creating Customized_IDSF folder and putting corresponded files into it; modifying app.py
history blame
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import gradio as gr
import argparse
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, SequentialSampler, TensorDataset
from tqdm import tqdm
from utils import MODEL_CLASSES, get_intent_labels, get_slot_labels, init_logger, load_tokenizer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_device(pred_config):
return "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and not pred_config.no_cuda else "cpu"
def get_args(pred_config):
args = torch.load(os.path.join(pred_config.model_dir, "training_args.bin"))
args.model_dir = pred_config.model_dir
args.data_dir = 'PhoATIS'
return args
def load_model(pred_config, args, device):
# Check whether model exists
if not os.path.exists(pred_config.model_dir):
raise Exception("Model doesn't exists! Train first!")
model = MODEL_CLASSES[args.model_type][1].from_pretrained(
args.model_dir, args=args, intent_label_lst=get_intent_labels(args), slot_label_lst=get_slot_labels(args)
logger.info("***** Model Loaded *****")
except Exception:
raise Exception("Some model files might be missing...")
return model
def convert_input_file_to_tensor_dataset(
# Setting based on the current model type
cls_token = tokenizer.cls_token
sep_token = tokenizer.sep_token
unk_token = tokenizer.unk_token
pad_token_id = tokenizer.pad_token_id
all_input_ids = []
all_attention_mask = []
all_token_type_ids = []
all_slot_label_mask = []
for words in lines:
tokens = []
slot_label_mask = []
for word in words:
word_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(word)
if not word_tokens:
word_tokens = [unk_token] # For handling the bad-encoded word
# Use the real label id for the first token of the word, and padding ids for the remaining tokens
slot_label_mask.extend([pad_token_label_id + 1] + [pad_token_label_id] * (len(word_tokens) - 1))
# Account for [CLS] and [SEP]
special_tokens_count = 2
if len(tokens) > args.max_seq_len - special_tokens_count:
tokens = tokens[: (args.max_seq_len - special_tokens_count)]
slot_label_mask = slot_label_mask[: (args.max_seq_len - special_tokens_count)]
# Add [SEP] token
tokens += [sep_token]
token_type_ids = [sequence_a_segment_id] * len(tokens)
slot_label_mask += [pad_token_label_id]
# Add [CLS] token
tokens = [cls_token] + tokens
token_type_ids = [cls_token_segment_id] + token_type_ids
slot_label_mask = [pad_token_label_id] + slot_label_mask
input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens)
# The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real tokens are attended to.
attention_mask = [1 if mask_padding_with_zero else 0] * len(input_ids)
# Zero-pad up to the sequence length.
padding_length = args.max_seq_len - len(input_ids)
input_ids = input_ids + ([pad_token_id] * padding_length)
attention_mask = attention_mask + ([0 if mask_padding_with_zero else 1] * padding_length)
token_type_ids = token_type_ids + ([pad_token_segment_id] * padding_length)
slot_label_mask = slot_label_mask + ([pad_token_label_id] * padding_length)
# Change to Tensor
all_input_ids = torch.tensor(all_input_ids, dtype=torch.long)
all_attention_mask = torch.tensor(all_attention_mask, dtype=torch.long)
all_token_type_ids = torch.tensor(all_token_type_ids, dtype=torch.long)
all_slot_label_mask = torch.tensor(all_slot_label_mask, dtype=torch.long)
dataset = TensorDataset(all_input_ids, all_attention_mask, all_token_type_ids, all_slot_label_mask)
return dataset
def predict(text):
lines = text
dataset = convert_input_file_to_tensor_dataset(lines, pred_config, args, tokenizer, pad_token_label_id)
# Predict
sampler = SequentialSampler(dataset)
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, sampler=sampler, batch_size=pred_config.batch_size)
