import os |
import time |
import gradio as gr |
import cv2 |
import pathlib |
import shutil |
import roop.globals |
import roop.metadata |
import roop.utilities as util |
from roop.face_helper import extract_face_images |
from roop.capturer import get_video_frame, get_video_frame_total, get_image_frame |
restart_server = False |
live_cam_active = False |
last_image = None |
input_thumbs = [] |
target_thumbs = [] |
IS_INPUT = True |
roop.globals.keep_fps = None |
roop.globals.keep_frames = None |
roop.globals.skip_audio = None |
roop.globals.use_batch = None |
input_faces = None |
target_faces = None |
face_selection = None |
fake_cam_image = None |
current_cam_image = None |
cam_swapping = False |
selected_preview_index = 0 |
def prepare_environment(): |
roop.globals.output_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "output")) |
os.makedirs(roop.globals.output_path, exist_ok=True) |
os.environ["TEMP"] = os.environ["TMP"] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "temp")) |
os.makedirs(os.environ["TEMP"], exist_ok=True) |
os.environ["GRADIO_TEMP_DIR"] = os.environ["TEMP"] |
def run(): |
from roop.core import suggest_execution_providers |
global input_faces, target_faces, face_selection, fake_cam_image, restart_server, live_cam_active, on_settings_changed |
prepare_environment() |
available_themes = ["Default", "gradio/glass", "gradio/monochrome", "gradio/seafoam", "gradio/soft", "gstaff/xkcd", "freddyaboulton/dracula_revamped", "ysharma/steampunk"] |
image_formats = ['jpg','png', 'webp'] |
video_formats = ['avi','mkv', 'mp4', 'webm'] |
video_codecs = ['libx264', 'libx265', 'libvpx-vp9', 'h264_nvenc', 'hevc_nvenc'] |
providerlist = suggest_execution_providers() |
server_name = roop.globals.CFG.server_name |
if server_name is None or len(server_name) < 1: |
server_name = None |
server_port = roop.globals.CFG.server_port |
if server_port <= 0: |
server_port = None |
settings_controls = [] |
live_cam_active = False |
run_server = True |
while run_server: |
with gr.Blocks(title=f'{roop.metadata.name} {roop.metadata.version}', theme=roop.globals.CFG.selected_theme, css="span {color: var(--block-info-text-color)}") as ui: |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
gr.Markdown(f"### {roop.metadata.name} {roop.metadata.version}") |
gr.HTML(util.create_version_html(), elem_id="versions") |
with gr.Tab("Face Swap"): |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
input_faces = gr.Gallery(label="Input faces", allow_preview=True, preview=True, height=128, object_fit="scale-down") |
with gr.Row(): |
bt_remove_selected_input_face = gr.Button("Remove selected") |
bt_clear_input_faces = gr.Button("Clear all", variant='stop') |
bt_srcimg = gr.Image(label='Source Face Image', type='filepath', tool=None) |
with gr.Column(): |
target_faces = gr.Gallery(label="Target faces", allow_preview=True, preview=True, height=128, object_fit="scale-down") |
with gr.Row(): |
bt_remove_selected_target_face = gr.Button("Remove selected") |
bt_destfiles = gr.Files(label='Target File(s)', file_count="multiple", elem_id='filelist') |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(visible=False) as dynamic_face_selection: |
face_selection = gr.Gallery(label="Detected faces", allow_preview=True, preview=True, height=256, object_fit="scale-down") |
with gr.Row(): |
bt_faceselect = gr.Button("Use selected face") |
bt_cancelfaceselect = gr.Button("Cancel") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
selected_face_detection = gr.Dropdown(["First found", "All faces", "Selected face", "All female", "All male"], value="First found", label="Select face swapping method") |
max_face_distance = gr.Slider(0.01, 1.0, value=0.65, label="Max Face Similarity Threshold") |
with gr.Column(): |
roop.globals.keep_fps = gr.Checkbox(label="Keep FPS", value=True) |
roop.globals.keep_frames = gr.Checkbox(label="Keep Frames", value=False) |
