from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from PIL import Image |
import streamlit as st |
def display_wordcloud(answer, answer_str): |
wc_all, wc_question, wc_reference = st.columns([3, 3, 3]) |
wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=50, max_words=1000, background_color="white") |
with wc_all: |
image = Image.open('docs/images/all_papers_wordcloud.png') |
st.image(image) |
st.caption('''###### Corpus term frequecy.''') |
with wc_question: |
wordcloud_q = wordcloud.generate(answer_str) |
st.image(wordcloud_q.to_array()) |
st.caption('''###### Answer term frequecy.''') |
with wc_reference: |
all_reference_texts = '' |
for nodewithscore in answer.source_nodes: |
node = nodewithscore.node |
from llama_index.core.schema import NodeRelationship |
all_reference_texts = all_reference_texts + '\n' + node.text |
wordcloud_r = wordcloud.generate(all_reference_texts) |
st.image(wordcloud_r.to_array()) |
st.caption('''###### Reference plus graph term frequecy.''') |