/** | |
* Various dom manipulation utils that have followed me around. | |
*/ | |
const DIRECT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP: {[name: string]: string} = { | |
cellpadding: 'cellPadding', | |
cellspacing: 'cellSpacing', | |
colspan: 'colSpan', | |
frameborder: 'frameBorder', | |
height: 'height', | |
maxlength: 'maxLength', | |
nonce: 'nonce', | |
role: 'role', | |
rowspan: 'rowSpan', | |
type: 'type', | |
usemap: 'useMap', | |
valign: 'vAlign', | |
width: 'width', | |
}; | |
const RGX_NUMERIC_STYLE_UNIT = 'px'; | |
const RGX_NUMERIC_STYLE = /^((max|min)?(width|height)|margin|padding|(margin|padding)?(left|top|bottom|right)|fontsize|borderwidth)$/i; | |
const RGX_DEFAULT_VALUE_PROP = /input|textarea|select/i; | |
function localAssertNotFalsy<T>(input?: T|null, errorMsg = `Input is not of type.`) : T { | |
if (input == null) { | |
throw new Error(errorMsg); | |
} | |
return input; | |
} | |
const RGX_STRING_VALID = '[a-z0-9_-]'; | |
const RGX_TAG = new RegExp(`^([a-z]${RGX_STRING_VALID}*)(\\.|\\[|\\#|$)`, 'i'); | |
const RGX_ATTR_ID = new RegExp(`#(${RGX_STRING_VALID}+)`, 'gi'); | |
const RGX_ATTR_CLASS = new RegExp(`(^|\\S)\\.([a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+)`, 'gi'); | |
const RGX_STRING_CONTENT_TO_SQUARES = '(.*?)(\\[|\\])'; | |
const RGX_ATTRS_MAYBE_OPEN = new RegExp(`\\[${RGX_STRING_CONTENT_TO_SQUARES}`, 'gi'); | |
export function query<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K, parent?: HTMLElement|Document): Array<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>; | |
export function query<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K, parent?: HTMLElement|Document): Array<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>; | |
export function query<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K, parent?: HTMLElement|Document): Array<MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]>; | |
export function query<T extends HTMLElement>(selectors: string, parent?: HTMLElement|Document): Array<T>; | |
export function query(selectors: string, parent: HTMLElement|Document = document) { | |
return Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll(selectors)).filter(n => !!n); | |
} | |
export function queryOne<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K, parent?: HTMLElement|Document): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K] | null; | |
export function queryOne<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K, parent?: HTMLElement|Document): SVGElementTagNameMap[K] | null; | |
export function queryOne<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K, parent?: HTMLElement|Document): MathMLElementTagNameMap[K] | null; | |
export function queryOne<T extends HTMLElement>(selectors: string, parent?: HTMLElement|Document): T | null; | |
export function queryOne(selectors: string, parent: HTMLElement|Document = document) { | |
return parent.querySelector(selectors) ?? null; | |
} | |
export function createText(text: string) { | |
return document.createTextNode(text); | |
} | |
export function getClosestOrSelf(element: EventTarget|HTMLElement|null, query: string) : HTMLElement|null { | |
const el = (element as HTMLElement); | |
return (el?.closest && (el.matches(query) && el || el.closest(query)) as HTMLElement) || null; | |
} | |
export function containsOrSelf(parent: EventTarget|HTMLElement|null, contained: EventTarget|HTMLElement|null) : boolean { | |
return parent === contained || (parent as HTMLElement)?.contains?.(contained as HTMLElement) || false; | |
} | |
type Attrs = { | |
[name: string]: any; | |
}; | |
export function createElement<T extends HTMLElement>(selectorOrMarkup: string, attrs?: Attrs) { | |
const frag = getHtmlFragment(selectorOrMarkup); | |
let element = frag?.firstElementChild as HTMLElement; | |
let selector = ""; | |
if (!element) { | |
selector = selectorOrMarkup.replace(/[\r\n]\s*/g, ""); | |
const tag = getSelectorTag(selector) || "div"; | |
element = document.createElement(tag); | |
selector = selector.replace(RGX_TAG, "$2"); | |
// Turn id and classname into [attr]s that can be nested | |
selector = selector.replace(RGX_ATTR_ID, '[id="$1"]'); | |
selector = selector.replace( | |
(match, p1, p2) => `${p1}[class="${p2.replace(/\./g, " ")}"]`, | |