roop.globals.skip_audio = gr.Checkbox(label="Skip audio", value=False) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
selected_enhancer = gr.Dropdown(["None", "Codeformer", "DMDNet", "GFPGAN"], value="None", label="Select post-processing") |
with gr.Accordion(label="Masking", open=True): |
chk_useclip = gr.Checkbox(label="Use Text to Clip Masking", value=False) |
clip_text = gr.Textbox(label="List of objects to mask and restore back on fake image", placeholder="hands,hair") |
with gr.Column(): |
blend_ratio = gr.Slider(0.0, 1.0, value=0.65, label="Original/Enhanced image blend ratio") |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
with gr.Column(): |
bt_start = gr.Button("Start", variant='primary') |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Markdown(' ') |
with gr.Column(): |
fake_preview = gr.Checkbox(label="Face swap frames", value=False) |
with gr.Column(): |
bt_refresh_preview = gr.Button("Refresh", variant='secondary') |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
with gr.Column(): |
with gr.Accordion(label="Results", open=True): |
resultfiles = gr.Files(label='Processed File(s)', interactive=False) |
resultimage = gr.Image(type='filepath', interactive=False) |
with gr.Column(): |
with gr.Accordion(label="Preview Original/Fake Frame", open=True): |
previewimage = gr.Image(label="Preview Image", interactive=False) |
with gr.Column(): |
preview_frame_num = gr.Slider(0, 0, value=0, label="Frame Number", step=1.0) |
bt_use_face_from_preview = gr.Button("Use Face from this Frame", variant='primary') |
with gr.Tab("Live Cam"): |
cam_toggle = gr.Checkbox(label='Activate', value=live_cam_active) |
if live_cam_active: |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
cam = gr.Webcam(label='Camera', source='webcam', interactive=True, streaming=False) |
with gr.Column(): |
fake_cam_image = gr.Image(label='Fake Camera Output', interactive=False) |
with gr.Tab("Extras"): |
with gr.Row(): |
files_to_process = gr.Files(label='File(s) to process', file_count="multiple") |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
with gr.Accordion(label="Post process", open=False): |
with gr.Column(): |
selected_post_enhancer = gr.Dropdown(["None", "Codeformer", "GFPGAN"], value="None", label="Select post-processing") |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Button("Start").click(fn=lambda: gr.Info('Not yet implemented...')) |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
with gr.Accordion(label="Video/GIF", open=False): |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Markdown(""" |
# Cut video |
Be aware that this means re-encoding the video which might take a longer time. |
Encoding uses your configuration from the Settings Tab. |
""") |
with gr.Column(): |
cut_start_time = gr.Slider(0, 100000, value=0, label="Start Frame", step=1.0, interactive=True) |
with gr.Column(): |
cut_end_time = gr.Slider(1, 100000, value=1, label="End Frame", step=1.0, interactive=True) |
with gr.Column(): |
start_cut_video = gr.Button("Start") |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
gr.Markdown("Extract frames from video") |
start_extract_frames = gr.Button("Start") |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
gr.Markdown("Create video from image files") |
gr.Button("Start").click(fn=lambda: gr.Info('Not yet implemented...')) |
with gr.Row(variant='panel'): |
gr.Markdown("Create GIF from video") |
start_create_gif = gr.Button("Create GIF") |
with gr.Row(): |
extra_files_output = gr.Files(label='Resulting output files', file_count="multiple") |
with gr.Tab("Settings"): |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
themes = gr.Dropdown(available_themes, label="Theme", info="Change needs complete restart", value=roop.globals.CFG.selected_theme) |
with gr.Column(): |
settings_controls.append(gr.Checkbox(label="Public Server", value=roop.globals.CFG.server_share, elem_id='server_share', interactive=True)) |
