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import type {
} from "typings/comfy.js";
import { api } from "scripts/api.js";
import type { LGraph as TLGraph, LGraphCanvas as TLGraphCanvas } from "typings/litegraph.js";
import { Resolver, getResolver } from "./shared_utils.js";
* Wraps general data of a prompt's execution.
export class PromptExecution {
id: string;
promptApi: ComfyApiFormat | null = null;
executedNodeIds: string[] = [];
totalNodes: number = 0;
currentlyExecuting: {
nodeId: string;
nodeLabel?: string;
step?: number;
maxSteps?: number;
/** The current pass, for nodes with multiple progress passes. */
pass: number;
* The max num of passes. Can be calculated for some nodes, or set to -1 when known there will
* be multiple passes, but the number cannot be calculated.
maxPasses?: number;
} | null = null;
errorDetails: any | null = null;
apiPrompt: Resolver<null> = getResolver();
constructor(id: string) { = id;
* Sets the prompt and prompt-related data. This can technically come in lazily, like if the web
* socket fires the 'execution-start' event before we actually get a response back from the
* initial prompt call.
setPrompt(prompt: ComfyApiPrompt) {
this.promptApi = prompt.output;
this.totalNodes = Object.keys(this.promptApi).length;
getApiNode(nodeId: string | number) {
return this.promptApi?.[String(nodeId)] || null;
private getNodeLabel(nodeId: string | number) {
const apiNode = this.getApiNode(nodeId);
let label = apiNode?._meta?.title || apiNode?.class_type || undefined;
if (!label) {
const graphNode = this.maybeGetComfyGraph()?.getNodeById(Number(nodeId));
label = graphNode?.title || graphNode?.type || undefined;
return label;
* Updates the execution data depending on the passed data, fed from api events.
executing(nodeId: string | null, step?: number, maxSteps?: number) {
if (nodeId == null) {
// We're done, any left over nodes must be skipped...
this.currentlyExecuting = null;
if (this.currentlyExecuting?.nodeId !== nodeId) {
if (this.currentlyExecuting != null) {
this.currentlyExecuting = { nodeId, nodeLabel: this.getNodeLabel(nodeId), pass: 0 };
// We'll see if we're known node for multiple passes, that will come in as generic 'progress'
// updates from the api. If we're known to have multiple passes, then we'll pre-set data to
// allow the progress bar to handle intial rendering. If we're not, that's OK, the data will
// be shown with the second pass.
this.apiPrompt.promise.then(() => {
// If we execute with a null node id and clear the currently executing, then we can just
// move on. This seems to only happen with a super-fast execution (like, just seed node
// and display any for testing).
if (this.currentlyExecuting == null) {
const apiNode = this.getApiNode(nodeId);
if (!this.currentlyExecuting.nodeLabel) {
this.currentlyExecuting.nodeLabel = this.getNodeLabel(nodeId);
if (apiNode?.class_type === "UltimateSDUpscale") {
// From what I can tell, UltimateSDUpscale, does an initial pass that isn't actually a
// tile. It seems to always be 4 steps... We'll start our pass at -1, so this prepass is
// "0" and "1" will start with the first tile. This way, a user knows they have 4 tiles,
// know this pass counter will go to 4 (and not 5). Also, we cannot calculate maxPasses
// for 'UltimateSDUpscale' :(
this.currentlyExecuting.maxPasses = -1;
} else if (apiNode?.class_type === "IterativeImageUpscale") {
this.currentlyExecuting.maxPasses = (apiNode?.inputs["steps"] as number) ?? -1;
if (step != null) {
// If we haven't had any stpes before, or the passes step is lower than the previous, then
// increase the passes.
if (!this.currentlyExecuting!.step || step < this.currentlyExecuting!.step) {
this.currentlyExecuting!.step = step;
this.currentlyExecuting!.maxSteps = maxSteps;
* If there's an error, we add the details.
error(details: any) {
this.errorDetails = details;
private maybeGetComfyGraph(): TLGraph | null {
return ((window as any)?.app?.graph as TLGraph) || null;
* A singleton service that wraps the Comfy API and simplifies the event data being fired.
