#!/bin/bash # take the scripts's parent's directory to prefix all the output paths. RUN_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" CORPUS=kokoro-speech-v1_1-small echo $RUN_DIR if [ \! -d $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS ] ; then echo "$RUN_DIR/$CORPUS doesn't exist." echo "Follow the instruction of https://github.com/kaiidams/Kokoro-Speech-Dataset to make the corpus." exit 1 fi # create train-val splits shuf $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS/metadata.csv > $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS/metadata_shuf.csv head -n 8000 $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS/metadata_shuf.csv > $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS/metadata_train.csv tail -n 812 $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS/metadata_shuf.csv > $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS/metadata_val.csv # compute dataset mean and variance for normalization python TTS/bin/compute_statistics.py $RUN_DIR/tacotron2-DDC.json $RUN_DIR/scale_stats.npy --data_path $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS/wavs/ # training .... # change the GPU id if needed CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python TTS/bin/train_tts.py --config_path $RUN_DIR/tacotron2-DDC.json \ --coqpit.output_path $RUN_DIR \ --coqpit.datasets.0.path $RUN_DIR/$CORPUS \ --coqpit.audio.stats_path $RUN_DIR/scale_stats.npy \ --coqpit.phoneme_cache_path $RUN_DIR/phoneme_cache \