{"id": "A1G.11.0", "text": "It Is difficult to know who is the more isolated : the 62 members of the Lebanese Parliament or the 73 members of the Lebanese press corps .", "summaries": ["who is more isolated : the Lebanese Parliament or the the Lebanese press corps ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.1", "text": "Lebanon 's MPs --- 31 of them Muslims , 31 of them Christians --- have left the militia leaders behind in Beirut to keep the peace .", "summaries": ["Lebanon 's MPs --- 31 Muslims , 31 Christians --- have left the militia in Beirut to keep the peace ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.10", "text": "And it is perfectly clear that the old representatives of Lebanese democracy are under considerable pressure to talk about reform and not withdrawal .", "summaries": ["the old representatives of Lebanese democracy are under pressure to talk about reform and not withdrawal ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.11", "text": "Saeb Salam made this perfectly evident .", "summaries": ["Saeb Salam made this evident ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.12", "text": "Mr Salam , 84 , a Sunni Muslim , is the most impressive of Lebanon 's dying breed of elder statesmen , but his words could have been those of a much younger man .", "summaries": ["Mr Salam , 84 , a Sunni Muslim , is the most impressive of Lebanon 's elder statesmen ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.13", "text": "`` It is not appropriate to insist upon an immediate Syrian withdrawal , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` It is not appropriate to insist upon an immediate Syrian withdrawal , '' he said ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.14", "text": "`` We must admit that a Syrian withdrawal could provoke many dangers for which no one would want to take responsibility .", "summaries": ["`` a Syrian withdrawal could provoke dangers ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.15", "text": "This is true , regardless of the opinion that some people have of Syria , and of their unhappiness at Syria 's presence in Lebanon .", "summaries": ["This is true , regardless of the opinion people have of Syria 's presence in Lebanon ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.16", "text": "Among the dangers that this could bring about would be the emergence of small concessional states governed by the militias. '' All this was shorthand for a simple warning : that if the Syrians pull out of west Beirut , the militias would go to war again in its streets , and there would be nothing the Christians could do about it.", "summaries": ["this could bring about small states governed by militias. '' this was shorthand for : if the Syrians pull out of west Beirut , the militias would go to war again"]} {"id": "A1G.11.2", "text": "The MPs are here to scrape the rust off the derelict machinery of government , to recreate the corroded institution that will have to elect a president and produce a government which can impose its rule on Lebanon --- and on the militia leaders .", "summaries": ["The MPs here have to elect a president and produce a government which can impose its rule on Lebanon and the militia leaders ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.3", "text": "Hence the isolation .", "summaries": ["Hence the isolation ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.4", "text": "Closeted in the conference palace at Taif --- itself built by a Lebanese-born millionaire --- the MPs found themselves unable to exercise their normal function of playing to the gallery .", "summaries": ["in the conference palace at Taif the MPs found themselves unable to exercise playing to the gallery ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.5", "text": "Lebanese parliamentary sessions have to be open to the public .", "summaries": ["parliamentary sessions have to be open to the public ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.6", "text": "They also , by law , have to be held in Beirut .", "summaries": ["They have to be held in Beirut ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.7", "text": "So this was therefore called `` an informal meeting of Lebanese parliamentarians '' --- which effectively closed the doors of their marble debating chamber to the press .", "summaries": ["this was called `` an informal meeting '' --- which closed the doors to the press ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.8", "text": "In equal isolation at the Intercontinental Hotel , 16 miles away , Lebanese journalists found themselves restricted to the parliament 's two opening statements and a diet of gentle assurances from Prince Saud al-Feisel , the Saudi Foreign Minister , that optimism was the order of the day , but while he had heard of some disputes in the parliamentary chamber , he had every reason to believe the Lebanese would accept the Arab League peace plan .", "summaries": ["Lebanese journalists found themselves restricted to the parliament 's two opening statements and assurances from Prince Saud al-Feisel that he had every reason to believe the Lebanese would accept the Arab League peace plan ."]} {"id": "A1G.11.9", "text": "Christian MPs close to General Michel Aoun wanted to talk first about a Syrian withdrawal , in according with the general 's instructions .", "summaries": ["Christian MPs close to General Michel Aoun wanted to talk first about a Syrian withdrawal ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.0", "text": "The People of Montenegro yesterday welcomed home the remains of Nicholas I , their first and last king , after 70 years ' exile in Italy , in belated fulfilment of his last will and testament .", "summaries": ["Montenegro welcomed the remains of Nicholas I , their first and last king , after 70 years ' exile in Italy ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.1", "text": "Thousands of Montenegrins , many in national costume , waited at the quayside in Bar for the Italian warship that would bring him home .", "summaries": ["Montenegrins waited in Bar for the warship that would bring him home ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.10", "text": "`` He liberated us from the Turks and fought for our independence , '' said a small boy who waited at the quayside amid a jostling crowd of former monarchs , visiting Serbian bishops and television crews .", "summaries": ["`` He liberated us from the Turks '' said a boy who waited amid former monarchs , Serbian bishops and television crews ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.11", "text": "Marko Radoman , 103 , and a veteran of both Balkan wars , was given a place at the front as one of the few with personal memories of Nicholas 's reign .", "summaries": ["Marko Radoman , a veteran of both Balkan wars , was given a place at the front ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.12", "text": "For a man whom Rebecca West , a contemporary Balkan observer , called `` repulsive '' and `` treacherous '' for deserting his Serbian son-in-law , King Alexander , in the First World War , it is a sepia-tinted view of history .", "summaries": ["For a man Rebecca West called `` repulsive '' for deserting his son-in-law , King Alexander , in the First World War , it is a sepia-tinted view of history ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.13", "text": "Nicholas was known as `` the uncle of Europe '' for his success in marrying his beautiful but penniless daughters into the grander royal houses of Russia , Serbia and Italy .", "summaries": ["Nicholas was known as `` the uncle of Europe '' marrying his daughters into the royal houses of Russia , Serbia and Italy ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.14", "text": "This furthered his long-term ambition to rule a large `` south Slav '' kingdom when the Ottoman Empire finally collapsed .", "summaries": ["This furthered his ambition to rule a `` south Slav '' kingdom ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.15", "text": "One daughter , a grand duchess of Russia , even gained a footnote in history by introducing an unknown monk , Rasputin , to the Russian Tsarina Alexandra .", "summaries": ["One daughter gained a footnote in history by introducing Rasputin to Tsarina Alexandra ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.16", "text": "In his minute , inaccessible capital , which today has only 15,000 inhabitants , Nicholas erected a miniature European court and an exquisitely furnished Victorian palace .", "summaries": ["In his capital , which today has 15,000 inhabitants , Nicholas erected a miniature court and an Victorian palace ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.17", "text": "He even persuaded 12 European powers to turn cottages into full embassies .", "summaries": ["He persuaded 12 European powers to turn cottages into embassies ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.18", "text": "It was a fair achievement in a town which an earlier observer described as `` 44 hovels '' .", "summaries": ["It was in a town an earlier observer described as `` 44 hovels '' ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.19", "text": "But Nicholas 's grand design collapsed in 1918 when his Serbian son-in-law , Alexander , deposed him and incorporated Montenegro into Yugoslavia .", "summaries": ["Nicholas 's design collapsed in 1918 when his Serbian son-in-law incorporated Montenegro into Yugoslavia ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.2", "text": "Then they formed a slow procession behind the coffin into the mountains to the old royal capital of Cetinje for his reburial in the monastery there .", "summaries": ["they formed a procession to the old capital of Cetinje for his reburial ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.3", "text": "What was surely the last ever Montenegrin `` royal event '' was masterminded by the republic 's new Communist leadership , which has abruptly stopped describing Nicholas as a class enemy , to ride the same wave of popular patriotism and royal fervour which swept Serbia in the recent celebrations of the 600th anniversary of the battle of Kosovo .", "summaries": ["the event was masterminded by the Communist leadership to ride the wave of patriotism which swept Serbia in the 600th anniversary of the battle of Kosovo ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.4", "text": "The latest biography now calls him `` an outstanding statesman , warrior and man of letters '' .", "summaries": ["The latest biography calls him `` an outstanding statesman , warrior and man of letters '' ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.5", "text": "`` If I die abroad in exile , let my body rest in a temporary grave until my mortal remains be transferred to our dear homeland , '' said the Montenegrin President , Branko Kostic , reading the royal will and testament to the crowds in Cetinje Square , who carried flags and portraits of Nicholas and his queen , Milena .", "summaries": ["`` If I die in exile , let my body rest in a temporary grave until transferred to our homeland , '' said Branko Kostic , reading the royal will ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.6", "text": "`` Today the people of Montenegro fulfill the wish of their first and last king guided by innate love and respect for their history , '' he went on. `` Our tourist organisations are counting on big profits , '' said Srdan Darmanovic , a member of the Montenegrin Central Committee .", "summaries": ["`` the people of Montenegro fulfill the wish of their king '' he went on. `` tourist organisations are counting on big profits , '' said a member of the Montenegrin Central Committee ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.7", "text": "`` This will be good for the Montenegrin economy too. '' Montenegro 's young and go-ahead leadership , which came to power this year amid furious popular dissatisfaction with the `` old men in grey suits '' , sponsored the gathering of Nicholas 's surviving relatives --- the first `` royal reunion '' organised by a Communist government .", "summaries": ["`` This will be good for the economy '' Montenegro 's young leadership , which came to power amid dissatisfaction with the `` old men in grey suits '' , sponsored the gathering of Nicholas 's relatives ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.8", "text": "`` A letter dropped through the post from the President of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro , inviting me to the funeral , '' said John Kennedy , a Conservative Party member who lives in Barking and is a distant relative of Nicholas .", "summaries": ["`` A letter dropped through the post inviting me to the funeral , '' said John Kennedy , a Conservative Party member and distant relative of Nicholas ."]} {"id": "A1G.27.9", "text": "Montenegro 's sudden rehabilitation of Nicholas 's memory is a popular move .", "summaries": ["Montenegro 's rehabilitation of Nicholas is popular ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.0", "text": "In The dying hours of Tuesday 's Panamanian coup , rebel officers refused a `` face-to-face '' request from a Us military officer to hand over General Noriega for trial in America , the Us Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , said yesterday .", "summaries": ["In Tuesday 's Panamanian coup , rebel officers refused a request to hand over Noriega for trial in America , Dick Cheney said ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.1", "text": "Shortly afterwards the rebels asked for Us troops to help them to defend the routes to the military headquarters they had seized .", "summaries": ["afterwards the rebels asked for Us troops to help them ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.10", "text": "`` It was n't until late in the coup activities that it became clear that the coup plotters did , in fact , have him , '' Mr Cheney said .", "summaries": ["`` It was late that it became clear the coup plotters did have him , '' Cheney said ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.11", "text": "`` Shortly after that the coup collapsed. '' When approached `` face to face '' by a senior Us officer , two rebel officers said they wanted General Noriega to retire within Panama , rather than face drug trafficking charges in the Us. Although Washington was notified of the rebellion last weekend , Mr Cheney said there was `` considerable reason '' to be cautious .", "summaries": ["`` Shortly after the coup collapsed. '' rebel officers said they wanted Noriega to retire within Panama , rather than face charges in the Us. Although Washington was notified of the rebellion , there was reason to be cautious ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.12", "text": "Us doubts were redoubled by news that the coup was to be led by Major Giraldi , a close associate of the Panamanian military dictator .", "summaries": ["the coup was led by Major Giraldi , associate of the Panamanian dictator ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.13", "text": "`` There was the possibility that it was an effort to draw the Us into some kind of an embarrassing incident , '' Mr Cheney said .", "summaries": ["`` There was the possibility it was an effort to draw the Us into an embarrassing incident , '' Mr Cheney said ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.14", "text": "The incident has become deeply embarrassing for the Bush administration , precisely because of its caution .", "summaries": ["The incident has become embarrassing for the administration , because of its caution ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.15", "text": "Criticism of the White House by both Democrats and Republicans grew yesterday .", "summaries": ["Criticism by Democrats and Republicans grew ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.16", "text": "Comparisons were made with the Reagan administration 's more robust attitude during the Grenada invasion and Libya bombing raid in 1984 and 1986 .", "summaries": ["Comparisons were made with Reagan 's attitude during the Grenada invasion and Libya raid ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.17", "text": "Democratic Congressman Dave McCurdy said `` there is a resurgence of the wimp factor '' and Republican Congressman William Broomfield said : `` We blew it ... It 's a major setback for our foreign policy. '' Other politicians complained that the failed coup had exposed the unaccustomed weakness of Us intelligence and undercover activities in Latin America .", "summaries": ["Democratic Congressman Dave McCurdy said `` there is a resurgence of the wimp factor '' and Republican Congressman William Broomfield said : `` We blew it '' politicians complained that the coup had exposed the weakness of Us intelligence in Latin America ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.2", "text": "The Us gave no answer to their request , said Mr Cheney .", "summaries": ["The Us gave no answer , said Mr Cheney ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.3", "text": "He said Washington decided against helping the rebels because they refused to hand over General Noriega and because the Us doubted their democratic good faith .", "summaries": ["Washington decided against helping because they refused to hand over Noriega and the Us doubted their good faith ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.4", "text": "The coup was not to restore democracy , he said , but a `` power struggle within the Panamanian Defence Force '' .", "summaries": ["The coup was a `` power struggle within the Panamanian Defence Force '' ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.5", "text": "Other Us government sources said both the rebels and the Us army Southern Command , based in Panama , had been startled by the swift recovery of the pro-Noriega forces on Tuesday .", "summaries": ["both the rebels and the Us army in Panama , had been startled by the swift recovery of the pro-Noriega forces ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.6", "text": "The `` loyal '' forces air-lifted a company of troops to an air-strip near the military headquarters held by the rebels .", "summaries": ["The `` loyal '' forces air-lifted troops near the headquarters held by the rebels ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.7", "text": "Their arrival swung on to General Noriega 's side a battalion which had previously declined to commit itself .", "summaries": ["Their arrival swung on to Noriega 's side a battalion which had declined to commit itself ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.8", "text": "Earlier , Mr Cheney appeared on television to rebut criticism of the Bush administration 's actions --- or inactions --- during the coup .", "summaries": ["Cheney appeared on television to rebut criticism of the Bush administration 's actions ."]} {"id": "A2X.24.9", "text": "He confirmed that General Noriega was briefly in the hands of the rebels but said the Us had no time to make use of this fact .", "summaries": ["He confirmed Noriega was briefly in the hands of the rebels ."]} {"id": "A30.16.0", "text": "As The Labour leadership congratulates itself on a virtually unprecedented exhibition of unity and moderation , they should be aware that knives are being sharpened at Conservative Central Office .", "summaries": ["As Labour congratulates itself on unity , knives are being sharpened at Conservative Central Office ."]} {"id": "A30.16.1", "text": "The object of the attentions of Tory apparatchiks --- and ministers --- is the new policy on employment law , moderate and sensible as it may seem .", "summaries": ["The object of the attentions of Tory apparatchiks is the policy on employment ."]} {"id": "A30.16.10", "text": "Basically , the clarification needs clarification .", "summaries": ["the clarification needs clarification ."]} {"id": "A30.16.11", "text": "Within the next few months , for instance , the party and unions should set the level of fines that recalcitrant unions would incur .", "summaries": ["for instance , the party and unions should set the fines unions would incur ."]} {"id": "A30.16.12", "text": "Mr Meacher should also spell out his plans for limits on picket lines .", "summaries": ["Meacher should spell out his plans on picket lines ."]} {"id": "A30.16.13", "text": "It is not sufficient to tell the conference that there will be no return to mass picketing .", "summaries": ["It is not sufficient to tell the conference there will be no return to mass picketing ."]} {"id": "A30.16.14", "text": "Most important , he will have to explain how far sympathy action should be allowed and precisely what would constitute a lawful trade dispute .", "summaries": ["he will have to explain sympathy action and what would constitute a lawful trade dispute ."]} {"id": "A30.16.15", "text": "Would it be lawful for instance , for workers to refuse to handle imports from South Africa ; would meat porters be allowed to take action in support of nurses .", "summaries": ["Would it be lawful to refuse to handle imports from South Africa ; would meat porters be allowed to support nurses ."]} {"id": "A30.16.16", "text": "The first would demonstrably be a political strike and the second would hardly be a trade dispute .", "summaries": ["The first would be a political strike and the second would hardly be a trade dispute ."]} {"id": "A30.16.17", "text": "The key phrase used by Mr Meacher is that there should be a `` genuine interest '' involved before industrial action was within the law .", "summaries": ["there should be a `` genuine interest '' before industrial action was within the law ."]} {"id": "A30.16.18", "text": "Jimmy Knapp , leader of the National Union of Railwaymen , argues that his members who took action in support of the miners during the coal strike had a genuine interest in the fight to keep pits open : fewer mines mean fewer coal trains .", "summaries": ["Jimmy Knapp , of the Union of Railwaymen , argues that action in support of the miners had a genuine interest : fewer mines mean fewer coal trains ."]} {"id": "A30.16.19", "text": "Setting limits to action will not be easy for Labour .", "summaries": ["Setting limits will not be easy ."]} {"id": "A30.16.2", "text": "Bluntly , the Shadow Cabinet and unions need to get their fingers out --- with some expedition --- to set the limits of the proposed legal framework .", "summaries": ["the Shadow Cabinet and unions need to set the limits of the proposed framework ."]} {"id": "A30.16.20", "text": "If workers hold a democratic vote to go on strike for whatever reason , it ill becomes a Labour government to legislate to make it unlawful .", "summaries": ["a democratic vote to go on strike ill becomes Labour to make unlawful ."]} {"id": "A30.16.21", "text": "But that , according to Mr Meacher , is what they will have to do .", "summaries": ["that is what they will have to do ."]} {"id": "A30.16.22", "text": "Within the next few months --- and long before the next election --- they will have to settle these questions or see the spectre of the Winter of Discontent raised to haunt them by gleeful Conservative politicians .", "summaries": ["they will have to settle these questions or see the spectre of the Winter of Discontent raised by Conservative politicians ."]} {"id": "A30.16.23", "text": "It simply is not enough for Mr Meacher to say that such details will be worked out after the next general election by Labour ministers and Whitehall officials .", "summaries": ["It is not enough to say that details will be worked out after the next general election ."]} {"id": "A30.16.24", "text": "Mr Meacher intends within the next three to six months to work out precisely what form of specialist industrial relations courts a future Labour government intends to set up. Difficult as it may be , he should attempt to settle more delicate issues .", "summaries": ["Mr Meacher intends within months to work out what form of industrial relations courts a Labour government intends to set up."]} {"id": "A30.16.25", "text": "If Mr Meacher is not the man to bang the heads of union leaders together , then surely Mr Kinnock is.", "summaries": ["If Meacher is not the man to bang the heads of union leaders together , then Kinnock is."]} {"id": "A30.16.3", "text": "True , the conference ignored the call for complete immunity in tort which the Tuc passed to the conference .", "summaries": ["the conference ignored the call for complete immunity in tort ."]} {"id": "A30.16.4", "text": "Under the resolution overwhelmingly passed by Labour delegates , unions would be subject to fines and there would no such immunity from civil action if they acted illegally .", "summaries": ["Under the resolution , unions would be subject to fines and there would no immunity from civil action ."]} {"id": "A30.16.5", "text": "Strikes without ballots , for instance , would not enjoy the protection of the law .", "summaries": ["Strikes without ballots would not enjoy the protection of the law ."]} {"id": "A30.16.6", "text": "There has , however , been a confusing flurry of paper involved in the evolution of the policy .", "summaries": ["There has been a flurry of paper involved ."]} {"id": "A30.16.7", "text": "First there was the broad statement of intent in the policy review document and then there was the controversial Tuc composite resolution --- an incompetently constructed mosaic of competing interests .", "summaries": ["First there was the broad statement of intent and then there was the controversial Tuc resolution ."]} {"id": "A30.16.8", "text": "Last Friday came a statement of `` clarification '' issued by the party and the unions and finally there was the debate and another statement by Michael Meacher , Labour 's employment spokesman .", "summaries": ["Last Friday came `` clarification '' and finally there was debate and another statement by Michael Meacher , Labour spokesman ."]} {"id": "A30.16.9", "text": "There has been nothing remotely resembling intellectual coherence .", "summaries": ["There has been nothing resembling coherence ."]} {"id": "A30.24.0", "text": "It Was , said Monty Python member Terry Jones yesterday of the death of his colleague Graham Chapman the worst case of party pooping he have ever come across .", "summaries": ["It Was , said Terry Jones of the death of Graham Chapman the worst case of party pooping ever ."]} {"id": "A30.24.1", "text": "Chapman had died of cancer on Wednesday on the eve of the twentieth anniversary celebration of the first Monty Python show .", "summaries": ["Chapman had died of cancer on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the first Monty Python show ."]} {"id": "A30.24.10", "text": "Cleese and Michael Palin were with him when he died .", "summaries": ["Cleese and Palin were with him when he died ."]} {"id": "A30.24.11", "text": "The painfully early death of someone who was part of a youth cult normally prompts obituaries for that cult .", "summaries": ["The death of someone who was part of a youth cult prompts obituaries for that cult ."]} {"id": "A30.24.12", "text": "But in the case of Python that could not be more inappropriate .", "summaries": ["in the case of Python that could be inappropriate ."]} {"id": "A30.24.13", "text": "Books , records and films continue to sell well .", "summaries": ["Books , records and films sell well ."]} {"id": "A30.24.14", "text": "The original shows were last year sold to Mtv in the Us. Only Chapman really failed to capitalise on Python 's success .", "summaries": ["The shows were sold to Mtv Us. Chapman failed to capitalise on Python 's success ."]} {"id": "A30.24.15", "text": "Cleese 's successes are well known .", "summaries": ["Cleese 's successes are known ."]} {"id": "A30.24.16", "text": "Palin , among many film triumphs , co-starred with Cleese in A Fish Called Wanda ; Eric Idle has also been consistently on screen .", "summaries": ["Palin co-starred with Cleese in A Fish Called Wanda ; Eric Idle has been consistently on screen ."]} {"id": "A30.24.17", "text": "Terry Jones has moved into film direction , as has Terry Gilliam , the show 's animator .", "summaries": ["Terry Jones has moved into film direction , as has Terry Gilliam ."]} {"id": "A30.24.18", "text": "The Python mixture of surrealism and Oxbridge set texts --- a `` summarising Proust '' competition in a municipal baths ; phoning Sartre 's wife `` Is John Paul free ? '' 'He 's been asking himself that for years ' --- is as familiar as the silly walks , deceased parrot and other images that have gained cult status .", "summaries": ["The Python surrealism --- a `` summarising Proust '' competition in a municipal baths --- is as familiar as the silly walks and other images that have gained cult status ."]} {"id": "A30.24.19", "text": "But if Chapman 's death is to provoke any analysis it might be to ask whether the Pythons achieved their original aim of breaking the mould of English television comedy , doing away with the studio applause , the guest star , the musical interlude , even on occasion the punchline .", "summaries": ["any analysis might ask whether the Pythons achieved their aim of breaking the mould of television comedy , doing away with studio applause , guest star , musical interlude , even punchline ."]} {"id": "A30.24.2", "text": "It was not the first time the 48-year-old comedian and doctor had pooped the party .", "summaries": ["It was not the first time the 48-year-old had pooped the party ."]} {"id": "A30.24.20", "text": "That ambition has only been partially fulfilled .", "summaries": ["That ambition has been partially fulfilled ."]} {"id": "A30.24.21", "text": "John Lloyd , producer of Not The Nine O'Clock News , Spitting Image and Blackadder , says that for his generation of university students 20 years ago Python was the seminal programme .", "summaries": ["John Lloyd , producer of Not The Nine O'Clock News , Spitting Image and Blackadder , says that for his generation Python was seminal ."]} {"id": "A30.24.22", "text": "The first Not the Nine O ' Clock News series had a sketch about Python worshippers but that team , while itself worshipping Python , went out of its way not to be derivative , eschewing silly voices , dressing in drag and what they later realised to be a misogynist trait in Python .", "summaries": ["The first Not the Nine O ' Clock News series had a sketch about Python worshippers but that team went out of its way not to be derivative , eschewing silly voices , dressing in drag and a misogynist trait ."]} {"id": "A30.24.23", "text": "`` In some ways , '' he said yesterday , `` Python does look very old-fashioned now , yet when I arranged a compilation of all 45 shows for the Bbc I found that we had on the Not The Nine O '' Clock News unintentionally pinched a number of things , putting the signature in the middle of the programme , parodying famous Tv interviews .", "summaries": ["he said , `` Python does look old-fashioned now , yet I found the Not The Nine O Clock News pinched a number of things , the signature in the middle of the programme , parodying famous interviews ."]} {"id": "A30.24.24", "text": "It impresses itself upon you subliminally .", "summaries": ["It impresses itself subliminally ."]} {"id": "A30.24.25", "text": "`` But the irony of a mould-breaking programme like Python is that it is a dead-end , a spoiler for the rest of us. Because it is so bizarre it is not possible to go down a very new route of comedy without appearing derivative .", "summaries": ["`` But the irony of Python is that it is a dead-end , it is not possible to go down a new route of comedy without appearing derivative ."]} {"id": "A30.24.26", "text": "And as not everyone can be a mould-breaker there are still a lot of traditional comedy shows on television. '' Indeed , the formula for the majority of comedy on television remains as it was before a ragged man struggled along the seashore , collapsed and panted seemingly with his last breath : `` It 's ... ''", "summaries": ["as not everyone can be a mould-breaker the formula for comedy on television remains as it was before ''"]} {"id": "A30.24.3", "text": "In 1967 Chapman , who had cultivated a conventional image with his ubiquitous tweed jacket and pipe , by his own later admission stunned a party attended by his friends and future Python colleagues by coming out as a homosexual .", "summaries": ["In 1967 Chapman , who had cultivated a conventional image , stunned a party by coming out as a homosexual ."]} {"id": "A30.24.4", "text": "John Cleese and Eric Idle who had both been at Cambridge with him had had no idea .", "summaries": ["John Cleese and Eric Idle who had been at Cambridge with him had had no idea ."]} {"id": "A30.24.5", "text": "Chapman said later that Cleese , his writing partner at Cambridge and afterwards on the Frost , Marty Feldman and At Last the 1948 shows , `` was still in a state of shock '' .", "summaries": ["Chapman said later that Cleese , his writing partner , `` was still in shock '' ."]} {"id": "A30.24.6", "text": "After the last Python show in 1974 Chapman pooped the party again .", "summaries": ["After the last Python show in 1974 Chapman pooped the party ."]} {"id": "A30.24.7", "text": "While the others went on to further success he fought and eventually won a battle against alcoholism , but his writing partnership with Cleese did not survive it , and , at his own choice , he was not a member of the Python film company Prominent Features .", "summaries": ["he fought a battle against alcoholism , but his writing partnership with Cleese did not survive it , and , at his choice , he was not a member of the Python film company ."]} {"id": "A30.24.8", "text": "The sometimes uneasy relations between Chapman and the rest of the team received a boost recently when they filmed an introduction to a twentieth anniversary special to be screened later this year .", "summaries": ["The uneasy relations between Chapman and the team received a boost when they filmed an introduction to a twentieth anniversary special ."]} {"id": "A30.24.9", "text": "All assumed then and indeed until two days ago that Chapman was recovering from his illness .", "summaries": ["All assumed Chapman was recovering ."]} {"id": "A30.25.0", "text": "Lord Aldington told a High Court jury yesterday he remembered making inquiries to ensure that thousands of Yugoslavs repatriated by the British at the end of the Second World War would be properly treated .", "summaries": ["Lord Aldington remembered making inquiries to ensure Yugoslavs repatriated by the British at the end of the War would be properly treated ."]} {"id": "A30.25.1", "text": "He was continuing evidence in a libel action against Count Nikolai Tolstoy , the historian , and Nigel Watts , a Tunbridge Wells property developer , who circulated a pamphlet in 1987 describing him as responsible for repatriating 70,000 Russian Cossacks and Yugoslavs to be massacred by the communists in 1945 .", "summaries": ["He was continuing evidence in a libel action against Nikolai Tolstoy , and Nigel Watts , who circulated a pamphlet describing him as responsible for repatriating 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs to be massacred by the communists ."]} {"id": "A30.25.10", "text": "He was asked why he had repatriated the women and children `` camp followers '' with the captured troops .", "summaries": ["He was asked why he had repatriated women and children with captured troops ."]} {"id": "A30.25.11", "text": "He said that had been a concession to them to allow families to stay together .", "summaries": ["He said to allow families to stay together ."]} {"id": "A30.25.12", "text": "`` I assume that we thought that these dependants would wish to accompany their soldiers and that the soldiers would wish to have them with them .", "summaries": ["`` we thought that dependants would wish to accompany their soldiers ."]} {"id": "A30.25.13", "text": "It was a concession , not an extra burden. '' But he did not order the return of other civilians , he said .", "summaries": ["It was a concession '' he did not order the return of other civilians ."]} {"id": "A30.25.14", "text": "At the time , he and his commanding officers were more concerned with preparing to fight Tito 's partisans , Lord Aldington added .", "summaries": ["he and his commanding officers were more concerned with Tito 's partisans ."]} {"id": "A30.25.15", "text": "In May 1945 Yugoslav partisans had been spreading through Allied-occupied Austria , trying to annexe much of it to their own country .", "summaries": ["In May 1945 Yugoslav partisans had been spreading through Austria , trying to annexe it to their country ."]} {"id": "A30.25.16", "text": "The British Eighth Army 's V Corps , where he was a staff officer , had been giving top priority to Operation Beehive , preparing a strategy to fight the Yugoslavs if necessary .", "summaries": ["The British Eighth Army 's V Corps had been giving priority to Operation Beehive , preparing to fight the Yugoslavs ."]} {"id": "A30.25.17", "text": "He said it had been vital to keep Operation Beehive secret from the Soviets and the Yugoslavs , so many people within V Corps had not known about it.", "summaries": ["to keep Operation Beehive secret from Yugoslavs , many people within V Corps had not known about it."]} {"id": "A30.25.2", "text": "The defendants say the accusations are true .", "summaries": ["The defendants say the accusations are true ."]} {"id": "A30.25.3", "text": "In evidence earlier this week Lord Aldington , 75 , formerly Brigadier Toby Lowe , said the first he had heard that the men , women and children sent back from the British-occupied zone of Austria had been tortured and massacred was from Count Tolstoy in 1979 .", "summaries": ["Lord Aldington said the first he had heard that men , women and children sent back from the British-occupied Austria had been tortured and massacred was from Tolstoy in 1979 ."]} {"id": "A30.25.4", "text": "He said yesterday : `` I 'm sure I had been making inquiries ( in 1945 ) about what would happen to people who we sent back .", "summaries": ["He said : `` I had been making inquiries about what would happen ."]} {"id": "A30.25.5", "text": "I have in my memory a feeling that we had satisfied ourselves that international law would be obeyed. '' He referred to two documents where the Yugoslavs gave undertakings about treatment of repatriated citizens .", "summaries": ["we had satisfied ourselves that international law would be obeyed. '' He referred to documents where the Yugoslavs gave undertakings about repatriated citizens ."]} {"id": "A30.25.6", "text": "Lord Aldington was asked why the Yugoslavs had not been told their destination before repatriation .", "summaries": ["Lord Aldington was asked why the Yugoslavs had not been told their destination ."]} {"id": "A30.25.7", "text": "`` We did not wish to create conditions which led to possible violence. '' This would have meant extra guards were needed on the camps , and would have forced the British soliders to use force .", "summaries": ["`` We did not wish to create conditions which led to violence. '' This would have meant extra guards , and would have forced the British soliders to use force ."]} {"id": "A30.25.8", "text": "He also told the court he had been acting in accordance with an order from Allied Forces Headquarters on 14 May 1945 .", "summaries": ["he had been acting in accordance with an order from Allied Forces Headquarters ."]} {"id": "A30.25.9", "text": "That said : `` All Russians to be handed over to Soviet forces and all surrendered Yugoslav nationals serving in German forces to be handed over to Yugoslav forces. '' Asked whether he had screened the Yugoslavs before they were sent back , he said there had been no requirement under the order .", "summaries": ["`` All Russians to be handed over to Soviet forces and all surrendered Yugoslav to Yugoslav forces. '' Asked whether he had screened the Yugoslavs , he said there had been no requirement under the order ."]} {"id": "A30.7.0", "text": "Neil Kinnock won a decisive victory yesterday when his party rejected demands to embrace proportional representation by a three-to-one majority .", "summaries": ["Neil Kinnock won when his party rejected proportional representation ."]} {"id": "A30.7.1", "text": "Conference delegates endorsed their leader 's determined stand after Roy Hattersley , Labour 's deputy leader , warned that for the party to concede demands for Pr would be `` an act of historic folly '' .", "summaries": ["Conference delegates endorsed their leader 's stand after Roy Hattersley , deputy leader , warned that Pr would be `` an folly '' ."]} {"id": "A30.7.10", "text": "It would be unprincipled , and undemocratic to take that view. '' Gavin Laird , general secretary of the Aeu engineering union , said Pr would be the remaining burning issue within the party in the run-up to the next election .", "summaries": ["It would be undemocratic to take that view. '' Gavin Laird , of the engineering union , said Pr would be the burning issue in the run-up to the next election ."]} {"id": "A30.7.11", "text": "`` The Nec report on this issue is a sham .", "summaries": ["`` The Nec report is a sham ."]} {"id": "A30.7.12", "text": "There was no debate on the national executive , merely an expression of prejudice and fear of change .", "summaries": ["There was no debate , merely expression of fear of change ."]} {"id": "A30.7.13", "text": "How can this party stifle debate on such a crucial issue ?", "summaries": ["How can this party stifle debate on such a issue ?"]} {"id": "A30.7.14", "text": "How can this party join with the Tories to defend the status quo ? '' Sheila Cunningham , of Norfolk North , said the present system was unfair and perpetuated the elective dictatorship which had developed in the 1980s .", "summaries": ["How can this party join the Tories to defend the status quo ? '' Sheila Cunningham said the system perpetuated the elective dictatorship developed in the 1980s ."]} {"id": "A30.7.15", "text": "Both the Tories and Labour had 46 per cent of the vote in the 1955 general election , yet Conservatives were elected with a majority of 55 .", "summaries": ["Both Tories and Labour had 46 per cent in 1955 , yet Conservatives were elected with a majority of 55 ."]} {"id": "A30.7.16", "text": "But many speakers saw the issue as a damaging diversion from Labour 's efforts to win the next election .", "summaries": ["many speakers saw the issue as a diversion from Labour 's efforts to win ."]} {"id": "A30.7.17", "text": "Alan Duncan , of the Gmb , said : `` It is absolutely irresponsible to waste the next year on a debate of no interest or concern to the people we represent. '' He was supported by Alun Michael , Mp for Cardiff South , who argued that for Labour to take the issue seriously would be a gift to the party 's opponents .", "summaries": ["Alan Duncan said : `` It is irresponsible to waste the next year on a debate of no interest '' He was supported by Alun Michael ."]} {"id": "A30.7.18", "text": "`` Pr involves voting for the least worst , and we want the best for the country as a whole .", "summaries": ["`` Pr involves voting for the least worst , and we want the best ."]} {"id": "A30.7.19", "text": "Just as we are on the way out of the desert , it would be plain daft to turn back because someone thinks they have seen a hazy mirage on the horizon. ''", "summaries": ["on the way out of the desert , it would be daft to turn back because someone thinks they have seen a mirage ''"]} {"id": "A30.7.2", "text": "He insisted : `` The inevitable result of proportional representation is coalition government .", "summaries": ["He insisted : `` The result is coalition government ."]} {"id": "A30.7.3", "text": "I do not believe that at the end of a week in which we have honed a new policy we are going to even contemplate bargaining that away in smoke-filled rooms with Paddy Ashdown , David Owen , or anyone else. '' Post-election pacts were the inevitable consequence of Pr. `` We would never have a Labour government able to carry out a Labour programme --- even when that programme had won far more votes than any of the other parties. '' Although Labour accepted that a second chamber to replace the Lords could be elected by a method other than the present first-past-the-post system , that chamber did not make or break governments .", "summaries": ["I do not believe that at the end of a week in which we have honed a new policy we are going to contemplate bargaining that away '' pacts were the consequence of Pr. `` We would never have a Labour programme --- even when that had won more votes '' Although a chamber to replace the Lords could be elected by a method other than the present , that chamber did not make or break governments ."]} {"id": "A30.7.4", "text": "`` It is in the House of Commons that governments must build their majorities .", "summaries": ["`` in the Commons governments build majorities ."]} {"id": "A30.7.5", "text": "For the House of Commons , proportional reprentation would in consequence be a reduction , not an extension of democracy. '' However , Jeff Rooker , Mp for Birmingham Perry Barr and a prominent advocate of Pr , said the House of Commons would continue to be `` largely , middle class , white , and male dominated '' without a new system .", "summaries": ["For the Commons , proportional reprentation would be a reduction of democracy. '' Jeff Rooker , advocate of Pr , said the Commons would continue to be `` , middle class , white , and male '' without a new system ."]} {"id": "A30.7.6", "text": "`` You cannot be satisfied with a system which means votes do not have equal value and where , unless you live in a marginal constituency elections pass you by on the other side .", "summaries": ["`` You cannot be satisfied with a system which means votes do not have equal value and unless you live in a marginal constituency elections pass you by ."]} {"id": "A30.7.7", "text": "You cannot be satisfied when our fellow citizens are saddled with an electoral system which leads to elective dictatoriship , and the corruption of parliamentary law-making processes .", "summaries": ["You cannot be satisfied with an system which leads to elective dictatoriship , and the corruption of parliamentary processes ."]} {"id": "A30.7.8", "text": "And all on the basis of 42 per cent of the vote .", "summaries": ["on the basis of 42 per cent ."]} {"id": "A30.7.9", "text": "`` Electoral reform cannot be held in reserve in case things go wrong .", "summaries": ["`` reform cannot be held in reserve ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.0", "text": "The Treasury is refusing to fund a further phase of the city technology colleges .", "summaries": ["The Treasury is refusing to fund further the city technology colleges ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.1", "text": "Plans for the creation of 20 CTCs by 1990 were announced by Kenneth Baker , the then Secretary of State for Education and Science , at the Conservative Party conference in October 1986 .", "summaries": ["20 CTCs by 1990 were announced by Kenneth Baker , then Secretary for Education , in 1986 ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.10", "text": "But yesterday , Susan Fey , of the Ctc Trust , said , `` We were only ever given a target of 20 .", "summaries": ["Susan Fey , of the Ctc Trust , said , `` We were given a target of 20 ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.11", "text": "We have never been to Treasury to ask for funds for more than 20 .", "summaries": ["We have never been to Treasury to ask for funds for more ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.12", "text": "Of course there have been discussions between the Trust and civil servants but nothing has gone to Pesc ( the expenditure talks). '' Although Sir Cyril had spoken in January 1988 about `` hundreds '' of CTCs , these would be funded by local education authorities .", "summaries": ["there have been discussions between the Trust and civil servants '' Although Sir Cyril had spoken about `` hundreds '' of CTCs , these would be funded by local authorities ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.13", "text": "Jack Straw , Labour 's shadow education secretary said yesterday at the Labour Party conference that the news to abandon further CTCs marked `` the death of an expensive corrupt fiasco , which has already cost the taxpayer millions '' .", "summaries": ["Jack Straw , shadow education secretary said that the news to abandon further CTCs marked `` the death of an fiasco '' ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.14", "text": "`` But so rotten has the policy proved that not even a `` taxpayer bail-out '' could save it. Indeed even Britain 's blue chip businesses boycotted the scheme despite being put under intense personal and political pressure , '' he added .", "summaries": ["`` not even a `` taxpayer bail-out '' could save it. businesses boycotted the scheme despite intense personal and political pressure , '' ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.15", "text": "Mr Straw said this involved `` veiled threats if they did not cough up and clear promises of honours if they did '' .", "summaries": ["Mr Straw said this involved `` veiled threats and clear promises of honours '' ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.16", "text": "He added : `` What is so appalling is that millions of pounds which should have been invested in children 's education has been squandered in pursuit of electoral advantage. '' He will renew calls on the public accounts committee to conduct a full investigation into `` this disgraceful waste of the funds so vital to the education of our children '' .", "summaries": ["He added : `` millions which should have been invested in education has been squandered '' He will renew calls to conduct a investigation into `` this disgraceful waste '' ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.17", "text": "He is also writing to John McGregor , the Education Secretary , urging him not only to abandon the idea of additional CTCs but to hand over those in the pipeline to local authorities .", "summaries": ["He is writing to John McGregor , Education Secretary , urging him not only to abandon the idea of additional CTCs but to hand over to local authorities ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.2", "text": "They were to be a new form of secondary school --- `` beacons of excellence '' --- funded mainly by industry , and would concentrate on science and technology .", "summaries": ["a form of secondary school funded by industry , would concentrate on science and technology ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.3", "text": "But the Government has been severely embarrassed by the burgeoning cost of the programme .", "summaries": ["the Government has been embarrassed by the cost ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.4", "text": "Mr Baker had said that industrial sponsors would pay `` all or a substantial part '' of the capital costs .", "summaries": ["Mr Baker had said sponsors would pay `` a substantial part '' of the costs ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.5", "text": "The lack of sponsors has meant the taxpayer has had to foot more of the bill .", "summaries": ["lack of sponsors has meant the taxpayer has had to foot the bill ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.6", "text": "The Department of Education and Science said yesterday that the Government had spent \u00a319.7m on CTCs and there was a further planned expenditure over the next three years of \u00a3106.2m .", "summaries": ["the Government spent \u00a319.7m on CTCs and there was a further expenditure of \u00a3106.2m ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.7", "text": "So far industry had contributed \u00a344m .", "summaries": ["industry had contributed \u00a344m ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.8", "text": "Sir Cyril Taylor , the Government 's adviser on CTCs , who had earlier been successful in persuading Mr Baker to commit more government funds to the 20 schools , had been hoping to get more money for a new round of schools .", "summaries": ["Sir Cyril Taylor , Government adviser on CTCs , had been hoping to get more money for a new round of schools ."]} {"id": "A3G.15.9", "text": "But sources have confirmed that this has been ruled out by the Treasury in the current round of public expenditure talks .", "summaries": ["this has been ruled out ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.0", "text": "Conservationists are concerned about the decline in the Scottish population of capercaillie , a bird of the old pine woods and the largest member of the grouse family .", "summaries": ["Conservationists are concerned about the decline of capercaillie , the largest member of the grouse family ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.1", "text": "The capercaillie , one of Britain 's most spectacular game birds , is prized by European trophy hunters .", "summaries": ["The capercaillie , one of Britain 's most spectacular birds , is prized by hunters ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.10", "text": "The experiment was prompted by a survey of the commission 's forests in northern Scotland .", "summaries": ["The experiment was prompted by a survey of the forests in northern Scotland ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.11", "text": "Assisted by the Rspb , the commission circulated questionnaires among its rangers in Highland and Grampian regions .", "summaries": ["Assisted by the Rspb , the commission circulated questionnaires among its rangers ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.12", "text": "The results showed that capercaillie had vanished from 12 of the 56 forests which had held them for 20 years , and numbers had declined in nearly all the other forests .", "summaries": ["The results showed that capercaillie had vanished from 12 of the 56 forests , and had declined in all the other forests ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.13", "text": "The commission has sponsored the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology ( Ite ) at Banchory , near Aberdeen , to examine how modern forests can be made capercaillie-friendly .", "summaries": ["The commission has sponsored the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology near Aberdeen , to examine how forests can be made capercaillie-friendly ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.14", "text": "Capercaillie in Scotland have already come back from near extinction once .", "summaries": ["Capercaillie have come back from near extinction once ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.15", "text": "They died out in the eighteenth century as a result of deforestation and hunting .", "summaries": ["They died out in the eighteenth century as a result of deforestation and hunting ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.16", "text": "The species was successfully re-established in Perthshire with birds from Sweden in the 1830s .", "summaries": ["The species was re-established with birds from Sweden in the 1830s ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.17", "text": "By the turn of this century they were plentiful in Scotland , eventually becoming so numerous that commercial foresters regarded them as vermin because of their liking for pine buds and needles ( a trait which , according to gourmets , makes them taste strongly of turpentine ) .", "summaries": ["they were plentiful in Scotland , eventually regarded them as vermin because of their liking for pine buds which makes them taste of turpentine ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.18", "text": "Their last population peak was 1974 .", "summaries": ["Their population peak was 1974 ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.19", "text": "Since then there has been a long decline .", "summaries": ["there has been a decline ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.2", "text": "But as it has retreated towards its heartland in the Tay , Dee and Spey valleys , most sporting estates have imposed a voluntary moratorium on shooting .", "summaries": ["as it has retreated most sporting estates have imposed a moratorium on shooting ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.3", "text": "Roy Dennis , North of Scotland officer for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , said there could be as few as 2,000 left in the highlands , an 80 per cent decline in the past 15 years .", "summaries": ["Roy Dennis , North of Scotland officer for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , said there could be an 80 per cent decline in the past 15 years ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.4", "text": "`` I would n't say it was the last ditch for the capercaillie .", "summaries": ["`` I would n't say it was the last for the capercaillie ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.5", "text": "But it is concerning. '' Poor breeding in wet , cold springs ; clear-felling of Scots pine forests ; the proliferation of dense sitka spruce plantations ; and over-shooting have all been suggested as contributing to the capercaillie 's retreat .", "summaries": ["'' Poor breeding ; clear-felling of forests ; the proliferation of spruce plantations ; and over-shooting have all been suggested as contributing to the capercaillie 's retreat ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.6", "text": "Robert Moss , the leading British expert on capercaillie , believes that habitat destruction and modern forestry practices played an important role .", "summaries": ["Moss , the leading expert on capercaillie , believes habitat destruction and forestry practices played an important role ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.7", "text": "`` The future of the capercaillie will depend on how good a habitat we provide for them in our new forests , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` The future of the capercaillie will depend on habitat '' ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.8", "text": "The bird 's retreat has led the Forestry Commission to modify three of its forests to make them more welcoming to capercaillie .", "summaries": ["The retreat has led the Forestry Commission to modify three forests to make them more welcoming to capercaillie ."]} {"id": "A3G.26.9", "text": "This has involved thinning trees , opening up glades around mature Scots pines and planting juniper and blackberries .", "summaries": ["This involved thinning trees , opening glades around Scots pines and planting juniper and blackberries ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.0", "text": "Archaeologists in Devon are recording the 5,000-year history of a valley which is about to be flooded to form one of Britain 's largest reservoirs .", "summaries": ["Archaeologists in Devon are recording the 5,000-year history of a valley about to be flooded to form one of Britain 's largest reservoirs ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.1", "text": "Investigations in the area --- part of the valley of the river Wolf , north-west of Dartmoor --- have revealed evidence of human activity dating from neolithic times .", "summaries": ["Investigations in the valley of the river Wolf have revealed human activity dating from neolithic times ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.10", "text": "However , by the 1970s the population had dwindled to less than 20 , and the last inhabitant moved out three years ago , after the land was bought by South West Water .", "summaries": ["by the 1970s the population had dwindled , and the last inhabitant moved out three years ago , after the land was bought by South West Water ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.11", "text": "Over the past two years , archaeologists have excavated the remains of a medieval village --- including its corn and cloth mills --- as well as four farm sites , and three buildings constructed of cob .", "summaries": ["Over two years , archaeologists have excavated a medieval village --- including corn and cloth mills --- four farm sites , and three buildings constructed of cob ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.12", "text": "The last house in the valley --- West Wortha --- will be demolished within the next four weeks , but archaeological work will continue even as the water level starts to rise .", "summaries": ["The last house will be demolished within weeks , but archaeological work will continue ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.13", "text": "The excavation --- directed by Peter Stead of Exeter Museum --- has been funded jointly by English Heritage and South West Water to the tune of \u00a3250,000 .", "summaries": ["The excavation --- directed by Peter Stead --- has been funded by English Heritage and South West Water to the tune of \u00a3250,000 ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.14", "text": "Items so far recovered include prehistoric flint instruments , medieval pottery , a seventeenth-century water wheel , eighteenth-century clay ovens for scalding Devonshire cream , and nineteenth-century cider presses and apple crushers .", "summaries": ["Items recovered include prehistoric flint instruments , medieval pottery , a seventeenth-century water wheel , eighteenth-century clay ovens , and nineteenth-century cider presses and apple crushers ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.15", "text": "A permanent exhibition on the history of the valley is to be established near the dam in the early 1990s .", "summaries": ["A permanent exhibition is to be established near the dam ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.16", "text": "The flooding process , which begins next week , is expected to be complete by 1991 .", "summaries": ["The flooding is expected to be complete by 1991 ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.17", "text": "A \u00a316.1m dam will hold back a 2.6-mile-long artificial lake to be known as the Roadford Reservoir .", "summaries": ["A \u00a316.1m dam will hold back a 2.6-mile-long Roadford Reservoir ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.18", "text": "The dam itself --- 45 miles west of Exeter and completed two months ago --- is 430 metres across and 40 metres high .", "summaries": ["The dam --- completed two months ago --- is 430 metres across and 40 metres high ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.2", "text": "But the most important aspect of the project has been the excavation of domestic buildings built between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries .", "summaries": ["most important has been the excavation of domestic buildings built between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.3", "text": "For the first time , archaeologists have been able to study in detail the techniques used by post-medieval builders to construct the typical `` cob '' houses for which the West Country is famous .", "summaries": ["For the first time , archaeologists have been able to study the techniques used to construct `` cob '' houses ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.4", "text": "Building in cob --- mud , straw and cow dung --- is no longer practised .", "summaries": ["Building in cob --- mud , straw and cow dung --- is no longer practised ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.5", "text": "The tradition , which goes back at least 2,500 years , continued until the early part of this century .", "summaries": ["The tradition , which goes back 2,500 years , continued until this century ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.6", "text": "Although cob walls contain no stone , apart from the footings , they are remarkably resilient .", "summaries": ["Although cob walls contain no stone , they are resilient ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.7", "text": "Tens of thousands of traditional mud-built cob buildings are still in use throughout Devon and Cornwall .", "summaries": ["thousands of cob buildings are still in use throughout Devon and Cornwall ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.8", "text": "In the early nineteenth century , the area --- whose most celebrated son was the Rev Sabine Baring-Gould , composer of the hymn `` Onward Christian Soldiers '' --- supported at least 100 people .", "summaries": ["In the early nineteenth century , the area supported 100 people ."]