settings_controls.append(gr.Checkbox(label='Clear output folder before each run', value=roop.globals.CFG.clear_output, elem_id='clear_output', interactive=True)) |
with gr.Column(): |
input_server_name = gr.Textbox(label="Server Name", lines=1, info="Leave blank to run locally", value=roop.globals.CFG.server_name) |
with gr.Column(): |
input_server_port = gr.Number(label="Server Port", precision=0, info="Leave at 0 to use default", value=roop.globals.CFG.server_port) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
max_threads = gr.Slider(1, 64, value=roop.globals.CFG.max_threads, label="Max. Number of Threads", info='default: 8', step=1.0, interactive=True) |
settings_controls.append(gr.Dropdown(image_formats, label="Image Output Format", info='default: png', value=roop.globals.CFG.output_image_format, elem_id='output_image_format', interactive=True)) |
button_clean_temp = gr.Button("Clean temp folder") |
with gr.Column(): |
settings_controls.append(gr.Dropdown(providerlist, label="Provider", value=roop.globals.CFG.provider, elem_id='provider', interactive=True)) |
settings_controls.append(gr.Dropdown(video_formats, label="Video Output Format", info='default: mp4', value=roop.globals.CFG.output_video_format, elem_id='output_video_format', interactive=True)) |
button_apply_settings = gr.Button("Apply Settings") |
with gr.Column(): |
settings_controls.append(gr.Dropdown(video_codecs, label="Video Codec", info='default: libx264', value=roop.globals.CFG.output_video_codec, elem_id='output_video_codec', interactive=True)) |
video_quality = gr.Slider(0, 100, value=roop.globals.CFG.video_quality, label="Video Quality (crf)", info='default: 14', step=1.0, interactive=True) |
with gr.Column(): |
button_apply_restart = gr.Button("Restart Server", variant='primary') |
input_faces.select(on_select_input_face, None, None) |
bt_remove_selected_input_face.click(fn=remove_selected_input_face, outputs=[input_faces]) |
bt_srcimg.change(fn=on_srcimg_changed, show_progress='full', inputs=bt_srcimg, outputs=[dynamic_face_selection, face_selection, input_faces]) |
target_faces.select(on_select_target_face, None, None) |
bt_remove_selected_target_face.click(fn=remove_selected_target_face, outputs=[target_faces]) |
bt_destfiles.select(fn=on_destfiles_selected, inputs=[bt_destfiles], outputs=[previewimage, preview_frame_num]) |
bt_destfiles.clear(fn=on_clear_destfiles, outputs=[target_faces]) |
resultfiles.select(fn=on_resultfiles_selected, inputs=[resultfiles], outputs=[resultimage]) |
face_selection.select(on_select_face, None, None) |
bt_faceselect.click(fn=on_selected_face, outputs=[dynamic_face_selection, face_selection, input_faces, target_faces]) |
bt_clear_input_faces.click(fn=on_clear_input_faces, outputs=[input_faces]) |
bt_start.click(fn=start_swap, |
inputs=[selected_enhancer, selected_face_detection, roop.globals.keep_fps, roop.globals.keep_frames, |
roop.globals.skip_audio, max_face_distance, blend_ratio, bt_destfiles, chk_useclip, clip_text], |
outputs=[resultfiles, resultimage]) |
previewinputs = [preview_frame_num, bt_destfiles, fake_preview, selected_enhancer, selected_face_detection, |
max_face_distance, blend_ratio, bt_destfiles, chk_useclip, clip_text] |
bt_refresh_preview.click(fn=on_preview_frame_changed, inputs=previewinputs, outputs=[previewimage]) |
fake_preview.change(fn=on_preview_frame_changed, inputs=previewinputs, outputs=[previewimage]) |
preview_frame_num.change(fn=on_preview_frame_changed, inputs=previewinputs, outputs=[previewimage], show_progress='hidden') |
bt_use_face_from_preview.click(fn=on_use_face_from_selected, show_progress='full', inputs=[bt_destfiles, preview_frame_num], outputs=[dynamic_face_selection, face_selection, target_faces]) |
cam_toggle.change(fn=on_cam_toggle, inputs=[cam_toggle]) |
if live_cam_active: |
cam.stream(on_stream_swap_cam, inputs=[cam, selected_enhancer, blend_ratio], outputs=[fake_cam_image], show_progress="hidden") |
