import io, os, base64 from PIL import Image import gradio as gr import shortuuid from transformers import pipeline text_generation_model = "pranavpsv/gpt2-genre-story-generator" text_generation = pipeline("text-generation", text_generation_model) latent = gr.Interface.load("spaces/multimodalart/latentdiffusion") def get_story(user_input, genre="sci_fi"): prompt = f" <{genre}> " stories = text_generation(f"{prompt}{user_input}", max_length=32, num_return_sequences=1) story = stories[0]["generated_text"] story_without_prompt = story[len(prompt):] return story_without_prompt def text2image_latent(text, steps, width, height, images, diversity): print(text) results = latent(text, steps, width, height, images, diversity) image_paths = [] for image in results[1]: image_str = image[0] image_str = image_str.replace("data:image/png;base64,","") decoded_bytes = base64.decodebytes(bytes(image_str, "utf-8")) img = url = shortuuid.uuid() temp_dir = './tmp' if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True) image_path = f'{temp_dir}/{url}.png''{temp_dir}/{url}.png') image_paths.append(image_path) return(image_paths) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): user_input = gr.inputs.Textbox(placeholder="Type your prompt to generate an image", label="Prompt - try adding increments to your prompt such as 'a painting of', 'in the style of Picasso'", default="A giant mecha robot in Rio de Janeiro, oil on canvas") genre_input = gr.Dropdown(["superhero","action","drama","horror","thriller","sci_fi",]) generated_story = gr.Textbox() with gr.Row(): button_generate_story = gr.Button("Generate Story") with gr.Column(): steps = gr.inputs.Slider(label="Steps - more steps can increase quality but will take longer to generate",default=50,maximum=50,minimum=1,step=1) width = gr.inputs.Slider(label="Width", default=256, step=32, maximum=256, minimum=32) height = gr.inputs.Slider(label="Height", default=256, step=32, maximum = 256, minimum=32) images = gr.inputs.Slider(label="Images - How many images you wish to generate", default=4, step=1, minimum=1, maximum=4) diversity = gr.inputs.Slider(label="Diversity scale - How different from one another you wish the images to be",default=15.0, minimum=1.0, maximum=15.0) with gr.Column(): gallery = gr.Gallery(label="Individual images") with gr.Row(): get_image_latent = gr.Button("Generate Image", css={"margin-top": "1em"}) with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown("Story generation with GPT-2, and text to image by Latent Diffusion.") with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown("![visitor badge]("), inputs=[user_input, genre_input], outputs=generated_story), inputs=[generated_story,steps,width,height,images,diversity], outputs=gallery) demo.launch(enable_queue=False)