all_slot_label_mask = None
intent_preds = None
slot_preds = None
for batch in tqdm(data_loader, desc="Predicting"):
batch = tuple(t.to(device) for t in batch)
with torch.no_grad():
inputs = {
"input_ids": batch[0],
"attention_mask": batch[1],
"intent_label_ids": None,
"slot_labels_ids": None,
if args.model_type != "distilbert":
inputs["token_type_ids"] = batch[2]
outputs = model(**inputs)
_, (intent_logits, slot_logits) = outputs[:2]
# Intent Prediction
if intent_preds is None:
intent_preds = intent_logits.detach().cpu().numpy()
intent_preds = np.append(intent_preds, intent_logits.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0)
# Slot prediction
if slot_preds is None:
if args.use_crf:
# decode() in `torchcrf` returns list with best index directly
slot_preds = np.array(model.crf.decode(slot_logits))
slot_preds = slot_logits.detach().cpu().numpy()
all_slot_label_mask = batch[3].detach().cpu().numpy()
if args.use_crf:
slot_preds = np.append(slot_preds, np.array(model.crf.decode(slot_logits)), axis=0)
slot_preds = np.append(slot_preds, slot_logits.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0)
all_slot_label_mask = np.append(all_slot_label_mask, batch[3].detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0)
intent_preds = np.argmax(intent_preds, axis=1)
if not args.use_crf:
slot_preds = np.argmax(slot_preds, axis=2)
slot_label_map = {i: label for i, label in enumerate(slot_label_lst)}
slot_preds_list = [[] for _ in range(slot_preds.shape[0])]
for i in range(slot_preds.shape[0]):
for j in range(slot_preds.shape[1]):
if all_slot_label_mask[i, j] != pad_token_label_id:
return (lines, slot_preds_list, intent_preds)
def text_analysis(text):
text = [text.strip().split()]
words, slot_preds, intent_pred = predict(text)[0][0], predict(text)[1][0], predict(text)[2][0]
slot_tokens = []
for word, pred in zip(words, slot_preds):
if pred == 'O':
slot_tokens.extend([(word, None), (" ", None)])
elif pred[0] == 'I':
added_tokens = list(slot_tokens[-2])
added_tokens[0] += f' {word}'
slot_tokens[-2] = tuple(added_tokens)
slot_tokens.extend([(word, pred[2:]), (" ", None)])
intent_label = intent_label_lst[intent_pred]
return slot_tokens, intent_label
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# parser.add_argument("--input_file", default="sample_pred_in.txt", type=str, help="Input file for prediction")
# parser.add_argument("--output_file", default="sample_pred_out.txt", type=str, help="Output file for prediction")
parser.add_argument("--model_dir", default="./JointBERT-CRF_PhoBERTencoder", type=str, help="Path to save, load model")
parser.add_argument("--batch_size", default=32, type=int, help="Batch size for prediction")
parser.add_argument("--no_cuda", action="store_true", help="Avoid using CUDA when available")
pred_config = parser.parse_args()
# load model and args
args = get_args(pred_config)
device = get_device(pred_config)
model = load_model(pred_config, args, device)
intent_label_lst = get_intent_labels(args)
slot_label_lst = get_slot_labels(args)
# Convert input file to TensorDataset
pad_token_label_id = args.ignore_index
tokenizer = load_tokenizer(args)
examples = ["tôi muốn bay một chuyến khứ_hồi từ đà_nẵng đến đà_lạt",
("giá vé khứ_hồi từ đà_nẵng đến vinh dưới 2 triệu đồng giá vé khứ_hồi từ quy nhơn đến vinh dưới 3 triệu đồng giá vé khứ_hồi từ"
" buôn_ma_thuột đến vinh dưới 4 triệu rưỡi"),
"cho tôi biết các chuyến bay đến đà_nẵng vào ngày 14 tháng sáu",
"những chuyến bay nào khởi_hành từ thành_phố hồ_chí_minh bay đến frankfurt mà nối chuyến ở singapore và hạ_cánh trước 9 giờ tối"]
demo = gr.Interface(
gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter sentence here...", label="Input"),
[gr.HighlightedText(label='Highlighted Output'), gr.Textbox(label='Intent Label')],