Training in progress, epoch 1
Browse files- config.json +3260 -0
- model.safetensors +3 -0
- runs/Sep30_11-44-09_abfac1062c89/events.out.tfevents.1727696652.abfac1062c89.894.0 +3 -0
- special_tokens_map.json +51 -0
- spiece.model +3 -0
- tokenizer.json +0 -0
- tokenizer_config.json +823 -0
- training_args.bin +3 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,3260 @@
1 |
2 |
"_name_or_path": "google/bigbird-roberta-base",
3 |
"architectures": [
4 |
5 |
6 |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
7 |
"attention_type": "block_sparse",
8 |
"block_size": 64,
9 |
"bos_token_id": 1,
10 |
"classifier_dropout": null,
11 |
"eos_token_id": 2,
12 |
"gradient_checkpointing": false,
13 |
"hidden_act": "gelu_new",
14 |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1,
15 |
"hidden_size": 768,
16 |
"id2label": {
17 |
"0": "B-AIDS",
18 |
"1": "B-AVBlock",
19 |
"2": "B-AbnormalBloodClotting",
20 |
"3": "B-AbnormalBloodTests",
21 |
"4": "B-AbnormalKidneyFunction",
22 |
"5": "B-AbnormalLiverFunction",
23 |
"6": "B-AbnormalLiverFunctionTests",
24 |
"7": "B-AbnormalVaginalBleeding",
25 |
"8": "B-Accidents",
26 |
"9": "B-Aches",
27 |
"10": "B-ActiveBleeding",
28 |
"11": "B-Activity",
29 |
"12": "B-AddisonsDisease",
30 |
"13": "B-AdrenalGlandDisorder",
31 |
"14": "B-AdrenalGlandProblem",
32 |
"15": "B-Age",
33 |
"16": "B-Aggressive",
34 |
"17": "B-Agitated",
35 |
"18": "B-Agitation",
36 |
"19": "B-AirRelease",
37 |
"20": "B-AirTrapped",
38 |
"21": "B-Alcohol",
39 |
"22": "B-Alcoholism",
40 |
"23": "B-Alertness",
41 |
"24": "B-AllergicReaction",
42 |
"25": "B-Allergy",
43 |
"26": "B-AllergyTesting",
44 |
"27": "B-AllergyTreatment",
45 |
"28": "B-AlteredSenseOfTaste",
46 |
"29": "B-AlteredTaste",
47 |
"30": "B-Anemia",
48 |
"31": "B-Angina",
49 |
"32": "B-Ankles",
50 |
"33": "B-Antacid",
51 |
"34": "B-AntiEpileptic",
52 |
"35": "B-Antibiotic",
53 |
"36": "B-Antibiotics",
54 |
"37": "B-Anticonvulsant",
55 |
"38": "B-Antidepressant",
56 |
"39": "B-Antidepressants",
57 |
"40": "B-Antifungal",
58 |
"41": "B-AntihypertensiveAgents",
59 |
"42": "B-Antipsychotic",
60 |
"43": "B-AntipsychoticMedicines",
61 |
"44": "B-Antiviral",
62 |
"45": "B-Anxiety",
63 |
"46": "B-Anxious",
64 |
"47": "B-AppetiteChanges",
65 |
"48": "B-Artery",
66 |
"49": "B-Arthritis",
67 |
"50": "B-Aspirin",
68 |
"51": "B-Asthma",
69 |
"52": "B-AsthmaMedication",
70 |
"53": "B-AutoimmuneDisorders",
71 |
"54": "B-BackPain",
72 |
"55": "B-Bacteria",
73 |
"56": "B-BacterialInfection",
74 |
"57": "B-BadBreath",
75 |
"58": "B-BalanceProblems",
76 |
"59": "B-BehaviorChanges",
77 |
"60": "B-Beverages",
78 |
"61": "B-BirthControl",
79 |
"62": "B-BlackStools",
80 |
"63": "B-Bladder",
81 |
"64": "B-BladderBiopsy",
82 |
"65": "B-BladderCancer",
83 |
"66": "B-BladderControl",
84 |
"67": "B-BladderInfection",
85 |
"68": "B-BladderSymptoms",
86 |
"69": "B-Bleed",
87 |
"70": "B-Bleeding",
88 |
"71": "B-BleedingAroundIV",
89 |
"72": "B-BleedingGums",
90 |
"73": "B-BleedingInBrain",
91 |
"74": "B-BleedingInTheBrain",
92 |
"75": "B-BleedingInjury",
93 |
"76": "B-BleedingInsideBody",
94 |
"77": "B-BleedingProblems",
95 |
"78": "B-BleedingThatWillNotStop",
96 |
"79": "B-Blinking",
97 |
"80": "B-Blistering",
98 |
"81": "B-Blisters",
99 |
"82": "B-Bloating",
100 |
"83": "B-Blockage",
101 |
"84": "B-Blood",
102 |
"85": "B-BloodCancerType",
103 |
"86": "B-BloodCellDisorder",
104 |
"87": "B-BloodCellLevels",
105 |
"88": "B-BloodCells",
106 |
"89": "B-BloodClot",
107 |
"90": "B-BloodClots",
108 |
"91": "B-BloodClottingTests",
109 |
"92": "B-BloodInStools",
110 |
"93": "B-BloodInUrine",
111 |
"94": "B-BloodLevels",
112 |
"95": "B-BloodPressure",
113 |
"96": "B-BloodPressureMedication",
114 |
"97": "B-BloodPressureMedicine",
115 |
"98": "B-BloodTests",
116 |
"99": "B-BloodThinner",
117 |
"100": "B-BloodVesselConditions",
118 |
"101": "B-BloodyDiarrhea",
119 |
"102": "B-BloodyStools",
120 |
"103": "B-BloodyTarryStools",
121 |
"104": "B-BlueSkin",
122 |
"105": "B-BlurredVision",
123 |
"106": "B-Body",
124 |
"107": "B-BodyAches",
125 |
"108": "B-BodyFatChanges",
126 |
"109": "B-BodyPart",
127 |
"110": "B-BoosterDose",
128 |
"111": "B-BowelHabits",
129 |
"112": "B-Brain",
130 |
"113": "B-BrainWaveTest",
131 |
"114": "B-BreastCancer",
132 |
"115": "B-BreastDischarge",
133 |
"116": "B-BreastMilk",
134 |
"117": "B-BreastSwelling",
135 |
"118": "B-Breastfeeding",
136 |
"119": "B-Breathing",
137 |
"120": "B-BreathingDisorder",
138 |
"121": "B-BreathingProblems",
139 |
"122": "B-Bronchitis",
140 |
"123": "B-BrownUrine",
141 |
"124": "B-Bruising",
142 |
"125": "B-BrushingTeeth",
143 |
"126": "B-Bupropion",
144 |
"127": "B-Burning",
145 |
"128": "B-BurningEyes",
146 |
"129": "B-BurningOrIrritation",
147 |
"130": "B-BurningPain",
148 |
"131": "B-BurningSensation",
149 |
"132": "B-Burping",
150 |
"133": "B-COPD",
151 |
"134": "B-Cancer",
152 |
"135": "B-CancerMedicine",
153 |
"136": "B-CancerMedicines",
154 |
"137": "B-CancerTreatments",
155 |
"138": "B-CardiovascularImpairment",
156 |
"139": "B-CardiovascularMortality",
157 |
"140": "B-CataractFormation",
158 |
"141": "B-Catheter",
159 |
"142": "B-CeliacDisease",
160 |
"143": "B-CerebralThrombosis",
161 |
"144": "B-ChangesInKidneyFunction",
162 |
"145": "B-ChangesInMenstrualPeriods",
163 |
"146": "B-ChangesInTaste",
164 |
"147": "B-ChangesInVision",
165 |
"148": "B-ChangesInWeight",
166 |
"149": "B-ChangesMenstrualPeriods",
167 |
"150": "B-Chantix",
168 |
"151": "B-Chemotherapy",
169 |
"152": "B-Chest",
170 |
"153": "B-ChestPain",
171 |
"154": "B-ChestPressure",
172 |
"155": "B-ChestTightness",
173 |
"156": "B-Chewing",
174 |
"157": "B-Child",
175 |
"158": "B-Children",
176 |
"159": "B-Chills",
177 |
"160": "B-Choking",
178 |
"161": "B-ChokingFeeling",
179 |
"162": "B-CholesterolMedication",
180 |
"163": "B-ChronicBronchitis",
181 |
"164": "B-ClayColoredStools",
182 |
"165": "B-Clinic",
183 |
"166": "B-Coagulating",
184 |
"167": "B-Coagulation",
185 |
"168": "B-CoffeeGrounds",
186 |
"169": "B-CoffeeGroundsVomiting",
187 |
"170": "B-Cold",
188 |
"171": "B-ColdExtremities",
189 |
"172": "B-ColdFeeling",
190 |
"173": "B-ColdFluRelief",
191 |
"174": "B-ColdHandsFeet",
192 |
"175": "B-ColdSores",
193 |
"176": "B-ColdSymptoms",
194 |
"177": "B-ColonPolyps",
195 |
"178": "B-ColorChange",
196 |
"179": "B-CommonSideEffects",
197 |
"180": "B-Completeness",
198 |
"181": "B-Confusion",
199 |
"182": "B-CongenitalHypothyroidism",
200 |
"183": "B-Congestion",
201 |
"184": "B-CongestiveHeartFailure",
202 |
"185": "B-Constipation",
203 |
"186": "B-CoordinationProblems",
204 |
"187": "B-CoronaryArteryDisease",
205 |
"188": "B-Cough",
206 |
"189": "B-CoughMucus",
207 |
"190": "B-CoughingBlood",
208 |
"191": "B-CoughingUpBlood",
209 |
"192": "B-CoughingUpMucus",
210 |
"193": "B-CoughingUpMucusBlood",
211 |
"194": "B-Counseling",
212 |
"195": "B-CreatinineClearance",
213 |
"196": "B-Crusting",
214 |
"197": "B-Crystals",
215 |
"198": "B-CysticFibrosis",
216 |
"199": "B-CytokineReleaseSyndrome",
217 |
"200": "B-DarkUrine",
218 |
"201": "B-Death",
219 |
"202": "B-DecreasedAlertness",
220 |
"203": "B-DecreasedBloodCellCounts",
221 |
"204": "B-DecreasedBloodFlow",
222 |
"205": "B-DecreasedNightVision",
223 |
"206": "B-Dehydration",
224 |
"207": "B-DementiaRelatedPsychosis",
225 |
"208": "B-DentalWork",
226 |
"209": "B-Dentist",
227 |
"210": "B-Depressed",
228 |
"211": "B-Depression",
229 |
"212": "B-DermatitisHerpetiformis",
230 |
"213": "B-Device",
231 |
"214": "B-Diabetes",
232 |
"215": "B-Dialysis",
233 |
"216": "B-Diarrhea",
234 |
"217": "B-Diet",
235 |
"218": "B-DifficultBreathing",
236 |
"219": "B-DifficultyBreathing",
237 |
"220": "B-DigestiveTractBleeding",
238 |
"221": "B-Diltiazem",
239 |
"222": "B-Discharge",
240 |
"223": "B-Disease",
241 |
"224": "B-Diseases",
242 |
"225": "B-Dizziness",
243 |
"226": "B-Dizzy",
244 |
"227": "B-Dosage",
245 |
"228": "B-DosageInformation",
246 |
"229": "B-DoubleVision",
247 |
"230": "B-Drainage",
248 |
"231": "B-Driving",
249 |
"232": "B-Drooling",
250 |
"233": "B-DroopingEyelids",
251 |
"234": "B-Drowsiness",
252 |
"235": "B-DrugClass",
253 |
"236": "B-DrugCount",
254 |
"237": "B-DrugDosageForm",
255 |
"238": "B-DrugDose",
256 |
"239": "B-DrugInteractions",
257 |
"240": "B-DrugName",
258 |
"241": "B-DryEye",
259 |
"242": "B-DryEyes",
260 |
"243": "B-DryMouth",
261 |
"244": "B-DrySkin",
262 |
"245": "B-Dryness",
263 |
"246": "B-ECG",
264 |
"247": "B-EasyBruising",
265 |
"248": "B-EasyBruisingBleeding",
266 |
"249": "B-EffectiveRefractoryPeriod",
267 |
"250": "B-ElectrolyteImbalance",
268 |
"251": "B-EmergencyMedicalAttention",
269 |
"252": "B-EmergencyMedicalHelp",
270 |
"253": "B-EmergencyMedicalLine",
271 |
"254": "B-EmergencyMedicalLineNumber",
272 |
"255": "B-Emphysema",
273 |
"256": "B-EnlargedProstate",
274 |
"257": "B-EnlargedThyroid",
275 |
"258": "B-Epilepsy",
276 |
"259": "B-ErectionProblems",
277 |
"260": "B-Exercise",
278 |
"261": "B-ExtremeFear",
279 |
"262": "B-ExtremeWeakness",
280 |
"263": "B-EyeDryness",
281 |
"264": "B-EyeIrritation",
282 |
"265": "B-EyeItching",
283 |
"266": "B-EyeMovement",
284 |
"267": "B-EyeMovementProblems",
285 |
"268": "B-EyePain",
286 |
"269": "B-EyePatches",
287 |
"270": "B-EyeRedness",
288 |
"271": "B-EyeSurgery",
289 |
"272": "B-EyeSwelling",
290 |
"273": "B-EyelidItching",
291 |
"274": "B-EyelidSwelling",
292 |
"275": "B-Eyes",
293 |
"276": "B-Face",
294 |
"277": "B-FacialRash",
295 |
"278": "B-FacialSwelling",
296 |
"279": "B-Faint",
297 |
"280": "B-Fainting",
298 |
"281": "B-Falls",
299 |
"282": "B-FastHeartRate",
300 |
"283": "B-FastHeartbeat",
301 |
"284": "B-FastHeartbeats",
302 |
"285": "B-FatalProblems",
303 |
"286": "B-FeedingProblems",
304 |
"287": "B-FeelingCold",
305 |
"288": "B-FeelingDepressed",
306 |
"289": "B-FeelingHot",
307 |
"290": "B-FeelingLightHeaded",
308 |
"291": "B-FeelingNervous",
309 |
"292": "B-FeelingShortOfBreath",
310 |
"293": "B-FeelingTiredShortOfBreath",
311 |
"294": "B-FeelingUnsteady",
312 |
"295": "B-Feet",
313 |
"296": "B-Fertility",
314 |
"297": "B-FertilityProblems",
315 |
"298": "B-Fever",
316 |
"299": "B-FeverRelief",
317 |
"300": "B-FibrinSealant",
318 |
"301": "B-Flu",
319 |
"302": "B-FluLikeSymptoms",
320 |
"303": "B-FluSymptoms",
321 |
"304": "B-Fluids",
322 |
"305": "B-Flushing",
323 |
"306": "B-FlutteringChest",
324 |
"307": "B-FoamyUrine",
325 |
"308": "B-Food",
326 |
"309": "B-FoodandDrugAdministration",
327 |
"310": "B-FoodandDrugCallNumber",
328 |
"311": "B-ForeignBodySensation",
329 |
"312": "B-FreezeDriedProduct",
330 |
"313": "B-FrequentUrination",
331 |
"314": "B-Frowning",
332 |
"315": "B-FruitJuice",
333 |
"316": "B-FullFeeling",
334 |
"317": "B-FungalInfection",
335 |
"318": "B-GamblingUrges",
336 |
"319": "B-Gas",
337 |
"320": "B-GasPressure",
338 |
"321": "B-Gasping",
339 |
"322": "B-GeneralDiscomfort",
340 |
"323": "B-GeneralIllFeeling",
341 |
"324": "B-GenitalArea",
342 |
"325": "B-Glaucoma",
343 |
"326": "B-Goiter",
344 |
"327": "B-GroupSupport",
345 |
"328": "B-Gum",
346 |
"329": "B-GumPain",
347 |
"330": "B-HIV",
348 |
"331": "B-HUV",
349 |
"332": "B-HairDryness",
350 |
"333": "B-HairLoss",
351 |
"334": "B-Hallucinations",
352 |
"335": "B-Halos",
353 |
"336": "B-Hands",
354 |
"337": "B-HarmfulSituation",
355 |
"338": "B-HazardousActivity",
356 |
"339": "B-HeadInjury",
357 |
"340": "B-Headache",
358 |
"341": "B-Headaches",
359 |
"342": "B-HealthDepartment",
360 |
"343": "B-HealthEmployee",
361 |
"344": "B-HearingLoss",
362 |
"345": "B-HearingProblems",
363 |
"346": "B-Heart",
364 |
"347": "B-HeartAttack",
365 |
"348": "B-HeartAttackStroke",
366 |
"349": "B-HeartBypassSurgery",
367 |
"350": "B-HeartCondition",
368 |
"351": "B-HeartConditions",
369 |
"352": "B-HeartDisease",
370 |
"353": "B-HeartFailure",
371 |
"354": "B-HeartFunction",
372 |
"355": "B-HeartMedication",
373 |
"356": "B-HeartProblems",
374 |
"357": "B-HeartRate",
375 |
"358": "B-HeartRhythmDisorder",
376 |
"359": "B-HeartRhythmMedicine",
377 |
"360": "B-Heartbeats",
378 |
"361": "B-Heartburn",
379 |
"362": "B-HeatStroke",
380 |
"363": "B-HeavyFeeling",
381 |
"364": "B-HerbalProducts",
382 |
"365": "B-HerbalSupplements",
383 |
"366": "B-Hiccups",
384 |
"367": "B-HighBloodPotassium",
385 |
"368": "B-HighBloodPressure",
386 |
"369": "B-HighCholesterol",
387 |
"370": "B-HighDoses",
388 |
"371": "B-HighFever",
389 |
"372": "B-HighPressureSettings",
390 |
"373": "B-HighTriglycerides",
391 |
"374": "B-HighUricAcid",
392 |
"375": "B-Hives",
393 |
"376": "B-HoarseVoice",
394 |
"377": "B-Hospital",
395 |
"378": "B-Hostile",
396 |
"379": "B-Hostility",
397 |
"380": "B-HotFlashes",
398 |
"381": "B-HotWeather",
399 |
"382": "B-HumanPlasma",
400 |
"383": "B-Hunger",
401 |
"384": "B-Hyperactive",
402 |
"385": "B-Hypertension",
403 |
"386": "B-Hypokalemia",
404 |
"387": "B-Hypothyroidism",
405 |
"388": "B-IVHeartMedication",
406 |
"389": "B-Ibuprofen",
407 |
"390": "B-ImmuneSystem",
408 |
"391": "B-Immunization",
409 |
"392": "B-Impotence",
410 |
"393": "B-Impulsive",
411 |
"394": "B-ImpulsiveBehavior",
412 |
"395": "B-IncreasedAppetite",
413 |
"396": "B-IncreasedBloodPressure",
