Unit tests for the monkey patch for expand mask to handle packed sequences
import unittest

import torch

from axolotl.monkeypatch.llama_expand_mask import _expand_mask

class TestExpandMask(unittest.TestCase):
    Test class for attention mask expansion for packed sequences

    def test_output(self):
        mask = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 2], [2, 3, 3, 0]])
        dtype = torch.float32
        expected_output = torch.tensor(
                        [0.0000e00, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38],
                        [0.0000e00, 0.0000e00, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38],
                        [0.0000e00, 0.0000e00, 0.0000e00, -3.4028e38],
                        [-3.4028e38, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38, 0.0000e00],
                        [0.0000e00, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38],
                        [-3.4028e38, 0.0000e00, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38],
                        [-3.4028e38, 0.0000e00, 0.0000e00, -3.4028e38],
                        [-3.4028e38, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38, -3.4028e38],
        # Check that the output matches the expected output
        self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(_expand_mask(mask, dtype), expected_output))

if __name__ == "__main__":