# moulinette moulinette #Command line svg to png inkscape -h 1468 -w 1576 imagea10.svg -o output.png --export-background-opacity=255 # command line png to svg pip install potrace-cli potracer ../SMoreau/images/flower.png -b svg -o image.png # Or image j convert image10.svg -colorspace Gray output.png # Put to aws Follow https://itnext.io/run-your-containers-on-aws-fargate-c2d4f6a47fda Permission denied ==> use sudo. 1/ build docker 2/ push docker image on aws ECR (elastic container registery) Error in building the docker use https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72564830/python3-minimal-error-during-pip-installation-in-docker-build-permissionerro Il faut absolument ne pas ĂȘtre sudo pour docker !