414 |
"397": "B-IncreasedDreaming",
415 |
"398": "B-IncreasedFluidIntake",
416 |
"399": "B-IncreasedPressure",
417 |
"400": "B-IncreasedSalivation",
418 |
"401": "B-IncreasedSeizures",
419 |
"402": "B-IncreasedSensitivityToLight",
420 |
"403": "B-IncreasedSweating",
421 |
"404": "B-IncreasedThirst",
422 |
"405": "B-IncreasedUrination",
423 |
"406": "B-Indigestion",
424 |
"407": "B-Infection",
425 |
"408": "B-Infections",
426 |
"409": "B-Inflammation",
427 |
"410": "B-InjectionSitePain",
428 |
"411": "B-Injury",
429 |
"412": "B-InstructionsForUse",
430 |
"413": "B-IntenseUrges",
431 |
"414": "B-InternalBleeding",
432 |
"415": "B-IntestinalBleeding",
433 |
"416": "B-Iodide",
434 |
"417": "B-Iodine",
435 |
"418": "B-IodinePoisoning",
436 |
"419": "B-IrregularHeartbeats",
437 |
"420": "B-IrregularMenstrualPeriods",
438 |
"421": "B-Irritability",
439 |
"422": "B-Irritable",
440 |
"423": "B-Irritation",
441 |
"424": "B-Itching",
442 |
"425": "B-ItchingEars",
443 |
"426": "B-ItchyEyelids",
444 |
"427": "B-ItchySkinRash",
445 |
"428": "B-Jaundice",
446 |
"429": "B-JitteryFeeling",
447 |
"430": "B-JointPain",
448 |
"431": "B-Ketoprofen",
449 |
"432": "B-KidneyDialysis",
450 |
"433": "B-KidneyDisease",
451 |
"434": "B-KidneyFailure",
452 |
"435": "B-KidneyFunction",
453 |
"436": "B-KidneyProblems",
454 |
"437": "B-KidneyStones",
455 |
"438": "B-LaboratoryStaff",
456 |
"439": "B-LackOfCoordination",
457 |
"440": "B-LackOfEnergy",
458 |
"441": "B-LegCramps",
459 |
"442": "B-LegPain",
460 |
"443": "B-LegSwelling",
461 |
"444": "B-LessSeriousSideEffects",
462 |
"445": "B-Leukemia",
463 |
"446": "B-LifeThreateningNerveProblems",
464 |
"447": "B-LightHeaded",
465 |
"448": "B-LightHeadedFeeling",
466 |
"449": "B-LightHeadedness",
467 |
"450": "B-LightSensitivity",
468 |
"451": "B-LimpFeeling",
469 |
"452": "B-LipSmacking",
470 |
"453": "B-LiquidMedicine",
471 |
"454": "B-Liquids",
472 |
"455": "B-LittleUrination",
473 |
"456": "B-LiveVaccine",
474 |
"457": "B-LiverDamage",
475 |
"458": "B-LiverDisease",
476 |
"459": "B-LiverFunction",
477 |
"460": "B-LiverFunctions",
478 |
"461": "B-LiverProblems",
479 |
"462": "B-Location",
480 |
"463": "B-LongQTSyndrome",
481 |
"464": "B-LongTermUse",
482 |
"465": "B-LossOfAppetite",
483 |
"466": "B-LossOfBalance",
484 |
"467": "B-LossOfBladderControl",
485 |
"468": "B-LossOfControl",
486 |
"469": "B-LossOfCoordination",
487 |
"470": "B-LossOfMovement",
488 |
"471": "B-LowBirthWeight",
489 |
"472": "B-LowBloodCellCounts",
490 |
"473": "B-LowBloodPressure",
491 |
"474": "B-LowBloodSugar",
492 |
"475": "B-LowHemoglobin",
493 |
"476": "B-LowPlatelets",
494 |
"477": "B-LowPotassium",
495 |
"478": "B-LowRedBloodCells",
496 |
"479": "B-LowSaltDiet",
497 |
"480": "B-LowSodium",
498 |
"481": "B-LowThyroid",
499 |
"482": "B-LowWBC",
500 |
"483": "B-LowWhiteBloodCellCount",
501 |
"484": "B-LowWhiteBloodCellCounts",
502 |
"485": "B-LowWhiteBloodCells",
503 |
"486": "B-LowerBackPain",
504 |
"487": "B-LowerJaw",
505 |
"488": "B-LowerLegs",
506 |
"489": "B-Lozenges",
507 |
"490": "B-LungProblems",
508 |
"491": "B-Lymphoma",
509 |
"492": "B-Malaria",
510 |
"493": "B-MalariaMedicine",
511 |
"494": "B-MeaslesDisease",
512 |
"495": "B-MeasuringDevice",
513 |
"496": "B-MedicalAlert",
514 |
"497": "B-MedicalConditions",
515 |
"498": "B-MedicalEmergency",
516 |
"499": "B-MedicalProcedure",
517 |
"500": "B-MedicalProduct",
518 |
"501": "B-MedicalProducts",
519 |
"502": "B-MedicalSetting",
520 |
"503": "B-MedicalTests",
521 |
"504": "B-MedicationForm",
522 |
"505": "B-MedicationGuide",
523 |
"506": "B-MedicationLabel",
524 |
"507": "B-Medications",
525 |
"508": "B-Medicines",
526 |
"509": "B-MemoryProblems",
527 |
"510": "B-MenstrualChanges",
528 |
"511": "B-MentalIllness",
529 |
"512": "B-MetallicTaste",
530 |
"513": "B-Migraine",
531 |
"514": "B-MildBurning",
532 |
"515": "B-MildHeadache",
533 |
"516": "B-MildIrritation",
534 |
"517": "B-MildItching",
535 |
"518": "B-MildRash",
536 |
"519": "B-MildStinging",
537 |
"520": "B-Milk",
538 |
"521": "B-MinorBurning",
539 |
"522": "B-Miscarriage",
540 |
"523": "B-MissingAppointment",
541 |
"524": "B-MissingDose",
542 |
"525": "B-MoodChanges",
543 |
"526": "B-MoodDisorder",
544 |
"527": "B-MoreDepressed",
545 |
"528": "B-Mouth",
546 |
"529": "B-MouthSoreness",
547 |
"530": "B-MouthSores",
548 |
"531": "B-MovementDisorder",
549 |
"532": "B-MovementLoss",
550 |
"533": "B-Mucus",
551 |
"534": "B-MultipleSclerosis",
552 |
"535": "B-MumpsVirus",
553 |
"536": "B-MuscleAches",
554 |
"537": "B-MuscleCramps",
555 |
"538": "B-MuscleDisorder",
556 |
"539": "B-MuscleDisorders",
557 |
"540": "B-MusclePain",
558 |
"541": "B-MuscleStiffness",
559 |
"542": "B-MuscleTwitching",
560 |
"543": "B-MuscleWeakness",
561 |
"544": "B-MyastheniaGravis",
562 |
"545": "B-MyocardialInfarction",
563 |
"546": "B-MyotoniaCongenita",
564 |
"547": "B-Myxedema",
565 |
"548": "B-NSAID",
566 |
"549": "B-Naproxen",
567 |
"550": "B-Nausea",
568 |
"551": "B-Neck",
569 |
"552": "B-NerveDamage",
570 |
"553": "B-NervePain",
571 |
"554": "B-NerveProblems",
572 |
"555": "B-Nervous",
573 |
"556": "B-Nervousness",
574 |
"557": "B-NewBreathingProblems",
575 |
"558": "B-NewChestPain",
576 |
"559": "B-NewCough",
577 |
"560": "B-NewInfection",
578 |
"561": "B-NewVisionChanges",
579 |
"562": "B-Newborn",
580 |
"563": "B-Nicardipine",
581 |
"564": "B-Nicotine",
582 |
"565": "B-NightSweats",
583 |
"566": "B-NoUrination",
584 |
"567": "B-NoisyBreathing",
585 |
"568": "B-Nosebleed",
586 |
"569": "B-Nosebleeds",
587 |
"570": "B-NuclearRadiation",
588 |
"571": "B-NuclearRadiationEmergency",
589 |
"572": "B-Number",
590 |
"573": "B-Numbness",
591 |
"574": "B-NumbnessTinglyFeeling",
592 |
"575": "B-OTC",
593 |
"576": "B-Obesity",
594 |
"577": "B-Odor",
595 |
"578": "B-OlderAdults",
596 |
"579": "B-OngoingDiarrhea",
597 |
"580": "B-Oozing",
598 |
"581": "B-OpioidMedication",
599 |
"582": "B-OrganTransplant",
600 |
"583": "B-OverDose",
601 |
"584": "B-OverDoseSymptoms",
602 |
"585": "B-OverTheCounter",
603 |
"586": "B-OveractiveThyroid",
604 |
"587": "B-Overdose",
605 |
"588": "B-Overheating",
606 |
"589": "B-Pain",
607 |
"590": "B-PainBehindEyes",
608 |
"591": "B-PainInLimb",
609 |
"592": "B-PainRelief",
610 |
"593": "B-PainSpreading",
611 |
"594": "B-PainfulSkinSores",
612 |
"595": "B-PainfulSores",
613 |
"596": "B-PainfulUrination",
614 |
"597": "B-PaleSkin",
615 |
"598": "B-PancreasProblems",
616 |
"599": "B-Pancreatitis",
617 |
"600": "B-Panic",
618 |
"601": "B-PanicAttacks",
619 |
"602": "B-ParkinsonsDisease",
620 |
"603": "B-PartialHairLoss",
621 |
"604": "B-PartialSeizures",
622 |
"605": "B-Peeling",
623 |
"606": "B-PelvicPain",
624 |
"607": "B-PenisInfection",
625 |
"608": "B-Perforation",
626 |
"609": "B-PeripheralNeuropathy",
627 |
"610": "B-PeripheralVascularDisease",
628 |
"611": "B-Petechiae",
629 |
"612": "B-Pharmacist",
630 |
"613": "B-Phenothiazine",
631 |
"614": "B-Phenylalanine",
632 |
"615": "B-Phenylketonuria",
633 |
"616": "B-PinkUrine",
634 |
"617": "B-Platelets",
635 |
"618": "B-PotassiumChannelBlockers",
636 |
"619": "B-PotassiumIodide",
637 |
"620": "B-PoundingHeartbeats",
638 |
"621": "B-PoundingInNeck",
639 |
"622": "B-Pregnancy",
640 |
"623": "B-PrematureBirth",
641 |
"624": "B-Prescription",
642 |
"625": "B-PricklyFeeling",
643 |
"626": "B-ProblemsWithHearing",
644 |
"627": "B-ProblemsWithSpeech",
645 |
"628": "B-Protein",
646 |
"629": "B-Psoriasis",
647 |
"630": "B-PuffyEyes",
648 |
"631": "B-PurpleSpots",
649 |
"632": "B-QTInterval",
650 |
"633": "B-QTc",
651 |
"634": "B-Radiation",
652 |
"635": "B-RadiationTreatments",
653 |
"636": "B-RadioactiveIodine",
654 |
"637": "B-Radioiodine",
655 |
"638": "B-RapidHeartRate",
656 |
"639": "B-RapidWeightGain",
657 |
"640": "B-Rash",
658 |
"641": "B-RaynaudSyndrome",
659 |
"642": "B-Reactions",
660 |
"643": "B-RedEyelids",
661 |
"644": "B-RedRash",
662 |
"645": "B-RedSkinRash",
663 |
"646": "B-RedUrine",
664 |
"647": "B-Redness",
665 |
"648": "B-ReducedUrination",
666 |
"649": "B-ReflexProblems",
667 |
"650": "B-Reinfarction",
668 |
"651": "B-ReplacementProduct",
669 |
"652": "B-Restless",
670 |
"653": "B-Restlessness",
671 |
"654": "B-RheumatoidArthritis",
672 |
"655": "B-RightSidedPain",
673 |
"656": "B-RightSidedStomachPain",
674 |
"657": "B-RigidMuscles",
675 |
"658": "B-RingingEars",
676 |
"659": "B-RingingInEars",
677 |
"660": "B-Rotavirus",
678 |
"661": "B-RubellaVirus",
679 |
"662": "B-RunnyNose",
680 |
"663": "B-RunnyOrStuffyNose",
681 |
"664": "B-Salicylates",
682 |
"665": "B-Schedule",
683 |
"666": "B-Schizophrenia",
684 |
"667": "B-SeeingHalos",
685 |
"668": "B-Seizure",
686 |
"669": "B-SeizureDisorder",
687 |
"670": "B-SeizureMedicine",
688 |
"671": "B-Seizures",
689 |
"672": "B-SelfHarmThoughts",
690 |
"673": "B-SensitivityToLight",
691 |
"674": "B-SeriousBloodClottingProblem",
692 |
"675": "B-SeriousDrugReaction",
693 |
"676": "B-SeriousEffects",
694 |
"677": "B-SeriousHeartProblem",
695 |
"678": "B-SeriousInfections",
696 |
"679": "B-SeriousMovementDisorder",
697 |
"680": "B-SeriousSideEffect",
698 |
"681": "B-SeriousSideEffects",
699 |
"682": "B-SevereAllergicReaction",
700 |
"683": "B-SevereBleeding",
701 |
"684": "B-SevereBurning",
702 |
"685": "B-SevereConstipation",
703 |
"686": "B-SevereDiarrhea",
704 |
"687": "B-SevereDiscomfort",
705 |
"688": "B-SevereDizziness",
706 |
"689": "B-SevereEyeRedness",
707 |
"690": "B-SevereHeadache",
708 |
"691": "B-SevereInflammation",
709 |
"692": "B-SevereInjuries",
710 |
"693": "B-SevereIrritation",
711 |
"694": "B-SevereItching",
712 |
"695": "B-SevereLiverDisease",
713 |
"696": "B-SevereMouthThroatIrritation",
714 |
"697": "B-SevereNervousSystemReaction",
715 |
"698": "B-SeverePain",
716 |
"699": "B-SeverePainUpperStomach",
717 |
"700": "B-SevereRedness",
718 |
"701": "B-SevereSkinRash",
719 |
"702": "B-SevereSkinReaction",
720 |
"703": "B-SevereStinging",
721 |
"704": "B-SevereStomachCramps",
722 |
"705": "B-SevereStomachPain",
723 |
"706": "B-SevereSwelling",
724 |
"707": "B-SevereWeakness",
725 |
"708": "B-SexualUrges",
726 |
"709": "B-Shaving",
727 |
"710": "B-ShortnessOfBreath",
728 |
"711": "B-ShoulderPain",
729 |
"712": "B-SideEffects",
730 |
"713": "B-SideOfBody",
731 |
"714": "B-SidePain",
732 |
"715": "B-SignsOfCHF",
733 |
"716": "B-SignsOfInfection",
734 |
"717": "B-SignsOfStomachBleeding",
735 |
"718": "B-SinusPain",
736 |
"719": "B-SkeletalMuscleBreakdown",
737 |
"720": "B-SkinIrritation",
738 |
"721": "B-SkinPain",
739 |
"722": "B-SkinRash",
740 |
"723": "B-SkinReaction",
741 |
"724": "B-SkinSores",
742 |
"725": "B-SkinTissues",
743 |
"726": "B-SkinWound",
744 |
"727": "B-SleepProblems",
745 |
"728": "B-Sleepy",
746 |
"729": "B-SlowBreathing",
747 |
"730": "B-SlowHealing",
748 |
"731": "B-SlowHeartRate",
749 |
"732": "B-SlowHeartbeats",
750 |
"733": "B-SlurredSpeech",
751 |
"734": "B-Smoking",
752 |
"735": "B-SmokingCessation",
753 |
"736": "B-SmokingCessationMedicine",
754 |
"737": "B-Sneezing",
755 |
"738": "B-SoreThroat",
756 |
"739": "B-SpeechProblems",
757 |
"740": "B-SpinalBloodClot",
758 |
"741": "B-SpinningSensation",
759 |
"742": "B-SprayApplication",
760 |
"743": "B-SprayDevice",
761 |
"744": "B-SpreadingPain",
762 |
"745": "B-SpreadingPainBack",
763 |
"746": "B-StatusEpilepticus",
764 |
"747": "B-Stent",
765 |
"748": "B-Stents",
766 |
"749": "B-Steroids",
767 |
"750": "B-Sticking",
768 |
"751": "B-Stiffness",
769 |
"752": "B-Stillbirth",
770 |
"753": "B-Stinging",
771 |
"754": "B-Stomach",
772 |
"755": "B-StomachBleeding",
773 |
"756": "B-StomachBloating",
774 |
"757": "B-StomachCramps",
775 |
"758": "B-StomachDiscomfort",
776 |
"759": "B-StomachPain",
777 |
"760": "B-StomachUlcer",
778 |
"761": "B-Stools",
779 |
"762": "B-StorageConditions",
780 |
"763": "B-Stroke",
781 |
"764": "B-StuffyNose",
782 |
"765": "B-SuddenDizziness",
783 |
"766": "B-SuddenNumbness",
784 |
"767": "B-SuddenVisionChanges",
785 |
"768": "B-SuicidalThoughts",
786 |
"769": "B-Surgeon",
787 |
"770": "B-Surgery",
788 |
"771": "B-Swallowing",
789 |
"772": "B-Sweating",
790 |
"773": "B-Swelling",
791 |
"774": "B-SwellingFeetAnkles",
792 |
"775": "B-SwellingMouthTongue",
793 |
"776": "B-SwellingRapidWeightGain",
794 |
"777": "B-SwellingRelief",
795 |
"778": "B-SwollenGlands",
796 |
"779": "B-SwollenGums",
797 |
"780": "B-Symptoms",
798 |
"781": "B-Tablet",
799 |
"782": "B-TarryStools",
800 |
"783": "B-Teenager",
801 |
"784": "B-TeethProblems",
802 |
"785": "B-Tenderness",
803 |
"786": "B-Tests",
804 |
"787": "B-Tg",
805 |
"788": "B-ThiazideDiuretic",
806 |
"789": "B-ThiazideDiuretics",
807 |
"790": "B-Thinking",
808 |
"791": "B-ThinkingProblems",
809 |
"792": "B-ThoughtProblems",
810 |
"793": "B-Throat",
811 |
"794": "B-ThroatIrritation",
812 |
"795": "B-ThroatPain",
813 |
"796": "B-ThroatSoreness",
814 |
"797": "B-Thyroid",
815 |
"798": "B-ThyroidDisorder",
816 |
"799": "B-ThyroidHarm",
817 |
"800": "B-ThyroidNodules",
818 |
"801": "B-ThyroidProblems",
819 |
"802": "B-ThyroidToxicity",
820 |
"803": "B-Thyroidectomy",
821 |
"804": "B-Thyroiditis",
822 |
"805": "B-Thyrotoxicosis",
823 |
"806": "B-Tightness",
