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import csv
import os
import pickle
import sys
import numpy as np
import torch
import random
import math
import librosa
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
class audio_spec_join_Dataset(
# Only Load audio dataset: for training Stage1: Audio Npy Dataset
def __init__(self, split, dataset_name, spec_crop_len, drop=0.0):
if split == "train":
self.split = "Train"
elif split == "valid" or split == 'test':
self.split = "Test"
# Default params:
self.min_duration = 2
self.spec_crop_len = spec_crop_len
self.drop = drop
print("Use Drop: {}".format(self.drop))
print('Split: {} Total Sample Num: {}'.format(split, len(self.dataset)))
if os.path.exists('/apdcephfs_intern/share_1316500/nlphuang/data/video_to_audio/vggsound/cavp/empty_vid.npz'):
self.root = '/apdcephfs_intern'
self.root = '/apdcephfs'
def init_text2audio(self, dataset):
with open(dataset) as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(
samples = [dict(e) for e in reader]
if self.split == 'Test':
samples = samples[:100]
self.dataset = samples
print('text2audio dataset len:', len(self.dataset))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset)
def load_feat(self, spec_path):
spec_raw = np.load(spec_path) # mel spec [80, T]
print(f'corrupted mel:{spec_path}', flush=True)
spec_raw = np.zeros((80, self.spec_crop_len), dtype=np.float32) # [C, T]
spec_len = self.spec_crop_len
if spec_raw.shape[1] < spec_len:
spec_raw = np.tile(spec_raw, math.ceil(spec_len / spec_raw.shape[1]))
spec_raw = spec_raw[:, :int(spec_len)]
return spec_raw
def __getitem__(self, idx):
data_dict = {}
data = self.dataset[idx]
p = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
if p > self.drop:
caption = {"ori_caption": data['ori_cap'], "struct_caption": data['caption']}
caption = {"ori_caption": "", "struct_caption": ""}
mel_path = data['mel_path'].replace('/apdcephfs', '/apdcephfs_intern') if self.root == '/apdcephfs_intern' else data['mel_path']
spec = self.load_feat(mel_path)
data_dict['caption'] = caption
data_dict['image'] = spec # (80, 624)
return data_dict
class spec_join_Dataset_Train(audio_spec_join_Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_cfg):
super().__init__(split='train', **dataset_cfg)
class spec_join_Dataset_Valid(audio_spec_join_Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_cfg):
super().__init__(split='valid', **dataset_cfg)
class spec_join_Dataset_Test(audio_spec_join_Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_cfg):
super().__init__(split='test', **dataset_cfg)
class audio_spec_join_audioset_Dataset(audio_spec_join_Dataset):
# def __init__(self, split, dataset_name, root, spec_crop_len, drop=0.0):
# super().__init__(split, dataset_name, spec_crop_len, drop)
# self.data_dir = root
# MANIFEST_COLUMNS = ["name", "dataset", "ori_cap", "audio_path", "mel_path", "duration"]
# manifest = {c: [] for c in MANIFEST_COLUMNS}
# skip = 0
# if self.split != 'Train': return
# from preprocess.generate_manifest import save_df_to_tsv
# from tqdm import tqdm
# for idx in tqdm(range(len(self.dataset))):
# item = self.dataset[idx]
# mel_path = f'{self.data_dir}/{Path(item["name"])}_mel.npy'
# try:
# _ = np.load(mel_path)
# except:
# skip += 1
# continue
# manifest["name"].append(item['name'])
# manifest["dataset"].append("audioset")
# manifest["ori_cap"].append(item['ori_cap'])
# manifest["duration"].append(item['audio_path'])
# manifest["audio_path"].append(item['duration'])
# manifest["mel_path"].append(mel_path)
# print(f"Writing manifest to {dataset_name.replace('audioset.tsv', 'audioset_new.tsv')}..., skip: {skip}")
# save_df_to_tsv(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(manifest), f"{dataset_name.replace('audioset.tsv', 'audioset_new.tsv')}")
def __getitem__(self, idx):
data_dict = {}
data = self.dataset[idx]
p = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
if p > self.drop:
caption = data['ori_cap']
caption = ""
spec = self.load_feat(data['mel_path'])
data_dict['caption'] = caption
data_dict['image'] = spec # (80, 624)
return data_dict
class spec_join_Dataset_audioset_Train(audio_spec_join_audioset_Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_cfg):
super().__init__(split='train', **dataset_cfg)
class spec_join_Dataset_audioset_Valid(audio_spec_join_audioset_Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_cfg):
super().__init__(split='valid', **dataset_cfg)
class spec_join_Dataset_audioset_Test(audio_spec_join_audioset_Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_cfg):
super().__init__(split='test', **dataset_cfg)