} {"id": "A3G.43.9", "text": "It had its own brickworks , cloth mill and farms , and was largely self-sufficient .", "summaries": ["It had brickworks , cloth mill and farms , and was largely self-sufficient ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.0", "text": "The Man with the bulbous nose and large gold pinky ring was determined to have his photograph taken with Congressman Jim Florio .", "summaries": ["The Man with the bulbous nose and pinky ring was determined to have his photograph taken with Congressman Jim Florio ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.1", "text": "Elbowing his way through the crowd at the `` colonial streetfair '' inside the Loews Glenpointe Hotel , he said that having paid $ 500 to get in , he was n't about to leave without being photographed with the next governor of New Jersey .", "summaries": ["at the `` colonial streetfair '' inside the Loews Glenpointe Hotel , he said that having paid $ 500 to get in , he was n't about to leave without being photographed with the next governor of New Jersey ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.10", "text": "Mr Florio 's formula has been to embrace those Republican policies which brought economic growth to the state during the Reagan years , while sharply attacking the Republicans ' conservative stand on social and environmental issues .", "summaries": ["Florio 's formula has been to embrace Republican policies which brought economic growth , while attacking the conservative stand on social and environmental issues ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.11", "text": "He contends that economic prosperity has given the voters the opportunity to choose on issues like abortion and the environment .", "summaries": ["He contends prosperity has given the opportunity to choose on abortion and the environment ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.12", "text": "To a large extent , the election has been fought on the airwaves , with both candidates delivering television advertisements attacking each other .", "summaries": ["the election has been fought with both candidates delivering television advertisements attacking each other ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.13", "text": "Because New Jersey does not have its own television station , or even a state newspaper , the candidates have bought expensive air time on the New York City-based stations and in Mr Florio 's case , they seem to be working .", "summaries": ["Because New Jersey does not have its own television station , the candidates have bought air time on the New York stations and in Florio 's case , they seem to be working ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.14", "text": "The Republicans placed an advertisement making a link between Mr Florio and the Mafia , which the Democrats have countered with ads referring to Mr Courter as a liar and showing his nose getting longer --- Pinocchio-style - as he speaks .", "summaries": ["The Republicans placed an advertisement making a link between Florio and the Mafia , which the Democrats countered referring to Courter as a liar and showing his nose getting longer as he speaks ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.15", "text": "The Republican advertisement shows Angelo Errichett , the Mayor of Camden --- which is in Mr Florio 's district --- being dragged off to jail after his conviction for corruption .", "summaries": ["The Republican advertisement shows Angelo Errichett , Mayor of Camden --- in Florio 's district --- being dragged off to jail ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.16", "text": "`` Joisey '' is still the butt of jokes made by New York sophisticates , but its political leaders , like the outgoing Governor Kean , now have national stature and have taken the lead in forming social policy for the rest of America on welfare reform , school financing , public housing and care of the environment .", "summaries": ["`` Joisey '' is still the butt of jokes , but its leaders like Kean have national stature forming social policy for the rest of America on welfare school financing , public housing and the environment ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.17", "text": "Almost a million new jobs have come to the state since 1990 , many in pharmaceuticals and electronics , making up for the 1,000 jobs a month which have been lost in mature heavy industries .", "summaries": ["Almost a million new jobs have come since 1990 , many in pharmaceuticals and electronics , making up for jobs lost in heavy industries ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.18", "text": "The state has a population of 7.6 million , making it the most densely populated in the union .", "summaries": ["The state has a population of 7.6 million , the most densely populated ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.2", "text": "Candidate Florio and his blonde wife , Lucinda , had no choice but to pose with the property developer from the Jersey waterfront before moving on past three mediocre belly-dancers , a man ( on stilts ) dressed up as Abraham Lincoln and an actor dressed up as Rip Van Winkle .", "summaries": ["Florio and his wife had to pose with the property developer before moving on ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.3", "text": "The Florios worked the room with ease and self-confidence and by the time they had reached the podium an aide to the candidate was saying that almost a million dollars had already been raised for the Democratic campaign .", "summaries": ["The Florios worked the room with ease and by the time they reached the podium a million dollars had been raised for the Democratic campaign ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.4", "text": "On the platform , Mr Florio asked the party faithful not to become too complacent .", "summaries": ["Florio asked the party faithful not to become complacent ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.5", "text": "`` To quote the famous American philosopher Yogi Berra ( of baseball fame ) , '' he said , `` It ai n't over till it 's over. '' With less than a month left before the 7 November election and opinion polls showing that he leads his Republican opponent , Congressman Jim Courter , by between 14 and 23 points , the race for governor of New Jersey is attracting intense national interest .", "summaries": ["With a month left before the November election and opinion polls showing he leads his opponent , Jim Courter , by between 14 and 23 points , the race for governor of New Jersey is attracting national interest ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.6", "text": "Traditionally a Democratic state , New Jersey has been under broad Republican control since Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in 1980 and Governor Thomas Kean narrowly defeated Mr Florio in 1981 .", "summaries": ["Traditionally Democratic , New Jersey has been under Republican control since Reagan defeated Carter in 1980 and Thomas Kean defeated Mr Florio in 1981 ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.7", "text": "Thanks to an economic boom which started in the Reagan era , New Jersey has started to shed its hackneyed image as the home of toxic dumps and second-class citizens .", "summaries": ["Thanks to an economic boom which started in the Reagan era , New Jersey has started to shed its image of toxic dumps and second-class citizens ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.8", "text": "Once looked upon as a valley of humility between two mountains of conceit --- New York City and Philadelphia --- the Garden State now has a much sharper image to present to the world .", "summaries": ["Once a valley of humility between two mountains of conceit --- New York and Philadelphia --- the State now has a sharper image ."]} {"id": "A3U.1.9", "text": "This year , with the Democrats poised to win the state , the national leadership is looking to see whether the same tactics can be used to turn back the tide on the Republicans nationwide .", "summaries": ["with the Democrats poised to win , the national leadership is looking to see whether the same tactics can turn back the tide nationwide ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.0", "text": "The West German government yesterday expressed `` great concern and deep dismay '' at police violence against East Germans demonstrating for reform at the weekend .", "summaries": ["The West German government expressed concern dismay at police violence against East Germans demonstrating for reform ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.1", "text": "It urged the East German leadership to respond to demands for freedom `` not with the police but with understanding and open-mindedness '' .", "summaries": ["It urged the leadership to respond `` with understanding and open-mindedness '' ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.10", "text": "The flow of East German refugees swelled during the 24 hours to Sunday morning from the normal 500-600 to 1,184 , bringing the number who have taken that route since Hungary opened its borders on 11 September to 35,000 .", "summaries": ["The flow of refugees swelled from 500-600 to 1,184 , bringing the number who have taken that route since Hungary opened its borders to 35,000 ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.11", "text": "A further 300 have taken refuge with the West German embassy in Warsaw and , although the East German-Czechoslovak border is virtually sealed off and the West German embassy in Prague is surrounded by police who turn would-be refugees away , 30 more have managed to get inside the building .", "summaries": ["300 have taken refuge with the West German embassy in Warsaw and , although the embassy in Prague is surrounded by police , 30 have managed to get inside ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.12", "text": "Rudolf Seiters , head of the West German chancellery , who played a big role in the deals to ship more than 14,000 from Warsaw and Prague to the West in special trains , said he was confident a solution will be found for them too .", "summaries": ["Rudolf Seiters , who played a big role in the deals to ship 14,000 from Warsaw and Prague , was confident a solution will be found for them too ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.13", "text": "Earlier , Mr Vogel said Mr Honecker 's speech on Saturday must have disappointed reformists in East Germany .", "summaries": ["Mr Vogel said Honecker 's speech on Saturday must have disappointed reformists ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.14", "text": "`` One could discern no forward-looking political thinking , nor any willingness even to contemplate reform. '' President Gorbachev , he said , had `` spoken clear words very cautiously .", "summaries": ["`` no forward-looking , nor willingness to reform. '' Gorbachev , had `` spoken clear words very cautiously ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.15", "text": "Whether the ( East German Communist ) leadership will draw the consequences remains to be seen. '' Mr Seiters said Mr Honecker 's speech was an `` oppressive contrast '' to the challenge posed him by the recent exodus and the upsurge of demands in East Germany for reform .", "summaries": ["Whether the leadership will draw the consequences remains to be seen. '' Mr Seiters said Honecker 's speech was an `` oppressive contrast '' to the demands for reform ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.16", "text": "East Germany must change course it if it is to stop the haemorrhage of its own people , he said , and renewed Bonn 's offer of financial assistance for reforms .", "summaries": ["East Germany must change course , he said , and renewed Bonn 's offer of financial assistance ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.17", "text": "Volker Ruhe , secretary-general of the ruling Christian Democrat party , said West German aid should include projects to improve East Germany 's consumer goods industries and to develop its environment technology .", "summaries": ["Volker Ruhe , secretary-general of the Christian Democrat party , said aid should include projects to improve consumer goods industries and environment technology ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.18", "text": "West Germany 's opposition Social Democrats yesterday cautiously welcomed the formation of an East German Social Democrat party , the first actual political party to emerge from the present ferment for reform .", "summaries": ["West Germany 's Social Democrats cautiously welcomed the formation of an East German Social Democrat party , the first to emerge ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.19", "text": "The caution was prompted by a desire not to seem anxious to dominate the fledgeling party .", "summaries": ["The caution was prompted by a desire not to dominate the party ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.2", "text": "The `` oppressive '' police violence , arrests and the jamming of a West Berlin radio station had thrown `` further heavy shadows '' over East Germany 's 40th anniversary , the deputy government spokesman , Dieter Vogel , said .", "summaries": ["police violence , arrests and the jamming of a West Berlin radio station had thrown `` heavy shadows '' over East Germany 's 40th anniversary , the deputy government spokesman said ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.20", "text": "`` It is not for us to steer these people or act on their behalf '' , said the Spd spokesman Eduard Heussen .", "summaries": ["`` It is not for us to steer these people '' , said spokesman Eduard Heussen ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.21", "text": "`` But we declare our solidarity with them. '' The Social Democrat party , banned by the Nazis in 1933 , returned to life for only one year after the war in what was then the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany .", "summaries": ["`` we declare our solidarity with them. '' The Social Democrat party , banned by the Nazis , returned to life for only one year after the war ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.22", "text": "In 1946 it was forcibly merged with the Communist Party into what was , and is , called the Socialist Unity Party ( Sed ) .", "summaries": ["In 1946 it was forcibly merged with the Communist Party and called the Socialist Unity Party ( Sed ) ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.23", "text": "The Social Democrats found themselves without influence inside a hard-line Stalinist party .", "summaries": ["The Social Democrats found themselves without influence inside a Stalinist party ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.3", "text": "At the same time West German leaders renewed their pressure on the East German regime to follow Mikhail Gorbachev 's advice and bring in glasnost and perestroika .", "summaries": ["West German leaders renewed their pressure on the East German regime to follow Gorbachev 's perestroika ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.4", "text": "They again offered strong economic backing for reforms .", "summaries": ["They offered economic backing for reforms ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.5", "text": "Dorothea Wilms , minister for intra-German affairs , and Oscar Lafontaine , Social Democrat prime minister of the Saarland ventured to hope that there would soon be changes in East Germany despite the fact that its leader , had not shown the slightest inclination to budge during the 40th anniversary celebrations and talks with the Soviet president .", "summaries": ["Dorothea Wilms , minister for intra-German affairs , and Oscar Lafontaine , prime minister of Saarland hope there would soon be changes despite the fact that its leader , had not shown inclination to budge ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.6", "text": "Hundreds of Western tourists were again turned away at crossing points in the Berlin Wall yesterday as East Berlin remained sealed off to all but those with regular visas for the fourth day running .", "summaries": ["Western tourists were turned away at the Berlin Wall as East Berlin remained sealed off for the fourth day ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.7", "text": "The authorities evidently feared that Westerners would reinforce protest demonstrators in the city .", "summaries": ["The authorities feared Westerners would reinforce demonstrators ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.8", "text": "A large and angry group of people hurled beer bottles and cans at East German border guards at the Checkpoint Charlie crossing point on Saturday and tore down parts of a newly metal fence in protest .", "summaries": ["people hurled beer bottles and cans at East German border guards at the Checkpoint Charlie and tore down parts of a fence ."]} {"id": "A3U.23.9", "text": "No-one was hurt but one man was detained by West German police for identification .", "summaries": ["one man was detained by West German police ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.0", "text": "The Number of people entitled to civil legal aid has fallen by more than 14 million since 1979 , according to research published today .", "summaries": ["The Number of people entitled to legal aid has fallen by 14 million since 1979 ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.1", "text": "The findings confirm earlier estimates of a large drop in eligibility and will fuel renewed calls for the legal aid means test to be thoroughly reviewed .", "summaries": ["The findings confirm a drop in eligibility and will fuel calls for the legal aid means test to be reviewed ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.10", "text": "`` Green form '' advice for consumer problems was 16 per cent down on the previous year .", "summaries": ["`` Green form '' advice was 16 per cent down on the previous year ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.11", "text": "Help with employment disputes fell by 14 per cent , with debt , immigration and housing matters showing falls of 13 , 9 and 8 per cent respectively .", "summaries": ["Help with employment fell by 14 per cent , with debt , immigration and housing showing falls of 13 , 9 and 8 per cent respectively ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.12", "text": "Like previous studies , Mr Murphy 's analysis uses conservative assumptions and legal aid experts say the problem could be much more serious .", "summaries": ["Mr Murphy 's analysis uses conservative assumptions and legal aid experts say the problem could be more serious ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.13", "text": "Mr Murphy says eligibility levels which took account of variations between households and actual , rather than assumed , figures for tax and housing , could be definitively assessed by further analysis of detailed Family Expenditure Survey statistics at the cost of only a few thousand pounds .", "summaries": ["Mr Murphy says eligibility which took account of variations between households and actual figures for tax and housing , could be definitively assessed by further analysis of Family Expenditure Survey statistics ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.14", "text": "Lord Mackay has treated claims that eligibility has substantially fallen as speculative .", "summaries": ["Lord Mackay treated claims eligibility has fallen as speculative ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.15", "text": "But there is now tacit acceptance at the Lord Chancellor 's department that the subject must be investigated .", "summaries": ["there is acceptance that the subject must be investigated ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.16", "text": "`` Over the last couple of months we have begun a preliminary look at the statistics with a view to doing our own calculations .", "summaries": ["`` we have begun a view to doing our calculations ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.17", "text": "The Family Expenditure Surveys will be a part of the exercise , '' a spokeswoman said .", "summaries": ["The Family Expenditure Surveys will be a part of the exercise '' ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.18", "text": "But she added : `` Numbers are one thing , effects are another .", "summaries": ["she added : `` Numbers are one thing , effects another ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.19", "text": "The scheme was intended for people of poor or moderate means .", "summaries": ["The scheme was for people of poor means ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.2", "text": "Compared with 10 years ago , when it was estimated that at least 70 per cent of two-parent households with two children came within the scheme , less than half of two-parent families now qualify , according to the author of the study , Michael Murphy , a statistician at the London School of Economics .", "summaries": ["Compared with 10 years ago , when it was estimated that 70 per cent of households with children came within the scheme , less than half of families now qualify , according to the of the study at the London School of Economics ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.20", "text": "We will need to discover who is really being stopped from going ahead with legal action , or whether people are making choices between legal action or re-mortgaging their house , a holiday , a car or otherwise freeing money which is tied up. ''", "summaries": ["We need to discover whether people are making choices between legal action or freeing money which is tied up. ''"]} {"id": "A3W.10.3", "text": "Claimants under the scheme receive advice or representation free or subject to a contribution linked to disposable income .", "summaries": ["Claimants receive representation free or subject to a contribution linked to income ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.4", "text": "But legal aid experts argue that low income and capital limits are denying access to justice to increasing numbers of people who cannot afford to pay privately .", "summaries": ["legal aid experts argue that income and capital limits are denying access to justice to increasing numbers of people ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.5", "text": "Mr Murphy 's analysis of available earnings and spending data , including the Department of Employment 's most recent Family Expenditure Survey , is revealed in today 's Legal Action .", "summaries": ["Mr Murphy 's analysis of data , including the Department of Employment 's most recent Family Expenditure Survey , is revealed in today 's Legal Action ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.6", "text": "The analysis concludes that 1 million households and more than 21/2 million people have dropped out of the legal aid net in the two years since Lord Mackay of Clashfern became Lord Chancellor .", "summaries": ["more than 21/2 million people have dropped out of the legal aid net in two years ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.7", "text": "Over the last decade , the upper disposable income limit rose by about 50 per cent , but earnings rose by 135 per cent and prices by 93 per cent .", "summaries": ["Over the last decade , the income limit rose by 50 per cent , but earnings rose by 135 per cent and prices by 93 per cent ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.8", "text": "Mr Murphy 's findings are borne out by new evidence of a decline in the use of legal aid .", "summaries": ["Mr Murphy 's findings are borne out by evidence of a decline in legal aid ."]} {"id": "A3W.10.9", "text": "Figures for the year ended 31 March 1989 , due to be published at the end of the year , show an overall 8 per cent drop in the use of the `` green form '' initial advice and assistance scheme , as compared with an overall increase the previous year of 10 per cent .", "summaries": ["Figures for the year ended 31 March 1989 , show an 8 per cent drop in the advice and assistance scheme , as compared with an overall increase the previous year of 10 per cent ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.0", "text": "Most Of Setsuko 's paintings were sold by Friday lunchtime --- and the show at the Lefevre Gallery only opened on Thursday .", "summaries": ["Most Of Setsuko 's paintings were sold by Friday --- the show at the Lefevre Gallery opened on Thursday ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.1", "text": "Her gouache paintings on paper depict unpeopled interiors and flowers with a Japanese sense of colour and design , but their intriguing magic derives from the marriage of East and West .", "summaries": ["Her gouache paintings depict unpeopled interiors and flowers with a Japanese sense of design , but their magic derives from the marriage of East and West ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.10", "text": "Anthony Caro 's prices are 10 times higher --- but then he is the founding father of British avant-garde sculpture and does much of his work in the Us where prices are higher .", "summaries": ["Anthony Caro 's prices are 10 times higher --- he is the father of British avant-garde sculpture and does work in the Us ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.11", "text": "A major exhibition of his 1980s sculpture is split between Annely Juda Fine Art and the Knoedler Gallery .", "summaries": ["A exhibition of his 1980s sculpture is split between Annely Juda Fine Art and the Knoedler Gallery ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.12", "text": "The Knoedler pieces are evocations in welded metal of the balance of forms in some of the most famous Western paintings , Manet 's Dejeuner sur l'herbe and the Descent from the Cross as interpreted by Rubens and Rembrandt .", "summaries": ["The Knoedler pieces are evocations in welded metal of forms in Manet 's Dejeuner sur l'herbe and the Descent from the Cross by Rubens and Rembrandt ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.13", "text": "The powerful balance of these figure compositions is highlighted when they are transposed into tubes and sheets of metal .", "summaries": ["The balance is highlighted when they are transposed into tubes and sheets of metal ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.14", "text": "They are priced between $ 150,000 ( Manet ) and $ 180,000 ( Rembrandt ) .", "summaries": ["They are priced between $ 150,000 and $ 180,000 ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.15", "text": "Annely Juda has used the gallery 's three floors to divide the exhibits into three distinct groups .", "summaries": ["Annely Juda 's three floors divide the exhibits into three groups ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.16", "text": "The ground floor has big architectural metal sculptures , dominated by the Elephant Palace whose abstract form in shiny brass echoes the monumental mass of an elephant and scores the top price at $ 250,000 .", "summaries": ["The ground floor has architectural sculptures , dominated by the Elephant Palace at $ 250,000 ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.17", "text": "The first floor contains paper sculptures --- he has used torn , cut , folded and painted paper to form provocative jumbles contained in plexiglass cases ; these abstract explorations of texture and form , which closely parallel his metal pieces , are attractively priced at $ 10,000 .", "summaries": ["The first floor contains paper sculptures in plexiglass cases ; these explorations of texture and form are priced at $ 10,000 ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.18", "text": "It is clearly harder work to produce smaller images in metal ; the contorted metal forms in the third-floor gallery , mostly two to three foot high , cost between $ 40,000 and $ 60,000 .", "summaries": ["the metal forms in the third-floor gallery , two to three foot high , cost between $ 40,000 and $ 60,000 ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.19", "text": "Fischer Fine Art is showing Elisabeth Frink , the grande dame of British sculpture .", "summaries": ["Fischer Fine Art is showing Elisabeth Frink ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.2", "text": "The chairs and tables , shopping baskets , watering cans and tablecloths are Western , as are the flowers .", "summaries": ["chairs tables , shopping baskets , watering cans and tablecloths are Western , as are the flowers ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.20", "text": "She represents a wholly different tradition in twentieth-century sculpture to Caro .", "summaries": ["She represents a different tradition in sculpture to Caro ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.21", "text": "Where he is abstract and geometric , she is figurative and expressionist .", "summaries": ["he is abstract and geometric , she is figurative and expressionist ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.22", "text": "The show is dominated by more than life-size naked bronze men inspired by the majestic Hellenistic bronze warriors rescued from the sea off southern Italy in the 1970s .", "summaries": ["The show is dominated by more than life-size naked bronze men inspired by the Hellenistic bronze warriors ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.23", "text": "Their heavy , menacing bodies , roughly finished and coloured with acid cost \u00a350,000 .", "summaries": ["Their bodies , roughly finished and coloured with acid cost \u00a350,000 ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.24", "text": "Other works start at \u00a32,500 and include drawings , small animal bronzes , paper cut-outs and massive plaster heads .", "summaries": ["Other works start at \u00a32,500 and include drawings , animal bronzes , paper cut-outs and plaster heads ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.3", "text": "They have been arranged in a Western home by the Japanese wife of Balthus , the great French painter .", "summaries": ["They have been arranged in a Western home by the Japanese wife of Balthus ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.4", "text": "Balthus , who is 81 , married Setsuko , now 47 , in 1967 .", "summaries": ["Balthus , 81 , married Setsuko , 47 , in 1967 ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.5", "text": "She began to paint after the birth of her first child in 1973 .", "summaries": ["She began to paint after the birth of her first child in 1973 ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.6", "text": "The Lefevre show , which moves on to Tokyo in November , is Setsuko 's fourth exhibition .", "summaries": ["The Lefevre show is Setsuko 's fourth exhibition ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.7", "text": "While her husband 's work is seen as one of the landmarks in Western painting of the twentieth century , she has retained her own identity , working with the exquisite finesse of the best , traditional Japanese painters .", "summaries": ["While her husband 's work is one of the landmarks in Western painting , she has retained her identity , working with the finesse of traditional Japanese painters ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.8", "text": "There are just hints of Balthus 's influence in her interiors ; enough to add a piquancy to a supremely-decorative style .", "summaries": ["There are hints of Balthus 's influence ."]} {"id": "A3W.2.9", "text": "Her work would be a pleasure to live with at any price and the \u00a39,000 to \u00a313,000 range seems modest compared with much of the contemporary art on offer in London .", "summaries": ["Her work would be a pleasure to live with at any price and the \u00a39,000 to \u00a313,000 range seems modest ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.0", "text": "Going to the theatre , concerts and art galleries remains largely the privilege of the well-off and well-educated , and of more women than men , research shows .", "summaries": ["Going to the theatre , concerts and galleries remains the privilege of the well-off and well-educated , and of more women than men ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.1", "text": "A year-long survey of the habits of 24,000 adults in England , Wales and Scotland has found that people with an annual household income of \u00a320,000 or more have considerably higher levels of attendance than those in lower income groups .", "summaries": ["A survey of 24,000 adults in England , Wales and Scotland has found that people with an household income of \u00a320,000 or more have higher levels of attendance ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.10", "text": "Arts Council officers are understood to be considering changing the practice of handing out separate information about the arts to the different political party conferences .", "summaries": ["Arts Council officers are considering changing the practice of handing out information to political party conferences ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.11", "text": "As reported in some editions of The Independent last week , the Arts Council leaflet aimed at this week 's Conservative Party conference differs starkly from the one handed out to Labour delegates in Brighton last week .", "summaries": ["the Arts Council leaflet at this week 's Conservative Party conference differs from the one handed out to Labour ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.12", "text": "The leaflet earmarked for the Tories will stress the earning potential of the arts , its management and marketing skills , and the usefulness of sponsorship .", "summaries": ["The leaflet for the Tories will stress the earning potential of the arts , management and marketing skills , and the usefulness of sponsorship ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.13", "text": "The leaflet given to Labour activists mentions none of these things , concentrating on how many ordinary people go to arts events .", "summaries": ["The leaflet given to Labour mentions how many ordinary people go to arts events ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.14", "text": "In a memorable set of class assumptions , the Labour leaflet looks at how many people go to opera , jazz and West End theatres , while in the message to Tories only opera remains .", "summaries": ["the Labour leaflet looks at how many people go to opera , jazz and West End theatres , while in the message to Tories only opera remains ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.15", "text": "Neil Kinnock appears to have failed to convince the Arts Council that his party now has a wide constituency covering large sections of the middle classes , and might have business contacts .", "summaries": ["Neil Kinnock appears to have failed to convince the Arts Council that his party has a wide constituency , and might have business contacts ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.16", "text": "The Labour leaflet compared the numbers going to the Royal Shakespeare Company with attendances at Wembley Stadium , Aida with the Ideal Home Exhibition , and ballet , somewhat incongruously , with Rugby Union .", "summaries": ["The Labour leaflet compared numbers going to the Royal Shakespeare Company with attendances at Wembley Stadium , Aida with the Ideal Home Exhibition , and ballet with Rugby Union ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.17", "text": "And , without a hint of irony , under the heading `` All kinds of people enjoy the arts '' , it says that 3.1 million News of the World readers go to the theatre , and 1,157,000 Sun readers attend art galleries or exhibitions .", "summaries": ["it says that 3.1 million News of the World readers go to the theatre , and 1,157,000 Sun readers attend exhibitions ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.2", "text": "It was very high for people who took their full-time education beyond the age of 18 , and higher among women than men for all art forms except jazz and art galleries .", "summaries": ["It was very high for people who took full-time education beyond 18 , and higher among women for all except jazz and galleries ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.3", "text": "The information , collected for the Arts Council by the British Market Research Bureau , shows that in an average period of four weeks during 1988-89 , 6 per cent of the adult population went to the theatre , 4 per cent to an art gallery , 2 per cent to classical music and 1 per cent to jazz .", "summaries": ["The information shows that in an average four weeks during 1988-89 , 6 per cent went to the theatre , 4 to an gallery , 2 to classical music and 1 per cent to jazz ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.4", "text": "Over a three-month period , opera attracted 1 per cent of the population but ballet and contemporary dance fewer than 1 per cent .", "summaries": ["Over a three-month period , opera attracted 1 per cent but ballet and contemporary dance fewer ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.5", "text": "Of the 24,058 people interviewed , 37.7 per cent of women attended arts events and 33.1 per cent of men .", "summaries": ["37.7 per cent of women attended arts events and 33.1 per cent of men ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.6", "text": "Above the \u00a320,000 income threshold , more than half of those interviewed go to arts events .", "summaries": ["Above the \u00a320,000 threshold , more than half go to arts events ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.7", "text": "Fewer than 30 per cent of those earning up to \u00a38,000 go , and fewer than 40 per cent of those earning up to \u00a315,000 .", "summaries": ["Fewer than 30 per cent of those earning up to \u00a38,000 go , and fewer than 40 per cent of those earning up to \u00a315,000 ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.8", "text": "Nearly 55 per cent of people who have been in higher education had been to the theatre in the survey period , but fewer than 19 per cent of those who left school at 16 .", "summaries": ["55 per cent of people who have been in higher education had been to the theatre in the survey period , but 19 per cent of those who left school at 16 ."]} {"id": "A3W.9.9", "text": "For art galleries the figures are 50 per cent and 16 per cent , for classical music 32 per cent and 8 per cent .", "summaries": ["For art galleries the figures are 50 and 16 per cent , for classical music 32 and 8 per cent ."]} {"id": "A46.29.0", "text": "There Were fears last night that the first substantial cracks had opened in the facade of the European Community 's `` Project 1992 '' after finance ministers appeared to concede that the deadline for creating a truly seamless marketplace for traders cannot be met .", "summaries": ["cracks opened in the European Community 's `` Project 1992 '' after finance ministers appeared to concede that the deadline for creating a seamless marketplace cannot be met ."]} {"id": "A46.29.1", "text": "In an attempt to overcome a two-year-old impasse over European Commission proposals for an alignment of national rates of Value Added Tax ( Vat ) and Excise rates by 1993 , the ministers agreed to abandon key provisions for revising Vat collection arrangements .", "summaries": ["In an attempt to overcome a impasse for an alignment of Vat and Excise rates by 1993 , the ministers agreed to abandon provisions for revising Vat collection arrangements ."]} {"id": "A46.29.10", "text": "France 's Finance Minister , Pierre Beregevoy , insisted a step had been taken towards eliminating fiscal frontiers .", "summaries": ["France 's Finance Minister insisted a step had been taken towards eliminating fiscal frontiers ."]} {"id": "A46.29.11", "text": "When pressed , he almost conceded that something of the original philosophy of the 1992 programme may have been lost .", "summaries": ["he almost conceded that something of the philosophy of the programme may have been lost ."]} {"id": "A46.29.12", "text": "`` Rather than seeing total disagreement , I would prefer to have a good compromise , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` Rather than total disagreement , I would prefer a compromise , '' he said ."]} {"id": "A46.29.13", "text": "`` I would rather make pragmatic progress than theoretical progress. '' Britain 's junior Treasury Minister , Peter Lilley , also defended the new tactics .", "summaries": ["`` I would rather make pragmatic than theoretical progress. '' Britain 's junior Treasury Minister defended the tactics ."]} {"id": "A46.29.14", "text": "`` We ca n't faff around forever , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` We ca n't faff around , '' he said ."]} {"id": "A46.29.15", "text": "`` The Uk was not alone in thinking that the original proposal was too rigid and paid insufficient regard to market forces. '' The Ec Commissioner now responsible for tax , France 's Christiane Scrivener , shuffled out of the meeting unusually declining to speak to journalists .", "summaries": ["`` the original proposal was too rigid '' The Ec Commissioner responsible for tax , Christiane Scrivener , shuffled out of the meeting declining to speak to journalists ."]} {"id": "A46.29.16", "text": "Last week , she outraged her Commission colleagues by suggesting that the government 's paper , which has unanimous backing , might prove irresistible .", "summaries": ["Last week , she outraged her Commission colleagues by suggesting that the government 's paper might prove irresistible ."]} {"id": "A46.29.17", "text": "It may not be long before her view is upheld .", "summaries": ["It may be her view is upheld ."]} {"id": "A46.29.18", "text": "Any decision on taxation has to be taken by the member states unanimously and there now seems little hope that the Commission can deflect them from the course they set out upon yesterday .", "summaries": ["Any decision on taxation has to be taken unanimously and there seems little hope the Commission can deflect them from the course they set ."]} {"id": "A46.29.19", "text": "Perhaps more grave , however , is the fact that still more contentious aspects of the plan are also still unresolved , notably the extent to which governments can be persuaded to approximate their highly divergent rates of Vat Excise duties .", "summaries": ["contentious aspects of the plan are still unresolved , notably the extent governments can be persuaded to approximate their rates of Vat ."]} {"id": "A46.29.2", "text": "These asked for an end to the current system of zero-rating goods bound for export to other Ec states in favour of levying Vat on all taxable goods sold , regardless of where in the Community they are to be sold .", "summaries": ["These asked for an end to zero-rating goods for export to other Ec states in favour of Vat on goods , regardless of where in the Community they are to be sold ."]} {"id": "A46.29.20", "text": "Three countries --- Denmark , Ireland and Belgium --- meanwhile indicated yesterday that they remain opposed to another key element , which forsees the abolition of all limits on tax-paid goods that can be carried across borders by private travellers .", "summaries": ["Denmark , Ireland and Belgium indicated that they remain opposed the abolition of all limits on tax-paid goods carried across borders by travellers ."]} {"id": "A46.29.21", "text": "These governments fear a vast loss of revenue to the low-rate neighbour countries if these limits --- so-called `` travellers '' allowances ' --- are abandoned .", "summaries": ["These governments fear a loss of revenue to the low-rate neighbour countries ."]} {"id": "A46.29.22", "text": "However , if they are maintained --- and car boots still have to be checked for goods that may exceed the allowances in worth --- then the whole dream of a frontier-free Community will be lost .", "summaries": ["if car boots still have to be checked the dream of a frontier-free Community will be lost ."]} {"id": "A46.29.3", "text": "Thus , in tax terms at least , the 12 Ec states would become one .", "summaries": ["in tax terms the 12 Ec states would become one ."]} {"id": "A46.29.4", "text": "The Commission argues that switching from zero-rating to tax-paid exports would provide the only way of scrapping checks on traders at borders without inviting fraud on a massive scale .", "summaries": ["The Commission argues that switching would provide the only way of scrapping checks at borders without inviting fraud ."]} {"id": "A46.29.5", "text": "It also suggests that this is vital if traders are to be convinced that trading across frontiers is no more strange than doing business with the shopkeeper next door .", "summaries": ["It suggests this is vital if traders are to be convinced that trading across frontiers is no more than doing business with the shopkeeper next door ."]} {"id": "A46.29.6", "text": "Yesterday , however , the ministers endorsed a counter-proposal prepared by senior treasury officials , which asks that the current zero-rating mechanisms are maintained `` for a limited period '' , on the grounds that too little time is left to adapt to a new system .", "summaries": ["the ministers endorsed a counter-proposal , which asks that the current mechanisms are maintained `` for a limited period '' , to adapt to a new system ."]} {"id": "A46.29.7", "text": "The governments ' main complaint is that for the Commission 's plan to work , a special clearing house would have to be set up to reapportion Vat revenue levied in the country of export which would be owing to that of import - where the product would be consumed .", "summaries": ["The governments ' complaint is that for the plan to work , a clearing house would have to be set up to reapportion Vat levied in the country of export to that of import ."]} {"id": "A46.29.8", "text": "National officials answer the Commission fears of fraud by proposing a system of double-checking on traders , whereby they would be obliged to list every item exported and imported for spot-checking .", "summaries": ["National officials answer fears of fraud by proposing a system of double-checking on traders , whereby they would be obliged to list every item for spot-checking ."]} {"id": "A46.29.9", "text": "The Commission thinks this would would present businessmen with new paperwork perhaps more burdensome than border checks themselves .", "summaries": ["The Commission thinks this would present paperwork more burdensome than border checks ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.0", "text": "Fourteen Nuns battling to save their flock of 5,000 chickens from slaughter have won a further reprieve .", "summaries": ["Fourteen Nuns battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter have won a reprieve ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.1", "text": "Lawyers representing the nuns from the Our Lady of the Passion Monastery , Daventry , Northamptonshire , were yesterday granted a judicial review of the Ministry of Agriculture order to slaughter the chickens .", "summaries": ["Lawyers representing the nuns from Our Lady of the Passion Monastery , were granted a review of the Ministry of Agriculture order ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.10", "text": "However , the nuns said the ministry changed its account after initially telling them that Salmonella enteriditis was responsible .", "summaries": ["the ministry changed its account after initially telling them that Salmonella was responsible ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.11", "text": "Richard North , an environmental health officer advising the nuns , said last night that they were all `` delighted '' with the outcome .", "summaries": ["Richard North , an environmental health officer advising the nuns , said they were `` delighted '' with the outcome ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.12", "text": "Mother Catherine , 82 , the mother superior , will attend the hearing on Friday , he said .", "summaries": ["Mother Catherine , 82 , the mother superior , will attend ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.13", "text": "Mr North is technical adviser to the United Kingdom Egg Producers ' Association , which has launched an appeal to meet the nuns ' legal costs .", "summaries": ["the United Kingdom Egg Producers ' Association launched an appeal to meet the nuns ' legal costs ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.14", "text": "A spokesman for the ministry said it would continue consultation with Mother Catherine , and would be studying the papers submitted by the lawyers .", "summaries": ["A spokesman said it would continue consultation with Mother Catherine , and would be studying the papers submitted by the lawyers ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.15", "text": "`` There is still a statutory obligation to slaughter the flock , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` There is a statutory obligation to slaughter the flock '' ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.2", "text": "This followed a private hearing before Mr Justice Konrad Schiemann in London .", "summaries": ["This followed a hearing before Mr Justice Konrad Schiemann ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.3", "text": "It is alleged that the flock is infected with Salmonella typhimurium .", "summaries": ["It is alleged that the flock is infected with Salmonella ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.4", "text": "The judicial review hearing will take place on Friday in the High Court when the full arguments will be presented , according to Dennis Cooper , who is representing the nuns .", "summaries": ["The hearing will take place on Friday when the full arguments will be presented , according to Dennis Cooper , who is representing the nuns ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.5", "text": "In a written application for the review , lawyers said the decision to slaughter was made `` despite a significant lack of evidence of a connection between the food poisoning outbreak in Bedworth and the monastery '' .", "summaries": ["lawyers said the decision was made `` despite a lack of evidence of a connection between the food poisoning in Bedworth and the monastery '' ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.6", "text": "Ministry officials were also accused of giving conflicting evidence , leaving doubt as to the accuracy and reliability of reports of infection .", "summaries": ["Ministry officials were accused of giving conflicting evidence , leaving doubt as to the reliability of reports of infection ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.7", "text": "They had refused to supply details of alleged infection and this deprived the nuns of a chance to determine whether mistakes had been made , the lawyers said .", "summaries": ["They refused to supply details and this deprived the nuns of a chance to determine whether mistakes had been made ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.8", "text": "They said the failure to give full reasons for the intended slaughter and the absence of any factual basis for the action justified the High Court in blocking the order .", "summaries": ["the failure to give full reasons and the absence of any basis justified the High Court blocking the order ."]} {"id": "A4K.36.9", "text": "The ministry claims that an outbreak of food poisoning in July , at Bedworth , near Daventry , caused by Salmonella typhimurium was traced to the monastery .", "summaries": ["The ministry claims that an outbreak of food poisoning in July near Daventry , was traced to the monastery ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.0", "text": "A Un Mission has not yet found any detainees in Swapo refugee camps , prison camps , bases and other facilities in Angola and Zambia , the Un Special Representative for Namibia , Martti Ahtisaari , said yesterday .", "summaries": ["Un has not yet found detainees in Swapo camps in Angola and Zambia , Un Representative , Martti Ahtisaari , said ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.1", "text": "In making public the findings so far of the Mission on Detainees in Angola and Zambia , Mr Ahtisaari said that the group would keep trying to find about 250 people reported to have been detained or missing .", "summaries": ["Mr Ahtisaari said the group would keep trying to find 250 people reported missing ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.10", "text": "But Mr Ahtisaari said that more recent checking , against the roll of Namibians who registered to vote in recent months , turned up 54 more names , and the mission expects to find that at least 20 others have been repatriated .", "summaries": ["Mr Ahtisaari said that recent checking against the roll of Namibians who registered to vote turned up 54 more names , and the mission expects to find at least 20 others ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.11", "text": "An anomaly in the report is that it lists 21 `` locations of alleged detainees '' in Angola .", "summaries": ["the report lists 21 `` locations of alleged detainees '' in Angola ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.12", "text": "The team visited only 10 .", "summaries": ["The team visited 10 ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.13", "text": "But war was under way again in southern Angola , the team faced obvious difficulties and had to rely on information from the Angolan government .", "summaries": ["war was under way in Angola , the team had to rely on information from the government ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.14", "text": "It is still not clear whether the approximately 250 people still listed as missing include those whom ex-detainees say were still alive in May , or if they include the names of those last seen in 1984 or 1986 .", "summaries": ["It is not clear whether the 250 people still missing include those whom ex-detainees say were alive in May , or those last seen in 1984 or 1986 ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.2", "text": "`` At the alleged places of detention , '' Mr Ahtisaari said , `` the facilities were found to have been stripped of all valuable material and not to have been inhabited for several weeks at least. '' As a result of interviews with local people , he said , the mission did not believe that any detainees were moved from prison camps `` to another place prior to the mission 's arrival '' .", "summaries": ["Mr Ahtisaari said `` the facilities were found not to have been inhabited for weeks '' the mission did not believe any detainees were moved `` to another place prior to the mission 's arrival '' ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.3", "text": "The Un team spent three weeks visiting the camps in September .", "summaries": ["The Un team spent three weeks visiting the camps ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.4", "text": "It found that a number of them were `` what could be described as pits '' , according to the Nigerian ambassador , Ba Clark , who headed the team and who represents the United Nations Transition Assistance Group ( Untag ) in Angola .", "summaries": ["a number of them could be described as pits , according to the Nigerian ambassador , Ba Clark , who headed the team ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.5", "text": "He described the facilities as `` bricks , cement or mud-lined holes in the ground without steps or , by now , roofs '' .", "summaries": ["He described the facilities as `` bricks , cement or mud-lined holes in the ground without steps or roofs '' ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.6", "text": "Before it left , the Un mission compiled information on 1,100 people who had been detained , were alleged to have been detained or who were said to be missing , back to 1977 .", "summaries": ["the mission compiled information on 1,100 people who had been detained or said to be missing , back to 1977 ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.7", "text": "The information came from a variety of sources , including Swapo itself .", "summaries": ["The information came from a variety of sources , including Swapo ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.8", "text": "The mission then cross-checked the names with those of people repatriated to Namibia through the Un High Commissioner for Refugees programme , which has brought back 41,000 Namibians , including most Swapo guerrillas .", "summaries": ["The mission then cross-checked the names with those of people repatriated to Namibia , 41,000 including most Swapo guerrillas ."]} {"id": "A4X.23.9", "text": "Mr Ahtisaari said that only 315 people were then found to be unaccounted for , because the mission 's list contained duplications , vague identifications , names of people who have been released and repatriated , names of people never detained and some who have been reported dead .", "summaries": ["315 people were unaccounted for"]} {"id": "A50.44.0", "text": "Chris Patten , Secretary of State for the Environment , yesterday steered further away from the philosophy of his predecessor , Nicholas Ridley , and emphasised the need for state regulation to protect the countryside .", "summaries": ["Chris Patten , Secretary of State for the Environment , steered away from the philosophy of his predecessor , and emphasised the need for regulation to protect the countryside ."]} {"id": "A50.44.1", "text": "In a key speech to the Blackpool conference , Mr Patten announced the immediate withdrawal of proposals to relax planning controls over rural land use .", "summaries": ["In the Blackpool conference , Mr Patten announced the withdrawal of proposals to relax controls over rural land use ."]} {"id": "A50.44.10", "text": "`` We must still trust the market at the end of the day .", "summaries": ["`` We must still trust the market ."]} {"id": "A50.44.11", "text": "I do n't want restrictions ; I do n't want controls , '' Mr Mason said .", "summaries": ["I do n't want restrictions , '' Mr Mason said ."]} {"id": "A50.44.12", "text": "But Mr Patten told him good government should be founded on fact , not fantasy .", "summaries": ["Mr Patten told good government should be founded on fact ."]} {"id": "A50.44.13", "text": "`` The greatest of Tories , Edmund Burke , reminded us of our duties as trustees for the nation , as good stewards of its traditions , its values and its riches .", "summaries": ["`` Edmund Burke reminded us of our duties as trustees for the nation ."]} {"id": "A50.44.14", "text": "A nation , wrote Burke , is a partnership between the past , the present and the future .", "summaries": ["A nation is a partnership between the past , the present and the future ."]} {"id": "A50.44.15", "text": "So let there be no doubt .", "summaries": ["let there be no doubt ."]} {"id": "A50.44.16", "text": "Just as there is an overwhelming moral argument for prudent management of the economy , so there is an overwhelming ethical argument for prudent management of the environment. '' Filling in more detail on the Environment Protection Bill for the coming session of Parliament , Mr Patten said the public would be given more access than ever before to information about industrial pollution and about how individual firms would be obliged to clean up their operations .", "summaries": ["as there is an argument for management of the economy , so there is for the environment. '' Mr Patten said the public would be given more access to information about pollution and firms would be obliged to clean up their operations ."]} {"id": "A50.44.17", "text": "Fines for litter louts will go up from a maximum of \u00a3400 to \u00a31,000 .", "summaries": ["Fines for litter louts will go up to \u00a31,000 ."]} {"id": "A50.44.18", "text": "Local authorities will have a duty to keep the streets clean , on pain of being taken to court by members of the public .", "summaries": ["Local authorities will have a duty to keep the streets clean ."]} {"id": "A50.44.19", "text": "The Bill will also place a duty on councils to include re-cycling in their waste disposal plans .", "summaries": ["The Bill will place a duty on councils to include re-cycling in waste disposal plans ."]} {"id": "A50.44.2", "text": "Conservationists had protested that Mr Ridley 's plans for broadening economic activity on farmland could lead to a rash of theme parks , shopping developments and housing estates .", "summaries": ["Conservationists had protested that Mr Ridley 's plans could lead to a rash of theme parks , shopping developments and housing estates ."]} {"id": "A50.44.20", "text": "Of the 18 million tonnes of household waste produced annually , only 2.7m tonnes is treated or re-used .", "summaries": ["Of the 18 million tonnes only 2.7m tonnes is treated or re-used ."]} {"id": "A50.44.21", "text": "`` We want industry to cut down on its own waste and make better use of other people 's .", "summaries": ["`` We want industry to cut down on its own waste and make better use of other people 's ."]} {"id": "A50.44.22", "text": "We should aim to re-cycle half our household waste within 10 years. '' Turning to the White Paper , to be published before the next party conference , he said it would set out the Conservatives ' agenda for the rest of this century .", "summaries": ["We should aim to re-cycle half 10 years. '' the White Paper would set out the Conservatives ' agenda for this century ."]} {"id": "A50.44.23", "text": "Mr Patten said the Government wanted to tighten agreements already reached towards ending the depletion of stratospheric ozone .", "summaries": ["the Government wanted to tighten agreements towards ending the depletion of stratospheric ozone ."]} {"id": "A50.44.24", "text": "`` We intend to work just as creatively to negotiate a convention on climate change --- a framework of action for the nations of the world .", "summaries": ["`` We intend to negotiate a convention on climate change ."]} {"id": "A50.44.25", "text": "We can then fit into the convention binding agreements on subjects like energy efficiency and forestry , as the science and the political will come into balance. ''", "summaries": ["We can fit into the convention binding agreements on energy efficiency and forestry ''"]} {"id": "A50.44.3", "text": "The Secretary of State paved the way for the greening of all Whitehall departments through a White Paper to be published next year and set a target on the recycling of household waste .", "summaries": ["The Secretary of State paved the greening of Whitehall departments through a White Paper to be published next year and set a target on the recycling of household waste ."]} {"id": "A50.44.4", "text": "The aim should be to re-cycle half of the 18 million tonnes of domestic rubbish produced in Britain each year within the next 10 years .", "summaries": ["The aim should be to re-cycle half of the 18 million tonnes of domestic rubbish produced each year within the next 10 years ."]} {"id": "A50.44.5", "text": "`` It 's for government to regulate on behalf of the community , to set the standards and environmental goals , '' Mr Patten said --- a statement that would have jarred on his predecessor , and , until recently , on the party faithful .", "summaries": ["`` It 's for government to regulate on behalf of the community '' Mr Patten said --- a statement that would have jarred on his predecessor ."]} {"id": "A50.44.6", "text": "`` We must harness market forces and the market place to prevent pollution , to change the sort of conduct that degrades the nation 's resources , and to find the most efficient and effective ways of delivering environmental quality. '' Planning was a form of regulation to enhance quality of life .", "summaries": ["`` We must harness market forces to prevent pollution , to change the conduct that degrades resources '' Planning was a form of regulation to enhance quality of life ."]} {"id": "A50.44.7", "text": "The environment debate showed conference representatives concerned about unsuitable housing development in the countryside , freeing derelict land in the cities , and litter .", "summaries": ["The environment debate showed representatives concerned about unsuitable housing development in the countryside , derelict land in cities , and litter ."]} {"id": "A50.44.8", "text": "One young representative , Colin Mason , a computer systems manager from Streatham , who branded environmental controls as `` socialism by the back door '' , was gently advised by the Secretary of State to read the Tory philospher Edmund Burke .", "summaries": ["Colin Mason , who branded environmental controls as `` socialism by the back door '' , was advised by the Secretary of State to read Edmund Burke ."]} {"id": "A50.44.9", "text": "Mr Mason had criticised Mr Patten 's stand against the proposed new town at Foxley Wood , Hampshire .", "summaries": ["Mr Mason had criticised Mr Patten 's stand against the proposed new town at Foxley Wood , Hampshire ."]} {"id": "A53.5.0", "text": "Now that President F W de Klerk has announced the release of eight of the nine most prominent political prisoners in South Africa , the question is when --- not if --- the ninth , Nelson Mandela , will be freed .", "summaries": ["Now President de Klerk has announced the release of eight political prisoners in South Africa , the question is when Nelson Mandela will be freed ."]} {"id": "A53.5.1", "text": "And it is looking increasingly as if the date will be as much Mr Mandela 's own decision as the government 's .", "summaries": ["the date will be as much Mandela 's decision as the government 's ."]} {"id": "A53.5.10", "text": "The deference the government is showing him points to the recognition , finally , that Mr Mandela is the symbolic leader of the disenfranchised black majority , and that he is , accordingly , a key player .", "summaries": ["The deference points to the recognition that Mandela is the symbolic leader of the black majority ."]} {"id": "A53.5.11", "text": "By extension , so is the Anc , whose influence successive South African governments have attempted , frantically and quite without success , to wish away .", "summaries": ["so is the Anc , whose influence South African governments have attempted to wish away ."]} {"id": "A53.5.12", "text": "Mr Mandela , thus , has already begun on his own the negotiating process that Mr de Klerk 's government claims to seek with black leaders .", "summaries": ["Mandela has begun on his own the negotiating process de Klerk 's government claims to seek with black leaders ."]} {"id": "A53.5.13", "text": "Maybe without fully recognising it , the government has , in fact , started talking to the Anc --- for if there is one thing Mr Mandela has made clear throughout his long incarceration , it is his unwavering allegiance to the movement , whose foremost leader he remains .", "summaries": ["the government has , in fact , started talking to the Anc --- one thing Mandela has made clear is his allegiance to the movement ."]} {"id": "A53.5.14", "text": "Mr Mandela 's hand was discernible in the Anc negotiating proposal put out in August ; in the successful campaign of mass protest before the 6 September white election ; and in a silent scheme by some of the leaders of the black `` homelands '' to flat-foot Mr de Klerk by publicly declaring that the country cannot be partitioned along racial and tribal lines .", "summaries": ["Mandela 's hand was discernible in the Anc proposal in August ; in the protest before the white election ; in a scheme by some leaders of black `` homelands '' to flat-foot de Klerk by declaring that the country cannot be partitioned along racial and tribal lines ."]} {"id": "A53.5.15", "text": "The conclusion is irresistible that Mr Mandela is exploiting the government 's growing dependence on him to extend his influence to the many black organisations whose adoptive leader he is. Where there is possibly a meeting of minds between him and the government is in the desire not to release him into a political vacuum .", "summaries": ["Mandela is exploiting the government 's dependence on him to extend his influence to black organisations there is a meeting of minds between him and the government in the desire not to release him into a political vacuum ."]} {"id": "A53.5.16", "text": "In the eyes of both , it would make sense not to have him roaming the country generating huge gatherings with a politically futile , and possibly violently anarchic , outcome .", "summaries": ["it would make sense not to have him roaming the country generating gatherings with possibly anarchic outcome ."]} {"id": "A53.5.17", "text": "Mr Mandela needs a ready-made negotiating structure in which he can play the decisive role that his authority requires .", "summaries": ["Mandela needs a negotiating structure in which he can play the decisive role ."]} {"id": "A53.5.18", "text": "Someone close to Mr Mandela described him yesterday as a chess player five moves ahead of anyone else in the game .", "summaries": ["Someone described him as a chess player five moves ahead of anyone else ."]