824 |
"807": "B-Time",
825 |
"808": "B-Tingling",
826 |
"809": "B-TinglingArmsLegs",
827 |
"810": "B-TinglyFeeling",
828 |
"811": "B-Tinnitus",
829 |
"812": "B-TiredFeeling",
830 |
"813": "B-Tiredness",
831 |
"814": "B-TobaccoProducts",
832 |
"815": "B-TongueMovement",
833 |
"816": "B-ToothPain",
834 |
"817": "B-TorsadeDePointes",
835 |
"818": "B-TreatedArea",
836 |
"819": "B-Treatment",
837 |
"820": "B-Treatments",
838 |
"821": "B-Tremors",
839 |
"822": "B-TroubleBreathing",
840 |
"823": "B-TroubleConcentrating",
841 |
"824": "B-TroubleSleeping",
842 |
"825": "B-TroubleSpeaking",
843 |
"826": "B-TroubleSwallowing",
844 |
"827": "B-TroubleUnderstanding",
845 |
"828": "B-Tuberculosis",
846 |
"829": "B-TuberculosisMedicine",
847 |
"830": "B-TumorCells",
848 |
"831": "B-Tumors",
849 |
"832": "B-TunnelVision",
850 |
"833": "B-TyphoidFever",
851 |
"834": "B-UncontrolledMovements",
852 |
"835": "B-UncontrolledMuscleMovements",
853 |
"836": "B-UncontrolledTwitching",
854 |
"837": "B-UnevenHeartbeats",
855 |
"838": "B-UnusualBleeding",
856 |
"839": "B-UnusualBruising",
857 |
"840": "B-UnusualCrying",
858 |
"841": "B-UnusualTasteMouth",
859 |
"842": "B-UnusualThoughts",
860 |
"843": "B-UnusualTiredness",
861 |
"844": "B-UnusualVaginalBleeding",
862 |
"845": "B-UnwantedBloodClot",
863 |
"846": "B-UpperBody",
864 |
"847": "B-UpperBodyRash",
865 |
"848": "B-UpperStomachPain",
866 |
"849": "B-UpsetStomach",
867 |
"850": "B-Urgency",
868 |
"851": "B-UrinatingLess",
869 |
"852": "B-Urination",
870 |
"853": "B-UrinationPain",
871 |
"854": "B-UrinationProblems",
872 |
"855": "B-UrineColor",
873 |
"856": "B-UrineStream",
874 |
"857": "B-UrineTests",
875 |
"858": "B-UseOfPeople",
876 |
"859": "B-VaginalBurning",
877 |
"860": "B-VaginalItching",
878 |
"861": "B-VaginalRedness",
879 |
"862": "B-VaginalSymptoms",
880 |
"863": "B-Varenicline",
881 |
"864": "B-Varicella",
882 |
"865": "B-VaughanWilliamsClassification",
883 |
"866": "B-Verapamil",
884 |
"867": "B-ViralInfection",
885 |
"868": "B-Viruses",
886 |
"869": "B-Vision",
887 |
"870": "B-VisionProblems",
888 |
"871": "B-Vitamins",
889 |
"872": "B-Vomit",
890 |
"873": "B-VomitCoffeeGrounds",
891 |
"874": "B-Vomiting",
892 |
"875": "B-VomitingBlood",
893 |
"876": "B-Warmth",
894 |
"877": "B-Water",
895 |
"878": "B-WateryDiarrhea",
896 |
"879": "B-WateryEyes",
897 |
"880": "B-WeakBreathing",
898 |
"881": "B-WeakFeeling",
899 |
"882": "B-WeakImmuneSystem",
900 |
"883": "B-WeakPulse",
901 |
"884": "B-Weakness",
902 |
"885": "B-Weight",
903 |
"886": "B-WeightChange",
904 |
"887": "B-WeightChanges",
905 |
"888": "B-WeightGain",
906 |
"889": "B-WeightLoss",
907 |
"890": "B-WeightProblems",
908 |
"891": "B-Wellbutrin",
909 |
"892": "B-Wheezing",
910 |
"893": "B-WhiteBloodCells",
911 |
"894": "B-WithdrawalSymptoms",
912 |
"895": "B-WorseningBreathingProblems",
913 |
"896": "B-WorseningLungProblems",
914 |
"897": "B-WorseningTremors",
915 |
"898": "B-WoundThatWillNotHeal",
916 |
"899": "B-YellowFeverVirus",
917 |
"900": "B-YellowedSkin",
918 |
"901": "B-Zoster",
919 |
"902": "B-Zyban",
920 |
"903": "I-AVBlock",
921 |
"904": "I-AbnormalBloodClotting",
922 |
"905": "I-AbnormalBloodTests",
923 |
"906": "I-AbnormalKidneyFunction",
924 |
"907": "I-AbnormalLiverFunction",
925 |
"908": "I-AbnormalLiverFunctionTests",
926 |
"909": "I-AbnormalVaginalBleeding",
927 |
"910": "I-ActiveBleeding",
928 |
"911": "I-AddisonsDisease",
929 |
"912": "I-AdrenalGlandDisorder",
930 |
"913": "I-AdrenalGlandProblem",
931 |
"914": "I-Age",
932 |
"915": "I-AirRelease",
933 |
"916": "I-AirTrapped",
934 |
"917": "I-Alcohol",
935 |
"918": "I-AllergicReaction",
936 |
"919": "I-Allergy",
937 |
"920": "I-AllergyTreatment",
938 |
"921": "I-AlteredSenseOfTaste",
939 |
"922": "I-AlteredTaste",
940 |
"923": "I-Anemia",
941 |
"924": "I-Angina",
942 |
"925": "I-AntiEpileptic",
943 |
"926": "I-Antifungal",
944 |
"927": "I-AntihypertensiveAgents",
945 |
"928": "I-Antipsychotic",
946 |
"929": "I-AntipsychoticMedicines",
947 |
"930": "I-Antiviral",
948 |
"931": "I-Anxious",
949 |
"932": "I-AppetiteChanges",
950 |
"933": "I-AsthmaMedication",
951 |
"934": "I-AutoimmuneDisorders",
952 |
"935": "I-BackPain",
953 |
"936": "I-BadBreath",
954 |
"937": "I-BalanceProblems",
955 |
"938": "I-BehaviorChanges",
956 |
"939": "I-BirthControl",
957 |
"940": "I-BlackStools",
958 |
"941": "I-BladderBiopsy",
959 |
"942": "I-BladderCancer",
960 |
"943": "I-BladderControl",
961 |
"944": "I-BladderInfection",
962 |
"945": "I-BladderSymptoms",
963 |
"946": "I-Bleeding",
964 |
"947": "I-BleedingAroundIV",
965 |
"948": "I-BleedingGums",
966 |
"949": "I-BleedingInBrain",
967 |
"950": "I-BleedingInTheBrain",
968 |
"951": "I-BleedingInjury",
969 |
"952": "I-BleedingInsideBody",
970 |
"953": "I-BleedingProblems",
971 |
"954": "I-BleedingThatWillNotStop",
972 |
"955": "I-Blinking",
973 |
"956": "I-Blistering",
974 |
"957": "I-Blisters",
975 |
"958": "I-BloodCancerType",
976 |
"959": "I-BloodCellDisorder",
977 |
"960": "I-BloodCellLevels",
978 |
"961": "I-BloodCells",
979 |
"962": "I-BloodClot",
980 |
"963": "I-BloodClots",
981 |
"964": "I-BloodClottingTests",
982 |
"965": "I-BloodInStools",
983 |
"966": "I-BloodInUrine",
984 |
"967": "I-BloodInUrineStools",
985 |
"968": "I-BloodLevels",
986 |
"969": "I-BloodPressure",
987 |
"970": "I-BloodPressureMedication",
988 |
"971": "I-BloodPressureMedicine",
989 |
"972": "I-BloodTests",
990 |
"973": "I-BloodThinner",
991 |
"974": "I-BloodVesselConditions",
992 |
"975": "I-BloodyStools",
993 |
"976": "I-BloodyTarryStools",
994 |
"977": "I-BlueSkin",
995 |
"978": "I-BlurredVision",
996 |
"979": "I-BodyAches",
997 |
"980": "I-BodyFatChanges",
998 |
"981": "I-BodyPart",
999 |
"982": "I-BoosterDose",
1000 |
"983": "I-BowelHabits",
1001 |
"984": "I-BrainWaveTest",
1002 |
"985": "I-BreastCancer",
1003 |
"986": "I-BreastMilk",
1004 |
"987": "I-BreastSwelling",
1005 |
"988": "I-Breastfeeding",
1006 |
"989": "I-Breathing",
1007 |
"990": "I-BreathingDisorder",
1008 |
"991": "I-BreathingProblems",
1009 |
"992": "I-BrownUrine",
1010 |
"993": "I-Bruising",
1011 |
"994": "I-BrushingTeeth",
1012 |
"995": "I-Burning",
1013 |
"996": "I-BurningEyes",
1014 |
"997": "I-BurningOrIrritation",
1015 |
"998": "I-BurningPain",
1016 |
"999": "I-BurningSensation",
1017 |
"1000": "I-COPD",
1018 |
"1001": "I-Cancer",
1019 |
"1002": "I-CancerMedicine",
1020 |
"1003": "I-CancerMedicines",
1021 |
"1004": "I-CancerTreatments",
1022 |
"1005": "I-CardiovascularMortality",
1023 |
"1006": "I-CataractFormation",
1024 |
"1007": "I-CeliacDisease",
1025 |
"1008": "I-CerebralThrombosis",
1026 |
"1009": "I-ChangesInKidneyFunction",
1027 |
"1010": "I-ChangesInMenstrualPeriods",
1028 |
"1011": "I-ChangesInTaste",
1029 |
"1012": "I-ChangesInVision",
1030 |
"1013": "I-ChangesInWeight",
1031 |
"1014": "I-ChangesMenstrualPeriods",
1032 |
"1015": "I-ChestPain",
1033 |
"1016": "I-ChestTightness",
1034 |
"1017": "I-ChokingFeeling",
1035 |
"1018": "I-CholesterolMedication",
1036 |
"1019": "I-ChronicBronchitis",
1037 |
"1020": "I-ClayColoredStools",
1038 |
"1021": "I-Coagulating",
1039 |
"1022": "I-Coagulation",
1040 |
"1023": "I-CoffeeGrounds",
1041 |
"1024": "I-CoffeeGroundsVomiting",
1042 |
"1025": "I-ColdExtremities",
1043 |
"1026": "I-ColdFeeling",
1044 |
"1027": "I-ColdFluRelief",
1045 |
"1028": "I-ColdHandsFeet",
1046 |
"1029": "I-ColdSores",
1047 |
"1030": "I-ColdSymptoms",
1048 |
"1031": "I-ColonPolyps",
1049 |
"1032": "I-ColorChange",
1050 |
"1033": "I-CommonSideEffects",
1051 |
"1034": "I-Completeness",
1052 |
"1035": "I-Confusion",
1053 |
"1036": "I-CongenitalHypothyroidism",
1054 |
"1037": "I-CongestiveHeartFailure",
1055 |
"1038": "I-CoordinationProblems",
1056 |
"1039": "I-CoronaryArteryDisease",
1057 |
"1040": "I-CoughMucus",
1058 |
"1041": "I-CoughingBlood",
1059 |
"1042": "I-CoughingUpBlood",
1060 |
"1043": "I-CoughingUpMucus",
1061 |
"1044": "I-CoughingUpMucusBlood",
1062 |
"1045": "I-CreatinineClearance",
1063 |
"1046": "I-Crusting",
1064 |
"1047": "I-CysticFibrosis",
1065 |
"1048": "I-CytokineReleaseSyndrome",
1066 |
"1049": "I-DarkUrine",
1067 |
"1050": "I-DecreasedAlertness",
1068 |
"1051": "I-DecreasedBloodCellCounts",
1069 |
"1052": "I-DecreasedBloodFlow",
1070 |
"1053": "I-DecreasedNightVision",
1071 |
"1054": "I-DementiaRelatedPsychosis",
1072 |
"1055": "I-DentalWork",
1073 |
"1056": "I-Depressed",
1074 |
"1057": "I-DermatitisHerpetiformis",
1075 |
"1058": "I-DifficultBreathing",
1076 |
"1059": "I-DifficultyBreathing",
1077 |
"1060": "I-DigestiveTractBleeding",
1078 |
"1061": "I-Diseases",
1079 |
"1062": "I-Dosage",
1080 |
"1063": "I-DosageInformation",
1081 |
"1064": "I-DoubleVision",
1082 |
"1065": "I-Drainage",
1083 |
"1066": "I-DroopingEyelids",
1084 |
"1067": "I-DrugClass",
1085 |
"1068": "I-DrugDose",
1086 |
"1069": "I-DrugInteractions",
1087 |
"1070": "I-DrugName",
1088 |
"1071": "I-DryEye",
1089 |
"1072": "I-DryEyes",
1090 |
"1073": "I-DryMouth",
1091 |
"1074": "I-DrySkin",
1092 |
"1075": "I-ECG",
1093 |
"1076": "I-EasyBruising",
1094 |
"1077": "I-EasyBruisingBleeding",
1095 |
"1078": "I-EffectiveRefractoryPeriod",
1096 |
"1079": "I-ElectrolyteImbalance",
1097 |
"1080": "I-EmergencyMedicalAttention",
1098 |
"1081": "I-EmergencyMedicalHelp",
1099 |
"1082": "I-EmergencyMedicalLine",
1100 |
"1083": "I-EnlargedProstate",
1101 |
"1084": "I-EnlargedThyroid",
1102 |
"1085": "I-ErectionProblems",
1103 |
"1086": "I-ExtremeFear",
1104 |
"1087": "I-ExtremeWeakness",
1105 |
"1088": "I-EyeDryness",
1106 |
"1089": "I-EyeInfection",
1107 |
"1090": "I-EyeIrritation",
1108 |
"1091": "I-EyeItching",
1109 |
"1092": "I-EyeMovement",
1110 |
"1093": "I-EyeMovementProblems",
1111 |
"1094": "I-EyePain",
1112 |
"1095": "I-EyePatches",
1113 |
"1096": "I-EyeRedness",
1114 |
"1097": "I-EyeSurgery",
1115 |
"1098": "I-EyeSwelling",
1116 |
"1099": "I-EyelidItching",
1117 |
"1100": "I-EyelidSwelling",
1118 |
"1101": "I-Eyes",
1119 |
"1102": "I-Face",
1120 |
"1103": "I-FacialRash",
1121 |
"1104": "I-FacialSwelling",
1122 |
"1105": "I-FastHeartRate",
1123 |
"1106": "I-FastHeartbeat",
1124 |
"1107": "I-FastHeartbeats",
1125 |
"1108": "I-FatalProblems",
1126 |
"1109": "I-FeedingProblems",
1127 |
"1110": "I-FeelingCold",
1128 |
"1111": "I-FeelingDepressed",
1129 |
"1112": "I-FeelingHot",
1130 |
"1113": "I-FeelingLightHeaded",
1131 |
"1114": "I-FeelingNervous",
1132 |
"1115": "I-FeelingShortOfBreath",
1133 |
"1116": "I-FeelingTiredShortOfBreath",
1134 |
"1117": "I-FeelingUnsteady",
1135 |
"1118": "I-Fertility",
1136 |
"1119": "I-FertilityProblems",
1137 |
"1120": "I-FibrinSealant",
1138 |
"1121": "I-Flu",
1139 |
"1122": "I-FluLikeSymptoms",
1140 |
"1123": "I-FluSymptoms",
1141 |
"1124": "I-Flushing",
1142 |
"1125": "I-FlutteringChest",
1143 |
"1126": "I-FoamyUrine",
1144 |
"1127": "I-FoodandDrugAdministration",
1145 |
"1128": "I-ForeignBodySensation",
1146 |
"1129": "I-FreezeDriedProduct",
1147 |
"1130": "I-FrequentUrination",
1148 |
"1131": "I-FruitJuice",
1149 |
"1132": "I-FullFeeling",
1150 |
"1133": "I-GamblingUrges",
1151 |
"1134": "I-GasPressure",
1152 |
"1135": "I-Gasping",
1153 |
"1136": "I-GeneralDiscomfort",
1154 |
"1137": "I-GeneralIllFeeling",
1155 |
"1138": "I-GenitalArea",
1156 |
"1139": "I-Goiter",
1157 |
"1140": "I-GroupSupport",
1158 |
"1141": "I-GumPain",
1159 |
"1142": "I-HIV",
1160 |
"1143": "I-HUV",
1161 |
"1144": "I-HairDryness",
1162 |
"1145": "I-HairLoss",
1163 |
"1146": "I-Hallucinations",
1164 |
"1147": "I-Halos",
1165 |
"1148": "I-HazardousActivity",
1166 |
"1149": "I-HeadInjury",
1167 |
"1150": "I-Headache",
1168 |
"1151": "I-HealthDepartment",
1169 |
"1152": "I-HealthEmployee",
1170 |
"1153": "I-HearingLoss",
1171 |
"1154": "I-HearingProblems",
1172 |
"1155": "I-HeartAttack",
1173 |
"1156": "I-HeartAttackStroke",
1174 |
"1157": "I-HeartBypassSurgery",
1175 |
"1158": "I-HeartCondition",
1176 |
"1159": "I-HeartDisease",
1177 |
"1160": "I-HeartFailure",
1178 |
"1161": "I-HeartFunction",
1179 |
"1162": "I-HeartProblems",
1180 |
"1163": "I-HeartRate",
1181 |
"1164": "I-HeartRhythmDisorder",
1182 |
"1165": "I-HeartRhythmMedicine",
1183 |
"1166": "I-Heartbeats",
1184 |
"1167": "I-HeatStroke",
1185 |
"1168": "I-HeavyFeeling",
1186 |
"1169": "I-HerbalProducts",
1187 |
"1170": "I-HerbalSupplements",
1188 |
"1171": "I-HighBloodPotassium",
1189 |
"1172": "I-HighBloodPressure",
1190 |
"1173": "I-HighCholesterol",
1191 |
"1174": "I-HighFever",
1192 |
"1175": "I-HighPressureSettings",
1193 |
"1176": "I-HighUricAcid",
1194 |
"1177": "I-HoarseVoice",
1195 |
"1178": "I-Hostility",
1196 |
"1179": "I-HotFlashes",
1197 |
"1180": "I-HotWeather",
1198 |
"1181": "I-HumanPlasma",
1199 |
"1182": "I-Hyperactive",
1200 |
"1183": "I-Hypertension",
1201 |
"1184": "I-Hypokalemia",
1202 |
"1185": "I-Hypothyroidism",
1203 |
"1186": "I-IVHeartMedication",
1204 |
"1187": "I-Ibuprofen",
1205 |
"1188": "I-ImmuneSystem",
1206 |
"1189": "I-Immunization",
1207 |
"1190": "I-IncreasedAppetite",
1208 |
"1191": "I-IncreasedBloodPressure",
1209 |
"1192": "I-IncreasedDreaming",
1210 |
"1193": "I-IncreasedFluidIntake",
1211 |
"1194": "I-IncreasedPressure",
1212 |
"1195": "I-IncreasedSalivation",
