import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #read files data = pd.read_csv('owid-monkeypox-data.csv') data = data[['location','iso_code','date','new_cases','total_cases','new_deaths','total_deaths']] pop = pd.read_csv('API_SP.POP.TOTL_DS2_en_csv_v2_4578059.csv') #preprocessiong data all_location = {} for i in data['iso_code'].unique(): all_location[i] = data[data['iso_code'] == i].reset_index(drop=True) popu = pop[['Country Code','2021']].to_dict('index') pop_dict = {} for i in popu.values(): pop_dict[i['Country Code']] = i['2021'] pop_dict['GLP'] = 400000 pop_dict['MTQ'] = 376480 pop_dict['OWID_WRL'] = 7836630792 code = dict(data.groupby('location')['iso_code'].unique()) # SIR model differential equations. def deriv(x, t, beta, gamma): s, i, r = x dsdt = -beta * s * i didt = beta * s * i - gamma * i drdt = gamma * i return [dsdt, didt, drdt] #plot model def plotdata(t, s, i,r,R0, e=None): # plot the data fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax = [fig.add_subplot(221, axisbelow=True), fig.add_subplot(223), fig.add_subplot(122)] ax[0].plot(t, s, lw=3, label='Fraction Susceptible') ax[0].plot(t, i, lw=3, label='Fraction Infective') ax[0].plot(t, r, lw=3, label='Recovered') ax[0].set_title('Susceptible and Recovered Populations') ax[0].set_xlabel('Time /days') ax[0].set_ylabel('Fraction') ax[1].plot(t, i, lw=3, label='Infective') ax[1].set_title('Infectious Population') if e is not None: ax[1].plot(t, e, lw=3, label='Exposed') ax[1].set_ylim(0, 1.0) ax[1].set_xlabel('Time /days') ax[1].set_ylabel('Fraction') ax[2].plot(s, i, lw=3, label='s, i trajectory') ax[2].plot([1/R0, 1/R0], [0, 1], '--', lw=3, label='di/dt = 0') ax[2].plot(s[0], i[0], '.', ms=20, label='Initial Condition') ax[2].plot(s[-1], i[-1], '.', ms=20, label='Final Condition') ax[2].set_title('State Trajectory') ax[2].set_aspect('equal') ax[2].set_ylim(0, 1.05) ax[2].set_xlim(0, 1.05) ax[2].set_xlabel('Susceptible') ax[2].set_ylabel('Infectious') for a in ax: a.grid(True) a.legend() plt.tight_layout() return fig def compare_plt(country,i,pop): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax = [fig.add_subplot(121, axisbelow=True),fig.add_subplot(122)] ax[0].set_title('Monkeypox confirmed cases') ax[0].plot(all_location[country]['total_cases'],lw=3,label='Infective') ax[0].set_xlabel('Days') ax[0].set_ylabel('Number of cases') ax[0].legend() scaler = all_location[country]['total_cases'].apply(lambda x : x/pop) ax[1].set_title('Monkeypox confirmed cases compare with model') ax[1].plot(scaler,lw=3,label='Real Infective') ax[1].plot(i,lw=3,label='SIR model Infective') ax[1].set_ylim(0,0.00005) ax[1].set_xlim(0,200) ax[1].set_xlabel('Days') ax[1].set_ylabel('Fraction Number of cases') ax[1].legend() plt.tight_layout() return fig #final model def SIR(country,R0,t_infective,pop): #R0 = 0.57 - 1.25 # parameter values R0 = R0 t_infective = t_infective # initial number of infected and recovered individuals i_initial = all_location[country]['total_cases'].iloc[0]/pop r_initial = 0.00 s_initial = 1 - i_initial - r_initial gamma = 1/t_infective beta = R0*gamma t = np.linspace(0, 3000, 3000) x_initial = s_initial, i_initial, r_initial soln = odeint(deriv, x_initial, t, args=(beta, gamma)) s, i, r = soln.T e = None scaler = all_location[country]['total_cases'].apply(lambda x : x/pop) rangee = len(all_location[country]['total_cases']) rmpe = mean_absolute_percentage_error(scaler,i[0:rangee])*100 return R0,t_infective,beta,gamma,rmpe,plotdata(t, s, i,r,R0),compare_plt(country,i,pop) def main(): st.title("SIR Model for Monkeypox in Thailand") st.subheader("Latest updated : 10/02/2023") st.subheader("Reference :") st.caption("Display graph of SIR model of monkeypox and comparison between the model and actual data. Try to find the best R0 that fit for the actual data (lowest MAPE).") with st.form("questionaire"): recovery = st.slider("How long Monkeypox last until recovery(days)? ", 14, 31, 21) R0 = st.slider("Basic Reproduction Number (R0)", 0.57, 3.00, 0.57)# user's input country_code = code["Thailand"][0] pop = pop_dict[country_code] # clicked==True only when the button is clicked clicked = st.form_submit_button("Show Graph") if clicked: # Show SIR SIR_param = SIR(country_code,R0,recovery,pop) if SIR_param[0] <= 1: a = 'No epidemic.' else: a = 'Epidemic has began.' st.pyplot(SIR_param[-2]) st.pyplot(SIR_param[-1]) st.success("SIR model parameters of Thailand "+" is") st.success("R0 (Basic Reproduction Number) = "+str(SIR_param[0])+' '+a) st.success("Beta (Rate of transmission) = "+str(round(SIR_param[2],3))) st.success("Gamma (Rate of Recovery) = "+str(round(SIR_param[3],3))) st.success("MAPE = "+str(round(SIR_param[4],3))+"%") # Run main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()