    Clean uncessary information in the weight (*.pth)
import torch

if __name__ == "__main__":
    weight_path = "saved_models/esrgan_best_generator.pth"
    store_path = "1x_APISR_RRDB_GAN_generator.pth"

    # Load the checkpoint
    checkpoint_g = torch.load(weight_path)
    keys = []
    for key in checkpoint_g: 
    for key in keys:
        if key != "model_state_dict":
            del checkpoint_g[key]

    # Access the weight
    old_keys = [key for key in checkpoint_g['model_state_dict']]
    for old_key in old_keys:
        if old_key[:10] == "_orig_mod.":
            new_key = old_key[10:]
            checkpoint_g['model_state_dict'][new_key] = checkpoint_g['model_state_dict'][old_key]
            del checkpoint_g['model_state_dict'][old_key]

    torch.save(checkpoint_g, store_path)