import gradio as gr
import traceback
from typing import Optional, Dict, List
from history_manager import UserHistoryManager
class SearchHistoryComponent:
def __init__(self):
self.history_manager = UserHistoryManager()
def format_history_html(self, history_data: Optional[List[Dict]] = None) -> str:
if history_data is None:
history_data = self.history_manager.get_history()
if not history_data:
return """
for entry in reversed(history_data):
timestamp = entry.get('timestamp', 'Unknown time')
search_type = entry.get('search_type', 'criteria')
results = entry.get('results', [])
# 根據搜尋類型使用不同的標題樣式
type_label = "Criteria History" if search_type == "criteria" else "Description History"
type_color = "#4299e1" if search_type == "criteria" else "#48bb78" # 藍色vs綠色
html += f"""
# if search_type == "criteria":
# # 原有的條件搜尋顯示邏輯
# prefs = entry.get('preferences', {})
# html += f"""
Search Parameters:
# - Living Space: {prefs.get('living_space', 'N/A')}
# - Exercise Time: {prefs.get('exercise_time', 'N/A')} minutes
# - Grooming: {prefs.get('grooming_commitment', 'N/A')}
# - Experience: {prefs.get('experience_level', 'N/A')}
# - Children at Home: {"Yes" if prefs.get('has_children') else "No"}
# - Noise Tolerance: {prefs.get('noise_tolerance', 'N/A')}
# """
# else:
# # Description 搜尋的顯示邏輯
# description = entry.get('description', 'No description provided')
# html += f"""
Search Description:
# """
# # 共用的結果顯示邏輯
# html += """
Top 10 Breed Matches:
# """
# if results:
# for i, result in enumerate(results[:10], 1):
# breed_name = result.get('breed', 'Unknown breed').replace('_', ' ')
# score = result.get('overall_score', result.get('final_score', 0))
# html += f"""
# #{i}
# {breed_name}
# {score*100:.1f}%
# """
# html += """
# """
if search_type == "criteria":
prefs = entry.get('preferences', {})
html += f"""
Search Parameters:
- Living Space: {prefs.get('living_space', 'N/A')}
- Exercise Time: {prefs.get('exercise_time', 'N/A')} minutes
- Grooming: {prefs.get('grooming_commitment', 'N/A')}
- Experience: {prefs.get('experience_level', 'N/A')}
- Children at Home: {"Yes" if prefs.get('has_children') else "No"}
- Noise Tolerance: {prefs.get('noise_tolerance', 'N/A')}
# Description 搜尋的顯示邏輯
description = entry.get('description', 'No description provided')
html += f"""
Search Description:
# 共用的結果顯示邏輯
html += """
Top 10 Breed Matches:
if results:
for i, result in enumerate(results[:10], 1):
breed_name = result.get('breed', 'Unknown breed').replace('_', ' ')
score = result.get('overall_score', result.get('final_score', 0))
html += f"""
html += """
html += ""
return html
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error formatting history: {str(e)}")
return f"""
Error formatting history. Please try refreshing the page.
Error details: {str(e)}
def clear_history(self) -> str:
success = self.history_manager.clear_all_history()
print(f"Clear history result: {success}")
return self.format_history_html()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in clear_history: {str(e)}")
return "Error clearing history"
def refresh_history(self) -> str:
return self.format_history_html()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in refresh_history: {str(e)}")
return "Error refreshing history"
def save_search(self, user_preferences: Optional[dict] = None,
results: list = None,
search_type: str = "criteria",
description: str = None) -> bool:
user_preferences: 使用者偏好設定 (僅用於criteria搜尋)
results: 推薦結果列表
search_type: 搜尋類型 ("criteria" 或 "description")
description: 使用者輸入的描述 (僅用於description搜尋)
return self.history_manager.save_history(
def create_history_component():
return SearchHistoryComponent()
def create_history_tab(history_component: SearchHistoryComponent):
history_component: 已创建的历史组件实例
with gr.TabItem("Recommendation Search History"):