class PromptService extends EventTarget {
promptsMap: Map<string, PromptExecution> = new Map();
currentExecution: PromptExecution | null = null;
lastQueueRemaining = 0;
constructor(api: any) {
const that = this;
// Patch the queuePrompt method so we can capture new data going through.
const queuePrompt = api.queuePrompt;
api.queuePrompt = async function (num: number, prompt: ComfyApiPrompt) {
let response;
try {
response = await queuePrompt.apply(api, [...arguments]);
} catch (e) {
const promptExecution = that.getOrMakePrompt("error");
promptExecution.error({ exception_type: "Unknown." });
// console.log("ERROR QUEUE PROMPT", response, arguments);
throw e;
// console.log("QUEUE PROMPT", response, arguments);
const promptExecution = that.getOrMakePrompt(response.prompt_id);
if (!that.currentExecution) {
that.currentExecution = promptExecution;
that.promptsMap.set(response.prompt_id, promptExecution);
new CustomEvent("queue-prompt", {
detail: {
prompt: promptExecution,
return response;
api.addEventListener("status", (e: CustomEvent<ComfyApiEventDetailStatus>) => {
// console.log("status", JSON.stringify(e.detail));
// Sometimes a status message is fired when the app loades w/o any details.
if (!e.detail?.exec_info) return;
this.lastQueueRemaining = e.detail.exec_info.queue_remaining;
api.addEventListener("execution_start", (e: CustomEvent<ComfyApiEventDetailExecutionStart>) => {
// console.log("execution_start", JSON.stringify(e.detail));
if (!this.promptsMap.has(e.detail.prompt_id)) {
console.warn("'execution_start' fired before prompt was made.");
const prompt = this.getOrMakePrompt(e.detail.prompt_id);
this.currentExecution = prompt;
api.addEventListener("executing", (e: CustomEvent<ComfyApiEventDetailExecuting>) => {
// console.log("executing", JSON.stringify(e.detail));
if (!this.currentExecution) {
this.currentExecution = this.getOrMakePrompt("unknown");
console.warn("'executing' fired before prompt was made.");
if (e.detail == null) {
this.currentExecution = null;
api.addEventListener("progress", (e: CustomEvent<ComfyApiEventDetailProgress>) => {
// console.log("progress", JSON.stringify(e.detail));
if (!this.currentExecution) {
this.currentExecution = this.getOrMakePrompt(e.detail.prompt_id);
console.warn("'progress' fired before prompt was made.");
this.currentExecution.executing(e.detail.node, e.detail.value, e.detail.max);
api.addEventListener("execution_cached", (e: CustomEvent<ComfyApiEventDetailCached>) => {
// console.log("execution_cached", JSON.stringify(e.detail));
if (!this.currentExecution) {
this.currentExecution = this.getOrMakePrompt(e.detail.prompt_id);
console.warn("'execution_cached' fired before prompt was made.");
for (const cached of e.detail.nodes) {
api.addEventListener("executed", (e: CustomEvent<ComfyApiEventDetailExecuted>) => {
// console.log("executed", JSON.stringify(e.detail));
if (!this.currentExecution) {
this.currentExecution = this.getOrMakePrompt(e.detail.prompt_id);
console.warn("'executed' fired before prompt was made.");
api.addEventListener("execution_error", (e: CustomEvent<ComfyApiEventDetailError>) => {
// console.log("execution_error", e.detail);
if (!this.currentExecution) {
this.currentExecution = this.getOrMakePrompt(e.detail.prompt_id);
console.warn("'execution_error' fired before prompt was made.");
/** A helper method, since we extend/override api.queuePrompt above anyway. */
async queuePrompt(prompt: ComfyApiPrompt) {
return await api.queuePrompt(-1, prompt);
dispatchProgressUpdate() {
new CustomEvent("progress-update", {
detail: {
queue: this.lastQueueRemaining,
prompt: this.currentExecution,
getOrMakePrompt(id: string) {
let prompt = this.promptsMap.get(id);
if (!prompt) {
prompt = new PromptExecution(id);
this.promptsMap.set(id, prompt);
return prompt;
export const SERVICE = new PromptService(api);