, which is in violation of international law. Next, we need effective participation, not a fig leaf of participation. Participation is not a gift. It's not a gift given to other states. It's the very foundation, the prerequisite for an effective response that the international community can mount to successive crises plaguing the international system so as to ensure that common ownership is taken of international decisions. Furthermore, we cannot accept that Africa and Arab states to date have no permanent representative on the Security Council nor enjoy the related prerogatives. We endorse the said declaration and the Isolwini consensus to repair the historical injustice done to the African continent. Genuine participation. is only possible if there is deep-rooted reform of the international financial architecture and of international financing institutions. We must modernise multilateral development banks and their practices and bolster access of developing countries to concessional funding, especially in the face of crises. We support the SG's appeal to make the Bretton Woods institutions fairer to developing countries. states there is no alternative to a common approach so as to address growing sovereign debt of developing countries. This can be done by buttressing existing mechanisms, strengthening their effectiveness, but also establishing new mechanisms helping low and middle income countries. What's also important is debt swaps. These must be broadened so as to address debt, distress, and help these countries achieve sustainable development. Economic justice can only be done if we place the priority on Africa's development. This is how we can guarantee that we prevent conflict and ensure lasting peace. When we held the presidency of the Steering Committee of the Heads of State and Government of the African Development Commission, as well as the presidency of His Excellency President El-Sisi. Post-conflict reconstruction on the African continent was front of mind. And Egypt will seek to accelerate the development process so as to achieve the African Union's 2063 agenda. This brings me to my third point and principle. Exchange of resources between states, some of which have a comparative advantage, requires us to adopt the principle of common but differentiated responsibility, especially as regards climate change. Governance and natural resources are limited. Mounting climate challenges. is clearly linked to, and our ability to solve it is clearly linked to the types and amounts of financial assistance that's provided as well as the technologies that are made available for climate challenges to be tackled at the national level. National ownership of climate projects is a guarantee that we align domestic priorities with the sustainable development goals with due regard for the environmental, economic, and social dimensions, ensuring that the transformation, the green transition, is equitable and does not scupper our efforts to eradicate poverty. This was our priority at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh. Our compass, our North Star, as we seek to achieve effective and practical solutions, is the agreement on the loss and damage mechanism, which aims to help developing countries which are hardest hit by climate change. Fourth, the principle of participation and shared responsibility goes hand in hand with a rejection of unilateralism. in the management of global resources and the settlement of disputes that stem from these resources. For instance, transboundary water courses is a case in point. There's a global water crisis that's affecting Egypt. Enter Eliair. Egypt is a densely populated country located in an arid zone. It is heavily reliant on the Nile to be able to respond to its mounting water needs. The principle of cooperation with the Nile Basin Brother Countries encapsulates Egypt's approach to better management of our common resources with a view to securing our interests in keeping with international law and ensuring equitable and sustainable use of resources without any consequences for the downstream countries. We'll continue to work so as to attract foreign investment. for development projects in keeping with the various rules, including in the Nile Basin. Despite our genuine efforts, Ethiopia has been insisting stubbornly, misportraying the facts, and starting up the renaissance dam. beginning operations without due regard for international law, nor the opinions of millions of people living downstream in Egypt and in Sudan. Following 13 years of vain negotiations, Ethiopia took a unilateral decision in blatant violation of international law, specifically the 2015 Declaration of Principles, the Security Council presidential statement issued in 2021. Well, in fact, in December 2023, negotiations came to a standstill. Egypt will continue to monitor the commissioning of this dam, the filling of this dam. We will be following this very closely. We will keep the Charter in mind and will take all necessary measures so as to secure the interests of our people and our very existence. Egypt will not tolerate any existential threats. Those who do not recognize this are mistaken. Moving on. The world needs the United Nations to address emerging challenges, such as challenges in the digital sphere, cybercrime, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence. These new challenges shouldn't detract from our key purposes, that is collective security. This is absolutely vital. This is the very raison d'etre of the organization, the maintenance of international peace and security. The collective security system, including the disarmament and nonproliferation system, has been weakened. Direct or tacit threats of use of nuclear weapons is no longer a chimera. It's a direct threat. We've seen this in the war in the Gaza Strip. We're seeing this day in, day out. States possessing nuclear weapons are modernizing their arsenals and indirectly threatening the use of nuclear weapons without any genuine serious efforts being made to create a world free of nuclear weapons or areas free of nuclear weapons or other WMDs and acceding to the NPT. And this despite the NPT review conference's conclusions, specifically the 1995 decision on the Middle East. We live in a region that's particularly hard hit by the imbalance in the collective security system. This is something that's drawn everyone's attention and we regret this. That is the increase in Security Council resolutions establishing peacekeeping operations. And this despite the fact that the Security Council is unable to stop this scourge that is conflicts, this disease, nor can it treat the symptoms. And for that reason, the Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, has described the United Nations as an organisation babysitting these conflicts. Speaking of conflicts and upheavals in neighboring countries, as well as throughout the North Mediterranean all the way through to the Horn of Africa in the South, we're particularly committed to strengthening the UN's role so as to address the root causes of conflicts. We need to ensure that peace is maintained, but also we need to sustain peace. This requires states to respect the unity and territorial integrity of other states. We also need national ownership of decisions without anything being imposed by external actors. This applies to all crises in the region, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, The way to resolve crises is to strengthen state institutions through comprehensive political processes so as to fill these political and security vacuums, which are being exploited by certain political and confessional forces, by regional and international parties who want to extend their influence at the expense of people and states in the region. Egypt would like to reiterate... the importance of supporting an overarching political process so as to address the crisis in Sudan with due respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of that country, Sudan, who must also preserve its institutions, its national state bodies. We support the political settlement in Libya with national ownership thereof. The transition should proceed with parliamentary and presidential elections held concurrently and as swiftly as possible. We are hopeful that by pooling our efforts and endorsing the new UN mission in Somalia, we'll be able to preserve security and stability in that country in keeping with what its people and its government want. We condemn all unilateral measures threatening Somalia's unity, its sovereignty, extending across its territory. Egypt attaches particular importance to capacity building in our brother nations across Africa together with the United Nations through the International Conflict Settlement Center, as well as the Egyptian Partnership Agency that works on development. Egypt is committed to working hand in hand with our regional and international partners so as to restore equality and to combat double standards, as well as international hypocrisy, and to revitalize the international system, the multilateral system, implementing The various principles are enumerated in keeping with the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. We will be shouldering our responsibilities as part of the humanitarian response that must be mounted to address crises in our region. We're the third country in terms of refugee applications in 2023. Under the leadership of our president, President el-Sisi, we've been bearing the brunt of the burden supporting our brothers from other Arab states and African states. Over 10 million refugees are currently being hosted in Egypt. However, there are certain limits which cannot be exceeded because of the burden this implies. The international community is therefore duty-bound to fill the funding gap and to mobilize the requisite resources so as to address the issue of humanitarian operations and meet the needs of refugees fleeing conflict in various countries. Despite international crises and challenges coming one after the other and the ongoing rise in the number of migrants, Egypt will continue its efforts so as to bolster its human capital. We will do this through a national dialogue. We are prioritizing human rights and democracy. And we're not doing this to please external players. We are doing this to fulfill the aspirations of our people, young people, as well as women, so as to achieve gender parity as well. We've just adopted the first national action plan on women, peace and security. We will be implementing our national strategy on human rights. Furthermore, we'll continue working to maintain peace and security in our region and the world over, inspired by the values of the Egyptian civilization, a majestic, longstanding civilization. our young people will take forward this vision. They're the ones who will craft the future and preserve human lives without any discrimination on the basis of race, gender or otherwise, all within the international multilateral system. I thank you. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates of Egypt. We have heard...","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/egypt","Egypt","His Excellency","Badr Ahmed Mohamed Abdelatty","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/eg_ar-1.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_EG_EN.mp3" 159,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Excellency Dixon Mitchell, Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Physical Development, Public Utilities, Civil Aviation and Transportation, and Minister for National Security, Home Affairs, Public Administration, Information, and Disaster Management of Grenada. I request protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the assembly. Mr. President, members of the Assembly, guests and friends, thank you for the opportunity to address this Assembly. It is my honor to speak to you as the Prime Minister of Grenada and the Chair of the Caribbean Community, CARICA. Mr. President, before I get into the core of my remarks, allow me to draw to your attention two hemispheric issues that require the attention of this assembly. The first issue is that Cuba continues to face severe economic hardships. While Grenada and CARICOM welcome the United States' decision to remove Cuba from its list, and I quote, of states not cooperating fully, unquote, in the fight against terrorism, Cuba remains on the American list of state sponsors of terrorism, and the US blockade remains in place. CARICOM is deeply troubled that the Cuban people have been forced to endure this six-year imposition, which serves no constructive purpose and continues to harm the people of Cuba. we reiterate our call for the removal of Cuba from that list and the end of the blockade. Secondly, there is an urgent humanitarian crisis in Haiti marked by acute food insecurity and a challenging security situation. We are grateful to Belize and Jamaica for sending security personnel to support the Kenyan troops, but the funding of the multinational security support mission remains critical. We are deeply interested in the United States' proposal to transition this mission into a formal United Nations peacekeeping operation. But regardless of the approach, We call on the international community to do its part to support the MSS mission and to alleviate the humanitarian crisis, especially by helping Haitian children's access to education. Haitians understand that the future of their country begins with investing in their youth. Thank you for consideration of these two important matters. Mr. President, my message today is simple. It can be summed up in one word. Resilience. It is a trendy term. I realize, but for 16 million people in the Caribbean community, resilience is not merely a buzzword. It is the definition of daily life. Resilience resonates in our core as Caribbean people, making the most of tough circumstances and finding new ways to not only survive, but to thrive. So today, I want to speak about resilience in the face of climate change, paths to economic resilience, and the role of education in ensuring both. I will conclude by speaking about what Grenada and our fellow CARICOM nations are looking for in terms of international cooperation, but also what we bring to the table in return. Mr. President, the notion of resilience is not just a policy goal for me. It is deeply personal. And I tell you the story that you are about to hear, not because it is unique, but because at its heart, it is an experience that has been shared among so many of us in Grenada and the Caribbean. I was born in 1977. in a small hillside village in the parish of St. David in Grenada. Most households, including my one, did not have running water or electricity. We would walk to the public standpipe to fetch water in buckets. In my small agricultural community, The people I lived with worked the land or took up domestic work in turn. At the time, that was common in Grenada. We were an agricultural island. We lived modest lives, built on hard work, community, and a sense of determination. But when I was quite young, that began to change. In 1979, Grenada experienced a political revolution that brought many changes. Education became a focus. So did tourism. Then, in 1983, when I was only six years old, the revolution came to a violent end. and we were thrust into the spotlight of global politics because of American intervention. It was a dividing line in our shared history and in mines. By 1989, both my parents had left the island to pursue opportunities overseas. My aunt helped to raise my siblings and me. In the years that followed, I continued my education. However, at that time in Grenada, education was not state-funded after age 16. So to continue my studies, I had to hustle. I had to develop entrepreneurial skills. I collected spice in the hills, and I sold it. Many of the kids in my village did the same. Those were frugal years, and I had to be disciplined. Once I finished my A levels, I returned to teach at my high school, much to the amusement of my friends. many of whom were still attending high school there. But this role helped me to save for the next step in my educational journey, law school in the islands of Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago. So within a few years, I became a lawyer in Grenada with my own practice, serving clients locally and international. My personal resilience in the face of the many difficulties that crossed my path over the years allowed me to achieve the dream I sought. Finally, I was in a position to give back to my community. But, Mr. President, there is a limit to resilience. In 2020, something happened that none of us in this assembly were prepared for. As the COVID-19 pandemic began to take root in Grenada, I could see the strain on many of our people. we could see the glaring inadequacies of the systems and policies that were in place to support us. I saw the tension between the government's decisions and the needs of the people. And so, I could no longer stay on the sidelines. For months, I met with people who felt the same way I did, hoping to find ways to help our communities adapt to the challenges. But eventually, I realized that no matter how much we try to support change from the outside, real and meaningful transformation had to come from within. So it was at this moment that I decided to run for office. But it was not an easy decision. But I was driven by the belief that leadership means listening, adapting, and being willing to step up when your people need you. And so now as Prime Minister, I'm determined to ensure that the resilience I learned becomes a cornerstone of Grenada's future and the future of the wider Caribbean. Mr. President, that means developing resilient minds. And so a major priority for me is ensuring that children in Grenada have the opportunity to learn, to study, and to realize their full potential. Because after all, it was education that took me from a small village to where I stand today, addressing you at the United Nations General Assembly. And it is education that will empower the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and dreamers, who I am sure will go on to achieve even more. So in Grenada, we are working to ensure that every child has access to free education up to the age of 18. This is because we understand that our greatest asset is our people. For small nations like ours, The path to resilience lies in unlocking the potential of our young people. But it is not just about traditional education. It is about preparing them for a digital and technological future. We need to ensure that they have access to digital education, to skills training, and the tools they need to compete in the global economy. Digital education and digitization more broadly is a priority for our government because we know that if we want to build future resilience in the next generation of young people, we need to prepare them with the relevant training now. So at a time where it is possible to work in any market in the world, from anywhere in the world, digitization means that young people in the Caribbean have just as much potential access to global opportunities as their peers in Europe or North America, and with the added benefit of year-round sunshine. So digitization for Grenadians represents the democratization of opportunity. And this is where international cooperation is crucial. By bridging the digital divide, we can empower our young people to create solutions that will help not only Grenada, but the entire world move forward into a stronger, more sustainable, and more resilient future. We have become experts at resilience in the Caribbean because that is the Caribbean's reality. In Grenada, our resilience has been continually tested. One of our most challenging moments in recent history came in 2004. when Hurricane Ivan devastated the island, leaving destruction in its wake and forcing us to rebuild from the ground up. Less than one year later, we were struck by Hurricane Emily. And so we borrowed heavily. And while we were thankful that we were able to do so, the financial toll has been immense. For many years after, we struggled under the weight of that debt. Mr. President, only three months ago, that resilience was again tested when the islands of Karikou and Petit Martinique, which form part of the tri-island state of Grenada, were hit by Hurricane Beryl, causing unimaginable destruction. And so, again, This round of rebuilding will take months, if not years. The lesson that we and the wider Caribbean community continue to take to heart is that we understand that we cannot continue to rebuild after every storm without seeking sustainable solutions. So with international partnership, We developed innovative financial tools, like the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, which allows us to receive financial payouts and recover more swiftly from natural disasters. We also introduced a hurricane relief clause in our financial agreements, enabling us to suspend debt payments in times of crisis giving us the resources we need to focus on recovery. These efforts reflect more than just economic policy. They show that small island nations like Grenada can develop sophisticated solutions to the challenges we face. However, we also understand that we cannot do it alone. We need partnerships with the international community. Partnerships that will help us access both the financial tools and the technology needed to adapt to this new reality. Grenada, like many other small island developing states, is baffled by the continued debate in some spaces about whether climate change exists. But we do not have the luxury of skepticism. Rising sea levels are already affecting lives and livelihoods in our coastal villages. And warming seas continue to spawn stronger and more frequent storms. Hurricane Beryl was the earliest Category 5 hurricane on record in the Atlantic. And so the message that we in the Caribbean have for those who are looking to adapt to climate change, our message is simple. Learn from us. If there is an upside from the many storms that we have endured over the years, it is the lessons that we were able to take away from the various disasters. We have lived through the destructive power of hurricanes. which can erase decades of progress in just a few minutes. But we've also seen that when communities are prepared, we can save lives and we can save livelihoods. There is much more we can do. There is much more we must do. As a region, We have a clear vision and a plan to harness technology, ranging from drones that assess storm damage to early warning systems that enhance our preparedness. But we cannot fund these projects alone. While nations like Grenada are doing our part, we need the international community to step up and support our efforts. We are asking for more than just financial aid. We are looking for partnerships where we can work together on climate adaptation. Because we believe the resilience we are building today through technology, through innovation, through partnerships can serve as a model for others. My friends, We are a living lab on the front lines of global climatic challenge. Let us help you. To paraphrase a famous tourism slogan, what happens in Grenada does not just stay in Grenada. The lessons we are learning can help nations facing their own climate crises, from wildfires in Canada to flooding in Europe. Join us in testing ideas and technologies that can make a difference beyond Grenada. So in concluding, Mr. President, friends, Colleagues, resilience is not something that can be built overnight. It requires partnerships, innovation, and a shared commitment to a better future. Today, I invite the international community to join us. We are asking for the 100 billion promised to support climate adaptation and mitigation to be met. Partnership, in our case, requires concrete financial support to help us rebuild with greater resilience. But beyond that, we are also inviting the international community to partner with us so that we can share our experiences and learn from one another. In return, we offer our lessons in resilience. We offer the knowledge that comes from living with and dealing with the worst of climate change. From building back after devastation, and from finding innovative policies and programs to secure a digital future. Grenada, CARICOM, stand ready to share these lessons with the world. Because, my friends, resilience is not just about surviving a storm. It is about ensuring that together we emerge from it stronger, more united, and more understanding of each other than ever before. Mr. President, I thank you for the opportunity to address this August assembly. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Physical Development, Public Utilities, Civil Aviation and Transportation, and Minister for National Security, Home Affairs, Public Administration, Information and Disaster Management of Grenada.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/grenada","Grenada","His Excellency","Dickon Mitchell","Prime Minister","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gd_en_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GD_EN.mp3" 160,"The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Amadou Ouriba, Prime Minister, Head of Government of the Republic of Guinea. I request Protocol to escort His Excellency and invite him to address the Assembly. Secretary General, President Young, distinguished heads of state and government, distinguished delegates, I'm standing before you today on behalf of His Excellency, the General of the Armed Forces, Mahmoudi Doumbouya, President of the Republic of Guinea, with the honor and responsibility of representing a nation that is engaged in a historic transformation. We are here to reaffirm our determination to redefine our future, a future built on peace, justice, and dignity for all. Today, September 28th, 2024, there are three dates, three events, three moments that embody the spirit of resilience and freedom of our people. September 28, 1958, the people of Guinea chose to vote overwhelmingly no in the referendum proposed by General de Gaulle, thus choosing immediate independence. On September 28, 2009, this same people reclaimed at a heavy price the full enjoyment of their freedom, democracy, and dignity today, on September 28, 2024, on this symbolic day. For Guinea, we are here before this august assembly to reaffirm our freely made commitment toward these dynamics to build a future based on peace, justice and dignity. At this time of great global turbulence, a time of conflict, growing inequality and a climate crisis that threatens the existence of humanity, it is crucial that we be bold in our actions and united in our vision. This is my conviction as I stand before you. At the outset, I commend the United Nations, this unique space for dialogue and cooperation, where all nations, large and small, can meet on an equal footing to build a better world. Our faith in this institution is a profound one, for it reflects our common values, that is peace, sustainable development, and respect for human rights. that the challenges we are facing today are great ones. But we also know that the spirit of solidarity and cooperation that have guided this organization since its creation is more crucial than ever. Distinguished President, ladies and gentlemen, today, the Republic of Guinea has begun an ambitious process of a profound transformation of its state. led by the National Committee for Reconciliation and Development, and by the President of the Republic, His Excellency, General of the Armed Forces, Mahmoudi Doumbouya, we have chosen to turn the page on instability, to write a new history, a new story, that of a resilient nation that is reinventing itself to provide its people with a life full of dignity, freedom, and prosperity. aspires to become a model of resilience and renewal in Africa, thus proving that in the face of adversity, a positive transformation is possible. The most striking example of our commitment to justice and to combating impunity is the historic trial regarding the events of September 28, 2009, for the first time in the history of our nation, the perpetrators of this tragedy have been brought before a national court. This was a pivotal turning point in our battle against impunity. This trial has become a global reference point. It's an example for Africa. It embodies our will to rebuild our society based on justice, truth, and reconciliation while inspiring other countries to follow our path toward accountability and transparency. In this same vein of transformation, His Excellency the General of the Armed Forces, Mamadi Doumbouya, has laid out a clear and ambitious vision to guide Guinea toward a prosperous future founded upon three key pillars, the social, economic, and political pillars. In addition, we are basing these actions on five values that define the governance of our country. institutional rectification through which we are building robust institutions, legitimate institutions that are impartial. Through rebuilding, we are strengthening the integrity of politics. Through reconciliation, We are bringing together all elements of our nation. Through recovery, we are establishing transparent and responsible governance. And lastly, through repositioning Guinea, we are stepping up our commitment toward our global partners, ensuring active, dynamic cooperation with the world's institutions, both bilateral and multilateral. These values guide each step that we take toward national transformation. in a spirit of justice, solidarity, and dignity. This national transformation is based on an emblematic project that embodies our vision for the present and future. That is the Simandu Mega Project and its ambitious Simandu 2040 program. Simandu 2040 was born as a mining project. Guinea now is building 670 kilometers of multi-use railways for mineral ore exploitation of the iron mines of Simandou. This project for 2040 is now much more than just a mining project. It's a model for comprehensive transformation for Guinea, which aims to build around this project a real social and environmental program in which humans and their environment can coexist in harmony. Unlike other countries that fell prey to the natural resource curse, we are trying to avoid that path. We've learned lessons from the past, and we are committed to making Simandu a lever for shared prosperity, stability, and sustainable growth. Ladies and gentlemen, in this process of transformation, We've drawn inspiration from the rich and diverse history of our country, a history that is marked by our ancestral values of justice, solidarity, and respect for human dignity. I remind you that most of the empires that existed in West Africa were based on our country, that is the current Republic of Guinea, since the Kurukan Fuga Charter, proclaimed in 1236, which laid the foundations of a just society by abolishing slavery and promoting equality and freedom for all, and all the way up into the establishment of the Futa Theocracy, recognized as a land of asylum and protection for the oppressed Fleeing the slave trade, Guinea has always been a bastion for humanist values and fair governance. These traditions, which can be found in the social structures of all of the country's regions, from Lower Guinea to Forested Guinea, where the collective management of resources and peaceful resolution of conflict are at the heart of our life together. Our national identity clearly is rooted in a quest for justice, empathy, peace, and solidarity. Today, we are building the future of our nation. We are reaffirming these values In our new draft constitution, which we are currently putting before the people of Guinea, we would like to build a modern state that incorporates these timeless principles, a state in which each citizen, regardless of their origins, culture, or faith, has a role to play in a harmonious and close-knit social fabric. Ladies and gentlemen, this path toward transformation cannot be accomplished single-handedly. We are calling for sincere and strengthened international support based on mutual respect, understanding, and support as we pursue our common goals. Guinea is not asking for compassion. Rather, it's proposing a partnership, an active and dynamic alliance so we can come together to build a world a better world. This period also is a unique opportunity for Guinea to redefine its role on the international arena as a committed and responsible actor that contributes to regional stability and to peace in the world. We have taken active part in peacekeeping efforts led by the United Nations, and we will continue to do so. We are convinced that peace is the key precondition for development and justice. That is why we are willing to provide more than 650 police and gendarmes for the stabilization of Haiti, this martyr country. peace can only be achieved through strengthened cooperation and meaningful reforms of multilateral institutions. And that is why we must also rethink our approach to resolving persistent conflicts in the region of the Sahel. It is high time to transcend purely military responses. And it is time to promote an integrated strategy that combines economic development, institutional strengthening, and heightened regional cooperation. This approach should be focused on each community in this vast space to enjoy their freedom, respect, identity, and recognition of their own rights in a multi-ethnic and multi-faith state space. This is what can ensure national cohesion and peaceful coexistence. The Security Council of the United Nations today must truly reflect the diversity and aspirations of the world of today. We strongly support the Eslovenian consensus, and we call for a more equitable and democratic representation within decision-making bodies. Africa, with its 54 member states, represents more than a fourth of the UN's member states. It can no longer be pushed to one side in decisions that concern global peace and security. We call for the African continent to acquire permanent seats in the Security Council with all of the associated rights, including veto rights. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, in light of the many crises that are threatening our world, it is clear that our responses must be collective, humanitarian, and based on empathy with people suffering in conflict zones. Everywhere, people are suffering from the ravages of war. Families are separated, communities displaced, lives lost, essential infrastructure destroyed. whether in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Europe or in the Middle East with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or in Africa, especially in Sudan, or in other regions of the world. The suffering of the people is immense and transcends borders and nationalities. In addition to these human tragedies, there also are the devastating effects of climate change, which are exacerbating conflicts and increasing the vulnerability of those who have the least, we reaffirm our commitment to including the Futajalan Highlands on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This would send a strong message in favor of environmental protection. And in doing so, we are striving for a paradigm change in regional governance in West Africa. The future of our nation will be based on our ability to invest in our young people as well because youth are the greatest asset of our country. By providing young people with opportunities and the means to achieve their full potential, we can effectively combat the evils that drive them toward clandestine immigration. Immigration is in no way a solution. Rather, it is draining our country of its human resources, which are so precious. In addition, technological and digital advances must serve the interests of all. Therefore, we are advocating universal access to technological innovations while ensuring that ethics remain at the heart of their use. As said by Francois Rabelais, science without conscience is the ruin of the soul. Ladies and gentlemen, today we are calling for the nations to come together around a common vision, that of a world that places humans at the heart of every thought and action. Together, we can overcome the most difficult challenges. We can quell tensions and embrace a lasting peace. The world is waiting for us to do this. The United Nations was born to promote international peace and security, and it must act while there is still time to silence weapons and bombing. As for Guinea, as a sovereign and determined nation, will forge its own destiny, and it stands firmly on the international scene with a clear and independent vision. One year ago, At this very podium, our head of state, General Mamadi Doumbouya, declared clearly our commitment to the interests of Africa with entire sovereignty without being influenced by contradictory interests coming from outside the continent. Today, this principle continues to guide our actions. We favor above all else the development and prosperity of our continent, such is the will of His Excellency General of the Armed Forces Mahmoudi Doumbouya and the people of Guinea that our actions today forge a future of peace and light for all. Long live peace, together for a better world. Thank you. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister, Head of Government of the Republic of Guinea.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/guinea","Guinea","His Excellency","Amadou Oury Bah","Prime Minister","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/gn_fr_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_GN_EN.mp3" 161,"The Assembly will hear an address by His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See. I request Protocol to escort His Eminence and invite him to address the Assembly. Mr. President, I am honored to extend to you and to the representatives of the nations assembled here the warm greetings of His Holiness Pope Francis, while also congratulating Your Excellency on your election as President of this esteemed Assembly. Mr. President, the Holy See is deeply concerned that we are witnessing a warring increase in the number of conflicts worldwide and the severity of their violence. These conflicts are responsible for a significant loss of innocent lives and a vast amount of destruction. 75 years after the ratification of the Geneva Conventions, humanitarian law is still being undermined and increasingly being violated. The targeting of places of worship, educational institutions, medical facilities, and other civil infrastructure is a prevalent phenomenon. The OECD calls for the strict observance of international humanitarian law in all armed conflicts. The situation becomes more complex when one considers the destabilizing role often played by violent non-state actors in many of the crises around the globe. It is imperative that these groups seek constructive engagement with states, renounce violence and acts of terrorism, and enter into legality. Peace is only possible if it is wanted. The pursuit of peace is a collective responsibility. It is imperative to move beyond rhetoric and the tendency to ascribe blame. However, the reality is that there is no genuine commitment to achieving peace. In times of conflict, there is often a tendency to prioritize military victory over the pursuit of peace. It is incumbent upon diplomacy to demonstrate unwavering dedication to pursuing every avenue for negotiation to establish enduring peace. To pursue peace, however, it is not enough simply to eliminate the instruments of war. Its root causes must be eradicated. Foremost among these is anger, a scourge that continues to afflict entire areas of our world while others are marked by massive waste of food. Nevertheless, the prevailing tendency has been to maintain the growth in military expenditure while striving to fulfill the commitments made on sustainable development. Pope Francis appeals to rich countries to acknowledge the gravity of so many of their past decisions and determine to forgive the debts of countries that will never be able to repay them. It is easy to become complacent and resigned in the face of the constant stream of new forms of poverty. However, This dramatic situation can be encountered all around us, not only in certain parts of the world. This is the case, for example, of the modern phenomenon on homelessness. Poverty has a particularly detrimental impact on women, often trapping them in a vicious cycle of unfortunate circumstances resulting in isolation and abandonment before they are forced to make desperate and unwelcome decisions. Pope Francis says the path to peace calls for respect for life, for every human life, starting with the life of the unborn child in the mother's womb, which cannot be suppressed or turned into an objective of trafficking. The practice of so-called surrogate motherhood represents a grave violation of the dignity of both the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situation of the mother's material needs. The Holy See hopes for an effort by an international community to prohibit this practice universally. The dignity of migrants must be upheld. People seeking refuge must be not rejected but welcomed with respect and a sense of humanity. Another affront to human dignity is trafficking human beings. This illegal and above all dehumanizing practice must be stopped and the traffickers brought to justice. Closely related to the dignity of human life is the care of our common home. The effects of climate change are borne by the poorest countries who contribute the least to it, but are those who carry the greatest burden of its effects. Opportunities and risk are also given by the rise of new technologies, particularly artificial intelligence. There is a need to ensure and safeguard the space for proper human control over choices made by artificial intelligence. In light of the tragedy that is armed conflict, it is urgent to reconsider the development and use of devices like the so-called lethal autonomous weapons, and ultimately, bander use. No machine should ever choose to take the life of a human being. There is a necessity for the establishment of a binding ethical and regulatory framework to be negotiated both within the non-military and military domains. The Holy See is convinced that a world free from nuclear weapons is both necessary and possible. The goal of a world free of nuclear weapons can only be achieved through discussions based on mutual trust. It is evident that the adherence to and respect for international disarmament agreements and international law should not be perceived as a form of weakness. The Holy See renews its call for a total and complete disarmament. Unfortunately, as Pope Francis says, we are witnessing a third World War IV piecemeal. In the midst of the ongoing tragedy of the Russian war in Ukraine, we are faced with a situation that calls for urgent action to prevent further escalation and to create a path towards a just and peaceful resolution. While diplomatic efforts are crucial, it is evident that military engagement continues to prevail. It is therefore essential to find ways to encourage gestures of goodwill and spaces for direct dialogue between the parties involved. The Holy See continues to be worried about the ongoing instability in the Middle East, particularly following the terrorist attack of 7 October 2023 in Israel by Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups. However, the military response by Israel, considering the high number of civilian casualties, raises many questions about its proportionality. The Holy See calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the West Bank, as well as the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza, and urges humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian population. The Holy See reaffirmed that the only viable solution is a two-state solution, with Jerusalem having a special status. The Holy See expressed a serious concern regarding the situation in Jerusalem, where several discriminations and harassments are taking place, hindering the peaceful coexistence for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. It condemns all anti-Christian acts perpetrated months ago by a minority of Jewish individuals and calls on the authorities to continue confronting this ideological deviation firmly and clearly. The current situation in Lebanon represents a significant cause for concern for the Holy See. The ongoing intensification of the conflict between Hezbollah and the Israeli military is putting at high risk the whole region. The policy demands that all parties adhere to the principles of international humanitarian law and halt the escalation and enter into a ceasefire without delay. Furthermore, the Holy See highlights the humanitarian crisis in Syria and urges the international community to do more in supporting the Syrian people who feel hopeless about their future. The ongoing armed conflict in Sudan has resulted in an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with displaced persons, particularly women and children, succumbing to starvation and malnutrition. The Holy See urges the international community to promote peace negotiations and provide the population with vital humanitarian aid. The Holy See called for more humanitarian support in the Cabo Delgado province in Mozambique, affected by armed conflict for seven years now, with almost 905,000 internally displayed persons who are facing alarming levels of suffering, insecurity and poverty. The situation in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo is deteriorating rapidly, leading to a disturbing increase in the humanitarian crisis. The withdrawal of the MONUSCO by the end of the year is likely to create a security vacuum. It is crucial to continue supporting diplomatic efforts to find an appropriate and sustainable solution to the ongoing conflict. The OECD follows with great preoccupation the social political situation in South Sudan. aggravated by the humanitarian crisis, the recent floods, and the conflict. It calls on the international community to show solidarity with the population and urges all the country's leaders to place the well-being of the people at the center of their political agenda. The spread of jihadist threats in the Gulf of Guinea is causing concern for the security of not just the Sahel, but all of West Africa. Christians are being targeted while climate change and armed attacks are worsening the food crisis and causing children to drop out of school. Immediate and long-term action is needed to prevent a loss of education and stability in the region. The Holy See is following the dramatic situation in Haiti with apprehension and hopes that the steps that are being taken with the support of the international community to establish democratic order and stop the violence will lead to peace and reconciliation in the country. The dramatic situation and the dire need for humanitarian aid in Myanmar, which has been exacerbated by an increase in armed conflict in recent months and made worse by severe flooding, are also a source of deep concern. The Holy See calls on all parties to seek a durable, peaceful solution to the situation and to ensure access for humanitarian aid to all affected communities without prejudice. The Holy See follows with great attention to what is happening in Nicaragua. It is in particular concerned about the measures taken against the personnel and institution of the church, which directly affect the sensitive issues of religious freedom. It is hoped that in conjunction with the other fundamental rights of individuals and society, this freedom will be adequately guaranteed. For its part, the Holy See is open to respectful and constructive dialogue with the authorities of the country, with a view to resolving difficulties and promoting peace, fraternity and harmony for the benefit of all. The recent presidential elections in Venezuela have demonstrated that despite the numerous challenges faced, the Venezuelan people continue to place their trust in the democratic values enshrined in the Constitution. These democratic values are founded upon the sovereignty of the people, which is expressed through the act of voting. In the serious crisis that followed the announcement of the result, With several deaths, numerous detentions, also of minors, and the use of violence, the Holy See, deeply saddened and worried, appeals to the authorities of the country and to all those who have any responsibility for what has happened to respect and protect the life, dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of its citizens. Furthermore, it calls upon them to seek ways to resolve the present situation for the good of all, including with the assistance of members of the international community who have declared themselves willing to help in a flexible and reasonable manner. The Holy See encourages the talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan so that they may continue the dialogue, assist the displaced persons, respect the places of worship of the different religious denominations, and reach a final peace treaty between the parties as soon as possible. The OECD looks also favorably on the aspiration of the Balkans countries to join the European Union and hopes that this objective will be achieved as soon as possible. While disarmament fosters peace among nations, there is also a need to foster peace within societies through democracy. It is the result of a considered and committed acceptance of the values that inspire democratic procedures. Democracy is founded upon the tenets of freedom of expression and the fundamental principle of the respect for the will of the people. This implies that changes in the orders of power can occur However, there is an increasing tendency to alter constitutions or to modify electoral rules and procedures for the purpose of remaining in power. Democracy entails respect for the established rules and the recognition of the expressed will of the people. Pope Francis made it clear that the path to peace calls for respect for human rights. Regrettably, in recent decades attempts have been made to introduce new rights leading to instances of ideological colonization in which gender theory plays a central role. The latter cancels differences in its claim to make everyone equal and does not even help ensuring the harmony between women and men. It is also inconceivable to associate the concept of right with the practice of abortion, which involves the taking of an innocent life. The Holy See is profoundly alarmed that some of the most common violations of human rights occur in the area of religious freedom. Christians are the most vulnerable in this regard, where one in seven are subjected to persecution. Mr. President, there is a need to recover the roots, the spirit, and the values that gave rise to this organization, while at the same time taking into account the changed context. The first and most necessary reform needed is the return to a sincere and open dialogue. It is evident that without dialogue and an open exchange of perspectives, even when there is disagreement, consensus and agreement cannot be reached. The Holy See, as it has done in these last six decades of presence at the UN, continues to support the work of the organization, making its voice heard in defense of the poor, of those in vulnerable situations, supporting every peace process and initiative. Thank you, Mr. President. On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the Secretary of State of the Holy See.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/holy-see","Holy See","His Eminence","Cardinal Pietro Parolin","Secretary of State","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/va_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_VA_EN.mp3" 162,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency, Tordes Corbyn Redford, Guilford O'Toole, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sir Fison. Mr. President, Excellencies, First, I would like to once again thank all those whose daily work is dedicated to the United Nations and its ideals. All across the globe, people work in the name of the United Nations, wearing the colors and emblems of the UN, giving their effort to make our world a better place, often doing work that only the UN is capable of doing. And in these headquarters and other UN offices, hundreds of people show up every day to ensure that the nations of the world can count on this organization to be the forum where the biggest challenges facing humanity can be discussed, debated, and hopefully set on a path of resolution. Thank you. Mr. President, next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the United Nations. The UN emerged out of calamity, holding the promise of a brighter future, a promise of peaceful settlements of disputes, universal human rights, and the opportunity for all to enjoy peace and prosperity. Despite setbacks, wrong turns, and many bad decisions, these past 80 years have indeed been the most peaceful and prosperous that humankind has experienced. For my own nation, 1944 also marked a new beginning, with Iceland becoming a republic. Iceland's status as an independent nation has been defended not primarily by weapons or alliances, but by a robust system of international law, mutually beneficial cooperation, and strong and universally respected international institutions. For us, it is paramount to safeguard this multilateral system. When the U.S. was founded, it was a time of change and a time that demanded decisions. It was also, it seems to me, a time of creativity in the face of destruction, a time of determination despite despair, a time for hope to triumph over horror. By founding the United Nations, the leaders of the world's nations set a path guided by a shared vision for a peaceful and prosperous world, a faith in fundamental human rights and the equality of nations, large and small. But as Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently stated when speaking about the Summit for the Future, we cannot build a future fit for our grandchildren with systems built for our grandparents. Or, in the case of a person my age, a system created for my great-grandparents to build a future fit for my own generation and my children. Mr. President, these are also times of profound change. All around the world, technology is fundamentally changing how people experience reality. And to quote Mr. Guterres again, these technologies are being developed in a moral and legal vacuum, without governance or guardrails. This is no small thing. And it is not something that leaders and politicians can treat as trivial or unconnected to other policy issues. While elected representatives and leaders debate how to address challenges that we face, while we attempt to guide our societies towards a better future, there is an ongoing battle for people's attention, convictions, and beliefs being waged through increasingly addictive technologies, often self-guided by overwhelmingly powerful and completely unprincipled algorithms. And this battle will not necessarily be won by those who share a belief in peace and prosperity. or have faith in fundamental human rights and the equality of nations large and small. As these staggering changes are taking place in our information environment, the world is facing the greatest number of armed conflicts since the World War II. And democratic institutions worldwide are facing a loss of trust. These developments are not happening in a vacuum. In her address accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo in 2021, Philippine journalist Maria Ressa pointed out that without facts, you cannot have truth. And without truth, you cannot have trust. Ressa continued, without trust, we have no shared reality, no democracy, and it becomes impossible to deal with our world's existential problems. Sadly, to an ever more obvious extent, this prospect of a lack of shared reality has now become fact. Malign actors are actively undermining social order across the globe. They are spreading suspicion and fear, fueling despair and rage. They may use technology, but their target is always the very essence of what we are as human beings. The individual rights that have proven vital for the functioning of democratic societies are being subverted. This is why I said in my address to this body one year ago that human rights are for human beings and that freedom of expression is not for programmed bots that spread hate, lies, and fear. This is a challenge that we have not yet solved. Freedom cannot exist without accountability. And to paraphrase American historian Timothy Snyder, it must always involve some risk. We know that sacrificing individual rights because of these risks is an unacceptable proposition, akin to burning down the house to kill a spider. An individual, even one with questionable and dangerous opinions, has the right to be hurt. In a true democracy, we accept these risks associated with freedom of speech, but we must be careful not to let our freedom be hijacked by those who evade accountability and take no risk. The current danger does not come from free individuals who advocate for their own misguided, crazy, or evil ideas, but vast networks of both paid and unpaid agents made up trolls hiding in the shadows, entirely unaccountable for their poisonous contribution to public discourse. This sort of speech is no more a manifestation of the freedom of expression than a forced gathering to salute the dictator is an example of freedom of assembly. Mr. President, these are issues that exemplify the urgent need for a strong multilateral system. However, this system cannot be left to provide answers to how to maintain itself. The real power lies with national governments and leaders across the world. All of us who are entrusted with positions of authority and influence in our own societies must shoulder our responsibility to maintain and strengthen a multilateral system based on the UN Charter. For this, we need more interaction, more humanity, and much more unscripted interactions at the highest level. Mr. President, Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine, Sudan's civil war, and the devastating conflicts in the Middle East all rages on while other longer-running conflicts grow protected. One thing that all have in common is that innocent civilians bear the highest cost. By invading Ukraine and violently seizing its territory, the Russian Federation has committed a flagrant breach of the UN Charter. and derogated from its primary obligations as a permanent member of the Security Council to uphold international peace and security. The Russian Federation repeated threats of using nuclear weapons are reckless and they are dangerous. In the case of the Russian Federation's actions, there should be no doubt who is in the right and who is in the wrong. It is Mr. Putin who has concocted a false narrative around his invasion of Ukraine's territory. It is he who started this senseless war, and it is in the Kremlin's power to end it at any time by withdrawing its forces from all the territory that is internationally recognized as belonging to Ukraine. The Russian Federation's disdain for the principles of the UN Charter is on full display in Ukraine, but it is also pervasive in many other parts of the world with ongoing, insidious efforts to subvert democratic norms and incite violence and chaos. Mr. President, Israel's right to exist is beyond debate. Iceland condemned in the strongest terms the horrific attack on Israel on October 7th. We continue to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. But no country is above the law. And the Palestinian people's right to self-determination is also beyond debate. In the current conflict, the world has witnessed limitations of humanitarian aid, water, and power to Gaza. This is simply unacceptable. There have been reports of civilian infrastructure and hospitals being used for purposes that can deprive them of their protection under international humanitarian law. This is also unacceptable. And we have witnessed unacceptable losses of civilian lives, children, aid, and health care workers, journalists, and UN staff. And journalists are being denied access to the war zone and silenced. Iceland condemns all violation of international law, including international humanitarian law. International law provides states with rights and obligations. Both are sacred. Again, we call on all parties to agree to an immediate ceasefire and avoid any action that could lead to further escalation. A clear political path to peace must follow a ceasefire entailing the establishment of two states living side by side in peace and security. With that aim, and as confirmed by the International Court of Justice, Israel must immediately cease all new settlements activities and bring its unlawful presence to an end. Our worst fears of an escalation have now been realized with the bloodiest days that Lebanon has seen in years. And still, we must brace ourselves for even worse, with the conflict spiraling further out of control. The parties have been warned of the cost and the danger of this development. It must stop for the sake of humanity. Mr. President, in 10 days, the General Assembly will convene to elect 18 new members to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the term 25 to 27. Iceland is a candidate in these elections, hoping to serve for a second time on this important body. We submitted our candidature out of a deep conviction that respect for human rights and the rule of law, justice and fairness are key to a prosperous society. Mr. President, in his opening address to this Assembly on Tuesday, Secretary General Guterres pointed out that less than 10% of all speakers this week would be female. In our estimate, I am one of only 19 women speaking from this podium during the opening session. I thought we had come further than this. But of course, I am truly one of the lucky ones. Mr. President, it is beyond my comprehension That there exists in this world, in these enlightening times, societies of human beings where little girls and women are not allowed to go to school. That there exists in this world of ours a society where little girls are not allowed to laugh in public, and women are not allowed to take part in conversations outside the confines of their homes. A teenage girl in Afghanistan who sings a happy song in public runs the risk of being arrested, of being humiliated, of being ostracized, of being beaten, or even worse. Mr. President, how has the world come to this? And this is why Iceland supports the cross-regional action announced this week here in New York to hold the Taliban to account for their grave violations of CETA. Mr. President, those whose sexual orientation differs from the common norm are suffering backlash, too. While we have thankfully seen a significant shift towards decriminalization of consensual same-sex relations, We are also witnessing laws adopted to establish or expand criminal sanctions contrary to the basic universal norms that all states have agreed. I do not understand why people should not be allowed the freedom to love and be loved for who they are. Increased individual freedom and happiness should never worry politicians or governments. that have real problems to solve. I am proud to confirm that if elected to the Human Rights Council, Iceland will include LGBTI plus rights among a list of priorities during our term on the Council. Mr. President, Iceland strongly emphasizes global actions against climate change, both mitigation and adaptation. Climate change is not a distant threat. It is a reality already impacting the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. Climate change threatens the health of the ocean, which Iceland is highly dependent on. A healthy ocean and a healthy planet are matters of economic prosperity and well-being. One of the main meetings I attended this week was a high-level meeting on sea level rise, which strongly indicates that our ocean's environment is destabilizing. This is yet another challenge we must address, And we believe that only through more determined climate change mitigation can we limit the effects of sea level rise. Taking on this challenge, as well as ensuring that respect is shown for rules and regulations that we have agreed to abide by concerning our behavior at sea, is of great importance to a nation like Iceland that relies heavily on the ocean around us. The United Nations has proven record in this arena, primarily with the Convention for the Law of the Sea, a particularly important agreement in our view, and all maritime nations. Therefore, it is of great concern that the Law of the Sea is being challenged and undermined, including in the South China Sea. We call on all member states to honor their commitments and act in accordance with the Law of the Sea. Mr. President, we must work together for a more stable and prosperous world, and Iceland is set on contributing to more sustainable development. Our recently adopted policy for international development cooperation supports this with the overarching goals of poverty eradication, respect for human rights, and improved living standards. It foresees a significant increase in official development assistance. Given our experience, we will continue our firm focus on gender equality, women's empowerment, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and eradicating gender-based violence. Crucially, we will increase our efforts to strengthen civil rights and improve social and legal protection of LGBTQI plus persons. It falls on all of us to support the vital work of the United Nations and other partners in addressing the dire status of humanitarian affairs. The number of refugees and internally displaced persons has never been higher as increasing levels of fragility know geographical boundaries. Mr. President, we are meeting at a time when the multilateral system is under the greatest pressure it has faced since the establishment of the United Nations. Meanwhile, it is abundantly clear that without multilateralism, without international cooperation, and without respect for international law, the downward spiral of crisis and conflict will only accelerate. The adoption of the Pact for the Future offers an encouraging sign, a collective recognition that it is only together that we can work for a better world, and that we need new tools in these times of change. The choice is namely ours. Either we take on the responsibility to guard the foundations of the multilateralism, the UN Charter, and international law, Or we succumb to a world of might makes right, which surely will only lead us to disaster. So the choice is clear. We must work together to protect and promote the fundamental principles and values underpinning the vision of the UN's founders and on which this great organization is built. We must ensure that the UN system, including the Security Council, keeps up with the times and reforms and adapts to changing realities. Taking this step will require courage and strong political will. Mr. President, over and beyond, we must recognize that the world needs the United Nations more than ever before, and we cannot and must not fail to make our organization the best possible version of itself. The multilateral system deserves to be defended in the same spirit of creativity, under the same promise of hope, and with the same steadfast determination that guided the hands of those who brought this organization into existence almost 80 years ago. I thank you. I thank you, Minister, for an affair to fight limits.