1213 |
"1196": "I-IncreasedSeizures",
1214 |
"1197": "I-IncreasedSensitivityToLight",
1215 |
"1198": "I-IncreasedSweating",
1216 |
"1199": "I-IncreasedThirst",
1217 |
"1200": "I-IncreasedUrination",
1218 |
"1201": "I-Infection",
1219 |
"1202": "I-Infections",
1220 |
"1203": "I-Inflammation",
1221 |
"1204": "I-InjectionSitePain",
1222 |
"1205": "I-InstructionsForUse",
1223 |
"1206": "I-IntenseUrges",
1224 |
"1207": "I-InternalBleeding",
1225 |
"1208": "I-IntestinalBleeding",
1226 |
"1209": "I-IodinePoisoning",
1227 |
"1210": "I-IrregularHeartbeats",
1228 |
"1211": "I-IrregularMenstrualPeriods",
1229 |
"1212": "I-Irritation",
1230 |
"1213": "I-Itching",
1231 |
"1214": "I-ItchingEars",
1232 |
"1215": "I-ItchyEyelids",
1233 |
"1216": "I-ItchySkinRash",
1234 |
"1217": "I-Jaundice",
1235 |
"1218": "I-JitteryFeeling",
1236 |
"1219": "I-JointPain",
1237 |
"1220": "I-KidneyDialysis",
1238 |
"1221": "I-KidneyDisease",
1239 |
"1222": "I-KidneyFailure",
1240 |
"1223": "I-KidneyFunction",
1241 |
"1224": "I-KidneyProblems",
1242 |
"1225": "I-KidneyStones",
1243 |
"1226": "I-LaboratoryStaff",
1244 |
"1227": "I-LackOfCoordination",
1245 |
"1228": "I-LackOfEnergy",
1246 |
"1229": "I-LegCramps",
1247 |
"1230": "I-LegPain",
1248 |
"1231": "I-LegSwelling",
1249 |
"1232": "I-LessSeriousSideEffects",
1250 |
"1233": "I-LifeThreateningNerveProblems",
1251 |
"1234": "I-LightHeaded",
1252 |
"1235": "I-LightHeadedFeeling",
1253 |
"1236": "I-LightHeadedness",
1254 |
"1237": "I-LightSensitivity",
1255 |
"1238": "I-LimpFeeling",
1256 |
"1239": "I-LipSmacking",
1257 |
"1240": "I-LiquidMedicine",
1258 |
"1241": "I-LittleUrination",
1259 |
"1242": "I-LiveVaccine",
1260 |
"1243": "I-LiverDamage",
1261 |
"1244": "I-LiverDisease",
1262 |
"1245": "I-LiverFunction",
1263 |
"1246": "I-LiverFunctions",
1264 |
"1247": "I-LiverProblems",
1265 |
"1248": "I-LongQTSyndrome",
1266 |
"1249": "I-LongTermUse",
1267 |
"1250": "I-LossOfAppetite",
1268 |
"1251": "I-LossOfBalance",
1269 |
"1252": "I-LossOfBladderControl",
1270 |
"1253": "I-LossOfControl",
1271 |
"1254": "I-LossOfCoordination",
1272 |
"1255": "I-LossOfMovement",
1273 |
"1256": "I-LowBirthWeight",
1274 |
"1257": "I-LowBloodCellCounts",
1275 |
"1258": "I-LowBloodPressure",
1276 |
"1259": "I-LowBloodSugar",
1277 |
"1260": "I-LowHemoglobin",
1278 |
"1261": "I-LowPlatelets",
1279 |
"1262": "I-LowPotassium",
1280 |
"1263": "I-LowRedBloodCells",
1281 |
"1264": "I-LowSaltDiet",
1282 |
"1265": "I-LowSodium",
1283 |
"1266": "I-LowThyroid",
1284 |
"1267": "I-LowWBC",
1285 |
"1268": "I-LowWhiteBloodCellCount",
1286 |
"1269": "I-LowWhiteBloodCellCounts",
1287 |
"1270": "I-LowWhiteBloodCells",
1288 |
"1271": "I-LowerBackPain",
1289 |
"1272": "I-LowerJaw",
1290 |
"1273": "I-LowerLegs",
1291 |
"1274": "I-LungProblems",
1292 |
"1275": "I-MalariaMedicine",
1293 |
"1276": "I-MeasuringDevice",
1294 |
"1277": "I-MedicalAlert",
1295 |
"1278": "I-MedicalConditions",
1296 |
"1279": "I-MedicalEmergency",
1297 |
"1280": "I-MedicalProcedure",
1298 |
"1281": "I-MedicalProduct",
1299 |
"1282": "I-MedicalProducts",
1300 |
"1283": "I-MedicalSetting",
1301 |
"1284": "I-MedicalTests",
1302 |
"1285": "I-MedicationGuide",
1303 |
"1286": "I-MedicationLabel",
1304 |
"1287": "I-Medicines",
1305 |
"1288": "I-MemoryProblems",
1306 |
"1289": "I-MenstrualChanges",
1307 |
"1290": "I-MentalIllness",
1308 |
"1291": "I-MetallicTaste",
1309 |
"1292": "I-Migraine",
1310 |
"1293": "I-MildBurning",
1311 |
"1294": "I-MildHeadache",
1312 |
"1295": "I-MildIrritation",
1313 |
"1296": "I-MildItching",
1314 |
"1297": "I-MildRash",
1315 |
"1298": "I-MildStinging",
1316 |
"1299": "I-MinorBurning",
1317 |
"1300": "I-MinorStinging",
1318 |
"1301": "I-MissingAppointment",
1319 |
"1302": "I-MissingDose",
1320 |
"1303": "I-MoodChanges",
1321 |
"1304": "I-MoodDisorder",
1322 |
"1305": "I-MoreDepressed",
1323 |
"1306": "I-MouthSores",
1324 |
"1307": "I-MovementDisorder",
1325 |
"1308": "I-MovementLoss",
1326 |
"1309": "I-MultipleSclerosis",
1327 |
"1310": "I-MuscleAches",
1328 |
"1311": "I-MuscleCramps",
1329 |
"1312": "I-MuscleDisorder",
1330 |
"1313": "I-MuscleDisorders",
1331 |
"1314": "I-MusclePain",
1332 |
"1315": "I-MuscleStiffness",
1333 |
"1316": "I-MuscleTwitching",
1334 |
"1317": "I-MuscleWeakness",
1335 |
"1318": "I-MyastheniaGravis",
1336 |
"1319": "I-MyocardialInfarction",
1337 |
"1320": "I-MyotoniaCongenita",
1338 |
"1321": "I-NSAID",
1339 |
"1322": "I-Naproxen",
1340 |
"1323": "I-Nausea",
1341 |
"1324": "I-NerveDamage",
1342 |
"1325": "I-NerveProblems",
1343 |
"1326": "I-Nervous",
1344 |
"1327": "I-Nervousness",
1345 |
"1328": "I-NewBreathingProblems",
1346 |
"1329": "I-NewChestPain",
1347 |
"1330": "I-NewCough",
1348 |
"1331": "I-NewInfection",
1349 |
"1332": "I-NewVisionChanges",
1350 |
"1333": "I-Newborn",
1351 |
"1334": "I-NightSweats",
1352 |
"1335": "I-NoUrination",
1353 |
"1336": "I-NoisyBreathing",
1354 |
"1337": "I-Nosebleeds",
1355 |
"1338": "I-NuclearRadiation",
1356 |
"1339": "I-NuclearRadiationEmergency",
1357 |
"1340": "I-Numbness",
1358 |
"1341": "I-NumbnessTinglyFeeling",
1359 |
"1342": "I-OTC",
1360 |
"1343": "I-OlderAdults",
1361 |
"1344": "I-OngoingDiarrhea",
1362 |
"1345": "I-OpioidMedication",
1363 |
"1346": "I-OrganTransplant",
1364 |
"1347": "I-OverDoseSymptoms",
1365 |
"1348": "I-OverTheCounter",
1366 |
"1349": "I-OveractiveThyroid",
1367 |
"1350": "I-Overdose",
1368 |
"1351": "I-Pain",
1369 |
"1352": "I-PainBehindEyes",
1370 |
"1353": "I-PainInLimb",
1371 |
"1354": "I-PainSpreading",
1372 |
"1355": "I-PainfulSkinSores",
1373 |
"1356": "I-PainfulSores",
1374 |
"1357": "I-PainfulUrination",
1375 |
"1358": "I-PaleSkin",
1376 |
"1359": "I-PancreasProblems",
1377 |
"1360": "I-PanicAttacks",
1378 |
"1361": "I-ParkinsonsDisease",
1379 |
"1362": "I-PartialHairLoss",
1380 |
"1363": "I-PartialSeizures",
1381 |
"1364": "I-Peeling",
1382 |
"1365": "I-PelvicPain",
1383 |
"1366": "I-PenisInfection",
1384 |
"1367": "I-Perforation",
1385 |
"1368": "I-PeripheralNeuropathy",
1386 |
"1369": "I-PeripheralVascularDisease",
1387 |
"1370": "I-Petechiae",
1388 |
"1371": "I-Phenothiazine",
1389 |
"1372": "I-Phenylketonuria",
1390 |
"1373": "I-PinkUrine",
1391 |
"1374": "I-PotassiumChannelBlockers",
1392 |
"1375": "I-PotassiumIodide",
1393 |
"1376": "I-PoundingHeartbeats",
1394 |
"1377": "I-PoundingInNeck",
1395 |
"1378": "I-Pregnancy",
1396 |
"1379": "I-PrematureBirth",
1397 |
"1380": "I-Prescription",
1398 |
"1381": "I-PricklyFeeling",
1399 |
"1382": "I-ProblemsWithHearing",
1400 |
"1383": "I-ProblemsWithSpeech",
1401 |
"1384": "I-Protein",
1402 |
"1385": "I-PuffyEyes",
1403 |
"1386": "I-PurpleSpots",
1404 |
"1387": "I-QTc",
1405 |
"1388": "I-RadiationTreatments",
1406 |
"1389": "I-RadioactiveIodine",
1407 |
"1390": "I-Radioiodine",
1408 |
"1391": "I-RapidHeartRate",
1409 |
"1392": "I-RapidWeightGain",
1410 |
"1393": "I-RaynaudSyndrome",
1411 |
"1394": "I-RedEyelids",
1412 |
"1395": "I-RedRash",
1413 |
"1396": "I-RedSkinRash",
1414 |
"1397": "I-RedUrine",
1415 |
"1398": "I-Redness",
1416 |
"1399": "I-ReducedUrination",
1417 |
"1400": "I-ReflexProblems",
1418 |
"1401": "I-ReplacementProduct",
1419 |
"1402": "I-Restless",
1420 |
"1403": "I-Restlessness",
1421 |
"1404": "I-RheumatoidArthritis",
1422 |
"1405": "I-RightSidedPain",
1423 |
"1406": "I-RightSidedStomachPain",
1424 |
"1407": "I-RigidMuscles",
1425 |
"1408": "I-RingingEars",
1426 |
"1409": "I-RingingInEars",
1427 |
"1410": "I-RunnyNose",
1428 |
"1411": "I-RunnyOrStuffyNose",
1429 |
"1412": "I-Schedule",
1430 |
"1413": "I-SeeingHalos",
1431 |
"1414": "I-Seizure",
1432 |
"1415": "I-SeizureDisorder",
1433 |
"1416": "I-SeizureMedicine",
1434 |
"1417": "I-Seizures",
1435 |
"1418": "I-SelfHarmThoughts",
1436 |
"1419": "I-SensitivityToLight",
1437 |
"1420": "I-SeriousBloodClottingProblem",
1438 |
"1421": "I-SeriousDrugReaction",
1439 |
"1422": "I-SeriousEffects",
1440 |
"1423": "I-SeriousHeartProblem",
1441 |
"1424": "I-SeriousMovementDisorder",
1442 |
"1425": "I-SeriousSideEffect",
1443 |
"1426": "I-SeriousSideEffects",
1444 |
"1427": "I-SevereAllergicReaction",
1445 |
"1428": "I-SevereBleeding",
1446 |
"1429": "I-SevereBurning",
1447 |
"1430": "I-SevereConstipation",
1448 |
"1431": "I-SevereDiarrhea",
1449 |
"1432": "I-SevereDiscomfort",
1450 |
"1433": "I-SevereDizziness",
1451 |
"1434": "I-SevereEyeItching",
1452 |
"1435": "I-SevereEyeRedness",
1453 |
"1436": "I-SevereHeadache",
1454 |
"1437": "I-SevereInflammation",
1455 |
"1438": "I-SevereInjuries",
1456 |
"1439": "I-SevereIrritation",
1457 |
"1440": "I-SevereItching",
1458 |
"1441": "I-SevereLiverDisease",
1459 |
"1442": "I-SevereMouthThroatIrritation",
1460 |
"1443": "I-SevereNervousSystemReaction",
1461 |
"1444": "I-SeverePain",
1462 |
"1445": "I-SeverePainUpperStomach",
1463 |
"1446": "I-SevereRedness",
1464 |
"1447": "I-SevereSkinRash",
1465 |
"1448": "I-SevereSkinReaction",
1466 |
"1449": "I-SevereStinging",
1467 |
"1450": "I-SevereStomachCramps",
1468 |
"1451": "I-SevereStomachPain",
1469 |
"1452": "I-SevereWeakness",
1470 |
"1453": "I-SexualUrges",
1471 |
"1454": "I-ShortnessOfBreath",
1472 |
"1455": "I-ShoulderPain",
1473 |
"1456": "I-SideEffects",
1474 |
"1457": "I-SideOfBody",
1475 |
"1458": "I-SidePain",
1476 |
"1459": "I-SignsOfCHF",
1477 |
"1460": "I-SignsOfInfection",
1478 |
"1461": "I-SignsOfStomachBleeding",
1479 |
"1462": "I-SinusPain",
1480 |
"1463": "I-SkeletalMuscleBreakdown",
1481 |
"1464": "I-SkinIrritation",
1482 |
"1465": "I-SkinPain",
1483 |
"1466": "I-SkinRash",
1484 |
"1467": "I-SkinReaction",
1485 |
"1468": "I-SkinSores",
1486 |
"1469": "I-SkinTissues",
1487 |
"1470": "I-SkinWound",
1488 |
"1471": "I-SleepProblems",
1489 |
"1472": "I-SlowBreathing",
1490 |
"1473": "I-SlowHealing",
1491 |
"1474": "I-SlowHeartRate",
1492 |
"1475": "I-SlowHeartbeats",
1493 |
"1476": "I-SlurredSpeech",
1494 |
"1477": "I-Smoking",
1495 |
"1478": "I-SmokingCessation",
1496 |
"1479": "I-SmokingCessationMedicine",
1497 |
"1480": "I-SoreThroat",
1498 |
"1481": "I-SpeechProblems",
1499 |
"1482": "I-SpinalBloodClot",
1500 |
"1483": "I-SpinningSensation",
1501 |
"1484": "I-SprayApplication",
1502 |
"1485": "I-SprayDevice",
1503 |
"1486": "I-SpreadingPain",
1504 |
"1487": "I-SpreadingPainBack",
1505 |
"1488": "I-StatusEpilepticus",
1506 |
"1489": "I-Stent",
1507 |
"1490": "I-Steroids",
1508 |
"1491": "I-Sticking",
1509 |
"1492": "I-Stiffness",
1510 |
"1493": "I-StomachBleeding",
1511 |
"1494": "I-StomachBloating",
1512 |
"1495": "I-StomachCramps",
1513 |
"1496": "I-StomachDiscomfort",
1514 |
"1497": "I-StomachPain",
1515 |
"1498": "I-StomachUlcer",
1516 |
"1499": "I-Stools",
1517 |
"1500": "I-StorageConditions",
1518 |
"1501": "I-StuffyNose",
1519 |
"1502": "I-SuddenDizziness",
1520 |
"1503": "I-SuddenNumbness",
1521 |
"1504": "I-SuddenVisionChanges",
1522 |
"1505": "I-SuicidalThoughts",
1523 |
"1506": "I-Swallowing",
1524 |
"1507": "I-Sweating",
1525 |
"1508": "I-Swelling",
1526 |
"1509": "I-SwellingFeetAnkles",
1527 |
"1510": "I-SwellingMouthTongue",
1528 |
"1511": "I-SwellingRapidWeightGain",
1529 |
"1512": "I-SwollenGlands",
1530 |
"1513": "I-SwollenGums",
1531 |
"1514": "I-Symptoms",
1532 |
"1515": "I-TarryStools",
1533 |
"1516": "I-TeethProblems",
1534 |
"1517": "I-Tenderness",
1535 |
"1518": "I-Tg",
1536 |
"1519": "I-ThiazideDiuretic",
1537 |
"1520": "I-ThiazideDiuretics",
1538 |
"1521": "I-ThinkingProblems",
1539 |
"1522": "I-ThroatIrritation",
1540 |
"1523": "I-ThroatPain",
1541 |
"1524": "I-ThroatSoreness",
1542 |
"1525": "I-Thyroid",
1543 |
"1526": "I-ThyroidDisorder",
1544 |
"1527": "I-ThyroidHarm",
1545 |
"1528": "I-ThyroidNodules",
1546 |
"1529": "I-ThyroidProblems",
1547 |
"1530": "I-ThyroidToxicity",
1548 |
"1531": "I-Tightness",
1549 |
"1532": "I-Time",
1550 |
"1533": "I-Tingling",
1551 |
"1534": "I-TinglingArmsLegs",
1552 |
"1535": "I-TinglyFeeling",
1553 |
"1536": "I-Tinnitus",
1554 |
"1537": "I-TiredFeeling",
1555 |
"1538": "I-Tiredness",
1556 |
"1539": "I-TobaccoProducts",
1557 |
"1540": "I-TongueMovement",
1558 |
"1541": "I-TorsadeDePointes",
1559 |
"1542": "I-TreatedArea",
1560 |
"1543": "I-Treatment",
1561 |
"1544": "I-TroubleBreathing",
1562 |
"1545": "I-TroubleConcentrating",
1563 |
"1546": "I-TroubleSleeping",
1564 |
"1547": "I-TroubleSpeaking",
1565 |
"1548": "I-TroubleSwallowing",
1566 |
"1549": "I-TroubleUnderstanding",
1567 |
"1550": "I-Tuberculosis",
1568 |
"1551": "I-TuberculosisMedicine",
1569 |
"1552": "I-TumorCells",
1570 |
"1553": "I-TunnelVision",
1571 |
"1554": "I-UncontrolledMovements",
1572 |
"1555": "I-UncontrolledMuscleMovements",
1573 |
"1556": "I-UncontrolledTwitching",
1574 |
"1557": "I-UnevenHeartbeats",
1575 |
"1558": "I-UnusualBleeding",
1576 |
"1559": "I-UnusualBruising",
1577 |
"1560": "I-UnusualCrying",
1578 |
"1561": "I-UnusualTasteMouth",
1579 |
"1562": "I-UnusualThoughts",
1580 |
"1563": "I-UnusualTiredness",
1581 |
"1564": "I-UnusualVaginalBleeding",
1582 |
"1565": "I-UnwantedBloodClot",
1583 |
"1566": "I-UpperBody",
1584 |
"1567": "I-UpperBodyRash",
1585 |
"1568": "I-UpperStomachPain",
1586 |
"1569": "I-UpsetStomach",
1587 |
"1570": "I-Urgency",
1588 |
"1571": "I-UrinatingLess",