start_cut_video.click(fn=on_cut_video, inputs=[files_to_process, cut_start_time, cut_end_time], outputs=[extra_files_output]) |
start_extract_frames.click(fn=on_extract_frames, inputs=[files_to_process], outputs=[extra_files_output]) |
start_create_gif.click(fn=on_create_gif, inputs=[files_to_process], outputs=[extra_files_output]) |
for s in settings_controls: |
s.select(fn=on_settings_changed) |
max_threads.input(fn=lambda a,b='max_threads':on_settings_changed_misc(a,b), inputs=[max_threads]) |
video_quality.input(fn=lambda a,b='video_quality':on_settings_changed_misc(a,b), inputs=[video_quality]) |
button_clean_temp.click(fn=clean_temp, outputs=[bt_srcimg, input_faces, target_faces, bt_destfiles]) |
button_apply_settings.click(apply_settings, inputs=[themes, input_server_name, input_server_port]) |
button_apply_restart.click(restart) |
restart_server = False |
try: |
ui.queue().launch(inbrowser=True, server_name=server_name, server_port=server_port, prevent_thread_lock=True, show_error=True) |
except: |
restart_server = True |
run_server = False |
try: |
while restart_server == False: |
time.sleep(5.0) |
except (KeyboardInterrupt, OSError): |
print("Keyboard interruption in main thread... closing server.") |
run_server = False |
ui.close() |
def on_settings_changed_misc(new_val, attribname): |
if hasattr(roop.globals.CFG, attribname): |
setattr(roop.globals.CFG, attribname, new_val) |
else: |
print("Didn't find attrib!") |
def on_settings_changed(evt: gr.SelectData): |
attribname = evt.target.elem_id |
if isinstance(evt.target, gr.Checkbox): |
if hasattr(roop.globals.CFG, attribname): |
setattr(roop.globals.CFG, attribname, evt.selected) |
return |
elif isinstance(evt.target, gr.Dropdown): |
if hasattr(roop.globals.CFG, attribname): |
setattr(roop.globals.CFG, attribname, evt.value) |
return |
raise gr.Error(f'Unhandled Setting for {evt.target}') |
def on_srcimg_changed(imgsrc, progress=gr.Progress()): |
global RECENT_DIRECTORY_SOURCE, SELECTION_FACES_DATA, IS_INPUT, input_faces, face_selection, input_thumbs, last_image |
IS_INPUT = True |
if imgsrc == None or last_image == imgsrc: |
return gr.Column.update(visible=False), None, input_thumbs |
last_image = imgsrc |
progress(0, desc="Retrieving faces from image", ) |
source_path = imgsrc |
thumbs = [] |
if util.is_image(source_path): |
roop.globals.source_path = source_path |
RECENT_DIRECTORY_SOURCE = os.path.dirname(roop.globals.source_path) |
SELECTION_FACES_DATA = extract_face_images(roop.globals.source_path, (False, 0)) |
progress(0.5, desc="Retrieving faces from image") |
image = convert_to_gradio(f[1]) |
thumbs.append(image) |
progress(1.0, desc="Retrieving faces from image") |
if len(thumbs) < 1: |
raise gr.Error('No faces detected!') |
if len(thumbs) == 1: |
input_thumbs.append(thumbs[0]) |
return gr.Column.update(visible=False), None, input_thumbs |
return gr.Column.update(visible=True), thumbs, gr.Gallery.update(visible=True) |
def on_select_input_face(evt: gr.SelectData): |
def remove_selected_input_face(): |
global input_thumbs, SELECTED_INPUT_FACE_INDEX |
if len(input_thumbs) > SELECTED_INPUT_FACE_INDEX: |
f = input_thumbs.pop(SELECTED_INPUT_FACE_INDEX) |
del f |
return input_thumbs |
def on_select_target_face(evt: gr.SelectData): |
def remove_selected_target_face(): |
global target_thumbs, SELECTED_TARGET_FACE_INDEX |
if len(target_thumbs) > SELECTED_TARGET_FACE_INDEX: |
f = target_thumbs.pop(SELECTED_TARGET_FACE_INDEX) |
del f |
return target_thumbs |
def on_use_face_from_selected(files, frame_num): |
IS_INPUT = False |
thumbs = [] |
roop.globals.target_path = files[selected_preview_index].name |
if util.is_image(roop.globals.target_path) and not roop.globals.target_path.lower().endswith(('gif')): |
SELECTION_FACES_DATA = extract_face_images(roop.globals.target_path, (False, 0)) |
image = convert_to_gradio(f[1]) |
thumbs.append(image) |
else: |
gr.Info('No faces detected!') |
roop.globals.target_path = None |
