Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,390 Bytes
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# :noTabs=true:
import time as time_module
import codecs
import signal
import os, sys
from .base import *
except ImportError: # workaround for B2 back-end's
import imp
imp.load_source(__name__, '/'.join(__file__.split('/')[:-1]) + '/') # A bit of Python magic here, what we trying to say is this: from base import *, but path to base is calculated from our source location # from base import HPC_Driver, execute, NT
class MultiCore_HPC_Driver(HPC_Driver):
class JobID:
def __init__(self, pids=None):
self.pids = pids if pids else []
def __bool__(self): return bool(self.pids)
def __len__(self): return len(self.pids)
def add_pid(self, pid): self.pids.append(pid)
def remove_completed_pids(self):
for pid in self.pids[:]:
r = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
if r == (pid, 0): self.pids.remove(pid) # process have ended without error
elif r[0] == pid : # process ended but with error, special case we will have to wait for all process to terminate and call system exit.
print('ERROR: Some of the HPC jobs terminated abnormally! Please see HPC logs for details.')
except ChildProcessError: self.pids.remove(pid)
def cancel(self):
for pid in self.pids:
os.killpg(os.getpgid(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
except ChildProcessError: pass
self.pids = []
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
HPC_Driver.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
#print(f'MultiCore_HPC_Driver: cpu_count: {self.cpu_count}')
def remove_completed_jobs(self):
for job in[:]: # Need to make a copy so we don't modify a list we're iterating over
if not job:
def process_count(self):
''' return number of processes that currently ran by this driver instance
return sum( map(len, )
def submit_hpc_job(self, name, executable, arguments, working_dir, jobs_to_queue, log_dir, memory=512, time=12, block=True, shell_wrapper=False):
print('submit_hpc_job is DEPRECATED and will be removed in near future, please use submit_serial_hpc_job instead!')
return self.submit_serial_hpc_job(name, executable, arguments, working_dir, jobs_to_queue, log_dir, memory, time, block, shell_wrapper)
def submit_serial_hpc_job(self, name, executable, arguments, working_dir, jobs_to_queue, log_dir, memory=512, time=12, block=True, shell_wrapper=False):
cpu_usage = -time_module.time()/60./60.
if shell_wrapper:
shell_wrapper_sh = os.path.abspath(self.working_dir + f'/hpc.{name}')
with open(shell_wrapper_sh, 'w') as f: f.write('#!/bin/bash\n{} {}\n'.format(executable, arguments)); os.fchmod(f.fileno(), stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
executable, arguments = shell_wrapper_sh, ''
def mfork():
''' Check if number of child process is below cpu_count. And if it is - fork the new pocees and return its pid.
while self.process_count >= self.cpu_count:
if self.process_count >= self.cpu_count: time_module.sleep(.5)
pid = os.fork()
# appending at caller level insted if pid: # We are parent!
return pid
current_job = self.JobID()
process = 0
for i in range(jobs_to_queue):
pid = mfork()
if not pid: # we are child process
command_line = 'cd {} && {} {}'.format(working_dir, executable, arguments.format(process=process) )
exit_code, log = execute('Running job {}.{}...'.format(name, i), command_line, tracer=self.tracer, return_='tuple')
with'/.hpc.{name}.{i:02d}.log'.format(**vars()), 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f:
if exit_code:
error_report = f'\n\n{command_line}\nERROR: PROCESS {name}.{i:02d} TERMINATED WITH NON-ZERO-EXIT-CODE {exit_code}!\n'
print(log, error_report)
else: # we are parent!
# Need to potentially re-add to list, as remove_completed_jobs() might trim it.
if current_job not in
process += 1
if block:
#for p in all_queued_jobs: os.waitpid(p, 0) # waiting for all child process to termintate...
cpu_usage += time_module.time()/60./60.
self.cpu_usage += cpu_usage * jobs_to_queue # approximation...
current_job = self.JobID()
return current_job
def number_of_cpu_per_node(self): return self.cpu_count
def maximum_number_of_mpi_cpu(self): return self.cpu_count
def submit_mpi_hpc_job(self, name, executable, arguments, working_dir, log_dir, memory=512, time=12, block=True, process_coefficient="1", requested_nodes=1, requested_processes_per_node=1):
if requested_nodes > 1:
print( "WARNING: " + str( requested_nodes ) + " nodes were requested, but we're running locally, so only 1 node will be used." )
if requested_processes_per_node > self.cpu_count:
print( "WARNING: " + str(requested_processes_per_node) + " processes were requested, but I only have " + str(self.cpu_count) + " CPUs. Will launch " + str(self.cpu_count) + " processes." )
actual_processes = min( requested_processes_per_node, self.cpu_count )
cpu_usage = -time_module.time()/60./60.
arguments = arguments.format(process=0)
command_line = f'cd {working_dir} && mpirun -np {actual_processes} {executable} {arguments}'
log = execute(f'Running job {name}...', command_line, tracer=self.tracer, return_='output')
with'/.hpc.{name}.log'.format(**vars()), 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: f.write(command_line+'\n'+log)
cpu_usage += time_module.time()/60./60.
self.cpu_usage += cpu_usage * actual_processes # approximation...
# return None - we do not return anything from this version of submit which imply returning None which in turn will be treated as job-id for already finished job
def complete(self, job_id):
''' Return job completion status. Return True if job completed and False otherwise
return job_id not in
def cancel_job(self, job):
if job in
def __repr__(self):
return 'MultiCore_HPC_Driver<>'