import unittest import subprocess import glob import datetime import os import torch from shutil import copyfile from rfdiffusion.inference import utils as iu from rfdiffusion.util import calc_rmsd import sys, json script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) class TestSubmissionCommands(unittest.TestCase): """ Test harness for checking that commands in the examples folder, when run in deterministic mode, produce the same output as the reference outputs. Requirements: - example command must be written on a single line - outputs must be written to example_outputs folder - needs to be run on the same hardware as the reference outputs (A100 GPU) For speed, we only run the first 2 steps of diffusion, and set inference.num_designs=1 This means that outputs DO NOT look like proteins, but we can still check that the outputs are the same as the reference outputs. """ def setUp(self): """ Grabs files from the examples folder """ submissions = glob.glob(f"{script_dir}/../examples/*.sh") # get datetime for output folder, in YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS format now = now = now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") self.out_f = f"{script_dir}/tests_{now}" os.mkdir(self.out_f) # Make sure we have access to all the relevant files exclude_dirs = ["outputs", "example_outputs"] for filename in os.listdir(f"{script_dir}/../examples"): if filename not in exclude_dirs and not os.path.islink(os.path.join(script_dir, filename)) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(f'{script_dir}/../examples', filename)): os.symlink(os.path.join(f'{script_dir}/../examples', filename), os.path.join(script_dir, filename)) for submission in submissions: self._write_command(submission, self.out_f) print(f"Running commands in {self.out_f}, two steps of diffusion, deterministic=True") self.results = {} for bash_file in sorted( glob.glob(f"{self.out_f}/*.sh"), reverse=False): test_name = os.path.basename(bash_file)[:-len('.sh')] res, output = execute(f"Running {test_name}", f'bash {bash_file}', return_='tuple', add_message_and_command_line_to_output=True) self.results[test_name] = dict( state = 'failed' if res else 'passed', log = output, )["bash", bash_file], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)["bash", bash_file]) def test_commands(self): """ Runs all the commands in the test_f folder """ reference=f'{script_dir}/reference_outputs' os.makedirs(reference, exist_ok=True) test_files=glob.glob(f"{self.out_f}/example_outputs/*pdb") print(f'{self.out_f=} {test_files=}') # first check that we have the right number of outputs #self.assertEqual(len(test_files), len(glob.glob(f"{self.out_f}/*.sh"))), "One or more of the example commands didn't produce an output (check the example command is formatted correctly)" result = self.defaultTestResult() for test_file in test_files: with self.subTest(test_file=test_file): test_pdb=iu.parse_pdb(test_file) if not os.path.exists(f"{reference}/{os.path.basename(test_file)}"): copyfile(test_file, f"{reference}/{os.path.basename(test_file)}") print(f"Created reference file {reference}/{os.path.basename(test_file)}") else: ref_pdb=iu.parse_pdb(f"{reference}/{os.path.basename(test_file)}") rmsd=calc_rmsd(test_pdb['xyz'][:,:3].reshape(-1,3), ref_pdb['xyz'][:,:3].reshape(-1,3))[0] try: self.assertAlmostEqual(rmsd, 0, 2) result.addSuccess(self) print(f"Subtest {test_file} passed") state = 'passed' log = f'Subtest {test_file} passed' except AssertionError as e: result.addFailure(self, e) print(f"Subtest {test_file} failed") state = 'failed' log = f'Subtest {test_file} failed:\n{e!r}' self.results[ 'pdb-diff.' + test_file.rpartition('/')[-1] ] = dict(state = state, log = log) with open('.results.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(self.results, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) self.assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful(), "One or more subtests failed") def _write_command(self, bash_file, test_f) -> None: """ Takes a bash file from the examples folder, and writes a version of it to the test_f folder. It appends to the python command the following arguments: inference.deterministic=True if partial_T is in the command, it grabs partial T and sets: inference.final_step=partial_T-2 else: inference.final_step=48 """ out_lines=[] with open(bash_file, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if not (line.startswith("python") or line.startswith("../")): out_lines.append(line) else: command = line.strip() if not command.startswith("python"): command = f'python {command}' # get the partial_T if "partial_T" in command: final_step = int(command.split("partial_T=")[1].split(" ")[0]) - 2 else: final_step = 48 output_command = f"{command} inference.deterministic=True inference.final_step={final_step}" # replace inference.num_designs with 1 if "inference.num_designs=" in output_command: output_command = f'{output_command.split("inference.num_designs=")[0]}inference.num_designs=1 {" ".join(output_command.split("inference.num_designs=")[1].split(" ")[1:])}' else: output_command = f'{output_command} inference.num_designs=1' # replace 'example_outputs' with f'{self.out_f}/example_outputs' output_command = f'{output_command.split("example_outputs")[0]}{self.out_f}/example_outputs{output_command.split("example_outputs")[1]}' # write the new command with open(f"{test_f}/{os.path.basename(bash_file)}", "w") as f: for line in out_lines: f.write(line) f.write(output_command) def execute_through_pty(command_line): import pty, select if sys.platform == "darwin": master, slave = pty.openpty() p = subprocess.Popen(command_line, shell=True, stdout=slave, stdin=slave, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) buffer = [] while True: try: if[master], [], [], 0.2)[0]: # has something to read data =, 1 << 22) if data: buffer.append(data) elif (p.poll() is not None) and (not[master], [], [], 0.2)[0] ): break # process is finished and output buffer if fully read except OSError: break # OSError will be raised when child process close PTY descriptior output = b''.join(buffer).decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='backslashreplace') os.close(master) os.close(slave) p.wait() exit_code = p.returncode ''' buffer = [] while True: if[master], [], [], 0.2)[0]: # has something to read data =, 1 << 22) if data: buffer.append(data) # else: break # # EOF - well, technically process _should_ be finished here... # elif time.sleep(1) or (p.poll() is not None): # process is finished (sleep here is intentional to trigger race condition, see solution for this on the next few lines) # assert not[master], [], [], 0.2)[0] # should be nothing left to read... # break elif (p.poll() is not None) and (not[master], [], [], 0.2)[0] ): break # process is finished and output buffer if fully read assert not[master], [], [], 0.2)[0] # should be nothing left to read... os.close(slave) os.close(master) output = b''.join(buffer).decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='backslashreplace') exit_code = p.returncode ''' else: master, slave = pty.openpty() p = subprocess.Popen(command_line, shell=True, stdout=slave, stdin=slave, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) os.close(slave) buffer = [] while True: try: data =, 1 << 22) if data: buffer.append(data) except OSError: break # OSError will be raised when child process close PTY descriptior output = b''.join(buffer).decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='backslashreplace') os.close(master) p.wait() exit_code = p.returncode return exit_code, output def execute(message, command_line, return_='status', until_successes=False, terminate_on_failure=True, silent=False, silence_output=False, silence_output_on_errors=False, add_message_and_command_line_to_output=False): if not silent: print(message); print(command_line); sys.stdout.flush(); while True: #exit_code, output = execute_through_subprocess(command_line) #exit_code, output = execute_through_pexpect(command_line) exit_code, output = execute_through_pty(command_line) if (exit_code and not silence_output_on_errors) or not (silent or silence_output): print(output); sys.stdout.flush(); if exit_code and until_successes: pass # Thats right - redability COUNT! else: break print( "Error while executing {}: {}\n".format(message, output) ) print("Sleeping 60s... then I will retry...") sys.stdout.flush(); time.sleep(60) if add_message_and_command_line_to_output: output = message + '\nCommand line: ' + command_line + '\n' + output if return_ == 'tuple' or return_ == tuple: return(exit_code, output) if exit_code and terminate_on_failure: print("\nEncounter error while executing: " + command_line) if return_==True: return True else: print('\nEncounter error while executing: ' + command_line + '\n' + output); raise BenchmarkError('\nEncounter error while executing: ' + command_line + '\n' + output) if return_ == 'output': return output else: return exit_code if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()