from toolbox import update_ui, trimmed_format_exc, get_conf, get_log_folder, promote_file_to_downloadzone, check_repeat_upload, map_file_to_sha256 from toolbox import CatchException, report_exception, update_ui_lastest_msg, zip_result, gen_time_str from functools import partial import glob, os, requests, time, json, tarfile pj = os.path.join ARXIV_CACHE_DIR = os.path.expanduser(f"~/arxiv_cache/") # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 工具函数 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # 专业词汇声明 = 'If the term "agent" is used in this section, it should be translated to "智能体". ' def switch_prompt(pfg, mode, more_requirement): """ Generate prompts and system prompts based on the mode for proofreading or translating. Args: - pfg: Proofreader or Translator instance. - mode: A string specifying the mode, either 'proofread' or 'translate_zh'. Returns: - inputs_array: A list of strings containing prompts for users to respond to. - sys_prompt_array: A list of strings containing prompts for system prompts. """ n_split = len(pfg.sp_file_contents) if mode == 'proofread_en': inputs_array = [r"Below is a section from an academic paper, proofread this section." + r"Do not modify any latex command such as \section, \cite, \begin, \item and equations. " + more_requirement + r"Answer me only with the revised text:" + f"\n\n{frag}" for frag in pfg.sp_file_contents] sys_prompt_array = ["You are a professional academic paper writer." for _ in range(n_split)] elif mode == 'translate_zh': inputs_array = [ r"Below is a section from an English academic paper, translate it into Chinese. " + more_requirement + r"Do not modify any latex command such as \section, \cite, \begin, \item and equations. " + r"Answer me only with the translated text:" + f"\n\n{frag}" for frag in pfg.sp_file_contents] sys_prompt_array = ["You are a professional translator." for _ in range(n_split)] else: assert False, "未知指令" return inputs_array, sys_prompt_array def desend_to_extracted_folder_if_exist(project_folder): """ Descend into the extracted folder if it exists, otherwise return the original folder. Args: - project_folder: A string specifying the folder path. Returns: - A string specifying the path to the extracted folder, or the original folder if there is no extracted folder. """ maybe_dir = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/*') if os.path.isdir(f)] if len(maybe_dir) == 0: return project_folder if maybe_dir[0].endswith('.extract'): return maybe_dir[0] return project_folder def move_project(project_folder, arxiv_id=None): """ Create a new work folder and copy the project folder to it. Args: - project_folder: A string specifying the folder path of the project. Returns: - A string specifying the path to the new work folder. """ import shutil, time time.sleep(2) # avoid time string conflict if arxiv_id is not None: new_workfolder = pj(ARXIV_CACHE_DIR, arxiv_id, 'workfolder') else: new_workfolder = f'{get_log_folder()}/{gen_time_str()}' try: shutil.rmtree(new_workfolder) except: pass # align subfolder if there is a folder wrapper items = glob.glob(pj(project_folder, '*')) items = [item for item in items if os.path.basename(item) != '__MACOSX'] if len(glob.glob(pj(project_folder, '*.tex'))) == 0 and len(items) == 1: if os.path.isdir(items[0]): project_folder = items[0] shutil.copytree(src=project_folder, dst=new_workfolder) return new_workfolder def arxiv_download(chatbot, history, txt, allow_cache=True): def check_cached_translation_pdf(arxiv_id): translation_dir = pj(ARXIV_CACHE_DIR, arxiv_id, 'translation') if not os.path.exists(translation_dir): os.makedirs(translation_dir) target_file = pj(translation_dir, 'translate_zh.pdf') if os.path.exists(target_file): promote_file_to_downloadzone(target_file, rename_file=None, chatbot=chatbot) target_file_compare = pj(translation_dir, 'comparison.pdf') if os.path.exists(target_file_compare): promote_file_to_downloadzone(target_file_compare, rename_file=None, chatbot=chatbot) return target_file return False def is_float(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False if txt.startswith(''): arxiv_id = txt.split('/')[-1] # 2402.14207v2.pdf txt = arxiv_id.split('v')[0] # 2402.14207 if ('.' in txt) and ('/' not in txt) and is_float(txt): # is arxiv ID txt = '' + txt.strip() if ('.' in txt) and ('/' not in txt) and is_float(txt[:10]): # is arxiv ID txt = '' + txt[:10] if not txt.startswith(''): return txt, None # 是本地文件,跳过下载 # <-------------- inspect format -------------> chatbot.append([f"检测到arxiv文档连接", '尝试下载 ...']) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) time.sleep(1) # 刷新界面 url_ = txt # if not txt.startswith(''): msg = f"解析arxiv网址失败, 期望格式例如:。实际得到格式: {url_}。" yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(msg, chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return msg, None # <-------------- set format -------------> arxiv_id = url_.split('/abs/')[-1] if 'v' in arxiv_id: arxiv_id = arxiv_id[:10] cached_translation_pdf = check_cached_translation_pdf(arxiv_id) if cached_translation_pdf and allow_cache: return cached_translation_pdf, arxiv_id url_tar = url_.replace('/abs/', '/e-print/') translation_dir = pj(ARXIV_CACHE_DIR, arxiv_id, 'e-print') extract_dst = pj(ARXIV_CACHE_DIR, arxiv_id, 'extract') os.makedirs(translation_dir, exist_ok=True) # <-------------- download arxiv source file -------------> dst = pj(translation_dir, arxiv_id + '.tar') if os.path.exists(dst): yield from update_ui_lastest_msg("调用缓存", chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 else: yield from update_ui_lastest_msg("开始下载", chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 proxies = get_conf('proxies') r = requests.get(url_tar, proxies=proxies) with open(dst, 'wb+') as f: f.write(r.content) # <-------------- extract file -------------> yield from update_ui_lastest_msg("下载完成", chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 from toolbox import extract_archive extract_archive(file_path=dst, dest_dir=extract_dst) return extract_dst, arxiv_id def pdf2tex_project(pdf_file_path): # Mathpix API credentials app_id, app_key = get_conf('MATHPIX_APPID', 'MATHPIX_APPKEY') headers = {"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key} # Step 1: Send PDF file for processing options = { "conversion_formats": {"": True}, "math_inline_delimiters": ["$", "$"], "rm_spaces": True } response ="", headers=headers, data={"options_json": json.dumps(options)}, files={"file": open(pdf_file_path, "rb")}) if response.ok: pdf_id = response.json()["pdf_id"] print(f"PDF processing initiated. PDF ID: {pdf_id}") # Step 2: Check processing status while True: conversion_response = requests.get(f"{pdf_id}", headers=headers) conversion_data = conversion_response.json() if conversion_data["status"] == "completed": print("PDF processing completed.") break elif conversion_data["status"] == "error": print("Error occurred during processing.") else: print(f"Processing status: {conversion_data['status']}") time.sleep(5) # wait for a few seconds before checking again # Step 3: Save results to local files output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pdf_file_path), 'mathpix_output') if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) url = f"{pdf_id}.tex" response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) file_name_wo_dot = '_'.join(os.path.basename(pdf_file_path).split('.')[:-1]) output_name = f"{file_name_wo_dot}" output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, output_name) with open(output_path, "wb") as output_file: output_file.write(response.content) print(f" file saved at: {output_path}") import zipfile unzip_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, file_name_wo_dot) with zipfile.ZipFile(output_path, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(unzip_dir) return unzip_dir else: print(f"Error sending PDF for processing. Status code: {response.status_code}") return None # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 插件主程序1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= @CatchException def Latex英文纠错加PDF对比(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, user_request): # <-------------- information about this plugin -------------> chatbot.append(["函数插件功能?", "对整个Latex项目进行纠错, 用latex编译为PDF对修正处做高亮。函数插件贡献者: Binary-Husky。注意事项: 目前仅支持GPT3.5/GPT4,其他模型转化效果未知。目前对机器学习类文献转化效果最好,其他类型文献转化效果未知。