} {"id": "A53.5.2", "text": "For the most remarkable thing to have emerged from Mr de Klerk 's decision is the degree to which Mr Mandela and the exiled African National Congress have become participants in government decision-making .", "summaries": ["the most remarkable is the degree to which Mr Mandela and the African National Congress have become participants in government decision-making ."]} {"id": "A53.5.3", "text": "He has acquired an autonomy and influence staggering even by the standards of a country where anomalies are institutionalised .", "summaries": ["He has acquired an influence staggering even by the standards of a country where anomalies are institutionalised ."]} {"id": "A53.5.4", "text": "Indications of Mr Mandela 's growing political stature in the eyes of the government have been accumulating for some time .", "summaries": ["Indications of Mandela 's growing political stature have been accumulating for some time ."]} {"id": "A53.5.5", "text": "One paragraph in Mr de Klerk 's statement on Tuesday announcing the release of Mr Mandela 's old associate Walter Sisulu provided the final piece of the jigsaw .", "summaries": ["de Klerk 's statement announcing the release of Walter Sisulu provided the final piece of the jigsaw ."]} {"id": "A53.5.6", "text": "`` It is necessary to state , '' Mr de Klerk said , `` that Mr Nelson Mandela is fully appraised of these proposed releases .", "summaries": ["de Klerk said , `` Mr Nelson Mandela is fully appraised of these proposed releases ."]} {"id": "A53.5.7", "text": "In fact , discussions were held with him and he considered yet again that his release is not now on the agenda. '' Mr de Klerk , so eager to placate Margaret Thatcher and international opinion generally , was saying , between the lines : `` Look , I know you 're asking for Mandela 's release .", "summaries": ["he considered that his release is not now on the agenda. '' Mr de Klerk , was saying between the lines : `` you 're asking for Mandela 's release ."]} {"id": "A53.5.8", "text": "But what can I do ?", "summaries": ["what can I do ?"]} {"id": "A53.5.9", "text": "He does n't want to go out yet. '' Even if that is not the whole truth , --- clearly , the government has a crucial say -Mr de Klerk has gone on record as recognising that Mr Mandela has leverage in government decisions .", "summaries": ["He does n't want to go out yet. '' de Klerk has gone on record as recognising Mandela has leverage in government decisions ."]} {"id": "A59.27.0", "text": "A Policeman was yesterday jailed for seven years for raping an 18-year-old woman in his marked patrol car while he was on duty and in uniform .", "summaries": ["A Policeman was jailed for seven years for raping an 18-year-old woman while on duty ."]} {"id": "A59.27.1", "text": "Sentencing Constable Peter Anderson , 41 , Mr Justice Jowitt told him he had done `` great damage to the trust in police '' .", "summaries": ["Sentencing Constable Peter Anderson , 41 , Mr Justice Jowitt told him he had done `` great damage to police '' ."]} {"id": "A59.27.10", "text": "She said she tried to push him off , but he was too forceful .", "summaries": ["she tried to push him off ."]} {"id": "A59.27.11", "text": "Mr Justice Jowitt told Anderson : `` I accept that you were not on the prowl looking for a victim and that it was by chance that this young lady got into your car .", "summaries": ["Mr Justice Jowitt told Anderson : `` I accept you were not looking for a victim and it was by chance this young lady got into your car ."]} {"id": "A59.27.12", "text": "I accept that there was no great degree of violence used by you .", "summaries": ["there was no great degree of violence used ."]} {"id": "A59.27.13", "text": "`` But you took her against her will in your car to the place where this rape happened , and one of the very disturbing and serious features of this case is the way you abused your position as a police officer in uniform on duty. '' The judge added : `` This girl plainly trusted herself in your company , as she was entitled to .", "summaries": ["`` But you took her against her will to where this rape happened , and you abused your position This girl trusted your company ."]} {"id": "A59.27.14", "text": "The public expect that they can treat the police with confidence .", "summaries": ["The public expect they can treat police with confidence ."]} {"id": "A59.27.15", "text": "You did great damage to that trust in the police when you behaved in this way. '' Anderson , who had pleaded not guilty and claimed the woman had handed him `` sex on a plate '' , was convicted by a 10-2 majority of raping the woman on 4 April , last year .", "summaries": ["You did great damage to that trust '' Anderson , who had pleaded not guilty , was convicted by a 10-2 majority on 4 April , last year ."]} {"id": "A59.27.16", "text": "He claimed she had instigated the intercourse by first , and without invitation , performing oral sex on him .", "summaries": ["He claimed she had instigated the intercourse by performing oral sex on him ."]} {"id": "A59.27.17", "text": "He said he had only offered to use the truncheon as a sex aid but desisted when she shook her head .", "summaries": ["he had offered to use the truncheon as a sex aid but desisted when she shook her head ."]} {"id": "A59.27.18", "text": "Jean Southworth , Qc , in mitigation , said : `` This was not a case of him taking away the virginity of this young woman .", "summaries": ["Jean Southworth , Qc said : `` This was not a case of taking away the virginity of this woman ."]} {"id": "A59.27.19", "text": "`` He has lost his pension rights and the personal affection of those dear to him and also , when a police officer goes to prison , he often carries an extra load for his misdoings. ''", "summaries": ["`` He has lost his pension rights and the affection of those dear to him ''"]} {"id": "A59.27.2", "text": "Anderson , married with two children , attacked the woman in a deserted allotment , after agreeing to give her and a boyfriend a lift home from a discotheque .", "summaries": ["Anderson attacked the woman in a allotment , after agreeing to give her and a boyfriend a lift home from a discotheque ."]} {"id": "A59.27.3", "text": "He first dropped the man off and then drove to the allotment .", "summaries": ["He dropped the man off and drove to the allotment ."]} {"id": "A59.27.4", "text": "He threatened her by forcing his truncheon under her chin and then raped her .", "summaries": ["He threatened her and raped her ."]} {"id": "A59.27.5", "text": "She said he only refrained from inserting his truncheon into her , after she begged him not to .", "summaries": ["he refrained from inserting his truncheon into her , after she begged him not to ."]} {"id": "A59.27.6", "text": "Afterwards he told her not to report the incident because he could have her `` nicked '' for soliciting .", "summaries": ["he told her he could have her `` nicked '' for soliciting ."]} {"id": "A59.27.7", "text": "She did not report it because she did not think she would be believed .", "summaries": ["She did not report it ."]} {"id": "A59.27.8", "text": "Police investigated after an anonymous report .", "summaries": ["Police investigated after an anonymous report ."]} {"id": "A59.27.9", "text": "The victim , now 20 , said she had drunk nine or 10 Pernods with blackcurrant and was merry , but knew what she was doing and saying .", "summaries": ["The victim had drunk and was merry , but knew what she was doing ."]} {"id": "A59.30.0", "text": "Kent Police began re-interviewing 1,500 people in Deal yesterday in an unusual move to develop leads on last month 's bombing of the Royal Marines ' barracks in the town .", "summaries": ["Kent Police began re-interviewing 1,500 people in Deal to develop leads on last month 's bombing of the Royal Marines ' barracks ."]} {"id": "A59.30.1", "text": "Hundreds arrived to be registered at a special inquiry centre in St Saviour 's church , which will be open from 10am to 10pm until tomorrow night .", "summaries": ["Hundreds registered at a inquiry centre , which will be open from 10am to 10pm ."]} {"id": "A59.30.10", "text": "The officers are also anxious to hear from people who noticed any suspicious strangers seeking rented accommodation in the Deal area during the last 18 months .", "summaries": ["The officers are anxious to hear from people who noticed suspicious strangers seeking rented accommodation during the last 18 months ."]} {"id": "A59.30.11", "text": "Their latest lead is a white transit van reportedly seen near the barracks in the week before the bombing .", "summaries": ["Their latest lead is a white van seen near the barracks the week before the bombing ."]} {"id": "A59.30.12", "text": "This could provide a clue as to the bombers ' whereabouts between 16 September and the bombing , which killed 10 bandsmen .", "summaries": ["This could provide a clue as to the bombing , which killed 10 ."]} {"id": "A59.30.13", "text": "A light brown Mk Ii Cortina is believed to have broken down when used by the Ira unit and a black E registration Nissan Micra was seen near the barracks the night before the bombing .", "summaries": ["A brown Mk Ii Cortina is believed to have broken down when used and a black E registration Nissan Micra was seen near the barracks ."]} {"id": "A59.30.14", "text": "Among those expected to be re-interviewed are Kathy Brown , 47 , who usually cleans the Campbell Road house , which was let as a holiday home .", "summaries": ["Among those expected to be re-interviewed are Kathy Brown who cleans the Campbell Road house ."]} {"id": "A59.30.15", "text": "She said yesterday that the three-bedroom property was capable of sleeping five people comfortably .", "summaries": ["She said the property was capable of sleeping five ."]} {"id": "A59.30.16", "text": "Mrs Brown last cleaned the house at the end of July and was away when the Ira suspects used it. Another resident , Williamine Dyson , 65 , who looked after spare keys for the holiday home , said yesterday she saw a man lingering near the base at the end of August and then walking up Campbell Road .", "summaries": ["Mrs Brown cleaned the house at the end of July and was away when the suspects used it. Williamine Dyson saw a man lingering near the base at the end of August and then walking up Campbell Road ."]} {"id": "A59.30.17", "text": "She added that she never saw the suspected occupants of the house .", "summaries": ["She added she never saw the suspected occupants ."]} {"id": "A59.30.2", "text": "A video showing the alleged Ira safe house at 17 Campbell Road , asked people viewing it to try to remember whether they had seen , inadvertedly had drinks with , or queued at shops with members of the Ira unit .", "summaries": ["A video showing the alleged Ira safe house at 17 Campbell Road , asked people to try to remember whether they had seen members of the Ira unit ."]} {"id": "A59.30.3", "text": "Police believe the unit wandered openly in the Deal area and may have visited local pubs .", "summaries": ["Police believe the unit wandered in the area ."]} {"id": "A59.30.4", "text": "Drawings of three suspects , two men and a woman , are posted in the church .", "summaries": ["Drawings of three suspects , two men and a woman , are posted ."]} {"id": "A59.30.5", "text": "Lists of questions ask about possible suspicious sightings of people and vehicles around the barracks and taxi rides to and from the area to pubs or Dover docks .", "summaries": ["Lists of questions ask about suspicious sightings around the barracks and taxi rides to pubs or Dover docks ."]} {"id": "A59.30.6", "text": "Det Chief Insp Nick Biddiss said : `` People may still know things they have forgotten to mention and we hope this exercise will jog their memories. '' Officers sat in booths in a side chapel for people wanting to give confidential interviews .", "summaries": ["Det Chief Insp Nick Biddiss said : `` People may know things and we hope this will jog their memories. '' Officers sat in booths for confidential interviews ."]} {"id": "A59.30.7", "text": "Police hope to identify men seen several times in the Campbell Road area in the six days between 16 September , when the Ira unit apparently left the safe house , and the bombing .", "summaries": ["Police hope to identify men seen in Campbell Road between 16 September and the bombing ."]} {"id": "A59.30.8", "text": "The officers know that time is against them as new descriptions from members of the public may be distorted by sight of the published artist 's impressions .", "summaries": ["officers know descriptions from the public may be distorted by the published artist 's impressions ."]} {"id": "A59.30.9", "text": "They are interested in at least a dozen taxi journeys reported between Dover and the Campbell Road area in the month before the bombing .", "summaries": ["They are interested in a dozen taxi journeys between Dover and Campbell Road in the month before the bombing ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.0", "text": "The Communists of Poland and Hungary are refusing to lie down and die .", "summaries": ["The Communists of Poland and Hungary are refusing to lie down and die ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.1", "text": "Having been rejected after holding sway for so long , they are now seeking new ways of making friends and influencing people .", "summaries": ["they are seeking new ways of influencing people ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.10", "text": "It has been confirmed this week that political parties will no longer get financial subsidies , and the party urgently needs new sources of money .", "summaries": ["political parties will no longer get financial subsidies , and the party needs money ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.11", "text": "Its newspaper , Trybuna Ludu , lost 1.7billion zloties ( \u00a3382,500 ) last year ; this year it is expected to lose nearly five times as much .", "summaries": ["Its newspaper , Trybuna Ludu , lost 1.7billion zloties last year ; this year it is expected to lose five times as much ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.12", "text": "In Hungary , Mr Karoly Grosz , general secretary until last month of the now defunct Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ( Hswp ) , wants to reorganise the party and start a new Communist newspaper .", "summaries": ["In Hungary , Karoly Grosz , general secretary of the defunct Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party , wants to reorganise the party and start a new newspaper ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.13", "text": "Mr Grosz , seen by many Hungarians as a discredited hardliner , added that there was a need to propagate Communist ideas in Hungary .", "summaries": ["Grosz , seen as a discredited hardliner , added that there was a need to propagate Communist ideas ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.14", "text": "He seems to be cashing in on the goodwill of those who regret the party 's `` new start '' last month when it renamed itself the Hungarian Socialist Party ( Hsp ) .", "summaries": ["He seems to be cashing in on the goodwill of those who regret the party 's `` new start '' last month when it renamed itself the Hungarian Socialist Party ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.15", "text": "One objective of Mr Grosz is to see that the Hswp holds its party congress , as in `` normal '' times , early next year .", "summaries": ["One objective of Mr Grosz is to see that the Hswp holds its party congress normal ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.16", "text": "The Hsp leadership says , however , that since there is no Hswp , there can be no Hswp congress .", "summaries": ["The Hsp leadership says that since there is no Hswp , there can be no congress ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.2", "text": "The leadership of the Polish Communist Party has this week approved changes committing it to altering its name and participating in free elections within a multi-party system .", "summaries": ["the Polish Communist Party has approved changes altering its name and participating in free elections ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.3", "text": "It was not plain sailing and orthodox and `` liberal '' Communists will be at each others ' throats --- at local level --- until they hold a full congress next January to determine new policies once and for all and to approve new leaders .", "summaries": ["orthodox and `` liberal '' Communists will be at each others ' throats until they determine new policies and approve new leaders ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.4", "text": "Some party members are already disssatisfied with Mr Mieczyslaw Rakowski , who became leader only in August , for the way he went immediately to Moscow when the party was in trouble rather than work out a Polish solution .", "summaries": ["Some are disssatisfied with Mieczyslaw Rakowski for the way he went to Moscow when the party was in trouble ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.5", "text": "According to these members , Mr Aleksandar Kwiasnewski , a `` liberal '' who is much younger than Mr Rakowski and had a rapid rise in the last phase of the Communist government , could replace him .", "summaries": ["According to these members , Aleksandar Kwiasnewski , a `` liberal '' , could replace him ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.6", "text": "The new party name is also a subject of debate .", "summaries": ["The new party name is a subject of debate ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.7", "text": "At least 70 alternatives have been submitted , with that of Polish Socialist Labour Party the front-runner .", "summaries": ["70 alternatives have been submitted , with Polish Socialist Labour Party the front-runner ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.8", "text": "The new party would drop the old insistence on the dictatorship of the proletariat .", "summaries": ["The party would drop the insistence on the dictatorship of the proletariat ."]} {"id": "A7V.12.9", "text": "Whatever the changes , the new party could have a difficult birth .", "summaries": ["the new party could have a difficult birth ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.0", "text": "West German economists are optimistic about the country 's ability to absorb the hundreds of thousands of refugees from Eastern Europe this year .", "summaries": ["West German economists are optimistic about the ability to absorb hundreds of thousands of refugees from Eastern Europe ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.1", "text": "They say the refugees will enhance productivity and economic growth .", "summaries": ["the refugees will enhance productivity and growth ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.10", "text": "`` The opportunities remain good , but miracles can not be expected overnight , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` but miracles can not be expected overnight , '' he said ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.11", "text": "The influx coincides with a boom in the building sector , which has been spurred further by the need for housing for the refugees themselves .", "summaries": ["The influx coincides with a boom in the building sector , spurred by the need for housing for the refugees ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.12", "text": "Yesterday , the Bonn government announced a DM8billion ( \u00a32.7billion ) package for housing construction for East German refugees , whose number has reached 190,000 .", "summaries": ["the government announced DM8billion for housing for East German refugees , whose number has reached 190,000 ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.13", "text": "The number of ethnic Germans who have arrived so far this year is put at 260,000 .", "summaries": ["The of ethnic Germans this year is at 260,000 ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.14", "text": "With accommodation increasingly hard to find , school gymnasiums , boats , converted cargo containers and some air shelters are now being used to house the refugees .", "summaries": ["school gymnasiums , boats , cargo containers and air shelters are being used to house refugees ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.15", "text": "Sociologists agree that `` economic integration '' of the refugees poses a minor problem compared with the `` social aspect '' .", "summaries": ["Sociologists agree that `` economic integration '' poses a minor problem compared with the social ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.16", "text": "The high motivation , skills and adaptability of the new arrivals create social tensions that will be expressed in economic jealousy .", "summaries": ["The motivation , skills and adaptability of the new arrivals create social tensions ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.17", "text": "Recent warnings from politicians of all parties that the influx cannot continue indefinitely are therefore seen as being based primarily on fears that the established parties stand to lose votes to the extreme right , notably the Republican Party .", "summaries": ["Recent warnings from politicians are seen as being based on fears that the established parties stand to lose votes to the extreme right , the Republican Party ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.18", "text": "The trade unions fear that wage demands may have to be lowered because of the refugees ' greater flexibility and readiness to work for less money .", "summaries": ["trade unions fear that wage demands may have to be lowered because of the refugees ' readiness to work for less ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.19", "text": "A key factor behind the superficial perception that the new arrivals are `` taking jobs '' from West Germany 's 1.8million unemployed is that West German workers are less mobile and flexible .", "summaries": ["A key factor behind the perception that new arrivals are `` taking jobs '' is that West German workers are less flexible ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.2", "text": "This optimism , however , is not shared by many politicians and trade union leaders .", "summaries": ["This optimism is not shared by many politicians and union leaders ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.20", "text": "`` The problem here is that in West Germany we have an increasingly split labour market , '' Mr Brauninger explained .", "summaries": ["`` in West Germany we have an split labour market , '' Brauninger explained ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.21", "text": "Despite high unemployment in some areas there were large openings in sectors such as the electronics and engineering industries in the south .", "summaries": ["Despite unemployment in some areas there were large openings in the electronics and engineering industries in the south ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.22", "text": "The gap was being filled by the arrivals .", "summaries": ["The gap was being filled by the arrivals ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.23", "text": "Nonetheless , short-term unemployment among the refugees is likely to remain high .", "summaries": ["short-term unemployment among the refugees is likely to remain high ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.24", "text": "At present , about a third of the arrivals are unemployed .", "summaries": ["about a third of the arrivals are unemployed ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.25", "text": "Leader comment , page 22", "summaries": ["Leader comment , page 22"]} {"id": "A7V.3.3", "text": "An estimated 600,000 German immigrants --- ethnic Germans from Poland and the Soviet Union , and East Germans --- are expected to settle in West Germany this year , making a 1 per cent growth in the country 's population .", "summaries": ["600,000 ethnic Germans from Poland and the Soviet Union , and East Germans are expected this year ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.4", "text": "According to Mr Dieter Brauninger , an economist at Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt , the newcomers could not have arrived at a better time : a period of dynamic growth , when gaps created by the fall in the birth rate in the past two decades need to be filled .", "summaries": ["According to Dieter Brauninger at Deutsche Bank , the newcomers have arrived when gaps created by the fall in the birth rate need to be filled ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.5", "text": "`` In the medium and longer term , we are optimistic that both productivity and consumption will rise , which in turn will have a beneficial effect on investment , '' said Mr Brauninger .", "summaries": ["`` we are optimistic that productivity and consumption will rise , which will have a beneficial effect on investment , '' said Mr Brauninger ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.6", "text": "Economists believe that the boost to the labour force may be worth an additional 1 per cent a year in the early 1990s .", "summaries": ["the boost to the labour force may be worth an additional 1 per cent a year in the early 1990s ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.7", "text": "Such optimistic forecasts are described as `` dangerous '' by the Federal Labour Office .", "summaries": ["Such forecasts are described as `` dangerous '' by the Federal Labour Office ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.8", "text": "It says economists are ignoring the difficulties of integration , especially of ethnic Germans with large families and language problems .", "summaries": ["economists are ignoring the difficulties of integration of ethnic Germans with large families and language problems ."]} {"id": "A7V.3.9", "text": "However , the president of the labour office , Mr Egon Franke , said this week that unemployment among refugees --- which has risen sharply in October --- was still only a temporary phenomenon .", "summaries": ["the president of the labour office , Egon Franke , said unemployment among refugees was only a temporary phenomenon ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.0", "text": "Thousands of Namibians stood in long queues , stretching nearly a mile in some cases , as they waited to vote on the first day of Namibia 's five-day pre-independence election yesterday .", "summaries": ["Thousands stood in queues stretching nearly a mile in some cases , as they waited to vote on the first of Namibia 's five-day election ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.1", "text": "The length of the queues in Windhoek and Katutura , two of the most densely populated urban areas in Namibia , triggered conjecture that the poll might have to be extended an extra day .", "summaries": ["The length of the queues in the most populated areas in Namibia , triggered conjecture that the poll might be extended ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.10", "text": "Untag has 2,800 officials --- including 1,100 policemen --- scattered throughout Namibia to keep an eye on proceedings at 358 polling booths .", "summaries": ["Untag has 2,800 officials --- including policemen --- throughout Namibia to keep an eye on polling ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.11", "text": "The symbol of each of the 10 contesting parties is printed on ballot papers for the illiterate voters who account for 60 per cent of the electorate .", "summaries": ["The symbol of each of the 10 parties is printed on ballot papers for the illiterate who account for 60 per cent of the electorate ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.12", "text": "One problem relates to a tactical blunder by Swapo .", "summaries": ["One problem relates to a blunder by Swapo ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.13", "text": "It allowed a splinter party , Swapo-Democrats , to appropriate and register the symbol which Swapo used for nearly 30 years , a hand holding a flaming torch .", "summaries": ["It allowed a party , Swapo-Democrats , to appropriate the symbol Swapo used for 30 years , a hand holding a flaming torch ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.14", "text": "Swapo went into the election with a symbol which was only weeks old : a man with a raised fist .", "summaries": ["Swapo went into the election with a symbol which was weeks old : a man with a raised fist ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.15", "text": "The dangers of confusion for illiterate voters is compounded by two factors .", "summaries": ["confusion for illiterate voters is compounded by two factors ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.16", "text": "Firstly , the Swapo-Democrat emblem is placed just above the Swapo emblem on the ballot paper , meaning that it will be seen first .", "summaries": ["the Swapo-Democrat emblem is placed above the Swapo emblem on the ballot , meaning that it will be seen first ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.17", "text": "Secondly , the raised fist in the new Swapo emblem is inconspicuous in the reduced size needed to squeeze Swapo 's new symbol into the box on the ballot paper .", "summaries": ["the raised fist in the new emblem is inconspicuous in the reduced size needed to squeeze Swapo 's symbol into the ballot ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.18", "text": "For all that , observers are unanimous that Swapo will emerge with a clear majority .", "summaries": ["observers are unanimous that Swapo will emerge with a majority ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.19", "text": "Its virtual monopoly on the allegiance of the Ovambo , who account for more than half Namibia 's population of 1.3 million , all but guarantees Swapo more than half the voters .", "summaries": ["Its monopoly on the Ovambo , who account for half Namibia 's population , guarantees Swapo more than half the voters ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.2", "text": "Namibia 's more than 700,000 residents are voting for a 72-member constituent assembly to draw up an independence constitution and prepare the way for full independence next year , perhaps as early as April .", "summaries": ["Namibia 's 700,000 residents are voting for a constituent assembly to draw up an independence constitution and prepare for full independence next April ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.20", "text": "That was conceded in an interview yesterday by Dr Kenneth Abrahams , a member of the National Front and a former Swapo man who was thrown into jail by Mr Nujoma .", "summaries": ["That was in an interview by Dr Kenneth Abrahams , a member of the National Front and a Swapo man who was thrown into jail by Mr Nujoma ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.21", "text": "Even if Swapo fails to get the two-thirds of the vote it needs to write its own constitution , it will have little difficulty in persuading one or another of the smaller parties to work with it. It would thus still have a two-thirds majority in the constituent assembly .", "summaries": ["if Swapo fails to get the vote it needs to write its constitution , it will have little difficulty persuading the smaller parties to work with it. It would have a majority in the assembly ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.3", "text": "Voters left two dominant impressions as they queued in the hot sun --- their determination to cast their ballots in the first free election since Germany began the European conquest of Namibia more than a century ago , and their orderly , disciplined behaviour in the searing heat .", "summaries": ["Voters left two impressions --- their determination to cast their ballots in the first free election since the conquest of Namibia , and their disciplined behaviour in the heat ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.4", "text": "One of the first Namibians to cast his vote was the Swapo leader , Mr Sam Nujoma , aged 60 .", "summaries": ["One of the first Namibians to vote was the Swapo leader , Mr Sam Nujoma ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.5", "text": "As he entered a polling booth in Katutura , a black township outside Windhoek , he said : `` Today , we are finally burying apartheid colonialism. '' Mr Nujoma , wearing a pin-striped shirt and double-breasted jacket , was accompanied by Mr Andimba Toivo ja Toivo , Swapo 's secretary-general .", "summaries": ["in Katutura , a black township outside Windhoek , he said : `` we are burying apartheid '' Mr Nujoma was accompanied by Mr Andimba Toivo ja Toivo , Swapo 's secretary-general ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.6", "text": "Asked for his thoughts on armed struggle now that he was voting , Mr Nujoma said : `` The colonialists imposed the war on us. When we used the barrel of the gun , it was to facilitate the end which was the ballot box. '' Earlier , the director of the United Nations Transitional Assistance Group ( Untag ) , Irish-born Mr Cedric Thornberry , described the election as freer than any poll that has been held in West Belfast .", "summaries": ["Mr Nujoma said : `` we used the gun , to facilitate the end which was the ballot box. '' Earlier , the director of the United Nations Transitional Assistance Group ( Untag ) , Irish-born Mr Cedric Thornberry , described the election as freer than any poll held in West Belfast ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.7", "text": "Mr Thornberry , who comes from Belfast , expressed two anxieties about the election : first , whether the technical arrangements made for the election would proceed smoothly ; second , whether the use of symbols on ballot papers to enable illiterate voters to identify the party of their choice would work satisfactorily .", "summaries": ["Mr Thornberry expressed anxieties about the election : whether the election would proceed smoothly ; whether illiterate voters identify the party of their choice ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.8", "text": "On the first issue , he said : `` We --- and the South Africans --- are stretched alarmingly ... stretched very thin. '' If something did go wrong , if tempers flared and violence broke out , they could be hard put to control it. '' The election is being administered by the South African-appointed Administrator-General .", "summaries": ["he said : `` the South Africans are stretched thin. '' if violence broke out , they could be hard put to control it. '' The election is being administered by the South African-appointed Administrator-General ."]} {"id": "A7V.9.9", "text": "It is , however , being scrutinised by Un officials .", "summaries": ["It is being scrutinised by Un officials ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.0", "text": "Martin Linton .", "summaries": ["Martin Linton ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.1", "text": "The Lawson affair rumbled on in the Commons yesterday with the Labour leader , Mr Neil Kinnock , asking the Prime Minister why she did not `` tell the truth '' when she was asked why the former Chancellor of the Exchequer resigned by television interviewer Brian Walden .", "summaries": ["The Lawson affair rumbled on with the Labour leader , Neil Kinnock , asking the Prime Minister why she did not `` tell the truth '' when she was asked why the former Chancellor resigned ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.10", "text": "`` In the event of such a development does she think her position would be unassailable ? '' he asked --- echoing the Prime Minister 's earlier comment that Mr Lawson 's position was `` unassailable '' .", "summaries": ["`` does she think her position would be unassailable ? ''"]} {"id": "A7W.22.11", "text": "But Mrs Thatcher retorted : `` A party that ca n't even decide its name is hardly in a position to criticise anyone. '' The Prime Minister has again denied that there had been any direct British assistance to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia .", "summaries": ["Mrs Thatcher retorted : `` A party that ca n't decide its name is hardly in a position to criticise '' The Prime Minister has denied there had been any British assistance to the Khmer Rouge ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.12", "text": "In a letter to Mr Kinnock released last night , she said : `` You ask about support for the Khmer Rouge .", "summaries": ["In a letter to Mr Kinnock she said : `` You ask about support for the Khmer Rouge ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.13", "text": "The Government 's repugnance for that organisation and everything it stands for has been made absolutely clear on repeated occasions .", "summaries": ["The Government 's repugnance for that organisation has been made clear ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.14", "text": "No form of British assistance , military or otherwise , has been , or will be , given to the Khmer Rouge. '' But she did not reply directly to Labour 's allegations that the Government had provided aid to others who were supporting the Pol Pot forces .", "summaries": ["No assistance has been , or will be , given to the Khmer Rouge. '' she did not reply to allegations that the Government had provided aid to others supporting Pol Pot ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.2", "text": "The answer she gave was not that she did n't know Mr Lawson 's stated reason for resigning , but that she found it incomprehensible .", "summaries": ["The answer she gave was that she found it incomprehensible ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.3", "text": "`` If he had wanted to resign on a point of policy , I could have understood that .", "summaries": ["`` resign on a point of policy I could have understood ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.4", "text": "Policy is a matter for ministers , '' she said at question time .", "summaries": ["Policy is a matter for ministers , '' she said ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.5", "text": "`` But I find it totally incomprehensible if someone has held the office of Chancellor with high standing for six years to want to resign over a personality --- with such suddenness and haste. '' The clash came as Mr Kinnock exploited the apparent contradiction between Mrs Thatcher 's claim that she did not know why Mr Lawson resigned and the former Chancellor 's assertion in last Sunday 's Walden interview that he had made it quite clear to the Prime Minister that Sir Alan Walter 's continued presence as her economic adviser was the only issue .", "summaries": ["`` I find it incomprehensible to resign over a personality '' Mr Kinnock exploited the contradiction between Mrs Thatcher 's claim and the former Chancellor 's assertion that Sir Alan Walter 's presence as economic adviser was the only issue ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.6", "text": "Mr Kinnock said : `` You appear to be the only person left in the country who does not understand why the Chancellor resigned .", "summaries": ["Mr Kinnock said : `` You appear to be the only person who does not understand why the Chancellor resigned ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.7", "text": "`` Is n't the truth that the Chancellor said to you `` either the adviser goes by the end of the year or I go now '' ?", "summaries": ["`` the Chancellor said to you `` either the adviser goes or I go ''"]} {"id": "A7W.22.8", "text": "Why ca n't you admit to that truth ? '' Mrs Thatcher replied : `` Policy is a matter for ministers --- advice is not. '' She added , referring to the two meetings she held with Mr Lawson on the afternoon before he resigned : `` I tried to persuade the Chancellor not to go .", "summaries": ["Why ca n't you admit to that truth ? '' Mrs Thatcher replied : `` Policy is a matter for ministers --- advice is not. '' I tried to persuade the Chancellor not to go ."]} {"id": "A7W.22.9", "text": "It was quite clear he was determined to go and go that day. '' Mrs Thatcher later parried more questions when the Liberal Democrat Mr Charles Kennedy ( Ross , Cromarty and Skye ) asked her whether she felt her `` diminishing credibility '' would be salvaged if she followed the advice of the former chairman of the Tory backbench 1922 Committee , Sir Edward du Cann , that a leadership challenge would clear the air .", "summaries": ["he was determined to go that day. '' Mrs Thatcher parried more questions when the Liberal Democrat Mr Charles Kennedy asked her whether she felt her credibility would be salvaged if she followed the advice of the Tory Sir Edward du Cann , that a leadership challenge would clear the air ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.0", "text": "Britain was yesterday accused of undermining international efforts to combat the greenhouse effect , as Mrs Thatcher flew to New York to declare to the United Nations her concern about the environment and reveal a number of British initiatives .", "summaries": ["Britain was accused of undermining efforts to combat the greenhouse effect , as Mrs Thatcher flew to New York to declare to the United Nations her concern about the environment and reveal British initiatives ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.1", "text": "Mrs Thatcher will today announce that she is to double the British contribution of \u00a33 million to the Un Environment Project in Nairobi and give new money to tropical rain forest schemes .", "summaries": ["Mrs Thatcher is to double the British contribution of \u00a33 million to the Un Environment Project and give money to tropical rain forest schemes ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.10", "text": "Britain is all talk and no action .", "summaries": ["Britain is all talk ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.11", "text": "It is an internationally co-ordinated public relations exercise with no solid content in it. '' Mrs Thatcher will today emphasise the central role of the Un in global environmental issues .", "summaries": ["It is an public relations exercise '' Mrs Thatcher will emphasise the central role of the Un in environmental issues ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.12", "text": "She will attack the Hague declaration , a French initiative signed on March 12 , this year , where 24 heads of state proposed a Un agency empowered to impose sanctions on governments that did not reduce emissions of greenhouse gases .", "summaries": ["She will attack the Hague declaration , signed on March 12 , where 24 heads of state proposed a Un agency empowered to impose sanctions on governments that did not reduce emissions ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.13", "text": "Britain and the Us ignored the conference .", "summaries": ["Britain and the Us ignored the conference ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.14", "text": "Mrs Thatcher argues that sanctions are not the right course and only consensus will work .", "summaries": ["Mrs Thatcher argues that only consensus will work ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.15", "text": "This week , at the International Timber Trade Organisation 's conference in Japan , Britain was supported by green groups when it suggested a labelling scheme for tropical hardwood so consumers could choose products manufactured from sustainable timber reserves .", "summaries": ["at the International Timber Trade Organisation 's conference , Britain was supported by green groups when it suggested a labelling scheme for tropical hardwood so consumers could choose products from sustainable reserves ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.16", "text": "But the initiative was rejected by the countries where tropical forests are being indiscriminately felled for quick cash profits .", "summaries": ["the initiative was rejected by countries where tropical forests are being felled for quick cash ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.17", "text": "Mrs Thatcher has now rejected the Itto as the international forum to save the tropical forests , instead throwing her support behind the Un 's Tropical Forest Action Plan being run from Rome .", "summaries": ["Mrs Thatcher has rejected the Itto , throwing her support behind the Un 's Tropical Forest Action Plan ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.18", "text": "This project gives advice to Third World countries on how to manage their farming , forestry and agricultural needs .", "summaries": ["This project gives advice to countries on how to manage their farming , forestry and agricultural needs ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.19", "text": "Mrs Thatcher has been convinced by her Environment Secretary , Mr Chris Patten , from his days at overseas development that there is an important role for Britain to play in helping countries like Brazil to manage its forests correctly .", "summaries": ["Mrs Thatcher has been convinced that there is an important role for Britain in helping countries like Brazil to manage its forests ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.2", "text": "She is expected to place great emphasis on Britain 's contribution to controlling the hole in the ozone layer and global warming .", "summaries": ["She is expected to place emphasis on Britain 's contribution to controlling the ozone layer and global warming ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.3", "text": "But at a 72-nation conference in the Netherlands yesterday , Britain , the United States , Japan and the Soviet Union , which between them emit 50 per cent of the world 's carbon dioxide , blocked a proposed freeze on emissions of the gas by the year 2000 and a 20 per cent reduction by 2005 .", "summaries": ["Britain , the United States , Japan and the Soviet Union , which emit 50 per cent of the world 's carbon dioxide , blocked a proposed freeze on emissions by 2000 and a 20 per cent reduction by 2005 ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.4", "text": "Instead , Mr David Trippier , the environment minister , insisted the target dates should be dropped as unrealistic and the words `` as soon as possible '' substituted .", "summaries": [", Mr David Trippier , the environment minister , insisted the words `` as soon as possible '' substituted ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.5", "text": "He said a number of large economies found it difficult to commit themselves to targets which had not been properly explored and before the International Panel on Climate Change reports scientific evidence next year .", "summaries": ["He said large economies found difficult targets which had not been properly explored and before the International Panel on Climate Change reports next year ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.6", "text": "This panel , with three committees chaired by Britain , the Us and Soviet Union , is examining the evidence for the Un before recommending how to reduce gas emissions .", "summaries": ["This panel is examining the evidence before recommending how to reduce emissions ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.7", "text": "Environmental groups believe that because the big industrial nations control these committees and are anxious to avoid curbs on industry and car use , they are using this scientific research as an excuse for taking no action .", "summaries": ["Environmental groups believe that because the big industrial nations control these committees , they are using scientific research as an excuse ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.8", "text": "Mr Steve Elsworth , Greenpeace air pollution campaigner , said : `` Britain 's contribution at the Dutch conference was to undermine efforts to set any date or make any real targets to deal with global warming .", "summaries": ["Steve Elsworth , Greenpeace campaigner , said : `` Britain 's contribution was to undermine efforts to make any real targets ."]} {"id": "A7W.24.9", "text": "Mr Trippier then claims the conference as a success , which clearly it is not .", "summaries": ["Mr Trippier claims the conference as a success , which it is not ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.0", "text": "British Rail has called on four rail unions to agree plans to limit excessive overtime worked by signals and telecommunications engineers as part of a radical review of pay and working conditions following the disaster .", "summaries": ["British Rail has called on unions to to limit overtime worked by signals and telecommunications engineers following the disaster ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.1", "text": "The unions were invited to urgent talks in a letter yesterday .", "summaries": ["The unions were invited to talks ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.10", "text": "He went on : `` Br have not talked to us about limiting overtime , but it says a lot about the industry when limiting shifts to 12 hours a day is considered progress. '' The consequence of the reduction had been to put resignalling work around Waterloo --- which led to the Clapham disaster --- two months behind schedule .", "summaries": ["`` it says a lot about the industry when limiting shifts to 12 hours a day is progress. '' The reduction put resignalling work around Waterloo --- which led to the disaster --- two months behind schedule ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.11", "text": "Br said it had taken steps to control overtime and to ensure engineers were taking breaks in the hard pressed Southern Region , where skills shortages are most acute .", "summaries": ["Br said it had taken steps to control overtime and ensure engineers were taking breaks in the Southern Region , where shortages are acute ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.12", "text": "On pay the Clapham report said it was `` abundantly clear '' that pay levels had failed to provide Br with the `` overall size , structure and quality of workforce '' it needed .", "summaries": ["the Clapham report said it was `` clear '' that pay levels had failed to provide Br with the `` size , structure and quality of workforce '' it needed ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.13", "text": "`` Constraints on recruiting are constraints on safety and have to be removed. '' The report also criticises the rail unions for `` entrenched resistance to change '' .", "summaries": ["`` Constraints have to be removed. '' The report criticises the unions for `` resistance to change '' ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.14", "text": "Evidence , particularly Mr Knapp 's , proved `` how deep was the mistrust and suspicion employer had for union and union had for employer '' .", "summaries": ["Evidence proved `` how deep was the mistrust employer had for union and union had for employer '' ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.15", "text": "The Br chairman Sir Robert Reid told a press conference in London yesterday : `` I accept all the inquiry 's recommendations here and now .", "summaries": ["The Br chairman Sir Robert Reid told a press conference : `` I accept all the inquiry 's recommendations ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.16", "text": "We have taken steps to ensure that the circumstances that led to this tragedy can never be repeated. '' British Rail is investigating the role of temporary hand-signalling in a head-on crash between two trains at Huddersfield which injured 17 people on Monday night .", "summaries": ["the circumstances that led to this tragedy can never be repeated. '' British Rail is investigating the role of hand-signalling in a crash between trains at Huddersfield which injured 17 people ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.17", "text": "No one was badly hurt in the accident between a trans-Pennine service and a local commuter train on track where modernised signalling is being installed .", "summaries": ["No one was badly hurt in the accident on track where modernised signalling is being installed ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.2", "text": "Mr Nick Mitchell , the head of personnel for the signals and telecommunications section , said the board had come to certain conclusions about pay and conditions for its 7,000 S&T engineers after a review of manpower and reward systems .", "summaries": ["Mr Nick Mitchell , head of personnel for signals and telecommunications , said the board had come to conclusions about pay and conditions for its 7,000 engineers after a review ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.3", "text": "`` The point has now been reached where we need to finalise this work. '' A crippling recruitment and retention crisis has seen Br lose vital engineering staff to better paid jobs for example in British Telecom and Mercury , where senior technicians ' rates are up to \u00a360 a week more .", "summaries": ["`` we need to finalise this work. '' A recruitment and retention crisis has seen Br lose vital engineering staff to jobs where senior technicians ' rates are \u00a360 a week more ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.4", "text": "Br has had to rely on staff working excessive overtime to carry out maintenance and repair work .", "summaries": ["Br has to rely on excessive overtime to carry out maintenance and repair work ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.5", "text": "Pay rates , overtime --- central issues in this summer 's pay dispute --- and repeated restructuring of the S&T division , are attacked in Sir Anthony Hidden 's report .", "summaries": ["Pay rates , overtime and repeated restructuring of the S&T division , are attacked in Sir Anthony Hidden 's report ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.6", "text": "Br accepts that measures imposed in mid-1988 to ease staff retention problems have failed .", "summaries": ["Br accepts that measures to ease staff retention failed ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.7", "text": "Grading was simplified then and S&T staff were offered an extra \u00a31,200 a year in skills allowances subject to satisfactory attendance and working , but skills shortages continue .", "summaries": ["Grading was simplified and S&T staff were offered an extra \u00a31,200 a year in skills allowances , but shortages continue ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.8", "text": "Mr Jimmy Knapp , general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen , said yesterday that Br had since moved to stem excessive overtime by ordering a maximum working week of 72 hours .", "summaries": ["Mr Jimmy Knapp said Br had moved to a maximum working week of 72 hours ."]} {"id": "A7W.30.9", "text": "The basic week is 39 hours .", "summaries": ["The week is 39 hours ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.0", "text": "Detailed evidence has been uncovered showing how Britain played a leading role in preventing hundreds of Italian war criminals standing trial in Yugoslavia , Greece , and Ethiopia at the end of the second world war .", "summaries": ["evidence has uncovered how Britain played a leading role in preventing Italian war criminals standing trial in Yugoslavia , Greece , and Ethiopia at the end of the second world war ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.1", "text": "Some 1,200 Italians --- most of whom committed atrocities in Yugoslavia --- were listed by the United Nations War Crimes Commission , but none was handed over .", "summaries": ["1,200 Italians were listed by the War Crimes Commission , but none was handed over ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.10", "text": "Churchill , in particular , was concerned not to weaken the Italian Government and strengthen the hand of Communists who had dominated the wartime resistance movement .", "summaries": ["Churchill was concerned not to strengthen the Communists who had dominated the resistance ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.11", "text": "`` The longer we can procrastinate , the better for all concerned , '' wrote an Fo official in 1946 .", "summaries": ["`` The longer we procrastinate , the better , '' wrote an official in 1946 ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.12", "text": "In 1947 Britain and the Us said the matter should be left to the Italian courts .", "summaries": ["In 1947 Britain and the Us said the matter should be left to the Italian courts ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.13", "text": "One of those most wanted by Yugoslavia but allowed to go unpunished was General Mario Roatta .", "summaries": ["wanted by Yugoslavia but allowed to go unpunished was General Mario Roatta ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.14", "text": "An Fo memo of 1943 noted `` our information about Roatta confirms the information circulating about him '' .", "summaries": ["An Fo memo noted `` our information confirms the information circulating about him '' ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.15", "text": "One Italian who was executed for war crimes --- General Bellomo --- was the only anti-fascist army officer at a senior level ; he was found guilty after one of his men shot an escaping British prisoner of war at Bari .", "summaries": ["One Italian executed for war crimes --- General Bellomo --- was the only anti-fascist at a senior level ; one of his men shot an escaping British prisoner of war ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.2", "text": "Extradition from Britain was blocked for fear of unsettling the post-war anti-Communist government of Italy .", "summaries": ["Extradition from Britain was blocked for fear of unsettling the government of Italy ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.3", "text": "`` Justice requires the handing over of these people , but expediency , I fear , militates against it , '' wrote a Foreign Office official in a report .", "summaries": ["`` Justice requires the handing over of these people , but expediency militates against it , '' wrote a Foreign Office official ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.4", "text": "Another recorded that some held high positions in the Ministry of War : their arrest , the report added , would be `` a political embarrassment '' .", "summaries": ["some held high positions : their arrest would be `` a political embarrassment '' ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.5", "text": "Documents which disclose Britain 's collusion have been found in Un , Us and British archives by Dr Michael Palumbo , an American writer ( who three years ago discovered the Un files on Mr Kurt Waldheim , the Austrian President ) .", "summaries": ["Documents which disclose Britain 's collusion have been found in Un , Us and British archives by Dr Michael Palumbo , an American writer who discovered files on Kurt Waldheim , the Austrian President ) ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.6", "text": "His research forms the basis of a Bbc 2 Timewatch programme , The Fascist Legacy , A Pledge Betrayed , to be broadcast tonight .", "summaries": ["His research forms the basis of a Bbc programme , The Fascist Legacy , A Pledge Betrayed ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.7", "text": "One of those named as a war criminal was Marshal Pietro Badoglio , wanted by Ethiopia for ordering the use of poison gas and the bombing of Red Cross hospitals after Italy invaded the country in 1936 .", "summaries": ["named as a war criminal was Marshal Pietro Badoglio , wanted by Ethiopia for ordering the use of poison gas and the bombing of Red Cross hospitals ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.8", "text": "The Fo noted that he had provided `` valuable assistance '' to the allied cause as Prime Minister after Italy 's surrender in 1943 , and that it would be `` inopportune '' to hand him over to the Ethiopians .", "summaries": ["The Fo noted he had provided assistance to the allied cause after Italy 's surrender , and that it would be `` inopportune '' to hand him over ."]} {"id": "A7W.54.9", "text": "Most of the 800 named by the commission were wanted by Yugoslavia , and the Fo secretly acknowledged that it had an excellent case .", "summaries": ["Most of the 800 named were wanted by Yugoslavia ."]} {"id": "A87.21.0", "text": "Democracy finally arrived in this remote corner of Namibia yesterday , to be greeted with determined enthusiasm .", "summaries": ["Democracy arrived in this corner of Namibia , to be greeted with enthusiasm ."]} {"id": "A87.21.1", "text": "Northern Damaraland is Africa as lovers of this continent picture it. Abutting the Skeleton Coast , that legendary graveyard of mariners and ships , it is here that the last of the world 's black rhino range free , while galloping hyenas and lunging kudu buck comprise the main traffic hazards .", "summaries": ["Northern Damaraland Abutting the Skeleton Coast it is here the last black rhino range free , while hyenas and kudu buck comprise the main traffic hazards ."]} {"id": "A87.21.10", "text": "`` I want a government where there is no difference between a black man and a white man. '' Above us in the branches , dangled the flag of the National Patriotic Front , an alliance led by an ex-Maoist , Moses Katjiuongua , and a former white Mp , Eben van Zyl .", "summaries": ["`` I want a government where there is no difference between black and white man. '' in the branches , dangled the flag of the National Patriotic Front , led by ex-Maoist Moses Katjiuongua , and former white Mp , Eben van Zyl ."]} {"id": "A87.21.11", "text": "`` If Swapo becomes the government it is the same as death , '' said Mr Kangombe .", "summaries": ["`` Swapo government is the same as death , '' said Mr Kangombe ."]} {"id": "A87.21.12", "text": "`` They are almost Communists and I do n't want a Communist ruling over me. '' A few miles down the road , at the village of Sesfontein , a political rally was under way .", "summaries": ["`` I do n't want Communist ruling '' at the village of Sesfontein , a political rally was under way ."]} {"id": "A87.21.13", "text": "About 150 Damaras and Hereros watched a dozen young village girls dancing in skirts and T-shirts bearing the colours of Namibia 's United Democratic Front , a broad alliance of eight political parties .", "summaries": ["Damaras and Hereros watched a village girls dancing in the colours of Namibia 's United Democratic Front , a broad alliance of eight parties ."]} {"id": "A87.21.14", "text": "Chief Jeremiah Gaobaeb , resplendent in a blue kaftan with gold thread , took the megaphone to launch a fierce attack on Swapo .", "summaries": ["Chief Jeremiah Gaobaeb took the megaphone to attack Swapo ."]} {"id": "A87.21.15", "text": "`` I thought they were the only party that could rule Namibia .", "summaries": ["`` I thought they were the only party that could rule Namibia ."]} {"id": "A87.21.16", "text": "The Damaras were shocked awake .", "summaries": ["The Damaras were shocked ."]} {"id": "A87.21.17", "text": "Swapo thought they could still depend on the Damara vote .", "summaries": ["Swapo thought they could depend on the Damara vote ."]} {"id": "A87.21.18", "text": "But they took people in Angola and Zambia and they murdered and they raped them .", "summaries": ["they took people in Angola and Zambia and they murdered raped ."]} {"id": "A87.21.19", "text": "The Damara Council took their own path and said : `` Goodbye Swapo , we want no part of you'' . '' Then it was time for practical advice .", "summaries": ["The Damara Council said : `` Swapo , we want no part of you'' . '' it was time for advice ."]} {"id": "A87.21.2", "text": "It is also the Africa of poverty , deprivation , thirst and the memories of recent war .", "summaries": ["It is also the Africa of poverty , thirst and memories of war ."]} {"id": "A87.21.20", "text": "`` Behave yourselves , '' he admonished .", "summaries": ["`` Behave yourselves , '' ."]} {"id": "A87.21.21", "text": "`` Put on the clothes you put on to go to church on Sunday .", "summaries": ["`` Put on clothes you put on to go to church on Sunday ."]} {"id": "A87.21.22", "text": "You must look your best. '' The mobile Un election team arrived in the evening , with their cardboard polling booths , to service the 435 registered voters of Sesfontein .", "summaries": ["look your best. '' The Un election team arrived with cardboard booths , to service the 435 voters of Sesfontein ."]} {"id": "A87.21.23", "text": "The number , of course , was appropriate .", "summaries": ["The number was appropriate ."]} {"id": "A87.21.24", "text": "They may not have much impact on the result of Namibia 's election .", "summaries": ["They may not have much impact on the result ."]} {"id": "A87.21.25", "text": "But the people will be well dressed , in tribute to the arrival of democracy in the wilds of northern Damaraland .", "summaries": ["the people will be well dressed , in tribute to the arrival of democracy ."]} {"id": "A87.21.3", "text": "In the roadside village of Waremquelle , on the way north to Sesfontein , the men wile away the days under the stinkwood trees , pools of shade and conversation amid the heat blazing off the surrounding sands .", "summaries": ["In Waremquelle , on the way to Sesfontein , the men wile away the days under the stinkwood trees , pools of shade and conversation ."]} {"id": "A87.21.4", "text": "`` Life here is very hard , '' said Joshua Kangombe , the local headman who was sporting mirror sunglasses , a trilby hat and a leather tie .", "summaries": ["`` Life is hard , '' said Joshua Kangombe , the local headman ."]} {"id": "A87.21.5", "text": "`` Most cattle are dead .", "summaries": ["`` Most cattle are dead ."]} {"id": "A87.21.6", "text": "We have had no good rain since ... '' He paused , reflectively .", "summaries": ["We have had no good rain ."]} {"id": "A87.21.7", "text": "`` Since 1983. '' Under a nearby tree , a group of children were having their school lunch , feverishly jostling each other as they scraped the bottom of a three-legged pot with scraps of bread .", "summaries": ["`` Since 1983. '' Under a nearby tree , a group of children were having their school lunch ."]} {"id": "A87.21.8", "text": "A dog snatched fallen morsels from the burning embers of the fire .", "summaries": ["A dog snatched morsels from the fire ."]} {"id": "A87.21.9", "text": "`` I just do n't want an apartheid government in Namibia , '' said Naftali Herunga , who confided that he had been a soldier , serving in 102 Battalion --- an ethnic Herero unit --- under the South Africans .", "summaries": ["`` I do n't want apartheid in Namibia , '' said Naftali Herunga , who he had been in an ethnic Herero unit under the South Africans ."]