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from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import distributed as tdist, nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
import dist
# this file only provides the VectorQuantizer2 used in VQVAE
__all__ = ['VectorQuantizer2', ]
class VectorQuantizer2(nn.Module):
# VQGAN originally use beta=1.0, never tried 0.25; SD seems using 0.25
def __init__(
self, vocab_size, Cvae, using_znorm, beta: float = 0.25,
default_qresi_counts=0, v_patch_nums=None, quant_resi=0.5, share_quant_resi=4, # share_quant_resi: args.qsr
self.vocab_size: int = vocab_size
self.Cvae: int = Cvae
self.using_znorm: bool = using_znorm
self.v_patch_nums: Tuple[int] = v_patch_nums
self.quant_resi_ratio = quant_resi
if share_quant_resi == 0: # non-shared: \phi_{1 to K} for K scales
self.quant_resi = PhiNonShared(
[(Phi(Cvae, quant_resi) if abs(quant_resi) > 1e-6 else nn.Identity()) for _ in
range(default_qresi_counts or len(self.v_patch_nums))])
elif share_quant_resi == 1: # fully shared: only a single \phi for K scales
self.quant_resi = PhiShared(Phi(Cvae, quant_resi) if abs(quant_resi) > 1e-6 else nn.Identity())
else: # partially shared: \phi_{1 to share_quant_resi} for K scales
self.quant_resi = PhiPartiallyShared(nn.ModuleList(
[(Phi(Cvae, quant_resi) if abs(quant_resi) > 1e-6 else nn.Identity()) for _ in
self.register_buffer('ema_vocab_hit_SV', torch.full((len(self.v_patch_nums), self.vocab_size), fill_value=0.0))
self.record_hit = 0
self.beta: float = beta
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(self.vocab_size, self.Cvae)
# only used for progressive training of VAR (not supported yet, will be tested and supported in the future)
self.prog_si = -1 # progressive training: not supported yet, prog_si always -1
def eini(self, eini):
if eini > 0:
nn.init.trunc_normal_(, std=eini)
elif eini < 0: / self.vocab_size, abs(eini) / self.vocab_size)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return f'{self.v_patch_nums}, znorm={self.using_znorm}, beta={self.beta} | S={len(self.v_patch_nums)}, quant_resi={self.quant_resi_ratio}'
# ===================== `forward` is only used in VAE training =====================
def forward(self, f_BChw: torch.Tensor, ret_usages=False) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[float], torch.Tensor]:
dtype = f_BChw.dtype
if dtype != torch.float32: f_BChw = f_BChw.float()
B, C, H, W = f_BChw.shape
f_no_grad = f_BChw.detach()
f_rest = f_no_grad.clone()
f_hat = torch.zeros_like(f_rest)
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=False):
mean_vq_loss: torch.Tensor = 0.0
vocab_hit_V = torch.zeros(self.vocab_size, dtype=torch.float, device=f_BChw.device)
SN = len(self.v_patch_nums)
for si, pn in enumerate(self.v_patch_nums): # from small to large
# find the nearest embedding
if self.using_znorm:
rest_NC = F.interpolate(f_rest, size=(pn, pn), mode='bilinear').permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1,
C) if (
si != SN - 1) else f_rest.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1, C)
rest_NC = F.normalize(rest_NC, dim=-1)
idx_N = torch.argmax(rest_NC @ F.normalize(, dim=0), dim=1)
rest_NC = F.interpolate(f_rest, size=(pn, pn), mode='bilinear').permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1,
C) if (
si != SN - 1) else f_rest.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1, C)
d_no_grad = torch.sum(rest_NC.square(), dim=1, keepdim=True) + torch.sum(, dim=1, keepdim=False)
d_no_grad.addmm_(rest_NC,, alpha=-2, beta=1) # (B*h*w, vocab_size)