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/iceland","Iceland","Her Excellency","Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd Gylfadóttir","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/is_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_IS_EN.mp3" 163,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Sabrahan Yam Jaishankar, Minister for External Affairs of India. Madam President, Excellencies, distinguished members of the General Assembly, Greetings and Namaskar from 1.4 billion people of Bharat. I congratulate the President of the General Assembly, His Excellency, Mr. Philemon Young, and strongly support the 79th UN General Assembly's theme of leaving no one behind. Madam President, we are gathered here at a difficult time. The world is yet to recover from the ravages of the COVID pandemic. A war in Ukraine is well into its third year. The conflict in Gaza is acquiring wider ramifications. Across the global south, development plans have gone off rails and SDG targets are receding. But there is more. Unfair trade practices threaten jobs, just as unviable projects raise debt levels. Any connectivity that flouts sovereignty and territorial integrity acquires strategic connotations, especially when it is not a shared endeavor. Technology advancements, which have long been a source of hope are now equally a factor of anxiety. Climate events occur with greater intensity and frequency. Food security is as worrisome as health security. In truth, the world stands fractious, polarized, and frustrated. Conversations have become difficult, agreements even more so. This is surely not what the founders of the United Nations would have wanted of us. Madam President, almost exactly eight decades ago, the first steps towards the formation of the UN were taken near here at Dumbarton Oaks. Refined thereafter at the Yalta Conference, they were finally approved in San Francisco. The debates of that era centered around how to ensure world peace, a prerequisite for global prosperity. Today, we find both peace and prosperity equally endangered. And that, Madam President, is because trust has eroded and processes have broken down. Countries have extracted more from the international system than they have put into it, enfeebling it in the process. We see that vividly in every challenge and every crisis. Reforming multilateralism is therefore an imperative. The urgency of this call is highlighted by the theme of this session, Leaving no one behind means advancing peace, ensuring sustainable development, and strengthening human dignity. This cannot be delivered by a UN paralyzed when faced with division, conflict, terrorism, and violence. Nor can it be advanced if access to food, fuel, and fertilizer is jeopardized. When capturing markets lacks restraint, it damages the livelihood and social fabric of others. Evasion of climate action responsibilities by the developed undermine the growth prospect of the developing. Indeed, when resource crunch limits the very pursuit of SDG targets, it is not just economies but human dignity itself that is impeded. If the world is in such a state, this body must ask itself, how has this come to pass? The problems arise from a combination of structural shortcomings, political calculations, naked self-interest, and yes, disregard for those left behind. It is natural. to feel overwhelmed by what we confront now. After all, there are so many dimensions, different moving parts, issues of the day, and the changing landscape. But every change must begin somewhere, and there is no better place than where it all started. We, the members of the United Nations, must now seriously and purposefully address ourselves to that task. Not because it is a competition for influence or a squabble for positions, but because if we carry on like this, the state of the world is only going to get worse. And that could mean that more of us are going to be left behind. Madam President, as the world contemplates these concerns, India has sought to respond in a variety of ways. First, by focusing on the issues of the vulnerable women, farmers, and youth, and fashioning targeted policies and initiatives for their betterment. Assured access to piped water, to electricity, to cooking gas and new homes are changing millions of lives. The gender gap has started to close, be it in health, in education or in the workplace. Our food producers, thrice a year, get financial support at the click of a button. And a third-term government has made skilling of the youth its key priority. Second, by expanding opportunities for employment and for entrepreneurship, including through stronger training and large-scale financial incentives. 495 mudra loans, 495 million mudra loans have been given to small businesses in the last decade. 67% of them are to women. Equally telling, 6.56 million street vendors have availed of 8.85 million swanidhi loans. This is just in the last four years. 45% of the beneficiaries are again women. Third, by creating templates that are replicable elsewhere, it could be digital delivery or enhancing the quality of governance and public services, as indeed making medicines and health facilities accessible and affordable. A digital public infrastructure and a people's pharmacy are today examples of what India can readily offer to the world. It is also an alternative vision where technology is used to empower, not to dominate. Fourth, by encouraging the global south to voice its shared concerns and come together. To that end, We have convened three Global South Summits, the most recent in August of 2024. And fifth, by contributing to the well-being of the global commons and responding to the pressing needs of those in distress. This has ranged from undertaking projects in 78 nations, providing resources to neighbors, and responding to HADR situations. to supplying medicines and ensuring maritime safety and security. Madam President, given the scale of transformation underway in India, each of these dimensions underline that the world's problems can indeed be tackled, and that by working together, we can surely create a larger lifting tide. In these troubled times, It is necessary, Madam President, to provide hope and rekindle optimism. We have to demonstrate that big changes are possible and not over a long period. And nothing is more powerful in this regard than the transformative potential of the digital. We have seen its impact in our daily lives in India over the last decade. It is visible when public benefits from nutritional support and housing to energy and health are delivered efficiently and on a vast scale. Or when small business loans and farmers' support are extended without using intermediaries. In fact, when street vendors and expat workforce confidently use FinTech in their regular transactions, when services delivery and benefits move seamlessly and transparently, less people will be left behind. That, Madam President, is India's experience and India's relevance. Such leapfrogging possibilities, coupled with people-centric policies and visionary leadership, can be real game changers. When India lands on the moon, rolls out its own 5G stack, dispatches vaccines worldwide, embraces fintech, or houses so many global capability centers, there is a message here. Our quest for a Vixit Bharat or a developed India will understandably be followed closely. Madam President, an important cause of many getting left behind has been the unfairness of the current globalization model. Over concentration of production has hollowed out many economies, impacting their employment and social stability. Democratizing global production, building resilient supply chains, ensuring trusted digital services, and espousing an open source culture, all these promote widespread prosperity. There are economic answers, just as there are social ones. Madam President, The UN has always maintained that peace and development go hand in hand. Yet, when challenges to one have emerged, due regard has not been given to the other. Clearly, their economic implications for the weak and vulnerable need to be highlighted. But we must also recognize that conflicts themselves must be resolved. The world cannot be fatalistic about the continuation of violence on a large scale, no more than be impervious to its broader consequences. Whether it is the war in Ukraine or the conflict in Gaza, the international community seeks urgent solutions. These sentiments must be acknowledged and acted upon. Madam President, The UN is a testimony to the agreed principles and shared objectives of the world order. Respect for international law and commitments are among the foremost in that regard. If we are to ensure global security and stability, then it is essential that those who seek to lead set the right example. nor can we countenance egregious violations of our basic tenets. Terrorism is antithetical of everything that the world stands for. All its forms and manifestations must be resolutely opposed. The sanctioning of global terrorists by the United Nations should also not be impeded for political reasons. Madam President, many countries get left behind due to circumstances beyond their control. But some make conscious choices with disastrous consequences. A premier example is our neighbor, Pakistan. Unfortunately, their misdeeds affect others as well, especially the neighborhood. When this polity instills such fanaticism among its people, its GDP can only be measured in terms of radicalization and its exports in the form of terrorism. Today, we see the ills it sought to visit on others consume its own society. It can't blame the world. This is only karma. Madam President, a dysfunctional nation coveting the lands of others must be exposed and must be counted. We heard some bizarre assertions from it at this very forum yesterday. So let me make India's position perfectly clear. Pakistan's cross-border terrorism policy will never succeed. and it can have no expectation of impunity. On the contrary, actions will certainly have consequences. The issue to be resolved between us is now only the vacation of illegally occupied Indian territory by Pakistan and, of course, the abandonment of Pakistan's longstanding attachment to terrorism. Madam President, the global order is inherently pluralistic and diverse. The UN began with 51 members. We are now 193. The world has changed profoundly and so have its concerns and its opportunities. But to address both and indeed to strengthen the order itself, it is essential that the UN be the central platform for finding common ground. and that it certainly cannot be by remaining anachronistic. Large parts of the world cannot be left behind when it comes to deciding the key issues of our times. An effective and efficient UN, a more representative UN, and a UN fit for purpose in the contemporary era is essential. Let us therefore send out a clear message from this UNGA session. We are determined not to be left behind. By coming together, sharing experiences, pooling resources, and strengthening our resolve, we can change the world for the better. I thank you, Madam President. I thank the Minister for External Affairs of India,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/india","India","His Excellency","Subrahmanyam Jaishankar","Minister for External Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/in_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_IN_EN.mp3" 164,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency Retno Lestari Prihansari Marsudi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Indonesia. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Mr. President, this is my last opportunity as the Foreign Minister of Indonesia to represent my country to speak before the UNGA. A decade of so many challenges, but at the same time a decade of Indonesia's many contributions in addressing global issues. One of them is Palestine. Indonesia cannot, I repeat, cannot sit back and relax, seeing the injustice that continues to be committed against the people of Palestine. Indonesia is and will always stand with the people of Palestine to attend their right to have an independent state of Palestine. As I speak now, more than 41,000 people in Gaza have been killed. Situations in West Bank, Lebanon are deteriorating. Is that not enough? Is that not enough? Will the Security Council only take action to stop Israel atrocities when all Palestinians are displaced? Or when 100,000 Palestinians are killed? Or when a regional armed conflict breaks out? That will be too late. PM Netanyahu yesterday mentioned, and I quote, That Israel seeks peace. That Israel yearns for peace. Really? How are we supposed to believe that statement? Yesterday, while he was here, Israel conducted unprecedented massive air attack on Beirut. PM Netanyahu wants the war to continue. We must stop that. I repeat, we must stop that. We must pressure Israel to come back to a political solution for a two-state solution. Mr. President, the overwhelming majority of the UN members strongly support the two-state solution, and this is the right time to walk the talk. Recognizing the state of Palestine is the least that we can do now to give Palestinian equal footing on the world states and to exert pressure to Israel to stop their atrocities. Therefore, I urge countries that have yet to recognize the state of Palestine to do so now. If every each of us does it, for sure it will give impact. The recognition of Palestine today is an investment that will yield a more peaceful, just, and human world tomorrow. Once again, Indonesia urged the permanent members of the Security Council to concretely act to immediately stop Israel from blatantly violating international law and to end Israel's impunity. The mandate of the Security Council is to maintain peace, to create peace, not to maintain and prolong wars, or even worse, to support the perpetrator of atrocities. Inaction means complicity. Colleagues, Wherever Indonesia goes, we carry the voices of the Global South. Indonesia started this commitment in 1955 when Indonesia hosted the Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung, Indonesia. The Bandung spirit of equality, cooperation, and solidarity will always be alive to inspire the Global South to gain their rights, including their rights to development. That is the spirit that we need if we want to have a global leadership where moral virtues are the compass of our business. Do not bury the principle of the UN Charter and international law under the rubble of double standard, trust deficit, and zero-sum game. Mr. President, Excellencies, against these global challenges, Indonesia continues to be part of the solution. By embodying this commitment, Indonesia Presidency in 2022 managed to prevent the G20 from collapsing, despite deep geopolitical division. During the global pandemic, we led the establishment of the Pandemic Fund and co-chaired the COVAX AMC Engagement Group to ensure equitable access to vaccine and financial resources and to safeguard health security for all, especially for the Global South. As a member of the Human Rights Council, Indonesia continuously calls for inclusive partnership in addressing global human rights issues. And amidst regional rivalries, Indonesia pioneered the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific as a framework for concrete and inclusive cooperation. to embrace, not to contain. We have demonstrated that global leadership will never be attained through force, domination, and fear. Global leadership should be about guiding collective action by listening, empowering the collaboration, and instilling hope. This is what I say, leadership without hegemony. Mr. President, Excellencies, to attend this vision, we must focus on three key priorities. First, advancing peace through inclusive leadership. Multilateral system should be reformed. The UNSC must be an inclusive space for peace where a wider range of voices can be heard and timely decision can be taken for our collective good. Without peace, our effort to attain global goals such as the SDGs will remain a dream without reality. Indonesia is committed to contribute to global peace by being one of the largest troops contributing countries in UN peacekeeping mission and remain firm in our proactive role to counter terrorism. We also strive to ensure that peace we are promoting will be inclusive by advancing the women, peace and security agenda, contributing to women empowerment, including pursuing equal access to education to women and girls in Afghanistan. Investing in women is investing in peace. Empowering women is empowering prosperity for all. Second, ensure a resilient future for shared prosperity. Indonesia believes in a future where all nations thrive no matter how big or small. But the global pandemic and impact of climate change has shown us all that to prosper together, we must work together. Therefore, the implementation of the Pact for the Future is important to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and scale up partnership and sustainable development even beyond 2030. At the same time, geopolitical tensions have also significantly impacted global supply chain, affected the development trajectory of the Global South, many of whom remain unable to freely exercise their right to development. In this context, Indonesia has taken proactive steps. Earlier this month, Indonesia held the second Indonesia-Africa Forum to enhance cooperation in international supply chains and connectivity, and build collaboration in preparing for the future challenges. Indonesia also hosted the 10th World Water Forum this year. We believe that water is a crucial element for shared prosperity. And third, building bridges to foster global collaboration. Colleagues, a winner-takes-all and take-it-or-leave-it mentality should no longer exist when collaboration is the only antidote in addressing the global challenges of today. For Indonesia, a world where the only option is us versus them will only result in the world of us or them. Global solidarity and collective responsibility is the essence of the Bandung spirit, and this spirit guided us through our G20 presidency in 2022, chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023, and continuous effort to voice the aspiration of the Global South. Indonesia Envision, a world where nations collaborate together to address shared challenges, uphold international law, and protect human rights and dignity of all people. In Southeast Asia, ASEAN with 650 million people has proven that diversity can coexist with stability, peace, and prosperity. Indonesia also continues to work with ASEAN to restore peace and stability in Myanmar through implementation of the ASEAN Five Points of Consensus and to enable the safe and dignified return of the Rohingya people. Beyond ASEAN, we also continue to deepen our engagement to the Pacific region to become part and parcel of an inclusive and peaceful Indo-Pacific architecture based on the principle of solidarity, equality, and mutual respect. Mr. President, colleagues, Peace, justice and humanity will always be at the core of Indonesia's foreign policy. Indonesia understands that global leadership is not something that is inherited, nor does it fall from the sky. It must be earned through our collective efforts. Rest assured that Indonesia's commitment toward common peace, common prosperity, common security will be carried out forward across Indonesia's successive administrations. It is in this spirit that I am proud to announce Indonesia's candidature for a non-permanent seat of the United Nations Security Council for 29 2029, 2030. This candidature reflects our deep commitment to contributing toward global peace and security. So colleagues, let us work together to build a legacy of peace for our future generation. I thank you very, very much. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Indonesia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/indonesia","Indonesia","Her Excellency","Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/id_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ID_EN.mp3" 165,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Yamazaki Katsuyuki, Chair of the Delegation of Japan. Mr. President, Allow me to deliver this statement on behalf of the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Kishida Fumio. Mr. President, Excellencies, the words stand at the historical inflection point. These extremely shifting histories have become distinctive features of the past three years and will continue to define the years to come. I have stressed that at times like these, we must overcome divisions and confrontations and promote international cooperation by going back to the basic foundations. In 2022, I have called for defending the principles of the UN Charter and the rule of law, and 2023, multilateralism with the United Nations at its core by shedding a light on human dignity. Russia's aggression against Ukraine still raises on, and we are witnessing the dire situation in Palestine and Gaza. Unfortunately, divisions and confrontations are deepening. In these difficult times, Japan's position remains unwavering. we should go back to the basic foundations to unite the international community and deepen solidarity. The rule of law and human dignity remain the key to international cooperation. Today, I would like to highlight the importance of strengthening governance at both national and international levels as another foundation for uniting the international community to strengthen the rule of law and protect human dignity. At the summit of the future, we made a commitment to take action for the benefit of present and future generations. Building inclusive societies across the international community where youth, future generations, and women can thrive, and achieving the SDGs, leaving no one behind, are overarching goals that resonate with us. We believe the international community would also agree the role of governance is critical in achieving these goals. Such empathy among us provides a common ground for all members of the international community to share and fulfill their responsibilities. My message for this year can be summarized in a simple phrase, inclusive governance with shared responsibility. Mr. President, to address unprecedented crises and challenges, and to protect and strengthen the rule of law and human dignity, Japan, as a member of the international community, is determined to play a role for stronger governance. First and foremost, we must strengthen the governance to work towards international peace and security, which is the foundation for a prosperous society. Next year marks the 80th anniversary of the United Nations. It is time to transform the United Nations to address the most pressing challenges in peace and security and meet the needs of a new era. Russia's aggression against Ukraine, which has continued for more than two and a half years, poses a blatant challenge to the international order based on the rule of law and shakes its very foundations. There are a host of issues that need to be addressed, including North Korea's nuclear missile development, the situation in Gaza, and conflict and terrorism in Africa. The international community is in need of our United Nations. in particular the Security Council, that is credible and carries out its responsibility effectively. At the summit of the future, the world leaders issued a clear and strong message on the urgent need to reform the Security Council. In order to respond in good faith, it is essential to begin the development of a consolidated reform model and text-based negotiations as soon as possible. In this regard, it should be underscored that the majority of member states, including African group, are calling for the expansion of both permanent and non-permanent membership of the Council. Japan will work with others to achieve a Security Council that is more representative with developing countries included and effective reflecting the realities of international community. Japan also attaches great importance to the role of the General Assembly in the area of international peace and security. For the sake of future generations, it is necessary to maintain and strengthen a free and open international order based on the rule of law and to ensure peace, stability, and prosperity in the world. It is with this conviction that I have promoted the free and open Indo-Pacific. The vision of free and open Indo-Pacific is in line with the goals of the United Nations. Japan will continue to expand our circle of partners who share this vision, and together we will address various challenges facing the international community in a spirit of cooperation. Strengthening domestic governance is also essential for international peace and security and prosperity. Japan has continued to spearhead human-centered international cooperation based on the concept of human security. We need to accelerate the efforts of the international community as a whole towards achieving the SDGs. It is also vital to address the root causes of conflict by interlinking humanitarian development and peace efforts in order to curb the deterioration of humanitarian situations due to protracted conflicts. In March this year, during Japan's presidency of the Security Council, Japan held an open debate on peace building and conflict prevention. We should strengthen the functions of the Peace Building Commission, which has a unique convening power, and increase the cooperation with the Security Council to further promote the humanitarian development peace nexus. In promoting these initiatives, the perspectives of women, youth, and rural areas must be taken into account. The Women, Peace and Security, WPS, agenda seeks to achieve sustainable peace through women's participation and leadership in peace building and disaster recovery processes. When there is governance that enables women's active participation, the WPS agenda becomes even more meaningful. In order to build this type of inclusive society, it is important to nurture the future generation so that they can take a lead in various initiatives. To this end, Japan plans to launch a program to nurture the next generation of leaders in the field of gender. In order to achieve flexible, resilient future society that is rich in diversity and able to respond to new challenges, Japan will work on promoting youth, supporting research and building networks for young researchers, and holding the forum for the next generation. Rural perspective is also important. Japan is trying to utilize a remarkable technology of companies and rural areas, including active and long-established companies and startups, to promote projects that can contribute to solving social issues and create a robust virtual cycle in both the economies of rural areas and overseas. Domestic governance is the bedrock of sustainable development, as it underpins countries' ability to mobilize private investment and domestic financing. At the same time, each country achieving sustainable growth would amount to the sustainability of the international community as a whole, a process which would then be supported by international governance. The focus should therefore be on governance at all levels. Second, we should all share the responsibility for responding to new challenges facing the international community and work together with a new approach. I'd like to start by addressing the challenge of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, my lifelong work as a politician hailing from Hiroshima. Secretary General Guterres puts his challenge as the very first recommendation in his new agenda for peace launched last year. Despite the extended efforts of the international community, the world is now on the cusp of a reversal in the decreasing trend of a global number of nuclear arsenals. We must face up to the situation that nuclear weapons are once again becoming an apparent global risk due to changing geopolitical circumstances and deepening divisions and confrontations in the international community. With these serious concerns in mind, I have been steadily taking nuclear disarmament initiatives under the Hiroshima Action Plan to strengthen realistic and practical efforts to realize a world without nuclear weapons. In March this year, as the President of the Security Council, Japan chairs the Ministerial Meeting of the Security Council on Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation. Following this effort, on the 23rd of this month, I hosted a high-level meeting to launch the Friends of FMCD here in New York. Next year marks 80 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. as the only country to have ever suffered atomic bombings during war. Japan will further strengthen efforts to promote accurate understanding on the realities of nuclear weapons use as a starting point for all nuclear disarmament measures. Japan will also act to further advance nuclear disarmament as we head toward the 2026 NPT review conference. Japan will also work even more closely with the international community towards the denuclearization of North Korea, including full implementation of relevant UN security resolutions. Japan will continue to seek to normalize its relationship with North Korea in accordance with the Japan DPRK Pyongyang Declaration. through comprehensively resolving outstanding issues of concern, such as abductions, nuclear and missile issues, as well as settlement of the unfortunate past. The rapid development of emerging technologies is bringing new challenges to disarmament and nonproliferation efforts. Focusing on the further development of emerging technologies, Japan intends to actively and constructively participate in international rulemaking on leader autonomous weapon systems through balanced discussions, taking into account humanitarian security perspectives so that a common understanding can be reached among the international community, including stakeholder states. In discussing new challenges, we must also include aspects of digital technologies, especially considering the Global Digital Compact was just adopted at the summit of the future. Digital technologies have the power to transform the future of the world, thereby making digital cooperation an essential part of protecting and enhancing human dignity. Among such digital technologies, there is an urgent need to establish international governance on artificial intelligence in order to maximize opportunities brought by AI while mitigating its risks. Japan has been working through the Hiroshima AI process to achieve safe, secure, and trustworthy AI. We will continue to actively contribute to the discussions of AI at the United Nations. In tackling global issues, the evolution of multilateral development banks has emerged as a new issue. Japan will continue to further progress in the MDP evolution in a way that reflects the specificities of each institution and the discussions of their boards. Increasing lending capacity to developing countries through utilizing existing capital and private capital mobilization and addressing debt restructuring faced by those countries are also pressing issues. Transparent and fair development finance in line with international rules and standards is needed now more than ever. Climate change is a common challenge to all humankind and a critical issue that the international community collectively needs to address. Japan has identified climate change as the greatest challenge that needs to be overcome by bringing about a new form of capitalism. We are steadily taking actions and are on track to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. It is important that all countries come together to achieve the common goal of net zero through various pathways that are compatible with economic growth and energy security. As an initiative to embody these areas, Japan has proposed the concept of Asia Zero Emission Community. We are working with other Asian countries to simultaneously achieve decarbonization, economic growth, and energy security in the region. What I would like to highlight this year is the importance of inclusive governance upheld by shared responsibility. This requires solidarity among diverse countries. At last year's G7 Hiroshima Summit, I set the strengthening of engagement with partners beyond G7 as one of the pillars of the summit. Since then, Japan has been supporting stronger domestic governance in developing countries to protect human dignity through the exchanging of opinions with ASEAN, India, Pacific countries, as well as with Latin American countries, including Brazil, which holds the G20 presidency this year. Africa is a region that is experiencing dynamic growth, supported by a younger generation population and the fruits of its efforts to strengthen their inclusive governance. At the same time, Africa continues to face challenges related to human dignity, such as poverty, job creation, and fragile economic and social infrastructures, as well as challenges related to peace and stability, such as conflict, terrorism, refugees, and displaced persons. Strengthening governance is important as a lever for change to achieve peace, stability, and sustainable development. Investing in human resources and mobilizing domestic and international resources for this purpose are essential for economic transformation that leads to growth. As a longstanding partner of Africa, Japan has been supporting the strengthening of equal systems and governance conducive to domestic and international resource mobilization, including through assistance for fiscal management and trade facilitation. Japan has also supported elections to consolidate and strengthen democracy and assisted in the capacity building of administrative and judicial personnel. Furthermore, we have promoted the International Community Dialogue to foster a shared future encouraged by participation of citizens, including youth and women, in the political and construction process, and supported the strengthening their livelihoods. Next year, we will host TICAT 9 in Yokohama. Together with our African friends and the United Nations, we will find innovative solutions to Africa's and global challenges. As a part of these efforts, Japan will consider further preferential measures in light of the WTO decision so that the least developed countries can achieve smooth and sustainable development and their graduation from the LDC category. Mr. President, at this year's UN General Assembly, let us all look towards the same vision for future and joint forces to strengthen governance across the international community. Let us work together for inclusive society where the rule of law and human dignity are upheld. The United Nations has an important role to play, and the international community is counting on it to fulfill its mandate. As a member state of the United Nations, Japan will also contribute to this progress. Thank you for your attention. I thank the chair of the delegation of Japan. Colleagues, we've heard the last speaker","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/japan","Japan","His Excellency","Yamazaki Kazuyuki","Permanent Representative","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/jp_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_JP_EN.mp3" 166,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Murat Netulu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, let me first congratulate His Excellency Philemon Young on his election as the President of the current session. I assure him of my country's full support and wish him every success in his noble endeavors. Excellencies, As we gather here, global system is dangerously close to a breaking point. Dozens of our fellow member states represented in this August Hall are gripped by conflict and instability, claiming many thousands of lives. Entire continents are affected by the climate crisis. Multilateralism is struggling to keep pace. And yet, the United Nations is still the indispensable universal organization. After almost eight decades, it remains a vital platform for dialogue and cooperation on the most acute issues of our time. This undeniable fact compels states to keep working through the UN towards a sustainable world. yet it reinforces our determination to seek global peace and stability. And this green podium, this hall, remind us that no nation, no matter how powerful, can tackle global problems alone. Excellencies, the plight of millions of victims Conflict victims worldwide across the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and parts of Africa deserve immediate, decisive, and collective action. But the UN Security Council's decision-making process is paralyzed, as underscored by the Secretary General This sad reality undermines the credibility, legitimacy, and effectiveness of the organization as a whole. Having annual discussions about reforming global institutions is no longer enough. It is time to enact the change our world so desperately needs. Last year, from this podium, President Qasemjomar Tokayev of Kazakhstan introduced the initiative of World Unity for Just Peace and Harmony. This visionary framework seeks to cultivate peace, stability, and security through meaningful and equitable engagement between the Global South and Global North. The voice of middle powers and developing nations are vital in bridging divides and nurturing a more effective international security architecture. It is in this spirit that I invite all nations to embrace my country's initiative. Together, we can pave the way for a more harmonious and united world. Excellencies, The pressing risk of another nuclear arms race is exacerbating geopolitical polarization. For over four decades, Kazakhstan's people and land were subject to the devastating effects of 456 nuclear tests. Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation are key pillars of my country's foreign policy. Kazakhstan is therefore deeply concerned by the escalating rhetoric of nuclear threats. We appeal to all nuclear states to adhere to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. I also urge those countries who have not joined the treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons to do so as soon as possible for the safety, stability, and survival of our world. As the chair of the third meeting of the TPNW, we will promote the establishment of an international trust fund for assistance to victims of nuclear tests. Excellencies, in our existential threat to no nation can afford to ignore this climate change. This year is expected to be the hottest on record. Droughts, floods, and other weather calamities continue to cost lives and damage economies around the globe. We therefore call again on G20 countries and multilateral development banks to share the burden by providing green technologies and concessional financing to low and middle income countries in line with the Paris Agreement. Our region stands on the front line of global warming despite accounting for only 1% of global emissions. Central Asia will face an above-average 2.5-degree increase in temperatures by 2050. This sober reality has deepened our commitment to addressing climate change. That is why my country will host the regional climate summit in 2026, aimed at further enhancing cooperation among UN members on climate resilience and green transition. One of the consequences of climate change is water scarcity across the world. It undermines food, energy, ecological systems on every continent. One in four people today lacks access to safe drinking water. And this trend continues. By 2050, more than 5 billion could suffer water shortages. In Central Asia, by that time, water deficiency will affect 25 to 30% of the population. Meeting this challenge requires both serious political will and resources, including scientific and economic ones. As the current chair of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, Kazakhstan is working with regional partners on a long-term and sustainable cooperation mechanism for the effective use of water and energy resources in Central Asia. Our approach takes into account the interests of all stakeholders in irrigation, hydropower, and environmental protection. Excellencies, the largest landlocked country Kazakhstan actively promotes the interests of all LLDC countries in addressing the multifaceted challenges our group faces. Despite significant strides, we are still far from implementing the Vienna Program of Action. We are lagging on critical indicators, particularly the adoption of innovative technologies for trade facilitation and the development of transit and transport corridors. These challenges magnify the vulnerability of LLDC's chock of investments to administrate and escalate the debt burden. Furthermore, our geographical constraints prevent us from integrating fully into global trade and economic processes on an equal footing. We are dedicated to advancing our group's vital interests globally and regionally. My country is already a bridge for 80% of overland transit cargo traffic between Asia and Europe. Kazakhstan is committed to strengthening synergies between the Belt and Road Project, the Global Gateway Initiative, and the North, South, and Trans-Caspian International Transport Road corridors. Together, we have the unique potential to transform our landlocked status into landlinked connectivity. Excellencies, the summit of the future distinctly highlighted digital transformation as the dividing force behind the 2030 agenda. But the true key to this shift is ensuring every nation has equitable access to cutting-edge technologies. The rapid development of AI exacerbates cyber threats and brings new challenges. This includes its potential use in warfare, the consequences for data privacy, the risks of misuse for information wars, deepfakes and more. Kazakhstan believes The UN can and must play a leading role in this revolutionary field. We urge technological and digital advanced states to take an active part in developing common ethics and standards to govern AI in the most responsible and peaceful way. The establishment of a UN AI office would be a welcome step in this direction. Excellencies, in the current geopolitical landscape, Central Asia is increasingly asserting itself in global affairs. Our region is not only a crossroad of cultures and economies, but it is also rapidly transforming into a bridge for cooperation between East and West. We adhere to the formula successful Central Asia, successful Kazakhstan. Along with our partners, we are building a more connected and resilient Central Asia through a set of C5-plus dialogue platforms. Today, our regional agenda also includes the development of Afghanistan into a stable and predictable state, a reliable trade partner. In this context, the United Nations Regional Centre on Sustainable Development for Central Asia and Afghanistan in Almaty will be a game changer for coordinated SDG delivery. We do hope this innovative undertaking will receive broad support from member states. Excellencies, upholding human rights is not merely an aspiration, but one of the key prerequisites of sustainable development. It's also the best antidote against those inequalities that are often the root cause of instability and conflicts. Our national reforms aim to build a just and fair Kazakhstan based on inclusivity, transparency, and the rule of law. My country has abolished the death penalty, instituted a zero-tolerance policy against torture, and strengthened national preventive mechanisms. To reinforce our commitment to the values of life and humanity, Kazakhstan, along with our Central Asian neighbors and Mongolia, is spearheading the initiative to become the first region entirely free of the death penalty. Safeguarding women's rights and ensuring children's safety are top priorities of my president and government. We are advancing the UN Human Rights Council agenda by proposing impactful resolutions focused on children, child education, and combating domestic violence. Being one of the champions of Repatriation of women and children from conflict zones in the Middle East. Kazakhstan will host an international conference in 2025 on best practices in the field of repatriation and reintegration. Through partnership with the UN volunteers, we are creating new opportunities for young people and actively promoting 2026 as the International Year of Volunteers for Sustainable Development. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, both at home and on the global stage, Kazakhstan and its people stand resolute in our commitment to build a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future. Central to this mission is our unwavering dedication to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, embodying our shared aspiration for humanity. As we look ahead to the 80th anniversary of the United Nations next year, I urge all states to unite in the full implementing this ambitious agenda. We have the chance to transform this upcoming historical milestone into a true celebration of shared achievements. Let the summit of the future and the UN General Assembly session mark the beginning of a transformative journey towards a brighter and more inclusive future for all of us, our children and coming generations. Thank you. I thank the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/kazakhstan","Kazakhstan","His Excellency","Murat Nurtleu","Deputy Prime Minister","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/kz_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_KZ_EN.mp3" 167,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Xavier Peto, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development, Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of Luxembourg. Colleagues, it's an honor to be in front of you again for being able to speak about the situation and how we see the world. I listened to a lot of speeches and when I listened to the main team of the topic we had last week and the beginning of the week, no one behind, I have to tell you that we are in a bit in a special situation. How should you explain to someone in Palestine, in Lebanon, in Kiev, in so many different places around the world that we want to leave no one behind? That's just because of war. How would you explain to some of the countries now that after some national elections, the development and the aid for those more poor country are cutted by saying no one behind? How do you want to say to people waiting outside, demonstrating outside, that we came here together to find solutions about all the troubles that we have nowadays? I can tell you that for them, we are just discussing but not acting. We are like a very barking dog without teeth, barking all the time but leaving so many people behind. That's just a not so optimistic introduction, but this is the case how it is today when I see that for the moment 60 conflicts are existing and about 50 conflicts could start tomorrow. So in total we have about 115 conflicts. potentially or existing already. And they go from Congo to Yemen, from Sudan to Myanmar, from Syria to Venezuela, from Haiti to Libya, from Armenia to Azerbaijan could happen tomorrow. So you see, the whole world is, in fact, if you look geographically, in conflict. You have these big conflicts we speak a lot about, but you have also all these little conflicts who are not on our agenda every day, but where people suffer that much also. I have next week a meeting of the French-speaking countries, and as I want to be welcomed, excuse me, I will continue also in French. When I speak of the major conflicts that exist, let me begin with Ukraine. This week we had President Zelensky here, and a lot of you have been to Kyiv. You've been there to support Ukrainian colleagues, and I remember the discussions that we've had here. And I see a couple of colleagues from the Russian Federation here. That's good. It's something new. Very often they leave the room. I'd like to ask them today why there is this war. Why this war? I remember at the beginning of this conflict, a lot of you felt that this wasn't my role. But I tried to dialogue with President Putin and also have a dialogue with President Zelensky. And I remember the arguments that were put forward. I won't tell you details of my discussion with President Putin, but asking why Russia has attacked Ukraine. And we were told that it was Ukraine that wanted to make Russia fearful, that it was a danger to Russia. Beginning a war is easy. Ending a war is what requires greatness. And you can have peace conferences. They are organized. But without the presence of Russia or China, believe me, these are moments of moral support for Ukraine. But if we want to find a solution, then You have to get everybody around the table to find a lasting solution for Ukraine. We ourselves are Luxembourg, and we are a small country, but twice we have experienced aggression. Twice we thought we had neighbors that thought they knew better for our country than we did ourselves. And so we understand the suffering of Ukraine. We know what it is to have a bigger neighbor and a neighbor that feels they know better. today in the European Union, Germany is a brotherly country, a partner country with France and Belgium. And we are lucky to have the European Union of 1957. And when we see conflicts in this world, you see that the European Union and we're not always the best example in everything, but you can see that we live in peace. And that goes from Baltic countries down to Portugal, from Greece to Ireland. And you can see that it works when you sit around a table and discuss things. Or at the time when we had conflicts, you see that it was force that was the response. So let's get around the table with our partners, but let's have peace talks where we also have the Russian partners and the Russian partners participating so that we can work out a plan for the future. Luxembourg does what it can. We have supported demining, for example. And don't forget, I just visited Laos. 30 years after the war, 40 years after the war, people are still dying from remnants of war. And don't forget that if tomorrow the war in Ukraine comes to an end, there will still be victims tomorrow and the day after and the day after that as human consequences of having placed mines everywhere. We have to also help children that have been deported to Russia and we need to ensure that impunity is not the rule. And after conflict, of course, referring to Ukraine, I have to refer to the Middle East. This week, we've had discussions with partners to find a two-state solution. For me, what is important today is that we have to be conscious of the fact that there won't be a winner of this war. What's being caused here? How do you explain to a young Israeli that Palestine is a friendly country when their brothers or sisters are held hostage by Hamas? How do you want to explain to a young Palestinian that Israel, its neighboring country, is its friend, when they buried their friend the day before. That's the reality on the ground. What are we doing here? It's generations of hate for the next 20, 30 years, future generations, where people won't get around the table. One is going to continue to hate the other in this situation. Are we aware of this? Yesterday I heard the Israeli Prime Minister, he was thinking about the head of Hezbollah, I mean, if tomorrow somebody said, if the head of Hezbollah is killed, there'll be no terrorism, that's the same. But these terrorist organizations are like octopuses. If you cut off one arm, another one grows. There's no one approach against fanaticism. We have to restore the hope of young people. And if we don't find a solution quickly, we are... training future generations for Hamas and Hezbollah in that region that is so full of conflict, 40,000 people already dead. UNRWA, which is an organization that is part of this house, let's remember that, and that is being placed on the list of terrorist organizations. Are we all going to accept that our own agency working there be considered as a terrorist organization? And for those that are not familiar with UNRWA's work, counsel you to go to Palestine and see what UNRWA is doing on the ground, providing education, health. There wouldn't be that if UNRWA wasn't there. They're doing everything to ensure that the can do what they can. So many people have already given their lives for UNRWA to help the Palestinian people. And if we accept here that UNRWA is considered a criminal organization, we open the Pandora's box for everything. We have to understand today that there's no alternative to UNRWA. And no one is saying, well, I can replace UNRWA. I can deal with Palestine tomorrow, whatever happens. So I really do urgently call upon Israel to stop placing an agency of this house on a terrorist list, and we are not reacting to it. That means we're accomplices in accepting everything. Now, I understand that Israel has the right to self-defense, but there are limits as well, and it's important to be balanced. On this matter, people always want to say you're for Israel or you're for Palestine or you're against one or against the other. No, you can be for peace. You can be for the civilian population without being in favour of one or not in favour of the other. We think too much about this one party against another party and it's the civilians that suffer. We talk about recognition as well. My country is one of the few countries that has not recognised. Some countries have... recognized. Okay, but that recognition is a one-time thing. I don't want to have recognition just as a symbol. I want it to have an impact. So that's also a message to all of you that haven't yet do this. Let's coordinate, have an exchange of views and see how we can have an impact on the ground so that that has an effect. Not just to say, well, we're giving moral support and that that is... We want to help the people that are there on the ground. And there will need to be a two-state solution. We need a two-state solution, and we need to realize that peace in Palestine will constitute the security of Israel. And without peace in Palestine, there will never be any guaranteed peace for Israel. They go hand in hand. And I'd like to have this coordination between countries. And if there is no coordination, then we need to think about possibly opening up a diplomatic representation in Israel and in Palestine that we haven't yet done as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to stress that we want to have two states that we recognize. And when I think of the vote that was held here a little time, a little while ago, Do you agree with the interpretation of the ICJ? We asked for an opinion. Let's not forget that. And then do we decide afterwards whether we want to respect that opinion? You don't wait for a judge to give a ruling and then say whether you agree with it or not. No, you request an opinion of a judge and then you request the opinion of that international organization or it may as well not be there in the first place. So the Sahel, another difficult area. where some years ago we were discussing with partners. Now we've seen coups and instability in Africa. People who are becoming refugees because they are afraid that they might be mistreated by the coup leaders that took power overnight. What's important for me, I'm a foreign affairs minister, but I'm also a minister for cooperation. And we've spoken about the Pact for the Future. We've spoken about this investment. And I remember as former Prime Minister, the Millennium Goals, the MDGs. Now we have the Sustainable Development Goals. And particularly this year is the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions. And we speak about these things. But we forget as well. As new Minister for Cooperation, I have established new criteria I, for example, have asked countries with which we've signed an agreement that I don't want to dictate things. For a long time, Europe thought it knew what was best for Africans. No, Africans have to make their own choices. But it's important to support them as well through cooperation policies. And then you can have partnerships. You can have exchanges and collaborations. What I ask of those countries, however, is not the minerals. It's not about the... economic recovery, and I'm not asking them to change their legislation. All I'm asking is that they don't backslide, that they don't go backwards. So, in other words, the rights that exist for everybody already are respected, be that the rights of women. When I think of a country that's a member here where women don't have the right anymore to be educated, do we accept that? No, and I won't shut up about that. I don't accept it. where religions can't be followed in the country? No, I don't accept that. And when we ask that the rights of minorities and gender minorities are respected, as it exists today and there be no backsliding. I will say something if that's not the case. This week I was at a meeting with a head of state, an African head of state, and I wanted to work with them, and I spoke about these three conditions, this importance of respecting them. And that head of state told me with regard to sexual minorities that if their population feel that homosexuality is a crime, then they will criminalise it. To be a head of state, Mr. President, is not always to do what the majority wants. It's also to defend the minorities in a country. You can't always follow what some people want to be done against others. Diversity is what makes the wealth of a country. And if tomorrow rights that exist now are withdrawn, that means that I can't have a serene dialogue with that country if they go in that direction. And I regret that very much. And I'm not asking anybody to change their rules on abortion or religion or to have marriage for everyone or give rights today that don't exist. But don't backtrack. These are things that we've seen in Europe and elsewhere in the world. So don't make that mistake of going back to a previous world. And the pact for the future. And we've got SDG 16, rule of law and justice. I'd like to thank, I'm grateful for the discussion that we've had here talking about the rule of law. Now, in the EU even, we have certain countries that see this rather flexibly. I don't think that's acceptable, and we have had to take action within the European Union against certain countries. But we do have to keep our backbone here when it comes to women's rights and justice. Women's rights, for example, in Luxembourg, we've discussed whether we should give additional money to political parties that place more women on electoral lists. But why give a premium for something that should be normal? We have decided... that if somebody doesn't do this, there will be less money, but why should we give more money for doing something that should be normal? No, you can make progress, logical progress, rather than giving a premium to an organisation to do something that should be normal. the environment. When I look at the SDGs, we speak about the environment. Well, that seems to be a little bit forgotten. I mean, we had a lot of demonstrations, Fridays for Future and others, and then the economy seemed to take the upper hand on the environment. And don't forget that some countries might disappear with the environment. I mean, we're surrounded by other big land masses, so we won't, but some islands might risk disappearing. Are we aware that if we don't, it might not be a popular view, but if we don't act, then we will be leaving heritage to future generations that we won't be proud of. There's a COP coming up in Baku, and I think that that will be a very important point in time for all of us. And today we have a conflict between between them and Armenia, and I hope it will be solved before that COP. Let's do that. Let's commit ourselves to peace in Azerbaijan. Let's show that we can be proud to come to Baku, that we can be proud to have results where everyone will be happy to have gone without having in the back of their minds is there a risk that tomorrow there might be a conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. So let's deal with that. really all I can recommend. Then with regard to this dog that barks but never dies, yes, in Europe, we have rules like we do in the UN that date back to the Second World War, the leftovers of the Second World War, with the five permanent members and Africa not represented. And in 2024, now we're asking ourselves, well, how can we have a Security Council talking about the world without Africa being represented? That's the first thing. And now we're being told, well, it would be It's good to have this and that country as a permanent member. I'm not opposed to that. But it's not by enlarging the circle of the privilege that we will become more efficient. If we want to be more efficient, effective, we have to ask ourselves the question whether it's normal that a permanent member, through a veto, is able to block a process. No, it's not. I think you have to think about this. Security Council reform, why couldn't it be that if a country enters a veto, a two-thirds majority would be able to overturn that veto and that then there would be a vote in the General Assembly and if two-thirds here as well voted in a different direction to the veto, then that veto would be rendered ineffective. If we want to make progress, that's the only thing we can do. just having more members in the Security Council would just be expanding the problem because more people would have the right to veto. So I conclude here, Mr. President, by saying that being a permanent member of this House is not a privilege, it's a responsibility. And if you look at the time that this was created, it was done by countries that were there to guarantee power. They were the major powers that were there because they were the guarantors of peace. Whereas today, some of them are more troublemakers than anything else, and they prevent us finding peaceful solutions which are in everyone's interest. My dream, Mr President, is to come here one day and address you, being convinced that we can say that in this world, and I said this three or four years ago in my speech, that in this world, Irrespective of where we are and the colour that we might have, the religion that we might follow, our gender, our sexual orientation, how much money my parents had, I have the same chances, the same rights, but also the same obligations. And then I would be proud to be part of an international community. I thank you. I thank the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development, Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of Luxembourg.