} {"id": "A88.25.0", "text": "The Prime Minister 's senior advisers will meet this weekend to try to rescue the Government 's student top-up loans scheme , as the clearing banks --- which would run it on the Treasury 's behalf --- stiffen their opposition .", "summaries": ["The Prime Minister 's advisers will meet to rescue the Government 's student top-up loans scheme , as the banks --- which run it on the Treasury 's behalf --- stiffen their opposition ."]} {"id": "A88.25.1", "text": "With only 10 days to finalise the proposals before they must be announced in the Queen 's Speech , Mrs Thatcher 's policy unit , chaired by her senior adviser , Professor Brian Griffiths , is also understood to be considering plans to make sharply increased tuition fees , rather than the block grant , the main means of distributing public money to higher education .", "summaries": ["With days to finalise proposals before they must be announced in the Queen 's Speech , Mrs Thatcher 's policy unit , chaired by adviser , Professor Brian Griffiths , is considering plans to make sharply increased tuition fees , the means of distributing public money to higher education ."]} {"id": "A88.25.10", "text": "Legislation on the scheme is due to be unveiled in the Queen 's Speech on November 21 .", "summaries": ["the scheme is to be unveiled in the Queen 's Speech ."]} {"id": "A88.25.11", "text": "The scheme , to be introduced next autumn , would give every student an interest-free loan of up to \u00a3420 a year , repayable over 10 or more years .", "summaries": ["The scheme would give every student an interest-free loan of \u00a3420 a year , repayable over 10 years ."]} {"id": "A88.25.12", "text": "The policy unit will also discuss an alternative London School of Economics private sector scheme under which the financial institutions , rather than the Treasury , would lend students money , with repayments collected through National Insurance contributions .", "summaries": ["The policy unit will discuss an alternative London School of Economics scheme under which the financial institutions would lend students money , with repayments collected through National Insurance contributions ."]} {"id": "A88.25.13", "text": "This proposal has gathered significant support in recent weeks from higher education chiefs and Tory think-tanks such as the Centre for Policy Studies .", "summaries": ["This proposal has gathered support from education chiefs and Tory think-tanks ."]} {"id": "A88.25.14", "text": "Conservative sources believe the Government 's scheme will survive any backbench revolt in the Commons , but run into severe problems in the Lords .", "summaries": ["sources believe the Government 's scheme will survive backbench revolt in the Commons , but run into problems in the Lords ."]} {"id": "A88.25.15", "text": "However , they do not expect any radical revision to emerge in the run-up to legislation .", "summaries": ["they do not expect radical revision in the run-up to legislation ."]} {"id": "A88.25.16", "text": "But one insider said yesterday that the banks could deal the scheme a mortal blow if they continued to up the price .", "summaries": ["one insider said the banks could deal the scheme a mortal blow if they up the price ."]} {"id": "A88.25.17", "text": "`` There 's a real chance that if the banks really push the price high , public spending becomes such that it would allow Mr John MacGregor , the education secretary , to reopen the whole argument. '' In addition , vice-chancellors and students groups have warned the banks they would move their accounts to non-participating institutions .", "summaries": ["`` if the banks push the price high , public spending would allow Mr John MacGregor , the education secretary , to reopen the whole argument. '' vice-chancellors and students groups have warned banks they would move their accounts to non-participating institutions ."]} {"id": "A88.25.18", "text": "Dr Nick Barr , senior lecturer in economics at the Lse and co-author of the alternative scheme , said : `` It 's very fragile , and there could be a repeat of the New Zealand situation where the banks simply changed their minds , refused to take part , and scuppered the scheme there. ''", "summaries": ["Dr Nick Barr , lecturer in economics at Lse and co-author of the alternative scheme , said : `` It 's fragile , and there could be a repeat of the New Zealand situation where the banks refused to take part and scuppered the scheme ''"]} {"id": "A88.25.2", "text": "The fees would be paid direct to institutions on students ' behalf by local education authorities .", "summaries": ["The fees would be paid to institutions on students ' behalf by authorities ."]} {"id": "A88.25.3", "text": "However , the Treasury is known to be resisting this plan , because without a strict cash limit its control over public spending and manpower planning would be weakened .", "summaries": ["the Treasury is resisting because without a cash limit its control would be weakened ."]} {"id": "A88.25.4", "text": "This weekend 's meeting is the latest in a series of conferences over the past two weeks during which ministers , their advisers , vice-chancellors , polytechnic directors and senior officials have been thrashing out strategies for expanding the higher education system .", "summaries": ["This meeting is in a series of conferences over the past weeks during which ministers , advisers , vice-chancellors , directors and officials have been thrashing out strategies for expanding higher education ."]} {"id": "A88.25.5", "text": "Banking and Tory party sources say that ministerial proposals to charge students a proportion of their tuition fees and other more radical ideas have been abandoned in the face of tough Treasury opposition , the perceived weakening of Mrs Thatcher 's position following Mr Nigel Lawson 's resignation , and her declared intention not to serve a full fourth term if re-elected .", "summaries": ["sources say that ministerial proposals to charge students tuition fees have been abandoned in the face of Treasury opposition , the weakening of Thatcher 's position following Nigel Lawson 's resignation , and her intention not to serve a full term if re-elected ."]} {"id": "A88.25.6", "text": "However , bigger special access funds to encourage poorer students , and a scholarship scheme for bright youngsters have not been ruled out .", "summaries": ["bigger special access funds and a scholarship scheme have not been ruled out ."]} {"id": "A88.25.7", "text": "The clearing banks , which are deeply sceptical about the commercial value to them of the loans scheme , have used the changed political climate to demand a higher price for their participation .", "summaries": ["The banks , sceptical about the value to them of the loans , have used the political climate to demand a higher price for their participation ."]} {"id": "A88.25.8", "text": "This is thought to include demanding a substantial fee for each transaction , indemnities against any change of government or government policy , and for the Government --- not the banks --- to be unequivocally identified as responsible for its introduction .", "summaries": ["This is thought to include a fee for each transaction , indemnities against change of government policy , and for the Government to be unequivocally identified as responsible for its introduction ."]} {"id": "A88.25.9", "text": "Labour has said it will scrap the system .", "summaries": ["Labour will scrap the system ."]} {"id": "A88.28.0", "text": "The Labour leadership is monitoring the imminent reselection procedure in Birkenhead , Merseyside , where Mr Frank Field , the independent-minded chairman of the Commons social services committee is under threat from a local leftwing trade union official .", "summaries": ["Labour leadership is monitoring the reselection procedure in Merseyside , where Frank Field , the chairman of the Commons social services committee is under threat from a local union official ."]} {"id": "A88.28.1", "text": "Mr Field has said he will resign and cause a byelection if he is not reselected , a move which could divide the party nationally .", "summaries": ["Mr Field will resign and cause a byelection if not reselected , which could divide the party ."]} {"id": "A88.28.10", "text": "Mr Field has acknowledged he might lose , but a good turn-out could save him .", "summaries": ["Mr Field acknowledged he might lose ."]} {"id": "A88.28.11", "text": "If he is defeated and forces a byelection , the party would probably be obliged to expel him .", "summaries": ["If defeated , the party would expel him ."]} {"id": "A88.28.12", "text": "Mr Field believes he would win easily , and once returned to the Commons would ask the parliamentary party to give him back the Labour whip .", "summaries": ["Field believes he would win , and once returned to the Commons would ask to give him back the Labour whip ."]} {"id": "A88.28.13", "text": "If he does cause a byelection , he will face the charge that he is not prepared to play by the rules laid down by the party conference .", "summaries": ["If he does cause a byelection , he will face the charge that he is not prepared to play by the rules laid down by the party ."]} {"id": "A88.28.14", "text": "`` No one wants a byelection , '' said Mr Peter Roberts , the former local party chairman and a supporter of Mr Field .", "summaries": ["`` No one wants a byelection , '' said Peter Roberts , a supporter of Mr Field ."]} {"id": "A88.28.15", "text": "`` But if there is one the people of Birkenhead will support him. ''", "summaries": ["`` if there is one Birkenhead will support him. ''"]} {"id": "A88.28.2", "text": "In the Commons Mr Field is widely regarded as one of the most thoughtful and persuasive MPs. When he speaks on social issues MPs from all sides listen , but in Birkenhead , Labour left-wingers , including some former supporters , believe his free thinking has gone too far .", "summaries": ["In the Commons Mr Field is regarded as thoughtful and persuasive When he speaks on social issues , but in Birkenhead , some former supporters believe his free thinking has gone too far ."]} {"id": "A88.28.3", "text": "Few party members challenge his diligence as an Mp , but they claim he has lost touch with the party and treats all critics as extremists .", "summaries": ["Few challenge his diligence as an Mp , but claim he has lost touch with the party and treats critics as extremists ."]} {"id": "A88.28.4", "text": "Mr Field accepts there is tension between him and some Birkenhead activists about the role of an Mp. A supporter said yesterday : `` What they want is to have somebody they can control , '' but Mr Field found it impossible to operate on that basis .", "summaries": ["Mr Field accepts there is tension between him and some Birkenhead activists A supporter said : `` they want somebody they can control , '' but Mr Field found it impossible to operate on that basis ."]} {"id": "A88.28.5", "text": "He has set himself the task of trying to discuss the agenda Labour needs to develop over the next two decades on issues such as training , education and poverty .", "summaries": ["He has set himself the task to discuss the agenda Labour needs over the next decades on training , education and poverty ."]} {"id": "A88.28.6", "text": "The ideas have come thick and fast --- a basic tax at 12p in the pound with the abolition of all income tax allowances , a flexible school-leaving age between 14 and 18 so 14-year-olds would have the option of leaving for a job in which training is guaranteed , and the reintroduction of child tax allowances .", "summaries": ["The ideas have come thick and fast --- a tax at 12p in the pound with the abolition of income tax , a school-leaving age so 14-year-olds would have the option of leaving for a job in which training is guaranteed , and the reintroduction of child tax allowances ."]} {"id": "A88.28.7", "text": "His chief challenger is Mr Paul Davies , a Transport and General Workers ' Union district official .", "summaries": ["His challenger is Paul Davies , a Transport Workers ' Union official ."]} {"id": "A88.28.8", "text": "Mr Davies has worked hard to affiliate 15 Tgwu branches , and has written a pamphlet attacking Mr Field 's views on social policy .", "summaries": ["Mr Davies has worked to affiliate Tgwu branches and has a pamphlet attacking Mr Field 's social policy ."]} {"id": "A88.28.9", "text": "The reselection result will be announced on December 8 .", "summaries": ["The result will be announced December 8 ."]} {"id": "A88.8.0", "text": "Ashake-up of the management and finances of British Rail is proposed by Labour 's transport spokesman , Mr John Prescott , in the wake of the report into the Clapham Junction rail crash .", "summaries": ["Ashake-up of British Rail is proposed by Labour 's transport spokesman , Mr John Prescott , in the wake of the report into the Clapham Junction crash ."]} {"id": "A88.8.1", "text": "Labour would establish a new Railway Act , encourage a more dynamic style of management , increase government funding and make the railways more accountable through a consumer regulatory framework .", "summaries": ["Labour would establish a new Railway Act , encourage dynamic management , increase government funding and make the railways more accountable ."]} {"id": "A88.8.10", "text": "Bus usage in leading English cities has fallen by a sixth since 1985/86 because of the Government 's deregulation of bus operations , says a study for the Association of Metropolitan Authorities .", "summaries": ["Bus usage in English cities has fallen by a sixth since the Government 's deregulation of bus operations ."]} {"id": "A88.8.11", "text": "About 336 million fewer journeys are being taken in Greater Manchester , West Midlands , Merseyside , South Yorkshire , Tyne and Wear , West Yorkshire and Strathclyde .", "summaries": ["336 million fewer journeys are being taken ."]} {"id": "A88.8.12", "text": "The study by the transport economist Mr Bill Tyson also shows that fares have risen , and the overall savings to the tax-payer have been a modest \u00a323 million .", "summaries": ["The study by economist Mr Bill Tyson shows that fares have risen , and savings to the tax-payer have been a modest \u00a323 million ."]} {"id": "A88.8.13", "text": "Mr Jack Meredith , chairman of the Ama 's public transport committee , said that while bus patronage was declining prior to deregulation , the Tyson report showed that the fall in journeys was between 100 and 200 million more than would have been expected .", "summaries": ["Mr Jack Meredith , chairman of the transport committee , said that while bus patronage was declining prior to deregulation , the Tyson report showed the fall was 200 million more than expected ."]} {"id": "A88.8.14", "text": "Mr Tyson says deregulation prompted fares to rise by 23 per cent in real terms in 1986/87 , followed by a 3.7 per cent real increase in 1987/88 .", "summaries": ["Mr Tyson says deregulation prompted fares to rise by 23 per cent in 1986/87 , followed by a 3.7 per cent increase in 1987/88 ."]} {"id": "A88.8.15", "text": "Last year , fares rose slightly higher than inflation in most areas .", "summaries": ["fares rose higher than inflation ."]} {"id": "A88.8.2", "text": "`` It is clear from the Hidden Report that Br is in desperate need not just of a new financial climate but a new managerial approach as well , '' Mr Prescott said yesterday .", "summaries": ["`` Br is in need not just of a new financial climate but a new managerial approach , '' Mr Prescott said yesterday ."]} {"id": "A88.8.3", "text": "Br management was `` incompetent and unimaginative , '' he said If the chairman , Sir Robert Reid , were not due to retire in April , he should be sacked .", "summaries": ["Br management was `` incompetent '' If the chairman , Sir Robert Reid , were not due to retire , he should be sacked ."]} {"id": "A88.8.4", "text": "Mr Prescott also warned that simply pumping public money into the railways was not the sole answer .", "summaries": ["Mr Prescott warned that pumping money into the railways was not the answer ."]} {"id": "A88.8.5", "text": "`` It would be naive to think that all a Labour government has to do is increase revenue support , encourage greater investment and Britain 's railway system would automatically catch up with the best in Europe , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` It would be naive to think that all a government has to do is increase revenue , encourage investment and Britain 's railway system would catch up with Europe , '' he said ."]} {"id": "A88.8.6", "text": "`` Labour will introduce a new Railway Act that will lay down in law the broad policy objectives that we expect Br to meet , '' he told the Centre for Local Economic Strategies in Sheffield .", "summaries": ["`` Labour will lay down the objectives that we expect Br to meet , '' he told the Centre for Local Economic Strategies ."]} {"id": "A88.8.7", "text": "`` These will include tough quality of service targets to improve safety , reliability and passenger comfort. '' The financial framework and policy objectives would be set by a Labour government .", "summaries": ["`` These include service targets to improve safety , reliability and passenger comfort. '' The framework and objectives would be set by a Labour government ."]} {"id": "A88.8.8", "text": "An independent national regulatory body would monitor Br 's performance , examine investment schemes , fare policies and management practices .", "summaries": ["An independent regulatory body would monitor Br 's performance , policies and practices ."]} {"id": "A88.8.9", "text": "`` There will be a consumer watchdog to deal with the whole range of consumer rights and needs , '' he promised .", "summaries": ["`` There will be a consumer watchdog , '' he promised ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.0", "text": "Up to four million Ethiopians in the north may face starvation next year as a result of drought , Peter Biles writes from Nairobi .", "summaries": ["four million Ethiopians may face starvation next year as a result of drought , Peter Biles writes from Nairobi ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.1", "text": "According to the Un 's World Food Programme , twice as many people as originally estimated will need emergency food aid in 1990 .", "summaries": ["According to the Un , twice as many people as estimated will need food aid ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.10", "text": "-Reuter. .", "summaries": ["-Reuter. ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.11", "text": "Death threats .", "summaries": ["Death threats ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.12", "text": "A French headmaster , Mr Ernest Chenieres , who sparked a controversy by banning Islamic headscarves in the classroom , said yesterday he had received six death threats from Islamic extremists .", "summaries": ["French headmaster Ernest Chenieres , who sparked controversy by banning headscarves in the classroom , received six death threats ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.13", "text": "-Reuter .", "summaries": ["-Reuter ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.14", "text": "Right gains in poll .", "summaries": ["Right gains ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.15", "text": "Denmark 's far-right anti-tax Progress Party made gains in Tuesday 's municipal elections at the expense of the ruling Conservatives .", "summaries": ["Denmark 's far-right made gains in elections at the expense of the Conservatives ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.16", "text": "-Reuter .", "summaries": ["-Reuter ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.17", "text": "Poachers shot dead .", "summaries": ["Poachers dead ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.18", "text": "Kenyan wildlife rangers have shot dead six poachers in Meru national park , including the murderers of two French tourists , the Director of Wildlife , Mr Richard Leakey , said yesterday in Nairobi .", "summaries": ["Kenyan rangers have shot dead six poachers , including the murderers of two tourists , the Director of Wildlife , Richard Leakey , said ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.19", "text": "-Reuter .", "summaries": ["-Reuter ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.2", "text": "`` We 're particularly concerned about the situation in Tigre , '' the Wfp 's Director of Operations in Ethiopia , Mr David Morton , said .", "summaries": ["`` We 're particularly concerned about Tigre , '' the Wfp 's Director in Ethiopia , David Morton , said ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.20", "text": "Corruption triples .", "summaries": ["Corruption triples ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.21", "text": "China has uncovered 100,000 cases of bribery and corruption this year , triple last year 's rate , said the country 's top prosecutor , Mr Liu Fuzhi .", "summaries": ["China uncovered 100,000 cases of corruption this year , triple last year 's rate , said the country 's prosecutor , Liu Fuzhi ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.22", "text": "-ap .", "summaries": ["-ap ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.23", "text": "Clean-up in Bulgaria .", "summaries": ["Clean-up in Bulgaria ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.24", "text": "The Bulgarian Communist Party politburo yesterday set up a top-level investigation into corruption under the deposed leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov , and fired his son as head of a party department .", "summaries": ["The Bulgarian Communist politburo set up a top-level investigation into corruption under the deposed leader , Todor Zhivkov , and fired his son as head of a department ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.25", "text": "-ap .", "summaries": ["-ap ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.3", "text": "`` It 's become clear that the crop failure there has been far worse than we realised. '' .", "summaries": ["`` the crop failure has been worse than we realised. '' ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.4", "text": "Rebels told to move .", "summaries": ["Rebels told to move ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.5", "text": "Islamabad has told Afghan rebel groups to move arms dumps out of populated areas of north-west Pakistan where a huge explosion killed upto 40 people last week .", "summaries": ["Islamabad told rebel groups to move arms dumps out of populated areas of Pakistan where a huge explosion killed 40 people ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.6", "text": "The order came as rebels announced plans to free two Soviet soldiers captured during the Soviet occupation .", "summaries": ["The order came as rebels announced to free two Soviet soldiers captured during the Soviet occupation ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.7", "text": "-Agencies. .", "summaries": ["-Agencies. ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.8", "text": "Mandela meeting .", "summaries": ["Mandela meeting ."]} {"id": "A8J.18.9", "text": "Nine South African activists will visit Nelson Mandela next week in the latest talks between the black leader and anti-apartheid campaigners .", "summaries": ["activists will visit Nelson Mandela in the talks between anti-apartheid campaigners ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.0", "text": "Apossible framework for a pan-European organisation linking countries in Western and Eastern Europe was unveiled here yesterday as the West German Chancellor , Dr Helmut Kohl , formally ruled out any prospect of Bonn seeking German reunification outside the creation of a united Europe .", "summaries": ["Apossible framework for a pan-European organisation linking Western and Eastern Europe was unveiled as the West German Chancellor , Dr Helmut Kohl , ruled out seeking German reunification outside the creation of a united Europe ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.1", "text": "The new body --- to be set up by the 12 countries of the European Community and the six countries of the European Free Trade Association --- would be open to east European states who opt for democracy .", "summaries": ["The body --- to be set up by the European Community and Free Trade Association --- would be open to east European states who opt for democracy ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.10", "text": "Unlike his Foreign Minister , Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher , Dr Kohl had first reacted to the changes in East Germany by highlighting German reunification .", "summaries": ["Unlike his Minister , Hans-Dietrich Genscher , Dr Kohl reacted to the changes in East Germany by highlighting reunification ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.11", "text": "While underlining the right of the East Germans to opt for unity with their fellow Germans in the Federal Republic , Dr Kohl said this was a matter for their own free choice .", "summaries": ["the right of the East Germans to opt for unity with the Federal Republic , Dr Kohl said was a matter for their own free choice ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.12", "text": "`` The people of the Gdr do not need lectures on this subject from outsiders , '' commented Dr Kohl , adding that Mr Gorbachev 's survival was vital for the wider movement to democracy and reform in eastern Europe .", "summaries": ["`` The people do not need lectures on this subject , '' commented Dr Kohl , adding that Mr Gorbachev was vital for the movement to democracy in eastern Europe ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.13", "text": "He concluded that a `` free and united Germany '' was conceivable only in `` a free and united Europe. '' The Chancellor stated that the priority now was for East Germany to move to free and secret elections , a press freed from bureaucratic political control , free trade unions , and the right to form independent parties , he said .", "summaries": ["a `` united Germany '' was conceivable only in `` a united Europe. '' The Chancellor stated that the priority was for East Germany to move to free elections , press , trade unions , and parties ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.14", "text": "`` The recent declarations of the Gdr Prime Minister , Mr Hans Modrow , contain references which undeniably lead in this direction .", "summaries": ["`` The declarations of the Gdr Prime Minister , Hans Modrow , contain references which lead in this direction ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.15", "text": "All now depends on how these announcements are implemented. '' While making no secret of the Federal Republic 's readiness to provide massive aid for a democratic East Germany , the Chancellor emphasised that virtually all of eastern Europe , from Poland to Yugoslavia , would have a claim of the support and solidarity of Western Europe .", "summaries": ["All depends on how these announcements are implemented. '' making no secret of the Federal Republic 's readiness to provide aid for a democratic East Germany , the Chancellor emphasised all of eastern Europe would have the support and solidarity of Western Europe ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.16", "text": "For his part President Mitterrand reported on the steps taken in Paris last weekend by Ec heads of government to bolster the crisis ridden economies of Hungary and Poland .", "summaries": ["President Mitterrand reported on the steps taken by Ec heads to bolster the economies of Hungary and Poland ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.17", "text": "`` Yugoslavia must also not be forgotton since Yugoslavia was one of the first East European countries to show courage in making change , although its economy has not necessarily benefited from this , '' said President Mitterrand .", "summaries": ["`` Yugoslavia was one of the first East European countries to show courage in making change , although its economy has not benefited from this , '' said President Mitterrand ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.2", "text": "The attempt to put flesh and blood on the skeleton structure of a possible united Europe emerged during an unprecedented day in the history of the European Parliament .", "summaries": ["The attempt to structure a united Europe emerged during an unprecedented day in the European Parliament ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.3", "text": "Reflecting both the sense of momentous events in Eastern Europe and the desire to strengthen the political role of the European Parliament , MEPs were unexpectedly addressed yesterday both by Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand , President of the European Council .", "summaries": ["Reflecting the events in Eastern Europe and to strengthen the European Parliament , MEPs were addressed yesterday both by Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.4", "text": "The Commission 's thinking about a wider European organisation was set out yesterday by its vice-president , Mr Frans Andriessen , in a report about the proposed European economic space with Efta in which capital , people , trade , and services would move freely .", "summaries": ["The thinking was set out by its vice-president , Mr Frans Andriessen , in a report about the proposed European economic space with Efta in which capital , people , trade , and services would move freely ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.5", "text": "In the short run this new body is seen by the Commission as a useful means of delaying or diverting the application of countries such as Austria which want to belong to the inner core of the 12 European Community states .", "summaries": ["this is a means of delaying the application of countries such as Austria which want to belong to the inner core of the 12 European Community states ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.6", "text": "But Mr Andriessen conceded that the 18-country Ees would be presided over by a council of ministers `` shaping decisions by consensus '' .", "summaries": ["Mr Andriessen conceded the Ees would be presided over by ministers `` shaping decisions by consensus '' ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.7", "text": "Advocates of faster progress to European monetary union were encouraged yesterday by the unambiguous declaration made to the European Parliament by Chancellor Helmut Kohl yesterday that change in eastern Europe could not justify going slow on Ec integration .", "summaries": ["Advocates of faster European monetary union were encouraged by the declaration by Chancellor Kohl that change in eastern Europe could not justify slow Ec integration ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.8", "text": "Others speculated that the foundations were being laid for a pan-European unity which might stretch from the Urals to the Atlantic .", "summaries": ["Others speculated the foundations were being laid for a pan-European unity which might stretch from the Urals to the Atlantic ."]} {"id": "A8J.6.9", "text": "The Chancellor also took the opportunity to nuance his support for German reunification in ways which will reassure those fearful that precipitate moves to unification might unsettle the Soviet Union and threaten the improvement in East-West relations .", "summaries": ["The Chancellor took the opportunity to nuance his support for German reunification which will reassure those fearful that unification might unsettle the Soviet Union and threaten East-West relations ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.0", "text": "David Brindle , Social Services Correspondent .", "summaries": ["David Brindle , Correspondent ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.1", "text": "Doubts remained last night over whether the Government had honoured its promise not to impose cash limits on drugs expenditure in the bill to bring in National Health Service changes published yesterday .", "summaries": ["Doubts remained whether the Government had honoured its promise not to impose limits on drugs expenditure in National Health Service changes published yesterday ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.10", "text": "The measure , the National Health Service and Community Care Bill , contains the legislation needed for both the Nhs shake-up and enactment of the community care white paper , published only a week ago .", "summaries": ["The National Health Service and Community Care Bill , contains legislation for the Nhs shake-up and the community care white paper , published a week ago ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.11", "text": "One of the few unexpected measures in the legislation is a clause removing the need for the Health Secretary to authorise private patient facilities in Nhs hospitals .", "summaries": ["One of the few unexpected measures is removing the need for the Health Secretary to authorise private patient facilities in Nhs hospitals ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.12", "text": "The minister would retain only a right of intervention if hospitals or health authorities `` abused '' their freedom to develop pay-beds at will .", "summaries": ["The minister would retain a right of intervention if hospitals `` abused '' their freedom to develop pay-beds ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.13", "text": "Inclusion of the measure is bound to fuel the fears of critics who see the bill as paving the way for privatisation of the health service , particularly through the proposed opted-out , self-governing `` Nhs trust '' hospitals and other units .", "summaries": ["the measure is bound to fuel critics who see the bill as paving the way for privatisation , particularly through the proposed opted-out `` Nhs trust '' hospitals ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.14", "text": "Mr Clarke dismissed such fears .", "summaries": ["Mr Clarke dismissed fears ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.15", "text": "He said that he did not see the point of a central control over pay beds which was a relic of the Labour governments of the 1960s .", "summaries": ["He did not see the point of control over pay beds which was a relic of the 1960s ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.16", "text": "Moreover , he did not envisage any circumstances in which he would exercise a right to intervene .", "summaries": ["he did not envisage circumstances in which he would intervene ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.17", "text": "As expected , the bill provides for the main planks of the Nhs shake-up --- Nhs trusts , indicative drugs budgets , optional practice budgets for some GPs and creation of an `` internal market '' --- though it does so in markedly less robust commercial terminology than was first applied .", "summaries": ["the bill provides for --- Nhs trusts , drugs budgets , practice budgets for GPs and an `` internal market '' --- though it does so in less commercial terminology than first applied ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.18", "text": "It also leaves open the possibility of extending these measures .", "summaries": ["It leaves open the possibility of extending measures ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.19", "text": "Although practice budgets are being offered only to larger practices with 11,000 patients or more , the bill sets no such lower limit .", "summaries": ["Although budgets are offered only to practices with 11,000 patients or more , the bill sets no lower limit ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.2", "text": "Mr Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , said in response to questioning by reporters that there was no provision in the measure to require regional health authorities to keep within their proposed firm drugs budgets .", "summaries": ["Mr Kenneth Clarke , said there was no provision to require regional health authorities to keep within their drugs budgets ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.20", "text": "One issue clarified by the bill is that `` Nhs contracts '' , the contracts between purchasing health authorities or GPs and service-providing hospitals , will not be legally binding and will confer no contractual rights or liabilities .", "summaries": ["One issue clarified by the bill is that `` Nhs contracts '' between purchasing health authorities and service-providing hospitals , will not be legally binding ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.21", "text": "Mr Clarke said ministers now accepted that the internal market would initially rely heavily on large-scale , block contracts .", "summaries": ["Mr Clarke said ministers accepted that the internal market would rely heavily on large-scale contracts ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.22", "text": "Expectations that hospitals would be able to work up detailed costings had been revised .", "summaries": ["Expectations that hospitals would work up detailed costings had been revised ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.23", "text": "Claiming that health workers ' fears were being overcome and that there was now a much better understanding of the plans , Mr Clarke said : `` There are volunteers all over the service waiting for Parliament to approve these provisions so we can get on with it from next summer onwards. ''", "summaries": ["Claiming health workers ' fears were being overcome and there was now a better understanding , Mr Clarke said : `` There are volunteers waiting for Parliament to approve these so we can get on with it ''"]} {"id": "A8K.38.3", "text": "This appeared to go back on the health white paper , which had stated in a detailed working document : `` Legislation will be needed in order to require FPCs ( family practitioner committees ) and RHAs to keep to their drug budgets. '' Mr Clarke said : `` What we have got here is the legislation we require .", "summaries": ["This appeared to go back on the health white paper , which stated : `` Legislation will be needed to require FPCs and RHAs to keep to their drug budgets. ''"]} {"id": "A8K.38.4", "text": "The legislation does not require other than what it 's got. '' The minister therefore seemed to have carried through the understanding reached with the British Medical Association in September .", "summaries": ["The legislation does not require other than what it 's got. '' The minister carried through the understanding reached with the British Medical Association ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.5", "text": "He said then that general practitioners would remain free to prescribe whatever drugs their patients needed and would not be constrained by cash limits either at Fpc or Rha level .", "summaries": ["general practitioners would remain free to prescribe drugs and would not be constrained by limits ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.6", "text": "However , the bill does place a `` duty '' on every Rha to ensure that its own and its constituent FPCs ' spending , which will include GPs ' indicative drugs budgets , `` does not exceed the aggregate '' of its income .", "summaries": ["the bill does place a `` duty '' to ensure its spending , which will include GPs ' drugs budgets , `` does not exceed '' its income ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.7", "text": "The Bma was last night examining this provision to see what , if any , effect it could have on GPs ' prescribing .", "summaries": ["The Bma was examining this provision to see what effect it could have on prescribing ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.8", "text": "But it was heartened by a reference elsewhere in the legislation that GPs could exceed their drugs budgets if they had `` good cause '' --- a term which the Bma will interpret as patients ' needs .", "summaries": ["it was heartened that GPs could exceed their drugs budgets if they had `` good cause '' --- which the Bma will interpret as patients ' needs ."]} {"id": "A8K.38.9", "text": "In other respects , the Bma said , the legislation left the public in the dark on key issues such as guaranteed local hospital services , public consultation on opting-out hospitals and quality of care .", "summaries": ["the legislation left the public in the dark on issues such as local hospital services , consultation on opting-out hospitals and quality of care ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.0", "text": "The driver of a 5,000-gallon tanker , Darren Rushton , of Stoke-on-Trent , raced to warn three people in a cafe as burning fuel poured towards them when his vehicle exploded after a collision outside Oldbury oil terminal , West Midlands .", "summaries": ["The driver of a tanker , Darren Rushton , raced to warn people in a cafe as burning fuel poured towards them when his vehicle exploded outside Oldbury oil terminal ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.1", "text": "They reached safety seconds before the cafe was engulfed in flames .", "summaries": ["They reached safety seconds before the cafe was in flames ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.10", "text": "The Pre-School Playgroups Association yesterday launched a nationwide campaign to provide facilities so mothers can return to work .", "summaries": ["The Pre-School Playgroups Association launched a campaign to provide facilities so mothers can return to work ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.11", "text": "Murder hunt .", "summaries": ["Murder hunt ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.12", "text": "A murder hunt was launched yesterday after a body , believed to be that of Monica Cantwell , aged 24 , from Lingfield , Surrey , was found in New Zealand .", "summaries": ["A murder hunt was launched after a body , believed to be Monica Cantwell , from Surrey , was found in New Zealand ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.13", "text": "Listeria cases increase .", "summaries": ["Listeria cases increase ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.14", "text": "The number of listeria cases rose by a quarter in the first six months of this year , Dr Diane Roberts , of the Central Public Health Laboratory , told a London conference yesterday .", "summaries": ["listeria cases rose by a quarter in the first six months of this year , Dr Diane Roberts , of the Central Public Health Laboratory , told a conference ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.15", "text": "Help line for pensioners .", "summaries": ["Help for pensioners ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.16", "text": "A group of charities yesterday launched the Winter Warmth Line telephone advice service for pensioners .", "summaries": ["charities launched the Winter Warmth Line telephone advice service for pensioners ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.17", "text": "Doctor to be struck off. London sex therapist Dr Brian Richards , convicted in the Us of trying to have his partner killed , was yesterday found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the professional conduct committee of the General Medical Council , who ordered his name struck off.", "summaries": ["Doctor struck off. London sex therapist Dr Brian Richards , convicted in the Us of trying to have his partner killed , was found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the General Medical Council"]} {"id": "A8K.8.2", "text": "Broadcast warning .", "summaries": ["warning ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.3", "text": "Powers claimed by the Home Secretary to intervene over the content of programmes would radically alter the constitution of broadcasting , Mr Anthony Lester , Qc , told the Court of Appeal yesterday in winding up an appeal against the High Court refusal to outlaw restrictions on interviews with named groups , including Sinn Fein .", "summaries": ["Powers claimed by the Home Secretary to intervene over the content of programmes would alter the constitution of broadcasting , Mr Anthony Lester , Qc , told the Court in an appeal against the High Court refusal to outlaw interviews with groups , including Sinn Fein ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.4", "text": "Judgment was reserved .", "summaries": ["Judgment was reserved ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.5", "text": "Welsh oil spill .", "summaries": ["Welsh oil spill ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.6", "text": "Anti-pollution vessels were last night tackling a mile-long oil slick after the 80,000-ton Texaco Westminster and a tug collided at Milford Haven .", "summaries": ["Anti-pollution vessels were tackling a mile-long oil slick after the Texaco Westminster and a tug collided at Milford Haven ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.7", "text": "Council uproar .", "summaries": ["Council uproar ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.8", "text": "A Kensington and Chelsea council meeting was suspended and police called last night during uproar over plans to redevelop Portobello Road market when a motion to shelve plans pending consultation was voted down after stall-holders presented an opposition petition .", "summaries": ["A Kensington and Chelsea council meeting was suspended and police called during uproar over plans to redevelop Portobello market when a motion to shelve plans was voted down after stall-holders opposition ."]} {"id": "A8K.8.9", "text": "Mothers ' campaign .", "summaries": ["Mothers ' campaign ."]} {"id": "A95.24.0", "text": "About 400 rebel soldiers returned to their barracks yesterday morning , ending the siege of Makati after they had occupied the capital 's affluent business district for six days .", "summaries": ["400 rebel soldiers returned to their barracks yesterday , after they had occupied the capital 's business district for six days ."]} {"id": "A95.24.1", "text": "The mutineers , all members of an elite scout-ranger regiment , marched to a nearby army camp , defiantly saying that they did not surrender to the government .", "summaries": ["The mutineers marched to a nearby army camp , saying that they did not surrender ."]} {"id": "A95.24.10", "text": "In the past month , Mrs Aquino 's popularity has declined , and there was growing disenchantment with her government 's ability to provide adequate transport and power , and to contain corruption .", "summaries": ["Aquino 's popularity has declined , and there was growing disenchantment with her government 's ability to provide transport and power , and to contain corruption ."]} {"id": "A95.24.11", "text": "Government officials say that state of emergency declared by Mrs Aquino on Wednesday should make it easier for the government to control prices and improve transport and other services .", "summaries": ["officials say that state of emergency declared by Mrs Aquino should make it easier to control prices and improve transport ."]} {"id": "A95.24.12", "text": "The decree allows the government to take over public utilities and businesses .", "summaries": ["The decree allows the government to take over public businesses ."]} {"id": "A95.24.13", "text": "A cabinet reshuffle is expected to follow .", "summaries": ["A cabinet reshuffle is expected ."]} {"id": "A95.24.14", "text": "Replacing cabinet secretaries who are popularly perceived as ineffective was `` part of the stocktaking that has to be done '' , the press Secretary , Mr Adolfo Azcuna , said .", "summaries": ["Replacing cabinet secretaries who are ineffective was `` part of the stocktaking done '' , the press Secretary , Mr Adolfo Azcuna , said ."]} {"id": "A95.24.15", "text": "At the same time , Mrs Aquino is mobilising popular support for her beleaguered government .", "summaries": ["Mrs Aquino is mobilising support for her government ."]} {"id": "A95.24.16", "text": "In an emotional television appeal yesterday , she called on Filipinos to bring their families to a mass today at a religious shrine on a main motorway in suburban Manila .", "summaries": ["she called on Filipinos to bring their families to a mass at a shrine in Manila ."]} {"id": "A95.24.17", "text": "The spot marks the place where where hundreds and thousands gathered in February 1986 for a popular uprising that overthrew the late President Ferdinand Marcos , and made Mrs Aquino the President .", "summaries": ["The spot marks where where thousands gathered in February 1986 for a popular uprising that overthrew Ferdinand Marcos , and made Mrs Aquino the President ."]} {"id": "A95.24.18", "text": "Cardinal Jaime Sin , the influential Archbishop of Manila , who called on Filipinos to support the uprising against Marcos , joined Mrs Aquino 's appeal .", "summaries": ["Cardinal Jaime Sin , the Archbishop of Manila , called on Filipinos to support the uprising against Marcos ."]} {"id": "A95.24.19", "text": "`` The future of the nation is in your hands , '' he said in a radio broadcast .", "summaries": ["`` The future of the nation is in your hands , '' he said ."]} {"id": "A95.24.2", "text": "`` We have won some victories , '' said Capitain Danilo Lucas , a West Point graduate who took part in the rebellion .", "summaries": ["`` We have won victories , '' said Capitain Danilo Lucas , a West Point graduate who took part in the rebellion ."]} {"id": "A95.24.20", "text": "The rebels left Makati after negotiations with military officers and marched back to their barracks with rifles , bazookas , and machine-guns , chanting : `` No surrender , the fight goes on. '' Brigadier-General Arturo Enrile , the government negotiator , said the mutineers had initially demanded Mrs Aquino 's resignation , but eventually `` reason prevailed over whatever political or ideoligical convictions they had. '' Gen Enrile went on : `` I told them they would be treated fairly , justly and humanely but they must be man enough to take the consequences of their actions. '' At the camp , the rebel troops were welcomed with a banner that read : `` Welcome home. '' They shook hands and embraced government soldiers .", "summaries": ["The rebels left negotiations chanting : `` No surrender '' Brigadier-General Arturo Enrile , the government negotiator , said the mutineers initially demanded Mrs Aquino 's resignation , but eventually `` reason prevailed over convictions '' Gen Enrile went on : `` I told them they would be treated justly but they must take the consequences of their actions. '' the rebel troops were welcomed with a banner that read : `` Welcome home. '' They embraced government soldiers ."]} {"id": "A95.24.21", "text": "`` We will not surrender even if it takes forever , '' said Corporal Roy Bantung .", "summaries": ["`` We will not surrender , '' said Corporal Roy Bantung ."]} {"id": "A95.24.22", "text": "`` The government must change .", "summaries": ["`` The government must change ."]} {"id": "A95.24.23", "text": "The president must change her policies. ''", "summaries": ["The president must change"]} {"id": "A95.24.3", "text": "`` We are not surrendering , we are voluntarily going back to barracks. '' In the central Philippine city of Cebu , meanwhile , negotiations with the 200 army rebels who seized an air force base are at a stalemate .", "summaries": ["In the Philippine city of Cebu , negotiations with the army rebels who seized an air base are at a stalemate ."]} {"id": "A95.24.4", "text": "The air force general leading the mutineers refused to give up control of the base even as the seige of Makati ended .", "summaries": ["The general leading the mutineers refused to give up the base even as the seige ended ."]} {"id": "A95.24.5", "text": "As the military mutiny dragged on for the sixth day , President Corazon Aquino asked Filipinos to `` join hands and consolidate our resources to rebuild what we have destroyed '' .", "summaries": ["As the military mutiny dragged on , President Corazon Aquino asked Filipinos to `` join hands and resources to rebuild '' ."]} {"id": "A95.24.6", "text": "Military officers said more disruptions by mutinous soldiers were still possible .", "summaries": ["officers said more disruptions by mutinous soldiers were possible ."]} {"id": "A95.24.7", "text": "`` I can not guarantee that there will be no more coup attempts , '' said the armed forces spokesman , Brigadier-General Oscar Florendo .", "summaries": ["`` I can not guarantee that there will be no more coup attempts , '' said Brigadier-General Oscar Florendo ."]} {"id": "A95.24.8", "text": "During a meeting yesterday , Mrs Aquino told her cabinet `` to take a long , hard look at ourselves in order to see what it is we did wrong and what else needs to be done so we can all benefit from this tragic experience in our lives '' .", "summaries": ["Mrs Aquino told her cabinet `` take a look at ourselves to see what we did wrong and what needs to be done so we can benefit from this tragic experience '' ."]} {"id": "A95.24.9", "text": "She is expected to implement measures to address the popular grievances that have helped to fuel the mutiny .", "summaries": ["She is expected to address grievances that have helped the mutiny ."]} {"id": "A96.17.0", "text": "Aturkish print worker alleged yesterday that a Harley Street doctor paid \u00a32,500 for him to donate a kidney to a patient whom he believed was a fellow countryman .", "summaries": ["Aturkish print worker alleged that a doctor paid \u00a32,500 for him to donate a kidney to a patient he believed was a countryman ."]} {"id": "A96.17.1", "text": "Mr Ferhat Usta , a Muslim , said he realised minutes before the operation that his kidney was going to a Briton .", "summaries": ["Mr Usta , a Muslim , realised minutes before the operation that his kidney was going to a Briton ."]} {"id": "A96.17.10", "text": "Mr Usta said he had come to London under the impression that his kidney was to be donated to one of the `` broker '' brothers , Ata Nur Kuntar .", "summaries": ["Mr Usta said he had come to London under the impression that his kidney was to be donated to one of the `` broker '' brothers ."]} {"id": "A96.17.11", "text": "He had said to Mr Kuntar : `` You could have told me the truth from the very beginning .", "summaries": ["He said to Mr Kuntar : `` You could have told me the truth ."]} {"id": "A96.17.12", "text": "Because I am a very poor man you made me accept a figure like six million lire ( \u00a32,500 ) .", "summaries": ["Because I am a poor you made me accept six million lire ( \u00a32,500 ) ."]} {"id": "A96.17.13", "text": "An Englishman , if he is going to have an operation in a hospital like that , I am sure he would have at least \u00a35,000 in his pocket .", "summaries": ["An Englishman going to have an operation like that would have \u00a35,000 ."]} {"id": "A96.17.14", "text": "`` I told him that I wanted \u00a35,000 from him .", "summaries": ["`` I told him I wanted \u00a35,000 ."]} {"id": "A96.17.15", "text": "He then accepted this and he told me he was going to pay me the other \u00a32,500 in Turkey in Turkish money. '' He said he never received the extra money .", "summaries": ["He told me he was going to pay the other \u00a32,500 in Turkish money. '' He never received the money ."]} {"id": "A96.17.16", "text": "The hearing continues today .", "summaries": ["The hearing continues ."]} {"id": "A96.17.2", "text": "`` I suddenly got out of bed half naked .", "summaries": ["`` I got out of bed ."]} {"id": "A96.17.3", "text": "I realised I was being deceived , '' he told the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee .", "summaries": ["I was being deceived , '' he told the General Medical Council 's conduct committee ."]} {"id": "A96.17.4", "text": "Mr Usta , aged 34 , who lives with his wife , mother and three daughters in a shack in an Istanbul shanty town , described how he came to London last year , attracted by a newspaper advertisement offering money to kidney donors .", "summaries": ["Mr Usta who lives with his wife , mother and daughters in an Istanbul shanty town , came to London , attracted by a advertisement offering money to kidney donors ."]} {"id": "A96.17.5", "text": "He wanted to raise \u00a32,000 to treat one of his children who suffered from a tubercular hip infection .", "summaries": ["He wanted \u00a32,000 to treat one of his children who suffered from a hip infection ."]} {"id": "A96.17.6", "text": "Mr Usta was examined by Dr Raymond Crockett , a Harley Street physician specialising in kidney disease .", "summaries": ["Mr Usta was examined by Dr Raymond Crockett , a physician specialising in kidney disease ."]} {"id": "A96.17.7", "text": "Dr Crockett , Mr Michael Bewick , a leading kidney transplant surgeon , and Mr Michael Joyce , a urologist at Guy 's Hospital , deny professional misconduct over their involvement in transplanting kidneys from four living Turks , all of whom were paid for the organs .", "summaries": ["Dr Crockett , Mr Michael Bewick , and Mr Michael Joyce deny misconduct over their involvement in transplanting kidneys from living Turks , all of whom were paid ."]} {"id": "A96.17.8", "text": "Mr Usta recalled how two brothers , described as `` kidney brokers '' , handed him \u00a32,500 in cash on the night before the operation in July 1988 .", "summaries": ["Mr Usta recalled how `` kidney brokers '' , handed him \u00a32,500 before the operation in July 1988 ."]} {"id": "A96.17.9", "text": "Speaking through an interpreter , Mr Usta said : `` As far as I can figure it out , one day before the operation the cheque was given by Dr Crockett , it was changed and the money given to me that night. '' On Monday , the first day of the hearing , Mr Roger Henderson Qc , for the Gmc , said Dr Crockett 's notes included a bill for \u00a320,000 for a Mr B , described as a Briton living in Israel who was suffering from a disease affecting his kidneys .", "summaries": ["Speaking through an interpreter , Mr Usta said : `` one day before the operation was the money given to me '' On the first day of the hearing , Mr Roger Henderson Qc , said Dr Crockett 's notes included a bill for \u00a320,000 for a Mr B , a Briton living in Israel suffering from a disease affecting his kidneys ."]} {"id": "A96.33.0", "text": "The Czechoslovak opposition raised the stakes in the battle for power in the country last night after the resignation of the Prime Minister , Mr Ladislav Adamec .", "summaries": ["The Czechoslovak opposition raised the stakes in the battle for power after the resignation of Prime Minister Ladislav Adamec ."]} {"id": "A96.33.1", "text": "Blaming Mr Adamec for sparking a `` political crisis '' by his act , the Civic Forum opposition movement said the ruling but discredited Communist Party had to forfeit the prime ministership or the presidency .", "summaries": ["Blaming Mr Adamec for sparking a `` crisis '' the opposition movement said the ruling Communist Party had to forfeit the prime ministership ."]} {"id": "A96.33.10", "text": "Pressed last night on the issue , Mr Havel conceded that in the last resort he would accept the post as head of state .", "summaries": ["Pressed , Havel would accept the post ."]} {"id": "A96.33.11", "text": "`` If , God help us , the situation develops in such a way that the only service I could render my country would be to do it [ accept the presidency ] , then I would do it , '' Mr Havel said .", "summaries": ["`` If , the only service I could render my country would be to accept the presidency , then I would , '' Havel said ."]} {"id": "A96.33.12", "text": "As the country found itself on the brink of a constitutional crisis , Mr Havel said the best way to avert such a crisis would be for President Husak to quit and for a strong prime minister to assume his authority temporarily , as the constitution permits .", "summaries": ["Havel said the way to avert crisis would be for President Husak to quit and for a strong prime minister to assume authority temporarily ."]} {"id": "A96.33.13", "text": "The Forum also revealed it was proposing Mr Jan Czarnogursky , the prominent Slovak lawyer and human rights activist who only last month under the old regime was put on trial , for the post of prime minister or first deputy prime minister .", "summaries": ["The Forum revealed it was proposing Jan Czarnogursky , the Slovak lawyer and human rights activist who under the old regime was put on trial , for the post of prime minister ."]} {"id": "A96.33.14", "text": "In addition , the opposition demanded the foreign ministry and five other cabinet posts .", "summaries": ["the opposition demanded the foreign ministry and other cabinet posts ."]} {"id": "A96.33.15", "text": "In tendering his resignation , Mr Adamec cited undue pressure from the opposition in the haggling this week over a new cabinet as the main reason .", "summaries": ["In his resignation , Adamec cited pressure from the opposition over a new cabinet ."]} {"id": "A96.33.16", "text": "The Forum rigorously denied this .", "summaries": ["The Forum denied this ."]} {"id": "A96.33.17", "text": "A government spokesman said that Mr Adamec 's decision to quit was taken because of `` unacceptable demands '' from the Forum .", "summaries": ["A spokesman said Adamec quit because of `` unacceptable demands '' from the Forum ."]} {"id": "A96.33.18", "text": "Mr Dienstbier retorted that this was nonsense .", "summaries": ["Dienstbier retorted this was nonsense ."]} {"id": "A96.33.19", "text": "Mr Adamec had asked the Forum for its proposals concerning the new government .", "summaries": ["Adamec asked the Forum for proposals concerning the government ."]} {"id": "A96.33.2", "text": "The Forum reacted furiously to Mr Adamec 's resignation , virtually accusing him of lying to the public .", "summaries": ["The Forum reacted to Adamec 's resignation , accusing him of lying ."]} {"id": "A96.33.20", "text": "After receiving the proposals and before responding , Mr Adamec had gone on national television on Wednesday night to threaten to quit .", "summaries": ["After receiving the proposals and before responding , Adamec had gone on television to threaten to quit ."]} {"id": "A96.33.21", "text": "Mr Dienstbier accused Mr Adamec of stating untruths on television .", "summaries": ["Dienstbier accused Adamec of untruths ."]} {"id": "A96.33.3", "text": "A day of drama that also saw the expulsion from the Communist Party of Mr Milos Jakes , the former leader , and Mr Miroslav Stepan , until recently the Prague party chief , plunged the country 's three-week old `` peaceful revolution '' into great uncertainty .", "summaries": ["A day that saw the expulsion from the Communist Party of Milos Jakes , the leader , and Miroslav Stepan , the party chief , plunged the country 's `` peaceful revolution '' into uncertainty ."]} {"id": "A96.33.4", "text": "Mr Jiri Dienstbier , the Forum spokesman , responded coolly to the appointment of the new Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , and said that were the Communist Mr Calfa to remain in office the president would have to be a non-Communist .", "summaries": ["Jiri Dienstbier responded to the appointment of the new Prime Minister , Marian Calfa , and said that were the Communist Calfa to remain the president would have to be a non-Communist ."]} {"id": "A96.33.5", "text": "`` At this moment he [ Calfa ] does not have the support of the Civic Forum , '' said Mr Dienstbier .", "summaries": ["`` [ Calfa ] does not have support , '' said Mr Dienstbier ."]} {"id": "A96.33.6", "text": "`` So far he has not had the opportunity to appear to us a flexible and strong politician. '' The opposition leader , Mr Vaclav Havel , made much the same point about the new Prime Minister by stating that he had failed to attract much attention over two years in government office .", "summaries": ["`` he has not had the opportunity to appear strong '' The opposition leader , Vaclav Havel , made the point that he had failed to attract attention over years in office ."]} {"id": "A96.33.7", "text": "Mr Calfa , aged 43 , is a Slovak , as is President Gustav Husak , whose imminent departure is all but certain given his association with the Warsaw Pact invasion of the country in 1968 .", "summaries": ["Calfa is a Slovak , as is President Gustav Husak , whose departure is certain given his association with the Warsaw Pact invasion of 1968 ."]} {"id": "A96.33.8", "text": "With the existing ethnic balance between Czechs and Slovaks in senior positions , the new president has to be a Czech , thus ruling out Mr Alexander Dubcek , the leader of the Prague Spring of 1968 , who is also a Slovak .", "summaries": ["With the existing ethnic balance between Czechs and Slovaks , the new president has to be Czech , ruling out Alexander Dubcek ."]