); | |
} | |
const selectorAttrs = getSelectorAttributes(selector); | |
if (selectorAttrs) { | |
for (const attr of selectorAttrs) { | |
let matches = attr.substring(1, attr.length - 1).split("="); | |
let key = localAssertNotFalsy(matches.shift()); | |
let value: string = matches.join("="); | |
if (value === undefined) { | |
setAttribute(element, key, true); | |
} else { | |
value = value.replace(/^['"](.*)['"]$/, "$1"); | |
setAttribute(element, key, value); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (attrs) { | |
setAttributes(element, attrs); | |
} | |
return element as T; | |
} | |
export const $el = createElement; | |
function getSelectorTag(str: string) { | |
return tryMatch(str, RGX_TAG); | |
} | |
function getSelectorAttributes(selector: string) { | |
RGX_ATTRS_MAYBE_OPEN.lastIndex = 0; | |
let attrs: string[] = []; | |
let result; | |
while (result = RGX_ATTRS_MAYBE_OPEN.exec(selector)) { | |
let attr = result[0]; | |
if (attr.endsWith(']')) { | |
attrs.push(attr); | |
} else { | |
attr = result[0] | |
+ getOpenAttributesRecursive(selector.substr(RGX_ATTRS_MAYBE_OPEN.lastIndex), 2); | |
RGX_ATTRS_MAYBE_OPEN.lastIndex += (attr.length - result[0].length); | |
attrs.push(attr); | |
} | |
} | |
return attrs; | |
} | |
function getOpenAttributesRecursive(selectorSubstring: string, openCount: number) { | |
let matches = selectorSubstring.match(RGX_ATTRS_FOLLOW_OPEN); | |
let result = ''; | |
if (matches && matches.length) { | |
result = matches[0]; | |
openCount += result.endsWith(']') ? -1 : 1; | |
if (openCount > 0) { | |
result += getOpenAttributesRecursive(selectorSubstring.substr(result.length), openCount); | |
} | |
} | |
return result; | |
} | |
function tryMatch(str: string, rgx: RegExp, index = 1) { | |
let found = ''; | |
try { | |
found = str.match(rgx)?.[index] || ''; | |
} catch (e) { | |
found = ''; | |
} | |
return found; | |
} | |
export function setAttributes(element: HTMLElement, data: {[name: string]: any}) { | |
let attr; | |
for (attr in data) { | |
if (data.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { | |
setAttribute(element, attr, data[attr]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
function getHtmlFragment(value: string) { | |
if (value.match(/^\s*<.*?>[\s\S]*<\/[a-z0-9]+>\s*$/)) { | |
return document.createRange().createContextualFragment(value.trim()); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
function getChild(value: any) : HTMLElement|DocumentFragment|Text|null { | |
if (value instanceof Node) { | |
return value as HTMLElement; | |
} | |
if (typeof value === 'string') { | |
let child = getHtmlFragment(value); | |
if (child) { | |
return child; | |
} | |
if (getSelectorTag(value)) { | |
return createElement(value); | |
} | |
return createText(value); | |
} | |
if (value && typeof value.toElement === 'function') { | |
return value.toElement() as HTMLElement; | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
export function setAttribute(element: HTMLElement, attribute: string, value: any) { | |
let isRemoving = value == null; | |
if (attribute === 'default') { | |
attribute = RGX_DEFAULT_VALUE_PROP.test(element.nodeName) ? 'value' : 'text'; | |
} | |
if (attribute === 'text') { | |
empty(element).appendChild(createText(value != null ? String(value) : '')); | |
} else if (attribute === 'html') { | |
empty(element).innerHTML += value != null ? String(value) : ''; | |
} else if (attribute == 'style') { | |
if (typeof value === 'string') { | | = isRemoving ? '' : (value != null ? String(value) : ''); | |
} else { | |
for (const [styleKey, styleValue] of Object.entries(value as {[key: string]: any})) { | |[styleKey as 'display'] = styleValue; | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (attribute == 'events') { | |
for (const [key, fn] of Object.entries(value as {[key: string]: (e: Event) => void})) { | |
addEvent(element, key, fn); | |
} | |
} else if (attribute === 'parent') { | |
value.appendChild(element); | |
} else if (attribute === 'child' || attribute === 'children') { | |
// Try to handle an array, like [li,li,li]. Not nested brackets, though | |
if (typeof value === 'string' && /^\[[^\[\]]+\]$/.test(value)) { | |
