# pylint: skip-file
import hashlib
import itertools
import logging
import math
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Union

import numba
import numpy as np
from torch.utils.data import DistributedSampler, Sampler

LOG = logging.getLogger("axolotl.utils.dataloader")

def ffd_check(a: np.ndarray, c: int, n: int):
    # First-fit-decreasing bin packing
    # Check if a[] could fit in n bins with capacity c
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-fit-decreasing_bin_packing

    a = np.sort(a)[::-1]
    bins = np.full((n,), c, dtype=a.dtype)
    for size in a:
        not_found = True
        for idx in range(n):
            if bins[idx] >= size:
                bins[idx] -= size
                not_found = False

        if not_found:
            return False

    return True

def ffd_with_result(a: np.ndarray, c: int, start_index: int):
    # First-fit-decreasing bin packing (with result return)

    indices = np.argsort(a)[::-1]
    a = a[indices]

    bins: List[Any] = []
    bins_result: List[Any] = []
    for a_id, size in enumerate(a):
        add_new = True
        for idx in range(len(bins)):
            if bins[idx] >= size:
                bins[idx] -= size
                bins_result[idx].append(indices[a_id] + start_index)
                add_new = False

        if add_new:
            bins.append(c - size)
            bins_result.append([indices[a_id] + start_index])

    return bins_result, len(a)

def allocate(
    lengths: np.ndarray, lengths_cumsum: np.ndarray, rank: int, c: int, n: int
    :param lengths: array of lengths of each sample
    :param lengths_cumsum: cumulative sum of consecutive lengths
    :param rank: rank for this process
    :param c: length of tokens per batch
    :param n: number of ranks
    # Dynamic batch allocator, similar to Multifit
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multifit_algorithm
    # ~99.5% efficiency on OpenChat training set (12 * 2048 ctx len)

    s = 0
    start_index = 0
    result = []
    result_totseqs = []

    while True:
        # binary search [left, right)
        left = 1
        right = 1 + np.searchsorted(lengths_cumsum[start_index:], s + c * n, "right")

        while right - left > 1:
            mid = (left + right) // 2
            if ffd_check(lengths[start_index : start_index + mid], c, n):
                left = mid
                right = mid

        # use length left
        batch, tot_seqs = ffd_with_result(
            lengths[start_index : start_index + left], c, start_index
        if len(batch) < n:

        start_index += left
        s = lengths_cumsum[start_index - 1]

        # add local rank
        # add total seqs for all ranks
        # yield batch[rank], tot_seqs, s, len(result) * c * n
    return result, result_totseqs, s, len(result) * c * n

def chunk(iterable, n):
    Chunk data into tuples of length n
    # batched('ABCDEFG', 3) --> ABC DEF G
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError("n must be at least one")
    it = iter(iterable)
    while batch := tuple(itertools.islice(it, n)):
        yield batch

def hash_indices(lst: List[int]) -> str:
    # Convert the list of integers to a string representation
    concatenated = ",".join(map(str, lst))

    # Generate the hash
    sha256 = hashlib.sha256()

    return sha256.hexdigest()

class MultipackDistributedDataloader:
    """Unpadded data loading using Multipack.
    Adapted from https://github.com/imoneoi/openchat/blob/v3_fix_mle_loss/ochat/training_deepspeed/multipack_dataloader.py
    Approximate (at most ~1.22x) the optimal solution of the identical-machines scheduling problem, which is NP-hard.

    def __init__(
        dataset: Any,
        collate_fn: Callable,
        seq_max_length: int = 2048,
        batch_size: int = 1,
        sampler: Union[Sampler, DistributedSampler] = None,
        packing_efficiency_estimate: float = 1.0,
        sample_packing_seq_len_multiplier: int = 1,
        device_count: int = 1,
        # Dataset
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.lengths = (
            .apply(lambda x: x[-1] + 1)
        assert isinstance(self.lengths, np.ndarray)
        assert batch_size % sample_packing_seq_len_multiplier == 0
        assert batch_size >= sample_packing_seq_len_multiplier
        self.sampler = sampler
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.sample_packing_seq_len_multiplier = sample_packing_seq_len_multiplier
        self.seq_max_length = seq_max_length
        self.batch_max_length = batch_size * seq_max_length
        self.collate_fn = collate_fn

        self.num_replicas = 1
        self.rank = 0

        # statistics
        self.eff_total_used = 0
        self.eff_total_slots = 0
        self.packing_efficiency_estimate = packing_efficiency_estimate or 1.0
        self.device_count = device_count

    def generate_batches(self, set_stats=False):
        LOG.info("generating packed batches")
        if self.sampler:
            indices = [idx for idx in self.sampler]
            indices = range(0, len(self.dataset))

        lengths = self.lengths[indices]
        lengths_cumsum = np.cumsum(lengths)

        batches, totseqs, total_used, total_slots = allocate(
            # c=self.batch_max_length,
            c=self.seq_max_length * self.sample_packing_seq_len_multiplier,

        batches = [[indices[b_idx] for b_idx in batch] for batch in batches]

        # statistics
        if set_stats:
            self.eff_total_used += total_used
            self.eff_total_slots += total_slots

        return batches, totseqs

    def __iter__(self):
        if hasattr(self.sampler, "set_epoch"):
            new_epoch = self.sampler.epoch + 1
            LOG.info(f"calling sampler.set_epoch({new_epoch})")
        all_batches, _ = self.generate_batches(set_stats=True)
        features = self.dataset.features.keys()
        len_remaining = self._len_est()
        for batches in chunk(
            all_batches, self.batch_size // self.sample_packing_seq_len_multiplier
            chunked_data = []
            attn_mask_cum_idx = 0
            for batch in batches:
                concatenated = {}
                batched_data = [self.dataset[batch_idx] for batch_idx in batch]
                for feature in features:
                    if feature == "attention_mask":
                        arrays = [
                            (attn_mask_cum_idx + idx + 1) * np.array(item[feature])
                            for idx, item in enumerate(batched_data)
                            if feature in item
                        attn_mask_cum_idx += len(batched_data)
                        concatenated[feature] = np.concatenate(arrays)
                        arrays = [
                            for item in batched_data
                            if feature in item
                        concatenated[feature] = np.concatenate(arrays)
            yield self.collate_fn(chunked_data)
            len_remaining -= 1
            if not len_remaining:
        # yield a no-op for cases where we don't have any data left to pack
        for i in range(0, len_remaining):
            yield self.collate_fn(
                        "input_ids": [0],
                        "labels": [-100],
                        "attention_mask": [True],
                        "position_ids": [0],

    def _len_est(self):
        lengths_sum = np.sum(self.lengths)
        lengths_sum_per_device = lengths_sum // self.device_count
            f"packing_efficiency_estimate: {self.packing_efficiency_estimate} "
            f"total_num_tokens per device: {lengths_sum_per_device}"

        # shave off 1% + 1 for dealing with variance in packing from random sampler to sampler
        return (
                * lengths_sum_per_device
                / self.packing_efficiency_estimate
                // self.seq_max_length
                // self.batch_size
            - 1

    def __len__(self):
        # this doesn't return the actual length b/c with distributed samplers, not all dataloaders get
        # the same share of total tokens
        # if not self.eff_total_used:
        #     batches, _ = self.generate_batches(set_stats=True)
        # LOG.info(
        #     f"packing_efficiency_estimate: {self.packing_efficiency_estimate} "
        #     f"actual packing efficiency: {self.efficiency()}"
        # )
        return max(1, self._len_est())

    def len_w_stats(self):
        if not self.eff_total_used:
            batches, _ = self.generate_batches(set_stats=True)
            f"packing_efficiency_estimate: {self.packing_efficiency_estimate} "
            f"actual packing efficiency: {self.efficiency()}"
        return max(1, self._len_est())

    def efficiency(self):
        return self.eff_total_used / self.eff_total_slots