} {"id": "A96.33.9", "text": "The obvious contender is Mr Havel , the Forum leader and the most popular man in the country .", "summaries": ["The obvious contender is Havel , the most popular man in the country ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.0", "text": "President Elias Hrawi has threatened to resign if he fails to topple General Michel Aoun , whom he accused of blocking his way to unite and bring peace to Lebanon .", "summaries": ["President Elias Hrawi has threatened to resign if he fails to topple General Michel Aoun , whom he accused of blocking his way to bring peace to Lebanon ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.1", "text": "`` I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , '' he said yesterday .", "summaries": ["`` I did not come to the presidency to consolidate partition , '' he said ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.10", "text": "But he added that patience had limits and he might wait a few days or two weeks .", "summaries": ["he added that patience had limits ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.11", "text": "Syrian forces , Lebanese troops , and militiamen have been poised for a week for an attack to seize the palace .", "summaries": ["Syrian forces , Lebanese troops , and militiamen have been poised to seize the palace ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.12", "text": "Diplomatic sources said Syria had increased its troops in Lebanon from about 30,000 to 45,000 since Mr Hrawi 's election .", "summaries": ["Syria had increased its troops in Lebanon to 45,000 since Hrawi 's election ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.13", "text": "Mr Hrawi said no decision had been taken yet for a military showdown .", "summaries": ["Mr Hrawi said no decision had been taken for a military showdown ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.14", "text": "He accused Gen Aoun of using as `` sandbags '' the thousands of Christians who have gathered outside the palace to deter an attack .", "summaries": ["He accused Aoun of using `` sandbags '' of Christians who have gathered to deter an attack ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.2", "text": "`` I have come to restore Lebanon 's unity and extend the sovereignty of the government over Lebanese territory .", "summaries": ["`` I have come to restore Lebanon 's unity and extend the sovereignty of the government ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.3", "text": "`` When my patience runs out with all the mediation and when I exhaust my capabilities I will issue a statement to all Lebanese and apologise .", "summaries": ["`` When I exhaust my capabilities I will apologise ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.4", "text": "I will tell them `` this is your actual situation '' , and leave. '' Mr Hrawi has not been able to move into the presidential palace in the Beirut suburb of Baabda because it is occupied by Gen Aoun .", "summaries": ["I will tell them `` this situation '' , and leave. '' Mr Hrawi has not been able to move into the presidential palace because it is occupied by Gen Aoun ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.5", "text": "He said foreign mediators had asked him not to use force to break Gen Aoun 's control of the enclave .", "summaries": ["mediators asked him not to use force to break Aoun 's control ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.6", "text": "He refused to set a time within which he would step down , saying he was giving diplomacy time to solve the crisis peacefully .", "summaries": ["He refused to step down , giving time to solve the crisis peacefully ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.7", "text": "It was essential to act quickly to avert the partition of Lebanon into religious cantons .", "summaries": ["It was essential to act quickly to avert the partition of Lebanon into religious cantons ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.8", "text": "`` The country is living on a volcano , in a field of mines , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` The country is living in a field of mines , '' he said ."]} {"id": "A9E.33.9", "text": "`` I am against war and operations which disrupt peace and cause death and destruction , '' Mr Hrawi said .", "summaries": ["`` I am against war , '' Hrawi said ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.0", "text": "A British nuclear weapon was detonated under the Nevada desert yesterday , the Us Energy Department said .", "summaries": ["A British nuclear weapon was detonated under the Nevada desert yesterday , the Energy Department said ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.1", "text": "The blast , which registered 5.4 on the Richter scale , caused ripples in highrise buildings in Las Vegas , 105 miles away .", "summaries": ["The blast , registered 5.4 on the Richter scale , caused ripples in buildings in Las Vegas , miles away ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.10", "text": "Despite calls for its closure on safety grounds , the Leaning Tower of Pisa is to remain open for the time being , the mayor said yesterday .", "summaries": ["Despite safety grounds , the Leaning Tower of Pisa is to remain open , the mayor said ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.11", "text": "-Reuter .", "summaries": ["."]} {"id": "A9E.36.12", "text": "Soviet ship fire .", "summaries": ["Soviet ship fire ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.13", "text": "Two Russian seamen died but 80 crew members were rescued yesterday when a Soviet fish factory ship caught fire in the Bay of Biscay , the British coastguard said .", "summaries": ["Two Russian seamen died but 80 crew members were rescued when a Soviet factory ship caught fire ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.14", "text": "-Reuter .", "summaries": ["."]} {"id": "A9E.36.15", "text": "Benin reforms .", "summaries": ["Benin reforms ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.16", "text": "The leadership of Benin , West Africa , facing popular discontent and unable to pay its bills , has formally denounced Communism and promises constitutional reforms by early next year .", "summaries": ["Benin , West Africa , unable to pay its bills , has denounced Communism and promises constitutional reforms by next year ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.17", "text": "-Reuter. .", "summaries": ["."]} {"id": "A9E.36.18", "text": "Journalists expelled .", "summaries": ["Journalists expelled ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.19", "text": "European mercenaries ruling the Comoros Islands expelled 11 foreign correspondents after seizing their notebooks , film and cassette tapes and accusing them of inciting anti-government demonstrations , said one of the reporters .", "summaries": ["European mercenaries ruling the Comoros Islands expelled 11 foreign correspondents accusing them of inciting anti-government demonstrations ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.2", "text": "The explosion , the 21st British test at the Nevada site , was conducted under an agreement with the Us. -ap .", "summaries": ["the 21st British test at the site was conducted under agreement with the Us. ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.20", "text": "-Reuter. .", "summaries": ["."]} {"id": "A9E.36.21", "text": "Flooding relief .", "summaries": ["Flooding relief ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.22", "text": "Global warming will cause less coastal flooding than originally predicted , Us scientists say .", "summaries": ["Global warming will cause less flooding than predicted , scientists say ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.23", "text": "The sea level will rise by about 14 inches instead of 39 .", "summaries": ["The sea will rise about 14 inches instead of 39 ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.24", "text": "-ap .", "summaries": ["."]} {"id": "A9E.36.3", "text": "Somalia rebel claim .", "summaries": ["Somalia rebel claim ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.4", "text": "Somalia has denied a claim by rebels that they have captured Hargeisa , a war-torn provincial capital in the north .", "summaries": ["Somalia denied a claim by rebels that they captured Hargeisa , a provincial capital ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.5", "text": "-Reuter .", "summaries": ["."]} {"id": "A9E.36.6", "text": "Polish jail deaths .", "summaries": ["Polish jail deaths ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.7", "text": "Three Polish prisoners were killed when riots broke out in five jails after parliament excluded habitual offenders from an amnesty .", "summaries": ["Three Polish prisoners were killed when riots broke out after parliament excluded habitual offenders from amnesty ."]} {"id": "A9E.36.8", "text": "-Reuter .", "summaries": ["."]} {"id": "A9E.36.9", "text": "Pisa tower open .", "summaries": ["Pisa tower open ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.0", "text": "The man responsible for uncovering South Africa 's hit-squad scandal , the condemned security branch policeman Almond Nofomela , is being brought to court tomorrow by the authorities who are seemingly intent on hurrying him on to his postponed appointment with the hangman .", "summaries": ["The man responsible for uncovering South Africa 's hit-squad scandal , policeman Almond Nofomela , is being brought to court by the authorities who are intent on his appointment with the hangman ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.1", "text": "Mr Nofomela is to appear in a Natal magistrate 's court to be charged with the murder of the Durban civil rights lawyer , Griffiths Mxenge .", "summaries": ["Mr Nofomela is to be charged with the murder of Durban civil rights lawyer , Griffiths Mxenge ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.10", "text": "In townships outside Durban another three deaths were reported yesterday in continued fighting between supporters of the Zulu leader , Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi , and the United Democratic Front --- bringing the weekend death toll to 21 .", "summaries": ["outside Durban three deaths were reported yesterday in fighting between supporters of the Zulu leader Buthelezi , and the United Democratic Front --- bringing the toll to 21 ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.11", "text": "The violence appears to been started by an offensive against the Udf by Zulu warlords which began in the early hours of Saturday morning .", "summaries": ["The violence started by an offensive by Zulu warlords early Saturday ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.12", "text": "In Johannesburg two men died in overnight bomb explosions at the city 's main railway station .", "summaries": ["In Johannesburg two men died in bomb explosions at the city 's railway station ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.13", "text": "Police said they believed the men --- Yusuf Akhalwaya , aged 23 , a fourth-year student at the University of the Witwatersrand , and Prakash Napier , aged 24 , a part-time student --- were carrying landmines which exploded prematurely .", "summaries": ["Police believed the men --- Yusuf Akhalwaya , a student , and Prakash Napier , a student --- were carrying landmines which exploded ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.14", "text": "A Soviet-made pistol was found at the scene of the explosion and a large arms cache --- including 17 mines , assault rifles and hand grenades --- was later discovered at the home of the two men .", "summaries": ["A pistol was found at the scene and a large arms cache was discovered at the home of the men ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.15", "text": "Another bomb blast was reported on a railway line outside Cape Town .", "summaries": ["Another bomb blast was reported on a railway outside Cape Town ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.16", "text": "The explosions may have been linked with a particularly violent six-week strike by railway workers in which seven people have died .", "summaries": ["The explosions have been linked with a violent strike by railway workers in which seven people have died ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.17", "text": "Much of the violence has been blamed on mysterious `` vigilantes '' who have attacked township commuters refusing to pay their fares in solidarity with the strikers .", "summaries": ["Much of the violence has been blamed on `` vigilantes '' who attacked commuters refusing solidarity with the strikers ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.18", "text": "President De Klerk will visit Maputo on Friday for talks with the Mozambican President , Mr Joaquim Chissano , the national news agency , Aim , said yesterday .", "summaries": ["President De Klerk will visit Maputo for talks with the Mozambican President , Mr Joaquim Chissano ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.19", "text": "No details of the agenda were immediately available .", "summaries": ["No details were available ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.2", "text": "It was Mr Nofomela 's confession to the killing --- the day before he was due to be executed for the murder of a white farmer --- which led to the disclosures that the force has been running professional death squads .", "summaries": ["Mr Nofomela 's confession to the killing --- the day before he was to be executed for the murder of a white farmer --- led to the disclosures that the force has been running death squads ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.3", "text": "The civil rights organisation , Lawyers for Human Rights , was yesterday hastily making arrangements to find a defence team for Mr Nofomela .", "summaries": ["The civil rights organisation , Lawyers for Human Rights , was making arrangements to find a defence team for Mr Nofomela ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.4", "text": "A director , Mr Ahmed Motala , said they had been informed by the Attorney General 's office `` that no request for a postponement will be entertained '' .", "summaries": ["director Ahmed Motala , said they had been informed by the Attorney General 's office `` no request for a postponement will be entertained '' ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.5", "text": "So far as is known , nobody else has been arrested or charged in connection with the murder of Mr Mxenge The State President , Mr F. W. de Klerk , last week refused to order a judicial commission of inquiry into the death-squad allegations on the ground that it would be faster to use the `` tried and respected prosecution mechanisms of the state '' .", "summaries": ["nobody has been charged with the murder of Mr Mxenge The State President , Mr F. W. de Klerk , refused to order a commission of inquiry into the death-squad allegations on the ground that it would be faster to use the `` prosecution mechanisms of the state '' ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.6", "text": "He said it was crucial that the matter be settled quickly so that the police could `` continue unhindered with the important tasks that lie ahead '' .", "summaries": ["He said it was crucial that the matter be settled so the police could `` continue with the tasks ahead '' ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.7", "text": "An opposition Mp , Mr Jan Van Eck , yesterday accused the police of complicity in the latest fighting to break out at the Cape Town squatter camp , Crossroads .", "summaries": ["Mp Mr Jan Van Eck , accused the police of complicity in the latest fighting at the Cape Town squatter camp ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.8", "text": "Mr Van Eck said that he had recorded documentary evidence that police --- some in plain clothes --- had been shooting supporters of local headmen who had broken away from the committee running Crossroads , alleging fraud and corruption .", "summaries": ["Mr Van Eck said he had evidence that police had been shooting supporters of headmen who had broken away from the committee running Crossroads , alleging corruption ."]} {"id": "A9V.3.9", "text": "Five people have died in the violence , which broke out on Sunday night .", "summaries": ["Five people have died in the violence which broke out Sunday ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.0", "text": "Czechoslovakia 's playwright-turned-politician , Mr Vaclav Havel , moved a step nearer to the presidency yesterday when the country 's Communist Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , recommended that he should be installed by the end of the year .", "summaries": ["Czechoslovakia 's playwright-turned-politician , Vaclav Havel , moved nearer to the presidency when the country 's Prime Minister , Marian Calfa , recommended he should be installed ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.1", "text": "Mr Calfa also said that all domestic operations of the dreaded secret police have been halted .", "summaries": ["Mr Calfa said all operations of the secret police have halted ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.10", "text": "While these constitutional niceties were being debated , a crowd of students gathered in the rain a few hundred yards away in Wenceslas Square to demonstrate support for Mr Havel .", "summaries": ["While these constitutional niceties were debated , students gathered to support for Havel ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.11", "text": "Balloons were released and Czechoslovak flags were waved as passing motorists sounded their horns in noisy support .", "summaries": ["Balloons released and Czechoslovak flags waved as passing motorists sounded their horns ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.12", "text": "The chances of the man who was seen as a contender for the presidency until a few days ago , the former leader , Mr Alexander Dubcek , winning the post are now seen as receding .", "summaries": ["The chances for Alexander Dubcek winning are now receding ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.13", "text": "Unconfirmed reports say he could become Speaker , a position of some honour but no great responsibility .", "summaries": ["reports say he could become Speaker , a position no great responsibility ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.14", "text": "Mr Calfa went on to outline an economic programme which would be operational until free elections can be held .", "summaries": ["Mr Calfa went to outline an economic programme which would be operational until free elections ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.15", "text": "`` The economic system of the last few decades has failed , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` The economic system of the last decades failed , '' ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.2", "text": "`` It is one of our priorities to adjust the work of the Interior Ministry to the new social conditions and turn this ministry into a component of state administration based on democratic principles ... As of today the operations of the police force in the field of internal intelligence have been stopped , '' Mr Calfa said .", "summaries": ["`` It is one of our priorities to adjust the Interior Ministry to administration based on democratic principles ... the operations of the police force in internal intelligence have been stopped , '' Calfa said ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.3", "text": "Turning his attention to Mr Havel , the Prime Minister said , `` It is the government 's opinion that there is no alternative [ to him]. '' According to the constitution , Mr Havel should be elected by December 24 --- within two weeks of the resignation of President Husak .", "summaries": ["Turning to Havel , the Prime Minister said , `` there is no alternative '' According to the constitution , Mr Havel should be elected within two weeks of the resignation of Husak ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.4", "text": "However , there were indications last night that some Communist deputies may seek to complicate the vote , by not turning up in sufficient numbers , or to delay it , possibly by as much as three weeks , to allow their own party to re-group after its recent humiliations .", "summaries": ["there were indications that Communist deputies may complicate the vote or delay it , to allow their party to re-group ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.5", "text": "An `` extraordinary '' Congress to elect a new Party leadership opens in Prague today .", "summaries": ["An `` extraordinary '' Congress to elect a new Party leadership opens in Prague ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.6", "text": "Mr Havel , himself a victim of the secret police , has spoken frequently of the never-ending threat of a house search , the knowledge that every visitor was photographed and every conversation bugged by the Communist regime .", "summaries": ["Mr Havel has spoken frequently of the threat of a house search , the knowledge that every visitor was photographed and every conversation bugged ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.7", "text": "Mr Havel 's house was continously monitored from a nearby tower of the Manes gallery in central Prague , and cameras were installed by the secret police in other streets where dissidents lived .", "summaries": ["Havel 's house was monitored from a tower in Prague , and cameras were installed in streets where dissidents lived ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.8", "text": "During the 41 years of Communist rule , an as yet undisclosed number of secret police agents were involved in continuous surveillance operations against citizens and were responsible for the interrogation and harassment of dissidents .", "summaries": ["During the 41 years of Communist rule , an undisclosed number of secret police were involved in surveillance operations against citizens and the harassment of dissidents ."]} {"id": "AA4.8.9", "text": "Meanwhile , the Socialist Party , one of the four smaller parties represented in the assembly , announced last night that it would also be backing Mr Havel 's candidacy .", "summaries": ["the Socialist Party announced that it would be backing Havel 's candidacy ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.0", "text": "The Environment Secretary , Mr Chris Patten , yesterday wrote to Mr Neil Kinnock , the Labour Party leader , demanding that he dissociate himself from proposals designed to stop the growth of second homes .", "summaries": ["The Environment Secretary , Chris Patten , wrote to Neil Kinnock , the Labour leader , demanding he dissociate himself from proposals designed to stop second homes ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.1", "text": "The move came as the Labour Party 's housing spokesman , Mr Clive Soley , yesterday complained to the Press Council over newspaper reports that his party was proposing to ban second homes .", "summaries": ["The move came as Labour 's housing spokesman , Mr Clive Soley , complained over reports that his party was to ban second homes ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.10", "text": "Under the Labour plans , property owners who wished to convert their house to second home status would need to secure planning permission first from the local council .", "summaries": ["Under the plans , property owners who wished to convert to second home status would need permission first ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.11", "text": "Similarly it would be stated in the estate agents ' particulars whether permission had been granted for a house which is up for sale to be sold to someone who wanted to use it as a second home .", "summaries": ["it would be stated whether permission had been granted for a house which is up for sale as a second home ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.12", "text": "At present such change of use consent is needed to convert a house into an office .", "summaries": ["such change of use consent is needed to convert a house into an office ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.13", "text": "`` It would not be applied to someone who uses the house as their family home but works away from home for most of the week , '' said Mr Soley .", "summaries": ["`` It would not be applied to someone who uses the house as their family home but works away for most of the week , '' said Soley ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.14", "text": "He added that in countries such as Italy the authorities charged double rates for the installation of such amenities as telephones , electricity and gas in second homes .", "summaries": ["He added that Italy charged double for the installation of amenities in second homes ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.15", "text": "Mr John Wilkinson ( C. Ruislip Northwood ) , who came sixth in the private members ' bills ballot , yesterday announced a measure to make it obligatory to apply for planning permission before a dwelling house is demolished .", "summaries": ["John Wilkinson announced a measure to make it obligatory to apply for planning permission before a dwelling is demolished ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.16", "text": "Mr Wilkinson , whose bill has a good chance of reaching the statute book , believes such a measure is necessary to curb growing surburban problem of overdevelopment through luxury blocks of flats being built by developers on plots previously occupied by a single house .", "summaries": ["Mr Wilkinson , whose bill has a good chance , believes such a measure is necessary to curb overdevelopment ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.2", "text": "A Labour group reviewing planning law has proposed that local authorities be allowed to decide whether new second homes should need change of use planning consent .", "summaries": ["A Labour group has proposed local authorities be allowed to decide whether new second homes should need change of use planning consent ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.3", "text": "Existing homes would not be affected .", "summaries": ["Existing homes would not be affected ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.4", "text": "The aim is to give councils some control over the future growth of second homes .", "summaries": ["The aim is to give councils control over the growth of homes ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.5", "text": "Mr Patten described it yesterday as a `` spiteful and impractical and authoritarian plan '' .", "summaries": ["Patten described it as a `` spiteful authoritarian plan '' ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.6", "text": "But Mr Soley defended the policy in an interview with the Guardian : `` The problem is most acute in rural areas , such as the South-west , where there is a growing problem of ghost villages where 70 per cent of the houses are only occupied at weekends or during the summer , '' he said .", "summaries": ["Soley defended the policy : `` The problem is acute in rural areas where 70 per cent of the houses are only occupied at weekends or the summer '' ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.7", "text": "`` At the same time there is lack of accommodation for local people .", "summaries": ["`` there is lack of accommodation for local people ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.8", "text": "We have to offer the local authorities some way of restricting the growth of second homes , '' said Mr Soley .", "summaries": ["We offer the local authorities some way of restricting the growth of second homes , '' said Soley ."]} {"id": "AA5.2.9", "text": "He said the demand for such a policy came from within planning circles and from some Conservative-controlled councils in the South-west , Cumbria and North Wales .", "summaries": ["the demand for a policy came from within planning circles and councils in the South-west , Cumbria and North Wales ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.0", "text": "This was not a matter of political convenience .", "summaries": ["This was not a matter of political convenience ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.1", "text": "I was drawn to Laurie at first meeting , when the local Co-operative Party nominated him as candidate for the 1959 general election .", "summaries": ["I was drawn to Laurie at first meeting , when the Co-operative Party nominated him as candidate for the 1959 election ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.10", "text": "Always he was an inspiration .", "summaries": ["he was an inspiration ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.11", "text": "Laurie had a passion and a warmth for people rather than the state .", "summaries": ["Laurie had a warmth for people rather than the state ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.12", "text": "He represented the British Labour Movement at its best .", "summaries": ["He represented the Labour Movement at its best ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.13", "text": "He stayed in Parliament despite ill health to ensure the good health of the the Labour party he believed in. I am so pleased to think that his kind of socialism `` without the state '' is now coming to the fore again in Labour politics .", "summaries": ["He stayed in Parliament to ensure the health of the the Labour party he believed in. I think his kind of socialism `` without the state '' is coming to the fore again ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.14", "text": "We have much to bless and indeed warmly remember him for .", "summaries": ["We have much to remember him for ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.2", "text": "From the bottom of the list of nominees he climbed to the top .", "summaries": ["he climbed to the top ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.3", "text": "Laurie had a warmth of personality in all his doings with people and politics .", "summaries": ["Laurie had a warmth with people and politics ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.4", "text": "For me his was pluralist socialism at its best --- in the service of the community .", "summaries": ["his was pluralist socialism at its best --- in the service of community ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.5", "text": "A pacifist , co-operator , Third World volunteer , borough councillor , heartfelt socialist , he served the people of Brent warmly and well for 28 years .", "summaries": ["A pacifist , volunteer , councillor , socialist , he served Brent well for 28 years ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.6", "text": "In the Commons he was an independently minded , but loyal member of the Parliamentary Labour Party .", "summaries": ["he was an independently minded , but loyal member of the Labour Party ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.7", "text": "His concern for and knowledge of the Nhs was widely recognised --- and respected , though he never achieved the sort of ministerial office for which he was well qualified .", "summaries": ["His knowledge of the Nhs was widely recognised though he never achieved the ministerial office for which he was qualified ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.8", "text": "We marched together to and from Aldermaston , we worked together for co-operative socialism , we campaigned together for health , welfare , employment , education and housing in our `` inner city '' constituencies .", "summaries": ["We marched together , we worked together , we campaigned together for health , welfare , employment , education and housing in our constituencies ."]} {"id": "AA8.15.9", "text": "We worked for a wider Europe , international peace , development and disarmament .", "summaries": ["We worked for a wider Europe , international development and disarmament ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.0", "text": "Panama is the latest in a series of rogue regimes , the menacing state of whose internal affairs has led to armed intervention by other countries --- and to an unresolved international tangle about the legality of such action .", "summaries": ["Panama is the latest of rogue regimes whose affairs led to armed intervention by other countries --- and to unresolved international legality of such action ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.1", "text": "The chain has stretched from Uganda to Grenada and Nicaragua , since the 1970s .", "summaries": ["The chain has stretched from Uganda to Grenada and Nicaragua ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.10", "text": "The President gave lower ranking to ancillary reasons : safeguarding democracy , combatting drug trafficking and protecting the integrity of the Panama Canal Treaty .", "summaries": ["The President gave lower ranking to safeguarding democracy , combatting trafficking and protecting the Panama Canal Treaty ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.11", "text": "To experts in international law and relations , the Us action demonstrates a breach by a major power of international conventions .", "summaries": ["the Us action demonstrates a breach of international conventions ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.12", "text": "It also shows the shortcomings of international law in not providing a mechanism for dealing with such situations .", "summaries": ["It shows the shortcomings of international law in not dealing with such situations ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.13", "text": "Panama , as a sovereign state , can claim that any interference in its domestic affairs by another country contravenes the Un charter , says Paul Wilkinson , Professor of International Relations at St Andrew 's University .", "summaries": ["Panama can claim that interference in its domestic affairs by another country contravenes the Un charter , says Paul Wilkinson , Professor of International Relations at St Andrew 's University ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.14", "text": "He points out that such a provision bans any invasion of sovereign territory , air space and maritime zones , even where there might seem to be good grounds .", "summaries": ["such a provision bans any invasion of sovereign territory , air space and maritime zones , even where there might be grounds ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.15", "text": "`` That 's why human rights violations , even those by Idi Amin in Uganda , have been such embarrassments , because you ca n't legally do anything about them in international law , '' Prof Wilkinson says .", "summaries": ["`` human rights violations , even by Idi Amin in Uganda , have been such embarrassments , because you ca n't do anything about them in international law , '' Prof Wilkinson says ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.16", "text": "The public , at least , generally reconciles its conscience if such interventions end cleanly , effectively and quickly , says another academic , Professor William Gutteridge , executive director of research at the Institute for Conflict .", "summaries": ["The public reconciles its conscience if interventions end cleanly , effectively and quickly , says Professor William Gutteridge , director of the Institute for Conflict ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.17", "text": "It 's a cynical view , he admits , but if there are few casualties , people will tolerate such action , without condoning it , even though `` Americans have a habit of being very clumsy , as in Grenada '' .", "summaries": ["if there are few casualties , people will tolerate such action even though `` Americans have a habit of being clumsy , as in Grenada '' ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.18", "text": "The thornier aspects continue to intrigue international legal experts .", "summaries": ["aspects intrigue international legal experts ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.19", "text": "Prof Wilkinson points out that the international community might not decry unilateralist intervention provided that it approves of the outcome .", "summaries": ["Prof Wilkinson points out that the community might not decry intervention provided it approves of the outcome ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.2", "text": "Experts cite Romania as a possible future instance where human rights violations could lead to a call for action from outside national boundaries .", "summaries": ["Experts cite Romania as where human rights violations could lead to action from outside national boundaries ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.20", "text": "While intervention on the basis of protecting American lives might win approval because it could be classified as a humanitarian act , President Bush has apparently widened this to take in replacing one leader with another .", "summaries": ["While intervention on the basis of protecting American lives might win approval because it could be classified as humanitarian , President Bush has widened this to replacing one leader with another ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.21", "text": "`` I do n't think what is happening in Panama can be compared to a raid to rescue hostages , '' says Prof Gutteridge .", "summaries": ["`` I do n't think what is happening in Panama can be compared to a raid to rescue hostages , '' says Prof Gutteridge ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.22", "text": "Nor does the drugs menace pose a sufficient threat to Us security to justify the Us action , says Professor Wilkinson .", "summaries": ["Nor does the drugs menace pose a sufficient threat to Us security to justify the action , says Professor Wilkinson ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.23", "text": "However , he feels that there are instances where regimes violating human rights might justifiably be subjected to external action .", "summaries": ["he feels there are instances where regimes violating human rights be subjected to external action ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.24", "text": "He sees it as a weakness of international law that no such machinery exists , and argues that an internationally authorised force should be set up by the Un Security Council to intervene in rogue states on various continents .", "summaries": ["He argues that an internationally authorised force should be set up by the Un Security Council to intervene in rogue states ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.25", "text": "Page", "summaries": ["Page"]} {"id": "AAB.8.3", "text": "This strengthens the case for powers to be granted to the United Nations to deal with such conflicts .", "summaries": ["This strengthens the case for the United Nations to deal with such conflicts ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.4", "text": "Gen Noreiga said last Friday that Panama considered itself at war with the Us so long as American aggression against Panamanians continued .", "summaries": ["Gen Noreiga said that Panama considered itself at war with the Us so long as American aggression continued ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.5", "text": "The reaction of a Pentagon spokesman to the remark was first an incredulous `` What ? '' then laughter .", "summaries": ["The reaction of a Pentagon spokesman was incredulous ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.6", "text": "The implication was that Gen Noreiga 's bravado could in no legal sense be taken as a declaration of hostilities .", "summaries": ["Gen Noreiga 's bravado could in no legal sense be taken as hostilities ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.7", "text": "The mechanisms for registering and resolving a conflict via the United Nations , which would apply in this situation , had not been gone through by the general .", "summaries": ["The mechanisms resolving conflict via the United Nations , had not been gone through ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.8", "text": "The thrust of the Bush justification for Us action was the very real danger to Us personnel .", "summaries": ["The Bush justification for action was the danger to Us personnel ."]} {"id": "AAB.8.9", "text": "`` I have no higher obligation than to safeguard the lives of American citizens , '' he said on television .", "summaries": ["`` I have no higher obligation than to safeguard the lives of American citizens , '' he said ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.0", "text": "The Ford Motor Company faces an all-out strike next month following the 4-1 ballot rejection yesterday of a two-year pay deal by its 32,000 hourly paid workers .", "summaries": ["Ford faces an all-out strike next month following the rejection of a pay deal by its 32,000 hourly workers ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.1", "text": "They will be pressing for a settlement of more than 10 per cent in what will be the most severe test of the Government 's inflation policy .", "summaries": ["They will be pressing for more than 10 per cent in what will be the test of the Government 's inflation policy ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.10", "text": "The unions said that they were looking for the second week in January to begin an all-out stoppage .", "summaries": ["The unions said they were looking for January to begin stoppage ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.11", "text": "Mr Jimmy Airlie , secretary of the Ford union side , said : `` We expected to get a favourable majority .", "summaries": ["Jimmy Airlie , secretary of the Ford union , said : `` We expected a favourable majority ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.12", "text": "This exceeded even our expectations. '' Mr Jack Adams , chairman of the union side , said that action would have to take place within a 28-day period from yesterday 's anouncement or it would be ruled out of order .", "summaries": ["This exceeded expectations. '' Jack Adams , chairman of the union , said action would take place within a 28-day period from anouncement ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.13", "text": "He thought the big strike vote was partly due to Ford 's record profits last year of \u00a3673 millions .", "summaries": ["He thought the strike vote was due to Ford 's record profits of \u00a3673 millions ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.14", "text": "The company is likely to be affected by a series of unofficial stoppages before any official action begins , as it was in the lead up to negotiations when Ford 's final offer was rejected last month .", "summaries": ["The company is likely to be affected by unofficial stoppages before official action begins ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.2", "text": "The two-year deal amounted to 9.5 per cent for the first year and inflation plus 2.5 per cent for the second .", "summaries": ["The deal amounted to 9.5 per cent for the first and inflation plus 2.5 per cent for the second ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.3", "text": "Improvements in certain allowances were made , described as divisive by the unions , but the company has refused to compromise on a reduction in the shorter working week .", "summaries": ["Improvements were made , but the company has refused to compromise on a reduction in the shorter working week ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.4", "text": "Ford dismissed an immediate meeting with the unions but did not rule out talks after Christmas .", "summaries": ["Ford dismissed meeting the unions but did not rule out talks after Christmas ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.5", "text": "It said that a strike would be damaging to the company and to its staff .", "summaries": ["It said a strike would be damaging to the company and its staff ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.6", "text": "Production closed down at Ford last night for the Christmas period .", "summaries": ["Production closed at Ford for Christmas ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.7", "text": "Plants will open again on January 2 .", "summaries": ["Plants open January 2 ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.8", "text": "Staff voted 20,343 in favour of action , with 4,727 against .", "summaries": ["Staff voted 20,343 in favour , 4,727 against ."]} {"id": "AAC.10.9", "text": "The electricians are holding a postal ballot with the results announced after Christmas .", "summaries": ["The electricians are holding a postal ballot with results after Christmas ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.0", "text": "Mr Norman Tebbit 's decision to raise the stakes in the Conservatives ' Hong Kong immigration row with a brutal attack on the Cabinet 's policy last night convinced some MPs that he is preparing a bid for the party leadership when Mrs Thatcher retires .", "summaries": ["Norman Tebbit 's brutal attack on Cabinet policy convinced MPs he is preparing a bid for the party leadership when Thatcher retires ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.1", "text": "The former Cabinet minister refused to rule out the possibility in the wake of his scornful accusation that the Prime Minister 's shrewd political instincts had been led astray by the `` Irish logic '' of the Foreign Office , though he did say it was `` very unlikely '' .", "summaries": ["The former minister refused to rule out the possibility in the wake of his accusation that the Prime Minister 's instincts had been led astray , though he did say it was `` unlikely '' ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.10", "text": "`` It 's his bid for the leadership , '' one prominent ex-minister on the right of the party said .", "summaries": ["`` It 's his bid for leadership , '' one ex-minister said ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.11", "text": "`` It 's the one thing he can outflank both Baker and Heseltine on. '' A party official said : `` It 's the Powellite coalition , anti-immigrant , anti-Europe. '' A Tory wet added : `` He feels that the right has not got a standard-bearer or a contender .", "summaries": ["`` he can outflank Baker and Heseltine '' A party official said : `` It 's Powellite , anti-immigrant , anti-Europe. '' A Tory added : `` He feels the right has not got a contender ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.12", "text": "He may begin as a standard-bearer and allow himself to be persuaded to go forward as a contender. '' Against such calculations were those MPs who believe the hard-right strategy would not work and that Mr Tebbit is too flawed , too shrewd and too devoted to his wife , Margaret --- crippled in the Ira 's Brighton bombing of 1984 --- to make a serious bid .", "summaries": ["He may begin as a standard-bearer and go forward as a contender. '' Against such calculations were those who believe the strategy would not work and that Tebbit is too devoted to his wife --- crippled in the Ira 's Brighton bombing of 1984 --- to make a bid ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.13", "text": "To run as a spoiler , simply to block Michael Heseltine 's ambition to become leader , is another option he has voiced .", "summaries": ["To run simply to block Michael Heseltine is another option ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.14", "text": "Immigration grenade , page 6", "summaries": ["Immigration grenade"]} {"id": "AAL.37.2", "text": "In the absence of a clear candidate of the right next time , some MPs suspect that Mr Tebbit may be manoeuvring to become a serious outside runner rather than a king-maker .", "summaries": ["In the absence of a candidate of the right , some suspect that Tebbit may be manoeuvring to become a serious runner ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.3", "text": "Coming on top of Wednesday 's Commons confrontation with Mr Doulgas Hurd , the Foreign Secretary --- in front of Mrs Thatcher --- Mr Tebbit 's column in yesterday 's London Evening Standard dramatically departed from normally discreet Tory methods of party in-fighting .", "summaries": ["Coming on top of Commons confrontation with Doulgas Hurd , Tebbit 's column in yesterday 's London Evening Standard departed from discreet Tory methods of in-fighting ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.4", "text": "He described the Cabinet as split between `` bitterly opposed factions '' led by Mr Hurd on one side and his successor as Home Secretary , Mr David Waddington , on the other .", "summaries": ["He described the Cabinet as split between `` factions '' led by Hurd and David Waddington ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.5", "text": "He even named the Government Chief Whip , Mr Tim Renton , and the party chairman , Mr Kenneth Baker , as Waddington allies who `` saw the danger ( but ) failed to prevent such a folly '' which , Mr Tebbit argued , was in danger of handing back to an opportunist Labour Party the very `` key group of voters whose support is vital for a fourth election victory '' --- by implication Tory populists sensitive to what he called `` being swamped by people of different culture , history and religion '' .", "summaries": ["He named the Whip , Tim Renton , and chairman , Kenneth Baker , as Waddington allies who `` saw but failed to prevent a folly '' which Tebbit argued , was in danger of handing Labour the `` voters whose support is vital for victory '' --- Tory populists sensitive to `` people of different culture , history and religion '' ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.6", "text": "In another passage evocative of past attempts to play the race card , Mr Tebbit wrote that `` most people in Britain did not want to live in a multicultural , multiracial society , but it has been foisted on them '' .", "summaries": ["Tebbit wrote that `` people in Britain did not want a multicultural , multiracial society , but it has been foisted on them '' ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.7", "text": "Few Conservative MPs doubt the sincerity of Mr Tebbit 's gut hostility to the plan to give British passports to up to 225,000 Hong Kongers as an insurance policy designed to `` anchor '' them in the troubled colony .", "summaries": ["Few doubt the sincerity of Tebbit 's hostility to give British passports to 225,000 Hong Kongers to `` anchor '' them in the colony ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.8", "text": "But even some admirers were puzzled by the aggressively public way he has pursued it , the more so since he has been careful to acknowledge that there may not be enough rebels to defeat the Government 's legislation with --- `` a sad day for me '' --- Labour 's help .", "summaries": ["some were puzzled by the public way he pursued it , since there may not be enough rebels to defeat the Government 's legislation ."]} {"id": "AAL.37.9", "text": "Critics were appalled at the split .", "summaries": ["Critics were appalled ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.0", "text": "The crucial elections campaign , in which Moldavian nationalists will challenge the Communist Party for control of the Soviet republic 's government in February , is being launched today .", "summaries": ["The elections campaign , in which Moldavian nationalists will challenge the Communist Party , is launched ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.1", "text": "While senior members of the party and government hold a series of meetings around the city , the Stefan the Great Movement for National Revival is holding what it calls a `` great gathering '' in the main stadium .", "summaries": ["While members of the government hold meetings , the Stefan the Great Movement for National Revival is holding a `` great gathering '' in the stadium ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.10", "text": "He did so and , according to students who were present , spoke in amiable and conciliatory terms .", "summaries": ["He did so and spoke in conciliatory terms ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.11", "text": "But the students , members of the Popular Front through their own organisation , the Students ' League , said they were less happy with his performance at a meeting with them last Wednesday .", "summaries": ["members of the Students ' League said they were less happy with his performance at a meeting last Wednesday ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.12", "text": "They said he answered some of their questions sarcastically and spoke in Russian , even though he is bilingual and the questions had been put to him in Moldavian .", "summaries": ["They said he answered some questions sarcastically and in Russian , even though the questions had been in Moldavian ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.13", "text": "However , as yesterday 's Moldavian press reported , he spoke encouragingly about abandoning Article Six of the constitution , which guarantees the party 's leading role in society --- although not just yet .", "summaries": ["he spoke encouragingly about abandoning the party 's leading role in society --- although not yet ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.14", "text": "But , not surprisingly , Mr Luchinsky flatly rejected any suggestion of changing Moldavia 's frontiers --- an allusion to unity with Romania .", "summaries": ["Luchinsky rejected changing Moldavia 's frontiers to unity with Romania ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.15", "text": "`` Anyone who starts talking about reviewing territorial frontiers is consciously moving towards confrontation , and incidentally , not only with local significance , '' he warned .", "summaries": ["`` Anyone talking about reviewing territorial frontiers is moving towards confrontation , '' he warned ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.16", "text": "Although the students accepted this , and demanded only an open frontier with Romania , across which relatives could easily visit each other , some nationalists are certainly going to raise the issue .", "summaries": ["Although the students accepted an open frontier across which relatives could easily visit , some nationalists are going to raise the issue ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.17", "text": "Among the slogans of the Stefan the Great Movement are not only `` Liberty '' , but also `` Unity '' , which means unity with Romania .", "summaries": ["the slogans of the Stefan the Great Movement are not only `` Liberty '' , but also `` Unity '' , with Romania ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.18", "text": "The appeal which this call makes to Moldavians cannot be matched by Mr Luchinsky or his party .", "summaries": ["The appeal this makes to Moldavians cannot be matched ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.19", "text": "No one at this stage is prepared to hazard a guess at the outcome of the poll on February 25 .", "summaries": ["No one is prepared to guess the outcome of the poll ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.2", "text": "The rally has been officially authorised and no violence is expected .", "summaries": ["The rally has been authorised and no violence expected ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.20", "text": "The Stefan the Great Movement is not part of the Popular Front , which is the main umbrella group co-ordinating the opposition campaign , although many people are members of both .", "summaries": ["The Stefan the Great Movement is not part of the Popular Front , the main umbrella group co-ordinating the opposition campaign , although many are members of both ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.21", "text": "But if it is not calling for immediate independence , or for unity with Romania , the Popular Front is certainly demanding sovereign autonomy for Moldavia and a renewal of national culture and identity .", "summaries": ["if it is not calling for independence , or for unity , the Front is demanding autonomy and a renewal of national culture ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.22", "text": "While also talking of national renewal , the Communist Party emphasises its ability to concentrate resources on reviving the economy in a way that a Popular Front government could hardly expect to .", "summaries": ["also talking of national renewal , the Communist Party emphasises its ability to concentrate on the economy in a way that a Popular Front government could hardly expect to ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.23", "text": "However , its record on the economy , housing and social services inspires little respect .", "summaries": ["However , its record on the economy , housing and social services inspires little ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.24", "text": "With Romania seething next door , Mr Luchinsky will have his work cut out to capture the spirit of Stefan the Great from those who present themselves as his heirs .", "summaries": ["With Romania next door , Luchinsky will work to capture the spirit of Stefan the Great from those who present themselves as his heirs ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.3", "text": "But the movement will make a strong appeal to passionate feelings of renewed nationhood in Moldavia , which have been fanned by events in neighbouring Romania .", "summaries": ["the movement will appeal to feelings of nationhood in Moldavia , fanned by events in Romania ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.4", "text": "The Communist Party cannot match this .", "summaries": ["The Communist Party cannot match this ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.5", "text": "But it has other weapons which it deploys with some skill .", "summaries": ["it has weapons it deploys with skill ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.6", "text": "The republic 's new party leader , appointed after violent clashes last month between nationalist demonstrators and the security forces , is a good conciliator who has created a favourable impression among many Moldavians .", "summaries": ["The party leader , appointed after clashes last month between nationalist demonstrators and security forces , has created a favourable impression among Moldavians ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.7", "text": "A native-born Moldavian despite his Russian name , Mr Pyotr Luchinsky , the new first secretary has been going the rounds , talking to people in soothing terms all over the republic .", "summaries": ["A Moldavian despite his name , Pyotr Luchinsky , has been talking to people all over the republic ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.8", "text": "It seems to have been working --- up to a point at least --- and even members of the opposition Popular Front agree that he has been accepted by many Moldavians .", "summaries": ["It seems to have been working and members of the opposition agree he has been accepted by many Moldavians ."]} {"id": "AAT.2.9", "text": "He went down extremely well last Sunday , for example , when many people gathered outside the party 's central committee building in an unauthorised meeting and called on him to come out and talk to them .", "summaries": ["He went down well when people gathered outside the committee building in an unauthorised meeting and called him to come out and talk ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.0", "text": "Israel yesterday maintained an embarrassed official silence on the capture by Us troops in Panama of Mike Harari , a former Mossad officer and close aide to the deposed Panamanian leader , General Manuel Noriega .", "summaries": ["Israel maintained silence on the capture by Us troops of Mike Harari , a former Mossad officer and close aide to Manuel Noriega ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.1", "text": "Harari was in charge of Israel 's intelligence networks in Mexico , Central America and the Caribbean until his retirement in 1979 , after a 25 year career , when he became Panama 's commercial attache and honorary consul in Tel Aviv before rejoining Gen Noriega in Panama City two years ago .", "summaries": ["Harari was in charge of Israel 's intelligence in Central America and the Caribbean until his retirement in 1979 , when he became Panama 's honorary consul in Tel Aviv before rejoining Gen Noriega in Panama City two years ago ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.10", "text": "In the 1950s he joined the Shin Bet internal security service and by the early 1960s was operating secretly in Europe , running agents into Arab countries for Mossad .", "summaries": ["In the 1950s he joined the Shin Bet security service and by the 1960s was operating in Europe , running agents for Mossad ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.11", "text": "Known as a field man par excellence , he led the Israeli assassination teams that hunted down and killed Palestinians involved in the Black September terrorist organisation in the early 1970s .", "summaries": ["he led the Israeli teams that killed Palestinians involved in the Black September organisation in the 1970s ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.12", "text": "The Mossad squads were set up after the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic games in September , 1972 .", "summaries": ["The Mossad squads were set up after the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic games in 1972 ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.13", "text": "But in July , 1973 , Harari led a group which accidentally killed an innocent Moroccan waiter in the Norwegian town of Lillehammer .", "summaries": ["in July , 1973 , Harari led a group which killed an innocent Moroccan waiter in the Norwegian town of Lillehammer ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.14", "text": "Harari left Mossad in 1978 , and shortly afterwards became a private businessman .", "summaries": ["Harari left Mossad in 1978 and became a private businessman ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.15", "text": "By 1980 he was working in Central America , where he befriended Gen Noriega 's predecessor , Omar Torrijos .", "summaries": ["By 1980 he was working in Central America , where he befriended Noriega 's predecessor , Omar Torrijos ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.16", "text": "He supplied Israeli security personnel to guard the Panamanian leaders and train their own forces , and later became involved in official Israel arms sales to the central American country .", "summaries": ["He supplied security personnel to guard the Panamanian leaders and train their forces , and became involved in official Israel arms sales to the central American country ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.17", "text": "He remains the most notorious of a large group of retired Israeli intelligence and security men whose dubious activities in support of unsavoury regimes have embarrassed their own government .", "summaries": ["He remains the most notorious of a group of Israeli intelligence and security men whose activities in support of unsavoury regimes have embarrassed their own government ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.18", "text": "Former Mossad colleagues have insisted hotly that Harari could not have been involved in the drugs trade , but he is clearly a hard man to defend .", "summaries": ["Former colleagues have insisted that Harari could not have been involved in the drugs trade , but he is a hard man to defend ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.19", "text": "`` The greatest damage to Israel , '' says Meir Amit , a former head of the intelligence agency , `` is that rather than being known as producers in agriculture , in genetics , or in medicine , our trademark is the security business. '' A second Israeli who acted as a civilian chief of Gen Noriega 's personal security team , Eliezer Ben Gaitan , took refuge in the papal mission in Panama City with the deposed dictator , and was detained by Us troops on Tuesday .", "summaries": ["`` The damage to Israel , '' says Meir Amit , a former head of intelligence , `` is that rather than being known in agriculture , genetics , or medicine , our trademark is security '' A second Israeli who acted as a chief of Gen Noriega 's security team , Eliezer Ben Gaitan , was detained by Us troops ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.2", "text": "He is credited with forcing Gen Noriega to remove a portrait of Adolf Hitler from the wall of his secret bunker , training the dictator 's personal bodyguard , setting up his computer networks and complex personal banking system , and establishing a small and private intelligence team to watch over the Panamanian secret police and military intelligence .", "summaries": ["He is credited with forcing Gen Noriega to remove a portrait of Adolf Hitler from his bunker , training the dictator 's bodyguard , setting up his computer and personal banking system , and establishing a small intelligence team to watch the Panamanian secret police and military intelligence ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.20", "text": "Well-paid for his services to Gen Noriega , Harari was known in Panama as `` Mr Sixty Percent , '' according to Panama 's former Ambassador to Tel Aviv , Mr Eduadro Herero Hassan , who was flown back to Panama this week by the Us to help rebuild a new Panamanian security force .", "summaries": ["Well-paid for his services to Gen Noriega , Harari was known as `` Mr Sixty Percent , '' according to Panama 's former Ambassador to Tel Aviv , Mr Hassan , who was flown back to Panama to help rebuild a Panamanian security force ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.3", "text": "The Us repeatedly asked Israel to ensure that Harari , aged 62 , to leave Panama , but Israel insisted that he was a private citizen , a claim which was treated with considerable scepticism by Washington .", "summaries": ["The Us asked Israel that Harari leave Panama , but Israel insisted he was a private citizen , which was treated with scepticism by Washington ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.4", "text": "Us officials claim the Israeli has been involved not only in security matters in Panama but also in the drug traffic for which Gen Noriega , now hiding in the Vatican embassy , is wanted by Washington .", "summaries": ["Us officials claim the Israeli has been involved not only in security matters but also in the drug traffic for which Noriega is wanted ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.5", "text": "For all his international notoriety , Harari is barely known in his native country , and the one photograph known to exist of him was reprinted on the front pages of newspapers yesterday accompanying the news of his arrest .", "summaries": ["Harari is barely known in his native country , and the photograph of him was reprinted on the front of newspapers accompanying the news of his arrest ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.6", "text": "It was taken in 1985 when , as Panama 's honorary consul in Israel , he accompanied Gen Noriega on an official visit .", "summaries": ["It was taken when , as Panama 's consul in Israel , he accompanied Gen Noriega on an official visit ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.7", "text": "It shows him , impassive in dark glasses , standing behind the saluting general .", "summaries": ["It shows him standing behind the general ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.8", "text": "Harari spent much of his adult life in Israel 's secret world .", "summaries": ["Harari spent much of his life in Israel 's secret world ."]