idx_N = torch.argmin(d_no_grad, dim=1)
hit_V = idx_N.bincount(minlength=self.vocab_size).float()
if dist.initialized(): handler = tdist.all_reduce(hit_V, async_op=True)
# calc loss
idx_Bhw = idx_N.view(B, pn, pn)
h_BChw = F.interpolate(self.embedding(idx_Bhw).permute(0, 3, 1, 2), size=(H, W),
mode='bilinear').contiguous() if (si != SN - 1) else self.embedding(
idx_Bhw).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
h_BChw = self.quant_resi[si / (SN - 1)](h_BChw)
f_hat = f_hat + h_BChw
f_rest -= h_BChw
if and dist.initialized():
if self.record_hit == 0:
elif self.record_hit < 100:
self.record_hit += 1
mean_vq_loss += F.mse_loss(, f_BChw).mul_(self.beta) + F.mse_loss(f_hat, f_no_grad)
mean_vq_loss *= 1. / SN
f_hat = ( - f_no_grad).add_(f_BChw)
margin = tdist.get_world_size() * (f_BChw.numel() / f_BChw.shape[1]) / self.vocab_size * 0.08
# margin = pn*pn / 100
if ret_usages:
usages = [(self.ema_vocab_hit_SV[si] >= margin).float().mean().item() * 100 for si, pn in
usages = None
return f_hat, usages, mean_vq_loss
# ===================== `forward` is only used in VAE training =====================
def embed_to_fhat(self, ms_h_BChw: List[torch.Tensor], all_to_max_scale=True, last_one=False) -> Union[
List[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]:
ls_f_hat_BChw = []
B = ms_h_BChw[0].shape[0]
H = W = self.v_patch_nums[-1]
SN = len(self.v_patch_nums)
if all_to_max_scale:
f_hat = ms_h_BChw[0].new_zeros(B, self.Cvae, H, W, dtype=torch.float32)
for si, pn in enumerate(self.v_patch_nums): # from small to large
h_BChw = ms_h_BChw[si]
if si < len(self.v_patch_nums) - 1:
h_BChw = F.interpolate(h_BChw, size=(H, W), mode='bilinear')
h_BChw = self.quant_resi[si / (SN - 1)](h_BChw)
if last_one:
ls_f_hat_BChw = f_hat
# WARNING: this is not the case in VQ-VAE training or inference (we'll interpolate every token map to the max H W, like above)
# WARNING: this should only be used for experimental purpose
f_hat = ms_h_BChw[0].new_zeros(B, self.Cvae, self.v_patch_nums[0], self.v_patch_nums[0],
for si, pn in enumerate(self.v_patch_nums): # from small to large
f_hat = F.interpolate(f_hat, size=(pn, pn), mode='bilinear')
h_BChw = self.quant_resi[si / (SN - 1)](ms_h_BChw[si])
if last_one:
ls_f_hat_BChw = f_hat
return ls_f_hat_BChw
def f_to_idxBl_or_fhat(self, f_BChw: torch.Tensor, to_fhat: bool,
v_patch_nums: Optional[Sequence[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]]] = None) -> List[
Union[torch.Tensor, torch.LongTensor]]: # z_BChw is the feature from inp_img_no_grad
B, C, H, W = f_BChw.shape
f_no_grad = f_BChw.detach()
f_rest = f_no_grad.clone()
f_hat = torch.zeros_like(f_rest)
f_hat_or_idx_Bl: List[torch.Tensor] = []
patch_hws = [(pn, pn) if isinstance(pn, int) else (pn[0], pn[1]) for pn in
(v_patch_nums or self.v_patch_nums)] # from small to large
assert patch_hws[-1][0] == H and patch_hws[-1][1] == W, f'{patch_hws[-1]=} != ({H=}, {W=})'
SN = len(patch_hws)
for si, (ph, pw) in enumerate(patch_hws): # from small to large
if 0 <= self.prog_si < si: break # progressive training: not supported yet, prog_si always -1
# find the nearest embedding
z_NC = F.interpolate(f_rest, size=(ph, pw), mode='bilinear').permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1, C) if (
si != SN - 1) else f_rest.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1, C)
if self.using_znorm:
z_NC = F.normalize(z_NC, dim=-1)
idx_N = torch.argmax(z_NC @ F.normalize(, dim=0), dim=1)
d_no_grad = torch.sum(z_NC.square(), dim=1, keepdim=True) + torch.sum(, dim=1, keepdim=False)