elif util.is_video(roop.globals.target_path) or roop.globals.target_path.lower().endswith(('gif')): |
selected_frame = frame_num |
SELECTION_FACES_DATA = extract_face_images(roop.globals.target_path, (True, selected_frame)) |
image = convert_to_gradio(f[1]) |
thumbs.append(image) |
else: |
gr.Info('No faces detected!') |
roop.globals.target_path = None |
if len(thumbs) == 1: |
target_thumbs.append(thumbs[0]) |
return gr.Row.update(visible=False), None, target_thumbs |
return gr.Row.update(visible=True), thumbs, gr.Gallery.update(visible=True) |
def on_select_face(evt: gr.SelectData): |
def on_selected_face(): |
global IS_INPUT, SELECTED_FACE_INDEX, SELECTION_FACES_DATA, input_thumbs, target_thumbs |
image = convert_to_gradio(fd[1]) |
if IS_INPUT: |
roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_INPUT = fd[0] |
input_thumbs.append(image) |
return gr.Column.update(visible=False), None, input_thumbs, gr.Gallery.update(visible=True) |
else: |
roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_OUTPUT = fd[0] |
target_thumbs.append(image) |
return gr.Column.update(visible=False), None, gr.Gallery.update(visible=True), target_thumbs |
def on_preview_frame_changed(frame_num, files, fake_preview, enhancer, detection, face_distance, blend_ratio, target_files, use_clip, clip_text): |
from roop.core import live_swap |
filename = files[selected_preview_index].name |
if util.is_video(filename) or filename.lower().endswith('gif'): |
current_frame = get_video_frame(filename, frame_num) |
else: |
current_frame = get_image_frame(filename) |
if current_frame is None: |
return None |
if not fake_preview or roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_INPUT is None: |
return convert_to_gradio(current_frame) |
roop.globals.face_swap_mode = translate_swap_mode(detection) |
roop.globals.selected_enhancer = enhancer |
roop.globals.distance_threshold = face_distance |
roop.globals.blend_ratio = blend_ratio |
if use_clip and clip_text is None or len(clip_text) < 1: |
use_clip = False |
roop.globals.execution_threads = roop.globals.CFG.max_threads |
current_frame = live_swap(current_frame, roop.globals.face_swap_mode, use_clip, clip_text) |
if current_frame is None: |
return None |
return convert_to_gradio(current_frame) |
def on_clear_input_faces(): |
global input_thumbs |
input_thumbs = [] |
roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_INPUT = None |
return input_thumbs |
def on_clear_destfiles(): |
global target_thumbs |
roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_OUTPUT = None |
target_thumbs = [] |
return target_thumbs |
def translate_swap_mode(dropdown_text): |
if dropdown_text == "Selected face": |
return "selected" |
elif dropdown_text == "First found": |
return "first" |
elif dropdown_text == "All female": |
return "all_female" |
elif dropdown_text == "All male": |
return "all_male" |
return "all" |
def start_swap(enhancer, detection, keep_fps, keep_frames, skip_audio, face_distance, blend_ratio, target_files, use_clip, clip_text): |
from roop.core import batch_process |
if target_files is None or len(target_files) <= 0: |
return None, None |
if roop.globals.CFG.clear_output: |
shutil.rmtree(roop.globals.output_path) |
prepare_environment() |
roop.globals.selected_enhancer = enhancer |
roop.globals.target_path = None |
roop.globals.distance_threshold = face_distance |
roop.globals.blend_ratio = blend_ratio |
roop.globals.keep_fps = keep_fps |
roop.globals.keep_frames = keep_frames |
roop.globals.skip_audio = skip_audio |
roop.globals.face_swap_mode = translate_swap_mode(detection) |
if use_clip and clip_text is None or len(clip_text) < 1: |
use_clip = False |
if roop.globals.face_swap_mode == 'selected': |
if roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_OUTPUT is None or len(roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_OUTPUT) < 1: |
gr.Error('No Target Face selected!') |
return None, None |
roop.globals.execution_threads = roop.globals.CFG.max_threads |