} {"id": "AAT.5.9", "text": "Born in Tel Aviv in 1927 , he worked as a radio operator in Italy for the pre-state Haganah militia during the campaign to smuggle Jewish Holocaust survivors past the British naval blockade of Palestine .", "summaries": ["Born in Tel Aviv in 1927 , he worked as a radio operator in Italy during the campaign to smuggle Holocaust survivors past the blockade of Palestine ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.0", "text": "Boys Gerald Sterling , 13 , the Conservative candidate , had to cut short his speech because he had a music lesson .", "summaries": ["Boys Gerald Sterling , 13 , the Conservative candidate , had to cut his speech because he had a lesson ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.1", "text": "Alex Orton-Green , 15 , of the Funky Junky Party , wore his long hair in a pigtail , and Robert Hutchinson , 15 , representing the Football Supporters-Normal Persons Party , was standing for everyone who thinks rugby is boring .", "summaries": ["Alex Orton-Green , 15 , of the Funky Junky Party , wore his hair in a pigtail , and Robert Hutchinson , 15 , representing the Football Persons Party , was standing for everyone who thinks rugby boring ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.10", "text": "Sam Stopps , 14 , for Labour , was serious and intense , but caused giggles when he raised the subject of crime .", "summaries": ["Sam Stopps , 14 , for Labour , was serious but caused giggles when he raised the subject of crime ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.11", "text": "`` To improve crime , we will put more money into the police , '' he pronounced .", "summaries": ["`` To improve crime , we will put money into the police , '' he pronounced ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.12", "text": "Magnus Fehn , 13 , was representing his own creation , the New Democracy Party , which plans to fleece the rich and tax the Queen .", "summaries": ["Magnus Fehn , 13 , was representing his own New Democracy Party , which plans to fleece the rich and tax the Queen ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.13", "text": "Both policies got a big hand .", "summaries": ["Both policies got a big hand ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.14", "text": "Alex Orton-Green wanted to go further .", "summaries": ["Alex Orton-Green wanted to go further ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.15", "text": "The monarchy should be abolished and the land of the aristocracy confiscated to pay for putting England back on its feet .", "summaries": ["The monarchy should be abolished and the land confiscated to pay for putting England on its feet ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.16", "text": "The most senior candidate , Adam Matthews , 16 , of the Socialist Labour Party , said his party would abolish the Queen , generals and public schools , put the Royal Family out to work as wardens in nature parks , and prosecute Arsenal under the Trade Descriptions Act for calling themselves a football team .", "summaries": ["candidate Adam Matthews , 16 , of the Socialist Labour Party , said his party would abolish the Queen , put the Royal Family to work in nature parks , and prosecute Arsenal under the Trade Descriptions Act for calling themselves a football team ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.2", "text": "The Big Election Debate took place in the Goddard Library of the boys '' school of Haberdashers ' Aske 's Hatcham College in New Cross , south London , which is a City Technology College .", "summaries": ["The Election took place in the boys school of Aske 's Hatcham College in London , a City Technology College ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.3", "text": "Polling day is on Wednesday .", "summaries": ["Polling day is Wednesday ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.4", "text": "The mock election has been organised by Mr Ian Gerrard , a history master , chairman of the Literary and Debating Society and returning officer , who confessed that it had been a bit of a `` sleazy '' campaign .", "summaries": ["The mock election has been organised by Ian Gerrard , chairman of the Debating Society , who confessed it had been a a `` sleazy '' campaign ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.5", "text": "Gerald Sterling neatly summed up the Conservative case : `` Voting Labour means high taxes , high taxes mean less to spend , less to spend means fewer things bought , fewer things bought means fewer things produced , and fewer things produced means less work for everyone. '' His exit left the floor open for the political twins , Matthew Jackson , 13 , for the Socialist Workers , and his brother Thomas , for the Lib Dems .", "summaries": ["Gerald Sterling summed up the Conservative case : `` Voting Labour means taxes , less to spend means fewer things bought , and fewer things produced means less work '' His exit left the floor open for twins , Matthew Jackson , 13 , for the Socialist Workers , and brother Thomas , for the Lib Dems ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.6", "text": "Matthew 's style was snappy : `` John Major was the Chancellor who got us into recession and he is the Prime Minister who is n't going to get us out ... '' His brother 's party was no better , in his opinion .", "summaries": ["Matthew 's style was snappy : `` John Major got us into recession and he is n't going to get us out '' His brother 's party was no better , ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.7", "text": "`` The Liberal Democrats have changed their policies eight times in seven years , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` The Liberal Democrats have changed policies eight times in seven years , '' he said ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.8", "text": "Thomas Jackson accused his brother of being a Communist .", "summaries": ["Thomas Jackson accused his brother of being a Communist ."]} {"id": "AHX.23.9", "text": "But he bravely touched on the issue of CTCs , which he said his party would scrap .", "summaries": ["he touched on CTCs , which he said his party would scrap ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.0", "text": "A British woman may have found the body of her murdered 20-year-old son after a three-year hunt .", "summaries": ["A British woman found the body of her murdered 20-year-old son after a three-year hunt ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.1", "text": "She was in a Canadian hospital last night suffering from exhaustion .", "summaries": ["She was in a Canadian hospital suffering from exhaustion ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.10", "text": "She is spending two days isolated from the world. '' Mr Allan , a garment manufacturer who married Denise five years ago , said she was `` deeply upset '' .", "summaries": ["She is spending two days isolated '' Mr Allan said she was `` upset '' ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.11", "text": "He plans to fly to Canada on Wednesday to bring her home .", "summaries": ["He plans to fly to Canada to bring her home ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.12", "text": "`` It 's been building up to this .", "summaries": ["`` It 's been building up ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.13", "text": "Everything has pointed towards a body being found. '' `` If it had n't been for her courage and fortitude in going out there and taking on the role of investigator , private detective and motivator , those files would still be closed and the police would just have an unsolved case of a missing person. '' Police now considered the case a murder inquiry and were appealing for any information that would lead to the killer .", "summaries": ["Everything has pointed towards a body '' `` If it had n't been for her taking on the role of private detective , the police would just have an unsolved case of a missing person. '' Police considered the case a murder inquiry and were appealing for information ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.14", "text": "Mrs Allan 's son disappeared in May , 1989 , after a party during his back-packing trip across North America .", "summaries": ["Mrs Allan 's son disappeared in 1989 , after a party during his trip across North America ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.15", "text": "Nothing was heard from him after he faxed a message home giving arrangements for his mother to meet him to celebrate her 40th birthday .", "summaries": ["Nothing was heard after giving arrangements for his mother to meet him to celebrate her birthday ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.16", "text": "She flew to Canada to retrace his steps a month later but had to return after running out of money .", "summaries": ["She flew to Canada to retrace his steps a month later ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.17", "text": "After two years with no news , Mrs Allan sold her beauty salon in Bradford and raised a \u00a320,000 loan to resume the search a month ago .", "summaries": ["After two years with no news , Mrs Allan sold her beauty salon and raised a loan to resume the search ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.18", "text": "After she placed an advertisement in a Canadian newspaper , an anonymous hand-written letter was delivered to her motel .", "summaries": ["After she placed an advertisement in a newspaper , an anonymous letter was delivered to her ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.19", "text": "It said : `` We were partying with your son on May 26 and this is the last time we could establish that he was alive .", "summaries": ["It said : `` We were partying on May 26 and this is the last time we could establish that he was alive ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.2", "text": "Mrs Denise Allan , 42 , of Sowerby , West Yorks , led a campaign to find out what happened to her son , Charles , after he vanished while trekking across Canada .", "summaries": ["Denise Allan led a campaign to find her son , Charles , after he vanished trekking across Canada ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.20", "text": "Two people knocked him out but he died .", "summaries": ["people knocked him out but he died ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.21", "text": "His body is in Lake Okanagan by the bridge. '' An underwater search was launched .", "summaries": ["His body is in Lake Okanagan '' An underwater search was launched ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.22", "text": "Mrs Allan used her own funds to hire local divers and a submersible camera crew at a cost of \u00a3500 per day .", "summaries": ["Mrs Allan used her funds to hire divers and a submersible camera crew at a cost of \u00a3500 per day ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.23", "text": "Then last week a second note , in the same handwriting , informed Mrs Allan that the search was on the wrong side of the bridge .", "summaries": ["last week a second note informed Mrs Allan the search was on the wrong side of the bridge ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.24", "text": "The body was found a day later .", "summaries": ["The body was found a day later ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.25", "text": "Mr Allan , who likened his wife 's campaign to that of the father of murdered British woman Julie Ward in Kenya , said : `` It 's most important we have something positive even though it is bad news. ''", "summaries": ["Mr Allan said : `` It 's important we have something even though it is bad news. ''"]} {"id": "AHX.5.3", "text": "A body was found on Saturday in Okanagan lake 200 miles east of Vancouver .", "summaries": ["A body was found in Okanagan lake east of Vancouver ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.4", "text": "It was discovered in 130 feet of water in the exact spot where two anonymous letters written to Mrs Allan had said it would be .", "summaries": ["It was discovered where anonymous letters to Mrs Allan said it would ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.5", "text": "A post mortem examination will take place in Vancouver later today to confirm identification from dental records .", "summaries": ["A post mortem will take place to confirm identification ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.6", "text": "Mrs Allan was taken to nearby Kelowna General Hospital after the body was found .", "summaries": ["Mrs Allan was taken to Hospital after the body was found ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.7", "text": "Her husband , Stuart , 52 , said yesterday he had been in daily contact with her since she flew to Canada last month on the second pilgrimage to find her son .", "summaries": ["Her husband , Stuart , said he had been in daily contact with her since she flew to Canada on the pilgrimage to find her son ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.8", "text": "`` She is suffering from exhaustion but otherwise fine , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` She is suffering from exhaustion but fine , '' he said ."]} {"id": "AHX.5.9", "text": "`` I spoke to her last night and she is under strict orders to have complete rest .", "summaries": ["`` she is under orders to rest ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.0", "text": "People were urged yesterday to start taking showers instead of baths to avert disaster for the wildlife of rivers , lakes and wetlands as the country suffers its worst drought for 200 years .", "summaries": ["People were urged to start taking showers instead of baths to avert disaster for wildlife as the country suffers its worst drought for 200 years ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.1", "text": "The Royal Society for Nature Conservation called on the next government to give the National Rivers Authority powers to veto thirsty building and industrial developments , and to make more water available for rivers and wetlands .", "summaries": ["The Royal Society for Nature Conservation called on the government to give the National Rivers Authority powers to veto thirsty developments , and to make more water available for wetlands ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.10", "text": "She said they could have worrying consequences for wildlife because the grids could entail the mixing of water from acidic catchments with water from alkaline chalk streams .", "summaries": ["She said they could have consequences for wildlife because the grids could entail the mixing of water from acidic catchments with alkaline chalk streams ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.11", "text": "Mr Gary Mantle , director of the Wiltshire Trust for Nature Conservation , one of the 47 country trusts involved in the society , said water rats were declining and the water weed had been `` badly hammered '' on the Wylye .", "summaries": ["Mr Gary Mantle , director of one of the 47 country trusts involved , said water rats were declining and the water weed had been `` badly hammered '' on the Wylye ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.12", "text": "However , it was not on the priority list of 20 rivers singled out for urgent action by the National Rivers Authority .", "summaries": ["it was not on the priority list of 20 rivers by the National Rivers Authority ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.13", "text": "`` It is sick but not dying , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` It is sick but not dying , '' he said ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.14", "text": "The society wants development proposals , such as the building of 10,000 new houses in west Swindon close to drought-stricken rivers , to be refused if there is too little water available .", "summaries": ["The society wants development proposals refused if there is too little water available ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.15", "text": "Anglers are to challenge Yorkshire Water at a public hearing today over plans to abstract half the 10 million gallon flow of the river Hull , which they claim is already running dangerously low .", "summaries": ["Anglers are to challenge Yorkshire Water over plans to abstract half the 10 million gallon flow of the Hull , which is running low ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.16", "text": "Mr Allan Edwards , director of the Anglers Co-operative Association , would be opposing all applications to abstract more water from the chalk streams of southern Yorkshire , which are famous for their wild trout .", "summaries": ["the Anglers Co-operative Association would be opposing all applications to abstract water from the chalk streams of southern Yorkshire , which are famous for their trout ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.2", "text": "Rain was falling in London , where Sir David Attenborough was launching Water for Wildlife , a two-year campaign by the society .", "summaries": ["in London , Sir David Attenborough was launching Water for Wildlife ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.3", "text": "The television naturalist said southern England recorded its lowest January rainfall for 154 years .", "summaries": ["The naturalist said southern England recorded its lowest January rainfall for 154 years ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.4", "text": "He added : `` Even if it rained between now and October more heavily than it has ever done in recorded time there would still be rivers , such as the Ver in Hertfordshire , that would not get enough water to enable them to flow properly .", "summaries": ["`` Even if it rained between now and October heavily there would still be rivers that would not get enough water ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.5", "text": "`` Rivers like the Wharfe in Yorkshire , the Darent in Kent , the Burn in Norfolk are drying up. Where there were once kingfishers , bullrushes and reeds , there is now dry , parched land. '' The source of the Kennet , one of Britain 's best trout streams , was now a sewage farm outfall because springs had dried up. The source of the Wylye , a famous Wiltshire trout stream , was a million gallons of water pumped from a nearby borehole .", "summaries": ["`` Rivers are drying up. Where there were once kingfishers , bullrushes and reeds , there is parched land. '' The source of the Kennet was now sewage outfall because springs had dried up. The source of the Wylye was water pumped from a borehole ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.6", "text": "`` Many of the things which bring joy to our hearts in the countryside have been destroyed , '' said Sir David .", "summaries": ["`` Many of the things which bring joy in the countryside have been destroyed , '' said Sir David ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.7", "text": "`` We are all guilty of carelessness and waste , damaging our rivers and wetland. '' According to the society , water voles , otters , redshank , snipe and lapwing and wetland plants such as marsh orchid and bog pimpernel had declined as a result of over-abstraction and drainage over many years .", "summaries": ["`` We are all guilty of carelessness , damaging our rivers and wetland. '' , water voles , otters , redshank , snipe and lapwing and wetland plants had declined as a result of over-abstraction and drainage ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.8", "text": "Each person in Britain uses an average 30 gallons of water a day and the society called for consumers to take conservation measures to save water : to turn off taps when brushing their teeth , to fix drips and leaks , to water the garden in the cool of the day and to collect rainwater for garden use .", "summaries": ["Each person in Britain uses an average 30 gallons of water a day and the society called for conservation measures : turn off taps when brushing teeth , fix leaks , water the garden in the cool of the day and collect rainwater for garden use ."]} {"id": "AJ6.26.9", "text": "Isobel Drury , of the society , warned against plans to solve water shortages through a national grid or local water grids .", "summaries": ["Isobel Drury , warned against plans to solve shortages through national or local water grids ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.0", "text": "The Choice of the `` capital '' of Cornwall 's one-time china clay industry as the venue for the Liberal Democrats ' penultimate and most glitzy election rally last night was no accident .", "summaries": ["The Choice of the `` capital '' of Cornwall 's one-time industry for the Liberal Democrats ' glitzy rally was no accident ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.1", "text": "St Austell is smack in the middle of the party 's natural heartland which Liberal Democrat strategists are increasingly confident will largely revert to its traditional Liberal colours on Thursday .", "summaries": ["St Austell is in the middle of the party 's heartland which Liberal Democrat strategists are confident will revert to Liberal on Thursday ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.10", "text": "Conservative Central Office has been inundated with jittery reports from regional Tory organisers , but is banking on driving home the message to a receptive audience that a vote for the Liberal Democrats would effectively open the door of Downing Street to Mr Kinnock .", "summaries": ["Conservative Central Office is driving home that a vote for the Liberal Democrats would open the door of Downing Street to Mr Kinnock ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.11", "text": "`` When people vote on the day , they are looking at the party who will form the government , and in this part of the country they do not want socialism , '' said Mr Peter Hodgson , the Conservatives ' Western Area chairman , who was confident the Conservatives would retain all their seats .", "summaries": ["`` people are looking at the party who will form the government , and they do not want socialism , '' said Mr Peter Hodgson , the Conservatives ' Western Area chairman , confident the Conservatives would retain all seats ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.12", "text": "At last night 's rally , which culminated in fireworks , Mr Ashdown did not miss the opportunity to evoke the West Country 's Liberal roots .", "summaries": ["Mr Ashdown did not miss the opportunity to evoke the West Country 's Liberal roots ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.13", "text": "`` Long before the most recent dramatic rise of the Liberal Democrats , Cornwall was the bedrock of liberalism and democracy .", "summaries": ["`` before the recent dramatic rise of the Liberal Democrats , Cornwall was the bedrock of liberalism ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.14", "text": "For even in the darkest days of two-party Tory and Labour domination , the flame of hope burns brightly here , '' he said .", "summaries": ["even in the days of Tory and Labour domination , hope burns brightly '' ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.15", "text": "`` And whenever Liberal Democrats are on the up , we sweep ahead in the South-West .", "summaries": ["`` whenever Liberal Democrats are on the up , we sweep ahead in the South-West ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.16", "text": "We 'll do so on Thursday .", "summaries": ["We 'll do so ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.17", "text": "Here in Cornwall , you are in the vanguard of conscience and reform. '' He warned the Conservatives and Labour that `` from the ancient bastion of liberalism , the flames are fanning out in all directions , consuming your shabby campaigns , your out-of-date policies , your visions of the future '' .", "summaries": ["in Cornwall , you are in the vanguard '' He warned the Conservatives and Labour that `` from the bastion of liberalism , the flames are fanning out in all directions , consuming your out-of-date visions '' ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.2", "text": "Mr Ashdown descended on the area yesterday for the third time in his marathon campaign amid growing recognition among Tories that the South-West could prove their Achilles ' heel , a danger underlined by the Press Association opinion poll which showed a swing against the Conservatives in the region of six per cent .", "summaries": ["Mr Ashdown descended on the area for the third time amid recognition among Tories that the South-West could prove their Achilles ' heel , a danger underlined by the poll which showed a swing against the Conservatives of six per cent ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.3", "text": "Liberal Democrat strategists predicted that such a swing would deliver into their party 's hands up to seven Tory seats in the area , including Bath , the constituency held by Mr Patten , Conservative Party chairman .", "summaries": ["Liberal Democrat predicted that would deliver seven Tory seats , including Bath , held by Mr Patten , Conservative chairman ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.4", "text": "`` This is the area where we are the clear challengers and we have a strong presence , '' said Mr Ashdown during a photogenic visit to a seal sanctuary in Gweek .", "summaries": ["`` This is where we have a strong presence , '' said Mr Ashdown during a visit to a seal sanctuary in Gweek ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.5", "text": "`` It is a bedrock of traditional liberalism to build on and it is here that we are likely to see the most substantial progress of all. Some are talking about Cornwall falling to us lock stock and barrel .", "summaries": ["`` a bedrock of traditional liberalism it is here that we are likely to see the most substantial progress of all. Some are talking about Cornwall falling to us ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.6", "text": "I would n't go so far. '' As the only viable West Country alternative to the Tories --- there are no Labour MPs between Bristol and Penzance --- the Liberal Democrats are benefiting from simmering resentment that , while the boom years largely past the region by , the recession has hit agriculture , tin mining , and tourism .", "summaries": ["'' As the only West Country alternative to the Tories --- there are no Labour MPs --- the Liberal Democrats are benefiting from resentment that , while the boom years past the region by , the recession has hit ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.7", "text": "Cutbacks in local defence establishments is also a factor in some constituencies .", "summaries": ["Cutbacks in local defence is a factor ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.8", "text": "In the Fawlty Towers belt of Torquay , abandoned hotels have been boarded up against vandals .", "summaries": ["In Torquay , abandoned hotels have been boarded up against vandals ."]} {"id": "AJD.25.9", "text": "Significantly , farmers --- generally reliable Tory supporters --- are blaming the Government for the sins of Brussels and appear to be turning a blind eye to the Liberal Democrats ' pro-European stance .", "summaries": ["farmers --- generally Tory supporters --- are blaming the Government for Brussels and appear to be turning a blind eye to the Liberal Democrats ' pro-European stance ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.0", "text": "This Was the last rally , the last speech and the last chance for the Tory faithful to enjoy the John Major planetarium experience .", "summaries": ["This Was the last chance for the Tory faithful to enjoy the John Major experience ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.1", "text": "And they gave him the rowdiest send-off of the campaign .", "summaries": ["they gave him the rowdiest send-off ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.10", "text": "`` Let Labour loose and you can wave cheerio to enterprise , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` you can wave cheerio to enterprise , '' he said ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.11", "text": "There was a This Is John 's Life feel to it all. Members of the audience --- a nurse , a headmaster , a doctor and a shopkeeper --- gave glowing endorsements for last night 's star guest .", "summaries": ["Members of the audience gave endorsements ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.12", "text": "Then , sure enough , there was a satellite link-up .", "summaries": ["Then , there was a satellite link-up ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.13", "text": "Who could it be ?", "summaries": ["Who could it be ?"]} {"id": "AJD.30.14", "text": "Which megastar was about to beamed in from a Hollywood poolside to give a transatlantic Tory thumbs up ?", "summaries": ["Which megastar was about to give a Tory thumbs up ?"]} {"id": "AJD.30.15", "text": "It turned out to be Douglas Hurd and Michael Heseltine , live from the campaign trail .", "summaries": ["It turned out to be Hurd and Heseltine , from the campaign trail ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.16", "text": "But the audience did n't care .", "summaries": ["the audience did n't care ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.17", "text": "By the time they had sat through two party political broadcasts and Chris Patten in Tv evangelist mode , they could not stand up fast enough when the Prime Minister finally appeared .", "summaries": ["they could not stand up fast enough when the Prime Minister appeared ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.18", "text": "In his most passionate tones yet , Mr Major delivered his Ten Tory Truths and his personal plea to be given the chance to build a `` golden future '' for Britain .", "summaries": ["Major delivered his Ten Tory Truths and his plea to build a `` golden future '' for Britain ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.19", "text": "He finished to well-mannered bedlam .", "summaries": ["He finished to bedlam ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.2", "text": "Given the impenetrable darkness surrounding the opinion polls , who better to rouse the rabble than the host of Blind Date ?", "summaries": ["Given the polls , who better to rouse the rabble than the host of Blind Date ?"]} {"id": "AJD.30.20", "text": "Party managers had not taken any chances , though .", "summaries": ["managers had not taken chances ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.21", "text": "Under each seat was a packet .", "summaries": ["Under each seat was a packet ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.22", "text": "Inside was a baseball cap with Jm4pm on it , a Union flag and a party popper .", "summaries": ["Inside was a baseball cap with Jm4pm , a Union flag and a party popper ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.23", "text": "Regimented jubilation was not required , though , as the Majors clasped , kissed and saluted a crowd which also included the England cricket captain , Graham Gooch .", "summaries": ["the Majors clasped and saluted a crowd ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.24", "text": "The only thing missing in the party pack were tissues for the more emotional .", "summaries": ["missing in the party pack were tissues for the emotional ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.25", "text": "Cilla looked on , grinning as if she was watching the perfect Blind Date union .", "summaries": ["Cilla looked on , grinning as if watching the perfect union ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.26", "text": "But it will be Friday morning before the the screen of national opinion is drawn back and she discovers whether it is John from Huntingdon or Neil from Islwyn on the other side .", "summaries": ["it will be Friday before she discovers whether it is John from Huntingdon or Neil from Islwyn on the other side ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.3", "text": "For once , Our Cilla was utterly biased in her choice of which of the three hopefuls should win Thursday 's star prize : five years of running the country .", "summaries": ["Cilla was biased which of the hopefuls should win five years of running the country ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.4", "text": "Anyway , at last night 's show in a Wembley conference hall , there was only one contestant .", "summaries": ["at last night 's show there was one contestant ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.5", "text": "And he needed a lorra , lorra votes .", "summaries": ["he needed votes ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.6", "text": "`` There I was in our `` ouse reading the Labour manifesto to Our Jack --- well , he loves fairy stories ... '' she began , her audience lapping it up. Accomplished compere that she is , she knew just when to stick in the `` but seriously , folks '' bit .", "summaries": ["`` I was `` reading the Labour manifesto to Our Jack --- he loves fairy stories ... '' she began , her audience lapping it up. she knew when to stick in the `` but seriously , folks '' bit ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.7", "text": "`` I 'm voting for John Major because he is a great Prime Minister .", "summaries": ["`` I 'm voting for Major ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.8", "text": "Because he does n't punish success , he promotes it , '' she purred .", "summaries": ["he does n't punish success , he promotes it , '' ."]} {"id": "AJD.30.9", "text": "Less chirpy was Amstrad chief , Alan Sugar , who spoke bluntly of the perils of a Labour government .", "summaries": ["Amstrad chief , Alan Sugar , spoke of the perils of Labour government ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.0", "text": "For 15 hours on Tuesday Palestinians worldwide were faced with a prospect which few can seriously have thought about before --- that of the Plo without Yasser Arafat as leader .", "summaries": ["Palestinians worldwide were faced with a prospect of the Plo without Yasser Arafat as leader ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.1", "text": "Mr Arafat 's advisers in Tunis could scarcely choke back their emotion as they answered reporters ' questions while his fate was uncertain .", "summaries": ["Arafat 's advisers could scarcely choke back emotion as they answered questions while his fate was uncertain ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.10", "text": "But both were killed --- Abu Jihad by an Israeli hit squad in 1988 , Abu Iyad by a supporter of the breakaway Abu Nidal faction three years later .", "summaries": ["both were killed ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.11", "text": "The mechanics of the succession would have seen the convening of the Palestinian parliament-in-exile , the Palestine National Council .", "summaries": ["the succession would have seen the convening of the parliament-in-exile , the Palestine National Council ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.12", "text": "This would have appointed a new executive committee which , in turn , would have chosen a new chairman .", "summaries": ["This would have chosen a chairman ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.13", "text": "But this would have been a long and painful process .", "summaries": ["this would have been painful ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.14", "text": "Critics of the Plo 's decision to back the participation of a Palestinian delegation in the current Middle East peace process would most likely have taken the opportunity of Mr Arafat 's demise to make a bid for power .", "summaries": ["Critics of the Plo 's participation in the Middle East peace process would likely have taken Arafat 's demise to bid for power ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.15", "text": "At the same time prominent Palestinians from the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip would probably have emerged with their status greatly enhanced .", "summaries": ["Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip would have emerged with their status enhanced ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.16", "text": "The effect would have been to distance even more those living in the territories from the decision-making machinery of the Plo outside .", "summaries": ["The effect would distance those living in the territories from the Plo outside ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.17", "text": "Since the start of the Middle East peace process , figures from the occupied territories such as Mrs Hanan Ashrawi and Mr Feisel Husseini have done much to enhance the image of the Palestinians in the West .", "summaries": ["Hanan Ashrawi and Feisel Husseini have done much to enhance the image of the Palestinians ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.18", "text": "Their suave and eloquent appearances on television contrast sharply with the tough-speaking militaristic image of the current Plo leadership .", "summaries": ["Their eloquent appearances on television contrast with the militaristic Plo leadership ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.19", "text": "Given the inevitable fact that the next Plo chairman could not hope to match the stature and international acclaim which Mr Arafat has acquired over the years , many Palestinians believe that the influence of the organisation would wane accordingly .", "summaries": ["Given the next Plo chairman could not match Arafat , Palestinians believe the organisation would wane ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.2", "text": "But even his detractors and enemies within the Palestinian movement confessed to having feelings of unease .", "summaries": ["even his detractors confessed having feelings of unease ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.20", "text": "Such changes would involve a major upheaval within the Palestinian movement .", "summaries": ["changes would involve upheaval ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.21", "text": "Those 15 hours of waiting on Tuesday made Palestinians inside and outside the occupied territories realise the extent to which Yasser Arafat alone holds the whole movement together .", "summaries": ["Palestinians realise the extent to which Arafat holds the movement together ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.3", "text": "`` No matter what you think of Yasser Arafat , '' one opponent commented , `` his departure would leave an enormous and dangerous vacuum. '' The extent of the vacuum would have reflected Mr Arafat 's giant presence in the Palestinian movement .", "summaries": ["`` No matter what you think of Arafat , '' one commented , `` his departure would leave an enormous vacuum. '' The vacuum reflected Mr Arafat 's presence ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.4", "text": "He was a founder of the Plo , and since becoming chairman in 1969 he has involved himself tirelessly in every aspect of Palestinian affairs .", "summaries": ["He was a founder of the Plo and involved in every aspect of Palestinian affairs ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.5", "text": "His supporters say his energy has enabled him to succeed to a large extent in holding the Palestinian movement together during a series of splits and crises .", "summaries": ["His energy has enabled him to succeed in holding the Palestinian movement together during crises ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.6", "text": "Many Palestinians doubt whether anyone else would be able to do this .", "summaries": ["Palestinians doubt whether anyone else would do this ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.7", "text": "But Mr Arafat 's critics accuse him of acting like a dictator by forcing his wishes on the Palestinian movement .", "summaries": ["Mr Arafat 's critics accuse him of forcing his wishes on the movement ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.8", "text": "Such is his domination of Palestinian affairs that the grooming of a successor has been impossible .", "summaries": ["grooming a successor has been impossible ."]} {"id": "AJM.30.9", "text": "Two of Mr Arafat 's closest aides , Salah Khalaf ( known as Abu Iyad ) and Khalil al-Wazir ( Abu Jihad ) , might have been obvious candidates .", "summaries": ["Arafat 's aides , Salah Khalaf and Khalil al-Wazir , might have been candidates ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.0", "text": "A Mother fighting for custody of her two young sons has been ordered to hand them back to her estranged American husband from whom she fled a month ago .", "summaries": ["A Mother fighting for custody of her sons has to hand them back to her estranged American husband from whom she fled ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.1", "text": "Mrs Teresa Leinen , 25 , may be parted from Sean , three , and Ashley , one , within five days after the High Court ruled that she broke international laws .", "summaries": ["Mrs Teresa Leinen may be parted from Sean and Ashley after the Court ruled that she broke international laws ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.10", "text": "She said : `` I ca n't believe this ruling has been made and I just do n't know what more I can do .", "summaries": ["She said : `` I ca n't believe this ruling and I do n't know what more I can do ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.11", "text": "`` I 'm scared of what may happen when the children go back .", "summaries": ["`` I 'm scared of what may happen when the children go back ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.12", "text": "Jeffrey kept telling me he was only seeking custody because he wanted me back in the States .", "summaries": ["Jeffrey kept telling me he was seeking custody because he wanted me in the States ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.13", "text": "`` I am devastated .", "summaries": ["`` I am devastated ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.14", "text": "I ca n't afford to fight this in the American courts and I genuinely fear for the safety of my children. '' Mrs Leinen is spending her last few days with the children taking them for trips , including to London Zoo and the seaside .", "summaries": ["I ca n't afford to fight in the courts and I fear for the safety of my children. '' Mrs Leinen is spending her last days with the children taking them for trips ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.15", "text": "She said her only hope of having the boys returned was if her husband had difficulty in looking after them .", "summaries": ["She said her only hope of having the boys was if her husband had difficulty in looking after them ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.16", "text": "Mrs Leinen made allegations of brutality against her husband .", "summaries": ["Mrs Leinen made allegations of brutality against her husband ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.17", "text": "`` There was another side to him which I did n't see at first .", "summaries": ["`` There was another side to him I did n't see at first ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.18", "text": "I was terrified of him , but I found myself in a horrible Catch 22 situation .", "summaries": ["I was terrified of him , but found myself in a Catch 22 ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.19", "text": "`` The Usaf do not tolerate domestic violence .", "summaries": ["`` The Usaf do not tolerate violence ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.2", "text": "She said : `` It 's a dreadful thought , but there 's nothing I can do about it. I was told I would lose , but it does n't make it any easier. '' Her father , Mr Christopher Monohan , will take the boys back to the United States where they will live with Jeffrey Leinen , a military policeman with the Usaf .", "summaries": ["She said : `` It 's dreadful , but there 's nothing I can do about it. I was told I would lose '' Her father , Mr Christopher Monohan , will take the boys to the United States where they will live with Jeffrey Leinen , a military policeman ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.20", "text": "If they had found out about it , Jeffrey would have been kicked out .", "summaries": ["If they had found out , Jeffrey would have been kicked out ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.21", "text": "We would not have been able to afford to look after Sean and Ashley. ''", "summaries": ["We would not have been able to look after Sean and Ashley."]} {"id": "AJU.24.3", "text": "The couple met while on holiday in Greece in 1987 and married after she joined him at his base in South Dakota .", "summaries": ["The couple met while on holiday in Greece and married after she joined him at his base in South Dakota ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.4", "text": "But she filed for divorce in June last year after a series of violent rows .", "summaries": ["she filed for divorce last year after a series of rows ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.5", "text": "An injunction was later issued stopping her taking the children out of the state .", "summaries": ["An injunction was issued stopping her taking the children out of the state ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.6", "text": "She dropped divorce proceedings hoping the ban would be lifted .", "summaries": ["She dropped divorce proceedings hoping the ban would be lifted ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.7", "text": "But a month ago , she returned to Britain , taking the children with her .", "summaries": ["she returned to Britain , taking the children ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.8", "text": "Lawyers for her husband contested her action in the High Court in London on Wednesday and she was given seven days to hand them back .", "summaries": ["Lawyers for her husband contested her action in Court on Wednesday and she was given seven days to hand them back ."]} {"id": "AJU.24.9", "text": "Mrs Leinen , who is staying with her mother Mrs Ann Monohan , in Stratton , Swindon , Wilts , says she does not have the money to fight the custody battle in American courts .", "summaries": ["Mrs Leinen says she does not have the money to fight the battle in American courts ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.0", "text": "Montserrat , the tiny Caribbean island that once boasted one bank for every 40 inhabitants , is bracing itself this Easter for a spate of arrests following a three-year fraud and corruption investigation by Scotland Yard .", "summaries": ["Montserrat , the Caribbean island , is bracing itself for arrests following a fraud investigation by Scotland Yard ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.1", "text": "More than 300 banks have been closed and one American banker has died in mysterious circumstances since police began their investigation , which includes allegations involving former members of the government .", "summaries": ["300 banks have closed and one banker has died since police began their investigation , which includes the government ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.10", "text": "Most of those closed were known as paper or `` brass plate '' banks --- banks in name only , with few assets but with the precious protection of confidentiality and secrecy .", "summaries": ["Most closed were `` brass plate '' banks , with few assets but confidentiality ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.11", "text": "In theory , anyone wanting to set up a bank should have $ 300,000 ( \u00a3175,000 ) capital .", "summaries": ["anyone wanting to set up a bank should have $ 300,000 ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.12", "text": "But this requirement could be circumvented with documents showing that shares to that value had been issued .", "summaries": ["this requirement could be circumvented with documents showing that shares to that value had been issued ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.13", "text": "However it was not necessary to disclose to whom they had been sold or where the cash had gone .", "summaries": ["it was not necessary to disclose to whom they had been sold ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.14", "text": "The affair took a sinister turn four months after the investigation began when a young American banker , due to appear in court on fraud charges connected with offshore banking transactions , died in mysterious circumstances .", "summaries": ["a young banker , due to appear in court connected with transactions , died ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.15", "text": "John Perry Garibay of Michigan , whose offshore bank , Zurich Overseas , was among those being investigated by the Yard and the Fbi , was found dead in the sea off the southern part of the island after going bathing with friends .", "summaries": ["John Perry Garibay , whose Zurich Overseas was among those being investigated , was found dead in the sea after bathing with friends ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.16", "text": "He was said to have been a strong swimmer .", "summaries": ["He was a strong swimmer ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.17", "text": "The problems of Montserrat are mirrored in most of Britain 's Caribbean dependencies .", "summaries": ["The problems of Montserrat are in most of Britain 's Caribbean dependencies ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.18", "text": "Banks are used for a variety of frauds as well as money-laundering .", "summaries": ["Banks are used for frauds ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.19", "text": "They issue certificates of deposits , often based on fictitious assets such as bogus gold mines .", "summaries": ["They issue certificates of deposits based on fictitious assets ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.2", "text": "Fraud Squad detectives are waiting for the go-ahead from the island 's Attorney General , Stanley Moore .", "summaries": ["Fraud detectives are waiting for the island 's Attorney General , Stanley Moore ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.20", "text": "Their worthlessness is discovered only when the duped client attempts to sell them on the legitimate market .", "summaries": ["Their worthlessness is discovered when the client attempts to sell ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.21", "text": "Apart from drugs , detectives believe money is laundered from a variety of black market deals involving arms and high technology .", "summaries": ["detectives believe money is laundered from a variety of black market deals ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.22", "text": "The Fbi is keen to set up a joint task force with Scotland Yard to combat the growing number of insurance , investment and banking frauds in the dependencies which cause a great deal of embarrassment to the British Government .", "summaries": ["The Fbi is to set up a joint task force to combat the growing number of frauds in the dependencies which cause embarrassment to the British Government ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.23", "text": "British detectives would be posted to Miami , Florida , where the Fbi 's Caribbean fraud team would use their considerable resources to support them .", "summaries": ["British detectives would be posted to Miami , where the Fbi 's Caribbean fraud team would support them ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.3", "text": "They submitted their final report together with recommendations to him two months ago and last night , Foreign Office officials said a decision was expected soon .", "summaries": ["They submitted their report to him months ago and a decision was expected soon ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.4", "text": "The investigation has penetrated every level of society on the island and involves allegations of corruption among government ministers .", "summaries": ["The investigation has penetrated every level of society and government ministers ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.5", "text": "Tourism dominates the economy of the 12,000-strong British colony , which lies 27 miles south-west of Antigua .", "summaries": ["Tourism dominates the 12,000-strong British colony south-west of Antigua ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.6", "text": "But it had also become a flourishing offshore finance centre with 347 banks before the investigation .", "summaries": ["it had also become a finance centre with 347 banks before the investigation ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.7", "text": "The Yard and the Fbi believe that many of the banks have been used in tax evasion schemes , by fraudsters and to launder money for South American cocaine cartels , which moved to the island after the Us authorities applied pressure on the Panamanian banking system .", "summaries": ["The Yard believe that the banks used in tax schemes and to launder money moved to the island after authorities applied pressure on Panamanian banking ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.8", "text": "Detectives have been to the island , which covers 39 square miles , three times since they were called in by Christopher Turner , the former Governor .", "summaries": ["Detectives have been to the island three times since they were called by Christopher Turner , the former Governor ."]} {"id": "AK9.17.9", "text": "He said there were `` good grounds for suspicion that certain offshore banks are used for fraudulent purposes '' .", "summaries": ["He said there were `` grounds that banks are used for fraudulent purposes '' ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.0", "text": "An Avalanche of applications by schools wanting to opt out of local authority control is now expected .", "summaries": ["schools wanting out of local control is expected ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.1", "text": "The number of grant-maintained schools could rise to up to 10 times the current 226 .", "summaries": ["grant-maintained schools could rise to up to 10 times the current 226 ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.10", "text": "Schools will be inspected regularly by privatised inspection services chosen by the head teacher and governess .", "summaries": ["Schools will be inspected by services chosen by the head teacher ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.11", "text": "Parents will be given simple , straightforward details of the inspectors ' findings .", "summaries": ["Parents will be given straightforward findings ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.12", "text": "Authority by authority , league tables of examination results will be published .", "summaries": ["league tables of examination results will be published ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.13", "text": "In primary schools , there will be renewed emphasis on the `` three Rs , '' particularly in National Curriculum at seven .", "summaries": ["there will be renewed emphasis on the `` three Rs '' ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.14", "text": "The National Curriculum will continue to be reviewed and slimmed down , and integrated with the Gcse exam .", "summaries": ["The National Curriculum will be reviewed and integrated with the Gcse ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.15", "text": "Pupils sitting GCSEs will find more of their mark concentrated in a final exam and less in course work .", "summaries": ["Pupils sitting GCSEs will find their mark concentrated in a final exam ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.16", "text": "After 16 , A-levels will remain the `` gold standard , '' but schools will teach more vocational courses which will also be used for entry to higher education .", "summaries": ["A-levels will remain the `` standard , '' but schools will teach more vocational courses which will also be used for entry to higher education ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.17", "text": "The expansion of higher education will continue --- numbers have already risen from one in eight school-leavers to one in four --- and polytechnics will be able to become universities .", "summaries": ["The expansion of higher education will continue ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.2", "text": "Leaders of the opt-out movement say more than 2,000 have expressed a strong interest in balloting parents on such a move .", "summaries": ["Leaders say 2,000 have expressed interest in balloting parents on a move ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.3", "text": "More than 150,000 children are already educated in grant-maintained schools but , if the prediction is correct , two thirds of all state school pupils in England and Wales could be under the new system .", "summaries": ["150,000 children are in grant-maintained schools but two thirds of all state pupils in England and Wales could be under the new system ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.4", "text": "Schools which have opted out since the reform was introduced in 1989 have had full control of their budgets , and have applied for major grants direct from Whitehall .", "summaries": ["Schools which have opted out since 1989 control their budgets and applied for grants direct ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.5", "text": "Now they will be given even more freedom --- they may change their characters if they wish to do so .", "summaries": ["Now they will be given more freedom ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.6", "text": "This has led to predictions that a large number of new grammar schools may be created .", "summaries": ["grammar schools may be created ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.7", "text": "A new Bill will be introduced to prevent hostile local authorities from making life difficult for schools which want to opt out .", "summaries": ["A Bill will be introduced to prevent hostile authorities from making life difficult for schools ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.8", "text": "For example , they will be prevented from spending public money on campaigns to stop them .", "summaries": ["they will be prevented from spending public money on campaigns to stop them ."]} {"id": "AK9.38.9", "text": "In other areas of education , there will be more sweeping changes .", "summaries": ["there will be more changes ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.0", "text": "Moderate supporters of President Rafsanjani were heading for an overwhelming victory over Iranian hardliners last night , according to the latest tally of returns from parliamentary elections held on Friday .", "summaries": ["supporters of President Rafsanjani were heading for an victory over Iranian hardliners ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.1", "text": "The Iranian Interior Ministry said that 29 members of the Association of Combatant Clergy which , despite its harsh-sounding name , is linked to President Rafsanjani 's cautious opening to the West , were among the 30 highest scoring candidates in Teheran , the largest constituency .", "summaries": ["The Iranian Ministry said that members of the Association of Combatant Clergy which is linked to opening to the West , were among the highest scoring candidates ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.10", "text": "The most popular candidate in Teheran , after about nine per cent of the city 's vote had been counted , was Hojatoleslam Akbar Husseini , a cleric and the presenter of a popular weekly television programme offering Islamic advice to resolve family problems .", "summaries": ["The popular candidate in Teheran was Hojatoleslam Akbar Husseini , a cleric presenter of a television programme offering Islamic advice to resolve family problems ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.11", "text": "Mr Husseini beat another cleric , Hojatoleslam Ali Akbar Abou Torabi , who had been a prisoner of war in Iraq for many years , and Dr Abbas Sheibani , a former minister .", "summaries": ["Mr Husseini beat cleric Hojatoleslam Ali Akbar Abou Torabi , a prisoner of war for years , and Dr Abbas Sheibani , a former minister ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.12", "text": "The best known radicals , such as the Speaker of the outgoing parliament , Hojatoleslam Mehdi Karrubi , and Mr Ali Akbar Mohtashemi , the former Interior Minister and the founder of the Lebanese Hizbollah group , came 36th and 40th respectively .", "summaries": ["The best known radicals , Speaker of the parliament , Hojatoleslam Mehdi Karrubi , and Mr Ali Akbar Mohtashemi , the founder of Hizbollah , came 36th and 40th respectively ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.13", "text": "In the Holy City of Mashad , Mrs Ghodssieh Alavi , a 50-year-old doctor associated with the `` pragmatist '' faction supporting Mr Rafsanjani , took the highest number of votes and became the first Iranian woman to be elected outside Teheran .", "summaries": ["In Mashad , Mrs Ghodssieh Alavi , a doctor associated with the `` pragmatist '' faction , became the first Iranian woman to be elected outside Teheran ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.14", "text": "Mrs Alavi beat Mr Hadi Khamenei , the brother of the Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , who will take part in a run-off poll to decide the fate of the second seat in Mashad .", "summaries": ["Alavi beat Hadi Khamenei , the brother of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , who will take part in a run-off to decide the the second seat ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.15", "text": "But the successful candidate will have to receive the endorsement of the Guardian Council , a higher body of clerics and lawyers which supervises the elections .", "summaries": ["the successful candidate will have to receive the endorsement of the Guardian Council , a body which supervises elections ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.16", "text": "All Iranian papers reported large turn-outs , despite evidence from the streets of Teheran that many did not vote , either out of hostility to the regime or apathy .", "summaries": ["Iranian papers reported large turn-outs , despite evidence that many did not vote out of hostility or apathy ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.17", "text": "The radicals were widely expected to lose seats after a committee judging the suitability of candidates prevented about 1,000 of the 3,000 hopefuls from taking part , including several well-known radicals .", "summaries": ["The radicals were widely expected to lose seats after a committee judging the suitability of candidates prevented 1,000 hopefuls from taking part ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.2", "text": "Only three of them secured enough votes to be assured of their seats .", "summaries": ["Only three secured seats ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.3", "text": "The rest will have to take part in a second ballot at a date yet to be announced .", "summaries": ["The rest will take part in a second ballot ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.4", "text": "In the rest of the country , about half of roughly 100 candidates who won seats in the first round were linked with the pro-Rafsanjani `` pragmatic '' faction .", "summaries": ["In the country , half of candidates who won seats in the first round were pro-Rafsanjani ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.5", "text": "Many of them will be new faces in the 270-seat parliament , the Majlis .", "summaries": ["Many will be new in the 270-seat parliament ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.6", "text": "The preliminary results , particularly in Teheran , indicate Iranians ' weariness with more than a decade of revolutionary turmoil and a desire to rebuild the economy following the eight-year war with Iraq .", "summaries": ["The results , particularly in Teheran , indicate Iranians ' desire to rebuild the economy following the war with Iraq ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.7", "text": "It was the first parliamentary election since the death three years ago of Ayatollah Khomeini , leader of the Islamic revolution and the radicals ' principal mentor .", "summaries": ["It was the first election since the death three years ago of Ayatollah Khomeini , leader of the Islamic revolution ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.8", "text": "The radicals have steadily lost ground to the moderates since then .", "summaries": ["The radicals have lost ground to the moderates since ."]