regionclip-demo / detectron2 /evaluation /
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import logging
import numpy as np
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from detectron2.config import global_cfg as cfg
import torch
from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
from detectron2.structures.boxes import pairwise_iou
from detectron2.utils.comm import all_gather, is_main_process, synchronize
import pickle
from .evaluator import DatasetEvaluator
import json
from detectron2.structures import Boxes
import html
import ftfy
import regex as re
PATTN = re.compile(r"""<\|startoftext\|>|<\|endoftext\|>|'s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d|[\p{L}]+|[\p{N}]|[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+""", re.IGNORECASE)
def basic_clean(text):
text = ftfy.fix_text(text)
text = html.unescape(html.unescape(text))
return text.strip()
def whitespace_clean(text):
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
text = text.strip()
return text
class FLICKR30KEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
Evaluate semantic segmentation
def __init__(self, dataset_name, distributed=True, output_dir=None):
dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to be evaluated.
distributed (True): if True, will collect results from all ranks for evaluation.
Otherwise, will evaluate the results in the current process.
num_classes (int): number of classes
ignore_label (int): value in semantic segmentation ground truth. Predictions for the
corresponding pixels should be ignored.
output_dir (str): an output directory to dump results.
self._dataset_name = dataset_name
self._distributed = distributed
self._output_dir = output_dir
self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.gt_boxes = json.load(open("/home/v-yiwuzhong/projects/azureblobs/vyiwuzhong_phillytools/flickr30k_processed/bounding_boxes_test.json"))
self.gt_sents = json.load(open("/home/v-yiwuzhong/projects/azureblobs/vyiwuzhong_phillytools/flickr30k_processed/sentences_test.json"))
def reset(self):
self._predictions = {}
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
inputs: the inputs to a model.
It is a list of dicts. Each dict corresponds to an image and
contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name", "image_id".
outputs: the outputs of a model. It is either list of semantic segmentation predictions
(Tensor [H, W]) or list of dicts with key "sem_seg" that contains semantic
segmentation prediction in the same format.
assert len(inputs) == 1 # batch = 1 during inference
dataset_name, img_id, (img_height, img_width), all_str2id_links = inputs[0][-1]
img_id = img_id.split('/')[-1]
match_scores, processed_results = outputs
match_scores =
pred_boxes = processed_results[0]['instances']
self._predictions.update({img_id: [img_height, img_width, all_str2id_links, match_scores, pred_boxes]})
def merge_gt_boxes(self, box_anno):
gt_boxes = []
phrase_ids = []
scene_box_ids = box_anno['scene']
for k, v in box_anno['boxes'].items():
if k in scene_box_ids: # important: remove scene boxes, otherwise the number of each phrase type cannot match paper
if len(v) == 1:
# when a phrase respond to multiple regions, we take the union of them as paper given
v = np.array(v)
box = [v[:, 0].min(), v[:, 1].min(), v[:, 2].max(), v[:, 3].max()]
gt_boxes = np.array(gt_boxes)
return phrase_ids, gt_boxes
def find_ground_box(self, match_scores, all_str2id_links, sentences, gt_phrase_ids):
""" Given matching matrix between region feats and token feats, find the box that grounds a phrase
num_box = match_scores.size(0)
num_cap = int(match_scores.size(1) / 77)
all_phrase_score = []
all_phrase_ids = []
for i in range(num_cap): # per sentence
this_score = match_scores[:, i*77:(i+1)*77] # [#boxes, 77]
input_ids = [iitem for item in all_str2id_links[i] for iitem in item[1]]
input_tokens = [item[0] for item in all_str2id_links[i]]
phrases = sentences[i]['phrases']
for j, phrase in enumerate(phrases): # per phrase
if phrase['phrase_id'] not in gt_phrase_ids: # no gt box for this phrase, skip
# locate the word
words = whitespace_clean(basic_clean(phrase['phrase'])).lower() # phrase['phrase'].lower().replace("-"," ").split()
words = re.findall(PATTN, words)
first_word_index = None # phrase['first_word_index']
for idx in range(len(input_tokens) - len(words) + 1): # search start word of this phrase
if input_tokens[idx : idx + len(words)] == words: # NOTE: key step for alignment btw model prediction and annotation
first_word_index = idx
if first_word_index is None:
print("Fail to find phrase [{}] in input tokens [{}]".format(words, input_tokens))
start_wd_ind = first_word_index
end_wd_ind = first_word_index + len(words)
if len(words) != len(phrase['phrase'].split()):
pass # print('tokens: {} <--> phrase: {}'.format(words, phrase['phrase']))
# locate the token
start_tk_ind = 0
for k_i, k in enumerate(range(0, start_wd_ind)):
start_tk_ind += len(all_str2id_links[i][k][1])
token_cnt = 0
for k_i, k in enumerate(range(start_wd_ind, end_wd_ind)):
if all_str2id_links[i][k][0] != words[k_i]:
print("Word not matched: {} in model output but {} in annotation".format(all_str2id_links[i][k][0], words[k_i]))
token_cnt += len(all_str2id_links[i][k][1]) # ith sentence, kth word, and its tokens
end_tk_ind = start_tk_ind + token_cnt
# sanity check
phrase_ids1 = [iitem for item in all_str2id_links[i][start_wd_ind:end_wd_ind] for iitem in item[1]] # way 1: use word index to accumulate token ids in a phrase
phrase_ids2 = input_ids[start_tk_ind:end_tk_ind] # way 2: use token index to directly index token ids in a phrase
if phrase_ids1 != phrase_ids2:
print("Santity check: {} from word {} in token".format(phrase_ids1, phrase_ids2))
# index similarity score
phrase_score = this_score[:, start_tk_ind:end_tk_ind]
phrase_score = phrase_score.mean(dim=1) # phrase_score.max(dim=1)[0] #
phrase_score_tensor =
phrase_score_tensor = phrase_score_tensor.view(len(all_phrase_ids), num_box) # NOTE: this should be [#phrases, #object proposals]
return phrase_score_tensor, all_phrase_ids
def evaluate(self):
Evaluates Referring Segmentation IoU:
if self._distributed:
self._predictions = all_gather(self._predictions)
if not is_main_process():
all_prediction = {}
for p in self._predictions:
all_prediction = self._predictions
if len(all_prediction) < 30: # resume inference results
save_path = "/home/v-yiwuzhong/projects/azureblobs/vyiwuzhong_phillytools/flickr30k_processed/grounding_results/grounding_{}_imgs.npy".format(1000)
all_prediction = np.load(save_path, allow_pickle=True).tolist()'Resume from {}'.format(save_path))
else: # new run
save_path = "/home/v-yiwuzhong/projects/azureblobs/vyiwuzhong_phillytools/flickr30k_processed/grounding_results/grounding_{}_imgs.npy".format(len(all_prediction)), all_prediction)'Save results to {}'.format(save_path))'Got {} images!'.format(len(all_prediction)))
image_unique_ids = list(all_prediction.keys())
image_evaled = []
total_num = 0
recall_num = 0
num_type = {}
recall_type = {}
acc_type = {}
recall_topk_num = {5:0, 10:0}
point_recall_num = 0
type_cnts = {}
for img_sent_id in image_unique_ids:
if img_sent_id not in self.gt_boxes:
# results from model
result = all_prediction[img_sent_id]
phrase_ids = None
phrase_types = [] # phrase type: each phrase belongs to a coarse object concept
pred_boxes = None # an object proposal selected by model for each phrase
img_height, img_width, all_str2id_links = result[0], result[1], result[2] # all_str2id_links: each word and its tokenized ids
match_scores = result[3] # matching score [#object proposals, #tokens]
precomp_boxes = result[4] # object proposals from offline module
