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import numpy as np
import torch as th
#import torchaudio as ta
class Net(th.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model_name="network", use_cuda=True):
self.use_cuda = use_cuda
self.model_name = model_name
def save(self, model_dir, suffix=''):
save the network to model_dir/
:param model_dir: directory to save the model to
:param suffix: suffix to append after model name
if self.use_cuda:
if suffix == "":
fname = f"{model_dir}/{self.model_name}.net"
fname = f"{model_dir}/{self.model_name}.{suffix}.net", fname)
if self.use_cuda:
def load_from_file(self, model_file):
load network parameters from model_file
:param model_file: file containing the model parameters
if self.use_cuda:
states = th.load(model_file)
if self.use_cuda:
print(f"Loaded: {model_file}")
def load(self, model_dir, suffix=''):
load network parameters from model_dir/
:param model_dir: directory to load the model from
:param suffix: suffix to append after model name
if suffix == "":
fname = f"{model_dir}/{self.model_name}.net"
fname = f"{model_dir}/{self.model_name}.{suffix}.net"
def num_trainable_parameters(self):
:return: the number of trainable parameters in the model
return sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
# class NewbobAdam(th.optim.Adam):
# def __init__(self,
# weights,
# net,
# artifacts_dir,
# initial_learning_rate=0.001,
# decay=0.5,
# max_decay=0.01
# ):
# '''
# Newbob learning rate scheduler
# :param weights: weights to optimize
# :param net: the network, must be an instance of type src.utils.Net
# :param artifacts_dir: (str) directory to save/restore models to/from
# :param initial_learning_rate: (float) initial learning rate
# :param decay: (float) value to decrease learning rate by when loss doesn't improve further
# :param max_decay: (float) maximum decay of learning rate
# '''
# super().__init__(weights, lr=initial_learning_rate)
# self.last_epoch_loss = np.inf
# self.total_decay = 1
# = net
# self.decay = decay
# self.max_decay = max_decay
# self.artifacts_dir = artifacts_dir
# # store initial state as backup
# if decay < 1.0:
#, suffix="newbob")
# def update_lr(self, loss):
# '''
# update the learning rate based on the current loss value and historic loss values
# :param loss: the loss after the current iteration
# '''
# if loss > self.last_epoch_loss and self.decay < 1.0 and self.total_decay > self.max_decay:
# self.total_decay = self.total_decay * self.decay
# print(f"NewbobAdam: Decay learning rate (loss degraded from {self.last_epoch_loss} to {loss})."
# f"Total decay: {self.total_decay}")
# # restore previous network state
#, suffix="newbob")
# # decrease learning rate
# for param_group in self.param_groups:
# param_group['lr'] = param_group['lr'] * self.decay
# else:
# self.last_epoch_loss = loss
# # save last snapshot to restore it in case of lr decrease
# if self.decay < 1.0 and self.total_decay > self.max_decay:
#, suffix="newbob")
# class FourierTransform:
# def __init__(self,
# fft_bins=2048,
# win_length_ms=40,
# frame_rate_hz=100,
# causal=False,
# preemphasis=0.0,
# sample_rate=48000,
# normalized=False):
# self.sample_rate = sample_rate
# self.frame_rate_hz = frame_rate_hz
# self.preemphasis = preemphasis
# self.fft_bins = fft_bins
# self.win_length = int(sample_rate * win_length_ms / 1000)
# self.hop_length = int(sample_rate / frame_rate_hz)
# self.causal = causal
# self.normalized = normalized
# if self.win_length > self.fft_bins:
# print('FourierTransform Warning: fft_bins should be larger than win_length')
# def _convert_format(self, data, expected_dims):
# if not type(data) == th.Tensor:
# data = th.Tensor(data)
# if len(data.shape) < expected_dims:
# data = data.unsqueeze(0)
# if not len(data.shape) == expected_dims:
# raise Exception(f"FourierTransform: data needs to be a Tensor with {expected_dims} dimensions but got shape {data.shape}")
# return data
# def _preemphasis(self, audio):
# if self.preemphasis > 0:
# return[:, 0:1], audio[:, 1:] - self.preemphasis * audio[:, :-1]), dim=1)
# return audio
# def _revert_preemphasis(self, audio):
# if self.preemphasis > 0:
# for i in range(1, audio.shape[1]):
# audio[:, i] = audio[:, i] + self.preemphasis * audio[:, i-1]
# return audio
# def _magphase(self, complex_stft):
# mag, phase = ta.functional.magphase(complex_stft, 1.0)
# return mag, phase
# def stft(self, audio):
# '''
# wrapper around th.stft
# audio: wave signal as th.Tensor
# '''
# hann = th.hann_window(self.win_length)
# hann = hann.cuda() if audio.is_cuda else hann
# spec = th.stft(audio, n_fft=self.fft_bins, hop_length=self.hop_length, win_length=self.win_length,
# window=hann, center=not self.causal, normalized=self.normalized)
# return spec.contiguous()
# def complex_spectrogram(self, audio):
# '''
# audio: wave signal as th.Tensor
# return: th.Tensor of size channels x frequencies x time_steps (channels x y_axis x x_axis)
# '''
# self._convert_format(audio, expected_dims=2)
# audio = self._preemphasis(audio)
# return self.stft(audio)
# def magnitude_phase(self, audio):
# '''
# audio: wave signal as th.Tensor
# return: tuple containing two th.Tensor of size channels x frequencies x time_steps for magnitude and phase spectrum
# '''
# stft = self.complex_spectrogram(audio)
# return self._magphase(stft)
# def mag_spectrogram(self, audio):
# '''
# audio: wave signal as th.Tensor
# return: magnitude spectrum as th.Tensor of size channels x frequencies x time_steps for magnitude and phase spectrum
# '''
# return self.magnitude_phase(audio)[0]
# def power_spectrogram(self, audio):
# '''
# audio: wave signal as th.Tensor
# return: power spectrum as th.Tensor of size channels x frequencies x time_steps for magnitude and phase spectrum
# '''
# return th.pow(self.mag_spectrogram(audio), 2.0)
# def phase_spectrogram(self, audio):
# '''
# audio: wave signal as th.Tensor
# return: phase spectrum as th.Tensor of size channels x frequencies x time_steps for magnitude and phase spectrum
# '''
# return self.magnitude_phase(audio)[1]
# def mel_spectrogram(self, audio, n_mels):
# '''
# audio: wave signal as th.Tensor
# n_mels: number of bins used for mel scale warping
# return: mel spectrogram as th.Tensor of size channels x n_mels x time_steps for magnitude and phase spectrum
# '''
# spec = self.power_spectrogram(audio)
# mel_warping = ta.transforms.MelScale(n_mels, self.sample_rate)
# return mel_warping(spec)
# def complex_spec2wav(self, complex_spec, length):
# '''
# inverse stft
# complex_spec: complex spectrum as th.Tensor of size channels x frequencies x time_steps x 2 (real part/imaginary part)
# length: length of the audio to be reconstructed (in frames)
# '''
# complex_spec = self._convert_format(complex_spec, expected_dims=4)
# hann = th.hann_window(self.win_length)
# hann = hann.cuda() if complex_spec.is_cuda else hann
# wav = ta.functional.istft(complex_spec, n_fft=self.fft_bins, hop_length=self.hop_length, win_length=self.win_length, window=hann, length=length, center=not self.causal)
# wav = self._revert_preemphasis(wav)
# return wav
# def magphase2wav(self, mag_spec, phase_spec, length):
# '''
# reconstruction of wav signal from magnitude and phase spectrum
# mag_spec: magnitude spectrum as th.Tensor of size channels x frequencies x time_steps
# phase_spec: phase spectrum as th.Tensor of size channels x frequencies x time_steps
# length: length of the audio to be reconstructed (in frames)
# '''
# mag_spec = self._convert_format(mag_spec, expected_dims=3)
# phase_spec = self._convert_format(phase_spec, expected_dims=3)
# complex_spec = th.stack([mag_spec * th.cos(phase_spec), mag_spec * th.sin(phase_spec)], dim=-1)
# return self.complex_spec2wav(complex_spec, length)