仅在Windows系统进行了测试,其他操作系统表现未知。"]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 # <-------------- more requirements -------------> if ("advanced_arg" in plugin_kwargs) and (plugin_kwargs["advanced_arg"] == ""): plugin_kwargs.pop("advanced_arg") more_req = plugin_kwargs.get("advanced_arg", "") _switch_prompt_ = partial(switch_prompt, more_requirement=more_req) # <-------------- check deps -------------> try: import glob, os, time, subprocess subprocess.Popen(['pdflatex', '-version']) from .latex_fns.latex_actions import Latex精细分解与转化, 编译Latex except Exception as e: chatbot.append([f"解析项目: {txt}", f"尝试执行Latex指令失败。Latex没有安装, 或者不在环境变量PATH中。安装方法。报错信息\n\n```\n\n{trimmed_format_exc()}\n\n```\n\n"]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return # <-------------- clear history and read input -------------> history = [] if os.path.exists(txt): project_folder = txt else: if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏' report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.tex', recursive=True)] if len(file_manifest) == 0: report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到任何.tex文件: {txt}") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return # <-------------- if is a zip/tar file -------------> project_folder = desend_to_extracted_folder_if_exist(project_folder) # <-------------- move latex project away from temp folder -------------> project_folder = move_project(project_folder, arxiv_id=None) # <-------------- if merge_translate_zh is already generated, skip gpt req -------------> if not os.path.exists(project_folder + '/merge_proofread_en.tex'): yield from Latex精细分解与转化(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, mode='proofread_en', switch_prompt=_switch_prompt_) # <-------------- compile PDF -------------> success = yield from 编译Latex(chatbot, history, main_file_original='merge', main_file_modified='merge_proofread_en', work_folder_original=project_folder, work_folder_modified=project_folder, work_folder=project_folder) # <-------------- zip PDF -------------> zip_res = zip_result(project_folder) if success: chatbot.append((f"成功啦", '请查收结果(压缩包)...')) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history); time.sleep(1) # 刷新界面 promote_file_to_downloadzone(file=zip_res, chatbot=chatbot) else: chatbot.append((f"失败了", '虽然PDF生成失败了, 但请查收结果(压缩包), 内含已经翻译的Tex文档, 也是可读的, 您可以到Github Issue区, 用该压缩包+对话历史存档进行反馈 ...')) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history); time.sleep(1) # 刷新界面 promote_file_to_downloadzone(file=zip_res, chatbot=chatbot) # <-------------- we are done -------------> return success # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 插件主程序2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= @CatchException def Latex翻译中文并重新编译PDF(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, user_request): # <-------------- information about this plugin -------------> chatbot.append([ "函数插件功能?", "对整个Latex项目进行翻译, 生成中文PDF。函数插件贡献者: Binary-Husky。注意事项: 此插件Windows支持最佳,Linux下必须使用Docker安装,详见项目主。目前仅支持GPT3.5/GPT4,其他模型转化效果未知。目前对机器学习类文献转化效果最好,其他类型文献转化效果未知。"]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 # <-------------- more requirements -------------> if ("advanced_arg" in plugin_kwargs) and (plugin_kwargs["advanced_arg"] == ""): plugin_kwargs.pop("advanced_arg") more_req = plugin_kwargs.get("advanced_arg", "") no_cache = more_req.startswith("--no-cache") if no_cache: more_req.lstrip("--no-cache") allow_cache = not no_cache _switch_prompt_ = partial(switch_prompt, more_requirement=more_req) # <-------------- check deps -------------> try: import glob, os, time, subprocess subprocess.Popen(['pdflatex', '-version']) from .latex_fns.latex_actions import Latex精细分解与转化, 编译Latex except Exception as e: chatbot.append([f"解析项目: {txt}", f"尝试执行Latex指令失败。Latex没有安装, 或者不在环境变量PATH中。安装方法。报错信息\n\n```\n\n{trimmed_format_exc()}\n\n```\n\n"]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return # <-------------- clear history and read input -------------> history = [] try: txt, arxiv_id = yield from arxiv_download(chatbot, history, txt, allow_cache) except tarfile.ReadError as e: yield from update_ui_lastest_msg( "无法自动下载该论文的Latex源码,请前往arxiv打开此论文下载页面,点other Formats,然后download source手动下载latex源码包。