import json
import os
import re
import sys
import zlib
from typing import Callable, Optional, TextIO
system_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
if system_encoding != "utf-8":
def make_safe(string):
# replaces any character not representable using the system default encoding with an '?',
# avoiding UnicodeEncodeError (
return string.encode(system_encoding, errors="replace").decode(system_encoding)
def make_safe(string):
# utf-8 can encode any Unicode code point, so no need to do the round-trip encoding
return string
def exact_div(x, y):
assert x % y == 0
return x // y
def str2bool(string):
str2val = {"True": True, "False": False}
if string in str2val:
return str2val[string]
raise ValueError(f"Expected one of {set(str2val.keys())}, got {string}")
def optional_int(string):
return None if string == "None" else int(string)
def optional_float(string):
return None if string == "None" else float(string)
def compression_ratio(text) -> float:
text_bytes = text.encode("utf-8")
return len(text_bytes) / len(zlib.compress(text_bytes))
def format_timestamp(
seconds: float, always_include_hours: bool = False, decimal_marker: str = "."
assert seconds >= 0, "non-negative timestamp expected"
milliseconds = round(seconds * 1000.0)
hours = milliseconds // 3_600_000
milliseconds -= hours * 3_600_000
minutes = milliseconds // 60_000
milliseconds -= minutes * 60_000
seconds = milliseconds // 1_000
milliseconds -= seconds * 1_000
hours_marker = f"{hours:02d}:" if always_include_hours or hours > 0 else ""
return (
class ResultWriter:
extension: str
def __init__(self, output_dir: str):
self.output_dir = output_dir
def __call__(self, result: dict, audio_path: str, options: dict):
audio_basename = os.path.basename(audio_path)
audio_basename = os.path.splitext(audio_basename)[0]
output_path = os.path.join(
self.output_dir, audio_basename + "." + self.extension
with open(output_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
self.write_result(result, file=f, options=options)
def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO, options: dict):
raise NotImplementedError
class WriteTXT(ResultWriter):
extension: str = "txt"
def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO, options: dict):
for segment in result["segments"]:
print(segment["text"].strip(), file=file, flush=True)
class SubtitlesWriter(ResultWriter):
always_include_hours: bool
decimal_marker: str
def iterate_result(self, result: dict, options: dict):
raw_max_line_width: Optional[int] = options["max_line_width"]
max_line_count: Optional[int] = options["max_line_count"]
highlight_words: bool = options["highlight_words"]
max_line_width = 1000 if raw_max_line_width is None else raw_max_line_width
preserve_segments = max_line_count is None or raw_max_line_width is None
def iterate_subtitles():
line_len = 0
line_count = 1
# the next subtitle to yield (a list of word timings with whitespace)
subtitle: list[dict] = []
last = result["segments"][0]["words"][0]["start"]
for segment in result["segments"]:
for i, original_timing in enumerate(segment["words"]):
timing = original_timing.copy()
long_pause = not preserve_segments and timing["start"] - last > 3.0
has_room = line_len + len(timing["word"]) <= max_line_width
seg_break = i == 0 and len(subtitle) > 0 and preserve_segments
if line_len > 0 and has_room and not long_pause and not seg_break:
# line continuation
line_len += len(timing["word"])
# new line
timing["word"] = timing["word"].strip()
if (
len(subtitle) > 0
and max_line_count is not None
and (long_pause or line_count >= max_line_count)
or seg_break
# subtitle break
yield subtitle
subtitle = []
line_count = 1
elif line_len > 0:
# line break
line_count += 1
timing["word"] = "\n" + timing["word"]
line_len = len(timing["word"].strip())
last = timing["start"]
if len(subtitle) > 0:
yield subtitle
if "words" in result["segments"][0]:
for subtitle in iterate_subtitles():
subtitle_start = self.format_timestamp(subtitle[0]["start"])
subtitle_end = self.format_timestamp(subtitle[-1]["end"])
subtitle_text = "".join([word["word"] for word in subtitle])
if highlight_words:
last = subtitle_start
all_words = [timing["word"] for timing in subtitle]
for i, this_word in enumerate(subtitle):
start = self.format_timestamp(this_word["start"])
end = self.format_timestamp(this_word["end"])
if last != start:
yield last, start, subtitle_text
yield start, end, "".join(
re.sub(r"^(\s*)(.*)$", r"\1\2", word)
if j == i
else word
for j, word in enumerate(all_words)
last = end
yield subtitle_start, subtitle_end, subtitle_text
for segment in result["segments"]:
segment_start = self.format_timestamp(segment["start"])
segment_end = self.format_timestamp(segment["end"])
segment_text = segment["text"].strip().replace("-->", "->")
yield segment_start, segment_end, segment_text
def format_timestamp(self, seconds: float):
return format_timestamp(
class WriteVTT(SubtitlesWriter):
extension: str = "vtt"
always_include_hours: bool = False
decimal_marker: str = "."
def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO, options: dict):
print("WEBVTT\n", file=file)
for start, end, text in self.iterate_result(result, options):
print(f"{start} --> {end}\n{text}\n", file=file, flush=True)
class WriteSRT(SubtitlesWriter):
extension: str = "srt"
always_include_hours: bool = True
decimal_marker: str = ","
def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO, options: dict):
for i, (start, end, text) in enumerate(
self.iterate_result(result, options), start=1
print(f"{i}\n{start} --> {end}\n{text}\n", file=file, flush=True)
class WriteTSV(ResultWriter):
Write a transcript to a file in TSV (tab-separated values) format containing lines like:
Using integer milliseconds as start and end times means there's no chance of interference from
an environment setting a language encoding that causes the decimal in a floating point number
to appear as a comma; also is faster and more efficient to parse & store, e.g., in C++.
extension: str = "tsv"
def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO, options: dict):
print("start", "end", "text", sep="\t", file=file)
for segment in result["segments"]:
print(round(1000 * segment["start"]), file=file, end="\t")
print(round(1000 * segment["end"]), file=file, end="\t")
print(segment["text"].strip().replace("\t", " "), file=file, flush=True)
class WriteJSON(ResultWriter):
extension: str = "json"
def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO, options: dict):
json.dump(result, file)
def get_writer(
output_format: str, output_dir: str
) -> Callable[[dict, TextIO, dict], None]:
writers = {
"txt": WriteTXT,
"vtt": WriteVTT,
"srt": WriteSRT,
"tsv": WriteTSV,
"json": WriteJSON,
if output_format == "all":
all_writers = [writer(output_dir) for writer in writers.values()]
def write_all(result: dict, file: TextIO, options: dict):
for writer in all_writers:
writer(result, file, options)
return write_all
return writers[output_format](output_dir)