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/luxembourg","Luxembourg","His Excellency","Xavier Bettel","Deputy Prime Minister","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/lu_fl.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LU_EN.mp3" 168,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Mohammed Hassan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malaysia. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Excellency, Mr. President, thank you for this opportunity to address the 79th session of General Assembly. Representing Malaysia, I stand before you today, Mr. President, reiterating our commitment to peace in line with the values enshrined in our esteemed Charter. Seventy-nine years it has been since the founding of the United Nations From the dust, the Second World War, we emerged, many of us as new nation states, with a shared goal to build a safer world. Yet, for many of us, it is not a safer world than it was 79 years ago. For many, it has only become a deadlier world. It has become a world in which war can be waged remotely and with impunity, a world in which a drone strike can fatally interrupt a lesson at a school, a surgery in a hospital, or a convoy delivering humanitarian aid. We have lost, Mr. President, we have lost against these practices, yet our call for peace are repeatedly ignored and vetted away. In other words, it is a world in which the mighty continue to silence the meek, with far greater weapons than before. Nowhere does this ring true, of course, than in Gaza. We stand at a critical juncture in world history on the failure of global governance to address the genocide of Palestinians. And it has echoed across the world on the abysmal response by world leaders to end these horrendous crimes. There are also many of us who have pursued justice for the people of Gaza. For almost one year now, we have raised our voices in protest and sought to establish a ceasefire. Again and again, our voices have been shut down in the Security Council through the power of veto. It is clear the mechanisms of Security Council have been abused to enable mass atrocities. Our failure to establish a ceasefire is no longer justifiable. We have run out of excuses, Mr. President. It is time to address the problem. The veto should not be exercised at will. There must be an exception in cases of crimes against humanity and attacks of civilian infrastructure. We must commit ourselves towards a reformed United Nations. Justice begins with ending impunity and ensuring accountability. For this to be realized, the undemocratic veto must be limited or abolished altogether. The humiliating paralysis of Security Council must be corrected through the empowerment of this General Assembly where the voices of the majority prevail. Understand this Our willingness to reform is a matter of life and death of countless innocent people. They are children dying between missile strikes and between the words that we speak today. Mr. President, the theme of this General Assembly session is Leaving No One Behind. In the spirit of this effort, it fills us with hope to see the State of Palestine seated among us today. Malaysia allows the 143 member states for their support in extending the UN's principle of equality among nations to the State of Palestine this year. And we strongly urge the remaining minority to join the majority. It is time to realise Palestine's right to statehood and full membership in this Assembly. It is only through the elevation of dialogue and diplomacy that we can seek a long-lasting solution, not through collective punishment, not through man-made famine, and not through impunity and disregard for international law, Mr. President. Indeed, the elevation of dialogue and respect for international law have been compromised in this Assembly for some time now. Israel has violated every international law there is, including the Genocide Convention, Geneva Convention, and human rights treaties. Just months ago, the world witnessed Israel's mockery and utter disrespect of the United Nations in this very hall with the insolent shredding of the United Nations Charter. Israel's actions with each passing day raise our doubt as to whether it actually believes in the UN system or values its membership in this organization. Its illegal occupation has entrenched a system of apartheid and discrimination against Palestinians. The Israeli regime has itself declared its intent to wipe out an entire population. This is, Mr. President, without question, a genocide. The United Nations must not remain idle. We must urgently utilize the existing processes founded by the General Assembly along with mechanisms developed by Human Rights Council. Malaysia calls on the international community to reinstitute the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid. Furthermore, Malaysia demands that the Security Council invoke the powers under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter and impose an immediate arms embargo against Israel. Therefore, Mr President, our task is threefold. Number one, we must limit or abolish the veto. Number two, we must continue to empower the voices of the oppressed within this General Assembly. And thirdly, we must halt the flow of weapons to rock states who have proven a hundred times over their willingness to commit crimes against humanity. Although the powerful few may behave as though might is right, Let there be no question that in the United Nations, the voice of majority will not go ignored. Indeed, we must empower smaller countries to meet the challenges of our time. The international landscape is in flux, Mr. President. Superpower reveries. global economic uncertainties, climate change, unequal development, and the many misfortunes that come with it. Countries situated in Southeast Asia are not exempt from these worries. Yet through the decades, we have not only endured but overcome many of our shared hurdles together. We have achieved this together, the ASEAN way. Through ASEAN, we have propelled ourselves to get forward within the international architecture by bolstering peace, security, economy, and regional identity. Yet the years ahead will profoundly test us. ASEAN resilience, ASEAN shared norms and identity, and ASEAN processes and mechanisms. Malaysia stands ready to assume the chairmanship of ASEAN in 2025, and we are fully cognizant of reasserting ASEAN in the driver's seat of the Asia-Pacific region. Our chairmanship will focus on the region's drive for future readiness. We will emphasize reinforcement of global aspirations, inclusive and people-driven policies and future-oriented mechanisms. We will aim to fortify ASEAN centrality amid the emergence of multilateral pacts affecting the region. This is a key step to prevent the region from becoming entrapped in unnecessary geopolitical rivalry or possible escalation. Mr. President, ASEAN centrality must also involve managing the most critical issues of the South China Sea. This body of water, rich in resources and carrying the vital shipping line, has become a flashpoint of rising geopolitical tensions. Escalation of rhetoric is a dangerous path to follow. We must not allow the situation to become dominated by growing distrust. If this benefits no one, it only further undermines security and destabilizes global trade. We must collectively pursue a different vision of the South China Sea, a future in which this region is a zone of peace, stability and cooperation. We must adopt a collaborative approach embedded in diplomacy and dialogue. Thus, I call upon all countries to abide by the UN clause in the conduct of maritime governance. We must prioritize peaceful coexistence. This is also one of the many reasons the member states must continue to work together with regards to Myanmar. We will push for stronger humanitarian assistance and adherence to the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus to seek solutions. We will do it as one. The diversity of our region, far from being an obstacle, is symbolic of our power to build bridges. It goes without saying, Mr. President, that our stewardship of ASEAN will therefore emphasize continuous dialogue with our partners, as well as the adaptability needed to engage with different challenges and stakeholders. Malaysia will strive to realize our common desire and collective will to live in a region of lasting peace, security and stability, sustained economic growth, social progress, and ultimately shared prosperity. Yes, shed prosperity, Mr. President. This is the ghost of geopolitics, Mr. President, often spoken but never seen. Mr. President, the countries of the Global South have continued to be marginalised and remain underrepresented on many fronts. Global socio-economic development, climate mitigation efforts, education, health and infrastructure development, International mechanisms fail to adapt to current realities, often isolating and penalizing developing countries, placing the burden of environmental guilt onto them while disregarding our very real needs. The lack of infrastructure, technology and resources has prevented developing countries from fully engaging in international systems and aspirations. One of the primary challenges, Mr. President, is equitable access to financing for development. Innovative and new models of financing for development that drive sustainability, conservation, climate action, and achievement of SDGs should be part of new multilateral solutions. The climate crisis may be the most pressing challenge of our time. It is no longer a distant threat. It has flooded our doorstep, Mr President. It transcends borders by disrupting economies and displacing entire communities. The scientific data has spoken. We are witnessing unprecedented levels of warming, extreme weather, and devastating impacts of rising sea levels. National efforts alone will not suffice. The climate crisis requires global solutions in the form of climate financing, technology transfer, and capacity building. We must continue to push for a just and equitable approach, the meeting of the development needs of the Global South. At the same time, Malaysia advocates the importance of Global South unity. We have a broader vision of promoting peace, development and stable multipolar order through the empowerment of the voices of the South. The countries of the Global South hold massive potential to further the pursuit of peace and justice around the world through solidarity among developing nations and through mutual support and understanding. This is fundamental to ensure fair and equitable progress for all. The Global South demands your attention, Mr. Chairman. We must not leave anyone behind. Unfortunately, global trends are pointing in the opposite direction. Around the world, we are witnessing an upsurge in hate speech and violence toward minorities. The past few years have been shadowed by the rise of Islamophobia in particular. We are appalled by the alarming trend of hatred, intolerance and acts of violence against Muslims. This cannot continue, Mr President. In the era of globalisation, there is room for everyone to coexist. And it is our job, under the banner of a united world, to ensure that peace will prevail. We must take action now. Malaysia urged for the appointment of the UN Special Envoy to combat Islamophobia. We stand ready to support any efforts undertaken by the UN towards nurturing dialogue between communities that will promote worldwide acceptance and understanding. While Islamophobia is a threat to Muslims, broader issues of hatred against the followers of any religion will undermine the universal values of justice and peace that we all vowed to protect. Mr President, we stand on the eve of the 80 years of United Nations. We have achieved wonders together. Ours is a story of the modern successes of humankind. Together, we have delivered food to the starving. We have eradicated diseases. We took decisive actions against appetite in the 20th century, and we must do it again now. Let our commitment to justice never fail, no matter how formidable the task. Let there be no doubt the question of Gaza is a direct test of the capability of the United Nations. Let this 76-year-old issue not age into a century of our failure to uphold justice. We strongly call for an end to the occupation and for the Israeli regime to comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice. Mr. President, let our dreams of free Palestine live beyond today and beyond the words that we have said. Thank you very much, Mr. President. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia. I now give the floor to His Excellency, Badar","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/malaysia","Malaysia","His Excellency","Mohamad Hasan","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/my_en_0.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MY_EN.mp3" 169,"I now give the floor to His Excellency, Abdullae Maiga, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization of Mali. Mr. President of the General Assembly, distinguished heads of state and government, Secretary General of the United Nations, ladies and gentlemen, at the outset, I'd like to convey the warm greetings of His Excellency Colonel Azimi Goita, President of the Transition Head of State of Mali, and those of the government and people of Mali. Mr. President, I'd like to also warmly congratulate you on behalf of the Malian delegation on your brilliant election to the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly. Your beautiful country, Cameroon, an African country that is our brother and friend, enjoys excellent relations with my country. You can count on the full support of Mali as you fulfill your mandate successfully. Here I also congratulate your predecessor, Ambassador Denis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago, for his outstanding leadership of the work of the 78th session of the General Assembly. And lastly, allow me to reiterate to the Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Antonio Guterres, our encouragement to continue his efforts to achieve the noble goals of our common organization. Mr. President, On June 26, 1945, by signing the UN Charter in San Francisco, the peoples of the world pledged resolutely, I quote, to protect future generations from the scourge of war, which twice in one human lifetime inflicted unthinkable suffering upon humanity, end quote. Today, we have the opportunity to discuss the following theme, leaving no one behind. acting together to promote peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for our present and future generations. The choice of this theme, 79 years after the signing of the UN Charter, is it a simple coincidence or the outcome of a certain mindset? We don't know. However, we must note, unfortunately, that the question of preserving generations is still a keenly relevant one. not only future generations but also our own generation. Is this a failure of the UN? It is certain that an objective assessment with realistic recommendations regarding our collective system would be key for our future. Mr. President, Mali commends the relevance of this theme, which is one of pressing importance. It is true tensions and wars currently underway continue and continue to jeopardize international peace and security development and the fundamental rights of populations. This comment comes from a country that since 2012 has been experiencing multifaceted and complex crisis that has led to the loss of more than half its territory and caused many innocent victims through an incestuous opportunistic association of terrorist groups and armed forces, armed groups. Mr. President, the drama in Mali dates back to the allegiance between the cell office group for call and combat of al Qaeda to the GSPC Algerian, Algerian GSPC on September 11, 2006, exacerbated by the intervention of NATO in Libya in 2011, a reckless intervention. The destabilization of this country, this brotherly country, has exacerbated insecurity in our country through terrorism, all kinds of trafficking, laundering of capital, and community conflicts manipulated by terrorists and their foreign state sponsors, as well as the violent actions of certain individuals. For their part, the Malian authorities, having noted and witnessed the failure of international forces present on their territory since 2013, decided to take their fate back into their own hands. And since June 7th, 2021, after the swearing-in of His Excellency Colonel Asimi Goita, President of the Transition and Head of State, a vast campaign was launched to equip and reorganize the defense and security forces associated with a Malian transformation project. The National Re-Foundation Conference was launched in December 2021, It allowed Malians to engage in an exhaustive diagnosis of the causes of the crisis, followed by the adoption of 517 relevant recommendations. In this vein, and after having experienced insecurity caused by the circumstances, we took stock of what was happening in Mali, and it was frightening. Mali was battered, humiliated, looted, and pillaged. abandoned, left high and dry, stabbed in the back. I could go on with these expressions to describe the suffering experienced by the people and the Malian defense and security forces. Based on this experience, knowing that the danger to Mali resulted from these circumstances, His Excellency, Colonel Asimi Goita, President of the Transition Ahead of State of Mali, laid forth a realistic vision of the geopolitical situation. using a popular Bambara proverb which I hear loosely translate, the delectable sauce on one man's table comes from the theft of another man's cattle, end quote. Thomas Hobbes, describing his state of nature in a similar manner, stated that man is the wolf of men. Thanks to this proverb, these proverbs about gastronomic and hunting references, the head of state described the ruthless reality of international relations and especially the role of Africa, the looting of the raw commodities of which serve the development of others and not Africans for the most part. In addition to this vision, the head of state instructed or called on Malians as part of the Reef Foundation to become themselves again. The head of state on April 23, 2024, launched the National Program for Education on Values, which aims at a return to our origins, without which it would be difficult to imagine a bright future for our country in its legitimate quest for sovereignty. This call to become ourselves again has to do with the question of who we are. The immediate response to this question was provided by the slogan of Mali, one people, a great family and cosmopolitan nation, one goal to amplify diversity in unity, united for a common good, one faith, the faith that God has given us as a resource to bring about prosperity. To better define what it means to be Malian, Professor Ibrahim Ndiaye, expert within the Committee on the Implementation of the National Program for Education on Values, stated that Malians are characterized on one hand by five cardinal values, humanity, empathy, the obligation to transmit human values to future generations, the sense of honor, accepting differences and otherness on the social, human, and cultural fronts. And on the other hand, five inviolable principles that have to do with the country itself, that is an indivisible, inalienable Mali, a Mali that's not for sale, a Mali that's no one's property, an imperishable Mali. Mr. President, by being themselves, Malians have forged a third path. They are not becoming predators lawless barbarians that seek to rustle other people's cattle, but also not to become eternally powerless victims of predation. The middle path promoted by Mali consists of carrying out our own development, taking a more virtuous path, ensuring the respect of our sovereignty while respecting that of others, rejecting outside control, and refusing to interfere in others' internal affairs, remaining open to all partnerships based on a win-win relationship relationship. It's also important to note that these principles and values characterize Pitadas Mitandas, the Brotherly Peoples of Burkina Faso, and Niger. With regard to the Malian political transition, we must recall that following the National Re-Foundation Conference, the Malian people chose to conduct political reforms before holding elections in order to firmly establish virtuous governance. The implementation of the recommendations of the conference allowed us to achieve tangible results, especially the establishment of the independent authority of elections management, the adoption of a new constitution on July 22nd, 2023, following a well-organized referendum, the completion of our territorial and administrative reorganization, strengthening our fight against corruption and bolstering transparency in public action, and the revision of our mining code to make it more equitable and to favor local regulations. Mr. President, To further foster national unity, which is the basis of all development, the head of state announced on December 31st, 2023, the holding of the Intermalian Dialogue for Pace and Reconciliation to, quote, eliminate the root causes of community and intercommunity conflict with the ultimate goal of reconciling these communities. Based on a participatory and inclusive approach, the inter-Malian dialogue took place in three stages on the communal, regional, and national levels, allowing Malians both within the country and abroad to engage in transparent exchanges to find Malian solutions for prevention, management, and resolution of conflicts. Unlike the agreement on peace and reconciliation that resulted from the Algiers process, which parties, signatories to which have actually turned toward terrorism, which has become a pretext for certain states to interfere in our internal affairs, the Intermalian Dialogue allowed Malians to air the dirty laundry within their families without external interference. After the demise of the Algiers Accord on January 25, 2024, today the Intermalian Dialogue and its recommendations officially submitted to the head of state on May 13, 2024, remain the only reference frame for internal conflict resolution. We once again call on all Malians to join this trend toward reconciliation, a key stage toward returning to constitutional order, which would be secure and stable thanks to the holding of presidential elections. When it comes to combating insecurity, since the Malian Defense and Security Forces began launching offensive actions autonomously, they've achieved many successes with regard to combating terrorism. All regions have now been recovered from the hands of terrorist groups, especially the region of Kidal on November 14, 2023, after a memorable military operation. Today, terrorist groups have been severely weakened. The Malian Defense and Security Forces have been deployed throughout the national territory. In addition, our forces' offensives are continuing to dismantle the remaining terrorist networks. The government of Mali remains aware that a purely security-based response is limited in its effectiveness. That's why, in addition to military action, the government of Mali has a comprehensive integrated strategy with the goal of restoring the authority of the state throughout the national territory. It includes political, administrative... measures as well as measures for economic and social development, including dialogue with armed groups and the provision of basic social services to our brave population. Despite these concrete and positive results, these criminal groups continue to have a certain capacity to cause trouble through their desperate attempts to undermine our territorial integrity, and they are terrorizing our populations. And here, from this podium, I must denounce the support for these groups from foreign state sponsors. Foreign state sponsors. After years of denouncing these state sponsors that are supporting international terrorism, Ukrainian authorities flagrantly violated in an unprecedented way the UN Charter, as well as the relevant UN conventions and resolutions regarding the prevention of terrorism, when the officials of this country, having confused the international arena for a theatre stage, acknowledged their participation in the cowardly terrorist attack against a patrol of the Defense and Security Forces on July 24th to 26th, 2024, in Tinsawatan in the region of Kidal. Mr. President, in light of the conflict situation in the Sahel, motivated solely by their desire to take their country's fate into their own hands, their excellencies, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of Faso, Head of State of Burkina, Colonel Asimi Goita, President of the Transition, Head of State of Mali, and Brigadier General Abdur Rahman Tiani, President of the National Council for the Salvation of the Homeland, Head of State of Niger, launched the Alliance of the States of the Sahel, which is a collective defense and mutual assistance architecture to combat terrorism, by signing the Liptaka Gurma Charter on September 16, 2023. Ten months later, Exactly 10 months later, on July 6, 2024, the founding fathers of the AES, the Alliance of States of the Sahel, sovereignly decided to transform this mechanism into a confederation based on three pillars, diplomacy, defense, and development, with the ultimate goal of bringing about a federation. Very quickly, important results were achieved in the fight against terrorism thanks to our pooling of our resources for defense, as well as joint military operations, and thanks to our tireless commitment to eradicating terrorism. That is why the member states of the Confederation of States of the Sahel on August 19, 2024, sent a joint letter to the Security Council of the United Nations to condemn the support of the Ukrainian authorities for international terrorism to denounce aggression against Mali and to demand that the Security Council take appropriate measures against the Ukrainian government. Here, I would also like to recall that this letter was sent at a time when Mali was still waiting for the outcome of a previous letter sent to the Security Council from August 15, 2022, which exposed the acts of aggression committed by France against Mali, as well as France's involvement in the promotion of three forms of terrorism in the Sahel, armed terrorism, economic terrorism, and media terrorism. The surface area of 2.758 million square kilometers with 71 million inhabitants, mostly young people with an outstanding economic potential as well as mineral resources covering almost all of the elements of the periodic table. The Confederation of the States of the Sahel based on the heads of state, peoples, and defense and security forces are well aware of their own dignity and their honor. And they're more motivated than ever by the blood of their own treacherously spilled They are resolved to combat terrorism in all of its forms and to honor the memory of victims, civilians and soldiers, Sahelians and foreigners. They are determined to defend their territorial integrity and to ensure their prosperity in a peaceful manner, as laid out in the preamble of the Lipta Kaguma Charter, which refers to various international organizations, including ECOWAS, and to universal values. As for the lords of war and chaos within the assistance of God, we will triumph again and always over your sinister and diabolical schemes. Strangely, since the creation of the AES, we've been surprised by the fierce hostility it has encountered, especially from certain officials of ECOWAS, who are acting on the orders of imperialist and neocolonial entities. The rest of history is well known. Amadou Hampate Ba said, I quote, if you try too hard to get rid of a pesky frog, it will end up settling in your own pond, end quote. The Confederation of States of the Sahel is open to all investors as long as the partnership benefits the populations of the Sahel and as long as it respects the sovereignty of states. Mr. President, here I would like to commend relations of cooperation which are exemplary and productive. Between Mali and Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, and many other of our true allies, Mali remains open to all partners that wish to help it address its many challenges. In this regard, I reaffirm that the government of Mali remains willing to pursue and bolster its cooperation with the UN, especially through its agencies, funds, and programs with which we enjoy excellent cooperation relations. Here as well, we would like to commend and recognize the wisdom of His Excellency, President Abdel Majid Taboun, President of the Democratic Republic of Algeria. On August 29, 2024, during a visit to the south of Algeria, you had said that Libya, Niger, and Mali were brotherly nations which you supported and would never harm. The Malian people were not surprised by these remarks, which eloquently demonstrated your pan-Africanism, like that of your celebrated predecessors, including late President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, effectuously nicknamed Abdelkader Mali. after his establishment in Gao and the commitment made by Malian authorities through the following actions, offering Malian territory as a rear base for the Mujahideen, thus opening up a southern front, taking part in armed battles against the French colonizers, deploying Malian combatants alongside Mujahideen on the Algerian territory to defend the freedom and dignity of Algerians, defending the Algerian cause and all diplomatic institutions until they recovered their independence. However, it is our duty to call to your noble attention the incongruous remarks made by two of your colleagues, which go against your wish to promote harmonious relations with your neighbors, including Mali. On July 31st, 2024, the Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs declared that the Malian crisis did not need a military solution. He said this is a conflict between brothers. The solution must be political. With regard to the Algiers Accord, he stated that it was beneficial to Mali and had protected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Mali. Deviating from this accord, therefore, would have a negative impact on all of its achievements, he said. In addition, on August 26, 2024, your Prime Representative to the UN declared, I quote, This morning, I learned from media reports that a drone carried out a strike in the north of Mali, killing about 20 civilians. Those who were operating this drone can be held accountable to no one."" If you look at those first remarks, you can see major interference in the internal affairs of Mali. The nature of the solution... used by the Malian authorities concerns only the Malians themselves. Since the demise of the Algiers Agreement on January 25, 2024, Malians have only one wish regarding its fate, that it rest in peace. Distinguished Minister of Foreign Affairs, the accord is dead and gone, and you will not be able to... Here I would like to reiterate that no one... loves Mali more than Malians. I also remind you that Mali and its people are not just spectators in the face of attacks and adversity. For every bullet fired against us, we will reciprocate. For every word employed against us, we will reciprocate. Don't say we didn't warn you. As for the Algerian PR, In addition to providing room and board, I'm sure associated with delicious dishes like shakshuka and shorba, for fugitive terrorists and renegades, his role as go-between is in no way assisting the promotion of neighborly relations. In his remarks, he makes serious baseless accusations, on one hand implying that the victims were civilians, which is defamatory and irresponsible. And on the other hand, he stated that the operators of the drones were not accountable to anyone. This helps to fuel a disinformation campaign against Mali while supporting the idea that the valiant Malian defense and security forces would be incapable of themselves operating drones. Here, I would like to remind you that the rise and the improvement of the Malian armed forces is a tangible reality. It has helped us to regain control of all of our national territory. As for the use of drones, the operators were indeed Malians who acted with professionalism like the rest of the defense and security forces. And they were targeting terrorists in accordance with international norms. I remind you that several years ago, those who promoted the instrumentalization of human rights were determined to tarnish the counterterrorism performance of the national army. Algerian army highlighted the subversive question of who is killing whom and today we are very disturbed that the Algerian PR himself is the one weaponizing human rights against the Malian army. Mali calls for these two mad diplomats to stop meddling in history. Clearly they have no idea about the history between the people of Algeria and of Mali and the contributions of Mali to the war of liberation in Algeria. They also are ignorant of geography because they wrongly consider Mali to be a wilaya, that is, an Algerian province. Mr. President, Mali, I repeat, calls on these two wayward diplomats to cease to interfere in this history They clearly know nothing about the history between Mali and Algeria, and they wrongly consider Wali to be a wilaya, that is, an Algerian province. I'll repeat once more, Mali calls on these two wayward diplomats to cease to interfere in the history they don't understand. They clearly are ignorant about the history between the peoples of Mali and Algeria, the extraordinary contribution of Mali to the war liberation in Algeria, And they are also ignorant of geography because they wrongly consider Mali to be a wilaya or an Algerian province. Mr. President, with regard to the regional international situation, Mali remains closely, continues to closely follow developments in Africa and the rest of the world. We are deeply concerned by the violence in the Middle East, especially occupied Palestinian territory. The Malian people reaffirm the support for the brotherly Palestinian people in the legitimate battle for self-determination. The government of Mali reaffirms its support for the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security within secure, internationally recognized borders. we condemn without reserve the indiscriminate use of force by the Israeli army against the Palestinians. On the humanitarian front, Mali is concerned by the situation, the dire plight of millions of refugees and IDPs throughout the world due to armed conflict, natural disasters, and climate change. Here I'm thinking in particular of my countrymen who are refugees in neighboring countries, countries that I thank for their hospitality and generosity. I assure them that the government of Mali will spare no effort to continue to assist them and to pave the way for a dignified return of these refugees. a safe and dignified return to their homes. There are many challenges to international peace and security, and these call for a reform of the UN architecture. In the same vein, Mali continues to advocate a reform of global political, economic, and financial governance to create optimal and just conditions for the development of our countries. In light of this, Mali continues to call for a reform of international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF. Similarly, we welcome alternative and credible models such as BRICS. Climate change constitutes a real threat for current future generations. We must have the courage to leave behind dogmatism and narrow self-serving interests with regard to this issue. The time has come to effectively implement the decisions of our summits and of our COPs. The countries that caused climate change must shoulder their full responsibility, including by supporting the efforts of countries of the South to engage in eco-friendly development. Mr. President, in closing, I would like to observe that this 79th session of the General Assembly is taking place in a context marked by massive challenges for our states and for multilateral institutions. International peace and security have never been in such danger. since the two world wars, including in danger from international terrorism and violent extremism. In this context, it is difficult to attain the SDGs by 2030 when it comes to education, health care, access to drinking water, energy, and justice. However, despite these obstacles, Mali remains ready to fully play its role in the implementation of its national and international commitments while continuing to hope in the future. May God bless Mali and preserve Malians from obscurantist destructive forces throughout the world. May God bless the confederation of the states of the Sahel and protect the populations of the Sahel from obscurantist destructive forces throughout the world. May God bless Africa and protect Africans from obscurantist destructive forces throughout the world. May God bless the world and protect all of humanity from obscurantist and destructive forces in the world. Thank you for your very kind attention. I thank the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization of Mali.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/mali","Mali","His Excellency","Abdoulaye Maiga","Deputy Prime Minister","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ml_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ML_EN.mp3" 170,"I now give the floor to our Excellency Alicia Barsena Ibarra, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mexico. Mr. President, President, distinguished delegates. I would like to convey to you the greetings of our President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. And I'm honored to come back to this General Assembly where it was my home for many years, to address you now as a representative of Mexico. We are facing a turning point. The neoliberal hegemony has shown its palpable failure given a model of extractivist development that only socializes losses, privatizes gains, impoverishes people, and devastates the planet. The arms races and wars are once again part of international geopolitics. The devastation of the environment is only continuing. Frustration and miscontent are fueling extremism in proposals that deny people's rights and once again deny democratic values. The institutions of the international system are losing legitimacy. This is what the Secretary General Antonio Guterres was referring to in his address when he spoke about a purgatory of polarity and instability, which are symptoms of civilization crises and stages of transition in which the old has not yet died and the new has not yet been born. The similarities between the current times and the interwar period in the last century is increasingly evident. They are also increasingly concerning because we know how things turned out then, terrible years in which the global production became a conveyor belt for war, where humanity once just became one more good. However, history also teaches us that in these crises with bravery and courage, it is possible to change the destructive path of destiny. In the interwar period last century, Mexico's foreign policy wrote an exceptional chapter showing humanism, solidarity, and respect for international law which are characteristic of us. Mexico gave itself the task of upholding the value of the League of Nations, justice, self-determination, integrity, independence, and equality. between its members. With these flags, we categorically condemned the arms race, the invasions of Manchuria, Austria, and Ethiopia, and the progress, the advance of fascism in Europe. And after the Second World War, Mexico led declaration of Latin America and Caribbean as being an area free, a zone free of nuclear weapons. Today, like them, Mexico is trying to build emancipatory alternatives. This is part of our Mexican humanism, which is the result of our millennium-old history and compass in our project to for national transformation, building a fair, equal and fraternal society, a moral economy that guarantees the equal distribution of income and respect for the environment. This is a revolution of consciences which has made it possible for us to change the increasingly precarious living conditions that our people had suffered before during and now things are different under the administration of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Now more than 9.5 million Mexicans have been brought out of poverty in five years, and the Gini coefficient has reached a historic low. The minimum wage has gone up by 135%, which has dispelled the inflationary myths of those who wish to maintain the status quo. We've also got rid of tax breaks, strengthening the public coffers and putting an end to corruption and tax evasion and avoidance. All of this has been done against a backdrop of responsible public finances, which has made Mexico a destination for investment. We've also taken unprecedented measures at the constitutional level to recognize the rights of indigenous peoples, to guarantee the equality and political participation of women, and also to leave a clear legacy of social achievements in our constitution so that nobody can deprive future generations of these things. These premises are also reflected in our foreign policy because Mexico is a country of migrants and we are no strangers to any stage of the migratory cycle. In line with our experience, we have rolled out the Mexican Model for Human Mobility. This is a proposal that aims to manage migration comprehensively in a holistic way to deal with its structural causes and with hemispheric cooperation. The model has five pillars, empowering Mexican communities abroad, and advocating the United States to adopt ways for them to be fully regularized. Secondly, to beef up and broaden cooperation for development in communities of origin and return. Three, to address the political factors and economic sanctions that prevent development, hamper development, and lead to irregular migration, fourth, to bring about safe, orderly, and regular ways of people to move to get work. We have said it loud and clear. Migration is not a problem. It is a phenomenon. It's not a crime, and migrants are not criminals. The problem is is the factors that lead people to leave their homes and the dangers that they're facing when they don't find legal ways to migrate and practices that criminalize them. From this rostrum, we rightly recognize the contributions of more than 37 million Mexicans who live in the United States. They are very able workers. who provide $324 billion per year to this country's GDP, and they are critical for the economy of both countries. We have been able to change the narrative and conversation with the United States to focus on the structural causes. We have also convened leaders of the countries of origin in the region in Palenque with strategic agreements that have been able to reduce clashes on the border between Mexico and the United States by 66%. We also said loud and clear that development and stability will not be the norm of the international system unless we guarantee the rights and inclusion of women. As the first country in the global south to adopt a feminist foreign policy, we hosted the third ministerial conference on feminist foreign policies And in the declaration, the conference recognised a range of commitments that are reflected in the pact of the future. But just this week, only nine women, heads of state and government, actually spoke at this rostrum. Only nine out of 133 countries. The world cannot make headway without half of its population. Never again... anything about us without us, because the future will be feminist or it will not. As Nicholas Stern said, climate change is the greatest market failure of all time, and it is also the greatest global challenge that we have. The only way to mitigate it is to take collective and simultaneous measures. These require financing, and they require that countries fulfill shared common but differentiated responsibilities. We reiterate our commitment to the Paris Agreement, the implementation of the Kunming Montreal Framework and the Biodiversity Convention and the synergies between the three Rio Conventions. We need to restore the integrity of our ecosystems as providers of essential goods and services for the economy and for social well-being and also for climate stability. We have taken part in the consultative processes of the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea, ITLOS, the Inter-American Court on Human Rights and the International Court of Justice on states' responsibility vis-à-vis climate change. We will continue to work to achieve the ratification of the agreement on the conservation of marine biodiversity in areas beyond international jurisdiction and to maintain the moratorium on mining extraction on the seabed. The security context in the world, friends, is changing enormously. We are alarmed by the growing various threats to international peace and security, particularly the violations of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and the increasing risks of a nuclear war, the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced. Against this backdrop, we defend the territorial integrity in all geographical contexts, including in Ukraine and Palestine. We're in favor of a political solution and negotiations that include both parties, Russia and Ukraine. In this regard, we welcome the initiative of Brazil and China on there being a group for peace set up in New York. The war has gone on too long and it affects us all. We're all losers apart from the mercenaries of death, apart from those arms companies that are making money out of suffering and the losses of millions of people, children, and the destruction of entire families. Against this concerning backdrop, we need to redouble our efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons. Their devastating effects cannot be contained in space or in time, and that is why they are contrary to international law and the survival of humanity. But firearms are also a source of violence and insecurity throughout the world. Mexico is suffering from the flow of more than half a million weapons into its territory every year. They flow in illegally. The arms industry needs to be held accountable for its negligence, and Mexico has turned to the courts with this in mind. We are convinced that the arms industry is a key part of the expansion of this problem as well as how to solve it. Mexico is well aware of how the illegal flow of weapons is the other side of the coin of the illegal flow of drugs and organized crime, in particular in our country's northern border. Friends, humanity in Gaza has shown itself to be bankrupt given the inaction of the international community. More than 70% of the victims of this war have been women and children. More than 85% of civilians have had to flee their homes. Most of the people there lack access to food, water, and electricity. That is why we requested to intervene in the case brought by South Africa before the ICJ on the implementation of the International Convention on the application of the Convention on Genocide. And together with Chile, we referred the situation in Palestine to the ICC, and we also sent an amicus brief to the court to highlight the court's jurisdiction. We reject the false dilemma between sterile violence of terrorism and the disproportionate punishment wrought by governments who are blinded by the double standard. To make the two-state solution a reality, The United Nations resolutions need to be adhered to as well as the ruling of the ICJ on practices in the occupied Palestinian territory. The institutions and rules underpinning our international system are the last line before barbarism. That is why we categorically condemn the flagrant violations by the current Ecuadorian government of the most basic standards of international coexistence and the principles of the United Nations Charter with their violent illegal break-in of our embassy in Quito on the night of the 5th of April. The attack on our diplomats and the illegal abduction of one person to whom Mexico had given political asylum who remains a prisoner and who is seriously ill. We reiterate our thanks to the international community for the widespread condemnation of this fact. We cannot forget it or normalize it. Dear friends, We know one thing, which is that the United Nations Security Council needs urgent reform. Mexico proposes eliminating the veto entirely. And until that is not achieved, at least limiting the veto in cases of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Our region, Latin America and the Caribbean, is one of our priorities. because the progress of any of our countries means the progress of all. Defending dialogue, stability, democracy, and in so doing, we have proposed the peaceful settlement of disputes, and we have been guarantors in the peace process between the government of Colombia and the ELN. And we have hosted two cycles of negotiations. We've also hosted talks between the government of Venezuela, the Democratic Unitary Platform, and the United States. Following principles of solidarity, self-determination, and the well-being of people, we will continue to be involved in supporting Haiti in rebuilding its stability and security. We reiterate our condemnation of the economic embargo imposed on Cuba for more than six decades. This violates international law, and we believe that Cuba must immediately be taken off the United States list of countries alleged to be sponsors of terrorism. Mexico, honoring its tradition of asylum throughout our history, offers political asylum to people who are threatened for their lives and freedom. We provide refuge to tens of thousands of asylum applicants and additional protection as a country that opens its doors to those who need it. Dear friends, on the 1st of October, we will inaugurate the administration of the first female president in 200 years of our country, Dr. Claudia Scheinbaum. With her leadership, the humanist government will... Indeed. Thank you very much. The first woman. With her leadership, the humanist government will deepen efforts to combat poverty and inequality, will focus on well-being and the shared prosperity because the... Equality for women has now arrived and protecting the environment and respecting our national heritage. We have to work together. Our foreign policy will continue to deploy our highest values, focusing on our roots and our struggles. We offered hope in the face of fear, solidarity in the face of hatred, and humanism in the face of devastation. Ours is a world that offers a backdrop that is somewhat dispiriting. Citizens around the world are finding little that gives rise to optimism. Every day we see on our screens scenes of cruelty and the almost arithmetic mechanical reporting of how many people have died. Many people are looking at the United Nations now, at this house, and legitimately looking, given the intelligence that you can see in these rooms, looking for us to to be in line with our promise and to ensure that dialogue and diplomacy can prevail. And rightly, they're frustrated to see that rather than rather than the collective defense of human dignity, rather than applying equal standards in international law, instead of this, factional geopolitical interests are being imposed and shameful double standards. And without any kind of shame, there is this naked empire of force being used, which is another way of saying the obscene concentration of power in the handful of a few who benefit from the status quo, the privileged and those who find this situation profitable, the misery and blood of so many people, simple externalities that are not reflected in their balance sheets. We, the nations of the world, built this house, the United Nations, to forge a different path. And today we say that in spite of all of its shortcomings, it is this civilizational work that deserves our commitment and, if necessary, reasonable alternatives. These are the foundations that the human family laid down after the two world wars, the tool that we had to use. But today we see it appears to be impotent, inert, faced with the rage of barbarism, helpless given that its mission is being frustrated. We need to sow new seeds of hope, changing governance and architecture because almost decades on, the world, its challenges and its physiognomy can no longer be recognized in a mirror that obstinately reflects the world of 1945. We need to recover trust in multilateralism and its institutions, in agreement and cooperation, in the belief that in spite of our rich diversity of colors and geographies, we are brothers and sisters belonging to the same community, the same planet, with the same destiny. That is why the Pact of the Future convenes us to renew this commitment to vanquish fear and mistrust and to recover legitimacy in this organization to which we belong. In this path, in the building of a fair world, you will always find in Mexico a loyal companion, a committed partner, and a fraternal brother. We need to take ownership of today to build tomorrow. And as Jose Emilio Pacheco said on the eve of another era in 1968, he said, one world is falling apart, another world is being born. The darkness surrounds us, but the light is glimmering. He said, there is no hope, but there is life and everything belongs to us. And I would also like to quote Eduardo Galeano, who said, what if we start to exercise the never before proclaimed right to dreams? What if we are delirious for a while at the beginning of this millennium, forcing ourselves to look away from the infamy to dream another world, a world where justice and freedom, Siamese sisters condemned to live separately, will once again sit side by side, one where we'll be compatriots compatriots of all of those who are determined to seek justice wherever they may have been born and wherever they may live or where when they may have lived without any regard being given at all to the borders of the map or time thank you thank the minister for foreign affairs of mexico I now give the floor to His Excellency Aspenbark Eide, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Norway.