roop.globals.video_encoder = roop.globals.CFG.output_video_codec |
roop.globals.video_quality = roop.globals.CFG.video_quality |
batch_process([file.name for file in target_files], use_clip, clip_text) |
outdir = pathlib.Path(roop.globals.output_path) |
outfiles = [item for item in outdir.iterdir() if item.is_file()] |
if len(outfiles) > 0: |
return outfiles, outfiles[0] |
return None, None |
def on_destfiles_selected(evt: gr.SelectData, target_files): |
global selected_preview_index |
selected_preview_index = evt.index |
filename = target_files[selected_preview_index].name |
if util.is_video(filename) or filename.lower().endswith('gif'): |
current_frame = get_video_frame(filename, 0) |
total_frames = get_video_frame_total(filename) |
else: |
current_frame = get_image_frame(filename) |
total_frames = 0 |
current_frame = convert_to_gradio(current_frame) |
return current_frame, gr.Slider.update(value=0, maximum=total_frames) |
def on_resultfiles_selected(evt: gr.SelectData, files): |
selected_index = evt.index |
filename = files[selected_index].name |
if util.is_video(filename) or filename.lower().endswith('gif'): |
current_frame = get_video_frame(filename, 0) |
else: |
current_frame = get_image_frame(filename) |
return convert_to_gradio(current_frame) |
def on_cam_toggle(state): |
global live_cam_active, restart_server |
live_cam_active = state |
gr.Warning('Server will be restarted for this change!') |
restart_server = True |
def on_stream_swap_cam(camimage, enhancer, blend_ratio): |
from roop.core import live_swap |
global current_cam_image, cam_counter, cam_swapping, fake_cam_image |
roop.globals.selected_enhancer = enhancer |
roop.globals.blend_ratio = blend_ratio |
if not cam_swapping and roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_INPUT is not None: |
cam_swapping = True |
current_cam_image = live_swap(camimage, "all", False, None) |
cam_swapping = False |
return current_cam_image |
def on_cut_video(files, cut_start_frame, cut_end_frame): |
resultfiles = [] |
for tf in files: |
f = tf.name |
destfile = util.get_destfilename_from_path(f, './output', '_cut') |
util.cut_video(f, destfile, cut_start_frame, cut_end_frame) |
if os.path.isfile(destfile): |
resultfiles.append(destfile) |
else: |
gr.Error('Cutting video failed!') |
return resultfiles |
def on_join_videos(files): |
filenames = [] |
for f in files: |
filenames.append(f.name) |
destfile = util.get_destfilename_from_path(filenames[0], './output', '_join') |
util.join_videos(filenames, destfile) |
resultfiles = [] |
if os.path.isfile(destfile): |
resultfiles.append(destfile) |
else: |
gr.Error('Joining videos failed!') |
return resultfiles |
def on_extract_frames(files): |
resultfiles = [] |
for tf in files: |
f = tf.name |
resfolder = util.extract_frames(f) |
for file in os.listdir(resfolder): |
outfile = os.path.join(resfolder, file) |
if os.path.isfile(outfile): |
resultfiles.append(outfile) |
return resultfiles |
def on_create_gif(files): |
for tf in files: |
f = tf.name |
gifname = util.get_destfilename_from_path(f, './output', '.gif') |
util.create_gif_from_video(f, gifname) |
return gifname |
def clean_temp(): |
global input_thumbs, target_thumbs |
shutil.rmtree(os.environ["TEMP"]) |
prepare_environment() |
input_thumbs = [] |
roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_INPUT = None |
roop.globals.SELECTED_FACE_DATA_OUTPUT = None |
target_thumbs = [] |
gr.Info('Temp Files removed') |
return None,None,None,None |
def apply_settings(themes, input_server_name, input_server_port): |
roop.globals.CFG.selected_theme = themes |
roop.globals.CFG.server_name = input_server_name |
roop.globals.CFG.server_port = input_server_port |
roop.globals.CFG.save() |
gr.Info('Settings saved') |
def restart(): |
global restart_server |
restart_server = True |
def convert_to_gradio(image): |
if image is None: |
return None |
return cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |