import tools.webScraper as WS import time import utils as U from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() def getGoogleSearchResults(query: str): startTime = time.time() if query: results = WS.scrapeGoogleSearch(query) else: results = "" timeTaken = time.time() - startTime displayText = f"Searched Google [{round(timeTaken * 1000)} ms]" U.pprint(displayText) return { "response": results, "display": { "text": displayText, "icon": "icons/google_search.png", } } toolsInfo = { "getGoogleSearchResults": { "func": getGoogleSearchResults, "schema": { "type": "function", "function": { "name": "getGoogleSearchResults", "description": "Search google and return search results for a given query", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "query": { "type": "string", "description": "Query to search for" } }, "required": ["query"] } } }, }, }