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/mexico","Mexico","Her Excellency","Alicia Bárcena Ibarra","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mx_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MX_EN.mp3" 171,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Espen Barth Eide, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Norway. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Our United Nations was born as the Second World War ended. Shattered by the experiences of two devastating wars with their unspeakable atrocities, wise people came together to write the United Nations Charter and to establish the United Nations Organization. The Charter codifies the key principles of international law, including the prohibition of the use of force, but in self-defense or upon the authority of the Security Council. Effectively, wars of aggression were outlawed, whereas the inherent right to self-defense was reconfirmed. In the Charter, and flowing from it in the years to come, we also established the other key principles that codify international humanitarian law as well as international human rights law. This is the quintessential set of principles that shall govern international relations. However, our Secretary-General was perfectly right when he pointed out that if violations and abuse is allowed to continue with impunity, the very foundations of the UN Charter is under threat. And indeed, they are under threat. President, for the first time in 79 years, we have a major interstate war in Europe. In its war of aggression against Ukraine, Russia is in blatant violation of the very essence of the Charter. It violates the principle of sovereignty, inalienability of borders, and the prohibition of use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of another member state. These principles safeguard the equality of all states, large and small, always and everywhere, and are fundamental for member states' security. Norway stands by Ukraine. Like so many friends of a free and independent Ukraine, we contribute significant military and civilian assistance, and we are determined to do so as long as it takes. We want Ukraine to prevail. We want peace in Ukraine. But it must be a just peace, in line with the key principles of the UN Charter. An unjust peace would imply that we, once again, are living in a world where might makes right and where borders can be changed by force. We must all reject such an outcome. It would set a terrible precedent. My fellow delegates, even wars have rules. International humanitarian law, as embodied in the Geneva Conventions, lays out the key principles of distinction and proportionality. Warring parties are obliged to follow these rules, irrespective of whether the war itself is legal. Every member of this Assembly is bound by the Geneva Conventions. They are as much a part of our common commitment to a rules-based order as the Charter itself. The principles under international humanitarian law are obligatory, not optional. For the rules to work, we have to be consistent in their application. We must treat similar cases similarly, irrespective of the context. We must speak out if our adversaries violate these rules. It is equally important that we speak out if our traditional friends violate them. In fact, it is in the latter case that we demonstrate that we do see these rules as universal. President, almost a year has passed since Hamas' heinous terror attack on Israel on October 7. Its effect on Israeli society can hardly be overestimated. We condemn these horrific acts in the strongest possible terms. The hostages that are still in Hamas' captivity must be released immediately and without conditions. There is no doubt in our mind that Israel, like any other state, has a right to defend itself against terrorism. At the same time, Israel, like any other state, is bound by international humanitarian law. The immense suffering inflicted on the Palestinian population in Gaza is beyond comparison. Much of Gaza has been turned into rubble. At least 41,000 people have been killed, and many more are injured and maimed for life. I echo the Secretary-General when he says that nothing can justify such collective punishment. Norway was among the very first Western countries to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. We have condemned the violations of international humanitarian law. We have expressed great concern about the severe limitations of humanitarian access and the shocking number of UN staff, aid workers and journalists killed. We stood on UNRWA's side when it was subjected to a smear and defamation. While so many countries suspended their funding, we increased ours, and we reached out to co-donors to encourage them to return. I'm pleased to see that almost all donors are now back. President, the Middle East is going through one of its darkest hours. In the West Bank, illegal Israeli settlements are expanding at an alarming pace. Settler violence is rampant. And as we have gathered here at the UN this very week, Lebanon has seen its deadliest days in decades. We are at the brink of a major regional war. Even neighboring countries that long ago entered into peace agreements with Israel are under immense pressure. The situation is worsening by the hour. And make no mistake, the conflicts in the region are deeply intertwined. Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed this Assembly. His core message was that we all have to choose. Either we are with Israel, or we are with Iran and its proxies. He also stated that there could only be peace once Hezbollah and Hamas were totally defeated. President, we have seen this film before. I didn't like the ending. Twenty-two years ago, in response to the terrorist attacks on this very city, another leader stated that we were either with him or with the terrorists. This division into a simplistic notion of black and white, leaving no space for nuance or complexity, let alone impartiality, and with an excessive trust in military force alone, is utterly dangerous. And indeed, it did not end well. We need to learn from past mistakes. However, President, in every crisis lies an opportunity. I remain convinced that there is no credible alternative for lasting peace other than a two-state solution. While ceasefires in Gaza and in Lebanon are most urgently needed, ending hostilities must not be confused with lasting solutions. Serious thinking is required here and now to prepare for the day after. Two days ago, almost 100 member states took part in a meeting called by Saudi Arabia, the European Union and Norway, launching a global alliance to implement the two-state solution. Three decades after the Oslo Accords, more and more states are realizing that endlessly waiting for the right moment to negotiate will not work. I call on those states that have not yet done so to recognize the State of Palestine and to allow it to become a full member of this organization. We call on everything everyone who can to help to build Palestine's institutions and on regional actors to help embed a political settlement in a broader regional framework. President, we are witnessing from the front row the shortcomings of the institutions that we established in 1945. The adoption of the Pact for the Future is a major success for this United Nations. With this, we have resolved to update our institutions and our practices across the three pillars of peace and security, development, and human rights. We also opened our conversation about the critically important issue of how to make artificial intelligence a force for good. President Norway supports a reform of the Security Council that makes it both more representative and more efficient. Both permanent and elected seats should be added, and the historical injustice to Africa should be mended. The use of the veto should be limited rather than expanded. When the UN Charter was drafted, Norway was an early proponent of the principle that no state should vote in its own case. And indeed, this principle is enshrined in the Charter in Article 27.3. This principle is, however, repeatedly ignored by the Security Council. But again, this principle is an obligation. It is not an option. To make our development efforts more efficient, we need to reform the international financial architecture. And in order to enhance the ability of states to provide essential services to their populations, it must be possible for them to tax their citizens and their companies. Norway will continue to be a driving force for international tax cooperation, including by supporting a UN Framework Convention. Central to the Pact of the Future are robust commitments to gender equality and women's rights. Inclusion must be at the forefront, not because it is the right thing to do, but because it is the smart thing to do. We need equitable societies. We must build more effective and accountable institutions, including in this very organization. President, the triple planetary crisis is mankind's most daunting challenge. To save our planet, we must adapt our economies. The future must be renewable, circular, and nature-friendly. There is good news, President. Despite increasing political divides, the last few years have seen that multilateralism can deliver when it comes to the relationship between us as mankind and our physical environment. In Dubai, we agreed to transition away from fossil fuels in a just, orderly and equitable manner. In Montreal, we agreed to reset our partnership with nature. In Nairobi, we launched a negotiation process towards a treaty to end plastic pollution. And here in New York, we agreed to take better care of our common oceans. What is true for all these agreements and the Pact for the Future alike, however, is that the real verdict lies in our ability to implement them. We must act. We must act now. President, as we approach the 80th anniversary of this United Nations, we must step up our efforts to develop this organization so as to make it more transparent, more inclusive, and more representative of the world we live in today. Norway fully supports the integrity and independence of the Secretary General and his reform agenda. Reform will not be achieved through micromanagement. We, the Member States, must provide the Secretary General with input and guidance. But we must also show trust and allocate resources to enable him to lead. When a new Secretary General shall be elected, we must ensure that she has the tools she needs to help us strategically deliver on the noble goals we have agreed upon. I thank you for your attention. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Norway","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/norway","Norway","His Excellency","Espen Barth Eide","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/no_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NO_EN.mp3" 172,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Syed Badr bin Ahmad bin Amoud Abou Saidi, Foreign Minister of Oman. His Excellency Philemon Yang, President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, it's a pleasure to extend to you and your friendly country, the Republic of Cameroon, our sincere congratulations on your election as President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. We also express our deep appreciation for the efforts made by your predecessor from the friendly nation of Trinidad and Tobago during his tenure. We take this opportunity to also express our deep appreciation to His Excellency Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, for his tireless efforts in leading the United Nations and his unwavering pursuit of upholding and implementing international law in the pursuit of justice and peace, reflecting the United Nations vision of a world where security, stability, peace, and prosperity prevail for all. The Sultanate of Oman reaffirms its full support for your endeavors and those of the United Nations in promoting international peace and security. We express our strong commitment to the UN Charter, recognizing the importance of the United Nations and embodying the people's hopes and aspirations for development and a dignified and prosperous life. Mr. President, Oman's foreign policy is founded on a steadfast vision that embraces dialogue and tolerance as a means to address all challenges and issues. This vision aims to achieve peace and build relations based on mutual respect, positive cooperation, and harmony among nations. The leadership, government, and people of the Sultanate of Oman believe in the legitimate and peaceful means to resolve conflicts. Accordingly, Oman calls for an immediate ceasefire and cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip Lebanon and the Red Sea region. We emphasize the need to address the root causes of these conflicts by ending the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and achieving justice for the Palestinian people based on a two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital along the 1967 borders. Oman underlines the need to grant Palestine full membership in the United Nations and the genocidal policies carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people and alleviate their humanitarian suffering. We believe in the importance of stepping up efforts to de-escalate tension and end bloodshed by adhering to dialogue, to reasonable dialogue, the rules of international law, the UN Charter and international legitimacy resolutions. Respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states and non-interference in their internal affairs ensures that all nations and peoples can live in peace, security and dignity. Mr. President, Oman continues to advance its social protection programs through a comprehensive system that supports various segments of society, including women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities, in addition to social insurance and job security programs. This reflects the progress we have made in sustainable development and our ongoing efforts to develop these programs in line with the global best practices while continuing to provide educational, health and social care for all members of society. Our nation remains committed to supporting and empowering youth, whom we consider the cornerstone of the future and the key to sustainable development. We believe that young people are the driving force behind innovation, growth, and progress. We are dedicated to creating opportunities that enable them to apply their skills and contribute effectively to building a brighter future. Mr. President, Oman underscores the importance of promoting respect and peaceful coexistence among peoples. We call for fighting all forms of discrimination, racism, hatred, and violence. Oman also exerts significant efforts in addressing climate change challenges, reducing emissions, and scaling up investment in renewable energy projects. Our net zero carbon strategy for 2050 is driven by clean energy projects, green hydrogen initiatives, and nature-based solutions. This commitment stems from our belief in the importance of protecting the environment and preserving natural resources for future generations while balancing economic development and environmental sustainability. Mr. President, Oman's development efforts are in line with our national vision, Oman Vision 2040, which serves as the foundation for achieving economic and social development goals and addressing future challenges. In this context, Oman has submitted its second Voluntary National Report, reflecting its deep commitment to the global principles and objectives of sustainable development, highlighting the progress made in various developmental areas. In this regard, we welcome the adoption of the Pact for the Future this year. We commend the collective international efforts that led to this achievement, which outlines a roadmap for the world to enhance international cooperation and effectively address global challenges. Therefore, We urge all member states to commit to implementing this pact, its vision and goals through fruitful cooperation and knowledge exchange as a path towards achieving a better, safer, and more prosperous future for generations to come. Thank you for your attention. We sincerely hope that this session will be successful and fruitful. Peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/oman","Oman","His Excellency","Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood Albusaidi","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/om_ar.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/om_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_OM_EN.mp3" 173,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Enrique Austria Manalo, Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Philippines. Mr. President, In 1946, Carlos P. Romlo, who would become the first Asian president of the General Assembly, said, quote, We are not here to make peace, but to build for peace, not to reap and divide the harvest of victory, but to make ready the hearts and minds of men and women for the needs of peace. In those early years of the United Nations, the Philippines had clearly understood the magnitude of the work ahead. As a founding member and a young nation, the Philippines committed fully to the aims and purposes of the United Nations. Eight decades hence, we still do. President Ferdinand Marcus Jr. affirmed that multilateralism, quote, remains the single viable platform for collective action against transcendent global challenges, unquote. He emphasized that the rule of law and the integrity of the multilateral system must prevail amidst the current global challenges. The UN has held itself as a platform and pathway to address international peace and security. It serves as the ground for states to find convergence amidst crisis and conflict. It offers response and relief, hope, and humanity. The Pact for the Future is a testament that global problems require global solutions and that a better world is possible when states commit, working together, towards a common vision. The Pact bridges our collective hopes, our contemporary aspirations, with the UN Charter and the sovereign equality of states anchoring our will. Mr. President, Our world has been changing more rapidly than at any time in recent history. The UN must rise to the occasion with an agenda that fosters equity, justice, international peace and security, development, and adopts processes that are inclusive, transparent, responsive, and effective. One way to achieve this is to reform the Security Council and revitalize the General Assembly. Security Council reform should be a package consisting of the enlargement of its membership and improvement of its working methods in order to create greater transparency and accountability of the Council to the general membership of the United Nations. Transforming the international financial architecture is also imperative if we are to realize just and inclusive growth worldwide. We must therefore deliver on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. We must lose no time to implement the Global Digital Compact. Governance of new spheres of human activity including artificial intelligence, the internet, and outer space, must keep up with the speed and scale at which these technologies are developing. New rules should place human dignity as a priority. At the same time, we must complete the business of eliminating weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear arms. A treaty on fissile material production is long overdue. Mr. President, the UN development system has accomplished much, but it requires greater coherence and efficiency with full respect for States' priorities and ownership. The global humanitarian system has been a silent sentinel of hope and humanity to peoples in war, famine, disease, calamities, and displacement. It requires greater support from the international community if it is to effectively address the suffering of people in Gaza, Ukraine, Yemen, Sudan, Myanmar, and the Congo. The rising numbers of those forcibly displaced in the Ukraine and Gaza and other places beg for a deeper sense of collective responsibility. Within our means, the Philippines supports agile response systems to humanitarian emergencies through the Central Emergency Response Fund, the UN Relief and Work Agency, and the World Health Organization Contingency Fund for Emergencies. The Philippines has steadfastly contributed to UN peacekeeping operations over the past six decades. Since 1963, we have deployed over 14,000 troops in 21 UN peacekeeping and special political missions. We should bolster the peace-building fund and support UN Security Council resolutions to safeguard education and protect cultural heritage from terrorism and armed conflict. We echo the call of the 2024 Africa Counterterrorism Summit in Abuja for country-led and country-owned solutions for a peaceful and secure African continent. And we are honored to be part of this. Mr. President, climate change has affected communities across the world in the most profound and often tragic ways. The Philippines' acute climate vulnerability makes us one of the staunchest proponents for strengthening climate and disaster risk resilience. And we are honored to host the Board of the Fund Responding to Loss and Damage. This fund will provide critical assistance to nations most vulnerable to climate change impacts. Next month, the Philippines will host the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction to spotlight best practices and solutions for the world's most disaster-prone regions. We consistently call on developed nations to fulfill their commitments under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. And we are convinced that legal clarity on the duties and responsibilities of states under international law with respect to environmental protection and climate change will foster solidarity on global climate action. In this regard, the Philippines welcomes the advisory opinion of the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea on the collective duty of states to protect and preserve the marine environment. And since last year, the Philippines has shepherded UN discussions on a draft instrument for the protection of persons in the event of disasters. The 20th anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami this year reminds us again that the rising scale and frequency of disasters demand such an instrument. Mr. President, no one must be left behind. We must fulfill the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Philippines' governance agenda aims to achieve a single-digit poverty rate by 2028. Between 2021 to 2023, we reduced poverty incidence in the Philippines by nearly 3 percent, equal to 2.45 million people, through innovative and social protection programs. The World Food Program has cited the Philippines for being a thought leader in this regard. As we move towards middle or upper-middle-income status, we recognize that the UN and international financial institutions can redesign frameworks to support middle-income countries, which represent 75 percent of the world's population. And the Philippines will host a conference early next year to advance these discussions. Now 60 years old, the Group of 77 continues to advocate for a fairer, more inclusive global economic order. We thus hope that the Second World Summit for Social Development and the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development will catalyze strategic action for narrowing global inequalities. We welcome amendments to international health regulations and progress on a pandemic agreement. The Philippines leads a group of equity to promote developing country priorities in the negotiations on this agreement. We also lead discussions in the World Health Organization on a sustainable global health workforce as the world braces for a shortfall of about 10 million medical professionals by 2030. And we will host the Philippine Pacific Forum on Human Health Resources later this year to discuss regional solutions. Migrants across the world are in need of more protection. Together with health workers, seafarers were the unsung heroes during the COVID-19 and the post-pandemic recovery. The Human Rights Council adopted in July the Philippine-led resolution recognizing the human rights of seafarers. International and intergenerational solidarity make our societies more humane and empowering. And we welcome the Declaration on Future Generations, and we support a binding convention on the rights of older persons. Effectively building peace means fostering inclusive societies which harness the full capacities of persons and communities. Our work in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao offers Filipino best practices for people-focused peacebuilding. This inspires the Philippines' leadership in amplifying the role of women and youth in peace processes. Next month, the Philippines will convene the International Conference on Women, Peace and Security ahead of the 25th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2025. Our recent chairship of the Commission on Status of Women convinces us that despite progress made, much remains to be done to achieve true gender equality. Mr. President, Multilateralism is underwritten by a rules-based order governed by international law and informed by the principles of equity and justice that safeguards the rights of all states. If multilateralism is to thrive, all states must adhere to the rule of law. Times of flux and crises offer opportunities for reinforcing a rules-based international order. The International Court of Justice, as a principal organ of the United Nations, together with other international judicial and legal bodies, advances the rule of law. They uphold the primacy of resolving international disputes by peaceful means and not by the threat or use of force. The growing volume and variety of cases brought before the ICJ and the Permanent Court of Arbitration signify the global trust and confidence in their role in the peaceful dispute resolution area. and member states must invest fully in these institutions. The use of force and threat of use of force to resolve disputes has no place in our world. The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the binding 2016 Arbitral Award on the South China Sea constitute the foundation of our policy on the South China Sea. The award declares that claims exceeding entitlements beyond the limits of UNCLOS have no legal basis. Despite irresponsible and dangerous actions against our legitimate activities within our own waters and exclusive economic zone, the Philippines remains committed to diplomacy and other peaceful means to settle disputes. We will abide by the UN Charter and the Manila Declaration on the peaceful resolution of disputes in asserting our sovereignty, our sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in the South China Sea. We do not accept narratives depicting the South China Sea as a theater of major power rivalry because they all ignore what is an essential truth. All states in this region have a right to determine their own destiny and secure their own future. This is what the UN Charter is about. The future of the Asia-Pacific is being shaped not by one or two powers, but by all states therein. As such, ASEAN centrality stands as a vanguard of the regional architecture based on the sovereign equality of states jointly building a peaceful, rules-based, and people-centered community. Approaching 60 years, ASEAN exemplifies the agency of states working together in fashioning multilateral approaches and solutions to present-day challenges. Mr. President, the Philippines stands alongside the pathfinders and bridge builders of nations. We offer constructive solutions across the spectrum of the work of the United Nations, from human rights, health, and humanitarian action to development, disarmament, and disaster and climate risk reduction, from peacemaking to peacemaking and peacebuilding. As the first Asian Republic and the founding member of the United Nations, our diplomacy has consistently pursued peace, the sovereign equality of states, the rights and dignity of all persons. The Philippines is a trusted partner, innovative pathfinder, and committed peacemaker. We bring experience, depth, and steadfastness in working with the international community to address common global challenges. We thus count on your support for our bid for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council for the term 2027 to 28. Mr. President, almost 80 years since General Romulo's call, the mission of the United Nations remains perfectly clear, to keep building for peace. Thank you. The President I thank the Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Philippines. Now I give the floor to His Excellency, Luke.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/philippines","Philippines","His Excellency","Enrique Austria Manalo","Secretary for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ph_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_PH_EN.mp3" 174,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Distinguished Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, a few days ago, within this building, the forum entitled the Summit of the Future took place, Russia showed understanding to the Secretary General's idea to convene that summit since the crisis of our organization is growing worse and something needs to be done about that. And we were involved honestly in the preparations for the summit, although quite frankly, we didn't have any particular illusions about it. In the contemporary history of the UN, there have been many ambitious events that concluded with loud declarations that were quickly forgotten about. For example, in 2000, the Millennium Summit declared the task of freeing peoples from the scourge of war. Just two years after that, the USA, at the head of the Coalition of the Willing, under the laughable pretext, without a mandate from the UN Security Council, invaded Iraq, a country which has still not been able to recover from the destructive consequences of that escapade. In 2005, the UN World Summit declared a commitment to establishing a just peace in accordance with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter. This sacred obligation certainly didn't stop the USA and their allies from getting the then leader of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili, in 2008 to unleash an armed aggression against the people of South Ossetia and Russian peacekeepers. And a further three years after that, NATO organized the military intervention in Libya, destroying its statehood and undermining the stability of neighboring countries. In 2015, the UN Summit on Sustainable Development adopted grandiose plans to combat poverty and inequality. but they turned out to be empty promises in light of the reluctance of the countries of the West to refrain from their new colonial practices of mining the wealth of the entire world for their benefit. Just look at the statistics of the promises that were kept in terms of financing the development of the countries of the Global South and the transfer of environmentally friendly technologies. Just like Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon in the past, The current Secretary General advanced his own initiative under the slogan of rebooting global cooperation. It's an excellent slogan. Who could be opposed to that? But what global cooperation can we really talk about at a time when the West has trampled all of these unshakable values of globalization that they've been telling us about for so many years from this rostrum, trying to convince us that they would ensure equal access for everyone to the goods of contemporary civilization? Where is the inviolability of property, the presumption of innocence, freedom of speech, access to information, fair competition on markets with understandable and unchanging rules? The Secretary General is talking about global cooperation at the same time as the countries of the West have unleashed a veritable sanctions war against a good half, if not the majority, of states in the world. And the dollar, which was advertised to us as the heritage and good of all of humanity, has been grossly transformed into a weapon. For more than 60 years, there has been a trade blockade of Cuba, the cancellation of which the overwhelming majority of members of the international community are calling for. In the pursuit of the ever more ephemeral aim of preserving their domination, Washington is blocking the normal work of the World Trade Organization on dispute settlement and reform of the Bretton Woods institutions, the structures of which for a long time now have not reflected the real balance of forces in the global economy and finances. The West also wants to transform the UN into a tool for advancing its mercantile plans. As was shown by the summit of the future, there are more and more attempts to erode the intergovernmental nature of the organisation. Long necessary changes in the staffing of the Secretariat are being held back. Key posts in the Secretariat are now essentially occupied and handed down to representatives of the Western minority. If the Secretary-General is calling for a reboot of global cooperation, then the Secretariat must advance unifying ideas and propose compromise options rather than coming up with excuses to introduce into the UN's work narratives that are beneficial to the West. Breathing new life into the UN, it's not too late to do that. But in order to do that, we can't have unrealistic summits and declarations. Rather, it must be done through rebuilding confidence and trust on the basis of the charter principle of the sovereign equality of all member states. However, as long as confidence is being undermined, for the time being it is, and the actions of the West to create in circumvention of the UN narrow formats that are subordinate to it to resolve subsidiary fateful issues such as internet governance and artificial intelligence. But those problems affect the future of all of humanity and they must be considered on a universal basis without discrimination or trying to achieve unilateral advantage. That is to say that there must be an honest negotiation involving all members of the UN rather than the way that the so-called Pact of the Future was prepared for, without a single plenary round of negotiations that all countries would be involved in. But instead of that, the work was carried out under the control of Western manipulators. As a result, the pact, even before it was born, had already joined the pantheon of declarations that sound nice in English. Sad as it is, that is the fate of products of these world summits. However, things aren't any better when it comes to implementing Security Council resolutions, which are binding. The sabotage of decisions on the Kosovo settlement and the Dayton agreements on Bosnia and Herzegovina says a great deal, but the most glaring example continues to be spinning out over almost 80 years the consensus resolutions on the creation of an independent Palestinian state coexisting in peace and security with Israel. There can be no justification for acts of terrorism, which Israelis fell victim to on the 7th of October last year, but everyone who still has a sense of compassion is outraged by the fact that the October tragedy is being used for the mass collective punishment of the Palestinians in the form of an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe. The killing of Palestinian civilians with American weapons must immediately be ended. It is important to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to the enclave. the reconstruction of infrastructure. And most importantly, it is important to guarantee the realization of the legitimate right of the Palestinians to self-determination and to allow them not in words, but in deeds, as they say, on the ground to create a contiguous and viable state within the 1967 borders with its capital in East Jerusalem. Another glaring example of terrorist methods as a means of achieving political aims is the inhumane attack on Lebanon that transformed civilian technology into a lethal weapon. There must be an immediate investigation into this crime. We cannot remain silent in the face of the many publications in the media, including in Europe and here in the United States, that indicate to varying degrees the involvement and at the very least awareness of Washington when it comes to the preparation of that terrorist attack. And we understand that the Americans always deny everything and they do everything they can to hush up any facts that come to light, as they did in response to the irrefutable evidence of their implication in the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Those gas pipelines, incidentally, were a marvellous symbol of that self-same global cooperation that our Secretary General dreams of. but as a result of their destruction, the competitiveness of the European Union in the global economy has been undermined for long years to the benefit of the United States. It is on the West's conscience as well that the truth about those who organized many other heinous crimes has been put on a back burner, including the bloody provocation in the Kiev suburb of Bucha and the series of poisonings of citizens of Russia in Britain and Germany. the UN Secretariat cannot remain separate from efforts to establish the truth in situations that directly impact global security. and in doing so is obliged to strictly observe Article 100 of the UN Charter to act impartially and to avoid the temptation to play into the hands of individual states, particularly those that are actively calling not for cooperation but to divide the world into the flowering garden and the jungle, or to those sitting around the table of democracy and those that are on the menu. We mustn't forget also about the service record of those that demand that their rules be implemented by the rest of the world. The invasion of Afghanistan and the inglorious 20-year presence there of the infamous coalition was accompanied by the formation of al-Qaeda. A direct result of the aggression against Iraq was the creation of ISIL. unleashing the war in Syria gave rise to Jabhat al-Nusra, which is now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, and the destruction of Libya opened the floodgates for the permeation of terrorism into the Sahara Sahel region and for the flow of millions of illegal migrants to Europe. We call upon all of those that are thinking about the future of their peoples and countries to be very wary of any new escapades by those who invented these rules. We are particularly concerned by the now almost commonplace practice of political killings as once again took place yesterday in Beirut. The tragic and unacceptable tenor events in the Arab-Israeli conflict in Yemen, in the Red Sea basin, in the Gulf of Aden, Sudan, and other hotspots in Africa reflects an indisputable fact. Security can either be equal and indivisible for all, or it won't be for anyone. An understanding of what would seem to be a simple truth in the context of European security, is something that Russia for years has been trying to impart to Washington, London and Brussels, who are obsessed with their complexes of their own exceptionalism and impunity. Although they initially promised not to expand NATO and in 1999 and in 2010 they signed in official documents of OSCE summits an obligation to not ensure their security at the expense of others, in fact the North Atlantic Alliance for three decades has been carrying out the geopolitical and military expansion of NATO into Europe It is trying to take root in the South Caucasus and Central Asia, creating direct threats to the security of our country. And now the same is happening in the Asia-Pacific region. where NATO infrastructure is creeping in and to contain or deter China and Russia, narrow military political blocks are being created that undermine the inclusive security architecture under the ASEAN umbrella. And the West is not only not remembering about the global cooperation, that our Secretary General is such a fan of, but openly in their doctrine documents, they are harshly accusing Russia, China, Belarus, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Iran of creating threats to their domination. In respect of Russia, they have declared the aim of dealing it a strategic defeat, almost just like London and Washington planned in May 1945 with the development even before the end of the Second World War, of an operation entitled Operation Unthinkable to destroy the USSR. Back then, this was kept top secret, but the current Anglo-Saxon strategists are not hiding their ideas. For now, they do, it's true, hope to defeat Russia using the illegitimate neo-Nazi Kiev regime, but they're already preparing Europe for it to also throw itself into this suicidal escapade. I'm not going to talk here about the senselessness and the danger of the very idea of trying to fight to victory with a nuclear power, which is what Russia is. Equally senseless are the Western backers of Kiev swearing that there is no alternative to negotiations based on the infamous peace formula. They are defending this doomed ultimatum by shamelessly invoking the UN Charter, demanding the territorial integrity of Ukraine be ensured. And I would like to recall, in particular, I'd like to remind the colleagues in the Secretariat that the Charter isn't just about territorial integrity. Charter 1 of the Charter declares the obligation to respect the principles of the equality and self-determination of peoples, and that served as the international legal basis for the process of decolonisation, which incidentally still needs to be completed, however much the French, the British and other former colonial countries may resist. In 1970... the General Assembly unanimously established, decided in its declaration that everyone must observe the territorial integrity of those states whose governments respect the rights of peoples to self-determination and on that basis provide the entire population living on that territory. And I underscore that this was a unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly following long years of difficult discussions. There's no need to prove that Ukrainian neo-Nazis, having seized power in Kiev as a result of the US and allies supported bloody coup d'etat in February 2014, didn't and are not still guilty. representing the Russian population of Crimea, Donbas and Novorossiya. The Western leaders, doing anything they can to talk about human rights, are in a very telling way staying silent about these rights when it comes to the racist actions of their clients in Kiev. In the light of this forgetfulness, I'll remind you about another requirement again in Article 1 of the UN Charter. the requirement to respect the rights and fundamental freedoms of any person regardless of race, sex, language, and religion. The rights of Russians and those that feel that they are part of Russian culture following the coup d'etat in Kiev have methodically been exterminated. The Russian language in Ukraine is banned by law in all areas, in education, the media, art, culture, and even in day-to-day life. Recently, another law was adopted banning the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. These are gross violations of the rights of Russians enshrined in the UN Charter, and they bring with them threats to the security of Russia and all of Europe, stemming from the Kiev regime and those that are dragging it into NATO. And all of these are the root causes of the current Ukrainian crisis. It is to... address these, that is the aim of the special military operation that Russia is carrying out to defend its security and the present and future of the people on their native lands. We value the sincere aim of a number of our partners to advance out of the best interests mediation initiatives. We value their constructive results focus, unlike the hopeless Zelensky peace formula. We call upon our friends in their further efforts to take into account in full the facts that I have mentioned about the real reasons of this situation, the real causes of this situation. Unless they are addressed, a just UN Charter-based peace will not be possible. A realistic settlement plan was outlined by President Putin on the 14th of June when once again, convincingly, he demonstrated Russia's goodwill when it comes to achieving negotiated agreements, the prospect for which were thrown out by Kiev and its backers as a result of the coup d'etat in 2014, the disruption of the Minsk agreements in 2015, and the Istanbul agreements of 2022. The unprecedented level of arrogance and aggressiveness of Western politicians against Russia simply not only nullifies the Secretary General's idea of global cooperation, but it is increasingly also blocking the functioning of the entire system of global governance, including the Security Council. That's not something we chose, and we're not responsible for the consequences of this dangerous course. However, if the West doesn't stop, there will be serious costs that will be felt by everyone. It is clear to the global majority that confrontation and hegemony will not resolve any global problem. They will only artificially hold back the objective process of the formation of a multipolar world order that will be based on the equal rights of large and small nations, that will respect the values of human identity, the equality of men and women, and the rights of peoples to determine their own fate. And incidentally, all of these are also quotes from the UN Charter. just like the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states as well, a confirmation of which, to the shame of the members of our organization, was blocked by the U.S. and their satellites at that very same summit of the future when the pact was adopted. Speaking on the 18th of September before the participants in the Fourth Eurasian Women's Forum in St. Petersburg, President Putin underscored the need for a pooling of efforts in the name of sustainable development and general universal, equal, and indivisible security. Addressing the most complex problems facing all of humanity is something we can only do together, taking into account one another's interests. The West must realize this and refrain from its neocolonial ideas. The Global South and the East are more loudly speaking about their rights and their fully-fledged participation in decision-making processes on the whole range of the international agenda, which is becoming particularly relevant in a situation in which the West is steadily destroying the model of globalization that they themselves created. The role of interstate associations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America is growing stronger. including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the African Union, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries, the League of Arab States, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and others. The contacts between those regional integration structures are being established among themselves and also with the global association, the BRICS, which is creating opportunities for harmonizing approaches and agreeing on mechanisms for mutually beneficial cooperation and development that are not under the control of any negative external influence or diktats. All of these objective processes need to be taken into account in the work of the G20 as well, where the G7 is no longer able to pick the tune. We need to take a new look at ways of ensuring security in various regions, learning lessons from the sad experience of the functioning of the NATO-centric models or the models, the so-called model of Euro-Atlantic security that the West has used to serve their own expansionist ideas. Russia advanced the initiative of forming an inclusive architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia, which, and I wish to underscore this, is open for all states and organizations on our shared continent. We stand ready to work together to find mutually acceptable solutions, the use of interlinkages and the natural competitive advantages of a single Eurasian space. This will be the subject of an international conference in Minsk that begins on the 31st of October this year. We are not stepping away from dialogue with the West. In July, upon the proposal of Russia, there was an open debate in the Security Council on the subject of building a more just, more sustainable world order. We believe it is important to begin the discussion that has begun in the UN as well as in other platforms. A fairer world order undoubtedly requires the expansion of the representation of the Global South in the UN Security Council. We support our position in favor of the candidacies of Brazil and India, while at the same time taking a positive decision on the well-known initiatives of the African Union. However, of course, we cannot even talk about any additional seats for Western countries who are already excessively overrepresented within the Security Council. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, May next year we will mark the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War, during which The genocidal policy of the Third Reich killed tens of millions of people, including 27 million citizens of all of the peoples of the Soviet Union. These crimes do not have a statute of limitations, nor is any moral justification for those who are trying to whitewash Nazi executioners, collaborators and their current adherents, be it in Ukraine, the Baltics, Canada or in any other countries. Today, the world is facing extremely serious challenges that require a joining of forces rather than confrontation and a thirst for global domination. Russia will always stand on the side of collective work, on the side of truth and law, peace and cooperation in the interests of giving rebirth to those ideals that were enshrined by the founding fathers. That is the aim of the group of friends in defense of the UN Charter that was created upon the initiative of Venezuela. Its purposes and principles remain fully relevant. The most important thing is to make sure that absolutely everyone is guided by those principles, not selectively choosing from a menu, but rather in their entirety and as they are interlinked, including the principle of the sovereign equality of states. then working in favor of forming an honest balance of legitimate national interests, the legitimate national interests of all countries, we will be able to give life to the purpose of the UN that is enshrined in the Charter, to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. Thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/russian-federation","Russian Federation","His Excellency","Sergey Lavrov","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ru_ru.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_RU_EN.mp3" 175,"Now I give the floor to His Excellency Luca Beccari, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Political Affairs, International Economic Cooperation and Digital Transition of San Marino. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the government of the Republic of San Marino, I would like to congratulate His Excellencies Mr. Philemon Young on his election as President of the 79th Section of the United Nations General Assembly and to wish him a fruitful work. The Republic of San Marino supports the priorities of your program and ensures you, Mr. President, full cooperation in all works of the General Assembly. I would also like to extend my special thanks to Secretary General Antonio Guterres for his energy and determination in leading the United Nations in this difficult and challenging time. Mr. President, The coming years will be crucial not only for the future, but for the future of our generation to come. The young generation have the right to live in peace and security and in harmony with nature. We should not forget that the world, especially the young generation, is watching us. Regrettably, we are facing an increasing number of crises and unprecedented number of armed conflict around the world. Furthermore, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda has been slowed down by international context of uncertainty, a combined planetary crisis of climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, aggravated by shocks of war, destabilization, and increased fragility. The impact of multiple crises is felt most severely by the poorest and most vulnerable, those increasing poverty and inequalities within and between countries. Achieving sustainable development is a big part of the challenges we face, and the 2030 Agenda remains our collective roadmap to addressing them. The Summit of the Future is an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including delivery on the SDG Summit commitment and renew our commitment to leave no one behind. Through our renewed commitment, the Pact for the Future can rebuild trust in multilateralism and in our ability to jointly address global challenges. In this regard, we appreciate that the Pact for the Future adequately reflects ambitious action in all three important global cooperation in order to leave no one behind and in order to build a cyberspace that reflects global standards for peace and security, human rights and sustainable development. Mr. President, San Marino sees an urgent need to strain our collective support for a rule base in the international system rotated in the United Nations. We unequivocally support this institution's foundational basics, which include the proposal of principle of the UN Charter, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and existing obligations under international human rights law. In this time of widespread violation, it is crucial to recommit to the UN Charter and its values in order to maintaining international peace and security, taking effective collective measures for the prevention of conflict and for the suppression of acts of aggression. We support the recommendation of the Secretary-General's new Agenda for Peace and welcome the new, intensified effort on conflict prevention. The recognition of the interdependence of peace and security, sustainable development and human rights is fundamental if we want to achieve credible results. We support the request for the Secretary General to continue to develop new model of peace operation and the recognition of the role of the regional organization in enforcing of maintaining peace. Mr. President, We are facing a challenging time, with an unprecedented level of violence, mass atrocity, and displacement. San Marino is deeply concerned about the number and the scale of armed conflict across the globe, which causes immense suffering to millions of civilians. The unprecedented rise in global military expenditure is alarming, too. We are also very concerned about the upsetting increase of dangerous nuclear rhetoric and by the specter of nuclear escalation. The Republic of San Marino firmly condemned any use of threat of use of nuclear weapon, considered such threat irresponsible and unjustifiable. Any use of nuclear weapon would have catastrophic and unspeakable consequences for humanity. Unfortunately, today, due to increasing tension, due to deterioration of disarmament architecture, to the use of new emergency technology, including artificial intelligence, and due to the possibility of cyber attack, the risk of nuclear weapon use, either deliberately or by accident, is higher than in any time since the Cold War. We commend the Secretary General of this organization for having emphasized the need to eliminate nuclear weapons as a necessary action in the new agenda for peace. San Marino reaffirmed its commitment for a world free of nuclear weapons and attached great importance to the historic treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, whose ratifications are constantly increasing. Mr. President, The war of aggression against Ukraine brought dramatic consequences for the civilian population, including civilian death, the destruction of vital infrastructure, and massive displacement. We reiterate our resolute condemnation of the Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine and reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine political independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. In the true spirit of multilateral and international cooperation, San Marino took part to the Summit on Peace in Ukraine held in Switzerland last June. We support all the international efforts aiming to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine based on the UN Charter and international law. Mr. President, the Republic of San Marino has firmly and repeatedly condemned the horrific terrorist attack of October 7th. San Marino called for an immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, condemned the torture and sexual violence perpetrated against them, and recognized Israel's right to defend itself within humanitarian and international law. At the same time, We cannot remain silent in front of the death of more than 40,000 civilians, most of them children and women. More than 90,000 Palestinians have been reported injured, while the majority of houses and hospitals have been damaged, righted, or hampered. The level of destruction and suffering in Gaza is unprecedented. The civilian suffering, the civilian death toll, and the ongoing captivity of hostages are breaking and unacceptable. We urge all parties to fully respect international humanitarian law, preserving the life, dignity, and humanity of all people affected by armed conflict. Furthermore, the tragic death of UNRWA staff members and of the other humanitarian workers and of the journalists cannot be tolerated. San Marino has joined several initiatives in order to alleviate the catastrophic humanitarian situation of civilians in Gaza and has made financial contributions to UNRWA, UNICEF, and OCHA in order to support the work of these agencies that have been operating in highly challenging conditions. The international community must break this terrible cycle of violence and recommit to a lasting peace, restoring hope and security to Israeli and Palestinians through a renewed peace process. San Marino remains committed to a lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution in which Israel and Palestine live side by side in peace and security and mutual recognition. San Marino reiterated its call for an immediate chase for a return dialogue to address the legitimate concern of the State of Israel and the legitimate aspiration of the Palestinian people. A lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution is the only long-term option for peace, and for this reason, we believe that the admission of Palestine to the United Nations as a full member would facilitate the achievement of this solution. San Marino welcomed the resolution adopted in May 2024 at the 10th Emergency Special Section, which upgrades Palestinians' right at the United Nations as an observer state, urging the Security Council to favorably consider its full membership. Mr. President, the spiral of death and devastation has already extended to Lebanon. This represents a triggering escalation of the conflict that has further destabilized the entire region. We therefore stress the need for restraint. Mr. President, respect for international law and accountability are key factors that play a crucial role in preventing and stopping violations and crime. We reaffirm our commitment to the UN Charter and to the principle of the responsibility to protect, which is essential in the prevention of atrocity crime. We are deeply worried about the disregard and violation of the international law. The Republic of San Marino reaffirmed its fully commitment to the obligation under human and humanitarian law, such as the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crime of Genocide, the Rome Statute, and the Geneva Convention. San Marino reaffirmed its fully support to the International Criminal Court, whose work is crucial in the fight against impunity for genocide and crime against humanity. The Republic of San Marino would also like to reiterate its support for initiatives such as the ACT Group Code of Conduct regarding Security Council action against genocide, war crime, or crime against humanity, and the French and Mexican Declaration on Voluntary Restraint Use of the Veto by the Permanent Member of the Security Council. Mr. President, protecting civilians from the devastating impact of war must be our priority. Armed conflicts around the globe have dramatically impacted the lives of millions of civilians. The protection of civilians' infrastructure is essential to guarantee food security in time of conflict. Food production and distribution, water delivery, sanitation, energy provision, and health care can all be disrupted when infrastructure and tools essential to the survival of civilians are damaged or destroyed. We support Security Council Resolution 2573, which condemns attacks against critical civilian infrastructure indispensable for their survival. San Marino also called on all parties to achieve the implementation of Security Council Resolution 2417, which condemned the use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, as well as the unlawful denial of humanitarian access. San Marino is gravely concerned by the scale and scope of rape violations against children, presented in the Secretary General's annual report. San Marino supports the work of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict and her office, UNICEF, the Department of Peace Operations, and all child protection actors from the UN Civil Society. Armed conflicts continue to devastate children's lives and to compromise their fundamental rights. We are witnessing an increase in attacks on schools and hospitals. This is unacceptable. To strengthen the protection of children in armed conflict, we call all parties to armed conflict to fully comply with their obligation under international humanitarian, human rights, and refugee law, and with international norms and standards for the protection of children. Moreover, we call for full accountability for all grave violations through national and international justice mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court. We also call all member states to ratify the optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict. We also encourage all parties to support other important tools such as the Paris Principle and Commitment and the Vancouver Principle. Mr. President, San Marino believes it is essential to strain the global response to the climate emergency. The existential threat caused by a triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution should give to all of us a sense of urgency and priority in tackling this challenge. We support the commitment taken at COP28 last December, which included the imperative of transitioning away from fossil fuel in energy system in a just, orderly, and equitable manner, tripping the renewable energy capacity globally, and doubling energy efficiency by 2030 in line with 1.5 degree pathways. San Marino is fully committed to decarbonizing the global economy by 2050 and to healthy and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030, and recognizing the need to halt pollution which causes the death of 9 million people annually. Moreover, we also need to tackle the water crisis, a growing global threat that will inevitably intensify in the coming 50 years with devastating consequences on sustainable development, the environment, and regional peace and stability. Mr. President, the increasing evident interrelationship among global challenges highlight the need for member states today more than ever to work together to overcome difficulties. The United Nations is the only universally intergovernmental body based on the sovereign equality of all its members. Its unique role as the center for setting goals, harmonizing action and sharing experience to achieve the common hands, such as peace and security, sustainable development, human rights, and the rule of law, transcend any one nation state and serve the collective interest for all nations and people. The centrality and relevance of the United Nations is not a given. We need a much stronger focus on collective global solution to current and future challenges, which threaten peace and prosperity for all. We need to revitalize the United Nations and reinvigorate multilateralism to ensure its continued significance. To this end, it is essential to rebuild trust in the potential of the organization, in its leadership, and most of all, trust between its members and all their stakeholders. Moreover, the global governance must become more inclusive and accountable for the effective by providing more space for the participation of civil society and private sector. In this regard, we need more inclusive international financial architecture, a rule-based and equitable financial system that ensures a more effective and inclusive global economic governance, with mindful development impact and providing space for innovative solutions. Multilateralism must effectively deliver on peace as a global public good. Reform must remain at the center of our action because they are crucial to future world stability and maintenance of international peace and security. In this regard, San Marino follows with particular interest the Security Council reform. As we have started on previous occasions, our country believes that intergovernmental negotiations favored the search for an agreement based on a broad and strong political consensus, able to reflect the interests of all negotiating groups. San Marino called for a reform that make the council more democratic, transparent, efficient, and accountable. This goal can be achieved only through a continuous dialogue among the state and the awareness that overcoming the respective initial position is essential to negotiate the broadest agreement possible. In conclusion, Mr. President, we stand at a critical juncture where the step we take today will shape the international rule-based order and the United Nations system for decades to come. It is essential to find new ways of working together and to ensure that multilateral institutions will be able to address the rapid changes taking place. Member states must assume their responsibilities, including that of making our organization able to fulfill its mandate, which is to protect the citizens of the world. San Marino is a state with a strong identity thanks to its century-old history of peace and freedom. Our state is small but proud to bring its contribution to the United Nations community. Thank you for your attention. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Political Affairs, International Economic Cooperation, and Digital Transition of San Marino. I now give the floor to His Excellency Mohammed","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/san-marino","San Marino","His Excellency","Luca Beccari","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sm_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SM_EN.mp3" 176,"I now give the floor to His Highness Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia. In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. President of the United Nations General Assembly, ladies and gentlemen, may the peace of God and blessing of God be upon you. Please allow me to congratulate, first of all, His Excellency Mr. Philemon Yang upon his election to head up the 17th session of the UN General Assembly. We also congratulate Mr. Dennis Francis for the efforts that he made during the previous session. I also wish to seize this opportunity to thank the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, for the tireless efforts that he's making in order to achieve the goals and aspirations of the UN Charter. President, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, since we participated in the creation of this organisation, has been striving to make efforts to make the promises of the UN Charter an absolute reality establishing the respect for international law, achieving international peace and security, and supporting channels for international multilateral actions in many different areas. In this regard, the Kingdom participated in the drafting of the Pact for the Future that was agreed on by the leaders of the world this week. We believe that this pact and the Summit for the Future in general is an opportunity to renew our collective principles to strengthen cooperation, to achieve peace and security, and sustainable development for future generations. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia we are seeking to strengthen the role of international financial institutions to ensure an economic recovery. President, the world is seeing a high pace of crises and unfortunately we are just looking at managing these crises rather than finding concrete solutions. This is a situation of laxism in international efforts and also a situation of selectivity in the application of international law and international humanitarian law, which has led to an exacerbation of violence and conflicts and is threatening the principles of the UN Charter and undermining common actions to find peaceful solutions. Peaceful solutions that will enable us to spare the lives of civilians and to put an end to fighting and ensure peace and international and regional development. In this context of tensions between countries, we wish to warn against political polarisation. We need to open up dialogue and strengthen dialogue and cooperation between states, enabling us to strengthen international peace and security. In this regard, we categorically reject all crimes perpetrated by Israel against the kindred Palestinian people. The most recent crimes committed against civilians, defenceless civilians, is just one chapter in the story of suffering by this brother people who have been suffering for decades now. These barbaric Israeli practices that started last year has cost the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians, in particular women and children. We are seeing bombing, murder and destruction. This is a real humanitarian catastrophe and it is continuing to get worse. It is necessary to halt this aggression. For this reason, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosted the Joint Arab-Israeli Summit in November 2023. We saw the participation of heads of state and government, of member countries of the Arab League and the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation. We work to adopt resolutions and decisions that reflect the will of Arab and Muslim people and to stop the bloodshed, to ensure unhindered humanitarian access and to realise the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people, in particular the creation of an independent state. The ministerial committee tasked by this summit to engage in visits has called upon the international community to put an end to Israeli aggression and protect civilians. That's why we welcome the adoption by the General Assembly on the 10th of May 2024 of a resolution that states that the state of Palestine fulfils all the conditions to become a fully-fledged member state of our organisation and we welcome the decision of Norway, Spain, Ireland, Slovenia and Armenia who have recognised the brother country of Palestine. We call upon other states to bilaterally recognise the state of Palestine and to act together in order to recognise the state of Palestine as an independent state. That's why we announced with our partners and ministerial committees with Norway and the European Union, we have announced the creation of a coalition to promote the two-state solution. We call upon all states to join us in this initiative. Mr. President, we have provided more than $5 billion in aid to the kindred Palestinian people since the bombing of the Gaza Strip with the King Salman Project. We have committed to even more, several million dollars in humanitarian aid and we are working with many different international and UN humanitarian aid agencies to bring in humanitarian projects to the tune of 106 billion dollars. We are also working with UNRWA to provide services, to provide food, medications and meet other needs of the brother Palestinian people. The support provided by the Kingdom to UNRWA has gone above $1 billion. We welcome the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice regarding Israeli practices in occupied Palestinian territories that has confirmed the illegal nature of Israeli presence in occupied Palestinian territories for now 75 years. It's essential to find a fair solution to the Palestinian crisis based on resolutions of international equality and enabling the Palestinian people to establish an independent state with pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. The prevalence of impunity, the lack of respect of legal obligations is encouraging Israel to continue its escalation. This escalation will have no positive impact on any party at all. It also risks having negative repercussions for the entire region. That's why we affirm the fact that it is necessary to preserve the stability of Lebanon and to respect its sovereignty in line with international law and in line with relevant UN Security Council resolutions. We are aligning with international efforts to bring in an immediate ceasefire and to find a lasting diplomatic solution. We call upon all parties to show wisdom and to show restraint in order to avoid a true war from breaking out in the region. Mr. President, the Kingdom has taken key measures in order to ensure appeasement and development in our region. We have concluded an agreement with Iran to restore our diplomatic relations based on the respect of sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs, also on the respect of the UN Charter, working with the Organization for Islamic Cooperation also to establish peace and security in our region. We hope that Iran will cooperate with the international community, in particular vis-à-vis its nuclear programme and its ballistic missile programme. We have also resumed relations with the Syrian Arab Republic to strengthen our cooperation on common issues, because we are convinced that finding a solution to this crisis will enable us to entrench peace and stability in our region. We also reaffirm the need to preserve the security of Syria, its stability, and the integrity of its territory. Furthermore, in Yemen, we are supporting all efforts to find a solution to this crisis and to appease the human suffering of the brotherly Yemeni people. It's essential to find political solutions to reinstall peace and stability in the region. We reiterate our initiative that seeks to find a just and lasting solution. When it comes to the situation in the Red Sea, This is a situation that is undermining security of shipping routes. And in response to that, we need to show a sense of wisdom and support international efforts to establish peace and stability in that area. In Sudan, we reaffirm our staunch position to preserve peace and stability in Sudan and to strengthen the state and its institutions and avoid its breaking down. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosted the Sudanese peace talks in Jeddah to this end. We call to appease the situation, put an end to military operations and to provide humanitarian aid. We are working to continue the Jeddah talks, engaging in Jeddah Talks 3, the third round. In terms of peace and stability in Afghanistan, Afghanistan cannot be left by the wage sides of its region and the international community alone. or be a prey to terrorists. That's why it's necessary to put an end to the humanitarian and security situation in Afghanistan that is providing fertile ground to different groups and militias to continue their activities. Now moving on to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, we must put an end to this crisis and contain its repercussions. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, may God protect him, is continuing to work to this end and we have announced the freeing of several prisoners of different nationalities. We hosted a meeting of different officials from different countries with the participation of several different states and international organisations. We stand ready to continue our mediation efforts between the parties to the conflict. President, drawing on our vision 2030, we aspire to fulfill the needs of future generations to empower women and youth and to build bridges with the world. Through our development approach, we aspire to achieve global development focusing on people preserving their rights, their dignity, and allowing them to achieve their aspirations. Mr. President, on the energy front, we are working to achieve energy security and to guarantee access to energy at reasonable prices and to mitigate the effects of climate change. We seek to ensure stability in international markets, the international oil markets, and to guarantee access to this energy. and guarantee security in the supply chains in order to ensure a prosperous international economy. We are also fighting against climate change, in particular by adopting a holistic approach to the energy transition. In that regard, we seek to respect the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, making the most of all the techniques we have available to us in order to limit our greenhouse gas emissions. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the best placed countries according to carbon and methane density emissions and we are working to set up a carbon transfer and storage facility in the city of Aljubaira. This has the capacity to store 9,000 tonnes within a few years and 44,000 tonnes by 2030. We are working with the international community, Mr President, to fight climate change, and that's why in the summit between Saudi Arabia and Africa we announced a participation of $50 billion to support these efforts. We have also launched initiatives such as the Green Saudi Arabia Initiative, the Green Middle East Initiative, and we are also investing in techniques to reduce carbon density and to strengthen... electricity and green hydrogen production. The Kingdom furthermore supports projects to optimize the consumption of energy and to preserve sea life and water. That's why we celebrated the International Environment Day in 2024 and we will soon be hosting the COP16 of the United Nations Convention Against Desertification, which is reaffirming our commitment to preserve the future and fight against desertification. We also intend to host the International Water Forum in 2027. The Crown Prince, may God protect him, announced the creation of an International Organisation for Water Resources last September to fight against the challenges we face when it comes to water resources. Mr. President, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is working to create a world free of nuclear weapons. For this reason, we call upon all states to preserve the non-proliferation regime while protecting the rights of states to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. We support efforts being made to fight against terrorism and it's necessary to bolster our joint actions by continuing cooperation with our international partners in order to fight against this threat. It's necessary to make more efforts to fight against the campaigns being launched by terrorist groups. It's further necessary to continue our work to fight against the financing of terrorism. Mr. President, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was chosen to host the 2030 Global Exposition. This exposition is allowing us to focus on the Sustainable Development Goals. This is an event that is an opportunity to find political solutions when it comes to sustainability and also to honour our commitments to developing countries. By way of conclusion, we hope that the efforts being made will enable us to establish a common principle with mutual respect to build a better future for the whole of humanity and may the peace and blessing of God be upon you. for Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/saudi-arabia","Saudi Arabia","His Highness","Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sa_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SA_EN.mp3" 177,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Singapore. Madame President, Your Excellencies, I bring you greetings from a tiny island city-state in the heart of Southeast Asia called Singapore. I think we must be one of the smallest who now qualifies as a member of the United Nations for the past 59 years. I would like to congratulate His Excellency Philemon Young on assuming the Presidence of the 79th Session of the General Assembly and I also commend His Excellency Dennis Francis for his stellar leadership during the 78th Session. The world is in an acutely dangerous phase. and civilians in multiple troubled spots are paying a horrendous price. The risks of miscalculation and escalation have sharply increased, most notably in the Middle East, Ukraine and Sudan. The loss of so many innocent lives is heartbreaking. and the lack of trust amongst the major powers, and the resulting deficit of global leadership makes it very difficult to find effective, peaceful solutions to all these ongoing conflicts. We are approaching the 80th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, and we must double down on our commitment to a rules-based multilateral system. on almost every issue confronting the world. From peace and security to climate change, from the ocean to outer space, from poverty to food insecurity, a reformed United Nations is absolutely essential for global solutions. The UN remains the only neutral and universal platform for dialogue and cooperation amongst all nations. And the Summit of the Future was a very significant milestone for the UN and our multilateral system. The adoption of the Pact for the Future offers the hope that nations can reach agreement given wise leadership and political will. and the Pact begins the journey to transform our multilateral system and to maintain the salience of the United Nations. We must accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, reinvigorate international cooperation, and transform global governance. And that's why Singapore has always been a staunch supporter of the summit of the future. And we stand ready to work with our friends to implement the pact. I would like to highlight three points. First, we must return to the basics by reinforcing the foundational role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security. That is the raison d'être for the UN. We must restore respect for the rule of law and the UN Charter. This has underpinned global peace and security for the last 80 years. We cannot allow recent violations of international law to become normalised. The ongoing war in Ukraine exemplifies a flagrant violation of international law and the UN Charter. The invasion of one country by another under the pretext of historical errors and grievances cannot be justified by any means. Article 2 of the UN Charter is categorical. All members shall refrain from the threat or the use of force against territorial integrity. And it's also worth recalling that that's why the preamble of Security Council Resolution 242, passed in 1967, also contains or refers to the, quote, inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war, unquote. If we allow the notion that might is right to prevail, the world will become a very dangerous place, especially for small states. And that's why Singapore and other small states have to consistently stand for compliance with, by all member states, with international law and the UN Charter. We as a small state have no interest in taking sides or getting embroiled in great power rivalry. We do not want to become an arena for proxy wars. We simply aim to defend our sovereignty, to exercise our autonomy, and to chart our own futures. Our people deserve that. And that's why small states like Singapore have always been ardent advocates for international law and the UN Charter. For small states, multilateralism and international law is not an option. It is in fact an existential necessity. Last week, Singapore, in collaboration with the International Peace Institute, launched a report on small states and transforming global governance. The report that was prepared by the IPI and the Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore highlights the priorities and the perspectives of small states. We hope that this report will catalyze further discussions on strengthening and transforming the UN and the multilateral system. Excellencies, the work to strengthen international law and the existing international legal frameworks is an ongoing exercise, and Singapore will continue to strongly support the work of the International Court of Justice, which is paramount for upholding the rule of law and protecting the interests of all countries, and especially small states. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea is absolutely crucial, and especially for an island city-state like Singapore, totally dependent on trade. In fact, our trade volume is three times our GDP. UNCLOS sets out the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out. Freedom of navigation and overflight is a universal right. It is not merely an optional privilege granted by the grace of whoever claims the seas. UNCLOS also provides an essential foundation for coordinating our efforts on issues such as sea level rise, plastic pollution, the loss of biodiversity, and ocean acidification. As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the entry into force of UNCLOS this year, we call on all countries that have not yet done so to ratify UNCLOS and to do so as soon as possible. We also need to develop new instruments to strengthen international legal frameworks. The consensus adoption of the BBNJ agreement in June last year was a crucial step in strengthening the UNCLOS framework concerning the conservation and the sustainable use of the oceans and its resources. I'm pleased to announce that Singapore ratified the BBNJ agreement earlier this week. The UN placed a critical role in formulating new rules, norms and principles governing the global commons. For example, the UN has made good progress in establishing a framework for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, a process that we in Singapore have always supported. Singapore also supports the Secretary-General's new Agenda for Peace, and we stand ready to work with all UN members to strengthen the role of the UN in promoting peace and security, particularly in preventive diplomacy, mediation and conflict prevention. And such efforts are urgently needed to save civilian lives and to prevent catastrophes. Singapore remains a steadfast supporter of the UN's humanitarian efforts. We are gravely concerned with the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the sheer scale of human suffering. The Singapore government, along with our non-government organizations and our citizens, have contributed more than $17 million in humanitarian aid and donations for Gaza, including through UNICEF and UNRWA. We have consistently emphasized the need for the safe and unhindered provision of humanitarian aid to all civilians in need. And we reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire and for the immediate, unconditional and safe release of all hostages. Singapore will continue to provide more support for the civilians in Gaza. Second, we must intensify efforts to support the implementation of the SDGs. With less than six years remaining, we are still far from achieving the 2030 Agenda. To fulfill the promise of leaving no one behind, we must support the poorest and the most vulnerable countries. And this is important because sustainable development provides the foundation for peace and security. We need to accelerate our collective efforts in combating climate change. As a small island state, Singapore is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and especially sea level rise. We welcome the high-level meeting held earlier this week on this issue. Although our share of global emissions is actually very small, we remain fully committed to peaking our emissions before 2030 and to achieving net zero by 2050. The Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States earlier this year marked a significant milestone for all SIDS. We welcome the adoption of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, which outlines an action plan for the next decade. Singapore will support our friends in SIDS, and we launched a new technical assistance package at SIDS IV called SIDS for Change, which covers priority areas including blue carbon. Singapore will continue to support our fellow small states. We will share our development experience, and I'm happy to announce that we will renew our capacity-building program for the Forum of Small States, or FOSS, and we've labeled this program FOSS for Good, a package that will offer digital-themed programs including leadership and governance in the age of digital technologies and artificial intelligence. Third, We need to empower and transform the UN so that it is future-ready and capable of responding to the emerging global challenges. And to achieve this, several measures are necessary. We must provide more opportunities for young people, especially, to engage in the work of the UN and to serve as agents of change to revitalise international cooperation. We welcome the adoption of the Declaration on Future Generations, which underscores our collective commitment to building a world that serves the interests of the future generations. After all, our young people have even more at stake. Next, we must harness the power of digital technologies in a safe and secure manner. The adoption of the Global Digital Compact is a significant step forward, offering a pathway to close the digital divide, and the Compact contains an action-oriented set of commitments that can accelerate the implementation of the SDGs. We are witnessing the dawn of the age of AI. By now, the promises and the perils of AI are well known to all of us. We need to empower innovation in AI whilst installing global guardrails to protect human safety, human dignity and values. Therefore, initiating a dialogue on global governance in AI is imperative. Singapore welcomes the report of the High-Level Advisory Body on AI, and we commit to working with all UN members to further develop these recommendations. Finally, we must transform global governance by making our institutions more representative, more responsive, and more effective, particularly for the sake of small states and developing countries. We need a more nimble multilateral system in which the international financial architecture and the UN work more synergistically. Equally important is the need to reform the UN itself, to make it more efficient, effective and responsive. That includes reforming the UN Security Council in order to reflect the contemporary realities through an expansion in both the permanent and non-permanent membership categories. The effective functioning of the Security Council is at the heart of a robust and responsive UN. The five permanent members of the Security Council have a special responsibility that accompanies their privilege, and they must demonstrate leadership by cooperating to maintain international peace and security. The veto initiative has made use has made the use of the veto more accountable by making the permanent members answerable to all of us in the General Assembly every time they cast a veto. This is a good first step, but it is not the end of that journey that is necessary. Much more work will be needed to make the Security Council more transparent and accountable, and Singapore will continue to work with the other UN member states in this regard. Madam President, Excellencies, the world is traversing an acutely dangerous period of geopolitical tension. A descent into chaos and conflict is a clear and present threat. In this moment of uncertainty, all countries, big and small, have a responsibility to work together to preserve the peace and to save lives. We cannot achieve this without the UN playing its rightful role as an arena for dialogue, for partnership. This is the moment, in fact, to double down on multilateralism and to strengthen the role of the UN as a collective vehicle for peace and sustainable development. Thank you, Excellencies. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Singapore.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/singapore","Singapore","His Excellency","Vivian Balakrishnan","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sg_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SG_EN.mp3" 178,"I now give the floor to His Excellency, Marit Sogyampoong, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. Mr. President, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Allow me to begin by congratulating His Excellency Mr. Philemon Young on his election to preside over the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. I am here today representing Thailand's new government, led by Prime Minister Patong Than Chinnawat, to reiterate Thailand's determination to continue our people-centered, economic-oriented policies to achieve stability and sustainable development for our people. Mr. President, in an increasingly fragmented and complex world, Thailand reaffirms our support for a rule-based multilateral system with the United Nations at its core. When the United Nations was founded seven decades ago, we did not envision challenges from technological disruptions, pandemics, and climate crisis. In view of present reality, the United Nations must step up and respond to the evolving challenges of our time to remain relevant. It must be agile and adaptable to new and emerging threats and to ensure that multilateral system is fit for purpose. Global governance and the United Nations must undertake comprehensive reforms, including that of security council. With this year's summit of the futures and general debate, Thailand looks to the United Nations we all need, a United Nations with increased convenient power to sustain and strengthen international peace and security. a United Nations that effectively address global challenges, a United Nations that improve the life, equality, and dignities of people around the world, and the United Nations that speaks for the aspirations and interests for all nations, not just the most powerful. Mr. President, Thailand believes that in order for the United Nations to truly sustain and strengthen international peace and security, member states must uphold their disarmament and non-proliferation obligations to rebuild trust and ensure a safe and secure world. Moreover, various flashpoints around the globe continue to challenge the credibility of the United Nations to resolve conflict. We are deeply concerned about increasing armed conflict in Ukraine and different parts of the world, as well as the escalations, violence, and worsening humanitarian situations in Gaza. These situations have far-reaching implications on any smallest nation. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to find peaceful solutions that respect the United Nations Charter and human rights. In our own neighborhood, Thailand faces challenges from the situations in Myanmar. As Thailand shares the longest land border with Myanmar, we are directly affected by the spillover effect of the situations in the country. We wish to see a peaceful and prosperous Myanmar, which will also bode well for peace and prosperity in the regions at large. We believe that the peaceful political solutions in Myanmar must be Myanmar-led, Myanmar-owned. This is why we are engaging with all sides and we will continue to work closely with ASEAN and international communities to facilitate dialogue among different parties to drive forward the five-point consensus. As part of this effort, we are stepping up humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar through various channels, including the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management and relevant United Nations organizations Thailand will continue to support a peaceful and prosperous Myanmar, not just because it is a pragmatic approach, but it is the right way forward. Mr. President, sustainable peace, security, and development are closely linked. And to secure a sustainable future, we must accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. On Thailand's part, we have been sharing our locally-driven, people-centered development approach known as the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, or SEP. To advance implementations of the SDGs, the SEP for SDGs partnership is known widely as a best practice on SDGs localization. We are concerned with the slow pace in the implementations of SDGs goal at the global level, which is only 17% on track. We must ensure that countries have adequate means and resources to achieve the SDGs, especially through financing for development. The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development next year provides key opportunities to address the large and growing SDG financing gaps. In this regard, Thailand reiterates the call for a reform of the international financing architecture. In addition to ensure a just and inclusive financing system, we must also strengthen trade investment and development cooperation especially through south-south and triangular cooperation. Thailand is committed to forging stronger partnership, particularly with least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, and small island developing states. Moreover, Thailand's aspirations to become a member of BRICS and OECD is driven by our design to build bridges to promote north-south development cooperation, which is also critical in addressing urgent challenges such as climate change. Indeed, Thailand is among the top 10 countries most affected by climate change. Earlier this month, Thailand and many countries in Southeast Asia were faced with destructive floods caused by Typhoon Yanggi. We therefore advocate a balance and equal emphasis on both mitigations and adaptations for climate action. To achieve concrete results, we must scale up climate finance. Thailand looks forward to the COP 29 in Baku this November, where member states will commit to a new collective quantified goals grounded on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. At the same time, we hope to see the full operationalization of the loss and damage funds soon. Climate disaster have taught us that failure to address this matter will delay the achievement of the SDGs and have widespread impact on human rights and human security. For these reasons, the implementations of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is crucial. Mr. President, the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was an achievement that met the highest aspirations of the people. And today amidst risings of inequalities and vulnerability, Thailand believes that the United Nations must remain the bedrock of fundamental truth enshrined in decorations to protect the life and ensure the equality and dignity for all. For Thailand, protecting and promoting human rights for all does not only mean guaranteeing basic human dignity, but it also aims at providing opportunity to advance social justice and equality. With our long-standing policies to protect all persons and groups, especially the most vulnerable, We have made concrete progress in ensuring equal rights for all those living in Thailand, regardless of their origins, belief, sex or gender. Based on this commitment, Thailand is presenting our candidature to the Human Rights Council for the term 2025 to 2027. At the Council, we will serve as bridge builders to connect different perspectives and work with all stakeholders. We will ensure that all countries are equipped and supported in their human rights action through experience sharing and technical cooperation. Moreover, we will also continue to push for the creation of safe and secure society for all. Recently, we adopted the Marriott Equality Act. On health, we will continue to advance the rights to health by advocating for universal health coverage and the conclusions of pandemic treaty, as well as steer forward the foreign policies and global health agenda, which Thailand serves as chair this year. On crime prevention, we will work closely with our partners to combat increasing drug trafficking and transnational crimes in the regions and beyond, especially those enabled by digital technologies and underground economies. Mr. President, Thailand welcomed the successful conclusions of the summit of the future. In the next step, we have to work together to make the pact for the future high on impact and high on action by translating the pact into tangible outcomes. And to realize this, I'd outline Thailand's vision to achieve this future through what I call the Four P's, whether it will be building a future where all are protected, where all can prosper, and which is promising for all. It is essential that we give our collective political will. This means harnessing our political will to promote the power of technologies to help accelerate the SDGs and taking steps to close the digital divide among countries through the Global Digital Compact. We support technology cross-flow and transfer, capacity building, as well as digital literacy development to enhance the abilities of countries to promote people-centered and planet-centric development. This also means giving importance to the decorations of future generations. for our actions or inactions of today will determine a future for them. Everywhere, youth and future generations deserve to have big dreams and even bigger doors of opportunities. Mr. President, 78 years ago, Thailand looked towards the United Nations as a guarantor of a more peaceful and prosperous future. And at present, Thailand carries onward the same belief of the United Nations that is pioneers of the prevailing peace and drive our peacekeepers and aid workers to serve in remote regions of the globe. And in this very same spirit, Thailand pledges to continue to serve as a bridge builder, fostering dialogue and trust among nations. We may be nations with different and diverse culture and traditions, but we are united by our common humanity and aspirations for the future we want. And for that, we must together build the United Nations we need. I thank you very much, Mr. President. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. I now give the floor to His Excellency,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/thailand","Thailand","His Excellency","Maris Sangiampongsa","Minister for Foreign Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/th_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TH_EN.mp3" 179,"I now give the floor to His Excellency, Amy Brown, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Curriculum Affairs of Treaty Data Tobacco. Mr. President, permit me to first extend to you congratulations on behalf of the government and people of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on your election as president of this session of the United Nations General Assembly. We are confident that you will be equal to the task and I assure you of Trinidad and Tobago's full support and cooperation. Allow me to also extend, on behalf of the proud people and government of Trinidad and Tobago, our sincerest appreciation to your predecessor and our fellow countrymen, His Excellency Dennis Francis, for his astute and exemplary leadership as president of the 78th session, which was underpinned by the principles of peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability. Mr. President, I applaud you on your chosen theme for this 79th session, as our global community finds itself at an inflection point which will determine the fate of future generations. Our planet really should have been in better shape in the year 2024. But instead, we are deeply disturbed and dismayed by fresh divisions, the floating of international law, gross violations of human rights, and the flourishing of illegal settlements and oppression, which threaten peace and security around the world. Further, the alarm bells on the climate crisis have long been sounded, and yet we race toward a point of no return. The dream of ending persistent inequality remains a challenge to the global community, and hard-earned progress on gender equality appears to have stagnated in some parts of the world. It is for these reasons, Mr. President, that Trinidad and Tobago welcomed the convening of the Summit of the Future and joined with the international community in the adoption of the Pact for the Future. The adoption of this pact represents a renewal of our commitment as member states to multilateralism as the best way forward. Mr. President, since the dawn of civilization, humankind has endeavored to become an improved version of itself in the pursuit of a better quality of life, human rights, equality, dignity, and prosperity. Our ingenuity as human beings has paved the way for some of the world's greatest inventions and advancements. Regrettably, in our quest to find the best version of ourselves, we have discovered some of the worst aspects of humanity. Our planet and its people have been subjected to misuse, and abuse, the effects of which have placed the majority of the global population facing some version of a doomsday scenario. Now more than ever, we must summon a spirit of cooperation and collectively put our shoulders to the wheel for the benefit of all humanity. We used to say that our future depends on it, but now we have to say that our existence depends on it. It is very well established and accepted that there can be no sustainable development without peace. If we fail to find credible solutions to the global challenges, humanitarian crises, and conflicts around the world, the international community would have squandered its responsibility and would have perpetuated a vicious downward cycle of repression. One example is the Russia-Ukraine war, which is still ongoing almost three years after Russia's initial invasion, which we condemned, with profound implications to the world order. Mr. President, Trinidad and Tobago is deeply troubled by the escalation of conflict and tensions in the Middle East. We remain distressed by the ongoing war on Gaza and by the chilling flashpoints of expansion that are being deployed on a daily basis. Only someone absolutely bereft of humanity would think that it is lawful and just and even godly to respond to atrocities committed on one awful day of terror by in turn committing atrocities after atrocities. How else are we to describe the killing of over 200 UN staff members, the highest death toll in United Nations history, and the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, including women and children? And this is not being done in secret. The entire world is watching. And the Global South in particular is appalled. The question remains, if innocent civilians, including women, children, and United Nations staff, were being killed at this record rate in the developed world, how would the world's big powers have reacted? not likely with euphemisms and platitudes. The double standards and continued resourcing of these ongoing violations of international law send a chilling message to the Global South. And that message is this. There are some powerful people in this world who are of the view that a Palestinian child is less worthy of defense, protection, food, water, and life than another child. I am not of that view. The people of my country are not of that view. CARICOM is not of that view. And decent people all over the world, including in Israel, are not of that view. International law is not a tool of mere convenience to be muted for friends and trumpeted against enemies. Mr. President, international law is not a tool of mere convenience to be muted for our friends and trumpeted against our enemies. In this regard, Trinidad and Tobago has joined the call for an immediate, full, and complete ceasefire, and for the unconditional release of every single hostage. The truth is there is no military solution to this conflict, as peace will only be achieved through negotiations in good faith and constructive dialogue among all concerned parties. Trinidad and Tobago has consistently expressed our support for a two-state solution where Israelis can live without the daily threat of terror and Palestinians can live without the daily weight of occupation. coexisting side by side as responsible members of the international community. We firmly believe that this is the only credible pathway to end this cycle of violence culminating in the establishment of a sovereign and peaceful state of Palestine alongside a sovereign and peaceful state of Israel within secure borders. Rooted in this belief, Trinidad and Tobago took the decision to recognize the state of Palestine in our contribution to the two-state solution and in support of the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for self-determination. I can report that just six days ago, Trinidad and Tobago and the State of Palestine officially established diplomatic relations. We look forward to the day when the State of Palestine would be welcomed to take its seat in the General Assembly as a full member of the United Nations. Mr. President, I now turn to the issue affecting the International Criminal Court. Despite its detractors, the evidence before us clearly shows the value and effectiveness and necessity of the International Criminal Court. As a country that advocated for the establishment of the ICC via the tireless work of our former Prime Minister and President, A.N.R. Robinson, Trinidad and Tobago remains resolute in our support of the Court's mandate to help put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of the most heinous crimes. and to provide a glimmer of hope to all victims of those crimes seeking justice within the jurisdiction of the court. To this end, we continue to encourage all states that have not yet done so to ratify and fully implement the Rome Statute of the ICC. It was the late Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said, it is not possible to be in favor of justice for some people and not be in favor of justice for all people. For this reason, Mr. President, Trinidad and Tobago condemns, rejects, and repudiates any and all attempts to impede, intimidate, or improperly influence the Court and its very courageous officials. Mr. President, we are mindful that the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons in our own region poses an intolerable threat to national security and to the lives of our citizens. the proliferation of illegal arms and ammunition has contributed to unacceptable increases in the level of gun-related violence and fatalities in our small society and indeed across CARICOM. In addition to our own efforts domestically, we continue to work with regional and international partners to free our citizens from the horrific human cost associated with the easy access to small arms and light weapons and their vicious use against citizens and families. Following the hosting by Trinidad and Tobago of our first regional symposium on crime and violence as a public health safety issue in 2023, CARICOM heads met in Guyana earlier this year to further elaborate innovative strategies on this matter of grave regional concern. Trinidad and Tobago welcomes the renewed efforts of our partners, including the United States of America in particular, to work with us constructively to help solve this deadly challenge which respects no borders. Mr. President, we also remain deeply concerned by the humanitarian and security crisis affecting the nation of Haiti. Earlier this year, from this very rostrum, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, Chairman of the CARICOM Reparations Commission stated, and I quote, we are calling for justice for the people of Haiti who should have been held aloft for being the first nation to end the evil of slavery. they should have been held aloft for being the most noble exemplars of freedom and the celebration of democratic possibilities in Western modernity. Instead, for their audacity of action, they were punished by the Western world and demonized rather than deified."" End quote. We acknowledge that the path toward a stable and secure Haiti requires indigenous, Haitian-led, Haitian-owned solutions that are ably supported by the United Nations and the international community. In this regard, we welcome the news of the appointment of an interim prime minister and cabinet. We believe that these are important steps in confronting the political, security, and humanitarian challenges in Haiti. And I salute the role of CARICOM, its hardworking secretariat, and the eminent persons group in helping the Haitians to achieve some of this progress for themselves. Trinidad and Tobago also joins in commending the Kenyan government for its deployment and leadership of the multinational security support mission. And we extend our appreciation to all states that have contributed to that operation, including Jamaica, the Bahamas, and several others in our region. But an essential component for the success of this multinational security support mission is funding. In this regard, the government of the United States of America has led by example and has contributed the lion's share. And Canada has stepped up as well. But some relatively wealthy countries have either contributed drips and drabs or nothing at all. We appeal to the international community to contribute the necessary funding to support this crucially important venture. Mr. President, Our quest to achieve human dignity within the context of sustainable development cannot be divorced from the legitimate calls for reparatory justice for the history of chattel slavery and native genocide in the Caribbean and elsewhere. The brutality of our colonial experience, the trauma of which still affects us to this day, has contributed significantly to underdevelopment. All four parents were rooted out and dehumanized, and their blood and sweat and tears and labor were extracted to build empires and beautiful castles and bridges and treasures which some of us pay money today to visit and photograph and admire. Mr. President, we have been leveraging our collective voice to call for restitution for the historical evil injustices and crimes against humanity committed against our foreparents, crimes which still affect us today. In reaffirming our commitment to this regional campaign, the government of Trinidad and Tobago appointed last year a reconstituted National Committee on Reparations to provide additional energy and support to the CARICOM Reparations Commission and its work with the African Union and other like-minded bodies. And on a related note, we wish to join with those who are committed to and would welcome the proclamation of a second international decade for people of African descent. Mr. President, it is indeed troubling that as we approach the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform of Action, Women and girls in some parts of this world are still being denied basic human rights and freedoms. And in some quarters, there have been erosions of gains previously made. Trinidad and Tobago continues to be a strong advocate for the meaningful participation of women and girls in all aspects of society as we recognize and value their critical role in the promotion and protection of human rights and the building of peaceful and sustainable societies. This is important to us. And as we have done biannually since the year 2010, Trinidad and Tobago will table in the first committee this year our resolution on women, disarmament, nonproliferation, and arms control. And we encourage member states to support this forward-looking resolution. Mr. President, The fourth international conference on small island developing states was held in Antigua earlier this year and underscored the critical nature of the next decade for SIDS. We are very proud of what our fellow CARICOM member states achieved in successfully hosting that impactful conference. Trinidad and Tobago anticipates that the robust implementation of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS will bring us closer to sustainable development with the necessary means of support from the international community. Mr. President, we all acknowledge the adverse effects of climate change. We anticipate decisive outcomes regarding the new collective quantified goal at the upcoming COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, which should catalyze much needed reform of the international financial architecture. Effective climate finance mechanisms are essential for the provision of accessible, adequate, and predictable funding. And this requires the operationalization and capitalization of the loss and damage fund. Climate finance goes well beyond project funding. It is an investment in the resilience and sustainability of the most vulnerable nations. The future beckons, a future in which SIDS have the capacity and resources to build infrastructure that can withstand severe climate events. That future would enable a just transition to renewable energy sources and the full protection of our natural ecosystems. Mr. President, Like many others, Trinidad and Tobago has long called for the application of new multidimensional parameters for decision-making on access to financing. In this regard, we welcome the recent adoption by the General Assembly of the Resolution on the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index. We encourage the international community and the relevant financial and development institutions to utilize the MVI as it takes into account the realities that undermine sustainable development. Mr. President, Trinidad and Tobago stands in full solidarity with the people of Cuba who have been subjected to an unjust embargo for more than six decades. This embargo severely undermines Cuba's prospects for attaining economic stability, growth, and sustainable development. Whatever the objectives may have been 60 years ago, These measures have clearly not achieved any desirable results, only the pain and suffering of ordinary Cuban people. The collective punishment of an entire citizenry through unilateral coercive measures is not only unconscionable, but also inconsistent with international law and the Charter of the United Nations. Trinidad and Tobago therefore renews its call for the unconditional lifting of the economic, commercial, and financial embargo against Cuba. Additionally, we have seen no justification for the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. We call for the removal of that unjust categorization as well. So, Mr. President, I conclude as I started. This world, our world, is at a point of inflection. With tension and division rising to a crescendo, small states have to be clear-eyed about their future. Trinidad and Tobago is small. but we are proud of that which makes us unique and special. We may not be a superpower, but we have super powers. And these are our creativity and our diversity. Our cultural milieu is indescribably vibrant. as our people are drawn from the first peoples of our hemisphere, as well as the best of India, the best of Africa, the best of China, and yes, the best of Europe too. We are blessed beyond measure. Some of you had a taste of it at the reception when we introduced our president of the last session. And you enjoyed some of our delicacies, including our delicious doubles and bacon shark. And you were delighted by performances on our national musical instrument, the steel pan, and by the magical rhythms of our tassel drums. We have proven that we can be great leaders. including leaders of this very assembly, and we will continue to give more value to this world than we extract from it. We are strong, proud, staunch advocates of the UN system and multilateralism. In the end, Unity and togetherness is the key for these United Nations as well as for my own society. Om shanti, shanti, shanti. Assalamu alaikum. Shalom alaikum. and may God richly bless you and your families. Mr. President, I thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign and CARICOM Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago. I now give the floor","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/trinidad-and-tobago","Trinidad and Tobago","His Excellency","Amery Browne","Minister for Foreign and CARICOM Affairs","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/tt_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_TT_EN.mp3" 180,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Mulambu Amakuni Ayambe, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Zambia. Your Excellency, Philemon Yang, President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, distinguished heads of state and government, honorable ministers, heads of intergovernmental organizations, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. I congratulate you, Your Excellency, on assumption of the presidency of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly and assure you of Zambia's cooperation during your tenure. We extend Zambia's sincere gratitude to His Excellency, Mr. Dennis Francis, for the exemplary work exhibited during the 78th session. Mr. President, the theme for this session quote, leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations, close quote, presents an opportunity for us to re-examine our priorities, redefine our mission, and sharpen our vision as we approach the 80th anniversary of the United Nations. Zambia therefore joins the UN Secretary General in congratulating member states for successfully adopting the Pact for the Future, which includes the Digital Global Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations. We further appreciate the work of Namibia and Germany in co-facilitating this process. It is our hope that the implementation of the Pact for the Future will address the multiple crises facing the world today. Mr. President, Zambia firmly believes that multilateralism is the only viable approach to solving regional and international challenges. In this regard, the creation of the United Nations almost 80 years ago provided new hope for the international community in the maintenance of international peace and security, promotion of justice, and improvement of living conditions for all people. However, This ideal is rapidly slipping away as global peace is increasingly threatened by the growing and sustained geopolitical tensions. As member states that share the ideals upon which the United Nations was founded, we must resolve to correct this course and uphold the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. The impact of conflict in some parts of the world has been felt across Africa through disruption, soaring prices of key commodities such as energy and other inputs of trade and production, resulting in increased cost of living. Zambia, like many other developing countries which are predominantly import dependent, has not been spared. It is therefore crucial that we address the root causes and structural drivers of conflict and promote peace-building efforts. We call for all warring parties to exercise restraint and flexibility for the sake of millions of civilians who are casualties of war and conflict. This call is particularly relevant for the raging conflict in the Sudan, the Middle East, and Ukraine. Mr. President, at regional level, Zambia held the chairmanship of the Southern Africa Development Community, SADC, Organ on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation for the period August 2023 to August 2024, and therefore played a crucial role in the region in that capacity. Overall, the security and political situation in the region remains stable. However, there are still pockets of security challenges in some of our member states, such as the situation in the eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the DRC, and in the Cabo Delgado province in Mozambique, which SADC remains seized with. We implore the international community to support the various peace-building efforts in the DRC. We further call for support to the government of Mozambique in order to ensure that the exit of the SADC mission in Mozambique does not result in reversal of the gains made by that mission. Furthermore, Zambia recognizes the efforts of His Excellency Mr. João Manuel Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola, as the African Union mediator in the facilitation of the Rwanda process aimed at restoring peace and security in the Eastern DRC, as well as the Nairobi process that equally aims at fostering peace in that country. Mr. President, climate change and extreme weather conditions threaten the very existence and balance of the world as we know it. It is clear that efforts to raise the standard of living for the world's poor are being adversely affected by the effects of climate change. For instance, this year, Zambia experienced the worst drought in recent times. This led the government to declare the drought as a national disaster and emergency to save the lives and safeguard livelihoods. We take this opportunity to thank our bilateral and multilateral partners who graciously responded to the Clarion call to support Zambia's drought response strategy. This and similar scenarios in our region underscore the need to build local resilience and climate adaptation through various interventions including, among others, climate financing from both private and public sources. In this regard, the need for the full actualization of the loss and damage fund to help developing countries cope with climate related disasters and extreme weather events cannot be overemphasized. We urge member states to focus their energies on achieving measurable outcomes at the forthcoming COP 29 accordingly. Mr. President. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the SDGs may not be met by 2030 as only 17% of the SDG targets are on track, while the remaining 83% are either stagnated or regressing. Therefore, Zambia joins calls for massive investment and scaled-up action in order to close the financing gap, which is currently estimated to be around US$4 trillion. Failure to close this gap will adversely impact future generations. In the same vein, we call on the international community to scale up financing for developing countries to achieve the SDGs, including honoring commitments to contribute at least 0.7% of gross national income towards official development assistance. Further, the heavy burden of debt in some developing countries presents another major hurdle to the attainment of the SDGs, especially in Africa. These countries face a high risk of debt distress. There is need, therefore, for an effective debt workout mechanism that supports payment suspension, longer lending terms, and lower interest rates. Based on Zambia's experience, we call for further reforms to streamline the existing G20 framework for debt restructuring in order to enhance certainty and reduce the time it takes to conclude the process. Zambia further joins calls for the reform of the international financial architecture to make it fit for purpose and equitably address the development needs of all countries in the 21st century. Additionally, there is need to build capacities for least developed countries to access other innovative financial measures such as debt for climate swaps and green and blue bonds amongst others. Furthermore, Zambia joins other SADC member states in the call for a review of the use of unilateral economic instruments that curtail developing countries' access to development finance. Mr. President. Aggressive tax avoidance and tax evasion have a corrosive effect on public trust, financial integrity, the rule of law, and sustainable development across the globe. International tax cooperation could significantly reduce illicit financial flows, a scourge that deprives economies, especially those in the developing world, of funding for development. Zambia therefore calls for the urgent conclusion of negotiations on the proposed UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. This will enable developing countries to enhance their domestic resource mobilization. As co-facilitator of the negotiations of the outcome document for the fourth international conference on financing for development in the coming months, we look forward to actively engaging with member states in the reform of the international financial architecture. Mr. President. Science and technology are critical to achieving the SDGs. Developing countries' lack of access to technology has hindered the implementation of sustainable development practices, thus perpetuating the cycle of poverty and inequality. Hence, there is need to bridge the gap in digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, to promote efficiencies in health, climate, sustainable infrastructure, energy, agriculture, and other global development priorities. In this regard, we call for enhanced international cooperation to support developing countries to integrate technology through capacity building, technology transfer on mutually agreed terms, information exchange, and investment in research and development. Alongside the Pact for the Future, member states adopted a global digital compact. Zambia was honored to partner with Sweden in leading negotiations of this historical document. Mr. President, as part of its efforts to accelerate the attainment of the SDGs by 2030, Zambia has been implementing policies and programs aimed at creating a strong and resilient health system, reducing inequalities, eradicating poverty and empowering women and girls. This is also consistent with the implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Program of Action. Zambia welcomes the declaration on future generations, which seeks to secure the well-being of future generations, in particular, their participation in decision-making. To reap the demographic dividend, Zambia continues to call for significant investments in the growing youth population, currently standing at 82% below the age of 35. Increased investments are needed in education, health, and empowerment of young people so that they can meaningfully contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. Mr. President, child and early forced marriage is a harmful practice that disproportionately affects girls, hindering their education, health and overall well-being. In this regard, Zambia continues to make strides in the campaign to end child marriage by 2030 and safeguard the rights of girls by enacting relevant legislation to address this vice. President Hagainde Hijilema, being the African Union champion and ending child marriage, Zambia is pleased to report that the campaign is growing from strength to strength, with 32 of the 54 countries on the continent having launched national campaigns to end child marriage. However, more needs to be done. We call on all partners to join efforts and raise our voices to protect our children to end this harmful practice by 2030. Mr. President, in the face of the present geopolitical realities, and calls to strengthen multilateralism, the need to reform the UN Security Council cannot be overemphasized. Reforms are necessary to make the Security Council better equipped and strengthened in its capacity to discharge its responsibilities of monitoring and safeguarding international peace and security. The representation of African states in the permanent category would correct this historical injustice that has marginalized Africa's voice and will provide a vital perspective to the Council. Time has come for the Security Council to be representative, democratic, and accountable to all member states, irrespective of status. This is essential for its integrity as the custodian of international peace. Given that Africa constitutes the second largest bloc of the UN membership, proposals to reform the Security Council should heed Africa's call as espoused in the Common Africa position as enshrined in the Ezulwini Consensus and the CETA Declaration. In this regard, we are pleased to note that the African Union Committee of 10, the C10, and the five permanent members, the P5, of the United Nations Security Council held a meeting during this session of the United Nations General Assembly. Such interactions should be encouraged in order to narrow the gap on the Security Council reforms. Finally, Mr. President, I wish to reaffirm that Zambia remains committed to strengthened multilateralism as a means of addressing the numerous global challenges affecting our people, including ending poverty and creating wealth in a sustainable manner. To this end, Mr. President, we should not remain indecisive and indifferent to this serious issue, nor should we forego this opportunity to make the world a better place for all humanity. In conclusion... I would like to reiterate the need for us to seriously consider the call for massive investment and scaled-up action if we are to make meaningful progress in achieving the SDGs, including implementation of the Pact for the Future. I thank you, Mr. President. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Zambia.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/zambia","Zambia","His Excellency","Mulambo Hamakuni Haimbe","Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation","28 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/zm_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ZM_EN.mp3" 181,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Ahmet Attaf, Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad of Algeria. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. We are once again meeting at the United Nations and our world is at a critical, sensitive and dangerous juncture. A juncture. characterized by the accumulation of conflicts, crises, wars, and a widening gap of development disparities between the North and the South, as well as worsening climate change and environmental risks of all kinds. A juncture. that reveals the magnitude of the shortcomings that have afflicted the collective security system in light of the tendency to resolve differences by force and the excessive and selective use of unilateral punitive measures. the failure to fulfill the commitments undertaken and the disregard for international legitimacy, as well as the increasing polarization and accompanying absence of the role of the Security Council and the erosion of multilateral international action as a whole. Last but not least, It is a juncture that puts at stake the entire system of international relations with the rules, principles, and controls that has been codified in the Charter of the United Nations and the mechanisms, structures, and institutions that it is based on that have been put in place to serve the aspirations and purposes and ambitions that bind our countries. From this perspective, looking ahead to the eighth decade of the United Nations organization must be an opportunity to renew our commitment to the system that brings us together, that is based on the rule of law, not the rule of force, that is based on the power of the law, not the law of power, that is based on the power of reason, not the logic of power. We are in a dire need today to restore our commitment to and respect for the United Nations Charter and the rules of international law, before which we are all equal. We all have a duty to respect and abide by those rules. The ongoing genocide in Gaza that has continued for almost one year, and the recent spillover of this war into the West Bank and Lebanon, and the sharp, multifaceted, multifront Israeli escalation in the entire region, all of which could not have happened if the international community at the time had taken a firm stand that forces the Israeli settlement occupation what has been imposed on others, namely punitive and deterrent measures, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations under Chapter 7. The international community today should hasten to put an end to the inferno against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, and to rein in the Israeli occupier and its desire to engulf the Middle East region into a state of crisis, conflict, and endless war. The international community should also realize that it is facing a decisive phase in the history of the Palestinian question, a phase that does not accept a return to the status quo ante, a phase that does not accept hesitation or inaction in supporting the national Palestinian project. A phase does not allow for procrastination in supporting the move towards the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state as a just, lasting, and final solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. From this podium at its previous session, The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdulmajid Tabboon, appealed to our United Nations organization to expedite the admission of the full membership of the State of Palestine. This has been done in a less volatile, tense, and tragic circumstance in the occupied Palestinian territory and throughout the neighboring region of Palestine. Today, the question of Palestine is at its darkest historical chapter ever. This approach is inevitable and urgent and self-evident. The full membership of the state of Palestine in this organization remains a crucial step towards the preservation of the two-state solution towards addressing what the Israeli occupation is gearing up to thwart, a step towards safeguarding the tenets of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict and the pillars of security and stability in the region. With regard to developments in our regional neighborhood, Algeria's conviction remains firm that in order to address the diverse challenges facing the states and peoples of the region require an international support and global commitment. to address the different challenges that weigh heavily on our pan-African space. This is fully the case for the Sahel region. Apologies, interpreter notes. In this same vein, we look forward to ending colonization by turning the last page of colonization, which we see on the territory of the Western Sahara. We provide all support for the Secretary General and his personal envoy in their efforts to enable the two parties, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front, to resume the path of direct negotiation to reach a political solution that will guarantee for the Sahrawi people the exercise of its inalienable right of self-determination that is not subject to the statute of limitation. And as for those that seek to entrench the status quo of colonization by falsifying the clear facts and through desperate maneuvers to distract attention from what is clear, we would like to reaffirm that colonization must end no matter how long the time passes and that legitimate rights of the Sahrawi people will be implemented sooner or later. As for Libya, Algeria calls for the expeditious addressing of the scourge of foreign interference, which is sowing discord in that brotherly country and fueling clashes and conflicts among its people. Only then, only then can our Libyan brothers come together on a consensus that begins to achieve the goals of national reconciliation and fosters a trend towards the organization of fair and free and transparent elections, all of this in the service of the high purpose that we desire from the bottom of our hearts, which is the unification of Libya, its people, its territory, its government, and its institutions. At the continental level, Algeria is continuing its efforts and endeavors to make a qualitative contribution to the African overarching action in light of the priorities firmly set by the continental agenda. Africa, first and foremost, looks forward to the activation of African-led solutions as well as development and implementation to put an end to conflicts and to address the different crises and conflicts afflicted that the different peoples and countries of the continent are afflicted by. Africa looks forward to addressing economic development and join the revolutions in artificial intelligence, digitization, and renewable energy. Third, Africa is looking forward to advancing its strategic priorities, which are at the heart of the reform of international financial, monetary, and banking institutions to improve African representation at these institutions, as well as the structural reform of global indebtedness, as well as international financing that is appropriate to the requirements of development at the continental level. 4. And finally, Africa looks forward to correcting the historic injustice imposed on it at the Security Council and enabling it to occupy its rightful place at this central body of the United Nations. as it has recently joined the G20 as a permanent member. With the same commitment at the continental level, Algeria continues its endeavors to establish a balanced, beneficial, and meaningful partnership in the Sahel region. which is currently undergoing a fragile situation as countries in that region are suffering from an escalation of political unrest and an increase in the threat of terrorism and the absence of sustainable development, as well as the spread of the phenomenon of climate change. Algeria, in the face of all this, reiterates its solidarity with the peoples and countries of the Sahel region. We stress our firm belief that our security and stability and prosperity is part of that of the security, prosperity, and stability of its neighboring African region. A representative of a country from this region and from this space have in brazen language attacked my country with base language that should not be dignified with a reply, a reply of this level should not be becoming of this noble podium. This base language, impolite language, will not be met by my country except by a polite language, one that truly reflects our loyalty and sincerity. to the deep-rooted, unwavering bonds and deep-seated desires and links in the region, which cannot be shaken by transit circumstances and the triviality of those who are behind it. My country has a firm and longstanding will, and our hands are extended to our brothers as we seek to build with our brothers a Sahel edifice that enjoys security and prosperity. Algeria today is taking firm steps on the clear path set forth by our President, Abdel Majid Taboun, to enhance political stability and institutions and to build a strong and diverse economy that would end our dependence on the oil sector and to promote the social character of our state and as a solid legacy of our noble revolution of liberation. This approach has yielded its first results in the consolidation of the country's security and stability and consolidation of its democratic course, particularly during the recent presidential elections, as well as by laying the foundations for a comprehensive economic renaissance, which has restored our national economy's position at the African level among the powerful economies on the continent and has opened up opportunities for profitable cooperation and partnership for all parties. In light of these achievements, Algeria is endeavoring to strengthen its relations with all brotherly, friendly, and partner states in and outside these areas of affiliation. My country also seeks to continue to work closely with all member states of our United Nations which share our same commitment and concern to uphold the principles and values enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. Although the current situation in our world is difficult and dangerous, which breaks the strongest of wills and erodes the most solid of determination, We are very confident that hope will survive and that ambition will remain available. From the womb of crises, opportunities are born. And from the depths of suffering, wills are sharpened. And from the heart of hardship, hope is born. We hope that, we hope from the bottom of our hearts that we will have a better world for present and future generations. I thank you, Mr. President. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad of Algeria.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/algeria","Algeria","His Excellency","Ahmed Attaf","Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/dz_ar.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_DZ_EN.mp3" 182,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Karamoko Jean-Marie Troiré, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkina Faso. Mr. President, Secretary General of the United Nations, distinguished delegates, I have the great privilege and the honor of conveying to you on behalf of His Excellency Captain Ebrahim Trajoui, President of Burkina Faso, Head of State, the brotherly and friendly greetings of the valiant people of Burkina Faso, a people who, in the face of adversity, namely the heinous acts of aggressors and enemies of peace, machinations and interference in its many forms, a people that, in spite of all of the above, have developed a resilience to continue its glorious journey towards inclusive social and economic development. I'm also delighted to bring to you, on behalf of the people and government of Burkina Faso, my warm congratulations, Mr. President, on your brilliant election to steer this 79th session of the General Assembly. I also wish to convey the congratulations of my delegation to Mr. Dennis Francis, your predecessor, for the achievements garnered over the course of his mandate in an international context marked by deep division. Secretary General Burkina Faso, quite rightly appreciates the work done by the UN system and its partners under your leadership, work that they continue to do on the ground to support my government's efforts. In this connection, indeed, my country is delighted at the choice of the theme for the 79th session of the General Assembly, which calls us to action. It is leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity. or present and future generations. How evocative that title is. By referring to that theme, allow me first of all to convey to you the aspirations of all strata of Sahelian society in general and the aspirations of Burkina Faso's people in particular. One account reads as follows. I am a peasant from Burkina Faso. I look to protect traditions and customs. I passionately farm my land that's been bequeathed to me by ancestors to feed my family and guarantee their well-being. I want to live free, proud, and in dignity. Another account reads, I am a woman, a mother, a dignified descendant of the Yenega Gwimbi Otara princesses. Like other brave Sahelian women, I have an unparalleled strength of character. I would give my life to guarantee that my children, my brothers and sisters and my compatriots can survive and thrive in a society of peace and love. I wish to live free, proud and in dignity. Another account reads, I am a young Burkina Faso citizen. I am a farmer, a livestock reader, a trader, a civil servant, an artist, a craftsman, a student. I am... young person I am one of the young people from many regions with many different backgrounds I come from a brave and a brave group of young people a strong struggling group of young people and I am committed to contributing to Burkina Faso's development I wish to live free proud and in dignity another account I am a child I might be a girl or a boy from towns or villages, internally displaced person sites. I want to live free, proud, and in dignity. Someone else, I am a young citizen of Bikini Faso living abroad. I am a conscientious, courageous, honest worker from the land of honorable people. Far from my beloved homeland, I wish to enthusiastically fight for the stability and peace of my country and my sub-region. I want to live free, proud, and in dignity. Another account, I am a soldier from Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, or a volunteer for the defense of the homeland. A husband, a mother, a son. I took an oath to defend my homeland, and I will sacrifice myself on the battlefield to protect my co-citizens. against all danger. I wish to live free, proud, and in dignity. I am contributing to the development of my sub-region. Mr. President, these aspirations are the beacons which guide my government's action. The struggle of that government is to create a society in which the men and women of the Sahel can live free, proud, and in dignity. The theme of our session is one we highly appreciate because it is so relevant. In reality, it unveils a concern as crucial and long-standing as the united nations itself a theme which is tackled by almost all of the debates that occur here what the theme really conveys is that now we're no longer simply thinking about what to do or how to do it what we need to do now is is give life to our speeches through tangible actions. We must go beyond words and finally take action to usher in a fairer world rid of prejudice and stereotypes which seek to treat certain peoples or certain parts of the planet as second class. treat them as people doomed to wait in the prisons of isolation and scorn, waiting for handouts, living at the mercy and whims of great powers that claim to be the only ones able to indicate the path that others must follow, and they dictate how others must live. We must focus our efforts on the common goals of our organization. An organisation whose primary goal is to promote the well-being of peoples by guaranteeing that they can live in peace and security. This urgent and overriding need to build a new world together and work together to create a fairer world is entirely valid in the current context. A context dominated by protracted crises, complex conflicts and unequal economic governance which further divides states and exacerbates differences between people, the consequences of such division are human tragedy. This disastrous state of affairs is the result of a multilateralism standing at a crossroads, a multilateralism which is exhausted, a multilateralism whose reputation has been neutered time and time again by predatory actions by certain member states who've decided that they are the masters of the world And as such, they've built their foreign policy on subjugating and exploiting other states. We need to be properly concerned by this issue because the harmony and the cohesion of our world is at stake. For that reason, Burkina Faso would like to take this opportunity to once again appeal to reason, to the wisdom of all of us. We'd like to appeal to the powers of our world to prioritize an inclusive global governance approach. which is rid of hegemonizing visions. And if we can do that, the UN's glory will once again be restored. Mr. President, restoring the integrity of our territory by ensuring our people can live safe and enjoy their property, remodeling political, administrative, economic and financial governance so that they can further the ambitions is one of our people can further their ambitions is one of our goals. We also need to usher in reforms and development initiatives which will lead to shared prosperity and economic and social progress which is sustainable. These are all areas of focus of our President, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, and with his leadership and farsightedness we shall prevail. The people of Burkina Faso has decided to affirm and embrace its sovereignty, putting an end to its subjugation. It has demonstrated extraordinary resilience, just as all the people of the Sahel have done. They have understood the importance and magnitude of our struggle and as such have joined the ranks of our defence and security forces. With this tireless support, thanks to patriotism, the genius, the bravery and the spirit of sacrifice of the sons and daughters of Burkina Faso, our country has notched up, success we couldn't even have hoped for. We've also had significant successes in our committed fight against terrorists, terrorists instrumentalised, deployed from a distance and financed by neo-colonial powers. Here I wish to pay a much deserved tribute to civilians and members of our military who have fallen on the battlefield and I bow down before their memory. Mr President, we're seeing strategic reforms and visionary reforms. where our troops are concerned. We've built their capacity. We've reorganized our fighting forces on the ground. And in so doing, we've increased our means of resources to act. And that has been our salvation because ultimately we have won back all of the areas that were overrun by criminals and their allies. Turning now to statistics, almost 70% of our territory is now under state control. That compares to 40% in 2022. That turning tide has allowed displaced persons to return. Schools have been able to reopen in less than two years. Our taking back of our territory has allowed more than 700,000 people to return to their villages. That action has allowed almost 1,500 schools to reopen their doors. offering the opportunity to so many pupils to return to school and continue their studies. They've long yearned for that time to come. These results compel admiration and spark great hope. They've been possible, made possible, by the endeavours of our defence and security forces, by the patriotic commitment of our defence... volunteers for the defense of the homeland and by the staunch support of the diaspora and the outpouring of solidarity they've showed this patriotic mobilization of all of our society has allowed us to collect some 99 billion cfa that is 165 million dollars in 2023 alone That far exceeded initial estimates. In other words, you can see here how determined our people are to finance and wage a struggle against terrorists and their allies. Mr. President, at this very moment, we are notching up successes in our offensive against obscurantist forces, against the acolytes that have a questionable shady reputation. At the same time, we're seeing that we are the victims of a defamation and smear campaign being waged against our soldiers. They are being accused of violating human rights without the slightest smidge of evidence being brought forward. This propaganda has been cobbled together and aims to lower the morale of Burkinabe patriots and to sabotage their legitimate struggles. And that's happening quite simply because... The acolytes of chaos have not yet understood the dynamic underway. They haven't yet understood our desire to free ourselves of all paternalism and condescending guardianships. My country would like to take this opportunity to... convey its deep gratitude to all countries and sincere partners who have supported us in our glorious journey towards inclusive social and economic development. Here, I'd like to invite all UN member states to pay no heed whatsoever to this media smear campaign, which, and this is patently clear, is none other than the expression of the distress of terrorists and their sponsors because they have been thwarted. I'd also like to reassure you of the professionalism and stellar conduct of our defence and security forces that has been demonstrated through their participation in peacekeeping operations and recognised time and time again at this very podium. The ongoing training and examination of our defence and security forces and volunteers in international humanitarian law guarantee that our professional conduct is unimpeachable when it comes to respecting human rights. Mr President, we all seem to agree that we need to combat international terrorism. And as such, my country is deeply concerned by the support which state entities seem to be granting to terrorists. This sponsoring is something we have decried time and time again. Some people say that it's a simple matter of perspective, but this sponsoring has been brought before the eyes of the world. recently through the paradoxical attitude shown by Ukraine, a member state of our organization. Indeed, Ukraine has unambiguously confirmed its involvement in the terrorist attacks which claimed the lives of members of the Malian Defense and Security Forces in Tizawaten in Mali last July. Ukraine has confessed that it supports international terrorism, particularly in the Sahel, and as such, this country has shone a light on the subversive activities it wages in the Sahel, following in the footsteps of other states who have made betrayal their bread and butter. We reiterate our staunch condemnation of these acts of aggression and this apology for terrorism, which violate the United Nations Charter and the relevant international conventions. These particularly staunch serious events reveal desires and whims which have time and time again peppered the history of our continent. Balkanization, the killing of leaders, interference in the domestic policies of African states, and with the ultimate aim of getting hands on our resources. What means to achieve these nefarious ends range from the manipulation of national leaders and sub-regional organizations, the waging of proxy wars, as is the case in Sahel and Ukraine, and other countries financing and arming terrorists with total impunity. I am vindicated in this interpretation by the worrying proliferation of military bases in our sub-region. And this interpretation also explains how it is that criminal gangs are coming into possession of sophisticated weapons, that this is a new type of terrorism. And as such, the stability and very foundations of our states and our organizations are in peril. So we need to take resolute action. Turning now to the Ukrainian aggression and in light of it, the countries of the Confederation of Sahel States already referred this matter to the Security Council. We did so on the 20th of August and we await an unequivocal response. Mr President. There is a need to ensure security in Sahel. As such, Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger took the sovereign decision on the 16th of September 2023 through the Lipto-Gurma Charter to create the Alliance of Sahel States. This is a military alliance. It is a military alliance for collective defense and mutual assistance to combat terrorism and organized crime across our territory. To also appropriately address the complex challenges of development, the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States, the AES, have decided to extend their cooperation to other key areas. It was with this in mind that in Nyame, in Niger, on the 6th of July, 2024, we held the first summit of the heads of state of the AES. Following this historic summit, their excellencies, Captain Ibrahim Traore, President of Burkina Faso, Colonel Asimi Goita, President of the Transition, Head of State of Mali, and Brigadier General Abdur Rahman Tiani, President of the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland and Head of State of Niger, adopted the treaty creating the Confederation of Sahel States, the aforementioned AES. The enthusiasm sparked by the creation of the AES can be explained by the fact that sub-regional institutions and mechanisms have proven unable to respond to the legitimate security concerns harbored by our people. The creation of this organization will be our salvation and its primary aim is to protect the people of the Sahel who've already been dealt such a heavy blow by the security and humanitarian crises. Deadly measures have already been taken by others to exacerbate their suffering in this regard and that's why they place such hope in the AES. This session calls upon us to leave no one behind and nevertheless the international arena, alas, remains marked by increasingly rife tensions which seriously threaten peace and security and the UN is standing impotently by. We've always called for diplomacy to prevail in order to peacefully resolve disputes. We remain convinced that by ensuring that the spirit of the UN Charter prevails, we will manage to extinguish the flames of tension wherever they occur and however fervently they may burn in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia or America. With this in mind, with... In the vein of the United Nations Charter, Burkina Faso reiterates its support for the political process underway in Western Sahara, led under the aegis of the UN Secretary General with a view to reaching a mutually acceptable and negotiated solution as recommended by the relevant resolutions of the Security Council. In the Middle East, Burkina Faso reaffirms its solidarity with the Palestinian people, that are in the midst of an unprecedented tragedy. The two-state solution, having Israel and Palestine living side by side with good neighborly relations remains the only objective alternative that Burkina Faso continues to support. We accept Palestine as a member state of this organization and that stance is a natural continuation of our beliefs. There is unspeakable suffering being visited upon the most vulnerable peoples by unilateral coercive measures which are imposed by states. These must be forbidden if we wish to give real meaning to and achieve the goals of this current session. Consequently, we call for the immediate lifting of economic, commercial and financial sanctions imposed upon certain states. The only thing these states have done wrong is seek freedom for their peoples. That's the case of Cuba. It's also the case for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, and many other countries. Turning to development issues, Burkina Faso wishes to recall that... However worthy they may be, development initiatives taken here by the United Nations will have no chance of succeeding if everyone does not get involved and show good faith. In terms of our organization's reform, it is time for the African continent to fully participate in the UN Security Council in accordance with the African position reflected in the consensus agreements that produce that position. giving africa its rightful place would cement the universal nature of the u n and repair the historic injustice which continues to be done to africa mr president to conclude i wish to make it clear that burkina faso has deep faith in the u n however this organization must take action with full respect for the sovereignty of member states for their strategic choices and their fundamental interests in the sahel we're seeing renewal and hope burn bright and that has been born of the aes confederation we remain convinced that this new sub-regional community which is not taking aim at any country or any people, can contribute working together with sincere partners to move forward without any hypocrisy and fight against terrorism and insecurity in the Sahel. May God bless Burkina Faso. May God bless the AES Confederation. May God bless Africa. Fatherland or death, we will prevail. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkina Faso.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/burkina-faso","Burkina Faso","His Excellency","Karamoko Jean Marie Traore","Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bf_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BF_EN.mp3" 183,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Albert Shingiro, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation of Burundi. Mr. President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, heads of state and government. Excellencies, ministers, dear colleagues. Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, all protocol observed. It is a great honor and a privilege for me to address this August Assembly on behalf of the President, His Excellency Evadis Ndi Shemye, President of the Republic of Burundi. He wasn't able to be with you this morning and he entrusted me with the task of representing him here to bring to you the voice and position of Burundi regarding the global challenges facing today's world. allow me now mr president to convey to you my warm congratulations on your brilliant election to the presidency of this session your wisdom mr president your long and rich political and diplomatic career your qualities as a keen listener and your experience as a seasoned negotiator are for us all things that will guarantee the success of this session you can always count on the full support and cooperation of Burundi as you discharge your mandate, Mr. President. Mr. President, your predecessor, Ambassador Dennis Francis, deserves just as much admiration and recognition because he discharged his mandate with devotion, skill and brilliance during the session that we have just closed. Allow me also, Mr. President, to pay equally deserved tribute to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, for his service to humankind, service rendered through his courageous action, still underway to make the United Nations an organization close to the peoples of the world, despite the complex global arena in which the organization works. Mr. President, the theme chosen for this session, namely Leaving No One Behind, Acting Together for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Human Dignity for Present and Future Generations, is particularly fitting given that today's world is hurtling full throttle towards peace. fragmentation and we're seeing values of peace, solidarity and mutual comprehension being called into question. This fragmentation seems to go hand in hand with a new form of radicalisation which is drawing member states further and further away from reaching an understanding about how to address the global challenges facing us in a spirit of compromise and mutual trust. Today more than ever before, Mr President, it would seem that the majority of us act as if we were alone in this world. We act as if others did not exist or did not count. Solidarity has become a rare commodity at the very moment where we need it the most. Positive values are being eroded throughout the world. And yet we know that all conflicts, be these direct or proxy conflicts that the world has experienced, are born of the same seed. That is the denial of others, others' interests. Whether those interests, that identity, be cultural, religious or civilizational. In other words, all conflicts arise from the loss of trust. geopolitical jostling and deliberate misinformation. All of these polarized countries and paralyzed societies in a situation which is increasingly worrying. As is only right and proper, Mr. President, my country staunchly condemns all of those who wish to impose their points of view, their practices, or their values or schools of thought upon others. Using the diplomacy of might is right. We condemn all of those who attach political conditions to development aid, whilst at the same time, Mr President, forgetting that the world is multipolar, that difference in diversity is a driving force for development, economic growth and the very thriving of our societies. If embraced as the asset that it is, diversity in all its dimensions is a mine of opportunity, possibilities and a source of great inspiration. many points of view in all their richness, experiences and practices create a wealth of ideas, knowledge, understanding and tools to accept the other. All of these can significantly increase a society's ability to prosper, to understand the various aspects points of view in today's world and allow us to consequently live in peace and in harmony with our environment, be this our immediate neighborhood or further afield. As you know, Mr. President, cultural diversity and the diversity of values are a powerful lever to create ties that are stronger than our differences. Cultural diversity brings people together and as such supports social cohesion, peace, security and peaceful coexistence. Despite its unifying power, the unifying power of culture, the last 20 years have been marked by a growing instrumentalization of culture and values in order to sow tension and division. Precisely because it is so heavy with meaning and intrinsically bound to people themselves, Cultural diversity and the values which we hold dear have increasingly been placed on the front line of conflicts and used as a tool of division, even a weapon of war, used first and foremost, Mr. President, to subjugate weakened societies, particularly in the most fragile regions of our world. This narcissistic exploitation of culture and values has... contributed to extending crises and conflicts, but it's also led to human rights being eroded, namely economic, social and cultural rights. Today, more than ever before, narrowing the divide between cultures, values, and civilizations is urgent and necessary in order to establish peace, stability, solidarity, and allow inclusive development, which leaves no one behind. Mr. President, the world that we live in today needs now more than ever before a consensus-based approach to major challenges such as the conflicts which continue to rage, natural disasters, climate change which is worsening, poverty and inequality which are omnipresent, mistrust and discord which are dividing the world. Our spirit of compromise is fading, international solidarity is losing momentum and of course there are the sustainable development goals which are very far indeed from being achieved. In terms of its role in building a better future and a global order based on the rule of law, a peaceful, equitable, prosperous, and solidarity-based world, Burundi, my country, continues to pursue its ambition of building relations of friendship and cooperation based on the principle of sovereign equality and the principle of mutual trust. Our goal is to make Burundi a country that is a friend of all and an enemy of no one. Mr. President, Burundi is a true advocate of multilateralism, a multilateralism in which all countries, whatever their size, level of development, have a role to play in addressing the challenges of our time. You yourself, Mr. President, and our Secretary General already said as much, quite rightly indeed. In this regard, Burundi opposes multilateralism unilateral measures imposed by certain stakeholders. These measures can unravel and destroy social fabric in the countries and societies targeted. Turning now to the implementation of UN Agenda 2030, Mr President, if nothing is done to reverse current trends... We are slowly heading towards a situation where we fail to uphold the promise that we made to humankind in 2015 in this very same hall. We stand only six years from our deadline. The Secretary-General's report on the SDGs and their achievement clearly demonstrates that only 17-18% of the SDGs are on track to be achieved. Almost half have seen only scant or moderate progress. More than a third have seen no progress at all, or progress has even been undone. Mr President. it is crucial that the international community step up efforts to address the various challenges and meet the needs that exist, with particular effort being made to assist countries in special situations such as LDCs, landlocked developing countries, and small island developing states. The goal here should be to reverse current trends and leave no one behind as we agreed to do in 2015 through the UN Agenda 2030. Mr President, nationally, Burundi, like all other nations, is working night and day to significantly improve its people's quality of life. The people of Burundi firmly believe that the only path towards genuine political independence involves economic independence. And to achieve that, Mr President, the government of Burundi, under the leadership of the President of the Republic, has implemented an ambitious vision, but a feasible one. That vision looks to make Burundi an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2016. The goal sought in the reference document of our president here is to build a nation where its population enjoys full well-being. Our goal is to see a sustained... Continuation of production and structural changes leading to longer life expectancy and the meeting of fundamental needs. We're also looking through this document to reduce unemployment and poverty in all its forms and manifestations. By 2040, Mr. President, Burundi intends to stand as a country of peace, a country in which everyone lives in decent conditions, where no one dies from preventable diseases. We will be a competitive economy driven by equity, the agro-food sector and our industry which will be high in added value will also be driven by mining for the benefit of our people and all of this will be done whilst protecting our natural environment and by paying due attention to equity and gender balance. Burundi will always stand on the side of solutions and we reiterate our commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes throughout the world using tools which preventive diplomacy makes available to us, namely dialogue, cooperation, joint work and negotiation. You are, of course, aware, Mr. President, distinguished delegates, that no developing country, or rather, says the Speaker, no development is possible without development, and peace cannot be possible without development. Peace without development is a mere pipe dream. Peace and development are two sides of the same coin. The terrorist threat, Mr President, and the dangers linked to violent extremism have increased greatly in number in recent years, and this is having... an ever more bitter impact at a local, regional and international level. In the face of this existential threat, Burundi has committed to continuing and strengthening its cooperation with other nations to prevent and combat terrorism and violent extremism. We're doing this by making a substantial contribution to peace operations and counter-terrorism operations, namely in Somalia, Central Africa and in the east of the DRC. Our goal is to support these three brotherly countries in their legitimate efforts to restore state authority across the full extent of their territory. Mr. President, the climate crisis is pummeling our planet before our very eyes and sustainable solutions are taking their time because of a lack of financing and climate action in order to help the countries of the global south, to face this three-pronged planetary crisis, namely climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. Burundi, like all other nations in the sub-region, is increasingly affected by climate change, despite the fact it contributes only minimally to global greenhouse gas emissions. The frequency of adverse climate phenomena such as floods, landslides, droughts, the rising levels of Lake Tanganyika are all demonstrations of how we're facing climate change. These events are affecting agricultural cycles, causing harvest loss, food insecurity, and the erosion of local ecosystems. We're calling for... quicker progress to be made to allow countries gravely affected to receive green financing to limit the adverse effects of climate change on the implementation of the SDGs. Mr. President, in order to do its part to stop climate change, Burundi, like other nations that signed the Paris Agreement, made a commitment through its Nationally Determined Contributions document. a commitment to incorporate environmental protection, building resilience to climate change and food security. into national policies and the vision of Burundi as an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2060. As you are aware, Mr President, climate change do not only have an impact on our physical environment, it also affects the health of our people. With that in mind, Mr President, Burundi has established healthcare measures and public health measures and incorporated these into our climate change mitigation plan and we beat the record set in the recent report of the global alliance for climate change because we're now at the top of the list in terms of countries that have given the most attention to their population's health in their mitigation plans mr president several initiatives to protect and restore landscapes have also been taken namely a far-reaching national reforestation programme called EWU Burundi Arambaye, or Covered Burundi in French. This plan looks to promote agroforestry and the tracing of forest cover, and this plan seeks to involve all sectors of society. I'd like now to look at human rights, one of the challenges to be addressed. For Burundi, dignity, as referred to in the theme of this session... My country, Burundi, firmly believes that human rights must... be strengthened and fully incorporate the fundamental principles of universality, transparency, impartiality, non-selectivity, non-politicization, and objectivity, as well as the rejection of two standards as a principle. Special mechanisms sometimes imposed to deal with geopolitical tensions in certain areas of the world must be sacrificed in favor of dialogue and cooperation. And in this connection, Burundi must be given fair treatment within the Human Rights Council in Geneva. We call upon certain stakeholders to avoid continually clobbering us with special mechanisms that are political in nature and have no added value in terms of ensuring the enjoyment of human rights in all of their facets. Here, I encourage Those who champion such projects, they know who I'm talking about. I asked them to withdraw the initiative to extend the mandate of the so-called special rapporteur for human rights in Burundi. That project should not be renewed. The mandate should not be renewed because the attitude of this mechanism... creates useless tensions and avoidable tensions. And those that initiate these projects are politically motivated, cynical and immoral. International migration is a global reality, a phenomenon that has existed since the dawn of our planet. Our country, our communities, migrants and families are affected unpredictably and all in different ways. Burundi recognizes a need for a holistic approach to human mobility, There needs to be strengthened cooperation at a bilateral, regional and global level in order to facilitate safe, orderly and regular migration. Nationally, Mr President, Burundi is currently in the process of signing cooperation agreements with countries of destination. for labor migration. This cooperation-based approach aims to ensure legal, social, and human rights protection for migrant workers, and it also aims to significantly curb human trafficking. Mr. President, the issue of multilateralism has received particular attention since the very beginning of this session. After 79 years of existence, of the United Nations that in, the overriding conclusion is that in spite of its limits, of which the world is well aware, the multilateralism has served to significantly improve global problems. The most recent evidence that multilateralism is not dead and buried was the adoption by consensus in this very hall on the 22nd of September of our Pact for the Future and its annexes. This is a concise and action-oriented document. However, Mr President, despite this encouraging result, there are signs that portend the gradual weakening of our spirit of compromise. There are harbingers of indifference when it comes to collective rules. In an increasingly globalised world where we're increasingly interdependent, No state, however powerful that state might be, can alone hope to address the challenges it faces. States must strengthen mutual commitment, must adopt a coordinated approach based