import collections from numpy.core.defchararray import lower import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os, random, time from utils import footer, generate, drawGrid from PIL import Image mode = "ai" #mode = "dummy" def app(): st.title('AI-Generated Architecture') st.subheader('Describe a building, interior, or other architecture you would like to see.') #Modern architecture museum with black brick and large windows. prompt = st.text_input(label="",value="Modern architecture museum with black brick and large windows.") st.text("") with st.expander("Having trouble thinking of something? Click here to view examples."): st.write(""" • Modern architecture museum with black brick and large windows.\n • A prosaic, simple architecture.\n • An urban, post-modern architecture with concrete and steel.\n • A sleek urban interior design. """) st.text("") crazy = st.slider('Temperature. This controls how "crazy" generated images are, where 0 is the least crazy.', 0.0, 1.0, 0.75) k = st.slider('Top K. The higher the value, the higher quality the results tend to be at the cost of extra processing time.', 1, 10, 1) if( 'results' not in st.session_state ): st.session_state.results = [] holder = st.empty() startButton = holder.button("Start") already = [] print("-0-") if startButton or hasattr(st.session_state, 'load_state'): with st.spinner("Generating..."): print("-1-") holder.empty() nextButton = holder.button("finished generating images") st.session_state.load_state = True placeholder = st.empty() second = st.empty() with second.container(): drawGrid() while len(st.session_state.results) <= 15: print("Length "+str(len(st.session_state.results))) with placeholder.container(): = placeholder.progress(0) if(nextButton): = 1 break generate(prompt,crazy,k) with second.container(): drawGrid() #placeholder.empty() = placeholder.progress(0) #drawGrid(placeholder)