File size: 4,111 Bytes
481f3b1 7335378 481f3b1 088e816 481f3b1 6b43c86 481f3b1 088e816 481f3b1 088e816 481f3b1 088e816 481f3b1 088e816 481f3b1 |
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import sys
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from ..reranker import rerank_docs
from ...knowledge.retriever import ClimateQARetriever
def divide_into_parts(target, parts):
# Base value for each part
base = target // parts
# Remainder to distribute
remainder = target % parts
# List to hold the result
result = []
for i in range(parts):
if i < remainder:
# These parts get base value + 1
result.append(base + 1)
# The rest get the base value
return result
def suppress_output():
# Open a null device
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
# Store the original stdout and stderr
old_stdout = sys.stdout
old_stderr = sys.stderr
# Redirect stdout and stderr to the null device
sys.stdout = devnull
sys.stderr = devnull
# Restore stdout and stderr
sys.stdout = old_stdout
sys.stderr = old_stderr
def make_retriever_node(vectorstore,reranker,rerank_by_question=True, k_final=15, k_before_reranking=100, k_summary=5):
def retrieve_documents(state):
questions = state["questions"]
# Use sources from the user input or from the LLM detection
if "sources_input" not in state or state["sources_input"] is None:
sources_input = ["auto"]
sources_input = state["sources_input"]
auto_mode = "auto" in sources_input
# There are several options to get the final top k
# Option 1 - Get 100 documents by question and rerank by question
# Option 2 - Get 100/n documents by question and rerank the total
if rerank_by_question:
k_by_question = divide_into_parts(k_final,len(questions))
docs = []
for i,q in enumerate(questions):
sources = q["sources"]
question = q["question"]
# If auto mode, we use the sources detected by the LLM
if auto_mode:
sources = [x for x in sources if x in POSSIBLE_SOURCES]
# Otherwise, we use the config
sources = sources_input
# Search the document store using the retriever
# Configure high top k for further reranking step
retriever = ClimateQARetriever(
sources = sources,
# reports = ias_reports,
min_size = 200,
k_summary = k_summary,k_total = k_before_reranking,
threshold = 0.5,
docs_question = retriever.get_relevant_documents(question)
# Rerank
if reranker is not None:
with suppress_output():
docs_question = rerank_docs(reranker,docs_question,question)
# Add a default reranking score
for doc in docs_question:
doc.metadata["reranking_score"] = doc.metadata["similarity_score"]
# If rerank by question we select the top documents for each question
if rerank_by_question:
docs_question = docs_question[:k_by_question[i]]
# Add sources used in the metadata
for doc in docs_question:
doc.metadata["sources_used"] = sources
# Add to the list of docs
# Sorting the list in descending order by rerank_score
# Then select the top k
docs = sorted(docs, key=lambda x: x.metadata["reranking_score"], reverse=True)
docs = docs[:k_final]
new_state = {"documents":docs}
return new_state
return retrieve_documents