# annotation from dataset
sentences = self.gt_sents[img_sent_id]
box_anno = self.gt_boxes[img_sent_id]
# sanity check and box merging
assert box_anno['height'] == img_height, box_anno['width'] == img_width
gt_phrase_ids, gt_boxes = self.merge_gt_boxes(box_anno) # merged if multiple boxes for the same phrase
if len(gt_phrase_ids) == 0: # no gt box for this image
for sent_item in sentences:
for phrase_item in sent_item['phrases']:
if phrase_item['phrase_id'] in gt_phrase_ids:
# merge similarity scores from token level to phrase level, and find the box that grounds the phrase
phrase_score_tensor, all_phrase_ids = self.find_ground_box(match_scores, all_str2id_links, sentences, gt_phrase_ids)
pred_boxes_ind = torch.argmax(phrase_score_tensor, dim=1)
pred_boxes = precomp_boxes[pred_boxes_ind]
pred_similarity = phrase_score_tensor # .t() # pred_similarity: matching score [#phrases, #object proposals]
# get single target/gt box for each phrase
# 1. any gt box that can be matched as target
# refer to (
phrase_boxes = [box_anno['boxes'][p_id] for p_id in all_phrase_ids]
targets = []
for pr_b, pd_b in zip(phrase_boxes, pred_boxes):
matched = False
for single_b in pr_b:
this_iou = pairwise_iou(Boxes(torch.from_numpy(np.array([single_b])).float()), Boxes(pd_b.view(1,-1)))
if (this_iou >= EVAL_THRESH).sum() > 0:
matched = True
if not matched:
targets = Boxes(torch.from_numpy(np.array(targets)).float())
# 2. union box as target
# target_ind = np.array([gt_phrase_ids.index(p_id) for p_id in all_phrase_ids])
# targets = gt_boxes[target_ind] # ground-truth boxes for each phrase in each sentence
# targets = Boxes(torch.from_numpy(targets).float())
assert len(phrase_types) == len(targets)
# single predicted box for each phrase
ious = pairwise_iou(targets, pred_boxes) # this function will change the target_boxes into cuda mode
iou = ious.numpy().diagonal()
total_num += iou.shape[0]
recall_num += int((iou >= EVAL_THRESH).sum()) # 0.5
# metric of point (can be ignored)
pred_boxes_tensor = pred_boxes.tensor
pred_center = (pred_boxes_tensor[:, :2] + pred_boxes_tensor[:, 2:]) / 2.0
pred_center = pred_center.repeat(1, 2) ## x_c, y_c, x_c, y_c
targets_tensor = targets.tensor
fall_tensor = targets_tensor - pred_center
fall_tensor = (fall_tensor[:, :2] <= 0).float().sum(1) + (fall_tensor[:, 2:] >= 0).float().sum(1)
point_recall_num += (fall_tensor == 4).float().numpy().sum()
# detailed accuracy across different phrase types
for pid, p_type in enumerate(phrase_types):
p_type = p_type[0]
num_type[p_type] = num_type.setdefault(p_type, 0) + 1
recall_type[p_type] = recall_type.setdefault(p_type, 0) + (iou[pid] >= EVAL_THRESH)
# metric of recall when multiple predicted boxes for each phrase
ious_top = pairwise_iou(targets, precomp_boxes).cpu()
for k in [5, 10]:
top_k = torch.topk(pred_similarity, k=k, dim=1)[0][:, [-1]]
pred_similarity_topk = (pred_similarity >= top_k).float()
ious_top_k = (ious_top * pred_similarity_topk).numpy()
recall_topk_num[k] += int(((ious_top_k >= EVAL_THRESH).sum(1) > 0).sum())
acc = recall_num / total_num
acc_top5 = recall_topk_num[5] / total_num
acc_top10 = recall_topk_num[10] / total_num
point_acc = point_recall_num / total_num
# details about each coarse type of phrase
for type, type_num in num_type.items():
acc_type[type] = recall_type[type] / type_num
# if self._output_dir:
# PathManager.mkdirs(self._output_dir)
# file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "prediction_{}.pkl".format(str(acc).replace('.', '_')[:6]))
# with, "wb") as f:
# pickle.dump(all_prediction, f)
del all_prediction'evaluation on {} expression instances, detailed_iou: {}'.format(len(image_evaled), acc_type))'Evaluate Pointing Accuracy: PointAcc:{}'.format(point_acc))
results = OrderedDict({"acc": acc, "acc_top5": acc_top5, "acc_top10": acc_top10})
return results