} {"id": "AKH.41.9", "text": "They have opposed every attempt to improve relations with the West and to liberalise the economy as a betrayal of the legacy of Khomeini .", "summaries": ["They opposed relations with the West as a betrayal of Khomeini ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.0", "text": "Air Vice-marshal Geoffrey Thomas , who has died aged 76 , served the Raf with distinction as a supply , equipment and movements specialist .", "summaries": ["Vice-marshal Geoffrey Thomas , who died , served the Raf with distinction ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.1", "text": "Poor eyesight had prevented Thomas from qualifying as a pilot ; but he was not content to be a backroom boy .", "summaries": ["Poor eyesight prevented Thomas from qualifying as a pilot ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.10", "text": "He then gained a job as a clerk in the City , and served as a signals lance corporal in the Territorial Army .", "summaries": ["He gained a job as a clerk , and served as a corporal in the Territorial Army ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.11", "text": "On the outbreak of the Second World War he was commissioned into the Raf 's equipment branch .", "summaries": ["On the outbreak of the Second World War he was commissioned into the Raf 's equipment branch ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.12", "text": "From 1942 he served in India , where he attended the staff college at Quetta ; he then undertook a number of staff appointments in south-east Asia .", "summaries": ["From 1942 he served in India ; he undertook appointments in south-east Asia ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.13", "text": "On his return home in 1945 Thomas was posted to Hq Transport Command , where he helped pioneer routes for the Raf 's troop and cargo airline .", "summaries": ["in 1945 Thomas was posted to Hq Transport Command , where he helped pioneer routes for the Raf 's airline ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.14", "text": "In 1950 he was attached to the Turkish air force to teach logistics , and refused to be fazed when , in reply to his question `` How do you define logistics ? '' , one of his students , General Mendiz , said , `` We do n't .", "summaries": ["In 1950 he was attached to the Turkish air force to teach logistics ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.15", "text": "Anything you teach us will be logistics. '' After two years in Transport Command , he did a stint as deputy director of equipment .", "summaries": ["After years in Transport Command , he did a stint as deputy director of equipment ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.16", "text": "In 1958 Thomas was promoted group captain and two years later was posted to the Royal Australian Air Force , where he commanded the Tottenham station at Melbourne and became affectionately known as `` Father '' .", "summaries": ["Thomas was promoted group captain and later posted to the Royal Australian Air Force , where he commanded the Tottenham station ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.17", "text": "Appointed director of movements in 1965 , Thomas supervised the upgrading of the somewhat primitive passenger facilities at Raf Lyneham , and the rapid evacuation of British forces from Aden during the troubles there .", "summaries": ["Appointed director of movements in 1965 , Thomas supervised the upgrading of primitive passenger facilities and the evacuation of forces from Aden during the troubles ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.18", "text": "He retired in 1971 , after two years as Senior Air Staff Officer at Maintenance Command .", "summaries": ["He retired in 1971 , after two years as Senior Air Staff Officer ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.19", "text": "He was appointed Obe and mentioned in despatches in 1945 and appointed Cb in 1970 .", "summaries": ["He was appointed Obe in 1945 and Cb in 1970 ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.2", "text": "During Bomber Command 's costly daylight raids on the Heligoland Bight early in the Second World War , he accompanied a Hampden crew on at least one operational sortie over Germany .", "summaries": ["During Bomber Command 's raids early in the Second World War , he accompanied a crew on one sortie over Germany ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.20", "text": "A quiet , unassuming man , Geoffrey Thomas indulged a great fondness for nature and wildlife in the countryside around his house in Kent , and read so voraciously that his wife feared they might have to move house to gain access to a new public library .", "summaries": ["A quiet man , Thomas indulged a fondness for wildlife in the countryside around his house in Kent , and read voraciously ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.21", "text": "He married , in 1940 , Sally Biddle ; they had a son and a daughter .", "summaries": ["He married Sally Biddle ; they had a son and daughter ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.3", "text": "He once arranged unofficially to take part in a raid from his station at Hemswell in Lincolnshire in a Hampden of No 61 Squadron .", "summaries": ["He once arranged to take part in a raid from his station in Lincolnshire of No 61 Squadron ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.4", "text": "When that aircraft took off without him , Thomas switched to a Hampden of No 144 Squadron .", "summaries": ["When that aircraft took off without him , Thomas switched to No 144 Squadron ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.5", "text": "The last-minute change saved his life : 61 Squadron 's aircraft was lost on the raid .", "summaries": ["The change saved his life : 61 Squadron 's aircraft was lost ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.6", "text": "After that exploit , the `` penguin '' equipment officer was well and truly grounded by a posting in 1940 to No 929 , a balloon barrage squadron which was then protecting shipping in the Firth of Forth .", "summaries": ["the officer was grounded by a posting to No 929 , a balloon squadron which was protecting the Firth of Forth ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.7", "text": "The new job was not without its excitements , though , and Thomas greatly enjoyed observing his balloons from the heights of Dundas Castle , West Queensferry .", "summaries": ["The new job was not without its excitements , and Thomas enjoyed observing balloons from Dundas Castle ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.8", "text": "One dark and stormy night , accompanied by his wife Sally ( whom he had married after admiring her motor transport repairs in a Hemswell hangar ) , he was wondering whether to lower the balloons , when lightning struck and solved the problem .", "summaries": ["accompanied by his wife Sally , he was wondering whether to lower the balloons , when lightning struck and solved the problem ."]} {"id": "AKH.57.9", "text": "Geoffrey Percy Sansom Thomas was born on April 24 1915 and educated at King 's College School , Wimbledon .", "summaries": ["Geoffrey Thomas was born on April 24 1915 and educated at King 's College School ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.0", "text": "The Bomb devastated a part of the City which contains an outstanding series of buildings , dating from the Norman period to the present day .", "summaries": ["The Bomb devastated outstanding buildings dating from the Norman period ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.1", "text": "The Church of St Helen , in Bishopsgate , which has been wrecked , survived both the Great Fire and the efforts of the Luftwaffe during the Second World War .", "summaries": ["The Church of St Helen , which has been wrecked , survived both the Great Fire and the Second World War ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.10", "text": "Many buildings of this period have been demolished for redevelopment since the War , so the Baltic Exchange had become a valued monument .", "summaries": ["buildings of this period have been demolished , so the Baltic Exchange had become valued ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.11", "text": "The 387ft-tall Commercial Union tower , designed by architects Gmw and now a shattered shell , was widely praised at the time of its completion in the late 1960s as a successful adaptation of the modern American commercial style , fronting a Manhatten style piazza .", "summaries": ["The Commercial Union tower , designed by Gmw and now a shell , was praised in the 1960s as a successful adaptation of modern American style , fronting a Manhatten style piazza ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.12", "text": "It remains a well liked and successful building of its era .", "summaries": ["It remains liked and successful ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.13", "text": "Richard Seifert 's NatWest Tower , which has suffered superficial damage , looks 1960s but was not completed until 1981 .", "summaries": ["Seifert 's NatWest Tower , which suffered damage , looks 1960s but was not completed until 1981 ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.14", "text": "Also superficially damaged was Richard Rogers 's Lloyd 's building , finished in 1986 .", "summaries": ["Also damaged was Rogers 's Lloyd 's building , finished in 1986 ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.2", "text": "It was built in the 13th century on older foundations , as a shared church , serving both a convent of nuns and the local parish , and was added to over the next five centuries .", "summaries": ["It was built in the 13th century on older foundations , serving a convent and the parish , and was added to over the next centuries ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.3", "text": "The interior was notable for medieval woodwork , important funerary monuments , and fine stained glass , some of it medieval and all now severely damaged .", "summaries": ["The interior was notable for woodwork , monuments , and stained glass , some medieval and now damaged ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.4", "text": "Sir Thomas Gresham , founder of the Royal Exchange , is buried in the church with other important figures in the history of London .", "summaries": ["Sir Thomas Gresham , founder of the Royal Exchange , is buried with other figures in history ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.5", "text": "( St Helen 's is sometimes described as the Westminster Abbey of the City ) .", "summaries": ["( St Helen 's is the Westminster of the City ) ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.6", "text": "If damage to its structure is bad enough to warrant demolition , its destruction would be one of London 's worst losses since the Second World War .", "summaries": ["If damage is bad enough to warrant demolition , its destruction would be one of London 's worst losses ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.7", "text": "But efforts are certain to be made to restore , and , if necessary , rebuild the church , which is a well-used place of worship .", "summaries": ["efforts are to be made to restore and rebuild the church , which is well-used ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.8", "text": "The Baltic Exchange was also wrecked and is almost certain to have to be demolished .", "summaries": ["The Baltic Exchange was wrecked and is to be demolished ."]} {"id": "AKH.9.9", "text": "It is an elaborate example of Edwardian commercial architecture , designed by T H Smith and W Wimble and completed in 1903 .", "summaries": ["It is an example of Edwardian architecture , designed by Smith and Wimble in 1903 ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.0", "text": "Daniele Bovet , who has died aged 85 , won a Nobel Prize in 1957 for his part in developing anti-histamines , and in adapting the poison curare to more beneficent purpose .", "summaries": ["Daniele Bovet , who died aged 85 , won a Nobel in 1957 for developing anti-histamines ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.1", "text": "Few men can have done more to relieve human suffering , or shown less interest in profiting from the process .", "summaries": ["Few have done more to relieve suffering , or shown less interest in profiting from the process ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.10", "text": "In 1936 Bovet became head of therapeutic chemistry at the Pasteur Insitute .", "summaries": ["Bovet became head of therapeutic chemistry at the Pasteur Insitute ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.11", "text": "He had by then begun to investigate the failure of the human system to produce an antibody against the effects of histamine , associated with such allergic reactions as hay fever and asthma .", "summaries": ["He had begun to investigate an antibody against histamine , associated with allergic reactions ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.12", "text": "Between 1937 and 1941 he discovered drugs which mitigated the worst symptoms of these maladies .", "summaries": ["Between 1937 and 1941 he discovered drugs which mitigated these maladies ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.13", "text": "He next turned his attention to curare , which South American Indians used to apply to the tips of their arrows to induce paralysis in their foes .", "summaries": ["He turned to curare , which South American Indians used to induce paralysis ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.14", "text": "Bovet produced a curare-based compound that came to be widely used as a muscle relaxant during surgery on the chest and the abdomen .", "summaries": ["Bovet produced a compound used as a muscle relaxant during surgery ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.15", "text": "In 1947 Bovet left the Pasteur Institute for the Insituto Superiore di Sanita in Rome , which was able to offer him better facilities .", "summaries": ["Bovet left for the Insituto Superiore di Sanita in Rome , which was able to offer better facilities ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.16", "text": "Here he was increasingly concerned with the chemistry of the brain , which he believed held the key to the treatment of mental illness .", "summaries": ["he was concerned with the chemistry of the brain , the key to mental illness ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.17", "text": "He became an Italian citizen in 1947 .", "summaries": ["He became Italian in 1947 ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.18", "text": "Bovet married , in 1938 , Filomeni Nitti , daughter of an anti-Fascist prime minister of Italy .", "summaries": ["Bovet married , Filomeni Nitti , daughter of an anti-Fascist minister ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.19", "text": "Appropriately enough , he experienced `` a lightning chemical reaction '' on their first meeting .", "summaries": ["Appropriately , he experienced `` a chemical reaction '' on their first meeting ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.2", "text": "When Bovet won the prize it was noted that he had never taken out a patent in his own name or sought to make a penny from the commercial expoitation of his research .", "summaries": ["When Bovet won it was noted he had never taken out a patent or sought to make a penny from his research ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.20", "text": "They had a son .", "summaries": ["They had a son ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.3", "text": "The son of an educationist , Daniele Bovet was born at Neuchatel , Switzerland , on March 23 1907 , and was instantly treated as a subject of research .", "summaries": ["son of an educationist , Daniele Bovet was born on March 23 1907 , and was treated as a subject of research ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.4", "text": "`` We children were guinea pigs for testing father 's educational theories , '' he remembered .", "summaries": ["`` We were guinea pigs for father 's educational theories , '' he remembered ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.5", "text": "`` It was wonderful. '' Young Daniele demonstrated his proclivities by cultivating moulds in his mother 's jam jars , before undertaking more formal education at Geneva University .", "summaries": ["`` It was wonderful. '' Daniele demonstrated his proclivities by cultivating moulds in jam jars , before undertaking education at Geneva University ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.6", "text": "In 1929 he went to Paris to work at the Pasteur Institute .", "summaries": ["In 1929 he went to work at the Pasteur Institute ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.7", "text": "When word came from Germany that a dye product called protonsil was proving efficacious in the treatment of streptococcal infections in mice , Bovet set himself to analyse this `` clumsy , complex chemical '' .", "summaries": ["When protonsil was proving efficacious in the treatment of streptococcal infections in mice , Bovet set to analyse this `` chemical '' ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.8", "text": "He succeeded in isolating the essential germ-killing element , and created sulfanilamide , the first modern drug to work directly upon the cause of infection .", "summaries": ["He succeeded in isolating the germ-killing element , and created sulfanilamide , the first modern drug to work directly upon infection ."]} {"id": "AKY.65.9", "text": "He went on to develop a succession of life-saving sulfa drugs .", "summaries": ["He went on to develop life-saving sulfa drugs ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.0", "text": "Italian air force fighters scrambled to intercept a Libyan airliner flying towards Europe yesterday as the United Nations imposed sanctions on Libya for the first time in Col Muammar Gaddafi 's turbulent 22 years in power .", "summaries": ["air force fighters scrambled to intercept a Libyan airliner as the United Nations imposed sanctions on Libya ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.1", "text": "Throughout Europe and in Japan , Libyan diplomats were ordered out .", "summaries": ["Throughout Europe and Japan , Libyan diplomats were ordered out ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.10", "text": "It turned back and tried to land at Malta , but was refused permission .", "summaries": ["It tried to land at Malta , but was refused ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.11", "text": "Another Libyan airliner took off from Tripoli en route for Malta , but was refused permission to enter Maltese airspace .", "summaries": ["Another airliner from Tripoli en route for Malta was refused permission to enter Maltese airspace ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.12", "text": "Shortly afterwards , the Swiss Cabinet decided to join in the sanctions , despite the country 's tradition of neutrality .", "summaries": ["the Swiss decided to join in the sanctions , despite the country 's tradition of neutrality ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.13", "text": "The Italian alert provided the main drama in a day when the diplomatic noose around Libya was tightened .", "summaries": ["The Italian alert provided drama ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.14", "text": "European countries , including France , Italy , Belgium , Denmark , Sweden and Germany , as well as Japan , ordered out 24 Libyan diplomats .", "summaries": ["European countries and Japan ordered out Libyan diplomats ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.15", "text": "In Manila and New Delhi , demonstrators burned effigies of Uncle Sam and President Bush , while Arab commentators spoke of a new crusade by the West against the Islamic world .", "summaries": ["In Manila and New Delhi , demonstrators burned effigies of Uncle Sam and Bush , while Arab commentators spoke of a crusade against the Islamic world ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.16", "text": "The sanctions are designed to force Libya to hand over the two Lockerbie suspects and to co-operate in the investigation in a similar case , the mid-air explosion of a French airliner over Africa in 1989 .", "summaries": ["The sanctions are designed to force Libya to hand over the suspects and to co-operate in the investigation in a similar case , the mid-air explosion of a French airliner in 1989 ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.17", "text": "A total of 440 people died in the two aircraft bombings .", "summaries": ["440 people died in the two aircraft bombings ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.18", "text": "Libya also has to give proof of its claim to have renounced terrorism --- notably by revealing its history of links with the Ira .", "summaries": ["Libya has to give proof to have renounced terrorism by revealing its history with the Ira ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.19", "text": "Mr Douglas Hurd , Foreign Secretary , made clear that the sanctions were only a first step , to be followed if necessary by a ban on oil exports , source of 95 per cent of Col Gaddafi 's revenue .", "summaries": ["Douglas Hurd , Foreign Secretary , made clear that the sanctions were to be followed by a ban on oil exports , source of 95 per cent of Gaddafi 's revenue ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.2", "text": "Even the Arab world , which had tried to prevent the Un turning Libya into an international pariah , grudgingly acceded to the Un Security Council and cut off all air links .", "summaries": ["the Arab world grudgingly acceded and cut off air links ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.20", "text": "But an oil embargo would also hurt Italy and Germany , the main importers of Libya 's high quality crude .", "summaries": ["an oil embargo would hurt Italy and Germany , importers of Libya 's crude ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.21", "text": "`` We are deliberately taking it one step at a time ... We hope the existing measures will be persuasive , '' Mr Hurd said .", "summaries": ["`` We are taking it one step at a time ... We hope the measures will be persuasive , '' Mr Hurd said ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.22", "text": "Britain is not obliged to take any action .", "summaries": ["Britain is not obliged to take action ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.23", "text": "There are no direct air links with Libya , and the two countries do not have diplomatic relations .", "summaries": ["There are no air links , and the countries do not have diplomatic relations ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.24", "text": "There are two diplomats at the `` Libyan interests section '' of the Saudi Arabian embassy , but they are not formally considered Libyans and will not be expelled .", "summaries": ["There are diplomats at the `` Libyan interests section '' of the Saudi embassy , but they will not be expelled ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.25", "text": "The sanctions also call for a ban on weapon sales , including small arms for police use , and training , and an end to the sale and servicing of aircraft .", "summaries": ["The sanctions ban weapon sales , arms training , and the sale and servicing of aircraft ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.26", "text": "Land and sea links remain unaffected .", "summaries": ["Land and sea links remain ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.3", "text": "The Libyan government issued a defiant statement saying that `` Arabs will kneel to no one but God '' and threatened to `` reciprocate '' against countries which followed the Un sanctions regime .", "summaries": ["The Libyan government issued a statement saying `` Arabs will kneel to no one but God '' and threatened countries which followed the sanctions ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.4", "text": "There are still about one million foreigners in Libya , including 5,000 Britons .", "summaries": ["There are one million foreigners in Libya , including 5,000 Britons ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.5", "text": "But there has been no sign of panic flight as they remain convinced that they can still leave Libya by road , albeit at the cost of a 12-hour drive through the desert .", "summaries": ["there has been no panic flight as they can leave Libya by a 12-hour drive through the desert ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.6", "text": "Sanctions , including a ban on air traffic and arms sales and the reduction in Libyan diplomatic representation , went into effect at dawn yesterday with the expiry of a grace period for Col Gaddafi to hand over the two suspected bombers of a Pan Am jumbo jet which exploded over Lockerbie , Scotland , in December 1988 .", "summaries": ["Sanctions went into effect yesterday with the expiry of a grace period for Gaddafi to hand over the suspected bombers of a Pan Am jet ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.7", "text": "Libya , seeking to test the resolve of its critics , despatched aircraft in defiance of the embargo eastwards to Egypt and north across the Mediterranean en route to Switzerland , whose position on sanctions was unclear at the start of the day .", "summaries": ["Libya , to test its critics , despatched aircraft to Egypt and to Switzerland , whose position on sanctions was unclear ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.8", "text": "Egypt closed its airspace and two Libyan aircraft were forced to turn back .", "summaries": ["Egypt closed its airspace and two Libyan aircraft were forced back ."]} {"id": "AKY.7.9", "text": "But as the Zurich-bound Boeing 727 of Libyan Arab Airlines headed towards Italian airspace , two F104 fighters scrambled from a base in Sicily to intercept it. The Libyan plane was about eight nautical miles from Italian air space when it was told by air traffic controllers in Malta that it could not fly over Italian territory , an Italian air force spokesman said .", "summaries": ["as the Zurich-bound 727 headed towards Italian airspace , two fighters scrambled to intercept it. The plane was was told by air traffic controllers in Malta that it could not fly over Italian territory , an Italian spokesman said ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.0", "text": "Snow , high winds and bitter disagreement yesterday further hampered attempts to tame Mount Etna , which is threatening to overrun the Sicilian town of Zafferana with millions of tons of volcanic lava .", "summaries": ["Snow , winds and bitter disagreement hampered attempts to tame Mount Etna , which is threatening the Sicilian town of Zafferana with millions of tons of lava ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.1", "text": "The wall of molten lava has come to a virtual halt 150 yards from the first home in the town , but officials said yesterday that its flow appeared to have picked up speed further up the slope .", "summaries": ["The wall of molten lava has come to a halt 150 yards from the first home , but officials said that its flow appeared to have picked up speed further up the slope ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.10", "text": "Rumours have been circulating that experts are bitterly divided over what to do .", "summaries": ["Rumours have been circulating that experts are divided ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.11", "text": "But in another experiment 50 two-ton concrete slabs are to be chained together and dumped from a huge tilting steel platform about 6,750 ft above sea level .", "summaries": ["50 two-ton concrete slabs are to be chained together and dumped from 6,750 ft above sea level ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.12", "text": "It is hoped the slabs will block the conduit from which the main force of the lava is said to be bearing down `` like a train '' , causing it to break up and cool .", "summaries": ["It is hoped the slabs will block the main force of the lava `` like a train '' , causing it to cool ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.13", "text": "High winds and snowfalls have , however , grounded at a lower level the powerful Us Navy Sea Stallion helicopters used to transport the slabs .", "summaries": ["High winds have grounded the Us Navy Sea Stallion helicopters used to transport the slabs ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.14", "text": "Prof Letterio Villari , a noted vulcanologist , said yesterday he had `` absolutely no faith whatsoever '' in the plan .", "summaries": ["Prof Letterio Villari , a vulcanologist , had `` no faith '' in the plan ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.15", "text": "If Zafferana was saved from the lava , which could flow for a year or more , it would be `` a complete fluke '' , he said .", "summaries": ["If Zafferana was saved from the lava , it would be `` a fluke '' ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.2", "text": "A crust appears to have formed over the volcanic rubble , but red-hot lava began creeping over it yesterday and into a private orchard .", "summaries": ["A crust formed , but red-hot lava began creeping over it yesterday and into a private orchard ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.3", "text": "Bad weather dashed hopes of attempts to halt the flow during what was seen as a natural lull in the lava 's momentum .", "summaries": ["Bad weather dashed attempts to halt the flow during a lull in the lava 's momentum ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.4", "text": "Some experts say that even if the eruption stopped today , the sheer pressure of lava piled up behind for six miles would bring debris cascading down on to the town anyway .", "summaries": ["experts say even if the eruption stopped , the sheer pressure of lava piled up for miles would bring debris down on to the town ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.5", "text": "Some estimate the volcano is pouring out one million tons of debris a day , at a rate of 15 ft per second , from a fissure that opened in mid-December .", "summaries": ["the volcano is pouring out one million tons of debris a day , at 15 ft per second , from a fissure that opened in mid-December ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.6", "text": "The Italian army yesterday detonated nearly 400 lb of dynamite 3,500 feet up Mount Etna 's slopes .", "summaries": ["The army yesterday detonated 400 lb of dynamite 3,500 feet up Mount Etna ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.7", "text": "The explosives , which were described as nothing more than an experiment , were detonated just above a dam built in January and breached last week .", "summaries": ["The explosives were detonated just above a dam built in January and breached last week ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.8", "text": "They succeeded in closing off the third of five underground conduits formed beneath the surface crust and through which red-hot magma has been flowing .", "summaries": ["They succeeded in closing the third of five underground conduits through which magma has been flowing ."]} {"id": "AL6.42.9", "text": "But the teams later discovered that the conduit was dry , suggesting that the lava had already found a new course .", "summaries": ["the teams discovered the conduit dry , suggesting that the lava had found a new course ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.0", "text": "LOS ANGELES - Doug McClure , the affable , good-looking sidekick Trampas who imprinted himself in the nation 's memory riding the Western television range with `` The Virginian '' for eight years , is dead at the age of 59 .", "summaries": ["Doug McClure , the affable sidekick Trampas who imprinted himself in the nation 's memory with `` The Virginian '' is dead at 59 ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.1", "text": "McClure , who last appeared in the 1994 feature film `` Maverick '' as one of many Western gamblers , died Sunday night at his Los Angeles home after a months-long battle with lung cancer .", "summaries": ["McClure , who last appeared in `` Maverick '' , died Sunday night after a battle with lung cancer ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.10", "text": "I did some films and theater in London .", "summaries": ["I did films and theater in London ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.11", "text": "I went to New York .", "summaries": ["I went to New York ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.12", "text": "But I had been on television so much , people thought ( if I was n't on television ) I was n't around. '' McClure 's first acting job was in a syndicated series , `` Men of Annapolis. '' After a few feature films , including `` The Enemy Below , '' `` Gidget '' and `` The Unforgiven , '' he was placed under contract by Universal .", "summaries": ["I had been on television so much , people thought ( if I was n't on television ) I was n't around. '' McClure 's first acting was in a syndicated series , `` Men of Annapolis. '' After a few films , including `` The Enemy Below , '' `` Gidget '' and `` The Unforgiven , '' he was placed under contract by Universal ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.13", "text": "He began the string of series for the small screen as William Bendix ' sidekick in `` The Overland Trail , '' and went on to the equally short-lived `` Checkmate , '' a private-eye series set in San Francisco .", "summaries": ["He began series for the small screen as William Bendix ' sidekick in `` The Overland Trail , '' and went on to `` Checkmate , '' a private-eye series ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.14", "text": "In 1962 , he joined `` The Virginian '' and stayed until it ended eight years later .", "summaries": ["In 1962 , he joined `` The Virginian '' and stayed eight years ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.15", "text": "The series was highly praised for its 90-minute format , serious stories and fine guest stars .", "summaries": ["The series was praised for its format , stories and guest stars ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.2", "text": "Last Dec. 16 , McClure greeted the placing of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame as `` the incentive to get well. '' A memorial floral arrangement adorned the star Monday .", "summaries": ["McClure greeted his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame as `` incentive to get well. '' A memorial adorned the star Monday ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.3", "text": "McClure expressed pride in bridging two generations .", "summaries": ["McClure expressed pride in bridging generations ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.4", "text": "Although his fame peaked with `` The Virginian '' co-starring James Drury , McClure continued to work .", "summaries": ["Although his fame peaked with `` The Virginian '' McClure continued to work ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.5", "text": "Younger viewers have seen him in the 1988 television comedy series `` Out of This World '' as well as in guest appearances on such shows the 1977 classic `` Roots , '' and with Drury on the 1991 Kenny Rogers miniseries `` The Gambler Returns '' and an ABC special titled `` How the West Was Fun. '' McClure recently had been working on a film called `` One West Waikiki '' filmed in Hawaii .", "summaries": ["Younger viewers have seen him in the 1988 television comedy `` Out of This World '' as well as in appearances on the 1977 classic `` Roots , '' and with Drury on the Kenny Rogers miniseries `` The Gambler Returns '' and `` How the West Was Fun. '' McClure recently had been working on a film called `` One West Waikiki '' ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.6", "text": "But on Jan. 8 he collapsed on the set and was flown to Los Angeles for hospitalization .", "summaries": ["on Jan. 8 he collapsed and was flown to Los Angeles for hospitalization ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.7", "text": "At that time , doctors discovered that his cancer had spread .", "summaries": ["doctors discovered that his cancer had spread ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.8", "text": "`` I had this feeling everybody thought I was dead , '' McClure said in a 1988 interview .", "summaries": ["`` I had this feeling everybody thought I was dead , '' McClure said ."]} {"id": "latwp950206.0086.9", "text": "`` I did n't quit .", "summaries": ["`` I did n't quit ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.0", "text": "NEW YORK - William Kunstler , the lawyer whose passionate defense of radical causes and political pariahs catapulted him to fame and controversy within the American legal system , died Monday at the age of 76 at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in Manhattan .", "summaries": ["William Kunstler , the lawyer whose defense of radical causes and pariahs catapulted him to fame , died Monday at 76 in Manhattan ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.1", "text": "His death from cardiac arrest was tearfully announced by his law partner , Ron Kuby .", "summaries": ["His death was announced ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.10", "text": "He defended the Chicago Seven anti-war activists against charges of conspiring to incite riots at the Democratic National Convention in 1968 .", "summaries": ["He defended the Chicago Seven against charges to incite riots at the Democratic National Convention in 1968 ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.11", "text": "Jurors acquitted the seven defendants of conspiracy charges .", "summaries": ["Jurors acquitted the defendants ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.12", "text": "Five were found guilty of incitement .", "summaries": ["Five were guilty of incitement ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.13", "text": "Kunstler persuaded a jury in 1991 to acquit El Sayyid A. Nosair on charges of killing Rabbi Meir Kahane , the founder of the militant Jewish Defense League , even though Nosair , holding a gun , was seen fleeing the Manhattan hotel where Kahane was assassinated .", "summaries": ["Kunstler persuaded a jury to acquit El Sayyid A. Nosair of killing Rabbi Meir Kahane , the founder of the Jewish Defense League , even though Nosair , holding a gun , was seen fleeing the hotel where Kahane was assassinated ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.14", "text": "Nosair was convicted on lesser charges of weapon possession and assaulting the U.S. postal inspector who captured him .", "summaries": ["Nosair was convicted of weapon possession and assaulting the U.S. postal inspector who captured him ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.15", "text": "`` I do n't think I ever felt as detested as when I joined the defense team of El Sayyid Nosair , '' Kunstler wrote in his 1994 autobiography , `` My Life as a Radical Lawyer. '' `` Because I am Jewish , the criticism against me for defending Nosair was particularly vehement. '' In another unpopular case , Kunstler helped defend Colin Ferguson , a Jamaican immigrant who killed six and wounded 19 others on a Long Island Rail Road commuter train .", "summaries": ["`` I do n't think I ever felt as detested as when I joined the defense of El Sayyid Nosair , '' Kunstler wrote , `` My Life as a Radical Lawyer. '' `` Because I am Jewish , the criticism was vehement. '' In another unpopular case , Kunstler helped defend Colin Ferguson , a Jamaican who killed six and wounded 19 on a Long Island Rail Road train ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.16", "text": "Kunstler had tried to argue that Ferguson suffered from `` black rage '' that made him not responsible for his actions .", "summaries": ["Kunstler had tried to argue that Ferguson suffered from `` rage '' that made him not responsible for his actions ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.17", "text": "He opened his successful defense of Larry Davis , who was accused of trying to kill nine New York City police officers , by declaring the case really was about `` how the police treat young Third World people in the depressed communities of our city. '' Before a judge barred him from continuing the case because he was a potential witness , Kunstler recently defended Egyptian cleric Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman , who is being tried on charges of leading a conspiracy to blow up the United Nations , two commuter tunnels and the Manhattan headquarters of the FBI .", "summaries": ["He opened his successful defense of Larry Davis , who was accused of trying to kill nine police officers , by declaring the case about `` how the police treat Third World people in depressed communities '' Before a judge barred him from the case because he was a potential witness , Kunstler recently defended Egyptian cleric Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman , who is being tried on charges of conspiracy to blow up the United Nations , two tunnels and the Manhattan FBI ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.2", "text": "Kunstler had been hospitalized since Aug. 28 and had received a pacemaker in hopes of stabilizing his heart .", "summaries": ["Kunstler had been hospitalized since Aug. 28 and had received a pacemaker ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.3", "text": "In a recent interview , Kunstler , whose clients over a long and often stormy career ranged from the Chicago Seven to Martin Luther King Jr. to comedian Lenny Bruce , discussed how he wished to die .", "summaries": ["Kunstler , whose clients ranged from the Chicago Seven to Martin Luther King Jr. to Lenny Bruce , discussed how he wished to die ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.4", "text": "He said he hoped to be delivering an impassioned summation to a jury when he passed away , slipping from the lectern to the courtroom floor .", "summaries": ["He hoped to be delivering an impassioned summation to a jury when he passed away , slipping to the courtroom floor ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.5", "text": "`` I do n't want to lead a life of quiet desperation , '' he said of his life and legal practice .", "summaries": ["`` I do n't want to lead a life of quiet desperation , '' he said ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.6", "text": "`` Bill was America 's authentic radical lawyer , '' said Norman Siegel , director of the American Civil Liberties Union in New York , who knew him as a friend and attorney .", "summaries": ["`` Bill was America 's radical lawyer , '' said Norman Siegel , who knew him ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.7", "text": "Throughout most of his career , the deep-spoken lawyer battled the system with theatrical flair .", "summaries": ["Throughout his career , the lawyer battled with flair ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.8", "text": "`` I enjoy the spotlight as most humans do , '' he explained , `` but it 's not my whole raison d'etre .", "summaries": ["`` I enjoy the spotlight , but it 's not my raison d'etre ."]} {"id": "latwp950904.0039.9", "text": "My purpose is to keep the state from becoming all-domineering , all powerful. '' He scored some notable successes .", "summaries": ["My purpose is to keep the state from becoming all powerful. '' He scored some successes ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.0", "text": "COSTA MESA , Calif - Katsumasa `` Roy '' Sakioka , who overcame prejudice , wartime internment and chronic shyness to become one of the United States ' richest men , has died .", "summaries": ["Katsumasa `` Roy '' Sakioka , who overcame prejudice , internment and shyness to become one of the United States ' richest men , has died ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.1", "text": "He was 96 .", "summaries": ["He was 96 ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.10", "text": "Twenty years after his retirement in the 1960s , Sakioka was still carrying a celery knife and rubber boots in his car , just in case he spied some farm work that needed doing .", "summaries": ["Twenty years after his retirement , Sakioka was carrying a celery knife and boots in his car , just in case he spied farm work that needed doing ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.11", "text": "In 1991 , Sakioka was named one of America 's 400 richest individuals by Forbes Magazine , to which he refused to grant an interview .", "summaries": ["Sakioka was named one of America 's richest individuals by Forbes , which he refused to grant an interview ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.12", "text": "The youngest of six children - as well as the father of six children - Sakioka was born in a farming village on the tiny Japanese island of Shikoku .", "summaries": ["The youngest of six - as well as the father of six - Sakioka was born in a farming village on the Japanese island Shikoku ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.13", "text": "At age 18 , Sakioka came to the United States where he planned to work hard and then return to Japan with his fortune .", "summaries": ["At 18 , Sakioka came to the United States where he planned to work and then return to Japan with his fortune ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.14", "text": "He returned only briefly in 1920 , to marry his childhood friend , Tomio .", "summaries": ["He returned in 1920 , to marry his friend , Tomio ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.15", "text": "Together , the couple raised three boys and three girls here .", "summaries": ["the couple raised three boys and three girls ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.2", "text": "At its zenith , Sakioka 's spectacular land empire included 1,000 prized acres in Orange County alone , where he was among the first to envision the coming real estate boom .", "summaries": ["Sakioka 's empire included 1,000 acres in Orange County , where he was among the first to envision the real estate boom ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.3", "text": "Despite emigrating to the United States with little money and speaking no English , Sakioka began buying small pieces of rural Orange County just after World War II , much of which he had spent in an internment camp .", "summaries": ["Despite emigrating to the United States with little money and speaking no English , Sakioka began buying small pieces of Orange County after World War II , which he had spent in an internment camp ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.4", "text": "Sakioka understood that celery thrived in Orange County 's black , moist soil .", "summaries": ["Sakioka understood that celery thrived in Orange County 's soil ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.5", "text": "But he also had an uncanny knack for knowing where freeways and shopping centers would sprout .", "summaries": ["he had an uncanny knack for knowing where freeways and shopping centers would sprout ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.6", "text": "He was a master at buying land along development 's path and selling it at the last possible - and most profitable - moment .", "summaries": ["He was a master at buying land along development 's path and selling it at the most profitable moment ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.7", "text": "A frail , frugal , intensely private man who lived in a modest one-story , ranch-style house in Costa Mesa , Sakioka amassed roughly $ 325 million in landholdings .", "summaries": ["A frail , intensely private man who lived in a modest house , Sakioka amassed $ 325 million in landholdings ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.8", "text": "Many of the county 's malls and office towers sit on former celery fields he owned .", "summaries": ["Many of the malls and office towers sit on fields he owned ."]} {"id": "latwp951101.0004.9", "text": "Still , despite his immense wealth , Sakioka , who died Saturday , retained a passion for hard work .", "summaries": ["despite his immense wealth , Sakioka , who died Saturday , retained a passion for hard work ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.0", "text": "HOLLYWOOD - Leon Schwab , who helped make his family 's fabled drug store on Sunset Boulevard a haven for movie stars and the preferred site of an apocryphal anecdote about the discovery of actress Lana Turner , has died .", "summaries": ["Leon Schwab , who helped make his store on Sunset Boulevard a haven for movie stars and the preferred site of an anecdote about the discovery of actress Lana Turner , has died ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.1", "text": "He was 88 .", "summaries": ["He was 88 ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.10", "text": "Among the regulars were Clark Gable , Judy Garland , Humphrey Bogart , Marilyn Monroe , Ronald Reagan , Cesar Romero and Turner , although historians have generally decided she was not discovered there by a movie producer .", "summaries": ["Among the regulars were Gable , Garland , Bogart , Monroe , Reagan , Romero and Turner , although historians have generally decided she was not discovered there ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.11", "text": "Many future stars did get their break by frequenting the drug store , however , thanks to Leon Schwab .", "summaries": ["Many stars did get their break by frequenting the drug store ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.12", "text": "`` All those movie stars were n't discovered at Schwab 's because they were seen there , but because Leon picked up the telephone , '' customer and Hollywood publicist Joe Seide told the Los Angeles Times in 1988 when the Sunset location went under the wrecking ball .", "summaries": ["`` All those movie stars were discovered at Schwab 's because Leon picked up the telephone , '' customer and publicist Joe Seide told the Times when the Sunset location went under the wrecking ball ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.13", "text": "`` All the studio heads got their prescriptions filled there and their checks cashed , and their milkshakes made .", "summaries": ["`` the studio heads got their prescriptions there and their checks cashed , and their milkshakes made ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.14", "text": "So when Leon saw someone of star material , they heard about it. '' Leon Schwab joined his brothers and sisters in the family business after earning his pharmaceutical degree from the University of Southern California .", "summaries": ["when Leon saw someone of star material , they heard about it. '' Leon Schwab joined the family business after earning his pharmaceutical degree from the University of Southern California ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.15", "text": "After brother Jack 's death , he concentrated on the Sunset store .", "summaries": ["After Jack 's death , he concentrated on the store ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.16", "text": "Realizing it was nestled among studios - Republic , RKO , Columbia - he catered to the show business community .", "summaries": ["nestled among studios - Republic , RKO , Columbia - he catered to the show business community ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.17", "text": "`` We started charge accounts , '' he told The Times in 1983 , `` and cashing checks. '' He also ran tabs for out-of-work actors and loaned them money and gave them food when they needed it. In 1953 , he added a pager and special phone for incoming calls to movie people .", "summaries": ["`` We started charge accounts , '' he told The Times , `` and cashing checks. '' He ran tabs for out-of-work actors and loaned them money when they needed it. In 1953 , he added a pager and special phone for calls to movie people ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.18", "text": "`` They were tying up the pay phone all the time , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` They were tying up the phone , '' he said ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.19", "text": "Among Schwab 's survivors are one brother , Bernard ; two sons , Norman and Kent ; a daughter , Lynne , and six grandchildren .", "summaries": ["Schwab 's survivors are one brother , two sons , a daughter , and six grandchildren ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.2", "text": "Schwab , who often phoned Hollywood executives to tout would-be actors , died Thursday at Harbor South Medical Center following surgery for a broken hip .", "summaries": ["Schwab , who phoned Hollywood executives to tout would-be actors , died Thursday following surgery ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.3", "text": "Born May 5 , 1907 , Schwab moved to Los Angeles with his family .", "summaries": ["Born May 5 , 1907 , Schwab moved to Los Angeles ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.4", "text": "To support her four sons and two daughters , the widowed Lena Schwab started a pharmacy in the early 1920s .", "summaries": ["To support her four sons and two daughters , Lena Schwab started a pharmacy in the 1920s ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.5", "text": "Her six children , including Leon , worked at Schwab 's , which eventually expanded to seven stores in the Hollywood and Beverly Hills area .", "summaries": ["Her six children worked at Schwab 's , which expanded to seven stores in the area ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.6", "text": "A copy of the legendary lunch counter at 8024 Sunset Boulevard has recently been seen on both coasts as a set in the musical `` Sunset Boulevard. '' It also has been recreated more permanently at Universal Studios Florida , complete with a plaque dedicated to founder Lena Schwab .", "summaries": ["A copy of the legendary lunch counter has recently been seen on both coasts as a set in the musical `` Sunset Boulevard. '' It also has been recreated permanently at Universal Studios Florida , with a plaque dedicated to Lena Schwab ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.7", "text": "The original Sunset Schwab 's closed in 1983 after more than 50 years .", "summaries": ["Sunset Schwab 's closed in 1983 ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.8", "text": "In its heyday , Gloria Swanson , star of the original film `` Sunset Boulevard '' which featured scenes at Schwab 's , bought her makeup at the Sunset landmark .", "summaries": ["In its heyday , Gloria Swanson , star of `` Sunset Boulevard '' which featured scenes at Schwab 's , bought her makeup at the landmark ."]} {"id": "latwp960105.0066.9", "text": "Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard made their own milkshakes at the counter , and Hugh O'Brian worked there as a soda jerk .", "summaries": ["Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard made milkshakes at the counter , and Hugh O'Brian worked as a soda jerk ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.0", "text": "LOS ANGELES - Paul Gillette , novelist , script writer and beverage industry analyst , who was best known for the book `` Play Misty for Me , '' has died of heart failure in Los Angeles .", "summaries": ["Paul Gillette , writer and beverage industry analyst , best known for the book `` Play Misty for Me , '' has died of heart failure in Los Angeles ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.1", "text": "He was 58 .", "summaries": ["He was 58 ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.10", "text": "He often called us to task , and we are all the better for it. I always looked forward to reading his valuable critiques and evaluations of the industry whether I agreed with him or not. '' He was also a highly regarded writing coach .", "summaries": ["He called us to task and we are the better for it. I looked forward to reading his evaluations of the industry '' He was a highly regarded writing coach ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.11", "text": "In addition to a weekly masters class for professional novelists , Gillette also taught fiction writing in the Master of Professional Writing program at the University of Southern California .", "summaries": ["In addition to a masters class for professional novelists , Gillette taught writing in the Master of Professional Writing program at the University of Southern California ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.12", "text": "Born in 1938 in Carbondale , Pa. , Gillette had his first article published in the Carbondale Daily News in 1949 as an 11-year-old .", "summaries": ["Born in Pa. , Gillette had his first article published in the Carbondale Daily News in 1949 as an 11-year-old ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.13", "text": "He was a 1959 graduate of Penn State University .", "summaries": ["He was graduate of Penn State ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.14", "text": "Gillette is survived by his wife , Shelly , and two daughters , Giuliana and Caroline .", "summaries": ["Gillette is survived by his wife and two daughters ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.2", "text": "`` Play Misty for Me , '' published in 1971 , became a film starring Clint Eastwood .", "summaries": ["`` Play Misty for Me , '' , became a film starring Clint Eastwood ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.3", "text": "It was one of several books written by Gillette including `` Carmela , '' ( 1972 ) ; `` The Chinese Godfather , '' ( 1981 ) ; `` Cat o ' Nine Tails , '' ( 1972 ) ; `` One of the Crowd , '' ( 1980 ) ; `` The Lopison Case , '' ( 1967 ) and `` Inside Klu Klux Klan '' ( 1965 ) .", "summaries": ["It was one of several books written by Gillette including `` Carmela '' ; `` The Chinese Godfather '' ; `` Cat o ' Nine Tails '' ; `` One of the Crowd '' ; `` The Lopison Case '' and `` Inside Klu Klux Klan '' ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.4", "text": "Gillette , who died Jan. 6 , was also a publisher and was among the first to host a nationally syndicated television show on wine appreciation .", "summaries": ["Gillette , who died Jan. 6 , was a publisher and among the first to host a television show on wine ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.5", "text": "`` Enjoying Wine with Paul Gillette , '' which he also wrote and produced , aired on what is now the Public Broadcasting System in 1974 .", "summaries": ["`` Enjoying Wine with Paul Gillette , '' which he wrote and produced , aired on the Public Broadcasting System in 1974 ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.6", "text": "Earlier , Gillette wrote for , and occasionally hosted , the long-running CBS program , `` Camera Three. '' In recent years , Gillette concentrated on publishing several beverage industry trade newsletters which he founded in 1976 including `` The Wine Investor - Executive Edition ; '' `` California Beverage Hotline , '' `` The Wine Investor - Buyers Guide , '' and `` Healthy Eating. '' He was also senior editor for `` The Wine Enthusiast , '' a consumer publication .", "summaries": ["Gillette wrote for and hosted the program , `` Camera Three. '' In recent years , Gillette concentrated on publishing several beverage industry trade newsletters and He was also editor for `` The Wine Enthusiast , '' a consumer publication ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.7", "text": "Gillette was considered a leading financial analyst on the beverage industry - one who also had an expert palate for wine tasting .", "summaries": ["Gillette was a leading financial analyst on the beverage industry - who had an expert palate for wine ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.8", "text": "He served as a consultant to wine industry clients in California , Washington state , France , Italy and Argentina .", "summaries": ["He served as a consultant to wine industry clients in California , Washington , France , Italy and Argentina ."]} {"id": "latwp960116.0119.9", "text": "Robert Mondavi , founder and chairman of the Robert Mondavi Winery in Oakville , Calif. , said Gillette 's impact `` was perhaps most felt in his uncanny ability to forecast trends and target the critical issues and challenges facing the wine industry .", "summaries": ["Robert Mondavi , founder of the Robert Mondavi Winery , said Gillette 's impact `` was most felt in his ability to forecast trends and target the critical challenges facing the wine industry ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.0", "text": "LOS ANGELES - Gene Kelly , the exuberant , charismatic hoofer who danced , sang , smiled and splashed his way into the hearts of generations , died Friday after years of declining health .", "summaries": ["Gene Kelly , the charismatic hoofer who danced , sang and splashed his way into the hearts of generations , died Friday after declining health ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.1", "text": "He was 83 .", "summaries": ["He was 83 ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.10", "text": "But of all Kelly 's dance partners , none was more memorable than an umbrella .", "summaries": ["of all Kelly 's dance partners , none was more memorable than an umbrella ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.11", "text": "`` Singin ' in the Rain , '' the beloved , campy 1952 Hollywood spoof with Reynolds and O'Connor , provides the lasting image of Kelly 's winning screen persona : an affable , optimistic man with a fine Irish grin and soft spot in his heart .", "summaries": ["`` Singin ' in the Rain , '' provides the lasting image of Kelly 's winning screen persona : an affable , optimistic man with a fine grin and soft heart ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.12", "text": "In 1951 , Kelly worked with director Vincente Minnelli on `` An American in Paris , '' co-starring with the then 18-year-old Caron .", "summaries": ["In 1951 , Kelly worked with director Vincente Minnelli on `` An American in Paris , '' co-starring with the 18-year-old Caron ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.13", "text": "The film won eight Academy Awards , including Best Picture .", "summaries": ["The film won eight Academy Awards , including Best Picture ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.14", "text": "Kelly was awarded a special Oscar `` in appreciation of his versatility as an actor , singer , director , and dancer , and specifically for his brilliant achievements in the art of choreography on film. '' For all the accolades for `` An American in Paris , '' it was the next film , `` Singin ' in the Rain , '' that would define Kelly for years to come .", "summaries": ["Kelly was awarded a special Oscar `` in appreciation of his versatility and specifically for his achievements in the art of choreography '' For all the accolades for `` An American in Paris , '' it was the next film , `` Singin ' in the Rain , '' that would define Kelly ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.15", "text": "On the big screen , Kelly directed six films between 1957 and 1969 , ranging from the experimental `` Gigot '' with Jackie Gleason in 1962 to the big-budget box office hit , `` Hello Dolly ! '' with Barbra Streisand in 1969 .", "summaries": ["Kelly directed six films between 1957 and 1969 , ranging from the experimental `` Gigot '' with Jackie Gleason to the big-budget hit , `` Hello Dolly ! '' with Barbra Streisand ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.16", "text": "Kelly was married three times and fathered three children .", "summaries": ["Kelly married three times and fathered three children ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.2", "text": "As respected as he was likable , Kelly `` died peacefully in his sleep '' in his Beverly Hills home with wife Patricia at his bedside , according to his publicist , Warren Cowan .", "summaries": ["Kelly `` died in his sleep '' in his home with wife Patricia at his bedside ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.3", "text": "Kelly had suffered strokes in 1994 and 1995 and had been in ill health since .", "summaries": ["Kelly had strokes and been in ill health ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.4", "text": "His life was the stuff of a Hollywood musical .", "summaries": ["His life was a musical ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.5", "text": "Gene Kelly was a would-be baseball player and failed law student who once made money teaching basic dance steps in the basement of his parents ' Pennsylvania home .", "summaries": ["Gene Kelly was a baseball player and law student who once made money teaching dance in his parents ' home ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.6", "text": "After a few Depression-era amateur contests , he conquered Broadway and then Hollywood , starring in such films as `` Singin ' in the Rain , '' `` On the Town '' and `` An American in Paris. '' Along the way , he revolutionized motion picture choreography , and achieved success as a director and producer as well .", "summaries": ["he conquered Broadway and Hollywood , starring in `` Singin ' in the Rain , '' `` On the Town '' and `` An American in Paris. '' he revolutionized motion picture choreography , and achieved success as a director and producer ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.7", "text": "Debbie Reynolds , who co-starred in `` Singin ' in the Rain , '' remembered Kelly Friday as `` a great dancer ... a cinematic genius ( whose ) work will influence films forever. '' `` He made me a star ... , '' she said .", "summaries": ["Debbie Reynolds remembered Kelly as `` a great dancer ... a cinematic genius ( whose ) work will influence films forever. '' `` He made me a star ... , '' she said ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.8", "text": "`` He taught me how to dance and how to work hard , to be dedicated and yet still loving , as he was to his family and friends. '' Charles Champlin , former arts editor of the Los Angeles Times , called Kelly 's classic swing around the lamppost in `` Singin ' in the Rain '' `` the high point of solo screen dancing ... an absolute masterpiece of the dance form. '' Judy Garland , in 1942 , was Kelly 's first dance partner on the big screen .", "summaries": ["`` He taught me how to dance and work hard , to be dedicated and yet still loving , as he was '' Charles Champlin , former arts editor of the Los Angeles Times , called Kelly 's classic swing around the lamppost in `` Singin ' in the Rain '' `` the high point of solo dancing ... an masterpiece of form. '' Judy Garland was Kelly 's first partner on the big screen ."]