1589 |
"1572": "I-Urination",
1590 |
"1573": "I-UrinationPain",
1591 |
"1574": "I-UrinationProblems",
1592 |
"1575": "I-UrineColor",
1593 |
"1576": "I-UrineStream",
1594 |
"1577": "I-UrineTests",
1595 |
"1578": "I-UseOfPeople",
1596 |
"1579": "I-VaginalBurning",
1597 |
"1580": "I-VaginalItching",
1598 |
"1581": "I-VaginalRedness",
1599 |
"1582": "I-VaginalSymptoms",
1600 |
"1583": "I-Varicella",
1601 |
"1584": "I-VaughanWilliamsClassification",
1602 |
"1585": "I-ViralInfection",
1603 |
"1586": "I-VisionProblems",
1604 |
"1587": "I-VomitCoffeeGrounds",
1605 |
"1588": "I-Vomiting",
1606 |
"1589": "I-VomitingBlood",
1607 |
"1590": "I-WateryEyes",
1608 |
"1591": "I-WeakBreathing",
1609 |
"1592": "I-WeakImmuneSystem",
1610 |
"1593": "I-WeakPulse",
1611 |
"1594": "I-Weakness",
1612 |
"1595": "I-Weight",
1613 |
"1596": "I-WeightChange",
1614 |
"1597": "I-WeightChanges",
1615 |
"1598": "I-WeightGain",
1616 |
"1599": "I-WeightLoss",
1617 |
"1600": "I-WeightProblems",
1618 |
"1601": "I-WhiteBloodCells",
1619 |
"1602": "I-WithdrawalSymptoms",
1620 |
"1603": "I-WorseningBreathingProblems",
1621 |
"1604": "I-WorseningLungProblems",
1622 |
"1605": "I-WorseningTremors",
1623 |
"1606": "I-WoundThatWillNotHeal",
1624 |
"1607": "I-YellowFeverVirus",
1625 |
"1608": "I-YellowedSkin",
1626 |
"1609": "I-Zoster",
1627 |
"1610": "O"
1628 |
1629 |
"initializer_range": 0.02,
1630 |
"intermediate_size": 3072,
1631 |
"label2id": {
1632 |
"B-AIDS": 0,
1633 |
"B-AVBlock": 1,
1634 |
"B-AbnormalBloodClotting": 2,
1635 |
"B-AbnormalBloodTests": 3,
1636 |
"B-AbnormalKidneyFunction": 4,
1637 |
"B-AbnormalLiverFunction": 5,
1638 |
"B-AbnormalLiverFunctionTests": 6,
1639 |
"B-AbnormalVaginalBleeding": 7,
1640 |
"B-Accidents": 8,
1641 |
"B-Aches": 9,
1642 |
"B-ActiveBleeding": 10,
1643 |
"B-Activity": 11,
1644 |
"B-AddisonsDisease": 12,
1645 |
"B-AdrenalGlandDisorder": 13,
1646 |
"B-AdrenalGlandProblem": 14,
1647 |
"B-Age": 15,
1648 |
"B-Aggressive": 16,
1649 |
"B-Agitated": 17,
1650 |
"B-Agitation": 18,
1651 |
"B-AirRelease": 19,
1652 |
"B-AirTrapped": 20,
1653 |
"B-Alcohol": 21,
1654 |
"B-Alcoholism": 22,
1655 |
"B-Alertness": 23,
1656 |
"B-AllergicReaction": 24,
1657 |
"B-Allergy": 25,
1658 |
"B-AllergyTesting": 26,
1659 |
"B-AllergyTreatment": 27,
1660 |
"B-AlteredSenseOfTaste": 28,
1661 |
"B-AlteredTaste": 29,
1662 |
"B-Anemia": 30,
1663 |
"B-Angina": 31,
1664 |
"B-Ankles": 32,
1665 |
"B-Antacid": 33,
1666 |
"B-AntiEpileptic": 34,
1667 |
"B-Antibiotic": 35,
1668 |
"B-Antibiotics": 36,
1669 |
"B-Anticonvulsant": 37,
1670 |
"B-Antidepressant": 38,
1671 |
"B-Antidepressants": 39,
1672 |
"B-Antifungal": 40,
1673 |
"B-AntihypertensiveAgents": 41,
1674 |
"B-Antipsychotic": 42,
1675 |
"B-AntipsychoticMedicines": 43,
1676 |
"B-Antiviral": 44,
1677 |
"B-Anxiety": 45,
1678 |
"B-Anxious": 46,
1679 |
"B-AppetiteChanges": 47,
1680 |
"B-Artery": 48,
1681 |
"B-Arthritis": 49,
1682 |
"B-Aspirin": 50,
1683 |
"B-Asthma": 51,
1684 |
"B-AsthmaMedication": 52,
1685 |
"B-AutoimmuneDisorders": 53,
1686 |
"B-BackPain": 54,
1687 |
"B-Bacteria": 55,
1688 |
"B-BacterialInfection": 56,
1689 |
"B-BadBreath": 57,
1690 |
"B-BalanceProblems": 58,
1691 |
"B-BehaviorChanges": 59,
1692 |
"B-Beverages": 60,
1693 |
"B-BirthControl": 61,
1694 |
"B-BlackStools": 62,
1695 |
"B-Bladder": 63,
1696 |
"B-BladderBiopsy": 64,
1697 |
"B-BladderCancer": 65,
1698 |
"B-BladderControl": 66,
1699 |
"B-BladderInfection": 67,
1700 |
"B-BladderSymptoms": 68,
1701 |
"B-Bleed": 69,
1702 |
"B-Bleeding": 70,
1703 |
"B-BleedingAroundIV": 71,
1704 |
"B-BleedingGums": 72,
1705 |
"B-BleedingInBrain": 73,
1706 |
"B-BleedingInTheBrain": 74,
1707 |
"B-BleedingInjury": 75,
1708 |
"B-BleedingInsideBody": 76,
1709 |
"B-BleedingProblems": 77,
1710 |
"B-BleedingThatWillNotStop": 78,
1711 |
"B-Blinking": 79,
1712 |
"B-Blistering": 80,
1713 |
"B-Blisters": 81,
1714 |
"B-Bloating": 82,
1715 |
"B-Blockage": 83,
1716 |
"B-Blood": 84,
1717 |
"B-BloodCancerType": 85,
1718 |
"B-BloodCellDisorder": 86,
1719 |
"B-BloodCellLevels": 87,
1720 |
"B-BloodCells": 88,
1721 |
"B-BloodClot": 89,
1722 |
"B-BloodClots": 90,
1723 |
"B-BloodClottingTests": 91,
1724 |
"B-BloodInStools": 92,
1725 |
"B-BloodInUrine": 93,
1726 |
"B-BloodLevels": 94,
1727 |
"B-BloodPressure": 95,
1728 |
"B-BloodPressureMedication": 96,
1729 |
"B-BloodPressureMedicine": 97,
1730 |
"B-BloodTests": 98,
1731 |
"B-BloodThinner": 99,
1732 |
"B-BloodVesselConditions": 100,
1733 |
"B-BloodyDiarrhea": 101,
1734 |
"B-BloodyStools": 102,
1735 |
"B-BloodyTarryStools": 103,
1736 |
"B-BlueSkin": 104,
1737 |
"B-BlurredVision": 105,
1738 |
"B-Body": 106,
1739 |
"B-BodyAches": 107,
1740 |
"B-BodyFatChanges": 108,
1741 |
"B-BodyPart": 109,
1742 |
"B-BoosterDose": 110,
1743 |
"B-BowelHabits": 111,
1744 |
"B-Brain": 112,
1745 |
"B-BrainWaveTest": 113,
1746 |
"B-BreastCancer": 114,
1747 |
"B-BreastDischarge": 115,
1748 |
"B-BreastMilk": 116,
1749 |
"B-BreastSwelling": 117,
1750 |
"B-Breastfeeding": 118,
1751 |
"B-Breathing": 119,
1752 |
"B-BreathingDisorder": 120,
1753 |
"B-BreathingProblems": 121,
1754 |
"B-Bronchitis": 122,
1755 |
"B-BrownUrine": 123,
1756 |
"B-Bruising": 124,
1757 |
"B-BrushingTeeth": 125,
1758 |
"B-Bupropion": 126,
1759 |
"B-Burning": 127,
1760 |
"B-BurningEyes": 128,
1761 |
"B-BurningOrIrritation": 129,
1762 |
"B-BurningPain": 130,
1763 |
"B-BurningSensation": 131,
1764 |
"B-Burping": 132,
1765 |
"B-COPD": 133,
1766 |
"B-Cancer": 134,
1767 |
"B-CancerMedicine": 135,
1768 |
"B-CancerMedicines": 136,
1769 |
"B-CancerTreatments": 137,
1770 |
"B-CardiovascularImpairment": 138,
1771 |
"B-CardiovascularMortality": 139,
1772 |
"B-CataractFormation": 140,
1773 |
"B-Catheter": 141,
1774 |
"B-CeliacDisease": 142,
1775 |
"B-CerebralThrombosis": 143,
1776 |
"B-ChangesInKidneyFunction": 144,
1777 |
"B-ChangesInMenstrualPeriods": 145,
1778 |
"B-ChangesInTaste": 146,
1779 |
"B-ChangesInVision": 147,
1780 |
"B-ChangesInWeight": 148,
1781 |
"B-ChangesMenstrualPeriods": 149,
1782 |
"B-Chantix": 150,
1783 |
"B-Chemotherapy": 151,
1784 |
"B-Chest": 152,
1785 |
"B-ChestPain": 153,
1786 |
"B-ChestPressure": 154,
1787 |
"B-ChestTightness": 155,
1788 |
"B-Chewing": 156,
1789 |
"B-Child": 157,
1790 |
"B-Children": 158,
1791 |
"B-Chills": 159,
1792 |
"B-Choking": 160,
1793 |
"B-ChokingFeeling": 161,
1794 |
"B-CholesterolMedication": 162,
1795 |
"B-ChronicBronchitis": 163,
1796 |
"B-ClayColoredStools": 164,
1797 |
"B-Clinic": 165,
1798 |
"B-Coagulating": 166,
1799 |
"B-Coagulation": 167,
1800 |
"B-CoffeeGrounds": 168,
1801 |
"B-CoffeeGroundsVomiting": 169,
1802 |
"B-Cold": 170,
1803 |
"B-ColdExtremities": 171,
1804 |
"B-ColdFeeling": 172,
1805 |
"B-ColdFluRelief": 173,
1806 |
"B-ColdHandsFeet": 174,
1807 |
"B-ColdSores": 175,
1808 |
"B-ColdSymptoms": 176,
1809 |
"B-ColonPolyps": 177,
1810 |
"B-ColorChange": 178,
1811 |
"B-CommonSideEffects": 179,
1812 |
"B-Completeness": 180,
1813 |
"B-Confusion": 181,
1814 |
"B-CongenitalHypothyroidism": 182,
1815 |
"B-Congestion": 183,
1816 |
"B-CongestiveHeartFailure": 184,
1817 |
"B-Constipation": 185,
1818 |
"B-CoordinationProblems": 186,
1819 |
"B-CoronaryArteryDisease": 187,
1820 |
"B-Cough": 188,
1821 |
"B-CoughMucus": 189,
1822 |
"B-CoughingBlood": 190,
1823 |
"B-CoughingUpBlood": 191,
1824 |
"B-CoughingUpMucus": 192,
1825 |
"B-CoughingUpMucusBlood": 193,
1826 |
"B-Counseling": 194,
1827 |
"B-CreatinineClearance": 195,
1828 |
"B-Crusting": 196,
1829 |
"B-Crystals": 197,
1830 |
"B-CysticFibrosis": 198,
1831 |
"B-CytokineReleaseSyndrome": 199,
1832 |
"B-DarkUrine": 200,
1833 |
"B-Death": 201,
1834 |
"B-DecreasedAlertness": 202,
1835 |
"B-DecreasedBloodCellCounts": 203,
1836 |
"B-DecreasedBloodFlow": 204,
1837 |
"B-DecreasedNightVision": 205,
1838 |
"B-Dehydration": 206,
1839 |
"B-DementiaRelatedPsychosis": 207,
1840 |
"B-DentalWork": 208,
1841 |
"B-Dentist": 209,
1842 |
"B-Depressed": 210,
1843 |
"B-Depression": 211,
1844 |
"B-DermatitisHerpetiformis": 212,
1845 |
"B-Device": 213,
1846 |
"B-Diabetes": 214,
1847 |
"B-Dialysis": 215,
1848 |
"B-Diarrhea": 216,
1849 |
"B-Diet": 217,
1850 |
"B-DifficultBreathing": 218,
1851 |
"B-DifficultyBreathing": 219,
1852 |
"B-DigestiveTractBleeding": 220,
1853 |
"B-Diltiazem": 221,
1854 |
"B-Discharge": 222,
1855 |
"B-Disease": 223,
1856 |
"B-Diseases": 224,
1857 |
"B-Dizziness": 225,
1858 |
"B-Dizzy": 226,
1859 |
"B-Dosage": 227,
1860 |
"B-DosageInformation": 228,
1861 |
"B-DoubleVision": 229,
1862 |
"B-Drainage": 230,
1863 |
"B-Driving": 231,
1864 |
"B-Drooling": 232,
1865 |
"B-DroopingEyelids": 233,
1866 |
"B-Drowsiness": 234,
1867 |
"B-DrugClass": 235,
1868 |
"B-DrugCount": 236,
1869 |
"B-DrugDosageForm": 237,
1870 |
"B-DrugDose": 238,
1871 |
"B-DrugInteractions": 239,
1872 |
"B-DrugName": 240,
1873 |
"B-DryEye": 241,
1874 |
"B-DryEyes": 242,
1875 |
"B-DryMouth": 243,
1876 |
"B-DrySkin": 244,
1877 |
"B-Dryness": 245,
1878 |
"B-ECG": 246,
1879 |
"B-EasyBruising": 247,
1880 |
"B-EasyBruisingBleeding": 248,
1881 |
"B-EffectiveRefractoryPeriod": 249,
1882 |
"B-ElectrolyteImbalance": 250,
1883 |
"B-EmergencyMedicalAttention": 251,
1884 |
"B-EmergencyMedicalHelp": 252,
1885 |
"B-EmergencyMedicalLine": 253,
1886 |
"B-EmergencyMedicalLineNumber": 254,
1887 |
"B-Emphysema": 255,
1888 |
"B-EnlargedProstate": 256,
1889 |
"B-EnlargedThyroid": 257,
1890 |
"B-Epilepsy": 258,
1891 |
"B-ErectionProblems": 259,
1892 |
"B-Exercise": 260,
1893 |
"B-ExtremeFear": 261,
1894 |
"B-ExtremeWeakness": 262,
1895 |
"B-EyeDryness": 263,
1896 |
"B-EyeIrritation": 264,
1897 |
"B-EyeItching": 265,
1898 |
"B-EyeMovement": 266,
1899 |
"B-EyeMovementProblems": 267,
1900 |
"B-EyePain": 268,
1901 |
"B-EyePatches": 269,
1902 |
"B-EyeRedness": 270,
1903 |
"B-EyeSurgery": 271,
1904 |
"B-EyeSwelling": 272,
1905 |
"B-EyelidItching": 273,
1906 |
"B-EyelidSwelling": 274,
1907 |
"B-Eyes": 275,
1908 |
"B-Face": 276,
1909 |
"B-FacialRash": 277,
1910 |
"B-FacialSwelling": 278,
1911 |
"B-Faint": 279,
1912 |
"B-Fainting": 280,
1913 |
"B-Falls": 281,
1914 |
"B-FastHeartRate": 282,
1915 |
"B-FastHeartbeat": 283,
1916 |
"B-FastHeartbeats": 284,
1917 |
"B-FatalProblems": 285,
1918 |
"B-FeedingProblems": 286,
1919 |
"B-FeelingCold": 287,
1920 |
"B-FeelingDepressed": 288,
1921 |
"B-FeelingHot": 289,
1922 |
"B-FeelingLightHeaded": 290,
1923 |
"B-FeelingNervous": 291,
1924 |
"B-FeelingShortOfBreath": 292,
1925 |
"B-FeelingTiredShortOfBreath": 293,
1926 |
"B-FeelingUnsteady": 294,
1927 |
"B-Feet": 295,
1928 |
"B-Fertility": 296,
1929 |
"B-FertilityProblems": 297,
1930 |
"B-Fever": 298,
1931 |
"B-FeverRelief": 299,
1932 |
"B-FibrinSealant": 300,
1933 |
"B-Flu": 301,
1934 |
"B-FluLikeSymptoms": 302,
1935 |
"B-FluSymptoms": 303,
1936 |
"B-Fluids": 304,
1937 |
"B-Flushing": 305,
1938 |
"B-FlutteringChest": 306,
1939 |
"B-FoamyUrine": 307,
1940 |
"B-Food": 308,
1941 |
"B-FoodandDrugAdministration": 309,
1942 |
"B-FoodandDrugCallNumber": 310,
1943 |
"B-ForeignBodySensation": 311,
1944 |
"B-FreezeDriedProduct": 312,
1945 |
"B-FrequentUrination": 313,
1946 |
"B-Frowning": 314,
1947 |
"B-FruitJuice": 315,
1948 |
"B-FullFeeling": 316,
1949 |
"B-FungalInfection": 317,
1950 |
"B-GamblingUrges": 318,
1951 |
"B-Gas": 319,
1952 |
"B-GasPressure": 320,
1953 |
"B-Gasping": 321,
1954 |
"B-GeneralDiscomfort": 322,
1955 |
"B-GeneralIllFeeling": 323,
1956 |
"B-GenitalArea": 324,
1957 |
"B-Glaucoma": 325,
1958 |
"B-Goiter": 326,
1959 |
"B-GroupSupport": 327,
1960 |
"B-Gum": 328,
1961 |
"B-GumPain": 329,
1962 |
"B-HIV": 330,
1963 |
"B-HUV": 331,
1964 |
"B-HairDryness": 332,
1965 |
"B-HairLoss": 333,
1966 |
"B-Hallucinations": 334,
1967 |
"B-Halos": 335,
1968 |
"B-Hands": 336,
1969 |
"B-HarmfulSituation": 337,
1970 |
"B-HazardousActivity": 338,
1971 |
"B-HeadInjury": 339,
1972 |
"B-Headache": 340,
1973 |
"B-Headaches": 341,
1974 |
"B-HealthDepartment": 342,
1975 |
"B-HealthEmployee": 343,
1976 |
"B-HearingLoss": 344,
1977 |
"B-HearingProblems": 345,
1978 |
"B-Heart": 346,
1979 |
"B-HeartAttack": 347,
1980 |
"B-HeartAttackStroke": 348,
1981 |
"B-HeartBypassSurgery": 349,
1982 |
"B-HeartCondition": 350,
1983 |
"B-HeartConditions": 351,
1984 |
"B-HeartDisease": 352,
1985 |
"B-HeartFailure": 353,
1986 |
"B-HeartFunction": 354,
1987 |
"B-HeartMedication": 355,
1988 |
"B-HeartProblems": 356,
1989 |
"B-HeartRate": 357,
1990 |
"B-HeartRhythmDisorder": 358,
1991 |
"B-HeartRhythmMedicine": 359,
1992 |
"B-Heartbeats": 360,
1993 |
"B-Heartburn": 361,
1994 |
"B-HeatStroke": 362,
1995 |
"B-HeavyFeeling": 363,
1996 |
"B-HerbalProducts": 364,
1997 |
"B-HerbalSupplements": 365,
1998 |
"B-Hiccups": 366,
1999 |
"B-HighBloodPotassium": 367,
2000 |
"B-HighBloodPressure": 368,
2001 |
"B-HighCholesterol": 369,
2002 |
"B-HighDoses": 370,
2003 |
"B-HighFever": 371,
2004 |
"B-HighPressureSettings": 372,
2005 |
"B-HighTriglycerides": 373,
2006 |
"B-HighUricAcid": 374,
2007 |
"B-Hives": 375,
2008 |
"B-HoarseVoice": 376,
2009 |
"B-Hospital": 377,
2010 |
"B-Hostile": 378,
2011 |
"B-Hostility": 379,
2012 |
"B-HotFlashes": 380,
2013 |
"B-HotWeather": 381,
2014 |
"B-HumanPlasma": 382,
2015 |
"B-Hunger": 383,
2016 |
"B-Hyperactive": 384,
2017 |
"B-Hypertension": 385,
2018 |
"B-Hypokalemia": 386,
2019 |
"B-Hypothyroidism": 387,
