Chelsea /
CineAI's picture
9ee8906 verified
history blame
3.71 kB
# version - ArcticMonkeys:30.07.24
# python core libraries
import re
import psutil
import time
import random
# streamlit
import streamlit as st
# components from other authors
from streamlit_mic_recorder import mic_recorder
# core modules
from audio_processing.A2T import A2T
from audio_processing.T2A import T2A
from import Conversation
from vlm.vlm import VLM
# utils modules
from utils.keywords import keywords
from utils.prompt_toggle import select_prompt, load_prompts
from utils.image_caption import ImageCaption
prompts = load_prompts()
chat = Conversation()
t2a = T2A()
vlm = VLM()
ic = ImageCaption()
text_dict = {}
def remove_labels_with_regex(text: str):
pattern = r'^(Human:|AI:|Chelsea:)\s*'
cleaned_text = re.sub(pattern, '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
return cleaned_text
def exctrator(sentence, phrase="show me your image"):
extracted_text = sentence.split(phrase)[1].strip() if phrase in sentence else ""
return extracted_text
def switching(text):
command ="show me your image", text.lower(), re.IGNORECASE) if text is not None else "Error because your voice request is None"
result = None
if command:
prompt = exctrator(text.lower())
# Завантажуємо зображення
uploaded_image = ic.load_image()
if uploaded_image is not None:
# Якщо зображення завантажено, виконуємо обробку
result = ic.send2ai(model=vlm, prompt=prompt)
# Якщо зображення ще не завантажене, показуємо попередження
st.warning("No image uploaded yet. Please upload an image to continue.")
prompt = select_prompt(input_text=text, prompts=prompts, keywords=keywords)
result = chat.chatting(prompt=prompt if prompt is not None else text)
return result
def get_text():
mic = mic_recorder(start_prompt="Record", stop_prompt="Stop", just_once=False, use_container_width=True)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
a2t = A2T(mic["bytes"])
text = a2t.predict()
print(f"Text from A2T:\n{text}")
execution_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time
print(f" -> get_text() -> time of execution A2T -> {execution_time}s")
text_dict['text'] = text
return text
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred in get_text function, reason is: {e}")
return None # Повертаємо None у випадку помилки
def speaking(text):
if text and text.strip() != "":
print(f"Checking for execution this part {random.randint(0, 5)}")
output = switching(text)
response = remove_labels_with_regex(text=output)
start_time_t2a = time.perf_counter()
execution_time_t2a = time.perf_counter() - start_time_t2a
print(f" -> speaking() -> time of execution T2A -> {execution_time_t2a}s")
if response:
st.markdown(f"Your input: {text}")
st.markdown(f"Chelsea response: {response}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred in speaking function, reason is: {e}")
def main():
text = get_text()
if text is None and 'text' in text_dict:
text = text_dict['text']
print(f"Text dict: {text_dict}")
print(f"Print text: s{text}s")
print(f"Checking for execution main func {random.randint(0, 10)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":