sales-forecasting / modules /
Circhastic's picture
init files
history blame
2.17 kB
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
def merge(B, C, A):
i = j = k = 0
# Convert 'Date' columns to objects
B['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(B['Date'])
C['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(C['Date'])
A['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(A['Date'])
while i < len(B) and j < len(C):
if B['Date'].iloc[i] <= C['Date'].iloc[j]:
A['Date'].iloc[k] = B['Date'].iloc[i]
A['Sales'].iloc[k] = B['Sales'].iloc[i]
i += 1
A['Date'].iloc[k] = C['Date'].iloc[j]
A['Sales'].iloc[k] = C['Sales'].iloc[j]
j += 1
k += 1
while i < len(B):
A['Date'].iloc[k] = B['Date'].iloc[i]
A['Sales'].iloc[k] = B['Sales'].iloc[i]
i += 1
k += 1
while j < len(C):
A['Date'].iloc[k] = C['Date'].iloc[j]
A['Sales'].iloc[k] = C['Sales'].iloc[j]
j += 1
k += 1
return A
def merge_sort(dataframe):
if len(dataframe) > 1:
center = len(dataframe) // 2
left = dataframe.iloc[:center]
right = dataframe.iloc[center:]
return merge(left, right, dataframe)
return dataframe
def drop (dataframe):
def get_columns_containing(dataframe, substrings):
return [col for col in dataframe.columns if any(substring.lower() in col.lower() for substring in substrings)]
columns_to_keep = get_columns_containing(dataframe, ["date", "sale"])
dataframe = dataframe.drop(columns=dataframe.columns.difference(columns_to_keep))
dataframe = dataframe.dropna()
return dataframe
def date_format(dataframe):
for i, d, s in dataframe.itertuples():
dataframe['Date'][i] = dataframe['Date'][i].strip()
for i, d, s in dataframe.itertuples():
new_date = datetime.strptime(dataframe['Date'][i], "%m/%d/%Y").date()
dataframe['Date'][i] = new_date
return dataframe
def group_to_three(dataframe):
dataframe['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['Date'])
dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(key='Date', freq='3D')])['Sales'].mean().round(2)
dataframe = dataframe.replace(0,
return dataframe