2020 |
"B-IVHeartMedication": 388,
2021 |
"B-Ibuprofen": 389,
2022 |
"B-ImmuneSystem": 390,
2023 |
"B-Immunization": 391,
2024 |
"B-Impotence": 392,
2025 |
"B-Impulsive": 393,
2026 |
"B-ImpulsiveBehavior": 394,
2027 |
"B-IncreasedAppetite": 395,
2028 |
"B-IncreasedBloodPressure": 396,
2029 |
"B-IncreasedDreaming": 397,
2030 |
"B-IncreasedFluidIntake": 398,
2031 |
"B-IncreasedPressure": 399,
2032 |
"B-IncreasedSalivation": 400,
2033 |
"B-IncreasedSeizures": 401,
2034 |
"B-IncreasedSensitivityToLight": 402,
2035 |
"B-IncreasedSweating": 403,
2036 |
"B-IncreasedThirst": 404,
2037 |
"B-IncreasedUrination": 405,
2038 |
"B-Indigestion": 406,
2039 |
"B-Infection": 407,
2040 |
"B-Infections": 408,
2041 |
"B-Inflammation": 409,
2042 |
"B-InjectionSitePain": 410,
2043 |
"B-Injury": 411,
2044 |
"B-InstructionsForUse": 412,
2045 |
"B-IntenseUrges": 413,
2046 |
"B-InternalBleeding": 414,
2047 |
"B-IntestinalBleeding": 415,
2048 |
"B-Iodide": 416,
2049 |
"B-Iodine": 417,
2050 |
"B-IodinePoisoning": 418,
2051 |
"B-IrregularHeartbeats": 419,
2052 |
"B-IrregularMenstrualPeriods": 420,
2053 |
"B-Irritability": 421,
2054 |
"B-Irritable": 422,
2055 |
"B-Irritation": 423,
2056 |
"B-Itching": 424,
2057 |
"B-ItchingEars": 425,
2058 |
"B-ItchyEyelids": 426,
2059 |
"B-ItchySkinRash": 427,
2060 |
"B-Jaundice": 428,
2061 |
"B-JitteryFeeling": 429,
2062 |
"B-JointPain": 430,
2063 |
"B-Ketoprofen": 431,
2064 |
"B-KidneyDialysis": 432,
2065 |
"B-KidneyDisease": 433,
2066 |
"B-KidneyFailure": 434,
2067 |
"B-KidneyFunction": 435,
2068 |
"B-KidneyProblems": 436,
2069 |
"B-KidneyStones": 437,
2070 |
"B-LaboratoryStaff": 438,
2071 |
"B-LackOfCoordination": 439,
2072 |
"B-LackOfEnergy": 440,
2073 |
"B-LegCramps": 441,
2074 |
"B-LegPain": 442,
2075 |
"B-LegSwelling": 443,
2076 |
"B-LessSeriousSideEffects": 444,
2077 |
"B-Leukemia": 445,
2078 |
"B-LifeThreateningNerveProblems": 446,
2079 |
"B-LightHeaded": 447,
2080 |
"B-LightHeadedFeeling": 448,
2081 |
"B-LightHeadedness": 449,
2082 |
"B-LightSensitivity": 450,
2083 |
"B-LimpFeeling": 451,
2084 |
"B-LipSmacking": 452,
2085 |
"B-LiquidMedicine": 453,
2086 |
"B-Liquids": 454,
2087 |
"B-LittleUrination": 455,
2088 |
"B-LiveVaccine": 456,
2089 |
"B-LiverDamage": 457,
2090 |
"B-LiverDisease": 458,
2091 |
"B-LiverFunction": 459,
2092 |
"B-LiverFunctions": 460,
2093 |
"B-LiverProblems": 461,
2094 |
"B-Location": 462,
2095 |
"B-LongQTSyndrome": 463,
2096 |
"B-LongTermUse": 464,
2097 |
"B-LossOfAppetite": 465,
2098 |
"B-LossOfBalance": 466,
2099 |
"B-LossOfBladderControl": 467,
2100 |
"B-LossOfControl": 468,
2101 |
"B-LossOfCoordination": 469,
2102 |
"B-LossOfMovement": 470,
2103 |
"B-LowBirthWeight": 471,
2104 |
"B-LowBloodCellCounts": 472,
2105 |
"B-LowBloodPressure": 473,
2106 |
"B-LowBloodSugar": 474,
2107 |
"B-LowHemoglobin": 475,
2108 |
"B-LowPlatelets": 476,
2109 |
"B-LowPotassium": 477,
2110 |
"B-LowRedBloodCells": 478,
2111 |
"B-LowSaltDiet": 479,
2112 |
"B-LowSodium": 480,
2113 |
"B-LowThyroid": 481,
2114 |
"B-LowWBC": 482,
2115 |
"B-LowWhiteBloodCellCount": 483,
2116 |
"B-LowWhiteBloodCellCounts": 484,
2117 |
"B-LowWhiteBloodCells": 485,
2118 |
"B-LowerBackPain": 486,
2119 |
"B-LowerJaw": 487,
2120 |
"B-LowerLegs": 488,
2121 |
"B-Lozenges": 489,
2122 |
"B-LungProblems": 490,
2123 |
"B-Lymphoma": 491,
2124 |
"B-Malaria": 492,
2125 |
"B-MalariaMedicine": 493,
2126 |
"B-MeaslesDisease": 494,
2127 |
"B-MeasuringDevice": 495,
2128 |
"B-MedicalAlert": 496,
2129 |
"B-MedicalConditions": 497,
2130 |
"B-MedicalEmergency": 498,
2131 |
"B-MedicalProcedure": 499,
2132 |
"B-MedicalProduct": 500,
2133 |
"B-MedicalProducts": 501,
2134 |
"B-MedicalSetting": 502,
2135 |
"B-MedicalTests": 503,
2136 |
"B-MedicationForm": 504,
2137 |
"B-MedicationGuide": 505,
2138 |
"B-MedicationLabel": 506,
2139 |
"B-Medications": 507,
2140 |
"B-Medicines": 508,
2141 |
"B-MemoryProblems": 509,
2142 |
"B-MenstrualChanges": 510,
2143 |
"B-MentalIllness": 511,
2144 |
"B-MetallicTaste": 512,
2145 |
"B-Migraine": 513,
2146 |
"B-MildBurning": 514,
2147 |
"B-MildHeadache": 515,
2148 |
"B-MildIrritation": 516,
2149 |
"B-MildItching": 517,
2150 |
"B-MildRash": 518,
2151 |
"B-MildStinging": 519,
2152 |
"B-Milk": 520,
2153 |
"B-MinorBurning": 521,
2154 |
"B-Miscarriage": 522,
2155 |
"B-MissingAppointment": 523,
2156 |
"B-MissingDose": 524,
2157 |
"B-MoodChanges": 525,
2158 |
"B-MoodDisorder": 526,
2159 |
"B-MoreDepressed": 527,
2160 |
"B-Mouth": 528,
2161 |
"B-MouthSoreness": 529,
2162 |
"B-MouthSores": 530,
2163 |
"B-MovementDisorder": 531,
2164 |
"B-MovementLoss": 532,
2165 |
"B-Mucus": 533,
2166 |
"B-MultipleSclerosis": 534,
2167 |
"B-MumpsVirus": 535,
2168 |
"B-MuscleAches": 536,
2169 |
"B-MuscleCramps": 537,
2170 |
"B-MuscleDisorder": 538,
2171 |
"B-MuscleDisorders": 539,
2172 |
"B-MusclePain": 540,
2173 |
"B-MuscleStiffness": 541,
2174 |
"B-MuscleTwitching": 542,
2175 |
"B-MuscleWeakness": 543,
2176 |
"B-MyastheniaGravis": 544,
2177 |
"B-MyocardialInfarction": 545,
2178 |
"B-MyotoniaCongenita": 546,
2179 |
"B-Myxedema": 547,
2180 |
"B-NSAID": 548,
2181 |
"B-Naproxen": 549,
2182 |
"B-Nausea": 550,
2183 |
"B-Neck": 551,
2184 |
"B-NerveDamage": 552,
2185 |
"B-NervePain": 553,
2186 |
"B-NerveProblems": 554,
2187 |
"B-Nervous": 555,
2188 |
"B-Nervousness": 556,
2189 |
"B-NewBreathingProblems": 557,
2190 |
"B-NewChestPain": 558,
2191 |
"B-NewCough": 559,
2192 |
"B-NewInfection": 560,
2193 |
"B-NewVisionChanges": 561,
2194 |
"B-Newborn": 562,
2195 |
"B-Nicardipine": 563,
2196 |
"B-Nicotine": 564,
2197 |
"B-NightSweats": 565,
2198 |
"B-NoUrination": 566,
2199 |
"B-NoisyBreathing": 567,
2200 |
"B-Nosebleed": 568,
2201 |
"B-Nosebleeds": 569,
2202 |
"B-NuclearRadiation": 570,
2203 |
"B-NuclearRadiationEmergency": 571,
2204 |
"B-Number": 572,
2205 |
"B-Numbness": 573,
2206 |
"B-NumbnessTinglyFeeling": 574,
2207 |
"B-OTC": 575,
2208 |
"B-Obesity": 576,
2209 |
"B-Odor": 577,
2210 |
"B-OlderAdults": 578,
2211 |
"B-OngoingDiarrhea": 579,
2212 |
"B-Oozing": 580,
2213 |
"B-OpioidMedication": 581,
2214 |
"B-OrganTransplant": 582,
2215 |
"B-OverDose": 583,
2216 |
"B-OverDoseSymptoms": 584,
2217 |
"B-OverTheCounter": 585,
2218 |
"B-OveractiveThyroid": 586,
2219 |
"B-Overdose": 587,
2220 |
"B-Overheating": 588,
2221 |
"B-Pain": 589,
2222 |
"B-PainBehindEyes": 590,
2223 |
"B-PainInLimb": 591,
2224 |
"B-PainRelief": 592,
2225 |
"B-PainSpreading": 593,
2226 |
"B-PainfulSkinSores": 594,
2227 |
"B-PainfulSores": 595,
2228 |
"B-PainfulUrination": 596,
2229 |
"B-PaleSkin": 597,
2230 |
"B-PancreasProblems": 598,
2231 |
"B-Pancreatitis": 599,
2232 |
"B-Panic": 600,
2233 |
"B-PanicAttacks": 601,
2234 |
"B-ParkinsonsDisease": 602,
2235 |
"B-PartialHairLoss": 603,
2236 |
"B-PartialSeizures": 604,
2237 |
"B-Peeling": 605,
2238 |
"B-PelvicPain": 606,
2239 |
"B-PenisInfection": 607,
2240 |
"B-Perforation": 608,
2241 |
"B-PeripheralNeuropathy": 609,
2242 |
"B-PeripheralVascularDisease": 610,
2243 |
"B-Petechiae": 611,
2244 |
"B-Pharmacist": 612,
2245 |
"B-Phenothiazine": 613,
2246 |
"B-Phenylalanine": 614,
2247 |
"B-Phenylketonuria": 615,
2248 |
"B-PinkUrine": 616,
2249 |
"B-Platelets": 617,
2250 |
"B-PotassiumChannelBlockers": 618,
2251 |
"B-PotassiumIodide": 619,
2252 |
"B-PoundingHeartbeats": 620,
2253 |
"B-PoundingInNeck": 621,
2254 |
"B-Pregnancy": 622,
2255 |
"B-PrematureBirth": 623,
2256 |
"B-Prescription": 624,
2257 |
"B-PricklyFeeling": 625,
2258 |
"B-ProblemsWithHearing": 626,
2259 |
"B-ProblemsWithSpeech": 627,
2260 |
"B-Protein": 628,
2261 |
"B-Psoriasis": 629,
2262 |
"B-PuffyEyes": 630,
2263 |
"B-PurpleSpots": 631,
2264 |
"B-QTInterval": 632,
2265 |
"B-QTc": 633,
2266 |
"B-Radiation": 634,
2267 |
"B-RadiationTreatments": 635,
2268 |
"B-RadioactiveIodine": 636,
2269 |
"B-Radioiodine": 637,
2270 |
"B-RapidHeartRate": 638,
2271 |
"B-RapidWeightGain": 639,
2272 |
"B-Rash": 640,
2273 |
"B-RaynaudSyndrome": 641,
2274 |
"B-Reactions": 642,
2275 |
"B-RedEyelids": 643,
2276 |
"B-RedRash": 644,
2277 |
"B-RedSkinRash": 645,
2278 |
"B-RedUrine": 646,
2279 |
"B-Redness": 647,
2280 |
"B-ReducedUrination": 648,
2281 |
"B-ReflexProblems": 649,
2282 |
"B-Reinfarction": 650,
2283 |
"B-ReplacementProduct": 651,
2284 |
"B-Restless": 652,
2285 |
"B-Restlessness": 653,
2286 |
"B-RheumatoidArthritis": 654,
2287 |
"B-RightSidedPain": 655,
2288 |
"B-RightSidedStomachPain": 656,
2289 |
"B-RigidMuscles": 657,
2290 |
"B-RingingEars": 658,
2291 |
"B-RingingInEars": 659,
2292 |
"B-Rotavirus": 660,
2293 |
"B-RubellaVirus": 661,
2294 |
"B-RunnyNose": 662,
2295 |
"B-RunnyOrStuffyNose": 663,
2296 |
"B-Salicylates": 664,
2297 |
"B-Schedule": 665,
2298 |
"B-Schizophrenia": 666,
2299 |
"B-SeeingHalos": 667,
2300 |
"B-Seizure": 668,
2301 |
"B-SeizureDisorder": 669,
2302 |
"B-SeizureMedicine": 670,
2303 |
"B-Seizures": 671,
2304 |
"B-SelfHarmThoughts": 672,
2305 |
"B-SensitivityToLight": 673,
2306 |
"B-SeriousBloodClottingProblem": 674,
2307 |
"B-SeriousDrugReaction": 675,
2308 |
"B-SeriousEffects": 676,
2309 |
"B-SeriousHeartProblem": 677,
2310 |
"B-SeriousInfections": 678,
2311 |
"B-SeriousMovementDisorder": 679,
2312 |
"B-SeriousSideEffect": 680,
2313 |
"B-SeriousSideEffects": 681,
2314 |
"B-SevereAllergicReaction": 682,
2315 |
"B-SevereBleeding": 683,
2316 |
"B-SevereBurning": 684,
2317 |
"B-SevereConstipation": 685,
2318 |
"B-SevereDiarrhea": 686,
2319 |
"B-SevereDiscomfort": 687,
2320 |
"B-SevereDizziness": 688,
2321 |
"B-SevereEyeRedness": 689,
2322 |
"B-SevereHeadache": 690,
2323 |
"B-SevereInflammation": 691,
2324 |
"B-SevereInjuries": 692,
2325 |
"B-SevereIrritation": 693,
2326 |
"B-SevereItching": 694,
2327 |
"B-SevereLiverDisease": 695,
2328 |
"B-SevereMouthThroatIrritation": 696,
2329 |
"B-SevereNervousSystemReaction": 697,
2330 |
"B-SeverePain": 698,
2331 |
"B-SeverePainUpperStomach": 699,
2332 |
"B-SevereRedness": 700,
2333 |
"B-SevereSkinRash": 701,
2334 |
"B-SevereSkinReaction": 702,
2335 |
"B-SevereStinging": 703,
2336 |
"B-SevereStomachCramps": 704,
2337 |
"B-SevereStomachPain": 705,
2338 |
"B-SevereSwelling": 706,
2339 |
"B-SevereWeakness": 707,
2340 |
"B-SexualUrges": 708,
2341 |
"B-Shaving": 709,
2342 |
"B-ShortnessOfBreath": 710,
2343 |
"B-ShoulderPain": 711,
2344 |
"B-SideEffects": 712,
2345 |
"B-SideOfBody": 713,
2346 |
"B-SidePain": 714,
2347 |
"B-SignsOfCHF": 715,
2348 |
"B-SignsOfInfection": 716,
2349 |
"B-SignsOfStomachBleeding": 717,
2350 |
"B-SinusPain": 718,
2351 |
"B-SkeletalMuscleBreakdown": 719,
2352 |
"B-SkinIrritation": 720,
2353 |
"B-SkinPain": 721,
2354 |
"B-SkinRash": 722,
2355 |
"B-SkinReaction": 723,
2356 |
"B-SkinSores": 724,
2357 |
"B-SkinTissues": 725,
2358 |
"B-SkinWound": 726,
2359 |
"B-SleepProblems": 727,
2360 |
"B-Sleepy": 728,
2361 |
"B-SlowBreathing": 729,
2362 |
"B-SlowHealing": 730,
2363 |
"B-SlowHeartRate": 731,
2364 |
"B-SlowHeartbeats": 732,
2365 |
"B-SlurredSpeech": 733,
2366 |
"B-Smoking": 734,
2367 |
"B-SmokingCessation": 735,
2368 |
"B-SmokingCessationMedicine": 736,
2369 |
"B-Sneezing": 737,
2370 |
"B-SoreThroat": 738,
2371 |
"B-SpeechProblems": 739,
2372 |
"B-SpinalBloodClot": 740,
2373 |
"B-SpinningSensation": 741,
2374 |
"B-SprayApplication": 742,
2375 |
"B-SprayDevice": 743,
2376 |
"B-SpreadingPain": 744,
2377 |
"B-SpreadingPainBack": 745,
2378 |
"B-StatusEpilepticus": 746,
2379 |
"B-Stent": 747,
2380 |
"B-Stents": 748,
2381 |
"B-Steroids": 749,
2382 |
"B-Sticking": 750,
2383 |
"B-Stiffness": 751,
2384 |
"B-Stillbirth": 752,
2385 |
"B-Stinging": 753,
2386 |
"B-Stomach": 754,
2387 |
"B-StomachBleeding": 755,
2388 |
"B-StomachBloating": 756,
2389 |
"B-StomachCramps": 757,
2390 |
"B-StomachDiscomfort": 758,
2391 |
"B-StomachPain": 759,
2392 |
"B-StomachUlcer": 760,
2393 |
"B-Stools": 761,
2394 |
"B-StorageConditions": 762,
2395 |
"B-Stroke": 763,
2396 |
"B-StuffyNose": 764,
2397 |
"B-SuddenDizziness": 765,
2398 |
"B-SuddenNumbness": 766,
2399 |
"B-SuddenVisionChanges": 767,
2400 |
"B-SuicidalThoughts": 768,
2401 |
"B-Surgeon": 769,
2402 |
"B-Surgery": 770,
2403 |
"B-Swallowing": 771,
2404 |
"B-Sweating": 772,
2405 |
"B-Swelling": 773,
2406 |
"B-SwellingFeetAnkles": 774,
2407 |
"B-SwellingMouthTongue": 775,
2408 |
"B-SwellingRapidWeightGain": 776,
2409 |
"B-SwellingRelief": 777,
2410 |
"B-SwollenGlands": 778,
2411 |
"B-SwollenGums": 779,
2412 |
"B-Symptoms": 780,
2413 |
"B-Tablet": 781,
2414 |
"B-TarryStools": 782,
2415 |
"B-Teenager": 783,
2416 |
"B-TeethProblems": 784,
2417 |
"B-Tenderness": 785,
2418 |
"B-Tests": 786,
2419 |
"B-Tg": 787,
2420 |
"B-ThiazideDiuretic": 788,
2421 |
"B-ThiazideDiuretics": 789,
2422 |
"B-Thinking": 790,
2423 |
"B-ThinkingProblems": 791,
2424 |
"B-ThoughtProblems": 792,
2425 |
"B-Throat": 793,
2426 |
"B-ThroatIrritation": 794,
2427 |
"B-ThroatPain": 795,
2428 |
"B-ThroatSoreness": 796,
2429 |
"B-Thyroid": 797,
2430 |
"B-ThyroidDisorder": 798,
2431 |
"B-ThyroidHarm": 799,
2432 |
"B-ThyroidNodules": 800,
2433 |
"B-ThyroidProblems": 801,
2434 |
"B-ThyroidToxicity": 802,
2435 |
"B-Thyroidectomy": 803,
2436 |
"B-Thyroiditis": 804,
2437 |
"B-Thyrotoxicosis": 805,
2438 |
"B-Tightness": 806,
2439 |
"B-Time": 807,
2440 |
"B-Tingling": 808,
2441 |
"B-TinglingArmsLegs": 809,
2442 |
"B-TinglyFeeling": 810,
2443 |