on... fair rules of the game to avoid unilateral actions which as you are aware take the form of clear interference in the domestic affairs of other countries in clear violation of the principles and values of the un charter mr president i wish to turn now to security council reform Negotiations on this matter have finally become more flexible. We're seeing movement. Through me, Burundi reaffirms its commitment to the common African position reflected in the Esselwini consensus. Mr. President, we will never be able to hammer home enough the following fact. The multilateral system... is demonstrating that its capacity is limited to effectively guarantee proper global governance. Notable injustice, unprecedented injustice, is being done to Africa. It's the only continent absent from the Security Council among the permanent members, and we are underrepresented among the elected members. That injustice must stop now. Mr President, Universal, equitable, and affordable access to information as well as to information infrastructure is also one of the major challenges of our age. The Internet can be a tool to bring peoples and spaces together, and that's why it was designed. However, the spider web, as we seem to call it, prioritizes rich countries. whilst at the same time developing countries have low levels of internet connectivity. This is particularly true in Africa. Today in our world, our trade and our exchanges are becoming increasingly digital, Mr. President. And as such, it's vital that all countries have access to Internet, including AI, that is revolutionizing our world. There is a growing gaping gap between the countries of the Global North and the Global South. And that's meaning that many people in the Global South are losing out on social scientific opportunities and economic opportunities, leaving no one behind, is one of the pillars of the UN actions. And so, as a matter of absolute urgency, this digital gap must be closed in the interests of current and future generations. Mr. President, I would be remiss if I did not inform this August Assembly that our country is committed to implementing the theme of our Assembly, that is unity and diversity, to bring communities to a state of peace, sustainable development, and ensuring that everyone can enjoy human dignity. That is our commitment. I thank you. My thanks go to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/burundi","Burundi","His Excellency","Albert Shingiro","Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/bi_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_BI_EN.mp3" 184,"I now give the floor to Her Excellency Mélanie Joly, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada. Mr. Vice President, distinguished colleagues, it is an honour for me to take the floor before you today on behalf of Canada and the Canadians. I'd like to underscore that I am meeting with you here on the traditional territory of the Lenape people. This recognition is important because today, in Canada, we are celebrating the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. during which we recognize and commemorate the indigenous peoples who were here before us and continue to live among us. We recognize the pain caused by decades of abuse, negligence, and racism. Here as well, we would like to commit to doing better and to rectifying the errors of the past so we can move forward together. Canada is a country based on the rights and freedoms that are enshrined in our Constitutional Charter. A core reason Canada is a prosperous society is that beyond offering the freedom to pursue a better life for you and your family, it is also a way for us to provide freedom from the barriers that prevent you from enjoying a better life. freedom from fear, violence, intimidation, and discrimination, freedoms that foster a sense of inclusivity and belonging, freedom that protects the vulnerable and builds stronger communities. Far too often, though, some of the loudest voices claiming to speak for freedom are the ones trying to redefine that word for their own purposes. They claim freedom as an excuse to do as they wish without any regard for the freedoms of others. This is certainly not how we should define freedom. They hide behind the word to tell us everything is broken, to spread disinformation and parrot the lines fed to them by those who wish to interfere in our elections and undermine our democracy. They weaponized the term freedom to further marginalize those in the most vulnerable situations, to justify spreading hate, and even deny people their right to make choices about their own bodies, including limits on reproductive rights. At the end of the day, through all of the noise, what they really mean to say is freedom for some, not freedom for all. Often, the people who claim to speak for freedom are the same people who want the government to decide who people can love, who they are, or even what they can wear. We see it in our country. We see it around the world. At the international level, we see it when groups or countries declare that international law doesn't apply to them. In Afghanistan, We see it taken to its extreme as the Taliban continue to impose inhumane rules against women and girls, banning them from being in public so they're invisible, robbing young girls of the fundamental right to an education. How is that respecting human dignity? How is that protecting the best interests of their people? They need to be held accountable. Last week, Canada joined Australia, Germany and the Netherlands, with the support from 22 other countries, to take steps to hold Afghanistan accountable under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. The Taliban cannot make international law disappear through simple decrees. Canada is a country that values freedom from oppression, not the freedom to . There should be nothing controversial about protecting human rights, including the dignity of all men and all women alike. On Haiti, the world cannot sit idly by as people suffer. Gang violence and unchecked corruption in Haiti have created a disaster for the population, which has plunged into deep insecurity, with civilians being shot and children dying of hunger. Canada has always maintained that this crisis must be resolved by Haitians for Haitians. Therefore, the Presidential Council for the Transition and the Government of Transition is striving to restore order, but they can't do so alone. The Haitian people need a multinational support and security mission that works together with the Haitian National Police, not only to help the police restore order, but also to meet the population's basic needs. That is why Canada has invested more than $100 million to support that mission. It is doing its part. We must show the Haitian people that we will not abandon them. The UN Security Council must send a clear message to this effect, and I'd like to thank them for their decision today. I also would like to thank CARICOM and Kenya for the crucial role they are playing in the response to this crisis. Together, we can bring about lasting peace and stability in Haiti. What is happening in the Middle East is an unspeakable tragedy. Thousands have been killed in Israel, in Gaza, and in Lebanon, including many Canadians. This is a senseless war that goes against the dignity of human beings. The suffering on all sides must end. What the world continues to witness is a repeated cycle of violence where civilians pay the heaviest price. Canada is joining those urging Israel and Hezbollah to accept an immediate ceasefire. We need to create space for peace talks and save lives. There cannot be war in Lebanon. Full stop. UN Security Council resolutions must be respected. Families in southern Lebanon and families in northern Israel must be able to safely return to their homes. We have, and always will, insist that civilians be protected wherever they're from. Next week marks one year since the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel. And last March, I visited Kibbutz Kfaraza, one of the communities attacked on October 7. I met Ayelet, a mother grieving her son who was brutally murdered in the attack, and he died protecting his fiancée. Ayelet recounted the terror of that day, the search for loved ones in burnt homes. As she spoke about the horrors of October 7, We heard the bombs as they landed in Gaza nearby and felt the ground shudder. In that moment, the duality of the tragedy befalling the Israeli and Palestinian people was profound. And it is a moment I will never forget. The situation in Gaza is inhumane. The level of suffering is unacceptable and it must stop. Innocent Palestinians, women and children cannot pay the price of defeating Hamas. It must end. And a ceasefire is needed immediately. Hostages must be released. This requires both sides making real efforts. Mr. President, for a lasting peace, Canada has long advocated for a two-state solution. We believe both Israelis and Palestinians have the right to exist. We all know a negotiated agreement is the best chance for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace and security. Unfortunately, Hamas, a terrorist organization, continues to operate in Gaza, refuses to release hostages, and refuses to lay down its weapons. And meanwhile, The government of Israel is against the creation of a Palestinian state. Violence against Palestinians by extremist settlers and expansion of settlements by Israel in the West Bank continue unabated. And this is unacceptable. Canada supports the creation of a Palestinian state. That is why we are providing security and development support to Palestinians themselves. We will efficiently recognize the state of Palestine at the right time, when it is most conducive to building a lasting peace, and not necessarily as the last step of a negotiated process. More than anything, this conflict has led to unspeakable pain. Communities are hurting People have the right to protest peacefully, but nobody has the freedom to intimidate others. Polarization is a real problem, and division is real. We have a collective responsibility to bring people together. Mr. President, it's now been two years and a half since Russia launched its illegal invasion of Ukraine. the human cost continues to grow. No country has the right and the freedom to invade its neighbour. And there's no freedom to impose your will on others. This aggression is a blatant violation of the UN Charter. Russia needs to get out of Ukraine. Now. And the Ukrainian people have the right to be free from fear and from aggression. They have the right to decide what their own future should be. And Mr. President, we all know that if Russia's aggression goes unchecked here, it will continue. Many countries in the region and the hemisphere are wondering if they will be next. And the world must not back down in denouncing this unjustifiable aggression. And Canada will not back down from its support for Ukraine. At the end of October, Canada will host a conference co-organized with Norway and Ukraine on the human dimension of Ukraine's 10-point peace formula. We will focus on the return of children to their families, as well as deported civilians and prisoners of war. Everyone, those affected by this war, is entitled to freedom from violence and from being forced from their home. Mr. President, Mr. President, the issues I've just spoken about have to do with massive challenges, and this institution has a key role to play to bring us toward solutions together. The UN's detractors accuse it of being unable to resolve the problems that the world is facing today. And worse, some, one might call them conspiracy theorists, even think that the UN is the cause of some of these problems. Both of these groups are ignorant of reality and the strength of this organization. The UN is a unique platform allowing us to come together and speak to each other on an equal footing, to try to reconcile our differences, sometimes profound, through discussion and through seeking consensus. And that is why Canada supported the adoption of the Pact for the Future during the Summit of the Future held last week. The Pact is a starting point, allowing us to work together to ensure the lasting place of this organization. The UN is not perfect, true, but progress is possible. As said by Secretary General, we simply cannot build a future for our grandchildren with a system built by our grandparents. So let us build that future together. Mr. Vice President, For almost 80 years now, no woman has occupied the post of Secretary General. That is unacceptable. Last week, I had the great honor to get with my colleague from Jamaica to host in Toronto about 15 women ministers of foreign affairs from throughout the world. Our intention is clear. The next leader of this great institution must be a woman. It is high time for us to be able to say proudly from this podium and throughout the world, Madam Secretary-General. And I will say the same thing for the post of President of the General Assembly. Mr. Vice President, with all due respect, which you inspire in me as well as the President, I hope that next year delegates will be speaking to a Madam President And I think that many of us here today share that desire. Mr. President, let me speak to you about my mother. She will be so pleased to know that I'm speaking about her here at the United Nations. You know, my mother and my grandmother are among millions of women throughout the world who fought fiercely for equal rights. They did so alongside the mothers and grandmothers of many of those present here today in this room. Recently, my mother said that we are now part of the consolidation generation, and she's quite right. Being part of our generation means that we need to consolidate the gains that have been made over time and fight against those who are trying to roll back this progress. It also means that we need to continue to fight so that women and girls everywhere have the right to make choices about their own bodies and their own lives. We see the difference this gap in freedoms creates. When women are wrong of the right to decide when to have children, they lose out on education and job opportunities. And when women don't have access to safe abortions, their lives are put at risk. And when women are denied access to safe contraception and fertility treatment, they lose the power to make choices that have the most profound impacts on their lives. Attacks on sexual and reproductive health rights are an attack on equality rights, and they're an affront to basic dignity. We must all have the right to choose for ourselves what kind of birth control to use. and we must be able to choose for ourselves whether to resort to abortion or assisted reproduction. We, women, have the right to be equal in everything, education, employment, and every other opportunity. We are women, and we are proud of being women. We will never back down. Together, we'll continue to move forward for our sisters, our daughters, and our granddaughters. Mr. President, two years ago, I stood here and said countries around the world were faced with a choice, and we still have that choice today. We can choose a world where rules can be broken by the powerful, bringing us back to darker times of tension and conflicts, or we can choose a world to uphold Human rights, opportunities for all, peace and prosperity, where people work together to solve problems. Canada will work with partners to move us beyond this moment of crisis. A new future is being shaped. We must not fail. Thank you. Thank you very much. My thanks go to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/canada","Canada","Her Excellency","Mélanie Joly","Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ca_fl.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CA_EN.mp3" 185,"And I give the floor to His Excellency Jean-Claude Gargoso, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Francophonie and Congolese Abroad of the Congo. President of the General Assembly, Secretary General of the United Nations, distinguished heads of state and government, distinguished ministers, ambassadors, dear friends, first and foremost, I would like to convey my deep admiration for Mr. Philemon Yang, a man of great renown on the African continent who was so brilliantly elected as President of our Assembly and who has led our debate with outstanding skill. Mr. President, Our world, as most speakers have said from this very podium, is indeed standing at a crossroads. It is facing a sort of deadly spiral of overlapping crises and dangerous conflicts which one might think are all but unresolvable. Indeed, situations involving war and armed violence of all forms in Ukraine, in Palestine, in Lebanon, in Sudan, in the Sahel, in the Horn of Africa, in the east of the DRC. These are situations that I could unfortunately continue to list for quite some time. And that is on top of the climate crisis, crippling debt burdens, and of course, the apocalyptic specter of nuclear war. These are all existential challenges, Mr. President, that will require what remains of our human wisdom and will demonstrate what remains to us of our understanding of good and evil. All these situations, all of us in this hall know it, are profoundly revealing at the same time that they are enthralled to human vanity. They faithfully reflect the irrepressible desire of some of us to dominate absolutely and to possess absolutely. This is an insidious vice surely rooted in the very origin of humanity which we have yet to eradicate completely. From this podium, speaking for peace, I call for all those with political power throughout the world to hear me. For the sake of peace, I call upon their collective wisdom, this cardinal virtue that was taught by the ancients in all of our societies in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Pacific. For the sake of peace, I'm calling upon the conscience of all of us to awaken to the fact that we are one single human race traveling on the same ship linked as a community of destiny bound by reciprocal obligations and by shared duties I call upon universal fraternity human fraternity This generous utopia that emerged during the Enlightenment and which in 1948 led to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become the credo of all humanists. Mr. President, our world is in dire need of rediscovering peace. Otherwise, it is rushing toward its own perdition. Peace is not just an option. It is not an alternative. Peace is an imperative. And this imperative falls upon all of us everywhere. It is this imperative toward peace, Mr. President, that drives the mediation efforts today of the African Union in Libya a country where President Denis Sassou Nguesso, on behalf of whom I speak, has been striving tirelessly for years for general peace and for inclusive reconciliation. Through perseverance and force of will, the High-Level Committee of the African Union on Libya, which he presides, has been able to bring these enemy brothers around the same table. This committee encouraged them to speak to each other, encouraged them to forgive each other, and convinced them to yield to justice, that foundation of the rule of law which Libya has been aspiring to, Libya which is now emerging from its ashes like the invincible phoenix. This peace, so diligently sought and so patiently cultivated for years now, will soon culminate in the official signing by all parties in Addis Ababa of a reconciliation charter. From there, general free democratic elections so long waited will be held. Mr. President, the renewal of multilateralism, which underlies the Pact for the Future which we just adopted, clearly will require the affirmation of a multipolar world, a paragon of the diversity of cultural expressions. It will require a just, stable, equitable world in which all peoples can coexist on an equal footing without discrimination based on race, tradition, or religion. Whence the urgent need to reform international institutions that emerged after the Second World War, beginning with the UN Security Council, which must reflect our modern cosmopolitan world through a more just representation of the world's peoples. Here, I repeat Africa's legitimate demand for two seats among the permanent members of the Security Council with veto rights. My country reaffirms the central and lasting role of the African common position as laid out in the Ezelwini Consensus and the CERT Declaration. Mr. President, the time has come for Africa to take up its rightful place in the community of nations. And thus, it is up to us, representatives of the allied nations present here, to choose to make the honorable choice to enter history through the front door and to once and for all eradicate medieval prejudices and obsolete stereotypes on Africa. It is up to us to consolidate and magnify our many convergences, those same convergences that light the true paths in the history of man. Mr. President, the communal sustainable development on any continent if our planet is not protected from the destruction of the environment. Climate change has now become an existential threat. And this threat, as we know, is multifaceted. Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, disastrous flooding, rampant desertification, the destruction of biodiversity, epidemic outbreaks, the exodus of populations caused by all of the aforementioned factors, all of these clearly illustrate the fragility of our beautiful blue planet. The community of nations has no choice. It must take action here and now. It must act without hesitation. with rigor, with responsibility to save our world from an irreversible cataclysm. One of the pillars of this action, of course, is intelligent reforestation and universal reforestation of the planet. We must all contribute as far as we can. The Republic of Congo and the African Union have come to the 79th General Assembly with a well-developed strategy which my delegation has already registered as a draft resolution for the upcoming work of our committees. This strategy for which I here call for the support of our Assembly, aims at a significant, steady and irreversible increase of global forest cover based on international cooperation, which combines reforestation and forest rehabilitation activities throughout the world. All of this will be based on a cooperative, coordinated, concerted, consensus-based approach between states. Mr. President, before leaving the podium, I would like to speak about a situation that is pricking our conscience, a situation that will not allow us morally to stand idly by. I'm speaking of the protracted blockade inflicted on Cuba, this embargo which will soon have lasted a century, an embargo that is causing unthinkable suffering to the innocent people of this country. Mr. President, this embargo, which many Americans themselves find archaic, this embargo should long ago have been simply abolished. Once again, I would like to call upon the wisdom of the people and leaders of the United States, most of whom as we know have had nothing to do with this lingering phantom of the Cold War. I urge the government of the United States to once and for all turn the page on this painful history of two peoples, two peoples both born of a melting pot, the miraculous cultural osmosis between Europe and Africa. In closing, Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, I speak on behalf of all the peoples of the world in hoping that we can staunchly fight for the emergence of a new humanity, a peaceful humanity, which turns its back upon war and death and which stands side by side with each other an authentic humanity which tirelessly combats endemic poverty, a poverty that is ravaging developing countries, which is a real cancer upon our global society, which is one of the root causes of the frustration and violence that is darkening the horizons of hope, a fraternal humanity as imagined in this very city by the great artist John Lennon. And lastly, a humanity as rainbow, as dreamed of from the depths of his prison cell by the great Nelson Mandela, standing tall and proud as a baobab tree. Thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Francophonie and Congolese Abroad of the Congo.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/congo","Congo","His Excellency","Jean-Claude Gakosso","Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/cg_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_CG_EN.mp3" 186,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Osman Saleh Mohammed, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Eritrea. Your Excellency Philmon Young, President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Your Excellency Antonia Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. Honorable Heads of Delegation, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen. Mr. President, allow me to join previous speakers to congratulate Your Excellency for your election to the presidency of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The current session is taking place at a crucial juncture of transition in the architecture of global governance. Before delving into the main subject, allow me to digress a bit and dwell on some historical perspectives. As it will be recalled, maintenance of global peace was indeed the overarching mantra and proclaimed objective when the League of Nations was established one century ago in January 1920 in the immediate aftermath of the First World War. But in spite of the lofty, pronounced objectives, the League of Nations could not fully measure up to the noble task and deter the eruption of the Second World War. Twenty-five years later, in October 1945, The United Nations was solemnly established to prevent another world war and guarantee durable global peace, but it again, our global community was plunged into the era of into the era of the Cold War, whose hallmark was a controversial, bipolar international world order. With all its dynamics and the deleterious consequences to global peace and stability, the Cold War era culminated after 45 years in 1991 in the collapse of the former Soviet bloc. As it happened, this later phase ushered in a new precarious epoch of the unipolar world order, which was, in essence, bereft of any new ideology. As a matter of fact, the new dispensation represented a retrograde relapse to and revival of centuries-old colonialism and slavery, indeed the resources and wills of others. were reserved to modify the insatiable greed of the few through force and other tools of repression. The manifestations of this policy are myriad and include pronounced policies of containment by the architects and proponents of a unipolar world order in the European theater, and especially reckless acts in Ukraine. provocative containment policies against China pursued in Asia for analogous objectives and considerations, trends that these policies portend to global peace. In our neighborhood, the ramifications of this policy include the perilous war unleashed to stifle the Palestinian cause and evict them from their land, the commotion that it continues to engender, and the wider regional conflagration that it may trigger. Acts of subversion conducted and multiple crises fomented in several parts in Africa under various pretexts to preserve and maintain colonial slavery overt interventions carried out in the same manner in Latin America to install surrogate regimes various subterfuges conducted to stifle and local bargaining public in protest in Europe and the United States against the backdrop of fragmentation of traditional coalitions. All these distressing developments and trends amplify the innate flaws and dysfunctionality of the reckless policies of the unipolar world order. Ladies and gentlemen, efforts exerted during the various epochs to imbue institutional structure and mandate the global architecture were not ultimate aims and objectives in themselves. As it is indeed palpable, Palatable institutions and formats are mere mechanisms and modalities for achieving the desired goals and objectives. Peace and stability constitute indispensable prerequisites for the promotion of prosperity and growth and the attainment of the ultimate human aspirations of justice and the prevalence of a just political order. In other words, the assertion and guarantee of a just global order where domination, deceit, coercion, and intimidation, plunder, and monopolization are not countenanced or tolerated. The unequivocal aspiration of the peoples of the world in the past 100 years were precisely the crystallization through the League of Nations and later the United Nations of a just global order. The perplexing question remains whether these lofty aspirations and profound goals were achieved. The pregnant answer is no. These have not been realized. On the other hand, the logical corollary to failure is not despondency, but redoubled and more vigorous commitment and resilience in order to achieve the cherished objectives and goals. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me now to revert to the predicament of the Eritrean people, which epitomizes in all respects the typical ordeal of numerous other peoples. Three generations of Eritreans were doomed to pay precious and inordinately huge sacrifices for almost 80 years since the end of the Second World War, merely because the Dallas brothers determined that Eritrea does not serve United States strategic interests. As it happened, the people of Eritrea were compelled to wage political and armed struggle of liberation for 50 years, long years. And even when they achieved their hard-won independence in 1991, they were denied respite and the opportunity to funnel their energies for nation-building. Indeed, the same hegemonic policy consideration and defunct were ramped up to foment an unremitting crisis and instability by instigating border conflicts and other ruses. The suffering and the economic damage that was inculcated, the opportunity loss incurred have been enormous by any standards. Still, And in the face of unwarranted onslaught, the resilience of the Eritrean people was not dampened. And yet the spiral of mindless hostility continued to intensify without let up. In 2009, Eritrea was subjected to sanctions on the basis of unsubstantiated and trumped-up charges. As it happened, the forces of hegemony plotted to further punish the people of Eritrea and pre-posterous pretext for a people and the countries that have waged a relentless struggle against terrorism and domination for decades. The sanctions were ultimately lifted in 2018, but the question remains, why was it imposed in the first place? Furthermore, it must be borne Be borne in mind that illicit unilateral sanctions, futile demonization campaigns, as well as subversive acts to instigate conflicts in the region still continue unabated. Ladies and gentlemen, the ordeals meted out to the people of Eritrea is only the tip of the iceberg. The tribulations imposed on other peoples in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the Americas are severe indeed. In the event, we urge for the categorical lifting of the unilateral coercive measures and sanctions imposed on countries like Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Cuba, including the six years long embargo against Cuba and its unjust placement on the dubious list of state sponsors of terrorism. Meanwhile, we need to pause and ask what is the relevance and impact of the fundamental principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter against the backdrop of the law of the jungle that the Germanic powers are bent on imposing. This precarious reality amplifies the imperative and the urgency for the peoples of the world to strive. with higher vigor, fortitude, and enhanced solidarity than what has transpired for 100 years, to install a global order that guarantees peace and stability. This is not an opinion that can be left to circumstances. The forces of hegemony must also be made accountable for their crimes, for the dispensation of justice. Let me conclude my brief address by reiterating our best wishes for success in our current endeavors. I thank you. I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/eritrea","Eritrea","His Excellency","Osman Saleh Mohammed","Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/er_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_ER_EN.mp3" 187,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Charles Fleming, Minister of State of Ireland. Sean Fleming, you have the floor. President of the General Assembly, distinguished heads of state and government, Secretary General and Excellencies, we gather here at a very important moment. World leaders have agreed a pact for the future, which charts a way forward to meet the challenges facing us as a global community. To do so, we must honour existing commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, and be ready to adapt to new and emerging challenges. It requires us to address the interlocking crises of climate change, conflict, hunger, injustice and underdevelopment. And it requires us to protect the means to achieve progress. For generations, the multilateral system, with the UN Charter at its heart, has driven our best advances. I believe we have a shared responsibility to bring about a world in which each of us can thrive in safety, dignity and peace. We are accountable to those who will follow us and accountable to each other to uphold the UN Charter, to stand up for international law, to ensure the peaceful settlement of disputes, to defend the universal and indivisible nature of human rights, and to pass on to the next generation a functioning multilateral system. Mr. President, the rules-based international order and the international human rights system are our greatest assets in achieving and sustaining peace. Human rights provide a common binding framework. We believe every state has a duty to support and strengthen the international human rights regime and to defend it where it is challenged. That is why Ireland is seeking membership of the Human Rights Council for the period 2027 to 2029. We are doing so because we deeply are committed to human rights. We wish to further contribute to the UN Human Rights System and the valuable work of the Human Rights Council. We hope that we can count on the support of many of you in this room here today who share our belief in the values and principles we have collectively established. We also have a duty to uphold international law and international legal order. Ireland is fully committed to supporting the essential work of the International Court of Justice and calls on all states to abide by its rulings. Ireland is also wholly committed to the International Criminal Justice System. The International Criminal Court is a cornerstone of that system and must be allowed to pursue its mandate without fear or favour. We strongly condemn all attempts to intimidate or threaten the ICC. Its officials are those cooperating with the court. There can be no impunity for the most serious crimes of international concern. Mr. President, we are seeing a global backlash against the human rights of women and girls. The gender persecution in Afghanistan stands out for its cruelty and must be denounced. In too many parts of our world, we see hard-won progress threatened and even reversed. We cannot accept this. Our commitment to gender equality must be non-negotiable. We must also address the unacceptable rise in attacks on the right to life, liberty and security of LGBTQI people in all corners of the world. And we must unequivocally condemn all forms of racism, intolerance and hatred, including anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim hatred and the persecution of Christians. Mr. President, we are already seeing the destructive impact of climate change. It is clear that climate change is the driver and multiplier of instability and conflict. Ireland worked hard to address this during our recent term on the Security Council. Climate change threatens each and every one of us. From small island developing states in the Pacific and the Caribbean and elsewhere to countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Those who have contributed least to climate change are among the most vulnerable to its impacts. This is an enormous injustice. As we approach COP29, we must do everything we can to reduce fossil fuel emissions. As a fellow Ireland state, Ireland is working to support adaptation and loss and damage activities. We need collective action, at speed and at scale, to avert the most catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis. Ireland and our EU partners will play our role. At the UN last year, and again at the Pact for the Future, we have recommitted to the Sustainable Development Goals. Now we need to act with urgency as progress on these targets falters. Ireland's international development budget is at record levels and per capita. We are one of the strongest providers of humanitarian assistance on this planet. We are firmly committed to global solidarity and to reaching the furthest behind first. We will maintain our focus on action to end hunger and malnutrition, and especially the needless global scandal of child wasting and stunting. We will remain champions of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Mr. President, we face the very real prospect of a regional war in the Middle East. I am deeply concerned at the spiraling violence and the situation in Lebanon. Hezbollah has long been a malign actor in the Lebanon and in the region. We have consistently condemned its attacks. But massive and ongoing Israeli airstrikes on densely populated areas are causing indiscriminate death of civilians and destruction on a vast scale. Hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee. A ground war would be truly catastrophic. All parties to conflict have an obligation to abide by the international humanitarian law. There can be no exceptions. I call on all parties to immediately de-escalate to step back from the brink and to exercise restraint. And I call on all states that have influence, including Iran, to use it constructively. We need to create the space for political and diplomatic solutions and to ensure urgent humanitarian assistance can get to those in desperate need. The violence must stop now. Mr. President, The scale of death and destruction and human misery in Gaza is truly horrific and completely unacceptable. Ireland has consistently condemned Hamas for its heinous attacks in Israel on 7 October. The taking of hostages is unconscionable. However, Israel's response has been and is completely disproportionate. We need an immediate ceasefire and hostage deal, followed by a massive surge of humanitarian aid into Gaza. Instead, we are seeing an alarming escalation of the conflict in the West Bank and now in Lebanon. The violence and killing must stop. It is long been clear that the only viable basis for a lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians is a two-state solution. The recent adoption by the General Assembly of a resolution on the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice is a step in the right direction. The international community must now act to implement it. Ireland supports the global initiative launched last week here in New York to support the two-state solution. I encourage states to join in this shared effort. Mr. President, Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine represents a severe threat to the global multilateral system. A challenge to the norm that borders cannot be changed by force should concern us all very deeply. We should all be deeply concerned by defiance of the UN Charter by a permanent member of the Security Council. Undermining the rules based order on which each of us of our security depends should concern us all The transfer of ballistic missiles by Iran to North Korea to Russia for use in Ukraine is totally unacceptable these transfers are unlawful and threaten international peace and security and they must stop and This is not just a European security concern. This is a war with global impacts on food security and on energy and commodity prices. Too often, it is those who are least able to respond who suffer the most. And it is a colonial war about annexing the territory and destroying the identity of the United Nations member state. That is why Ireland is committed to holding Russia accountable for its actions and to bringing about a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine. As the global community reaffirmed at the first summit on peace in Ukraine, the UN Charter can and must serve as the basis to achieve that peace. It is shocking that Russia has threatened the use of nuclear power in this conflict. The mere possession of nuclear weapons brings the risk of human and environmental disaster. That is why Ireland will propose a resolution to this General Assembly to further our collective scientific understanding of the dangers of these weapons. I urge all countries to join in this resolution. We cannot allow a new nuclear arms race. We must also act to prevent another arms race for weapons beyond human control and to do so urgently given the pace of technological development. Ireland supports the Secretary General's call to conclude a treaty on autonomous weapon systems by the end of 2026. Mr. President, The Horn of Africa and the Seychelles region are beset by multiple overlapping crises, from food insecurity, drought and flooding to actual conflict. Addressing them means working for sustainable development and human rights. The situation in Sudan is appalling. 12 million people forced from their homes. Widespread reports of abuse against civilians, particularly again against women and girls. 25 million people face crisis levels of hunger and are now facing famine. We need to see urgent action. We demand a ceasefire, humanitarian access, protection of civilians and accountability for human rights abuses. We must do whatever it takes to pressure the parties to come back to the negotiating table and to bring an end to this destructive cycle of violence. And we need to see accountability for those who have committed these atrocities. Mr. President, as we witness these harrowing conflicts, we must not accept this situation. The world as it is now is not the world as it should be. We've seen what can be achieved by cooperation through this organisation. That the fundamental international community has managed to come together in a time of heightened tension to endorse that vision, to agree a way forward, a pact for the future, shows us what can be achieved. We continue to be united in our shared humanity. Ireland will work hard with others during this General Assembly to follow through on our words with action. Thank you very much for listening to me on behalf of Ireland. I thank His Excellency the Minister of State of Ireland and I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr Manuel","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/ireland","Ireland","His Excellency","Seán Fleming","Minister of State","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ie_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_IE_EN.mp3" 188,"His Excellency the Minister of State of Ireland, and I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr Manuel José González, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique. Mr. President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations, distinguished heads of delegations, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor that I address this august assembly and convey to Your Excellencies and all participants in this session a special greeting from His Excellency Philippe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique. We congratulate His Excellency Philemon Young on his election as President of this session and wish him success in fulfilling his mandate. Our greetings are extended to the other members of the Bureau. We assure you of our full support in carrying out your duties. We also commend the positive work carried out by your predecessor, His Excellency Ambassador Dennis Francis, which contributed to the strengthening of our organization towards a greater approach to the peace and development agenda. We extend a word of great appreciation to the Secretary General of the United Nations, His Excellency Antonio Guterres, for his tireless dedication and advocacy in promoting multilateralism for global peace and security. Mr. President, the current session of the General Assembly constitutes a sovereign opportunity to reinforce multilateralism, our collective action to consolidate international peace and security and global security for the well-being of humanity. These renewed commitments are reinforced through the deliberations of the Summit of the Future and other important high-level events recently held. We therefore welcome the theme of our general debate, which has particular importance due to its connection with the future, which requires urgency in strengthening international cooperation so that together we can face the challenges faced by humanity today to build a prosperous present and a promising future for humanity. We are aware that in just six years, the 2030 agenda will expire and the progress made in its implementation is still tenuous. It is urgent to mobilize the necessary resources for its financing as well as for other internationally agreed development objectives in order to achieve the sustainable development goals. Therefore, we encourage all member states to accelerate the materialization of the commitments made, including the reinforcement of mutually beneficial cooperation to respond to prevailing challenges, including the fight against poverty, conflicts, terrorism, and climate change. Mr. President, Excellencies, We express our optimism about our collective future where an environment of peace and security reigns. The functioning of our global institutions must keep up with the current dynamics that are imposed upon us. Thus, we align ourselves with the voices that defend the urgency of the reform of the United Nations, especially at the level of the Security Council, for greater inclusion, particularly giving a permanent voice to the African continent, thereby correcting the historical injustice to which it has been subjected. We are encouraged by the continued collaboration between the United Nations and the African to overcome conflicts within the context of maintaining international peace and security. Resolution 2719, adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 21 December 2023, is a significant milestone for African Union-led peace support operations. It strengthens collaboration between the United Nations and the African Union promoting greater regional and national ownership of peace initiatives. We hope that it will effectively ensure access to adequate, predictable, and sustainable financing required for the operations of the African Union. We believe that this collaboration will contribute to giving greater strength to efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts towards a prosperous and peaceful Africa, the Africa we want, as established in Agenda 2063 of the African Union. Mr. President, Excellencies, The concert between nations has been feasible throughout these times due to the collective observance of the sacrosanct objectives and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, including the defense of the right to self-determination of peoples, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. It is deeply concerning, the escalation of conflicts and tensions in various parts of the world. In Ukraine, unfortunately, there is still no encouraging signs for an end to the conflict. We believe that the safest path is dialogue between the parties. It is up to all of us as members of the United Nations to persuade the parties to the conflict and hostilities and opt for a dialogue towards peace between these two countries. In the Middle East, in violation of the principles of international law and international humanitarian law, the conflict continues to take human lives among the civilian population, particularly children, women, and the elderly, as well as destroying civilian infrastructure, causing the tragedy that we unfortunately witness. We call for the cessation of hostilities and the protection of innocent civilians from the conflict. The vision of the existence of two sovereign states, Israel and Palestine, as full members of the United Nations is the fairest formula that will ensure sustainable peace and stability in this region. In Africa, we are also concerned about the conflict in Sudan, which has killed thousands of innocent civilians, including refugees, causing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster. We reiterate our calls to the parties to the conflict to end hostilities and the need for dialogue in order to restore peace and stability. Mr. President, the use of sanctions and other unilateral coercive measures does not contribute to the preservation of peace, security, and sustainable economic and social development. Unilateralism is contrary to the multilateralism enshrined in the Charter. In this context, we reiterate our firm call for the total lifting of unilateral coercive measures imposed on Zimbabwe and Cuba, as they have significant negative impacts on the populations of these countries, harming their rights and well-being so as to allow for more fair and equitable development. Mr. President, Excellencies, in January 2023, Mozambique assumed the biannual 2023-2024 term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. With three months remaining until its end, We would like to reiterate the honor and privilege we have had in serving in that United Nations body responsible for maintaining international peace and security. In the last two years, Mozambique has made its direct contribution to peace and security in the world, collaborating in addressing all topics on the Security Council's agenda, amongst which we would like to highlight peace and security in Africa, combating terrorism, women, peace and security, and the nexus between climate, peace and security. We presided over the body in March 2023 and in May 2024. We are leading the ad hoc working group for preventing and resolution of conflicts in Africa. We will soon end our mandate. We reaffirm our commitment to continue collaborating with a view to pursuing the goals that guide the United Nations Security Council to strengthen international peace and security. We therefore thank all member states for the support provided to Mozambique during its mandate and reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and the principles and objectives set out in the United Nations Charter, which have guided our mandate since the beginning. Mr. President, Excellencies, In Mozambique, we continue to consolidate our young democracy and citizenship, strengthening dialogue and seeking consensus in the various fora of participatory representation. In this spirit, the seventh presidential and legislative elections and for the provincial assemblies will take place on the 9th of October. In the fight against terrorism in the province of Cabo Delgado, our vigorous action against this phenomenon has resulted in progress with the support of SADC and Rwanda and international cooperation partners despite the prevailing challenges. In this regard, we would like to reiterate our appreciation and gratitude to all bilateral and multilateral partners who have spared no effort in supporting us in the fight against terrorism and for the restoration of peace and tranquility to the victim populations and for the reconstruction of economic and social infrastructures in areas affected by terrorist actions. Furthermore, our country has faced multiple and complex challenges that include exposure to risks associated with climate change, such as cyclical cyclones, droughts, and floods. These phenomena cause, on average, economic losses of around 1.1 percent of GDP per year, Mr. President, Excellencies. Finally, we reiterate the commitment of the government of the Republic of Mozambique to international peace and security, which are essential factors for the well-being of humanity and its prosperous world. I thank you very much. I thank the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique and I now give the floor","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/mozambique","Mozambique","His Excellency","Manuel José Gonçalves","Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/mz_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_MZ_EN.mp3" 189,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Ludvig Valdrak Ludvig Jenske Warteka, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua. Thank you, Mr. President. Ministers, representatives, After hearing so much analysis, the description of so much misfortune, so many calamities, and after hearing detailed descriptions of the Holocaust that afflict us as a human family, after watching so much intelligence sparkle before our eyes, we are left in silence, contemplating the void, because Whilst we have knowledge or whilst we think we have knowledge, we do not find, we cannot detect common responses to the weaknesses and pains that beset our society. There are no responses being found to the abuses, aberrations, the aggressions of global powers. to the unjust global order that, from every angle, seems to increasingly suffocate us. And that is happening in spite of our knowledge, our experience, and the spirit that we have as human beings, the spirit that we must nourish to better light our way forward, the tragedies of injustice, supremacist ambitions, the perverse appetites for domination, subjugation, and barbarism. were those seen in the worst times that were known as periods of colonization or conquests, these phenomena seem to be worsening, keeping humankind perpetually enslaved to the basest sentiments, avarice, greed, and the imposition of models by some on others. This is all causing us to stray further and further from the principles and values of equality and rights that with sweat and tears humanity and intelligence thought they had won disaster after disaster we continue to sow war as the savage m o of imperialism and capitalism They too are savage, barbaric and fierce. And we're walking towards the extinction of all human beings. We are refusing to accept that only peace can triumph. That is true because peace is justice. Peace is peaceful coexistence. Peace is respectful cooperation. It is the furtherance of freedom, dignity and the sovereignty of all peoples. Those philosophies, those principles will guarantee that we can live a life better than ever before. But today, peace stands before us as one of the most distant illusions. We're not on a journey to peace. Incidentally, we're not acquainting ourselves with this just and lasting peace that could place us on a path towards a world of brotherhood, happiness and solidarity. Every morning, in so many corners of our planet, we wake up to death and more death. We wake up to people being sacrificed on the bonfires of the insipid supposed superiority of some over others. We wake up before killings... and massacres which should mark the consciences of warlords, magnates and those that traffic in apocalyptic wars. These wars are imposed by some people on others and they lay waste to beings cultures, lands, they crucify and they do all of this to ensure that life meets their tastes, whims and interests. In these daily massacres, how much do we lose, particularly when it comes to the most deeply rooted human emotions that we have? Love, brotherhood and hope. These are values that human beings seem to be casting aside. These values are undoubtedly victims of the hell that that they sell to us as a heaven, victims of the satanic kings that dismiss the tragedies they visit upon us, and in so doing they forget the core principle of civilization, which should be power... enjoyed by all for the good of all of us. Every day we lose heart, we lose our soul, not because we sell it to the devil and his satanic underlings, but rather because our generations that should have learned so much from the millions of human beings that have sacrificed throughout history on the bonfires of vanity and ambitions. These people are the victims of deadly selfishness, lessons that they failed to learn from. We forget all of that and instead enemies of peace try to convert the world into the most arid of deserts, spiritually arid. And we ignore all of this and we fail to harness our human strength. We're faced with so much aggression, barbarism, attacks, crimes. Satanic assaults are being waged on all of us. Evil seems to be trumping good. But in the face of all of that, peoples are left, those peoples that know how to fight, peoples of culture, spiritual experience, and dignity and national decorum. That is our great asset. That is our most invaluable heritage. That is the kingdom of God on earth. This is the beginning, the dawning of a new world which is being born. rising from the ashes of anguish suffering and pain all of these things have been imposed upon us by sick minds that do not see do not wish to see the arrival of this other good world they continue to try and live in the past centuries past for their own benefit they try to stay living in the old and blood-soaked world how much pain how many battles How many chains? How much in slavery are we going to suffer? Because on the other hand, we have our human condition that goes from strength to strength, from truth to truth. We're increasingly waking up to the truth. We show more and more courage, more and more valor. And every day, in the face of suffering... We enjoy more glory, we see more and more victories of the truth, and our human spirit is prevailing, just as it must. No one can strip us of our certainty of a new world. No one can deprive us of the reality of a brotherly world, a world of understanding, solidarity, and respectful cooperation in the present and for the well-being of all. In the old world designed by the conquistadores... they will those conquistadores will remain with their ambitions thwarted sad and alone they will be condemned and rejected by those of us that have learned to revere love learned to root out hatred and what it imposes upon us we've learned to bury humiliation of indignity and we've learned to dismiss terror the fear that they use to pressure us and intimidate us that those as the evil of the earth we will never yield we will never bow to the enemies of peace or the enemies of common good we will never be enslaved by selfishness and avarice And we will never be blind to the atrocities committed by those who sew the mendacious narrative of their hypocritical acolytes, those that use artificial techniques and tactics and who use technicolor film to sell us a childish world, a fictional world that pretend to be blind, deaf, and mute, paralyzed. And we will never bow to those that acquit those that are guilty of so many crimes against humanity. We will not be silent, ever. We denounce and condemn the genocide that the government of Israel and its First World allies have committed, commit, and continue to commit against the glorious people of Palestine. against the courageous people of Lebanon, and against so many other brave, valiant, dignified people, none of us will yield to brutality. We are not silent. We will never be silent. We denounce and condemn the aggressions against Syria, Iran, and against all other great peoples. in their struggles we stand with our brothers on all continents we will never be silent we denounce and condemn the occupation and hijacking of the rights of people such as haiti we are not silent we will never be silent we denounce and condemn the systematic policy of extermination of cultures and rights that colonial imperialist powers visit upon peoples, governments, and countries who, like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, are members of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America. ALBA. ALBA is a strategic unit with which we defend our sovereignty, independence, and legitimate rights. models of institutions, our models of self-governance and direct and participative democracy. We stand shoulder to shoulder with all countries and peoples affected by barbarism and the brutality which was unleashed and is being unleashed against our Mother Earth and our resources. That is causing what we know today as climate change. Climate change is none other than selfishness and the pillaging of our earthly resources. That pillaging has created myriad disasters, disasters which are not natural, disasters which require climate justice, disasters that have been imposed upon us by selfish people. slave masters, the pillagers of our world, the filibusters, they've done all of that without regard for what we're losing, without compensation, redress or reparation for what we've lost. We stand shoulder to shoulder in brotherliness, solidarity. in just struggles for food security, health security, education, rights, human security. These are all rights that we will never give up on. Of course, we are fighting an urgent daily struggle against terrorism in all its forms, against drug trafficking, organized crime, all vices and criminal activities that have been imposed upon us to weaken our institutions, models and practices and in order to increase interference into our ways of life those doing that are attempting to instill and establish ways of living which are not our own they're seeking to in so doing create an image of us according to which we are incapable mere beggars we will never accept that model There are invaders, those interventionists that are dressed in sheepskin that have the faces of wolves. And to them we say we are people rich in culture, resources and community models. We are rich in values that have been distorted, slandered or worn down. We will not allow ourselves to be converted into needy beggars because we're not beggars. and will not allow you to pretend that we are just because you want to be falsely kind and generous. Your interests are patently clear and you're using them to interfere in our own affairs. That's not only unacceptable, it's despicable and unbecoming. We have a right to our freedoms and the supreme dignity of our spirit and culture. We have a right to our own conscience and our own convictions. We are allowed to learn and continue on our humble pilgrimage, a pilgrimage that means that we learn from everyone. We're able to incorporate the good into how we live, to cast aside and reject everything that seeks to make us into servile machines divided by the strategies of the imperialists of the earth. We defend our highest dreams. We do so alongside Bolívar, Martí, Sandino, Morazán, and alongside so many great figures that preceded us and led the way for our struggles so that we would win, vanquish and triumph. Nothing is free in this world. We must become more aware and our heart must grow bigger every day. We must be absolutely lucid, clear and coherent in our action because it is only the union of the peoples of the planet that will be able to vanquish the Earth's imperialists. It is only this union that will make them retreat, even though they continue to criminally machinate. and they do everything they can to distort us, but we will distort them. ALBA is a triumphant alliance, and we stand shoulder to shoulder with Chavez, Nicolás, and his great people. We are one with the Cuba of Fidel, Raúl, Miguel, and their dignified and fearless resistance. We are one with Bolivia and their... its laudable path forward. We are one with Honduras and its challenges. We are one with Mesoamerica and the challenges it faces. We are one with Asia, with the Arab peoples, with the peoples of that black Africa, the peoples that live among us. We are one with the Russian Federation in its major struggles against the beast of fascism, battles that we will win. about this there can be no doubt we are one with the people's republic of china a country that teaches us so much that bestows upon us their wisdom and experience in developing their people's well-being they bring to us lessons of global solidarity for a community of the future we stand with all the fighters and warriors of the world and with the strength and dignity that we've always had and today We will not allow ourselves to be crucified for these values. On the contrary, we will rise up with pride and happiness. We will fly our flags and standards proud because we know that humanity and the human spirit must conquer all. We will prevail. It is only by prevailing that we will spread and preserve the highest, loftiest values of the humanity. that we all inhabit our nicaragua is blessed dignified always sovereign christian socialist solidarity based and from that nicaragua we embrace you all all of you in this world that want peace affection respect rights and well-being we will always stand together we and together we will go forward we'll build upon the legacy of our victorious general augusto cindino and we will do so with the poetry of our great Rubén Darío in mind. And here I quote, A great flight of crows stains the blue sky. A thousand-year-old breath threatens plague. In the Far East, men are being murdered. Has... the apocalyptic Antichrist been born? Omens have been witnessed and wonders seen. The return of Christ seems imminent. The earth is pregnant with pain so deep that the dreamer, imperious, lost in thought, suffers all the anxieties of the heart of the world. Executioners of ideals afflict the earth, locking up humanity in a shadowy pit. along with the brutes of hatred and war. O Lord Jesus Christ, why do you take so long? Why wait to spread your hand of light over these wild beasts and make your divine banners brilliant in the sun? It rises suddenly, pouring out life's essence over so many crazed, sad, or hardened souls, so in love with darkness as to forget your sweet dawn. Come, Lord, show us in all your glory. come with trembling stars and the dread of cataclysm come bringing love and peace across the abyss let your white horse which the visionary witnessed come in and let that divine extraordinary clarion sound and may my heart be an ember of your swaying incense Today, we remember the Nicaraguan father, priest, ambassador of the dignity and decorum of our peoples, Miguel de Escoto Brockman. He fought and he bequeathed upon us the responsibility to fight for the remodeling of the United Nations so that the United Nations could serve the cause of debate and the struggle for justice, the right to harmony and happiness of the peoples. The United Nations as an instrument belonging precisely to nations themselves an instrument to denounce condemn reject and repudiate all abominations and aberrations perpetrated against all of us it is an instrument to encourage good affection to root out evil, opprobrium and hatred in our relations. Our relations, our ties should be those of brotherly coexistence. Peoples of the world go forward. The earth must be the paradise of all of humankind. The world will be different and better. That's what we're working for. That's why we are united and that is what we believe in. Allow me to bring to you the affection of all of Nicaragua's people, that of President Commander Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo. Many thanks indeed. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/nicaragua","Nicaragua","His Excellency","Valdrack Ludwing Jaentschke Whitaker","Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ni_en.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ni_es.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NI_EN.mp3" 190,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Bakary Yaw Sangare, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Nigerien Abroad of Niger. Distinguished President, distinguished heads of state and government, distinguished heads of delegations, ladies and gentlemen, at the outset, I would like to warmly congratulate Mr. Philemon Yang on his election as President of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly. I also would like to express to his predecessor, Mr. Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago, my sincere thanks for his outstanding work during his mandate despite the turbulent global context. Unfortunately, I will not go any further in my congratulations, and you'll understand why. Ladies and gentlemen, exactly one year ago, in this same hall, from this very same podium, my country, Niger, was unjustly and unjustifiably deprived of its right to speak. That wasn't the worst of it. This decision was debated at the time, but the worst was that at the same time, representatives from other countries in the same situation as we were were authorized to speak and they were even received with honors by the Secretary General of the United Nations. You can easily understand and agree with me that we're looking at double standards double standards that tarnish the credibility of our common organization. My country accepted that decision with dignity, but we did feel left behind. That is why my remarks today will focus on those left behind and on human dignity. Human dignity, ladies and gentlemen, is perfectly in keeping with the ideals behind our transformation in Niger. Those left behind, on the other hand, result from conflict, violence in many forms, inequality, and the lack of solidarity as well as the marginalization of a large portion of the population of our planet, people who aspire for a better world. Before continuing, I would like to welcome into this session presence of Palestine, which has been left behind. We hope that its presence, so richly deserved among us, will represent a decisive step toward the emergence of a free, independent, sovereign Palestinian state living in peace with its neighbors within the borders of 1967. Niger reaffirms its support to the Palestinian cause. We believe only a two-state solution can end the cycle of violence and can guarantee peace and security in the region. My country also laments the situation in Lebanon and calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities. Ladies and gentlemen, every year we engage in the ritual of lamenting the situation of poor countries and pleading for a more equitable world. But we're forced to observe that we are holding too many meetings and taking too little action. We are stagnating. Poor countries see what is happening while they founder The rich are lining their pockets with our resources, continuing to support corrupt and subservient regimes, regimes that rig elections and plunge their people into total suffering. Meanwhile, the international community stands aside in silent complicity, which once again demonstrates their double standards. Ladies and gentlemen, from this podium, I call upon the exploited peoples, peoples left behind, to tell them that it is not the affluent countries that will be finding solutions for us. I affirm that these solutions are within us. They consist in refusing to demean ourselves by begging for aid. They consist in building worthy partnerships in which our natural resources are paid for at the price that they deserve and benefits invested for a population. It is in this spirit that my country is using its own funds to address the damages and the humanitarian crisis caused by unprecedented flooding that occurred this year. We don't need any lessons about democracy. What's important is the interests, the choices, and the aspirations of our brave peoples. As stated by the President of the National Council for the Salvation of the Homeland and Head of State, His Excellency, Brigadier General Abdurrahman Tiani, no state and no interstate organization shall dictate to my country what conduct to adopt, let alone its agenda in terms of strategic or diplomatic partnerships. Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, the Sahel region for more than a decade now has been suffering a severe security crisis that jeopardizes the very existence of its states and which represents an ignominious attack on international peace and security. To present a united front against the common challenges that we are facing, especially security challenges. The three states led by their excellencies, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of Burkina Faso, Colonel Asimi Goita, President of the Transition, Head of State of Mali, and Brigadier General Abdurrahman Tiani, President of the National Council for the Salvation of the Homeland, Head of State of Niger. signed on September 16, 2023, the Liptuk-Ugurma Charter, thus establishing the Alliance of Sahel States, or AES, today. We can see the strong support of the population as well as the military successes won on the ground by the AES Defense and Security Forces in their battle against terrorism and crime. Here, I would like to commend the creation of the unified force of the AES and the excellent coordination the units have demonstrated. I pay a sincere tribute to all of the civilian and military victims of the violence in the Sahel. Ladies and gentlemen, at the historic summit of the heads of state of the AES held in Niamey on July 6, 2024, the alliance became a confederation, a confederation based on three pillars – namely defense and security, diplomacy and development. This new strategic framework for integration has the ultimate goal of becoming a federation. It boasts a wealth of natural resources to attain its goals. This wealth has caught the covetous eye of certain Western powers which are financing and arming terrorist groups in order to destabilize our countries. Niger reaffirms its strong condemnation of these hostile acts and rejects all forms of support for terrorism, especially the active and public support of Ukraine for the terrorist coalition that perpetrated a cowardly attack on Tinsawatan in Mali. Here I also would like to condemn the subversive actions and new strategy of recolonization espoused and pursued by France, which trains, finances, arms, and provides intelligence to the terrorist groups of the Sahel. It provides food and lodging to its local lackeys, some of which occupy the diplomatic premises of Niger in Paris in flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention of 1961 on diplomatic relations. So far from halting the momentum underway in the Sahel, These attempts at destabilization are only strengthening our country's resolve to forge ahead as we pursue our goals. In spite of all these adversities, the AES caravan goes on. Mr. President, the Confederation of Sahel States is now as much as some might be displeased by it, a new geopolitical deal which will fully play its role in the international arena while respecting the sovereignty and the freedom of choice of its partners. As stated by His Excellency Colonel Asimi Goita, President of the Confederation of the AES, on the first anniversary of the alliance, quote, in our spirit of independence and regained sovereignty, we remain open to cooperation with brotherly and friendly peoples based on fraternity and mutual respect. Ladies and gentlemen, on the national level, The inclusive vision of the President of the CNSP and Head of State, Brigadier General Abdurrahman Tiani, is based on four strategic pillars as follows, bolstering security and social cohesion, promoting good governance, developing production bases, and accelerating social reforms. These pillars aim to ensure the security, political, and socioeconomic sovereignty of our countries. They inform all of the actions of the state and its partners to pave the way for a structural transformation of the Nigerian economy and to improve the population's well-being. To guide this transformation, especially in the mining and oil sectors, my country is willing to sign partnership agreements with foreign investors based on the principle of win-win cooperation and while respecting the dignity of our peoples which have until now been left behind. The goal is to make the Sahel a region of peace and prosperity as affirmed by President Tianyi. In closing, I would like to thank our brotherly countries, our friends Burkina Faso, Mali, Togo, Morocco, Turkey, Russia, China, Iran, and all others who have supported Niger as it transforms itself. I would like to conclude by asking the diaspora of our countries, wherever they may be, to continue to pray for God to protect the AES, to protect our peoples and our governments. Long live solidarity between peoples. Long live the AES Confederation. Thank you. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Nigerien Abroad of the Niger.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/niger","Niger","His Excellency","Bakary Yaou Sangaré","Minister for Foreign Affairs","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ne_fr.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_NE_EN.mp3" 191,"I now give the floor to His Excellency, Peter Mohan Maitreyi Perez, head of the delegation of Sri Lanka. Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, Sri Lanka felicitates His Excellency Philomene Young of Cameroon on his election as the President of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Mr. President, against the background of global turmoil, setbacks, and transformations, the aspirations of this year's assembly for a better global future resonate with those of the people of Sri Lanka. On the 23rd of September, following a transparent and peaceful electoral process and a dignified transition in keeping with our decades of democratic practice, His Excellency President Anura Kumara Disanayake was sworn in as the ninth executive president of Sri Lanka. The people of Sri Lanka have vested in him the mandate to realize the people's aspirations for the future and to build a sustainable foundation for future generations. His Excellency President Disanayake has outlined to the nation his determination to put in place a united Sri Lanka and a transformed ethical political culture. A political culture echoing the wishes of the people, his future trajectory combines nation building based on public trust in governance and in the political system through accountability, integrity, and the elimination of waste and corruption. In the words of His Excellency President Anura Kumara Disanayake, quote, We are launching a unified Sri Lankan nation that respects diversity, fully ending an era of division based on race, religion, caste, and class. Close quotes. In order to achieve these objectives, the government has recognized that it is crucial to reinforce stability and confidence in the economy and stimulate growth. The government will work within commitments to reach macroeconomic stability through the framework of international financial institutions and in negotiations with sovereign and private external stakeholders. The government is acutely aware of the hardships that have been faced by the people in the process of economic transition. Measures will therefore be put in place to generate greater resources for enhanced public expenditure and welfare to raise the living standards of our people with equity and justice. Mr. President, the recent vote for change by the people of Sri Lanka presents us with a renewed opportunity, and we are determined to succeed, including with the support of our friends in the international community. Mr. President, despite our consensus on the Pact of the Future, This year's UNGA takes place at a moment of profound global crisis on multiple fronts. In the Middle East, we are closer to wider regional conflagration than when we convened last week, and the humanitarian suffering in Gaza gets worse by the day. The achievements of the SDGs now appears beyond our reach, And we are off target on the Paris climate goal to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels. Big power rivalries and geopolitical tensions have reignited and widened, and new rifts are reappearing on north-south lines. Racism, intolerance, in discrimination and xenophobia against migrants are on the rise. Theaters of conflict and tension have opened up on land and in oceans. The developments in the digital realm provides a fertile ground for proliferation of disinformation and hate speech with the potential of violence, Mr. President, the lingering impact of the pandemic have reverberated throughout the global economy, creating profound economic insecurities, threatening free trade and leading to protectionist barriers. We are spending more on weapons than ever before in the past, and regrettably, the use of nuclear weapons is in mainstream discourse. New domains are being weaponized, including outer space and cyberspace, while the use of AI is challenging international humanitarian law in the battlefield. Excellencies, today a large number of developing countries, including my own, face a debt crisis of unprecedented proportions. This debt distress severely impedes our ability to invest in sustainable development as we are unable to meet these financial obligations while simultaneously investing in the future and the well-being of our people. It is a fact that financing challenges remain at the heart of the sustainable development crisis. As per the Financing for Sustainable Development Report of 2024, the SDG financing gap is between US dollars 2.5 to 4 trillion. Staggering, isn't it? Mr. President, given these immense challenges, the need for comprehensive reform of the global financial architecture has never been more pressing. The current international debt resolution framework has failed to respond adequately and efficiently to contemporary challenges. The global landscape has changed dramatically with global debt, particularly in the developing world, increasingly controlled by international bond markets and non-Paris Club lenders. Think about it. It is therefore time that we review the architecture's traditional moorings. We must urgently reform the system to reflect the new economic landscape. It is therefore necessary, we say, to find a more efficient, comprehensive, and equitable way to address the debt crisis. Mr. President, Other institutions of global governance that reflect the world of the past century need to be reformed to meet the challenges of the present and the future. The composition of the Security Council must be expanded to be representative of current global diversity and decision-making opportunities. In parallel, the role of the United Nations General Assembly, the most representative primary organ of the United Nations, where all countries have an equal voice, must be strengthened and revitalized. Mr. President, Sri Lanka's commitment to maintaining global peace and security has been unwavering. We recognize that peacekeeping is one of the most effective tools to the United Nations to help member states to manage the difficult phase of transitioning from conflict to peace. Sri Lanka has been contributing to United Nations peacekeeping operations in some of the most hostile and demanding deployments. Over 23,000 men and women from Sri Lanka, armed forces and police have contributed to ensuring international peace and security under the UN banner over the past six decades and has been commended for high-caliber service. Mr. President, beyond economic recovery, we face an even greater existential threat the ongoing climate crisis and the accompanying need for a just energy transition. Although our development strategy has not contributed to climate degradation, Sri Lanka has taken concrete steps to address these challenges. We will increase our nation's forest coverage and increase renewable energy in our energy mix. It is time for developed countries, Mr. President, to fulfill their obligations and assume their fair share of responsibilities under the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. We need their support in mitigation and adaptation efforts, as well as compensation for loss and damage. Without a concerted international effort, Mr. President, to bridge the climate financing gap, the burden of climate impacts will continue to fall most heavily on those least responsible for the crisis. Sri Lanka is committed to phase out coal by 2040 and reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. As a climate-vulnerable country, Sri Lanka has been advocating for operationalization of the loss and damage fund and called for climate justice. There is, therefore, an urgent need, we say, for increased climate financing, especially for vulnerable developing nations like Sri Lanka. Mr. President, two other critical issues which are also relevant to Sri Lanka as an island nation were part of the discourse during this year's high-level week. Sea level rise is an imminent reality affecting millions. While Sri Lanka has taken mitigatory measures nationally, as included in the National Adaptation Plan for Climate Change, it is through concerted international action that solutions can be implemented to halt the global warming that is the cause of sea level rise. Sri Lanka initiated the UNGA resolution on declaring 1st of March as the World Seagrass Day to bring international attention and awareness on a small but significant aspect of universal importance of combating climate change. Sri Lanka has further been recognized for its contribution to mangrove regeneration programs as a 2024 world restoration flagship by the United Nations under the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Mr. President. Antimicrobial resistance has become a critical public health issue the world over, with bacterial resistance linked to around 5 million deaths worldwide annually. Alarming. AMR, if not contained, has the potential to spiral into a development issue, as well with life expectancies declining worldwide. We welcome the target of mobilizing U.S. 100 million through the anti-microbial resistance multi-partner trust fund to ensure that 60 percent of countries have funded action plans by 2030. However, international cooperation, Mr. President, and sustainable financing must increase to meet this goal. Mr. President, as we seek solutions to global challenges, we must harness the power of technology and innovation. Digital technologies and artificial intelligence offer unprecedented opportunities to accelerate sustainable development. Sri Lanka aims for sustained growth by innovation and envisages an equitable digital transformation through the establishment of accessible digital public infrastructure. At the same time, we call for increased capacity building and technical assistance to bridge the global digital divide and empower all countries to leverage these tools for the betterment of their people. Mr. President, the General Assembly's theme calls on us to leave no one behind and to act together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations. In Sri Lanka, 38 percent of our total population is youth, which is the most capable and dynamic resource that can contribute to our future development. Sri Lanka advocates for increased youth participation in decision-making processes. After all, the Declaration on Future Generation is theirs. Simultaneously, the new Sri Lanka will realize the aspirations of a just society with greater empowerment for women who make up to 52 percent of our population. Mr. President, as we look towards the future, We must also address one of the gravest injustices that this assembly has inherited from the past. Sri Lanka has repeatedly voiced its concern over the dire humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territories. We reiterate our support for the recognition of the legitimate and inalienable right of the Palestinian people to statehood and join the call for a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders in line with all UN resolutions. As a country, Mr. President, that has suffered separatist terrorism for decades, we condemn the terrorist attacks in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world. Sri Lanka calls for complete and unconditional lifting of all unilateral coercive measures imposed against any country as they hinder free trade, right to development, and have unintended humanitarian consequences. Mr. President, as an island country, we are concerned about the present environmental and geopolitical aspects relating to the oceans. We want our oceans to be free of rivalry, free of conflicts, free of pollution, and to be able to sustainably manage our marine resources. The enclosures with its cohesive and universal nature provide us with a say in shaping the global maritime system. Sri Lanka remains committed to the balance and collaboration embedded within the treaty, enabling freedom of navigation and sustainable use of the oceans, respecting the sovereignty of the coastal states. Mr. President, we must recognize that global challenges demand global solutions. In our interconnected world, no country can solve these complex problems in isolation. We must strengthen our international institutions, enhance knowledge sharing, and foster strong relationships. We must work together equitably, ensuring all voices are heard in shaping our shared future. It is encouraging, I say, that several developing countries are on the cusp of becoming the leading economies of tomorrow. We must bolster South-South cooperation to foster economic growth, social progress, and sustainable development among us. However, South-South cooperation is not a substitute we appreciate for the responsibilities of the Global North as set out in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement. Mr. President, in conclusion, as Sri Lanka embarks on a path of national unity, ethical governance and economic recovery and growth with justice and equity under a new leadership, we reiterate our commitment to multilateral cooperation in pursuit of peace, of prosperity and of sustainability. We must harness the power of international solidarity, my dear friends, to confront the interconnected challenges before us, as well as to explore durable solutions to the generations to come. I thank you, Mr. President. I thank the head of the delegation of Sri Lanka. I now give the floor to His Excellency,","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/sri-lanka","Sri Lanka","His Excellency","Peter Mohan Maithri Pieris","Permanent Representative","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/lk_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_LK_EN.mp3" 192,"I now give the floor to His Excellency Bassem Sabak, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the Syrian Arab Republic. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Mr. President. I congratulate you on your election as President of the General Assembly at its current session. And I thank your predecessor, His Excellency Dennis Francis, for presiding over the previous session. I also thank the Secretary General for the efforts exerted to fulfill his mandate under the United Nations Charter. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, As this session of the General Assembly is taking place, tensions internationally have reached a boiling point, and efforts to maintain international peace and security are confronted with real challenges and threats. Clashes are intensifying, crises are multiplying, conflicts are escalating, chaos is spreading, terrorism is gaining ground, the global economy is faltering, poverty rates are rising, climate change is accelerating. and development indicators are lagging. These are the unfortunate results of eight decades of multilateral action that have followed the establishment of the United Nations. While we previously sought to promote preventive diplomacy and the peaceful settlement of disputes, We are witnessing today more direct wars and proxy wars waged using terrorist tools. And instead of harnessing scientific advancement for the benefit and well-being of all people, we are witnessing this graceful use of modern technologies as deadly tools to solve death and destruction. Instead of investing efforts and resources in achieving sustainable development for all, Some are flagrantly draining the resources of other countries, stealing from their people, and imposing unilateral coercive measures that impoverish and destroy nations. Mr. President, for more than a decade, Syria has experienced unparalleled suffering. It fell victim to a fierce terrorist war, direct attacks, on its territories that continue to this day a multifaceted and stifling economic blockade and an unprecedented political and media incitement campaigns. Billions of dollars were spent to erode the development progress that Syria has worked over decades to achieve. Billions more were spent to spread chaos and undermine security and stability, and to force millions of Syrians to leave their homes, only to become internally displaced or refugees in other countries. Ladies and gentlemen, nevertheless, rest assured that despite everything, we have remained faithful to our strong beliefs, our firm positions, and to the choices we made as a nation. Syria never hesitated to protect and defend its people and never faltered in its war on terrorism. Economic hardships did not prevent us from meeting the needs of our people. All that has happened has revealed the true intentions of the collective West, which completely contradict with the principles and purposes that form the pillars and foundation and function of this international organization. Mr. President, the ongoing Israeli occupation of Arab territory since 1967, including the Syrian Arab Gulen and the genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity it commits are a glaring example of the failure of this organization and, namely, the Security Council to end this expansionist and racist occupation and the ongoing aggression. It is a damning proof that the United States has prevented the Council from fulfilling its responsibility to confront threats to international peace and security. Since 7 October 2023, the Israeli occupation has continued to commit bloody and terrorist crimes, adding another chapter to its seven-decade-long criminal record over the past months. The occupying forces and settler gangs have been carrying out a savage aggression on the Palestinian people and committing a genocide before the eyes of the whole world, which has claimed the lives of more than 42,000 Palestinians, most of whom are children and women. The Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemns the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and renews its solidarity with the legitimate struggle to liberate the occupied land and establish their independent state on their entire national territory with Jerusalem as its capital while ensuring the right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland in line with international law and relevant UN resolutions. Syria also condemns all attempts to liquidate UNRWA and suspend the services it provides to Palestinians on their land and in neighboring countries. We stress the need to hold Israel accountable for its direct targeting of more than 200 personnel working for UNRWA and other UN and humanitarian agencies. In an attempt to cover the failure of its war against the Palestinian people and to escape its internal crisis, the Israeli occupying forces implicate others in their internal crises and distract from the failed war against the Palestinian people. Hence, they have chosen to drag the region into a serious escalation while benefiting from the immunity, impunity, and unlimited support provided by certain countries, in particular the U.S. In a clear case of hypocrisy and double standards, Israeli forces have scaled up their attacks on countries in the region, including my country, Syria, targeting vital civilian facilities, residential buildings, and even diplomatic premises, resulting in the death of dozens of civilians, significant material damage, and hindering the delivery of humanitarian aid to Syrians. On the 27th of July 2024, Israeli occupying forces committed another heinous crime against our people in the occupied Syrian Golan when they targeted the Syrian town of Majdal Shams, claiming the lives of 12 Syrian children. The criminal Israeli forces went even further, blaming others for this tragedy and exploiting the death of innocent Syrians for propaganda purposes. The open Israeli aggression has also extended to our brotherly Lebanon. Two weeks ago, the Israeli occupation authorities committed an unprecedented crime against Lebanese by using the means of communication as a tool to kill unarmed civilians in a collective manner. A few days ago, The Israeli occupation authorities targeted the southern suburb of Beirut with a treacherous and cowardly aggression, destroying an entire residential block, using tons of explosive bombs to assassinate Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, who for more than three decades led an honorable Lebanese national resistance against the Israeli occupation. This large-scale Israeli aggression which is unfettered by any restrictions and limitations, is pushing the region to the brink of a dangerous escalation and confrontation whose consequences cannot be predicted and causing disastrous effects on peace and security, not only in our region, but also beyond it. The Syrian Arab Republic calls on all member states of the United Nations to work towards ending the Israeli aggression against Palestine, Syria and Lebanon and hold the occupation authorities accountable for their crimes as well as prevent impunity. The Syrian Arab Republic reiterates that the Golan is an occupied Syrian territory and that its inhabitants are Syrian Arab citizens who are and will always be an integral part of the people of Syria. They have struggled over decades against the occupation. Syria stresses that Regaining the full Syrian occupied Gulen Line with the UN Resolution 242, 338, and 497 is an inalienable right and shall never be subject to compromise and will never be affected by the passage of time or be subject to the statute of limitation. Mr. President, the crimes and attacks of the Israeli occupying forces against Syria cannot be seen in separation from the subversive role played by certain Western countries, especially the U.S., the United States of America, corrects the interpreter. In my country, Syria, these countries have continued to violate Syria's sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity by illegally deploying their military forces inside Syria's territory, allowing their officials to sneak into Syria and supporting separatist militia and terrorist groups. These countries have also worked to exacerbate the humanitarian situation of the Syrian people by depriving them of the benefit of their resources as a result of their systematic looting of Syria's national riches as well, and by imposing inhumane, unilateral, coercive measures whose disastrous effects have affected all aspects of the daily lives of Syrians. These measures targeted various vital sectors, most notably the public health sector. energy sector banks financial transactions and transfers transport as well as the agriculture sector that has been affected by these measures that has led to reduced levels of food security all the Unfounded allegations made by Western countries to justify such illegal measures and to deny or downplay their catastrophic impacts have been laid bare in multiple recent UN reports in this regard. My country reiterates its call for the immediate, full, and unconditional lifting of unilateral coercive measures as they amount to a collective punishment of the people in the form of economic terrorism and the flagrant violation of the UN Chartered International Law. Mr. President, since the beginning of the terrorist war on my country, Syria, the Syrian government has responsibly and constructively engaged with all initiatives aimed at preserving Syria's sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, protecting its people from terrorism, improving the living conditions of Syrians. Many measures have been taken to that end, which can be summed up as follows. One, mobilizing all efforts to eradicate terrorist groups that are enlisted by the Security Council and putting an end to their dark thinking, extremist ideology, practices based on killing, torture, enforced disappearance, restriction of freedom, recruitment of children, discrimination, and violence against women and girls. The Syrian Government continues to confront the remaining organizations to end the suffering of Syrians, and we call upon all countries to repatriate their citizens currently detained. in illegal centers in northeastern Syria to end and close them due to the danger they pose to them in the future. Two, pursuing national reconciliation and local settlement agreements, where 23 amnesty decrees have been issued, which facilitated the social reintegration of those who had lost their way. The most recent of these was legislative decree number 27 of 22 September 2024. Three, supporting humanitarian access. by granting the UN multiple authorizations to use three border crossings to deliver humanitarian assistance to eligible Syrian civilians in northwest Syria, and by granting the necessary approvals for humanitarian deliveries from inside Syria, despite all of the attempts by terrorist groups to obstruct humanitarian access and steal or divert the aid. continuing the efforts of the Syrian state institutions to enhance their role and increase their efficiency by holding on time all constitutionally mandated entitlements and following up on the process of economic and administrative Development and reform are moving forward with efforts to modernize legislative structures, including those related to strengthening the rule of law, developing media work, social protection programs, and empowering women, protecting the rights of children and persons with disability, as well as implementing the strategic plan for gender equality and developing legislation regulating conscription. Conscription. Five, sparing no effort to support the dignified return of refugees and displaced people to their areas. An agreement was reached with the Office of UNHCR on several measures which are being implemented accurately. Discussions are also underway with a number of neighboring countries to launch innovative projects that allow the provision which will be a model to assist and facilitate the return and accelerate it. Six, openly engaging with all the efforts and initiatives made at the political level including We have been taking part in the Astana meetings, which have achieved concrete results. The Syrian government is also in constant contact with the UN Special Envoy for Syria and is cooperating with him in line with his mandated role as a facilitator of a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political process. Seven, committing to dialogue and diplomacy as a basis. to a course for correcting relations with other countries. The Syrian Government has positively engaged with the various initiatives put forward in this regard, in line with our firm belief that The interests of countries must be built on sound relations based on specific principles and clear grounds to achieve the desired objectives. In particular, mutual respect for state sovereignty and territorial unity, joint action to address threats to security and stability, and pursuing common interests without interfering in internal affairs. Ladies and gentlemen. As Syria is healing from the wounds of what it's been exposed and subjected to, it looks to the future with a sense of hope and optimism. However, the success of its efforts necessarily requires the collective West to stop politicizing humanitarian work and linking it to political conditionality. Donors need to fulfill their pledges in humanitarian funding and provide sustainable solutions for livelihoods and supporting resilience, including by working to strengthen early recovery projects and the immediate complete and unconditional lifting of unilateral coercive measures. Mr. President, Syria reiterates its demand for a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons. and to compel Israel to eliminate its arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, join relevant international treaties and conventions, and place its installations under international monitoring. Syria expresses its support and solidarity with Arab countries, especially those facing challenging circumstances resulting from foreign interference, natural events, or climate change. Syria reiterates its support to the right of the Russian Federation to defend itself and to... maintain its national security in response to the West's hostile policies and in rejection of the logic of hegemony and Unipolarism, Syria also condemns the attempts to confiscate Russian financial assets. Syria expresses once again its full support to the Islamic Republic of Iran and its legitimate right to defend its national security and the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and we commend Iran's constructive and responsible approach in this regard. Syria renews its support to the One China principle and the stances of the People's Republic of China as it faces external attempts to interfere in its internal affairs. and deems it necessary to defend its sovereignty and confront – defend its sovereignty. Syria condemns the decades-long U.S. economic embargo on Cuba and rejects the issuance of the infamous list called the country sponsoring terrorism. Syria calls for an end to the U.S. military drills and exercises on the Korean Peninsula. as they contribute to raising tensions in this region. My country reiterates its solidarity with Venezuela in the face of the flagrant interference in its internal affairs and the hostile policies against it. Syria calls for the immediate lifting of all unilateral coercive measures imposed by Western countries on Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Belarus, Cuba, Nicaragua, and the DPRK, and Eritrea, and others, as well as on my country, Syria. Mr. President, in conclusion, I would like to call on the countries of the world to summon the courage and make the right choice to guarantee a better present and future for present and future generations and save humanity from the scourge of all-out wars looming on the horizon by supporting the establishment of a more just and balanced, through the reform of political and financial institutions to end the state of hegemony and unipolarity and better attempts to undermine the Charter of the UN and replace it with a so-called rules-based order. The Syrian Arab Republic, while looking forward to the current session of the General Assembly, under your leadership, to be able to fulfill the promise of its theme, We stress that success in translating this theme into a practical reality requires abandoning the policies of hegemony, exclusion, blockade and collective punishment of peoples, and adhering to the charter of our organization, respecting international law, multilateral diplomacy, and granting developing countries equal opportunities to advance their societies and achieve well-being, prosperity, and sustainable development for their peoples. I thank you, Mr. President. I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs and expatriates of the Syrian Arab Republic.","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/syrian-arab-republic","Syrian Arab Republic","His Excellency","Bassam Sabbagh","Minister for Foreign Affairs and Expatriates","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sy_ar.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/sy_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_SY_EN.mp3" 193,"And I now give the floor to His Excellency Sheikh Shaqboot Nayyan al-Nayan, Minister of State for the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. At the outset, I would like to thank His Excellency Dennis Francis for his outstanding leadership of the previous session. I also congratulate His Excellency Philemon Yang on assuming the presidency of the 79th session of the General Assembly, and I wish him success in this endeavor. From the podium of this General Assembly, a place that has always embraced our ambitions and agonies, We call upon all of you to join hands and work together to create a better world for our sons and daughters and for future generations. A better world in which they can enjoy a decent, prosperous and stable life. a world in which all political, diplomatic, and economic capabilities and the latest technological and scientific advancements are harnessed to preserve life in all its forms. In the United Arab Emirates, we have focused on this vision. we have unleashed the wheel of progress in every field from development, economy and education to technology and industry. Since its inception, the UAE has adopted a transparent foreign policy based on credibility and building balanced relations with all countries. This includes supporting regional and international efforts aimed at achieving stability and reducing escalations, encouraging dialogue and building bridges, as well as resolving crises instead of merely managing them. As our world stands at a dangerous crossroads, we must redirect the compass of our international action to focus on a set of fundamental and non-negotiable principles. Most importantly, we must stand united in the face of contentious issues, support all peoples without applying double standards, ensure the protection of civilians, uphold the rule of law, as well as commit to human rights and respect the principles of good neighborliness. Returning to these basic principles has become more urgent than ever, particularly with the serious violations committed in conflicts raging in our region and around the world. These violations have deepened human suffering, erased decades of progress and caused widespread displacement, creating massive refugee crises. This has also increased the burdens on concerned and neighboring countries, particularly with the ongoing bloody wars on the Gaza Strip, the wars in Sudan and Ukraine, and the crises taking place in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Sahel, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Haiti, and other countries. It must be recalled that even wars have rules. Parties must respect international law, including international humanitarian law. An immediate and lasting ceasefire must be reached. Rapid, full and unimpeded access of humanitarian assistance at large scale must be allowed and the hostages and detainees must be released. The relevant Security Council resolutions must also be implemented. We must act wisely in response to the rapid developments threatening our region. It is evident that what we have warned about is now unfolding beyond our control. We regret to see the war spread to Lebanon at a time when we were hoping for an announcement about reaching a deal to end the war on Gaza. It is unacceptable to ignore the decisions and advisory opinions issued by the highest judicial body of the United Nations, namely the International Court of Justice. This includes the provisional measures issued by the court regarding the war on Gaza. In this context, we call for maintaining the security and safety of people. We must safeguard regional and international stability, including the security of international navigation, trade routes and energy supplies. This is especially crucial in light of continued attempts by terrorist and extremist groups to exploit people's suffering for their own political goals. In the Sudan, the warring parties must stop the fighting immediately and permanently, and allow unhindered and sustainable access to humanitarian assistance across borders and conflict lines. We completely reject the continued targeting by the warring parties of civilians and their obstruction of the delivery of humanitarian assistance. We strongly condemn the blatant attack launched by the Sudanese armed forces on the residence of the ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Khartoum on the 29th of September 2024. in flagrant violation of the fundamental principle of the inviolability of diplomatic premises and of international conventions and norms, particularly the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. We call on the warring parties to engage seriously in peace talks. In this regard, we emphasize the importance of building on the positive outcomes achieved in the meetings of the Working Group of the Aligned for Advancing Lifesaving and Peace in Sudan Group, ALPS. We commend all initiatives aimed at finding a comprehensive solution to the crisis. We must all continue working with regional and international partners to alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people to ensure a safer and more prosperous life for them. In Ukraine, the impacts of the ongoing war have transcended seas and continents. Therefore, it is imperative to find a peaceful solution to end this conflict, which has increased global polarization, created refugee and prisoners crises, and affected global food security. Through our continued engagement with all parties, My country contributed to the release of around 2,000 prisoners of war through mediation efforts between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. We continue to push for dialogue and de-escalation, and we support recovery and reconstruction. As we speak of resolving protracted crises, we must reiterate our full support of Morocco's sovereignty over the Moroccan Sahara region, as well as for the autonomy initiative to maintain the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco. Mr. President, In numerous crises, my country refused to allow the international response to be obstructed by growing global polarization or obstacles imposed by warring parties. To this end, my country has sought to overcome these challenges and has utilized all available means to enable humanitarian work to continue. to help all those in need around the world in line with our commitment to the legacy of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, the founder of the UAE. Today, His Highness, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, President of the UAE, may God protect him, directed 100 million US dollars in urgent relief aid to the brotherly people of Lebanon to support them in facing the current challenges. When the war intensified in the Sudan, pushing millions of people towards a multidimensional humanitarian disaster, the UAE devoted its efforts to supporting the Sudanese people. We recently contributed 100 million US dollars to support UN efforts to address the humanitarian repercussions of this war in the Sudan and neighboring countries. In addition, we established two field hospitals in Chad to provide medical services to all those in need, including Sudanese refugees. Similarly, we spared no effort in supporting the innocent people besieged in Gaza. To this end, we have sent urgent aid by land air, and sea, and provided treatment to the sick and injured Palestinians through the field hospital we established in Rafah and the floating hospital in Al-Aresh. The UAE also continues to help in evacuating the wounded and sick and their families from Gaza, most of whom are children and cancer patients, to receive the necessary treatment in UAE hospitals. We also maintained our support to UNRWA, which plays a vital role in Gaza. We welcome its recent launch of preparatory programs to resume its educational services in this trip. We applaud the humanitarian workers for all their efforts, who provide a ray of hope in the dark shadow of war. If we want to bring an end to the seven-decade-long vicious cycle of the Palestinian issue, then we must take concrete steps towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the two-state solution. We must also consider the the establishment of a temporary international mission in the Gaza Strip upon an official request from the Palestinian government to address the humanitarian crisis, re-establish security and law, and reunite Gaza and the West Bank under a reformed Palestinian authority. This would enable the Palestinian Authority, after it is reformed, to take firm steps towards reaching a comprehensive and just political solution for the Palestinian issue. My country believes that the State of Palestine which just a couple of weeks ago took its new seat in this hall, like every other nation, has fulfilled the requirements for full membership in this organization. It deserves to be recognized by all states as a fully-fledged state under occupation. Mr. President, In parallel with our efforts in these files, my country renews its demand to Iran to end its occupation of the three UAE islands, Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa. These islands are an integral part of the UAE. we will continue to urge Iran to respond to our repeated calls to resolve this issue, either through direct negotiations or by resorting to the International Court of Justice. In all other issues, the UAE believes that the best way to resolve crises is through diplomacy. We cannot fight fire with fire. Mr. President, Building a secure and prosperous future requires renovating the mechanisms of multilateralism to better address the serious challenges surrounding us. Therefore, we must undertake important roles in finding solutions for conflicts and crises, particularly as the current international system has proven ineffective in preventing the most serious crimes or holding its perpetrators accountable. This requires, in the first place, reforming the Security Council through a comprehensive effort that includes all member states of the United Nations. This would allow the Security Council to restore its credibility, fulfill its mandate of maintaining international peace and security, and combat impunity. even in situations where polarization and political considerations prevent the Council from taking action. Developing and poor countries must also be at the center of any international effort. We also must ensure that women and young people are empowered to play their critical and meaningful roles in all aspects of collective action. While we are preoccupied with addressing the current reality, we must not lose sight of the importance of crisis prevention efforts. The deadliest wars in history did not break out overnight. They were a result of extremism, hate speech, and intolerance accumulating over years, if not decades. This requires taking concrete steps to uphold the principles of tolerance and peaceful coexistence and coordinate regional and international efforts to extinguish the sparks of conflict before they even start. Furthermore, collective action is the only way to address the challenges threatening the future of humanity and our planet, including climate change. The outcomes of the 28th session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference hosted by the UAE demonstrated what we can achieve when we work together. The historic UAE consensus adopted by 198 countries embodies a global consensus on developing measures to prevent global warming above 1.5 degrees Celsius and operationalize the loss and damage fund to compensate the countries most affected by climate change. we will continue to cooperate with everyone to support climate action and clean and renewable energy solutions, including through the Troika of the Presidencies of the Conference of the Parties initiative with Azerbaijan and Brazil to provide a concrete response that contributes to the achievement of the objectives of international climate agreements. We will also continue our efforts to address the issue of water scarcity and provide sustainable clean water for all, including through the UN Water Conference, which we intend to host in the UAE in 2026 in partnership with Senegal. Our other initiatives in this field, most notably, is... Our other initiative in this field is most notably the Mohammed bin Zayed Water Initiative launched this year. With this forward-looking spirit, we seek to explore and harness the potential opportunities provided by advanced technologies, as well as transform emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to find innovative solutions for our businesses, lives, and government services. We believe that international attention and investments should be directed towards these technologies to accelerate sustainable development and achieve transformative shifts in addressing the challenges we face in different fields. This will allow bridging development gaps and supporting progress for all. Mr. President, let us seize this opportunity to reform international collective action, our refuge in difficult times. Let us work together, hand in hand, to create a bright future that the next generations will be proud of. Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. I thank the Minister of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates. I now give the floor to His Excellency Peter Mohan","https://gadebate.un.org/en/79/united-arab-emirates","United Arab Emirates","His Excellency","Sheikh Shakhboot Nahyan Al-Nahyan","Minister of State","30 September 2024","https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ae_ar.pdf; https://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/79/ae_en.pdf","https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/ltd/mp3/ga/2024/79_AE_EN.mp3"