import streamlit as st from azure.cosmos import CosmosClient import os # Load and save query files def load_query(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as file: return def save_query(filename, query): with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(query) # Streamlit UI st.title("Azure Cosmos DB Explorer 👽") # Environment Variables for Cosmos DB Credentials ACCOUNT_URI = os.environ.get('ACCOUNT_URI', 'Your Cosmos DB URI here') ACCOUNT_KEY = os.environ.get('ACCOUNT_KEY', 'Your Cosmos DB Key here') client = None # Connection Details Expander with st.expander("Connect 🌍"): st.write("Environment Variables for Cosmos DB Credentials are pre-loaded.") database_name = st.text_input("Database Name:", "") container_name = st.text_input("Container Name:", "") if st.button("Connect"): try: client = CosmosClient(ACCOUNT_URI, credential=ACCOUNT_KEY) database_client = client.get_database_client(database_name) container_client = database_client.get_container_client(container_name) st.success("Connected successfully! 🎉") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to connect: {e}") # Query Editor Expander with st.expander("Query Editor 📝"): query = st.text_area("Enter your SQL query here:", "") file_option = st.selectbox("File Options", ["New", "Open", "Save", "Save As"]) if file_option == "New": query = "" elif file_option == "Open": open_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file:", type=["txt"]) if open_file is not None: query = load_query(open_file) elif file_option == "Save": save_filename = st.text_input("Enter filename to save:", "my_query.txt") if st.button("Save Query"): save_query(save_filename, query) elif file_option == "Save As": saveas_filename = st.text_input("Enter new filename:", "my_new_query.txt") if st.button("Save As"): save_query(saveas_filename, query) if st.button("Execute Query 🚀"): if client: try: items = list(container_client.query_items( query=query, enable_cross_partition_query=True )) st.write("Results 📋:") st.json(items) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Query failed: {e}") else: st.warning("Not connected to any Cosmos DB. Please connect first.") # Instructions st.markdown(""" ## Instructions to Run this App: 1. **Environment Variables**: Set the `ACCOUNT_URI` and `ACCOUNT_KEY` environment variables with your Azure Cosmos DB URI and Key respectively. 2. **Install Packages**: If you haven't, install the required Python packages: 3. **Run App**: Save this code in a file, say ``, and then run `streamlit run`. 4. **Execute**: Use the UI to connect and run SQL queries against your Cosmos DB. """)