"B-Tinnitus": 811,
2444 |
"B-TiredFeeling": 812,
2445 |
"B-Tiredness": 813,
2446 |
"B-TobaccoProducts": 814,
2447 |
"B-TongueMovement": 815,
2448 |
"B-ToothPain": 816,
2449 |
"B-TorsadeDePointes": 817,
2450 |
"B-TreatedArea": 818,
2451 |
"B-Treatment": 819,
2452 |
"B-Treatments": 820,
2453 |
"B-Tremors": 821,
2454 |
"B-TroubleBreathing": 822,
2455 |
"B-TroubleConcentrating": 823,
2456 |
"B-TroubleSleeping": 824,
2457 |
"B-TroubleSpeaking": 825,
2458 |
"B-TroubleSwallowing": 826,
2459 |
"B-TroubleUnderstanding": 827,
2460 |
"B-Tuberculosis": 828,
2461 |
"B-TuberculosisMedicine": 829,
2462 |
"B-TumorCells": 830,
2463 |
"B-Tumors": 831,
2464 |
"B-TunnelVision": 832,
2465 |
"B-TyphoidFever": 833,
2466 |
"B-UncontrolledMovements": 834,
2467 |
"B-UncontrolledMuscleMovements": 835,
2468 |
"B-UncontrolledTwitching": 836,
2469 |
"B-UnevenHeartbeats": 837,
2470 |
"B-UnusualBleeding": 838,
2471 |
"B-UnusualBruising": 839,
2472 |
"B-UnusualCrying": 840,
2473 |
"B-UnusualTasteMouth": 841,
2474 |
"B-UnusualThoughts": 842,
2475 |
"B-UnusualTiredness": 843,
2476 |
"B-UnusualVaginalBleeding": 844,
2477 |
"B-UnwantedBloodClot": 845,
2478 |
"B-UpperBody": 846,
2479 |
"B-UpperBodyRash": 847,
2480 |
"B-UpperStomachPain": 848,
2481 |
"B-UpsetStomach": 849,
2482 |
"B-Urgency": 850,
2483 |
"B-UrinatingLess": 851,
2484 |
"B-Urination": 852,
2485 |
"B-UrinationPain": 853,
2486 |
"B-UrinationProblems": 854,
2487 |
"B-UrineColor": 855,
2488 |
"B-UrineStream": 856,
2489 |
"B-UrineTests": 857,
2490 |
"B-UseOfPeople": 858,
2491 |
"B-VaginalBurning": 859,
2492 |
"B-VaginalItching": 860,
2493 |
"B-VaginalRedness": 861,
2494 |
"B-VaginalSymptoms": 862,
2495 |
"B-Varenicline": 863,
2496 |
"B-Varicella": 864,
2497 |
"B-VaughanWilliamsClassification": 865,
2498 |
"B-Verapamil": 866,
2499 |
"B-ViralInfection": 867,
2500 |
"B-Viruses": 868,
2501 |
"B-Vision": 869,
2502 |
"B-VisionProblems": 870,
2503 |
"B-Vitamins": 871,
2504 |
"B-Vomit": 872,
2505 |
"B-VomitCoffeeGrounds": 873,
2506 |
"B-Vomiting": 874,
2507 |
"B-VomitingBlood": 875,
2508 |
"B-Warmth": 876,
2509 |
"B-Water": 877,
2510 |
"B-WateryDiarrhea": 878,
2511 |
"B-WateryEyes": 879,
2512 |
"B-WeakBreathing": 880,
2513 |
"B-WeakFeeling": 881,
2514 |
"B-WeakImmuneSystem": 882,
2515 |
"B-WeakPulse": 883,
2516 |
"B-Weakness": 884,
2517 |
"B-Weight": 885,
2518 |
"B-WeightChange": 886,
2519 |
"B-WeightChanges": 887,
2520 |
"B-WeightGain": 888,
2521 |
"B-WeightLoss": 889,
2522 |
"B-WeightProblems": 890,
2523 |
"B-Wellbutrin": 891,
2524 |
"B-Wheezing": 892,
2525 |
"B-WhiteBloodCells": 893,
2526 |
"B-WithdrawalSymptoms": 894,
2527 |
"B-WorseningBreathingProblems": 895,
2528 |
"B-WorseningLungProblems": 896,
2529 |
"B-WorseningTremors": 897,
2530 |
"B-WoundThatWillNotHeal": 898,
2531 |
"B-YellowFeverVirus": 899,
2532 |
"B-YellowedSkin": 900,
2533 |
"B-Zoster": 901,
2534 |
"B-Zyban": 902,
2535 |
"I-AVBlock": 903,
2536 |
"I-AbnormalBloodClotting": 904,
2537 |
"I-AbnormalBloodTests": 905,
2538 |
"I-AbnormalKidneyFunction": 906,
2539 |
"I-AbnormalLiverFunction": 907,
2540 |
"I-AbnormalLiverFunctionTests": 908,
2541 |
"I-AbnormalVaginalBleeding": 909,
2542 |
"I-ActiveBleeding": 910,
2543 |
"I-AddisonsDisease": 911,
2544 |
"I-AdrenalGlandDisorder": 912,
2545 |
"I-AdrenalGlandProblem": 913,
2546 |
"I-Age": 914,
2547 |
"I-AirRelease": 915,
2548 |
"I-AirTrapped": 916,
2549 |
"I-Alcohol": 917,
2550 |
"I-AllergicReaction": 918,
2551 |
"I-Allergy": 919,
2552 |
"I-AllergyTreatment": 920,
2553 |
"I-AlteredSenseOfTaste": 921,
2554 |
"I-AlteredTaste": 922,
2555 |
"I-Anemia": 923,
2556 |
"I-Angina": 924,
2557 |
"I-AntiEpileptic": 925,
2558 |
"I-Antifungal": 926,
2559 |
"I-AntihypertensiveAgents": 927,
2560 |
"I-Antipsychotic": 928,
2561 |
"I-AntipsychoticMedicines": 929,
2562 |
"I-Antiviral": 930,
2563 |
"I-Anxious": 931,
2564 |
"I-AppetiteChanges": 932,
2565 |
"I-AsthmaMedication": 933,
2566 |
"I-AutoimmuneDisorders": 934,
2567 |
"I-BackPain": 935,
2568 |
"I-BadBreath": 936,
2569 |
"I-BalanceProblems": 937,
2570 |
"I-BehaviorChanges": 938,
2571 |
"I-BirthControl": 939,
2572 |
"I-BlackStools": 940,
2573 |
"I-BladderBiopsy": 941,
2574 |
"I-BladderCancer": 942,
2575 |
"I-BladderControl": 943,
2576 |
"I-BladderInfection": 944,
2577 |
"I-BladderSymptoms": 945,
2578 |
"I-Bleeding": 946,
2579 |
"I-BleedingAroundIV": 947,
2580 |
"I-BleedingGums": 948,
2581 |
"I-BleedingInBrain": 949,
2582 |
"I-BleedingInTheBrain": 950,
2583 |
"I-BleedingInjury": 951,
2584 |
"I-BleedingInsideBody": 952,
2585 |
"I-BleedingProblems": 953,
2586 |
"I-BleedingThatWillNotStop": 954,
2587 |
"I-Blinking": 955,
2588 |
"I-Blistering": 956,
2589 |
"I-Blisters": 957,
2590 |
"I-BloodCancerType": 958,
2591 |
"I-BloodCellDisorder": 959,
2592 |
"I-BloodCellLevels": 960,
2593 |
"I-BloodCells": 961,
2594 |
"I-BloodClot": 962,
2595 |
"I-BloodClots": 963,
2596 |
"I-BloodClottingTests": 964,
2597 |
"I-BloodInStools": 965,
2598 |
"I-BloodInUrine": 966,
2599 |
"I-BloodInUrineStools": 967,
2600 |
"I-BloodLevels": 968,
2601 |
"I-BloodPressure": 969,
2602 |
"I-BloodPressureMedication": 970,
2603 |
"I-BloodPressureMedicine": 971,
2604 |
"I-BloodTests": 972,
2605 |
"I-BloodThinner": 973,
2606 |
"I-BloodVesselConditions": 974,
2607 |
"I-BloodyStools": 975,
2608 |
"I-BloodyTarryStools": 976,
2609 |
"I-BlueSkin": 977,
2610 |
"I-BlurredVision": 978,
2611 |
"I-BodyAches": 979,
2612 |
"I-BodyFatChanges": 980,
2613 |
"I-BodyPart": 981,
2614 |
"I-BoosterDose": 982,
2615 |
"I-BowelHabits": 983,
2616 |
"I-BrainWaveTest": 984,
2617 |
"I-BreastCancer": 985,
2618 |
"I-BreastMilk": 986,
2619 |
"I-BreastSwelling": 987,
2620 |
"I-Breastfeeding": 988,
2621 |
"I-Breathing": 989,
2622 |
"I-BreathingDisorder": 990,
2623 |
"I-BreathingProblems": 991,
2624 |
"I-BrownUrine": 992,
2625 |
"I-Bruising": 993,
2626 |
"I-BrushingTeeth": 994,
2627 |
"I-Burning": 995,
2628 |
"I-BurningEyes": 996,
2629 |
"I-BurningOrIrritation": 997,
2630 |
"I-BurningPain": 998,
2631 |
"I-BurningSensation": 999,
2632 |
"I-COPD": 1000,
2633 |
"I-Cancer": 1001,
2634 |
"I-CancerMedicine": 1002,
2635 |
"I-CancerMedicines": 1003,
2636 |
"I-CancerTreatments": 1004,
2637 |
"I-CardiovascularMortality": 1005,
2638 |
"I-CataractFormation": 1006,
2639 |
"I-CeliacDisease": 1007,
2640 |
"I-CerebralThrombosis": 1008,
2641 |
"I-ChangesInKidneyFunction": 1009,
2642 |
"I-ChangesInMenstrualPeriods": 1010,
2643 |
"I-ChangesInTaste": 1011,
2644 |
"I-ChangesInVision": 1012,
2645 |
"I-ChangesInWeight": 1013,
2646 |
"I-ChangesMenstrualPeriods": 1014,
2647 |
"I-ChestPain": 1015,
2648 |
"I-ChestTightness": 1016,
2649 |
"I-ChokingFeeling": 1017,
2650 |
"I-CholesterolMedication": 1018,
2651 |
"I-ChronicBronchitis": 1019,
2652 |
"I-ClayColoredStools": 1020,
2653 |
"I-Coagulating": 1021,
2654 |
"I-Coagulation": 1022,
2655 |
"I-CoffeeGrounds": 1023,
2656 |
"I-CoffeeGroundsVomiting": 1024,
2657 |
"I-ColdExtremities": 1025,
2658 |
"I-ColdFeeling": 1026,
2659 |
"I-ColdFluRelief": 1027,
2660 |
"I-ColdHandsFeet": 1028,
2661 |
"I-ColdSores": 1029,
2662 |
"I-ColdSymptoms": 1030,
2663 |
"I-ColonPolyps": 1031,
2664 |
"I-ColorChange": 1032,
2665 |
"I-CommonSideEffects": 1033,
2666 |
"I-Completeness": 1034,
2667 |
"I-Confusion": 1035,
2668 |
"I-CongenitalHypothyroidism": 1036,
2669 |
"I-CongestiveHeartFailure": 1037,
2670 |
"I-CoordinationProblems": 1038,
2671 |
"I-CoronaryArteryDisease": 1039,
2672 |
"I-CoughMucus": 1040,
2673 |
"I-CoughingBlood": 1041,
2674 |
"I-CoughingUpBlood": 1042,
2675 |
"I-CoughingUpMucus": 1043,
2676 |
"I-CoughingUpMucusBlood": 1044,
2677 |
"I-CreatinineClearance": 1045,
2678 |
"I-Crusting": 1046,
2679 |
"I-CysticFibrosis": 1047,
2680 |
"I-CytokineReleaseSyndrome": 1048,
2681 |
"I-DarkUrine": 1049,
2682 |
"I-DecreasedAlertness": 1050,
2683 |
"I-DecreasedBloodCellCounts": 1051,
2684 |
"I-DecreasedBloodFlow": 1052,
2685 |
"I-DecreasedNightVision": 1053,
2686 |
"I-DementiaRelatedPsychosis": 1054,
2687 |
"I-DentalWork": 1055,
2688 |
"I-Depressed": 1056,
2689 |
"I-DermatitisHerpetiformis": 1057,
2690 |
"I-DifficultBreathing": 1058,
2691 |
"I-DifficultyBreathing": 1059,
2692 |
"I-DigestiveTractBleeding": 1060,
2693 |
"I-Diseases": 1061,
2694 |
"I-Dosage": 1062,
2695 |
"I-DosageInformation": 1063,
2696 |
"I-DoubleVision": 1064,
2697 |
"I-Drainage": 1065,
2698 |
"I-DroopingEyelids": 1066,
2699 |
"I-DrugClass": 1067,
2700 |
"I-DrugDose": 1068,
2701 |
"I-DrugInteractions": 1069,
2702 |
"I-DrugName": 1070,
2703 |
"I-DryEye": 1071,
2704 |
"I-DryEyes": 1072,
2705 |
"I-DryMouth": 1073,
2706 |
"I-DrySkin": 1074,
2707 |
"I-ECG": 1075,
2708 |
"I-EasyBruising": 1076,
2709 |
"I-EasyBruisingBleeding": 1077,
2710 |
"I-EffectiveRefractoryPeriod": 1078,
2711 |
"I-ElectrolyteImbalance": 1079,
2712 |
"I-EmergencyMedicalAttention": 1080,
2713 |
"I-EmergencyMedicalHelp": 1081,
2714 |
"I-EmergencyMedicalLine": 1082,
2715 |
"I-EnlargedProstate": 1083,
2716 |
"I-EnlargedThyroid": 1084,
2717 |
"I-ErectionProblems": 1085,
2718 |
"I-ExtremeFear": 1086,
2719 |
"I-ExtremeWeakness": 1087,
2720 |
"I-EyeDryness": 1088,
2721 |
"I-EyeInfection": 1089,
2722 |
"I-EyeIrritation": 1090,
2723 |
"I-EyeItching": 1091,
2724 |
"I-EyeMovement": 1092,
2725 |
"I-EyeMovementProblems": 1093,
2726 |
"I-EyePain": 1094,
2727 |
"I-EyePatches": 1095,
2728 |
"I-EyeRedness": 1096,
2729 |
"I-EyeSurgery": 1097,
2730 |
"I-EyeSwelling": 1098,
2731 |
"I-EyelidItching": 1099,
2732 |
"I-EyelidSwelling": 1100,
2733 |
"I-Eyes": 1101,
2734 |
"I-Face": 1102,
2735 |
"I-FacialRash": 1103,
2736 |
"I-FacialSwelling": 1104,
2737 |
"I-FastHeartRate": 1105,
2738 |
"I-FastHeartbeat": 1106,
2739 |
"I-FastHeartbeats": 1107,
2740 |
"I-FatalProblems": 1108,
2741 |
"I-FeedingProblems": 1109,
2742 |
"I-FeelingCold": 1110,
2743 |
"I-FeelingDepressed": 1111,
2744 |
"I-FeelingHot": 1112,
2745 |
"I-FeelingLightHeaded": 1113,
2746 |
"I-FeelingNervous": 1114,
2747 |
"I-FeelingShortOfBreath": 1115,
2748 |
"I-FeelingTiredShortOfBreath": 1116,
2749 |
"I-FeelingUnsteady": 1117,
2750 |
"I-Fertility": 1118,
2751 |
"I-FertilityProblems": 1119,
2752 |
"I-FibrinSealant": 1120,
2753 |
"I-Flu": 1121,
2754 |
"I-FluLikeSymptoms": 1122,
2755 |
"I-FluSymptoms": 1123,
2756 |
"I-Flushing": 1124,
2757 |
"I-FlutteringChest": 1125,
2758 |
"I-FoamyUrine": 1126,
2759 |
"I-FoodandDrugAdministration": 1127,
2760 |
"I-ForeignBodySensation": 1128,
2761 |
"I-FreezeDriedProduct": 1129,
2762 |
"I-FrequentUrination": 1130,
2763 |
"I-FruitJuice": 1131,
2764 |
"I-FullFeeling": 1132,
2765 |
"I-GamblingUrges": 1133,
2766 |
"I-GasPressure": 1134,
2767 |
"I-Gasping": 1135,
2768 |
"I-GeneralDiscomfort": 1136,
2769 |
"I-GeneralIllFeeling": 1137,
2770 |
"I-GenitalArea": 1138,
2771 |
"I-Goiter": 1139,
2772 |
"I-GroupSupport": 1140,
2773 |
"I-GumPain": 1141,
2774 |
"I-HIV": 1142,
2775 |
"I-HUV": 1143,
2776 |
"I-HairDryness": 1144,
2777 |
"I-HairLoss": 1145,
2778 |
"I-Hallucinations": 1146,
2779 |
"I-Halos": 1147,
2780 |
"I-HazardousActivity": 1148,
2781 |
"I-HeadInjury": 1149,
2782 |
"I-Headache": 1150,
2783 |
"I-HealthDepartment": 1151,
2784 |
"I-HealthEmployee": 1152,
2785 |
"I-HearingLoss": 1153,
2786 |
"I-HearingProblems": 1154,
2787 |
"I-HeartAttack": 1155,
2788 |
"I-HeartAttackStroke": 1156,
2789 |
"I-HeartBypassSurgery": 1157,
2790 |
"I-HeartCondition": 1158,
2791 |
"I-HeartDisease": 1159,
2792 |
"I-HeartFailure": 1160,
2793 |
"I-HeartFunction": 1161,
2794 |
"I-HeartProblems": 1162,
2795 |
"I-HeartRate": 1163,
2796 |
"I-HeartRhythmDisorder": 1164,
2797 |
"I-HeartRhythmMedicine": 1165,
2798 |
"I-Heartbeats": 1166,
2799 |
"I-HeatStroke": 1167,
2800 |
"I-HeavyFeeling": 1168,
2801 |
"I-HerbalProducts": 1169,
2802 |
"I-HerbalSupplements": 1170,
2803 |
"I-HighBloodPotassium": 1171,
2804 |
"I-HighBloodPressure": 1172,
2805 |
"I-HighCholesterol": 1173,
2806 |
"I-HighFever": 1174,
2807 |
"I-HighPressureSettings": 1175,
2808 |
"I-HighUricAcid": 1176,
2809 |
"I-HoarseVoice": 1177,
2810 |
"I-Hostility": 1178,
2811 |
"I-HotFlashes": 1179,
2812 |
"I-HotWeather": 1180,
2813 |
"I-HumanPlasma": 1181,
2814 |
"I-Hyperactive": 1182,
2815 |
"I-Hypertension": 1183,
2816 |
"I-Hypokalemia": 1184,
2817 |
"I-Hypothyroidism": 1185,
2818 |
"I-IVHeartMedication": 1186,
2819 |
"I-Ibuprofen": 1187,
2820 |
"I-ImmuneSystem": 1188,
2821 |
"I-Immunization": 1189,
2822 |
"I-IncreasedAppetite": 1190,
2823 |
"I-IncreasedBloodPressure": 1191,
2824 |
"I-IncreasedDreaming": 1192,
2825 |
"I-IncreasedFluidIntake": 1193,
2826 |
"I-IncreasedPressure": 1194,
2827 |
"I-IncreasedSalivation": 1195,
2828 |
"I-IncreasedSeizures": 1196,
2829 |
"I-IncreasedSensitivityToLight": 1197,
2830 |
"I-IncreasedSweating": 1198,
2831 |
"I-IncreasedThirst": 1199,
2832 |
"I-IncreasedUrination": 1200,
2833 |
"I-Infection": 1201,
2834 |
"I-Infections": 1202,
2835 |
"I-Inflammation": 1203,
2836 |
"I-InjectionSitePain": 1204,
2837 |
"I-InstructionsForUse": 1205,
2838 |
"I-IntenseUrges": 1206,
2839 |
"I-InternalBleeding": 1207,
2840 |
"I-IntestinalBleeding": 1208,
2841 |
"I-IodinePoisoning": 1209,
2842 |
"I-IrregularHeartbeats": 1210,
2843 |
"I-IrregularMenstrualPeriods": 1211,
2844 |
"I-Irritation": 1212,
2845 |
"I-Itching": 1213,
2846 |
"I-ItchingEars": 1214,
2847 |
"I-ItchyEyelids": 1215,
2848 |
"I-ItchySkinRash": 1216,
2849 |
