{ "schema": "https://github.com/Project-MONAI/MONAI-extra-test-data/releases/download/0.8.1/meta_schema_20220324.json", "version": "0.3.2", "changelog": { "0.3.2": "add name tag", "0.3.1": "fix license Copyright error", "0.3.0": "update license files", "0.2.0": "unify naming", "0.1.1": "add torchscript model", "0.1.0": "complete the model package" }, "monai_version": "0.9.1", "pytorch_version": "1.11.0", "numpy_version": "1.22.3", "optional_packages_version": { "nibabel": "3.2.2", "itk": "5.2.1", "pytorch-ignite": "0.4.9", "pandas": "1.4.2" }, "name": "Prostate MRI anatomy", "task": "Segmentation of peripheral zone and central gland in prostate MRI", "description": "A pre-trained model for volumetric (3D) segmentation of the prostate from MRI images", "authors": "Keno Bressem", "copyright": "Copyright (c) Keno Bressem", "data_source": "Prostate158 from 10.5281/zenodo.6481141", "data_type": "nifti", "image_classes": "single channel data, intensity scaled to [0, 1]", "label_classes": "singe channel data, 1 central gland, 2 periheral zone, 0 is everything else", "pred_classes": "3 channels OneHot data, channel 1 central gland, channel 2 is peripheral zone, channel 0 is background", "eval_metrics": { "mean_dice": { "central gland": 0.88, "peripheral zone": 0.75 } }, "intended_use": "This is an example, not to be used for diagnostic purposes", "references": [ "Adams, L. C., Makowski, M. R., Engel, G., Rattunde, M., Busch, F., Asbach, P., ... & Bressem, K. K. (2022). Prostate158-An expert-annotated 3T MRI dataset and algorithm for prostate cancer detection. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 148, 105817." ], "network_data_format": { "inputs": { "image": { "type": "image", "format": "magnitude", "modality": "MR", "num_channels": 1, "spatial_shape": [ 96, 96, 96 ], "dtype": "float32", "value_range": [ 0, 1 ], "is_patch_data": true, "channel_def": { "0": "image" } } }, "outputs": { "pred": { "type": "image", "format": "labels", "num_channels": 3, "spatial_shape": [ 96, 96, 96 ], "dtype": "float32", "value_range": [], "is_patch_data": true, "channel_def": { "0": "background", "1": "central gland", "2": "peripheral zone" } } } } }