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# Ultralytics YOLO πŸš€, AGPL-3.0 license
import itertools
from glob import glob
from math import ceil
from pathlib import Path
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
from import exif_size, img2label_paths
from ultralytics.utils.checks import check_requirements
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
def bbox_iof(polygon1, bbox2, eps=1e-6):
Calculate iofs between bbox1 and bbox2.
polygon1 (np.ndarray): Polygon coordinates, (n, 8).
bbox2 (np.ndarray): Bounding boxes, (n ,4).
polygon1 = polygon1.reshape(-1, 4, 2)
lt_point = np.min(polygon1, axis=-2)
rb_point = np.max(polygon1, axis=-2)
bbox1 = np.concatenate([lt_point, rb_point], axis=-1)
lt = np.maximum(bbox1[:, None, :2], bbox2[..., :2])
rb = np.minimum(bbox1[:, None, 2:], bbox2[..., 2:])
wh = np.clip(rb - lt, 0, np.inf)
h_overlaps = wh[..., 0] * wh[..., 1]
l, t, r, b = (bbox2[..., i] for i in range(4))
polygon2 = np.stack([l, t, r, t, r, b, l, b], axis=-1).reshape(-1, 4, 2)
sg_polys1 = [Polygon(p) for p in polygon1]
sg_polys2 = [Polygon(p) for p in polygon2]
overlaps = np.zeros(h_overlaps.shape)
for p in zip(*np.nonzero(h_overlaps)):
overlaps[p] = sg_polys1[p[0]].intersection(sg_polys2[p[-1]]).area
unions = np.array([p.area for p in sg_polys1], dtype=np.float32)
unions = unions[..., None]
unions = np.clip(unions, eps, np.inf)
outputs = overlaps / unions
if outputs.ndim == 1:
outputs = outputs[..., None]
return outputs
def load_yolo_dota(data_root, split="train"):
Load DOTA dataset.
data_root (str): Data root.
split (str): The split data set, could be train or val.
The directory structure assumed for the DOTA dataset:
- data_root
- images
- train
- val
- labels
- train
- val
assert split in ["train", "val"]
im_dir = Path(data_root) / "images" / split
assert im_dir.exists(), f"Can't find {im_dir}, please check your data root."
im_files = glob(str(Path(data_root) / "images" / split / "*"))
lb_files = img2label_paths(im_files)
annos = []
for im_file, lb_file in zip(im_files, lb_files):
w, h = exif_size(
with open(lb_file) as f:
lb = [x.split() for x in if len(x)]
lb = np.array(lb, dtype=np.float32)
annos.append(dict(ori_size=(h, w), label=lb, filepath=im_file))
return annos
def get_windows(im_size, crop_sizes=[1024], gaps=[200], im_rate_thr=0.6, eps=0.01):
Get the coordinates of windows.
im_size (tuple): Original image size, (h, w).
crop_sizes (List(int)): Crop size of windows.
gaps (List(int)): Gap between crops.
im_rate_thr (float): Threshold of windows areas divided by image ares.
h, w = im_size
windows = []
for crop_size, gap in zip(crop_sizes, gaps):
assert crop_size > gap, f"invalid crop_size gap pair [{crop_size} {gap}]"
step = crop_size - gap
xn = 1 if w <= crop_size else ceil((w - crop_size) / step + 1)
xs = [step * i for i in range(xn)]
if len(xs) > 1 and xs[-1] + crop_size > w:
xs[-1] = w - crop_size
yn = 1 if h <= crop_size else ceil((h - crop_size) / step + 1)
ys = [step * i for i in range(yn)]
if len(ys) > 1 and ys[-1] + crop_size > h:
ys[-1] = h - crop_size
start = np.array(list(itertools.product(xs, ys)), dtype=np.int64)
stop = start + crop_size
windows.append(np.concatenate([start, stop], axis=1))
windows = np.concatenate(windows, axis=0)
im_in_wins = windows.copy()
im_in_wins[:, 0::2] = np.clip(im_in_wins[:, 0::2], 0, w)
im_in_wins[:, 1::2] = np.clip(im_in_wins[:, 1::2], 0, h)
im_areas = (im_in_wins[:, 2] - im_in_wins[:, 0]) * (im_in_wins[:, 3] - im_in_wins[:, 1])
win_areas = (windows[:, 2] - windows[:, 0]) * (windows[:, 3] - windows[:, 1])
im_rates = im_areas / win_areas
if not (im_rates > im_rate_thr).any():
max_rate = im_rates.max()
im_rates[abs(im_rates - max_rate) < eps] = 1
return windows[im_rates > im_rate_thr]
def get_window_obj(anno, windows, iof_thr=0.7):
"""Get objects for each window."""