d_no_grad.addmm_(z_NC,, alpha=-2, beta=1) # (B*h*w, vocab_size)
idx_N = torch.argmin(d_no_grad, dim=1)
idx_Bhw = idx_N.view(B, ph, pw)
h_BChw = F.interpolate(self.embedding(idx_Bhw).permute(0, 3, 1, 2), size=(H, W),
mode='bilinear').contiguous() if (si != SN - 1) else self.embedding(idx_Bhw).permute(
0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
h_BChw = self.quant_resi[si / (SN - 1)](h_BChw)
f_hat_or_idx_Bl.append(f_hat.clone() if to_fhat else idx_N.reshape(B, ph * pw))
return f_hat_or_idx_Bl
# ===================== idxBl_to_var_input: only used in VAR training, for getting teacher-forcing input =====================
def idxBl_to_var_input(self, gt_ms_idx_Bl: List[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
next_scales = []
B = gt_ms_idx_Bl[0].shape[0]
C = self.Cvae
H = W = self.v_patch_nums[-1]
SN = len(self.v_patch_nums)
f_hat = gt_ms_idx_Bl[0].new_zeros(B, C, H, W, dtype=torch.float32)
pn_next: int = self.v_patch_nums[0]
for si in range(SN - 1):
if self.prog_si == 0 or (
0 <= self.prog_si - 1 < si): break # progressive training: not supported yet, prog_si always -1
h_BChw = F.interpolate(self.embedding(gt_ms_idx_Bl[si]).transpose_(1, 2).view(B, C, pn_next, pn_next),
size=(H, W), mode='bilinear')
f_hat.add_(self.quant_resi[si / (SN - 1)](h_BChw))
pn_next = self.v_patch_nums[si + 1]
F.interpolate(f_hat, size=(pn_next, pn_next), mode='bilinear').view(B, C, -1).transpose(1, 2))
return, dim=1) if len(next_scales) else None # cat BlCs to BLC, this should be float32
# ===================== get_next_autoregressive_input: only used in VAR inference, for getting next step's input =====================
def get_next_autoregressive_input(self, si: int, SN: int, f_hat: torch.Tensor, h_BChw: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[
Optional[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: # only used in VAR inference
HW = self.v_patch_nums[-1]
if si != SN - 1:
h = self.quant_resi[si / (SN - 1)](
F.interpolate(h_BChw, size=(HW, HW), mode='bilinear')) # conv after upsample
return f_hat, F.interpolate(f_hat, size=(self.v_patch_nums[si + 1], self.v_patch_nums[si + 1]),
h = self.quant_resi[si / (SN - 1)](h_BChw)
return f_hat, f_hat
class Phi(nn.Conv2d):
def __init__(self, embed_dim, quant_resi):
ks = 3
super().__init__(in_channels=embed_dim, out_channels=embed_dim, kernel_size=ks, stride=1, padding=ks // 2)
self.resi_ratio = abs(quant_resi)
def forward(self, h_BChw):
return h_BChw.mul(1 - self.resi_ratio) + super().forward(h_BChw).mul_(self.resi_ratio)
class PhiShared(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, qresi: Phi):
self.qresi: Phi = qresi
def __getitem__(self, _) -> Phi:
return self.qresi
class PhiPartiallyShared(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, qresi_ls: nn.ModuleList):
self.qresi_ls = qresi_ls
K = len(qresi_ls)
self.ticks = np.linspace(1 / 3 / K, 1 - 1 / 3 / K, K) if K == 4 else np.linspace(1 / 2 / K, 1 - 1 / 2 / K, K)
def __getitem__(self, at_from_0_to_1: float) -> Phi:
return self.qresi_ls[np.argmin(np.abs(self.ticks - at_from_0_to_1)).item()]
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return f'ticks={self.ticks}'
class PhiNonShared(nn.ModuleList):
def __init__(self, qresi: List):
# self.qresi = qresi
K = len(qresi)
self.ticks = np.linspace(1 / 3 / K, 1 - 1 / 3 / K, K) if K == 4 else np.linspace(1 / 2 / K, 1 - 1 / 2 / K, K)
def __getitem__(self, at_from_0_to_1: float) -> Phi:
return super().__getitem__(np.argmin(np.abs(self.ticks - at_from_0_to_1)).item())
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return f'ticks={self.ticks}'