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This file defines the core research contribution
import matplotlib
import math
import torch
from torch import nn
from models.encoders import psp_encoders
from models.stylegan2.model import Generator
from configs.paths_config import model_paths
import torch.nn.functional as F
def get_keys(d, name):
if 'state_dict' in d:
d = d['state_dict']
d_filt = {k[len(name) + 1:]: v for k, v in d.items() if k[:len(name)] == name}
return d_filt
class pSp(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, opts):
super(pSp, self).__init__()
# compute number of style inputs based on the output resolution
self.opts.n_styles = int(math.log(self.opts.output_size, 2)) * 2 - 2
# Define architecture
self.encoder = self.set_encoder()
self.decoder = Generator(self.opts.output_size, 512, 8)
self.face_pool = torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((256, 256))
# Load weights if needed
def set_encoder(self):
if self.opts.encoder_type == 'GradualStyleEncoder':
encoder = psp_encoders.GradualStyleEncoder(50, 'ir_se', self.opts)
elif self.opts.encoder_type == 'BackboneEncoderUsingLastLayerIntoW':
encoder = psp_encoders.BackboneEncoderUsingLastLayerIntoW(50, 'ir_se', self.opts)
elif self.opts.encoder_type == 'BackboneEncoderUsingLastLayerIntoWPlus':
encoder = psp_encoders.BackboneEncoderUsingLastLayerIntoWPlus(50, 'ir_se', self.opts)
raise Exception('{} is not a valid encoders'.format(self.opts.encoder_type))
return encoder
def load_weights(self):
if self.opts.checkpoint_path is not None:
print('Loading pSp from checkpoint: {}'.format(self.opts.checkpoint_path))
ckpt = torch.load(self.opts.checkpoint_path, map_location='cpu')
self.encoder.load_state_dict(get_keys(ckpt, 'encoder'), strict=False)
self.decoder.load_state_dict(get_keys(ckpt, 'decoder'), strict=False)
print('Loading encoders weights from irse50!')
encoder_ckpt = torch.load(model_paths['ir_se50'])
# if input to encoder is not an RGB image, do not load the input layer weights
if self.opts.label_nc != 0:
encoder_ckpt = {k: v for k, v in encoder_ckpt.items() if "input_layer" not in k}
self.encoder.load_state_dict(encoder_ckpt, strict=False)
print('Loading decoder weights from pretrained!')
ckpt = torch.load(self.opts.stylegan_weights)
self.decoder.load_state_dict(ckpt['g_ema'], strict=False)
if self.opts.learn_in_w:
self.__load_latent_avg(ckpt, repeat=1)
self.__load_latent_avg(ckpt, repeat=self.opts.n_styles)
# for video toonification, we load G0' model
if self.opts.toonify_weights is not None: ##### modified
ckpt = torch.load(self.opts.toonify_weights)
self.decoder.load_state_dict(ckpt['g_ema'], strict=False)
self.opts.toonify_weights = None
# x1: image for first-layer feature f.
# x2: image for style latent code w+. If not specified, x2=x1.
# inject_latent: for sketch/mask-to-face translation, another latent code to fuse with w+
# latent_mask: fuse w+ and inject_latent with the mask (1~7 use w+ and 8~18 use inject_latent)
# use_feature: use f. Otherwise, use the orginal StyleGAN first-layer constant 4*4 feature
# first_layer_feature_ind: always=0, means the 1st layer of G accept f
# use_skip: use skip connection.
# zero_noise: use zero noises.
# editing_w: the editing vector v for video face editing
def forward(self, x1, x2=None, resize=True, latent_mask=None, randomize_noise=True,
inject_latent=None, return_latents=False, alpha=None, use_feature=True,
first_layer_feature_ind=0, use_skip=False, zero_noise=False, editing_w=None): ##### modified
feats = None # f and the skipped encoder features
codes, feats = self.encoder(x1, return_feat=True, return_full=use_skip) ##### modified
if x2 is not None: ##### modified
codes = self.encoder(x2) ##### modified
# normalize with respect to the center of an average face
if self.opts.start_from_latent_avg:
if self.opts.learn_in_w:
codes = codes + self.latent_avg.repeat(codes.shape[0], 1)
codes = codes + self.latent_avg.repeat(codes.shape[0], 1, 1)
# E_W^{1:7}(T(x1)) concatenate E_W^{8:18}(w~)
if latent_mask is not None:
for i in latent_mask:
if inject_latent is not None:
if alpha is not None:
codes[:, i] = alpha * inject_latent[:, i] + (1 - alpha) * codes[:, i]
codes[:, i] = inject_latent[:, i]
codes[:, i] = 0
first_layer_feats, skip_layer_feats, fusion = None, None, None ##### modified
if use_feature: ##### modified
first_layer_feats = feats[0:2] # use f
if use_skip: ##### modified
skip_layer_feats = feats[2:] # use skipped encoder feature
fusion = self.encoder.fusion # use fusion layer to fuse encoder feature and decoder feature.
images, result_latent = self.decoder([codes],
editing_w=editing_w) ##### modified
if resize:
if self.opts.output_size == 1024: ##### modified
images = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(images, (images.shape[2]//4, images.shape[3]//4)) ##### modified
images = self.face_pool(images)
if return_latents:
return images, result_latent
return images
def set_opts(self, opts):
self.opts = opts
def __load_latent_avg(self, ckpt, repeat=None):
if 'latent_avg' in ckpt:
self.latent_avg = ckpt['latent_avg'].to(self.opts.device)
if repeat is not None:
self.latent_avg = self.latent_avg.repeat(repeat, 1)
self.latent_avg = None