h, w = anno["ori_size"]
label = anno["label"]
if len(label):
label[:, 1::2] *= w
label[:, 2::2] *= h
iofs = bbox_iof(label[:, 1:], windows)
# Unnormalized and misaligned coordinates
return [(label[iofs[:, i] >= iof_thr]) for i in range(len(windows))] # window_anns
return [np.zeros((0, 9), dtype=np.float32) for _ in range(len(windows))] # window_anns
def crop_and_save(anno, windows, window_objs, im_dir, lb_dir):
Crop images and save new labels.
anno (dict): Annotation dict, including `filepath`, `label`, `ori_size` as its keys.
windows (list): A list of windows coordinates.
window_objs (list): A list of labels inside each window.
im_dir (str): The output directory path of images.
lb_dir (str): The output directory path of labels.
The directory structure assumed for the DOTA dataset:
- data_root
- images
- train
- val
- labels
- train
- val
im = cv2.imread(anno["filepath"])
name = Path(anno["filepath"]).stem
for i, window in enumerate(windows):
x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop = window.tolist()
new_name = f"{name}__{x_stop - x_start}__{x_start}___{y_start}"
patch_im = im[y_start:y_stop, x_start:x_stop]
ph, pw = patch_im.shape[:2]
cv2.imwrite(str(Path(im_dir) / f"{new_name}.jpg"), patch_im)
label = window_objs[i]
if len(label) == 0:
label[:, 1::2] -= x_start
label[:, 2::2] -= y_start
label[:, 1::2] /= pw
label[:, 2::2] /= ph
with open(Path(lb_dir) / f"{new_name}.txt", "w") as f:
for lb in label:
formatted_coords = ["{:.6g}".format(coord) for coord in lb[1:]]
f.write(f"{int(lb[0])} {' '.join(formatted_coords)}\n")
def split_images_and_labels(data_root, save_dir, split="train", crop_sizes=[1024], gaps=[200]):
Split both images and labels.
The directory structure assumed for the DOTA dataset:
- data_root
- images
- split
- labels
- split
and the output directory structure is:
- save_dir
- images
- split
- labels
- split
im_dir = Path(save_dir) / "images" / split
im_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
lb_dir = Path(save_dir) / "labels" / split
lb_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
annos = load_yolo_dota(data_root, split=split)
for anno in tqdm(annos, total=len(annos), desc=split):
windows = get_windows(anno["ori_size"], crop_sizes, gaps)
window_objs = get_window_obj(anno, windows)
crop_and_save(anno, windows, window_objs, str(im_dir), str(lb_dir))
def split_trainval(data_root, save_dir, crop_size=1024, gap=200, rates=[1.0]):
Split train and val set of DOTA.
The directory structure assumed for the DOTA dataset:
- data_root
- images
- train
- val
- labels
- train
- val
and the output directory structure is:
- save_dir
- images
- train
- val
- labels
- train
- val
crop_sizes, gaps = [], []
for r in rates:
crop_sizes.append(int(crop_size / r))
gaps.append(int(gap / r))
for split in ["train", "val"]:
split_images_and_labels(data_root, save_dir, split, crop_sizes, gaps)
def split_test(data_root, save_dir, crop_size=1024, gap=200, rates=[1.0]):
Split test set of DOTA, labels are not included within this set.
The directory structure assumed for the DOTA dataset:
- data_root
- images
- test
and the output directory structure is:
- save_dir
- images
- test
crop_sizes, gaps = [], []
for r in rates:
crop_sizes.append(int(crop_size / r))
gaps.append(int(gap / r))
save_dir = Path(save_dir) / "images" / "test"
save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
im_dir = Path(data_root) / "images" / "test"
assert im_dir.exists(), f"Can't find {im_dir}, please check your data root."
im_files = glob(str(im_dir / "*"))
for im_file in tqdm(im_files, total=len(im_files), desc="test"):
w, h = exif_size(
windows = get_windows((h, w), crop_sizes=crop_sizes, gaps=gaps)
im = cv2.imread(im_file)
name = Path(im_file).stem
for window in windows:
x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop = window.tolist()
new_name = f"{name}__{x_stop - x_start}__{x_start}___{y_start}"
patch_im = im[y_start:y_stop, x_start:x_stop]
cv2.imwrite(str(save_dir / f"{new_name}.jpg"), patch_im)
if __name__ == "__main__":
split_trainval(data_root="DOTAv2", save_dir="DOTAv2-split")
split_test(data_root="DOTAv2", save_dir="DOTAv2-split")