} {"id": "latwp960202.0084.9", "text": "Later came Fred Astaire , Rita Hayworth , Frank Sinatra , Leslie Caron , Debbie Reynolds , Donald O'Connor , Shirley MacLaine and many others .", "summaries": ["Later came Fred Astaire , Rita Hayworth , Frank Sinatra , Leslie Caron , Debbie Reynolds , Donald O'Connor , Shirley MacLaine and others ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.0", "text": "Leading civil-rights lawyer and former City University of New York Law School Dean W. Haywood Burns and Shanara Gilbert , an associate professor at the law school in Queens , N.Y. , were killed in a car crash Tuesday in Cape Town , South Africa , authorities and associates of the two said Tuesday night .", "summaries": ["civil-rights lawyer and former City University of New York Law School Dean W. Haywood Burns and Shanara Gilbert , an associate professor at the law school in Queens , N.Y. , were killed in a car crash in South Africa ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.1", "text": "Burns , 55 , and Gilbert , about 45 , both of whom had traveled several times to South Africa to press for the civil-rights cause there , were attending a conference of an international lawyers ' association , said Clinton Bamberger , a University of Maryland law professor who knew Burns well .", "summaries": ["Burns and Gilbert , both of whom had traveled to South Africa for the civil-rights cause , were attending a conference , said Clinton Bamberger , a University of Maryland law professor who knew Burns ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.10", "text": "Burns headed the defense teams of black communist activist Angela Davis and the Attica Brothers after the 1971 prison rebellion .", "summaries": ["Burns headed the defense of black activist Angela Davis and the Attica Brothers after the 1971 prison rebellion ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.11", "text": "He served for 10 years as vice provost and dean for urban and legal programs at City College before being named dean of the City University of New York Law School at Queens College in June , 1987 .", "summaries": ["He served for 10 years as vice provost and dean for urban and legal programs at City College before being dean of the City University of New York Law School at Queens College in 1987 ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.12", "text": "When he assumed his duties on Sept. 1 of that year , Burns became the first black dean of a law school in the state .", "summaries": ["Burns became the first black dean of a law school in the state ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.13", "text": "After stepping down as dean after the 1994-95 academic year , Burns spent last year as a visiting professor at his alma mater , Yale Law School .", "summaries": ["After stepping down as dean , Burns spent last year as a professor at Yale Law School ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.14", "text": "He had returned to the CUNY Law School faculty last fall .", "summaries": ["He returned to the CUNY Law School faculty last fall ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.15", "text": "Distributed by the Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service", "summaries": ["Distributed by the Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News"]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.2", "text": "Maria Louw , matron in charge at Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town , said in a telephone interview that the two were brought to the hospital 's emergency room shortly before 10 p.m. Tuesday night .", "summaries": ["Maria Louw said the two were brought to the emergency room shortly before 10 p.m. Tuesday night ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.3", "text": "Louw said she did not know details of the accident , only that there were at least two other deaths in a collision , both in the car in which Burns and Gilbert were traveling and in another vehicle .", "summaries": ["Louw said that there were two other deaths , both in the car in which Burns and Gilbert were traveling and in another vehicle ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.4", "text": "Both Burns and Gilbert suffered head injuries , and Gilbert suffered chest injuries as well , Louw said .", "summaries": ["Both Burns and Gilbert suffered head injuries and Gilbert suffered chest injuries , Louw said ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.5", "text": "Both were unconscious when they arrived at the hospital , and were immediately placed on life-support equipment , she said .", "summaries": ["Both were unconscious when they arrived and were immediately placed on life-support , she said ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.6", "text": "Gilbert died about 10 p.m. and Burns died about 2:30 a.m. , Louw said .", "summaries": ["Gilbert died about 10 p.m. and Burns about 2:30 a.m. ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.7", "text": "Burns , a graduate of Harvard University and Yale Law School , had been a leading legal light for civil rights since the movement of the 1960s in the Deep South .", "summaries": ["Burns had been a leading legal light for civil rights since the 1960s in the Deep South ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.8", "text": "He waged his first personal fight against discrimination as a 15-year-old in Peekskill , N.Y. , when he helped to integrate a swim club by filing a complaint with the state Human Rights Commission .", "summaries": ["He waged his first fight against discrimination as a 15-year-old in N.Y. , when he helped integrate a club by filing a complaint with the state Human Rights Commission ."]} {"id": "latwp960402.0123.9", "text": "In the 1960s , he registered black voters in the South , worked as a lawyer for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and was chief counsel to the Poor People 's Project , the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s last project before King was assassinated in 1968 .", "summaries": ["he registered black voters , worked as a lawyer for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and was counsel to the Poor People 's Project , the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s last project in 1968 ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.0", "text": "LOS ANGELES - Tom Forman , half of the creative team which produced the `` Motley 's Crew '' syndicated comic strip for the past 20 years , has died .", "summaries": ["Tom Forman , half of the team which produced the `` Motley 's Crew '' comic strip for 20 years , has died ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.1", "text": "He was 60 .", "summaries": ["He was 60 ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.10", "text": "At age 26 , he turned down an offer to pitch in the minor leagues for the Los Angeles Angels .", "summaries": ["At 26 , he turned down an offer in the minor leagues for the Los Angeles Angels ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.11", "text": "He also was an avid swimmer and golfer and Little League coach .", "summaries": ["He was an avid swimmer and golfer and coach ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.12", "text": "The two men worked in their respective homes and met weekly to critique each other 's output , sure the neighbors thought they were occupied in something illegal .", "summaries": ["The men worked in their homes and met weekly to critique output , sure the neighbors thought they were occupied in something illegal ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.13", "text": "`` They 're very suspicious , '' Forman told the Los Angeles Times in 1981 .", "summaries": ["`` They 're suspicious , '' Forman told the Los Angeles Times ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.14", "text": "`` All they know about us is that we work for a syndicate , get phone calls from New York , never go out and have meetings in the basement. '' Ever the teacher , Forman spent his life mentoring youngsters and other writers and cartoonists including Dave Miller and Stephen Bentley .", "summaries": ["`` we work for a syndicate , get calls from New York , never go out and have meetings in the basement. '' Forman spent his life mentoring youngsters and writers and cartoonists including Dave Miller and Stephen Bentley ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.15", "text": "`` As well as being very good at this job , '' Templeton said of his partner , `` Tom had the most human attribute of all , that of a natural-born teacher. '' Forman is survived by his wife , Ann , and two children , David and Laura .", "summaries": ["`` As well as being good at this job , '' Templeton said , `` Tom had the most human attribute , that of a teacher. '' Forman is survived by his wife and two children ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.2", "text": "Forman , who wrote the strip drawn by Ben Templeton and signed Forman Templeton , died Saturday of cancer in his home in nearby Agoura Hills .", "summaries": ["Forman , who wrote the strip drawn by Ben Templeton and signed Forman Templeton , died Saturday of cancer in his home ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.3", "text": "The team also produced the comics `` Elwood , '' `` Prime Time '' and `` The Sporting Life. '' `` Motley 's Crew , '' printed regularly in 250 newspapers , is a satirical social commentary as seen through the eyes of blue-collar worker Mike Motley .", "summaries": ["The team produced the comics `` Elwood , '' `` Prime Time '' and `` The Sporting Life. '' `` Motley 's Crew , '' printed in 250 newspapers , is a social commentary seen through the eyes of worker Mike Motley ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.4", "text": "Born in Detroit , Forman earned a degree in government at California State University , Los Angeles , and taught government and history for four years .", "summaries": ["Born in Detroit , Forman earned a degree at California State University , Los Angeles , and taught for four years ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.5", "text": "Then he switched to writing , producing and developing television documentaries , feature films and television plots .", "summaries": ["he switched to writing , producing and developing documentaries , feature films and television plots ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.6", "text": "Deciding he was going broke trying to sell movies , he got the idea for Motley and , through a mutual friend , met Templeton , an advertising art director and designer .", "summaries": ["Deciding he was going broke trying to sell movies , he got the idea for Motley and met Templeton , an art director ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.7", "text": "They drew and wrote the strip and , despite long odds against selling a new cartoon , managed to sell it to a syndicate in 1976 .", "summaries": ["They wrote a new cartoon to sell it to a syndicate in 1976 ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.8", "text": "They added `` The Sporting Life , '' which satirizes sports , two years later and the others after that .", "summaries": ["They added `` The Sporting Life , '' which satirizes sports , later and the others after that ."]} {"id": "latwp960524.0084.9", "text": "A sports junkie , Forman played semipro basketball and baseball .", "summaries": ["Forman played semipro basketball and baseball ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.0", "text": "Melvin Belli , 88 , one of the most celebrated and controversial of American trial lawyers , a flamboyant defender of the notorious and courtroom champion of the aggrieved , died Tuesday at his home in San Francisco .", "summaries": ["Melvin Belli , 88 , one of the most celebrated lawyers , a defender of the notorious and champion of the aggrieved , died Tuesday at his home in San Francisco ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.1", "text": "Belli suffered a stroke last week as a result of pancreatic cancer , a family member told the Associated Press .", "summaries": ["Belli suffered a stroke as a result of cancer ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.10", "text": "`` I will defend anyone who comes to me-even the president of the bar association. '' A man who acknowledged to one interviewer that he `` might have been an actor '' if he had not chosen the law , he also achieved renown through writing , speeches and seminars .", "summaries": ["`` I will defend anyone '' A man who acknowledged that he `` might have been an actor '' if he had not chosen law , he also achieved renown through writing , speeches and seminars ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.11", "text": "Among the contributions to courtroom technique for which he was known was `` demonstrative evidence , '' the use of dramatic props and presentations to bring to life the issues of a case .", "summaries": ["Among the contributions was `` demonstrative evidence , '' the use of props to bring to life the issues of a case ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.12", "text": "He said he learned the value of that while representing a San Quentin prisoner who claimed the killing of another prisoner was self-defense .", "summaries": ["He learned that representing a San Quentin prisoner who claimed killing another prisoner was self-defense ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.13", "text": "At a crucial moment , Belli let slip the contents of a package he carried .", "summaries": ["At a crucial moment , Belli let slip the contents ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.14", "text": "A glittering array of knives and other sharp objects , allegedly seized from the other prisoners , clattered to the floor before the eyes of the jury .", "summaries": ["knives and other sharp objects , allegedly seized from the prisoners , clattered to the floor before the jury ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.15", "text": "The defendant was acquitted .", "summaries": ["The defendant was acquitted ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.16", "text": "`` If you can tell them and show them , too , let them see and feel and even taste or smell the evidence , '' he said , `` then you will reach the jury. '' Jack Ruby , accused of fatally shooting Lee Harvey Oswald , the accused assassin of Kennedy , may have been Belli 's best-known client .", "summaries": ["`` If you let them feel and taste or smell the evidence , '' he said , `` then you will reach the jury. '' Jack Ruby may have been Belli 's best-known client ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.17", "text": "Demonstrating the vast store of medical knowledge he had accumulated over a lifetime of malpractice suits , Belli tried to show that Ruby had suffered a blackout as a result of psychomotor epilepsy .", "summaries": ["Demonstrating medical knowledge accumulated over malpractice suits , Belli tried to show that Ruby had suffered psychomotor epilepsy ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.18", "text": "Thus , the argument went , even though millions had seen the shooting on television , he was not guilty by reason of temporary insanity .", "summaries": ["even though millions had seen the shooting , he was not guilty by reason of insanity ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.19", "text": "But the verdict was guilty , and Belli waxed indignant , calling it a `` victory for bigotry. '' Belli was born July 29 , 1907 , in Sonora , Calif. , and he determined on a legal career from childhood .", "summaries": ["But the verdict was guilty and Belli calling it a `` victory for bigotry. '' Belli was born in Calif. , and he determined on a legal career from childhood ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.2", "text": "He apparently had pneumonia when he died , according to a publicist with his Los Angeles law office .", "summaries": ["He had pneumonia when he died , according to a his office ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.20", "text": "He got his law degree from the University of California in 1933 , and his first job involved posing as a hobo while serving as an investigator for one of the New Deal agencies .", "summaries": ["He got his law degree from the University of California and his first job involved posing as a hobo while serving as an investigator for the New Deal agencies ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.21", "text": "Later , in private practice , he began specializing in civil actions , in which he collected a fee only if he won .", "summaries": ["specializing in civil actions , he collected a fee only if he won ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.22", "text": "Many of the victories set legal precedents .", "summaries": ["Many of the victories set precedents ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.23", "text": "For Belli , it was exhilarating .", "summaries": ["For Belli , it was exhilarating ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.24", "text": "`` I felt good , '' he said , `` because I had elevated the injured little guy to the economic level of stocks and bonds ... a yacht , old paintings and prized violins. ''", "summaries": ["`` I felt good , '' he said , `` because I had elevated to the level of stocks and a yacht , old paintings and prized violins. ''"]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.3", "text": "A specialist in civil damage suits , Belli combined an instinct for personal publicity with a flair for courtroom innovation to become one of the best-known members of his high-profile profession .", "summaries": ["A specialist in civil damage suits , Belli combined an instinct for publicity with a flair for innovation to become one of the best-known members of his profession ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.4", "text": "In part , his fame stemmed from his clients , who included Jack Ruby , the killer of John F. Kennedy 's alleged assassin , and television evangelist Jim Bakker , as well as a number of entertainment industry figures .", "summaries": ["In part , his fame stemmed from clients , who included Jack Ruby , the killer of John F. Kennedy 's alleged assassin , evangelist Jim Bakker , as well as a number of entertainment figures ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.5", "text": "Such touches as scarlet-lined suits embellished his image .", "summaries": ["scarlet-lined suits embellished his image ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.6", "text": "Sometimes called the King of Torts , Belli became known for frequent representation of the weak and the injured , as well as his pugnacious enthusiasm for crossing legal swords with doctors and lawyers , with insurance companies and with other institutions that represented privilege and power .", "summaries": ["called the King of Torts , Belli became known for representation of the injured , as well as his enthusiasm for crossing legal swords with doctors and lawyers , and with institutions that represented privilege and power ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.7", "text": "In a career that began when such verdicts were relatively rare , he won more than 200 cases in which damage awards amounted to more than $ 100,000 .", "summaries": ["when such verdicts rare , he won 200 cases in which awards amounted to more than $ 100,000 ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.8", "text": "He also sought to uphold the civil rights of topless waitresses , took the side of the `` free speech '' demonstrators in Berkeley , Calif. , and represented rackets figure Mickey Cohen and controversial comedian Lenny Bruce .", "summaries": ["He sought to uphold the rights of topless waitresses , took the side of the `` free speech '' demonstrators in Berkeley , and represented rackets figure Mickey Cohen and comedian Lenny Bruce ."]} {"id": "latwp960710.0001.9", "text": "`` Any lawyer worthy of the name has a commitment to defend the pariahed , unpopular defendant , '' he once said .", "summaries": ["`` Any lawyer has a commitment to defend the unpopular defendant , '' he said ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.0", "text": "Sheila Jo McKinney Watkins , who prided herself on being a `` typical Navy wife '' to retired Admiral James D. Watkins , former chief of naval operations and U.S. secretary of energy , has died .", "summaries": ["Sheila Jo McKinney Watkins , a `` typical Navy wife '' to retired Admiral James D. Watkins , former chief of naval operations and U.S. secretary of energy , has died ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.1", "text": "She was 67 .", "summaries": ["She was 67 ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.10", "text": "You 're a smart woman if you know that right from the start .", "summaries": ["You 're smart if you know that from the start ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.11", "text": "There is n't any competition .", "summaries": ["There is n't competition ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.12", "text": "Most naval officers are faithful men , but their mistress is the sea. '' As a Navy wife , she advised others : `` That means sink or swim .", "summaries": ["Most naval officers are faithful men , their mistress is the sea. '' As a Navy wife : `` That means sink or swim ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.13", "text": "You 're on your own .", "summaries": ["You 're on your own ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.14", "text": "Gotta be tough. '' As her husband rose in rank , she comforted officers ' wives : `` I tell them that my husband appreciates their role , that it 's an unsung role , a very demanding role that no one appreciates unless they 've been there - the lonely hours , keeping your chin up when it 's pretty tough. '' Watkins ' help to other families was personal and sometimes official , as she served on the boards of the Navy Relief Society and the Navy Wifeline Association .", "summaries": ["As her husband rose in rank , she comforted wives : `` I tell them my husband appreciates their unsung , demanding role - it 's tough. '' Watkins ' help was personal and official , as she served on the boards of the Navy Relief Society and Wifeline Association ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.15", "text": "When her husband , a nuclear expert , joined the cabinet as energy secretary , she established and raised money for two state-of-the-art child care centers in the nation 's capital .", "summaries": ["When her husband joined the cabinet as energy secretary , she established two child care centers in the capital ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.16", "text": "Still helping wives even in her semi-civilian years , Watkins founded the Spouses of Presidential Appointees to help the other half of cabinet couples adjust to their new role .", "summaries": ["Still helping wives , Watkins founded the Spouses of Presidential Appointees to help the other half of cabinet couples adjust ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.17", "text": "She was honored in 1992 as a Roman Catholic Dame of Malta for her assistance to the needy .", "summaries": ["She was honored as a Roman Catholic Dame of Malta for her assistance to the needy ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.2", "text": "Watkins died Friday in her home in St. Leonard , Md. , of cancer , her family said .", "summaries": ["Watkins died Friday ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.3", "text": "The daughter of a rear admiral , J.D. McKinney , she grew up in Asia and California while he served in the Pacific .", "summaries": ["The daughter of a rear admiral , she grew up in Asia and California while he served in the Pacific ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.4", "text": "She earned a degree in journalism from San Diego State University and , during her college years , wrote a weekly column about campus activities for the San Diego Union .", "summaries": ["She earned a degree in journalism from San Diego State and wrote a column for the San Diego Union ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.5", "text": "But once she met Watkins , whom she married in 1950 , her career was set : following him around the world and rearing their six children , often alone .", "summaries": ["once she met Watkins , her career was set : following him around the world and rearing their six children , often alone ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.6", "text": "She became an adept hostess for receptions for 500 , weathered such events as a royal romance between her daughter Laura Jo and Britain 's Prince Charles , and moved her family 32 times during her husband 's 37 years with the Navy .", "summaries": ["She became an hostess for receptions for 500 , weathered a romance between her daughter Laura Jo and Britain 's Prince Charles , and moved 32 times during her husband 's years with the Navy ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.7", "text": "Wherever she was , she helped other loyal and flexible wives cope .", "summaries": ["she helped other wives cope ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.8", "text": "`` We share the same joys and loves , '' she told the Los Angeles Times in 1984 , describing her instant rapport with other Navy spouses .", "summaries": ["`` We share the same loves , '' she told the Los Angeles Times , describing her rapport with other spouses ."]} {"id": "latwp960910.0147.9", "text": "`` Our husbands love the sea first .", "summaries": ["`` Our husbands love the sea ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.0", "text": "Moneta J. Sleet Jr. , who picked up a box camera while attending segregated schools in Kentucky and went on to become the first black to win journalism 's top prize , for documenting the funeral of Martin Luther King Jr. , died of cancer Monday in New York City .", "summaries": ["Moneta J. Sleet Jr. , who picked up a camera while attending segregated schools and went on to become the first black to win journalism 's top prize , for documenting the funeral of Martin Luther King Jr. , died of cancer Monday in New York City ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.1", "text": "He was 70 .", "summaries": ["He was 70 ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.10", "text": "He influenced a whole generation of young photographers , especially black photographers who have won Pulitzers since then. '' Sleet , a tall , willowy man who played tennis while not traveling the world for Ebony and Jet magazines , was born Feb. 14 , 1926 , in Owensboro , Ky. , the son of a college administrator .", "summaries": ["He influenced a whole generation of photographers , especially black photographers who have won Pulitzers since then. '' Sleet , a willowy man who played tennis while not traveling the world , was the son of a college administrator ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.11", "text": "He earned a master 's degree in journalism from New York University in 1950 after completing a business degree at Kentucky State in 1947 and helping set up the photography department at Maryland State College the next year .", "summaries": ["He earned a master 's from New York University in 1950 after completing a business degree at Kentucky State in 1947 and helping set up the photography department at Maryland State College the next year ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.12", "text": "He went to work as a sportswriter for the Amsterdam News , then joined the staff of Our World , a popular black picture magazine .", "summaries": ["He went to work as a sportswriter , then joined the staff of a black picture magazine ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.13", "text": "When the magazine folded in 1955 , he was tapped by Ebony 's parent company , the Johnson Publishing Co. , where he worked at the time of his death .", "summaries": ["When the magazine folded , he was tapped by Ebony 's parent company , the Johnson Publishing Co. , where he worked at the time of his death ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.14", "text": "His colleagues said the pictures Sleet liked best were of ordinary people .", "summaries": ["the pictures Sleet liked best were of ordinary people ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.15", "text": "His favorite photograph was one he took of a woman , clapping her hands with her eyes tightly closed , as she walked in the 1965 civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery , Ala .", "summaries": ["His favorite photograph was of a woman , clapping her hands with eyes closed , in the 1965 civil rights march from Selma Ala ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.16", "text": "Sleet , who lived on Long Island , is survived by his wife of 46 years , Juanita ; a daughter , two sons , a sister and three grandchildren .", "summaries": ["Sleet is survived by his wife of 46 years ; a daughter , two sons , a sister and three grandchildren ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.17", "text": "Distributed by the Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service", "summaries": ["Distributed by the Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News"]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.2", "text": "In 1969 , Sleet won a Pulitzer Prize for feature photography after capturing the forlorn image of a veiled Coretta Scott King cradling her 5-year-old daughter on a crowded church pew .", "summaries": ["In 1969 , Sleet won a Pulitzer Prize for photography capturing a veiled Coretta Scott King cradling her 5-year-old daughter on a church pew ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.3", "text": "Although he spent the bulk of his career documenting America 's slow march toward racial equality , Sleet himself was almost denied the chance to take the photograph .", "summaries": ["Although he spent his career documenting America 's march toward racial equality , Sleet was almost denied the chance to take the photograph ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.4", "text": "When a pool of photographers was selected to cover King 's funeral , not a single black was included among them until King 's widow spoke up. Sleet later described being inside the church , face to face with the leading figures of 1960s America .", "summaries": ["When a pool of photographers was selected to cover King 's funeral , not a single black was among them until King 's widow spoke up. Sleet described being face to face with the leading figures of 1960s America ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.5", "text": "`` It was so dramatic ; everywhere you turned the camera - Daddy King , Vice President Humphrey , Nixon , Jackie Kennedy ... Dr. Ralph Bunche reading the program with a magnifying glass .", "summaries": ["`` It was dramatic ; everywhere you turned - Daddy King , Vice President Humphrey , Nixon , Jackie Kennedy ... Dr. Ralph Bunche reading the program with a magnifying glass ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.6", "text": "I considered myself fortunate to be there documenting everything .", "summaries": ["I considered myself fortunate to be documenting everything ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.7", "text": "If I was n't there I knew I would be somewhere crying , '' Sleet said in 1986 while preparing a one-man show for the New York City Public Library .", "summaries": ["If I was n't there I would be somewhere crying , '' Sleet said while preparing a show for the New York City Public Library ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.8", "text": "`` He was prepared to do great work as so many other black photographers were but were not given the chance , '' said Lerone Benett , Ebony magazine 's executive editor , who had worked with Sleet since 1955 .", "summaries": ["`` He was prepared to do great work as so many other black photographers were but were not given the chance , '' said Lerone Benett who worked with Sleet since 1955 ."]} {"id": "latwp961001.0122.9", "text": "`` He showed on the spot what he could do and what black photographers could do .", "summaries": ["`` He showed what black photographers could do ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.0", "text": "BALTIMORE - Dr. Hugh James Davis Jr. , who as a professor of gynecology and obstetrics at the Johns Hopkins Medical School developed the Dalkon Shield birth-control device , died Wednesday of pancreatic cancer at his Gibson Island home. .", "summaries": ["Dr. Hugh James Davis Jr. , who as a professor of gynecology and obstetrics at the Johns Hopkins Medical School developed the Dalkon Shield birth-control device , died of cancer at his home. ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.1", "text": "He was 69 .", "summaries": ["He was 69 ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.10", "text": "He dropped out of college in 1943 and worked as a journalist for the Atlanta Constitution before joining the Army in 1944 where he served in the Pacific with the Army Corps of Engineers .", "summaries": ["He dropped out of college and worked as a journalist before joining the Army in 1944 where he served in the Pacific ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.11", "text": "After being discharged in 1946 , he built houses in Florida before returning to the University of Georgia where he earned his bachelor 's degree in chemistry and biology in 1949 .", "summaries": ["he built houses in Florida before returning to the University of Georgia where he earned his bachelor 's degree in 1949 ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.12", "text": "He was a 1953 graduate of the Johns Hopkins Medical School and after completing his residency in gynecology and surgery , traveled to Denmark where he joined the staff of the National Cancer Center there .", "summaries": ["He was a 1953 graduate of Johns Hopkins Medical School and after completing his residency in gynecology and surgery , traveled to Denmark where he joined the staff of the National Cancer Center ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.13", "text": "He returned to Hopkins where he was associate professor of gynecology and obstetrics until retiring in 1982 .", "summaries": ["He returned to Hopkins where he was associate professor of gynecology until retiring ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.14", "text": "A pioneer in laparoscopy , he held over 30 patents for medical instruments used in abdominal surgery such as tubal ligations .", "summaries": ["he held over 30 patents for medical instruments used in surgery ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.15", "text": "He developed a do-it-yourself kit for the detection of cervical cancer , where a woman could take samples at home and mailed them to a center where they were analyzed .", "summaries": ["He developed a do-it-yourself kit for cervical cancer , where a woman could take samples and mailed them to a center where they were analyzed ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.16", "text": "He was also the author of `` Intrauterine Devices for Contraception '' that was published in 1971 .", "summaries": ["He was the author of `` Intrauterine Devices for Contraception '' published in 1971 ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.17", "text": "He is survived by his wife , Jytte ; a son , Bruce J. Davis , of Gibson Island , Md. ; a daughter , Rikke K. Davis , of McLean , Va. , and a sister , Elaine Golden of Panama City , Fla .", "summaries": ["He is survived by his wife ; a son ; a daughter , and a sister ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.18", "text": "Distributed by the Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service", "summaries": ["Distributed by Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News"]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.2", "text": "It was his combined lifelong interest in cervical cancer , birth control and finding a safe alternative to the problem-plagued birth control pill that motivated Davis to invent the Dalkon Shield in 1968 .", "summaries": ["his interest in cervical cancer and finding a safe alternative to the pill motivated Davis to invent the Dalkon Shield in 1968 ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.3", "text": "Sales of the Dalkon Shield , one of the most widely used IUD 's , were suspended by the Food and Drug Administration in June 1974 after 11 deaths and 209 cases of spontaneous abortion were reported .", "summaries": ["Sales of the Dalkon Shield were suspended by the Food and Drug Administration in June 1974 after 11 deaths and 209 cases of abortion were reported ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.4", "text": "In 1975 , A.H. Robbins , a Richmond , Va. , pharmaceutical company that purchased manufacturing rights for the Dalkon Shield from Davis for $ 750,000 , put 2.2 million of the intrauterine devices on the market before discontinuing production in 1975 .", "summaries": ["A.H. Robbins pharmaceutical company purchased manufacturing rights for the Dalkon Shield from Davis for $ 750,000 , put 2.2 million of the intrauterine devices on the market before discontinuing production ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.5", "text": "The IUD was finally taken off the market in 1984 .", "summaries": ["The IUD was taken off the market in 1984 ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.6", "text": "Nearly 200,000 lawsuits were brought by women who said they suffered injuries ranging from minor inflammation to infertility and in some cases , death .", "summaries": ["Nearly 200,000 lawsuits were brought by women who said they suffered injuries ranging from minor inflammation to death ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.7", "text": "Under a 1989 settlement , a trust fund of $ 2.475 billion was set up to pay damages to women claiming injury from the Robbins IUD .", "summaries": ["Under a settlement , a fund of $ 2.475 billion was set up to pay damages to women claiming injury from the Robbins IUD ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.8", "text": "Davis was born and raised in Mayaguez , Puerto Rico , the son of a government botanist .", "summaries": ["Davis was born and raised in Puerto Rico , the son of a botanist ."]} {"id": "latwp961024.0115.9", "text": "He was a 1941 graduate of the Kent School in Connecticut , entered the University of Georgia when he was 14 .", "summaries": ["He was a graduate of the Kent School in Connecticut , entered the University of Georgia when 14 ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.0", "text": "LOS ANGLEES - Col. Frank Kurtz , Olympic medalist diver and the most decorated Army Air Corps pilot in World War II known for flying the last surviving B-17 Flying Fortress , has died .", "summaries": ["Col. Frank Kurtz , Olympic medalist diver and the most decorated Army Air Corps pilot in World War II known for flying the last B-17 Flying Fortress , has died ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.1", "text": "He was 85 .", "summaries": ["He was 85 ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.10", "text": "His remarkable story was detailed in a book by W.L. White titled `` Queens Die Proudly. '' His wife told their personal story in a best-selling book titled `` My Rival , The Sky. '' One of Kurtz 's most celebrated post-war flights was crash landing a Swoose in the Australian bush with no injury to his passengers - then Sen .", "summaries": ["His story was detailed in a book by W.L. White titled `` Queens Die Proudly. '' His wife told their story in a book `` My Rival , The Sky. '' One of Kurtz 's celebrated post-war flights was landing a Swoose in the Australian bush with no injury to his passengers ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.11", "text": "Lyndon B. Johnson and a congressional committee .", "summaries": ["Lyndon B. Johnson and a congressional committee ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.12", "text": "Kurtz came from Missouri , and at the age of 14 , hitch-hiked to Los Angeles seeking top diving coaches .", "summaries": ["Kurtz came from Missouri and at 14 , hitch-hiked to Los Angeles seeking top diving coaches ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.13", "text": "He developed as an athlete at Hollywood High School and the University of Southern California .", "summaries": ["He developed as an athlete at the University of Southern California ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.14", "text": "When Los Angeles hosted the Olympics in 1932 , Kurtz competed in high platform diving .", "summaries": ["When Los Angeles hosted the Olympics , Kurtz competed in high diving ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.15", "text": "He won a bronze medal .", "summaries": ["He won a bronze medal ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.16", "text": "Survivors include his wife Margo and daughter Swoosie , who have requested that any memorial donations be made to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum .", "summaries": ["Survivors include his wife and daughter , who requested that any donations be made to the Smithsonian Museum ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.2", "text": "He died last Thursday at his home from complications following a fall , said his wife , author Margo Kurtz .", "summaries": ["He died at his home following a fall , said his wife , author Margo Kurtz ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.3", "text": "An Army pilot on duty in the Philippines when the Japanese drew the United States into the war , Kurtz flew the last of the 35 planes stationed in the Pacific .", "summaries": ["An Army pilot on duty when the Japanese drew the United States into war , Kurtz flew the last of the planes stationed in the Pacific ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.4", "text": "When the plane was chewed up in combat , Kurtz and his crew dubbed it `` part swan and part goose - The Swoose. '' It has been called the most famous plane in the Pacific except for the Enola Gay which carried the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima .", "summaries": ["Kurtz and his crew dubbed it `` part swan and part goose - The Swoose. '' It has been called the most famous plane in the Pacific except for the Enola Gay which carried the bomb dropped on Hiroshima ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.5", "text": "After flying the big plane home , Kurtz went to the European theater where he headed `` the Swoose Group '' and personally flew more than 60 missions over Italy and Germany .", "summaries": ["Kurtz headed `` the Swoose Group '' and flew more than 60 missions over Italy and Germany ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.6", "text": "In 1949 , he was given the honor of flying the Swoose to the Smithsonian Institution .", "summaries": ["he was given the honor of flying the Swoose to the Smithsonian Institution ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.7", "text": "When Kurtz 's only child was born in Los Angeles during the war , news media immediately nicknamed her the second Swoose and the name stuck .", "summaries": ["When Kurtz 's only child was born in Los Angeles during the war , media immediately nicknamed her the second Swoose ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.8", "text": "She grew up to be the actress Swoosie Kurtz .", "summaries": ["She grew up to be Swoosie Kurtz ."]} {"id": "latwp961106.0116.9", "text": "Kurtz ' wartime exploits earned him an international reputation and the Croix de Guerre , three Distinguished Flying Crosses , three silver stars , three air medals and five presidential citations .", "summaries": ["Kurtz ' wartime exploits earned him the Croix de Guerre , three Distinguished Flying Crosses , three silver stars , three air medals and five presidential citations ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.0", "text": "Marcello Mastroianni , the witty , affable and darkly handsome Italian actor who sprang on international consciousness in Federico Fellini 's 1960 classic `` La Dolce Vita , '' died Wednesday at his Paris home .", "summaries": ["Marcello Mastroianni , the handsome Italian actor in Fellini 's classic `` La Dolce Vita , '' died Wednesday at his Paris home ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.1", "text": "He was 72 .", "summaries": ["He was 72 ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.10", "text": "`` At my age ( then 68 ) I can take pleasure in that I always did everything for spiritual needs , never for money , '' Mastroianni told the Los Angeles Times when he was on a promotion tour for that film .", "summaries": ["`` I take pleasure that I did everything for spiritual needs , never for money , '' Mastroianni told the Los Angeles Times when he was on tour for that film ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.11", "text": "`` I like very much to act !", "summaries": ["`` I like to act !"]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.12", "text": "That is my food .", "summaries": ["That is my food ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.13", "text": "... Ah , acting ... it 's exhibitionism .", "summaries": ["acting 's exhibitionism ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.14", "text": "An actor is like a child : He wants everybody to be interested in him. '' Mastroianni was born Sept. 28 , 1924 , in Fontana Liri , Italy , a small town near Rome , and was reared in Turin and in Rome .", "summaries": ["An actor is like a child : He wants everybody to be interested in him. '' Mastroianni was born Sept. 28 , 1924 , in a small town near Rome , and was reared in Turin and Rome ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.15", "text": "His father was a carpenter who put the youth to work in his shop at an early age .", "summaries": ["His father was a carpenter who put the youth to work at an early age ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.16", "text": "The future actor studied surveying and architecture , but when World War II began he was ordered to draw maps for the Germans and in 1943 the Germans took him to a forced labor camp in the Italian Alps. Mastroianni escaped to Venice , where he lived in near poverty as a tourists ' artist until the war ended .", "summaries": ["The actor studied surveying , but when World War II began he was ordered to draw maps for the Germans and in 1943 the Germans took him to a labor camp in the Alps. Mastroianni escaped to Venice , where he lived as a tourists ' artist until the war ended ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.17", "text": "After working as a cashier for a British filmmaker in Rome , he joined an amateur theatrical group at the University of Rome , where he was taking some classes .", "summaries": ["After working for a British filmmaker in Rome , he joined an amateur theatrical group at the University of Rome , where he was taking classes ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.18", "text": "There he met Fellini and his wife , actress Giulietta Masina .", "summaries": ["he met Fellini and his wife , Giulietta Masina ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.19", "text": "Mastroianni had made his film debut with a bit part in `` I Miserabili , '' an Italian version of `` Les Miserables. '' But his break occurred when a scout came to see Masina ( playing opposite Mastroianni ) in the play `` Angelica '' in 1948 .", "summaries": ["Mastroianni made his film debut in `` I Miserabili , '' an Italian `` Les Miserables. '' his break occurred when a scout came to see Masina in the play `` Angelica '' in 1948 ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.2", "text": "Mastroianni , a comic but also suave and romantic leading man in some 120 motion pictures , had suffered from pancreatic cancer .", "summaries": ["Mastroianni , a comic but romantic leading man in 120 motion pictures , had suffered from cancer ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.20", "text": "The scout offered Mastroianni a job with Italian stage and film director Luchino Visconti .", "summaries": ["The scout offered Mastroianni a job with Italian director Luchino Visconti ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.21", "text": "`` He was the most distinguished director in the Italian theater at the time .", "summaries": ["`` He was the most distinguished director in the Italian theater ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.22", "text": "Very important luck , '' Mastroianni told a Times writer 45 years later .", "summaries": ["important luck , '' Mastroianni told a writer 45 years later ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.23", "text": "`` An encounter can change your life , like in the old-style Hollywood movies. '' Visconti cast Mastroianni memorably as Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams ' `` A Streetcar Named Desire. '' The actor stayed with the company several years , performing in the Italian versions of other classic plays such as `` Death of a Salesman , '' `` The Glass Menagerie '' and `` Uncle Vanya. '' From 1950 to 1955 , Mastroianni had character roles in 27 films .", "summaries": ["`` An encounter can change your life , like in Hollywood movies. '' Visconti cast Mastroianni as Stanley Kowalski in `` A Streetcar Named Desire. '' The actor stayed with the company , performing in the Italian versions of `` Death of a Salesman , '' `` The Glass Menagerie '' and `` Uncle Vanya. '' From 1950 to 1955 , Mastroianni had roles in 27 films ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.24", "text": "But , although he became popular with Italian audiences , he fretted that his screen career would be limited to playing taxi drivers and the like .", "summaries": ["although popular with Italian audiences , he fretted his career would be limited to playing taxi drivers and the like ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.25", "text": "More varied roles followed , however , and his versatility was noted .", "summaries": ["varied roles followed , and his versatility noted ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.26", "text": "In 1960 , Fellini cast Mastroianni in the leading male role for `` La Dolce Vita , '' which at long last made him an international star .", "summaries": ["Fellini cast Mastroianni in the leading role for `` La Dolce Vita , '' which made him an international star ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.3", "text": "Actress Catherine Deneuve , their daughter , Chiara , and his other daughter , Barbara , were with him at his death .", "summaries": ["Catherine Deneuve , their daughter , and his other daughter , were with him at his death ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.4", "text": "Mastroianni was much loved around the world in his roles opposite Italian actress Sophia Loren in 11 movies .", "summaries": ["Mastroianni was loved in his roles opposite Sophia Loren in 11 movies ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.5", "text": "He earned nominations for best acting Academy Awards in two of them , `` Divorce , Italian Style '' and `` A Special Day. '' The actor won a third Oscar nomination for the Soviet film , `` Dark Eyes , '' which also earned him a best actor award at the Cannes Film Festival .", "summaries": ["He earned nominations for best acting in , `` Divorce , Italian Style '' and `` A Special Day. '' The actor won a third Oscar nomination for , `` Dark Eyes , '' which also earned him a best actor award at Cannes ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.6", "text": "Another Cannes award was presented to him for his work in the 1970 film `` The Pizza Triangle. '' Mastroianni 's first film with Loren was `` Marriage Italian Style '' in 1964 , and his most recent , the 1994 satire `` Ready to Wear. '' In the latter , Loren repeated the strip scene she had performed for Mastroianni in `` Divorce , Italian Style. '' The actor 's latest film was `` Three Lives and Only One Death '' with his daughter Chiara as co-star .", "summaries": ["Another Cannes award was presented to him for `` The Pizza Triangle. '' Mastroianni 's first film with Loren was `` Marriage Italian Style '' in 1964 , and his most recent , the 1994 `` Ready to Wear. '' In the latter , Loren repeated the strip scene she had performed in `` Divorce , Italian Style. '' The actor 's latest film was `` Three Lives and Only One Death '' with his daughter Chiara ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.7", "text": "Modest and self-effacing , Mastroianni belittled his sexy screen image and once asserted in an American television interview : `` I am not a sex addict. '' But in 1972 , he caused an international scandal by leaving his wife of 22 years , Italian actress Flora Carabella , in order to live with Deneuve .", "summaries": ["Mastroianni belittled his sexy screen image and asserted in an American television interview : `` I am not a sex addict. '' But in 1972 , he caused an international scandal by leaving his wife of 22 years to live with Deneuve ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.8", "text": "Despite his popularity with American movie-goers , Mastroianni shunned Hollywood for decades .", "summaries": ["Despite his popularity with American movie-goers , Mastroianni shunned Hollywood for decades ."]} {"id": "latwp961219.0086.9", "text": "He preferred to make films with European directors , working for American filmmakers only in `` Ready to Wear '' and in `` Used People '' co-starring Shirley MacLaine , Jessica Tandy and Kathy Baker and released in the United States in 1993 .", "summaries": ["He preferred to make films with European directors , working for American filmmakers only in `` Ready to Wear '' and `` Used People '' co-starring Shirley MacLaine , Jessica Tandy and Kathy Baker in 1993 ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.0", "text": "LOS ANGELES - James Arnold Doolittle , a Los Angeles dance impresario who brought names such as Joffrey and Baryshnikov to local dance stages and ensured that a high-profile `` Nutcracker Suite '' was presented here every Christmas , has died .", "summaries": ["- James Arnold Doolittle , a Los Angeles dance impresario who brought Joffrey and Baryshnikov to local stages and ensured that a `` Nutcracker Suite '' was presented every Christmas , has died ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.1", "text": "He was 83 .", "summaries": ["He was 83 ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.10", "text": "Doolittle was known in recent years for bringing the finest dance companies to Los Angeles , including such luminaries as the Joffrey Ballet , Mikhail Baryshnikov 's White Oak Dance Project and San Francisco Ballet .", "summaries": ["Doolittle was known for bringing the finest dance companies to Los Angeles , including the Joffrey Ballet , Baryshnikov 's White Oak Dance Project and San Francisco Ballet ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.11", "text": "Just two weeks ago , he entered into a long-term agreement with the Los Angeles Music Center Operating Co. to present an annual dance season at the downtown Music Center .", "summaries": ["two weeks ago , he entered into a long-term agreement to present an annual dance season at the downtown Music Center ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.12", "text": "Because he worked mostly behind the scenes , among L.A. audiences , Doolittle is perhaps best known these days for the Hollywood theater named for him .", "summaries": ["Because he worked behind the scenes , Doolittle is perhaps best known for the theater named for him ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.13", "text": "Yet that theater 's naming illustrates how Doolittle was a quintessential comeback artist .", "summaries": ["that theater illustrates Doolittle was a comeback artist ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.14", "text": "Twelve years ago , after spending four decades producing opera , ballet , theater and pop music on local stages - along the way turning the Greek Theatre , the Biltmore and the Huntington Hartford into thriving playhouses after all three had suffered under previous management - Doolittle learned that he had cancer and only a 50 percent chance of survival .", "summaries": ["Twelve years ago , after producing opera , ballet , theater and music on local stages - turning the Greek Theatre , the Biltmore and the Huntington Hartford into thriving playhouses - Doolittle learned he had cancer and a 50 percent chance of survival ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.15", "text": "Facing his own mortality , he sold the Hartford to the Music Center and UCLA in 1985 , reserving the right to present there .", "summaries": ["he sold the Hartford to the Music Center and UCLA ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.16", "text": "The theater was renamed as a tribute to him , and he survived to tell the story with glee .", "summaries": ["The theater was renamed as a tribute , and he survived to tell the story ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.17", "text": "Since 1992 , he has been the major dance tenant of the Music Center , presenting annual productions of `` Nutcracker Suite , '' by the famed Kirov Ballet , American Ballet Theatre and the Joffrey , as well as a mix of productions that ranged from the Joffrey 's popular `` Billboards '' to the Radio City Rockettes .", "summaries": ["he has been the major dance tenant of the Music Center , presenting `` Nutcracker Suite , '' by the Kirov Ballet , American Ballet Theatre and the Joffrey , as well as a mix that ranged from the Joffrey 's `` Billboards '' to the Radio City Rockettes ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.18", "text": "Doolittle is survived by his sister Kathryn Merralls of Rancho Palos Verdes , Calif. , and a niece , Nancy Wright of Santa Clara , Calif .", "summaries": ["Doolittle is survived by his sister Kathryn Merralls , and a niece , Nancy Wright ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.19", "text": "His wife , Nony , died in the 1970s , family members said .", "summaries": ["His wife died in the 1970s ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.2", "text": "The soft-spoken producer of opera , theater and dance was found dead Saturday morning at his West Hollywood home .", "summaries": ["The producer of opera , theater and dance was found dead Saturday at his home ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.3", "text": "The cause of death was a heart attack , according to Serena Tripi , director of productions for Southern California Theatre Association , Doolittle 's presenting company .", "summaries": ["The cause of death was a heart attack , according to Serena Tripi , director of Southern California Theatre Association ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.4", "text": "`` Jimmy Doolittle was a cultural pioneer for Southern California , '' said Michael Blachly , director of UCLA 's Center for the Performing Arts. `` His vision , his commitment and his dedication to making Los Angeles a rich cultural treasure for California and our country was unparalleled , '' he said .", "summaries": ["`` Jimmy Doolittle was a cultural pioneer for Southern California , '' said Michael Blachly , director of UCLA 's Center for the Performing Arts. `` His vision , his commitment and his dedication to making Los Angeles a cultural treasure for our country was unparalleled , '' ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.5", "text": "`` Jimmy took risks on presenting the performing arts before Los Angeles had a true cultural profile .", "summaries": ["`` Jimmy took risks presenting arts before Los Angeles had a cultural profile ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.6", "text": "For this we are indebted to him and can thank him for setting a foundation of culture in Southern California. '' Premier Los Angeles-based choreographer Bella Lewitzky said Saturday that she `` always felt Jimmy Doolittle was a Los Angeles institution and was always going to be here .", "summaries": ["we are indebted to him for setting a foundation of culture in Southern California. '' Premier Los Angeles-based choreographer Bella Lewitzky said that she `` felt Jimmy Doolittle was a Los Angeles institution ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.7", "text": "It 's very shocking because somehow one does n't reconcile the fact that he 's dead with this person , this institution .", "summaries": ["It 's shocking because somehow one does n't reconcile the fact that he 's dead ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.8", "text": "... `` I knew him in a legendary way , not in a personal way .", "summaries": ["... `` I knew him in a legendary , not personal way ."]} {"id": "latwp970202.0002.9", "text": "But he was always a supporter , always an absolutely remarkable part of the California scene . '", "summaries": ["he was always part of the California scene . '"]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.0", "text": "LOS ANGELES - William Reynolds , a film editor whose seamless assemblage of `` The Sound of Music '' and `` The Sting '' won him two Academy Awards , died in South Pasadena .", "summaries": ["William Reynolds , a film editor whose assemblage of `` The Sound of Music '' and `` The Sting '' won him two Academy Awards , died in South Pasadena ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.1", "text": "He was 87 .", "summaries": ["He was 87 ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.10", "text": "`` He knew music - understood it - and cut accordingly .", "summaries": ["`` He knew music and cut accordingly ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.11", "text": "He made ( a film ) very lyrical , even if it had n't been shot that way. '' Director Arthur Hiller , who worked with Reynolds on four movies , said he `` edited by feel , not by rote .", "summaries": ["He made ( a film ) very lyrical '' Director Arthur Hiller , who worked with Reynolds , said he `` edited by feel , not by rote ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.12", "text": "Every film he touched became a better film. '' To the actors whose performances he spliced together - from Marlon Brando to Marilyn Monroe , from Steve McQueen to Shirley MacLaine - Reynolds was known to have a knack for making the most of a performance .", "summaries": ["Every film he touched became better '' To the actors whose performances he spliced together , Reynolds was known to have a knack for making the most of a performance ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.13", "text": "He admired actors and praised those whose talents made his job easier .", "summaries": ["He praised those whose talents made his job easier ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.14", "text": "`` There 's a secret to winning an Oscar for film editing .", "summaries": ["`` There 's a secret to winning an Oscar for editing ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.15", "text": "And that is : When in doubt , cut to Julie Andrews , '' he told the members of the Motion Picture Academy when he accepted his Oscar for `` The Sound of Music '' in 1966 .", "summaries": ["When in doubt , cut to Julie Andrews , '' he told the members of the Academy when he accepted his Oscar for `` The Sound of Music '' ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.16", "text": "Reynolds also established a strong reputation for cutting music and dance sequences .", "summaries": ["Reynolds also established a reputation for music and dance sequences ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.17", "text": "In `` The Turning Point , '' starring MacLaine and Anne Bancroft , director Herbert Ross shot excerpts from a number of ballets .", "summaries": ["In `` The Turning Point , '' starring MacLaine and Anne Bancroft , director Herbert Ross shot excerpts from ballets ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.18", "text": "It was up to Reynolds to choose which shots would go into the film .", "summaries": ["It was up to Reynolds which shots would go into the film ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.19", "text": "But instead of simply using what looked good , he enlisted the help of Ross ' wife , prima ballerina Nora Kaye .", "summaries": ["instead of using what looked good , he enlisted the help of Ross ' wife , ballerina Nora Kaye ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.2", "text": "Reynolds ' nearly 60-year career spanned the modern history of moviemaking .", "summaries": ["Reynolds ' 60-year career spanned modern moviemaking ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.20", "text": "Reynolds received an Oscar nomination for that film - one of seven he received in his career - but lost to the editor of `` Star Wars. '' Born in Elmira , N.Y. , in 1910 , Reynolds graduated from Princeton University in 1933 .", "summaries": ["Reynolds received an Oscar nomination for that film - one of seven in his career - but lost to `` Star Wars. '' Born in N.Y. in 1910 , Reynolds graduated from Princeton University in 1933 ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.21", "text": "He got a job as a prop handler at 20th Century Fox and moved into the editing room in 1935 .", "summaries": ["He got a job at 20th Century Fox and moved into the editing room in 1935 ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.22", "text": "During World War II , he was assigned to the Army 's filmmaking unit , where he directed , edited and produced training films .", "summaries": ["During World War II , he was assigned to the filmmaking unit , where he directed , edited and produced training films ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.23", "text": "By 1947 , he was back in Hollywood .", "summaries": ["By 1947 , he was in Hollywood ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.3", "text": "He edited and co-edited 80 films ranging from science fiction classics (``` The Day the Earth Stood Still '' ) to musicals (``` Carousel , '' `` Hello Dolly '' and `` South Pacific '' ) , from dramas (``` The Turning Point '' ) to epics (``` The Godfather '' ) .", "summaries": ["He edited 80 films ranging from science fiction to musicals and from dramas to epics ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.4", "text": "He died late Wednesday after a long battle with cancer , his cousin said .", "summaries": ["He died Wednesday after a battle with cancer ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.5", "text": "`` William Reynolds was a true perfectionist , one who left his mark on an industry to which he gave so much , '' said Julie Andrews , who starred as the governess in `` The Sound of Music. '' Though virtually unknown to moviegoers , Reynolds was one of the quiet legends of Hollywood , a gentle man with impeccable timing and an innate sense of what an audience wanted to see .", "summaries": ["`` Reynolds was a perfectionist , who left his mark on an industry , '' said Julie Andrews , who starred in `` The Sound of Music. '' Though unknown to moviegoers , Reynolds was one of the legends of Hollywood , a gentle man with impeccable timing and an innate sense of what an audience wanted ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.6", "text": "It is said that a movie is made in the editing room , where the best takes are fused together to tell a story .", "summaries": ["a movie is made in the editing room ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.7", "text": "Reynolds , his friends and colleagues said , was a superlative story-teller .", "summaries": ["Reynolds , his colleagues said , was a story-teller ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.8", "text": "`` I valued Bill 's judgment more than I did anybody 's , '' said director Robert Wise , who worked with Reynolds on five films .", "summaries": ["`` I valued Bill 's judgment more than anybody 's , '' said director Robert Wise , who worked with Reynolds ."]} {"id": "latwp970717.0099.9", "text": "`` It 's part of the editor 's job to evaluate what he has - and sometimes not use all of it. Bill had very good taste. '' Bette Midler , who worked with Reynolds on `` Gypsy , '' called the editor 's body of work `` staggering. '' `` His musicality was what really got me , '' the actress said .", "summaries": ["`` Bill had very good taste. '' Bette Midler , who worked on `` Gypsy , '' called the editor 's body of work `` staggering. '' `` His musicality really got me , '' the actress said ."]}