const parseable = value.replace(/^\[([^\[\]]+)\]$/, '["$1"]').replace(/,/g, '","'); | |
try { | |
const parsed = JSON.parse(parseable); | |
value = parsed; | |
} catch(e) { | |
console.error(e); | |
} | |
} | |
// "children" is a replace of the children, while "child" appends a new child if others exist. | |
if (attribute === 'children') { | |
empty(element); | |
} | |
let children = value instanceof Array ? value : [value]; | |
for (let child of children) { | |
child = getChild(child); | |
if (child instanceof Node) { | |
if (element instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) { | |
element.content.appendChild(child); | |
} else { | |
element.appendChild(child); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (attribute == 'for') { | |
(element as HTMLLabelElement).htmlFor = value != null ? String(value) : ''; | |
if (isRemoving) { | |
// delete (element as HTMLLabelElement).htmlFor; | |
element.removeAttribute('for'); | |
} | |
} else if (attribute === 'class' || attribute === 'className' || attribute === 'classes') { | |
element.className = isRemoving ? '' : Array.isArray(value) ? value.join(' ') : String(value); | |
} else if (attribute === 'dataset') { | |
if (typeof value !== 'object') { | |
console.error('Expecting an object for dataset'); | |
return; | |
} | |
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(value)) { | |
element.dataset[key] = String(val); | |
} | |
} else if (attribute.startsWith('on') && typeof value === 'function') { | |
element.addEventListener(attribute.substring(2), value); | |
} else if (['checked', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'required', 'selected'].includes(attribute)) { | |
// Could be input, button, etc. We are not discriminate. | |
(element as HTMLInputElement)[attribute as 'checked'] = !!value; | |
if (!value) { | |
(element as HTMLInputElement).removeAttribute(attribute); | |
} else { | |
(element as HTMLInputElement).setAttribute(attribute, attribute); | |
} | |
} else if (DIRECT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) { | |
if (isRemoving) { | |
element.removeAttribute(DIRECT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP[attribute]!); | |
} else { | |
element.setAttribute(DIRECT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP[attribute]!, String(value)); | |
} | |
} else if (isRemoving) { | |
element.removeAttribute(attribute); | |
} else { | |
let oldVal = element.getAttribute(attribute); | |
if (oldVal !== value) { | |
element.setAttribute(attribute, String(value)); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
function addEvent(element: HTMLElement, key: string, fn: (e:Event) => void) { | |
element.addEventListener(key, fn); | |
} | |
function setStyles(element: HTMLElement, styles: {[name: string]: string|number}|null = null) { | |
if (styles) { | |
for (let name in styles) { | |
setStyle(element, name, styles[name]!); | |
} | |
} | |
return element; | |
} | |
function setStyle(element: HTMLElement, name: string, value: string|number|null) { | |
// Note: Old IE uses 'styleFloat' | |
name = (name.indexOf('float') > -1 ? 'cssFloat' : name); | |
// Camelcase | |
if (name.indexOf('-') != -1) { | |
name = name.replace(/-\D/g, (match) => { | |
return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); | |
}); | |
} | |
if (value == String(Number(value)) && RGX_NUMERIC_STYLE.test(name)) { | |
value = value + RGX_NUMERIC_STYLE_UNIT; | |
} | |
if (name === 'display' && typeof value !== 'string') { | |
value = !!value ? null : 'none'; | |
} | |
( as any)[name] = value === null ? null : String(value); | |
return element; | |
}; | |
export function empty(element: HTMLElement) { | |
while (element.firstChild) { | |
element.removeChild(element.firstChild); | |
} | |
return element; | |
} | |
type ChildType = HTMLElement|DocumentFragment|Text|string|null; | |
export function appendChildren(el: HTMLElement, children: ChildType|ChildType[]) { | |
children = !Array.isArray(children) ? [children] : children; | |
for (let child of children) { | |
child = getChild(child); | |
if (child instanceof Node) { | |
if (el instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) { | |
el.content.appendChild(child); | |
} else { | |
el.appendChild(child); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |