WavJourney / APIs.py
zzk1st's picture
Copy code from github
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import os
import numpy as np
import requests
import yaml
import pyloudnorm as pyln
from scipy.io.wavfile import write
import torchaudio
from retrying import retry
os.environ['OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
with open('config.yaml', 'r') as file:
config = yaml.safe_load(file)
tts_port = config['Text-to-Speech']['service-port']
ttm_port = config['Text-to-Music']['service-port']
tta_port = config['Text-to-Audio']['service-port']
sr_port = config['Speech-Restoration']['service-port']
vp_port = config['Voice-Parser']['service-port']
enable_sr = config['Speech-Restoration']['Enable']
def IDLE(length=1.0, out_wav='out.wav', sr=SAMPLE_RATE):
idle = np.zeros(int(length * sr))
WRITE_AUDIO(idle, name=out_wav, sr=SAMPLE_RATE)
def LOUDNESS_NORM(audio, sr=32000, volumn=-25):
# peak normalize audio to -1 dB
peak_normalized_audio = pyln.normalize.peak(audio, -10.0)
# measure the loudness first
meter = pyln.Meter(sr) # create BS.1770 meter
loudness = meter.integrated_loudness(peak_normalized_audio)
# loudness normalize audio to -12 dB LUFS
normalized_audio = pyln.normalize.loudness(peak_normalized_audio, loudness, volumn)
return normalized_audio
def WRITE_AUDIO(wav, name=None, sr=SAMPLE_RATE):
function: write audio numpy to .wav file
wav: np.array [samples]
if name is None:
name = 'output.wav'
if len(wav.shape) > 1:
wav = wav[0]
# declipping
max_value = np.max(np.abs(wav))
if max_value > 1:
wav *= 0.9 / max_value
# print(f'WRITE_AUDIO to {name}')
write(name, sr, np.round(wav*32767).astype(np.int16))
function: read audio numpy
return: np.array [samples]
waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(wav)
if sample_rate != sr:
waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, orig_freq=sample_rate, new_freq=sr)
wav_numpy = waveform[0].numpy()
return wav_numpy
def MIX(wavs=[['1.wav', 0.], ['2.wav', 10.]], out_wav='out.wav', sr=SAMPLE_RATE):
wavs:[[wav_name, absolute_offset], ...]
# last_name, last_offset = wavs[-1]
# last_len = len(READ_AUDIO_NUMPY(last_name))
# max_length = int(last_offset * sr + last_len)
max_length = max([int(wav[1]*sr + len(READ_AUDIO_NUMPY(wav[0]))) for wav in wavs])
template_wav = np.zeros(max_length)
for wav in wavs:
cur_name, cur_offset = wav
cur_wav = READ_AUDIO_NUMPY(cur_name)
cur_len = len(cur_wav)
cur_offset = int(cur_offset * sr)
# mix
template_wav[cur_offset:cur_offset+cur_len] += cur_wav
WRITE_AUDIO(template_wav, name=out_wav)
def CAT(wavs, out_wav='out.wav'):
wavs: List of wav file ['1.wav', '2.wav', ...]
wav_num = len(wavs)
segment0 = READ_AUDIO_NUMPY(wavs[0])
cat_wav = segment0
if wav_num > 1:
for i in range(1, wav_num):
next_wav = READ_AUDIO_NUMPY(wavs[i])
cat_wav = np.concatenate((cat_wav, next_wav), axis=-1)
WRITE_AUDIO(cat_wav, name=out_wav)
def COMPUTE_LEN(wav):
return len(wav) / 32000
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=2000)
def TTM(text, length=10, volume=-28, out_wav='out.wav'):
url = f'{ttm_port}/generate_music'
data = {
'text': f'{text}',
'length': f'{length}',
'volume': f'{volume}',
'output_wav': f'{out_wav}',
response = requests.post(url, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
print('Success:', response.json()['message'])
print('Error:', response.json()['API error'])
raise RuntimeError(response.json()['API error'])
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=2000)
def TTA(text, length=5, volume=-35, out_wav='out.wav'):
url = f'{tta_port}/generate_audio'
data = {
'text': f'{text}',
'length': f'{length}',
'volume': f'{volume}',
'output_wav': f'{out_wav}',
response = requests.post(url, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
print('Success:', response.json()['message'])
print('Error:', response.json()['API error'])
raise RuntimeError(response.json()['API error'])
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=2000)
def TTS(text, speaker='news_anchor', volume=-20, out_wav='out.wav', enhanced=enable_sr, speaker_id='', speaker_npz=''):
url = f'{tts_port}/generate_speech'
data = {
'text': f'{text}',
'speaker_id': f'{speaker_id}',
'speaker_npz': f'{speaker_npz}',
'volume': f'{volume}',
'output_wav': f'{out_wav}',
response = requests.post(url, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
print('Success:', response.json()['message'])
print('Error:', response.json()['API error'])
raise RuntimeError(response.json()['API error'])
if enhanced:
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=2000)
def SR(processfile):
url = f'{sr_port}/fix_audio'
data = {'processfile': f'{processfile}'}
response = requests.post(url, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
print('Success:', response.json()['message'])
print('Error:', response.json()['API error'])
raise RuntimeError(response.json()['API error'])
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=2000)
def VP(wav_path, out_dir):
url = f'{vp_port}/parse_voice'
data = {
'wav_path': f'{wav_path}',
response = requests.post(url, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
print('Success:', response.json()['message'])
print('Error:', response.json()['API error'])
raise RuntimeError(response.json()['API error'])