接下来调用本地Latex翻译插件即可。", chatbot=chatbot, history=history) return if txt.endswith('.pdf'): report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"发现已经存在翻译好的PDF文档") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return if os.path.exists(txt): project_folder = txt else: if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏' report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到本地项目或无法处理: {txt}") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.tex', recursive=True)] if len(file_manifest) == 0: report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到任何.tex文件: {txt}") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return # <-------------- if is a zip/tar file -------------> project_folder = desend_to_extracted_folder_if_exist(project_folder) # <-------------- move latex project away from temp folder -------------> project_folder = move_project(project_folder, arxiv_id) # <-------------- if merge_translate_zh is already generated, skip gpt req -------------> if not os.path.exists(project_folder + '/merge_translate_zh.tex'): yield from Latex精细分解与转化(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, mode='translate_zh', switch_prompt=_switch_prompt_) # <-------------- compile PDF -------------> success = yield from 编译Latex(chatbot, history, main_file_original='merge', main_file_modified='merge_translate_zh', mode='translate_zh', work_folder_original=project_folder, work_folder_modified=project_folder, work_folder=project_folder) # <-------------- zip PDF -------------> zip_res = zip_result(project_folder) if success: chatbot.append((f"成功啦", '请查收结果(压缩包)...')) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history); time.sleep(1) # 刷新界面 promote_file_to_downloadzone(file=zip_res, chatbot=chatbot) else: chatbot.append((f"失败了", '虽然PDF生成失败了, 但请查收结果(压缩包), 内含已经翻译的Tex文档, 您可以到Github Issue区, 用该压缩包进行反馈。如系统是Linux,请检查系统字体(见Github wiki) ...')) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history); time.sleep(1) # 刷新界面 promote_file_to_downloadzone(file=zip_res, chatbot=chatbot) # <-------------- we are done -------------> return success # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 插件主程序3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= @CatchException def PDF翻译中文并重新编译PDF(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port): # <-------------- information about this plugin -------------> chatbot.append([ "函数插件功能?", "将PDF转换为Latex项目,翻译为中文后重新编译为PDF。函数插件贡献者: Marroh。注意事项: 此插件Windows支持最佳,Linux下必须使用Docker安装,详见项目主。目前仅支持GPT3.5/GPT4,其他模型转化效果未知。目前对机器学习类文献转化效果最好,其他类型文献转化效果未知。"]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 # <-------------- more requirements -------------> if ("advanced_arg" in plugin_kwargs) and (plugin_kwargs["advanced_arg"] == ""): plugin_kwargs.pop("advanced_arg") more_req = plugin_kwargs.get("advanced_arg", "") no_cache = more_req.startswith("--no-cache") if no_cache: more_req.lstrip("--no-cache") allow_cache = not no_cache _switch_prompt_ = partial(switch_prompt, more_requirement=more_req) # <-------------- check deps -------------> try: import glob, os, time, subprocess subprocess.Popen(['pdflatex', '-version']) from .latex_fns.latex_actions import Latex精细分解与转化, 编译Latex except Exception as e: chatbot.append([f"解析项目: {txt}", f"尝试执行Latex指令失败。Latex没有安装, 或者不在环境变量PATH中。安装方法。报错信息\n\n```\n\n{trimmed_format_exc()}\n\n```\n\n"]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return # <-------------- clear history and read input -------------> if os.path.exists(txt): project_folder = txt else: if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏' report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到本地项目或无法处理: {txt}") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.pdf', recursive=True)] if len(file_manifest) == 0: report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到任何.pdf文件: {txt}") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return if len(file_manifest) != 1: report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"不支持同时处理多个pdf文件: {txt}") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return app_id, app_key = get_conf('MATHPIX_APPID', 'MATHPIX_APPKEY') if len(app_id) == 0 or len(app_key) == 0: report_exception(chatbot, history, a="缺失 MATHPIX_APPID 和 MATHPIX_APPKEY。", b=f"请配置 MATHPIX_APPID 和 MATHPIX_APPKEY") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return hash_tag = map_file_to_sha256(file_manifest[0]) # <-------------- check repeated pdf -------------> chatbot.append([f"检查PDF是否被重复上传", "正在检查..."]