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@echo off
echo Creating venv...
python -m venv venv
:: Create the directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir ".\logs\setup" > nul 2>&1
:: Deactivate the virtual environment to prevent error
call .\venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat
call .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat
REM first make sure we have setuptools available in the venv
python -m pip install --require-virtualenv --no-input -q -q setuptools
REM Check if the batch was started via double-click
IF /i "%comspec% /c %~0 " equ "%cmdcmdline:"=%" (
REM echo This script was started by double clicking.
cmd /k python .\setup\
) ELSE (
REM echo This script was started from a command prompt.
python .\setup\ %*
:: Deactivate the virtual environment
call .\venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat |