There and Back Again: On the relation between noises, images, and their inversions in diffusion models
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) achieve state-of-the-art performance in synthesizing new images from random noise, but they lack meaningful latent space that encodes data into features. Recent DDPM-based editing techniques try to mitigate this issue by inverting images back to their approximated staring noise. In this work, we study the relation between the initial Gaussian noise, the samples generated from it, and their corresponding latent encodings obtained through the inversion procedure. First, we interpret their spatial distance relations to show the inaccuracy of the DDIM inversion technique by localizing latent representations manifold between the initial noise and generated samples. Then, we demonstrate the peculiar relation between initial Gaussian noise and its corresponding generations during diffusion training, showing that the high-level features of generated images stabilize rapidly, keeping the spatial distance relationship between noises and generations consistent throughout the training.
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