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) repeat, project_folder = check_repeat_upload(file_manifest[0], hash_tag) except_flag = False if repeat: yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f"发现重复上传,请查收结果(压缩包)...", chatbot=chatbot, history=history) try: trans_html_file = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.trans.html', recursive=True)][0] promote_file_to_downloadzone(trans_html_file, rename_file=None, chatbot=chatbot) translate_pdf = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/merge_translate_zh.pdf', recursive=True)][0] promote_file_to_downloadzone(translate_pdf, rename_file=None, chatbot=chatbot) comparison_pdf = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/comparison.pdf', recursive=True)][0] promote_file_to_downloadzone(comparison_pdf, rename_file=None, chatbot=chatbot) zip_res = zip_result(project_folder) promote_file_to_downloadzone(file=zip_res, chatbot=chatbot) return True except: report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"发现重复上传,但是无法找到相关文件") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) chatbot.append([f"没有相关文件", '尝试重新翻译PDF...']) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) except_flag = True elif not repeat or except_flag: yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f"未发现重复上传", chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # <-------------- convert pdf into tex -------------> chatbot.append([f"解析项目: {txt}", "正在将PDF转换为tex项目,请耐心等待..."]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) project_folder = pdf2tex_project(file_manifest[0]) if project_folder is None: report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"PDF转换为tex项目失败") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) return False # <-------------- translate latex file into Chinese -------------> yield from update_ui_lastest_msg("正在tex项目将翻译为中文...", chatbot=chatbot, history=history) file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.tex', recursive=True)] if len(file_manifest) == 0: report_exception(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到任何.tex文件: {txt}") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 return # <-------------- if is a zip/tar file -------------> project_folder = desend_to_extracted_folder_if_exist(project_folder) # <-------------- move latex project away from temp folder -------------> project_folder = move_project(project_folder) # <-------------- set a hash tag for repeat-checking -------------> with open(pj(project_folder, hash_tag + '.tag'), 'w') as f: f.write(hash_tag) f.close() # <-------------- if merge_translate_zh is already generated, skip gpt req -------------> if not os.path.exists(project_folder + '/merge_translate_zh.tex'): yield from Latex精细分解与转化(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, mode='translate_zh', switch_prompt=_switch_prompt_) # <-------------- compile PDF -------------> yield from update_ui_lastest_msg("正在将翻译好的项目tex项目编译为PDF...", chatbot=chatbot, history=history) success = yield from 编译Latex(chatbot, history, main_file_original='merge', main_file_modified='merge_translate_zh', mode='translate_zh', work_folder_original=project_folder, work_folder_modified=project_folder, work_folder=project_folder) # <-------------- zip PDF -------------> zip_res = zip_result(project_folder) if success: chatbot.append((f"成功啦", '请查收结果(压缩包)...')) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history); time.sleep(1) # 刷新界面 promote_file_to_downloadzone(file=zip_res, chatbot=chatbot) else: chatbot.append((f"失败了", '虽然PDF生成失败了, 但请查收结果(压缩包), 内含已经翻译的Tex文档, 您可以到Github Issue区, 用该压缩包进行反馈。如系统是Linux,请检查系统字体(见Github wiki) ...')) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history); time.sleep(1) # 刷新界面 promote_file_to_downloadzone(file=zip_res, chatbot=chatbot) # <-------------- we are done -------------> return success