"I-Jaundice": 1217,
2850 |
"I-JitteryFeeling": 1218,
2851 |
"I-JointPain": 1219,
2852 |
"I-KidneyDialysis": 1220,
2853 |
"I-KidneyDisease": 1221,
2854 |
"I-KidneyFailure": 1222,
2855 |
"I-KidneyFunction": 1223,
2856 |
"I-KidneyProblems": 1224,
2857 |
"I-KidneyStones": 1225,
2858 |
"I-LaboratoryStaff": 1226,
2859 |
"I-LackOfCoordination": 1227,
2860 |
"I-LackOfEnergy": 1228,
2861 |
"I-LegCramps": 1229,
2862 |
"I-LegPain": 1230,
2863 |
"I-LegSwelling": 1231,
2864 |
"I-LessSeriousSideEffects": 1232,
2865 |
"I-LifeThreateningNerveProblems": 1233,
2866 |
"I-LightHeaded": 1234,
2867 |
"I-LightHeadedFeeling": 1235,
2868 |
"I-LightHeadedness": 1236,
2869 |
"I-LightSensitivity": 1237,
2870 |
"I-LimpFeeling": 1238,
2871 |
"I-LipSmacking": 1239,
2872 |
"I-LiquidMedicine": 1240,
2873 |
"I-LittleUrination": 1241,
2874 |
"I-LiveVaccine": 1242,
2875 |
"I-LiverDamage": 1243,
2876 |
"I-LiverDisease": 1244,
2877 |
"I-LiverFunction": 1245,
2878 |
"I-LiverFunctions": 1246,
2879 |
"I-LiverProblems": 1247,
2880 |
"I-LongQTSyndrome": 1248,
2881 |
"I-LongTermUse": 1249,
2882 |
"I-LossOfAppetite": 1250,
2883 |
"I-LossOfBalance": 1251,
2884 |
"I-LossOfBladderControl": 1252,
2885 |
"I-LossOfControl": 1253,
2886 |
"I-LossOfCoordination": 1254,
2887 |
"I-LossOfMovement": 1255,
2888 |
"I-LowBirthWeight": 1256,
2889 |
"I-LowBloodCellCounts": 1257,
2890 |
"I-LowBloodPressure": 1258,
2891 |
"I-LowBloodSugar": 1259,
2892 |
"I-LowHemoglobin": 1260,
2893 |
"I-LowPlatelets": 1261,
2894 |
"I-LowPotassium": 1262,
2895 |
"I-LowRedBloodCells": 1263,
2896 |
"I-LowSaltDiet": 1264,
2897 |
"I-LowSodium": 1265,
2898 |
"I-LowThyroid": 1266,
2899 |
"I-LowWBC": 1267,
2900 |
"I-LowWhiteBloodCellCount": 1268,
2901 |
"I-LowWhiteBloodCellCounts": 1269,
2902 |
"I-LowWhiteBloodCells": 1270,
2903 |
"I-LowerBackPain": 1271,
2904 |
"I-LowerJaw": 1272,
2905 |
"I-LowerLegs": 1273,
2906 |
"I-LungProblems": 1274,
2907 |
"I-MalariaMedicine": 1275,
2908 |
"I-MeasuringDevice": 1276,
2909 |
"I-MedicalAlert": 1277,
2910 |
"I-MedicalConditions": 1278,
2911 |
"I-MedicalEmergency": 1279,
2912 |
"I-MedicalProcedure": 1280,
2913 |
"I-MedicalProduct": 1281,
2914 |
"I-MedicalProducts": 1282,
2915 |
"I-MedicalSetting": 1283,
2916 |
"I-MedicalTests": 1284,
2917 |
"I-MedicationGuide": 1285,
2918 |
"I-MedicationLabel": 1286,
2919 |
"I-Medicines": 1287,
2920 |
"I-MemoryProblems": 1288,
2921 |
"I-MenstrualChanges": 1289,
2922 |
"I-MentalIllness": 1290,
2923 |
"I-MetallicTaste": 1291,
2924 |
"I-Migraine": 1292,
2925 |
"I-MildBurning": 1293,
2926 |
"I-MildHeadache": 1294,
2927 |
"I-MildIrritation": 1295,
2928 |
"I-MildItching": 1296,
2929 |
"I-MildRash": 1297,
2930 |
"I-MildStinging": 1298,
2931 |
"I-MinorBurning": 1299,
2932 |
"I-MinorStinging": 1300,
2933 |
"I-MissingAppointment": 1301,
2934 |
"I-MissingDose": 1302,
2935 |
"I-MoodChanges": 1303,
2936 |
"I-MoodDisorder": 1304,
2937 |
"I-MoreDepressed": 1305,
2938 |
"I-MouthSores": 1306,
2939 |
"I-MovementDisorder": 1307,
2940 |
"I-MovementLoss": 1308,
2941 |
"I-MultipleSclerosis": 1309,
2942 |
"I-MuscleAches": 1310,
2943 |
"I-MuscleCramps": 1311,
2944 |
"I-MuscleDisorder": 1312,
2945 |
"I-MuscleDisorders": 1313,
2946 |
"I-MusclePain": 1314,
2947 |
"I-MuscleStiffness": 1315,
2948 |
"I-MuscleTwitching": 1316,
2949 |
"I-MuscleWeakness": 1317,
2950 |
"I-MyastheniaGravis": 1318,
2951 |
"I-MyocardialInfarction": 1319,
2952 |
"I-MyotoniaCongenita": 1320,
2953 |
"I-NSAID": 1321,
2954 |
"I-Naproxen": 1322,
2955 |
"I-Nausea": 1323,
2956 |
"I-NerveDamage": 1324,
2957 |
"I-NerveProblems": 1325,
2958 |
"I-Nervous": 1326,
2959 |
"I-Nervousness": 1327,
2960 |
"I-NewBreathingProblems": 1328,
2961 |
"I-NewChestPain": 1329,
2962 |
"I-NewCough": 1330,
2963 |
"I-NewInfection": 1331,
2964 |
"I-NewVisionChanges": 1332,
2965 |
"I-Newborn": 1333,
2966 |
"I-NightSweats": 1334,
2967 |
"I-NoUrination": 1335,
2968 |
"I-NoisyBreathing": 1336,
2969 |
"I-Nosebleeds": 1337,
2970 |
"I-NuclearRadiation": 1338,
2971 |
"I-NuclearRadiationEmergency": 1339,
2972 |
"I-Numbness": 1340,
2973 |
"I-NumbnessTinglyFeeling": 1341,
2974 |
"I-OTC": 1342,
2975 |
"I-OlderAdults": 1343,
2976 |
"I-OngoingDiarrhea": 1344,
2977 |
"I-OpioidMedication": 1345,
2978 |
"I-OrganTransplant": 1346,
2979 |
"I-OverDoseSymptoms": 1347,
2980 |
"I-OverTheCounter": 1348,
2981 |
"I-OveractiveThyroid": 1349,
2982 |
"I-Overdose": 1350,
2983 |
"I-Pain": 1351,
2984 |
"I-PainBehindEyes": 1352,
2985 |
"I-PainInLimb": 1353,
2986 |
"I-PainSpreading": 1354,
2987 |
"I-PainfulSkinSores": 1355,
2988 |
"I-PainfulSores": 1356,
2989 |
"I-PainfulUrination": 1357,
2990 |
"I-PaleSkin": 1358,
2991 |
"I-PancreasProblems": 1359,
2992 |
"I-PanicAttacks": 1360,
2993 |
"I-ParkinsonsDisease": 1361,
2994 |
"I-PartialHairLoss": 1362,
2995 |
"I-PartialSeizures": 1363,
2996 |
"I-Peeling": 1364,
2997 |
"I-PelvicPain": 1365,
2998 |
"I-PenisInfection": 1366,
2999 |
"I-Perforation": 1367,
3000 |
"I-PeripheralNeuropathy": 1368,
3001 |
"I-PeripheralVascularDisease": 1369,
3002 |
"I-Petechiae": 1370,
3003 |
"I-Phenothiazine": 1371,
3004 |
"I-Phenylketonuria": 1372,
3005 |
"I-PinkUrine": 1373,
3006 |
"I-PotassiumChannelBlockers": 1374,
3007 |
"I-PotassiumIodide": 1375,
3008 |
"I-PoundingHeartbeats": 1376,
3009 |
"I-PoundingInNeck": 1377,
3010 |
"I-Pregnancy": 1378,
3011 |
"I-PrematureBirth": 1379,
3012 |
"I-Prescription": 1380,
3013 |
"I-PricklyFeeling": 1381,
3014 |
"I-ProblemsWithHearing": 1382,
3015 |
"I-ProblemsWithSpeech": 1383,
3016 |
"I-Protein": 1384,
3017 |
"I-PuffyEyes": 1385,
3018 |
"I-PurpleSpots": 1386,
3019 |
"I-QTc": 1387,
3020 |
"I-RadiationTreatments": 1388,
3021 |
"I-RadioactiveIodine": 1389,
3022 |
"I-Radioiodine": 1390,
3023 |
"I-RapidHeartRate": 1391,
3024 |
"I-RapidWeightGain": 1392,
3025 |
"I-RaynaudSyndrome": 1393,
3026 |
"I-RedEyelids": 1394,
3027 |
"I-RedRash": 1395,
3028 |
"I-RedSkinRash": 1396,
3029 |
"I-RedUrine": 1397,
3030 |
"I-Redness": 1398,
3031 |
"I-ReducedUrination": 1399,
3032 |
"I-ReflexProblems": 1400,
3033 |
"I-ReplacementProduct": 1401,
3034 |
"I-Restless": 1402,
3035 |
"I-Restlessness": 1403,
3036 |
"I-RheumatoidArthritis": 1404,
3037 |
"I-RightSidedPain": 1405,
3038 |
"I-RightSidedStomachPain": 1406,
3039 |
"I-RigidMuscles": 1407,
3040 |
"I-RingingEars": 1408,
3041 |
"I-RingingInEars": 1409,
3042 |
"I-RunnyNose": 1410,
3043 |
"I-RunnyOrStuffyNose": 1411,
3044 |
"I-Schedule": 1412,
3045 |
"I-SeeingHalos": 1413,
3046 |
"I-Seizure": 1414,
3047 |
"I-SeizureDisorder": 1415,
3048 |
"I-SeizureMedicine": 1416,
3049 |
"I-Seizures": 1417,
3050 |
"I-SelfHarmThoughts": 1418,
3051 |
"I-SensitivityToLight": 1419,
3052 |
"I-SeriousBloodClottingProblem": 1420,
3053 |
"I-SeriousDrugReaction": 1421,
3054 |
"I-SeriousEffects": 1422,
3055 |
"I-SeriousHeartProblem": 1423,
3056 |
"I-SeriousMovementDisorder": 1424,
3057 |
"I-SeriousSideEffect": 1425,
3058 |
"I-SeriousSideEffects": 1426,
3059 |
"I-SevereAllergicReaction": 1427,
3060 |
"I-SevereBleeding": 1428,
3061 |
"I-SevereBurning": 1429,
3062 |
"I-SevereConstipation": 1430,
3063 |
"I-SevereDiarrhea": 1431,
3064 |
"I-SevereDiscomfort": 1432,
3065 |
"I-SevereDizziness": 1433,
3066 |
"I-SevereEyeItching": 1434,
3067 |
"I-SevereEyeRedness": 1435,
3068 |
"I-SevereHeadache": 1436,
3069 |
"I-SevereInflammation": 1437,
3070 |
"I-SevereInjuries": 1438,
3071 |
"I-SevereIrritation": 1439,
3072 |
"I-SevereItching": 1440,
3073 |
"I-SevereLiverDisease": 1441,
3074 |
"I-SevereMouthThroatIrritation": 1442,
3075 |
"I-SevereNervousSystemReaction": 1443,
3076 |
"I-SeverePain": 1444,
3077 |
"I-SeverePainUpperStomach": 1445,
3078 |
"I-SevereRedness": 1446,
3079 |
"I-SevereSkinRash": 1447,
3080 |
"I-SevereSkinReaction": 1448,
3081 |
"I-SevereStinging": 1449,
3082 |
"I-SevereStomachCramps": 1450,
3083 |
"I-SevereStomachPain": 1451,
3084 |
"I-SevereWeakness": 1452,
3085 |
"I-SexualUrges": 1453,
3086 |
"I-ShortnessOfBreath": 1454,
3087 |
"I-ShoulderPain": 1455,
3088 |
"I-SideEffects": 1456,
3089 |
"I-SideOfBody": 1457,
3090 |
"I-SidePain": 1458,
3091 |
"I-SignsOfCHF": 1459,
3092 |
"I-SignsOfInfection": 1460,
3093 |
"I-SignsOfStomachBleeding": 1461,
3094 |
"I-SinusPain": 1462,
3095 |
"I-SkeletalMuscleBreakdown": 1463,
3096 |
"I-SkinIrritation": 1464,
3097 |
"I-SkinPain": 1465,
3098 |
"I-SkinRash": 1466,
3099 |
"I-SkinReaction": 1467,
3100 |
"I-SkinSores": 1468,
3101 |
"I-SkinTissues": 1469,
3102 |
"I-SkinWound": 1470,
3103 |
"I-SleepProblems": 1471,
3104 |
"I-SlowBreathing": 1472,
3105 |
"I-SlowHealing": 1473,
3106 |
"I-SlowHeartRate": 1474,
3107 |
"I-SlowHeartbeats": 1475,
3108 |
"I-SlurredSpeech": 1476,
3109 |
"I-Smoking": 1477,
3110 |
"I-SmokingCessation": 1478,
3111 |
"I-SmokingCessationMedicine": 1479,
3112 |
"I-SoreThroat": 1480,
3113 |
"I-SpeechProblems": 1481,
3114 |
"I-SpinalBloodClot": 1482,
3115 |
"I-SpinningSensation": 1483,
3116 |
"I-SprayApplication": 1484,
3117 |
"I-SprayDevice": 1485,
3118 |
"I-SpreadingPain": 1486,
3119 |
"I-SpreadingPainBack": 1487,
3120 |
"I-StatusEpilepticus": 1488,
3121 |
"I-Stent": 1489,
3122 |
"I-Steroids": 1490,
3123 |
"I-Sticking": 1491,
3124 |
"I-Stiffness": 1492,
3125 |
"I-StomachBleeding": 1493,
3126 |
"I-StomachBloating": 1494,
3127 |
"I-StomachCramps": 1495,
3128 |
"I-StomachDiscomfort": 1496,
3129 |
"I-StomachPain": 1497,
3130 |
"I-StomachUlcer": 1498,
3131 |
"I-Stools": 1499,
3132 |
"I-StorageConditions": 1500,
3133 |
"I-StuffyNose": 1501,
3134 |
"I-SuddenDizziness": 1502,
3135 |
"I-SuddenNumbness": 1503,
3136 |
"I-SuddenVisionChanges": 1504,
3137 |
"I-SuicidalThoughts": 1505,
3138 |
"I-Swallowing": 1506,
3139 |
"I-Sweating": 1507,
3140 |
"I-Swelling": 1508,
3141 |
"I-SwellingFeetAnkles": 1509,
3142 |
"I-SwellingMouthTongue": 1510,
3143 |
"I-SwellingRapidWeightGain": 1511,
3144 |
"I-SwollenGlands": 1512,
3145 |
"I-SwollenGums": 1513,
3146 |
"I-Symptoms": 1514,
3147 |
"I-TarryStools": 1515,
3148 |
"I-TeethProblems": 1516,
3149 |
"I-Tenderness": 1517,
3150 |
"I-Tg": 1518,
3151 |
"I-ThiazideDiuretic": 1519,
3152 |
"I-ThiazideDiuretics": 1520,
3153 |
"I-ThinkingProblems": 1521,
3154 |
"I-ThroatIrritation": 1522,
3155 |
"I-ThroatPain": 1523,
3156 |
"I-ThroatSoreness": 1524,
3157 |
"I-Thyroid": 1525,
3158 |
"I-ThyroidDisorder": 1526,
3159 |
"I-ThyroidHarm": 1527,
3160 |
"I-ThyroidNodules": 1528,
3161 |
"I-ThyroidProblems": 1529,
3162 |
"I-ThyroidToxicity": 1530,
3163 |
"I-Tightness": 1531,
3164 |
"I-Time": 1532,
3165 |
"I-Tingling": 1533,
3166 |
"I-TinglingArmsLegs": 1534,
3167 |
"I-TinglyFeeling": 1535,
3168 |
"I-Tinnitus": 1536,
3169 |
"I-TiredFeeling": 1537,
3170 |
"I-Tiredness": 1538,
3171 |
"I-TobaccoProducts": 1539,
3172 |
"I-TongueMovement": 1540,
3173 |
"I-TorsadeDePointes": 1541,
3174 |
"I-TreatedArea": 1542,
3175 |
"I-Treatment": 1543,
3176 |
"I-TroubleBreathing": 1544,
3177 |
"I-TroubleConcentrating": 1545,
3178 |
"I-TroubleSleeping": 1546,
3179 |
"I-TroubleSpeaking": 1547,
3180 |
"I-TroubleSwallowing": 1548,
3181 |
"I-TroubleUnderstanding": 1549,
3182 |
"I-Tuberculosis": 1550,
3183 |
"I-TuberculosisMedicine": 1551,
3184 |
"I-TumorCells": 1552,
3185 |
"I-TunnelVision": 1553,
3186 |
"I-UncontrolledMovements": 1554,
3187 |
"I-UncontrolledMuscleMovements": 1555,
3188 |
"I-UncontrolledTwitching": 1556,
3189 |
"I-UnevenHeartbeats": 1557,
3190 |
"I-UnusualBleeding": 1558,
3191 |
"I-UnusualBruising": 1559,
3192 |
"I-UnusualCrying": 1560,
3193 |
"I-UnusualTasteMouth": 1561,
3194 |
"I-UnusualThoughts": 1562,
3195 |
"I-UnusualTiredness": 1563,
3196 |
"I-UnusualVaginalBleeding": 1564,
3197 |
"I-UnwantedBloodClot": 1565,
3198 |
"I-UpperBody": 1566,
3199 |
"I-UpperBodyRash": 1567,
3200 |
"I-UpperStomachPain": 1568,
3201 |
"I-UpsetStomach": 1569,
3202 |
"I-Urgency": 1570,
3203 |
"I-UrinatingLess": 1571,
3204 |
"I-Urination": 1572,
3205 |
"I-UrinationPain": 1573,
3206 |
"I-UrinationProblems": 1574,
3207 |
"I-UrineColor": 1575,
3208 |
"I-UrineStream": 1576,
3209 |
"I-UrineTests": 1577,
3210 |
"I-UseOfPeople": 1578,
3211 |
"I-VaginalBurning": 1579,
3212 |
"I-VaginalItching": 1580,
3213 |
"I-VaginalRedness": 1581,
3214 |
"I-VaginalSymptoms": 1582,
3215 |
"I-Varicella": 1583,
3216 |
"I-VaughanWilliamsClassification": 1584,
3217 |
"I-ViralInfection": 1585,
3218 |
"I-VisionProblems": 1586,
3219 |
"I-VomitCoffeeGrounds": 1587,
3220 |
"I-Vomiting": 1588,
3221 |
"I-VomitingBlood": 1589,
3222 |
"I-WateryEyes": 1590,
3223 |
"I-WeakBreathing": 1591,
3224 |
"I-WeakImmuneSystem": 1592,
3225 |
"I-WeakPulse": 1593,
3226 |
"I-Weakness": 1594,
3227 |
"I-Weight": 1595,
3228 |
"I-WeightChange": 1596,
3229 |
"I-WeightChanges": 1597,
3230 |
"I-WeightGain": 1598,
3231 |
"I-WeightLoss": 1599,
3232 |
"I-WeightProblems": 1600,
3233 |
"I-WhiteBloodCells": 1601,
3234 |
"I-WithdrawalSymptoms": 1602,
3235 |
"I-WorseningBreathingProblems": 1603,
3236 |
"I-WorseningLungProblems": 1604,
3237 |
"I-WorseningTremors": 1605,
3238 |
"I-WoundThatWillNotHeal": 1606,
3239 |
"I-YellowFeverVirus": 1607,
3240 |
"I-YellowedSkin": 1608,
3241 |
"I-Zoster": 1609,
3242 |
"O": 1610
3243 |
3244 |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-12,
3245 |
"max_position_embeddings": 4096,
3246 |
"model_type": "big_bird",
3247 |
"num_attention_heads": 12,
3248 |
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